
SlartPointyThingsHurt: I'm pretty sure they work..00:00
PointyThingsHurtSlart: I'm having speed issues connecting to a NAS box on the network00:00
PointyThingsHurtmy network status is 1000 Mb/sec00:00
dorkfaceakos:  I don't know how much easier it would be, but you may be able to use aliases to connect to networks, so whenever you have to connect to a different network, all you'd need to do is type in one command00:00
akosyeah, ok thx00:00
dorkfaceIt wouldn't be automatic, but closer to your goal00:00
jscinozhey guys, im trying to install ubuntu on an old laptop, i downloaded the image of the desktop CD and found however X cant start. Is there a text based installer included on the desktop CD? and if so what is the command to start it?00:00
PointyThingsHurtmy brother gets a 500MB file in less than a minute off the NAS00:00
SlartPointyThingsHurt: is there a max speed defined for the NAS-box?00:00
Odd-rationalejscinoz: Nope you have to download another cd00:01
PointyThingsHurtand he's in XP00:01
Retro`i've installed Ripper X00:01
PointyThingsHurtbut when i get the same file, it takes 15 minutes00:01
Retro`see what that gives00:01
vishalIs it possible to force application to start on a certain desktop?00:01
unbeatablhow can i have my own,  ns1.mydomain.com ns2.mydomain.com ? if mydomain.com uses ns1.mydomain.com , how does mydomain.com even haev an IP in the first place?  and if domain registrar doesnt give me this functionality, what shal i do?00:01
geniijscinoz: No text based installer on the regular cd, you need to get the alternate00:01
proqesivishal: define "force"00:01
PointyThingsHurtshouldnt be, like i said. brother gets the file in less than a minute00:01
vishalproqesi: for example, when i run pidgin it will open on desktop 600:02
SlartPointyThingsHurt: ah.. so your problem has nothing to do with gigabit networks.. I would say your problem is "samba is slow, how can I fix it"00:02
sonjahow do i set it up so i don't have to type in my login name when ubuntu boots up, but i can just select it from a list of users on my computer using the mouse?00:02
vishalproqesi: instead of the current desktop00:02
Seebvishal: set DISPLAY before running it00:02
PointyThingsHurtyou think its my samba client?00:02
jscinozgenii, ugh thats so weak.. another 700mb to waste >_<00:02
SlartPointyThingsHurt: I can only confirm.. I get shitty speeds when using samba to transfer files.. I don't know how to fix it00:02
Seebvishal: DISPLAY=":0:1" pidgin00:02
vishalSeeb: I dont understand,00:02
thefoxxI have a problem with a package I build with PPA - it's a multi binary package and one "sub package" is sawn by apt every time as newer as the same version - difficult to explain ;)00:02
PointyThingsHurtVery interesting.  I never even realized it could be the samba CLIENT..00:03
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thefoxxif I update to my builded version it still sais there is again a new version00:03
vishalSeeb: so i would put that in the console and it would open on desktop 1?00:03
geniijscinoz: Well, if you already have some other box running ubuntu, maybe do a netboot install00:03
thefoxxbut it's the same version...00:03
SlartPointyThingsHurt: try something else then.. ftp, nas.. see if they are faster00:03
thefoxxupdate from 0.0.1 to 0.0.100:03
Seebvishal: or whatever display you want it to appear on00:03
PointyThingsHurtgood idea00:04
vishalSeeb: I have pidgin load on startup, forgot how, but how would i make that load on desktop 6?00:04
Rufus_if i downloaded a "screenlet", how can i launch it?00:04
bruenig!info devilspie | vishal00:04
ubotuvishal: devilspie: find windows and perform actions on them. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.20.2-1build1 (gutsy), package size 33 kB, installed size 132 kB00:04
SlartRufus_: screenlet manager.. in settings00:04
Rufus_thank you00:05
SlartRufus_: screenlets in system, preferences00:05
Slartyou're welcome, Rufus_00:05
earthling_any sugestions on how to make a router out of a linux machine? i hurd it was possible00:07
jscinozgenii is therea guide to how to do a netboot00:07
geniijscinoz: Yes, give me a minute00:07
Slartearthling_: it is.. you don't even need ubuntu.. there are small distros that fit on a cd that do that..00:07
astro76earthling_, nice pun ;)00:08
PriceChildI need to do some setkeycode's on boot, what file should I put them in? /etc/init.d/rc.local?00:08
jscinozwait nevermind00:08
Slartearthling_: you'll be using iptables and masquerading.. google for linux internet sharing or something like that.. there are tons of howto's out there00:08
jscinozi got x to start00:08
geniijscinoz: Excellent guide here: http://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install00:08
vishalbruenig: thanks, I just installed it, when i ran it from the console it said: No s-expressions loaded, quiting. any ideas?00:08
jscinozthanks, i might not need it anymore, i got X to start by giving the live cd the vga=791 bit00:09
Odd-rationalevishal: Try man devilspie00:09
geniijscinoz: Ah, good00:09
bruenigvishal, read the documentation, you need to write some config files for different applications and put it in ~/.devilspie00:09
geniiWell, logoff time for me00:09
|juan|can someone help me with gnome+compiz?00:10
vishalOdd-rationale: bruenig: Cool thanks for the help00:10
|juan|i have two monitors... one is a 19" standard and the other a 19" wide00:10
|juan|i'd like to have my taskbar and system bar on the wide screen00:10
Nikolaiis it so difficult to get Adsl Usb modem workin' on linux? :(00:10
|juan|but the system bar spans across both windows00:11
lcphr3akHey, I have no CD-ROM drive on this computer i'm trying to install ubuntu on, and decided to try out a USB flash drive. I downloaded the .iso, and used dd to image it onto a flash drive. However, it's not booting. Would there be a reason why? I'm trying to get the usb flash to boot just like a live cd-r00:11
adamonline46Hello.  I got my Intel e1000 ethernet adapter installed, modprobed the driver with no errors, added it by MAC address to my iftab, added eth0 to my /etc/network/interfaces file, and I still get errors when I try to ifup it.  Does anyone know what I can do?  I've exhausted google, but to no avail...00:11
crdlb|juan|: are you using twinview?00:11
alesHi all! Is it possible to disable xgl and dri from the command line in ubuntu?00:11
earthling_Slart: can i ask a somewhat specific question about a network situation which has been naging me for quiet some time?00:11
crdlbales: ? that doesn't really make sense00:11
Slartearthling_: sure, go ahead00:11
lwizardlcan someone tell me how i turn off UTF-800:11
crdlbales: what exactly are you trying to accomplish?00:12
|juan|crdlb: when i run nvidia-settings, it says i'm not using the nvidia x driver...00:12
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Evolution2ales: why would you do that00:12
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pike_lcphr3ak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation00:12
ifireballlcphr3ak: well, the answer is within the question, there is a website called pendrive linux with instructions on how to get ubuntu on a pendrive00:12
crdlb|juan|: but you *do* have an nvidia card?00:12
lcphr3akalright, thanks guys :)00:12
|juan|i ran sudo nvidia-xconfig00:12
|juan|going to restart x00:12
goldphishSo I'm trying to compile a module for my running kernel based on the headers package. I type 'make modules' and get this... "No rule to make target `arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.c'" Any ideas?00:13
HohoHuhuYes. Say oh shit!00:13
Nikolaicould anyone help me or point me to some link with tutorial, for setiing an connexant usb adsl modem? :)00:13
astro76!language | HohoHuhu00:13
ubotuHohoHuhu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:13
earthling_Slart: there are three comps connected to single switch. compA and compB have ip addrs of diff domains but compC has ip addrs of both domains throught virtual addressing. will A be able to ping B00:13
quaalanyone know why the xubuntu7.10 cd i put in my tvpc just boots to busybox initramfs prompt. when i boot my laptop it boots into gnome just fine00:14
ifireballadamonline46: did you try "ifup"ing without doing the iftab bit?00:14
LimCoreubuntu failed totally to provide wokring fonts.  the bug is reported for days (weeks?) and still not fixed, what the?00:14
Slartearthling_: wow.. that sounds like something out of a cisco cert exam =).. I have no idea.. you could try and set it up using virtual machines just to see what happens00:15
HohoHuhuIs asm-offset.c really present where you untarred your kernel?00:15
adamonline46ifireball: Oooh, a reboot seemed to fix it... Let me try it out, thanks for responding thus far, though!00:15
|juan|still says it bud... not running nvidia x driver00:15
crdlb|juan|: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:15
|juan|running it according to restricted drivers00:16
alescrdlb: I'd like to run X without xgl when I am using my laptop battery. Latest intel video driver has a bug and it causes more than 100 unnecessary wakeups per sec when xgl is present. Removing "xserver-xgl" solves this. I'd only like to do it only while on batt - so I was thinkng of writing a script to do it automatically :D00:16
Nikolailooks like it's to difficult -.-00:16
crdlbales: why would you want to use Xgl with intel?00:16
ifireballearthling: you'll need to enable ip-forwarding00:16
ifireballearthling: on compC00:16
alescrdlb: Ummm, I' dont get any compizs effect if do not have it installed?00:16
ifireballearthling_: you'll need to enable ip-forwarding00:17
crdlbales: bad answer :)00:17
HohoHuhuGoldphish, are you sure you make mrproper before trying to compile?00:17
ifireballearthling_:  on compC00:17
Towelboyhi...anyone know how to play streaming divx movies in ubuntu? Seems Mplayer starts to download instead and sometimes freezes00:17
alescrdlb: Is there any other way? :D00:17
earthling_Slart: dont have more than one comp at my hand. but will try some how....... it does not work if one of them is windows00:17
crdlbales: you have a i965?00:17
alescrdlb: Yes? How'd you know??? :D00:17
HohoHuhu(backing up your .config before...)00:17
goldphishHohoHuhu: nope, didn't know I needed to :)00:17
earthling_ifireball: how do we do that?00:17
|juan|crdlb: http://pastebin.com/d444e5e0800:17
PointyThingsHurtSlart: Samba is the culprit.00:17
crdlbales: you just need to "unblacklist" it00:17
crdlbales: join #compiz-fusion for a sec00:17
ifireballearthling_: if compC a linux machine?00:17
Slartearthling_: that's why you could use virtual machines.. you run 3 little machines inside that one..00:17
Slart!vm | earthling_00:18
ubotuearthling_: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications00:18
SlartPointyThingsHurt: ah.. ftp was faster?00:18
ifireballearthling_: is* compC a linux machine?00:18
wpkit doesn't say anythinkg about KVM00:18
|juan|crdlb: also, it has each of my monitors... one at 1280x1024 and the other at 1440x900 and it's making them a combined 2720x1024. so windows maximize across the both... annoyance :)00:18
fosohow do i sudo into a folder?00:18
gogzmerHow can I access the phpmyadmin page after I installed the package?00:19
pike_foso: you dont really need to what do you need to do?00:19
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crdlb|juan|: you're definitely using the nvidia driver :/ So I have no idea why nvidia-settings thinks otherwise00:19
goldphishHohoHuhu: hmm, still getting the same error00:19
HohoHuhucd your folder if you get the credentials.00:19
nickrudfoso, you can't, is this a directory you can't read without sudo?00:19
fosopike_ what?00:19
fosonickrud im trying to drag and drop a theme file into the usr/share/theme folder00:19
earthling_Slart: i did not understand that thing abt usini VM, or wine?00:19
HohoHuhucd your folder if you get the credentials. Else you have to sudo into a user having the right rights on this folder...00:19
pike_foso: gksu nautilus or sudo mv file /usr/share/theme/00:20
crdlb|juan|: ah, turn off xinerama00:20
ifireballearthling_: the quick and dirty die-on-reboot way but distro agnostic: "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" (run as root)00:20
earthling_ifireball:yes linux machine00:20
|juan|where is that setting located?00:20
HohoHuhuThis chatroom is lots of lolz!00:20
nickrudfoso, ah, gksudo nautilus will let you do that, but it's dangerous. You should instead do it in a terminal, sudo cp /path/to/theme /usr/share/themes00:20
crdlb|juan|: you seem to have enabled it in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:20
Slartearthling_: not wine.. virtual machines.. you run a program that simulates a whole computer.. network and all.. then you run 3 of those.. at the same time.. and try the ping thing00:20
|juan|i bet the nvidia-xconfig did that :-P00:20
|juan|one sec00:20
earthling_ifireball: ok will try that... thx00:21
crdlb|juan|: look for Option "Xinerama" "true" and remove it00:21
alescrdlb: Thanks. I'll try it right now ;)00:21
heartsbloodI've been having a heck of a lot of trouble with the recent release of moblock, is there any place I can go to get advice?00:21
fosonickrud i dont understand that all the way sorry00:21
Slartearthling_: virtualbox is one such virtual machine.. it's a nice way to try things out without having 10 machines at home00:21
|juan|crdlb: brb00:22
earthling_Slart: did not about anything like that. Thnks forthe info. Now i have something to work on00:22
pintoviskhi folks00:22
nickrudfoso, normally you don't have write permissions to anything outside your home directory. You need to elevate your rights to the admin level to write there.  gksudo is used with gui programs, and sudo on the command line to get those permissions00:22
pintoviskI want help00:22
TowelboyHi all! How do i play online divx? mplayer isn't quite up for the task...00:22
LimCoreubuntu fails me so much.  even the fonts are broken! it fails to display german and other european characters!! and this bug is known for 5 months!!! and not fixed STILL O__o00:23
HohoHuhuYes. It is!00:23
pintoviskmy webcam don't works with linux00:23
Slartearthling_: you're welcome.. and have fun with those vm's00:23
fosonickrud sorry, i understand that roughly, in less technical terms, but i dont know what to type in the terminal besides gksudo00:23
HohoHuhuwebcamz now...00:23
LimCorewhy  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ttf-bitstream-vera/+bug/11180  is still not fixed  (and others reported months ago)00:23
adamonline46ifireball: RE e1000... I said it looked like it was working... Well, in actuality it gets assigned an IP address, but then I get this error: postconf: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: no such file or directory.  I am unable to ping out.  Any ideas?00:23
loopyzortwow this channel is huge. anyone know where i should go for problems with my video card?00:24
crdlbLimCore: what is preventing you from using dejavu sans?00:24
HohoHuhuYes. Your webcam is working with linux. It is!00:24
nickrudfoso, let's step back a sec. The simplest way to install a theme is  system->prefs->appearances , then drag & drop the theme onto the window00:24
HohoHuhuWhich video card?00:24
ifireballadamonline46: the error seems unrelated, its a postfix (mail server) error00:24
LimCorecrdlb: people have to apply the fix themselves00:24
loopyzortit's an ati radeon x30000:24
loopyzorti've read a billion conflicting opinions on how to set it up00:24
fosonickrud yeah, it doesnt show up after i try that though00:24
SlartLimCore: talk to canonical.. everyone here is a ubuntu user just like you.. if you want to yell at someone, at least yell at someone that's making money of it =)00:24
ifireballadamonline46: what does ethtool tell you, does it detect the link?00:24
LimCoreSlart: ok00:25
goldphishHmm, so the module I am trying to build is called 'keyspan'. It's included in a vanilla kernel but not in the ubuntu stock builds. How do I obtain the source package for that module since it's included in the kernel itself? I would like to use the kernel headers from my running kernel if possible.00:25
nickrudfoso, then the next step is to unpack it into your own home , at /home/<you>/.themes .00:25
Towelboystreaming divx in linux?? anybody knows how to?00:25
nickrudfoso, as a general rule you don't want to put things in system locations00:25
HohoHuhuGoogle says that in year 2005, ppl had some hard time getting x300 to work with ubuntu...00:26
loopyzorthehe, i'm glad to know that00:26
loopyzortit works somewhat in 7.1000:26
fosonickrud, i extracted it to the desktop, i dont see a themes fold in my home folder00:26
jesseanyone feel like troubleshooting flash sync problems with me?00:26
loopyzortbut video is poor and visual effects don't work00:26
nickrudfoso, hit ctl-h in the file manager window00:27
HohoHuhuflash sync?00:27
NoodelsJust a quick question, would I need to install a special os to use the full power of a dual core processor?00:27
adamonline46ifireball: ethtool?  How do I use that?  I'm in CLI, by the way, in case it's a GUI thing...  Typing ethtool by itself says 'invalid arguments'00:27
jesseyes, i've tried everything00:27
HohoHuhusync, sync, sync.00:27
nickrudfoso, if you still don't see it, then you would make it00:27
erUSULLimCore: use DejaVu fonts they are packaged for ubuntu00:27
jessei've tried the "aoss" thing, the .asoundrc file, nothing works00:27
nickrudfoso, and it's important that it be    .themes   , the period at the beginning makes it hidden00:27
jesseim a relatively advanced user, i dunno wtf is the problem00:27
fosonickrud i just learned about the ctrl h thing but didnt realize it was there but hidden00:27
HohoHuhuWhat ou mean jesse?00:27
SlartNoodels: well.. I don't think there is an OS out there that fully utilizes a dual core processor.. there are many that can use dual core though00:27
jessethe sound plays out of sync with the video with the flash plugin00:28
fosonickrud i put it in there00:28
ifireballadamonline46: its almost illegal to say here, but honestly, read the manpage please, it is a cli tool btw.00:28
NoodelsSlart : I just mean to be able to use a dual core processor with multithreading.00:28
nickrudfoso, what did the package end in, like .tar.gz ?00:28
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HohoHuhuhard one then...00:28
SlartNoodels: I don't know if vista or the latest ubuntu uses it any different than say.. windows 200000:28
SlartNoodels: oh.. most operating systems today do that00:28
fosonickrud yes, i extracted that by right clicking, then dropped that into themes, is that right? its not showing up in pref/appearances00:29
NoodelsSlart : I'm just trying to explain to a friend that you don't need to go to the trouble of compiling a special kernel if you have a dual core.00:29
fosonickrud by yes i meant yes tar.gz00:29
ubotuBackground to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)00:29
HohoHuhuOriginal flash plugin, running with firefox?00:29
ifireballadamonline46: essentially its "ethtool ethX" (replace X with something meaningful)00:29
nickrudfoso, what kind of theme was it, exactly00:29
SlartNoodels: they've stopped using the special kernels.. you can read the reasons for it in that link from ubotu00:30
fosogtk 2.x00:30
fosonickrud its called slickness, i found it on gnomelook i think00:30
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nickrudfoso, you might not see it unless you click the customize button on the theme manager, the default view is meta themes, window borders and icons and gtk2 together00:30
loopyzortoh well, i suppose it's back to windows. if it's not wireless being difficult, it's video drivers. who knew i'd want my computer to connect to a network _and_ display things00:30
nickrudfoso, and by the way, unpacking and dropping into .themes was the right thing00:31
Slartloopyzort: enjoy your new operating system.. hope it works better for you than ubuntu did00:31
hvgotcodescan someone help me install awesome wm on gutsy?00:32
goldphishUgh, got disconnected. Did anyone answer my question about building a module against a stock ubuntu kernel?00:32
fosonickrud, its not in any of the aub windows, two other themes that i dropped into the window before were in the .themes folder already and are visible in the window00:32
Slart"awesome wm" ?00:32
Xjsuh, netsplits are most impressive here.00:33
nickrudfoso, then that theme might very well be broken00:33
adamonline46ifireball: Ahh, sorry :)  You asked what it told me, so I figured it would be a self-explanatory app or I might get a sample argument list... Anyway, doing 'ethtool eth0', everything looks fine, but 'link detected', which is 'no'.  Does that sound right?00:33
hvgotcodesawesome: its a dwm derivative00:33
goldphishAhh, netsplit... That explains it00:33
alesHi all! Anyone knows if there is a fix for xserver-xorg-video-intel driver? If I do not have "NoDRI" Option in xorg.conf I get more than +100 needles wakeups/sec in powertop which is eating up my laptop battery much faster?00:33
Slartales: have you checked launchpad? or wherever they keep the bugs00:34
ifireballgoldphish: there is a debian tool called "module-assistant" not sure if it works on ubuntu though00:34
nickrudifireball, yes it does00:34
alesSlart: I have, but there hasn't been any recent updates :(00:34
fosonickrud i clicked install from the window that appearance opens up, then ctrl h selected it, it had another tar.gz folder, i double clicked it and it works00:34
fosonickrud thanks alot for all of your help!00:35
Slartales: hmm.. let's just hope they are quiet because they are working hard on it =)00:35
ifireballadamonline46: check your cabling...00:35
BloodyScumevery time i go to youtube and try to watch a video, ubuntu crashes, the interface i cant even get in to the terminal, im useing firefox with a few adons, but nothing that should be affecting youtube.. anyone ever herd of anything like that?00:35
alesSlart: LOL. Crossing my fingers :)00:35
goldphishifireball: yeah, it does. But i use it and get "keyspan, what is keyspan?" Probably indicating that it doesn't know how to build that module. The source for it is included in a vanilla kernel.00:36
nickrudales, you might want to find the x.org bug tracker, that's probably more up to date00:36
alesnickrud: ok. i will - thanks!00:36
ifireballgoldphish: its might be named differently in there, I remember m-a has some listing and searching commands00:37
uzerzeroanybody happen to know anything about how a synaptics trackpad talks to ubuntu?00:38
SQFreakI have a question about using rsync -- how can I make it ignore the path information (i.e. when I tell it to sync /home/user/stuff, I want only the files and directories inside stuff to appear, not /home/user/stuff/files)?00:38
uzerzerothe scrollbar on mine randomly stopped working earlier today.00:38
PointyThingsHurtSo it seems my Samba client has speed issues00:38
ifireballgoldphish: other then that I'll have to refer you to the m-a docs (google, and in /use/share/doc), but I know that is the tool you need for the job00:39
akornanybody know how i can get my resolution on my GMA 950 video card to go above 1440 x 900?00:39
goldphishifireball: cool, thanks00:39
akorni want 1680x105000:39
SQFreaknever mind; i got my answer.00:39
atomdog2003anyone have advise regarding setting up a good webcam?00:40
WinXpNewbIs it possible to sort the opened windows in window selector to sort by alphabetical order? (Linux Mint/Ubuntu-based Distro)00:40
uzerzeroatomdog2003: have you already purchased the webcam?00:40
atomdog2003uzerzero: I haven't bought anything yet00:41
Slartatomdog2003: check carefully that the webcam works and is supported by ubuntu before buying it..00:41
pike_!webcam | atomdog200300:42
ubotuatomdog2003: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:42
pike_atomdog2003: well the !hardware link would of been more help00:42
nickrud!synaptics | uzerzero00:42
ubotuuzerzero: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad00:42
atomdog2003Slart: how can I check if the webcam is supported?00:42
* Slart has a very nice webcam that isn't supported.. it looks very shiny on top of the monitor.. but it does nothing =)00:42
Slartatomdog2003: look at the link ubotu wrote. a few lines up00:42
PhophosHey, how does one configure the display of the splash loading screen? It's claiming to be "out of range" on my monitor ...00:43
uzerzeroatomdog2003: http://www.linuxtv.org/v4lwiki/index.php/Webcams00:43
atomdog2003thanks for the links and advise on webcams00:45
Aztec007hey guys, I'm dual booting a PC with Ubuntu / XP, I first installed Ubuntu's "/', and "/boot" directories on one partition, does that make it impossible to dual boot the machine? After I installed XP, I had to reedit the menu.lst file but when I select windows now it wont load00:45
pike_Aztec007: as long as xp installed ok and booted before you rewrote the mbr you are fine00:46
atomdog2003Aztec007:  I think you need to install Windows first00:46
atomdog2003anyone out there using ZoneMinder?00:46
SlartAztec007: I'm not sure you *have* to install xp first.. but it's easier00:46
pike_Aztec007: you using chainloader?00:47
SlartAztec007: if you do install ubuntu first you'll need a live cd to restore the mbr after you're done installing xp00:47
quaalanyone know why the xubuntu7.10 cd i put in my tvpc just boots to busybox initramfs prompt. when i boot my laptop it boots into gnome just fine00:47
slugoneu think the american army can spy on you while u play the game american army?>00:47
atomdog2003anyone out there using a webcam for anything?  if so then what are you using the webcam for?00:47
hdgood morning everyone00:47
Slart!offtopic | slugone00:48
ubotuslugone: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:48
PhophosNever mind, I've solved my own problem - /etc/usplash.conf00:48
Aztec007pike: well I read a tutorial on editing the menu.lst file and one of the options in the menu part was chainloader I think it was set to  = -100:48
PriceChildAzer, +00:48
slugoneim new to linux i dont know how tight the security is00:48
bastid_raZorslugone:: run as a user and not root .. security is rock solid00:48
Slartslugone: that question had nothing to do with security.. if you run a binary someone else sent you... well..you've got yourself to blame00:49
atomdog2003what is your favorite ubuntu app?00:49
DigitalNinjaAre there any good instructions out there for horde?00:49
Slartatomdog2003: xchat-gnome of course =)00:49
* nickrud hexes Slart again and again and again and again00:50
pike_Aztec007: it sounds like you are fine. after you installed xp it rebooted to finish windows setup and worked right?00:50
Slarthehe.. it's nice and shiney.. a bit stupid at times.. but I like it =)00:50
atomdog2003Slart: that is what you are using for IRC?00:51
Slartit could use a spellchecker though.. ahem.. shiny00:51
elson6659hey there - can someone give me a quick hint? I have a wireless card for which I need to use ndiswrapper, all fine and good. but the only way I know how to start the card is by using 'dhclient' - how can I start it with a static ip address? I'm using xubuntu, but happy on the console.00:51
Slartatomdog2003: yes00:51
pike_Aztec007: if that is the case id see the !fixmbr link because as long as windows installed grub doesnt care where it is00:51
DigitalNinjaelson6659: You need to configure /etc/network00:52
Josspykerelson6659: man iwconfig and edit etc/network/interfaces00:52
DigitalNinjaelson6659: Wait! that's not right. let me check00:52
elson6659and then what command would I use to bring up the network, instead of dhclient? is it ifup?00:52
atomdog2003Slart: I'm using Hydra on windows because ubuntu is tripping over my two video cards (or something).  I'm going to pull one card and try agiain.00:52
Slartatomdog2003: try out  "add/remove"  in the main "Applications" menu.. those apps are all pretty popular and well supported.. at least the ones with a little ubuntu mark next to them00:52
DigitalNinjaelson6659: /etc/network/interfaces00:53
raichleahi all.  I am having problems with my current java plugin in firefox.  I have 7.10 with the     File name: libjavaplugin_oji.so00:53
raichlea    Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_03.   I read about something called icedtea, is this a better plugin for me?00:53
steve___steve__: booga00:53
Slartatomdog2003: oh.. I don't think I've ever had 2 videocards in a machine before.. ubuntu doesn't like it?00:53
neutr0nanyone have an idea why i cant switch my video driver over to intel 945 from the i810 which it is not under screens and graphics?00:53
ctothejUpdate manager has prompted me to install linux-headers-2.6.22-14, l-h-generic and linux-image... but I have compiled, installed, and am using that kernel version for a hardware compatibility issue that it fixes. What would happen if I let update manager install the 2.6.22-24.47 update? Should I just use synaptic to lock or freeze these particular updates?00:54
atomdog2003Slart:  Not sure.  But when I switched my monitor from one to the other it lit up and worked until I installed ssh.  Now all is black again.00:54
pedrotmartinezGood afternoon00:54
pedrotmartinezI have ubuntu gutsy installed on my laptop00:54
DigitalNinjactothej: You should be able to tell the update manager not to install the new kernel00:55
gabbahwhat does it mean when qtparted lists a partition as "active"?00:55
pedrotmartinezAnd I cannot connect to wifi, only by ethernet00:55
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre00:55
krielI happen to use firefox for my messaging and music while I'm using my computer (See: meebo.com|pandora.com) and I also browse around on the internet. There are several sites, however, that happen to lock up my browser. So: is there any way I can get firefox to launch two completely seperate instances of itself? If not, can somebody reccomend a similar browser (preferably in the apt repositories?)00:55
Slartatomdog2003: hmm.. didn't know ssh would affect your graphics setup.. well well.. try asking about it here.. someones bound to know what to do00:55
pedrotmartinezwhat can I do?00:55
tritium!wireless | pedrotmartinez00:55
ubotupedrotmartinez: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:55
DigitalNinjactothej: If it does install the new kernel you just need to edit grub and make sure your kernel is loaded first00:55
ctothejDigitalNinja: ok, I can lock the versions in synaptic. what would it do if I let it install?00:55
gogzmerWhy, after re-starting, would the "ls" command not display things in different colors(ex. Sym-links vs. files)00:56
tritiumSlart: ssh does not affect your graphics setup00:56
ctothejDigitalNinja: ok... so kernel updates through update manager would update grub?00:56
atomdog2003Does ubuntu have problems with NVidia video cards?00:56
tritiumatomdog2003: no more than any other distro00:56
Slarttritium: it did for atomdog2003.. or it happened at the same time =)00:56
tritiumSlart: the latter00:56
DigitalNinjactothej: Yes. I have had this happen to me. Just edit the grub menu file and reboot00:56
ctothejatomdog2003: actually, NVidia cards work very well, better than many others.00:57
Gneahey everyone, I got one of these usb mini photo viewers for christmas - neat little thing, but I'm trying to get it working in ubuntu - it plugs in and lights up right away, but I don't see any driver try to take advantage of it in gutsy..00:57
ctothejDigitalNinja: ok great thanks00:57
DigitalNinjactothej: If you don't know how to do this just hit "Esc" on boot so you get the grub boot menu. You should be able to pick your kernel.00:57
DigitalNinjactothej: That's assuming your kernel is still in the menu.00:57
krielGnea: does it happen to recognize it as a usb flash drive?00:57
Gneakriel: nafaik - but i haven't done any manual loading of modules yet00:58
ctothejDigitalNinja: true, I am familiar with editing the grub menu, so that shouldn't be a problem.00:58
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Gneathis is all it says with lsusb: Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0979:0221 Jeilin Technology Corp., Ltd00:58
krielGnea: do a ls /dev | grep [hs]d[a-z] and see what pops up. Is there anything newish in there?00:58
atomdog2003when I installed video signal was coming from my NVidia.  After install the signal was only coming from my 2nd graphics card.  All was well - I just switched over to it.  Then, I installed ssh and the screen is black.  The system won't start.  I'm windering if the signal is now coming from the NVidia card?  no idea.  I'm going to pull the 2nd card and re-install.00:59
kyu_fluxsorry, you probably get this all the time... xchat dcc broken (behind router but works on windows boxes)00:59
Gneakriel: no, they all have the same timestamp as when the system booted up a few days ago00:59
Jack_Sparrowatomdog2003: Hold off on that00:59
pike_kyu_flux: its not a firewall issue with ubuntu unless you installed firestarter or something01:00
maestrojedWith a default installation of apache2, where is the default location for the .htpasswd file?01:00
atomdog2003Jack_Sparrow:  hold off?01:00
kyu_fluxpike_: I didn't install that at all01:00
Jack_Sparrowatomdog2003: First try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  or manually edit your xorg from recovery mode with sudo nano01:00
Gneamaestrojed: iirc, that's defined by the .htaccess file01:00
krielGnea: the only other idea that i can suggest is possibly looking through the forums and/or through apt and see if there's anything in either of those sources. Was there a manual included, and if so, was there any useful info in there?01:01
=== di[a]fic is now known as diafic
atomdog2003Jack_Sparrow:  thanks - will do01:01
maestrojedGnea: That makes sense.  Thank you01:01
adamonline46ifireball: Yay!  A new cable now shows up as 'linked' in ethtool.  Half my cables don't even turn on the activity/connect lights... Anyway, I still  cant ping or ssh or anything... any ideas?01:01
Jack_Sparrowatomdog2003: I was just trying to catch you before you logged off01:01
pike_kyu_flux: sudo iptables -L will tell you that everything is set to accept so its not a firewally issue on ubuntu it has to be the router or a config issue with xchat id think try /join #xchat maybe they will be more knowledgable01:01
kyu_fluxpike_: ahh, nevermind, I figured it out... bah...01:02
atomdog2003Jack_Sparrow:  oh - I'm on at work right now - this problem is at home - so - these are long term goals01:02
kyu_fluxpike_: thanks though01:02
Gneakriel: well i already googled it - it looks like it's one of those cheap devices from china (hong kong, specifically) that's geared toward mass-market. the manual is very much engrish, but it looks like someone from america actually went over it with a comb before letting it go01:02
macdI've installed mtop, and it works, however dist-upgrade can never complete b/c dpkg configure fails to realize that mysql has a root password, without removing the package how can this be fixed?01:02
ifireballadamonline46: well, have you got the IP and netmask settings right? what are you pinging anyway? sure it doesn't have a firewall on?01:03
SvishI am in a directory. How can I recursively compress all files of a certain type with gz? I want to compress all css and js files. So if there is a stuff.js file, then afterwards, there should also be a stuff.js.gz file01:03
Jack_Sparrowatomdog2003: You could also try running live and copying the xorg from livecd to your installed system01:03
trollboyIf I leave my machine on screen saver, ubuntu auto logs me out after so long01:03
trollboyhow do I disable that01:03
macdthe output of the mtop error is: david@thor:~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f01:03
macdReading package lists... Done01:03
macdBuilding dependency tree01:03
macdReading state information... Done01:03
macdCalculating upgrade... Done01:03
macd0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.01:03
macd1 not fully installed or removed.01:03
macdNeed to get 0B of archives.01:04
Gnea!paste | macd01:04
macdAfter unpacking 0B of additional disk space will be used.01:04
ubotumacd: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:04
macdDo you want to continue [Y/n]? y01:04
aszwet1hey i need some help with my logitech quickcam deluxe for notebooks01:04
macdErrors were encountered while processing:01:04
adamonline46ifireball: I'm pinging google.  Ahh, YES, you're the man!  I didn't know I still had a firewall enabled on this old thing... Sheesh... Shoulda just started with a fresh install... hehheh :)  Well, thank you!01:04
macd mtop01:04
trollboyIs there a setting for this I'm missing?01:04
macdE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)01:04
aszwet1hey i need some help with my logitech quickcam deluxe for notebooks01:04
trollboywhy are you still flooding?01:04
macdsorry bout that!01:04
macdI pasted the wrong thing01:04
trollboyyou shouldn't paste at all01:04
trollboyunless its 1 line01:04
macdthis is what I wanted to paste: http://pastie.caboo.se/13259801:04
trollboyanyone know how to disable autologout in 7.01?01:04
macdit was a simple copy/paste mistake, give me a break.01:05
ifireballadamonline46: well, you should have a firewall, but set it up right...01:05
aszwet1anybody have any help with spca5xx?01:05
Gneathere's an autologout?01:05
atomdog2003Jack_Sparrow:  so, you are trying to trigger a reconfig of X?01:05
dirkg3nt1y /set -i tb01:05
LimCorewhat does it return by default:        cat /proc/sys/dev/hpet/max-user-freq       ?   (its timer freq setting)01:05
trollboyGnarlyBob, I hope so01:05
Jack_Sparrowatomdog2003: Yes01:05
trollboyor my ubuntu is hosed01:05
macdaszwet1, install the drivers via synaptic, then it will be called /dev/video0 (assuming you have no video capture cards)01:05
tritiumtrollboy: there is no autologout01:05
adamonline46ifireball: Hehheh, that was next... This is gonna be a fileserver, and I only want 2 computers to access it...01:05
trollboytritium, then any ideas why its doing this?01:06
raichleacan anyone tell me how to get firefox to use the icedtea-java7 plugin?  It's currently using libjavaplugin.so -> /etc/alternatives/mozilla-javaplugin.so01:06
Gneatrollboy: try creating another account and logging in with that and see if it does the same thing again01:06
trollboyko Gnea01:06
tritiumtrollboy: what exactly is happening?01:06
aszwet1macd they have it in synaptic?01:06
macdaszwet1, yes01:06
aszwet1macd.  damnit.01:06
trollboyI lock my desktop01:06
trollboyI wonder away01:06
atomdog2003Jack_Sparrow:  I've done that before after I selected a resolution and refresh rate that screwed me - had to use the command line to do it01:06
trollboyI come back, and I'm logged out.01:06
Neskaya*wander, trollboy.01:06
macd!info spca5xx-source01:06
ubotuspca5xx-source: source for the spca5xx driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 20060501-2ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 192 kB, installed size 256 kB01:06
aszwet1macd. lol probably should've checked that first.01:06
trollboyit doesn't restart though01:07
trollboysorry Neskaya01:07
biebI am having problems with setting up a dialup modem on a thinkpad T30 running ubuntu 7.1001:07
Jack_Sparrowatomdog2003: YEp, that is how to get it back... if needed set it to vesa mode 1024 max res to get back backic functionality01:07
anton__Hey, I am connected to the internet, and I have connected a network cable from my second NIC to a friends computer, but he can't get internet. Is there a setting in ubuntu which allows me to share the internet? :P Like a router01:07
biebI have used pppconfig, run pon and it doesnt do anything01:07
aszwet1macd wow.  i installed a bunch of junk trying to follow some how-tos... i have no clue how to remove some of that stuff... think it'll matter?01:07
biebis there a way to determine the port of the modem?01:07
ifireballadamonline46: doable, no doubt. good luck!01:08
Jack_Sparrowbieb: Sounds like another winmodem.softmodem not a true hardware modem.  those all just work01:08
* adamonline46 bows01:08
macdaszwet1, hopefully you took notes.01:08
trollboytritium, thoughts?01:08
wolsbieb: does lspci show your modem in any way?01:08
Jack_Sparrow!dialup > bieb May help01:08
biebwols let me check01:09
tritiumtrollboy: nope, that's not normal01:09
macdbieb, do you have the lucent or JCom modem (you can tell by issuing 'lspci' in a terminal)01:09
trollboyok thanks tritium01:09
aszwet1macd.  your hope is in the wrong place :)01:09
aszwet1guess we'll see huh?01:09
macdaszwet1, for sure01:09
aszwet1macd i have all my important files backed up on my external hdd... so it won't matter that much :)01:10
Gneaanton__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137001:10
macdaszwet1, and come to think of it, I just plugged my logitech quickcam in, and it worked with camorama01:10
biebwols the modem is Intel Corp, 82801ca/cam ac'9701:10
macdbieb, thats your sound device.01:10
Svishhow can I adjust "gzip -r somedir" to leave the original files?01:10
korosoraquestion: why is java so popular?01:11
aszwet1macd i installed camorama but it's saying that could not connect to video device01:11
Gneakorosora: cross-platform01:11
anton__Gnea: ip: Unknown host01:11
anton__ifconfig: `--help' gives usage information.01:11
aszwet1macd, that installation didn't fix it...01:11
macdaszwet1, does 'lsusb' show your camera?01:11
biebmacd that is the modem line in lspci01:11
korosorahmm i see.01:11
Gneaanton__: you'll... need to read it a bit more first01:11
aszwet1macd, yes01:11
anton__Gnea: Be specific, please.01:12
Delvienanyone know what i2c-sys01:12
aszwet1macd, yes01:12
silasrmgood night help me about vpn with ipsec01:12
Gneaanton__: there's a webpage, it tells you what to do. you need to read through the whole thing. for some reason, you need to be at a root prompt and not use sudo with every command01:12
=== ktogias_ is now known as ktogias
biebmacd: it gives the same line for sound and modem in lspci01:12
anton__Ok. How to open a root terminal?01:12
macdaszwet1, what does "lsmod | grep gspca" say?01:12
Jack_Sparrowbieb: that is a winmodem/linmodem01:13
Gneaanton__: sudo su01:13
sunogbagaSvish: -c01:13
tritiumGnea, anton__: no, sudo -i01:13
tritiumdo not use sudo su01:13
Gneatritium: sudo su  gives me a root prompt and presents no problems.01:13
ubotuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.01:13
aszwet1videodev               29312  3 gspca,uvcvideo01:13
aszwet1usbcore               138632  10 gspca,usb_storage,libusual,snd_usb_audio,uvcvideo,snd_usb_lib,usbhid,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd01:13
tritiumGnea: sudo -i is preferred01:13
Gneatritium: because?01:13
macdaszwet1, ok, do "sudo modprobe gspca" then try camorama again01:14
anton__Gnea, Tritium: Still same thing..."ip: unknown host"01:14
tritiumGnea: because the entire point of using sudo is to avoid use of su01:14
aszwet1macd nope01:14
anton__oh. sorry, read it better now01:14
anton__Which IP should I use?01:14
Gneatritium: i see what you mean... ok01:15
Svishhow can I make a ".bat"-file in ubuntu?01:15
Gneaanton__: basically you need to create your own - do you know anything about subnetting or networking at all?01:15
drgebhow do i copy a complete configuration fro desktop of one user to another if I am using gnome and compiz fusion ?01:15
Armymensomebody know a good linux that can be better than Windows home Server ?? ; )01:15
GneaSvish: for use in wine or dosemu?01:15
GneaArmymen: ubuntu server01:15
biebjack_sparrow when I installed ubuntu 7.10 it also installed a "restricted driver" if I look at that it says Software Modem Driver, and in use is checked01:16
macdaszwet1, and it does show in "lsusb" right?01:16
bieboops.. "Enabled" is checked01:16
LjLSvish: if i understand you correctly, you want to make a shell script. start the file with #!/bin/sh, put the commands you want in it, and make it executable with "chmod +x filename"01:16
GneaArmymen: about the only thing that you won't get an ease of use out of ubuntu server is the whole AD thing - although it would appear that that is subject to change somewhat soon01:16
tritiumbieb: it doesn't install that without first asking you01:16
Jack_Sparrowtritium: agreed01:17
biebright.. and I accepted the install01:17
Armymenok nice ; )01:17
Demonho-brHello, a friend of mine wanted to connect on the vpn of his work, he has all information needed such as key user server information like gatway and other things too.. he tried to config ipsec.conf kvpnc . pptp  but nothing worked. could someone try to explain to me how to make it working ? please01:17
aszwet1Bus 004 Device 012: ID 046d:09c1 Logitech, Inc.01:17
Armymeni like that they work on Ubuntu home server01:17
Armymenbut dont look to go very fast :(01:17
aszwet1gspca                 680528  001:17
aszwet1videodev               29312  2 gspca,uvcvideo01:17
aszwet1usbcore               138632  10 gspca,usb_storage,libusual,snd_usb_audio,uvcvideo,snd_usb_lib,usbhid,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd01:17
Gneawell yeah, it requires a GUI in windows lol01:17
aszwet1is what that one said01:17
macdaszwet1, lets see if that particular chipset is supported, I remember reading 1 or 2 werentr01:17
tritiumaszwet1: please don't paste01:17
aszwet1tritium sorry01:17
macdaszwet1, did you reboot?01:18
aszwet1macd, no i didn't should i?01:19
macdreview http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4023950 that first01:19
=== mojo_ is now known as mojo
macd@ aszwet101:19
macdaszwet1, just the logitech portion, they mention gspca-source, over spcaxx-source01:19
aszwet1ok macd i'll give it a try01:19
anton__Hm? Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?01:19
macd!info apt-proxy01:20
ubotuapt-proxy: Debian archive proxy and partial mirror builder. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9.36ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 83 kB, installed size 432 kB01:20
anton__Gnea: Nope.01:20
biebjack_sparrow tritium  what should I check next since the restricted drivers are installed?01:21
SvishLjL: Thank you, will try that :)01:21
earthianHello, after playing a little bit with recording on my Toshiba L30 10Y laptop thing go wrong with ESD. Any idea how to find the cause?01:21
aszwet1macd,  will that work with webcam chats and all that too?? or just skype?01:21
Svishhow can I prevent gzip and gunzip from deleting the orignal file???01:21
macdaszwet1, anything, it makes it a video device01:21
javialquimkris.... you triangulating wort hog01:21
macdaszwet1, I have a feeling you just dont have camorama setup for /dev/video0 though, since everything else looks pretty kosher.01:22
javialquimKris...  Vista Lover01:22
javialquimKris loves MS Windows Vista01:22
aszwet1macd, so then with adding that line to rc.local and a reboot will fix that?01:22
kris_is there a way to boot this javialquim KID01:22
macdaszwet1, just do what it says, reboot and then we'll see.01:23
aszwet1ok brb :)01:23
LjLthere is indeed. pity it's the same IP as you01:23
tritiumbieb: sorry, I'm not following your disussion01:23
WindowSmasherEllo ello!01:23
xavier_help me plz01:24
biebtritium I ran sudo wvdialconf.. it says found modem /dev/ttySL001:24
blindhey guys, having some problems. Installed a Linksys wireless card in a dapper machine, modprobe'd rt2500 and set up the network settings. wasn't working properly, so i rebooted, and now it stops at "configuring network interfaces" on boot... help?01:24
WindowSmasherInquiring minds would like to know: The hard drive parking issue with Ubuntu.  What if the command to disable HD power management doesn't stop it?01:24
earthianCan somebody help me debug/fix problem with sound system (including esd)01:24
macdblind, have you let it sit for 15 minutes?01:24
blindmacd: it's been sitting for at least 2001:25
pedrotmartinezI have been searching and I cannot find the solution to my problem01:25
macdblind, reboot it, choose the failsafe kernel01:25
adamonline46How do I install an X server?01:25
sigra+anyone heard of easy ubuntu..if so what do you think?01:25
macdadamonline46, only the x server, or do you want a window manager as well?01:25
pedrotmartinezmy wireless card is PRO/Wireless 3945ABG01:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hdd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:25
pedrotmartinezI have ubuntu gutsy01:25
adamonline46macd: I just installed enlightenment, the WM, apparently I don't have an X server isntalled 8)  So yeah, just the server...01:26
pedrotmartinezand I have the restricted package installed and the modules loaded01:26
X-norsigra: I doubt it could be easier than Ubuntu, and it's probably unsupported01:26
blindmacd: recovery mode?01:26
pedrotmartinezbut it doesnt appear on the network-manager01:26
pedrotmartinezany ideas?01:26
macdadamonline46, and you installed e17 from apt? it would automatically install X as well.01:26
Pir8Anyone ever come across this, sometimes within linux (Ubuntu/Mint in my case) firefox can play youtube and other videos with sound, other times no sound.01:26
macdPir8, its a known flash issue.01:26
Pir8aaaah ok01:27
Pir8so it'01:27
Pir8so it isn't just me then.01:27
sigraeasy ubuntu runs on ubuntu..its for newbie ubuntu users..it does everthing for you in a gui..like install the media wmv and avi..and setup nvidia or ati and so on..and addes mtscore and alot more.01:27
