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* Hobbsee waves02:48
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rootardHow are patches kept for Ubuntu sources that derive from Debian?04:59
somerville32We publish all our patches to patches.ubuntu.com05:05
rootarddo patches get automatically applied to upstream Debian packages?05:06
somerville32That would be a bad thing05:07
rootardEven for "trivial" changes to upstream source?05:08
* Fujitsu wonders how we can apply changes to Debian.05:09
HobbseeFujitsu: magic05:09
Hobbseerootard: only if debian decides to take them.  they also appear in debian's pts05:09
rootardThe reason I am asking is I am developing for Nexenta (apt on OpenSolaris) and we basically pull from Ubuntu sources.05:10
rootardI am trying to find a good model to manage patches from upstream sources that will almost definitely not integrate a patch.05:11
rootardIn any case, thanks for the info.05:15
Amaranthapt on OpenSolaris? Isn't it basically just Ubuntu/Solaris?05:21
Amaranthkind of like Debian/kFreeBSD and such05:21
rootardYes, that's the idea... except that Solaris has a lot of things others don't.05:29
Hobbseelike a different handling of rm -rf *05:31
* Hobbsee grumbles.05:31
rootardServices being a prime example. /etc/rc* is honored but far from optimal.05:31
* Fujitsu glances at upstart.05:33
imbrandonrootard: and sunc and lots of other stuff :) (i've done a few Nextenta packages too and have developer access etc , just dont use it much, guess i should pop over there more)06:02
imbrandonif there were only two of me , hehe06:02
* dmb clones imbrandon 06:02
rootardimbrandon: awesome :)06:03
dmbtaking a look at nextenta, they have a lot of work to do06:03
imbrandonrootard: anyhow there is no "automatic" pushing of back upstream to debian, and even downstream its mostly manual, nextenta really needs a tool like DaD06:04
dmbi feel it isn't nearly up to par development wise as ubuntu or other debian based distros06:04
imbrandondmb: yea the "core" is done and solid, but the "desktop" there is still TONS of work06:04
imbrandonactualy TONS dont even begin to say how much there is06:04
dmbimbrandon: does it autosync with ubuntu?06:05
imbrandoneverything is manual well mostly everything06:05
rootardimbrandon: agreed. What is DaD?06:05
imbrandonthey dont have the tools that we have to autosync from debian, but there is work to port them06:05
rootarddmb: I am interested in making it do that.06:06
rootardSome packages compile just fine directly from remote repositories. Other need help. Still... there are thee few that are a real pain.06:06
imbrandonrootard: there are lots of scripts that help with alot of this type thing, lemme find the dad url and source , it would need modification to work but things like mdt and dad/mom should be simple first steps06:06
imbrandonthe good thing is they are all available , the bad thing is almost none of them are documented or in a central place06:07
rootardGreat! Sounds like an almost ideal situation! :)06:07
imbrandonTheMuso is working on getting some of the cdimage stuff avail for public consumption, i dont recal the DaD maintainer but he is active ( in #ubuntu-motu )06:08
imbrandonand there are lots others06:08
dmbis there any irc chan for nextenta?06:08
rootard#nexenta (which currently forwards to ##nexenta)06:09
imbrandoninfact i think i'll try to get some of the tools mentioned and urls to source/demos on my gnusolaris.org wiki soonish ( before newyears )06:09
dmbi find nexenta very hard to spell :D06:09
imbrandondmb: 99% of the time i say gnusolaris :)06:09
rootardimbrandon: sounds good, I recommend using nexenta.org instead though.06:09
rootardgnusolaris.org will go away.06:09
imbrandonahhh, that sucks heh06:10
dmbnexenta is way ahead of kfreebsd right now06:10
rootardor at least forward to nexenta.org06:10
imbrandonis it a mirror right now ?06:10
imbrandonor do i have to recreate my account/wiki etc06:10
rootardNo. Some of the content is being moved over, other content is out of date and being abandoned.06:11
imbrandoni have to admit i have worked on it a bit but havent interacted with any of the community at all yet, its quite small from what i can see06:11
imbrandon( dev community )06:11
rootardYes, it is small but there seems to be a lot of interest. So far as I can tell the project needs a little more infrastructure so people don't have to do as much work.06:12
