
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
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baghyayhi every one01:20
baghyayi have install upgrade my gusty to hardy but i havn't the new theme01:21
DanaGThat 'new theme' is only a concept, actually.01:22
DanaGIf it's the one I'm thinking of.01:22
baghyayi think that too01:23
baghyaytank u man01:23
baghyayi feel hardy is faster01:23
DanaGI've had the opposite issue, actually.01:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178807 in linux "Severe sluggishness under 'nice' load in 2.6.24 kernels" [Undecided,New]01:24
ArtimusI wish someone would fix the KDE4 packages...  Broken dependencies...  I want KDE4 :P01:25
bardyrw00t suspending works completely and perfect in hardy :D01:25
tritiumbardyr: *for you*01:26
tritium(and your hardware -- not so for everyone)01:26
bardyrofc i also ment for me01:26
bardyrnow i just need to do some ACPI hackering to get my hardware to work better for me so my laptop can change my screen brightness :)01:27
tritiumWorks for my hardware too, fortunately.01:27
DanaGBrightness is also a PITA.01:29
DanaGPain In The ...01:30
tumbleweed__DanaG : same01:42
tumbleweed__is that vim search and replace syntax?01:42
DanaGHandy in IRC.01:42
* tumbleweed__ scores01:42
* tumbleweed__ has never used vim, either01:42
tumbleweed__I just figured it's wonky like that ;/01:43
DanaGI don't use vim either.01:44
DanaGI just use 'gedit' with extra plugins.01:44
tumbleweed__or mousepad01:47
tumbleweed__depending on my mood01:47
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ShriI need help in getting BCM94311 wireless card to work on 2.6.24-2 generic with hardy 64bit to work02:38
Shrican any body help me please02:39
ShriI was just at the ubuntu channel and they directed me here...02:39
jimmygoonHow's the artwork coming? and "is hardy going to break for me"02:55
ader10Why not release a version of ubuntu without the .04 or .10 etc? It would look nicer to the end-user without all the excess numbers.02:56
jimmygoonader10, because it makes sense... how about "windows vista home/home oem/home retail/pro/ultimate" etc02:57
jimmygoonader10, call it "ubuntu hardy" or "Hardy Heron" if you want an easier reference.. just like "Vista" rather than Windows 8 or ntkernel version whatever02:58
crdlbthat was a drive-by suggestion :p02:58
jimmygoonoh, he left, haha02:59
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ubotuLaunchpad bug 178807 in linux "Severe sluggishness under 'nice' load in 2.6.24 kernels (dup-of: 177713)" [Medium,Invalid]03:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177713 in linux "2.6.24-2: Regression with idle cpu cycle handling" [Medium,Confirmed]03:26
DanaGShould I repost my comments from my bug report into the one it's a duplicate of?03:26
arooni________please tell me they're making heron better for bluetooth05:25
arooni________and a2dp avrcp05:25
arooni________cuz gutsy?  not so much05:25
tumbleweed__they are05:27
AmaranthErr, I'm not aware of anything specific05:28
tumbleweed__the bluetooth breakage was just an accidental omission of a file05:29
Amaranthbluetooth works just fine here05:31
DanaGI just had my second bit of major breakage with 2.6.24 kernel.06:19
DanaGdhcdbd wasn't running, so NetworkManager wouldn't work.06:19
DanaGI could call dhclient on the wired interface manually and get an IP, but the route would not show up.06:20
DanaG'route add default gw' returned "No such device", which is really a bad description, despite being technically correct.06:21
DanaGMy bug here was marked a duplicate of another bug; should I re-post my comments in the latter bug?06:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178807 in linux "Severe sluggishness under 'nice' load in 2.6.24 kernels (dup-of: 177713)" [Medium,Invalid]06:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177713 in linux "2.6.24-2: Regression with idle cpu cycle handling" [Medium,Confirmed]06:32
HobbseeDanaG: probably a good idea06:34
Hobbseeif they'r enew06:35
DanaGI think the only Vista feature I've seen that I do miss when in Ubuntu is the amazing 'speaker fill' effect they have.06:39
DanaGIt somehow separates main voices from accompaniment, to expand stereo music to surround without sounding odd or 'cheesy' or too surroundey.06:40
pwnguinDanaG: it probably seperates left and right channels completely, instead of mixing them06:54
pwnguinsince the main voice is on both left and right, you'd stronger "stereo seperation"06:55
DanaGIt seems to be more than just simple stereo separation to me.07:03
DanaGBut I'm not entirely sure.07:03