sonjahow do i gain access to write in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols ?01:27
mrdinklesFor the Preference > Sessions > Visual > Edit Startup Program > Command-- What should this command be set at?01:27
X-norsigra: oh01:27
tritiumsigra: I'd advise against it.  Installing the packages you need is nearly as easy.01:27
wolsmacd: why would it?01:27
macdPir8, the fixed flash is out, but it has a small error on install, should be fixed soon enough, if your on gutsy, for now you can manually install the hardy package01:27
Pir8macd, interesting....thanks for sharing that I always thought it had something to do with my installation01:27
wolsadamonline46: install xorg01:27
tritiumsigra: ubuntu-restricted-extras goes a long way to installing codecs, etc.01:27
Gneaanton__: http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-networking-for-basic-and-advanced-users.html01:27
macdwols Im pretty sure its a pre-req.01:27
adamonline46macd: I couldn't find E17 package, it was called 'enlightenment'.  That's what I would have figured, too, but when I type 'startx' I get a command not found error, and when I type 'enlightenent' I get an 'X erver not running' error...01:27
sigramy extra's codec was greyed out.01:27
Pir8macd I'm using Mint, which I think is built on gutsy...Shall investigate that. thanks mate.01:27
sigraI was unable to install them..but easy ubuntu..pointed me to synaptic package to install alternative01:28
sigraif not for easy ubuntu to show me..I had hunt the info ..easy ubuntu hunts info and resolves it in newbie fashion01:28
naxacan someone give me a hint where can i ask something about a differential equtation right now?01:28
wolsmacd: just cause you install a WM doesn't mean you'd want a X server01:28
macdwols, maybe01:28
LjLsigra: or one could just ask here.01:28
sigraYes this very nice place LjL but I didnt know about this chat for days when first getting ubuntu01:29
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu01:29
blindmacd: alright, booted recovery mode, and it's stuck on configuring network interfaces again.... just let it sit?01:29
Gneaanton__: if you need help figuring out what to put in for the ip range attributes, try this calculator: http://jodies.de/ipcalc01:29
sigraexactly ubotu01:29
Demonho-brnobody knows about the vpn ?01:29
macdblind, or hit enter, or crtl+c01:29
tritiumsigra: see the "use at your own risk" part of that statement01:29
Gnea"use at your own risk"01:30
Demonho-br"use at your owon risk"01:30
sigrawell alot when new is at your own risk.01:30
Gneait makes it "easy" to do what, exactly? :)01:30
robdigpedrotmartinez: can you paste the output of iwconfig to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and paste the link for your pastebin back here?01:30
macdGnea, hose apt.01:30
naxawols: i checked my ubuntu, no noacpi and anything helped. i didn't check yet what if i don't start X01:30
adamonline46wols: Installing xserver-xorg right now, thank you :)01:30
wolssigra: no. ubuntu is supported here. easyubuntu no so01:30
adamonline46macd: Thank you, too01:30
anton__Gnea: I am a newbie!01:30
tritiumsigra: we're advising you against it, obviously.  Seek help here instead.01:30
wolsadamonline46: install xorg01:30
Gneamacd: you have won the ubuntu new year prize award!01:30
naxawols: it's freezing with or without noacpi01:30
Demonho-branton__, im too01:30
Gneaanton__: exactly, that calculator will help :)01:30
adamonline46wols: I tried that, it couldn't find package xorg...01:31
anton__Nope, but thanks anyway...01:31
sigrawell I am not advising to use easy ubuntu..I am asking about people that has used it and what they think..(ones that have used it)01:31
mrdinkles For the Preference > Sessions > Visual > Edit Startup Program > Command-- What should this command be set at01:31
blindmacd: okay, hit ctrl+c to skip it, it got through some things, and then it said it was using old /proc/something/something (it was only there for a few seconds) and to update old driver..01:31
remuhello everyone, ive got a windows computer that houses all of my files for the home network, its running windows xp, when i watch videos from it on my laptop while im in windows xp, it works great, no stutter, no nothing, however, when i run ubuntu on the same laptop and try to watch the videos, they stutter, sometimes freeze for a few seconds (15-30) and then play again01:31
wolssigra: ask in #easyubuntu as the name implies and don't take polls01:31
macdsigra, well its unsupported, can break things, and we dont recommend it01:31
remudoes anyone know how i can fix that?01:31
aszwet1macd no luck sir01:31
sigraum I not taking polls.  I am learning about ubuntu?01:31
sigraand thanks. I didnt know there was a chatchannel for easy ubuntu01:32
sigraI check it out01:32
Gneaanton__: well, it's a bit of a read, but... http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/01:32
tritiumsigra: asking people about it and what they think is, by definition, taking a poll01:32
macdaszwet1, not sure what to tell you really, its very possible something you did earlier is conflicting and causing it not to work01:32
adamonline46wols: Are you saying xserver-xorg is wrong?01:32
Gneaanton__: anything you could possibly need to know about any kind of networking with linux is there01:32
sigrawell there is no shortage of judgement in ones self opinion in here.  Have nice day:)01:32
aszwet1how can i check that kind of stuff macd?01:32
lleonardI have a widescreen display and the usplash image is displaying out of proportion.  I tried changing the resolution in /etc/usplash.conf to 1680 x 1050 and regenerated the ramfs image, but it looks the same.  Is it not possible for usplash to use 1680 x 1050 resolution?01:33
aszwet1and can you link me to that one website again?01:33
macdaszwet1, by undoing everything you did earlier01:33
Gneaanton__: chapter 2 should be what you're currently after01:33
Pir8ok so all of a sudden my audio is borked01:33
naxais there a patch for gtk's file open window to display files as icons (like in nautilus)? if no, where exactly can i ask for it? it's a very needed feature... xp had it and now vista has much more than this... ubuntu cannot lack anymore01:33
wolsadamonline46: not sure if it pulls all needed dependencies01:33
macd@aszwet1:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=402395001:33
Pir8it's not just firefox....amarok nor pidgin are responding to any audio.01:33
aszwet1thanks i'll start undoing everything :)01:33
pedrotmartinezhere is the output01:33
robdigpedrotmartinez: ok, looking01:34
kitchenaxa: huh gtk is just a toolkit really01:34
GneaPir8: sounds like you have a half-duplex soundcard and a rogue process still has control of it. try this:  sudo lsof | grep dsp01:34
pedrotmartinezok, thanks robdig01:34
pedrotmartinezI will be eternally glad if I can solve this01:34
X-norkitche: naxa: well, what toolkit do most gtk apps use for file chooser?01:34
Pir8Gnea,  hmmmm how do I know it is a half-duplex soundcard ?01:34
naxakitche: erm, ok, what i want is an icon view for "file open" window. I cannot select the right pictures from 1000+ pictures without seeing them... where could i ask for this feature?01:35
robdigpedrotmartinez: hmm, kinda sparse. what is the output from lspci | grep -i network01:35
X-norkitche: naxa: KDE with its kioslaves is a lot more powerful than most gtk solutions, at any rate01:35
blindmacd: well, i tried logging into gdm and after i entered the username/password, it just brought me to a blank brown screen (with a pointer... but nothing else is loading)01:35
GneaPir8: because you can only run one sound app at a time. full duplex would allow multiple sound programs to run simultanously.01:35
remuanyone know how to fix the samba issue? my windows box is hosting the files, im trying to access them from my ubuntu machine, the video stutters and lags when i play it, however it does not do that when i a play the files through windows, anyone?01:35
kitcheX-nor: good to know what I knew already01:35
Pir8I see01:35
pedrotmartinezthis is01:35
naxaX-nor: it is right, but i don't really like KDE in other ways...01:35
robdigpedrotmartinez: ok, looking01:36
macdblind, yeah, thats expected, you need to fix your networking issue, then reboot in normal mode.01:36
Pir8well I have been able to run pidgin and amarok together in the past and also watch movies....all at once in some cases.01:36
kompute1Does anyone use a TTS application to have the computer read text???01:36
blindhow do i fix my networking issue if i can't log in?01:36
Pir8Gnea, that command returned nothing01:36
naxaX-nor: i tryed it a feveral times, but i always go back to gnome becouse i just can't get used to kde... it's frustrating for me, even if i learn how to do01:36
kompute1I don't know how to open Ocra01:36
macdblind, at console, hitting crtl+alt+f301:36
GneaPir8: try this one: sudo lsof | grep libasound01:36
Pir8aaah yes bunch of stuff shows up for that one01:37
robdigpedrotmartinez: ok, the system is recognizing it, so that is good01:37
GneaPir8: could be esd or something else software that's allowing it01:37
blindmacd: ctrl+alt+f3 (as well as all the other ttys) doesn't give me a login.01:37
pedrotmartinezand that makes me crazy01:37
pedrotmartinezwhat can I do?01:37
macdblind, hitting enter doesnt bring one up?01:37
anton__I don't wanna have to configure a shitload of stuff....we had it working a couple of weeks ago, and now it's f*cked...01:37
Pir8So how does one get out of this mess (without rebooting and or logging out) :)01:37
tritiumanton__: watch the language, please01:37
blindmacd: nope.01:38
kompute1Does anyone use a TTS application to have the computer read text??? I don't know how to open Ocra, I tried installing Ksayit and KTTSmgr, but none of them seem to work. Does anyone have experince with Text-to-Speech?01:38
macdblind, I dunno then :/01:38
macdblind, I have a feeling one of us is missing some detail though01:38
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
Gneaanton__: don't know, but if you want to do any kind of networking, then it's something you'll need to learn.01:38
anton__Gnea: Like the simplest thing ever, setting up a LAN...01:38
blindIt's quite possible. I never had this much trouble with *my* dapper installation and the same card.01:39
anton__what are the advantages of linux when you can't even get simple things to work?01:39
macdblind, do you have other kernel versions to boot, or just one?01:39
Gneaanton__: it is for many of us... but then we've already been through the swamp that it takes to learn it :)01:39
blindno, i've got some others, i think.01:39
X-nornaxa: the problem is the aversion to being modular, most software suffers from that01:39
zloogdoes anyone know what --gtk-debug actually does?01:39
anton__I tried letting firestarter configure it for me, but it says that eth1 wasn't ready.01:39
kazolDo you guys know of any more GUI IRC clients (except konversation, xchat, irssi) with DCC support?01:40
Gneaanton__: well the way i see it, you've got 2 choices: buckle down and read and figure it out, or sit here and cry about how unfair life is.01:40
X-nornaxa: you can't just pop in another file manager - you MUST use what the author chose.. that kind of thing01:40
naxaX-nor: i'm not sure what is this meaning becouse of my lacking english knowledge but is there a(n even temporary) solution? :)01:40
quaalanyone use a gamepad in ubuntu01:40
naxaX-nor: too bad...01:40
Gneaquaal: yes01:40
kitchex-nor: well techinally you can use another file manager if you want to01:40
anton__Gnea: Nah, I'll get some down-to-earth linux ppl to help.01:40
naxaX-nor: nautilus has icon view... maybe it can be patched?01:40
quaalGnea, which01:40
X-nornaxa: i might be able to find something. but don't ever count on a binary path01:40
Pir8hah found it01:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about trackerd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:41
Pir8Gnea believe it or not I had two torrent downloads.....killed those and sound is back again!01:41
Gneaanton__: good luck with that.01:41
Pir8go figure.01:41
naxaX-nor: i love to do make install01:41
GneaPir8: lol weird01:41
otto_is there a file in ubuntu similar to /etc/ttys for freebsd?01:41
X-nornaxa: err, binary patch. you will have to rebuild GTK, probably edit it01:41
macdnaxa, thats the beauty of opensource, patch it, submit, watch it become.01:41
anton__Gnea: Yeah, I know...most of them are up in the clouds, thinking great stuff about themselves...anyway, too ot. bye.01:41
naxamacd: :)01:41
metropinkoHey all, I just bought a refurbed comp with 7.04.  I'm trying to use the update manager and I don't know what my admin password is01:41
kitcheB_166-ER-X: just disable trackerd if you don't want to use it01:41
kompute1Does anyone use a TTS application to have the computer read text??? I don't know how to open Ocra, I tried installing Ksayit and KTTSmgr, but none of them seem to work. Does anyone have experince with Text-to-Speech?01:41
lleonardtorrent downloading killed sound?  wow strange!  what torrent client (just curious)01:42
otto_MetaBot, use your password01:42
B_166-ER-Xkitche 'how'?01:42
naxaX-nor: if you could give me a hint i would be happy to rebuild...01:42
Pir8Gnea there were two odd listing in the "sudo lsof | grep libasound" which were processes running as /usr/bin/ something....seemed odd01:42
kitchemetropinko: it's what your userpassword is01:42
GneaPir8: yeah, lsof rocks for finding processes that aren't working right :)01:42
LjLkompute1, the only decent TTS engine there is around is Festival, i bet all those applications you've tried need it installed. what language do you need it for?01:42
Pir8Gnea thanks for your help though! much appreciated.01:42
X-nornaxa: I'm not sure what, I generally don't do that kind of stuff. and many people are VERY averse and hostile so watch where you ask01:42
GneaPir8: you're welcome, and happy new years01:42
otto_anyone know how I could add another terminal with a custom getty script?01:43
robdigpedrotmartinez: hmm, kinda sparse. what is the output from grep -i eth[01] /var/log/syslog01:43
Pir8Gnea you too01:43
X-nornaxa: especially the ones who wrote the file open dialog01:43
metropinkoi tried that, but there kitche, but there seems to be another admin username set up on here01:43
pedrotmartinezI think I have done a very big mistake01:43
naxaX-nor: you could be right...01:43
robdigpedrotmartinez: what is that?01:43
naxaX-nor: but it is also true, that many will turn from linux becouse of that...01:43
pedrotmartinezI have seen I hadn't installed linux-restricted-modules01:43
X-nornaxa: you will have to change the GtkFileChooser class probably01:43
pedrotmartinezit  could be the reason01:43
naxaX-nor: vista comes with more eye-candy icon viewing what is also useful01:43
naxaX-nor: it's okay01:44
hvgotcodeshey my super key is not working in awesome wm01:44
pedrotmartinezafter installed it, I think I have to reboot01:44
kompute1LjL, hey again, I need it in english, KTTS was aking me to locate Festival, but I didn't know where to point it and /usr/bin/festival dd not work01:44
robdigpedrotmartinez: yes, you need to do that. I have the same card, and it started right up with restricted driver01:44
QuentinHey there :)01:44
naxaX-nor: i just don't know what should i add to it01:44
tritiumpedrotmartinez: use the restricted manager01:44
pedrotmartinezI am going to reboot01:44
ShpookHello everyone. Is there a way to install 32-bit packages on a 64-bit system? I installed PulseAudio, and in order for Firefox and Flash to output sound to PulseAudio, I have to install a specific package. Are there any generic 32-bit wrappers?01:44
metropinkoi get this message: The underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator.01:44
pedrotmartinezand see if it works01:44
naxaX-nor: and where to get the source :D (for ubuntu, by the way i think all is the same)01:44
QuentinPlease, is there anyone in here who a programm which could draw a graphic representation of  a postgres database ?01:44
pedrotmartinezI will be back01:44
robdigpedrotmartinez: good luck01:45
pedrotmartinezthanks :)01:45
LjLkompute1: ok, start by doing « echo "This is a test." | festival --tts » to see if festival itself works01:45
kitcheB_166-ER-X: See System -> Preferences -> Indexing Preferences and Disable indexing/watching. that will do what you want01:45
X-nornaxa: yes, it's the same for everything, whether you wrote your own distro or have apt. tarballs, cvs, svn, etc01:45
naxaum, yeah.. i guess01:45
X-nornaxa: make sure it builds before you do any patching :P01:45
Quentinplease, nobody heard about something like that ?01:46
B_166-ER-Xkitche do i have to reboot or something ?  cause i did this and i see no difference01:46
naxaX-nor: good idea :D01:46
hvgotcodescan anyone help me get my super key working?01:46
macdQuentin, nothing opensource, only some commercial applications.01:46
naxaX-nor: will you help me further or it's my task from now?01:46
X-nornaxa: likely someone else has done something regarding gtkfilechooser01:46
Quentinok thank you macd01:46
kompute1LjL BRB, downloading it01:46
BlaenkDenumcan someone PLEASE help me out here, I'm trying to achieve the opposite effect of the -S flag on the zip command (-S INCLUDES hidden files and folders, I want to exclude them)01:46
macdQuentin, if you want a web based management you can try phppgsqladmin01:46
X-nornaxa: sense the extent of my code is Java and (now) Ruby01:46
X-nornaxa: *since01:47
kitcheB_166-ER-X: check You can disable it in ->System ->Preferences ->Sessions. as well since it might be in there on bootup it will start01:47
phosphoricxThis is probably a simple question, somehow I enabled a virtual desktop switcher to appear each time my mouse reaches the edge of my screen, how do I turn it off?01:47
silviois the ubuntu 7.10 dekstop install cd, a live cd?01:47
phosphoricxI'm using Gutsy01:47
wolssilvio: yes01:47
ShpookX-nor: How was it learning Ruby? I'm starting to read and learn it now, and it seems simple enough, while still powerful.01:47
phosphoricxinstalled, not liveCD01:47
quaalGnea, which gamepad01:47
silviowols; thankyou.01:47
LjLkompute1: you'll also need a voice besides the "festival" package itself. get festvox-kallpc16k for male american english01:47
naxaX-nor: I know no programming language except basic pascal :D01:48
pedrotmartinezit didn't work01:48
pedrotmartinezso we have to continue looking...01:48
robdigpedrotmartinez: did you go to system->administration->restricted drivers manager?01:48
naxaX-nor: but no problem, i can do things based on other people's simple scripts. much of simple scripts altogether will give an ugly but working program...01:48
X-nornaxa: yeah, not like I could help01:48
ShpookIs there a way to install 32-bit packages in a 64-bit system?01:48
robdigpedrotmartinez: and was the intel driver enabled?01:48
pedrotmartinezit that place I have the package "in use"01:48
pedrotmartinezyes, it is01:49
wolsShpook: chroot01:49
naxaX-nor: ok... maybe i go and check nautilus's source, too01:49
macdShpook, yes. chroot01:49
robdigpedrotmartinez: hmm01:49
Dr_willis_Shpook,  theres a way you can do a 32bit chroot.. good luck. :)01:49
metropinkoCan anyone help me locate my admin username and password (7.04)?01:49
X-nornaxa: alternatively changing the file chooser might be pointless. just load via nautilus01:49
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box01:49
jdolan_heh, i hope i don't need a chroot also.01:49
ShpookThanks everyone, that's all the guidance I need. Much Appreciated!01:49
wolsmetropinko: there is only the password for your user, not "admin password"01:49
Dr_willis_metropinko,  use live cd, look in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow01:49
jdolan_i just installed ubuntu amd64 on my first ever 64 bit box.01:49
robdigpedrotmartinez: is iwconfig showing any wireless cards now?01:49
Willabeeis there a shockwave for linux/01:49
X-norWillabee: no, but check out WINE01:50
jdolan_and lo and behold binary games don't want to run, flash doesn't work, ..01:50
pedrotmartinezno wireless extensions01:50
macdjdolan_, surprise surprise.01:50
kompute1LjL what are the other voices I can install and do i gut apt-get install them?01:50
macdjdolan_, unless you crave 64bit, just run 32bit.01:50
metropinkoi'm using that password when I try to use the update manager, but I get this message: The underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator.01:50
naxaX-nor: i want no workaround. I want file chooser to be ok forever.01:50
X-norat least Ubuntu is nice and tells you tainted drivers01:50
naxaX-nor: i myself find it almost unbeliveable that it's not done already01:51
X-nornaxa: always would be a workaround though. patch it yourself and you must update for eternity01:51
* macd knows the hardy 64bit flash works on gutsy.01:51
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs01:51
LjLkompute1: yes, of course, both festival and the voices can be obtained with apt-get or Synaptic. do an « apt-cache search festival » to list all the voices, or « apt-cache search festival english » for just the english ones01:51
robdigpedrotmartinez: do you have both a wireless card and a wired connection?01:51
naxaX-nor: I'm sorry to say that but sometimes linux's programmers are just plain stupid when it comes to the "human-friendly" thing01:51
Willabeeso following this tutorial should work right01:51
pedrotmartinezI dont know the difference...01:51
naxaX-nor: no problem since I would suggest the patch to be added then :D01:52
silviodoes the ubuntu 7.10 desktop install/live cd include gcc?01:52
tritiumsilvio: no01:52
naxaX-nor: it would be easy to collect supporters, and someone would clean up the code01:52
kitchesilvio: yes but it's missing the stuff it needs to compile01:52
pedrotmartinezI am sorry but I am spanish, and maybe my english is not fine sometimes01:52
pedrotmartinezI do my best...01:52
X-nornaxa: also, check out gconf-editor. something might be hidden there, as the babied down configuration pages suggest01:52
tritiumsilvio: if you want to build from source, install the "build-essential" meta-package01:52
naxaX-nor: I'll rember that, thanks01:53
pedrotmartinezat this moment there is a wired connection in this room01:53
Willabeei speak spanish pretty well01:53
robdigpedrotmartinez: your iwconfig that you pasted earlier showed only two interfaces lo which is the loopback, and eth0. I'm curious if eth0 is your wireless card or if it is your normal ethernet card01:53
naxaX-nor: now i have to go, bye!01:53
metropinkowhen i enter my password for the update manager, i get this message: Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic '--hide-main-window' '--non-interactive' '--parent-window-id' '50331651' '--progress-str' 'Please wait, this can take some time.' '--finish-str' 'Update is complete' '--set-selections-file' '/tmp/tmpWFq6tx' as user root.01:53
metropinkoThe underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator.01:53
metropinkoAnyone know what to do?01:53
silviook, thanks tritium and kitche. :(01:53
pedrotmartinezI think it is the ethernet one01:53
robdigpedrotmartinez: btw, you english is fine. there is a spanish channel if you want to seek help there, #ubuntu-es01:53
pedrotmartinezthe one I am connected right now01:53
Dr_willis_metropinko,  by default only the FIRST user you made has sudo rights. If you are trying to sudo as a differentuser. you might be getting that error.01:53
pedrotmartinezI have done, but there was no lucky01:54
pedrotmartinezbecause of that I came here01:54
naxaX-nor: thank you for talking!01:54
robdigpedrotmartinez: ok, so iwconfig isn't seeing your wireless card at all.01:54
metropinkois there anyway to find out what that username and password is?01:54
pedrotmartinezI think it doesn't01:54
robdigpedrotmartinez: does another interface show up if you type ifconfig?01:54
pedrotmartinezlets see01:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fakeroot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:55
pedrotmartinezonly eth0 and lo01:55
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:55
CaBlGuYummmmm  ok, I got some major issues goin on here...01:55
Dr_willis_metropinko,  look int he /etc/passwd file for the user with the id of 1000, hes normally the first user. as for the password.. No idea there. You can reset/set the password from a live cd01:55
robdigpedrotmartinez: hmm01:55
soldatsCaBlGuY, did you see01:55
CaBlGuYsomeone wanna help me out with this..    fakeroot dpkg-dev patch01:55
tritiummetropinko: or, you can boot in to single-user (recovery) mode, and reset that user's passwd01:55
ShpookSo with a chroot setup, will 32-bit packages automatically install into it? and will a 64-bit application outside the chroot be able to access a dependency inside?01:56
CaBlGuYsoldats,   I'm sorry..  no..01:56
soldatsCaBlGuY,  i may not know but just ask and if someone who knows about it will surely answer01:56
* CaBlGuY directs soldats attention to his former post... /\01:56
robdigpedrotmartinez: can you paste the output of this command? dmesg | grep ipw394501:57
CaBlGuYbut actually, my main concern right now is I'm having issue with playing DVD's and I have all the correct codecs and apps installed..01:57
phosphoricxany ideas?01:57
soldatsCaBlGuY, well you were looking at fake root so i assume you want su or sudo, but the people here are volunteers so just ask away and i hope someone can help you01:57
earthbound01Is it howdy01:57
kitcheCaBlGuY: what is your issue with fakeroot?01:57
tritiumpedrotmartinez: if it's more than 3 lines, please don't paste here.  use pastebin01:58
Willabeeok i have wine installed01:58
soldatsCaBlGuY, 0o is it a restriced one01:58
Willabeeso where should i download/install firefox and shockwave01:58
naxaX-nor: sorry one more question. Which package contains gnome source and how can i get it?01:58
robdigtritium: pedrotmartinez thanks, i meant to say pastebin...he's been using it already01:58
Dr_willis_Willabee,  firefox is in the repos.. 'sudo apt-get install firefox'01:58
tritiumrobdig: :)01:58
naxaX-nor: and where will i find the files after getting the package? :D01:58
metropinkotri: when i reboot in safe mode, how do i go about changing the password01:58
ewookQuestion: is webmin a discontinued package with the 7.10 release?01:58
cheukhi, can someone tell me how i can give a non-root user access to well-known ports?01:58
CaBlGuYkitche,   I dunno actually..  I was trying to enable libdvdread3  and that's the error I kept getting..01:58
tritiumnaxa: apt-get source <packagename>01:59
soldatsnaxa, run where firefox in a terminal01:59
naxasoldats: good hint...01:59
sonjahow do i share my printer?01:59
pedrotmartinezhere it is01:59
CaBlGuYand I was using sudo when running the command..01:59
metropinkosorry, i've only been using ubuntu for two days and don't know very much about programming (obviously)01:59
sonjawith my housemates?01:59
c01100011anyway to get shortcuts to webapps in Avant Window Navigator.01:59
naxatritium: don't you know which package is "gnome" ? :D01:59
tritiumnaxa: there are several01:59
pedrotmartinezwhat is the package of the kernel sources?02:00
tritiumnaxa: gnome is not simply one package02:00
Pir8If I have a dvd (not as an image but) as raw files...how can I play it without burning to a dvd ?02:00
Dr_willis_gnome is a way of life. :)02:00
ewooknaxa: apt-cache search gnome02:00
Dr_willis_Pir8,  vlc can play the files.02:00
robdigpedrotmartinez: ah, there is a switch somewhere on your laptop that turns wireless card on and off, i think it is set to off right now, can you check?02:00
Pir8Thanks Dr_willis02:00
ShpookAnyone here have a PulseAudio sound server set up, especially 64-bit?02:00
ewookPir8: vlc perhaps02:00
pedrotmartinezlet's check02:01
naxatritium: i mean what packages i need to build a new gtkfilechooser02:01
naxaewook: thanks for hint02:01
CaBlGuYkitche,   so, any ideas?02:01
tritiumnaxa: likely a gtk package, not a gnome package02:01
naxatritium: how would you find out? what are the google keywords? :)02:02
nixnoobanyone running gutsy on a Asus C90s?02:02
elrenardopir8 : try to mount it with mount and a dvd type ?02:02
overridexis there a log of when vino connections connect and disconnect anywhere?02:02
naxatritium: google is my friend but i don't speak his language yet...02:02
Pir8elrenardo, it isn't an image, simply the dvd contents extracted as VOB files and such.02:02
ewook!locale channel02:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about locale channel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:02
CaBlGuYkitche, ??02:02
pedrotmartinezI cannot find a switch02:02
CaBlGuYor anyone that know anyhting about DVD playback..02:03
kitcheCaBlGuY: never seen that error02:03
Dr_willis_Pir8,  ive watached vob files with vlc befor02:03
tritiumnaxa: one of the libgtk packages02:03
soldatsnaxa, goole the google syntax ie. define:boy will give definitions of the word boy02:03
pedrotmartinezin the F1, I can see the draw of that in other color02:03
naxatritium: thank you! :) bye02:03
pedrotmartinezand in a position like the | is in the number one02:03
Pir8elrenardo, absolutely, vlc works...sweeet :) thanks  :)02:03
Gneaquaal: http://www.saitek.com/uk/prod/p990.htm02:04
pedrotmartinezbut when I try it with Alt or Ctrl it doesnt happen anything02:04
biggiboydoes anyone know if ATI 128  rage  all in wonder will work with wobbly windows02:04
nixnoobbiggiboy, yes it will02:04
biggiboyits bugging me that it won't work02:04
quaalGnea, ah ok02:04
pedrotmartinezI did it!!!!02:04
quaallooks like the logitech dual action02:04
fosocan anyone tell me what program the dock in this screenshot is? http://www.ubuntu-art.org/CONTENT/content-pre2/70611-2.jpg ?02:04
quaalwhich i just tried02:04
quaalworks fine02:04
biggiboynixnoob how02:04
elrenardocredit back to Dr_willis_   ;)02:04
nixnoobbiggiboy which driver are you using?02:04
Gneaquaal: it's pretty much pnp02:04
robdigpedrotmartinez: hurray!02:04
biggiboyhang on i'll tell you02:04
uzerzerofoso: that is AWN02:05
Dr_willis_Huh? :)02:05
* Dr_willis_ wakes up02:05
nixnoobanyone running gutsy on a Asus C90s?02:05
robdigpedrotmartinez: so you may need to reboot with it on to get it going02:05
fosouzerzero thanks, i have tried that before without getting it to showup anywhere besides my apps tab02:05
nixnoobfoso, its avant-window-navigator02:05
pedrotmartinezthank you very much!!02:06
biggiboyati - ATI Mach8, Mach32,02:06
robdigpedrotmartinez: np02:06
biggiboyat generic one02:06
X-noris there a preferred way to keeping development versions of certain libraries?02:06
overridexis there a log of when vino connections connect and disconnect anywhere?02:06
uzerzerofozo: do you have compiz-fusion installed? awn won't work without that02:06
tritiumX-nor: keeping?  What do you mean?02:06
biggiboyis that bad nix02:06
fosouzerzero yes i do02:06
nixnoobbiggiboy, try using the new fglrx driver from the ATI site I believe its called Catalyst 7-1202:06
X-nortritium: well, installing without trashing the distribution packages02:06
nixnoobbiggiboy, you made a mistake with ATI+Linux, better to go with Nvidia02:06
tritiumX-nor: there are many -dev packages in the repos02:07
c01100011is there a prism package anywhere  ?02:07
uzerzerofoso: and you say that awn won't show up on your desktop?02:07
biggiboynix i just found the card laying around the house02:07
tritiumX-nor: and they don't trash your install02:07
biggiboy: - )02:07
nixnoobfoso, I think the AWN in the ubuntu repos is broken...02:07
X-nortritium: development versions of libraries02:07
biggiboynix what do you recomend to buy02:07
nixnoobfoso, try the daily02:08
tritium!enter | biggiboy02:08
ubotubiggiboy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:08
biggiboyhas to be pci though02:08
phosphoricxhello, I have a question about desktop switching?02:08
Willabeei'm trying to install a windows firefox so i can run shockwave things02:08
uzerzerofoso: yes, try compiling awn from source, i had to do this on an earlier installation02:08
Willabeei have the install file, but now i'm stuck02:08
Dr_willis_I used AWN from --> deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42 gutsy avant-window-navigator02:08
nixnoobbiggiboy, if you go with any Nvidia card with 128 ram it will vastly outperform the ATI in a *nix box02:08
tritiumX-nor: yes, each library in the repos has a lib package and a lib-dev package.  The lib package has the the shared libs, and the -dev package has the header files.02:08
biggiboymy ati is 12802:08
Mechdavephosphoricx, just ask, don't ask to ask02:09
X-nortritium: yes, those headers are FOR development, but they are releases02:09
macdIm having an issue with mtop being configured via dpkg: http://pastie.caboo.se/13259802:09
rich1hi.  how do i uninstall a deb file.02:09
bigjohntoi have a share on windows that i want to mount on linux, the share is being mounted via smbshare, now the issue is that the smbconf file either specifies a domain or a workgroup.  the user that is mounting the share is a local user on a server, now the server itself is part of a domain.  the local user has admin privs.  When i try to mount the directory as the local user it just fails since the user is not part of a domain and in th02:09
schizophrenican someone help me instlaling my webcam?02:09
X-nortritium: devel versions, as in cvs version of qt02:09
nixnoobbiggiboy, I think you can get some 256 cards for under 50$ now, perhaps an FX series or a 7000 series card will do just fine02:09
biggiboyk thanks02:10
Dr_willis_!webcam | schizophreni02:10
ubotuschizophreni: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:10
fosouzerzero, im mostly a newb, is there somewhere that tells you how to do that?02:10
biggiboythanks for your help02:10
nixnoobno prob02:10
rich1!ubotu deb02:10
ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.02:10
uzerzerofoso: most compiling consists of ./configure, sudo make, sudo make install02:10
Dr_willis_schizophreni,  good luck FINDING a webcam that works :)02:10
nixnoobseriously, don't overdo the ubotu thing guys its annoying.02:10
phosphoricxWsomehow I enabled a virtual desktop switcher to appear each time my mouse reaches the edge of my screen, how do I turn it off?02:10
wolsnixnoob: you cannot buy FX series and you seriously wouldnÄt want to02:10
rich1!ubotu remove deb02:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about remove deb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:10
X-nortritium: like is there a way to set the precedence of /lib, /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib, and just delete the local one if it causes problems?02:10
uzerzerofoso if not, try google. maybe something like awn compile instructions ubuntu02:10
wolsrich1: aptitude remove <package>02:10
mchao1hey guys, I am trying a live cd on a friends computer and it just hangs after we select run or install ubuntu02:11
tritiumX-nor: not really, no02:11
rich1wols: even if i didn't install it with aptitude?02:11
X-nortritium: so, chroot jail is the only option?02:11
kompute1LjL - I installed the voices, not I get "Linux: can't open /dev/dsp" when i echo text and pipe it through festival02:11
nixnoobmchao1, edit the boot line and remove quiet splash and tell us what it says before it hangs.02:11
wolsX-nor: /etc/ld.so.conf but you don't want to play with it02:11
fosouzerzero,thanks, ill see what i can do02:11
tritiumX-nor: I'd definitely use schroot02:11
wolsrich1: is it a .deb?02:11
otto_is there a way to make adduser read from the standard input like 'adduser -f -' in freebsd?02:11
mchao1nixnoob, how do I edit the boot line?02:12
bigjohnto i have a share on windows that i want to mount on linux, the share is being mounted via smbshare, now the issue is that the smbconf file either specifies a domain or a workgroup.  the user that is mounting the share is a local user on a server, now the server itself is part of a domain.  the local user has admin privs.  When i try to mount the directory as the local user it just fails since the user is not part of a domain and in t02:12
rich1wols: yes.  the kind you click and it brings up an install window.02:12
nixnoobmchao1, I think you can press "e" at the menu to edit the boot line.02:12
wols!repeat | bigjohnto02:12
ubotubigjohnto: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:12
LjLkompute1, uhm, are you on KDE?02:12
wolsrich1: then aptitude will work02:12
rich1wols: thanks.  i'll try now.02:12
X-nortritium: wait, isn't there ld library path or something. but not sure if it's actually acted upon by the loader02:13
phalaceeis Scribus available for GNOME, or is it KDE only?02:13
kazol2Does anyone here know of GUI IRC clients (besides konversation, Xchat, and irssi)?02:13
kompute1LjL no just plain ubuntu (gnome)02:13
IndyGunFreakkazol2: there's kvirc02:13
X-norkazol2: can use Pidgin but not sure how that works as it's mainly an IM client02:13
Willabeealso, is there anyway to load gameguard using wine/02:13
nixnoobkazo12, pidgin and gaim have built in IRC clients02:13
sunogbagakazol2: irssi isn't gui02:13
IndyGunFreakX-nor: thats blasphemy...lol02:13
LjLkompute1: oh, i thought you were on KDE given you tried kttsd etc... i don't know, i'm on KDE myself, it's possible that /dev/dsp is blocked by the GNOME sound daemon i guess02:13
IndyGunFreakpidgin is a great IM client.. not a good irc client02:14
kitchekazol2: well considering irssi is not a GUI client I would look at xchat-gnome and some of the kde variants02:14
stunatrakazol2, LostIRC02:14
kompute1LjL i tried kttsd because it was the only choice i was given02:14
kazol2sunogbaga: I know, problem is, the clients I've tried don't have good DCC support.02:14
kazol2DCC downloads stop after only 1.9GiB.02:14
X-norI use irssi but i have like 26 vertical lines maximum02:14
sunogbagakazol2: i haven't tried dccing files more than 1G but i think i'm fine with irssi's dcc02:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pulseaudio - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:15
LjLkompute1, what are you looking for exactly? a screen reader, or just a wait to read text files aloud...?02:16
nixnoobanyone running gutsy on a Asus C90s?02:16
sunogbagakazol2: i think there's an irc client for firefox.02:16
nbeckCan anyone offer some serious help for a noob, regarding a foul-up I made while trying to edit the splash screen in the root menu?02:16
Evolution2hey guys I was wondering why my partition icons are not showing up under "storage media" they are mounted and I can access them from /media/... help please02:16
nixnoobnbeck ask more specific questions02:16
WhyAllTehNicksTai'm getting "size mismatch" left and right... are the repos having some problems?02:17
otto_does ubuntu use a different adduser than other distros?02:18
rich1uggghhh!!! is anyone else having trouble playing yahoo chess using opera?02:18
kompute1LjL I'm looking for TTS - I have KSayIt to work, but theres a lot of echo in the voice02:18
nbeckI edited the root menu to adjust my splash screen to VGA=791 and  I put it in the wrong place.  Now my ubuntu will not boot up.  It's saying please append a correct "root=" and won't even start up in recovery mode.  I need somebody to go through the command errors I have written down and tell me how to edit out the VGA=791 if that's even possible.02:18
kitcheotto_: not that I know of they might have linked it to pam or soemthing02:18
otto_kitche, the man page on my gutsy box is different than the man pages anywhere else...specifically there are no singlechar options like -f02:19
woloYoyoyo anyone here using a PPC?02:19
X-norman -f02:19
LjLkompute1: echo? that's weird... Festival's voices certainly aren't top quality (not comparable to most commercial TTS, no), but *echo* is kind of weird02:19
ShpookOkay, I have a chroot set up. Now when I type "sudo chroot /var/chroot/gutsy" in the terminal, I get this message: "id: cannot find name for group ID 120"02:19
nbeckIt's saying Kernel panic-not syncing: VFS unable to mount root fs ou unknown-block (8,3).02:19
nixnoobnbeck, you can edit the boot line on the fly from the grub menu using the "e" key on the appropriate kernel, once it boots you can then edit your /grub/menu.lst from the desktop environment02:19
X-norotto_: man man shows man -f as an option, though02:20
kompute1LjL any idea how I can use AT&T voices or other voices?02:20
nixnoobnbeck, you are trying to put the fancy bootsplash with the hand print huh? yes VGA=791 is supposed to be there.02:20
otto_X-nor, I was referring to the options on man adduser02:20
X-norotto_: oh, let me see02:21
nbeckYeah, but I think I inserted it in the wrong place because I can't even load anything anymore.02:21
nickrudotto_, the adduser in ubuntu comes from debian, which was written for debian02:21
nbeckI hit the E and deleted the vga=791 from the Kernel but it still won't boot up, and next time I restart it's still there.02:21
nixnoobnbeck, you must be able to get to grub menu?  you can hit escape to choose kernels and then edit its with "e"02:21
LjLkompute1, not really, i don't think they're supported by festival, i really think you'd have to resort to commercial third-party solutions02:22
nixnoobnbeck, ofcourse its still there, it only goes away for that one boot, you must have changed something else, try booting from single user mode.02:22
nbeckYeah, I did that and got rid of the vga part but it's still not booting.  It's only loading to kernel=panic-not synching VFS.02:22
kompute1LjL I swiched the audio from aRts to ALSA, that took away the echo02:22
nbeckHow do I go about that nix?02:22
Rufus_how would i launch a desklet?02:22
pradeepHow do I have multiple versions of glibc present?02:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about desklet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:23
X-norotto_: are you thinking about useradd, or just a different distro's adduser?02:23
soldatsRufus_, which one02:23
nixnoobnbeck when you hit esc to see the grub menu there should be a kernel listed with the same version as yours but it wil say recovery mode next to it02:23
Rufus_soldats, the one i downloaded02:23
nixnoobnbeck, just be careful because you will be logged in as root02:23
nbeckYeah, it runs the code and then stops at the same place.02:23
nickrudotto_, if you want to see it's pedigree, /usr/share/doc/adduser/copyright02:23
pradeepI have a program which needs an older version of libc02:23
nbeckKernel panic, unable to mount root fs ov unknown-block(8,3)02:23
otto_X-nor, well the man pages I found for adduser online were different than what was on gutsy...what I am trying to do is emulate the freebsd "adduser -f -"02:23
Rufus_any ideas?02:24
nixnoobnbeck, even in recovery mode?02:24
otto_X-nor, which adds a user using the standard input instead of asking questions02:24
nixnoobnbeck, I have no idea then.02:24
soldatsRufus_, whats the name of desklet02:24
nixnoobnbeck, try booting from a live disk and reinstalling grub02:24
rich1has anyone tried playing yahoo chess using opera?  this is killing me.02:24
jimmygoonyahoo chess?02:24
rich1yes.  chess on yahoo.02:25
soldatsRufus_, did you try to run it via command line ie "diskspace" in a terminba'02:25
ShpookWhen I type in "sudo chroot /var/chroot/gutsy" I get the error "id: cannot find name for group ID 120"   Anyone know why?02:25
WhyAllTehNicksTaapt-get giving me size mismatch on half the things i try to install... anyone?02:25
LjLkompute1: other TTS frontends / screen readers specifically for GNOME aside from "gnome-orca" are "lsr" and "gnopernicus", in case you want to give those a try. the audio quality will still depends on festival though02:25
rich1opera keeps failing with it.02:25
otto_X-nor, in short, I need to add a user from a script so it can't ask any questions02:25
nbeckalright.  One last question nix.  Can I write out my kernal and you see if there's any other flaw that stands out on it?02:25
Rufus_soldats, isnt there a thing in system > preferences?02:25
nickrudotto_, you are definitely confusing addusers, since the ubuntu one doesn't ask questions02:25
kompute1LjL I do, but I have no idea how to open orca...02:25
nixnoobnbeck , I have nothing to check it against right now cuz my nix box is temporarily out of commision but ill take a look02:26
soldatsRufus_, yes for disk space you should be able to go to administrator > system monitor for disk usage02:26
nbeck<2-dec1-490f-9d160bf317255e6fd ro quiet splash vga=79102:26
macdnickrud, doesnt useradd limit you to only a few accounts?02:26
Rufus_i mean to launch the desklet02:26
nixnoobnbeck, Is that the whole thing?02:26
LjLkompute1: cannot help you must since i don't have GNOME... if it's not in the menu, you can always try « dpkg -L gnome-orca | grep bin » to see what the main executable program is02:26
X-norotto_: oh, you'll have to use useradd I believe02:26
macdnickrud, err adduser02:26
nixnoobnbeck try adding root= to the begining of that02:26
WhyAllTehNicksTayou people are no help02:26
soldatsRufus_, ahh if it didnt add itself to the menu thne youd have to add it yourself02:27
nbeckkay, I'll give it a shot.  Appreciated.02:27
Rufus_where can i find the menu02:27
nickrudmacd, what do you mean? it's designed for use in install scripts, so it can create any account02:27
X-normacd: useradd is the command line one, adduser is the interactive one02:27
otto_nickrud, sure it does, unless there is a way to specify... if I do "adduser user --disabled-login" it will still ask for the username and stuff02:27
soldatsRufus_, 1 sec02:28
otto_I'll read the useradd man page02:28
nixnoobman is brutal02:28
adamonline46I just got my file server ready to start moving files over.  I was thinking FTP for uploads, for the error checking/speed/filesize reasons.  At the same time I'd like to be able to map the drives from both Linux and WinXP, so I guess I'd need Samba, too, for the Windows aspect of it.  Is there a better protocol than Samba to use for Linux to Linux sharing? Does my plan sound alright?  Is there anyone who's got a fileserver and some ad02:28
ewookman woman - No manual entry for woman02:28
ShpookUgh, this chroot is driving me crazy.02:28
maynards-girlwhat version of ubuntu do i need if I'm trying to install ubuntu on a macBook?02:29
nixnoobadamonline46 yes you need samba02:29
mchao1nixnoob, thanks that seemed to work02:29
otto_but I just want to use a function to create a user with the name, homedir, and shell that I specify and NO password02:29
maekcan you do a purge like thing with autoremove? im removing amarok and its got like 20 pkgs left for autoremove and I want to make sure to get all there bits. thanks.02:29
nixnoobnbeck, sometimes the answer is simple.02:29
maekmaynards-girl: powerpc or intel?02:29
maynards-girlmaek, intel02:29
maekmaynards-girl: you should use x8602:29
maynards-girlmaek, ok thank you02:30
soldatsRufus_, justa quick question the the applet tell you how mych space you have left, if so ca you try to use nautilus and chack disk space, if not if you rclick on the task bar and add new item there may be a diskspace item02:30
adamonline46maynards-girl: Don't use the X64 version, your wireless won't work for now...02:30
X-norotto_: no password as in disabled account?02:30
maekmaynards-girl: called "standard" from the download page02:30
X-norotto_: -p : the default is to disable the account02:30
nixnoobX64 drivers usually suck.02:30
nickrudotto_, then you should probably use the --system option02:30
nixnoobor don't exist02:30
Rufus_soldats, find it?02:31
otto_it shouldnt be something a user can log in as02:31
maynards-girlso the norml 7.10 will work then?02:31
Burlynnmaynards-girl: yes.02:32
maekmaynards-girl: yeah, if you just go to the download page and pick your mirror, you want all the defaults.02:32
santos_luishi ppl02:32
nickrudotto_, so it's a system user, not a regular user , you probably want --system --no-login --no-create-home02:32
santos_luiscan someone help me with ctags?02:32
otto_but you should still be able to su into the account as root02:32
soldatsRufus_, hmm i dont know too much about it i was trying to think of a way for it to work. i havent used gnome in a while i use xfce but im trying to remember how to fix your problem, i used the applet before but i cant remember02:32
maynards-girlso not the 64bit. just the standard.  thanks all!02:32
soldatsill look into it02:32
Burlynnmaynards-girl: i would suggest reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook02:32
santos_luismy ctgas dont map functions like scanf socket02:33
nickrudotto_, then I don't think you can have --no-login, since that prevents a shell being assigned02:33
Burlynnmaynards-girl: your wireless more than likely wont work on a fresh install without additional drivers02:33
maynards-girlburlynn, thank you02:33
Burlynnno problem02:34
CUBeR64Hi, I was just wondering, if I had Xubuntu installed, would I be able to change the interface to blackbox rather than xfce?02:34
nickrudotto_, or more correctly, the shell is assigned to /bin/false02:34
otto_nickrud, the equivalent that I am trying to do is freebsd's adduser with '-w no' which disables the password...it seems like that is the same as --disabled-password on the ubuntu adduser02:34
