
Dan8765_linuxwell that waws a pain00:06
Dan8765_linuxhad to remove the sound card00:07
Dan8765_linuxwas blocking access to the fdd00:07
Dan8765_linuxi did manage to back up about 1 gigs worth of stuff00:07
Dan8765_linuxi had 2 ipod shuffles00:07
Dan8765_linuxone is 500 megs the other is 1 gig00:07
Dan8765_linuxgot those to mount w/ thel ive cd00:08
Dan8765_linuxmy firelite drive wouldnt' mount00:08
Dan8765_linuxguess i didnt disconnect it properly in xp00:08
Dan8765_linuxso xbun wouldnt mount it00:08
Dan8765_linuxif it formats my e: partition i'm gonna cry like a baby00:08
Dan8765_linuxgot lot of blender work on there00:09
Dan8765_linuxthat i didnt back u00:09
Dan8765_linuxyou still there zore?00:12
Dan8765_linuxi did an fdisk /mbr from a:00:12
Dan8765_linuxnow i reboot00:12
Dan8765_linuxit works00:13
Dan8765_linuxthatnk u00:13
zoredachemake backups of your data00:13
zoredacheget a portable drive that you use for backups only... make them regularly...00:14
Dan8765_linuxi need some kinda auto back setup00:15
Dan8765_linuxback up00:15
zoredachealso get a rescuecd version of linux like the alt installer cd, or perhaps sysrescuecd (http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page)00:15
Dan8765_linuxlike redundant hdds or somehtin00:15
zoredacheredundant drives don't protect you from destroying your data00:15
zoredachethey only protect you from equipment failures00:16
Dan8765_linuxi really liek that live cd i got now though at least i culd get to my files00:16
zoredacheif you where running linux all the time, I would suggest using dirvish for backups...00:16
zoredacheonce it is setup it works really well00:17
Dan8765_linuxi know squat about linux00:17
zoredacheI think dirvish is where Apple stole their idea for Time Machine from00:17
Dan8765_linuxi first thought of using it when i heard walmart had a computer for 200 bucks that used it00:17
Dan8765_linuxso i thought, i'll put it on my other pc00:18
Dan8765_linuxthat is kinda slow00:18
Dan8765_linuxthis one00:18
Dan8765_linuxi jsut use it to surf00:18
Dan8765_linuxbit torrent00:18
Dan8765_linuxand luckily to xchat00:18
Dan8765_linuxi isntalled blender to on it00:19
Dan8765_linuxgtg thanks for you help. happy new year00:21
centzonanyone know where i can download the alternate install cd?03:08
centzonive googled and looked in the xubuntu and ubuntu sites03:08
centzonand i couldnt find it03:09
magic_ninjaFreeFontPath FPE:"usr/share/fonts/misc" refcount is 2, should be 1 fixint.04:11
frederick85how big is a xubuntu iso cd06:05
frederick85this site doesn't have it06:05
shashaihi there any one can help06:58
BubblegumTateI'm in xfce and my panels aren't showing and I can't bring up the panels manager. How can I kill/fix this?07:21
demonskierhow do I sign in as root10:13
sugardrunkdemonskier, why?10:20
demonskiercuz im trin to move my drivers directly into the file system so i dont accidentally delete them later on10:21
demonskierotherwise they sit in home with the million other random files10:22
demonskierany ideas10:23
sugardrunkdemonskier, use sudo?10:23
frederick85is xubuntu supposed to look like gnome10:23
demonskierim a noob so i dono the commands on how to use sudo ... i tried but have no idea wat the syntax is... normally i just copy off the web when installing files10:24
frederick85demonskier: to perform things like system tasks u need root access. typing sudo prior to a command allows you to perform tasks as root10:25
frederick85demonskier: well not as root but close enough10:26
sugardrunkdemonskier, i guess you can just use your file manager if you are bad with terminal, eg. sudo thunar or sudo nautilus etc.10:27
frederick85demonskier: yes you can use the file manager in root mode by typing what sugardrunk said in your console10:27
demonskiero ok thnx10:28
demonskierand just for future reference is there anywhere i can learn some of the terminal commands10:28
frederick85demonskier: *NIX is just very particular about file permissions compared to windows10:28
frederick85demonskier: another tip you can use * and tab in terminal to speed things up. Autocompletion.10:29
demonskierk thnx a lot10:29
