
ollite_ the cards in that list are not supported anymore and you need the legacy driver00:00
etjhnetompaul: :)00:00
demonsporkbutcherbird, I have another Ubuntu partition, the one I am currently in00:00
etjhnetYou get a lot of people suggesting that for unhelpful reasons?00:00
ShpookLast question: Would I be okay installing Feisty then upgrading to Gutsy, or is it better to download Gutsy and install?00:00
demonsporkbutcherbird, and I have already fsck'd it. is there any way to get fsck to do a more thorough check, because it didn't find anything on the first go around00:01
gluonmanShpook, just downloading gutsy is less work, but either way is fine.00:01
te_olli: Ok, I'm downloading it now. Tnx00:01
aidyi've got a problem00:01
etjhnetHow do you get ubuntu's floppy disk handling to autodismount upon physical eject?  I want ejecting the disk in hardware to dismount the floppy00:01
te_Just had to convince myself it was the right one.00:01
aidysometimes when i close a tab with playing flash video in epiphany, the whole x server crashes00:02
te_olli: Kinda thick headed.  (previous slackware user here)00:02
ollite_ HTH and thanks a lot for your assistance !!! I would have never found that mistiake00:02
ShpookGluonman: Thank you. I'm sort of limited on time, and I have a Feisty CD laying around. Thanks again!00:02
gluonmanShpook, no prob.00:02
jeff__can someone help me hear sound through this laptop?00:03
etjhnetno, they have to help me with my floppy issues first00:03
butcherbird!sound | jeff__00:03
ubotujeff__: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:04
te_olli: Yea, well, grub uses hd0 for hda  and same with partition numbers. So  (hd0,0)=hda1  and it follows that (hd0,7)=hda600:04
ompauletjhnet, not the way gnu/linux works it would be nice - the only way it works is if you use mtools but once you mount it you got to umount it00:05
timewriteranyone can tell me how to add another os on grub ?00:05
te_Ok, thanks all, gotta run.00:05
butcherbirdgksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst is the manual way00:05
te_olli: Tnx agn00:05
butcherbirdtimewriter: ^00:05
xnortimewriter: chain loading?00:05
johnficcahow do I get ndiswrapper to load on boot?00:05
timewriteri installed another os on a different HDD00:05
scguy318johnficca: add ndiswrapper to your /etc/modules00:05
ollite_: no problem. thank you!00:05
scguy318johnficca: gksudo gedit /etc/modules to open it up00:05
timewriterand i want to be able to choose it too when boot loads00:05
torrent3Hi, can someone help me install the udf 2.5 filesystem patch for Gutsy?00:05
johnficcascguy318: thanks00:06
etjhnetompaul: What do you mean?00:06
jeff__ubotu, butcherbird.  thanks ALSA was selected.. I will keep reading00:07
timewriterwhat if i boot ubuntu from cd , and reinstall grub ?00:07
ompauletjhnet, it ain't going to be automagic in any way I have ever used gnu/linux - you can use a thing called mtools to do it without mounting00:07
timewriterit will work ?00:07
etjhnetwhat about playing with fstab?00:07
ompauletjhnet, well it mounts it but ...00:07
timewriterim too lame for that00:07
johnficcaok another problem that I am having is when I boot, it won't boot tell I press ctrl + alt + f100:07
timewriteri might damage everything00:07
EllyI'm having an odd error when using my DVD drive. Whenever I try to play a DVD with mplayer, it hangs for a while, then spits out "a52: CRC check failed!" many times. Looking at dmesg while trying to play a DVD reveals this: "[ 1231.840000] end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 6031144" (many times, with different sector numbers each time)00:07
larsemilis it possible to downgrade wine from 0.9.46 to 0.9.45 or do i have to compile it then?00:07
timewriterElly , the dvd is scratched00:08
ompauletjhnet, that is only for what you mount and how you mount it - it has no extended functionality like you are looking for00:08
sparrinstalling flashplugin-nonfree with a downloaded copy of the tarball (v115), it installs v48 (the version it would download if i let it).  whats up with that?00:08
Ellytimewriter: no it's not; it plays perfectly in a DVD player and another machine00:08
EgonStorkwhy does Ubuntu block the kernel bootup messages with a graphical splash screen ? What happens if I compile a new kernel and it fails and then I can't see where or how exactly it fails because of the graphical splash screen ?00:08
larsemilElly: or could be copy proteted - then it did not run in my ubuntu00:08
johnficcait just sits with a black screen tell I press ctrl + Alt + f100:08
timewriterthen its a protection i guess00:08
xnorElly: install libdvdcss200:08
scguy318Elly: probably because the other DVD player ignores the error00:08
Ellyxnor: I'll try that00:08
scguy318!dvd | Elly00:08
ubotuElly: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs00:08
johnficcaI am using ubuntu gutsy if anyone would like to know00:09
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:09
xnorhow does gutsy include it by default then?00:09
xnorif it's for legal reasons00:09
timewriterstupid hdd makes a weird noise00:10
timewriterit drives me insane00:10
xnortimewriter: could be getting ready to go00:10
GMoonithowdy what is the command to go up one directory in the terminal ?00:10
timewriterits just a strange vibration00:10
timewriterlike a pulsation00:10
xnortimewriter: I'm happy now, flash hdd00:11
timewriteri have 400:11
timewriterwhich ione is ?00:11
scguy318xnor: it doesn't include libdvdcss2 by default00:11
torrent3Will a patch for kernel 2.6.16 for for Gutsy?00:11
Ellyaha! DVDs work perfectly now :)00:11
Ellythank you all!00:11
scguy318xnor: perhaps you were thinking libdvdread3?00:11
CerealIs there a way to kill a process through either a shellscript or the terminal?00:11
jmghi all00:11
timewriterof course Cereal00:11
scguy318Cereal: kill PID00:11
linxehCereal: kill00:11
torrent3Will a patch for kernel 2.6.16 work for Gutsy?00:11
=== [1]akhilesh is now known as akhilesh
GMoonitlol... i had a very simple question didn't i?00:12
rsktorrent3: most likely not00:12
jmgis it possible to run the livecd on a headless box using vnc?00:12
CerealThanks guys :D00:12
timewriteras in certain cults , its possible to kill a daemon , if you know its tru name :)00:12
jarlodif you don't have the pid,  pkill <process name>00:12
wols_jmg: possible yes, but I doubt you can use the livecd as downloaded from ubuntu.com00:12
Cerealscguy318: so it would be "kill PID firefox-bin"?00:12
xnorscguy318: hmm, was looking at a gutsy install where I just checkinstalled it or something00:12
johnficcaI get no boot screen when I boot and nothing will happen until I press ctrl + alt + f1, then it will start the boot in text mode then all is ok...is there a way to fix this?00:12
KnickLighterCan anyone help me with my VPN server?00:12
xnorscguy318: does libdvdread3 work properly with vlc?00:13
jarlodpkill firefox00:13
KnickLighterI pasted my question 2 times00:13
KnickLighterbut here it goes again;00:13
KnickLighterHi; I'm currently having problems with my VPN server. It allows me to connect and I can connect to the server itself inside the VPN, but it won't let me connect outside the box, as example google.com.. Anyone knows what could be the problem? Some config setting or firewall?00:13
torrent3rsk: What about for 2.6.22-rc4?00:13
rsktorrent3: that's about the same00:13
CerealHmm "kill pid firefox-bin" doesn't seem to kill the process. Am I doing something wrong?00:14
rsktorrent3: you will most likely be required to redo the patch00:14
rsktorrent3: what is the patch?00:14
bruenigkillall firefox-bin00:14
scguy318Cereal: kill takes a PID00:14
torrent3rsk: UDF 2.500:14
xnorCereal: "kill PID" where pid is of firefox-bin00:14
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:14
linxehCereal: substitute PID for the process id. use pkill if you dont know it00:14
xnorCereal: or just killall firefox-bin00:14
rsktorrent3: dont know what that is ..00:14
CerealBruenig: Thanks :)00:14
butcherbirdCereal: or pkill firefox-bin00:14
CerealThanks a lot :D00:14
butcherbirdor xkill ftw00:14
torrent3rsk: Filesystem for Blu-ray discs00:14
linxehbutcherbird: if you have X :)00:14
rsktorrent3: isn't it included in the latest kernel?00:14
torrent3rsk: I don't know00:15
CerealThanks a lot everyone ^ ^00:15
xnorlinxeh: who doesn't who is running FF?00:15
rskok i would chek that out00:15
rskbefore trying to patch00:15
torrent3rsk: I didn't find anything about it, and nobody seems to know00:15
linxehxnor: heh good point :)00:15
rsktorrent3: easist is to download latest from git and try make menuconfig and see if it's there00:16
torrent3rsk: git?00:16
CerealWhat is it that I have to write in order to run a gedit file as a "program"? Isn't it chmod -x? or something like that?00:16
rsktorrent3: bah. you don't know what git is?00:16
rsktorrent3: chek wikipedia or something00:16
torrent3Cereal: chmod +x <filename>00:16
Cerealtorrent3: Thanks :D00:16
etjhnetwell right now, if you go to "Computer" and click on floppy, it mounts it but navigates to the root dir which confuses the user00:17
torrent3rsk: OKay, I see. So Ubuntu comes with git?00:18
johnficcawhat is the name of the program that helps you change some of the boot options like screen size and boot theme?00:18
rskyes if you install it00:18
johnficcais it like startup00:18
etjhnetCan it at least automatically go to the floppy dir it creates?00:18
CerealOkay, so I wrote my "script" (I think it's called a shellscript or something) containing the line: killall firefox-bin. I have chmod -x'et it. But now I want it to lie on my taskbar so I can just click it and it kills firefox. How do I do that? :)00:18
johnficcastartupmanager thats it00:19
sakuramboookay, so i rebuilt both libgpod and amarok and my ipod still doesnt show the songs i imported, am i missing something?00:19
{Nathan}I mount my external HD with user and rw in fstab and it works fine, but after a little bit it suddenly switches the whole thing to read-only (for me and if I am root). Any ideas why it does this?00:19
scguy318Cereal: create a launcher that does killall firefox-bin00:19
Cerealscguy318: How do I do that? :)00:20
torrent3rsk: Which package do I install to get git? There're many of them listed00:20
rskgit core i think00:20
ketroxtorrent3, cogito too i  think00:20
scguy318Cereal: right click, Add to Panel, then Custom Application Launcher00:20
Cerealscguy318: Thanks a lot :)00:21
torrent3which is better> cogito or git-core/00:21
aidywhen i close a tab with playing flash video in epiphany, the whole x server crashes anyone got a clue?00:22
jeff__I have a bunch of issues with a really new install... anyone care to help?00:22
jeff__no sound, flash isnt working, and well... thats really it... but they are two huge things to me00:23
glycerinejeff___ what sound card?00:23
scguy318jeff___: for flash, message ubotu with flash00:23
jeff__glycerine, I really dont know... I dont know what this thing has its a sony vaio laptop00:23
scguy318jeff__: for sound see !alsa00:23
jeff__alsa is selected00:23
butcherbird!flashissue | jeff__00:23
ubotujeff__: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.00:23
* Slasher` is Away, Reason: ( dead ) | Since: ( Wednesday, December 26, 2007. 14:28:03 ) Xlack v2.100:24
scguy318!alsa | jeff___00:24
ubotujeff___: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:24
Slasher`oops shit sorry i forgot xlack sends away msg's to all chans00:24
scguy318jeff__: if your device is an Intel HDA, you probably need to install latest ALSA tarball00:24
jeff__scguy318 just a sec... I will tell you what I know00:25
invisiDoes anybody know if it is possible to set up a local Ubuntu package repository? I have several machines running Kubuntu and one machine which is always on, and could serve packages to the other machines.00:25
jeff__it says its an intel according to linux00:25
Jack_Sparrow!aptoncd > invisi00:25
invisiI'm thinking like rsync'ing an official repository or something. But I've been unable to find anything on Google.00:25
jeff__scguy318 how do I get that HD install?00:25
ubotuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers00:26
scguy318jeff__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto00:26
scguy318jeff__: you'll need to obtain a tarball from00:26
nickrudInvert314, there's several ways, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories00:26
invisiJack_Sparrow, thanks - but that's not what I want.00:26
scguy318jeff__: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page00:26
nickruderm, invisi see threee lines up00:26
sYn_0n3sup room00:26
Invert314nickrud, wrong name =D00:27
jamescarrhmmm... where's the compiz theme manager for gnome?00:27
jamescarrI installed the package, but I cant find it anywhere?00:27
invisinickrud, thanks - I'll check it out.00:27
nickrudInvert314, why couldn't you be away ;(00:27
jeff__scguy318 i really appreciate the help00:27
sYn_0n3hey guy i have a dual boot problem00:27
sYn_0n3maybe someone can help me out00:27
scguy318jeff__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller is also of interest00:27
demonsporkwhenever I select my Ubuntu Gutsy from the GRUB menu it goes to a screen saying that it 'cannot mount the selected partition.'  I have run fsck on the partition and it found no errors. What can I do? it happened after a power outage.00:28
sYn_0n3i have 2 hard drives 1 ubuntu 1 xp i have grub install as mbr on my ubuntu drive and also set to bios to boot to that drive 1st00:28
nickrudjamescarr, you probably want compizconfig-settings-manager , and it'll show up in the prefs menu00:28
jamescarrnot there00:28
sYn_0n3but when i go to boot xp drive i get an error00:28
Jangarierror 17, sYn_0n3?00:29
sYn_0n3yes i believe it is00:29
etjhnetIs it possible in ubuntu to "umount on eject" for floppies?00:29
Jangariit means the grub loader is pointing to the wrong partition00:29
nickrudjamescarr, advanced desktop effects settings ?00:29
invisinickrud, unfortunately that URL did not provide any information regarding what I want, only how the Ubuntu repository works.00:29
glycerineis it possible to clone a UUID for a toasted drive?  LVM drive fried, ddrescue'ing it currently00:29
magick211Maybe someone can help me out with this, IM runnint a toshiba m45 laptop with Intel 2200-B/G wifi card, I cant connect to my router the scanner finds my router but wont connect, however if i manually set up the wireless connection it will work00:29
invisiWhat I want is basically to mirror the full repository onto my server at home.00:29
sYn_0n3when i list partitions mine says hd0,0 for ubuntu00:30
invisiAnd I wanted to know if that was possible.00:30
sYn_0n3what should i put for xp ?00:30
torrent3rsk: Okay so I've installed git.. How do I install my patch using it?00:30
Jangariload ubuntu and run gparted, find out which specific partition xp is on, and edit the menu.lst00:30
etjhnetDoes anyone experience that when you go to "computer" and click floppy, it mounts the floppy but navigates to the root dir?00:30
nickrudinvisi, huh, there used to be stuff, only thing left is my personal one. A sec00:30
jamescarrwhat is the shortcut to switch to another desktop?00:30
jamescarrisnt there a key combo?00:30
etjhnetWhy doesn't it naviagate to the floppy's directory?00:30
sYn_0n3what should i put as the drive?00:30
ASD7Ahas anyone installed fuppes?00:30
invisiglycerine, yes you can pvcreate --uuid if you know the UUID of the toasted disk.00:30
glycerinejamescarr  ctrl+arrow key i think00:30
ASD7AI am looking for the dev package of ffmpeg00:30
glycerineor ctrl+shift+arrow00:30
glycerinethere we go :)00:31
stan-kjamescarr: CTRL+ALT+[arrow key]00:31
JangarisYn_0n3, I take it you're in ubuntu now?00:31
sYn_0n3yes sir00:31
glycerineinvisi  Thanks.  I have read that, but won't that destroy the dd'd data?00:31
jamescarrstan-k, nope00:31
Jangarihave you got gparted?00:31
magick211When i search for available networks with my onboard wifi card im unable to connect unless i manually set up the connection, anyone else had this problem before?00:31
sYn_0n3its open already00:31
torrent3how do I install udf 2.5 patch with git-core?00:32
Jangariopen it and check which partition has xp00:32
magick211available networks show up but im unable to connect00:32
stan-kjamescarr: yep :) it does work for me_00:32
zetherooI am trying to access my shared docs in my VirtualBox Windows XP machine.... and I used to be able to do it with no hassle.... but now I get this error : The folder contents could not be displayed. Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "Windows Network: zeth-xp".                ------ Anyone?00:32
invisiglycerine, pvcreate overwrites a megabyte or something in the beginning of the disk. I'm not quite sure if it's that much however.00:32
Jangariit's the entire hard disk? no partitions?00:32
sYn_0n3entire disk no partitions00:32
nickrudinvisi, http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror , also look into apt-got , debpartial-mirror, apt-proxy00:32
invisiglycerine, it does not wipe any data on the disk, except for some few blocks. man pvcreate will probably tell you how much it overwrites.00:32
Jangarihmm, then I don't know about that, it should have been easy enough to load using bios instead of grub00:33
invisinickrud, that looks more like it (from the URL) - I'll look into it. Thanks!00:33
sYn_0n3# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS00:33
sYn_0n3# on /dev/sdb00:33
sYn_0n3title Microsoft Windows XP Professional00:33
sYn_0n3root (sdb,0)00:33
sYn_0n3chainloader +100:33
nickrudinvisi, someone really cut back on the first wiki page00:33
torrent3how do I install udf 2.5 patch with git-core?00:33
sYn_0n3how do i paste??00:33
glycerineinvisi  gotcha.  I'll give it a shot, always have the bad disk to reclone :)00:33
nickrud!paste | sYn_0n300:33
ubotusYn_0n3: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:33
torrent3rsk are you still there00:34
Jangariperhaps that entry in the grub menu should read "00:34
etjhnetwhat's the opposite of lazy unmount00:34
Jangari"root (hd0)"00:34
jamescarrstan-k: I have compiz installed... mnaybe that is causing issues?00:34
sYn_0n3Jangari thats my entry in grub00:34
Josspykermagick211:edit network interfaces00:34
sYn_0n3hmm i havent tried that00:35
Jangariyeah, i know, but instead of (sdb,0) perhaps it should be (hd0)00:35
sYn_0n3like this root (hd0,0)?00:35
stan-kjamescarr: i don't think so, i have compiz installed, too. try modifying settings in compiz00:35
torrent3how do I install udf 2.5 patch with git-core?00:35
sYn_0n3does it make sense to use the rootnoverify option?00:35
Jangaribut you shouldn't take my word for it, i had a similar problem two days ago but on a single hard drive, don't know how it would work on a single drive00:36
pgjensenhow do i find out the uid of a hdd so my scripts can reference that instead of /dev/sda (since it could be sdb if i have a usb hdd plugged in)00:36
sYn_0n3let me try that...00:36
torrent3how do i install udf 2.5 patch for gutsy00:36
nickrudpgjensen, ls /dev/disk/by-uuid -l00:36
pgjensenthere ya go00:36
Jangaribut if there are no partitions, it should probably be (hd0), anyone agree?00:36
te_My processor is AMD64 3000+ 1Ghz (as reported in /proc/cpuinfo), and I'm running 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SNP   QUESTION: Should I try to install 64bit kernel? Any advantage to it? or...? [advice requested]...00:37
* nickrud hides from the grub questions00:37
pgjensenif you don't want software to work yes te_ :)00:37
pgjensendon't waste your time00:37
scguy318te_: most software other than proprietary stuff works00:38
jeff__man... I really like linux when its all done... but it is a pain to get going00:38
stan-kjamescarr: for example, in CompizConfig Settings Manager in Rotate Cube (i use cube) under Actions tab - rotate left, rotate right...00:38
nickrudte_, if you're doing serious video or audio editing, or number crunching (with software that takes advantage of 64 bits) yes,otherwise no real reason00:38
Jangarianyone have any idea why a single machine runs xp at lightning speed, speeds i've never witnessed on any windows installation ever, while gutsy on the same machine is running at a snail's pace?00:38
pgjensendriver issues00:38
pgjensenudma not enabled?00:38
Jangariis that directed to me, pgjensen?00:39
torrent3how do i install udf 2.5 patch for gutsy00:39
RequinB4can anyone recommend an audio extractor for .flv files00:39
pgjensenyes Jangari00:39
torrent3i installed git-core00:39
torrent3now what00:39
bruenigJangari, ubuntu is known to run a bit sluggishly00:39
Jangariudma, eh?00:39
pgjensenhdparm and make sure it's enabled00:39
jamescarrstan-k, there is no actions tab (I use cube too)00:39
Jangaribut bruenig, i've been running ubuntu on several machines, and this is the fastest machine on paper,00:39
nickrudtorrent3, you probably won't get much support here for custom kernels00:39
te_nickrud: Ok, won't bother with it.  Thanks.00:39
Jangariall other machines run ubuntu without any performance problems,00:39
Jangariis that the command, pgjensen? hdparm?00:40
stan-kjamescarr: em... there is always the Actions tab...00:40
etjhnetThis is the bug I need fixed:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/6686900:40
stan-kjamescarr: are you sure you don't have it?00:40
torrent3nickrud im not looking for kernel00:40
xshadowfirehi, i think i messed up my x windows server, can someone help me00:40
jamescarrthe thing I am using is called gnome compiz preferences00:40
etjhnetHas it been yet?00:40
torrent3im looking for udf 2.500:40
etjhnetRead the last comment00:40
pgjensenyeah, man hdparm00:40
demonsporkwhenever I select my Ubuntu Gutsy from the GRUB menu it goes to a screen saying that it 'cannot mount the selected partition.'  I have run fsck on the partition and it found no errors. What can I do? it happened after a power outage.00:40
stan-kjamescarr: alright...00:40
nickrudtorrent3, you're patching the kernel, no?00:41
torrent3for gutsy kernel00:41
torrent3nickrud yeah00:41
stan-kjamescarr: i think you need to install CompizConfig Settings manager then00:41
Jangariis there a forum on error 17?00:41
glycerinedemonspork  UUID changed?00:41
Jangaribecause it seems heaps of people would benefit00:41
Sieri'm happy :)00:41
te_Question #2: I'm trying to run NVIDIA-Linux-x86-96.43.01-pkg1.run and it tells me that I need libc00:41
dn4anyone here have experience making bifilar coils?00:41
te_"libc header files"00:42
te_What needs to be installed?00:42
glycerinete_ install build-essential?00:42
angelsofdustcheck out this convo -> http://www.cybertown.com/cgi-bin/jail/place?plc=jail&ac=place&ID=0000000000000033&force=s00:42
te_glycerine: Thanks00:42
nickrudte_, you should use the nvidia stuff in the restricted-manager , but you can install build-essential to get past that problem00:42
=== blahjust is now known as oddalot
angelsofdustthey talking about ubuntu vs suse00:42
jamescarrstan-k, package name?00:42
xshadowfirehi, i think i messed up my x windows server, can someone help me00:42
torrent3okay.. atleast someone tell me if udf 2.5 will work with the next ubuntu00:42
stan-kjamescarr: in Synaptic search for compizconfig-settings-manager00:42
torrent3if you dont wanna help me patch, thats fine00:43
Jangarioh, another thing, how do i set up an automount for a hdd partition?00:43
glycerinete_ a guess only :)  that plus the headers for your kernel.  Also search synaptic for libc if all else fails :)00:43
ipsemeti keep getting hda: drive  not ready for   command in  dmesg, what does this mean00:43
oddalotwhen i double click on a title bar my windows don't maximize or minimize...it just slides up like a projector screen kinda (or a mac window) anyone know where this option is to change it?00:43
EgonStorkJangari: edit /etc/fstab I guess00:43
glycerineJangari put it in your fstab00:44
Jangaridoes fstab need sudo?00:44
nickrudoddalot, system-prefs-windows00:44
glycerinejangari yep00:44
pgjensenoddalot: it will be in the settings for gnome or kde or whatever window manager you use00:44
jamescarrstan-k, no results :(00:44
stan-kjamescarr: still no Actions tab?00:44
Jangariso entering the line sudo mount ntfs.... into fstab should do it?00:44
ipsemetcan  someone  help me "i keep getting hda: drive  not ready for   command in  dmesg, what does this mean"00:45
xshadowfirehi, i think i messed up my x windows system, can someone help me00:45
jamescarrstan-k, no.. let me take a screenshot and post it00:45
nickrud!fstab | Jangari00:45
ubotuJangari: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions00:45
jamescarrmight help better00:45
Jangarita nickrud00:45
glycerineJangari no, well there you go, for ubotu :)00:45
ipsemetxshadowfire: dplg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:45
EgonStorkJangari: nope...  read `man fstab'00:45
Jangariokay, sure,00:45
demonsporkglycerine, is that common?00:45
pgjensen5tb partition... xfs, ext3, or jfs?00:45
jamescarrstan-k, nvm... got it working00:46
ipsemetxshadowfire:  dpkg that is00:46
demonsporkglycerine, how do I check if that is the case?00:46
pgjensenstorage, performance doesn't matter00:46
jamescarrweird though.. there was no action tab00:46
pgjensenstability matters00:46
stan-kjamescarr: :)00:46
nickrudlol, Jangari I nearly never mention man, but they often are the very best resourse00:46
Jangariat work i have to mount a network server, and fstab on that doesn't appear to work, although this is just a local hdd00:46
pwnthey, using "ftp" how to get a whole folder, and all sub-folders inside it including their files too.! is there anyway?00:46
jamescarrbut my problem was I only had one viewport defined00:46
ipsemetcan someone help me"i keep getting hda: drive  not ready for   command in  dmesg, what does this mean"00:46
torrent3is it possible to downgrade from gutsy to fiesty?00:46
pwnttorrent3: why would you do that00:47
Funkydan5Can someone help me with Dell?00:47
oddalotok, i changed it in the windows option...under system->preferences, and it still just rolls up instead of maximizing or minimizing00:47
torrent3pwnt i cant find a udf 2.5 patch for gutsy00:47
Zombieipsemet: That looks like a failing Hard drive.00:47
Funkydan5They say linux but I am not, plus there is no Dell IRC00:47
glycerinedemonspork happened to me in fstab, check what's there vs what's in ls /dev/disk/by-uuid00:47
pgjensenoddalot: did you hit apply?00:47
pgjensentry and restart x too00:47
oddalotwell...there is no apply00:47
pgjensenif that doesn't work it should be on the forums00:47
oddalotand it was set to maximize by default00:47
glycerinedemonspork if that's still congruent, check what's in the menu..lst00:47
oddalotit says titlebar action00:48
ipsemeti  thought so, is it posssible that a corrupted harddrive can somehow  damage another harddrive00:48
oddalotlet me restart00:48
oddalotand see if that fixes it00:48
pgjensenno ipsemet00:48
Funkydan5Can someone please help me with Dell problems?00:48
silverhawk_184can someone help me install beryl, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49640/00:48
torrent3pwnt is it possible? or do i just copy the kernel folder from another system that has fiesty installed?00:48
pgjensendescribe your problem and someone just might Funkydan500:48
Funkydan5Ok thanks, ok..00:49
pwnttorrent3: I'm not sure, I was just curious about why would you go back to fiesty! and you have a good reason to. but sorry I don't know.00:49
invisinickrud, thanks so much! The URL you gave my was perfect!00:49
invisigave me*00:50
nickrudinvisi, yw00:50
ubuntu0264how do i install new fonts into ubuntu can i just copy them into fints folder?00:50
ZombieFunkydan5: Whats the issue?00:50
torrent3how do i install udf 2.5 patch for gutsy00:51
Funkydan5I restarted my computer because an install was acting slow to the compuer, Service Pack, not noticing its importance I exited out and restarted, my compuer does not let me load because it says it is missing the /system32/drivers/ftps (i think) and I tried using the CDs, like reinstall and drivers CD, but nothing happens, it starts up (i can hear i) but nothing, it just is quiet. I tried00:51
Funkydan5making it a slave, ut that does not work00:51
pwntusing ftp a_server.com I'm trying to put a whole directory into my other server with all sub-folders in it and files in those all folders too. I tried using "mplug ~/foldername" it says that00:51
* Funkydan5 rests hands lol00:51
xshadowfireipsemet: thanks, it works again00:51
pwnt/home/user/folder : not a plain file.00:51
pwntwhat should I do to be able to do this00:51
nickrudFunkydan5, for windows, you're more likely to find competent help in #windows00:52
Funkydan5wow... I did not know there was one00:52
|thunderdang it, how the f do I pick a usb mic as the recording source ?00:52
Funkydan5well, off to jump for the 2nd time now lol00:52
nickrudFunkydan5, there's zillions, try ircsearch.com00:52
Funkydan5lol o ok00:52
enkidu_akGood evening00:53
pgjensengoogle should start indexing irc :)00:53
glycerinepgjensen  they do :/00:54
pgjensenoh heh00:54
Jangariwhat's the default root password?00:54
glycerinepgjensen server logs :)00:54
ompaul!root | Jangari00:54
glycerineJangari isn't one,  set it by sudo passwd00:54
ubotuJangari: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:54
torrent3Jangari root account is disabled00:54
dxdemetriouI have a problem with non english languages. the first I did from breezy was with bashrc. then I solved it with /etc/environment, but now I don't know where. I want an english environment to support greek that aren't utf8 like cds and dvds00:55
Jangariso su won't work? i should just use sudo pico to edit /etc/fstab?00:55
dxdemetriouI'm using Gutsy btw00:55
ompaulglycerine, we don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, cheers ;-)00:55
glycerineJangari yep, that's the way they set it up00:55
silverhawk_184can someone help me install beryl, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49640/00:55
Jangariunless i enable root00:55
Jangaribut i can't be bothered00:56
ompaulJangari, sudo nano /etc/fstab00:56
nickrudoh, ompaul I'm gonna quote you on that, best response yest00:56
ompaulreplacement for pico00:56
ompaulnickrud, I am sure I used that before :P00:56
torrent3Anyone here got his blu-ray drive working in gutsy?00:56
demonsporkglycerine, no the uuid has not changed00:57
xshadowfirehmm, for some reason ubuntu shows my external hard drive twice, is there anyway i can fix this00:57
glycerineompaul gotcha ;)00:57
enkidu_akJangari: You  could also use sudo su -, but why go through all that extra typing?00:57
glycerinedemonspork You install windows after ubuntu?00:57
ompaulenkidu_ak , we don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, cheers ;-)00:57
=== HashBox_ is now known as HashBox
timnikenkidu_ak, isn't the better way to use sudo -s   or perhaps sudo -i00:58
sadaiyappanYoutube videos won't play.00:58
glycerineompaul i knew that had to a macro ;)00:58
sadaiyappanAny suggestions?00:58
=== nick__ is now known as nrober
ompaulnickrud want a factoid for that?00:58
glycerinesadaiyappan install flash00:58
ompaulglycerine, na I uparrowed :P00:58
sadaiyappani did.00:58
sadaiyappani installed flash it doesn't work..00:58
jagohey, i need some help..00:59
{Nathan}I mount /dev/sda1 with the options "users,auto,rw". Root reads and writes to it fine, but how can I make my user account have r/w access?00:59
{Nathan}I mount it in fstab btw.00:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cred - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:59
pppoe_dudehi any one here got a Creative Zen working under gutsy?00:59
demonsporkglycerine, yes, but then I reinstalled grub.  The only factor that changed is that one of my 2 ubuntu partitions fails to boot with the aformentioned error, failed to mount selected partition01:00
jagomy screen is all wacked out, my mouse pointer can go farther than it should(off the screen) and I can't see my bottom panel01:00
Fxyz4ever linux shit01:00
{Nathan}jago: Try setting the bounds on your monitor01:00
Pici!language | Fxyz4ever01:00
ubotuFxyz4ever: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:00
{Nathan}jago: sounds like you just need to ajust the picture01:00
pppoe_dude(the new zen)01:00
jagohow do I do that? I've been messing with the screen and graphics preference but the tests keep failing01:01
glycerinedemonspork so you have 2 ubuntu installs, and one boots, one doesn't?01:01
glycerinein addition to the windows01:01
dxdemetriouanybody knows how can I have an english environment with greek support on Gutsy?01:01
{Nathan}jago: There should be buttons on your monitor and a menu will pop up, and you can do it from there01:01
Fxyz4ever linux s**t01:01
{Nathan}jago: this is just a guess of what's happening though01:01
jagoim on a laptop01:01
pppoe_dudedxdemetriou, you have to add a keyboard layout in the keyboard settings01:01
OnyxI'm looking to get WINE up and running, and I'm not having any luck so far... running Gutsy Gibbon an an AMD6401:01
zaferwhats gutsy`s first login username and password?01:01
ompaulzafer, whatever you set it to01:02
Thresherzafer, on install you set it up01:02
Threshersorry ompaul01:02
dxdemetrioupppoe_dude, I did that and the Languages Support. when I use cds/dvds or programs that don't use utf8 I have the problem01:02
ompaulThresher, no problem, positive reinforcement :)01:02
|thunderWhy are there no linux users on stickam ? Come join me in the linux room.01:02
pppoe_dudedxdemetriou, ah that is program-dependent01:02
pppoe_dudedxdemetriou, usually all the programs that come with ubuntu by default support most of the languages in the system (especially if you install a language pack)01:03
zaferi dont install anything! for insatll i have to boot, but i cant01:03
ompaul!spam | |thunder01:03
ubotu|thunder: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense...01:03
=== blahjust is now known as oddalot
pppoe_dudedxdemetriou, but additional programs may not follow that sometimes01:03
oddaloti found the double click titlebar option..it was under the emerald theme manager01:03
dxdemetrioupppoe_dude, I did it before with bashrc, after it stop working I did it with /etc/environment and now I don't know01:03
|thunderohh golly. its not spam , lol01:03
neztit1hot 2 start freevo appli.01:04
OnyxHmmmm... nobody?01:04
jamescarrhmmm... everything is locking up01:04
Thresher7.10 is booting into a bad resolution for my lcd monitor.  It only allows 800x600 and 640x480, so now every boot is garbled.  How do I boot back into the graphic setup mode?01:04
Jangariwhat line should I add to fstab to mount dev/sda3 on startup?01:04
kyeyone know of a fast and easy to use AVI to DVD converter?01:04
zaferit`s admin:admin or root:root, i cant find on google01:05
ipsemetaadd/remove kye01:05
ketroxkye, devede or sthg like that01:05
oddalotthe entire os...or just the boot screen is garbled?01:05
ompaulThresher, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg      -- if you can't get that right then you need to use the live CD and copy its /etc/X11/xorg.conf to the hard drive01:05
dxdemetrioupppoe_dude, I have this problem also in wine01:05
ricardoyeah, seems like i cant change my resolution01:05
Thresherfunny enough oddalot the ubuntu logo screen comes up fine but when the log in comes it is garbled.  I have been fighting with gutsy to correctly allow me 1280x1024 on this dell 1907fp.01:06
glycerineJangari you see the fstab link ubotu did?  basically  /dev/sda3 /mountpoint options01:06
glycerine!fstab | Jangari01:06
ubotuJangari: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:06
oddalothmmm...strange...mine said incorrect mode....but it still displayed it...01:06
oddalotthanks dell!!01:06
neztit1guys how 2 start freevo program01:07
oddalotwhat directory is xorg.conf in?01:07
wols_oddalot: /etc/X11/01:07
glycerineoddalot /etc/X1101:07
Thresherthat is great instruction ompaul01:07
zaferanybody now, what`s gutsy`s install password? gnome login page ask me username and password, but i dont install anything, and i`ve not a password or username01:08
heckler0071is there a keyboard command or a way to make a keyboard command to switch between workspaces?01:08
glycerinezafer you specified it when you installed the os01:08
glycerinezafer er someone else specified it when they installed it, you'll have to ask them01:08
dxdemetriouthat I'm trying to do is to change the LANG and LC_TYPE for gnome, not only for terminal01:08
ompaulThresher, you sorted01:08
ThresherI am01:09
Thresherbut have more questions about this issue01:09
oddalotoh whoops i didn't need xorg.conf...which file has the grub boot menu list in it?01:09
ompaulbe careful what you ask for ;-)01:09
zaferi dont install ubuntu01:09
glycerineoddalot /boot01:09
zaferits ubuntu`s first live boot from cd01:09
glycerinezafer the boot cd ought to boot straight up with no password01:10
mavi-then you shouldnt need to login01:10
wols_oddalot: /boot/grub/menu.lst and you shouldn't need to edit that01:10
mavi-sure you didnt click that install-icon on the desktop?01:10
ThresherGutsy finds my monitor and names it correctly but it only allows lame resolutions...others in forums have complained about it and the ATI video cards.  What issue do i sort out first?  The monitor or the running of ati drivers?01:10
ompaulzafer, there is no password just type sudo command in a terminal for terminal stuff then you do gksu for graphical commands01:10
glycerineThresher lemme guess, dell laptop?01:10
Thresherdell 1907flat panel lcd stand alone monitor01:10
Thresherclose though01:10
oddalotthresher, have you tried editing the xorg.conf?01:11
torrent3Anyone here got his blu-ray drive working in gutsy?01:11
ThresherI will head there now....01:11
glycerineThresher well i got that monitor going with an ati mobility 960001:11
=== ricardo is now known as jago
ThresherWhat do I need in my windows environment to be able to edit or possibly work with the xorg.conf01:11
glycerineThresher the resolution problems for me came up with compiz installed01:11
Thresheroh you did glycerine?01:11
glycerineThresher notepad01:11
matthewpoerCan anyone guess why my new RAM freezes my thinpad T21. It won't boot at all. Bought the RAM from here: http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=32X64NB100-SAM-N01:12
oddalottype sudo gedit xorg.conf01:12
PeloThresher, you can'T ,you can'T read ext3 from windows01:12
unravelmatthewpoer: have you ran memtest on it? maybe it's shot?01:12
Thresherthanks pelo01:12
matthewpoerthe computer won't even boot with the new RAM in it.01:12
glycerineThresher yeah, had to give up compiz.  there is a funky issue with gnome window size vs X size that i ran into.  Still didn't fix that one01:12
Threshernow chance in hell or hard for a newbie?01:12
ompaulmatthewpoer, if it is (A) faulty (B) not the right ram (C) no other answers in my list01:12
unravelis the ram properly seated?01:13
Threshermatthepoer - if it wont launch even to bios then you need to check compatibility of ram01:13
matthewpoerre-seated, re-tested 4-5 times01:13
PeloThresher,  you can do it from the livecd if you need to , make sure you get the xorg.conf from the hdd and not the one from the live cd01:13
unraveli'm going to steal ompaul's list. and pass them off as my reasons.01:13
* ompaul unravels unravel 01:13
oddalotnooo..then he will just be ravel01:13
matthewpoerRAM is listed here as PC-100, SODIMM etc: http://thinkwiki.org/wiki/Category:T21, is this not correct: http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=32X64NB100-SAM-N?01:13
Thresherim am dual booted and wanted to stay in irc with you guys around, but will have to leave and come back. thanks ompaul, pelo and everyone else01:13
ompaulThresher, enjoy01:14
PeloThresher, you can connect to ircfrom the live cd01:14
Peloyes we are01:14
Thresheri am impressed01:14
* Pelo 's ego is inflating to the size of an op's 01:15
* wols_ pinpricks Pelo 01:15
* Pelo explodes all over wols , making him messy01:15
glycerinePalo come over and fix this LVM issue... that'll deflate it ;)01:15
glycerinePelo rather01:16
Peloglycerine, it's Pelo and I know nothing of this LVM of which you speak01:16
PeloI know what LVM is, I just don'T know anything about it01:16
glycerinePelo trial by fire :)01:17
Peloglycerine, what is the issue ?01:17
* Pelo is bored enough to attempt it anyway 01:17
glycerinePelo  Bad disk.  ddrescueing to another disk now.  Hoping i can pvcreate UUID to the old disk's UUID without destroying data and bring the array back up :/01:18
BaNaNaS!seen Gangsterls01:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen gangsterls - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:18
Peloglycerine, what is the use of uuid in lvm ? or is this just for fstab ?01:18
glycerineafter that, i'm buying the first 3 gigabit enabled drobo's i can get my hands on :)01:19
Pelodrobo ?01:19
BaNaNaSBaNaNa TiMe :D01:19
glycerinePelo my understanding is that the volume ids in the lvgroup are the UUIDs and that's how it specifies the pv in the group01:19
glycerinepelo www.drobo.com01:19
Jangaridoes renaming directories from [name] to .[name] screw them up in windows? I don't want to see my 'volume system information' from ubuntu01:19
glycerineJangari windows will get irked01:20
PeloJangari, you cannot have a . in windows dir names01:20
BaNaNaS[ BaNaNa TiMe01:20
PeloBaNaNaS, can we help you with anything ?01:20
BaNaNaSno,im bored01:20
PeloBaNaNaS, be bored elsewhere01:21
BaNaNaSwhy ?01:21
Jangarino, hang on, you can, apple systems write .trash folders to volumes all the time, they come up as hidden folders in windows too01:21
scguy318BaNaNaS: because this is a channel for Ubuntu support only01:21
BaNaNaSWhats Ubuntu ?01:21
PeloBaNaNaS, www.ubuntu.com01:21
glycerineJangari true, but windows is hardcoded to look for those files i think.  Renaming them on the ubuntu box might freak it out01:22
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:22
Jangarihmm, right01:22
BaNaNaSVista here01:22
robrI have done apt-get update, when I do apt-search php4, i can't see any PHP 4 packages, any reason for that?01:22
Jangarivista? be gone with you01:22
BaNaNaSok :P01:22
LegionaryKhey guys, i have a small prob on my laptop while using ubuntu: the wireless connections are visible and i find the network i want to connect with. Byt nomatter the encryption and security type i keep getting timed out by the router.01:22
tlcoffeehow about apt-cache search filename01:22
glycerineBe nice :)01:22
robrsorry, apt-cache search php401:22
Jangarirepositories enabled, robr?01:22
glycerineBaNaNaS split :/01:23
* Jangari invades glycerine with a detached bullbar for that comment01:23
robrJangari: i don't what repositories are sorry01:23
robrso i guess not :)01:23
glycerineLegionaryK  your personal router you have control over? e.g. no MAC filters etc?01:23
Pelo!wifi | LegionaryK  I hope you can find something in this, cause I don'T know how to help you, or you might do a search in the forum as well www.ubuntuforums.org01:23
ubotuLegionaryK  I hope you can find something in this, cause I don'T know how to help you, or you might do a search in the forum as well www.ubuntuforums.org: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:23
Jangarisorry, it's on a random verb and noun phrasde selector01:23
Jangarirobr, open synaptic package manager from system > administration01:24
LegionaryKok, thanks il try it.01:24
Jangariand i think it's somewhere in the options01:24
LegionaryKwhat is going on with this nick thing01:24
Pelorobr, repositories are the servers type thingies where ubuntu keeps extra software01:24
robrJangari: i'm using ubuntu server from the command line01:24
robrPelo: thx for the info01:25
PeloLegionaryK, you'Re just getting highlighted when you r nick is used by another user, so you can see it01:25
Jangarioh, alright, there must be a command line repo status thing01:25
Jangarii just don't know what it is01:25
[^Twen^]does anyone know if it's possible with an advanced switch to set a personalized Start Page, so whoever on the network goes into their webbrowser, they will have this specified start page? Is this a normal feature?01:25
Jangaritry apropos repositories01:25
Jack_Sparrow!find php01:25
glycerinerobr  try a wildcard search  There are php4-something in the repos01:25
ubotuFound: cakephp, cakephp-scripts, dh-make-php, egroupware-phpbrain, egroupware-phpsysinfo (and 182 others)01:25
glycerinethere you go01:25
Jack_Sparrow!find php401:25
=== gradin is now known as bobsmit
ubotuFound: php4-interbase01:25
dr_willis_[^Twen^]:   You could set up a transparent proxy perhaps to do that.01:26
=== bobsmit is now known as gradin_
=== gradin_ is now known as gradin3
askandIm having trouble with some javaapps freeze in firefox...sugesstion on how to fix?01:26
dr_willis_[^Twen^]:   my isp dose smthing similer. when i connect a new pc. It sends every web page to their own register the pc - page. for the isp01:26
glycerinerobr and make sure you have universe enabled.  I think you're looking for libapache2-mod-php401:26
robrglycerine: example apt-cache search php4*01:26
* Pelo realy hates it when ppl put a bunch of non-alpha caracters in the start of their nicks 01:27
robrglycerine: yes i am :) and i can't find apache 1 either01:27
dr_willis_Ymm You Dont use wildcards/regrexps to apt-cache search do you?01:27
glycerine!find libapache-mod-php401:27
Peloaskand, not realy,  that's the price of java sucking01:27
ubotuPackage/file libapache-mod-php4 does not exist in gutsy01:27
dr_willis_apt-cache search php01:27
glycerine!find libapache2-mod-php401:27
Peloglycerine, you can search in synaptic for packages01:27
ubotuPackage/file libapache2-mod-php4 does not exist in gutsy01:27
glycerine!find libapache2-mod01:27
Jangariodd though, java works fine on one ubuntu machine, and not at all on two others01:27
ubotuFound: libapache2-mod-auth-mysql, libapache2-mod-auth-pam, libapache2-mod-auth-pgsql, libapache2-mod-auth-plain, libapache2-mod-auth-sys-group (and 47 others)01:27
Jack_SparrowPelo: [^Twen^]   Will figure out he needs to change his nick when he gets ignored01:28
MrPiracy!find winamp01:28
ubotuPackage/file winamp does not exist in gutsy01:28
glycerinerobr there you go, that's the syntax01:28
Peloglycerine, please stop it wit the bot abuse,  you can do that in pm by using /msg ubotu !trigger01:28
[^Twen^]Jack_Sparrow: lol =)01:28
=== gradin3 is now known as gradin
CerealOkay, Firefox is acting weird again. When I press Ctrl+T it sometimes creates around 80+ tabs instead of just one. What causes this?01:28
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SQFreakI'm trying to set up Samba 3.0.26a on Kubuntu 7.10 so that a Windows box can connect to a share and list it without authentication. I've enabled guest access on the share, but Windows still prompts for a password. Is there a way to configure Samba not to ask for a password?01:28
Jangaristicky keys?01:28
UBUNTUISLOVEDhey jack01:28
glycerinePelo for robrs benefit :P01:28
MrPiracyanyone here familiar with dumeter for windows?01:28
dr_willis_MrPiracy:  try bmpx for a media player.01:29
[^Twen^]Dr_willis: ok, but do you know if it's possible to set it up in the switch web interface?01:29
MrPiracyi would like to know if there is such a program for gutsy01:29
=== PinguX is now known as Pinguin0
PeloJack_Sparrow,  on such caracter I can deal with but two is just pushing my button s01:29
=== Pinguin0 is now known as Pinguxer0
Peloglycerine, then learn the use of >01:29
MrPiracyDr_willis: does it come with a media library and all?01:29
dr_willis_MrPiracy:  xmms is close. but a bit old and out dated in ways.  then theres dozens of other media players out01:29
Pelo!info php > glycerine01:29
dr_willis_Try it and see. I  think it does..  been a while since i last used it01:29
Cereal Okay, Firefox is acting weird again. When I press Ctrl+T it sometimes creates around 80+ tabs instead of just one. Does anyone this?01:29
sunogbagaSQFreak: Security = share01:30
PeloMrPiracy,  they all do , rythmbox, amarok , songbird01:30
Cereal*know that causes this?01:30
glycerinePelo interesting.  Didn't know that option existed.  Rather annoying but useful ;)01:30
MrPiracyDr_willis: i have xmms here, but it doesnt have a media library and i really need one01:30
phoo_has anybody managed to get a iw3945 wireless card working on gutsy?01:30
Jack_SparrowPelo: or /msg ubotu  privately01:30
Peloglycerine, less annoying for us in the channel01:30
glycerinetrue ;)01:30
ketroxphoo_, if you mean ipw3945 it's suported out of the box by gutsy01:30
* Pelo thinks Jack_Sparrow is looking for trouble tonight 01:31
Jack_SparrowPelo: I cant beat the kids.. so I come here01:31
Jangariwho was suggesting i look into hdparm to try and fix my incredibly slow operating system?01:31
PeloJack_Sparrow,  I feel your pain01:31
phoo_ketrox, the driver shows up in "restricted managers", but it says "not in use" -- yes it is the ipw394501:31
=== Pinguxer0 is now known as Pinguxer0_
MrPiracyDr_willis: ok, i'll give it a try01:32
Cereal Okay, Firefox is acting weird again. When I press Ctrl+T it sometimes creates around 80+ tabs instead of just one. Does anyone know what causes this?01:32
SQFreaksunogbaga: that got anonymous browsing...but now I can't see inside the share. The Windows box (XP Pro SP2) gives me an error about the share not existing.01:32
Pir8Anyone here use a Micro Client Jr. small form factor pc ?01:32
BB88What program is it at the bottom that is like a quick launch?01:32
Pir8i.e. http://www.norhtec.com/products/mcjr/index.html01:32
Jack_SparrowCereal: What version of Firefox...  and if you installed flash and java how did you do it and from what rtepo01:32
Pelo!avn | BB8801:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about avn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:32
glycerineBB88 awn, gnome-panel, kde-kicker, etc01:32
ketroxphoo_, try to modprobe the module manually sudo modprobe ipw394501:32
glycerine!awn | BB8801:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about awn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:33
phoo_ketrox, oops, not found01:33
CerealJack_Sparrow: The newest version I think. I have installed both Flash And Java, can't remember how I did it though :/01:33
* Pelo thinks ubotu is being purposefully difficult tonight01:33
SQFreaksunogbaga: Here's the error that smbclient \\\\localhost\\sharename spits out: "Server not using user level security and no password supplied. tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME01:33
Jack_SparrowCereal: And WHERE did you get the latest Firtefox...  assuming the beta version..?01:33
ketroxphoo_,  sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules01:34
CerealJack_Sparrow: Came with my Ubuntu install (7.04). Not beta :)01:34
silverhawk_184how do u change the number of virtual desktops?01:34
PeloJack_Sparrow, there was an article about FF3 beta on diggs afew days ago01:34
Pelosilverhawk_184, right click , properties01:34
Jack_SparrowCereal: You cant remember how you installed flash and java is the answer we get alot from people that didnt use our repos and used scripts like automatix or envy.. both terrible ideas by the way01:34
Jangarialright, this is getting serious now, my system is slowing to a halt, the screen glitches when i try to move a window around, without compiz on, why is ubuntu running so dramatically slow on the same machine as an xp install that runs really quick?!01:35
sunogbagaSQFreak: "\\\\\localhost\\sharename" are you sure your smb server is on localhost?01:35
glycerineSQFreak unix and samba accts don't have same password01:35
Pelosilverhawk_184, did you mean desktops or workspaces ?01:35
Jangariprograms are timing out before they initialise01:35
jack-desktopAre any programs needed to run a TV as a monitor?01:35
CerealJack_Sparrow: I know. I did (as far as I remember) use the repos. Not sure though :( But. What do I do know?01:35
pinguwhat program do i need to run a udf dvd i already have gstream and i would like to just install a program that is in correlation with gstream01:35
SQFreaksunogbaga: I'm running that command on the server, so it's gotta be localhost, right?01:35
sunogbagaSQFreak: my bad01:36
Pelosilverhawk_184, yeah right click the workspace switcher in thebottom pannel01:36
Jack_SparrowCereal: Open Firefox, click on help and about and tell us the version please01:36
SQFreakglycerine: yes, but that's not the point.01:36
MrPiracyi am having problems with awn, anyone could please try to help me?01:36
PeloJangari, clean install01:36
thresherI am back!01:36
silverhawk_184wow, i didnt even notice that, thanks01:36
Pelothresher, we can se that01:36
Jack_SparrowCereal: Thank you...01:36
CerealJack_Sparrow: Thank you to :)01:37
Jangaripelo, honestly?01:37
PeloJangari, it will be siimpler then trying to track down the issue01:37
Jangariaw man,01:37
thresherthe sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg worked like a charm, I simply disabled the bad resolutions for my monitor.  Now in gutsy it correctly shows the 1280x1024.01:37
PeloJangari, put your /home folder on a seperate aprtiton and you will retain all your data and settings01:37
silverhawk_184heres another one: how do u enable numlock by default01:37
Jangariit's gonna completely throw my grub into chaos again01:37
unraveltry turning compiz off... see if it helps01:37
SQFreakglycerine: I'd like to allow it to connect with NO password. (It's on a private home network that has WPA-PSK and a range that barely covers the house. Security is not an issue.)01:38
=== Pinguxer0_ is now known as Pinguin0
PeloJangari, what did you do to grub ?01:38
=== Pinguin0 is now known as Pinguxer0
PeloJangari,  you can make a backup copy of /boot/grub/menu.lst01:38
mikeazhey, super quick question. how do i add another workspace?01:38
CerealJack_Sparrow: What do I do now? Reinstall FF? If so, How?01:38
Jangarimm, i suppose01:38
SQFreaksilverhawk_184: I think you can install the numlockx package01:38
SQFreaksilverhawk_184: that's always worked for me01:38
glycerineSQFreak  enabled guest ok in smb.conf?01:39
sunogbagaSQFreak: have you tried connecting with your windows box?01:39
Jangarii'll leave it for a little while and see if it recovers itself01:39
Jangaria few restarts never hurt anyone01:39
Jangarii just don't wanna reinstall01:39
ph|berwols_: you up?01:39
SQFreakglycerine: yes01:39
Jack_SparrowCereal: You might want to post your   /etc/apt/sources.list             I do need to run off for a little while...  LOts of good people here to help you01:39
PeloJangari,  I get a pain right here everything I have to restart01:39
ng0nhow do i probe to find firewire card ?01:39
SQFreaksunogbaga: yes. i get an error about the share not existing01:39
wols_ph|ber: barely01:39
CerealJack_Sparrow: Thanks :)01:39
MrPiracyanyone could tell me who is sabayon-admin? i cant enter user profiles cos it says this account is missing01:39
ph|berok. i did a re-install.01:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firewire - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:39
Jack_SparrowCereal: Post to the pastebin.. NOT in the channel please.. see the channel topic for info on the pastebin01:39
MrPiracyis it a virus or something?01:39
wols_ng0n: lspci should tell you about the firewire if it exists01:40
enkidu_akI am attempting to perform apt-get update after installing the medibuntu repo lists and key, but packages.medibuntu.org/dists/gutsy/free/binary-i386/ is returning 309: Moved. Non-free bin packagrs does the same hing. The strange this is thqat I can resolve the name just fine through my browser. Dig reveals three IPs being pointed to by that domain and I think that this is confusing wget. Would any of you have any recommendations for remedying this issue?01:40
ph|bermy /home is on another disc so.. good to go! except.01:40
thresherompaul you around?01:40
sunogbagaSQFreak: is the share path accurate?01:40
ph|beri did the clean install, ran the updates.01:40
silverhawk_184mikeaz: (08:36:05 PM) Pelo: silverhawk_184, yeah right click the workspace switcher in thebottom pannel01:40
ph|bernothing runs.01:40
CerealJack_Sparrow: Okay, thanks :01:40
SQFreaksunogbaga: yes01:40
ph|berBus error (core dumped)01:40
SQFreaksunogbaga: it came off the browser, which now works anonymously :)01:40
ph|berSegmentation fault (core dumped)01:40
MrPiracy!find sabayon01:40
ubotuFound: sabayon01:40
Jangarii'd run updates, pelo, except synaptic times out before it starts01:40
ng0ntnx wols01:40
ph|ber epiphany01:40
ph|berBus error (core dumped)01:40
wols_ph|ber: same drill as always. error messages, pertinent logs, etc01:40
ph|berwhat logs???01:40
wols_Xorg logs for example01:41
PeloMrPiracy, sabayon is another distro, this is the ubuntu chanel01:41
thresherHey Pelo, can you offer a suggestion on running gutsy with ATI 9800?  I am afraid to enable the restricted drivers due to my past xorg issues01:41
SQFreaksunogbaga and glycerine: here's the relevant section of the smb.conf01:41
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
SQFreaksunogbaga and glycerine: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49643/01:41
wols_ph|ber: what program gives the error?01:41
ng0nok. i see Firewire01:41
Pelothresher, did you try with the binairies ?01:41
ph|berfirefox, thunderbird, epiphany01:41
glycerineSQFreak and you have a guest acct with appropriate privileges?01:41
Pelo!ati | thresher and you can probably find more binaires on the ati weibsite01:42
Jangarioh crap, i think i did a stupid thing01:42
ubotuthresher and you can probably find more binaires on the ati weibsite: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:42
MrPiracy2!find sabayon01:42
ubotuFound: sabayon01:42
Jangarii mounted a hdd partition to the point /home/~01:42
ng0ni see firewire in lspci01:42
Jangarithat must have wiped all those user config files01:42
wols_MrPiracy2: sabayon is a gentoo based iinux distro...01:42
ng0nhow do i mount the firewire drive.  it not in /media01:42
sunogbagaSQFreak: try sharing a folder inside your home dir01:42
SQFreakglycerine: probably not, because I have to add it, I'm sure. Should I just add a "nobody" account?01:42
Jangarihidden files01:42
PeloMrPiracy2, sabayon is another linux distro if you want help with it I suggest you check their website01:42
Edwardxpi am having trouble install SVN... via apt-get install svn... it refers to E:01:42
ph|berProcessing triggers for libc6 ...01:42
ph|berldconfig deferred processing now taking place01:42
glycerineSQFreak well i was thinking that the smb default is nobody, hence no permissions, no access01:42
ph|berwhat does that mean?01:42
ng0ni forget linux.. uggg.01:43
CerealMy Firefox occasionally opens 80+ tabs due too something beyond me. Does anyone know what causes this and how I can fix it? my etc/apt/sources.list : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49644/01:43
glycerineSQFreak but that's a shot in the dark01:43
PeloJangari, no, nothing got wiped,  just unmout it01:43
wols_ng0n: when you attached it the kernel should have issued it it a /devicenode. try "sudo fdisk -l" and see if it shows up01:43
Edwardxpwhat am i doing wrong01:43
Peloph|ber, means you hae to wait01:43
wols_ph|ber: that you installed a library and the system has to update a few things in the background01:43
Jangarii can't seem to01:43
sunogbagaSQFreak: nobody ( i guess) does not have access to /backup01:43
PeloJangari, did you set it in fstab ?01:43
MrPiracy2no one here knows about sabayon-admin?01:44
PeloJangari, the command is sudo umount /mountpoint01:44
wols_MrPiracy2: grep -i sabayon /etc/passwd01:44
Dr_willis_MrPiracy,  since this is a Ubuntu channel..i would say  No.01:44
SQFreaksunogbaga: perms on /backup are dwxrwxrwx (i.e. 777)...therefore all users should have full access, right?01:44
wols_MrPiracy2: does the command spit something out?01:44
Jack_SparrowCereal: Like I thought... you used AUTOMATIX.. bad bad bad01:44
thresherpelo \ i am going to try that thanks!01:44
theunixgeekCan a GTK+ program run on OS X?01:45
* catty0320 wants to know how to access another chatroom with xchat01:45
Pelothresher, best of luck01:45
SQFreaksunogbaga: I shared my home directory -- same error. Even if I try to authenticate with my password.01:45
wols_catty0320: /join #chatroom01:45
Pelocatty0320,  /join #chatroomname01:45
CerealJack_Sparrow: I know that now :) What do I do about it?01:45
sunogbagaSQFreak: i guess.. another option would be(if security is not a question) to use force user = your_user  and force group = your_group01:45
wols_Cereal: pray01:45
thresherhy pelo within the restricted drivers it already shows my ati drivers as IN USE01:45
MrPiracy2catty0320: yu can type /join #chatrrom01:45
PeloCereal, repent01:45
Shrihey guys can nebody help with wireless on 2.6.2401:45
Jack_SparrowCereal: The easiset solution... Fresh install....01:45
Jangaripelo, i can't even open a terminal01:45
Cereal*Cereal Prays and Repents*01:45
Shrikernel...i got the firmware01:45
Pelothresher, I realy can'T help any further01:46
Jangarijesus, that was silly01:46
CerealJack_Sparrow: Of Ubuntu or just FF?01:46
thresherokay thanks01:46
PeloJangari, alt_f201:46
Edwardxpi am having trouble installing SVN... via apt-get install svn... it refers to E:/01:46
glycerineJangari gnome-terminal01:46
Jack_SparrowCereal: Ubuntu....   and the wife is giving me that look... i GOTTA GO,.01:46
MrPiracy2catty0320: you can also right-click and choose WINDOWS / CHANNEL LIST to list all rooms in the network01:46
PeloJangari,  to run that umount command ? why not01:46
Edwardxpcan i make it just download everything from the internet01:46
silverhawk_184and, finnaly my last: Error: Could not find 'SDL Image Library'. Try using the native package manager for Ubuntu 7.10 (apt-get) to install a package with similar name to 'sdl_image'.  // i installed all of the sld packages that i found01:46
thresherDoes anyone have hands on ATI and Gutsy help for me?01:46
wols_Cereal: does automatix have any kind of uninstaller?01:46
CerealJack_Sparrow: Damn O.o Cya, thanks for the help :P01:46
thresherHow can I find out if I am 3d accelerated or not?01:47
wols_thresher: ask your real question and state your problems. not meaningless stuff01:47
CerealWols: Checking..01:47
Jangarimy own shortcut, alt+1 doesn't work, apps > terminal doesn't work01:47
wols_thresher: glxinfo01:47
JosspykerShri: what's the problem01:47
glycerinethreshold fglrxinfo01:47
Jangariright-clicking and selecting unmount volume doesn't work01:47
wols_thresher: what videocard exactly do you have?01:47
Pelothresher, the instructions ubotu gave you should beeasy enough to follow and tell you how to instll the binairie driver, they probabaly start with instructions for the restricted driver but keep reading01:47
ShriI can't get the wireless to start01:47
Shrion 2.6.2401:47
silverhawk_184thresher: try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver01:47
Jangariand i've enshrined that auto mount in my fstab01:47
SQFreaksunogbaga: I forced user and group...still no help. I may have to abandon this "share" mode and put up with Windows making me authenticate.01:47
JosspykerShri: chipset01:47
Jangarirecovery mode, will that help?01:47
PeloJangari, comment it out01:47
Shriit says I need a patch on b43 website01:47
Shri4311 rev 201:48
CerealWols: Why is Automatix so bad?01:48
Jangaripelo, i actually can't open the fstab anymore, it's like everything is frozen'01:48
Jangarii'ma try a console but01:48
PeloCereal, it's not essentialy bad but is is badly coded01:48
Dr_willis_SQFreak,  using samba? That 'using samba book' In the repos may have details on what you are trying to do.01:48
ShriI'm using hardy 64bit01:48
Dr_willis_Automatix is VERY badly coded. :)01:48
wols_Cereal: cause it likes to break ubuntu's packagemanagement badly and is often a pain to remove01:48
thresherglycerine if I show mesa vendor for open gl am i good?01:48
FezzlerIf I want to learn more about the Linux under Ubuntu, should I look for books on Debian Linux?01:48
jack-desktopWhats the quickest way to restart X?01:48
wols_Cereal: simply shoddy made software01:48
Shrieverything is workign except that01:48
PeloJangari, try booting the recovery mode to do it or boot the live cd and do it from there01:48
CerealPelo: Okay, thanks :) I can remove the Repos it added (from inside the program) Should I??01:48
sunogbagaSQFreak: your choice.. my smbclient also asks for password but when i try connecting using the gui .. well. it works01:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about training - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:48
Jangarialways ways01:48
LjLjack-desktop: ctrl+alt+backspace01:48
CerealWOls: Thanks :)01:48
Pelojack-desktop, ctrl_alt_backspace01:49
JosspykerShri: broadcom01:49
SQFreakDr_willis: Yes. I'm trying to get it so that Windows will not bug me for a password when I try to connect to my share.01:49
jack-desktopLjL: without logging off, which way?01:49
silverhawk_184jack-desktop: ctrl+alt+backspace01:49
CerealWols: I can remove the Repos it added from inside itself. Should I?01:49
Dr_willis_Fezzler,  thers some free books for ubuntu out.01:49
jack-desktopcan you restart X without logging off?01:49
Josspykerpastbin lspci and iwconfig01:49
Pelojack-desktop,  it will log you off and restart x at the same time01:49
MrPiracy2glycerine: i did glxinfo, but how do i get to know if it's accelerated or not?01:49
Dr_willis_SQFreak,  i would say check that USing Samba Book. Its proberly discussed there.01:49
wols_Cereal: yes01:49
jack-desktoppelo: i dont want to log off ;p01:49
Pelolater folks01:49
glycerineMrPiracy2  If it says Mesa anywhere in there, it's not01:50
CerealWols: Great :)01:50
Jangariwill # work to comment it out?01:50
Pelojack-desktop, you donT' have a choice01:50
PeloJangari, yes01:50
jack-desktoppelo: k thanks01:50
Shriit says on the website that I need a patch http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b4301:50
JCDENTONhello there01:50
MrPiracy2glycerine: it says "direct rendering: no (if u wanna know why ..."01:50
FezzlerI'm reading Linux Systems Administration, good book but examines more than Debian01:50
wols_glycerine: not true. what do you think intel and ati use?01:50
ubotuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)01:50
Dr_willis_Fezzler,  check out   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training for some good core info.  Then work you way up to more detailed books.01:51
wols_MrPiracy2: what videocard do you have exactly? and what driver do you use?01:51
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)01:51
glycerinewols_ but shouldn't the driver name show up? e.g. fglrx, ati?01:51
MrPiracy2glycerine: like ...  GLX_MESA_copy_sub_buffer ?01:51
silverhawk_184can some one help;  Error: Could not find 'SDL Image Library'. Try using the native package manager for Ubuntu 7.10 (apt-get) to install a package with similar name to 'sdl_image'.  // i installed all of the sld packages that i found01:51
Dr_willis_Fezzler,  once you learn the core fundamentals of linux. the disrtos are all very similer.01:51
CerealWols: Done. Anything else I can do? Would "sudo apt-get remove automatix" remove it?01:51
MrPiracy2wols_: intel onboard 946gz using driver i81001:51
enkidu_akI am attempting to perform apt-get update after installing the medibuntu repo lists and key, but packages.medibuntu.org/dists/gutsy/free/binary-i386/ is returning 309: Moved. Non-free bin packagrs does the same hing. The strange this is thqat I can resolve the name just fine through my browser. Dig reveals three IPs being pointed to by that domain and I think that this is confusing wget. Would any of you have any recommendations for remedying this issue?01:51
wols_glycerine: I don't think it does, only the GL provider which would be mesa in case of intel01:51
Dr_willis_Cereal,  that may remove the program. but wont undo the damage its done.01:51
wols_MrPiracy2: then you should use the "i810" or "intel" driver and should enable DRM and DRI01:52
glycerinewols_ hmm learn something new everyday01:52
JosspykerShri: usb?what card01:52
JCDENTONis the fedora core similar to ubuntu ?01:52
CerealDr_willis_: Okay. Is there ANY way I can restore it?01:52
MrPiracy2wols_: i am sure DRI is enabled, lemme check DRM01:52
JCDENTONis the fedora core similar to ubuntu one ?01:52
wols_JCDENTON: only insofar as it's a general purpose distro01:52
LjLJCDENTON, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, this is a support channel01:52
TtechHi, somone whats the bot variable to give me the link on the thing on how to fix grub?01:52
wols_MrPiracy2: kernel module(s)01:53
Dr_willis_Cereal,  no idea. I know better then to use AUtomatix. :)01:53
Shrimini nic01:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yea - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:53
shm613does anyone know how to get the BCM94311MCG wireless card to work with ubuntu?01:53
wols_!grub | Ttech01:53
ubotuTtech: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:53
SQFreaksunogbaga and glycerine: Got it! KDE's GUI puts in a line "msdfs proxy = no" that screws it up. Take out that line and it works great.01:53
CerealDr_willis_: I didn't :/01:53
thresherI am running the ATI Radeon 9800 pro01:53
ubotuSELinux is available on Ubuntu, but not officially supported. Ubuntu uses another security framework by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor01:53
TtechThank you wols_. :)01:53
wols_thresher: then you will need fglrx01:53
thresherand showing mesa indirect01:53
SQFreaksunogbaga: I bet if you look in your smb.conf file you don't have that line.01:53
TtechSE linux?01:53
JosspykerShri: give me a minute01:53
glycerineSQFreak awesome.  Make sure you write that down somewhere!01:53
MrPiracy2wols_: what do u mean kernel module?01:53
Dr_willis_Cereal,  there is/was an #automatix channel and thei web site/forums01:53
glycerineSQFreak even better stick it on the forums so it's google searchable :)01:53
wols_MrPiracy2: kernel module. drm01:53
MrPiracy2wols_: wow, someone DRI disapeared from there ... should i try to put it back?01:53
Shriaiite no problem01:54
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages01:54
SQFreakglycerine: I found it on the first result on google for the error message NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME. It's on the Samba forums.01:54
Ttechits not everyday when you get someone asking for the bot. :P rofl01:54
glycerineSQFreak funny, i read that exact thread and missed it01:54
wols_MrPiracy2: .../kernel/drivers/char/drm/i810.ko01:54
CerealDr_willis_: Thanks :) I now understand that it's bad. But why is it bad? What bad stuff does it perform?01:54
wols_!msgthebot | JCDENTON01:54
ubotuJCDENTON: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.01:54
SQFreakglycerine: Don't think I can make it more searchable than that. http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/samba-ntstatusbadnetworkname-340291/01:55
sunogbagaSQFreak: great work GUIsss!! that's why i use vim for text editing..01:55
MrPiracy2wols_: oh no, i have been looking at my xorg.conf and it has been automaticly modified, i810 was replaced by "vesa"01:55
mularany ideas why my swap file would stop auto mounting on boot up? If I run gparted I see that its off..01:55
JCDENTONsorry dudes01:55
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource01:55
wols_Cereal: overwriting files you installed with dpkg, installing additional files ubuntu doens't know about and will cause problems on next update, not being able to properly uninstall, etc01:55
SQFreaksunogbaga: Yes, and so does my computer science professor. But I didn't want to screw it up so I used a GUI. Apparently that was a bad plan.01:55
Dr_willis_installs all kinds of things in bad ways  with littl eerror checking, and with the release of gutsy.. lets just say that automatix really is not needed these days01:55
JCDENTONwhats the channel for the fedora distrib?01:55
wols_MrPiracy2: poor you.01:55
Dr_willis_Cereal,  it never was really needed.01:56
pppoe_dudehmm... im gonna attempt doing something fairly risky01:56
wols_JCDENTON: #fedora01:56
JCDENTONok :)01:56
CerealWols: damn :/ So the easiest really would be to reinstall?01:56
pppoe_dudemaking my own deb package!01:56
CerealDr_willis_: I can see that :/01:56
Pir8Is GParted supposed to scan all devices for over 5 minutes, each time I run it ?01:56
sunogbagaSQFreak: learning from our mistake.. :P01:56
MrPiracy2wols_: how can i find a xorg.conf model for my card?01:56
wols_Cereal: you could be lucky and it might work withou a reinstall. or you might now. #ubuntu can't say and to be honest doesn't really care. we don't like or deal with automatix01:56
JCDENTONhey i cant join the channel ;(01:56
sunogbagaJCDENTON: which channel?01:57
JCDENTONthe fedora one01:57
wols_MrPiracy2: I'd google. must be tons of howtos for intel based 3D accel01:57
LjL!register > JCDENTON    (JCDENTON, see the private message from Ubotu)01:57
Cerealwols_: Well okay.. I'll have to figure out what I do then. Thanks a lot for the help everyone :)01:57
wols_JCDENTON: /join #fedora01:57
sunogbaga.. just /j #fedora01:57
MrPiracy2wols_: doing that now, thx01:57
JCDENTONit doenst work lol01:57
wols_JCDENTON: as LjL said. register with nickserv01:58
sunogbagawhois JCDENTON01:58
alex__hey guys. can i install the flash plugin through synaptic? I've 'flashplugin-nonfree' but i don't know how to use/run it.01:58
LjLwols_, sunogbaga: not if the channel is +r and you're not identified to services01:58
LjL!rootirc | alza01:58
ubotualza: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.01:58
LjL!flash > alex__    (alex__, see the private message from Ubotu)01:58
wols_if you can: jcdenton thenickname might already been taken01:58
wols_LjL: the flashissue now over?01:58
sunogbagaJCDENTON: yah reg first01:58
LjLwols_: not that i know of01:58
JCDENTONok :)01:58
wols_LjL: then better tell them about !flashissue ?01:58
JCDENTONits the same for freebsd01:59
LjL!flash > wols_    (wols_, see the private message from Ubotu)01:59
wols_LjL: cause otherwise they just be back :)01:59
wols_LjL: oh good :)01:59
ng0ndo u see me ?01:59
ng0nnow do u see me ?01:59
Dr_willis_ng0n,  No we dont.. :P01:59
Dr_willis_Not any more at least.01:59
JosspykerShri: hp pavillion laptop02:00
Shrijosspyker: yeah02:00
PMantisMy laptop is annoying me. Ubuntu 7.04, and every minute it blanks the screen... yet I set my preferences to 11 minutes. What gives?02:00
JCDENTONthere kind of secte or somethin02:00
thresherwhat is the command to bring up the gears?02:00
Shriits a compaq that I got on black Friday02:00
Pinguxer0glxgears thresher02:00
thresherthe spinning gears that test video output?02:00
PMantisI watch the acpid logs... nothing.02:00
thresherWhat is the command for displaying your fglrx info?02:01
nickrudthresher, fglrxinfo02:01
ng0ntesting the firewall.02:01
glycerinePMantis  dumb question first .. set the prefs for both screensaver and power?02:01
ng0nno ned to kick.02:01
LjLng0n: we see you. please stop testing, or use #test02:01
LjLsays you no need.02:01
PMantisglycerine: Yup02:01
wols_ng0n: yes there is a need when you abuse the channel02:01
thresherCan I simply edit the xorg.conf under DEVICE and put the driver at fglrx instead of ati?02:01
mularwell incase anyone was wondering answered my own question.. used gparted to make my swap partition bigger which changed my partitions location was /dev/sda7 now its /dev/sda9 so I had to edit fstab ;)02:01
mularanyone able to get hibernate working?02:02
wols_thresher: use sudo dpkg-reonfigure xserver-xorg02:02
PMantisglycerine: Screen saver is set for 10 minutes, which I believe is why the power settings only offer to blank the screen as low at 11 minutes.02:02
JosspykerShri: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 and use only b43 and follow the instructions on that site02:02
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com02:02
thresheroh wow this time it shows ati instead of mesa02:02
ShriI did02:02
FreddyPanybody know how to get xinerama working with two different resolutions? i have the resolutions defined in "mode" lines in my xorg.conf but both screens (widescreen lcd and 4:3 crt) are showing 1280x102402:02
ramza3with xorg.conf configuration; how can I enable "mirroring" with my dual monitor setup02:02
nickrudmular, I had to increase my swap partition size , if you try a hibernate you should see some error messages in /var/log/syslog02:03
* Rabiddog announces that bots are now on strike02:03
Shriwhen I tried to install ndiswrapper it said alternate bcm43xx02:03
glycerinePMantis had to ask :)  I don't anything general to cause that.  You searched for specific laptop model for issues?02:03
Shriso that is why I had a doubt as to which one it was02:03
Shribcm43xx is the old one and b43 is the new one...02:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about strike - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:04
xLEhow can i echo a multiline string with the echo command?02:04
LjLxLE: echo -e "line 1\nline 2"02:04
thresherNice thanks to you fine people it now appears I have 3d accelerationg working02:04
JosspykerShri: use only b4302:04
PMantisglycerine: No, laptop works great out of the box... gotta be a software setting02:04
thresherWhat should I do now?02:04
thresherHow do i know if gutsy is running full prettiness mode?02:04
Edwardxpapt-get install svn  >>> Reading state information... Done02:04
EdwardxpE: Couldn't find package svn02:04
nickrudthresher, install xserver-xgl compizconfig-settings-manager emerald , log out and back in02:04
Shribut its saying bcm4311 rev 2 / bcm4312 (needs patches for 2.6.24)02:05
LjLEdwardxp: the package name is subversion02:05
glycerinePMantis yeah was wondering about config with your specific model02:05
etjhnetThis is the bug I need fixed:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/6686902:05
mularnickrud, I tried doing that with my swapfile I get some usb errors it looks like.. then it shuts down.. and just boots like normal.. I try downloading uswsusp- suggested on the forums and that looked like it was gonig to suspend then on boot up it just froze after splash screen02:05
etjhnetAnyone know how?02:05
=== samwize is now known as koopa_troopa
OnyxAnyone use KeePassX?02:06
glycerineOnyx yes02:06
PMantisglycerine: HP Pavilion laptop. if using a live CD... it works as expected02:06
mularbrb going to see if I get any errors02:06
thresherit said emerald was nto a target02:06
nickrudmular, I've seen a lot of people with suspend/hibernate problems, I've been lucky since it just worked as long as I didn't use an old fglrx02:06
Onyxglycerine: Do you know of any way to get KeePass "integrated" with FireFox?02:06
Onyxglycerine: I'm looking for it to jump to the login page for whatever site, fill in the login name and password, and hit the submit button for me.02:07
etjhnetAnyone know how?02:07
nickrudthresher, system->admin->software sources, make sure universe (actually, the first four sources) are enabled02:07
sunogbagaEdwardxp: try subversion02:07
Edwardxpoh yah it worked :)02:07
|juan|can someone help me with my compiz setup?02:07
=== ^A^kira is now known as ^A^way
glycerineOnyx  no it doesn't integrate.  It is a standalone app.  The autotype feature from windows isn't present in the X version.  You can try ctrl+b for username, and ctrl + c for password02:07
Shrijosspyker: let me restart I did that02:07
LjL!away > ^A^way    (^A^way, see the private message from Ubotu)02:07
|juan|everything is working except for that :)02:07
jack-desktopanyone know how to set my tv/monitor to a widescreen?02:08
nickrud|juan|, what card?02:08
X-nor|juan|: glxinfo | grep direct02:08
glycerineOnyx alternatively, get the import/export plugin for firefox and export your keepass db.  That might work02:08
JosspykerShri: ok02:08
nickruddon't know nvidia , sorry.02:08
Onyxglycerine: Damn.  Just migrated all my stuff from RoboForm from Windows (awesome program), but as it stands now KeePassX looks like the best alternative.02:08
|juan|nickrud: here's my issue though...02:08
glycerinePMantis  found this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-41788.html02:09
nickrud|juan|, did you do the command that X-nor mentioned?02:09
X-nor|juan|: is direct rendering working or not?02:09
thresherhey nickrud02:09
nickrudthresher, yes02:09
mularno errors just some junk about usbdevice02:09
thresherthat command resulted in a emeral is not a directory02:09
|juan|when i goto Preferences >> Appearance and click any form of Visual Effects, it crashes and takes me to login02:09
|juan|it is working02:09
|juan|i have dual monitors02:09
|juan|a std 1280x102402:09
etjhnetThis is the bug I need fixed:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/6686902:09
|juan|and a 1440x90002:10
etjhnetAnyone know how?02:10
nickrudthresher, that was a package list, not a command :)   sudo aptitude install xserver-xgl compizconfig-settings-manager emerald  <== that's a command ;p02:10
|juan|both are working fine02:10
Pir8dual monitors is such a pain to get working02:10
matt_just wondering...as I've only used debian based distros (ubuntu and kubuntu), do most terminal commands work across all distros? i'm talking about the mount commands, umount commands, etc.02:10
Pir8but once it works, its beautiful :)02:10
mularhrm now if I pull up gparted it lists my swap as unknown02:10
burt0anyone know how to install kde?02:10
Jangaripelo, unmounting and restarting has fixed that, it just restored the default configurations, but strangely, two directories, home/data and home/~ are identical02:10
burt0via terminal?02:10
|juan|Pir8: it was simple02:10
burt0all i have is x :(02:10
Pir8|juan|,  challenging for me to set it up :)02:10
X-norburt0: kde or kubuntu?02:10
|juan|if i do compiz --replace02:10
|juan|it just resets X and takes me to login02:10
matt_burt0: try this: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop*02:11
burt0x-mor, funny story....i am an ubuntu user trying to help a non-buntu user install kde....so not on ubuntu here....02:11
|juan|i am using proprietary driver from nvidia02:11
matt_burt0: so what are they on?02:11
Onyxglycerine: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2848 is that what you're talking about?02:11
nickrudX-nor, does the kde package work now? didn't work previously, wasn't shifted over from debian dependencies02:11
burt0X-mor, vector linux....slackware based02:11
threshermaybe someone can help; i went to appearance preferences and tried to put the setting onto Visual Effects extra, a pop up window is now saying the composite extension is not available and the window wont close02:11
etjhnetThis is the bug I need fixed:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/6686902:11
etjhnetAnyone know how?02:11
X-nornickrud: i'm not sure, and can't test on this - have like 1.4G free02:12
burt0matt_, vector linux....slackware based02:12
glycerineOnyx yes.  Haven't tried to import anything but it might work.  Give it a shot and let us know ;)02:12
nickrudthresher, after you install that stuff, you need to log out and back in (hit ctl-alt-backspace while logged out for luck)02:12
Onyxglycerine: Will do -- just wanted to make sure I wasn't looking at some other BS :P02:12
threshernickrud the stuff didnt install02:12
nickrudX-nor, I got lots of space, but none for kdey02:13
thresherit resulted in 'emerald' path not found02:13
Onyxglycerine: Oh, I also ran into this extension called Sxipper -- lots of people like it, but I just found it to be annoying.02:13
burt0matt_, you there?02:13
nickrudthresher, the aptitude command I gave previously, run that in a terminal and put the output on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:13
burt0matt_, having trouble reading because the text is soo small on x :(02:13
burt0matt_, please help :)02:13
alexvdHi I deleted the gnome panel on the bottom and then recreated a new one thats bigger (50p) and I have annoying issue that it does not autohide even with the option checked.  Anyone know how to fix?02:14
Shrino luck02:14
threshernickrud install xserver-xgl compizconfig-settings-manager emerald02:14
thresherinstall: target `emerald' is not a directory02:14
nickrudthresher, if you look up, you'll see I said that was a package list, not a command. What chat client are you using?02:14
Shrithe hardware-enable switch is still indicating off02:14
burt0X-mor, do you know the generic package?02:15
burt0X-mor, for kde?02:15
threshernickrud yahoo, aol,, msn, irc02:15
nickrudthresher, I mean to talk to me ;p02:15
alexvdAnyone know why autohide is not working with gnome panel.  I am not using compiz02:16
thresherim a total newb02:16
threshersorry nickrud02:16
reya276How can I enable the effects on gutsy, everytime I try it says they can't be enabled?02:16
robrI would like to install apache 1.3 and php4 on my gusty machine. I tried apt-get update, apt-cache search php4 and it seems that apache 1.3 has been removed from the repositories? or the default libraries. is it possible to adjust something so i can apt-get install apache 1.3 and php 402:16
nickrudthresher, no problem. You're probably using the im client pidgin if you haven't installed anything else.02:16
Josspykershri:pastebin iwconfig02:16
thresherim using pidgeon02:16
jimmygoonreya276, does it say why?02:16
etjhnetThis is the bug I need fixed:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/6686902:16
etjhnetAnyone know how?02:16
enkidu_akI am attempting to perform apt-get update after installing the medibuntu repo lists and key, but packages.medibuntu.org/dists/gutsy/free/binary-i386/ is returning 309: Moved. Non-free bin packagrs does the same hing. The strange this is thqat I can resolve the name just fine through my browser. Dig reveals three IPs being pointed to by that domain and I think that this is confusing wget. Would any of you have any recommendations for remedying this issue?02:17
Shrithe wlan0 doesn't even show up02:17
Shridon't know why02:17
reya276jimmygoon: something about a composite engine02:17
nickrudthresher, install xchat , it works better for irc. For example, if I put your nick in the line I type, it shows up red on your client so you don't miss posts easily02:17
glycerinerobr universe repo's enabled?02:17
jimbohey i need some beginner help setting up a wireless connection please02:17
jimmygoonreya276, your graphics card probably can't handle it02:17
thresheryeah this kirc is no mirc02:17
nickrudthresher, theres the command you want to use:   sudo aptitude install xchat compizconfig-settings-manager emerald xserver-xorg    .02:17
jimmygoonthresher, I would second what nickrud is saying, pidgin/gaim/purple is crap for irc... xchat/irssi is the only way to go02:17
reya276no I have a 256mb ATI card which handles Vista very well so ubuntu should be no problem02:17
robrdeb http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy universe02:18
robrdeb-src http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy universe02:18
robri have those two lines02:18
jimmygoonreya276, then you need to figure out how to install the right drivers for it02:18
JosspykerShri: no wifi devices at all02:18
glycerinerobr you got it.02:18
jimmygoonreya276, if you haven't had to do that manually then its not done :)02:18
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:18
Shriidk why it doesn't even show that there is a wlan0 device02:18
bulmeranyone familiar with SVG? should Firefox able to display it with no additional plug-in?02:18
robrglycerine: so any ideas for what to do to get apache 1.3 / php 402:18
jimmygoonrobr, are you still trying to do this? just use the repositories?02:19
jimbocan someone help me install a wireless network i am a beginner and i can't seem to get my desktop to connect to the internet02:19
PMantisHmmmmmm, something is calling /etc/acpi/screenblank.sh when I don't want it to!!02:19
alexvdAll can anyone help me figure out how come the gnome panel wont autohide.  Not running compiz02:19
Shriiftab doesn't exist02:19
JosspykerShri: no devices at all,try to install windows drivers wirt ndiswrapper02:19
unravelboo. i hate shopping for wireless adapters.02:19
nickrudthresher_, hello02:19
Josspykerwith sorrry02:19
thresher_im on xchat now02:19
Shriif I try opening it says new file02:19
jimmygoonrobr, oh, apache 1.3 :/02:20
glycerinerobr most of the stuff i'm seeing is for apache2.02:20
nickrudthresher_, so the idea is to always put someones name in the post so they can find it easily02:20
patrick_hey im running ubuntu 7.10 on a laptop and when im in pidgin it sometimes just randomly kicks me out (this is not an internet connection problem) anyone got any ideas??02:20
robrjimmygoon: yes i got distracted by something else. i have 'deb http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy universe' in my sources file so I thought that would mean I was getting it from the repositories02:20
thresher_is there a keyboard shortcut to dot hat quickly02:20
etjhnetThis is the bug I need fixed:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/6686902:20
etjhnetAnyone know how?02:20
nickrudthresher_, type the first few letters, then press the tab key02:20
Shriif I install ndiswrapper it comes up with hardware present but at the end there is "(alternate: bcm43xx)"02:20
jimmygoonetjhnet, if you would put a space between the colon and the URL so we can click on it... we would be more likely to actually look at it02:21
robrjimmygoon: yes 1.3 :) otherwise i'd be done by now02:21
thresher_nickrud: nice dude02:21
thresher_thanks for the help02:21
Shrithere is a hardware kill switch02:21
etjhnetThis is the bug I need fixed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/6686902:21
nickrudgot your pretty desktop?02:21
alexvdjimmygoon: Can you help me figure out why the bottom gnome panel wont autohide02:21
jimmygoonalexvd, did you turn the autohide option on?02:21
glycerinerobr this help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59028102:21
thresher_nickrud: I have a ncie looking desktop but I cant get the advanced effects working without that erro.02:21
jimbohey all i need some help getting my desktop to connecto to the internet and it just ain02:22
nickrudthresher_, did you log out and back in?02:22
thresher_Well when I chose the option it errored02:22
alexvdJimmygoon: yes I turned on that option in properties.  I deleted the original panel. I created a new one02:22
JosspykerShri: yes02:22
Shriwhat if I blacklist b4302:22
bulmerjimbo, youare on chatting here now, this is for another pc?02:22
jimmygoonand did you set that option on the new panel?02:22
thresher_nickrud: it errored when i chose the option i wanted02:22
JosspykerShri: and then02:22
jimboyes bulmer this is my laptop02:22
alexvdjimmygoon: yes02:22
nickrudthresher_, you haven't answered my question02:22
Shriinstead of blacklisting bcm43xx02:22
glycerinerobr it won't only apache 2 is in the gutsy universe according to packages.ubuntu.com02:23
thresher_nickrud: i wasnt able to get the error to go away by clicking ok02:23
thresher_nickrud: ill be back02:23
Shrilike its in most tutorials02:23
alexvdjimmygoon: I even checked in gconf editor02:23
jimmygoonalexvd and it simply won't autohide?02:23
bulmerjimbo, elaborate on your network layout, what is connected to what?02:23
jimmygoonis there anything like trying to get your attention or something?02:23
Shrithen I might not get the alternate driver shit at the end02:23
robrglycerine: E: Package apache has no installation candidate.02:23
alexvdjimmygoon: yes.  I did modify it02:23
etjhnetjimmygoon: well?02:23
DaemonikI'm using Kubuntu 7.10, what program would one use to record a video to upload to youtube?02:23
jimmygoonalexvd, what do you mean modify it?02:23
JosspykerShri: the b43 should be the correct driver,but show me the tut.02:24
glycerinerobr yes according to packages.ubuntu.com, apache2 is the only install option from the repos02:24
jimboi have a linksys router and a wireless card i believe is also linksys02:24
alexvdjimmygoon: I made it larger 50px and I turned off expand.02:24
Shrihold on02:24
jimboi can see the network fine02:24
robrglycerine: ok, so does that mean i need to download a file and install from source or something?02:24
patrick_hey pidgin randomly kicks me off (this is not an internet connection problem, im running 7.10) anyone got any ideas on how to fix it?02:24
jimmygoonetjhnet, I don't know. Someone will have to patch nautilus / gnome's removable media handler. it's not something that an IRC user is going to fix. the best thing to do is to file a bug report and report it to the mailing list, I don't have time to go edit the source02:24
bulmerjimbo you need to prefix your responses to me with my nick, or else i will miss..way too many chatters here02:24
jimboand when i connect to it it appears that i am connected on the panel  but i can't seem to get on the internet02:24
jimmygoonalexvd, 50 :(02:25
jimmygoonalexvd, lemme see if I can reproduce to see if it is a bug02:25
threshernickrud: im back after rebooting02:25
jimboblumer, when i connect to the internet it appears that i am connected on the panel02:25
glycerinerobr that would probably be the easiest option, rather than adding an older repo and dealing with package dep problems02:25
nickrudthresher, reboot wasn't necessary, just a logout02:25
robrglycerine: OK thanks for that, I'll give it a go02:26
alexvdjimmygoon:  Running 7.10 up to date, Turned of compiz02:26
jimmygoonalexvd, did you close the panel options dialog?02:26
threshernickrud: oops ok02:26
bulmerjimbo you need to prefix your responses to me with my nick, or else i will miss..way too many chatters here02:26
alexvdjimmygoon: yes and I even rebooted02:26
glycerinerobr np, sorry i couldn't be of more help02:26
Shrijosspyker: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=649038&highlight=b4302:26
Onyxglycerine: Turns out that's a pretty useless extension (for what I want)02:26
jimmygoonalexvd, strange. it works for me :( not that thats what you want to hear02:26
Shrithis seems to be the same problem02:26
ShriI think02:26
