
ompaulBlaenkDenum, the other way around00:00
FFighterFred_, where are you from? You might want to try a channel specific for your country :)00:00
BlaenkDenumwols_: just noticed haha thanks00:00
FFighterFred_, and hi :)00:00
cherva hi all i have an m3u file with some wav files and i want to make 1 wav file containing the sound of the other wav files from the m3u how can i do that ? when i type mplayer -playlist example.m3u -ao pcm:file=myfile.wav i get a myfile.wav file containing only the last wav from the m3u :(00:00
intelikeySuperVHS you can probably use the package from the gutsy release      but if it gives dependancy errors, then i didn't tell you to do it.  :)00:00
gam3Thanks everyon.00:00
FezzlerHow do I connect to a USB port?00:00
ompaularooni-mobile, read them slowly and it should help you a lot00:00
wols_asteriskguy: does your bIOS recognize 4GB on bootup?00:00
Fred_where do you live?00:00
FezzlerWith a terminal program to receive data from ttyUSB000:00
kyu_fluxdamn xchat/gnome00:00
danbhtwoI'm haveing trouble with a program udevd, its eating ALL the cpu, it has currently used 15 minutes of cpu time00:00
ompaul!bluetooth | arooni-mobile00:00
ubotuarooni-mobile: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup00:00
BlaenkDenumkyu_flux: get regular xchat...00:00
intelikey!packages > SuperVHS00:00
wiloTheDocotor2, any ideas?00:00
wols_danbhtwo: restart it00:00
asteriskguyhmm...when I go into BIOS setup it recognizes (2) 2GB, however at POST it only counts 3GB00:01
kyu_fluxBlaenkDenum: I did, i'm going to find the other plugins for it before I use it full time though00:01
danbhtwowols_ the computer?00:01
Stremive got an old rig and i installed ubuntu, then when i reboot it tells me to insert a valid boot disk, which is odd because it never has done before, any ideas?00:01
=== anthony is now known as tonyyarusso
Zoowols_: in menu.lst, windows is set to root(hd0,1), but right now its on partition 5, do I need to change it to root(hd0,5) ?00:01
wols_asteriskguy: make it recognize 4GB on POST and ubuntu will too00:01
SuperVHSin Feisty(server) this package clamav-freshclam (0.90.2-0ubuntu1.5) dont update virus database correct.. is necesary update clamav for version > 91.0 .. in the repository dont exist this version.. but in backport yes... my question, is: this version (server) no is mantence for 2 years ??? i yes.. where are this security updates for clamav ???00:01
wols_danbhtwo: udevd00:01
intelikeyFezzler cant sshd listen on a device ?00:01
Fred_hi people00:01
TtechZoo ywea?00:01
wols_Zoo: 0,400:01
intelikeyFezzler just a thought.00:01
danbhtwowols_ how?00:01
wols_intelikey: no00:01
Zoowols_: root(hd0,4) ?00:02
asteriskguyhmm....no luck...stupid Gateway, BIOS has no such option00:02
wols_ /etc/init.d/udev restart00:02
SuperVHShello intelikey-.. but this server version, dont then 2 years of updates/upgrades ???00:02
danbhtworoger that00:02
rencore_how am i supposed to change the gamma on my laptop00:02
jetscreamerwith the gamma control00:02
Slartrencore_: depending on the screen you might be able to use i2c .. gnome-monitor-settings  or something00:03
Dappercom_zimon: still no such file or directory...00:03
intelikeywols_ ummm you'd have to assign the device an address wouldn't you...   k.00:03
zimonDappercom_, did you reboot?00:03
Dappercom_zimon, yes :(00:03
laughzillahi :) how xome with ubuntu 7.10 freshly installed 5 days ago, i can't see some .swf apps (ie: vid clips & games) on the web ie: revver.com, yet i can see others, ie: youtube.??00:03
wols_intelikey: what are you talking about? ssh listens on tcp ports. not devices00:03
askandHow can I check what keycode a button have?00:03
snurtlei like balls Merry Christmas00:03
jangarianyone know hoe to fix an error such as: "sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Dec 26 21:23:11 2007"00:03
wols_laughzilla: what flash plugin do you use?00:03
scguy318jangari: check your date/time00:03
laughzillawols_ whatever is the default with a fresh 7.10 installation?00:04
zimonDappercom_, crap.00:04
jangarithat's fine00:04
wilohow do i install http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Sidebar+Screenlet+%28Vista%27ish+look%29?content=6317200:04
wols_laughzilla: there is no "default" since flash won't be installed automatically since it's non-free00:04
Dappercom_zimon: why they does not exist?00:04
wiloit wont let me run it in screenlet manager00:04
wiloany ideas?00:04
exilei have a problem with playing commercial dvds. i have the right lib installed, but totem player says it cant read it. vlc just crashes00:04
wols_!dvd | exile00:05
ubotuexile: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs00:05
mrMisterexile: medibuntu00:05
laughzillawols_ well i did not manually install it afaik and i can see .swf files properly on youtube, and not on other sites.00:05
intelikeySuperVHS no i meant only the one package.   as a bug fix.   but that might not be the best way.00:05
jangariscguy318: is there a different time/date configuration apart from that time/date applet on the panel?00:05
zimonDappercom_, i'm not sure .. seems like your soundcard isn't detected, although the driver is there00:05
Slart!info gddccontrol | rencore_00:05
uboturencore_: gddccontrol: a program to control monitor parameters. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.2-3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 45 kB, installed size 188 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 ia64 alpha arm)00:05
wols_laughzilla: dpkg -l |grep gnash00:05
exilethank you00:06
danbhtwowols_ heh, well, its not really restarting, but it does seem to have slowed down00:06
laughzillawols_ so i see a GNASH SWF Viewer in my "Applications  >  Internet"00:06
wols_laughzilla: that's why. gnash is alpha software00:06
zimonanybody .. do you have to rebuild the initrd after adding a new module to the kernel?00:06
SuperVHSyes.. i think that no is the best way .... and this is "sever" version !!!!00:06
laughzillawols_ ok well i didn't pick it or anything, that's just what came with ubuntu 7.1000:06
waremperorquestion : Trying to connect n70 mobile phone to my computer by bluetooth, link is working with hdcitool, but wammu don't want to link... why ?00:06
fxfitzI'm getting a "Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0"." ... can anyone help?00:06
laughzillaso can i install something that will work, wols_  ?00:06
SuperVHSmmm..mmm.. i open one case in bugzilla00:07
FezzlerMe thinks Serial-to-USB cable does not work in Ubuntu00:07
intelikeyzimon if the module is loaded in the initramfs  then yes.   else no.00:07
Dappercom_zimon: i tried to tell you :D... The whole thing doesnt detect soundcard shit...00:07
wols_!flashissue | laughzilla00:07
ubotulaughzilla: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.00:07
dmHello. Can anyone help me compiling a kernel module? I get "linux/config.h: No such file or directory"00:07
askandWhere is my loginscript?00:07
zimonDappercom_, yeah .. but up to now, the driver for your soundcard was missing. now it's there00:07
laughzillawols_ this means that flash doesn't work properly on ubuntu right now?00:08
Dappercom_zimon: thats not help much :S00:08
laughzillaor rather that i can't install it properly at the moment?00:08
rencore_how can i tell what my screen is00:08
laughzillaok well i'll be patient if i have to be ... how long does this sort of stuff generally to get resolve in this community? i imagine a lot of folks wanna be able to view .swf files.00:08
SuperVHSwho i find the version (server or desktop) is installed in one pc ???00:09
dxdemetriouhow can I change the resolution from gdm? I have installed Gutsy and it uses 1400x1050 instead of 1280x102400:09
intelikeyDappercom_ sudo modprobe <driver name here>     get it working    when satisfied with it,  add it to /etc/modules00:09
zimonintelikey, like alsa-drivers? the /dev/dsp and stuff must be created during boot, i guess that's done before the kernel is started00:09
dmSuperVHS: There's no difference00:09
intelikeyzimon see above00:09
teknoprepanyone here good with linux bluetooth and pan ?00:09
intelikeyzimon short answer     no.00:09
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic00:09
SuperVHSmmm. thanks dm !00:09
teknoprepi am trying  to setup a PAN with my phone over bluetooth00:09
Dappercom_intelikey, guess how many times i have tried that :D00:10
fab5freddyaxjv: i tried your method but i during the installation it told me i needed other programs and didn't function correctly00:10
intelikeyDappercom_    42 ?00:10
Dappercom_intelikey, too much !00:10
intelikeyDappercom_ try #alsa   for sound issues that you can't work out here.00:11
zimonintelikey, i read that ... but i don't know what's loaded in the initramfs ..00:11
rencore_is there a command to see what my monitor is?00:11
intelikeyzimon not the sound driver.00:11
zimonintelikey, alright :-)00:11
fab5freddywols_: your method is currently working like a charm00:11
wols_zimon: obviosuly /dev entries can't e created before the kernel is started...00:11
bzrenhow to re-generate smb.conf ?00:12
wols_rencore_: read-edid00:12
Dappercom_intelikey, can you explain that for newbie :)00:12
intelikeyzimon kernel frame buffering   disk and fs support   main board and chipset support     not in that order nessacerily00:12
FezzlerLast chance to provide coaching on a accessing a USB port - ttyUSB000:12
rencore_wols_, what?00:12
Hit3k When I add music to my iPod from Rhythmbox the music doesn't sync and the music gets deleted its an iPod classic can someone help me?00:13
wols_rencore_: the program you're looking for00:13
intelikeyDappercom_  probably not.   not patient enough, and channel too busy.   sorry.   maybe someone else can.00:13
ari_stresshappy holidays everyone :D00:13
zimonDappercom_, i'm running out of ideas ..00:13
rencore_no install candidate00:14
pieroWhere can I found a repository to install inkscape on gutsy? I'm not good with image editing, Is there a better option than inskcape that I can install ?00:14
Ubuntubruger8Funny... I was told Adobe Flash doesn't work ATM. However it was pretty easy to install. Seems that it is just the plugin in Synaptic which doesn't work?00:14
Dappercom_zimon, im running out of energy and ideas :s00:14
Zoowols_: 4 didn't work00:14
scguy318piero: should in Ubuntu repos, if I'm not mistaken00:14
scguy318Ubuntubruger8: the installation of flashplugin-nonfree does not work due to MD5 sum error00:15
rencore_displaycalibrator.app how can i run this00:15
katakaioHit3k: I hear that the iPod classics are encrypted/locked00:15
wols_Zoo: what is your xp partition exactly?00:15
Zoowols_: when i do fdisk -l its on sda400:15
wols_rencore_: like any other exectuable00:15
Oxi-CleanWhen I try to install ATI drivers (linux ones) i get an error in gedit, "gedit has not been able to detect the character coding.  Please check that you are not trying to open a binary file."  Ideas?00:15
Zoowols_ sda5*00:15
katakaioThey've just cracked the iTunesDB file, but they haven't implemented it in any popular players (Rhythmbox, Banshee, etc)00:15
pieroscguy318, hm.. universe, multiverse?? What line I need to add, once I have not inkscape listed at now?00:15
wols_rencore_: sounds like a gnustep thing. where did you get it?00:15
danbhtwowols_ stoping udev is working MUCH better00:16
wols_sda5 is (hd0,4) however00:16
Zoowols_: /dev/sda5               2        4589    36853078+   7  HPFS/NTFS00:16
dmpiero: inkscape should be in the default repo. It's ok for vector image editing, for raster images you could try GIMP00:16
scguy318piero: think its in universe00:16
Zoowols_: thats windows, right?00:16
Hit3kwell katakaio it says the musics is going over because its used some of the space up00:16
scguy318!info inkscape | piero00:16
wols_danbhtwo: not forever. you will need to restart it or bits won't work. like automounting of CDs and such00:16
ubotupiero: inkscape: vector-based drawing program. In component main, is optional. Version 0.45.1-1ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 10495 kB, installed size 45936 kB00:16
scguy318piero: main actually00:16
wols_Zoo: yes00:16
Dappercom_zimon, intelikey: thanks for contribution. Its time to get some sleep. Ill try to solve this tomorrow...00:16
katakaioHit3K: mine did the same thing, but I couldn't access any of the music on my iPod00:16
wols_Zoo: pastebin the menu.lst entry00:16
pierohumm.. my mistake! sorry!00:16
Oxi-CleanWhen I try to install ATI drivers (linux ones) i get an error in gedit, "gedit has not been able to detect the character coding.  Please check that you are not trying to open a binary file."  Ideas?00:16
katakaioAre you having the same issue?00:16
wols_Zoo: and the output of sudo fdisk -l00:17
rencore_wols_, in the repos00:17
scguy318Oxi-Clean: chmod +x the binary then run from Terminal00:17
wols_Oxi-Clean: how are you trying to install them exactly?00:17
Ubuntubruger8scguy: I dont know what that means (i'm new to ubuntu) but installation worked00:17
Hit3kkatakaio, It just says theres no music on my iPod but when I plug it in it shows up in rhythmbox00:17
Oxi-Cleanby just double clicking the icon00:17
wols_!info displaycalibrator.app00:17
ubotudisplaycalibrator.app: Gamma calibration for GNUstep. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7-3 (gutsy), package size 54 kB, installed size 340 kB00:17
rencore_i just need to adjust my monitor color settings because green stuff looks blue00:17
Oxi-Cleanits file extention is .run00:17
Slartrencore_: gddccontrol didn't work?00:18
scguy318Ubuntubruger8: which is misleading, since in the package conf script, it downloads, then reports the MD5 sum error, but does not return an error code, giving the misleading impression that the package installed succesfully00:18
rencore_Slart, no00:18
wols_Oxi-Clean: that one isn't supported. why can't you use the restricted drivers from the repos?00:18
Zoowols_: http://rafb.net/p/WfoiaI36.html00:18
intelikeyOxi-Clean or file the file  if it's a shell script just sh it00:18
katakaioHit3k: OK, the same thing happens to me when I use Banshee . . . until they implement the iTunesDB fix in new versions of these programs, I don't think you'll be able to use your iPod00:18
Slartrencore_: any errors?00:18
rencore_that link is to a gtk theme that i made i thought it was blue but its an  ugly green00:18
rencore_Slart, it cant find my monitor00:18
dmHello. Can anyone tell me how to compile a kernel module? I get "linux/config.h: No such file or directory" ...00:18
Hit3kkatakaio, bugger, all my music is under linux :(00:18
rencore_Slart, prolly cuz its a laptop00:18
Slartrencore_: did you enable the i2c-dev module?00:18
wols_Zoo: sda5 is your windows system drive but not your windows boot drive00:19
Oxi-Cleanwols_, where would i get a driver, i downloaded the linux driver off the ati website?00:19
wols_Zoo: sda1 is00:19
scguy318Ubuntubruger8: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/173890 if interested in the discussion00:19
Ubuntubruger8scguy: Flash in working in Mozilla now, which it did not before installation..?00:19
rencore_Slart, how?00:19
Zoowols_: so hd0,000:19
wols_!ati | Oxi-Clean00:19
ubotuOxi-Clean: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:19
wols_Oxi-Clean: from ubuntu00:19
Slartrencore_: sudo modprobe i2c-dev00:19
Oxi-Cleanok thank you00:19
katakaioHit3k: same here, but this is the webpage to look at for a fix: http://host.nerdfest.org/?p=5000:19
VajayjayHey, my sound is all fuzzy except mp3s. Can someone help?00:19
katakaioIt's currently not up yet, but I think it will be soon00:19
rencore_Slart, still no luck00:20
Slartrencore_: well.. was worth a try00:20
battousai_Hello!! I have a little problem with acpi on my HP TC4400 (Core duo T2400) laptop running with Ubuntu gutsy! My battery autonomy is reduced at 1h20 with Ubuntu but with Windows XP it lasts 3h. I can't install the 'acpi-cpufreq' module not even the 'ACPI P-state driver' module. Can someone help me to know what is happening to me?00:20
Hit3kkatakaio, its a blank page witha configuration thing on it00:20
scguy318Ubuntubruger8: cool I guess :)00:20
katakaioHit3k: Yup. Check back in a day or two, when they'll post the fix00:20
dmVajayjay: What player do you use?00:20
buggeredfstabI lost the top of my menus, how do I get that back?00:21
Hit3kthanks katakaio00:21
katakaioI wish I had better news00:21
Zoowols_: root (hd0,0) for windows?00:22
Ubuntubruger8scguy: I know it doesnt work with the flashplugin-nonfree package - but if you download and install manually theres no problem00:22
wols_Zoo: yes00:22
scguy318Ubuntubruger8: yeah, thats correct00:22
Zoowols_: thanks, one more question, where is grub supposed to be writtin, ubuntu partition or windows?00:22
wols_Zoo: which of your many partitions has a c:\NTLDR file (hidden)? that's the windows boot drive00:22
Hit3kkatakaio, what if I ran itunes under wine? would that make a difference?00:23
wols_Zoo: neither. MBR00:23
wols_Zoo: with stage 1.5 and stage files in /boot/grub/ where menu.lst is too00:23
Shadow147Zoo wols_ is right grub installed itself on the MBR00:23
ZooShadow147: k00:23
bewstI need to shrink a JFS filesystem (offline); can I use rsync to back it up, create a smaller one in its place, and rsync the data back?00:23
Zoowols_: ther is no ntldr file00:23
wols_Zoo: vista or xp?00:24
ZooShadow147: my partitions are just ubuntu, swap, music, and windows xp00:24
katakaioHit3k: I've never tried it - I would avoid it on principle because I'm a linux snob 8-)00:24
Zoowols_: my partitions are just ubuntu, swap, music, and windows xp00:24
Shadow147Zoo wols_ is thinking of the boot.ini?00:24
wols_Zoo: you have at least 2 FAT partitions. and without a hidden NTLDR file somewhere, windows cannot boot00:24
Ubuntubruger8scguy: ok thanks for helping me to understand...00:24
Hit3kkatakaio, so was I.00:24
Shadow147Zoo I would get another hard drive and make that ubuntu's home00:25
Zoowols_: Ehm, I dont know where the second one came from, my music partition is only fat3200:25
ZooShadow147: Its a laptop, wish I could00:25
Shadow147Zoo hmm00:26
wols_Zoo: your partitioning is VERY broken00:26
wols_Zoo: my error. sorry00:26
wols_Zoo: sda1 is an extended aprtition00:26
wols_Zoo: but on some partition on your disk there is a ntlodr. either there is one or windows can't boot. check all partitions00:27
rencore_i cant get it right00:27
wols_there also is a boot.ini, also hidden00:27
Zoowols_: Eh, I just deleted xp partition and re-installed it, it would boot xp but no grub, couldnt get into ubuntu, used live cd to restore grub, rebooted, grub was there now, xp showed in grub, but cant boot to it00:27
rredd4what i mount command for sd ram, usb, vfat?00:27
Zoowols_: let me double check for that file00:28
kyu_fluxdoes anyone know if is deluge on any ubuntu repositories?00:28
kyu_fluxdeluge for amd6400:28
battousai_is there anyone who can help me with the acpi?00:28
jangariZoo: have you edited the menu.lst?00:28
wols_rredd4: mount command for sd ram?00:29
scguy318kyu_flux: should be in universe00:29
Zoojangari: I tried changing root (hd0, #) to see if it would work, but thats all00:29
katakaiokyu_flux: What repositories do you have enabled?00:29
wols_rredd4: sdram is your main memory....00:29
scguy318!info deluge-torrent | kyu_flux00:29
ubotukyu_flux: deluge-torrent: A Bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 3059 kB, installed size 10740 kB00:29
jangariwhat does it show? error 17?00:29
wols_rredd4: and usb sticks are mounted by default usually00:29
kyu_fluxah, my mistake - deluge-torrent, not deluge00:29
rredd4mount -t vfat rredd4?00:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oss - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:29
Zoowols_: found it00:29
kyu_fluxubuntuforums.org mislead me - thanks everyone00:29
wols_Zoo: which partition?00:30
Zoowols_: its in my music partition00:30
katakaiokyu_flux: No problem - I always make that kind of mistake00:30
rredd4wols not internal mem, external sd card from camera00:30
wols_thought so. windows wants primary partitions for loading if at all posible. it's a stupid OS00:30
Zoowols_: so hd0, 2 ?00:30
wols_rredd4: sd cards are not ram, but same as for usb sticks apply00:30
wols_Zoo: 0,300:30
jangarishould be hd0,2 aye?00:31
wols_music is sdad00:31
Zoooh right00:31
jangarioh, pardon, sda4=hd0,3, right00:31
Zoojangari:, wols thanks for helping. gonna set it to 3 and try00:31
rredd4wols_   command is?00:31
jangarijust change it in the grub menu, see if it boots then00:31
jangariif it works, then change it in the menu.lst00:32
wols_rredd4: none since it should be mounted automatically00:32
jangarihad this problem yesterday, it's still fresh in my head00:32
wols_rredd4: provided ubuntu recognizes your card reader00:32
rredd4wols_  in gnome it mounts auto, but not in kde00:32
infblissif there are any developers here, please take note that the Hibernate/Suspend feature of Ubuntu does not work with Dell Vostro line of laptops00:34
tntcodahi, how big is a base ubuntu install?00:34
MikeHHi guys, I had flashplugin working fine under firefox00:36
LjLtntcoda: about 2-3 gigs00:36
JamesinatorI'm trying to get Ubuntu running on a new Dell Dimension 4500 desktop, but running out-of-the-box Ubuntu finishes the graphical loadscreen, but then X/GDM fail to start and my monitor displays "out of range"00:36
MikeHI them removed it and reinstalled as fullscreen in flash wasn't working.00:36
MikeHNow trying to reinstall I just get "flash plugin is NOT installed" at the end of the install/configuration of the package?00:36
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
LjLinfbliss: nobody will hear you here. file a bug if you can get some more precise information about the issue.00:37
LjL!bugs > infbliss    (infbliss, see the private message from Ubotu)00:37
rkjHi, I'd like to download and install RealPlayer as a plugin for Firefox in Feisty 7.04.  There does not seem to be a package in Synaptic Pkg Mgr but there's a Linux download at the RealPlayer site (http://www.real.com/linux/?rppr=rnwk&src=040104freeplayer).  The download file is called RealPlayer10GOLD.bin. How do I install this and what's the chance that all my audio applications will stop working if I do?!00:37
LjL!real > rkj    (rkj, see the private message from Ubotu)00:37
Slartrkj: realplayer isn't that bad on linux.. not like the windows version00:38
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:38
rredd4rkj the install instructions should be on the real web site00:38
dmI have installed the packages linux-headers and linux-source. The module's sources are in /usr/source/modules. Any idea what could be the problem here ("linux/config.h: No such file or directory")?00:38
Aztec007LjL: actually I'd like to know how to install Real player too00:38
Slartthere are instructions on the site00:38
Aztec007I'll look it up00:39
SlartI don't even think you have to compile anything.. but it was a long time since I did it00:39
pvl1hey is there a combination of keys to drag my virtual screen?00:39
`MatirDoes anyone know how to set up dual-head with the binary NVidia driver?  xrandr only shows one output available.00:39
rkjLjL, Slart, rredd4, thanks for the quick answer! Guess I'll take a chance.00:39
GMoohowdy peoples00:39
Slartyou're welcome, rkj00:40
GMoookay questiona bout audacious00:40
LjLrkj, Aztec007: i think the best route in Gutsy would probably be getting the .deb that's on the wiki page00:40
GMooi go to add my files over the network and i get the error 'unable to play files / the following files could not be played. please check that: / 1. they are acessible / 2. you have enabled the media plugins required."00:40
LjLi think the w32codecs will play many Real files without real player itself, anyway00:40
fatsheepIs there a way to get java plugin to work with 64-bit firefox?00:41
mrbrdoi've got a problem using Wondershaper00:41
GMoookay - i'm using audacious -- i go to add my files over the network and i get the error 'unable to play files / the following files could not be played. please check that: / 1. they are acessible / 2. you have enabled the media plugins required."00:41
mrbrdoi get Illegal "rate" when i run sudo wondershaper eth2 downspeed upspeed00:41
Ubuntubruger7PLEASE HELP: I get following error in the terminal: ln: target '/usr/local/firefox32/plugins/' is not a directory: No such file or directory00:41
=== weltall is now known as mambo
mrbrdooh nvm i guess i have to use the numbers there :P00:42
Jamesinator!nvidia > Jamesinator00:42
Ubuntubruger7How do I create the folder ?00:42
Aztec007Ubuntu (gutsy) has this cool feature in which you set certain "hot spots" so that when your move your mouse pointer over it, it zooms out so that you can see all your open applications on your desktop, anybody know how I can install and set this up?00:42
=== mambo is now known as weltall
GMoookay - i'm using audacious -- i go to add my files over the network and i get the error 'unable to play files / the following files could not be played. please check that: / 1. they are acessible / 2. you have enabled the media plugins required."00:42
JonaThUbuntubruger7: mkdir00:43
Ubuntubruger7Aztec: Super-E00:43
danzigruleswireless hates me00:43
Ubuntubruger7JonaTh: Thanks00:43
Aztec007Ubuntubruger7: cool, I'll look for it, thanks :)00:43
SlartAztec007: it's in compiz.. install the compizconfig-settings-manager to change it..00:43
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion00:43
Ubuntubruger7Aztec... you allready have it...00:44
GMoookay - i'm using audacious -- i go to add my files over the network and i get the error 'unable to play files / the following files could not be played. please check that: / 1. they are acessible / 2. you have enabled the media plugins required."00:44
Ubuntubruger7Just hold superbutton and press E00:44
pvl1are there keys to drag a virtual screen?00:44
Aztec007Ubuntubruger7: which is the "super button?00:44
Slarthmm.. superbutton+E doesn't work for me.. guess I changed it at some point00:44
Ubuntubruger7windows button..00:45
rkjThe install instructions on the Real website are pretty lean.  The download file is called RealPlayer10GOLD.bin.  Do you suppose that is an executable file?00:45
Slartrkj: yes00:45
Aztec007Ubuntubruger7:  WHOA!00:45
brophathow do I check if my kernel has device mapper and dm-crypt suport?00:45
Ubuntubruger7Aztec: It works?00:45
=== Sithis is now known as Eisbar
MudbugIs there an Internet Radio Program for Ubuntu?00:46
fatsheepjava plugin for 64-bit firefox anyone?00:46
Slartfatsheep: don't think there is one..00:46
Aztec007Ubuntubruger7: yes it does, its not exactly what I was talking about but this is actually cool too--what I was talking about was this feature in which your run your mouse to the corner of the screen and zooms out to see all your MINIMIZED apps00:47
Aztec007I'm gonna see what compiz-manager I've got00:47
pyrakso i just loaded ubuntu onto a new tower... i installed the command line version... plugged the tower into my router, but i'm having trouble pinging it.  any ideas?00:48
brophathow do I check if my kernel has device mapper and dm-crypt support?00:48
pyrak(i actually know little about the ubuntu command line and networking in general)00:48
Ubuntubruger7aztez... never seen it... do you have a link?00:48
Slartpyrak: afaik a fresh install answers to ping if the network if up and running00:48
JamesinatorI'm trying to get Ubuntu running on a new Dell Dimension 4500 desktop, but running out-of-the-box Ubuntu finishes the graphical loadscreen, but then X/GDM fail to start and my monitor displays "out of range"00:49
SlartAztec007: haven't seen anything that shows your minimized apps.. I'm not sure they are even rendered..00:49
pyrakSlart, is it possible that i'm missing a driver for the ethernet port?00:49
AllenwrHow would I access and change my xorg.conf on my HDD from the Live CD?00:49
GMoohey question: how do i mount something to my desktop. what is the address ?00:49
Slartpyrak: it's possible.. but it doubt it.. unless it's some kind of weird new network card00:50
Shadow147GMoo what are you trying to mount?00:50
SlartGMoo: mount something to your desktop?.. try explaining again00:50
GMoowell --- i cannot play music over the network so i'm mounting the network drive there?00:50
GMooFor playing media files on shares, you'd be best to mount the samba shares properly rather than just view them through a browser.00:50
pyrakSlart, it's one of those new everx gpc00:50
GMoosudo mount -t smbfs -o username=***,password=*** //path/to/share /mount/point00:50
GMoonow what do i use for /mont/point00:51
pyrakSlart, how do i structure a ping command so that it doesn't go on forever?00:51
GMooto put it on my desktop[00:51
SlartGMoo: NOT your desktop.. that's for sure.. some folder in /media is the usual00:51
GMoothat sounds good. sladen00:51
GMoothat sounds good slart00:51
GMoohow do i do that00:51
GMoojust /media00:51
MudbugIs there an Internet Radio Program for Ubuntu, Anyone?00:51
lacko_hi all00:51
Slartpyrak: you can see if your network is up.. do you have a terminal running on the computer?00:52
Shadow147!internet radio00:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about internet radio - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:52
Shadow147!find internet radio00:52
ubotuFound: junior-internet00:52
GMoocan someone help me out?00:52
GMoosomeone was helping me out00:52
SlartGMoo: create a folder in /media.. for example /media/mymusic .. and use that as mountpoint00:52
=== Eisbar is now known as Vaut|Test
GMoowhere did you go, slart ?00:52
GMoookay ty00:52
GMooso the mount point would be /media/mymusic00:52
SlartGMoo: yes00:53
Shadow147MudBug | !find internet radio00:53
=== Vaut|Test is now known as Fenrir
GMoo there is a folder called /music00:53
=== Fenrir is now known as Fenrir_Logging
rodolfosomeone please do me a favor: paste the content of your /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ as 'text only' and give me the url...00:53
SlartShadow147: internet radio can mean a lot of things.. anything in particular? shoutcast?00:53
=== Fenrir_Logging is now known as Surtr_logging
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic00:53
Mudbugthanks people00:54
=== Surtr_logging is now known as Eisbar
GMooslart: coudl not resolve mount point /music/FreeAgent00:54
pyrakSlart, yeah, i have a terminal up on the machine00:54
peekshi all, does anyone have any idea why my toolbars look like this at times? http://imageupload.com/out.php/i57984_Screenshot.jpg00:54
pyrakin fact, it's a command-line-only instawl00:54
=== Eisbar is now known as Fenrir
=== Fenrir is now known as Fenrir_Logging
SlartGMoo: you made a typo or something.. check the howto carefully and try again00:55
Slartpyrak: ok.. ifconfig shows you an ip?00:55
=== Fenrir_Logging is now known as Vautaut
Ubuntubruger7I need help with the command: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/ia32-java-6-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so /usr/local/firefox32/plugins/  ----- I keep getting the error ln: target '/usr/local/firefox32/plugins/' is not a directory: No such file or directory ?????00:56
GMooi don't know about that slart00:56
Ubuntubruger7How do I solve?00:56
pyrakSlart, under inet addr, yes00:56
=== YanchoAWY is now known as Yancho
Shadow147GMoo if the folder has a space example Free Agent then it would me /music/Free\ Agent00:57
ufarooqhey everyone, i need some help, im on ubuntu gutsy using desktop effects, when i go to the expose feature, or go to the desktop cube, only the desktop that im working on shows its windows, the other desktops are shown, but the windows on them are not, anyone know how i can fix this?00:57
Slartpyrak: ok.. 192.168.0.something?00:57
pyrakSlart, yes00:57
Slartufarooq: try #compiz-fusion.. they are the bling experts00:57
Slartpyrak: ok.. is there a "UP" in that output too?00:57
GMooyeah shadow there is no space00:58
GMooi'm not making no goddamn typo00:58
GMoookay now look00:58
Ubuntubruger7I need help with the command: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/ia32-java-6-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so /usr/local/firefox32/plugins/  ----- I keep getting the error ln: target '/usr/local/firefox32/plugins/' is not a directory: No such file or directory ?????00:58
pyrakSlart, UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:.....00:58
GMooi see in explorer music folder at the bottom00:58
GMoois there any other place ic an try mounting00:58
=== Vautaut is now known as Vaut|testagain
Slartpyrak: ah.. sorry.. my bad.. the loopback interface is just a connection to your own computer.. no eth0? eth1?00:58
pyrakLink encap: Local Loopback00:59
pyrakSlart ^00:59
vimmhi guys. i upgraded feisty to gutsy with aptitude dist-upgrade instead of do-relase-upgrade00:59
=== Vaut|testagain is now known as Sithis
GMooslart: is there any other place i can try mounting00:59
Megaqwertyvimm: so you had to edit your sources.list...right?00:59
vimmyes right00:59
Ubuntubruger7Can anybody help with the java installation?01:00
Ubuntnoobdoes anyone have frets on fire for linux?01:00
vimmbut now my system doesnt boot correctly01:00
Ubuntnoobevery time i run it it just exits itself out01:00
vimmseems like scripts under rcS.d arent loaded01:00
tomvolek_hi all, merry xmass,  I am new to Ubuntu, I have a partition mounted as /share to hold my data ..it shows mounted with following values... UUID=45AE-4F48  /share        vfat    defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       101:00
pyrakSlart, yeah, the only "heading" i have is "lo"01:00
Ubuntnoobi cant use wine either01:00
Slartpyrak: ok... then your network card isn't running01:00
vimmi read that ini is replaced by upstart... maybe not all is upgraded correctly?01:00
tomvolek_it shows teh file group as plugdev...    what is that ?01:00
pyrakSlart, awesome, so how do i make it run :/01:00
tomvolek_since i am the only person on this host, does it hurt to set the umask to 00001:01
vimmanything i can do to get upstart working correctly? :)01:01
Yanchowill ubuntu support a p2 (333 mhz) 128mb ram laptop ?01:01
Ubuntnoobis there a way to do private chat?01:01
=== Ubuntnoob is now known as Tetrafish
TetrafishOh, before i forget01:02
TetrafishMerry Christmas01:02
brophatwhen I get a .deb package how do I install it?01:02
vimmdpkg -i <pkg>01:02
Tetrafishit will auto install using the packet manager01:02
Megaqwertybrophat: double-click it if you're in a gui01:02
brophatok so I don't have to put it into a particular folder?01:03
Megaqwertybrophat: it should start up gdebi-gtk which will give you a graphical installer for the deb01:03
Slartpyrak: I'll brb.. got to try something01:03
pyraksomeone help me turn on my ethernet card from terminal?01:03
Tetrafishcould someone help me out with my frets on fire game?01:03
Megaqwertypyrak: sudo ifconfig eth0 up01:03
Tetrafishwhen i play it, it will only get to where i select thesong01:03
jimmygoonWhat would be the best way to flash a pic controller from linux?01:03
Tetrafishthen it closes out01:03
Tetrafishi have the latest card drivers01:04
MegaqwertyTetrafish: run it from a terminal, and examine the output. That will give you a good idea of what's wrong01:04
pyrakMegaqwerty, ERROR while .. : no such device01:04
Megaqwertypyrak: try eth101:04
Slartpyrak: "dmesg | grep -i ethernet"  ... does that produce any output?01:04
brophatit told me same version is available in a software channel; what does that mean?01:05
vimmsemms like none can help, damn01:05
Megaqwertybrophat: that the same version is available in the Ubuntu repositories01:05
GMoowhere can i mount this01:05
Tetrafishcan anyone help with my frets on fire game?01:05
Megaqwertybrophat: you should install it from there, as they are usually of a higher quality than unofficial ones01:05
Tetrafishit wont load to the point where i can play, it just exits itself out01:06
pyrakSlart, yes01:06
brophatMegaqwerty but i was downloading it from packages.ubuntu.com01:06
pyrakSlart, 2 drivers01:06
GMoopyrak, just give me some place to mouunt it.. /music isn't working01:06
Slartpyrak: many lines?01:06
Megaqwertybrophat: oh, then just ignore it and go ahead and install01:06
tomvolek_what is group name plugdev for ?01:06
Slartpyrak: paste one of the lines here, please01:06
pyrakSlart, [  25.690398] 10/100 PCI Ethernet driver v1.3 (date)01:07
pyrak(Mar 22, 2004)01:07
Slartpyrak: ok.. looks like it found the network card after all...01:07
Slartpyrak: the other line is the same?01:07
pyrakSlart, nope01:08
Slartok..paste it too then01:08
pyrak8239too Fast Ethernet driver 0.9.2801:08
pyrak(i forgot that second numberey part in the earlier one)01:08
ketroxj #ubuntu+101:08
robdigtomvolek_: Every user who is a member of this group can access hotpluggable devices (digital cameras, USB drives etc.)01:09
Slartso, two network cards and still no network interfaces.. ok.. next thing "cat /etc/network/interfaces"01:09
Slartpyrak ^ ^^01:09
tomvolek_robdig.. i mounted a parition wich hold data, i noticed it is group owner plugdev01:10
tomvolek_robdig..   UUID=45AE-4F48  /share          vfat    defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       101:10
=== bthomson is now known as simtower
pyrakSlart, got it01:10
Slartpyrak: how many lines?01:10
pyrakSlart, looks like it's just showing the "lo"01:10
Tetrafishwho is experienced with ubuntu?01:10
robdigtomvolek_: is it a usb drive?01:11
azazel6667 hiya, having flash plugin dramas, md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz, The Flash plugin is NOT installed01:11
tumbleweed__ubuntu is too big to be good with it01:11
E-muIs there a all in one package for installing transcode, vcdxbuild, vcdxminfo and vcdxrip? THese are the missing programs in k3b?01:11
Tetrafishi had to switch because my dell cd said i did not have dell computer when i tried to run it on my dell computer01:11
pyrakSlart, # the loopback network interface // auto lo // iface lo inet loopback01:11
tomvolek_its an IDE drive... with several patitions... one parition is data... the other one is Ubuntu01:11
pyrakSlart, and a couple comments at the very top of the file01:11
tomvolek_and it shows owner is root01:11
Slartpyrak: normally you put your network interfaces here..  there should be a couple more lines for eth0, eth1 etc01:12
robdig!flash | azazel666701:12
ubotuazazel6667: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:12
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.01:12
Slartpyrak: I'm not sure you can just add those lines.. might be more to it01:12
pyrakSlart, yeah, i'd imagine...01:12
pyrakSlart, when i installed ubuntu, i chose not to configure the internet part01:12
pyrakSlart, 'cus it wasn't plugged into the network01:12
tomvolek_however  i am loged in as tom all the time.01:12
Slartpyrak: oh.. wonder if that would be what's missing..01:12
pyrakSlart, so i wonder if there's a way that i can elect to go through that configuration step now?01:12
Slartpyrak: try this.. "sudo  dpkg-reconfigure network-manager"01:13
azazel6667robdig: thanks, I should've googled before coming in here, whoops :-)01:13
DILHi all, I am try to learn the use FTP on my home network.  Is it possible to do this or is only with an "officail" website01:14
JamesinatorI'm trying to get Ubuntu running on a new Dell Dimension 4500 desktop, but running out-of-the-box Ubuntu finishes the graphical loadscreen, but then X/GDM fail to start and my monitor displays "out of range"01:14
SlartDIL: you can do it at home.. it might take some configuring to get it set up.. but it's doable01:15
pyrakSlart, it says i don't have network-manager... so i'll apt-get install it01:15
katakaioJamesinator: Have you tried installing in safe graphics mode?01:15
Slartpyrak: try network-manager-gnome instead01:15
=== adante_ is now known as adante
Toxichallo an ale01:15
robdigtomvolek_: hmm...you can change the user and group who owns the filesystem after it is mounted...see the mount command and go down to the section for your filesystem type. once you have it, then you can adjust the options with /etc/fstab01:15
gluttony /server irc.irchighway.net01:15
pyrakSlart, i didn't install a GUI01:16
Toxickann hie rjmd. deutsch sprechen ?01:16
Slartpyrak: bah.. nevermind.. forgot01:16
DILSlart, would put the ip address of my target computer or the name, is it possible to walk me through01:16
Aztec007are there any apps out there for ubuntu so that I can make a back up of my current system configuration that way if I install something that breaks something, that I can sort set a "system restore point" ?01:16
pyrakSlart, :P01:16
SlartDIL: you can use the ip-address to connect to it.. but you have to setup a ftp-server first01:17
Toxiccan anybody help me with open Suse 10.3 Installation ?01:17
pyrakSlart, woo! now i have an eth0!01:17
SlartDIL: unfortunately I can't walk you through it01:17
E-muanyone know if there is an all in one package for the missing programs "vcdxbuild, vcdxminof and vcdxrip"01:17
tomvolek_right robdig....  i just did not know what was plugdev for .. ts root owned.. but my regular user is "tom" and belongs to group plugdev .. so it seems like i can write to the partition01:17
E-mufor k3b01:17
Slartpyrak: you do? .. but.. you didn't do anything?01:17
DILthat ok you gave me a start01:17
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd01:17
robdigtomvolek_: cool,01:17
ubotuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP01:17
pyrakSlart, i apt-get installed network-manager01:17
Slartpyrak: ahh.. sweet01:18
rodolfonickrud: are you there?01:18
Slartpyrak: try ifconfig then..01:18
pyrakSlart, still can't seem to ping it...01:18
Slartpyrak: do you have an ip-number?01:18
pyrakSlart, did, that's where i01:18
pyrak'm now seeing eth001:18
gumpishIs there a way to specify a particular cirectory within a tarball that you want to extract? (The man page has virtually no examples...)01:18
Slartpyrak: 192.168.0. something?01:18
Slartpyrak: and you can't ping that number from another computer on the network?01:19
=== thai is now known as keng
rodolfonickrud: i have good news:  i just used apt-get remove --purge compizconfig-settings-manager and installed the one i downloaded (that deb file) and it worked.01:19
pyrakSlart, oh, yeah, i can01:19
Slartpyrak: ok.. what kind of ping was it that didn't work?01:19
pyrakSlart, can't ping it by name01:19
pyrakSlart, but maybe that01:20
Slartpyrak: ah.. so it's a dns problem now =)01:20
pyrak's not supposed to work :/01:20
pyrakSlart, hmmmmm01:20
pyrakSlart, well, can i at least ssh into it now?01:20
Slartpyrak: can you ping ?01:20
Slartpyrak: you should be able to.. if you setup ssh01:20
pyrakSlart, how do i structure that ping command so that it won't go on forever?01:20
Slartpyrak: there's a switch.. I don't remember01:20
Slartpyrak: I use ctrl+c to abort it01:21
pyrakSlart, that'll work from a command-line only machine?01:21
Slartpyrak: yes01:21
Slartpyrak: could you ping that ip-number? (it's one of google's ips)01:22
pyrakSlart, yes, i was able to ping it01:22
ubunturemasterisation  on virtual machine i  hav  lost  my   config   it's   normal?? someone try?01:22
Slartpyrak: ok.. then you've got the basic networking stuff up and running.. you still can't ping www.google.com, right?01:22
pyrakSlart, yes, i can01:23
Slartpyrak: oh... then dns is working too.. nice01:23
Slartpyrak: then I think we're done.. or?01:23
pyrakSlart, nice... so can i ping the compy i was just working on from this machine without it's ip?01:23
pyrakie, by name?01:23
Slartpyrak: perhaps.. I don't know how much that new network manager thingy does.. avahi01:24
pyrakslart, well, thanks for all of your help!01:24
Slartyou're welcome01:24
Slartnow I'm off to bed.. good night01:25
pyrakSlart, night01:25
rodolfonickrud and Jack_Sparrow: well, thank you for your support; i appreciate that =) c ya and merry Christmas!01:26
tyronehi can someone guide me to be able to dual boot I already have ubuntu installed and I want to install windows xp01:26
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:28
Jack_Sparrowrodpod: np01:28
=== lumpy is now known as Lump|AFK
ubotuInformation about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub01:28
Jack_SparrowI am looking for someone that has a running copy of urban assault///01:28
CaphiSo, I have an odd problem. I'm trying to install MS core fonts into Wine. When I try to execute, it says it went off successfully, but there's no change in the fonts folder and my programs still fail.01:29
=== Lump|AFK is now known as zzZlumpZzz
Jack_SparrowCancel that.. It is called Urban Terror01:29
Jack_SparrowCaphi: How are you installing them..01:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msttcorefonts - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:30
Jack_Sparrow!find corefonts01:30
ubotuFound: msttcorefonts01:30
CaphiI run them through wine. I've tried both through the GUI and with command line.01:30
billyocvga=791 no worky?01:30
Jack_Sparrowapt-get install msttcorefonts01:30
CaphiIt says "already the newest version"01:31
CaphiI'm trying to get them into Wine01:31
ruefraghey all01:32
Jack_SparrowCaphi: Sorry I dont do wine... anything...  but I dont think that is the purpose of that file01:32
ikoniaCaphi: if it's already at the newest version, your running the latest version ubuntu has packaged up01:32
Jack_SparrowHI ikonia01:33
Jack_SparrowCaphi: Ask that question in #winehq01:33
CaphiOkay, thanks.01:33
fabio_Any one have the pakage of kiba-dock .deb????01:36
fabio_Any one have the pakage of kiba-dock .deb????01:36
brophathow do I Check kernel for support for the aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 cipher spec01:36
ikoniabrophat: modprobe it01:36
tyroneis it possible to dual boot windows xp with ubuntu installed first??01:36
ikoniabrophat: the kernel cihper support is built in as modules01:36
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:36
ikoniatyrone: it is, sure, but it's more effort01:36
brophatmodeprobe aes-cbc-essiv:sha256  ??01:37
tyroneikonia: can you guide me through it?01:37
tyroneikonia, or is there a web site that can help  me , i can't find any of them01:37
fabio_Any one have the pakage of kiba-dock .deb????01:38
SamsLembasHello- Just wondering if anyone could help out with my rather odd problem explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64992901:38
verb3ktyrone, I guess you have to make a partition for xp first with FAT32 or NTFS01:38
verb3ktyrone, then install XP on it ( careful not to install it on the ubuntu partition)01:39
fabio_Any one have the pakage of kiba-dock .deb????01:39
tyroneverb3k, i already have the partition but the windows installation crashes at the hardware recognition01:40
verb3ktyrone, after that you use the ubuntu LiveCD to install GRUB again01:40
fabio_Any one have the pakage of kiba-dock .deb????01:40
verb3ktyrone, hmm....sorry, but I am no windows expert01:40
tyroneverb3k, i think it does not recognize my partitions01:40
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
fabio_Any one have the pakage of kiba-dock .deb????01:41
fabio_to send me?01:41
verb3kfabio_,  this is useful http://www.google.com/search?q=kiba+dock&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a01:41
GMooi need to mount a shared file to my music folder HOW DO I DO THAT01:41
tyronefabio_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26864501:42
verb3kfabio_, always use google, it's your friend :)01:42
fabio_verb3k no its not01:43
verb3kfabio_, really?01:43
ScottGfabio_ sounds a little angry01:44
ankan_guys...why the pdf document screws up when I try to copy from an Ubuntu machine to a Win2000 machine?01:44
fabio_verb3k: i search in google of curse  but i cant find the .deb pakage01:44
verb3kfabio_, you can find the ubuntu forums in the search results01:45
brophataes-cbc-essiv:sha256 module is not loaded in my kernel; how do I get it there?01:45
yndisi have a soundcard called '82801H' but i dont get any sound, and i cant find any drivers :P01:45
KiD_ChAoSyndis, that's intel01:46
SamsLembasAnyone have any idea what is going on with my problem outlined here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=649929 ? I have no clue what is going on....01:46
yndisi forums with other people saying it doesnt work with them either.. i dont know what to do01:46
yndisyes KiD_ChAoS, is that a problem?01:46
ChuckRepartitioning (my first question on IRC): I want to change my swap partition from one drive to another.  I've created the new partition, but how do I tell Ubuntu to use the new partition.  My guess is that it is still using the old partition.01:46
kingletwho know a software same Frontpage in windows but for Ubuntu Linux?01:47
snadgewhich package is responsible for crash detection in gnome/ubuntu.. eg, what makes the window fade to black, and the force quit (non responsive task) dialog to be displayed?01:47
SamsLembasChuck- I am pretty sure it will use any and all swap partitions found on startup. Perhaps someone else can tell you how to check and make sure though.....01:47
Glamright now i'm preparing my partions, what should the mount point be called?01:48
Shadow147kinglet | !find screem01:48
Glamshould it be /01:48
Glamor /boot or /home01:48
kyu_fluxi'm sure you guys have seen this before - disable OSD for gnome volume control?01:48
ankan_neone know..why the pdf document screws up when I try to copy from an Ubuntu machine to a Win2000 machine?01:48
GMooi get the error "could not resolve mount point"01:48
GMoocan somoen ehelp me out with that01:48
kingletShadow147: screem? is it a html editor? right?01:48
GlamGMoo you need to change your mount point01:48
Glambut i'm not sure what do you need to change it to, that's my question01:49
shamelesscan anyone think of why xchat would be totally maximized (as in covers both bottom and top toolbars and title bar is inaccessible) and commands for window control wouldn't work?01:49
tim167hi, how do i transcode *.vob > *.avi ?01:49
ruefragI get locked out when I installed ubuntu, what should I do?  don't know what to do...01:49
GMootalk to me01:49
GMooi need to know how to mount something on ubuntu01:49
crdlbshameless: sounds like it's gone fullscreen01:49
SamsLembasRuefrag- What do you mean by "locked out"?01:49
GMoo sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=gmoonit,password=greg1987 //hammy/FreeAgent/ /desktop/FreeAgent01:49
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter01:49
GMooson of a bitch01:50
kingletShadow147: screem? is it a html editor? right?01:50
shamelesscrdlb: ctrl f5 won't get it out tho01:50
GMooty mastershrek01:50
shamelessalt, rather01:50
akosHello there, and Merry Christmas to all! Can anyone of you please help me out, I can't get my Asus F3SV bult-in card reader (RICOH) to work... lspci lists the device, but nothing happens if I insert a card... Do I have to manually mount the disk, or am  I missing sthg? (Maybe any packages I should install)01:50
snadgeis it compiz that does crashed/nonresponsive application detection?01:50
kingletwho know a software same Frontpage in windows but for Ubuntu Linux?01:50
Glamdo you really need a swap partition?01:50
crdlbshameless: are you using compiz (or were at any point)?01:50
apocalyptiis there a way to have the multiple desktops each have a different wallpaper?01:51
ltcolonelakos - try installing usbmount.01:51
shamelessyeah, i am, i switched to something to try to get xsnow to work, but switched back, and that's when it started, i can't figure out how to fix it tho01:51
tim167kinglet KompoZer is the closest I know...not that I know frontpage tho...01:51
bastid_raZorGlam: technically no, but on the install ubuntu makes you put one yes.01:51
ChuckGlam, I think you need either a swap partition, or a swap file.01:51
Shadow147kinglet | !find Screem01:51
akosltcolonel, installing...01:51
Glamooh ok01:51
kingletShadow147: screem? is it a html editor? right?01:52
Shadow147!find Screem01:52
ubotuFound: screem01:52
crdlbshameless: yeah metacity is making the window go fullscreen because it thinks it's a legacy fullscreen app01:52
akosltcolonel, any services to restart?01:52
tim167anyone has advice on trancodeing vob to avi ? thanks01:52
Shadow147kinglet yes it is01:52
kinglettim167: is it a html editor?01:52
crdlbthere's a gconf key in /apps/metacity to turn off that feature01:52
shamelesscrdlb: any idea how to fix that?01:52
ltcolonelkinglet - bluefish is a cool html editor.01:52
kingletShadow147: tnx dude01:52
shamelessah, beat me to it01:52
ChuckI have run QTParted, but it only tells me about partitions on removeable disks, not on my hard drives.01:52
Shadow147kinglet np01:52
tim167kinglet yes, pretty much wysiwyg, i like it01:52
bastid_raZortim167:: handbrake01:52
kingletltcolonel: for Gnome bluefish is better?01:52
eyyYoHello! :) Im currently using two screens on my Ubuntu computer. One normal desktop screen, and a lcd tv (connected with VGA cable) that mirrors the desktop. The problem is that the max resolution for the lcd tv is around 1280x768, and im normally using 1440x900 for my computer screen. Is there a way to have different resolutions for different mirrored screens?01:52
Glamwhat should the main mount point be called?01:52
Glam/boot or /home01:53
shamelesscrdlb: thanks for the help01:53
crdlbshameless: compiz supports setting a toggle fullscreen key (in the extra wm actions plugin), which I use to fix it01:53
ltcolonelkinglet - i like it yes.01:53
Glami'm dual booting if it makes any difference01:53
eyyYoWhen im trying to have side by side view, Ubuntu just gets messed up.01:53
tim167bastid_raZor is that in the repositories, and is it a commandline tool ?01:53
kingletltcolonel: tnQ so much dude01:53
ltcolonelkinglet - welcome01:53
bastid_raZorGlam:: / is the file system /home is your files and /swap is swap01:53
ubuntucan anyone help me with mounting a fakeraid array of drives.  i need fakeraid because there is already data on the drive that i want to be able to access from a former windows install and i'm having trouble mounting them01:53
bastid_raZortim167:: it is an app that you have to download. is not in the repo's .. and yes it is a CL tool01:54
SamsLembasAnyone have any ideas of what might be going on with my problem mentioned in the followling forums post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64992901:54
akosltcolonel, nothing...  I also tried restarting udev and hal, but nothing happens... not even a message in dmesg, when I insert my memory stick... It's working under windows though, so no hardware malfunction01:54
tim167bastid_raZor, cool I'm gonna check it out, thanks01:54
bastid_raZortim167:: i use it on occasion. works very well for me.01:55
ltcolonelakos- try re-starting X, it should auto-mount usb devices.01:55
tim167bastid_raZor i was trying with dvd-rip but for some reason it wont transcode the files, it starts but it results in an avi file of 4kb01:56
LHoTHello, how can I add an application to the drop-down menu?01:56
IndyGunFreaktim167: personally, i like acidrip01:56
shameless crdlb: found it, thanks again01:56
IndyGunFreaki find it better/easier to use than dvdrip01:56
bastid_raZortim167:: i've never used dvd-rip.. i'01:56
akosltcolonel, nope01:56
bastid_raZortim167:: i've heard good tings about acidrip also.. may want to toy around with either or01:57
apocalyptiLHoT: system -> preferences -> main menu01:57
tim167IndyGunFreak, ah another one to try then, nice, the freedom of choice :)01:57
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs01:57
ltcolonelakos- odd, last resort, reboot the box.01:57
akosltcolonel, okay, but shouldn't dmesg display some msgs on card insertion?01:57
mattycozehey guys doees anyone know whether theres a channel that discusses things about SuSE linux?01:58
FezzlerHow can I find info on my serial ports?  If USB is ttyUSB0, what would Com1 be called?01:58
bastid_raZorworkTime for me.01:58
sparrFezzler: ttys001:58
ubuntuakos my guess would be problem with the usb port itself in linux if dmesg isn't showing anything when you plug into it01:58
akosubuntu, it's a built-in reader01:58
Jack_SparrowFezzler: Find the modem by going to a terminal and typing dmesg | grep ttyS01:58
Fezzlerakos: what you trying to do?01:58
akosubuntu, like in a laptop01:59
ubuntuakos i see01:59
akosFezzler, trying to get my ricoh card reader to woek01:59
akosFezzler, *work01:59
Glami got an error when i tried to make a new partition01:59
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akosalso, it *IS* working under windows, so it must be some software not correctly configured / instlalled01:59
MasterShrekGlam, sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda401:59
Glami type that in the terminal right?02:00
MasterShrekGlam, of course thats just formatting the partition, the partition needs to already exist02:00
MasterShrekyes in the terminal02:00
egchi all02:00
MasterShrekhappy holidays egc02:00
egcwhat are the special keys on a laptop keyboard called? i.e., vol up, vol down, mute02:00
MasterShrekmultimedia keys i spose02:01
MasterShrekor special keys02:01
Glamit says command not found02:01
egcMasterShrek: thx, same to you!02:01
sat_I've XP & Ubuntu. I'd like to install Nexenta (OpenSolaris). Can I install it without disturbing XP/Ubuntu. I'm worried as I'll be resizing the existing partitions.02:01
egcdo you know what is responsible for providing their functionality?02:01
egclike what software?02:01
Glamand now i got an exclamation point with a clock and a black swuare in gparted02:02
Glami'm assuming that's not a good sign02:02
Jack_SparrowGlam: I prefer the stand alone gparted to the gparted in the ubuntu livecd02:02
brian__"sudo dmraid -ay" reports "RAID st "sil_aeabbjafcbae" already active but gparted doesn't see it... just the individual drives... any suggestions?02:03
ubotuGParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/02:03
egcsat_, i've done so without problem.  but i installed solaris express02:03
MasterShrekbrian__, why do you need gparted to see the raid?02:03
egcopensolaris is really cool too02:03
MasterShreki doubt its suppose to anyways02:03
renegade420i am trying to setup my Ubuntu server at home..how do i obtain the ip address?02:03
GMoohowdy people> i am on my desktop and i type ls. i see "music" but i cannot go 'cd music'02:03
GMoowhat is the problem ?02:03
IndyGunFreakgparted doesn't seem to work right in Gutsy.. works fine on my laptop w/ feisty, but won't work on the PC02:03
IndyGunFreaki usje the live CD...02:03
brian__well i want to mount the array... but i dont know what fs is on them02:03
brian__i don't remember02:04
Glamit was working before, then i tried to make a swap but i already had 4 main things02:04
MasterShrekrenegade420, run ifconfig from the terminal it will tell you02:04
MasterShrekbrian__, did you format it?02:04
brian__MasterShrek i don't believe so02:04
Jack_SparrowGlam: you can only have 4 primarty partitions, you need to create an extended and add logical partions in there02:04
brian__MasterShrek i did in windows02:04
sat_egc: cool. i'm trying Nexenta as it's similar to Ubuntu. so, resizing existing partitions won't affect Ubuntu/Xp, right?02:04
MasterShrekbrian__, then its probably ntfs, if not use vfat02:05
Jack_Sparrowsat_: There are always dangers working at the partition level.02:05
Glambut now the 4th partition has some kind of issue02:05
egcsat_: well, you should back-up any important data before resizing a filesystem02:05
akosltcolonel, nope...02:05
sat_Jack_Sparrow: ok. worst case, i'll reinstall everything.02:06
egcsat_: but if you do so, you should be fine and able to recover in the event something goes wrong02:06
GMoohowdy people> i am on my desktop and i type ls. i see "music" but i cannot go 'cd music'02:06
GMoohowdy people> i am on my desktop and i type ls. i see "music" but i cannot go 'cd music'02:06
GMoohowdy people> i am on my desktop and i type ls. i see "music" but i cannot go 'cd music'02:06
Jack_Sparrowsat_: Not to mention their installer properly recognizing the other os's and getting them into the grub or in some cases lilo menu02:06
SamsLembasMy graphics sudenly and randomly stopped functioning. Detailes are listed in: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=649929 . Ayone have any ideas?02:06
brian__mastershrek: both return mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/sil_aeabbjafcbae02:06
Jack_Sparrow!repeat > GMoo:02:06
renegade420hrm i seem to get
sat_jack_sparrow / egc: ok02:06
GMoo!repeate | GMoo:02:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repeate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:06
egcsat_: fyi, opensolaris has a livecd now too02:06
MasterShrekbrian__, /dev/mapper/sil_aebbjafcbae?   wtf is that?02:06
egcyou can try playing with it02:07
MasterShrekbrian__, the only raids ive encountered have been called /dev/mdXX02:07
GMooJack_Sparrow: why don't you TELL ME my answer instead of asking me to not repeate myself.02:07
egcyoull probably need to use OSS drivers for sound either way02:07
brian__mastershrek my _FAKERaid_ array02:07
sat_egc: i tried live cd. but, i wanna try Nexenta (a distro of opensolaris).02:07
Jack_SparrowGMoo: Because repeating is rude to the other users in the channel02:07
J_Laptop/dev/mapper is dmraid (software assisted hardware raid)02:07
MasterShrekoh fakeraid, never done one of them02:07
IndyGunFreakSamsLembas: wierd, have you tried reconfiguring xorg.conf?02:07
renegade420my friend who helped me with the server told me to port forward port 2202:07
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sat_egc: Nexenta doesn't have live cd.02:07
MasterShreki wouldnt ever make a raid on a dual boot machine, sounds like trouble to me02:08
mwaganyone know how to use Wine?02:08
MasterShrekwine file.exe02:08
renegade420im kind of a n00b at this im running a linksys router02:08
sat_egc: how was you experience with opensolaris02:08
MasterShrekfrom the command line02:08
IndyGunFreak!anyone | mwag02:08
Sir_FunkI want to have a partition for media like songs and movies, but I want to be able to access it both from Linux and XP. What kind of filesystem should it be?02:08
ubotumwag: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:08
brian__MasterShrk know that now... but theres about 80gigs of MP3s on there.. its not dual boot anymore02:08
J_Laptoprenegade - are you trying to ssh from one machine to another behid your router?02:08
akosCan anyone else phelp me on an issue (e.g. not working) with my Ricoh card reader?02:08
brian__MasterShrk i just don't want to lose all that music02:08
SamsLembasMwag: use "sudo apt-get install wine" to install it, and then "wine " followed by the path to the .exe file to run an app.02:08
MasterShrekSir_Funk, ntfs will work02:08
Sir_Funkthanks :)02:08
egcsat_: i liked it alot, i'll probably transition to it when it officially releases in april02:09
egcalthough, some media codecs will be problematic02:09
MasterShrekakos, my ricoh card reader doesnt work either02:09
sat_egc: okay, i'll try and share my experience later. hope you catch you on this forum.02:09
Jack_SparrowMasterShrek: I have to agree, raid and dual boot is looking for trouble02:09
egcmp3 is easy enough, but i didnt get dvd, mpeg, etc. yet02:09
akosMasterShrek, but it was working before reinstalling 7.1002:10
egcim on solaris express developer edition right now02:10
Jack_Sparrowegc: did you install the restricted drivers ber the link02:10
renegade420J_Laptop, when i tried to ssh like i did at my friends house it complained aobut port 2202:10
MasterShrekakos, i dunno what to tell you, i dont try it very often, every once in awhile, ive never had it work though02:10
egcJack_Sparrow, in opensolaris i dont that framework works the same02:10
Jack_Sparrowegc: Sorry, not for solaris02:10
egci don't remember though02:10
brian__jack_sparrow and MasterShrek I'm not dualbooting.. i'm trying to get the data off thats already on them.  But it was put on there using windows.  I am no longer using windows at all but i need to get the data back02:10
MasterShrekic brian__, and you are sure that is the device name of the raid?02:11
akosMasterShrek, my other usb card reader doesn't work either02:11
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brian__thats what dmraid -ay returns02:11
Jack_Sparrowbrian__: If you are trying to get data back from a raid array....   built with windows...  ugh..02:11
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J_LaptopRenegade - if both machines are behind the router, you won't be able to use the dyndns hostname02:11
J_Laptopat least, most routers will be like that02:11
WGGMkis it possible (does anyone know) to save Virtual Machines (VMWare) over a samba share???? or is there a vmware irc channel??02:12
brian__jack_sparrow might be out of luck huh?02:12
Jack_Sparrowbrian__: I have not had any luck with doing it02:12
Get_A_Fixgood day, I installed Compiz on 6.06 LTS, it didn't run right so I uninstalled it through Synaptic. Now in the Gnome Desktop I have no upper window bars, the ones with the maximize minimize buttons, I cannot drag winows around the desktop, and all windows are stuck to the top right corner of the screen. Please, which files do I need to edit to get Gnome back to normal ?02:12
Jack_Sparrowbrian__: Which is one reason I avoid raid these days, not to mention the drives are so much faster than when I needed raid to get systems up to speed02:13
brian__jack_sparrow i raided them years ago with windows to make them one large drive to store my music collection on02:13
Jack_SparrowGet_A_Fix: Did you install compiz with synaptic in Dapper02:14
Jack_Sparrowbrian__: I have been there...   and no I dont have any solutions02:14
Get_A_Fixno, I followed something in the wiki, used apt get02:14
sat_egc: Can I install ubuntu apps on OpenSolaris. for example, skpye is availabe for Ubuntu.02:14
IndyGunFreaksat_: i don't think solaris is debian based02:15
Glamyay, finally i got it installing02:15
ernestoi have mplayer and a dvd. i try to play with mplayer dvd://1 -dvd-device /dev/cdrom1 and and i get: Couldn't open DVD device: /dev/cdrom102:15
ernestoi know the dvd is inside the drive and that dvds work with it02:15
Glamafter 4 hours02:15
Get_A_FixJack_Sparrow: no, I followed something in the wiki, used apt get via Edgy backports02:15
Jack_SparrowGet_A_Fix: It is a really bad idea to do that..02:16
egcsat_: there are many opensource apps you can install; check out blastwave.org02:16
IndyGunFreakGet_A_Fix: why not just download and install gutsy?02:16
GMoohey i have a question: how do i mount something to music02:16
Jack_SparrowGet_A_Fix: I would pull those repos out asap... and hope for the best.02:16
egcsat_: also opensolaris comes with some, like pidgin, rhythmbox02:16
Get_A_FixJack_Sparrow:no way to fix Gnome ?02:16
MasterShrekbrian__, reinstall windows, and backup the data on the raid maybe? then install ubuntu and make the raid in ubuntu, or do away with it if htats waht you want to do02:17
ari_stresshi guys, anyone's working on ltsp5?02:17
V3nd3tt4Hello, I've a big problem, when I start my computer, at the beginning of splash loading, start a "busybox v1.1.3 (debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu7) built-in shell (ash)02:17
V3nd3tt4Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.02:17
mwaganyone play World of Warcraft? I need help installing it using Wine02:17
V3nd3tt4I try to modify the menu.list of grub (root=/dev/sda4) and I try to do e2fsck /dev/sda4 from live cd, but nothing :( some body know how to repair my Ubuntu 7.10? :(02:17
Glamdoes the livecd not support widescreen?02:17
sat_egc: i want skype due to video chat02:17
Get_A_Fix Jack_Sparrow: I would pull them if I knew how, just remove them from the repo llist ?02:17
Jack_SparrowGet_A_Fix: Changing repos to a different release or distro really really messes up a system.. sort of what automatix does.. more trouble to untangle that we can handle in this channel02:17
IndyGunFreakGlam: depends on the video card....  sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt, if it doesn't, just install, then set it up once installed.02:18
Glamoh ok02:18
Jack_SparrowGet_A_Fix: sources.list   or use the link to follow to restore the originals..02:18
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:18
egcsat_: yeah i like skype too, but i haven't tried installing it yet02:19
egcso i don't know02:19
IndyGunFreakGet_A_Fix: how long have you had Dapper installed?02:19
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto02:19
sat_egc: no prob. i'll also try..02:19
sat_egc: thanks for your tips.02:19
GMoowhat is the address on music02:19
fabio_i cant install kiba-dock02:19
fabio_make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.02:19
Get_A_FixSince right after it came out02:19
thompaim having a problem with wget stopping every minute02:20
fabio_i did make install02:20
egcsat_: np, good luck ;)02:20
Get_A_FixIndyGunFreak: since right after it came out02:20
SamsLembasAnyone have any advice on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=649929 ? Even just a "Sorry man, your screwed" to show you read it and have no clue? ;)02:20
GMoowhere is 'music' located, as i am trying to mount something to it02:20
V3nd3tt4so nobody know why I've this problem? :(02:20
IndyGunFreakGet_A_Fix: maybe its time to upgrade to a current version.02:20
Get_A_FixJack_Sparrow: Thanks .02:20
IndyGunFreakSamsLembas: i tried to ask you about the problem earlier02:20
Jack_SparrowGet_A_Fix: I wish I had a better answer...02:20
SamsLembasOh, sorry, must have missed that.02:21
doctormohello everyone02:21
fabio_i did ./autogen.sh make02:21
Jack_SparrowGet_A_Fix: You can try recovery mode and install kubuntu-desktop and other things like that02:21
fabio_and i try to install sudo make install02:21
Jack_SparrowGet_A_Fix: You cant hurt much at this point02:21
fabio_but not happens natheng02:21
doctormoI just replaced a motherboard in an ubuntu 7.10 machine; it used to be an old celeron 400Mhz machine, and is now a 1.7Ghz Pentium02:21
IndyGunFreakSamsLembas: you coudl try reconfiguring xserver, using only generic defaults, and see how it boots the GUI.., then setup any drivers, etc.02:22
doctormoThe problem is that the boot process is all screwed up, takes forever to boot; is black until the logon and is generally slow02:22
SamsLembasIndyGunFreak- In response to recommending recofiguring X: I tried bootinf from live CD, and that did not work, so don't see why that would.....02:22
thompacan wget work with large isos?02:22
MenZaSoskel: do you really wish to continue hosting that CD image?02:22
rredd4how do i get my   minimize, maximize and  close (X) buttons back, they are missing when i open any window02:22
MenZathompa: wget works with everything.02:22
SoskelMenZa: why not?02:22
Get_A_FixJack_Sparrow: IndyGunFreak: Get_A_Fix: maybe its time to upgrade to a current version. - maybe he's right, I'll certainly try everything else first though, thanks people.02:22
IndyGunFreakSamsLembas: well, you shouldn't need a live cd to reconfigure x02:22
MenZaSoskel: well, and leave it public?02:22
SoskelMenZa: yea02:22
=== GMoo is now known as Hot_Girl
thompaMenZa: im having it stop every 20g or so and have to restart with -c02:23
MenZaSoskel: I suspect it'll take up quite a bit of bandwidth :)02:23
Soskelpsss bandwidth02:23
MenZathompa: that sounds like a dodgy internet connection, rather than a problem with wget.02:23
SamsLembasBut booting from a LiveCD will accomplish the same thing for troubleshooting as reconfiguring X, correct?02:23
SoskelI have plenty to spare02:23
Hot_Girlokay boys02:23
Hot_Girli need som ehelpo02:23
Hot_Girli need som ehelp02:23
Hot_Girli need some help02:23
Soskeldo you need some help?02:23
Jack_Sparrow!enter > Hot_Girl02:23
thompaMenZa: could be , but i checked that i think02:23
juano__!repeat | Hot_Girl02:23
SamsLembasState your question, do not spam.02:23
ubotuHot_Girl: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:23
Hot_Girljuano__STFU. i was correcting my spelling02:24
thompaMenZa: are there any test downloads02:24
SamsLembasNice bot ;{02:24
fabio_Hot_Girl | patiente02:24
MenZaHot_Girl: please watch your language.02:24
thompai MenZaill try another iso,02:24
Soskelthompa: http://webtechmedia.net/ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso02:24
Jack_SparrowHot_Girl: Please state your question on one line as clearly as possible02:24
fabio_Hot_Girl | patience02:24
juano__Hot_Girl: please don't use bad language in here, this is a support channel02:24
Hot_Girllol please tell me three times to wathch my languange02:25
thompaSoskel: thankx02:25
fabio_i cant install kiba dock i did ./autogen.sh make an i tryed to instal sudo make install and appears this make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.02:25
MenZaSoskel: ,O02:25
thompaMenZa: im running 64 version, but its ubuntu for sure. i cant even cancel bash window02:26
V3nd3tt4:( bye02:26
sat_ok, I'd like to see OpennSolaris's distros grow / mature. I hope Sun will look into the directions of its distros. It nees improvment. For example, look at the distro's of Ubuntu. It's clear vision for each of the distros. Currenlty, when the linux user looks at the distros of OpenSolaris, in my view, he/she might scratch the head.02:26
sat_yes, nexenta seems to be okay to download and try. but, in terms of community / support / fund, i don't think any distro is strong.02:26
Soskelthompa: are you on a standard home computer?02:26
thompaMenZa: my processes show nothing though02:26
fabio_sat_ | launchpad02:26
Soskelthen don't use x86 thompa02:26
LjL!bot > fabio_    (fabio_, see the private message from Ubotu)02:26
Jack_SparrowHot_Girl: Please understand that with over 1000 users at any time this is a busy place.. We do need to keep a little more control than some other channels02:26
thompaim thinking its graphis issue02:26
sat_fabio_: pardon me.. what is it?02:27
Jack_SparrowHot_Girl: Please state your question on one line as clearly as possible.. We are happy to help you...02:27
thompaSoskel: its an amd64, ive always run it02:27
Chemicalvamphow do i change my 1280x800 booting splash screen to 1024x768?02:27
Hot_Girlokay people: i have to mount a shared network drive to my harddrive .....02:27
juano__fabio_: the syntax is   !botfactoid  | username, but better even to use:  !botfactoid  > username02:28
* IndyGunFreak calls Jack_Sparrow "mister obvious".. ;)02:28
Hot_Girli need the location of /music/02:28
Hot_Girlwhere is music02:28
Jack_Sparrowthanks indy02:28
juano__Hot_Girl: ~/Music ?02:28
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botactoid - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:28
juano__!msgthebot | fabio_02:28
ubotufabio_: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.02:28
IndyGunFreak!test | Soskel02:29
ubotuSoskel: Failed.02:29
fabio_!patience ! juano__02:29
buggeredfstabHow do I re-add the  bar on top of all windows in GNOME?02:29
dooglusmy laptop just lost its connection to the wireless router.  taking the network down and up again didn't fix it, like it usually does.  I ended up rebooting, which has fixed it.  Is there a less drastic solution I can try next time?02:29
fabio_!patience | fabio02:29
ubotufabio: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:29
thompaMenZa: i get like 500ks according to wget then it stops after a minute02:29
ChemicalvampHot_Girl what drive is it on?02:30
mongolaidooglus: did your laptop come out of sleep/suspend mode?02:30
fabio_i dint play with the bot02:30
dooglusmongolai: no02:30
Hot_Girlit is on //hammy02:30
fabio_i test it02:30
IndyGunFreakyes you were02:30
dooglusmongolai: it didn't even go into sleep/suspend mode02:30
Hot_Girli want to  mount a NETWORK drive02:30
IndyGunFreakfabio_: then to test it, type "/msg ubotu" no quotes02:30
juano__fabio_: you've been warned already, please private msg the bot to investigate02:30
Hot_Girlto MUSIC02:30
LjLfabio_: yes you did. you were given the correct syntax to use multiple times, and you *were* adviced to use it in PM or in #ubuntu-bots, yet you kept spamming it in here02:30
HobbseeHot_Girl: places menu, network?02:30
=== ketrox_ is now known as ketrox
thompaMenZa: ive never had speeds that fast either which is strange02:31
santiamigocan you help me?¿?02:31
thompaso i lose connection when downloading large files02:31
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:31
mongolaiHot_Girl: is music on the remote computer and if so is it set as a share?02:31
dooglusthompa: for large downloads, windows seems to be more reliable than ubuntu02:31
thompadooglus: i dont think so02:32
fabio_i cant install kiba dock i did ./autogen.sh make an i tryed to instal sudo make install and appears this make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop02:32
thompadooglus: wget can resume with -c option also less junk02:32
dooglusthompa: just my experience.  I find the network connection in ubuntu drops out if you use it too much.02:32
dooglusthompa: wget is cross platform.02:32
Glami'm confused, right now i'm following instructions so ubuntu will work.  the instructions say02:32
robdigbuggeredfstab: do you mean the panel?02:32
Glamo You must edit the /etc/initramfs-tools/modules file; adding a line with the word: piix02:33
Glam-- you should do this with your favorite unix editor; or simply type the command:02:33
Glamecho piix >> /etc/initramfs-tools/modules02:33
thompadooglus: there has to be a reason for that02:33
juano__!compile | fabio_ (have you read this yet) :)02:33
buggeredfstabrobdig: I think so. it's the bar on top of the windows with the _ [] X at the end02:33
Glami have no clue what that means.02:33
ubotufabio_ (have you read this yet) :): Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:33
dooglusthompa: yes, it's open source, free software.  people can port it to any OS they like02:33
Glamwhat should i type in the terminal?02:33
thompadooglus: its been running ubuntu 64 for about a year no internet problem02:33
robdigbuggeredfstab: oh, you mean the window title bar...I'll check02:34
dooglusthompa: are you from the future?  I've not seen anything newer than ubuntu 7.1002:34
sat_i like Ubuntu and continue to recommend to my collegues/friends due to the Ubuntu Promise / community support. you don't get stuck as you get answers immediately.02:34
thompadooglus: there are many things accessing the internet in windows02:34
kaperi try to mount window share directory in ubuntu. when i #mount -t smbfs -o username=myname //winserver/folder /myfolder. I got error message02:34
ikoniaapologies my connection droppped02:34
* kaper cli_negprot: SMB signing is mandatory and we have disabled it.02:34
sat_Ubuntu Rocks. Thank you all.02:35
unixyGlam, type this echo piix >> /etc/initramfs-tools/modules02:35
Glamok, thanks!02:35
Chemicalvamphow do i change my 1280x800 booting splash screen to 1024x768?02:35
Hot_Girlcan someone help me02:35
thompadooglus: if you want a newer you can compile your own. i got 2.6.24 on a notebook02:35
ikoniaHot_Girl: please ask your question02:35
dooglusthompa: if so, I have a few launchpad bugs I'd like you to look at any tell me if anyone has looked at them yet02:35
buggeredfstabrobdig: it looks like I am missing part of the border on my windows.02:35
ikoniadooglus: you can see yourself02:36
methicepoker gamer here ?02:36
IndyGunFreakbuggeredfstab: using compiz?02:36
ikoniadooglus: log into launchpad and look at the last updates02:36
buggeredfstabrobdig: yeah02:36
Niko-formerlyEagfor some reason when I ran update manager after installing 7.10 my windows partitions were no longer being mounted02:36
ikoniamethice: no, just ubuntu support in this channel.02:36
dooglusikonia: I've tried, but it only shows their current status.02:36
Niko-formerlyEaghow do I add partitions to be mounted at boot time without manually editing fstab?02:36
methiceikonia, just for free not money ;)02:36
sat_Guys, Go to http://www.ideastorm.com/ and vote for Ubuntu..02:36
thompadooglus: well this is my home box been running amd64 and good upgrades with ubuntu02:36
ikoniadooglus: then that's the current status02:36
ikoniamethice: this is ubuntu support channel only.02:36
WGGMkis it possible (does anyone know) to save Virtual Machines (VMWare) over a samba share???? or is there a vmware irc channel??02:36
dooglusikonia: yes02:36
Chemicalvampmy bootscreen is terribly offcenter, is there a way i can change its resolution? if anybody has an idea where these files are lemme know02:37
ikoniadooglus: so what's the problem, that's where they are02:37
ikoniadooglus: wait for updates02:37
Glamok, thanks for the help everyone!02:37
dooglusikonia: I have bee02:37
Glamhappy holidays!02:37
ikoniadooglus: sit tight then02:37
sat_Dell ships ubuntu laptops, but it's not made ubuntu laptops easy to find. I don't know why. So, vote http://www.ideastorm.com/02:37
robdigbuggeredfstab: are you using gnome?02:37
juano__Niko-formerlyEag: u can make a startup script02:37
buggeredfstabrobdig: yes, Gnome, Gutsy, Compiz.02:38
ikoniasat_: how about no, how about respect the channel guidelines and topics. This is ubuntu support releated questions only.02:38
Niko-formerlyEagjuano__: isn't there a gui somewhere to configure that?  it looks like fstab discourages editing my hand02:38
=== reconnect is now known as recon
juano__!diskmounter | Niko-formerlyEag02:38
Niko-formerlyEagI guess I'm too lazy to do it by hand right now02:38
ubotuNiko-formerlyEag: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE02:38
thompadooglus: if your running something special you can try some custom kernel, for macbook eg02:38
robdigbuggeredfstab: is gtk-window-decorator running?02:38
juano__Niko-formerlyEag: try that link ubotu just gave you02:38
sat_ikonia: ok. sorry. i respect that.02:39
buggeredfstabsays sleeping02:39
dooglusthompa: I'm running a bog standard ubuntu 7.10 and a bog standard (although czech) windows xp.  xp can stay online, ubuntu can't.  same laptop, same wireless card.02:39
infblissHibernate feature does not seem to work on Dell Vostro 1000. I have02:39
infbliss   reported this in Launchpad is there a temporary workaround for this??02:39
ikoniadooglus: the linux drivers or encyption will potentially have issues02:39
santiamigoi have a HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Modem with SmartCP 56kbps can not make it work in ubuntu feisty fawn02:39
thompadooglus: whats the wireless?02:39
ikoniadooglus: or it could be an incompatible driver between your card and router02:39
dooglusikonia: I've tried lots of routers and they all fail the same, so I guess it's not a problem with the router02:40
thompadoes it loss connection when you move around? he he02:40
ikoniadooglus: I didn't say it was a problem with the router.02:40
robdigbuggeredfstab: hmm, that should be ok. have you tried restarting X?02:40
dooglusikonia: the card is apparently "06:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)"02:41
thompadooglus: ive run it02:41
ikoniadooglus: there are various issues with that card. a LOT are logged on launchpad. I'm currently using the card without issue02:41
buggeredfstabrobdig: I've rebooted several times02:41
santiamigocan you help me i have a HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Modem with SmartCP 56kbps can not make it work in ubuntu feisty fawn02:41
thompadooglus: its dodgy series02:42
thompadooglus: i had that one on a vaio, and on the toshiba got it working, but intermittant02:42
robdigbuggeredfstab: hmm...02:42
kenanis there such thing as themes for epiphany so i can customize the buttons and all that?02:42
novasenseanyone knows is there any best statistical tools like spss in Linux?02:42
WGGMkcan anyone help me with VMWare questions02:42
dooglusalso the speakers don't work02:42
dooglusand some of the keyboard keys02:43
thompadooglus: same here, fixed02:43
Hot_Girlquestion: how do i mount my network drive into music ?02:43
thompadooglus: you need to go to the forums, reinstall alsa or newer kernel02:43
ikoniaHot_Girl: do you want to moount a network drive that contains music ?02:43
dooglusHot_Girl: did you try the 'mount' command?02:43
robdigbuggeredfstab: is metacity running?02:43
