
=== persia changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Unmet Deps time! http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/debcheck/ | QA resources from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com
MegaqwertyHi, I have a question about the MOTU. I was wondering if you build a package for Ubuntu, do you have to watch the main site for new versions/patches/etc.? That's really the only thing holding me back from contributing, as I don't always have the time to do said actions.01:33
Hobbseeusually a good idea, yes01:34
Hobbseesometimes people file bugs about software that's out of date01:34
Hobbseethere are also watch files, which let you scan for changes01:34
MegaqwertyHobbsee: so, there's really no "Oh, here's a package that hasn't been updated/built yet, I guess I have time to help out..." It's really quite a commitment when you work on a project, right?01:35
HobbseeMegaqwerty: you do not need to work on "new packages" - you're quite free to do bug fixes, etc.01:36
HobbseeMegaqwerty: or work in teams, which keep packages up to date01:36
MegaqwertyHobbsee: so, are you saying joining a team is more like: A) Report on needed update posted B) Whomever has the time updates it ?01:37
HobbseeMegaqwerty: yeah.  i don't do it like that - i just fix bugs, etc usually01:38
persiaMegaqwerty: Well, joining a team is more like coordinating between team members about things to be done and who has time to do it.  Not just waiting for someone to have time.01:38
Hobbseeprojects often have rss feeds, etc, so the info comes to you, too01:38
Megaqwertypersia: could you elaborate on how that works?01:39
persiaMegaqwerty: Teams generally have mailing lists, dedicated IRC channels, and sometimes wiki pages that indicate who is working on what, and the currrent progress.  It's a little different for each team.  If your interests match a team, you'd do best to contact that team and ask "How can I help?".  If you just want to help out, chasing bugs is probably easiest.01:41
Megaqwertypersia: so, are the teams listed on the MOTU site?01:41
persiaMegaqwerty: Some of them.  There are also teams that don't restrict themselves to universe or main, and work on a subset of software, like the mozilla team or the games team or the edubuntu team.01:43
persiaMegaqwerty: A better question perhaps is, what interests you?01:43
Megaqwertypersia: well, anything really. I currently work on Getdeb packages which are generally pretty broad in spectrum. I like the environment where they have a bugtracker which lists what packages need to be updated or created, and I just pick whatever I feel I have the time to do. But I wanted to start contributing directly to ubuntu, which is what brought me here. So, I'm really up for anything that's not too difficult (anything with a makef01:46
Megaqwerty*Some form of a makefile01:47
persiaMegaqwerty: If you're coming from getdeb, I'd like to encourage you to try to tackle part of http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs/no_watch.php or http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs/no_updated.php.  The first list is packages not maintained in Debian where we don't know the upstream status, and the second list is packages not maintained in Debian where we ship an older version.01:48
persiaGetting these updated would be a great step towards having the most current software.  Most are in universe, so you'd be working with MOTU (although some belong to special teams: check the Maintainer entry in the source package).01:49
Megaqwertypersia: Thanks! let me look at the pages and see if I have any further questions about how this all works. :)01:51
Megaqwertypersia: Okay, so say I wanted to work on "anyevent" I would go to the launchpad page, build the latest version...then what?01:52
persiaMegaqwerty: First, check to see if there is already an update bug, which would be tracking status.  If there isn't, or if it is unassigned, open one and assign yourself.  Then, update the package from CPAN to work with hardy, and create an interdiff for sponsor review.  You probably want to review https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing for hints and process.01:53
Megaqwertypersia: is an "interdiff" the same as a .diff.gz?01:54
persiaMegaqwerty: No, it's the differences between two diff.gz files.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Interdiff01:55
Megaqwertypersia: alright, cool. the name makes more sense now ;)01:56
persiaMegaqwerty: We use interdiff to communicate packaging changes when there is a new upstream version, as debdiff mixes the packaging and upstream changes, and is confusing.  With an interdiff, the sponsors can construct the new diff.gz from the old diff.gz, and look at the specific changes when reviewing the work.01:57
Megaqwertypersia: okay, so how do I go about giving this diff to a sponsor? Attach it to the "new version" bug report?01:59
effie_jayxpersia, I received the upload email... thanks02:00
persiaMegaqwerty: First, test to make sure you can reconstruct your diff, then subscribe the sponsors queue.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing#head-b205c74e27fe15e79e10c9e7f14d3cdfb359d81d for details.02:00
persiaeffie_jayx: There's another missing manpage in that package, but it takes so long to bootstrap, I'm not sure I want to build it again :)02:00
effie_jayxpersia,  I also received some bug reports for builds... 4 different emails stating a build error...02:01
effie_jayxI don't quite understand those emails02:01
effie_jayxpersia,  it takes a while to build ... yes...02:01
persiaeffie_jayx: The updated package failed to build when uploaded.  There seems to be a persistent problem right now.  If you need help understanding the mail, best to ask here (although I'm not the best person to answer).02:02
effie_jayxpersia, State: Chroot problem02:02
effie_jayxI checked the log02:02
effie_jayxE: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libstdc++602:03
effie_jayxit happens on 4 architectures...02:03
Hobbseeeffie_jayx: it's broken02:04
effie_jayxHobbsee,  the package?02:05
effie_jayxHobbsee,  it builds ok here..02:06
effie_jayxshould I add a build log?02:06
Hobbseeeffie_jayx: no, the buildds are broken02:06
effie_jayxHobbsee,  :S02:07
Megaqwertypersia: okay, I have more of a packaging question for you: Is use of cdbs encouraged, discouraged, or neither?02:28
persiaMegaqwerty: neither really.  I like it, but that's me.  Best practice for an update is to try to keep the current packaging, except where you need to fix bugs.02:29
Megaqwertypersia: Cool. I wasn't planning on changing the rules, but from all of the package sources I've downloaded from Ubuntu, I could never really tell.02:30
persiaMegaqwerty: For Debian packages, the tools used are chosen by the maintainer, and Ubuntu generally leaves those alone.  For new-in-Ubuntu packages, the tools are chosen by the initial packager, and others usually leave these alone.02:31
Megaqwertypersia: Got it.02:32
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
cdm10I'm new to Bash scripting and Debian packaging, and I need to know how to run some Python within my postinst and prerm scripts.03:18
imbrandoncdm10: the short anwser is "dont" postinst scripts are shell scripts, keep them that way :)03:20
cdm10imbrandon: alright, so I have to learn some shell-scripting... darn.03:20
cdm10imbrandon: Anyway, I don't really understand the structure of it. I have one created by dh_make.03:20
imbrandondh_make is only a template and often dosent fit what ou need it for, postinst is just a script that gets called after installation as the name implys03:22
cdm10imbrandon: alright... so, how might it be called, and how do I need to handle the different parameters that might be passed to it?03:22
cdm10I just want to add something to anacron when it installs, and remove it when it's removed.03:22
nxvlimbrandon: can u do me a favor?03:23
imbrandonare you using cdbs ?03:23
imbrandonheya nxvl03:23
cdm10imbrandon: yeah03:23
nxvlimbrandon: please install tuxpaint-config and check if it apears on the menu03:23
nxvlimbrandon: you are using KDE, right?03:23
imbrandonnxvl: sure give me a moment03:23
nxvlimbrandon: thnx03:23
imbrandonnot right now i'm not03:23
imbrandoni'm in gnome03:23
nxvli need to check it on kde03:23
imbrandonactualy right now i'm at console but thats totaly seperate03:23
cdm10imbrandon: yes to the cdbs question :)03:24
nxvli'm working on bug #17329403:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173294 in tuxpaint-config "There are no easy way to change tuxpaint configuration" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17329403:24
nxvland as i have seen it installs the .desktop for kde03:24
nxvland not for gnome03:24
nxvlso i wanted to make sure03:24
imbrandoncdm10: sure then make a anacron file and install it via the .install file in /etc/cron.daily or similar03:25
imbrandonis normaly how that is handled03:25
minghuaimbrandon: Wrong advice.  I believe python is (partially) allowed in maintainer scripts in Ubuntu.  Perl is definitely allowed.03:25
cdm10imbrandon: Ah, so I don't have to muck around in anacrontab. That's good.03:25