imbrandonrootard: since everythign is being moved and most packages are based off ubuntu ( with some pure debian mixed in ) why not push to use Launchpad for bug tracking ? )06:12
rootardimbrandon: That is the current goal.06:13
imbrandoncool, well i'm doing some perl hacking atm so i'm kinda busy but i'll touch base with you in a few ( hours maybe? ) aobut some of this stuff, i know most of the ubuntu proceedures ( as a core dev ) and the ones i dont i know generaly whom to ask mostly06:14
imbrandonso maybe i can give yall a push06:14
imbrandonand iirc i have write access to the nextenta RCS iirc , i would have to check06:15
imbrandonhavent used it in a few months06:15
rootardimbrandon: I would appreciate that :) I'm actually up later than I should be. Maybe I can catch you soonish though?06:16
imbrandonrootard: sure, i am too actualy ( its midnight here ) drop me an email brandon@imbrandon.com anytime06:17
rootardThanks, will do. Goodnight.06:17
YurivilcaCheck out Mike Huckabee's latest psychotic utterance!06:39
tritiumYurivilca: please stay on topic06:41
tritiumI've already asked you to leave #ubuntu.  Please don't come in here with the same garbage.06:41
dmbtritium: i think its a bot07:13
tritiumdmb: yeah, I believe so07:15
dmbtritium: although its kind of pointless what he's spamming07:15
tritiumdmb: oh well07:21
dmbi don't see who's making money in this deal :D07:24
aUserhi, I'm trying to compile with pbuilder sylpheed 2.4.807:44
aUseractually in repos there is version 2.4.507:44
aUserwhen I start "compiling" with pbuilder07:44
aUserI got:07:44
aUserchecking for pkg-config... no07:45
aUserchecking for GLIB - version >= 2.4.0... no07:45
aUser*** A new enough version of pkg-config was not found.07:45
aUser*** See http://www.freedesktop.org/software/pkgconfig/07:45
aUserconfigure: error: Test for GLib failed. See the 'INSTALL' for help.07:45
aUsermake: *** [config.status] Error 107:45
aUserpbuilder: Failed autobuilding of package07:45
TheMuso!pastebin | aUser07:45
ubotuaUser: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:45
aUser -> Aborting with an error07:45
aUser -> unmounting dev/pts filesystem07:45
aUser -> unmounting proc filesystem07:45
aUser -> cleaning the build env07:45
aUser    -> removing directory /var/cache/pbuilder/build//2530 and its subdirectories07:45
aUsersorry http://rafb.net/p/FpkLfq31.html07:45
aUseri copied debian/control dependencies from 2.4.5 to 2.4.8 too07:46
aUserBuild-Depends: debhelper (>= 5.0.22), libcompfaceg1-dev, libglib2.0-dev, libgtk2.0-dev, libpng12-dev, libgpgme11-dev (>= 1.0.0), libssl-dev, libpisock-dev, libldap2-dev, flex | flex-old, bison, gettext, libreadline5-dev, cdbs, libgtkspell-dev (>= 2.0), libonig-dev07:46
aUserbut it doesn't work07:46
aUserhave you any idea?07:46
TheMusoaUser: hang on a sec07:47
TheMusoaUser: WHat versino of pkg-config is it trying to find07:47
imbrandonlooks like a pretty streight forward error, "*** A new enough version of pkg-config was not found."07:47
aUseri don't know07:48
aUserit's not reported07:48
aUseri'm using gutsy07:48
aUserand I have built my env for pbuilder07:48
aUserin different ways but with same results07:48
aUsersudo pbuilder create07:48
aUsersudo pbuilder create --othermirror07:48
aUserbut no differences07:49
TheMusoaUser: You could explicitly add pkg-config to the Build-Depends field in debian/control.07:49
TheMusoHowever, pkg-config may be installed in the pbuilder session anyway.07:50
TheMusogotta run07:50
imbrandonlikely and likely it needs the one in hardy07:50
imbrandonlater TheMuso07:50
aUserI have added pkg-config on debian control just now07:52
aUserlaunched : debuild -S -uc -us07:52
aUserand so pbuilder *.dsc07:52
aUserand same error again07:53
aUserhow to install pkg-config in pbuilder session?07:56
MithrandiraUser: add pkg-config to the list of build-depends.07:57
aUserjust done it07:57
aUserbut not works07:57
Mithrandirplease put the pbuilder log in a pastebin, thn07:58
aUserwhere can I find log u refer?07:59
Mithrandirjust cut and paste all the text by hand or something.08:02
aUserlog about launch of pbuilder *.dsc08:05
Mithrandirdo you have more than one .dsc file in the current directory?08:06
Mithrandirif not, can you please provide a copy of that .dsc file?08:07
aUserI have 2 dsc-file08:07
Mithrandirplease specify the right one rather than using *.dsc, then.08:08