Hot_Girlyes i do, ikonia02:43
Hot_Girlno i didn't, dooglus02:43
juano__Hot_Girl: you want to access a remote folder that has music ?02:43
buggeredfstabrobdig: No on metacity02:44
ikoniaHot_Girl: ok, where is the share located, on a windows machine for example ?02:44
thompadooglus: everything will work but wireless maybe for now02:44
dooglusthompa: one of them has never worked, and I've installed debian and ubuntu on 2 different laptops02:44
thompadooglus: whats the video card intel or nvidia02:44
robdigbuggeredfstab: ok, wanted to make sure there wasn't two window managers running.02:44
Hot_Girlyes it is on a windows machine, ikonia02:44
crdlbbuggeredfstab: nvidia?02:44
dooglusthompa: it's ATI02:44
maynards-girlhas anyone tried installing ubuntu on leopard using qemu?02:44
ikoniaHot_Girl: ok, you need to install the packages "samba" and "smbfs"02:44
thompadooglus: could be worse02:44
buggeredfstabcrdlb: yeah, Nvidia drivers.02:44
hanasakiRemotehi Hot02:44
ikoniaHot_Girl: have you done/can you do that please.02:45
Hot_Girlokay. i think i have done both of thoes . now what02:45
hanasakiRemotehi all02:45
Hot_Girl sudo aptitude install smbfs02:45
Atru1does anyone know if there is an eta on flash for Gutsy x64?02:45
dooglusHot_Girl: I use: sudo mount -t cifs -opassword=,uid=chris // /media/server02:45
mac_anybody there to guide me to access my windows system from ubuntu02:45
crdlbbuggeredfstab: run this: sudo nvidia-xconfig  --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 2402:45
thompadooglus: i got ubuntu running on almost all the different lappys, but some take work02:45
ikoniaHot_Girl: youo can either do this via the gnome gui and use the "network places" gui or use the command line and the command "mount" which would you like.02:45
thompadooglus: macbook is great on ubuntu btw02:45
dooglusthompa: it runs, just hardly anything works quite right02:45
ikoniamac_: follow Hot_Girl's conversation it may give you an idea.02:45
Hot_Girlgmoonit@gmoonit-desktop:~$ sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=gmoonit,password=x //hammy/FreeAgent /desktop/FreeAgent02:45
robdigbuggeredfstab: try killing gtk-window-decorator, and then typing gtk-window-decorator --replace02:45
hanasakiRemotehey what's the channel for the 3d gui stuff?02:45
k335hi i got a little question02:45
crdlbbuggeredfstab: then restart X02:46
k335what do i need to run .run files?02:46
ikoniaHot_Girl: and what is the output of that ?02:46
hanasakiRemotethis good enough for a 22" monitor or is it too low?   1680   x   105002:46
ikoniak335: are these nvidia/ati drivers by any chance ?02:46
buggeredfstabI can't read my terminal right now due to lack of window02:46
juano__hanasakiRemote: #ubuntu-effects02:46
k335no its a game i downloaded02:46
k335for linux02:46
dooglusHot_Girl: you'll need a directory /desktop for that to work02:46
crdlbjuano__: that channel is gone02:46
k335its an installer02:46
juano__crdlb: oh02:46
crdlbit redirects to #compiz-fusion now02:46
MistyladyWayni u there?02:46
kenanare there themes for epiphany so i can customize the buttons?02:47
ikoniak335: you need to chmod it (make it executable) then ./$name_of_file.pkg02:47
juano__crdlb: right :)02:47
Hot_Girlikonia: it says that /desktop/FreeAgent is not correct02:47
dooglusHot_Girl: do you mean /home/hotgirl/Desktop/FreeAgent instea?02:47
ikoniaHot_Girl: no it doesn't what is the exact error02:47
mac_i tried to access my windows laptop, but it doesnt connect from the Places>Network02:47
ikoniaHot_Girl: pleace /desktopFreeAgent with a valid mount point02:47
k335and how do i chmod it?02:47
ikoniak335: chmod +x $file02:47
Hot_Girlyes, what is the avlid mount point, ikonia02:47
ikoniaHot_Girl: what is the exact error then please.02:48
juano__mac_: have you installed samba ?02:48
k335thanks ikonia^^02:48
juano__mac_: have you edited smb.conf ?02:48
Hot_Girlone sec, its insalling sambas now... you'll have to wait thanks ikonia02:48
robdigbuggeredfstab: you can hit ctrl+alt+f1 to get to a console window...ctrl+alt+f7 to get back02:48
mac_let me see it02:48
ikoniajuano__: why does he have to do that02:48
juano__ikonia: well, if he can't connect to his windows box, i have to check to see what settings are inside smb.conf02:48
ikoniaHot_Girl: you told me you had samba installed02:49
ikoniajuano__: why ?02:49
Hot_Girli only have the other one installed -- oops02:49
Syco54645i just got a new lcd monitor widescreen... it looks like crap because it is still using the old monitor info.  how do i go about fixing htat?02:49
juano__ikonia: because if he has another workgroup in his settings or other bad lines he won't be able to connect probably02:49
ikoniajuano__: mount he's trying to mount, not share the file sstems02:49
Hot_Girlone sec IKEAwh0re02:49
ikoniajuano__: if it's the default, it's fine02:50
juano__ikonia: ?? im talking to mac02:50
danzigrulesdoes no one read documentation anymore?02:50
ikoniaHot_Girl: what did you call me02:50
mac_yep, there is no settings in smb.conf02:50
juano__ikonia: not Hot_Girl02:50
buggeredfstabcrdlb: Worked, thanks!02:50
mac_just full of comments02:50
buggeredfstabrobdig: thanks for your help, it's working now02:50
ikoniajuano__: same is applies to mac02:50
mac_what should i add to smb.conf02:50
robdigbuggeredfstab: np02:50
fabio_any ones have a version .deb of kiba-dock our avant dock?02:51
Glammajor problemo...02:51
juano__ikonia: emm, the question was "i can't access my windows laptop from places network"02:51
oicI changed the home directory of my FTP and restarted vsftpd, but my firefox still shows the old directory.. Why is that? It's showing the right one in lftp02:51
ikoniajuano__: yeah,02:51
wilo_i cant install a package, 'gcdmaster' from add/remove apps.02:51
wilo_Cannot install 'gcdmaster'02:51
wilo_This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'gcdmaster' the conflicting software must be removed first.02:51
wilo_Switch to the 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict.02:51
juano__ikonia: if he can't access his windows laptop using samba, i think SMB.CONF has plenty to do with it02:51
Glamubuntu gives me /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off, error again.02:51
wilo_how can i find the dependacies?02:51
Syco54645anyone know how to set new monitor info in ubuntu?02:51
fabio_bany ones have a version .deb of kiba-dock our avant dock?02:51
ikoniajuano__: depends on the error, and if it's the default, I'd disagree02:51
SamsLembasHello- I am having some trouble with my nVidia drivers (non-free ones). How would I go about resetting them to the defaults?02:51
Glamand then when i try to dual boot into vista i get a quick bsd02:51
Glamso, am i screwed?02:52
Glami'm on the live cd right now since i can't boot into either one of those02:52
ikoniaGlam: bsd = windows issue = the channel ##windows02:52
wilo_how do i remove 'conflicting software; in gutsy?02:52
juano__ikonia: default or not the problem is there, so i suggest to see the smb.conf file to see if everything is right, i wouldn't be 100% sure that everything in there is right, so i think to check the file is a valid option02:52
ikoniajuano__: what is his error message ?02:53
danzigrulesSyco54645: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397302:53
juano__ikonia: he hasn't posted one yet02:53
Syco54645danbhtwo, thanks02:53
ikoniajuano__: exactly, so why start probing files for no reason02:53
k335well now i got the problem error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. and when i use apt-get to get the file it says file not found02:53
danzigrulesgoogle is your friend02:53
wilo_juano can you help me02:53
oicI changed the home directory of my FTP and restarted vsftpd, but my firefox still shows the old directory.. Why is that? It's showing the right one in lftp though02:54
juano__ikonia: so you think that smb.conf has nothing to do with an ubuntu being unable to connect via samba to a windows share ?02:54
Glamthen after the bsod it leads me back to the grub loader, and there are 2 choices for vista basic02:54
Glamso i chose the 2nd one and it lead me to some acer thing02:54
ikoniajuano__: I didn't say that, I suggested you where diving in without even seeing the problem.02:54
Hot_Girlok IKEAwh0re02:54
Hot_Girlokay ikonia02:54
Hot_Girlall that is installed --- now how do i mount this drive :-/02:54
ikoniajuano__: eg: why start looking at the samba config when it's default without even seeing the problem.02:54
MistyladyHello Wayni02:55
ikoniaHot_Girl: re-try the command you where using02:55
etfbIs there a Compiz support channel?  I installed it just now and it's hideously borked.02:55
ikoniaHot_Girl: and report the exact error02:55
ikoniaetfb: /join #compiz-fusion02:55
Picietfb: #compiz-fusion02:55
etfbShiny; thanks02:55
=== joe_ is now known as rencore
juano__ikonia: ?? i don't understand you point yet, what am i supposed to do if not suggest to see the configuration file of samba? tell him "oh , it's by default, sorry you can't share? " no, i would like to help him so i'm on it, i really don't think seeing smb.conf is a bad idea, i have fixed more than 10 issues like this before02:56
Hot_Girlit is giving me a silly error now02:56
=== Ziimp is now known as ziimp_
ikoniajuano__: he's not told you the problem other than "it doesn't connect" I'm suggested find out the error02:56
ikoniajuano__: he may not be able to even ping the box02:56
ikoniaHot_Girl: please give me the exact error02:57
ikoniajuano__: just as an easy example02:57
ikoniajuano__: rather than dive in randomly02:57
juano__!enter | ikonia02:57
ubotuikonia: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vsftpd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:57
ikoniajuano__ I'm quite capable to typing, I'm talking to multiple people hence the use of enter02:57
Hot_Girlikonia i lost the command. i'm trying to find it again :-/02:57
=== oic is now known as Watain
Peddycan somebody please help me? I can't print from evince and can't print through samba. Here is /var/log/cups/error_log02:57
juano__i think you should start by that first, and if there was a ping problem i think that would of popped out sooner or later right ?02:58
mic21When accessing an NFS share Nautilus is not able to "move" files into the trash\02:58
mic21, but could permanently delete them. There were also issues with things like mo\02:58
mic21ving. It gave an error message regarding a different file system. Is it possibl\02:58
mic21e to use a "common" trash for all users using the NFS share ?02:58
mac_Guys, let me explain u the problem clearly, I go to network, browse windows network, browse workgroup02:58
mac_then it says couldnt display contents of windows netowrk grp02:58
ikoniajuano__: please carry on, I disagree with you, but thats not for here.02:58
juano__mac_: sure explain, enough of this , were here to help not DISCUSS02:58
rencoreis there a way to scan for usb devices after i boot cuz if i take out my usb mouse and plug it in it doesnt see it02:58
juano__ikonia: ok, it's just i couldn't see your point02:59
Hot_Girlikonia: mount: mount point /desktop/FreeAgent does not exist02:59
ikoniaHot_Girl: I told you that at the start. You told me it was a valid mount point.02:59
FezzlerHow can I tell if Ubuntu "sees" my COM1 port/Serial and that my serial is COM1, not internal modem?02:59
juano__mac_: please give me the error message, does it output an error ?03:00
ikoniaHot_Girl: change it to a valid mount point with the command "sudo mkdir /media/FreeAgent" then mount it on "/media/FreeAgent"03:00
juano__mac_: what happens after you browse workgroup ?03:00
mikedep333hey, I have a corrupted tar.gz archive, is there a way to repair it?03:01
mac_"the folder contents could not be displayed, sorry couldn't display the contents of windows network:workgroup"03:01
SoskelI applied to be official mirror03:01
Peddycan someone tell me if it is safe to uninstall AppArmor?03:01
mac_its gives me above error msg03:01
ikoniamikedep333 no03:01
rencoreis there a way to scan for usb devices after i boot cuz if i take out my usb mouse and plug it in it doesnt see it03:01
juano__mac_: ok, are the two computers connected correctly? are both hooked up to a router ?03:01
juano__mac_: do they ping each other ?03:01
Fezzlerrencore: lsusb03:01
=== snatch is now known as snch_rptr
mac_they both are sharing a common wireless access point03:02
snch_rptrhey guys. can someone help me set up a VPN?03:02
Fezzlerrencore: or dmesg03:02
juano__mac_: ok, try pinging your windows pc, do you know what ip it has ?03:02
FezzlerIS there a way to check status of my COM1 port?03:02
mac_yep they do ping03:02
avalysI need to run an X server in headless mode - it's for an automated test framework.  applications need to work, but nothing needs to be displayed anywhere03:03
juano__mac_: ok03:03
avalysis this possible?03:03
WatainI changed the home directory of my FTP and restarted vsftpd, but my firefox still shows the old directory if I connect to localhost, but the new directory if I connect to the NAT IP.. Why is that? It's showing the right one in lftp though03:03
GlamI just installed 7.10 and i'm getting an error when i boot up ubuntu, /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off, and i can't boot vista either because it gave me the bsod and restarted the laptop03:03
Peddycan someone tell me if it is safe to uninstall AppArmor?03:03
Glamhelp please?03:03
juano__mac_: now do this first ---> system --> administration --> shared folders03:03
ikoniaPeddy thats your choice.03:04
mac_ok, then03:04
juano__mac_: add a shared folder there03:04
Peddyikonia: obviously03:04
Peddyikonia: it is messing with cups03:04
ikoniaPeddy: ok?  so.03:04
FezzlerJust installed new IRC chat program.  Are my messages coming thru?03:04
juano__mac_: some folder in your home dir  eg03:04
ikoniaFezzler: yes03:04
mikedep333is there any way to recover as much data as possible from the corrupted tar.gz file?03:04
ikoniamikedep333: no03:04
Peddyikonia: is it safe?03:05
juano__mac_: lets say eg:  ~/Shared_folder03:05
ikoniaPeddy: what do you mean safe ?03:05
Peddyikonia: what exactly does it do?03:05
mac_yes added03:05
* snch_rptr raises his hand.03:05
adanteis there a list of hotkeys in ubuntu?03:05
ikoniaPeddy: just grabbing you a link03:05
WTFok so ati drivers03:05
Hot_Girlikonia, ikonia: mount: mount point /desktop/FreeAgent does not exist03:06
Hot_Girlikonia, ikonia: mount: mount point /desktop/FreeAgent does not exist03:06
adanteor is there a way to get to the menu from the keyboard?03:06
ikoniaWTF: that nick is unaccaptable.03:06
juano__mac_: go to general properties and in workgroup type in the same workgroup in the exact case as the workgroup your windows pc is in03:06
WTFi am having issue installing them on 6.06 LTS server03:06
ikoniaHot_Girl: I've told you what to do to fix that03:06
WatainHot_Girl: Create the folder.03:06
=== WTF is now known as wwjd
juano__mac_: and check the box: this computer is a wins server03:06
=== wwjd is now known as wwjd|||
wwjd|||ok so03:06
infblisswhen I open launchpad and see recently fixed stuff I see bugs filed on 200503:06
infblissis this really so03:06
wwjd|||ati drives om 6.0603:06
mac_i dont know the workgroup of my windows laptop, there is no work group03:06
wwjd|||not working out for me03:07
wwjd|||can anyone help03:07
Hot_Girli did Watain03:07
infblisshow come a bug fixed on 2005 can become a recently fixed bug03:07
Hot_GirlWatain!!! i did!03:07
snch_rptrwwjd|||: i think there are several of us waiting in line... or at least waiting :)03:07
ikoniaHot_Girl: I've told you what to do "sudo mkdir /media/FreeAgent" and then mount onto /media/FreeAgent03:07
juano__mac_: your windows laptop should be part of a workgroup by default, usually MSHOME or something similar, please check in your windows laptop:  right click my pc, properties and check to see what workgroup it is on03:07
Hot_Girlty ikonia sorry i'm a dumb_hot_girl03:08
fsckrive downloaded a game with and extension .package how am i suppose to install with that?03:08
mac_its my office laptop, the domian is something like corp.xyz.net03:08
adantecan someone please tell me if there is a way to launch a terminal using the keyboard?03:08
wwjd|||@hot girl ...perfect03:08
adanteor how can i get access to the meu03:08
adantethe menu03:08
ikoniaHot_Girl: your greg moore,03:08
Watainmac_: Right click on my computer, and it'll show the computer and workgroup there03:08
adantefrom the keyboard03:08
tumbleweed__no Hot_Girls on the internet03:08
adanteor is ubuntu simply not capable of this?03:08
juano__wilo_: you needed help with something earlier ?03:08
Hot_Girlikonia: mount: unknown filesystem type 'sbmfs'03:08
ikoniaHot_Girl: the file system is smbfs03:08
Hot_Girli thought i fi changed my name to hot_girl i would get more responses03:09
ikoniaHot_Girl: that is a silly idea03:09
wwjd|||and it worked i assume03:09
Hot_Girlit worked03:09
tumbleweed__I'm just baked03:09
=== wwjd||| is now known as hotter_than_hot_
Hot_Girlthe error i'm getting is: mount: unknown filesystem type 'sbmfs'03:09
hotter_than_hot_lol my turn03:09
mac_there is no wins server running on it03:09
ikoniaHot_Girl: I've JUST told you the file system type is smbfs03:09
adanteis there any ubuntu help anywhere which is good?03:09
CarlFKadante: yes.03:10
ikoniaHot_Girl: you are typing sbmfs not smbfs03:10
Glamhelp?  it took me 5 hours to install ubuntu and now i'm back at square -1!03:10
tumbleweed__this simply does not exist03:10
snch_rptradante: relax03:10
Hot_Girlty IKEAwh0re03:10
ikoniatumbleweed__: that's not helpful.03:10
Watainadante: No idea. I'm usually ignored everywhere03:10
dthackeradante: ask your question, please03:10
adanteCarlFK: i am trying to find out where i can get a list of the default keyboard hotkeys, any idea where i can get this?03:10
tumbleweed__I'm sorry, my sarcasm gland is acting up03:10
hotter_than_hot_hello, i am hotter and dumber than hot girl..wiling to trade pics for ATI driver help pm me for more03:10
ikoniaWatain: this is a busy channel, people will get to you.03:10
viper233adante : Yes... here03:10
_juanwhat's wrong Glam?03:10
adantedthacker: howdy where is a list of the default keyboard hotkeys?03:10
Hot_Girlit worked03:11
mikeazhey folks, i just installed ubuntu 7.10, and i had compiz up and running until it asked me to use restricted drivers and i said yes. what should i do to get compiz back?03:11
Glami'm getting /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off when i dual boot ubuntu03:11
juano_1mac_: sorry i got d/c03:11
WatainI changed the home directory of my FTP and restarted vsftpd, but my firefox still shows the old directory if I connect to localhost, but the new directory if I connect to the NAT IP.. Why is that? It's showing the right one in lftp though03:11
snch_rptroooh! me next. all i want to do is set up a VPN and find a exchange capable mail client...03:11
juano_1mac_: could you connect as i told you last message ?03:11
Glamand when i try to boot up vista, i get some bsod for a second and it restarts the laptop03:11
hotter_than_hot_sorry snch...im next03:11
ikoniasnch_rptr: evolution can connect to exchange.03:11
Lunar_Lamphotter_than_hot_, hahaha - you're probably best to just ask your question in the channel mate ;-p03:11
tumbleweed__I'm willing to trade photographs of my genitals for 10 dollars03:11
_juanwhat version and what install method are you using?03:11
mac_i shared the folder, my windows laptop domain is corp.intuit.net03:11
ikoniatumbleweed__: stop please. Seriously.03:12
snch_rptrikonia: great, do i need to install to set up a vpn?03:12
juano_1mac_: ok, can you try this:  go to places ---> connect to server... then select windows share , then in server type in your windows laptop pcname03:12
Hot_Girlthank you ikonia, do you want a nakkid pic of me?03:12
adanteCarlFK, viper233 thanks for your help03:12
tumbleweed__oh don't worry03:12
_juanGlam, what version and what install method?03:12
ikoniasnch_rptr: depends on your vpn servers needs03:12
tumbleweed__my genitals are open source03:12
Watainmac_: Can you connect with IP? Hit Alt+F2, and type smb://192.168.*.* (Whatever your IP is)03:12
WuGutsyClanhey I am on a macbook pro running gutsy, and to do things like cut and paste (Ctrl X and Ctrl V) I have to use the control button. How can I switch every function done by the Super button (The one with the apple on it) and the control button03:12
Hot_Girl :-/03:12
Glamlivecd and 7.1003:12
Hot_Girlsomeone kick tumbleweed03:13
Syco54645so i still cannot get this new monitor displaying anything that is a widescreen resolution03:13
ikoniatumbleweed__: PLEASE stop. This is a busy support channel.03:13
viper233adante : maybe get hotkey-setup - auto-configures laptop hotkeys03:13
_juanGlam, what speed did you burn it at?03:13
yo||so who is in line03:13
snch_rptrikonia: hmm. well, it's just a un/pw authenticated gate to my worklace intranet. not sure about the details.03:13
adanteviper233: hm but i don't want to configure them, i just want to know what they are03:13
ikoniasnch_rptr: you'll need the details to know your client options.03:13
Glami had the error when i was running the livecd, but then i bypassed it using a solution on the forums03:13
condouloI need help with GRUB.03:13
tumbleweed__that was very rude03:14
Syco54645this just looks horrible.  i run the auto configure thing for the xserver and it does not fix it.03:14
Glamand then i followed the instructions installing it03:14
adanteviper233: i understand there is probably a program to do that in the settings menu03:14
nalioth!tell tumbleweed__ about guidelines03:14
Hot_Girlokay ikonia: nothing is in the 'freegaent' folder. i must not have mounted it correctly03:14
dthackeradante: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/user-guide/C/prefs-personal.html#prefs-keyboard-shortcuts03:14
adanteviper233: ironically i can't get to the settings menu because i don't know the hotkey to get to it03:14
yo||so anyu ATI gurus here03:14
condouloI am currently in a Ubuntu liveCD because I am getting error 17 when booting up03:14
juano_1mac_: ?03:14
SamsLembasHello- When booting up, my computer shows the nVidia splash screen a few times before taking me to the GUI X error message (but the GUI is off to the side of the screen and unusable). My computer worked fine earlier today and I have not done any software updates since then. Is it possible to somehow reset my drivers to their default setting or something?03:14
RenatoSilvaHi people, I'm building my 1st .DEB package, but I only know how to copy files to the system. To start, I want to know just how to put an icon of my application on the systenm menu. How????03:14
ikoniaHot_Girl: I'm not going to respond to you unless you stop with the naked picture comments"03:14
_juanGlam, if you get an erro with the live cd i'd suggest you try the alternate install using the good old TEXT install03:14
naliothRenatoSilva: you might wish to try a dev related channel03:15
Glambut i bypassed it and installed it successfully, and now it will not start up03:15
adantedthacker: thanks!03:15
yo||ikoina was that directed at me?03:15
condouloanyway want to help me fix a GRUB Issue?! I can't access anything03:15
ikoniayo||: no, that was for Hot_Girl03:16
WatainI changed the home directory of my FTP and restarted vsftpd, but my firefox still shows the old directory if I connect to localhost, but the new directory if I connect to the NAT IP.. Why is that? It's showing the right one in lftp though <--- Now it worked but it took more than half n hour to reflect the changes. Anyone know anythinG about this?03:16
ikoniacondoulo: explain your question03:16
ikoniaWatain: clear your firefox cache ?03:16
Watainikonia: Did that already03:16
speeddemon8803Note to users: When in the room it would help us out TREMENDOUSLY if you used the person you are talking to's nickname in the beginning...like speeddemon8803:example text :)03:16
ikoniaWatain: I missed it.03:16
condouloikonia- I am getting an error 17. I tried editing it to boot to my XP drive. It worked first boot, then when re-booting, I can't access any OS now, all I get is Error 1703:16
tumbleweed__corruptionoflulz : hi03:16
Watainikonia: What?03:16
viper233adante : you got no mouse? Looking the System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts   I don't see a shortcut to this menu.. What menu are you trying to see?03:16
dthackerWatain: try clearing your cache03:16
yo||so can anyone help with ati driver issues03:16
_juanGlam, bypassing an error during install is not a very safe thing to do, you don't know what will run and what will not03:17
Wataindthacker: I did that, man03:17
Glamwell, it was the solution when i searched on the forum http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42158803:17
mikeazhey folks, i just installed ubuntu 7.10, and i had compiz up and running until it asked me to use restricted drivers and i said yes. what should i do to get compiz back?03:17
mrdinklesHaving trouble installing wireless- I need to remove w/e i put on blacklist-- how do i do this?03:18
juano_1condoulo: use pastebin and paste sudo fdisk -l , and paste menu.lst located in /boot/grub03:18
Schmickmikeaz, press ALT-F2 and type compiz --replace03:18
adanteviper233: do not currently have a mouse no, and i did not know how to access the menu from the keyboard, so i could not actually achieve anything - but i know now03:18
RenatoSilvanalioth: could you point me one?03:18
mikeazschmick: i tried that and it has no effect03:18
SamsLembasHello- When booting up, my computer shows the nVidia splash screen a few times before taking me to the GUI X error message (but the GUI is off to the side of the screen and unusable). My computer worked fine earlier today and I have not done any software updates since then. Is it possible to somehow reset my drivers to their default setting or something?03:18
naliothRenatoSilva: #ubuntu-devel  #ubuntu-motu are a couple of them03:19
WatainI changed the home directory of my FTP and restarted vsftpd, but my firefox still shows the old directory if I connect to localhost, but the new directory if I connect to the NAT IP.. Why is that? It's showing the right one in lftp though <--- Now it worked but it took more than half n hour to reflect the changes. Anyone know anything about this? ( I DID clear the cache, history and everything)03:19
Schmickok... mikeaz, do you get the mesa bug when issuing fglrxinfo?03:19
viper233adante : ok... what is it? for future reference?03:20
RenatoSilvanalioth: but these channels are related to developing ubuntu ITSELF, not developing ON IT03:20
ikoniaWatain: when you say NAT ip do you mean the private or public ip03:20
mikeazschmick: i get no errors when i run fglrxinfo03:20
mac_i tried03:20
Watainikonia: Private03:20
jack-desktopI'm having trouble with sound - I keep hearing this clicking or tapping or some weird sound in the background when the volume is on03:20
viper233adante : Alt-F1 .. just saw03:20
mac_but i dont see any folders there03:20
ikoniaWatain: ok, is it possible your router is caching when you hit the public ?03:20
Glamand at the same time i can't boot up vista anymore03:20
=== rodserling_ is now known as rodserling
RenatoSilvaHi people, I'm building my 1st .DEB package, but I only know how to copy files to the system. To start, I want to know just how to put an icon of my application on the systenm menu. How???? Whinch kind of channel is suitable to this? Is there some #deb-packages or so?03:21
Schmickohh... mikeaz, I guess U are using an ATI aren't you?03:21
ikoniaRenatoSilva: nalioth suggested two good channels.03:21
mikeazschmick: yessir03:21
dthackerRenatoSilva: check out the packaging guide03:21
juano_1mac_: so you can connect to your windows pc with no errors?03:21
Watainikonia: I didn't check the public one yet. My issue is with "localhost". It takes forever to update03:21
Schmickok.. then we are off-topic.. join me on #ati03:21
mac_nope, i can't do it still03:21
mrdinklesHaving trouble installing wireless- I need to remove w/e i put on blacklist-- how do i do this?03:21
ikoniaWatain: it just sounds like a caching issue.03:21
mac_it doesn't connect03:21
ikoniaWatain: try stopping the daemon and connecting with firefox, verify it's not getting a response (as the daemon is dead).03:22
Finkwhen i try to open a .rar archive with file roller it says "archive not supported" is there any way to fix this (i tried installing unrar, but to no avail)03:22
juano_1mac_: emm, ok, waitain suggested earlier another thing , do this:  alt + f2 , then type smb://<windowsip> and hit enter03:22
_juanGlam, I'm sorry i have no idea on vista, but i still suggest you get a copy of th alternate disk, for booting proiblems, super gub disk is an excellent choice03:22
dthackermrdinkles: you put a wireless ethernet connection on what blacklist?03:23
=== diafic is now known as di[a]fic
RenatoSilvaikonia: did you read my comment about these channels? Then what do u think?03:23
Watainikonia: Okay, stopped the daemon but it's still accessible at localhost03:23
ikoniaRenatoSilva: I think they are two excellent channels.03:23
Watainikonia: Cleared the cache too03:23
Watainikonia: The firefox cache, that is..03:23
ikoniaWatain: something is caching it, the question is what03:23
Peddycan someone please give me the output (so that I can see if anything is wrong with mine) of sudo /usr/sbin/cupsd -f03:23
RenatoSilvadthacker: I'm trying to find something on the internet but I got only too basic tutorials :(03:23
ikonia(glad you checked it with the daemon dead)03:23
ikoniaWatain: can you confirm via ps that vsftp is actually dead.03:24
Peddythe -f option is to show it in the foreground03:24
=== mlg is now known as ardhi
Watainikonia: The vsftpd is dead. I tried to connect with lftp. It's only firefox that think it's still alive03:24
viper233Glam : can you just boot up and see what paritions are available and then we can edit the grub config from there. Sounds like you've specified the wrong device somewhere.03:24
mrdinklesdthacker: no, while doing previous installs-- i put some bcm on blacklist-- how can i start all over without reinstalilng, i want to remove all old files-- blacklist clear, modprobes-- no clue what they are but i want to start over03:24
mac_it says couldn't able to connect to windows  network:03:24
Glamright now i'm on the livecd03:24
dthackerRenatoSilva: then you need to consult the channels that ikonia pointed you too, because that is where the help is03:24
ikoniaWatain: at least we know firefox is somehow caching it.03:24
Glamthat's the only thing i can boot from right now03:25
RenatoSilvaikonia: Ok, you didn't read my comment, tough seems to...03:25
ikoniaRenatoSilva: there are some great guys in there who will take time to advise you.03:25
naliothRenatoSilva: the debian new packagers guide is a great place to start on the web03:25
ikoniaRenatoSilva: I read your comments fine, they are mistaken.03:25
wilo_can someone help me03:25
wilo_i need help with dependacies03:25
_juanby the way Glam, what kind of computer do you have?03:25
Watainikonia: But i did "clear private data". Anything else I need to do?03:25
Glamacer 5315 [laptop]03:25
ikoniaWatain: just thinking. I don't use firefox for ftp so I don't know how it behaves.03:25
viper233Glam : well, what partitions have you got and what bootable partitions are there? you can use fdisk to inspected what partitions there are and what type they are03:25
RenatoSilvaikonia: hum OK03:26
wilo_can someone help me?03:26
ikoniawilo_: what is the problem.03:26
juano_1condoulo: ok let me check it03:26
Glami have dev/sda1,2,3 and 403:26
viper233wilo_ : ask away...03:26
_juanwhats wrong wilo_?03:26
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:26
ikoniawilo_: as you can see the channel is busy so don't expect a response straight away.03:26
wilo_viper233,  i cant install any application (7.10 ubuntu)03:26
Glam2 is where windows is located, and 4 is where ubuntu is.03:26
wilo_gcdmaster: Depends: libgconfmm-2.6-1c2 (>= 2.10.0-3) but it is not installab03:26
speeddemon8803ikonia, do you see how many people are in here?03:26
ikoniaspeeddemon8803: yes, why03:27
saxartistI'm having major sound problems03:27
speeddemon8803SOMEONE is available :)03:27
Watainspeeddemon8803: 107403:27
wilo_i added universal sources to my list, and still cant install anything03:27
dthackermrdinkles: I'm not understanding your question, sorry.03:27
RenatoSilvanalioth: this? http://www.sylence.net/stuff/Debian_Packaging_Manual.pdf03:27
yo||it burns when i pee03:27
viper233Glam : do any of them have the boot flag set? * under boot03:27
ikoniawilo_: it means the dependencies are broke so that package will not install03:27
dthackerofftopic: yo||03:27
ikoniayo||: please stop that, you can see the channel is busy.03:27
saxartistI've been through all the "make alsa work" guides and all that, and run jack, etc.03:27
mrdinklesdthacker: ok, how can i access my blacklist?03:27
Glam@viper233 where do i find that at?03:27
viper233wilo_ : what error message are you getting, any package in particular?03:27
saxartistrosegarden, noteedit, etc. don't play back at all!03:27
wilo_ikonia, i cant install anything, amarok, or k3b anything03:27
naliothRenatoSilva: no.  the official debian guide is here:  http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/03:27
ikoniawilo_: ok, thats interesting, what version of ubuntu are you using.03:27
=== ubuntu is now known as setianto
juano_1condoulo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49566/03:28
dthackermrdinkles: that's what I don't understand.  I am not familiar with a blacklist in the wireless ethernet configuration.03:28
wilo_ikonia, im using 7.1003:28
viper233Glam : e.g. fdisk /dev/sda, press m for help, then p which will print the partitions and their type.03:28
gerathhey can anyone help with how to setup my laptop to recive beam files from my hand held in ubuntu..03:28
ikoniawilo_: would you be able to put your /etc/apt/sources.list file in a pastebin please.03:28
ikoniagerath: wirless/bluetooth/infrared ?03:28
Glam@viper233, in the terminal?03:29
viper233wilo_ : sounds like your /etc/apt/source.list file maybe at fault, is it asking for the CD all the time?03:29
mrdinklesHow can i access my blacklist for wireless configuration?03:29
wilo_ikonia,  http://pastebin.ca/83235903:29
viper233Glam : yeah, terminal03:29
wilo_but i fixed up the last line, and put a psca ein there03:29
RenatoSilvanalioth: thank you03:29
wilo_a space in there*03:30
aroonihey ubuntu team!  i have a t61 laptop running gutsy.  when i plug the network cable directly from my cable mode => laptop.... it 'connects' to the laptop.. BUT, i can't ping any server.  additionally, when i plug in the same ethernet cable to my mom's old winxp comp i built for her.... it connects just fine (also with my sisters ibook)..... ideas?03:30
ikoniawilo_: just looking.03:30
GlamViper233: it says no such file or directory03:30
fsckri downloaded a game VDrift-2007-03-23-full-2.package how do i install it with that extension?  Ive never seen that extension b403:30
viper233Glam : no fdisk ???03:30
dthackerarooni: is the laptop set to use DHCP?  Do you have a DHCP server?03:30
Glamviper233, nope.03:31
Glami'm on the livecd if it matters03:31
aroonidthacker, i dont have a dhcp server.... these are connections directly to whatever comes out of a broadband modem03:31
aroonidthacker, nots ure if dhcp is enabled on the laptop.... how do i check03:31
ikoniawilo_: first thing is to get rid of this line, unless you want to keep using the cdrom deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)]/ gutsy main restricted03:31
viper233Glam : for Gutsy? ..03:31
juano_1arooni: you are connected directy to ISP modem ?03:32
dthackerarooni: Network settings03:32
aroonijuano_1, yes03:32
mikedep333hey ikonia: I found a program that recovers as much data as possible from a corrupt tar.gz archive, it is running now03:32
Glamviper233: yes03:32
aroonishould i enable dhcp?  i was on "roaming mode" before for wired connections03:32
juano_1arooni: is it a dial-up pppoe internet connection ?03:32
wilo_ikonia, i was using the ;software sources; app. how do i get to the source list in terminal?03:32
ikoniamikedep333: I doubt you'll get anything uless from it.03:32
viper233Glam : can you run ls, cat, tar?03:32
aroonijuano_1, no, always on  broadband (by local cable company)03:33
ikoniawilo_: edit the file with a text editor, and just remove that one line or put a # in front of it.03:33
juano_1arooni: oh i see03:33
aroonishould i try dhcp?03:33
arooniinstead of wired roaming mode03:33
juano_1arooni: do what dthacker suggests, network settings and check to see if it is on dhcp yes03:33
Glamviper233: how do i do that?03:33
wilo_ikonia,  thats the prob, what is the command to edit the file, i need root privillages03:33
Syco54645on an lcd monitor how do i smooth out the fonts?  i am having the problem where some vertical lines are thicker than others in fonts03:33
ikoniawilo_: sudo03:33
ikoniawilo_: an easy editor is something like "nano" so "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"03:34
viper233bintut : next-server is the tftp server that tftp clients will look at by default.03:34
viper233Glam : open a terminal03:34
Glamviper233: ok03:34
viper233Glam:  type ls03:34
Glamit gives me desktop03:35
=== Knighthoodboy_ is now known as Guest165
viper233Glam : type top03:35
Glamviper233: it gives me a lot of stuff03:35
viper233Glam : press q to quit03:36
snow_press Ctrl + D to quit03:36
wilo_ikonia,  done, i "#" it out, now what03:36
viper233snow_ : q to quit top03:36
Glamviper233: ok03:36
ikoniawilo_: sudo apt-get update.03:36
ikoniawilo_: sudo apt-get update03:36
viper233Glam : type fdisk03:36
Glamviper233: ok03:37
wilo_ikonia,  done,03:37
wilo_i still cant install amarok03:37
viper233Glam : it should give you some usage stuff right?03:37
Glamviper233: yeah, it gives me a couple of things03:38
mac_hey junao03:38
mac_u there03:38
juano_1mac_: yes03:38
mac_i tried smb://IP03:38
viper233Glam : cool, now run   fdisk /dev/sda03:38
bullgard4lshw reports: "*-cpu capabilities: fpu fpu_exception wp vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat clflush dts. Where are these capabilities explained?"03:38
ufarooqhey everyone03:38
mac_then it asked me to provide the username, domain and passwd03:38
wilo_ikonia,  it just wont install anything, nor its dependacies :(03:38
mac_i did , but still not connecting03:39
snow_viper233, there is no need to teach me how to quit top03:39
arooni-mobilejuano_1, or dthacker .... so i tried setting the manual configuration up ... and selecting dhcp............  but no dice03:39
arooni-mobiledidnt work ;(03:39
arooni-mobileany other ideas/03:39
viper233snow_ : just teaching Glam :)03:39
juano_1arooni: if that still doesn't work, try this on a terminal : sudo ifconfig , check to see which is your network wired card, eg: eth0, and then sudo dhclient eth003:39
ikoniawilo_: I'm just in the middle of a converation withsomeone, I won't be a moment.03:40
Glamno such file or directory, but if i type /dev/sda4 it says unable to open03:40
ikoniawilo_: as I said the channel is busy don't expect a result straight away03:40
juano_1arooni-mobile: please before that check to see that dhcp is enabled or roaming mode03:40
dthackerarooni-mobile: do what juano_1 says ^^^^^03:40
snurtlemerry xmas people03:40
viper233Glam : don't specify a partition, specify the disk, /dev/sda so    fdisk /dev/sda03:40
Glamviper233: no such file or directory03:41
mac_its eth103:41
ufarooqi need help with my bluetooth in ubuntu, i am running gutsy, and i have a generic usb bluetooth dongle. i can get my laptop and phone paired, and send a file from my phone to my laptop, however, i am not able to browse the phone, i keep getting this error "couldn't display obex://[xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx]" and on the next line "check if service is available" ive tried so many how tos and do not know what to do, i was hoping someone in h03:41
gerathikonia : still here03:41
juano_1wilo_: whats the error message when you open up synaptic ?03:41
wilo_Cannot install 'amarok'03:41
wilo_This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'amarok' the conflicting software must be removed first.03:41
wilo_Switch to the 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict.03:41
mac_Listening on LPF/eth1/00:1c:bf:66:ff:7d03:41
mac_Sending on   LPF/eth1/00:1c:bf:66:ff:7d03:41
mac_Sending on   Socket/fallback03:41
mac_receive_packet failed on eth1: Network is down03:41
mac_DHCPREQUEST on eth1 to port 6703:41
mac_send_packet: Network is down03:41
wilo_juano_1,  ^^03:41
tritiummac, don't paste03:41
juano_1!paste | wilo_03:42
ubotuwilo_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:42
viper233Glam : but we just ran fdisk and got the usage stuff right? maybe try /dev/hda03:42
juano_1!paste | mac_03:42
ubotumac_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:42
CreedCan anyone running OpenWRT help me out a bit?03:42
Glamtyping /dev/hda says permission denied03:42
mac_will do03:42
juano_1wilo_: is synaptic still open after that ?03:42
juano_1wilo_: or does it crash ?03:42
viper233Glam : sorry, type fdisk /dev/hda03:43
mac_u mean synaptic package manager, i have installed all samba clients there03:43
juano_1mac_: that was for wilo_03:43
Glamviper233: no such file or directory03:43
wilo_juano_1,  yeah its still open03:43
viper233Glam : type fdisk03:43
juano_1mac_: messages for you say "mac_" at the beggining03:43
arooni-mobilejuano_1, dthacker i'm seeing messages like:  "DHCP Discover on eth 0 to port 67 interval 8 ....... No DHCPOFFERS received."  ..... and this is after going into manual config and setting up dhcp instead of roaming........ any next steps?03:43
gerathhey can anyone help with how to setup my laptop to recive beam files from my hand held in ubuntu.. am having trouble find the wirless/bluetooth/infrared and how to set it up.. any info would be appricated03:43
wilo_i dont see how i can find dependacies with it03:43
theBishophello, is the ipod classic supported by Gutsy?03:44
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod03:44
juano_1arooni-mobile: try sudo dhcpcd eth003:44
ari_stressanyone using pidging with lots of contacts?03:44
bullgard4What does the letter 'f' stand for in the fdisk command?03:45
viper233Glam : ok as in it comes up with this line, Usage: fdisk [-l] [-b SSZ] [-u] device or okay it says command not found?03:45
Neskayaari_stress, yeah?03:45
wilo_juano_1,  its as simple as this, i cannot install anything, if i install through gui, it tells me to go to synaptic, and it tells me i ned the right dependacies, and when  igo to install the right dependacies, it tells me i need more03:45
arooni-mobilejuano_1, damn:  "sudo: dhcpcd: command not found"03:45
squarebracketi think my remote computer crashed, is there any way i can remotely restart it?03:45
J_Manhard drives used to be referred to as "fixed disks"03:45
arooni-mobileit works great on wiresless btw03:45
viper233Glam : maybe try sudo fdisk /dev/sda03:45
juano_1wilo_: in synaptic go to preferences ---> repositories03:45
wilo_juano_1,  if i installed via cli then it tells me i need dependacies, and if i sudo get-apt install (application) it says its "unavailable" or need other dependacies03:45
ari_stressNeskaya: my pidgin only shows my contact up-to "R" alphabet, why the rest is not shown?03:46
Glamviper233: it says fdisk [-1] [-b SSZ] [-u] device03:46
juano_1wilo_: check in ubuntu software to see if you have all 5 enabled boxes03:46
Glamviper233: command not found03:46
_juanwilo_ have you tried with sudo aptitude instal ....03:46
Neskayaari_stress, dunno.  Mine shows up entirely.03:46
wilo_juano_1, only 3 were ticked, ill try with all 503:47
Glamviper233: would it help if i showed you the printscreen of top?03:47
viper233Glam : can't find sudo and returns a file not found when running fdisk with arguements?? very strange..03:47
juano_1wilo_: and please disable all third-party ones03:47
mac_why $sudo dhclient eth0 is failing, but i can connect to internt03:47
viper233Glam : no..03:47
Rufus_what can i type in the terminal to get system information like my current version of ubuntu?03:47
ari_stressNeskaya: i have about 100 contacts03:47
Neskayaari_stress, odd.03:47
wilo_juano_1,  ok ill disable 3rd party03:47
juano_1wilo_: after that click CLOSE below and then reload in the main synaptic window03:48
underdaw1is there a bash command to see memory usage, cpu usage etc?  my pings are not bad and my response time through ssh/vnc is SLOW03:48
viper233Glam : so when you type    fdisk /dev/sda    in the terminal the next line says file not found? or Unable to open /dev/sda03:48
juano_1wilo_: if all goes well, then just try to install what you need03:49
Glamviper233: no such file or directory03:49
Glamviper233: does it make a difference if there is a space after fdisk and /?03:50
juano_1arooni-mobile: pastebin sudo ifconfig03:50
wilo_juano_1,  thankyou VERY much03:50
underdaw1is there a bash command to see memory usage, cpu usage etc?  my pings are not bad and my response time through ssh/vnc is SLOW03:50
_juanRufus_ just hit ctrl+alt+f1 to go back hit ctrl+alt+f703:50
juano_1wilo_: did that work ?03:50
wilo_it worked, thankyou soo much juano_1 much appreciated, have a great christmas03:50
viper233Glam : yes, you will most definitely need a space between fdisk and /dev/sda03:50
juano_1wilo_: hehe great :) have a great x-mas yourself!03:50
wilo_juano_1 it allowed me to select amarok, and its downloading now03:51
jxxt viper233, What if he does not have an ide disc??03:51
arooni-mobilejuano_1, i really appreciate the offer.. but i only have one ethernet cable, and i'm not sure i'd do an accurate typing job transposing that output to my one pc that does have internet access ;(03:51
Glamviper233: then it says unable to open /dev/sda03:51
Rufus__juan: what do i type in there?03:51
juano_1wilo_: great, yea it was a dependencies problem, it happens :P03:51
viper233Glam: cool, that means you don't have /dev/sda , try /dev/hda instead... fdisk /dev/hda    remember the spaces..03:52
_juannothing, Rufus_ that will get you out of the hraphical interface and will show you what version you have03:52
qinjuehangGlam: try ls /dev and see what u get03:52
viper233jxxt : we don't know what kind of disk Glam has... ;)03:52
juano_1arooni-mobile: you sure your doing sudo dhclient ethX  where X is the wired one right ?03:53
qinjuehangviper233:ask him to open his box :D03:53
jxxt viper233, That is not helpful :(03:53
Glamviper233: you will not be able to write the partition table03:53
Glamand then a whole lot of other stuff after than03:53
viper233Glam : cool Everyone he has /dev/hda!!!!!!!!!03:54
viper233sorry.. she/he ...03:54
Rufus_isnt there something to type in terminal to get all kinds of sytem info?03:54
Glami guess that's good news?03:54
J_Manwhat kind of info you want Rufus?03:54
qinjuehangGlam:what prog are u using to write partitions?03:54
viper233Glam : at the terminal type this    sudo fdisk /dev/hda03:54
Rufus_j_man, ubuntu version, all that stuff03:54
snow_please stop ubuntu03:54
Rufus_ctrl+alt+f1 is messed up03:54
wilo_juano_1, thankyou none the less, i just couldn't get it, i love ubuntu and now its working again, ill love it evern more :)03:54
Glamviper233: ok03:55
_juanRufus_ messed up?03:55
J_Manwell, there's different commands that will tell you all kinds of different things03:55
Rufus__juan, yes03:55
viper233qinjuehang : has partitions written, just has grub setup incorrectly... need to know which partition is boot etc...03:55
Rufus_graphical glitch03:55
sn00zerdoes anyone here use piratebay?03:55
viper233Glam : type p, press enter03:55
Glamviper233: ok03:55
juano_1wilo_: your welcome, hope you enjoy your ubuntu :) and feel free to ask anytime03:56
viper233Glam : what appears? use http://pastebin.com/ to paste much output03:56
Glamviper233: it says you may change all the disk params from the x menu03:56
qinjuehangsn00zer: I doi a bit03:57
_juansn00zer all the time03:57
doctormomy usplash is always black, how can i get usplash to appear?03:57
viper233Glam : there should be a partition with an '*' next to it under the boot heading03:57
Finkmerry xmas03:57
qinjuehangdoctormo: try refreshing it03:57
sn00zerdid something happen to their site? i'm getting an internal server error 50003:57
doctormoqinjuehang: explain03:57
qinjuehangdoctormo: Let me try to remember the command03:58
Glamviper233: i don't understand03:58
mrdinklesusing gutsy, and attempting  to install bcmwlf with windows wireless drivers-- Says unable to see if hardware is present? any ideas03:58
underdaw1is there a bash command to see memory usage, cpu usage etc?  my pings are not bad and my response time through ssh/vnc is SLOW03:58
khaotikwhat it is03:58
sn00zermy connection is alittle sluggish and i was wondering if its the site since its internal server error, or something wrong on my end03:58
qinjuehangunderdaw: try "top"03:59
dthackerunderdaw1: top03:59
_juansn00zer, im also getting the same error03:59
Mr_Sonomaif i wanted to format a disk into NTFS format what command would i use?03:59
doctormodthacker: hey there03:59
viper233Glam : so you've just typed    sudo fdisk /dev/hda  . You are now in the fdisk program, type p and then press enter, you will get a list of your partitions and one of them should have an '*' next to it03:59
sn00zerok, thanks for checking03:59
dthackerdoctormo: hi doc!03:59
qinjuehangdoctormo: try  "sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-`uname -r`" i guess03:59
qinjuehangmight take half a min04:00
mrdinklesusing gutsy, and attempting  to install bcmwlf with windows wireless drivers-- Says unable to see if hardware is present? any ideas04:00
Glamviper233: nope i don't have anything except you may change...04:01
Mr_Sonoma!patience | mrdinkles04:01
ubotumrdinkles: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:01
viper233Glam : can you give us a screen shot?04:01
Niko-formerlyEaghow come when I did an upgrade in ubuntu 7.10 in update manager my wireless disappeared all together?04:01
scguy318mrdinkles: what does ndiswrapper -l say?04:01
Niko-formerlyEagit doesn't even seem to recognize my wireless card anymore04:02
qinjuehangNiko-formerlyEag: DId u check if u accidentally uninstalled the package?04:02
Niko-formerlyEagdon't think so04:02
_juanRufus_ you still there?04:02
Niko-formerlyEagI don't even know the package name04:02
Pulshionhows anyone know how to uninstall compiled mplayer. In synaptic i completely removed it but it still works04:02
Niko-formerlyEagit worked immediately when I install 7.1004:02
viper233Glam : tell me where you post it..04:02
Niko-formerlyEagI really don't have hours to try to figure it out because I have to leave tomorrow morning and won't be able to fix it04:03
qinjuehangNiko-formerlyEag: do u have the windows ddriver for it?04:03
Glamviper233: http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k67/QueenHawkeye/Screenshot-1.png04:03
Niko-formerlyEagI'm trying to setup linux for my parents04:03
Niko-formerlyEaglinux provides a driver for it04:03
Niko-formerlyEagI don't need to use the windows driver04:03
mrdinklesscguy318: Warning-- ignoring line... with black-- bcmlwf5 installed-04:03
Niko-formerlyEagI just don't understand why an upgrade would break it completely04:03
Pulshionhows anyone know how to uninstall compiled mplayer. In synaptic i completely removed it but it still works04:03
umeri need help with bluetooth, i cant seem to browse my phone, it says "couldnt display obex" and to "check if service is available" any ideas?04:03
Niko-formerlyEagand it'd be nice to have an easy way to fix it without spending 2 hours recompiling the kernel04:03
soldatsPulshion, sudo apt-get remove mplayer04:04
mrdinklesscguy318: how can i take off the black list-- that might be causing problems-- its shows driver installed but then a ignoring line 2704:04
kyu_fluxback in my day, we recompiled the kernel every other week04:04
qinjuehangoh and try apt-get install network-manager network-manager-gnome network-admin wireless-tools04:04
viper233Glam : see http://pastebin.com/d2a4dca31 for what I have typed04:04
kyu_fluxof course i'm lazy now, and I was never really a heavy linux user in the first place, but, eh...04:04
Pulshionsoldats. it doesnt exist04:04
Aaron_MasonHey all, is anybody with an SiS900 embedded controller having trouble with TCP traffic taking ages to connect?04:04
_juanPulshion didi you compile it yourself?04:05
Aaron_Masonand ubuntu 7.1004:05
Hot_Girlhello everyone04:05
Pulshion_juan yes04:05
Hot_Girli need an FTP program for Ubuntu please04:05
qinjuehangNiko-formerlyEag: try apt-get install network-manager network-manager-gnome network-admin wireless-tools04:05
Hot_Girli need an FTP program for Ubuntu please04:05
Niko-formerlyEagqinjuehang, those are already installed04:05
Niko-formerlyEagI just checked04:05
soldatsPulshion, hmm so if it was uninstalled i wonder why it still works04:05
scguy318mrdinkles: black list?04:05
_juanPulshion, hang on a bit04:05
jxxtglam, it is on /dev/hda304:05
Pulshionsoldats, cause i compiled it myself04:06
Niko-formerlyEagand I can't download anything without phyiscally moving the computer into a different room...something i don't have time for04:06
Niko-formerlyEagit looks like I'll have to leave this computer inoperative for my parents until I come back here in 2 years04:06
soldatsPulshion, delete the dir where its installed, the README.txt should say how to uninstall it04:06
qinjuehangNiko-formerlyEag try sudo netowrk-admin in the Terminal04:06
mrdinklesscguy318: how can i show you what it says without posting it on here04:06
qinjuehangsudo network-admin04:06
scguy318!pastebin | mrdinkles04:07
ubotumrdinkles: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:07
mrdinklesscguy318: using that bot to tell me doesnt help, i dont know what that is04:07
Pulshionsoldats if i could find the directory04:07
Hot_Girlhello everyone04:07
Niko-formerlyEagqinjuehang, did...it doesn't list my wireless connection anymore...just modem and wired04:07
Niko-formerlyEagqinjuehang, wireless disappeared when I ran update manager and installed all the updates...I'm guessing it's because of a kernel update04:07
Glamviper233: i don't have the boot part, instead of boot i have flag and a u next to hda204:07
viper233Glam: thanks... doesn't look like you have any partitions on that drive..04:07
_juancan you sudo make remove mplayer?04:07
Soskelcan someone please verify? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/webtechmedia.net-release04:07
Pulshionsoldats, yea i deleted that directory04:07
qinjuehangNiko-formerlyEag:what wireless device are u using?04:07
Hot_Girli need an FTP program for Ubuntu04:08
soldatsPulshion, look at _juan s post04:08
Niko-formerlyEagqinjuehang, it's a linksys pci adapter04:08
J_Mantry gftp04:08
scguy318mrdinkles: pastebin is a place to show me your text?04:08
Pulshionsoldats, i dont think thats where it was installed04:08
Aaron_MasonHot_Girl, like WSFTP?04:08
mrdinklesscguy318: i posted04:08
J_Manprobably the best gui ftp client I know of04:08
_juanPulshion and then make clean04:08
J_Manfor linux, anyway04:08
scguy318mrdinkles: linky?04:08
viper233Glam : show me output again... pastebin or photo bucket04:08
Pulshionmake: *** No rule to make target `remove'.  Stop.04:08
Hot_Girlyes Aaron_Mason, like WS_FTP04:08
mrdinklesscguy318: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49567/04:08
qinjuehangNiko-formerlyEag: It used to work?04:09
jxxtmrdinkles, I know what you are talking about because it happened to me. I googled a lot and found a way to whitelist the bcm but it still did not work for me04:09
Niko-formerlyEagqinjuehang, when I first installed ubuntu 7.10 this afternoon, wireless worked fine04:09
scguy318mrdinkles: ty, gimme a sec04:09
Niko-formerlyEagqinjuehang, I ran update manager afterwards to install all the updates, and rebooted and wireless was gone04:09
J_Manbcm driver is somewhat flaky - you have to get the right firmware04:09
Glamviper233: http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k67/QueenHawkeye/Screenshot-2.png04:09
J_Manand it still has a transmit power problem with some broadcom chipsets04:09
_juanPulshion, go to the mplayer source directoery04:09
Niko-formerlyEagqinjuehang, I'm guessing some idiot in ubuntu forgot to put thte module in the newest kernel04:09
Aaron_Masonargh.. I'm trying to connect to port 21 of my laptop from my machine which is connected directly to the switch and it won't connect :/04:10
J_ManI always drop it in favor of using ndiswrapper04:10
Pulshion_juan do u know where its at04:10
mikeaz:-( my newly installed ubuntu is giving me hell04:10
qinjuehangNiko-formerlyEag: Let me see...did you load your wireless module?04:10
scguy318mrdinkles: pastebin your /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist04:10
jxxtmrdinkles, There is some fairly extensive stuff on this subject in Ubuntu forums...04:10
scguy318mrdinkles: you probably typoed something in there04:10
Niko-formerlyEagqinjuehang, no...that's what I'm getting ready to do right now once I find it04:10
_juanPulshion,  where did you untar the source file?04:11
wilo_juano_1, do you have time for another quick question?04:12
_juanPulshion, then that's where it's at04:12
_juanPulshion, did you find it?04:13
Niko-formerlyEagqinjuehang, for some reason the device isn't even listed in lspci04:13
qinjuehangNiko-formerlyEag: What is the model of your device04:13
Niko-formerlyEagI'm thinking maybe it's not seated all the way in the pci slot for some reason04:13
Pulshion_juan no, there is only .mplayer, but its probably a left over from when i uninstalled using synaptic04:14
qinjuehangNiko-formerlyEag: several linysys cards are blacklisted04:14
Pulshionand i do the command u gave me it gives the same output04:14
scguy318mrdinkles: Texas, eh? happens to be where I am too :)04:14
scguy318mrdinkles: any questions?04:14
_juanPulshion type: whereis mplayer or which mplayer04:14
soldatsin a terminal^^04:15
Pulshionmplayer: /etc/mplayer /usr/local/bin/mplayer /usr/local/etc/mplayer /usr/share/mplayer04:15
qinjuehangNiko-formerlyEag: Whats your wireless care's model number?04:15
FezzlerI ahve an old DOS computer connected to serial port COM1 on my Ubuntu PC (ttyS0), I want to send type to my UB PC, what program can capture info incoming from ttyS0 (Com1)?04:16
viper233Glam : Well that could be your problem regarding the error 17 you get when trying to boot linux. No bootable partition...04:16
squarebracketis there a way to ping a specific computer behind a router?04:16
_juanPulshion, ir order to use the make remoe command you have to be in the source folder04:16
Niko-formerlyEagqinjuehang, WMP54G04:16
viper233Glam : I don't know what the u flag means, I'll look it up..04:16
Niko-formerlyEagqinjuehang, I just opened the computer and it looks like my dad pulled it out of it's slot on accident...so it should work now04:16
Glamviper233: ok, is there any possible way to fix it?04:16
Pulshionwhich one out of 4?04:16
Niko-formerlyEagqinjuehang, thanks for your help04:16
PSPJunkieDoes anyone own a "My Book" external hdd?04:17
_juanPulshion, did you delete it? none of them04:17
scguy318PSPJunkie: I know someone who does04:17
viper233Glam : re install??? did you have another OS on that disk?04:17
Pulshionno, then why does it start and play movies lol04:17
PSPJunkieIs it possible to partition it and put an OS on it?04:17
=== _max is now known as max
scguy318PSPJunkie: yes, its just like any old external HDD04:17
PSPJunkieCool, thanks04:17
qinjuehangNiko-formerlyEag: :D Your wireless USED to be blacklisted, in fact04:17
_juanlook in your home directory for a folder named mplayer04:18
_juanRufus, that has the make remove parameters04:18
Pulshion_juan nothing is there04:18
_juanthen look for it in your trash folder04:19
mrdinklesscguy318: had to go to the restroom-- okay, checking on the blacklist04:19
Glamviper233: yeah i had it dual booting vista04:19
viper233Glam : re install is probably the easiest option for you.. it is possible to being things back.. you would want to create a boot partition, install the kernel image, grub again on the installed system, I would do that by chrooting into the install and going at it from there... then re installing grub.. kinda easier to re install04:20
netdurubuntu sometimes just shut down by its own04:20
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:20
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.04:20
qinjuehangGlam : If u want to reinstall, I suppose u should make a seperate partition for home04:20
CreedCan anyone running OpenWRT help me out a bit?04:21
MasterShreknetdur, is it overheating by chance?04:21
Pulshion_juan its not there04:21
netdurMasterShrek: how do I know?04:21
MasterShrekCreed, i run dd-wrt, but this is offtopic, if u think i can help you join #ubuntu-offtopic04:21
qinjuehangnetdur: I suppose u have a laptop (Thinkpad?)04:21
Glamviper233: is there any other options besides reinstalling?  reinstalling is my last solution04:21
_juanPulshion, what you can do is recompìle mplayer from source and then deleting it04:21
qinjuehangnetdur: Thats unusual to overheat...04:21
Pulshionok, ill try that, thanx04:22
MasterShreknetdur, your bios should have sensors04:22
_juanPulshion, it's the VERY long way around04:22
qinjuehangnetdur: Put your hand behind your computer to see if the fan is working04:22
viper233Glam : /dev/hda3 is an extended partition which contains your windows drives and logical partitions...04:22
qinjuehangnetdur: easiest method04:22
netdurI can hear it04:22
nickrudping ronaldo04:22
viper233Glam : re install is your easiest option, do you have any data on your linux partition?04:22
Pulshion_juan better than nothing04:22
Glam/viper233 no04:23
mrdinklesscguy318: how do i get permission into my blacklist04:23
MasterShreknetdur, is the processor fan working?04:23
FezzlerIs there a basic Term program with Ubuntu that will display ascii text arriving via ttyS0 (COM1)?04:23
netdurqinjuehang: I have one fan right on processor04:23
_juanbut reemember you have to be in the source directory in order to make remove, Pulshion04:23
netdurMasterShrek: yes04:23
Pulshionok, thanx04:23
nickrudFezzler, minicom04:23
viper233Glam : so you can lose right? but you want to keep your Vista right?04:23
qinjuehangnetdur: Are all your power cables well connected? and bent pins?04:23
Hot_Girlpower cables04:23
Hot_Girlsilly geese04:23
mrdinklesscguy318: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49568/04:24
qinjuehangHot_Girl: :O04:24
Glamviper233: that is correct04:24
netdurqinjuehang: all ok, this never happened with prev. ubuntu install04:24
Synx_hmWhats a good way to rip rar dvd's to the HD?  dvd::rip?  I just want to rip some of my movies to the hd for later viewing without the disk, i would like to preserve their orig quality and all the menus etc04:24
laoenhello!! can someone give me some irc channels about network?04:24
laoenor topics about network?04:25
MasterShrek!dvd | Synx_hm04:25
ubotuSynx_hm: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:25
scguy318mrdinkles: gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist04:25
Synx_hmthank you sir04:25
qinjuehangnetdur: Try looking at yoru system log.04:25
qinjuehangIn System>admin04:25
laoenhello!! can someone give me some irc channels about network?04:25
scguy318mrdinkles: prefix a command with sudo (for CLI apps) or gksudo (for GUI apps) to run it with root privs04:26
viper233Okay.. so you can re install.. delete partiton hda1 and hda2 as they are linux partions, manually create a /boot (maybe /home) / (this is called the root partition, as in root of a tree, not root user) and swap partition, Vista be and be back into linux in less than an hour !04:26
buttercupsSynx_hm, try vobcopy, vobcopy -m will copy the entire dvd to hard drive04:26
viper233Glam : /boot only needs to be 150MB04:27
viper233Glam : swap 1GB04:27
mrdinklesscguy318: when i open with gedit, i cant see anything within the file04:27
laoen can someone give me some irc channels about network?04:27
viper233Glam : / 10GB or the remainder of the disk04:27
Glamviper233: ok, can you tell me how i can go about doing that?04:28
mrdinklesscguy318: ima just log in as root04:28
viper233Glam : you can do it straight away, seeing you are using the liveCD/install CD. Double click on the install icon on the desktop04:29
iipingdoes any1 know here how to program icmp response04:29
* viper233 find screen shots for Gutsy install04:29
mrdinklesscguy318: nvm, i dont know how to log in as root lmao04:31
* viper233 nothing yet ....04:31
ChemicalvampI need to boot a CD image extracted to a USB flash drive. how do i tell grub to boot it? same as a windows partition?04:31
iipingis there a utility on ubuntu to program the response on ping04:31
viper233Glam : okay.. we are starting at Step 4 http://news.softpedia.com/news/Installing-Ubuntu-7-10-68645.shtml04:32
Glamviper233: ok04:32
Cam-chemicalvamp: i dont thin kits possible to boot directly to an iso, but you could burn the iso to a partition and i think you can boot from that?04:33
viper233Glam : at the Hard disk partitioning04:33
qinjuehangGlam: You might want to try Wubi if you are really for it, and have little experiance with other OSes04:33
nickrudiiping, oidentd , midentd , gidentd , ident2 are some options04:33
viper233Glam : ... sections, we'll go with option 304:33
Schmickmrdinkles, sudo is a command to run any program as root... just type sudo followed by the name of the program.. it'll ask you for YOUR password, then it'll execute it.04:33
viper233Glam : manaully creating the partitions04:33
chetnickiiping i thnik you should set that up in /etc/sysctl.conf04:33
Aaron_Masonis there a command line copy utility that provides a status indicator?04:34
PeddyCan someone please help me? eye-of-gnome (the default image viewer) and evince aren't able to print.04:34
ChemicalvampCam- an extracted iso of a bootable cd04:34
PeddyThe print button is greyed out04:34
SchmickAaron_Mason, what sort of status?04:35
qinjuehangAaron_Mason: u mean CPU?04:35
chetnickAaron_Mason cp -v04:35
Soskelhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/webtechmedia.net-release  someone please verify04:35
Aaron_Masonnah, like progress, telling you what the file's up to04:35
viper233Glam : .. no screen shots  :(  go to this site ... http://www.howtoforge.com/the_perfect_desktop_ubuntu_gutsy_gibbon04:35
Schmicklol.. chetnick got the idea.. Aaron_Mason, follow chetnick's answer.04:36
Cam-chemicalvamp: im not -sure- this will work someone else should be able to help you but, if you dd the iso to a spair HD, then you should be able to boot from that04:36
Pulshion_juan u there?04:36
Aaron_Masoni meant a progress indicator04:36
Glamviper233: ok04:36
qinjuehangviper233: Its almost impossible to screenshot gutsy gibbon installing, it doean't work in many virtualizartions :P04:36
Cam-chemicalvamp: ive heard of it working before.04:36
ChemicalvampCam- if i did that.. what do i have grub boot? like a standard windows boot?04:37
Aaron_Masoni suppose I could dd the file in the background and then do periodic kill -USR1 on the process04:37
viper233qinjuehang : yeah.. it's a pain...04:37
iipingnickrud, chetnick : thanks for the response04:37
Cam-you should then be able to setup grub to pass boot to that HD04:38
viper233Glam : screen shot of where you are upto please...04:38
Glamviper233: ok04:38
Cam-chemicalvamp: what kind of iso are you trying to boot to though04:38
scguy318!root | mrdinkles04:38
ubotumrdinkles: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:38
J_Manor just do sudo passwd root04:39
J_Manand stop worrying about it :)04:39
Aaron_Masongot it04:39
ChemicalvampCam- doesnt matter they all boot the same04:39
Aaron_Masonoh joy... join/part flooders04:39
J_Manthe opers are on the job :)04:40
RedHeronYes, yes they are.04:40
RedHeronGood to see!04:40
qinjuehangI bet irc.swiftirc.net will be empty after this04:41
RedHeronCould also be that they're trying to get their enemies in trouble.04:41
* RedHeron has seen that in DC.04:42
soldatsmaybe they will04:42
AHAirc.swiftirc.net is mainly runscape related04:42
viper233Glam : waiting for a screenshot of where you upto?04:42
qinjuehangthere is no java for my compouter, 64-bit and too lazy04:42
Pulshionrunescape sucks04:42
Glamviper233: http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k67/QueenHawkeye/Screenshot-3.png04:43
qinjuehangGlam: 2 more partitions, SWAP and ext3 with home as mountpointg04:45
viper233Glam : What hard drives do you have in your machine? one ide and one sata?04:45
Glamviper233: i'm not sure, i had this other problem earlier today so i went to the bios and changed the setting to ide04:46
Glamviper233: but i'm pretty sure i have sata too04:47
viper233Glam : how many disks are in the machine?04:47
viper233Glam : What motherboard?04:47
Glamviper233: it's an acer 531504:47
belarmI've got a recurring problem with grub i'd like to resolve: adding new hard drives causes the hd id grub searches to become invalid. booting off a cd to fix it requires some guesswork, as i have to unplug an IDE drive to do so. is there a more elegant solution?04:48
qinjuehangMy ides are recognized as sata, and they mount, unmount and work perfectly.04:48
fiXXXerMetWhere can I configure the "Boot off-board chipsets first support" option?04:49
snurtlewhere is the GRUB located?04:50
viper233Glam : so it's one of these... http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ACER-5315-ASPIRE-NEAR-NEW-1-MONTH-OLD-INCLUDES-CASE_W0QQitemZ220186277615QQihZ012QQcategoryZ16159QQcmdZViewItem   looking for a better description04:50
belarmsnurtle, was that directed at me or qinjuehang?04:51
Glamyeah, except it has 1gb ram and 80gb hdd04:51
snurtlebelarm sorry directed towards yourself04:51
DWonderlyanyone now what plugin it is to make the open windows stand off the cube?04:51
DWonderlyin compiz04:52
assholeMy system name is Laptop. I set the server string in smb.conf as %h but it shows up as Laptop (Laptop).. How do i fix this? I don't want the system name twice04:52
belarmit's on the first sata drive on the on-board sata controller04:52
ari_stressasshole: it's netbios name = blabla in smb.conf04:53
sidWhat is a good DVDSHrink like software, for Ubuntu?04:53
J_Mandvdshrink running under wine04:53
snurtlebelarm, how many HD and OS do you have on there?04:53
sidJ_Man: I don't want to use wine04:53
belarm4 IDE, 4 SATA, and just one install of ubuntu (7.10 server i386)04:54
Glamviper233: this is the exact laptop that i have http://item.express.ebay.com/Computers-Networking_Laptop-PCs__New-Acer-5315-2153-Laptop-Intel-80gb-HD-1gb-RAM_W0QQitemZ300168280706QQptdnZQQddnZComputersQ20Q26Q20NetworkingQQadnZLaptopQ20PCsQQcmdZExpressItemQQtabnavZ1#tabs04:54
belarmunfortunately, i add & remove hard drives frequently, and can't (permanently) use the MBR of IDE0, as I'm looking to phase all the IDEs out for SATA shortly04:55
bluefoxx_my computer is dying taday[oh the irony]04:55
ari_stressDWonderly: i'm wondering that myself, in fuzion i cannot find it anymore04:55
viper233Glam : thanks, seen this site? http://hsnewman.freeshell.org/acr5315.htm04:55
belarmsid, the only app I'm familiar with that will do that is dvd::rip; but i've not tried it04:55
DWonderlyari_stress: I got it... go here http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=530304:56
Glamviper233: no i haven't04:56
assholeari_stress: I don't understand exactly what to edit there..04:56
assholeari_stress: It's showing my system name twice04:56
kyu_fluxthis is the 2nd time this has happened to me - I can't get apps to start in gnome unless I log out and log back in... any ideas?04:56
belarmdid your IP/hostname change, kyu_flux?04:57
ari_stressasshole: add a line like this in smb.conf: netbios name = mysuperlaptop04:57
kyu_fluxbelarm: yeah...!04:57
snurtle belarm is there 1 harddrive that you keep permanently04:57
ari_stressasshole: it will show your laptop as 'mysuperlaptop' in network04:57
ari_stressthanks DWonderly04:57
belarmthe drive with the OS, snurtle; which is SATA 004:57
ThornsberryCan someone walk me through how to change permission for a folder through the terminal?04:58
DWonderlyari_stress Anytime.04:58
inzoyhello guys04:59
inzoyi need some help04:59
belarmkyu_flux, I used to have that issue; not sure what the resolution is.04:59
bluefoxx_so, my computer froze while i was using it earlier, i rebooted, and then it dies during starting the X server, i remove a bunch of devices down to bare bones, and only managed to access gnome desktop by booting into recovery mode, logging on root, su-logging on myself then sudo startx. my SATA is gone, USB gone, serial and paralell gone, only using a wired keyboard[thank god i kan do it all from kbd], and its xmas, so stores are closed04:59
bluefoxx_anyone got an idea as to my problem?04:59
bluefoxx_i think my mobo's south-bridge is going, or the CPU04:59
kyu_fluxbelarm: ahh... well thanks for the lead - didn't realize that it was so sensitive to changing the IP/hostname =)04:59
belarmusing the network manager to change your IP may provide some relief; but I can't speak with authority on that.05:00
inzoyi've got a relatively old laptop with no harddrive in it and i'm trying to make it work from a live cd as a wireless access point that will share my internet connection.05:00
snurtlebelarm, why dont you make a partition on SATA 0 and put GRUB there05:00
belarmsnurtle, the problem ATM seems to be that when I plug drives into my PCI SATA controller, they end up at what would seem to be sda & sdb, pushing back the ones plugged into the onboard (& superior) controller.05:01
inzoyany ideas?05:01
assholeari_stress: Okay, I tried that but it shows up the netbios name within brackets.. So since I have the server string already.. It shows up twice..05:01
unagisometimes when im listening to internet radio, firefox crashes and i lose sound until i restart, how can i get sound back without restarting05:01
viper233Glam : the changes you made in the bios may have caused issues with Vista.. It's wierd that when you did an fdisk it showed a linux, swap and extended partition and now in the partition selection it shows 3 windows (ntfs) partitions and only one linux partition...05:01
belarmand /boot is on the same drive upon which grub is installed to the MBR; is that what you meant?05:02
danzigrulesdanroj: that is nice05:02
snurtleare these drives the same?i.e. maybe there trying to RAID themselves??05:02
bluefoxx_so can anyone tell me what might be wrong with my computer?05:02
belarm(::sniff:: sometimes i actually miss LILO)05:02
inzoytried a couple of stuff, but due to the fact that it has no hdd it is nearly impossible.. using some ways i've found on the web05:02
snurtlethats directed towards belarm sorry05:02
unagiaudiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open resource for writing.05:02
unagiwhat does that mean05:02
Glamviper233: the only bios change i made besides making the dvd/cd boot first is that i changed the sata hdd from ahci to ide05:03
danrojtanks danzigrules05:03
ari_stressasshole: maybe you can turn off the server string off?05:03
viper233Glam : it's not that anything is lost.. it's just that it's not accessable..05:03
belarmsnurtle, there's no RAID going on; the PCI controller is a software RAID card, but the disks are in JBOD mode05:03
Glamviper233: oh05:03
assholeari_stress: If I turn off the server string, then it shows up in the network as "Samba 3.0.26a (Laptop)"05:03
yHere's something odd. Fdisk shows /dev/sda1 and yet there is no sda1 within /dev/05:04
belarm(which worked in my old config: 8xIDE, 2xSATA, grub on hda)05:04
yon startup I get lots of hard disk errors05:04
viper233Glam : it will change it from being /dev/sda to /dev/hda...05:04
inzoydo you know of any distro ubuntu-based , or not .. that can do this job without installing any extra things?05:04
undoswhat if I move /* to /dev/null P05:04
dessnry:  you may need a new hard disk...05:04
Glamviper233: is there anyway i can fix that?05:05
ydessnr I hope not!05:05
dessnry: or perhaps map out the bad blocks...05:05
inzoy(ubuntu-based preferred cause its the only one that can use my wireless card without any special drivers.. right out of the box05:05
ydessnr.... tough thing to debug without a proper device locale =(05:05
yhave you heard of this before or are you guessing?05:05
inflexhiya folks - trying to help my father here who's running Ubuntu - but he's behind a NAT (ISP does the NAT'ing, so no port-forwarding, sorry) and I want to SSH into his machine05:05
inzoycan i have some attention please?05:05
inflexany suggestions?  Since obviously running openSSH on his Ubuntu box won't achieve anything for us05:06
dessnry:  i had that problem...  i ended up using a startup cd with disk repairing utilities to map the bad blocks out.05:06
ydessnr I thought I tried that to no avail.05:06
yKNOPPIX sees it all fine!05:06
yand can even scan through files.05:06
undosinzion: what are you looking for?05:06
inzoyinflex, install ssh and change the port .. (?)05:07
=== undos is now known as Kakarotto
inzoyi'm trying to make a wireless router out of an old laptop05:07
belarmI can use the cdrom to fix this again, i just wish the method by which grub identified drives were a little more...to my understanding, i suppose :-)05:07
inzoywith no hdd05:07
dessnry:  strange.  knoppix didn't like my drive until i marked the bad blocks out.  does it have a specific driver for the HD in ubuntu, or is it generic?05:07
oddworldhow do you change the volume icon when i push the "volume up" on my dell?05:07
ThornsberryCan someone help me change the permission of files through the terminal?05:08
ydessnr, worked fine before. but I'm honestly not sure.05:08
KakarottoThornsberry: man chmod05:08
goukiAnyone runs an open-arena server?05:08
Thornsberrykakarooto: How do you use it?  I'm still new to Linux, I've had it for a few days.05:08
Kakarottowhat kind of permissions are you trying to give ?05:08
viper233Glam : too hard over irc... I'm guessing you really want to get back to you Vista setup. What it partitioned into three drives? You can maybe re install to /dev/sda4 as the / partition, do without a swap and just try and get it to boot... does grub come up at all? if you just get error 17 and no OS selection maybe you need to roll back the ide/ahci changes in the bios05:08
belarmThornsberry, "man <commandname>" gives instructions on using that command.05:09
dessnry: have you tried some of the utilities on "Hiren's Boot CD"?  Thats what I used and it did wonders.  There is even a HD repair utility that reverses the palarity of the blocks.  my drive works as good as new.05:09
ThornsberryKakarotto: Well I was making folders and moving things through the terminal and I guess I was the superuser and now I can't even open the folders I just made.05:09
assholeari_stress: If I turn off the server string, then it shows up in the network as "Samba 3.0.26a (Laptop)"05:09
viper233Glam : best option would be to call on your linux friend and bribe them to come and have a look at things05:09
KakarottoThornsberry: thats a typical problem when you're new. What you make as root remains root-only05:10
Hot_Girlyes, that would be your best option. i think05:10
oddworldhow do you change the volume icon when i push the "volume up" on my dell?05:10
MasterShrekasshole, please change your nick05:10
KakarottoThornsberry: now you have to change the owner to your normal username05:10
=== asshole is now known as torrent2
Glamviper233: grub does come up, it's just that i can't get into either ubuntu or vista05:10
belarmThornsberry, in that case, you probably want chown; change back to the superuser, and do a chown <username> <file>; chown -R <username> <directory> to do a directory and its contents05:10
ThornsberryKakarotto: Well how can I get the files back out?  I tried using the mv command but I couldn't get them back out of the file.05:10
KakarottoThornsberry: every file or folder has 3 main rights: the owner, the group, and the permissions (modes)05:11
inzoyanyways.. forget about it..05:11
ThornsberryKakarotto: How do I change the owner?05:11
JordiGHWhat's a recommended X server for Ubuntu? I need to X-forward something to a Windows box.05:11
belarmThornsberry, see my last message05:11
KakarottoThornsberry: you need to login as root again (root = superuser)05:11
belarmJordiGH, Indiana University puts out an XLiveCD that'll set up a working cygwin version of X you can use05:11
belarmi'll find the link; just a second05:12
inzoyor just sudo05:12
ThornsberryKakarotto: Okay.05:12
belarmKakarotto: http://xlivecd.indiana.edu/05:12
torrent2My system name is Laptop. I set the server string in smb.conf as %h but it shows up as Laptop (Laptop).. How do i fix this? I don't want the system name twice05:12
KakarottoThornsberry anyway it would be lots easier if you could do it from the X05:12
SanketsuI just installed Ubuntu on my laptop, and it's my first venture into linux.  I've got to say that I love it.  Only thing is, I had a program in windows that would do auto background switching from a given directory.  Unfortunately, I can't find something equivalent for Ubuntu.05:12
nickrudJordiGH, also xming is a x server you can run on windows05:12
dessnry:  you can download the ISO file of Hirens boot CD here ...  http://www.hiren.info/pages/bootcd  Write it to a CD and then boot it.  It has many useful utilities for repairing HD's.05:12
viper233Glam : have you got a windows Vista boot/rescue install CD? roll back the changes in the bios and then do a repair/rescue with Vista, let Vista rewrite to the mbr and get itself running again.05:12
Kakarottobelarm: what?05:12
belarmmeh; that was supposed to be directed at JordiGH05:12
dessnry: welcome05:12
* belarm is getting both old and tired05:13
JordiGHbelarm: It's just that I note that cygwin's X server is unmaintained.05:13
* inzoy thanks for not helping me..05:13
Kakarotto(i can't believe this nick is still alive.. i registered it 2 years ago and it has remained registered)05:13
Glamviper233: the laptop didn't come with a vista rescue cd, will a xp one work?05:13
viper233Glam : first return your bios to it's original settings05:13
JordiGHnickrud: Can I mix xming with Cygwin?05:13
viper233Glam : no idea..05:14
yhowto burn ISO to disk from the command line in Ubuntu?05:14
belarmJordiGH, that may be, and that's a good reason not to use it. That said, many of the faculty in my department use it without major issues. You might try this xming, though.05:14
Glamviper233: can you tell me what i should do after i return the bios to normal?05:14
belarmy: cdrecord <iso>05:14
nickrudJordiGH, yes, http://gears.aset.psu.edu/hpc/guides/xming/ has a guide to setting it up05:15
JordiGHbelarm: Thank you. A Windows friend of mine is having issues with X forwarding, and it's hard to diagnose remotely over Jabber. ;-)05:15
Glamviper233: the reason i changed it was because it wouldn't run the livecd without changing ahci to ide05:15
JordiGHnickrud: Nice, tahnks.05:15
dessnrbelarm: thanks for that, i was about to recommend the UI called brasero.  Was unaware of the command line.  Cheers.05:15
CondouloI really really need help with something05:16
belarmJordiGH: i'd imagine so.05:16
SanketsuDoes anyone know where I can find a background switcher for Ubuntu that's similar to this? http://www.johnsadventures.com/software/backgroundswitcher05:16
ydessnr I don't see download link05:17
kahrytanSanketsu➲  try looking for slideshow on bg?05:17
CondouloWith GRUB having Error 1705:17
dessnry: looking now, please wait...05:17
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:18
American-TechJust installed unbuntu and my screen res is not supported. How do I change to 1920x120005:18
kahrytanSanketsu➲  Or did you bother to google? (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=264672)05:18
viper233Glam : go to a terminal and type    mount05:18
smilevilhow i can watch a video streaming with extension wmv with mplayer and not totem05:18