Pir8so is there a reason why when one installs ubuntu, one cannot customize what to include and exclude as part of the install ?02:26
nickrudthresher, first rule of linux, you nearly never have to reboot to effect a change, unlike windows02:26
jimbobulmer ok what do you want ot know i am a beginner02:26
glycerineOnyx eh was worth a shot ;)02:26
bulmerjimbo, elaborate on your network layout, what is connected to what?02:26
patrick_hey all i need help; im running 7.10 and im in pidgin and it just randomly freezes up and i have to force quit and reboot pidgin, any ideas on how to fix it?02:27
Shribut I don't know why wlan0 is not showing up02:27
Onyxglycerine: Yeah, I'll be pretty happy if KeePassX can integrate someday02:27
Shriit is saying use udev02:27
threshernickrud: that sounds like a welcome change02:27
Shrito change the name of the interface02:27
jimboblumer, i have a linksys router and i belive i also have a linksys card in my desktop02:27
glycerineOnyx it's on their roadmap but i wouldn't hold my breath02:27
Shrihow do I do that02:27
alexvdjimmygoon: strange only thing i can say is that I deleted the original.  I am also running dual screen stretched across.02:27
jimboblumer, neiter is connected right now that is the problem02:27
eccoteccHi Folks02:27
bulmerjimbo pay attention to my nick02:27
Onyxglycerine: Why's that?  Not a high priority?02:27
jimmygoonnickrud, except for when ubuntu goes all screwy on me, won't launch new apps and won't bring up the dialog to let me log out, or if I ctrl+alt+backspace it just goes to a black screen :(02:27
UBUNTUISLOVEDdoes anyone know how to connect to PDANet software?02:28
jimbobulmer, sorry man02:28
jimmygoonalexvd, oh, I can't test that, but its possible thats what it is... did you google to see if others have had a similar problem?02:28
nickrudjimmygoon, that's one reason I put the nearly in. You must be using one of the proprietary drivers :)02:28
JosspykerShri: did you try this sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter02:28
jimmygoonnickrud, not for graphics02:28
alexvdjimmygoon: checked but i didnt see anything.  Also the autohide works fine on the top panel02:28
jimmygoonnickrud, unfortunately for wirless :/02:28
jimmygoonalexvd, that is weeeeird02:28
jimbobulmer, can you tell me how permissions work02:29
* nickrud strokes his broadcom 4311, works great with bcm43xx02:29
jimmygoonalexvd, sorry, you've exhausted any ideas I've got02:29
threshernickrud: just discovered what ctrl backspace does02:29
glycerineOnyx the last version i think is from 04 or 05.  But in the interim, i found a hacky way you might like  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20289602:29
* jimmygoon can't wait to get a new computer02:29
bulmerjimbo, this is a wireles or ethernet connectivity?02:29
jimmygoonthresher, I was afreaid someone might do that02:29
jimbobulmer, wireless02:29
thresherHow do i shortcut key to terminal?02:29
glycerineOnyx i stand correct, the last version was june 06 :)02:29
bulmerjimbo,  your laptop wireless can associate but your desktop cant?02:29
jimmygoonthresher, System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts02:29
Shridid that to extract the firmware from the broadcom website...that tutorial that you sent me02:29
alexvdjimmygoon: tell me about it.  Also highly annoying. I think its because I deleted the original.  i did that when i ran awn but I can run compiz with dual screen because of a memory limitation on my graphics card :(02:30
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threshernickrud: so nick, now what?  I want to try and get those pretty effects going02:30
Shrithat needs that to extract the *.o file02:30
thresherjimmygoon: thanks02:30
jimbobulmer, yes the network itself is fine my laptop is not using ubuntu only my desktop02:30
sadaiyappanHow do i get the 3d effects?02:30
jimmygoonalexvd, come to think it though, I have deleted my bar because I was running awn for a while too02:30
jimmygoonsadaiyappan, do you have a decent pc/graphics card?02:30
nickrudthresher,   alt-f2 , type   compiz --replace && emerald --replace02:30
jimmygoonsadaiyappan, and are you on gutsy?02:30
bulmerjimbo, do you have the driver for your wifi loaded?02:30
LegionaryKhey, i dont remember choosing a root password during installation and now my standard user pass doesnt work with SU in terminal??? Is it some kind of idiot block or?02:30
crdlbsadaiyappan: join #compiz-fusion02:30
alexvdjimmygoon: the only other thing i could think is one of the launchers for applications is hanging it.02:31
sadaiyappanyeah i'm on gutsy and i have x140002:31
jimmygoon!sudo | LegionaryK02:31
ubotuLegionaryK: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:31
jimmygoon!root > LegionaryK02:31
crdlbnickrud: that's unnecessary (and incorrect), the compiz wrapper will run emerald for you02:31
Pelo!ati | sadaiyappan02:31
ubotusadaiyappan: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:31
jimmygoonalexvd, maybe, I've got firefox,thunderbird and gnome-terminal as launchers though02:31
nickrudcrdlb, it does now? great, thanks02:31
sadaiyappani have basic 3d02:31
crdlbnickrud: and you meant to use &, otherwise emerald never gets run :)02:32
Shrido you want to see my dmesg02:32
threshernickrud: my screen flashed02:32
sadaiyappani have x1400 and i installed02:32
neutrinomassHi. Sometimes, but not always, when I boot, I don't have sound. I'm not even greeted by any welcome sound in gdm. A reboot sometimes fixes the problem, sometimes it takes 2 or 3 to fix it. Any ideas ?02:32
jimmygoonfor the first time though emerald still has to be run manually after install02:32
sadaiyappanit works okay02:32
alexvdjimmygoon: i have all those plus mythtv and pidgin, picassa and xchat02:32
Pelo!enter | sadaiyappan02:32
ubotusadaiyappan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:32
nickrudcrdlb, worked great for me, over and over02:32
Onyxglycerine: Ahh, they're not exactly blazing a trail getting out the releases then :P; checking out that link you sent me02:32
jimbobulmer, i have just installed ubunto and when it first boot up the wireless card showed 3 connections available, i chose my connetion and entered the passkey but it didn't connect02:32
crdlbnickrud: because the compiz wrapper was already running emerald for you02:32
nickrudcrdlb, lol, makes sense02:32
jimmygoonalexvd, and there's no good reason as to why those would stop anthing :/02:32
crdlbnickrud: && runs the second command after the first command exits successfully02:32
glycerineOnyx keep in mind on that link that greasemonkey isn't exactly the most secure thing out there02:32
jimbobulmer, then i tried to setup a network by going to the adminstrator, then network then setting it up manually02:32
JosspykerShri: yep,wich kernel do you use02:32
Peloneutrinomass, when you don'T get sound on startup can you still get sounds from playing audio files and movied ?02:33
|chiz|Does anyone have some insight into this? I'm running Gutsy/Compiz/fglrx without XGL so I assume I'm running AIXGL, fgl_gears doesn't have a window border and its very choppy, this is also the case for my own opengl programs.02:33
bulmerjimbo, go to system -> administration ->network  which you just did02:33
threshercrdlb: so should i rerun the command without it02:33
snadge /part02:33
crdlbthresher: no, it doesn't hurt02:33
* jimmygoon should turn off his sounds... his laptop has a broken sound dial so its always on SUPERLOUD02:33
bulmerjimbo, what settings did you put in there?02:33
crdlbjust doesn't help either :p02:33
neutrinomassPelo: No, no sound at all, everything turned up from alsamixer02:33
LegionaryKthat ubotu bot is impressive ^^02:33
threshercrdlb: what if i run it before asking you , is that going to create a problem?02:33
Shrithe tutorial say that my chipset needs a patch for my kernel02:34
nickrudcrdlb, I had assumed that compiz was releasing itself, like some other apps do (such as nautilus)02:34
PeloShri, why are you using 2.6.24 since the current ubuntu kernel is .22 ?02:34
Edwardxphow do i make a webcam server?02:34
threshernickrud: so now that is done02:34
jimmygoonLegionaryK, did that get you all fixed up then?02:34
crdlbnickrud: ah yeah beryl-manager did that too02:34
ShriI upgraded to hardy02:34
Peloneutrinomass, when this happens , does your sound card show in lspci ?02:34
jimbobulmer, i put in my essid and then my passcode02:34
neutrinomassPelo: Yep02:34
Shriand upgraded the kernel also to get the sound problem resoloved02:34
nickrudcrdlb, but I always expect to learn something every time I come here, thanks02:34
PeloShri, then you need to ask for help in #ubuntu+102:34
LegionaryKmore or less, solved most of my noob issues ^02:34
elantrixneutrinomass:  You may need to get or fix the acpi02:35
jimmygoonShri, you are on hardy now? its like like not even close to really stable....02:35
JosspykerShri: and the and of the tutorial they say there is a problem rebuilding the drivers for the latest kerneli believe02:35
|chiz|neutrinomass, what sound card do you have?02:35
nickrudthresher, do you have pretty moving windows?02:35
ultrazIs there a way to mount mini DVD-R on ubuntu. At first i tought its my dvd-rom but, i tried it on windows it worked. Any ides?02:35
neutrinomass|chiz|: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller02:35
Pelo!sound | neutrinomass review the info in this , and check in the forum02:35
ubotuneutrinomass review the info in this , and check in the forum: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:35
|chiz|neutrinomass, me too02:35
bulmerjimbo, id rather have it start with no encryption before you get that WAP going..easier to test02:35
|chiz|neutrinomass, I fixed that today02:35
threshernickrud: hmm i think so02:35
elantrixneutrinomass: what hardware you running it on?02:35
neutrinomasselantrix: any ideas how to do it ?02:35
* jimmygoon found out today that some people still have trouble with flash audio02:35
jimbobulmer, ok02:35
threshernickrud: i think on relog in i should be able to see the differenc eon that log in screen02:35
bulmerjimbo, that meant turning off wap on your AP02:36
nickrudthresher, system->prefs->advanced desktop settings, play there02:36
elantrixneutrinomass: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Fix_Common_ACPI_Problems02:36
Shrinehow thanks for the help guys02:36
neutrinomasselantrix: Some sort of laptop, mostly intel all around. Not a model from real manufacturer, it's "made" by a local computer store02:36
nickrudthresher, no, you won't see it in the login screen, only on your desktop02:36
neutrinomasselantrix: Thanks, I'll check that out02:36
elantrixneutrinomass: I bet you 80-90% chance your ACPI is buggy,02:36
threshernickrud:  i dont have system . prefs / advanced desktop settings02:37
JosspykerShri: sorry i can't help.maybe switch back to an older kernel02:37
neutrinomass|chiz|:  (sorry for the delay) "That" being what exactly? The same problem ?02:37
jimmygoonthresher, !compiz-fusion02:37
elantrixyou are best off looking for a laptop compatibility list02:37
jimmygoon!compiz-fusion | thresher02:37
ubotuthresher: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion02:37
Onyxglycerine: Ah, yeah... greasemonkey is a bit scary with its insecurity!02:37
Invert314the fonts of all the gtk apps like firefox and xchat for example are so tiny they are unreadable in fluxbox02:37
|chiz|neutrinomass, I tried a bunch of stuff but I think what worked the most was adding 'options snd-hda-intel model=3stack' to the bottom of /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base02:37
Pelothresher, it's  system > predfs< appearance > advance ...02:37
nickrudthresher, did you install compizconfig-settings-manager in that command line I gave?02:37
jimmygoonthresher, ignore that link, that wasn't right02:37
jimmygoonnickrud, is there a factoid for compizconfig-settings-manager ?02:38
thresheryes i did02:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about csm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:38
threshernickrud: yes i did02:38
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion02:38
jimmygoonah, ok02:38
jimbo1bulmer, ok security is down02:38
nickrudthresher, then in the terminal, type     ccsm02:38
bulmerjimbo, iwconfig  and tell me the result02:38
threshernickrud: damn it says not installed02:39
threshernick  i screwed up i guess02:39
Invert314won't somebody help me?02:39
Pelothresher, open synaptic ,  search for compiz install everyting you see iwth compiz in hte nick02:39
* IndyGunFreak practices reading Invert314's mind02:39
PeloInvert314, what is the issue02:39
threshernickrud: i had to reboot so i never reran that command02:39
nickrudthresher, then    sudo aptitude install  compizconfig-settings-manager xserver-xgl  emerald     <-- copy and paste that into the terminal02:39
jimmygoonIndyGunFreak, he wrote above... "the fonts of all the gtk apps like firefox and xchat for example are so tiny they are unreadable in fluxbox"02:39
Invert314in fluxbox the fonts of all the gtk apps like firefox and xchat for example are so tiny they are unreadable02:40
PeloInvert314, you'll need to ask in a fluxbox channel how to fix that02:40
thresherPelo: what is synaptic02:40
Invert314i did02:40
Invert314no response02:40
jimbo1bulmer, lo  no wireless extensions - eth0 no wireless extensions wlan0 IEEE 802.11b+/G+ Essid "router 1".... do you need all of this02:40
jimmygoonI've had trouble with fonts sizes... ugh, openoffice still comes up all the time... the menus fonts are like 96 or something.. the "FILE" part of the "File" menu takes up the whole screen :/02:40
Pelothresher, synaptic package manager, menu > sytem> admin > synaptic ...02:40
Invert314Pelo, do you think it would be alright if i poke the channel?02:40
bulmerjimbo, thats enuff i think... so its recognized as wlan0 and associated to router 102:41
PeloInvert314, you need to be patient,  not every channel is as busy as this one, also check the fluxbox website for their forum and FAQ page,  you are unlikely to get an ansser on this here02:41
bulmerjimbo, now  iwconfig  wlan0    shows what?02:41
Invert314good idea02:41
Invert314ty Pelo02:41
Odd-rationaleInvert314: Have you tried deleting the  ~/.fluxbox folder? Then logging in again?02:41
jimbo1bulmer, yes i think that is what i set up maunally before02:41
nickrudInvert314, or, if you're patient, a fluxer will gate in02:41
Invert314Odd-rationale, i'll try that02:41
bulmerjimbo, now  iwconfig  wlan0    shows what?02:42
Invert314nickrud, what do you mean by gate in?02:42
bulmerjimbo does it have an ip address assigned to wlan0 ?02:42
hanasakiRemotehwo is support for the g33 and g695 chips?02:42
PeloInvert314, dont, mind him , nickrud  is just beening a 1337 haxorz02:42
nickrudInvert314, a bad pun on fluxers, riding the flux02:42
alexvdjimmygoon: if you are still around i think i can reproduce the bug uncheck the option for expand and then tell me if it still autohides02:42
* nickrud resents that appelation, he's just an old fart02:43
jimmygoonalexvd, I did02:43
jimbo1bulmer, no ip address assigned02:43
* Pelo pokes nickrud and notices his bellybutton is still wet02:43
bulmerjimbo1, try  dhclient wlan002:43
jimmygoonalexvd, and it did (still autohide) that is02:43
alexvdjimmygoon: wierd wonder why it doesnt work for me02:43
thresherWithin synaptics it has so many available packages ot install, when i choose them others get X'd out02:44
Odd-rationale!ot | Pelo ;)02:44
ubotuPelo ;): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:44
jimmygoonalexvd, like I said, I have nooo idea...  doesn't make much sense02:44
nickrudoh, you can do that to Pelo again !!02:44
* IndyGunFreak laughs as he tries to imagine Pelo being off topic02:44
ShpookAnyone have any experience with PulseAudio?02:44
alexvdmight be dual monitors02:44
Pelothresher, it happens,  you don'T need to pick them all,  just try for the stuff that is compiz related that seems basic, compiz, compiz-core, managers and settings stuff02:44
Edwardxphttp://  keep refreshing every click :)02:45
IndyGunFreakalexvd: what isn't working for you?02:45
Edwardxpits' pretty cool.02:45
jimbo1bulmer, im connected but i don't have the wep encryption02:45
crdlbthresher: compiz and compizconfig-settings-manager will install everything you need for compiz02:45
Odd-rationaleInvert314: Is it working now? or no?02:45
|chiz|Does anyone know if there is a way to get opengl apps to run properly while running a compiz/fglrx/aiglx desktop?02:45
ShpookEdwardxp: Now just write a JS script to refresh it automatically every second lol02:46
bulmerjimbo, you are connected without the encryption? you can ping www.yahoo.com?02:46
Invert314Odd-rationale, i will report back in 5 minutes with an answer02:46
alexvdIndyGunFreak: When I unselect expand my autohide doesnt work on gnome panel.  Running 7.10 witout compiz02:46
Edwardxpi don't know java02:46
Edwardxp :(02:46
Odd-rationaleInvert314: ok02:46
jimbo1bulmer, yes02:46
crdlb|chiz|: no not yet :(02:46
ShpookHas anyone used PulseAudio yet, especially on 64-bit?02:46
threshercrdlb: when i try to run within terminal compiz it fails02:47
Edwardxpcan you help me out with something like that"?02:47
bulmerjimbo, thats a good sign...now can you browse with the desktop?02:47
thresheri am installing the synaptics packagesd02:47
IndyGunFreakalexvd: hmm, i'm running dual screens, and it seems to be working fine for me(unchecked expand, and autohide is working)02:47
|chiz|crdld: really it seems strange because glxgears works fine but fglrxgears is all messed up like my own opengl apps02:47
PeloShpook, no, you are the first , we rely on you to learn everything you can and troubleshoot us later on02:47
jimbo1bulmer, yes02:47
magic_ninjahow do i switch to runlevel 2 (no x server just a terminal)02:47
alexvdIndyGunFreak: are you running a stretched screen02:47
jimmygoonEdwardxp, what is your question/problem?02:47
crdlbthresher: did you log out after installing xserver-xgl ?02:47
thresherI do not recall installing xserver-xgl02:48
jimbo1bulmer, i have another problem i dont know if you can answer it02:48
IndyGunFreaki have two panels, 1 on each monitor, across the top, but i just auto hid the one on th left, and it worked fine.02:48
Edwardxpi apt-get webcam-server and i got the webcam up, but i want to stream to my computer the feed02:48
jimmygoonthresher, you may not have needed ot02:48
crdlbthresher: you are using fglrx right?02:48
spoogecan someone help with installing onto Leopard via VMware?02:48
spoogei think it's working02:48
spoogenot sure02:48
threshercrdlb: i do not know02:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:48
nickrudthresher, I've given you the command to install that like 4 times now02:48
jimmygoonEdwardxp, and you want it to auto refresh or somethign?02:48
alexvdIndyGunFreak: I dont know why i am having this issue.  Annoying02:48
thresherand it was erroring out nickrud, i am not being rude02:49
jimmygoonEdwardxp, you will have to configure your webcam-server settings...02:49
Pelospooge, maybe the ppl in #vmware can give you a hand02:49
IndyGunFreakalexvd: don't know.. i hate auto-hide, so i probably wouldnt have noticed it if i had the problem02:49
jimmygoonthresher, what is the error02:49
ShpookPelo: lol Alright, sounds good. As soon as the Gutsy upgrade is complete.02:49
jimbo1bulmer, I have a harddrive that ntsf and when i try to mount it it says that it was hybernated by windows and that i have to shutdown windows properly and to access it but i no longer have windows on my desktop so this is impossible02:49
=== Wanderer_ is now known as Wanderer
jimbo1bulmer, is there anyway i can force it to mount02:49
thresheremeral not found02:49
nickrudthresher, <nickrud> thresher, then    sudo aptitude install  compizconfig-settings-manager xserver-xgl  emerald     <-- copy and paste that into the terminal <-- that errored out?02:49
ShpookPulseAudio looks and sounds promising...let's see if it holds up.02:50
jimmygoonEdwardxp, it may be that that particulr software doesn't support that02:50
Pelothresher, sudo apt-get install emerald , exit synaptic first02:50
jimmygoonEdwardxp, and java has nothing to do with it02:50
scragarwith the desktop effects how do I make the expo effect(shows all your desktops at once by zooming out) accept single clicks to change desktops instead of double02:50
jimmygoon!ccsm | scragar02:50
ubotuscragar: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion02:50
Peloscragar, ask in #compiz02:50
crdlbscragar: you cannot02:50
thresheri reran nickrud command in terminal it is working now after synaptics install02:50
jimmygoonscragar, you will have to do that and configure it manually02:50
crdlbwhy would you want that?02:51
bulmerjimbo, i am not aware of such thing as hibernated hd..try mount -t ntfs /dev/hdc1  assuming its hdc1 is the ntfs partition02:51
thresherPelo: i installed emerald within synaptics so it seems to be working for me now02:51
jimmygoonscragar, actually, sorry, crdlb is right... I checked ... you can't even make it do it that way02:51
Pelothresher, congradulations02:51
crdlbscragar: well you can set "Double click time" to an extremely small amount in CCSM02:51
Yanchois there a way i can check how a network printer is being called?02:51
crdlbwhich would prevent you from ever triggering a double click02:51
scragarok, thanks for the trying guys02:51
alexvdIndyGunFreak: So I noticed that when I unselect expand my desktop items shift over to the right into the other screen.  Wierd02:52
bulmerjimbo, i missed the mount point... mount -t ntfs /dev/hdc1 /mnt02:52
* Pelo watches half the questions go rigth over his head 02:52
Invert314Odd-rationale, didn't work02:52
* nickrud thinks Pelo is verrry short then ;P02:53
Odd-rationaleInvert314: Have you tried reinstalling fluxbox?02:53
Edwardxpwebcam-server -c "Edward is Awesome" -g 640x480;   this is really cool02:53
Invert314Odd-rationale, how do i do that?02:53
thresherso i logged out and back in, I received a messgae indicating my xgl had changed nickrud pelo crdlb02:53
* Pelo hopes a hard questions goes right over his head and hits nickrud 02:53
IndyGunFreakalexvd: i have no logical explanation for that, it works fine for me..02:53
Odd-rationaleInvert314: Synaptic is one way...02:53
Pelothresher, congrats02:53
thresherSo I still cant tell if i have the pretty windows02:53
sleepsterwhen is Ubuntu 8 coming out?02:53
nickrudPelo, the scar tissue is so deep I can't feel them anymore02:53
sleepsterthe official release02:53
threshershould i now go play with my advanced seettings and kick it up a notch?02:54
Odd-rationale!hardy | sleepster02:54
ubotusleepster: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu02:54
jimmygoonsleepster, the numbers are based off of YEAR-MONTH02:54
Pelothresher, now go in menu > sys > prefs > appearance,  and turn on the advance effects02:54
jimmygoonso 08.04 is April 2008 just like every year :)02:54
Ziimpnaaaacht :P02:54
jimbo1bulmer, i did that and i get the message "The NTFS partition is hibernated. Please resume and shutdown Windows propery, so mounting could be done safely."02:54
Odd-rationaleInvert314: You can search for fluxbox in synaptic. Then mark for reinstalll02:54
jimmygoonooh ooh! another  LTS... I forgot!02:54
Invert314Odd-rationale, good idea02:54
Invert314i'll try that now02:54
jimmygoonspeaking of which, how is the artwork going for that02:55
Pelojimmygoon, it is hidious02:55
Odd-rationaleInvert314: I hope that work! I have go now. See ya102:55
bulmerjimbo1, i have not done ntfs stuff with linux..so am not able to suggest anything02:55
alexvdIndyGunFreak: I have another question that could be related.  At one point I was trying to mess with Xorg settings and I put an option in that specified a memory size.  It caused a really wierd situation that when i enabled compiz it then gave me a black bar across the right half of my screen. I cannot figure out how to get rid of that.  I would assume to rerun xorg setup but I am not sure.  I did edit that out of Xorg but it n02:55
alexvdever got rid of it.02:55
Invert314thanks Odd-rationale02:55
jimmygoonPelo, nooo don't say that :( I'm all excited for that02:55
thresherpelo: desktop effects could not be enabled02:55
spoogehi...um...i have a dumb question02:56
spoogehow do i get to the GUI?02:56
spoogei think ubuntu is rnning on vmware02:56
Pelothresher, maybe you should ask in #compiz-fusion,  they will be able to get all the stuff storted out02:56
spoogeon my mac02:56
IndyGunFreakalexvd: not really sure, i've honestly never had a prob w/ Dual screens.., so i couldn't really tell you, reconfiguring would probably work.  here's a pic of my desktop w/ the taskbars autohid.. youc an barely see them at the top on each "side"..02:56
Pelospooge, gui should get loaded on startup02:57
jimmygoonPelo, is this official? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Alternate/BasicIdeals?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=fulldesk%28svg%29_v3_3.jpg02:57
Odd-rationaleInvert314: A good place to get help with fluxbox is: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=371144 RedSquirrel is an expert at fluxbox.02:57
newbiewhenever i check in system monitor, i always find that less than 120MB of my 185.5MB is being used. Why is this and there any way of increasing the amount of real memory being used rather than swap memory?02:57
alexvdIndyGunFreak: something funky with any new panel I add.  I can autohide the top and uncheck expand with no issues.02:57
Invert314ok ty ty Odd-rationale02:57
=== Ziimp is now known as ziimp_
spoogewell, then it is broken02:57
IndyGunFreakhmm, wierd... http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j263/IndyGunFreak/autohide.jpg02:57
jimbo1bulmer, ok thanks quick question how do i get to the universe app02:57
Shpookjimmygoon: that nice in an ugly way...I don't know what to think02:57
Pelojimmygoon,  I don'T know about official but that is pretty much the last thing I've seen,  it is niceish but I don't like it for a default nor for enticing new users02:57
bulmerjimbo1, what is the universe app?02:57
alexvdIndyGunFreak:  what is the command for reconfiguring xorg sudo dpgkg reconfigure????02:58
Pelojimmygoon, personnaly I think default themes should be light and inviting02:58
UBUNTUISLOVEDdoes anyone know how to connect to PDANet software?02:58
IndyGunFreakalexvd: pretty sure...02:58
jimmygoonPello, Shpook, well, lets just say, its a good thing that I've gotten good at customizing ubuntu to stave away the default look.02:58
IndyGunFreakalexvd: hang on i'll look for sure02:58
ShpookPelo: there's no contrast...that would scare me away...02:58
jimmygoonPelo, agreed. the visual appeal really is a big draw02:58
jimbo1bulmer, i found, the add remove program thing is what im talking about02:58
Shpookjimmygoon: lol02:59
IndyGunFreakalexvd: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:59
PeloShpook, a very good point,  I'm not saying they should use the default gnome theme but his does have advantages02:59
jimbo1bulmer, thanks again i am going to go unencrypted for now and play : )02:59
bulmerjimbo1, good luck02:59
zero88Wow, where would I go to talk about C++ if that channel does't even exist?02:59
alexvdIndyGunFreak: thanks02:59
Pelozero88, I beleive it does03:00
nickrudzero88, #c++ does exist03:00
jimmygoonPelo, well, I'm saying they should :) ... can you tell I'm not a fan of "human"03:00
zero88Ah! forgot the # part, thanks guys03:00
thresherI am a pretty efficient Windows user with a plethora of experience within the registry.  I have found that Ubuntu perhaps offers some more stability but I am interested to see how 'easy' it really is to setup a dual monitor setup with full effects and 3d on gutsy.03:00
jimmygoonPelo, the green really helps things :D https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Alternate/BasicIdeals?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=mockup%28svg%29_v2_2_shift.jpg03:00
Pelojimmygoon, I use a lightly modified clearlook with gnome icons03:00
Onyxthresher: I've been using Ubuntu for all of 10 hours.03:01
thresherNice Onyx03:01
jimmygoonPelo, tango icons... sometimes Gion03:01
* IndyGunFreak didn't know Ubuntu had a theme other than the OSX them.. ;)03:01
thresherDo you have 3d running on ati ?  onyx03:01
Onyxthresher: Easiest system I've ever set up and use03:01
Onyxthresher: 3D on Nvidia03:01
thresherfor me by far not the easiest03:01
Pelojimmygoon, I saw this on gnome-look the other day and I thought it was so freindly http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/DelvienGANT?content=7232103:01
ShpookPelo, jimmygoon: I use a custom white on black theme, with Crystal Icons03:01
thresheronyx mostly due to ati i am guessing03:01
|juan|anybody know why X would crash and restart at login when running "compiz --replace"03:02
thresheronyx thats part of what i am being critical about though03:02
brk3I was (stupidly) removing some packages today and have somehow deleted my sound device. Is there anyway of getting a list of what packages were recently removed?03:02
ShpookMUST have contrast lol03:02
Onyxthresher: Ahhh, I know that in the past on Linux ATI drivers have been a huge pain.03:02
=== salmenara is now known as Varanger
jimmygoonShpook, I always like the looks of those themes, but find them hard to adjust to for day to day use03:02
tanathmiro keeps crashing when loading. here's output: ( http://pastebin.com/d49025c1a ) can anyone help?03:02
|juan|also, if i do visual effects in appearance, it crashes03:02
PeloShpook, I'm not overly found of crystal , but they have their charm03:02
jimmygoonPelo, yeah, I just get annoyed when I pull up my menus and there is an icon that is "wrong"... like mismatched because the icon pack didn't have an icon for it :/03:02
VarangerDoes anyone know if there is any problems between compiz and xv ??03:02
thresherthis was not bad onyx, the users are great but it has been roughly a half day and I dont really see how this is that much easier...someone will want to whip me....03:03
hanasakiRemotedoes gutsy support the  Atheros   L1 ethernet?03:03
jimmygoonand for that matter, overly compressed JPEGs annoy me as well03:03
ShpookPelo, jimmygoon: I try to keep it as clean and clear as possible. And simple of course. I used to do the whole Compiz and AWN thing, but it was too much and too unstable.03:03
PeloShpook, I like clean as well03:04
jimmygoonShpook, same here03:04
tanath|juan|, you check .xsession-errors?03:04
Onyxthresher: What's your goal?  To have a dual monitor setup that runs 3D?03:04
jimmygoonthe closest I get to ... over board is a blended emerald & gtk theme03:04
Pelojimmygoon, the problem I have with tango is that I dont, care for the blue folders, I like manila03:04
Robbie_CrashI'm looking for a text based screen saver, like something that will open a terminal and then run random important looking text across it, is there anything?03:04
nickrudnow that fglrx does suspend, I've got compiz running regularly, but very light effects.03:04
jimmygoonPelo, yeah03:04
OnyxRobbie_Crash: Cool idea :P03:05
nickrudPelo, have you tried the gion icon theme?03:05
Pelonickrud, donT think so , got a link ?03:05
nickrudlovely manila folders03:05
Robbie_CrashLike something you'd see in an extremely off base computer movie03:05
jimmygoonnickrud, :) I love gion03:05
Robbie_CrashOnyx thanks03:05
CerealHi =) I've got a problem with my External HDD (Lacie) right now it's formatted as NTFS. I want it to be Ext3. But I don't have write access to it on Linux (I do on windows) How do I change the access to it? And How do I format it to Ext3? Thanks :D03:05
tanathmiro keeps crashing when loading. here's output: ( http://pastebin.com/d49025c1a ) can anyone help?03:06
MrPiracywols: u there?03:06
nickrudPelo, http://art.gnome.org/themes/icon/134003:06
Robbie_Crash!ntfs > Cereal03:06
Robbie_Crash!ntfs | Cereal03:06
ubotuCereal: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE03:06
bazhang!info gparted | Cereal03:06
ubotucereal: gparted: GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.3-2ubuntu6.1 (gutsy), package size 334 kB, installed size 1908 kB03:06
OnyxCereal: You'll want ntfs-config03:06
* Pelo doesn't play much with his theme anymore, he just changes the background everynow and agan, things with strong dominant colours, no pictures and no damn green vegetation03:06
threshernickrud:  what is gion03:06
nickrudjimmygoon, yeah, I changed the tango folders to a light brown (get the manila look) but gion beats it hands down03:06
Robbie_CrashSorry about sending that private first03:06
CerealThanks everyone :D03:06
MrPiracyanyone could help me with intel videocard?03:06
nickrudthresher, it's an icon theme that replaces the folder icons, and some of the other ones as weel03:07
thresherso whats the chances HP makes a driver for ubuntu that runs my scanner?03:07
Pelonickrud,  I'll give gion a try03:07
threshernickrud:  how do i enable it03:07
jimmygoonthis is ideal for me... its clean, bright inviting, simple not over the top... the only problem for "new users" would be the lack of context for minimize/close/etc http://i12.tinypic.com/6xs1c8x.png03:07
Peloanyone know if that tiny emblem thing got fixed ?03:07
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE03:07
IndyGunFreaknickrud: thats a pretty sweet theme, i like that03:07
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:07
Pelothresher, did you try just plugging your scanner in and seeing what xane comes up with ?03:07
nickrudthresher, download it from the link above, open system->prefs->appearance, and drag the file you downloaded onto the window03:08
PeloRobbie_Crash, we are not offtopic03:08
* jimmygoon smirks at my connection to xbins03:08
thresheronyx yes dual monitor with 3d03:08
CerealRobbie_Crash: What does it do? I mean !ntfs? Where do I write it?03:08
portablejimHow much of a performance hit is a 1333 Front side bus vs. 1066?03:08
chichi*WB(Real)WB* -  * real gives cay the <3_<3 look, and chases03:09
IndyGunFreaknickrud: that trash icon on that theme is awesome, i love it.03:09
MrPiracyanyone knows how to set xchat to auto join a given room?03:09
Pelonickrud, gion is nice but I like my gnome 2.8103:09
tanathmiro keeps crashing when loading. can anyone help? here's the output: http://pastebin.com/d49025c1a03:09
nickrudPelo, can I borrow your time machine?03:09
MrPiracynickrud: lol03:09
PeloMrPiracy, open the server windows,  select the server,  edit , add the channel to the autojoin list03:09
Robbie_CrashPelo I was trying to find out what the ot chan was, cause I accidentally joined ubunut-offtopic and didn't notice03:10
Pelonickrud, hug ?03:10
MikeLowrey_14046i have a big problem. here is a screen, someone can help me? its realy only a screen http://www.pennergame.de/ref.php?refid=925014903:10
tanathMrPiracy, press ctrl+s, choose your server. click edit... and edit the channels to join03:10
Onyxthresher: I'm assuming you already installed the ATI drivers?03:10
tanathgah, beat to it03:10
Robbie_Crashand there was nobody there so I was asking03:10
Pelonickrud, sorry gnome 2.1803:10
thresheronyx, im up to path on all that so far03:10
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thresherOnyx: i am going to plug in my second monitor and see if all goes to hell as it did earlier03:10
Onyxthresher: Let us know... and if it does, let us know what it said as it went to hell :)03:11
jimmygoonthresher, good luck03:11
MrPiracyPelo: comma separated?03:11
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PeloMrPiracy, I beleive so, it should say so in the tool tip03:11
MrPiracyPelo: thx03:11
thresherhmm maybe the radeon 9800 pro is not enough horsepower to handle these effects, opening firefox creates a yellow expansion box and a slow down03:12
* Pelo just feels the luv03:12
Pelothresher, could be, how much video memory do you have ?03:12
thresherit may be 12803:12
Pelothresher, megs ?03:12
Pelothat should be more then enought03:12
ader10Suggestion: There should be a subroot directory similar to windows (don't flame me for saying the W word). Imagine: cd /../windows or cd /../usbdrive.03:12
ader10There are several advantages to that, one way would be that you could measure how much disk space on a certain partition is used up. (It's frustrating trying to figure out how much linux space I have left when my windows partition is mounted under /media/windows03:12
Pelothresher,  did yo ask the lovely ppl in #compiz-fusion to give you a hand on this ?03:13
thresherwhjat is gl desktop03:13
jimmygoonader10, what do you mean "subroot" ?03:13
ader10jimmygoon: there's the "root" directory "/"03:13
thresherPelo: i dont really know what to ask03:13
Robbie_Crashand ader10 why not do df?03:13
Peloader10, menu > ystem> admin > system monitor , last tab03:13
jimmygoonader10, just type "df" in the terminal... and then it tells you the breakdown of your partitions03:14
tanathader10, you can already see how much space is used per partition.03:14
jimmygoonhaha answer-assault03:14
tanathif you use df, use df -h for human readable03:14
ader10You're all missing the point :P03:14
thresher181 users and no one is talkin pelo03:14
Robbie_Crashwhat point?03:14
jimmygoonor Applications->Accessories->Disk Usage Analyzer03:14
Robbie_Crashyou want to see how much disk space there is03:14
CerealOkay, So I've installed Gparted (trying to format my External HDD) but the drives on it seems to be locked O.o How do I "unlock" it?03:14
Robbie_Crashdo df03:14
Pelothresher,  I think you just need to say what card you have and that you are having trouble getting effects to work properly,  you can then review your driver situtation with them and the xgl stuff as well03:14
jimmygoonOR you can go to "Computer" and right click on the Windows drive icon and goto Properties03:14
ader10Way to shoot down a suggestion in a matter of seconds, I'm just saying one of the few reasons03:14
Robbie_Crashor umount /media/windows and then check your disk usage through whatever gui you use03:14
|juan|frkn compiz :(03:14
Pelothresher, and not all channel are as busy as this one03:15
|juan|the youtube video looked so awesome :(03:15
tanathor subtract the space used in /media/windows from the total03:15
Phil2Hello; how do I download an application (wifi-radar) and it's dependencies from one computer and put it onto another computer (that doesn't have networking)03:15
Pelothresher, I what problems did you have with the restrictred driver ?03:15
CerealOkay, So I've installed Gparted (trying to format my External HDD) but the drives on it seems to be locked O.o How do I "unlock" it?03:15
jimmygoonader10, the benefits of mounting drives as directories far outweigh the opposite, heck you can even do it in windows even you dig deep enough (in the mmc)03:15
dahitokiri|juan|, link to youtube vid?03:15
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:15
Robbie_Crashader10 how can you get below root? root root?03:15
jimmygoon|juan|, whats not working?03:15
tanathmiro keeps crashing when loading. can anyone help? here's the output: http://pastebin.com/d49025c1a03:15
Robbie_Crashand why would you want to, you'd just see a folder with all your stuff in it, it wouldn't help do what you're saying at all03:16
tanathimportant bit @ end03:16
PeloCereal, unmount it03:16
ader10Guys, don't embarrass yourselves. stubborn fanboyism always leaves a bad mark03:16
|juan|jimmygoon: when i goto system >> preferences >> appearance >> visual effects and click any of the options besides 'None' my X restarts03:17
CerealPelo: Will I be able to format it then?03:17
jimmygoonader10, lol, we gave like 8 reasons why its better... and there are still the SAME ways of checking freespace03:17
PeloCereal, you should03:17
|juan|jimmygoon: and dumps me at login03:17
PeloCereal,  you'll need to create partitons and format those03:17
ader10jimmygoon: I only saw one reason and I don't remember it.03:17
jimmygoon|juan|, graphics card?03:17
Robbie_Crashader10 what do you mean by sub root?03:17
|juan|jimmygoon: nvidia geforce 6600gt03:17
Robbie_Crashlike C: ?03:17
CerealPelo: Like unmount. Then mount it again? Right now there are to NTFS partitions on it. How do I delete them?03:17
PeloCereal, well basicaly , creating a partiton will ask for a format03:17
nickrudader10, we're parrotting, true. But parrotting 30+ years of experience. Not fanboyism, I would think03:17
CerealPelo: So in Gparted I should unmount both of them or what?03:18
ader10Funny how instead of asking me why I think that you tell me how to check the free space left in my linux partition. I wasn't asking how to do that.03:18
jimmygoonader10, 1: you can still do it, 4 different ways .... one, terminal->"df" two, Applications->Accessories->Disk Usage Analyzer three, gnome-taskmanager rip off thing, four, goto "Computer" right click on the drive and do it just like you would in windows, plus all of the benefits of having drives mounted in folders03:18
PeloCereal, got gparted opened ? , select the drive,  select the partiton,  right ciick unmount, right click delete,03:18
ader10jimmygoon: See what I just said03:18
|juan|jimmygoon: all the nvidia stuff is installed and i have both monitors setup with independent resolutions03:18
CerealPelo: Thanks a lot :D It worked ^ ^03:18
bazhangader10: please join #ubuntu-offtopic03:18
sleepsterif Ghandi needed an OS... would he choose Ubuntu?03:19
ader10bazhang: It's not an offtopic subject, it directly relates to linux.03:19
PeloCereal, of course it worked, did you thinK I would give you bad advice ?03:19
jimmygoon|juan|, oh, are you sure that xorg is using hte driver you installed? sorry I've not got much experience with the nitty gritty drive nonsense03:19
|juan|jimmygoon: Restricted Drivers - NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver(latest cards) Enabled In Use03:19
nickrudsleepster, nah, slackware. He was into bare essentials03:19
jimmygoon|juan|, huh, see, I didn't even know you could get it to report that... where did it spit that out?03:19
bazhangader10: this is not a chitchat channel--you are not asking for support; ergo, offtopic03:19
archie1how do i switch to root mode?03:19
archie1sudo -s?03:19
jimmygoon|juan|, I would suggest trying to pick through any of the xorg logs.03:19
juliensudo -i03:20
koican anyone help me with installing beryl/  i have an intel 915....also broken shift keys03:20
* nickrud has been ot enough for a week, quits03:20
CerealPelo: No of course not :) Here :D Have a cookie ^ ^ *hands over a cookie* ^ ^03:20
Peloarchie1,  just prefix your command with sudo03:20
|juan|jimmygoon: system >> administration >> restricted drivers03:20
infinitycircuitkoi, i have compiz fusion running fine on an intel 915 what is your issue03:20
Pelonickrud, aww chucks03:20
fwaokda_anyone here use a kindle or sony reader?03:20
jimmygoonkoi, are you /sure/ you want beryl and not just compiz-fusion?03:20
archie1Pelo: not if i am installing an entire distro using bash!03:20
Arrickhey all03:20
NewPiracyhow can i check my kernel version?03:20
koiwhen i installed the compiz-settings manager03:20
infinitycircuitNephlite, uname -a03:20
koithe wobbly effect stopped working03:20
infinitycircuitNewPiracy, uname -a03:20
jimmygoonNewPiracy, uname -a03:20
PeloNewPiracy, in the terminal  uname -r03:20
Arrickwhat is the name for the 6.06.1 distro?03:20
koiand the settings manager didn't do anything03:20
bazhanguname -r NewPiracy03:20
jimmygoonArrick, Dapper03:20
crdlb!dapper | Arrick03:21
ubotuArrick: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.03:21
|juan|jimmygoon: where's xorg.log?03:21
jimmygoon|juan|, dunna03:21
koidon't have anything important on linux partition, so i can reinstall if i have to03:21
Edwardxpwhats' gusty, draper'03:21
Arrickthanks, I just needed the name03:21
Pelolater folks03:21
tanathmiro keeps crashing when loading. can anyone help? here's the output: http://pastebin.com/d49025c1a03:21
Arrickwant to look at the right packages03:21
Phil2Hello; how do I download an application (wifi-radar) and it's dependencies from one computer and put it onto another computer (that doesn't have networking)03:21
infinitycircuitkoi, are other 3d effects working03:21
jimmygoonEdwardxp, those are different version of ubuntu03:21
NewPiracywhat's the latest? mine is 2.6.22-14-generic03:21
Edwardxpsoo many03:21
infinitycircuitNewPiracy, that is the kernel in gutsy03:21
koionly thing that works is minimize effect03:22
jimmygoonEdwardxp, new version every 6 months03:22
bazhangNewPiracy: you are up to date03:22
infinitycircuitNewPiracy, hardy has 2.6.24-2-generic03:22
jimmygoontanath, sorry, I looked and I've never seen it do that :/03:22
NewPiracyhmmm, i c ... i guess it has a bug with intel onboard videocards03:22
Edwardxpis my 7.10 outdated?03:22
tanathEdwardxp, there's a release every 6 months. the last names have been 'dapper', 'edgy', and now 'gutsy'03:22
koithe normal stuff was working before i installed the settings manager03:22
crdlbtanath: you forgot feisty :p03:22
infinitycircuitEdwardxp, feisty in between edgy and gutsy03:22
tanathjimmygoon, :( i can't get it working anymore03:22
|juan|why would X just crash/restart at the launch of visual effects?03:22
tanathcrdlb, oops, i did :/03:22
Edwardxphow do i know which one i have?03:22
|juan|3d rendering is on03:23
|juan|videos look awesome03:23
NewPiracyinfinitycircuit: hardy?03:23
jimmygoontanath, did something in particular, that you noticed, trigger it to not work anymore?03:23
scguy318Edwardxp: lsb_release -a03:23
infinitycircuitNewPiracy, Hardy Heron the development release of ubuntu03:23
tanathjimmygoon, prolly upgrading to gutsy03:23
nickrudPhil2, take a look at apt-zip , you can get an app and it's dependencies with that03:23
jimmygoon|juan| compiz(-fusion) is trying to do something and crashes X.org maybe?03:23
tanathjimmygoon, been a while since i've used it, but i think that's what did it03:23
Edwardxpi have gusty03:23
NewPiracyinfinitycircuit: oh, i c ... i hope it will add full support for intel cards03:23
jimmygoontanath, oh, yeah...03:23
Phil2nickrud: thanks03:23
Varanger|juan|: I have problems with visual effects and xv. I have transparent problems watching videos03:23
Z1gfr0id3what installing for ubuntu not rpm?03:23
ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen03:23
infinitycircuitNewPiracy, unless you have an intel 965 full support is already in gutsy03:23
tanathjimmygoon, i tried reinstalling java & python. no go03:24
jimmygoontanath, I still don't know what to tell you outside of purging python and miro off your system and reinstalling both ...03:24
NewPiracymine is intel 946gz03:24
jimmygoontanath, heh, oh03:24
tanathjimmygoon, didn't purge miro though...03:24
nickrud!deb | Z1gfr0id303:24
ubotuZ1gfr0id3: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.03:24
NewPiracyinfinitycircuit: i cant get direct rendering and i believe 3d accel isnt enabled either03:24
robdigZ1gfr0id3: apt-get       it uses .deb03:24
jimmygoontanath, well, you shouldn't realy have to03:24
jimmygoontanath, but, I would update your repos and see if there is one for gutsy (if you didn't already)03:24
NewPiracyinfinitycircuit: using driver i81003:24
tanathjimmygoon, shouldn't be crashing either :P03:24
nickrud!synaptic | Z1gfr0id303:25
ubotuZ1gfr0id3: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto03:25
Z1gfr0id3thankss all repondding..03:25
infinitycircuitNewPiracy, what if you use the i915 driver03:25
jimmygoontanath, just in case there is a difference between the feisty and the gutsy versions...03:25
Shpooktanath: is it miro that's not working?03:25
tanathjimmygoon, er, it's from the gutsy repo03:25
jimmygoontanath, or not... ha03:25
tanathjimmygoon, it was installed originally as democracyplayer :P03:25
tanathShpook, yep03:25
jimmygoontanath, hm, I dunna then...03:25
NewPiracyinfinitycircuit: hmmm, just switch driver name at xorg.conf?03:25
infinitycircuitNewPiracy, use the generic name "intel" in xorg.conf and it should use i91503:25
rhayabusa22hey where's the cream filling03:25
Arrickok, whats the package name for screen now?03:25
jimmygoontanath, see, I've had that installed before, but I manage to reinstall every 3-5 months due to hard drive failure, dropping my laptop, or a new version of ubuntu coming out... :P03:26
sleepstercan ubuntu mount NTFS partitions03:26
koiyeah when i click to open the compiz settings manager nothing happens and the effects stopped working first time i tried03:26
NewPiracyinfinitycircuit: i tried intel before, didn't work03:26
nickrudArrick, screen03:26
Shpooktanath: it didn't work for me when I recently installed from the repos. I had to download from www.getmiro.com03:26
tanathjimmygoon, yeh, i don't reinstall, i upgrade03:26
Arricklol nickrud Merry Christmas to you03:26
jimmygooninfinitycircuit, intel and i915 are different drivers they do different things03:26
infinitycircuitNewPiracy, ok well i don't know then i only have experience with my 855GM03:26
Shpooktanath: if it helps at all lol03:26
NewPiracyinfinitycircuit: i'm having problems with awn, that's why i would like to enable direct rendering03:26
nickrudArrick, and to you too, you been gone for a bit03:26
tanathShpook, hm... i guess i'll try that, though i prefer to use the repo versions. :/03:26
Z1gfr0id3pre config squid download exists?03:26
infinitycircuitjimmygoon, really...i never knew that03:26
jimmygooninfinitycircuit, thats what I have (i think)03:26
fsanlui have a few questions about the wifi: when im connected wired i have no problems, but during wifi i get cut off from time to time. when i enabled my wifi card i had to go thru the restricted drivers to let the firmware be enabled. is it possible that this is the cause of the unstable-ness of my wifi? and if so, are there any other ways i can enable it? i looked thru the wiki's already and followed everything, and for some reason NOTHIN03:27
fsanluG seems wrong, but that d/c's i get. any thoughts anyone?03:27
Arricknot gone, just not in the channel nickrud03:27
infinitycircuitjimmygoon, well i know i915 is the kernel driver but i believe xorg uses intel to refer to it03:27
nickrud!info squid | Z1gfr0id303:27
ubotuz1gfr0id3: squid: Internet object cache (WWW proxy cache). In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.14-1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 627 kB, installed size 1580 kB03:27
jimmygooninfinitycircuit, yeah, like intel outputs to the vga-out by default (always) and weird little things like that if I remember right.... one time I had been trying to get my laptop to work with another monitor (to no avail)03:27
infinitycircuitjimmygoon, thanks for the info03:27
sleepsteranyone know if Ubuntu can mount NTFS partitions03:27
jimmygooninfinitycircuit, hm, maybe I'm confused. the day I tried to get that working I had installed all kinds of crap and ended up just getting angry03:28
Phil2How do I use apt-zip; the how to for it is unavailable.03:28
tanathShpook, jimmygoon, ah they have their own repo for gutsy...03:28
jimmygoonsleepster, sure can03:28
robdigZ1gfr0id3: yup       sudo apt-get install squid03:28
jimmygoontanath, yeah, thats what I was saying :)03:28
nickrud!ntfs | sleepster03:28
ubotusleepster: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE03:28
fsanlusleepster: yes, and u can use the ntfs config tool so you can write too03:28
NewPiracyinfinitycircuit: is there a way to explicitly invoke direct rendering in xorg.conf?03:28
jimmygoonis hardy going to have ntfs-3g built in?03:28
Z1gfr0id3robdig thank03:28
robdigZ1gfr0id3: np03:28
infinitycircuitNewPiracy, add "dri" in the modules section and Option "DRI" "true" in the devices section03:29
nickrudPhil2, http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/22/upgrade-install-ubuntu-on-slow-internet/03:29
Shpooktanath: oh...i didnt know that.03:29
OnyxGoddamn amarok is pretty awesome.03:29
Stupid^Kidhow can i change charset when in tty03:29
nickrudah heck. Phil2 that links to the one that's down, a sec03:29
jimmygoonnickrud, ubuntu blag is down ??? :(03:30
jimmygoontanath, I'm gonna get going, so hopefully you are on the right track or someone else can help you...03:30
emgenthi Thug-life03:30
Phil2nickrud: Check your link; that only tells you what apt-zip IS; it doesn't actually tell you how to use it - rather, the tutorial it links you to is unavailable.03:30
tanathShpook, apparently i did... it's already there... :/03:30
tanathjimmygoon, thx anyway03:30
nickrudPhil2, noticed that, read back :)03:30
=== Allenwr is now known as Allenwr-at-the-p
=== Allenwr-at-the-p is now known as Allenwr-plates
sadaiyappanWhat good games are available for linux?03:31
Phil2nickrud: my bad; lol03:31
werswhere do I find the sudoers file?03:31
jimmygoonnickrud, http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/admin/apt-zip03:31
Shpooktanath: well good, now that I know I'm going to add the repo. Automatic upgrades are nice. :-)03:31
Phil2jimmygoon: no idea how to use it yet =(03:31
nickrudjimmygoon, looking for a howto, the main one is down03:31
jimmygoonman apt-zip?03:31
Thorsten11hi all03:31
Phil2jimmygoon: no entry03:31
Phil2wait; let me check again; hold up03:32
tanathShpook, actually, that could be what's causing the prob03:32
sadaiyappanWhat games are available on Linux?03:32
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php03:32
jimmygoonweb.archive.org is down or we could just use that03:32
Phil2There it is03:32
Phil2found it03:32
Phil2jimmygoon: thanks for reminding me about man :D03:32
jimmygoonPhil2, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46282 maybe03:32
jimmygoonPhil2, sure thing, see ya03:33
Shpooksadaiyappan: http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php  and http://linuxgames07.blogspot.com/2007/09/top-21-linux-games-of-2007.html03:33
tanathShpook, er, on the other hand, despite the fact that i have the repo in there, when i reinstall miro it pulls it from the gutsy repo03:33
werswhat file contains the groups?03:34
Shpooktanath: I think I read one time a way to give certain repos priority if multiple repos contain the same package03:34
tanathShpook, erm, nvm... i just updated & now it's pulling it from the miro repo... will let you know if it works03:34
wersi deleted some user accounts but i think there are conflict with the groups03:34
Shpooktanath: okay, ty03:34
lwizardlanyone here have a digiwave 103g card and using it on ubuntu?03:35
tanathShpook, you can do that in synaptic easy enough. Ctrl+E on the pkg03:35
Edwardxpi know this directory exist apache2-default/ and locate apache2-default/doesn't work.... can't find it03:35
tanathShpook, woohoo, it appears to be working :D03:35
tanathShpook, the miro repo version03:36
JosspykerEdwardxp: slocate -u03:36
nickrudEdwardxp, you mean /var/www/apache2-default ?03:36
koiso for compiz-fusion what packages should i have installed03:36
Shpooktanath: ctrl-e is much easier lol.03:36
Shpooktanath: good! repo it is then. :-)03:37
Edwardxpwhats' var stand for?03:37
Shpookedwardxp: variable. JS?03:37
nickrudvariable, it's system data that is not static03:37
ShpookEdwardxp: are you looking into making a javascript script?03:37
Edwardxp/var/www/apache2-default/index.html', overriding mode 0644?03:38
tanathShpook, yep, working fine now.  and i find ctrl+e handy. instead of messing with priorities you just 'force version' for whichever package you want, it synaptic/apt handles the rest03:38
Edwardxpwhy did i get prompt that.. when i mv the file?03:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about llamp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:39
Shpooktanath: goodnight.03:39
Edwardxpaort of03:39
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:40
Edwardxpsort of03:40
dahitokiriShpook, thanks for those links03:40
=== markbbb is now known as mar1
dahitokiri(the ones that list the games)03:40
Shpookdahitokiri: no problem, there are some very good games for Linux. America's Army is one of the better ones.03:41
dahitokiriShpook, i don't really like FPS games03:41
techqbertis it okay to torrent a file to an nfs share?  nfs share is openfiler distro with raid 1 array in ext303:41
dahitokirii'm more of a strategy/rpg kind of person03:41
=== Allenwr-plates is now known as Allenwr
Shpookdahitokiri: oh. Well, there are many others. Battle for Wesnoth is addictive lol.03:41
dahitokiriShpook, hehe, yup. apt-get'ing currently :)03:42
Shpookdahitokiri: it's also possible to play some Windows only games through WINE.03:42
dahitokiriShpook, yeah, i use vmware workstation to play some games... the ones that don't need extensive 3d03:42
matt_i'm using ubuntu right now, however i'm considering debian. I've never used it before, I was just wondering if anyone has any opinion on this.03:42
SwaninacarI have an eye-candy question: when i try to change my visual effects settings to normal in appearance settings, i get a "the composite extension is not available error"03:43
bazhangask in #debian or in #ubuntu-offtopic matt_03:43
ShpookOkay, upgrade is done, goodnight everyone.03:43
matt_so any comparisons of ubuntu and debian? Does debian perform better/faster? does it have more stuff in the repos? someone break it down for me here!03:44
bazhangSwaninacar: you have ccsm installed?03:44
pvlmatt_: ubuntu is a debian based linux03:44
IndyGunFreakmatt_: 6 on one hand, half dozen on the other if you ask me... i like the both03:44
pvlcorrect me if im wrong anyone03:44
matt_pvl: i understand that...but just wondering if debian is "better"03:44
Swaninacarccsm?  i don't know what it is, so probably not03:44
Arrickwhats the syntax to install all of these with the same command? apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server03:44
IndyGunFreakpvl: no, it is, but there's differences.. ubuntu's repositories will generally be updated more regularly03:45
pvlmatt_ when u say that, it depends on what ur looking for03:45
matt_IndyGunFreak: alright, but which do you use now? for your main03:45
matt_pvl: performance mainly.03:45
IndyGunFreakmatt_: both... Debian Etch on my laptop, Ubuntu Gutsy on my PC03:45
bazhang!ccsm > Swaninacar read the message from the bot03:45
=== anthony is now known as tonyyarusso
IndyGunFreakmatt_: if your'e comfortable w/ Ubuntu, Debian will be quite familiar to you, and vice versa.03:45
pvlmatt_, from what i understand, there isnt much differences, although i suppose since ubuntu is more active, that it would have better suited drivers for your computer03:45
matt_IndyGunFreak: alright...what about the repos for debian...are they any better? Do they update more?03:45
IndyGunFreakmatt_: no..03:46
Josspykeroff topic go for arch linux03:46
{Nathan}matt_: Basically, Ubuntu is easier. In my ventures, debian is harder to use and install (but is by no means a Gentoo) and Ubuntu is just incredibly simple03:46
IndyGunFreakmatt_: ubuntu, is basically Debian, with eye candy..03:46
matt_IndyGunFreak: pvl so are you all saying i should just stick with my gutsy?03:46
{Nathan}matt_: I'd say the repos are about the same.03:46
bazhangmatt_: plus the support is far superior03:46
matt_{Nathan}: i was thinking that, so therefore i was thinking that perhaps debian has better performance.03:47
pvlmatt_, i am03:47
Swaninacarbazhang: i'll follow those instuctions and get back03:47
hanasakiRemoteis there a package for ipcop?03:47
matt_bazhang: for ubuntu?03:47
IndyGunFreak{Nathan}: i don't know, it took a long time for(for example), Pidgin to get into the Debian repos...03:47
IndyGunFreaksame with the new versionof Gimp03:47
{Nathan}IndyGunFreak: It depends on what version you are running. For Lenny, sure it will take a while. Testing and unstable, not so much03:47
bazhangmatt_: indeed; visit the #debian channel and see for yourself03:47
IndyGunFreakmatt_: do whatever you want, one thing for sure though, go to #debian, they are straight pricks.... #ubuntu is far friendlier03:47
matt_IndyGunFreak: {Nathan} it also took a while for pidgin to get to ubuntu03:47
pvlhey what do the green things next to topic names in the forum mean?03:47
IndyGunFreak{Nathan}: i run etch03:48
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{Nathan}matt_: nah, the perfarmance is still the same... if you run the same things03:48
matt_bazhang: IndyGunFreak wow...its getting late...i thought i was on the #debian channel.03:48
bazhangmatt_: hahaha03:48
IndyGunFreakmatt_: if you haven't seen the f-word in the last 10-15 sentences, you will always know you're not in #debian03:48
koihey, is the guy who has compiz-fusion running on intel 915 still here/03:49
matt_{Nathan}: bazhang IndyGunFreak pvl alright, thank you all, i'll check out the debian channel, where i thought i were already ;)03:49
Arrickyou mean in the channels pvl ? they are operators or in chanservs case, chanel guards03:49
IndyGunFreakmatt_: put your flame suit on, they hate ubuntu users03:49
ushdfgakkrtf >> fdic03:49
arooni_can someone help me get my motorola s9 bluetooth headphones working with gutsy?03:49
pvlArrick, well that wouldve been my next question, but i meant specifically in the forums03:50
bazhang!bluetooth | arooni_03:50
Edwardxpheh better than nothing03:50
ubotuarooni_: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup03:50
{Nathan}I'm getting a bluetooth headset soon, will it work as a headset for my computer too? I'm have bluetooth, not stupid.03:51
{Nathan}It's made for my phone btw03:51
LegionaryKis it just me or are the ubuntu forums really laggy right now03:51
ushdfgakkubuntu??? more like mozambique03:51
lwizardlhow can i set my login to auto login my user?03:52
koii'm trying to install compiz-fusion and i get the error saying that  compiz depends on compiz-decorator03:52
koiwhat repositories/sources do i have to add to get that package/03:52
Swaninacarbazhang: just to check, is ccsm supposed to be a replacement for the visual effects settings?  if yes, how do i solve the problem of "unavailable composite extension" so i don't run into it again03:52
Arrickwhats the modern day version of something like the old webmin?03:52
LegionaryKsince the forums are so slow, can anyone tell me where to disable a wireless interface?03:53
bazhangSwaninacar: that will be the new preferences setting mechanism yes; installing it will solve those issues iirc03:53
demonsporkwhenever I select my Ubuntu Gutsy from the GRUB menu it goes to a screen saying that it 'cannot mount the selected partition.'  I have run fsck on the partition and it found no errors. What can I do? it happened after a power outage shut down the computer unexpectedly. My other Ubuntu system and both Windows still boot correctly.03:53
NolanGAnyone know of any recent Ubuntu (Gutsy) updates that have broken software such as VirtualBox? As of a few days ago, VirtualBox now segfaults on me - I've not installed or really even used the system since it last worked.03:54
thresherwhat is the compiz support irc?03:54
ushdfgakkvirtualbox? more like seagulls03:54
Phil2Great; so I'm back - I didn't read that apt-zip needs to be installed on two systems for it to work.03:54
demonsporkthresher, #compiz-fusion03:54
the_darkside_986i'm on Ubuntu Gutsy. it rocks. but i can't figure out a way to unzip all RAR files in a single folder all at once without having to click on each one. any ideas?03:55
Phil2Unfortunately; - it isn't, and I don't know how to install it on the other system.03:55
Phil2I'm trying to install wifi-radar onto a non-networked computer; someone told me to use apt-zip; to bad it isn't on the other computer.03:55
Phil2Perhaps apt-double-zip? (sarcasm)03:55
te_demonspork: Have you tried single user mode yet?03:56
UBUNTUISLOVEDcan someone tell me what this is about? http://pastebin.com/m6e7fab7803:56
hanasakiRemoteis there anyway to add ipcop to an existing gutsy install?03:56
Swaninacarbazhang: i installed it, but none of the effects seem to be working, nor does it take care of the composite extensions error03:57
te_Phil2: Any reason it's "non-networked"?03:57
bazhangiptables config hanasakiRemote?03:57
Phil2te_: I need to install wifi-radar.03:57
bazhangSwaninacar: then it is a video card driver issue03:57
Phil2te_: to bad I need to be networked to install it; eh?03:57
demonsporkte_, it fails with a "Cannot mount selected partition" whenever I use any boot option.  The things I have tried are as follows: fsck, I have checked the uuid, I have attempted to use a boot CD I made for the partition a while back, only to get the same error.03:57
Swaninacarbazhang: which probably means i'm out of luck?03:58
danrojenter by see my desktop apple :D http://www.gfc.edu.co/~danroj/red.png03:58
NolanGI have new information: The segfaults seem to affect QT3 apps, including VirtualBox.  Thoughts on what could have made that happen all of the sudden?03:58
danrojand coment03:58
demonsporkte_, the partition mounts normally and had no errors under inspection by fsck03:58
bazhangSwaninacar: dont give up so easily :} what card and what driver, installed from where03:58
Phil2danroj: way to red.03:59
apocnHello, Im trying to install and configure freeRadius, but when I setup PEAP I get the error: rlm_eap: Failed to link EAP-Type/tls: rlm_eap_tls.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:59
apocnany hints?03:59
the_darkside_986everytime i try to use "unrar *.rar" i keep getting nothing but the unrar usage help message. i tried unrar someFile.rar ./ and that did the same thing. what is this about?03:59
bazhangdanroj: and offtopic03:59
te_demonspork: Are you sure grub is bootint to the correct partition?03:59
bazhangapocn: networking issue?03:59
demonsporkte_, yes04:00
gerzelQ: I want to install the latest version of the mana world (www.themanaworld.org) which is 0.0.24, but the latest on the repositories is 0.0.23.  I know how to run ./config make make install but I'm not sure how to take a program installed in that way off my machine.  Is there a way I can turn the tar.gz source into a debian package?04:00
Evolution2hey guys, I keep getting this "cannot mount external drive error. and appearently I have to force it because it seems to be in generic mode. I don't have windows to do a safely remove. help please04:00
te_demonspork: Has menu.lst been changed? (ls -l /boot/grub/menu.lst  and observe the date).04:00
Edwardxpso what do you guys think of my site so far?04:00
Swaninacarbazhang: thanks, haha.  radeon X300.  when i use the default driver, i get lots of gnome issues, but the extra effects work.  when I use the driver that the restricted drivers manager suggests, an ATI driver, no more gnome errors, but effects break04:01
LegionaryKcan anyone tell me how to disable a wlan interface?04:01
CyberMadis there list of motherboard with onboard vga that running compiz perfectly ?04:01
bazhangSwaninacar: is that a pretty good card? not really sure about ati :}04:01
te_demonspork: do you have only one kernel?04:02
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free04:02
bazhangCyberMad: ask in #compiz-fusion please04:02
Evolution2 I keep getting this "cannot mount external drive error. and appearently I have to force it because it seems to be in generic mode. I don't have windows to do a safely remove. any ideas?04:02
robdiggerzel: you can, but it takes some work. you can also look at the makefile, if they have an uninstall target that is properly written, doing make uninstall should get rid of it.04:02
|chiz|Ok, so I have everything working quite well gutsy/compiz/aiglx/fglrx but opengl apps don't run very smoothly, they flicker and there is no window border.  Any insight?04:02
Phil2Anyone know how to make a .deb package that I can install on another system?04:02
IndyGunFreakCyberMad: why not just buy a video card, instead of a motherboard?04:03
CyberMadok, thank you04:03
arooni_can someone help me get my motorola s9 bluetooth headphones working with gutsy?  i've read a lot of cos but they're ont helpful04:03
demonsporkte_, no it has not been changed since almost 2 weeks before the incident04:03
bazhangthe_darkside_986: you trying to join a bunch of smaller rar files into a bigger file of some sort? just clicking on the first file should join it up04:03
IndyGunFreakPhil2: is it a program you're compiling?04:03
Swaninacarbazhang: it's an okay card.  it wasn't my choice, i'm resurrecting a crapped out computer04:03
te_you chould boot from the CD and chroot to it and then re-install the kernel. (There must be something wrong with the kernel.)04:03
the_darkside_986@bazhang no these are all separate rar files that are not joined together :(04:03
Phil2IndyGunFreak: Yeah; either wifi-radar or apt-zip04:03
the_darkside_986so i was looking for a way to easily extract them all at once via the bash shell04:03
dave_Hello........I am wondering if I can get an assist in getting my X config straight for 2 monitors using an nvidia card on 7.10?04:04
Thorsten11i just saved a crapped out computer myself lol04:04
IndyGunFreakPhil2: i *think* when you're compiling, if you run make-check, before make install... or maybe before make, it will create a .deb file.04:04
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
bazhangthe_darkside_986: oh--you can do it, just want to save time?04:04
IndyGunFreakdave_: whats the prob?...04:04
te_demonspork: That is, if you are sure that grub is pointing to the partition that contains the kernel it needs to boot.04:04
bazhangSwaninacar: I got it :}04:04
Thorsten11installed server 7.10 and it works great04:04
Phil2IndyGunFreak: Run me through compiling; I'm a java programmer; not a linux person ;-)04:04
Thorsten11only thing was i fried the network card the other week04:04
IndyGunFreakPhil2: if you're not a linux person, then there is no way to "run you through" compiling04:04
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama04:05
te_demonspork: Have you mounted the partition and looked at /boot to see if everything is still there?04:05
the_darkside_986@bazhang i figured it out. i had to make a for eachFile in *.rar bash script for-loop04:05
Thorsten11i ended up putting another mb because the network card was integrated04:05
the_darkside_986and then > do unrar x "$eachFile" done04:05
demonsporkte_, yes04:05
Phil2IndyGunFreak: Ok; ok, how can I compile this .tar.gz file; and make it into a .deb package then?04:05
bazhangarooni_: if you dont get an answer here right away you can also post/search the forums and then repeat your question here every so often--likely someone else has that same problem04:05
dave_Indygunfreak .....the Ubuntu tool configs the monitors with the borders exceeding the screen real estate......however if I disable the 2nd monitor it is fine04:05
bazhang!cn | goodstarting04:05
ubotugoodstarting: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:05
IndyGunFreakPhil2: like i said, i think itas make-check04:05
Jack_Sparrow!compile > Phil204:05
te_You're sure that vmlinuz and initrd and System.map are still there?04:06
bazhangthe_darkside_986: nicely done, thanks for the tip!04:06
nickrudIndyGunFreak, Phil2 checkinstall04:06
IndyGunFreaknickrud: thats it, thank you... coudln't remember04:06
mezokocan somebody pls tell me what is wrong with my apache install http://paste.on.nimp.org04:06
the_darkside_986@bazhang no problem. for some reason the command unrar x *.rar only wanted to extract the first file in a list so i had to make a for-loop04:06
Thorsten11what are your symptoms04:06
IndyGunFreaknickrud: do you run that after make, after ./configure, before/afgter make/install?04:06
demonsporkte_, yes they are still there04:06
dave_IndyGunFreak .....the Ubuntu tool configs the monitors with the borders exceeding the screen real estate......however if I disable the 2nd monitor it is fine04:07
te_demonspork: Show us menu.lst via pastebin and then the output of: sudo fdisk -l04:07
IndyGunFreakdave_: i really don't understand your question.04:07
Thorsten11mezoko: what seems to be your problem04:07
naliothThorsten11: he's a troll. don't visit that link.04:07
Thorsten11thanks for the tip :)04:08
quintonDoes anyone know the best channel for television/sound system support?04:08
LegionaryKsorry to spam here but ive been through all the doc (some of which are outdated) and i still got a major prob here04:08
Thorsten11nalioth: how did you know?04:08
ubotufreenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml04:09
LegionaryK: can't figure out how to disable one of my two wlan interfaces04:09
naliothThorsten11: i recognize the link04:09
quintonindygunfreak, hey man, I have found a problem and its quiet simple to solve, its not about linux but would you help?04:09
te_LegionaryK: ifconfig wlan0 down04:09
gerzel'robdig how do I tell if the uninstall is properly written?04:09
te_LegionaryK: sudo ifconfig wlan1 down04:09
nickrudIndyGunFreak, iirc it replaces make install04:09
Thorsten11nalioth: thanks for the save04:09
dave_IndyGunFreak to try and clarify........when I have one monitor enabled everything works fine.....if I enable the 2nd monitor,  you cannot see the edges of the desktop w/o moving the mouse04:09
* LegionaryK thanks te_04:09
IndyGunFreaknickrud: ok.. i'vfe never done it.04:09
shm613Could someone please help me. My wireless card cannot detect my wireless network04:09
Swaninacarbhazang: i switched to a different ati driver, it seems to work now.  thanks for all your help04:09
nickrudIndyGunFreak, I've done it a few times, I avoid compilation these days04:09
pvlare there keys to grab the screen? i have a virtual screen and id like to pan about it easier04:10
te_shm613: sudo iwconfig essid linksys04:10
te_shm613: sudo iwconfig eth1 essid linksys04:10
demonsporkte_, http://pastebin.com/m5f18c068  is the output of the command04:10
IndyGunFreakdave_: oh ok....  i understand now. i've never had that problem... what do you have your resolution set at?04:10
Thorsten11shm613: like te_ said04:10
te_shm613: where eth1 is the nic and linksys is the essid of your wireless router... etc04:10
magic_ninjaFreeFontPath FPE:"usr/share/fonts/misc" refcount is 2, should be 1 fixing.04:10
magic_ninjai can't start fluxbox04:10
alza!google me04:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about google me - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:11
dave_1280x1024 ironically nvidia's own tool works to fix it....but if you try and install it you break the restricted driver04:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cock - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:11
fredderstoo bad04:11
shm613te_: i get a unknown command "linksys" message04:11
dave_IndyGunFreak 1280x1024 ironically nvidia's own tool works to fix it....but if you try and install it you break the restricted driver04:11
IndyGunFreakdave_: i have nvidia's tol installed just fine.04:11
lwizardlis there anyway to auto login on ubuntu?04:11
robdiggerzel: it should look similar to the install target, except it should be removing files instead of copying/moving them04:11
Edwardxpxmms is pimping out on my server :)04:11
gerzelrobdig: Ok thanks04:12
nickrudlwizardl, system->admin->login window , security tab04:12
demonsporkte_, http://pastebin.com/m16d52a5 my menu.lst04:12
te_shm613: First give command: iwconfig    [with no arguments] and see what it says.04:12
IndyGunFreakhow did you go about installing your nvidia driver dave_04:12
pvlare there keys to grab the screen toards virtual screens?04:12
dave_IndyGunFreak strange when I try to install nvidia-config it wants to remove the driver04:12
gerzelrobdig: On second thought I'll be patient and give them a little while to get a debian or ubuntu package up.  Apparently they are pestering someone at Ubuntu to do it.04:12
robdiggerzel: cool. definitely easier that way :)04:13
dave_IndyGunFreak I did the enable restricted driver and let it handle the apt-get work04:13
bazhanghttp://tuxicity.wordpress.com/2007/03/02/some-gdm-basics-for-ubuntu-and-xubuntu-theming-and-auto-login/ lwizardl04:13
IndyGunFreakdave_: ok.. and?04:13
lwizardlnickrud, thanks i wanted this box to be a mythtv box and not need me to give out the password incase it gets shut off04:14
dave_IndyGunFreak the driver installs fine and enables.............but it doesnt seem to have the nvida tool installed.....going to the "Screens and Graphics" to do it results in virtual desktops or bulletproof X when I try and  fenable the 2nd monitor04:15
lukewarm!hi > rushmarine04:15
|chiz|lwizardl, you can auto logon04:15
rushmarinehow r u04:15
rushmarinewhere u from?04:15
the_darkside_986i'm off to play Frets on Fire again. Thanks everyone here for all their help and support. Ubuntu rox! bye bye04:15
Swaninacarbazhang: thanks for your help, i used a different driver, it all works brilliantly04:15
|chiz|lwizardl, its in System > Logon Window04:16
IndyGunFreakdave_: very strange, don't think i've ever had that prob, what video card?04:16
lwizardlchiz, yeah i got that already04:16
bazhangswanincar nicework104:16
dave_IndyGunFreak I then go into synapytic to install the tool and it wants to remove the nvidia(newest) driver.......GeForce 620004:16
demonsporkdave_, it is already installed04:17
IndyGunFreakdave_: see, nvidia-settings has always been installed when i enable restricted...04:17
demonsporkdave_, it installs with the driver04:17
IndyGunFreakdave_: open a terminal and type "gksudo nvidia-settings"04:17
shm613te_: The first line has ESSID:"HOME" Nickname:"Broadcom 4211"04:17
dave_ok..............so I just need to go to the terminal ......I didnt see it populate a menu04:17
IndyGunFreakdave_: yes, open a terminal, gksudo nvidia-settings04:18
IndyGunFreakyou can add it to the menu if you like04:18
te_demonspork: menu.lst has errors04:18
rushmarineam new on this thing can tell me how can i watch the video form the internet04:18
rushmarinecuz loooks like need some flash player04:18
bazhangrushmarine: flash?04:18
lwizardlanyone use a twinhan dvb card in ubuntu?04:18
IndyGunFreakrushmarine: well there's a lot of videos on the internet, what format is it.04:18
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.04:19
rushmarinecuz every time when i wanna see a video i have to download the file04:19
jubileeHey, When I play Open Arena, like 40 min to an hour into the game open arena exits full screen into a window, all of the colors on the screen change and everything stops working... what is this from???04:19
jubileeI can't quit anything when it happens04:19
dave_well dont I feel like the fool.....since Ive been using Linux since Suse 4.0.......but this is the first Ive let the OS install nvidia driver04:19
demonsporkte_, the errors are commented out, correct?04:19
demonsporkte_, are there any errors with the first boot option?04:19
IndyGunFreakdave_: lol, no p-rob, th ats why i c9ouldn't understand your problem04:19
bazhangjubilee: ut3?04:19
k31thdave_: you on about nvidia driver for ubuntu04:19
crush_groovedave_,  happens to all of us04:19
IndyGunFreakdave_: you can make a menu entry for it if you like, i did, just cuz i like to have it handy04:20
k31thshould work fine, unless you want latest04:20
jubileebazhang, Open Arena, quake 3 engine04:20
dave_K3ith yes...think I got it worked out tho04:20
rushmarinetahnk you pple04:20
dave_IndyGunFreak I always do that, along with one for Nautilus in super user mode04:21
te_demonspork: Line 131  "root  (hd0,2)"  Should be:  "root   (hd0,5)"  (From the partition info on:    It appears that /dev/sda4 is the bootable partition on that first drive).04:21
IndyGunFreakdave_: yup, its handy04:21
IndyGunFreaki do the same04:21
jeff__how can I get flash to work...04:21
IndyGunFreakjeff__: download it from adobe, compile it, and it will work fine04:21
jeff__indy gun freak.04:22
jeff__are you in indy?04:22
MyrttiIndyGunFreak: compile? ;-)04:22
Jack_Sparrowdave how are you running it in su mode?04:22
jeff__oh okay04:22
jubileebazhang, it only happens when I'm playing a long time, and also, I can play it on OS X and multiplayer works perfectly, but under Gusty it tells me there are connection problems during the match for about 90% of the game...04:22
IndyGunFreakMyrtti: well, maybe *compile* is stretching it... run the installer that you download from adobe.04:22
SmegzorWhere do programs store their preferences?  I moved my podcasts from Rhythmbox and want to update it so it can see the files in their new location.04:22
IndyGunFreakjeff__: sorry, bad humor, yes I'm in Indy.... BeechGrove gto be specific(suburb of Indpls)04:22
te_ demonspork:  Change (hd0,2) to (hd0,5) on line 131  and that shoud do the trick.04:22
IndyGunFreakguess he didn't care...lol04:23
LegionaryKadvice to people with wifi probs, it not always enough to disable an interface, you might need to physically remove it and reboot the system before the interfaces stop interferring.04:23
dave_Jack I havent gotten that far yet...........Im loading into my menu "gksudo nvidia-settings -g"04:23
MyrttiIndyGunFreak: better :-) newbs are afraid of compiling.04:23
IndyGunFreakyeah, i know.. been there done that04:23
Jack_Sparrowdave np04:23
shm613te_: I also have the Frequency is not the same as my router's frequency and Access Point: Invalid04:24
Darriou1I'm having problems actually trying to get my NVIDIA card working with ubuntu at ALL04:24
IndyGunFreakDarriou1: have you enabled the restricted driver?04:25
IndyGunFreakok, so whast wrong?04:25
Darriou1I also have an integrated intel card04:25
demonsporkte_, that same error is on the next two boot options as well, or is that an error?04:25
bazhangjubilee: google yields nada--you could post in the forums or wait here for an answer04:25
IndyGunFreakDarriou1: whats that got to do with anything?04:26
Darriou1Well, the problem is that whenever I boot into UBUNTU it goes and just doesn't even boot04:26
Jack_SparrowDarriou1: If yui have not disabled your onboard card it could be causing problems04:26
Darriou1I have04:26
Darriou1That's what is odd to me04:26
te_demonspork: The other boot options are wrong as well.04:26
IndyGunFreakDarriou1: is this a live CD, or have you installed?04:26
Darriou1I can't even get the live cd to work, and when I use a command line to install, when I boot into it, it does the same thing as the live CD04:27
Darriou1I've got an NVIDIA GeForce 520004:28
IndyGunFreakDarriou1: i assume by *command line* you mean the text based install?.. Alternate Install CD?04:28
te_demonspork: line 137: change (hd0,2 to (hd0,5)04:28
Jack_SparrowDarriou1: When you use the command line to install?  Are you using the alternate install cd or some wubi vm something or other04:28
Darriou1It works with WIndows fine though04:28
IndyGunFreakDarriou1: you obviously have some hardware issues other than the nvidia card04:28
demonsporkte_, why would this happen if I haven't changed the menu.lst file, how can I fix it without changing the file04:29
ushdfgakktrying so hard to not smoke < ubuntu04:29
demonsporkte_, because my other Linux OS and the windows booloader still work04:29
Darriou1Well, it works just fine when I switch to my integrated card04:29
ushdfgakk"menu.lst?" more like "shutup.ihateyou" lol?04:29
IndyGunFreakushdfgakk: what do you mean?04:29
Jack_Sparrowushdfgakk: behave04:29
ward_Evening all04:29
Darriou1and I used just an option that had come with the actuall cd04:29
* ushdfgakk dies04:30
* ushdfgakk bleeds out ebola-style04:30
ushdfgakklook out!??!04:30
Darriou1It's not that big of a deal I suppose, but I'd really like to get my dual display up and running04:30
Jack_SparrowDarriou1: What option.. there is no text install on the livecd04:30
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: thats what i was just trying to figure out.04:30
te_demonspork: line 157: change (hd0,4) to (hd0,6)04:30
IndyGunFreakDarriou1: the alternate install, is a completely different download...04:30
Darriou1One of my friends gave me a disk that siad something like install with command line or something like that04:31
Jack_SparrowDarriou1: Plus, you said you disabled the onboard, but are trying to get it to work...  something does not add up04:31
fladdhi there! I really need some help!!! can anyone tell me, why I cannot use update-grub, after I did chroot?04:31
shm613is there a way to set the Access Point value to the MAC of the router for a wireless card?04:31
unbeatablcan you NFS a harddrive partition from a windows machine?04:31
Darriou1There is a setting in my bios04:31
demonsporkte_, that still changes the file?04:31
fladdoh, i am talking about the live cd btw04:31
Sonjais anybody german in here??04:31
te_demonspork: I'm just guessing really. Would have to see what's really there in the /boot directories on those partitions, sda4 and sda5  and sdb204:32
Darriou1that says peripherals and it switches between Intel Integrated and PCI Express slot04:32
ubotuქართული ენაზე დახმარების მიღებისთვის გთხოვთ შემობრძანდით #ubuntu-ge / Kartuli enaze dakhmarebis mighebistvis gtkhovt shemobrdzandit #ubuntu-ge04:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:32
te_demonspork: YOu need to mount those partitions and see if those kernels are there or not.04:32
Sonjahaha ge is georigan :)04:33
demonsporkte_, they are there because I have booted each one of them and they have all worked04:33
Darriou1I think I might do a little bit of research and come back in a while04:33
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de04:33
Darriou1Cause I don't I have everything on this04:33
=== [1]akhilesh is now known as akhilesh
dowlingsDoes anyone know how to get the snow plugin for compiz to work?04:34
demonsporkdowlings: #compiz-fusion04:34
Arrickhey all, is SELinux enabled by default in 6.06.1?04:35
te_demonspork: Here's the deal,  grub refers to hda or sda as hd0  and hdb or sdb as hd1  and same with partitions.  Therefore, /dev/hda1 to grub is (hd0,0) ....  sda4=(hd0,5) sda5=(hd0,6) sdb2=(hd1,3)04:35
ArrickI have a LAMP install, and I cant edit permissions for some reason on the /var/www/ files04:35
nickrudte_, you added instead of subtracted on the partitions there04:36
bazhangArrick: no04:36
IndyGunFreakArrick: why ar eyou messin with 6.06?04:36
te_nickrud: you might be right....04:36
MyrttiIndyGunFreak: lts?04:36
Arrickbazhang what could stop the root user from being able to change permissions?04:36
ArrickIndyGunFreak LTS, and its a server install?04:37
IndyGunFreakArrick: ok... in that instance i guess i could understand.04:37
IndyGunFreakMyrtti: i guess i'm used to keeping up with the ubuntu release cycle.04:37
bazhangArrick: not sure of your question? have you changed permissions somehow?04:37
te_nickrud is correct.  I was wrong.04:37
te_demonspork: I was wrong.04:38
te_demonspork: menu.lst is not in error.04:38
jason___anyone here willing to help a Linux noob with a sound problem so he can stop using WinXP?04:38
thresherCan anyone suggest the best MAIL POP application that compares to Outlook ?04:38
te_demonspork: Not sure what the problem is.  Accept that there may be something wrong with the kernel you are trying to boot.04:38
thresherEvolution and Thunderbird...04:38
ushdfgakkhow many manpages must a man read before you can call him a man???04:39
Arrickbazhang i would like to change the permissions to 775 on a bunch of directories and such, but it wont change them, with sudo chmod 775 /blah or with running as root, and running chmod 775 /blah04:39
bazhangushdfgakk: you have a real question?04:39
nickrudushdfgakk, one. dpkg04:39
shm613Does anyone know if a RJ-11 would get a eth label in iwconfig?04:39
te_demonspork: You could chroot to that partition /dev/sda4  and try to re-install the kernel... I guess, but other than that I don' know04:39
ushdfgakki liked nickrud's answer better04:39
* ushdfgakk awards nickrud ten points04:39
bioI just made a mint install of edgy-generic04:39
bazhangofftopic ushdfgakk04:40
te_shm613: RJ-11 ?04:40
Myrtti!offtopic | ushdfgakk04:40
te_shm613: You mean an ethernet port?04:40
ubotuushdfgakk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:40
thresherCan anyone suggest the best MAIL POP application that compares to Outlook ?04:40
biothen I did a distribution upgrade and I can't get the new kernels to boot04:40
te_shm613: You mean an ethernet port? (as opposed to a wireless nic?04:40
nickrudthresher, you mentioned them both already04:40
bioany ideas?04:40
* ushdfgakk mutters04:40
bazhangArrick: wols is the one to ask about that--he should be by later04:40
ushdfgakkOnly on IRC04:40
* ushdfgakk me me04:40
jason___i like thunderbird with the right extensions i find it better than Outlook04:40
threshernickrud: thanks04:40
Myrttiushdfgakk: if you've got nothing else, move along04:40
shm613te_: the ethernet port is RJ-45 RJ-11 would be the phone line port04:40
ushdfgakkok how about this04:41
bazhangushdfgakk: please stop04:41
ushdfgakkwhy won't my NTFS drive mount on my dual boot04:41
Jack_Sparrowbio: Seems to happen alot to people that had tried automatix or envy scripts....both bad ideas by the way04:41
ushdfgakkit only mounts in read-only04:41
nickrud!ntfs-3g | ushdfgakk04:41
ubotuushdfgakk: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions04:41
ushdfgakki installed it04:41
bioJack_Sparrow, I just made a mint install and used the GUI in the panel04:41
IndyGunFreakushdfgakk: what version of ubuntu are you using?04:41
ushdfgakkit's debian actually but04:41
thresherDoes thunderbird handle calendar and does it by chance sync with yahoo?04:41
ushdfgakkit shouldn't be a distro-specific problem04:41
shm613te_: I'm getting three labels from iwconfig lo, eth0, and eth104:41
Jack_Sparrowbio: Ask in mint.. but their support is almost non-existent04:42
te_shm613: A phone line port will not be a network adapter so would not show in ifconfig nor will it show in iwconfig04:42
IndyGunFreakushdfgakk: i don't know, i'm running gutsy, and my NTFS partition mounted automatically04:42
jason___it handles a calendar with the lightning extension04:42
bioJack_Sparrow, ask in mint?04:42
ushdfgakkwell it's a separate drive04:42
IndyGunFreakbio: type "/join #linuxmint" w/o quotes04:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mint - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:42
astro76bio, mint is a pointless version of Ubuntu that uses automatix, but I don't think that's what you mean ;)04:42
bazhangbio: #linuxmint.com not on freenode btw04:42
jason___I don't use yahoo, but it does have remote calendars, i use mine to look at Google04:42
te_shm613: You have a modem?  And are trying to use the modem?  Is that correct?04:42
IndyGunFreakthere's a whole 6 users there.04:42
bioyeah, I just meant a fresh install04:43
ushdfgakkalso how do i configure the complexity of what x-forwarding sends04:43
shm613te_: no I'm trying to use the wireless card04:43
ushdfgakkslash the compression04:43
te_shm613: Do you have more than one wireless nic?04:43
jason___with the inclusion of the thunderbrowser, it makes a killer rss feed reader04:43
IndyGunFreakbazhang: they have a channel on freenode, its just nobody ever talks in there04:43
ushdfgakkin ubuntu, that is04:43
bioeverything works fine with this kernel, not sure which one it is... third on the list in grub now04:43
astro76bio, any reason installing edgy instead of gutsy?04:43
ushdfgakkthat one's an ubuntu problem04:43
bazhangthunderbrowser haha04:43
bioastro76, just the disk that I had04:43
bazhangIndyGunFreak: thanks!04:43
shm613te_: no I only have one wireless NIC and a wired NIC04:43
jason___plus, you can circumvent having to pay for pop access with yahoo with the webclient and yahoo extension in thunderbird04:43
mac_hi guys04:44
mac_got a doubt04:44
biohi mac_04:44
jason___thunderbrowser is good for limited purpose04:44
mac_hey bio04:44
astro76bio, you tried to dist-upgrade from edgy to feisty then?04:44
bazhangwhat is it mac_04:44
bioastro76, that's right04:44
te_shameless: Ok, then the ethernet NIC will more than likely be eth004:44
ushdfgakkalso my debian mini-iso won't even boot on my imac04:44
te_shm613:  ethernet NIC will more than likely be eth004:44
IndyGunFreakushdfgakk: you do realize this is an ubuntu support channel don't you, take your mindless banter to off-topic04:45
bazhangushdfgakk: they would know in #debian04:45
te_shm613: what wireless nic do you have?04:45
te_shm613: Is it fully supported?04:45
mac_i have dell ubuntu system, there is a dellutility folder with dos files, whats that for04:45
shm613te_: Broadcom 431104:45
voicemy ubuntu cd isn't working properly. when i first used it i loaded into ubuntu fine, now when i load it it comes up with a command line, and reports it cant load "xfer"-something04:45
Jack_Sparrowbio: Ok.. Fresh Mint Install.... does not equal distribution upgrade...  and three kernels listed...sorry, but very tired, good luck with that.04:45
ushdfgakkyou call that mindless banter04:45
te_shm613: what does iwconfig show for it?  wlan0 or eth1 ?04:45
nickrudmac_, you probably should check your dell docs04:45
ushdfgakki call it talking about problems i'm having with linux04:45
obnockshusI want to run audio/video from my old (windows) drive and am not sure that there won't be major issues (based on the warnings from the GL "player" download) Can anyone give me a bit of advice?04:45
voicewhen i ran the cd integrity check it said there was nothing wrong with it04:46
shm613te_: eth104:46
IndyGunFreakushdfgakk: yes, and completely off-topic for this channel.04:46
bazhangushdfgakk: please stop04:46
* bio off to play a little tremulous04:46
tsukasahey is there a command to execute a command one level higher then what your on? eg i want to launch a daemon from ssh such that when i close the ssh connection its still running04:46
mac_there is a windows booklet they gave me for my linux system04:46
te_shm613: Ok, is it connecting to your router for you?04:46
JoshJSo, I take it that ubuntu ignores /etc/fstab ?04:46
te_ shm613 or not?04:46
=== fsanlu_ is now known as fsanlu
shm613te_: No it is not connecting to my router04:46
astro76JoshJ, of course not04:46
nickrudtsukasa, you can use screen in your ssh session, or use  the  disown bash builtin04:47
JoshJastro76: then explain this (details coming)04:47
te_shm613: Does your router use some sort of encryption?04:47
Myrttiushdfgakk: this channel isn't Generic Linux help channel04:47
te_shm613: wep or ...?04:47