imbrandonminghua: hrm strange , never seen it in practice03:26
cdm10imbrandon: I'm not sure what you mean by the .install file, and I also need some documentation as to how to create this file... could you help me with that?03:26
imbrandoncdm10: debian/<package>.install , it should be explained int he packing guide03:26
imbrandonlemme find a refrence03:27
cdm10imbrandon: thanks03:27
cdm10imbrandon: hmm, I don't see *.install in there. Would that be generated by dh_make? And, why can't I just add that cron file thingy to the files that my setup.py installs? (I'm using distutils)03:29
cdm10Do I have to create the .install file?03:29
nxvlimbrandon: to install a .desktop file it's only needed to dh_desktop on install at rules, doesn't it?03:29
imbrandonnxvl: yea03:29
persiainstall files are documented in man dh_install.03:29
nxvlis there a problem if the upstream install a desktop file and i add anotherone on debian/ ?03:30
persiamaintainer scripts are demystified from http://women.debian.org/wiki/English/MaintainerScripts03:30
nxvl(the upstream one seems to work only for kde)03:30
minghuaimbrandon: sudo's postinst, for example.03:30
persianxvl: Don't do that.  If upstream puts it in the wrong place, move it.  Upstream .desktop files are better.03:30
nxvlpersia: what i need to edit is the makefile, thats the way to do it?03:31
minghuaimbrandon: The postinsts of linux-image-* in Debian are perl scripts too, not sure about Ubuntu though.03:31
cdm10persia: Is this file actually called <nameofpackage>.install, or is it called package.install?03:31
imbrandonnxvl: patch it03:31
persianxvl: Yes.  patch the Makefile.03:31
imbrandonthen send patch upstreams03:31
persiacdm10: Either debian/install or debian/<nameofpackage>.install, depending.  See the man page.03:31
Amaranthreally? patch the Makefile?03:31
* minghua also found bash's preinst is a ELF binary -- which makes sense.03:31
AmaranthI would just add a bit in rules to move the file03:31
imbrandonAmaranth: either way is better than making a new one03:32
cdm10persia: alright. So, when I dpkg_buildpackage it, it should put that file in the right place on the filestructure of the .deb?03:32
nxvlthe most strange think is that it has some gnome lines commented03:32
RenatoSilva Hi people, I'm building my 1st .DEB package, but I only know how to copy files to the system (lot of simplistic tutorials). To start, I want to know just how to put an icon of my application on the system menu. How???? Is this the wrong channel? Please let me know.03:32
persiaAmaranth: That works too.  I just don't like mv in debian/rules, as it often causes the fails-to-build-twice-in-a-row bug.03:32
Amarantheh, why does it need to build twice in a row? :P03:32
persiaRenatoSilva: You need a .desktop file.03:32
cdm10RenatoSilva: You need to create a .desktop file and put it into the /usr/share/applications/ directory.03:32
persiaAmaranth: To prove that debian/rules clean really does.03:32
cdm10RenatoSilva: You could look at other .desktop files as an example.03:33
imbrandoncdm10: that file tells where it to put the other files in the stuc , you really should read the package guide03:33
cdm10imbrandon: where would I find that? A google gives me this: http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/03:33
ubotupackagingguide is The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports03:33
cdm10imbrandon: ah, thanks03:34
RenatoSilvacdm10: may I text-edit them? I'm taking a look right now....03:36
cdm10RenatoSilva: Nautilus is weird about .desktop files, you may have to drag them into gedit or run some editor on them.03:37
RenatoSilvacdm10: ok03:38
cdm10When creating a script for /usr/bin for a python app, is it better to have the script be a python script that imports and runs your application, or to have it be a shellscript that just executes your python script+03:41
persiacdm10: import and run03:42
cdm10persia: alright... just asking 'cause I noticed that system-config-printer just execs it.03:42
persiacdm10: With a shell script?03:42
cdm10persia: yep.03:43
persiaOdd.  Most things I see are executable python scripts in /usr/bin/03:43
RenatoSilvacdm10: how to make this .desktop to appear somehwere?03:44
cdm10RenatoSilva: Not entirely sure, I just looked at other ones and followed their lead...03:45
imbrandonDEBUILD_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_OPTS="-i -ICVS -I.svn -I.bzr"03:46
persia.desktop entry spec is at http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/, and the desktop menu spec (where things end up) is at http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/03:47
RenatoSilvacdm10:  oh true!03:47
RenatoSilvacdm10: sorry03:47
cdm10persia: I'm wondering if there are some conventions for .desktop files specific to Ubuntu/Gnome.03:47
persiacdm10: There are a couple things used by the desktop team to hide some applications by default, etc.  For universe packages, we try to follow the standards, and push to Debian and upstream.  The advantage of getting them upstream is that otherwise they don't get translated.03:48
RenatoSilvaI'm intending to put source and bin and extras altogether in a single folder, like a win application. In this way, what should be a good place to put the application base directory? /usr/local/myapp?03:49
cdm10persia: ok... does that spec have a list of the categories that can be used?03:49
persiaRenatoSilva: You don't want to do that.  Please put executables in /usr/bin, architecture specific stuff in /usr/lib/<package>, and other stuff in /usr/share/<package>?03:50
persiacdm10: http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html03:50
cdm10persia: thanks03:50
* persia suggests reading the whole spec, and not just that page03:50
RenatoSilvapersia: thank you, I always have seen lib as for libraries and share for shared files03:52
RenatoSilvapersia: the executable is a single jar, put it directly on bin or must have a script calling java ?03:52
persiaRenatoSilva: You may be interested in http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html03:52
persiaRenatoSilva: I'm the wrong person to ask about Java.  Best to ask questions generally of the channel.03:53
RenatoSilvathe executable is a single jar, put it directly on bin or must have a script calling java ?03:54
imbrandonRenatoSilva: looks like frostwire ( a java app ) uses a script, but i'm no java expert either and thats only one example and i dunno if its the best one03:55
cdm10What's the preferred mechanism for having an app run as root? Should I put #! /usr/bin/gksudo /usr/bin/env python into my launch script in /usr/bin? It seems sorta ugly...03:55
Amaranthcdm10: No the .desktop should call your program with gksudo03:56
imbrandoncdm10: have the desktop file use it03:56
persiacdm10: Please don't use #!/usr/bin/env python.  #!/usr/bin/python is much preferred.03:56
cdm10persia: alright, I'll fix that03:56
persiaAmaranth: That won't work for KDE :(03:56
cdm10What worries me is having it work in both KDE and Gnome...03:57
Amaranthpersia: Install two .desktop files03:57
persiaAmaranth: Ugly, and hard to push upstream.03:57
cdm10How do I have it run the appropriate thing? (gksudo|kdesu)03:58
persiaThe menu package provides a `su-to-root` function, but menu isn't in the default Ubuntu install.  It's also possible to have a script that detects the right function, and calls that.  The better solution is to make the app not require root.03:58
cdm10persia: If I do put gksu/gksudo in the .desktop file, should I depend on it?03:59
persiacdm10: You could, but it would annoy KDE users.04:00
imbrandonpersia: sometimes thats unavoidable, if the app is gtk youir going to anyhow04:00
cdm10Well, it's a GTK app... which would probably annoy them as well.04:00
persiaimbrandon: True.04:00
cdm10This may be a bit offtopic, but it could save me from having to run as root.04:01
cdm10Are there user-specific anacrons, like with cron?04:01
imbrandonboth in the main crontab and user crontabs can both run jobs as other users04:02
imbrandonm h dom mon dow user  command04:03
cdm10Actually, I'd rather have my app run as root... so, is there any best way to do this?04:03
cdm10depend on gksu, use it in the .desktop, NotShowIn=KDE?04:03
imbrandonone question, gui app on a cron ? sounds bad04:03
cdm10imbrandon: no, the gui part doesn't go into cron.04:03
persiacdm10: Can you not do something with capabilities?  Apps running as root are not ideal.04:03
imbrandoncdm10: dont use the NotShowIn , it will pull aditional deps in kde but no reason to disallow it04:04
cdm10imbrandon: alright04:04
cdm10persia: It's a backup application, and I'd like it to be able to run when no one's logged in, and I'd also like to have something running in anacron... and I'm not sure how to have anacron run something every day as each user.04:04
persiacdm10: Right.  Split the app into the portion that does backup and the portion that does configuration.  Have the backup run as root (or a backup user with capabilities) in anacron, configured by the postinst.  Grant a special group write access to the configuration file, and have the tool edit the file.04:06
