
eddyMulspiv: that seemed to do the trick00:00
eddyMulspiv: now, it's just a matter of moving them around00:00
eddyMulspiv: but that's probably the next rev00:00
eddyMul(and pending merges shows the revs. I assume this will show up in my logs, too?)00:00
spivWhatever is in pending merges will be recorded when you do "bzr commit", yes.00:01
eddyMulspiv, Verterok: I merged it, and moved stuff, and commited it. I'm happy w/ the output of `bzr log`. Thanx, guys!00:03
spiveddyMul: glad I could help!00:04
* spiv -> late breakfast00:04
ubotuNew bug: #178813 in bzr "unexpected end of regular expression" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17881301:11
=== Verterok is now known as Verterok_
Catfish_Manhi everyone!06:32
PengWhat everyone?06:33
Catfish_Manwell, presumably the people in the channel06:33
Catfish_Manthere appear to be quite a few06:33
Catfish_Manalthough given that this is irc, I assume most of them are idle06:33
Catfish_Mananyway, I was reading up on the "smart server" stuff, but wasn't able to find a whole lot in the way of documentation06:36
Catfish_Manis it just a performance optimization? or would it also allow, say, people committing without shell or ftp accounts on the box in question?06:36
PengCatfish_Man: Mostly a performance optimization. I'm not sure how possible or easy it is to do that yet, but it could certainly work.06:45
Catfish_Manok. I'll set it up on my test server then and see if I can get it working06:46
ubotuNew bug: #178838 in bzr "Progress bar for annotate" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17883807:41
mathrickI asked about rebase previously, and I don't have access to logs to see if anyone answered09:03
mathrickthe question was: rebasing can be used to reshape the commit history into clean "logical" patches, instead of how the devel actually happened, right? If so, how exactly would I go about that?09:03
mathrickwas there any answer to that?09:03
GaryvdMmathrick: There are irc logs here: http://bzr.arbash-meinel.com/irc_log/bzr/10:19
mathrickGaryvdM: ah, handy11:07
mathrickhmm, no reply, so my question remains open11:15
mathrickjelmer: poke with the above question?11:28
=== GaryvdM_ is now known as GaryvdM
acusterjelmer, ?12:52
ubotuNew bug: #178865 in bzr-eclipse "diff error for newly added but not commited files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17886513:35
ubotuNew bug: #178873 in bzr "IndexError exception when branching into subversion format repo" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17887314:10
jelmeracuster: hi14:51
jelmermathrick: rebase can be used to "linearalize" history14:51
jelmerit does not do things like combine revisions or anything like that14:52
acusterhey, jelmer a few questions for you14:52
acuster1) svn;// doesn't seem to work here (possibly because of the server). Is there any advantage to using it rather than http://14:53
jelmersvn:// is a different protocol than http://14:53
jelmerit only works if the server is running the svnserve application14:53
acuster2) I made a shared repo called gtnew, and did the bzr(-svn) branch so my ~/.bazaar/subversion.conf has a line "locations = file:///soft/BZR/gtnew"14:54
acusterdo I need to do anything special to rename that dir to gtbranches?14:54
acuster(re 1:) right, but is bzr-svn much faster using svn:// or does it not matter?14:55
jelmerI think svn:// is slightly faster, but I'm not sure14:55
jelmerto bzr-svn there is no difference14:55
jelmerthe difference is all in the Subversion libraries14:55
jelmerhow did you create the shared repo? It shouldn't be adding an entry to subversion.conf if you create a new shared repo14:56
acuster3) can I reorganize my branches under a shared repository at will? e.g. I have sharedRepo/trunk and I'd like to make sharedRepo/original/trunk so can I just do local unix commands to change that?14:57
acusterno, the entry was created when I branched under that shared repo14:57