aUserok using singularly file in:08:10
aUsersudo pbuilder build sylpheed-debhelper_2.4.8-1.dsc08:10
aUserI got error above but:08:11
aUserwith  sudo pbuilder build sylpheed-debhelper_2.4.8-1ubuntu1.dsc08:11
aUserI got new  error:08:11
aUserit seems trying to download packages required08:12
aUserbut fails for The following packages are BROKEN:   pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy08:12
warp10Hi all!08:13
MithrandiraUser: seems like your build-dependencies can't all be satisfied.08:13
aUserproblem seems for  pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy08:15
Mithrandirno, read the log again.08:16
aUserlibcompfaceg1-dev and libonig-dev?08:17
Mithrandiryeah, looks like it.08:17
aUserok I try to remove them from deb-control08:18
aUsernice it's downloading dependencies now08:19
imbrandonumm if you remove them its likely not to build , they were there for a reason likely08:20
aUserit was for sylpheed 2.4.508:20
aUserfor gutsy version08:21
aUseri'm using pbuilder under gutsy08:21
aUserok I got a new error:)08:22
aUserconfigure: error: cannot run /bin/bash ./config.sub08:24
aUseri followed MOTU guide08:25
aUseror it's incomplete or pbuilder under gutsy is buggy or I miss something08:26
aUserok thanks for all, I go bye08:38
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=== sladen changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: OPEN | Most builds are currently failing | Hardy Alpha 2 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty/gutsy, #ubuntu+1 for hardy | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
persiasladen: What changed?15:32
Essopepersia: order swap15:34
sladenpersia: the archive state got moved back to the start15:35
* persia thinks the fact that uploads are useless due to build failures is more important than the fact that the archive is accepting uploads, but doesn't really care enough to change it back.15:35
sladenpersia: depends whether you have scripts that care15:35
persiasladen: There are scripts that scrape this topic for display somewhere?  Where are the results?15:36
lamontdear gnome, why do I have two items "Printing" under System-> Administration ?15:37
sladenpersia: in theory developer weather report, but for the moment only humans15:37
persiasladen: Ah.  OK then.  Still, the archive is only pretending to be open now :)15:37
sladenlamont: keeping the depths of the menus minmal, you /do/ have two printers right?15:37
lamontsladen: 5 or so15:38
lamontone says 'Configure printers' and the other says 'configure your printers'15:38
lamont(modulo capitalization)15:38
sladenpersia: well if it's open, change it.  But if it opens and something downstream later breaks, then that would robably be different15:38
lamontI wonder which one is correct...15:38
_MMA_lamont: I would suspect if your install was a upgrade to Gutsy you have both printer config apps.15:38
* sladen awaits the Grammar Nazis15:38
lamontiz gutsy box, upgraded since at least dapper15:39
lamont_MMA_: and my question is which one should I nuke?15:39
LongPointySticklamont: fix the buildds, will you?15:39
lamontOTOH, the machine seems to have lost track of one of the printers.15:40
lamontLongPointyStick: what's broken?15:40
_MMA_gnome-config-printer is one right? And the other is system-config-printer?15:40
LongPointySticklamont: libc6 error meaning that everything errors out after 40 seconds15:40
persialamont: They don't seem to have the libstdc++6 update from 24th December, and don't build anything.15:40
lamontthat sounds like an archive issue15:40
LongPointySticklamont: doesn't happen locally15:40
* lamont actually looks at the logs for something15:41
LongPointySticklamont: and palmer got trashed, due to debian fudgery.15:41
LongPointySticklamont: aka, trying to interactively pull cpan packages.15:41
_MMA_lamont: I "though" system-config-printer conflicted with gnome-config-printer. I know I had both at one point. "system-config-printer" is the default now.15:42
lamontLongPointyStick: not something I can fix15:44
LongPointySticklamont: pity15:44
lamontdpkg -l | grep printer | grep conf returns only system-config-printer15:44
LongPointySticklamont: i didnt' think so, but i thought it was worth a shot15:44
lamontLongPointyStick: wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10891721/chroot-ubuntu-hardy-i386.tar.bz215:45