frederick85now I have a question. How can I get device eth1 to auto start when I boot10:30
demonskierk it works thank you guys a lot10:30
frederick85Im doing it manually with ifup eth110:31
frederick85demonskier: you'll find alot of help for a question like that in #ubuntu but just ignore people who call you n00b and I wouldn't call yourself that either10:31
demonskierlol k thnx10:32
abs512hi, can anyone help me? trying to compile evtouch, now getting ./configure error "No package 'x11' found" from pkg-config11:49
abs512I have already googled for solution for 3 hours - found same error, but no solution...11:50
slimjimflimabs512 did you try `sudo apt-get install x11`11:51
abs512E: Couldn't find package x1111:52
slimjimflimabs512 did you try enabling non-default repos?11:52
abs512I have not, how do I do that?11:53
slimjimflimedit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment all the urls11:54
slimjimflimyou can find more repos on google11:54
slimjimflimbut that should make x11 work11:55
slimjimflimjust add more in anywhere if you want11:55
abs512k, iĺl try that then, ty11:55
slimjimflimanybody know how to get xfce to ask me if i want to kill an app when it times out the way that gnome does (at least on ubuntu gutsy)11:59
NoranRadhas anyone tried to use (x)ubuntu on a sony vaio sz61mn?13:26
martinZGRhi, i'm on xubuntu gutsy, and there's a problem with instalation of flashplugin-nonfree - when i mark it in synaptic the installation begins and after download the md5 checksum is incorrect14:39
vinzemartinZGR, that's right, there was a bug with that14:40
vinzemartinZGR, wait a sec...14:40
vinzemartinZGR, http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/12/26/manually-install-adobe-flash-temporary-flashplugin-nonfree-fix/14:40
vinze(Also read through the comments, I believe there were packages somewhere)14:40
martinZGRvinze, thanks very much:)14:41
vinzenp :)14:41
paulgrayI've got a problem with xubuntu live cd15:42
vinzeHey paulgray15:42
paulgray7.10 version15:42
paulgrayI cannot login with username "ubuntu" and blank passwd15:43
paulgraycould someone help? :)15:43
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=== billy_idle is now known as marc1
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evil_techanyone have problems with linux being really slow on an Asus P4P800?18:07
Freddy2a few days ago i disabled automatic updates, so the icon on systray went away, but after reenabling them it doesn't return.. how can be don?18:19
thruxtonFreddy2: there hasnt been that many updates in the last couple of days18:21
Freddy2right now it's been manually updated, but i'd like to get it back (the icon at systray)18:22
=== march is now known as billy_idle
lopex21does anyone know if theres a way to kick start xubuntu?19:48
zoredachesorry, but what do you mean?19:48
lopex21i installed it last night and when i was done i put it into hibernation19:48
lopex21and now it wont start19:48
lopex21or even show a bios screen19:48
zoredacheif you don't see the bios, that would be an indication of a computer failure, not xubuntu...  Have you tried completely removing the power?19:49
lopex21yes, but ill try it again19:49
zoredacheso when you press the power button on the computer nothing happens.  no displays, no anything?  Do you hear the fans turn on?19:51
lopex21the fans turn on, hard drive, cd drives, etc19:51
lopex21all those turn on19:51
lopex21but nothing shows up on the screen19:51
lopex21i chekced the connection and checked with another monitor19:51
solowlrsomehow I got rid of the top panel on the desktop and now I have no idea how to get it back...19:52
zoredachesolowlr: if the bottem panel is still present right click on it, and choose customize panel...  And a new panel and position it in the top left corner19:54
zoredachelopex21: I don't have any ideas for you.  I suspect you had some hardware failure that just coinciendentally happened...19:55
lopex21thanks for your help though19:56
lopex21i think ill try to take out the cmos battery19:56
lopex21and hope for the best19:56
solowlrzoredache: got it!  thanks!19:56
