
infblissif there are any developers here, please take note that the00:35
infbliss   Hibernate/Suspend feature of Ubuntu does not work with Dell Vostro00:35
infbliss   line of laptops00:35
ion_You should file a bug report.00:36
infblission_: in launchpad??00:37
infblission_:ok i will00:37
ion_(Check for an already existing report first, though.)00:38
wasabiThere any good planned way to make sure proper -dbg packages are installed before filing a bug with apport?00:54
Fujitsuwasabi: That's not necessary.00:54
wasabiOh, not anymore?00:54
FujitsuThe retracers install the ddebs, and retrace the report.00:55
wasabiOh that's nifty.00:55
Fujitsu(they look for a specific tag on LP that apport adds)00:55
* Hobbsee waves01:05
=== Huahua is now known as Shely
FujitsuHey Hobbsee,01:06
HobbseeFujitsu: how's it going?  buildds sorted out yet?01:06
FujitsuNot sure.01:06
* Fujitsu updates the FTBFS page.01:07
Hobbseewe have a page for that?01:08
FujitsuDo we know what's wrong with libstdc++6 yet?01:10
Hobbseeno. WFM01:10
Hobbseeneeds someone with access to debug it further01:11
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
infblissHibernate feature does not seem to work on Dell Vostro 1000. I have reported this in Launchpad02:37
infblissis there a02:37
infblisstemporary workaround for this??02:38
persiainfbliss: For workarounds, you'll have better luck in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-xx.02:38
persia(where xx is your country code)02:39
=== Hobbsee changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: OPEN | Hardy Alpha 2 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty/gutsy, #ubuntu+1 for hardy | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
RenatoSilvaHi people, I'm building my 1st .DEB package, but I only know how to copy files to the system (lot of simplistic tutorials). To start, I want to know just how to put an icon of my application on the systenm menu. How???? Is this the wrong channel? Please let me know.03:22
CheGuevaraRenatoSilva: #ubuntu-motu03:23
RenatoSilvaCheGuevara: I thought motu was a kind of devel++ so that if this is wrong then motu is wrong++ don't?03:28
emgentheya ernesto!03:29
CheGuevaraRenatoSilva: its just .deb packageing questions are generally better asked there03:29
CheGuevarahey emgent :P03:30
RenatoSilvaCheGuevara: ok, but these channels are about developing Ubuntu ITSELF (my thought) or either developing things ON IT (general dev questions)?03:31
CheGuevarathis channel is about developing ubuntu itself03:33
RenatoSilvaCheGuevara: so my question is not suitable...sorry03:35
CheGuevarano need to appologise :P03:36
RenatoSilvaCheGuevara: I was worried about understanding the purpose wrongly and come here again and again with non-desirable questions03:38
CheGuevaraas a general rule try #ubuntu first :P03:40
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Hobbseeebug-http should be ripped out of the archive.05:13
Hobbseeit won't build on ubuntu, and has wrecked palmer05:13
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=== wasabi_ is now known as wasabi
warp10Hi all!08:58
=== Shely is now known as iPersistent
=== Hobbsee changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Most builds are currently failing | Archive: OPEN | Hardy Alpha 2 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty/gutsy, #ubuntu+1 for hardy | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
jhasseHi there! Hardy heron doesn't boot anymore. I only see the splashscreen and the scrollbar is moving from left to right until (after a long time) i end up in busybox and it tells my that /dev/disk/by-uuid/blabla couldn't be found. Can someone help me?10:42
Hobbseejhasse: /topic10:48
jhasseHobbsee: k10:49
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