shm613te_: No just a MAC filter04:47
mac_its mounted over /media04:47
IndyGunFreakushdfgakk: ask in #linux  if they don't ban you after 15min, they'll enjoy your questions04:47
mac_whats this /media ment for04:47
te_shm613: Have you entered the MAC in your router's list of devices?04:47
rootardhow are Ubuntu patches maintained over debian packages? Is there a common process or is it ad-hoc per package?04:47
shm613te_: and I got the mac address for the wireless NIC and put it in the list04:47
ubuntu_could somebody tell me how to load this X-Fi audio driver I d/l04:47
astro76mac_, mounting stuff04:47
nickrudmac_, media is generally used for automounting external devices, like usb sticks or drives04:48
voicemy ubuntu cd isn't working properly. when i first used it i loaded into ubuntu fine, now when i load it it comes up with a command line, and reports it cant load "xfer"-something. can anyone help?04:48
ushdfgakki'm gonna build my own #ubuntu04:48
ushdfgakkwith blackjack...and hookers!04:48
ushdfgakkin fact04:48
ushdfgakkforget the chatroom04:48
te_shm613: Look at the output of iwconfig and see if it is acquiring the essid.04:48
astro76mac_, /mnt according to the FHS is only for temporary mounting, with no subdirectories.. contrary to how many distros use it04:48
shm613te_: It gets the ESSID but not the mac from the router04:48
bazhangushdfgakk: last warning04:49
JoshJI just repartitioned my system (to make an extra windows partition for games) and I copied my /dev/sda4 to /dev/sda3, and deleted /dev/sda4. /etc/fstab still shows /dev/sda4 as the /home directory, but gnome-system-monitor shows /home as /dev/sda3.  I mean, I'm glad I don't have to edit /etc/fstab manually, but why is it doing this?04:49
shm613te_: under Access Point it says Invalid04:49
mac_gr8, but i dont see any external devices for this /media/dellutility04:49
JoshJastro76: there you go04:49
ushdfgakkalright alright04:49
bullgard4English help wanted. What is the first sentence of the English descriptive text that Synaptics provides for the Ubuntu DEB program package 'seblinux1'? The sentence is probably similar to "This package provides the commonly used libraries which are used for a security optimized Linux."04:49
mac_its something inside my laptop, i guess04:49
jason___anyway, i have used the Comprehensive Sound Problem Solutions Guide v0.5e to death over the last 2 months.  i am using 7.10.  i get the bongos at the startup screen, but i have no sound.  i max out everything in my alsa mixer, but still nothing04:49
te_shm613: So the correct essid is seen in the output of iwconfig?04:50
jason___considering i do get the bongos, and the sound worked fine when i used the live cd, i am thinking it must me something simple i am missing04:50
shm613te_: Yes04:50
JoshJbullgard4: i'd help, but i don't see 'seblinux1'. what version are you on?04:50
jason___i have already tried reinstalls 6 times04:50
te_shm613: sudo dhclient eth104:50
te_shm613: or just:  sudo dhclient04:50
bullgard4JoshJ: Ubuntu 7.1004:50
mac_i have another folder /media/OS04:50
mac_so i'm just curios about it04:51
JoshJah, i see ,i'm still on 7.0404:51
JoshJi'll probably end up installing 7.10 over my break at some point just to eliminate this weirdness with my filesystem (and let me clean up my partitions a bit004:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnomeradio - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:51
Thorsten11thats a good idea04:51
bullgard4JoshJ: I made a mistake. The name is 'libselinux1'.04:51
te_shm613: Did that get you connected?04:51
deusrSomeone help me?04:52
shm613te_: it returned No DHCPOFFERS received04:52
CaptainMorgananyone running their gnomeradio? do I actually need a /dev/radio or is this thing nutz?04:52
astro76JoshJ, in ubuntu, fstab uses UUIDs by default, is yours?04:52
JoshJastro76: yeah, i haven't changed it04:52
shm613te_: No working leases in persistent database - sleeping04:52
Hennyanybody tell me how to load the X-FI audio driver?04:52
IndyGunFreakHenny: aren' there instructions where you downloaded it?04:52
astro76JoshJ, are you just looking at the comment in fstab which says /dev/sda4, or are you comparing the actual UUID using the blkid command?04:53
te_shm613: sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop  and then sudo  /etc/init.d/networking start04:53
Hennyyea not sure though04:53
HennyIndy new to linux04:53
JoshJastro76: it's still showing the date on fstab as being 2007-07-29 and i repartitioned yesterday04:53
JoshJi'll check the UID's now though04:53
IndyGunFreakHenny: no offense, but unless you're new to reading, the instructions on their site would be a good place to start04:53
astro76JoshJ, well how did you repartition?04:53
Jack_SparrowJoshJ: when you change any partiton on a drive all uuid's get reset04:53
te_shm613: Did that get you connected?04:54
Jack_SparrowJoshJ: For that drive only..04:54
JoshJi repartitioned by sticking a livedisc in and running gparted04:54
HennyQuick install04:54
Henny1) You must have the fully configured source for the Linux kernel and04:54
Henny   ALSA which you04:54
Henny want to use for this device driver. Partial installed04:54
Henny   kernels (e.g. From distribution makers) may be unusable for this04:54
Henny   action.04:54
Henny2) Run one of the following commands as root in the terminal:04:54
Henny   ./installer04:54
Hennythat's what it says04:54
IndyGunFreakHenny: are you nuts?04:54
Jack_Sparrow!paste > Henny04:54
astro76!paste | Henny04:54
ubotuHenny: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:54
robdig!pastebin | Henny04:54
=== zombie is now known as ReMrAf
te_Henny: Use pastebin.04:54
JoshJah, thanks04:55
reportingsjrIs there a way to open chm files on ubuntu 7.10?04:55
JoshJthe comment is wrong, apparently04:55
shm613te_: No04:55
astro76reportingsjr, gnochm04:55
* IndyGunFreak still can't access pastebin for some reason04:55
JoshJthe UUID is the same for the new /dev/sda3 as the old /dev/sda4 was; but the comment in /etc/fstab is still reporting that as /dev/sda404:55
JoshJi'll fix that now i guess04:55
te_shm613: Show us the output of iwconfig  (via pastebin)04:55
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: pastebin comes right up for me04:55
Hennyt know anything about paste bin04:55
ReMrAfhey can anyone help me? after i login in anything but failsafe then it goes to the next screen does load the desktop or anything else and then after a bit logs off user and goes back to the login screen04:55
shm613te_: eth1      IEEE 802.11b/g  ESSID:"Home"  Nickname:"Broadcom 4311"04:56
shm613          Mode:Managed  Frequency=2.472 GHz  Access Point: Invalid04:56
shm613          Bit Rate=1 Mb/s   Tx-Power=18 dBm04:56
shm613          RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off04:56
shm613          Link Quality=0/100  Signal level=-256 dBm  Noise level=-256 dBm04:56
* nickrud thinks IndyGunFreak was banned for a reason04:56
shm613          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:004:56
ReMrAfim on ubuntu 7.1004:56
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: i've not been able to access it for 4-5 days.... don't know why04:56
shm613          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:004:56
astro76JoshJ, you've implied you used some tool to do the partitioning which adjusted fstab... I'm not surprised it didn't touch the comments04:56
te_shm613: Also, the output of ifconfig (via pastebin)04:56
IndyGunFreaknickrud: from pastebin?.. why?..04:56
nickrudIndyGunFreak, a joke, bad one I guess04:56
JoshJastro76: yeah, it was ubuntu's built-in gparted04:56
astro76JoshJ, I think only the install process sets those comments04:56
IndyGunFreaki've never pasted anything derogatory.04:56
IndyGunFreaknickrud: lol, ok04:56
Arricknickrud how do I change the user:group on a directory and everything in it?04:56
Jack_SparrowHenny: read the channel topic and click on paste ....04:56
te_!pastebin | shm61304:56
ubotushm613: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:56
pvluse man chown04:56
IndyGunFreakHenny: well, 1.  pastebin is in the channel topic.. 2.  its common sense, this room has 1200 people in it, do you really think its wise to paste 15-20 lines of text?04:56
JoshJastro76: i should probably suggest to the gparted/livedisc people to check to see if the comments are the same as they were originally04:56
GanryuMVPanyone know an easy way to save .ram (Real Media) video for offline viewing?04:57
nickrudArrick, chown -R  user:group /path (goes all the way down the sub dirs)04:57
JoshJand if so, update accordingly04:57
Z1gfr0id3As up eth0?04:57
pvlArrick, tyoe man chown a manual will come up04:57
te_shm613: Show us the output of ifconfig (via pastebin)04:57
pvlArrick, *type04:57
JoshJi've still got a busted swap entry, though... right now i don't even HAVE a swap partition :p04:57
ReMrAfwell if so let me know  :) thanks04:57
te_JoshJ: Not a big problem long as you have plenty of RAM.04:58
astro76JoshJ, it could be a useful option... keep in mind it's something that Ubuntu does, the comment thing is not standard, and most distros don't even use UUID yet I believe04:58
shm613te_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49661/04:58
JoshJthanks for directing me to blkid btw, now i'll be able to set that up myself if i have to.04:58
astro76JoshJ, no problem04:58
ReMrAfastro you know anything about my problem?04:58
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908
JoshJas theoretically all i would have to do is change the UUID and leave all the other options in the line the same, right? :)04:58
astro76ReMrAf, not really04:59
te_Can you ping your router?  e.g. ping
ReMrAfknow anyone that would ?04:59
JoshJte_: i've got a gig and i rarely cross 300 MB; if for some reason I keep feisty rather than upgrading I'll probably yank two gigs or so from my windows partition and use those for swap.04:59
deusrUSB not detect05:00
_Casey_if i plug in my mic do i need to install drivers for it or anything?05:00
JoshJ_Casey_: that depends on the mic usually05:00
_Casey_its just a usb logitech05:00
verb3kdeusr, what is your device?05:00
bazhangdeusr: need more info05:01
_Casey_i want to plug it in and use it with the stickam.com service if possible05:01
MrPiracyanyone here knows the secret to have direct rendering enabled using i810 driver?05:01
te_shm613: Can you ping your router?  e.g. ping
JoshJi probably need to just do a fresh install to get rid of the cruft i've accumulated anyway... i've got so many virtual discs where I was learning how to use VMWare that I've probably got 10 gigs of *nothing* lying around >_<05:01
deusrClock Mp3 USB not detected by ubuntu05:01
verb3kdeusr, see the outout of this command: dmesg | tail05:01
deusrverb3k: bazhang: Clock Mp3 USB not detected by ubuntu05:02
_Casey_but yeah if i just plug it in will it work?05:02
JoshJ_Casey_: won't hurt to try :p05:02
deusrverb3k: http://paste.ubuntubrasil.org/465305:02
te_shm613: Do you [still] have an ethernet cable connecting your wired NIC to the router?05:02
bazhangdeusr: what is that? what are you trying to do with it? what system, etc05:02
_Casey_ok hold on05:02
deusrbazhang: http://paste.ubuntubrasil.org/465305:02
shm613te_: opps how do I stop the ping?05:02
david__Anyone on here have an Asus M2N32-SLI Deluxe (with Wireless networking onboard) motherboard?05:03
te_shm613: Ctrl-c05:03
bazhangcontrol c shm61305:03
deusrclock mp3 usb not detect by ubuntu05:03
shm613te_: thanks05:03
te_shm613: Can you ping your router?  e.g. ping
_Casey_ok it plugged in, do i do an lspci or something to detect it05:03
bqmasseyhey.. im trying to figure out the model of my hard-drive... there an easy way to do that in ubuntu?05:04
verb3kdeusr,  hmm, I don't know what the problem, it happened to me with my Flash USB05:04
shm613te_: no I cant ping my router05:04
te_shm613: Do you [still] have an ethernet cable connecting your wired NIC to the router?05:04
shm613te_: no I cant ping my router05:04
deusrverb3k: :/05:04
xenthrohello. extracting rar archives is extremely slow in ubuntu compared with windows. is there a way to speed it up?05:04
pvlare there keys to grab my screen for a virtual screen?05:04
verb3kdeusr,  sorry :(05:04
_Casey_what would the device be listed as under volume preferences05:05
_Casey_its USB05:05
MrPiracyanyone here using intel's 946gz chipset?05:05
IndyGunFreakdeusr: whats the problem?05:05
te_shm613: Did you do: sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop  and then sudo  /etc/init.d/networking start  ?05:05
JoshJ_Casey_: 'audio input' or something?05:05
shm613te_: Yes05:05
deusrIndyGunFreak: Clock Mp3 USB not detected by ubuntu05:05
_Casey_mic boost, capture, digital?05:05
JoshJgnome-alsamixer shows a "mic" and "capture" category05:05
IndyGunFreakdeusr: thats a piss poor explanation05:06
verb3kIndyGunFreak, he can't get his usb device to work , the error messages of dmesg | tail is here http://paste.ubuntubrasil.org/465305:06
shm613te_: I can ping my router with the patch cable plugged in but not when it isnt and trying to ping over wireless05:06
te_shm613: Then manually give eth1 an IP address, one that is not in the DHCP pool.  e.g. ifconfig eth1
bazhangdeusr: what are you trying to do? what is clock mp3 usb? what system, etc?05:06
JoshJI suspect it would be "Mic" under gnome-alsamixer and "capture" is recording the sound that comes out of the computer05:06
te_shm613: And then, try to ping the router:  ping
JoshJi don't know what volume program you're using :(05:06
IndyGunFreakverb3k: that paste isn't working for me.05:07
te_shm613: Then manually give eth1 an IP address:  sudo ifconfig eth1
te_shm613: Unplug the cable05:07
verb3kIndyGunFreak, strange ...05:07
jason___does ubuntu have a remote access feature where someone can look at my desktop and help me figure out why i can't get sound05:07
voicecan someone help me please?05:07
_Casey_im looking05:07
IndyGunFreak!someone | voice05:07
ubotuvoice: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:07
JoshJjason___: sure, it's called "ssh"05:08
voicebecause i asked it twice before and no one replied05:08
te_shm613: Did you do: sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop  and then sudo  /etc/init.d/networking start  when the cable was unplugged?05:08
demonsporkjason___, what type of sound card do you have?05:08
jason___sorry, i am a noob05:08
IndyGunFreakvoice: then either have patience, or if a fair amount of time has passed, ask again05:08
verb3kbazhang, I think he's talking about a usb mp3 player or something. He can't get his usb device to work , the error messages of dmesg | tail is here http://paste.ubuntubrasil.org/465305:08
jason___i have an ICH505:08
JoshJnote that giving someone you don't know ssh access to your computer is basically giving them free rein05:08
xenthrohelp needed: ubuntu crashes after a while when screensaver is on. screen goes black, caps lock key flashes and no keys work. I always need to do a hard reboot but when i restart I have no idea why exactly it happened. any ideas?05:08
jason___sager laptop05:08
Cpudan80Is there a way to make a touchpad (on a laptop) less sensitive to extraneous taps?05:08
jason___when i enter aplay -l that's what it says05:08
JoshJCpudan80: yeah05:08
voicea fair amount of time did pass, im not impatient05:08
Cpudan80It's a T4205:08
deusrIndyGunFreak: My father has ubuntu in the machine and won a clock mp3, that the plugar in ubuntu, it does not mount it. My gentoo mounts and creates an icon on the desktop of the gnome.05:08
Cpudan80JoshJ: How?05:08
JoshJCpudan80: you want to turn off "touch to click"?05:08
JoshJor just reduce sensitivity?05:08
bazhangverb3k: I saw that :} but he should give us answers to more pertinent questions, aye?05:08
IndyGunFreakdeusr: sorr, i have no idea what would cause that.05:09
_Casey_i see it under device manager05:09
te_xenthro: Turn off screensaver05:09
jason___i get the bongos at start up, but nothing while in the desktop05:09
Cpudan80JoshJ: Well - I tap the thing with my wrist, and the mouse goes all spastic05:09
deusrIndyGunFreak: thanks :/05:09
CyberMadis that ok, that i use ubuntu-desktop as server05:09
Cpudan80I dont want to turn the thing off entirely05:09
te_xenthro: Or at least turn off the "blank screen" part.05:09
JoshJCpudan80: are you talking about clicking or moving it?05:09
voiceAnyway, my real question is why when i try to boot my ubuntu live cd does it come up "failed to set xfermode" when the first time it worked perfectly?05:09
mac_hi guys05:09
shm613te_: Still cant ping router05:09
xenthrote_ its not blank05:09
bazhangdeusr: last time: what are trying to do? what system?05:09
deusrbazhang: y father has ubuntu in the machine and won a clock mp3, that the plugar in ubuntu, it does not mount it. My gentoo mounts and creates an icon on the desktop of the gnome.05:09
Cpudan80JoshJ: It'll do both somtimes05:09
CyberMadi will run virtualbox inside, then each virtual machine i install debian with specific duty05:09
JoshJyou can adjust mouse speed rather simply05:10
te_shm613: Did you do: sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop  and then sudo  /etc/init.d/networking start  when the cable was unplugged?05:10
mac_what the use of /media/dellutility folder?05:10
Cpudan80JoshJ: I'd have to play with the config a little --- where do I go to mess with it?05:10
IndyGunFreakvoice: sorry, no clue on that one, never heard of that problem05:10
xenthrote_ and it crashed before even without the SS... it would just lock up my screen and keys would not work05:10
verb3kbazhang, I can understand him05:10
Thorsten11mac_ hi there05:10
bazhangdeusr: that does not answer my question what are you trying to do?05:10
jebblue!ubotu ubotu |  voice05:10
ubotuvoice: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:10
shm613te_: yes05:10
mac_yep Thorstenll05:10
_Casey_Joshj "Usb Audio Interface" ;x05:10
JoshJCpudan80: if you add the following line to your /etc/xorg.conf (under "section 'InputDevice'") it will turn off the "tap to click" thing. This isn't adjustable through the standard system-preferences thing.Option"MaxTapTime""0"05:10
te_shm613: Did you give it an IP address?05:10
verb3kbazhang, he's trying to get hs device to work man what's up ???05:10
mac_hi Thorsten1105:11
shm613te_: Yes05:11
Cpudan80JoshJ: Is there a way to just make it so that the taps are required to be longer?05:11
te_shm613: Give command: ifconfig  [with no arguments] and see if it has IP
JoshJ_Casey_: i've never used a microphone, I'm just trying to offer suggestions. the standard gnome-volume-control shows a "microphone" category, i'd suggest turning that up and seeing what happens05:11
Cpudan80JoshJ: IE 1 second or so05:11
te_shm613: ifconfig eth105:11
Shadow147can run a compilied program without installing it?05:11
bazhangverb3k: dont know sync music, transfer data files, etc, there is a different method for each fix05:12
JoshJCpudan80: yeah, you just change that length of time05:12
_Casey_thats for the mic port, not usb05:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about microphone - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:12
Cpudan80JoshJ: Is that # in seconds?05:12
JoshJCpudan80: i don't know, i just set it to 0 because i personally dislike tap to click05:12
te_shm613: Does the second line of the output of ifconfig eth1 show IP address:  "" ?05:12
JoshJi'd guess it's seconds or milliseconds05:12
bmk789anyone using an intel X3100?05:12
deusrbazhang: that does not answer my question what are you trying to do?05:12
nickrudCpudan80, you can add the line Option "SHMConfig" "1" to /etc/X11/xorg.conf , then you can run gsynaptics , it gives you some control over the pad05:12
mac_ what the use of /media/dellutility folder? anybody05:12
tofaffyI have an ATI 1100 graphics card on my laptop and a Hanns G HW191D...the drivers for the monitor aren't on Ubuntu by default and the screen resolution is HUGE....does anyone know how I can fix this?05:12
tofaffyI can't find anything on the internet05:12
deusrbazhang: Sorry, I am trying to plug-in the clock in ubuntu and he mount the device so that I can copy some songs for him.05:12
shm613te_: No05:13
Shadow147tofaffy well first you need to install your cards restricted drive05:13
te_shm613: Did you enter the MAC 00:00:00:1A:73:B2   into your router's list of allowed MACs?05:13
Cpudan80nickrud: thanks - I'll mess around with it05:13
bazhangdeusr: haha--open amarok, then insert the device--then go to devices in amarok and look for the device in the applet at the top of the screen05:13
Shadow147tofaffy | !find ATI05:13
nickrudtofaffy, your card isn't supported by the default ubuntu driver, you have to go to system->admin->restricted drivers and enable the fglrx one05:13
tofaffyShadow147, what is the name of the ATI drivers?...I think I have them already installed05:13
te_shm613: Then issue command:  sudo ifconfig eth1
tofaffyShadow147, I had issues with the fglrx drivers05:14
tofaffyIt was EXTREMEMLY slow05:14
jimboI got a bad ntsf problem anyone up for this05:14
bazhangdeusr: this may take a couple of trys and be patient, but it will get mounted--come hell or high water :}05:14
te_shm613: And then issue command: ifconfig [with no argument] to confirm that eth1 has IP
Shadow147tofaffy hmm I am using the restricted drivers for my card and mine is a Nvidia Card05:14
tofaffyMine is ATI...05:15
bazhangsorry for the language channel05:15
nickrudtofaffy, was that the ones from ubuntu or the one you download from ati05:15
_Casey_how do i view running process and the pid from konsole05:15
shm613te_: Now it had the ip05:15
JoshJps -e | grep processname05:15
te_Casey:  ps aux05:15
tofaffynickrud, xorg-driver-fglrx from ubuntu repos05:15
JoshJor that :p05:15
Shadow147hey nickrud can a compiled be launched without installing it?05:15
te_shm613: ping
hacked_kernelI have Gutsy installed on a laptop, I have a problem with my ipw2200 card, it reconnects automatically in very short time which makes the connection is unstable, i had the same issue in fiesty, any help?05:16
JoshJShadow147: sure, cd to the folder and do ./binaryname05:16
te_shm613: Are you now able to ping the router?05:16
nickrudtofaffy, hrm, do you have the linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) installed?05:16
Shadow147JoshJ thanks so I just do a make?05:16
JoshJShadow147: you have to chmod it to +x05:16
Cpudan80nickrud: Are you sure it's 1 and not "true" ?05:16
mac_ what the use of /media/dellutility folder? any help05:16
JoshJmake, then chmod the binary to +x05:16
Shadow147JoshJ ok05:16
nickrudCpudan80, they're equivalent05:16
tofaffynickrud, how do I search for it?05:16
_Casey_it says firfox is open but i did a forcequit on it05:17
JoshJ_Casey_: do killall firefox-bin05:17
Cpudan80nickrud: oh ok - didn't realize that (that makes sense though)05:17
tofaffyjared@jared-laptop:~$ uname -r05:17
nickrudtofaffy, aptitude search linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) in the terminal, if it has an i in the first column it's installed05:17
_Casey_oh that worked05:17
JoshJhacked_kernel: this seems to be a bug with your card, look at the search results here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?value=ipw2200&action=fullsearch&context=18005:17
mac_hey guys, answer to me pls,  what the use of /media/dellutility folder in an dell ubuntu system05:17
shm613te_: Still doesnt ping05:17
BubblegumTatehow can I get a package off the repos onto a computer that isn't connected to the internets?05:17
JoshJthere may be something in there that can help you05:18
Robbie_Crashis there a way to directly insert text from the command line into a text file?05:18
bullgard4Why does HAL_Device_Manager not provide RAM information? Or did I overlook something?05:18
nickrudBubblegumTate, packages.ubuntu.com05:18
kamilCan anyone help with enemy territory installation ? pubkbuster kicks me because of empty CD-key, what should i do?05:18
deusrbazhang: You do not understand, when I plug-in the PC, I can enchergar it by the device cat /proc/partition, and the lsusb, but does not appear in the /dev05:18
_Casey_my firefox freezes on stickam.com now05:18
tofaffynickrud, jared@jared-laptop:~$ aptitude search linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)05:18
tofaffyi A linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 - Non-free Linux 2.6.22 modules on x86/x86_605:18
te_shm613: What is the essid of your router?05:18
shm613te_: Home05:19
hacked_kernelJoshJ: some people were talking about this issue in launchpad, they said that its a problem with the driver05:19
bazhangdeusr: this is an mp3 player? a clock? a combo mp3player/clock? allof the above?05:19
Onyxlooking for some help05:19
Robbie_CrashWithout the use of an editor, if I just want to append the line to the end of the file?05:19
JoshJmac_: i found it05:19
nickrudtofaffy, it's installed then. I don't know why you would have problems with that driver. For some reason it's slow for some people, for most it's fine05:19
JoshJYou might be wondering what the two vfat partitions at the front of the disk are:05:19
JoshJ/dev/sda1 mounts to /media/DellUtility05:19
JoshJI wont be clearing this partition after all, since magicfab pointed out that it is a Dell hardware diagnostics environment implemented in DOS. I have the tendancy to jump to conclusions when I see anything .EXE05:19
JoshJfrom : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=276462105:19
OnyxI just hit something+r (on the keyboard) and it zoomed my screen in... how the hell do I get it back to normal zoom?05:19
bazhangOnyx: what is the issue?05:19
deusrbazhang: clock mp3+FM+write05:19
bazhangcompiz onyx?05:19
_Casey_onyx try f1 i think05:20
tofaffynickrud, I'll try it again...how do I enable it again?05:20
jimbocan anyone help me with a ntfs problem i am having05:20
Cpudan80nickrud: Works great - ty05:20
mac_hey Joshj05:20
nickrudtofaffy, system->admin->restricted manager05:20
Robbie_Crash!ntfs | jimbo05:20
JoshJjimbo: give details and then we'll see if we can help?05:20
mac_whats that for05:20
ubotujimbo: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE05:20
Onyxbazhang: nah, I don't think it's compiz... it's like the entire screen is zoomed05:20
Cpudan80And it clearly adjusts the sensitivity -- I cranked it way down05:20
bioso.. what's going on with flash these days?05:20
mac_JoshJ:whats that for05:20
_Casey_you mean macromedia05:20
JoshJyou mean adobe :p05:20
kamilhow to fix empty cd-key problem in et?05:21
bio_Casey_, like adobe flash player05:21
te_shm613: Then it should work.  That's all there is to wireless networking. You set the ESSID and an IP address that is on the same network and if the router will accept the connection, that should do it.05:21
JoshJmac_: it's a review, but he mentions that dell has a DOS diagnostics tool in that partition05:21
bio_Casey_, watch google vids05:21
_Casey_flash still doesnt work with webcams for video4linuxv2 grrrrrrrr05:21
nickrudCpudan80, yw. I used it for a while, then lost it during a reconfig. I ended up training myself :)05:21
Shadow147bio flash is still broken05:21
jimbocan anyone help me with a ntfs problem i am having05:21
Cpudan80nickrud: lol05:21
Shadow147bio for linux05:21
JoshJpresumably if you go to them with a problem they run those DOS diagnostics05:21
bioShadow147, how do I watch google vids?05:21
Shadow147!find flash05:21
ubotuFound: flashrom, flashybrid, libflash-dev, libflash-mozplugin, libflash-swfplayer (and 6 others)05:21
Robbie_Crashjimbo what is your ntfs problem?05:21
IndyGunFreakbio: flash is fine if you donwload the tarball from adobe, and install it that way, its the version in the repos thats broken05:21
bioflash used to work05:21
JoshJread the review, there's some details on that there05:21
samm1in amd64 flash is not working05:22
Robbie_Crashis there a way to directly insert text from the command line into a text file? Without the use of an editor, if I just want to append the line to the end of the file?05:22
IndyGunFreaksamm1: its never worked in amd6405:22
te_shm613: Well, there is the possibility that the router does not respond to ping requests, (has port 113 filtered).05:22
bazhangonyx alt scroll wheel did it for me--if you mean firefox05:22
nickrud!flash64 | bio05:22
ubotubio: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava05:22
davidthedrakesamm1, You can get a wrapper for it or install a 32-bit version of Firefox05:22
samm1IndyGunFreak:so what to do?05:22
IndyGunFreaknickrud: just posted it..05:22
JoshJmac_: /media/OS apparently has your install image and some other stuff.05:22
Shadow147bio !sudo apt-get install flash-mozplugin05:22
shm613te_: No because I can ping it when I'm wired05:22
_Casey_why is stickam.com freezing me all of a sudden05:22
_Casey_even on firefox and galeon05:22
Onyxbazhang: Nah, it's the entire desktop environment...05:23
arooni________how do i bond my motorola s9 headphones05:23
te_shm613: If that is the case, just go on and place a nameserver or 2 in the /etc/resolv.conf file and see if you can surf the net.05:23
Shadow147without the !05:23
nickrudIndyGunFreak, you got the quick fingers tonight05:23
arooni________to my gutsy05:23
mac_JoshJ: how does it work and whats the use of it?05:23
IndyGunFreaknickrud: lol,05:23
bioShadow147, that one line and I can view vids05:23
JoshJmac_: ask dell, not me *shrug*05:23
Shadow147bio yes05:23
JoshJall i know is what i see on that review05:23
bazhangOnyx: then it must be compiz05:23
Onyxbazhang: Ahhhh, there we go.05:23
Onyxwindows key+scroll wheel :P05:23
bazhangOnyx: nice work05:23
bioShadow147, that's not the name though05:23
Onyxbazhang: thanks for the direction :P05:24
JoshJ"windows key"? what's that for you, meta?05:24
mac_JoshJ; they gave a windows booklet when i purchased linux box from them :)05:24
Robbie_CrashJoshJ SUPER05:24
Onyxbazhang: That sure was annoying... ;)05:24
biobio@bio-bushi:~$ sudo apt-get install flash05:24
bioflashkard            flashplugin          flashybrid05:24
bioflashplayer-mozilla  flashplugin-nonfree05:24
SmegzorIs there a tool to monitor network traffic for an individual application?05:24
nickrud!bluetooth | arooni________05:24
ubotuarooni________: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup05:24
biosorry about the paste05:24
mac_hi bio05:24
bazhangOnyx: and that is the Super key now :}05:24
OnyxJoshJ: Hmm?05:24
mac_bio: hi05:24
biomac_, yoyoyo05:24
IndyGunFreakstickkam seems to be working fine for me... for those interested05:24
JoshJOnyx: there's no "windows key" in Linux :p05:24
Onyxbazhang: What does that key do for me now?05:24
JoshJbio: i think you want flashplugin-nonfree05:24
_Casey_indy you can access it?05:24
bioflashplugin-nonfree... that's what I thought05:25
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: yes, its working fine05:25
IndyGunFreaki'm watching it now.05:25
_Casey_i go on firefox and galeon and the browsers just freeze05:25
samm1:-( Is there no way I can make flash work in amd 64 ??05:25
mac_give an answer man, whats the usage of /media/OS folder ...it is having the linux image05:25
te_shm613: Well, we have covered all there is to cover.  If you have the ESSID right and you have an IP address that is accessable as per the router's config. that should get you in contact with the LAN and you should be able to ping the router. (That is prviding that the wireless NIC on the router is alllowed to answer ping requests, and it IS possible that the router is blocking pings from the wired NIC).05:25
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: i'm using firefox.05:25
Onyxbazhang: Been about six years since I last used Linux (just installed Ubuntu this morning), and that key didn't do anything for me back in the day.05:25
JoshJmac_: think "recovery partition"05:25
Shadow147bio do sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla and flashplugin-nonfree just to be safe05:25
nickrud!flash64 | samm105:25
bazhangOnyx: try super e, super q; if you have the ccsm extensions checked it is the master of key combox05:25
ubotusamm1: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava05:25
_Casey_reinstall firefox or what?05:25
jebblueSmegzor you want to monitor traffic for a particular app?05:25
Onyxsamm1: Yeah, on FireFox?05:25
Smegzorjebblue: thats the idea05:25
samm1tried but didn't work05:25
IndyGunFreakCasey: maybe, i don't know, what version fo firefox?05:25
bioThe Flash plugin was NOT installed05:25
bazhangerr combos05:25
mac_JoshJ: hows does it work then if i need to recover?05:25
samm1gnash is too crappy05:26
_Casey_default that came with this im guessing05:26
Onyxbazhang: super q does nothing, but super e is pretty badass.05:26
jebblueSmegzor good question I've often wanted to do that too05:26
JoshJmac_: ask dell, or perhaps do some shenanigans with grub05:26
shm613te_: when i do iwlist scan it returns No scan results05:26
te_shm613: Look at /etc/resolv.conf  and see if you have nameservers listed.05:26
* IndyGunFreak thinks Ubuntu needs to fix this flash problem, i'm sick of hearing, "Flash not installed"05:26
nickrudbio, they've told you that flash in the repos is broken, use the one from adobe05:26
te_shm613: cat /etc/resolv.conf05:26
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: well, what version of ubuntu are you using?05:26
bionickrud, then someone said otherwise05:26
JoshJbio: i'm on feisty still, btw05:26
rencore_if i pull out my usb mouse and plug it back in ubuntu doesnt see it forcing me to reboot how can i fix this05:26
JoshJso if it's broken in gutsy i'm unaware05:26
shm613te_: yes there are two nameservers listed05:26
te_shm613: Are you using native driver or ndiswrapper?05:27
_Casey_im on....05:27
bazhangOnyx: try and enabling it then :}05:27
JoshJi've done an install out of the tarball on dapper, it's not hard :p05:27
OnyxHmmmmm.... having issues getting coolkey to work with firefox.05:27
bioJoshJ, feisty here too05:27
te_shm613: host av.com05:27
SturmIs it possible to make removeable devices (mp3players, flash drives) not have owners so that anyone can mount one in any user and always have permission to read and write to them?05:27
te_shm613:  Does that return anything?05:27
JoshJbio: then try it, you can removei it later05:27
=== danfg_ is now known as danfg
bioyeah, I got the tarball thing05:27
shm613te_: the driver from the restricted drivers manager05:27
te_Sturm: Yes05:27
Smegzorjebblue: I'm hosting a game server (halflife2) over the holidays. It doesn't appear to be a bandwidth hog, but I'm worried that if I leave it running all night, it'll suck me dry.05:27
_Casey_its an audio/video production version, i forget05:27
JoshJthe tarball is dead easy, you just stick the .so into the right dir05:27
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: ubuntu studio?05:28
_Casey_thats it05:28
te_Sturm: Just edit the /etc/group file and place new users where they have access.05:28
Shadow147this nice also I just double-clicked on it and it launched05:28
_Casey_stickam was working earlier, not anymore05:28
jebblueSmegzor yup good one I've wanted to do some monitoring like that with the old Unreal server too05:28
IndyGunFreakCasey: ubuntu studio kinda does its own thing, so i don't really know what to tell you... open a terminal and type "lsb_release -a"  and see what the output is.05:29
JoshJ_Casey_: then undo whatever you did with the mic?05:29
jebblueSmegzor asks how to monitor the network traffic for just one app?05:29
_Casey_all i did was plug it in05:29
danfganyone using eclipse 3.3?05:29
Shadow147this will allow me to compile programs and use them without installation just like in windows05:29
bioshould I use /usr/lib/mozilla    ? is that the default path?05:29
IndyGunFreakJoshJ: i dont' think that would effect flash, but who knows.05:29
nickruddanfg, from eclipse.org , yes05:29
IndyGunFreakbio: i think it should work05:29
JoshJIndyGunFreak: when something breaks, undo whatever your most recent change was :p05:29
shm613te_: the connection timed out with host av.com05:30
danfgnickrud: where can i find an eclipse 3.3 debian package?05:30
te_shm613: You might re-boot and see if that does anything.  Reboot with the wired nic unplugged.05:30
nickrudand keep a log book!05:30
jebblueSmegzor asks how to monitor the network traffic for just one app?05:30
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: i dont' know, i use gutsy, and flash is working fine for me.05:30
OnyxAnyone here use coolkey/PKCS #11?05:30
orionnok... im sure this is a repeated issue... but i've googled my arse off05:30
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: can you view youtube?05:30
* _Casey_ tries05:30
carpediemdanfg: do you really need a Debian package?  Can't you just download it from eclipse.com?05:30
orionnmy integrated webcam/mic works in skype and ekiga05:30
Smegzorjebblue: um..  why are you doing that?05:31
carpediemdanfg: errr, eclipse.org rather05:31
orionncant get it to activate in a flash webchat05:31
_Casey_yep works fine05:31
orionndell 1720 integrated05:31
biols |more05:31
jebblueSmegzor because I want to know too?05:31
_Casey_or not it just froze05:31
nickruddanfg, I haven't seen one. I just untarred (unzipped?) the download into my ~/local dir, linked the executable into ~/bin , put ~/bin on my path and all was good05:31
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: now that is wierd.05:31
Smegzorspamming won't help05:31
SturmI still dont get what I am supposed to do, I dont see any  "disk"05:31
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: well, that makes more sense.. something has happeend to your flash.05:31
_Casey_i let it sit for a second to load a video and it just froze05:31
orionnanyone? anyone? Beuler?05:31
danfgcarpediem: i had eclipse 3.3 working then it suddenly went nuts and i removed it. it all happened after i added/removed some unrelated (apparently) packages with synaptic. i'm scared :(05:31
biothere it is05:32
=== rter43 is now known as Ashfire908
jimboCan anyone help me05:32
jimboI just put linux on my desktop it used to have windows and the os was on a raid and the raid failed so i took out the hd with the error and put linux on a new hard drive, one of the hardrives (not part of the raid) was in the computer and was hiberanted by windows and now linux wouldnt let me mount the hd because it was hibernated by windows.05:32
Silver_FoxHey all, i was wondering, are there any good video edeting programs for linux?  Also, are there any good screen recorders?05:32
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: i would use synaptic to uninstall flash, then download the tar.gz file from Adobve.com, and reinstalll flash using it.05:32
carpediemdanfg: hmm, strange.  Never had a problem with it at all, other than when I ran the 64bit version05:32
jebblueSmegzor you're welcome man if I knew I'd tell you in detail instead I get criticized for trying to find someone who know, thanks.05:32
J_Laptopjimbo - do you care about the data on that drive?05:32
orionni installed the flash-nonfree 9.0 from adobe05:32
danfgcarpediem: eclipse 3.3 was installed from the tar.gz file btw, i was just wondering where i could find a deb package instead05:32
ramza3https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo   I am following this guide for setting up NFS, but I am getting permission defined on the client side.   Anybody have any ideas.  Only difference from article is that I added a "nfsuser" as a user and used that as my home directory05:32
orionni have EVERYTHING working seamlessly except the cam05:33
jimboj-laptop, yes i do05:33
Smegzor*sigh*  some peeps.  I appreciate the help, it was just the method.05:33
te_Sturm: What was the first username you had when you installed?05:33
cMinionhey, i just installed Ubuntu on two machines with the same cd. For some reason i can't find java6 in the reposetory on this machine but i had no problem finding it on the other. The icedtea thing doesn't work with eclipse so.05:33
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: thats what it is in the repos if i recall.05:33
orionnwhatever the new flash release is for linux05:33
IndyGunFreakSmegzor: ?.. what are you talking about.05:33
J_Laptopjimbo - then I don't know - if you didn't care, you could dd the drive to clear it out05:33
J_Laptopand then use it05:33
orionnfucking shit05:34
_Casey_oh thats not even installed05:34
orionnmy webcam light is on now05:34
nickrud!language | orionn05:34
ubotuorionn: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:34
carpediemorionn: watch the language05:34
bazhangSmegzor: beggars/choosers?05:34
orionnoops language05:34
SmegzorJebblue was spamming my question is all.05:34
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: lol, that could be part of your problem.. but regardless, go to adobe.com05:34
jimboj-laptop, ok thanks anyway05:34
Sonjaubotu should auto say that upon keywords like fuck and shit05:34
carpediemdanfg: hard to say....if you've somehow borked your system with regards to eclipse, I'd be surprised if a .deb install would change that.05:35
IndyGunFreakSonja: ?... ubotu should ban people for being morons05:35
bazhangthe bot should auto kick Sonja :}05:35
Sonjaim innocent05:35
carpediemdanfg: are you sure you didn't install a non-Sun version of Java or something?05:35
jimboCan anyone help me05:35
jimboI just put linux on my desktop it used to have windows and the os was on a raid and the raid failed so i took out the hd with the error and put linux on a new hard drive, one of the hardrives (not part of the raid) was in the computer and was hiberanted by windows and now linux wouldnt let me mount the hd because it was hibernated by windows.05:35
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: are you there?05:35
danfgcarpediem: i was hoping it would, resolving dependencies and such05:36
_Casey_yes hold please05:36
danfgcarpediem: not that i recall05:36
Evolution2jimbo: install ext2 for windows05:36
_Casey_ok adobe.com05:36
JoshJjimbo: um. How can it still be hibernated if windows is no longer running?05:36
carpediemdanfg: there are no dependencies for eclipse that aren't included with it, other than the JVM05:36
danfgcarpediem: ok. i'm downloading the latest tar.gz and i'll try installing it again05:37
carpediemdanfg: can you go to the command line and type "java -version"05:37
_Casey_option 1: tar.gz05:37
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: yes05:37
_Casey_i do a ./configure, make, sudo make install?05:37
vegananarchistI need some help05:38
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: no05:38
danfgcarpediem: yikes, "Could not create the Java virtual machine.", but that's recent, it was working just now. i changed some settings with the java-alternatives script. brb05:38
Caseyugh. i hate highlights05:38
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: extract thefile inside your home folder05:38
nickrudjimbo, I found this, read only though http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50927605:38
_Casey_its on my desktop?05:38
Shadow147!find mozzila05:38
ubotuPackage/file mozzila does not exist in gutsy05:38
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: ok, you may want to keep it in your home folder, cuz i'm pretty sure you have to keep that, but i could be wrong05:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mozilla - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:38
carpediemdanfg: okay, even if that's recent, still needs to be fixed before you'll ever run eclipse again.05:39
_Casey_okie hold05:39
Shadow147!find Mozzila05:39
jimbojoshj, i assume windows was hibernated when the raid fell appart so i guess it hibernated the drive, i have no idea really05:39
ubotuPackage/file mozzila does not exist in gutsy05:39
bazhangone z Shadow14705:39
vegananarchistI am trying to install my nvidia driver with envy and i'm using a proxy so it wants me to put the .run file in a folder, but i don't have access to that folder, how can i log in as root and be able to drop the file into the folder05:39
JoshJjimbo: it doesn't really work like that05:39
te_Sturm: Edit file /etc/group  and add new users to to the appropriate places.  For instance, If the first user was "fred", and now you've added user "jane"  Find each line that  has  fred  and put a , and then add the name of new user "jane" so that each line that has fred also has jane  It should look like this:  disk::6:root,adm,fred,jane05:39
JoshJare you sure this drive didn't get corrupted somehow?05:39
_Casey_it cannot make the dir in home05:39
bio!find mozilla05:39
IndyGunFreakthen cd into the directory.. /home/whatever/install_flash_player_9_linux05:39
ubotuFound: mozilla-firefox-locale-af, mozilla-firefox-locale-ar, mozilla-firefox-locale-be, mozilla-firefox-locale-bg-bg, mozilla-firefox-locale-bn-bd (and 78 others)05:39
davidthedrakevegananarchist, sudo mv filename location05:39
momalAnyone here set up 5.1 before? I can't seem to get my center speaker working. Speaker is pluged in and does work in windows(or if i plug it into another slot) center is turned up in alsa mixer. doesn't work playing mp3s (amarok set in 5.1) or playing dvds that are 5.1 audio. rest of speakers are fine (except rear left/right when playing mp3s)05:40
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: why are you making it there, just copy/paste it there.05:40
JoshJjimbo: you may want to try ntfsfix then ntfsmount?05:40
jimbojoshj, i dont know the error i am getting is that the drive is hibernated and that i need to reboot windows then shut down properly if i want to mount the drive05:40
Silver_FoxAnyone know of a good screen recording program?  Also a video edeting program?05:40
_Casey_im using the extractor thingy05:40
JoshJ"You may run ntfsfix on an NTFS volume if you think it  was  damaged  by05:40
JoshJ       Windows or some other way and it can’t be mounted."05:40
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: ok, so just extract it to home05:40
JoshJ(from the manpage)05:40
JoshJit's part of ntfsprogs so you may need to install that05:41
biois there anyway to read/write to ntfs?05:41
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE05:41
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: doubel click it, and use file roller05:41
bazhang!ntfs-3g | bio05:41
ubotubio: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:41
IndyGunFreakthen just extract it to home.05:41
cMinionproblem changed: eclipse should in theory work right away with icedTea, it doesnt even though the icedTea is registered as the jvm with java-version :/05:41
biothx, bazhang05:41
carpediemcMinion: have you run eclipse from the command line to see what the error is?05:42
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: you lost?05:42
_Casey_i double click it and the extract thing just pops up05:42
orionndoes ANYONE have a fully functional dell integrated webcam/mic05:42
bullgard4Why does System > Preferences > Hardware Information > HAL_Device_Manager not provide RAM information? Or did I overlook something?05:42
orionnor am i going to have to code for 3 days?05:42
_Casey_i double click the tar.gz05:42
IndyGunFreak_Casey_: type this w/o quotes.. "/join #indygunfreak"05:42
bazhangjimbo: you need to reinstall then, or it may be a hardware issue (sounds that way), or go to ##windows05:42
Caseyits not hard to install flash :x05:43
cMinionyeah, it can't find the jvm. Workied fine on another comp where i used a slightly out of date rep which allowed sun-java downloads.05:43
nickrud!webcam | orionn (and if it's not there, please code :)05:43
ubotuorionn (and if it's not there, please code :): Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras05:43
orionnthanks everyone who pmed me05:43
cMinionbut you know, would be nice to make it happen with the official up to date rep and the" oh so fantastic" icedTea package :P05:44
orionntrying camorama now05:44
RoshanKhas anyone been able to fully utilise bluetooth on their system to interact with a phone properly?05:45
bazhangRoshanK: want a link/factoid?05:45
RoshanKbazhang sure05:45
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup05:45
biowrite access to ntfs!05:46
cMinioni take the silence as "no solution", changing to old rep ^^05:46
* Brancan is an Ubuntu noobie (Yay)05:46
biodo I have to run the program every time?05:46
biontfs-config that is05:46
bazhangbio: one would hope not :}05:46
JoshJbio: you shouldn't have to05:46
carpediemcMinion: what do you mean..... what happens when you type "java -version"05:46
bionot like it takes more than 2 seconds...05:47
taakhow do i restore a file that i accidentally deleted from an .deb package?05:47
FezzlerAfter entering Minicom in Menu with "gnome-terminal -e sudo minicom", I choose the item and the terminal just opens/closes05:47
bazhangtaak: you dont05:47
biothanks everyone05:47
biobe back for another session soon!05:47
JoshJi don't, but i deliberately make it read-only for obvious reasons05:47
taakcan you be a little less cryptic there?05:47
bazhangJoshJ: the linux viruses? :}05:48
nickrudtaak, what do you mean you deleted a file from a deb package, that's not really easy to do05:48
JoshJbazhang: more like the fact that write support is apparently slightly on the iffy side05:48
bazhangtaak: you first05:48
carpediemtaak: can't you just reinstall the deb?05:48
jxxttaak, when you delete in linux it is fairly permanent05:48
cMinioncarpediem: its says IcedTead Jvm 7 etc etc05:48
bazhangJoshJ: okay. just kidding05:48
bruenigtaak, if you deleted a file from a deb, it was not an accident05:49
carpediemcMinion: okay...can you PM me the output when you type "eclipse"05:49
JoshJi mean, if i'm moving stuff to windows, i have the windows ext3 reader, so why not do that instead, right?05:49
nickrudhear, hear05:49
bruenigtwo tarballs enclosed on an ar archive, lot of unwrapping to do05:49
bazhangJoshJ: righto05:49
JoshJso i usually just "take" rather than "give" so i'm always reading from the "other" os and writing to "this" os.05:49
te_Sturm: Did you get it  yet?05:49
cMinionil try ^^05:49
taaki deleted an apache module out from /etc/apache2/mods-available05:50
nickrudtaak, which one?05:50
bazhangtaak: you could also ask in #apache05:50
nickrudbazhang, no, that dir is debian/ubuntu specific05:51
taaki know which package it came from05:51
bazhangnickrud: sorry! and thanks!05:51
taakapt-get install it again doesn't restore it, though05:51
JoshJtaak: did you remove it first?05:51
JoshJotherwise apt just goes "it's already installed" and exits05:51
taakthe .deb file is still in /var/cache/apt/archives05:51
nickrudtaak, then sudo dpkg -i --force-confnew /var/cache/apt/archives/<packagename><tab>05:51
JoshJ...yeah, that05:52
JoshJyou could also have done apt-get clean :p05:52
Molke_DKhi, and bye05:52
* nickrud goes off to double check 05:53
JoshJnickrud: man apt-get, look for "clean" :)05:53
nickrudtaak, that's --force-confmiss , sorry05:53
nickrudJoshJ, that just removes packages from the archive05:54
JoshJnickrud: doesn't that do what you want (forces a new download)?05:54
taakthere's a .conf and a .load file, will that --confmiss do both?05:54
JoshJmaybe i misread it05:54
* JoshJ loads it back up05:54
nickrudJoshJ, but if a conf file is missing, apt will not replace it because it assumes you removed it on purpose05:54
JoshJnickrud: --purge on a remove doesn't result in it making new conf files?05:55
JoshJi thought that was sort of the point05:56
nickrudJoshJ, yes it will05:56
nickrudJoshJ, why not use one command rather than two ;p05:56
taaki'm going to try --dry-run first05:56
nickrudlol, wise man05:56
JoshJnickrud: because you can do "apt-get remove --purge foo && apt-get clean" ?05:56
nickrudJoshJ, 6 here, half a dozen there. There's lots of tools05:57
FezzlerHas anyone ever gotten Multisync to work with a Pocket PC?05:57
JoshJnickrud: if we keep talking about it, some perl guy will write a one-liner there to do it05:57
* nickrud shuts up immediately, he hates languages written in symbols05:58
_Casey_i forgot the chat i was just in ;x05:58
JoshJ(psst... technically, the alphabet is a set of symbols)05:58
taakok apparently it ignores --dry-run if you put it at the end05:58
taakbut it appears to have worked anyway05:58
nickrudJoshJ, and there's one reason you might want to use --force-missing, you might have modified some of the other conf files and not want to lose them05:59
JoshJgenerally speaking, i do --purge specifically because i borked up a config file and WANT to lose them; but I'll keep that in mind :)06:00
jimmygoonHow do I use md5sum from the command line to generate an md5 sum of text06:01
nickrudjimmygoon, md5sum <file>06:01
JoshJjimmygoon: what's the text in? a text file?06:01
jimmygoonI just want to type it :P06:01
jimmygoonI know I can do "md5sum -" to use stdin but then how do I tell it I'm done and to generate the chksum06:01
_Casey_woo it works06:01
JoshJecho "foo" | md5sum ?06:01
_Casey_idk how to get my mic working06:01
nickrudjimmygoon, hit ctl-d06:01
jimmygoonJoshJ, yup06:01
jimmygoonnickrud, thanks06:01
JoshJjimmygoon: send a EOF (control-D)06:01
cafuegoNote echo -n foo | md5sum06:02
cafuegootherwise you'll be including the terminating null.06:02
JoshJooh, good catch06:02
jimmygooncafuego, yep, trial and error caught that one06:02
* nickrud bows towards cafuego 06:02
jimmygoonthe ctrl+d didn't and I was like wait....06:02
fsanluhow to i change my username?06:03
jimmygoonthe md5sum for "lol" and "lol\0" are different06:03
jimmygoonanyway, thanks06:03
bazhangin irc fsanlu?06:03
JoshJfsanlu: here or in your OS?06:03
fsanlubazhang, no in ubuntu06:03
danfgcarpediem: java now is running when i set update-java-alternatives to "java-gcj"06:03
fsanluhaha i wish it was as easy as /nick06:03
Sonjahow do i improve the ubuntu translation to Esperanto?06:03
JoshJfsanlu: it's still pretty easy06:03
carpediemdanfg: ek...I'd go with sun java if I were you.06:04
uboturosetta is a Web-based system for translating open source software into any language.  See https://launchpad.net/rosetta/+about06:04
JoshJsystem-administration-users and groups06:04
JoshJright-click on the user in question, properties06:04
cafuegofsanlu: it kinda is, depending on whether you want to move your homedir too :-)06:04
JoshJchange the names.06:04
JoshJand yeah, you'll need to check the homedir and chown -R it most likely06:04
nickrudSonja, that rosetta above was for you , forgot to point it at you06:04
JoshJubuntu may do that automatically, though06:04
fsanluokay gotcha :] thank you very much sirs06:05
frederick85hey i'm wondering is Xubuntu still active06:05
danfgcarpediem: exactly, i have it installed, but when i set update-java-alternatives to "java-6-sun", java won't run :(06:05
nickrudfrederick85, yes06:05
JoshJfrederick85: #xubuntu06:05
carpediemdanfg: okay, is eclipse running under gcj?06:05
danfgcarpediem: i'll try reinstalling java-6-sun packages.06:05
danfgcarpediem: yes, but the 3.2 version, i want to run the 3.3 version06:06
JoshJdanfg: do you have it installed?06:06
danfgJoshJ: 3.3?06:06
BoNeCan anyone recommend a lightweight WM/X-Win for a server install?06:06
carpediemdanfg: yeah....you can try that, if not, you could also use sun-java-5.  I don't think Europa requires JAva 606:06
JoshJdanfg: you can switch what it uses inside eclipse without having to do any special installing tricks06:06
nickrudSonja, sorry that link is way out of date, I guess06:06
JoshJflux is nice imo06:07
danfgJoshJ: lemme try that, brb06:07
frederick85what is ubuntu alternate06:07
frederick85can i make a xubuntu box with that?06:07
Sonjai found this https://translations.launchpad.net/exaile/trunk/+pots/exaile/eo/+translate?show=untranslated06:07
BoNeJ_Laptop: does the xfce support a vnc-server type setup by default?06:07
JoshJdanfg: window-preferences-java06:08
J_Laptopanything can support vnc server06:08
JoshJthen "installed JREs" and you can edit what the default one06:08
frederick85ubuntu-7.10-alternate-i386.iso what is this iso for?06:08
J_Laptopif you set it up right06:08
ramza3at boot, with /etc/fstab.  is there a way to specify which user does the mount.  e.g for NFS mounting06:08
J_Laptopthe alternate cd's are for command line installs06:09
frederick85J_Laptop: easier than a gentoo mini iso?06:09
J_Laptopfor machines in which the gui fails, or if you want special things like lvm setups06:09
nickrudSonja, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+lang/eo06:09
J_Laptopmuch easier to run the installer06:09
nickrudSonja, heh, beat me to it06:09
frederick85J_Laptop: i'd like to setup a custom desktop so would the alternate be appropriate for me?06:09
J_Laptopmaybe even a server cd06:09
J_Laptopso you get just a base, and can build from that06:10
frederick85J_Laptop: the server cd couldn't detect my processor type for some reason06:10
bazhangor a minimal install frederick8506:10
JoshJramza3: man fstab suggests that you can "allow a user to mount"06:10
JoshJi'm not sure if that means a specific user or any user06:10
frederick85bazhang: where is the minimal install06:10
MrPiracyi am getting "Failed to load module "Type1" (module does not exist, 0)" can anyone tell me where to get this module?06:10
JoshJi think it means "any" because my cdrom is listed as just "user" as opposed to my username *shrug*06:11
bazhang!minimal | frederick8506:11
ubotufrederick85: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:11
bazhangncurses based frederick8506:12
JoshJsounds like the debian installer06:12
bazhanga bit like the netboot from debian06:12
jimmygoonhow long does it take to generate rainbow tables?06:13
bazhanggot to go out for a bit, back in a while06:13
MrPiracyanyone here using intel onboard videocard?06:14
MrPiracy!find intel06:14
ubotuFound: xserver-xorg-video-intel, intel2gas, rng-tools06:14
Sonjahow do i view the text to be trsanlated in its proper context?06:15
JoshJlook at the code or run the app yourself?06:15
JoshJ(assuming you're talking about translating applications, that is)06:15
c0mp13371331337So I've got an oddball here.... My menu randomly generates duplicate entries for all options.  Haven't noticed what action may cause it, but it's fairly frequent, a few times a day or so.  It also generates an "Other" folder that has FOUR of each of my manually-entered entries and Wine programs....  Anyone else seen this?06:15
wersubuntu can't detect my SD card while my windows xp can detect it. my O2 pocket pcs cant detect it as well06:15
wersany idea?06:15
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JoshJwers: what type of SD card slot do you have? is it USB or something else?06:17
MrPiracyanyone have idea why xorg.0.log says ... type1 (module does not exist)?06:17
JoshJ(ie: does it show in lspci ?)06:17
J-e-f-f-AHi - anyone doing FTA with a Skystar 2 card that can give me some config help?  I've got /dev/dvb/adapter0, but cant' get a scan to work...06:17
wersJoshJ, usb slot on my ubuntu and built in reader in my xp lappy06:18
JoshJwers: if your sd slot is connected by USB it should treat it as a standard USB mass storage device06:18
MadpilotAnyone else using Epiphany on 7.10 find the 'middle click close' extension doesn't actually work?06:18
JoshJbut if it's builtin it's probably something else06:18
wersmy other sd cards work with this usb reader06:19
WGGMkI am having an issue with mounting a samba share via "sudo -t smbfs" and not being able to write to the directory as a user (only lets root) when using "-o umask=755"?????06:19
fsckrwhats the command to clear the font cache?06:19
nickrudsheesh, I'll go install epiphany just for you, Madpilot :p06:19
MyrttiWGGMk: normal06:19
victor__hello every body06:19
dirkg3nt1yMadpilot, theres two of them in my epiphany, the first works the second doesn't06:19
Madpilotnickrud, it's a nice browser, except that in Gutsy some of the extensions seem busted06:20
JoshJwers: oh, the card itself is the problem and you know the reader works? interesting... not sure how to help then :/06:20
WGGMkMyrtti: heya.. remember me from earlier.. pastebin warning haha06:20
nickrudMadpilot, I used it a lot on my older computer, it so much lighter than firefox06:20
wersin computer:///, i can see my usb reader06:20
Madpilotdirkg3nt1y, on 7.10? interesting, only one listed on my epiph install here, and it's busted06:20
wersbut the reader can't detect the card06:21
MyrttiWGGMk: use gid and uid. oh, and cifs, not smbfs06:21
* nickrud mutters about installing the wrong epiphany *again*06:21
WGGMkMyrtti: cifs = windows right?06:21
J-e-f-f-Awers: Is the card that doesn't work > 1gb?06:21
MyrttiWGGMk: enhanced version of sorts of smbfs06:22
dirkg3nt1y<< actually is on a gentoo box now :)))06:22
Myrttimmmmmm cheesecake06:22
wers4gb, J-e-f-f-A06:22
wers4gb sd card06:22
WGGMkMyrtti: ahh, should i specify gid or uid or both? the directory is read/write to only a certain group... so is gid sufficient?06:22
J-e-f-f-Awers: Perhaps the reader can't handle the size of the card.   My laptop can't read a card > 1GB, but my other card readers can.06:23
wersmy pocket pcs cant read it but my windows lappy can06:23
wersthat's so interesting06:23
wersso I should think of buying a new one?06:23
Myrttiwers: SD specs mention max size of 2gb06:23
wersbtw, my pocket pcs can read the 2gb card06:23
Myrttiwers: everything more than that aren't officially sd06:24
danfgcarpediem: java --version gives me "Could not create the Java virtual machine.", but eclipse seems to be working fine now. :( wierd!06:24
werswhat do you mean not officially sd?06:24
WGGMkMyrtti: what are the parameters for using cifs? and to pass the gid option??06:24
JoshJdanfg: do update-java-alternatives06:24
Myrttiwers: they might or might not work06:24
JoshJ(to whichever one you want your command-line usage to be)06:24
JoshJit doesn't affect eclipse at all06:25
Onyxw00t, got wine & my CAC Reader working.06:25
carpediemdanfg: well, eclipse looks several places, so java maybe not set on the path, but eclispe is finding it anyway06:25
danfgJoshJ: --list? java-1.5.0-sun, java-6-sun, and java-gcj06:25
MyrttiWGGMk: sorry, I can't remember off hand :-C06:25
JoshJwell which one do you want to use on the command line? :p06:25
J-e-f-f-Awers: I just know that my 2GB SD card I bought for my camera a year or two ago doesn't even get recognized in my P4 laptop's slot.  But using a USB reader, it works fine.06:25
wersooh. this is the disadvantage of this huge sd06:25
WGGMkMyrtti: its cool, thats why god, on the 8th day (yes i know its 8) created google06:25
JoshJdanfg: just do --set java-6-sun (or whichever)06:25
OnyxIs the McAfee AntiVirus suite for Linux any good?06:25
wersi should have bought a 2gb one instead06:26
werswasted money. deym. hehe06:26
JoshJOnyx: um... why do you need anything beyond Clam?06:26
Myrttiwers: only recent mobile phone models support >2gb06:26
OnyxJoshJ: What's Clam?  Gotta forgive me dude... been out of Linux for 6 years now06:26
dirkg3nt1yy do u need clam06:26
Myrttisome do unofficially06:26
JoshJclam is an antivirus program for linux06:26
danfgJoshJ: i've been setting it to all three, eclipse works when i set it to java-6-sun, but java --version doesn't work (unrecognized command --version, no java vm)06:26
JoshJfree, gpl, etc06:26
WGGMkOnyx: there is a really good description of the difference between the need for an antivirus between windows and linux users' on the forums06:26
hwildewhat is the best way to launch a program (daemon) and keep it running continuously, and catch when it stops running to throw a red flag06:27
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OnyxJoshJ: Ah, I see... I can get McAfee for free though (DoD Employee)06:27
wersi bought this 4gb sd because i'm thinking of buying an eee pc. any idea if this will work with the eee?06:27
OnyxJoshJ: Yes, I realize it's not "free" software :P06:27
dirkg3nt1ydaemons don't normally just quit hwilde06:27
MadpilotOnyx, why waste time with an antivirus at all in Linux?06:27
JoshJwers: #eeepc exists, you may want to check that06:27
OnyxMadpilot: I seem to recall some vicious virii when I was using Linux.06:28
WGGMkOnyx: this a very informational link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=510812 about Security in Ubuntu06:28
OnyxOnce again, this was years ago.06:28
danfgcarpediem, JoshJ: damn i'm tired, i'll work on this tomorrow. you guys are awesome, thanks for all your help06:28
OnyxWGGMk: Thank you, I'll get to reading :D06:28
wersthanks Joshj06:28
MadpilotOnyx, um, No. There have been basically no Linux viruses in the wild.06:28
danfgi must catch some Zs, cya06:28
hwildedirkg3nt1y, maybe it runs out of memory or something.  that is not the point really...  if u launch from init.d what keeps it running06:28
Ellyis Ubuntu likely to have PaX any time soon?06:28
YurivilcaCheck out this candidate's latest psychotic utterance!06:29
WGGMkOnyx: its very friendly in terms of translation for migrating user's.. I found it extermely helpful in understanding how Linux is built06:29
dirkg3nt1ydaemons become processes that run in the background you can view running processes with "ps -A"06:29
hwildedirkg3nt1y, what monitors the daemons to guarantee  they are running or restart them if necessary06:30
dirkg3nt1ywell ubuntu uses the rc init program, I not real familiar with it though.06:30
hwildedirkg3nt1y, so does it run on some type of schedule and check if the daemon is running?  is it like crontab or what06:31
JoshJpretty sure it's in /etc/init.d somewhere06:31
LoneLyhy leh knalan ga........06:32
hwildethe processes in /etc/init.d are just running in the background.  i can kill them and they do not respawn.  is there a way to monitor them and restart automatically or throw an alert06:32
OnyxIt's pretty unbelievable how much better Linux has gotten since I last used it...06:33
JoshJhwilde: cat out a file in /etc/init.d06:33
JoshJand look at its comments06:33
JoshJi have tor installed, i see the following, for example: # Required-Start:    $local_fs, $remote_fs, $network, $named, $time06:34
JoshJ# Should-Start:      $syslog06:34
JoshJ# Default-Start:     2 3 4 506:34
timfrosthwilde: processes listed in /etc/init.d/* (or upstart equivalent) are not automatically restarted.  If a task is specified in /etc/inittab (or equivalent) as "respawn", then init will restart it when it exits06:35
JoshJunfortunately i don't really know the details of how init works06:35
hwildetimfrost, excellent and where does it restart, i want to send myself an email there06:35
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Filled-VoidWhy wouldnt i be able to change my resolution of my monitor suddenly? I could before now Im not sure what changed :/06:35
JoshJFilled-Void: have you installed anything recently?06:36
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Filled-VoidJoshJ, nothing that I guess. maybe battle fo wesnoth but I was able to use the resolution then06:37
timfrosthwilde: you can't send an email - the init process itself notes that the task has exited, and will automatically restart it - that is what the respawn option in /etc/inittab means06:37
JoshJFilled-Void: hrm. are you on ATI or nvidia?06:37
JonathanI need help with installing wireless for ubuntu on my PC06:37
Filled-VoidJoshJ, nVidia 8600GT06:37
JonathanPlease help me sbody06:37
JoshJhwilde: if you have the code to the process, you could make it send an email whenever it starts06:37
hwildetimfrost, yeah but this seems like it might make the system unstable.  i might just use crontab06:38
hwildeJoshJ, so you're saying inittab respawn will call the daemon's restart method06:38
JoshJheck, without the code you could create a shell script that replaced the normal executable file, sends an email, and then starts the program06:38
Jonathanis there anybody who canhelp me installing wireless06:38
JoshJhwilde: presumably?06:38
JoshJ!wifi | Jonathan06:38
ubotuJonathan: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:38
JoshJi mean, why wouldn't it?06:38
nickrudhwilde, and inittab is replaced by the scripts in /etc/event.d , you can see an example in tty1 in that dir06:38
JoshJFilled-Void: which driver? the free one or the proprietary one?06:38
Jonathanso can I find guidence thre06:39
hwildeJoshJ, I have this shell script.  It starts the file, checks the pid every 3s, restarts, sends email.  But this monitor script Also Dies sometimes :/06:39
Filled-VoidJoshJ, Restricted. Would installing thmes have any effect on screen resolution?06:39
JoshJFilled-Void: possibly. the restricted one can't really be helped; nobody here has the code for it etc06:39
hwildenickrud, but how does it monitor them... is it a sleep timer or in crontab or just continuous cpu usage06:39
Jonathani will look at that thank you very much!06:39
hwilde!fixres |06:40
ubotu: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:40
JoshJFilled-Void: if you recently switched, that could be the reason06:40
JoshJand yeah, check that06:40
Filled-VoidJoshJ, i did try some icon themes and gtk themes maybe Let me try resettign everyhtignback and remove awn06:40
hwildeFixVideoResolutionHowto on the wiki06:40
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nickrudhwilde, the init process controls that ....  as long as it's running06:40
FezzlerIn Ubuntu 7.10, how can I get a simple Web Server running and a page serving the files I wish to download to my handheld?06:40
nickrudhwilde, but if init dies, so does the computer06:40
J-e-f-f-AIs a5benwillis still around?06:40
hwildenickrud, yeah i am not trying to make it less stable here obviously... but my program dies sometimes, and the monitor script can also die (rare but true).  I either have to wrap it with another monitor script or add to crontab06:41
scguy318Fezzler: install and configure Apache, though the latter part I can't tell you much about06:41
JoshJFezzler: apache? though i'm not sure how "simple" apache is06:41
hwilde!lampp | Fezzler06:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lampp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:42
timfrosthwilde, JoshJ: NO , init will NOT call a script's restart method.  Scripts in /etc/init.d are only called if they have a link in /etc/rcX.d named to start with S (start) or K (kill), and are called as the run level changes06:42
adamonline46Dangit, once again I've wasted 30+ mins ripping a DVD.  Does anyone know what it takes to make a default install of Kubuntu with k9copy successfully rip a dvd?  The sounds seems to work, but that's about it... The video is just a black screen, or in the past, a still screeny of the .avi06:42
achandrashekaryo..is there a better guide than the advanced bash scripting guide out there to learn bash scripting and get a better handle on sed and awk?06:42
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:42
hwildetimfrost, yeh thats what i thought... can't just us the restart method06:42
hwildeFezzler, yeah lamp that's waht you want. I thought it was spelled lampp tho.  or xampp06:42
FezzlerI'm trying to link an old HP620LX WinCE 2.11 device to my Ubuntu PC.  Multisync did not work.  I know have a ppp connection between the two devices but stumped on how to get files across?06:43
hwildetimfrost, so I should just monitor it with crontab then?  how is crontab guaranteed to run every minute06:43
JoshJFezzler: SSH?06:43
Cra2i'm attempting to install a .prc on my new treo, but i can't find anything besides changing owner name in gnome-pilot06:44
achandrashekarIs there support for Sparc distro of Ubuntu?06:44
Fezzlerhwilde: Is LAMP a lot to go through to exchange a few files?06:44
JoshJFezzler: are they both connected over the internet?06:44
nickrudhwilde, you might find monit interesting ... as long as it doesn't die either :)06:44
FezzlerJoshj: How?06:44
JoshJFezzler: or are they networked together somehow?06:44
FezzlerJoshJ: Direct Connection using ttyS0 on Ubuntu and ppp on CE device06:45
nickrudhwilde, here's a brief howto http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-monitor-and-restart-linux-unix-service.html06:45
JoshJi've never used ttys0 :(06:46
FezzlerJoshj: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49663/06:46
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hwildenickrud, that is interesting nice googling.  but i think i trust a crontab 2minute rather than that unknown monit package lol06:47
JoshJFezzler: sorry, but i really can't help you if you're doing it that way. given an internet connection (or even a LAN connection) you can use SSH, FTP, HTTP, whatever06:48
JoshJhopefully you figure it out because you really shouldn't need to do it via internet *shrug*06:48
timfrosthwilde: Yes, crontab is probably best.  Put an explicit entry in /etc/crontab like '* * * * * root <cmd>' where <cmd> is the script to check the status of your process, and restart it if necessary.   The 'root' entry specifies to run the script as the root user.  The asterisks tell cron to schedule it every minute.  There are other places to put scripts that are run on a daily or hourly interval, but those scripts 06:49
FezzlerJoshJ: It also suggests "using an off-site web server"06:50
hwildetimfrost,  u mean goto superuser type crontab -e and add   */2 * * * * cmd06:50
FezzlerJoshJ: "Start up 'Pocket Explorer' and enter the URL of you desktop machine, which should have a Web Server running and a page serving the software you wish to download. If you want to use an off-site web server then the IP-forwarding will need to  be configure correctly - This is too complicated to explain here. "06:50
JoshJno, it's actually suggesting you don't use an offsite one06:50
JoshJyour desktop machine is easy for it to get to, otherwise requires forwarding06:51
timfrosthwilde: Yes, or sudo vi /etc/crontab06:51
hwildetimfrost, u should use crontab -e never edit that file directly06:52
FezzlerJoshJ: In the PocketPC browser I'm loading  Is that good enough?06:52
JoshJFezzler: do you have the web server set up?06:53
JoshJthat stands a pretty good chance of being it (or but it's pointless if you don't have a webserver set up :p06:53
FezzlerJoshJ: No.  That's what I don't know how/what to do.  I have Ubuntu 7.10 set up.06:54
JoshJFezzler: just do sudo apt-get install sshd06:54
FezzlerJoshJ: LAMP is recommended?06:54
JoshJif the CE thing has SSH, anyway06:54
JoshJif you need a full-fledged webserver, yes, LAMP06:54
JoshJi have no idea how apache works though :/06:54
FezzlerJoshJ: WHat os ssh and how will it alter my existing Ubuntu set up?06:55
MrPiracycould anyone please tell me how i can reinstall module TYPE1? xorg.0.log says this module does not exist06:55
JoshJsshd lets you receive SSH connections (you already have the outgoing SSH program)06:55
FezzlerJoshJ: I believe I have ssh installed.06:56
JoshJyou do have the outgoing one, you probably don't have the incoming one06:56
J-e-f-f-Aanyone doing FTA here?06:56
ogrewhats a good video joining app?06:56
JoshJbasically you just do ssh username@ipaddress and then you can do what you need to.. for file transfer you'll end up using scp, but that's done over ssh06:56
achandrashekarAnyone doing anything cool with asterisk and Ubuntu?06:56
adamonline46Do I need any special packages to play a .avi?06:57
Cra2how do i run gnome-pilot? i can run gnome-pilot settings and gnome-pilot-make-password, but not gnome-pilot06:57
carpediemadamonline46: depends, avi is just a wrapper06:57
JoshJif you have PUTTY, winSCP or similar on the CE, or a SSH program of some sort, you can use SSH to transfer stuff06:57
FezzlerJoshJ: Wow.  Perhaps I should go the terminal route, like minicom06:57
RoshanKadamonline46, i believe that the easiest would be to install vlc that should install the codecs required06:57
JoshJscp SourceFile.ext user@host:directory/TargetFile.ext06:58
JoshJscp user@host:folder/SourceFile.ext TargetFile.ext06:58
JoshJ(if you're using SCP)06:58
Alcherahttp://www.medibuntu.org/ <==06:58
JoshJit's part of ssh though, and obviously the @host one has to have sshd installed06:58
adamonline46carpediem: Oh really?  Hmm.  That's news to me.  I'm wondering if I'm having problems ripping video, or playing my rips.  I really dunno where to go from here...06:58
JoshJyou could also use telnet actually, i'm pretty sure CE has telnet built in06:58
adamonline46RoshanK: I'll search for that package, thank you06:59
bullgard4Is there a Synaptic procedure available which is roughly equivalent to apt-cache show <package-name>?06:59
FezzlerJoshJ: I would learn a lot, which is my goal with Ubuntu, but that seems complicated.  I could also stick an Ethernet card in the HP620LX and connect via internet06:59
timfrost!avi | adamonline4606:59
ubotuadamonline46: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:59
mapezHas anyone here got their Wii remotes working with Ubuntu?06:59
JoshJFezzler: well, if you did it via internet you'd need some sort of internet file transfer07:00
JoshJwhich would be HTTP (web pages, requiring apache or some other web server); FTP; SSH (SCP); Telnet; whatever07:00
bullgard4Kann man mittels Synaptic zu einem ähnlichen Ergebnis kommen wie mittels des Befehls apt-cache show <Paketname>?07:00
JoshJunless you're doing it by e-mailing yourself, but that's not how you're "supposed" to do it07:00
Myrtti!de | bullgard407:01
ubotubullgard4: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:01
FezzlerJoshJ: WinCE has ScottyFTP and Firefox has FTP too07:01
JoshJbullgard4: if you highlight the program in synaptic , right-click, properties, and hit "description" you can get a lot of it07:01
ogrecan anyone tell me the name of a good video joining app?07:02
JoshJFezzler: Firefox's FTP is a downloader, not a server. you'll need a FTP server such as ftpd07:02
FezzlerJoshJ: For my own education, with some sort of sock on Pocket Explorer connecting to my Ubuntu pc, and Ubuntu establishing a ppp connection, what do I have?07:02
Alcheragod i love google07:02
FezzlerjoshJ: samba?07:03
JoshJFezzler: no07:03
JoshJi think it's just an internet forwarding type thing07:03
Alcherait goes stereo with cider07:03
JoshJi'm not very familiar with ppp07:03
FezzlerJoshJ: Well how do CE devices "see" windows file systems?07:03
JoshJas NTFS07:03
alfermphey guys can anyone have a link for intall cairo-dock?07:03
FezzlerJoshJ: Ubuntu have NTSF?07:04
JoshJsamba is for networked file systems07:04
JoshJ(and to windows, it's "SMB")07:04
JoshJFezzler: NTFS is a file system, you don't use it to transfer files07:04
JoshJso unless you can mount the palm's hard drive as a NTFS drive in Ubuntu that's not relevant07:05
JoshJ(if you can, that's a pretty easy way to transfer stuff)07:05
FezzlerJoshJ: Well, when a CE device is connected to WIN98, the device is mounted and you can drag n drop files07:05
alfermphey guys can anyone tell me a link for install cairo-dock?07:05
JoshJFezzler: it's possible, check ntfs-config and see if it finds a NTFS drive that matches your palm07:05
FezzlerJoshJ: this is interesting07:05
FezzlerJoshJ: Now?07:06
mapezHas anyone here got their wiimotes working?07:06
JoshJFezzler: if it's plugged up, sure07:06
adamonline46timfrost: I'm already using the latest kubuntu-restricted-extras (I'm on 7.10)... Any other ideas?07:06
bullgard4JoshJ: As an example I have taken the program package 'debian-archive-keyring'. I cannot extract half as much information when using Synaptics as you suggested compared with apt-cache show debian-archive-keyring.07:07
FezzlerJoshJ: Where do I find ntfs-config, command line?07:07
rich1hi.  i can't play yahoo chess on opera.  i'm using gutsy and opera 9.25.07:07
JoshJit's a program07:07
JoshJyou probably have to install it07:07
JoshJsudo apt-get install ntfs-config, then run it via command line or alt-f207:07
FezzlerJoshJ: GNOME menu item or command line app?07:07
JoshJit's in the gnome menu for me07:07
alfermpHey guys can anyone tell me a link for install cairo-dock?07:08
jjgani ve a problem, i m using the last stable ubuntu for programing LAMP but i ve no access to internet with this computer, so i need the pakage to install apache and co but how I can resolve dependency ?07:09
adamonline46RoshanK: Is VLC just another ripper?07:09
Alcheraalfermp: http://www.gnome-dock.org/trac07:09
timfrostadamonline46: if the links ubotu suggested don't help, then I have no ideas.   I run Gnome, and don't use the PC for audio or video :-(07:09
JoshJalfermp: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=302570  <-- circa last year though07:09
alfermpAlchera, The requested URL /trac was not found on this server.07:09
adamonline46timfrost: That's ok, I understand.  Thank you anyway!07:09
LordOfThePigshow can I find out which driver I use for my wifi Atheros card07:10
rich1how do i call ubotu for info?07:10
alfermptk u JoshJ07:10
JoshJrich1: do !subject07:10
JoshJie, !wifi or !flash07:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yahoo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:10
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser07:10
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.07:10
rich1tx, joshj.07:11
SJrXI'm trying to install some packages and there seems to be a collision in some files. That is that they are trying to touch the exact same file. How can I get apt to not treat this like an error.07:11
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:11
SJrXI realize that this might be bad in general, but for these packages it won't be an issue.07:11
ElFwTerWho knows about crack the router?07:11
JoshJSJrX: you can do force, but you're better off trying to solve the problem07:11
ElFwTerWho knows about crack the router?07:12
=== mors1 is now known as morsk
MyrttiElFwTer: why are you asking07:12
Alcheraalfermp: if ound this also >> https://developer.berlios.de/projects/cairo-dock/07:12
timfrost!ask | ElFwTer07:12
SJrXJoshJ how do I do that with apt?07:12
=== morsk is now known as morst
ubotuElFwTer: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:12
alfermpperfect tk u Alchera07:13
jjganhow can i resolve dependency on my laptop without internet connection ?07:13
dirkg3nt1yapt-get probably has a pretend feature07:15
JoshJSJrX:  you'll need to use dpkg and --force-conflicts, i think07:15
FezzlerJoshJ: ntfs-config not installed.  If I install it, will it confict with my Samba/SMB settings?07:15
JoshJFezzler: no, it shouldn't07:15
Fezzlershouldn't but could?07:16
KuroachiaI'm a bit curious. I reformated my Desktop and I'm yet to install an OS; can I set up two partitions and set up XP on one install and Ubuntu on the other?07:16
JoshJi don't think it even touches smb stuff07:16
JoshJKuroachia: yeah07:16
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot07:16
KuroachiaExcellent, one other quick question. When I do boot up my system will it prompt me for the OS each time?07:17
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JoshJKuroachia: install windows first07:17
JoshJit'll save you a headache :)07:18
JoshJand read the instructions on that page07:18
FezzlerJoshJ: I think I'll go the Ethernet or terminal route tomorrow.07:18
JoshJSJrX:  so download the .deb... apt-get install -d packagename then dpkg -i --force-conflicts package07:18
KuroachiaJoshJ: All right I'll take a look. Hopefully there won't be anything surprising. :)07:18
FezzlerI can serve files to my ISP home page and download them from there07:18
SJrXhmmmm no it's not a package conflict its files that get touched by it.07:19
SJrXdamn KDE packages07:19
JoshJSJrX: do man dpkg and look under the --force- options07:19
SJrXhmmm yeah I know that, I was hoping to do this with apt since there is a bunch and I don't want to download a crap load of debs.07:19
JoshJoverwrite may do what you want, breaks may do what you want, i'm not sure07:19
FezzlerJoshJ: seems odd that transfering files via serial port is so tough.  I do it with my old Tandy Model 100 on all sorts of devices07:19
JoshJFezzler: i'm sure it's actually quite easy, it's just that i don't know how to do it >_<07:20
FezzlerJoshJ: One last.  So I have a PPP connection between the two devices but no software to communicate?07:20
JoshJi don't think i've plugged ANYTHING into a serial port in upwards of 5 years...07:20
JoshJFezzler: it's likely that you do (or that it's in the repositories, anyway) and just don't know what it is :/07:21
rich1ok.  i went through the comm help page for opera and still can't play yahoo chess in opera.  the applet loads then goes gray.  anyone have any ideas?07:21
Batma8hey guys..anyone in here use fedora?07:21
BubblegumTateI'm in xfce and my panels aren't showing and I can't bring up the panels manager. How can I kill/fix this?07:22
dirkg3nt1y Is there a good website for infomation on ... irc?  I need to find some networks and channels - particularly an chanell for xbox.07:23
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dirkg3nt1yBubblegumTate just run xfce-panel in the terminal - you can add it to the startup programs.07:23
timfrostFezzler: For serial comms, ppp gives you an IP stack, but x/y/z modem may be better - these may be what the Tandy used07:24
=== MAWEBOT is now known as mawe
BubblegumTatedirkg3nt1y: umm, it doesn't seem to be there?07:24
JoshJdirkg3nt1y: does irssi have a grep-like command?07:24
dirkg3nt1ydoh, uh what is that xfce-panel?  or the terminal app?07:25
JoshJif so, just hop on a random IRC server and do /list and grep for "xbox"07:25
dirkg3nt1yJoshJ, I think it does, I've just started it.07:25
JoshJyou may want to do like /list 10 or /list 50 so you don't get 1000 channels :p07:25
rich1can anyone here help with opera?07:25
carsBubblegumTate: if nothing is coming up, you can save your work and just press ctrl-alt-backspace to restart X07:26
BubblegumTateI am fix it07:26
BubblegumTateit's called xfce4-panel07:26
BubblegumTate... that sounds a bit sarky now that I read it back, but in fact it was genuine07:27
SJrXHmmmm on second thought I really shouldn't have forced that07:27
JoshJSJrX: what'd i say about forcing? :)07:28
SJrXI've gotten out of worse07:29
SJrXI hate KDE 407:29
rich1how do i use grep with the /list command?07:30
JoshJsame thing i told the other guy, i have no idea how irssi's grep works07:30
Corporeali hath been ping'd07:31
* Casey slaps Thecks around a bit with a large trout07:31
Corporealor maybe #ubuntu was07:31
Corporealeither way, twas weird. silly mirc07:31
JoshJyou could also log the /list and grep the log file normally *shrug*07:31
MyrttiThecks: !07:32
JoshJCorporeal: it's not mirc, it's Thecks doing a ping on everyone ;[07:32
Corporeali thought so. weird.07:32
Corporealholy crap. 19 second ping.07:32
* JoshJ groans07:32
Myrttiquit fooling around!07:32
Corporealwow thats too much pinging.07:32
Corporealim never doing that again07:32
mapezdoes anyone know if its possible to button map with cwiid?07:33
FezzlerJoshJ: Ubuntu=Minicom  HP=Fake dial command with numbers as 000-000-000  Fired right up07:33
ThecksMy bad, sorry :S07:33
JoshJFezzler: lol07:33
FezzlerJoshJ: Tomorrow I try file exchanges07:33
JoshJFezzler: have fun :)07:33
marx2kquick question... if I have 32-bit Ubuntu installed, whats the easiest method of upgrading to 64 bit? Total reinstall?07:37
qwerty121Hi all! Installed build-essential. but can't find stdio.h in /usr/include. Any clue?07:40
noshutdownhas anyone had problems with ubunt 7.10 live disk on amd systems with ati video cards?07:41
sdornancan't find stdio? that'd definitely not a good thing07:41
Myrttiqwerty121: sudo updatedb; locate stdio.h07:41
Myrttiqwerty121: do you have the headers and -dev files installed?07:42
Slartmarx2k: afaik, yes. You'll have to reinstall07:42
qwerty121Myritti: dunno. How can i find out?07:43
timfrostmarx2k: Correct - you can add 32-bit support to a 64-bit environment, but a full re-install is needed to convert from one to the other07:43
marx2ktimfrost: damn. ok, thanks :) Any idea how stable the 64 bit is nowadays?07:44
antixpaulnoshutdown I installed from the latest kubuntu a few days ago and my gfx is ati, I had so few problems I feel kind of cheated :(07:44
Myrttiqwerty121: what are you trying to compile anyway?07:44
qwerty121Myritti: C07:44
Myrttiqwerty121: what app?07:44
qwerty121Myritti: i am trying to compile c programs. Your code gave me this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49664/ But should not it be in /usr/include instead of /usr/include/bits?07:45
antixpaulwith gcc?07:48
KuroachiaNot to interrupt but another question if anyone has an answer. My laptop has been having trouble playing DVD's now that I have installed ubuntu and I'm wondering if it might be due to my videocard or my diskdrive? I've tried several DVD's and they all give me a sort of pixelated look (have a screenshot if you're wondering). Any recommendations? Like I said, there was no problem when I was using the factory pre-installed os&drivers.07:48
Myrttiqwerty121: it is in /usr/include07:48
JoshJKuroachia: have you installed the usual medibuntu stuff yet?07:48
qwerty121but you saw the output of locate stdio.h?07:49
Myrttiit says it *is* in /usr/include07:49
JoshJ!medibuntu | Kuroachia07:49
ubotuKuroachia: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:49
JoshJ(sorry, I'm headed to sleep now, it's 3 am)07:49
JoshJgood nght, hope you get it working07:50
MyrttiI need to get to work07:50
timfrostqwerty121:  did build-essential install? More significantly, did libc6-dev install (because that is the package containing  /usr/include/stdio.h?07:50
qwerty121Myritti: isn't it in /usr/include/bits/07:50
qwerty121timfrost: no, i dint. can you gimme the code07:50
Myrttiyes, it's there too07:50
Myrttime, work. ciao07:51
qwerty121Myritti: oops! i am sorry. I missed it07:51
antixpaulwhy not just use apt qwerty121?07:52
timfrostqwerty121: sudo apt-get install  libc6-dev.   Should have been installed by 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'07:52
qwerty121tanx, timfrost07:52
timfrostqwerty121: good luck07:53
qwerty121timfrost: it's already installed07:53
BoyBsci sono italiani qua?07:53
RoshanKtimfrost, could you help me set azureus as the app that opens .torrent files?07:53
mOrO^My mp3 player is often times not recognized by my system. Can someone steer me?07:53
RoshanKm0r0^ what mp3 player do you have?07:54
mOrO^RoshanK, Opal07:54
timfrostqwerty121: there muist be other dependencies that you are missing.  What are you trying to build?07:54
mOrO^RoshanK, it recognizes and functions perfectly well, sometimes.07:54
BoyBsci sono italiani qua?07:55
ogre!it BoyBs07:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about it boybs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:55
ogre!it | BoyBs07:55
ubotuBoyBs: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:55
AlcheraBoyBs: ci non può essere07:56
qwerty121timfrost: please take a look at this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49665/ i am a n00b when it comes to C :(07:56
RoshanKm0r0^ well i not sure for RCA mp3 players but what i did for my creative zen vision m was first to update its firmware (you would get it from the manufacturer's site if any, i had to update firmware through windows) and then i installed gnomad2 through synaptic07:56
timfrostRoshanK: I don't use torrents07:56
RoshanKtimfrost do you know how i can set specific app to handle a type of file?07:56
ogreRoshanK,  go to properties of the file u want to use07:57
RoshanKogre, thank you07:58
ogreRoshanK,  no problem :)07:58
Silver_Foxhey, does anyone know how i can disable only the speakers on my laptop ?07:58
antixpaulSilver_Fox: you probably want to enable jacksense? so when you plug headphones in the speakers stop?07:59
Silver_Foxantixpaul,  OMG YEAS!!!!07:59
antixpaulright click the volume icon in your tray and open the mixer, there should be a switches tab with the option to enable jacksense08:01
Silver_Foxantixpaul,  sorry bout that, YOU KNOW HOW TO DO THAT THO!?>!?! how!~?08:01
gkasinathHey all! Anyone had any luck with ATI X300 and dual head with different resolutions?08:01
bullgard4English help wanted. Could an owner of an English Ubuntu 7.10 release please nopaste the output of 'apt-cache show debian-archive-keyring'.08:01
antixpaulfind it Silver_Fox?08:02
timfrostqwerty121: The main error is because of the quote characters - single quote (') is for ONE CHARACTER while doube quotes (") is for a string08:02
Silver_Foxantixpaul,  what? did u send me a link? i loged out by accedent08:03
Hellevatorhas anyone been able to successfully connect to their TI calc with TILP?08:03
lonejack_Hi all, what is the best SVN with GUI to install on gnome?08:03
antixpaul08:01 < antixpaul> right click the volume icon in your tray and open the mixer, there should be a switches tab with the option to enable jacksense08:03
gkasinathHey all! Anyone had any luck with ATI X300 and dual head with different resolutions?08:03
antixpaulthe mixer you have will depend on whether you're using gnome or kde, in kde it's called KMix08:04
jeffgrgkasinath: what version of ubuntu are you using?08:04
sunugghow do I set vim to undo last few commands I did, its defaulting to 1 history line only now08:04
nina-palmanecesito ayuda08:05
Slart!es | nina-palma08:06
ubotunina-palma: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.08:06
bullgard4que ayuda queres?08:06
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jeffgrgkasinath: I think in Gutsy, you can just open up the Screen and Graphics Preferences and configure dual-head with a GUI window08:06
nina-palmasoy muy novata en esto08:06
nina-palmano pude instalar el grub08:06
bullgard4nina-palma: Es necessario hablar in Engles aqui.08:06
nina-palmalo siento08:06
gkasinathJeffgr, I tried that and it didnt work. I have also tried a couple of howtos from ubuntuforums.org with not much luck.08:07
gkasinathJeffgr, I m running Gutsy btw.08:07
jeffgrgkasinath: do you have the restricted ATI drivers?08:07
timfrostqwerty121: The main error is because of the quote characters - single quote (') is for ONE CHARACTER while doube quotes (") is for a string.  You need to use the correct quotes.08:07
gkasinathyes, I downloaded that via the restricted driver manager. I also tried the driver (catalyst) from ATI, whats the difference between them btw?08:08