ysmilevil VNC?05:19
Sanketsukahrytan:  I used google, but I was probably looking for something that's improperly worded.  I'll look into those, thank you.  *^_^*05:19
Glamviper233: ok05:19
yps: please change your nickname, it contains the string 'evil' and is offensive05:19
rangef1nder.j rantradio05:19
yi don't like to be reminded of anything bad, ever.05:19
kahrytanSanketsu➲  "automatic background changer" thats my google search05:19
nickrudsmilevil, you mean in firefox?05:19
CondouloI have a question about Super Grub Disk. Would it work on a flash drive?05:19
smilevilnickrud, yeah in firefox05:20
BenalexCondoulo: Yes.. but it is still expermintal05:20
viper233Glam : what's the output ?05:20
nickrudsmilevil, install mozilla-mplayer, make sure totem-mozilla and mozilla-plugin-vlc are not installed05:20
Glamviper233: lemme screenshot it05:21
Condoulo Benalex- Well I figure it would be the easiest way on my half to fix GRUB from the way it looks05:21
dessnry:  here is a 9.2 version for download.  it has everything you need...  http://www.9down.com/Hiren-s-BootCD-9-2-14520/05:21
Joelitoanyone know why I can't change my clock into 12-hour format?05:21
nickrudsmilevil, and make sure you have the w32codecs installed05:21
BenalexCondoulo: I don't think I understand you :)05:21
snurtlei have an off topic question..is anyone in here into videogames?05:21
Glamviper233: http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k67/QueenHawkeye/Screenshot-4.png05:22
CondouloBenalex- o_O Wait. Huh?05:22
torrent3My system name is Laptop. I set the server string in smb.conf as %h but it shows up as Laptop (Laptop).. How do i fix this? I don't want the system name twice05:22
MasterShreksnurtle, a little bit, join #ubuntu-offtopic05:22
ridge-meisteri have a Samsung YP-K3 ipod (i think that's what it is), what software can i use in ubuntu to connect to the usb device?05:22
ydessnr wtf is 'keyboard pathc'05:22
American-TechJust installed unbuntu and my screen res is not supported. How do I change to 1920x120005:22
jimmygoonSomething unavoidably came as a prepackaged nasty that insisted upon installing itself readonly for root... if I want regular users to be able to execute it was chmod level do I use?05:22
smilevilnickrud, yes i have it, you know what kind of video i'm talking about, is when you click on it and it open a windows that say if i wanna open it and it start with mms//:05:23
nickrudAmerican-Tech, what video card do you have05:23
nickrudsmilevil, a sample url?05:23
Benalexridge-meister: Ryhtm music player.. already installed :)05:23
Joelitothanks anyway -_-05:23
dessnry: what do you mean?  where did you see that?05:23
ykeyboard patch.05:23
yon the site.05:23
ysee downloads05:23
nickrudJoelito, nobody seems to know, ask again in a few, maybe someone who does is watching05:23
American-TechNivida somthing05:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nightly - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:24
RoshanKhello, i'm pretty new to ubuntu and linux in general. Could someone help me to install a driver from code? I assume I might have to compile it05:24
eternalis1If i have an external harddrive, whats the best way to remove it on both linux and windows05:24
eternalis1in linux would i just unmount it and turn it off?05:24
eternalis1and in windows just select "safely remove hardware"05:24
yeternalis1 umount /the/harddrive05:24
nickrudAmerican-Tech,   applications->accessories->terminal , type in there:  lspci | grep -i vga, it'll tell you in detail05:24
eternalis1it has a power switch, thats what scares me, i dont want to jus tturn it off but it seems thats all i can do really05:25
ridge-meisterBenalex when i click "scan removable media" nothing happens.  the ipod is connected with usb, and there is nothing on it as far as i know05:25
jimmygooneternalis1, when you unmount in ubuntu it makes sure everything is written to the device05:25
jimmygooneternalis1, it "safely removes it"05:25
Benalexridge-meister: can you browse its contents from Natilus?05:25
viper233Glam : okay..   now df -h05:25
eternalis1jimmygoon: so thats the equivalent of safely remove hardware in windows? just makingn sure because i dualboot with both05:25
viper233Glam : I want to see where your CD/DVD is mounted05:26
jimmygooneternalis1, unfortunately, when you shut down ubuntu it doesn't always do that... so if you have a removable device make sure you unmount it before you shut down ubuntu. even if you aren't unplugging it05:26
yhowto eject a cd in ubuntu?05:26
American-Tech7300 gt05:26
jimmygooneternalis1, yes, that is the safest thing to do05:26
eternalis1jimmygoon: aright thanks man05:26
jimmygoony, right click its icn and hit "unmount" or "eject"05:26
RoshanKCould someone help me to install a driver from code? I assume I might have to compile it05:26
viper233Glam : make sure you have a space between df   and   -h05:26
jimmygooneternalis1, sure, no problem05:26
dessnry:  try this link here and see how you go.  this is the 9.3 version.  downloading it these days seems like it is a real cow :|  http://rs228.rapidshare.com/files/63049265/Hirens.BootCD.9.3__9Down.COM.rar05:26
ydessnr: eject cd ubuntu05:26
yjimmygoon i am using command line05:26
jimmygoonRoshanK, sudo apt-get install build-essential   to start off with05:26
Glamviper233: ok, let me screen shot this again.05:26
yhow to eject CD in ubuntu from *command line*05:26
smilevilnickrud, well for example this mms://qstream-wm.qbrick.com/00928/sthlm/kultur/studiopop/dream01.wmv05:26
jimmygoony, sudo umount /media/cdrom05:27
jimmygoony, or something close to that05:27
soldatsy, eject in a terminal05:27
ridge-meisterBenalex: what would be the uri that i type into nautilus?05:27
RoshanKwell jimmygoon i've been given a link for this05:27
yi need iso05:27
RoshanKi dont know what to do from here05:27
Glamviper233: http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k67/QueenHawkeye/Screenshot-5.png05:27
soldatsy, why is it broked05:27
jimmygoonRoshanK, there isn't anything precompiled for that?05:28
dessnry: did you try the link i gave you, the last link i just sent?  it has a countdown but then begins download.05:28
nickrudAmerican-Tech, system->admin->restricted drivers, enable the nvidia one, and reboot. You should get better video support.05:28
Benalexridge-meister: it should be appearing among your partitions05:28
ysoldats gr05:28
RoshanKi believe not05:28
ydessnr yeah but i need iso not rar.05:28
torrent3My system name is Laptop. I set the server string in smb.conf as %h but it shows up as Laptop (Laptop).. How do i fix this? I don't want the system name twice05:28
RoshanKi looked and this is what i got from multiple places05:28
dessnrISO is within the RAR file.05:28
soldatsy, "man eject" in a terminal05:28
American-TechThanks Nick I will is going through update right now05:28
ysoldats eject = does nothing05:28
smilevilnickrud, did you see the sample url i've send you?05:28
RoshanKi'm really sorry if it's trouble for you but i'm completely new to this05:28
soldatsy, hmm strange05:29
ridge-meisterBenalex: i click on "Places" in the menu above, right?  i don't see anything up there says ipod or samsung05:29
w3rdhi, i just installed ubuntu server... is there something else that i need to do to login, i keep getting this initializing startup scripts message and it just hangs?05:29
jimmygoonRoshanK, sorry, i'm not familiar with that05:29
RoshanKok thank you though05:29
RoshanKdo you think i should keep asking here?05:29
RoshanKor is there another channel05:30
nickrudsmilevil, yes, I need to install mplayer05:30
ydessnr oh my god. that site sucks.05:30
yany other sources?05:30
jimmygoonRoshanK, are you sure you need that?05:30
jimmygoonRoshanK, I read something that implies that oled support is in 2.6.2205:30
Benalexridge-meister: then I don't think your iPod has been detected.. this is the same probl;em I have... i can't mount my kingstone Flash drive yet.. ask someone else in a few, may be you get some answer... sorry :)05:30
jimmygoonRoshanK, what version of ubuntu do you have? (uname -a)05:31
viper233Glam : brain has gone a bit spongey.. can't see how your CD is mounted.. can you type   dmesg   at the terminal and copy that output to pastebin.com05:31
ridge-meisterBenalex: Device Manager has found the device, which is good.  just don't know what to do after that :)05:31
RoshanKwell the thing is that i have an oled on my laptop that while in ubuntu only isplays ASUS the entire time. this driver should allow me somehow to sht it off t least and even modifiy05:31
RoshanKi have gutsy gibbons05:31
codohi anyone here :) ?05:31
Benalexridge-meister: what is the name of it /dev/???05:32
codoi just fired up my mplayer and started watching with subtitle05:32
codoit was working fine05:32
codobut the subtitles were too big05:32
dessnry: i am still looking.  once upon a time, it was click and download.05:32
codoso I googled and found config had to be altered05:32
yi need to get it with wget =)05:32
codoso i make changes to config05:32
jimmygoonRoshanK, hm, I'm sorry, I really don't know. I would scour the internet and see, surely someone else has the oled functioning with ubuntu, I don't know how to help you any more though05:32
codoand the  mplayer doesnt play subtitles on ubuntu :(05:32
codowhat may tbe reason :( ?05:32
RoshanKok thank you though05:32
jimmygoonI need some help setting permissions for a program that had a weird installer, the 'bin' folder is only readable by root, what perm chmod level should I use to change it05:33
ridge-meisterBenalex: /dev/bus/usb/002/00205:33
nickrudsmilevil, I'm having problems with mplayer playing that, says it can't read that one05:33
Glamviper233: http://pastebin.com/m540bc95405:33
||drake||i have audio working for everything, except for flash files playing in firefox (like youtube, flash games, etc)05:33
jimmygooncodo, have you tried vlc? I find mplayer to be barely better than totem at most times05:33
* nickrud agrees with jimmygoon 05:34
codoill try vlc for ubuntu05:34
jimmygoon||drake||, you are having audio out problems? with gutsy?05:34
codowe can apt-get it ?05:34
Benalexridge-meister: make an empty dir and then try to mount iPod using mount command into this empty dir05:34
jimmygooncodo, indeed, it even has a plugin for firefox though I can't seem to get it to work for me most times05:34
smilevilwhen i click on a mms like that it says totem to open it,  i wanna open it with mplayer, that's what i want05:35
codobut I can watch a movie of se7en with subtitles right :) ?05:35
smilevilnickrud, when i click on a mms like that it says totem to open it,  i wanna open it with mplayer, that's what i wan05:35
jimmygoonAs far as I'm concerned though, anyone having problems with embedded media in firefox (in ANY operating system) need only look to MediaPlayerConnectivety extension to fix their problems.... it works MIRACLES!05:35
||drake||jimmygoon: thats way over-simplifying it, but i guess05:35
* codo loved mplayers command line starting up :(05:36
ridge-meisterBenalex: after i create the directory, what do i type as my mount command?05:36
codobut you screw it's config it screws up :(05:36
jimmygoon||drake||, hm, I was just suprised, I thought flash-audio problems had been put to rest a year or two ago with ubuntu :/ sorry, I don't really have anything more helpful to contribute to you :(05:36
bullgard4A German radio broadcast article states that there are about 40 full-time paid Ubuntu development engineers. Is that true?05:36
Benalexridge-meister: sudo mount /dev/bus/usb/002/002 DirName05:36
ari_stressbullgard4: i guess so05:37
* codo would love to work for ubuntu if they are true :P05:37
Glamviper233: i'm going to reset my bios setting and see if it makes any difference05:37
crush_groove bullgard4  Id say that # was alittle low .. that is probably German developers05:37
codook vlc works for me :)05:38
codomay be christmas be merrier for you all guys05:38
ridge-meisterBenalex: i tried to mount with "sudo mount /dev/bus/usb/002/002 ~/ipod"05:39
dessnry:  try this one, and cross your fingers...  http://www.fixdown.com/godownload.asp?id=2619&gdcnc-downs=04fdea29ca97523d05:39
Anubismy ipod mounts itself05:39
ridge-meisteri got this result -> mount: /dev/bus/usb/002/002 is not a block device05:40
ridge-meisterAnubis: what did i do wrong with that command?05:40
smilevilnickrud, ok thanks i solve it, it's just about:config then create a new STRING and put network.protocol-handler.app.mms then on the other field put the software you want to use ot open it, in my case, mplayer, thanks to all05:40
ySome way to pipe DD through zip compression in one felll swoop?05:41
Anubisunplug it and plug it back in05:41
Anubisshould auto mount05:41
nickrudsmilevil, thanks, I'm adding that to mine as well. Good googling05:41
fluvvellI've managed to get my usb modules loaded into ndiswrapper, but I get probe of 2-4:1.0 failed with error -2205:41
fluvvellwhen i try to modprobe ndiswrapper.05:41
dessnry:  not sure.  did the link work?05:41
smilevilnickrud, jeje thanks, well see ya05:41
Mechdaveridge-meister, mount -t fs-type device mount-point05:41
soldatsridge-meister, try a different usb port05:41
fluvvellcould someone skilled in ndiswrapper give me any pointers? ndiswrapper -l lists them properly, but no device is created05:42
mrdinklesAttempting to get my wireless working-- ndiswrapper should be installed properly, wireless modem is on roaming, bcmwlf5 driver is installed and showing installed properly-- But its not picking up any wireless networks-- Ideas?05:42
mrdinklesam i missing something?05:43
yhmm no05:43
ridge-meisterAnubis: what would unplugging and plugging it back in do?  i did that and it just reconnected.  still not seeing it in nautilus and it's not showing up in rythm05:43
dessnry:  huh?  it worked for me that one...05:43
ridge-meisterMechdave: going to try your solution :)05:43
Anubismakes mine work05:43
Mechdaveridge-meister, no worries mate, have a bit of a read of mn05:44
Mechdaveman mount05:44
RoshanKis anyone here familiar with compiling and drivers?05:44
joeli have the same problem as drinkles05:44
dessnry:  scroll down to the bottom of this page and then click on server 3.05:44
Hot_Girli'm not actually a hot girl. i'm actually a 22 yr old male from north carolina.05:44
=== bthomson is now known as CARLOS
CARLOSHot_Girl: a/s/l??05:44
ridge-meisterMechdave: in this command (mount -t fs-type device mount-point) what do i put in the "fs-type" field?05:44
bullgard4ari_stress, crush_groove: Thank you for commenting.05:45
ridge-meisterCARLOS: probably something like 42, male, 6" :)05:45
Mechdaveridge-meister, Ok what type of file system is it? Is it vfat or a apple partition on those ipods?05:45
RoshanKdoes anyone know a decent C compiler that i can use to compile for a driver?05:46
dessnry: if that last link does not work (server 3) then I can't help you, because that worked for me fine.05:46
CARLOSridge-meister: you forgot 247 lbs05:46
CARLOSmuchos kg05:46
ydessnr service unavailable05:46
soldatsvfat or apple partitions should auto moutn regardless05:46
mwaganyone know how to make the desktop cube transparent?05:46
ridge-meisterMechdave: i don't know i just saw that Device Manager spotted :)05:46
Mechdavesoldats, cheers05:46
ridge-meisterCARLOS :)05:46
dessnry:  server 1 and 2 did that for me, not 3.05:46
dessnry:  scroll down to the bottom of this page and then click on server 3.05:46
Mechdaveridge-meister, try mount -t vfat /dev/whatever /home/your-home/ipod05:47
bullgard4RoshanK: Ubuntu comes with a standard C compiler. This is well-tested and should do the job for you.05:47
mrdinklesmwag: open your compiz fusion editor, go to dekstop cube- transparent, and adjust em there05:47
mrdinkles Attempting to get my wireless working-- ndiswrapper should be installed properly, wireless modem is on roaming, bcmwlf5 driver is installed and showing installed properly-- But its not picking up any wireless networks-- Ideas?05:47
mrdinkles am i missing something?05:47
joelanyway to change ROOT password.. lol, i forgot what i set it as?05:47
RoshanKbullgard4, thank you. do you think you could help me with how to comile and isntall drivers?05:48
Mechdavejoel, sudo su then passwd root05:48
EADG_What repo do I need to add to be able to install build-dep ffmpeg?05:48
ridge-meisterMechdave: i got this -> honey@honey:/dev/usb$ sudo mount -t vfat /dev/bus/usb/002/002 /home/honey/ipod05:48
ridge-meistermount: special device /dev/bus/usb/002/002 does not exist05:48
bullgard4RoshanK: No, I have used it. But my experiences are too narrow so far.05:48
RoshanKbullgard4, ok thank you.05:49
Mechdaveok do a dmesg and see where the ipod is attached05:49
soldatsridge-meister, or try a fifferent usb port05:49
yI see no link05:50
ridge-meisterMechdave: didn't realize that the raw usb device changes each time a device is re-attached, so I changed "002/002" to "002/003" and then the "not a block device" message05:50
ridge-meistersoldats: you mean a different physical usb port?05:51
soldatsridge-meister, yes05:51
dessnry:  you scroll all the way down to the bottom and then click "fixdown Download Server3"05:51
Mechdaveridge-meister, Ok you need to identify the first partition on the drive as ubuntu will see it as a mass storage device so try 002105:51
bullgard4dessnr: messages of the kind 'afk' and 'back' are not appreciated in this busy channel.05:52
Mechdaveor do a ls -la /dev | grep 002/00305:52
dessnry: do you see it yet?05:52
Mechdavesee if there is a symbolic link to it in the /dev directory05:52
Mechdaveridge-meister, see if there is a symbolic link to it in the /dev directory05:53
jaggz-I installed 7.04 server a few months ago, and I didn't use the server yet.. is it a good idea to download the server cd again (7.10 this time) and re-install or is dist-upgrade fine?05:53
jaggz-I just think there's a certain amount of cleanliness-issue at hand05:53
ydessnr on some other page or the last link?05:54
Mechdavejaggz-, I would do a fresh re install05:54
yi got the box on the last link but for some reason I got 40405:54
ywget didn't get it, that is05:54
* jimmygoon loves ubuntu sooo much05:54
Pengo__what sort of servers are intalled with ubuntu server edition?05:54
yI can't wait to uninstall it. =)05:54
yI'm gonna switch back to debian05:55
Pengo__Web, Ftp, ssh, telnet, email, dns, cache (squid) ?05:55
dessnry: it's working for me.  you must have something thats blocking certain ports, or ip addresses.05:55
jimmygoony, why?05:55
zero88can anyone help me out here. I want to learn C++ under linux, im new to programming.Just need a point in the right direction for a beginner05:55
yjimmygoon, serial reasons, really.05:55
yI don't like the GUI05:55
jimmygoony, do you have a proxy that is blocking or allowing the iso for wget/firefox05:55
jaggz-Mech, thanks05:55
yits choppy and really buggy.05:55
mEck0Hi! I've tried to copy music from Rhythmbox to my ipod, it works good, but when I disconnect (eject) the ipod and wanted to listen to the music on it, no tracks are "visible" on the ipod. when I check the memory available I see that there is something taking up place, but no songs :S when I connect the ipod to rhythmbox again, all the tracks that I've copied to the ipod are visible and I can even play the track from the ipod in rhythmbox05:55
mEck0 :S hmm, whats wrong? sorry for long text...05:55
jimmygoony, that is changable, very easily05:55
soldatszero88, google learn c++ for beginners05:55
yI don't have any firewall05:55
yI saw the box with FF but with wget it failled05:56
yjimmygoon -- mostly this problem with the HD. KNOPPIX and other disk utils see it just fine05:56
ridge-meisterMechdave: i did this -> honey@honey:/dev/usb$ ls -la /dev | grep 002/00305:56
yand ubuntu gives me really conflicting data05:56
=== QueenHawkeye is now known as Glam
ridge-meisterlrwxrwxrwx  1 root   root          15 2007-12-26 00:44 libmtp-usbdev2.3 -> bus/usb/002/00305:56
torrent3Under Places > Network > Windows Network, none of my systems show up.. Can someone help me with this?05:56
yfdisk -l says my drive is at /dev/sda1 and yet no /dev/sda1 exists05:56
jay2xraanyone who knows how to make my built in bluetooth work on ubuntu gutsy?05:56
jay2xrai'm using a dell inspiron 640M05:57
jay2xrahcitool is not showing anything..05:57
Glamviper233: when i reseted my bios settings i got back into vista after doing a system restore05:57
yallso, jimmygoon, I find the ubuntu rescue disk quite useless.05:57
Mechdaveridge-meister, that is rather interesting, if you unplug the ipod do you get the same result?05:57
yAt least for the problems i've had.05:58
htajhi. im having difficulties with power management ... i set blank screen when i close my laptop lid but whenever i close the lid, the backlight wont turn off. any idea guys ?05:58
Glami haven't tried to boot in with ubuntu yet, i'll be back to find out if it works or not05:58
jimmygoonhm, well, still loads better than windows and it has been a nice learning experience for my first linux distro, so I can't complain too much, I've only had one real major issue and I've learned to cope05:58
pvl1are there any requierments for compiz fusion or beryl05:59
viper233Glam: cool05:59
=== monkey_ is now known as rushJet
ridge-meisterMechdave: if i unplug it, it returns nothing05:59
jimmygoonpvl1, have a graphics card (driver) that supports compositing05:59
yjimmygoon, yeah, its a good first. But I said that about Fedora Core and, at the end of the day, it was just trying to be too unique.05:59
nickruddebian is fine, but I switched to ubuntu because it needs little configuration. Haven't had any intractable hardware problems, though05:59
Mechdaveridge-meister, rather odd, hang about shall research it a bit06:00
pvl1jimmygoon, oo ok ty06:00
yyeah. i liked ubuntu at first but trying to get help is weird.06:00
jimmygoonubuntu has more packages, hands down... that is largely what gets me everytime06:00
jimmygoonpvl1, does that help? heh06:00
nickruddebian packages :)06:00
nickrudwhat's the problem, anyway y?06:00
nickrudand y , the best help is on the mail list, as always06:01
ymy /dev/sda1 errors on startup and then doesn't exist in dev06:01
jimmygoongrr, the woot didn't change06:01
ybut /dev/sda is there06:01
yfdisk says that /dev/sda1 is there.06:01
ybut its not.06:01
nickrudthat is an oddity, sounds like a udev problem. over my head06:02
viper233y : what is meant to be there? what partition type and filesystem is on /dev/sda106:02
nickrudy ask on the mail list , good help is available there06:02
Glamit works now, only with one weird thing06:04
viper233Glam : yeah?06:04
Glamwhen i boot up ubuntu i still get the message /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off06:04
Glamso i tried typing in exit and it loaded up ubuntu06:05
viper233Glam : so does it boot at all and allow you to login? are you running linux now?06:05
Glamviper233: yeah, it lets me boot it now, i just have to type exit every time i have to load it06:06
GlamThank you so so so so sooo much for your help viper23306:06
GlamI'm so totally in your debt, thank you so much again!06:07
nickrudGlam, do you have a floppy drive?06:07
Mechdaveridge-meister, can you post for me the last few lines of dmesg after you plug in you ipod, post it in #mechdave06:08
viper233Glam : No probs..06:08
belarmalright...anyone here have experience with grub2?06:08
Mechdavebelarm, a little06:08
belarmdoes it, um...work?06:09
viper233Glam : do you understand what the problem is related to? it the jmicron IDE controller that your CD/DVD is attached to. This controller is real problem as it is not well supported my linux.. still.. I think...06:09
Mechdavebelarm,  in what way is it not working?06:09
belarmMechdave, I haven't installed it yet. I'm just wondering if there are any show-stoppers that I should be aware of going into the install.06:10
Glamviper233: i think it was the IDE that messed me up because when i reseted the bios it worked fine06:10
belarmMy current grub setup is simply not going to work for me any more, and I'm thinking of trying this (plus it sounds neat)06:11
Mechdavebelarm, if you are running vista with it you need to find out how to make it vista/ubuntu dual boot, XP is ok tho06:11
Glamok, one more thing and then i'm off to bed, how do i make my screen resolution 1200x800, i'm only getting 1024x76806:11
unravelI have a D-Link USB adapter. I've been using it for the last few months with basically no probs, though it sometimes misbehaves after I've booted into XP ((wont come up without a series of reboots)). Rarely boot XP so this is rarely a prob, but I did it yesterday...06:12
nickrudGlam, what kind of video card are you using?06:12
viper233Glam :  Yeah, it's ide controller on the motherboard. I had the same issue with some desktop machines and the easiest solution was to use Sata CD/DVD drives.. bit of a problem with a laptop :}06:12
Dial_tonewhat type monitor?06:12
belarmMechdave, I'm not dual-booting. Grub is having issues with the fact that my bios is throwing the new SATA drives I installed in before my old ones, and I'm hoping to be able to resolve this on a permanent basis.06:12
Glamnickrud: it's a intel06:13
viper233Glam : got to a virtual terminal by holding ALT-CTRL and then press F106:13
nickrudGlam, if you could put your /etc/X11/xorg.conf , /var/log/Xorg.0.log , and the output of  lspci | grep -i vga on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:13
nickrudGlam, but if viper233 has a shortcut ...06:13
viper233Glam : ALT-CTRL F7 to get back to X06:13
bullgard4/etc/acpi/hibernate.sh writes: "# Unset video posting - it's not needed for suspend to disk." What is meant by 'video posting'?06:14
RoshanKwould anyone here be chance have an asus g1s or g2s?06:14
viper233yeah, just use the                   dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg      interface.. saves having to edit the file directly06:14
RoshanKor any such asus laptop with the oled?06:15
nickrudI try to look at the stuff first, saves guessing. Could be vesa driver for some reason06:15
viper233You might be able to run that command from the terminal while in X though it could complain that X is already running.  I know I would :P06:15
nickrudviper233, no, it's fine to run in a terminal06:15
jumbersIs there a way to disable the graphical boot and have it display verbose text of the boot process?06:16
American-TechAnybody know way around mail notification06:16
fiXXXerMetLooking at top, mysqld_safe is using 100% of CPU, and mysqld is using 21%.  What the heck is mysqld_safe? :)06:16
Glamuhh can you repeat that?06:16
Glammy screen blanked out after ctrl alt f106:16
nickrudjumbers, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst , look for the line with splash in it. delete the word splash. delete quiet if you want to see all the kernel messages as well06:17
American-TechAnybody know way around mail notification program.06:17
viper233Glam : sorry... ALT-CTRL F7 to get back to X06:17
jumbersnickrud: Thank you06:17
=== nick__ is now known as nrober
Glamviper233: so what do i need to do?06:17
viper233  dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg     in a terminal, will let  you choose your resolution06:17
viper233Glam : sudo  dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg   got to put the sudo first... remember spaces06:18
Glamuh it asks for a password06:19
viper233Glam : you can cut and paste in X by selecting the text with left mouse button and then moving the cursor to the terminal and clicking the middle button to paste.. if you don't have a middle button press the left and right buttons at the same time06:20
ridge-meister_Mechdave: sorry about that, had a breakdown there.  went to reconnect the ipod to the original usb port, and wound up turning the damn machine off :)06:20
ridge-meister_Mechdave: are you still in #mechdave?06:20
Aaron_Masonhey all, I'm trying to compile a kernel and I got the error 'cannot find ld'... I tested with a basic program and the same message come up. i'm running ubuntu 7.10 and build-essential is installed06:20
Glamviper233: ok i'm in the terminal, what now?06:20
viper233When it asks for a password just enter your normail password that you entered to login06:21
viper233Glam : sudo  dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg   got to put the sudo first... remember spaces06:22
Glamviper233: i'm in the xserver-xorg, what do i do now?06:22
ridge-meister_Mechdave: you there?06:24
ridge-meister_when i plug the ipod in Music Player starts up06:24
nickrudAaron_Mason, type  which ld  in  a terminal, you should get back /usr/bin/ld06:24
viper233Glam : just for follow the prompts.. make sure there is an X next to the resolution that you want.06:24
mrdinkles Attempting to get my wireless working-- ndiswrapper should be installed properly, wireless modem is on roaming, bcmwlf5 driver is installed and showing installed properly-- But its not picking up any wireless networks-- Ideas?06:25
mrdinkles am i missing something?06:25
EADG_how do I track down what needs to be satisfied for this error?  E: Build-dependencies for ffmpeg could not be satisfied06:25
Glamviper233: it gives me a list of x server drivers06:26
viper233Hrm... looking up hardware details06:27
viper233Glam : this site doesn't say what driver to use... http://hsnewman.freeshell.org/acr5315.htm handy.... Not..06:28
sconehi there!06:29
nickrudGlam, in another terminal, type lspci | grep -i vga , that will give enough info about your card to choose a driver06:29
ridge-meister_Mechdave: you there?06:29
lucian_ignore #ubuntu JOIN PART QUIT06:30
Aaron_Masonhey all, I'm trying to compile a kernel and I got the error 'cannot find ld'... I tested with a basic program and the same message come up. i'm running ubuntu 7.10 and build-essential is installed... this is what happens when I compile any file: http://pastebin.ca/83247806:30
lucian_oops, sorry06:30
RoshanKplease someone help me compile drivers for an asus oled06:30
RoshanKi am a pure n00b i admit it06:30
RoshanKplease reply if u can help me06:30
bluefoxxok, so i found the root of _*ALL*_ my computers problems, not my mo-bo, CPU, but a 1998 zoltrix nightingale one PCI sound card06:30
viper233Glam : chose intel if its available or vesa otherwise06:30
bluefoxxnot only did it crash my compter but it dcrewed with my SATA controller06:31
nickrudviper233, i810 is ok for intel as well06:31
Glamviper233 ok06:31
viper233thanks nickrud06:31
bluefoxxafter removing it my BIOS now correctly detects the SATA seagate 80-gig06:31
bluefoxxi still cant get linux to detect it06:31
lucian_HELP. My external hard drive is auto-mounting in /media/MAX HD (yes, a darn space). How do I change it so it automounts to a different folder in /media?06:32
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, you need to directly ask a question when you're on IRC.  People don't tend to respond to "Can anyone..." or "Can I ask a question...".06:32
viper233Glam : us for Keyboard, pc105 for mapping and then restart and see how it goes.06:32
bluefoxxstartup said "ATA2.00 validation:ERRNO(-19)06:32
mrdinkles Attempting to get my wireless working-- ndiswrapper should be installed properly, wireless modem is on roaming, bcmwlf5 driver is installed and showing installed properly-- But its not picking up any wireless networks-- Ideas?06:32
mrdinkles am i missing something?06:32
Aaron_Masonlucian_, you'll have to change the filesystem's label06:32
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, not trying to sound mean or anything, but yeah.06:32
Aaron_Masonthat's the easiest way06:32
lucian_Aaron_Mason: how do I go about doing that?06:32
bluefoxxso does ubuntu 7.04 not support SATA or what?06:32
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, especially in already-noisy channels like this one :)06:33
danrojtanks danzigrules06:33
viper233Heading off to movies, Golden Compass... yipee.. see you all in 4-5 hrs06:33
nickrudlucian_, right click the icon on the desktop, select properties, and on the last tab, click the triangle next to settings. Change the mount point (just the last word, replacing MAX HD)06:33
lucian_nickrud: thank you :)06:33
Aaron_Masonlucian_, either plug it into a Windows machine and change it there, that will set it for all future plug ins06:33
BHSPitMonkeylucian_, nothing terribly bad about a space :)06:34
nickrudspaces are *evil* in paths06:34
Glamviper233: how do i make an x next to the ones i want?  pressing enter doesn't do anything06:34
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey, I understand, and am sorry for flooding the channel. Would you be able to help me compile or install these drivers in any way? http://lapsus.berlios.de/asus_oled.html06:34
lucian_just dont like spaces... especially the uglyness of a space in the command line06:34
BHSPitMonkeynickrud, yeah, but it doesn't -break- things.06:34
nickrudBHSPitMonkey, maybe not anymore, but it used to and I got innoculated then06:35
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pvl1can someone help with compiz?06:36
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, strange little device there.  You'll need to install build-essential using Synaptic or apt-get.06:36
nickrudpvl1, #compiz-fusion has most of the compiz gurus06:36
||drake||why do flash movies playing in firefox have no sound?06:36
pvl1nickrud, ty!06:37
rainwalkeris there a Kopete channel?06:37
lucian_crap... now it says it can't mount06:37
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey, ok i will look for it thank you06:37
BHSPitMonkey||drake||, using Gutsy?06:37
Glamthanks for all the help viper233!06:37
nickrudlucian_, you didn't do  /media/<name> did you06:37
||drake||BHSPitMonkey: yessir06:37
lucian_nickrud: yea... the mount point was blank06:37
lucian_the textbox anyways06:38
nickrudlucian, I said just the last word ...  a sec06:38
BHSPitMonkey||drake||, odd.  Are you using some other piece of software that could be taking the sound card away from ALSA?06:38
bluefoxxso can someone tell me about 7.04 and SATA? whats the deal with it?06:39
||drake||BHSPitMonkey: not that i know of... i'm just using Firefox and xChat right now... lemme check my soundcard settings real quick06:40
nickrudlucian_,   in a terminal, type:  gconftool --recursive-unset  /system/storage/volumes06:40
American-TechDoes anybody here use mail notification06:40
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey, I have installed build-essential from synaptic packet manager, could you please let me know what i may have to do next. sorry if I am asking you for step by step instructions, i am very new to ubuntu and linux in general06:40
Sam11is there a way to adjust volume in kde?06:40
BHSPitMonkey||drake||, try installing alsa-oss, and then start firefox with "aoss firefox" in a terminal06:41
||drake||BHSPitMonkey: yea, everything looks fine in the sound prefs and such... when I use Totem and Exaile sound comes normally06:41
BHSPitMonkey||drake||, you shouldn't have to do that anymore, though06:41
lucian_nickrud: rock on.. thanks a mill.06:41
||drake||BHSPitMonkey: alright06:41
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:41
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, can you extract that download into a folder?06:41
nickrudlucian_, so repeat and just change the last word , replaceing MAX HD :)06:42
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey, yes06:42
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, you'll then want to open up a Terminal (Applications>Accessories) and navigate to that folder06:42
RoshanKi then opened terminal and ran cd/Desktop/ and to the foldaer06:42
RoshanKand then06:42
RoshanKi ran sudo make && make isntall06:42
RoshanKbut at a point it says error06:42
BHSPitMonkeywhat's the error06:43
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey, i will paste what i get in a second06:43
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, be sure to use a pastebin and not to paste in here.06:43
Myrtti!paste | RoshanK06:43
ubotuRoshanK: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:43
kikrIt seems that gaim isn't available in Add/Remove06:43
nroberwasn't gaim replaced with pidgin?06:44
BHSPitMonkeykikr, gaim became Pidgin some months ago06:44
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey, this is what i get in terminal06:44
jetscreameriiping don't be root06:44
RoshanKroshan@roshan-laptop-ubuntu:~/Desktop/asus_oled-0.02$ sudo make && make install06:44
RoshanK[sudo] password for roshan:06:44
RoshanKmake -C /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/build SUBDIRS=/home/roshan/Desktop/asus_oled-0.02 modules06:44
RoshanKmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic'06:44
RoshanK  Building modules, stage 2.06:44
RoshanK  MODPOST 1 modules06:44
kikroh really06:44
RoshanKmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic'06:44
RoshanKecho "To compile tool for easy device control and image conversion, enter tool/ subdirectory and run: qmake && make"06:44
BHSPitMonkeyeverybody duck.06:44
RoshanKTo compile tool for easy device control and image conversion, enter tool/ subdirectory and run: qmake && make06:44
RoshanKinstall -d /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/extra/06:44
kikrI had pidgin running and it was eating resources like crazy06:44
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, you didn't listen.06:44
MyrttiRoshanK: when you're done, msg me06:44
nickrudMyrtti, he's new, doesn't know any better06:44
thundrkikr, that's correct.  They have an explanation why they did that on the pidgin site.06:44
thundrkikr, though I can't speak on the memory issues.06:45
BHSPitMonkeykikr, he means the name, not the resources :P06:45
blkorpheusanyone having samba issues06:45
kikrlol k06:45
BHSPitMonkeykikr, ask in #pidgin, you may have found a bug06:45
||drake||BHSPitMonkey: http://pastebin.com/m4aaddfdf06:45
lucian_nickrud: this is gonna sound odd.. i did what you said, i think it worked but... when i right click the icon and goto the volume label it says the mount point is /media/EHDD now.. but when I navigate to the /media directory.. there isn't an EHDD directory there. However, clicking on the desktop icon brings it up.06:46
blkorpheusBug 4738606:46
nickrudlucian_, that is odd. is there anything in the media directory?06:46
lucian_cdrom and cdrom006:46
nroberanyone know how to fix rhythmbox scrobbling tracks like 4 hours in the future?06:46
nickrudlucian_, is this an ntfs disk?06:47
bluefoxxumm, so i made a mistake somehow and theres a un-need folder owned by root sitting in one of my folders, a simple sudo chown -R is supposed to fix right?but i get this:bluefoxx@azurE-prIDE:~$ sudo chown -R /home/bluefoxx/Desktop/images06:47
bluefoxxchown: missing operand after `/home/bluefoxx/Desktop/images'06:47
bluefoxxTry `chown --help' for more information.06:47
lucian_nickrud: under the volume tab, its showing the same mount options/parameters as it did before, just no folder06:47
lucian_bluefox... you didn't specify your username06:48
lucian_chown -R <username> <directory>06:48
bluefoxxoh, yea, hehe, thankyou[its too late to be messing around in shell, lols]06:48
BHSPitMonkey||drake||, erm... /me backs away from this one06:48
bluefoxxthanks lucian_06:49
lucian_your welcome.. glad i could help :)06:49
bluefoxxbluefoxx@azurE-prIDE:~$ sudo chown -R /home/bluefoxx/Desktop/images bluefoxx:bluefoxx06:49
bluefoxxchown: `/home/bluefoxx/Desktop/images': invalid user06:49
mapezDoes anyone here use USB Bluetooth 'dongles'?06:49
lucian_you got it backwards06:49
aaisenbluefoxx put the username before the file06:49
lucian_sudo chown -R bluefoxx /home/bluefoxx/Desktop/images06:49
nickrudlucian_, by folder, do you mean mount point06:49
Myrtti!paste | bluefoxx06:50
ubotubluefoxx: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:50
bluefoxxthanks lucian_06:50
timobany one use pppoe on ubuntu?06:50
lucian_nickrud: yes, sorry. left over windows vocab06:50
nickrudlucian_, that is very strange, I have directories that appear and disappear in /media with the names I set there06:51
lucian_nickrud: im going to try and unmount it again and restart the automount... hopefully it's just a glitch06:51
maxwell3how do you shut off join messages in ircii06:51
DragonSpiritI keep seeing this neat little dock, thought someone called it the kiba dock, had bouncy icons on it in some video I watched, anyone have any idea what package it is in?06:52
lucian_nickrud: thats odd... sudo umount /media/EHDD/ worked... this might be a nautilus issue...06:52
nickrudlucian_, try ls /media06:52
lucian_its there06:53
nindau lucian06:53
lucian_and i just opened up /media in nautilus and hit F5 for refresh.. now it shows06:53
lucian_ninda, may i help u?06:53
lucian_nickrud: its alright.. nautilus wasn't refreshing or something06:54
MasterShrekninda, having troubles with something?06:54
||drake||BHSPitMonkey: fixed it... "mv ~/.asoundrc .asoundrc.old & mv ~/.asoundrc.asoundconf ~/.asoundrc.asoundconf.old"06:54
bluefoxxso anyone about SATA 1.5GB/s working in 7.04?06:55
BloodyScumanyone know a good cd copy/burner program?06:55
BHSPitMonkey||drake||, weird06:55
bluefoxxi have a secondairy harddisk i want to backup to06:55
BHSPitMonkeyMyrtti, just like doing that for fun now?  :P06:56
nindahi lucian,where do you come from?06:56
scguy318BloodyScum: k3b is one06:56
=== maxwell2 is now known as maxwell333
DrChirsI'm trying to install flash on a new gutsy install, but apt-get is reporting an md5sum mismatch.  Does anybody know why this would happen?06:56
MyrttiBHSPitMonkey: :-/06:56
bluefoxxbut ubuntu says "ATA2.00: VALIDATION ER NO:[-19]06:56
nickrud!brokenflash | DrChirs06:56
ubotuDrChirs: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.06:56
bluefoxxwhen it boots up06:56
lucian_ninda: please keep off-topic conversations in #ubuntu-offtopic06:56
XacarithAny one know how to install java?06:57
lucianXacarith: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre06:57
nickrudXacarith,  install sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin06:58
RoshanKif anyone can see this please reply06:58
nickrudwelcome back RoshanK06:58
RoshanKnvm i think its working06:58
RoshanKthank you06:58
maxwell333my usb mouse continues to get stuck and I have to reboot to begin using my pc again.  Is there anyway to get my mouse to work without rebooting.06:58
DrChirsubotu: thanks.  Any idea how long an official fix will take / how simple the fix will be to install.  I'm installing this for my parents, and I'd rather them not have to do anything themselves06:58
American-TechDoes anybody here use mail notification06:58
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey, sorry about before. here is the pastebin link http://pastebin.com/m1d5043d006:58
Myrttiwhat a mess06:58
* nickrud salutes Myrtti , saucily06:59
=== Q_Continuum_ is now known as Q_Continuum
Myrtti/me runs away and hides under her blanket06:59
kikranyone know when flash will be fixed?06:59
luciankikr, is that why my flash isn't working?07:00
nickrudDrChirs, not hard, that link has simple installation. And the way things are going, it may be a while for an official fix . Just don't let them use opera or konqueror, those are the holdups07:00
luciancrap... i've been irritated all day long about it07:00
kikrmost likely07:00
kikrsomething about Adobe changing the structure of the tarbell07:00
lucianwell.. the flashplugin-nonfree is installed but no flash on websites07:00
* bluefoxx wants to know about SATA support for ubuntu 7.04 feisty fawn07:00
luciankeeps telling me to install07:00
kikrsame here07:00
MasterShrekbluefoxx, depends on the sata controller, but it should work out of the box07:01
bluefoxxwell its not07:01
MasterShrekywa ninda whats up07:01
nickrud!brokenflash | lucian kikr go to the link here:07:01
ubotulucian kikr go to the link here:: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.07:01
Myrtti!caps | ninda07:01
ubotuninda: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:01
luciannickrud: i'll wait... nothing big.. i could always install gnash too07:01
bluefoxxubuntu tells me "ATA2.00: VALIDATION ER NO:[-19] on bootup, even before "reading boot files"07:01
crazy_busI have a card which worked in kubuntu gutsy. However my motherboard broke so I'm using the card on a older computer running Feisty. I did the correct modprobe and added the moduels so it shows up in lsmod. Also no errors are in dmesg. But for some reason no /dev/dvb is created. Is there anyway to get it to?07:01
ztomicaight! The problem was @audio07:01
Myrttininda: stop it07:01
nickrudlucian, gnash is well named, you will gnash your teeth trying to watch flash with that07:02
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey, sorry about before. here is the pastebin link http://pastebin.com/m1d5043d007:02
luciantru.. it is a .. pain sometimes on my ppc where no flash is available :(07:02
MasterShrekinteresting bluefoxx, any sata controller ive used has been auto detected, no problem.  how new is your hardware?07:02
RoshanKninda, she wants you to turn off caps07:03
BHSPitMonkeyDrChirs, in case nobody's told you, ubotu is a bot :)07:03
ztomicvery nice jack with unlimited memlock.07:03
nindaWHAT CAPS?07:03
MasterShrekninda, please refrain from using uppercase letters, and if you dont have any questions or dont want to offer any help, join #ubuntu-offtopic07:03
bluefoxxits an asrock p4vm890, running the BIOS that came with it07:03
lolcatsninda, do you practice or does it come naturally?07:03
MasterShrekbluefoxx, how new is it?07:03
nindaMAKSUT LOHHH?07:03
BHSPitMonkeythere should be a channelmode for stripping caps07:04
nickrudbye bye07:04
BHSPitMonkeyand trolls07:04
bluefoxxi got it in may/june ish07:04
pvl1ninda: hit caps lock on the left side07:04
BHSPitMonkeypvl1, wasn't accidental07:04
MasterShrekbluefoxx, i would give 7.10 a go, it has a newer kernel, and probably better support for it07:04
bluefoxxwell i would, but thats the problem07:04
lolcatsEven if it was, if someone is that dense, they should find another hobby.  Like fingerpainting.07:04
BloodyScumfrom what i can see, Ubuntu already works well with a windows network, but is there anything more i can do to help it work better with a windows network, for instance can i make ubuntu show up inside a windows workgroup or active directory domain, and such things like that..07:04
bluefoxxi need to backup to the SATA drive07:05
pvl1BHSPitMonkey, oh ok07:05
lucianbluefoxx: make a new partition and drag your stuff there07:05
MasterShrekbluefoxx, boot the 7.10 livecd, and if it recognizes it, back your data up from that, then perform the install07:05
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey, I'm sorry if I'm bugging you but here is the pastebin link to the error i got while attempting to install the driver07:05
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey, http://pastebin.com/m1d5043d007:05
RoshanKlol sorry bout that07:06
bluefoxxok, will try that, is gonna take some time though as i am on glorified dial-up07:06
MasterShrekRoshanK, dont ever apologize for trying to get help here :)07:06
Myrtti/me ducks07:06
bluefoxxand have about 40-50 gigs of data to keep07:06
RoshanKok thank you mastershrek07:06
BloodyScumbecause i can log on to an active directory domain with ubuntu to access files, but is there a way to join an active directory domain or even show up as a workgrouped computer07:07
lucianbluefoxx: how big is your current hd?07:07
MasterShrekbluefoxx, how did you get the data on the sata drive already? windows?07:07
bluefoxx250 GB07:07
soldatsMasterShrek, did you get your ipod problem solved07:07
ageorgeI'm having trouble getting any sound to work on Ubuntu 7.10, i believe it worked fine with 6.06.  The sound card is a Audigy LS.   Anyone have any suggestions?07:07
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, run "make clean", then run "make", then run "sudo make install".  If there's an error along the way, stop and let me know.07:07
MasterShreksoldats, that wasnt me, i dont even own an ipod =P07:07
pvl1ageorge: check you levels in alsa?07:07
teKnofreakageorge, alsamixer works?07:07
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey ok will do07:07
MasterShrekBloodyScum, you can have it in workgroups, samba can do that07:07
lucianbluefoxx: if you have the extra space... it would probably be easier to make a new partition about 60 gigs to backup while you install 7.10 on the other partition07:07
MasterShrekhello lisa_potter07:08
soldatsMasterShrek, oh jeebz im sorry the tab completion got the better of me07:08
ageorgeyeah, levels in alsamixer are all up, I've tried various level settings with no luck07:08
MasterShreklucian, he cant access the sata drive to do that, thats the problem07:08
teKnofreakageorge, did you try plugging in a headphone?07:08
MasterShreksoldats =P07:08
bluefoxxMasterShrek: what do you mean data on sata drive?im running a seagate U-IDE 250 gig as my main drive, ubuntu only07:08
teKnofreakageorge, open up the sound mixes window, in the switches check whether external amplifier is on or off07:09
MasterShrekbluefoxx, oh, i figured you had data on the sata drive, i dont know why i thought that lol07:09
lucianMasterShrek: i was speaking in terms of parting the drive he is currently using to back the data up while he reinstalls on the primary partition07:09
bluefoxxMasterShrek: i want to backup to install windows for compatability of softwear, then reinstall ubuntu, and throw debian, slax and a few other distros into the mix too[5way bootXD]07:09
MasterShreklucian, thats possible, also cant you just install over the top in ubuntu, i cant remember if theres an option not to format the drive, but if there is, just delete all the files you dont need (generally everything except /home) and install without formatting07:10
ageorgeteknofreak, where is the sound mixer window?  is it the volume control window?07:10
MasterShreklisa_potter? =P07:10
teKnofreakageorge, yep07:10
lisa_potterHow old are u?07:10
kyein order to unse KDM themes i would have to installed Kubuntu desktop?07:11
kyesudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop07:11
bluefoxxlisa_potter: who?07:11
Myrtti!offtopic | lisa_potter07:11
ubotulisa_potter: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:11
BloodyScummastershrek: thank you, as much as i hate windows(iv removed it from all my personal systems) my work and school both use windows on all the machines and even though i can access all the networked files on the server, i cant share any of my own for others at my work to see have..07:11
MasterShrekbluefoxx, install slax? slax is made to be a live distro, not really optimized for a desktop (use slackware) and you shouldnt haev any problems if you could get your sata controller working07:11
lucianbluefoxx: do you have a 7.10 cd or are you planning on downloading and burning?07:11
nickrudkye, if all you want is kdm , just sudo aptitude install kdm07:11
blkorpheus* Fixed incorrect line in debian/patches/VERSION.patch07:11
lisa_potterThank's ubotu07:11
MasterShrekBloodyScum, i hear you on that, samba is good for it :)07:11
blkorpheusapt-get or aptitude07:12
gradinlisa_potter: ubotu is a bot... :P07:12
lisa_potterYes Myrtti07:12
soldatsubotu is a bot he needs no thanks07:12
bluefoxxlucian: downloading and burning, they didnt approve my free-CD request07:12
kyenickrud, im trying to replace the menu at the bottom to look like KDE and use the KDM theme manger07:12
bluefoxxlisa_potter: bot=program07:12
BHSPitMonkeylisa_potter, talking to a computer07:12
blkorpheusthat meme about apt-get vs. aptitude is OLD07:12
teKnofreaklisa_potter, he can answer your On-Topic questions07:12
lucianbluefoxx: well, you could just do a dist-upgrade which would update your current distro to 7.10 (if your on fiesty) and you wouldn't need to back any data up07:12
MasterShrekbluefoxx, they didnt approve it? weird...07:12
nickrudkye, oh, you're talking about the taskbar, for that you'd have to run the full kde desktop07:12
lucianbluefoxx: then you could try hooking up the sata drive07:13
kyenickrud, so sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop should work07:13
bluefoxxlucian: i tried that once, it fried my main kernal07:13
ronnieeveil ;P07:13
kyeI will be able to switch between KDM and GNOME?07:13
nickrudkye, yup, that's perfect07:13
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey, thank you so much for the help. i believe that i isntalled the driver correctly and will now restart to see if it is working right07:13
bluefoxxlucian: plus it took forever and an age07:13
kyenickrud, thanks pal!07:13
XacarithJust installed sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre but java is still telling me that I don't have the latest version, that I have version 1.4.2 instead07:13
MasterShrekkye, yes07:13
lisa_potterI'm indonesian so i can't understand english verywell07:13
bluefoxxhow do i change my alias-password?07:13
ageorgeteknofreak, tried checking it off and on, no change07:13
MasterShrekkye, youll choose from the login screen07:13
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, no need to restart, this is linux07:13
nickrudkye, between kde and gnome , yes. kdm is an alternate login screen07:13
lucianbluefoxx: yes... it does take a very long time doing it that way07:13
fluvvellubotu: ndiswrapper?07:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ndiswrapper? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:14
fluvvellubotu: ndiswrapper07:14
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:14
MasterShrek!id | lisa_potter07:14
ubotulisa_potter: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia07:14
teKnofreakageorge, there is a combination of off and on settings that *might* work07:14
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, do as the readme states, (but add sudo to the beginning): "sudo modprobe asus_oled"07:14
nickrudXacarith, then run sudo update-alternatives --config java , look for the one with sun in the path and choose that one07:14
zeptinis it possible to manually copy the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives to another location, and restore it after reinstalling ubuntu? aptoncd isn't working for me, and i don't want to lose the packages i've downloaded :-/07:14
kyeso the difference between distros is just KDE AND GNOME when it comes to kubuntu and ubuntu?07:14
MasterShrekzeptin, cp -r /path/to/source /path/to/destination07:15
nickrudzeptin, yes, that works fine07:15
lucianbluefoxx: well... if you have another pc and a router or cross-cable you can back-up via ethernet...07:15
zeptinah, thanks07:15
MasterShrekkye, yes, thats about it, the desktop environment and the default programs07:15
nickrudkye, yes07:15
ageorgeteKnofreak, what does that mena?07:15
teKnofreakageorge, sometimes, from what i have experienced, what you see on alsamixer varies between sound cards and it doesn't work when some option(s) are turned On07:16
bluefoxxlucian: i wont have another computer until around the first week of january, when i am getting a ubuntu-box from someone off of craigslist[whee, im not the only ubuntu user in vancouverXD]07:16
lisa_potterCAn u make conversation with me?07:16
Myrttilisa_potter: this isn't general chat channel, please keep that chitchat to some other channel. If you've got Ubuntu-related problems or quetions, *they're* welcome, though.07:16
teKnofreaklisa_potter, u as in?07:16
bluefoxxthis is actually my 13th comp in 5 years, and im only 16, lawls07:17
bluefoxxtells you something about my luckXD07:17
luciani think lisa_potter is the ninda person who was banned07:17
lisa_potterYes,thank u07:17
Myrttilucian: I know07:17
lisa_potterWho's ninda07:17
Myrttilucian: not banned though07:17
Xacarithit is saying that I'm using 6 but java's verify test is coming back with the same thing.  That I'm using 1.4.207:17
bluefoxxlisa_potter: a person who was caps-spamming earlier07:18
MyrttiXacarith: you installed the plugin as well?07:18
lisa_potterI don't no ninda07:18
nickrudXacarith, are you running 64bit java?07:18
MasterShrekXacarith, good luck figuring out java's version schemes lol07:18
nickrudXacarith, 64bit ubuntu, i mean07:18
bluefoxxubotu: !sata07:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sata - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:19
Xacarithmyrtti I thought I had, but it is possible I didn't et it right  I have managed to install java completely once, and it took four hours to figure out before07:19
Xacarithnickrud No07:19
nickrudXacarith, and did you install sun-java6-plugin if you're on 32bit07:19
Xacarithjava's linux installation instructions are out of date07:19
ageorgeteKnofreak, I've tried several differnet combinations of the switches, nothings worked07:20
teKnofreakXacarith, you installed sun-java6-* ?07:20
bluefoxxany vancouverites have some electronics they wanna get rid of?ill take them if you deliver them07:20
nickrudXacarith, you don't want to use the sun bin, just get java from the repos07:20
luciani did install sun-java6-* once... i had java links all over my menus :(07:20
lisa_potterHalloo..Q kok di cwekkin sich07:20
Myrttilisa_potter: have you got any Ubuntu-related questions?07:20
teKnofreakageorge, hmm.. check if your sound card is supported/has proper drivers07:21
BHSPitMonkeyMyrtti, same IP as ninda07:21
Myrtti!id | lisa_potter07:21
ubotulisa_potter: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia07:21
lucianBHSPitMonkey: yep.07:21
pawanwanted equilizer plugin for audacious07:21
lisa_potterI'm 13 y.o07:21
BHSPitMonkeyYes, we can tell07:21
teKnofreaklisa_potter, then you need some more time to grow up ;)07:21
nickrudlisa_potter, don't listen to those curmudgeons, but this is a channel for fixing problems, not chatting07:22
MyrttiBHSPitMonkey: giving her the option of figuring how to behave herself07:22
BHSPitMonkeyMyrtti, you must be a better parent than I'm not :)07:22
nickrudlisa_potter, people chat on #ubuntu-offtopic07:23
lisa_potterI have problems07:23
lucianubuntu problems?07:23
=== Javid is now known as Javid-
timobubuntu has problems? :)07:24
lisa_potterMy problem is...i can't math07:24
Myrttilisa_potter: #ubuntu-youth, #ubuntu-offtopic07:25
teKnofreaklisa_potter, we can't help on that, sorry07:25
Xacarithnickrud where would the plugin be to install07:25
timoblisa_potter: there is a calculator07:25
lucianlisa_potter: #math07:25
nickrudXacarith, if you just run sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin , it will get installed automatically07:25
teKnofreakXacarith, check apt-cache search sun-java6-*07:26
lisa_potterNo problem.but i'm happy just now u07:26
lisa_potterSee u sometimes07:26
bluefoxxlisa_potter: ALT+F2>calculator>ENTER/RETURN07:26
Myrttilisa_potter: byebye07:27
BHSPitMonkeylucian, ##math is no place for... never mind07:27
lisa_potterwhere is ubuntu offtopic07:28
RoshanK#ubuntu-offtopic i believe07:28
nickrudlisa_potter, type:    /j #ubuntu-offtopic07:28
bluefoxx"/join #ubuntu-offtopic"07:28
lucian"/part #ubuntu"07:28
soldats /quit07:29
* nickrud loves the tolerance of teenagers :)07:29
Myrttisoldats: :-C07:29
Myrttisoldats: tut-tut07:29
mr_stepanyone tell me where to find the power settings in xubuntu?07:29
soldatsmr_step, like gnome-power-manager07:30
unagiis there anything like garage band or fruity loops for linux?07:30
sullei dont get sound when i play movies. where can i read about downloading codecs etc?07:31
momalDoes anyone know how to change volume for just front speakers with 5.1? using alsa07:31
sulleon xmms my music works but not movies on vlc. gxine etc.07:31
bluefoxxmr_step: i think SYSTEM>PREFS>POWER MANAGMENT mayhaphs?im using ubuntu so im not sure though07:31
lucianmomal: in terminal, type: alsamixer07:31
soldatsmr_step, in xubuntu you can apt-get install gnome-power-manager07:31
Silver_FoxHi guys, merry Christmas.  I have a bit of a problem.  I have Ubuntu 7.10 on my laptop and I have a problem with headphones.  When I have sound on like music or a video, i plug in my headphones but the speakers on my laptop dont go off.  How can i make it so when i plug in my headphones, my speakers turn of and when i unplug them, they turn back on?07:32
mr_stepbluefoxx: thanks, that's where it is for ubuntu - i'm trying out xubuntu for a media machine it's somewhere else :(07:32
momallucian: there is not front or back in there :S07:32
mr_stepthanks soldats07:32
teKnofreakSilver_Fox, switch off external amplifier to cut the speakers07:32
sullei dont get sound when i play movies. where can i read about downloading codecs etc?. Vlc dont have sound but i got sound in xmms etc. what can i do?07:32
bluefoxxmr_step: no prob, once i get a faster net connection im gonna d/l all distros and use them all07:32
* bluefoxx hate glorified dialup07:32
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey , i was able to install the driver and i checked as http://lapsus.berlios.de/asus_oled.html states by running dmesg and also lsusb, but when i attempt to turn off the oled using 'sudo modprobe asus_oled start_off=1' nothing happens07:33
=== monkey_ is now known as rushJet
Silver_FoxteKnofreak,  i know, thats what i have to do every single time i plug or unplug my headphones, i want it automatic, its anoying.07:33
mr_stepouch.. dialup would be painful. happily my isp mirror's all of them for us.07:33
teKnofreakSilver_Fox, i started living with it ;)07:33
Silver_FoxteKnofreak,  you have it aswell?  can it be fixed though?07:33
bluefoxxSilver_Fox: thats something thats related to the hardware components, i know as i make my own speaker systems07:34
teKnofreakSilver_Fox, i haven't really tried to, as i always use headphones07:34
lucianSilver_Fox: your not the only one who has had that problem... unfortunately.. i dont have my logs anymore and can't remember the solution presented at the time.07:34
timobwill trackerd search the contents of your web history like beagle does?07:34
Silver_Foxlucian,  dang, did u fix it though?07:34
lucianoh.. i've been meaning to ask, is this channel publicly logged (i.e. via web).07:35
ruthbuzzardhi what is the name of the archiving tool in ubuntu that would attach to your right click menu and you could do extract here not open with archive manger?07:35
lucianSilver_Fox: it wasn't my problem.. i was just reading the chat and someone solved it07:35
lucianthats all i remember07:35
Silver_FoxOh, i forgot.  When i do turn off externap amp and use my headphones, the sound quality is horrible!07:35
Myrttilucian: yes.07:35
bluefoxxit needs a special jack that trips a switch to override input to speakers07:35
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ - See also « /msg ubotu ircstats »07:35
ruthbuzzardis it called gnome archive manager?07:35
Silver_Foxlucian,  oh, well if you see it again...07:35
sulleruthbuzzard: yes07:35
nickrudlol, and your kids will read it, so watch out07:35
ruthbuzzardthats why I can't find it with locate07:35
sulleruthbuzzard: try without gnome ?07:36
bluefoxxSilver_Fox: if its a PC, try another sound card07:36
bluefoxxbut be careful, older ones can skew your system07:36
sulleIn vlc  i have no sound. but i have sound in xmms. What codec and where to get it ?. or what else can i do?. i use ubuntu.. need help :S07:36
bluefoxxmine had been crashing for the past week cause of a faulty card07:36
Silver_Foxbluefoxx,   its a pc.  The thing is, when i first got ubuntu, i had no problems.  Then when i reinstalled it like 5 months ago, the problem started.07:37
bluefoxxmy SATA wasnt working, then today it messed with me IDE and USB  ports07:37
lucianSilver_Fox: sometimes it is just a glitch during installation. Have you tried re-installing?07:37
Silver_Foxlucian,  several times07:38
Xacarithnickrud foxfire is refusing to see the plugins it seems...07:38
ruthbuzzardsulle: are sure its not called something else cause I just browsed /usr/bin for archive manager and gnome archive manager07:38
bluefoxxi was comfused for hours, i refused to remove it at first, i am an audiophile as well as a geek07:38
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey are you still here? i needed some help as i was able to install the driver but using that command of modprobe did not do anything07:38
ruthbuzzardor was it ark07:38
pvl1how do i find out what version X i have?07:38
sulleark and archive i got em both.07:38
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, one sec07:38
sulleman x ?07:39
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey ok please let me know when you get back07:39
Silver_FoxSo, theres nothing i can do...07:39
XacarithI'm talking to some one no longer here...07:39
XacarithI'm giving up on java for today07:40
moDumasshey all, i opened alien arena for about a minute now im stuck in a compiz free wrong screen res hell07:40
Silver_FoxDoes anyone know of any good mmolrpgs for ubuntu?07:40
moDumassany ideas why this has happened?07:40
nickruddarn, can't even go to the bathroom07:40
amooeverybody how r u07:41
* bluefoxx hates ingrown toenails07:41
nickrudamputation solves that issue07:41
RoshanKbluefoxx just get it operated on, it really helps07:41
jschittoi found a big toenail in a mcdonalds hamburger once07:41
pawanhow to install equilizer for audacious07:41
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, try this:   sudo echo "options asus_oled start_off=1" >> /etc/modprobe.d/asus_oled07:41
bluefoxxlol, i will after xmas, i have been dealing with them since novemberish07:42
jschittothis is not gentto07:42
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, and then see if it turns off at your next boot.07:42
bluefoxxjschitto: ewwwwe07:42
ruthbuzzardsulle: is arc command line only?07:42
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey it said 'bash: /etc/modprobe.d/asus_oled: Permission denied'07:42
jschittobluefoxx i have a pix if u want to see07:42
soldatsruthbuzzard, arch can run x as well07:42
BHSPitMonkeysoldats, he meant arK07:43
bluefoxxjschitto: lol, photo-bucket them07:43
sulleruthbuzzard: no it is not. but i am not good at linux so dont ask me :P07:43
soldatsoh oh whoops misread07:43
BHSPitMonkeyruthbuzzard, arK is a KDE GUI, so no07:43
nickrudBHSPitMonkey, you need to use the format    echo "text" | sudo tee -a /path/to/file07:43
jschittook bluefoxx07:43
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, sorry, see what nickrud just said07:43
BHSPitMonkeyI goofed07:43
ruthbuzzardsulle: also I have no archive in usr/bin07:43
Silver_FoxAre there any god mmorpg's for linux?07:43
ari_stresshi guys, is there any similar program to save website files in ubuntu? just like a program called 'teleport' in windows?07:44
BHSPitMonkeynickrud, stupid bash, and its complexities :)07:44
pawanpawan here07:44
ruthbuzzardsulle: but have the option to "open with archive manager"07:44
ruthbuzzardon right click07:44
ari_stresstimob: any GUI interface for it?07:44
sd132Silver_Fox: secondlife07:44
BHSPitMonkeypawan, yes, we know :)07:44
Silver_Foxhi pawn07:44
sulleRiddick: then try it =)07:44
nickrudBHSPitMonkey, no kidding. Never could figure out how to do that, then when I saw it, it was another doh moment07:45
timobari_stress, cant you use firefox .... maybe an extension or something07:45
BHSPitMonkeynickrud, yeah, I understand why07:45
jschittoplaying world of warcraft makes you old and smelly07:45
Silver_Foxsd132,  any fantasy online rpgs?07:45
ruthbuzzardsulle: got it was file roller07:45
BHSPitMonkeyor young and unpopular07:45
RoshanKsorry guys but is this what i should be doing     'echo "options asus_oled start_off=1" |sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/asus_oled'07:45
MasterShrekyea, but being a lvl 70 mage is worth it07:45
ari_stresstimob: ok, i'm trying gnome-wget07:45
sd132Silver_Fox: not my type..sory07:45
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, yep07:45
jschittoplaying mmorpg is for failure at life07:45
HardDiskSilver_Fox, not meaning to burst your bubble, but 1) try in #ubuntu-offtopic and 2) haven't you googled? there are websites dedicated to linux gaming.07:45
jschittoyou play a game instead to make you fell good inside07:45
nickrudMasterShrek, that's nothing without your heroic crap07:46
bluefoxxjschitto: im a wow player, and im not old and smely or young and unpopular07:46
jschittoi dont believe you07:46
Silver_FoxHardDisk, ya, just havent found any good games07:46
HardDisktry to keep this room strictly to ubuntu troubleshooting issues.07:46
bluefoxxjschitto: i play MMOs fro fun, i get to chat with my friends while doing something else, lol07:46
Silver_FoxHardDisk,  thanks tho07:46
jschittopopular people dont play mmorpgs07:47
MasterShrekSilver_Fox, google: linux mmorpg      wikipedia has a page on linux mmorpg's07:47
HardDiskjschitto, keep it in offtopic please.07:47
bluefoxxjschitto: says who?07:47
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey this is what i got back. so i should now restart ubuntu and see if it stays off right? http://pastebin.com/m286c742007:47
jschittosorry HardDisk, i thought i was07:47
nickrudpopular people are too shallow for the complexities of mmorpg 's07:47
Silver_Foxjschitto, popular people also dont talk on ubuntu irc all day07:47
brendonhwhen I open "Applications > Add/Remove" and select update list, it never loads the new list - just keeps waiting - any ideas?07:48
bluefoxxjschitto: and i never said im popular[or unpopular], just young07:48
nickrudSilver_Fox, ding, ding, ding07:48
jschittogood observation Silver_Fox07:48
Silver_FoxMasterShrek,  thanks07:48
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, to confirm that it worked, do    cat /etc/modprobe.d/asus_oled     and see if it spits that options line back at you07:48
HardDiskbrendonh, I'd like you to sudo apt-get update in terminal and let me know what it does.07:48
bluefoxxjschitto: face it, anyone in this room is a geek to *some* degree07:48
* MasterShrek is popular...07:48
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey yes it does07:48
bluefoxxim just a famous geek at my old highschool07:48
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, give it a go07:48
Myrth[home]hi, how do i change mouse cursor in gnome?07:48
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey thanks ill restart and be back07:48
bluefoxxi go there and *everyone* talks to me, lol07:49
* MasterShrek almost get explelled from his highschool a few years back, using vnc lolz07:49
Silver_FoxI'M not a geek07:49
HardDiskMyrth[home], in preferences/Apperance07:49
BHSPitMonkeyMyrth[home], go to System > Preferences > Appearance07:49
BHSPitMonkeyHardDisk, you stink07:49
* bluefoxx got rejected from my old highschool07:49
HardDiskBHSPitMonkey, you're a kid.07:49
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:49
BHSPitMonkeyHardDisk, you're a piece of machinery.07:49
MasterShrekMyrtti, they said im no fun in offtopic... :(07:50
bluefoxxmachines are kewl07:50
Myrth[home]HardDisk: thanks, i'll try again07:50
Silver_Foxwell, siya later geeks and nerd... Wait, what?07:50
brendonh[HardDisk] Thanks, that ran a whole lot of commands, seemed to be updating the list.  Will go back to the app list now and see what happens07:50
bluefoxxMasterShrek: lol07:50
nickrudMyrth[home], system->prefs->appearance, and on the themes tab, click customize07:50
databitshey can someone help me out with some problems I am having with new digital camera ?07:50
jschittowhat ubuntu has subpixel fonts for PDF07:50
MyrttiMasterShrek: welcome anyway. Lets keep this channel for support07:50
HardDiskdatabits, not reading from the memory card?07:50
MasterShrekdatabits, what sort of problem?07:50
jschittodo i have to use acroread3207:50
BHSPitMonkeydatabits, maybe, if it's an ubuntu question :)07:51
databitsharddisk, it is giving me a ptp error07:51
HardDiskdatabits, in terminal, sudo rmmod ehci_hcd   then once you're done do sudo modprobe ehci-hcd   notice the difference between _ and -07:51
MasterShrekjschitto, i dont think so, there are many pdf readers i think07:51
databitsharddisk, hold on I will check and get the exact error07:51
brendonh[HardDisk] Perfect, thanks, that resolved it.  Will save the command for later reference07:51
nickrudjschitto, subpixel for lcd's, evince uses the usual cairo canvas07:51
jschittoMasterShrek: no i mean subpixel font rendering07:51
bluefoxxis it legal to copy DVDs to your harddisk if you paid for them?07:51
jschittoevince has no subpixel for me nickrud07:51
HardDiskbrendonh, you can also do a manual upgrade of apps if any by sudo apt-get upgrade, check out ubuntuguide.org ubuntugeek.com and ubuntuhq.com07:51
bluefoxxout of curiosity.07:52
jschittoit is enabled for GNOME and KDE apps07:52
MasterShrekno idea...thats over my head, im not a pdf master...just a master of shreks...=P07:52
HardDiskbluefoxx, this isn't the channel to discuss this.07:52
bluefoxxHardDisk: well then wear?07:52
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey thank you so much. the oled finally started off and i have you to thank for all the help07:52
HardDiskbluefoxx, #ubuntu-offtopic07:52
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ - See also « /msg ubotu ircstats »07:53
nickrudjschitto, and evince doesn't use cairo, bad assumption07:53
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, no problem07:53
databitsharddisk, all that did was did a removal for my usb harddisk07:53
jschittonickrud: it is using some font mechanism different from the rest07:53
jschittoand also does KPDF07:53
databitsharddisk , this is the error I am getting it notice that there is a camera hooked up but when I go to get the pictures off it it does this : PTP Invalid Object Handle07:53
databitsif I keep retrying every once in a while it will work07:54
databitsbut most of the time it gives me that error07:54
nickrudjschitto, could be, it's decended from xpdf iirc07:54
jschittoxpdf give me no subpixels too07:54
databitsharddisk, did you see my msg ?07:55
HardDiskdatabits, did you run the command I said?07:55
databitsyes I did07:55
databitsdidn't do anything07:55
Clustyare the broadcom wireless cards generally suported under linux?07:55
HardDiskwhat camera is it?07:55
RoshanKi remember i used to hold a shortcut to get a dialog box into which i could enter the name of the program to start it up, ex firefox, but i forgot what the shortcut was07:55
databitsharddisk, just unmounted and remounted my drive07:55
Clustyknow in the past they had horible support07:55
HardDiskClusty, yes.07:55
RoshanKi think it had ctrl or f2 or something07:55
databitsharddisk, it is a fuji finepix 48007:55
pawanhow to install google earth bin file07:55
RoshanKanyone know?07:55
databitsharddisk, finepix f48007:56
HardDiskpawan, http://www.google.com/linuxrepositories/07:56
ClustyHardDisk: without ndiswrapper?07:56
astro76pawan, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth07:56
HardDiskClusty, there is a bcm driver you may try07:56
pawangedit has not been able to detect the character coding.07:56
pawanPlease check that you are not trying to open a binary file.07:56
pawanSelect a character coding from the menu and try again.07:56
HardDiskClusty, sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter07:56
ClustyHardDisk: thanx07:56
HardDiskClusty, as long as your chipset is supported.07:56
ClustyHardDisk: well its for futuire purchases :D07:57
HardDiskClusty, np :)07:57
lalala./google-earth.bin in terminal07:57
ClustyHardDisk: looking for a N router and i gotta get card with same chipset for best performance07:57
databitsharddisk, any idea's ?07:57
HardDiskI'm thinking databits, gimme a sec07:57
ClustyHardDisk: way more bradcom routers than atheros07:57
bluefoxxis there a driver for the new linksys wireless-n PCI card yet?i want to get it as it shall suit my needs for faster internet07:58
databitsharddisk, ok thank you appreciate do you by chance happen to have pidgin or gaim s/n so I don't have to keep sorting threw all this clutter bro ?07:58
Clustybluefoxx: what cipset is card?07:58
bluefoxxi dont know07:58
Clustybluefoxx: gimme model #07:58
bluefoxxi didnt buy it yet, itsa 150$07:59
HardDiskdatabits, what you need is check your camera settings for "pc mode" if there is one.07:59
lalalapawan: ./file-name.bin in terminal07:59
HardDiskdatabits, some cameras like my olympus has that07:59
RoshanKnvm i got it, the command was alt + f207:59
Clustybluefoxx: some more specific info could help07:59
bluefoxxClusty: google it>http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=linksys+wireless+n+pci&go08:00
Clustypawan: make sure file is executable: chmod u+x file.bin08:00
HardDiskbluefoxx, since you didn't buy it yet, get a wifi card that is already supported.08:00
databitsharddisk, like I said it works sometimes and others it dosn't if I keep turning the camera on and off it will eventually pop all the shit on right up but the other times it gives me that error in linux08:00
HardDiskdatabits, I know this error on some camera's, unfortunately this is a HAL issue, to but it bluntly, it's a known bug.08:00
databitsharddisk, when I have it hook to my lix box my camera says USB on the screen08:00
HardDiskto put*08:00
HardDiskbluefoxx, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards08:01
RoshanKbluefoxx any idea on how to get googletalk to work in ubuntu (im not talking about just the protocol but the prgram itself, particularly for the mail updates and call feature08:01
HardDiskpick out a wifi card that is already supported, if you don't want any hassle.08:01
databitsharddisk, so I am pretty much SOL then eh08:01
bluefoxxwell i want to get this one as i plan to modifey the antenna to increase the range, and this one would be the best suited to do so with without voiding the warrenty noticibly08:01
HardDiskdatabits, as far as I know, sorry mate.08:01
HardDiskbluefoxx, there are cards with removable wifi antennas.08:02
HardDiskanyway moving on.08:02
jschittomy wobbly windows misbehave with the snapping08:02
databitsharddisk, man that is crappy see I want to learn the whole linux thing I am still kinda new with it only been running for a month aprox now but I need to be able to have all this crap working should probably go back to windows for now till i can get a new box built eh08:02
databitsharddisk, thanks anyways bro appreciate08:03
bluefoxxi know that, but this one is best suited to my needs, it has the cable and a base for the antennas thus all i need to do is make the dish08:03
NeoGeo64hello i recieved ubuntu 7.10 in the mail but i cannot seem to find the sticker where the product key is08:03
NeoGeo64where is the product key'08:03
lalalaneed help with nautilus and lan browse. After the last update before 2 days nautilus lost all icons from lan network even if the network is working manually etc. smb://machine-name/share08:03
MasterShrekNeoGeo64, lol, you dont need a product key08:04
HardDiskNeoGeo64, dude you've come in here before with your trolling. so stop.08:04
NeoGeo64oh i assumed my version of ubuntu was pirated since it didnt ask for a key08:04
MasterShrekyea it must be...08:04
MyrttiNeoGeo64: :-D08:05
NeoGeo64gnome runs sluggish on my quad core.  why?08:06
Bad<- rolling eyes @ NeoGeo64 ;-)08:06
ari_stressNeoGeo64: maybe it's your graphics card problem08:06
lalalaif any1 who is in lan can confirm if nautilus working ok ?08:07
wolsNeoGeo64: please stop, or you might be forcefully removed by ops08:07
HardDisk!ops | NeoGeo6408:07
ubotuNeoGeo64: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!08:07
HardDiskgood idea.08:07
ari_stressHardDisk: what's that?08:07
* NeoGeo64 picks his fingernail and flicks it ari_stress08:07
HardDiskhe's a regular pain.08:07
nickrudon a regular basis08:07
NeoGeo64no im not.08:07
MasterShreklalala, having trouple trying to figure out what you are asking08:08
NeoGeo64that wasnt nice...08:08
ari_stressNeoGeo64: sounds like a video game fans08:08
NeoGeo64yeah i like the oldschool neogeo system08:09
lalalamastershrek: nautilus stoped showing icons of lan shares after the last update, but network is working ok08:09
moDumassman, this blows, i cant get my propper screen res or compiz back08:09
moDumassi played alien arena and now BAM, all pair shaped08:09
MasterShreklalala, ive never really had good luck with nautilus and network shares, unless the network shares were mounted08:10
RoshanKMasterShrek could you help me a bit with echo or something08:10
ari_stresslalala: you mean now there's no "network server" icon in nautilus?08:10
lalalamastershrek: :P08:10
MasterShrekRoshanK, with echo?   echo --help08:11
NeoGeo64can ubutnu share files on a network with an xp machine?08:11
MasterShrekNeoGeo64, no08:11
lalalaari_stress: there is but when i press it nothing shows up08:11
BadNeoGeo64: No (seriously) :-)08:11
marsmissionsNeoGeo64: that functionality is only present in advanced software like OS X08:11
gcchey all, i'm having some trouble with figuring out the right way to configure a rather exotic network, anybody have a few minutes?08:11
ari_stresslalala: maybe you don't have smbclient package installed08:11
rdvonI was going to take out my second hdd with ubuntu installed, But I was wondering if that would ruin the grub configuration?08:11
rdvonI kind of want to get rid of all of that.08:11
wolsplease folks, all ignore the troll08:11
moDumassNeoGeo64, im pretty sure you can08:11
wols!ask | gcc08:12
ubotugcc: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:12
NeoGeo64im not trolling08:12
RoshanKMasterShrek in the bottom most section titles usage http://lapsus.berlios.de/asus_oled.html i was wondering how i would edit the file asus_oled_picture ( i have the path) but to put in code such as this http://pastebin.com/m747dab0708:12
lalalaari_stress: when i enter the path manually it works ok etc. smb://machine-name/share/08:12
slyderwhen i move my mouse to the top left corner it activates a compiz plugin i think it's expo, how can i turn that off?08:12
ari_stressrdvon: if your second hdd is not used by ubuntu, it will be ok08:12
MasterShrekRoshanK, without me looking at the links, do you have write access to what you are trying to do? use sudo08:12
ari_stresslalala: oh that sounds nautilus cache is giving trouble again08:13
rdvonrdvon: it is used by ubuntu. that's sort of been my ubuntu hdd.08:13
RoshanKwell so i would use sudo and then echo, but how do i put that many lines into it?08:13
RoshanKor do i not use echo08:13
lalalaari_stress: it worked ok for the last 4 months but stoped after the last update before 2 days08:13
MasterShrekRoshanK, what is the command you are putting in?08:13
gcclol. k, im setting up a simulated network environment using virtualbox, but its too large to run on a single machine. as a result, i need to be able to hook several virtual machines together in some pretty strange ways. the tough part is (so far) that I need the virtual machines to not be able to see or communicate with the physical machines on the network08:13
ari_stresslalala: just close nautilus, and restart, nautilus will search the network again after reboot08:14
RoshanKits in the pastebin link08:14
wolsgcc: use bridgded networking. all in the same subnet then08:14
lalalaari_stress: i did it so many times :P08:14
ari_stresslalala: i find that troubling too. nautilus has a strange way to cache network08:14
ari_stresslalala: oh :(08:14
=== DarthShr1ne is now known as DarthShrine
RoshanKMasterShrek, its in the pastebin link and its a bit long08:14
MasterShrekok RoshanK looking now...08:14
MasterShrekmy net is really slow so bear with me08:15
gccwols: correct me if I'm wrong- i am most emphatically not a networking guy- couldn't a virtual host then claim an ip on the physical network and recieve its traffic?08:15
MasterShrekRoshanK, that looks like ascii art to me08:15
lalalaari_stress: the last update has something from kernel and samba if i remember :/08:15
ari_stresslalala: then maybe you can use "connect to server" menu in nautilus, to prevent browsing the network08:15
MasterShrekwell thats not really a command08:15
wolsgcc: depends what the brdige lts through08:15
MasterShrekin fact not at all08:15
=== LDS_Trooper is now known as Darth_Gimp
