
=== Admiral_laptop is now known as eddieftw
HobbseeUbulette_: ping02:51
* Hobbsee managed to trash her firefox. hooray!02:54
* Hobbsee wonders how one fixes teh "Couldn't load XPCOM." error03:04
HobbseeUbulette_'s repo, with the 3.0beta203:07
CheGuevarahmm i remember some ppl also having the same prob03:07
CheGuevarabut their solution was "now it suddenly works"03:07
* Hobbsee has not restarted X03:07
Hobbseeit's not profile based03:08
CheGuevarayeah i would try a restart when you get a min03:09
Hobbseeno dice03:15
CheGuevaracan try purging/installing again i guess03:17
Hobbseeis there any point?03:18
CheGuevaradoubt it, unless you deleted something by accident :P03:18
HobbseeUbulette_: btw, it looks like your xulrunner-1.9 packages (the latest ones) have broken exaile.06:46
Hobbsee  File "/usr/share/exaile/xl/xlmisc.py", line 32, in <module>06:46
Hobbsee    from xl import mozembed06:46
Hobbsee  File "/usr/share/exaile/xl/mozembed.py", line 29, in <module>06:46
Hobbsee    import gtkmozembed06:46
HobbseeSystemError: dynamic module not initialized properly06:46
armin76still debugging cairo13:59
armin76Chris Wilson [Thu, 25 Oct 2007 09:24:01 +0000] <- works fine14:00
Ubulette_Hobbsee, still there ?14:05
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
HobbseeUbulette: yeah14:05
Ubulettedid you solve your "Couldn't load XPCOM." error ?14:05
* Hobbsee reverted back to the version of firefox in the official repos. apart from that, no14:06
Ubuletteit meant your xul version was not matching ff314:06
Ubuletteboth should be b214:06
UbuletteHobbsee, did you cherry pick the debs in my ppa or is it in your sources.list ?14:08
HobbseeUbulette: cherry picked.  i got the latest xul, firefox, xul-gnome-support, firefox-gnome-support14:09
Hobbseedid i miss something there?14:09
armin76exaile worked before with 1.9?14:11
UbuletteHobbsee, should have worked. Next time, make sure all versions matches with: dpkg -l | grep -E 'xulrunner-1.9|firefox-3.0'14:16
UbuletteHobbsee, oh, you forgot libnss14:17
Ubulettethe one in hardy is not good enough14:17
Ubulettethe right one for hardy is stuck in the NEW queue since last week14:17
Hobbseethat'll do it14:19
Ubulettei would have worked if you used my ppa completely, I provide everything that is needed in there14:20
Hobbseethis is true14:23
=== asac_ is now known as asac
armin76mozilla bug 39631615:47
armin76[reed]: ^^^^ why is restricted?15:47
Ubuletteasac, your libnss 3.12.0~1.9b2 is incomplete. You (or debian) missed nssutil completely. See my nss.head branch.15:49
=== Che is now known as CheGuevara
[reed]armin76: Either a security bug or an IT request20:09
[reed]where did you see that bug?20:09
[reed]oh, it's a security bug then20:28
armin76k, thanks :)20:28
Ubulette[reed], do you know if there's a plan for a nss release any time soon ? at least before firefox 3.0 final..21:12
Ubulettesame question for nspr21:12
[reed]NSS, yes21:13
[reed]dunno about NSPR... we did just pull a new NSS tag not too long ago, though21:13
[reed]dunno about NSPR... we did just pull a new NSPR tag not too long ago, though21:13
[reed]mozilla bug 399590 is for the next NSS tag pull21:14
ubotuMozilla bug 399590 in Security: PSM "Update Mozilla trunk to use NSS tag {{next-after-alpha-2}}" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39959021:14
Ubuletteyes, i'm in Cc of this one, just got the email for comment #6, that's what triggered my question ;)21:15
Ubulettealso because we have a mess with version numbers between ubuntu and debian21:16
Ubulette[reed], mozilla bug 234716 has been committed post b2 right ?21:48
ubotuMozilla bug 234716 in General "[ LINUX ] Enable Copy Image to Clipboard Front-end on Linux" [Enhancement,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23471621:48
[reed]yes, note the target milestone (which aren't always correct, but is correct in this case)21:49
[reed]b2 was M1021:49
[reed]b3 is M1121:49
Ubuletteok, thanks21:50
Ubulette[reed], http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=54286&d=119869491221:52
[reed]I need some type of account21:52
[reed]to view that21:52
[reed]how lame21:52
Ubulettethat guy has a strange issue. everything is zoomed21:52
Ubulettehold on21:52
[reed]link me to the forum post?21:54
[reed](not the attachment)21:54
[reed]I've seen that21:55
[reed]there's a bug filed, I think21:55
* [reed] looks21:55
[reed]maybe mozilla bug 394103 ?21:55
ubotuMozilla bug 394103 in OS Integration "All elements are HUGE (when doing dpi autodetect?)" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39410321:55
* [reed] ponders where to move that bug21:57
[reed]since I doubt it's just a Firefox issue21:57
[reed]probably a core issue21:57
[reed]armin76: you have work to do!22:27
=== Admiral_1aptop is now known as Admiral_Chicago

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