VertexOfLIfeA quick question about the installer. If the installer repeatedly gives me /usr/bin/dpkg error code (1) should I be worried?20:20
VertexOfLIfeHello? =P20:21
VertexOfLIfelol Oh well20:21
rick21i got something to work!!!!!20:21
VertexOfLIfeNo one seems to know in k/x/ubuntu20:21
=== rick21 is now known as lopex21
evil_techim still trying to get a working system again20:22
VertexOfLIfeWhat happened?20:22
evil_techanyone know how to turn off irq polling?20:22
karltkVertexOfLIfe: there's usually an additional error which might indicate what the real problem is.20:22
evil_techfound a P4P800 deluxe but linux refuses to run on it20:23
karltkVertexOfLIfe: which "the installer" are you referring to, btw?20:23
VertexOfLIfekarltk: An additional error? Xubuntu20:23
evil_technarrowed the problem down to the Promise ide controller. forums suggested i try stopping irq polling20:23
karltkVertexOfLIfe: when does it show up?20:24
VertexOfLIfeAfter completing 100%, it continues onto 101...110 etc, it says post-installation install script20:25
CW1hi all20:25
karltkVertexOfLIfe: that sounds really funky.20:25
VertexOfLIfekarltk: I am at the loginscreen right now..I'll poke around, and if anything seems wonky I'll reinstall20:26
VertexOfLIfekarltk: It seems to have to do something with the language packs, because it is proccessing them when it spits out the errors20:26
karltkVertexOfLIfe: you might just try to drop into a console/terminal and do a sudo apt-get update + sudo apt-get upgrade20:26
karltkVertexOfLIfe: aha. I've noticed issues with them myself, but nothing that I've been able to reliably reproduc:(20:27
karltkVertexOfLIfe: a bit of fiddling with apt-get, and it resolved itself in my case.20:27
VertexOfLIfekarltk: Yeah, I'll upgrade and keep a watch out for any issues.20:28
VertexOfLIfekarltk: There's already one...but not unexpected20:28
VertexOfLIfeEvery linux distro hates my monitor. Optiquest has absolutely shit support20:29
CW1i just installed xbuntu on a old laptop and everything went good now i cant get a desktop what is the command for that? any help would be greatful :LD20:29
VertexOfLIfeCW1: Um, isn't it apt-get install xubuntu-desktop? Did you use the installer?20:29
karltkVertexOfLIfe: viewsonic shouldnt be a huge problem. I thought they were pretty much auto-configured these days, with dpms and all.20:30
VertexOfLIfeCW1: LiveCD?20:30
VertexOfLIfekarltk:  Not viewsonic, it's Optiquest Q9, and all the distros assume it's 60 hs, and it's actually 5hz refresh. Chancng the refresh rate usually does it, but it dosent work right now..20:30
CW1i got the cd from the website20:30
CW1cant remember which one it was20:31
VertexOfLIfeCW1: And the desktop is not loading post-installation?20:31
CW1it was for any system20:31
VertexOfLIfeOkay, tell me, what are you looking at after bootup?20:32
karltkVertexOfLIfe: I was under the impression that the optiquests were produced by viewsonic, but I may easily be mistaken on that one.20:32
CW1xubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-i386 <--thats the 1 i got and nstalled20:33
VertexOfLIfekarltk: Hm, you may be right. I have no idea. My parent's monitor.20:33
VertexOfLIfeCW1:  oh, you used the text-based installer20:33
kblodoes anyone know why firefox can't run flash installed on system side??20:33
CW1yea thats it sorry iam new to this20:34
VertexOfLIfeCW1: I don't know much about the text-based installers...20:34
evil_techwhat about them?20:34
VertexOfLIfeCW1: When you start up, what do you see?20:34
VertexOfLIfeevil_tech: He used the alternate xubuntu cd, and apparenly is looking for a desktop.20:35
evil_techhe must have installed a command line only system on accident20:35
karltkkblo: what do you mean by that?20:35
Flare183is xubuntu only avaiable in DVD form for the US20:35
evil_techflare183: no20:35
VertexOfLIfeFlare183: no, I know the site you're talking about20:35
kblokarltk: that I could install flash by firefox20:36
CW1well it starts up and just gives me a black screen after booting asking for my login and password then stays in bash command line20:36
Flare183VertexOfLIfe: yeah on the download page it says "United States(DVD)20:36