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, just make your file in a text editor, save it, and copy it over the existing picture file08:16
RoshanKMasterShrek as stated in the first link that i gave ( http://lapsus.berlios.de/asus_oled.html ) i would have to enter in the format <M:WxH> followed by the 0s and 1s08:16
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, and yes, it is ASCII art08:16
BHSPitMonkeyliterally drawing your picture with 1's08:16
m1k3I need help, when ever I try to run ANY exe with wine, my computer freezes08:16
MasterShrekRoshanK, ic, well yea just put sudo before echo, youll need write privildeges to it i assume08:17
gccwols: thank you, that appears to be what I needed.08:17
lalalaari_stress: i can work with shares if i put the path manually in nautilus, but im trying to find why doesnt show the icons automatic :/08:17
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:17
MasterShreklol @ m1k3, damn windows programs eh?08:17
m1k3MasterShrek, I just installed a new dvd burner and RAM that's when it started freezing08:18
MasterShrekRoshanK, also use sudo before the cat command08:18
slyderanyone know how to stop this plugin from activating when i go to the upper left corner?08:18
fbnHi, will a 802.11n WLAN card work with Ubuntu 7.10?08:18
lalaladam updates every time something brokes :/08:18
MasterShrekm1k3, could be an issue with the ram, but i kinda doubt it08:18
wolsfbn: depends on the chipset08:18
MasterShrekslyder, install compizconfig-settings-manager and disable it08:18
slydertried that MasterShrek08:19
MasterShrek!latest | lalala08:19
ubotulalala: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.08:19
fbnwols: it's a card from Intel, at least that's what Dell says08:19
MasterShrekslyder, its gotta be in there somewhere, there are tons of options08:19
wolsfbn: brandname is not chipset08:19
slyderwon't let me disable the expo plugin and also when checking what activates it says nothing about activating on screen edge08:19
m1k3MasterShrek, is there some way I can configure wine with this RAM?08:19
rdvonSorry if this is the wrong channel.. couldn't resist posting these screens of hardy heron! http://www.techlicious.name.my/2007/12/21/ubuntu-804/08:20
wolsfbn: but considering there is no -n standard yet...08:20
m1k3MasterShrek, maybe the ram isn08:20
m1k3t sompatible with wine08:20
MasterShrekm1k3, i dont know, i really honestly cant see wine crashing because of new ram, that doesnt really sound right to me08:20
renyihello everyone08:20
lalalai will remove all computer from internet so i can have my stability :P08:20
MasterShrekrenyi, failed08:20
wolsm1k3: maybe the ram wasn't installed right or is defective. very easily possible. use memtest08:20
MasterShrekah good idea wols08:21
fbnwols: it's a INTENSIFI from broadcom.08:21
RoshanKso BHSPitMonkey or MasterShrek if the txt file was stored in '/home/roshan/Desktop/asus_oled-0.02/linux.txt' then would the command to use be       sudo echo /home/roshan/Desktop/asus_oled-0.02/linux.txt > /home/roshan/Desktop/asus_oled-0.02/linux.txt       ?08:21
fbnwols: but that's still not the chipset, is it?08:21
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, no, this isn't really a situation for echo and pipes08:21
wolsfbn: no. and it can't be both from intel and broadcom at the same time. intels are fairly well supported, broadcoms aren't08:21
wolsfbn: lspci08:22
gccwols: real quick, i'm in over my head here, do you know of a gentle intro to bridging?08:22
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, "sudo cp ~/Desktop/asus-oled-0.02/linux.txt /path/to/asus/picture/file"08:22
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey so what would I have to do? I can't simply paste a file in there apparently for some reason and it says file is write only08:22
jxxxtfbn, broadcom does not have a good history especially as a laptop card08:22
wolsgcc: bridging howto08:22
lalalaand with the latest uptates im forced to use compiz couse i have more FPS than with out it :P08:22
fbnwols: I don't have that hardware yet - I'm considering buying one or not because of support in Ubuntu08:22
* MasterShrek is out, nite every108:22
fbnjxxxt: ok good to know thanks08:23
RoshanKgnite mastershrek08:23
wolsfbn: then I'd google for the model you want and its linux support08:23
fbnwols: ok will do that, thank you08:23
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, look at the second-to-last paragraph of the readme08:24
databitsharddisk, hey do you or does anyone else here know how I would go about fully delting and freeing up space on a ntfs drive from within linux08:24
databitsit is a portable drive that I normaly have hookedup to my computer upstairs but I have a ton of files I had to get off this computer so I could reload08:24
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:25
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey thank you i will try that08:25
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, it advises how you should write to it;   Before doing that command, become root by typing "sudo -i" and hitting enter.08:25
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, if you do it their way.  My way might not work.08:25
jgooOK - what *is* the bit torrent application that firefox is using on a default install of gutsy??08:25
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey well where foo.txt is i assume i have to have the directory and location of the txt file right08:25
jgooYes, torrents work - no I don't like this app and I am trying to find out where it caches the torrent files, and why isn't there a list of current sessions...08:26
HardDiskdatabits, yea you can do that normally. with ntfs-3g08:26
jgooAnyone use this BitTorrent (default) handler for torrents?08:26
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, foo.txt is the file you've typed your 1's and 0's in, yes08:26
HardDiskjgoo, you should be using www.deluge-torrent.org :)08:26
gccjgoo: i do, or ktorrent08:26
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, and you need to have found out where asus_oled_picture lives.  (Don't type .... like in the example)08:27
jgooThanks HardDisk, that answers my second question! however, I have two 90% done torrents, and piratebay is giving a 500 server error!08:27
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey yes thank you i had the addess from the command he gave earlier in which to find08:27
jgoogcc: what is the default handler then? and I did a find . | grep torrent and didn't find any cached files in my home directory08:27
ruefrag_later all08:28
jgoohowever, when I reclick the piratebay link - it says if I want to resume session - so *somewhere* it knows08:28
jgoowhy it negelects to let me resume without revisiting the original url... :(08:28
gccjgoo: bittorrent is default, im not understanding if you're having an issue w/TPB or BT08:29
jgoogcc: any ideas on where to find the .torrent? I made a clear note to download the files themselves from now on, but these two torrents are bothering me now08:29
BHSPitMonkeyjgoo, try /tmp08:29
jgoogcc: 'bittorrent' is the name of the software that handles the bittorrent protocol?08:29
=== DarthShr1ne is now known as DarthShrine
jgoo(be default on ff on gutsy)08:29
gcccheck /tmp, or ~/downloads if you use it08:29
jgooI'll check tmp, good idea08:29
gccjgoo: bittorrent is the canonical implementation, yes08:30
jgoohrm there is a tracker file here08:30
jgoohow can I launch the canonical bittorrent application, and does it have an interface that shows current torrents?08:30
gccdouble click on the torrent file08:30
jgooand therein lies the rub08:31
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey , when i enter      sudo -i cat /Desktop/asus-oled-0.02/linux.txt > /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb7/7-6/7-6:1.0/asus_oled_picture          it tells me cannot execute binary file, and if i don't include the -i it says it cannot find the file even the it's right there08:31
RoshanKh/o i will pastebin whats in terminal to make it easier08:31
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, you enter "sudo -i", hit enter, then you will be at a root prompt08:31
jgoothe torrent file is a non-entity seeking political asylum in some backwater cache on my computer system, no idea where it is :/08:31
gccjgoo: interesting. tracker wont turn it up?08:32
BHSPitMonkeyjgoo, sudo updatedb, locate .torrent08:32
BHSPitMonkeymight need to install locate first08:32
jgoogcc: if I reclick the link in FF it does - but how can I get the app to launch and resume without finding the torrent files (or reclicking them, pb has a 500 error right now) or how can I find the cached torrent files?08:33
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey i did that but now it tells me no such file or directory08:33
jgoogcc: there is no central ui for bittorrent? like utorrent?08:34
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey: I even included /home/Roshan right before the entire line of /Desktop08:34
gccjgoo: crtl+y in firefox, right click the torrent, then select open containing folder08:34
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey: but it still says no such file or directory for the .txt file08:34
jgoodownloads is empty (machine is restarted)08:34
Jordan_U!bittorent | jgoo08:34
ubotujgoo: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P08:34
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, then you've got it wrong08:35
RoshanKhow so?08:35
gccjgoo: well bt has an interface, but not a cool one. i'd use ktorrent; some say its fugly though08:35
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, you can try re-entering that file path, using TAB to finish each folder and file name for you along the way08:35
jgoohowever, as I said, the last time this happened, reclicking the link brings up bittorrent dialog asking if I want to resume, and that was *after* I had restarted once before... so I figure it must know what it is in the middle of downloading, so how can I just 'run the bit torrent app'08:35
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey, ok08:35
jgoogcc: what is that interface? bttrack? runbt? gobt? teambt? btFTW?08:36
gccjgoo: you can just call bittorrent at the terminal, if you use bittorrent, and if im spelling it correctly08:36
BHSPitMonkeyjgoo, get deluge08:37
jgooI only get 'bitmap' command completion on that, it was the first thing I tried08:37
BHSPitMonkeyjgoo, it's bt something08:37
jgooBHSPitMonkey: I will, but first I have two incomplete torrents, and piratebay giving a 500 error :(08:37
astro76jgoo, tab complete on bt08:37
jgooI did08:37
jgoothen tried bttrack, btreannounce etc08:37
jgoobut they all take arguments08:37
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey yes you were right, i accidentally entered a hyphen instead of an underscore (d'oh) thank you very much08:40
jgoothey should really give 'bittorrent' a name, the canonical version that is, so it can at least be talked about in context. even if we call it canonical-bittorrent-client08:40
tarelerulzIs there a Ubuntu  media chat room that talk about media players and related subjects?08:41
gccjgoo: yeah, just grab a client, from what I'm seeing the client invocation is a little arcane, as its designed to be run when a browser encounters the right mime type08:41
gccor by a double click08:41
jgoook, I will wait for pirate bay to come back up, so I can 'regrab' the .torrent files (I have no idea how it knows to resume after that... but it works) and then use deluge torrent for subsequent torrents, cheers08:42
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey btw i was wondering why ctrl V won't paste in terminal. is there a different shortcut or do i have to right click and paste08:43
sam_can someone help me install gparted?08:43
jgooRoshanK: that is a very good question08:43
tarelerulzGcc what  Do you use for a bit torrent client ?08:43
jgooRoshanK: try shift-ctrl-v08:44
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
kurtibought civilization for linux, but cannot install it, it says unsupported platform : setup/printlibc:3 function not found08:44
RoshanKjgoo thank you it works08:44
kurtso what now08:44
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, that does something else entirely in a terminal;  So you know, CTRL+C kills a program you're running in that terminal.08:44
m1k3Anybody know why wine freezes when I try to open exe's?08:44
brendonhUsing Gutsy, Add/Remove Applications doesn't update (unless I use terminal command).  When I go to Apply new applications, the timer runs but nothing is downloaded or installed08:44
m1k3My whole computer locks up08:44
jgooRoshanK: I think it is a conspiracy... what does ctrl-v do if shift-ctrl-v pastes?08:44
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey thank you. so i guess i would have to hold shift along with ctrl c to copy as well08:45
BHSPitMonkeyRoshanK, even more handy:  just highlight some text somewhere, and middle-click somewhere else to paste it.08:45
RoshanKthat works08:45
jgooBHSPitMonkey: hehe. actually that is a good point. ctrl-c would be a pain if you started using it reflexively in terminal08:45
jgooBHSPitMonkey: not as handy, only works for 'terminal' clipboard08:45
BHSPitMonkeyjgoo, probably the cause of many a /quit08:45
jgoodoesn't work for other clipboards08:46
BHSPitMonkeyjgoo, it works throughout X08:46
jgoooh yeah, my bad08:46
BHSPitMonkeyso it's arguably more handy08:46
jgooit is indeed, double plus handy.08:46
BHSPitMonkeythough it can be annoying at times, like when you have to highlight something you're trying to replace.08:46
brendonhUsing Gutsy, Add/Remove Applications doesn't update (unless I use terminal command).  When I go to Apply new applications, the timer runs but nothing is downloaded or installed08:47
BHSPitMonkeythen you have to either use backspace, or highlight-delete-rehighlight-paste08:47
jgooactually, this is the first thing I tried to stop on my other system08:47
jgookept pasting url's into the middle of source code in emacs...08:47
m1k3I need help, when I try running an exe with wine, my computer locks up, this happened when I installed a new dvd burner and some RAM ddr pc3200 1gig08:47
dn4what type of plugin do I need to see what is at the bottom of this website http://www.leachintl2.com/english/english2/vol6/properties/how7.htm08:47
gccm1k3: define locks up?08:48
m1k3gcc, mouse doesn't move no response from keyboard and it my pc freezes08:48
BHSPitMonkeybed time.  (long past due)08:48
gccm1k3: crtl+alt+bkspc?08:48
BHSPitMonkeygood luck with your laptop and with ubuntu RoshanK08:49
m1k3gcc, my computer freezes08:49
sam_can someone tell me how to use gparted08:49
RoshanKthank you so much BHSPitMonkey08:49
gccm1k3: are you running compiz?08:49
m1k3gcc, nope08:49
RoshanKsam_ gparted i know of was a live cd08:49
gccm1k3: what app?08:49
sam_roshank: you can download it as well with add/remove programs08:49
m1k3gcc, everything, notepad, configuration etc08:49
sam_roshank do i use it through terminal?08:50
RoshanKsam_ i don't know, i have only used it through the livecd08:50
gccm1k3: run wine from the terminal and see what output you get before it dies.08:50
gccmight want to have a pen handy08:50
m1k3gcc, tried that already :(08:50
brendonhAnybody? Using Gutsy, Add/Remove Applications doesn't update (unless I use terminal command).  When I go to Apply new applications, the timer runs but nothing is downloaded or installed08:50
sam_roshank: :(08:50
gccm1k3: what do you get?08:50
m1k3gcc, I typed wine cmd.exe08:51
m1k3Let me see again08:51
jgooyey piratebay is back up08:51
RoshanKsam_ i'm still new at this i suggest you ask someone else. sorry08:51
renyibrendonh you can use synipics08:51
gccbrendonh: at terminal sudo apt-get update08:51
renyior sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:52
brendonhrenyi - that works.  When I go back to the list it is up-to-date, but I can't download any new applications08:52
jgooso, I click on the links, and it resumes session, and then I see the torrent files have been newly placed back into the /tmp folder - so it puzzles me how it can know to resume the session, but not have a way of doing so without a prodding08:53
jxxxtmlk3, when I do that all I get is the version and location08:53
renyiso maybe your apt sources had a problem08:53
gccjgoo: its a torrent, it can track chunking. thats how torrent works08:53
brendonhrenyi - how would I check sources?08:53
renyisudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:54
renyithen you can run "apt-get update"08:54
renyithat's ok if no problem reported08:55
jgoogcc: yes, but it would have to keep a record of where locally it was saving a file, and which torrent that file was... and if it knows all this, why can't it tell me (that is my reasoning). Of course it must know it - but I found it hard to imagine it could know and not tell me *sulk*08:55
brendonhrenyi - I get a sources list.  I can then update the list.  When I select apps to install, they do not download08:56
jxxxtmlk3, Did you check with #winehg to see if they could help??08:56
gccjgoo: to know and not to ponder, to see and not to wonder...08:56
chazcoHi... how can I force Nautilus to re-read all the mime-info?08:57
chazcokillall nautilus does it, but doesnt seem like the best way08:57
brendonhrenyi - I also cannot close the add/remove window - it just hangs08:58
jgoochazco: would this be related to changing the application that handles certain file types? like 7zip handling rar files?08:58
chazcoIt would be related to that sort of thing yes (.tmd and .pmd formats)08:59
DragonSpiritdoes the ubuntu monthly calendar still work, I was trying to add it to my desktop backgrounds by installing the package, I did what it said on the docs online and looked in desktop backgrounds and didn't see the option in there08:59
chazcoI've made a script and a .deb which can changed them, but to make them take effect I have to restart Nautilus08:59
jgooah ok. I want to have 7zip show up on context menu... installed and it didn't, nor did it show up in application list... :-/08:59
gcci need to hang out here more often. i was starting to think i knew how to do most things in ubuntu.08:59
chazcoAssosiations in Ubuntu are tricky :)09:00
renyiif hangs so you sources may too slowly to download ,change another09:00
sam_roshank: are you still there?09:01
brendonhrenyi - I am monitoring my internet connection - there is absolutely no traffic from the ubuntu box09:01
sam_roshank: im burning the live cd for gparted nw09:01
brendonhrenyi - how would I change the source09:01
renyiI  sending to you09:02
OdoAnyone can suggest me a great pinball game?09:02
jgoothat one team17 made, it was awesome09:02
Odojgoo, thx m809:03
Alcherai have an irritation .... all to do with dvd's (dl & rw's) when trying to access (text) files as an example playing movies isn't a drama >>> attempt to access beyond end of device. files have a zero byte size when copied to hdd09:03
cyberman5hi which file does start my login manager?09:03
cyberman5after booting?09:03
jgooOdo: pinball fantasies? not sure it is on linux, but an amiga emulator would help, I recommend it09:03
renyiyou  can use gedit /etc/apt/sources.lst edit the file like this09:03
youknowwhohi, i have a problem regarding kde 409:03
youknowwhois this the right palce to ask questions'09:04
cyberman5which file does start my login manager after the booting process?09:04
cyberman5so where can i change it a.s.o09:04
wolscyberman5: s99gdm09:04
jxxxtyouknowwho5, #kubuntu would be the place09:04
renyiyou can access there for answer09:06
renyi<wols> S99gdm09:06
renyi* pianissimon (n=Simon_Me@pD9502FD5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 离开了 #ubuntu09:06
renyi<youknowwho> thanks09:06
renyi* nitro__ 已结束 (Client Quit)09:06
renyi<jxxxt> np09:06
renyi* illovae (n=illovae@unaffiliated/illovae) 加入了 #ubuntu09:06
renyi* mouse 已结束 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))09:06
renyi* jepes (n=jepes@ 加入了 #ubuntu09:06
RoshanKsam_ im sorry i was away im back now09:07
RoshanKsam_ do you need any help with gparted live cd?09:07
brendonhrenyi - synaptic works - files are listed and downloaded, but Add/Remove does not09:08
jxxxtRoshank, He started burning seven minutes ago09:09
jgoo加入了 == joins? heh. awesome, fun and learning on #ubuntu09:10
renyisorry,never seen this09:10
hahahahsorry had to reconnect09:11
renyiand i think that's impossible because synaptic works09:11
renyiso your software database is good09:12
brendonhrenyi - looking @ the forums - seems to happen when you run the add/remove without a working internet connection - it comments out the sources09:15
Dead_Beef1080 members and no ones talking?09:18
otnasusnecayeah, i feel the same09:19
dn4what type of plugin do I need to see what is at the bottom of this website http://www.leachintl2.com/english/english2/vol6/properties/how7.htm09:19
RoshanKBHSPitMonkey are you still here?09:20
=== tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek
MidnightCommandohi, i just loaded 7.10. it did not offer to install a bootloader, like other distributions i am accustomed to.09:20
wathekI've some problem with my Ubuntu 7.10 I've installed it on a Sata Disk and sometimes it freezes ! and I've to press the reset button09:20
MidnightCommandohow should I go about preparing a grub or lilo bootloader so that the windows partition is usable?09:21
Alcheradn4: that's an autodesk format09:21
dn4Alchera, how do I get it?09:21
dn4Alchera, I kinda reallyyyyy want to see those displays09:21
kaperwathek, i have the same problem like u but i know my vga card have problem09:21
naxai recently updated ubuntu and my vista disappeared from the grub menu! how can i get it back?09:21
BernardBHow can I set up a static IP?09:22
kaperBernardB, $man interfaces09:22
BernardBkaper, ?09:22
Pie-ratedoes the logitech g15 work well in ubuntu? i'm thinking about getting one. some preliminary research shows that you can write scripts for the LCD, but i've found nothing on the 18 programmable keys09:23
naxahow can i make grub detect other operating systems?09:23
RoshanKAlchera can you help me with this http://pastebin.com/m7cbb8ebf   all i need to know is how i would edit that in the makefile09:25
naxaah... it's christmas and night so noone helps here :)09:25
kapernaxa, i don't know but u can edit grub.conf manually it's not hard to understand. I'm new to linux also09:25
RoshanKkaper could you help me if you know ?09:25
RoshanKhttp://pastebin.com/m7cbb8ebf   all i need to know is how i would edit that in the makefile09:26
wathekkaper, huh ?! I've a PCI Express VGA card09:26
xeperDoes anyone know of a workaround for getting adobe flash to work in firefox on an amd64 box?09:26
jgooOK, this is an interesting issue: installed feisty on a machine with ati 9200, on default install, everything worked, included 3d desktops. then installed gutsy (clean, use all of disk) the display was burned looking, but a ctrl-alt-f1 and back fixed that, a few tweaks later, and it boots now, in 1400x900 but only using the middle of the screen, like it isn't wide screen, the pixel ratio is off or something.09:26
kaperwathek, no idea.09:26
RoshanKoh jgoo that does seem interesting09:26
jgooUsing 'change desktop resolution' doesn't help, but under administration, screens, if I just change the hz from 60 to 75, or back (75 to 60) it resets the display and goes widescreen...09:27
wathekkaper, it makes me mad I don't wanna run Win XP09:27
naxakaper: thanks09:27
jgooRoshanK: ok, for a given value of 'interesting' :p09:27
RoshanKjgoo btw would you be able to help me with this? http://pastebin.com/m7cbb8ebf   all i need to know is how i would edit that in the makefile09:27
wathekkaper, and did you get some problem while trying to install it ?09:27
BernardB<kaper> BernardB, $man interfaces09:27
BernardBWhat do you mean?09:27
RoshanKits tiny :)09:27
jgooRoshanK: you want to know how you would edit the file?09:28
jgooor how you would edit the file *from* a makefile?09:28
RoshanKjgoo: yeah just that one line where it tells me to change that line or something09:28
kaperwathek, yes but i booted to safe graphic mode then install no problem09:28
jgoois the a file called 'Makefile'09:28
kaperBernardB, u use gnome?09:28
naxaxeper: for me it's working out of the box...09:28
wathekkaper, same for me too09:29
BernardBkaper, I do09:29
naxaxeper: sorry09:29
BernardBUbuntu Gutsy09:29
xepernaxa: Are you on an amd64?09:29
RoshanKi dont know i cant even find the folder but im assuming that its downloaded09:29
RoshanKthe thing is09:29
kaperBernardB, System >> administration>> network09:29
RoshanKim in the directory through terminal but cant go to it in gnome09:29
RoshanKits probably in some deep directory09:29
RoshanKi tried searching the system for it but nothing turns up09:29
naxaxeper: well, i am but i installed ubuntu in a normal 32 bit mode09:30
AlcheraRoshanK: i'd imagine you'd simply search for the line INSTALL_MOD_DIR09:30
menllyoswhats the difference between xchat irc and xchat gnome irc ? is it only the looks of the program ?09:30
BernardBkaper, what connection settings, do I have to use, when I want a static ip?09:30
xepernaxa: Ahhh okay, that could be the difference then.  I just got up and running with Ubuntu, and I used the 64-bit install.09:31
wolsBernardB: man interfaces09:31
RoshanKbut i dont know how to. you see in terminal im in that directory but i cant see it anywhere in nautilus since its not under Desktop or anything09:31
Alcheramenllyos: xchat-gnome is a gnome irc client09:31
naxaxeper: oh i see... i would be happy to try but i didn't have the time09:31
kaperBernardB, select >>wired connection>> property09:31
Alcheraxchat is windows/kde/gnome09:31
wolsRoshanK: in terminal "pwd"09:31
wolsthat tells you where you are and then you can nautilus to go there09:32
RoshanKok thank you wols09:32
wols*can use09:32
BernardBwols, what does man interfaces, pretty new on this09:32
wolsit does show you documentation09:32
MidnightCommandomenllyos: xchat-gnome is a simplified version09:32
MidnightCommandonot suitable for power users09:32
BernardBand kaper, I've navigated to where you described09:33
menllyosok i kinda thought that since the regular xchat has much more options ...09:33
RoshanKjgoo and wols thank you im building the driver for my cam now09:34
jgoonice, what cam is it? logitech webcam type? or some nice wxvga wifi night vision robocam?09:34
MidnightCommandomenllyos: xchat-gnome follows the gnome philosophy of "don't confuse the idiots with too many functions"09:34
MidnightCommandoxchat follows the philosophy of "be sane and carry a large stick"09:35
RoshanKjgoo the cam actually came with my laptop (an asus g2s)09:35
RoshanKjgoo:its sort of integrated09:35
MidnightCommandomenllyos: i'll talk to you later at some time probably, but not here09:35
MidnightCommandoi may invite you to my chan at some point, but iĺl be peanuthorst - fair warning09:35
RoshanKjgoo if you're interested this is it http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683422018509:36
jgooI see. I am looking for a low low cost wifi, small camera that can be mains powered - slightly different :)09:36
Pie-rateRoshanK: giev me g2s imo09:36
Andycassshow to search for a file in a specific location?09:41
wathekfind /location -name file09:41
guccii cant change wallpaper why?09:42
Andycassswathek: thanks09:42
gucciit locked a wallpaper09:42
james296is it possible to allow menus to show over flash ads on websites in Firefox?09:42
wathekAndycasss, you're welcom09:42
boxemallhi there i just updated from gutsy to hardy and after restart i found mysel in console. no gdm no x09:43
xeperIt's pretty unbelievable that this distribution is so damn easy to use.09:43
boxemallwhat can i do to activate x again. i already tried sudo su restartx but did not work09:43
gucciany help????09:43
iNeogucci: what help do you want09:44
guccii cant change wallpaper09:45
gucciit locked one09:45
xepergucci: What happens when you try?09:45
lorbritohow can i recovery a password from a rar archive?09:45
iNeoso richt mouse change wallpaper doesn't work?09:45
kane77boxemall, this channel is for gutsy, hardy is not supported yet (and won't be until april).. you might get help in #ubuntu+109:46
gucciit mite be concerning compiz09:46
kane77lorbrito, I guess recovering password isn't possible, the only way is to brute force try all the possible passwods, but this can take long time...09:47
lorbritook,, i think i lose that archive09:47
xeperlorbrito: Do you have a windows box?09:47
lorbritobut thanks09:47
xeperTry ELCOMSOFT's software suite.09:47
xeperIt'll crack it for you.09:48
tarelerulzDo any of you rip your own dvd? to say a  xvid . ogg and so ? If so can you tag the movies like you do mp3s?09:48
xepergucci: Yes?09:48
xeperwtf... wine won't work in 64-bit either?09:49
Andycassshow to run a sh file in  a terminal?09:50
ke-tarelerulz, you mean: do any of you rip in the scene? Ask someone scene-related instead, this is stupid09:50
AndycasssWhen i cd to a folder and use file name it just says cmd not found09:50
pianissimonis the file executable?09:50
ke-Andycasss, sh <file>09:50
ompaulAndycasss,  do ./file-name and what does it do09:50
Andycassske-: Thanks, that did the trick09:50
ompaulAndycasss, there are several ways to execute shell scripts09:51
newbieeHow do change my account to admin so that i can do install do some change in comp...09:52
tarelerulzke-: , I mean mp3 have meta tags on them  and I was wondering if movies and such have them too.  I ripped one of my own movies I  bout and I was wondering if I could add meta tags to  it .09:52
ompaul!sudo | newbiee09:52
ubotunewbiee: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:52
ompaulnewbiee, don't try to install stuff off the internet until you are sure that it is not in the repos and then only install from source09:53
lorbritowhen i try to install alien09:53
lorbritoits ask me for the cd09:53
lorbritobut i have it no anymore09:53
lorbritoi have to burn it again o what else can i do?09:53
ompaullorbrito, first alien is not a clever way to do stuff, and second to remove the need for the cd do this: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list : in there put a # in front of the line that says CD (at the start of the list) then using the menu save quit and then do this :   sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade : then you may get on with your life the system comes with 20k programs so alien should never be needed09:55
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ - See also « /msg ubotu ircstats »09:55
ompaullorbrito, what program are you trying to install that you think you need alien#09:56
fyrestrtrnewbiee: use sudo09:56
lorbritothe jdk-6-0.rpm09:57
ompaulfyrestrtr, way behind there ;-) are you lagged? /me runs09:57
* fyrestrtr blinks09:57
ompaullorbrito, na do it the ubuntu way09:57
* fyrestrtr needs coffee09:57
ompaulfyrestrtr, make me one too  ;-)09:57
fyrestrtrlorbrito: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk09:58
ompaullorbrito, do what I told you to do, then click on system - administration - synaptic and then search for whatever you want09:58
ompaulfyrestrtr, apt was demanding a CD please get that coffee ;-)09:58
fyrestrtrgeez, maybe I should quit while I'm ahead.09:59
ompaulgood day yesterday?09:59
fyrestrtrfreebsd is not as much fun as it the mascot might make you think.10:00
ompaulfyrestrtr, it could be worse it could have been *10:00
* ompaul goes to get human refueling10:00
* fyrestrtr calls the office boy again -- where is my damn coffee!10:00
xeperAnyone have experience with Wine?10:00
fyrestrtrchardonnay is nice.10:01
* dn4 hooks fyrestrtr with the Christmas Blend from Starbucks10:01
fyrestrtrthat's not as festive as you might think -- I tried it. Went back to American10:01
dn4Does anyone here now how to build Bifilar coils?10:02
fyrestrtrI once tried this strange coffee from Yemen. Wow. It could wake the dead.10:02
dn4fyrestrtr, how about an ARMY OF DARKNESS?10:03
fyrestrtra double shot of it could.10:03
dn4word that beats having to aquire the necronomacon10:04
lorbritothese is stupid,, but i converto flv archives to mp4 whit ffmepg ,,but a friend is using a program in windows that make it fast,, its convert 700 mg in 4 minutes,i laet 7 minutes to convert a file in linux10:06
lorbritomust be a way to convert faster than program window does10:06
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
ramvi[GUTSY] Is there a way to avoid being asked for keyring password every time I log in, return from sleep etc...?10:11
kane77my video stopped working, none of the video players play the file, it just shows purple noise.. (and it played the file fine a minute ago) this sometimes happens and I cannot find out how do I repair it (apart from restarting)10:11
chazcohi.. anyone here ever manually created a .deb? I've made a few but want to make sure i've put the correct stuff in the control file...10:12
ompaul!checkinstall | chazco10:13
ubotuchazco: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!10:13
Pie-rateramvi: you should have a password for security10:13
chazcoompaul - checkinstall is only useful when you have source code / a makefile10:13
rodgrechhey guys.... has anyone managed to get ubuntu to run correctly on a toshiba M10010:14
ompaulchazco, I am of no use to you then - sorry about that10:14
chazcoNo problem, thanks anyway :)10:14
IndyGunFreakrodgrech: what problem are you having?10:14
rodgrechIndyGunFreak: well im using the live cd atm to test it, but it seems not to detect the audio device10:14
IndyGunFreakrodgrech: open a terminal and type "lspci" then enter, and see how it identifies your sound device.10:15
rodgrechok stand by10:15
ramviPie-rate: I dont want the password for security10:15
nevilleIs it possible to start a seperate X session, without KDE running, and have a command like, say, wine /path/to/program/progname.exe tacked onto the end?10:16
jimmiocould anyone here help me with an issue I've been having with JACK?10:16
rodgrechIndyGunFreak: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)10:17
rodgrechthats what comes up10:17
ramvi[GUTSY] Is there a way to avoid being asked for keyring password every time I log in, return from sleep etc...? I dont want the password for security.10:17
IndyGunFreak!intelhda | rodgrech , yeah, thats why10:17
uboturodgrech , yeah, thats why: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto10:17
IndyGunFreakrodgrech: i've had moderate success getting intelhda to work w/ the instructions at that link, but unfortunately, you can't run them till your installed.10:18
rodgrechif i get it working under the live cd, and then hit install. will the modifications transfer across10:18
rodgrechor would that make sence10:18
jimmiono, rodgrech10:18
IndyGunFreakrodgrech: ther's to much to do there to do on the live CD, not to mention it requires a couple restarts10:18
naxamy hp laptop has a built in webcam. how can i check the type of it and make it work?10:19
rodgrechgah ok... well in that case, ill take the plunge then come back in here and reget that link10:19
IndyGunFreakrodgrech: that what i would do, are you going to dual boot?10:19
jimmioanyone here doing multitrack recording? What do you suggest? Audacity is the only program I've really used for it, but it's being a pain...10:20
rodgrechim thinking about it, but im gonna have issues with the laptops vista install. since toshiba have an instal image10:20
rodgrechinstead of a vista cd10:21
rodgrechbuuut, i do have a toshiba OEM install cd from when my ex worked for toshiba10:21
rodgrechhopefully i can just dump my key into it10:21
jgoolorbrito: what is the windows program?10:22
rodgrechsorry hit the wrong button lol10:22
IndyGunFreakrodgrech: well, god luck w/ it.10:22
ompaul!language | rodgrech10:22
uboturodgrech: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:22
rodgrechsorry guys10:22
rodgrechoh, i love the way that the OS picked up that there has been a recall for my toshiba battery10:23
fyrestrtrwhy is this: find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {}; saying 'missing argument to -exec'10:23
* ompaul hands ` to fyrestrtr 10:24
* fyrestrtr looks a `10:24
lorbritojgoo: its call cucusoft10:26
fyrestrtrwhere tha hell do I use it.10:26
rodgrechhey when im making my partitian table (Sp) 20gb should be enough right?10:27
rodgrechfor /10:27
IndyGunFreakrodgrech: yes. i would think so...10:27
Ameriorodgrech yeah enough10:27
rodgrechand a 2gb swap?10:28
IndyGunFreakrodgrech: how much ram do you have?10:28
nevilleIs it possible to start a seperate X session, without KDE running, and have a command like, say, wine /path/to/program/progname.exe tacked onto the end?10:28
rodgrech1gb IndyGunFreak10:28
Ameriorodgrech 2gb swap is enough , but for me I have 5 GB10:28
IndyGunFreakrodgrech: rule of thumb for swap, 1.5-2x your ram10:28
* IndyGunFreak has a 4gig swap10:28
rodgrechlol 2gb it is then10:29
lorbritoAmerio : but 5 GB make work hard to the hd10:29
radienmm... not wanting to sound dumb but is there a way to update ubuntu breezy through repositorys if so what one10:29
IndyGunFreakrodgrech: yeah, thats just a rule of thumb, i usually let the installer setup my partitions, and it usually sets me at 4gig swap, and 240gig /10:29
JayCCan someone help me, my 320GB Hard drive is only showing up as 128GB in Gparted/qtparted it is unfromatted btw10:29
Ameriolorbrito: actually i was going 2 make it 3 but by wrong its been made 510:29
IndyGunFreakJayC: so the drive has no data?10:30
=== schlort_ is now known as schlort
lorbritoAmerio: how do you have in ram?10:30
JayCIndyGunFreak: It is unformatted no data new drive10:31
IndyGunFreakhmm, thats wierd.10:31
Ameriolobrito: 1 GB and  51210:31
JayCIndyGunFreak: Shows as 300ish GB in windows due to the "formatted capacity BS"10:31
iNeoJayC: Maybe a Bios problem10:31
IndyGunFreakthats almost what it sounds like, how old is this pc?10:31
iNeoJayC: Could be your motherboard doesn't understand large drives10:32
JayCIndyGunFreak: Its brand new, laptop10:32
AmerioJayc: u need to format it 1st then see if u get the problem again10:32
IndyGunFreakhmm, well that may not be it.10:32
iNeoJayC: fdisk -l <device>10:32
AmerioJayc: new HDDs should be formatted before usage10:32
JayCAmerio: Uhm thats what im TRYING to do...10:32
IndyGunFreakAmerio: this is true, but showing the drive is less than half its actual size, is a bit absurd.10:33
IndyGunFreakJayC: so whats the prob?10:33
iNeoluodartes: hi10:33
Stupid^Kidhello, i need to edit many html files, can any one advise me a good application10:33
AmerioIndyGunFreak: I had that problem once , I re-formatted it and its gone but maybe he has a problem I dunno10:33
JayCIndyGunFreak: It doesnt show the drive as being 320gb10:33
luodartesit brazil10:33
IndyGunFreakJayC:  i know.10:33
luodartessalvador //bahia10:33
JayCIndyGunFreak: WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sdb'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.10:33
iNeoStupid^Kid: vi10:33
AmerioStupid^Kid: Dreamweaver , But I dunno if its supported on Linux10:34
lorbritoDreamweaver is jus for micro and apple10:34
IndyGunFreakJayC: you using gutsy?10:34
JayClorbrito: Dreamweaver works via wine10:34
JayCIndyGunFreak: 7.1010:34
JayCIndyGunFreak: I think thats feisty10:35
IndyGunFreakJayC: no, thats gutsy10:35
AmerioJayC : the old version works via wine but the new one doesnt work with wine10:35
Stupid^Kidthank you !10:35
JayCIndyGunFreak: My bad10:35
rabbyyesterday i installed em28xx for my wintv usb stick; but it can not be used correctly because i only get /dev/vdi0 instead of /dev/dvb/...10:35
gvsa123help please... i think my system clock isn't syncing with the servers10:35
JayCIndyGunFreak: Any way to reset the partition table?10:35
rabbycan You tell me please, how to fix the dev names?10:35
rabbycan You tell me please, how to fix the dev names?10:36
iNeogvsa123: look at your firewall settings10:36
IndyGunFreakJayC: i don't know, i have a lot of probs w gparted and gutsy, so i always use the gparted live CD..., maybe try booting the gparted live CD to completely format the drive.10:36
gvsa123iNeo: what should i look for? i have firestarter10:36
IndyGunFreakGparted Live, PartedMagic Live, either one.10:37
iNeogvsa123: time protocol is ntp 123/tcp 123/udp look if it isn't dropped10:37
AmerioJayC: 1st of all u need 2 format if it doesnt work then come back :)10:37
gvsa123iNeo: oh the gui crashed when i tried to add service for ntp10:38
AmerioJayC: but u know that u cant get all ur 320 GB10:38
iNeogvsa123: And try ntpdate from the commandline10:38
HardDiskanyone that gives advices to use dreamweaver on linux should leave now.10:38
iNeoHardDisk: I agree10:39
gvsa123iNeo: i should add service for NTP tcp and udp?10:39
IndyGunFreakAmerio: i don't see why he couldn't, i've got a 500gig external, on a PC 2.5yrs old, and it sees the whole drive.10:39
HardDiskand they should stop giving advices period.10:39
JayCAmerio: Hey man i dont claim to know everthing i know i get 298GB on windows from the drive i expect the same via linux 128 is BS10:39
iNeogvsa123: Yes, but first try ntpdate <time server>10:39
AmerioIndyGUnFreak: u have all the 500 GB?10:39
IndyGunFreakAmerio: yes....10:39
bigmyxcannot get dual screen working with my intel 965 card - any help ?10:39
AmerioIndyGunFreak: no way10:39
=== oddd_ is now known as Oddd
IndyGunFreakAmerio: yes10:39
AyabaraI'm on an ASUS laptop, and sometimes my gutsy just hangs so hard that I have to restart by holding the power button. Last time 10 minutes ago...10:39
IndyGunFreakfar as i know..., hold on i'll double check, but i'm pretty sure i do.10:40
iNeogvsa123: You are not running your OS in VMware ?10:40
gvsa123iNeo: nope... gutsy10:40
iNeoAyabara: Try ALT-F1 and login on commandline to look what is going on10:41
iNeogvsa123: Ack10:41
HardDiskbigmyx, http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/dualhead.html10:41
IndyGunFreakAmerio: it reads it about 48010:41
gvsa123iNeo: ntpdate time.nuri.net said permission denied10:41
AmerioIndyGUnFreak : u see :)10:41
AyabaraiNeo, when it locks, that doesn't work either. _everything_ is stuck10:41
IndyGunFreakAmerio: lot better than less than half..lol10:42
iNeogvsa123: sudo ntpdate <server>10:42
kazim59I installed bzflag using apt-get, but I cannot start server. It says Failed (exit = 2)10:42
Andycasssis there a way to trick eth2 to be eth110:42
bigmyxHardDisk: will check it 10x10:42
jhasseHi there! Hardy heron doesn't boot anymore. I only see the splashscreen and the scrollbar is moving from left to right until (after a long time) i end up in busybox and it tells my that /dev/disk/by-uuid/blabla couldn't be found. Can someone help me?10:43
gvsa123iNeo: 24 Dec 02:56:49 ntpdate[7438]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting10:43
IndyGunFreak!hardy | jhasse10:43
ubotujhasse: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu10:43
jhasseIndyGunFreak: ok10:43
AndycasssWhen i try to use wifi, i cant use my webserver from my domain anymore, just local ip. I gave it the same lan ip as my wired connection...10:43
HardDiskAndrew_1, you can't have the same ip as your router.10:44
iNeogvsa123: So there is already a program running, take a look at the processlist10:44
Oddd anyone here have experience/know where to get help with dvb-usb?10:44
AndycasssHardDisk: sorry?10:44
gvsa123iNeo: what should i be looking for?10:44
iNeogvsa123: I think there is allready a ntp process running, ps axu | grep nt10:45
gvsa123iNeo: i got an output i cannot understand... lol... what should i be looking for?10:46
MenZa!anyone | Oddd10:46
ubotuOddd: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:46
AmerioIndyGUnFreak: yeah , usually manufacturer usee the binary based units for space & operating systems decimal based units , so calculating the binary into decimal u'll get a less number :)10:47
iNeogvsa123: look at the last collum and see if there is some ntp process10:47
OdddI just asked in #linuxtv10:47
AmerioIndyGunFreak: whats ur HDD brand?10:47
OdddI'm hoping they might help.10:47
Odddbut if not... here it is.10:47
iNeogvsa123: Is there a /etc/init.d/ntp script ?10:47
gvsa123iNeo: ntp       5259  0.0  0.3   4132   844 ?        Ss   01:39   0:00 /usr/sbin/ntpd10:48
IndyGunFreakSeagate, its in an enclosure i bought from TD10:48
OdddI have a umt-010 usb-dvb device with a mt352 frontend10:48
OdddI cannot get it to tune to known working signals10:48
AmerioIndyGUnFreak: I have W.D MyBook10:48
JayCIndyGunFreak: I cant even partition it in windows at all everything is greyed out10:48
IndyGunFreaki like WD drives, its just this one was on sale.10:48
OdddI really need some help... any help.... like an application programming guide for the mt35210:48
gvsa123iNeo: there is a /etc/init.d/ntp10:48
IndyGunFreakJayC: are you on linux now?10:49
AmerioIndyGUnFreak: Both Western Digital & Seagate made in the same manufacture10:49
iNeogvsa123: /etc/init.d/ntp stop and then try the ntpdate again10:49
IndyGunFreakyep.., but WD is cheaper usually10:49
JayCIndyGunFreak: Got both comps up10:49
hades_im trying to put stuff in my usr/share directory.. but it wont let me create files.. how do i fix this?10:49
Ric84i'm trying to use tracker with the deskbar10:49
iNeogvsa123: To be sure the connection is working to the ntp servers10:49
Ric84but nothing gets indexed in tracker10:49
hades_Like i can do it thru the terminal but i really dont want to type it all in10:49
hades_i just want to drag and drop10:49
Ric84do i have to change some config first?10:50
IndyGunFreakJayC: ok, do you have gparted installed on Linux?.. look in System/Admin for Gparted Partition editor10:50
JayCIndyGunFreak: Yeah i have it10:50
IndyGunFreakok, open gparted10:50
AmerioHardDisk: what was your comment about dreamweaver?10:50
IndyGunFreakplug the drive into the linux box and turn it on10:50
gvsa123iNeo: 24 Dec 03:04:19 ntpdate[7536]: no server suitable for synchronization found10:50
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:50
lubuntuadmin filemanager  sudo mc or gnome-commander thats all ?10:50
Odddcool trick.  I'll have to remember that one10:51
iNeogvsa123: Try ntpdate ntp0.NL.uu.net, that is working for me10:51
HardDiskAmerio, scroll up.  and WD and Seagate are NOT made by the same manufacturer.  Seagate purchased Maxtor, but they are still produced in different plants.10:51
benjamin_hi! i just installed 7.10! but have some problems with it. most important there is no sound. can someone help me please??10:51
JayCIndyGunFreak: Done, What now?10:51
IndyGunFreakJayC: is gparted showing your usb drive?10:51
gvsa123iNeo: still the same output...10:51
HardDiskAmerio, stop spreading misinformation and do some proper research.10:51
JayCIndyGunFreak: yes10:51
IndyGunFreakrighit click it, and format the drive.10:52
iNeogvsa123: Then I think it is a firewall problem10:52
iNeogvsa123: Add the ntp ports to your firewall rules10:52
HardDisk!sound > benjamin_10:52
JayCIndyGunFreak: Right click on "unallocated?"10:52
gvsa123iNeo: that's ntp and what else again?10:53
AmerioHardDisk: take it easy bud , & I know what I'm talking about :)10:53
benjamin_what infos do you need?10:53
IndyGunFreakJayC: you probably want to format the whole drive...so i would right click the whole drive at the bottom...10:53
iNeogvsa123: ntp is 123/udp and 123/tvp10:53
iNeogvsa123: ntp is 123/udp and 123/tcp10:53
hades_Anyone? how do I move things to a /usr/ directory?10:53
HardDiskAmerio, apparently you don't.  and keep it in #ubuntu-offtopic10:53
JayCIndyGunFreak: There is no "whole drive"10:53
iNeogvsa123: sudo ntpdate ntp1.NL.uu.net10:53
iNeo26 Dec 11:53:36 ntpdate[7142]: adjust time server offset -0.167311 sec10:53
bthomsonwhat do i install for java10:53
JayCIndyGunFreak: Dont think im being literal though...10:53
HardDiskbthomson, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras for java and a bunch of extra items you'll need.10:54
JayCIndyGunFreak: I select the drive from dropdown and all i see is unallocated10:54
bthomsonthanks HardDisk10:54
bthomsonrock on homie10:54
finalbladeHi, just want to know if it is possible for an ATi X1400 to have direct rendering support on ubuntu yet..10:54
IndyGunFreakJayC: oh ok.10:54
IndyGunFreakJayC: then yes, format the entire drive.10:54
hades_finalblade, go to phoronix.com they have lots of good info10:55
gvsa123iNeo: i still get the same output... i added only one entry in firestarter... that's allow service for ntp on port 123 for everyone10:55
AmerioHardDisk: whatever I won't argue with u10:55
JayCIndyGunFreak: What do i do about the only showing 128gb?10:55
IndyGunFreakJayC: what file system are you goign to use on the drive?10:55
finalbladehades_: roger that, checking it out now! thanks10:55
JayCIndyGunFreak: Ext210:55
iNeogvsa123: Be back later10:55
IndyGunFreakJayC: do you plan to use the drive on Windows and linux?10:55
JayCIndyGunFreak: Yes10:56
gvsa123iNeo: oh okay.. thanks...10:56
IndyGunFreakJayC: well, ext2 support is qutie wonky in windows.10:56
JayCIndyGunFreak: Ive been using the windows driver for years i want to stay away from NTFS if possible10:56
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, not with the driver from www.fs-driver.org ?10:57
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: i've never had much luck with it.., obviously ymmv10:57
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, what problems you been having, maybe I can help, cause we use that driver over 40 machines and haven't had issues. If you want help let me know.10:58
hades_Anyone? im trying to copy some files to /usr directory but i dont have permissions. how do i fix this?10:58
IndyGunFreakJayC: i don't know, just format the drive, then see what happens, not like you're going to lose data,10:58
HardDiskhades_, use sudo before the command.10:58
HardDiskhades_, ie sudo mv10:58
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: its not something i'm concerned about.. i just use ext3 on my drives... i hv no need for any sort of backup on my windows drive10:59
JayCIndyGunFreak: i alredy formatted it i dont care about what partition or whatever i just need to have it show my 300gb10:59
hades_harddisk: I dont want to have to do it thru the terminal. I want to drag and drop it thru gnome10:59
JayCIndyGunFreak: Thats the problem im having10:59
HardDiskhades_, then gksudo nautilus  this will open your nautilus file manager with root10:59
IndyGunFreakJayC: i don't know, i dont have any logical explanation for your problem, if you already formatted it, you should a filesystem there, not showing it unallocated10:59
hades_oh ok cool10:59
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz11:00
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion11:00
JayCIndyGunFreak: If i format it, it shows a filesystem....i dont care about anything like that forget the whole formatting crap forget all of that it shows only 128gb availble to format its a 320gb drive11:00
fyrestrtrJayC: you need to enable large disk support in your bios.11:01
IndyGunFreakJayC: don't know then, i have no explanation for your problem...11:01
IndyGunFreakfyrestrtr: it shows 300gig in windows.11:01
hades_thanks alot harddisk11:01
JayCfyrestrtr: Has nothing to do with bios it shows 300GB in windows and its a brand new comp11:01
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, is it an external drive?11:01
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, there was news on some external drives that had problems like this11:02
IndyGunFreaknever heard, don't know..11:02
HardDiskJayC, there is another solution..11:02
di33leheya, im in a lot of trouble and need some help lol. u reckon someone wiling to help me could pm me?11:02
fyrestrtrJayC: what release are you running?11:03
HardDiskJayC, you will require to download hiren's boot cd, and use that to format your drive.11:03
JayCfyrestrtr: 7.1011:03
HardDiskI know the issue he's talking about, you can format it using the partition tools on that cd, then mount it normally in ubuntu.11:03
JayCHardDisk: I dont want to format the drive haha im trying to get it to show 300gb so i can use a tool to format as wanted11:03
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HardDiskJayC, I know.  In order to fix that issue, you'll have to do what I said.11:04
fyrestrtrJayC: if you fdisk -l what does it show.11:04
HardDiskJayC, you're other solution is to take the HD out and plug it temporarily as an internal drive.11:04
francisHi , I have postfix running on my server [server2.mydomain.com] it is used to host virtual domains . the MX record for mydomain.com points to a third party server as they handle my mails. Though I notice that mails that go to the postmaster go to the third partyies mail server and thus get rejected. How do I force postfix to deliver those mails to the local server ???11:04
JayCHardDisk: Cant its a laptop11:04
gvsa123iNeo: i tried to restart... but i still get the same output from  sudo ntpdate ntp1.NL.uu.net 26 Dec 03:17:22 ntpdate[6744]: no server suitable for synchronization found11:04
Sr_Potatohola alguien me entiende?11:05
di33lecan someone help me fix my laptop. i got it for xmas and being a the dope i am tried to install ubuntu on it and now i cant boot vista at all11:05
HardDiskJayC, then solution 1 as I mentioned.11:05
HardDisk!es > Sr_Potato11:05
fyrestrtrfrancis: set an alias.11:05
francisfyrestrtr: i have11:05
HardDiskdi33le, did you follow the guides on the web to dualboot?11:05
fyrestrtrwhat did you set it to?11:05
nemikso latest kernel upgrade broke HDAPS for me. anyone else have problems with this?11:05
fyrestrtrJayC: fdisk -l11:06
francisthe are aliases to me . But for some reason it tryies to deliver it to the other mx11:06
x3roconf!dualboot > di33le11:06
francispostmaster : francis11:06
JayCfyrestrtr: more than 4 lines do i paste in here or paste in pastebin?11:06
di33lenah i kinda just got a bit blind and just installed it not having a clue what im doing to be honest, and now when i get onto the boot screen it just has 3 different ubuntus on it, no vista11:06
Odddis anyone able to help me with a dvb-usb device with a umt-010 chipset and a mt352 frontend?11:07
JayCfyrestrtr: http://pastebin.com/d4c7bede611:07
x3roconfmaybe u should edit menul.lst11:07
sasukewindows is the best, linux just the rest :D11:07
x3roconfin /boot/grub11:07
francisfyrestrtr: hold on will pastebin the log for ya11:07
HardDiskdi33le, http://apcmag.com/5046/how_to_dual_boot_vista_with_linux_vista_installed_first     use this guide to get your vista back up on your menu.11:07
chazcoOddd - I'm using a Nova-T DVB USB stick... check for firmware, and manually build the dvb modules if you're having trouble11:07
HardDisksasuke, thank you, now grow up.11:07
sasukeyeah :D. Im in the right channel^^11:08
di33lethank you hardkisk11:08
AmerioHardDisk: If I install Vista on another parition will the boot menu show up? or is there a special config. for that?11:08
fyrestrtrJayC: is this a new external disk?11:09
HardDiskAmerio, follow the guide I posted for di33le11:09
OdddThe firmware has been loaded (shown in /var/log/messages).  I have manually built the modules as the umt-010 causes an oops without a fix.11:09
chazcoAnyone here know much about the control files in .debs?11:09
fyrestrtrJayC: or was previously used somewhere?11:09
JayCfyrestrtr: yes11:09
JayCfyrestrtr: 3.5" converted to external USB 2.011:09
fyrestrtrJayC: ah. fdisk will never see the full capacity of this disk. You need to use parted.11:10
RicMarHello everybody11:11
JayCfyrestrtr: ive been used QT/Gparted11:11
RicMarI need some help for solving 2 problems11:11
fyrestrtrbecause of the type of partition table that is on it.11:11
Ric84do i have to setup something to get tracker to index my files?11:11
RicMarThe first one: I have a Palm Zire 22 and gnome pilot doesn't recognize it11:11
JayCfyrestrtr: How do i remove the table?11:12
RicMarThe second one: I have troubles on shuting down the computer it doesn't poweroff...11:12
RicMarSomeone could help me?11:12
fyrestrtrJayC: how many partitions do you see on the disk with parted?11:12
ridge-meisterhow can i make mp3 files from songs on my cd's?  i want to make use of my ipod11:12
arashHi, is there any way I can mount an iso and the OS / wine will think it's a CD, since a program i run with wine detecs that there is no CD in the tray, even if I mounted my iso to the exact mounting point that the cd-tray mounts to11:12
Ric84ridge: sound juicer?11:12
JayCfyrestrtr: none there are none..new disk11:13
IndyGunFreakridge-meister: i think sound-juicer11:13
gvsa123any ideas on why my system clock isn't syncing? i have service allowed fro ntp/123 in firestarter11:13
fyrestrtrJayC: and the capacity?11:13
JayCfyrestrtr: 128gb but its a 320gb disk11:13
fyrestrtrJayC: is there data on the disk that you need?11:13
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HardDiskRicMar, you're on gutsy? tracker indexing is on by default.11:13
JayCfyrestrtr: no11:13
RicMarHardDisk: yes11:14
ridge-meisterRic84: and IndyGunFreak i started up "sound juicer cd extractor" and extracted a song, but don't think it made an mp3, when i "transferred" the song (thinking it was an mp3) to my ipod, there was the whole period of waiting on the transfer to complete, then nothing11:14
fyrestrtrJayC: from a terminal, type parted /dev/sdb check11:14
chazcoI'm trying to create a deb... can anyone advise me on what to put in "version" for the control file... It seems to want a x.x.x-x style one, but the application is just released as 2002, 2006, 2008 and so on (maybe with revision numbers too),,,?11:14
Ric84how did you transfer the song on the ipod?11:15
IndyGunFreakridge-meister: i'm guessing you probably need some sort of mp3 encoder11:15
RicMarHardDisk: What do you mean with 'tracker indexing is on by default'?11:15
jgoowow. how many hours does it take for devede to convert an avi file to a video dvd?11:15
fyrestrtr!ipod | Ric8411:15
ubotuRic84: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod11:15
IndyGunFreakridge-meister: open sound-juicer, then edit/preferences, what does "Output format" say11:15
RicMarubotu: is there any guide to PDA sync?11:16
Ric84fyrestrtr: i was helping ridge-meister :-)11:16
JayCfyrestrtr: What partition number?11:16
IndyGunFreak!pda | RicMar11:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pda - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:16
T1m0thy<jgoo> wow. how many hours does it take for devede to convert an avi file to a video dvd? <--- I forget the exact length but it didn't seem to long for me. One thing, though. :| Somehow all of the source file except for 5 minutes was gone after it was done.11:16
chazcoSyncing a pocketpc isnt easy on Ubuntu, dont try it unless you have lots of time11:16
gvsa123i need help with system clock syncing please...11:16
HardDiskRicMar, ubuntuguide.org ubuntugeek.com ubuntuhq.com11:16
Mix_Hi, anyone successfully compiled mpeg4ip under ubuntu ? Cause I'm getting some SDL errors11:16
Ric84tracker isn't indexing anything on my gutsy11:17
HardDiskchazco, he didn't specify the type of PDA.11:17
RicMarPalm Zire 2211:17
IndyGunFreakridge-meister: what is your output format in the preferences of sound-juicer11:17
HardDiskPalm is fine.11:17
gvsa123Ric84: install beagle11:17
nemikis HDAPS working for anyone using a thinkpad?11:17
chazcoAh, palm isnt as bad i hear11:17
RicMarHardDisk: so where did I get a HOWTO?11:17
disc0815nemik: it's working here on my X60s11:17
HardDiskRicMar, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PalmDeviceSetup11:18
ghostknifeUbuntu doensn't shutdown my laptop when battery is critically low. It's set to shutdown, doesn't work. Hibernate neither. It just ends up powering off when batter is empty. WHere can I set the "critical" level?11:18
nemikdisc0815: using tp_smapi? last kernel update broke it on my T6111:18
disc0815disc0815: i had to use the external module from the tp_smapi suite11:18
francisfyrestrtr: http://pastebin.com/m53467d2611:18
disc0815disc0815: i don't know about t61, maybe it's too new?11:18
RicMarand what about the poweroff problem?11:18
disc0815nemik: i don't know about t61, maybe it's too new?11:18
arashHi, is there any way I can mount an iso and the OS / wine will think it's a CD, since a program i run with wine detecs that there is no CD in the tray, even if I mounted my iso to the exact mounting point that the cd-tray mounts to11:18
nemikdisc0815: it worked perfectly just prior to the last kernel update11:19
ghostknifeIt notifies me on 15 minutes, then later it just turns off11:19
disc0815nemik: hmm. i am on feisty here but i compiled my own kernel11:19
x3roconfwhy there's no official .deb for metasploit framework? lol11:19
nemikdisc0815: ah, i have gutsy11:19
Kalamansiis there a /etc/mynat in ubuntu? i cannot access it11:19
stefanois s.o here experienced with freepascal programming?11:20
JayCfyrestrtr: ill brb11:20
nemikx3roconf: it changes a lot? the ubuntu repo managers don't like updating things very often i noticed11:20
IndyGunFreakKalamansi: you cant access it, or you can't see it.11:20
x3roconfhmm ok11:20
arashstefano, yes, quite11:21
nemikx3roconf: not an excuse, i know. i wish it was there myself11:21
RicMarMy system doesn't poweroff when I shutsown. The screen becomes black, but the disk light and the activity light hold on, how to olve it?11:21
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:21
disc0815nemik: i remember reading something about the thinkpad_acpi module interfering with the hdaps module11:21
stefanoarash, i've got a really basic funktion for printing file content, however it doesnt work. here's the funktion: http://nopaste.info/18b0c8d60c.html  and i call it like that: cat('/home/stefano/text');11:22
nemikdisc0815: i'll look into that then. though i can modprobe the modules just fine11:22
stefanoarash, it just doesnt print anything11:22
arashstefano: joint #blablabla , this discussion odesn't belong here :)11:23
disc0815nemik: i think modprobing them is not the problem, but some i/o addresses of the embedded controller used for reading battery status by thinkpad_acpi block the access for hdaps (IIRC)11:23
HardDiskstefano, try ##programming11:23
Ldizzlehello everyone11:24
disc0815nemik: there was an article on www.thinkwiki.org about this issue11:24
jgooT1m0thy: all source files? or all working files were deleted?11:24
nemikdisc0815: just recently (last month) or longer ago?11:24
disc0815nemik: recently11:25
T1m0thyjgoo: Like, the original .avi was just basically gone.11:25
T1m0thyDunno why.11:25
larson9999riddle me this: if disabling the trackpad in gnome makes it on lifehackers top 10 tweak list, why aren't there more laptops with tracksticks(a must have for me)11:25
HardDisk!ot > larson999911:25
francisfyrestrtr: any idea as to why postfix is trying to sent it to my default MX ?11:25
Ldizzleanybody know how to get a sony handycam trv-250 stream via usb for webcam?11:25
Ldizzleanybody have an idea?11:26
nemikdisc0815: thanks. i'll look for it then. if you have it somewhere and can post it though please do.11:26
HardDiskLdizzle, Sony DV handycams will not stream video via USB (in linux) as far as I know.11:27
Ldizzlewhy couldn't they ?11:27
HardDiskask sony.11:27
BuFFwhat is a wacom tablet thing ?11:27
Ldizzlewacom tablet is a pc drawing pad11:27
jgooT1m0thy: it has an option to delete the working files... hrm, I will copy-paste the file somewhere now... but... this is taking HOURS... perhaps I selected an option? I am just making 1 avi, to a DVD, split into chapters on 10 minute intervals...11:27
t94xrHardDisk, Sony also produce Windows software for their products, why make linux work when you could buy their applications for windows ?11:28
Ldizzleused by software such as Adobe Photoshop11:28
francispostfix is trying to sent local alias mails to mail.mydomain.com when i want it to sent it to  this server.mydomain.com . Any idea as to how I can get postfix to do this ????11:28
larson9999it's something that we seem to get in our xorg.conf whether we like it or not11:28
BuFFi see11:28
T1m0thyBuFF: It's a device that you can draw on and it connects to your computer.. so like you could draw a picture in The GIMP using your actual drawing..11:28
HardDiskt94xr, precisely, BUT Ldizzle you can try to use google to help you search how you may connect your handycam to VLC and stream with it.11:28
T1m0thyjgoo: Hmm, I'll look into that next time I try it.11:28
Ldizzlevlc would stream it as webcam?11:29
HardDiskLdizzle, search for it.11:29
T1m0thyjgoo: And yeah, maybe you did select something.. :/ I dunno though.. I thought I chose the best quality.11:29
inSanity_808hi ppl anyone familiair with creating xen guest images on ubuntu?11:30
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inSanity_808I mean guest images of other linux distros11:31
inSanity_808so without xen-tools11:31
rodgrechhey hey guys11:31
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rodgrechcan somone link me again to how to get HDA soundcards working11:33
DjViperrodgrech: http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=3361342111:34
rodgrechthanks DjViper11:34
Ric84gvsa123: beagle isn't working too :-(11:35
Ric84it has indexed my files11:35
Ric84but it doesn't seem to index liferea11:36
TheSliderHi everyone11:36
rodgrechsomone in here linked it for me about 20 minutes ago11:36
rodgrechcant find it again11:36
arashHi, is there any way I can mount an iso and the OS / wine will think it's a CD, since a program i run with wine detecs that there is no CD in the tray, even if I mounted my iso to the exact mounting point that the cd-tray mounts to11:37
nekohi people11:39
nekodo someone have ever have success with accessibility issue11:39
nekoi need to install a common accessibility for some dev work11:41
nekoi have put the orca thing and have no idea how to proceed then11:41
nekookey i have succeed11:42
disc0815nemik: i remembered wrong, the stock hdaps driver conflicts with the smapi driver: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Tp_smapi  (look for "status readout conflicts")11:42
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JayCfyrestrtr: was i talked to you before?11:45
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Ric84even better... tracker DOES index my files but won't find them form queries11:54
Ric84if i do "tracker-files -s Music"11:54
Ric84i can see my music files11:54
Ric84but then if i "tracker-search sabbath"11:55
Ric84i can't find any sabbath album11:55
rabbyyesterday i installed em28xx for my wintv usb stick; but it can not be used correctly because i only get /dev/vdi0 instead of /dev/dvb/...11:56
rabbyany ideas how to use that device for analogue tv?11:56
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto11:59
bazhangrodgrech see above12:00
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ghostknifeWhere do I configure battery options? like what ubuntu defines as crittically low?12:09
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bazhangghostknife: cpu scaling might do the trick--http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59799812:12
swilsonCan anyone point me to a HOWTO install/rebuild rhythmbox please? I trying to get a new iPod nano working, have installed libgpod6 successfully (I think), but now rhythmbox is complaining about the library12:14
ikoniaswilson: the nano should work with the version in the ubuntu repos12:14
ridge-meistermusic player is BUGGY!  is there anything better than for transferring to/deleting from ipods?12:15
bazhangnano are not supported in linux currently the new ones that is swilson12:15
ikoniaridge-meister: gtk pod12:15
thorI have been working on a new nano also..and not having a lot of luck12:15
bazhangamarok ridge-meister12:15
ridge-meisterikonia: that's only for apple ipods12:15
swilsonI -think- that libgpod supports the new nano?12:15
ikoniaridge-meister: you asked for delete from ipods12:15
ikonia< ridge-meister> music player is BUGGY!  is there anything better than for transferring to/deleting from ipods?12:16
bazhangswilson: there is currently a work around that you must renew every time you add music--best to wait for a more permanent fix12:16
ikoniabazhang: is this down to the new encyption12:16
swilsonbazhang: whats the workaround?12:16
bazhangikonia: yes it is--locking people out of itunes12:17
ikoniabazhang: there was a discussion debate on the support of these devices and I just realised you are talking about a mini, not a nano, so my apologies12:17
ridge-meisterbazhang: i don't know what to put in the fields for mound and eject commands12:17
bazhangswilson: do you understand--every single time you want to add new music you need to do the compile12:17
ikoniaridge-meister: gtkpod is solid.12:17
ridge-meisterikonia: that's for apple ipods, right? :)12:17
bazhangikonia: no its the new nano-- the mini works fine12:18
ikoniaridge-meister: yes, only apple makes ipods12:18
swilsonbazhang: oh, ok. not really workable then :(12:18
ikoniabazhang: ahh thats it. Thank you.12:18
bazhangikonia: no worries :}12:18
ikoniaridge-meister: I'm not aware of any non-apple ipods12:18
bazhangridge-meister: using what program12:18
ridge-meisterikonia: then what is this Samsung YP-K3J?  maybe it's just an "mp3 player"? :)12:19
th_anyone with X1600 ati or similiar (on 64bit/gutsy)? strangely texture in *all* 3d games are messed up. any experiences with this?12:19
bazhang!cn | yue12316112:19
ubotuyue123161: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:19
ridge-meisterbazhang: amarok12:19
chazcoHi... anyone here any experience in building .debs?12:19
ikoniachazco: sure12:19
swilsonbazhang: so libgpod6 isnt the answer then i guess12:20
chazcoGreat :) I'm manually building a .deb for a non-free closed source application... trying to figure out how to specify the version12:20
bazhangridge-meister: first open amarok, then insert the ipod; mount it (you should see the ipod icon on simialr on your desktop, then in devices choose your mp3player12:20
bazhangswilson: not for the newest nano, no12:20
ikoniachazco: the version of the deb or the version of the software in the deb12:20
chazcoThey use 2002/2006/2008, and revisions for individual apps... The trouble is that the apps are shipped in one go, but have different revisions. How would I specify this version in the deb to ensure future updates can work?12:20
bazhangback in a moment..12:21
swilsonbazhang: ok thanks for clearing that up. guess iĺl have to stick with osx for a while12:21
chazcoTrying to be as standards compliant as possible, even though its not intended to go on the repos12:21
ikoniachazco: not sure what you mean, do you mean each version incriments by two, eg: 2008/2010/201212:21
HardDiskchazco, you may need to ask in ##linux12:21
ikoniachazco: why ?12:22
chazcoNot always, they have a year version, followed by -123 revision etc12:22
chazcoBecause they may distribute it this way, so it helps to have it working well :)12:22
ikoniachazco: sorry, I didn't actually mean to say "why"12:22
chazcoCurrently you get a .tgz and spend hours manually setting up file assosiations etc... my deb does it all for us :)12:22
ikoniachazco: my fingers slipped mid type12:22
th_swilson: ipods work out of box with gutsy's rythmbox12:22
chazcohmm ok :)12:22
swilsonth_, not the new nanos it would seem (a1236)12:23
PhophosHey all; my microphone isn't working in either terminal or GNOME, I'm getting a weird "failed to construct test pipeline error" in the latter and it's all going to pot, I can't call my girlfriend in Skype!!12:23
ikoniachazco: so surly the version would be 2008-001 and then when you re-package you'll do 2008-005 for example.12:23
ridge-meisterbazhang: do you mean to mount the ipod from a terminal?12:23
chazcoThats what I was thinking... the trouble is the deb has mutliple apps with multiple revisions, so not sure how to cater for that12:23
swilsonnew nano appears to work, music gets transferred, but they cant be seen on the device12:23
chazco(they're not in sync btw)12:24
ikoniachazco: you can't do multiple apps in one deb, thats not how it works.12:24
th_swilson: ah.. i have 2nd gen nano and it works12:24
swilsonapple appear to have closed some doors :(12:24
salvioI'm italian12:24
th_swilson: which version you have? feisty's rhythmbox at least didn't know how to sync12:24
chazcoI thought as much... its just seems to work well as one deb, aside from that... it is one package as such12:24
salviothere are any italian ih this channel?12:24
ikoniachazco: sorry one deb = 1 package12:24
ikonia!it > salvio12:24
chazcoAll I can think of is introducing a version number for the deb seperatly12:24
PhophosHey all; my microphone isn't working in either terminal or GNOME, I'm getting a weird "failed to construct test pipeline error" in the latter ...12:25
sudhanshutc-rt latency12:25
ikoniachazco: package them seperatly as they are meant to be12:25
swilsonth_: you mean which version nano? or ubuntu. I using gutsy, brand new nano a123612:25
chazcoikonia - That'd be fine if it were on a feed (could offer a meta-package)... as it is you can only get them both together, which can be tricky12:25
chazcoI'll look into though, thanks for the help12:25
ikoniachazco sorry it#s not what your looking for.12:26
th_swilson: okies. guess the ipod hw/sw is all different again.12:26
chazcoAlthough while I'm here one more section has me... Section --- what should go here? non-free?12:26
ikoniachazco: I assume so12:26
chazcoikonia - If it comes to it I can break the deb apart into two, but i'm not sure that'd be how they'd like it12:26
ikoniachazco: I understand your situation12:27
PhophosHey all; my microphone isn't working in either terminal or GNOME, I'm getting a weird "failed to construct test pipeline error" in the latter ...12:27
chazcoI'm doing it voluntairly though anyway, so its not too bad :) Its a great office suite but setup is tricky on LInux12:28
th_damn i wish there was an easy way to take snapshots of system like in virtualbox :)12:28
swilsontheres a long thread here on ipods ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61961512:28
swilsonIt seems people are close to solving the issue - but I cant make it work12:28
chazcoikonia - I dont suppose you could tell me if I'm setting up assosiations the correct way too?12:29
ikoniachazco: possibly, I've not got a deb based box in front of my to check against my own packages.12:29
ikoniachazco: just FYI: the guys in #ubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-motu are mega helpful and may have more suggestions for you.12:29
menllyosim using xchat now, and i want to have a tray balloon on a pm and highlight, so i seleected that in the preferences, but its not working. Balloons for public messages do work however. Anything i forgot to do ?12:30
PhophosHey all; my microphone isn't working in either terminal or GNOME, I'm getting a weird "failed to construct test pipeline error" in the latter ...12:30
jgoook, DVD::Rip, acidrip and thoggen all seem to work well on my system, but I would like just to rip an iso, or rip the vob files off the DVD - what is the easiest / best way to do that? (so they could be rewritten to a new dvd later if necessary)12:30
chazcoThe deb makes .desktops in /usr/share/applications, copys suitable mime icon types into the gnome theme, creates an xml in usr/share/mime/packages with the glob pattenrs, then the post inst script updates /etc/mime.types and /usr/share/applications/defaults.list. It finishes by refreshing everything... seems to work, but not sure if its correct12:30
ikoniajgoo: any of the applications you suggested will work fine. Also investigate mencoder if you want to script it12:31
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jgooikonia: I cannot get them just to pull off the iso (and not shrink or process it)12:31
ikoniachazco: that sounds like pretty much what I do12:31
chazcoah, didnt know those channels existed :D, will have a look12:31
chazcoSounds promising then :)12:31
th_anyone know if it's possible to take working system snapshots with dd or such?-)12:31
ikoniajgoo: make sure your ripping only and not re-encoding.12:31
KaZeRikonia, \o/12:32
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KaZeRremember me? :)12:32
ikoniajgoo:  all of them can rip12:32
ikoniaKaZeR: I'm sorry I don't.12:32
KaZeRikonia, i was whining about "why can't i upgrade from server to xorg-enabled"12:32
chazcoThanks for the help ikonia - i'm on a bit of a learning curve here :)12:32
ikoniaKaZeR: vaugly12:32
KaZeRikonia, np :)12:32
ikoniachazco: everyony learns, don't fret.12:32
thanihow to add new path into $PATH  variable of current shell by executing a file or script12:32
ikoniachazco: I'm picking things up every day12:33
chazcoheh :)12:33
ikoniathani: just put in a script PATH=$PATH:/your/new/path12:33
=== Rabbitbu1ny is now known as Rabbitbunny
KaZeR <ikonia>       KaZeR: once you've installed the destkop I'll help you tune it down to a smaller footprint12:34
ikoniaKaZeR: yes, thats fine. Where are you up to.12:35
PhophosAlright then, so change of tack. I want to upgrade ALSA to the latest version now, have a few sources which suggest that doing this might solve my troubles. But is it best to uninstall alsa-base and alsa-utils first (which has lots of nasty dependency removals as well) or install over the top of the version I currently have?12:35
KaZeRwell, i reinstalled the whole thing12:35
ikoniaPhophos: alsa has dependencies that will break ubuntu, don't try to remove it.12:35
ikoniaKaZeR: ok, and that's where you are now.12:35
KaZeRi used a 7.10 cd. installed kde (i have a kubuntu cd). once in kde, the update tool wanted me to upgrade to 7.10 (???)12:36
KaZeRi did it, and now i'm here12:36
Phophosikonia: Thanks, I thought that would happen. So install over the top, or leave it well alone?12:36
ikoniaKaZeR: thats great news.12:36
KaZeRfirst thing, i'd like my wifi to work12:36
KaZeRikonia, yes, indeed :)12:36
ikoniaPhophos: your call, I say leave well alone unless you know exatly what you're doing12:36
ikoniaKaZeR: ok, so what was the function of this machine (refresh my memory)12:36
KaZeRikonia, small media-player12:37
ikoniaKaZeR: anything else ?12:37
KaZeRto be precise, it's a carputer12:37
Phophosikonia: I'd like to say yes, but I'll probably be back asking for more support before long. But it is super-important for me to have this microphone working.12:37
ikoniaPhophos: then it's your call.12:38
ikoniaPhophos: although I'd be suprised if alsa stopped a microphone actually working.12:38
KaZeRSopor, 1st thing : about wifi, what do you guys recommend to connect to a wpa AP?12:38
KaZeRsorry for highlight.12:38
Phophosikonia: No, I think it's GNOME now ...12:38
KaZeRi meant "so," but used tab key by mistake12:38
ikoniaPhophos: right, so you've no idea, so messing with alsa for no reason is not a good idea.12:39
Phophosikonia: I agree ... Except that updating ALSA has worked for me (and others) in the past, admittedly in my case on earlier versions of Ubuntu.12:40
ikoniaPhophos: so then blindly jump in and do it for no reason.12:40
razerhi can any one help me plz . im tierd from searching for 2 days :(12:40
ikoniarazer: ask the question.12:40
razerwhen i just install the ubuntu yesterday the wireless was working fine12:41
Phophosikonia: Sorry ... I think I'm leading us both around in circles. I really appreciate your help :)12:41
razerbut now its not working12:41
razerits only catch my network when i put it in roam mode12:41
ikoniarazer: if you where working yesterday why have you been searching for the answer for 2 days12:41
razercause its not work now :D12:42
ikoniarazer: but yesteday = 1 day, yet you've been searching for the answer for 2 days12:42
razeryeah not yesterday :S12:42
razeri cant explain my english is bad12:42
ikoniarazer: I apologise for picking up this, but I hate people miss-leading me and wasting my time with false comments.12:42
razerman im not wasting time i cant explain my english is bad12:43
razeri dont know how to tell that12:43
razerbefore yesterday ?12:43
razerso can u help12:43
ikoniarazer: what do you actually want to do.12:43
razermy wirless is not working i have rt2500usb12:44
KaZeRrazer, same thing here12:44
ikoniaKaZeR: same card ?12:44
KaZeRdlink dwl-g12212:45
razeryeah , when i click on the computer on the taskbar, its not showing wireless anymore12:45
KaZeRin fact i tried ubuntu only because of this. driver is currently broken under gentoo12:45
razeronly manual configration12:45
KaZeRbut i have a slightly different problem. with knetworkmanager, i see the wlan, but fails to associate12:45
KaZeRcan anyone recommande an up-to-date guide for wpa-supplicant?12:46
KaZeRis wpa-supplicant the best solution to use?12:46
ralppiCould someone help me to get my sounds working, Im using IBM Thinkpad 600E, I've tried everything I ever could with what I've found from google, still nothing. :(12:47
KaZeRralppi, what is your card? (lspci)12:47
ralppiKaZeR: 00:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: Cirrus Logic CS 4610/11 [CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio Accelerator] (rev 01)12:47
KaZeRralppi, do you have the right driver for that?12:48
KymagicHi all, I'm going to dual boot ubuntu and xp on two hard drives. Is there any advantage to installing one of them first?12:48
ralppiKaZeR: I dont know, I havent found anything to that yet, I've tried looking from google and ubuntu forums but no luck at all :(12:48
KaZeRKymagic, easier to install windows first imo12:48
razerwikonia , i do a manual configration , but its wont to how up my wirless12:49
white_eagleI am sure that I  had a power buton in the log off splash screen, but now it isn't there12:49
white_eaglehow to get it back12:49
KymagicKazer: Thanks for that12:49
KaZeRrazer, what did you do? i'm interested12:49
EaxKyMagic - It's probably easier to install windows at first. That's my experience ^^12:49
ccesariohello somebody have ubuntu on Thinkpad t60 ?12:49
KaZeRKymagic, np. and choose grub over lilo ;)12:49
razerkazer , still not working12:49
razeri do everything i know about12:49
KaZeRrazer, i'm interested nonetheless12:49
KaZeRrazer, dlink g-122 chip too?12:50
razerkazer, no linksys rt2500usb12:50
KaZeRralppi, lspci -n |grep 00:06.012:50
razerkazer , when i just install this os , it was working good12:50
KaZeRikonia, any advise about wpa?12:51
Matic`MakovecHey there. I'm trying to watch a movie with Totem and all I get is green screen and voice behind. Now I'm quite sure this is a codec problem but next to w32 codecs, is there anything else that I'd maybe need nowdays?12:51
bazhangKaZeR: have you seen the tutorial at the forums?12:51
razerkazer, u know when i go to properties and chose the enable roaming mode , the wireless work and find my network but i cannot assign ip12:52
ralppiKaZeR: 00:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: Cirrus Logic CS 4610/11 [CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio Accelerator] (rev 01)12:52
ralppiKaZeR: puh wrong one, 00:06.0 0401: 1013:6001 (rev 01)12:52
bazhangMatic`Makovec: do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?12:52
KaZeRbazhang, i have seen some, but they seems outdated to me (6 months+, and some syntax differs)12:52
Matic`Makovecbazhang, you know...I would know, lemme check, just a sec12:52
EaxDoes anyone have any experience with Swscanner just crashing when you start scanning?12:53
bazhangKaZeR: could you describe your card, pci/usb chipset etc12:53
Matic`Makovecbazhang, no I did not have that. Thanks, I'll install now12:53
KaZeRralppi, http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/CS461012:53
KaZeRbazhang, dlink dwl-g122 usb,  ID 2001:3c00 D-Link Corp. [hex] DWL-G122 802.11g rev. B1 [ralink], rt2500usb / rt2x00usb12:54
bashcahi there i can't join x server on 7.1012:54
KaZeRbazhang, with knetworkmanager, i see the network, but it fails to associate i feel. and i also need my wifi connection to get ready at boot, cause i won't be using kde later12:55