fososudo apt-get install build-essential autotools-dev libxdamage-dev libxcomposite-dev libgnome2-common libgnome2-dev libgnome-desktop-dev libgnome-vfs-dev libgtk2.0-dev libwnck-dev libgconf2-dev libglib2.0-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libgnomevfs2-0 libgnome-desktop-2 libgnome2-0 libwnck-common python-gtk2 python-gconf bzr gnome-common python-dev python-gtk2-dev python-cairo-dev python-gconf python-gnome2-dev gnome-icon-theme python-glade2 librsvg2-common, python-gno02:34
therethinkerIf I have an ubuntu install, and I move the HDD to a completely different computer, will it work?02:34
otto_nickrud, --disabled-password still allows login just not with a password02:35
fososorry all, wrong window!02:35
Odd-rationaletherethinker: Maybe.02:35
therethinkerOdd-rationale: exactly what I figured, thanks02:35
Burlynntherethinker: it could, but its not reccomended .. your running on totally different hardware02:35
nickrudotto_, sounds similar. I don't have any experience with bsd at all, though02:35
otto_nickrud, neither do I :) that's why this is difficult to move over to ubuntu since I dont really know what the options do02:36
X-norotto_: right, it's not just switching to a new distro..02:36
nickrudotto_, su-ing from root is logging in, remember02:37
Rufus_how do i install adesklets?02:37
Rufus_the package02:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about desklets - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adesklets - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:38
Dr_willis_Hmm.   I saw a tutorial on that once..  I just went to the desklets web site and downloaded it.02:38
nickrud!info adesklets02:38
ubotuadesklets: interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window System. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.1-2build1 (gutsy), package size 204 kB, installed size 572 kB02:38
nickrudRufus_, you'd look for it in synaptic02:38
Dr_willis_theres a 'desklets' and an 'adesklets' it seems :)02:39
CUBeR64Hi, I was just wondering, if I had Xubuntu installed, would I be able to change the interface to blackbox rather than xcfe?02:39
wols_CUBeR64: yes02:39
CUBeR64wols_: thank you :)02:40
nickrudCUBeR64, you can have as many desktops as you like, and switch freely between them02:40
jbwarnken_hi I have an issue with firefox in ubuntu it keeps greying out and stalling a lot02:40
otto_nickrud, and X-nor actually...it looks like 'useradd user' might be all I need...I tested it and it has no password but you can 'su user' as root02:40
CUBeR64nickrud: sweet, thank you :)02:40
otto_so thanks :)02:40
nickrudotto_, nothing like the low level commands :)02:41
kitchejbwarnken_: yeah the greying out is from compiz02:41
jbwarnken_so what to do then ?02:41
phosphoricxSomehow I enabled a virtual desktop switcher to appear each time my mouse reaches the edge of my screen, how do I turn it off?02:42
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maekjbwarnken_: its showing up as gray because of compiz, its not slowing down because of it. are you behind a proxy? is your dns setup? do you have your host name in /etc/hosts for your loopback? do you have ipv6 enabled?02:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about icewm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ice - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:43
Xplicitmy cd drive is being awkward is it hard to set up my laptop on the same network so i can just use my motherboards network boot option?02:43
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.02:43
maekjbwarnken_: sorry if thats not clear. if you were not using compiz you would not notice it because it wouldnt be gray but it would still slow down.02:43
jbwarnken_well it slows down stops even then goes bakc to normal  just started this and is a nusciance02:44
jbwarnken_so I switched to Opera02:44
maekjbwarnken_: the same thing happens to me at work when im behind a proxy but not at home. and this is on my laptop so its the same machine02:44
rich1jbwarnken_: are you having any flash or java problems with opera?02:45
jbwarnken_none so far02:45
jbwarnken_firefox has some quirks  form time to time02:45
rich1jbwarnken_: try yahoo chess, if you don't mind and see if it works for you.  it never does for me.02:45
jbwarnken_only thing bothers me I cannto use my Stumbleupon toolbar in Opera02:45
Dr_willis_jbwarnken_,  heh - thts an addictive addon02:46
phalaceeis Scribus available for GNOME, or is it KDE only?02:46
nickrudheh. I abandoned that one when I realized what a time sink it was02:46
high-freqanyone know of a gui asm for ubuntu?02:46
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Dr_willis_phalacee,  you can run gnome and kde apps on each others desktop just fine.02:46
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mythomaniacanyone have experience with the gnome-schedule?02:47
phalaceeDr_willis, really? I had no idea.02:47
jbwarnken_but no proxies here02:47
phalaceewow, that makes life alot easier02:47
Dr_willis_phalacee,  its  alwyas been that way. :)  Linux  is so 'inclusive' :) heh heh02:47
Dr_willis_phalacee,  now running the gnome and kde file managers both at the same time used to cause some issues.. but not much any more.02:48
Dr_willis_phalacee,  of course your memory ussage will increase a bit by using both gnome and kde also.02:48
lextoriI lost power while booting earlier today and now ubuntu won't boot completely, it throws me a few error messages and kicks me to the console(like I'd booted to recovery mode) Any ideas where to start fixing the problem?02:48
Dr_willis_lextori,  fsck the filesystems for a start.02:49
Burlynnif your running gnome and install kde apps its got to install all the kde libs also though, which can be large, just an fyi02:49
Dr_willis_lextori,  look for any error messages also while it boots.02:49
phalaceeDr_willis, what about the dependencies on KDE and so forth?02:50
tsukasaquestion, (slightly wrong channel, but..), i got metacity running as my window manager in os-x's X11, but the gtk2 themes arent working. gtk2 is installed. is there some fundamental thing im not understanding about how ubuntu sets up metacity?02:50
Dr_willis_phalacee,  when you apt-get install whatever-kde-app   it should install them all02:50
high-freqanyone know of a gui asm for ubuntu?02:50
Dr_willis_phalacee,  i always install ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop02:50
lextoriDr_Willis, I've copied a few down, it says that it's attempting to resume from /dev/disk/bu-uuid/(really long hex string I can type out in nessicary)02:50
* nickrud hexes Dr_willis 02:50
astro76phalacee, it is all handled automatically, but FYI, Scribus is not a KDE app, it's just QT and requires just a qt lib02:50
bewstIs it expected that the config file installed for my gutsy kernel sets CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y ?02:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about asm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:51
=== TTM is now known as MrJiblets
phalaceeDr_willis, I'm using the GUI for ubuntu, but I was wondering if I would need to install something like KDE-Common when I install my first KDE app?02:51
high-freqasm is assembly as in the programming language02:51
bewstEvery kernel I try to build comes out 6x the size of the ones in the distro02:51
kitche!info nasm | high-freq02:51
ubotuhigh-freq: nasm: General-purpose x86 assembler. In component main, is optional. Version 0.98.38-1.2build1 (gutsy), package size 1520 kB, installed size 2788 kB02:51
Dr_willis_phalacee,  the package manager handles all the needed deps for the programs. you shouldent have any problems02:51
maekphalacee: if you install say amarok or k3b it will install all the kde bits you need02:51
* robdig thinks the closest thing to a gui for assembly programming is vi :)02:51
nickrudlextori, that's the swap partition the uuid is mentioning, the real errors come later02:52
high-freqya i know nasm...did'nt know if there was some gui for asm02:52
phalaceeokay, cool02:52
tsukasaquestion, (slightly wrong channel, but..), i got metacity running as my window manager in os-x's X11, but the gtk2 themes arent working. gtk2 is installed. is there some fundamental thing im not understanding about how ubuntu sets up metacity?02:52
krammerhow can I get the force quit program??02:52
phalaceeI figured it would need some KDE core libs or some such02:52
kitchehigh-freq: why would there be a gui for asm?02:52
nickrudrobdig, doesn't eclipse have some assembler :)02:52
high-freqlike i said ..didn't know if somebody made it look "pretty" lol02:52
Nostahlwhat are the main differences besides stock window managers between ubuntu and xubuntu02:52
Burlynnphalacee: its going to install them all if the program needs it02:53
robdignickrud: dunno, haven't used eclipse02:53
Dr_willis_Nostahl,  one is GNOME, the other is XFCE02:53
high-frequ know this button does this and this does this procedure..and so forth02:53
kitcheNostahl: they use different desktop environment that is all02:53
phalaceekrammer, you can use a 'kill' command from the terminal if you know the process id (this can be found using the ps command on the terminal too)02:53
Nostahlother then that there the same backend?02:53
Dr_willis_Nostahl,  Other then that.. the installed apps Might differ a little.02:53
soldatsNostahl, xfce is more minimal than gnome02:53
Nostahlso i can still talk here if i have xubuntu? :P02:53
Dr_willis_Nostahl,   The core is about the same. :) you can alwyas install the stuff ya want.02:53
nickrudNostahl, ubuntu will install openoffice, xubuntu will give you gnumeric and abiword iirc02:53
bewsts it expected that the config file installed for my gutsy kernel sets CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y ?02:53
Dr_willis_Nostahl,  This is irc.. any irc client will let ya do that.02:53
Dr_willis_Nostahl,  Install xchat on xubuntu, and there ya go.02:53
Nostahlwell some irc's are snooty hehe02:54
krammerPhalacee thanks but i would like to have force quit on my desktop i had it before but i forgot how to install it02:54
Nostahlso some of them wont like you if you talk in the room thats not for your specific distro hehe02:54
Nostahlie... debian02:54
Nostahldebian is a snooty room02:54
Dr_willis_Debian  is real snooty. :)02:54
Dr_willis_heh heh02:54
soldatsNostahl, well in xubuntu i really didnt understand your question sorry02:54
robdignickrud: now when i used to program lots of assembler, the editor was called SPF...02:54
MrPiracyanyone got Direct Rendering off a intel 946gz videocard?02:55
Dr_willis_all the Ubuntu Variants are  the same under the 'skin' :)02:55
Nostahlsoldats ah i was just wondering if volman came out of the box or if i had to set it up with xubuntu02:55
BlaenkDenumcan someone please help me with wildcards, I'm trying to match for hidden files and folders, please, I have this so far \*/.\*02:55
nickrudrobdig, I stopped after 6502 code, and that was done with backspace, up, down, left, right :)02:55
=== Lara_54 is now known as Torka
Dr_willis_BlaenkDenum,  you can always try 'echo YOURPATTERN' to see what its matching.. but i dont see what you are trying to do exactly02:55
MrPiracyi got Direct Rendering enabled when i uninstalled xserver-xgl02:55
soldatsNostahl, see i really am not sure what volman is i guess i could google it, ill check02:55
MrPiracybut then i lost many other things :(02:56
robdignickrud: :)02:56
Nostahli found out something interesting tonight... its not good to burn iso's at 40+ x's write speed02:56
BlaenkDenumDr_willis_: thanks for the help, I'm trying to match for hidden files and folders ( .blah, .svn/, etc.)02:56
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Dr_willis_BlaenkDenum,  and .* dont do it ?02:56
Nostahlit corrupted my xubuntu cd when i did it at 40+ heh02:56
robdigNostahl: but its a good way to make coasters :)02:57
Nostahlso i reburned a new one at 8 x and went for some tea while i waited lmao02:57
BlaenkDenumDr_willis_: for some reason no, I had that before and it wouldn't work02:57
soldatsNostahl, http://foo-projects.org/~benny/projects/thunar-volman/index.html02:57
Nostahli just got my first cd burner couple weeks ago and a stack of 100 cd's hehe so im learning all about cd burning now lmao02:57
TtechI got a question, why is it when  I use TightVPN it causes my system to "crahs" and basically just log me out every time02:57
Dr_willis_BlaenkDenum,   try  'echo .*' it prints put all the . file a and . dirs here...02:57
BlaenkDenumDr_willis_: okay02:57
Dr_willis_BlaenkDenum,  it also prints out . and .. :) which is proberly NOT what you want.02:58
soldatsNostahl, i heard there was a bug in it so you may have to compile it02:58
BlaenkDenumDr_willis_: exactly, that's why it didn't work02:58
Nostahlsoldats bug in what?02:58
cheaai just installed kubuntu and i enabled a driver and went to reboot and on the startup part everything loads except "powernowd" etc/rc2.d/s20powernowd 156: cannot create sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0//cpufreq/scaling_govenor dir non existant02:58
Dr_willis_BlaenkDenum,  Filter out the . and .. then with sed/awk :)02:58
qukkUm, hello! I'm trying to install Ubuntu server edition, and my keyboard isn't responding when trying to install from the CD. It works on the splash screen, but stops working at the language select screen. It is an old-style AT keyboard. Num-lock even stops working... Can anyone kindly help with this?02:58
BlaenkDenumDr_willis_: because I'm trying to zip a directory, using the -x parameter to exclude hidden files and folders02:58
soldatsNostahl, volman02:58
cheaaerror message might not be quite right, wrote it down quick02:58
Nostahlsoldats ah02:59
Dr_willis_BlaenkDenum,  or trim out the first 5 characters with cut, perhaps.02:59
BlaenkDenumDr_willis_: sorry?02:59
Nostahli was using debian etch on my laptop but i found i had change to debian lenny wichis the testing version just to get volman02:59
Nostahlso im checkin out xubuntu02:59
Nostahli like the xfce wm02:59
Dr_willis_BlaenkDenum,  You could try mc, to create the archive. It lets ya pick what files and so forth..   depending on what you are wanting to do . you may just want to write some script.03:00
ShpookSo, I ran "sudo chroot /var/chroot/gutsy/" and got this error: "id: cannot find name for group ID 120" Does anyone know what happened?03:00
MrPiracyI get an error "Type1 module does not exist" in my Xorg.0.log after uninstalling xserver-xgl, how can I get this module back?03:00
BlaenkDenumDr_willis_: I'm writing a script in python03:01
BlaenkDenumDr_willis_: before, I was explicitly ignoring certain files like .svn, but I figured I would never be able to manually exclude all the hidden files that any given system could have03:01
Dr_willis_BlaenkDenum,  Python has full regrexp support thats a littel different from the shell. So it may take a little tweaking, - have it generate a list of all the .Whatever files, then trim out the . and .. entry03:02
BlaenkDenumDr_willis_: I'm using the zip command like I mentioned and it has an -S parameter which is to include hidden files and folders, the only problem is that it is implicit on UNIX systems and I can't find a way to turn it off03:02
gilothgood evenin' fellow ubuntuers :)03:02
BlaenkDenumDr_willis_: oh duh I can run a glob huh03:02
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robdigMrPiracy: sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl03:03
cheaai just installed kubuntu and i enabled a driver and went to reboot and on the startup part everything loads except "powernowd" etc/rc2.d/s20powernowd 156: cannot create sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0//cpufreq/scaling_govenor dir non existant03:03
Dr_willis_BlaenkDenum,  :) now ya got it. I imagine the file globbing allready takes care of . and ..03:03
MrPiracyrobdig: already did that, Type1 is still missing03:03
BlaenkDenumDr_willis_: yeah and the zip command allows me to run it multiple times to keep adding to the same archive, so that's good :) thanks man03:04
Dr_willis_BlaenkDenum,  for bash --->   $ echo .* | tail -c +5         trims out the . and .. here :)03:04
BlaenkDenumDr_willis_: sweet, thanks man03:04
WaYwhat aplication can I use for p2p?03:04
BlaenkDenumWaY: frostwire03:04
Dr_willis_BlaenkDenum,  NOTE the differeances when using + and  not using + in that command.. people overlook that NEAT trick03:05
WaYok, Im going to have a look03:05
WaYthanks BlaenkDenum03:05
BlaenkDenumyou're welcome03:05
kyeway im having a issue with powernowd03:05
BlaenkDenumDr_willis_: haha okay03:05
kyecan ya help me03:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about menumaker - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:06
robdigMrPiracy: ok, since it's reinstalled, then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg          and then restart X (ctrl+alt+backspace)03:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about powernowd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:07
adamonline46Can I mount a samba network drive? How would I do that?03:07
Jack_Sparrow!info powernowd03:08
ubotupowernowd: control cpu speed and voltage using 2.6 kernel interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-1ubuntu7 (gutsy), package size 24 kB, installed size 120 kB03:08
kyeit fails and wont load ubuntu03:08
Jack_Sparrowkye: Can we assume you installed it from the official repos03:09
MrPiracyrobdig: ok, gonna try that now, brb03:09
nickrudkye, or, what is 'it' ?03:09
Dr_willis_adamonline46,  you can mount samba shares from the fstab, or manually.   I use the fuse samba tools mainly these days.. It makes it easier.03:10
kyeall i did was enable my  ati accelarator then rebooted03:10
kyethen i got that03:10
Dr_willis_!info fusesmb | adamonline4603:10
ubotuadamonline46: fusesmb: filesystem client based on the SMB file transfer protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-1 (gutsy), package size 29 kB, installed size 140 kB03:10
MrPiracyrobdig: better.... how can i reinstall this package?03:11
Dr_willis_adamonline46,  theere are several books in the 'samba-doc' package that give lots of examples on using samba as well.03:11
kyei get a etc/rc2.d/s20powernowd 156: cannot create sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0//cpufreq/scaling_govenor dir non existant03:11
kyethat fails03:11
kyeand i cant load ubuntu due to thqat03:11
morsthow do i md5?03:11
sunogbagamorst: md5sum file03:12
biff420anyone: what is the best way to attempt to play windows games (COD4, Supreme Commander, Steam) on Ubuntu 7.10?03:12
Jack_Sparrowkye: My question had a simple yes or no answer..03:13
kyeJack_Sparrow: installed what? ubuntu?03:13
kyeys from the webpahe03:13
Rufus_I've installed adesklets through the synaptic package manager, how do i launch the adesklets manager?03:14
WaYBlaenkDenum but limewire doesnt search in emule network, isnt it?03:14
BlaenkDenumWaY: no, gnutella03:14
BlaenkDenumand I said frostwire, use that instead of limewire (they're pretty much identical, read up on why they're different)03:14
phalaceeIts a shame Ship-it doesn't ship Ubuntu for PPC anymore ...03:15
nickrudJack_Sparrow, that's a standard ubuntu startup script ...03:15
biff420hey Konam03:15
WaYthanks BlaenkDenum03:16
BlaenkDenumWaY: you're welcome03:16
KonamI'm trying to have the same /home after an ubuntu install, i use the same login and passwd but when the install is finished and i log in a message pops up and tell me that i don't have the permisions to use that home (even though i can log in, actually), how do i change that?03:16
Dr_willis_Konam,  You may need to chown the /home/whatevertheusernameis dir  if the uids have changed03:17
nickrudKonam, when you log in, what directory are you in?03:17
Willabeedoes anyone know how to set up japanese IME in gutsy/03:17
macdKonam, from within /home "sudo chown -R youruser:youruser /home/youruser/*"03:17
Dr_willis_Konam,  ive never had issues with remaking the same user.  the old /home is from a ubuntu install ?03:17
WaYok, you have to pay for limewire :)03:18
Dr_willis_Konam,  now if the /home was from a Different Disrto. that can cause issues ive found. :)03:18
KonamDr_willis_ no, is from another ubuntu install03:18
Dr_willis_WaY,  well limewire wants $$$ :) They never got any from me.03:18
Konamthe macd command should make it03:18
nickrudKonam, the system uses numbers to identify the owner, and translates that to names from /etc/passwd. If the user you're keeping is not the first one you created on the prior install, then the numbers are gonna be different03:18
biff420has anyone had success getting the NVIDIA 169.07 driver to install and if so, are they any better than the original restricted drivers?03:19
Konamnickrud is the first, i create it during the ubuntu install03:19
WaYahaha Dr_willis_03:19
nickrudKonam, as you say, macd's command will fix it anyway03:19
blindAlright, was having a load of trouble with my Linksys v4 WMP54G Wireless card... ubuntu actually stopped booting, stuck at "configuring network interfaces" -- also tried in recovery mode, but to no avail. So I've taken the card out, and have booted ubuntu, but I'm curious... what do I need to do to get this card to work? (while it isn't installed)03:20
genii/join #ubuntu-server03:20
SingAlongHi guys.......03:20
biff420Hey SIngAlong03:21
SingAlongI just installed Ubuntu Fiesty Fawn on my laptop. Its a Celeron M processor 1.73GHz with 512Mb RAM and 80GB diskspace03:21
SingAlongI am a web developer.03:21
SingAlongI would like to install apache, mysql and php on my laptop...03:22
MrPiracyrobdig: same .... no luck03:22
blind!lamp > singalong03:22
SingAlongCan the synaptic package manager do the job for me?03:22
nickrudSingAlong, install apache2 , php5 , and mysql-server-5.003:22
blindsingalong, check out the pm from ubotu :D03:22
SingAlongThats what I want... :) I am a noob on ubuntu.. Firsttimer03:22
robdigMrPiracy: bummer...maybe someone else can help then03:23
SingAlongThanx blind.. :)03:23
NasariHey! I also just installed Ubintu! [I'm total new to Linux] is there is anyone who can help me get started?03:23
SingAlongAnd also... which is the media player for ubuntu that can play all the formats?03:24
MrPiracyrobdig: yeah, it seems to be impossible to get this intel board working properly on gutsy03:24
SingAlongI want to play DVDs, FLVs, MOVs, and RM formats also03:24
katieNasari, what do you need to do?03:24
biff420Sing:  I'm using the default Rythmbox and it seems to work fine...nothing fancy though03:25
soldatsSingAlong, vlc should come with most if not all codecs03:25
stdhow do i ripl DOS from rpld?03:25
MrPiracyrobdig: was going to install some games now, but i think it's gonna b impossible with these settings03:25
robdigMrPiracy: do you have the 945GM/GMS/GME?03:25
RickXcan anyone tell me if I m using a gtk theme under windowmaker if I am using a gtk-engine?03:25
SingAlongBut the Rythmbox says it cannot play due to unavailability of codecs... How do I get the codecs?03:25
MrPiracyrobdig: 946gz intel onboard03:25
soldatsSingAlong, look in synaptic for the codecs you need03:25
biff420Sing: sorry didn't know you meant movies...thought it was just music03:26
SingAlongsoldats: But I used VLC on my Windows PC... it does not handle playlists well.... Is it the same with linux version too?03:26
NasariYes, are there any programs, files updates I should run?03:26
robdigMrPiracy: hmm...mine has worked pretty good...agree that without X working well, games are probably not worth it now03:26
ArtfullynotAnyone know what chan all the Sauer players are at?03:26
stdhow do i ripl DOS from rpld?03:27
SingAlongsoldat... Will it download and instal it automatically for me? I mean if I select it will it do the rest of the job?03:27
abdullaPeace and Greetings to ALL03:27
stdhow do i ripl DOS from rpld?03:27
MrPiracyrobdig: which chipset do u ahve?03:27
soldatsSingAlong, fpr playlist use a cli based or use rhythmbox or amarok or another gui based one, but when you eed codes open synaptic package manager and do a search for codecs03:27
bruenigstd, calm down03:27
Rufus_ive downloaded adesklets, downloaded a desklet for it through the installer, now how do i launch it?03:27
robdigMrPiracy: 945GM/GMS/GME03:27
=== Artfullynot is now known as Excelsius
MrPiracycan u send me ur xorg.conf file?03:27
MrPiracyrobdig:  can u send me ur xorg.conf file?03:27
Nasariwhere do you find synaptic package mngr?03:27
robdigMrPiracy: sure, just a sec03:27
Willabeecan anyone help me with being able to type in japanese in gutsy03:28
Rufus_nasari, just type synaptic in the terminal03:28
stdhow do i ripl DOS from rpld?03:28
Nasariok, thanks!03:28
nickrudNasari, system->admin->synaptic03:28
biff420Nasari: System>Admiin03:28
biff420damn beat me03:28
Rufus_ive downloaded adesklets, downloaded a desklet for it through the installer, now how do i launch it?03:28
Jack_Sparrowstd: Do you have a ubuntu related question?03:28
stdJack_Sparrow: yes this is...03:29
biff420Are the restricted NVIDIA drivers better/worse than the ones on the NVIDIA site?03:29
bruenigbiff420, same03:29
rskbiff420: same03:29
biff420bru, rsk: why the wierd version number?03:29
nickrudbiff420, better because they are integrated into the system properly03:30
Jack_Sparrowstd: THen you need to explain the problem or question in more detail rather than repeating the same thing over and over03:30
stdhow do i ripl DOS from rpld?03:30
Rufus_can someone help me?03:30
bruenignot better per se, you can get them from the website and integrate them just the same03:30
astro76std, perhaps no one is answering because no one knows what you are talking about03:30
nickrudstd, you might try rephrasing the question, maybe a little more detail.03:30
phalaceeother than the fact that Microsoft is a bunch of anal-dwelling butt monkeys, is there any reason i can't use the standard windows fonts on my Ubuntu boxen?03:30
katieRufus, with what?03:30
biff420Any reason why I am getting a pixel 2.0 error when trying to launch Supreme Commander through wine?03:30
biff420I have the restricted driver installed03:31
Rufus_ive downloaded adesklets, downloaded a desklet for it through the installer, now how do i launch it?03:31
phalaceebiff Direct-x version mismatch?03:31
nickrudbiff420, for wine apps, #winehq is usually better03:31
katierufus - ill look03:31
worthawholebeanHmm... I need the ati drivers, what package are they in?03:31
nickrudbiff420, except when a winer is around :)03:31
stdJack_Sparrow: I need to know how to ripl DOS from ubuntu.03:31
biff420thanks nick03:31
nickrudworthawholebean, system->admin->restricted manager03:31
worthawholebeannickrud, that would be nice if X would start03:32
robdigMrPiracy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49763/03:32
Jack_Sparrowstd: I have no idea what ripl is or does..03:32
Krumarhey, i just got a tuner card with a radio in it, does anyone know what program i could use to play it?03:32
nickrudworthawholebean,   oh, you have one of the 1xxx series?03:32
=== neocorleone is now known as edwardneo
worthawholebeannickrud, x160003:32
JoeThomasIs there anyway to change the font of tty? Not so much size but actual style? a TTF font file or something?03:33
katieRufus, yeah, there should be a script or something similar in the directory for the desklet that you can run03:33
Nasariso, if I want a mp3 codec I look it up in the Synaptic package manager?03:33
stdJack_Sparrow: Remote Initial Program Load.03:33
bewstanyone here familiar with the ubuntu kernels and their installed config files?03:33
nickrudworthawholebean, what you need to do is log into the console, and edit (sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf )  Look for "ati" , and change to "fgrlx"03:33
MrPiracyrobdig: would it be too much to ask u to post ur glxinfo as well?03:33
nickrudworthawholebean, erm, "fglrx" that is, typos matter03:34
worthawholebeannickrud, I use vi :D03:34
nickrudworthawholebean, ah, cool. Just change the driver and you can get in03:34
worthawholebeannickrud, no instances of ATI03:35
worthawholebeanor ati for that matter03:35
nickrudworthawholebean, what is it, "vesa" ?03:35
nickrudworthawholebean, change that03:35
ogrehey guys. what do i type into terminal to figure out how much disk space I hae left?03:35
phalaceeI'd like to install the True Type fonts I have on my windows machine onto my Ubuntu 7.04 system, how do I do that03:36
phalaceeogre, df -h03:36
astro76!fonts | phalacee03:36
ubotuphalacee: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer03:36
nickrudphalacee, place them in /home/<you>/.fonts , make the dir if needed03:36
phalaceeogre, that will tell you the size, space remaining and % used03:36
phalaceethanx astro76  and nickrud03:37
worthawholebeannickrud, no module fglrx03:37
ogrephalacee,  thanks alot03:37
NasariHey, I have pritty bad eyesight, is there anyway to make the text alittle bit larger, I'm on Pidgen03:37
nickrudworthawholebean, sudo aptitude install xorg-driver-fglrx linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)03:38
robdigMrPiracy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49764/03:38
worthawholebeannickrud, wait, gotta fix network first (probably should have said that this is virtualized)03:38
nickrudworthawholebean, what virtualization?03:38
nickrudworthawholebean, things are different virtualized03:39
worthawholebeannickrud, parallels03:39
blindCan anyone help me install a linksys WMP54G (version 4.1)? modprobing rt2500 worked the first time, had some problems, took it out, turned it on, turned it off, put it back in, and now it's like it's not even there.03:39
* worthawholebean needs to avoid the XY problem when asking for help03:39
nickrudworthawholebean, never used that one, so my instructions are probably incorrect03:39
otto_is there a simple firewall like packetfilter for freebsd?  something I can just turn on in the default ubuntu-server03:39
otto_or does it already have a sort of firewall on?03:39
worthawholebeannickrud, x just started :D03:39
MrPiracyrobdig: thank you very much03:39
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:39
robdigMrPiracy: np03:39
phalaceenickrud, if I want to make the fonts accessible by all system users, where do I place them then?03:40
otto_of course...iptables03:40
Dr_willis_otto_,  ive seen some firewall 'wizard scripts' also befor. But never used them.03:40
NasariSo, there is no way to make the text larger?03:40
nickrudphalacee, /usr/share/fonts/truetype , create a dir there03:40
MrPiracyrobdig: someone told me here once that when you see MESA being used is because u dont have 3D accel enabled, is it true?03:40
Dr_willis_otto_,  all they do is ask a bunch of questions and generate the right iptables commands.03:40
phalacee/usr/local/share/fonts ?03:40
robdigMrPiracy: i don't know03:40
Willabeei can't get the scim toolbar to show up on the screen, can anyone help/03:40
noelferreiracan i use vnc outside lan with a dyndns account?03:41
simonovawhat can I do to recover from  GRUB boot error 22?03:41
nickrudphalacee, might very well work, a sec. I keep telling people to use local for their stuff, and what do I say :)03:41
blindnoelferreira, yes. are you behind a router?03:41
noelferreirayes blind03:41
otto_Dr_willis_, I can just turn on PF in freebsd by setting pf_enable=YES in /etc/rc.conf...anything like that for ubuntu?03:41
blindyou're going to need to forward your ports first then.03:41
MrPiracyrobdig: ur xorg.conf is a bit different03:41
noelferreirawhat are them blind?03:41
MrPiracyrobdig: i'm gonna try something here, brb03:41
nickrudphalacee, yes, fontconfig will look in /usr/local/share/fonts03:41
blindcheck out http://portforward.com and click on "port forwarding"03:42
crtjstrhas anyone ever seen an install completely shut down the pc during the cleanup phase?03:42
noelferreirablind: i mean the number of the port :)03:42
phalaceethanks nickrud03:42
noelferreiraor ports blind :)03:42
phalaceenow, to get those fonts I need03:42
sdre1i just enabled the restricted drivers in 7.10 and restarted. when it booted i got "kernel panic not syncing vfs unable to mount root fs on unknown block" can anyone help me?03:42
otto_all the google results comparing iptables and pf are so old :(03:42
Jack_Sparrowcrtjstr: only a laptop that overheated03:43
blindnoelferreira, whatever ports you set the server to run on. the defaults are listed on portforward.com (i dont know them off the top of my head)03:43
otto_does ubuntu-server's default install have any sort of firewalling turned on?03:43
simonovadoes anyone know how to handle grub error 22?03:43
blindCan anyone help me install a linksys WMP54G (version 4.1)? modprobing rt2500 worked the first time, had some problems, took it out, turned it on, turned it off, put it back in, and now it's like it's not even there.03:43
nickrudotto_, no03:43
crtjstrJack_Sparrow: this is a desktop, and i turned off acpi, module and bios - that's why it confused me.03:44
freak_does anybody know how to install using debootstrap, i can't get it to use an http proxy.03:44
MrPiracyrobdig: u there?03:46
robdigMrPiracy: yes03:46
SingAlongHow can I change from KDE to gnome?03:46
SingAlongI am a noob..03:46
blindsingalong, have you installed gnome?03:47
MrPiracyrobdig: i found something here ... OpenGL version string: 1.2 (2.1 Mesa 7.0.1)03:47
SingAlongThat comes with ubuntu...03:47
MrPiracyrobdig: yours is OpenGL version string: 1.3 Mesa 7.0.103:47
blindWell if you're in KDE, I figured you might have installed kubuntu.03:47
robdigMrPiracy: interesting. i'm on gutsy, are you03:47
blindbut, when at the login screen, click on "sessions" and gnome should be listed.03:47
SingAlongblind: I installed ubuntu. I have gnome as default. I want KDE03:47
MrPiracyrobdig: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945GM 20061017 x86/MMX/SSE203:47
blindOH, you want KDE. you said switch from kde to gnome.03:48
MrPiracyrobdig: this is ur renderer string ... looks specific to ur card while mine looks generic03:48
SingAlongblind: How to install KDE ...03:48
Jack_SparrowSingAlong: install the kubuntu-desktop03:48
=== |GuS| is now known as [GuS]
SingAlongblind: How?03:48
MrPiracyrobdig: just says ....  Mesa GLX Indirect03:48
blindsingalong: are you familiar with synaptic?03:48
MrPiracyrobdig: yes, i'm on gutsy, all updates applied03:48
SingAlongJack_Sparrow: Thats what I want to know? :) I told u I am a noob... I am a first timer03:48
SingAlongblind: yeah...03:48
blindSingAlong: find kubuntu-desktop inside synaptic and install it. then at the login screen, click sessions, and KDE should be there.03:49
geniifreak_: Good resources here (just ignore the encryption parts) http://www.cs278.org/blog/ubuntu-configuration/feisty-debootstrap-encrypted-install/03:49
Xplicitcan you use raid inside an lvms e.g i have a partition in lvms and want to raid it to a second hd03:49
tarelerulzwhere are the files that goverent vnc ? in ubuntu 7.10 ?03:49
robdigMrPiracy: hmm, wonder if the intel driver is pulling the later version of opengl?03:49
SingAlongblind:The last time I tries using synaptic... I messed up and kde didnt install... instead I got a command line version of ubuntu :)03:49
MrPiracyrobdig: i guess i should try to upgrade this MESA thing then03:49
phalaceeI'll be back shortly, just doing some financial management03:49
Jack_SparrowSingAlong: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop      if you prefer using a cli or terminal session03:49
SingAlongblind: Should I log off and login after I install it?03:49
robdigMrPiracy: sounds reasonable03:49
NasariWhats better, Gnome or KDE?03:49
tarelerulzI get vnc now ,but it comes up with a gray screen which is not useful at all03:49
blindNasari: neither.03:50
robdigNasari: whichever one YOU like is better03:50
Nasaripritty subjective eh?03:50
Jack_SparrowNasari: Different only03:50
blindNasari, they're just different clothes for the same person.03:50
SingAlongJack_Sparrow: I have a 150kbps connection. How many hours will it take for me to install KDE?03:50
worthawholebeanok nickrud, i'm good now, thanks for the help03:50
MrPiracyrobdig: www.mesa3d.org it says there's a version 7.0.2 released03:50
Nasariah, ok, thanks03:51
nickrudworthawholebean, what driver did you use?03:51
Jack_SparrowSingAlong: no idea.. but awhile...03:51
robdigMrPiracy: hmm...03:51
worthawholebeannickrud, vesa is working for now... no idea why, installing fglrx now03:51
blindCan anyone help me install a linksys WMP54G (version 4.1)? modprobing rt2500 worked the first time, had some problems, took it out, turned it on, turned it off, put it back in, and now it's like it's not even there.03:51
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nickrudworthawholebean, :)03:51
SingAlongJack_Sparrow: Will take more than 15 minutes?03:51
MrPiracyrobdig: yeah, way to go  .... version history says: Added checking/support for additional chips in the i915/i945 family (see 11978)03:51
Jack_SparrowSingAlong: yes03:51
SingAlongJack_Sparrow: more than 30 minutes?03:52
Josspyker_blind: rt 2500 and gutsy03:52
robdigMrPiracy: cool03:52
SingAlongJack_Sparrow:  or more than 1 hour?03:52
Jack_SparrowSingAlong: It installs alot of things...  I cant guess at how long it will take you03:52
qukkHi there; once I enter Ubuntu installation my keyboard doesn't work. Is there any way I can... fix this?03:52
freak_genii am i missing it, i don't see anything about a proxy on that page03:52
MrPiracyrobdig: will get it installed then i tell u what happens03:52
robdigMrPiracy: ok. hope it works for you03:53
nickrudSingAlong, i don't have any kde at all, and it seems kubuntu-desktop wants about 221 megs downloaded03:53
SingAlongJack_Sparrow: I am using Ubuntu Fiesty Fawn. I have a kubuntu 6.06 CD03:53
SingAlongnickrud: Can I install KDE from the Kubuntu CD?03:53
geniifreak_: How are you currently calling the debootstrap command?03:53
nickrudSingAlong, no, the releases don't match. Feisty is 7.0403:53
NasariI just got up and running, say i want to install flashplayer for firefox, is there an easy way of accomplishing this?03:54
SingAlongnickrud: Oh.. Thats what I was wondering about...   :)03:54
Jack_SparrowSingAlong: You can have both complete on the same hard drive and select the one you want from grub at boot.03:54
SingAlongJack_Sparrow: But the kubuntu CD seems to be having some problem.. so I am not able to install :(03:54
SingAlongThats why I am only able to import the programs using synaptic... I think so..03:55
Nasari[also, I have bad eyesight, is there anyway I can make the chat here somewhat larger?03:55
nickrudNasari, what irc client?03:55
freak_genii as root i am doing export http_proxy="" and then debootstrap --arch i386 http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/etch/Release03:55
NasariI'm using Pidgion03:55
Dr_willis_Nasari,  depends on the irc client You are using. Or if using compiz  You can enable the zoom feature.03:55
blindCan anyone help me install a linksys WMP54G (version 4.1)? modprobing rt2500 worked the first time, had some problems, so i took it out, turned the machine on, turned it off, put the card back in, and now it's like it's not even there, even after modprobing rt2500 again.03:55
Jack_SparrowSingAlong: All the more reason to not use KDE.. I had issuse with KDE and have been happy with gnome... but I must go for tonight...  take care all..03:55
Dr_willis_Zoom feature in compiz is... handy03:56
tom___I have recently switched to ubuntu -- there are a lot of people on my msn list that I used to do voice chat with.  Is there a way to do voice chat with msn users?  Is there a reason aMSN hasn't implemented this?03:56
geniifreak_: Examine the line he uses: sudo debootstrap --include="language-pack-en,language-pack-en-base,dmsetup,cryptsetup,hashalot,initramfs-tools,nano" --components=main,universe --verbose --arch i386 feisty /mnt http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR/scripts/feisty03:56
nickrudNasari, don't know that one, but if you install xchat you can (better for irc anyway, posts with your name in them will be red and be easy to find)03:56
SingAlongGuys can u please tell me which is the channel for knoppix? (sorry for asking this)...03:56
NasariHeh, I'll check out xchat03:56
blindSingalong: #knoppix03:56
nickrudDr_willis, what's the keystroke for zoom?03:56
SingAlongblind: Thanks blind03:57
tom___I have recently switched to ubuntu -- there are a lot of people on my msn list that I used to do voice chat with.  Is there a way to do voice chat with msn users?  Is there a reason aMSN hasn't implemented this?03:58
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:58
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.03:58
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freak_genii i figured out what my problem was thanks to you, i reexamined what i did exactly and realized that i had sudo debootstrap ... not debootstrap... so the environment variable http_proxy didn't get read03:59
geniifreak_: Glad you sorted it out :) It's installing now?03:59
freak_genii anyway... thanks for asking the question. definitely helped me figure out the problem. i knew it was probably something stupid.04:00
freak_genii yea, it is installing.04:00
qukkUm, hello! I'm trying to install Ubuntu server edition, and my keyboard isn't responding when trying to install from the CD. It works on the splash screen, but stops working at the language select screen. It is an old-style AT keyboard. Num-lock even stops working... Can anyone kindly help with this?04:00
jimmygoonAnyone ever dealt with an xfat driver?04:00
geniifreak_: You can run the tasksel after, thats what I usually do04:00
freak_genii i was wondering one other thing maybe you know. does debootstrap use signatures to verify the packages i'm installing have not been tampered with?04:01
NasariI just got up and running, say i want to install flashplayer for firefox, is there an easy way of accomplishing this?04:01
jimmygoonNasari, it is in the repos04:01
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:01
* nickrud feels he's back in breezy, with all the flash issues04:01
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.04:01
ehcis there a way to take the subtitles out of a .avi file?04:01
NasariWhats the "repos" ?04:02
jimmygoonNasari, woops, forgot there are some type of various flash problems04:02
geniifreak_: When I was installing some debs off my own site it groaned about md504:02
nalioth!tell Nasari about repos04:02
tarelerulzhave any of you vcn into other computer got nothing ,but gray screen .04:02
cdm10nalioth: Is !tell nick about factoid equivalent to !factoid > nick ?04:02
jimmygoonnickrud, no kidding04:02
geniifreak_: So it has some sort of internal check04:02
Xplicitis it possible to get my /boot to be written to 2 partitions (like raid or something)?04:02
naliothcdm10: yes04:03
geniiXplicit: Not usually04:03
theurzhow to get modeline for widescreen04:03
naliothcdm10: !tell blah about bleh usually makes more sense to blah04:03
cdm10nalioth: yep, looks like it :)04:03
freak_ubotu i don't use amsn, but if they don't have it (and i don't think they do) the reason it does not have voice chat with msn users is microsoft uses proprietary protocols. best thing to do is get them to use an sip client, or some other voice chat software that is more friendly with linux. i just stopped communicating that way when i switched to linux... that and get some linux friends to solve the problem.04:04
qukkWell... I fixed my own problem. using fb=false I made my keyboard work during installation. Is there anywhere I can go to make this available for other people to find?04:04
Nasariok, restrictions don't apply, is there a packet or something I can just download it from, or do i need to install it manually?04:04
otto_is there  a way to comment out the cdrom repository from the command line without editing?04:06
blindAlright, I'm having some troubles with my linksys WMP54G v4.1 -- When it's in its PCI slot, ubuntu won't boot past "Configuring network interfaces." How can I fix this?04:07
freak_ubotu try http://www.sipphone.com/04:07
freak_anyway- thanks all. bye04:07
robdigqukk: you can add something to ubuntuforums.org04:07
hou5tonIs there a good file manager that will allow me to become root and change file permissions?04:08
blindhou5ton: gksudo nautilus04:08
tom___I could use sipphone -- but then my contacts would have to install it on *thier* computer, right? isn't there a way where i can isntall something on mid and it will work with all of thiers?04:08
hou5tonblind:   thanks04:09
WillabeeI got japanese keyboard working, and now i need help with hebrew04:09
blindtom___: skype?04:09
Karl^Skype (beta 2 for Linux) has full voice, cam and chat messaging04:09
goldphishWhat does this mean? make[1]: *** No rule to make target `arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.c', needed by `arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.s'.  Stop.04:09
goldphishmake: *** [prepare0] Error 204:09
tom___blind: yeah but they all use msn/yahoo...they'd have to install skype then04:10
Willabeewhat's the standard shortcut for switching keyboard layouts04:10
Nasarifor ubuntu, do i want to download and install Adobe Flashplayer using .rpm or .tar.gz04:10
jimmygoonNasari, tar.gz04:10
BlaenkDenumBlaenkDenum: hi04:10
bioso, when I try to go to full-screen in google video, the pop-up window is empty, but the sound continues as usual04:10
blindtom___: sorry, i caught the butt-end of the convo. What are you trying to do?04:10
Nasariok, thanks jimmygoon O:-)04:10
Karl^GyacHe (Yahoo clone) has limited voice support (you have tobe in a room)04:11
|Cloud|what do i do if i get the message "Can't talk to klauncher" when opening amarok?04:11
robdiggoldphish: it means the makefile has an error in it...asm-offsets.s has a dependency on asm-offsets.c, but asm-offsets.c is not found04:11
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:12
tom___blind: no prob -- i just switched to ubuntu and i'd like to be able to do voice chat with msn/yahoo contacts.  I'ts looking like i can't. I'd really not like to have to bug them to install a new client as they probably won't04:12
J_A_Xhey guys, I just installed a new ubuntu server with SSH.  I can connect locally, but it seems that when I used the domain pointing to it (the ip is good, i checked it), it doesn't seem to reply back04:12
blindahh.. amsn doesn't do voice?04:12
Nasariok, sorry for all these questions an all, but I have no idea what i'm doing when it comes to linux. I have downloaded the  flashplayer.tar.gz file - how do I unpack it?04:12
J_A_Xthe port should be forwarded properly as well04:12
goldphishrobdig: hmm, correct it's not there. So I read all these guides that say that to build just one module ass you need is the kernel header package. How is this possible?04:13
astro76J_A_X, most routers will not allow you to do that, unless they support something called "nat reflection" or similar04:13
Mitt4PrezLook at Mike Huckabee's psychotic comments.04:13
tom___blind: nope04:13
Mitt4PrezVote Mitt Romney 2008.  He is a tech savvy candidate that will put the US back on track economically and help us win in Iraq and defend our borders.04:13
Mitt4PrezMitt Romney 200804:13
SuperLaghou5ton: slacker :)04:13
astro76!ops | Mitt4Prez04:13
Mitt4PrezLook at Mike Huckabee's psychotic comments.04:14
Mitt4PrezVote Mitt Romney 2008.  He is a tech savvy candidate that will put the US back on track economically and help us win in Iraq and defend our borders.04:14
ubotuMitt4Prez: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!04:14
Mitt4PrezMitt Romney 200804:14
hou5tonSuperLag:   hey man .... be right with ya ... just a min04:14
J_A_Xastro76: err, what are you talking about?  I have the same setup at home...04:14
J_A_Xdomain pointing to ip, routing forwarding port 22...04:14
nixnoobanyone running gusty on a Asus c90s notebook?04:15
J_A_Xjust, for some reason, this one isn't working externally04:15
robdiggoldphish: dunno. was the code designed for ubuntu? if not, may need to install something else as well04:15
NasariSorry for repeating my question but i really have no idea what i' doing: I have no idea what i'm doing when it comes to linux. I have downloaded the  flashplayer.tar.gz file - how do I unpack it?04:15
J_A_Xi think i just forgot something, but I'm not sure04:15
blindAlright, I'm having some troubles with my linksys WMP54G v4.1 -- When it's in its PCI slot, ubuntu won't boot past "Configuring network interfaces." How can I fix this?04:15
nixnoobblind, unplug it. =)04:16
Jack_SparrowNasari: Is it really that important that you have flash now ?04:16
blindnixnoob, yes, but i'd like a working wireless card in my computer. how can i fix it so it will run?04:16
nickrudblind, what's in your /etc/network/interfaces ?04:16
blindnickrud: let me go find out...04:17
NasariOK, sorry, I think I got it, thanks04:17
otto_where can I get the default gutsy sources.list04:17
NasariNo, but I figured that instaling flash will help with with the general concept of installing packages04:18
burgerhave a program that run when I execute from its folder.  I'm assuming I can move that folder to /usr/local type place and have it available from anywhere.  How would I change my PATH to look an executable in a folder?  And thanks for any help.04:18
Jack_Sparrow!easysource > otto_04:18