cdm10persia: This is getting way more complex than I had planned :) but it sounds like the right way to do it.04:07
cdm10persia: Actually, I don't like that idea... because the user will be able to set the backup target, and if it's running as root, that's a great way to let normal users change stuff that should only be accessible by root... I could drastically change the app so that this wouldn't happen, but that's not really an option at this point.04:08
persiacdm10: As an added benefit, the .desktop file doesn't need to give root to the GUI configuration tool :)04:08
cdm10persia: but what about the problem of the user being able to set anything as the backup target?04:11
persiacdm10: Do you mean the security concern that one user could back up another user's files?  That's the reason one has to be a member of the backup group to be able to modify the configuration file.  Those users would be trusted.04:12
cdm10persia: No, one user could set any directory to be the target of the backup.04:13
persiacdm10: The worry of overwriting files then?  Same protection: trusted group.04:13
cdm10persia: I sorta wanted to make something that someone could install and have it Just Work without having to mess around with groups.04:14
cdm10persia: So, having it run as root could be a good idea... 'cause there's already a set of trusted users in place that can run it.04:14
imbrandonsystem administrators and root users dont always ==04:15
persiacdm10: Then just use one of the already trusted groups.  I forget whether adm or admin is default, but those seem reasonable.  In the default case, the installing user would be the trusted user.  In special cases, the administrators would modify the groups.04:15
imbrandonadmin is default04:15
persiaimbrandon: Very true, but they are likely the same for the standard use case, no?04:16
cdm10persia: So, that means users won't have to sudo-authenticate each time?04:16
imbrandonpersia: mostly yea04:16
persiacdm10: Right.  The configuration file would be group-writable, so the backup admin (who would belong to that group) could edit the file.  Others would get a permission denied error (be sure to trap this in your code, and present a nice message).04:16
cdm10persia: Isn't it a better idea to have them sudo-authenticate, so they know that they're doing something that could potentially mess up their system?04:17
cdm10persia: I mean, someone could set some important folder as their backup target... rdiff-backup wouldn't prevent that, I don't think.04:18
persiacdm10: If you like.  I just don't like sudo for GUIs because of the potential for a bug in the GUI to crash the system.04:18
cdm10persia: hmm, I'll think about how to do this.04:19
cdm10Programming is one thing, but packaging... that's a minefield.04:19
cdm10It's confused me more than anything else in the process :)04:19
persiacdm10: The packaging can be simple, but it tends to expose lots of issues with the underlying code, which can make it very complex indeed :)04:20
cdm10persia: yeah...04:20
cdm10persia: So, if I were to do this groups thing... I'd use the admin group, which is the same as the group with sudo access (by default, in Ubuntu), right?04:23
cdm10persia: and I'd have to create the config file in the postinst so I could set the group ownership.04:23
persiacdm10: That'd be my quick & dirty suggestion.  There are other ways to do it as well.04:23
persiacdm10: You can push the config file normally, and use the postinst to reset ownership & permissions.04:24
cdm10persia: ok04:24
cdm10persia: I think I'll wimp out and just have it all run as root, for the time being... it's a work in progress, so I'll probably change it to a better way in the future.04:25
cdm10persia: Where can I find documentation on how to create a crontab file to put in cron.daily (which I'm told will be executed automatically by anacron)04:26
* persia suspects the answer is in man dh_installcron, and suggests reading the debhelper man pages more generally, and asking questions generally of the channel.04:27
cdm10persia: sorry, I thought you had said something about the cron thing before, which is why I asked you... you're right, i'm bad at reading documentation, and should get better instead of annoying people on IRC :)04:28
imbrandoncdm10: apt-mirror uses dh_installcron you can look at it for a simple example of what your wanting04:29
imbrandonits pretty simplistic use of it04:29
imbrandonbut i do recomend reading the doc stil04:29
cdm10imbrandon: thanks04:30
imbrandonthe quick and dirty is use dh_installcron in your rules ( or cdbs ) and make a debian/cron.d file with the correct info ( this is but just one way to accomplish this )04:31
nxvlimbrandon: are you using hardy or gutsy?04:31
imbrandonnxvl: gutsy with hardy and sid chroot(s)04:32
imbrandoni'll likely upgrade to hardy mid-jan04:32
nxvlimbrandon: i need to test the hardy menu entry, is there any way to check it with chroot?04:32
cdm10imbrandon: so, including the proper cdbs thingy will let me just stick a cron.d file into debian/ ? ok. Is there something like that for .desktop files? Right now, my setup.py file handles those.04:32
nxvli have a hardy VM at work, but at home i can run one, my PC crashes if i try :P04:33
imbrandonif you use the debhelper.mk via cdbs yes just create a debian/cron.d ( please read on it though )04:33
persiacdm10: No, and it's a bug, but you do want to include dh_desktop in case someone fixes it in the future.04:33
cdm10persia: So, where should I stick my .desktop files? I have them in a data/ directory now.04:34
imbrandoncdm10: yea there is a dh_* ( debhelper ) script for damn near anything you want, and cdbs makes use of most of those , but its good to know what ones you need/want and what you can overide etc04:34
cdm10persia: I'd like to keep them in a place where my setup.py can find them, so I can install them from there until they fix the problem...04:35
cdm10imbrandon: ok, but the desktop one is broken?04:35
nxvlimbrandon: did you use pbuilder as chroot or another one?04:36
imbrandonnxvl: generaly pbuilder as chroot, except for sid, i use a real debootstrapd chroot and sbuild both04:36
nxvloh! ok04:37
imbrandonbecause i sometimes do gui stuff in my sid one so i have lots of other stuff mounted bind04:37
imbrandonwith it04:37
imbrandonnxvl: depending on how complicted you want to get you cold probably use a nested x server and xhost+ localhost on it, then export DISPLAY=:X in the pbuilder-chroot and use ome gui apps in it04:39
imbrandonmight need to bind mount tmp too not sure04:39
nxvlimbrandon: i prefer to use VMs :D04:39
imbrandonnxvl: yea most of the time its far easier to use a vm04:40
nxvland since i'm most of the time at work, it's not usual that i make whing at home04:40
nxvli only came to my beth04:40
RenatoSilvacdm10: are ypou still there?05:03
RenatoSilvaand the others05:03
cdm10RenatoSilva: oh, hi... sorry 'bout that05:03
imbrandonpersia: did you see irclogs.ubuntuwire.com ? december is a few days behind and i'd like to fix a few more things before i add a link to it etc but its generaly useable05:03
imbrandonerr ircstats.uw.c05:04
imbrandonnot logs05:04
RenatoSilvacdm10: about what?05:04
cdm10RenatoSilva: never mind05:05
nxvlfinaly i'm happy with the changes :D05:05
persiaimbrandon: I think you're duplicating http://ubuntuircstats.org/ (although your data goes back further).  What is the additional value?05:05
RenatoSilvacdm10: I want to thank you n everybody very very much coz I just have right now my first .DEB package in life! rs...magic! rsss05:06
nxvlnow i can sleep well05:06
imbrandonpersia: its going to be a join effort once worked out05:06
RenatoSilvacdm10: I want to share it with you, who wants to see it?05:06
persiaimbrandon: OK.  I like the ubuntuircstats graphs better, but I like the ircstats.uw.c history.  Also, it'd be nice to have consistent naming, so I'm in favour of ircstats.uw.c.05:07
cdm10RenatoSilva: You should look into getting a PPA05:07
RenatoSilvacdm10: PPA?05:07
cdm10RenatoSilva: It's part of Launchpad, it lets you set up your own package repo05:07
imbrandonpersia: yea the problem with the other graphs is its irssi log specific, and the historical data is all eggdrop05:08
imbrandonbut thats all tech, it can be worked arround05:08
persiaimbrandon: That's fine.  Can history usefully be extracted from irclogs.u.c ?05:08
RenatoSilvacdm10: hosted at Launchpad?05:09
cdm10RenatoSilva: yeah05:09
imbrandonafter 2 or 3 hours of wgeting and some magling with shell scripts yea :)05:09
nxvlpersia: how was the christmas out there?05:09
RenatoSilvacdm10: can't believe, very nice!05:09
imbrandonpersia: in other words doable and will be done but takes a bit o work05:09
persianxvl: Everyone went to work, and had a productive day.  Most people are frantically cleaning in preparation for next Monday.05:09
imbrandonall my data came from irclogs.u.c05:09
persiaimbrandon: Understood.  My personal preference is for a reduced set of namespaces and close integration and collaboration with everyone.  Sounds like you're on the right path :)05:10
imbrandonyup yup :)05:10
