
Kamping_KaiserCentaur5, check users .xsession (.xerror?) fro errors00:19
Kamping_Kaiserdo you have sabayon installed?00:19
Centaur5I'm installing that now00:21
Centaur5I'm getting this in .xsession-errors xrdb: Can't open display ''00:23
Centaur5That's rather odd, I wonder what suddenly caused that to happen.00:25
Kamping_Kaiserany hardware/software/configuration chagnges happened recently?00:33
Centaur5The thin clients have been dead for over a week and I haven't figured it out.  The last thing I changed on the server before they died was setting up a chillispot/freeradius server.00:41
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pteague_workanybody know which fs i should be using on a virtual server? ... for the virtual machines themselves18:10
leonelext3 as usual ..18:26
pteague_workk, just making sure... i'm rsyncing a huge amount of files to it & at the time i wasn't getting any response when attempting to ssh to it to check some things19:15
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DelvienARP cache,, is that held on my router or the computer itself?21:00
Delvienok held on the server,21:10
DelvienI need to know how to extend the ARP flush to 48 hours21:10
nealmcbDelvien_: what is the underlying problem pou're trying to solve?21:46
Delvien_WoL for my vmware server, If the computer is off for some time.. i cant wake it up by sending it a "magical packet"21:47
Delvien_looks like 5 minutes is the timeframe21:47
nealmcbDelvien_: hmm - sounds complicated :-)  how does vmware fit into this?  and which sort of magical packet are you talking about, and which host do you want to wake up from where?21:48
Delvien_no no no, i need to wake up my machinie not nec my vm,21:49
Delvien_I dont need my vmware server on all the time21:49
Delvien_which is run off ubuntu-server21:49
Delvien_so i turn off the machine when im not using it21:49
Delvien_and when i need it on i use an app called "wakeonlan" so my server will boot up, its a whole thing with wake on lan receives a signal and boots the computer21:50
Delvien_but the ARP flush is set to 5 minutes, i cant find ANYTHING online on how to extend this to 48 hours21:50
Delvien_nealmcb do you get what im trying to do?21:53
nealmcbDelvien_: so we can ignore vmware entirely?21:54
nealmcband you have a client machine (linux?)21:55
Delvien_thats just what my server runs :P21:55
nealmcband a server?21:55
Delvien_a client ubuntu-desktop21:55
Delvien_server is ubuntu-server 7.1021:55
nealmcbdo you get an error message?21:55
Delvien_woops nick is wrong21:55
=== Delvien_ is now known as Delvien
Delviennealmcb no, it just doesnt wake up because the settings are flushed, the computer simple just doesnt turn on after a time if i send a WOL packet,21:56
nealmcbso you think you want to have the client machine remember the ethernet address longer than 5 min?  but it doesn't complain about not knowing it?21:57
nealmcbif this was a common problem with WoL I'd expect them to suggest a solution....21:58
nealmcbso what is unusual about your configuration?21:58
Delviennothing, some people have the same problem but like always, they never post their solutions21:58
* nealmcb nods21:58
DelvienARP is automatically set to clear within a few minutes or hours21:58
Delvieni can run command "arp" while the computer is on, and man arp shows nothing that will help21:59
Delvienim at a loss21:59
nealmcbdoes a packet get sent?  e.g. does ethereal show anything?22:01
* nealmcb wonders why there is no error message from wakeonlan22:01
Delvienthere wouldnt be22:02
Delvienits not accessing the computer itself when its off. its just sending it a packet22:02
Delviensaying "hey wake up"22:02
Delvienthere would be no response because the eth card is "sleeping" and only accepts a packet to signal the boot22:02
nealmcbI was assuming that the problem was that the arp cache is on the client didn't have the sleeping server's mac address - right?22:03
nealmcbs/is on/on22:03
Delvienit has it , but only for a certain amount of time22:03
nealmcbyou run wakeonlan on the client, right?22:03
nealmcbso if it sends a packet, it is a problem on the server end, and if it doesn't send a problem, it is a client / network issue22:04
* nealmcb forgets most of the details of arp caching, frankly....22:04
nealmcbwe once had to run a rarp daemon, but since then, most "arp" problems turned out to actually be other networking issues22:05
DelvienARP caching keeps the mac address and the ip address so if your system goes down for a short amount of time it will keep the same information, the MAC address of course would all stay the same, but the IP would remain22:05