bashcait was working perfect  but when  i tried install  Cafe Con leche  i lost to join  Xserver12:55
gucciany can help?12:55
bashcahow can fix it12:55
KaZeRgucci, we don't know your problem yet12:55
guccilemmi say12:56
bazhangKaZeR: what does that last bit mean? you're on kubuntu or gnome12:56
ralppiKaZeR: so that basicly means I cant get sounds work at all on Linux? O.o12:56
guccikazer .gconf-editor cant save my settings with sudo12:56
jdecostehi there12:56
jdecosteanyone ever setup a multiseat ubuntu client ?12:57
gucciwer is da problem12:57
KaZeRbazhang, ssh currently :) i have kde installed, but no access to desktop. plus i will use matchbox, so i don't want to rely on knetworkmanager12:57
guccikazer any idea?12:57
KaZeRgucci, at first look, it looks bad :(12:58
bazhanggucci: you have a problem or not12:58
Matic`Makovecbazhang, no, this wasn't the case, still green square there12:58
bashcaplease help me ???!!12:58
bazhangMatic`Makovec: using compiz? try disabling it if so12:58
gucciyes i have aproblem on gconf-editor12:58
sidewalkhow do i check what kind of memory is?12:58
RicMarHello, I have a problem. My system boot is not working properly... When I shut down, the screen becomes black, but the system is on activity (the disk's light is on). So the system doesn't poweroff till the battery vanishes or till I presure the off button12:59
gucciit cant save settings with sudo12:59
RicMarSOmone could help me?12:59
Matic`MakovecNop bazhang, not the case also12:59
bazhangMatic`Makovec: you are quitting and restarting the movie, correct?13:00
Matic`MakovecOf course13:00
Matic`Makovecbazhang, meh, just leave it13:00
Matic`MakovecI'll just download a different version of the movie and hope for the best13:00
Matic`MakovecThanks for trying!13:00
RicMarHello, I have a problem. My system boot is not working properly... When I shut down, the screen becomes black, but the system is on activity (the disk's light is on). So the system doesn't power off till the battery vanishes or till I pressure the off button13:01
RicMarAny idea?13:01
bashcai can't join my gdm ???13:02
* sandr- is back (gone 43:48:23)13:02
* bashca using 7.1013:02
Pici!away > sandr- (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)13:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about poweroff - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shutdown - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:03
arijus_hey, can anybody help me with graphic drivers installing?13:03
ralppiHow do I "install" something with modprobe? O.o13:03
bazhangMatic`Makovec: do other players exhibit this behaviour? there is a bug related to totem not getting the colors right--wonder if this is it13:03
bashcai have error in service module  how can fix it13:04
izaqhollo Ubuntu :d13:04
bazhangKaZeR: this is really odd--that usb device is supported in gutsy; could it be that two different modules are conflicting--check which modules are loaded13:05
izaqapt-get install hallo :d13:05
arijus_i don't know how to install graphic modules on ubuntu such as GL etc and Intel chipset drivers. Can anybody help with this?13:05
Phophosikonia; all: Thanks for your help. I was making a mountain out of an alsamixer-hill. I feel jolly silly and should be mocked liberally in the streets. But again, many thanks for your help, and, seasons greetings!13:05
KaZeRbazhang, i have both rt25 and rt2x loaded13:05
bazhangRicMar: what card? nvidia 8500?13:06
izaqwho is the good guy how will fix my problem :d13:06
arijus_i don't know how to install graphic modules on ubuntu such as GL etc and Intel chipset drivers. Can anybody help with this?13:07
bazhangKaZeR: I seem to recall a fix involving those two conflicting--the precise fix I am googling for right now13:07
Matic`Makovecbazhang, kaffeine plays it fine13:07
Matic`MakovecI think I have no other player actually13:07
KaZeRbazhang, glad that you have an idea :)13:08
bazhangMatic`Makovec: then it is the totem gstreamer color bug that you are seeing--there is a workaround though you may have to fiddle it a bit13:08
RicMarbazhang: I don't, how can I check it?13:08
izaqcan some body help me to install ICAClinet ?13:08
KaZeRi have another tutorial under hand.. which asks to do iwpriv wlan0 set <things> but iwpriv doesn't like that...13:08
RicMarCould it be a problem of ACPCI?13:09
jgoomost reliable app for burning DVD isos in ubuntu?13:09
begemotHey, Guys!13:09
begemotI have a little question about Pidgin: how can i change strings in its menu "Contacts, Service, etc" to some images? Because it takes too much of space...13:09
Matic`MakovecOkay. Thanks bazhang13:09
begemotCan someone give me advice abut that?13:10
arijus_i don't know how to install graphic modules on ubuntu such as GL etc and Intel chipset drivers. Can anybody help with this?13:10
jgooBreasero or DVD baker?13:10
bazhangcitrix izaq?13:10
white_eagleI am sure that I  had a power buton in the log off splash screen, but now it isn't there, how to get it back13:10
bazhanghttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+question/7373 Matic`Makovec13:10
jgoo*Brasero, CD/DVD Writer GnomeBaker, QDVDAuthor ... which is better for merely burning a DVD iso?13:11
bazhanghttp://www.hanckmann.net/?q=node/13 izaq13:11
arijus_so, can i get any help about graphic drivers installing?13:12
bazhangjgoo: the default cd/dvd author should be fine13:12
jgoobazhang: so just insert a blank dvd?13:12
bazhang!patience | arijus_13:12
ubotuarijus_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines13:12
arijus_bazhang, ok, patience :)13:13
bazhangjgoo: right click on the iso file and choose open with...13:13
jgoook, the autorun prompt just takes me to nautilus burn:/// uri13:13
jgooCD/DVD Creator ...ok I'll try that13:14
KaZeRbazhang, my card is seen as wlan0 (not ra0) so it's rather rt2x than rt25,no?13:14
lubuntuK3b nice too13:14
jgoocool it recognizes I dragged an image in there, nice app13:15
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=254269 white_eagle13:15
khelllhow shall i connect with my mobile??13:15
RicMarbazhang did you get any help for my booting problem? :)13:15
izaqthank you bazhang, i try that but citrix is not working :(13:16
bazhanghttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22/+bug/139070 KaZeR is this any help?13:16
bazhangjust a moment RicMar13:17
KaZeRbazhang, having a look, thanks13:18
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2058 this problem RicMar?13:19
KaZeRmmm bazhang, i don't have rt73 so it looks a little different13:19
izaqbazhang :)13:20
PuppyLinusanyone good with xorg.conf? i cant change my screen resolution even though i havnt entered any other res than the one i want.13:20
Turmswhen i use totem for an *.m4a i just hear sound but no video, where am i wroing?13:20
bazhangsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg PuppyLinus13:21
PuppyLinusnope. it doesnt work.13:21
bazhangKaZeR: you have the netgear right? is that rt8187?13:21
KaZeRbazhang, no, dlink13:21
KaZeRdamn it : # iwpriv wlan0 set AuthMode=WPAPSK13:21
KaZeRInvalid command : set13:21
PuppyLinusi have posted my conf http://pastebin.com/d703741e913:22
RicMarbazhang, it seems to be. I will try the tips. Thanks ;)13:22
sascha_PuppyLinus: did you get a tablet-pc for christmas ?13:23
PuppyLinusnope. widescreen monitor. =)13:23
bazhangPuppyLinus: does the i810 support 1440x900?13:23
bazhangRicMar: okay, let us know if it works13:24
sascha_PuppyLinus: oh ok, i thought since the wacom stuff is uncommented13:24
PuppyLinusbazhang: i hope so.13:24
sascha_PuppyLinus: post your xorg.0.log too plz13:24
bazhangizaq: I'm not sure, about ica client and citrix--there perhaps are other threads in the forums or others here who can help though13:25
PuppyLinusthe log. http://pastebin.com/d4ec18e6413:25
=== heinz is now known as Sturmkind
bazhangKaZeR: sorry for the hold-up; yours is the toughest so saving it for last :}13:26
khellli cant get my bluetooth to work on my laptop13:26
KaZeRlol bazhang no problem. i'm searching on my side too ;)13:26
EaxDoes anyone have any experience with the Acer TravelMate 4310?13:27
SturmkindKurze Frage. Ich habe hier gerade auf einen Linux VirtualBox OSE installiert und will Windows XP darin installieren. Aber wenn ich versuche von der Windows CD zu starten kommt "FATAL: Could not read from the boot medium! System halted."13:27
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:27
ader10When I go in standby my computer loses all responsiveness, the screens go in standby mode and touching the keyboard or mouse or the power button will not do anything.13:27
Sturmkinduh sorry wrong channel13:27
ustahi everyone how can i install squirrelmail.pkg to ubuntu server ?13:28
sascha_PuppyLinus: have your tried the xorg reconfigure? your monitor section looks odd, the vertrefresh seems wrong and xorg-log complains alot13:29
cliebow_usta how about sudo apt-get install squirrelmail13:29
menllyosis there some kind of program to display hardware info, like fsb speed, multiplier, core voltage, temperature etc ?13:29
KaZeRbazhang, well, following a guide, i've lost network access to my box. won't have it until a few hours, so i'll see that later. thanks for you help anyway :)13:30
cliebow_cat /proc/cpuinfo?13:30
ader10menllyos: conky13:30
ustacliebow_ i have it file and wanna install from my local i am new user do not know command can you help me?13:30
ader10menllyos: Oh, sorry, I just glanced over what you said. I don't know of any program to help oc13:30
cliebow_if it is a deb..how about dpkg -i13:31
menllyosi overclock in bios, but i do want to keep an eye on my temperatures...13:31
bazhanghttp://www.lockergnome.com/linux/2007/10/18/ubuntu-gutsy-wireless-help/ KaZeR this might help13:31
SturmkindShort Question: i have install virtualbox ose and want to install windows XP on it. But i get the message *FATAL: Could not read from the boot medium! System halted.* The same when i use a ISO image of the windows CD13:31
KaZeRthanks bazhang13:31
PuppyLinussascha: you speak of the ol' sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg. all but the HorizSync VertRefresh Modelines and Modes where generated by it.13:31
bazhangno worries KaZeR13:31
EaxSturmkind; Not that it13:31
sascha_PuppyLinus: all but?13:32
EaxSturmkind; 's much of a help. But it's way easier to install XP first and after that install Ubuntu :)13:32
PuppyLinusthose are the only things i myself have entered.13:32
sascha_PuppyLinus: i think i810 should be able to handle these without adding them to xorg-conf13:32
ustacliebow_ thanks i solved13:32
SturmkindEax, don't want a native windows install on this computer :-)13:32
zakiai have a machine with ubuntu 6.06 can i convert back to debian ?13:32
Sturmkindok have to go :-) have a nice day13:32
bazhangEax: he is talking about a VM i believe13:32
sascha_PuppyLinus: what if you comment them out?13:32
EaxSturmkind, Ohh sorry :) Misunderstood your question ;)13:32
cliebow_ usta:cool!13:32
bazhangzakia: ask in #debian13:32
EaxBazhang: ohh okay ^^13:33
sascha_PuppyLinus: and how did you figure 100 hz, thats seems much too high for a tft13:33
zakiamy hardware is still supported by debian but not unbunutu13:33
bazhangzakia: then head to that other channel13:33
PuppyLinussascha: i entered that myself. not quite shure how this works13:34
bazhangPuppyLinus: then that would be the source of your miseries13:34
EaxDoes anyone know a program to see information about CPU temperature, frequence, cpu/ram used and stuff like that, on the desktop. Like it's "Part" of the desktop".. Hope you understand what I mean :) I've seen someone have it..13:34
sascha_PuppyLinus: one more thing, you said you get a new monitor?? how do you have a i810 card in a desktop?13:34
ader10When press the suspend button computer loses all responsiveness, the computer's "power light" doesn't start blinking (which is what happens in standby mode), the screens go in standby mode and touching the keyboard or mouse or the power button will not do anything. I'd like to be able to resume working when I return. How is this problem fixed?13:34
bazhangEax: conky?13:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about killx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:35
ader10Eax: Conky or gdesklets I guess13:35
EaxBazhang: Does it show up on the desktop? And not as a window in it self?13:35
ader10Eax: yes13:35
EaxAder10: Thanks ^ ^13:35
Eaxbazhang: Thanks ^^13:35
PuppyLinussascha: dont know. it used to be vesa. but i booted up my puppylinux live cd and it said it was i81013:36
ULTRADJ83Did anyone try to use a Logitech Harmony remote controller with linux?13:36
bazhangPuppyLinus: are you using ubuntu?13:36
sascha_ader10: not sure if it helps you but you can configure the action when you press the button in gconf-editor13:37
bazhangPuppyLinus: this is a desktop?13:37
khelllhow shall i know if the bluetooth is working or no?13:37
sascha_ader10: it would be under apps/gnome-power-manager/buttons13:37
bazhanglspci in a terminal please PuppyLinus (tell me dont paste here) your card name and model13:37
sascha_khelll: i think bluetooth usually does not work in linux13:38
sascha_khelll: development is in very early stages here13:38
Pici!bluetooth | khelll13:38
ubotukhelll: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup13:38
ader10sascha_: When I press the button it starts to go to standby but then it seems to fail in the middle13:38
sascha_ader10: and selecting standby from the menu works better?13:38
bazhangPuppyLinus: you still want help or not13:38
sascha_khelll: not really ;p13:39
th_sascha_: i strongly disagree with that :) bt works like a charm13:39
B-rabbithello every 113:39
Picikhelll: Check out ubotu's link please.13:39
bazhanghey B-rabbit13:39
PuppyLinusbazhang: its inegreted.  intel  82865G or something13:39
khelllwe no doubt need windows sometimes :)13:39
ader10sascha_: If I try it and it doesn't work it's not like I could tell you :P13:39
sascha_th_: well i never heard about it working13:39
bazhangPuppyLinus: the sound card? or the video card--and a precise answer please or I may say do this that and the other for help13:40
mike81i use linux because im worth it ;\13:40
ari_stressi mean evening all :D13:40
bazhangmike81: do you have an issue?13:40
th_sascha_: works nicely outofbox even on this macbook pro with gutsy13:40
EaxBazhang: Do you have a lot of experience with Conky? If so: How do I define where I want it on the desktop? And, is there a workaround so I don't have to have that terminal open all the time? (the terminal I run Conky from)13:40
mike81no why bazhang?13:40
sascha_th_: sounds good, can you connect to your cellphone to go online on the road?13:40
shade052how do we find the bandwidth consumed by a certain service........ say ftp or http etc?13:41
BaversjoHello! I cant get the "start-menu" at the desktop to pop up after boot. I am running Ubuntu server 7.1 and Xubuntu-desktop. 500 Mhz Pentium III and 370 MB ram. I have tried to use the command 'xfce4-panel' in tty. Thanks for help ;)13:41
PuppyLinusbazhang: its kind of hard to make out. it says Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics13:41
ari_stressshade052: http://www.monitorix.org13:41
th_sascha_: yes. guess it boils down to does your bt-dongle or builtin-bt work, but if it works connections etc all work13:41
mike81bazhang: what makes you think i have an _issue_?13:42
th_sascha_: and browsing phone contents etc works13:42
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205865 Eax13:42
bazhangmike81: #ubuntu-offtopic please13:42
EaxBazhang: Thanks a lot :)13:42
sascha_th_: sounds promising. too bad i hate my cellphone carrier more than hitler13:42
shade052ari_stress: thanks13:42
=== AHA_ is now known as AHA
mike81bazhang: thanks :-)13:42
BaversjoHello! I cant get the "start-menu" at the desktop to pop up after boot. I am running Ubuntu server 7.1 and Xubuntu-desktop. 500 Mhz Pentium III and 370 MB ram. I have tried to use the command 'xfce4-panel' in tty. Thanks for help ;)13:43
ader10Eax: the most successful conky thread in all of history: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865 currently 121 pages13:43
sascha_ader10: you lost me. do you have trouble with suspend in general or just when using the hardware power button?13:43
EaxAder10: Thanks ^ ^13:44
ader10sascha_: Good question, let's find out now.13:44
proximoodoes ubuntu have screenlets in any repo ?13:44
cox377can anyone recommend a vncserver that starts in the current session opposed to a new session13:44
ari_stresscox377: the default vncserver is ok13:45
ari_stresswe just have to edit some xorg.conf a bit13:45
Piciproximoo: no.13:45
PuppyLinusbazhang: could that be my video card?13:45
cox377ari_stress: is that i have to edit xorg.conf?13:45
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto#head-b00a7ea3cff64989e68ebbaaec89e6c9d2af6db1 PuppyLinus13:45
proximooPici: ok, thanks =)13:45
sascha_PuppyLinus: would be nice if you knew your motherboard13:46
fsckrwhere is the fonts dir located in ubuntu?  I downloaded a new font and would like to put it in there.13:46
ricardo_brazil algem13:46
ari_stresscox377: yes, a very simple one actually. backup the /etc/X11/xorg.conf first13:46
Pici!fonts | fsckr13:46
ubotufsckr: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer13:46
th_fsckr: ~/.fonts/13:46
th_then run 'fc-cache'13:46
ari_stresscox377: then edit the Section Module, add a line: Load "vnc"13:46
fsckrty th_13:46
ader10sascha_: Suspend in general. The system just crashed as I accessed the suspend button from the little power button in the corner13:46
cox377ari_stress: nice one, shall try it now13:46
PuppyLinussascha: think its an abit is5013:46
ari_stresscox377: then in Section "Screen" add a line: Option "passwordFile" "/root/.vnc/passwd"13:47
ader10sascha_: Common keys such as ctrl-alt-backspace and ctrl-alt-del do not work to get me out of it, by the way13:47
ari_stresscox377: that's all, then as root you type: vncpasswd13:47
BaversjoAnyone has an idea why my xfce4-panel is not apearing at desktop?13:47
cox377do you remember the directory for xorg off the top of your head13:47
sascha_ader10: tourbleshooting suspend can be a very frustrating, time-consuming and fruitless effort. what about hibernation?13:47
cox377ari_stress: opps13:47
cox377found it13:47
bazhangBaversjo: did you choose it in session at login?13:47
ader10sascha_: Let's find out right now :P13:47
bazhang!cn | nfree13:48
ubotunfree: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:48
bazhang!kr | nfree13:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:48
PuppyLinusbazhang: thanks13:48
bazhangsorry nfree13:48
AlesYoperHi all! Anyone knows why my laptop battery life is 30% shorter in Gutsy?13:48
EaxGoodbye for now gentlemen :) Bazhang and ader10: Thank you a lot for your help :)13:48
HelleJollefrohe weihnachten...ubuntu users13:48
Baversjobazhang: Just installed the xubuntu-desktop over my ubuntu server installation... Logged in and no panel :( But i could click on icons on the desktop13:48
nfreethx bazhang13:48
ari_stressAlesYoper: that's interesting, my laptop battery is dead in no time. it's new13:49
Baversjobazhang: How can i choose it in session?13:49
th_AlesYoper: if you have intel, "sudo apt-get install power && sudo powertop" for optimization tips13:49
bazhangshould be #ubuntu-kr yes?13:49
sascha_PuppyLinus: well its definately a i810, so what happens if you comment the 3 lines about horz vert and modeline?13:49
Picibazhang: which language?13:49
AlesYoperari_stress: It's terrible and feisty was better at that13:49
bazhangPici: korean13:50
AlesYoperth_:  powertop optimisation enables another 20minutes, but still 1,5 hours less than in Xp. What would the "power" package do?13:50
BaversjoHow do I choose to start xfce4-panel at login?13:51
ari_stressAlesYoper: do you think ubuntu causes it? i have an acer notebook, and the battery is dead too in no time13:51
Picibazhang: #ubuntu-ko13:51
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=574881 Baversjo13:51
ubotuFor Korean help, /join #ubuntu-ko13:51
bazhangcheers Pici13:51
AlesYoperari_stress: I am absolutely sure it's something with gutsy -  i have a new laptop and the life is 5 hrs in XP and 3,5 hrs in Gutsy at its best13:51
ader11sascha_: Hibernate also gives me the same result, but instead of the screens going on "power save mode" they show me the tty7 cursor blink13:52
bazhang!korean | nfree13:52
ubotunfree: For Korean help, /join #ubuntu-ko13:52
sascha_ader11: hibernate should turn it completely off13:52
ari_stressAlesYoper: could be worse. you battery would be dead, i mean really dead. only lasted 3 minutes13:52
ari_stressAlesYoper: i think it's better if you unplug the battery13:53
ader11sascha_: Hibernate didn't turn it off at all13:53
bazhanghi naxa13:53
naxacan you help me with my laptop? ubuntu freezes on that.13:53
AlesYoperari_stress: I do it always while I am on AC13:54
ader11sascha_: Hibernate just gave the same result but the screens showed the tty7 cursor blink (you know, when you don't have x server/gdm)13:54
AlesYoperari_stress: Have you tried powertop?13:54
h0n3sthijay, I want to enable ip_forwading but when I use sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forwarding it return error and no permition! why?13:54
sascha_ader11: i think you best chance is looking for people with the same laptop running ubuntu13:54
ader11sascha_: I'm on a desktop13:54
AlesYoperari_stress: and do you have speedstep enabled?13:54
PuppyLinussascha_: doesnt work.13:54
bazhangnaxa: need more info13:54
ader11sascha_: making it all the more troublesome :P13:54
sascha_ader11: indeed13:55
ari_stressAlesYoper: good to hear that. i've already lost my battery. not yet try powertop. will try it soon13:55
ari_stressAlesYoper: speedstep? i don't know, maybe acpi already enable it?13:55
sascha_ader11: on my desktop it works which suprised me alot. but i see no use for it on a desktop honestly.13:55
ader11sascha_: The real problem is that if I leave my computer unattended it automatically tries to suspend13:56
AlesYoperari_stress: Speedstep changes your CPU frequency according to your needs (experts should correct me here). It saves a lot of power on laptops.13:56
naxamy hp pavilion dv6000 laptop freezes randomly in ubuntu. Strange sympthomps are: 1) under windows vista laptop works without any problem. 2) in ubuntu, when cooling, gnome often becomes 'gray' and/or wouldn't react  to anything but mouse moves (doesn't work but moves). 3) when mouse stops working too, laptop won't answer in 20 minutes then i get bored and restart. 4) strange green line are...13:56
naxa...appearing and disapeearing fast and randomly on the screen, especially where black is rendered with 3d. nvidia geforce 7200 go is the card and nvidia is the ONLY working driver on it this case! 5) more symptomps to come13:56
h0n3sthijay, I want to enable ip_forwading but when I use sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forwarding it return error and no permition! why? I used sysctl to enable that!13:56
ader11sascha_: I don't use it much, it's just that it's automatically invoked13:56
sascha_ader11: you can disable that in the gnome-power-manager13:57
h0n3stI want to enable ip_forwading but when I use sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forwarding it return error and no permition! why? I used sysctl to enable that!13:57
xalanthyrHello, can someone help me? I'm trying to launch VisualBoyAdvance for Ubuntu but i can't. Any advice?13:57
naxabazhang: i wrote some details up13:57
bazhangnaxa: so I see :}13:57
=== Skiessl is now known as Skiessi
thanihow to add new path into $PATH variable of current shell by executing a file or script ?13:57
Picifqh: ?13:57
bazhangnot here fqh13:57
ader11sascha_: o.o in the terminal gnome-power-manager doesn't do anything, it just gives me another prompt13:58
naxabazhang: there are more symptomps should i write? one is close to this others seems less close to the case13:58
sascha_ader11: its in the menu or try gnome-power-preferences13:58
bazhangnaxa: one problem at at time--still figuring out which is worst13:58
ader11sascha_: Actions: Put computer to sleep when inactive for **never**13:59
=== fr3ak_ is now known as rockzman
naxabazhang: ok, i think these are connected, except the video driver case maybe, but it is also possible that that is the source...13:59
ader11sascha_: Display: Put display to sleep when inactive for **40 minutes**13:59
bazhangnaxa: do the freezes occur when certain apps are running? have you tried to xkill them?13:59
ader11sascha_: so I don't know if that's the problem or not14:00
thanihow to add new path into $PATH variable of current shell by executing a file or script14:00
thanihow to add new path into $PATH variable of current shell by executing a file or script14:00
bazhangthani: please dont repeat14:00
naxabazhang: no, at least i think no. i'm running random apps and it's freezing randomly. i think once it freezed without any apps at all14:00
Cereal_Weird! My Conky (which now looks awesome) Chrashes when I boot my computer O.o It shows for like ten seconds then it shut down without any notice at all :O14:00
bazhangnaxa: what driver do you have for that card? that does seem like it may be related, esp since it works in ugh vista14:01
Picithani: PATH=$PATH:/new/path    if you want it to be permanent, stick it in ~/.bash_profile14:01
bazhanghi alanbkk14:01
alanbkkhi bazhang14:01
Pici!helpersnack | bazhang14:01
ubotubazhang: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!14:01
thanihave you understand my question14:02
bazhangPici: thanks! :}14:02
Cereal_Weird! My Conky (which now looks awesome) Chrashes when I boot my computer O.o It shows for like ten seconds then it shut down without any notice at all :O Does anyone know a solution/workaround for this?14:02
thanicurrent $PATH variable should be change by executing a file or script14:02
naxabazhang: i use nvidia (instead of nv). it is the only working driver except vga (or vesa?) strange is that vesa (or vga) doesn't work either. sorry i don't remember which works, vesa or vga but it is very strange that either of this wont work and that is a fact here14:02
Picithani: Did you see my repsponse? does that help?14:02
thanisorry current shell variable14:02
PiciEki_sexy: stop14:03
shade052Cereal: have you checked the process status and confirmed this "ps -ef|grep conky"14:03
user1how to reset root mysql password?14:03
bazhangnaxa could you pastebin you xorg for all to see (not here but through the !paste link)14:04
sascha_ader11: i surrender, better ask the forums14:04
Cereal_shade052: Just write "ps -ef| grep conky" in a terminal?14:04
Picithani: Which variable? And just for the current session?14:04
alanbkki have problem to install ubuntu 6.06 with laptop acer 4720Z, cd-rom can't start x!!!?14:04
shade052Cereal: yes14:04
alanbkkanyone can help me14:04
naxabazhang: sorry i don't understand what you mean! What should i paste?14:04
bazhangalanbkk: older machine?14:04
Cereal_Shade052: Output: eax       5400  5297  0 14:57 ?        00:00:01 conky14:05
alanbkkolder machine?14:05
shade052Cereal: that means conky is still running14:05
thani yes , i want  to add my path into current shell $PATH variable14:05
alanbkkit mean i can't install? right?14:05
naxabazhang: what and how should i paste? i don't understand sorry :)14:05
Cereal_shade052: Thanks.. But It doesn't show up on the Desktop O.o14:05
bazhangnaxa: there is a file which keeps the settings for your video--xorg.conf is the name if you go to the link provided by the !paste command then all can see it and you wont flood the channel14:06
xalanthyrhey, anybody know how to run gba roms on ubuntu?14:06
bazhang!paste | naxa14:06
ubotunaxa: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:06
ader11sascha_: Thanks for not leaving me hangin :]14:06
shade052Cereal: yes it does not. you might want to write a shell script to solve this. do you know a bit of shell scripting?14:06
bazhangxalanthyr: join #ubuntu-offtopic14:06
naxabazhang: i see... so i should do !paste | all ?14:06
Cereal_Shade052: No, I don't :(14:07
shade052Cereal:ok follow these steps14:07
bazhangnaxa: of the xorg.conf? yes--to the link: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14:07
naxabazhang: i guess not :)14:07
naxabazhang: ah ok14:07
naxabazhang i see :)14:07
Picithani: the command is PATH=$PATH:/whatever/path/you/want14:07
shade052Cereal: on terminal type "gedit conk"14:08
bazhangnaxa: then tell us the link here and we can go look at it :}14:08
zLinux[mob]how to disable SELinux?14:08
Picithani: Edit ~/.bash_profile and put that command in14:08
LjLzLinux[mob]: how did you enable it?14:08
bazhanghttp://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Conky+scripts?content=52896 as shade52 recommended Cereal_14:09
naxabazhang: one minute... I'm running vista now but i can acces ext3...14:09
bazhangnaxa: haha14:09
zLinux[mob]LjL, it's my friends computer, i'm not sure, he said it's on by default14:09
shade052Cereal: are you still there? i will explain it if want it is simple14:09
thanii want to add that path by any (script or file)14:09
Cereal__Shade052: Sorry got booted from my Wireless, Could you write it again?14:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:09
Picialanbkk: /quit14:09
shade052Cereal: on terminal type "gedit conk"14:09
user1alanbkk:  /quit14:09
naxabazhang: i know this is funny but since ubuntu freezes all the time there is no choice14:09
Cereal__Shade052: conk or conky?14:10
LjLzLinux[mob]: no, it isn't14:10
bazhangnaxa: sorry to make light of your problem--just vista makes me go ugh14:10
brk3Is there any plans to build a new package for mono-develop the one in the repositories is really old and am having a hard time building from source..14:10
shade052Cereal: cok or any file name you want to give14:10
Cereal__Shade052: Ok, done :)14:10
bazhanghttp://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Conky+scripts?content=52896 and here Cereal__14:10
naxabazhang: no problem :) Vista is... funny...14:11
thaniactually i have two same package with diffrent version14:11
thaniso dynamically i want to add14:11
thaniexport PATH=/home/username/package1/bin:$PATH14:11
shade052Cereal: then add these lines "sleep 10" next line "conky" to the gedit window14:11
thaniexport PATH=/home/username/package2/bin:$PATH14:11
thanilike above14:11
thaniso ~/.bashrc is not satisfied me14:11
thaniany other ?14:11
thanithank you14:11
bazhang!who | thani14:11
ubotuthani: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:11
Cereal__Shade052: Okay, done :)14:11
shade052Cereal: save the file in your home dir14:12
Cereal__Shade052: Done :)14:12
zLinux[mob]how to disable firewall in ubnutnu?14:12
naxabazhang: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49587/14:12
shade052Cereal: then type "sudo chmod +x filename"14:12
naxabazhang: this is my xorg.conf14:12
Cereal__Shade052: Ok, got it :)14:13
shade052Cereal: then add these lines "sleep 10" next line "conky" in the terminal14:13
=== di[a]fic is now known as diafic
shade052Cereal: mow give the full path of this file in the start up list14:14
Cereal__Shade052: Can I have that again please?14:14
Cereal__Shade052: How should I write it? just "/home/eax/conk"?14:15
shade052Cereal: yes14:15
Cereal__Shade052: Done :)14:15
bazhangnaxa: not an x expert, but looks okay; others may wish to correct me (hopefully)--I have nearly the identical card so perhaps it is some other conflict causing this--have to google around a bit more :}14:15
naxabazhang: you've got nvidia geforce 7200  go too? :)14:16
shade052Cereal: now when you reboot the sys this script will sleep for 10 secs and then run conky. it worked for me14:16
Cereal__Shade052: Thanks a lot :) I really hope this also works for me ^ ^ Here, have a cookie ^ ^*hands over a delicious cookie* :)14:17
naxabazhang: ok i also think xorg.conf is very ok... i don't know what's the pborlem but i think it's something to do with cooling since when freeze occours it's normally also a "cooling period" of my laptop... cooling generally works, but when ubuntu freezes, it's also "cooling time"14:17
shade052Cereal: lol14:17
wolsnaxa: acpi14:17
kidemquestion, im using Firefox on ubuntu and when i go to myspace site to listen to a friends music he has made the player is half there and is flashing what am i missing?14:18
wolskidem: which flashplayre do you use?14:18
naxawols: i used to use "noacpi" kernel option but it still freezes i think...14:18
wolsnaxa: think or know?14:18
naxawols: think.. should i try? :D14:19
bazhangnaxa: that sounds about right--is this a dual core (amd) with 64 bit gutsy?14:19
naxawols: there were a case when it freezed why noacpi14:19
kidemwols - tell u truth i dont know what i got installed14:19
naxabazhang: it is right14:19
wolskidem: dpkg -l |grep gnash14:19
vinicius_I installed some packages that deleted some of the ubuntu configuration ones... so I lost all the file associations and icons association to filetypes... wich package is responsible for this atributions?14:19
naxabazhang: hp pavilion dv6000, amd turion64 x2, 2 gb ram, nvidia geforce 7200 go14:19
kidemwols -  free SWF movie player14:20
jsoftAny suggestions on a nice and simple finance manager gizmo?14:20
naxabazhang: but gutsy is 32 bit i think14:20
jsoftSomething which lets me track bills, accounts, etc?14:20
wolskidem: is it installed? "ii"?14:20
Picijsoft: gnucash?14:20
bazhangnaxa: I would try wols' suggestion--he is the go to guy in these parts :}14:20
jsoftPici: thats not simple.14:20
Picijsoft: Well, I've never used it ;)14:20
wolsjsoft: there is one called ....ledget. sqledger or such I think14:20
naxawols: so now i restart with noacpi and see if it works ok?14:20
rockzmannaxa, i got almost nothing working using ubuntu with this laptop i got one also14:20
kidemwols - ii  mozilla-plugin-gnash   0.8.1-0ubuntu3     free SWF movie player - Plugin for Mozilla14:21
wolsbazhang: unfortunately if it is acpi it's evil: very hard to fix14:21
jsoftwols: thanks14:21
naxarockzman: you have the same laptop?14:21
rockzmannaxa, the same one14:21
wolskidem: this is why. it's alpha software. some flash applets work, som dont'14:21
naxarockzman: and did you make any progress?14:21
rockzmannaxa,  and u gotta install nvidia drivers or use noapic14:21
bazhangwols: I watch and learn :} thanks!14:21
wolskidem: you want the adbobe flashplaer if you run 32bit ubuntu14:21
rockzmannaxa, not much only video drivers are working but not the wireess..infrared works too14:21
kidemk thanks14:21
naxarockzman: i installed nvidia drivers and now i'm gonna using noapic too... i used to use it but seemed no good14:22
rockzmannaxa, u installed using envy ?14:22
naxarockzman: one minute to pm i have to register :D14:23
bazhangruh roh14:23
naxanaxa: not on this computer but i know what is it14:23
bazhangback in a moment14:23
Pici!envy | rockzman naxa14:23
uboturockzman naxa: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »14:23
naxarockzman: not on this computer but i know what is it14:23
wolsnaxa: another thing to test is to NOT start X, make the notebook work heavily so cooling is active and check if it happens then14:23
naxaubotu: thanks14:23
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:23
UllisThe name of the package to install compilers, make, etc is called build-essential right?14:23
rockzmannaxa, i did that with mine using envy works perfect14:24
wolsnaxa: if it still happens, all your X programs are off the hook14:24
* IndyGunFreak wonders why people are still using Envy/Automatix, given the number of installs they've hosed14:24
naxawols: good idea14:24
eriscoI am experiencing crashes with my nvidia 7600 card... what gives? I thought Linux and Nividia got along. These crashes happen randomly and the entire system locks... there is no response14:24
wolsIndyGunFreak: cuase both automatix and envy "work". the error of their ways only become apparent when they upgrade14:24
IndyGunFreakwols: true..14:24
wolsso every new user thinks "they're so easy so cool, why isn't ubuntu giving them to me"14:24
IndyGunFreakwols: so i guess for the guy that only does clean installs, they might be ok.14:25
Guest16155hello, i am trying to install ubuntu on my computer .. and when i use the live cd the computer move sloww... and the ubuntu cant get to the desktop and the progress bar blinking slowly ?14:25
wolserisco: you sure it's the driver? tried with nv? seen any kernel oopses or panics in the logs?14:25
IndyGunFreakGuest16155: whats the system specs of the pc?14:25
eriscowols, I have the restricted driver installed, yes14:25
wolsIndyGunFreak: no. sooner or later he needs an update (e.g. krenel problems) and blam! problem14:26
eriscowols, I am still looking in the Xorg log14:26
IndyGunFreakerisco: that doesn't mean its the nvidia driver causing the problem14:26
wolserisco: that's not what I asked14:26
Guest16155IndyGunFreak: last time when i installed ubuntu i had the same problem and then someone told me to press f6 in the installation and to add some line .. but i cant remember14:26
IndyGunFreakGuest16155: something like apci=off or something.. i'm not 100% sure of the tline though...14:27
atlefGuest16155: noapic maybe14:27
Guest16155someting like this14:27
th_hm.. is there any way to restart X from command line (without killall or such :P and as non-root)? kind of like ctrl-alt-backspace but scripted14:27
IndyGunFreakprobably would have been a good idea to write that line down14:27
naxarockzman: can you unfilter your pm? i am not registered. it says if you type  "/msg nickserv set unfiltered on" then i will be allowed to speak with you14:27
eriscoIndyGunFreak, wols, I don't know what it causing the problem yet. I cannot find any problems in the Xorg log14:27
rockzmanah ok14:27
naxarockzman: thanks14:28
rockzmannaxa,  =)14:28
IndyGunFreakerisco: well when you started the conversation, you specifically said it was the nvidia driver14:28
juano__!X | th_:14:28
ubotuth_:: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto14:28
eriscoIndyGunFreak, it has something to do with the nvidia card I have. The ATI card I had was working fine14:29
wolsth_: gnome-session14:29
Guest16155IndyGunFreak: i sure it was someting with the word "ide" or "raid"14:29
th_ubotu: restartin gdm requires root14:29
juano__th_: ?dm would be gdm for gnome or kdm for kde14:29
IndyGunFreakGuest16155: i really don't know.14:29
th_doh :P14:29
th_to juano__14:29
th_wols: i think it's not exactly the same as hitting ctrl-alt-backspace14:30
`TyraeL^awhttp://geroland.miniville.fr/ind :o :o14:30
IndyGunFreakerisco: did you just remove ATI, and install Nvidia, on the same card?14:30
wolsth_: that key combo stops X, it doesn't start it as you asked14:30
IndyGunFreakor did you do a clean install after the removal of the ATI card14:30
juano__wols: it restarts the gdm actually14:31
juano__wols: and X14:31
ubuntu_hi im trying to back up my files but i cant seem to copy to my hdd cquse of some ristriction14:31
IndyGunFreakubuntu_: from a live cd?14:32
* iblicf ...14:32
juano__ubuntu_: on what filesystem is the hdd formatted?14:32
atlefGuest16155 : look at this site for "cheatcodes" to pass to the kernel at boot http://www.cyberciti.biz/howto/question/static/linux-kernel-parameters.php14:32
eriscoIndyGunFreak, I am not quite sure what you mean by "on the same card". The ATI was an onboard, and the Nvidia is resting in a PCI-E slot.. the bios has been updated correctly to use the new card. As far as Ubuntu, I disabled the ATI driver and enabled the restricted nvidia driver. I had to additionally reconfigure the xorg.conf file with dpkg-reconfigure and I had to go through system recovery14:33
IndyGunFreakerisco: that was a typo, sorry... thought i cleared that up below it..14:33
ubuntu_yes im on cd live but i have a corupt hdd i zant to transfert the files from the corupt to the good hdd ussing the cd live juano__  the 2 are ntfs14:33
eriscoIndyGunFreak, X is working, but crashes randomly. I am experienced the most crashes while playing a game called Urban Terror, but it has happened in other cases too14:33
wolserUSUL: remove all fglrx packages14:34
eriscoIndyGunFreak, oh, sorry. No I did not do a clean install14:34
juano__ubuntu_: so the problem is that the one you want to write to doesn't have write permissions ?14:34
IndyGunFreakerisco: no idea.. ,*I* probably would have done a clean install switching from ATI to Nvidia, but thats just me...14:34
ubuntu_juano__: how can i install ntfs config on a cd live14:34
juano__!ntfs-3g | ubuntu_14:35
ubotuubuntu_: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions14:35
eriscoIndyGunFreak, that's unfortunately not practical for me14:35
IndyGunFreakerisco: it never is.14:35
IndyGunFreakerisco: but i probably would have done the same thing on Windows, so..14:35
wolserUSUL: have you purged the ati drivers?14:35
juano__ubuntu_: see also !diskmounter14:35
eriscoIndyGunFreak, the only thing I can really spot in the error log is the failure to load ACPI14:35
IndyGunFreakubuntu_: Gutsy Live CDs, should recognize XP partitions "out of the box", at least mine did.14:36
eriscoIndyGunFreak, but I think that is only a laptop thing14:37
IndyGunFreakerisco: well, i'm talking about my computer, so..14:37
wolserisco: it's not14:37
IndyGunFreaklike i said, its just opinion.14:37
ubuntu_IndyGunFreak: feisty;but im mountin the drives there now14:37
IndyGunFreakubuntu_: ok.14:37
anasproblem in my ubuntu gusty .. i cant use some programs and folders. becouse my user dosnt have the premiton to use .? what should i do ?14:37
IndyGunFreakanas: what folders?14:38
danielehi all, i just passed from debian to ubuntu but if in deb there was a kernel called 686-bigmem which supported Hyperthread, in ubuntu i didn'n finid anithing like this... is there a way to configure hyperthread?14:38
eriscowols, would that be any cause of my problem?14:38
iNeoanas: use the sudo command14:38
anasIndyGunFreak : "www" in apache2 ... and programs like vbox14:38
IndyGunFreakyah, use sudo.14:38
anasiNeo : i am using it like this but why ?14:39
tal_hello , does it possible to install ubuntu without seeing the progress bar ? (so i can see what running there ) ?14:39
iNeoanas: because the username you're loggind with can't start the program14:40
IndyGunFreaktal_: i dont think so..., you could use the alternate insall CD, and watch what it does, but it has no GUI.14:40
th_whoa. guess killall Xgl does what I "want" :P14:40
atleftal_ : press f6 and remove the "quiet" bit14:40
IndyGunFreakhmm, didn't know that.14:40
danieleanyone knows how to set hyperthread in feisty?14:41
humboltohow do I xen-create-image an ubuntu guest on an debian etch host?14:41
anasIndyGunFreak , iNeo : i am using sudo now , but the vbox' share folder does not working becose of the premitions .14:41
iNeodaniele: isn't it allready active? take a look at the output from dmesg14:41
atlefdaniele i think that is covered by the generic one, but not sure14:42
Piciatlef: It should be.14:42
IndyGunFreakhow do i view compiz's settings?... like how to turnt he screen etc..14:42
Pici!ccsm | IndyGunFreak14:42
ubotuIndyGunFreak: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion14:42
danieleiNeo: dmesg | grep disabled14:42
daniele[    9.541148] Local APIC disabled by BIOS -- you can enable it with "lapic"14:42
daniele[    9.661576] CPU: Hyper-Threading is disabled14:42
daniele[   11.476428] audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)14:42
daniele[   11.871244] ACPI: PCI interrupt for device 0000:00:1f.6 disabled14:42
IndyGunFreakthanks pici14:42
Pici!paste | daniele14:43
ubotudaniele: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:43
juano__!paste | daniele14:43
danieleatlef: if I look the system monitor I only see one cpu14:43
danieleoops... I'm sorry14:43
Picidaniele: Is it enabled in your BIOS?14:43
IndyGunFreakubuntu's paste bin is down for some reason(has been for me for a couple days.., use paastebin.com14:43
tal_i think the "acpi" making problems at my ubuntu installation ... what is "acpi" how can i fix that ?14:44
danielehow can I see it?14:44
PiciIndyGunFreak: working here.14:44
juano__IndyGunFreak: works fine here14:44
IndyGunFreakPici: hmm, its not worked for me fr 2-3 days14:44
ubuntu_juano__: adept cant find any pack to install ntfs-config or ntfs3g14:44
IndyGunFreaklaptop or pc14:44
IndyGunFreakthats wierd.14:44
juano__ubuntu_: ntfs-3g don't miss the -14:44
danielepici: how can I see if the bios is enabled?14:44
IndyGunFreakPici: this is if i'm pasting, or viewing other pastes, etc.14:45
ubuntu_juano__: i kno14:45
daniele*in the bios...14:45
juano__ubuntu_: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g14:45
juano__ubuntu_: check your repositories14:45
tal_what is "acpi" ?14:45
Picidaniele: You'll need to reboot your computer and press f2 or del or whatever your computer says to press to enter BIOS or 'setup' and look for it there, its different for different computer models.14:45
user1what application is good to pirate movies / music from internet?14:47
ubuntu_juano__: install now what.to get write permit14:47
JonaThuser1: A torrent program, I guess14:47
user1JonaTh: but this uploads as well right?14:47
juano__ubuntu_: you on kubuntu ?14:47
dahitokiriuser1, www.deluge-torrent.org14:47
JonaTh!torrent | user114:48
ubotuuser1: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P14:48
user1which torrent client do not upload?14:48
juano__ubuntu_: join #kubuntu14:48
juano__ubuntu_: i'll help ya there14:48
ubuntu_juano__: ban14:48
dahitokiriuser1, none. the basis of torrents is uploading while downloading14:48
juano__ubuntu_: ok14:48
DSteeleuser1, they all upload14:49
user1DSteele: none offer option to disable that?14:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:49
erUSULwols: ??14:49
juano__ubuntu_: is your hdd usb ?14:49
ubuntu_juano__: yes14:49
ubuntu_2 of them14:49
=== chinmay is now known as nickname
DSteeleuser1, transmission can set upload speed to 0 kbs14:50
DSteeleuser1, but thats not a nice thing to do :P14:50
juano__ubuntu_: please read this:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions14:51
Miluxhow can i change the default message in the reply email on evolution? es. On Wed, 2007-12-26 at 13:56 +0100, User wrote:14:51
IndyGunFreakPici: is that link for the ubuntu pastebin right?... cuz i can't ping it or anything14:51
wolserUSUL: hm?14:51
pawanpawan here14:51
PiciIndyGunFreak: I'll take a look14:51
wolserUSUL: was for erisco14:51
th_great! now it works... though not very elegant solution...14:52
erUSULwols: i figured it out now ;)14:52
th_Enable Xgl/Disable Xgl icons on desktop...14:52
pawanhow to install audacious equilizer14:52
IndyGunFreakpawan: it should have an equalizer installed?14:53
pawan31 band14:53
IndyGunFreakoh ok.14:53
WuGutsyClanhey I am on a macbook pro running gutsy, and to do things like cut and paste (Ctrl X and Ctrl V) I have to use the control button. How can I switch every function done by the Super button (The one with the apple on it) and the control button14:54
ubuntu_juano__: no wonder i wasnt finding ntfs-config forgot to enable to univers thing lol14:54
ubuntu_juano__: tanks14:54
yubwyubthe windows titlebar in ubuntu7.10, is it default for the not-active windows to have it somewhat transparent?14:54
IndyGunFreakyubwyub: yes.14:54
WuGutsyClanhey I am on a macbook pro running gutsy, and to do things like cut and paste (Ctrl X and Ctrl V) I have to use the control button. How can I switch every function done by the Super button (The one with the apple on it) and the control button14:55
Creationist!patience | WuGutsyClan14:55
ubotuWuGutsyClan: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines14:55
pigeon22WuGutsyClan: I had the same problem, try googling "remap keys linux"14:55
WuGutsyClanCreationist: srry14:55
WuGutsyClanpigeon22: thnx I will try that14:55
yubwyubthere isn't some way to remove the transparency there ?14:55
CATANIACiao a tutti!!!14:55
Pici!it | CATANIA14:56
ubotuCATANIA: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:56
ompaul!it | CATANIA14:56
IndyGunFreakPici: any ideas?.. thats a wierd problem.14:56
CATANIAbuona sera atutii14:56
jingjin1 i'am from thailand14:56
jingjin1form ubuntuclub.com14:57
humboltoanyhow. is ubuntu's bootstrap compartible with debian?14:57
humboltoSeems like debian's bootstrap version does not support bootstrapping ubuntu out of the box.14:57
humboltoSo I am wondering, if I install ubuntu's bootstrap package, will I still be able to bootstrap debian xen guests?14:57
yubwyubIndyGunFreak, a way to easily turn off the transparens without having to install an extra program I mean14:58
IndyGunFreakyubwyub: you can try going to system/prefs/appearance, then ont he visual effects tab(dependign on what you have now), change it.  None should do what you want14:59
shade052how to mount .iso files?15:00
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.15:00
PiciIndyGunFreak: opendns's servers see it at just fine, and from what I can see some web-based dns checking services see it too15:00
yubwyubIndyGunFreak, but then it turns off all the other compiz-effects like the cube or?15:00
IndyGunFreakyubwyub: yes it would.15:01
juano__ubuntu_: great :), your welcome15:01
yubwyubhmm... I must find anothe rway then....15:01
IndyGunFreakPici: i've tried to ping/trace it an i get a dead reponse/no-reply every time.15:01
ader11I'm in linux-rt and VMware needs the location of the C header files for the kernel, any ideas?15:02
RimdekerHi all15:05
fnfDoes anyone know how to fix the network interface's names?. My two network cards are conflicting with each other over the name. I've tried /etc/iftab but that didn't work (yeah, I've read through the man pages).15:05
Picijingjin1: This is a support channel, please dont spam links.15:06
RimdekerDoes anybody know a really good site for ubuntu themes and tutorials for theme engines?15:06
Pici!themes | Rimdeker15:06
ubotuRimdeker: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy15:06
simplyubuntuhello all... HardDisk you here?15:07
hdevalenceany idea why the partitioner would give me "failed to create a filesystem"?15:07
RimdekerAre there also tutorials for theme engines?15:07
IndyGunFreakhdevalence: because it failed to create a file system?  :)15:08
PiciRimdeker: Gnome-look and art.gnome.com might have some tutorials as well.15:08
pigeon22ader11: type: "sudo apt-get install build-essential"15:08
simplyubuntudoes anyone know where i can find a really awesome screenshot of someone using compiz, and sort of work towards looking similar like that on my comp? i know awesomeness is subjective, but i don't care :P15:08
wolshdevalence: try to run mkfs manually15:08
RimdekerPici:Thank you15:08
pawanirc client for ubuntu15:08
RimdekerI use Kopete15:09
th_irssi !15:09
simplyubuntupawan, try pidgin or xchat15:09
zylmakgood morning, what is the command to view the right of a file or folder?15:09
Picipawan: konversation, irssi, xchat, xchat-gnome15:09
hdevalencewols: I don't know how to15:09
ader11pigeon22: ?15:09
wolshdevalence: man mkfs15:09
Picizylmak: ls -l15:09
IndyGunFreakpidgin is a terrible irc client... great for IMs, not for IRC.. use xchat, xchat-gnome, irssi, kvirc, whatever... they'll be better than pidgin15:10
th_damned... restarting gdm from X doesn't really work :)15:10
simplyubuntudoes anyone know where i can find a really awesome screenshot of someone using compiz, and sort of work towards looking similar like that on my comp? i know awesomeness is subjective, but i don't care :P15:10
tal_when i am trying to install ubuntu , the installation running slowly (i think stuck) and the progress bar blink ?15:10
zz1fnf: Have you tried to reboot after modifying /etc/iftab ?15:10
WuGutsyClanhey in xmodmap I want keycode 115 to have Control_L, how would I go about doing this.. I have followed the instructions to do xmodmap keycode 115 = Control_L into commandline but it keeps saying it cannot find file keycode and 115 and =... help15:11
=== rocco is now known as rerererere
pigeon22go to Applications->Accessories->Terminal and type "sudo apt-get -y install build-essential" then type your password (which will not show up on the screen) and press enter.15:11
ader11pigeon22: You told me to type sudo apt-get install build-essential, what for?15:11
UllisCould someone help me with mounting /dev/sda3 as /home in my newly installed ubuntu? I am looking at /etc/fstab and the part about UUID=xxxxxxx looks confusing to me.15:11
IndyGunFreakader11: if you're rying to compile something from source that installs some basic tools so you don't get dependency probs15:11
ader11IndyGunFreak: I didn't even ask a question15:12
Picipigeon22: please do not suggest -y, it is a bad habit to get into.15:12
IndyGunFreakthen it was probably a typo.15:12
kidemok im trying to install Flash for Firefox... it says it is isntalled i go to site that uses it says its not any ideas?15:12
Piciader11: yes you did, you asked about linux-rt and headers.15:12
IndyGunFreak!flash | kidem15:13
ubotukidem: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:13
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.15:13
ader11Pici: ah yeah15:13
ader11pigeon22: I already had that installed15:13
UllisAnyone who knows how to do that? Or point me to some documentation for it?15:13
IndyGunFreakkidem: download flash from adobe.com (the tar.gz file), and follow the instructions.. it should work fine15:13
Pici!uuid | Ullis15:13
ubotuUllis: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)15:13
kidemk thanks15:13
forevertheunihey I have a intel dual core..how can I pin one PID to the cpu #0 and other PID to cpu #115:13
simplyubuntuwhat do you guys recommend as the best looking linux distro??? anyone??15:14
jgooI found another aweinspiring shortcut!15:14
ader11Pici: :P I got sucked into the interwebs and forgot about it15:14
UllisThanks, Pici :)15:14
SequinHello. Can someone help me dual booting with XP. I can see windows on the separate hd, but Grub never ask me which os to boot.15:14
Piciader11: I hate when that happens ;)15:14
jgooif you use super-alt-tab, you supertab through ALL open windows, not just those on your current desktop15:14
Picisimplyubuntu: #Ubuntu15:14
Rimdekersimplyubuntu: Linux Ubuntu15:14
atlefsimplyubuntu : LinuxMint15:14
jgooeveryone press super (Windows key) tab now! ok my work is done15:14
IndyGunFreakkind of a dumb question to pose to a channel dedicated to Ubuntu15:14
Picijgoo: This is a support channel, please dont do that.15:14
pigeon22ader11: the directory of the files is: /lib/modules/<kernelversion>/build/include15:14
ader11IndyGunFreak: slackware - not good for newcomers15:15
simplyubuntureally? ubuntu? i love me ubuntu, but is it really the best looking? anything other than ubuntu?15:15
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:15
ader11pigeon22: Thank you :)15:15
IndyGunFreakader11: i was being sarcastic15:15
simplyubuntuader11 i agree15:15
IndyGunFreak!ot | ader1115:15
ubotuader11: please see above15:15
forevertheunisimplyubuntu, dude...everything goes to the same15:15
forevertheuniu can install everything in every distro15:15
RimdekerWhats so wrong aboutr super+tab ? For me its the wondows swifter15:15
jgooI like how the bot counts line numbers and says 'please see above'15:15
hdevalencewols: man mkfs \n /bin/sh: man: not found15:16
jgooRimdeker: nothing is wrong about it... unless you call being superawesome wrong15:16
ader11IndyGunFreak: I didn't see anything above that would invite sarcasm :\15:16
jgooI just found super-alt-tab also lets you switch to windows on other desktops15:16
hdevalencewols: btw, the CD image is correct15:16
IndyGunFreakader11: nevermind.. it was apparently lost on you..15:16
th_screenshot galore then? how does your ubuntu look like? http://zirkonium.net/ubuntu-mbp.png15:16
Rimdekerjigo: lol15:16
jgooI really wanted to see if there was a .... how do you call it when you can tab through the faces of the cube to change desktops?15:16
wolshdevalence: mkfs.ext3 /dev/partitiontoformat15:17
Picijgoo: ask in #compiz-fusion then :)15:17
Rimdekerjigo: i just roll my mouse wheel for that...15:17
hdevalencewols: I don't have mkfs either15:17
jgooRimdeker: I do want to change the grey patina to a shiny black surface to reflect the windows (just found out mouse scroll also controls the flowview of windows...)15:18
wolshdevalence: I don't believe you15:18
hdevalencewols: err nvm sorry15:18
=== rerererere is now known as regreth
ElementalBelief_hey guys sorry to bother yet again =P but i am having this weird problem and i kinda do need to burn some cds =P the computer doesn't mount blank cdrs but it does mount blank dvdrs.15:19
bazhangElementalBelief_: for burning iso files or just data or what15:19
ElementalBelief_everything, but i need to burn some music.15:20
wolsElementalBelief_: how can you mount blank media?15:20
hdevalencewols: attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while creating root dir15:20
jadamswhere does dpkg ptu downloaded deb files?  I have some old ones I need to remove to ensure it downloads them again15:20
wolshdevalence: check dmesg15:21
wolsjadams: dpkg doesn't download anything15:21
jadamswols: well, apt then15:21
ElementalBelief_i mean in the sense that it would come out in the desktop. or any other application doesn't find it as if i had a blank cd15:21
wolsjadams: man apt-get. it has options for that15:21
jadamswols: thanks15:21
fsckrhas anyone seen this error for firefox? firefox-bin: /build/buildd/libcairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-pen.c:325: _cairo_pen_find_active_cw_vertex_index: Assertion `i < pen->num_vertices' failed.15:21
fsckrAborted (core dumped)15:21
finnhi, what are the minimum specs for using compizfusion on a notebook?15:21
arooni-mobilehey folks!  is there any way to make thunderbird automatically check email in the background (i.e. i never launch the thunderbird client)?  or must i explicitly launch it at startup and such?15:22
bazhang3D capable card for starters finn15:22
wolsarooni-mobile: tbird can only check when launched15:22
hdevalencewols: i get a bunch of lines with "[sda] Result: hostbyte=DID_BAD_TARGET driverbyte=DRIVER_OK,SUGGEST_OK15:22
=== pawan12 is now known as pawan
bazhanghi pawan15:23
IndyGunFreakth_: just so you don't feel completely ignored..  http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j263/IndyGunFreak/Screenshot-1.jpg15:23
juano_1arooni-mobile: i believe there was an option for that... can't recall now15:23
guccianyone help?15:23
wolshdevalence: probably a hardware problem15:23
bazhangask gucci15:23
pawanwhats up15:23
guccianyone help?15:23
Picigucci: Why are you using sudo to edit gconf?15:23
ubotugucci: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)15:23
finnare most notebooks that use a P4 or centrino equipped with 3D cards?15:23
ElementalBelief_the biggest problem is that it used to work fine in fiesty until i did the latest update. and then when i installed gutsy i thinking it would work again i was wrong =P15:23
IndyGunFreakgood gracious, and also learn to wait 5sec for an ansewr.15:24
guccibazhang..gconf-editor problem not solved yet15:24
bazhangfinn: no idea--what is the card make and model15:24
th_IndyGunFreak: heh :)15:24
Urbandale1990anyone want to help me with a 'mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding'15:24
bazhanggucci: Pici asked you a question15:24
wolsfinn: lspci will tell you15:24
finnok thanks15:25
IndyGunFreakthats a very good question.15:25
Picigucci: Why are you using sudo when using gconf-editor?15:25
guccii used it pici15:25
t-Omicr0nI've managed to install the proprietarty ATI Radeon 9250 driver and I've got it running, but when I enable "videooverlay" in the device section of my xorg.conf file, all video and other overlayed stuff (like Tv-card) is of a wrong aspect ratio : I can only see the top half of the image. Where do I fix/configure this Xvideo stuff ?15:25
guccibut not saves my config15:25
Picigucci: But why?15:25
wolsgucci: he's seen that but WHY?15:25
acidicchipAnyone know of an IRC client comparable to mIRC?15:26
wolst-Omicr0n: you definitely haven't managed to install a proprietary ati radeon 9250 drievr since such a thing doesn't exist15:26
IndyGunFreakacidicchip: xchat or xchat-gnome.. both are quite similar15:26
guccii wish i knew lol15:26
Picigucci: gconf settings are per user, so you shouldnt be using sudo to run gconf-editor15:26
Urbandale1990acid: i use Xchat15:26
ElementalBelief_xchat is really nice acidicchip15:26
B-rabbitacidicchip, xcaht15:26
bloonyhow do I add my windows partition to grub again?15:26
acidicchipI'm in xchat15:26
Azerxchat-gnome is kinda goofy15:26
ElementalBelief_and the winner is?15:26
acidicchipnothing like mIRC15:26
Urbandale1990:) seems to be everyone uses it15:26
finnis there an IRC chat program other than pidgin that can be encrypted?15:27
IndyGunFreakacidicchip: well, maybe run mirc in wine... i don't know.15:27
wolsfinn: google "silc"15:27
acidicchipyea, wine is having an issue with it15:27
PiciIndyGunFreak: It does  (not that I've used it)15:27
atlefacidicchip : try kvirc15:27
t-Omicr0nwols: aha and woops... I mean the ATI binary drivers from their own corporate website15:27
gucciit is ok without sudo but not saves15:27
Urbandale1990acid: i dont use gnome, it sucks, but ive gotten used to it. there isn't really anything comparable to mIRC that still WORKS15:27
gucciand not solves my problem15:27
IndyGunFreakPici: what does?15:27
acidicchipthere a big difference between xchat and xchat-gnome?15:27
t-Omicr0nwols: restricted drivers, is that the word I had to use ?15:27
PiciIndyGunFreak: I know a few people that use mIRC in wine.15:27
Azeracidicchip yes15:27
Urbandale1990acid: yeah15:27
wolst-Omicr0n: a) that's still untrue since those won't work with 9250  b) ubuntu has fglrx as restricted drievrs. for help with ati.com ones, ask ati. they made that crud, they support it15:27
IndyGunFreakPici: oh ok.15:27
killer_why after 5 min ubuntu works really hard with compiz fusion15:27
Ullis_Pici: Thanks again for the help. I have /dev/sda3 mounted as my /home now. Only thing is that I have an icon with sda3 still on my desktop. Can I remove that somehow?15:27
Picigucci: What value are you changing?15:28
IndyGunFreakacidicchip: everyone says yes, but i don't see a big difference, i like xchat-gnome better than xchat15:28
bazhangkiller_: need more info15:28
IndyGunFreaki think it has a cleaner look.15:28
bloonyhow do I add my windows partition to grub again?15:28
Azerxchat-gnome has fewer features and settings15:28
ElementalBelief_wols: no idea right? i have a strange feeling it has something with the kernel15:28
IndyGunFreakAzer: i guess i'm just a basic user.. cuz all i need is to log in and chat.15:28
PiciUllis_: I think there is an option in one of the preferences to not show mounted disks on the desktop, check 'removable devices' or similar.15:28
Urbandale1990acidchip: gnome is cleaner, but very rarely has awkward errors that only gurus know the answers to15:28
gucciit changes nothing eg g-sessions desktop15:28
killer_i need more info15:28
Azerits like a scaled down version of xchat15:28
IndyGunFreaki've not ran into anything i can do on xchat, i cn't do on xchat-gnome.15:28
Ullis_Pici: OK. I'll look for that, thanks15:29
guccihome trash folder15:29
wolsElementalBelief_: imho a disk problem. I know the same thing on a DVD burner of someone who can't see that there are any DVD-Rs in there, but burns CD-R fine.15:29
guccii want them to seem on desktop15:29
bazhangkiller_: works really hard is too vague--if you want help then provide some details15:29
wolst-Omicr0n: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:29
finnI wish there was encryption for chatzilla15:29
bazhangfinn: please join #ubuntu-offtopic15:29
naxahi i am back15:30
katyush-freehi, i got a win2k laptop with no Cd no floppy and no USB, what would be easier a PXE install or Wubi?15:30
Urbandale1990I need some help concerning why my gnome installation says 'mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding. Creating link /home/kim/.kde/socket-kim-desktop. can't create mcop directory'15:30
bazhangnaxa: hi15:30
ElementalBelief_wols, oh ok. ill just buy a new machine and get it out of the way =P15:30
naxabazhang: hi (: now i am testing ubuntu without noapci but with freshen built nvidia driver from source15:31
bloonyhow do I add my windows partition to grub again?15:31
bazhangElementalBelief_: better to drop the snark and get some better cd-r's15:31
t-Omicr0nwols: fglrx - I selected my card and OS at ati.com and they send me that 8.28 driver for their radeon cards. Downgraded ubuntu to edgy so that I was using an older kernel / Xserver - the newer ones weren't supported by that driver15:31
wolsnaxa: have you tried with nv yet?15:31
naxawols: nv never works for me, as i said15:31
bazhang!grub | bloony15:31
ubotubloony: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:31
wolst-Omicr0n: please run gutsy15:31
bloonybazhang: thx..15:32
wolst-Omicr0n: and use the proper driver15:32
naxawols: i tried it and no help15:32
Picigucci: probably because you ran it with sudo.  You'll need to reset the owner of all the files in your home directory to your user:  `sudo chown -R username:username /home/username`  where username is your user's username15:32
naxawols: i've just tried in a couple of hours ago. blank screen15:32
bazhangdo you have a question phoenixx?15:32
wolst-Omicr0n: not to mention you can't downgrade. you can only reinstall which is a sucky thing to do15:32
acidicchipbrb, gonna check out xchat15:32
acidicchip(without -gnome)15:32
naxabazhang: there was a guy here talking with me... rocksomething... is he here? i am not remembering his name but you could check in the log15:33
ElementalBelief_bazhang, is TDK a bad brand? been using them for god knows how long =P15:33
naxabazhang: he's got the same laptop15:33
wolst-Omicr0n: fglrx especially such an old driver is a lot owrse than current ubuntu drvers. eg. no compiz and bugs like the one you encoutnered probably15:33
t-Omicr0nwols: I would love to, but what is the proper driver ? From what I've read, the fglrx driver from the ubuntu repos. doesn't support the 9250 anymore.15:33
thompahow do I check to see whats interrupting wget downloads?15:33
wolst-Omicr0n: ati is15:33
naxawols: can you suggest me some applications what are killing cpu for sure? i mean i want to overload my system to see if it breaks or nnot15:34
t-Omicr0nwols: That's the one I was using in the first place, but I needed TV-out support.15:34
bazhangnaxa: yeah I remember..just a minute15:34
naxabazhang: thank you!15:34
t-Omicr0nwols: Is there a way to get TV-out support in that ati driver, other than going through the complicated-looking process of patching it ?15:35
thompadownloading is causing internet connection to shut down, an iso file15:35
jatt``How do I activate spatial mode in nautilus (gutsy)?15:35
robertbwHello tribe15:35
bazhangnaxa: rockzman15:36
robertbwNeed help with a Dell 1100 laptop15:36
naxabazhang: thank you!15:36
phhello everyone!15:36
wolst-Omicr0n: atitvout possibly?15:36
robertbwanyone know how to upgrade to A22 bios15:36
naxarockzman: are you here?15:37
wolsrobertbw: #hardware15:37
Picirobertbw: try ##hardware15:37
bazhangElementalBelief_: try opening the burning app, add files to the virtual image, then click burn see if it recognizes your cd then15:37
ElementalBelief_bazhang, i've tried that15:37
ElementalBelief_k3b acts retarded and just hangs15:37
robertbwis that specific to ubuntu?15:37
khelll is there a way that i can connect my cell phone to my laptop? a software for example?15:37
Picirobertbw: Which? ##hardware?15:37
robertbwjust go to #hardware....15:38
Picirobertbw: Nope. Thats just freenode (this irc network)'s hardware channel.15:38
t-Omicr0nwols: thx, I will look into that (whatever it may be - I'll search google)15:38
robertbwthanx..im going now15:38
naxabazhang: just in meantime... i want to edit my gnome Menu but i cannot... i select edit menu, the editor appears, but when i want to edit nvidia settings menu item to run in root mode with gksu, the editor opens in the background... why does it opens in the background, i didn't notice when i started to write this...15:38
bazhangElementalBelief_: what about just the default burner--might be a k3b issue--I've had more than a few of those--additionally you would want to check what shows up to be mounted when inserted to computer15:38
Picirobertbw: type /j ##hardware15:38
ompaulrobertbw,  /join ##hardware  <<<<15:39
yubwyubI tried toe Emerald Themer  (emerald-theme-manager) and it replaced the normal window borders to something else... how do I do to get back to the default?15:39
bazhangnaxa: what about nvidia-settings from the terminal15:39
acidicchipI like xchat better than xchat-gnome alread15:39
acidicchipalready rather15:39
bazhangUrbandale1990: see what15:39
ElementalBelief_bazhang, thats the thing, nautilus doesn't show the cdr.15:40
Urbandale1990bazhang: sorry, referring to acid15:40
naxabazhang: no no i can start it. the problem is that this menu editor is VERY annoying! We wanted to rename "Iroda" submenu to "Office" for my girfriend (iroda = office in hungarian) becouse this is how we like it, but the editor instantly renames it back to "iroda". the details "pop up" in the background... sometimes i make something to be apparent but the editor unchecks it automatically, not allowing me to change what is visible in the menu. ca15:41
naxan i do something to avoid these annoyances?15:41
RimdekerHey guys how do I find out whether I got GTK2 or not? And if not , where can I download it?15:41
holycowyou have gtk15:42
holycowgtk2 even15:42
ompaulnaxa, help with localisation -- see launchpad.net15:42
RimdekerHow do you know? lol15:42
phwhen im upgrading my packages (apt-get update && apt-get upgrade), what kind of upgrading takes place?New versions of packages get installed?or only new ubuntu revisions (same versions, but new ubuntu patches)?15:42
holycowRimdeker: because if you are asking that question, it means your not smart enough to run a distro that comes with gtk115:43
Rimdekerholycow: How do you know?15:43
Piciph: Depends what new versions are available.15:43
bazhangElementalBelief_: audio cd? for the cd-r issue is that what you mainly want to burn--or just mp3 to data cd15:43
ompaulph the programs that need to be updated because of sever breakage or security fixes15:43
Rimdekerholycow: or I am simply totally new to this lol15:43
holycowthats okay, i'm buggin ya :)15:43
ElementalBelief_on the cd i just want to burn audio, for data i use the dvdrs15:43
holycowwhy do you want to know? theres virtually nothing on the repos that requires you to know that answer unless your coding up some ui bits15:44
wolsRimdeker: you run gnome?15:44
naxaompaul: i will check thank you but what really annoyes me is the menu editor. I already found the files where gnome keeps these names and i edited them but i can only edit them from gnome, and when i log out gnome see that my config is not the default (i changed the default to be ok with us) and saves the wrong idea state to a local place... and i cannot delete them gnome always checks if i deleted them or made them change and saves the wrong st15:44
naxaate back15:44
holycowin gtk15:44
Rimdekerwols: I want to use GTK2 themes /engines and they say I got to have it installed...15:44
lukaszHi everyone15:45
bazhangElementalBelief_: this is gutsy?15:45
WGGMkAnyone really familiar with VMWare Workstation? I could use some specific help...15:45
naxaompaul: the problem is that gnome is running... it's not enough to change de default system files and the locale files becouse i would have to change them in the memory, too...15:45
ElementalBelief_but it was also happening with fiesty after the last update15:45
lukaszI am wondering where menu.lst file is located?15:45
Rimdekerwols: I want to use GTK2 themes /engines and they say I got to have it installed...15:45
bazhangWGGMk: they have forums for that15:45
Rimdekerholycow: I want to use GTK2 themes /engines and they say I got to have it installed...15:45
PiciWGGMk: try #vmware15:45
ElementalBelief_bazhang, which is what i am trying to figure out, worked just fine before that update15:45
naxalukasz: there is /boot/grub/menu.lst for grub15:45
novaterataHello I need help with no sound in firefox on amd64 gutsy15:46
lukaszthank you so much15:46
WGGMkbazhang: Pici: tried both, nothing on the forums and #vmware no one seems to respond15:46
phPici, ompaul : So, what you are saying is that new versions (as released by the author of the package) do NOT get installed, but only if there exists a new ubuntu patch (against the originally installed version of the package), fixing some kind of substantial problem..?15:46
holycowRimdeker: you are good to go15:46
novateratai have no sound in flash or gmail15:46
doppisanyone know a fix for the hal.dll problem with dual booting?15:46
anasi have winxp in vbox , i cant use access share folder from winxp becouse i dont have the premetion .15:46
DSteelenaxa, tried "sudo alacarte" ?15:46
naxabazhang: i don't think this new driver will work, anyway... i just saw the green lines... althought ubuntu is up and running for a long time now... (30 minutes:))15:46
naxaDSteele: no, what is that?15:46
Piciph: New versions released by the author are not synced into the package repositories.  We do stable releases every 6 months, not a rolling release like Debian does.15:47
DSteelerunning the menu editor as root15:47
naxaDSteele: oh i see15:47
WGGMkWhat im trying to do, is install & run a Virtual Machine to/from a Samba Share.. Wondering if this is possible...?15:47
naxaDSteele: will try now15:47
benihey guys15:47
wolsWGGMk: yes15:47
benidoes the alternate CD include the crypt-tools in order to create an encrypted hdd?15:47
anasi have winxp in vbox , i cant use access share folder from winxp becouse i dont have the premetion .15:47
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-457379.html ElementalBelief_ some steps to try15:48
doppisI am trying to install xp on a external hd, 7.04 is already preinstalled on my laptop and I am having problem with the hal.dll missing or corrupted15:48
naxaDSteele: yes. no good. It renames back to "iroda" from "office". iroda is the default in hungarian. I wont even see the rename process it's so fast15:48
WGGMkwols: you have done this?? because within VMWare, it will NOT let me navigate to the samba share directory15:48
phPici, So, new versions released by the author, are only synced into the repository of the upcomming release...thanx alot for clearing this up for me guys15:48
ElementalBelief_bazhang, thanks15:48
Piciph: Sure thing15:48
DSteelenaxa, ic sorry15:48
wolsWGGMk: it doesn't matter if vmware or virtualbox. noth can do it if you set up your networking right15:48
naxaDSteele: no problem at least i got to know how is this program called :)15:48
naxaDSteele: maybe i can find a solution from now that i know the name15:48
lukaszI will be back with more problem heh only amarok ones15:49
naxaDSteele: on google15:49
novaterataanyone have any idea why sound works in everything but firefox i've done all of the libflashsupport  installs and pulseaudio, and still nothing15:49
WGGMkwols: what are the specific's around the networking to achieve this?15:49
doppisI am trying to install xp on a external hd, 7.04 is already preinstalled on my laptop and I am having problem with the hal.dll missing or corrupted, anyone have any idea what i should do?15:49
Picinovaterata: What version of Ubuntu?15:49
bazhangnaxa: well, at least it is running that long :} (fingers crossed)15:50
wolsWGGMk: use bridging15:50
Pici!pm | novaterata15:50
WGGMkwols: to be more specific about my LAN setup, Im running VMWare from a client laptop, and would like to install & run the VM from a server HD15:50
ubotunovaterata: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.15:50
wolsdoppis: ##windows15:50
Picinovaterata: Gutsy?15:50
naxabazhang: yes it's good. :) can you suggest me something that possibly would cause something wrong if it can?15:50
doppisdoesn't this issue deal with ubuntu though?15:51
bazhangnaxa: using compiz and running a movie15:51
WGGMkwols: my physical setup is Internet >> Modem >> eth0 (server) >> eth1 (dhcp) >> Access Point >> Clients15:51
bazhangdoppis: not really15:51
wolsdoppis: hal.dll does NOT deal with ubuntu at all15:51
ompauldoppis, na it is a windows failure to work with the rest of the world not within our space15:51
doppisalrighty :O15:51
Urbandale1990doppis: are you using 7.04?15:52
naxabazhang: compiz is on extra effects state... by the way.. how can i make compiz do the fire burning up with colorful lights effect when closing a window? i changed it in the settings at animation but nothing happened...15:52
anasPici : can't use share folder of vbox becouse i dont have premetions to .what should i do ?15:52
wolsWGGMk: your physical network has pretty much nothing to do with virtual machnes15:52
doppisyes i am15:52
bazhangnaxa: ccsm installed?15:52
bloonyhow do I know where my windows partition is.. Im trying to set up my grub menu.lst.. I tried (hd0,0) (hd0,1) (hd0,2) nothing works.. it has been working before but after some updates the windows option was removed.. but I dont remember what I used last time it was working..15:52
bazhangUrbandale1990: please not here15:52
jgoook, I am using brasero to rip the DVD image to an iso... seems to grab the keys.... I will then burn it to another DVD and check it works, but this, plus QDVDAuthor seems to have replaced all application I used to use :-)15:53
wolsbloony: which partition has a NTLDR or a boot.ini?15:53
ompaul!grub | bloony15:53
WGGMkwols: well if you need to use a bridged network, then i would not be able to use DHCP for the clients right? thats what im tying to figure out.. I dont think bridging is a solution I can take. Perhaps its possible thru VPN (Hamachi)???15:53
naxabazhang: i don't know :) what is it?15:53
bazhangbloony: did you get the grub how to? best to read it carefully15:53
Urbandale1990bazhang: what are you referring to? answering him?15:53
bloonywols: how do I check?15:53
ubotubloony: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:53
JoelitoHi all, Why I can't run from my own binaries created with g++ and geany?15:53
|_James_Bond_|hi ppl...15:53
ader10Is there a way to start conky up immediately after compiz, without using the typical "sleep 30 && conky" script15:53
bazhang!ccsm > naxa read the message from the bot15:53
|_James_Bond_|where want for sources.list15:53
ompaulJoelito, ./binary-name15:53
|_James_Bond_|need help...15:54
wolsWGGMk: bridging is a solution and you haven't told us how your VM is set up. we don't care about your phys network layout. physical != virtual15:54
naxabazhang: ok15:54
MaDLlama77anyone know of a good HTML/css editor, i basically want to recreate the dreamweaver experience15:54
wolsbloony: by looking at root directories of partitions15:54
=== steven_ is now known as sayers
naxabazhang: yes its installed this is where i enabled what i thought it will be that15:54
Urbandale1990doppis: i had the same issue, but when i upgraded, it went away. I don't really know why other than maybe I was missing a library. maybe someone can help you elsewhere, since this really isn't the place15:54
MaDLlama77i like quanta but it doesnt seem to be very good for externeal css15:54
PiciMaDLlama77: From what I hear, the best wysiwyg editor it kompozer15:54
WGGMkwols: not to sound disrespectful, but my VM isnt setup. Im trying to install the VM to a network share15:54
ompaul!enter |_James_Bond_| ( and you want to look at /etc/apt/sources.list )15:54
ubotu_James_Bond_| ( and you want to look at /etc/apt/sources.list ): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:54
bazhang|_James_Bond_|: not sure of your question; you want to edit them? or set up a new list15:54
bloonywols: but I know that it is /dev/sdc215:54
t-Omicr0nwols: I'm going away but I think you pointed me in the right direction, thanks a lot !15:55
bloonywols: I tried that also btw15:55
wolsbloony: either asnwer my question or don't talk to me. good day15:55
LunksHmm how do I add a factoid to ubotu?15:55
lukaszHey i'm back15:55
MaDLlama77actually i tried kompozer, i like quanta plus much better15:55
lukaszUbuntu starts fast now :)15:55
Pici|_James_Bond_|: Can you rephrase your question?15:55
katyush-freewols are you wols from #debian15:55
beniIs Alternate Cd Setup encluding the crypt setup?15:55
bloonywols: chill out dude.. didn't I answere it?15:56
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:56
Jack_Sparrowwols: Yea, I hate that too... good morning15:56
|_James_Bond_|tank you...15:56
wolsbloony: no you did not15:56
naxabazhang: so this compiz settings thing is installed... where should i set up what i want? if you tell me i can tell if that is whats not working or i just tried at the wrong place.. ( i mean i've already tried to set this up but with no luck)15:56
lukaszI have a problem with Amarok and cannot play acc+ files :(15:56
wolskatyush-free: yes15:56
bloonywols: /dev/sdc2?15:56
bazhangbloony: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please15:56
wolsbloony: pastebin your /boot/grub/device.map15:56
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.15:56
bloonybazhang: but it is about ubuntu?15:56
WGGMkwols: Im not sure if im understanding you correctly. To clarify, im trying to install a Virtual Machine FROM a client laptop TO a server Hard drive..15:56
katyush-freewols wow small world...15:56
Lunkslol it's already there. :P15:56
ompaul!permissions | Joelito (you might find this useful)15:57
ubotuJoelito (you might find this useful): An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview15:57
bazhangnaxa: check the keybindings (key combo) for fire, you can also ask in #compiz-fusion15:57
wolsWGGMk: so?15:57
DSteeleis it ok to drink coffee while using ubuntu?15:57
doppisk thanks urban15:57
Urbandale1990where do I go to get an explination for this? 'mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding15:57
Urbandale1990Creating link /home/kim/.kde/socket-kim-desktop.15:57
Urbandale1990can't create mcop directory15:57
Pici!paste | Urbandale199015:57
ubotuUrbandale1990: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:57
Jack_SparrowDSteele: Only Decaf15:57
naxabazhang: i will try to ask for a step-by-step advice in compiz-fusion channel :)15:57
wolsWGGMk: mount it with sama or nfs from the laptop and install it15:57
WGGMkwols: to be able to do that you are saying i need a bridged connection between the client and the server?15:57
katyush-freeUrbandale1990, did you try google?15:57
Urbandale1990pici: sry, i dont know why it did that15:57
lukaszI can't play acc+ pls in amarok?15:57
WGGMkwols: ive tried mounting it with smb, and VMWare Workstation will not let me navigate to the share15:58
bazhangnaxa: yeah, or join #ubuntu-offtopic15:58
anas!share folder15:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about share folder - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:58
Urbandale1990katyush-free, yeah, and i looked on the forums as well15:58
ompaulDSteele,  it is okay, nay it is most encouraged to stay ontopic while you are in this channel15:58
bloonywols: its just this line: "(hd0)   /dev/sda" hum.. cant be /dev/sdc2 then?15:58
wolsWGGMk: error messages please. for vmware on the host it's a file like any other15:58
bazhanglukasz: aac?15:58
PiciUrbandale1990: What are you trying to do that gives this error?15:58
Urbandale1990katyush-free, its odd, because i dont even run KDE15:58
naxabazhang: thank you for the information :) i will try and overheat my system now15:58
katyush-freeUrbandale1990, run any KDE aps?15:58
wolsbloony: how many harddisks in your system?15:58
Urbandale1990pici, um.... hehe, play Neverwinter Nights?15:58
bloonywols: one..15:58
wolsbloony: you're a liar15:59
naxabazhang: success... system is still freezable15:59
bloonywols: hehe oops.. hehe got some external drives15:59
bazhanglukasz: rip them to mp3 (convert) then no problems15:59
Joelitothanks :)15:59