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:18
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.04:18
Jack_SparrowNasari: Sticking to the repos will help you keep a stable workable system.04:19
astro76J_A_X, what I'm talking about is many people try to access their local system using their external IP, and the router prevents this04:19
* nickrud emphatically agrees with Jack_Sparrow 04:19
J_A_Xastro76: ahhhh04:19
Jack_Sparrownixnoob: If you are talking to me...  Keep your opinions to yourself thanks04:19
NasariNasari has no idea what a "repo"/ "repos" is...04:19
J_A_Xcould be, this router is complete crap04:19
nixnoobJack_Sparrow, I was just kidding.  Calm down.04:20
astro76J_A_X, so instead of reflecting this connection back, it sends it out to the gateway never to return04:20
J_A_Xcool, i'll try to get someone to get to login from somewhere else04:20
blindiface ra0 inet dhcp -- wireless-essid (myessidhere) -- auto ra004:21
blind(the -- = newline)04:22
nickrudblind, remove the auto ra0 , try that04:22
Jack_SparrowNasari: The official repositories as found in your sources list are tested software that can be easilly installed with synaptic or apt-get or aptitude etc04:22
Nasarioh, ok, thanks Jack04:23
patrlckI have installed ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64.iso but when I type "uname -a" I get "pat-desktop 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Dec 18 05:28:27 UTC 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux" .. is it normal ?04:23
nickrudpatrlck, yes04:23
Jack_SparrowNasari: If you want my help installing flash. I will give you simple instructions, but it could cause you problems when the real fix comes down later04:24
patrlckI tried installing xchat as I usually do but it won't work04:24
patrlckI can't seem to install any package at all04:24
patrlckusing apt-get04:24
astro76patrlck, yes, note the x86_64 in the uname -a output04:24
nickrudpatrlck, system->admin->software sources, make sure the first 4 items are selected, and the cdrom is not04:24
Xplicitoops i was using a windows xp install disk and deleted some partitions but havent formated them, is there a way i can rebuild the partition table to fix this mistake?04:24
geniiSomeone was asking about how to remove the cdrom line from sources.list without editing? Anyhow since it's first line , sudo sed 1d /etc/apt/sources.list  > /etc/apt/sources.list           will work04:24
hdevalenceis it possible to use an NTFS partition as a /home?04:25
bioNasari, did you find what you needed?04:25
patrlckthanks nickrud everything works fine now :)04:25
Jack_Sparrowhdevalence: no04:25
hdevalenceJack_Sparrow: thought so.04:26
Xplicithdevalence: no we cant use the permisions AFAIK04:26
blindnickrud, totally worked. thanks man04:26
bioNasari, I can give you step by step if you need04:26
nickrudblind, yw. But don't even think of asking me to help you set up the wireless, you'd be wasting your time :)04:26
noelferreirablind: should i open a udp or tcp port for vnc?04:26
Xplicitis it possible to use a Fat partition as home? if you use the fat + permision format?04:26
ActySoftsthe icons on the human theme in the main menu are totally blurred, making them pretty hard to see what they are, while the other icon themes work fine. any ideas why ubuntu doesn't use the correct size for them and resizes the smaller icons?04:26
NasariAh, yes, I did, thanks04:27
astro76noelferreira, vnc uses tcp04:27
* bio goes to eat noodles04:27
noelferreirathanks astro7604:27
blindnickrud, i've done it before, same card, same version, just this time something went wrong?04:27
NasariI somehow got some cina package manager that did it for me! =-O Yay!04:27
* nickrud sits here, fingers stilled04:27
GneaXplicit: nope, you need to use a filesystem that support UNIX permissions04:28
FunnyMan3595What's the hard way (command line) to activate DHCP on a connection?04:28
nickrudblind, I 'blindly' used bcm43xx driver in restricted manager, it worked, I kissed my cd04:28
bioNasari, for future, #tar xvf filename04:28
GneaXplicit: although, if you were to somehow load /home as a SAMBA slice...04:28
biois good04:28
FunnyMan3595i.e. What DHCP program is Ubuntu using?04:28
GneaXplicit: then NTFS would be better for that04:29
NasariI have a question, I use VLC player with windows, if i install it on this linux platform, will it also all of the codecs as well?04:29
GneaFunnyMan3595: ps axf | grep dhcp04:29
bioNasari, that's x-tract v-erbose f-file something like that... extracts it into the folder04:29
blindnickrud, well linksys has the ralink chipset (at least this version claims to), so it should just work after modprobing rt2500... but we'll see.04:29
lekugot a question on resizing my partitions with gparted04:29
bioNasari, perhaps04:29
KhajaviI have question: I need software to create repository and delete my old packages. managing old and new packages04:29
hdevalencein this case it's a friend of mine who wants to have r/w acess to /home from Windows04:29
Nasaribio for the win!04:29
lekui have 44g unallocated and I want to grow my NTFS partition on /dev/sda1 from 24g to 50g04:29
astro76Nasari, it's the same, except I think you still need to install libdvdcss2 for encrypted DVDs04:30
bioNasari, you can get libxine-extracodecs something like that04:30
lekui try to do sudo ntfsresize -S 50G /dev/sda104:30
nickrudblind, if it works when the module is modprobed, but not when you boot, add the module name on a line by itself in /etc/modules04:30
bio*might have to get04:30
biodoes VLS use xine?04:30
lekubut it says the new size cant be bigger than the device size and i need to enlarge device size using fdisk04:30
bioor like gstreamer or somehting04:30
lekuso do i go into fdisk and do that?04:30
lekuim' worried i'm going to ruin my windows partition04:30
bioVLC that is04:30
Gnealeku: right - you need to use fdisk to remanage the MBR so that the disk itself knows where to expand beyond the current barrier04:31
NasariI get get libxine-extracodecs with synaptic?04:31
Xplicitcan gutsy use UMSDOS? or would it require major work?04:31
bioNasari, you can, still not sure if VLC uses xine04:31
lekuok gnea04:31
lekuso i just go use fdisk and make the thing larger04:31
ActySoftsthe icons on the human theme in the main menu are totally blurred, making them pretty hard to see what they are, while the other icon themes work fine. any ideas why ubuntu doesn't use the correct size for them and resizes the smaller icons? http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/17/screenshotps7.png04:31
lekuthen use ntfsresize?04:31
Jack_Sparrow!find libxine04:31
ubotuFound: libxine-dev, libxine1, libxine1-dbg, libxine1-doc, libxinerama-dev (and 9 others)04:31
bioNasari, the command line (terminal) is sweet though, I got throw-back neon green on black04:32
nickrudbio, no it doesn't use xine libs04:32
Gnealeku: you also might want to look at gparted and ntfs-3g04:32
lekugparted wont let me04:32
bionickrud, what does VLC use?04:32
=== _Kernel is now known as Kernel
Gnealeku: are you familiar with the linux fdisk at all?04:32
Nasariwhat about the command line?04:32
astro76bio, VLC uses it's own code04:32
lekuseasoned linux guy04:33
SuperQMmmm.. curry04:33
astro76bio, and low level libs04:33
nickrudbio, it uses itself04:33
bioI've never really liked VLC, you guys like?04:33
SuperQleku: first kernel?04:33
ActySoftsthe icons on the human theme in the main menu are totally blurred, making them pretty hard to see what they are, while the other icon themes work fine. any ideas why ubuntu doesn't use the correct size for them and resizes the smaller icons? http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/17/screenshotps7.png04:33
SuperQleku: what was the kernel on the first linux you used?04:34
lekui'm trying to resize a partition :)04:34
astro76bio, there is yet to be a perfect media player, but most people consider VLC the swiss army knife ;)04:34
nickrudbio, works better for dvd's than anything else I've tried, I've kinda shifted over for everything now04:34
lekumaybe earlier than that04:34
SuperQAhh, those were the good ol days04:34
lekubut thats all i remember04:34
Gnealeku: it's pretty simple then: just make sure that sda1 begins on the same sector/cylinder that sda1 is currently set to, then change the end sector boundary to be greater than what it's currently set at (whatever the 50G limit is)04:34
SuperQgood ol slackware04:34
leku24 floppies04:34
EDinNYWhat is the maximum size of a swap partition on an I86-64 machine?04:34
astro76bio, yeah I prefer it for DVDs too04:34
lekuthanks gnea04:34
bioah, I see, yeah, I use flash, realplayer, and xine-based stuff I guess04:34
* leku nervous to break windows04:34
SuperQI'm so glad I switched to Bo back in ~9804:35
NasariWhat i'm looking for is a nice codec package, and was wondering if I download VLC is that a good option, or is there a better way?04:35
SuperQDebian Bo04:35
Xplicitbreaking windows is fun, just make sure ubuntu works 1st04:35
lekudunno what that is04:35
biff420anyone know how to set the xorg.conf so that I can get 640x480 with 256 colors?04:35
lekui've used debian plenty04:35
Gnealeku: gparted *should* be able to see that - if it can't resize the ntfs partition, then ntfsresize should - again, check out ntfs-3g though, as it has better linux compatibility and should be less risky04:35
tritiumSuperQ, leku: there's #ubuntu-offtopic for chit-chat04:35
nickrudSuperQ, dropping names ? ;p04:35
lekugnea: i'm booted off of a live ubuntu cd04:35
bioNasari, VLC probably is the most versatile single player from what I understand04:36
lekui'll reboot into linux now04:36
Gnealeku: right-o04:36
bioNasari, are you looking for stand-alone or plug-in?04:36
ActySoftsthe icons on the human theme in the main menu are totally blurred, making them pretty hard to see what they are, while the other icon themes work fine. any ideas why ubuntu doesn't use the correct size for them and resizes the smaller icons? http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/17/screenshotps7.png04:36
SuperQheh, sorry04:36
Nasarior plugins/whatever04:36
ShpookSo I guess installing KDE alongside Gnome is generally a bad idea?04:36
bioNasari, for streaming or DVD?04:36
lekushpook: not at all04:36
lekui have had both04:36
bioNasari, plug-in I mean like into firefox04:37
Nasarifor mp3, mp4 div-x ect04:37
chintani think vistacodec pack (if it is available on lin)04:37
biff420anyone know how to set the xorg.conf so that I can get 640x480 with 256 colors?04:37
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:37
Shpookleku: hmmm...i just got done playing with KDE, and now in Gnome, Pidgin and Firefox 2 segfault when I run them04:37
XplicitShpook: its ok but there are problems04:37
Xplicitwhat happends in kde?04:38
lekushouldn't have anything to do with kde04:38
lekuif kde updated pidgen and firefox 204:38
lekuyou might have a problem04:38
tritium!enter | leku04:38
ubotuleku: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:38
Blazer11hello all04:38
lekuthanks for the IRC ettiquette lesson04:39
tritiumAny time...04:39
Xplicit!ask | Blazer1104:39
lekuinstall firefox304:39
ubotuBlazer11: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:40
biff420how do i edit xorg.conf to get 640x480 @ 256 colors?04:40
* robdig remembers 640X480...wasn't that the res for the original vga in the '80s?04:40
=== di[a]fic is now known as diafic
ActySoftsthe icons on the human theme in the main menu are totally blurred, making them pretty hard to see what they are, while the other icon themes work fine. any ideas why ubuntu doesn't use the correct size for them and resizes the smaller icons? http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/17/screenshotps7.png04:40
biff420robdig: and starcraft...hence the question04:40
EDinNYNasari you want win32 or win64 codecs04:40
_gtt_how can i figure out why i'm unable to browse samba shares from one laptop on my network? the error reported is that it doesnt find any workgroups to join.04:40
EDinNYNasari: there is a depository with them in it...you install them and mplayer, but vlc is a great alternative04:41
Blazer11ubotu ??04:41
robdigbiff420: system->preferences->screen resolution?04:42
Shpookleku: I'm using Firefox 3, but Firebug doesn't support it yet, and that's my main JS debugger lol04:42
scguy318!medibuntu | Nasari04:42
ubotuNasari: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:42
ShpookAnd I JUST reformatted and reinstalled because I destroyed the last installation :-(04:42
lekuman gparted is junk.. always seg faults04:42
NasariOK, thanks04:42
XplicitShpook: doesnt support or says itdoesnt support?04:42
lekuahh ok shpook04:42
lekubummer.. b2 is so nice04:42
biff420robdig:isn't there a gui to edit xorg.conf?04:43
gvsa123i'm trying to play around with automated shutdown/restart. what command do i have to issue so that all running applications are ended before shutting down?04:43
ShpookXplicit: doesn't support it....or at least won't install04:43
lekugvsa: the ubuntu init system will properly shutdown everythign for you04:43
Shpookleku: yeah, I'm in love with FF3b204:43
tritiumbiff420: generally, one does "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to reconfigure it04:43
ActySoftsbiff420: system -> preferences -> screen resolution04:43
ActySoftsthe icons on the human theme in the main menu are totally blurred, making them pretty hard to see what they are, while the other icon themes work fine. any ideas why ubuntu doesn't use the correct size for them and resizes the smaller icons? http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/17/screenshotps7.png04:43
lekuwow gparted still wont let me resize this beast04:43
nickrudbiff420, if you'll put your xorg.conf on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org I'll show you the changes necessary04:43
EDinNYgvsa123, "shutdown -r" reboots, "shutdown -h" halts04:44
gvsa123leku: but i noticed that there would be times when for example i left firefox minimized on another window, and i shutdown, the next time, i will be prompted that the session wasn't ended04:44
XplicitShpook: you can try installing it anyway by using extensions.checkCompatibility;false04:44
biff420nicrud: sure thing...maybe you can clean it up a bit...it looks like $hit04:44
Blazer11ubotu are u a linux god, cause i do have an issue, for real ultrasparc, video card on pci domain 0001, the xorg old chesnut, trying to figure out how to install xfree86 in gutsy, or debian etch04:44
lekugvsa: well applications like firefox don't relaly need to be properly shutdown04:44
lekueveryting else that needs to has an init script04:44
gvsa123EDinNY: i have sudo shutdown -h now set to GShutdown04:44
lekuso stuff running on your desktop, who really cares how it closes04:44
bio!ubotu | Blazer1104:44
ubotuBlazer11: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:44
ShpookXplicit: ahh thanks, I forgot you could do that04:45
XplicitShpook: add the string extensions.checkCompatibility to about:config then set it to false04:45
tritiumleku: how hard is it for you to understand !enter?04:45
EDinNYgvsa123, that is a bug in firefox.  It usually says it was not shut down correctly04:45
Xplicitleku: firefox has an anoying tendancy to popup a warning if you to an os shutdown it wont restore04:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xine - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:45
lekutritium: get a life04:45
nickrud!info xine-ui04:45
gvsa123EDinNY: plus I added killall -SIGHUP java to end azureus so i don't get the messegae that it wasn't shutdown tidily the next time...04:45
ubotuxine-ui: the xine video player, user interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.5-2build1 (gutsy), package size 1514 kB, installed size 3628 kB04:45
ActySofts!libxine > bio04:45
Blazer11can someone help me please!04:46
biff420nicrud: done04:46
nickrudbiff420, I need the url04:46
bioActySofts, knows nothing of libxine04:46
gvsa123EDinNY: oh it's a bug in FF...04:46
ShpookNow, if I remove kubuntu-desktop...will it completely remove everything kubuntu and pretend it was never there?04:46
nickrud!info libxine104:46
ubotulibxine1: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.7-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 2431 kB, installed size 5528 kB04:46
Xplicittritium: that was unecisary he was being help full just didnt like following a fairly pointless rule04:46
biff420nickrud: sorry.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49766/04:46
biff420nickrud: still new to this04:47
tritiumXplicit: it's far from pointless.  It keeps the noise down in the channel.04:47
mwaganyone know how to use cedega?04:47
EDinNYgvsa123, you HUP a process?  that usually just causes it to re-read its config file if it is a server04:47
biff420mwag: got to the #cedega channel04:47
Xplicitid of thought noise was less important than removing help from the channel04:47
EDinNYgvsa123: rather if it is a daemon04:47
tritiumXplicit: we have a code of conduct as well.  He decided to be rude.04:48
ActySoftsthe icons on the human theme in the main menu are totally blurred, making them pretty hard to see what they are, while the other icon themes work fine. any ideas why ubuntu doesn't use the correct size for them and resizes the smaller icons? http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/17/screenshotps7.png04:48
nickrudbiff420, change the Defaultdepth to 8 to use the 8 bit display04:48
gvsa123EDinNY: not really sure what the killall -SIGHUP does.. i just got it from the wiki of azureus.. it seems to work... i was wondering if i needed to issue a similar generalized command to close applications (i.e. pidgin, music players, open nautilus windows, Openoffice, etc...)04:48
ShpookOh yeah, anyone else play with PulseAudio yet? Better yet, on a 64-bit system?04:48
mwaghow do you join channels04:48
Blazer11help need a linux guru to help me with sunblade 1500, multi pci domain, xorg04:48
alexandroidhi all. I need help with installing Ubuntu on external HDD (WD passport 160). I've found several instructions over web, but my case seems to be a bit different and I am stuck. =) I am using Ubuntu 7.10 live DVD to boot from, ran install from it. I let it automatically partition the drive and told grub to install into sdb (which in my case was the external HDD). It seemed to work fine (my laptop HDD/MBR remain intact), except I can04:49
ActySoftsmwag: type "/join #channel"04:49
Xplicitwho was asking about getting firefox to shut down properly04:49
biff420nickrud: in the screen section?04:49
gvsa123EDinNY: i only used it because i noticed that not shutting down azureus nicely causes messages to appear the next time i use it...04:49
EDinNYgvsa123, I always log out before I reboot so firefox and other applications are not running04:49
slugoneive downloaded a linux game.....its a shell script....how do i install it04:49
slugone1 file04:49
nickrudbiff420, yes. You'll probably need to do it for both screens, I don't remember if X supports different bit depths on different screens, but don't think so04:50
Gneaslugone: which one?04:50
Xplicittheres a hack for firefox to get it to skip the popup dialog but is theres a way to get firefox to shutdown properly , loging out doesnt help me as kde restores sessions04:50
slugonebeyond the red line04:50
_gtt_nickrud: it does04:50
slugoneits based on freespace04:50
nickrud_gtt_, thaks04:50
biff420nickrud: why is there more than one screen defined?...i only have one monitor04:50
slugonea battle star galactica04:51
ActySoftsthe icons on the human theme in the main menu are totally blurred, making them pretty hard to see what they are, while the other icon themes work fine. any ideas why ubuntu doesn't use the correct size for them and resizes the smaller icons? http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/17/screenshotps7.png04:51
Gnea*perk* battlestar galactica? *DOWNLOADS*04:51
nickrudbiff420, I have no clue. Where'd you get it?04:51
gvsa123EDinNY: what about the killall command... there's an option to killall --user... does that mean that everything i opened/ran while i was logged in will be closed down neatly?04:51
ShpookOh wait, I inspected further. My problems are related to PulseAudio and not KDE.04:51
ShpookE: authkey.c: failed to open cookie file '/home/shpook/.pulse-cookie': Permission deniedE: authkey.c: Failed to load authorization key '/home/shpook/.pulse-cookie': Permission denied*** PULSEAUDIO: Unable to connect: Connection refusedSegmentation fault (core dumped)04:51
Blazer11anyone have xfree86 working in gutsy04:51
EDinNYgvsa123, you want to log out before you reboot04:51
tritiumBlazer11: no, Xorg04:52
ShpookSo I think for the time being, I'll revert to ALSA, until PulseAudio has a 1.0.04:52
nickrudbiff420, looking closer, I see you have nvidia defined for one and nv for the other. No clue about that, either. Never used nvidia04:52
biff420nickrud: it was generated that way when i installed the resticted NVIDIA driver04:52
nickrudbiff420, oh, downloaded from nvidia?04:52
EDinNYgvsa123: some programs, like mail clients,  do some housekeeping when you shut them down04:52
Blazer11im in a pickle is there a way? tritium04:52
biff420nickrud: no just with ubuntu04:52
tritiumBlazer11: why would you want to replace Xorg with Xfree?04:53
biff420nickrud: i have sli too...not sure how that fits in either...since only one device is defined04:53
TigranGHi. Where are the gnome panel configuration files located?04:53
nickrudbiff420, no clue then. Like I said, I don't have nvidia now and when I did it was a lowly 5200 and I never got anything similar to that04:53
biff420nickrud: no worries...ill find an example sli xorg.conf somewhere04:53
gvsa123EDinNY: ok.. but when you logout/reboot/shutdown, do open applications get shutdown the proper way also? or do they get "forced quit" or something04:53
Gneaslugone: try this: sh ./BtRLDemoInstaller.run04:53
Blazer11xorg does not scan past pci domain 0000, my graphics card is on 000104:53
biff420nickrud: thanks for the help04:54
GneaBlazer11: is the PCI ID set in the xorg.conf file?04:54
hanasakii am running at 1440x900 resolution on a 19" monitor and all the windows/fonts are BIG how can I shrink them/scale them04:55
ogrewhat do i type to view free space on my disks?04:55
Gnea!fonts | hanasaki04:55
ubotuhanasaki: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer04:55
Gneaogre: df -Th04:55
nickrudogre, df -h04:55
Blazer11well sort of, its bus id is right but it is in domain 0001 which xorg does not see04:55
EDinNYgvsa123: oh, now I see what you mean.  you can do a logout shutdown.  Most programs close correctly and will start next time you log in...at least in kde...but some programs like Evolution like to be shut down before you reboot04:55
gvsa123EDinNY: for example, shutting down while openoffice is runnign will cause the unrecovered document recovery thing to pop out the next time you use OOo... and leaving an open nautilus window will cause the next reboot to have an open window already popped up04:56
ridge-meisterwhat entry should i add to sources.list in order to install gbrainy?04:56
GneaBlazer11: mkay, are you trying to do a dual-head display?04:56
TigranGWhere are the gnome panel configuration files located?04:56
GneaTigranG: usually in ~/.gnome2/04:56
nickrudTigranG, you would find them by running gconf-editor, and navigating the tree on the left to /apps/panel04:56
sn00zerdoes anyone here use a kvm switch? I'm having issues getting my laptop to display correctly(win xp) and at all (gutsy), laptop is widescreen, main monitor is fullscreen04:56
TigranGGnea: thanks04:57
gvsa123EDinNY: yeah... so the command i was looking for was something that would for example, close all running programs like how they should before processing with the shutdown or reboot.... can i use the killall with that?04:57
Gneasn00zer: yeah - who makes your kvm?04:57
sn00zergnea: cables to go04:57
slugoneGnea it is working what does the SH command do ?04:57
Shpoo1Muah ha ha - Installed ESound, removed all PulseAudio libraries, and all segfaults are gone. I really wish I coulde use PulseAudio though.04:57
EDinNYgvsa123: sorry, have not tried that.  I close things before shutting down04:57
Gneaslugone: it executes the file as a shell script04:57
Blazer11no, im stuck because xorg will not scan multi pci domains, and xfree86 will, this what i found in ubuntu forums, but how do you use xfree86 when its not supported?04:57
=== King-in-Yellow_ is now known as King-in-Yellow
slugonethx a mill04:58
TigranGGnea: Where exactly in .gnome2?04:58
* EDinNY goes to next room to install Linux04:58
GneaBlazer11: you're still being vague - could you please pastebin the output of this command: lspci | grep VGA04:58
gvsa123EDinNY: welll thanks anyway04:58
nickrudTigranG, it's not in .gnome2 , it's under .gconf , but gconf-editor makes browsing that easy04:58
Shpoo1Alright, easy one now. Anyone remember how to fix the bug where xorg.conf doesn't save changes on restart?04:58
GneaTigranG: sorry, my mistake - ~/.gconf/04:58
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:59
sn00zergnea: in xp it shows up during boot but chops off edges since the resolutions are different, but once in xp i have to use it as an external and i can't set my main(secondary to xp) as primary, and with gutsy i get a black screen04:59
TigranGnickrud: I need the file for it, exact file, because I'm going to have 2 setups, so I'll just have a script that changes the files.04:59
LucidFoxI've configured Ubuntu Gutsy to use pulseaudio, but it constantly eats about 7% CPU when rhythmbox is playing. What am I doing wrong?04:59
adamonline46Dang, could anyone tell me how to connect to a samba share from ubuntu?  I can connect to it from WinXP, but not from a separate ubuntu rig...04:59
TigranGnickrud: so I guess I'll check in ./gconf04:59
LucidFoxadamonline46> smb://host/directory in nautilus05:00
nickrudTigranG, it' would be ~/.gonf/apps/panel , swap that dir05:00
TigranGnickrud: Ok. Got it. Thanks05:00
Gneasn00zer: that's weird - usually it's belkin kvms that are problematic. checking into it now..05:00
besquareDON'T DO rm -rf ~/05:00
TigranGnickrud: Once I swap it, would I need to logout and in for it to take effect?05:00
adamonline46LucidFox: That's what I've got... I'm using an IP as a hostname, is that kosher?05:01
* Gnea wonders wtf said "rm -rf ~/" in the first place05:01
LucidFoxadamonline46> yes05:01
nickrudTigranG, you'd have to swap it around while logged out and gconfd-2 is not running; you can use gconftool to change keys while the daemon is running05:01
sn00zergnea: its model #35555 if it helps05:01
=== diafic is now known as di[a]fic
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adamonline46LucidFox: Shucks.  I'm not able to connect at all.  I've got the firewalls down on both machines...  Any ideas?05:02
TigranGnickrud: So I can use gconf-editor and navigate to apps/panel save that for the 2 setup, then have the script run gconftool and load the save configurations?05:03
LucidFoxadamonline46> Stupid question, but can you access the same machine using other protocols? Does ping work?05:03
KlrSpzanyone familiar with bridging in ubuntu? trying to get my nic to bridge to my wireless and isn't seeming to actually route traffic; works fine in windows, but that's only a proof of it's ability05:03
adamonline46LucidFox: Yes, I just SSHed in with no problems...05:04
nickrudTigranG, I've only used gconftool to prune bad settings. it's not going to be that simple05:04
Dr_willisKlrSpz,  at one time - one would read the ip-masquerading howto to set  that up. :) not sure if theres an easier /gui way to do it now a days or not.05:04
TigranGnickrud: K, gonna give it a try05:05
KlrSpzdon't care if it's a gui implementation, i just gotta get this working so i can get my 360 online :)05:05
KlrSpz(i come from gentoo, so i don't mind getting dirty as long as i can understand it and get it working)05:05
Gneasn00zer: looks like the video quality degredation is a known issue05:06
Dr_willisKlrSpz,  check out that howto.. and i bet there are some gentoo wiki pages on the same topic.05:06
KlrSpzalthough you'd think there'd be a bridge plugin to the network manager05:06
SpookyETSwitching folders in nautilus is extremely slow. Every time I change a folder, I see a network spike in system monitor applet in the panel. What's it doing, looking for network computers?05:07
Dr_willisnever noticed. :) setting up ipmasquerading is like a 3 line script. if i rember right05:07
sn00zergnea: are their any workarounds?05:07
RavingGriffalright, so i dual-boot windows and ubuntu.  a few days ago, i upgraded from an on-board geforce 6600 to a geforce 8500 gt card.  worked fine with windows, but when ubuntu boots, i get a blank screen.  right now i'm running in recovery mode, as root05:07
jamescarrhey folks05:07
nickrudKlrSpz, I had some issues with networkmanager in the past, and it's spec is dealing with only one interface at a time05:07
Gneasn00zer: sell it and get another?05:07
RavingGriffa user from my regular irc channel tells me that my driver may be outdated, but i'd like your input05:07
ChrisULMdoes anyone know how to setup an ssh tunnel with firefox and putty?05:07
Gneasn00zer: i've had very good luck with iogear05:07
sn00zergnea: i have my desktop connected to it and it works fine, its just the laptop05:08
troxorChrisULM: something like ssh -D ?05:08
Dr_willisRavingGriff,  I think there may be some issues with the 8500 card. They both should be using the same nvidia drivers  BUT the 8500 may be wanting the glx-new driver. not the normal glx one.05:08
jamescarrI am having trouble installing ... the live cd startup seems to hang on detecting hard drives... any idea whats up? The drives currently use the UFS (or is UHS) file format for BSD05:08
ChrisULMtroxor, not sure. basically i want to tunnel through my dd-wrt router at home using ssh05:08
Dr_willis!find glx05:08
ubotuFound: libgl1-mesa-glx, libgl1-mesa-glx-dbg, libglitz-glx1, libglitz-glx1-dev, libxcb-glx0 (and 9 others)05:08
TigranGnickrud: How can I save it to a file? It says --dump, So I do gconftool --demp /apps/panel [dir]. Is that right?05:08
troxorChrisULM: which way?05:08
Gneasn00zer: right, but the point of using a kvm in the first place is to be able to swap between systems without any issues05:09
sn00zergnea: and shouldn't windows at least work with it?05:09
Blazer11Gnea 0001:00:03.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE]05:09
ChrisULMtroxor, when im on my laptop at my university, i want to tunnel back to my router at home05:09
nickrudTigranG, I looked over the man page again, and once again accepted that I am no gconftool expert . setting a key or two, or using --recursive-unset is the limits of my knowledge05:09
RavingGriffDr_willis, am i going to need to apt get those packages?05:10
tarelerulzI can't seem to copy files using samba  I don't know why so I thought I would use scp ,but I can't  understand if it is working or not .  I can ssh into the other computer .  anyone have an example what you need to put in05:10
TigranGnickrud: K, thanks.05:10
ChrisULMtroxor, ive connected to the router from another IP using SSH, but i dont know what to do from there05:10
troxorChrisULM: just forward port 2205:10
Dr_willisRavingGriff,  You may want to doublt check the !nvidia factoid links. THey got a link to a list of what cards need what drivers..  you should be able to just apt-get install the right ones.05:10
nickrudTigranG, sorry. If you look around gnome.org , you'll probably find a tutorial05:10
troxorChrisULM: and change dd-wrt's listening ssh daemon  to 222 or somesuch05:10
Dr_willis!nvidia | RavingGriff05:10
ubotuRavingGriff: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:10
x_orI think I might have been cracked, when I run grep it says "grep: unrecognized option `--post-data'"  I think someone might have replaced grep in the execution chain with wget to post files when grep is run using an automated process.  Has anyone heard of anything like this before?05:10
ChrisULMwill try that, thanks05:11
RavingGriffthank you, Dr_willis05:11
SpookyETWill someone help please?05:11
KlrSpzDr_willis: when you say a 3 line script, you mean injections to the iptables?05:11
alexandroidstill waiting with my question. =) To put it simple: how do I check that grub is installed ok in external HDD and it is bootable?05:11
KlrSpzie, routing packets from one nic to another?05:11
sunogbagaSpookyET: ask05:11
SpookyETsunogbaga: I did05:11
Gneasn00zer: there seems to be some conflicting info about these... https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ma/2007-November/000980.html  goes out on a limb to actually purchase the same kvm that you have and bad-mouths the iogear - but then again, my iogear is a PS/2 version and doesn't hassle with the USB power issues05:11
nickrudalexandroid, try to boot ? ;)05:11
Dr_willisKlrSpz,  if i rember the old way (it proberly hasent changed much) you enable the ipmasquerading with some echo command to set it up. then its like 1 or 2 iptables rules.05:12
KlrSpzalexandroid: it'll tell you once you tell grub to put it on the drive, as for bootable that's up to your bios to support booting usb devices05:12
KlrSpzah yeah like the forwarding node in the proc fs05:12
sunogbagaSpookyET: didn't see your post.. whats the prob?05:12
Gneasn00zer: and i've seen the same issue with the bootup-into-640x480 in linux but that's a simple reboot issue (with the iogear), but it never provides any problems with resolution cropness05:13
KlrSpzDr_willis: i think i did this a loooooooong time ago in school; but it's been so long i can't remember what we did or how we accomplished it.. i'll read up.. thanks for the tip05:13
SpookyETsunogbaga:  Switching folders in nautilus is extremely slow. Every time I change a folder, I see a network spike in system monitor applet in the panel. What's it doing, looking for network computers?05:13
KlrSpzSpookyET: check out dstat, it should tell you what portion of your system is being hit when you feel those lags05:13
alexandroidwell, i tried booting from it. It seems not to work - blank screen. However I'd expect it to say "not bootable" in case of real problem. BIOS seems to support booting from USB (at least it is in the list of bootable devices)05:14
KlrSpzalso, when it does it you can watch your netstat if you're certain it's the network to see what it's tring to connect to05:14
SpookyETKlrSpz: dstat?05:14
adamonline46Is there a samba client?05:14
x_orAnyone know of cracker problems with postfix?  I think my machine has been cracked and I just setup postfix recently, so I wonder if there is a vulnerability.05:14
KlrSpzSpookyET: yeah, install it05:14
pr0nGuyanyone use virtualbox?05:14
robdigadamonline46: yes, smbclient05:14
sunogbagaadamonline46: yes there is05:14
KlrSpz(not at an ubuntu box so i'm not sure what the real pkg name is)05:14
KlrSpzpr0nGuy: yep.. love it05:15
adrian__HELP!! I have  a problem. when i rebooted my comp, it did the sda1 check. but it would not complete the check because it said it had trouble with loading a file called micronode-(random number). or something like that. and it would not let me got in to my home area. so i tryed some various recoverymodes and i finally got in, by just starting the recoverymode, and exitiing it. i think i might have been lucky this time, anyone knows what i05:15
adrian__can do to avoid hitting this problem in the future?05:15
nickrudalexandroid, try editing the menu.lst , find the kernel line that has quiet splash on it. Remove those words, at least it'll remove the chance that it's a framebuffer issue05:15
pr0nGuyKlrSpz: i just installed it.  do I have to run updates?05:15
Blazer11Gnea, do u see wht im talkin bout05:15
Romeskinda weird question: where do the ubuntu devs hang out?05:15
SpookyETKlrSpz: It's telling me the same thing as system monitor applet05:15
SpookyETThe network is getting hit05:15
GneaBlazer11: no not really - it looks like you have a single video card going to just one monitor, right?05:16
SpookyETI don't know why. I'm surfing my home directory05:16
KlrSpzpr0nGuy:  generally download it from the developer's site to ensure the latest; are you having problems?05:16
tarelerulzTo use scp I did this scp username@192.168.x.x and then it goes to the next line ? What am I doing wrong05:16
KlrSpzSpookyET: right ok so check out netstat (try watch -n 1 netstat -anp)05:16
adamonline46robdig: Hmm, I have it already... Is there a config file or do I have to add users to it or anything?  I can't smb out for the life of me...05:16
WildeSehnsuchthi. i would like to restrict *some* (not all) applications to send any data to broadcast on the network ( is there any gui tool to control things like these?05:16
Blazer11ya,notice its on pic domain 0001 0001:00:03.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE]05:16
Gneatarelerulz: are you trying to send or receive a file?05:16
KlrSpzand see what happens when you browse, see if it's searching a local ip or remote or whatnot05:16
Blazer11pci sorry05:16
sunogbagatarelerulz: scp copies files.. you have to put files in the params.. just like normal cp05:16
tarelerulzGnea, I am trying to send a file05:16
nickrudtarelerulz, what way are you trying to transfer?05:17
GneaBlazer11: yeah so that's built-in or is it a separate card?05:17
tarelerulzAn .wav file05:17
KlrSpzyou need a source and dest05:17
pr0nGuyKlrSpz: I've just installed.  the only reason I want it is to print from my canon and lexmark printers.05:17
KlrSpzscp localfile.wav user@host:~/05:17
pr0nGuyKlrSpz: I got it from synaptic05:17
Gneatarelerulz: scp file.wav user@IP:/directory/you/want/it/in05:17
Some_PersonIs there an Ubuntu repository for Firefox 3 Beta 2?05:17
KlrSpzpr0nGuy: should be ok, but have you tried cups? they'll generally support most printers if nothing else but by postscript output05:18
Blazer11separate, prob is its pcie 16x, so cant change slots05:18
bazhangSome_Person: currently no05:18
soldatspr0nGuy, lexmark isnt supported i believe05:18
pr0nGuyKlrSpz: I'll look into that cups.05:18
XplicitSome_Person: no just unpack it05:18
Some_PersonOr a deb package?05:18
GneaBlazer11: if that's the case, then xorg shouldn't care - it should find it and deal with it at installation05:18
pr0nGuysoldats: not my lexmark, soldier.05:18
Hyp3r-XCan anyone help me here the the Audio Sound drivers to install05:19
GneaBlazer11: have you tried commenting-out the PCI ID line in the xorg.conf file and pressing ctrl-alt-backspace?05:19
robdigadamonline46: haven't used it, just use samba so i can print from ubuntu via my xp attached printer05:19
XplicitSome_Person: unpack it to opt, link plugins and then link the bin, its easier than finding the deb05:19
Gnea!sound | Hyp3r-X05:19
ubotuHyp3r-X: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:19
Some_PersonXplicit: too complex for me05:19
Blazer11Gnea read up http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45829705:20
Arrickcan someone here walk me through installing the newest webmin on ubuntu 6.06.1 server install?05:20
GneaBlazer11: oh, this is on a SUN?05:20
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system - Consider "ebox" instead05:21
bazhangsee above Arrick05:21
Blazer11yes SunBlade 150005:21
Arrickyeah, thats what I thought, no support for known good apps.....05:21
WorkingOnWis1i have totally screwed up my gnome session somehow. If I log in to a gnome session, everything in the panels, and the panes themselves, crash, leaving me only the desktop, and alt-f2 to run apps. I can log into an E-Gnome session (gnome using enlightenment) and the default panels load and all is good. Whats the fastest way to get my regular Gnome defaults back?05:21
KlrSpzpr0nGuy: yeah cups in ubuntu is easy.. i think there's already a gnome tool under system called PRINTERS (i use xubuntu so i don't have all the tools) and you can set it up pretty easily in there.. worst case, look for what's called a PPD file (it's basically a printer driver for cups) for your specific printer or one like it, should work fine...05:21
Xplicitdownload the tar unpack it with ark, or tar -xvjf , move it to /opt then ln -s /usr/bin/firefox3 /opt/firefox/firefox then rmdir /opt/firefox/plugins then ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins /opt/firefox/plugins05:22
KlrSpzmy brand new $2000 photo printer works fine with cups, even multiplexing05:22
Gnea!sparc | Blazer1105:22
ubotuBlazer11: Have a look here for Docs http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/install/sparc/ KnownIssues and TODO are on the wiki.05:22
astro76Arrick, I've never known webmin to be good :P05:22
GneaBlazer11: this channel is pretty much x86-based05:22
Arrickand it doesnt support nearly anything that webmin does05:22
adamonline46robdig: alright, ty05:22
Arrickok, can someone just tell me how to use a deb to install to ubuntu?05:22
pr0nGuyKlrSpz: I'm fairly certain that my Canon PIXMA MP210 is not supported at all.  Correct me if I'm wrong.05:22
x_orIs ebox in dapper respos, or do you need to install via source?05:23
astro76Arrick, dpkg -i05:23
bazhang!info ebox05:23
ubotuebox: eBox - Base framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-0ubuntu9 (gutsy), package size 127 kB, installed size 1220 kB05:23
KlrSpzpr0nGuy: yeah.. yer wrong :) http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Canon-PIXMA_MP21005:23
nickrudArrick, you're missing the point, webmin doesn't function with the way debian sets up the configuration files05:23
kk-operaArrick: double click05:23
sunogbagaadamonline46: youve installed smbclient?05:23
astro76Arrick, or double click it05:23
KlrSpzor dpkg -i /path/to/package.deb05:23
Blazer11Oh sorry, is there somewhere else i should ask, if some could help me get xfree86 installed i think that would do it05:23
Arrickdouble click from the terminal?05:24
ridge-meisterwhat entry should i add to sources.list in order to install gbrainy?05:24
Arrickthanks klasu_05:24
ArrickKlrSpz ^05:24
GneaBlazer11: have you just tried apt-get install xserver-xfree86?05:24
KlrSpzpr0nGuy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4012218 <-- also.. just google your model and ubuntu in there and you'll find plenty of hits05:24
Arricknickrud I know that not to be right, I have 1.270 installed right now, and I want to update it to the new version.05:25
nickrudGnea, that just depends on xserver-xorg05:25
Gneanickrud: not the point.05:25
Gneayou can choose which xserver to use after that05:25
Blazer11yes, only thing avail was transition dummy package05:25
adamonline46sunogbaga: yes, I have.  Have you been following my problem?  I can access my samba shares from WinXP, but when I try to access them from a third machine running kubuntu I can't.  However, I can ssh and ping the smb server...05:25
pr0nGuyKlrSpz: I just need to use a driver from another printer and it should work, right?05:25
alexandroidnickrud: will try that, thank you!05:25
sunogbagaadamonline46, from ur other ubuntu machine try this smbclient --list=ip_of_the_server05:26
adamonline46sunogbaga: Oh wait, I take it back... I can't seem to ping the server05:26
shm613does anyone know if devilspie has been set up to work with compiz-fusion?05:27
adamonline46sunogbaga: When I do that it hangs.  When I do it with known functioning samba servers it asks for my password, then says 'session status failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE05:28
sunogbagaadamonline46, be sure you have network connections set up first.. smbclient(as far as i know) doesn't need config05:28
=== Kernel is now known as _Kernel
sunogbagaadamonline46, and ur windows box connects without passwords?05:29
adamonline46sunogbaga: By network connections, you mean aside from Samba?  Dang, it seems I can do everything else with each machine, just not these two together...05:29
adamonline46sunogbaga: No, it asks for passwords...05:29
sunogbagaadamonline46, can you configure your smb server so as not to ask password?05:30
ViakenLong story short, someone left a huge note of some type on my sister's laptop. I -think- it was a tooltip of some sort. At least, it was yellow with a darker left border. I wasn't sure what type of window it was, but thought it was a sticky-note style window and clicked on it to copy/paste the text, but it disappeared. I don't know what program generated it. Any ideas? Suggestions?05:30
ViakenOr is it gone into the aether?05:31
adamonline46sunogbaga: Possibly, I wouldn't know where to start there... :)05:31
WorkingOnWis1i have totally screwed up my gnome session somehow. If I log in to a gnome session, everything in the panels, and the panes themselves, crash, leaving me only the desktop, and alt-f2 to run apps. I can log into an E-Gnome session (gnome using enlightenment) and the default panels load and all is good. Whats the fastest way to get my regular Gnome defaults back?05:31
nickrudViaken, sounds like a notification of some kind, do you remember much of the text?05:31
Xplicithow do i install my root partion to an lvm thing (the 1s where you can resize it)05:31
bazhangViaken: knotes? tomboy?05:31
GneaBlazer11: silly question - are you using the ReferenceClock option?05:31
webspiderusis there any reason why my ubuntu desktop would appear tiled?05:31
Viakennickrud: Some of it. But some of it was misspelled in creative ways. :P05:31
sunogbagaadamonline46, wait., ill paste my config.. os youll have a headstart05:32
* Viaken greps05:32
KlrSpzpr0nGuy: sorry, was reading this howto, yeah that's how it seems.. a model lower than yours, but supports most basic printing features05:32
nickrudwebspiderus, you meant the background?05:32
adamonline46sunogbaga: Cool, thanks!05:32
webspiderusno, i mean everything05:32
webspiderusmy windows kinda wrap around05:32
dewbieI was wondering how to get my Linksys WPC54GS Wireless-G Notebook Adapter working with Ubuntu 7.04. Please help?05:32
webspiderusnickrud: it's like the edge of my desktop is somewhere in the middle05:32
rkjsunogbaga, adamonline46: I'm trying to solve a similar problem. How do you configure the ubuntu machine to not demand a password from a user on a windows machine?05:32
Viakenbazhang: This is running Xubuntu, actually. xfce-popup-notes didn't look the same, though.05:33
nickrudwebspiderus, are you running compiz?05:33
adamonline46rkj: I wish I knew, I'd like ONE share to do that 8)05:33
webspiderusnickrud: I don't think so .. what is compiz o_O;05:33
bazhangdewbie what is the chipet?05:33
ViakenI thought it could be an orage notification, but I couldn't find anything in orage's configs.05:33
bazhangViaken: ah I see05:33
sunogbagarkj, adamonline46 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49767/05:33
nickrudwebspiderus, the pretty desktop with fading windows and the like05:33
adamonline46sunogbaga: Wow that's it!? :O05:33
KlrSpzany network/bridge gurus? I'm trying to bridge a NIC to a wireless USB device... I've tried using ubuntu's bridging which seems to initialize the hardware fine (and i can still connect to the net) but the network traffic is not properly routing... anything i'm missing? the route table seems right with everything on eth0 routing to wlan005:34
webspiderusnickrud: just looks ... pretty regular. I had the same problem when booting from the livecd, too05:34
Xplicithow do i install my root partion to an lvm05:34
dewbiebazhang, I am not sure. How do I find the chipset?05:34
sunogbagaadamonline46, yah, thats all of it.05:34
CentHOGGheh, i got the cheapest mp3 for xmas... coby05:34
nickrudwebspiderus, hm, then it's probably not what I was thinking, and if so I have no clue05:34
bazhangdewbie: usb dongle?05:34
sunogbagaadamonline46, hopefully ur windows box. wont prompt for password05:34
webspiderusnickrud: so no, I don't think I have compiz :P05:34
GneaKlrSpz: what commands did you use to make the bridge?05:34
adamonline46sunogbaga: Where you force user to erwin, and force group to root... Is that safe?05:35
RavingGriffearlier, i was on with driver issues related to my new geforce 8500.  Dr_willis pointed me to the link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto , but it's not helping, as the fixes it listed require x to be up and running, but i am unable to get x to start because of the driver issue05:35
dewbiebazhang, pci05:35
sunogbagaadamonline46, nope,, not at all..05:35
egcgo Texas!05:35
adamonline46sunogbaga: And you have security = share... Hmm, that sounds like something that might make a difference05:35
rkjsungbaga: I'll bet that will help - now how do I edit smb.conf and where do I find it? The man page references a program called swat but thwen there's no man page for swat.05:35
sunogbagaadamonline46, you can remove it however05:35
GneaRavingGriff: just set the current driver to nv05:35
bazhangdewbie: lspci in the terminal (dont paste here)05:35
RavingGriffGnea, how would i go about doing that?05:36
sunogbagaadamonline46, don't really care about security issues here at home05:36
GneaRavingGriff: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:36
adamonline46sunogbaga: I kinda feel ya, this thing's gonna be locked down when I finish anyway 8)05:36
StratPlayedBlueanyone know how to make something compile with SSP?05:36