Flare183VertexOfLIfe: yeah on the download page it says "United States(DVD)" (correction)20:36
evil_techCW1: type sudo init 620:36
evil_techand tell us what it does20:36
kblokarltk: I had to run the installer by normal user20:36
VertexOfLIfeFlare183: I got that too, click on it, it's actually a LiveCD I don't know why it says that20:36
karltkkblo: I've installed the flashplugin-nonfree package (yes, I know, I've strayed from the fsf motto)20:36
Flare183VertexOfLIfe: ok thanks20:37
kblokarltk: I tryed but didn't worked20:37
karltkkblo: (from the multiverse)20:37
kblowhen I run aabout:pluigns on firefox it wasn't show nothing20:38
karltkkblo: did it show up in firefox when you entered the url "about:plugins"?20:38
karltkkblo: hmm..20:38
kblobut know it's working20:38
kbloknow I'm tryiong java620:38
karltkkblo: I've installed sun-java6-plugin for that.20:40
kblokarltk: me too,20:40
kblokarltk: but I couldn't acess the site with java20:41
VertexOfLIfekblo: I had the same problem. What I had to do was go to synaptic, remove flash-plugin-nonfree, gnash, and gnash libraries, then find a website on firefox that had flash and have firefox install it when the "Install missing plugins" option appeared.20:42
karltkkblo: but it shows up in about:plugins?20:42
kblo Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_0320:42
l337turkeyHey guys how do you get the alternate cd?20:42
kblol337turkey: froim the xubuntu's downloads page20:43
karltkkblo: weird. check that you don't have too many weird symlinks in your ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/plugins dir20:43
VertexOfLIfel337turkey: http://www.xubuntu.org/get20:43
CW1all it done was reboot20:43
l337turkeyis the alternate with the larger one?20:44
evil_techyou have no desktop installed is my guess20:44
evil_techsudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop20:44
evil_tech will install it20:44
l337turkeycause i gotta get linux with a gui on a machine with 64mb of ram20:44
evil_techtry DSL or Fluxbuntu then20:44
kbloVertexOfLIfe: I try to do this but it gives me an error after all20:45
l337turkeyAre they "N00b" friendly20:45
evil_techso so20:45
VertexOfLIfekblo: after trying to do it through firefox?20:45
CW1it switched to run level 6 and restarted20:45
kbloVertexOfLIfe: Yes20:45
evil_techdamn my fingers20:45
evil_techsorry CW120:45
VertexOfLIfel337turkey: Fluxbuntu is not at all, my parents hated it, brother couldent figure it out' I haven't had any experience with DSL20:45
l337turkeydoes fluxbuntu have  a live cd?20:45
VertexOfLIfeI found fluxbox really frustruating.20:46
evil_techi meant init 520:46
VertexOfLIfekblo: did you try restarting firefox and trying again?20:46
evil_techi think they do now. not sure though been a while since i played with it20:46
kbloyes sure20:46
l337turkeydoes anyone have any experence with DSL?20:46
CW1its cool ill try it again lol20:46
karltkl337turkey: yes, a little. I wouldn't give it my mom, but it's pretty decent!20:47
evil_techive ran DSL but never played with more than what is there by default20:47
karltkl337turkey: erm, "to my mom", I suppose it should read...;)20:47
l337turkeyAlright can it run like firefox or WINE or really just doom?20:47
VertexOfLIfel337turkey: http://www.tuxs.org/livecds.htm has a review of DSL20:47
karltkl337turkey: ff should be okay. never tried wine.20:48
l337turkeyalright will try the live CD thanks20:49
VertexOfLIfekblo: The only other thing I can think of is either rebooting, reinstalling firefox, or compling the flash-plugin..20:49
evil_techany luck CW1?20:53
spacecati have a question about gcc and gdc20:53
spacecatplz private msg me20:53
CW1now it looks like it is stuck just says switching to runlevel 5 sending processes the term signal20:54
evil_techyeah i think you must have installed a command line system only20:54
evil_techto get a GUI you'll have to install it via command line. sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop20:55
CW1would a command line system install grub? ( yea i know it should iam just asking to make sure )20:56
zoredacheCW1: yes20:56
zoredacheCW1: why did you start with 6.06?20:58