persiaimbrandon: Also, I really like the separation of word use frequency and nick reference on the ircstats.uw.c page.  If that could be kept, it would be nice.05:11
nxvlpersia: wats next monday?05:11
persianxvl: The 31st of January.05:11
imbrandonpersia: yup05:12
nxvloh right!05:12
nxvlpersia: so there is no christmas spirit on Tokyo?05:14
RenatoSilvacdm10: I'm logged in on Launchpad. How to find this PPA?05:14
nxvlimbrandon: in USA there is a lot os christmas spirit or there is also not much?05:14
persianxvl: Not especially.  It's not a popular holiday here.  Some people go out on dates.05:14
cdm10RenatoSilva: google for launchpad ppa, i'm sure you'll find a guide05:14
imbrandonnxvl: its really commercialy popular here05:14
nxvlimbrandon: same here05:15
nxvlimbrandon: but people say that it's a family holiday05:15
imbrandonRenatoSilva: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.launchpad.net%2FPPAQuickStart&ei=dONxR5n9FKHWeczmiTM&usg=AFQjCNFK9uNfZO57MR7ZCYjmToRT7Fy69Q&sig2=yHmN7DuTrz_tPm8rtBFIlg05:15
imbrandonthere ya go05:15
imbrandonsorry bout the long paste05:16
nxvlRenatoSilva: also you can click on "PPA Archive" on the left and the click on help, top left05:17
RenatoSilvaimbrandon: thank u05:18
RenatoSilvauouah, I have to become an Ubuntero rs05:19
imbrandonthats easy, just agree and sign the CoC05:20
imbrandonthen upload it to LP05:20
RenatoSilvait seems theny get a src pkg and build there, I can't send a binary pkg ...05:20
Hobbseeppa is broken currently05:20
Hobbseei think05:20
cdm10RenatoSilva: yeah, so your build-depends have to be right05:21
nxvli don't use PPA, and i haven't use it never05:21
RenatoSilvaimbrandon: they accept binary pkgs?05:21
imbrandonRenatoSilva: correct, then it will build the binary from the source for i386 and x86_6405:21
persiaRenatoSilva: Why would anyone want a binary package?05:21
cdm10RenatoSilva: they'll make a binary package for you on the server05:21
imbrandonHobbsee: likely but it will be fixed eventualy* :)05:21
RenatoSilvapersia: my source is Java, how they will know how to compile it?05:22
Hobbseeimbrandon: in some days, yes05:22
cdm10RenatoSilva: that's what your rules file is for...05:22
persiaRenatoSilva: You will provide an automated build system and call it with debian/rules.05:22
RenatoSilvapersia: but to build the app it must have installed a Java 6 compiler05:23
cdm10RenatoSilva: you need to put that in your build-depends05:23
nxvlRenatoSilva: what bug are you working at?05:23
cdm10and it'll install it before it attempts to compile it.05:23
persiaRenatoSilva: Yes.  That's what the build-depends line in debian/control does.05:23
imbrandonRenatoSilva: sure then build-depends on IcedTea or gcj05:23
RenatoSilvacdm10: build-depends..hum... cool05:24
* imbrandon goes back to uploading christmass pictures while i wait for libvisual to compile05:24
imbrandonHobbsee: have a good christmass ?05:24
RenatoSilvacdm10: install before compiling??05:24
Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah :05:24
nxvlimbrandon: flickr?05:24
Hobbsee* :)05:24
RenatoSilvanxvl: bug?05:24
cdm10RenatoSilva: hmm?05:24
imbrandonnxvl: yea i store most all my pictures on flickr05:25
* nxvl adds imbrandon as friend05:25
cdm10RenatoSilva: I'm not the best person to ask, actually. All I know is that you make a rules script to compile the package, and put the stuff you need in order to compile it in the build-depends.05:25
RenatoSilvaimbrandon: I guess I'd build-depend from sun-java6-jdk05:25
imbrandonRenatoSilva: thats not possible on our buildd's05:25
imbrandonbecause of the lic screen05:26
imbrandonthus IcedTea or gcj05:26
persiaimbrandon: Are you sure?  I thought there was some preseeding in place.05:26
imbrandonpersia: ahh well if they fixed it reciently yes05:26
* persia thinks it was only a few days ago05:26
imbrandonbut not that i'm aware but i dont follow java closely05:26
imbrandonahh very very likely then05:26
imbrandonRenatoSilva: then it looks like you can but you'll likely have to jump through a hoop or two05:27
imbrandonsorry i cant be more specific than that, its my extent of java experince05:27
RenatoSilvaimbrandon: java is free software now05:27
imbrandonRenatoSilva: sure, well in a sense , but yea i'm aware05:27
imbrandonRenatoSilva: i was more specificly talking aobut the debconf question agreeing to the doj?? thing when installing on the buildds05:28
imbrandonbut persia sugests thats likely fixed now05:28
nxvlRenatoSilva: aren't you working on a bug? whats your package? a debianization?05:29
RenatoSilvaimbrandon: I guess many apps just can't leave original Sun Java 6 because the other compilers just don't do all the things Sun's one (version 6) does05:29
imbrandonRenatoSilva: i totaly understand the delima, i just dident know there was a solution untill just now05:30
nxvli prefer not to use java at all :D05:30
persiaRenatoSilva: Yes, but Sun Java 6 isn't free.  Java 7 will be free, and there are free Javas around.05:30
imbrandonnxvl: btw, fwiw my pics ( except the ones i'm currently uploading arent there yet ) are at http://www.flickr.com/photos/imbrandon/sets05:30
imbrandonsince you asked :)05:31
RenatoSilvanxvl: my packange is just my 1st package rs.. I took a Java calculator I've wrote and packaged it into a .DEB right now rs...and the guys are telling me now about Lauchpad's personal repository rs05:31
nxvlimbrandon: i was looking at them :P05:31
nxvlRenatoSilva: oh ok, so there is a debianisation :p05:32
imbrandonHobbsee: btw, got a sec? help me fill in the missing names of these KDE people, i forgot who some of them were :) lol /me is bad05:32
RenatoSilvapersia: hum, why? source not completely opened still?05:32
persiaRenatoSilva: Source is open, but license isn't DFSG-free.05:33
Hobbseeimbrandon: hm.  i think that's johnflux on the far left.05:33
Hobbseeimbrandon:  i don' tknow the other one05:33
RenatoSilvanxvl: what's a debianisation? someone learning hwo to build a .deb? rsss...05:33
Hobbseeimbrandon: don't quote me on that, though05:34
imbrandonahh right yup john05:34
* Hobbsee was not at mtv05:34
Hobbseeand those two were not in sevilla :)05:34
RenatoSilvapersia: DFSG?05:34
nxvlRenatoSilva: not, it's making a .deb package from a source for first time05:34
imbrandonyea i know, but you likely would have met the kde peeples :)05:34
imbrandonaleaste some of them :)05:34
persiaRenatoSilva: http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines05:34
RenatoSilvanxvl: so ...now I'm a deb packager05:35
RenatoSilvanxvl: rss05:35
imbrandonHobbsee: yea i know its john , i rember now, he was my room mate at UDS MTV05:35
nxvlRenatoSilva: stuff like05:35
LucidFoxWhen preparing a new upstream release, should I strive for prettification or minimal divergence if an older version is in Debian?05:35
imbrandonminimal divergence, then perfecion via a patch sent upstream05:35
imbrandon( to debian )05:35
imbrandonso both :)05:36
Amaranthimbrandon: you were at mtv uds?05:36
AmaranthI don't remember seeing you there :P05:36
RenatoSilvanxvl: actually my interest on learning this is that every time a new version of Ubuntu comes, I have to follow some manual steps to get my modem working...05:36
imbrandonAmaranth: yea , i sat at your table talking beryl stuff most of the time, infact i made most of the beryl package while at uds05:36
nxvlare the modems stiff alive?05:36
Amaranthoh yeah05:36
Amaranthdidn't click as the same person05:37
nxvli thougt there where extinct05:37
imbrandonthat was me :)05:37
Hobbseeimbrandon: heh.  then surely you should know that :)05:37
RenatoSilvanxvl: so I was thinking about packaging the process into a .deb, it'd be simply a driver package for Lucent/Agere which you install and get the winmodem working out of the box...05:37
imbrandonHobbsee: yea i just had forgotten, it had been a whole05:37
LucidFoxIf dropping dpatches, should I leave them in debian/patches and only remove from 00list, or delete them?05:37
Amaranthback then the only thing i was doing was trying to help them run the project properly :P05:38
nxvlRenatoSilva: sis you reinstall the whole system or just upgrade?05:38
imbrandonLucidFox: either works , i generaly leave them if I'm not the maintainer05:38
Amaranthand I was actually sent there to try to persuade people to reject the whole idea05:38
imbrandonAmaranth: yup, i rember :)05:38
RenatoSilvanxvl: I just can't upgrade05:39
imbrandonoh i was really vocal against it if you rember, but i also made the packages too so it was a catch2205:39
AmaranthI'm a sucker for bling05:39
nxvlLucidFox: it's better to left the files and only delete the entrys from 00list, so if someone want that patch for somereasons it's still there05:39
imbrandoni think me and keybuk were the loudest for "not by default"05:39
nxvlRenatoSilva: why?05:39
AmaranthWe had our own RDF thing going05:39
chillywillywhat method does the desktop use to automatically mount removable media?05:40
imbrandonwe litterly grilled Quinn for 2 hours one day05:40
Amaranthright, you were asking the wrong person, should have talked to onestone :P05:40
chillywillyis it a udev thing?05:40
persiachillywilly: udev + hal + dbus + dbus-listener-of-choice05:40
imbrandonchillywilly: depends on the desktop, gnome and kde do it diffrently05:40