jelmeracuster: Any reason you're branching /into/ a Subversion repository rather than into a Bazaar repository?14:58
acustercd /soft/BZR/; mkdir gtnew; cd gtnew; bzr init-repo --no-trees --rich-root; bzr branch http://svn..../trunk/ .14:58
acusterI must be phrasing things incorrectly14:58
jelmeryou should be able to simply use mv14:58
acusterwe have an svn server in canada; I'm trying to use bzr locally14:59
acusterso do I need to worry about the subversion.conf file at all if I rename the bzr shared-repo directory?15:00
mathrickjelmer: I see, git's rebase does allow you to rewrite history in such a way15:01
mathrick(rebase --interactive + "squash" and/or "edit" merge directives)15:02
mathrickI'd find such a rewriting tool very useful, it allows you to submit changesets with patches that follow the logical order, instead of the chronological and you don't have to expose the intermediate bugs15:03
jelmermathrick: patches are welcome :-)15:06
acusteris there documentation for the subversion.conf file?15:09
jelmeracuster: not really15:10
jelmeracuster: the locations= setting isn't read by bzr-svn15:10
acustercool. Thanks for the help.15:11
acusterand thanks, more importantly, for the code :-)15:11
jelmerGlad it's useful (-:15:13
* ddaa just spent one hour setting up eclipse+pydev+bzr17:17
ddaafirst keystroke in a python file, and it busylocks...17:17
ddaawhy do all IDEs have to suck soo much?17:17
__gotchahas bzr-svn been built as a macport ?17:54
__gotcharather, has a macprot been built for bzr-svn ;-) ?17:54
ddaaWhat is the coding style for imports in bzr? It seems to be a mixture of "from package import module" and "from package.module import definition". I have trouble telling when to use which.18:01
lifelessddaa: its in HACKING19:17
ddaalifeless: thanks19:17
lifelessddaa: and up to the developer using the thing if they want to be doing module.blah or definition; with one caveat19:17
lifelessddaa: things that are deliberatly monke pachable are always the former.19:18
ddaamh, HACKING does not seem to give any specific answer to my question.19:22
ddaaI'm trying to clean up the bzr-git code in the way that will make jam most happy (since my code is based on his branch).19:22
ddaaalthough I do have a strong preference for "from package.module import definition"...19:22
ddaaI guess, mainly because it's the Launchpad convention.19:23
lifelessddaa: nice, have fun. I'd assume the imports are fine though ;)20:43
mtaylorjelmer: I'm having bzr-builddeb issues with it not being able to clean the build area21:12
mtaylorjelmer: should I be running bzr-builddeb under sudo ?21:12
mtaylorjelmer: bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~pkg-sphinx/pkg-sphinx/trunk21:18
mtaylorwill get you an easily build branch that will break on the clean step21:18
mtaylorif it's a problem in my packaging, I'd be happy to fix it - but also I thought you might want to see it if it is a bug21:19
mtaylorjelmer: ^^21:19
mtaylorjelmer: aha! I think I might know the problem.21:44
mtaylorjelmer: the packages I'm building install binaries into /usr/bin as root and stuff... whereas python packages wouldn't have this problem?21:44
fullermdWow, git's arg parsing can't even handle "-ad", but requires "-a -d"?  How lame.22:24
* mtaylor is really annoyed when people can't parse args right22:25
mtaylorit got solved like, 15 years ago for crying out loud - stop re-coding it22:25
fullermdWell, you never know.  Maybe getopt() is just too slow...22:25
mtaylorthen maybe someone should fix it. :)22:25
foomgetopt() is no solution22:25
fullermdInterestingly, pre-repack, git loses against bzr packs for storing 1 rev of an import of the YUI library.22:25
fullermdPost-repack, it wins, though.22:26
fullermd 11M    yui.knits/.bzr22:26
fullermd7.9M    yui.packs/.bzr22:26
fullermd5.7M    yui.git/.git22:26
fullermd(git was ~9.6m before repack -a -d)22:26
fullermdIt's only one rev, so there's no delta compression to be had.  I wonder what git did with that extra 1.7 meg.  Maybe it uses less compression by default?22:27