KlrSpzGnea: i used the /etc/network/interfaces file to bridge, then restarted the networking... ifconfig shows the two devices having their own ip's, and dstat shows the nic getting packets from the 360 just fine.. but isn't routing to wlan0... i know my hardware is capable as i've had bridging working in windows... but i had to set a promiscuous mode in windows which i can't find a valid way to do it in ubuntu. not sure if htis is m05:37
dewbiebazhang, http://pastebin.ca/83442905:37
adamonline46sunogbaga: Well, I appreciate the help, I'll give this a shot n let you know :)05:37
sunogbagaadamonline46, no problem05:37
GneaKlrSpz: can you paste the output of that file to pastebin please?05:37
RavingGriffalso, Gnea, if it's prevalent...my new card is not on this list http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/README/appendix-a.html of supported cards05:37
jhonovichhow can i get a report of memory usage by process?  i know top and free but neither seems to provide this05:37
GneaKlrSpz: if the bridge is up, then the only device to get an IP is the bridge interface itself05:38
nimbus_bkwhat can t do05:38
bazhangdewbie: sorry that page wont load for me--if you just tell me the wireless chipset, or the numbers after ID then that would do :}05:38
rkjsunogbaga: How do I edit smb.conf and where do I find it? The man page references a program called swat but then there's no man page for swat.05:38
bazhangnimbus_bk: what is your question?05:38
dewbiebashang, 02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)05:38
rkjok thanks05:39
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx05:39
dewbieoops bazhang*05:39
bazhangsee above dewbie05:39
nickrudnimbus_bk, your question probably got lost in the scroll, ask it again05:39
KlrSpzGnea: yeah i'm actually not on the box, was just looking for insight... and yeah, i mis-spoke.. i meant that ifconfig showed both being up; with only br0 having an IP (i can't remember if it was my internal subnet, or the subnet for the bridged devices)05:40
GneaKlrSpz: it's basically like each network card is a hand, and when you bridge them, you're taking a very large mitton and placing it over both hands at once to keep them warm at the same time - the outside world doesn't see the hands, it just sees the mitton, therefore the only way to put an IP on the bridge is via the interface itself - snow and ice on the hands inside the mittons would not work, just like IP's on the main interfaces them05:40
nimbus_bki don't know05:40
bazhangnimbus_bk: you have a question or not?05:40
RavingGriffthank you for your help, gnea, i'm going to reboot and try05:40
StratPlayedBluewhat's a good channel to get programming help?05:40
ridge-meisterwhat entry should i add to sources.list in order to install the package "GBRAINY"??05:40
GneaKlrSpz: ah ok - well, if you could paste the output of that file, i could certainly help better05:41
Gnea!pastebin | KlrSpz05:41
ubotuKlrSpz: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:41
bazhangridge-meister: why do that? is it a repository or just a package?05:41
nimbus_bki don't understand05:41
bazhangnimbus_bk: please join #ubuntu-offtopic05:42
ridge-meisterbazhang: i thought it was a package, and isn't the normal procedure to install packages using the repositories?05:42
KlrSpzGnea: you're talking about the interfaces file? i'll have to check back tomorrow night.. i should be getting to bed for work in the morning :S05:42
ridge-meisterbazhang: if I install the package, then won't i have to deal with a bunch of dependancy issues?05:42
KlrSpzGnea: are you around often?05:42
bazhangridge-meister: well yes, unless the repositories dont have it :} is it a deb? or other05:42
nimbus_bkpo tay .com05:42
bazhangnimbus_bk: last warning05:43
GneaKlrSpz: a bit here and there - i'm gonna be outta town the next few days, but there are plenty of networking gurus around here :)05:43
nickrudnimbus_bk, language?05:43
StratPlayedBluewhat a good channel to get some programming help? i've got a problem compiling something i wrote with stack overflow protection05:43
ridge-meisterbazhang: yes, it's a deb05:43
WorkingOnWis1i have totally screwed up my gnome session somehow. If I log in to a gnome session, everything in the panels, and the panes themselves, crash, leaving me only the desktop, and alt-f2 to run apps. I can log into an E-Gnome session (gnome using enlightenment) and the default panels load and all is good. Whats the fastest way to get my regular Gnome defaults back?05:43
Blazer11Gnea i pmd u05:43
KlrSpzalright, thanks for the interest.. c'ya around05:43
rromanchuk_join #facebook05:43
GneaBlazer11: you need to register in order to do it05:43
KlrSpzWorkingOnWis1: kill the .gnome folders in your home dir, and possibly your .cache folder for sessions05:44
Arricknickrud it works, can you tell me how to copy all the files *and* directories into another directory on 6.06.1 with a terminal command?05:44
bazhangridge-meister: well you would download it and then double click it, though yes there are some risks involved as you mentioned before--might you not google the forums and see others experience first? something like: ubuntu gutsy gbrainy would give some links most likely05:44
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nickrudArrick, cp -r  /path/to/source/files/*  /destiantion/folder05:45
bazhang!info gbrainy05:46
ubotuPackage gbrainy does not exist in gutsy05:46
adamonline46sunogbaga: Ooh, neat, I can log in without a password from windows now 8)05:47
nickrudridge-meister, did you get that deb from debian , or where?05:47
bazhangWorkingOnWis1: you want to re add the gnome panels?05:47
bazhangadamonline46: nice work!05:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about secure-delete - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:49
Spaceman3750OK, so, if the wiki says that my RealTek 8187B is not supported in the installed system, that means Ubuntu won't recognize it, period, right?05:49
Spaceman3750*RealTek 8187B wireless NIC05:49
bazhangSpaceman3750: means you need to get ndiswrapper or some other workaround05:50
ridge-meisternickrud: when i tried to installing using the deb it said that a dependancy wasn't satisfied.05:50
Spaceman3750bazhang: What are my odds with ndiswrapper?05:50
sunogbagaadamonline46, how about from the other ubuntu box?05:50
Spaceman3750I'm just running off the LiveCD until I know it will work05:50
ridge-meisternickrud: now i am trying to install from a tgz file.  when i typed in "sh ./configure" it said "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables05:50
bazhangSpaceman3750: apart from the hassle quite good05:50
GoMittGoMitt Romney understands the importance of the tech sector to our economy.05:50
GoMittGo"Today, we face a new generation of challenges, globally and here at home.We will do as Americans have always done: we will rise to the occasion.We have all that we need.We have technology, technology that would have been beyond the imagination of our grandparents.We have national wealth. And most important, we have the heart and passion of the American people - always the greatest source of our strength as a nation."05:51
astro76!ops | GoMittGo05:51
bmwerksis there a way to get paid support for 7.10?05:51
ubotuGoMittGo: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!05:51
GoMittGoMitt Romney for President 2008   Move America forward with us!05:51
bazhangGoMittGo: stop it05:51
Spaceman3750bazhang: OK, let me do a little research05:51
nickrudridge-meister, install build-essential05:51
MenZabazhang: spambot, it's no use.05:51
bazhangMenZa: I see haha05:51
nickrudwell he just lot my vote05:51
pr0nGuyKlrSpz: I'm running Windows XP on Ubuntu via virtualbox.  Do I need to run updates and activate Windows?05:51
bazhangnickrud: hehe05:51
ridge-meisternickrud: that's a big file :) shouldn't that have been installed already?05:52
nickrudridge-meister, you're gonna run into a lot of issues compiling that, it'll keep saying you're missing libraries also05:52
adamonline46sunogbaga: No such luck :(05:52
bmwerkscan i get paid support for 7.10?05:52
adamonline46and that's the only ubuntu box with a GUI05:52
nickrudridge-meister, no, ubuntu isn't a compiling distro by defaut05:52
chaosrldoes anyone have experience with ipod syncing and gutsy?05:53
nickrudbmwerks, yes, canonical.com05:53
bazhangbmwerks: why pay? here is free :}05:53
MenZa!ipod | chaosrl05:53
ubotuchaosrl: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod05:53
ridge-meisternickrud: what's going to give me issues?  gbrainy or build-essential ?05:53
gvsa123bmwerks: i though 8.04 was getting LTS05:53
nickrudridge-meister, gbrainy05:53
MenZabazhang: some companies just need to make sure they can get their support when they want it.05:53
AmaranthThat might work for awhile05:53
bmwerksive never gotten an answer here05:53
MenZagvsa123: it is.05:53
gvsa123bazhang: lol05:53
MenZa!hardy | gvsa12305:53
ubotugvsa123: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu05:53
bmwerksso im seeking other ways05:53
bazhangMenZa: sure, but here is more fun :}05:54
bazhangbmwerks: what is your question?05:54
sunogbagaadamonline46, how about from the same machine?05:54
gvsa123bmwerks: why not wait for 8.04 then get paid support :)05:54
Spaceman3750bazhang: OK, the Wiki says to use the Win98 drivers...  I'm confused, so NDISWrapper is used to run the Win98 drivers?05:54
Spaceman3750Or NDISWrapper IS the driver I should use?05:54
adamonline46sunogbaga: The same machine?  The server?05:54
nickrudridge-meister, rule of thumb: when it says it can't find a library (like gtk)   add  lib to the front and do:  apt-cache search libgtk | grep dev , the -dev files have the stuff you need to compile05:54
astro76gvsa123, it's by the year, it doesn't matter what version05:54
bazhangSpaceman3750: yes05:54
Spaceman3750bazhang: 1st or 2nd?05:54
sunogbagaadamonline46, yes05:55
gvsa123astro76: what's by the year? offering LTS?05:55
bmwerksits mostly with the gui when i change desktops i lose my icons and panels05:55
astro76gvsa123, canonical's support contracts05:55
bazhangSpaceman3750: to the first, thus the wrapper part of the name05:55
adamonline46sunogbaga: It would have to be by CLI... Do you know how I could go about that?05:55
stewarthow do i hide icons on the desktop?05:55
Spaceman3750So bazhang should I go ahead and install Gutsy and there's a very good chance I can get my wireless card working?05:55
gvsa123astro76: oh...05:55
sunogbagaadamonline46, oh!05:55
bazhangbmwerks: could you specify a bit more?05:55
ridge-meisternickrud: when you say add lib to the front do you mean "apt-get install -lib build-essential"?05:56
sunogbagaadamonline46, can you smbclient --lish=server_ip --no-pass05:56
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=== kernel is now known as Kernel
gvsa123astro76: so does giving LTS to a particular version of ubuntu mean that it's a version they think is the most stable or milestone?05:56
nickrudridge-meister, no. install build-essential, it has the compiler. Then when configure says it can't find a library, do like my example05:56
bazhangSpaceman3750: if you google rtl8187 gutsy you will get some excellent links on how to do it--I'm blogging atm or I would do it for you :}05:56
Spaceman3750bazhang: Thanks :)05:56
nickrudridge-meister, then install the package (like libgtk2.0-dev)05:57
bmwerksif i go to the second desktop or anyone of them the icons on the desktop disappear and the panels too i have to log out and sign in back to see them again05:57
tarelerulzI did tranfer with scp and the files which is .wav file will not play on the other system .  I did this scp file.wav  username@ip:/home/username/filename.wav . It transfers really fast . I am on wireless and I know it is not that fast. I have seen this happen on the web to when file tranfers to fast and it being missed05:57
astro76gvsa123, LTS refers mostly to the fact that it will get security updates for 5 years on server, 3 years on desktop, as opposed to 18 months for non-LTS05:57
rich1how do i set dolphin up to show hidden files by default?05:57
bazhangrich1: go to #kubuntu?05:57
astro76gvsa123, for everyone, nothing to do with the paid support05:57
gvsa123astro76: but how do they determine which version to give LTS to? i mean why 8.04 and not 7.10 or others?05:58
nickrudlooks like the ops will be busy tonight05:58
astro76gvsa123, duno, 6.06 was the first, 8.04 is two years later, it has to be within a 3 year window so they can support LTS -> LTS upgrades05:58
bazhangbmwerks: the second desktop? are you using compiz?05:58
rich1bazhang: thanks.05:58
HippotamusWhat codecs will I need to burn DVD's?05:58
bazhang!who | bmwerks05:59
ubotubmwerks: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:59
gvsa123astro76: i see... and LTS is only for updates? not upgrades? like new versions of software (OOo, FF, etc..)05:59
ridge-meisternickrud: i never saw your example, all i recall you saying was to add lib to the front, but that doesn't make any sense to me :)05:59
bazhangHippotamus: from an iso, or to make video dvds or other05:59
bmwerksbazhang: yeah i am06:00
nickrudridge-meister,  rule of thumb: when it says it can't find a library (like gtk)   add  lib to the front and do:  apt-cache search libgtk | grep dev , the -dev files have the stuff you need to compile06:00
astro76gvsa123, not sure I understand, an LTS release is like any other, except that the repositories for the LTS releases will function longer06:00
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:00
Hippotamusbazhang: from an iso06:00
bazhangbmwerks: have you tried to recreate the error with compiz disabled?06:00
tarelerulzWhen I try to use samba  I can't write to my shares. access is denied .  Cold the scp and samba not working be related?06:00
nickrudridge-meister, when you hit the first one, I'll walk you through06:00
ridge-meisternickrud what specifically do i type when adding lib to the front?  i'm confused06:00
bazhangHippotamus: right click open with cd/dvd creator does not work?06:01
bmwerksbazhang: no i havent, ill try that06:01
gvsa123astro76: ah... so if the repos function longer, then i guess that means that newer versions of software that make it into the repos, will be part of the upgrades... meaning, you'll get to upgrade OOo via update manager06:01
phosphoricxwhat is the best way to search inside many files, of a certain type (say *.h), for a certain string?06:01
qukkHello Ubuntu channel, does anyone know if there is a way to set up a linux router to allow NAT'd computers to use uPnP to dynamically generate port forewarding rules?06:01
Hippotamusbazhang: no, but I think it might me a hardware problem06:01
ridge-meisternickrud: i'm on dialup, so that 13.3mb file is only 20% done06:01
SneaksNew to IRC and ubuntu so forgive me if this is the wrong place to ask.  I need help getting a tri-boot to work.  I need to run XP, I am running 6.06 and I have 7.10 installed on a separate partition.  I  can't get 7.10 to boot.  Can anyone help?06:01
Nostahlis there a linux driver for netgear's WG111v3 wireless usb adapter yet06:02
nickrudphosphoricx, grep <string> *.h06:02
bmk789_how do i get my mute button to work?  when i press it, it says mute on or mute off but it doesnt actually mute the device06:02
bazhangHippotamus: try that first06:02
astro76gvsa123, no, with any time-based release distro (as opposed to rolling release), each version only gets security updates and critical bugfixes, no new versions06:02
phosphoricxSneaks: what's the problem?06:02
phosphoricxnickrud: I need t06:02
astro76gvsa123, there is a backports repo for each release however06:02
bazhangNostahl: is that the ralink 2500 chipset?06:02
adamonline46sunogbaga: Sorry, phone call from the girly 8)  Should I do that from the server?06:02
Nostahlmorvel or movell or however its pronounced bazhang06:02
SneaksI installed 7.10 on a separate partition no problem but I can't boot it.  I can boot XP and 6.06 but 7.10 isnt an option under my grub meneu06:02
phosphoricxnickrud: typo, sorry :-p06:02
gvsa123astro76: no new versions for software you mean? such that you wouldn't have gotten OOo 2.3 if you stuck with fiesty?06:03
sunogbagaadamonline46, from the client06:03
nickrudridge-meister, If I'm not around, ask for help in identifying development headers06:03
astro76gvsa123, indeed06:03
bazhangNostahl: could you be more precise? Or I may say do this or something like it as advice :}06:03
sunogbagaadamonline46, and try it from the server also06:03
phosphoricxsneaks: you should be able to boot to it once you add it to your GRUB menu06:03
gvsa123astro76: i see...06:03
SneaksHow do I add it to my grub menu?06:03
Nostahlbazhang its the netgear wg111v3 with movell chipset06:04
adamonline46sunogbaga: it works from the server...06:04
Nostahlbazhang or however movell is spelt :P06:04
bazhangNostahl: is it plugged in now, and are you on that computer?06:04
sunogbagaadamonline46, it didn't work from the client?06:04
adamonline46sunogbaga: and the client06:04
phosphoricxsneaks: you need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst06:05
sunogbagaadamonline46, then your client was able to connect06:05
Nostahlaye its pluged in the computer is running software updates atm06:05
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:05
adamonline46sunogbaga: Interesting.  I'm still not able to connect to the point I can see the files, though06:05
sunogbagaadamonline46, try visiting the shared folder from  places->nework->06:05
SneaksOk, but menu.lst refers to files in /boot/grub.  7.10 is not in that directory.  It is on a separate partition and I can't even mount that partition?  Don't know how?06:05
bazhangNostahl: open up a terminal when that is done and type in lsusb and tell me the number for that chipset after the ID06:05
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adamonline46in Dolphin I'm doing smb://, and it seems to be hanging still06:06
nickrudSneaks, you don't need mount the other partition to edit the one in 6.06. What partition is your 7.10 on?06:07
adamonline46sunogbaga: When I go to 'samba shares' -> mshome I see nothing.  It DOES say '1 folder, 0 files', but I don't see anything in there06:07
Likuid_Silencewow i just fixed that stupid Failed to initialize HAL message!! grrr06:07
Likuid_Silenceanyone had that problem befo?06:07
Nostahlbazhang i think it'll be a little bit before its done... old dell inspiron 1000 hehe06:08
bazhangNostahl: no hurry--well be here all night :}06:08
sunogbagaadamonline46, silly, but a reboot may do the trick06:08
adamonline46sunogbaga: client?06:09
SneaksPhosphoricx  I just tired to send you a message on the new tab that popped up on my system but it said I wasn't allowed to post private messages.  I will go to register now so that I can.06:09
sunogbagaadamonline46, yes.. the client.. or try restarting the clients network first06:09
mhikuanyone want to have homebased php web dev pm me :)06:09
bazhangmhiku: not the channel for that06:10
joankiwhen i open a program through terminal like xchat... i type xchat& but if i close the terminal, for some reason it closes the program.... how can i change this?06:10
nickrudjoanki, after you have started xchat like that, type disown <tab> <enter>06:10
shm613is there a way to have a window open up on a workspace that is compatible with compiz fusion?06:11
bazhangjoanki need a space after xchat?06:11
Hoxielooks like she bounced before she got her answer06:11
nickrudbazhang, it'll still die because it's a child of the terminal06:11
adamonline46o she's back hehe06:11
joankisorry got booted06:11
bazhangnickrud: cheers!06:11
joankidid anyone answer my q?06:11
adamonline46two folk 8)06:11
joankinickrud, it used to not close if i typed xchat&06:12
bazhangone right one not :{06:12
joankiif i left the & off, it did06:12
Hoxie<nickrud> joanki, after you have started xchat like that, type disown <tab> <enter>06:12
joankidisown eh?06:12
nickrudjoanki, yes, it frees it from the terminal06:12
adamonline46the other suggested xchat <space> &06:12
joankiok that did not work06:12
joankibash: disown: current: no such job06:13
bazhangwhich was wrong my bad06:13
joankiso why would anyone want it to be that way06:13
nickrudjoanki, did you get %xchat when you pressed tab?06:13
joankimaybe i'm too much into windows, but it seems that if you want to be done with terjminal, that doesn't mean you want to be done with everything else06:13
Nostahlso you can see the code the programs executing06:13
joankino i did not nick06:13
phosphoricxnickrud: how would I search recursively for the string using a filter of only header files (*.h)  using grep?06:13
nickrudphosphoricx, grep -r <string> *.h06:14
Hoxiehas anybody had any problems with playing ogg music files? everytime I try with any player it freezes the player and I have to force quit. All other sound is good though....06:14
DragonSpiritare there any repositories full of software that is somewhat popular besides the ones initially available, or a place that has info on the ones out there06:14
astro76joanki, then hit alt+F2 and type the command there, it won't be the child of any terminal06:14
nickrudoh, astro76 chops out the middle man06:14
bazhangDragonSpirit: like waht?06:14
soldatslike medibuntu06:15
bazhangDragonSpirit: backports?06:15
Xpliciti made a partition system from linux but windows install wont recognise it,06:16
DragonSpiritJust wanted to see what all was out there, I added medibuntu, and the backports, but wondered if there was any repositories with stuff not available officially by ubuntu, that has been put together by thrid parties06:16
ehcif I want to rip dvds to my harddrive what file type should I save them in. I want smallest size per quality06:16
astro76Xplicit, yeah windows won't recognize any of it, should just have to pick the partition you intended to be NTFS, and tell windows to format that one and install there06:17
bazhangSoskel: you have a question?06:17
joankinickrud, is that an ok way to do things?06:17
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Soskelhow epic was that video?06:17
joankiuse alt F2?06:17
DragonSpiritwell I added the backports as in what was in the update thing06:17
nickrudjoanki, it's how I run nearly everything, alt f206:17
DragonSpiritthe one you just check06:17
krazytekn0joanki totally alt f2 rocks06:17
joankigot it06:18
nickrudjoanki, if you know the name of the program, it's faster than finding the menu item06:18
qukkI have installed Ubuntu (latest version, server edition) with the alternative CD. How can I get it to boot to command line without having to do Ctrl Alt F1 during boot (where it "hangs" at Running Boot Scripts)?06:18
joankiwhy didnt anyone just tell me =p06:18
Xplicitastro76: i tried that but windows installed half way through my drive (is there a limit to where it can go?)06:18
nickrudjoanki, cuz only astro76 was thinking outside the box06:18
joankii asked that q several times06:18
bazhangehc: avi seems to be popular though this is not really the channel for that06:18
joankioh i see06:18
astro76joanki, yeah just popped in ;)06:18
joankii asked that q like three dif times and no good solution ;)06:18
muaddibHello all06:18
Spaceman3750Gutsy has been making room for itself for a good while now, it's been at 0% the whole way.  What do I do?06:18
joankii like gutsy06:19
joankii did not at first06:19
Spaceman3750I'm beginning to not like Gutsy06:19
joankiwhat's the prob06:19
Spaceman3750For some odd reason I'm trying to install it on my laptop anyways06:19
Spaceman3750It ain't going so hot06:19
joankithe only thing i don't like is hibernate06:19
Nostahli just finnished installing it to my laptop06:19
gvsa123i like it :)06:19
joankibut they musta tried to fix it06:19
bazhangSpaceman3750: you have an actual question in there?06:19
Nostahlbut now im doing the 2 hours of software updates lol06:19
joankibecause it's better06:19
Spaceman3750Well, it doesn't recognize either my wireless or sound cards, and it's been on 0% for repartitioning progress for like 5 minutes06:19
muaddibquick question.. I just recently upgraded my machine from 3GB to 8GB of memory. Unfortunately ubuntu is not detecting all of the memory. I assume highmem support is not enabled in the generic kernel.06:20
Spaceman3750bazhang: See above06:20
astro76Xplicit, when you paritioned in Linux you made an NTFS partition for windows?06:20
rkjHi, can someone help troubleshoot a printing problem? I am printing from my ubuntu box to a WinXP box with an hp laserjet 1320 printer but nothing prints.  the XP machine can print to it locally, and I can access files on the XP machine over the LAN.06:20
nickrudeverything worked for me on gutsy, first time since breezy06:20
muaddibDoes anyone know if it is enabled in the linux-kernel-server06:20
Spaceman3750bazhang: My first message about being at 0% for a long time06:20
joankispaceman, have you allowed thirdparty software upgrades?06:20
bazhangSpaceman3750: see no question above--usually indicated with a how do I..?06:20
joankithat is what i had to do to get my video card to work06:20
krazytekn0rkj you've enabled printer sharing in xp?06:21
muaddibDoesanyone know the penalty for moving from generic kernel to server. I am running a workstation class machine06:21
Xplicitastro76:  yeah and it just ignored it06:21
rkjkrazytekn0: yep06:21
rkjkrazytekn0: let me just go check on that ...06:21
phosphoricxnickrud: that doesn't seem to work, it only wants to look at the .h files in ./06:22
astro76Xplicit, and when you went in the windows installer, did you recognize that partition? it probably would say unformatted still06:22
shm613Does anyone know if there is a way to have windows default open to a certian workspace with compiz fusion running?06:22
Xplicitastro76:  there were no partitions that was the problem06:22
Lapinuxanyone know if "ietab" is available for the linux version of firefox?06:22
Spaceman3750Gutsy has been making room for itself for a good while now, it's been at 0% the whole way.  What do I do? -- Basically how do I move this along without messing things up?06:22
Lapinuxnever mind, its not06:23
bazhangshm613: best ask that in #compiz-fusion; they are very helpful there :}06:23
nickrudphosphoricx, works here, been using it a long time.  For example, try grep -r panel ~/.gconfd06:23
joankispaceman, are you reformatting your entire computer?]06:23
joankior partitioning?06:23
nickrudphosphoricx, erm, ~/.gconf that is06:23
Spaceman3750Erm, why is there a FloodBot2 in here?06:23
joankiand did you do a manual partition?06:23
Spaceman3750joanki: Guided06:23
astro76Xplicit, what version windows?06:23
rkjkrazytekn0: duh ... next time remind me to turn it on too.06:23
soldats floodbot is god06:23
joankiew i hated their guided partition06:23
Xplicitwindows xp06:23
joankii did m anual and imho i suggest you do the same06:24
nickrudSpaceman3750, because of silly children flooding the channel06:24
Xplicitastro76: i just got my answere in ##windows06:24
joankiis windows on your other partition?06:24
phosphoricxnickrud, ok I'm with you on that one, but then how do you filter it for only *.h ?06:24
acc_#Ubuntu: I'm attempting to install 7.10 on a laptop with Debian already installed on it (which has been working fine for about 2 years, so I know it's mostly Linux-compatible).  When the installer starts up, and I choose to install, it hangs on "Loading Linux Kernel."  How can I diagnose and fix this?  Thanks.06:25
astro76Xplicit, has to be first primary partition?06:25
acc_Ah, wait a few minutes, apparently. :)  It was stuck at 7% but just now it picked up and is on 52%06:26
Xplicitno without sp1 windows xp install cd cant handel drives bigger than 12806:26
Spaceman3750acc_: Gutsy uses Linux 2.6 which your Debian installation probably is not using, so it could be a kernel incompatibility with your laptop06:26
acc_Spaceman3750: Actually, the Debian partition has 2.6.2206:26
Spaceman3750acc_: Ah, nevermind then06:27
SpeakerManiaI just installed Cinerella (Video Editor) but it doesn't open. I've tried going through Applications >> Sound and Video, ALT+F2, and the terminal, but none open it.06:27
acc_At any rate, it has loaded the kernel successfully now.  Thanks anyway.06:27
CaptainMorganwow... WINE crashes too much!!!06:27
Xplicitarg ive done 2 windows installs in 1 night i feal dirty06:27
CaptainMorganwhat's up with that ?06:27
CaptainMorganevery since Fiesty06:28
nickrudphosphoricx, I know I've done this ...06:28
XplicitCaptainMorgan: you using the latest version with the correct repos?06:28
CaptainMorganit's like, multitasking is illegal06:28
CaptainMorganXplicit, AFAIK06:28
bazhang#winehq would have more on that CaptainMorgan06:28
CaptainMorganXplicit, I have all repos available06:28
Xplicitare you using the repos wine provide or the ubuntu version06:28
SpeakerManiaCaptainMorgan, guess what? It is a Windows emulator. Windows has enough problems already running applications natively; is an emulator going to do any better?06:28
pyrakhaving trouble playing a dvd06:29
unpersonI'm looking to get a new wireless NIC for one of my computers.  I'd like to find one that will work with linux drivers (i.e. won't require ndiswrapper).  So far, the only method I have to determine this is too look at a list of cards for sale and then google the model number of each one to find discussion of drivers for linux.  Is there a better way to go about this?06:29
phosphoricxnickrud, but there's nothing about .h in "grep -r panel ~/.gconfd", so where do you put it?06:29
CaptainMorganSpeakerMania, that's not an explanation - Before 7.** wine worked fine - at least for me06:29
nickrudphoenixz, rereading man page, refreshing my elderly memory06:30
SpeakerManiaCaptainMorgan, WINE has never worked properly for me. Might as well have a dual-boot with 2K. I still don't know why anyone would run a Windows app on a Linux box. :P06:30
muaddibHow does one rebuild ubuntu kernel. There seems to be 2 methods the first is to either download via apt-get source linux-source-2.6.22 or get it from the git repository06:30
muaddibWhich one06:30
bruenigmuaddib, either06:30
SpeakerManiaI just installed Cinerella (Video Editor) but it doesn't open. I've tried going through Applications >> Sound and Video, ALT+F2, and the terminal, but none open it.06:31
soldats!worksforme | CaptainMorgan06:31
ubotuCaptainMorgan: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/06:31
bazhangunperson: sadly that is probably the best way06:31
bruenigSpeakerMania, any output when trying via shell06:31
GOP_PrimariesMitt Romney opposes same sex marriage!06:31
GOP_Primaries"Last year the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court struck a blow against the family, as I'm sure you know. The court forgot that [traditional] marriage is first and foremost about nurturing and developing children. Its ruling meant that our society is supposed to be indifferent about whether children have a mother and a father."06:31
GOP_PrimariesMitt Romney for President 2008   Help preserve traditional American values.06:31
GOP_PrimariesVote Mitt Romney06:31
CaptainMorganSpeakerMania, true, my app is a game, for which rebooting into Win is kinda a waste of time.. when I run everything else on ubuntu06:31
bruenig!ops | GOP_Primaries06:31
ubotuGOP_Primaries: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!06:31
soldatsCaptainMorgan, sorry, i feel the same as you as in wine always woprks for me but sometimes for some peple it doesnt06:31
CaptainMorgansoldats, you misinterpreted06:31
SpeakerManiabruenig: None. It says it isn't a recognized command. ?06:31
bruenigSpeakerMania, how did you install cinerella?06:32
unpersonWow, are they spamming all the IRC channels that way?06:32
SpeakerManiabruenig, through Synaptic.06:32
muaddibbruenig: what is the difference... From what I can tell the documentation says the kernel-source package is older than the git repository and doesn't have latest patches is that correct06:32
CaptainMorgansoldats, it's not a people issue, it's an OS version issue - before 7.04 or 7.10 wine worked fine06:32
bruenig!info cinerella06:32
ubotuPackage cinerella does not exist in gutsy06:32
nickrudphoenixz, grep -r <string> --include=*.h <path>06:32
bruenigSpeakerMania, what is the exact name of the package06:32
SpeakerManiabruenig: That would be my issue.06:32
SpeakerManiabruenig: cinerella. ?06:33
SpeakerManiabruenig, hang on one second06:33
soldatsCaptainMorgan, maybe i tried to scroll up but it doesnt go to far, strange wine "works for me" on 7.1006:33
bruenigSpeakerMania, if that is the name, then you didn't get it from the ubuntu repos06:33
XplicitCaptainMorgan: try the latest version of wine, wine development is fast that patching it doesnt always work so well and the ubuntu version cant keep up with wine repos06:33
SpeakerManiabruenig, I had to add a repository06:33
soldatsCaptainMorgan, oh well, i forgot what his problem was06:33
bruenigSpeakerMania, ok do: dpkg -L cinerella | grep bin06:33
bruenigSpeakerMania, technically this is unsupported being third party and all06:34
CaptainMorgansoldats, what? please - try making sense.06:34
Saspo_Hello everyone06:34
bazhangCaptainMorgan: ease up a bit06:34
SpeakerManiabruenig: oh. I get this: Package `cinerella' is not installed.06:34
SpeakerManiaUse dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,06:34
SpeakerManiaand dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.06:34
Xplicithi dr Spaso_06:34
CaptainMorganbazhang, ease off a bit, I used "please"06:34
nickrudphosphoricx, grep -r --include=*.h <string> <path>06:34
bruenigSpeakerMania, so you are confused somewhere, either you didn't install it, or it has a different name06:35
bazhangCaptainMorgan: I used 'a bit'06:35
SingAlongHi guys...06:35
CaptainMorganbazhang, truthfully, I couldn't make sense of that last few comments he made06:35
SpeakerManiabruenig: hmm. How? I installed via Synaptic following the Gutsy instructions (I am indeed running Gutsy).06:35
bruenigSpeakerMania, you saw the message, it isn't installed06:35
SneaksI am looking for some help on a tri-boot of XP, 6.06 and 7.10.  I had 6.06 and XP working fine.  I set up a new partition for 7.10 and installed it.  All went well.  I can still boot 6.06 and XP but 7.10 hasn't been added to my Grub options and I don't know how to get it there?06:36
bazhangCaptainMorgan: wine is not for this channel go to #winehq as I said earlier06:36
ModiusAnyone here familiar with Ubuntu 64 bit?  Questions.  A:  Should I expect it to work with an Intel Quad-core with 8gig of ram, and B: Can it run windows sessions in vmware?06:36
soldatsCaptainMorgan, no i meant wine still works on 7.10 but i totally forgot what the inital question of the other person was. i started typing too fast without thinking. sorry if pissed you off. my stupid rapid thinking gets the better of me sometimes.06:36
SpeakerManiabruenig: Okay. Thanks.06:36
CaptainMorganbazhang, already did, long time ago - but people still want to call my name06:36
nickrudSneaks, what partition is your 7.10 on, and can you edit the menu.lst in 6.06 (I'm assuming that's the menu.lst in use)06:36
ScuniziSneaks: do you hv more than one HD?06:36
iamlindoro_Hi all, setting up software raid on Gutsy... Just a quick question with some experience with with... as all array members are USB drives, I have set udev rules so that everything gets symlinked to the same /dev/sd* nodes... However, I noticed in creating the array that even though I provided it with the symlinked nodes, it shows the *actual* devices on mdadm --detail... question is, I added the symlinked nodes to /etc/mdadm/mdadm.c06:36
soldatsCaptainMorgan, sop i applogize06:36
SingAlongI just am a first timer on linux. I just installed Ubuntu Fiesty Fawn. I tried to connect to the internet thru a wired connection. Its a DHCP connection. Ubuntu recognised the connection. But when I try to browse thru mozilla firefox. I am able to connect to no website.06:37
Sneaksnickrud.  I can edit menu list.  /sda1 is XP /sda2 is 6.06 and /sda3 is 7.10 /sda4 is swap06:37
Xplicithow do i install my system to an lvm partition06:37
bruenigSingAlong,  ping google.com in terminal06:37
ScuniziSneaks: sounds like grub got installed on the wrong hd.06:38
SingAlongWill try and get back..06:38
SneaksI have had grub for a while and it boots XP and 6.06 fine. I just can't get it to boot 7.10?06:38
astro76Xplicit, using the alternate install cd06:38
Saspo_*Xplicit -  My first time on IRC thanks for the welcome06:39
soldats!dualboot > Sneaks06:39
ScuniziSneaks: thats because 7.10 put its grub probably at the beginning of the drive its installed on.  If you change your bios to boot from that drive you might get all the op systems to show in the grub menu.  At least that would be an easy test.06:39
Xplicitdoes it popup an option or do i need to enter some cheat code?06:39
nickrudSneaks, add http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49768/ to the very bottom of menu.lst , it should boot06:40
Xplicitnvm i got to options06:40
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alecw1Is there a standalone flash viewer for the GNOME desktop (and Ubuntu)?06:40
astro76Xplicit, dunno really... cheat codes meaning boot option? probably not06:40
Saspo_I am trying to find out how to disable the integrated video to install a graphics card.  Any help anyone?06:41
nickrudSneaks, your swap would be defined in the /etc/fstab in 7.10, you might want to check06:41
soldatsalecw1, totem can play flash, if you download the flash video you can view it via totem06:41
alecw1soldats: I mean .swf files06:41
ScuniziSneaks: although nickrud offers a good solution, if the kernel is updated in the future it won't show.  You need a more perminant solution.06:41
MYRM1D0Nhello there.....06:41
SneaksThanks for the help guys Phosphoricx is helping me on a private chat06:41
nickrudScunizi, yes, it'll be below the automagic section06:42
nickrudScunizi, and untouched by update-grub06:42
soldatsalecw1, dont think so unless you can get flash mx working but a flash .flv will play06:42
alecw1soldats: Ok, thank you.06:42
SpeakerManiabruenig: I foudn the issue06:42
nickrudScunizi, oh, brain fart here. There might someday be a -1506:42
Scunizinickrud: yep.. I triple boot as well.. although I haven't gone into 6.06 in some time.. looking forward to LTS06:43
iamlindoro_alecw1: look at the flashplayer9 included in automatix06:43
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iamlindoro_if there's any command line utility for it, it's likely to be there06:43
SpeakerManiabruenig: the name is cinelerra06:43
Filled-VoidCould anyone tell me how I can rename hdb1 (the icon on my desktop) to something else if that is possible06:43
astro76!automatix | iamlindoro_06:43
ubotuiamlindoro_: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »06:43
soldats!automatix > iamlindoro_06:43
Saspo_I am trying to find out how to disable the integrated video to install a graphics card.  Any help anyone?06:43
alecw1iamlindoro_: I've been advised to stay away from automatix, even though I don't know what it is. =P06:43
SpeakerManiabruenig: and I get this via terminal: cinelerra: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:43
=== logkrel is now known as vkrel
bruenig!find libGL.so.1.206:43
ubotuPackage/file libgl.so.1.2 does not exist in gutsy06:44
ScuniziSaspo_: plug in the new card and run with it.... sometimes the bios has an "off" switch for the onboard card.06:44
nickrudSneaks, after you get 7.10 running, you might want to run  sudo update-grub && sudo grub-install /dev/sda to have 7.10 manage grub, it's better at seeing other os's and adding them to menu.lst properly06:44
bullgard4Is there a OpenOffice.org IRC channel?06:44
keith-is there any fix for getting network-manager to connect to a wep protected network?06:44
iamlindoro_alecw1: Yeah, blah blah, install it however you like, but look at the closed-source flash player from macromedia all the same06:45
Saspo_scuzini I did plug  the card in but the sytem froze on start up.06:45
lukewarmbullgard4 http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/IRC06:45
alecw1iamlindoro_: will do. Thanks very much!06:46
_-laughing-_anyone know of some good kde themes, looking for icon sets, logins, etc06:46
adamonline46sunogbaga: Oh hey, thanks for all your help earlier!06:46
bullgard4lukewarm: Thank you very much.06:46
lukewarmbullgard4 dont thank me, thank google06:47
adamonline46sunogbaga: I got distracted trying to figure it out... Still no luck tho :/06:47
sobersabreI have 3 breezy nodes.06:47
sobersabreI would like to dist-upgrade them to the latest stable, e.g. gutsy06:47
sobersabreis it possible to do directly ?06:48
Filled-VoidIs it possible to rename my hard disk label?06:48
Flannelsobersabre: You can't upgrade straight from breezy to gutsy.  No, you'll have to do it one at a time, however....06:48
sobersabreapt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade...06:48
sobersabreFlannel, I have no X on it.06:48
Flannelsobersabre: you will be able to upgrade straight from dapper to hardy, once its released.  So you might want to go from breezy to dapper, and then wait for a few months06:48
sobersabrejust worker node.06:48
Flannelsobersabre: that doesn't matter.06:48
sobersabreSo, the fastest would be to go and install gusty directly ... ?06:49
nickrudsobersabre, same one from 2005 ?06:49
Flannelsobersabre: yeah.  If you really want gutsy.  Of course, re-configuration may or may not be more time06:49
sobersabreFlannel, I am deploying FAI.,06:49
sobersabrejust didn't want to multiply the size of the mirror.06:50
Flannelsobersabre: You can use apt-proxy06:50
xal2are there any good download\upload monitors for linux?06:51
bruenigxal2, what exactly are you looking for, something that gives you a nice loggable output, or some pretty widget06:51
mapezanyone here use CWiiD?06:51
Xplicitmapez ive set it up06:51
xal2something that gives me a loggable output06:51
xal2I dont' care about a frontend06:52
=== hafiz is now known as sakura
SingAlong_I am not able to connect to the internet even though  ubuntu recognises my connection06:52
kevin_i'm having a problem playing a certain (commercial) dvd, details here: http://pastebin.ca/834466 , any help?06:52
=== SingAlong_ is now known as SingAlong2
bazhang!dvd | kevin_06:53
ubotukevin_: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs06:53
_-laughing-_so... does anyone know of a good kde theme or what?06:53
acc_#Ubuntu: So I'm trying to install 7.10 on a laptop, and no matter whether I choose "Start or install Ubuntu" or "Start Ubuntu in safe graphics mode", the kernel takes about 10 minutes to load, then the HDD LED gets pegged (flickering occasionally), then the system reboots.  How can I diagnose what is happening?06:53
SingAlong2anyone help me..06:53
kevin_bazhang, it works for other encrypted dvds06:53
bnbhow do i install beryl window manager on ubuntu gusty  i tried searching for it in synaptic could not find it06:53
nickrudkevin_, have you tried another player, I've seen some read disks others wouldn't06:54
lukewarm!beryl > bnb06:54
bazhangacc_: considered the minimal install or the alternate install? those often work when the live cd chokes06:54
bnbi want to unleash the full power of my ati radeon x130006:54
nickrud!compiz | bnb06:54
ubotubnb: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion06:54
kevin_nickrud, only totem and mplayer06:55
bullgard4lukewarm: What catchwords did you feed Google with?06:55
acc_bazhang: Thanks, I'll give them a shot06:55
SingAlong2How can I connect tonickrud: help me friend...06:55
nickrudkevin_, give vlc a try, it's been best so far for me06:55
bazhangkevin_: how about the tried and true vlc?06:55
SingAlong2nickrud: help me friend06:55
nickrudSingAlong, what kind of internet. wireless, me? hah06:55
bazhang!minimal | acc_06:55
ubotuacc_: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:55
SingAlong2nickrud: wired06:55
lukewarmbullgard4 openoffice irc channel06:55
SingAlong2nickrud: wired dhcp06:55
nickrudSingAlong, works with windows?06:56
SingAlong2nickrud: yeah06:56
bullgard4lukewarm: Ok, thank you.06:56
SingAlong2nickrud: I am chatting with you on a windows comp. I installed ubuntu on my laptop06:56
mapezXplicit, Sorry. Have you remapped the buttons?06:56
mapezI am trying to make it work with GFCE Ultra06:56
SingAlong2nickrud: I tried pinging google.com. It said: Unknown host google.com06:56
nickrudSingAlong, in a terminal, what does     route -n    say after you try sudo dhclient eth0 ?06:57
phalaceeI'd like to install the Linux mint (and/or the Ubuntu Studio) theme on my vanilla ubuntu install, can some one point me in the right direction, google doesn't love me today06:57
SingAlong2I am a firsttimer. so I did not open the terminal06:57
Xplicitno i had proplems because i couldnt find the config file and my brother whos wii it is got boored06:57
kevin_error with vlc: http://pastebin.ca/83447006:57
SingAlong2nickrud: I only ran one command in the terminal: ping google.com06:57
Xplicitwhy is LVM changing 7GB to 7.5GB?06:57
SingAlong2nickrud: any solution?06:58
function1is there any way to change these uuuuuugly old X widgets/controls?06:58
mapezAh okay. I have got it communicating with my computer.. I just can't figure out how to remap buttons06:58
nickrudSingAlong, possibly. Put the output of:     ifconfig      and    route -n     on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:58
tonyyarussoXplicit: I believe it has something to do with needing a certain multiple of disk sections, or some such.  I've seen that sort of thing before too.06:58
SingAlong2nickrud: ifconfig or ipconfig?06:59
kevin_nickrud, bazhang ^ ?06:59
nickrudSingAlong, ifconfig06:59
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=== sakura is now known as hafiz
bazhangkevin_: does the dvd work in a dvd player (next to a tv for example)?06:59
SingAlong2Now I need to paste the output of ifconfig and route -n on paste.ubuntu.nl right?06:59
Nostahlok software updates finnaly finnished!07:00
SingAlong2right nick?07:00
Nostahlbazhang u still around07:00
SingAlong2Now I need to paste the output of ifconfig and route -n on paste.ubuntu.nl right? nick?07:00
nickrudSingAlong, yes. and patience :)07:00
SingAlong2sorry :)07:00
bazhangNostahl: indeed!07:00
Nostahlcan you beleive how long that took?07:00
SingAlong2nickrud: I will get back. I am disconnecting my comp and connecting my laptop to the net :)07:00
nickrudSingAlong, ok07:00
bazhangless than 2 hours I believe07:01
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sobersabreFlannel, I am using apt-proxy, but it still will require a big part of disk.07:01
jstarcherhow can I mount my cdrom?07:01
Nostahlbazhang 0846;4260 netgear, inc07:01
simplyubuntuhello all :) does anyone here have free time and want to get in on developing a distro - based on ubuntu?07:01
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=== laughing is now known as laughing_
kevin_bazhang, yes07:03
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=615471 this the card Nostahl? there is a way to get it going apparently (and recent)07:05
xal2I installed the graphics driver from the nvidia website. It works great until I restart the computer. Then it wants to hop into low graphics mode.07:05
Xplicitthe alt cd lets me setup a raid partition but not use it07:05
xal2I'll ask in the nvidia channel07:05
xal2didn't realize there was one :p07:06
Nostahli usualy just use ndiswrapper to get it up and going07:06
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Nostahlbut i was just wondering if there was a native driver so i didnt have to ndiswrapper it07:06
SingAlong3nick... I think I found out the problem. I know the windows commands: ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew. Can u tell me the alternatives for this in ubuntu?07:06
bazhangkevin_: when you put the dvd in the drive, does it prompt you with some options? like play in totem etc? what does totem say when it refuses to run it if anything07:06
phalaceeI'd like to install the Linux mint (and/or the Ubuntu Studio) theme on my vanilla ubuntu install, can some one point me in the right direction, google doesn't love me today07:06
ArelisHi all. After installing fglrx, my screen looks very blurry. How can i solve this?07:06
NasariHey, unbuntu locks all ports right?07:07
bazhangNostahl: it appears not sorry about that07:07
kevin_bazhang, "an error occured/could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file."07:07
SingAlong3nick: I asked you this becoz... I know that my IP keeps fluctuating everytime I connect. sometimes its and sometimes something else...07:07
astro76Nasari, there's no servers installed by default which are listening on any ports, so yes07:07
jimmy__i comment out xinerama in my xorg.conf and it keeps coming back... wtf?07:07
SingAlong3nickrud: nick... I think I found out the problem. I know the windows commands: ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew. Can u tell me the alternatives for this in ubuntu?07:07
bazhangNasari: you can install firestarter and tweak iptables if you wish07:07
SingAlong3anyone knows the alternatives for ipconfig /renew and ipconfig /release in ubuntu?07:08
nickrudSingAlong, depends on how you've configured the interface, I only know a couple of ways07:08
bazhangkevin_: and all other dvds work? is this a bluray or hd-dvd?07:08