lamont then untar and chroot into it.  dist-upgrade15:45
lamontupdate/dist-upgrade, of course.15:45
lamontonce that automagically works, then builds will start succeeding.  short of that, a manual dist-upgrade and update the chroots in the librarian and all will be well.15:46
* lamont is capable of the first half of that. no publishing ability15:46
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lamont--> infinity15:46
lamontthat assumes that the tarball hasn't been updated since early christmas eve, london time15:48
lamont(the URL above, that is)15:48
lamontspeaking of reboots, /me brb15:52
* persia gets "E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libstdc++6" from apt-get dist-upgrade, and is confused, as it worked locally15:52
* lamont ponders the usefulness of beagled, if any, and how to access said usefulness16:02
lamont_MMA_: so should I have the printer icon with the fold in the paper, or the one without?16:04
lamontah, gnome-cups-manager16:04
* lamont nukes16:05
lamonthrm... xsane still hates the officejet16:06
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TheInfinityhello ... i dont know if its fixed in gutsy, but this bug still exists since edgy and it makes ubuntu not thaaat good prepared for network usage ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/4053717:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 40537 in openoffice.org "OpenOffice cannot write to NFS files" [Wishlist,Confirmed]17:23
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lamontTheInfinity: if it helps, installing mount on gutsy with nfs mounts in existance on the machine will force nfs-common to be installed, since that's required to mount nfs partitions at all now.17:54
albertitoHi! I think this is the place to ask, if not, please excuse me. As some of you may know (most probably won't), Argentina will change its timezone for this summer from -3 to -2 this year18:24
albertitoThis is the first time in years, and it was decided with a very short notice (it takes place on monday, and was just voted yesterday)18:25
albertitoI was wondering if ubuntu developers were aware of the situation and willing to update the tzdata package to reflect this change; and if not, what is needed to do so18:26
Chipzzalbertito: a lot of developers are on holidays around this time of the year18:32
Chipzzalso, there is currently some buildd borkage18:32
Chipzzalbertito: did you file a bug report?18:33
albertitoChipzz: no, I thought to ask here first to avoid filing a bug for something that was already being addressed18:33
albertitoChipzz: I'll file one, thanks18:33
Chipzzalbertito: check for dups first then18:33
albertitoChipzz: I will18:33
Chipzzalbertito: oh yeah, don't forget to shoot the people who voted on this on such short notage ;)18:34
albertitoChipzz: that would be most of the congress :S18:36
Chipzzalbertito: I was kidding oc, but seriously, they should have given this A LOT more thought18:36
albertitoChipzz: the sad part is most scientists agree the change is actually wrong, and we should use -4 normally, and -3 for the summer... but well..18:36
albertitoChipzz: I know, and I fully agree18:36
Chipzzand really, everyone who voted for that actually deserves to be shot a little ;)18:37
Chipzzto put them out of their misery; they're obviously getting senile ;)18:37
albertitoChipzz: well, I don't know if "most scientists", but at least a lot of them with really good arguments =)18:37
albertitoChipzz: I've reported the bug, it's at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tzdata/+bug/17892418:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178924 in tzdata "Argentina changes its timezone on 30/Dec/2007" [Undecided,New]18:50
norsettoSince when scientists know better than politicians? Now, be serious ....18:55
RenatoSilvaIs there anyone here involved with Pidgin's integration with Network Manager?19:35
pochuRenatoSilva: try #pidgin19:39
RenatoSilvapochu: Sorry, I mean Network Manager code ;)19:43
stgraberRenatoSilva: AFAIK the network manager just sends a dbus signal which is then caught by pidgin to connect/disconnect19:45
stgraberso that's a pidgin plugin, nothing related to the Network-Manager other than sending a "You are connected" or a "You are disconnected" signal over dbus19:45
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pochuRenatoSilva: the integration should be implemented in pidgin. That's why I pointed you to #pidgin ;)19:46