foomgit doesn't just compress between revisions.22:29
foomit compresses vs arbitrary other data22:29
fullermdWell, yeah.  That's why it wins post-repack.22:29
fullermdI'm mildly curious where the pre-repack loss comes from.22:30
fullermd(not curious enough to really investigate, of course  :)22:30
=== micr0c0sm is now known as mic0|zzZ
MicahElliottIs there a good reason I can't branch into an existing dir?  E.g.: bzr branch sftp://path/ .22:49
MicahElliottbzr: ERROR: Target directory "." already exists.22:49
fullermdIt's probably mostly because doing so without some checking would be dangerous, and nobody's bothered to write checking code.22:49
fullermdI don't know of anybody objecting to it in principle (though I hardly know everything, or even most things)22:50
MicahElliottfullermd: checking what?22:52
fullermdThat the directory is empty would be sufficient, probably.22:52
MicahElliottMy use case is managing an existing dir that may already contain a bunch of *un*versioned stuff, like $HOME.22:53
fullermdMmm.  Now that's more likely to raise principle objections.22:53
fullermdAnd requires a lot more checking; it would probably be Wrong(tm) for branch to proceed if there are any filename conflicts, frex, but deciding whether there are can be sticky.22:54
MicahElliottMaybe some sort of "clobber" option (desirable in my case) would be useful?22:56
fullermdCould be.  It would certainly be shouted down as a default, but...   unusual cases are what unusual options are for   :)22:57
MicahElliottI'm not sure what other situations this might arise.  But I'd be surprised if no one here is already managina $HOME with bzr.22:58
=== Verterok_ is now known as Verterok
fullermdSome people are.  I don't think anybody's tried to branch it into an existing $HOME, though.22:59
MicahElliottI do seem to have it working.  But it's a bit ugly to have to do the branch to create a new dir and then: cp newdir/* newdir/.[a-zA-Z]* .23:00
fullermdYou might be able to do a branch into a tree-less repo, mv the .bzr into your homedir, then co the working tree.23:00
MicahElliotthmm.  That sounds cleaner.23:01
fullermdYou'd have to deal with whatever conflicts it causes...23:01
fullermdI _think_ it would tend to make the bzr-version the '.moved' variant and leave the existing files with the current name.  'revert --no-backup' would overwrite them, I think.23:02
MicahElliottfullermd: I'll play around some more with this.  Thanks for the advice.23:05
fullermd(Well, I guess you'd have to fiddle a little bit to get the repo put together with the branch in that case...)23:08
jelmermtaylor: I'm not sure. You should be using something like fakeroot, even with bzr builddeb23:16
jelmermtaylor: james_w is the expert though, he may be able to comment on this better23:16
mtaylorjelmer: so you think I should be doing "fakeroot bzr bd"23:16
jelmerI'm not actually sure23:16
jelmer"bzr builddeb" has "just worked"[tm] for me23:17
mtaylorok. :)23:17
mtaylorwell, I tried a small little patch to builddeb that tries shutils.rmtree() and if that fails tries sudo rm -rf23:17
mtaylorwhich now works for me :) but I'm sure is not the "right" way to do it23:17
bob2builddeb should have a -r option like debbuild23:24
jelmerbob2: I think it already does something23:24
jelmersince I don't have to specify anything or configure anything23:24
jelmerI'm sure at least one of my packages runs dh_checkroot23:25
mtaylorI have some packages that build fine and some that give me this problem23:35
bob2do they build ok under dpkg-buildpackge -rfakeroot?23:36
mtaylorbut the clean that's failiing here has nothing to do with dpkg-buildpackage23:36
mtaylorit's a clean of the build area23:36
mtaylorperhaps builddeb needs to do a debian/rules clean before it cleans the build area?23:36
mtaylorso that it can let dpkg-buildpackage invoke fakeroot/sudo as needed for the clean?23:37

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