Amaranthchillywilly: it's a hal thing05:41
nxvlwell, time to sleep05:41
nxvlread you tomorrow05:41
chillywillyok, gnome05:41
imbrandonAmaranth: yea, but at that time Quinn was the "face at uds"05:41
cdm10So, I'd like to put a crontab file in cron.daily to be run by anacron... do I jsut leave everything as *?05:41
Amaranthhal says "hey this thing got hooked up" and in gnome gnome-volume-manager says "ok, i'll mount it then"05:42
imbrandoncdm10: no05:42
Amaranththen talk over dbus05:42
imbrandoni dont think so05:42
cdm10imbrandon: what do I need to do then? The crontab(5) manpage doesn't really help with knowing how to use it with anacron.05:42
imbrandonhrm honestly i dont know, look at an existing cron.daily is the best awnser05:43
imbrandoni can come up with05:43
Amarantherr, they talk05:43
Amaranthlong day :P05:43
cdm10imbrandon: i looked at the one for apt-mirror, but i'm not sure if it does what i want05:43
persiacdm10: man anacrontab05:43
imbrandonapt-mirror uses cron.d not cront.daily05:43
cdm10persia: I'm not looking to edit the anacrontab, I know how to do that... I was just told that the best way to add something to anacrontab with a package was to put something in cron.daily05:44
cdm10imbrandon: ah, someone recommended I look at that package.05:44
imbrandoncdm10: yea i did ( i maintain it and knew it used it )05:44
cdm10imbrandon: oh, ok.05:45
persiacdm10: Have you looked at the files currently installed in your local /etc/cron.daily?05:45
imbrandonbut cron.d != cron.daily05:45
cdm10persia: Damn, that would be a smart idea.05:45
imbrandonhrm i said that about 5 lines ago05:45
imbrandon23:43:07 < imbrandon> hrm honestly i dont know, look at an existing cron.daily is the best awnser05:45
* persia was just repeating imbrandon's previous advice05:45
cdm10Damn, I feel stupid05:45
imbrandonheh no worries we're all at that point sometimes05:46
cdm10wait a sec, what cdbs thingy do I include to install the cron.* stuff?05:46
cdm10imbrandon: hopefully I can be a useful developer when I get this stuff figured out :)05:46
imbrandonit will call dh_installcron, so follow `man dh_installcron` instructions05:47
imbrandonit == cdbs05:47
persiacdm10: First, look through the dh_ commands to figure out which you want.  Then, look through the /usr/share/cdbs/1/ directory to figure out which to include.05:47
cdm10persia: alright, I'll do that, and write it down.05:47
RenatoSilvanxvl: because I'm on a dialed connection and have not the alternative CD :(05:51
RenatoSilvacdm10: well guys it'd be hard trying PPA now, so I've set the package at this location: http://br.geocities.com/br.renatosilva/jaca/jaca_1.0-20071105_all.deb.zip05:53
RenatoSilvaextract the zip to get the .deb (yahoo denies .deb uploads)05:53
cdm10RenatoSilva: I'm no expert, so I'll let the others see if it's built properly...05:53
RenatoSilvacdm10: rs....you can trust, it will not rm-rf your HD rs....05:54
cdm10RenatoSilva: it's not that I don't trust it... I can look inside it without installing it... but I just won't be of any help in telling you whether it's properly set up.05:54
RenatoSilvacdm10: anyway you may want to open it and take a look into it to know what will be done exactly....but let me say...it's just an (super power) calculator with an icon on Gnome's menu :D05:55
LucidFoxRenatoSilva> Why don't you upload the source package?05:56
cdm10RenatoSilva: alright, well, I'm just not that interesting in it right now...05:56
RenatoSilvaLucidFox: upload to IRC? is it possible?05:56
cdm10damn, i meant interested05:56
LucidFoxno, not to IRC05:57
RenatoSilvacdm10: I thank you anyway for your tips...:D05:57
LucidFoxto wherever the deb is05:57
cdm10Wait, is ppa actually broken?05:57
cdm10oh, ok05:57
LucidFoxShouldn't be05:57
cdm10I was a bit confused with this talk of ppa not working05:58
RenatoSilvaLucidFox: the deb is on mny machine and on the link I've provided, so I don't understando you rs....05:58
RenatoSilvaunderstand rs05:58
RenatoSilvait was very nice to learn this, thank you everybody rs...06:06
RenatoSilvai'm going...bye06:08
imbrandonmy christmas photos uploaded if anyone cares :P http://www.flickr.com/photos/imbrandon/sets/72157603548861205/06:24
cdm10What categories do I set in my .desktop file for it to appear in the Administration menu?06:26
cdm10Rather than preferences...06:26
cdm10Ah, never mind, got it.06:29
cdm10imbrandon: Yeah, just figured that out. Sorry to spam channel...06:29
cdm10rather, sorry for spamming the channel06:29
=== wasabi is now known as wasabi_
=== wasabi_ is now known as wasabi
cdm10I don't entirely understand the manpage for dh06:35
cdm10damn enter key got in the way06:35
cdm10for dh_install06:35
cdm10Is each line suppposed to be like...06:35
cdm10foo.desktop /usr/share/applications/06:35
Hobbseecdm10: yes, i think so06:37
cdm10Hobbsee: alright, i will try that06:37
cdm10So, if I have /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk included in rules, that'll do everything including dh_installcron?06:39
imbrandonshould yes06:42
* persia notes that a .desktop file should only have one (1) Main category, so "System; Settings;" ends up showing twice in a menu, which is not preferred.06:42
cdm10persia: ok, thanks06:43
cdm10What's the purpose of the dirs file?06:43
cdm10Everything seems to work fine without it...06:43
persiacdm10: To work around broken build systems that don't create the right directories.  Alternately, to force directory creation to support odd dh_install workarounds for non-ideal build systems.06:44
cdm10persia: alright.06:44
cdm10Now, is there anything particular I should do with my .desktop file? Right now, my distutils setup.py handles it, but I remember someone saying something about putting it in debian/ for some reason.06:45
imbrandonother than install it in the correct location, nothing, debhelper.mk should take care of everything else06:47
imbrandoneverything else == calling dh_desktop06:47
cdm10imbrandon: I read that dh_desktop doesn't handle installing it...06:47
imbrandoncorrect, thats why i said install it into the correct location firs06:48
cdm10ok, so it doesn't matter where it is in my initial file structure?06:48
imbrandonno as long as it ends up in the right place06:48
cdm10alright, thanks06:49
cdm10imbrandon: my rules file has debhelper first, then python-distutils.06:49
cdm10imbrandon: python-distutils is what installs the .desktop...06:49
cdm10could that cause a problem?06:49
imbrandonnope, should be good iirc06:49
cdm10In my .desktop file, I have my categories as follows: GTK;Archiving;System07:42
cdm10but it doesn't show up in System>Administration07:43
persiacdm10: Does it show up in System Tools?07:43
cdm10persia: hmm, hold on a minute07:43
persiaI think you want "Settings" to end up in the System or Preferences menus.07:44
cdm10persia: I want it in System>Administration, not System>Preferences.07:45
cdm10yeah, it showed up in system tools07:45
cdm10Do I need both system and settings?07:45
persiacdm10: Take a look at the existing files that go there, and follow those as examples.  You should only have one Main Category, so System;Settings; is wrong.07:45
cdm10persia: Here's what I get from redhat-system-config-printer.desktop: GTK;Printing;HardwareSettings;Settings;System;X-Red-Hat-Base;07:46
cdm10from displayconfig-gtk.desktop: GNOME;GTK;Settings;HardwareSettings;System;07:47
* persia looks at the spec again, convinced that is incorrect07:47
cdm10Just to triple-check, I looked at users.desktop07:47
persiaRight.  .desktop files with more than one main category are supposed to appear more than once in the menu.07:48
cdm10persia: strange...07:48
cdm10I looked at some others, and they're all like tat07:48
persiacdm10: I suspect there's something non-compliant with gnome-menu then.07:49
cdm10persia: I suppose... should I just go with the Settings;System thing then, since everyone else is doing it?07:49
cdm10Well, it at least put it in the right place...07:50
persiacdm10: You could.  I still say it is wrong, but it happens to be how /etc/xdg/menus/settings.menu defines things.07:51
cdm10persia: alright.07:51
persiacdm10: Note that this is an Ubuntu-specific workaround.  You likely shouldn't have two main categories in the .desktop file distributed upstream.  I'd suggest the use of a patch system to make that adjustment, rather than having the .desktop file in the orig.tar.gz with that modification.07:53
cdm10persia: ok... I'll look into that.07:54
cdm10When packages are upgraded from a repository, are they uninstalled and reinstalled with the newer version?08:09
cdm10If I am missing files in a newer version that I had in an older version, will they be removed from the system?08:10
persiacdm10: Normal files, or conffiles?08:22
cdm10persia: Normal ones, I think...08:22
cdm10persia: just ones in the data dir08:22
persiacdm10: dpkg should clean up for that, but the timing is complex.  Best to test.08:23
cdm10persia: actually, I just realized, it doesn't matter.08:23
cdm10persia: but I have one other question08:23
cdm10persia: if I add a dependency, will it just install when the user updates?08:23