wolsbloony: sda and sdc are at least two15:59
WGGMkwols: there is no error message. When selecting browse from Vmware, the network share jsut doesnt show up. I tried putting the path in manually smb://<path> but it just creates smb: inside my /home folder15:59
lukaszwell bazhang they are playlists from shoutcast15:59
wolsso you have windows on a external harddisk and what to boot it via grub?15:59
lukaszIts a radio station !15:59
Jack_Sparrowwols: He can have one, just on stat 3rd connection16:00
PiciUrbandale1990: Does NWN work? or does it just give you that error and quit?16:00
|_James_Bond_|i using is a reportories from cnr...16:00
Urbandale1990katyush-free, not that i know of(sorry, missed your message til now)16:00
bazhanglukasz: in amarok?16:00
Urbandale1990pici, error and quit16:00
wolswhaley: I said MOUNT the smb share and isntall your iamge there16:00
bloonywols: its a laptop and sda is the primary in it..16:00
lukaszwell I download www.poslskastajca.pl16:00
bazhang|_James_Bond_|: they have forums--www.cnr.com16:00
wolsWGGMk: I said MOUNT  the smb share and isntall your iamge there16:00
lukaszPls files playlist radio files16:00
lukaszIt said no decoder available16:00
lukaszYes it is in Amarok16:00
ompaul!codecs | lukasz16:01
ubotulukasz: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:01
katyush-freeUrbandale1990, what gave this error?16:01
bazhanglukasz: shoutcast? or other16:01
Urbandale1990Pici, when i 'mkdir ~/.kde/socket-kim-desktop' and rerun, it returns 'mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding. Failed to initialize graphics. Aborted (core dumped)16:01
WGGMkwols: then i think im not sure on how to mount a smb share??16:01
wolsbloony: answer me16:01
wolsWGGMk: man mount16:01
bloonywols: I did..16:01
wolsWGGMk: it needs to be accessible like "media/smbshare" or such16:01
bloonywols: I got an external and the internal one16:01
lukaszthnx I will do that now :)16:02
Urbandale1990katyush-free, just trying to run neverwinter nights is all. apparently the error is common, but none of the fixes work with me, such as just creating the folder it asks for16:02
wolsbloony: and windows is on the external?16:02
bloonywols: nope16:02
WGGMkwols: *confused* what would the location be? smb??16:02
bloonywols: /dev/sda416:02
WGGMkwols: like mount /<??> /media/smb16:02
bazhanghttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Samba_Server WGGMk16:02
wolsWGGMk: no. man mount. terminal. NOT nautilus or other training wheels16:02
JoelitoHow to eliminate or purge (including files from them) some users and usets gropus that I create?16:02
wolsWGGMk: yes like that16:02
bloonywols: thats what fdisk -l says16:02
bloonywols: can I just use /dev/sda4 in menu.lst?16:03
wolsbloony: why did you say windows was sdc2 then?16:03
lukaszI had to edit menu.lst so ubuntu would start fast and one guys guide helped on forums :)16:03
wolsbloony: you cannot16:03
katyush-freeUrbandale1990, sorry, not a gamer....good luck....16:03
Urbandale1990Joelito, system>administration>users and groups16:03
lukaszUbuntu is the best I love it :)16:03
PiciUrbandale1990: Have you tried running nwn with bash instead of just doing ./nwn ?16:03
bloonywols: cause I was mixing.. and I told you further up here..16:03
Urbandale1990katyush-free, thats ok, i just cant remember using ANY KDE apps16:03
lukaszMy ati works great on it :)16:03
Urbandale1990pici, no, but i dont exactly know how to do that *grins sheepishly*16:04
wolsbloony: I want to know ALL the different parttions you have right now. then I can help you.not before16:04
bazhangofftopic lukasz16:04
bloonywols: but is it (hd0,3) or something?16:04
lukaszok sry16:04
JoelitoUrbandale1990: I try that, but still appear on the menu :(16:04
PiciUrbandale1990: Well, you're doing ./nwn right now to run the game, right?16:04
Urbandale1990Joelito, are you just trying to delete a group?16:04
Urbandale1990Pici, right...16:04
CoasterMasterIf my wi-fi password is saved, how can I retrieve it? [off Ubuntu]16:04
PiciUrbandale1990: do this:  bash nwn16:05
wolsbloony: since you're apparently unable to give non contradictory answers I don't know what it is16:05
ompaulbloony, do this type sudo fdisk -l and put the results in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org then report the url to the channel thanks16:05
JoelitoUrbandale1990: users and groups16:05
lukaszby the way how do i display how much space I got?16:05
JoelitoUrbandale1990: To have only the default one from installation.16:05
MaDLlama77ok ive been giving kompozer another look and it seems I may have been a bit hasty in choosing quanta plus first16:06
MaDLlama77quanta has a nicer interface imo, but kompozer has a much better set of features for workin with css16:06
bazhanghttp://www.hypexr.org/bash_tutorial.php lukasz16:06
Urbandale1990pici, ok, i did that and got 'mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding. Failed to initialize graphics. nwn: line 12:  5017 Aborted                 (core dumped) ./nwmain $@'16:06
lukaszthnx bazhang16:06
JoelitoUrbandale1990: When I try to delete one, it says: "but his personal directory won't delete"16:07
gilsterCoasterMaster: you can look for key in the KeyRing manager....16:07
Urbandale1990Joelito, well, you can manually delete it(the home/user_name folder) but I don't remember the terminal command for it16:08
Urbandale1990pici, uh, i looked in the folder16:08
CoasterMastergilster, didn't think it was that easy!16:08
bloonywols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49594/16:08
gilsterCoasterMaster: try it. you know where that is?16:08
JoelitoUrbandale1990: ok, I'll search for that, thanks :)16:08
Urbandale1990Joelito, no problem16:09
CoasterMastergilster, yeah, already got the password i need.....thanks!16:09
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:09
gilsterCoasterMaster: nice, cheers16:09
PiciUrbandale1990: Also try removing the grave accents ` from OPT_USERNAME=`kim`16:09
Urbandale1990pici, and there is a file called secret-cookie? the only line there is '9b27f1b168a3a920673159453157ef1f'16:09
PiciUrbandale1990: Turns out I was looking at your post when I searched for this on the forums16:09
wolsbloony: (hd0,3) is windows from the looks if /dev/sda4 really has your ntldr and boot.ini on it. however ubuntu's sudo update-grub should see that on its own and add it to menu.lst16:09
ankkahello, how do I use aptitude to remove a metapackage (xubuntu-desktop) and everything it brings with the package?16:09
Urbandale1990pici, :) i dont believe anyone has responded yet16:10
bloonywols: ok thx16:10
mavi-ankka: aptitude remove <package>16:10
naxabazhang: ok this is my theory about the problem: on this laptop ubuntu cannot work with apci... the nvidia geforce 7 is overheating, green lines are appearign and then cooler starts to cool the graphic card. sometimes something goes wrong and everything freeze.16:10
Urbandale1990pici, what exactly do you mean remove the grave accents from it?16:10
ankkamavi-: oh, hmm16:10
PiciUrbandale1990: it says OPT_USERNAME=`kim`  change it to OPT_USERNAME=kim16:11
* jgoo just learned super-e and how awesome it is16:11
bloonywols: update-grub didnt see it tho..16:11
bazhangnaxa: you might want to file a bug report or search launchpad.net for one and a possible workaround16:11
wolsbloony: if it doesn't work to boot from windows after you put in (hd0.3) tell us what exactly happens, what's on screen etc16:11
ankkamavi-: no. it only removes the metapackage, I want to remove also everything it included16:11
bloonywols: yup..16:11
naxabazhang: i don't know launchpad.net is it easy to learn?16:11
ompaulbloony, also in paste bin put your /boot/grub/menu.list16:11
mavi-ankka: it removes all that doesnt have deps that are installed16:11
andi5jgoo: what is the super-e?  i only know super-g16:11
bazhangjgoo nice but offtopic16:11
wolsbloony: dor a "ls -al" to list the content of the root on /dev/sda4 please and pastebin it too16:11
Urbandale1990pici, im sorry, I may not be getting it, but where exactly do i do this? in an argument when I run it? or in some file?16:11
bloonywols: it worked before so should work.. I just didnt remember what I used in the menu.lst file..16:12
mavi-ankka: so the stuff that doesnt get removed has been marked as needed for other packages16:12
ompaulbloony, also in paste bin put your /boot/grub/menu.list16:12
PiciUrbandale1990: Oh.. nevermind.16:12
Urbandale1990pici, sorry if i'm just not understanding what you mean...16:12
bloonygonna have to try this and go to bed16:12
ankkamavi-: well I did remove xubuntu-desktop and only the metapackage got removed.. weird, I guess it's easier to do a clean install after all16:13
intelikeywarez Q   if i dl a file using wget   and have not agreed to any terms what so ever, am i bound by any laws to not edit the file ?16:13
bloonygot stuff to do tomorrow..16:13
Newuserrhi can anybody tell me how i can close ports16:13
bloonybut thanx a bunch to ya16:13
ompaul!piracy | intelikey16:13
PiciUrbandale1990: I was looking in that script that you posted along with your question.  Typically those accents ` should not be used in config files, they mean something else when used on the command line.16:13
ubotuintelikey: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o16:13
bazhang!launchpad > naxa read the message from the bot16:13
butcherbirdankka: you can remove a common dependancy but if you have gnome installed xubuntu doesnt really take up alot of extra space16:13
DSteeleNewuserr, use firestarter16:13
Urbandale1990pici, ohhh, you want me to edit the script and reinstall?16:14
intelikeyompaul i see so asking advice is not welcome here ?16:14
bazhangNewuserr: install firestarter for starters :}16:14
sYn_0n3sup fellow ubuntuers16:14
sYn_0n3happy holidays to all16:14
Hydrowi have a big problem with sound16:14
PiciUrbandale1990: Thats what I would do, but I'm not sure if its going to work.16:14
lukaszi will restart and see if the modules work16:14
Hydrowin uuntu 7.1016:14
sYn_0n3whats ur problem with sound16:14
NewuserrDsteele: i use it but it shuts down after five minutes or so is that normal does that happen sometimes?16:14
Hydrowthat i have no sound :)16:14
sYn_0n3what kind of sound card..are u using alsa or oss?16:14
Hydrowone moment...16:15
Urbandale1990pici, thats ok, im out of ideas as well. ill be back on if it works or if it doesn't. thanks16:15
sidewalkwhen using compiz, and trying to open "menues"16:15
ullisYay! Got youtube vidoes and sound to work after installing ubuntu-restricted-extras. :)16:15
sidewalkthere is a small delay16:15
ankkabutcherbird: that is true16:15
sidewalkhow do i get rid of that delay?16:15
x-X-xanyone here play warzone 2100 and know how to solve a resolution issue im having? i use a 1280x800 lcd and the game screen is being cut at the bottom so i cant change the resolution in settings16:15
ankkabutcherbird: and it propably wouldn't have a hopeless amount of extra programs then, either16:15
Hydrow Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] AC'97 Sound Controller (rev a0)16:16
GHOSThey there16:16
bazhangsidewalk: not sure could you be more precise--does not sound like a software issue but a video card limitation16:16
Newuserri use firestarter but it shuts down after five minutes or so is that normal does that happen sometimes?16:16
Hydrowthis is my sound card16:16
Jolinardoes anyone know how to make IDJC add files to the playlists? everything else works except for that :/16:16
sidewalkbazhang: when i click on a menu, "applications" for example, and chose for example "Internet", it takes alittle time for the menu to load16:16
Hydrow Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] AC'97 Sound Controller (rev a0)16:17
Hydrow Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] AC'9716:17
bazhangx-X-x: ubuntuforums has an extensive gaming section perhaps you could search there16:17
sYn_0n3hydrow: is this a fresh instal or was ur sound working?16:17
butcherbirdNewuserr: it only sets up iptables rules so doesnt need to run all the time. do sudo iptables -L  youll see all the rules it setup16:17
sidewalkbazhang: i have a really good graphics card, and 1gb memory, so it's not one of those issues16:17
sYn_0n3open command prompt and type alsamixer16:17
Hydrowthe sound never works16:17
x-X-xkk can u link me bazhang ?16:17
sYn_0n3look for pcm and unmute and put volume all the way up16:17
bazhangsidewalk what system how much ram what video card make and model16:17
sYn_0n3try that16:17
butcherbirdNewuserr: you only really need to rerun if you need to edit the rules16:17
Newuserrbutcherbird: ok thanks16:17
sYn_0n3hey guys i have a question for the room16:17
WGGMkwols: when manually mounting, im having trouble because the network share has a space in it "Virtual Machines" its telling me tree connect failed (You specificed an invalid share name)16:17
bazhang!forums > x-X-x read the message from the bot16:18
sidewalkbazhang: 1gb memory DDR, graphics is nvidia 7200GS16:18
sidewalksorry, 7600 GS16:18
sYn_0n3gutsy 32bit or 64bit ideas..recommendations?16:18
WGGMkwols: nevermind16:18
wolsWGGMk: full commandline please16:18
sidewalkit doesnt take along time to load, but like 0,1sek or something, instead or 0,0116:18
wols "\ " can substitude for spaces on commandlines16:18
Hydrowyea, i have all on in alamixer and the volume up16:18
bazhangsidewalk that is odd, that is better than my card but no delays here--what driver for the card? from the restricted drivers?16:19
WGGMkwols: forgot the trainling s.. had //netbios/Virtual\ Machine/ not "/Virtual\ Machines/16:19
WGGMkwols: your a FREAKING GOD.. /love you long time16:19
sYn_0n3hydrow..type in ls mod and list modules16:19
Hydrowand I have no sound16:19
sidewalkbazhang: nvidias own16:19
bazhangsYn_0n3: you can google the differences this is not really a chat channel or join #ubuntu-offtopic16:19
Jolinardoes anyone know how to make IDJC add files to the playlists?16:19
wolsWGGMk: are you vietnamese and have a pimp?16:19
sYn_0n3see if pci snd mixer...snd *** are listed16:19
bazhangsidewalk: how installed16:19
sidewalkbazhang: envy16:20
sidewalk256mb ram16:20
sidewalksorry, it takes pretty much 1 second to load a menu16:20
rkjLJL: just wanted to let you know I followed your suggestion to get RealPlayer installed last night and it worked out just fine, thanks.16:20
bazhangsidewalk then you are out of luck on this channel I fear16:20
WGGMkwols: anyone you want my friend lol.. thank you for the help and patience.. i apprecate it and hopefully (prolly not) ill be able to pay ya back some day lol16:20
bazhang!envy > sidewalk read the message from the bot16:20
Hydrowls mod tell me that mod doesn t exist16:21
PiciHydrow: lsmod is one command16:21
sYn_0n3yes lsmod16:21
sYn_0n3no space16:21
sidewalki know envy isnt supported, but its the same problem weather i use the envy driver or not16:21
bazhangsidewalk: but you wont get help here16:22
sidewalkbazhang: thats ok16:22
bazhangsidewalk: I dont make the rules, just try to follow them16:22
Hydrowok...what modules must i have16:23
sYn_0n3it should say something like pci snd mixer16:23
sYn_0n3everything with snd is sound related16:23
ompaul!enter | Hydrow16:23
ubotuHydrow: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:23
Hydrowubotu: sorrie16:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sorrie - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:24
poningru_Hydrow, its a bot16:24
wolsHydrow: ubotu is a bot16:24
Piciubotu, sorry16:24
ubotuIt's ok, I can't stay mad at you.16:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bsd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:24
Hydrowajajajaj ok16:24
hkBst_is there a way to boot gutsy cd using the IDE subsystem instead of the SCSI/libata one? http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7004#c1516:25
MDM686ubotu kiss my ass16:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kiss my ass - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:25
bazhangGHOST: beware the bot :}16:25
Pici!language | MDM68616:25
ubotuMDM686: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:25
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:25
bazhangMDM686: cut it out16:25
Pici!botabuse | GHOST MDM68616:25
ubotuGHOST MDM686: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.16:25
Hydrowok.. i have some snd modules16:25
euskadigot a question i made a .c file, i compiled it and all work i can launch it in the terminal with ./file but my question is how can i launch it with a click when the file is in the desktop on gnome i'm usin' ubuntu gusty16:26
WGGMkwols: sorry to keep bugging ya, another issue "The path "/media/VM" cannot be written to" is this a permission issue? i mounted with my samba user/passwd??16:27
wolsWGGMk: depends. check -ld /media/VM16:27
sYn_0n3euskadi u have to make the script executable16:27
JolinarDoes anyone know how to configure/fix IDJC so you can add files to the playlist?16:27
wolscan be samba or normal permissions both16:27
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=525357&page=2 Jolinar this may help16:28
WGGMkwols: ld: /media/VM: No such file: File format not recognized16:28
Jolinarty, ill look into it bazhang16:28
euskadiand how can I make this script syn_0n3 ?16:28
sYn_0n3chmod a+x /file16:29
rkjHere's a rather general question: I have ubuntu (7.04) using GNOME; and I see there are lots of KDE applications available for installation.  But will KDE applications work on a system running GNOME?16:29
GHOSTo course!16:29
lorenzo_Hi,, i have 8gb of space left, but in home its say that i have only 16 k16:29
bazhangrkj: yes16:29
HydrowI don know what to do...i ve tried everything16:29
euskadithe chmod16:29
cliebow_rkj:dependencies will be resolver16:29
euskadiis the acces right ?16:29
wolsWGGMk: ls -ld16:29
wolssorry, my error16:29
sodaAnyone know of a command line tool that can display mp3 id3 tag information with arbitrary format strings? That is, I want to be able to specify that the information is printed like "%t: %a" where %t and %a are title and artist from id3 tag.16:29
wolsld is a linker...16:30
WGGMkwols: returns "total 0"16:30
bazhangsoda: edit id3 tags?16:30
GHOSTrkj       it works even with dsb systems16:30
sodabazhang: What? I just want to print the tags.16:30
WGGMkwols: sorry typo returns "ld: cannot open output file a.out: Permission denied16:30
pigeon22rkj: They may not work correctly. For example KDE and GNOME, use different trash protocols, so using a KDE file manager to access your trash may not work.16:30
rkjI was specifically worried about compatibility of sound applications, having read that KDE uses alsa and Gnome uses something else. But then I opened up the sound recorder and noticed it uses the alsa mixer.16:31
lorenzo_so one idea about what is happening?16:31
wolsWGGMk: let's ask another way: what permissions and owner has /media/VM?16:31
bazhang!info easytag16:31
ubotueasytag: viewing, editing and writing ID3 tags. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.2-1 (gutsy), package size 830 kB, installed size 2648 kB16:31
wolslorenzo_: "mount". what does it say?16:31
WGGMkwols: sorry, from within the directory ls -ld returns "drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 2007-12-26 11:1816:31
GHOSTrkj u can change this16:32
RimdekerDoes anybody know how to start the gtk-smooth-engine ?? I compiled and installed it but I don't know how to start it16:32
rkjMy main question is - is there any risk that KDE sound applications might corrupt the sound settings that are at the moment working great under Gnome?16:32
bazhangsoda easytag? see info above16:32
WGGMkwols: tried sudo chown <user> /media/VM and says Operation not permitted16:32
wolsWGGMk: that's the problem. make it world writable16:32
lorenzo_vols: where i paste the results?16:32
WGGMkwols: using chmod?16:32
wolsWGGMk: unmount, then do it16:32
GHOSTrkj i dont think so16:32
wolsand yes chmod16:32
wols!paste | lorenzo_16:32
ubotulorenzo_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:32
GHOSThum i love irc ;)16:33
sodabazhang: You completely ignored the requirements I set out.16:33
lorenzo_vols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49597/16:33
bazhangsoda: have a nice day16:34
rkjcliebow_: I didn't understand your comment: "dependencies will be resolver" - did you mean "resolved"? and if so, how are they resolved??16:34
euskadistill got my problem i did ;  sudo chmod a+x backlay16:35
wolslorenzo_: your /home is /dev/hda6 on /home type ext3 (rw)16:35
euskadiand still when i click into16:35
wolslorenzo_: and that partition happens to be out of room16:35
euskadiit doesn't launch16:35
sodabazhang: I'm not trying to be a jerk but come on. I specifically asked to a command line tool that can do arbitrary format strings. I know you want to help but you don't help me if you ignore what I ask for.16:35
wols!volunteer | soda16:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about volunteer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:35
wols!volunteers | soda16:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about volunteers - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:35
lorenzo_soda: what i do?16:35
WGGMkwols: should i use 777??16:35
wolsWGGMk: you can16:36
WGGMkwols: samba should also say its a writable directory lol.. god im dumb16:36
sodawols: I understand that people are volunteers. That doesn't excuse any body from being willfully ignorant16:36
ompaul!patience | soda16:36
ubotusoda: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:36
bazhangsoda ouch16:36
* MenZa hands bazhang an ice pack.16:37
wolssoda: good luck getting help in here with your attitude. have a nice day16:37
bazhangthanks MenZa wols ompaul16:37
sodawols: "bazhang: You completely ignored the requirements I set out." That was rude?16:37
ompaulsoda, this argument is offtopic - so lets leave it alone16:38
lorenzo_soda: so,, i unmount the home?16:38
* MenZa nods16:38
Picisoda: Lets start over, what are you looking for?16:38
WGGMkwols: would i also need to put /media/VM in fstab??16:38
MenZaAnd Pici steps in and saves the day.16:38
sodaPici: Anyone know of a command line tool that can display mp3 id3 tag information with arbitrary format strings? That is, I want to be able to specify that the information is printed like "%t: %a" where %t and %a are title and artist from id3 tag.16:38
wolsWGGMk: you don't need to. but it can be convenient16:38
MenZasoda: I think id3tag might do that16:38
MenZasoda: I'm not certain that's the name of the program16:38
MenZalet me check16:38
WGGMkwols: ok, so i ssh'ed to the server and chmod the directory16:39
MenZasoda: id3v216:39
WGGMkwols: changed samba to be writeable for the directory..a nd remounted.. still same prob.. and i going about this the wrong way?16:39
wolsWGGMk: no. you chmod the mountpoint. not the files in there16:39
sodaMenZa: Doesn16:39
sodaMenZa: Doesn't do arbitrary format strings AFAICT16:39
wolsWGGMk: and yes, sambashare should be writable too of course16:39
MenZasoda: hmm, I think you're correct16:40
wolschaning perms of the files int he share wasn't necessary16:40
nn-dswhat program is the same as cp except puts out a status bar while copying?16:40
WGGMkwols: can it hurt?16:40
sodaMenZa: I can easily get a list of CLI of idv3 tools but I have so far been unable to find any that can print arbitrary format strings.16:40
wolsWGGMk: no, cannot hurt. but loosening perms without reason is sorta bad.it's what windows does, and look at the result16:41
MenZasoda: Yeah; I thought I'd used it before, and found support for that16:41
wolsWGGMk: just feels wrong :)16:41
Picisoda: I just did a `aptitude search id3`16:41
MenZasoda: my memory is bad, though16:41
WGGMkwols: lol, how can i undo it lol16:41
WGGMkwols: i should chmod the directory before mount it right?16:41
wolsWGGMk: as I said: umount, chmod the mountpoint, remount16:41
WGGMkwols: got ya16:42
sodaPici: Yes, unfortunately none of those indicate 'format string' features. The ones I installed did not have it.16:42
nn-dsis there a cp with a status bar ?16:42
Miko-001I'm running geubuntu, and I'm getting ready to use the updater. it says that 7.10 is out and there is an install button next to it. will that remove enlightenment and all the settings to it, and install a fresh 7.10 .16:42
sodann-ds: Maybe rsync or scp16:43
ivzeIs there anyone, ready to help me or tell, n which direction i shall dig? I have a problem : after adding additional memory (512 Mib - > (512+1024)Mib) my kernel (2.6.22-14) have started to freeze (completely, no kernel panic, no reaction to NumLock button). I have allready conducted several experiments, however, yet with no result. Thanks to everybody, for just reading this.16:43
lorenzo_soda: please,, what can i do?16:43
wolsMiko-001: it will upgrade thimngs for which an upgraded package is available. your E17 will stay16:43
wolsivze: run a memtest16:43
ivzewols: 1 pass, OK16:44
sodalorenzo_: I'm not the person that you are looking for16:44
Miko-001wols: so it just upgrades that packages installed on this system, and will not change any settings whatsoever?16:44
=== nicolai_ is now known as Kopfgeldjaeger
wolsivze: how long did you run memtest and how long until the kernel freezes?16:44
bazhangivze: is the ram seated correctly?16:44
wolsMiko-001: yes, that's the idea16:44
lorenzo_soda: thanks anyway16:44
razerplz can any one tell me how to fix my wireless plz16:44
Miko-001wols: sorry, I'm more of a Sabayon kind of guy and I don't use ubuntu, so this is new to me.16:45
wolsrazer: not if you don't giev us more info16:45
wols!wireless | razer16:45
bazhangrazer: need more info16:45
uboturazer: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:45
wolsMiko-001: sabayone doesn't have upgrades when new releases come out?16:45
WGGMkwols: still same issue.. i unmounted, chmod 777 /media/VM, (even tried chown <user>), remounted.. cant even create a directory16:45
razermy wireless is not working friend16:45
Miko-001I'm trying to convert some people to linux, and their new so I figured ubuntu would be the best bet for some noobs.16:45
wolsWGGMk: what is the smb.conf entry for the share?16:45
WGGMkwols: sec16:46
sYn_0n3miko---i myself have converted a few people16:46
Miko-001Sabayon is another version of gentoo I guess you could say, so there is no automatic updater, yet.16:46
wolsrazer: a) I am not your friend  b) this is as equally useless a problem description than before16:46
sYn_0n3they state that its easier than windows as a desktop enviro16:46
Miko-001I've converted a lot to sabayon, but they knew their way around a computer.16:46
ivzeI can't definitely say, how much time the memtest take (it was not today) (10 -- 30  min), but the average time, a freeze happens after launching the Linux, is about 30 min.16:46
mikeazhey, quick question for anyone. how do i get the center button on my mouse to scroll in firefox, instead of just going to my homepage?16:46
sYn_0n3you said its a version of ubuntu..does it use the portage updates?16:47
Miko-001Yeah, I love sabayon.  I'm a betatester for them.16:47
wolsivze: run memtest ovrenight. 4 hours is minimum to get an inklinkg if it's sorta stable16:47
sYn_0n3i installed gentoo once a few years ago16:47
WGGMkwols: has writeable = yes... besides that only comment and path are defined16:47
razerwols, oki i cant fint my networks wireless icant search for my wireless but when i typr iwconfig i can see the wlan0 is there and configured16:47
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:47
wolsivze: check if it's not heat or power issues16:47
Miko-001Sabayon is like ubuntu, but the gentoo version.  Gentoo for n00bs.16:47
bazhangsYn_0n3: a version of gentoo and offtopic here16:47
predaeusmikeaz, wheel or button?16:47
wolsrazer: what wlan chip?16:47
WGGMkwols: i should prolly mention that the share is an external HD of the server... mounted to the server in /media/LUGGS16:47
sYn_0n3sorry guys16:47
maybeway36sabayon is everything16:47
ivzewols: well, i will try. Thank You!16:47
mikeazpredaeus: the wheel works fine, but i want the button to work16:48
wolsWGGMk: any errors on the samba log on the server?16:48
razerwols, linksys wusb54g16:48
Miko-001They are working on a binary package installer for people who like to install prebuilt stuff, kinda like ubuntu.16:48
WGGMkwols: where is that located?16:48
wolsWGGMk: irrelevant. as long as it's moutne on the server16:48
wolsrazer: and it uses what chip? I asked for the chip not the name of the usb stick16:48
wolsWGGMk: /var/log/samba/16:48
Miko-001So, we will have source code installer (portage) and binary installer (entropy), they work together too.16:49
razerwols , rt2500usb i thnk how can i know16:49
Newuserrdoes anyone in here knows which service is using port 50153?16:49
wolsrazer: and what driver do you use for it16:49
wolsrazer: do you have the firmware for the rt2500usb in /lib/firmware/?16:49
wolsNewuserr: netstat -anp |grp 5015316:49
wolsNewuserr: netstat -anp |grep 5015316:49
Miko-001Anyway, thank you for your help. I really appreciate what you guys do for the community.  I may not use ubuntu out of personal preferance, but I'm glad someone is out there helping people convert to linux easily.16:50
predaeusmikeaz, in Linux the middle mouse button serves for fast copy/paste by default. I don't know how to change it but it is so practical anyway.16:50
razerwols, i dont think so i use the normal driver , after installing ubuntu16:50
Miko-001Thanx again, C ya.16:50
WGGMkwols: last error i have recorded was for yesterday16:51
wols!wireless | razer16:51
uboturazer: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:51
predaeusmikeaz, you just leftclick-dragselect over text, and then middle-click where you want to paste the text.16:51
razerwols , i didnt get u ?16:51
wolsWGGMk: chown the directory to your user16:51
WGGMkwols: on the server?16:51
wolsrazer: ubuto gave you an url with howtos16:51
Newuserrwols: i did it but nothing happens???16:51
bazhangrazer: you need to read those links16:51
mikeazpredaeus: that's cool, but my left hand is always resting right over control c and v16:51
wolsWGGMk: yes16:51
predaeusmikeaz, hm, well sorry I don't know how to change that behaviour.16:52
razerwols oki thnx ill read form my 100 time :D if ididnt find it ill come again16:52
wolsNewuserr: use sudo16:52
wolfricsomeone being bad?16:52
wolfricwhats with the bans16:53
wolsrazer: search on google for "rt2500usb ubuntu". there are bound to be many howtos for it. avoid the ndiswrapper using ones16:53
WGGMkwols: same problem16:53
wolswolfric: ompaul is just affirming is harshness16:53
kidbuntuhow do you connect to the internet using ubuntu via dial up connection only?16:53
wolscan't think he'd become soft. bad for his image16:53
wolfriclol fair enough16:53
=== Cam- is now known as cam-
wolsWGGMk: what is the exact error?16:53
wolskidbuntu: with pppd16:54
wolskidbuntu: you could use something like wvdial16:54
wols!info wvdial16:54
ubotuwvdial: PPP dialer with built-in intelligence. In component main, is optional. Version 1.56-1.2ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 103 kB, installed size 320 kB16:54
WGGMkwols: well besides not being able to create folders/files inside the mount point.. no error16:54
wolfrichey does anyone know when it says "please take out the disk put back in the tray and press enter" if i had closed my pc prematurly around then would it screw everything up?16:54
wolfricafter installing from live cd16:54
wolsWGGMk: please paste the share entry from smb.conf16:54
WGGMkwols: sec16:54
wolswolfric: prematurely?16:54
wolfricas in it froze so i just hit the power button16:55
wolfricnow i get a multitude of error messages all from different reasons and i cant boot ANYTHING16:55
Myrtti!paste | WGGMk16:55
ubotuWGGMk: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:55
WGGMkwols: http://pastebin.org/1292116:55
wolfrici either get a pile of grub errors or "cannot load operating system" this is my laptop btw16:55
WGGMkMyrtti: oh i know *snicker* floodbot is on his game16:56
wolswolfric: do you have a grub menu?16:56
dmHello. I have a usb webcam 0c45:602c which is listed as supported device16:56
GHOSTwolfric one of ur partions might be defectious16:56
MyrttiWGGMk: I just get shudders when anyone says they're going to paste something16:56
wolfricwell i get grub loading stage1.5 grub loading, please wait... error x16:56
dm... in the gspca driver16:56
wolfricive got error 21 and error 516:56
WGGMkMyrtti: i can see why, before when i was really new to IRC i couldnt for the life of me figure out why every time i would paste something i would get booted lol16:57
GHOSTi had the same prob its aubout partitions16:57
wolfricheres the thing... i didnt even install linux on the machine in question... i got an external hard drive and i was installing linux on that from a live cd16:57
wolfrici already had a duel boot ubuntu and win xp working just fine on my hard drive inside the computer16:57
billyhey guys16:57
GHOSTme too16:57
dmBut I get error messages when trying to use it with xawtv ("X Error of failed request:  XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode") or camorama. Any idea?16:57
wolsWGGMk: http://pastebin.org/1292216:57
razerwols , can u help me plz because this site is not helping me16:58
wolswolfric: where did you install grub and where are grub stage 1.5 and stage2 files?16:58
wols17:53 < wols> razer: search on google for "rt2500usb ubuntu". there are bound to be many howtos for it. avoid the ndiswrapper using ones16:58
wolfrici have no idea i didnt even install grub that i knew of16:58
billyim a linux noob running ubuntu, and im trying to install the madwifi drivers so as i can use aircrack. however, ubuntu already set up my wireless card, but I haven't a clue how to or whether i have to uninstall the initial drivers i have to install madwifi? ive done a lot of mucking about, is there a way to check if the madwifi drivers are installed via terminal?16:58
WGGMkwols: will webmin recognize or overwrite this change?16:58
wolfricubuntu must have done it automaticly16:58
wolswolfric: you did install it it's part ofubuntu16:59
wolfrici never touched my internal hard drive when i installed it this time16:59
iCondoulowould you suggest using Super Grub Disk to fix GRUB?16:59
wolfrici just installed ubuntu from a live cd on my usb connected external hard drive16:59
wolswolfric: answer my question16:59
VajayjayHi how do I do a dual boot to install windows xp on a ubuntu system16:59
wolsWGGMk: do not use webmin. ever16:59
Pici!dualboot | Vajayjay16:59
ubotuVajayjay: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot16:59
maybeway36Vajayjay, make space for windows first16:59
wolfrici installed ubuntu i assume grub came with it16:59
maybeway36with a live CD, run gparted17:00
wolsVajayjay: install windows, install XP. done17:00
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!17:00
maybeway36Vajayjay: is ubuntu installed already?17:00
wolfricis that what you mean wols?17:00
wolsVajayjay: install windows, install ubuntu. done17:00
maekmaybe someone knows, is there a way to pick network settings at boot time for ubuntu/gnome? I have to change my network settings a lot based on where Im working and network manager isnt working. it says it has profiles but I cant seem to save a "Work" or "home" profile. thanks.17:00
wolswolfric: I asked where grub is installed17:00
maybeway36so 1. make space, 2. install windows, 3. reinstall grub17:01
maybeway361 and 3 are the only semi-hard parts17:01
razerwols , should i formate my linux and reinstall it ?17:01
wolfrici have no idea17:01
iNeoResofje: why the ctcp?17:01
wolfricim just new to linux17:01
Ragewarpi just bought a new samsun 216BW monitor and ubnutu isnt pickiing it up when i have it hokked through DVI. any ideas on why that would be17:01
wolsmaek: you can edit /etc/network/interfaces17:01
Vajayjaythere's no partition editor on my system :x17:01
maybeway36Vajayjay: boot from a live CD17:01
maybeway36like Ubuntu live CD, Knoppix, etc.17:01
wolsrazer: and what is that suppsoed to fix? ubuntu is a real OS and not windows17:01
wolsVajayjay: then install one?17:01
razerwols , i know . i read but nothings help me17:02
WGGMkwols: still same problem17:02
razerwols ,can u please be with me for a little ?17:02
Condoulook, I really really really need help with GRUB17:02
maybeway36Conduolo: what is it?17:02
wolfriclooks like wols is being sucked dry with requests for help :P17:03
razerwolfric , yeah and i get sucked from ubuntu17:03
Condoulomaybeway36- Well it started when I disabled my Ubuntu drive to install XP on the second drive, re-enabled the Ubuntu drive, and then edited GRUB. Worked fine the first boot into XP, then after re-booting out of XP, I got Error 17.17:03
wolfricyou know i know everyone is supposed to be pro ubuntu or pro linux but ubutu is the worst thing i could have ever come accross... its caused way more trouble then its worth especially with boot issues17:04
supernerdubuntu is not that bad17:04
bazhangrazer: you need to read the links and do some other reading as well--this is not a super quick fix, and asking repeatedly will not speed up the process17:04
wolswolfric: no one is forcing you to use or buy it. unlike windows17:04
supernerdne way17:05
wolfricwell yeah but the problem is i cant get it off...17:05
acidicchipubuntu is actually the only linux OS I've been able to use without getting completely lost.17:05
wolsbazhang: but it will annoy people. he's good at it17:05
maybeway36Consuolo: you could try reinstalling grub from the live CD17:05
Condoulowolfric- Ubuntu is not that bad. there are just issues that need to be worked out.17:05
bazhangwols: too true17:05
supernerd what is  kasablanca17:05
wolswolfric: windows recovery console. fixmbr. and it's gone17:05
Condoulomaybeway36- I tried doing that. no luck.17:05
Pici!info kasablanca | supernerd17:05
ubotusupernerd: kasablanca: fast and free ftp client for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 165 kB, installed size 628 kB17:05
wolfricyeah i know it seems pretty true but the problem is that once its on your computer and theres something wrong with it... it just takes so much time getting it off..17:05
wolsWGGMk: can you create files as root?17:05
maybeway36Consuolo: hm... looking uip error 1717:05
wolfricespecially when its gone grub goes mental17:05
supernerdo ok thanks17:06
wolswolfric: about 5 minutes. less if your CD drive is fast (or windows boots faster)17:06
WGGMkwols: yes17:06
Condoulomaybeway36- I am thinking if trying Super Grub Disk and fix it that way.17:06
wolfricwols i cant even get ANYTHING to boot17:06
maybeway36Conduolo: 17 means it can't mount the partition17:06
maybeway36I've used GRUB4DOS on a floppy before to boot linux17:06
wolfricsince i tried to use i cant even boot into anything not a live cd the hard drive or a usb drive to try solve the issue17:06
wolsso it looks like a local permission issue. what is the current perms of the mountpoint ls -al /media/VM |grep .17:06
bazhangwolfric: with a live cd?17:06
wolswolfric: if you can't use a livecd then your computer is broken, not ubuntu17:07
wolfricyes i tried a live ubuntu cd i cant boot up into anything17:07
bazhangwolfric: sounds like hardware indeed17:07
wolswolfric: boot a windows CD17:07
mneptokwolfric: use a Windows CD to get to a recovery console or your Windows installation and restore the Windows MBR. Windows can then delete any Linux partitions. try ##windows for help in booting from Windows install media.17:07
bazhangeither that or the cd is damaged or the cd drive is acting up--wolfric17:08
wolsWGGMk: so it looks like a local permission issue. what is the current perms of the mountpoint ls -al /media/VM |grep .17:08
wolfricthanks...and from what im saying im not trying to bash ubuntu im just really disapointed in it..sorry if i come accross that way..17:08
WGGMkwols: http://pastebin.org/1292417:09
mneptokwolfric: well, you bashed Ubuntu anyway :)17:09
wolfricis there anyway of removing grub with a ubuntu cd if you could get it to work?17:09
wolsWGGMk: you still haven't changed permissions on the mountpoint!17:09
iNeowolfric: boot disk and run fdisk /mbr17:10
WGGMkwols: the share point is owned by my samba user (same username locally on the server) using my samba password (same psswd as local) the mount point is chmod 77717:10
wolsWGGMk: you are lying: drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  4096 2007-12-26 12:08 .17:10
wolsit is owned by root and has perms 755 -> not user writable17:10
mneptokwolfric: boot to a live session or an installation and run "sudo grub-install" with the proper parameters17:10
SpazmaNim having a nightmare getting ubuntu to install to my raid 017:10
SpazmaNi nee dhelp :(17:11
wolsSpazmaN: you need to learn how to ask on irc too17:11
razercan any one plz help17:11
maybeway36raid 0 caused problems for me :P17:11
SpazmaNsorry :(17:11
mneptokSpazmaN: spacebar issues?17:11
WGGMkwols: http://pastebin.org/1292617:11
rbdhi, do any of you guys find it useful to both install sysstat (sar) and snmpd, and monitor with both? e.g. is there some advantage to doing that...like using snmpd and mrtg for aggregate graphing, but sar for more in-depth analysis in certain situations?17:11
razermy wireless is not working i dont know if the driver is removed or what happen to this17:11
thorwols are you going to spend the day insulting the visitors?17:12
SpazmaNwould somebody be so kind as to help me with an issue i'm having with ubuntu?17:12
identityxI tried to install java6.0-doc in Synaptic. Now, this required me to be in root during installation. Changed my mind, don't want to install it anymore etc. so I choose abort in the option it gives me. However, whenever I install something in Synaptic now, it brings up the Sun Java install as well. How do I stop Synaptic from doing this each time? It is a great annoyance.17:12
iNeorbd: use sysstat thats a good choice17:12
mneptokSpazmaN: if your RAID chipset is not supported in the Linux kernel or a module, you won't be able to use it.17:12
wolsWGGMk: that password is useless. especially when you put it in a pastebin17:13
brobostigonspazman: what the problem??17:13
wolschown the mountpoint to your user17:13
razeryeaaaahhhhhhh thnx for help all17:13
razerno one help Oh yeah Good17:13
SpazmaNwell, ive installed dmraid, its set my raid as /dev/mapper/jmicron_GRAID, ive created partitions no problem17:13
Piciidentityx: Just select the package for removal then.17:13
SpazmaNi cant format them17:13
wolsWGGMk: also, is samba listening on a public interface btw?17:13
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:13
WGGMkwols: not too worried about the password lol.. ill try chown17:13
SpazmaNmkfs just says it cant fid it :(17:13
WGGMkwols: no, only VPN and local17:13
wolsWGGMk: just checking. the password is still bad :P17:14
WGGMkwols: =)17:14
identityxPici: uh, I'm so stupid. Thanks17:14
werswhenever I adjust the volume, something pops out of my screen to indicate the volume level. how do I remove that? It seems to be a resource hog. hehe17:14
wolsPici: let ompaul do it. he needs to have his little moments of joy :)17:14
Piciwols: he quit17:14
wolsdamn deserters17:14
WGGMkwols: chowned.. still cant. still shows only root owning it as well17:15
identityxAlso, I need to change the owner for an NTFS formatted ext. HDD. I know how to go into root, but how and where do I change the owner17:15
SpazmaNif i fdisk -l it dosnt see the raid array it just sees the two disks,17:15
SpazmaNi feel like im banging my head off a wall trying to get ubuntu to see my raid17:16
wolsI don't see why it would change owners17:16
wolsWGGMk: have you checked BEFORE mounting that it has the right owner?17:17
sonnychi è italianao??17:17
bazhangraid0 SpazmaN?17:17
bazhang!it | sonny17:17
ubotusonny: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!17:17
WGGMkwols: drwxrwxrwx 2 wggmk root17:17
SpazmaNbazhang, yes mdraid is set up, ive partition cant format17:17
sonnygrazie a te17:18
chrismonI cannot seem to find a desc of the diff between desktop and server distros, anyone have a URL?17:18
wolsWGGMk: chown wggmk.wggmk17:18
identityxI need to change the owner for an NTFS formatted ext. HDD. I know how to go into root, but how and where do I change the owner?17:18
athos10 Hi all,17:18
athos10  We hacked a auto-documenter project name get-info. (www.tibati.org:8080)17:18
athos10  To make the document we used an XML + XSLT + xlstproc to generate PDF.17:18
athos10  All works pretty fine.17:18
athos10  But we thnik about build ODT instead of PDF.17:18
athos10  Do you have any idea to put us on the ritgh way ?17:18
athos10 How to conert Xhtml (XML+XSLT) in ODT ?17:18
WGGMkwols: still changes back too root17:19
stdinchrismon: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/WhatIsUbuntu/desktopedition http://www.ubuntu.com/products/WhatIsUbuntu/serveredition17:19
Leo1989Hi all. Guys, I have installed Firestarter, and I have opened user-pre script (It should be modified for my VPN) but I CANNOT save changes under root. What's wrong? Btw I'm noob17:19
mitchpidentityx: there's no ownership for ntfs filesystems17:19
SpazmaN:'( can nobody help me17:19
wolsWGGMk: give the mount gommand uid and umask options. do it the forcible way :)17:19
Pici!offtopic | athos1017:19
ubotuathos10: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:19
chrismontdin thanks17:20
WGGMkwols: example?17:20
hdevalenceanybody know if there is an ubuntu package for this: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dfu-programmer/17:20
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntu-in.org/wiki/SATA_RAID_Howto this help SpazmaN?17:20
wolsWGGMk: -o uid=wggmk,umask=755,....17:20
egcdoes anybody have a pointer to instructions on how to make 'keyring manager' not ask me for my password?17:20
identityxmitchp: Ok. I have a Ext. HDD NTFS partition mounted, but I can't write files to it. How then, will I achieve this?17:20
athos10Oooops, sry buddy, i made manipulation of xchat error.17:20
athos10I'm stilling an ubuntu user. Thank for your product.17:21
mikeazhey, does anyone know of an application i can use to selectively mute applications?17:21
SpazmaNbazhang, ive followed that, it isnt very clear on exact formatting instructions, ive done mkfs.ext3 /dev/mapper/jmicron_GRAID and mkfs.ext3 /dev/mapper/jmicron_GRAID with no success just tells me it dosnt exist17:22
mitchpidentityx: you have to mount it with the permissions you want, the whole drive will have the same permissions.  do you mount it using fstab or manually?17:22
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187874 egc there is a thread here17:22
Leo1989Hi Guys. I have installed Firestarter and have opened "user-pre" file (It should be edited for my VPN), but I CANNOT save changes under root. What's wrong?17:22
egcbazhang: thank you!17:22
albatorHello, could anyone tell me how i can make apt just.. 'forget' about a broken package? I tried installing hplib ages ago, apt cant remove it beacuse some files are missing, I just need to remove it completely from the dselect list...17:23
Pici!info dfu-programmer | hdevalence17:23
ubotuhdevalence: Package dfu-programmer does not exist in gutsy17:23
WGGMkwols: still root.. im gonna call it a day for now.. have to get ready for work..thanks for you help.. im in the right direction now.. ill do a bit of google'in at work17:23
identityxmitchp: It mounted on connect. I can unmount/mount in Nautilus but I'm not familiar with using "mount" or any other command17:23
Picihdevalence: I see that package in Hardy, but it doesnt look like its in Gutsy, sorry.17:23
SpazmaNmkfs.ext3 /dev/mapper/jmicron_GRAID117:23
bazhangdual boot SpazmaN?17:23
hdevalencePici: would it be better to install a hardy .deb or build from source17:24
Picihdevalence: I'd just build from source.17:24
SpazmaNive got xubuntu and ubuntu runing on other machines fine, it seems making raid work is one of the few things windows does FAR better than any linux ive found17:24
Jack_Sparrowhdevalence: from sourec... Hi Pici17:24
iNeoSpazmaN: then keep using Windows17:25
SpazmaNive been at this for hours total nightmare17:25
SpazmaN1neo id rather not :P17:25
mitchpidentityx: you'll have to change the options in fstab. (it's a file somewhere in the /etc directory, I don't remember specifics, I'm not on my linux box)  I'm sure there's an fstab how-to somewhere if you look hard enough17:25
SpazmaNhence my trying to get any sort of help17:25
EtteSBanyone able to tell me how to mount a NTFS drive? its a removable so its going to be on a USB connection17:25
iNeoSpazmaN: look for a real hardware raid controller like 3ware17:25
SpazmaN1neo, i'm poor id rather just get this working17:26
albatorettesb just use -t ntfs17:26
iNeoSpazmaN: all those software raid controllers suck17:26
Jack_SparrowSpazmaN: True hardware raid is not a problem..  trying to get a windows based soft raid system to work with linux.. when no driver support is available.. much harder..  NOt worth it in my opinion17:26
werswhat is gnome-at-visual -s?17:26
AndehHow do i get Ubuntu to use my monitor at the full resolution, 1680x1050 instead of 1400x1050, which looks crap?17:26
brobostigoni have a problem, i connected my ext hdd, no problem, no errors, i try to open it with nautilus, and get the floowing error ( nautilus cannot display /media/disk plaease select another viewer) whats this error, i have never seen it before, and what does it mean??17:26
wols!fixres | Andeh17:26
ubotuAndeh: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto17:26
iNeoSpazmaN: then use the buildin software raid from Linux17:26
wolsbrobostigon: dos ls on a termina for the harddisk work?17:27
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=593109 SpazmaN may be a swap issue17:27
GStoryQuick question, I hope.  What advantage is there to installing amavisd when ClamAV Spamassassin can work with Postfix directly?  It seems like a middle man to me.17:27
visik7anyone know how to got google live search inside deskbar applet ?17:27
brobostigonwols, i can eccesss it via terminal(mc) fine.17:27
iNeoGStory: amavis can check extra mail messages17:27
wols!blame nautilus17:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about blame nautilus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:27
albatoris there a command to make apt forget about removeing a package? I have a broken package that wont remove, its nothing important so i just need to make apt stop trying to process it17:27
hdevalence./configure gives me "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"17:28
GStoryiNeo: what do you mean my extra mail messages?17:28
wolsalbator: while there are ways it'S the wrong way to do it17:28
EtteSBalbator: meh, it picked it up its self :3 <3 ubuntu17:28
Picihdevalence: install build-essential17:28
wolshdevalence: you get the source package from hardy and build a .deb  package from it17:28
wolsyou don't use configure;make17:28
Piciwols: I dont think thats a good idea.17:28
SpazmaNdmraid is seeing and apparently setting up my raid fine, ive managed to partition it using gparted (fdisk dosnt want to know) however i cant format it just tells me it dosnt exsist17:28
albatorcool, just rtfm apt then? :)17:29
iNeoGStory: sorry typo, amavis checks extra information when a message is send or recieved17:29
wolsPici: why not?17:29
quaalwhy does my mdadm raid partition keep disappearing17:29
Jack_Sparrowhdevalence: What are you trying to build/install?17:29
Piciwols: Specific package dependencies might mess things up, like asking for packages that arent in gutsy yet.17:29
SpazmaNtook 5 minutes to get to that stage spent 3 hours stuck with absolutely no luck17:29
wolsPici: installing stuff with disregard to the package system is worse. then you need equivs and such17:29
GStoryiNeo: ok. Are you talking about header and body checks beyond what MailScanner does?17:29
wolsPici: ever done a backport?17:29
Andehwols: Reconfiguring XORG entirely seems rather inneficient since I have everything running perfectly except for the screen res...17:29
iNeoGStory: Amavis is simmaler to MailScanner17:30
iNeoGStory: both are frameworks17:30
hdevalenceJack_Sparrow: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dfu-programmer/ , as a dependency for this http://www.tuxisalive.com/documentation/how-to/daemon-and-api-setup17:30
wolsPici: if you want to backport things like X or gnome, then it's hairy but for most stuff it's fine and clean17:30
GStoryiNeo: ok, the reason I ask is the how to from Ubuntu shows both in an install.17:30
brobostigonwols: what doeos that error mean, i have never seen that error in nautilus before, if you can give me an idea what the error means i can problem solve, ( nautilus cannot display /media/disk plaease select another viewer)17:30
wolsbrobostigon: since I don't use nautilus: no clue17:31
iNeoGStory: a bit strange, use MailScanner or amavis17:31
wolsbrobostigon: I think nautilus tries to uase a special viewer like for pictures, chokes on the data and spits out an error17:31
brobostigonanyone alse, and ideas,(nautilus cannot display /media/disk plaease select another viewer)??17:32
brobostigonthanks wols17:32
Andehwols: I reconfigured XORG, I told it to use the monitor's full res, and it still doesnt show up in the options.17:32
GStoryiNeo: I prefer MailScanner since I am familiar with it.  I screwed up last week and had Feisty in my sources list on a Dapper system.  When I pgrade Postfix, MailScanner decided to stop looking at the hold que.17:32
wolsAndeh: pastbein your xorg.log17:32
* iNeo gets a cup of coffee17:32
iNeoGStory: a good choice17:33
IntelliI need help. When creating the partitions in cfdisk, does the swap space need to be flagged as bootable? Also, the Linux partition itself should be the primary partition, correct?17:33
frojndhello there17:33
brobostigonwols: if i run nautilus with gksudo, it works fine.17:33
frojndI am looking for somekind of a tool that can recover DVD/CD ?17:33
iNeoGStory: work with what your familiar with17:33
wolsbrobostigon: permission problem then17:33
frojndI have a little problem with recognizing the dvd17:33
GStoryiNeo: Besides, I can take the existing MainScanner.conf file from the goofed VM and put it on the new one.  :)17:33
Andehwols: xorg.log is in /etc/X11 right?17:33
wolsfrojnd: recover means what?17:33
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs17:33
brobostigonok wols, thanks for the idea.17:33
wolsAndeh: no, in your log files directory17:33
Andehwols: Where is that?17:34
wols /var/log/17:34
frojndwols, so I can see what's on the DVD.. now I can't see anything and my cdrom is making some weird sounds17:34
iNeoGStory: good luck with, lets know how it's working17:34
brobostigonwols: do i change the permission on /media/disk or /dev/sda1  ??17:34
Andehwols: http://pastebin.com/d336b8a2d17:35
=== alyx_ is now known as Alyxander
pradeepvglughydanyone help me getting ubuntu installed on my AMD 690G based mobo ,thanks in advance17:35
naliothullis: have you compiled transmission ?17:35
Andehwols: line 150: (WW) NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "1680x1050"; removing.17:35
WhitorIs there a gnome specific channel?17:36
Andehwols: I remember on windows I had to install drivers for this weird monitor.17:36
identityxCan you boot into the desktop as root?17:36
GStoryiNeo:  I am going to copy my custom goo over to the new build.  I am trying to not recreate all the email accounts so I plan to copy over the folders, user, groups and password related files over.  Kinda wishing I had created a virtual domain now.  Less user junk to deal with.17:36
identityxJust for a few minutes or so17:36
ullisnalioth, No I downloaded a package17:36
naliothullis: the command is 'transmission-gtk' (i hope it was an official package)17:36
ullisnalioth, Yeah. I can get it started, but what then? I still haven't found any documentation.17:37
Pir8is there a way to find out which processes are using how much memory etc /17:38
kevinthHi I have a problem with apache rewrite module17:38
xtknightPir8, gnome-system-monitor or top (Command line)17:38
kevinthmod_rewrite is loaded but17:38
frojndis there any tool for recovering dvds ? like thisone for wins: http://www.softplatz.com/Soft/Utilities/Backup/Recovery-Toolbox-for-CD-Free.htmlhttp://www.softplatz.com/Soft/Utilities/Backup/Recovery-Toolbox-for-CD-Free.html17:38
kevinthit is not working from .htaccess file17:38
Pir8top I should've known that... :(17:38
kevinthcan anybody help me out?17:38
Andehwols: What does it mean when xorg says that there are "no valid modes for" my correct resolution?17:39
Pir816488 pir8    15   0  727m 242m  31m S    1 12.0  63:59.52 firefox-bin  <--- why is firefox such a memory hog !17:39
naliothullis: the transmission home page has oodles of docs17:39
What_the_DeuceHey all. anyone got experience of synergy, trying to set up mac OS as server and ubuntu box as client. PM me please.17:39
mavi-Pir8: you can turn off FX caching if you need more memory17:39
mavi-Pir8: type about:config in the adress-par17:39
Andehwols: I think it means the NVIDIA driver doesnt support it; I had to install an extra driver from the monitor's website on Windows XP,17:39
Pir8ok let me try that...do you have any other hacks that you may know of (or a url that has them) to make ff more efficient.17:40
SpazmaNError: Could not stat device /dev/mapper/jmicron_GRAID - No such file or director, but there is17:40
ullisnalioth, Really? I've looked at: http://transmission.m0k.org/ but haven't found any oodles so far.17:40
mavi-Pir8: google "firefox about:config speedup" and you'll find alot of guides17:40
naliothullis: it's pretty self explanatory17:40
kevinthDoes anybody knows how to set up apache2 rewrite module?17:40
naliothullis: it's a simple but powerful torrent client17:40
Pir8mavi-,  great. Thank you mate.17:40
naliothullis: you might want to join #transmission17:40
mavi-Pir8: but i disabled java and got flashblock and that solved my problems17:40
Pir8java I want to keep...17:41
kevinthCan anybody help me with apache rewrite module?17:41
Pir8flashblock I used to have, but dont want to have too many extensions loaded.17:41
bazhangullis: it is superb17:41
Sludge321kevin: its something like "sudo a2enmod rewrite"17:41
ullisnalioth, If you're into geek, I'm sure it is, but I like to get some pointers how to get going. I'm in #transmission already.17:41
wolsAndeh: I means the monitors says it can do it and nvidia says with the way I'm configured and what the monitor reports as being capable it's not possible17:41
pradeepvglughydanyone help me getting ubuntu installed on my AMD 690G based mobo, has anyone tried other distros!!!!17:41
naliothullis: you click on "open" and navigate to your torrent17:41
kevinthsludge321: I did enabled17:41
ullisBut I'll figure it out I guess. Thanks.17:41
wolsnvidia cards can do 1650x1050 easily17:41
kevinthand I even see it is enabled in PHP info17:41
steadfastcan i reconstruct my partition table if its been corrupted?17:41
Andehwols: Ah. So um, what is there to do?17:42
kevinthit is not working from htaccess file17:42
Sludge321you also need to specify AllowOverride all in the site config file17:42
frojndanyone know any recovery tool for recovering DVDs on linux platforms ?17:42
ullisnalioth, Doh. Now I see that a tracker I'm using has banned transmission17:42
kevinthsludge321: where do I write "AllowOveride" rule?17:42
kevinthin the htaccess file?17:43
Sludge321It will be in the site config file17:43
chazcoHi... i'm having problems with differences between OpenOffice, Textmaker and MS Word... the pagenation, and even individual line spacing seems to vary wildly, even though they're all using the same settings. I have the MS fonts installed... any ideas? Its important since I need to work on uni stuff :)17:43
Sludge321when you did "a2ensite mysite"17:43
XNorI installed compiz and emerald, is there a separate package for the themes?17:43
XNorLooking for a thin titlebar one because my display is 800x48017:43
albatorwols: the remove script was trying to stop a service that wasnt there, I just changed it to restart one that was =s17:43
albatorgone now =)17:44
steadfastis there anyway using an ubuntu live cd i can reconstruct my hdd partition table if its been corrupted or otherwise?17:44
Sludge321that "mysite" file would have been the site config file17:44
SpazmaNwell thanks a bunch for all the awesome help i'll be off then :P17:44
zeroflagLoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so [/usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32]17:44
chrismonWhat's the rate at which Ubuntu generall incorporates update Linux software (like glibc, gtk, etc).  How long is the way from Linux release to Ubuntu updates?17:45
sdornanIt usually doesn't take long with the really popular programs17:45
Sludge321If URL rewrite (.htaccess) is required then change "AllowOveride None" to "AllowOveride All" in the <Directory /var/www/mysite.com.au/html> section.17:45
chrismonsdornan, what about kernel updates?17:45
sdornanBut the not-so-widely-used programs take forever17:45
Andehwols: Uh, so I am stuck with a blurry, deformed display?17:45
chrismonsdornan, its more libraries and kernel modules taht I am concernedwith17:46
quaalwhy does my soundcard change from hw:1,0 to hw:0,0 to hw:1,0 to hw:0,0 repeat every time computer gets restarted17:46
Sludge321in /etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite17:46
bazhanggot to rest a bit..back later17:46
zeroflagchrismon: between 5 months to 5 years. e.g. mono is half a year old and only scheduled for update in hardy (about 4 more months to wait)...17:46
sdornanwell, the current linux header kernel version is and ubuntu 7.10 uses
ron_ashetonhi... I installed ubuntu on my pen drive but my computer offers no usb storage device boot. what should I do?17:47
chrismonzeroflag, heh that narrows it down :)17:47
zeroflagthe kernel also has a few issues but everyone is to scared to update...17:47
sdornanwhat's wrong with the current kernel?17:48
choongiiis there a way to prepend text to a file? like echo bla >> blargh, cept prepend it instead of appending it17:48
Sludge321kevinth: that sorted it?17:48
zeroflaga few incompatibilities with certain (closed source) software17:48
XNorron_asheton: boot cd, floppy, etc17:48
Parsiis there a method to auto re-connect after disconnecting a dsl connection?17:48
zeroflage.g. creative x-fi drivers, epsxe, certain 32bit (packed) binaries, etc.17:48
sdornanah, current ubuntu kernel is from nov 21, so it's not that far behind17:49
ullisHow can I see what version of a software package I will get downloading with apt-get? I want to dl transmission, but don't know what version I'll get.17:49
ron_ashetonXNor, how do I burn a cd with lilo?17:49
sdornanit'll download whichever one is in the repository17:49
ullissdornan, And which one is that? Can I see that somehow?17:49
zeroflagsdornan: it's only the update for 2.6.22, not the new 2.6.23...17:49
XNorron_asheton: isolinux or something, so probably best to install ubuntu on the cd17:49
sdornanullis, look it up in synaptic17:50
steadfastcan i reconstruct my partition table if its been corrupted using the live cd?17:50
simion314_hi, i changed my internet provider and now i get in xchat  the error: Couldn't look up your hostname. . It connects after 5-10 minutes. Why this happened?17:50
XNorron_asheton: well, not sure if that would even work17:50
ullissdornan, OK. I'll try that, thanks.17:50
fabioany one can explain me how to install kiba-dock????17:50
fabioon ubuntu17:51
sdornanmake install?17:51
kikranyone know of a screensaver that is a digital clock?17:51
simion314_hi, i changed my internet provider and now i get in xchat  the error: Couldn't look up your hostname. . It connects after 5-10 minutes. Why this happened?17:51
fabiosdornan make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.17:52
HypergrapheHello !17:52
fabiosdornan not work17:52
sdornanfabio, did ./configure work?17:52
sdornanso it finished with no errors?17:53
pradeepvglughydhow to  install ubuntu on AMD 690G based mobo, it gets stuck while starting X, has anyone tried other distros!!!!i feel ignored17:53
fabiosdornan; No package 'dbus-glib-1' found17:53
fabioConsider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you17:53
fabioinstalled software in a non-standard prefix.17:53
fabioAlternatively, you may set the environment variables DBUS_CFLAGS17:53
fabioand DBUS_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.17:53
fabioSee the pkg-config man page for more details.17:53
Jack_Sparrow!paste > fabio17:53
billyi ran the command dmesg and wanted to just see what it did, and i found [   23.748000] ath_pci: ( which relates to my wireless, and was wondering what does the part in brackets mean? as i have just installed madwifi, id like to know why its in brackets, thanks17:54
sdornanfabio, well, you need to install the dbus-glib package and then run ./configure again17:54
fabiosdornan where i get?17:54
sdornanbilly, i think that's the frequency it's operating on? maybe?17:54
sdornanfabio, search "dbus" in synaptic17:55
billy0.9.3.3 a frequency? i doubt it :p, its the version of madwifi i just tried to install (im a linux noob) and was wonderin why its in brackets? is it meaning its not in use?17:55
sdornanbilly, oh i thought you meant 23.74817:55
xtknight0.9.3.3 AM?  i listen to that all the time ;)17:55
billyoh, no :p17:55
billyany ideas guys?17:55
xtknightbilly, the brackets contain a timestamp17:55
gary4garplease suggest any pdf editor ?17:55
xtknight billy, seconds since your kernel started, or sometihng like that17:56
WhitorHi... How can I see a list of connected hard drives? I'd like to see if a USB drive is being recognized... just not mounted.... any help ?17:56
quaalwhy does my soundcard change from hw:1,0 to hw:0,0 to hw:1,0 to hw:0,0 repeat every time computer gets restarted17:56
Jack_Sparrowgary4gar: kpdf17:56
XNorgary4gar: edit existing or printing to pdf?17:56
XNorkpdf is an editor?17:56
Jack_Sparrowgary4gar: editor.. not just reader... ugh sorry17:56
billyxtknight, sorry, i meant the 2nd set of rounded brackets17:56
billyath_pci: (
xtknightbilly, oh.  i think is the version of the driver and is the version of the package, or something like this17:56
gary4gari have a PDF, which i want to edit, which package do  i use?17:57
xtknightathpci contains several libs. is probably the version of the core lib17:57
xtknightwhereas whole ath_pci package has some other newer libs so they call it
XNorgary4gar: can try pdfedit17:57
Sharpiehow do i rename all the files in a dir? (like, rename all .doc to .docx, just a random example)17:57
billyahh right, okay, thats fine then, cheers :) i just thought for some reason i had a version running and i wanted that was sittin in the background17:57
xtknightbilly, used ath_pci before, i dont think anything's wrong17:57
WhitorSharpie: mv *.doc *.docx17:58
SharpieWhitor: tried it, didn't work17:58
Whitorlet me...17:58
dmHello. I have a usb webcam 0c45:602c which is supported by the ubuntu included gspca driver. When plugging it in the driver is loaded and /dev/video0 is created. But I get error messages when trying to use it: xawtv says "X Error of failed request:  XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode", camorama "Could not connect to /dev/video0". It's an ATI video card (if that matters). Any idea?17:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pdfedit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:59
Jack_Sparrow!find pdfedit17:59
ubotuFound: pdfedit17:59
simion314_what alternative are for dc++?17:59
Jack_Sparrow!info pdfedit17:59
ubotupdfedit: Editor for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-1 (gutsy), package size 2776 kB, installed size 7532 kB17:59
XNorheh, i wasn't even sure pdfedit was a package17:59
Jack_SparrowSorry for the spam people...18:00
sdornansimion314, linuxdcpp18:00
infinitycircuitShadowpillar, you need to use cut/sed in a for loop18:00
infinitycircuiti mean Sharpie18:00
simion314_what alternative are for dc++?18:00
rsksimion314_: bittorrent18:01
almancoraOn my extrenal hd are folders I cannot delete because of permission, how do I change the permission to me or root?18:01
sdornansimion314, usenet18:01
MenZadm: I'm unable to help you, but I'll have to applaud the phrasing of your question.18:01
XNorsomeone said bittorrent wasn't "peer to peer"18:01
sdornanXNor, it is18:01
gary4garXNor, its takes text as images :X18:01
XNorgary4gar: huh?18:01
simion314_rsk: i mean other p2p software, dc++ is not working for me, maybe is something else maybe better?18:02
gary4garXNor, yeah....i have simple text doc in PDF,, which i want to edit18:02
* dm can't tell if there's any ironic touch in MenZa's answer ...18:02
AlesYoperHi all! (again) Anyone knows why my laptop battery life comes to be 30% shorter in Gutsy?18:02
XNorgary4gar: that you might need something called OCR18:02
MenZadm: there wasn't. We don't get that well-phrased questions a lot.18:02
MenZadm: but alas, this is offtopic---carry on, and good luck.18:02
XNorgary4gar: I don't know any good linux packages for it off the top of my head18:02
infinitycircuitAlesYoper, shorter than what?18:02
almancoraOn my extrenal hd are folders I cannot delete because of permission, how do I change the permission to me or root?18:02
Sharpiehow do i rename all files in a directory from .htm to .html (random example)?18:03
gary4garXNor, okay :(18:03
almancoraOn my extrenal hd are folders I cannot delete because of permission, how do I change the permission to me or root? I tried with preferences but it didn't work18:03
AlesYoperinfinitycircuit: 5 hrs in XP and 3,5 hrs in Gutsy. It is said that Feisty was comparable to XP, but haven't tried it18:03
infinitycircuitSharpie, the basic syntax is: for i in *.htm; do mv $i [cut/sed command]; done18:03
jamiejacksonis there a player that runs on old (minimal) hardware that also syncs to ipods, or should i just use gtkpod?18:03
sandr-almancora, try sudo chown <username> <directory>18:03
XNorgary4gar: some PDFs I think can contain actual text, but most converters just put it in an image and pack as pdf18:03
infinitycircuitSharpie, you will have to google the syntax of the cut command since i can't remember it off the top of my head18:03
GreevousWhat's an efficient filesystem for a USB flash drive?18:04
infinitycircuitAlesYoper, compiz fusion will be dragging you down a bit18:04
sdornanalmancora, just delete the folders in a terminal with sudo18:04
Andehwols: Are you still here?18:04
zeroflagmd5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz18:04
Jack_Sparrowalmancora: Are you running gutsy?  have you enabled ntfs write if they are ntfs.. have you tried gksudo nautilus?18:04
MenZaGreevous: fat32, if you wish to use it on Linux and Windows boxen18:04
gary4garXNor, hmmm18:04
infinitycircuitAlesYoper, install powertop from the repositories and follow its suggestions it should get you back an hour18:04
MenZa!flash | zeroflag18:04
ubotuzeroflag: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:04
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.18:04
sandr-Greevous, many people use fat18:04
ubotuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/18:04
MenZaGreevous: if you only plan to run it on *nix, I suggest ext3.18:04
GreevousMenZa: are there any opportunities for security with fat?18:05
RoshanKgreevous, if you use fat, you can't have files larger than 4gb on it18:05
AlesYoperinfinitycircuit: i have disabled compiz and all effects + suggestions from powertop? Got only up to 4 hrs. Is there anything else to do?18:05
Greevousit's a 2GB anyway18:05
sdornanGreevous, what security problems are you worried about with a flash drive?18:05
RoshanKgreevous: unless you have files that large i don't think it would matter18:05
MenZaGreevous: not to my knowledge18:05
Greevousno worries, just curious18:05
infinitycircuitGreevous, actually you probably want ext2 for linux because using a journaling filesystem might needlessly reduce the life of the flash18:05
MenZaGreevous: I'm not sure if you can truecrypt that.18:05
wathekarrrrg it makes me mad my Ubuntu freezes a lot I can't even access to the other smb shares of the other pc in my network :(18:05
almancoraJack_Sparrow, my external hd is formatted fat32, Nautulius???18:05
infinitycircuitAlesYoper, there is always more to do :)18:05
infinitycircuitAlesYoper, use sysv-rc-conf to disable non-essential services18:06
tomtthow do i disable a single user's password?18:06
infinitycircuitAlesYoper, make sure that hdparm is turning on apm power saving18:06
sdornani would format an external hard drive with ext318:06
RoshanKdoes anyone know how to restart emerald, or possibly x?18:06
Jack_Sparrowalmancora: from terminal type gksudo nautilus18:06
XNoroh, I have a 4gb flash disk18:06
infinitycircuitAlesYoper, you can also get a newer kernel with hpet support which will lead to big improvements18:06
Greevousinfinitycircuit: would a journaling fs reduce the life if it were only half of the drive (as in one of two partitions)?18:06
infinitycircuitGreevous, i don't know18:06
XNorI set noatime and all, FAT is used on jumpdrives all the time without that much of a problem (and the journal is in the same place)18:07
niux_labi need help with USB in VirtualBox18:07
WhitorSharpie: chcase -x 's/doc/docx/' '*.doc'18:07
AlesYoperinfinitycircuit: how can I do the thing with hparm? Where can I get this new kernel with HPET!? Please tell me :D18:07
MenZaniux_lab: #vbox is probably a better bet18:07
almancora) Jack_Sparrow, done whats next?18:07
MenZaalso, niux_lab, feel free to join us in #ubuntu-dk18:07
ageorgeI'm not able to get sound in ubuntu, sound works fine when I ran it from a live cd, but after installing, it no longer works.  What should I do?18:07
Jack_Sparrowalmancora: see if you can do what you wanted to do..18:07
niux_labMenZa, yeah:) thanks18:07
niux_labMenZa, on this network?18:07
infinitycircuitAlesYoper, the easy way to manage hdparm is to use laptop mode tools which i believe is already on gutsy18:07
MenZaniux_lab: indeed. :)18:08
infinitycircuitAlesYoper, gksu gedit /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf18:08
RoshanKageorge you possibly need the driver for the sound card but i'm not sure18:08
WhitorSharpie: not intuitive ....18:08
almancoraJack_Sparrow, can't delete folder18:08
niux_labMenZa, will do:)18:08
infinitycircuitAlesYoper, it is well commented, just turn on all the power save options18:08
Jack_Sparrowalmancora: then it isnt a permission problem18:08
sdornanageorge, download newest alsa drivers, configure and install them18:08
AlesYoperinfinitycircuit: thanks! what about that kernel you were talking about?18:08
infinitycircuitAlesYoper, also compiz fusion isn't actually the power drain...it's dri support in the graphics drivers18:09
Yanchohow can i remove gnome so i can install xfce instead of it please?18:09
SharpieWhitor: um, did you say anything before "not intuitive"? i'm using irssi and i can't scroll up :/18:09
MenZaSharpie: PgUp18:09
WhitorSharpie: yeah18:09
ageorgesdornan, I've already tried installing alsa drivers18:09
lonejackhi, what is the best sw to convert, manage, burn from CD to mp3? Thank you18:09
WhitorSharpie: chcase -x 's/doc/docx/' '*.doc'18:09
MenZaSharpie: and PgDn will scroll for you18:09
RoshanKJack_Sparrow how would i restart emerald or possibly x?18:09
infinitycircuitAlesYoper, if you add Option   "NoDRI" to the Devices section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf that will save battery life18:09
MenZalonejack: from CD to mp3? Soundjuicer.18:09
AlesYoperinfinitycircuit: i have disabled DRI according to intel www.lesswats.org suggestions already18:09
infinitycircuitAlesYoper, oh ok18:09
MenZaRoshanK: emerald --replace in a terminal18:09
SharpieMenZa: no it won't18:09
MenZaRoshanK: restart X with Ctrl+Alt+BackSpace18:09
Pir8iNeo,  ?18:09
ageorgeWhen I changed the sound prefernaces to CA106 and pressed the test button, I was able to audio, but nothing in any other programs.18:10
infinitycircuitAlesYoper, the easy way to get a 2.6.24 kernel with hpet is to use the zen kernel from the ubuntu forums18:10
MenZaSharpie: It's supposed to.18:10
lonejackMenZa: thank you I'll check it..18:10
Sonic1oi, what do I need to install to get amarok to play mp3s?18:10
iNeoPir8: yep18:10
SharpieWhitor: chcase doesn't exist18:10
tomttWould the best way to disable a user's password be to replace his password entry in /etc/shadow with !    ?18:10
MenZa!restricted | Sonic118:10
ubotuSonic1: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:10
RoshanKMenZa the thing is that i can't see the upper toolbar with the minimize buttons etc and i just need to get it back possibly without restarting ubuntu completely18:10
AlesYoperinfinitycircuit: will it work by just installing it with synaptic?18:10
andrukwine-doors is not downloading visual C++ runtime libraries 6... whats up with that?18:10
MenZaRoshanK: try killall -9 emerald && emerald --replace18:10
Pir8iNeo, you typed something for me?18:10
infinitycircuitAlesYoper, it isn't in the repositories i believe18:10
Jack_SparrowRoshanK: hold alt , click and drag the window18:10
AlesYoperinfinitycircuit: oh sorry. i just have to check it in the ubuntuforums?18:11
iNeoPir8: I think a typo, sorry18:11
pradeepvglughydhow to  install ubuntu on AMD 690G based mobo, it gets stuck while starting X, has anyone tried other distros!!!!i feel ignored18:11
infinitycircuitAlesYoper, it's in the section on tutorials and tips if i remember correctly18:11
Pir8iNeo, No worries  :)18:11
RoshanKJack_Sparrow i don't know what the alt click and drag would do apart from move it on workspaces18:11
RoshanKMenZa thank you 'emerald --replace18:12
MenZaRoshanK: no problem18:12
RoshanK' worked18:12
AlesYoperinfinitycircuit: hope it is not too hard to install it :D thanks - you help is very much appreciated!18:12
fabiosdornam: the files in the kiba-dock pakage is AUTHORS     configure.ac  icons    kiba-dock.pc.in  NEWS    src18:12
fabioautogen.sh  COPYING       include  kiba-settings    po      TODO18:12
fabioChangeLog   files         INSTALL  Makefile.am      README  VERSION18:12
iNeoPir8: nice evening18:12
fabiohow to instal this18:12
Jack_Sparrowpradeepvglughyd: Use F6 at the start or install screen and options like noapic  or others.. if all else fails try the alternate install cd18:12
andrukpradeepvglughyd: dont feel ignored...18:12
kayceis there a channel for getting help with installing windows games using wine?18:12
* Sonic1 starts installing random crap again then18:12
Jack_SparrowRoshanK: I thought you just needed it for this one occurance..18:12
sdornanfabio, did you install the dbus package?18:13
andrukkayce: check out wine-doors18:13
WhitorSharpie: Third time is a charm... i hope... rename -n ’s/\.doc$/\.docx/’ *.doc18:13
Jack_Sparrowkayce:    #winehq18:13
pradeepvglughydJack_Sparrow, thanks18:13
fabioyes sdornan but now i cant do the comand ./configure18:13
kaycethank you18:13
What_the_DeuceHi. Synergy problem: trying to set up mac as server, ubuntu as client with quicksynergy.18:13
pradeepvglughydandruk, thanks18:13
Jack_Sparrowpradeepvglughyd: NOt many helpers in the channel today..18:13
sdornanfabio, you're in the right directory?18:14
fabiosdornan this is the files into the pakage AUTHORS     configure.ac  icons    kiba-dock.pc.in  NEWS    src18:14
fabioautogen.sh  COPYING       include  kiba-settings    po      TODO18:14
fabioChangeLog   files         INSTALL  Makefile.am      README  VERSION18:14
lucianhi. im trying to change the automount settings for my external hd. they are currently displayed as "rw nosuid nodev uid=1000 fmask=0077 dmask=0077 codepage=cp437 iocharset=iso8859-1 shortname=mixed usefree utf8" for a vfat fs ... ok, i simply want to add gid=1000 but when i do and unmount, poweroff, power on to initiate an automount it says i have an invalid mount option... why is that?  I know gid=1000 or gid=lucian works because i can m18:14
sdornanfabio, what's it say when you ./configure?18:14
RoshanKso i closed the terminal after i entered 'emerald --replace' and when i closed terminal i think emerald crashed again b/c all those titlebars dissappeared again18:14
dahitokiridoes the 7.10 kernel come with tuxonice?18:14
Jack_Sparrowfabio: You have been asked repeatedly NOT to paste into the channel...  USE THE PASTEBIN18:14
fabiosdornan the error with dbus18:15
infinitycircuitdahitokiri, i don't believe so18:15
hdevalenceI'm having a weird problem. BASH is telling me no such file or directory but ls says otherwise18:15
iDopeMy install of Gutsy freezes from time to time18:15
fabioJack_Sarrow its only 3 lines18:15
Pir8iDope,  I ran into that problem a few times as well.18:15
iDopedidn't happen in 7.0418:15
tevfikhow can i choose primary sound card ?18:15
Jack_Sparrowfabio: three lines plus your comment. you do it repeatedly... Do not continue18:16
SharpieWhitor: or not: Unrecognized character \xE2 at (eval 1) line 1.18:16
iDopePir8: found out what was causing it?18:16
kayceeveryone thats in #winehq isent there or just not responding18:16
infinitycircuithdevalence, what exactly is the error18:16
fabiosdornan but now says bash: ./configure: Ficheiro ou directoria inexistente18:16
fabionot found18:16
RoshanKJack_Sparrow or MenZa btw when i entered 'emerald --replace' the command dosent seem to finish b/c it said something wasnt suppoerted and would be ignored18:17
tevfikhey can anybody help me ?18:17
tevfikhow can i choose primary sound card?18:17
sdornanfabio, that sounds like you're in the wrong directory18:17
MenZaRoshanK: probably means nothing18:17
iDopethe only things which I can suspect really are a general instability issue or Compiz Fusion18:17
Jack_SparrowRoshanK: HAve you changed any sources or installed things from non-official repos18:17
iDopeI am about to recompile the kernel in hope of fixing it18:17
Megaqwertytevfik: System>Preferences>Sound18:18
RoshanKMenZa but when i close terminal emerald crashes again or something as the titlebars dissappear again18:18
kaycei'm trying to install World of Warcraft on Linux Ubuntu 7.10 using wine, can anyone help me?    noone responded in #winehq18:18
infinitycircuitiDope, did you have a good burn?  that is the most common cause of random crashes alon with broken hardware18:18
sdornankayce, usually you can just run the install program18:18
tevfikMegaqwerty: i choose in there. but nothing change..18:18
RoshanKJack_Sparrow these are some themes i got off of gnome art i believe18:18
MenZaRoshanK: yeah; because it's running in the terminal18:18
Megaqwertytevfik: that's the extent of my knowledge on that issue. Sorry18:19
tevfikMegaqwerty: it continue to play on my second sound card.18:19
MenZaRoshanK: try either running the command in ALT+F2, or do killall -9 emerald && emerald --replace&exit18:19
kaycewell, the pc dvd doesnt have a reguler installer that i could find18:19
tevfikMegaqwerty: thank you18:19
iDopeerrm I probably did18:19
sdornankayce, should be install.exe or something18:19
tevfikwhy nobody listen to me =o\18:19
jebbluekayce winehq.org should be the best wine resource18:19
hdevalenceinfinitycircuit: When I execute the program "tuxd" I get bash: /usr/local/bin/tuxd: No such file or directory. Then I do ls -l and find that18:19
RoshanKMenZa unfortunately it didn't work18:19
Jack_SparrowRoshanK: that shouldnt be the issue....   hopefully you didnt run automatix or envy  either(both bad ideas)18:19
MenZaRoshanK: odd o_O18:19
sdornankayce, installer.exe18:19
kayceok, i'll look again18:19
Megaqwertykayce: http://www.fsckin.com/2007/12/20/how-to-run-world-of-warcraft-wow-in-linux-using-wine/  Just skip the Envy Step. You should really use the restricted manager to install the proprietary video drivers18:20
RoshanKJack_Sparrow i didn't im running gutsy18:20
kaycei looked everywhere on the cd and there is no installer.exe >.<18:20
hdevalenceit's a symlink to /opt/tuxdroid/bin/tuxd18:20
hdevalenceThen I get bash: /opt/tuxdroid/bin/tuxd: No such file or directory when I try to launch that18:20