CW1well cause iam just running it on a AMD K6 cpu with only 64mb of memory21:00
CW1and from what i read from the website that was the best choice to go with21:02
evil_techthats arguable21:02
l337turkeyCWI: Try DSL thats what I'm about to do with a system with 64mb of RAM21:03
CW1yea i know its a long shot to get it to work right but anythig is got to be better than windows 9821:03
evil_techthis is true21:03
evil_techxubuntu will be rather slow on 64mb ram21:03
CW1the color want work right with DSL21:04
spacecati really like xubuntu21:04
evil_techyou could try fluxbuntu. only problem with that is you have to know how to configure it21:04
spacecatruns great on old machines21:04
vinzespacecat, and on new machines ;-)21:04
spacecatfedora looks nicer tho21:05
vinzespacecat, you can theme Xubuntu to look like Fedora ;-)21:05
spacecatso i have a question about installing a D compiler21:05
spacecatonce i gmake it21:05
evil_techanyone have linux running on an Asus P4P800? cause i cant get it to run21:05
spacecatim not sure if its an extension of gcc21:06
spacecator a differentprogram all together21:06
CW1i got a p4p800 asusus iam on now but iam running xp pro on it21:07
evil_techyeah xp runs fine21:07
evil_techlinux chokes and dies21:07
evil_techi think i have narrowed it down to the promise controller21:07
CW1the guy that sent this pc to me had linux on this pc21:08
evil_techforums say its an IRQ issus since it has both IDE and SATA and that a bios update fixed it21:08
evil_techbut i have the latest bios21:08
CW1think he had mandrake on it its a 2.6 with 512mb memory21:09
evil_techi've got a 3.06 and 3gb memory21:09
evil_techshould have no problems21:10
evil_techresources wise21:10
CW1none at all21:10
CW1bet it will smoke a dvd when it burns one lol21:11
evil_techit hangs after finding the promise controller the drives attached to it and this message : hda: host protected area => 121:11
CW1brb let me see if i can get the desk top down loading21:12
CW1wooo hooo its downloading it now21:17
CW1thanks evil_tech that was a great big help to me21:19
CW1its been over a year sense i have installed Linux on anything and i done forgot the commands i did learn21:21
l337turkeyI just got the livecd on my 98 machine and it works way better than 9821:23
evil_techthats not too surprising21:23
CW1when i started out on Linux i used Mepis21:23
l337turkeybut is there a way to use dail-up with it till i get a router?21:24
evil_techi've been using ubuntu since 4.0421:24
CW1lol theres goes another windows 9821:24
* vinze too :)21:24
l337turkeyalso how to mount my HDD21:24
evil_techis it DSL21:25
evil_techright click and i think it is ... damn i cant remember21:25
l337turkeylol il find it out21:25
evil_techlet me see if i can get it running under qemu21:25
CW1well i was trying different verision of linux at the time but b4 i made it to ubuntu all my pcs got burnt up in our house21:26
CW1we lost almost everything i had like 10 to 12 pcs21:28
CW1now iam down to this 1 that was gave to me right after the fire and it took me a year to get internet back21:29
l337turkeywould mount /dev/hd01 work?21:31
l337turkeyo wait i found the program21:33
spacecatso do you guys have any usefull tips21:33
evil_techdsl puts drives in mnt21:33
spacecatfor a beginner21:33
evil_techbeginner to what exactly21:33
vinzespacecat, to read the manual, lots of useful information in there :)21:33
evil_techwell i got linux running in qemu at least21:34
evil_techooo 4.2 looks pretty21:35
CW1mines still updating or it was installing them when i just checked on it21:36
CW1got tobe installing them cause the lights on the front of my roughter/modem is just on and not flashing lol21:38
CW1<---got big fingers for the this keyboard21:39
evil_techstupid question: does the repos for ubuntu work on DSL since they are both debian?21:39
spacecatthis is some slutty preteen emogirls email Spacekack@hotmail.com (add her!!)21:49
l337turkeyhey guys whats the best way of getting DSL on my Harddrive without getting rid of my files21:51
evil_techfiles on the hard drive?21:52
l337turkeylike the music and pictures and word shit21:53