persiacdm10: Depends on how the user does that.  The new package will depend on the new dependency, so most package managers should install it by default.08:24
cdm10persia: alright, sounds good. Thanks.08:25
* persia notes that idling in the channel is a good way to get questions answered, even before one discovers one needs to know.08:27
warp10Hi all!08:58
slytherinis there a major chroot problem somewhere?09:01
slytherinI mean on some build machine. Because I am seeing many such cases on FTBFS page09:02
persiaslytherin: It certainly appears so.  Given that it's the holiday break week, it may take a bit of time to be resolved.09:02
slytherinNo issues.09:02
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
LucidFoxHmm. just got a bunch of chrootwait errors.09:49
persiaLucidFox: libstdc++6 breakage?09:51
persiaLucidFox: Seems like lots of builds are failing from that now.  Should be fixed soon (although many people are on holiday).  I suspect there will be a mass give-back of the affected packages at that time.09:57
persiaLooking at http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/, I'm guessing most of the listed DEPWAIT and CHROOTWAIT builds are waiting for the fix (as these numbers were previously smaller).09:58
* apachelogger_ is wondering how kimwitu-doc manages to build on debian10:10
persiaapachelogger_: It has never autobuilt on Debian.10:11
persiaapachelogger_: The previous was just a note due to Debian upload policies.  For further information see Debian bug #43079410:12
ubotuDebian bug 430794 in kimwitu-doc "kimwitu-doc - FTBFS: sh: gs: command not found" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/43079410:12
apachelogger_Date: Sat, 14 Jul 200710:13
apachelogger_the bug seems to be stuck :(10:13
persiaapachelogger_: Yep.  It's marked patch, and RC, but I'm guessing nobody feels like an NMU (maybe there aren't a lot of rdepends).  Easy fix though :)10:14
StevenKWho's the maintainer?10:17
persiaStevenK: Michael Piefel10:17
StevenKHrm. Don't know about him10:19
persiaAs in, whether NMUs are appreciated?10:19
StevenKOr if he's reponsive to bug reports and such10:20
=== Hobbsee changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Most Builds are currently failing | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Unmet Deps time! http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/debcheck/ | QA resources from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com
=== Hobbsee changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Most builds are currently failing | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Unmet Deps time! http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/debcheck/ | QA resources from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com
persiaHobbsee: Does that belong in -devel as well?10:22
Hobbseepersia: probably10:22
* Hobbsee wonders why she feels like she's about to black out.10:22
Hobbseeprobably means i shouldn't be on irc or something10:22
* apachelogger_ votes for more sleep10:23
persiaFood is good too.10:24
apachelogger_meh, well done, now I'm hungry -.-10:24
* Hobbsee had food :P10:36
* apachelogger_ has 3 pbuilders on 3 machines running right now :P10:37
* geser has now his breakfast10:44
Hobbseegeser: please check for rdepensd, and deal with them too11:40
Hobbsee(if there are any)11:40
Hobbseehm, shouldn't be any11:41
geserHobbsee: which bug/package?11:54
Hobbseegeser: liboh...one of them i did.11:55
Hobbseeer, libexif11:55
geserHobbsee: I might be missing something but how can a patch influence other packages that it's necessary to check the rdepends?11:58
Hobbseegeser: i misread it on the bug.  thought it was a new upstream, maybe with an api change unlisted.  or something12:00
Hobbseemy brain is clearly screwed tonight.12:00
geserfor hardy it's only the new security patch (0.6.16-2 -> 0.6.16-2.1)12:02
* Hobbsee drools12:03
* Hobbsee now has white text in menus, etc12:03
Hobbseenow i can have my glassy panels, with readable text!12:05
geserbluekuja: we are past DIF, so no automatic sync of linuxdcpp for hardy anymore12:08
mruizhi all12:16
slytherinIs anyone planning on packaging tomcat6?12:34
persiaslytherin: Would you mind opening a separate bug for the libglazedlists-java sync request?  The Debian version looks fine, but I doubt the archive admins want to track all the FTBFS fixes.12:35
slytherinpersia: Sure. Somehow debian.org is not responding properly at this time. So I couldn't verify yesterday or today.12:37
persiaslytherin: Try packages.qa.debian.org, which has a .dsc download link, and was working fine for me several times today.12:37
slytherinpersia: Done. bug 178583 I like 'Also Affects' feature of launchpad :-)12:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178583 in libglazedlists-java "Please sync latest version from Debian, fixes FTBFS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17858312:43
persiaslytherin: I agree that also affects is a really nice feature, but please don't do that for a sync bug that's already ACK'd.  Also, you'll need to include the Debian changelog for libglazedlists-java.  Be prepared for a complaint from the archive admins (although it should be sane).12:46
mruizhi all. I'm working on bug 177715. The patch is done, but I need guidance to go on...12:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177715 in k9copy "k9copy spell check, "Insuffisant disk space"" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17771512:46
slytherinpersia: I have included it just before your comment. But I will keep in mind to log different bugs for syncs12:46
persiaslytherin: It's not a bad thing to have several tasks in a sync bug, it just breaks workflow when the tasks are changed after the ACK.12:47
persiaTypically multiple tasks are used when multiple packages must be changed to fix a specific issue, and multiple bugs are used when the same issue must be fixed in different packages.  Part of the reason is that people subscribe to bugs for specific packages, and want to know about things affecting those packages, but don't much care about the same thing needing to happen to other packages.12:49
slytherinRight. People use different bug tracking systems in different ways. :-)12:50
slytherinpersia: Leaving now. See you tomorrow.12:52
mruizI prepared this patch: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3014/ for the bug 177715. Why should I do: attach it to the bug in LP or put it into debian/patches ?12:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177715 in k9copy "k9copy spell check, "Insuffisant disk space"" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17771512:58
jpatrickmruiz: put into debian/patches and make a debdiff12:59
mruizjpatrick, thanks. Do I have to modify debian/rules too?13:00
jpatrickmruiz: it uses cdbs with simple-patchsys - no need :)13:01
jpatrickshove it in patches, dch -i, and attach a debdiff13:02
jpatrickmruiz: my personal preference is to make patches like: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3015/13:05
mruizthanks jpatrick ... good advice :-)13:06
jpatrickmruiz: but if "debian/rules apply-patches" and "debian/rules reverse-patches" works it should be fine13:06
* persia notes that hand-editing diffs can be very rewarding, but may cause issues. Be careful in the process.13:06
StevenKIt can also be very frustrating.13:07
StevenKYou spend five minutes hand-editing a diff only to have patch say "What diff?"13:07
* persia cheers the power of editdiff13:08
bluekujageser, ah true...13:42
bluekujageser, gonna request it manually then :)13:42
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mruizlintian said: E: k9copy source: outdated-autotools-helper-file admin/config.guess 2002-10-2114:20
mruizE: k9copy source: outdated-autotools-helper-file admin/config.sub 2002-09-0514:20
mruiz. How can I solve this error?14:20
Kmosmruiz: autotools-dev to build-depends14:21
jpatrickmruiz: tell upstream to update their admin dir14:23
persiaErr.  Neither of those is complete :)14:24
persiamruiz: Does the package update config.guess at build-time?14:24
mruizpersia, let me see...14:25
jpatrickpersia: cdbs, I don't think so14:25
mruizjpatrick, yes... cdbs :-(14:26
mruiz        rm -f k9copy.114:26
* mruiz reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmmetHikory, section Opinions, config.{sub,guess}14:27
jpatrickmruiz: that's fine, it's for the docbook14:27
persiamruiz: That's an opinion.  You have three choices:14:27
persia1) Update the hints files at build time (my favorite), in which case you must, as Kmos indicated, build-depend on autotools-dev.14:28
persia2) Update the hints files manually when you update the package.14:28
mruizthe solution number 1 worked fine.... thanks Kmos for this hint14:29
persia3) Tell upstream to update their hints files (my second favorite), as jpatrick suggested.14:29
persiaArguments against #1 are that the package may not build the same twice.  Arguments for are that the package will automatically adapt to new architectures.14:29
persiaArguments against #2 is that it makes an ugly patch, and may be forgotten.  Argument for is that the maintainer prefers #3, but upstream hasn't gotten around to it yet.14:30