pochuhey stgraber19:46
stgraberhi pochu19:46
RenatoSilvaPidgin team say Network Manager sucks, they refused to fix a bug they say is of NM. They say Ubuntu team sohould not build and deliver pidgin with NM support19:46
RenatoSilvapochu: Forget Pidgin ;)19:46
pochuOh, so it's already implemented, and you want it to be disabled?19:48
pochuRenatoSilva: first, if pidgin developers think NM sucks, why do they integrate NM support?19:49
RenatoSilvaMy Pigdin doen't connect when I start it, only qhen I change status. They say it's not Pidgin bug but Network Manager bug which doesn't tell Pidgin I'm connected when actually I'm really connected. When I had the NM icon on tray in fact it didn't detected my connection, which works absolutelly perfectly19:49
stgraberNM only tracks connections done using NM19:50
RenatoSilvapochu: Actually, I think there's a problem that is being ignored for stupid reasons, ignored by them at least19:51
pochuRenatoSilva: I don't use Pidgin, so I can't tell it myself, but this bug 144754 seems related.19:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 144754 in pidgin "[gutsy] pidgin does not go automatically offline when network is down" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14475419:55
RenatoSilvastgraber: that is what I told them all the time: I don't think rely on NM to get a connection, and hide this fact completely to the user, is a good idea, because NM is not perfect on detecting all connections actively. But the stupid solution they told me was myself to compile Pidgin without NM's support, or ask you to remove NM from your build.19:55
RenatoSilvastgraber: Although NM+Pidgin's idea is really nice, about "connect when connected" and "disconnect when disconnected" etc...so remove NM would remove another functionality than this bug19:57
RenatoSilvapochu: on Launchpad or Pidgin?19:58
pochuRenatoSilva: see the link ubotu provided :)19:59
RenatoSilvapochu: actually my bug is the contrary: Pidgin doesn't connect when opened, it stands "waiting for the connection", a connection which actually exists19:59
pochuRenatoSilva: and bug 97591 even has a patch19:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 97591 in pidgin "[gutsy] MSN waiting for network connection... but does not connect" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9759119:59
pochuRenatoSilva: like that one? ^20:00
RenatoSilvapochu: I've just read the description, it seems the same kind of bug20:00
* Chipzz thinks that is a horrible idea btw20:02
pochuAnd this and the other one could be related.20:02
Chipzzwindows also has that 'feature'20:02
Chipzz"Lets close down all the internet connections as soon as you unplug the cable"20:02
ion_Yeah :-D20:03
Chipzz"Argh I just wanted to move my laptop and the cable was in the way!"20:03
pochuThe bug is more likely "Pidgin doesn't want to connect even if NM says I'm connected".20:03
RenatoSilvapochu: I'm reading the bugs20:05
RenatoSilvapochu: or in their words: "Pidgin doesn't connect just because NM sucks and tell it there's no conncetion when actually there is"20:07
RenatoSilvapochu: still reading...20:07
RenatoSilvapochu: I suggested a simple solution for them, but they stupdly refused: When starting up, Pidgin could just try to connect and only then rely on NM20:08
RenatoSilvaguys, you modify source? For example, if Pidgin's team don't want to help you could yourself change code and we have a 'fake'?'20:12
MithrandirRenatoSilva: yes, we patch code.20:13
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RenatoSilvaMithrandir: this is the menaning of package version 1.0ubuntu1 >>> ubuntu1 means it's a kind of fork, a special version of ubuntu, right?20:27
KmosRenatoSilva: you should ask that type of questions at #ubuntu-motu channel20:27
RenatoSilvaKmos: ok20:28
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RenatoSilvaThe way I understand that NM's patch is that it simply it makes NM "disconnect when disconnected", but wouldn't solve the fact of NM doesn't detecting a conn. Anyway I've write a comment there, hope that someone do something20:30
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pwnguinif I think a sync from debian will fix a bug in LP, should i file a seperate bug for the request?23:07
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