evil_techwell ideally that stuff would be on  a seperate partition21:53
evil_techso i would defrag in windows21:53
evil_techthen resize the partition and to make space for DSL21:54
l337turkeyIs there a partiton resizing on the livecd?21:55
evil_techyou'll have to install it though21:56
evil_techsudo apt-get install gparted21:56
l337turkeydo I have to download it?21:57
vinzeevil_tech, can't the installer also resize partitions?21:57
vinzeAlso, I thought Gparted *was* on the install cd21:57
evil_techi dont think its installed by default21:57
evil_techparted and fdisk cli tools are21:57
vinzeYeah, it is on the LiveCD, just doesn't get installed21:57
evil_techbut i dont think the gui is21:57
evil_techprobably wrong21:58
evil_techi always use the alternate install so..21:58
vinzeAh well, if it's not there it's easy to install, not that much of a problem ;-)21:58
l337turkeyso i still have to download it though eh?21:59
vinzeNot sure, I believe not but I could be wrong of course21:59
l337turkeykk i will try21:59
l337turkeywell i don't think its installed by default22:09
vinzeNot? It's supposed to be in Applications->System->GNOME partition editor22:09
l337turkeyis it hard to compile things?22:09
vinzeDepends on your definition of "hard": I don't really like to do it and often do not succeed22:10
l337turkeyOhh well i need wine but don't really feel like using dial-up22:11
vinzeWhy would you need to compile wine?22:11
l337turkeybecause i would have to use apt-get but i don't want to download it with dial-up22:12
vinzel337turkey, you can also download the packages now manually and put them on a USB drive or something22:12
l337turkeyreally that would be useful22:13
vinzel337turkey, http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=wine&searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all22:13
vinzeYou'd have to download the dependencies too though, and I'm not sure which are pre-installed22:14
l337turkeywhat ones do i need to download for dls22:15
vinzeYou mean Damn Small Linux dsl?22:15
vinzeOw, don't know if you can use Ubuntu packages for that22:16
l337turkeyohh ok22:16
evil_techive heard of people doing a dist upgrade from DSL before22:16
vinzehttp://damnsmalllinux.org/packages.html says: "Also, keep in mind that Damn Small is not pure Debian based. "22:16
evil_techcomplicated stuff though22:16
l337turkeyil try the debian install from WINE's site22:18
evil_techi want to throw this stupid board in the street22:20
evil_techanyone who has linux running on an Asus P4P800 Deluxe private message me22:24
l337turkeyWell i just figured out that DSL will use rpm's22:44
l337turkeyi think...22:44
quaalanyone know why the xubuntu7.10 cd i put in my tvpc just boots to busybox initramfs prompt23:09
Nostahlhi all23:42
Nostahlhow's xubuntu life23:42
Nostahlhow do you like xubuntu23:43
Nostahlim downloading it atm23:43
Nostahlcant wait to try it23:43
zoredacheI like it fine23:45
Nostahlwhat mainly do you use your computer for23:46
zoredacheI am a network administrator.... I am responsible for about 40 linux hosts (deb4.0) and 20 w2k3 servers, and 1 OSX server.  I xubuntu on my workstation to manage everything.23:47
zoredacheso I use lots of network client stuff rdp/ssh/etc...23:48
Nostahlmaby you can tell me...23:48
Nostahlwhat is needed to set up a way to remote download stuff to a different computer?23:48
Nostahlie. i was thinking of setting up one of my secondary desktops23:49
Nostahlto just do downloads23:49
Nostahlleaving my main pc's free but i'd like to initiate the downloads from my main pc etc23:49
zoredachewhat protocol?  http, or something else?23:49
Nostahlhttp aye23:49
Nostahljust normal everyday internet browsing downloading etc23:50
Nostahli was just contemplating if it were possible23:50
Nostahlit'd keep my main pc's hd free of fragmentation longer etc23:51
Nostahland running speedyer23:51
zoredachedownloading files shouldn't make your computer slower, or have a big impact on fragmentation...23:51
zoredacheanyway, just setup a box, ssh and use lynx, wget or some other command line browser23:53

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