persiaArgument for #3 is that it benefits everyone.  Argument against is that these files change frequently, and may be tuned for distributions, and so shouldn't be distributed upstream.14:31
persiaThere is no right answer.  My opinion is more that it should be done in configure: rather than in clean: if the automated update method is chosen.14:31
mruizpersia, then which commands should I add to debian/rules, section configure:: ?14:32
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jpatrickmruiz: $(MAKE) -f admin/Makefile.common dist14:34
jpatrickthat's from /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/kde.mk14:35
persiaBah.  I can't find the relevant dh_make example.  Check for the existence of /usr/share/misc/config.sub and config.guess, and copy them to the root directory, if they exist.14:35
persias/root directory/root package directory/14:36
persiaAlso, because it's CDBS, you want to do it in makebuilddir/k9copy rather than in configure::14:37
mruizjpatrick, I added  $(MAKE) -f admin/Makefile.common dist to build/k9copy:: , but the error is still there :-(14:48
apachelogger__mruiz: what's the error?14:49
jpatrickmruiz: I'd put it in makebuilddir/k9copy::14:49
mruizapachelogger__, E: k9copy source: outdated-autotools-helper-file admin/config.guess 2002-10-2114:49
mruizE: k9copy source: outdated-autotools-helper-file admin/config.sub 2002-09-0514:49
apachelogger__mruiz: first check the tarball14:50
apachelogger__some kde tarballs tend to have 2 versions of config.sub and guess14:50
apachelogger__due to lovely kdevelop14:50
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apacheloggerthis one is just outdated :D14:52
apacheloggersomeone should bug stream ;-)14:52
apacheloggermruiz: can you please paste your debian/rules?14:52
mruizapachelogger, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3017/14:53
* apachelogger is wondering how anything in there should fix the autotools-helper-files14:55
mruizapachelogger, ups... it was the old one14:56
apacheloggermruiz: you should drop a note to upstream eitherway14:56
apacheloggerthere are also some backup files in the orig.tar.gz14:56
apacheloggere.g. configure~14:56
mruizapachelogger, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3018/14:57
mruizit is correct ?15:00
apacheloggerwell, it is correct, just not for your issue :P15:00
* apachelogger is wondering why jpatrick tossed that line15:00
jpatrickapachelogger: it's in buildprep for kde15:01
apacheloggeryeah, but what does it have to do with the autotools-helper-files?15:01
jpatrickprehaps just cp /usr/share/misc/config.sub .?15:01
apacheloggerpretty much so15:01
jpatrickdon't you just love cmake15:03
apacheloggercmake <315:03
apacheloggermruiz: just add a build-dep on autotools-dev15:04
mruizthat's the easiest solution ;-)15:04
apacheloggerbuildcore.mk should then take care of the config.sub/guess update15:04
apacheloggermruiz: the only logical :P15:04
apacheloggerdoing it yourself in the rules file would be redundant with cdbs15:05
apacheloggertalking about that, some cdbs include is rudundant there15:05
* apachelogger investigates15:05
apacheloggerI think autotools.mk can be removed15:07
apacheloggernot completely redundant but kde.mk should take of all the important stuff15:08
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mruizthanks guys... I attached the debdiff to the bug and subscribed uus to review it :-)15:27
* jpatrick looks15:28
jpatrickmruiz: kubuntu patches should kubuntu_0n_patchdesc.diff15:29
jpatrickit helps us seperate them from debian ones15:30
mruizgreat idea15:30
* mruiz updating the patch name...15:30
jpatrickapart from that looks good15:31
mruizjpatrick, kubuntu_05_typo_fix.patch ?15:31
jpatrickthat's fine15:31
mruizjpatrick, the new debdiff is done and uploaded to LP :-)15:34
jpatricka ver..15:36
jpatrickmruiz: erm, you didn't make changes to debian/rules15:39
mruizjpatrick, yes because I solved the error (temporally) with the inclusion of autotools-dev as build-depends. I'm writing an email to upstream requesting an update of admin/ stuff15:42
jpatrickmruiz: yes, but changelog says you've edited the rules file15:43
jpatrickshould I just remove * debian/rules ? :)15:43
* mruiz dropping the line :-)15:44
jpatrickmruiz: so you're happy if I upload without that line?15:47
mruiz:-) the new debdiff is uploaded15:48
mruizjpatrick, wait me a moment, please...15:49
mruizjpatrick, I added my pbuilder log to the bug16:03
jpatrickmruiz: subido, muchas gracias16:06
mruizjpatrick, gracias a ti16:08
mr_pouitjpatrick: since a string has been changed, shouldn't .po be updated? (I'm not familiar with kde build system, maybe that's made automagically :p)16:18
jpatrickmr_pouit: the KDE pot extraction thing should do it16:18
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mr_pouitok ^^16:20
andrea-bshi, could someone tell me if there will be the motu Q&A session on Friday?16:38
norsettoandrea-bi: since dholbach is on holidays and nobody else has volunteered yet, I don't think so (but will be happy to be corrected)16:43
andrea-bsok, thanks anyhow16:44
mruizI got an error in during the build of a package... https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/k9copy/1.2.1-0ubuntu2/+build/479739 (chroot problem) I did the build with my pbuilder without problems. Where can I find more information about this issue ?17:00
jpatrickmruiz: don't worry, we're in for a massive giveback17:02
mruiz-> Most builds are currently failing! thanks CheGuevara17:02
CheGuevaranp :)17:03
mruizI want to learn more about missing icons/menu entries bugs. Any advice?17:04
xtknightmruiz, have a question in particular?17:05
xtknightive worked on a couple of these17:05
mruizxtknight, I want to learn how is the procedure to deal with them :-) for instance bug 8935317:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 89353 in gnome-chess "no menu entry" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8935317:07
xtknightmruiz, ok  do you have an environment in which to reproduce this bug?17:10
* mruiz installing the package17:11
xtknightit actualy works for me fine on Gutsy17:11
xtknightim not even sure if there's anything we can do for dapper17:12
xtknightelecting for a bug fix maybe altho im not too familiar w/ the politics.  if you can reproduce on dapper we can go from there just for experience with fixing menu bugs17:12
jpatrickI don't think it'll get into -updates for an icon17:13
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mruizxtknight, gnome-chess doesn't have a menu entry on Feisty17:15
xtknighthold on i believe im mistaken17:16
mruizxtknight, and Gutsy17:16
xtknighti dont think mine has an icon either.  it was another chess17:16
mruizxtknight, glChess ;-)17:17
mruizxtknight, then... go on ;-)17:17
xtknightlol ok give me a few secs to examine what's happening here17:17
xtknightmruiz, does it appear in Other for you?17:27
mruizxtknight, no17:27
xtknightok, it does here.  seems to be directly related to deleting/adding /usr/share/gnome/apps/Games/gnome-chess.desktop17:29
xtknightnot sure why exactly it is not appearing anywhere in the menu for you17:31
mruizxtknight, I'm using Gutsy too17:32
xtknightmaybe you need to do "sudo gtk-update-icon-cache"17:32
xtknightdoes that then make it appear in Other?17:32
mruizno :-(17:33
mruizit doesn't appear17:33
xtknightdpkg -s gnome-chess | grep Version17:34
mruizVersion: 0.3.3-617:34
xtknightwell i can't think of what else i did17:35
xtknightsudo apt-get --purge remove gnome-chess17:35
xtknightsudo apt-get install gnome-chess17:35
xtknightmaybe this will do it17:35
mruizxtknight, the same problem17:38
xtknightmruiz, youre using gnome?17:39
mruizxtknight, yes17:39
xtknightmruiz, ok let's try this.  moving it to a different gnome shortcut dir.  "sudo mv /usr/share/gnome/apps/Games/gnome-chess.desktop /usr/share/applications/"17:42
mruizxtknight, after it the icon appeared on Other17:43
xtknightah really17:43
xtknightmruiz, well these are just two different gnome shortcut directories.  i believe the /usr/share/gnome/apps* is legacy.  i don't know why it's flaky, but everything i see nowadays is in /usr/share/applications17:44
xtknightit seems to be linked to the problem17:44
mruizxtknight, then what is the rationale to work on menu/icon missing bugs ?17:45
xtknightmruiz, well we can have the Debian package copy the shortcut to /usr/share/applications instead17:45
xtknightmruiz, you also want the shortcut to appear in Games, not Other, right?17:46
mruizxtknight, sure... it's the correct place for gnome-chess17:46
xtknightmruiz, first let's get the source code for gnome-chess17:46
mruizdone :-)17:46
xtknightmruiz, "apt-get source gnome-chess" in somewhere convenient17:46
xtknightmruiz, see gnome-chess.desktop  in root dir of source?17:47
mruizxtknight, yes17:48
xtknightglchess appears in the right place, so let's look at the glchess shortcut file.  "cat /usr/share/applications/glchess.desktop | less"17:48
Kopfgeldjaegercould a sponsor have a look at bug #163287 ? (avidemux package update, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/avidemux/+bug/163287 )17:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 163287 in avidemux "Please merge avidemux 2.4~preview3-0.0 from debian-multimedia.org experimental" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16328717:48