Delvienerr wouldnt remian for IP22:05
Delvienthere is a way to extend that ARP caching, but i dont know how to in linux22:06
nealmcbwhat kind of network?  what kind of router(s)?22:08
Delvienjust LAN atm22:09
Delviennealmcb and i know its something in ubuntu-server i can change because if i disconnect the power then turn it off just far enough to get to grub turn it off, and send the WOL it doesnt boot22:15
Delvienbut if i let it boot up then shut down, it will wake with the packet22:15
nealmcbwired lan?  I wonder if the router can be configured to help22:17
nealmcbI don't see what the server has to do with it - it is asleep....22:17
nealmcbI would think you'd be changing the arp cache time on your client22:18
nealmcbthe server might ignore wol when already in grub or something....22:19
nealmcbDelvien: what command line do you use to wake it up - do you give it an ip address or a mac address?22:24
nealmcbseems like you just need to remember the mac yourself....22:24
Delviennealmcb right i thought that to but what WOL does is keeps power coming to the ethernet , so it can receive a packet, which sends a signal to the mobo to boot22:24
Delvienwakeonlan -i 65.186.88.xx -p 9 00:11:5B:14:4A:xx22:24
Delvienput x's in there so no ones gonna try and hack me :P22:25
Delvienim testing something, hopefully this will work22:25
nealmcbso why do you need an arp cache if you give it the mac address?22:25
Delvienput wol into "d" mode22:25
Delvienif the cache is cleared its not on the network technically22:26
Delvientherefore the router is like "huh" and throws the packet away, course, you wouldnt get an error22:26
Delvienunless im wrong22:26
nealmcbI think the arp cache is just a local thing used to construct the packet.  if you give it the mac addr, it shouldn't need the cache22:26
Delvienthe cache is on the server not the client22:26
nealmcbno - the router would have its own arp cache22:26
nealmcbthe cache is on each local machine, whether it is a client, server or router22:27
nealmcbbut as I say I don't think you need it....22:27
Delvieni guess you are right22:28
Delvien there is a parameter in the router named "ARP flushing time" that is defined in 5 minutes.22:28
nealmcband sniffing your network will tell you if the packet is being sent22:28
DelvienI have no idea how to change the ARP flushing time22:28
nealmcbcan you change that?22:28
Delvienweird cant find an option22:30
nealmcbif it is a switched network I guess the router might need to be involved, but that would seem error-prone....22:32
Delviennealmcb think if i didnt have it on DHCP would it be a problem ?22:32
nealmcbis it getting the same ip address each time?22:33
Delvienonly 2 on the lan atm22:33
Delvienmy client and server22:33
nealmcbthen the answer should be "no it wouldn't matter"22:33
nealmcbbut of course most of my answers are based on theory, not practice :-)22:33
proprietarysucksanyone know how to get 3ware card working on ubuntu 6.10 server ?22:36
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:37
proprietarysuckshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection is a blank page with how to file a bug report22:44
proprietarysucksand the first one doesn't have it22:45
proprietarysucksthis is 9650SE22:45
proprietarysucksthe instructions from 3ware are: http://www.3ware.com/KB/article.aspx?id=1505422:45
proprietarysuckshowever it's not working as expected; something is different22:45
Delviennealmcb was seeing if i could upgrade my routers firmware, of course my router is the ONLY one on the list i have to jump through a flaming hoop to flash22:45
proprietarysucksspecifically step 722:46
nealmcbproprietarysucks: hmm - scary set of instructions....22:54
proprietarysuckshere's the problem I run into22:54
proprietarysucksWhen I go back to tty1 to 'select' 3w_9xxx, there's nothing to select22:55
proprietarysucksit's still on the same screen it was before22:55
proprietarysucksin other words, the instructions suggest the installer will fail to find drive and then ask you to load a module22:55
proprietarysuckshowever in reality the installer doesn't seem to be doing that22:55
proprietarysucksI have to have this done on 3 systems asap :(22:56
nealmcbproprietarysucks: sorry - not my area of expertise :-(22:57
nealmcbperhaps ask 3ware for help or ask them to release the source for the driver and build your own kernel....22:58

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