SingAlong3nick but how?07:09
jstarcherhow can I mount my cdrom?07:09
Nasariok, thanks07:09
kevin_bazhang, all that I have tried before work. this is a proper dvd07:09
SingAlong3what 2 ways are they?07:09
kevin_..in the physical sense07:09
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nickrudSingAlong2, it's normal to have different ip's with dhcp, it's supposed to work that way. So, what's the output of    route -n  ?   That's most likely the problem07:09
bazhangkevin_: that is exceedingly odd..07:09
|juan|any reason my xorg.conf would revert back to xinerama every time i restart xserver?07:09
nickrudSingAlong2, the computer doesn't know what your router's address is most likely07:10
astro76kevin_, what title if you don't mind?07:10
kevin_astro76, rush hour 307:10
SingAlong3what is that? how can I get that?07:10
bazhangkevin_: that is on dvd already?07:10
kevin_bazhang, apparently07:10
nickrudSingAlong2, if you'd answer my questions, I can help you build a working config07:10
SingAlong3Ok one sec..07:11
SingAlong3let me find out07:11
Nasariso firestarter is the easiest way to open and close ports?07:11
astro76kevin_, as I suspected, it uses the new form of copy protection http://www.dvdshrink.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&p=2152007:11
nickrudSingAlong2, use a usb stick if you have one to save the outputs (you can cut and paste into gedit to save them)07:11
bazhangkevin_: that is standard bluray or hd-dvd?07:11
astro76kevin_, take it back to the store and say it's a non-standard dvd ;)07:11
bazhangkevin_: yeah, astro76 has it on the head07:12
kevin_astro76, if an old set-top dvd player can  play it, a computer should be able to manage :)07:12
bazhangkevin_: google drm07:12
astro76kevin_, the whole point of this type of copy protection is that it still works on non-pc dvd players07:13
kevin_astro76, and, why?07:13
astro76kevin_, they tried this with CDs too07:13
astro76kevin_, piracy :S07:13
nickrudso there might be a 1.3 release of dvdcss, whoopee07:13
kevin_no, I mean why does it still work on non-pc players07:13
kevin_with cds they just did autorun crap07:13
Xplicitthe alt cd is having problems with formating my boot partition07:14
bazhangkevin_: to prevent teh piratez07:14
nickrudkevin_, because the rippers have to reverse engineer each wrinkle, the dvd makers know in advance what they can get away with07:14
kevin_no, I mean why would it still work in the technical sense on a player that was designed for the original dvd specification07:14
astro76kevin_, usually some non-standard file naming or some sort of thing which the player ignores, but chokes the pc07:14
bazhangkevin_: you can return it or wait for a 'fix' :}07:15
xal2I installed the graphics driver from the nvidia website. It works great until I restart the computer. Then it wants to hop into low graphics mode.07:15
Jangariis there a forum/howto on widgets/screenlets?07:16
iknowbobsorry to break in, but i have a question if anyone can help.  trying to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 and keep getting an error message stating "failed to fetch" and then lists 3 archives at archive.ubuntostudio.org ...07:16
kevin_most of the information on google is for windos ripping applications07:16
bazhangiknowbob: for ubuntustudio? might be a server issue07:16
* Gnea bangs head on desk, repeatedly.07:18
iknowbobjust using plain ubuntu.  friend installed some visiuals and added the ubuntustudio archives to update them with.  is there any way to remove the archive.ubuntustudio.org lines from the list of archives for upgrading?07:18
Gneawhy does java not work in gutsy gibbon?!07:18
Gneai'm trying to use java as a plugin to firefox07:18
nickrudit does, install sun-java6-plugin07:18
bazhangiknowbob: sure; go into synaptic and disable them07:18
XplicitGnea: firefox from repos?07:18
kevin_bazhang, I have to return it anyway I think. do you know how to get a raw dump of the disc and work out the proper file format later?07:19
Gneai've tried sun-java6-plugin,  sun-java5-plugin and now icedtea-java7-plugin07:19
GneaXplicit: yes, everything is from apt-get/synaptic07:19
Gneai check in about:plugins and i see that it's there07:19
bazhangkevin_: for now it is safe from that kind of thing, not really the channel to discuss it in07:20
Gneaand yet... it simply does not work when i try to bring up a java-based app in firefox07:20
kevin_bazhang, what would be07:20
Gneai get the error: "please install java, you are moron."07:20
nickrudoh, it must be tired of you ;)07:20
Gneawell, it better change its attitude quick if it wants to live through the night ;)07:21
iknowbobi'm a bit of a noob to ubuntu.  how do i go about disabling them?07:21
nickrudGnea, a really silly question, but do you have java enabled in the prefs?07:21
bazhangkevin_: that is a 'rip' and there is google for that07:21
Gneanickrud: ha, i hadn't checked yet - doing now07:21
kevin_bazhang, I don't want to resort to windows shareware, which is the result on google07:22
bazhangkevin_: sorry cant help you07:22
kevin__hay room07:23
kevin__im a nood07:23
Gnearoom: no such nickname07:23
kevin__i wanna put ubuntu on my g307:23
Gneanickrud: yup, it's already checked07:23
nickrudthought it was silly07:24
Gneanot at all, good to cover all bases07:24
kevin__anay one try this is it better then darwin for this sitch07:24
astro76good grief, a kevin_ and kevin__ both talking07:24
nickrudSingAlong better come back soon, gotta get some sleep07:24
=== kevin_ is now known as Kevin`
Kevin`heh :)07:24
* astro76 runs07:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about g4 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about g3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:25
ubotuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ07:25
kevin__thank you07:26
kevin__osx 1.1 is really showing it's age07:27
nickrudisn't that heresy for someone with mac hardware?07:27
sobersabreguys, I've got rdist question. is it possible to rename files per group of hosts with rdist ?07:27
kevin__game cube has a ppc right07:27
sobersabreI mean if I have a file /some/where/etc/passwd/group007:27
sobersabrewould I be able to copy it to a group of hosts to /etc/passwd ?07:28
sobersabrejust say "yes" or "no".07:28
bazhangyes or no07:28
bharadwajwhenever i start off with enemy teritory or any other high end games the game interface is very sluggish and strucky07:28
nickrudI have a broken nose, cuz I do that too much07:28
bharadwajdo i have any problem with my graphics card?07:29
sobersabrebazhang, you should upgrade your interpreter07:29
bazhangsobersabre: hahha07:29
kevin__imbios lol07:29
richdHello, anyone ever tried playing UT2k4 and got no sound? my only sound card in the setting is openal. should i go get also instead or something?07:29
xal2Has anyone had problems with the nvidia driver?07:29
bazhang!info kiten07:29
ubotukiten: Japanese reference/study tool for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 197 kB, installed size 548 kB07:29
richder, not sound card, sound device or something07:29
sobersabreyour nick sounds a bit chinese.... chinese usually have a good interpreter. where are you from ?07:29
bazhangI'm from #ubuntu-offtopic07:30
Gneanickrud: this is driving me nuts! i've done this before on other systems, and yet, i cannot get java to work in a web browser on this newly installed system.07:31
bharadwajis there any other channel for my problem with games?07:31
nickrudI gotta go, Singalong will be back (maybe) with an ifconfig and route -n . His windows connects wired, ubuntu doesn't. Probably not getting gateway info from the router. Could someone set him up with a static config?07:31
astro76Gnea, did you try with a new firefox profile?07:31
kevin__i allwas had promblems install ati drivers on ubuntu on my core2dou pc07:31
richdbharadwaj: heym your having trouble too?07:31
brophatmy add/remove applications thing says BitTorrent is installed but I can't find it in the applications menu07:31
nickrudGnea, I've always had no problems with java, so never had to trouble shoot it07:31
Gneaastro76: hrm, i'll try that now07:32
richdbharadwaj: I cant get my sound to work in Unreal 2004... what's your gaming prob?07:32
alexandroidhi, could you plz tell me how to enter rescue mode using live DVD for 7.10?07:32
alexandroidwhat i see is the same as described on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20218407:32
bharadwajrichd: oh yeah but i have a problem with my graphics and  interface of the game its very sluggish07:32
richdbharadwaj: what card type do you have?07:33
richdati? nv?07:33
WGGMkis it possible to Remote Desktop to a NON GUI Ubuntu Server???07:33
astro76alexandroid, what are you trying to do?07:33
bharadwajrichd: non in particular i have an inbuilt 64Mb video memory of i845G series07:33
Kevin`WGGMk, yes07:34
richdbharadwaj: ouch, integrated is hard stuff07:34
Kevin`WGGMk, you will of course need gui programs and libraries installed on it, which I would not do for a server07:34
bharadwajrich: yeah i know i tried evry damn shit available in the internet and in the forums07:34
alexandroidastro76: I am trying to install ubuntu on usb ext drive following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8081107:35
wyWhich script is run before the window system starts after user login? I'm trying to put an environment variable in that can be viewed by the programs on the main menu07:35
bharadwajrichd: and know what i almost come here very often with only this problem07:35
bharadwajrichd: did you try ubuntu forums?07:36
brophatmy add/remove applications thing has BitTorrent checked, which I assume means it is installed, but I can't find it in the applications menu. Anyone know where it is supposed to be?07:36
astro76alexandroid, looks like you need to use the alternate cd07:36
astro76!alternate | alexandroid07:36
ubotualexandroid: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal07:36
richdbharadwaj: man, i try ubuntu forums, debian forums, new articles and /. forums07:36
richdbut to no avail07:36
alexandroidastro76: but live DVD should include both install + alternate cds, right?07:37
WGGMkKevin`: is it possible for clients to remote desktop into a virtual machine (while the server still has NO GUI)???07:37
alexandroidastro76: ...and I do not have CD-R to burn CD ISO on =\07:37
bazhangrichd: is this native linux or through wine?07:37
richdbazhang: native. used the dvd shell installer07:38
Kevin`WGGMk, no local gui, yes07:38
bharadwajrichd: i hope we get a solution very fast i just can't wait to play any full fledged game in lunux07:39
frederick85hi i'm on xubuntu and trying to mount windows shares with pyNeighborhood it says can't mount the files on it though07:39
astro76alexandroid, yeah it does... sorry I'm not familiar with the dvd07:39
frederick85the shared files on the windows computer07:39
frederick85but it can find them07:39
bazhangrichd: unreal tournament 3? or other07:39
Kevin`WGGMk, virtual machine means nothing to this, unless you use the vm software for remote control in some respect (which I would only do for admins)07:39
richdbazhang: 200407:40
richdonly have a 32 MB video card...07:40
bazhangrichd: tournament?07:40
alexandroidastro76: maybe you could describe me what rescue mode looks like? when "rescue mode" sign actually appears?07:41
Gneaastro76: same problem persists with the new profile07:41
Gneaastro76: i went through and made sure that just the icedtea version is the only one installed now07:41
Gneathen i made the new profile07:41
WGGMkKevin`: what im trying to achieve, is the ability for specific clients to be able to USE/RUN virtual machines across a VPN or locally.. remote desktop seems like the only logical solution for the VPN side07:41
Kevin`WGGMk, remote desktops don't need to use the physical display for anything, you can have any number of remote displays without showing them locally07:41
abhiis there any nice util that i can use to grab a website?07:41
Gneaabhi: wget, curl07:42
Kevin`WGGMk, what vm software are you using07:42
richdbharadwaj: hey, check out http://packages.debian.org/etch/xserver-xorg-video-i81007:42
astro76alexandroid, you type rescue at the grub prompt on the alternate cd07:42
richdit has a package that should do it07:42
richdhave you already done something like that?07:42
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=237046 richd look at post #6 in that thread07:42
abhiGnea: i want to get not just the page but also the links it points to07:42
WGGMkKevin`: right now im just in the planning process. But specifically vmware server or esx caught my attention07:43
alexandroidastro76: but i mean does it look like regular installer in the beginning or it is completely different?07:43
Gneaabhi: read the manpages, they explain what all of the options do07:43
richdbazhang: will try that07:43
WGGMkKevin`: my server has NO GUI, and honestly I have no intention or desire to install a GUI or any related GUI libraries07:43
Kevin`WGGMk, vmware server (and I think esx if you like spending money) already include remote console function07:44
j2daoshwhat does a b mean in an ls -ltr? (br--r-----)07:44
richdbharadwaj: does that package look like it might work?07:44
Xplicitdoes the alt install cd need a working internet conection?07:44
GneaWGGMk: my server has no gui either, but i can run a vpn tunnel and export the display over that to run X apps remotely :)07:44
Kevin`WGGMk, if you want to run gui applications on the server (remote or otherwise) you need them to be installed, and for their supporting libraries to be installed, doesn't matter where they display07:44
X-noranyone know why xubuntu has xclient script as the primary option in GDM, yet there appears no xclient in /etc/X11, etc?07:44
astro76alexandroid, it will boot you to a prompt with Rescue Mode at the top07:45
BlaenkDenumis there a way to generate an md5sum of all files in a directory?07:45
Kevin`md5um *07:45
GneaWGGMk: he's right, you can have x libs installed and not run a GUI - you just need them on the server to support displaying them elsewhere - it's not much of a performance hit at all07:45
BlaenkDenumI didn't see anything on that in the man page but I used to do it07:45
BlaenkDenumoh thanks Kevin`07:45
alexandroidastro76: ic, thanks!07:45
WGGMkKevin`: maybe you misunderstood. I dont want them to be able to remote desktop into the server. I want clients to be able to remote desktop into the virtual guest on the server07:45
astro76alexandroid, just a shell prompt on virtual console 107:46
X-nori recall switching xfwm4 to compiz but now I can't figure out what the heck I changed07:46
ogrei want a pony07:46
Kevin`WGGMk, then you either need remote desktop support in the vm software or remote desktop server software installed on each vm07:46
X-norworks, but I also need to change some other stuff07:46
WGGMkKevin`: i retract the misunderstanding part, I prolly didnt explain things specifically enough.07:46
GneaWGGMk: make sure the IP of the virtual server is accessible from the outside and set your security options within that environment properly to accept them07:46
Gneajava still isn't working.07:47
bharadwajrichd: idin get you07:47
Xplicitdoes the alt install cd need a working internet conection?07:47
WGGMkKevin`: you wouldnt happen to know if the VMWare Server or esx have remote desktop support do you?07:47
richdbharadwaj: ?07:47
richddid you get my link?07:48
X-norXplicit: no, I installed it fine with no network until I could build my driver07:48
richdyou can search for that package in your package manager and it might fix your prob07:48
bazhangthat is a debian source richd; best to go with one from packages.ubuntu.com07:48
wyI wish I could draw a picture in the code07:48
Kevin`WGGMk, the vmware server console is natively networked and can be used remotely. I haven't used esx as I can't afford it. vmware workstation has vnc server support but probably is not a good choice for a server,07:49
Xplicitok thx i tought it was stuck at 6% but its jumped to 21%07:49
richdbazhang: i agree, but that package should be in ubuntu07:49
X-norXplicit: but you'll have to use apt-cd to get build-essential and all07:49
Kevin`WGGMk, qemu has vnc server support, xen I don't know, virtualbox I don't know07:49
bharadwajrichd: you playin it in wine?07:49
richdi just found it on the deb package search07:49
richdbharadwaj: nah. I figured mine out07:49
richdtrying to hepl you now07:49
Xplicitits ok once its up ill switch my cable over to it07:49
bazhangrichd: that may break his system--best not to advise it07:49
richdbazhang: i want him to use the ubuntu package manager to search for that package07:50
Spaceman3750I have ndiswrapper installed.  I installed the correct driver for my wireless card into ndiswrapper.  However, the GUI I installed says that the card for the driver I installed doesn't exist.  Any advice?07:50
WGGMkKevin`: so VMWare Server would install on the physical server and can be managed by a web interface correct (because the server has no GUI)07:50
j2daoshis there a sco unix channel?07:50
richdthen install it and edit the xorg conf file07:50
bharadwajrichd: the link you gave me it s i810 drivers but i845 is different from it07:50
bazhangrichd: it is in the repos for ubuntu07:50
richdi810g driver if for that whole family07:51
bazhangbharadwaj: it applies to your card as well07:51
richdbazhang: good.07:51
bharadwajlet me try07:51
bazhang!info xserver-xorg-video-i81007:52
ubotuxserver-xorg-video-i810: X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.7.4-0ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 139 kB, installed size 364 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm hppa hurd-i386 i386 ia64 kfreebsd-i386 lpia m68k mips mipsel netbsd-i386 powerpc)07:52
X-norj2daosh: you mean there's a reason to run that anymore?07:52
bazhangbharadwaj: see above07:52
richdbharadwaj: do you know where to get that?07:52
richdsorry, but i don't know your linux exp...07:52
X-nordoes anyone know how to set up what window manager is started up, etc?07:52
Kevin`WGGMk, http://abacus.kwzs.be/vm.jpg - using a vm from a few states away07:52
bazhangX-nor: choose in sessions at log in screen07:53
richdor edit your init runlevel thingy to use kdm instead of gdm or w/e07:53
X-norbazhang: yeah, was wondering what Xclient session meant07:53
morstim trying to ./configure apache, and i get the message "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"07:54
X-norbazhang: it's the 'default' in xfce, but the reported xclient configuration does not exist anywhere07:54
bazhangX-nor: there should be a small icon in the log in screen that you can pull down07:54
WGGMkKevin`: VMWare Server Console is what exactly?07:54
richdbharadwaj: any luck yet?07:54
X-norbazhang: well I can't edit that can I07:54
bazhangX-nor: you can install new DE's :}07:55
Kevin`WGGMk, the program you use to do most of the work with vmware server07:55
BlaenkDenumguys I have a question, if I tar.gz. something and md5sum it will it always be the same, I mean, and if I would tar.gz. the very same contents again and md5sum that, will it be the same? I know it's not the case with zip07:55
X-norbazhang: that's no help wse, I need to know what each of those Exec=07:55
richdX-nor: i use ksysv-init editor07:55
adamonline46Does anyone know why I might not be able to access my SMB shares from my Kubuntu box?07:55
bazhangX-nor: via the cli?07:55
X-norrichd: um, that's init scripts afaict07:55
X-norbazhang: well, by filename07:55
richdand it chooses xfce, xgm, kd, gdm07:56
richdadamonline46: not proper credintials?07:56
X-norrichd: yeah, well my DM is gdm07:56
m0u5ewhats the difference between gutsy backports and proposed?07:56
richdcan't spell, sorry07:56
X-norrichd: don't need to change that unless I have to go to old fashioned xinitrc07:56
scguy318m0u5e: backports are backports from newer repos, proposed is proposed updates07:56
richdX-nor: i thought that was what you were trying to do07:57
WGGMkKevin`: sorry for my ignorance here.. But lemme get this straight... VMWare Server installs on the server or host machine.. and VMWare Server Console BUILDS or CONNECTS to the VM on the server/host machine???07:57
adamonline46richd: Well, I can access the shares from my Windows box, if that's what you mean.  I have myself added as an SMB user...07:57
bazhangdoes a #vmware exist?07:57
Gneabazhang: what happens if you join it?07:57
X-norrichd: was trying to set what commands the Xclient script (which GDM claims exists) actually runs07:57
m0u5escguy318: what's a backport then? :X07:57
bazhangGnea: you first :}07:57
Kevin`WGGMk, the console connects to the server and allow you to do all management functions (except start the server) and use vms07:58
richdadamonline46: but maybe on the linux box, it asks to access it and the windows says bah, not high enough security. do you type in a pw for it?07:58
X-norrichd: it probably has little to do with X clients07:58
Gneabazhang: lol i'm not the one who wants to know07:58
morstim trying to ./configure apache, and i get the message "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" and then "configure failed for srclib/apr"07:58
bazhangGnea: haha07:58
Kevin`bazhang, yes07:58
scguy318m0u5e: taking a package from newer repo and having it work on an older release07:58
bazhangthanks Kevin`07:58
X-norrichd: actually it does - which ones get started automatically. but i've had no luck finding this script, which locate xclient, locate Xclient, etc turn nothing up07:58
yuaokiHi I've got a Sharp Mebius laptop and I do not know what kind of memory chip to get , I've tried it with my macbook chip and the shape does not match how can I look it up?07:58
adamonline46richd: No, I removed authentication for the time being.07:58
timfrostmorst: Have you installed build-essential?07:59
richdX-nor: ohhh07:59
Gneaastro76: thanks for the help, i'm just gonna sleep on it and try again later07:59
m0u5escguy318: so proposed is like a pre-released update then? or something that's planned for hardy?07:59
morsttimfrost, whats that?07:59
richdadamonline46: wierd... I'm assuming its not network error or anything like that07:59
WGGMkKevin`: so using VMWare Server Console allows you to connect to the VMWare Server and manage/use VM's?07:59
Kevin`yuaoki, that's pretty basic information, manufacturer's page should have it. otherwise take a picture of it07:59
X-nori'll be stuck prolly installing a filename index and searching for my =compiz07:59
adamonline46richd: I don't think so.  I can see the smb server if I do "smbclient --list <svr_ip> --no-pass08:00
timfrostmorst: it is a package that pulls in compiler tools.  But why are you compiling apache, rather than using the packages that are in the repository?08:00
richdadamonline46: wierd...08:00
m0u5escguy318: sorry just one more question, do proposed updates have lower quality specs than stuff in the normal repos? is it any less stable08:00
Kevin`WGGMk, yes, vmware server has no local gui unless you run the console locally08:00
X-norproblem I've had with gnome - there's a million ways to set something up, only one actually commits the change08:00
adamonline46richd: Quite... I dunno what to do :/08:00
X-norand one leaves trash that you'll find later08:00
morsttimfrost: so there is an easier way, how do i get the repository packages?08:00
Kevin`WGGMk, since this software is beer-free, you would be best served trying it yourself..08:01
richdX-nor: well, on my kde i use sudo ksysv08:01
richdand it pops up08:01
wyAny good asciiart software in linux?08:01
X-norrichd: that is the system V inits, correct?08:01
richdi used to know where it was located at08:01
WGGMkKevin`: so can clients BUILD/CREATE VM's onto to the physical server host??08:01
Kevin`wy, banner, aalib/libcaca08:01
Kevin`WGGMk, yes08:01
dhcplesscan anyone help me with dhcp3 config08:02
X-norrichd: pointless, IMHO, for what I'm trying to do - stop a panel from starting08:02
BenalexI am trying to install VMWare Player and getting this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49771/08:02
richda panel?08:02
WGGMkKevin`: dude your the man.. sorry for all the nagging questions haha.. thank you very much for the information08:02
X-norrichd: which is one of the x clients getting started from one of the session scripts of one of the DMs, (well, I know it's GDM in this case)08:02
wyKevin`: libcaca seems to be a library08:02
Kevin`wy, yes. there are multiple programs that use it (mplayer for example can)08:03
ifireballdhcpless: client or server?08:03
richdX-nor: i dunno... i don't get what your saying08:03
dhcplessifireball, server08:03
richdand i'm tired08:03
richdso good night all08:03
richdbharadwaj: good luck.08:03
timfrostmorst: command line 'sudo apt-get install apache2' (version 2.0) or 'sudo apt-get install apache2.2' (for version 2.2).  Or use synaptic GUI08:03
Avtwho see me?08:03
triplchi all08:03
morsttimfrost: ok thanks i figured that out08:03
X-norrichd: I want to set compiz to start by default, instead of xfwm408:03
ifireballdhcpless: what seems to be the problem?08:04
BenalexI am trying to install VMWare Player and getting this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49771/08:04
triplci need to type Japanese and Chinese, which package I need to apt-get install?08:04
Avtcan you guys see me??08:04
WGGMkAvt: nope08:04
Avthow to update firefox? sudo su apt-get update firefox? in dapper08:04
MyrttiAvt: sure we do08:04
Spaceman3750My WLAN card is a Realtek 8187B.  Ubuntu sees it in the hardware manager, as well as in lsusb (it is an internal USB card).  However, I try to install the drivers into ndiswrapper and ndiswrapper says that the card is not installed.  iwconfig also does not show it.  What should I do to get this card working?08:04
Kevin`wy, these libraries (except for the text-art program mentioned) make "ascii art" using dithering techniques. while it's rather good at that, it doesn't beat what a skilled artist can do, it's just a computer08:04
dhcplessifireball, whenever i try to start it i get an error "semicolon expected in dhcp3.conf , line #...." but I have semicolns in all the lines!08:05
MyrttiAvt: sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude upgrade08:05
MyrttiAvt: no, wait, no.08:05
MyrttiAvt: how long have you been without updating your system with security updates and such?08:05
Kevin`wy, might not be the right word for it. try it yourself and you'll see what it does08:05
triplci need to type Japanese and Chinese text, which package I need to apt-get install?08:05
dhcplesstriplc, scim08:06
ifireballdhcpless: well, sounds like a syntax error, paste the file an the error message to pastebin plz08:06
bazhangskim/scim triplc08:06
triplcdhcpless: thanks08:06
WGGMkdhcpless: haha what a great name08:06
Avtmyrtti ok well see I made a tutorial and I might have forgotten to add update firefox and flash lol08:06
dhcplessifireball, ok...08:06
Avtbut now im in gutsy08:06
dhcplesstriplc, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InputMethods/SCIM/Setup08:07
Avthowto restore partition image of dapper**08:07
MyrttiAvt: well, basically update and upgrade should be enough unless you want to upgrade them to a version dapper repos don't have08:07
MyrttiAvt: what have you done basically08:07
AvtMyrtti can you see my tut and tell me what im missing?08:07
Avtim getting link08:07
triplcdhcpless: thanks, i am reading it now08:08
dhcplesstriplc, you on gnome or kde or xfce?08:08
wyKevin`: Actually I just need some pictures in my code. So those color drawings might not be good for me. Some line drawing is ok08:08
dhcplessifireball, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49772/08:09
BenalexI am trying to install VMWare Player and getting this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49771/08:09
Avtmyrtti here it is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53649108:10
dhcplessWGGMk i've been struggling with this DHCP3 server for days now....08:10
dhcplessBenalex, how are you trying to install ? VMserver or player?08:12
MyrttiAvt: first of all, forget all the "sudo su"-stuff08:12
Benalexdhcpless: player... from add/remove08:12
dhcplessBenalex, do you have VMserver installed?08:13
Avtmyrtti realy?08:13
dhcplessBenalex, mmmm...is your sources list in order?08:13
MyrttiAvt: well yes. doing it with all the command still having sudo in front of them equals into nothing at all08:14
Benalexdhcpless: mmm.. not sure... I have enabled all package type main, universe, ..etc08:14
dhcplessBenalex, what happens when you run sudo apt-get update?08:14
MyrttiAvt: and doing "sudo su" can be replaced by other commands, safer than it.08:14
Avtok I need to change be right back08:15
Benalexdhcpless: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49773/08:15
ifireballdhcpless: your problem seems to be on line #1, looks out of place to me08:16
dhcplessifireball, this is because i have several interfaces (vmware..) notice that the error refers to another line08:17
timfrostBenalex: are you trying to install vmware player from a .deb package, or from the tarball?08:17
bryanwhat is the command to get the UUID for a disk drive?08:17
dhcplesstimfrost, he is trying with add/remove...08:17
Benalextimfrost: no... from Add/remove08:17
dhcplessBenalex, your sources look ok, sorry cant help you ,never installed vmware with add/remove. I always installed the tar ball from vmware website08:19
ifireballdhcpless: it does, but there are only comments between the 2 lines, and typically you get "missing <line terminator>" errors on the next things that comes along where the terminator should be, e.g. the next non-comment line...08:19
timfrostBenalex: OK, I missed that. there is NOT an ubuntu package for vmware player for gutsy.   That is the reason for the error.  You need to install the tarball08:19
RamYi have problems installing ubuntu08:19
dhcplessifireball, you suggest commenting the 1st line?08:19
ifireballdhcpless: still it doesn't look like its consistent with the file format to me, so I'm man-ing it for a bit08:19
RamYi can't partition drive to install ununtu08:20
dhcplessifireball, actually i got it off a web HOWTO08:20
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Benalexdhcpless,timfrost... installing from tarballs is a plain pain.. and I can't do it... I appreciate if you drive me to some instruction to do so.. because ./confiure make make install doesn't work08:20
RamYi have problems installing ubuntu08:20
RamYi can't partition drive to install ununtu08:20
ifireballdhcpless: looks like its setting an environment variable to me08:20
vallhalla81ramy do you have a os installed?08:21
dhcplessBenalex, I never installed vmplayer , but i have vmserver on many machines , there is an excellent HOWTo in Ubuntu forum, I can google it for you if you wish...08:21
RamYi have windows intalled08:22
dhcplessifireball, what do you mean?08:22
BenalexRamY.. how are you doing partitioning?08:22
RamYi dont' have ubuntu os installed08:22
RamYi have live cd thingy08:22
=== bojan is now known as SeveredCross
Benalexdhcpless: thank you08:22
vallhalla81ok i gues you are hoping to kep windows??08:22
timfrostBenalex: for vmware player, you need to install build-essential, then unpack the tarball and run 'sudo ./vmware-install.pl' in the main directory of the unpacked tar archive.  You don't go through the configure/make/make installprocess08:22
RamYyes vallhalla8108:22
RamYi have alot of important files on the drive08:23
dhcplessBenalex, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183209&highlight=vmware08:23
vallhalla81ok you will need a program to set a partition for you08:23
ifireballdhcpless: I meant the formant of the line looks exactly like a bash command to setup an environment variable, not like a dchpd.conf directive, is line #33 yours as well?08:23
Greevoushow do cd into hidden directories in the terminal08:23
dhcplessifireball, the line that begins with what? (33)08:24
Greevoushow do I* cd...08:24
nicolahHow do I exit from vi ?08:24
ifireballdhcpless: DHCPDARGS08:24
malignity :q08:24
vallhalla81GParted or QTParted should work08:24
RamYGparted wouldn't work i get an error08:25
RamYshould i try qtparted?08:25
dhcplessifireball,  ahh. yesterday when it didnt work i came to the IRC and someone suggested that ....08:25
dhcplessifireball, i basically followed this : http://myy.helia.fi/~karte/ubuntu_dhcp.html08:25
vallhalla81hmm how many drives do you have/.08:25
RamY2 drives08:25
dhcplessifireball, i want DHCP3 to boot PXE install08:25
RamY10 GB for windows and 70GB for files08:25
RamYused by windows08:26
gingersnapyay! there are ppl still on that are still awake!08:26
RamYi have about 50GB free space08:26
vallhalla81then why not move all windows things to 1 fdrive and linux on the other?08:26
gingersnapi was wondering if anyone here uses virtualbox?08:26
ifireballdhcpless: are you planning on the server doing DNS as well?08:26
RamYbecause windows is not very stable, and sometime i get viruses and i have to reinstall windows08:27
bazhangsome do gingersnap08:27
dhcplessifireball, no, just serving boot image to a client -thats it08:27
gingersnapi need alittle help and the vbox channels are .. well dead08:28
vallhalla81ok there is the option to run windows from linux using vmware you know?08:28
Myrttimmmm breakfast. Avt you still there08:28
bazhanggingersnap: they usually are :}08:28
Benalextimfrost: thank you... working like charm.... I should read more about linux executable files08:28
ifireballdhcpless: yeah, like I thought, line #1 should've gone into /etc/default/dhcp3-servr, not dhcpd.conf08:28
Avtmyrtti yes :D08:28
Benalexdhcpless: thanks for your help08:28
Avtyou smeel the food also hehe08:28
RamYthat i don't know of vallhalla8108:29
ifireballdhcpless: and you don't need line #3308:29
MyrttiAvt: so what was your original problem again, the backup or firefox updates08:29
gingersnapi know there are other programs besides virtualbox.. but my issue is that I can't uninstall it08:29
vallhalla81ok lets you run a install of windows from within ubuntu08:29
dhcplessifireball, THANK YOU , commenting the 1st line did the trick!08:29
Avtmyrtti I think I forgot to post on there how to update firefox and flash im pretty sure08:29
dayaanyone have idea how to modify splashy themes using usplash08:29
dhcplessBenalex, welcome...08:30
ifireballdhcpless: basically the fact that it doesn't LOOK like anything else in the file should've given you a hint...08:30
dhcplessifireball, do you have experience in PXE booting?08:30
RamYi'm only trying to isntall ubuntu at the moment not windows08:30
ifireballdhcpless: yeah, kinda08:30
bazhangdhcpless: so you can change your nick now? :}08:30
vallhalla81you could try it that way and have your second disk as a storage device so your files are safer08:30
Avtmyrtti im just trying to make it complete so I can add my gutsy howto08:30
RamYi did a partition, do i need to name the new partitioned drive?08:30
MyrttiAvt: the normal upgrade procedure should be enough unless you really really want to update them to a version not in dapper repos08:30
vallhalla81no the set up will do it for you08:31
RamYfilesystem name is allocated08:31
dhcplessbazhang, my next nick TFTPless08:31
Avtmyrtti which is08:31
bazhangdhcpless: hahaha08:31
RamYso i should apply settings only now?08:31
dhcplessifireball, can you recommend a HOWTo? i read about 6 all somewhat different...08:32
vallhalla81yes i think so08:32
RamYSee the details for more information.08:32
RamYIf you want support, you need to provide the saved details!08:32
RamYSee http://gparted.sourceforge.net/larry/tips/save_details.htm for more information.08:32
RamYan error occured08:32
ifireballdhcpless: nope. my only recommendation would be to READ ALOT and UNDERSTAND what you are doing, blindly following HOWTOs never works08:32
Avtmyrtti man whats the normal update procedure08:32
MyrttiAvt: dapper currently has 1.5.dfsg+
Avtfor dapper08:33
ifireballdhcpless: tftp is easy though, you afaik just install it, and pot the right files in /tftpboot08:33
dhcplessifireball, great advice....this is a great leap for me, i just have this laptop with no CD, no floppy no USB and Win2k I need to save it08:33
MyrttiAvt: sudo aptitude update, sudo aptitude upgrade08:33
RamYdid u get that vallhalla81?08:34
AvtI dont need to add firefox or anythin to it?08:34
ifireballdhcpless: in that case you use something like knoppix that has PXE setup scripted out of the box08:34
ompaul!paste | RamY08:34
ubotuRamY: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:34
dhcplessifireball, you mean as PXE server? my laptop client has no CD....08:35
ifireballthough I thought Ubuntu had something like that too on the liveCD08:35
ifireballdhcpless: yeah, knoppix has an option to boot on one machine and then boot the other machines with PXE over the network08:35
vallhalla81just looking at it ramy08:36
dhcplessifireball, really ? knoppix is amazing.....08:36
ifireballdhcpless: yeah its a rather nifty feature, edubuntu might have that as well though08:36
SeveredCrossWell, it uses the standard Debian base...08:36
SeveredCrossYou could easily do that kinda setup with any Debian distro.08:36
vallhalla81ramy does it show on your drive as a partition?08:37
SeveredCrossIt's not really a Knoppix-specific thing. They're just the only ones that have done it so far.08:37
dhcplessifireball, ok thank you for your help ,,,,next step TFTP08:37
RamYbefore i click apply?08:37
RamYit says unallocated08:37
MyrttiAvt: nope08:37
squarebracketi keep on getting permission denied for running /usr/sbin/sshd even though i'm root. can anyone tell me why?08:38
MyrttiAvt: those commands actually upgrade your *whole* system to up to date08:38
vallhalla81ok have you tryed making the partiton from windos so it is just a blank space and install to theat so setup can set the files for you?08:38
Avtwhat I dont need it updating the kernal08:38
killerfaultierIs courier-authlib-mysql the same as courier-authmysql?08:38
Avtit could mess up my video card driver08:38
ifireballSeveredCross: I know and HAD done that with Debian, but you can't expect newbes to easily jump through all the hoops of a dhcp/tftp/pxelinux/nfs-root install easily...08:39
RamYno i haven't tried partitioning from windows08:39
timfrostsquarebracket: what do you get from the command 'ls -l /usr/sbin/sshd' ?08:39
vallhalla81i think it may be worth giving that a go08:39
MyrttiAvt: hrmmm08:39
RamYthe problem is, if i partition from windows using the CD's that came with PC, i lose everything on the drive with saved files in it08:40
RamYcan i give the new partitioned drive a name, on filesystem?08:40
vallhalla81you should be able to08:41
RamYwhat should i put for filesystem?08:41
RamYor something else08:41
dhcplessifireball, one howto suggest i start tftpd server via inetd , another doest , what are the advantages of inetd?08:41
vallhalla81lunix-swap should be ok08:42
ifireballdhcpless: if you you just want to boot that one PC I really recommend you use Knoppix, setting up PXP manually is a LOT of work that was meant only to be done by sysadmins setting up dozens of workstations08:42
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ifireballdhcpless: no advantages to inetd, but you should just stick with what the tftpd package does by default08:43
squarebrackettimfrost: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 404184 2007-09-17 19:25 /usr/sbin/sshd08:43
dhcplessifireball, but then the client PC will boot knoppix , while I want to install Ubuntu08:43
timfrostsquarebracket: is there already a copy of sshd running?08:44
anton_How to check gateway IP in ubuntu?08:44
dhcplessi mean i know you can use knoppix to install buntu but isnt it a round about way to do something ?08:44
timfrostanton_: netstat -nr08:44
RamYstill no luck vallhalla8108:44
squarebrackettimfrost: i got an  [ OK ] when i stopped it08:45
vallhalla81!windows | RamY08:45
ubotuRamY: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents08:45
vallhalla81may help08:45
ifireballdhcpless: setting up PXE for one machine is WAY more of a round about...08:45
squarebrackettimfrost: but i'm doing all of this via ssh... i wanted to change the port so that i could ssh to it without having to go through another computer on the network08:45
vallhalla81stuck for idears now sory08:46
RamYthat's ok, thank you anyway :D08:46
dhcplessifireball, ok thank you for your help , i want to google to knoppix boot PXE option now08:46
ifireballdhcpless: can does that laptop has a USB port?08:46
vallhalla81ok good luck08:46
dhcplessifireball, it has but does not boot from USB08:46
goukiAnyone here has OpenArena installed and is willing to help me out testing my server?08:47
bazhangramy gone?08:47
ifireballdhcpless: how about a CDROM drive?08:47
timfrostsquarebracket: if there is an existing connection to port 22, the server won't be able to restart on that port.  Have you changed the port number in /etc/ssh/sshd_config?08:47
dhcplessifireball, nope08:47
dhcplessno floppyeither08:47
ifireballdhcpless: you may be able to install GRUB on the MBR with knoppix and then chain-load the installer from USB08:48
dhcplessifireball, look : http://dynabook.com/pc/catalog/ss/02012120/index_j.htm08:48
squarebrackettimfrost: yes i have changed the port number both in ssh_config and sshd_config... is there any way i can start it again on another port remotely?08:48
ifireballdhcpless: pretty... but useless I guess...08:48
macdsquarebracket, if its changed both places, restarting ssh should make that active, but you'll loose your active connection, so use something like screen to issue the restart in08:49
ifireballdhcpless: how did they intend for you to factory-restore the OS if you ever need to?08:49
dhcplessifireball, it is sold by bulk to companies. Toshiba takes care of any problems08:50
psyferrehey folks, hope everyone is doing well.  Has anyone setup ejabberd and jwchat on ubuntu that also might have a few minutes to give me a shove in the right direction?  I'd really appreciate it :)08:50
dhcplessifireball,  my friend got when his company upgraded to a new Toshiba08:50
ifireballdhcpless: then it would be nice to figure out what the Toshiba guys do, there must be a way to boot a windows install on it08:50
ifireballdhcpless: would a USB CD-ROM work?08:51
bazhangdhcpless: how old is that computer?08:51
squarebracketmacd: i don't mind losing the active connection, so long as i can get back in once it's restarted... how would i do that, exactly?08:51
vallhalla81dhcpless does it have a cd drive?08:51
dhcplessifireball, they take the HD out ,install a ghost image and boot it. no CD drive, It's about 5 years old08:51
dhcplessi mean they copy a ghost image unto the hD08:52
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ifireballdhcpless: I suppose you could do that too if you have another laptop...08:52
vallhalla81then usb or remove the drive is the only option08:52
timfrostsquarebracket: you can explicitly speciofy a different port number with the -p option - for example ' sudo /usr/sbin/sshd -p 44'08:52
vallhalla81or buy a usb cd/dvd drive08:52
dhcplessifireball, the problem is that the HD is not standard08:52
ifireballdhcpless: oh..08:53
rhetorichi, anyone know how i can setup a basic file share between two ubuntu computers on a basic-dumb-hub?08:54
malignityhow do i turn off join/part notices in pidgin?08:54
rhetoricall the guides ive found are from like 2-3 years ago, and assume i know the local IP of my other computer08:54
Myrttimalignity: there's a plugin for that08:55
ifireballdhcpless: anyway, try using knoppix, any maybe the chain-load thing (I'm not that sure that grub can boot things off USB, I've been meaning to try that lately but didn't get around to it)08:55
squarebrackettimfrost: i just tried that, but i get a "no route to host" error08:55
rhetorici've installed NFS and setup shares on both of my PCs on this hub, but how do i mount them?08:55
dhcplessifireball, i'm trying to google that as we speak.. thank you!08:55
malignityMyrtti: do you know which one?08:55
malignitynevermind :)08:56
timfrostsquarebracket: from sshd?08:56
Myrttimalignity: you can get it by installing the pidgin plugins from the repositories, I can't remember the name though08:56
rhetoricthis is the first thing that is actually easier in windows :/08:56
malignityit's called join/part hiding heh08:56
MyrttiI don't believe in pidgin being an IRC client08:56
rhetoricwindows to setup a basic file share i "share folder" then mount hostname:/share08:56
timfrost!info pidgin-plugin-pack08:56
ubotupidgin-plugin-pack: 30 useful plugins for pidgin. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1 (gutsy), package size 159 kB, installed size 624 kB08:56
malignityno but it'll suffice, Myrtti08:57
Myrttimalignity: if you're not using it more than once a week ;-)08:57
Myrttimalignity: for max 2 hrs :-P08:57
malignityuntil i figure out what's wrong with the charset in screen on my shell and the ubuntu terminal >_<08:57
squarebrackettimfrost: no, it looks like sshd executes, but when i try to ssh to the machine, i get a "no route to host" error08:57
ifireballrhetoric: well, NFS was designed with OLD UNIX sysadmins in mind, and ppl seem to be puring more work into making SMB easy now-days08:58
timfrostsquarebracket: are the two machines on the same network?08:58
rhetoricsamba doesnt even let me choose who can login via gui08:58
rhetoricjust share name and read only08:58
dhcplessifireball, look here http://www.babytux.org/articles/howto/how2netknoppix.php . i wonder if in step 4 , i can copy some files that would install Ubuntu?08:58
malignityrhetoric: ifconfig didn't tell you what you want to know?08:59
malignityre: local ip addresses08:59
rhetoricim a big noob malignity08:59
rhetorici dont see any 192.* or 10.*09:00
squarebracketerr, sort of. the machine that i'm on right now is one network. i've got an ssh console over the internet to one of the computers in the remote network. the machine i want on a different ssh port is another computer on that remote network.09:00
grade_hi guys09:00
rhetoriceth0 and lo09:00
grade_i have a question regarding apache2 ssl09:00
bazhangrhetoric: samba server?09:00
grade_i cant find this command in ubuntu server 7.1009:00
pr0nGuyIs there an instantaneously way to know whether your inet connection has been cut?09:00
EADGEvening all09:00
ifireballdhcpless: what he does there is copy Knoppix to the PXE SERVER, its not what you want09:00
rhetoricbazhang, i tried to use NFS but i really have no idea what im doing. im new from windows09:00
squarebrackettimfrost: err, sort of. the machine that i'm on right now is one network. i've got an ssh console over the internet to one of the computers in the remote network. the machine i want on a different ssh port is another computer on that remote network.09:01
RamYhelp, excuse me09:01
dhcplessifireball, i guess i didnt read carefully09:01
bazhangrhetoric: sharing via samba?09:01
RamYAn error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices.09:01
RamYThe resize operation is aborted09:01
rhetoricbazhang, it was easy to "share" folders via GUI with either NFS or samba i just dont seem to be able to mount them on the other PC09:01
rhetoricbazhang, i tried mount computername:/share /localfolder09:02
theteacherhi all. how can i boot ubuntu alternate cd from terminal? what command should i type?09:02
rhetoricit says computername has no ip09:02
rhetoricbasically it says huh? hostname? wtf?09:02
ifireballrhetoric: with samba it should be simple matter of navigating the share with Nautilus09:02
macdsquarebracket, you restarted sshd yet? or did you start another sshd without stopping the first one?09:02
ifireballrhetoric: to use the IP...09:02
bazhanghttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy rhetoric scroll down for samba09:02
ifireballrhetoric: so* use the IP...09:02
dhcplessifireball, thanks again , signing off09:03
Wander_wtheteacher: I think you are supposed to select the alternate boot cd at boot time09:03
rhetoricifireball, im a noob and dont know the ip09:03
rhetoricifireball, you mean the internet ip? :/09:03
squarebracketmacd: i called /etc/init.d/sshd restart a while ago, it stopped the service, but i got a permission denied error on the restart09:03
jxxxtRamy, I do not know the answer to your problem but I am sure if you continue banging around in the dark you will wreck one or both of your systems. Stop and study for a while..09:03
macdsquarebracket, then it didnt stop, you need to issue that as sudo.09:03
ifireballrhetoric: well, what are your 2 machine connected through?09:03
rhetorici cant seem to find any local IP, the computers each have their OWN internet IP and are on a cheap hub09:03
timfrostsquarebracket: does 'netstat -nta | grep LIST' on the server show the new port?   On gutsy, I get a line like "tcp6       0      0 :::44                   :::*                    LISTEN ".  What do you see?09:03
squarebracketmacd: i'm running as root09:03
macdsquarebracket, ohh, and its /etc/init.d/ssh restart, not sshd09:04
rhetoricifireball, you saw that last message forgot to include your name?09:04
macdsquarebracket, but before you do that, you need to launch a screen session09:04
macdsquarebracket, or the command will NOT finish and you may be stuck out09:04
rhetoricifireball, i cant seem to find any local IP, the computers each have their OWN internet IP and are on a cheap hub09:04