RoshanKso is there some way i could restart X i suppose without having to completely restart my system?18:20
sdornankayce, there should be... i used to play it and installed it myself that way in wine18:20
ng0nquick queston: what is keyring manager ?18:20
hdevalenceBut ls says it IS there18:21
volkov_czech republick??18:21
hdevalenceand I have the permissions18:21
MenZa!cz | volkov_18:21
ubotuvolkov_: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.18:21
andrukwine-doors is getting stuck downloading "Application Pack Visual C++ runtime libraries 6", help?18:21
quaalng0n, a program to store your keys18:21
n2diyRoshanK: ctr+alt+backspace18:22
kayceonly thing remotely close to that is Installer Launcher and its not an .exe18:22
sdornankayce, so you're browsing the files on the disk itself?18:22
Megaqwertykayce: did you see the tutorial? It goes step by step though the installation process18:22
What_the_Deucesynergy, mac OS/Ubuntu? anyone?18:22
emadhello everybody , i have a problem with system sound notifications .... any ideas ????18:23
MegaqwertyWhat_the_Deuce: what are you having problems with in synergy?18:23
kayceyes, i went to the tutorial, i have the game itself already installed, trying to install the expansion (Burning Crusade)18:23
RoshanKthank you to whomever it was that helped. restarting X through ctrl alt backspace solved the issue18:23
Megaqwertykayce: sorry, I didn't understand18:23
grumohow would i go about  substituting a library (libgpod) from the repository by compiling it from a tar ball? What i did was to use check install but when i then try to remove the repository one, aptitudes want to remove all the dependencies18:24
Whitorhi... How do I change my desktop resolution in KDE ?18:24
sdornankayce, right click on the installer launcher and run under wine18:24
Jack_SparrowRoshanK: Careful using that with programs still running...18:24
kaycetried that18:24
What_the_DeuceTrying to set up mac as server, ubuntu as client but failing. however ubuntu as server and mac as client works fine18:24
RoshanKJack_Sparrow so i guess i would have to make sure i save changes huh. apart from that is there a shortcut to open something like taskmanager in ubuntu (like ctrl alt delete)18:25
Jack_Sparrowgrumo: What are you trying to install. as it looks like you are heading into trouble18:25
=== xtknight_ is now known as xtknight
MegaqwertyWhat_the_Deuce: I have no idea why it wouldn't work...I'd check the errors the client puts out on the command-line. Sorry I can't help any more, I have to leave. Good Luck!18:26
Jack_SparrowRoshanK: MOre than just losing your changes you could cause other problems, some people here are fanatic about not using that command and just having people log out etc18:26
DrFrankensteinhi. I booted my Father's Toshiba Satellite laptop using the 7.10 live CD and the X server was set to an humongous DPI, making fonts about 100 pixels high, and rendering GNOME unusable18:26
zeroflagshould I update to hardy? I REALLY need some of the updates and I can't wait for backport to get working...18:26
emadi have a problem with system sound notifications .... any ideas ????18:27
emadi have a problem with system sound notifications .... any ideas ????18:27
grumoJack_Sparrow: I am trying to substitude the libgpod library provided by the repository by compiling my own18:27
DrFrankensteinis there a way to override this DPI problem?18:27
infinitycircuitzeroflag, if you need the updates then it's worth a try...just back up18:27
RoshanKJack_Sparrow after i ran the command i realized i could've just logged out and did the same., but is there a shortcut to press to bring up a taskmanager like in windows?18:27
Jack_Sparrowzeroflag: make a backup of your current system or just add it as a second os on your existing system18:27
DrFrankenstein(booting using the livd CD)18:27
DrFrankensteinemad > does playing music work?18:27
skeffhi there! I want to replace the iwl4965 wireless card driver with an ndiswrapper one, how do I stop iwl4965 from loading at bootup?18:28
Jack_SparrowRoshanK: You can read up on killing a process if that is what you mean18:28
infinitycircuitskeff, add it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist18:28
grumoJack_Sparrow:  i did that by using checkintall, when i then tried to remove the repository one aptitude wants to remove all the packages that depend on it18:28
btheaveni use realtek acl883 sound card, and alsa detect that soudn card well, but when i play the sound, repeat forever, and freezing..18:28
RoshanKJack_Sparrow thank you18:28
orkuni reinstalled ubuntu to get finally rid of my parallel windows installation and now acpi seems to have problems. i cannot use standby(the easiest noticable i fear). instead the screen goes black and gets locked. when i unlock i can neither start programs(the desktop seems to work) nor can i reboot/shutdown. the only possible difference between those two installations could be ndiswrapper which is now the latest stable(fixing hard locks caused by18:28
orkun bittorrent traffic). any clue?18:28
LDS_TrooperGreets. My daughter has been wanting an iPod and can now get one. However, I would like to know what mp3 players others are using with Ubuntu18:28
theblueHi all.18:29
butcherbirdLDS_Trooper: i use an ipod with ubuntu18:29
Jack_SparrowRoshanK: I understand what you WANT to do, I just question your reasoning behind wanting to...18:29
infinitycircuitLDS_Trooper, i have two different sansa mp3 players that just function as usb storage devices and they work fine in ubuntu18:29
skeffinfinitycircuit: ah ok , thanks :)18:29
butcherbirdLDS_Trooper: 5.5 gen18:29
RoshanKcreative zen vision m, but it dosent work immediately i had to use a program LDS_Trooper18:29
grumoJack_Sparrow:  what i would like to do is simply swap the old with the one created by me18:29
theblueIs there a way to make 2 or 3 identical (save for MAC address) NICs act as 1 with a lot of bandwidth?18:29
orkunLDS_Trooper: don't get an iPod it is not good ;p]18:29
DrFrankensteinLDS_Trooper > I'm using a LifeDrive18:29
DrFrankensteinalso iPods aren't awesome under Ubuntu18:29
RoshanKJack_Sparrow in the case the system froze i was wondering what to do18:29
LDS_Trooperorkun, thanks but that's why I am asking18:29
ng0norkun: kids want ipod.18:29
DrFrankensteinneeds special software, etc.18:29
emadthe problem is with calender and messenger notifications .... i dont know why!!!18:30
orkunyeah kids want ipod thats it ;p18:30
Jack_SparrowRoshanK: My fear is that you will mess up the dependencies and the next update will crash or create other problems18:30
DrFrankensteinI think the player from Creative works well18:30
butcherbirdLDS_Trooper: alot of people use ipods with ubuntu. it will work fine but... im not a big apple fan18:30
infinitycircuitRoshanK, if everything is frozen you can kill x with alt-sysrq-k18:30
ng0ngive the kid what they want.18:30
Fujoorhey guys, ive tried to install ubuntu,but my comp just gives me "error loading operating system" on boot, what am i doing wrong?18:30
ng0nmake it work.  no big deal.18:30
RoshanKthank you Jack_sparrow18:30
Jack_SparrowRoshanK: np... man kill in term will have info18:31
orkunany music player that you can plug in on a windows xp machine and detect without having to use an internet connection or inserting a cd should do 100% fine in ubuntu18:31
LDS_Trooperbutcherbird, same here18:31
ng0nFu: did you verify the CD.. no errors ?18:31
LDS_Trooperorkun, I guess I was concerned with the need for apple software18:31
DrFrankensteinFujoor >  reinstall it?18:31
Fujoorng0n: the cd works fine18:31
DrFrankensteinthis can be caused by a lot of factors18:31
FujoorDrFrankenstein: i did, 4 times18:31
ng0nyes.. but it may have errors.  run the checker on the opening menu..18:31
FujoorDrFrankenstein: still gives me the same error, seems like it doesnt even load gru18:32
tanlaanHello everyon18:32
ng0ni did an install with a CD that booted fine... but messed up the install.18:32
ng0nturned out it was an error on the CD.18:32
ng0neasy to check.18:32
Fujoorbut ive intalled other computers with that same cd18:32
ng0nO. ok.18:32
ng0ndo.. the CD is good.18:32
ng0ndoes IT boot ?18:32
ng0ndid you set your Bios to boot cd first ?18:33
Fujooryeah, the live cd starts fine, i can surf n all18:33
ng0nok... it boots, surfs.18:33
ng0nnow. have done the disk partitons ?18:34
LDS_Trooperbutcherbird, what's your thoughts on PDA with Ubuntu? Any limitations there?18:34
Fujooroh cmon im not a total noob, ive installed ubuntu on plenty on computers, i think the problem is with grub, it oesnt install grub on this particular one, i have no clue wy, maybe its old`18:34
Fujoorbut that shouldnt be any problem still, right?18:34
ng0nok. so grub doesn't install.18:34
ng0ncan't help you.18:34
Fujoorok thanks anyway18:34
ng0nno prob.18:35
ng0nyou can call grub manually.18:35
n2diyFujoor: is this a Dell machine?18:35
Fujooryeah im reading a faq about it now18:35
grumoJack_Sparrow:  any suggestion?18:35
ng0nyou can write grub manually too.18:35
Fujoorn2diy: not its actually some noname computers, that i put together by leftover parts18:35
tanlaanI just got a Compaq Presario f572us for Christmas and I'm a bit confused on the ability to boot to it. Apparently only a select few people have managed to not only get it to boot but also install it. BUT they had to sacrifice a lot of things to manage this. My confusion is, after such a big sale of them at CircuitCity, why hasn't such a compatibility error been patched/fixed in an update of Gutsy?18:35
Jack_Sparrowgrumo: No, I dont want to help you break your system and you would not say what you were trying to install..18:36
n2diyFujoor: ok, some Dell machines have a proprietary hidden partition, that screws up installs.18:36
emadgays please , i need help ,the Korganizer and Pidgin sound notifications does not work ...... and i have checked every thing but didnt found the problem ...... any ideas?!?!18:36
infinitycircuittanlaan, gutsy is stable, big updates are a no-no18:36
LDS_Trooperoh.. my ride is here.. back in later... cya18:36
LDS_Trooperthanks for the help guys!18:37
infinitycircuittanlaan, and that is probably an upstream kernel problem anyway18:37
grumoJack_Sparrow:  i am trying to install the new version of libgpod to be able to synk my ipod with amarok18:37
Fujoorn2diy: ah ... never had any problems on my dell tho', thanks anyway18:37
Greevoushow do I go about renaming a removable disk?18:37
grumoJack_Sparrow:  don't worry i won't blame you if my system breaks18:37
tanlaaninfinitycircuit: Apparently its a problem with the wifi module, but it may be some other module along with it18:38
acidicchipAnyone know where there would be a step-by-step instructions and basic example usage for Lucene? I'm a java newbie (never even touched it), wanting to set it up to interface through PHP as the presenter.18:38
acidicchipI installed the liblucene, but have no clue how to use it18:38
vbhow to add mount points in DiskUsage Screenlet?18:39
jebblueacidicchip http://lucene.apache.org/java/docs/ ?18:39
butcherbirdGreevous: you mean the label?18:40
jimmygoonIs there something like "galert" where I could pass something as an argument and have it displayed in some type of pop up box18:40
Greevousbutcherbird: yes, I believe so18:40
Greevousbutcherbird: instead of 'disk' when I mount my drive18:41
JerrI'm not having any luck with btnx18:41
Picijimmygoon: Theres notify-send , like the little notifications that you get that say that there are updated packages.18:41
butcherbirdGreevous: you can use fdisk or cfdisk too i think.  id try gparted maybe for a gui tool18:41
erUSULjimmygoon: zennity ??18:41
JerrI'm trying to use my logitech G7 mouse, but the back button isn't working18:41
erUSULjimmygoon: is zenity without the extra n ;)18:42
Greevousbutcherbird: I used gparted to reformat it, but there aren't any options for setting the properties, only viewing them18:42
JerrI installed btnx, but it's not doing anything, and I've tried doing what they say to do18:42
butcherbirdGreevous: hmm then sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb  or whatever may be easiest18:43
acidicchipjebblue, I tried that, went into more detail about how it works rather than how to set it up. I'll look through it again, thanks.18:43
Skwid_is the ubuntu-desktop package supposed to be on the install CD ? or do I need the DVD ?18:43
jimmygoonerUSUL, can I customize the text :/18:43
erUSULjimmygoon: zenity --notification --text="Hello world! \n Merry Chritsmas and \n Happy New Year"18:45
jimmygoonoh, --text :P18:45
Greevousbutcherbird: that reminds me of another problem I had- after reformatting, I don't have permissions for a lot of things18:45
erUSULjimmygoon: zenity --info --text="Hello world! \n Merry Chritsmas and \n Happy New Year"18:45
jimmygoonthats not in the -? docs :(18:45
erUSULjimmygoon: man zenity18:45
jimmygoonerUSUL, yep, thanks!18:46
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erUSULjimmygoon: no problem ;)18:46
flushhrm wtf18:46
flushi cant play .wav files with xmms if im using alsa18:47
flushwhats the deal ? it works with oss18:47
morphlesis there a way to install older version of the package than the one it installs simply?18:47
taicomjphow to remove when I do ./configure make make install18:47
Myrttimake distclean18:47
jebblueacidicchip http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucene try the external resources18:48
acidicchipjebblue, okay I'll check that out now. Thanks again.18:48
erUSULtaicomjp: manually unless the program has a "make uninstall" target... for futures source installs do checkinstall...18:48
erUSUL!info checkinstall | taicomjp18:49
ubotutaicomjp: checkinstall: installation tracker. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-4ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 113 kB, installed size 544 kB18:49
jebblueacidicchip np also I used DotLucene in the past and it worked well so Lucene is a solid engine18:49
acidicchipYea, so far that's what I've read.18:50
WhitorHi... I'm havrouble mounting an external USB drive... How can I tell if the OS sees the drive at all ?18:50
WhitorI'm having trouble *18:50
morphlesok anybody? is there a way to install some specific package version?18:51
butcherbirdWhitor: dmesg | tail18:51
butcherbirdWhitor: you should see an sda or sdb1 or whatever. additionally lsusb will show the device18:52
Whitorbutcherbird: Isn't that for startup messages ?18:52
Whitorbutcherbird: my internal sata drive is /dev/sda18:52
butcherbirdWhitor: so unplug replug the usb drive and type dmesg | tail18:52
Whitorbutcherbird:  This is the last line  [14583.848184] [<f8eb4610>] (usb_hcd_irq+0x0/0x60 [usbcore])18:53
chichican anyone help me?18:54
Whitorbutcherbird: I unplugged and replugged... and this time it sees it... The drive itself may be flaky... thanks18:55
chichicant get live cd to work :(18:55
morphleschichi: checked the cheksum?18:55
morphlesand/or integrity18:55
chichiit gives me this error18:55
chichi"..MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC"18:55
pooyakhi there18:55
chichibut then i try noapic and it still doesnt boot18:56
morphlesseems like problem with bios18:56
pooyaki have a dvd-drive that bios detects18:56
pooyakbut in ubuntu I can't see it18:56
pooyakI tried manualy mknoding sdc and sdd18:56
pooyakbut no luck18:56
morphlesi mean might be18:56
morphlesask help from google :)18:56
Odd-rationalemsg ubotu google18:57
morphlessorry wrong window18:57
Odd-rationalesorry/ mistell18:57
xanichHi. I'm running Gusty and have a Plantronics USB Microphone. It works in Skype, but I can't seem to get it working in Audacity. When I select it as the input device, and record, I get this error, "Error while opening sound device. Please check the input device settings and the project sample rate." Help is very much appreciated.18:57
oldboyhello guys!!!!!!!!!!18:58
oldboyI am very dissapointed about my ATI18:58
oldboycompiz fusion dont work18:59
SR71-Blackbirdanyone can suggest a good replacement for MS OFFICE oneNote?18:59
SR71-Blackbirdon ubuntu18:59
sc0moldboy: it would be helpful if ATI was more open to GNU/Linux18:59
Roetgenhi .. I installed ubuntu 7.10 64bit a few days ago.. the screen brightness seems to fade in and out repeatedly .. I've seen some bug reports on this but no solutions.. anybody knows any?19:00
oldboysc0m: i guess you know somethin19:00
JimmyStewpotHello, I am currently working on trying to get the ubuntu network installer totally automated. I have some questions about the kernel append options. Is there anyone that can answer these sorts of questions in here?19:01
oldboyDoes any one knows a good book for linux?????19:01
sc0moldboy: http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/rms-ati-protest.html19:01
maglorHi. I need some help with java and firefox. Already tried many "solutions" and couldn't make it work.19:02
oldboysc0m: whats that?19:02
jebblueSR71-Blackbird what is OneNote?19:02
taicomjpI couldnt use make uninstall19:02
jebblueSR71-Blackbird if it is like Outlook then try Evolution19:02
SR71-Blackbirdsth that u take notes with19:02
SR71-Blackbirdi don't use it.. heh.. a friend uses it, and i was looking for a replacement...19:03
iDopelinux command to see load averages19:03
morphlesiDope: uptime shows it19:03
maglor /msg ubotu flash19:03
sc0miDope: top19:03
n2diyoldboy: http://rute.2038bug.com/rute.html.gz19:03
jebblueSR71-Blackbird ok so not like Outlook then I guess hmm a note taker, maybe Tomboy but that is like yellow stickies19:04
oldboysc0m: Very good19:04
SR71-Blackbirdjebblue, wikipedia says kde BasKet is the only one that approaches oneNote19:04
Jack_Sparrowoldboy: I liked ubuntu hacks...19:04
sc0moldboy: cool19:05
SR71-BlackbirdJack_Sparrow, hmm.. nice book..19:05
jebblueSR71-Blackbird hmm never heard of it I use Gnome but hey there you go you found it!19:05
DoubleAWmy top and bottom panel bars disappeared19:05
Jack_SparrowSR71-Blackbird: Already a bit dated.. but good info just the same19:05
colei've got a machine on the network that manages an itunes music library. other machines on my network use that itunes library for their own itunes in a sorta read-only way. i'm trying to do the same sorta thing from ubuntu with gtkpod, but i don't know how to tell gtkpod where to find the music (which is on a network share that i've mounted)19:05
SR71-BlackbirdJack_Sparrow, I don't see much point.. if u can google properly19:06
* morphles always thought/thinks that whole office is just piece of ....19:06
SR71-BlackbirdJack_Sparrow, and willing to play around a little bit19:06
DoubleAWdoes anyone know how I can make my panel bars come back?19:06
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oldboyn2diy: Is it good?19:06
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n2diyoldboy: yes, and it is free, the whole thing is online.19:07
Jack_SparrowSR71-Blackbird: Some people like a hard copy in their hands.... highlight it mark it up etc..19:07
oldboyn2diy: thanks19:07
SR71-BlackbirdJack_Sparrow, oh yeah.. they are good.. i've never really done that with simple "hacks" books.. i do that generally with serious programming books19:07
SR71-Blackbirdno offence tho19:08
Centaur5Can you put 2 host names in /etc/hostname to make a server work with different domains?19:08
Jack_SparrowSR71-Blackbird: We need to stop the offtopic.. sorry all19:08
jebblueSR71-Blackbird here is a good article on Tomboy http://www.linux.com/articles/5640519:08
SR71-Blackbirdok.. sorry19:08
SR71-Blackbirdjebblue, thanks.. i wish tomboy supported pictures and all19:09
acidicchiptomboy is awesome otherwise  though19:10
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SR71-Blackbirdacidicchip, i wonder how hard is it to do19:11
SR71-Blackbirdsnrch_rppt, hello19:11
vbI need help using DiskSpace screenlet19:11
calhi there!19:12
acidicchipSR71-Blackbird, as far as I know tomboy was written in .NET and is attached to the panel via mono.19:14
cali was wondering if someone could give me a hand installing ubuntu. i've got the ubuntu server minimal install, and now I'm trying to install kubuntu from a cd... I've tried apt-cdrom add, but now when trying to 'apt-get update' the stdout says 'Ign cdrom://Kubuntu...'19:14
calany idea?19:14
iDopesome command to show memory usage information19:14
cali'm googling btw...19:14
acidicchipSR71-Blackbird, so it may be alittle harder to do than we think19:14
remsomeone used freenet?19:14
iDopevery basic19:14
iDopenot ps aux19:15
iDopenot top19:15
oldboyThese days I heared about "damn small linux". Can I do the same with my flash stick 4Gb???19:15
iDopesomething like df19:15
SR71-Blackbirdacidicchip, hmm.. yeah.. that does mean we might be able to use some msdn codes19:15
oldboyWith ubuntu19:15
iDopejust overall usage info19:15
erUSULcal: you can only apt-cdrom add the alternate cd not the dektop one afaik19:15
acidicchipoldboy, I have ubuntu on a 4GB usb drive. Alittle slow to boot, works well otherwise19:15
calerSUL, thanx...19:15
dmHello. I have a usb webcam 0c45:602c which is supported by the ubuntu included gspca driver. When plugging it in the driver is loaded (says dmesg and lsmod) and /dev/video0 is created. But I get error messages when trying to use it: xawtv says "X Error of failed request:  XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode", camorama "Could not connect to /dev/video0". It's an ATI video card (if that matters). Any idea?19:16
RoshanKis anyone able to use bluetooth while in ubuntu?19:16
bpawhats a good game on ubuntu19:16
LimCorehello,  how to rebuild the kernel that I have (in 7.10 amd64 bit) but exacly for my amd64 (not generic) SMP,  and while aplying to it grsecurity patch? (so perhaps it will be other version like 23.9)19:16
oldboyacidicchip: i like the idea that i can take everything in my hand!!19:16
atomdog2003I need allow ssh access into by ubuntu box.  I don't see that anywhere in the system settings.  ???  How do I enable ssh access?19:16
RoshanKi got an error that says cannot open location19:16
SR71-Blackbirdmy dvd writer isn't being detected... how do I fix that19:16
dmatomdog2003: install ssh-server19:16
erUSUL!ssh | atomdog200319:17
ubotuatomdog2003: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/19:17
atomdog2003I use command line ssh client.19:17
oldboyacidicchip: did you find any dificculty19:17
iNeoatomdog2003: sudo apt-get install ssh19:17
ustahow can i install webmail.pkg files can anyone help me ?19:17
TezasaurusFlash is still borken, eh?19:17
* RedHeron . o O (Windows client???)19:17
vecnaatomdog sudo apt-get install openssh-server19:18
ustahow can i install webmail.pkg files can anyone help me ?19:19
jeff__hi i need help understanding something...i have a truecrypt volume in created in windows formatted to ntfs...i am not using easycrypt(gui to access truecrypt volumes on linux) tomount a fat32 volume...i'm scared to mount the ntfs and WRITE on it for..fear of currupting my data... can i do this with with of mind?19:19
rskjeff__: writing with ntfs3g should be safe19:20
jeff__have you done it with safety...writing and deleting19:20
jebbluejeff__ i use truecrypt and it is just a file why not copy it to an ext3 partition and mount it?19:20
jeff__what sultuion can i use to securley delete file from ubuntu like ERASER in windows19:21
Picijeff__: shred19:21
vbdoes any uses DiskSpace or DiskUsage screenlet?19:21
jeff__i'm talking abount a volume(file) 4GB that was orignallt formatted for ntfs when i created it19:22
jebbluejeff__ so what does truecrypt have to do with it?19:22
noodles12ok... i forgot where to go to change form double-clicking a window makes it maximize instead of shade19:22
atomdog2003Does Ubuntu server come with a desktop or windowing system at all?  Or is it a strictly command line access?19:22
Piciatomdog2003: strictly command line19:23
Piciatomdog2003: You can install the ubuntu-desktop package if you want/need a windowing system though (gnome)19:23
pc09FALA AEW pessoal19:23
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atomdog2003Pici: todo that would be: sudo apt-get install ubuntun-desktop   ???19:24
jeff__truecrypt is what i created the volume with in windows...i'm using the gui easycrypt to access it now in read-only...so i'd like to write to it now... i just need to be sure that my data is safe19:24
Piciatomdog2003: yes, except ubuntu spelled correctly19:24
dmatomdog2003: The difference is just what is installed _by default_19:25
jebbluejeff__ didnt know truecrypt can create volumes - i use it to create an encrypted filesystem inside a file and move that file whereever I want19:25
atomdog2003What is the difference between Ubuntu and Xubuntu?19:26
Piciatomdog2003: Ubuntu has the Gnome desktop enviroment by default and Xubuntu has XFCE.19:26
fromvegaHow can I enable the Remote Desktop over the Internet?19:26
mohamedcan any please tell me how to play DVD's on UBUNTU19:26
mohamedTOTEM seems to be giving me an error19:26
atomdog2003Can I access Ubuntu with TightVNX?19:26
mohamedwith PLUGINS19:26
Silver_FoxHi guys19:26
atomdog2003TightVNC that is ???19:27
rskyes atomdog200319:27
jeff__jebblue_ : i did both19:27
atomdog2003what VNC server should I install?  what command line to install it?19:27
jebbluejeff__ i think what you created was a file using truecrypt that happens to have resided on NTFS and inside that file lives  your encrypted filesystem. Since it is just a file you can move it to Linux and use Linux truecrypt to mount it.19:28
Silver_FoxI just saw this post on lifehack that says you can add addons to the GIMP.  Theres a list of adons here http://www.techzilo.com/gimp-plugins/   I can download them but how do i put them into the gimp?19:28
predaeus!dvd | mohamed19:28
ubotumohamed: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs19:28
HNTHello everybody, when I want to manually configure an wireless interface (using knetworkmanager) it only allow me to use wep encryption, do you know how to use wpa ? (wpa_supplicant is installed)19:28
jeff__jebblue_ i have a partition and a file...the partition is like 15gb19:28
happy1 Can Linux running LDAP authenticate Windows 2000 SP4 and Windows XP Pro SP2 clients as you would to a domain (e.g., use the LDAP database to mitigate the need to store Windows passwords locally on every system)?19:28
nonix4Hmm, anyone know whether ICH9R is more evil than ICH9? Or in another words, is there a list of recent chipsets w/out treacherous computing module etc?19:28
fromvegarsk, how can I enable the Remote Desktop to accept internet connections? I think it's only accepting local connections19:28
jebbluejeff__ ok copy the file to Linux and mount with truecrypt19:28
jebbluejeff__ ignore the partition19:29
pyraki need some help configuring my ubuntu command-line install to have a static ip addy19:29
atomdog2003how do I get a list of all packages that are currently installed?19:29
Gneaatomdog2003: dpkg -l | grep ^ii19:29
GHOSTdont no :(19:30
jebbluejeff__ are you dual booting and thats what you want to access it where it on NTFS?19:30
ccvpUbuntu Christmas Story:19:30
ccvpahhhh shit, when I left saturday morning......to drive to the airport before I left, for 5 days....i brought a garbage bag with me, to dump before i drove to the airport, so i goto the airport, forgetting the garbage bag in my trunk, but in my garbage bag was a sealed plastic box of burgers (4), so i wonder what the car is goin to smell like when I get back . hahahah, 4 burger patties, simmering in a trunk for 6 days19:30
Pici!language | ccvp19:31
ifireballatomdog2003: or System->Administration->Synaptic if you want a GUI19:31
ubotuccvp: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:31
tifineif anybody knows any health channel around here  ?19:31
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:31
ifireballfromvega: System->Preferences->Remote Desktop is one way19:31
jeff__jebblue: i don;t need to copy the file since if safely resides on a ntfs partion...but i think youv'e misunderstood me...i said when i crated the volume in volume in linux a was asked to format it by TRUECRYPT in fat or ntfs ...i choose ntfs...now once i open the volume...it's a ntfs partition(device) i am dealing with19:31
bcardarellaI'm trying to change my screen resolution. Every time I set it and restart the system it goes back to the previous setting. What is the config file to edit to set this manually?19:32
fromvegaifireball, yes but I can connect to it from the internet just local19:32
atomdog2003anyone here using ZoneMinder ???19:32
poningru_bcardarella, are you doing it on the system->admin or system->pref?19:32
poningru_cause you need to do it in the admin thing19:33
bcardarellaponingry: system->admin19:33
buzzsawhow hard is it to network/fileshare on a mac?      i am running ubuntu on my mac with vmware but it seems that they have a network running between them19:33
ifireballfromvega: you just need to use a VNC client on the other side and put in the internet address of your computer19:33
Silver_FoxHow do i get gimp plugins?19:33
jeff__jebblue: i can access my truecrpt volumes just find i can even read/write to my fat formatted vulume....but i'm not sure if i should try writing on my ntfs volume...i don't want to currupt my data19:33
akhileshI just installed ubuntu 7.119:34
ifireballfromvega: if you have firewalls/routers on the way they will interfere though19:34
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akhileshhow do I start X ? there is no startx even as I installed x11-common19:34
SequinI created a 2nd user. But I can't access my external hd under user 2.  How do I set this up?19:34
jebbluejeff__ o good luck19:34
bcardarellaponingru_: system->admin19:34
akhileshI installed ubuntu server 7.1019:34
ketroxakhilesh, try sudo gdm or sudo kdm19:34
atomdog2003akhiesh: me too19:35
ketroxakhilesh,  then try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop19:35
jeff__jebblue: so you've never tryed writing to an ntfs partition19:35
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ubotuVirtualBox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://www.virtualbox.org/ for !Feisty, !Edgy and !Dapper - Setup details at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox19:36
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/19:36
jebbluejeff__ hmm possibly i cant recall, i would just move everything to ext3 but that's just me I guess19:36
RoshanKhow would i setup ssh server?19:36
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kreggI installed kubuntu-desktop, but now I have the kubuntu loading screen. Anyone remember the command to return to ubuntu loading screen at bootup?19:36
akhileshketrox: thanks. Trying it out now.19:36
Jack_Sparrowjeff__: You can write to ntfs.. successfully... Same rule always apply..  HAve a backup for anything you cant afford to lose19:36
Viper550 /msg NickServ IDENTIFY fedorarox19:36
jeff__can anyone tell me how i can have a setup where my pc can be turned on but not logged in yet azurues can be started(like a service) so it can download and i can access it via webui19:36
GHOSTJack_Sparrow hey i19:36
Jack_SparrowViper550: Go change your password... NOW19:37
PiranhaPDoes anybody know where I can find advanced documentation for the /etc/network/interfaces file?  I'm trying to find a list of all possible options, but I've noticed the man page doesn't detail some like 'bridge_ports' and 'tunctl_user'.19:37
white_eagleI am sure I had the power button, but now its gone!!??!19:37
Viper550okay, hoe I vhange that19:37
Jack_SparrowGHOST: I'm just lurking...   bouncing in and out...19:37
GHOSTim on windows so...19:38
ketroxkregg, you mean the splash screen ?19:38
white_eagleI am sure I had the power button, but now its gone!!??! how to get it back19:38
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration19:38
dkulchenkodoes anyone know a place where i can get statistics on the amount of open source projects?19:38
jeff__jebblue: i would take your suggestion into consideration.. but if i format to ntfs...can i read/WRITE from vista safely....19:38
NushioI need some help configuring Amarok and transKode19:38
Viper550done, whoops.19:38
kreggketrox, i mean when my pc boots up, the screen with the bar going across (is that the splash?)19:38
GHOSTwhite_eagle alt+f gnome pane?19:38
white_eagleTransKode doesn't work for me19:38
Viper550kregg, yeah19:38
Nushioit keeps on saying i need libutempter.so.0, but afair there is no such lib for ubuntu19:38
white_eagleGHOST, yes19:38
jebbluejeff__ i have no desire to use vista so i wouldn't know19:39
kreggI've done this before, but I've forgot the command19:39
kreggit's an apt-get thing...19:39
Nushiowhite_eagle: what can I use to transcode oggs into mp3s to use on the ipod?19:39
fromvegaifireball, how can I change the port of the ubuntu remote desktop?19:39
kreggah got it19:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opensource - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:39
jeff__jebblue: can u help me with my azurues? question scrool up19:40
Picifromvega: Theres a setting you can change in gconf-editor to modify the port number, by default its 5900, so search for that. I dont remember the exact key name.19:40
GHOSTbye evryone and good luck19:40
fromvegaPici, tks19:40
white_eagleNushio, sorry dunno19:40
Jack_Sparrowdkulchenko: I doubt anyone has any sort of accurate info on that.. and .. that is offtopic for this support channel...19:41
jebbluejeff__ well i dont use file sharing services but i can give you a few tips hang on19:41
ifireballfromvega: I'm not sure there's an easy way to do that, let me have a look at it for a sec19:41
dkulchenkoJack_Sparrow: sorry19:41
ketroxkregg, sudo apt-get install startupmanager then you'll be able to configure it from  gui19:41
ifireballfromvega: oh, ok I see Pici answered you19:41
netsrotHi, how do I set metacity to default window manager?19:41
lukaszhey people19:42
juanbondhey guys, quick question.. how can i flush out my dns?  just like doing an ipconfig /flushdns ?19:42
rsknetsrot: it's the default by default19:42
kreggketrox, cheers19:42
netsrotrsk: I get compiz by default =(19:42
lukaszAmarok on playlist radio station pls said no demux decoder found19:42
ifireballjuanbond: sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart should do the trick19:42
odracir34can somebody help me19:42
netsrotrsk: so now I have to run metacity --replace each time I boot?19:42
kreggah nuts19:42
odracir34i have a problem with my keyboord19:42
Jack_Sparrowdkulchenko: You can ask in #Ubuntu-offtopic   .. you can look at the offical sources repositories for any of our distros etc...  You are talking a huge amount of indformation19:42
kreggi've locked the admin directory19:42
rsknetsrot: system > preferences > desktops effects19:43
acidicchiphow do I enable timestamp display in xchat?19:43
lukaszI need a demux decoder!19:43
juanbondifireball: i don't have nscd in init.d19:43
netsrotrsk: I run utuntu 7.10 x86 with nvidia official driver, and there is no such button =(19:43
kreggno worries got it sorted19:43
lukaszFor amarok19:43
jebbluejeff__ WOL Wake on LAN (google it) and then as far as a service goes you can make a lot pf programs run under the control of xinetd like a service: http://archiv.debianhowto.de/en/xinetd/c_xinetd.html and as far as the web access part of your question I guess that depends on the program you want to access as a service, does it have a builtin web browser would be the question I would research19:44
acidicchipfound it nvm19:44
Pici!ccsm | netsrot19:44
ubotunetsrot: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion19:44
ifireballjuanbond: then you don't have anything that need flashing...19:44
basyHi, shortcuts from menu ("Add/Remove prg...", "Update Manager" and "Device Manager") doesn't do anything in default CD instalation Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (with all 195 updates OK), please help, Synaptic works OK... Can anybody help, plz?19:44
basyWhat to reinstall?19:44
netsrotPici: that doesn't say how I disable it?19:45
jeff__thanks..i already use WOL..the on real thing i need to get done it running a prgram like azeures once the pc boots up with logging in19:45
Picinetsrot: I believe you can set a default window manager in that tool19:45
netsrotPici: ok I'll try.19:45
Jack_Sparrow!startup > jeff__19:46
rambo3basy that looks like problem with gksudo19:46
erUSULbasy: have you tried to launch the apps froma terminal? eg « gksudo update-manager »19:46
jeff__JEbBLUE: i don;t think the link is for what i need19:46
faemirWhere is a place that you can make suggestions to ubuntu?19:46
jeff__but thanks anyway19:46
Jack_Sparrowjeff__: If I was in error.. sorry19:46
erUSUL!bugs | faemir19:46
ubotufaemir: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about demux-decoder - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about demux - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:46
Jack_Sparrow!find demux19:47
Pici!msgthebot | lukasz19:47
ubotuFound: gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mpegdemux, mpegdemux, avidemux19:47
ubotulukasz: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.19:47
lukaszthnx Pici19:47
faemirerUSUL: I was referring to the distro itself...19:47
wathekhow can I do if I'd like to change my keyboard language with GNOME ?19:47
erUSULfaemir: launchpad is the place to make suggestion afaik19:48
wathekto get a little icon that let me switch from language to language19:48
erUSULwathek: System>Prefs>Keyboard or System>Admin>Language support19:48
Casper4Hi. I've compiled the kernel I got from apt-get install linux-image...why are the modules like 10 times bigger from my compilation than from the default install. I mean every single module is like 10 times bigger than the ones from the original install. How do I reduce the size? The original modules dir is like 70M, but the recompiled kernel is 500M..I used the original config from /boot to recompile..19:49
basyerUSUL & rambo3: when try: gksudo update-manager => (  File "/usr/bin/update-manager", line 28, in ?)( import gtk)(File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/__init__.py", line 45, in ?   )(from _gtk import *)(ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/_gtk.so: undefined symbol: gtk_cell_layout_clear_attributes)...19:49
netsrotPici: can't find it there and seems a bit odd to install a new app just to disable it.19:49
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:49
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.19:49
wathekerUSUL, I'm looking for changing my keyboard layout19:50
Picinetsrot: Disable which? I thought you said you wanted to set metacity as your default window manager.19:50
wathekfrom French to arabic19:50
erUSULbasy: it seems like a bug... you can report it to launchpad...19:50
erUSUL!bugs | basy19:50
ubotubasy: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:50
lukaszdamn still says no decoder Im gonna have to restart and see19:51
uwohi all. does n1 use sopcast ?! i can get it to work when choosing the channels on the ww.sopcast.com xml, but doesn't work to copy&paste.. any help appreciated19:51
basyerUSUL :) OK then how to manual updete from dapper to feisty ??19:52
=== carl_ is now known as carlosxyz
erUSUL!upgrade | basy19:52
ubotubasy: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:52
mrynitubuntu crashed while playing a game and ever i boot now i get a window saysing that my X and gnome keyboard settings are different and need to choose one. i do choose a settings but it keeps asking me every reboot.19:54
lukasz!find decoder19:54
ubotuFound: alac-decoder, beep-media-player, libaudio-flac-decoder-perl, libogg-vorbis-decoder-perl, mpg123 (and 7 others)19:54
[1]akhileshIs there a CD which I can download which will have all packages not present in 7.10 server CD ?19:54
Jack_Sparrowmrynit: A linux native game or one in wine, or one of the virtual tools19:55
RoshanKCan anyone help me as to how i would setup ssh server?19:55
tHaDuDeHi, i just installed ubuntu and my sound doesnt work.. can anyone help me?19:55
mrynitJack_Sparrow: linux native.19:55
erUSUL!sound | tHaDuDe19:55
ubotutHaDuDe: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:55
RoshanKJack_Sparrow do you know as to how i would setup ssh server? I installed open-ssh from the synaptic packet manager but what do i do from there?19:56
Jack_Sparrowmrynit: Which game, just for my own information.. I have no clue on how to fix the problem at this point19:56
lukaszer Im only having trouble that amarok says no decode19:56
lukaszer Im only having trouble that amarok says no decoder*19:56
lukaszsry forgot r on the last one19:56
basyerUSUL: my web browsers stop downloading pages after, i dont know why, text based w3m is OK, but X-browsers firefox, Konqoeror and Opera shows only a top baner and menu and then never stop downloading19:56
ifireballRoshanK: you need "openssh-server"19:57
lukasz!find audio decoder19:57
ubotuFound: alsa-utils, gstreamer0.10-alsa, gstreamer0.10-esd, gstreamer0.10-plugins-good, kaudiocreator (and 56 others)19:57
mrynitJack_Sparrow: suactbranten19:57
mryniti think...19:57
RoshanKifireball that is what i isntalled19:57
[1]akhileshRoshanK: I think "apt-get install ssh openssh-server" should do.19:57
Jack_SparrowRoshanK:   I have the day off...  just lurking  I dont do ssh....someone will know19:57
daxrocHi all19:57
Jack_Sparrowmrynit: thanks.. I have had no problem with sauerbraten19:57
ifireballRoshanK: then it should already be working, but maybe you need to start it "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart"19:58
erUSULbasy: ?? that's a weird problem becouse if text based browsers work xbaesd ones should work too...19:58
RoshanKifireball i restarted19:58
mrynitJack_Sparrow: i was playing with the video settings and it locked up so i rebooted.19:58
daxrocWhat is the turn around on package updates (time wise)?19:58
Picidaxroc: Security updates?19:58
lukasz!find amarok decoder19:58
ubotuFound: amarok, amarok-xine, amarok-engines19:58
RoshanKifireball but what do i do after that? how do i setup user, pasword or whatever it is that i would need to connect to pc from somewhere else?19:58
daxrocPici: no general utilities / hardware stacks etc19:59
basyI can't open with any x-browser https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes, but w3m is OK19:59
Jack_Sparrowmrynit: Ah..That explains alot..  I would try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:59
ifireballRoshanK: it simply connects with all the user accounts and passwords you already have defined on the mavhine19:59
Picidaxroc: 6 months.  We dont have a rolling release like debian does.  We release stable versions every 6 months.19:59
ifireballRoshanK: machine*19:59
Chemicalvampwhats the best system monitor? that has temperature sensor20:00
daxrocPici: is there a unstable repo ?20:00
RoshanKoh so once i install open-ssh server im done on the server side?20:00
lukaszstill says no decoder found after I installed engines20:00
ifireballRoshanK: yes20:00
Picidaxroc: Theres the 'in development' release, but its probably not what you're looking for.20:00
mrynitJack_Sparrow: are there any bad things that could happen b/c of that? I also installed xgl to get compiz0fusion to work but that made my games not work. I un Installed it with no trouble i belive20:00
lukasz!find decoder20:00
ubotuFound: alac-decoder, beep-media-player, libaudio-flac-decoder-perl, libogg-vorbis-decoder-perl, mpg123 (and 7 others)20:00
RoshanKis cedega not free?20:01
daxrocPici: prob not , just go for source :D20:01
Jack_Sparrowmrynit: Ah, even more info...  start with the reconfigure, accept default on anything you dont know or understand20:01
ketroxRoshanK, no20:01
RoshanKthanks ketrox20:01
daxrocPici: Thanks for the help , Happy xmax20:01
ifireballRoshanK: unless you want to harden it a little by forcing use of crypto-keys rather then passwords20:01
RoshanKifireball i think my regular password should be fine20:02
RoshanKis there anyway i can test to see if ssh is working right now?20:02
sulleI am looking on ENVY tutorials. But i dont see it covers the  ubunut gutsy. What can i do ?. it covers all other distros of  Ubuntu. please help.20:02
ifireballRoshanK: sure just "ssh localhost"20:02
ifireballRoshanK: or simply ssh from anther machine20:02
=== [1]akhilesh is now known as akhilesh
lukaszanyone know why Amarok says no decoder found?20:03
lukaszand what deocder shoud I get?20:03
evan_hey is there a gui program for changing you menus??? not the content but the looks20:03
erUSULlukasz: for what type of file?20:04
wathekit's strange I set my keyboard layout but I can't change from one to other20:04
lukaszshoutcast aac+20:04
erUSULlukasz: you have to install the appopiate gstreamer plugin20:04
JoelitoHi all, I want to programm in xlib, where can I find its headers and libraries?20:04
erUSUL!mp3 | lukasz20:04
ubotulukasz: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:04
lukaszI did that hmm20:05
wolsJoelito: search for the xlib.h and you will know20:05
lukaszhmm I work on it thnx20:06
Joelitowols: at google? or repositores?20:06
evan_hey is there a gui program for changing you menus??? not the content but the looks20:06
ketroxJoelito, slocate xlib.h20:06
wolsJoelito: in repos20:06
wolsevan_: gnome themes20:07
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:07
wolsketrox: that won't work20:07
lukasz!find w32codecs20:07
ubotuPackage/file w32codecs does not exist in gutsy20:07
wolslukasz: medibuntu most likely if anywhere20:07
evan_wols : can you change the menu by themes?20:07
wolslukasz: what codec is it?20:07
wolsevan_: the look of it yes20:08
lukaszI need for amarok20:08
lukaszmp3 and aac+20:08
lukaszand so i can listent o streaming radio20:08
wolsmp3 should be in restricted. not sure about acc+20:08
lukaszwhere is restricted located?20:09
Pici!restricted | lukasz20:09
ubotulukasz: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:09
netsrotPici: system>perferences>appearance>visuall effects and selecting none seems to disable it, isn't that the right way to do it?20:09
Flare183wols: yes aac is20:09
lukaszI have installed it already20:09
LimCoreczesc lukas =)20:09
wolsFlare183: aac+ too?20:09
Picinetsrot: That will remove visual effects, so, if thats what you want, yes.20:09
lukaszCzesc  LimCore20:09
Flare183wols: i thinks so20:09
lukaszonly restricted20:09
lukaszfor now20:09
lukaszI couldn't find how do make amarok play20:10
netsrotPici: mainly what I want is to not run compiz by default =)20:10
Picinetsrot: Then thats the way to go20:10
reya276How can I revert to the original graphics driver config that Ubuntu Gutsy installs by default20:10
LimCorelukas just installing amarok didnt worked?20:10
netsrotPici: thanks.20:11
lukaszno it didn't LimCore20:11
wolsreya276: ls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf*20:11
Regelreya276, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, use "vesa"-driver20:11
lukaszIts a streaming radio that doesn't work on it LimCore20:11
Regelor nv or ati20:11
SequinCan someone tell me why I cannot change the group of a folder found on my external hardrive. I'm trying to give my 2nd user read/write access to the entier disk.20:12
Joelitoyeah, was xorg :D20:12
Sequinthe group is currently "root"20:12
Joelitothanks for the pointer :)20:12
soniumdoes someone know a good texteditor for opening 100+ MB Textfiles?20:12
lukaszI could try find another player20:12
RegelSequin, cos you aren't editing it with superuser?20:12
lukasz!find audio player20:13
ubotuFound: alsa-utils, gstreamer0.10-alsa, gstreamer0.10-esd, gstreamer0.10-plugins-good, kaudiocreator (and 56 others)20:13
Regelsonium, nano20:13
lukasz!find music player20:13
ubotuFound: libmusicbrainz4-dev, libmusicbrainz4c2a, asc-music, boson-music, education-music (and 24 others)20:13
Regel!find cat20:13
Pici!players | lukasz20:13
ubotuFound: ca-certificates, kio-locate, libstartup-notification0, libstartup-notification0-dev, netcat (and 84 others)20:13
ubotulukasz: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs20:13
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.20:13
wolssonium: emacs, vim, etc :)20:14
reya276Regel: Thanks20:14
iDopewhat to do if my sound suddenly stopped working after a kernel upgrade20:14
soniumthx... non gui will probably be the best20:14
iDopeim pretty sure i didn't touch the sound card related section from my previous config20:14
SequinRegel, Do I have to be in the user called "root"?  From what I can tell, my user account has root priviledges20:14
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.20:14
Sequinthis is a new install20:14
iDopethe volume applet says that my card is not configured20:15
iDopeI have a Conexant HD Audio device20:15
RegelSequin, start nautilus with command: 'sudo nautilus', then you should be able to edit folders20:15
Regelbut ntfs-partitions need a bit work to get the read/write-support enabled20:16
iDopedo I need to compile some module or something?20:16
wolsiDope: snd-hda-intel still loaded?20:16
pgjensenanyone want to help me with >2tb volumes?  post-reboot i can only see about 800gb of the volume20:16
lukaszIt didn't work non of apt-get install Mplayer works or others says package not found20:16
iDopemodprobe snd-hda-intel?20:16
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:17
iDopesnd_hda_intel not found20:17
stockfischis there a chance to change the monitor settings using a gui? i have just changed my old crt to a widescreen tft.20:18
wolsiDope: please leearn to read what I wrote20:18
wolsor did you use - and modprobe returned _ ?20:18
=== daedrix is now known as Daedric
iDopei did modprobe snd-hda-intel20:18
iDopewhich is probably wrong20:18
iDopewhat other way do I check?20:19
iDopeu asked if snd-hda-intel was still loaded and I assumed that its a kernel module and did what came to mind20:19
wolsit is a kernel module20:19
wolsman lsmod20:20
wolsbut not even finding the module seems wrong20:20
wolsiDope: uname -a20:20
iDopelsmod | grep hda20:20
iDopeso its not loaded20:20
wolsiDope: uname -a20:21
=== docgnome` is now known as docgnome
iDopeaxe-laptop 2.6.23-custom #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Dec 26 23:55:27 PKT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux20:21
wolsiDope: this is no ubuntu kernel20:22
iDopeso I should go ask on linux then?20:22
wolsyou could learn how to compile your own kernel properly20:23
lukaszgot to reboot20:23
iDopeI did20:23
iDopeI used the basic kernels config20:23
wolsiDope: the fact that you didn't compile sound drivers proves that you don't know at all20:23
Regelsonium, nano & vim20:23
Piciwols: Be nice.20:23
Regeldamn, wrong butn, sry20:24
iDopeI did not change anything in the drivers section20:24
iDopeand I did compile all the modules20:24
wolsiDope: and you are very lucky it even booted20:24
iDopeif they were there in the ubuntu default kernel config20:24
iDopethey should be there now20:24
wolsif you did compile them all, there would be a snd-hda-intel, now wouldn't there?20:24
KnickLighterHi, does anyone here know how to configure OpenVPN (client on windows, server on ubuntu) to use the vpn connection on each running program? Just like the windows VPN option?..20:24
wolsiDope: grep CONFIG_SND_HDA_INTEL /boot/config-2.6.2320:25
wolsiDope: grep CONFIG_SND_HDA_INTEL /boot/config-2.6.23*20:25
=== John_Bracca is now known as willabee
willabeei'm trying to load a live cd on my laptop, but it just goes straight to windows20:26
KnickLighterwillabee; check your BIOS settings for what device to boot first20:26
willabeethe cd loads normally on other computers20:26
kenanis there a program on ubuntu gutsy where i can write a schedule and it will notify me at a certain time, (e.g, take out garbage, and a popup comes up to tell me that at a chosen time)20:27
wolsiDope: so what does it say?20:28
iDopeyou got me20:28
iDopeits not set20:28
brueniguh oh20:28
bruenigwell set it and recompile, set it =m and then you can just compile the modules20:28
iDopenot only just it20:28
iDopeI should be able to do that too right?20:28
bruenigyou could do that20:28
willabeebrb restarting20:29
wolsiDope: run menuconfig, enable the alsa stuff and whatever else and run make-kpkg again20:29
iDoperight that will just compile the missing stuff20:29
iDopeie this module20:29
wolsiDope: imho when you want a custom kernel, make a custom one. not a copy of the distro kernel. what's the point?20:29
wolsiDope: run make-kpkg again. mostly only this module yes20:29
iDopewell there are some changes20:30
LimCorehello,  how to rebuild the kernel that I have (in 7.10 amd64 bit) but exacly for my amd64 (not generic) SMP,  and while aplying to it grsecurity patch? (so perhaps it will be other version like 23.9)20:30
iDopeesp some related to things i didn't want20:30
iDopeand the stability issue is definitely fixed20:30
iDopethats what I wanted to fix20:30
iDopebut now that i actually logged in20:30
iDopei realized that sound wasn't working20:31
SequinRegel, I did sudo nautilus. Then found my drive filesystem/media/EXTERNAL. It would not let me change the group, or the folder access for "others"20:32
iDopeI guess some of the driver section modules did get unselected20:32
iDopethanx for bashing me for my n00bness :)20:32
wolsiDope: ubuntu kernel has patches, kernel.org source doesn't, might have made a difference20:32
wolsiDope: anytime20:33
shingokiDoes anyone have a straightforward howto for how I would build a package for libcwiimote-0.4? Gutsy only has o.220:34
pgjensenanyone heard of parted working fine with partitions and then after reboot the filesystems on the partitions only allow the max cfdisk shows as the partition? (i.e. cfdisk will show EFI partition of 800gb, and 4000gb free space while parted shows 4800gb partition)20:35
pgjensenmkfs.ext3 will format the full 4800gb and then upon reboot when mounted shows 800gb under df20:35
GHOSThey there20:36
ifireballshingoki: I suppose you begin by taking the source package of the existing version and try to build it with the newer source20:36
* RedHeron wonders if there isn't a maximum limitation at work there, pgjensen ...20:36
shingokiI was going to try that, but it seemed a bit awful :) I'll give it a go I suppose20:36
m3talgodconnect irc.tveps.net20:36
shingokiI read something about making a source package, but honestly it scared me20:36
wolspgjensen: cfdisk can't deal with GPT partitions IIRC20:36
ifireballshingoki: package building isn't for the faint of heart... :P20:37
shingokiand then I have to make a -dev package as well I guess?20:37
pgjenseni know wols... not using cfdisk20:37
shingokiI just wish it was a bit more up to date20:37
pgjensenjust weird how post-reboot ext3 partition is exact size that cfdisk shows20:37
pgjenseneven though i'm using parted20:37
pgjensenand have never written anything via cfdisk/fdisk, only parted... and kernel has EFI/GPT enabled20:38
ifireballshingoki: I think the source package typically build both20:38
shingokiah that's good20:38
yrvyzzHello :) I have a problem with rhythmbox not playing the internet radio stream http://www.webhits.de/cgi/webclix?df=38517&link=5 though opening the same URL in Totem works without problems20:38
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:38
yrvyzzany hints?20:38
yrvyzzrhythmbox's error message box reads "unknown playback error"20:39
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs20:40
=== utka2 is now known as utis
=== utis is now known as utis2
chazcoHi... how can I install ubuntu-restricted-extras from the terminal but exclude msttcorefonts?20:40
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:40
chazcoI think i'm after some sort of apt exclude argument20:41
yrvyzzghost: doesn't seem to apply for me, I have everything installed to play CSS-protected DVDs, and Totem _can_ actually play the stream20:41
GHOSTyrvzz yea tats why i keep xp20:42
Yanchohow can i remove gnome so i can install xfce instead of it please?20:43
yrvyzzghost: fortunately playing the Real stream works in Ubuntu/Rhythmbox but I'd like to solve the problem nonetheless20:43
chazcoWould "apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras -msttcorefonts" do it?20:43
yrvyzzYancho: install xubuntu-desktop in Synaptic20:43
GHOSTyrvyzz yea   mayby u should try vlc but the quality is low20:43
Yanchojust that yrvyzz?20:43
erUSULYancho: there's no easy way of tdoing it20:43
yrvyzzYancho: then choose session XFCE on login20:44
yrvyzzYancho: however, it doesn't remove the Gnome stuff, just adds the XFCE stuff20:44
GHOSTyrvyzz same thing here20:44
Yanchoand u cant remove once and for all the gnome stuff yrvyzz?20:44
yrvyzzYancho: I know no _easy_ way though I did the reverse to get rid of xubuntu-desktop which I had installed for testing :)20:45
yrvyzzYancho: what's more, the XFCE desktop might also use some of the Gnome stuff20:46
igcekhello, does anybody have any experiance with getting laptop intigrated sd-card readers getting to work?20:46
GHOSTbye and good luck everyone20:46
LimCorehello,  how to rebuild the kernel that I have (in 7.10 amd64 bit) but exacly for my amd64 (not generic) SMP,  and while aplying to it grsecurity patch? (so perhaps it will be other version like 23.9)20:46
wolsto remove gnome is easy: apt-get --purge remove libgnome32 libgnome2-common20:46
acidicchipokay, silly question I'm sure. I login via SSH, it states I have new mail... How do I check it?20:46
torrent3How do I find my sound device in /dev ? Which one is it?20:46
LimCorehow to start nested X session, in which I will log in to another user20:46
yrvyzzacidicchip: try mutt20:47
wolsacidicchip: mutt, pine, mail, etc20:47
erUSULtorrent3: /dev/snd/*20:47
yrvyzzLimCore: when in Gnome, click the "exit" symbol in the upper right, then choose Switch userr20:48
yrvyzzsorry, that's not nested20:48
torrent3erUSUL: What about /dev/dsp ? What is that?20:48
andymushui'm having trouble shuttin down my computer using lirc. can anyone help me please?20:48
RequinB4can anyone recommend me an audio extracter that works with ubuntu?  Trying to get audio out of a .flv file20:49
erUSULtorrent3: touchè20:49
Flare183andymushu: sudo shutdown -P now20:49
torrent3erUSUL: I don't have touche installed20:49
Yanchowols so i can do sudo apt-get --purge remove libgnome32 libgnome2-common ?20:49
LimCoreyrvyzz: I want it to be nested20:49
heckler0077Hello.  How do I upgrade from 6.06 to the latest version?20:49
andymushuflare183: the trouble is that i don't want to have to put in the sudo password to shut down20:49
RequinB4!upgrade | heckler007720:50
ubotuheckler0077: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:50
wolsYancho: yes20:50
chazcoWould "apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras -msttcorefonts" prevent msttcorefonts being installed but allow all the rest of it?20:50
Flare183andymushu: well you could just press and hold the power button down20:50
Flare183andymushu: but...20:50
andymushuflare183: i want to do it with the remote though20:50
torrent3someone tell me what is /dev/dsp ?? should i add /dev/dsp or adsp or snd to vmware?20:50
wolschazco: no20:50
chazcoAh... any idea how to wols?20:51
wolstorrent3: /dev/dsp is the OSS sound device20:51
Hilikushey guys20:51
torrent3wols: okay :)20:51
wolschazco: uninstall it after you install restricted. this will also remove the restricted metapackage20:51
erUSULtorrent3: i meant that i dunno exactly it is a french expression meaning "good point" or something like that20:51
xeperDoes anyone here use acharge?20:51
Flare183andymushu: can't be done without sudo20:51
chazcoTrouble is that downloads the fonts which takes bandwidth...20:51
torrent3erUSUL : oh okay :P im not french20:51
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Hilikuswhenever i remote ssh to my server i get the MOTD repeate twice, any ideas why is that?20:51
torrent3wols: What about adsp?20:51
RequinB4can anyone recommend an audio extractor that will extract the audio from .flv files20:52
patrick_anybody knows why i can adjust my desktop appearance, its stuck on everything off pm plz20:52
andymushuflare183: i know, but there is a way to make it so you don't need the sudo for shutdown20:52
wolstorrent3: no clue what that's supposed to be20:52
yrvyzzLimCore: try installing xnest package20:52
andymushuflare183: it has something to do with the sudoers file20:52
yrvyzzHilikus: maybe something's calling motd a second time, look into shell startup scripts like .bashrc20:53
xeperOr... can anyone help me to get the USB charging on my Blackberry Pearl to work?20:53
sidewalkwhat application(s) do you recommend for graphical remote administration of Ubuntu?20:53
chazcowols - I've manually removed it before and the meta package stays installed (shows as installed in Synaptic)... What i'm trying to do is make a recovery script for clean installs... would rather not download all the fonts if possible though (they cause problems with my documents formatting and take up bandwidth)20:53
adamonline46Is it possible to have static IPs for some computers, and dynamic IPs for the rest?  I'm using a lynksys router as the main interface off the internet, but I have an old Ubuntu box that I'd like to use as the 'static' router for my room; about 5 machines.  When I tried this years ago, I was having problems; but I'd like to give it another go...20:54
wolsadamonline46: yes20:54
gu23ghdoes anyone know a good xdcc script for x-chat ?20:54
Bousteuris there a french ubuntu channel ?20:54
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.20:54
adamonline46wols: I presume I'd need two NICs in the router machine?20:54
vbi am unable to view apple trailers on gutsy gibbon :(20:54
yrvyzzsidewalk: calling X applications after logging in with ssh -X host (X forwarding)20:54
Bousteuroh thanks20:54
wolsadamonline46: yes20:54
=== kurt_ is now known as plee
heckler0077I am trying to upgrade in steps.  I have 6.06, and I am trying to upgrade to 6.10, so I ran the command gksu "update-manager -c"  but when it opened the update manager, it said that my system was up to date.  Help!20:55
sYn_0n3hey guys i have a weird issue i have a custom built box dual booting xp and ubuntu20:55
wolsadamonline46: but depends. not really20:55
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:55
wolsadamonline46: a single switch and connecting the upstream to your linksys router is enough20:55
Flare183!upgrade | heckler007720:55
ubotuheckler0077: please see above20:55
sYn_0n3i mount my ntfs partition within linux20:55
andymushudoes anyone know how to do a "sudo shutdown -h now" without having it ask for the sudo password?20:55
sYn_0n3when i went to reboot and boot into windows i got a grub interface20:55
Pelo!enter | sYn_0n320:55
RequinB4can anyone recommend an audio extractor that will extract audio from .flv files?20:55
ubotusYn_0n3: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:55
wolsandymushu: press ctrl+alt+del?20:55
adamonline46wols: I was thinking I might be able to get away with not doing so.  Perhaps just a DNS server that tracks the IPs of the other computers, or something, by MAC address...  I'm not really sure how to go about getting started...20:55
heckler0077I looked at the link, and followed the instructions, but when I entered the command and it opened the update manager, it said that my sytem was up to date20:56
sYn_0n3did linux overwrite my xp mbr? is the question and if it did..how so20:56
mhall53hey what is that program that makes ubuntu look good20:56
andymushuwols: i am trying to shut it down using lirc, but in order to execute the shutdown it asks for a password20:56
wolsadamonline46: all you need to make sure is your linksys doesn't give out your static IP via DHCP. that's all20:56
sYn_0n3compiz@ mhall15320:56
PelosYn_0n3, you should be able to select windows xp from the grub menu20:56
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:56
sYn_0n3pelo i am able to select it but it never boots20:56
andymushuwols: i got the remote to work, the buttons function flawlessly, except for this shutdown thing20:56
heckler0077ubotu: I looked at the link, and followed the instructions, but when I entered the command and it opened the update manager, it said that my system was up to date20:56
wolsandymushu: chmod +s /sbin/shutdown; sudo chown root.root /sbin/shutdown20:57
sYn_0n3yes all partitions are inputed in menu.lst20:57
wolsandymushu: from then on: no more sudo required to run shutdown20:57
PelosYn_0n3, basicaly,  the ubuntu installer rewrites the mbr to point to the grub menu20:57
adamonline46wols: Hmm.  That may be easier said than done with proprietary firmware...20:57
andymushuwols: thanks20:57
PelosYn_0n3, are you getting an error msg ?20:57
sYn_0n3yes error 1720:57
andymushuwols: is there any way to reverse that if it messes anything up?20:57
PelosYn_0n3, hold on20:57
wolsadamonline46: yes, remove the suid bit20:57
sYn_0n3grub error..but when i boot to ubuntu drive i get grub and im able to login to ubuntu20:57
PelosYn_0n3, pastebin your  /boot/grub/menu.lst  file so I can have a look20:57
sYn_0n3it looks like grub is installed on both drives20:57
lilu001que mierda de canal es este??20:57
lleonard@adamonline: there should be a web interface for your linksys where you can set the first dynamically assigned IP address.  everything below that defaults to static20:58
wolssYn_0n3: fdisk -l and your menu.lst both in a pastebin please20:58
PelosYn_0n3, ahhh20:58
mqduckhey, guys... im sorry for being totally off-topic, but can anyone tell me if one can use ddr2 memory on a motherboard that only supports ddr1?20:58
sYn_0n3sorry guys im at work right now and im on a xp machine20:58
wolsmqduck: you can't20:58
PelosYn_0n3, dl the supergrub cd and us it to fix your windows mbr20:58
andymushuwols: what is the command to reverse that chmod and chown on shutdown?20:58
IamReckanyone know of a good program to convert .avi files to .mp4?20:58
vbI am unable to view apple trailers on Gutsy :(20:58
sYn_0n3got you @ pelo20:58
RequinB4can anyone recommend an audio extractor that will extract audio from .flv files?20:58
PelosYn_0n3, http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/20:58
sYn_0n3i heard good things about it but never used it20:58
PelosYn_0n3,  it is very reliable but the menu structure is a bit confusing in my opinion20:59
wolsPelo: why would grub boot a windows partition via MBR even if it's on another harddisk?20:59
IamReckor just a free program that will convert my videos to a playable format on ipod touch20:59
heckler0077help! I am trying to upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10, and i followed the upgrading instructions.  When I ran the command in terminal, it opened update manager, which said that I had no new updates.  What do I do?20:59
andymushuiamreck: try zamzar.com20:59
PelosYn_0n3, personnaly , I have boot xp and ubunt on a seperete hdd,  I made sure that the ubuntu hdd was set to boot from the bios when i installed ubuntu,  that wayeach mbr is sepreate21:00
bangeloIamReck: Have you tried MEncoder?21:00
wolsIamReck: ffmpeg and mencoder21:00
PelosYn_0n3, somehow he got grub stage one installed on both hdd21:00
adamonline46wols: So that's a client-side fix, then?  As in, on the machine, not the router?  You know, I'd actually not mind sticking with DHCP if I could use the box as a DNS server.  As long as there's only one 'hosts' file I have to maintain, I could live with that.  Do you know if I can install a DNS server on that machine, and have my other computers look to that first?  Oh, I guess I see why I'd need a static IP for at least that one...21:00
wolsheckler0077: pastebin your sources.list21:00
sYn_0n3pelo..this is exactly how i have it setup21:00
andymushuwols: how do i reverse this command if it goes wrong?  chmod +s /sbin/shutdown; sudo chown root.root /sbin/shutdown21:00
Pelowols, somehow he got stage one instaled on both hdd and pointing to the same /boot/grub/menu.lst21:00
sYn_0n3bios ==linux hd 1st then xp21:00
PelosYn_0n3, very odd21:00
sYn_0n3but heres my thing i never redid my menu.lst just defaults21:01
happy1can someone help me partition a drive using command line tools?21:01
wolsPelo: that's not what I asked. why would grub boot via sdb and not via sdb1 or such?21:01
PelosYn_0n3, in anycase you'll be able to fix this using the supergrub cd21:01
heckler0077wols: I'm kindof a n00b to linux- how do I pastebin my sources.list?  Sorry21:01
sYn_0n3only thing i did different was add my xp ntfs partition to fstab21:01
wols!paste | heckler007721:01
ubotuheckler0077: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:01
pgjensendo i have to use parted for >2tb partitions?21:01
Pelowols,  not sure,  badly formated command line probably21:01
heckler0077wols: and where do i find my sources.list21:02
wolsfor the installer of grub to install to a windows bootsectore it needs  more than a badly formatted cmd line21:02
wolsheckler0077: /etc/apt/sources.list21:02
PelosYn_0n3, I don'T think that would be related21:02
sYn_0n3thats the only thing i did different21:02
andymushuwols: do i need to use this whole command or just the first or second part?  chmod +s /sbin/shutdown; sudo chown root.root /sbin/shutdown21:02
sYn_0n3i remimaged my xp machine when i get home im gonna cross my fingers and hope for the best21:03
PelosYn_0n3, that's all I can tell you since you can'T show me your menu.lst file or the fstab atm21:03
wolssYn_0n3: best come back here when you have access to the machine in question21:03
xeperDoes anyone here use a blackberry pearl with gutsy gibbon?21:03
heckler0077wols: i uploaded it to postbin21:03
wolsheckler0077: and the url is?21:03
sYn_0n3got you..thanks guys for the help21:04
heckler0077wols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49625/21:04
Peloanyone know if they came up with a fix for that tiny emblem bug ?21:04
wolsheckler0077: your sources.list still points to dapper and not edgy21:04
wolsheckler0077: what docs did you follow?21:05
RequinB4can anyone recommend an audio extractor that will extract audio from .flv files?21:05
heckler0077wols: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades21:06
jedediahI'm having a bit of a problem booting the latest livecd. Would someone be able to look at this "screenshot" and tell me if it's a known issue? http://files.jdhuntington.com/other_files/for_nev/IMG_0007.JPG21:06
ubotuVirtualBox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://www.virtualbox.org/ for !Feisty, !Edgy and !Dapper - Setup details at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox21:06
PeloRequinB4, I can recommend a convertor so you can convert flv to something else like mpg and then you can extract the audio21:06
PeloRequinB4, go to the forum www.ubuntuforums.org and search for convertit21:07
RequinB4Pelo - yeah, i was directed to http://flv2mp3.com, but i'd rather it be local21:07
RequinB4ok i will21:07
heckler0077wols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49625/21:08
heckler0077wols: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades21:08
wolsheckler0077: I've seen it21:08
heckler0077wols: do you have any idea what;s wrong?21:09
erUSULRequinB4: ffmpeg -i file.flv audio.mp3  worked here21:10
graftahoy there - does anyone know how to make it so that my cpan doesn't install to /usr/local/share/perl/ but installs to /usr/share/perl/ instead?21:10
Hilikushow to i change the keyboard layout from a console?21:12
RequinB4erUSUL - thanks, i have to go but i'll try that when i get back21:12
happy1The message is "The partitioning on disk /dev/sda is not readable by the partitioning tool parted, which is used to change the partition table."  What now?21:13
erUSULhappy1: use fdisk or cfdisk in console   ???21:14
erUSULhappy1: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda21:14
happy1I'm using the gui partitioner21:15
n2diyHilikus: read the man page for loadkeys21:15
Hilikusok, thanks21:15
erguncan anyone help me about compizfusion on ubuntu 7.10 amd64 bit version?21:15
LimCorewhy ubuntu have totally unusable things like Amule?21:15
zimongraft, what's the installation process like? configure etc?21:15
patrick_anybody knows why i can adjust my desktop appearance, its stuck on everything off pm plz21:16
vile_maximhaving a problem with a guest os's networking on xen.  it doesn't seem to see the ethernet device. Any help?21:16
=== Yoda is now known as Bousteur
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.21:16
witchlightgot a problem...was copying files to mem card and now nautilus appears to not work ... says that it cant display all the contents of any folder I browse.21:16
=== DarthShr1ne is now known as DarthShrine
* LimCore kicks unbuntu for including 100% unusable shit like amule?21:18
LimCoreit doesnt work at all21:18
mhall53someone do that compiz channel thing for me again'21:18
LjL!language | LimCore21:18
ubotuLimCore: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:18
erUSUL!ohmy | LimCore21:18
LjL!doesn't work | LimCore21:18
ubotuLimCore: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.21:18
patrick_anybody knows why i can adjust my desktop appearance, its stuck on everything off pm plz21:18
crdlbmhall53: #compiz-fusion ?21:19
LimCoreLjL: it crashes ALWYAS,  like gazillion other people reported on lunchpad - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wxwidgets2.8/+bug/6879221:19
LimCoreyet, noone downgraded it to a version that for example... uhm... do NOT crash every time21:19
jedediahI'm having a bit of a problem booting the latest livecd. Would someone be able to look at this "screenshot" and tell me if it's a known issue? http://files.jdhuntington.com/other_files/for_nev/IMG_0007.JPG21:20
annonymousedoes any one know how to change the colour of the loading  screen after you login ?21:20
LjLLimCore: if it's a bug in wxwidgets like the report says, then one would have to downgrade wxwidgets, no? that doesn't seem like a completely good idea. besides, APT doesn't support automatic downgrading21:21
LjLLimCore: in the meanwhile...21:21
LjL!edonkey > LimCore    (LimCore, see the private message from Ubotu)21:21
annonymousejedediah  waht graphics card r u using21:21
jedediahannonymouse: nvidia 8600gt21:21
yubwyubhi! anyone heard if there is any version 0.4 of Extreme Tux Racer in december?21:22
ifireball!edonkey > ifireball21:22
annonymousejedediah  ahh  think thats compatible21:22
erUSULannonymouse: System>Admin>Login Screen21:22
annonymouseerusul i changed it there but it doesnt save lol21:22
annonymousei mean the screen after that21:23
erUSULannonymouse: :(21:23
danrojhi people21:23
offloadARGH!  I'm sick of firefox crashing on me.  Anyone else have this issue?21:23
yubwyubhi danroj :)21:23
annonymouseerusul i have changed the login theme and in that window there is abackground colour that ive set to black but after ive logged in  i get this browny screen then my  wall paper loads after a lil while21:24
pike_id start launching it from a terminal at leat then youll get some info when it crashes21:24
pike_offload: ^21:24
danroj enter to www.gfc.edu.co/~danroj/Pantallazo.png21:25
offloadpike_, k I will21:25
offloadI did some research before and it had somethign to do with flash according to other people but I'm jut not sure21:25
JumperAnybody have a moment to assist a newbie with a question?21:25
offloadanyone else have this issue of firefox crashing a lot on them..  Generally when it's pointed to myspace21:25
xeperI'm brand new to Ubuntu, and I want to insert a module... do I have to build up a kernel from scratch, or is this something as easy as insmod?21:26
qaldunehi there21:26
erUSULannonymouse: i know what you talk about but i dunno how to change it... maybe in (right click on desktop) Change Background > Solid Color21:26
qaldunedoes anybody know how to fix the issue on the update of linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic??21:26
Flare183Does anybody else experience a bug that freezes firefox temporaly21:26
qalduneis anyone having problems too?21:26
LimCorehello,  how to rebuild the kernel that I have (in 7.10 amd64 bit) but exacly for my amd64 (not generic) SMP,  and while aplying to it grsecurity patch? (so perhaps it will be other version like 23.9)21:26
=== xeper is now known as Onyx
larryonegood evening21:26
larryoneI have the most bizarre problem21:27
Flannellarryone: why do you want to compile a kernel?21:27
larryoneif i'm on ubuntu I cant get to wikipedia21:27
Flannelerm, LimCore21:27
B-rabbitand what is that21:27
larryonebut on windows I can21:27
JumperHey folks...having a problem with gnome-python-2.0 not being in the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. Help?21:27
OnyxI'm brand new to Ubuntu, and I want to insert a module... do I have to build up a kernel from scratch, or is this something as easy as insmod?21:27
annonymouseerusul  thanks for the tip  sadly that also is set the same lol21:27
Flare183LjL: umm hwo would i go about adding myself  the community concil agenda?21:27
erUSUL!generic | LimCore21:27
ubotuLimCore: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)21:27
larryonethe windows box on my network points to the same dns21:28
LjLFlare183: just edit the wiki21:28
larryonebut the ubuntu wont get to wikipedia at all21:28
larryoneother sites are fine21:28
Flare183LjL: thanks21:28
larryonejust wikipedia21:28
robehcan anyone recommend an incremental backup script via ftp or help me make one?21:28
ng0nlarry.  your windows is jealous and blocking the address.21:28
erUSULLimCore: also grsecurity is a *very* *intrusive* patch. i do not think is a good idea to use it21:28
Flannel!backup | robeh21:29
uboturobeh: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:29
ng0ncan u ping the address ?21:29
Flannelrobeh: see if that helps21:29
silent_I've noticed that in the Ubuntu wine install a program shortcut list is created in the Applications > Wine folder, however, such a menu is not created when manually installing wine. Is this a possible feature of wine or is it menu manipulation done by Ubuntu?21:29
larryoneanybody got any ideas on how to debug this? I cant nslookup en.wikipedia.org from the termainal21:29
yubwyubdanroj, you should say something about what is on the image, not just a link, if you want people to look at it....21:29
OnyxI'm brand new to Ubuntu, and I want to insert a module... do I have to build up a kernel from scratch, or is this something as easy as insmod?21:29
Flannelsilent_: Installed manually being compiling?21:29
UBUNTUISLOVEDi want to run a script before my ubuntu shuts down can this be done?21:30
silent_Flannel: indeed, wine-0.9.51-224-g7034b9221:30
wolsUBUNTUISLOVED: yes. via /etc/rc6.d/21:30
Flannelsilent_: That shortcut is a benefit of package management.  Why did you compile wine anyway? when a repository is available21:30
danroj enter to www.gfc.edu.co/~danroj/Pantallazo.png is my desktop with full aparence of mac osx21:30
danrojyubwyub, yes?21:30
erUSULOnyx: do you have the module source code or it is already compiled?21:30
JumperHey folks...having a problem with gnome-python-2.0 not being in the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. Help21:31
zimondanroj, congrats.21:31
yubwyubheheh. much better :)21:31
silent_Flannel: The repository version is 0.9.46, the current stable release is 0.9.51, which has issues with InstallShield21:31
offloadpike_, Segmentation fault (core dumped)21:31
ng0nubuntu's free cell is hard to look at.21:31
wolssilent_: budgetdedicated has ubuntu packages. and is linked from winehq.com21:31
erUSULpepe_: /join #ubuntu-es21:32
danrojyubwyub, nice?21:32
Flannelsilent_: Wine has its own apt repository, which will have the most current versions21:32
ng0nand do guys get 'dancing' line entry here ?21:32
Flannelsilent_: http://winehq.org/site/download-deb21:32
dxdemetriouhi, what is the sabayon user that appeared after updates in Gutsy?21:32
JumperHey folks...having a problem with gnome-python-2.0 not being in the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. Help21:32
LimCoreerUSUL: well, I need a grsecurity... any other way to use it?21:32
silent_Flannel: I know, and I used those repositories. They do not create the menu either, and their version is 0.9.51, which has issues with InstallShield21:32
=== usta1 is now known as UstA
ng0nthere goes my pocketprotector.21:32
LimCoreLjL: mldonkey is strange... I just need a tool to search and then download files...21:32
erUSULLimCore: if you really need there is no other way... go ahead and compile a custom kernel21:33
Flannelsilent_: right, the menu is an ubuntu thing, because the ubuntu package knows where it ought to put the menu entry.21:33
offloadAnyone know why firefox keeps crashing with: Segmentation fault (core dumped)21:33
erUSUL!kernel | LimCore21:33
ubotuLimCore: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages21:33
Jumperoffload:  Have you reinstalled it?21:33
silent_Flannel: Not only that, when you install applications in wine with the wine <version>-ubuntu package it automatically adds entries to the menu21:33
LjLLimCore, either wait for amule to be fixed or use mldonkey, not much other choice21:34
yubwyubhow do I do to install ExtremeTuxRacer in ubuntu? there is only PlanetPenguinRacer in synaptic...21:34
pike_yubwyub: getdeb.net perhaps21:34
offloadno, I guess I could use this as an opportunity to upgrade to the new beta..21:34
LimCoreLjL: with mldonkey, to which server one should connect, for general content21:35
danrojyubwyub, nice or daaaa?21:35
LjLLimCore: uh? mldonkey uses the same network as amule uses (i.e. the edonkey network). you connect to the very same servers as you would with amule. (only, mldonkey *also* supports other networks, but you don't have to use them)21:35
LjL!p2p > LimCore    (LimCore, see the private message from Ubotu)21:35
erUSULLimCore: mldonkey connects to a few servers (3 or 4) at once21:36
LimCoreerUSUL: well I started ML donkey but it isnt conntect.... what now O_o21:36
ubuntu__i booted ubuntu live  how can lunch the installer21:36
Flannelubuntu__: The "install" link on the desktop21:36
erUSULLimCore: are you using the web interface?21:36
ubuntu__i don't have it21:36
danrojyubwyub, ...21:36
Protocan anyone point to me a guide to adding a new HD to my ubuntu system, so it mounts on boot21:36
LjL!mount > proto    (proto, see the private message from Ubotu)21:37
Syntuxguys, I'm dying to get my MIC working, any idea ? Failed to construct test pipeline for 'gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat'21:37
Flannelubuntu__: what version of ubuntu are you running?21:37
LimCoreerUSUL: hmm no... just srtarted mlgui21:37
Flannelubuntu__: on the liveCD that is.21:37
ubuntu__ on a ppc21:37
yubwyubdanroy I'm busy trying to get extreme tuxracer ;)21:37
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE21:37
ubuntu__6.06 on a g4 ppc21:37
mhall53anyone know how to install emerald theme manager21:38
ubuntu__i know ppc are not supported21:38
Flannelubuntu__: It is for 6.0621:38
danrojyubwyub, jajajajaja vacant21:38
Flannelubuntu__: are you using 6.06 because its the only version you can find?21:38
annonymousedoes any one know anything about museek21:38
K4k-laptopmhall53: open synaptic and just get the packages21:39
ubuntu__it is the only i got to boot my g421:39
sourcemakerI have a clean fresh ubuntu install... but grub is not loading... Error 1721:39
hsteveanyone: what's a good iso file opener21:39
Flannelubuntu__: You've tried 7.10 and other newer versions?21:39
ubuntu__i tried debian etch did not got video.........21:39
sourcemakerCan somebody help... I can't use my system...21:40
danrojyubwyub, ushhh21:40
danrojwhat time is it?21:40
K4k-laptopsourcemaker, can you be more specific please21:40
silent_where is the directory for gnome menus?21:40
hsteve4:40 p.m. canada21:40
HNTHello everybody, when I try to install flashplugin-nonfree on gutsy, I'v got a md5 mismatch error, so the package isn't installed, any work-around ?21:40
FlannelHNT: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/12/26/manually-install-adobe-flash-temporary-flashplugin-nonfree-fix/21:41
K4k-laptopHNT, that package is broken right now anyway21:41
speeddemon8803flash plugin isnt truly working right as of yet hnt :)21:41