gkasinathJeffgr, sorry I forgot to highlite you on my previous response which is: yes, I downloaded that via the restricted driver manager. I also tried the driver (catalyst) from ATI, whats the difference between them btw?08:09
jeffgrgkasinath: i don't really know, i have an nvidia card, but hold on i'm looking some stuff up for you08:10
timfrostqwerty121_:  the example you cited needs double quotes (") because it is a string ("Hi!")08:10
luke_antixpaul,   So, how do i get this jacksesne thingy?08:10
Lustbladermy internet works only when i am on the live cd and not when i'm on ubuntu proper08:10
gkasinathJeffgr, okie.. I have already tried: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221174&highlight=ATI+X300+dual+head and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=592016&highlight=ATI+X300+dual+head and am about to try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=177371008:10
antixpaulare you using gnome or kde luke_ ?08:10
luke_er, i duno, gnome i think.08:11
luke_Wait, compiz08:11
luke_antixpaul,  gnome08:11
jeffgrgkasinath: x.org has some beta driver for R30008:12
jeffgrgkasinath: http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/R300_Portal here is info about your card..08:12
jeffgrgkasinath: sorry, i don't think i'm the best at helping you with this.. i don't have an ATi card :-/08:13
gkasinaththanks for that mate, I ll give it a shot too.08:13
antixpaulluke_: you should have a volume icon in your system tray? if you open it and go to the "mixer" there should be a switches tab with the option to enable jacksense08:13
antixpaulluke_: I'm using KDE at the moment so I can't check08:13
luke_antixpaul,  nope, nothing called jacksense08:13
=== orion1337 is now known as hotsauce_drinker
gkasinathJeffgr, thanks again mate, you have pointed me to a direction I wasnt looking, thats a lot of help! :)08:13
jeffgrgkasinath: no problem08:13
gkasinathJeffgr, do you know the difference between the ATI driver from ATI, DRI, VESA and MergedFB ones?08:14
luke_antixpaul,  is it called off hook?08:14
luke_antixpaul,  isent there a way to just disable the laptop speakers?08:15
jeffgrgkasinath: sorry the late response, if you are still there i can tell you08:19
jeffgrjeffgr: the vesa driver you don't want because that is like a generic thing08:19
jeffgrgkasinath: the vesa driver you don't want because that is like a generic thing08:20
gkasinathjeffgr, okie. So no to VESA08:20
jeffgrgkasinath: DRI allows you to do 3d accelerated stuff i think, you can read more about it here: http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/08:21
antixpaulluke_: not tht I know of, I've always used jacksense08:21
gkasinathJeffgr, yup, reading that.08:21
jeffgrgkasinath: MergedFB seems like what you want.. it says it allows for dual heads08:22
jeffgrgkasinath: http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/MergedFB08:22
gkasinathjeffgr, okie.. I havent tried MergedFB yet I am going to try it in a moment.08:22
jeffgrgkasinath: good luck08:23
gkasinathjeffgr, on my desktop, which was running Windoze till I pulled it out and installed Ubuntu (I am very impressed with Ubuntu, which I have been using on my notebook since 6.06), I could have the task bar give separate list of windows. Can the same be done w/ ubuntu mergedfb? watdya reckon?08:24
jeffgrgkasinath: i'm pretty sure you can..08:25
jeffgrgkasinath: so you want it to span on to both screens as one bar?08:25
frederick85I had a problem installing ubuntu from alternative cd08:26
frederick85when it gets to the point scanning apt mirror it freezes08:26
frederick85so I keep pulling out of installation at that point08:26
gkasinathJeffgr, well, I dont want it to span both screens as one bar. Infact I want both screens to be independent w/ different desktop wallpaper and gamma settings.08:26
luke_antixpaul, will it fix my problems if i switch to kde?08:27
jeffgrgkasinath: okay, well you can actually do that pretty easily08:27
jeffgrgkasinath: when you make the task bar, just set it to show windows from only the current workspace08:28
bil1hello everybody... is the tracker-tool working with ubuntu 6.10? for me (on 3 different machines, some in english, some in german) it does not work, i.e. when I search something, I get "some results" , but in the details window, there is nothing shown.08:28
jeffgrgkasinath: (it is by default), so i guess you just need to have both monitors on separate workspaces08:28
frederick85ubuntu's alternative installer's broken08:29
sodearzhey all08:29
luke_antixpaul,  can you help me with this please?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=620928&goto=nextnewest    i'm a noob and i think this might work.08:29
slyderi'm trying to apply  a ppf patch with applyppf and when i enter the command it tells me the file doesn't exist even though i can see it when i do a ls of the directory and also inside of the file manager, anyone know why it says it doesn't exist?08:30
jeffgrfrederick85: have you verified the cd to make sure it was burned correctly?08:30
jeffgrslyder: i think what you need to do is ./filename instead of just filename08:31
gkasinathJeffgr, uumm.. well you lost me entirely mate. Here is what I have.. I have two monitors, one a Benq 202W (22" widescreen) which is to be my primary and I have a Dell 1907FP as secondary. The pri has 1680x1050 resolution and the secondary should have 1280x1024 resolution. Problem 1: The resolution of secondary is not at 1280x1024, although I have set the same in xorg.conf. Problem 2: When I added a new panel to secondary monitor an08:31
gkasinathd included the window list thingy, it displays all windows.08:31
slyderok i'll give that a try jeffgr08:31
gkasinathjeffgr, sorry about the long message.08:31
scguy318!ops | hotsauce_drinker08:31
ubotuhotsauce_drinker: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!08:31
frederick85jeffgr: no theres a flaw in installer design and when it comes to scanning apt mirror it freezes08:32
frederick85jeffgr: it doesn't let you specify an apt mirror08:32
jeffgrwhat the heck is hotsaunce_drinker?08:32
Amaranthhotsauce_drinker: Don't do that.08:32
hyper___chhiho, I wonder why the DesktopCD does not offer full-system encryption upon installation?08:32
slydertried the ./filename still says that file doesn't exist08:32
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jeffgrslyder: can you tell me the exact command08:33
antixpaulluke_: open add/remove programs then search for "gnome alsa mixer"08:33
luke_antixpaul,  installed that, i just need help compiling the other things08:34
jeffgrgkasinath: okay, so on the workspace manager, do the workspaces look extra wide?08:34
gkasinathjeffgr, yup. :(08:34
slyderapplyppf RESIDENT_EVIL_EXTINCTION.iso patch.ppf, this was before trying your ./filename jeffgr08:34
frederick85jeffgr: it is the same with debian, It forces me to use primitive mirrors on installation08:35
jeffgrgkasinath: okay so you are spanning displays so it thinks it is one screen basically08:35
frederick85jeffgr: there is no option of networkless installation is there?08:35
antixpaulluke_: just "sudo apt-get install alsa-base"08:35
frederick85from alternative08:35
jeffgrfrederick85: i was just about to say your network card might not be recognized by default08:35
luke_antixpaul,  will that install all the plugins?08:35
jeffgrslyder: can you type applyppf --help08:36
frederick85jeffgr: the config for it worked and dhcp worked, problem is scanning the apt mirror doesn't so perhaps server is down08:36
antixpaulluke_: I'm not sure but I doubt you need them08:36
frederick85jeffgr: i'd like a minimal ubuntu installation without network, so I can configure it to a local server and do it myself later, thats the fun of it08:36
luke_antixpaul,  doesent work :(08:36
gkasinathjeffgr, hhmm... okie.. I do have two device, monitor and screen sections in xorg.conf to represent each of them.08:37
slyderyea i did that jeffgr but file help also does not exist haha08:37
jeffgrfrederick85: maybe so, try installing it with the network cable unplugged, i'm pretty sure you don't need internet to install it08:37
antixpaulluke_: did you open the gnome alsa mixer?08:37
jeffgrslyder: do you have applyppf installed?08:37
luke_antixpaul,  ya08:37
jeffgrgkasinath: there are some different modes, try a different one, i can't recall them off the top of my head, i'll look them up in a sec08:38
frederick85jeffgr: I did and it kept asking me to configure my network card, very rude installer...08:38
jeffgrfrederick85: that is pretty lame, you can't use the regular installer?08:39
slyderyea i'm pretty sure i do since it gives me this with the copyright info, ApplyPPF v2.0 for Linux/Unix (c) Icarus/Paradox08:39
slyderFile ./RESIDENT_EVIL_EXTINCTION.iso does not exist.08:39
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ompaulfrederick85, did you report a bug to launchpad.net?08:39
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jeffgrslyder: just run the command applyppf --help with nothing else08:39
slydertried that jeffgr, ApplyPPF v2.0 for Linux/Unix (c) Icarus/Paradox08:40
slyderFile --help does not exist.08:40
slyderwhen i open the sourcecode it does tell you what to type in for the command which i did but it still says my iso file doesn't exist even though it's there08:41
antixpaulluke_: the first option down the bottom in gnome alsa mixer is Headphone Jack Sense?08:41
luke_antixpaul,  nope..08:41
jeffgrslyder: you know the file names are case sensitive? can you get it to finish the file for you with tab-completion?08:41
ompaulslyder, do this: ls -al RE* does it say that there is a RESIDENT_EVIL_EXTINCTION.iso08:42
slyderyea that's what i've been doing typing in the first 3 letters in caps and hitting tab to complete each time i've tried jeffgr08:42
slyderindeed it does ompaul, -rwxrwx--- 1 root plugdev 4674820096 2007-12-26 07:22 RESIDENT_EVIL_EXTINCTION.iso08:43
antixpaulluke_: are you running 7.10? I have gnome alsa mixer open and the first option is Headphone JackSense ^^08:43
luke_antixpaul,  yup, gusty08:44
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luke_antixpaul,  MIX, CALLER ID, EXTERNAL AMP, OFFHOOK.  those are the only options08:45
jeffgrslyder: don't you need the patch.ppf file in the same directory?08:46
slyderyea it's there too but it's saying the iso file doesn't exist not the patch file08:46
jeffgrgkasinath: there are different modes, at least in nvidia like twinview and xinerama, i don't know what they are in ATi though :[08:46
slyderand from the source code it says to use this command, Usage: ApplyPPF <Binfile> <PPF-File>\n"), which i've been using, except i named mine applyppf all in lowercase when compiling08:47
jeffgrslyder: the permissions look all messed up, also why it is being owned by root:plugdev08:47
slyderwell it's on a ntfs drive and that's how ubuntu set it up i haven't messed with the default actions08:48
jeffgrslyder: oohhh, try copying it to your home directory and doing it there08:48
slyderwish i could but i don't have enough hard drive space in my home directory to fit this thing heh08:49
jeffgrslyder: you need to have write access, get ntfs-3g08:49
slyderwell i've been writing stuff to the ntfs drive for a couple of days now but let me check to make sure i have ntfs-3g installed08:50
gkasinathjeffgr, hhmm okie... I ll try my best and if I have any success write a story about it on ubuntu forums! :) \08:50
jeffgrgkasinath: when you followed the tutorials on the ubuntu formus, did they not work at all?08:51
jeffgrslyder: the file is being owned by root, try doing sudo chown yourusername:yourusername RESIDENT_EVIL_EXTINCTION.iso08:51
slyderyea checked the synaptic package manager ntfs-3g is installed08:51
slyderk i'll give it a go jeffgr08:51
slyderi ran that and it still appears as plugdev08:54
jeffgrslyder: try sudo chmod 777 RESIDENT_EVIL_EXTINCTION.iso08:55
jeffgrslyder: then try the applyppf thing08:56
gkasinathjeffgr, not really no. I am stuck with the two problems I listed before and the mouse cursor is garbled square block on the secondary monitor, and the 3D fancy stuff doesnt work.08:56
gkasinathjeffgr, brb have to get the phone.08:56
slyderwhen i list i still get this -rwxrwx--- 1 root plugdev 4674820096 2007-12-26 07:22 RESIDENT_EVIL_EXTINCTION.iso08:56
slyderand still says it doesn't exist when i run applyppf08:57
jeffgrslyder: try sudo applyppf etc :D08:57
slyderi wonder if their is anything else to apply ppf patches i couldn't find anything but this when i was searching08:57
slyderand not much documentation about it or how to use it08:57
Alcheralol "applyppf thing" is soooooo DALnet08:58
slyderheh already gave sudo applyppf a go when i was trying to change the permissions08:58
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slyderanything better for applying them Alchera?08:58
Alcherait was the end bit .. was amusing .. i use "thingie" myself lol08:59
slyderwell i guess their is no real solution to this problem of mine if only i had more space free on my home drive but thanks for all the help jeffgr09:02
qweco jest09:02
crazy_bus I have a weird problem in kaffeine.  When I´m watching a dvd and alt+tab to another program and come back everything inside the windows starts to shake while playing.  It also continues when I pause.  It sometimes stops after a few seconds and other times doesn't is there any way to fix it?09:03
majikinscan anyone help on a server config I'm looking to do?09:04
ompaulmajikins, I can't at this stage but the channel might be able to if you expressed the objective fully on one line, the reason I can't is I am rubbish at telepathy ;-)09:06
uchazcoHi... will a deb with 2006.2 as its version overwrite 2006.1 (just checking :) )? If so will the old version be removed or will the new one just overwrite it?09:07
ompauluchazco,  yes /  removed09:07
majikinsI'm in South africa and looking to buy components here - looking to do a file server for 25 users09:07
ompaulmajikins, how is that one line?09:07
uchazcoAh good :) I'm making some .debs so just wanted to be certain how they work :)09:08
ompaulthe full problem on one line09:08
syc_anybody can help me? i have a 'mounting' problem09:08
Newi m free, and anybody?09:08
teKnofreaksyc_, tell your problem than asking..09:09
livingdaylighthow does one kill a process?09:10
mOrO^I have an mp3 player device that is sometimes recognized by my system, and works great...and sometimes it ISNT recognized. And when it is recognized I have to fiddle with turning it on, off etc.09:10
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phracget  NEW CABLE?09:11
uchazcolivingdaylight - the eaisiest way is to use the system monitor under System->Admin09:11
phracsorry for caps09:11
syc_how can i mount a partition in read-write mode for user?09:11
sigraDoes anyone know why amarok would be working then stop..its giving me this error evertime i click on a station now No suitable demux plugin. This often means that the file format is not supported.  or no plugin installed09:11
sigraI googled it but no luck09:12
jussi01sigra: is it an mms:// adderess?09:12
sigrajuss its http address09:13
jussi01sigra: hmm, it may mean you need the restricted packages installed...09:13
syc_i've tried to add 'rw,user' on my /etc/fstab but it didnt work09:13
jussi01!restricted | sigra09:13
ubotusigra: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:13
jussi01syc_: have you looked at !fstab pages?09:14
sigrak thanks..reading now09:14
syc_jussi01:  i have read it09:14
jussi01!tab | sigra09:15
ubotusigra: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:15
sigratab sigra09:16
malnilionThe tab button09:16
syc_/dev/hda3       /media/data2    auto    user,rw 0       0 <== is this correct ?09:16
syc_that my fstab line09:16
sigrahow change my nick09:17
Myrtti/nick newnick09:17
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SigraTyberianthank you09:17
ompaulSIZUKA, got a connection problem?09:18
SigraTyberianextra codecs are greyed out on my add/remove program..says i need them.09:18
Volvagia356how do I change the permissions for a disk?09:18
troy_sanyone having ipw2100 issues with a clean install of Gutsy?09:21
Volvagia356How do I change permissions for a disk?09:21
ompaul!repeat | Volvagia35609:22
ubotuVolvagia356: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:22
ompaulVolvagia356, what kind of disk09:22
jagohow do i open new tabs in x-chat?09:22
ompaulVolvagia356, if I asked the same question again, would you like to tell us stuff about formats which partition etc09:23
ompaulVolvagia356, what kind of disk09:23
Volvagia356SATA EXT309:23
xecovhi someone know italian channel ?09:24
DaApiHello. I'm newbie and lost. Please help. cant unrar files whit any program!09:24
malnilionjago: XChat>New>pick a tab09:24
ompaul!it | xecov09:24
ubotuxecov: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:24
troy_sdapi:  sudo aptitude install unrar09:24
jagomalnilon, mine doesn't have that09:24
malnilionjago, what xchat are you running?09:25
DaApitroy_s:  dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.09:25
jagoprobably the newest one09:25
jagoit looks different than the one I had on FC309:25
bmbernieVolvagia356: you cant mount your disk rw ?09:26
ompaulVolvagia356, so you look at what it is mounted as, for the purposes of this exercise lets call it /mount/mydisk    then we could chown the mydisk     sudo chown -R yourusername:yourusername /mount/mydisk  ---- warning do not do this on a paritition like / or /usr that would break it in very new and not so interesting ways - you would need a live CD to rescue your data and then a fresh install would be fastest09:26
malnilionjago, you're probably running xchat-gnome09:26
Silver_FoxI skrewed up bigtime guys. I really need some help now.  I folowed these derections http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=332472&highlight=snd_hda_intel  second post ) and ended up making it so i dont have ANY sound on my computer now, cant even open up volume control.09:26
troy_sdapi:  run that then09:26
malnilionjago, what I'd do is open up Synaptic, enable your universe repository, and install the regular old xchat package rather than xchat-gnome09:26
Volvagia356I am already on a LiveCD09:27
Silver_Foxhow do i get it back to normal?!09:27
Volvagia356It's my linux partition09:27
jagowill do, thanks man09:27
Silver_Foxplease help mehh!09:28
Tilllinuxhiho. How do I change the names of the actions in the context-/right-click-menu? for examples the names in the "open with..." sub-menu ?09:28
Silver_FoxI'll die without music :(09:28
malnilionjago, no problem, took me a few minutes to figure that one out first time I tried Ubuntu :)09:28
jagooh, haha :)09:28
ompaulVolvagia356, what exactly is the problem when you boot the box in an ordinary way, you are making it hard for us to work out what it is you actually want to do, can you give us a few lines on it please09:30
Silver_Foxsomeone please help.  Please?09:30
Volvagia356See here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63777009:30
xecovin italian channel i cant find help09:30
xecovi have some problems with firefox09:31
Silver_Foxd9ont look here09:31
Silver_Foxnoone is even listening09:31
xecovi try09:31
Silver_Foxi'll continue trying09:31
bmbernieSilver_Fox: please stop09:31
xecovif i do not start firefox without root perimission09:31
Silver_FoxJust kidding09:31
Silver_FoxHELP! please09:32
xecovi cant open page in java09:32
xecovbecause java jvm does not start09:32
katyush-freeanybody knows how to install NVU on Gutsy?09:32
thorkatyush-free use kompozer, nvu isn't being supported anymore09:32
bmberniewhat us NVU09:32
Silver_Foxxecov, what you wana do is go here http://rvb.roosterteeth.com/home.php09:33
nickkuikimy cadr reader doesn't work. it's texas instrument. what shall i do?09:33
ompaulVolvagia356, okay, do this please, sudo fdisk -l     <that is a lower case L and then paste that in paste.ubuntu-nl.org   I will have to go in a couple of mins09:33
bmberniekatyush-free: sudo apt-get install nvu09:34
mOrO^Why would my system sometimes recognize my mp3 player, and sometimes not?09:34
ompaulVolvagia356, for every linux partition you have do this sudo fsck -y /dev/WhatEver    << then try a reboot09:34
katyush-freebmbernie, doesnt exist09:34
bmberniemOrO^: bad cable maybe09:34
malnilionkatyush-free, what is NVU?09:35
mOrO^bmbernie, my mp3 player says, USB Connected09:35
tim167is ogg/theora alive or is it dead? and if so, what's a good alternative ?09:35
idkhnOK, I have a heap of problems with my newly installed copy of Ubuntu... would someone be able to help me solve them?09:35
katyush-freemalakhi, its like a thin version of dreamweaver...do you know of any linux alternatives?09:35
bmberniekatyush-free: what repositories do you have enabled09:35
katyush-freebmbernie, multi and uni...09:35
ompaulVolvagia356,  whatever you do - don't turn off until you have all this done - if it complains about superblock info you have a suspect hard drive but a bit of googling should help with finding the info you need to get to the point where you can look at other superblocks (there are several)09:35
katyush-freebmbernie, can you apt-get NVU?09:36
Silver_FoxOk, i'm asking nicly now.  I just need some good old fasion help.  Alright.. Here I go..  I folowed these derections http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=332472&highlight=snd_hda_intel  second post ) and ended up making it so i dont have ANY sound on my computer now, cant even open up volume control.   I really need help geting my sound back online, I would appreciate any help at all. Thanks and god bless you all09:36
idkhnFirstly, everytime I try to install an application via the Add/Remove Applications program and I keep getting the error message "The list of applications is not available".09:37
tim167Tilllinux, then why does a friend of mine have all the trouble in the world installing the xiphQT library and is there no easy installer ? and i find a page with a list of unresolved bugs like this: https://trac.xiph.org/query?groupdesc=1&group=status&component=XiphQT+-+QuickTime+Components&order=priority ?09:37
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idkhnI keep on clicking Refresh but it still doesnt let me install anything.09:37
ompaulVolvagia356, so all you have to do it on is: /dev/sdb109:37
mOrO^katyush-free, do you do much complicated html? If not, Id download the old Netscape Composer09:38
bmberniekatyush-free: according to http://www.ubuntux.org/how-to-install-nvu-the-web-authoring-system you just need multiverse and universe09:38
katyush-freemOrO^, i need something simple and graphic09:38
malnilionSilver_Fox, I'd help, but I don't really know anything about alsa configuration09:38
mOrO^katyush-free, actually its called Icecape Composer...it is in the repositories.09:39
katyush-freebmbernie, i read this article but apt-get says it doesnt exists09:39
mOrO^katyush-free, Yes, this Icecape Composer is very simple09:39
Volvagia356it says that it's clean :  /dev/sdb1: clean, 114808/9601024 files, 1061068/19183610 blocks09:39
Tilllinuxtim167: I don't no xiphQT... is that some kind of quicktime replacement?09:40
Silver_Foxmalnilion,  great, thanks a million!  Neather do I.09:40
katyush-freemOrO^, thanks ,I'm apt-geting Kompozer suggested by Tilllinux, then i"ll try icecape09:40
tim167Tilllinux, its the component necessary to read ogg/theora on OSX09:40
Silver_Foxmalnilion,   I just need to undo all those steps the guy posted09:40
mOrO^katyush-free, You will find Icecape Composer much easier than Kompozer09:40
idkhnnever mind everyone, i fixed it09:40
bmbernieyeah i don't have access to nvu.  maybe it is depreciated.09:40
Tilllinuxyes, it is. kompozer is "a sequel" to nvu ;)09:41
malnilionSilver_Fox, was your sound working before?09:41
Silver_Foxmalnilion,  yeah, just when i pluged in headphones, the laptop speakers wouldent turn off09:42
tim167Tilllinux, the reason i'm asking is i wonder if i should continue to encode all my video in ogg/theora, since someone on #mplayer mentioned it is 'broken' and I shouldnt use it...but the thing is i have this handy java plugin to put ogg/theora videos on webpages. so i wonder if ogg/theora is still actively maintained or developed...09:43
fsanludo turning on restricted drivers (the firmware) have small possibility on making the wifi unstable?09:43
katyush-freeTilllinux, so Kompozer is nvu?09:43
ompaulVolvagia356, is it running okay or not?09:43
Tilllinuxtim167: I've been looking for a java ogg plugin :) what is it called?09:43
Volvagia356I hadn't rebooted yet, should I do so now?09:43
Tilllinuxkatyush-free: it's using nvu's code, I think09:44
tim167Tilllinux, cortado i beleive09:44
malnilionSilver_Fox, well, something I'm noticing about this guide is that if I recall correctly, it's telling you to install drivers that are older than what should have come with Gutsy09:44
katyush-freeTilllinux, did you try it? did you try ice-cape?09:44
tim167Tilllinux,  http://www.flumotion.net/cortado/09:45
ompaulVolvagia356, no do that with the live CD the fsck thing09:45
Tilllinuxno, katyush-free :)09:45
Silver_Foxmalnilion,  really09:45
katyush-freeok - thank you all....09:45
ompaulVolvagia356, sudo fsck -y /dev/sdb109:45
Volvagia356I've done fsck, it says it's clean09:45
malnilionSilver_Fox, 1.0.14 final was released a while back and I'm pretty sure was in Gutsy09:45
ompaulVolvagia356, so then lets try a reboot09:46
sharyariI just installed the linux32 package, and after reboot, I don't have any tty-consoles and some system utilities seem to be gone (the program more for example). how do I solve that? :P09:46
ompaulVolvagia356, I now have to run will be back in 2 to 3 hours09:46
ompaulVolvagia356, if you get badly stuck ping me when you see me09:46
Volvagia356I'm gonna save this couversation to refer to it later09:47
malnilionSilver_Fox, have you tried rebooting perchance?09:47
Tilllinuxthanks tim16709:47
Silver_Foxmalnilion,  brb, i'll do that09:47
tim167Tilllinux y/w09:48
osfameronMy synaptic touchpad is spuriously creating middle click events (e.g. without pressing L+R buttons)09:49
osfameronanyone have any suggestions for identifying/resolving the problem?09:49
Silver_Foxnothing different...09:50
bmbernieSilver_Fox: what did you change ?09:51
malnilionSilver_Fox, shoot.  You had the same laptop as this fellow?09:51
slyderif you have wine installed and you double click a .exe file that doesn't need to be installed and just runs from a folder does it just automatically run with no problems and work?09:51
Silver_Foxhow do i  Enable Internal Modem from within the BIOS09:51
osfameronah! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47027409:51
pleeosfameron, change the taptime09:51
osfameronit's registering 2 fingers as a middle click09:51
malnilionSilver_Fox, I can't really help you there, different BIOS behave differently09:52
* osfameron checks out synaptic to see if he can disable it09:52
KuroachiaI'm having trouble with my N-draft Linksys card. I'm dual booting XP and Ubuntu. In XP I installed the device drivers/software that came with it and it apparently sees my router (and apparently connects) but doesn't connect to the interwebs like it claims (connection strength 90%); in ubuntu the card doesn't even register as a device. I have a WMP300N if that helps at all.09:53
Onyxslyder: in theory, yes.09:53
Silver_FoxI think i no where i messed things up.  When i did step Step 3)09:54
Silver_Foxvi /etc/modprobe.d/options09:54
Silver_FoxHere I wrote:09:54
Silver_Foxoptions snd-hda-intel model=laptop-eapd09:54
Silver_Foxsave and quit.  I ran vi /etc/modprobe.d/options in the terminal and imediatly paisted and entered options snd-hda-intel model=laptop-eapd.  I think that skrewed it all up.09:54
sherry_zhangare there any lightweighted encoding conversion library available? lighter than libiconv with non GPL licence?09:54
malnilionSilver_Fox, that's possible09:55
katyush-freedo we have mozilla-suite in our repos ,if so what's it called?09:55
Silver_Foxso how do i fix it? necause i know thats what i did09:55
malnilionSilver_Fox, you might try model=default or model=laptop09:55
bmberniesherry_zhang: what is wrong with gpl ?09:55
Volvagia356ompual: It you're still there, it didn't work09:55
Silver_Foxjust in the terminal?09:56
sherry_zhangbmbernie, oh, we just want code in the public domain.09:56
sherry_zhangbmbernie, nothing wrong:)09:56
malnilionSilver_Fox, Well, no edit that file it told you to edit and change that option09:56
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Silver_Foxmalnilion,  what file did u tell me to edit? i forgot, sorry... =/09:57
malnilionSilver_Fox, /etc/modeprobe.d/options09:57
antixpaulkatyush-free: there's iceape09:57
Silver_Foxtheres nothing there09:58
malnilionSilver_Fox, that's odd09:58
malnilionSilver_Fox, oh I typed the file wrong09:58
katyush-freeantixpaul, is that similar? same?09:58
jack-desktopi can't right click on my desktop or open my home folder =/09:58
malnilionSilver_Fox, /etc/modprobe.d/options09:59
Silver_Foxoh ok09:59
Silver_Foxso just add what u told me to the bottum?09:59
abhii have a doubt. i am running a crontab which takes about 10 minutes to execute but it can take longer than that. but i set this crontab to work every 10 minutes. will cron fork two processes incase the previous one hasn't completed?09:59
malnilionSilver_Fox, The guide told you to add "options snd-hda-intel model=laptop-eapd"10:00
Silver_Foxya i see it there10:00
jack-desktopwhy can't i open any folders /cry10:00
malnilionSilver_Fox, then try changing it to model=default or model=laptop10:00
Silver_Foxso that options snd-hda-intel model=default-eapd instead of options snd-hda-intel model=laptop-eapd?10:01
malnilionSilver_Fox, no just "model=default"10:01
malnilionSilver_Fox, no trailing -eapd :P10:02
malnilionHopefully that'll do it10:02
malnilionFix it at least back to where it was before10:02
jack-desktopDoes anyone know why I can't right click on desktop OR open any folders (the window doesn't even pop up)10:03
* malnilion would guess nautilus isn't running, jack-desktop 10:03
Silver_Foxwhats that?10:03
jack-desktopI don't think I have it installed..10:03
malnilionjack-desktop, it should be there by default on the default Ubuntu install10:04
tempnicWelcome to "ubuntu.unix-center.net" test server.Use SSH Login!10:04
jack-desktopmalnilion, how do I get it running again?10:04
Silver_Foxnever mind, im rebooting10:04
malnilionjack-desktop, does everything else appear normal in gnome?10:04
jack-desktopyes except i cant right click on desktop10:05
malnilionjack-desktop, I think opening any of the locations in "Places" ought to do it, but I'm not certain10:06
KaZeRwhat is the ubuntu-minimal package for? (i need to purge wpa-supplicant)10:06
tempnic"ubuntu.unix-center.net"is a  test server.Use SSH Login!welcome to try10:06
jack-desktopmalnilion, that's what i've been trying for about 5 minutes10:06
Silver_Foxi rebooted and nothings different...10:07
malnilionjack-desktop, I assume you've tried logging out and back in?10:07
jack-desktopmeh i dont want to disrupt the internet connection10:07
malnilionSilver_Fox, damn, I really don't know what else to do10:07
tempnic"ubuntu.unix-center.net"is a  test server.Use SSH Login!welcome to try10:07
Silver_Foxoh well10:08
Silver_Foxno sound for me =010:08
Silver_FoxI shall find a cave up in the mountans and live there without my music.10:09
malnilionjack-desktop, so you can open up your file manager but your desktop still isn't behaving normally?10:09
malnilionSilver_Fox, or worse comes to worse, you can reinstall, lol10:09
jack-desktopi can open the "Places menu" but i cant open any folder window10:09
jack-desktopi guess that's a "file manager"10:10
jack-desktopi cant open it10:10
Silver_Foxmalnilion, i've done that sooo many times with ubuntu.  About 610:10
malnilionI know the feeling :P10:10
Silver_Foxtempnic,    Up yours fuckwad10:10
ivzeGood <your time>, everybody! I have a trouble, and i would be glad, if somebody helped me with it. After adding additional memory to my system(512 -> 1024+512) the kernel started to freeze (completely dead, no reaction to NumLock). This happens with an average time of about a hour. Following the advise of a man from #ubuntu, i have performed a memory test: 12 hours of test, no faults. That's the situation! Thanks for reading :)10:12
rukusgawd, 1k nicks.10:13
demonskierhow do I sign in as root10:14
rukusdemonskier: in ibuntu you have to sudo su10:14
demonskierin terminal?10:14
Silver_Foxmalnilion,   Maybe u misunderstood me on something..  I did step 3 like this.  vi /etc/modprobe.d/options in the terminal> paisted this derectly into whatever came up in the terminal options snd-hda-intel model=laptop-eapd>it said Warning or somthing about me changing something important.. Thne boom, i restart, no sound...10:15
lesshaste_is the netgear wg111 usb wireless adaptor supported in ubuntu?10:15
B-rabbithi all :)10:15
demonskiermost wireless arent but u can use the diswrapper to use a windows driver10:15
malnilionSilver_Fox, I think I understood.  The thing is I now don't think what you did by editing that file was the source of your problems.  I think installing the drivers might have been.10:16
Tilllinuxdemonskier: that means, my brother is lucky, 'cause his wlan worked outofthebox10:16
Tilllinuxwith wpa210:16
lesshaste_demonskier, ah..that's worrying... I haven't bought it yet.. how can I find a list of supported wireless adaptors?10:16
demonskieri gess he is10:16
malnilionSilver_Fox, I don't really know how to undo what you did though :/10:16
demonskierim a noob to linux and it took me 2 days to set up my wireless10:17
scguy318lesshaste_: with ndiswrapper sure10:17
scguy318!wireless | lesshaste_10:17
ubotulesshaste_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:17
demonskierum i have no idea where to find a list of supported but if u read the forum ndiswrapper works really welll10:18
Silver_Foxmalnilion,  well how did that deleat all my sound or wtever.  I click on volume control now and it says no volume control GStreamer plugins/or devices found10:18
lesshaste_scguy318, thanks.. I haven't bought it yet... is it risky to rely on ndiswrapper?10:18
demonskieranyone no how i can put folders and files directly into the file system because it isn't letting me10:19
livingdaylightthx for the tip on how to kill processes via System Monitor. Nice gui... but does someone here know the command line for killing process?10:19
demonskierummmm leshaste i dono if its risky but from the reports i have read it works quite cconsistently10:19
Tilllinuxtry... kill ;D10:19
livingdaylightTilllinux, you talking to me?10:20
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:20
livingdaylightif i want to kill firefox process?10:20
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:21
Tilllinuxtry either: pkill firefox or killall -v firefox10:21
rukusdoes ubuntu have tree on the default install ? Just find the root process of firefox and kill that.10:21
rukusor try killall firefox_bin :)10:21
livingdaylightTilllinux, -v or -9 ?10:21
Tilllinuxah yes, firefox_bin... you'll have to know the name of the process10:22
Tilllinuxjust leave out the -v10:22
livingdaylightGracias Ubunteros!10:22
Tilllinuxit's firefox-bin btw10:22
JamesinatorWhen I remove a print job from the graphical printing manager in GNOME, the job persists even after restarting Ubuntu. Clearing /var/cache/cups/jobs.cache fixed the problem, but how can I make the GUI print manager work as expected?10:22
livingdaylightviva la revolucion!10:22
rukusTilllinux: yea, FreeBSD has it as firefox-bin10:22
rukussorry, firefox_bin10:23
rukusor teh manual build and install.10:23
livingdaylightrukus, if i had asked this question at freebsd i would have been told to go rtfm... they're a hostile bunch on the whole... not like here10:24
katyush-freei want to put tabs inside a html documents. what programme will do that for me?10:24
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lesshaste_there used to be such things as "hardware compatibility lists"10:25
rukuslivingdaylight: I'm on holiday :)10:25
lesshaste_scguy318, the page you sent me looks rather out of date10:25
Tilllinuxubuntustudio is very unfriendly... I think I'm going to switch to JackLab, as a friend told me, they'd have a "better" community and it concentrates more on the sound editing / music composition10:25
eltewSomeone try and help me.  When I switch from the GUI (F7) to any of the CLIs, all I get is a blinking cursor.10:25
lesshaste_scguy318, "This page describes the setup procedure for the Netgear WG111 (version 1) -- a USB-based wireless dongle -- in Ubuntu 5.04. Though the author tested with the version 1 dongle it was reported that the version 2 dongle also works."10:26
lesshaste_for example10:26
livingdaylightrukus, welcome to la isla bonita :D10:26
rukusif you having hassles with drivers, download and boot a knoppix Cd, write down all the drivers, and then port that to your ubuntu install.10:26
JamesinatorWhen I remove a print job from the graphical printing manager in GNOME, the job persists even after restarting Ubuntu. Clearing /var/cache/cups/jobs.cache fixed the problem, but how can I make the GUI print manager work as expected?10:26
rukuslivingdaylight: :)10:26
jack-desktopmalnilion, i did "gksudo nautilus" and it worked10:28
jack-desktopbut now it thinks im logged in as root or something /cry10:28
Amazing_139460FUCK YOU ALL10:28
Amazing_139460THX THX10:28
livingdaylightAmazing_139460, huh?10:28
rskignore the troll10:29
Jamesinator!op | Amazing_13946010:29
ubotuAmazing_139460: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!10:29
rukussomebody did'nt get a present.10:29
eltewTo anyone who can assist:  Whenever I switch from my GUI (F7) to any of the CLIs (F2-F6), I only get a blinking cursor.  Any ideas on how to fix this?10:29
MyrttiJamesinator: a wee bit late10:29
JamesinatorI'm using IRSSI, no name-autocomplete. :P10:29
livingdaylightrukus, i think it was just a typo... ^^10:29
MyrttiJamesinator: sure you've got autocomplete10:29
IndyGunFreakJamesinator: i'm prett sure irssi has auto-complete10:29
rukusdoes ubuntu's gui run on tty 7 ?10:30
redarrowJamesinator: Irssi can have ^^10:30
JamesinatorAh well, then I just suck. Everyone happy?10:30
eltewrukus: yes10:30
MyrttiJamesinator: no :-C10:30
* Jamesinator gives Myrtti a hug.10:30
Myrtti/me hugs Jamesinator back10:30
rukusI must try this wonderfull thing called ubuntu one day.10:30
Myrttisee, wonderful autocomplete10:31
JamesinatorMyrtti: So I've been told.10:31
livingdaylightJamesinator, did you hit the emergency button? LOL10:31
IndyGunFreakrukus: you've never tried it?10:31
rukusIndyGunFreak: I'm a *bsd man.10:31
IndyGunFreakrukus: oh ok.10:31
* Jamesinator sandpapers his fingerprints off, therefore removing any traces of evidence on the "Big Red Op Button"10:31
rukusand run suse non gui webservers at office.10:31
livingdaylightrukus, Ubuntu is more than an os... Its a way of life10:31
rukusand support ubuntu boxes, but after I send them a ssh cert, and I ssh in.10:32
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livingdaylightrukus, i'd use bsd (want to even) if it had something like the ubuntu community around it10:33
frederick85when the system begins to boot I get a message saying cannot allocate region 4 of pci device or something like that?10:33
frederick85Whats the story with these new linux kernels10:33
rukuslivingdaylight: yess, I can imagine that, been doing this for a whil enow.10:33
frederick85the old ones never gave me that10:33
rukusubuntu is for desktop clients.10:33
rukusnice thing is it's easy to support remote.10:33
frederick85rukus: you can install ubuntu without a desktop10:33
abhifrederick85: get the alternate installer or the server version10:34
IndyGunFreakNew kernels?10:34
frederick85abhi: i wasn't asking a question10:34
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abhifrederick85: sorr10:34
frederick85abhi: my initial question is unrelated to versions10:34
frederick85happens on all versions and gentoo aswell10:35
livingdaylightrukus, i suppose pc-bsd wants some of the Desktop cake too seeing the success and rise of GNU/Linux on the Desktop in recent years. But they're a long ways away still imo10:35
iZoomI have just installed Ubuntu, I have no internet connection on that box, is it possible to somehow get the mp3 codec to play .mp3 files onto a usb, and install from there?10:35
rukusiZoom: you mean form a Pc that does have internet ?10:36
rukusbuild a package once all the codecs are in ?10:36
frederick85livingdaylight: pc-BSD is pretty dodgy at the moment though. But it's good in some ways10:36
drgebhow do you remove a gnome panel ? I tried right clicking on the panel but only available menu items are "Help and "About Panels"10:36
rukusto hot, pool time.10:36
frederick85pc-bsd mimicks windows too much10:37
iZoomWell, I am on windows now, I wondered if I could put the files needed for the mp3 codec on a usb and go to the other box and install it form there?10:37
rukusdrgeb: xkill :)10:37
mavi-iZoom: sure can do10:37
mavi-iZoom: its in some gstreamer package10:37
iZoomI'm new to Ubuntu aswell.10:37
iZoomIs there a link to download it?10:37
rukusproblem with xkill is that you have to click somewhere with it to get rid of it.10:37
IndyGunFreakdrgeb: there should be a "delete this panel' option10:37
livingdaylightfrederick85, i agree... i appreciate their intention in bringing bsd to the masses. But they still seem to have the bsd culture in 'em...10:38
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drgebIndyGunFreak its not there somehow?? I was expecting this too10:38
iZoommavi-: where can I download the file needed for mp3 codec  on windows?10:38
drgebrukus xkill just kills it and it automatically comes back10:38
gobbles414Hi all: I've got kind of a strange sound problem. Is anyone willing to try and help me?10:39
frederick85livingdaylight: FreeBSD is a masterpiece and should be respected, They are a little arrogant however towards linux users.10:39
drgebIndyGunFreak any idea which configuration file handles this ?10:39
IndyGunFreakdrgeb: not a clue, never had that prob10:39
frederick85livingdaylight: I don't know what you meant by culture though10:39
rukusgees, how much stuff is in ubuntu's inittab ?10:39
sat70bonjours a vous tous10:40
mavi-iZoom: let me see what its named10:40
JacobSinghHi, I'm using 10.2 and I followed the how-tos about the pdf printer (cups-pdf).  It's all setup it seems, and throws no errors, plus cups says the jobs are finished, but I never get a dialog to select where to save my pdf10:40
JacobSinghand I can't find it anywhere either10:40
livingdaylightfrederick85, i respect FreeBSD but to say they are a little arrogant is an understatement. I came to it with no preconceptions and was made to feel most unwelcome10:40
sat70jai un petit probleme avec quake3 je nai pas de son snif, jai donné les droit a quake pour qu'il puisse modifier /dev/dsp10:40
IndyGunFreakiZoom: did you get your answer?10:40
gobbles414JacobSingh... There should be a folder called PDF in you home folder10:40
rukuslivingdaylight: bsd tends towards minimalist, build what you need, linux tends to bundy everything or as much as possible, just appeals towards different poeple and eviroments.10:40
mavi-iZoom: gstreamer-plugins-ugly10:41
sat70je suis sous un dell inspiron 6400 et je nai toujours pas de son10:41
IndyGunFreakiZoom: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/allpackages10:41
mavi-iZoom: .deb10:41
mavi-iZoom: just google that and download10:41
IndyGunFreakiZoom: then download gstreamer-plugins-ugly10:41
livingdaylightfrederick85, by culture i mean what you already touched upon when you said arrogant. I mean an attitude of elitism, hostility, and belligerence10:41
iZoomand just run it once im on ubuntu>?10:41
sat70quake me dis could not mmap dma buffer10:41
JacobSinghgobbles414: thanks!  Is there anyway to have it ask me where I want to save it?10:41
iZoomok thanks ill see if i have any problem10:41
rukuslivingdaylight: you think thats bad, try #sco :)10:41
IndyGunFreakiZoom: that link i posted, should have the deb file you're looking for.10:41
eltewTo anyone who can assist:  Whenever I switch from my GUI (F7) to any of the CLIs (F2-F6), I only get a blinking cursor.  Any ideas on how to fix this?10:41
sat70/dev/dsp: input/output error10:41
frederick85livingdaylight: livingdaylight: i know very well what you mean. That is just on #freebsd if i'm right though10:42
livingdaylightrukus, well, pc-bsd is aiming towards Desktop not minimalist.. but i'm talking about the environment in the community - insular, and snobbish... opposed to welcoming, friendly and helpful10:42
frederick85livingdaylight: FreeBSD is good to learn you just need to ignore the people who are that way10:42
frederick85livingdaylight: the Handbook is exceptional10:42
IndyGunFreakgobbles414: whats your sound problem?10:43
rukuslivingdaylight: I suppose, but linux ppl generate for to many queries to deal with when things are busy and you have a lot on your plate.10:43
gobbles414JacobSingh: You're welcome. I do not know of any way to "print" to a different location. But you can always create a shortcut of the PDF folder in another location for quicker access10:43
frederick85livingdaylight: /j #ubuntu-au10:43
frederick85actually ignore that typo10:44
livingdaylightfrederick85, the Handbook, yes, they kept pointing to that as if it were the bible or the koran... but i found lots of links in there which were outdated, referring to windows 95 ... so i think it could do with refreshing and updating10:44
rukuswhen things like setting up apache 5 with ssl in the gui yast in suse taking a week, and then having to reverese the weeks fiddling and then set up properly.10:44
nalphaguys... i INstalled UBuntu 7.10 on my PC, but the system can't shutdown from "front panel" like Ubuntu 5.04 system, it can be shutdown from front panel, just with one click, anyone knows the problem and can help me solve the problem?10:45
frederick85livingdaylight: how far did you get with it10:45
gobbles414Hi IGF: I was trying to enable SPDIF output on my Asus G1 laptop, and now all of my sound is gone. I used "Method B" at the following URL <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller>. I tried rc1, rc3, and the final release10:45
IndyGunFreakgobbles414: whats your sound problem?10:45
livingdaylightrukus, i appreciate the objection that it is tiresome to constantly answer a question that is #3 on FAQ... but it is no reason or justificaiton imo for the attitude imo... that's just a racket then... a justified reason for venting at someone10:46
gobbles414...Would have tried "Method H", but it looked too frightening.10:46
livingdaylightfrederick85, actually, i installed pc-bsd10:46
livingdaylightfrederick85, it was fine but i didn't quite get to grips with installing from ports10:47
eltewdoes ubuntu have the following file: etc/inittab10:47
livingdaylightalot of packages were quite old10:47
frederick85livingdaylight: you just use a program called make10:47
IndyGunFreakgobbles414: weird, i've always got mine fixed by recompiling alsa.10:47
frederick85livingdaylight: gentoo has portage which is similar but more easy10:48
livingdaylightfrederick85, well, you're really friendly and helpful as is rukus i just wish i had bumped into you then...10:48
frederick85livingdaylight: theres a gentoo port of freebsd aswell10:48
eltewsomeone with ubuntu please go into terminal and type: locate inittab10:48
eltewand please give me ur output10:48
rukuseltew: it's in /etc/10:48
rukuseltew: and make a backup before you change anything.10:48
MrSunshinehumm how do i do a system upgrade in ubuntu? :/10:48
frederick85livingdaylight: I just learnt it all in the last 3 months myself10:49
eltewrukus: i cannot find my file, according to my system it doesn't exist and i'm thinking thats why i can't access the terminals10:49
rukusMrSunshine: maybe first get all the rpm's, then do the installation. Most mirrors miss one or two rpms.10:49
livingdaylightfrederick85, it was just a matter of reorientation. I wasn't used to kde and the whole bsd way of doing things and needed a reorientation course10:49
eltewrukus: could you paste yours for me?10:49
frederick85livingdaylight: what are you using now10:49
MrSunshinewell how do i actualy do an upgrade ? ... i wont sit here and manualy download every package10:49
livingdaylightfrederick85, ubuntu :)10:49
rukuseltew: hectic, I don't know ubuntu's internals that well, but you need innittabe to boot to a certain level, or is init 6 the default ?10:50
gobbles414Hi all: I see that IGF just left the room. He was helping me with a sound problem. Anybody else willing to help?10:50
livingdaylightfrederick85, i gave up on it... couldn't be assed to put up with the lack of support on the one hand and abuse on the other...10:50
rskMrSunshine: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade10:50
rukuseltew: I can look for one quick, but can only get into suse boxes right now, or they the only ones that are up.10:50
livingdaylightfrederick85, in pc-bsd they have their own binaries but still too few of them... i will revisit in time though...10:51
eltewrukus: I wouldn't know since I haven't figured out all the basics of linux yet..  I get only a blinking cursor when I try to access any terminal via F keys10:51
rukusMrSunshine: maybe boot a copy of your system in vmware an dupgrade that, I can't handle upgrades that go south.10:51
frederick85livingdaylight: I'll give you some tips where to go if u like10:51
livingdaylightfrederick85, sure...10:51
eltewrukus: I thank you but I don't think a SuSe file do the trick.10:51
frederick85livingdaylight: theres linux distros that will teach you how to be more of an elitist10:51
frederick85livingdaylight: just by installing them10:51
rukuseltew: well, inittab would bring up the terminals, so unless someone knows more than I do, inittab does seem suspect.10:51
J_Laptopfrederick85 - Gentoo and LFS :)10:52
gobbles414Hi once more IGM: Any ideas on how I might get my sound back? I could care less about SPDIF at this point!10:52
frederick85J_Laptop: exactly10:52
J_LaptopI've done both10:52
frederick85i havn't done linux from scratch myself10:52
rukusgobbles414: do  kldstat, and unload anything that looks like snd_hda10:52
J_Laptopeven was one of the lead dev's on LFS for a long time10:52
rukusshould workj out of the box.10:52
frederick85I'v done gentoo - FreeBSD that has the least support i'v ever seen10:52
frederick85but such fun ;)10:52
frederick85FreeBSD kernel with gentoo10:52
J_Laptopnahh, Darwin/Gentoo10:53
livingdaylightfrederick85, the irony is that the attitudes i encountered were the same resentment some linux users felt towards us plebs who should just stick to windows if we can't figure out how to use command line... that kind of prejudism is less and less visible.. I think there is room for everyone.. people who wanna do everything from command line and users that just want to point and click...10:53
MrSunshinerukus: wtf is wrong with you ?10:53
IndyGunFreakrukus: the intelhda's are a pain...10:53
MrSunshinedo you even know jack shit about what you are talking about?10:53
rukusrukus: wtf is wrong with you ?10:53
rukus12:53 -!- rickympl [n=rickympl@195-23-159-89.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu10:53
rukus12:53 < IndyGunFreak> rukus: the intelhda's are a pain...10:53
abdullaguys what is better thunderbird or evoloution?10:53
frederick85livingdaylight: the commandlines super fast10:53
J_Laptopabdulla - that's like asking what's a better editor - vi or emacs10:53
rukusMrSunshine: I don't use ubuntu much, but the intel sound drivers work well with defaults ?10:53
rickymplrukus:> ?10:53
abdullafor emails10:53
frederick85livingdaylight: you usually have alot more options with it too.10:54
MrSunshinerukus: blow me10:54
J_Laptopit's what is better for YOU10:54
IndyGunFreakrukus: i'm sure ou know suse quite well, but that doesn't really qualify you for ubuntu support, don[t hand out info unles you knwo what you're talking about.10:54
rukusthis is why I don't like linux dudes  :/10:54
frederick85abdulla: salam10:54
livingdaylightfrederick85, sure, i'm just saying that its not for everyone10:54
frederick85rukus: what are you using?10:54
rukusIndyGunFreak: it's linux, since when did ubuntu become the standard ?10:54
J_Laptopthere is no standard10:54
J_Laptopbut ubuntu does a lot of things differently than other distros10:54
IndyGunFreakrukus: that has nothing to do with it, your handing out bad info.10:55
gobbles414IGF: and rukus: kldstat results in "command not found"10:55
rukusfrederick85: FreeBSD for firewalls, suse for novell and web services, ubuntu for labs.10:55
IndyGunFreakgobbles414: unless you're using suse, don't listen to rukus10:55
J_Laptopso what you know from SuSE, or RH, or anything else, *MAY* not translate to ubuntu very well10:55
rickympli'm trying to compile dazuko, and i keep getting the following error: .: 1565: linux.config: not found, help please, thanks10:55
rukushmm, how does ubuntu list kernel drives ?10:55
abdullacan gmail integrate with evoloution mail or thunderbird?10:55
J_Laptopabdulla - either - gmail has an imap interface10:55
IndyGunFreakabdulla: yes10:55
J_Laptopbut i've heard it's pretty slow10:55
antixpaulubuntu for desktops :D10:55
abdullaso i must use imap J_Laptop ?10:56
frederick85rukus: CS labs?10:56
J_Laptopif you want a mail client to interface with gmail, yes10:56
IndyGunFreakabdulla: no, Gmail is pop310:56
frederick85rukus: are you a teacher10:56
rukusfrederick85: yea.10:56
stephenhalladbulla: I use IMAP with Thunderbird and gmail10:56
IndyGunFreakJ_Laptop: what are you talking about?... gmail is pop310:56
rukusfrederick85: no, sysadmin for a universaty.10:56
J_Laptopnope, they have imap now10:56
J_Laptopbut it's somewhat slow from what I heard10:56
IndyGunFreakJ_Laptop: that must have been a very recent change10:56
stephenhallAll settings are there in gmail help10:56
J_Laptopfew weeks10:56
frederick85rukus: in my university they use fedora :P i hope they change it10:56
stephenhallmake sure you get the ports right10:56
gobbles414abdulla... Ditto to what IGF says. I used Gmail with Thunderbird for awhile. Now I am using Gmail with Evolution.10:56
J_Laptopfedora is nice :)10:56
J_LaptopI like it as a desktop10:57
abdullatheyr is no pop3 but theyr is pop IndyGunFreak10:57
IndyGunFreakabdulla: like i said, that must be fairly recent10:57
iZoomWhen I ran ./configure it said C Complier cannot create executables10:57
rukusMrSunshine: I find ubuntu quiet simple once you get to a root terminal, myba emy approach is just different, the end result is the same, even if I have to build it from scratch on ubuntu.10:57
abdullagobbles414, so you recommend the best and simple satisfying relaxing way for email checkups and cruising is evoloution mail?10:57
frederick85J_Laptop: for some reason these things don't work so great for me. Ubuntu and Fedora are bad on my laptop desktop10:58
IndyGunFreakabdulla: if you don't mind the gmail interface(which i personally like it), just sudo apt-get install mail-notification  set it up w/ your gmail account, and it will alert you in the taskbar when you get email10:58
frederick85crashing, unexplained slowness10:58
IndyGunFreaki don't have any email programs.10:58
J_Laptoplaptop's can sometimes be weird10:58
J_LaptopI've used both on my own laptop with good success10:58
frederick85I find when I configure myself I get better results10:58
frederick85Such as with gentoo/debian/freebsd10:58
frederick85they work fine for me10:58
rukusfrederick85: took me a day to build kde on my laptop, was worth it. nice and snappy.10:59
J_Laptopmy only problem is the b43 driver's flakiness10:59
frederick85rukus: i'm running xubuntu now I installed it from a gnome alternative cd10:59
frederick85just installed command line only10:59
iZoomIndyGunFreak: I get his error when running ./configure C compiler cannot create executables10:59
frederick85then found the packages I needed10:59
rukusanyway, got a pool and bbq to get to :)11:00
J_Laptopizoom - apt-get install build-essential11:00
IndyGunFreakiZoom: why are you running ./confiugre?  download the deb files11:00
IndyGunFreakyou'll go nuts compiling them from source but do as you please11:00
gobbles414abdulla: I would rate evolution as a good program, with a couple of quirks. The main issue is that the address book refuses to sort by last name when you are composing a new message. When in the adress book itself, the names will sort by last name very easily. I switched to Evolution so that I could use an antivirus scanner (for my poor Windows friends of course). Gmail offers pop and imap both. I have always found imap to be a pain, so I h11:00
iZoomI couldn't find the Indy.11:00
IndyGunFreakiZoom: then you didn't look very well.11:00
iZoomDid you find it?11:01
J_LaptopI prefer thunderbird to evo myself11:01
iZoomI couldnt see it11:01
gobbles414IGF: any additional ideas on my sound problem. I've tried using the reinstall option for all ALSA and OSS entries that showed as installed on my system in Synaptic.11:02
iZoomIndyGun what one?11:02
iZoomlibgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0 (0.10.14-1ubuntu3)11:02
iZoom    GStreamer libraries from the "base" set11:02
iZoomlibgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev (0.10.14-1ubuntu3)11:02
iZoom    GStreamer development files for libraries from the "base" set11:02
frederick85is Ubuntu GNU/linux11:03
sapumalyes it is GNU/Linux distro11:03
IndyGunFreakiZoom: download the .deb file for either xmms or audacious, i think they have mp3 codec support built in11:04
frederick85sapumal: some distros don't call themselves gnu/linux even though they use GNU software11:04
IndyGunFreakiZoom: the biggest problem, is you're gonna run into a bunch of dependency errors11:04
J_Laptopdebian is about the only one that uses the GNU/Linux terminology11:04
gobbles414IGF: I get "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found." when I attempt to open the "Open Volume Control"11:04
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IndyGunFreakgobbles414: do you have intelhda?11:04
sapumalfrederick85, but if you use the kernel and use GNU software why we can't call it GNU/Linux11:04
frederick85they should use that instead11:04
frederick85sapumal: u might anger someone11:05
Silver_FoxIt would be awesome if someone would help me with my sound, its not working... Heres the full problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65109111:05
IndyGunFreakSilver_Fox: well, 1st, you compiled it wrong.11:05
Silver_FoxIndyGunFreak,  how?11:06
sapumalI still believe Ubuntu is GNU/Linux, who tell that it is not so.11:06
IndyGunFreakSilver_Fox: second, why did you download 1.0.14rc1, which is over a year old if i recall, why not use 1.0.15?..11:06
Silver_FoxIndyGunFreak,  cuz i'm retarted, thats what retarted people do.    Or i'm just a noob..11:06
fsanluis bcm943 diff from bcm4311:06
Silver_FoxSo, what do i do then IndyGunFreak ?11:07
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IndyGunFreakSilver_Fox: are you using gutsy?11:07
gobbles414IGF: I think it's in that INTEL HDA family. It shows up as a Realtek ALC660-vd11:07
IndyGunFreakSilver_Fox: open a terminal and type lspci and see how it identifies your sound device11:08
IndyGunFreakgobbles414: hang ona  sec, i think you and silver are having the same prob11:08
lesshaste_actually there is another problem now.. the  usb wireless adapters don't seem to support wpa :11:09
Silver_FoxIndyGunFreak,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4021945#post402194511:09
IndyGunFreakSilver_Fox: gobbles414  type this w/o quotes.. "/join #indygunfreak"11:10
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corruptionoflulzanyone use any other pdf viewers besides evince?11:11
ehcare there any window switchers like those offered in compiz but that are more lightweight than compiz?11:14
frederick85ehc: standard one installed11:15
frederick85ehc: it's a window switcher that doesn't do it so expensively11:15
ehcfrederick85, is there anything else in between that and compiz?11:16
kane77in what media player I can play dvd folder (VIDEO_TS) and view the subtitles?11:16
frederick85ehc: not really. there used to be beryl but it's fused with compiz now11:16
ehcfrederick85, ok thanks11:16
frederick85ehc: compiz fusion thats why they call it that11:16
frederick85kane77: smplayer11:17
corruptionoflulzfrederick85: thanks, xpdf seems pretty nice11:17
frederick85corruptionoflulz: zooming in is as easy as making a selection with your mouse11:17
kane77frederick85, yay! you're right I guess.. lemme try :)11:18
frederick85kane77: burn it to a dvd perhaps11:18
qwerty121hi all! which CD burner package should i use for Gutsy?11:19
rskqwerty121: k3b or nero11:19
kane77frederick85, well that exactly is the problem.. I just wasted dozen of dvds.. (I'm trying to get the subtitle encoding right)... so I need something to preview it before I burn11:19
abdullaJ_Laptop & IndyGunFreak thanks for the help , just 1 more thing so pop is better then imap?11:19
qwerty121rsk: are they in the repos?11:19
frederick85kane77: you should be able to open the mpg2 files11:20
frederick85kane77: dunno about that though just try smplayer11:20
rskqwerty121: yes.11:20
frederick85gotta head off cya11:20
qwerty121rsk: offtopic, but can you tell me what's gnome-baker?11:20
rskqwerty121: dont know11:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-baker - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:21
qwerty121rsk: ok, thanks11:21
E-muanyone haveing K9copy crash?11:22
albatorhello, Ive just started installing gusty from CD, the disk has booted and an X session has started but it seems to have hung, the CD is still being read loads and the session isnt dead (mouse cursor is moveable) tty1 is avail, any ideas?11:23
chazcoHi.. anyone know why OpenOffice (or Textmaker) on Ubuntu have different pagination when compared to Word on Windows? Its causing trouble with my uni work... Installing the msttcorefonts makes it worse!11:24
wersis picasa really in the repos?11:25
mousealbator, try to kill X-session by ctrl-alt-del... may be re-started X should be fine.11:25
albatorthx mouse11:25
hkBstchazco: becasue MSWord is a poorly specified format11:26
mousealbator, I have something similar under Qemu/VirtualBox.11:26
chazcoIt doesnt seem to be the file format (other extensions suffer the same)... i think its the fonts11:26
crazy_busI'm trying to view a dvd on my old computer.  But when-ever their is cpu activity it's extremly jittery (loading a program or website).  Feisty and previous versions never had this problem.  Is there anyway to fix it?11:26
bullgard4hibernate.sh reports: "FATAL: Module acpi_sbs not found." What is the function of acpi_sbs?11:26
hkBstchazco: how do you know that? Does Word support any other formats?11:27
chazcoNope, but using other word processers it happens... e.g. Textmaker (supports odt, doc, tmd and more)11:27
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chazcoThe trouble is uni work ends up looking totally wrong when the pagination is out (even indivudal paragraphs seem slightly out of place, and the word wrap changes)11:29
albator=s cant get the TTY anymore, gonna reboot and start again11:30
albatorit happened after the splash screens, I chose "start / install" then saw the ubuntu logo with a progress bar for ages, then a broken noise played then the blank X session11:31
OnyxI just spent like 3 hours organizing all the porn on my computer.11:31
Cereal_Goodmorning folks :) I have a little question here: I setup Conky yesterday. I gives me this error all the time: "Conky: statfs '/media/hda1': No such file or directory11:31
Cereal_". Now obviously that's because my hda1 isn't in /media/hda1. But where is it then?11:31
malroy_znacie może jakiś kanał o grach - szukam jednego tytułu i potrzebuję  dużego zbiorowiska ludzi grających :)11:31
malroy_co by się podpytać11:31
Ubuntubruger3Hello. Doesn't compiz with the turning cube work in Kubuntu???11:31
mousechazco, if you want correct pagination, use pre-press text processors like tetex. No one word-processor's format can guarantee same pagination/formatting under different word-processors. Did you try OpenOffice under windows?11:31
VinconzoOnyx, legal porn, i presume?11:32
chazcoI only have access to Word on windows (and textmaker)... I dont have much choice in the format either unfortunatly11:32
mousealbator, do you use i386 or x86_64 installation? Ubuntu? Kubuntu?11:32
OnyxVinconzo: uhhh, of course -- all the chicks are of age :P11:32
Cereal_here: I setup Conky yesterday. I gives me this error all the time: "Conky: statfs '/media/hda1': No such file or directory11:33
Cereal_ ". Now obviously that's because my hda1 isn't in /media/hda1. But where is it then?11:33
Ubuntubruger3i386 ubuntu with Kubuntu added11:33
VinconzoOnyx, ok. Just becouse you may not talk about illegal stuff in this channel ;)11:33
chazcomouse - whats puzzling as well is that Textmaker can use its own format... so you'd expect it to match (Win & Lin versions)... which it seems to do11:33
Ubuntubruger3Hello. Doesn't compiz with the turning cube work in Kubuntu???11:34
Cereal_Does anyone know where the hardrive's mounted? Not external (/media/hda1) but internal?11:34
rskUbuntubruger3: not with all videocards11:34
mouseCereal_, see /etc/mtab or just run mount.11:34
OnyxVinconzo: lol, anyone who would talk about illegal porn is a moron11:34
Cereal_mouse: Thanks :)11:35
Ubuntubruger3rsk: But its possible? Its works for me in Ubuntu...11:35
rsksure it's possible11:35
Jeff-HardyHello guys :)11:35
mouseCereal_, if there are no such entries for your drive, it means that you need to mount it by hands.11:35
Jeff-HardyHello RSK11:35
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Cereal_Mouse: Okay :) Thanks a lot :)11:36
Jeff-HardyI just joined Ubuntu gang11:36
Ubuntubruger3rsk: How do you activate it in Kubuntu?11:36
VinconzoOnyx, im not just talking abbout kiddieporn. im also talking about normal porn that's illegally downloaded. as in: not just bought from you local store11:36
rskdont know11:36
Jeff-HardyCan you please help me guys ?11:36
mousechazco, Textmaker doesn't have the same formatting under Win / Lin?11:36
Kalamansihello good evening.. im done downloading updates..install or apt-get install thing...now, my question is...how to copy all updates that ive downloaded to a cd?i have dvd attached or installed to my computer and i cant find any application in my system for burning...thanks11:36
chazcoTextmaker does, unless using an MS font11:36
mouseKalamansi, go to /var/cache/apt/archives11:36
rskJeff-Hardy: no we can't read minds11:37
Ubuntubruger3rsk: thx for helping so far11:37
mousersk :)11:37
OnyxVinconzo: I'm a connoisseur... been ripping my DVDs for a while now :P11:37
Jeff-HardyRSk can you please tell me hwo to install Nvidia drivers ?11:37
VinconzoOnyx, ok11:37
rskJeff-Hardy: use the hardware manager11:37
rsker. restricted drivers manager11:38
Kalamansimouse : how to burn them in the cd?i have dvd ... i dont see any burning application here..thanks11:38
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:38
Jeff-HardyI did11:38
rskKalamansi: use k3b or nero11:38
Jeff-HardyI instaled correctly11:38
Jeff-HardyBut they keep crashing after restart11:38
Jeff-HardyX Server <GUI> wont load11:38
mouseKalamansi, try cdrecord to burn CD. and mkisofs to create ISO-image from files. The command should be like that: mkisofs -J -l -r -V 'My archive' /var/cache/apt/archives | cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrw -data -11:38
Jeff-HardyI reinstalled 4 times  today alone :(11:39
Kalamansimouse: first install apt-get install cdrecord?11:40
mouseKalamansi, first means to create iso-image and write it to standard output. Using pipe ("|") we are catching input data and pass it to cdrecord program. You can split this operations into two steps.11:41
mouseKalamansi, yes, apt-get install cdrecord mkisofs11:41
mouseI thought, that it should be already installed.11:41
eth01i've got an interface named dummy0? (wtf.)11:42
hkBsteth01: read about it in your kernel docs?11:43
eth01whys it showing anyway?11:43
fenrighow do i boot gdm from the live cd from a terminal (tty2)11:43
hkBsteth01: becasue of how the kernel was configured11:43
RyuhoTremulous, Nexuiz or Sauerbaten?11:44
albatorwell rebooted an ran the disk check, faults found in files so i guess ill reburn :)11:44
hkBstRyuho: yes :)11:44
Ryuhoi'm asking which one11:44
Kalamansimouse : http://pastebin.com/m2e9ee96f11:46
paritosh1010I am getting a grub error 17 while trying to boot from an external usb drive11:48
BernardBWhat's the difference between VNC and RDPv5?11:49
mouseBernardB, RDP is an M$ protocol that supports device tunneling.11:50
BernardBmouse, is it possible to connect with a Windows XP system via the Terminal Server Client?11:50
BernardB(I've got Gutsy)11:51
mouseBernardB, use rdesktop11:51
mouseyou may install gnome-rdp or use command-line version: rdesktop11:52
Jordan_Umouse, Out of curiosity, does rdesktop support the device tunneling features?11:52
BB88How can I make a program start up on system start up?11:53
mouseJordan_U, Partially.11:53
BernardBmouse, with what command can I connect?11:53
paritosh1010_I am getting grub error 17 when i try to boot ubuntu from an external hard drive.11:53
mouseBB88, system startup or X-session?11:53
BB88mouse: Where are these located? I just want AWN to start up when Ubuntu starts.11:54
Jordan_UBB88, System -> Preferences -> Sessions11:54
ricanelite757why when i drag the icons to the desktop they are so small?11:54
mouseBernardB, rdesktop -u USERNAME server    just see rdesktop -h for options11:55
^root^Is there a nice ftp client for Ubuntu? i tried gftp, it crashes, and kasablanca ask for confirmation on every file, ...11:55
BB88Jordan_U: Ok, thank you.11:55
Jordan_U^root^, Konqueror isn't bad if you don't mind all of the KDE dependencies11:56
^root^Jordan_U, i dont like KDE :(11:56
Jordan_U^root^, Do you mind KDE applications though?11:57
Jordan_U!ftp | ^root^11:57
ubotu^root^: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd11:57
rhetoricHi I'm having a very strange problem my Audiophile 2496 card is recognized and "Test" works under Prefs->Sound but no sound works in any application (Gutsy intel) anyone?11:57
oldboyHello Guys11:57
Sonjais there a file browser that offers more options on how to view the files?11:57
Sonjalist, thumbnails, etc. etc.11:57
Sonjaor is teh default one in ubuntu able to do everything?11:58
oldboyDoes anybody know a program like eMule for linux?11:58
Jordan_Uoldboy, amule11:58
^root^Jordan_U, yup, i don't like that blue color...11:58
mouseoldboy, xmule11:58
bullgard4rhetoric: You problem is not so strange. his happens quite often. Try to obtain an error message so that people can analyze your system and help you.11:58
^root^Jordan_U, how to use Nautilus for FTP?11:58
etfbrhetoric: I had similar probs in Edgy and solved it by explicitly selecting the appropriate sound driver in each program, or something.  It was ages ago, so I don't know the details, but the gist of it is that some software guesses the wrong thing when it comes to communicating with Linux's sound system.11:59
ricanelite757why when i drag my icons from the menus to the desktop they are small11:59
* mouse use lftp as ftp client11:59
rhetoricmaybe disabling the onboard sound on my mobo would help?11:59
kane77^root^, and what about filezilla?11:59
oldboyI didnt know it was so simple?11:59
Jordan_U^root^, Places -> Connect to server11:59
etfbSonja: I find Konqueror is far superior to the Gutsy default of Dolphin or whatever it's called.11:59
^root^kane77, does filezilla support extracting files?11:59
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rhetoricetfb, how did you explicitly select the driver?12:00
etfbrhetoric: Oh gods, this was ages ago.  In some programs it's an option in preferences.  But I don't know if it really matches your problem.  I second what bullgard4 wrote.12:01
Jordan_Urhetoric, does "aplay < /dev/urandom" produce white noise?12:01
kane77^root^, dunno.. I just use it because I'm not too keen on kde apps....12:01
rhetoricJordan_U, nope nothing12:01
etfbkane77: Just out of curiosity, what do you dislike about KDE?  I used to use Gnome and hated it; I'm a staunch Kubuntu user now.12:02
Jordan_U!sound | rhetoric12:02
uboturhetoric: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:02
^root^Jordan_U, i tried to connect, it didnt asked for password and havent shown anything till now...12:02
gvsa123can anyone clear up the difference between owners and groups? is there a hierarchy?12:02
etfbAh, ubotu, you're a fount of knowledge.  How can one bot be so wise?12:02
Jordan_U^root^, You have to choose FTP with login rather than "public FTP"12:02
^root^oh okay...12:03
riccardohi all12:03
kane77gvsa123, you have users and groups.. in permissions you have access by the owner, group and others..12:03
Jordan_U!hi | riccardo12:03
uboturiccardo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:03
bullgard4gvsa123: Basically, each file may either belong to an owner, a group and the rest of the world, or not.12:03
rhetoricJordan_U, however, Preference>Sound>Test produces a beep, and yes I've been googling and reading forums for several hours now12:03
Jordan_Urhetoric, My guess is that for whatever reason you have things set to use OSS, and only the sound test recognizes that ( but you should be using ALSA anyway )12:04
gvsa123kane77: oh that adds to the confusion... lol... for example, how come i am not part of my own group by default?12:05
ice109can someone help me, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg isn't working for me12:05
rhetorichow might I set things back to alsa12:05
Jordan_Urhetoric, That or sound is just being sent to the wrong channel12:05
Jordan_Urhetoric, See the message from ubotu12:05
etfbice109: Stupid question #1: are you using sudo?12:05
ice109etfb of course12:05
ice109what i mean is that it's not configuring it for me correctly12:05
Veyroni searh a list server irc. for my client irc12:06
paritosh1010_anybody can give me insights on running ubuntu from an external USB DRIVE??12:06
etfbice109: Well, had to ask.  It's one of those things you can take for granted and then everything else goes screwy.12:06
Jordan_Uice109, In what way?12:06
gvsa123bullgard4: so if you are part of either owner or group, you can access depending on permissions? such that a non-owner but group member may have equal permissions to a file? and owners but non-group members may also have the same permissions?12:06
ice109Jordan_U xwindows doesn't launch12:06
MrSunshine_and what have ubuntu done with xchat? .. looks totaly ****arded :/12:06
Jordan_Uice109, What version of Ubuntu?12:06
ice109well it's xubuntu 7.0412:07
^root^Jordan_U, i am connected using nautilus, i deleted some files, and its been years since its preparing to delete the files12:07
kane77gvsa123, hmm.. well maybe because you don't need to be part of that group, as you will have access to the files because they belong to you...12:07
Jordan_UMrSunshine_, Remove xchat-gnome, install xchat :)12:07
antixpaulparitosh1010_: does your bios support usb boot?12:07
fsanluhow is ndiswrapper in comparison to enabled firmware. and has anyone been successful with it in a 64 machine?12:08
Jordan_Ufsanlu, Broadcom card I assume?12:08
ice109i'm actually in a livecd right now, anyway i can configure xorg correctly from here?12:08
paritosh1010_antixpaul: well..i installed the bootloader on the usb drive. now the bootloader loads, but when i try to boot, it says "Grub error 17: cannot mount selected parittion"12:08
gvsa123kane77: i am the owner so i don't need to be part of my group... but groups can be set to have the same permissions as the owners right? such as 077712:08
fsanluJordan_U, yah its cutting me off frequently12:08
crush_groovegvsa123, yes12:09
Jordan_Uice109, Yes, if the LiveCD is working then mount your Ubuntu partition and you can copy the xorg.conf from your liveCD session to your installed system12:09
ice109Jordan_U good idea12:09
Jordan_Ufsanlu, What chipset version?12:09
ice109but i'm running knoppix12:09
ice109does that translate well?12:09
fsanluJordan_U bcm94311 rev 0112:09
Jordan_Uice109, Most likely it will12:09
ice109where is xorg again?12:09
gvsa123crush_groove: kane77: and it is also possible that groups have permissions that owners do not? like 0177?12:10
Jordan_Uice109, /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:10
paritosh1010_antixpaul: any idea mate?12:10
crush_groovegvsa123, yes12:10
Jordan_Ugvsa123, Yes12:10
crush_groovegvsa123, chmod --help12:10
Novaltyhi, im new to ubuntu, how do i install software repositries12:10
crush_groovegvsa123, chgrp --help too12:10
brobostigonhappy lunch time12:10
Sonjakonqueror eh?12:11
gvsa123crush_groove: ah yes... you tend to forget about that file often.. :)12:11
Jordan_UNovalty, What repository are you trying to add?12:11
antixpaulparitosh1010_: what filetype is the usb drive formatted ?12:11
Sonjaisnt that also a web broser?12:11
Jordan_USonja, Yes12:11
paritosh1010_antixpaul: the linux partition is ext312:11
fsanluJordan_U i looked at the wiki, and currently states not updated whether works for 64.. so yah had to confirm it with people first12:11
fsanluargh got d/c'd again.12:11
Sonjai can set it up to be my file manager/viewer only12:11
Sonjaand firefox for web?12:12
Jordan_USonja, Yes12:12
etfbSonja: In Kubuntu (and KDE in general) it's the default file manager, much as Internet Explorer (disguised as Windows Explorer) is the file manager in another operating system whose name I forget.12:12
NovaltyWhats a common one, where i can get some audio software? I dont know much about it. Sorry champ12:12
antixpaulI think those usb images are meant to be fat paritosh1010_12:12
fsanluJordan_U im not sure if u got my reply (i got d/c again), i have a bcm94311 rev 01. i was just wondering if people had succesfully done it for 64 bit.12:12
etfbSonja: But you can use it in Gnome, XFce, etc.12:12
Sonjaok thanks12:12
Jordan_USonja, But don't mistake, konq is not hooked deeply into the OS like IE, it's very modular and simply calls KDE libraries when needed12:13
paritosh1010_antixpaul: its an external hard disk. not a pen drive? i created an ext3 partition on it.12:13
Sonjahow do i tell ubuntu to use such a program for this, and such a program for that12:14
Sonjae.g. open all audio files with exaile and notheing else12:14
Sonjaby default upon double click12:15
bullgard4gvsa123: You need to be more precise about 'permissions'. Usually, when people speak about 'permissions' they mean the set of permission to user, to group and to the rest of the world. Permissions of the type you are speaking of are given to files, not to persons. If a file xyz.doc has write permissions to the owner and a group 'abc', then the owner and all members of the group 'abc' will have the equal right to write to the file 'xyz.doc'12:15
vega--can i download security updates and other updates manually from somewhere? ie. is there a list of updates somewhere with download links12:15
vega--for example 7 days back12:15
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gvsa123crush_groove: hmmm... i'm not even sure my question is clear to me... lol... so there's really no big difference if you are an owner or part of group, so long as they have the same set of permissions? such that groups may actually have greater permissions than the actual owner of the file12:16
etfbSonja: In Konq, that's an option in a menu somewhere.  Let me see if I can find it for you...12:16
Jordan_Uvega--, packages.ubuntu.com sort of, also...12:17
Sonjaoh so i can use konq to define my perferred programs defaults?12:17
antixpaulparitosh1010_: ahh I see, so you just used a normal install cd to install onto the external usb drive?12:17
Jordan_U!offline | etfb12:17
ubotuetfb: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.byethost14.com/12:17
Sonjaim glad i switched to ubuntu this week12:17
paritosh1010_antixpaul: yes12:17
Sonjafrom winxp12:17
Sonjaits a very flexible system it seems12:17
naxahow can I renamy12:17
naxahow can i rename my computer?12:17
ubotuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab12:18
antixpaulparitosh1010_: have you tried booting manually from the grub command line?12:18
etfbJordan_U: Given that your comment just then was somewhat non-sequiturish, do I take it you're suggesting Sonja and I "get a room", so to speak, and take this to private chat?  Or are you making a point that I'm too sleepy to figure out?12:18
gvsa123bullgard4: i'll try to be clear... permissions (read, write, exec) refers to what can be done to a file by a user? while groups can also be set to only have exec permissions?12:18
Kalamansii cannot believe it. mouse is a great guy12:18
paritosh1010_antixpaul: no12:18
naxathank you12:18
ullisSonja: I hope you'll come to like it so much that you'll keep using it. I switched a while back and I love it.12:19
etfbSonja: In Konqueror, it's Tools | Configure Konqueror | File Associations, then pick the MIME type (you may have to guess a bit) and move items up and down the meny to put your preferred default at the top.12:19
Jordan_Uetfb, !whatever is a message to the channel bot to display the message that goes with "whatever", "!offline" gives a message about installing packages without an internet connection :)12:19
etfbSonja: Getting it to open with double-click instead of single is also an option in there somewhere.12:20
etfbJordan_U: Yes, I know - I was just wondering why you sent it to me...12:20
bullgard4gvsa123: Yes, permissions permissions (read, write, exec) refers to what can be done to a file. It can be separately set to the ownder, the group and the rest of the world.12:20
Jordan_Uetfb, Because you aren't the only one that's tired :)12:20
etfbJordan_U: I forgive you, my child.  Go now, and do not sin again.12:20
Jordan_U!offline | vega--12:21
ubotuvega--: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.byethost14.com/12:21
naxathanks :)12:21
vega--what i'm looking for is a chronilogical list of updates with download links included, so i could easily get the updates from the last 7 days for instance12:21
etfbJordan_U: Hey, now I think of it, that's actually useful.  I could have used that a week or two ago!12:21
Sonjaget a room?12:22
beni__Is Jabber still included in the latest Pidgin version? I can't find it!12:22
Sonjai dont understant hta comment12:22
gvsa123bullgard4: and giving permissions or privileges to groups is different from that because you give/limit the group and not the files?12:22
antixpaulparitosh1010_: when grub first pops up press c to get to the command line then type 'root (scd0,x)' where x is your usb drive12:22
Jordan_Uvega--, I don't know if such a list exists ( though if for anything it would exist for security updates )12:22
paritosh1010_antixpaul: ok12:22
Jordan_Uetfb, Then it was all part of my master plan :)12:22
brobostigonbeni_: jabber is also called xmpp12:23
vega--also, has there been any updates lately that has caused networking problems? some major issues?12:23
antixpaulparitosh1010_: then if it mounts kernel <path to kernel>12:23
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vega--Jordan_U: suspected that too12:23
beni__brobostigon, okay thank you very much :) Why does it have two names?12:23
antixpaulparitosh1010_: then 'boot'12:23
gvsa123bullgard4: so once you set that a group is only allowed to execute and no read and write, that's all they can ever do? they cannot even make their own files?12:23
paritosh1010_antixpaul: ill try that12:23
brobostigonbeni_: no idea12:23
Jordan_Uvega--, Looks like there is: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn12:24
bullgard4gvsa123: No.  giving permissions or privileges to groups is not different to giving permissions/privileges to the owner. To limit or define the size of the group is another (a separate) matter.12:24
etfbSonja: I'll show you.  Watch your chat window and keep an eye out for a new tab or whatever...12:24
Sonjayup i know how irc works :)12:25
etfbSonja: That's all I meant.  When Jordan_U sent "!offline", I deduced his thought processes as "these two are talking in depth about one topic in a busy channel, I'll send them the info on how to take the chat offline (ie to private chat) to reduce clutter".12:26
gvsa123bullgard4: i see the file permissions already.. i hope... what about the difference between users and groups mentioned a while ago?12:26
etfbSonja: When really he meant "I need more sleep or more caffeine".12:26
Sonjai think our covo was on topic though12:26
vega--Jordan_U: and the list archive has download links conveniently, thanks!12:26
Jordan_Uvega--, np12:26
bullgard4gvsa123: The basic thing is a particular file. You will entitle a group to execute certain rights for that file. Later, you can create another file. And here again, you can entitle the same group the same rights to that second file, if you wish so. Or do ist differently with the second file.12:27
Jordan_Uvega--, What do you need it for out of curiosity?12:27
etfbSonja: That's why I was confused.  Never mind, it's all sorted now.12:28
bullgard4gvsa123: Be more specific with your question: "what about the difference between users and groups mentioned a while ago?" please.12:28
gvsa123bullgard4: okay... i'll try to translate this in writing...12:29
etfbSonja: Incidentally, are you using Ubuntu, Kubuntu, or something else?  Is Konq a good fit, or do you prefer something else?  I find Gnome too plasticy for my tastes; KDE gives you lots of options to reconfigure things.12:29
Sonjaubuntu no K12:29
Sonjais therea gnomy equivalent to konq for fire management and file viewing?12:30
antixpauletfb: there's the added bonus of kde being purty12:30
bazhangnautilus Sonja12:30
etfbantixpaul: I think so too, although I can understand arguments on both sides.  Gnome seems smoother; I just don't like smooth.12:31
=== InteGastono is now known as Gasten
naxai cannot enable anything in compiz settings manager! for example if i enable animations, in the next moments compiz disables it.12:32
crush_groovecan I remove kaffeine?12:32
gvsa123bullgard4: example... you set chmod 0770 to file abc so that you can limit who can rwx it. when you want to give users rwx to file abc, you add them to the group that owns file abc? (this is probably not making sense :) )12:32
zipperI have a logitech mx518 usb mouse. It has a "+" and "-" button for DPI increase/decrease. I want to remap these buttons to pageUP and pageDOWN. Every other button works with Device evdev in xorg.conf. What to do?12:32
Sonjaubuntu doesnt start with nautilus?12:33
Sonjawhat is ubuntus default fine manager viewer12:33
astro76zipper, can't, they just switch DPI12:33
antixpauletfb: yeah it used to bug me that it reminded me of macs... and I stuck to gnome for aaaages, but I recently installed kubuntu and once I was done configuring kde I don't think I'll go back ^^12:33
rbs-titoSonja: Nautilus12:33
crush_grooveSonja,  mine 7.10 has dolphin12:33
naxai have to go for a min now12:33
zipperastro76: with the windows logitech drivers, it's possible. Wondered if the same thing was possible in linux, disable the hardware-dpi changing, and just use it as a regular button.12:34
etfbantixpaul: That could be the Stockholm Syndrome, of course (ie you get kidnapped by terrorists (or a windowing system), and you come to love and respect them (it) despite their violence (its bugs and confusing UI).12:35
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:35
bazhangetfb: haha12:35
bazhangoops sorry12:35
astro76zipper, it's not currently possible, xev shows nothing when you press those buttons12:35
astro76zipper, maybe a custom driver, which is quite silly to be necessary for a mouse ;)12:36
* etfb thinks two "haha"s and an "!offtopic" pretty much even out, all things considered.12:36
gvsa123bullgard4: i'll see what i can get out of google first and hopefully get enlightened... :) thanks for the explanations though...12:37
etfbcrush_groove, Sonja: Dolphin (more properly D3lphin, apparently) is the default for Kubuntu 7.10.  Before that, the default was Konqueror.  I spent a week with Dolphin and changed the default back, because it's braindead.12:38
dave81other than wine is there any other programs i can run win apps on?12:39
astro76dave81, virtual machines12:39
bazhangdave81: cedega12:39
etfbdave81: VMWare Server is now free, and you can install any x86 OS (including Windows) in it and run it happily.  It's astonishingly good.12:39
astro76!vm | dave8112:39
ubotudave81: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications12:39
zipperastro76: hmpf, and a custom driver is probably kindda tricky to make due to the closed nature of the mouse.... Thanks12:39
astro76zipper, indeed, probably Logitech is not forthcoming with specs12:40
* etfb wonders if this will be up to date:12:40
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers12:40
Sonjawhat date is the next big ubuntu upgrade?12:40
dave81thank you all12:40
astro76!hardy | Sonja12:40
ubotuSonja: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu12:40
PiciSonja: Every 6 months.12:40
Sonjai hope i can play Spore on ubuntu12:40
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Sonjai have dual boot anyway12:41
Sonjais Illegal Iguana next?12:41
bazhangofftopic Sonja though funny12:41
Sonjawho picks teh names?12:42
Sonjais my question12:42
Sonjaor is there a vote12:42
ubotuUbuntu has an $adjective $animal naming scheme, summarized (and with a list of suggested words which you can add to) at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames12:42
ricanelite757how come my icons are small on my desktop? I'm usiong gnome12:42
Stupid^Kidhello, what does the variable $@ refers to in bash12:42
* etfb loves ubotu. Ubotu is teh clevar.12:42
etfbStupid^Kid: There's a brilliant Bash tutorial kicking around.  I printed it out and learned huge amounts.  Do you want me to find it for you?12:43
crush_groove I do etfb12:43
bazhanghttp://www.ss64.com/bash/ the man commands for bash12:43
Sonjaim waiting for Nerdy Narwhal :)12:43
zipperastro76: annoying....so there is basicly nothing i can do?12:44
etfbNo sooner said than done, crush_groove: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/12:44
=== sourcode[morshit is now known as sourcode-moreshi
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:44
PiciStupid^Kid: Its all of the arguments at once.12:44
Stupid^Kidetfb: oh, thank you12:44
Stupid^KidPici: but $*12:44
astro76zipper, even the mx510 which those buttons output something, they behave weird to make them unusable12:45
etfbStupid^Kid: Ah, Pici is right.  So if your script named "foo" contained the line "bar $@" and you called it with "foo x y z", it would call "bar x y z" for you.12:45
PiciStupid^Kid: Theres a difference, which I don't remember.12:45
etfbStupid^Kid, Pici: That's definitely covered in the link I gave you, and it's related to the handling of quotes around args in some weird way...12:45
bazhanghi ateo12:46
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zipperastro76: i've found a button that DOES show an input in xev. How do i remap that button to actually do something?12:47
ateoim choosin an Ubuntu notebook but its not easy12:47
bazhanghi oracolo12:47
Stupid^Kidetfb: but i did find any link?12:47
bazhangateo: pre-installed?12:48
etfbStupid^Kid: Hmmm?  I don't understand the question.12:48
ateono Vista erase12:48
wersi'm trying to make my ubuntu as light as I can. what modules or processes can I deactivate? :D12:48
Sonjado you guys like exaile?12:48
Sonjaits amaork for gnome12:48
bazhangateo: try to get something well supported in the wireless dept; intel for example12:48
etfbwers: Might be worth considering a switch to Xubuntu if you want light-weight.  Linux can be pretty monolithic.12:48
ateoi like exaile12:48
Sonjai'm translating it to Esperanto12:49
bazhangateo: why not join #ubuntu-offtopic unless you have some support channel questions that is12:49
astro76!mouse | zipper, sorry off to work, start with the many mouse button howto12:50
wersetfb, i am not considering using any other DE anymore. I want the solidness of ubuntu. i just want to make it as light as it can12:50
ubotuzipper, sorry off to work, start with the many mouse button howto: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto12:50
Stupid^Kidetfb: oh sorry , maybe my expression make me wrong , hehe , i exactly want know the different between $@ and $*12:50
wersi'm using xfwm4 now, btw12:50
Jordan_Uetfb, How can Linux be very monolithic, unless you are talking about the kernel itself?12:50
PiciIndeed, this channel is for support only.12:50
zipperastro76: thanks, i will12:50
etfbSonja: Cu vi palas Esperanton?  You must be one of a dozen people left in the world.  There are more people who speak thlinganHol...12:50
etfbJordan_U: More in the sense that adding one application can suck in half a universe of stuff via the dependencies.  I don't think "light and breezy" is the Ubuntu way, somehow...12:51
Pici!offtopic | etfb Jordan_U12:51
ubotuetfb Jordan_U: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:51
PiciStupid^Kid: Perhaps you should either read the link that you were given or ask in #bash (they know this stuff better)12:51
etfbPici: You're sailing close to the edge of reasonable there, I think.12:51
parityflagwhere can I find the man pages... for system / glibc  functions?12:52
parityflagman 3 open12:52
Piciparityflag: install the manpages-dev package12:52
parityflagok thanks ;)12:52
antixpaulwers you'd definitely be better off installing a minimal distro and building up what you need, there was a thread on the forums about minimal distros... fluxbuntu is the first that comes to mind12:52
brobostigonwers: maybe geubuntu/enlightenment12:54