ifireballrhetoric: essentially what you're saying is that your problems my be connectivity related and have nothing to so with samba or nfs...09:04
theteacherWander_w, i want to install ubuntu from usb flashdisk. no cdrom on the pc. the pc cant boot from usb flashdisk. so i want to go to terminal by floppy n boot the alternate cd. how bout it?09:04
rhetoricifireball, it works fine on the same computers in windows/macos09:04
RamYjxxxt: my problem is, i can't get ubuntu to install, i already have windows installed on this pc, and i would like to partition harddrive so i can install ubuntu without losing windows09:04
rhetoricifireball, i just mount hostname:/share in windows works fine09:05
RamYi was intructed to use gparted, that didn't work09:05
wols_RamY: so resize your windows partition09:05
macdsquarebracket, like "screen" "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart", then ssh back in like "ssh -p 44 user@host"09:05
ifireballrhetoric: how are they connected to the internet?09:05
RamYthen someone said to use vmware and i don't know how to use that09:05
rhetoricifireball, through a basic cheap a** hub (sends all packets to all connected devices)09:05
webspideruscan anyone help me get Desktop Effects running on ubuntu 7.10? I added the restricted drivers and tried to follow a few tutorials, but when I try to enable any Visual Effects, I simply get a message 'Desktop effects can not be enabled' (or something to that effect)09:05
rhetoricnot a router, not even a switch, just a hub, with 2 pcs09:06
squarebrackettimfrost: ya, it's listening on the ports i specified.09:06
RamYhwo do i do that wols_09:06
wols_webspiderus: what videocard and what driver?09:06
wols_RamY: run gparted from the livecd09:06
wols_RamY: but backup your windows installation first just in case09:06
rhetoricifireball, maybe windows automatically assigns local IPs while linux doesn't?09:06
RamYwols_:  i did, i made a new drive, but i get an error09:06
squarebracketmacd: without dropping the connection first? i still get the permission denied error.09:06
wols_RamY: what error?09:07
ifireballrhetoric: well, doesn't it "just work" for you with samba, if it works with windows it should work with about the same with samba09:07
RamYwhen i hit apply09:07
webspideruswols_: Nvidia 7900 GT - I'm using the latest drivers I could find on Nvidia's website09:07
timfrostsquarebracket: what happens when you do 'telnet <server> 44' from the client system (not you home system)?09:07
RamYok i will do it again so i can show you the error, just a min09:07
macdsquarebracket, I can't see how you'd get a permissions error as root, can you paste your whole error to pastebin09:07
rhetoricifireball, i spent more time hacking around with NFS i'll try samba again now09:07
=== Mohamed is now known as Benalex
jxxxtRamy, I always let the pstitioner shrink my windows (ntfs) to about one third its original size it worked for me every time except once where I lost win xp pro completely I think it was because I did not defrag windows first but I am not toosure09:07
ifireballrhetoric: no, they both do the same thing on that level, unless you're using an ancient Ubuntu version09:07
wols_webspiderus: "glxinfo" and ubuntu comes with perfectly fine drivers in the restricted repo. I don't support nvidia.com drivers09:07
Wander_wtheteacher: You might try some strange hack with pivot_root, kexec or the like; but really it seams easier to buy a cdrom drive09:07
rhetoricifireball, one box is feisty ppc, other gutsy x8609:08
macdrhetoric, NFS should be WAY easier than samba to setup b/t *nix hosts09:08
rhetoricmacd, im a noob and having lots of trouble with NFS09:08
macdrhetoric, its a few lines in hosts.allow, a few lines in /etc/exports and a line or 2 in fstab.09:08
ifireballrhetoric: Samba works becaue it does the network-equivalent of SHOUTING VERY LOUDLY on the network to find other hosts09:08
rhetoricmacd, i cant even manually mount the share09:08
macdrhetoric, to ubuntuforums have a nice guide, it takes about 15 minutes to setup ;)09:09
squarebrackettimfrost: from the first computer inside the remote network, i get no route to host09:09
macdrhetoric, what error are you getting?09:09
webspideruswols_: well, I'm not bound to nvidia.com drivers .. I'm up to try anything at the moment. The last thing I tried is using Envy to get my video card configured09:09
RamYwols_:   See the details for more information.09:09
RamYIf you want support, you need to provide the saved details!09:09
RamYSee http://gparted.sourceforge.net/larry/tips/save_details.htm for more information.09:09
theteacherso there is no single command to boot from cd rom?09:09
ifireballrhetoric: though you need to make sure both hosts are on the same SMB workgroup09:09
macdsquarebracket, then sshd did NOT restart properly09:09
rhetoricmacd, i tried mount hostname:/share and it says the host cant be found, and i dont know the local ip (it's a cheap hub)09:09
rhetoricifireball, k09:09
RamYan error occured while applying operstions         wols_09:09
macdrhetoric, login to the box and get the IP, and use it.09:09
timfrostsquarebracket: and the two machines are on the same network?09:09
bazhangtheteacher: what cdrom09:09
squarebracketmacd: Starting sshd; /etc/init.d/sshd; line 113; /usr/sbin/sshd; Permission denied09:09
rhetoricmacd, in ifconfig i dont see any 192.* or 10.*09:10
macdrhetoric, make that box have a static IP, and mount via IP in fstab.09:10
Wander_wtheteacher: I don't know of any if your allready in Linux09:10
rhetoricmacd, how do i give it a static ip?09:10
macdrhetoric, is the box ON the network?09:10
rhetoricmacd, im a total noob bud :) sorry09:10
squarebrackettimfrost: yes, i'm calling it via it's local network ip09:10
rhetoricmacd, in windows it was a matter of "share folder" "map network drive host:/share"09:10
macdsquarebracket, I've said like 3 times now, its NOT sshd its ssh.09:10
rhetoricmacd, that's about all i know :/09:10
Wander_wtheteacher: Maybe kqemu, vmware or some other virtualisation software09:10
macdrhetoric, linux is not windows ;)09:10
=== Benalex is now known as Mohamed
squarebracketmacd: /etc/init.d/ssh: no such file or directory09:11
rhetoricmacd, indeed and im glad, but im still a noob :)09:11
macdsquarebracket, and this is ubuntu?09:11
Wander_wmacd: damn, NOW you tell me09:11
bazhangtheteacher: you want help?09:11
squarebracketmacd: yes09:11
ifireballmacd: yeah, but it should work about the same09:11
macdsquarebracket, then you have the only machine ever with sshd not ssh in init.d09:11
theteacherbazhang, yes09:11
Vorbotemacd: the easiest way: open the gnome-network-applet by openning the "manual configuration" item in the network-manager menu.09:11
rhetoricmacd, it just seems that with all the other things that work out of the box in ubuntu, a basic file share on a hub would be GUI-able, or at least easy09:11
theteacherWander_W, iwant ubuntu on my pc09:11
bazhangtheteacher: answer my question then09:11
squarebracketmacd: interesting...09:11
macdrhetoric, maybe, maybe not, its not exactly cut and dry.09:11
Wander_wtheteacher: And the PC is running what? now?09:12
rhetoricmacd, but it does seem like there is not even a LAN to speak of, how can i check?09:12
RamYwols_: well?09:12
macdrhetoric, but to put this in perspective, assign it a static IP, then use that to mount the NFS shares09:12
macdrhetoric, ping yahoo.com ?09:12
theteacherWander_w, win98se09:12
ifireballrhetoric: well, you seem have kind of a bastard setup of a network, what windows does to work over it anyway is VERY insecure09:12
rhetoricmacd, both boxes have an internet IP09:12
bazhangRamY: you downloaded gparted from windows and used that, correct?09:12
theteacherbazhang,im waiting09:12
timfrostsquarebracket: and the same IP worked for port 22?09:12
rhetoricifireball, i thought as much :(09:13
RamYgparted from windows? no09:13
Wander_wtheteacher: eek!09:13
RamYgparted using ubuntu09:13
bazhang!who | theteacher ask the question09:13
ubotutheteacher ask the question: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:13
macdrhetoric, your not making sense, they both have internet IP's? and they're behind a router or something? or are they using seperate internet connections?09:13
RamYalt+f2  >  gksudo  >  gparted09:13
rhetoricmacd, it's a really really cheap hub (not a switch, not a router)09:13
bazhangRamY: there is no error message from ubuntu like that iirc09:13
squarebrackettimfrost: ya, before i tried altering the port it did09:13
macdrhetoric, ohhhh09:13
rhetoricmacd, both boxes get an ip via DHCP09:14
macdrhetoric, ohhhhhh09:14
lifesfHi everyone; I need some help to mount; i've tried going through man pages a bit; the info on the internet has not been helpful so far... I am wondering if anyone would be able to help me figure out how to mount a hdd on my present machine; and preferably so it can mount automatically each time the pc reboots.09:14
ifireballmacd: hes not behind a router, getting 2 different _real_ IP from the ISP it seems09:14
macdrhetoric, I dont think either samba or NFS is going to work for you09:14
rhetoricmacd, all the hub does i think is send all packets to both boxes09:14
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter09:14
squarebrackettimfrost, i see that i've still got some sshd's running when i ps | grep sshd09:14
RamYwhat does irc got to do with it? i'm trying to install the ubuntu OS09:14
bazhangsee above lifesf09:14
wols_RamY: did you defrag your windows? did you unmount your windows partition first?09:14
lifesfoh yeah forgot; i am running server09:14
macdrhetoric, youd need some way to have dns for both machines to communicate using hostnames, or change your entire config for NFS everytime your IP's change09:14
TanisWolfbanehi people, is there a way of searching the installed package list of files so i can restore a deleted module?09:15
squarebrackettimfrost, though i don't know what ports they're listening on09:15
rhetoricmacd, maybe i could directly connect the boxes then?09:15
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter09:15
macdrhetoric, just buy a cheap 4 port router for 30 bux.09:15
rhetoricmacd, sounds like a plan lol09:15
wols_TanisWolfbane: dpkg -l  |grep ^ii   or aptitude search ~i09:15
macdrhetoric, at least thats what I would do :)09:15
rhetoricmacd, but isnt there a way i can directly connect them?09:15
macdsquarebracket, are you able to ssh into the box? or are you already in the box?09:15
rhetoricmacd, it's rare that i even need to move files between the machines09:15
chervaare software indexing settings configured depending on the system when it boots from the livecd (like compiz-fusion) or they are the same for all users booting (and hopefuly installing) ubuntu09:15
RamYwols_:  so u r saying that i should login to window first, defragment the drive, then partition the dirve then boot ubuntu cd?09:15
bazhangRamY: insert the cd--resize the disk--guided--use ubuntu's suggestions--proceed, then when it is finished reboot and there you are09:16
wols_RamY: yes09:16
macdrhetoric, sure, with a crossover cable, and setting static IP's, but neither could be in the internet while this goes on09:16
theteacherbazhang, <bazhang>theteacher: answer my question then09:16
RamYbazhang:  i get an error when i do that09:16
RamYwols_:  ok i'm going to do what u said09:16
squarebracketmacd: i'm in the box right now. still in it from the first time i tried restarting sshd09:16
wols_rhetoric: does their (internal) IP change?09:16
bazhangRamY: not the guided you dont the manual is what that error is for09:16
edis6nhello, i just bought a razer diamondback mouse with g3 laser 1800 dpi but how to use those 1800 dpi, lomoco is 400, 800, 1600, 2000 dpi but nothing between.. im out of ideas already09:16
macdsquarebracket, ahhh09:16
Wander_wtheteacher: I don't know enough about win98se to help you. If I were you, I would either get a cheap cd drive, or pay someone else to install ubuntu for you09:16
rhetoricwols_, im not sure what internal IP is all about09:17
bazhangtheteacher please ask your question or go elsewhere09:17
ifireballmacd: you might be able to get away with setting up virtual IPs and tweaking /etc/hosts09:17
wols_rhetoric: what ip does you ubuntu have right now?09:17
macdsquarebracket, just for fun, try using sudo instead of root to restart sshd09:17
RamYbazhang: wols_ already gave me some tips, i'm gonna try them, if they don't work, i will do what u siad.09:17
macdifireball, yeah, I didnt think of that like eth0:109:17
lifesfi didn't really understand,... how to mount hard drive; preferably automatically when computer boot. i am running linux server without gui09:17
ifireballmacd: indeed09:17
rhetoricwols_, i have two ubuntu boxes on a basic hub (not a router, not a switch) both with seperate internet IP via DHCP, and i want a local share09:17
stewartwhat command do i use to start the mysql database09:17
squarebracketmacd: doing that both stopping and starting fails.09:17
rhetoricwols_, in ifconfig i see no 192.* or 10.*09:17
bazhangramy good, see you soon09:17
Myrttistewart: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart09:18
squarebracketmacd: nevermind, it does that without sudo09:18
macdsquarebracket, do you have physical access, or just remote?09:18
squarebracketmacd: only remote, unfortunately.09:18
theteacherbazhang, i want to install ubuntu from usb flashdisk. no cdrom on the pc. the pc cant boot from usb flashdisk. so i want to go to terminal by floppy n boot the alternate cd. how bout it09:18
macdsquarebracket, so it worked with sudo?09:18
stewarthow can i start the mysql database?09:18
rhetoricmacd, router is sounding like a plan, but it sucks that i can easily share in windows :/09:18
squarebracketmacd: no, it fails with or without sudo (i'm logged in as root right now)09:18
Myrttistewart: ^09:18
Wander_wstewart: /etc/init.d/mysql start09:18
macdsquarebracket, login NOT as root and try WITH sudo :)09:18
bazhangtheteacher: how old is this machine?09:18
MyrttiWander_w: better have it restarted in case there already is one running09:18
macdrhetoric, ehhh yeah but thats b/c you have netbios.09:19
ifireballrhetoric: again if you really want it to work like windows, Samba should be able to do that09:19
timfrostsquarebracket: does /var/run/sshd.pid exist?  That may cause the start script to refuse to run09:19
wols_rhetoric: what is the route you use?09:19
macdwols_, it seems like his ISP gives him 2 internet IP's via a hub, but the boxes can't talk to each other.09:19
rhetoricwols_, route? elaborate09:19
wols_rhetoric: /sbin/route09:19
theteacherbazhang, its pentium 2 with 196 Mb. i use xubuntu alternate cd.09:20
squarebracketmacd: the problem is i can't login to the box anymore. i su'ed way back before i even tried restarting sshd so that i didn't have to sudo to do a bunch of things. would dropping out of su mode drop the connection?09:20
malignityanything older than windows 2000 makes the baby jesus crieee09:20
ReaperWitobiI feel so incompetent, but does anyone know a way I can go about developing PHP webpages on my laptop?09:20
macdtimfrost, you think? I mean the init sshd restart script checks the existance of a PID before stopping/staerting, and IF sshd is running (which it is hes logged in) the PID would have to exist09:20
wols_malignity: sure, use the editor of your choice and do it09:20
rhetoricwols_, what part of that output is relevant (do you want me to paste)?09:20
squarebrackettimfrost, no it doesn't09:20
edis6nmöchte so gern mit meiner neuen diamondback und 1800 dpi spielen :(09:20
wols_rhetoric: all of it if possible, in a pastebin09:20
wols_!de | edis6n09:21
ubotuedis6n: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:21
macdsquarebracket, it shouldnt, you didnt login remotely as root did you?09:21
rhetoricwols_, you lost me at pastebin sorry im a noob09:21
edis6nsorry, wrong channel ;)09:21
wols_!paste | rhetoric09:21
uboturhetoric: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:21
rhetoricwols_, ty09:21
edis6ni want to play with my new razer diamondback and 1800 dpi so bad09:21
squarebracketmacd: no, i logged in as a normal user, and then used su.09:21
macdsquarebracket, then you can exit su09:21
timfrostmacd: If the PID file exists, then the script will see if that process is still running, and fail the restart.  But the file isn't there, so I don't know what is happening.09:22
TanisWolfbanewols_ I am actually trying to find out which package contains a file not search for a package, any ideas?09:22
Wander_wReaperWitobi: Install apache, apache-php and mysql and start reading some php tutorials09:22
squarebracketmacd: ah! i was still in screen..hm.09:22
rhetoricTanisWolfbane, it's just below package search, on the package search page09:22
wols_TanisWolfbane: dpkg -S <path to file>09:22
macdtimfrost, yeah no PID, and ssh is still logged in, WIERD. not to mention his is /etc/init.d/sshd not ssh? (all mine are ssh)09:23
wols_macd: sshd being logged in is normal and will stay logged in until you close the connection. sshd just doesn't accept new connections09:23
ReaperWitobiWander_w:  I've tried all that, but even the simplest PHP scripts are screwy09:23
Wander_wReaperWitobi: try this simple php page as an example: <?php echo "Hello World!" ?>09:23
rhetoricTanisWolfbane, ahh i see you mean locally, BUT if you use the package search site it will show where it installs by default09:23
chervaare software indexing settings configured depending on the system when it boots from the livecd (like compiz-fusion) or they are the same for all users booting (and hopefuly installing) ubuntu09:24
macdwols_, ohhh, I've had them kick me off before09:24
timfrostmacd: doing stop/start may explain the pid fie being missing, but the rest is strange09:24
Wander_wReaperWitobi: please define "screwy"09:24
macdsquarebracket, If your really confident you made the proper config changes, you could reboot it. but uhhhh.....09:24
rhetoricwols_, pastebin site not loading. it's an IP from my ISP DHCP server, then link-local, then default09:24
bazhangany usb ports on that computer theteacher09:24
squarebracketmacd: well all i did was edit out the "port" line and changed it to 22209:25
wols_rhetoric: paste.ubuntu-nl.org is loading fine09:25
fotoflowhats the package manager called again in ubuntu?09:25
Avtty guys night09:25
rhetoricwols_, times out for me i blame level3 :)09:26
macdsquarebracket, you are trying to ssh to it specifying the port right? (earlier you had mentioned port 44 I thought)09:26
Wander_wfotoflo: Mine's called "Programmas toevoegen/verwijderen" ;)09:26
rhetoricwols_, in my scene kiddie days i had a .nl shell it happened all the time :/ some surfnet box likes to die09:26
wols_rhetoric: pastebin.ca09:26
fotoflosudo *what* install ?09:26
rhetoricwols_, ty09:26
bazhangtheteacher: any usb ports? I have to go in a couple...09:26
macdrhetoric, also pastie.caboo.se09:26
squarebracketmacd: i wanted it running on port 222, but i launched sshd both on port 222 and port 44. and yes, i am specifying the port09:26
TanisWolfbaneokay so I am trying to restore the following file: /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/iwl3945.ko but no package seems to contain it!!!!! Any ideas09:27
macdsquarebracket, ohhhh09:27
rhetoricwols_, http://pastebin.ca/83457809:27
bazhangtheteacher: ? hmm I guess he left09:27
theteacherbazhang, yes. there's usb port09:27
timfrostsquarebracket: does 'netstat -nta | grep LIST' show entries for port 44 or 222?09:27
macdsquarebracket, you manually started another ssh on both ports, and changed the config? and then restarted it using init.d, no wonder its f-d.09:27
ReaperWitobiWander: everything after the [echo "] gets printed.  I wind up with [Hello World";?>]09:27
Wander_wTanisWolfbane: it is probably in package linux-2.6.22-14-modules or something09:28
macdsquarebracket, I'd find all the running ssh'd processes and kill the ones on any port other than 22.09:28
wols_rhetoric: get a dyndns hostname for each of your PCs and use that to find each other when/if the IP changes09:28
Wander_wReaperWitobi: How are you trying to run the php script?09:28
jxxxtfotoflo. apt-get09:29
fotoflojxxxt: right!09:29
TanisWolfbaneyea thats what I thought but  dpkg -S  says not found and I've tried reinstalling all the kernel packages09:29
ReaperWitobiI'm trying to open it in a web browser?09:29
rhetoricwols_, so i need to mount via internet IP, wont that route everything out and back in?09:29
wols_rhetoric: it shouldn't. that's why I asked for your route09:29
squarebrackettimfrost: i had both before, but now i only have 22209:29
Wander_wReaperWitobi: how did you save the script? What's the filename?09:29
Wander_w(and the path)09:29
squarebracketmacd: it never properly restarted using init.d09:29
rhetoricwols_, gotcha lemme try mounting09:29
=== zMooTh` is now known as zMooTh
wols_TanisWolfbane: what file are you looking for its package?09:30
squarebracketmacd: also, how can i tell which process is running on which port? ps | grep sshd doesn't tell me09:30
macdrhetoric, run traceroute from one box to the others IP, and see where it goes.09:30
macdsquarebracket, lsof09:30
wols_squarebracket: netstat -anp |grep ssh09:30
rhetoricmacd, good idea :)09:30
Wander_wTanisWolfbane: try apt-cache search linux module and then apt-get --reinstall install <thepackage>09:30
macdsquarebracket, what wols_ said too.09:30
ReaperWitobiI'm editing it with gedit or vim (depends on the day)09:30
rhetoricmacd, btw how does windows do it?09:30
Stupid^Kidexcuse me what does hip-hop mean09:31
Wander_wReaperWitobi: where did you put it?09:31
macdrhetoric, with netbios, which makes a dynamic mapping of host/ip's09:31
fotofloif i have apt-get properly installed, i can install anything else, right?09:31
fotofloapt-get and gcc09:31
rhetoricmacd, ahhhh :)09:31
ifireballrhetoric: windows sens your files through the internet....09:31
wols_macd: it ises a tcp to netbios service helper09:31
macdwols_, plain english helped him understand. IN know what it is ;)09:32
Wander_wStupid^Kid: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hip-hop09:32
macdI know*09:32
rhetoricwols_, will your dyndns solution essentially do the same thing?09:32
ReaperWitobiI have two copies, on in ~/Desktop and one in ~/public_html09:32
Stupid^KidWander_w: Thank you!09:32
rhetoricmaybe it would be safer to use SSH?09:32
macdrhetoric, yes, but you dont want it routing NFS over the internet, NOT safe.09:32
timfrostsquarebracket: what happens if you try 'telnet <server> 222'?09:32
wols_rhetoric: more or less, tho samba can't deal with IPs very well09:32
Wander_wStupid^Kid: try wikipedia yourself first nexttime :)09:32
squarebrackettimfrost: no route to host09:33
macdrhetoric, squarebracket good luck, its almost 4am so I must go09:33
LordOfThePigsHello, is it possible to use the network manager and iwconfig at the same time?09:33
edis6nno one here who could help me with my 1800 dpi mouse problem?09:33
rhetoricmacd, traceroute gave me
Stupid^KidWander_w: i got it, but it willn't open09:33
macdrhetoric, huh?09:33
TanisWolfbaneWander_w: no it returns nothing, dkpg -S returns nothing and I've manually looked through all the kernel packages in Synaptic and non of them seem to list it09:33
rhetoricmacd, is that my local address, what gives?09:33
ifireballrhetoric: SSH would be as safe as you can go, if you don't mind the speed09:33
squarebracketmacd: thanks. i should probably hit the sack too. 4:30 here.09:33
LordOfThePigsfor some reason, the network manager won,t let me use a 40 bits wep key...09:33
macdrhetoric, paste the route for both boxes on that pastebin and let me see it09:33
Wander_wReaperWitobi: it should go in ~/public_html or somewhere in /var/www/ and then you should access it using a web browser09:34
LordOfThePigsand that's what my router uses09:34
rhetoricmacd, http://pastebin.ca/83458509:34
Wander_wReaperWitobi: like: http://localhost/~youusername/123.php09:34
rhetoricmacd, that's from gutsy to feisty09:34
macdrhetoric, no the route comand output from BOTH boxes plz09:34
wols_TanisWolfbane: what file is it?09:34
rhetoricmacd, i cant paste it from the other box gimme a sec :)09:35
Wander_wsec's over09:35
macdrhetoric, sure09:35
TanisWolfbane /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/iwl3945.ko09:35
ReaperWitobiWander - Uh... yeah.  That's what I've been doing.  But the script prints poorly....09:35
neo17_2lohi all09:36
macdrhetoric, ahh is that your other box right there?09:36
Wander_wReaperWitobi: hmm... strange09:36
rhetoric_macd, yep :)09:36
Wander_wReaperWitobi: Did you install all the apache-php stuff?09:36
neo17_2lois anyone here wko has kingpin? :D09:36
Spl33nHi! Me again :) Just wondering if anyone else has noticed a dramatic reduction of laptop battery life in Gutsy (even after utilising powertop's suggestions, lowering display brigtness, etc)09:37
macdsooo, from the 75.100. box, you run "traceroute" then paste that to pastebin for me09:37
macd@ rhetoric09:37
ifireballmacd: wait wait, I think it may be posible to get a click-easy solution to rhetoric's problem with avahi/zeroconf, e.g. have the machines talk on the 169.254 range09:37
Wander_wReaperWitobi: maybe try the commandline version of php and then type on the commandline: php 123.php09:37
macdifireball, I think we can do an eth0:1 on each box and just do and set tyhem static too, but I'm not sure thats a great idea09:37
macdifireball, or at least I dont have the time to explain it ;)09:38
ifireballmacd: seems that ubuntu can route to that range by default, and I'd rather solve that without having his to complex stuff on the console09:38
macdifireball, yeah, but Im not sure that will leave him with internet connectivity09:39
Wander_wReaperWitobi: I think you need libapache2-mod-php509:39
rhetoric_macd, http://pastebin.ca/834590 now you can hax0r both my boxes! loljk09:39
macdwooohoooo rhetoric  ./hacks09:39
ReaperWitobiWander:  the PHP command returns the right HTML...09:39
macdrhetoric, was that the right link, it looks the same as the old one09:40
squarebrackettimfrost, macd: i think it's a firewall issue on ports other than 22. arg! thanks for the help, though :)09:40
rhetoricmacd, yep lol i promise09:40
ifireballmacd: how are you going about that then? ssh?09:40
macdrhetoric, yeah I see now09:40
Wander_wReaperWitobi: have you installed libapache2-mod-php5? is it enabled in the apache configuration?09:40
rhetoricmacd, trying to mount at that 10.* ip at least gives me connection refused...09:41
macdrhetoric, get someone to help you configure a static IP alias for eth0 on both boxes. then use those static IPs with NFS.09:41
LordOfThePigsonce I have configured a wireless card with iwconfig, how do I start the actual connection?09:41
ReaperWitobiTo the first:  Affirmative, to the second....09:41
macdrhetoric, but I really have to jet09:41
macdrhetoric, so good luck :)09:41
wols_LordOfThePigs: if you did it right it's already running09:41
rhetoricmacd, thanks for your help09:41
ifireballrhetoric: i'll take over ;)09:41
lesshaste_is there an ubuntu package for pidgin otr 3.1?09:41
rhetoricifireball you have those 2 pastebins?09:41
rhetoricifireball, btw samba didnt work either09:41
LetterRipis there a known problem with processor on dual core processors?  Watching my processor usage the processors are being 'used' about the exact same - even though I have a task that should only be utilizing one processor with any sort of load09:42
LetterRipie playback of a video09:42
ifireballrhetoric: no, can you re-post the links plz?09:42
Wander_wLordOfThePigs: pump -i <interfacenamelike eth1> to get an ip09:42
LordOfThePigswols_: so there is no need to do anything special?09:42
rhetoricifireball, (first) http://pastebin.ca/83458509:42
rhetoric_ifireball, http://pastebin.ca/83459009:42
wols_it is if you don't want to have to run iwconfig every time you boot09:42
rhetoricwols_, check those 2 links also09:43
Wander_wLetterRip: that's probably the linux scheduler shuffeling stuf around09:43
ifireballrhetoric: do you have pasts of "ifconfig" ?09:43
lesshaste_can I install the hardy heron package safely?09:43
Buyydeewols: thanks for your help yesterday, grub works fine now09:43
rhetoricifireball, no but i can if you need it or i can tell you specifics in chan09:43
rhetoricifireball, semi afk a sec smoking09:43
LetterRipWander_w, hrrmmm that doesn't make sense09:44
jxxxtlesshaste, If you need to ask probably not...09:44
Wander_wLetterRip: you can probably stop it from doing that by doing: echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings09:44
Wander_wLetterRip: Why not?09:44
wols_Buyydee: it'S a bad solution to. cause next time you install a kernel it will break again until update-grub recognizes it09:44
=== adante_ is now known as adante
hello_manI have a 'home video' encoded in the divx format, and I want to get it on a DVD to watch on a normal DVD player in the U.S.. How do I do this while maintaining quality?09:44
LetterRipWander_w, i get 'permission denied'09:45
LetterRipeven if i do it via sudo09:45
ReaperWitobiI doubt it's enabled, Wander - mostly because I have no Idea how to...09:45
KalElyou can get a dvd player to play divx for $2509:45
Buyydeewols: i was wondering, yes. setup (hd0,2) didn't recognise it, neither did update-grub09:45
hello_manKalEl: I would like to find a way other than spending $25.09:46
ifireballrhetoric: well, we need to figure out how to solve this, there are 2 ways of going about this: 1. have the machine talk with SSH over the internet, that would be slow but secure and rather easy to set up; 2. fix the networking so they talk through the HUB, that maybe a little more complicated to achieve, and may stop working if your ISP changes his config09:46
rhetoricifireball, elaborate on the 2nd^^09:46
wols_Buyydee: setup (hd0,2) is installing grub09:46
drishello guys09:46
wols_Buyydee: totally different thing09:46
Buyydeewols: ok, then i mixed this up09:47
rhetoricifireball, if ISP changes config how09:47
Wander_wReaperWitobi: there should be a symbolic link to a php config file in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled09:47
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs09:47
rhetoricifireball, i could edit the fstab if i knew what to mount ><09:47
wols_doing a setup (hd0,2) could even have caused this cause now grub is installed on sda3's bootrecord which is bad09:47
KalElHellDragon, ohi see, in that case you might want to install ffmpeg and dvdauthor09:47
macdrhetoric, before I leave here it is in a nutshell http://pastebin.ca/83459709:47
macdrhetoric, and thats some fast typing ;)09:47
KalElk9copy should also do the job09:47
ifireballrhetoric: well, on the 2nd way, we do some terminal hacking to either assign your machines another set of IP addresses so they can speak among themselves, or setup static routes09:47
wols_if sda3 is windows, I'm sruprised windows is still booting with that09:47
rhetoricmacd, aww thanks09:48
KalElhello_man, here: http://www.burningbits.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=380409:48
KalElsorry personally i like to have the files as compact as possible09:48
hello_manKalEl: Thanks, I'll check it out.09:48
LetterRipWander_w, my processor is an AMD 64 x2 if that affects anything09:48
KalElwriting to a normal dvd inflates it like 1:509:48
rhetoricmacd, will i not be connected to the internet if i do that?09:48
macdrhetoric, you will, your just adding an alias to your ethernet card so that they can talk as if they are on a lan09:49
bazhangtheteacher: you back?09:49
KalEli did not mean any offense09:49
rhetoricmacd, great that's what i need!09:49
macdrhetoric, but Im sure ifireball  knows what Im doing there and help you with it ;)09:49
KalElapologies if i sounded rude09:49
macdtake it easy.09:49
Wander_wLetterRip: Why do you want to prevent linux from scheduling jobs on multiple cores anyway?09:49
rhetoricmacd, great thanks so very much, go before you are late for whatever it is :)09:49
rhetoricifireball, did you see what he was talking about?09:50
bazhang!minimal | theteacher this is the best I can suggest right now--back later if you need help09:50
ubotutheteacher this is the best I can suggest right now--back later if you need help: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:50
ifireballrhetoric: yeah macd's way is essentially the 1st option of the 2nd way...09:50
macdohhh rhetoric one more thing that paste is wrong auto eth0:1 inet static not eth0 ;)09:50
LetterRipWander_w, I'd just like to kill the ridiculous amount of noise my fan is making under linux09:50
rhetoricifireball, http://pastebin.ca/83459709:50
rhetoricmacd, kk :)09:50
ReaperWitobiWander: php5.conf?  What of it?09:50
LetterRipWhen I had vista installed I'd run in processor throttled mode that kept the fan off 99% of the time09:50
ifireballrhetoric: I'd rather not have you think networking on ubuntu is that hard though... ;)09:50
Wander_wLetterRip: uhm... then you are probably after the wrong problem09:51
rhetoricifireball, as long as it gets done and is relatively stable, but it does seem like it would push away users less patient than myself09:51
Buyydeewols: i just tried sudo update-grub again, didn't recognise it. can you think of a reason for this? the device is readable in nautilus, ntfs formatted, sata-209:51
Wander_wLetterRip: you should check if ondemand cpu governor is used09:51
LetterRipWander_w, actually what I've read of the command you just pasted stated that that reduces power usage - ergo fan usage09:51
rhetoricifireball, so explain what the 2nd option would be09:51
Wander_wLetterRip: yeah, but just a bit09:51
rhetoricifireball static routes09:51
ifireballrhetoric: samba should've worked if it does on windows, maybe its the version difference09:52
rhetoricifireball it seems like it would be the same problem as NFS no route to the other box09:52
rhetoricifireball so it doesnt even see it09:52
Wander_wLetterRip: what does cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor say?09:52
wols_Buyydee: sorry, no09:52
Wander_wLetterRip: thats good09:53
Buyydeewols: thanks for your effort, i'm going to ask again in the forums09:53
Wander_wLetterRip: are you on a laptop or on a desktop?09:53
ifireballrhetoric: setting up static routes means forcing the machines to acknowledge that they are on the same hubs despite IP addresses indicating otherwise, but that config is IP dependent and will break if your ISP changes your IPs09:53
LetterRip'desktop replacement'09:53
lesshaste_can I install the hardy heron package safely on gibbon? I want pidgin-otr 3.109:53
Regellesshaste_, i think you can09:53
rhetoricifireball could i fix that by using dyndns?09:54
davidwinterin Firefox I accidently clicked the Hide Bookmark Menu and now I can't find anywhere to bring it back.09:54
Wander_wLetterRip: uhmm... try www.linuxpowertop.org and do the tips it suggests09:54
Arv3nCan I talk to someone regarding making my own distro?09:54
davidwinterany ideas?09:54
lesshaste_Regel, ok thanks09:54
Regellesshaste_, you can always remove it if it doesnt work09:54
rhetoricifireball it seems like macd's way is easier and more stable09:54
ifireballrhetoric: no, dyndns is kinda like doing it the 1st way I talked about e.g. via the internet09:54
KalEldavidwinter, view->toolbar->bookmarks?09:54
lesshaste_Regel, true that09:55
theteacherbazhang, thx. i'll try it. i'm not going anywhere.09:55
Arv3ndavidwinter, or just right click the top --> bookmarks toolbar09:55
davidwinterKalEl: it's not the toolbar, but the actual menu drop down09:55
Arv3nIs anyone experience in making a distro?09:55
ReaperWitobiWander:  I've got a php5.conf, and a php3.load... but I have no way to ensure that they are correctly configured...09:55
ifireballrhetoric: indeed, macd's way is best long-tern speaking so try setting that up (and dont forget it sould be eth0:1 on lines 05 and 1109:55
scguy318Arv3n: I'm as clueless as you are, but take a look at Linux from Scratch09:56
Arv3nscguy318, I'm wanting to start my own company in the future.09:56
Wander_wReaperWitobi: uhm.. php3 is OLD I'd delete it (apt-get remove --purge php3) if I were you09:56
Arv3nscguy310, that would be more difficult than it's worth, I'm thinking of making it based on Ubuntu.09:56
Arv3nMaybe Debian.09:56
ReaperWitobiHaha, no, it was a typo09:57
rhetoricifireball, right now my /etc/network/interfaces has 2 lines "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback" is that right?09:57
scguy318Arv3n: unfortunately, I'm kinda clueless in the area, but the Linux from Scratch project has docs and such09:57
Wander_wReaperWitobi: hehe, ok09:57
scguy318Arv3n: might be worth reading, its 4 AM CST, so the smarter people are sleeping09:57
myke54142LFS Is good09:57
myke54142i made my own distro with that09:57
Wander_wReaperWitobi: uhm.. then try this as a script: <?php phpinfo(); ?>09:57
Arv3nmyke54142, define own distro.09:57
Wander_wscguy318: it's 11 am over here09:58
Arv3nWander_w, 5am here.09:58
ifireballrhetoric: that sounds right assuming you're using network manager, add his lines to the end, but don't forget to add blank lines before and after09:58
rhetoricifireball i copy what he gave me *exactly* or...? and what is the change on lines 5 and 1109:59
scguy318Wander_w: cool, somewhere in Europe?09:59
ifireballrhetoric: change 05 and 1109:59
Buyydee<-- spain09:59
Wander_wArv3n: myke54142 probably used the Linux From Scratch documents and HOWTO's to compile his own distro from scratch... pretty cool to do that, if you have the time09:59
ifireballrhetoric: put eth0:1 rather then just eth009:59
Buyydeescguy, why do you ask?09:59
rhetoricok and i put BOX1 and BOX2 in the file on both BOX1 and BOX2?10:00
scguy318Buyydee: I was actually addressing Wander_w, and I was wondering as to her timezone10:00
Wander_wscguy318: The netherlands (yeah that place where weed is legal)10:00
Buyydeescguy: sry, now i get it :D10:00
scguy318Wander_w: lol, imperialist America here :P10:00
rhetoricifireball, ok and i put BOX1 and BOX2 in the file on both BOX1 and BOX2? and do i replace BOX1 and BOX2 with the hostnames?10:00
scguy318Wander_w: ah10:00
evan__why must i reinstall my nvidia driver every time i reboot?10:00
ifireballrhetoric: no, the 4 lines beneath "BOX 1" on one on the machines the other 4 lines on the other10:00
ReaperWitobiWander:  Nothing.10:00
Wander_wscguy318: Wanna buy a morgage? :P10:01
Wander_wscguy318: some healthcare maybe?10:01
rhetoricifireball, ok i thought so, thanks for clarification :)10:01
Wander_wscguy318: Broadband?10:01
Wander_wI'll stop the teasing now :)10:01
scguy318Wander_w: lol, I'm not making any sort of money yet :P10:01
rhetoricifireball, i think i've finally wrapped my head around this :) maybe i could even write scripts for other noobs lol10:02
myke54142arv3n, custom image for a hardened X terminal that ran on very minimal hardware (486/25 with 12M)10:02
ifireballtell me wne you got past the "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" step on one of the machines10:02
scguy318Wander_w: but broadband service is indeed very retarded in the US, telecom monopoly and all10:02
ifireballtell me once you got past the "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" step on one of the machines10:02
rhetoricifireball, will do. gonna start now10:02
starshootbonjour a tous10:02
scguy318bonjour, starshoot10:02
scguy318!fr | starshoot10:02
ubotustarshoot: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:02
Wander_wscguy318: I got 4mbit/s plus unlimited telephone for 50 dollar a month10:03
ifireballrhetoric: don't do this on both machines at once, you might lose connectivity and then we won't be able to talk...10:03
rhetoricifireball, hehe yea im going to do it on the laptop first10:04
Wander_wscguy318: but I kinda live in the fucking middle of nowhere, so the 20 mbit/s packages for 30 dollar a month are unavailable :(10:04
scguy318Wander_w: I think I get around 5 Mbit/s for about that same price10:04
scguy318Wander_w: :(10:04
ifireballrhetoric: ok.10:04
* frederick85 is wondering how to make glmatrix as his wallpaper in xfce410:04
scguy318Wander_w: for telephony I use some cheapo VoIP10:04
rhetoricifireball, once i give a static IP to that box i should be able to mount it from this one right?10:05
Wander_wscguy318: you run your own voip system?10:05
scguy318Wander_w: no, I pay a VoIP provider10:05
frederick85anybody know how to make a screensaver run as wallpaper in xfce410:05
Wander_wscguy318: ah, that is included in my package10:05
scguy318Wander_w: would be nice to know how tho :)10:05
ifireballrhetoric: no, you need to get the right IPs on both boxes 1st, then we'll test it with ping and only then we can start talking about mounting10:05
Wander_wscguy318: uhm.. I beleive asterisks is what you want then10:05
myke54142at home i have 7mbit, on 26.4 dialup right now tho10:06
rhetoricifireball, gotcha10:06
scguy318Wander_w: yeah, probably10:06
Wander_wmyke54142: DIALUP? what! are you from the stoneage? :P10:06
ifireballrhetoric: I suppose we'll also setup hostnames in /etc/hosts so the config will be more eye-friendly10:06
Myrttimyke54142: I'm on dialup too... Mobile 3G dialup10:07
rhetoricifireball you mean so it's hostname instead of 10.*? who cares? :)10:07
scguy318Wander_w: he might be in the middle of nowhere too :P10:07
rhetoricifireball, we've come this far lol10:07
ifireballrhetoric: I do :P10:07
myke54142yeah i'm in the middle of nowhere10:07
Wander_wscguy318: so? doesn't he get POTS then?10:07
myke54142so is home but it's in town in the middle of nowhere10:07
rhetoricifireball, ok :) at least i'll learn something. one sec doing changes on laptop10:07
scguy318Wander_w: thus dialup :)10:07
ifireballrhetoric: It'll make diagnosing stuff that much easier10:07
scguy318Wander_w: 56k is pushing theoretical max anyway, actual throughput is prob what myke's getting10:07
ReaperWitobiWander:  Is there anything in particular I'm looking for?  When I load it in a browser, it does nothing, but again it returns perfectly via comandline.10:07
Wander_wscguy318: nearly all POTS is ASDL connected here, around 99%+ I guess10:08
neopsych1how can i create a divx / xvid from only VOB files? video_ts info missing.10:08
Wander_wReaperWitobi: then it's pretty safe to say that you php configuration is fubarred10:09
wols_neopsych1: a vob file is just a mpeg210:09
scguy318Wander_w: ah10:09
scguy318Wander_w: some rural areas are constrained to dial-up, though probably the more populous areas have the option of ADSL10:09
Wander_wReaperWitobi: I can't tell from over here what exactly is wrong, but you might try reinstalling apache and php10:10
Filled-VoidCould anyone tell me how to get conky to work with the script I have from gnome-look.org .10:11
gingersnaphow do you open an executeable with the help flag?10:11
rhetoricifireball, hmm there is a 3rd line on my feisty box "iface eth1 inet dhcp" that is NOT on the gutsy box what gives?10:11
cbx33where does software raid store it's configuration??10:11
neopsych1how do i change ports on Evolution?10:11
wols_ReaperWitobi: dpkg -l |grep php10:11
Wander_wcbx33: If I recall correctly; in the partition table10:11
rhetoricifireball, OH my stupid wireless that doesnt work so i just use eth2 then?10:12
cbx33just about to forray into it all for the first time10:12
wols_Wander_w: and where would it store anything there?10:12
ifireballrhetoric: its because gusty relies more heavily on network manager then feisty did, it doesn't matter10:12
Wander_wcbx33: and there probably is a configuarion file for initialisation in /etc10:12
wols_note: a partitiontable has 16 bytes per partition10:13
cbx33there is, but it can do it all automatically10:13
cbx33without the mdadm file10:13
rhetoricifireball, i think it's because both have a default interface that isnt even listed in /etc/interfaces maybe?10:13
ifireballrhetoric: but just to make sure let me have a look at the ifconfig output plz; I take it the gusty IP is already setup?10:13
wols_cbx33: most likely initrd scripts10:13
evan__hey , everytime i boot i need to reinstall my video driver ( nvidia 169.07 ) why does it load vesa all the time???10:13
Wander_wcbx33: yeah, could allso be in a magic sequence of bytes at the start of each partition10:13
evan__i think becasue it does someting weird with xgl http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49781/10:13
rhetoricifireball, no i was going to do it on the feisty laptop, when i saw the 3rd line in /etc/network/interfaces10:14
cbx33well off to try10:14
wols_evan__: ask nvidia.com they installed it. not ubuntu10:14
evan__wols_ nvidia doesnt help ubunu users10:14
roman_co mówisz?10:14
ifireballrhetoric: what is the interface its actually using?10:14
evan__wols_ its in there irc channel10:14
wols_evan__: well, you certainly didn't install the drivers from ubuntu, that's for sure10:14
Wander_wevan__: if you have a fresh boot, is the nvidia module listed in lsmod?10:14
ifireballrhetoric: (did you paste ifconfig somewhere?)10:14
rhetoricifireball, i think it's because the laptop has both wireless and hardwired internet10:14
gingersnaphow do you open an exe with the help flag?10:14
rhetoricifireball i can gimme a sec10:15
roman_I don't know10:15
Wander_wgingersnap: open a terminal; type ./theexecutable --help10:15
wols_evan__: "try to use your distribution's driver packages". follow their advice10:15
gingersnapthank you10:15
meshuggahaddicthello everyone wonderful morning inst it10:15
KalEl#nvidia: "Ubuntu kernel module problem? Ask in #ubuntu!"10:15
rhetoricifireball, yea on the laptop eth0 is wireless, eth1 is wired (hence the line in /etc/interfaces it seems that eth0 is never listed?)10:15
meshuggahaddictanybody have any comments about the XFX brand of video cards10:15
roman_bit dimm10:15
wols_meshuggahaddict: ##hardware10:16
KalEl(the exclamation sign is actually not there, i added it for the effect)10:16
evan__Wander_w : it is now ill ty a fresh reboot now brb10:16
Wander_wmeshuggahaddict: They make videocards?10:16
rhetoricifireball, so what will the entry be for the static ip, if eth1 is the wired connection im using10:16
frederick85is there some way to automatically generate a new xorg.conf file from the default ubuntu settings10:16
frederick85I installed from minimal boot and didn't have the same one10:16
meshuggahaddictyes they do and they seem to be pretty good\10:16
wols_frederick85: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh10:17
Wander_wfrederick85: maybe there is a .bak file?10:17
ifireballrhetoric: you should put "eth1:1" rather then "eth0:1" in the static lines10:17
rhetoricifireball, will it be eth1:1?10:17
rhetoricifireball, yay! i was right10:17
Wander_wfrederick85: ignore me, listen to wols_ :)10:17
wols_frederick85: there are /etc/X11/xorg.conf* files where * is datetime10:17
meshuggahaddictI'm just woundering because i have some open GL issues with my card i have right now10:17
ifireballrhetoric: don't forget the blank lines before and after, they are important10:17
wols_meshuggahaddict: is it a software or hardware problem? and is the OS you run ubuntu?10:17
edis6nhey guys, i configured my diamondback mouse right now and did a reboot, its quite fast and stuff but how can i test it? how can i see the hz its using? or the dpi its using?10:17
meshuggahaddictyes 7.1010:18
meshuggahaddicti believe it is hardware, it is an old card10:18
ifireballrhetoric: I don't want you losing connectivity because of syntax errors in the file...10:18
wols_what is the problem?10:18
meshuggahaddictit used to lock up on 6 and now it seems that the polys skins are wrong color and image10:19
rhetoricifireball, is there a blank line between each entry?10:19
wols_sounds like hardware, so OT here10:19
ifireballrhetoric: no, just before and after the 4-line clause10:19
meshuggahaddictthats what i thought, its an ATI 850010:19
rhetoricifireball, that's what i meant, between each interface right?10:19
ifireballrhetoric: yes.10:20
rhetoricso between the 2 "lo" lines and the eth1 line, then between that and my 4 new lines10:20
ifireballrhetoric: yes.10:20
rhetorick restarting10:20
lesshaste_I don't know if something has broken on my system but can anyone play ftp://ftp.aduni.org/videos/11_lect_02.rm10:21
rhetoricifireball, it's trying to release port 6710:21
rhetoricifireball, and it failed and fell back on it, lemme pastebin10:21
ifireballrhetoric: that's ok its reconfiguring eth110:21
edis6nis there no chance to check my mouse polling rate?!10:22
=== lmontrie__ is now known as lmontrie
edis6nor just the dpi ?10:23
ifireballrhetoric: if you can still connect from that machine we should be ok10:23
rhetoric_ifireball: http://pastebin.ca/83462010:23
rhetoricifireball, i kinda see what happened, but i dont understand why10:23
frederick85how do I enable 3d mode for intel driver10:23
evan__hey i rebooted and nvidia was not in lsmod i did "modprobe nvidia" and it came in lsmod but i still aint got the driver working10:23
Wander_wevan__: ok, so now you might have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:24
ifireballrhetoric: essentially your ISP didn't accept the release packet, it doesn't matter you got the IP back anyway, lets see how your "ifconfig" looks now10:24
AliTarihiHi! everybody. I have a problem with the Nvidia driver.10:24