ubuntu__for some reason i do not have the icon therefore i am looking for the comand line equivalent to install21:41
sourcemakerK4k-laptop: I have 3 harddisks (sda1/sdb1/sdc1) and I have installed ubuntu from the live-cd to sda1... after rebooting... grub is not working... Error 17... no further informations are shown21:41
erUSULLimCore: maybe you need to import a servers.met file first like in amule the web interface has the option of import a Server.met i can't see it in mlgui...21:41
lleonardHNT: see Christer Edwards' post on this on planet.ubuntu.com21:41
Flannelubuntu__: There is no command line equivalent on 6.06, Have you tried 7.10?21:41
n2diysourcemaker: are you dual booting21:41
LimCoreerUSUL: uhm21:41
hsteveanyone: what's a good .iso file opener21:42
furenkuhello, i tried to upgrade to gutsy using sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, and now i lost my X server21:42
furenkuany suggestions?21:42
LimCoreis there one _working_ mule client in entire ubuntu?21:42
Flannel!iso | hsteve21:42
ubotuhsteve: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.21:42
K4k-laptopsourcemaker, sounds to me like you have installed grub on a partition that was not set with the boot flag...but I'm just taking a shot in the dark, I don't actually know for sure21:42
LimCoreor is supporting 5 years old software not really doable yet21:42
sourcemakerK4k-laptop: NO21:42
erUSULLimCore: mldonkey works for me21:42
erUSULLimCore: amule is fragile21:42
LimCoreerUSUL: well it do not have any serves I can onnect to21:42
LimCoreerUSUL: can you give me url of a popular server or something?21:42
annonymouseim getting this error museek dependency is not satisfiable: qsa   any idea what it means21:42
erUSULLimCore: as i said you need to import an initial servers.met file21:43
LimCoreerUSUL: where from / how?21:43
wamtyi had a lot of trouble getting into root with ubuntu21:43
jgoois http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=554127 still the easiest way to install kiba-dock ?? :-)21:43
* jgoo is overloading on lots of new eye candy21:43
sourcemakerK4k-laptop: please help :-) I can't solve the problem... and I can't use my system...21:43
jgoo!kiba-dock > jgoo21:43
Flannelubuntu__: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/7.10/release/  I'd try 7.10, and I'd also ditch the desktop CD and go straight for the alternate CD if youre trying to do nothing but install21:43
speeddemon8803jgoo: a lot of eye candy can slow down your computer as it takes up a bunch of ram to pull that :)21:43
sourcemakerK4k-laptop: I have also read the documentation... but grub-install or the manuall way... also does not solve the problem21:44
speeddemon8803!kiba-dock | jgoo21:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kiba-dock - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:44
wolssourcemaker: if you get error 17, then grub is working since normal bootsectors don't give out "error 17"21:44
jgoospeeddemon8803: I got lucky with some head cold over the holidays, I am sure my computer will still out think me, even with this ati 9200 card :-)21:44
speeddemon8803lol :)21:44
FlannelK4k-laptop: Linux doesn't care about the boot flag21:44
K4k-laptopsourcemaker, then I'm not sure sorry I can't be of much help, I'm not familiar with grub errors particularly21:44
wolssourcemaker: what it means is grub can't find it's latter stage files. where is your /boot/grub/ ?21:44
LimCoreerUSUL: can you just give me IP of a server then21:45
sc0tchIs it possible to specift a script to run when you log out of ubuntu gutsy?21:45
wamtyis the root account on ubuntu disabled or one cant just login?21:45
sourcemakerK4k-laptop: It's on the sda1 => /boot/grub21:45
wols!root | wamty21:46
speeddemon8803disabled by fefault wamty21:46
LiraNunathank you21:46
xktwere  i can get C/C++21:46
erUSULLimCore: wait a minute21:46
LiraNunaxkt, sudo apt-get install make g++21:46
wolsxkt: install build-essnetial21:46
K4k-laptopwols, <sourcemaker> K4k-laptop: It's on the sda1 => /boot/grub21:46
wamtywols: I dont see a bot messaging me21:46
ubotuwamty: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:46
wolsxkt: build-essential21:46
jgooanyone installed kiba-dock on gutsy? is it fun?21:46
LiraNunawols, no! build-essnetial sucks and incomplete21:46
darkfrogHey guys, I just changed from an ATI card on my Ubuntu installation to an nVidia card...video isn't working now...is there any way to revert to the default video settings?21:46
jgoo(the install, the dock is obviously fun)21:46
LiraNunamake g++ installs everything you need21:46
LiraNunasudo apt-get install make g++21:46
wolsLiraNuna: please, don't speak when you don't have a clue21:46
silent_there has to be a root password... sudo -s && passwd21:47
LiraNunawols, I'm a programmer21:47
wolsLiraNuna: and it certainly doesn't. for starters, not a single header21:47
speeddemon8803there is NO root21:47
FlannelLiraNuna: You know build-essential contains both g++ and make, right?21:47
speeddemon8803it is DISABLED21:47
speeddemon8803you CANNOT enable it21:47
wolsLiraNuna: yes and I am the emperror of china. so be silent or I will tell my tatars to behead you21:47
Flannelspeeddemon8803: Yes you can.  But you don't want to21:47
annonymouseany one know what this means ?   dependency is not satisfiable: qsa21:47
LiraNunaFlannel, last time I checked, it didn't have g++21:47
FlannelLiraNuna: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/devel/build-essential21:47
K4k-laptopdarkfrog, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" into the consol and that will allow you to change your graphics driver21:47
choongiiyes you can, and you do want to21:47
pgjensenthere a way to use cp and show disk speeds for copying?21:47
LiraNunamaybe it changed in gusty21:48
wolsannonymouse: qsa package couldn't be found in repos21:48
FlannelLiraNuna: always has21:48
wolspgjensen: hdparm, bonnie21:48
FlannelLiraNuna: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/devel/build-essential21:48
darkfrogK4k-laptop, thanks! :)21:48
annonymousewols  how do i fix that synaptice packge manager?21:48
t94xrif i deleted some photos in linux, how do i retreive them back?21:48
sourcemakerwols: Grub install is working fine21:48
LiraNunaI remember installing build-essential once and it lacked g++21:48
wamty"sudo su" is stupid21:48
silent_t94xr: you go back in time and not delete them21:48
speeddemon8803hey, what was the g++ stuff again?21:48
wolssourcemaker: do you get a grub menu?21:48
sourcemakerwols: bootup not21:48
sourcemakerwols: No21:48
silent_t94xr: check your trash bin21:48
Flannelspeeddemon8803: install the "build-essential" package21:48
K4k-laptopwamty: unless they don't setup a root password at install...then it's useful21:48
speeddemon8803heh, I would yet i dont have ubuntu on this computer lol21:49
wamtywhats the point of sudo su ?21:49
wolssourcemaker: all you can do is reinstall grub21:49
wols!grub | sourcemaker21:49
ubotusourcemaker: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:49
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.21:49
silent_t94xr: you have to be very careful what you delete, especially when you use the terminal 'rm' command, there is no getting the data back21:49
sourcemakerwols: I have done... 10 times...21:49
sourcemakerwols: it is not working21:49
wolssourcemaker: output of fdisk -l please21:49
pgjensenhow do i show current disk transfer speeds?21:49
silent_sudo passwd root21:50
t94xrwamty, so every command and process isn't in administrative mode than anything can be changed on the system by any program or script21:50
wolssourcemaker: and your /boot/grub/device.map21:50
Flannelsilent_: please don't recommend that.21:50
sourcemakerwols: /dev/sda1   *           1       29644   238115398+  83  Linux21:50
sourcemaker/dev/sda2           29645       30401     6080602+   5  Extended21:50
sourcemaker/dev/sda5           29645       30401     6080571   82  Linux swap / Solaris21:50
dmHello. I have a usb webcam 0c45:602c which is supported by the ubuntu included gspca driver. When plugging it in the driver is loaded (say dmesg and lsmod) and /dev/video0 is created. But I get error messages when trying to use it: xawtv says "X Error of failed request:  XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode", camorama "Could not connect to /dev/video0". It's an ATI video card (if that matters). Any idea?21:50
wamtyIf you knew what each command did, you would be more likely to use them correctly.21:50
wolssourcemaker: not here!21:50
wamtyIf you knew what each command did, you would be more likely to use them correctly.21:50
silent_Flannel: I'm just notifying people that it is indeed possible21:50
wamtysudo bash makes more sense than sudo su.21:50
tritiumwamty: don't use sudo su.  Instead, use sudo -i21:50
Flannelwamty: no, sudo -i is best21:50
silent_and to toast it... sudo passwd -l root21:50
silent_there, both sides21:51
K4k-laptop!pastebin | sourcemaker21:51
ubotusourcemaker: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:51
renaldoHello every one I hope every one is having a good day21:51
tifineguys do u know any usenets like newleecher which have supersearch as well for ubuntu :)21:51
wolssilent_: but you still shouldn't tell it to people. one can build a nuclear bomb, but one still shouldn't21:51
choongiibut being root is great21:51
wamtyI prefer sudo -s, but that's just me21:51
wamtytritium ?21:51
renaldoMy question is is there any way to hide folders, and to change folder and apps icons.21:51
choongiiit makes me feel good about myself, inside21:51
tritiumsilent_: please don't tell people to activate the root account21:51
LjLchoongii: get help21:51
silent_wols: I have at least 5... you can build a simple atomic bomb out of a vacuum cleaner... getting the uranium is tough though21:51
renaldoI know window can do this ans is wondering if Ubuntu can also21:52
silent_nothing diverts robbers like "This house protected by A bomb"21:52
sourcemakerwols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49629/21:52
silent_tritium: I'm not, I'm merely saying it is possible. I perfer using sudo, myself21:52
wolssourcemaker: I didn't ask for menu.lst but device.map21:53
lleonarddm: That device is supported by uvcvideo, which requires V4L2 to work.21:53
sourcemakerwols: I am sorry... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49631/21:54
=== Spec is now known as x-spec-ting
lleonarddm: So make sure you are using V4L2 as the video backend for any apps where you want to use that camera.  If the app can't use V4L2, use a different app(?)21:54
wolssourcemaker: what part of "device.map" didn't you understand?21:55
kilohow to execute a .run file please??21:55
tifineguys do u know any usenets like newleecher which have supersearch as well for ubuntu :)21:55
wolskilo: run file for what?21:55
silent_kilo: I believe you need alien for that21:55
wolssilent_: you are mistaken. again21:55
silent_oh geez21:55
tritiumsilent_: no.  kilo: chmod +x <file>21:55
dmlleonard: I never did anything with webcams. What app could I use to test if it works?21:55
erUSULkilo: chamod +x file.run and then ./file.run21:55
tritiumkilo: then, it'll be executable21:56
kilowols: i have downloaded ati drivers for my notebook21:56
wolskilo: what are you trying to run? if it's an ati or nvidia installer: don't. nvidia comes with drivers for them.21:56
sourcemakerwols: the device.map is also inside the text21:56
wolskilo: don't use them21:56
wols!ati | kilo21:56
ubotukilo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:56
silent_kilo: just use flgrx21:56
tifineguys do u know any usenets like newleecher which have supersearch as well for ubuntu :)21:56
tritium!repeat | tifine21:57
ubotutifine: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:57
kilowols: how to have the latest video driver for my atix700? flgrx just doesn't make any good... (i.e: on SecondLife)21:57
wolssourcemaker: which of your 3 disks shows up first under BIOS?21:57
wolskilo: but the ati one is fglrx?21:57
ph|berhey.. anyone have any problems with any updates... my install will not use the nvidia drivers now.21:57
wolsso if it's not good (I agree) why install it?21:57
sourcemakerwols: it is sda121:57
lleonarddm:  You can fire up ekiga and using the configuration wizard/druid set it for V4L2.  After configuration you should see video in the Ekiga interface.21:57
kilowols: dunnow :) i am a totally newbie...how could i check?21:58
wolsph|ber: how did you install the nvidia drivers? envy, automatix, directly from nvidia.com?21:58
ph|berwith the gui.. it was working21:58
ph|berthen just quit working.. thats why i thought it was an update..21:58
CondouloI just installed a Pentium D on my machine. But now I can't access a Ubuntu LiveCD.21:58
wolsph|ber: what guy exactly? ubuntu restricted drivers?21:58
annonymouseive just installed museek from the synaptic package manager its installed but  any idea how i run it i cant find the link21:58
ph|berwols: yes.21:58
wolsph|ber: pastebin your xorg.log and output of dpkg -l |grep nvidia21:59
LjLannonymouse: perhaps it'll appear after you reboot. you can type « dpkg -L museek | grep bin » to find out what the executable program is anyway.21:59
mhall53anyone have a list of repositories i can use21:59
wols!ati | kilo21:59
ubotukilo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:59
ph|berdpkg says no package named nvidia.21:59
wolsmhall53: your ubuntu comes with a bunch21:59
UNDERsoNHow I can make package not broken?21:59
=== |GuS| is now known as [GuS]
CondouloI was booting into a liveCD to try and fix GRUB. But since I replaced my Celeron D with a Pentium D I can't access any liveCD. Can anybody help me?21:59
wolsph|ber: then you haven't used the ubuntu drivers21:59
mhall53i want to add more21:59
furenkuhello... i am being unable to start my X server after upgrading from ubuntu feisty to gutsy, i get a "backtrace: segmentation fault" ... it tried changing the "nvidia" driver to "vesa" in xorg.conf, but still no luck, any ideas?21:59
UNDERsoNI need change status for not broken21:59
mhall53i cant find emerald theme manager22:00
annonymouseam i allowed to paste actions in the terminal in here22:00
kilogotta leave... thank you all !!22:00
kiloby3 by322:00
lleonarddm:  You can also go to http://openfacts.berlios.de/index-en.phtml?title=Linux+UVC and scroll down to "Applications" and install the UVC "luvcview? test application.  But Ekiga is included in the base install.22:00
ph|berwols: what package is the ubuntu restricted?22:00
wols!info emeralrd | mhall5322:00
CondouloEvery time I try going into a LiveCD, it keeps going to some shell (ash) thing. o-O22:00
ubotumhall53: Package emeralrd does not exist in gutsy22:00
wols!nvidia  ph|ber22:01
annonymouseroot@annonymouse-laptop:/home/annonymouse# dpkg -L museek | grep bin22:01
annonymousePackage `museek' is not installed.22:01
annonymouseUse dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,22:01
annonymouseand dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.22:01
wols!nvidia | ph|ber22:01
mhall53how would i install a theme22:01
UNDERsoNI have package wich system think that it is broken How I can change it to normal?22:01
LjL!paste | annonymouse22:01
Hagg1What is the best way to limit "bandwidth per IP-address" in ubuntu (gutsy, amd64) iptables?22:01
ph|berwols: nothing.22:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia  ph - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:01
ubotuph|ber: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:01
ubotuannonymouse: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)22:01
wols!nvidia > ph|ber22:01
wolsLjL: ubotu has a buck and ph|ber a shitty nickname22:01
annonymousecool sori22:01
mhall53how would i install a compiz theme22:02
tritium!language | wols22:02
ubotuwols: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:02
LjLwols: bugs in ubotu can't really be fixed at the moment22:02
stinger05hi, how can i install the ipcop firewall in the terminal ?22:02
Condoulocan somebody help me? I can't boot into a Ubuntu LiveCD22:02
[reed]LjL: Why not?22:03
erUSULstinger05: ipcop is a complete distribution not just a firewall afaik22:03
annonymouseconfused how to use this paste box thing22:03
peekscan put a limit the bandwitdh apt-get takes ?22:03
zimonCondoulo, checked your boot sequence?22:03
LjL[reed]: developer has no time, work on it is on hold22:03
erUSUL!info trickle | peeks22:03
ubotupeeks: trickle: user-space bandwidth shaper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-4 (gutsy), package size 34 kB, installed size 164 kB22:03
stinger05i want a good firewall, but not firestarter22:03
erUSULstinger05: shorewall22:04
annonymousewhats wrong with firestarter22:04
stinger05how do i install it ?22:04
pike_annonymouse: nothing22:04
erUSULannonymouse: it needs a gui22:04
Condoulozimon- Well it shows the Ubuntu boot-up splash, right, then it brings me to a command-line like shell I guess. Never happened till after I upgraded the processor in this m achine22:04
erUSULstinger05: via synaptic or just apt-get install shorewall22:04
xkthow i open g++ after sudo apt-get install make g++ end build-essential >> I am beginer22:04
Mba7ethppl ... is there any traffic generator that can let me choose protocol to be generated ?22:04
annonymousewas reading up on it the other day  and its on my list to install  on22:04
erUSULxkt: g++ is a cli app22:04
lleonardxkt: if you are looking for something GUI you might look into Eclipse22:05
erUSUL!cli | xkt22:05
ubotuxkt: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:05
joost_ophi all22:05
joost_opis there a seperate hardy testing chan?22:05
zimonCondoulo, no error messages? just a log in prompt?22:05
annonymousecan any one help me with museek22:05
erUSULjoost_op: #ubuntu+122:05
erUSULannonymouse: Alt + F2 type mussek22:06
Condoulozimon- It says its some kind of shell, and it said something about Ash. It can't access /bin/sh or something because Job is switched off? I forget what it exactly said.22:06
annonymouseerusul nothing happens22:06
silent_I remember there used to be a feature in the right click menu to "open terminal here", is this option still available?22:06
silent_back in 6.04, or 6.10 I believe22:06
Condouloit says type help for commands, but when I try to help, it does nothing22:07
thorsilent_ it is in xfce22:07
stinger05okay i just downloaded shorewall22:07
stinger05how do i run it ?22:07
Condoulo*but when I try to type, nothing comes up. My keyboard is disabled there22:07
zimonCondoulo, the failure message would be the interesting part ..22:07
silent_thor: ah, I'm mixed up then.. do you know how to get this feature in gnome?22:07
erUSULannonymouse: is museekd22:08
Condoulozimon- well it said something about some job disabled or something.22:08
dmlleonard: Thank you. I installed ekiga but it also says "error opening /dev/video0". What could be the problem here?22:09
erUSULstinger05: it will run when the computers start you have to configure it via config files22:09
Condouloalso said something about /bin/sh22:09
astro76silent_, install nautilus-open-terminal22:09
annonymouseerusul nothing happens  gonna try a reboot brb22:09
thorsilent_ sorry....I have gnome installed but rarely even look at it22:09
hdevalenceI'm having problems with sound: I can hear stuff like alerts etc but not sound from amarok22:10
alex_hey guys, is there a way to make an icon in the nautilus places panel that will mount a network drive (instead of adding the command to fstab)?22:10
sc0tchIf I resize a partition (ext3 or ntfs) will the UUID change? (will gutsy still be able to mount it in fstab correctly using the original UUID to be more precise.22:10
lleonarddm: does the camera show up as being found/installed if you grep dmesg for uvcvideo?22:11
mhall53hey since emerald theme manager is install already in gusty how do i use it22:11
erUSULsc0tch: yes uuid will change22:11
zimonCondoulo, if /bin/sh is not found it's maybe a problem with your disk controller or something .. just a guess22:11
ullissc0tch, Do blkid before and after and you'll see if UUID changes.22:12
Hagg1Question: Is it possible to restrict bandwidth based on IP-address in Ubuntu? If so, please link me to howto's or documentation.22:12
PKdoRsup peeps!22:13
LjLHagg1: "apt-cache search traffic shap"22:13
erUSULHagg1: traffic shapping look on http://lartc.org/22:13
PKdoRI need help intalling X-fi driver fur my ubntu [x86]22:13
Hagg1Thanks guys!22:13
annonymousestill cant work museekd its installed but not22:14
Hagg1LjL & erUSUL: is it possible to do with iptables, or do I have to install modules/packages?22:14
dmlleonard: No, there's no match for "uvc" in dmesg22:15
ph|berwols: ok.. still no worky22:15
LjLHagg1: shorewall for instance only seems to depend on iptables, so it should be possible to do with iptables alone22:15
ph|berrestricted drivers shows nvidia in use.22:15
lleonarddm: humm. what version of ubuntu are you running?22:15
ph|berbut the module isnot being used.22:15
dmlleonard: 7.1022:16
ph|berand no glxinfo22:16
wolsph|ber: but it should from what you told me. I think your sda is not your first BIOS drive22:16
ph|berit seg faults22:16
wolsph|ber: oh you#re the nvidia guy.22:16
wolspastebin your xorg.log22:16
ph|beryeah.. sorry22:16
sakurambooim trying to compile libgpod 0.6.0 from svn and im getting errors about the M4 marcos, using autoconf to generate the configure file, but its not taking, anyone got any ideas?22:16
dmlleonard: kernel is 2.6.22-14-generic22:16
B-rabbithi guyz, i was just reading this article oi22:17
B-rabbitsorry hand sliped22:17
lleonarddm: you said the device was a 0c45:62c0, right?22:17
dmlleonard: y22:17
Hagg1LjL: ok, thanks22:17
dmlleonard: no, sorry, brb22:17
ph|berwols: http://pastebin.com/m7b635e822:17
Tu13e1are there any good wallpaper switchers a-la OS X?22:18
CoasterMasterhow can I view the exit code of a program?22:18
=== Tu13e1 is now known as Tu13es_
dmlleonard: 0c45:602c22:18
LjLCoasterMaster: echo $?22:18
CoasterMasterahhh thanks22:18
chrismurfif I add a user to a group in a gnome-terminal, how can I force the terminal to reload the group permissions?  I know there's a magic command, but I forget22:18
lleonarddm: ahhh, my eyes read 62c0.22:19
wolsph|ber: and what exactly isn't working?22:19
fjfalconhello all, after executing route add default ppp0 system non respoding... where is problem?22:19
drifterzI've used Ubuntu for the last 6 months and have learned how to use a lot of command line commands and have started to understand the core. What i'm still seeing is Windows despite being commercial closed source software is easy to use, very user friendly only in the way that it's all inclusive in terms of GUI. Ubuntu just isn't as user friendly all the time. I'm confused on this subject because I know the good and bad of both operating systems and while U22:19
drifterzbuntu is competative I just don't see it ready to take over windows. win 3.1 & 95 and 98 all ran off of DOS which made these systems inferior to XP 2000 etc. Isn't the same thing happening or going to happen to Linux, this case Ubuntu?22:19
ph|berok.. first i cant get anything over 800x600, and glxinfo seg. faults. and when i do lsmod, nvidia shows 022:20
ph|berall was fine until a few days ago.. i figured it was an update.. somehow..22:20
wolsdrifterz: you make no sense22:20
PKdoRan any body point to a tut on installing x-fi sound card for ubuntu  [x86] please I cant find it in the forums22:20
pc_ben nieuw hier gr Theo22:20
wolsph|ber: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf   and dpkg -l |grep nvidia22:20
erUSULPKdoR: last time i checked there wasn't drivers for this card for 32 bit linux....22:21
ph|ber        Driver          "nvidia"22:21
wolsph|ber: pastebin22:21
ph|berand.. everything seg faults!22:21
ZombieIs dd_rescue availible on the Ubuntu DVD?22:21
drifterzwols: I'm saying Ubuntu is gnome on linux which is similar to windows on Dos. It in my opinion not as stable as an OS written to include the GUI.22:21
wolsdrifterz: you are very mistaken22:22
lleonarddm: I am headed out the door, time to go home.  Sorry I wasn't able to be more helpful right now.22:22
ng0nmy master volume doesn't work.. only the headphone vol works.  how do i fix it ?22:22
erUSULZombie: on the liveCD?22:22
ZombieOn the Gutsy DVD22:22
B-rabbitis nspluginwrapped made by adobe?22:22
peekswhat i dont understand is why that gutsy dvd includes all those KDE applications22:22
wolsph|ber: dpkg -S /usr/lib/libGL.so22:23
wolspeeks: cause it has the space for it22:23
ng0npeeks.. ya ! and y no SKYPE ?22:23
ZombieI need to clone a (failing) Linux Hard drive.22:23
peeksbut there is no KDE22:23
peeksonly kde apps22:23
ph|berlibgl1-mesa-dev: /usr/lib/libGL.so22:23
wolsng0n: skype is proprietary compost. it can't be on a Free ubuntu CD22:23
ng0nwols: tnx.22:23
wolsph|ber: that's why. uninstall all mesa stuff22:23
ng0ni'll compile it.22:24
peeksthe installer should have the option of choosing which packages to install22:24
tifinehow to setup a service that will start when the computer start ?22:24
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto22:24
wolstifine: what kind of service?22:24
tifinewols: tomcat, apache2, mysql, postgresql22:24
wolsph|ber: then reinstall the glx package from nvidia restricted and make usre all /usr/lib/libGL* come from a nvidia package only22:25
drifterzwols: why? because of the patch work style of Linux it is hard for uneducated users to grasp the use of Ubuntu. From a aspect of incorperating in the business world with windows users there is too much of a gap. I think because the linux kernel was not written with the GUI in mind this is difficult.22:25
wols!lamp | tifine22:25
ubotutifine: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)22:25
wolstifine: just install the packages for them and they are started by default22:25
quaalanyone use a Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG22:25
wolsdrifterz: you are OT22:25
wolsquaal: ask your real question22:25
quaalwols, buying a new laptop. want to know that it works for sure22:26
wolsquaal: it will work22:26
tifinewols: thnxs22:26
chrismurfquaal, I do22:26
LaxigueHACK THE PLANET !!!22:26
quaalwith linux/ubuntu22:26
chrismurfit's great22:26
quaalchrisg, awesome22:26
drifterzwols: what is OT?22:26
collinsHello all22:26
chrismurfquaal,  no more dinking around with ndiswrapper22:26
quaaler chrismurf22:26
quaalthats good news22:26
wolsdrifterz: your topic22:26
wolsdrifterz: do you have a ubuntu support question?22:26
collinsI compiled the 2.6.23 kernel because i needed support for my aircard that doesnt exist in 2.6.2222:26
chrismurfquaal, suspend/resume isn't always 100%22:26
collinswhen i compiled the new kernel, the nvidia driver stopped working22:26
collinsi installed the nvidia driver manually22:27
chrismurfbut I don't know whether to blame that on drivers, ubuntu, whatever, and I haven't tried very hard to fix it.22:27
quaalnow next up why is my mdadm raid1 always disappearing when i reboot22:27
drifterzwols: I see.22:27
collinsand now it says i need to install linux-2.6.23-restricted-drivers22:27
collinsbut i cant because it doesnt exist22:27
collinscan i remove the restricted drivers check from ubuntu22:27
collinsits rather annoying22:27
LimCoreholly #$%^&*22:27
LimCoreubuntu is so unusable for p2p22:28
stinger05hi, i need a good firewall with a GUI rather than firestarter, any suggestions ?22:28
DareFacehow do i install flash for firefox?22:28
LimCoremldonkey==failure  amule==massive failure22:28
collinswho wants to use that crap anyway22:28
hdevalenceLimCore: ktorrent || azureus == epic win22:28
UBUNTUISLOVEDhow can i download a different version of firefox so i can do some testing for webdevelopment work.22:28
tritiumcollins: anybody who wants fglrx, nvidia, madwifi support, etc.22:28
LimCorehdevalence: and how do I find where to downliad?22:28
tritiumcollins: i.e., it is _far_ from crap, as it supports prevalent hardware22:29
LimCorehdevalence: in example I want the 300 movie, and...?22:29
sakuramboowhat package is glib-gettext in?22:29
wolsLimCore: #ubuntu is not a warez channel22:29
pc_internet tv werkt niet iemand een oplossing ?????????????22:29
collinstritium, how do i use the nvidia driver with a non-ubuntu kernel22:29
UBUNTUISLOVEDLimCore: ever use bittorrent?22:29
wols!nl | pc_22:29
ubotupc_: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl22:29
LimCoreUBUNTUISLOVED:  I need a .torrent file, how to22:29
graftcollins: intall the nvidia drivers from their website?22:29
tritiumcollins: you'll have to rebuild the restricted modules22:29
hdevalenceLimCore: google is your friend22:29
tritiumgraft: no, not the preferred option22:29
collinstritium, i rebuilt the nvidia kernel module22:30
UBUNTUISLOVEDLimCore: you mean to create one? what program you using?22:30
wolstritium: that is not hwat he said22:30
grafttritium: he's building his own kernel anyway, he clearly doesn't give a shit about preferred22:30
ph|berwols: still fubared22:30
collinstritium, and UBUNTU boots into safe graphics mode and tells me that i need the restricted drivers manager22:30
collinsfor my new kernel22:30
collinsbut one doesnt exist22:30
wolsph|ber: glxinfo still not working?22:30
tritiumgraft: watch the language, okay?22:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uhoh - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ohno - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:30
pc_ubotu bedankt ga verder zoeken22:30
DareFacehow do i install flash for firefox?22:31
wolsph|ber: ls -al /usr/lib/libGL*22:31
wols!flashissue | DareFace22:31
ubotuDareFace: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.22:31
graftright, sorry22:31
tritiumcollins: why are you building your own kernel?22:31
collinstritium, i have a Sprint Aircard, pci-express that has native support in kernels 2.6.23 and up22:31
tritiumcollins: fair enough22:31
collinstritium, they have hackjob drivers for earlier kernels22:31
DareFacewols: thnx22:31
collinsbut it doesnt work right22:31
erUSULcollins: if you use a custom kernel you have to build the nvidia kernel module yourself too22:31
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup22:31
collinsnow the sprint card is working great22:31
pteague_workwtf... why won't openoffice let me open html table based .xls files as spreadsheets?  it does in the windows version of openoffice...22:32
tritiumerUSUL: he said he has already22:32
collinserUSUL, i DID that, now ubuntu wants me to have a restricted drivers manager for the new kernel, and it doesnt exist22:32
stinger05i need a good firewall with a GUI rather than firestarter, any suggestions ?22:32
wilstarI have p35 chipset. I must boot with acpi=off option to launch the system 7.10. Is there a solution? (motherboard asus p5k se)22:32
tritiumcollins: what is the exact error, and where is it being reported?22:32
mavi-collins: open you services under the system settings menu22:32
mavi-collins: and turn off that service22:32
UBUNTUISLOVEDstinger05: is this for a laptop?22:33
collinstritium:  "You need to install the package  linux-restricted-modules- for this program to work22:33
stinger05no desktop22:33
Xpliciti have a wired conection managed by NetworkManager, and a wireless not managed by them, im using firestarter to bridge the 2  but my wii wont connect through it, is my stup wrong or my wii?22:33
collinswhen i try to open the restricted drivers manager22:33
Hot_Girlwhat is the CTRL + ALT + DELETE of Ubuntu ????22:33
erUSULcollins: i use custom kernel + nvidia.com drivers and restricted drivers didn't give any issue22:33
mavi-collins: just turn off ther service named "restricted drivers manager" and it wont autostart22:33
Hot_Girlmy system hung.... i don't wanna re boot....22:33
tritiumcollins: at what point?22:33
tritiumHot_Girl: the same key combination22:33
Hot_Girlwhat is the ctrl+alt+del of Ubuntu -- my system hung and i don't wanna reboot.22:33
Hot_GirlTY tritium22:33
collinstritium, when i go to open the restricted drivers manager22:34
ph|berkernel: [  213.352000] NVRM: API mismatch:22:34
collinsit gives that error22:34
ph|berthe client has the version 1.0-9639, but22:34
UBUNTUISLOVEDwhy not use firestarter?22:34
collinsand then i cant enable the driver22:34
Hot_Girlit is not working tritium.22:34
kyu_fluxHot_Girl:  have you tried ctrl-alt-backspace?22:34
Hot_Girldo i have any other options22:34
collinshow do i disable restricted drivers manual22:34
collinsi dont see it in services22:34
mavi-collins: ive told you twice22:34
chrismurfHot_Girl, try ctrl+alt+backspace22:34
tritiumHot_Girl: ssh into the box and sudo reboot22:34
mavi-it should be in there22:34
stinger05cause i always have to open it manually everytime the pc starts22:34
Hot_Girlthat worked, KyleS-home....22:34
mavi-Hot_Girl: ctrl-alt-F1/F2/F3 gives you terminals22:34
Hot_Girlits rebooting, i think22:34
=== ivan_ is now known as zaikxtox
stinger05knowing its in the background22:34
tritiumHot_Girl: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace restarts X22:35
collinsmavi-,  i see it in the init.d22:35
Hot_Girlerrr its doing something crazy22:35
collinsnot in the gui for services22:35
mavi-collins: remove the link from init.d then =)22:35
collinsmavi-, yeah i guess i will22:35
dmHello. I have a usb webcam 0c45:602c which is supported by the ubuntu included gspca driver. When plugging it in the driver is loaded (say dmesg and lsmod) and /dev/video0 is created. But I get error messages when trying to use it: xawtv says "X Error of failed request:  XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode", camorama "Could not connect to /dev/video0". It's an ATI video card (if that matters). Any idea?22:35
mavi-collins: weird it isnt in services tho, think mine was22:35
kyu_fluxHot_Girl: i'm going to try that, too... change my name to Hot_Chick and then ask for help =)22:35
mavi-works like a charm22:36
collinswell im off to reboot, and see if it solves my problem22:36
mavi-collins: just do /etc/init.d/restricted* stop22:36
tritiumkyu_flux: that didn't hide his real name "Greg"22:36
UBUNTUISLOVEDstinger05: why not create a script to start it on boot22:36
pteague_workdoes anybody know why OpenOffice opens html docs with a forced mime-type for excel documents & has a .xls extension as web writer instead of as a spreadsheet?22:36
collinsmavi-, its actually linux-restricted*22:36
collinsbut yeah22:36
Hot_Girllol tritium... i only use this so people resond to me faster. I could hcange my name also.22:36
collinsi guses i dont need to reboot22:36
kyu_fluxtritium: I know, but how many people would check?22:36
Hot_Girlyou know...it does work... ;-)22:36
speeddemon8803Hot_girl....why change your name...people dont care what you look like on here...22:37
speeddemon8803unless their freaks or something22:37
tritiumHot_Girl: no, I nearly banned you, thinking you were a bot...22:37
speeddemon8803hot_girl...many spam bots use names like hot_girl sexy_thing etc.22:37
UBUNTUISLOVEDI really thought you were a hot girl22:38
speeddemon8803tritium...my op radar went off as well on hot_girls lol22:38
Hot_Girli had ya'll FOOLED22:38
Hot_Girlit is only to get responses faster ;-)22:38
=== Hot_Girl is now known as GMoonit
GMoonitthere ya'll go22:39
speeddemon8803honestly...you didnt have me fooled..you had me concerned for this channels flooding potential22:39
GMooniti was at the book store and i picked up 'the offical ubuntu' guide22:39
GMoonitthen sat down and read it and some guy came over and we talked about linux22:39
GMoonitit was cool22:39
speeddemon8803lol yeah ive had that happen b422:39
tritiumGMoonit: don't think for a minute that I didn't check your reverse DNS right away to see if you were a bot.22:39
GMoonithey tritium i run a chat also (not on IRC) but i have to deal with flooders so i hear you mate22:39
nukois it common that the installation freezes at 33% whilest formatting?22:40
speeddemon8803some random guy came up to me and started off about ubuntu sucks and linux this..im like..have you even tried it..he said no22:40
speeddemon8803i was like..then how the heck can you make these claims then.22:40
UBUNTUISLOVEDbecause he works for Microscrap22:40
speeddemon8803<---runs quite a few ubuntu servers...and they honestly BEAT windows servers in reliability and stability.22:40
sakuramboois there any precompiled binaries for libgpod-0.6.0?22:41
nukospeeddemon8803: what the relation to "ubuntu support" ?22:41
pc_ik zit sinds vanavond pas te werken met ubuntu op een paar min punten na werkt het perfect22:41
GMoonitspeeddemon8803 if i may ask: what do you use your servers for22:41
Slart!nl | pc_22:41
ubotupc_: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl22:41
nicolahI'd like to know how much are shipping cost from canonical store22:41
dm!nl | pc22:41
ubotupc: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl22:41
speeddemon8803!nl lol nice22:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nl lol nice - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:41
speeddemon8803I use my servers for storage22:42
GMoonitcopy that.22:42
kyu_fluxman i've been in here for what... a week now? this is the first time it's came anything close to windows vs linux comparison22:42
nicolah(wasn't shuttleworth trillionaire ?)22:42
hanasakiwhat command changes the console resultion22:42
GMoonitin what raid system22:42
kyu_fluxi'm shocked it's taken this long22:42
Slart!res | hanasaki22:42
ubotuhanasaki: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto22:42
dmibnmgI lloking for a mediaplayer under ubuntu to play music from my UPNP-Server....22:42
LimCoreUBUNTUISLOVED: no, I want to download22:42
dmibnmgAny recommendations??22:42
hanasakithanks... Slart  but that is X... i mean the console.. .ie text22:42
hanasakinot X22:42
UBUNTUISLOVEDLimCore: then you need to use a bittorrent client22:42
Slartdmibnmg:  UPNP-server? what's that?22:42
UBUNTUISLOVED!bittorrent | LimCore22:43
ubotuLimCore: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P22:43
pc_ubotu ik ga hier zeker mee verder bedankt voor de info22:43
speeddemon8803raid 5 with striping :)22:43
Slarthanasaki: ah.. ok.. you can change that by setting a vga= option in the kernel command in grub22:43
tritiumdmibnmg: perhaps look at mt-daapd22:43
Slarthanasaki: you can set it to vga=ask to get a list of valid resolutions22:43
dmibnmgUniversal PlugNPlay - presents all kind of media to clients in my network...22:43
tritium!nl > pc_22:43
speeddemon8803!nl | pc22:44
ubotupc: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl22:44
dmpc_: and ubotu is a bot22:44
Slartdmibnmg: isn't upnp just to open holes in the firewall?22:44
speeddemon8803hey, whats the difference between | and >22:44
streamtypeHi all22:44
dmibnmgSlart: No - I am not planning that :-)22:44
speeddemon8803one is private and ones public or something?22:44
Slasher`hi there, i was wondering if anyone could help me out here... I am trying to setup apache2 on ubuntu but for some reason it won't phrase the php files in a web browser, instead it just asks me to download the file... Any help would be appreciated22:45
speeddemon8803because i do | all the time and i see everyone else putting it as >22:45
dmibnmgtritium: mt-daapd is also a server - isn't it ??22:45
jimmygoonAnyone know of a good app to read an eeprom from a serial port?22:45
streamtypeI try to get ubuntu jeos running in vmware server. but after installing it starts with a busybox commandline prompt. I sthat normal Or dit I missed a step during installation?22:45
dmSlasher`: maybe apache2-mod-php5 is missong22:45
Slartdmibnmg: apparently I'm not up to date on this.. I'm going to do some wikipedia reading.. =)22:46
MancBlokeIs anybody familiar with Mythbuntu?22:46
Slasher`dm: possibly, it won't let me apt-get it unless, maybe there is a different package name for it?22:46
MancBlokeI have a problem with the mythweather package hanging.22:47
speeddemon8803Slasher` possibly have to enable different repositories to get it :)22:47
MancBlokeIt wont let me do anything.22:47
Slartspeeddemon8803: I'm assuming you mean the difference when it's used in the terminal? I think > sends output to a file.. | is used to send it to another command.. such as grep or less22:47
JoeThomasI keep getting a black screen when running vga=791 and 795, but i've had it like that on feisty install of server-edition, now running gutsy.22:47
Slasher`speeddemon8803; yeah, maybe... do you have any links to tutorials showing how to do that, please?22:47
speeddemon8803sure, brb Slasher`22:48
dmSlasher`: libapache2-mod-php522:48
Slartspeeddemon8803: ls > less just creates the file "less".. and puts the output of the command ls into that file.. ls | less sends the output of ls to the less command.. which lets you look at it.. browser around and such22:48
pppoe_dudeanyone know why (just in feisty and gutsy, but not in edgy), when unmounting some external devices such as memory card readers or mp3 players, the devices don't say "it;s safe to disconnect" any more?22:48
Slasher`dm; hmm it's not that then, I already have that installed :/22:49
pppoe_dudeubuntu would tell me it's safe to disconnect, but the device would remain stuck on the 'dont disconnect' screen22:49
sakuramboowhy is there no glib in the repos?22:49
Slasher`thanks speeddemon880322:49
crdlbsakuramboo: glib is part of the base install22:49
sakuramboowell, i dont have it22:49
speeddemon8803Your welcome Slasher`22:49
Slart!info libglib1.222:49
ubotulibglib1.2: The GLib library of C routines. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.10-17build1 (gutsy), package size 119 kB, installed size 280 kB22:49
MancBlokeAny help with mythbuntu?22:49
crdlbsakuramboo: yeah you do, you may not have the development headers though22:49
sakuramboowhich can be found where?22:49
pc_luitjes bedankt en welterusten22:50
speeddemon8803oh and Slasher` i understand it looks like 6.06...but it works the same on all ubuntu versions :)22:50
chrismurfsakuramboo, apt-get install buildessential is a good start, if you don't have that22:50
Slart!english | pc_22:50
ubotupc_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat22:50
chrismurfsakuramboo, also gnome-devel22:50
chrismurfthat'll let you build most things.22:50
IceGuest_75_hello to all22:50
crdlbsakuramboo:  libglib2.0-dev22:50
=== IceGuest_75_ is now known as bmt2
speeddemon8803I dont think pc_ is going anywhere because nobodys talking in his language.22:51
crdlbsakuramboo: what are you attempting to build?22:51
sakurambooE: Couldn't find package buildessential22:51
Slasher`I'll give it a try anyway22:51
ASD7Ahas anyone tried to compile fuppes?22:51
crdlbsakuramboo: it's build-essential22:51
pc_obotu thanks22:51
quaalwhat do you do when you sudo rm -rf something and it says operation not permitted22:51
speeddemon8803yay! someone got through to pc :)22:52
JoeThomasAny ideas why vga=795 would work from feisty install but not with gutsy in server-edition?22:52
crdlbsakuramboo: sudo apt-get build-dep libgpod222:52
mavi-quaal: use lsattr on the file22:52
acidicchipanyone else having an issue using Bitwise IM in 7.10?22:52
crdlbsakuramboo: that will automatically install everything you need to build it22:52
ripperhi all22:52
quaalmavi-, what the hell does that do22:52
LimCoreis ubuntu usable?22:52
mavi-quaal: it can have some magic attributes that makes it un-deletable22:52
LimCoreI tried 2 applications today, both failed totally (both crash all the time) - amule and privoxy22:52
ripperhow do i extract the certificate from a .p7c file?22:52
mavi-quaal: its short for "List attributes"22:52
bmt2hello to all22:52
sakuramboocool, thanks crdlb, ill let you know how it turns out22:52
acidicchipLimCore, me bing in this chatroom is proof it's usable.22:52
quaalmavi-, i just ran lsattr by itself22:53
acidicchipbeing rather22:53
quaaland it scrolled through a bunch of ./ files22:53
bmt2i am trying to teach myself python.....does ubuntu have a built-in python editor that i can use ?22:53
ASD7Aso I try to compil fuppes ( http://fuppes.ulrich-voelkel.de/ ) but ./configure fails ( http://rafb.net/p/RS99fy14.html )22:53
=== Yoda is now known as Bousteur
Slartbmt2: IDLE ? isn't that python?22:53
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.22:53
acidicchipbmt2, Eclipse IDE is a great editor.22:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about python - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:53
crdlbbmt2: if you run 'python' you'll get a python prompt, and gedit is fine for writing python code imho22:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eclipse - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:53
Slartoh.. ubotu.. once again you fail me..22:53
bmt2start...i do not know....do you think i should run IDLE in a terminal22:53
crimsunASD7A: install libpcre3-dev22:54
scguy318!info eclipse22:54
ubotueclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-3ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 125 kB, installed size 412 kB22:54
speeddemon8803Attention ops: Someone needs to update ubotu to include python and eclipse information :)22:54
acidicchipbmt2, http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-ecant/22:54
speeddemon8803nevermind that last part of that comment. :)22:54
rp_ASD7A i use mediatomb and it works great fyi22:54
scguy318!info python22:54
ubotupython: An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.5.1-1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 137 kB, installed size 600 kB22:54
Slartbmt2: give it a try.. I'm not sure it's installed by default22:54
maekhow does one get the latest kernel from the backports? and then any needed module updates?22:54
acidicchipoops wrong link, hold on22:54
bmt2crdlb..i know about running python in a terminal i get the prompt..but i am talking about writing acting code that will be use and ran later....can i still create this code for a program in the terminal ?22:54
speeddemon8803or that first part for that matter!22:54
speeddemon8803we just need to update the triggers then ops :P22:54
mavi-bmt2: sure can, start an texteditor and write it down =)22:55
crdlbbmt2: just use any text editor22:55
speeddemon8803if info gives info why not have the command itself eh? lol22:55
Slartbmt2: use any of the many editors available..22:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about programming - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:55
crdlbthe default "Text Editor" (gedit) supports python syntax hilighting22:55
ripperi need to extract the certificate from a .p7c digital ID MIME type file. how do i do that in ubuntu? please help. tried google, but nothing turned up22:55
speeddemon8803Who maintains ubotu?22:55
chrismurfspeeddemon8803, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:55
ASD7Acrimsun: ty it fixed that one error22:55
ProN00bwhat are fsck000*.rec files?22:55
Slartspeeddemon8803: the info command fives info on packages.. the others are more.. regular help things22:56
mavi-ripper: you can convert certifcates with openssl22:56
bmt2thanks to all again for your help...you all...are always teaching me something new ...thanks again !22:56
speeddemon8803yeah, but still lol22:56
sakuramboookay, libgpod compiled and installed, now i have to see if itll work with this ipod22:56
rippermavi: convert as in? got a reference web site which i could read about? i tried some of the openssl commands, but nothing had worked for me so far22:56
gaelikhi jack22:57
nicolahI'd like to fsck an unmounted hd, but it says it's mounted or open exclusively by another program. how do I check ?22:57
gaelikwhere can i find info about how to use compiz?22:57
Slartnicolah: lsof lists open files22:57
ubuntu0264what is the best way to uninstall wine in ubuntu?22:57
Slartgaelik: #compiz-fusion22:57
jamescarris there a chan for linux mint?22:58
rsk#mint maybe22:58
Slartjamescarr: yes.. it might be rather sleepy though22:58
Slartubuntu0264: sudo apt-get remove --purge wine doesn't work?22:58
jamescarr#mint isnt it22:58
theTravhey, I'm going to be jamming a fair bit with friends this weekend and want to record some of the stuff on my laptop.  Can anyone recommend me some music recording software for linux that does easy multi track recording?22:58
scguy318theTrav: Audacity comes to mind22:59
eologolohi, anyone knows how to recover info, data or files out of a disaster with raid-1?22:59
=== ziimp_ is now known as Ziimp
theTravscguy318, thanks22:59
crdlbjamescarr: how about #linuxmint ?22:59
ubuntu0264that worked thank you is that the same for all stuff i install from apt-get?22:59
theTravI'm not after anything special, just basically what an 8 track could do23:00
Slartubuntu0264: yes23:00
Slart!apt | ubuntu026423:00
ubotuubuntu0264: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)23:00
collinsOK, so I removed all nvidia modules and installed the latest nvidia driver and compiled it for my new kernel, and it did the right resolution and glx and all that --- but then went i went to compiz to turn on visual settings Ubuntu still wants me to enable "restricted drivers", even though it's already running the nvidia driver23:00
scguy318eologolo: no clue, but since RAID 1 is mirror, I would figure that you would restore from the functioning disk23:00
collinsany ideas?23:00
nicolahSlart: lsof | grep /dev/sda gave no output23:00
Slasher`well that didn't work, anyone have any other ideas as to why apache isn't phrasing php files and instead asking me to download the file instead?23:00
ompaultheTrav, what was wrong with scguy318's suggestion of audacity?23:00
Slartnicolah: try running lsof | /media/sda instead..23:01
Slartnicolah: sorry.. lsof | grep /media/sda23:01
KyleS-homeo.o who said my name? lol23:01
KyleS-homemy xchat was flashing blue23:01
ompauleologolo, http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/887423:02
beewoohello there. i have just installed xubuntu on a sony laptop and the fan wont stop, anyone can help?23:02
ubuntu0264ive tried to remove from within synaptic and it tells me its going to break all sorts of things but i will look at the manual thanks for the info23:02
GHOSTpull the plug lol23:02
Slarteologolo: I don't remember is RAID-1 is mirror or striped.. if it's a mirror just try reading the healthy drive by itself.. if it's striped.. well.. it's "restore from those backups that you always made. right?" time23:02
nicolah(to scan completely a drive, should I use sudo fsck /dev/sda ?)23:02
eologoloscguy318, my trouble is that after a missconfiguration happened bit later of the instalation and now i managed to synch the raid, but  the somehow restored info in the raid is not the lates one but the  near installation version23:02
Slartnicolah: sounds correct, afaik23:03
evan_how can i create a runpath?23:03
KnifeHatIs freemind not in any ubuntu 7.10 repos?23:03
Slart!find freemind23:03
KnickLighterHi; I'm currently having problems with my VPN server. It allows me to connect and I can connect to the server itself inside the VPN, but it won't let me connect outside the box, as example google.com.. Anyone knows what could be the problem? Some config setting or firewall?23:03
scguy318eologolo: unfortunately I don't anything significant about RAIDs :(23:03
ubotuPackage/file freemind does not exist in gutsy23:03
TonrenWhat's the Aptitude command to get a list of ALL installed packages?  It's aptitude search ~nsomethingorother, right?23:03
eologoloSlart, well... world would be a better place if everyone did proper backups... yet not very much fun23:04
jendaAny idea why my vlc won't play a .rm file? It just shows a black screen and plays the sound.23:04
KnifeHat!find freemind23:04
kgelli18hi :)23:04
ubotuPackage/file freemind does not exist in gutsy23:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about runpath - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:04
sakurambooam i going to have to recompile amarok because of the recently compiled libgpod?23:04
kgelli18hi utka23:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about realmedia - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:04
Slarteologolo: indeed23:04
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:04
eologoloSlart, do you happen to know a RAID guru?23:05
ompauleologolo, http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/887423:05
JoeThomasAnyone having success with framebuffer in ubuntu-server gutsy?23:05
Slarteologolo: nope23:05
ShpookAlright, I want my system back to like new. Do I re-format, or is there an easier way?23:05
ubuntu0264what is the best way to get the correct video driver for an nvidia 5200?23:05
Slart!nvidia | ubuntu026423:05
ubotuubuntu0264: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:05
jendaSlasher`: thanks - I think I went through that already, but I'll check again.23:05
eologoloI made a mirror Raid-1 with /boot partition and another one holding LVM on it... now welcome hell!23:06
ubuntu0264i have the one from nvidia but i cant start the 3d desktop is there a trick to it?23:06
ubuntu0264i am using 7.1023:06
ompauleologolo, have a look at that web page I have suggested twice: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/887423:06
Slartubuntu0264: why not stick with the one in the restricted drivers manager?23:06
eologoloompaul, i'm on it, thx man23:06
ubuntu0264how do i go back to that one?23:07
ShpookIs there a way to restore a system to new without completely re-formatting?23:07
ubuntu0264as you have guessed im pretty new to linux23:07
jamescarri want to powertune my ubuntu installation on my laptop23:07
beewoohello, i hve just intstalled xubuntu gutsy on a sony laptop but the fan doesn,t stop. anyone can help?23:07
Slartubuntu0264: the more reason to not "stray from the path" =)... I'm not sure about how to revert to the old driver though.. sorry23:08
jamescarrI have great hardware, but it feels that sometimes it gets a lil slow23:08
Slasher`OK, I installed something... now when I access a php file I'm getting "The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request." anyone have any ideas how i could fix this?23:08
TonrenI'm about to do a fresh install of Ubuntu 7.10 over my 7.04 (which was updated from 6.10, which was updated from 6.06... it's gotten kind of messy.)  What are some things you always forget to save before wiping your install?23:08
ubuntu0264should the default driver support dual monitor23:08
ubuntu0264and 3d23:08
Slartubuntu0264: I don't know about dual monitor.. but it would support 3d23:08
ShpookTonren: packages and bookmarks.23:09
ubuntu0264cool thanks for the info i could not get dual monotors to work that is the reason i went looking for a new driver23:09
nicolahSlart: I mounted and umounted the drive and now it works, misteries ,)23:09
TonrenShpook: Packages?23:09
Slartubuntu0264: check the forums.. you're not the first one to ask about dual monitors on nvidia cards.. there ought to be some answers there23:09
[Nix0N]i have problem: "checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 2.2.2) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!"23:09
ubuntu0264ok thank you23:10
pike_!dualhead | ubuntu026423:10
ubotuubuntu0264: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama23:10
jamescarreverytime I apt-get install, it tries to install a broken package that I dont even want, and asks me what to do23:10
satyheyy buddies23:10
Slartnicolah: you've pleased the computer-troll in your computer... don't forget to leave him a glass of whiskey tonight =)23:10
jamescarrhow can I remvoe that package from the install list so it will quit bugging me about it?23:10
pike_jamescarr: apt-get -f install?23:10
satyI am new to the linux23:10
ubuntu0264can i run dual head and 3d at the same time?23:10
Condoulois there a Ubuntu-BASED distro with all the codecs and ATI drivers pre-installed.23:10
jamescarrI dont want the package23:10
pike_ubuntu0264: yes23:10
ShpookTonren: yeah, any packages or programs you've installed that aren't in the repos...save them. And make a list of any packages that you have installed from the repos.23:10
Slartjamescarr: sudo apt-get remove packagename?23:10
jamescarrit says its not installed, Slart23:11
jamescarrwhen I try23:11
Slartjamescarr: hmm..  hang on.. let me check23:11
TonrenShpook: How do you do that?  aptitude search ~nI or something?23:11
ShpookTonren: I'm actually doing the same thing right now, getting ready to reformat.23:11
maekhow do I get the 2.6.24 kernel in gutsy? do I install from the hardy repo?23:12
DelvienAnyone know the command on how to suspend or standby your system ?23:12
pleeDelvien, suspend23:12
TonrenShpook: How do you do the list-of-installed packages thing, anyway?23:13
Slartjamescarr: I'm pretty sure there is a switch or something you can use to make apt-get make a clean start.. can't find it now though23:13
ompaulmaek, you don't do that - it is a package based distro and that will most likely break your box several times23:13
ShpookTonren: http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=56423:13
Delvienplee no such command23:13
TonrenShpook: Thanks!23:13
ompaulmaek, security is based on patching the software you have until it is unsupported23:13
maekompaul: I was thinking I could get the modules as well. I did it once with 6.1023:13
ollihello! i've got some porblems with grub: 17 : Cannot mount selected partition23:13
olli    This error is returned if the partition requested exists, but the filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB.23:13
ollibut i don't know what to do23:14
ShpookTonren: np :-)23:14
pleeDelvien, hibernate ?23:14
ompaulmaek, survival is dubious at best with that kind of arrangement23:14
te_I've got fully updated ubuntu on  AMD64 3000+.  All seems to be running ok.  But have  nVidia NV18 GeForce4 MX 4000 and probably need to ugrade the graphics driver.  Any tips on what I should do..?23:14
maekompaul: I tried 8.04 but it was a bit whacky for me to use as my daily driver for work. and 7.10 has no sound23:14
maekompaul: ok, thanks. ill let it be.23:14
ompaul!sound | maek23:14
ubotumaek: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:14
te_Actually, it was 7.04, but upgraded just now to Gutsy.23:15
scguy318plee: I don't believe those commands exist23:15
ollite_ tried the restricted drivers thing?23:15
TonrenShpook: I do a lot of crazy development on my poor laptop, so the installation gets really messy.23:15
te_olli: Where is that... (don't think so...)23:15
maekompaul: thanks, but I have the intel hd card. I found a solution here. get the backports of the linux modules. thanks.23:15
TonrenShpook: I always try out lots of apps, then uninstall them, or reconfigure them, so my home directory is clogged with all sorts of leftover .conf files, and there are dozens of things i don't use anymore...23:15
scguy318Delvien: sudo /etc/acpi/sleep.sh sleep ?23:15
nicolahwhat's the equivalent of defrag in unix shell ?23:16
ShpookTonren: lol I have a problem with getting in over my head, or installing everything that sounds interesting23:16
TonrenShpook: Also, I've been having some very scary issues lately (like the computer FREEZING, yes FREEZING, when I try to switch users), so I hope reinstalling will fix it.23:16
olliin xubuntu you can find it in Applications / Systems / Restricted Drivers23:16
maeknicolah: unix/linux needs no defrag23:16
scguy318nicolah: there is none, Linux filesystems simply do not need to be defragged23:16
pleescguy318, not the hibernate command no.. but the suspend command exists :)23:16
scguy318plee: well, as a shell built-in, but doesn't help you suspend/hibernate at all :P23:17
ShpookTonren: Same. My computer freezes now, sometimes applications won't open, sound only works when it wants to, along with video.23:17
ShpookTonren: So, time to re-install :-)23:17
ollianyone who might help me with grub?23:17
Delvienscguy318 no such comman23:17
TonrenShpook: Yep!23:17
JWdid smb heard smth about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DanielHahler/Bug5969523:17
te_olli; what's your grub problem?23:17
scguy318Delvien: what does which /etc/acpi/sleep.sh23:17
JWis it fixed in ubuntu 7.10?23:17
pike_nicolah: defrag is kinda automatic behind the scenes23:17
scguy318Delvien: what does that command say?23:17
ollithe detection does not work probably23:18
ollithe menu.lst is rubbish23:18
Delvienscguy318 no such file or dir23:18
dessnrpike:  so defrag does it's job while there is nothing going on?23:18
te_olli: show us your menu.lst23:18
danroj enter to www.gfc.edu.co/~danroj/Pantallazo.png is my desktop with full aparence of mac osx (update)23:18
te_olli: pastebin23:18
Delvienscguy318: "cd: /etc/acpi: no such file or dir"23:18
ollite_ http://paste.pocoo.org/show/17786/23:19
te_olli: But first, tell us what it's doing... (or not doing).23:19
scguy318Delvien: why are you trying to cd?23:19
KnickLighterHi; I'm currently having problems with my VPN server. It allows me to connect and I can connect to the server itself inside the VPN, but it won't let me connect outside the box, as example google.com.. Anyone knows what could be the problem? Some config setting or firewall?23:19
Delvienscguy318: to see if there is even a dir23:19
ShpookCrap. Will I have a problem if I burn Gutsy to a dvd to install?23:19
olliwell after selecting the right partition the system starts and i get these minimal console23:19
scguy318Shpook: no23:19
olliI forgot its name23:19
scguy318Delvien: okay, what release of Ubuntu are you using?23:20
kane77Shpook, not at all23:20
Delvienscguy318 server 7.1023:20
Shpookscguy318: Cool, thank you.23:20
ShpookGood, I used my last CD, and have like 150 dvd's left lol23:20
scguy318Delvien: ah, um23:20
Delvienscguy318: Im trying to suspend to test WOL since its not halting my system properly23:20
te_olli: Ok, looks like your booting the 2.6.22-14 kernel.  What's the problem?23:20
ollite_ the system doesnot get booted properly. when using grub I end up with an emergency console23:21
=== ketrox_ is now known as ketrox
ubuntu0264i found a font i want to install can i just copy them to the font folder?23:21
te_olli: So, it is trying to boot to the wrong partition?23:21
xc_legendhell all23:21
ollite_ I forgot the console's name23:21
kerammy ubuntu install has been working fine for a long time23:21
scguy318Delvien: you may want to install acpid23:21
ShpookOh, one more question: Is it worth diving in and getting the 64-bit?23:21
ollite_ yes. but i changed that in menu.lst23:21
kerambut i just rebooted and when it starts up it hangs when it is loading23:21
keramthe progress bar gets stuck at the first little sliver23:21
keramthen eventually i get a few messages: ata1: COMRESET failed (errno=-16)23:22
kerami get that message repeadedly23:22
te_olli: What did you change?23:22
keramthen it drops me to a busy box shell23:22
scguy318Shpook: sure, if you're willing to create a 32-bit chroot for 32-bit proprietary stuff like Flash23:22
keramwith a prompt: (initramfs) _23:23
Donvinzkhi, I tried to setup proftpd on my machine using gproftpd, and when I try to connect, I get "530-Unable to set anonymous privileges." But I did not set any anonymous account.23:23
baddog_hi, I have a dual boot with Ubuntu on a external USB and Vista on a Internal HDD23:23
ubuntu0264how can i install fonts into ubuntu 7.1023:23
Delvienscguy318: they are installed23:23
Dan8765_linuxi need help pls23:23
keramdoes anyone know whats wrong with my system?23:23
ollite_: hd(0,0) --> hd(0,1)23:23
baddog_the boot loader (GRUB) is installed in the internal HDD23:23
ollite_: sorry hd(0,0) --> hd(0,6)23:23
kerama few reboots ago it hung while loading and never got past the first sliver, but i forced a reboot and it worked fine, now its not booting at all23:23
baddog_if I try to boot without the Ubuntu disk plugged in, I get error 523:23
te_olli: So it doesn't boot at all?23:24
Dan8765_linuxmy other computer now says grub error 1723:24
te_olli: Or...?23:24
scguy318Delvien: I've seen sudo echo -n S3 >/sys/power/state but not sure if that's what you would want23:24
Shpookscguy318: well, I've never done it, but I'm sure i could handle it. Should be easy to google, right?23:24
Dan8765_linuxi have winxp and xubuntu23:24
Dan8765_linuxdual boot23:24
baddog_sometimes it just randomly gives error 5 even when the disk is plugged in23:24
ollite_: it does but now. but not properly23:24
scguy318Shpook: yes23:24
scguy318Shpook: we have a guide to creating such a chroot at the Ubuntu Wiki23:24
Dan8765_linuxcan someone help me?23:24
GMoonithey guys, i need a 'mount point' for my desktop on UBUNTU - where would that be exactly? I type in /Desktop and it says "could not resoluvme mount point /Desktop"23:24
portablejimAnybody have a Nvidia 8400GS - 8600GT?23:24
Delvienscguy318: whatever i did, it worked, lol WOL is working now :) WOOT23:24
ollii am getting told that sbin/init were missing23:24
scguy318GMoonit: is this the partioning phase?23:25
baddog_can anyone help?23:25
scguy318Delvien: oh cool :)23:25
scguy318GMoonit: *partitioning23:25
wintermuteusually it will be /home/<username>/Desktop23:25
te_olli: What does it do?23:25
ollite_ i am getting told that sbin/init was missing23:25
Dan8765_linuxhow do i list partion names?23:25
Dan8765_linuxwhat is the command?23:25
jamescarregads... where do things go when I accidentally hit the delete button in gnome?23:25
ollite_: but it is there23:25
Shpookscguy318: Oh yes. Thank for your help. :-)23:25
ASD7Ajamescarr: .trash23:25
olliDan8764_linux: sudo fdisk -l23:26
GMoonitno scguy31823:26
ASD7Aor .trash-user23:26
olliDan8765_linux: sudo fdisk -l23:26
GMoonitthank you wintermute, let me try that23:26
jamescarrno, .Trash23:26
GMoonitthat worked wintermute, thank you23:27
pike_keram: what?23:27
wintermutegood to hear23:27
jamescarrhmmm... looks like my roomate was using my desktop recently23:27
kerampike_: my system is not booting, i get dropped to a initramfs busybox shell23:27
kerampike_: it says ata1: COMRESET failed23:27
jamescarr.Trash contains a file named videosz-white-panty-chronicles-12-22.mpg23:27
jamescarramongst other porn related file names ;)23:28
baddog_jamesscarr: dont need to know23:28
kerampike_: and ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/<lots of stuff> does not exist. Dropping to a shell!23:28
hello_Hello :) I've got a question: Is there any good calendar program for Ubuntu?23:28
te_olli: you mean /sbin/init ?23:28
Slasher`hello_; click on the clock, it brings up a calendar23:28
ollite_ yes23:29
ollibut it's there23:29
te_olli: Your menu.list looks ok.23:29
SpeakerManiaI am in need of a little help. I just picked up a 108MBPS PCI Wireless Adapter, made by LevelOne. I popped it in and Ubuntu did recognize it and pick up restricted drivers for it, although when I enter my network name and key it does not connect. Is there a utility that will scan for available networks so I can see if the card works?23:29
ollite_ i can boot my system via lilo23:29
te_olli: Don't see anything wrong with menu.lst23:29
hello_Sladher`: I've done that and double clicked on a date, but it brings up "Evolution", but I use Thunderbird23:29
scguy318hello_: googling just calendar program shows Mozilla Sunbird, andgoogling Linux calendar program gives me23:29
ollite_ do you have any idea what might be the problem?23:29
te_olli: show me lilo.conf23:30
scguy318hello_: Remind23:30
ASD7ASpeakerMania: nm-applet23:30
SpeakerManiaASD7A, available via apt-get?23:30
ubuntu0264how do i add fonts that i have downloaded onto my pc into ubuntu 7.1023:30
Slasher`I am trying to setup apache and php on Ubuntu, however I have a problem. I managed to solve (I think) the problem of it not being able to phrase php files at all and asking me to download them, but now, instead of getting the php page I'm getting an error 500 "Internal Server Error". Any help would be greatly appreciated23:30
scguy318hello_: though probably ugly for your taste, since it uses Motif widgets23:30
Slarthello: isn't there a calendar in evolution?23:30
te_olli:  Are you only able to boot to single user mode? or what/23:30
ollite_ yes23:30
CerealOhhkay.. Firefox just froze. AGAIN. It happens almost every time I watch a streamed video. Does anyone know a workaround/fix?23:30
jamescarrwow... why has an apt-get install firefox triggered an installation of almost everything???23:31
ASD7ASpeakerMania: should be already installed23:31
ASD7Aand in your notification area23:31
te_olli: So, you are only able to boot to single user mode?23:31
hello_Slart: I don't use Evolution, though. It doesn't have very good IMAP support; it doesn't maintain a real-time connectino to the server, whereas Thunderbird does. I just wish Thunderbird came with a Calendar itself :\23:31
jamescarrapt-get upgrade firefox23:31
scguy318hello_: searching my repos gives me kcalendar, orage, ccal, etc.23:31
te_olli: But when using lilo, you can boot the gui?23:31
ollite_ yes23:31
ollite_ http://paste.pocoo.org/show/17797/23:31
hello_scguy318: How do you search repos?23:31
Slarthello_: well.. then sunbird should be just your thing.. from the same people... integrates with thunderbird.. same look and feel23:32
CerealHello_: Start Synaptic :)23:32
scguy318hello_: apt-cache search keyword | more, or use Synaptic23:32
SpeakerManiaASD7A, that is what I'm using, but it doesn't allow me to scan for available wireless networks.23:32
K_DallasGood evening guys! Would there be any reason why a wireless router (D-Link DIR=615 to be more precise) not work with Linux/Ubuntu 7.10 ?23:32
CerealFirefox just froze. AGAIN. It happens almost every time I watch a streamed video. Does anyone know a workaround/fix?23:32
anzanCereal, use Epiphany instead.23:33
CerealAnzan: A browser? Does it crash o23:33
scguy318K_Dallas: might be your wireless card connecting to the router not working so well on Linux, unless you have more information?23:33
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CerealAnzan: When streaming video?23:33
anzanCereal, or at least clear your cache frequently.23:33
CerealAnzan: Okay, thanks :)23:33
baddog_does epiphany come default with 7.10?23:33
te_olli: Show me the output of: fdisk -l23:33
anzanWelcome, Cereal.23:33
ASD7ASpeakerMania: I haven't tried something else network related lately, sorry23:34
K_Dallasscguy318, no no no :) I have no problem, as a matter of fact I have not installed the router yet. I was just wondering if I could get into any problem or that there were things that I had to do beforehand.23:34
K_Dallasbaddog_, if i am not mistaken, no23:34
ollite_ http://paste.pocoo.org/show/17799/23:34
scguy318K_Dallas: oh! to the best of my knowledge there should be no problems, just plug in and connect23:34
jamescarrgoing to the moon brb23:34
K_Dallasscguy318, excellent, thanks23:34
anzanbaddog, no.23:34
hello_An unrelated question: Is there a way, through the terminal, to get programs but have them download as those .deb files that you can use later?23:34
baddog_is it worth getting?23:35
scguy318K_Dallas: come back and ask if you do have issues23:35
anzanbaddog, I think so.23:35
K_Dallasscguy318, will certainly do, thank you23:35
scguy318K_Dallas: np23:35
te_olli: Ok, you have menu.lst trying to boot to hda523:35
porchohello there. I've configured GNOME to use 4 workspace (instead of the 2 workspace that comes by default). the problem is that when I try to set the keyboard shortcuts, I'm only able to configure shortcuts to change to the first 2 workspace (ie there's no option where I can read "change to workspace 3" or "change to workspace 4"). is there a way I can fix this?23:35
anzanbaddog, it's basically a lean Firefox.23:35
ollite_ oops23:35
K_DallasQ2: Is there some tools for iPods under Linux or should I switch to Windows each time I need to work with it?23:35
Dan8765_linuxanyone know how to fix a grub erro17?23:35
ketroxhello_, yes there is read the man pages of apt-get23:35
olliso i have to write hd(0,7)  ?23:36
butcherbirdK_Dallas: many options for linux23:36
te_olli: Change (hd0,6) to (hd0,7)23:36
scguy318K_Dallas: gtkpod, Rhythmbox, etc.23:36
* K_Dallas doesn'T like iPods of any sort, it is just for my daughter23:36
hello_Is there any list of common/useful terminal commands that I ought to learn?23:36
Slasher`K_Dallas; amarok23:36
te_I think... just a sec..23:36
Dan8765_linuxi installed a new hdd and partitioned it w/ partition magic23:36
ollite_ thank you very much. I would have never found that mistake!23:36
butcherbirdK_Dallas: i use gtkpod but ive heard rhythmbox and others may be better23:36
K_Dallasexcellent, thanks butcherbird scguy31823:36
scguy318hello_: cd, ls, cat, ps :P23:36
scguy318hello_: and some others23:36
baddog_different question, does anyone know how to fix GRUB error 5? Im in dual boot with Vista23:36
jarlodfor ipods... floola, works well but closed source23:36
ramza3what are the best approaches for a simple file server.  Should I look at NFS or samba?23:36
scguy318hello_: you'd be best off looking for a Linux terminal guide23:36
Dan8765_linuxrebooted now i got the error23:37
scguy318ramza3: Samba, if you want to talk to Windows machines23:37
ollite_ did you find a solution for your graphics card?23:37
K_Dallasjarlod, is it freely available or it is a paid tool23:37
wintermuteare you supporting windows with your server?23:37
ramza3scguy318, no windows23:37
ollite_ i had the same23:37
ollite_ i might be able to help you23:37
ubuntu0264what is a good rss reader for video downloading23:37
scguy318ramza3: NFS is probably a good idea, as wintermute said23:37
te_olli: Not yet...23:37
jarlodfloola is free23:37
te_Haven't done anything yet.23:37
K_Dallasthank you jarlod23:37
ollite_ you will need the nvidia driver23:38
jarlodI noticed it does cause a segfault if you have songs with dollar sign in the name ;)23:38
bruenigubuntu0264, you mean like broadcatching?23:38
=== patlkli_ is now known as patlkli
te_olli: Ok, I confirmen it.  All you need to do is change (hd0,6) to (hd0,7)23:38
ollite_ proprietary. in xubuntu you can install it via a special tool. but of course you can do it manually23:39
te_olli: Does Gutsy use easyubuntu?23:39
porchohi there. where can I configure GNOME workspace numbers?23:39
bruenigte_, no23:39
ollite_ never heard about easyubuntu23:39
FredskyI'm new to ubuntu and have lost most of the icons from my applications, what did I do wrong??23:39
baddog_porcho:How do you mean?23:40
scguy318te_: no, EasyUbuntu is a third-party thing, not supported obviously23:40
te_olli: bruenig Ok, what next?23:40
bruenigeasy ubuntu is a useless script23:40
ollite_ do you have the kernel headers on your machine? you will need them23:40
te_I have  NV18 GeForce4 MX 400023:41
te_olli: No...23:41
te_Guess I need to do that first23:41
UNCLETOMMUPVOTE MY VIDEO [+] and DOWNVOTE [-] THE OTHER ONES (MY VIDEO): http://www.gameriot.com/contests/blackbird/ZUaXv90DF3/23:41
UNCLETOMMUPVOTE MY VIDEO [+] and DOWNVOTE [-] THE OTHER ONES (MY VIDEO): http://www.gameriot.com/contests/blackbird/ZUaXv90DF3/23:41
UNCLETOMMUPVOTE MY VIDEO [+] and DOWNVOTE [-] THE OTHER ONES (MY VIDEO): http://www.gameriot.com/contests/blackbird/ZUaXv90DF3/23:41
scguy318!ops | UNCLETOMM23:41
ubotuUNCLETOMM: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!23:41
LAFiNI'm having some issues installing Ubuntu. I downloaded 7.10 last night and have it booting on my machine. And then I get to it looks like the 5th step and I have this error message:23:41
jeff__so... I have a webcam built into this laptop... how do i go about using that in linux?23:41
ollite_ this is the driver: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_x86_71.86.01.html23:41
scguy318jeff__: hopefully the pwc module should detect it properly, then you would just use it with webcam software23:41
ollite_ in order to install it you will need the kernel headers23:42
ompaulnalioth, ^^ uncletomm23:42
jeff__scguy318 what software is there?23:42
LAFiNThe Display server has been shut down about six times in the last 90 seconds. It is likely that something bad is going on. Waiting for 2 minutes before trying again on display. :O23:42
scguy318jeff___: Camorama lets you view and upload to FTP server webcam images23:42
porchobaddog_: by default, GNOME offers 2 workspace. I want to use 4 workspaces instead, as I do in fluxbox. is there a way to do so?23:42
alexbobpI added a wireless driver with ndiswrapper.  ndisgtk agrees that the driver is installed and hardware is present.  ifconfig and the kubuntu network configurator don't think I have wireless hardware, even though ifconfig -a shows a wlan0.  Is there a step I'm missing?23:42
scguy318jeff___: Ekiga (teleconferencing software) lets you use your webcam, Kopete and GYachi let you use your webcam in IM stuff, etc.23:43
te_uname -a says:   2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP  So, need to install:  linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic ?23:43
scguy318alexbobp: you need to modprobe ndiswrapper23:43
jimmygoonAnyone have any thoughts on linux software to read out of my serial device... ?23:43
scguy318alexbobp: and blacklist any alternate modules that would prevent ndiswrapper from working23:43
te_olli: Is that correct?23:43
Jack_Sparrowporcho: turn off effects and ad some more23:43
ollite_ yes23:43
jeff__scguy318 thanks man... I just need to test one out to see if its a go23:43
scguy318alexbobp: if you want ndiswrapper to load on startup, you need to add ndiswrapper to your /etc/modules23:43
alexbobpscguy318: the modprobe didn't work.  what modules conflict with ndiswrapper?23:44
ollite_ in order to install the driver I recommend you to go to init 123:44
scguy318alexbobp: it would show as alternate drivers or something when you do ndiswrapper -l23:44
te_olli: It says:  "linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic is already the newest version."23:44
porchoJack_Sparrow: and how can I add more workspaces?23:44
alexbobpah, prism2_usb.  How do I disable it?23:44
Jack_Sparrowporcho: Do you have effects on?23:45
ollite_ ok then try to install the driver23:45
ivanhoeperdon por la ignorancia soy algo novato23:45
alexbobpscguy318: how do I disable prism2_usb?23:45
torrent3Hi, can someone help me install the udf 2.5 filesystem patch for Gutsy?23:45
ubuntu0264how can i add fonts to ubuntu 7.1023:45
ivanhoei go to spanish23:45
scguy318!es | ivanhoe23:45
ubotuivanhoe: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:45
scguy318alexbobp: gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist23:46
te_I have  NV18 GeForce4 MX 4000, so I should install23:46
scguy318alexbobp: then add blacklist prism2_usb on a new line at the bottom, then save23:46
scguy318alexbobp: then sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper, then sudo modprobe ndiswrapper23:46
te_olli:  install nvidia-glx-new ?23:46
jacobi'm using rythmbox music player and i can see other people's limewire files. why is this possible?23:46
KiD_ChAoShas anyone ran into any problems running programs in wine when the programs might need root permissions23:46
jamescarris there a package I can install that makes the gnome application menu look more appealing?23:46
scguy318alexbobp: then gksudo gedit /etc/modules, add ndiswrapper to a new line at the bottom, save23:46
scguy318alexbobp: if net connectivity still does not work, reboot23:47
Jack_SparrowKiD_ChAoS: BAd idea to give a program under wine root permissions23:47
ollite_ i was unsure bout that but i think the 4000series is "legacy"23:47
KiD_ChAoSJack_Sparrow, i am getting socket errors on using one of my programs and i was wondering if it was a permissions issue23:47
jacobi'm using rhythymbox music player and i can see other people's limewire files. how is this possible?23:48
Jack_SparrowKiD_ChAoS: I wont give real windows access to the internet much less anything in wine.. so I really dont know23:48
ollite_ you should be fine with the driver link i gave you23:48
jeff__scguy318 I guess my camera is not installed.23:48
alexbobpscguy318: thanks, unloading and reloading it worked.  I didn't even have to reboot.23:48
jeff__scguy318 sort of a shame.23:49
ollite_ otherwise you might try that one http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_169.07.html23:49
scguy318jeff___: in my experience, Gutsy's pwc module seems to have issues, I would look around or try a Feisty LiveCD23:49
KiD_ChAoSJack_Sparrow, ok. i have gotten several remote administrator programs to fine in wine so i was giving Cisco SNMP tools a try23:49
kduboiswhat package has the css support for playing back dvds? VLC is reporting that it cannot unencrypt the sisk23:50
scguy318KiD_ChAoS: aren't there native SNMP apps?23:50
ollite_ does it work?23:50
scguy318!dvd | kdubois23:50
ubotukdubois: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs23:50
scguy318kdubois: libdvdcss2 is what you want23:50
KiD_ChAoSscguy318, this is a neat graphical one that i like. do you know of another robust tool with a gui that runs well with ubuntu23:50
kduboisscguy318: thanks, i just forgot the name of it, and i'm pretty sure my restricted repo is disabled, so apt-cache wasnt being helpful23:50
sakurambooi rebuilt amarok with libgpod-0.6.0 and it still cant write the songs to the ipod so the ipod can see them23:50
Jack_SparrowKiD_ChAoS: HAve you setup a user in ubuntu with only access to wine and nothing else?23:51
jamescarryes.. the default gnome LAF is SOOOOO boring23:51
KiD_ChAoSJack_Sparrow, no but that is an idea23:51
jamescarris there something I can do to remedy it?23:51
demonsporkwhenever I select my Ubuntu Gutsy from the GRUB menu it goes to a screen saying that it 'cannot mount the selected partition.'  I have run fsck on the partition and it found no errors. What can I do?23:51
KiD_ChAoSJack_Sparrow, how might i do that?23:51
Jack_SparrowKiD_ChAoS: You really need to see the people in #Winehq ....23:51
te_olli: So I need nvidia-glx-legacy ?23:52
KiD_ChAoSJack_Sparrow, is that channel on this net?23:52
KiD_ChAoSJack_Sparrow, cool thanks for the help23:52
ollii checked that again. you should try the second link i gave you23:52
ollite_ the 4000 is not in the list of legacy cards on nvidias site23:53
butcherbirddemonspork: is it the right partition? hit esc for menu at boot then e to edit things23:53
=== andres_ is now known as andresCanavesi
ollite_ so you should use the second link (for the new driver) I gave you23:53
Jack_Sparrowolli: sure that card isnt a 400 and not a 400023:53
te_olli: what link.  Could you send again?23:54
crazymani am getting errors when I try to burn something23:54
ollite_ http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_169.07.html23:54
crazymanwould anyone mind taking a look at this http://pastebin.com/m3b54044323:55
jeff__crap... I dont think my sound driver is working23:56
GMoonitwhat is the command to make a directory via the terminal23:57
wols_GMoonit: mkdir23:57
etjhnetHow do you get ubuntu's floppy disk handling to act like windows in that it autodismounts upon physical eject23:57
Slasher`does anyone know the command to add a user to mysql on ubuntu?23:57
xnoris there a way to turn some of the removable drive icons off in XFCE?23:58
xnormy swap appears there23:58
demonsporkbutcherbird, yes it is the correct partition23:58
GMoonitwhat is the command for deleting a directory?23:58
GMoonitdldir ?23:58
te_olli: So how did you determine that was the one I needed?  [NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.07]23:58
etjhnetrm -rf23:58
etjhnetuse with care23:59
GMoonitwahts -rf23:59
Pir8mmm linux mint :)23:59
demonsporkbutcherbird, It used to boot until after a power failure, and now this problem23:59
xnoror rmdir for empty23:59
etjhnetrecursive, force23:59
etjhnetuse with care23:59
Pir8rm * :)23:59
ollite_ by looking on this site http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_32667.html23:59
ompauletjhnet, you should ahve addressed that with a persons nick before it - it highlights ops and I nearly had you gone23:59
butcherbirddemonspork: oh, id recommend booting livecd and fsck'n it i guess23:59
GMoonitwhat is the command to move up one directory23:59
Slasher`cd ..23:59
xnorGMoonit: cd ..23:59
torrent3Hi, can someone help me install the udf 2.5 filesystem patch for Gutsy?23:59

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