dmHello. I have a usb webcam 0c45:602c which is supported by the ubuntu included gspca driver. When plugging it in the driver is loaded (say dmesg and lsmod) and /dev/video0 is created. But I get error messages when trying to use it: xawtv says "X Error of failed request:  XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode", camorama "Could not connect to /dev/video0". It's an ATI video card (if that matters). Any idea?12:54
bazhang!minimal | wers12:54
ubotuwers: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:54
etfbDang - someone did a !-command and it mentioned something I planned to bookmark, but I closed the window by accident and now can't remember what it was... bother.12:54
wersno geubuntu for me, brobostigon. I only go for the mission critical12:54
Stupid^KidPici: maybe i need to find a tutorial and learn from the very beginning ,  thank you, man!12:55
Guest16155hello, before few month i tryed to install ubuntu desktop and the installation procces got stuck all the time . then someone here told me to press f6 on the start of the installation and add someting with the word "generic" and it solve the problem. now i want to install again but i cant remember what i should add ?12:55
zylmakhello does anyone know ho to clear the apache cache?12:55
Sonjaetfb thats a very ignorant comment12:55
bazhangGuest16155: the live cd or the alternate cd12:55
Sonja2 million ppl speak esperanto12:55
Guest16155live cd12:55
etfbStupid^Kid: The http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ tutorial really is good, and the other one someone mentioned at http://www.ss64.com/bash/ looks pretty good too.12:55
Sonjathat's way more than icelandic12:55
Sonjaand way more than klingon12:55
Guest16155bazhang: live cd12:55
Stupid^Kidetfb: hi , i wonder the bash tutorial you just told me ,please give me some advice!12:56
PiciSonja: #ubuntu-offtopic please.12:56
bazhangStupid^Kid: google bash tutorial first link12:56
Stupid^Kidetfb: ah ,haha ,i appreciate your help very much ,en12:56
Jordan_U!offline > etfb12:56
^root^Hi! i am using gutsy and i can't do a ssh localhost, though ssh server and client both are installed12:58
Jordan_U^root^, What error do you get, and can you ssh remotely?12:58
ateowhat about an ibm T60 and Ubuntu??12:58
^root^Jordan_U, Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer12:58
ateowhat about an ibm T60 and Ubuntu??12:59
Piciateo: Works great, see http://www.thinkwiki.org for more info12:59
brobostigonateo: n o idea12:59
Guest16155bazhang: can you help me ? (i need to add someting when i press "f6" on the installation and adding "all generic" someting like this)12:59
PiciGuest16155: all-generic-ide ?13:00
BuFF^root^: i hink u need to enable system->preference->remote desktop13:00
PiciBuFF: Thats not for ssh, only for vnc.13:00
Guest16155Pici: should i type the words with "-" ?13:00
PiciGuest16155: Yes.13:01
koko____hi, if i try to start x not in recovery mode, ubuntu hungs and i only have the shell screen with only the cursor ...13:01
Stupid^Kidetfb: oh, i find it $@ Same as $*, except when double-quoted ("$@") collectively references all the positional parameters as "$1", "$2", ...13:01
Pici^root^: Have you changed your hostname recently?13:01
* etfb should go to bed before he turns into a pumpkin.13:01
rbs-titokoko____: What graphics device are you using?13:01
Stupid^Kidhaha, so dis ni13:01
^root^BuFF, Pici, no to both questions13:01
etfbStupid^Kid: Well done!  I'll remember that one myself, I hope...13:01
koko____rbs-tito nvidia13:01
Jordan_Ukoko____, You should not start X in recovery ( single user ) mode13:02
rbs-titokoko____: Could you run the command "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and paste the output to www.pastebin.org ?13:02
Stupid^Kidoh sorry , i type something wrong whereas my thought just think in japanese way,haha13:02
Jordan_Ukoko____, I assume it also does not work when you boot normally?13:02
rbs-titoJordan_U: Yes, he said it only works in recovery13:03
koko____rbs-tito i do not think it is the xorg, i tried a lot of configurations, anyway i am not in that machine right now ...13:03
theunixgeekhow do I add my name to the sudoers file?13:03
Myrttisudo adduser myname admin13:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sudoers - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:03
theunixgeekMyrtti: thanks :)13:03
rbs-titokoko____: Well, you could try in the device section of xorf changing the driver to "nvidia" or "vesa", then getting the new nvidia drivers from envy13:04
koko____may be compiz and xorg i read a lot in internet , may be if i disable compiz, but i want compiz13:04
koko____i tried vesa too13:04
rbs-titokoko____: Sorry, not "nvidia" use "nv"13:04
koko____didnt work13:04
theunixgeekMyrtti: adduser command doesn't exist :(13:04
koko____and nv ...13:04
Myrttitheunixgeek: that of course needs someone running the system having sudo rights already13:04
rbs-titokoko____: Try downloading envy in recovery mode13:04
PhophosHi there all, I've lost sound from my main speakers, the oddity being that I can still get it through my front headphones. There doesn't look to be an alsamixer-related problem or a cable problem, so I'm a little confused - any advice?13:04
Myrttitheunixgeek: you're kidding?13:04
koko____what you mean download envy ...13:04
theunixgeekMyrtti: nope :P13:05
Pici!envy | koko____ rbs-tito13:05
ubotukoko____ rbs-tito: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »13:05
wersthe "locate" code doesnt show hidden files. how do I make it show them?13:05
rbs-titoPici: Depending on how old his device is of course13:05
rbs-titokoko____: Which NVIDIA card are you usin?13:05
sharyarineed help with sound in gutsy here.. and I've checked google with no luck13:05
rbs-titokoko____: Is this a clean install?13:05
koko____rbs-tito that i tried to in a clean install is ok until first reboot ...13:06
koko____i think the problem is compiz13:06
koko____this is since gutsy13:06
koko____because it has by default compiz13:06
koko____no problem with feisty13:06
rbs-titokoko____: Why don't you remove compiz?13:06
koko____but i do  not want it13:06
koko____rbs-tito may be the solution, but i like compiz ...13:07
koko____i think it is a bug13:07
koko____i posted in launchpad13:07
koko____but like a month ago, still waiting ...13:07
antixpaulkoko____: remove compiz and install the proprietry nvidia drivers, then once it's all set up try installing compiz again13:07
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koko____antixpaul , i did13:09
krim_I have a question about Gajim, the jabber client. In the chat window the contacts' names are black, but green when they're writing something. Sometimes it turns blue. What does that mean?13:09
invitcomment installer un pilote13:11
brobostigon!fr : invit13:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fr : invit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:11
brobostigon:fr | invit13:12
brobostigon!fr | invit13:13
ubotuinvit: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.13:13
cybehallo zusammen13:14
cybeist hier zufällig gemand der sich mit der installation von Hamachi auskennt ?13:14
rbs-tito!de | cybe13:14
ubotucybe: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:14
GHOSTis anyone know the channel for fedora plz?13:14
tim___I've got an interesting one...  Installing Ubuntu 7.10 server in a VM (using VMware Server 1.x on Ubuntu 7.10 on a dual-quad-core opteron box), half way through 'installing base system' I get "No installable kernel was found in the defined APT sources".  Among the chatter on VT4 is this line: "info: kernel linux-server not usable on 486"13:14
rbs-titoGHOST: #fedora13:15
GHOSTi cant join13:15
rbs-titoGHOST: /join #fedora13:15
bazhang!register | GHOST13:15
ubotuGHOST: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration13:15
bazhangGHOST: need to register for that channel13:15
GHOSTrbs-tito ok thank u13:15
dmWhen I run `xawtv -hwscan` I get "/dev/video0: OK  \n  type: v4l2  \n  name: SN9C1xx PC Camera  \n  flags: capture" but when I can't start xawtv and get "X Error of failed request:  XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode". What's the problem here?13:16
yavor1912join #bglinux13:16
rbs-titoyavor1912: You missed the / ;)13:16
GHOSThey :)13:16
dms/but when/but then/13:16
ateowhat about an ibm T60 and Ubuntu??13:18
ateoits a good choice?13:18
bazhangateo: that would rock13:18
=== acidicchip_ is now known as acidicchip
bazhangateo: the main concern is the wireless--get the intel if possible13:18
kopi got ubuntu 7.10 when i try to boot using that my monitor shows sync out of range message what to do now??? i tried all resolutions but all resulted in the same is there any method to change the refresh rate during boot...????13:19
tim___anyone have any clue about the installer / kernel issue?  Because Google's turning up jack squat.13:19
uzerzero_anybody know anything about the broadcom bcm43xx chipset?13:19
bazhangsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg kop13:19
kopbut that works after installing the ubuntu right???13:20
bazhangkop: boot in safe mode13:20
kopwhere to type this when booting the live cd13:20
kopi boot in the safe mode then iam getting a blank screen for a long period of time...13:21
bazhangkop boot live cd in safe mode13:21
kop i boot in the safe graphics  mode then iam getting a blank screen for a long period of time...13:21
kopnothing happening13:21
uzerzero_@kop are you running this on a laptop?13:21
bazhangkop be patient or try the alternate cd13:21
kopno on the desktop13:21
kop15 inch monitor13:21
uzerzero_hmm. i know on my laptop that it will hang if i don't use the noapic boot option13:22
kopno i dont have any alternate cd...could anyone help me to install this using live cd...the previous versions worked fine...13:22
dahitokiriwhat's responsible for automounting removable hard drives and is there any way i can configure it?13:22
juelzhello, i recently upgraded my 7.04 on 7.10, after the reboot it throws http://nopaste.biz/25483 what went wrong and how do i fix it?13:22
uzerzero_this is just speculation, but try tacking on the commands to the end of your boot line for the live cd "noapic acpi=off pnpbios=off"13:23
kopis der any boot option to change the refresh rate in the begining?13:23
uzerzero_kop there should be, can you at least get onto the boot screen? look through the help files13:24
kopnothing i saw related to the refresh rate...13:24
OnyxWhen I try to install new programs with Ubuntu's "Add/Remove...", it just hangs and displays the spinning cursor indefinitely...  anyone else have this problem?13:26
IMYojimboI'm seaching for a tool, some gui client of cvs, that will allow me to administer the premissions configuration... i'm trying to set my repository to be "closed source" for some users (only binaries), how can i do that?13:26
linux4mehi gusy, i'm trying to burn a dvd in ubuntu 7.10 under vmware 6.  when i try to burn an iso image to disc, it keeps asking for a blank disk even though 1 is in the drive.  I've tried selecting legacy emulation in the vmware setup. any suggestions?13:26
uzerzero_kop try xres=640x48013:27
kop i got ubuntu 7.10 when i try to boot using that my monitor shows sync out of range message what to do now??? i tried all resolutions but all resulted in the same is there any method to change the refresh rate during boot...???13:27
kopduring boot option???13:27
sjnimsn00b question: on gnome-look.org, can i just download any theme and use it or do i need GTK, metacity, etc...13:27
pawanpidgin invalid sceen name13:27
dna_is there a utorrent clone in the repositories?13:27
EnquestDoes gnome have an app to snap windows in certain positions on large screens... So I can divede my deskopt in 3 places?13:28
juelzhello, i recently upgraded my 7.04 on 7.10, after the reboot it throws http://nopaste.biz/25483 what went wrong and how do i fix it?13:28
uzerzero_kop yes, during boot option13:28
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:28
zipperHow do one use mono? I have a .net 2.0 application i want to see run in linux13:28
kophmm will try that...13:28
Atul How to parse file using command line in GLIb?13:28
uzerzero_dna_ you can use ktorrent, transmission, or deluge, all work just as well as utorrent. you can also emulate utorrent perfectly using wine13:28
bryani think i found fix to my problem ... (in ubuntu forums i found i should press f6 on the start and add this line : "noapic nolapic pci=noacpi acpi=off" but should i add it in the start of the line or at the end ?13:29
dna_uzerzero_, thanks :)13:29
kopbut i have changed the resolution to 640x480 using the function key and it didnt worked ...i strongly beleive you need to change the refresh rate...the command xres only changes the screen resolution and note the refresh rate...i dont think this command will work13:29
OnyxWhen I try to install new programs with Ubuntu's "Add/Remove...", it just hangs and displays the spinning cursor indefinitely...  anyone else have this problem?13:30
uzerzero_@bryan add this line to the end of the boot options. if on a permanent install, you'll have to edit the grub menu listing13:30
uzerzero_@kop try researching the various vga modes13:30
tigra 8-)13:30
dahitokiriwhat's responsible for automounting removable hard drives and is there any way i can configure it?13:30
kopwhats the various modes?13:30
Picizipper: check out mono-project.com and on irc.gnome.org #mono13:30
uzerzero_i believe mode 794 is 1280x800 @ 60hz kop13:31
PiciAtul: Thats a bit offtopic of this channel, you might try asking in ##programming13:31
kophmm thats gud where to type it...13:32
uzerzero_at the end of the boot line like everything else13:32
bryan:( it not working .. plz help me .. i have motherboard of intel DG965WH and i cant install ubuntu ?13:32
bonchongood morning - could anyone help me with a video question in Gutsy Gibbon?13:32
NoranRadhi, has anyone experience with unbuntu and a sony vaio sz61mn/b?13:32
Myrtti!ask | bonchon13:32
ubotubonchon: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)13:32
bonchonI'm using a Fujitsu P5020 laptop, and can't get the right driver (I think) for Gutsy13:33
bonchonif I use the graphics card driver for Intel Experimental modsetting, I get the right resolution, but the screen flickers13:34
stepz_um, pbuilder fails because supposedly apt-get is unable to locate package libwxgtk2.8-dev, but apt-get install libwxgtk2.8-dev works just fine13:34
IMYojimboI'm seaching for a tool, some gui client of cvs, that will allow me to administer the premissions configuration... i'm trying to set my repository to be "closed source" for some users (only binaries), how can i do that?13:34
sjnimscan anyone help me get lm-sensors working correctly on my asus mobo?13:35
bonchonand if I use the i810 driver (I have an intel chipset 855)13:35
bonchonI get the wrong resolutions13:35
brobostigonIMYojimbo: packages.ubuntu.com13:35
OnyxWhen I try to install new programs with Ubuntu's "Add/Remove...", it just hangs and displays the spinning cursor indefinitely...  anyone else have this problem?13:35
uzerzero_@bryan try using less of the options. try booting it with "noapic acpi=off pnpbios=off --" and make sure you include those last two dashes at the end, if that doesn't work try removing each option from the end13:35
zipperPici: thx13:35
OnyxThis is really annoying...13:35
stepz_ah, ok, I think I found the correct part from the howto13:35
stepz_must have been blind13:35
PiciOnyx: Can you open a terminal  and type `sudo apt-get update`  (w/o quotes)13:36
bryanuzerzero: what are the steps of doing that ? (i am new to ubuntu) press f6 on the start ?13:36
sjnimsI followed the online guide for lm-sensors, but I can't get the correct readings from my mobo when compared to the readings in the bios13:36
OnyxPici: Done... now try again?13:36
PiciOnyx: Did you get any errors?13:36
IMYojimbobrobostigon: ?13:36
OnyxPici: No13:36
bryanuzerzero: after i press f6 , should i erase the all line ? or just add what you write me in the end of the line ?13:36
OnyxPici: Ran straight through13:37
BB88How can I get the recycle bin to show on my desktop, as in windows?13:37
PiciOnyx: Try add/remove again then13:37
PoromenosI don't want other people to see my home directory files, what do I do? Do I just chmod everything to 700?13:37
uzerzero_@bryan remove the last two dashes at the end of the line, add the commands followed by -- then hit enter13:38
OnyxPici: Same deal.  The "Starting Administrative...." process starts running in the background (icon on the taskbar), then it disappears and the add/remove program hangs.13:38
sjnimsI can't get lm-sensors to work on my asus p5ld2 motherboard, can anyone help me?13:39
brobostigononyx:try it from cli, it will give you lots more information when it starts.13:39
PiciOnyx: let me check something hewre, hold on13:39
Picibrobostigon: You happen to know the add/remove program name off the top of your head?13:40
Onyxbrobostigon: Just using apt-get?13:40
bonchonCan't get the right resolution to show up in my screen options, in Gutsy - can anyone help?13:40
brobostigonpici:  nno idea13:40
uzerzero_@bonchon what type of video card are you using?13:40
PiciOnyx: Run `gksudo gnome-app-install`13:40
PiciOnyx: From a terminal and look for errors13:41
BB88bonchon: What graphics card do you have?13:41
brobostigononyx: use apt-get oy synaptic to install progs.13:41
bonchonit's a laptop with an Intel 855 chipset13:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about exit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:41
melgishCan someone please point me in the *right* direction to get my unbutnu VM guest to it's absolute minimum size?  df shows 1.0G in use, but vmdk is 3.4G after a (zero filled) shrink13:42
cbx33hey guys just moved a CD drive from PS to SS, now it's working in GUI but not in command line properly13:42
shwouchkwhere can I find b43-fwcutter?13:42
PhophosHi there all, I've lost sound from my main speakers, the oddity being that I can still get it through my front headphones. There doesn't look to be an alsamixer-related problem or a cable problem, so I'm a little confused - any advice?13:42
cbx33is the mappings stored somewhere else?13:42
dahitokiriwhat's responsible for automounting removable hard drives and is there any way i can configure it?13:42
OnyxPici: Odd... that worked without any errors whatsoever.13:42
PiciOnyx: Very odd.13:43
brobostigondahitokiri: hal13:43
sjnimsphophos: did you try to unmute the other channels?13:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:43
=== lix_ is now known as lix
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about b43 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:43
dahitokiribrobostigon, any way i can configure it's actions?13:44
Phophossjnims: I have no muted channels (according to alsamixer) except for "Duplicate Front"13:44
thorbonchon you probably need to add a modeline to xorg.conf for the resolution you need. Look at the man page for 'gtf' and google 'sorg.conf modeline' for more information13:44
Archie1are there any major update in 7.10 from 7.4?13:44
brobostigondahitokiri: i dont know, sorry13:44
bonchonthor - will do now, let me see if that works13:44
cMinionhey fellas, my eth0 doesn't respond to inserted cables and connections with other comps at all. (noob here) Any idear what might be wrong?13:45
sjnimsPhophos: If you open then sound mixer, are there any channels not listed that you know you have?13:45
OnyxPici: Is there any danger of editing my Applications menu to execute 'gksudo' prior to '/usr/sbin/gnome-app-install'... so the entry would be 'gksudo /usr/bin/gnome-app-install'13:47
rskhow can i chek when i installed ubuntu?13:47
=== golempje_ is now known as golempje
bonchonthor - looks like I'll have to use 915resolution again (had it in my earlier install, didn't think Gutsy needed it). For now, is there a way to get Ubuntu to just let me return to the driver that was sort of working? The preferences panel won't change back.13:47
ximpulOnyx: arent credentials cached for a bit using gksudo ?13:48
PiciOnyx: Not at all, but the program should have automatically called it itself.13:48
Piciximpul: as they are for sudo as well.13:48
bryanuzerzero: still not working :( , let me explain the problem so you have more information , i have motherboard of intel DG965WH, i am trying to install ubuntu 7.10 desktop 64 bit , i got to the first screen (where i can choose install without graphics etc... ) when i choose the first option to install, all the computer like stuck .. moving very slow after a while its get to progress bar (the progress bar moving very slow and blink) that's13:48
bryanit.... ?13:48
Onyxximpul: No idea dude... this is my first foray back into the Linux in about six years.13:48
ximpulPici: Onyx:  mmm i would be more concerned with the credentials being cached13:49
Piciximpul: Why? It only caches them for a few minutes and all the *sudo commands do that.13:49
ximpulOnyx: o rly ? well then you should not have many concerns here13:49
bonchoncrap. my screen is completely hosed. I picked the wrong driver and logged out, now all i can see are diagonal scan lines13:49
bonchonis there anything I can do at all?13:49
ximpulPici: if he were deploying ubuntu or something that would have been an issue13:50
Onyxximpul: I was thinking the same as Pici there... I've only seen the sudo commands cache the stuff for about 5 minutes if that.13:50
ximpulOnyx: cool13:50
thorbonchon I know of no way in ubuntu to revert to a previous version of a package. I have seen too many problems similar to yours lately and have completely disabled 'upgrades' unless I find some improvement I can't live without.13:50
melgishhmmm... no response to my query... retry with different words:  How do I defrag my ubuntu system partition13:50
Piciximpul: It only caches them for about 5 or 10 minutes, and this can be configured if needed (I dont remember where though)13:50
ximpulPici: gotcha13:51
ivzeI have a trouble, and i would be glad, if somebody helped me with it. After adding additional memory to my system(512 -> 1024+512) the kernel started to freeze (completely dead, no reaction to NumLock). This happens with an average time of about a hour. Following the advise of a man from #ubuntu, i have performed a memory test: 12 hours of test, no faults. That's the situation! I have asked the question here about 8 hours ago, i hope, now there are more people.13:51
thorbonchon can you hit Alt-F2 and switch to a console login to fix it?13:52
thorbonchon might need Alt-Ctrl-F213:52
ximpulivze: how did you run the memory test ?13:52
Archie1is it better to install 7.10 from a cd than to upgrade from 7.4 or is it the same exact thing?13:53
ximpulhmmm 12hrs of test but you asked 8 hrs ago... is this a riddle ?13:53
ivze-ximpul-: reboot->grub menu intem->test(default, no options changed)13:53
bonchonalt-ctrl-f2 worked :)13:53
AlieNationdoes ubuntu support nonfree media codecs in an out-of-the-box configuration?13:53
davidwinterCan anyone recommend an app for password management?13:54
krim_davidwinter: I use Revelation.13:54
Archie1AlieNation: I believe linux does13:54
ximpulivze: what kind of memory is it ?13:54
Archie1ubuntu is a linux13:54
davidwinterkrim_: thanks, will check it out.13:54
AlieNationArchie1: Yes, I know.13:54
Archie1so yes13:54
Archie1just use vlc13:54
Archie1or mplayer13:54
Archie1mplayer supports everything!13:54
Pici!codecs | AlieNation13:54
ubotuAlieNation: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:54
ivze-ximpul-: DDR2-800MHz.13:55
AlieNationArchie1: But some distros like fedora for example limit them13:55
brobostigonvlc also supports most formats13:55
ximpulivze:  what company makes it ?13:55
PiciArchie1: Please don't assume like that unless you know what you are talking about.13:55
bryanPici: can you help me plz ?13:55
Picibryan: perhaps, whats up?13:55
ivze-ximpul-: getting into the system block...13:55
AlieNationArchie1: Thanks13:55
Archie1Pici: assume what?13:55
wersi just transferred all the contents (including hidden files) of my home folder to another folder for me to have a clean desktop. apparently, some of my old settings still remain. other than my home folder, where can I find user settings? :D13:56
bryanPici:  let me explain the problem so you have more information , i have motherboard of intel DG965WH, i am trying to install ubuntu 7.10 desktop 64 bit , i got to the first screen (where i can choose install without graphics etc... ) when i choose the first option to install, all the computer like stuck .. moving very slow after a while its get to progress bar (the progress bar moving very slow and blink) that's it.... ?13:56
ximpulivze: what does that mean ?13:56
PiciArchie1: That since Ubuntu is linux that it supports proprietary codecs.13:56
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:56
Picibryan: Have you tried using the Alternate CD?13:56
Archie1Pici: you can install ones even if it doesnt13:56
brobostigonwers: have you looked for invisible folders too.13:56
infidelhelp? Xlib:  extension "XFree86-VidModeExtension" missing on display ":2.0".13:56
wersyep, brobostigon13:56
bryanPici: yes still not working13:56
PiciArchie1: Yes, but he asked about 'out of the box'13:56
Archie1missed that part :(13:57
Jordan_U_Archie1, That is not what was asked "does ubuntu support nonfree media codecs in an out-of-the-box configuration?"13:57
PiciArchie1: Its okay :)13:57
bonchonhow do i keep the gui from starting when i turn on my machine? i need a command line because my video driver is wrong and won't let me see anything once the gui starts13:57
Picibryan: Do you get any errors from the alt-cd?13:57
Archie1Pici: doesn't totem also provice all the codecs needed?13:58
cyberiushi! how can I mount my flash card, which i put into my laptop? (i use fluxbuntu)13:58
PiciArchie1: It can, but it needs to install them first.13:58
Jordan_U_bonchon, You can start in recovery mode, fix the problem and reboot13:58
bryanPici: no... just the system running slow, and after along time its got to the partitioner and stuck on the format step .. (someone also told me it maybe some problem arround sata but he not sure)13:58
cyberiuswhat do i have to mount13:58
ivze-ximpul-: (i said, i was opening the case to look onto the motherboard to see the name to keep o making mistakes). The company  is PATRIOT.13:58
Archie1Pici: is upgrading from 7.4 just like installing straight from the cd?13:59
cMinionis there any way my eth0 might be disabled from somewhere else than ifconfig???13:59
jattwhat is this?13:59
jatt# ls -altr /dev/zero13:59
jattcrw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 5 2007-12-27 03:24 /dev/zero13:59
wersother than the user home folder, where are user settings located?13:59
ximpulivze: ah ok, well thats a decent brand13:59
ximpuljatt: its a character device that outputs ...zero !13:59
PiciArchie1: No, Only the !alternate cd can be used as an upgrade disk, the desktop CD is only for new installs.14:00
cyberiuswhat do i have to mount my flash card? :/14:00
ximpuljatt: what you are looking at is a file that represents this idea of outputting zeros14:00
Picibryan: Have you tried installing the 32bit version? Just to see if it works?14:01
jattximpul: thanks, i just saw that device mentioned in a talk I'm not sure what the purpose of /dev/zero is14:01
bryanPici: 32 bit running fine14:01
Archie1Pici: i am doing it through update manager atm14:01
mephistoi'm new in this room of the server14:01
maekIf I have this entry in my sources.list "deb http://ubuntu.org.ua/ getdeb/" and I want to pin it in /etc/apt/preferences would my Pin: release a=getdeb line need to be a=getdeb or a=getdeb/ ? thanks.14:01
PiciArchie1: Update manager is fun as well14:01
Jordan_U_cyberius, try running "mkdir ~/.ivman"14:01
Archie1fun or fine?14:01
PiciArchie1: Er, fine (fun too)14:02
melgishthink of /dev/zero as an endless source of bytes, all with the value 014:02
cyberiusJordan_U_: mkdir??? this creates just a directory?14:02
fairmanHi, i need support for right settings resolutions and frequency on my monitor. Corresponding part of xorg.conf is here - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49682/. I can use only the resolution 800x600 ... why?14:02
ximpuljatt:  "dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/zerofile bs=512 count=1" makes a file in /tmp that is 512 bytes worth of zeros14:02
Archie1when i run java i get the gcj version even though i installed jre6, am i doing something wrong?14:02
=== andatche_ is now known as andatche
michello everybody, would someone know what I could be doing wrong when sound (alsa?) stops working after sleeping/suspending?14:02
Jordan_U_cyberius, Yes, it also fixes the automounting bug in the release candidate according to the release notes :)14:03
wersi deleted my home folder, logged out and back in to have a fresh desktop, but some settings still remain14:03
Jordan_U_cyberius, Then it should simply mount when you insert it :)14:03
wershow do I make my user account fresh?14:03
mephistowhat do u think about xbox360 ???14:03
jattximpul: I see... thanks!14:03
mephistowhat do u think about xbox360 ???14:04
cyberiusJordan_U_: $ mkdir ~/.ivman14:04
cyberiusmkdir: cannot create directory `/home/daminator/.ivman': File exists14:04
cyberiusand what now? :)14:04
mephistowhat do u think about xbox360 ???14:04
mephistowhat do u think about xbox360 ???14:04
mephistowhat do u think about xbox360 ???14:04
Archie1how do i switch from gcj to java, i have both installed14:04
Jordan_U_cyberius, I don't know14:04
ompaul!offtopic | mephisto14:04
ubotumephisto: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:04
ximpulwers: how did you delete your home folder ? im assuming you did an "rm myhomefolder/* "14:04
mephistowhat do u think about xbox360 ???14:04
cyberiusMaybe somebody else can help how to mount the flash card?14:04
Jordan_U_cyberius, Check "sudo fdisk -l" and try the mount command14:05
Archie1cyberius: mount -t vfat /dev/flashdevice /mountpoint14:05
KezzerWhat's the version of Ubuntu that runs off a USB key?14:05
wersximpul, i used pcmanfm. i moved important files and deleted the whole dir then created a blank one14:05
=== max739 is now known as max`
ompaulVolvagia356, how did you get on?14:05
ximpulwers: what settings persist? maybe they are storing their configurations outside of your home folder14:06
wersximpul, my choice of window manager and my panel setup14:06
krim_Kezzer: I haven't heard of any Ubuntu version running off a USB stick so sorry if my answer isn't helpful but maybe Puppy Linux would be something for you?14:07
Pici!install > Kezzer (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)14:07
PiciKezzer: See ubotu's message on ways to install ubuntu, including running off of a usb stick.14:07
ximpulwers: maybe take a look at the manpage for your window manager and see if its storing its config files in some other place outside of your home dir14:08
PiciKezzer: also /msg ubotu usb14:08
wersit's just xfwm, ximpul14:08
melgishCan someone please assist?  I'm looking to shrink my ubuntu VM down to it's absolute minimum size.  df shows about 1G in use on the drive, yet my zero-filled shrink only reduced it to about 3.5G... If it's not the files, it must be the space between them, so I need to consolidate them to a narrower portion of my HD14:08
wersit's supposed to be in .config, afaik14:08
ivze-ximpul-: so do you have any idea, in which direction i shall dig? I have a suggestion, that this may be somehow connected to my ATI on-board video chip (using fglrx driver). Yet, that's just a suggestion. I have noticed some corelation between using firefox and Totem music video effects and these freezes.14:08
ximpulwers: mmm is there a session configuration held  within the config files you saved ?14:09
micDoes someone here know what I could be doing wrong when sound (alsa?) stops working after sleeping/suspending?14:09
ompaulmelgish, that is about the most basic install you can have, you need to use LVM if you want to try and get that space back - and that has a performance hit so either way you pay14:09
Archie1does everything in /etc/init.d/get auto loaded at boot time or is there a config file that selects which ones to load?14:09
maekhow do I make it so I can use the super key along with another key for a binding? like <super>t for launching term. every time I try it only registers the left or right super key and not the other key im trying to use. thanks.14:09
werswhat config files, ximpul? you mean the ones I preserved? I put them in another directory. not in my user folder14:09
ompaulmelgish, also be aware you will have no space to add in additional (read useful) packages14:09
ximpulivze: well i would say that you should check to see if you can reproduce this problem with a livecd, if you can then  replace the memory14:09
Archie1does everything in /etc/init.d/get auto loaded at boot time or is there a config file that selects which ones to load?14:10
cMinionmy eth0 interface is nonresposive, somebody has an idear for a checklist??14:10
wolsArchie1: no. the mechanism is called sysvinit14:10
ximpulwers: did you make these changes and save them to the global skeleton config file ?14:10
TheGateKeeperfor the benefit of any ubuntu devs in here, the screen resolution changer on the live cd doesn't work very well14:11
Archie1wols: how can that help me?14:11
ompaulArchie1, they get loaded and stopped and started as requested to find out more about what is starting install "rcconf" for a console app (sudo rcconf is how you start that) or install for the gui "bum" same idea again14:11
Archie1is that a command?14:11
ximpulTheGateKeeper: can you be more specific ?14:11
wersximpul, i made a clean account and renamed the newly made home folder to my user name. imma try loggin in with this home folder14:11
Jordan_UKezzer, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/14:11
wersyou think it will do the job?14:11
Pici!upgstart | Archie1 wols14:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about upgstart - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:11
Pici!upstart | Archie1 wols14:11
ubotuArchie1 wols: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:11
ximpulwers: did you update /etc/passed14:12
Archie1nice question marks :)14:12
wersnope, ximpul14:12
ximpulerr /etc/passwd14:12
wershow do I do it?14:12
wolsArchie1: it gives you a point to start wíth for research to see how it works. but if you want to be lazy: fine14:12
ximpulgrep <your new username> /etc/passwd14:12
ximpulwers: grep <your new username> /etc/passwd  should give you the users home directory at the end of the line14:12
Archie1no i meant you just gave me a name of the program14:12
wolsPici: while it's meant to replace, it hasn't done so right now since /etc/init.d/ and /etc/rc?.d still exist14:13
TheGateKeeperximpul, yes I selected admininstration --> screen resolution, told it to use a lower resolution, dialog box came up asking me if I wanted to keep the new resolution *but* it had failed to change the screen resolution14:13
wersximpul, yep. did that with the gui. imma log in and out14:13
Archie1wols: are you also in debian? :-D14:13
ximpulTheGateKeeper: failed how? did the screen go black ?14:13
NET||abusehey guys.. i've got a buffalo g54 here,, and i've had this happen to another buffalo g54 before, you plug it in, and the red diag light is on, just seems to be dead as a door nail.. anything that can be done?14:14
mic hello everybody, would someone know what I could be doing wrong when sound (alsa?) stops working after sleeping/suspending?14:14
Jordan_Uwols, It's backwards compatible, sisvinit is gone, but not all of the scripts use the features of upstart yet14:14
wolsNET||abuse: you can ask in other places. this is OT. e.g. like ##hardware14:14
PiciNET||abuse: Try ##networking, or ##hardware14:14
TheGateKeeperximpul, no screen just remained the same, desktop remained as was14:14
NET||abusewols: kya,, askin in there then,,14:14
ximpulTheGateKeeper:  any log messages in dmesg ?14:14
Archie1wols: is there any file that loads scripts at boot time?14:15
melgishthanks but I think i mislead y'all.  The 'virtual' disk size is 128G, but it's actual size is 3.5G (ie it will expand as needed)  in the windows world, I'd use defrag at this point to consolodate the free-space into a larger block, and allow for a smaller vmdk file.  I know there are no defrag utils for ubuntu (nor the need for them) but was wondering if there was a way to clone the drive such that free space on the 'cloned' drive is consol14:15
TheGateKeeperximpul, must confess didn't look it there, I can have a look next time I have a play if it helps14:15
Archie1wols: /etc/profile?14:15
TheGateKeeperximpul, I was using gparted to sort my hd out14:15
wolsArchie1: that has nothing to do. it's a shell related file14:16
wolsArchie1: what do you want to start at boottime exactly?14:16
Archie1my own script14:16
ximpulTheGateKeeper: sure, if you are able to reproduce it, go here to report a bug : http://www.ubuntu.com/community/reportproblem14:16
wolswhat does the script DO?14:16
Archie1wols: none of you business14:17
TheGateKeeperximpul, ok :)14:17
Archie1ehh i am being terribly annoying sorry14:17
Jordan_Umelgish, You can use partimage14:17
melgishthanks, I'll look into that14:18
melgishsometimes just knowing what something is called makes all the difference :D14:19
ximpulhey guys i have to head out14:20
thefoxxwhats up with the PPA build servers? In launchpad most of them are listed as "idle" but I'm waiting for my builds since more than 2 hours14:21
Picithefoxx: try asking in #launchpad :)14:22
thefoxxPici, sorry I wanted so and did it now ;)14:23
gvsa123i have three user account in my ubuntu, where i am the admin (default account created in installation). how do i set my account to be able to access other users /home but not the other way around?14:25
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stdingvsa123: add yourself to their groups14:26
gvsa123stdin: in manage groups?14:26
allan__in what folder do i find keybing configurations?14:27
gvsa123stdin: there is only my name on the manage groups... they don't have an entry14:28
stdinmake sure you're in admin mode14:28
livingdaylightthis kind of control is enough to make me wanna leave Ubuntu14:28
livingdaylightPici, completely unreasonable14:29
LimCoreompaul for the win14:29
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!14:29
s1ph3rubuntu 7.10 is impossible to install on this system.14:30
gvsa123stdin: you mean that i belong to the admin group?14:30
ompauls1ph3r, depends on what this system is14:30
cinhi all14:31
s1ph3rompaul I can't get a usuable resolution for the install. (even the failsafe fails)14:31
s1ph3rI get the point where it allows me to select the video driver / resolution.14:31
wolss1ph3r: use tect mode and tell us what video it is14:31
cini need help with GRUB and WinXp14:31
stdingvsa123: no, so you can edit the groups, you need to add their group to your list of groups14:31
s1ph3rI know what video it is.14:31
ompaul!bootoptions | s1ph3r you will find that if you do vga=771 or 791 or some such it will work for your machinge14:31
ubotus1ph3r you will find that if you do vga=771 or 791 or some such it will work for your machinge: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions14:31
wolscin: you need to state your real problem too14:31
s1ph3rand I know my resolution.14:31
gvsa123stdin: hmmm... let me absorb that a sec :)14:32
wolss1ph3r: but we don't so we can't help14:32
wolss1ph3r: the psychic has his free day today14:32
s1ph3ri810 intel :p14:32
s1ph3rlcd monitor 1440x90014:32
cinit seems that im too stupid to add it to GRUB14:32
wolsreally i810? a P3 it is then?14:32
s1ph3rno p414:32
s1ph3ribm net vista14:33
gvsa123stdin: i should make myself part of their group? but they don't have a group... their main group is me basically... but their names arent' ticked in mange groups14:33
wolscin: output of sudo fdisk -l in a pastebin14:33
wolss1ph3r: then it can't be a i810 but a i945 or such.14:33
s1ph3rwols from a previous install it was using the i810 driver14:33
stdingvsa123: normally when you add a user they get the primary group name that's the same as their username14:33
s1ph3rand regardless...I tried the i945 driver14:33
s1ph3rwith the same results.14:33
cinDisk /dev/hda: 80.0 GB, 80060424192 bytes14:34
cin255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9733 cylinders14:34
cinUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes14:34
cinDisk identifier: 0x8f138f1314:34
cinDevice Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System14:34
cin/dev/hda1   *           1        3824    30716248+  83  Linux14:34
cin/dev/hda2            3825        9733    47464042+   f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)14:34
cin/dev/hda5            3825        9306    44034133+   7  HPFS/NTFS14:34
wolss1ph3r: yes, the driver is i810 but not the viode. I ask cause some apparently don't work with that driver even when they should. I blame intel14:34
livingdaylightPici, fuck you...ok? fuck you Kindergarten cop14:34
wolscin: pastebin!14:34
ompaulcin, I'll remove the mute in a min14:34
wols!paste | cin14:34
ubotucin: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:34
gvsa123stdin: i noticed that from previous installations... but adding them didn't create a group that has their name14:34
wolscin: in the meantime put it in a pastebin14:34
ompaulLjL, co operative?14:34
gvsa123stdin: what is the difference between owners and groups anyway?14:35
wolss1ph3r: have you tried vesa yet?14:35
stdingvsa123: owner is the person, only one user can have that user id/name, groups are sets of users14:35
s1ph3rwols it works up until the point where it asks to select the video stuff. Even if I select use failsafe...it flickers and doesn't work.14:35
gvsa123stdin: and this is different from users and groups?14:36
wolss1ph3r: I asked you something, please answer14:36
s1ph3ryes I have.14:36
s1ph3rthats what it defaults to with failsafe14:36
stdingvsa123: nope, same thing just different terms14:36
s1ph3rI get video for the short time of selecting the video card/monitor.14:36
wolss1ph3r: either use a text mode install or next time it flickers with vesa and dies go to console 2 (ctrl+alt+f2) and check /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:37
gvsa123stdin: so the owner in chown, is actually the user? and the group in chgrp is the same groups found in manage groups?14:37
s1ph3rwols, I guess the issue is...it doesn't die. (I can hear gnome starting up)14:37
antonHey, I have a problem...my friend is over at my place with his computer (LAN)...but he can't an internet connection...do i have to "allow" him to connect or something?14:37
wolss1ph3r: and check if there is a xsession-errors anywhere14:37
stdingvsa123: yeah14:37
s1ph3rbut the screen simply remains black.14:37
gvsa123stdin: i mean the users in settings14:37
wolsanton: do you have a router?14:37
gvsa123stdin: i see14:37
antonwols: Yes,14:37
KartiMerry Christmas all.....anyone please recommend software to use with a nokia mobile phone with ubuntu? Many thanks14:38
wolsanton: plug his computer into your router too and you're done14:38
stdingvsa123: check what the group name is for the home directories of the users, if it's different to your group add yourself to it. if not, then you can just "sudo chmod 700 ~/" which makes the owner the only one who can access your home dir (except for root)14:38
gvsa123stdin: ok... i'll try to sink this is first..14:38
antonwols: Lol :) Done that ages ago...14:38
wolsanton: it's not a ubuntu problem but a router problem. OT here14:39
OnyxI accidentally removed the Volume startup program from system > preferences > sessions -- can someone tell me how to get it back?14:39
antonwols: Ok...14:39
gvsa123stdin: all other /home/XXX belong to my group... i believe the permissions is drwxr-xr-x14:39
s1ph3rlearn how to count in binary :)14:40
stdingvsa123: then you should have read access to them already14:40
gvsa123stdin: i also want write14:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about zune - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:40
stdingvsa123: "sudo chmod g+w /home/<username>" for each user14:40
gvsa123stdin: in 0700 what is 4= ? 2= ? 1=? again.14:41
gvsa123stdin: <username> is me right?14:41
stdingvsa123: 4=read, 2=write, 1=execute,  <username> is the name of each user you want write permission to14:42
gvsa123stdin: oh i get the username already... i'm adding w to their /home/<username>14:42
stdingvsa123: yeah, you're just making it so that the group has write access (although if each user is in the same group then all users can read/write to each others home)14:43
OnyxI accidentally removed the Volume startup program from system > preferences > sessions -- can someone tell me how to get it back?14:43
mmdskiis there a website with planned packges? specifically, i'm looking to see when eclipse 3.3 is going to be put in the repositories14:43
gvsa123stdin: chmod g+w adds write access (+w) to the groups (g) they belong to?14:43
stdingvsa123: exactly14:43
dna__sometimes ubuntu doesn't take usb devices, why?14:43
gvsa123stdin: ah yeah... but then they'll also be able to write in my /home14:44
dna__like ipod, mouse, usb drive14:44
Buyydeeonyx: add a new entry with the following options:14:44
bazhangnew nano dna__?14:44
Buyydeename: Volume Manager14:44
dna__bazhang, no old one14:44
Buyydeecommand: gnome-volume-manager --sm-disable14:44
stdingvsa123: not if you set your home to 700 (read/write/execute for the owner only)14:44
Buyydeecomment: Volume manager for removable drives and media14:45
Buyydeethis should restore it14:45
mousedna__, what do you see in dmesg|tail when you attach your device?14:45
OnyxBuyydee: Thanks :D14:45
bazhangdna__: the mini or other; which program are you using --amarok?14:45
gvsa123stdin: ah that's the permissions part of it...14:45
zylcheHard drive problem - Force unmounted, drive reporting no partition, writing before unmount, dmesg reports [277146.072000] EXT3-fs: sdb1: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (4000400).14:45
dna__mouse, [ 1667.209874] usb 2-3: USB disconnect, address 214:45
mousedna__, this happens when you disconnect device.14:46
dna__bazhang, it happens with all usb devices not only ipod14:46
AngryElfhey folks, i just installled the nvidia binary driver and i can't start X, even after a reboot, I have a supported card (7900GS) any ideas?14:46
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golempiewhat can i do if i have a unreal 2004 dvd with installer but installer doesnt load with no output?14:46
BuyydeeIs there anyone familiar with GRUB?14:46
wolsAngryElf: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:46
bazhangdna__: all usb devices? that sounds like a hardware issue14:46
wolsBuyydee: ask your question14:46
stdingvsa123: yeah, "sudo chmod 700 ~/" is the same as it being "drwx------"14:46
mousegolempie installer is the shell-script? "file install_program" ?14:46
golempiebut it doesnt load14:47
gvsa123stdin: so if i want them to read my files only, i set chmod 0750? not including others14:47
golempieno gui14:47
mouseBuyydee, may be I can help. I more familiar with lilo, but...14:47
bazhanggolempie: doesn't load with no output?14:47
BuyydeeI already posted my problem here (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=567285) and it14:47
mousetry to run "sh -x install_script"14:47
Buyydeesry, wrong key ...14:47
AngryElfwols: ok gimme a minute14:47
wolsgolempie: unreal should have a linux program version14:47
golempiegolempje@golempje:~$ sh linux-installer.sh14:47
mousegolempie, this should print what this script do14:47
Buyydeeand it's sort of urgent, so i'm trying it here too14:47
gvsa123stdin: i'll try to get this straight...14:48
mousegolempie, sh -x linux-installer.sh14:48
stdingvsa123: yeah, that will let them read files in you're home (but remember that each file and directory under your home can have different permissions too)14:48
wolsBuyydee: it can be as urgent as it wants, either you give us more info or no one can help you14:48
BuyydeeI had gutsy installed for a while and then installed vista over it. now i restored grub, but grub won't find my vista partition14:48
stdingvsa123: so you can have directories and files they can't read even though your home is set to be readable14:48
Buyydeeplease let me finish typing :) i just wanted to explain why i'm bugging the community in two places ;)14:49
zylcheIs there anyone that could help with my problem?14:49
AngryElfwols: http://pastebin.com/m48242dcc14:49
x3roconfBuyydee: what fdisk -l says?14:49
gvsa123stdin: oh... is there a hierarchy to what will first be considered? i mean... does permission for directories supersede permissions of files inside them?14:49
golempiegolempje@golempje:~$ sh -x linux-installer.sh14:49
golempienothing again14:49
wolsBuyydee: sudo fidisk -l14:49
BuyydeeDisk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes14:50
Buyydee255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders14:50
BuyydeeUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes14:50
BuyydeeDisk identifier: 0x7777777714:50
Buyydee   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System14:50
Buyydee/dev/sda1            6375       18711    99096952+  83  Linux14:50
Buyydee/dev/sda2           18712       19457     5992245    5  Extended14:50
Buyydee/dev/sda3   *           1        6374    51199123+   7  HPFS/NTFS14:50
Buyydee/dev/sda5           18712       19457     5992213+  82  Linux swap / Solaris14:50
bazhangnot here buyydee14:50
Pici!paste > buyydee (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)14:50
gvsa123stdin: so that /home/folder is 0777, but /home/folder/file is 0000.... which will take effect?14:50
brobostigon!pastebin | buyydee14:50
ubotubuyydee: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:50
osxdudeit's called a fricken past14:50
osxdudeforce part ftw pici14:50
stdingvsa123: if the directory is set readable to all but a file inside it is set to readable only to an owner (user), then the files permissions take president14:51
mousegolempie, pastebin content of linux-installer.sh if it's not so big. Or paste "head -150 linux-installer.sh"14:51
gvsa123stdin: so file permissions are always above permissions for directory?14:52
stdingvsa123: well, in a way. you see to linux, directories are "files" too ;)14:52
mousezylche, are you sure that your drive healthy? SATA/PATA? which chipset? ICHx?14:52
gvsa123stdin: ah yes... i read that a thousand times already... :)14:52
golempiemouse got it running now on root modus14:53
stdingvsa123: you have to have access to the directory to access what's inside it, but you can set different permissions on files inside them14:53
zylcheWell, I was using it beforehand, no idea of SATA/PATA, chipset, ICHx/14:53
mousemay be, wrong permissions? ls -l linux-installer.sh?14:53
Buyydeeat all those that were trying to help me out: i'm sorry i flooded the channel accidently, here is the pastebin-url: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49685/14:54
golempie-rwxrwxrwx  1 golempje golempje  29627635 2007-12-27 16:25 linux-installer.sh14:54
gvsa123stdin: so if the directory is not readable to everyone, even if you set the things inside it to 0777, you still can't read it because you can't get through the first line of permissions? i think this is making sense now... :)14:54
mousezylche, if dmesg didn't contain any drive-errors than it may be driver bug. if your drive isn't SCSI, try to change BIOS option and put SATA controller to IDE-compatible mode.14:54
stdingvsa123: that's exactly how it works :)14:55
zylchemouse: [277628.780000] EXT3-fs: sdb1: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (4000400).14:55
gvsa123stdin: gvsa123 is trying to absorb :)14:55
zylchedmesg also reports that it's a SCSI drive.14:55
=== lmr[A] is now known as lmr
]Spectre[hi to all.is it possible to configure the xorg from the command line with a basic vesa compatible mode ? I have some troubles with ati and gnome and it won't start anymore.thanks to all14:56
gvsa123stdin: and there's only 3 kinds of permissions right? r w x?14:56
stdingvsa123: you're doing well, you've just described it exactly how it works14:56
wolsBuyydee: "sudo update-grub" then paste your /boot/grub/menu.lst14:56
mousezylche, fsck /dev/sdb114:56
stdingvsa123: well no, there are more but those are the main ones (and probably the only ones you'll need)14:56
mousezylche, SATA/PATA represents as SCSI drive.14:57
zylcheThe superblock couldn't be read/doesn't describe a correct ext2 filesystem14:57
stdingvsa123: there is "suid", "sgid" and "sticky bit" too14:57
gvsa123stdin: oh theres still more to this... <gvsa crashes back to earth> lol14:57
* syc_ mohon pamid14:57
zylcheWait. Superblock is too high/corrupt14:57
gvsa123stdin: :((14:57
mousezylche, and dmesg at this point doesn't contain any additional info?14:57
Buyydeedone. here the link: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49686/14:57
* syc_ wassalamualaikum wr wb14:58
Buyydeethe partition was mounted in nautilus while i updated grub14:58
* xturux alguien que hable español ?14:58
Pici!id | syc_14:58
ubotusyc_: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia14:58
Pici!es | xturux14:58
Buyydeeun poco, si14:58
ubotuxturux: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.14:58
mousezylche, e2label /dev/sdb1 should report error about wrong superblock, shouldn't?14:58
Buyydeeel bot tambien :)14:58
stdingvsa123: for example, if you suid (set UID) an executable, then when a user runs that executable it's ran as if the owner ran it (rather than the user)14:58
mouseBuyydee, si :)14:58
syc_Pici:  how do you know that im indonesian ?14:59
zylchemouse "Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock."14:59
Picisyc_: Your host is in indonesia :)14:59
gvsa123stdin: User ID?14:59
mousezylche, do you have any other filesystems on that drive?14:59
zylcheThe drive was being unmounted but it seemed to crash, so I had to pull the plug on the drive ...14:59
stdingvsa123: yeah, same for sgid (set Group ID), it'd be ran with the permissions of the group that owns the file14:59
syc_Pici:  :D14:59
wolsBuyydee: FULL menu.lst please14:59
zylcheNo, Just ext3.14:59
mousezylche, pastebin your fdisk -l /dev/sdb15:00
offloadsup guys15:00
mousezylche, do you have important data on that drive?15:00
zylcheA lot15:00
stdingvsa123: have a look at the permissions for /usr/bin/X, the "s" in there represents suid and sgid (depending where it is in the permissions)15:00
offloadHey, I found a couple scripts that allow me to configure gmail as the default mail client in Ubuntu however when i click a email link nothing happens.  But if I run the .sh script it opens firefox.  I'm not really sure where to start troubleshooting this one.15:01
wolsBuyydee: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49688/  should work15:01
gvsa123stdin: but you'd have to have x permission to run it in the first place?15:01
stdingvsa123: you do, yes :)15:01
gvsa123stdin: i'll have a look15:01
Buyydeewols: would setup (hd0,2) in the grub command recognise the partition, if your entry worked?15:02
stdingvsa123: "-rwsr-sr-x 1 root root 7460 2007-12-20 19:40 /usr/bin/X" means that anyone can run it, but when they do it'll run as if the user and group that ran it was "root"15:02
gvsa123stdin: -rwsr-sr-x means owner and group has s?15:02
stdingvsa123: yes15:02
TezasaurusDoes anybody have an idea why Azureus would keep crashing in 7.10?15:02
gvsa123stdin: why root? and it still applies to the others group when it doesn't have an s?15:03
x3roconfare u using apt-get version?15:03
xoqais there a quicker way to find the initab file.. this is what i'm running currently:  find /* -name inittab -type f -print015:03
bazhangTezasaurus: run it from the terminal and then pastebin the error messages or tell us here if they are brief15:03
xoqai'm only seeing /etc/init.d/15:03
mousezylche, try to mount your partition with option sb=m, m=32768*n, where n = { 3^i, 5^i, 7^i}, so 3, 5, 7, 9, 25, 27, 49, ...15:03
gvsa123Tezasaurus: multiple java15:03
jerome_dkhi all, I've just installed Thunderbird and I'm looking for the folder it uses called 'mail'. Where would I typically find that?15:03
Buyydeemax: das ist ein englischer channel15:04
Buyydeetezesaurus: this has to do with java15:04
gvsa123stdin: oh because it is owned and belongs to root15:04
mousezylche, mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 -osb=9830415:04
zylcheAH. Thanks15:04
stdingvsa123: if it was only -rwsr-xr-x, then it would be ran as user: root, group: (your group)15:04
jerome_dk... or put differently: in what folder do programs typically install?15:04
Tezasaurusbazhang: I get...15:05
TezasaurusFontconfig error: "~/.fonts.conf", line 1: XML declaration not well-formed15:05
Tezasaurus# An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:15:05
Tezasaurus#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0xb448874b, pid=5935, tid=308470465615:05
Tezasaurus# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.6.0_03-b05 mixed mode, sharing)15:05
Tezasaurus# Problematic frame:15:05
stdin!paste > Tezasaurus15:05
Tezasaurus# C  [libglibjni-0.4.so+0xb74b]15:05
brobostigon!pastebin | Tezasaurus15:05
ubotuTezasaurus: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:05
bazhangTezasaurus: that is not brief15:05
stdingvsa123: the other permission "sticky bit" is rather obscure and not really used any more, so you don't have to worry about it15:05
gvsa123stdin: so SUID is set when you add the s to the user section of ---s------ and SGID is simply when the s is in the group part ------s---?15:06
mousezylche, I suggest to run fsck.ext3 with -b option first.15:06
gvsa123stdin:  that's the t right?15:06
Tezasauruswhoop, sorry15:06
stdingvsa123: yes, to both15:06
Buyydeei think tezasaurus' problem is the combination of java with compiz, i had the problem when running another java program (matlab) and got it fixed15:06
gvsa123stdin: absorbs some more.... :)15:06
zylchemouse: Superblock has an invalid ext3 journal (inode 8).15:06
Buyydeetezasaurus: try running azureus with lowest details (in preferences, appearance)15:06
menllyosanyone can name me a proper ftp client (preferably graphical) that supports auth and implicit ssl transfers ?15:07
mousezylche, at mount-time?15:07
zylchewith fsck.ext3 -b 98304 /dev/sdb115:07
Buyydeemenllyos gFTP in applications -> internet15:07
mousetry fsck also with "-pv"15:07
menllyosi tried gFTP but i couldnt get any ssl connections to work15:08
zylchemouse: clear?15:08
maxkann wer deutsch hier??15:08
Pici!de | max15:08
ubotumax: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de15:08
sunogbagamenllyos filezilla15:08
stjepangwhy is zenity wasting my CPU power - it's 100%! Anyone experiences same?15:08
maxok thx15:08
stdingvsa123: permissions are complicated, but for good reason: you can talor exactly what each user/group can and can not do. for example you could make a file that anyone could write to, but only the user can read (think primitive email :P)15:08
Pici!ph | sunogbaga15:08
ubotusunogbaga: Join #ubuntu-ph for tagalog15:08
TezasaurusBuyydee: It crashes on startup, even with Compiz/advanced effects turned off15:09
zylchemouse: "Superblock has an invalid ext3 journal (inode 8)." "Clear<y>?"15:09
krim_I just created a new unpriviliged user and used button to start the screensaver, then I switched user and logged in with the unpriviliged one. I switched back, and all the programs I was running with the first user had been closed. Should it be like that?15:09
bazhangTezasaurus: perhaps time to switch to a more stable client?15:09
=== krim_ is now known as krim
Buyydeetezasaurus: sry then, that's the only problem i had when running azureus, can't help you anymore :(15:09
gvsa123stdin: for that it should be 0733?15:10
TezasaurusI'm all for switching clients, I never really liked azureus anyway- any recommendations?15:10
menllyostried filezilla too, doesnt work, if i enable ssl it still reports to me that i need to enable it... :(15:10
krimBittorrent client? rTorrent is very nice.15:10
stdingvsa123: 0622, no need for it to be executable ;)15:11
menllyosdeluge is pretty nice for a torrent client...15:11
AndycasssHow can i check php5 logs?15:11
bazhangTezasaurus: there are number of optiions availiable--rtorrent is the cli version, transmission, ktorrent, and deluge15:11
gvsa123stdin: oh... i see.. i thought you had to add that for them to launch it... :)15:11
x3roconftransmission is good15:11
mousezylche, try -nv and answer to all questions "y". this option wouldn't modify filesystem, but you can see how large damage is it.15:12
bazhangtransmission is my choice as well15:12
stdingvsa123: to run it, yes. but they don't need to run it, only write to it15:12
=== ^A^way is now known as ^A^kira
krimShould apps close down when switching between users?15:12
paradoxhey all, <i'm trying to have my ubuntu comp work as a server between 3 other windows based pc's in the house.. <i have 2 ethernet cards in the ubuntu server.. the modem is connected directly to eth0.. and the eth1 isc onnected to a router, which connects all other comptuers..15:12
gvsa123stdin: hey thanks a lot... i'll try to grasp this first before overloading my neural connections...15:12
paradoxis that the correct setup for internet connection sharing .. file sharing.. resource(printer) sharing.. etc?15:13
TezasaurusActually, I have Transmission, but that has given me problems, too15:13
gvsa123stdin: i think i get the picture but i won't get into how they would write to a file without launching it first... might fry my brain :)15:13
zylchemouse: fsck.ext3: Illegal inode number while checking ext3 journal for /dev/sdb115:13
gvsa123stdin: thanks again...15:13
=== paradox is now known as _para_dox
stdingvsa123: +x means it can be ran/executed, that is the commands will be executed one by one (for a text file).15:14
mousezylche, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/help-please-superblock-has-an-invalid-ext3-journal-460677/15:14
savetheWorldhello- looking for verification: A normal Ubuntu install will have a "/etc/inittab" file, right?15:14
zylchemouse: I was just reading that one :P15:14
stdingvsa123: make a directory (under /tmp for example) and practice on it,  that way it doesn't matter if you mess it up (/tmp will be cleared on reboot)15:15
[nix]Anyone know if its possible to disable all icons?15:15
_para_doxif there's a website I could be directed to that explains how to setup internet connection sharing using ubuntu.. it'd be greatly appreciated15:15
zylchethanks for the help so far, mouse15:15
bazhang[nix]: disable them?15:15
mousezylche, you can try to run -yv  but result may be unpredictable...15:15
gvsa123stdin: ah that's good... i will try that....15:15
davidwinterIs there a way that I can have Rhythmbox organise my music for me automatically? (as in directory structure)15:15
savetheWorldbazhang: staggering isn'tit? :-)15:15
mousezylche, the best solution is to make image of disk and then try to do any modification of filesystem.15:16
zylchemouse: hmm.. so should I just try it with -v then?15:16
zylcheThing is, the disk is 320GB, and its the largest disk I have15:16
[nix]bazhang: yeah, so my entire system only shows text15:17
bazhang[nix]: you might look into screen15:17
mousezylche, I know, that it 320Gb... fsck.ext3 -b .. -y -v /dev/sdb115:17
_para_doxhow do I get into a root terminal, so I don't have to use sudo?15:18
mousezylche,  but!!! you may loose your data completely...15:18
Baldrunhi all15:18
BaldrunI am trying to use nfs in combination with acl under kubuntu, unfortunately I can't find any info on how to set up acl fpr kubuntu, could anyone give me a hint or an idea? google results were not helpful so far15:18
zylcheChecking it manually, mouse15:18
savetheWorldnix - change your runlevel so the GUI doesnt start15:18
zylche/hopes to not lose all data15:18
bazhang!info screen15:18
ubotuscreen: a terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-0.4ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 574 kB, installed size 984 kB15:18
ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen15:18
Gues7is it well known that there is a problem using kernel version 2.6.22-14-i386 and mounting NTFS? I've has a problem using it, however booting to 2.6.20-14-i386 allows me to access NTFS15:18
bazhangsee above [nix]15:19
mouseGues7, did you try NTFS-3G?15:19
bazhangsavetheWorld: haha15:19
[nix]savetheWorld: ???? i need the gui, i just dont want any icons15:19
abdullaany1 knows how to sign in msn messenger with gmail account?15:19
Gues7mouse: yeah, I have it working now with 2.6.20, and it was all working grand before I updated15:19
savetheWorldnix then delete them15:19
fluxyabdulla: yeah15:19
abdullai have made a passport i received a verficiation code but they dont tell me what to do with it fluxy15:20
fluxyabdulla: you need to create a .Net Passport account with ur gmail address15:20
savetheWorldhas ubuntu stopped using /etc/inittab?15:20
mouseGues7, I'm running latest stable 2.6.22-14 with ntfs-3g. what exactly won't work?15:20
[nix]savetheWorld: lol15:20
bazhangsavetheWorld: no should be there15:20
fluxyabdulla, use the email addr and the password (not ur gmail login one, the one u gave at passport) to login in msn services15:20
Gues7mouse: I cant get it to mount at all, I get an error saying the device is busy15:20
Pici!upstart | savetheWorld15:20
ubotusavetheWorld: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/15:20
gvsa123stdin: so how come the groups listed in the command groups isn't the same with the one's listed in groups settings? these are the same groups they refer to? it's just that the terminal lists everything?15:20
savetheWorldbazhang: getting people in ##linux saying its missing15:20
_para_doxhow do I get into a root terminal, so I don't have to use sudo15:21
gvsa123stdin: gui vs terminal i mean15:21
fluxyabdulla, the verification code is, well, to verify that u actually own that email address.15:21
savetheWorldPici: which release did that start with?15:21
bazhangsavetheWorld: now it is Upstart apparently15:21
PicisavetheWorld: I want to say Feisty, but I may be wrong,15:21
savetheWorldThank you. (s) :)15:21
Pici_para_dox: preferably, you dont.  You can use sudo -s to get an interactive sudo session.15:21
stdingvsa123: not completely sure, I've never used the groups setting thing (I don't use Gnome) :p15:22
_para_doxpici- this explanation of using internet connection sharing says I can't use sudo, has to be in a root term15:22
krimI was logged in as my regular user and created an unpriviliged user. Then I locked the screen and chose to switch user there. After logging into the unpriviliged user and then switching back to my regular user, all apps had been closed (except for the ones running in screen which I could reattach). However, when I switch user without locking the screen first I can switch back without losing my programs. It seems kind of bad that someone is a15:22
nummer9yyx yyyyyyxxxxxyxxxxxxxxxxXX15:22
gvsa123stdin: i see...15:22
savetheWorld_para_dox: that that description is wrong15:22
abdullafluxy, you mean i use the hotmail account? to log in my gmail?15:22
Picinummer9: dont do that please.15:22
bazhangnummer9: please stop15:22
abdullafluxy, cant i just log in my gmail?15:22
AndycasssHow can i check php5 logs?15:23
Pici_para_dox: root is disabled on Ubuntu, sudo -s should work fine.15:23
stdingvsa123: when I edit groups I do it the old fashioned way, I edit /etc/group :)15:23
abdullai read in forums where it says to enable signing in with your gmail you need to verify first and you have  3days to verify before it expires fluxy15:23
pampangahow do i make an applet enabled for all user?15:23
mousepampanga, try to add .desktop file to /usr/share/gnome/autostart15:24
bazhangAndycasss: the changelog? bugs etc?15:24
fluxyabdulla, no. you still use ur gmail account for email. but now, having registered with passport, u have a passport account, where the login is the address u gave them (gmail addr) and the password = password supplied15:25
Andycasssbazhang: no, id like to know whats wrong with my sendmail15:25
Pici!offtopic | abdulla15:25
ubotuabdulla: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:25
fluxyabdulla, what i mean is your gmail account and ur passport accounts are SEPARATE15:25
mousepampanga, with ".desktop" I mean desktop file of your applet. It should be located somewhere in the system. You may just copy-paste from existent one and change program name/command.15:25
gvsa123stdin: that's <group>: X (don't know) : <process ID> : groups?15:25
savetheWorldpampanga: make sure it has execute permission for all.15:25
fluxyabdulla, only the logins are similar, u may have different passwords15:25
bazhangAndycasss: what errors are you getting (dont paste them here)15:25
Picifluxy, abdulla: perhaps you can take this conversation elsewhere, it is not Ubuntu related in the least.15:25
x3roconfwhy 'rm' is not printing any error messages when i'm deleting non existent files? like no such file or directory?15:26
gvsa123stdin: oh group ID...15:26
pampangamouse: i'll try it15:26
fluxyPici, Point noted, sorry15:26
mousex3roconf, "rm -f" ?15:26
stdingvsa123: process ID is the ID (number) given to the process, that has nothing to do with users/groups15:26
savetheWorldx3roconf: because its not an error?15:26
abdullai need @gmail to work with pidgins Pici  :p15:26
Andycasssbazhang: Thats what Id like to know, what errors are there so i could fix em...15:26
fluxyabdulla, can u chat in pvte?15:26
gvsa123stdin: whooops...  :)15:26
Andycasssbazhang: Im trying to make a contact form to send mail, but it doesnt want to work15:26
zylcheIf my illegal blocks are millions of blocks apart. That's good for data preservation, right?15:27
x3roconfrm -f dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd > no error message lol?15:27
mousezylche, right.15:27
abdullafluxy, however my email passport that i used is actually a useing msn address that i use in my msn it means can i make those 2 linked or ?15:27
bullgard4man 7 rtnetlink says: "Rtnetlink allows the kernel’s routing tables to be read and altered." Can you tell me what is 'rtnetlink' and not, what it allows?15:27
bazhanghttp://spikesource.com/docs/cs_1.6.0-linux/doc/php5/php5_quickstartguide.html in here Andycasss?15:27
pampangamouse: where is the location of the *.desktop files?15:27
mousezylche, it's would be great if many of damaged data would appear under /lost+found.15:27
x3roconfwhy its not an error?15:28
mousepampanga, do you have any of them in /usr/share/gnome/autostart ?15:28
kritzstapfcan i debootstrap a gutsy system from a running feisty system?15:28
bazhangabdulla: offtopic15:28
kritzstapfit says that /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/gutsy is missing15:28
pampangamouse: just one the gnome-at-session15:28
mousepampanga, you may copy it and change command to execute and name.15:28
Andycasssbazhang: I dont have /var/php515:28
bazhangAndycasss: is that a problem?15:29
Andycasssbazhang: yes, since then i dont have the error logs either..15:29
sunogbagaAndycasss i thought php loggin is specified in php.ini15:30
Andycasssbazhang: never mind, its in my apache log... My sendmail path is wrong, i wonder whats the right path for postfix...15:31
bazhangAndycasss: /var/log/apache2/error_log do you have that?15:31
Ready^Gohello ?15:31
Andycassscurrently it wants it from /usr/sbin/sendmail15:31
Ready^Goyhelp me plz ?15:31
Pici!ask | Ready^Go15:31
ubotuReady^Go: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)15:31
bazhangask away Ready^Go15:32
sunogbagaAndycasss do u have sendmail installed?15:32
Ready^Go!ask | i wanna download ubunto the best white flash 32bit15:32
ubotui wanna download ubunto the best white flash 32bit: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)15:32
Ready^Goi wanna download ubunto the best white flash 32bit15:33
gvsa123stdin: my ubuntu time is up... thanks again... :)15:33
krimAnyone know how to delete an account on Ubuntuforums.org?15:33
bazhangReady^Go: there is a problem with flash at the moment15:33
Pici!flashissues | Ready^Go15:33
ubotuReady^Go: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.15:33
bazhangkrim: ask on the forums?15:33
Andycassssunogbaga: oh, no i dont, ill install it15:34
dhcplessi keep getting "dhcpd self-test failed." when setting dhcp3 - any tips?15:34
Ready^Gowhat diffrent kubunto and ubunto ?15:34
sunogbagaAndycasss there you go.. :P15:34
bazhangkde and gnome Ready^Go15:34
krimReady^Go: Ubuntu uses Gnome, Kubuntu uses KDE.15:34
Pici!flavors | Ready^Go15:34
ubotuReady^Go: !GTK and !Qt are !GUI toolkits (i.e. software libraries that draw buttons, textboxes, etc). !GNOME, !KDE, !Xfce and friends are "!desktop environments", which build on top of such libraries to provide a "consistent" desktop experience. !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu15:34
sunogbagadhcpless that happens when you start dhcp-3?15:35
Ready^Gowhat the best in linux ?15:35
Sharpiemy wine iexplore isn't working, i think i deleted some files accidently a while ago. is there a way to reinstall it?15:35
Ready^Gowhat are you use bazhang15:35
bazhangkde Ready^Go15:35
krimReady^Go: There is no 'best', it's a matter of taste. Just check out some screenshots and choose the one you think looks good.15:35
dhcplesssunogbaga, i get "dhcpd self-test failed. Please fix the config file.15:36
dhcplessThe error was"15:36
bazhangubuntu gnome might be best for you Ready^Go15:36
XenobyteReady^Go, each has its ups and downs IMHO15:36
dhcplesssunogbaga, it doesnt tell me wht the error was...15:36
Ready^Goand from where i download ?15:36
Ready^Goi from israel15:36
VorboteSharpie: the wine-config (or is it -configure?) command will repair your $HOME/.wine directory.15:36
krimReady^Go: from the official ubuntu site15:36
sunogbagadhcpless try to paste /var/log/syslog15:36
PiciReady^Go: Find a link close to you from http://www.ubuntu.com15:37
Ready^Gocan you give me link ?15:37
bazhangReady^Go: there should be a local mirror near you15:37
Ready^Goyhank yopuuu15:37
bazhangno worries Ready^Go15:37
Ready^Go10q very much :)15:37
SharpieVorbote: it's neither15:37
T7PHello, all. I'm looking to remove Ubuntu 7.10 from this machine (I need the space and have it on another machine as it is). I'm running Windows and I'm using Norton Partition magic to do everything. I just want to know if it is safe to completely format the partition, or will I run into troubles with GRUB?15:37
lukaszHey People15:37
dhcplesssunogbaga, whats the pastebin address?15:37
lukaszAmarok crashed my system :(15:37
Ready^Gokde i wanna to see ? its ok15:37
adamanyone have any tips on getting suspend and hibernate to work with an nvidia card (nvidia geforce go 7400) ?15:38
bazhangT7P: not really an ubuntu question--ask in ##windows15:38
PiciT7P: Its safe, but you probably want to run fixmbr afterwards, see ##windows for more info.15:38
krimT7P: I think you might have to 'repair' the MBR with the windows installation disc. That's what I've had to do in the past, but it's easy15:38
VorboteSharpie: Well, type the assorted collection. It is one of them (type wine- at a shell prompt and hit tab). That worked the last time I used wine (almost a year ago...)15:38
lukasz!find beep media player aac+15:38
ubotuFound: beep, beep-media-player, beep-media-player-dev, beepcore-c-dev, beepcore-c0 (and 1 others)15:38
mouseSharpie, there is an ie6 project that download and install ie6 within wine. http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page15:38
Ready^Gowhere i see kde ?15:38
krimReady^Go: Use google15:38
Ready^Goin pic ?15:39
lukaszAmarok is bad :(15:39
Sharpiemouse: i know, i just want to remove my wine iexplore...15:39
SharpieVorbote: doesn't exist15:39
OnyxHmmm.... looking for some help with compiz/emerald... the themes only seem to be applying to the window borders, not the taskbar and scroll bars... anyone know how to fix this?15:39
bazhangyou have google Ready^Go? look for kubuntu--first link! :}15:39
XenobyteReady^Go, you could for instance go to http://image.google.com/ and type in "kde screenshot"15:39
Ready^Gohttp://fedoranews.org/krishnan/review/kde3.2/fullsize/kde1.png ?15:39
Ready^Gothis it ?15:39
Xenobyteer, sorry, http://images.google.com/15:39
Xenobytethere ya go15:39
lukaszbeep media player works :)15:40
bazhangerr close enough Ready^Go that is fedora though15:40
Xenobytehonestly, though, a screenshot doesn't tell you much15:40
VorboteSharpie: it may have another name, that's why I suggested to try out different commands that start with "wine-" (and gave you  the easiest way to find them out).15:40
Ready^Gobut type kde15:40
dhcplesssunogbaga, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49692/15:40
OnyxHmmm.... looking for some help with compiz/emerald... the themes only seem to be applying to the window borders, not the taskbar and scroll bars... anyone know how to fix this?15:40
bazhanghttp://www.kubuntu.org/ Ready^Go15:40
Ready^Gokubunto its kde ?15:40
bazhangserioussssly off topic I know :}15:40
SharpieVorbote: yes, i did that and then i said it didn't exist15:40
XenobyteReady^Go, yes15:41
PiciOnyx: Emerald themes are only for the window borders, GTK themes apply to the scroll bars, buttons, etc.15:41
krimI was logged in as my regular user and created an unpriviliged user. Then I locked the screen and chose to switch user there. After logging into the unpriviliged user and then switching back to my regular user, all apps had been closed (except for the ones running in screen which I could reattach). However, when I switch user without locking the screen first I can switch back without losing my programs. It seems kind of bad that someone is a15:41
OnyxPici: Ahhh okay, I was under the impression that GTK+15:41
VorboteSharpie: hmmm... Then try "win" as starter (as I told you, haven't used wine in a long while).15:41
Onyx& emerald couldn't run together15:41
lukasz!find beepmediaplayer plugins15:41
lukasz!find beep media player plugins15:42
ubotuPackage/file beepmediaplayer does not exist in gutsy15:42
ubotuFound: beep, beep-media-player, beep-media-player-dev, beepcore-c-dev, beepcore-c0 (and 1 others)15:42
PiciOnyx: Perhaps you were thinking of Metacity and emerald15:42
Pici!usage > lukasz (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)15:42
stephantomhey everyone, just a quick question. whenever you install custom themes these are installed in ~/.themes and are thus not available for the root user. applications launched via gksu can't adopt the themes. wouldn't a soft link in /root solve all this?15:42
SharpieVorbote: already did that as well, nothing similar15:42
chealdohi guys whats up you have some good news for the time management software for ubuntu internet cafe?15:42
Ready^Gobazhang Xenobyte its amaizing15:42
stephantomof course this would only work for single-user installs15:43
XenobyteReady^Go, I like KDE myself15:43
kafkasSELAM KANAL15:43
kafkasBEN0130 ANLIYAN YOKMU15:43
Ready^Go10q :)15:43
lukaszI got 0 messages?15:43
CapaHWhat would I use to edit FLASH (.fla) files, in Ubuntu?15:43
VorboteSharpie: are you sure you have installed wine at all? The file listing here <http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?searchmode=filelist&word=wine&version=gutsy&arch=i386> suggests I'm not giving bad advice... ;-)15:43
sunogbagadhcpless configure dhcpd to listen on a specifc interface because atm you have 3 ifaces15:44
* kafkas selam kanal15:44
Pici!il | kafkas15:44
ubotukafkas: לשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:15:44
ubotu/join #ubuntu-il15:44
SharpieVorbote: my question wasn't "i'm mentally ill and i think i have wine". i use wine on a regular basis (for guitar pro) :/15:44
acollinscan anyone tell me how to make sure GDM only runs after nfs-common has run?15:44
VorboteSharpie: btw, the command is wineprefixcreate15:44
acollinsI've change the symlink to be S21 instead of S13 which should start it after nfs at S2015:45
SharpieVorbote: yeah but that's not what i need. i need to remove the gecko ie engine =\15:45
ompaul!tr | kafkas15:45
ubotukafkas: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.15:45
acollinsbut my home dir is still not mounted by the time GDM is up...15:45
ompaulPici, pm15:45
lukaszstill no pm?15:45
sunogbagadhcpless configure dhcpd to listen on a specifc interface because atm you have 3 ifaces15:45
danzigrules[ Rule 3 ] I did a very good job ;p15:45
VorboteSharpie: that's not possible yet. You'll need to move your present .wine file somewhere else and start from scratch. (You should have stated that up front :-))15:46
danzigrules[ Rule 3 ] I did a very good job ;p15:46
dhcplesssunogbaga, how do i do that? i modified /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf but is there another file?15:46
SharpieVorbote: ok, well, nvm then15:46
VorboteSharpie: there is a script out there that will allow you to install IE6 in a different directory. You can install your other software there then.15:47
VorboteSharpie: but I don't recall the name, :-(15:47
SharpieVorbote: my problem wasn't a non-functional ie (i just use ies4linux). i just wanted to remove/fix the gecko engine15:47
sunogbagadhcpless that is the correct file.. however you have 3 ifaces vmnet8 vmnet1 and eth015:48
lukaszI'm gonna wait patiently :) for the pm in forums15:48
dhcplesssunogbaga, those are vmware's i killed vmware but still get the same error15:48
VorboteThat's not possible AFAIK. Once it is installed, it is installed for good. I think you need to declare all the IE6 related libraries as non-native to stop wine from trying to install the gecko engine.15:49
dhcplesssunogbaga,can you look here:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49693/ it's my dhcpd.conf15:49
krimIs there a way I can lock an unpriviliged user so it can only see what's in /home/unpriviliged ?15:50
albatorHi im installing ubunto 7.10, I choose "start / install" from the boot menu but it always seems to try an run in live mode, is there any param i can force the install with?15:51
voxanyone around who is very familiar with ext2/3 filesystem? wondering if there's any harm to be done by setting the reserve block count to 0 on a storage drive?15:51
voxalbator: once it has booted in live mode, it gives you the option to install15:51
bazhangalbator: you need to get into the live cd environment first15:51
thedracleHm, I'm having an issue installing Gutsy on a Dual-Core AMD Opertron System.15:51
sunogbagadhcpless hold on, i'll look for the line you will need15:51
voxthedracle: what's the issue15:51
albatorah, thats a drag, it takes hours as its a celeron with only 256 meg =s15:51
krimalbator: There's an icon on the desktop, if you click it it'll install. Otherwise you could use the alternate installation cd (which I prefer) and install that way.15:51
dhcplesssunogbaga, thanks15:51
=== GMoonit is now known as Hot_Girl
thedraclevox, Basically, it loads the kernel, but before getting to booting the live-cd system, it breaks into busy box.15:52
sipherhow do I do a text install of ubuntu?15:52
Hot_GirlBoys: I cannot find an icon on my desktop - which is obviously there!! How do i find it??15:52
krimsipher: Download the alternate installation cd.15:52
voxthedracle: ah15:52
sipherkrim what!?15:52
dhcplesssipher, command line install? use the alternate CD15:52
sipher=/ lame15:52
Picikrim: Look up bash restricted or rbash.  I havent touched it in years, so I'm not sure if I can help you, but take a look.15:52
brobostigonthedracle: i have a mac, and exactlly that happened t first when trying to install gutsy.15:52
thedraclebrobostigon, What happened in your case?15:53
voxthedracle: i've had that before. trying to think how i fixed it15:53
krimsipher: Go to the Ubuntu download page and you'll see.15:53
sunogbagadhcpless can u try running dhcp3-server eth015:53
albatorthats quite frustraighting, I left it whirring while i went to the shops and live had booted, I presumed it had defaulted to some option an rebooted it =s15:53
thedraclevox, The 64-bit installation seems a bit more testy than the 32-bit.15:53
sipherkrim problem is I don't exactly have access to download it...and assumed you could simply do something like boot linux text15:53
brobostigoni had to load ide_core in blackbox, and then once booted adding ide_core to /etc.modules15:53
voxthedracle: nah, there's not a great deal of difference. why are you using the 64-bit ver if i may ask?15:54
krimsipher: Oh, maybe someone else can help you then.15:54
dhcplesssunogbaga, there is no such command15:54
thedraclevox, Because Opertron is a 64-bit system.15:54
sunogbagadhcpless there should be, did you install dhcp3-server?15:54
sipherwell, the real problem is installing using the regular gusty i386 install.15:54
albatoryeah, but do u need 64 bit functionality?15:54
rbdanyone get ultramonkey working with gutsy?15:54
thedraclealbator, Not neccessarily, but why sell myself short?15:55
voxthedracle: yes.. all the K8 procs are. but why do you need to run the 64bit variant?15:55
Hot_GirlBoys: I know there is a folder on my desktop - but i cannot see it --- how do i open it???15:55
dhcplesssunogbaga, yes15:55
sunogbagadhcpless or try looking for the similar command15:55
albatorIm a quick and dirty kinda guy ;)15:55
brobostigonhot_girl: enable see hidden folders in nautilus and navigate to desktop folder15:55
bazhangHot_Girl: cd to Desktop from the terminal15:55
dhcplesssunogbaga, $ /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server eth0 start15:56
dhcplessUsage: /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server {start|stop|restart|force-reload|status}15:56
thedraclebrobostigon, So, do you have any idea why loading ide_core resolves this issue? Is it a problem with gutsy not understanding my particular IDE bus?15:56
voxthedracle: im running an opteron 165. unless you're doing massive number-crunching, or trying to access more than 4gb of ram, there's no real advantage to running the 64bit variant15:56
thedraclevox, I have 6GB of RAM.15:56
voxwell that's a good reason then15:56
thedraclevox, The extended address space would be nice ;) Hehe.15:56
brobostigonthedrace: on mac gutsy, it wouldnt boot because it couldnt find the boot partition, ide_core allows it to see the hdd.15:57
voxthedracle: you may want to create a 32bit chroot when you've installed. it'll make life easier, trust me15:57
albatorboot to live desktop, 22 mins so far, can u spare me 256 megs of your 6 gigs? :)15:57
Hot_Girlno dice brobostigon.... did not work...15:57
voxalbator: ouch15:57
sunogbagadhcpless also try adding this line to dhcpd.conf DHCPDARGS=eth0 and start dhcpd using /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start15:58
lukaszThe bot uboutu is nice :)15:58
Grueliuswhen im using this command tar -c -M --tape-length 480000000 /mnt/backup/raid5backup.tar /mnt/raid5/* i get a bunch of garbage spewed all over my prompt15:59
Grueliusis it working properly or dying? lmao15:59
* genii sips a coffee15:59
dhcplesssunogbaga, ok..will try16:00
bullgard4man 7 rtnetlink says: "Rtnetlink allows the kernel’s routing tables to be read and altered." Can you tell me what is 'rtnetlink' and not, what it allows?16:01
sunogbagadhcpless if still it doesn't work,. paste /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server16:01
voxdhcpless: paste into pastebin16:01
Jack_Sparrowalbator: Is that box also sharing video ram?  If so setting it to a minimum number will help speed things up or let it through if it locks completely16:02
* lleonard help16:03
dhcplesssunogbaga, vox, didnt work...i've pasted /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server here:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49694/16:04
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:04
sunogbagadhcpless was the error still the same?16:05
bazhanglleonard: do you have a question?16:06
voxdhcpless: paste /etc/network/interfaces to paste bin aswell please16:06
dhcplesssunogbaga, yes...16:06
lleonardbazhang: no, I just misfired something aimed at my IRC client :)16:07
geniiThe conf file you wanted was not /etc/dhcp.conf or /etc/dhcpd.conf even, but rather /etc/dhcp3/dhcp.conf or /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf16:07
sunogbagadhcpless anyway, try adding this line at the top of /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server; INTERFACES=eth0...16:07
dhcplessvox,  interfaces http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49695/16:07
bazhanglleonard: aha :}16:07
voxdhcpless: which interface do you want dhcp running on? eth0?16:08
dhcplesssunogbaga, do i need the ...after eth0?16:08
dhcplessvox, eth016:08
voxdhcpless: ok, i see the problem16:08
sunogbagadhcpless nope you dont need the ...16:09
voxdhcpless: open system->admin->network16:09
Optimus55hey are the gutsy repos down?16:09
dhcplessvox, ok...16:09
geniiOptimus55: The one here in Canada seems fine16:09
voxdhcpless: click on eth0, select properties16:09
voxdhcpless: change it from static to dhcp16:10
Optimus55genji: hmm im in canada too.. any idea why i might get this msg? "# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:"16:10
Optimus55then it lists the ubuntu multiverse repos, etc16:10
finn_question: if I run a tor server do I need to install a DNS server?16:11
bazhangfinn_:  a tor server? or a client16:12
bazhangfinn_: does the tor homepage have instructions?16:12
lukasz!find gstreamer16:12
ubotuFound: gstreamer-tools, gstreamer0.10-alsa, gstreamer0.10-doc, gstreamer0.10-esd, gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs (and 42 others)16:12
finn_not really :(16:12
geniiOptimus55: No idea about that error. Sounds like perhaps malformed sources.list entry or so16:13
dhcplessvox, changing...16:13
ephilipsI have ubuntu running as a virtual Machine in VMWare workstation. There is a Kernel Head update, that when I install causes the Network adapter to disappear. Is there a documented procedure for dealing with this?16:13
geniiOptimus55: When you installed, no network connection?16:13
thedraclebrobostigon, Eh. It seems the initramfs that I fall into is out of the init script. I tried > modprobe ide_core, and then ./init -> It complains the filesystems are already mounted, etc, and then dumps me back into the ram system.16:13
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:14
dhcplessvox, changing to dhcp killed my internet connection but the DHCP server still gets the same error16:14
thedracleIt's probably because I have SATA disks...16:14
finn_anyone know?16:15
cannonballSomething weird, all my window borders went away.  Anybody ever see that before?16:15
voxdhcpless: er are you wanting to use eth0 to obtain an IP using dhcp, or to server IPs?16:15
bazhangfinn_: what about tor server howto--what does google say16:16
dhcplessvox, serve - i want to PXE boot a client16:16
zylchemouse: I got the drive fixed, no missing files that I've seen.16:16
zylcheThank you for all of your help16:16
Jack_Sparrowfinn_: this isnt the place for those kind of questions.. not surprised you are not getting an answer16:16
geniidhcpless: There is a good tutorial online for that16:16
lleonardcannonball: yes, have seen that happen with compiz16:16
voxdhcpless: you probably should've pointed that out heh16:16
cannonballlleonard: so logout and log back in is the only fix?  Or can I manually start a process (like restarting kicker brings kde menu bar back, etc) ?16:17
dhcplessgenii, which one? I read quite a few...16:17
dhcplessvox, sorry....16:17
geniidhcpless: I used this one: http://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install16:17
lapsomeone can help me ?16:17
sunogbagadhcpless did you try the last line i gave?16:17
daxrocEvening all16:17
lapubuntu told me to install security update16:18
dhcplesssunogbaga, yes ...didnt work16:18
lapW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libc/libcairo/libcairo2_1.4.10-1ubuntu4.2_i386.deb 404 Not Found [IP: 80]16:18
pteague_workok, how do i add a pdf printer?16:18
sunogbagadhcpless oh man..16:18
lapbut it tell me this16:18
lleonardcannonball: not sure.  it kept happening to me on 7.04 so I just kept compiz turned off until 7.10.16:18
SpookyETI find bash scripting ugly. Is there a modern shell with a decent scripting language?16:18
cannonballlleonard: nice.  just running compiz detected that gtk-window-decotrator wasn't running and so it started it up for me.16:18
hkBstis it possible to do an upgrade from xubuntu-6.06 to ubuntu-7.10 ?16:18
Picilap: Hold on, let me look at something for you.16:18
daxrocDo ati cards support compisite wm ?16:18
zthhow do I see what application or process uses a specific device? like /dev/dsp16:18
sunogbagadhcpless sorry..16:18
tritiumpteague_work: System -> Administration -> Printers, then add printer16:18
bazhanghkBst: technically yes, but a long haul16:18
lleonardcannonball:  that's a good easy fix to know! thanks!16:18
dhcplesssunogbaga, thanks for the help anyway16:19
voxlap: it probably means the server is being updated currently. try again in a few hours16:19
lapPici: it's been 3 week that i've not touched my computer16:19
lapvox: ok16:19
tritiumhkBst: you'll have to upgrade in steps16:19
wolszth: lsof16:19
dhcplessgenii, i read this one, i'm stuck at the dhcp part16:19
cannonballlleonard: to be technically correct, I ran 'compiz --help' but it went through and did its startup checks before it actually printout out the help screen.16:19
hkBsthmm, I see. 6.10 is known not to support my wireless though :(16:19
lapvox: i'd look for the package libcairo2_1.4.10-1ubuntu4.2_i386.deb, but it doesnt exist anymore on the server16:19
lapvox: why it told me to install it then ??16:20
bazhanghkBst: best to back up and install fresh16:20
[^Twen^]I get an error when trying to start my computer running Ubuntu: "can't access tty; job control turned off" - How do I solve this?16:20
tritiumbazhang: not necessary16:20