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hitany ideas why i'm taken to login screen when trying to view screensavers?11:19
fenrigwel i have some hardy problems11:28
fenrigmy laptop doesn't find the screen11:29
rskoh noes :(11:29
fenrigi've got a nvidia gpu11:29
fenrigand the nv driver11:29
fenrighas some problems with this gpu11:29
fenrigso okay i force it to use vesa11:30
fenrigxforcevesa (or something like that)11:30
fenrigbut i think it still loads the nv driver11:30
fenrigso i wanted to ask11:30
fenrig(i'm talking about the live cd)11:30
fenrighow can i configure x in using vesa11:31
rskmodify xorg.conf11:31
fenrigyeah well11:31
rskand restart gdm11:31
fenrigsudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:31
fenrigbut i don't get a terminal in the live cd :S11:31
rsktry a tty11:32
fenrigi never used a tty11:32
fenrigis it11:32
fenrigctrl+alt+ f3???11:32
rskye or f1 or f211:32
rskor any other f11:32
fenrigthe laptop is booting:)11:33
fenriganother question does the kernel runs 4k stacks or 8k?11:33
rskdont know11:33
fenrigi'll reform my question11:34
fenrigcan i use ndiswrapper???11:34
rskshould work11:35
rskbut cause it's so early in development libs may be broken11:35
fenrigits commercia11:35
fenrigoh no sorry11:35
fenrighow can i find if those libs are broken?11:36
rskyou will notice :)11:36
fenrigwhat command can i use to start gdm?11:37
rsksudo /etc/init.d/gdm start11:37
fenrigi get a fail11:38
rskwhat fail11:39
fenrig* Starting GNOME Display Manager11:39
fenrigi think its because X isn't started11:39
rskthat will start x also11:39
fenrigwell it didn't start X11:40
fenrigit didn't tried to start X :s11:40
rskok so x is broken in alpha 211:40
rskfor you11:40
fenrigno X isn't broke11:40
fenrigi mean at bootup it worked fine11:40
fenrigX is working11:41
fenrigi typed X in the terminal11:41
fenrigand i got a mouse and everything11:42
fenrigso X works11:42
fenrigbut ur command doesnt11:42
fenrigcould i also11:42
fenrigstart X in tty 211:43
fenrigand then give that command of gdm in the third tty???11:43
fenrigive done it11:46
fenrigi did find a sort of bug11:47
fenrigso ive started X in tty211:47
fenrigand then gave the gdm command in tty311:47
fenrigand wel gdm asked my if i wanted to open gdm on another tty11:48
fenrigand will i said yes11:48
fenrigand now i'm logged in11:48
fenrigfound another bug11:49
fenrigwanna know??11:50
fenrigwell ubiquety11:51
fenrigis too big for vesa resolution11:51
fenrigbig bug if u ask me11:53
fenrigits installing :D11:54
fenrigthx for your help ;)11:56
fenrigwhen the laptop has installed ubuntu and rebooted11:56
fenrigi'll join u on irc with the laptop ;)11:56
fenrigive got a problem with hardy13:25
fenrigi cant13:25
fenrigseem to configure the network-admin thing13:25
fenrigi mean it starts up13:25
fenrigasks my sudo password13:26
fenrigand then when i gave that password13:26
fenrigit can't be configured13:26
fenrigi cant add or configure any hardware interface13:26
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fenrigcan u help me?13:33
rskdont know about that sorry13:33
Picifenrig: I believe its a known bug.13:34
fenrigit is?13:34
fenrigwell is there a workaround?13:35
Picifenrig: configure your network adapters manually using /etc/network/interfaces ?13:35
fenrigcan u help me doing this13:35
fenrigcause i never done it like that13:35
fenrigbut i'm open for learning13:35
fenrigcan i past 2 rules??13:36
fenrigauto lo13:37
fenrigiface lo inet loopback13:37
fenrigthat is what  /etc/network/interfaces contains13:37
fenrigi made a ndis wireless driver13:38
Picifenrig: Does that even show up in iwconfig?13:38
fenrigno it doesnt13:39
fenrigi hate iwconfig13:40
fenrighe's nog my best friend13:40
PiciI can't help you if its not showing up there at least, sorry.13:41
PiciEr, I mean that I dont know anything about ndis stuff, sorry.13:42
Essopefenrig: what does ndiswrapper -l give?13:43
fenrignet5211 : driver installed13:44
fenrigdevice (168C:001C) present (alternate driver: ath_pci)13:44
fenrigndis gtk is even saying it exists13:44
Essopeis the card flashing?13:44
fenrigcard flashing?13:47
fenrigexplain yourself please13:47
fenrigim kinda confused13:49
PiciI think hes asking if the lights on the wifi card are blinking13:52
fenrigbut i have a acer aspire laptop13:53
fenrigsome people made it work13:54
fenrigbut i cant seem to make it work ;s13:54
fenrigbut its a ar5006eg13:55
fenrigchipset wifi card13:55
Picifenrig: Did it work on Gutsy?13:55
fenrigi never ran gutsy on it13:56
fenrigbecause of screen problems13:56
fenrigi'm getting crazy13:57