mruizxtknight, gnome-chess doesn't have a Categories section17:51
xtknightmruiz, yup (good job ;))17:51
xtknightso i say put one in17:51
xtknightthe one from glchess looks precisely appropriate (board game)17:51
xtknightfor now use /usr/share/applications/gnome-chess.desktop, because this is our local file for testing17:52
mruizI applied the changes and the icon appeared under Games ;-)17:56
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xtknightmruiz, ok let's edit the .desktop in the source pkg to the same thing17:58
mruizxtknight, but this changes isn't under debian directory. Should I apply a patch against the file?17:59
xtknightmruiz, yea we will have to make a patch for this17:59
xtknightdo you know about making patches and all yet?18:00
xtknightlike debdiffs18:00
imbrandonif there is a patch system inplace already , yes use it, if not patch hte source directly ( thats the rule of thumb )18:00
xtknightok im a little rough on patching myself so i'll try and stick to helping you w/ the shortcut issue18:00
xtknightmruiz, we also need to make sure the .desktop is now installed in /usr/share/applications18:02
imbrandonmruiz: if you are in the source directory and have ubuntu-dev-tools installed you can run `what-patch` to see what patch system is in place already18:02
xtknightand we'll probably be modifying the debian dir for this18:02
mruizthanks imbrandon18:02
xtknightimbrandon, cool, is this new?18:02
xtknighti always did it manually :P18:02
imbrandonxtknight: umm not especialy , few months atleaste18:02
mruizimbrandon, cdbs18:03
imbrandonmruiz: ok then use simplepatchsys18:03
imbrandoneg make a diff and put it in debian/patches18:03
* imbrandon is afk again18:04
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mruizimbrandon, what is the difference between .diff and .patch extensions?18:06
jpatrickthey're the same18:07
xtknightwhere's the spec for a .menu file in debian/ dir?18:08
Specright here!18:09
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Speci'm not sure what a .menu file is18:17
Specalso, man 5 menufile18:17
Specand /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/menu-policy.html/18:17
Ubulettehmm, i have a dh_strip issue. any idea ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/3021/18:21
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mruizxtknight, we have to find the way to modify the current directory for .desktop file...18:36
xtknightmruiz, sorry i've gotta take off for a bit but i'll be back in a couple of hours.  i looked at it and actually i'm not sure.  there is a .menu file in debian/ that we may need to modify or eliminate altogether18:36
mruizxtknight, don't worry18:37
xtknighti think the .menu script is putting it in the wrong dir18:37
xtknightalright well ill be back soon w/e the case18:37
xtknightgood luck18:37
mruizthanks xtknight18:39
mruizWhere can I find information to solve missing menu entries bugs?18:43
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Treenakshey zul19:38
nxvl_workcan someone give me a hand with Bug #178046 ?? i don't know how to solve it20:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178046 in dillo "dillo failed to unpatch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17804620:16
joejaxxfailed to unpatch?20:17
* joejaxx goes to read20:17
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joejaxxoh fun20:18
nxvl_workjoejaxx: did you have a clue on how to fix it?20:20
apacheloggerthis patch is awful20:23
apacheloggerand not just because of dpatch20:23
nxvl_workapachelogger: why? cause of the multiple files patched in there?20:25
apacheloggerprobably, namely because of it's size20:26
apachelogger60k lines are just too many for a patch IMO20:26
nxvl_workwow, i haven't see that!20:26
nxvl_work181 files patched on that file20:27
apacheloggernxvl_work: you probably can't do a lot about it20:27
nxvl_workapachelogger: why?20:28
apacheloggerone of the patched files gets changed while building20:28
apacheloggerso the patch can not be reverted20:28
nxvl_workapachelogger: how did you see that?20:28
joejaxxthat seems to be it20:28
apacheloggernxvl_work: it's a guess20:28
apacheloggerbut usually if a patch can not be reverted it's due to a changed file20:29
nxvl_workif i find it i can backup that file and then restore it20:29
apacheloggerand looking at the size of the patch its more than likely20:29
apacheloggernxvl_work: yeah, something like that should fix it20:29
nxvl_worknow, the thing is how to find it?20:29
apacheloggerwell, this is where it makes sense to have a lot small patch files instead of one big, at least in terms of package maintainability20:30
apacheloggernxvl_work: easiest solution would be to just backup all of the patched files20:30
nxvl_workapachelogger: easiest isn't always the best20:31
apacheloggeryou can of course manually try to revert the patch and try to get some proper error output20:31
apacheloggerbut really, the whole thing is just not worth it20:32
nxvl_workor split the patch in many little patches20:32
norsettois it just my installation or scrollkeeper in hardy is broken?20:33
* apachelogger is wondering why dillo upstream doesn't include that patch20:34
norsettoapachelogger: IIRC dillo upstream is no more20:35
nxvl_workis there any way to tell cut to print the last parameter?20:35
apacheloggerso why not just change the tarball20:36
apacheloggersome things just don't appear useful to me20:36
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awen_trying to make the a pbuilder environment for another architecture i keep getting an error; anyone has any idea, what i'm doing wrong?21:36
awen_W: Failure trying to run: chroot /var/cache/pbuilder/build/9291/. mount -t proc proc /proc21:36
awen_pbuilder: debootstrap failed21:36
joejaxxyou mean you are trying to cross-{build,compile}? on a non-native host21:38
DktrKranzawen_, I haven't tried directly, but I think you can't run a say sparc pbuilder on a i386 platform21:38
awen_joejaxx: exactly21:39
awen_DktrKranz: okay... strange, that was what i got out of reading the pbuilder guide from the wiki21:39
DktrKranzawen_, you can run a i386 pbuilder on a amd64 host21:40
DktrKranzor a lpia one on i38621:40
DktrKranzbut, unless you use something similar to qemubuilder, you can't run something designed for another port21:41
awen_DktrKranz: so only some cross-builds are possible...21:41
DktrKranzIf I don't miss something, yes21:42
DktrKranzwell, cross-compilation should possible with some tools21:42
DktrKranz*should be possible21:42
awen_does the ppa only build for different ubuntu versions, or do they include the possibility of building for debian sid ?21:42
DktrKranzonly for supported Ubuntu versions actually21:43
awen_DktrKranz: seems i have to give qemubuilder a try some time instead :)21:44
DktrKranzawen_, if you are successful, please ping. Learn to use it is on my TODO-list21:45
DktrKranzI used qemu to emulate sparc some time ago21:46
awen_DktrKranz: i'll do21:46
joejaxxDktrKranz: was it fun? serial console ftw :)21:46
DktrKranzjoejaxx, it was not fun, kernel panics everywhere :)21:47
DktrKranzbut I got it working, don't ask me how :)21:47
DktrKranzit was Debian, though21:47
joejaxxi would not try ubuntu on that21:48
joejaxxDktrKranz: the install for sparc takes a long time too21:48
DktrKranzI noticed...21:48
joejaxxwell it is not worse than a S/390 install21:49
* DktrKranz really wants to try it on a *real* sparc box21:49
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joejaxxDktrKranz: bah :P Solaris ftw :D21:50
DktrKranzmh... I need to grab some sparc stuff before attempting to look at it21:51
joejaxxwhat Solaris?21:51
joejaxxthey have x86 solaris21:51
DktrKranzI know21:51
joejaxxbut Solaris (SPARC) Solaris (x86) :D21:51
DktrKranzstarting from 10, IIRC21:51
joejaxxSolaris (SPARC) > Solaris (x86)*  :D21:52
crimsunfrom 9, at least.21:52
joejaxxit was 921:52
joejaxxwell publically anyway21:53
joejaxxcannto spell21:53
joejaxxpublically is not a word lol21:53
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DktrKranzit is a word, but is is not published on english dictionaries21:54
joejaxxbbl :D21:56
joejaxxTreenaks: !! :P21:56
nxvl_workis there any way to split a dpatch patch correctly?22:05
nxvl_worki have tried using filterdiff22:05
nxvl_workbut something went wrong22:05
crimsunyou can use splitdiff, or some magic with rediff, etc.22:08
crimsun("some magic" could well be editdiff)22:09
nxvl_workthe thing with that is that dpatch has a different format than diff22:14
nxvl_workit need some lines that the diff utils doesn't take22:15
crimsunit's a unified diff22:16
crimsunjust strip the metadata from the dpatch22:16
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imbrandonmmmm new keyboard, maybe less typos :)23:46
imbrandonheh prob not23:46
persiamruiz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/SupplementaryFiles might be the documentation you sought.23:56
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