cannonballlleonard: What to expect if/when this happens for you again:  http://pastebin.ca/83374116:20
geniidhcpless: Please paste contents of file /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf to the pastebin16:20
dhcplessvox,  do u have any advice for me?16:20
wolstritium: but the question remains if he can get out of his predicament with what he knows16:20
bazhangtritium not necessarily?16:20
Picilap: 4.2 has already been superseded, try doing an update again, then an upgrade.16:21
lleonardcannonball:  thanks!16:21
voxlap: it's possible the list of packages requiring updating was completed before the package you need was uploaded to that server16:21
hkBstbazhang: I'm having some problems getting feisty to boot...16:21
tritiumbazhang: correct.  It is your _opinion_ that it's best for him to reinstall.16:21
voxor that16:21
lapPici: how ?16:21
lapPici: it's an automatic update16:21
dhcplessgenii http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49694/16:21
bazhanghkBst: better listen to tritium :}16:21
lukasz!find players16:21
ubotuFound: libphp-phplayersmenu16:21
Picilap: manually:  `sudo apt-get update`16:21
Pici!players | lukasz16:22
ubotulukasz: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs16:22
[^Twen^]"can't access tty; job control turned off" - What does this means?16:22
geniidhcpless: OK, reading16:22
Pici!ttyerror | [^Twen^]16:22
ubotu[^Twen^]: If you get an error on boot similar to « /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off », you can try the fixes proposed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TTYError16:22
lapPici: why it doesnt update automaticaly ?16:22
lapPici: I never had to do this before today16:22
dhcplessgenii, thanks16:22
Jack_SparrowPici: Id be curious to see his sources list16:22
Picilap: Because it only does so every few days, and you said that you hadnt used it in a bit.16:22
PiciJack_Sparrow: me too, but only if it doesnt work.16:23
geniidhcpless: That is not the contents of the file I requested16:23
dhcplessgenii,  wait - i got it wring then,,,16:23
lapPici: if i wait, ubuntu will repair this automaticaly ?16:23
Picilap: Yep.16:23
lapPici: ok16:23
lapthank you : )16:23
lapPici: it will be long you think ?16:24
pteague_worknm... generic printer -> PDF file generator :)16:24
tritiumpteague_work: right!16:24
dhcplessgenii, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49697/16:24
geniidhcpless: OK, reading16:24
[^Twen^]Pici: I didn't really understood mutch of that thing =P16:24
lukaszyeah I got it to work :)16:24
lukaszI downloaded xxms216:25
lukaszSry if I mispell it16:25
sunogbagadhcpless still am curious, if it's not so much of a hassle can u paste /var/log/syslog? the latest log will be helpful16:25
dhcplesssunogbaga, of course16:26
lukaszI am currently using Exaile :)16:26
=== temp_man is now known as derdracle
geniidhcpless: You have only 1 network card or 2 network cards?16:26
geniidhcpless: Work is demanding me but I'll return16:27
lukaszwhere should I go to chat about ubuntu off topic16:27
derdracleI think, perhaps, from my kernel logs it may be that it's not recognizing the partitions on my disk. It mounts and identifies my SCSI disks just fine.16:27
T1m0thylukasz: #ubuntu-offtopic16:27
dhcplessgenii, im about to go offline soon. if you have any ideas pls email - itai1m@yahoo16:27
derdracleI have WindowsXP64 installed on these partitions already.16:28
nikitisQuestion.  Got a new monitor 1920x1200 resolution and i am having trouble with two things.  I have the resolution set correctly, but it's kind of fuzzy.  slightly.  When in windows it's clear and sharp so I know it's capable of looking sharp, but currently it looks like it would if it was using a smaller resolution than normal.  Any ideas?16:28
dhcplesssunogbaga, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49701/16:28
bazhangwhat card nikitis16:28
nikitisAsus Nvidia 7800 GTX16:28
tritiumnikitis: you're positive that X is using the monitor's native resolution?16:29
bazhangnikitis: do you have the restricted drivers installed?16:29
derdracleAh, weird, it works in safe mode...16:29
nikitistritium, lol, it was at 1650x108016:29
tritiumnikitis: ;)16:30
nikitisi set it to 1920x1200 though16:30
sunogbagadhcpless i can't see dhcp3-server trying to at least run based from the logs16:30
slugoneim on a MACBOOK and i cannot get the dvd's to play from my dvd drive16:30
bazhangslugone: running gutsy?16:30
dhcplesssunogbaga, thats because it doesnt run...16:30
odinrikois there a gnome alarm clock? or is there a prog I gotta install16:30
nikitisTritium, one more question.  When i boot the ubuntu splash screen is now scewed16:30
tritiumnikitis: screwed, or skewed?16:31
nikitisor both16:31
dhcplesssunogbaga, its very strange cause my setting is very simple16:31
bazhangslugone: got libdvdcss2 installed?16:31
tritiumnikitis: heh, how so?  Screenshot you can point me to somewhere?16:31
nikitisTritium, it's like someone took the screen and twisted it several times like a rag16:31
sunogbagadhcpless no, i mean it should at least say there's config error or something16:31
tritium!dvd | slugone16:31
ubotuslugone: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs16:31
nikitistritium, don't think I can take a screen shot at that moment16:31
Xenobytenikitis, I have to edit my /etc/X11/xorg.conf to give it my monitor's correct hsync and vert refresh16:32
tritiumnikitis: wow, I'd like to see that16:32
slugonei think so ill check,,,,,,,,,just sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 ?16:32
nikitisyea it's only on this monitor16:32
sunogbagadhcpless what does it say when you try /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start ?16:32
nikitisonce ubuntu starts it's fine16:32
pteague_workwhy is it that my laptop is defaulting to the wireless connection instead of the wired connection even though the wired connection is eth0 & is faster ?16:32
tritiumnikitis: yes, do as Xenobyte suggests, and double-check your rates16:32
maekanyone using banshee been able to get the metadata searcher to find there album art?16:32
nikitisXenobyte, did you have that issue with the splash screen?16:32
slugonei know this must be a standard issue cuz it didnt work on my other laptop....non mac ....ty16:32
Xenobytenikitis, no16:32
slugonegreat help as always16:32
nikitisXenobyte, it looks great now in 1920x120016:33
dhcplesssunogbaga, it says "dhcpd self-test failed. Please fix the config file.16:33
bazhangslugone: you can do that if you enable the repos from medibuntu16:33
dhcplessThe error was: "16:33
sunogbagadhcpless provide you added INTERFACES=eth0 in /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server16:33
Xenobytenikitis, i'm jealous ;)16:33
nikitisLet me reboot and see if it starts again16:33
nikitisback in 165016:33
dhcplesssunogbaga, i did16:33
slugonebazhang how can i do that ,,,,,,im new to the linux game16:33
bazhangslugone: or you can just add the one package from the site, and also win32codecs the instructions are on the site www.medibuntu.org16:34
sunogbagadhcpless can try a simpler config file.. wait ill check for something16:34
nikitistritium, When i Ctrl+Alt+Backspace it restarts in 1650x108016:34
Jack_Sparrowslugone: You might want to read through restricted formats  help... it covers all of thet stuff including MP3's etc16:34
tritiumslugone: you're right.  It is a standard issue to to patent emcumbrances.16:34
tritiumnikitis: what order are the resolutions listed in /etc/X11/xorg.conf?16:35
orlickanyone know how to get system beeps turned on... they have never worked in gnome-terminal for me16:35
slugonehmm that makes sense though i guess.....capitalism......blah16:35
albatorhuston, we have an install icon16:35
nikitistritium, let me check16:35
bazhangslugone: one more thing: you should install ubuntu-restricted-extras for some of the non-free things like mp3 playing etc from the repos you enable in synaptic16:35
dhcplesssunogbaga, wait i got a new error when running as root:16:35
Xenobytei g2g kids, rock on penguins16:35
dhcpless/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf line 17: subnet netmask bad subnet number/mask combination.16:35
dhcplesssubnet netmask
dhcplessi see the error - it should be 16216:36
sunogbagadhcpless there..16:36
thordhcpless: I think that should be
thornot 19816:36
sunogbagadhcpless thor is right16:37
Jack_Sparrowthor: good catch, you pass the dyslexia test16:37
dhcplessof course...16:37
cannonballIt's not complaining abou t the 198.  It's complaining about the last number not being on a boundary.16:37
thordhcpless: cannonball is correct...the NET should be
thorJack_Sparrow:  not quite...I missed the NET <smile>16:38
tritiumnikitis: yes?16:38
sunogbagadhcpless so that's why it doesn't appear in the logs16:39
nikitistritium, ^^ My pastebin http://rafb.net/p/80VMYt33.html16:39
tritiumokay, nikitis16:39
cannonballthor: You're only the second person I've ever seen who does <smile> instead of :-) or <grin>, etc.  Must mean you're old school.16:39
dhcplesssunogbaga, i'm trying to fix it , in the meanwhile i'm getting "semicolon expected errors"...16:39
nikitistritium, what is Failsafe?16:39
cannonballdhcpless: yes, each line should end with a semi-colon.16:40
tritiumnikitis: you added all those custom modelines?16:40
cannonballdhcpless: How about I post a working dhcp config (with PXE configuration in it) to give you something to work from16:40
thorcannonball: yeah...20 year old habits die hard16:40
nikitistritium, no, it was done automatically16:40
nikitistritium, i had a smaller 1280x1024 monitor, but for christmas I got this one16:40
dhcplesscannonball, pls do ,16:40
Feloefehello i have problems with my printer in ubuntu (gutsy) i find my printer hes connected to a windows system on usb when i push print test page it starts printing but i doesn't use inkt its just a with page coming tru ? anyone ? its a pixma4500 from canon16:41
jamescarrI forgot... what was the command to make eth0 accept any dhcp offers?16:41
jamescarre something16:41
tritiumnikitis: at this point, you should "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg", then16:41
tritiumnikitis: choose the proper selections along the way.  That'll generate a new xorg.conf for you16:42
nikitistritium, k, sounds great.  I'll do that.16:42
lukaszI am looking at gnome-look and one them is a source tar.gz and how do I extract it?16:42
nikitistritium, i'll report my findings16:42
lukaszThe themes16:42
jamescarrthaqnks for nothing guys16:42
bruenigjamescarr, you are welcome16:43
bazhangno problem jamescarr16:43
Jack_Sparrow!patience > jamescarr16:43
{Nathan}I installed a command line system, and it seems that my PCMCIA port is not used. lspci does not show my card. Any help?16:43
tritiumnikitis: good luck16:43
x-X-xhas flash been fixed for ubuntu apt-get ?16:43
Jack_Sparrowx-X-x: no16:44
lukaszproblem solved16:44
sunogbaga!flashissues | x-X-x16:44
ubotux-X-x: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.16:44
x-X-xi cant wait i need youtube !! :P16:44
geniidhcpless: Getting anywhere yet?16:44
Feloefecanon Pixma 4500 printer help someone ?16:45
dhcplessgenii, getting closer....16:45
=== temp_user is now known as DerDracle
cannonballdhcpless: http://pastebin.ca/83375716:46
nikitistritium, that did it16:46
Feloefefound my printer but when i push print testpage only a white paper comes out no inkt onit... when i print a txt file same problem only a white page coming out16:46
geniidhcpless: You have 1 or 2 network adapters on the machine you want to be the dhcp server?16:46
judgementanyone has skype, ekiga, or other sep/VOIP services? which do you reccomend?16:46
dhcplesscannonball, thanls16:47
nikitistritium, now there's the issue of the splash screen.  I can try and reboot now and see if the new xorg.conf fixed that, but i don't know if the splash screen uses it16:47
kristjanswhat is a good p2p app, such as frostwire?16:47
bazhangFeloefe: when did you last change ink cartridges?16:47
Feloefelol they are full16:47
cannonballdhcpless: Save a copy of that somewhere, it will expire in a day.16:47
wolsnikitis: the boot splashscreen does not use X1116:47
Feloefeit prints on windows system16:47
judgementkristjans: limewire! gnuetella16:47
kristjansthanks, judgement16:47
TonrenIs anyone using ATI's Catalyst Control Center (the proprietary fglrx drivers) with a widescreen monitor?16:48
{Nathan}How do I install PCMCIA support (modules, packages?)16:48
crush_grooveornin room ,. New development in my mp3 folder. when I doubleclick an mp3 to play it . it turns to what appears to be a txt file and wont play. If I reboot . it will reset and become a mp3 again /.and will play16:48
nikitiswols, i thought so16:48
Peco1Hi, im new to ubuntu and linux - just embarking on an install utilising a usb key, can anyone lend any initial tips?16:48
judgementyw! :) btw for torrents i recommend deluge..16:48
{Nathan}crush_groove: Did you get the videos playing yesterday16:49
nikitiswols, how then can i tell it to use 1920x1200?  OR is it not programmed to run that high?16:49
=== judgement is now known as movela
nikitiswols, or render?16:49
{Nathan}judgement: For GUI, yes, but for the real torrent lovers rtorrent is amazing16:49
crush_groove{nathan} yes . with vlc never did play in kaffeine16:49
tritiumnikitis: glad it fixed the resolution at least.  Not sure what to make of the splash screen issue.16:49
{Nathan}crush_groove: I never got anything to work in kaffeine either16:49
=== Dave2 is now known as __Dave2__
crush_groovewhat is the method to set vlc as default player ?16:50
movela{Nathan}: well i havent really know how to use the cli yet... but still learning hopefully soon16:50
tritiumPeco1: the installation guide has some info on a usb key install16:50
moveladeluge gave me amazing download speeds16:50
nikitistritium, is there an official name for that orange splash screen that has the indicator during boot?  So I can refine my search?16:50
JensenDie1is there a way to use the system->admin->network settings to specifiy a certain mac address for a specified location?16:51
{Nathan}movela: It's actually pretty easy, you just have to jump in. Once you get good with it though, you'll never want to go back16:51
bazhangPeco1: the definitive guide is at www.pendrivelinux.com16:51
Picinikitis: That is called the usplash.16:51
movelaanyways so whats the deal w/sip/voip services? does anybody use one?16:51
wolsnikitis: the splash screen will never run at 1920x120016:51
=== __Dave2__ is now known as Dave2
geniidhcpless: In my pxeboot setup, I have 2 netwrok adapters. The eth1 is static ip of and this is my /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf file : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49709/16:51
tritiumnikitis: usplash16:51
tritiumnikitis: the issue is that is skewed, right?  Not the resolution?16:52
movela{Nathan}: thats true. the sudo commands amaze window users :(16:52
nikitistritium, yes16:52
nikitistritium, correct16:52
* tritium interprets skewed as not perfectly rectangular.16:52
nikitistritium, resolution is great now16:52
tritiumGood, nikitis.16:52
nikitistritium, i'm working on usplash error now.16:52
slugoneokay i installed the medibuntu repositories and the gdg key but i dont quite understand how to add it to my keyring :S16:52
nikitiswols, why not?16:52
wolscazse usplash only understand 640x480 standard vga16:53
bazhangslugone: just cut and paste that to a terminal16:53
movelai don't have a phone/cellphone. thats why i want a service like this16:53
slugonei did but for the keyring manager16:53
waelhi everyone , i have a problem in banshee .can somebody help me ?16:53
slugonedo i need to bother?16:53
movelalike SIP/VOIP16:53
tritiumnikitis: wols is correct.  However, it sounds like you have some other problem that distorts the image.16:53
nikitisbut the usplash does go higher than that.  Otherwise on my 1280x1024 monitor it would have looked like crap and blurred.  And it wasn't16:53
compwiz18Is it possible to dd something onto a DVD, ie dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/dev/hdc ?16:53
rubaxHiya peeps. I dont have audio in gutsy16:53
bazhangslugone: once you have done that hit reload in synaptic and then search for the packages you want to install16:54
PhophosHey, can someone give me a hand restoring sound to my main speakers? I lost it after a Firefox crash recently.16:54
nikitisIt was very sharp16:54
rubaxBUT, I did something and now im getting it through the mic input!16:54
nikitiscan the usplash be reinstalled?16:54
Peco1Hi, im new to ubuntu and linux - just embarking on an install utilising a usb key, can anyone lend any initial tips?16:54
rubaxits a toshiba a105 with ati sb450 chip16:54
nikitistritium, can the usplash be reinstalled?  May fix it?16:54
movelanikitis: i think so... sudo apt-get install usplash... i think its in synaptic too16:55
slugoneshould i also install the libdvdcss2-dev ?16:55
bazhangPeco1: http://www.pendrivelinux.com has it all16:55
rubaxI researched and changed the model to 3 stack..didnt worked, then changed the menu.lst and added apic=ht16:55
bazhangslugone: no need16:55
rubaxand had sound on the mic16:55
Picinikitis: That shouldnt be necessary.  You can modify the resolution of the usplash by changing the framebuffer modes.16:55
waelhi everyone , i have a problem in banshee. can someone help me ??16:55
tritiumnikitis: it can be regenerated, yes.  I need to run.  If you're still having trouble later, I'll try to help.16:55
Pici!fb | nikitis16:55
ubotunikitis: Information about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub16:55
sandr-Peco1, what are you installing?16:55
rubaxdoes this damages the mic input?16:56
bazhangPeco1: you see that link?16:56
PhophosHey, can someone give me a hand restoring sound to my main speakers? I lost it after a Firefox crash recently.16:56
tritiumnikitis: talk to you later, buddy.16:56
* genii sips a coffee16:56
nikitistritium, thanks for your help16:56
tritiumtake care16:56
nikitisPici, ok, i know about this.  So this is what usplash uses?16:57
Picinikitis: Yes.16:57
KlrSpzanyone have any idea when the FLASH plugin pkg is going to start working?16:57
nikitisPici, ok, is there a list of values to use for 1920x1200?16:57
Peco1bazhang - sure.  Thanks16:58
Picinikitis: Probably not, I'd just find something that matches that ratio if I were you.16:58
nikitisPici, these only go up to 1600x120016:58
nikitisPici, will try thanks16:58
fabi_anone of my external harddisks gets mounted with wrong permission always. compared to the other one it has "removable: no" instead of "removable: yes", is there a way to fix this?16:58
bhajunHi guys - dunno if this is the right place to ask, but I'm planning to dual-boot ubutnu and xp.  2 questions about it - first, is 20gb a sufficient partition size for linux?16:58
waelhi everyone , i have a problem in banshee. can someone help me ??16:58
movelaKlrSpz: what do you mean?16:59
Peco1sandr- - ubuntu 7.1016:59
KlrSpzbhajun: yes, definitely16:59
rskbhajun: just for linux 3gb should be fine16:59
KlrSpzmovela: i keep getting an error about the tar.gz not matching the md5 checksum16:59
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KlrSpzbhajun: i wouldn't do < 10gig if you really wanna play with it16:59
bruenigKlrSpz, install it manually16:59
movelabhajun: thats more than enough17:00
linux4meanyone here have ubuntu 7.10 desktop running under vmware v6 working ok to burn dvd's?17:00
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KlrSpzyeah, but i am doing this for a friend and they aren't savvy enough to update it manually, wanted synaptic to monitor it for them17:00
movelaKlrSpz: what do you need flash for?17:00
KlrSpzthat's kind of a stupid question17:00
KlrSpzuh yeah?17:01
KlrSpzno, to take over the world with17:01
bruenigKlrSpz, the flash package is a script only, it is faulty, synaptic maintaining it is precisely the reason why it has problems17:01
movelait should install automatically thru firefox17:01
KlrSpzc'mon, don't ask asinine questions17:01
bazhangKlrSpz: ease it up17:01
brueniginstall it once, and you are done, all you have to do is drop the .so into a directory17:01
bruenigone file17:01
Trent0r23Hello all17:02
bazhanghi Trent0r2317:02
Trent0r23New ubuntu user, windows user, and probably going to switch over17:02
Trent0r23I have looked on google and on the forums and maybe I am not searching right17:02
bruenig!enter | Trent0r2317:02
ubotuTrent0r23: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:02
KlrSpzyeah i know, that's what i do in gentoo17:02
PiciKlrSpz: Do you have anything constructive to contribute to the channel?17:02
TonusKlrSpz, http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/12/26/manually-install-adobe-flash-temporary-flashplugin-nonfree-fix/17:03
rubaxAnyone has an ideas on the sound issue?17:03
Trent0r23one sec i am typing :P17:03
KlrSpzTonus: yeah thanks, but i know how to do it.. was just wondering if the ubuntu devs were going to fix it anytime soon since it's been reported for many months17:03
Trent0r23But I am trying to host my own webpage with ubuntu with a registerred domain, how do i do that with ubuntu 7.1017:03
bhajunThanks guys - my second question is about a partition for sharing.  I've read that I should create a a fat32 partition for this, but I've also read how fat32 is more prone to disk errors, has less security, less space efficiency, etc...how would you guys then keep all files/docs so that they're accessible to both xp and linux?17:03
n3wUs3rhi, i just installed gutsy on my laptop and when i click home or music or whatever in the places menu nothing happens at all17:03
KlrSpzbhajun: ntfs is pretty stable with the ntfs-3g fuse driver17:03
n3wUs3rhow can i fix it please?17:04
thorTrent0r23: are you using something like dyndns for the domain name registration?17:04
Trent0r23i dont know17:04
dl7lngood evening :)17:04
VanKurtHow do I turn on my WLAN adapter under Linux (Ubuntu)? I just installed the System, but WLAN is not working. In the terminal it says "wireless= radio off"....17:04
TonusKlrSpz, ah, okay. yeah, it's an ugly bug indeed. has it been months already? that's not good.17:04
thorTrent0r23: do you have the web server set up in ubuntu?17:04
Trent0r23I will be registerring the website with www.networksolutions.com, but as for what you are talking about I have no ide17:04
wolsTrent0r23: what is your domain? and: does your webserver have a static IP?17:05
dl7lncan someone tell me where i can have an possible error in my config? http://nopaste.org/p/axYEOU6Elb17:05
bhajunKlrSpz: Ah, nice.  So this would allow me to access anything on the windows partition from linux?17:05
Jack_SparrowKlrSpz: It has not been reported broken for many months...17:05
Trent0r23I do not know my domain name yet, but I will ensure that it has a static ip17:05
wolsTrent0r23: what is the is the problem you want #ubuntu to answer?17:05
wols!lamp | Trent0r2317:06
ubotuTrent0r23: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:06
n3wUs3rwols: do you maybe know why the file manager wouldn't open?17:06
cookiehello everbody17:06
wolsn3wUs3r: no17:06
Jack_SparrowKlrSpz: As long as you are using firefox, use the fix we show and install it manually17:06
cookieI need some help installing gtk, gtk+ and gtk 2.017:06
cookieall of them17:06
wolscookie: why?17:06
wolscookie: if you run gnome, gtk2 is already installed17:06
cookiewell...I can not use GUi for some programs without them17:06
crush_groovehow do I set vlc as default player17:06
cookie\I do have gnome17:07
cookieand ubuntu 7.1017:07
Trent0r23And no, no webserver setup in ubuntu, how do i do that?17:07
Trent0r23is there a forum link of some kind that has info on how to host my own website with my reg domain?17:07
n3wUs3rdoes anyone know why the file manager won't open on my new and freshly updated ubuntu gutsy installation? there is no output on the screen at all, nothing happens when  i click anything inside the places menu17:07
Pici!lamp > Trent0r23 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)17:07
wolsTrent0r23: ubuto just told you17:07
cookiehow about gtk+17:07
cookiewhat is that17:07
Pici!enter | cookie17:07
ubotucookie: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:07
wolscookie: most probably a gtk C++ binding. what app needs it? and what is the error message17:08
Jack_Sparrowcookie: What is it that you are trying to run that will not without those?17:08
VanKurtCan anyone help me with my WLAN?17:08
KlrSpzhm.. all the flash elements are showing up as white boxes now.. not working17:08
monkeyBoxHi all.  How can I install postgresql 7.4 alongside 8.2?  I need to connect to a 7.4 server, and I can't use the 8.2 client to connect to a 7.4 server.   Any ideas?17:08
n3wUs3rgah, does noone have this same problem as me??17:08
KlrSpzi'm bout to dump a gentoo image on this box and call it a day17:08
cookiewell...I can not use C gtk/gtk.h header17:08
cookieNmapFE gives error17:08
n3wUs3ralso, firefox crashes a lot and is very slow.. maybe that is related?17:08
wolscookie: that's something totally different17:09
bazhangKlrSpz: haha bye17:09
wolscookie: install the gtk2 -dev package17:09
Jack_SparrowKlrSpz: Would you like me to walk you through fixing flash, or just call it a day and be gone..17:09
KlrSpzJack_Sparrow: i write kernels for a living, i know how to copy a system object file to it's correct location17:09
KlrSpzthe problem isn't ME, it's ubuntu's jacked up repositories17:09
cookiesudo apt-get install gtk2-dev17:09
cookieReading package lists... Done17:09
cookieBuilding dependency tree17:09
cookieReading state information... Done17:09
cookieE: Couldn't find package gtk2-dev17:09
Pici!paste | cookie17:10
ubotucookie: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:10
KlrSpzwoah buddy, use a pastebin17:10
Jack_SparrowKlrSpz: Obviously you dont know everything  so good luck with that..17:10
wolsKlrSpz: you talk nonsense. lots of it17:10
n3wUs3ris it possible to get help in this channel?17:10
KlrSpzawwww... don't get butt-hurt just cuz i said ubuntu's repo's are jacked up17:10
wols!patience n3wUs3r17:10
wols!patience | n3wUs3r17:10
ubotun3wUs3r: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:10
cookiehow do I install gtk2-dev17:10
wolscookie: packages.ubuntu.com  there you can search for files. search for gtk.h17:10
n3wUs3rwols: noone is answering17:11
wolscookie: then you know what to install17:11
PhophosHey, can someone give me a hand restoring sound to my main speakers? I lost it after a Firefox crash recently ...17:11
KlrSpzcookie: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev17:11
cookieok thanks!17:11
n3wUs3rall i see is a bunch of questions but no answers17:11
VanKurtCould someone please tell me how to change wireless=radio off to ON?17:11
KlrSpzcookie, a good idea is to search apt broadly, and limit with grep.. such as: apt-cache search gtk2 --names-only |grep dev17:11
bazhangn3wUs3r: what is your question?17:11
KlrSpzn3wUs3r: what's your question, sorry?17:12
n3wUs3rbazhang: when I click on an item under the places menu, nothing happens17:12
n3wUs3rKlrSpz: when i click an item under the places menu, nothing happens at all17:12
KlrSpzlooks like it's just opera that doesn't like the latest flash... bummer17:12
n3wUs3rthank you very much for answering17:12
=== Lukasz-breakfest is now known as Lukasz
cookiewhat is the difference between gtk, gtk+ and gtk 2?17:12
KlrSpzn3wUs3r: hmm did you delete the folders in your home dir?17:13
coderedHey is anyone able to help me with my question posted on the boards?  My post is here and it concerns a boot problem after dmraid is installed ->http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4023246#post402324617:13
=== Dave2 is now known as __Dave2__
chrismona '+' and a '2'17:13
n3wUs3rKlrSpz: no, i didnt delete anything, it's a new install.. was working yesterday and other programs seem to work17:13
VanKurtCan u guys even hear me? :-(17:14
jarlodn3wUs3r, do any of them work?17:14
KlrSpzcodered: it seems like your initrd might be damaged?17:14
KlrSpzn3wUs3r: that's strange tbh... so NOTHING under places works?17:14
n3wUs3rjarlod: no, the other options make it like "starting network" and then dissapears, nothing else17:14
nickrud!patience | VanKurt (probably the people paying attention right now don't know)17:14
ubotuVanKurt (probably the people paying attention right now don't know): The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:14
wolsVanKurt: no one will answer unless you give a sensible problem description so someone can at least make stab at how to solve it17:14
n3wUs3rKlrSpz: yes17:14
KlrSpzopen up a terminal and type "nautilus' and see what happens17:15
KlrSpzif you get an error, that's the issue17:15
n3wUs3rsearch after files works17:15
KlrSpzif not, theeeennn... not sure17:15
coderedKlrSpz: this problem happens every time I do a fresh install...Ive tried it 5 times, all the same result.17:15
n3wUs3rleif@leif-laptop:~$ nautilus17:15
n3wUs3rthats what happened17:15
n3wUs3rno windows appeard17:15
jarlodn3wUs3r, try running nautilus from commandline, and see if it exits with errors17:15
n3wUs3rjarlod: thats what i just did, nothing happened17:15
x-X-xwhat is gstreamer?17:15
KlrSpzcodered: sorry i can't be of more help, i don't really do any software raid17:16
jarlodlol, I should have read before typing17:16
RadiantFire_n3wUs3r: you can try manually specifying a location on the command line by doing nautilus --no-desktop <some url>17:16
n3wUs3rhmm, i can't clik on the desktop either17:16
KlrSpzn3wUs3r: nothing happened at all? try "DISPLAY=:0 nautilus"17:16
Trent0r23Ok, so I am totally new to using Linux, and that includes the terminal and such.  What is a good resource to know the basics of older Linux?17:16
KlrSpzmaybe you have multiple screens set up for some reason?17:16
ZambeziI just changed my graphiccard and thought I remember the way to reconfigure x, but I didn't. What's the command? I'm using Irssi now so surfing is a problem.17:16
=== fc7user1 is now known as ward_
KlrSpzTrent0r23: older linux?17:16
=== RadiantFire_ is now known as RadiantFire
mrdinklesGetting error 17: Cannot mount selected partition. I went ahead and changed the ext 3 to ext 2-- Same error17:17
n3wUs3rRadiantFire_: that did the same, nothing17:17
wolsZambezi: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:17
n3wUs3rleif@leif-laptop:~$ nautilus --no-desktop /home17:17
nickrud!info libgstreamer0.10-0 | x-X-x17:17
ubotux-x-x: libgstreamer0.10-0: Core GStreamer libraries and elements. In component main, is optional. Version 0.10.14-1ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 664 kB, installed size 2036 kB17:17
n3wUs3rnothing at all17:17
wolsmrdinkles: do you get the grub menu on boot?17:17
KlrSpzn3wUs3r: you could try something semi-dangerous if you feel risky17:17
mrdinkleswols: ya17:17
RadiantFiren3wUs3r: does the System Monitor show nautilus as running or not?17:17
prefec2hello folks. I have a rather strange problem. I upgraded from feisty to gutsy and now my (or to be more percise my mother's) wlan stopped working.17:17
KlrSpzuninstall natuilius, and reinstallit17:17
wolsmrdinkles: pastebin your fdisk -l and menu.lst17:17
Trent0r23KlrSPz: I know nothing about linux, with hopes that it would be easy to setup my website at home with ubuntu, but I am having trouble with the terminals.  What is a good basis to know how to use shells17:17
n3wUs3rRadiantFire: how do you get the system monitor?17:17
wolsprefec2: what wlan chip, what driver17:17
=== x-spec-ting is now known as Spec
nickrudx-X-x, heh, useful.  GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data.17:18
RadiantFiren3wUs3r: system->admin->System Monitor17:18
prefec2I am using a Thinkpad R51e with atheros wlan17:18
wolsprefec2: what driver?17:18
KlrSpzTrent0r23: well to be honest, that comes with experience... reading specifically what you want to do is a good start though17:18
prefec2driver is ath_pci17:18
KlrSpzif you REALLY wanna know how to run a server, i don't suggest ubuntu17:18
n3wUs3rRadiantFire: yes, it's running a lot17:18
nickrud!terminal | Trent0r2317:18
mrdinkleswols: can you send me the paste bin link17:18
ubotuTrent0r23: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:18
AcidicChipI've tried several things, and I can't seem to figure out how to get wget to download the contents (recursive) of an FTP site. I keep just getting a single file, usualy ".list" or something. Anyone know where I can find some examples?17:18
wolsprefec2: is the driver laoded? any dmesg output? /sbin/ifconfig -a showing ath0 ?17:18
n3wUs3rRadiantFire: like 8 times17:18
graftAcidicChip: wget respects robots.txt - if the site doesn't want you to download recursively, wget won't do it17:19
Trent0r23KleSPz:  What would you suggest?17:19
prefec2wols: the strange thing is, that the network-manager displays the net. But I cannot conntect to it. The driver is loaded17:19
n3wUs3rRadiantFire: i pressed kill in the menu and it seems to have worked17:19
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:19
n3wUs3rRadiantFire: nautilus appeared when i pressed kill...17:19
KlrSpzTrent0r23: well, depends on your dedication.. gentoo/arch linux are both great at getting to understand your userspace, as well as the terminal capabilities17:19
RadiantFiren3wUs3r: the one thing I could say is delete all the nautilus config directories under .gconf, then when nautilus restarts its config will be restored to default17:19
KlrSpzbu if you just wanna know how to use some tools in a terminal, then i suggest just picking a topic and starting there17:19
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prefec2wols: I checked the WPA key17:19
RadiantFiren3wUs3r: thats very destructive though17:19
KlrSpzsuch as configuring apache, or searching for files, etc17:20
dna_nick digin417:20
coderedHey is anyone able to help me with my question posted on the boards?  My post is here and it concerns a boot problem after dmraid is installed -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4023246#post402324617:20
n3wUs3rRadiantFire: thanks, the menu seems to be working again now anyway and i can click on the desktop17:20
chazcoHi... anyone know how to install ubuntu-restricted-extras, but not the msttcorefonts, using apt-get? The MS fonts break all my documents (which is odd, since they use the MS fonts...)17:20
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prefec2wols: Right now I wanted to know if I can increase the verbosity of NetworkManager in syslog, so I can investigate thr problem an further.17:20
n3wUs3rRadiantFire: thank you very much, jarlod you too and the other guy17:20
=== dna_ is now known as digin4
graftKlrSpz: how is configuring apache any different on gentoo and ubuntu?17:20
RadiantFiren3wUs3r: oh goodie :-) Nautilus is somewhat flaky sometimes, jsut needs to be given a kick in the pants17:20
nickrudTrent0r23, ubuntu will work just fine for learning, it uses debian server configs which are very common in the real world17:20
n3wUs3rbye all17:20
bazhangway offtopic17:21
moduanyone got any recommendations on a webcomic archiver that downloads every comic (in this case from ctrl-alt-del) so I can read them offline later?17:21
Jimnasticscan any one advise me an app that has a built in email server and can send mails to multiple recipients at high speed? i want to send emails to subscribers.17:21
wolsmodu: wget17:21
AcidicChipgraft: it's an FTP site. there is no robots.txt17:21
KlrSpzgraft: it's hugely different.. first off in ubuntu you don't have to worry about modules so much, and the config files are split insanely different (over-organized in ubuntu imo)17:21
jarlodyeah RadiantFire, I get that way too sometimes17:21
zobbanhi all when i want to play a file on vlc it closes down this is the error in terminal i will use pastebin http://www.pastebin.ca/83380217:21
KlrSpzin gentoo you build your binary to requirement specs, then harden in17:21
wolsjarlod: use a mailinglistmanager like mailman.we don't do spamming support17:21
moduwols: doesnt work very good for me when they dont list their directory17:21
KlrSpzyou don't get massive security in ubuntu, that's for sure17:21
graftKlrSpz: so the config is different - you're not learning anything fundamental about Apache config by using gentoo17:21
bazhangor join #gentoo17:22
wolsmodu: there are links on the pages. it will work17:22
mrdinkleswols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49711/17:22
wolsJimnastics: use a mailinglistmanager like mailman.we don't do spamming support17:22
Trent0r23To translate into Windows term, Root is C:/ as home is My Documents?17:22
zobbanhi all when i want to play a file on vlc it closes down this is the error in terminal i will use pastebin http://www.pastebin.ca/83380217:22
prefec2wols: do you have any suggestion, how I can increase the verbosity of NetworkManager in syslog? It looks like I have to increase the verbosity of wpasupplicant, but I do not know how.17:22
KlrSpznot just a config file, but how to compile it properly and getting all the modules you need as a fastcgi, cli, or built in makes a huge diff, all of the above you don't normally encounter in ubuntu is all i'm saying17:22
nickrudTrent0r23, for all practical purposes, yes17:23
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wolsmrdinkles: this is no ubuntu menu.lst17:23
graftAcidicChip: hrm... what's your command line look like?17:23
RadiantFireTrent0r23: /home is more like the User Folder above My Documents17:23
Jimnasticswols - not spaming. i have subscribers. and they can unsubscribe any time17:23
wolsprefec2: no. try /usr/share/doc/<package>17:23
bazhangKlrSpz: gentoo is nice but offtopic here17:23
zobbanhello can i get some help17:23
wolsJimnastics: a) I don't believe you b) mailman is a perfectly fine mailinglist manager17:23
prefec2wols: tnx. Will have a look :-)17:24
KlrSpzwell he was asking something about learning, and i don't feel that ubuntu is practical for that.. not in a real hardened security env. that is17:24
wolszobban: only if you describe your problem17:24
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coderedboot problem after dmraid is installed, please read -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4023246#post402324617:24
KlrSpzif you wanna click and have it possibly work, yeah ubuntu is great17:24
bazhangcome on KlrSpz17:24
graft(this is about to get nasty)17:24
zobbani want to play a movie on vlc i get this errorhttp://www.pastebin.ca/83380217:24
wolsbazhang: igore him. he likes to talk nonsense. a lot17:24
gahan-whatś happened to alsa-firmware package in gutsy?17:25
bazhangzobban: what about the other media players? do they error out as well17:25
kritzstapfi installed ubuntu using debootstrap, now im getting "Target system doesnt have /sbin/init" from the initramfs, did i miss anything?17:25
graftzobban: lsof /dev/dsp17:25
Jimnasticswols will mailman do the jobs i want ( i have to send 1000s of mails)17:25
wolszobban: does audio normally work? you get sound?17:25
zobbanyes all media players they just open and closes by them self17:25
nickrudgahan-, I think you mean alsa-firmware-loaders ?17:26
wolszobban: does sound output work? do you get startup sounds?17:26
zobbannope i closes in 1-2sec17:26
chazcoIs anyone here using Textmaker 2006 on Ubuntu 7.10 (or other version i guess)?17:26
TonrenI need help getting the ATI Catalyst Control Center 8.443.1 to work with my 1280x768 widescreen laptop monitor.17:26
graftzobban: why is vlc using oss instead of ALSA directly?17:27
bazhangchazco: to do what?17:27
nickrudTonren, sorry, but you will probably have troubles finding someone here to troubleshoot that, the ubuntu drivers get support here17:27
zobbanwhat to do to reboot my ubuntu17:27
chazcobazhang - Just using it in general... hoping to know if they've had any problems with pagination (presumably due to fonts) being different to on Windows17:28
WorkingOnWis1how can I manualy adjust my cpu  frequencies and frequency governors with CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor?17:28
wolszobban: sudo shutdown -r now17:28
graftzobban: type 'lsof /dev/dsp' in your shell and pastebin the output17:28
chazcoTextmaker handles it better than OO, but is still affected.17:28
graftargh, don't make him shutdown17:28
graftthen you'll never know what's wrong17:28
bazhangchazco: open office doesnot do enough for you? "}17:28
wolsgraft: sudo lsof btw17:28
zobbanzobban@matrix:~$ lsof /dev/dsp17:28
chazcobazhang - I dont get on well with OpenOffice i'm afraid17:28
zobbannothing happens17:28
graftlsof works fine as user17:28
graftzobban: are you running esd?17:29
graftzobban: ps -ef | grep esd17:29
msoekenIf I put a usb wlan stick in my edubuntu system the whole system freezes. I tried with two different sticks.17:29
bazhangchazco: you might want to check the forums or post there17:29
PhophosHey, can someone give me a hand restoring sound to my main speakers? I lost it after a Firefox crash recently ...17:29
chazcoPlanning to, though i'd check IRC first though :)17:29
coderedboot problem after dmraid is installed, please read, I need help -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4023246#post402324617:29
gahan-nickrud: thanks17:29
wolsgraft: you're right17:29
celoserpawhat software or method or set of scripts or whatever would you recommend for PIM (maybe a local wiki?)17:29
graftzobban: okay... do you have aoss installed? just try running 'which aoss'17:30
graftzobban: if you do, you can 'wrap' vlc in aoss by running 'aoss vlc <your options>' and it might work okay17:30
zobban which aoss17:30
chazcoAlso... does anyone know of a good DVB app for Ubuntu... currently using Kaffeine, but it needs KDE libs etc and MythTV doesnt work for my card...?17:31
graftzobban: that's fine, just sudo apt-get install alsa-oss17:31
graftzobban: alternatively you can configure vlc to talk with esd, probably17:31
zobbani did now  sudo apt-get install alsa-oss its installing17:32
WorkingOnWis1how can I manualy adjust my cpu  frequencies and frequency governors with CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor panel applet?17:32
justbluemailhi, I have counter strike source without steam and patches installed on my ntfs drive where I run windows xp. I recently installed ubuntu 7.10 in other partition and installed wine with automatix. Is there anyway that I can run cs source from my ntfs drive without installing it again?17:33
zobbani installed that now i open vlc and open file again it closes vlc17:33
graftzobban: how are you opening vlc?17:33
zobbanfrom gui17:33
zobbanprogram vlc17:34
monshinhi there17:34
monshinis ext4 supported in gutsy?17:34
digin4isn't there lamp-server package for 7.10?17:34
altunjustbluemail: how you installed source without steam?17:34
toedhow does the CUPS/pdf printer work? I tried to print to it but I can't find the pdf file17:35
zobbanaoss vlc17:35
d0lph1nK1nghi room17:35
zobbanVLC media player 0.8.6 Janus17:35
zobbanALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:862:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave17:35
zobban[00000346] oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dev/dsp)17:35
zobbanCreating link /home/zobban/.kde/socket-matrix.17:35
zobbancan't create mcop directory17:35
Pici!paste | zobban17:35
ubotuzobban: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:35
d0lph1nK1ngis this the official IRC room for ubuntu?17:35
graftd0lph1nK1ng: yep17:35
toed~/PDF, got it17:36
Picid0lph1nK1ng: Yes, the official Support channel, chatter in #ubuntu-offtopic17:36
zobbanwhat to do graft17:36
d0lph1nK1ngPici, thanks17:36
graftzobban: you appear to have other issues..17:36
Trent0r23how do i uninstall programs that i installed from the terminal17:36
zobbanso do i need to reboot17:36
zobbanor what17:36
graftzobban: pastebin the output of ls -al /home/zobban/.kde17:36
kksm19820117Greetings, all. I am trying to configure Fluxbox and have run into a problem. I have tried using [stylesdir] (~/.fluxbox/styles/) to generate a list of styles I've downloaded from the fluxbox site, but the Style option does not show. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?17:37
zobbansometimes i just reboot and it works fine17:37
graftzobban: rebooting might fix it but it's better to figure out what's wrong, i think, so it doesn't happen again. plus if you have some nasty permissions issue you might not be able to login again17:37
zobbaniam admin of my ubuntu17:37
sybariten1179 nicks17:37
sybaritenhello, thousands of peoplez17:37
coderedboot problem after dmraid is installed, please read, I need help -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4023246#post402324617:37
graftzobban: yes, but you're not running as root, so permissions are still an issue17:38
Trent0r23I am do not have permissions to change an apache2 file, even though I installed it just moments ago with the right password.  How do I solve this problem?17:38
SpookyETMy ubuntu is pretty: http://www.uploadgeek.com/uploads456/0/Ubuntu.png17:38
sybariten(this is where y'all reply 'hello, one peoplez')17:38
zobbanso can i do sudo vlc17:38
KlrSpzok anyone attempting to get flash working in OPERA (works fine in FF if you manually install) you need to upgrade to Opera 2.5b117:38
Tobias92Hello Ubuntu people, I seem to be having trouble installing the mono-mcs package, dpkg is quitting because of a "broken pipe". Is this a problem on my end or is it just a malfunction of the ubuntu servers?17:38
zobbani did sudo vlc still errors17:38
sybariteni have an arcane ubuntu box and i may have an ftp server running on there, and then again i may not. Whats the most slick way of determining if i do?17:39
KlrSpzsybariten: netstat -tanp17:39
AcidicChipI'm trying to use wget to do a recursive ftp download, and all I can get it to do is download an index.html page that lists the contents of what I'm trying to download... I'm trying wget -xr --no-passive-ftp ftp://MYUSER:MYPASS@domain.com/ . I've tried several others as well, with the same result.17:39
monkeyBoxOk,  so if I want to install postgresql-client-7.4,  which is no longer supported,   will I be ok just downloading the deb directly from packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/misc?17:39
monkeyBox(I'm running gutsy)17:39
KlrSpzmonkeyBox: most likely, yes, unless the dependancies are also unsupported17:40
KlrSpzwhich it will tell you on install17:40
wolsmonkeyBox: should work but no guarantees17:40
KlrSpzmonkeyBox: also, you should be safe with connecting an 8+ client to an older server, it's the othe rway around you'd have issues17:41
p2pmaking a ./configure on a package it tolds me this:17:41
p2pchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables17:41
p2pwhat should i do?17:41
wolssybariten: sudo netstat -anp |grep 2117:41
KlrSpzp2p, install your build packages17:41
wolsp2p: install build-essential17:41
p2pthank you very much both 217:41
graftAcidicChip: you said you get a .list file? is it empty?17:42
sybaritenKlrSpz: all active TCP connections, port numbers expressed numerically, and protocol ... but whats the -t ? cant find it on the wikipedia page17:42
monkeyBoxKlrSpz,  I'd do that, except that I want to also be able to run "\dt" commands and whatnot17:43
sybaritenwols: ok, but then i'll be shit unluck if the ftp server somehow is running on another port than 21 right?17:43
dw1does anyone recommend a particular textbook for learning ubuntu, please?17:43
altunwww.google.com/linux ;)17:43
wolssybariten: netstat -anp |grep LIST17:43
Jimnasticscan any one advise me an app that has a built in email server and can send mails to multiple recipients at high speed? i want to send emails to subscribers.?17:44
monkeyBoxdw1,  the best thing to do is to just install it and try and use it for a couple of weeks.   If any questions come up,  use one of the many resources available to you (google, ubuntu forums, this channel, etc..)17:45
biolatrial n' error :)17:45
Trent0r23How do I find 'Sudo Edit' for editing and starting apache?17:45
biolathe what now ?17:45
wolsTrent0r23: huh?17:45
KlrSpzsybariten: the -t shows tcp connections17:46
EEnjutohi everibody17:46
graftJimnastics: install mailman, it's a mailing list manager17:46
wolsJimnastics: your ubuntu already comes with a MTA by default,so there is nothing in ubuntu that will bring another MTA just to spam17:46
wolsgraft: I already told him17:46
graftwols: oh sorry, heh17:46
EEnjutoanybody talks spsnish?17:46
biolai doubt that :)17:47
graftwols: guess he must really want to spam17:47
graft!es | EEnjuto17:47
ubotuEEnjuto: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:47
Jimnasticswols mta ?17:47
wolsmta = mail transfer agent. the software tha sends mails17:47
sybaritenwols: ah, why do i want to grep for LIST?17:47
wolsgraft: only reason to want a built in MTA as I can see17:47
bazhangJimnastics: listen to graft and wols okay?17:47
zimoncan someone tell me where the sun-java6-plugin package is gone?17:47
wolssybariten: those are all listening daemons. you decide if one is a ftp daemon17:47
sybaritenKlrSpz: ok thanks ... havent seen anything ftp-like yet ....  then again, i thoguht that with a basic ubuntu server install, you'd always "have" an ftp server with connections to each user account17:48
sybaritenwols: oh17:48
graftwols: nah, i do e-mail from my box just because i like being able to ssh in from, e.g., paraguay to check my email... means i can check email with minimal TCP access17:48
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Jimnasticsbazhang gradin and wols did told me whats an mta17:48
sybaritenwols: seems to be SMBD, SSHD and rtorrent17:49
wolsgraft: I run my own mailserver too but I can't see why anyone would want a mass mailler with built in MTA unless he likes to spam or zombify machines for spamming17:49
wolssybariten: does the ubuntu box have a public IP?17:49
graftwols: oh ah... i'd probably agree with that17:49
wolssybariten: then you are clear17:49
wolson the ftp front at least. if you DO haev a public IP, make sure SMBD is not listening on a public interface17:50
oldboyHELLO guys and girls!!17:51
wolsoldboy: hello gramps17:52
vimalg2hello room.17:52
sybaritenwols: uhm... yes i guess it must? or, uh well no, its behind a firewall/router if thats what you mean. The router has the public IP. why?17:52
wolssybariten: cause samba on public IP is a gazillion times more exploitable than a ftpd17:53
sybaritenwols: oh... hm. ok yeah well i should probably take care of that....  but if i am behind a firewall without too many holes, i should be OK shouldnt it?17:54
maekhow do I remove pkgs that arent needed anymore?17:54
wolssybariten: yes17:54
wolsmaek: with the same program you installed them17:54
oldboyQuestion!: Doe anybody knows program for typing!!!17:54
graftsybariten: if your LAN is secure17:55
rskoldboy: terminal?17:55
maekwols: what I ment was how do I remove the unused deps left by banshee after I apt-get purge banshee?17:55
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graftsybariten: if you have, say, an unlocked wireless point, i'd lock down SMB carefully17:55
WorkingOnWis1how do I keep a web page prminently in my cache, so If I try to browse to a web page that is deleted , it will be available to me locally? I would like it to be a fallback of some sort, where if the web page is gone, the browser would fall back to the local cache...17:55
rskmaek: sudo apt-get autoremove17:55
maekrsk: thakns.17:55
wolsmaek: autoremove17:55
Akselii[]I cant get any sounds out, i have corect modules loaded, everything unmuted and maxed out on alsamixer. module is snd-atiixp17:55
Akselii[]soundcard is ati ixp17:55
maekwols: thanks also.17:55
sybaritengraft: ok17:55
Akselii[]integrated on this mobo17:55
graftWorkingOnWis1: mirror it locally17:56
Pici!enter |  Akselii[]17:56
ubotuAkselii[]: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:56
oldboyrsk: no terminal. I mind for blind system (without watching the keyboard)17:56
Akselii[]sure thing17:56
=== FeuK`off is now known as debutant1
sybaritenis it a simple matter of folk being able to reach my samba shares (which should require a PW, by the way) ... or is it more like related to an exploit that can give people user accound access int he long run?17:56
maekanyone using banshee able to get the album art to auto download?17:56
rskoldboy: i think gnome may have something for that17:56
graftsybariten: probably just accessing your shares17:56
WorkingOnWis1graft: what do i use to mirror it so the browser can fall back to local if the web page is gone?17:56
sybaritengraft: ok17:57
oldboyrsk: where to look for?17:57
graftWorkingOnWis1: the latter is probably difficult to achieve (maybe thre's a firefox plugin to do this, but i don't know of one) - you would just build a local mirror with, say, wget, and access it by hand when the web version is down17:57
wolssybariten: samba has regular exploits since it's a shitty RPC protocol17:57
WGGMkhttp://terra-mentis.myminicity.com/ (anyone building there own mini city??)17:57
wolsWGGMk: stop tha!17:57
Pici!language | wols17:57
ubotuwols: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:57
sybaritenwols: but its a beauty when you run win computers17:58
graftif only windows did NFS like everyone else17:58
wolssybariten: but it's not useful for any internet exposure. fine in a secured LAN, deadly on the internet17:58
wolsgraft: while the NFS protocol is slightly better, not by any measurable amount17:58
wolsand windows does NFS. very badly17:58
vimalg2Google gears could be used to cache pages locally17:59
WorkingOnWis1graft: then i guess google desktop, which will show both local and web search results, is the search engine of choice for this purpose?17:59
chinmayokay guys i am not able to see xvid movies in color.. i only see black and white movies.. in both- totem and vlc.. need Help..17:59
chinmayokay guys i am not able to see xvid movies in color.. i only see black and white movies.. in both- totem and vlc.. need Help..17:59
geniiyes, windows seems to hate nfs17:59
sybaritennow, while we are on the subject of vulnerabilities.....   does anyone know an ftp server that does not take a Ms Sc CS degree to set up? and which supports resume? i'm ready to try anything really exotic, but it has to be able to do console only, and to do ftp resumes.....17:59
graftWorkingOnWis1: any more clues as to the scope of what you're trying to achieve, here? what sort of website? is this some documentation site, or like, a streaming flash site, or what?17:59
wolssybariten: vsftpd ?17:59
sybaritenwols: ok... i've never actually thought of the possibility of using samba on a WAN17:59
wolsbut: ftp must die!18:00
Flooding][][][-La virgen...-][][][18:00
wolssybariten: why don't you use sftp?18:00
PiciFlooding: ?18:00
sybaritenwols: ok, will look into it. I do know that proftpd is going to be way too complicated for me to conf, for this simple task i am gonna do18:00
sybaritenwols: hm, that requires a specific daemon anyhow doesnt it18:00
wolsuse sftp, your sshd already does it18:00
sybaritenisnt that scp18:00
graftsybariten: ftp should really be considered deprecated... if you're running ssh, you can do sftp18:00
wolssybariten: no,you already run sshd18:00
wolssftp is a superset of scp18:00
Seeker13hey guys i really ned help setting up my printer18:01
wolsand any good ftp client nowadays support sftp18:01
graftactually i think sftp needs some extra hooks, but those are on by default18:01
sybaritenyeah but... i want the fastest transfer possible for this... i got the impression that my scp transfers from that box werent exactly optimal18:01
graftthere's some overhead, but it's not that much18:01
Pici!enter | Seeker13 118:01
ubotuSeeker13 1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:01
chinmayokay guys i am not able to see xvid movies in color.. i only see black and white movies.. in both- totem and vlc.. need Help..18:01
racarterthis is a stupid question i guess but isn't there some place to specify that the Home folder and My Computer should be on the desktop in gnome?18:01
noodles12i hook up my notebook to a 52" samsung LCD and all i get is "unsupported signal" =/ its on 1280 x 800 resolution. my bro's window machine with same resolutoin got displayed on it fine.18:02
Seeker13 help18:02
graftsybariten: ssh also does compression, so in some cases it might be more efficient18:02
lukaszThere is the time on login window and it is in 24 hr and Id like to change that to 12 hr18:02
chinmayyeah ..18:02
Seeker13anyone know how too setup a brother mfc 215c18:02
sandr-do this18:02
WorkingOnWis1graft: ther are several sites in the web that I can see the us gov taking down if they think it is "in the intrest of national security" Things that they dont want as general knowledge. I know it sounds "conspiricy theory-ish" but information availability is important to me. I want the info available to me as seamlessly as I can have it if it disappears.....18:02
sandr-"rm -r ~/.gconf/apps/totem18:02
Pici!printers > Seeker13 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)18:02
p2pwhat should i do with this when making ./configure :18:03
p2pchecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.3 and < 4.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!18:03
Pici!offtopic | WorkingOnWis118:03
ubotuWorkingOnWis1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:03
chinmayin the terminal window?18:03
simplyubuntuhey all... looking to find out what kind of effort you gotta put in to make a custom distro... based on ubuntu, of course :) can anyone help?18:03
Seeker13url please18:03
graftWorkingOnWis1: haha... i had the same idea18:03
sandr-open terminal, type the command and your video is restored18:03
chinmaysandr thanks if it works, my torrentleech account is yours :P18:03
sandr-( check this page for confirmation: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608510 )18:03
PiciSeeker13: See the private message forum ubotu18:03
graftWorkingOnWis1: locally mirroring it is probably your best bet.18:03
sybaritengraft: okay18:03
Trent0r23I am trying to create an apache2 server, when I type apache2 I get this error "(13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address
Trent0r23no listening sockets available, shutting down18:03
Trent0r23Unable to open logs"18:03
nanobugracarter: open synaptic and search for the gtweakui packages18:04
WorkingOnWis1Pici: if u had been reading, you would see that graft and I are indeed On Topic18:04
graftWorkingOnWis1: most US gov't content is static, so mirrors should be easy to make.18:04
Psyco_ChipmunkHey peop0le, i need help pronto, i'm going on a vaction where theres no internet but i need my laptop, but my sounds not working!  Where leaving in 20 mins so i need help right away! Thanks.  Heres my problem!  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65109118:04
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wolsTrent0r23: /etc/init.d/apache2 start18:04
=== noodlesc is now known as noodlesgc
Seeker13whats ubotu18:04
wolsTrent0r23: and run it via sudo18:04
PiciWorkingOnWis1: I have been reading, and not only was that offtopic, but probably not suitable for our offtopic channel either.18:04
wolsSeeker13: ubotu is a bot18:04
sandr-he's a bot Seeker1318:04
PiciSeeker13: The channel bot, it sent you a private message about printers.18:04
nanobugracarter: i think under the nautilus one you can select what shows up on the desktop18:04
p2pwhat library should i install for solutionate this problem in a ./configure? => checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.3 and < 4.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!18:04
kitchep2p: you need qt3 -dev package18:05
Trent0r23It says the server is already running, but when I type apache2 it still gives that same error18:05
ansquehow i can generate graf for bootchart? what i should do/write?18:05
chazcoHow can i install ubuntu-restricted-extras but not msttcorefonts?18:05
chazco(via apt-get)18:05
Seeker13hey where is this private message forum18:05
WorkingOnWis1Pici: explaining the context of a support issue is ot now? Wow...bummer. U all better filter your context explainations today.18:05
crush_groovewols I have been reading on RPC protocols since I saw your samba statement regarding exploits. ARe all RPC Protocols a hazard.. or.. is it just the wqay the RPC is implemented in samba that makes it vulnerable?18:05
sandr-did it work chinmay  ?18:05
wolsTrent0r23: if the server is already running you don't restart it of course18:06
bruenigchazco, ubuntu-restricted-extras is just a meta-package, so install everything separately18:06
Seeker13hey where is this private message forum18:06
Psyco_ChipmunkI really need some help right away guys!18:06
Trent0r23yur on it?18:06
chazcohmm... thanks bruenig - how can I find out exactly what it installs then?18:06
wolscrush_groove: rpc is always hard to get secure. I have seen no real exception so far18:06
koko____hi, anybody knows the effect of delete the part of the menu.lst line vga=xxx ?18:06
crush_groove ty wols18:06
chinmaysandr, no..18:06
Seeker13hey where is this private message forum18:06
wolskoko____: different resolution of monitor on bootup18:06
bruenigchazco, apt-cache show package | grep Depends18:06
montesluanyone know if a dual booted (32bit & 64bit linux) machine can share the same swap partition?18:06
chinmaydo i need to restart?18:06
PiciSeeker13: you should have a nother tab, or window with the message, depending on what client you are using.18:06
Psyco_Chipmunk Heres my problem!  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65109118:07
lukaszanyone know how to change the login time on right bottom18:07
chazcoAh thanks bruenig... was trying apt-get show instead :D18:07
kitchemongolai: probably but not a real sane idea really18:07
coderedboot problem after dmraid is installed, please read, I need help -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4023246#post402324618:07
koko____and i know what it is, i want to know the real effect of not having vga=xxx in menu.lst18:07
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kitchekoko____: nothing18:07
monteslukitche, did you mean monteslu?18:07
p2pthanks kitche, im going to try it18:07
sjnimsanyone use lm-sensors?18:08
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kitchemonteslu: yes I tab completed and didn't notice that it was the wrong nick18:08
wolssjnims: ask your real question18:08
mousekoko____, if vga is not set, then vga=normal assumes18:08
montesludoes the swap hold things between boots that would matter?18:09
sjnimsanyone correctly setup lm-sensors on an asus motherboard?18:09
sandr-Psyco_Chipmunk, try deleting that line you pasted18:09
Dr_Jhi all, is there any free packages i can install that let me edit .pdf files?18:09
koko____what i read is that my problem that i cannot use x in normal mode and ubuntu freezes with a blank cursor at startup may be the solution delete vga=xxx from menu.lst18:09
montesluI'm thinking of giving 64 bit linux a shot on my desktop, now that i got an amd x2 600018:09
sandr-If I read correctly you have twice the same line18:09
chinmaysandr do i need to restart?18:10
Psyco_Chipmunksandr-,  wjhat line exactly? oh, that one.... how do i do that?>18:10
Picimonteslu: If you're asking the same question that you are in #kubuntu, then no, nothing important is in swap and you can safely share it18:10
wolschinmay: did you change your kernel or hardware?18:10
chinmayerr ... kernel i guess18:10
chinmayi just copied and pasted this to the kernel, wols : rm -r ~/.gconf/apps/totem18:10
mousekoko____, what is the current setting for vga? at startup time, when grub menu is appear, you can choose appropriate item and press "e" button (edit). then you can change cmdline values.18:10
sandr-normally not chinmay , it's still not working?18:11
chinmayyeah.. not working..18:11
sandr-I had that problem when I updated from feisty to gutsy too, that line helped me18:11
chinmaymine's a new gutsy..18:11
koko____mouse i know and i have the table of vga, but it disturbs, no matter what you put18:11
wolschinmay: you make no sense18:11
mousemongolai, only in one case you must take care about swap space. When you do software suspend (hibernate).18:11
montesluPici, cool thanks18:11
sandr-it deletes your settings of totem and remakes them the next time18:11
chinmaywols.. i'm new to ubuntu..18:12
chinmayi first installed mplayer18:12
chinmayand downloaded the w32 codecs18:12
mousekoko____, did you try remove "splash" and "quiet" from cmdline?18:12
chinmaythen the problem started18:12
Picichinmay: fyi, what you put that command in is called the terminal, or cli, not the kernel.18:12
sandr-I gave him this advice for his black/white video: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60851018:12
chinmayPici: so how do i change the kernel?18:12
koko____mouse may be the solution to remove splash but i want the splash screen, what would be the effects of disable quiet ?18:13
sandr-I only install ffmpeg for video , and vlc18:13
Picichinmay: I dont think you want to do that.18:13
wolschinmay: you don't18:13
wolschinmay: the command just deleted some user settings for totem18:13
mousekoko____,  when you disable "quiet", then you'de see kernel messages18:13
manawyddanHi everyone! Just a quick question. Is it possible to use the same PGP Private and Public keys in several computers? I have two computers in which i'd like to use my Gmail account with IMAP and i wouldn't like to use different keys for each, can this be possible?18:13
mousemanawyddan, yes18:13
chinmaywhen i was using mplayer, i had the same problem18:13
chinmaybut then i changed settings using the video equalizr18:14
chinmayand the problem got solved ftm18:14
sjnimsanyone know the crrect settings for sensors.conf to be used with lm-sensors on a winbond w83627ehf chip?18:14
koko____mouse i see the kernel messages always when i start ubuntu, because i have to use recovery mode because of this problem18:14
chinmayand the settings changed for all : VLC and totem,18:14
chinmaythey started showing color18:14
chinmayand now that i've removed mplayer, there's no color18:14
manawyddanmouse: Thanks for the answer. Do you know were i can find such information?18:14
mousekoko____, just try to remove those options and see what happens. If remove "splash" helps, then you have problem with vesa mode. I suppose, that splash use it in any way.18:14
chinmayor no way to bring the color back..18:14
chinmayam i stumped?18:15
lukaszHi can anyone help with this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4023551#post402355118:15
lukaszMy topic need help18:15
koko____mouse i use nvidia18:15
sandr-try installing mplayer again if that fixes your color ;)18:15
sandr-or try this: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg vlc18:16
mousemanawyddan, wait a moment18:16
marcio3000i have a problem with the hard disk18:16
koko____but i wanted to know what would be the problem of deleting vga=xxx and i was told here that nothing happens18:16
marcio3000at the boot is says something about the cluster difference18:16
marcio3000and that it will not be fixed automatically18:16
chinmayohk sandr.. i'll do that.. if THAT works, i'll surely give u a supertorrents18:16
sandr-Psyco_Chipmunk, you added twice the same line ( options snd-hda-intel model=laptop-eapd )18:16
mousemanawyddan, e.g, read this tutorial. http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2000/5/1/17058/4763018:17
Psyco_Chipmunksandr-,  ok, do u know how to reverse this?18:17
mousemanawyddan, you need to --list-keys, --export and --import options to use.18:17
sandr-if you're in x : do "gedit /etc/modprobe.d/options" ; if you're in cli: "pico /etc/modprobe.d/options"18:17
sandr-vi is for hardcore, use pico to have a "notepad"like terminal18:18
manawyddanmouse: Thank you very much!18:18
Trent0r23I am using gedit but it is not letting me save files, it says I do not have permission.18:18
sandr-check your permissions18:18
sandr-try running it as root ( sudo gedit )18:18
Trent0r23I am in admin18:18
Pici!gksudo | Trent0r23 sandr-18:18
ubotuTrent0r23 sandr-: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)18:18
mouselukasz, System -> Administration -> Login window --> Use 24 hour clock.18:18
sandr-thx Pici will do18:19
lukaszthnx mouse18:19
mousemanawyddan, this is that you want? you may google for gpg+tutorial+export18:19
sjnimsanyone know the correct settings for sensors.conf to be used with lm-sensors on a winbond w83627ehf chip?18:19
mouseTrent0r23, where you're trying to save file?18:20
Psyco_Chipmunksandr-,  u there?18:20
mousekoko____, just try to run without splash and without quiet. may be, you got the kernel panic...18:20
lukaszthank you it worked perfectly18:20
LM22can anyone help me18:20
Fracturewhy, when i run ubuntu from the live CD do i get perfect sound but when i run my installed version i dont?18:20
LM22I am freezing up in ubuntu randomly18:21
LM22but windows seems fine18:21
sandr-I'm not into the depths of sound cards configurations Psyco_Chipmunk , I just noticed you had twice the same line in your configuration file18:21
LM22should I reformat?18:21
mousekoko____, sometime on boot I got kernel panic on acpi functions.18:21
HapposadeFracture: Some settings?18:21
FractureHapposade: What you mean?18:21
sandr-maybe that's the cause of your problem, did you delete the extra line allready?18:21
SuPeRhOmEmsomeone could recommend me a good animated gif editor?18:22
HapposadeFracture: If you have some settings wrong?18:22
Psyco_Chipmunksandr-,  ok. Do you know how i can just udo everything though?18:22
MyrttiSuPeRhOmEm: "gimp"18:22
HapposadeFracture: Or what sound you dont hear?18:22
SuPeRhOmEmMyrtti; it edits animated ?18:22
MyrttiSuPeRhOmEm: sure18:22
FractureI dont have any sound on the installed version18:22
Fractureand if i do18:22
SuPeRhOmEmMyrtti; tkx :)18:22
Fractureits a very high pitched squeek18:23
LM22what do you do when linux freezes up but windows doesn't?  How do you debug that?18:23
MyrttiSuPeRhOmEm: the ... erm...18:23
lukaszThank you so much mouse18:23
mouseu'r welcome!18:23
lukaszI got a final fantasy login window :)18:23
SuPeRhOmEmMyrtti; ?18:23
MyrttiSuPeRhOmEm: the the states are displayed as layers18:23
mouseMyrtti, right18:23
MyrttiSuPeRhOmEm: can't find the correct word18:23
lukaszwell going to off topic18:23
Nicolaidishi,...can someone help me to use virtualbox?18:23
mouseNicolaidis, OSE or proprietary?18:24
obtixis there a way to execute a script each time a user logs on (regardless of shell being used)? we have a server that consultants use and we need to be notified at each logon. thanks in advance.18:24
SuPeRhOmEmMyrtti; not english speaker?18:24
sandr-No sorry Psyco_Chipmunk , I don't know how you can uninstall self-compiled software18:24
MyrttiSuPeRhOmEm: not native, I do know the word but it's been a while since I've done animation that I don't remember the word offhand18:24
Psyco_Chipmunksandr-,  dang...18:24
mouseNicolaidis, ok18:25
Nicolaidisthank you18:25
mouseNicolaidis, what's the question?18:25
sandr-if it would help you, I'll PM the contents of my /etc/modprobe.d/options file18:25
sjnimsanyone know the correct settings for sensors.conf to be used with lm-sensors on a winbond w83627ehf chip?18:25
Nicolaidisi've installed vb, but now i can't make the system work...18:25
lwizardlanyone here able to help me with DVB-S card install?18:25
brobostigon!pastebin | sandr-18:25
ubotusandr-: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:25
mouseMyrtti, you want to change delays/position/and so on?18:25
MyrttiSuPeRhOmEm: aaaa... frames18:26
Myrttitoo easy word to remember18:26
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SuPeRhOmEmMyrtti; right, but u know some other? more for begginers? Im not good with gimp18:26
OnyxAnyone here use mrxvt?18:26
mouseNicolaidis, and what wrong with the system?18:26
MyrttiSuPeRhOmEm: sorry :-(18:26
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Nicolaidisi don't know...18:26
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butcherbirdwine+mspaint ;p18:27
baghyayhow to add medibuntu to my hardy18:27
mouseMyrtti, may be this helps http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Simple_Animations/18:27
Nicolaidiscan you tell me about a guide to set vb?18:27
Picibaghyay: If you have to ask, you shouldnt be running Hardy.18:27
OnyxI'm trying to set the default font for terminals to use... where can I do this?18:27
butcherbirdbaghyay: /msg ubotu medibuntu18:27
Pici!hardy | baghyay18:27
ubotubaghyay: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:27
PriceChildGetting lots of "atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e034 <keycode>' to make it known." messages in my dmesg. Where can I find a list of the keycodes? Specifically the euro and dollar symbols.18:28
mouseNicolaidis, hmm... how did you try to start it? do you create virtual disk? attach CDROM and so on? on which step did you have problem?18:28
Myrttimouse: how about hitting SuPeRhOmEm with that link18:28
Myrttimouse: ;-)18:28
mouseMyrtti, :)18:28
diaficPriceChild, heh, I have the same thing with my Acer Aspire 505118:29
SuPeRhOmEmMyrtti; mouse; thkx :^)18:29
PiciPriceChild: how about `getkeycodes`?18:29
PriceChilddiafic, i'm on a 5610Z18:29
eternalswdI just updated gutsy today, and now mplayer audio is crackling.  xmms2, vlc, and gxine do not have any issues with audio.  Anyone have any ideas how to resolve this.  I did try recompiling mplayer but that did not resolve it.18:29
diaficPriceChild, :P18:29
diaficI never got it to work either18:29
diaficI couldn't be bothered18:29
Nicolaidisi created a virtual disk...ma i can't use it to run system...18:29
diaficI never use 'em anyway18:29
PriceChildPici i have no idea how to read that18:29
PriceChildPichu0102, shouldn't this just be a standard list for linux?18:30
PiciPriceChild: At least you get something back, I get an error here ;)18:30
mouseNicolaidis, what are doing next after disk creation? you need to install system on it.18:30
PriceChildPici, sudo it18:30
erUSULPriceChild: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Use_Multimedia_Keys#Finding_raw_scan_codes_-_PS.2F2_keyboards18:30
killerfaultierIs somebody able ti speak german in this room? Kann hier jemand Deutshc?18:30
Psyco_ChipmunkGuys, hows ubuntu vs debian and fedora? if i where to switch to debiant or fedora, what one would be the best?18:30
wols!de | killerfaultier18:30
ubotukillerfaultier: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:30
wolsPsyco_Chipmunk: ask ##linux18:30
PriceChilddiafic, adding the "acerhk" module causes random hardlocks of the laptop so giving up on the multimedia keys :/18:30
sjnimsanyone know the correct settings for sensors.conf to be used with lm-sensors on a winbond w83627ehf chip?18:31
wols!best | Psyco_Chipmunk18:31
ubotuPsyco_Chipmunk: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.18:31
diaficPriceChild, :/18:31
PiciPriceChild: How about dumpkeys, that gives a little more human readable output18:31
PriceChildThanks very much erUSUL, that's exactly what i wanted18:31
Psyco_ChipmunkI know, whats more stable though? whats more user friendly?18:31
PriceChildPichu0102, see erUSUL's link18:31
lukaszI would like to thank you all for your help :)18:31
Nicolaidismouse: yes...but the system stop it during this procedure18:32
lukaszReally appreciated )18:32
PriceChilddiafic, not even any messages in logs when it crashes to just going to leave it be i think... :P18:32
Sturmhow do I make the little orange icons you can attach to folders bigger?Because on my pc they are so small I cant even tell what they are18:32
lwizardlPsyco_Chipmunk, ubuntu is a debian distro, fedora is redhat so using debian is like ubuntu18:32
mouseNicolaidis, one thing that I catch up with VB 1.5.0 is problem with dos' sys to transfer system from a: to c:  Sys report success but actually system isn't installed.18:32
mouseNicolaidis, what procedure?18:33
MikeHevening guys18:33
MikeHI'm having problems playing a DVD under ubuntu18:33
diaficPriceChild, I gabe up on them aaages ago18:33
MikeHRegardless of which player I try to load it up on18:33
MikeHI can never get a picture, or anything to play.18:33
kitche!dvd | MikeH this will help you18:33
ubotuMikeH this will help you: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs18:33
mouseMikeH, mplayer dvd://18:33
diaficmouse? Where do you live? I think I know you ._.18:34
killerfaultierWhere i can find the packages libsasl2-2 and courier-authlib-mysql for apt?18:34
sjnimsanyone know the correct settings for sensors.conf to be used with lm-sensors on a winbond w83627ehf chip?18:34
OnyxI'm trying to set the default font for terminals to use... where can I do this?18:34
SturmHow do I change the size of the emblems on folders?18:34
killerfaultierI'm trying to install postfix with mysql18:34
mousediafic, i'm not sure. i'm from Russia18:34
diaficNot you then ^_^18:34
brobostigonsjnims: no idea, sorry18:34
diaficMy 'mouse' was from the netherlands18:35
Nicolaidisi select virtual hd and after i need to install the os (windos xp) but virtual box gives me an error...that i can't write because i'm not root18:35
mouseOnyx, Terminal -> Edit current Profile -> General -> Font18:35
romistrubany word on the state of flash and linux?18:35
DerDracleAnyone know what would cause mouse events to get eaten up intermittently?18:35
SturmHow do I change the size of the emblems on folders?18:35
lwizardlNicolaidis, i think the error screen has something about virtualbox-ose18:35
mouseNicolaidis, did you select drive 'D' (cdrom) as bootable?18:36
kitcheromistrub: what about the state? it works fine and has been for years18:36
Onyxmouse: I'm talking about the universal terminal font... I don't want to use Gnome Terminal18:36
romistrubkitche: not anymore apparently18:36
mousediafic, )18:36
krammerhow can i install force quit??18:36
paratoxhow do i use google?18:36
Nicolaidisone moment...18:36
kitcheromistrub: works fine here18:36
romistrubkitche: some sort of glitch recently. adobe changed their repository... or... I don't know anymore18:36
sjnimswhats the difference between the different terminals?18:36
romistrubkitche: if you had it installed before a certain point, it might have worked fine18:36
brobostigonparatox: firefox google.com / enter that into cli.18:36
bazhangparatox surely you jest18:36
diaficmouse, hmm?18:36
romistrubkitche: last guy I talked to had a link to the state of it18:36
SturmHow do I change the size of the orange emblems on folders?18:36
sjnimsand why would I want touse one over the other?18:37
kitcheromistrub: umm the tar file was changed I install by hand all the time and it works18:37
mouseNicolaidis, I'm often execute VB from command line (vboxsdl) and I don't remember where this option for boot-device is placed18:37
DerDracleHow do I disable Desktop effects in Gutsy?18:37
romistrubkitche: ah18:37
DerDracleI have the restricted driver for my NVidia card installed- but I believe it's acting strangely with desktop effects.18:37
romistrubkitche: not entirely sure how to do that... just from the adobe website?18:37
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:37
mouseDerDracle, System -> Preferences -> *Desktop effects18:37
SturmDerDrackle System>Preferences>appearance18:38
makaraki_Hello people I have  a problem with mplayer my computer is a Dell inspiron 6400 with ATI video card but when I try to use it it shows me an error like no Xvideo support for my video card18:38
leroyHello, I am having an issue configuring the restricted nvidia drivers on Gutsy.  The "nv" driver works fine but when I set the restricted driver the display either stops working or starts in VESA mode.  I am using a 7600GS vid card and a 40" LCD HDTV monitor18:38
DILhow can i tile windows/horizontal/vertical etc18:38
DerDracleSturm, That's what I thought- but, for some reason it's not there.18:38
krammerhow can i install force quit??18:38
hanasakiRemotewhat is a good free/cheap web hosting / prefer based on linux/ubuntu / mostly for low volume static pages18:39
mouseDerDracle, ps ax | grep compiz ?18:39
mousemakaraki, do you use fglrx or ati?18:39
wolshanasakiRemote: #web. here it's OT18:39
SturmDerDracle, you using 7.10?18:39
makarakiHi mouse I use ATI18:39
DerDraclemouse, Compiz is definitely running.18:39
KuroachiaI know this probably isn't the place to ask it but I'm dual booting XP & Ubuntu and right now I'm having trouble with my wireless card working on either OS. Is there any channel that might know a bit about XP and or Linksys WMP300N (other than the fact that they both suck?)18:39
DerDracleSturm, Yes.18:39
wolsleroy: you need to pastebin your Xorg logs18:39
lwizardlanyone here done a DVB-S card install on ubuntu??18:39
makarakibut what is fglrx18:40
wolsKuroachia: ##windows18:40
Ricoi am using compiz fusion on Gusty and now I can't minimize my windows or move them.18:40
KuroachiaThank you wols18:40
mousemakaraki, did you try restricted fglrx?18:40
leroywols: pastebin?18:40
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DerDracleWhat ap does your Desktop Effects link refer to?18:40
wolsmakaraki: proprietary drivers for ati cards18:40
sjnimsanyone know the correct settings for sensors.conf to be used with lm-sensors on a winbond w83627ehf chip?18:40
Sturmthere should be tabs on near the top of the window18:40
makarakino I did not mouse18:40
wols!paste | leroy18:40
ubotuleroy: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:40
wolssjnims: did you run sensors-detect?18:40
slugoneim gettin nervous that my comp will cook bacon.....im running a macbook (not pro) and i want to set the min fanspeed to about 3500 rpm ....i checked the forums and it appears that the only info is for the promodel18:40
mouseDerDracle, search for compiz in System -> Preferences -> Sessions18:40
SturmDerDracle, there should be tabs on near the top of the window18:40
makarakiMouse I will have a look to fglrx tutorial somewere in the net18:41
wols!ati | makaraki18:41
ubotumakaraki: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:41
mousemakaraki, which model of ATI do you have?18:41
wolsmakaraki: what ati chip is it?18:41
sjnimswols: yes18:41
mousemakaraki, lspci | grep VGA18:41
wolssjnims: then you should google I guess18:41
leroywols, my xorg.conf is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49715/18:42
makarakimm... where in the proc directory do I have to look to check the ati chip? ( thanks wols for you help as weel )18:42
wolsleroy: I asked for your Xorg logs. not your xorg.conf18:42
mousemakaraki, open terminal and run above command.18:42
sjnimswols: i can get temp readings, but not what my mobo has, voltage readings are ok but running command "sensors" outputs 7 voltages and the mobo bios only reports 318:42
leroyoh i misunderstood18:42
Sturmhow do I add the google<linux> search engine to the firefox toolbar?18:42
romistruber... where is firefox installed??18:43
wolsshameless: that often happens. find out which are the real working ones and only look at those18:43
rskromistrub: why do you want to know_18:43
wolssjnims: however, how do you know it only supports 3 voltages?18:43
leroywhere are the logs located?18:43
wolsromistrub: dpkg -L <packagename>18:43
romistrubrsk: because the adobe flash installer tells me to find it18:43
mouseleroy, /var/log18:43
wols!flash | romistrub18:43
uboturomistrub: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:43
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.18:43
sjnimswols: by checking in my bios...it has a readout of the sensors in there18:44
mouseromistrub, why you don't use internal firefox plugin installer?18:44
romistrubmouse: it wasn't working last time I tried18:44
PiciSturm: There is an option on the select search engine dropdown where you can pick more options, its pretty straightforward once you get there.18:44
wolssjnims: that doesn't mean in only supports 3 voltages. it only means your BIOS only displays 3 voltages. it can very well check more than 318:44
mouseromistrub, did you trying to install from package or from firefox?18:44
romistrubmouse: from firefox18:44
kitchemouse: yeah it won't work since firefox in ubuntu is patched18:44
mousei see :)18:45
makarakiHi again mouse  and wols my video card is ATI Technologies Inc M52 [Mobility Radeon X1300]18:45
mousemakaraki, the same as my18:45
sjnimswols: i guess what i want is a more meaningful output, the winbond chip diagram isn't very helpful for which voltage is which (+12V vs -12V)18:45
mousemakaraki, I suggest to use fglrx18:45
wolsmouse: fglrx then18:45
leroyThese are my x logs, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49716/ and the .old is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49717/18:46
mousemakaraki, if you want suspend/hibernate you should use latest Catalyst 7.12.18:46
manawyddanmouse: I think i found what i was looking for, thanks: http://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-users/2004-July/022930.html18:46
wolssjnims: the one near +12V is the 12V one, the one near -12V is the -12V one. easy :)18:46
makarakithanks mouse I will have a look and thanks to ubotu as well18:46
mousemakaraki, but it has problem with resolution bigger then 1280x102418:46
wolsleroy: which one is the one where you ran the nvidia drivers?18:46
kjaerI have a sata harddisk, it is not found when I am trying to install.18:46
leroythe 4971618:46
makarakicatalyst what does?18:46
kjaerCould I modprobe anything and get it to work?18:46
wolskjaer: what controller?18:47
mousemakaraki, problem only appear with 7.12 catalyst. Ubuntu's fglrx is fine.18:47
kjaerwols: No idea18:47
mousemakaraki, but suspend not work :)18:47
GreevousI've accidentally deleted a partition with gparted. Is there any way to retrieve that data?18:47
RicoI am using Compiz Fusion and I can't move my windows or resize them..anyone help?18:47
sjnimswols: my output isn't like that though18:47
mousemanawyddan, :)18:47
kjaerIt worked with 6.0418:47
romistrubwols:  if I go to synaptic, it tells me that I have flash installed, but it doesn't work18:47
makarakino problem if suspend doesn't work :-)18:47
mousemakaraki, catalyst is the rebranded name of fglrx driver.18:47
sjnimsand on top of that, i can't set a new min/max for ANY of the sensors18:47
=== darminto is now known as ahmadinejad
mousemakaraki, http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html18:48
sjnimsfurther more, i can't get gDesklets or conky to display temperatures18:48
romistrubbut I get an error18:48
kyu_fluxsomeone told me to try out automatix, but I don't see why I would want to use it (given the presence of synaptic). can anyone give me some insight into why I'd want this?18:48
mouseGreevous, there are tools to look through whole disk and find partitions with filesystems.18:49
bruenigkyu_flux, you wouldn't, that person is not your friend, he dislikes you clearly18:49
Greevousmouse: what kind of tools? Got any names?18:49
=== Onyx is now known as Xeper
lwizardlkyu_flux, that is a lazy mans program18:49
makarakiok now I understand that catalyst is actually the new "name" of fglrx18:49
mmdskiis there any way to see when eclipse 3.3 is going to be put in the repository?18:49
romistrubbah... noooothing is wooooorking18:49
bruenigeven the `o' button is malfunctioning18:50
wolsleroy: that one doesn't use nvidia but VESA18:50
kyu_fluxhaha =) right on... yeah I'm already pissed that there's synaptic + a different add/remove programs, I think automatix would be completely over the top18:50
romistrubbruenig: ... nice :P18:50
dgjones!automatix | kyu_flux18:50
ubotukyu_flux: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »18:50
paratoxi h8 g15composer18:50
mouseGreevous, searching...18:50
RA-i need some help i just installed ubutnu 7.10 on my sony vaio cr22018:50
lukaszHey mouse it didn't work :(18:50
RA-but hte sound isnt working18:50
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leroywols, I enabled the restricted driver and restarted and then it forced vesa on the restart18:51
lukaszI changed in login window to no to 24 hr clock andit didn't work18:51
paratoxdoes anybody have the logitech g15 keyboard18:51
nightstalkerThe Year ends in a few days.And I think that it iss @ time to say thank to all Users who helped me in the last year. Thank you It was a great year and I wish you all a great 200818:51
kyu_fluxdgjones: right on, thanks18:51
RA-anyone plz18:51
Myrttinightstalker: <318:51
Synx_hmIs the latest wine version in the package repository18:52
Myrtti!ask | RA-18:52
ubotuRA-: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)18:52
RA-i need some help i just installed ubutnu 7.10 on my sony vaio cr22018:52
romistrubokay... so let's try this again... where is firefox located :P18:52
leroywols, the .old log also starts off with the xorg.conf.failsafe configuration18:52
MyrttiRA-: please try to be more verbose18:52
RA-but the sound isnt working18:52
lukaszThe time is till 24 hr18:52
wolsleroy: well you need to run the nvidia drivers to see what is happening in xorg.log. and I doubt it rewrites your xorg.conf without your knowledge18:52
lukaszIn login windpw18:52
wolsunless you run it in failsafe mode18:52
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MyrttiRA-: "doesn't work" isn't actually informative18:52
mouseGreevous, parted itself could search for partitions. Try rescue option. parted -> help rescue18:52
RA-i have no sound18:52
RA-when playing mp3, cds , etc18:52
mouselukasz, what wrong?18:52
wolseven then it won't. run with "nvidia" in xorg.conf and even if it doesn't work and you get no GUI. the xorg.log from that run is what we need18:53
lukaszThe time on login window shows in 24 hour mode18:53
effie_jayxanyone can help with double clocking on an old pc?18:53
lukaszId like that to be 1218:53
lukaszI did what u said it didn't work18:53
wolseffie_jayx: double clocking?18:53
dragon33greetings, i'm using the generic nvidia driver (nv) and an having a heck of a time integrating Beryl.  if i use the NVidia 8800GTX Graphics driver, beryl works, but if i use the generic driver it freezes. any help would be appreciated. thanks18:53
leroywols, can i do that without restarting?18:53
wolsleroy: yes18:53
RA-any ideas?18:53
Ricohow do i restart compiz fusion?18:53
paratoxlogitech g15! help! f...ing freetype support18:53
wolsdragon33: it cannot work with nv. nv has no 3D support at all18:53
nickruddragon33, the nv driver doesn't support 3d for 8800gtx18:53
effie_jayxwols,  yes, my old seems to be missing some boot parameters18:53
wolsleroy: that stops X, yes18:54
dragon33thanks :-)18:54
wolseffie_jayx: what is double clocking?18:54
leroyok brb18:54
effie_jayxwols,  I know because the mouse pointer is jerky18:54
mouseGreevous, gpart - Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions18:54
ubotuThe Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages18:54
wolseffie_jayx: please answer my question18:54
mouseGreevous, this is what you need.18:54
mouseGreevous, apt-get install gpart18:54
effie_jayxwols, I'll try...18:54
* effie_jayx reffers to documentation18:55
mouseGreevous, http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/Partition-Rescue.html18:55
paratoxbeachtet mich!18:55
wols!de | paratox18:55
ubotuparatox: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:55
romistrubwhat is this weird ~./mozilla business?18:55
paratoxi can write english18:55
wolsromistrub: it's not weird. it'S where ffox stores its user config18:55
Greevousmouse: thank you for your help. So is "gpart" separate from "gparted"?18:55
lukaszto use 12 hr clock on 24 i should set yes or no?18:55
romistrubwols: syntax confuses me18:55
lukaszI set it to no still nothing18:55
Synx_hmIs the latest wine version in the package repository18:56
mouseGreevous, indeed18:56
figijoin #ubuntu-es18:56
burrosoy venezolano18:56
wolsparatox: please ask a ubuntu related support question18:56
figiche burro venezolano18:56
paratoxbut nobody wants to help mi with ma logitech g15 problem18:56
figino hay sala de chat de ubuntu pero en español?18:56
mouselukasz, "no"18:56
effie_jayxwols, If you notice that the mouse pointer freezes randomly and everything goes slow then you might be affected by the “Double Clock Speed” problem. or if mp3's play18:56
wolsparatox: since you haven't told anyone wha your problem is, this is understandable: no one can help you18:56
Pici!es | figi18:56
ubotufigi: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:56
burrome gustaria poer ahora en español18:56
lukaszthats stil didn't work mouse I set it and it didn't change18:56
RA-i installed ubuntu 7.10 on a vaio cr220, but when i try to play mp3 or cds i get no sound18:57
lukaszI even restarted it18:57
wolseffie_jayx: that makes no seense. double clock speed of WHAT?18:57
romistrubokay so I'm still having a hell of a time trying to find the location of my firefox install... I need it to install flash. Other methods are not working.18:57
mouselukasz, have you tried to restart gdm?18:57
wols!sound | RA-18:57
ubotuRA-: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:57
genii!info xine-ui18:57
ubotuxine-ui: the xine video player, user interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.5-2build1 (gutsy), package size 1514 kB, installed size 3628 kB18:57
burroquiero  instalar ubunto 7.10 mandamelo18:57
Myrttiromistrub: "which firefox"18:57
lukaszhow do I restart gdm?18:57
Myrtti!english | burro18:57
mouse/etc/init.d/gdm restart18:57
ubotuburro: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat18:57
Picilukasz: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart18:57
wolsromistrub: since you didn't install it from a ubuntu package, ask #mozilla18:57
paratoxwols: my g15composer won`t work with ttf fonts18:57
effie_jayx!es | burro18:57
ubotuburro: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:57
mouselukasz, or just logoff and press ctrl-alt-backspace18:57
wolsparatox: is this g15composer a linux app?18:57
paratox!es | buro18:57
trekkerhi everybody18:57
ubotuburo: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:58
fenrighi i have problems with ndis18:58
fenrigcan somebody help???18:58
paratoxwols: jes18:58