fenrigfedora didn't work with it13:57
fenrigand nsidwrapper13:57
fenrigdidn't work because of its kernel13:57
fenrignow this doesnt work13:57
PiciThis is an alpha, you realize.  see /topic13:58
Essopefenrig: did you modprobe ndiswrapper?14:01
fenrigyeah i didĀµ14:02
fenrigbut where can i configure the wifi alias for the dc14:02
fenrig'module configuration already contains alias directive' there is something wrong when i do "sudo ndiswrapper -m"14:03
Essopeit obviously hasn't recognised it sufficiently to make it light up14:05
Essopewrong driver?14:05
fenrigsurely not14:06
fenrigi have the correct one14:06
fenrigi just need to know where i can find the config file for ndis14:07
fenrigive got a serious problem14:56
fenrigfinally wlan0 is detected14:56
fenrigusing ndis14:56
fenrigiwconfig shows wlan0 up14:56
fenrigbut now i need to boot in recovery mode14:56
fenrigen start gdm manually14:56
fenrigand hal doesnt work14:56
fenrigif i boot normally14:56
fenrigand then log in using gdm14:57
fenrigi stops with running14:57
fenrigi just have that background in orange14:57
fenrigcan sombody help???14:57
bazhangfenrig: this is only alpha 214:59
fenrigyeah so14:59
fenrigit worked before14:59
bazhangtopic? did you read it?14:59
fenrigno i mean15:00
fenrigi'm running alpha2 the whole day15:00
fenrigand i rebooted 20 times already15:01
fenrigbut now i suddenly got this15:01
bazhangperhaps should avoid the frustration and wait a bit15:01
fenrigi think its something i did15:01
PiciHardy is not ready for end user consumption. You will get errors, you will crash, and you should be able to either figure out whats wrong, file a bug, or be ready to re-install at any point in time.15:03
fenrigi am ready to reinstall15:03
PiciPerhaps you should go to Gutsy, or some other stable version.15:03
Tm_Tagreed with Pici15:04
fenrigthough i'm used to use bleeding edge software15:04
fenrigespeccialy ubuntu15:04
fenrigwell i'll wait for the beta then15:04
DannilionEvery bug I've found on Hardy someone else has already reported :p though there's nothing major at the moment other than a kernel breaking wireless15:04
fenrigis de kernel breaking wireless??15:05
fenrigcan u explain15:05
Dannilionit was on my laptop15:05
PiciDannilion: What card do you have?15:05
Dannilionerm... an intel one15:05
fenrigwait let him tell15:05
fenrigwhats wrong?15:05
Dannilion(sorry, on my Gutsy machine right now)15:05
fenrigbut wlan0 is working15:05
fenrigand my issue started when wlan0 wasn't working anymore15:06
fenrigwasn't = started15:06
fenrigi'm getting tired15:06
fenrigi'm working on it the whole day15:06
PiciDannilion: There was/is an issue with iwl3945, but it turned out that it was working, just the status LEDs werent. And it had renamed itself to wlan0_rename from eth115:06
Dannilionthat sounds right15:06
Dannilionnot updated it for a few days15:07
Dannilion(Christmas got in the way :p)15:07
PiciIts running 'fine' for me.15:07
DannilionI just used the Gutsy kernel for a bit as I couldn't be bothered to fix it or reinstall to Gutsy over Christmas15:08
PiciWell, not 'ready for release' fine, but actually less buggy than I thought it would be at this point in time.15:08
fenrigi'm going to reinstall ubuntu tomorrow15:08
DannilionThat was the only showstopper bug I found (my laptop has the internet connection and not being able to get wireless working meant none of my other computers had internet)15:09
Dannilionthe other bugs were just minor annoyances that others had reported15:09
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marcio3000i have a problem at the boot18:11
marcio3000how can i read the log?18:11
rskwhat problem18:11
marcio3000problems with the hard disk something about the cluster difference is different18:11
rskand it stops there?18:12
marcio3000no no it goes on but it says it will not be fixed automatically18:12
Picimarcio3000: On Hardy?18:12
marcio3000on 7.1018:12
rsk#ubuntu then18:13
marcio3000k sorry18:13
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baghyayhwo to add medibuntu to my hardy18:29
Picibaghyay: I dont know if medibuntu has hardy repos18:31
PiciAlso, you shouldnt be running Hardy if you dont know how to make repository changes.. its really not ready for end user consumption18:32
bazhanggutsy should work for libdvdcss2 baghyay the repos that is18:34
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bderrlyis anyone else having issues running java apps? ... #6 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun- [0x2aaaab9251b9]23:42
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