paratoxwols: yes18:58
d03boywhen does the newest version come out?18:58
wolsparatox: and the error is?18:58
hdevalencehow do I make ls only show directories?18:58
romistrubwols: I think I found it18:58
wolsd03boy: april 0818:58
effie_jayxwols, well ... it seems my pc seems to be running faster than it should... I found a forum thread that called it double speed... clock...18:59
effie_jayxwols, my bad...18:59
wolseffie_jayx: are you running under vmware?18:59
effie_jayxit's my old pIII18:59
wolseffie_jayx: cat /proc/cpuinfo18:59
wolswhat speed does your CPU run at?18:59
paratoxwols: g15composer: symbol lookup error: g15composer: undefined symbol: g15r_ttfLoad18:59
burrohay alguien que hable español aqui18:59
gvsa123how can i set mp3 format to be the default or preferred format in soundjuicer and rhythmbox?18:59
wolsparatox:from where did you isntall that app?19:00
romistrubaaaand it works19:00
wols!es | burro19:00
ubotuburro: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:00
effie_jayxburro,  los canales de español son #ubuntu-es #kubuntu-es etc19:00
paratoxwols: source packages19:00
fenrigi have ndis problems19:00
wolsparatox: then you most likely didn't compile it right19:00
Myrtti!repeat | fenrig19:00
ubotufenrig: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:00
fenrigmy wireless isn't working19:00
wolsparatox: grep the sourcecode for g15r_ttfLoad and see where it is defined19:00
angeli have an issue that I can't seem to fix on my own, i was hopin someone might beable to help me19:01
paratoxwols: thanx19:01
paratoxwols: i will have a look19:01
wolsparatox: most likely a lib is not where it should be19:01
wolsparatox: did you run ldconfig after installing?19:01
mouseparadon, ldd `which g15composer`19:01
effie_jayxwols, gimmie a sec while I log into it19:02
fenrigcan somebody assist me with ndis?19:02
paratoxwols: yes19:02
romistrubheh... I'm a vat of stupid questions today: how do you dualboot linux? All instructions I've seen tell me to install XP first. I already have ubuntu installed19:03
wolsinstall XP then19:03
mouseromistrub, if you install Offtop after ubuntu, you need to boot from CD and restore grub loader19:03
wolsafter that:19:03
wols!grub | romistrub19:03
uboturomistrub: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:03
MarcChow do I end a process (grep Codec /proc/asound/card0/codec#0 /proc/asound/card0/codec#1) that won't let me kill it?19:03
MarcCit's using 100% CPU.19:03
Retro`i have ubuntu 7.1019:03
angelI installed a game ( PlaneShift ), the install was fine, I found a forum on installing it through the terminial, I installed in under sudo, it asked for my pass everything installed fine, but now everything has permissions set to it for root and there is no root. I can't even get into the folder to uninstall it. I don't know how to fix it.19:04
wolsMarcC: sudo kill -9 <pid>19:04
romistrubmouse: offtop?19:04
Retro`i have installed EasyTAG19:04
mouseromistrub, winxp :)19:04
leroywols: I have posted the "nvidia" log http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49718/19:04
Retro`but then removed it19:04
Pici!enter | Retro`19:04
MarcCwols: I'll try that, but SigKill in HTOP isn't working on that process19:04
ubotuRetro`: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:04
romistrubmouse:  ah :P19:04
wolsgksu <program>  in this case planeshift19:04
fenrigangel: sudo nautilus (location of planeshift)19:04
MarcCwols: thanks, looks like the process finally halted itself19:04
Pici!gksudo | angel fenrig19:04
ubotuangel fenrig: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)19:04
romistrubthx wols et mouse19:04
effie_jayxwols, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3055/19:05
fenrigPici: i still don't have fixed my wireless problem :p19:05
wolsleroy: what is the problem. don't see an error there19:05
Masse^^H264 video seems to bounce on both mplayer and kaffeine. What could cause it?19:05
angelany ideas on how i can get rid of it so I can try again?19:06
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leroywols: the display just blanks out19:06
mouseleroy, looks fine except EDID read error19:06
wolseffie_jayx: it runs at 450MHz which seems to be normal for a P319:06
leroy"no signal input"19:06
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wolsleroy: videocard with 2 outputs?19:06
flyinghippoI'm planning on installing Ubuntu onto my Macbook, but I'm wondering if Boot Camp is absolutely necessary, considering it's unavailable for Tiger.19:06
wolsleroy: could it be it uses the 2nd one?19:06
effie_jayxwols,  ok... that kills that theory...19:06
leroyi am running on the VGA19:06
shane2perudoes anyone have any experience setting up TV Cards?  I'm a noob at this part, though not new to Linux19:07
KlrSpzleroy: i've had where lcd's won't power up the edid if it's been on a long time.. try unplugging the unit and replug it in, power on/off doesn't do the trick as it's not actually "off"19:07
mouseleroy, where you connect your Sony?19:07
effie_jayxthe PIII still suffers from jerky usb mouse19:07
leroyi am connected on VGA out19:07
mouseleroy, it should be connected as CRT-0, shouldn't?19:07
shane2peruI'm installing mythtv right now, but not sure if that is all I need to do.19:07
mouseleroy, pastebin xorg.conf please19:07
Retro`hello... i have Ubuntu 7.10... i have had EasyTAG installed for some time but then i removed it... now i reinstalled it but the program is not present anywhere as if not installed... i have also installed the latest debian package for EasyTAG but it says "Error: Dependency not satisfied: libc6"... please help19:07
KlrSpzoh, vga won't detect EDID's properly anyway19:07
kuberquestion: I really love how debian allows me to download 10+ cds of packages, as i'm sometimes in places that have no net connection. I can only find the single ubuntu cd/dvd. Is there a more extensive cd distribution anywhere?19:09
flyinghippoRetro`: Did you install it with Synaptic/APT-Get?19:09
shane2peruany TV Card People out there???  I have a K-World TV card19:09
Retro`flyinghippo, both ways19:09
mouseleroy, what is the second one CRT-out?19:09
flyinghippoDid you try doing 'apt-get install libc6'?19:09
leroywols: i was thinking something similar about it's using the second output, but why would it just do it with the "nvidia" driver19:09
antoHeya, i got a problem with my sound ever since i upgraded motherboard the music output has become alot weaker.... can anyone explain how i can make it stronger?19:10
Retro`flyinghippo, yes... it said only i have the latest libc6 installed and that was all it said19:10
Picikuber: Theres the Desktop CD, the Desktop DVD (more packages), The Alternate CD (textmode install) and the minimal cd(bitesize)19:10
mouseleroy, nvidia detect it as the second CRT.19:10
leroymouse: i'll have to look19:10
sjnimsanyone know the correct settings for sensors.conf to be used with lm-sensors on a winbond w83627ehf chip?19:10
Greevousmouse: gpart's man pages don't say that it supports restoring ext3; will there be a problem if my primary partition was ext3?19:10
squidlyhello I'm trying to setup a network alias that will route only to a spefic subnet.. how can I do that?19:10
Retro`flyinghippo, what could be the problem?19:10
KlrSpzext3 = ext2 + journaling19:10
flyinghippoI have no idea.  I haven't touched linux in a while.19:10
flyinghippoSorry, but I'm not much help here.19:11
wolsleroy: cause the nvidia driver decides to to it and nv decides it differently. I'd look for a dual monitor nvidia howto and check if there is a nvidia option to make it use the right output for you19:11
leroymouse: the second output is DVI19:11
kuberso, not really much for someone with only a cd drive and no net connection. that's a shame; I have friend in west africa who uses debian instead of ubuntu simply because he can access all the packages, he has a big stack of cds :)19:11
kuberwhich is what i also did when i lived there.19:11
mouseGreevous, I suppose, no... it should detect ext219:12
Condoulowould any of you suggest GeUbuntu>19:12
KlrSpzleroy: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/169.04/README/appendix-b.html19:12
morstI am following the directions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=329299&highlight=wg111v2 and when I enter "sudo ndiswrapper -i /home/<username>/Desktop/NetgearV2/Driver/WIN98/net111v2.inf" I get the result "couldn't open /home/Nathan/.../net111v2.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.9 line 181"19:13
KlrSpzleroy: in particular, check out Option "ConnectedMonitor"19:13
KlrSpzor Option "UseDisplayDevice"19:13
KlrSpzlastly, attempt to get an 800x600 display going before trying the 1360x768 display19:14
leroyKlrSpz, cool I'll give that a try19:14
Zibbidyhi to all, i want to ask why i cant see my partitions when im installing ubuntu 7.10?19:14
Zibbidydo i need sata driver or something else?19:14
KlrSpzZibbidy: see them where?19:14
wolsZibbidy: what harddisk controller?19:14
mousemorst, that means that there is no such file19:14
wolswhat sata controller?19:14
KlrSpzZibbidy: try :: dmesg | grep sd19:14
fenrigi have wireless problems :s19:14
morstthe file is there though19:15
Greevousmouse: they're backwards compatible right? So there shouldn't be any problems I hope19:15
wolsfenrig: and you have them forever since you never clearly state your problem19:15
mouseGreevous, indeed. ext3 like ext2 but with journaling support.19:15
ompaul!wireless | fenrig19:15
ubotufenrig: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:15
leroyKlrSpz, should i put this in the screen section?19:15
KlrSpzleroy: yes, but it can also go under the device section as well (which is where i prefer if i have multiple cards)19:16
fenrigwols: well okay ndis can't load my windows driver for my wifi card19:16
WorkingOnWis1ho do i remove dansguardian. when i try to, i get tha error  http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/driver_licensing.htm19:16
WorkingOnWis1fat fingers sorry19:16
fenrigwols: though its reported that those windows drivers work multiple times19:17
fenrigwols: by different people19:17
KlrSpz fenrig: staying in the same bitset? (ie, 32bit vs 64bit) ?19:17
mousefenrig, ndiswrapper says that it couldn't find specified file19:17
Zibbidyi have edited my hdd to [ntfs][ext3][swap] with other partition program, but when i boot from ubuntu 7.10 and click to install, they didnt show my partitions, only /dev/sda i can see (sorry for english :)19:17
ompaulfenrig, which one of these cards is it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported19:17
WorkingOnWis1ho do i remove dansguardian. when i try to, i get tha error "subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2" and "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"19:17
maieri want to burn a 762mb with brasero on a 800mb disk19:18
KlrSpzZibbidy: right, you have to fdisk it :: fdisk -l /dev/sda19:18
morstat mouse, i capitalized Nathan, shouldnt have been, thx19:18
wolsWorkingOnWis1: pastebin the FULL output of apt-get or dpkg19:18
maierbut it shows me in the dialog that it only has 702mb and denys19:18
ZibbidyKlrSpz, thnx ill try ;)19:18
mousemorst, welcome :)19:18
JoelitoDoes anyone know which package should I download to start making GUIs for gnome?19:18
wolsmaier: make sure your burner can overburn and try other burnprograms19:19
maierneed a small burning apllication or cdrecord command with overburn19:19
mousemaier, who shows?19:19
phracJoelito: glade19:19
wolsJoelito: glade, anjutah19:19
ZibbidyKlrSpz, but dont want to lost my ntfs files, right?19:19
mousemaier, use cdrecord19:19
KlrSpzZibbidy: the -l will just list the partitions, and tell you what base file systems you have on there19:19
KlrSpzie,HPFS/NTFS partition, linux partition, and linux swap partition is what it should tell you19:19
mousemaier, generally, overburn isn't needed19:20
mousemaier, yes19:20
KlrSpzmaier: yes, cli tool; and a great one at that!19:20
Joelitowols: Does  anjuta generates the binaries, or just the source codes?19:20
maiercould you give me the command?19:20
fenrigwols: its a atheros onboard card, ar5006EG in a aspire 7520 acer laptop19:20
wolsanjutah is a C/C++ IDE19:20
maierits an .img19:20
mousemaier, cdrecord -data disk.iso dev=/dev/cdrw -v19:20
wolsmouse: how do you know his burner can burn 800MB?19:21
Joelitowols, let me check :)19:21
ZibbidyKlrSpz, ill boot now from ubuntu...19:21
mousewols, just check this.19:21
mousewols, if his burner isn't so old, it could19:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:21
KlrSpzan 800mb iso != 800mb disk19:22
mousemaier's iso is 726mb19:22
maierits realy new19:22
mouseyes, right19:23
KlrSpzi'm sure 50+mb of that is data structure and joliet info19:23
arte_hi there wot cud u recommend to fully mount ntfs f/s disk with all rights19:23
ompaul!u | arte_19:24
duryhi there channel :)19:24
leroyKlrSpz, nogo with the "UseDisplayDevice" option..19:24
ubotuarte_: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..19:24
ompaul!ntfs | arte_19:24
ubotuarte_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:24
duryMerry Xmas19:24
maiercdrecord: WARNING: Data may not fit on current disk.19:24
arte_is it crime to use u lol ?19:24
mousemaier, CDRW?19:24
fenrigi'm flemish :p19:24
maier Capacity  Blklen/Sparesz.  Type19:24
maier           0             2048  No Media Present or Unknown Capacity19:24
wolsarte_: yes19:25
wolsthe karma police will arrest you19:25
wolslol is in the same category btw19:25
maierno cd-r19:25
arte_am goin to church19:25
wolsyes, repentance is needed19:25
arte_pray for my sins19:25
maierso just use -overburn???19:25
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:26
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions19:26
KlrSpztry mounting the image and see what the size is19:26
WorkingOnWis1wols: I get this when I try remove http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49722/ and this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49723/ when I try install, as apt-get recommends at the end of install.19:27
arte_the problem is i cudnt read n write in ntfs files19:27
arte_its ok on directories19:27
KlrSpzntfs-3g is great19:27
=== ^^barbi^^ is now known as MIMI6
mousebye all!19:27
arte_i got ubuntu before but i forgot all the things i used19:28
duryIt's curious... because I have installed Ubuntu 7.10 in this second IDE HD, and can't boot it. the other disk (sata) it's installed mandriva. Lilo comes out19:28
Archie1when i put in a cdrom into my drive nothing happens and it doesnt apear in dmesg, do i need to install a cdrom driver of some sort?19:28
hendrixskiI'm trying to install Ubuntu on a friends' Compaq laptop, and it gparted just refuses to partition the drive.  Any ideas how to work around this?19:28
wolsWorkingOnWis1: that is this: /usr/local/apps/parental-control/./dansguardian_log.pl19:28
bruenigWorkingOnWis1, sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/dansguardian19:28
wolsubuntu packages don't install themselves to /usr/local19:28
hendrixskiArchie1, are you trying to install Ubuntu through the CDROM?19:28
Archie1hendrixski: no i am inserting a regular disk19:29
Archie1in ubuntu19:29
bruenigWorkingOnWis1, known bug that ubuntu continues to ignore19:29
osxdudeBye!!! I'll see y'alls while i'm in florida!19:29
duryand there is not choice for Ubuntu19:29
wolsbruenig: is this package really a ubuntu package?19:29
WorkingOnWis1bruenig: what is the bug?19:29
=== craig_ is now known as squidly
hendrixskioh... hhmm.  Dunno then.  I was gonna yell at you for not properly burning an ISO  :-p    Umm. if it worked during install, then you already have the drivers... make sure it didn't come lose or anything. :-)19:29
bruenigWorkingOnWis1, init script pre-removal scripts constantly fail19:30
=== nick__ is now known as nrober
MIMI6m iwi19:30
bruenigwols, it may not be, but the bug is prevalent in a lot of daemon packages19:30
PiciMIMI6: ?19:30
duryGRUB doesn't appear when the machine boots19:30
duryonly LILO19:31
hendrixskisssoooo... anybody know why gparted wouldn't work on a hard-drive? and what I can do to coerce it?  The rest of the LiveCD works just fine :-/19:31
Archie1when i put in a cdrom into my drive nothing happens and it doesnt apear in dmesg, do i need to install a cdrom driver of some sort?19:31
PiciMIMI6: stop.19:31
WorkingOnWis1bruenig: so it has little to do with the packages as much as the daemon script then?19:31
KlrSpzhendrixski: use cfdisk19:31
KlrSpzdelete the partitions, write the table, and then re-do it (either with cfdisk or gparted)19:31
bruenigWorkingOnWis1, no it has to do with the package, because the package tries to stop the daemon before it removes it, but when that fails (because say the daemon isn't started to begin with) the whole package can't be removed and you have no idea why19:31
WorkingOnWis1bruenig: reran install and it completed succesfuly19:31
shane2peruanyone know how to setup a TVCard?19:31
MIMI6ja  sluzaz           seka19:31
hendrixskiKlrSpz, cool.  I'll apt-get install cfdisk onto the liveCD and try that instead of gparted19:32
slugonehow can i set my macbook min fanspeed19:32
KlrSpzhmm should already be on there, but yeah19:32
Pici!tv | shane2peru19:32
ubotushane2peru: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out19:32
Filled-VoidCan I use an Emerald theme on my Ubuntu 7.10 install without having to install anything?19:33
shane2peruPici, thanks! I will look through that.19:33
rodolfonickrud: there you are, are you still alive?19:33
hendrixskiKlrSpz, :-( apt-cache search cfdisk gave zero results :-(19:33
Zibbidywhat was root password on ubuntu 7.10 live?19:33
PiciZibbidy: There is none.19:34
ZibbidyKlrSpz: im now on ubuntu 7.10 live19:34
Pici!sudo | Zibbidy19:34
ubotuZibbidy: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.19:34
nickrudrodolfo, yup, still alive. Didn't get back for while that day, did ping you though19:34
hendrixskiand it doesn't tab-complete when I type cfdi [tab]19:34
bruenigZibbidy, the root password is locked, sudo is made to work with no password though19:34
bruenigon the live cd19:34
rodolfonickrud: no problem, did you get my feedback?19:34
ompaulnickrud, we got us a new factoid19:34
ubotuWe don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)19:34
nickrudrodolfo, no, I didn't see anything from you after we stopped to eat19:34
hendrixskiah, wait found it19:34
nickrudompaul, rflol19:35
nickrudrodolfo, and you've caught me at work :(19:35
evan_hey annyone runnong glets3.0.0?19:35
* bruenig wonders what these problems as a result of having a root password are19:35
rodolfonickrud: 2 steps while you were out: sudo apt-get remove --purge compizconfig-settings-manager and the second one: i installed the deb version (got from that ubuntu.archive you told me) and it worked =)19:36
ompaulbruenig, broken desktops we had one last evening19:36
bruenigbut what is the causal link exactly19:36
bruenigfrom root password to desktop destruction19:36
KinPumpkinKingevan_, I would, but I phail at compiling. :(19:36
MadEchidnaHello everyone19:36
mrdigitalcan anyone recommend a good linux alternative to booklog?19:36
graftevan_: does it require acceleration?19:37
daxrocEvening all19:37
ompaulbruenig, they used root for stuff they should have used nothing for cos they could19:37
shay5482hello, i have dell poweredge 6650 and i am trying to install ubuntu 32 bit desktop, i insert the live cd to the cdrom , and i choose "start or install ubuntu" and it start the progress bar but after few secs .. i get to window named "busybox" what should i do ?19:37
KlrSpzZibbidy: sorry man, i'm at work switching back and forth is difficult for me right now... but cfdisk should be there19:37
evan_KinPumpkinking where does it fail?19:37
slugonehow can  i set my fan speed on my macbook in ubuntu19:37
KinPumpkinKingevan_, I mean I'm not good at it. I "phail."19:37
evan_graft: im not sure19:37
MadEchidnaHas anyone tried using a cable modem with USB? My parents are going to let me use theirs tonight and I'm hoping I won't need to do anything19:37
KlrSpzerr sorry wrong person..19:37
bruenigok pebkac problem19:37
KinPumpkinKingevan_,  I tried compiling some stuff but it barely ever worked out19:37
maierubuntu cant mount the cd19:37
lonejackhi all, I tryed to configure my sound preferences, during test I obtain: Failed to construct test pipeline for 'gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat'. Somebody can help me?19:38
evan_KinPumpkinking lol yeh ive benn busy the whole afternoon :P19:38
KinPumpkinKingevan_, rofl :D19:38
evan_KinPumpkinking but it works now19:38
graftKinPumpkinKing: it's in the repository, eh?19:38
etotheipihow can I make Ubuntu (7.10) re-auto-generate my X.org conf? the list of resolutions and refresh rates is all weird :S19:38
daxrocAny one know a guide for configuring a logitech hid(with hub support) on gutsy , I can scan for devices but paring seems to fail19:38
bruenigmrdigital, what is booklog?19:38
KinPumpkinKinggraft, not the latest, barely the latest of anything is in the repository19:38
rodolfonickrud: if it didnt work, then what was i supposed to do? =T19:38
duryheys guys could some assist me19:38
KlrSpzetotheipi: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg19:38
graftKinPumpkinKing: is th ebleeding edge that much better?19:39
KinPumpkinKingevan_, it doesn't have an online option yet?19:39
KinPumpkinKinggraft, sometimes.19:39
mrdigitalits a inventory manangent system / POS for books19:39
graftKinPumpkinKing: in this case?19:39
rodolfonickrud: gonna tell me if what ive done was good/worng/dangerous to the system...?19:39
duryin this machine LILO  starts19:39
KinPumpkinKinggraft, I don't know :D19:39
KinPumpkinKinggraft, if the AI is slightly updated, then yes19:39
durycan't boot with GRUB19:39
graftKinPumpkinKing: so why not try the repos version before compiling?19:39
KlrSpzdury, ie, grub won't work????19:39
bloodniecewhat is the best filesystem for sharing between linux, osx, and win32? this is for a portable 2.5" drive.19:39
evan_KinPumpkinking yeah but its alpha so dont expect to much of it19:39
KinPumpkinKinggraft, I did, I like the latest D:19:39
KinPumpkinKinggraft, (the use of the latest)19:40
weyerbloodniece: if you have to use it under windows, probably fat3219:40
evan_i need to have a server to connect to so im not sure if it works19:40
KinPumpkinKingevan_, I'll try to compile soon since I have a lack of RTS here. :(19:40
bloodniecefat32 has 4GB limit19:40
duryKlrSpz: what's ie19:40
mrdigitalbruenig: any ideas?19:40
brobostigonmy external hdd is ntfs19:40
KinPumpkinKingdury, internet explorer19:40
bloodniececan osx write to ext3?19:40
ikoniabloodniece: it's 4 gig for an individual file as a limit19:40
KlrSpzdury: in example19:41
evan_:P on the glest forums are a lot of tuts19:41
maiercdrecord -overburn -data warez/teleatlas/Blaupunkt\ TravelPilot\ DX\ Deutschland\ 2007-2008/DEU_2007-2008_DX\ v3.img dev=/dev/cdrw -v19:41
brobostigonover 500gb19:41
bruenigmrdigital, I don't know, I haven't done much with inventory management really19:41
bloodniecei know, that 4gb limit per file is the issue19:41
KinPumpkinKingdury, oh, no, it's for example lol :D19:41
duryI'm not in windows19:41
maieris -data the right command for an immage?19:41
KlrSpzbloodniece: ext3 shoudl be fine19:41
KinPumpkinKingevan_, did it get that much better?19:41
bloodnieceill try, klrspz, thanks19:42
brobostigoni did a backup the other day and it vreated a 5.6gb compressed file19:42
KlrSpzbloodniece: there's a windows driver to read ext2, which will suffice for your browsing/editing (just won't have journaling)19:42
weyerhmm if htop gives "nan%" for one cpu on a dualcore, is that bad?19:42
weyerit looks like one cpu gave up...19:42
duryKlrSpz: It's curious... because I have installed Ubuntu 7.10 in this second IDE HD, and can't boot it. the other disk (sata) it's installed mandriva. Lilo comes out19:42
bloodniecejournaling is not necessary, just have large iso and image files19:42
daxrocwhen I press a key on the bluetooth keyb it shows via the bt-applet that it connects ( shortly disconnects there after ) but no event is detected19:42
shay5482hello, i have dell poweredge 6650 and i am trying to install ubuntu 32 bit desktop, i insert the live cd to the cdrom , and i choose "start or install ubuntu" and it start the progress bar but after few secs .. i get to window named "busybox" what should i do ?19:43
etotheipiKlrSpz:  thanks :)19:43
KlrSpzdury: yeah you have to install grub to your primary boot disk19:43
KlrSpzetotheipi: np19:43
ikoniadury: if lilo is showing, it is booting from the sata drive, not the ide19:43
bloodniecei thought osx was supposed to support reiser4?19:43
nightstalkerWhat iss a busy box19:43
ikoniadury: grub is installed when you install ubuntu19:43
ikonianightstalker:a mini linux distro (as a simple example)19:43
speedhunt3rhow do i set samba usr and password from cli?19:43
KlrSpzbusybox is a command-set19:43
bloodnieceoh well, ext2 it is. thanks all, happy new year!19:43
nbeckCan anyone help a nooblet on Ubuntu 7.10 installing Kiba-Dock?19:43
ikoniaspeedhunt3r: smbpasswd19:43
duryikonia: what do you suggest to do?19:44
slugoneanyone know how to set my fan speed minimum value?? on a macbook in ubuntu19:44
ikoniadury: install ubuntu ?19:44
prabhjotHi, I recently switched over from windows to ubuntu 7.10...19:44
prabhjotI performed a clean install, after backing up all my data to DVDs. But now i can't mount any of my backup DVDs. I burnt them with the ISO9660/Joliet format with relaxed restrictions,(longer file-names and path depths) under Nero and I could easily read them under windows.19:44
prabhjotWhen I try to mount them under ubuntu, i get the following message box:19:44
prabhjot" Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume"19:44
ikoniadury: change the boot disk in the bios to the ide disk ?19:44
KlrSpzdury, boot to the disk, and install grub19:44
nightstalkerikonia what can I do with a busy box I ak beacuase I'am new @Linux /ubuntu I think it iss interresting19:44
KlrSpzit's like 3 lines to do so19:44
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:44
cplusplu1Im trying to get fglrx or ati driver to work with radeon 2600 pro pci-e ddr2 in gusty 64-bit, but it reverts back to vesa when I go to the screens and graphics section. How do I get the driver to work?19:45
ikonianightstalker: what do you want to do with it ? how can you think it's interesting when you have just asked what it is (that suggests you have no idea what it is)19:45
nbeckAny help with Kiba Dock install?  It's asking for the Ubuntu install disk and I was wondering if there's a way around that.19:45
ikonianbeck: remove the cdrom source from /etc/apt/sources.list19:45
soroushhi, can't i have all ubuntu documentation in a single File?19:45
nbeckK, I'll give it a shot.19:45
KlrSpznbeck: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the first line19:45
ikoniasoroush: I'm not aware of a single file release.19:45
pyrakcan someone point me to a good tut on setting up a static ip from the command line?19:45
ikoniapyrak: static ip from your ISP or on a private lan19:46
soroushi don't want to surf site online, ikonia19:46
KlrSpzpyrak: just edit /etc/network/interfaces19:46
duryikonia: to change the boot disk in the bios to the ide disk... I think it's the right thing19:46
soroushi can't . ah19:46
nickrudrodolfo, was called away from desk, sounds good that it's all working.19:46
nightstalkerikonia Yes but I want to know what I can do with it. I have seen a busy box yet . But @ this time I don't know what I can do with it19:46
ikoniadury: go for it19:46
* soroush fuck online docs19:46
Zibbidyi cant login as su :/19:46
ikoniasoroush: that language is uncalled for !19:46
Pici!language | soroush19:46
ubotusoroush: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:46
KlrSpznightstalker: nothing, it's a command set for a minimal setup19:46
Zibbidywith blank pass19:46
shay5482can someone plz help me ? i have scsi raid , and the installation of the live cd drop me on busybox what can i do ?19:46
ikoniasoroush: this channel is family friendly please respect other users19:46
duryikonia: ok , right now19:47
KlrSpzZibbidy: use sudo19:47
nightstalkerah Okay19:47
KlrSpz!sudo | zibbidy19:47
ubotuzibbidy: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.19:47
durysee ya then19:47
gunashekarhuh soroush19:47
* genii sips a coffee and thinks about pesky Vista iso13346 cdroms19:47
nickrudrodolfo, and that's a very good way to fix things, get a deb and directly install it. Did it fix the 'can't find file' error as well?19:47
cplusplu1Im trying to get fglrx or ati driver to work with radeon 2600 pro pci-e ddr2 in gusty 64-bit, but it reverts back to vesa when I go to the screens and graphics section. How do I get the driver to work?19:47
Zibbidythey need command...19:47
nightstalkerthank you19:47
ikoniagenii: can you please stop with the "/me" commands please. They are not helpful in a busy channel and you constantly do them.19:47
Zibbidyusage: sudo -K | -L | -V | -h | -k | -l | -v19:47
KlrSpzsudo command19:47
hendrixskisweet.  the disk partitioned and the install is running smoothly19:47
geniiikonia: OK19:47
hendrixskianother Ubuntu success story :-)19:48
Zibbidyok ...19:48
KlrSpzZibbidy: so to use vim as root (to open a root accessible file) sudo vim /path/to/file19:48
rodolfonickrud: no, the message still pops up... =/19:48
KlrSpzor you can do sudo su to BE root, but that's never advised19:48
ompaul!supportroot | KlrSpz19:48
* pea_brain Oh. i just learnt about the /me command. thanks ikonia19:48
ikoniaKlrSpz: sudo -i ;)19:48
ZibbidyKlrSpz: i do19:48
Zibbidyi do sudo su19:48
ubotuKlrSpz: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)19:48
ikoniaZibbidy: thats not advised19:48
geniiprabhjot:  Vista makes iso13346 dvds when you make backups from it. There is a kernel patch on sourceforge but linux cannot natively use them19:49
KlrSpzyeah ubuntu users aren't too keen on the whole "being root" thing19:49
ZibbidyKlrSpz: /dev/sda3 is my ext3 partition19:49
KlrSpzwhat distro are you coming from?19:49
maierive installed gutsy but it doesnt worked with my soundcard so i tried to compile the driver for my hda intel soundcard19:49
maierbut it doesnt work yet19:49
maierso i want to retry it19:49
nbeck@Ikonia, (regarding removing the CD rom from the source list), when I type that in I don't see where to remove it?19:49
maierbut i think first ive got to erase the old driver, but how19:49
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto19:49
cplusplu1Im trying to get fglrx or ati driver to work with radeon 2600 pro pci-e ddr2 in gusty 64-bit, but it reverts back to vesa when I go to the screens and graphics section. How do I get the driver to work?19:49
nbeckGet help write out read file comes up...19:50
erUSULnbeck: System>Admin>Software Sources19:50
rodolfonickrud: but the settings manager works fine when its called by the compiz fusion icon19:50
maierive compiled it with ubuntuusers.de19:50
KlrSpzok I -have- to get off this or i'm not gunna get any work done... bbl19:50
nickrudrodolfo, what we need is a real apt/dpkg expert then.  I'll ping a few, but I have to get back to work.19:50
brobostigoncan you resize(make smaller) an ntfs partition??i dont think its possible??19:50
ZibbidyKlrSpz: /dev/sda3 is my ext3 partition, whats next? :)19:50
butcherbird!resize | brobostigon19:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about resize - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:51
KlrSpzwhat's next for what?19:51
rodolfonickrud: its OK man, lets (re)start doing this when your free from your work19:51
prabhjotgenii: so , how do i get my data back? i didn't use Vista backups or anything of the sort, i only copied the data folder by folder, and made a mastered DVD under Nero19:51
butcherbirdbrobostigon: install gparted19:51
KlrSpzbrobostigon: gparted will resize it for you (but beware it's a slow process)19:51
rodolfonickrud: deal?19:51
Zibbidyfor installing ubuntu on dev/sda319:51
KlrSpzand do a defrag first in windows19:51
butcherbirdbrobostigon: only thing is make sure you umount the partition first19:51
Picibrobostigon: You can indeed.  I suggest defragging windows (ntfs/fatXX) before you do though.19:51
KlrSpzZibbidy: use the install script, and tell the partitioner to use the root/swap you set up19:51
KlrSpzbbl, work19:51
maierhow can i remove how can i remove the broken module19:51
ZibbidyKlrSpz: from İnstall on my Desktop?19:52
KlrSpzZibbidy: yes19:52
geniiprabhjot: If you make a virtual machine for XP underneath ubuntu you should be able to read the dvds that way19:52
prabhjotgenii :  I have already tried that, and i'm not able to read them19:52
justbluemailI have ubuntu 7.10 recently installed on a partition. I installed wine with automatix. I downloaded cs source from here (http://www.csbrazucas.com/index.php?showtopic=1667). The first file (CSS_07-07-2005_DZ.exe) executed and installed with no problems on the wine c: drive but I could not execute the paths. even so I tryed to run what the CSS_07-07-2005_DZ.exe installed but get this error : Microsoft visual c++ runtime library. Runtime e19:53
cplusplu1Im trying to get fglrx or ati driver to work with radeon 2600 pro pci-e ddr2 in gusty 64-bit, but it reverts back to vesa when I go to the screens and graphics section. How do I get the driver to work?19:53
nbeckman, you all fucking rock and Ubuntu is the shiznit.19:53
nbeckBut everyone helping the noobs like me is what makes it possible.19:53
nickrudrodolfo, deal. About 7 hours from now19:53
djm62/join #wow19:53
Ernstis there a noob ubuntu sollution for the new ipod's? Some .deb package perhaps?19:53
suncyduhello... is there a terminal command that displays hardware info??19:54
geniiprabhjot: There is also linux-udf project on sourceforge19:54
Regeli don't think the 3rd gen ipods work with linux atm19:54
pea_braindear all, how is the "nobody" user in linux different from the other system / regular users19:54
rodolfonickrud: its 16:53 now. you mean you'll be back at 23:53?19:54
rodolfonickrud: lol19:54
prabhjotgenii: Thanks a lot. I'll try.19:55
ompaulsuncydu, lshw19:55
ZibbidyKlrSpz: on my partition list i have only /dev/sda and i need to resize again, they will format all my hdd :/19:55
geniiprabhjot: The files seem somewhat old however (2004 seemed latest)19:55
ompaul!language | nbeck19:56
geniiprabhjot: You may want to make sure you have package udftools installed and try within the virtual XP machine once more19:56
ubotunbeck: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:56
nbeckGood call.19:56
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:56
ompaul!enter | nbeck (could not resist this)19:56
ubotunbeck (could not resist this): please see above19:56
brobostigoni umounted it, open gparted with gksudo, i changed to my ntfs partiton, went into the part menu, and it wont let me choose the resize option.19:56
cplusplu1Im trying to get fglrx or ati driver to work with radeon 2600 pro pci-e ddr2 in gusty 64-bit, but it reverts back to vesa when I go to the screens and graphics section. How do I get the driver to work?19:56
shay5482can someone please help me , my ubuntu installation drops into busybox ?19:56
prabhjotgenii: ok. Shouldn't there be a built in command for reading the discs, coz the "mkisofs" already has an option to relax the iso9660 restrictions19:57
ompaul!bootoptions | shay5482 (good web page here:)19:57
ubotushay5482 (good web page here:): For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions19:57
geniiprabhjot: Even if you have in fstab the fs type of udf it won't matter if udftools are not installed19:57
ErnstRegel: they do work: http://banshee-project.org/BleedingIpodTest  //  http://amarok.kde.org/19:58
Filled-VoidHi all I remvoed a dock that was on the bottom of the screen. Is there a way I could get that back19:58
erUSULFilled-Void: normal ubuntu?19:58
prabhjotgenii: well, i 've posted the complete details at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64988719:58
brobostigonany ideas??19:58
Filled-VoiderUSUL, Ubuntu 7.1019:58
morstany eta on the adobe flash plugin?19:59
cplusplu1Im trying to get fglrx or ati driver to work with radeon 2600 pro pci-e ddr2 in gusty 64-bit, but it reverts back to vesa when I go to the screens and graphics section. How do I get the driver to work?19:59
Flare183!flash | morst19:59
ubotumorst: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:59
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.19:59
romistrubhow do I copy a .img file to a floppy?19:59
RegelErnst, so they cracked the code of the new ipods?19:59
ZibbidyKlrSpz: i cant set partition on advance to set start and end blocks19:59
erUSULFilled-Void: add a new panel then to that panel add the trash Can the Show Desktop the workspace switcher and the list of windows19:59
Flare183!repeat cplusplu119:59
romistruber... not "copy"... but... "burn"?19:59
Flare183!repeat | cplusplu119:59
ubotucplusplu1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:59
romistrubwhatever the floppy equivalent of burning is :P19:59
n2diy_! jeos19:59
geniiromistrub: sudo dd if=imagefile.img of=dev/fd019:59
ubotuJeOS (pronounced "Juice") is Just enough Operating System.  It is an efficient variant of the Ubuntu Server operating system, configured specifically for virtual appliances. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos for more information.19:59
cplusplu1Im trying to get fglrx or ati driver to work with radeon 2600 pro pci-e ddr2 in gusty 64-bit, but it reverts back to vesa when I go to the screens and graphics section. How do I get the driver to work?19:59
romistrubthanks genii :D20:00
brobostigonromistrub: possibly dd20:00
VertexOfLIfeA quick question about the installer. If the installer repeatedly gives me /usr/bin/dpkg error code (1) should I be worried?20:00
cplusplu1oh... sry.20:00
geniiromistrub: put a / before /dev there :) also full path of .img or do it in local dir of .img file20:00
Filled-VoiderUSUL, Thank you . Wasnt actually what I was looking for but you gave me the answer I needed :D. I wanted to add a new panel to place at the bottom.20:00
romistrubgenii: deal20:00
shay5482if i want to know what make my installation to drop into busybox there is away of doing that ? (so i can know what making the problem?)20:00
Flare183!repeat | shay548220:01
ubotushay5482: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:01
prabhjotgenii: shouldn't the udftools hav already been incorporated into the linux kernel itself, after all, i have Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon20:02
geniishay5482: Almost always it is because a driver you need to be loaded into kernel by way of the initram fileysytem is missing from the initrd file (hard disk controller or sata usually)20:02
pea_brainthanks guys, if suppose i need to create a new user similar to the nobody user, what steps do i follow? i am trying to do this so that i have less previlages and still not the globally used nobody user20:02
ompaulshay5482, it was already pointed out to you that there are a lot of boot options you can pass to the o/s to try and get it up off the ground did you look at that page?20:03
geniiprabhjot: Not sure about if they were supposed to be there. On my Gutsy box here package udftools seems to exist independently however20:03
Flare183pea_brain: nobody is a "nothing" user it's used for things like samba20:03
shay5482genii: my system is dell poweredge 6650 , and i think the main problem is the scsi ? can u help me?20:03
geniishay5482: Will it boot to the livecd?20:03
shay5482genii: yes20:03
prabhjotgenii: ok, Thanks for your help :)20:03
geniishay5482: OK, are you using the livecd now?20:04
ZibbidyKlrSpz: i have /dev/sda and under that free space which they r showing all my hdd, what to do?20:04
shay5482genii: yes20:04
poningru_workshay5482, turn off quiet on the grub menu20:04
Flare183pea_brain: is also has no permissions to do really anything20:04
poningru_workthat gives you more info20:04
bardyrhey, im looking for a good password manager, any recommendations ?20:04
geniishay5482: Good. Do you have what is supposed to be the / partition mounted someplace? If so in what directory20:04
unbeatablwhat is the biggest and most popular IT Developer IRC network?  is it Freenode?20:05
Zibbidycan i install ubuntu from terminal?20:05
schnabeltierhello :)20:05
shay5482genii: i am new to ubuntu, didnt understand ...20:05
brobostigoni just tried to partiton my ext usb hdd, its formatted with ntfs, i just bought it, i just made a backup so dont want to get rid of that,but make another partition on it, i thought i could resize ntfs with gparted, i tried but it wont let me choose the resize option, i umounted it first, any ideas why it wont??20:05
erUSUL!alternate | Zibbidy20:05
ubotuZibbidy: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal20:05
=== x-spec-t is now known as Spec
ompaulunbeatabl, perhaps, you should ask in #defocus it is offtopic for here :)20:05
Tilllinuxhow do I change the names in the context/right-click-menu of a file? for example... how do I change "open with ... wine" to ...artRage or something like that?20:05
shay5482genii: can you explain to me by steps please ?20:06
ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:06
bardyrbrobostigon, ntfs support in linux is limited, advanced features arent supported yet20:06
geniishay5482: What device did you install ubuntu to before? PErhaps someting like /dev/sda1 or such20:06
Zibbidyoof :/ i cant see my partitions also on GParted :/20:07
romistrubbardyr: just a quick question: is nfts proprietary?20:07
brobostigonbardyr: however just a moment ago, someone here said it was possible.20:07
bardyrromistrub, yes20:07
shay5482genii: this is new server , (i have another server working with ubuntu but its other model)20:07
Synx_hmWhat tools do you all use to convert video for your ipods?20:07
Zibbidyi can see only unallocated all my hdd20:07
KexxHey I'm trying to get Ubuntu to my laptop, but it keeps coming up with a Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" error. Some website said to download a driver, but the website only instructs if you're doing this with Ubuntu already and I can't do it in VIsta beacuse it went retarded and doesn't work now. D: Does anyone know how I would get this on? Just put it on with my Ubuntu CD or something? ;  ;20:07
bardyrbrobostigon, not to my knowledge, but i can be wrong. was the partition unmounted ?20:08
geniishay5482: This does not answer my question of what hard drive device to which you tried to install ubuntu :)20:08
brobostigonbardyr: it was umounted20:08
Zibbidyi can see only unallocated all my hdd, why i dunno?20:08
astro76Kexx, that's for your broadcom wireless card, you can ignore the error until later20:08
thresherhi all, does anyone know what vmware type app i can run to get xp on my i386 ubuntu rig20:09
shay5482genii: :) sorry , my english level is not so high :) can you ask the question again in other way ?20:09
ZibbidyUbuntu 7.04 was easier for instaliing20:09
KexxIt pauses on it though and won't continue downloading.20:09
astro76Kexx, when?20:09
ErnstRegel, yes they did.20:09
Tilllinuxthresher: innotek virtualBox20:09
KexxLike at what stage in the download?20:09
thresherTilllinux: thanks20:09
bardyrbrobostigon, you can try qtparted but if that does not work its not supported20:10
geniishay5482: If you open a Terminal and type in:   sudo fdisk -l | grep "83 Linux"         what does it say back?20:10
thresherTilllinux: any Other ways to get ie6 or above on my machine so i can handle active x and quickbooks online within ubuntu?20:10
brobostigonbardyr: someone in ubuntu-uk suggested ntfsprogs.20:10
Tilllinuxtry ies4linux (apps for wine) ... but I don't know if that'll work20:11
Tilllinuxbut you can use ie5 and ie6 for browsing the net :D20:11
n2diy_! VMserver20:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vmserver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:11
Zibbidyhelp me pls, i cant see partitions on GParted, why?20:11
bardyrbrobostigon, så få ham til at hjælpe dig :)20:11
shay5482genii: you want me to type this : "sudo fdisk -l | grep "83 linux" " on the busybox promt ?20:11
Picithresher: Also chec out crossover office, I hear its nice (but commerical)20:11
woodsmhello I have a ubuntu gutsy server with apache2.2 and mod_python. when attempting to stop apache2, all apache process do not seem to die and the apache error log containts:20:11
woodsm[Thu Dec 27 19:53:45 2007] [error] (9)Bad file descriptor: apr_socket_accept: (client socket)20:11
woodsm[Thu Dec 27 19:53:45 2007] [error] (9)Bad file descriptor: apr_socket_accept: (client socket)20:11
bardyrbrobostigon, then get him to help you :)20:11
Pici!paste | woodsm20:11
ubotuwoodsm: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)20:11
ikonia!vmware >ikonia20:12
thresherPici: is that soemthing that runs ie7 or something?20:12
geniishay5482: No. On the computer which gives the busybox when you try normal boot, boot instead onto the Ubuntu Livecd. Then from a Terminal off the Livecd do this command20:12
leroyI've been reading ubuntu forums trying to find out why my nvidia 7600GS connected to a Sony Bravia HDTV won't work with the restricted nvidia driver, and I see alot of threads with similar problems but they all die before there is a solution posted.  I've tried a bunch of things and can't get it to work, does anyone have some ideas?20:12
Tilllinuxthresher: it's a commercial version of wine, and wine is "wine is not an emulator"20:12
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.20:12
bardyrleroy, try the latest binary from nvidia.com20:13
leroybardyr, I've tried using envy is that not the same end result?20:13
Tilllinuxleroy, don't if you want your graphics-card fan not to stop fanning ;D20:13
Tilllinux(i mean, don't use the latest, it has got a bug)20:13
prabhjotgenii: even now, it won't mount20:13
zcat[1]bardyr: bad idea.. yuk. If it doesn't work, all future xorg updates will end up with X not working and it's really painful tryint to remove the binary mess and go back to packages20:14
woodsmhello I have a ubuntu gutsy server with apache2.2 and mod_python. when attempting to stop apache2, all apache process do not seem to die and the apache error log contains   --  http://pastebin.com/m2ca72e4820:14
jevangeloim having problems with vnc20:14
woodsmsorry not sure if it went across the first time20:14
Tilllinux!envy | leroy20:14
jevangeloi can connect, but i get the grey mesh with black X20:14
ubotuleroy: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »20:14
thresherlooks liek virtual box should do me good20:14
bardyrzcat[1], not if he used the latest envy with dkms support20:14
shay5482genii: i got today this computer with noting on it .. (this is what i am trying to do, to install ubuntu on the new computer) but after i try to use the live cd and choose install ubuntu its drop me to the busybox20:14
Tilllinuxah, I thought it still was this "envy will make you envious ...." trigger ;D20:15
thresherDoes anyone know if I can virtualize my existing primary hard disk with vista or do i need a reinstall?20:15
leroyTilllinux, , I've tried the restricted drivers manager as well that is why I tried envy20:15
CondouloI just installed xChat, and it is not allowing me to resize the server and channel list20:15
leroyI really don't want to go back to MCE for my HTPC20:15
glueitallhello, im about to install ubuntu aight. but the "New partition size" _really_ confuses me. Which side, left or right of the slider will be the Ubuntu partition?20:15
zcat[1]bardyr: any reason not to just use nvidia-glx-new? It's the same driver, but packaged so it doesn't get broken every time other packages are updated20:15
geniiprabhjot: Perhaps make an iso onto the computer of one of the dvds (by something like sudo dd if=/dev/dvd of=/somefile.iso) or /dev/sdX where X is the dvd drive letter etc...then you can experiment with loop mounting it with different options to see if any work20:16
bardyrthresher, there is tool to make a vmware image of a harddrive but i cant remember the name20:16
Condoulois there any reason why? last time I installed xCHat I had no problem resizing the channel and server list20:16
Tilllinuxenvy *workedforme*, even throughout upgrading from 7.04 studio to 7.1 gutsy and from there to 7.1 studio... but I switched to the restricted manager again20:16
thresheri see20:16
bardyrzcat[1], its not the same, its very old20:16
thresherthanks for the help see you guys in a few hours20:16
thresherand gals20:16
zcat[1]-new isn't very old, is it?20:16
geniishay5482: Please, pay attention to instructions, or it becomes difficult to assist20:16
bardyrzcat[1], -new means the new cards and a new driver version20:16
shay5482genii: ok20:16
geniishay5482: You cannot get to the point of installing then20:17
leroyI don't think that its a problem with the driver exactly, it seems to not be properly outputting to my display20:17
evan_does anyone wanna help me plaing glest3 online?20:17
bardyrzcat[1], new cards not new driver version*20:17
leroywhen x starts it plays the ubuntu sound20:17
leroybut there is just a "no signal" message on my monitor20:17
leroythe "nv" driver works no problem20:17
jevangelocan anyone help me?20:17
bardyrleroy, can you see anything on the pc screen?20:18
MrJeep_I just installed gutsy on my desktop and I don't have the option to boot in windows in grub. I added it manually but when I choose "Windows" from the grub, it hangs at "Starting Up". The only way I can boot to windows is b y changing the drive priority in my bios. Anyone can help ?20:18
n2diy_! ask | jevangelo20:18
ubotujevangelo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)20:18
geniishay5482: Or, it finishes installing, but then on first boot it goes to the busybox? This is the situation I am supposing it to be, and there is a way to repair this20:18
jevangeloi did ask20:18
VertexOfLIfeA quick question about the installer. If the installer repeatedly gives me /usr/bin/dpkg error code (1) should I be worried?20:18
leroybardyr, the screen displays "no signal" and then blanks out after a few seconds.20:18
prabhjotgenii: it copied only 2 kb. whereas the dvd is 4 GB20:18
Tilllinuxleroy: try reconfiguring the xserver ;)20:18
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto20:19
Tilllinuxprabhjot: try mkisofs20:19
glueitallhello, im about to install ubuntu. but the "New partition size" _really_ confuses me. Which side, left or right of the slider will be the Ubuntu partition?20:19
shay5482genii: i cant get to the point of the installation . its droping me to the busybox20:19
zcat[1]glueitall: you know, I never can remember that myself... :)20:19
geniiprabhjot: Hmm. I have no other immediate suggestions then :(20:19
leroyTilllinux,  I can't reconfigure the xserver, I can't even get to a terminal when the display goes out20:19
Tilllinuxyes, it's so confusing that I always manually do the partitioning :D20:19
Tilllinuxah, I fogot :D20:20
b4n23how can i disable the screensaver through console?20:20
sullehow do i rar down a file ?.20:20
Pici!rar | sulle20:20
ubotusulle: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free20:20
zcat[1]Put it about half and half.. then it doesn't matter, both OS's will get about half.20:20
Tilllinuxsulle: why would you want to do that?20:20
prabhjotgenii: ok, thanks for trying to help20:20
sulleSo i can rar down a file and send it to a windows user.20:20
geniishay5482: OK. Then it won't even get to install then , so far. Have you tried to make the alternate cdrom and use that? Or just the regular one so far?20:20
bardyrleroy, well i would try the latest driver released 7 days ago, and then play around with nvidia-settings to get the TV to work20:20
MrJeep_anyone know why it hangs after "Starting Up" ? :S20:20
maierkann mir jemand mal helfen20:21
shay5482just the regular so far20:21
Tilllinuxsulle: zip it... or if the other windows user has got winrar/7zip, you can 7z or bz it20:21
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME), Ark (KDE), or Xarchiver (XFCE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression20:21
glueitallzcat[1]: unfortunately i cant take that much for ubuntu20:21
tumbleweed__tar.bz == teh win20:21
TilllinuxMrJeep_: windows and ubuntu are on different HD, correct? I've got the same (not really a) problem ;)20:21
tumbleweed__bz2, even20:21
zcat[1]rar should die.. way too many different compression formats anyhow20:22
MrJeep_Tilllinux, Exacly20:22
tumbleweed__rar and zip mostly suck anyways20:22
Tilllinuxmaier: geh nach #ubuntuDE20:22
leroybardyr, I will try that, when I try nvidia-settings though without the nvidia driver running it just lets me change BS options like tooltips and stuff20:22
leroybardyr, it doesn't display the options that I think should be there20:22
glueitallhello, im about to install ubuntu. but the "New partition size" _really_ confuses me. Which side, left or right of the slider, will be the Ubuntu partition?20:22
prabhjotTilllinux: could you please guide me, i hav the manual for mkisofs open now, i can't figure out which option to use20:22
geniiwork, AFK20:22
zcat[1]zip is annoying.. if you zip stuff on Linux (eg the latest UrbanTerror 4.1) all of the executables lose their +x :(20:23
bardyrleroy, you need to have the nvidia enabled to use nvidia-settings20:23
Tilllinuxprabhjot: I don't know what you're doing, I just read that dd didnt work20:23
lookingglassazHi all...novice ubuntu user here. :)20:23
leroybardyr, yes but the nvidia driver doesn't work.20:23
Tilllinuxmaier: ubuntu-de20:23
shay5482genii: just the regular so far20:23
bardyrleroy, whats does the X.org log say?20:24
leroybardyr, it has no significant errors20:24
bardyrleroy, tried it when its not connected to the tv?20:24
zcat[1]hmmm.. I have a dual-dual card that refuses to do dual-head. But I'll try to figure it out through google before I bug you guys :)20:24
MrJeep_Tilllinux, so I guess I'll have to use the bios boot loader :P ?20:24
Willabeecan anyone help me with setting up kiba-dock/20:25
zcat[1]err dual-head, silly typo!20:25
Juandoes anybody knows why when I start my ubuntu recently installed my screen goes black until mi X got started? I've got kubuntu on Ati X700 PCi Express20:25
KexxI'm trying to download Ubuntu again and at the top it says "Loading, please wait..." then some stuff about free softwarre and about no warrenty and it keeps repeating Microcode bcm43xx: Error: "Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not availble or load failed.20:25
leroybardyr, no, i have no other display options20:25
leroybardyr, it works fine in windows20:25
zcat[1]kexx: apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter20:25
prabhjotTilllinux: Ok, i'm trying to make an image of a DVD that i can't read on ubuntu.I burnt it with relaxed restrictions for ISO9660 under Nero windows.20:25
jamescarrI never used dirty language20:25
sulleSo what do i write to zip down a file ?.20:25
geniishay5482: Do you have a fast enough internet connection to download the alternate install cd image?20:26
bardyrleroy, you probably need that to configure your tv output right20:26
ph|beranyone got evolution connecting to exchange 2007?20:26
shay5482genii: what is the size of the cd image ?20:26
leroybardyr, well it's just VGA out..20:26
Myrttiph|ber: best of luck with that20:26
Tilllinuxokay, how do I find out on which hdd windows is located?20:27
geniishay5482: About 700 Mb20:27
leroybardyr, and I have it working with the "nv" driver20:27
ph|berMyrtti: yeah so i have seen in google.. not much luck anywhere.. although i did see where the next release of gnome was going to support it.20:27
leroybardyr, is there something specific that I need to configure for the nvidia driver?20:27
shay5482genii: ok , (its will take me 30-40 min) its that ok by you ?20:27
Tilllinuxprabhjot: or try AcetoneISO20:27
Myrttiph|ber: I've lost my nerves with exchange 2003 and evolution so badly I've got Plans for the developers of evolution-exchange plugin20:27
sulleI want to zip down a exe file in linux and send it to a windows machine. what command do i use ?.20:27
bardyrleroy, not if you use VGA :/20:27
geniishay5482: OK, it will let me go do some work then return20:27
KexxReplied with E: Could not opeb lock vile /var/lib/dpkg/lock- open (13 Permission denied) and E: Unable to lock admin directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?20:28
Kexxopen file*20:28
sulleTilllinux: you got an answer on this one ?.20:28
shay5482genii: can you give me link to the download page for 32 bit version ?20:28
sulleTilllinux:I want to zip down a exe file in linux and send it to a windows machine. what command do i use ?.20:28
zcat[1]sulle: zip  name-of-archive.zip  stuff-to-be-zipped20:28
temp_userAnyone have any clue why my mouse focus/clicks would become intermittently messed up? I tried noapic and acpi=off on the kernel boot line- no dice, however.20:29
prabhjotTilllinux, ok, thanks.20:29
User667Could somebody possibly walk me through how I might get sound on my ubuntu system?20:29
sullezcat[1]: name-of-archive.zip ?20:29
erUSUL!sound | User66720:29
ubotuUser667: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:30
romistrubso... I can't boot from a CD now... (the only reason I'm in #ubuntu talking about booting is because it stopped working after I installed it)20:30
pppoe_dudehi. anyone familiar with mtp here? my Creative Zen is working now with mtp-tools (after installing newest libmtp6 from cvs) but the other programs like amarok and rhythmbox, etc. don't recognise my device. any ideas? i can send files via mtp-connect20:30
bardyrUser667, what sound card do you have ?20:30
uzerzero@romistrub check your bios settings20:30
zcat[1]sulle: yes.. whatever you want the zip to be named20:30
TilllinuxI've got 2 harddisks, one internal, one external. the external contains an installation of ubuntu I'm currently using, the internal a windows installation20:30
romistrubuzerzero: of course. I checked and triple-checked.20:30
Tilllinuxis it possible to add the windows installation to the grub-boot-menu?20:30
Tilllinuxor: how do I find out the name of my windows hd?20:31
User667Its a Via.20:31
leroybardyr, so no more ideas?20:31
GreevousI've run "gpart" to recovery a lost partition, but it has gone nearly an hour and shown no output. Is this normal?20:31
User667Not entirely sure of the brand. Its on a PC chips M811 motherboard20:31
slugonehow can i set my min fan speed for my macbook on ubuntu20:31
zcat[1]Tilllinux: sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda -- repeat for hdb, sda, etc... until you find an NTFS or FAT3220:31
EDinNYany reason that a kubuntu disk will not boot on my IBM server with 2 dual core xenon processors?20:31
evan_hey is there a games related ubuntu channel20:31
romistrubuzerzero: I even used the "select boot device" option20:32
romistrubmight it have something to do withGRUB?20:32
EDinNYromistrub: was that for me?20:32
bardyrleroy, nope, except try the latest driver20:32
* EDinNY gets a kernel panic20:32
bardyrleroy, i have a Nvidia 7600 go working perfectly :)20:32
romistrubEDinNY: naw, I'm having my own troubles w/ booting from CD20:32
dmHello. When I run `xawtv -hwscan` I get "/dev/video0: OK  \n  type: v4l2  \n  name: SN9C1xx PC Camera  \n  flags: capture" but when I can't start xawtv and get "X Error of failed request:  XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode". Any idea what could be the problem here?20:33
EDinNYromistrub:  what is your problem?20:33
romistrubEDinNY: Well... after I installed ubuntu, I can no longer boot from CD :P20:33
Burlynnslugone: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook .. about half to three quarters down the page is instructions on setting minimum fan speed20:33
romistrubEDinNY: I checked the BIOS, and all that20:33
leroybardyr, i'm downloading it now. I'm hoping now that the problem is not the Sony bravia tv20:33
romistrubEDinNY: I've booted from CD hundreds of times (used to have XP, so you can imagine all the reinstalling I'd done)20:33
leroyperhaps the tv is not compatibile with the driver20:33
EDinNYoops...it is 2 xeon processors20:34
cbx33hey everyone20:34
hyper__chare there any known bugs with openssl?20:34
slugoneBurlynn that post is for macbook pros20:34
zcat[1]romistrub: check BIOS again.. Linux cannot pre-empt the BIOS boot order.20:34
cbx33any software raid gurus here?20:34
leroyIs there a shortcut key to completely kill X and restore a terminal?20:34
pyrakcan a linux box mount a swap space without rebooting?20:34
chazcoHi... i have several .m2t files created with Kaffeine DVB recording... how can I burn them to DVD?20:34
zcat[1]pyrak: yes20:34
romistrubzcat[1]: Yeah, I restarted about 8 times into the BIOS20:34
pyrakzcat[1], neat20:34
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Burlynnslugone: the link i gave is for macbooks .. there is a seperate page for pro's20:34
EDinNYpyrak: yes20:34
dm!ask | cbx3320:35
ubotucbx33: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)20:35
EDinNYpyrak: swapon and swapoff20:35
earthlingleroy: how abt alt+f2?20:35
domhow can i move a window from one desktop to another? [metacity, no xinerama]20:35
shay5482where i can find website to download the alternative cd ?20:35
zcat[1]romistrub: well, if the BIOS says to boot from CDROM first, it will try to boot from CDROM before it even looks at the drive Linux is on.. so it's not 'linux' that is causing it not to boot from cdrom.20:35
leroyearthling, that won't work for me20:36
zcat[1]unless linux has gained magical powers I was not previously aware of..20:36
jamescarri am not lewd20:36
Greevousdom: you should be able to right-click the window titlebar (at the top) and move it to another workspace20:36
leroyi read something like ctrl+alt+sysreq+k or something20:36
domGreevous: not another workspace, another (physical) monitor20:36
dmzcat[1]: He's gone20:36
earthlingleroy: then i am clueless20:36
zcat[1]oh well..20:37
Greevousdom: oh. and you can't drag it?20:37
domgreevous: not w/out xinerama20:37
domgreevous: i was using xinerama before, but i lose my hardware acceleration when using it20:37
leroybardyr, after I have installed the newest driver what do I put in my xorg.conf to activate it?20:37
zcat[1]I might look into my dualhead issue ... l8r.20:38
Greevousdom: oh sorry then, I haven't used dual monitors in a while20:38
bardyrleroy, just type nvidia-xconfig20:38
domtx anyways20:38
leroybardyr, thanks20:38
domdoes anyone know how i can move a window from one display to another (w/out xinerama)?20:39
lookingglassazhi all...any good podcasts for linux or ubuntu that anyone would recommend?20:39
fivetwentysixBah I'm going back to Ubuntu.20:40
KiD_ChAoSdom, change visual effects to normal on the workspace20:40
Tilllinuxlet's assume the grub menu reads "root(hd0,3)" for ubuntu. To what do I have to change the root, if windows is on hda1?20:40
fivetwentysixNothing in Fedora 8 seems to work how unless I do some heavy reconfiguring.20:40
butcherbirdlookingglassaz: you might check our miro it has alot of content setup20:40
domkid_chaos: i have vis effects disabled20:41
butcherbirdlookingglassaz: little buggy still20:41
KiD_ChAoSdom, why?20:41
shay5482genii: i started to download the alternative cd , (by the way when i press f6 and remove the quiet splash i can see the last line before its drop me to the busybox - someting about "attached scsi generic..etc")20:41
lookingglassazbutcherbird, miro?20:41
HowbagAnyone know of a multiple-mp3-files removal tool?20:41
butcherbird!miro | lookingglassaz20:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about miro - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:41
graft!info miro20:41
ubotumiro: GTK+ based RSS video aggregator. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 555 kB, installed size 3012 kB20:42
slugonefor my min fan speed it says to put this right below the last exit:"echo 3500 > /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_min" there are 2 exits at the bottom.....do i put it b4 the very last one ?20:42
butcherbirdlookingglassaz: its basically a webtv content thing that uses torrents for download and also lets you grab and search youtube etc20:42
Flare183!info miro | lookingglassaz20:42
ubotulookingglassaz: miro: GTK+ based RSS video aggregator. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 555 kB, installed size 3012 kB20:42
butcherbirdlookingglassaz: grab the one from miro website if repo version is still pre 1.020:42
uzerzeroanybody know why ktorrent would shut down my internet connection? i can still download torrents, but anything on port 80 seems to be blocked, even if i throttle my upload speed.20:43
fivetwentysixuzerzero: Outgoing on port 80?20:43
fivetwentysixAs in, you're hosting a website?20:43
uzerzerono, any browsing is shut down entirely.20:43
fivetwentysixHave you tried accessing a site not on port 80?20:44
AJC_Z0Web traffic outgoing connections don't come from port 80, they go to port 8020:44
User667559Anyone help with no sound please.20:44
uzerzeroi can use ftp, i know that.20:44
lookingglassaz!miroOK, thanks for the info!20:44
Liquideathso how do I go about getting Beryl?20:45
uzerzeroi haven't tried using a proxy or anything though to see if any other ports work, but i doubt it. could it have something to do with my router?20:45
^^barbi^^12cf bdn vfg420:45
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz20:45
graftuzerzero: meaning you can't browse with ktorrent, but you can do all torrent stuff?20:45
^^barbi^^2@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@222222222222222222222  200820:45
uzerzerograft: right, i can't access any webpages while i'm downloading torrents via ktorrent20:46
fivetwentysixuzerzero it could be that you have too many connections going through that your router isn't accepting any new connections20:46
ikonia^^barbi^^: please stop20:46
brobostigonLiquideath: beryl doesnt exist enymoe i dont think, i think the newest is compiz-fusion, not sure though??20:46
Liquideathso it's called Compiz-Fusion now?20:46
ikoniabrobostigon: correct20:46
graftuzerzero: only while you're downloading?20:46
adamonline46Liquideath: I agree with brobostigon20:46
uzerzerofivetwentysix: i thought that too, but then why would azureus work?20:46
crdlbLiquideath: yes and it's installed by default now20:46
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz20:46
ikonia^^barbi^^: PLEASE stop, this is a busy support channel20:46
fivetwentysixuzerzero because azureus is a better torrent client and it automatically limits the ammount of connections being used.20:46
uzerzerograft: right20:47
graftktorrent is a great torrent client and does plenty of connection limiting20:47
User667559How do I tell Ubuntu to use a different driver for sound?20:47
fivetwentysixuzerzero I could be entirely wrong but that would be my best bet.20:47
ikoniaUser667559: ubuntu uses alsa20:47
^^barbi^^kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke kekekekekekekr20:47
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Nicolaidishi...i've a ubuntu 64bit...how can i makes java plugin works???20:47
graft!ops | ^^barbi^^20:47
ubotu^^barbi^^: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!20:47
* Flare183 says i was going to do that20:47
User667559But it is detecting is as an ECS board and it is not.20:47
fivetwentysixuzerzero regardless, try halving the amount of connections being used by ktorrent. That should do the trick.20:47
uzerzerofivetwentysix: that was my conclusion as well, but i don't know how to go about changing the amount of connections20:47
* Flare183 says nevermind20:47
ikoniaFlare183: drop the /me command please.20:48
graftuzerzero: can you browse with firefox, etc., while ktorrent is active?20:48
pyrakwhat's the command to get out of an ssh tunnel?20:48
Flare183graft: yes20:48
uzerzerograft: no, i can't even use ktorrent to search through torrent sites20:48
User667559WHen I do a modprobe it says ecs sound card.20:48
ikoniapyrak: exit will drop the ssh connection20:48
fivetwentysixuzerzero: There should be a place where you can configure how many incoming and outgoing peers you connect to.20:48
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domis there any way to move a window from on x display to another?20:48
ikoniapyrak: as in you exit the shell20:48
ikoniadom: not really.20:48
graftuzerzero: hmm... what's your connection like?20:48
shane2peruok, I think my TVcard is recognized.  with lspci it is here:  04:00.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7134/SAA7135HL Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01)20:48
shane2peruhow do I find out if this card is loading in the kernel?20:49
shane2peruor is this loaded in the kernel?20:49
AJC_Z0I feel a ban coming on20:49
uzerzerograft: 6mbps down, maybe 768kbps up20:49
shane2peruor by the kernel?20:49
uzerzerofivetwentysix: i'll give that a shot later, thanks20:49
graftuzerzero: is your upload bandwidth capped?20:49
graftuzerzero: via ktorrent20:49
brobostigonshane2peru: dmesg in cli might help??20:49
Flare183AJC_Z0: yeap20:49
kofanoragazzi c'ho un problemone grosso chi mi aiuta?20:50
uzerzerograft: yes, i typically have it capped between 20 and 30 kbps via bandwith scheduler20:50
Myrtti!it | kofano20:50
fivetwentysixgraft: That wouldn't cause him to not be able to see any websites.20:50
User667559If Ubuntu detects my sound card as something it is not. Can I change it?20:50
ubotukofano: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!20:50
graftfivetwentysix: yes it would, it's a common issue20:50
shane2perubrobostigon, ok, dmesg | grep that item?20:50
graftfivetwentysix: if you can't send ACKs, you can't do a lot of TCP stuff20:50
uzerzerofivetwentysix: it wouldn't cause a problem per se, but it does slow down browsing quite a bit20:50
duryhi there all :)20:50
shane2perubrobostigon, I have forgoten some of these sommands20:50
JoelitoHi all: what package should I download from "Synaptic", to compile code using "#include <gtk/gtk.h>"20:50
fivetwentysixgraft: No, it would just slow down browsing significantly20:50
ikoniaJoelito: gtk-dev20:50
duryikonia: success booting ubuntu20:50
dolphin_noelHello :)20:51
graftfivetwentysix: might be indistinguishable from stopping browsing20:51
brobostigonshane2peru: just dmesg in cli, then manualelly look through20:51
ikoniadury: well done,20:51
fivetwentysixgraft: Anyways limiting upload speed to maybe half your cap should always be done :-)20:51
domis it possible to use twinview across two video cards? (as opposed to a single dual-head card)20:51
crdlbdom: only if they're connected with SLI20:51
ikoniadom: sure. Although you may find that easier to use xinerama20:51
uzerzerofivetwentysix: i always limit my upload speed, so as not to create hell for other users on the network20:51
graftfivetwentysix: agreed... until the gatekeepers deign to give us some freedom20:52
domikonia: xinerama kills my acceleration20:52
duryikonia: you were right. I did what you said and now I can boot UBUNTU or Mandriva20:52
graftuzerzero: can you telnet to port 80 anywhere while this thing is going on?20:52
graftuzerzero: or can you, say, use IRC?20:52
User667559sound issue anyone?20:52
ikoniadury: thats excellent20:52
shane2peruhow do you use that grep part again with dmesg?20:52
Joelitoikonia: Is not there :(20:52
pppoe_dudehow can i encode mp3 with ffmpeg on ubuntu?20:52
shane2perubrobostigon, there are a few things listed in there about it.20:52
uzerzerograft: i know for a fact that i can use ftp, i've transferred stuff to my xbox while downloading via ktorrent20:52
fivetwentysixBah I think I have more issues using 32-bit Fedora 8 then I had with using 64-bit Ubuntu.20:53
fivetwentysixCan't wait till I finish the Ubuntu 7.10 download... 20 minutes left :-)20:53
pppoe_dudeit seems like ffmpeg wants a parameter to be passed on configuration, but i guess the default is without it20:53
duryeven the desktop it's in 3D cube20:53
LoaxesIs there any way that I can switch between an ubuntu partition and a windows partition quickly? (i.e., without rebooting)20:53
uzerzerograft: any idea why any heavy network use would completely lock my computer up via wireless? i've researched it and it is a reported problem with previous versions of ndiswrapper <1.41, but i've updated to v.1.5 with no success20:53
graftuzerzero: so just http? bizarre.20:53
Stormx2There's some special syntax you can use for email addresses for specific sub-boxes. E.g. I might be john.doe@gmail.com, and I could register for ubuntuforums.org with john.doe+ubuntuforums@gmail.com But I can't remember the syntax. is it a +? or something else?20:53
ikoniaJoelito: gtk-dev is not the exact name of the package, have a search20:54
n2diy_if lspci lists a device, doen't that mean the kernel module is loaded, and running?20:54
brobostigonshane2peru: i dont know abou this device, but its your judgement as to what it says means, maybe you could pastebin it, and we all can look and help??20:54
ikonian2diy_: lspci is nothing to do with the kernel20:54
graftuzerzero: never used ndiswrapper drivers... does your machine lock, or the whole LAN?20:54
Joelitoikonia: I found libgtk2.0-dev, but seens that geany doesn't like it :(20:54
ikoniaJoelito: geany ?20:55
earthlingLoaxes: what do you mean by switching? being able to access files?20:55
n2diy_ikonia: ok20:55
Huffameghello! I have a problem. I have just upgraded my ubuntu-system but I have lost the icons in OpenOffice.. can anyone please help me restore them??20:55
uzerzerograft: the entire machine locks up, can't ctrl+alt+fn to a terminal, restart x, etc.20:55
Joelitoikonia: As editor and compiler20:55
shane2perubrobostigon, ok, how do I use this grep thing again?  that will narrow it down.20:55
ikoniaJoelito: what doesn't it like,20:55
uzerzerograft: i've tried to use the bcm43xx firmware drivers, but they don't work with my chipset20:55
Joelitoikonia: Errors!20:56
brobostigonshane2peru: no idea how to use grep20:56
ikoniaJoelito: well, that doesn't mean anything, thats more likely the software your trying to build.20:56
Flare183brobostigon: fire up the termnial and type in man grep20:56
shane2perubrobostigon, ok, maybe I'm confusing that with another command20:56
Loaxesearthling: Not really. I'd like to be able to be in linux and be able to do a quick switch to windows to play games. Although, it would be usefull to use files on my ubuntu hard drive on my windows one, that way I can play music without keeping it in two places.20:56
User667559ANyone like to help me with this sound issue?20:56
fivetwentysixIs it me or am I the only one who feels yum is inferior to apt-get20:56
graftuzerzero: any transfer mechanism, or just specific protocols?20:57
shay5482genii: are you here ?20:57
Joelitoikonia: Well...seems that gcc can't find gtk\gtk.h20:57
ikoniaLoaxes: quick switching is not possible, you'll need emulation/virtuailsation to "quick switch"20:57
fsufitchhey guys, i got an issue with my grub... when i boot w/o my ubuntu live CD it freezes without a prompt or anything (just a blinking cursor). the weird thing is, when i boot with live CD, then pick "boot from first hard drive" grub works nicely. i tried going through the steps on http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2689.html but they don't work. this only started happening today out of the blue. anybody out there have20:57
fsufitch any idea about what's happening?20:57
ifireballfivetwentysix: you're not the only one20:57
ikoniaJoelito: most likley it's looking in the wrong place.20:57
uzerzerograft: any transfer mechanism, even slightly intense browsing can cause the machine to lock up20:57
Loaxesikonia; okay, thanks.20:57
brobostigonshane2peru: type grep and pastebin the whole thing20:57
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cookiehello guys20:57
brobostigonshane2peru: i mean dmesg20:57
graftuzerzero: wow, that's harsh... and here i thought my obscure audio-looping problem was irritating20:57
shane2perubrobostigon, right will do20:58
cookieI need some help20:58
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earthling Loaxes: really wishfull... but ubuntu and windows are two different operating systems.........so booting is mandatory.......20:58
shane2peru!pastebin @ shane2peru20:58
Joelitoikonia: Do you know how to fix?20:58
Flare183!ask | cookie20:58
ikoniacookie: ask the querstion then20:58
ubotucookie: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)20:58
graftuzerzero: another card an option?20:58
ikoniaJoelito: setup your development environment properly.20:58
uzerzerograft: laptop :/20:58
brobostigonshane2peru; what the device again??20:58
graftuzerzero: pcmcia20:58
cookieHow can I retrieve aplications20:58
shane2perubrobostigon, a TVCard by Kworld.20:58
ikoniacookie: do you mean install applications ?20:58
uzerzerograft: express slot, any wireless card for it is pricey20:58
Flare183cookie: like install applications?20:58
erUSUL!grub | fsufitch try reinstalling it20:58
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)20:58
ubotufsufitch try reinstalling it: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:58
graftuzerzero: err... USB?20:58
cookieFor example skype20:59
Loaxesearthing; figured as much. And theres no way I can boot both windows while on linux, and then switch with a key combination or something, right?20:59
ikoniacookie: could you explain what you mean20:59
Joelitoikonia: How, this is like my 5 day with ubuntu :(20:59
ikoniacookie: you want to install skype20:59
earthling Loaxes:however you can install wine on ubuntu to emulate the windows environment and play games20:59
Flare183!skype | cookie20:59
cookiewhen I close it by pressing x20:59
ubotucookie: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto20:59
ikoniaJoelito: compiling software is not for new users. What are you trying to build ?20:59
fsufitcherUSUL: i already did20:59
fsufitchno go20:59
Loaxesearthing; Wine doesn't seem to like the games I play, I'll work on it though. Thanks a bunch!20:59
cookiewhen I close some aplications(skype as an example) they disapear20:59
ikoniacookie: when you hit "x" that closes it, you need to minimise it. (as a general rule for xwindows based applications)20:59
uzerzerograft: i have a usb thumb drive wireless device, but i haven't had any luck with it working in ubuntu. and obviously if i'm using open source, i'm not one to shell out money for something that's not entirely necessary20:59
cookieskype does not close when I press X21:00
Joelitoikonia: A simple hello world :(21:00
graftuzerzero: yeh... what's the chipset on your onboard one?21:00
cookieNor does Yahoo Messenger21:00
cookienor pidgin21:00
ikoniaJoelito: read the docs on gene then, as I don't use gene so I don't know21:00
DelvienARP cache,, is that held on my router or the computer itself?21:00
ikoniacookie: minimise - don't close21:00
Flare183cookie: then press alt+F421:00
Flare183cookie: to close it21:00
cookiewell...I press X and it does not close21:00
AJC_Z0What app do you recommend for viewing MS Visio documents (.vsd)?21:00
uzerzerograft: bcm4310. interesting thing though is that under gutsy gibbon, it reports it as a bcm4312 and breaks compatibility21:00
cookietrust me...it hides itself somewhere21:01
ikoniaAJC_Z0: Visio21:01
cookieI do not know where to get it from21:01
wolsuzerzero: that one should work21:01
ikoniaAJC_Z0: thats not a smart answer, but use the tool for the job.21:01
cookieit is not on the task bar21:01
=== morst1 is now known as morst
butcherbirdcookie: open a terminal and run xkill then click on the window you want to kill. show that app whos boss21:01
ikoniacookie: alt+F4 to cycle through open apps21:01
Juani have a problem with my fbsplash. I have an ati x700 pcie, what should i change in menu.lst ?21:01
ikoniacookie: alt+tab sorry21:01
cookiebecause when I try to reopen skype...It says there is already an instance21:01
shane2perubrobostigon, ok, that was really super long, so I just put the relevant part:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49734/21:01
ikoniacookie: alt+tab and see what is open21:01
uzerzerowols: my wireless works, i am having problems with the entire computer locking up during any large network transfers21:02
WooooDHi guys !21:02
shane2perubrobostigon, look for the saa7134 thing as that I think is the driver it is using.21:02
uzerzerowols: ftp, torrent, even slightly intense browsing will cause it to lock up21:02
WooooDAny of you know about email ? I have my own server UBUNTU at home and have a Domain name with an fix IP address .. I'd like to configure a new email like name@lastname.com and the mail server would be my server UBUNTU at home.. is this possible ?21:02
Raxionquestion: where can i find out what the number for my usbfs is? (need it for fixing minor error in VirtualBox)21:02
cookieikonia: NOPE! it is not in the task bar21:02
fsufitcherUSUL: any other ideas for my grub?21:02
earthlingcookie: type "ps -ef" on terminal and you will find the name of the prog you aree looking for.... then use "kill process_id"21:02
cookieit hides somewhere else21:02
wolsWooooD: yes21:02
Ricohow do i restart compiz fusion?21:02
Greevouscookie: what it is doing is hiding itself in the notification area. To quit an application, press Ctrl + Q21:02
ikoniaWooooD: that is possible but I strongly advise NOT setting up an email server a.) if you don't understand what your doing b.) on random dsl / cable providers21:02
Flare183cookie: yeah alt+f4 is supposed to close the application21:03
cookiehow do I get the notification area21:03
erUSULfsufitch: if reinstalling it didn't work i do not know :S21:03
cookieI do not want to close it21:03
uzerzeroRico: metacity --replace& followed by compiz-fusion --replace ccp&21:03
tim____hello, I'm looking for a cli command to convert xvid to asf or 3gp, and ffmpeg is giving me problems21:03
cookieI want to be able to retrieve it from notification area21:03
Greevouscookie: it should be in the upper right corner, with your clock21:03
WooooDikonia: If i have a IP fixed all time ?21:03
AJC_Z0ikonia: You don't think there is any app suitable for just *viewing* .vsd files on Ubuntu?21:03
brobostigonshane2peru: ok21:03
cookieit isn't21:03
cookieI erased all the panels21:03
ikoniaWooooD: I still strongly advise against it21:03
fsufitcherUSUL: dangg....21:03
WooooDikonia: what is the best thing to do then21:04
ikoniaAJC_Z0: Visio is the best application for viewing visio docs21:04
Greevouscookie: then you should create at least one panel to keep all those applications in when they are open21:04
ikoniaWooooD: use your isp's mail server21:04
cookiethank you21:04
Greevousa lot of chat-type apps hide themselves there21:04
cookieI got it21:04
cookieNotification area is what I needed!21:04
cookieI did not know what it was called21:04
WooooDikonia: can I have my  own email like: name@lastname.com anyway ?21:04
AJC_Z0ikonia: I wouldn't disagree, but since it isn't freely available and doesn't run natively on Ubuntu, I was hoping for something which did21:04
shane2peruhow do I know where a device is loading at?  like /dev/radio /dev/fmtuner etc?  or if it is loading?21:04
ikoniaWooooD: speak to your ISP, ask about mail forwarding.21:04
ikoniaAJC_Z0: visio is one of the areas that is lacking.21:05
WooooDikonia: ok21:05
AJC_Z0ikonia: Ok. Thanks for the advice21:05
Ricouzerzero...i am got an error saying it could load plugin 'fusion'21:05
WooooDikonia: where I can register my email name@lastname.com ?21:05
ikoniaWooooD: speak to your ISP21:05
Guest16155does 32 bit desktop version can work with more than 4 gb of ram ?21:05
WooooDikonia: ok thanks21:06
ikoniaGuest16155: yes,21:06
brobostigonshane2peru: saa7134 is alsa, i e sound, only other thing mentioned is an usb webcam.21:06
uzerzeroRico: sorry, try just compiz --replace ccp &21:06
LetterRip_how might i go about reducing processor usage/turning off/down fan speed?21:06
Raxionanyone here who's experienced with VirtualBox? i need some help with it.21:06
shane2perubrobostigon, so we can assume it isn't being loaded?21:06
shane2peruhowever it is detected with lspci21:06
Guest16155ikonia: my ubuntu recoganzied just 4 gb ram of 16 gb ?21:06
ikoniaGuest16155: ahh you want to utilise the ram. Then I suggest using the 64bit version as it is much easier21:07
brobostigonshane2peru: try and access yout tv card unde3r /dev/video021:07
LetterRip_Guest16155, you using 64bit or 32 bit procesor?21:07
WooooDGUEST16155; did you install Ubuntu 32 bit or 64 bit ?21:07
Flare183Raxion: I can try to help21:07
LetterRip_er ubuntu 64 or 32 bit21:07
shane2perubrobostigon, however look here in the lspci command gives me this: 04:00.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7134/SAA7135HL Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01)21:07
ikoniaGuest16155: there are techniques to use a 32bit OS with +4GB ram, but it is much more straight forward to use the 64bit version.21:07
WooooDguest16155: You need to be 64bit to enable more than 4gb21:07
cookieTHANK YOU21:08
Guest16155ikonia: i installed 32 bit version , becouse when i try to install 64 bit version i get error msg that my system is not 64 bit21:08
brobostigonshane2peru: that maybe it, try it.21:08
shane2perubrobostigon, which is the saa7134 thing, it also has a radio tuner on the card, so audio would make sense if you see that21:08
uzerzeroRico: hope that helps, i have to run.21:08
ikoniaGuest16155: what is your CPU ?21:08
brobostigonshane2peru: try you tv on /dev/video021:08
zack_does anyone know if there is a way to get ATI videocard drivers to work with ubuntu21:08
Guest16155ikonia: wait i will check21:08
superscihello, i connect my iPod Touch to the pc via usb and ubuntu does not recognize it. could anyone help me?21:09
hardeephello all21:09
hardeepquick question21:09
shane2perubrobostigon, well, my other problem is I have no idea what to use for the TV tuner program21:09
maekanyway around the md5sum error when installing flashplugin-nonfree?21:09
tim____zack_: yes they work21:09
akincerGuest16: The 2.6.x kernel is capable of handling up to 64GB of RAM IIRC. Your motherboard, however, may not enjoy the same ability21:09
ikonia!flashissues | maek21:09
shane2perubrobostigon, I found a decent radio thing21:09
ubotumaek: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.21:09
hardeepis there a setting in ubuntu that resets files after a restart?21:09
maekikonia: thanks.21:09
zack_ti, how do i know if i my video card is setup properly21:09
yubwyubhardeep, what files?21:09
grafthardeep: resets files? which files?21:09
zvezdichkowhy don't you finally fix this silly bug md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz?21:09
scguy318hardeep: resets?21:09
zvezdichkoit's annoying, and it stays the same for a long time21:10
krimzack_: What makes you think it isn't?21:10
scguy318zvezdichko: to fix it would be breaking Konqueror and other users21:10
hardeepwell, I will edit motd21:10
brobostigonshane2peru: have a look on packages.ubuntu.com , there are all the programms to install on ubuntu, search there.21:10
zack_ti, i am having trouble running the screensavers they just freeze21:10
WooooDwhat is the best Apps to virtualize Windows Vista into Ubuntu ? VM WARE or Parallels Desktop or another one ??21:10
hardeeplog out log in with a user and it is fine, but after a restart, it will revert back to the old version21:10
erUSUL!virtualizers | WooooD21:10
ubotuWooooD: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications21:10
hardeephowever other files I have updated, such as /etc/hosts will not change21:10
ikoniaWooooD: there are many, qemu, vmware, kvm, etc etc. Try them and see which one fits your needs best21:10
zack_or krim, my screensavers just freeze21:10
shane2perubrobostigon, I installed TVTime, but it doesn't seem to make much sense to me, also mythTV, but that doesn't seem to work at all.21:11
WooooDikonia: thanks21:11
shane2perubrobostigon, GnomeRadio is the only thing that seems simple enough to use. :)21:11
grafthardeep: did you read man motd?21:11
scguy318zvezdichko: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/17389021:11
krimzack_: Are you using the restricted driver?21:11
brobostigonshane2peru: i am sorry i cant help much further, i have never used a tv card.21:11
shane2perubrobostigon, ha ha. :) we are in the same boat. :)21:12
etotheipihi. no matter what I set the permissible resolutions to be in xorg.conf, it always loads 800x600 @ 56Hz. this only started after the 7.04 -> 7.10 upgrade was finished. is it likely to be a gfx driver issue? I'm using the OSS legacy ATI driver.21:12
DelvienAnyone know how to extend the ARP flush to 48 hours?21:12
hardeepgraft: i did not, but I mean it works after editing, just after a restart it seems to change it back to the original, version21:12
RicoI am having trouble with compiz fusion...i have had activated wobby windows and it is not working..21:12
zack_krim, i dont know i am using the driver that ubuntu installed by default21:12
brobostigonshane2peru: i have used a tv card but under beos/zeta not linux21:12
grafthardeep: as it says in the manpage, you have to edit motd.tail for permanent changes21:12
Flare183Rico: you might want to ask in #compiz-fusion21:12
brobostigonshane2peru: so no idea what software to use21:12
shane2perubrobostigon, ah, I guess you are step ahead of me then. :)21:12
Ricookay thanks..21:12
shane2perubrobostigon, I have never used one.21:12
zvezdichkoscguy318: I see it...21:12
Guest16155ikonia: 4U QUAD XEON 1.4GHZ21:12
Flare183Rico: no problem21:12
krimzack_: if you don't mind using restricted drivers you could go into system -> administration -> restricted drivers management21:13
zvezdichkoI was browsing it already21:13
etotheipishane2peru: are you looking for a program to watch TV?21:13
hardeepgraft: I believe I have done that, but i will try again21:13
AJC_Z0etotheipi: Try setting no explicit or default modes21:13
zvezdichkoand it's sad with the current situation21:13
krimzack_: That might help, or not, we'll see :)21:13
zvezdichkoa lot of people use flash ..21:13
shane2peruetotheipi, well to watch TV and or just see if my card is working correctly.21:13
zack_krim, thanks i'll try that21:13
brobostigonshane2peru: never used a tv card under linux. only with beos/zeta,so no idea what software to use on linux.21:13
shane2perubrobostigon, thanks anyway.21:14
etotheipishane2peru: MythTV is still the best all around, even if it's a little cryptic to set up21:14
hardeepgraft: Just doing a restart right now, give me 20 secs21:14
sadaiyappanWhat is that/21:14
etotheipishane2peru: look at http://parker1.co.uk/mythtv_ubuntu.php for a very useful install guide21:14
shane2peruetotheipi, I ran aptitude install mythtv-frountend-ubuntu and installed that package21:14
Joah_162304Was bringt Sauberkeit in diesem Spiel?21:15
erUSUL!de | Joah_16230421:15
sadaiyappanwhat is myth tv?21:15
ubotuJoah_162304: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:15
shane2peruetotheipi, that installed it, however when I run it runs me through a setup thing and doesn't start it21:15
shane2peruetotheipi, I will check out that web page, thanks21:15
Flare183!mythtv | sadaiyappan21:16
ubotusadaiyappan: MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV21:16
smacnayIs there a howto for putting ubuntu on a sandisk cruzer for booting?21:16
Joah_162304what brings clean in this Game?21:16
Guest16155ikonia: does it possible my system is 64 bit , and ubuntu think its not ?21:16
sadaiyappanyou need  a tv card for myth tv to work?21:16
Flare183sadaiyappan: yeap21:16
Flare183sadaiyappan: or a plugin to a tv i think21:16
erUSULGuest16155: if your system is 64 bit it will show a "lm" on the flags line displayed doing cat /proc/cpuinfo21:16
hardeepgraft: i modified the tail file, but still no difference, ill work on this for a bit, and get back to you21:16
ikoniaGuest16155: what cpu did you have, sorry I missed your response.21:17
LetterRip_anyone have info for reducing fan usage?21:17
LetterRip_the noise level is driving me nutso :)21:17
dudeguyfan usage you say?21:17
sadaiyappanso it's not internet tv21:17
Guest16155ikonia: 4U QUAD XEON 1.4GHZ21:17
fivetwentysixWhy would you want to reduce fan usage?21:17
ikoniadudeguy: that is %100 uncalled for21:17
LetterRip_on Vista - I had a button i could press to reduce fan speed and processor speed21:17
LjL!language | dudeguy21:17
ubotududeguy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:17
benbenhi there, i was wondering if an atheros lan chipset might be supported under ubuntu? specifically it's an ASUS p5e-vm hdmi board with intergrated lan21:17
ikoniaGuest16155: what model xeon ?21:18
ikoniadudeguy: it's not funny.21:18
dudeguylanguage my ass21:18
benbenit's quite a new board so there's no much to google by21:18
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!21:18
Guest16155ikonia: mm how can i check this ?21:18
erUSULGuest16155: if your system is 64 bit it will show a "lm" on the flags line displayed doing cat /proc/cpuinfo21:18
ikoniaGuest16155: what model machine is it21:18
erUSULGuest16155: second time21:18
Flare183thank you21:18
fivetwentysixHe was banned from #ubuntu!21:18
ikoniawe know21:18
ikoniafivetwentysix: we saw.21:18
fivetwentysixGetting banned from here is really difficult!21:18
Flare183fivetwentysix: yeap21:18
LetterRip_fivetwentysix, as noted prevously so that I can reduce sound21:19
Guest16155ikonia: dell poweredge 6650 model21:19
Greevousanyone know how long a standard gpart process takes for a 160 GB partition?21:19
fivetwentysixTime to install Ubuntu so I don't look like such a fool here:-)21:19
LetterRip_ie if I'm watching a movie or just browsing the net - and not doing anything processor intensive21:20
hossi_if my sound device is not found by my gutsy gibbon, any idea how I could find it? :)21:20
LetterRip_I like to have it fairly quiet21:20
Flare183Greevous: a good bit of time depending on the data already on it21:20
brobostigonletterrip_: watching a movie can be very processor intensive in my experience21:20
Guest16155ikonia: can you check by model if my system if 64 or 32 bit ?21:21
ikoniaGuest16155: just checked it's 32bit21:21
LetterRip_brobostigon, watching a DVD on windows vista and xp isn't processor intensive enough to require the fan21:21
LetterRip_so it is unlikely to need to be for Ubuntu21:21
Guest16155ikonia: but when i start the computer i can see its detected 16 gb ?21:21
ikoniaGuest16155: thats the bios21:21
ikoniaGuest16155: not the OS21:21
illhow do i manage mac adress?21:22
ikoniaill: you don't21:22
rhamirezis here someone who can help me wich my sound problem?21:22
LimCoreill: manage?21:22
LetterRip_ikonia, you can change it with utilities21:22
Guest16155ikonia: mmm ok .. and does there is other way making the ubuntu 32 bit detect more than 4 gb ram ?21:22
GreevousFlare183: the data has been erased; that's why I'm using gpart, to recover the lost partition21:22
illcan i change it, like in windows i mean21:22
etotheipimanage = spoof? :S21:22
erUSUL!sound | rhamirez21:22
uboturhamirez: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:22
ikoniaLetterRip_: I didn't say you can't, I said you don't21:22
domhas anybody here ever gotten xmove to work?21:22
ikoniaGuest16155: there is, let me just hunt for the documentation for you.21:23
Flare183Greevous: oh yeah sorry wrong app21:23
chickenFuegoHi there, I need some support for bluetooth. I try to connect to a lego robot NXT.21:23
illzomg, why not?21:23
brobostigonyou cant change the mac adress of a network interface. not possible.21:23
LetterRip_ill http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.howtogeek.com%2Fhowto%2Fubuntu%2Fchange-your-network-card-mac-address-on-ubuntu%2F&ei=uxd0R56nLIOSpwTqgK1U&usg=AFQjCNGr4_ueHeokdUIhMRi9NXM-nsayVg&sig2=mSfZoVD1C9Agf-H8XVQvgw21:23
rhamirezmy problem is alsa21:23
GreevousFlare183: yeah, gpart not gparted21:23
ikoniaill: why do you need to change your mac ?21:23
chickenFuegoHere is my /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf21:23
ikoniaill: give me one valid reason why you need to change your mac address ?21:23
illit wired with my ISP21:23
chickenFuegoOn the NXT device (bluetooth), a pass is asked, and then I get permission denied in my program on my laptop.21:23
LetterRip_er - the ungoogleized link version - http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-your-network-card-mac-address-on-ubuntu/21:23
Flare183Greevous: yeap that's what i throught you said21:23
ikoniaill: ?21:23
Flare183Greevous: sorry about that21:24
LetterRip_ikonia, a dislike of being tracked21:24
GreevousFlare183: no problem21:24
ikoniaLetterRip_: thats not a reason.21:24
Flare183Greevous: ok21:24
kane77ikonia, well, for example if your isp has mac filter and you need to connect other computer...21:24
ikoniabut this discussion is off topic21:24
earthlingi've got both 32 bit and 64bit version drivers for my wireless ethernet. my system is 64 bit machine (athelon). on XP the 32 bit driver works fine..... while using ndiswrapper what driver am i to use on ubuntu amd64?21:24
etotheipiprivacy is always a reason :)21:24
erUSULill: sudo ifconfig <iface> hw ether <newMAC>21:24
ikoniakane77: then you speak to your ISP rather than break the TOC of your ISP21:24
rhamirezmy only problem is my sound input everything else is quite ok21:25
LetterRip_rhamirez, do you know if the hardware is not detected or just not set up right?21:26
kane77ikonia, we're offtopic, but... it happened to me that a friend came to me and needed internet.. I wouldnt call my ISP for that...21:26
gijsop welk kanaal zit ik nu?21:26
ikoniakane77: I think we both know thats not his reason.21:26
LetterRip_rhamirez, the best way is to google myLaptopBrand Ubuntu21:26
Myrtti!nl | gijs21:26
LetterRip_or linux21:26
ubotugijs: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl21:26
Guest16155ikonia: did u find the docs ?21:26
kane77ikonia, yeah..21:27
ikoniaGuest16155: I'm just lookin21:27
=== zMooTh` is now known as zMooTh
rhamirezhardware is detected realtec alc88321:27
gijsbedankt ik schakel even om21:27
rhamirezwhen i want to test it he says he is unable to forward it21:27
wolsrhamirez: probably snd-hda-intel21:28
Guest16155ikonia: another thing, when i use the live cd to install ubuntu on this system. its got stuck, but when i adding this line : all-generic-ide , the live cd working and i get to the desktop but when i want to start the installation the partitioner cant find hdds ?21:28
RiccardoPjust a quick question about the ubuntu installation21:29
RiccardoPi can't remember21:29
RiccardoPi want to replace a previous ubuntu installation21:29
Greevousanyone know any good data recovery techniques (partition has been erased, not corrupted)21:29
RiccardoPkeeping the data21:29
rhamireznope hda NVidia21:29
zvezdichkowow, I found a fix for the flash, however it seems to work only with Firefox and not with Konqueror/Opera21:29
RiccardoPcan i erase everything except the home directories and then install ubuntu on that partition?21:30
ikoniaGuest16155: I can't find the doc, I'm still looking you need to look for "uae" in kernel support.21:30
nickrudzvezdichko, that's the reason ubuntu hasn't released the fix for flash in the repos, the konq/opera issues21:30
zvezdichkois there any way to fix konq/opera manually?21:31
prefec2_hello folks. I have a seroius problem with my atheros wifi device. I can see my access point, but I cannot connect to it.21:31
Flare183zvezdichko: make konqueror scan for it21:31
Flare183zvezdichko: it's on konqueror settings21:31
prefec2_The log says: "Old device 'ath0' activating, won't change"21:31
Guest16155ikonia: another thing, when i use the live cd to install ubuntu on this system. its got stuck, but when i adding this line : all-generic-ide , the live cd working and i get to the desktop but when i want to start the installation the partitioner cant find hdds ?21:31
chickenFuegoHi, can someone help with bluetooth in feisty?21:32
chickenFuegoHere is my /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf21:32
prefec2_just after telling me that it has configured the device sucessfully21:32
ikoniaGuest16155: change the disk controller mode in the bios to jbod or normal or "non-raid" or "scsi"21:32
chickenFuegomy bluetooth device is asking for a passkey, after I gave it, I get "Can't connect: Permission denied"21:33
arno-tHi I updated to Gutsy and now in all browsers .JPG files are not thumbnailed anymore. But .jpg files are. I can change the case of the file and e.g. Nautilus will show the thumbnail. Any suggestions on how to make the OS also take JPG into consideration as jpg?21:33
zvezdichkohmmmmmmm no way... I scanned all mozilla directories21:33
zvezdichkobut I'm unable to open any flash pages21:33
|seb|is there an open source package to allow java in firefox?21:33
zvezdichkoalso, nspluginviewer always crashes21:34
erUSUL!brokenflash | zvezdichko21:34
ubotuzvezdichko: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.21:34
|seb|zvezdichko: i got latest flash from adobe and it is fine21:34
yubwyubAnyone have played Flobo Puyo? The Full Screen mode is not working correctly here... anyone have it working as it should?21:34
avalyscan anyone name some advantages of ubuntu server over debian?21:34
zvezdichko|seb|: which browsers do you use and what's the number of the version?21:34
|seb|zvezdichko: firefox 1.521:35
=== Synx_hm is now known as Synx_afk
naudizubotu I think flash can still work in Ubuntu with Gnash swf viewer21:35
naudizoh, ubotu is a bot21:35
zvezdichkoyeah, as I already said firefox is fine, but other browsers won't work at all, I'm currently readin the thread in ubuntu forums21:36
naudizavalys there is no advantage to using ubuntu server over debian21:36
Flare183!away | Synx_afk21:36
ubotuSynx_afk: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines21:36
avalysnaudiz: so why does it exist?21:36
ikoniaavalys: they are different distros21:36
avalysikonia: it was my understanding that ubuntu is based on debian - in fact, Ubuntu advertises this on the website21:37
rhamirezeverything works, my sound card is detected everything i changed to alsa still the same problem21:37
naudizavalys to try to dominate the linux market even more than just the desktop based Ubuntu21:37
Condoulook, apparently Firefox keeps crashing on me21:37
ikoniaavalys: yes thats correct "based on" not "actually"21:37
rhamirezunablte to write rresources  and unablte to forwardt xyz21:37
ArelisHi all. My games crash the moment i start them up. I'm using an ATI Radeon 9600 video card, and the open-source drivers (whichever got installed). This is a fresh install.21:37
ArelisCan anyone help me with that?21:37
ikoniaArelis: are you running your games through wine ?21:38
wolsArelis: glxinfo21:38
Arelisikonia: no.21:38
ikoniaArelis: what games are you trying to run ?21:38
wolsArelis: does that crash too?21:38
moaiamorfohi all21:38
Arelisikonia: ppracer.21:38
avalysikonia, naudiz: surely there must be something that Ubuntu claims is an advantage of Ubuntu server over Debian21:38
ikoniaArelis: follow wols advice21:38
zackhi all, i need some help me my ati video card21:38
moaiamorfohow can I change the default icon for a specific mimetype?21:38
ikoniaavalys: no - try both see which one you like21:38
moaiamorfounder Ubuntu 7.1021:38
Areliswols, ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49738/21:38
nickrudavalys, single source support21:39
moaiamorfoI'm using a Tango Generated icons theme21:39
naudizavalys probably the only advantage is that ubuntu server is easier to install21:39
wolsnickrud: what is single source support?21:39
butcherbirdi dont see an advantage to running ubuntu server in production i think the strength of ubuntu is its desktop environment and didnt think we were event trying to compete with debian there21:39
nickrudwols, people able to buy support for both server and desktop from one source21:39
Condoulobutcherbird- Ubuntu updates more often than Debian.21:39
ikoniaCondoulo: no it doesn't21:39
Condoulowhich means Ubuntu server will have the most recent updates vs. Debian server.21:39
Condouloikonia- huh? o-O21:40
ikoniaCondoulo: that's incorrect21:40
wolsCondoulo: no21:40
ikonianickrud: debian does the same21:40
nickrudikonia, didn't know debian sold support21:40
CondouloI thought thats the way it was.21:40
ikonianickrud: it doesn't sell support21:40
ikoniaCondoulo: it's not21:40
wolsikonia: you cannot get support directly from debian, but you can hire DDs of course21:40
Areliswols, ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49738/ <-- glxinfo21:40
ikoniawols: yup21:40
digital00I've got a film .avi to see... but when I run it I don't hear the sound... which packages do I have to install??21:41
wolsdigital00: depends what codec it uses21:41
wols!mp3 | digital0021:41
ubotudigital00: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:41
naudizConduolo yeah but the newest packages for servers is often more unstable that is why having the newest packages for a server isn't that important because bugfixes are still updated to Debian stable21:41
nzh99Hi - can anyone help? When I reach the logon screen to Ubuntu 7.10 I have really large font (>50 point), all application title bars are the same until the Appearance -> Visual effects is switched to another and then back to the setting it is on (normal)21:41
wolsdigital00: and sound itself normally works?21:41
digital00wols: yes21:41
wolsCondoulo: ubuntu LTS is a lot older right now than debian21:41
sidelilexcuse me is it possible to move a logical partition inside an extended one? I have resized it, but I can't move it now.21:42
zvezdichkoThe new version of Flash is only compatible with 9.50 Beta 2 of Opera (and later).21:42
ikoniasidelil: logical partitions are already in extended ones21:42
zvezdichkoso, if I find 9.50 beta of opera21:42
ikoniazvezdichko: we know21:42
zvezdichkoit is supposed to work21:42
zvezdichkoi'm just curious. is this something that affects all distros or it's only limited to ubuntu?21:43
ikoniazvezdichko: all21:43
Areliswols: Can you get any useful information out of that?21:43
Arelisikonia: you too?21:43
CondouloUpgrading from 7.04 to 7.10 takes a while. =/21:43
ikoniazvezdichko: all that use that version I shouldl say21:43
nickrudzvezdichko, all. for example, http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13213821:43
ikoniaCondoulo: depends on your internet connection and machine speed21:43
wolssidelil: all logical partitions are inside an extended one. no other way21:43
sidelilwols, ikonia: yes I know. In fact my logical partition *is* inside the extended one, but now I would like to move it, still inside (not outside)21:44
ikoniasidelil: you can move partitions around using tools like gparted but you risk data corruption.21:44
Condouloikonia- true. But it i going faster than last time. Last time I was on a Wireless connection on a Celeron. Now I'm on a LAN connection using a Pentium D machine.21:44
wolssidelil: resize the extended maybe so it has all unallocated space?21:44
naudizzvezdichko: I have flash working in firefox on Gutsy Gibbon using the Gnash swf viewer21:44
ikoniaCondoulo: mirror speeds ?21:44
sidelilikonia: I've tried, but it doesn't allow me, I don't know why.21:44
avalysokay, how about reasons _not_ to go with Ubuntu server?21:44
wolsnaudiz: for low values of "working". not all flash applets will work21:45
ikoniasidelil: not enough free disk space ?21:45
avalysover debian, that is21:45
naudizavalys because Ubuntus strength is the desktop21:45
ikoniaavalys: if there is no reason to do it, why would there be a reason not to do it21:45
nzh99Anyone help with a large font display problem?? Or suggest someone else to post the question if not appropriate here - thanks :)21:45
ikoniaavalys: try them, see which one YOU like21:45
sidelilikonia, I've used the live cd and the partition was unmounted. Yes, I'm sure there is space.21:45
ikonianaudiz: the server version is just as sgtrong21:45
Ryan450anybody know of a good poker site to play on that doesn't require a deposit for ubuntu?21:45
ikoniaRyan450: poker sites are nothing to do with ANY os21:46
function1why would i want to use the text based installer other than to install lvm encryption21:46
ikoniafunction1: some video cards have issues.21:46
naudizikonia does Ubuntu server install Xorg by default ?21:46
ikonianaudiz: no21:46
naudizikonia: good21:46
Condoulofunction1- because some videos card have troubles with the new xorg config package in 7.10 (including mines.)21:46
avalysikonia: well, there might be no reason to do it, and many reasons not to do it21:47
julienCondoulo: u mean nvidia or ati?21:47
CondouloI never had trouble with installing Ubuntu until 7.10.21:47
ikoniaavalys: there are not.21:47
Condoulofunction1- I have ATI21:47
godfree2where can I find why I am blocked on ubuntu forums?21:47
Arelisikonia: are you there?21:47
Condoulojulien- I only tried on ATI. not sure about nVidia.21:47
julienCondoulo: have nvidia and have problems too21:47
wolsCondoulo: which ati cart?21:47
ikoniaArelis: yes I am21:47
function1i have x1400.. some things a seem a little weird but compiz works anyway21:47
nickrudCondoulo, one of the 1xxx series?21:47
Condoulowols- ATI Radeon X200 (Integrated21:47
julienCondoulo: only since 7.1021:47
Arelisikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49738/ <-- This is what i get when i run 'glxinfo'. Can you get anything useful out of it?21:47
hyper_chI got a strange problem: I rebooted my computer because of some weird behaviour, then I just got the Ubuntu default background but no loging window or so... and the keyboard didn't do anyhting and nothing else was loaded... I thought maybe some glitch or something, tried again -> same result... ok, I logged then into recovery mode and installed KDE through kubuntu-desktop... restarted again, in KDM I saw the login manager, I could select m21:48
ikoniaArelis: wols was looking at it, I'm letting him responds as he's much sharper with ati cards than myself.21:48
nickrudhm, 200m installed fine here (got the desktop by inattention, gave it a try)21:48
wolsArelis: already seen it direct rendering is on, 3D should be fine21:48
Condoulojulien- yeah. 7.04 and 6.10 don't have a problem booting into LiveCD with my ATI.21:48
Areliswols: For some reason it's not. ppracer crashes the moment it starts.21:48
wolsArelis: but for 9600 fglrx is usually better, if it works21:48
vasseri have a problem with my ubuntu, it keeps loading module nvidia at boot, even though its not on /etc/modules21:48
Arelisbut glxgears is working just fine21:48
earthlingcan wifi drivers be made to work through wine?21:48
julienCondoulo, what is ur card?21:48
vasserand when nvidia module is loaded, the xorg cannot start21:49
wolsearthling: if wifi works on the linux side,nothing special needed in wine21:49
earthlingwindows wifi drivers ie21:49
Condoulojulien- Its not a card really. Its just my integrated ATI Radeon X20021:49
wolsvasser: dpkg -l |grep nvidia21:49
julienCondoulo, it's a laptop?21:49
Condoulojulien- desktop21:49
earthlingwols: windows wifi drivers ie21:49
julienCondoulo, i have an ati on Xpress radeo on my laptop21:49
bartek2109hi everyone how can i open *.rar files?21:49
wolsArelis: I would try the proprietary drivers21:49
naudizbartek2109: rar e <file>21:50
julienCondoulo, works great with 7.10 but only with amd ati driver from their sit21:50
brobostigonbartek2109: file-roller21:50
Areliswols: I've done that before but... it doesn't work that well. And i don't get compiz.21:50
hyper_chnobody has an idea?21:50
wolsearthling: through ndiswrapper which is an ugly kludge, but it has nothing to do with wine, wine not needed or used for it21:50
bartek2109tanks mates;]21:50
naudizbartek2109: in terminal window type 'rar e filename'21:50
RockomanHey can someone help me on the PS3 Ubuntu?21:50
julienCondoulo, the specification have been published for ati cards so the drivers will be better soon21:50
wolsArelis: yes, there is that. well you do via xserver-xgl but that has its own pitfalls yes21:50
vasserwols: the only package i have with nvidia that is installed is nvidia-kernel-common21:50
Condoulojulien- my card only works when I install the drivers on 7.04, then do a upgrade.21:50
vasserbut i cannot remove it, it tells me i need to remove the kernel21:51
wolsvasser: install the restricted drivers. you will need an nvidia glx package too21:51
revilodrawsince installing and playing around with compiz i have lost the blue panel at the top of all my windows, any ideas how to get it back?21:51
Condoulojulien- do you know how I can update my ATI drivers to the new 7.12 drivers?21:51
Areliswols: Disabling Compiz did the trick.21:51
fsufitchi asked this earlier but i got no answer, so i'm asking it again: grub on my laptop is dead. all it does is freeze with a blinking cursor but no prompt. this just happened today for no reason apparently. i already tried reinstalling grub and following the instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2689.html but no go. a bit of info on my partitions: 1 x NTFS (windows), 1 x FAT (shared by windows and Linux),21:51
fsufitch1 x extended partition containing a bunch of logical ext3s on which linux is installed. grub is on one of those. anybody have any ideas?21:51
wolsArelis: thanks, good to know. or bad, depending21:51
adamonline46revilodraw: Which blue panel is that?  The title bar?21:51
earthlingwols: any other alternative for ndis? isnt workin for mine.... have problems posted on forum as old as two months . no replies21:51
revilodrawadamonline46: yes21:51
vasserwols: when i use a driver other than the latest, i don't get direct rendering21:52
julienCondoulo, download them from ati website and lunch the binary that's all i think...with an automatic install21:52
RockomanI just installed Ubuntu on my PS3, and I can't figure out how to get the Wifi or Wired Connection on, any ideas?21:52
adamonline46revilodraw: Did you install Emerald?  Go to your kmenu, down to settings, and 'emerald theme manager'... From there, select a different title bar theme...21:52
wolsvasser: what card?21:52
julienCondoulo maybe uninstall the old kernel module first21:52
=== spoopmas is now known as spoop
julienCondoulo maybe it's ur xorg.conf who is not correct21:53
nickrudjulien, rather than have people use the ati installer directly, using http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide is better since it creates deb packages that are easily removed.21:53
wolsvasser: locate nvidia.ko   what path does it show?21:54
Areliswols: actually, that made my pc crash.21:54
julienNickrud: yes but i'm not sure that the drivers are the last ones...21:54
Areliswols: I can live without compiz. Should i install fglrx, or will it slow things down?21:54
nickrudjulien, yes, 7.1221:54
Retro`i need some help21:54
Areliswols: I have an ATI Radeon 960021:54
wolsArelis: it should speed things up21:54
juliennickrud, ok then, it's easier i agree21:54
wolsvasser: dpkg -S /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko21:54
nickrudjulien, well, not easier exactly, but definitely safer21:54
revilodrawadamonline46: well firstly they are kde instructions and i use gnome, and secondly when i went into my theme manager and chose a new title bar theme, nothing happened21:55
julienNickrud: but each time i have done that, my glxgears were poor in fps21:55
adamonline46Does anyone use acidrip?  It seems I can only rip one track at a time?21:55
Retro`please tell me why do i not have EasyTAG listed among other programs?21:55
vasserwols: not found21:55
Retro`i have installed it before21:55
julienNickrud: each time there is some modif to do in xorg.conf no?21:55
Retro`then removed it21:55
=== Delvien_ is now known as Delvien
Retro`and now reinstalled it21:55
nickrudjulien, usually that's because of kernel module mismatches, the page has better instructions these days21:55
wolsvasser: how did you install your nvidia drivers exactly?21:55
Areliswols: I'm rebooting. Please do not leave, if you want :)21:55
vasserwols: when i run xorg after removing the module, it runs, and i see another nvdia module running21:55
wolsvasser: did you use envy or automatix or nvidia.com21:56
teknoprephow do i check to see if linux recognizes my usb serial adapter ?21:56
gogzmerusing apt-get, how can one tell if a particular package is installed?21:56
zvezdichkoI have luck. Got Flash to work with Opera 9.5 beta21:56
Retro`anyone has EasyTAG installed?21:56
vasserwols: using the NVIDIA*-.run file, from their site21:56
wolsvasser: then where is this nvidia.ko module?21:56
revilodrawi have easytag21:56
wolsvasser: then ask #nvidia how to uninstall I'd say21:56
brobostigonzvezdichko: what platform??21:56
wolsvasser: fi you want to21:56
earthlingany ways to optimise gusty's  preformance?21:56
Retro`revilodraw, i have a problem with EasyTAG21:56
zvezdichkoCeleron 1.6 GHz21:56
ikoniaearthling: thats a pretty generic question21:56
gogzmerearthling: Lots. In what way do you mean?21:57
zvezdichkoUbuntu Gutsy21:57
vasseri just need to know how to stop ubuntu from starting up the nvidia module on start up21:57
revilodrawretro; what is it21:57
adamonline46revilodraw: Hehheh, sorry bout that :)  Alright, lemme see... In Emerald theme manager, if you click on 'edit themes', and then 'titlebar', do you have a min height for it?  Or is anything major set to teransparent?21:57
naudizearthling: compile a new kernel with gcc optimizations21:57
vasserafter that, it will prolly work21:57
ikonianaudiz: thats one of the most nonsense comments made.21:57
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »21:57
Retro`revilodraw, i have had it installed and i removed it, but then when i reinstalled it, it wasn't present anywhere... as if not installed at all21:57
wols!blacklist | vasser21:57
ubotuvasser: please see above21:57
Speckalhi all21:57
ikonianaudiz: if don't make comments about things you clearly don't understand.21:57
earthlingoptimiising RAM usage21:57
revilodrawadamonline46: i dont have emerald any more... not since dapper21:57
vasserwols: won't it disable the load of the module later on ?21:57
naudizikonia: that would optimize ram usage and make the kernel more responsive21:57
SpeckalI need a cms.  I'm new to the whole thing and I don't really know which of the thousands to choose.  Any suggestions?21:57
Condoulohow can I make System Monitor pop up when I press Ctrl+Alt+delete?21:58
gogzmerearthling: Run from the command line...no gui21:58
ikonianaudiz: no it wouldn't and in some cases can actually make it slower21:58
nickrudSpeckal, drupal.org21:58
wolsvasser: not if you explictly modprobe it I'd think but if you want to load it anyways, you wouldn't blacklist it21:58
Retro`revilodraw, please tell me how can i install easytag through the console21:58
naudizikonia: I'm been using linux since 1999 and I'm also a FreeBSD and NetBSD user and I know more about unix than you do21:58
wolsearthling: how much RAM do you have?21:58
figihello, how do i install flashplayer in opera 9.25?21:58
revilodrawretro; there is a beautiful magical place where programs get installed, even if no icons come into the menu.. i dont know where it is, but someone here will...and im being serious lol21:58
ikonianaudiz: your not giving that impression out.21:58
wolsnaudiz: you still don't have a clue :)21:58
Speckalthanks, nickrud21:58
butcherbirdearthling: xubuntu would be the easiest recommendation also there is alot of stuff in startup you dont need you might search for bum in ubuntu forums21:59
vasseri will give it a try, thanks, wols21:59
zvezdichkofigi: there's currently no way to install flash player with Opera.21:59
zvezdichkothere's a bug21:59
Retro`revilodraw, please try to remember21:59
naudizikonia: it would make ubuntu boot faster too21:59
Retro`pretty please21:59
figiin opera 9.5b? can i?21:59
butcherbird!bum > earthling21:59
revilodrawretro; hahah i have tried for myself21:59
ikonianaudiz: again, you wouldn't notice that21:59
zvezdichkofigi: yes21:59
ehcI am getting an error of : xine: cannot find input plugin for MRL21:59
naudizikonia: I would notice that21:59
ehcwhile trying to play DVDs21:59
figiok thank you very much21:59
zvezdichkoI just installed it and Flash works21:59
ikonianaudiz: I'm not going to discuss this any more.22:00
revilodrawto all; where do programs that you installed go if they dont have an icon in the menu; how do u find them??22:00
adamonline46revilodraw: Dang, sorry, I wish I had more info for ya...22:00
RockomanI just installed Ubuntu on my PS3, and I can't figure out how to get the Wifi or Wired Connection on, any ideas?22:00
wolsrevilodraw: dpkg -L <packagename you installed> | grep bin22:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about placebo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:00
ikoniaRockoman: the PS3 is not a supported hardware platform.22:00
erUSULrevilodraw: they are on your PATH so you can lounch them from terminal or Alt + F222:00
naudizikonia: I guess Gentoo just uses GCC optimization flags on everything for no reason then right ?22:00
wolsRockoman: lspci. what network cards do you have?22:00
earthlingkilling processes that we dont want running is ok. Can there be more optimising RAM performance?22:00
brobostigonrockoman:no idea, sorry.22:00
erUSUL!cli | revilodraw22:00
uboturevilodraw: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:00
ikonianaudiz: yes, thats correct.22:00
ikonianaudiz: I'm not disucssion this any futher with you as it's clear your just talking nonsense.22:01
naudizikonia: haha, you're crazy22:01
ikonianaudiz: no, I just don't quote random stuff I've read22:01
wols* dpkg spends 7 days recompiling naudiz, and when it's all done, naudiz runs no faster than previously22:01
revilodrawerUSUL: does ubuntu have a cli? noooo way! thanks for that, who would have thought...22:01
brobostigonearthling: in my experience get rid of desktop effects(compiz-fusion)22:01
erUSULrevilodraw: XD22:02
wolserUSUL: use some other desktop environment than gnome. xfce for example22:02
gogzmerIs there an easy way to tell what packages are installed from the command line using apt or some other tool?22:02
wolsbrobostigon: I wouldn't call that "Light" :)22:02
ikonia gogzmer dpkg -l22:03
wolsgogzmer: dpkg -l |grep ^ii22:03
nickrudgogzmer, aptitude search ~i22:03
naudizearthling: if you recompile a kernel and only compile in the stuff you need from dmesg info you can optimize RAM performance because the kernel footprint in RAM will be smaller allowing more RAM for other processes/applications22:03
brobostigonenlightenment is light inmy experience22:03
ikoniaearthling: please ignore that advice from naudiz it is nonsense.22:03
wolsnaudiz: not with distro kernels in any appreciable amount. you can save diskspace tho. but not really RAM22:03
erUSULwols: tab completion ? ;)22:04
wolserUSUL: as very often :)22:04
ader10Conky doesn't display the MPD artist or title. Any suggestions?22:04
butcherbirdearthling: but that difference is only going to be a meg or 2 really22:04
krimIs it possible to convert FLAC to Apple Lossless?22:04
sourcemakerwhat's the difference between strigi and beagle? Same engine or different development?22:04
butcherbirdearthling: if that22:04
wolskrim: if you find a encoder for apple lossless: yes22:04
naudizearthling: it will make your system boot up faster too22:04
erUSULkrim: Flac --> wav --> apple lossless22:04
__scdoes anyone have any advice regarding kvm versus virtualbox?  i'd like to install windows in ubuntu.22:04
ikoniaearthling: it will not make anything boot faster22:04
ikoniaearthling: naudiz is talking nonsense, I advice you to ingore any of that advice.22:05
* wols agrees with ikonia 22:05
naudizikonia: you are an idiot -- if you recompile a kernel to only have the drivers you need then the system boots up faster22:05
ikonia__sc: I have positive comments for kvm22:05
Aztec007hey guys, I'm doing a dual boot on my laptop, First I installed Ubuntu, then on another partition I installed XP but the boot loader doesn't load at all, it automatically loads into windows :(22:05
ikonianaudiz: nope.22:05
hyper_chI got a strange problem: I rebooted my computer because of some weird behaviour, then I just got the Ubuntu default background but no loging window or so... and the keyboard didn't do anyhting and nothing else was loaded... I thought maybe some glitch or something, tried again -> same result... ok, I logged then into recovery mode and installed KDE through kubuntu-desktop... restarted again, in KDM I saw the login manager, I could select m22:05
naudizikonia: your smoking crack22:05
krimOk let me rephrase that, is there an apple lossless encoder for GNU/Linux? (Yes I did stfw but the results were a bit vague)22:05
butcherbirdwell in freebsd i routinely recompile kernel for better boot time and more streamlined but in linux the way it used modules.. i dunno if its worth it22:05
revilodrawi have lost my title bar, and cant use 'alt f4' or commands like that22:05
ikonianaudiz: and I advise you to not call me names again please.22:05
wols!grub | Aztec00722:05
ubotuAztec007: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:05
earthlingok may be naudiz method may not give much of an improvement but recompiling only what you need sounds fun... where can i get references to learn that?22:06
adamonline46revilodraw: You may be able to disable CF, and restart to make sure that's the problem... Though I'm sure it may be...22:06
wols!compile | earthling22:06
ubotuearthling: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)22:06
ikoniaearthling: don't do it, you will lose ubuntu community support and no doubt break your system.22:06
Aztec007ubotu: cool, I'll take a look22:07
wolserUSUL: and for gosh's sake, use kernel-package22:07
zarac-yo people =D22:07
Aztec007thank you22:07
revilodrawadamonline46: how do i sisable compiz?22:07
ader10What's the default fixed width font?22:07
naudizearthling: ikonia is treating you like an idiot do you like that ?22:07
wolsader10: do you get a X loading error about default font "fixed"?22:07
zarac-can i switch window manager while having all programs running and not restarting x etc..? =D22:07
ikonianaudiz: no I'm not treating him like an idiot. I'm offering sound advice.22:07
brobostigonofftopic everybody22:07
butcherbirdikonia: is echoing the official ubuntu line which is really right 98% of the time22:07
Flare183zarac-: yes22:07
wolszarac-: yes22:07
naudizikonia: you think he is not capable of compiling a working kernel so you are assuming ubuntu users are idiots22:08
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:08
ader10wols: No, it's just that I installed some font pack (forget which) and the terminal font looks very thin and is gray instead of black22:08
wolsnaudiz: ubuntu is designed for people NOT to compile their own kernels22:08
ikonianaudiz: no I'm not, the average user will break a kernel build22:08
ikonianaudiz: so the advice is to not do it for no reason22:08
naudizikonia: the average user being the idiot in your opinion22:08
adamonline46revilodraw: I'm using Kubuntu, but for me in ~/.kde/Autostart I have a script that starts it.  If you can find a script called 'compiz.sh' or 'startcompiz', or something of that nature, comment out the line inside of it.22:08
Flare183!offtopic | naudiz22:08
ubotunaudiz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:08
ikonianaudiz: no, and if you continue to put words in my mouth I'll ask you to leave.22:08
wolsnaudiz: not even debian encourages people to compile their own kernel22:08
zarac-thanks Flare183  + wols  ...  i guess just typing the name of it?22:09
PriceChildikonia, ignore him please22:09
earthlinghey !!!! what is the fun in computing if you dont try ...... dont have much to do these days anyway?22:09
zarac-like.. "# compiz" ... "# fluxbox"  etc22:09
wolszarac-: you need to stop the old one first22:09
ikoniaPriceChild: thank you22:09
gogzmerThank you22:09
zarac-wols,  .. oh.. how do i do that? =D22:09
Flare183PriceChild: thanks22:09
ader10What's the default fixed width font?22:09
wolszarac-: depends a bit on the WM. kill should usually work but is fairly crude22:09
zarac-ok .. need.. thanks =D22:10
gogzmerzarac-: Often, WM have some sort of --replace option to replace whatever one is currently running with themselves22:10
earthlingcome on people shoulnt have kicked him............ naudiz was just soundin his opinion . isnt this a free world?22:10
wolsader10: dpkg -L xfonts-base  it's one of them22:10
zarac-oh.. neat =D22:10
ikoniaearthling: I suggest the topic is dropped and moved on22:11
LjLearthling: no, this is a support channel where some pretty clear rules exist.22:11
wolsader10: doubt there is a defualt for for everyone the same22:11
LjL!etiquette > earthling    (earthling, see the private message from Ubotu)22:11
Retro`please tell me what's the command to install easytag in the console...  sudo apt-get install easytag    ??22:11
zarac-any windows managers to suggest? =D22:11
nickrudRetro`, yes22:11
ader10wols: What's your default font?22:11
ikoniaRetro`: apt-cache search for it22:11
butcherbirdearthling: we reserve #ubuntu-offtopic for that there is too much chatter in this channel needs to be about support22:11
wolsader10: none. no X22:11
Retro`will do22:11
ader10wols: ah22:11
gogzmerzarac-: I prefer compiz-fusion that comes with gutsy22:11
zarac-oh.. thought only compiz came? =D22:12
gogzmerzarac-: It really depends on what your needs and usage patterns are22:12
ginoi need some help with chroot, som body knows?22:12
ader10wols: I would have a hard time without X... no games, no stumbleupon22:12
zarac-i dunno... what do you use gogzmer ? =D22:12
zarac-oh.. ocmpiz fusion =D22:12
zarac-right ,)22:12
zarac-i use it too.. it's nice =D22:13
butcherbirdearthling: :) /join #ubuntu-offtopic  there are alot of us in there22:13
zarac-thought it only was compiz though ;)22:13
Gringo_can anyone point me in the direction of a good binary newsgroup client for linux?22:13
zarac-what did you run before that? ... before compiz that is =D22:13
wolsader10: honestly, even where I do have X I dunno which. anf there is not really a default with all things like Xresources and the like22:13
butcherbirdGringo_: pan is the standard i think or was a few years ago22:13
Gringo_butcherbird: tnx, i'll give it a try22:13
nickrudGringo_, pan , pimppa22:13
gogzmerzarac-: It is -fusion because it has many of the Beryl additions in it and isn't pure compiz22:13
zarac-ok =D22:14
zarac-so gogzmer .. what before compiz-fusion? =D22:14
gogzmerzarac-: What do you mean before?22:14
ader10wols: I'm pretty sure that ubuntu installs basically the same stuff on each system22:14
ader10wols: It's not like you'd see the default terminal font on one box be DejaVu 10 and on another Monospace 1222:15
zarac-gogzmer, .. what window manager before compiz-fusion? or have you only used that?22:15
wolsader10: yes, but it doesn't mean is uses the same stuff on every system :)22:15
zarac-well i'm getting fluxbox =D22:15
gogzmerzarac-: Before that, I used Metacity that comes with older Ubuntu versions. I did everything I needed, which wasn't much, so it was sufficient22:15
zarac-used it a few years ago= D22:16
zarac-ok.. sweet =D22:16
gogzmerto each his own. I have never played with it. Mostly due to a lack of need/other more interesting things to play with22:16
drgebhas anyone got awn-curve working ? I am getting this "check-recursive" Error 122:16
gogzmerWith apache, if I have the standard mpm-prefork package installed, how can I switch it so that it runs using the mpm-worker package?22:17
Billydrgeb, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57201922:17
wolsgogzmer: install the mpm-worker apache222:17
nickrudgogzmer, install the mpm worker package , it will remove the other22:17
gogzmerok, thanks22:17
drgebBilly i followed those intructions22:18
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
jetruhas anyone done a ubuntu peristent usb drive?22:18
Billydrgeb, remove awn files .......... start from scratch ........ one line at a time22:18
jetruits not working for me...22:18
ompaul!persistance | jetru22:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about persistance - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:18
Billydrgeb, in my opinion AWN sucks ...... needs more work done22:19
drgebBilly what do u suggest instead ?22:19
gogzmernickrud: Should it also remove mod-php5 and php5-mysql?22:19
wolsgogzmer: no22:19
Billydrgeb, I have not clue about that ........ sorry22:19
ompaul!persistence | jetru (typo first time out)22:19
jetruompaul: ??22:19
ubotujetru (typo first time out): To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence22:19
Billyno clue22:19
gogzmerwols: apt-get trys to. How can I stop it?22:20
jetruubotu: I did!22:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i did! - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:20
wolsgogzmer: what apt-get command?22:20
wolsjetru: ubotu is a bot22:20
nickrudgogzmer, looks like it, I just tested it here. It appears there's some conflicts with stuff in the updates repo22:20
drgebBilly Thanks!! seems to work have to reboot22:20
jetruya figured... :D22:20
gogzmersudo apt-get install  apache2-mpm-worker22:20
ompauljetru, that is the actual instruction that makes it happen, so you got to go though it again, it works, unless you got hardware issues which are beyond the scope of this channel :)22:21
wolsnickrud: how does it conflict? cause php is not threadsafe?22:21
nickrudgogzmer, if you do sudo aptitude install apache2-mpm-worker , it will show you more detail about conflicts22:21
gogzmerk, cool22:21
nickrudwols, not sure, but that sounds reasonable to me22:21
nickrudwols, by conflict, I mean the packagers have defined conflicts22:22
jetruompaul: well, the usb thingy boots the live variation, but it gets stuck while booting the persistent thing22:22
ubuntu__anyone know how can i run bluetooth on ubuntu 7.10 livecd?22:22
ompaul!bootoptions | jetru (so the usb stick works you got other stuff here)22:22
ubuntu__on my toshiba laptop22:22
ubotujetru (so the usb stick works you got other stuff here): For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions22:22
gogzmeraptitude says that libapache-mod-php5 is "BROKEN"22:22
suncydu please... Thunderbird hangs when I recieve new mail. I have to kill it and the start it over to read the mail. Anyone help please. Tryed reinstalling it22:22
zvezdichkoHey, thank you all. I have the answer about the flash issue22:23
brandon_hey all . what file has the resolutions you can choose in it?22:23
adamonline46brandon_: /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:23
jetruompaul: ya. the boot options i checked. theres only one extra boot option for the 'persitent' and when thats there the thing doesnt boot fully. it just stops somewhere in between...22:24
shane2perudoes anyone know a command to show what devices I have listed?22:24
ironfootI've got some trouble with phpmyadmin and ruby it has caused them both to crash is there a way to just just start over?22:24
jetruompaul: but if i dont add the boot option 'persistent' then everything is fine22:24
ompauljetru, check out the apic and apci stuff22:24
gogzmerWell, I guess I will use the pre0fork mpm for now. PHP, and using it to hit MySQL is more needed than the extra performance...for now. I hope it gets fixed in the future. Is there any way to help get it fixed?22:24
gogzmerironfoot: what do you mean :start over" ?22:25
=== _RvGaTe is now known as RvGaTe
ompauljetru, if you think you have a bug please follow it up on launchpad.net22:25
Retro`i have installed easytag now22:26
Retro`it works and all22:26
jetruompaul: whats apci now?22:26
MikeHhow do I specify what device mplayer should use for dvds?22:26
* nickrud needs to install easytag, but dreads redoing all the tags and filenames22:26
Retro`how can i add EasyTAG in the Main Menu as an icon?22:26
MikeHIt wants to use /dev/dvd, but my player is on /dev/hda22:26
shane2peruDoes anyone know the command to find out what my device is loaded under? /dev/???22:27
toplokHi, I am accessing a lan machine using sftp from nautilus, but I would like to access it from gnome-commander or midnight-commander. in what folder may be mounted ?22:27
gogzmertoplok: Any folder22:27
Retro`how can i add, basically, any program to Main Menu?22:27
ompauljetru, please read that page and follow its options you will see the most popular ones there22:27
nickrudRetro`, are you sure you don't see it under audio ?22:27
ironfootgogzmer:  I tried once to just put the ubuntu cd back in and just start over but it just won't let me, is there a way to either clean this up due to the fact that I have triedmany different ways to fix this and failed.22:27
Retro`nickrud, no i really don't22:27
toplokgogzmer, I mean that using gnome-commander how to locate that folder ?22:28
{Nathan}I have a newly installed command line system. What packages do I need to get PCMCIA support? None of my cards show up on lspci currently.22:28
raf_hello to everyone22:28
Retro`nickrud, that's why i ask22:28
nickrudRetro`, right click the main menu, and select edit.  But first, try  alt-f2 killall gnome-panel , that will regen your menus and restart the panel22:28
toplokis it at media ? at mnt ? where to look for it ?22:28
gogzmertoplok: Browse to wherever you have it mounted22:28
robdigshane2peru: think this will show you what you need: sudo lshw22:28
ompauljetru, some typos in my stuff that page is okay22:28
toploknautilus mounted it automatically22:28
Retro`nickrud, thanks for the tip22:28
phrachmm... several of my applications are not showing their icons, just black icons.  The icons are on the system.  Anyone know what the problem could be?22:28
Retro`nickrud, hope it works22:28
Retro`bye ;)22:29
gogzmerironfoot: Is this a fresh, clean install with no data, and only configuration stuff in it?22:29
raf_can anyone tell me what is localhost password to add a printer?22:29
nickrudRetro`, won't hurt anything, no need to go anywhere :)22:29
ironfootgogzmer:  no22:29
erUSULraf_: via the web interface of cups?22:29
raf_i am trying to install a network printer22:29
ironfootI could not get a fresh copy??22:29
Retro`nickrud, done22:30
gogzmerironfoot: ok, would it be OK to wippe PHP and Ruby from the machine, config files and all?22:30
ironfootIt won't seem to take is there a way to accomplish this?22:30
erUSULraf_: !?22:30
mularanyone have any ideas why when I suspend and resume I have no sound?22:30
nickrudRetro`, the reason I'm suprised about the menu item is I had already installed easytag and had one22:30
ironfootyes I'm willing to try anything to get this machine back on track.22:30
zarac-hmm... so fluxbox.. ... =D22:30
Retro`nickrud, still no EasyTAG under Sound & Video22:30
antonHello, me and my friend can't get his internet connection to work...I'm on ubuntu, he is on xp...we even bought a new ethernet card... Is there any settings in Ubuntu that will allow him to get an internet connection?22:31
ompaulmular, cos your laptop maker does not share how it is built with the Linux Kernel Hackers and shame on them this is the result22:31
raf_i installed a printer in my account but when i try to install it to another uses it sees the printer but it ask my for a localhost for user..22:31
Ubuntubruger2Hi there. How do I install the latest JAVA ??22:31
alexandrooshi guys, how do i know if my usb stick is mounted in sync or async mode?22:31
nickrudRetro`, edit the menus, see if it's there but unselected (you'll find a lot of potential menu items are hidden)22:31
antonto make it clear: Lan22:31
erUSULraf_: another user on the same computer?22:31
Retro`nickrud, i have once removed the icon easyTAG from Main Menu22:31
mularompaul ah ok was just curious so no real way to fix it?22:32
nickrudRetro`, ah.  sudo aptitude purge easytag && sudo aptitude install easytag22:32
ompaulmular, kernel hacking22:32
gogzmerironfoot: Have you tried manualy removing the configuration files after you removed php, ruby, and phpmyadmin?22:32
nickrudRetro`, strike that22:32
ompaulanton, how would ubuntu stop his xp from being on the internet please ask in ##windows for xp help22:32
ironfootI have programmed some php  scripts but I wanted to incorporate both on my machine. When I finnally get this right should I use two seperate softwares to controll them.22:32
mularompaul, ah ok thanks not really worth all the effort for me then lol22:32
nickrudRetro`, rm ~/.local/applications/easytag.desktop22:32
Ubuntubruger2Hi there. How do I install the latest JAVA ??22:32
antonOk. At this server?22:32
Retro`nickrud, okay22:33
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre22:33
Retro`will do22:33
ironfootI nevewr tried to remove php but I did try to remove phpmyadmin?22:33
erUSULraf_: never had this problem on ubuntu all my users can use the installed printer without probs22:33
EvilAIMcan someone help me with my partition tables?22:33
ompaulmular, well there are lots of people who would be so happy to know to you if you did22:33
EvilAIMthats what it looks like22:33
ironfootaand mysql22:33
EvilAIMI wanted to merge my secondary that had a partition on it22:33
raf_i installed fine in my account but not in the others it ask me for a password22:33
Ubuntubruger2sourcemaker: thx22:33
raf_for localhost22:33
nickrudRetro`, I gotta wake up. it's     rm ~/.local/share/applications/easytag.desktop , sorry22:33
MikeHthe crap dvd playback I'm experiencing with ubuntu is starting to annoy me :(22:34
alexandrooshi guys, how do i know if my usb stick is mounted in sync or async mode?22:34
gogzmerironfoot: How are php and ruby not working?22:34
gogzmerironfoot: Or is it just phpmyadmin that is not working?22:34
raf_what is the definition of localhost?22:34
nickrudMikeH, have you tried vlc yet? I've found totem to be a pain for dvd's22:34
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs22:34
Retro`nickrud, yeah, the former didn't work :)22:35
MikeHnickrud, it's VLC being the pain, it keeps freezing the film/crashing 3/4 way through22:35
MikeHon top of that, it's jumpy22:35
adamonline46Is xfce a good choice of desktop environment for a Pentium 2 fileserver?22:35
nickrudMikeH, every dvd?22:35
Retro`nickrud, okay the rm ~/.local/share/applications/easytag.desktop is done22:35
Soskelis there a way I can add programs and such to a ISO?22:35
rskadamonline46: no. i would choose e17.22:35
Retro`nickrud, now what?22:35
nickrudRetro`, so killall gnome-panel , regen the menus22:36
MikeHnickrud, not tried any others, however, this dvd isn't scratched in any way22:36
Soskelhow can I change an ISO by adding my own programs?22:36
Retro`nickrud, sudo aptitude purge easytag && sudo aptitude install easytag    ??22:36
Retro`now this?22:36
tarelerulzI am trying to set up vnc so it running on display 0 .  The display I am using right now .  It says I have to delete .X-lock and it still will not let me put a vnc on Display 0 ?  It says there is vnc running on display O any one have any idea22:36
adamonline46rsk: Alright.  Is that somewhat full featured?  I know, I'm asking for a paradox 8)  But, I've tried fluxbox and it was way too bare for me... Would e17 do me better?22:36
rskyes it would be better22:36
Zippo_ddanybody around for a noob question ?22:37
nickrudRetro`, did the second command (/share/) complete successfully?  If so, you should simply killall gnome-panel to regen menus22:37
SoskelZippo_dd: ASK22:37
rskZippo_dd: a thousand peopre or so..22:37
erUSUL!anyone | Zippo_dd22:37
ubotuZippo_dd: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:37
Retro`nickrud, yes the second rm thing worked22:37
Zippo_ddi just installed ubuntu22:37
adamonline46rsk: Cool, thank you... Would you happen to know if Elbuntu is as nicely supported as kubuntu?22:37
foutrelisHey, I want to stream some music to a shoutcast server from my Ubuntu box. I tried xmms with the liveice plugin but it kept crashing. Then I gave idjc a try, but couldn't add files to the playlist .-. What other music players support streaming to a shoutcast server?22:37
gogzmerdoes anyone, off the top of their head, know how to get apache to log everything to it's main logs, and also each virtual host get a copy of the relevant logs in it's specified file?22:37
Zippo_ddand i have like 4 SATA drives22:37
Retro`nickrud, i did killall gnome-panel after that22:37
rskadamonline46: i would use ubuntu and just install e manually.22:37
olivithoubuntu spain22:37
Zippo_ddthat don't show up in 'Computer'22:37
nickrudRetro`, and?22:38
Retro`nickrud, waiting for further commands sir ;)22:38
Zippo_ddthey are in fstab22:38
adamonline46rsk: Sounds good, that's all, ty! :D22:38
Zippo_ddwhy don't they show ?22:38
Soskelhow can I make changes to an ubuntu ISO??!?22:38
Retro`nickrud, i don't know... no EasyTAG icon there22:38
nickrudRetro`, so still no menu item.  Do  ls /usr/share/applications/easytag*  , is it there?22:38
raf_password for user on localhost...that is what it asking.. it only happened in added user22:38
Retro`nickrud, let me see...22:38
Zippo_ddlong story short, my hard drives don't show up in Computer22:38
Retro`nickrud, ls: /usr/share/applications/easytag*: No such file or directory22:39
nickrudRetro`, then yes, run the aptitude purge & reinstall22:39
timfrostZippo_dd: do they show when you type 'df' or 'mount' in a terminal window?22:39
ompaul!uck | Soskel22:39
ubotuSoskel: UCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/22:39
Retro`nickrud, okay22:39
Zippo_ddno they don't22:39
Soskelthank you22:39
timfrostZippo_dd: can you pastebin /etc/fstab?22:40
Zippo_ddsry, whats pastebin mean ?22:40
timfrost!pastebin | Zippo_dd22:40
NoNaMECheck this while it lasts: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Buttered_cat_paradox&oldid=17916905222:40
ubotuZippo_dd: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)22:40
Retro`nickrud, you are wonderful!22:41
oterocan someone tell me how to enable beryl?22:41
Retro`nickrud, the icon is back now22:41
ushdfgakkmuseek says i don't have libxml++1.0 or 2.6 but i do22:41
ushdfgakki do i do!22:41
nickrudRetro`, nice of you to notice :)22:41
Retro`nickrud, thank you22:41
gogzmerotero: What version of Ubuntu are you using?22:41
erUSUL!beryl | otero22:41
ubotuotero: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz22:41
jamiejacksontrying to run an install script, and getting stuff like this "nawk: error while loading shared libraries: libdl.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" can someone help me troubleshoot?22:41
Zippo_ddis pastebin auto installed or do i have to apt-get that ?22:42
gogzmerpastebin is a website22:42
Zippo_ddoh ok22:42
oteroI downloaded beryl using synaptic should I remove it?22:42
nickrudis ompaul !bored22:43
erUSULotero: nope; in 7.04 beryl is right compiz-fusion is on 7.1022:43
ompaulnickrud, na I was looking for something I did not find it :)22:43
oteroHow do I enable it?22:43
Zippo_ddthere you go22:43
gogzmer !go22:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about go - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:43
sllinesshow do I remove compiz-fusion back to the default compiz like a default install... having problems with windows, having reset X and sorts of things22:43
Soskelis it possible to turn a dedicated server into a ISP?22:44
=== zMooTh` is now known as zMooTh
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about e1000 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:44
oteroHow do I enable Beryl in ubuntu 7.04?22:44
gogzmerslliness: System->Prefrences->appearance->visual effects22:44
sllinesssorry I should mention that I am on 7.1022:45
gogzmerslliness: Set it to none, or normal(what gets installed in most cases22:45
Zippo_ddany ideas ?22:45
sllinessgogzmer, want to uninstall compiz-fusion back to default22:45
gogzmerotero: Go to the #compiz-fusion channel, they know how to do it22:46
timfrost!ntfs | Zippo_dd22:46
ubotuZippo_dd: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE22:46
erUSULZippo_dd: what is the problem?22:46
Soskelrighty: http://webtechmedia.net/ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso22:46
sllinessgogzmer, just don't want to remove to much22:46
gogzmerslliness: compiz-fusion is entirely settings based, so that will "reset" the install22:46
shane2perurobdig, thanks that is a cool command22:47
robdigshane2peru: np22:47
timfrostZippo_dd: I assume that the partitions that aren't mounting are the NTFS ones.22:47
mrdinklesUsing Gutsy, Want to disable and remove compiz fusion from my computer and reload the normal windows manager?22:47
gogzmerslliness: If you want to remove it... It may be a part of ubuntu-desktop, and therefore, hard to remove22:47
gogzmermrdinkles: System->Prefrences->appearance->visual effects and set it to none22:48
suncydudesperate help. Posted earlyer that thunderbird hangs. I found out now that many programs hangs when startut. Inkl terminal sometimes. Is it anything I can do to refresh it instead of reinstalling the hole system??22:48
nickrudsuncydu, you mean programs take like a minute to start, sometimes?22:48
sllinessgogzmer, no I have the emerald and the whole compiz thing installed just want it back to the stripped down compiz that is installed by default and I do have visual effects still set to none and still having problems22:49
Zippo_dd<timfrost> Zippo_dd: I assume that the partitions that aren't mounting are the NTFS ones. - yes22:49
Zippo_ddi tried the script method22:49
Zippo_ddit says its 'ignoring' those drives22:49
nickrudsuncydu, but run normally after open, until you close them and it takes a long time to restart?22:49
suncydunickrud. not like a minute. minutes and I have to kill it and then start it over... changes was today22:49
jauruI just installed the vim-rails package, but it's not working. Is there something I need to add to my .vimrc before the plugin will load?22:49
mrdinklesgogzmer: This will give me a normal windows manager right? because im using WoW with wine-- Every since i fiddled with compiz the WoW window doesnt fully take up the screen and still shows my panels22:49
mrdinklesgogzmer: it worked fine till i fiddled-- you know what might cause this?22:50
adamonline46Could anyone help me enable my Intel E100 Pro Ethernet Adapter?22:50
nickrudsuncydu, what Im thinking, they would run normally when open, just take forever to open22:50
suncydunickrud: f.example thunderbird does not answer at all when a new mail comes22:50
timfrostZippo_dd: have you got an NTFS filesystem driver installed - ntfs-3g or fuse - see the URL that ubotu cited22:50
gogzmermrdinkles, slliness: Try the #compiz-fusion channel,  they will know how to fix both of these issues22:50
Frank24Méga liquidation de livres a la librairie l'université ouvrière a cette adresse :22:50
nickrudsuncydu, ok, not what I was thinking. sorry, was thinking the line <hostname> got mangled in /etc/hosts22:51
robdigshane2peru: yes22:51
shane2perurobdig,  That shows me the device, but not where it is being loaded, or where I can access it at.22:51
robdigshane2peru: what particular device are you looking for?22:51
shane2perurobdig,  sorry slip of the finger before. :)22:51
suncydunickrud: that might be... the error is something with localhost??22:51
shane2perurobdig, my TV Card22:51
rubaxmy laptop takes 2-3 minutes to boot22:52
robdigshane2peru: is it usb?22:52
shane2perurobdig, no it is internal22:52
rubaxI reinstalled and keeps doing it22:52
nickrudsuncydu, yes, that error will cause any gnome app to delay startup, not sure what it would do to thunderbird though22:52
robdigshane2peru: sec22:52
rubaxdoes anybody know how to speed the boot time?22:52
shane2perurobdig, my gnomeradio wants to load it at /dev/radio, but that doesn't exist, ok22:52
rubaxworks ok, but it is kinda annoying22:53
* nickrud suspends, to heck with fsck22:53
jaururubax: do you have much memory in the machine?22:53
suncydunickrud: reinstalling kernel.. with that help??? (newbe)22:53
rubaxjauru: not much, 512mb 60gb hd22:53
hayden_how do I enable xdmcp on 7.10?22:54
jaururubax: should run okay with that... hmmm don't know sorry...22:54
nickrudsuncydu, probably not. But I should really shut up about your problem, I don't know what's up22:54
slugonefunny thing.......windows xp and my modem/router firewall wont allow torrents for the life of it........my linux setup....torrents work amazingly and no port forwarding :D22:54
ifireballnickrud: no, it seems to me you called it right22:55
jaururubax: what does your /etc/nsswitch.conf file say?22:55
nickrudhayden_, system->admin->login window22:55
slugonerandom linux praise22:55
rubaxlemme check :)22:55
suncyduok.. anyone else have an idea why for example thunderbird hangs when i get new mail??22:55
ifireballsuncydu: it seems to me like nickrud got it right22:55
loufoqueI just bought an nvidia geforce 8800 GT and the livecd says it can't start X22:55
loufoqueany ideas?22:55
suncyduifireball: and what do you suggest me to do??22:56
ifireballsuncydu: or at least, its one of the problems22:56
robdigshane2peru: try lspci   look at the manpage for options22:56
ifireballsuncydu: paste your /etc/hosts file and let us have a look22:56
* nickrud hands off to the brighter bulb22:56
jaururubax: specifically, look for this line:22:56
jauruhosts:          files dns mdns422:56
Jack_Sparrowsuncydu: May I ask how you installed Thunderbird22:57
suncyduifireball: one moment please22:57
shane2perurobdig, ok, thanks I will check that out.22:57
suncyduJack_Sparrow by synaptic.. it worked well for several months22:57
nickrudand is disappointed no one noticed the brillant pun22:57
Jack_SparrowLaughed so hard I blew a breaker22:58
=== jernster is now known as jme`
slugonecan u get any sort of direct x support in linux?22:58
rubaxjauru: hosts:    filesfiles mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns422:58
robdigshane2peru: you can also try looking through /var/log/syslog to see what the system assigned it to, maybe grep -i tv /var/log/syslog22:58
suncyduifireball: localhost22:58
suncydu127.0.1.1 laptop22:58
suncydu# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts22:58
suncydu::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback22:58
suncydufe00::0 ip6-localnet22:58
suncyduff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix22:58
suncyduff02::1 ip6-allnodes22:58
suncyduff02::2 ip6-allrouters22:58
suncyduff02::3 ip6-allhosts22:58
ifireball!aste | suncydu22:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aste - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:58
robdig!paste | suncydu22:58
ubotusuncydu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)22:58
ifireball!paste | suncydu22:58
jaururubax: do you use .local addresses on your local network?22:58
gogzmerDoes anyone know how I can get apache to log to 2 places @ once?22:59
rubaxjauru: I have no idea22:59
shane2peruok, I will check that, thanks! robdig22:59
ifireballsuncydu: what does running the command "hostname" in terminal give you?22:59
rubaxjauru: How can I check that?22:59
slugoneis there anyway to get direct x for linux ?22:59
LjLslugone: no22:59
suncyduifireball: laptop23:00
Slartslugone: nope23:00
slugonethought so23:00
LjLslugone: what use would it be?23:00
Slartslugone: closest thing would be wine23:00
* OleMoudi GO GO GO GO GO GO 23:00
jaururubax: I suggest putting a has in front of the existing hosts: line and adding this:23:00
jauruhosts:          files dns mdns423:00
clay_what environment varibale specifies one's prompt in bash?  i want my prompt to show my current pwd.23:00
gogzmerslugone: THe closest you can come is Cdeaga23:00
erUSULslugone: via wine23:00
suncyduifireball: here the hosts file http://pastebin.com/m5a288d1023:00
jaururubax: that's a '#' hash... sorry.23:01
robdigclay_: PS1          you can set it in your .bashrc23:01
ifireballsuncydu: does "ping" give you decent results?23:01
LjLclay_: look at ~/.bashrc23:01
=== nunya311 is now known as Kaell
allan__how we can install dreamweaver with ubuntu?23:01
rubaxlets check it23:01
allan__i downloaded wine23:02
ifireballsuncydu: did you make any change to network settings recently?23:02
Slartallan__: I don't know.. is it available for linux? oh.. wine.. check the application database.. appdb.winehq.org23:02
adamonline46Do I have to do anything besides reboot if I insert a new NIC?  I don't see the device using lspci...23:02
LjLallan__: have you investigated alternatives?23:02
erUSULadamonline46: if lspci can not see it check that you plugged it correctly in the pci socket23:03
adamonline46erUSUL: Will do, ty23:03
jaururubax: just put the hash in front of the existing line, and add the new one - hosts:          files dns mdns423:03
jauruif you don't have any luck with that, then you can just undo that change.23:03
suncyduifireball:it does not get decent result on ping no... yes I had some problem whith finding network and I tryed a sulotion on the net deleting a file that I cant remember now:-(23:03
kaddicthi all. I would like to know how to fix this: In gnome my left super key (windows key) opens (and should not) a folder navigation window,  but the right super key is working as usual (for example super-tab works for 3d alt-tabbing, super-E shows Expo, and so on)  how can I fix my left super key please ?23:03
allan__LjL__: yes but it's the first time i use linux23:03
antonWhat to do when a modem doesn't want to give out an IP?23:03
allan__so i'm lost a little23:03
SlarterUSUL: everything shows up in lspci, right? doesn't matter if it's recognized or not.. or if there is a driver or not.. correct?23:03
LjL!kompozer | allan__23:03
ubotuallan__: kompozer is WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy, !Backports on !Feisty, and from  « deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tonyyarusso/ubuntu edgy universe » for Edgy.  (Dapper still pending)23:03
allan__( sorry for my english, i'm french )23:03
rubaxjauru: Thanks man, didnt worked though, its still booting up.23:04
clay_rob, i know _where_ to set environment variables.  but i don't know which one to set.23:04
Slartanton: modems rarely hand out ip's.. your isp that you dial hands out the ip23:04
erUSULSlart: yes it should no matter if there's a driver for it or not23:04
antonSlart: Aha23:04
ifireballsuncydu: paste the results of "ifconfig" and also the file "/etc/network/interfaces"23:04
antonSlart: How to give a friend the same IP as mine?23:05
ifireballsuncydu: what happens when you ping it exactly?23:05
robdigclay_: the variable is PS123:05
Slartanton: you can't.. not normally anyway23:05
allan__i use dreamweaver not for the WYSIWYG, just for the colorator and the attributes for the CSS23:05
antonSlart: So, how to configure a LAN, then?23:05
suncyduifirebal... one line sending etc.... and thats it23:06
Kaellanton - you use a router, which makes you both look like you have the same IP to the outside, but inside the LAN you have different IPs23:06
Slartanton: hmm..what are you trying to do?23:06
Kaellits called NAT23:06
suncyduifireball: i think it was the interfacec I deleted23:06
ompaulanton, that is beyond this channel, jjust try this, sudo dhclient   << if that works great if not you got to read your router/modem manual23:06
antonSlart: I'm trying to get a friends internet connection to work...23:06
jaururubax: sorry to hear that. I've had issues with slow booting caused by name lookups timing out (using .local addresses). The replacement line should make it check with DNS which seems to solve that issue...23:07
Slartanton: keep talking... what's the problem.. what are you trying to do..23:07
antonompaul: "sudo dhclient   <<" didn't work at all...syntax error23:07
suncyduifireball I have the network folder but not interfaces23:07
Fracturei get sound on logon but after that i get nothing23:07
ompaulanton, no <<23:07
Kaellanton - i can give you some pointers in private message if you like, too many people in here, doubt they all want to hear how NAT works ;)23:08
Fracturemusic, games, internet = no soud23:08
antonSlart: He can't access internet...23:08
antonKaell: Yes, please! :)23:08
ifireballsuncydu: really... well, what kind of network config do you have there? wired? wireless? using manual configuration? dhcp? we need to rebuild that file...23:08
Retro`hello again23:08
corporal_clegghello, I need help installing ubuntu over network. I have a working boot-over-ethernet configuration, but now I down't know where to copy the installation disk23:08
quaalanyone know why the xubuntu7.10 cd i put in my tvpc just boots to busybox initramfs prompt23:08
Retro`please tell me which is the best CD ripping software for ubuntu 7.1023:08
DefineByteI'm dual-booting with Ubuntu and Windows XP SP2. For some reason I can't see the contents of the Windows partition's root. I can see the contents of other directories by typing in their names manually. Any ideas?23:09
ifireballsuncydu: though the Ubuntu gui tools might help here if your config is standard enough23:09
rskRetro`: k3b is ok23:09
Kaellanton: PM me23:09
jauruI just installed the vim-rails package, but it's not working. Is there something I need to add to my .vimrc before the plugin will load?23:09
Retro`rsk, is it in Ubuntu repos?23:09
Slartanton: my uncle can't access the internet either.. he lives in the forest and doesn't even own a computer.. what's the difference between your friend and my uncle..23:09
rskRetro`: yes ofcourse23:09
suncyduifireball here is the ifconfig file http://pastebin.com/m3817c777 I use wireless and sometimes wired23:09
Jack_SparrowRetro`: SOundjuicer?23:09
Retro`will try it23:09
antonSlart: He has a computer, it has worked before....23:09
suncyduifireball: no magic when installed network at the beginning23:10
devil_frankhello guys23:10
antonSlart: Dunno what info you are looking for.23:10
ifireballsuncydu: are you using network manager?23:10
suncyduifireball: yes23:10
DefineByteI get a 'File contents could not be displayed' error in nautilus.23:10
Slartanton: ok.. you need to start giving out lots of more information.. operating system, what kind of internet connection.. does he have a LAN.. what has he tried? does he get any error messages?23:10
antonKaell: Did you get PM?23:11
Slart!register | anton, Kaell23:11
antonKaell: Hm, sent you one23:11
ubotuanton, Kaell: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration23:11
ifireballsuncydu: ok, so a fairly minimal interfaces file would do, w823:11
Retro`well, actually, i need a ripper in which i can set that the mp3 will be 128 kb/s and some other various options23:11
Kaellgo to channel temp123 then23:12
Retro`rsk, is that possible with k3b  ?23:12
=== anton is now known as Anton___
suncyduifireball: ok.. I'm pretty sure it was the interfaces file I deleted.. so please help me if you have the time:-)23:12
=== Anton___ is now known as Anton______
Jack_Sparrow!info soundjuicer23:12
ifireballsuncydu: w8... pastebin is slow... ;)23:13
ubotuPackage soundjuicer does not exist in gutsy23:13
Retro`rsk, k3b is for KDE!23:13
=== Kaell is now known as Kaell3
Retro`rsk, i have GNOME23:13
rskRetro`: k3b works in gnome23:13
Jack_SparrowRetro`: K3b works fine in gnome...23:13
adamonline46Does anyone know what an intel e1000 would say in lspci?23:13
LimCorewhy is ubuntu so bug ridden?23:13
Jack_SparrowRetro`: FYI, most all apps will23:14
FunkyBoyIs any body have an Ipod touch here?=)23:14
rskLimCore: cause it's not perfect yet =)23:14
Jack_SparrowLimCore: Behave and dont troll23:14
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, but.... K3b integrates well into the Kubuntu desktop23:14
Retro`i have Ubuntu!23:14
suncyduifireball: here is hardware lis if thats help http://pastebin.com/m69a5f7fd23:14
ifireballsuncydu: ok, make a new /etc/network/interfaces file (with sudo and nano, it needs to be owned by root) and pakse the following into it: http://pastebin.com/m7893fcda23:14
Jack_SparrowRetro`: I have gnome and K3B works just fine for me.. but it isnt what you are looking for in a cd ripper23:15
sasha_i have added another user to the system and the new user has no sound23:15
GreevousWhen TestDisk asks for partition table type, does it mean the current type or the type that I am trying to recover?23:15
_mark_Hello.  I've got a serious problem.  X won't start!23:15
sasha_'could not poen resource for writeing'23:15
LimCoreJack_Sparrow: bug ridden is correct term here unfortunatelly, I can report like 10 bugs _daily_.  all important or critical23:15
Jack_SparrowRetro`: I use sound juicer in Feisty, dont know what they replaced it with in Gutsy23:15
uzerzerowhoever is looking for a cd ripper, try just using the default sound juicer that comes with gnome.23:15
pike__mark_: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf what does it say? nvidia? vesa?23:15
_mark_Does anyone know whether there's a logfile somewhere that I can read to see what the problem is?23:15
Fivetwentysixlol, i was trying to ./configure make and make install xchat for about an hour through trial and error process and gave up, then just typed sudo apt-get install xchat and wow. Did it in less than 30 seconds.23:15
Retro`any other good CD ripping software for Ubuntu 7.10 with GNOME that can be set to make an mp3 with ABR of 128 kb/s and Joint Stereo and stuff like that... ?23:16
=== kritzstapf is now known as cep
=== cep is now known as kritzstapf
pike_audacity can do that id say23:16
DefineByteAnyone know why I can't see the root of my Windows (NTFS) partition? I can view all directories under it. This is with 7.10.23:16
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:16
ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto23:16
ifireballsuncydu: then simply run "sudo /etc/network/interface restart" and you should be all set (not sure how network manager would react to the restart so you may need to fiddle with it a little to get reconnected)23:16
pike__mark_: /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:17
uzerzeroRetro`: any software that was used under feisty can be used under gutsy. try searching through the add/remove manager23:17
hou5tonanyone here been experimenting with the latest version of LinuxMint?23:17
FivetwentysixDoes restricted drivers support 8800gts?23:17
Jack_SparrowLimCore: If you have a question or need help with ubuntu, please ask...  If you just want to make comments and troll, then there is #Ubuntu-offtopic23:17
Retro`i found Ripper X23:17
jdolan_Fivetwentysix: whatever the latest nvidia linux driver supports on their website.23:17
Retro`got any experience with Ripper X?23:18
uzerzeroRetro`: I haven't had to rip a cd in a long time, the most recent ripping I've done is with DVDs23:18
Jack_Sparrowuzerzero: K9Copy works great for that23:19
Retro`i have some classical music CD's i'd love to rip 'em23:19
uzerzeroJack_Sparrow: I know, I've been using that almost exclusively23:19
suncyduifireball... command not found??23:19
Retro`and i want the mp3's to be 128 kb/s and joint stereo23:19
Jack_Sparrow!find juicer23:19
ubotuFound: sound-juicer23:19
Jack_Sparrow!info sound-juicer23:19
ubotusound-juicer: GNOME 2 CD Ripper. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20.1-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1073 kB, installed size 4028 kB23:20
ifireballsuncydu:  which one?23:20
suncyduifireball sudo /etc/network/interface restart23:20
proqesiI'm trying to find the mod_access package for apache. apt-cache doesn't turn up anything. is this package orphaned in ubuntu? or part of another package?23:20
uzerzeroRetro`: Sound Juicer offers a wide variety of formats, just make sure you have the mp3 libraries installed (they aren't there by default)23:20
Jack_SparrowRetro`: try that one....  Silly me I typed it wrong earlier23:20
ushdfgakkxxxxxxxx wrote on yyyyyy's Wall.23:20
ushdfgakkyyy! I miss going in your room uninvited and distracting you while youre trying to work. How was your Christmas?23:20
Retro`does Sound Juicer make a 128 kb/s joint stereo mp3?23:20
ifireballsuncydu: oh sorry thats "/etc/init.d/networking restart"23:20
ushdfgakkthe humanity23:20
ifireballsuncydu: run with with sudo23:21
Jack_SparrowRetro`: For particulars you will need to look it up , or install it and try it out23:21
GHOSTRetro yes even with streamin23:21
suncyduifireball the file should be called "interfaces"??23:21
uzerzeroSound Juicer is capable of mp3, ogg, flac, wav, and goes all the way up to 256 kb/s i believe. install it and play around with it.23:21
ifireballsuncydu: yes. /etc/network/interfaces23:21
MagicDuckhi, i installed kate-plugins but can only see the default ones when I open kate23:21
MagicDuckanybody encounetered this?23:22
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, sound juicer is already installed23:22
tifinehow to mount an iso file ?23:22
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, there's no options for bitrate and stereo mode and stuff like that23:22
pike_tifine: mount -o loop file.iso /media/cdrom23:22
MagicDuckwhen I go to /usr/share/apps/kate/plugins, the plugins seem to be there, at least the ui.rc file exists in each folder ...23:23
=== vetetix_ is now known as vetetix
suncyduifireball: did not help... even the "terminal " program hangs. So I have to use console... and thunderbird still hangs23:24
uzerzeroRetro`: Under preferences there should be a label called Format and under there you can edit the individual profiles. They handle things like bitrate and stereo through a commandline like interface.23:24
ifireballsuncydu: paste ifconfig again plz23:25
suncyduifireball http://pastebin.com/m4655be0223:26
ifireballsuncydu: also did you get any error messages when you run "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" ?23:26
suncyduifireball.. the first time yes but I forgot sudo.. when sudo I got ok23:26
evil_techhola folks. i am having a problem with the promise controller on my asus p4p800 hanging linux up. does anyone have linux working this board?23:27
Jack_Sparrowevil_tech: Promise "Raid" controller?23:28
LinuxNI1any ideas what would cause ubuntu 7.1 to not recognize my hard drive? the computer boots to the disk so i know it is fine but sudo fdisk -l wont show it.23:28
sam1external hard drive?23:28
DefineByteOkay. If no-one knows the answer where would be best to ask this?23:29
slugonedoes anyone out there have cedega?23:29
Jack_Sparrowevil_tech: What I fouind was mine was not a true raid controller, sort of a software hybrid thing that I eventually tossed..23:30
evil_techi've tried turning it off in the bios23:30
ifireballsuncydu: ok, lets get you a (temporarily) working desktop first "sudo ifconfig lo up netmask"23:30
LinuxNI1sam1: no its the internal hard drive. on a laptop23:30
uzerzeroslugone: i have cedega 5 something23:30
robdigDefineByte: what is your question?23:30
DefineByteohsnap, I guess it got lost in the torrent. :)23:30
ifireballsuncydu: are you sure you got the interfaces file in the right place with the right permissions?23:30
evil_techi get this message when i try failsafe mode in DSL: hda:host protected area => 123:31
slugoneuzerzero: i have 2 questions what was its approximate download size and 2 can i use it to play windows games with a 64 bit install ?23:31
suncyduifireball: lets check that first23:31
DefineByteI can't see the root folder of my Windows partition but I can see all sub-directories23:31
Jack_Sparrowevil_tech: Once I turned off the BIos options I never had any problems..  I remember something about ide emulation or something like that, but it has been awhile23:31
MagicDuckok, no-one since to know why kate-plugins doesn't work in gutsy23:31
suncyduifireball located /etc/network/interfaces23:32
nickrudMagicDuck, if anyone does, they're most likely on #kubuntu23:32
evil_techive tried the compatibility mode in the bios too still no go23:32
uzerzeroslugone: download is around 30 mb i believe, and it will work with a 64 bit install.23:32
evil_techreally annoying23:32
evil_techdont want to be stuck with no linux23:33
ifireballsuncydu: what does "ls -l /etc/network/interfaces" give you?23:33
Retro`got any experience with Grip?23:33
uzerzerosorry, somewhere around 15 mb. i was looking at the wrong folder.23:33
robdigDefineByte: are you using samba or are you mounting it some other way?23:33
ifireballsuncydu: btw did the ifconfig thing work?23:33
Jack_Sparrowevil_tech: HAve you tried the alternate "Text Install" cd23:33
RequinB4Can anyone help me change the cube caps on my desktop cube?  It asks me for an image value (string)23:34
suncyduifireball -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 30 2007-12-28 00:17 /etc/network/interfaces23:34
DefineByteIt's just mounted in the standard way as far as I know (fstab).23:34
erUSULRetro`: i use grip23:34
evil_techi only use alterate install discs for install23:34
evil_techsame thing reallly slow and then it just stops23:34
Jack_Sparrowevil_tech: SOmeone else may have an answer..23:35
Retro`erUSUL, very good... how can i set that the mp3 i want to be ripped is 128 kb/s and joint stereo?23:35
suncyduifireball: was that ok?23:35
Retro`erUSUL, is there any setting like that?23:35
slugoneis there a gamer channel for ubuntu23:35
robdigDefineByte: so when you do an ls on your mount point, you see the sub directories, but no files?23:36
ifireballsuncydu: yes.23:36
DefineBytenosc, I have to enter the name of a sub-directory manually, then the contents of that directory is listed23:36
suncyduifireball: ok, and now???:-) thank you for youre help by the way23:36
jamescarrI wasn't being lewd23:36
erUSULRetro`: go to the configure tab  Encode subtab and pass lame the command switchs you want...23:37
DefineByteI have another NTFS partition mounted in the same way that seems to work fine.23:37
robdigDefineByte: and if you back up one directory?23:37
ifireballsuncydu: did the ifconfig command i sent you work?23:37
DefineByte1 sec. :)23:37
Retro`erUSUL, i don't know any lame command switches23:37
Condoulohow can I set it to where ctrl+alt+delete will pop up system monitor23:38
Retro`erUSUL, please tell me the command for 128 kb/s and joint stereo23:38
suncyduifireball: haven't tryed it yet... will now:-)23:38
hanasakiRemotehi all is the G35 supported video?23:38
DefineByterobdig: Still no go. I get "ls: reading directory .: Input/output error"23:38
suncyduifireball: no errors23:39
erUSULRetro`: the bitrate is set on the second tab to force joint stereo... -m j23:39
DefineByteIt's mounted read-only, if that makes a difference.23:39
sigraGnome for Life!23:39
robdigDefineByte: wierd. sorry, but I don't know...maybe someone else will23:39
LinuxNI1any ideas what would cause ubuntu 7.1 to not recognize my hard drive? the computer boots to the disk so i know it is fine but sudo fdisk -l wont show it.23:39
robdigDefineByte: shouldn't23:39
ifireballsuncydu: see if it fixed your problem, if not paste ifconfig23:39
FisherHello!! I need help to configure lirc in ubuntu.23:39
* robdig has to go eat dinner so wife won't get upset23:39
ifireballsuncydu: wrt the interfaces file, you might need to add a newline after the last line (if you didn't already)23:39
DefineByterobdig :Thanks for trying anyway. :)23:40
KuroachiaI'm having some trouble getting Kismet to run if anyone can help it would be much appreciated. I've installed kismet but I'm having trouble with the initial configure.23:40
gabbahhi guys. i ran ubuntu, and moved the system partition on the disk (booted from live cd to do that). Now i get a error 17 when grub loads. how can i tell grub that the partition has moved?23:40
sasha_aplay -l for this user says no soundcards found, but the main user it lists the sound cards23:40
pike_LinuxNI1: something odd about the geometry maybe?23:40
Retro`erUSUL, thanks23:40
sasha_what gives permission for a new user to see the sound card ?23:40
suncyduifireball: you now what. You saved my rest of 2007. Thank you so much..... very happy... What did we do??:-)23:40
pike_LinuxNI1: sasha_ do the command 'groups' as the orginal user that will tell you groups youwant23:40
ifireballsuncydu: we restored the "lo" interface23:40
pike_LinuxNI1: ignore that23:41
FisherI need help to setup lirc in ubuntu23:41
LinuxNI1pike_: i dont think so. 4 partitions 3 ext3 and 1 as swap. i can boot the OS's that are installed on it but gusty just wont show the drive23:41
ifireballgabbah: you need to reinstall the MBR component of grub, try the "grub-install" script23:41
suncyduifireball: whatever we restored I am VERY happy for youre help. Thank you again:-)23:41
sztamashi, I have a problem with nm-applet. In manual mode I usually can't get it to connect to my wireless network.23:41
ifireballsuncydu: not sure it'll survive a reboot at this point23:41
sztamasI say usually because it did work once23:42
FisherCan someone help me to setup lirc in ubuntu??23:42
sztamaswith roaming mode it connects everytime23:42
ifireballsuncydu: the networking restart thing should've worked23:42
pike_LinuxNI1: so is this a hd you just added to your computer? maybe you didnt change the jumper to make it a slave?23:42
gabbahifireball: ok.. so where is that script? can i run it from live cd?23:42
sasha_pike_,  great thx, that shows that this user is not a part of the audio group, but now that i have added it it hasnt shown that it is a part of that group23:42
suncyduifireball... ok lets try.. And if not??? what then?23:42
sztamasbut I would like to use static ip and stuff23:42
FisherI installed the packages and it keep saying it is not configured23:42
LinuxNI1pike_: its in a laptop and i have been using it for a while.23:42
Retro`erUSUL, -a %a -b %b -d %y -G %g -N %t -l %d -o %m -t %n %w23:42
coriscohello everybody23:42
coriscoquick question23:43
LinuxNI1pike_: other livecds recognize it just fine.23:43
sztamasis there a way to debug what it does? Does nm-applet log somewhere?23:43
pike_sasha_: youll need to logout and back in for it to take effect assuming ya got it added right23:43
ifireballsuncydu: well, if not, you can run my command again and come back here, we'll try to figure out what is still wrong with the interfaces file (did you add a newline?)23:43
pike_LinuxNI1: driver issue then maybe23:43
sasha_pike_, ok thx, didnt realise i had to logout and log back in, thx23:43
Retro`erUSUL, did you mean to say i need to change the %m -t  to  %m -j   ??23:43
EvilMotIs there a package to install FreeNX client on 7.10?23:44
MacTheMadcould someone tell me where on the net I can find a good guide to using bash commands like how to open root (not sudo) & how to get back to x desktop when I'm done?23:44
adamonline46Does anyone think a Pentium 2 400MHz with 128 MB can stream video over gigabit nicely?23:44
Odd-rationaleIs there a ktouch for windows?23:44
fivetwentysixI don't think restricted drivers installed my graphic card drivers properly23:44
coriscoI'm running 7.10 and I want to change my default keyboard language from english to portuguese.  I assume I would have to edit xorg.conf.  Is this correct?  If it is then where is that file locate? THanks!23:44
dorkfaceHi all.  I'm trying to transfer some files from my non-internet connected windows machine to my laptop with ubuntu on it.  All I have at the moment is a crossover cable to be able to transfer the files.  Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get it to work, if it is possible?23:44
ifireballgabbah: I think so, you should read the manpage first though, the script might be volatile...23:45
Retro`erUSUL, ???23:45
gabbahifireball ok cool.. so i'll just man grub it then i guess...23:46
Retro`erUSUL, -a %a -b %b -d %y -G %g -N %t -l %d -o %m -t %n %w23:46
Retro`erUSUL, did you mean to say i need to change the %m -t  to  %m -j   ??23:46
ifireballgabbah: actually, reading the manpage myself, I think it may not exactly do what I want it to... did you ever do a manual grub install?23:46
vishalHi, sorry this is a really dumb question, but how do I increase the number of desktop workspaces?23:47
gabbahifireball no i just installed ubuntu on a partition, and it fixed the grub part by itself23:47
adamonline46Which file do I edit to add network interfaces?  I know there's /etc/network/interfaces; but I thought there was another one too...23:47
suncyduifireball: rebooted and everything is ok:-)23:47
gabbahifireball but now the ubuntu partition has been moved by me. so grub cant find it and boot it23:47
Slartvishal: there might be another way but I do it in the ccsm23:47
Odd-rationalevishal: Are you using compiz?23:48
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion23:48
Retro`there's no god23:48
fivetwentysixWhat are the commands for starting/stopping X?23:48
Retro`what's the best CD ripping software for linux?23:48
ifireballgabbah: hmm... can you get up to the grub menu?23:48
vishalSlart: Odd-rationale: Yeah im using Compiz-Fusion,23:48
Odd-rationalevishal: Do you have ccsm installed?23:48
coriscoI'm running 7.10 and I want to change my default keyboard language from english to portuguese.  I assume I would have to edit xorg.conf.  Is this correct?  If it is then where is that file locate?23:48
ifireballsuncydu: great to hear that23:49
vishalOdd-rationale: I think so, it that just the setting page?23:49
suncyduifireball: thanks again...23:49
gabbahifireball no menu. it just says grub loading stage1.5    grub loading please wait... error 1723:49
vishalSlart: Odd-rationale: yeah im on ccsm23:49
mrdinklesAttempting to use Metacity as my Windows Manager-- How can i make this change permanent, without putting metactiy --replace each time?23:49
gabbahifireball error 17 is it cant find the partition, which is correct23:49
adamonline46Which file was it where I add ethernet devices as mac addresses, something like 'eth0 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'23:49
ifireballgabbah: I feared so... this is a bitch to fix...23:49
Slartvishal: then the first menu in ccsm.. general or soemthing23:50
Odd-rationalevishal: Click on general settings23:50
Retro`what's the best CD ripping software for linux?23:50
gabbahifireball hmm but cant i just edit some file?23:50
Odd-rationalevishal: Then go to the desktop size tab.23:50
SlartRetro`: sound juicer is one.. don't know if it's the best23:50
gabbahifireball where is the grub.. stuff located?23:50
vishalOdd-rationale: bahh i missed it lol, wasnt expecting it to have sliders23:51
ifireballgabbah: no its a matter of rewriting grub to the MBR, the last time I tried that I got it wrong, my grub is rusty...23:51
coriscocd paranoia coupled with grip is good23:51
Odd-rationalevishal: This is the confusion part. If you want to have a cube set H to 4, V to 1 and #D to 1.23:51
vishalOdd-rationale: this is weried, i have 4 hor, 1 vert but only 1 vertical desktop23:51
MacTheMadcan someone tell me how to open a root terminal (not sudo) & how to get back again when I'm done editing?23:51
vishalOdd-rationale: the cube is no longer enough for me lol23:51
coriscoMac, what for?  You can do anything with sudo23:51
ifireballgabbah: grub actually have 3 components: stage 1 on the MBR, stage 1,5 and stage 2 in /boot23:51
Odd-rationalevishal: It works best to keep the V and # desk to 123:52
coriscoStick with sudo.  It's good for ya :)23:52
vishalOdd-rationale: yeah just tired increasing those but made no difference to the cude23:52
druidblokesometimes u need to stay as root for a while, u can type sudo -su23:52
Odd-rationalevishal: You can change the H to up to 32.23:52
MacTheMadcorisco: really, I'm reading this page on internet connection sharing and it says to open a root terminal, not sudo23:52
gabbahifireball well ok if it's that much trouble... i guess i'll just reinstall everything then.. i have the moste improtant stuff backed up anyway23:52
Slartcorisco: actually you can't.. I can't change for example /proc/ssy/net/ipv4/ip_forward by using sudo.. using a root shell I can.. weird23:53
vishalOdd-rationale: awesome, anyway of putting a desktop as lids?23:53
akosHello! Is there a way to make NetworkManager to connect only to specific networks (or not connect to some specific networks), because my router keeps failing for some reason sometimes, and then it tries to connect to another network, and afterward I can't get it to connect to my own network without a full system reboot23:53
Odd-rationalevishal: Nope. You can put cube cpas though.23:53
goldphishSo I'm trying to compile a module for my running kernel based on the headers package. I type 'make modules' and get this... "No rule to make target `arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.c'" Any ideas?23:53
ifireballgabbah: it just not something I feel capable of helping with over IRC, its a couple of grub commands, but it has to be the right ones...23:53
adamonline46How do I determine the mac address of my ethernet card?23:53
Slartadamonline46: ifconfig23:54
MacTheMadslart: perhaps you could tell me how I open a root terminal & return to x when I'm finished?23:54
markofverodoes Ubuntu's Gnome have a central way of managing SSL root certs like OS X keychain or KDE kssl? Is there a central root cert repository used by apps like Epiphany, Gajim, etc.?23:54
vishalOdd-rationale: Hmm, would have been nice to have the desktops there instead of a colour/image23:54
Odd-rationalevishal: Sorry :(23:54
gabbahifireball alright.. thanks man :)23:54
SlartMacTheMad: I advice against it.. but if you really want it.. (and yes, we'll laugh at you if you break anything ;).. sudo -i gives you a root shell.. type "exit" to exit23:54
adamonline46Slart: It's not isntalled yet; I only see the device in lspci; but not in ifconfig.  That's why I'm trying to determine the MAC addy, so I can add it to /etc/iftab 8)23:54
akosHello! Is there a way to make NetworkManager (or suggest an alternetive) to connect only to specific networks (or not connect to some specific networks)?23:55
MacTheMadslart: ty & I bet I don't break anything23:55
Odd-rationaleakos: You can do a manual conf.23:55
Slartadamonline46: oh.. you could take a physical look at the card.. sometimes it's printed on them23:55
PointyThingsHurtanyone know anything about ubuntu and gigabit networks?23:55
dorkfaceakos:  I prefer the command line way of doing it: iwconfig23:55
SlartMacTheMad: hehe.. no worries.. just be careful23:55
vishalOdd-rationale: No worries, thanks for the help though23:55
adamonline46Slart: Alright.  I know it is, actually, I shoulda written it down beforehand... heheh... thanks :)23:55
MacTheMadslart: will do23:55
Odd-rationalevishal: OK np23:55
Retro`what's a good CD ripping software for linux?23:56
akosOdd-rationale, I am using multiple networks, and would like to automate the stuff23:56
unbeatablhow can i have my own,  ns1.mydomain.com ns2.mydomain.com ?.23:56
akosmultiple networks meaning in school at home, at office...23:56
SlartRetro`: besides sound juicer and grip and paranoid?23:56
Odd-rationaleakos: OK. dorkface probably has the better solution23:56
SlartRetro`: I think it was mentioned by someone else..23:56
Retro`where can i get paranoid?23:56
Retro`there's no paranoid in ubuntu repos23:57
earthlingis it possible to use a linux machine with single ethernet card to act as router using virtual ip addresses. if so please suggest some good references23:57
akosdorkface, can u get it to connect to more than one network? meaning if network1 is reachable, then connect to it, if it comes unavailable, look if network2 or network3 is available?23:57
SlartRetro`: might have been paranoia23:58
Retro`a :)23:58
dorkfaceakos: one could write a script for it, but it might get a bit deep in its complexity23:58
ifireballhow is "nautilus-actions" different from adding stuff to "open with" ?23:58
akosyeah.... that's what I was thinking23:58
Retro`Slart, nope23:58
Retro`Slart, no paranoia either23:58
PointyThingsHurtno ones knows about ubuntu and gigabit networks?23:59
Slart!info cdparanoia23:59
ubotucdparanoia: audio extraction tool for sampling CDs. In component main, is optional. Version 3.10+debian~pre0-5 (gutsy), package size 40 kB, installed size 116 kB23:59
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:59
SlartPointyThingsHurt: what is there to know?23:59

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