rhetoricifireball, exactly the same :(10:25
Wander_wevan__: look for a Driver line10:25
Buyydeeevan_ & wander_w: try doing this via sudo nvidia-settings, simplified it in my case10:25
edis6nno gamers here? :(10:25
AliTarihiI managed to set up the driver. It is working .10:25
Wander_wevan__: it should say Driver "nvidia"10:25
tarzeaui play www.sauerbraten.org, edis6n10:25
Wander_wevan__: don't change lines that say Driver "mouse" !10:25
AliTarihiBut  hibernate suspend works. But once I logout, the Text mode is in mess!10:26
rhetoricifireball, should i be able to connect via that 10.whatever ip?10:26
Wander_wevan__: or your mouse will stop working10:26
* nomentero is away: No estoy:-(10:26
edis6nwell, tarzeau do u know how to check your mouse polling rate or dpi ?10:26
tarzeauedis6n: nope sorry, maybe with xset10:26
edis6ntarzeau, im not sure i want to see, is it really running on 1800 dpi now..  ;)10:26
evan__Wander_w : Driver         "nvidia"10:26
Wander_wevan__: It might indeed be easier using nvidia-settings, as Buyydee suggested10:27
ifireballrhetoric: not yet, lets see how does the interfaces looks like right now, if you're not seeing eth1:1 in ifconfig then it didn't work yet10:27
Wander_wevan__: that's good10:27
edis6ntarzeau, sauerbraten.. is it something like warsow or nexuiz?10:27
tarzeauedis6n: just much better!10:27
tarzeauedis6n: http://krum.ethz.ch/sauerbraten/10:27
Wander_wevan__: if you stop X11, and as root do startx then what happens? Does it start X in nvidia mode?10:28
evan__Wander_w i only got an identifier and an drive in that section10:28
rodolfopeople, whats the parameter to unzip a .tar.bz2 file? (sudo tar -??? file_name.tar.bz2)10:28
Buyydeethat's my university tarzeau!10:28
evan__Wander_w ill try10:28
edis6ntarzeau, looks pretty good ofcourse10:28
Wander_wevan__: that is enough10:28
rhetoricifireball, did you look at the last pastebin of my restart?10:28
rhetoricifireball, it didn't work for sure10:28
tarzeauBuyydee: which?10:29
frederick85i don't think ubuntu is hardcore enough for me10:29
Wander_wrodolfo: tar jxpvf <thefile.tar.bz2>10:29
Buyydeetarzeau: ethz.ch - federal institute of technology zurich10:29
tarzeauBuyydee: ah nice, where at there are you?10:29
ifireballrhetoric: yeah, like I said its looks ok, just some braindead-ISP BS, see if "sudo ifup eth1:1" works for you10:29
Wander_wfrederick85: Buy a tomtom, go crosscompiling you own distribution for ARM from scratch, that might be hardcore enough for you :)10:29
Buyydeetarzeau: studying chemical engineering in 5th semestre at the hci on the hoenggerberg10:30
rhetoricifireball, it must have something to do with the "iface eth1 inet dhcp"10:30
frederick85Wander_w: I was thinking gentoo/freebsd10:30
frederick85I'v done that beofre10:30
frederick85it was good10:30
rhetoricifireball, should that be eth1:0 or go *after* my 4 lines?10:30
tarzeauBuyydee: oh just wait 5 mintues, i'll show you something10:30
ifireballrhetoric: yeah, you're getting IP from the ISP via DHCP,its as it should be10:30
ifireballrhetoric: no, just type that on the console10:30
Buyydeetarzeau: i'll be here10:30
rodolfoWander_w, thanks10:31
frederick85Wander_w: I just find ubuntu doesn't pass the time for me but compiling does10:31
rhetoricifireball, it says it's already configured, but it's not in ifconfig10:31
Wander_wfrederick85: What? a complete distro whit all the packages allready there? how softcore10:31
edis6ntarzeau, i download that game now :P i see already 4700 other people did the same10:31
ifireballrhetoric: paste "ifconfig" plz, also paste "ifconfig eth1:1"10:31
frederick85Wander_w: I think 50% of the packages don't work so I will have to fix them myself10:32
Wander_wfrederick85: ok, have fun10:32
rhetoric_ifireball: http://pastebin.ca/83462810:33
rhetoricifireball: what does my ISP have to do with it?10:34
Wander_wnothing, but we'd like to see your IP and steal your pr0n with it :P10:35
ifireballrhetoric_: your ISP gives you the config you're getting for eth1 in order to get online10:35
newubuntuhi all ... im trying to install amsn buti need tcltls .. who can tell me how to install it?10:35
tarzeauBuyydee: recognize your building here? http://gnu.ethz.ch/photos/panorama/10:35
rhetoricifireball: but what does that have to do with my static assingment (which is local yea?)10:35
ifireballrhetoric_: no it doesn't; anyway, paste the interfaces file, we may have got something wrong there10:35
Wander_wnewubuntu: apt-get install amsn10:36
Buyydeetarzeau: i do, are you in the applied math tower?10:36
ifireballrhetoric: "networking restart" is the equivalent of rebooting the whole network configuration so it reconfigures all the interfaces10:36
newubuntuWander_w if i do apt-get install amsn ubuntu says me i need tcltls10:37
rhetoricifireball, i got that much i just dont see what my ISP has to do with me assigning a local IP?10:37
rhetoricifireball, and what is this
ifireballrhetoric: it doesn't, the messages you saw had to do with the dynamic IP not the static one we're setting up right now10:38
rhetoric_ifireball: http://pastebin.ca/83463410:38
ifireballrhetoric: must be the ISPs DHCP server10:38
rhetoricifireball: well does my trying to use a 10.* locally screw that up? maybe i should use 192.*?10:38
Wander_wnewubuntu: I think you need the "universe" repositories enabled10:38
tarzeauBuyydee: physics department10:39
ifireballrhetoric: no it doesn't, anyway is there a blank line after line 09 in the file?10:39
Buyydeetarzeau: well, nice to know you :) i just got to get back to work now, i'm going to be idle here for some time10:40
rhetoric_ifireball: doh, yes10:40
tarzeauBuyydee: that's fine, nice to meet you10:40
ThreeFingerPetehello. can someone inform me as to a more featuresque irc client than xchat10:40
ifireballrhetoric: just checking since it doesn't appear so in the paste... lets try "sudo ifdown eth1:1" and then "sudo ifup eth1:1"10:41
rhetoric_ifireball: OMG im dumb there was an "auto eth1" like 20 lines down somehow10:41
rhetoric_i put it above the iface eth1 and restarting now10:41
Wander_wnewubuntu: open adept ("add/remove programs") , click "edit software sources" and check the "Community maintained Open Source software (universe)" option. Check the other options ass well if you want.10:42
Wander_wThreeFingerPete: I use Pidgin10:42
ThreeFingerPeteThanks Wander_w, I did too, but for some reason it no longer connects me to channels10:44
ThreeFingerPetehowever, it works fine for msn and yahoo..10:45
Wander_wThreeFingerPete: Go to Buddies -> Join a chat ?10:45
ThreeFingerPetenods. it all seems to work but then i get an empty channel.10:45
rhetoric_ifireball: still same ifconfig :( new error at the end of restart "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address"10:45
ThreeFingerPetewill try again.. excuse me if i vanish...10:45
Wander_wThreeFingerPete: Strange... are your accounts set up correctly? (ctrl-a)10:46
ifireballrhetoric: lets try "sudo ifdown eth1:1" and then "sudo ifup eth1:1"10:46
rhetoric_ifireball: ok sec10:47
rhetoric_ifireball: both return the same error i just pasted :(10:47
ThreeFingerPetesomething was acting up with /j #10:47
ThreeFingerPeteseems to be ok now! thanks muchly Wander10:47
ravi_can someone plzz help me installing IE in ubuntu...10:48
francishi I have a postfix server server set up, It accepts mail for all the virtual domains but does not send mails from the hosted virtual domains . The logs say "Relay access denied" . Please point me in the right direction !!!10:48
rhetoric_ifireball: brb10:49
ThreeFingerPeteWhat trouble are you having ravi?10:49
ravi_i have manged to download and have unpacked using tar command10:49
ravi_while installing IE 610:50
ravi_says folders not found10:50
rhetoric_ifireball: back any ideas?10:50
Wander_wravi_: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page10:50
ravi_wander_w : been there downloaded and unpacked.... during final stage of installation..getting err msg: folders not found10:51
ThreeFingerPetehmm. Ravi, that sounds more like an issue with wine than IE... perhaps someone with more experience with it than I.,.10:52
rhetoric_ifireball: could it have to do with this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifupdown/+bug/12377310:52
ifireballrhetoric: yea, was on the phone10:53
ravi_ThreeFingetPete: oh..ok.. any ways cheers for your help10:53
rhetoric_ifireball: hmm nvm it works for them though, not working for me10:53
evan^^hey my xorg.conf gives nu errors and im on text mode now help:P10:53
ifireballrhetoric: it isn't in ifconfig yet?10:54
abhi_anyone know why i'm getting thrown into ##overflow when i'm trying to join ##php?10:54
rhetoric_ifireball no i got that same error10:54
bentob0xI'm looking for a list of laptops on which you can install Ubuntu10:54
rhetoric_ifireball: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address10:54
Wander_wbentob0x: Dell Latitude D82010:55
Buyydeebentobox: IBM/Lenovo T61p works out of the box10:55
Wander_wbentob0x: (because that is what I'm using)10:55
ifireballdoes "ifconfig eth1:1" still give you only 2-3 lines?10:55
evan^^Wander_W it gives errors now it cant initialise the nvidia kernel module10:55
rhetoric_ifireball, yea bingo10:55
rhetoric_ifireball: should it be eth1:0 ?10:55
Wander_wevan^^: are you using a driver downloaded from the nvidia website? or one from ubuntu?10:56
Wander_wevan^^: (don't install both on 1 system)10:56
bentob0xis there no list online?  I'd like to go shopping this pm but with the wide range of laptops they offer, a list would be welcome for me to check that Ubuntu works on it10:56
evan^^Wander_w from nvidia website the restricted module drive gave errors to and diddnt have hardware acceleration10:56
Wander_wevan^^: did you remove the ubuntu version?10:57
ifireballrhetoric: hmm... could be... try that10:57
linuxfcehas anyone here tried using the avant window manager (docker program)?10:57
ifireballrhetoric: afaik it shouldn't matter, but who knows10:57
Wander_wbentob0x: make a list of laptops that you like, then go check online if anyone has ubuntu working on it10:57
zimonbentob0x, there are many lists .. like http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/10:58
flickhi i am downloading the game Scorched 3D10:58
evan^^Wander_w yes but i have have installed nvidia-glx-new yesterday when i had this same problem10:58
flickbut i do not know how to play the game, Scorched 3D10:58
rhetoric_ifireball: still the same deal :(10:58
Wander_wevan^^: and did you remove that one?10:58
linuxfcedell xps m1330 is a good linux laptop. i got media buttons, webcam, sound, mic, dual mic array (in lcd), bluetooth, wifi, and remote control working perfectly10:58
linuxfceand it was easy10:59
evan^^Wander_W yes i have removed nvidia-glx-new10:59
ifireballrhetoric_: well, lets try a manual hack "sudo ifconfig eth1:0 up netmask"10:59
Wander_wevan^^: and after that you installed the package from nvidia?10:59
rhetoric_ifireball: lol same error message10:59
rhetoric_ifireball: oooooh but now it seems to have worked11:00
rhetoric_ifireball: buggy as hell eh?11:00
francishi I have a postfix server server set up, It accepts mail for all the virtual domains but does not send mails from the hosted virtual domains . The logs say "Relay access denied" . Someone Please Help !!!11:01
linuxfceuse envy for nvidia, its all automated and easy11:01
ifireballrhetoric_: yeah, too much attention going in to simple wireless laptops now days, they get the more complex stuff wrong...11:01
evan^^Wander_w yes i just chekced it11:01
francisooops a typo11:01
rhetoric_ifireball: 2 boxes same OS wired into a basic hub is pretty gd simple lol11:01
francishi I have a postfix server server set up, It accepts mail for all the virtual domains but does not send mails from the hosted virtual domains .  But while I try and sent a mail from the hosted domain I get  "Relay access denied" . Someone Please Help !!!11:01
rhetoric_ifireball: did you see the launchpad bug i linked? this is definetely a reproduction11:02
ifireballrhetoric_: yeah, but static virtual IPs on onterfaces that already have DHCP IPs isn't.11:02
evan^^Wander_W how could i make it innitialize?11:02
ifireballrhetoric_: not really, they got some different results, but its a hint indeed11:02
rhetoric_ifireball: no now i got the error, and mine is working11:02
rhetoric_ifireball i wonder why it doesnt work unless i do it manually like that though11:03
Wander_wevan^^: Uhm... I'm kind of running out of ideas here11:03
ifireballrhetoric_: well, ok, but now I have doubts whether this setup is rebootable...11:03
Wander_wevan^^: Is there anything in dmesg?11:03
rhetoric_ifireball: does it have anything to do with the "auto *" lines in the interfaces file?11:03
evan^^Wander_W do you mean a fresh install is the best idea?11:04
rhetoric_what does "auto eth1" do exactly11:04
ifireballrhetoric_: well, the "auto" tells it to try setting up the interface when you start/stop networking rather then just when you issue manual ifup/down commands11:05
wols_rhetoric_: it runs "ifup eth1" when /etc/init.d/networking is started11:05
ifireballrhetoric_: essentially its supposed to make the interface start up on boot11:05
rhetoric_ifireball: also do i need a "broadcast' line11:06
=== Wander_w is now known as Wander_afk
ifireballrhetoric_: but we've already seen it doesn't quite work as advertised... (it used to, god damnit...)11:06
rhetoric_ifireball, lol :)11:06
ifireballrhetoric_: no you don't need it11:06
ifireballrhetoric_: anyway, lets put that aside for now, and go to the other machine11:06
rhetoric_another similar bug11:07
rhetoric_ifireball: ok what on the other machine11:07
ifireballrhetoric_: same thing basically only "eth0:0" if i remember correctly and for IP11:08
ifireballrhetoric_: and hope gusty handles it better...11:09
rhetoricifireball hehe11:09
lesshaste_can you get ntfs-3g support in gutsy gibbon?11:10
ifireballrhetoric: anycase I gtg in about 20minuts so lets step on it11:11
linuxfceisnt ntfs-3g installed by default in gutsy?11:11
rhetoricifireball, same error but it came up in ifconfig first try on restart11:11
lesshaste_linuxfce, I don't know.. how would I check?.11:11
lesshaste_also.. how do I tell the version number of an installed package?11:11
linuxfcein terminal type ntfs-3g11:11
rhetoricifireball, i can ping the other box11:12
linuxfcesee what it says11:12
ifireballrhetoric: cool, now see if you can ping the other machine's IP11:12
lesshaste_linuxfce, thanks.. that gave some info11:12
linuxfcei have ntfs-3g running automatically, my ntfs drive has read write at boot11:12
lesshaste_linuxfce, cool11:12
rhetoricifireball, yes11:12
ifireballrhetoric_: great, lets setup some hostnames, edit /etc/hosts11:12
linuxfcedo you need to know how to use it?11:12
ifireballrhetoric_: put the other machine's IP and name in each machine's file11:13
rhetoricifireball, mounted!11:13
linuxfcentfs-3g is good, does anyone know if theres a performance loss using ntfs-3g vs. a native ext3?11:14
rhetoricifireball it was already there as ?11:14
rhetoricifireball could i have used that the whole time?11:14
rhetoricifireball GOD i must be tired ignore that11:15
rhetoricifireball mixing hostnames up of course and not reading11:15
ifireballrhetoric: no no no, don't touch that line, each machine sees itself as
ThreeFingerPetelinuxfce, ntfs suffers from fragmentation while the ext formats do not11:15
ThreeFingerPetethat is, ext3 doesnt need a defrag every so often11:16
linuxfcehmm, thats odd, i wonder how ext manages to not get fragmented11:16
linuxfcehow can i defrag my ntfs in linux?11:16
ifireballrhetoric: REPEAT for emphases: DO NOT TOUCH THE LINE, its important11:16
ThreeFingerPeteodd but nice, right?11:16
scguy318linuxfce: you don't11:16
linuxfceyes, nice11:16
scguy318linuxfce: you do it on Windows11:16
linuxfcei dont have windows, and dont want it11:16
rhetoricifireball, i got it i see now i was just having a slow moment ;)11:17
linuxfceoh well thats just my movies, mp3s, etc. nothing that needs performance11:17
scguy318linuxfce: unfortunately that's the only choice, remember that stable NTFS on Linux took about 10 years ;)11:17
ifireballyou should config nfs with names rather then IPs so its easier to move around if you ever have to11:17
ThreeFingerPetelinuxfce, look for a aftermarket defrag for windows. it will run, restart the computer and defrag it outside windows. it will work much better11:17
rhetoricifireball, now just the fstab and hoping the feisty box is nice on reboot ya?11:17
scguy318linuxfce: as for ext, its the way it stores data I think11:18
ifireballwell, if you got the mounts and /etc/hosts.allow working, then yeah11:18
ubotudefragmentation is not needed for Ext3 and ReiserFS filesystems. They are much more efficient in their allocation of storage units.11:18
ake21285ciao a tuti11:18
scguy318!it | ake2128511:19
ubotuake21285: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:19
rhetoric_ifireball, do i need to setup hosts.allow when i used the gui to "share" the folder?11:19
ake21285ok thank you11:19
ake21285sorry..i'm a new user11:20
linuxfcei dont know why ubuntu doesnt run ntfs-3g mounting by default for all ntfs partitions11:20
lesshaste_how do you list the files in some package? Can apt-cache do that?11:20
ifireballrhetoric_: don't trust the GUI to keep you secure, as it is right now, ppl can probably mount your NFS over the internet11:20
ThreeFingerPetelinuxfce, if you right click mycomputer, then advanced, then performance...settings..then advanced in that..11:20
rtz779lesshaste_: dpkg -L packagename11:20
linuxfcei just umounted the ntfs partition, then remounted it with ntfs-3g. from then on it mounted it that way from boot. that was cool.11:20
lesshaste_rtz779, that doesn't work unless it's on your hard drive right? I was hoping apt-cache could do it11:21
rhetoric_ifireball: lol well it asked me what IP/host to allow in the gui11:21
ifireballrhetoric: you need to make sure /etc/exports enables access only from specific IPs, and that /etc/hosts.allow does that as well11:21
ThreeFingerPetelinuxfce, if you right click mycomputer, then advanced, then performance...settings..then advanced in that.. and change beside Virutal memory.. you can set your cache size to zero, which is that huge block you see near the end of the partition when you defrag.11:21
rtz779lesshaste_: no11:21
rhetoric_ifireball,what am i looking for in exports11:21
ifireballrhetoric: and you need to make sure the "ALL: PARANOID" line is in /etc/hosts.deny and not commented11:22
ThreeFingerPetelinuxfce, that is safe to do, but you will want to turn it back on later. I did that when I first installed ubuntu. once the install was done i went back and turned it on, and windows moved it.11:22
lesshaste_rtz779, yes... apt-cache show pkgname11:22
lesshaste_rtz779, :)11:22
hamid11771HI ALL11:22
ThreeFingerPetehi hamid1177111:23
linuxfcethere is no prefetch on my ntfs partition because there was never an os on it11:23
rtz779akram: do not spam11:23
ifireballrhetoric_: you should see the other host's IP before the option brackets11:23
ifireballrhetoric_: sees macd's example in his post11:23
linuxfceif there were an easy way to convert it to ext i would, but i dont feel like hassling it11:24
rtz779lesshaste_: apt-cache show pkgname lists you all files in the package?11:24
rhetoric_ifireball, i have done absolutely nothing after install to secure these machines :( mostly because i dont care (no sensitive data, really)11:24
linuxfcentfs-3g works so damn well. really impressive11:24
lesshaste_rtz779, I hope so...11:24
rtz779lesshaste_: i thought it would just give detailed info about the package but not its files11:24
menllyosi got a question, i use firestarter to setup the iptables, and now i just set it to use the outbound policy: restrictive by default. my event log is now going crazy though with stuff thats being blocked (1 block every second orso). Is this normal behaviour or should i jsut put it back on policy: permissive by default ?11:24
scguy318rhethoric_: but think of the potential criminal liability :P11:24
rhetoric_ifireball, both deny and allow are totally empty files?11:24
ifireballrhetoric_: well, its pretty secure out of the box since no services are installed by default11:24
Retro`I have install GRIP to rip my music CD's into mp3's but i have a problem... GRIP does not recognize that a CD is mounted11:24
ifireballrhetoric_: hmm, umount, then start filling them up as per to macd's example11:25
Retro`a.k.a. no songs are displayed in GRIP once the CD is inserted in the CD-ROM drive11:25
lesshaste_rtz779, I see what you mean... is there a better command?11:25
Vorbotemenllyos: if you haqve set up any kind of p2p servlet your putbound connections would be plenty11:25
ifireballrhetoric: then try to mount again (it'll probably no work on 1st attempt)11:25
menllyosyea but i already assigned those ports as ¨safe¨11:26
rtz779lesshaste_: i think there is no command to list the files of an uninstalled package11:26
rhetoric_ifireball, he just has allow, and how would someone access it with the ip restriction in the export file?11:26
bentob0xthx zimon and Wander_afk11:26
lesshaste_rtz779, damn11:26
* Vorbote is learning a new keyboard layout so bear with him ;-)11:26
rtz779lesshaste_: why do you need this?11:26
rtz779akram: please do not spam11:26
lesshaste_rtz779, to try to work out exactly what will be installed11:26
rhetoric_ifireball, the hosts.deny file doesnt even exist i dont have an example to work from11:26
ThreeFingerPetei'm out. nice to meet you all.11:27
Retro`i have set the 'Cdrom device' in GRIP config to be '/dev/cdrom' but that doesn't seem to work11:27
ifireballrhetoric_: they can't access the share but they can still fuck with the other NFS bits since they answer requests, the hosts.allow/deny files prevents them from talking to "strangers"11:27
Retro`please help11:27
Retro`how can i determine my Cdrom device ?11:27
ompaul!language | ifireball11:27
ubotuifireball: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:27
Retro`i have, however, two cdrom devices...11:28
rhetoric_ifireball: what do i need in deny and could this affect other services (like downloading my democracy now torrents ;p)11:28
ifireballrhetoric: just put "ALL: PARANOID<newline>" in it11:28
Retro`how can i lookup in which Cdrom device is the CD with the music in?11:28
Retro`/dev/cdrom0 perhaps   ??11:29
ifireballrhetoric_: it'll only effect services that support the allow/deny files, I don't think *torrent does11:29
Retro`help already11:29
rhetoric_ifireball: any other services i should know about that it will affect?11:29
Vorbote!help | ubotu11:29
ubotuubotu: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:29
hamid11771I have a data base and its reporting in MS-ACCESS 2007 , can I use it in openoffice ?11:30
Retro`/dev/hdc perhaps   ??11:30
Vorbote!ask | Retro11:30
ubotuRetro: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:30
menllyosVorbote: thanks for that tip... i shut down deluge and now my log is pretty much dead11:30
ifireballrhetoric_: basically classic UNIX ones, ssh, ftp, http, etc.11:30
Retro`i did ask you moron!!11:30
Retro`fuck you all!!11:30
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!11:30
rhetoric_ifireball: gotcha11:31
Extravertsomeones angry11:31
rhetoric_ifireball: but not basic TCP or UDP traffic11:31
Vorboteompaul: the guy just left the room, after cursing us all11:31
Extraverthe banned him11:31
ompaulVorbote, I know and on that IP he won't be back11:31
ompaulfor a while11:31
ifireballrhetoric: no, its not a firewall, its just a way of telling apps to accept connections from certain addresses or not11:32
rhetoric_ifireball: k im pretty sure i understand11:32
=== Peco is now known as Peeco
hamid11771 I have a data base and its reporting in MS-ACCESS 2007 , can I use it in openoffice ?11:32
rhetoric_ifireball: and the fstab is to mount at startup yes?11:32
ifireballrhetoric_: yes11:33
fwarjoin #ubuntu-sa/11:33
anton_ how to delete a folder as root?11:33
rhetoric_ifireball, one last thing i know you have to go: what are the settings rw,no_root_squash,async,subtree_check11:33
linuxfcewhy is it that ubuntu makes me deal with restricted drivers. why cant this noob distro treat me like a noob and not be so gpl righteous11:33
ifireballrhetoric_: though I don't like that approach when it comes to nfs, if can behave badly if the machine ever becomes unavailable11:34
linuxfcewhat approach?11:34
ace_been awhile since i used ubuntu11:34
ompaulanton_, you are going to break your machine I will pm it to you11:34
rhetoric_ifireball: this machine will be unavailable often, should i just make a script to mount it when i want to?:11:34
ace_been gentoo'in it up11:34
ifireballrhetoric_: just put (rw) to make it read/writable you probaly don't need the rest11:34
rhetoric_ifireball: because it's a laptop and all11:34
ace_prolly gonna install that agian next11:34
linuxfcegentoo.. i dont like the whole from source procedure for every dang thing11:35
anton_Never mind, I found it out.11:35
linuxfcearch is more fun11:35
anton_Only deleted a song in frets of fire11:35
myke54142linuxfce, yup overkill11:35
ace_nah sources is great11:35
anton_thanks ompaul11:35
ifireballrhetoric_:just put "user" in the options column in fstab11:35
linuxfceit is great, but i like having a choice11:36
ifireballrhetoric_: then you can simply mount it manually with "mount /your/mount/point" as a normal user11:36
myke54142i usually use freebsd and never got why gentoo was such a big deal, with freebsd you usually do binary but you can easily rebuild both the core system and all packages from source11:36
linuxfcemount /dev/device /yourmountpoint11:37
myke54142i guess most linux distros weren't set up that way11:37
ifireballrhetoric_: in anycase don't include the "no_root_squash" bit, its terribly insecure and you probably don't need it11:37
Jordan_Umyke54142, Gentoo is based off of BSD ports11:37
linuxfceyeah thats where im at, source is fine with me, but dont force me to waste my time installing everything from source11:37
myke54142i have a kiosk system on top of a gentoo with a broken gcc11:38
ompaulmyke54142, most of them go for packages you can verify - and are using things like apt or rpm to manage and install the programs11:38
myke54142anyone who loves gentoo should be forced to use it11:38
linuxfcethe whole "dont you want to know what you're getting" thing doesnt apply either, unless you can read all the code youre installing11:38
linuxfcegosh, imagine dep hell in gentoo. every damn dep11:38
ompaulmyke54142, a tad offtopic for here :)11:39
Vorbotemyke54142: this is offtopic, but the difference is the port architecture, I love FBSD but if I need linux I rather use Debian or a derivative like Ubuntu (that rocks on my laptop, btw) ;-)11:39
myke54142i built my own linux system from LFS when i needed a very custom system, and that was fun, but i wouldn't do it for your average system either11:39
ompaulmyke54142, we do have a #ubuntu-offtopic for stuff such as this ;-)11:39
rhetoricifireball, i think i can get it from here thank you SO much11:39
linuxfcenobody chats in those subchannels11:39
scguy318and when they do, its about cake or something random11:40
ompaullinuxfce, it is very very busy 85.314259% of the time11:40
linuxfcethats kinda the point11:40
ifireballrhetoric_: one more: you have a server-grade kind of setup now, it can give you awsome performance, you you sould really UNDERSTAND what you did, I really recommend reading the manpages for everything11:40
rhetoricifireball, wait will everything in fstab be loaded at boot or what?11:40
rhetoricifireball i dont want them to mount at boot because it wont always be connected, rather i'd like to mount via a script11:41
marsmissionsDoes anybody know how to get video to play with composite on using the latest FGLRX driver from the amd website?11:42
ifireballrhetoric: only lines in fstab that contain the "auto" option are mounted by default (I thing the "defaults" keyword includes it), if you put "user" instead it won't11:42
rhetoricifireball ok now i get it, thanks :)11:42
Jordan_Umarsmissions, Don't use xv output11:43
ifireballrhetoric_: you don't need a script, /etc/fstab was designed to be a shortcut for mounting11:43
marsmissionsJordan_U: what would I put in xorg.conf to not do that?11:43
Jordan_Umarsmissions, Nothing, it's an option of the player, to change totem-gstreamer run "gstreamer-properties"11:44
linuxfcewhos got the best eye candy11:44
myke54142i've got the least eye candy11:45
tuxickany chance getting flash working on 64bit kubuntu?11:45
tuxick'adept' fails totally, downloaded the installer and that says there's no 64 bit support11:46
ompaultuxick, do yourself a favour and if you want to put it on a system make it 32bit you don't need the pain11:46
Jordan_Utuxick, Yes, you should be able to just visit a page that needs it in Firefox and let it set it up11:46
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:46
tuxickompaul: *still*?11:46
tuxicki've avoided 64 bit for over a year :)11:46
ompaultuxick, I will not stop until all the codecs are all native and they are not11:47
tuxickin fact i have a 64bit gentoo box here with flash working11:47
ace_lol im happy11:47
ompaultuxick, so enjoy yourself11:47
tuxickthanks :)11:47
ace_got my atheros working AR500711:47
ProteusSo I've  run into my first serious x/k/o/ubuntu problem that I haven't been able to fix myself. I've been trying to rebuild a collection of important files off a bunch of drives from a workstation that died and I had been successfully using a generic hard drive enclosure that would automagically mount all the volumes I needed. Problem is, now I'm not getting _anything_ when I plug it in. iv or gnome-volume-manager might flare up for a secon11:47
Proteusd, but then nothing happens. The magic smoke got out of my computer and I desperately need help!11:47
ace_plus it has the aircrack injection patch ;)11:48
* nomentero is back (gone 01:22:48)11:48
tuxickJordan_U: such sites only provide a link to the download site11:48
tuxickwhich provides an installer telling me i have 64 bit11:49
Myrtti!away | nomentero11:49
ubotunomentero: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines11:49
rhetoricifireball, in hosts.allow is it rpc.mountd or mountd or does that matter?11:49
Proteusanyone with even just pointers to where I could find help would be incredibly helpful.11:50
rhetoricifireball, also i just meant a script for the one line to mount it because im that lazy :)11:50
VorboteProteus: maybe yor partitions are toast. Try with gpart and ddrescue.11:50
No`hi all11:50
Proteusbut how do I do that on a partition I can't see?11:50
linuxfceoh sheize im getting sleepy11:50
scguy318Proteus: fdisk -l11:51
Proteusbesides, xfs only gets bitchy if a write is in progress when it gets unmounted uncleanly and since no files were being transferred..... I don't think anything could have happened11:51
scguy318Proteus: *sudo fdisk -l11:51
rhetoricifireball, or could i just do ALL: otherbox11:52
Proteusscguy318, I'm only seeing local drives here11:52
Jordan_U_tuxick, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins#head-8786ac65f14f8d5685d016c5d5b6e927cee11f9d11:52
scguy318Proteus: hmm, anything of interest in dmesg | tail?11:52
bliffleis there an alternative to Flash? I hate having all those websites demanding I install proprietary software, since I figure some such screwed up my XP system.11:52
JimmyDeeI know I'm gonna sound like a total idiot but whats the config control panel for the ati cards called?11:53
scguy318bliffle: Gnash, though I find in experience not so good11:53
scguy318JimmyDee: Catalyst or something11:53
linuxfcekde is so unreliable11:53
scguy318linuxfce: but GNOME so fat11:53
_slacker_hi guys! anyone knows how to change '1e+06' to '1000000' in a seq?11:53
linuxfcekde is more bloated as well11:53
Jordan_U_scguy318, And KDE isn't?11:53
scguy318Jordan_U_: lesser than GNOME :P11:54
linuxfceno its not11:54
linuxfcekde is more bloated than gnome11:54
Wander_afkwho needs a window manager anyway +geometry FTW!11:54
JimmyDeescguy318: yes I know its catalyst, but whats the package>?11:54
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
scguy318linuxfce: ah, didn't know11:54
JimmyDeelinuxfce: I thought I already fed you, get back under your bridge11:54
=== Wander_afk is now known as Wander_w
linuxfceseriously i dont know how people put up with kde, its so popular but so crappy11:55
scguy318JimmyDee: unfortunately not sure :(11:55
ikonialinuxfce: that is not your concern, nor is it this channels concern.11:55
bliffleso gnome and kde are fat and slow, how about Xfce?11:55
linuxfcexfce is light and fast, but it seems to me, that its a feature lacking gnome11:56
Proteusscguy318, ok, where do I paste what I think are the relevant lines for you?11:56
ProteusI'm an openbox fan11:56
ompaullinuxfce, you are offtoioc11:56
scguy318!pastebin | Proteus11:56
ubotuProteus: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:56
linuxfcewindow managers are very revelant to ubuntu11:56
anton_ompaul: how to copy/paste stuff through terminal?11:56
ikonialinuxfce: your ranting about fat/bloat is not11:56
ikoniaanton_: highlight then middle mouse button into a new window11:56
anton_ikonia: No, must be root...11:57
ikoniaanton_: no you don't11:57
anton_yeah, I do.11:57
ikoniaanton_: if you can read it, you can cut and paste as a normal user11:57
ikoniaanton_: you don't need to be root to cut and paste11:57
anton_"You do not have permissions to write to this folder."11:58
_slacker_anton_, don't paste the \r :)11:58
linuxfceanton just use the root account11:58
ikoniaanton_: paste in a place your user has permissions to, or use sudo11:58
anton__slacker_: \r?11:58
Vorbotelinuxfce: to be earnst, I'd be using a stepbuntu if there was one. I love Open/GNUstep. But GNOME does its thing quite well. Having used real NeXTstep boxes, I know windowmaker ain't the real thing.11:58
linuxfceusing the root account makes the permission crap go away forever11:58
ikonialinuxfce: we don't recommend using the root user, sudo is the ubuntu solution.11:58
anton_ikonia: Hence my question: How to copy/paste through terminal?11:58
cousin_luigihow do I force a static DNS while using DHCP for IP?11:58
ikoniaanton_: your question is "how do I write to a filesystem that is owned by root"11:59
ompaulanton_, you should not be pasting where you don't have write permissions11:59
anton_In my frets on fire map...11:59
Myrtti!supportroot > linuxfce11:59
Proteusscguy318, on second thought, I'm not actually seeing anything relevant to usb issues. I was looking at local crap and got mixed up.11:59
ikoniaanton_: in which case you open the file you wish to paste to with sudo, but to be honest if you don't understand that, the chances are you shouldn't be editing that file as it's owned by the super user for a reason.11:59
Vorbotelinuxfce: but the beauty of sudo is that it allows fine-grained admining. Been using it for 15 years.11:59
Proteusscguy318, so what next?11:59
B-rabbitanton_, "Ctrl + c" to copy and "Shift + Ctrl + v" to paste in terminal11:59
linuxfcehmm, i havent messed with that wm11:59
linuxfceso you've been typing your password, over, and over, and over, for 15 years12:00
anton_b-rabbit I meant how to move files from folders...12:00
scguy318Proteus: I would probably check your hardware or something12:00
ikonialinuxfce: you don't have to type your password if you setup sudo12:00
Myrttilinuxfce: you have to type in the root password too12:00
Myrttieven worse12:00
Vorbotelinuxfce: nope, I've been GOD for 15 years ;L.)12:00
Myrttithen you need to remember two passwords12:00
anton_ikonia: It's my computer....how to get in sudo mode, then?12:00
scguy318Proteus: getting late so I can't really say much more, might be totally off12:00
bliffleI'll readup on GNASH and try it, later12:00
=== HashBox_ is now known as HashBox
ikoniaanton_: type "sudo" before the command.12:00
ikoniaanton_: be very careful though12:00
B-rabbitanton_, use "sudo mv <file> <destination>"12:01
scguy318Proteus: oh and the r in your name is truncated12:01
anton_gaaaaaah, ikonia: I know, but how to move files between folders then? aha!12:01
ikoniaB-rabbit: he's not asking to move a file.12:01
anton_yeah I am B-rabbit12:01
Vorbotelinuxfce: I do admit that sudo is a bother in a single user system.12:01
Proteusscguy318, what?12:01
ikoniaanton_: what ?? you asked how to edit a file ?12:01
anton_no ikonia :)12:01
scguy318Proteus: you're missing an r in your name12:01
anton_I asked how to move12:01
ompaulanton_, you did ask12:01
Proteusscguy318, where?12:01
linuxfceand i do admit that not using root is clearly a better choice regarding security12:01
ompaulanton_, unless you have moved on - you were asking how to edit12:02
scguy318Proteus: Proteus is n=proteus@71-214-3-148.omah.qwest.net * Christophe12:02
linuxfcebut i got nothing to hide, and im on linux, its not like im going to get a virus browsing the web12:02
scguy318Proteus: the real name field in your client12:02
scguy318Proteus: but I digress12:02
linuxfceif i were serious about security i would never use irc without a proxy12:02
Proteusscguy318, what does all this mean? should I fix something?12:02
=== maTh3Z is now known as maTh3z
scguy318Proteus: you're missing an r in your name :) you can fix the little typo if you want12:03
Myrtti!worksforme | linuxfce12:03
ubotulinuxfce: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/12:03
scguy318Proteus: but yeah w/e :P12:03
JimmyDeeall I really want is a brightness app for ati, is that too much to ask?12:03
Vorbotelinuxfce: well, that's debatable, unless you only use it on the console.12:03
ikoniascguy318: we saw your comment the first time12:03
ikonia!offtopic | Vorbote12:03
ubotuVorbote: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:03
B-rabbitlinuxfce, !offtopic12:03
JimmyDeeVorbote: youre feeding a troll12:03
Proteusscguy318, ooooh, you mean Christophe as opposed to Christopher?12:03
ompaullinuxfce, you have been told a couple of times you are offtopic the ops here are invisible but can jump out of the woodwork please stick to support questions and answers and off opinions12:03
ikoniaguys, can we drop it please12:03
VorboteJimmyDee: probably12:03
* ace_ throws troll crumbs into the crowd12:03
scguy318Proteus: yes12:03
Proteusnot a mistake12:03
[Chief]hey, i have problems with my networkcard. It's a RTL8211BL (nforce630a). During the installation of Ubuntu 7.10 Secer AMD64 she worked fine with the forcedeth driver, but after I boot the installed system the card doesn't work. The Kernel is 2.6.22-14-server (The install system of the CD runs the kernel 2.6.22-14-generic)12:03
scguy318Proteus: ah k12:04
ikoniaanton_: why are you using the "/me" command after you've just seen the offtopic request.12:04
scguy318ikonia: I was answering his question, so not really repeating12:04
anton_ikonia: =12:04
Vorboteikonia: in what sense? sudo is not offtopic, it is one of the main attacks on ubuntu adoption by old-timer linux linux/unix users.12:04
Jordan_U[Chief], Any reason you are using the server kernel?12:05
ikonia[Chief]: is the forcedeth driver being used on your server install.12:05
ompaulVorbote, it is a support not chat channel12:05
linuxfcehaha theres a worksforme, thats great. i'll respect that because i respect the developers who gave me this distro for nothing, and if thats how they wanted it so be it12:05
Proteusscguy318, do you think I should repost my question or ask someone/somewhere else?12:05
scguy318Proteus: go for it12:05
ikoniaVorbote: discussing the pros and cons of sudo and irc from a command line is nothing to do with it.12:05
MyrttiVorbote: geezers can use other methods for using root12:05
[Chief]It automatically installed the server kernel12:05
wols_chii: fyi,RTL8211BL is a PHY and totally irrelevant for the OS. forcedeth is the one you need. is it loaded?12:05
Vorboteompaul: I know, but warmth is a matter of ubuntu.12:05
scguy318Proteus: you'll probably find better luck that way :)12:05
[Chief]The boot process loads the forcedeth driver12:05
ProteusSo, reposting and begging -  I've  run into my first serious x/k/o/ubuntu problem that I haven't been able to fix myself. I've been trying to rebuild a collection of important files off a bunch of drives from a workstation that died and I had been successfully using a generic hard drive enclosure that would automagically mount all the volumes I needed. Problem is, now I'm not getting _anything_ when I plug it in. iv or gnome-volume-manager12:06
Proteusmight flare up for a second, but then nothing happens. The magic smoke got out of my computer and I desperately need help!12:06
ompaulVorbote, discussion is OT we have OT for that12:06
wols_[Chief]: /sbin/ifconfig -a   what interfaces show up?12:06
[Chief]It throws a warning message; Somethin like MAC ist not valid, taking a random mac12:06
VorboteMyrtti: I'm not a geezer yet, just an old fart.12:06
ikoniaProteus: what does the syslog say12:06
Vorboteompaul, OOK12:06
wols_Proteus: dmesg spitting anything out?12:06
ikonia[Chief]: can you get the exact message please12:06
MyrttiVorbote: and I'm a tiresome old hag who loves sudo ;-)12:06
[Chief]"/sbin/ifconfig -a " shows up a eth11 device (??) and the lo12:07
ikonia[Chief]: are you sure it's eth11 ?12:07
* Vorbote hugs MYR12:07
* Vorbote hugs Myrtti12:07
[Chief][   45.347384] forcedeth: using HIGHDMA12:07
[Chief][   45.347435] 0000:00:0a.0: Invalid Mac address detected: a7:19:94:7d:1d:0012:07
[Chief][   45.347473] Please complain to your hardware vendor. Switching to a random MAC.12:07
[Chief][   45.873882] eth0: forcedeth.c: subsystem: 01458:e000 bound to 0000:00:0a.012:07
rockzman[Chief], ifconfig lo12:07
Myrtti!paste | [Chief]12:07
ubotu[Chief]: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:07
ikoniarockzman: why would he ifconfig the loop back card ?12:07
anton_How to remove a folder from the terminal?12:08
ompaul[Chief], do not patse in this channel, please use paste.ubuntu-nl.org thanks12:08
rockzmanikonia, hes the one who knows the answer12:08
ikoniaanton_: go to http://www.tldp.org and read the bash basics12:08
Vorbote[Chief]: I've seen that in dapper, it is a kernel thing12:08
ikoniaanton_: it will teach you the basic commands needed in a shell12:08
[Chief]I jsut have setup teh eth11 device, and it works :-D12:08
* etfb is amused that the complaints about the pasting of [Chief]'s logs took up nearly twice as much space as the pasting itself.12:08
Proteusikonia, wols_ , nothing even shows up with I plug in the external drive12:08
aniacguys I need some help concerning charsets...12:08
B-rabbitanton_, https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/basic-commands/C/12:08
[Chief]why is the network device called eth11?12:09
ikoniaetfb: please stop with the /me commands12:09
tuxickok this isn't going to work12:09
ikoniaProteus: is udevd running12:09
wols_chii: cause udev renamed it from eth012:09
Proteusikonia, wols_ , in dmesg, anyway12:09
Vorboteaniac: spill the goodswe ain't psychics}12:09
Proteusikonia, yes12:09
wols_Proteus: are you sure the drive/enclosure is working?12:09
* etfb thinks this channel is being rather overrun with (a) twits posting offtopic rubbish, and (b) bigger twits complaining about (a). Byeee!12:09
* Vorbote still learning his new keyboard12:09
RandomShadowManhey im having some problems with my games on kubuntu12:10
Proteuswols_, yeah, it worked one day then it just sort of stopped. the enclosure is brand new12:10
ikoniaProteus: do you have another usb device (anything) you can plug in to see if udevd actually picks up an event12:10
aniacVorbote i'm not sure i understood what you mean but I'll try starting... :)12:10
ikoniaVorbote: can we PLEASE stop with the pointless me commands.12:10
ikoniaVorbote: you can see this channel is very busy12:10
RandomShadowManFATAL: ssgInit called without a valid OpenGL context.12:10
Proteusikonia, sure, should I just tail dmesg?12:10
RandomShadowMancan anyone help me get rid of that error?12:10
aniacwell when I use amarok or exaile I can't see right song files which have their names in greek...12:10
ikoniaProteus: you can't tail dmesg, tail the syslog and plug in a device.12:10
Vorboteikonia: yup, just tying to help with a Shacka the Sulu spirit.12:11
wols_Proteus: imho the hdd is gone to its maker12:11
aniacso maybe it's a matter of general environment config...12:11
B-rabbitRandomShadowMan, you have to be more specific?12:11
wols_Proteus: ex-hdd12:11
aniacnot players'12:11
ikoniaVorbote: your failing and causing clutter in a busy channel, please stop12:11
RandomShadowManok I have an nvidia geforce 8500GT and i want to be able to play these games like i was before12:11
B-rabbitRandomShadowMan, r u using wine?12:12
Proteuswell, how do I tail the syslog?12:12
RandomShadowMani mean games like supertux and supertuxkart12:12
wols_RandomShadowMan: glxinfo shows you have direct rendering?12:12
scguy318Proteus: tail -f /var/log/syslog12:12
Proteusright, of course. hang on12:12
RandomShadowMani ran it through the terminal to see why it wasnt starting up12:12
RandomShadowManFATAL: ssgInit called without a valid OpenGL context.12:12
PeecoHow can I get linux on a machine with no option to boot from usb or optical drive??12:13
RandomShadowMancomes out with that12:13
wols_Peeco: how can it boot?12:13
wols_Peeco: dpkg -l |grep nvidia12:13
scguy318Peeco: any pre-existing OS on it?12:13
aniacany idea about charsets?12:13
wols_RandomShadowMan:  dpkg -l |grep nvidia12:13
PeecoIm running xp now12:13
Proteusscguy318, wols_, so syslog shows all the usb events I'd expect12:13
wols_aniac: not until you ask a sensible question we can answer12:13
scguy318Peeco: UNetBoot might do it12:13
VorbotePeeco: you can't boot from USB if the BIOS doesn't allow it.}12:13
ikoniaProteus: thats correct it will show you the events when you plug/unplug a device12:14
aniacwols O described the problem above though...12:14
Peeconope, unfortunately the bios doesnt allow12:14
scguy318Vorbote: well, yeah, he already said it couldn't do it :P12:14
tuxickdo all unbuntus use this adept thing?12:14
wols_Proteus: with udev it should but only if the kernel log shows them first. krenel not recognizing the new device: nothing syslog can or will do12:14
scguy318tuxick: no, some of us use Synaptic12:14
Jordan_Utuxick, No, only Kubuntu12:14
aniacthe problem is that I can't view correctly greek named mp3's when i use exaile / amarok12:14
tuxickis that worse or better?12:14
ikoniawols_: I'm asking him to tail the log with another device plugging in to see if any events are being picked up, or just that device12:14
tuxickow i remember synaptic12:14
Peecoand my dvd drive is fooked!12:14
wols_aniac: cat /etc/environment12:15
gabbahdo i need to mount my linux partition before i run grub setup?12:15
Jordan_Utuxick, You can use synaptic in KDE12:15
scguy318Peeco: so try UNetBoot12:15
ikoniaPeeco: that language is uncalled for.12:15
tuxickJordan_U: sure :)12:15
Jordan_Ugabbah, No12:15
wols_ikonia: good idea, but kernel log doesn't care about udev or that jaczz. if usb device works, it is in demsg. if not...12:15
ikoniagabbah: no12:15
Peecoscguy318: ill have a look, thanks12:15
gabbahJordan_U what happens if i do mount it first?12:15
ikoniawols_: only if usb ports are hunh12:15
scguy318Peeco: basically just installs a few files and a new entry in boot.ini, shows up in NTLDR, you boot to it, then you do a net install12:15
tuxickanyway, atm i really need to know if there's any chance on getting flash working at all12:15
Peecoikonia: apologies, im new here12:15
Jordan_Ugabbah, Nothing that I know of12:16
ikoniaPeeco: your not, I've seen you in here before.12:16
tuxickwithout spending a day on incorrect instructions12:16
Vorbotescguy318: Try with a BIOS update with you maiinboard vendor, it may hekp12:16
gabbahJordan_U what happens if i do mount it first? what i do is root (hd0,5) and then setup (hd0)... but it says it can't find the partition12:16
tuxickno flash will mean i try something else12:16
scguy318Vorbote: I'm not the one with a problem :P12:16
aniacwols_ thanks but htere is LANG="el_GR.UTF-8" and LANGUAGE="el_GR:el:en_GB:en" for language...12:16
Jordan_Ugabbah, How may partitions do you have?12:16
aniacmaybe changing utf-8 to iso?12:16
scguy318Vorbote: did you mean to address Peeco?12:16
Peecoikonia: i joined yesterday under the alias peco112:17
wols_aniac: do you see empty squares instead of letters in those apps?12:17
Vorbotescguy318: Yep, lost the trhead.12:17
RandomShadowManwhat should i do?12:17
Peecothis was my first time!!12:17
gabbahJordan_U I have 3 partitions. ntfs - ext3 - ntfs.  But the ext3 is called /dev/sda512:17
Peecolatest bios doesnt allow also12:17
Proteusoh hey, I think the drive may have just been too hot12:17
American-TechDoes anybody here use mail notification12:17
wols_Peeco: there is a way but it's convoluted12:17
Proteusletting it cool off, then I'll try again12:17
ikoniaPeeco: thats interesting my irc logs show the user Peeco from the BT address range your on being in here over the last month12:17
* png is away: I'm busy12:18
[Chief]I have antother probelm with my network card :-( on each reboot the device is "renamed", so when teh device is eth14, on the next boot it is eth15 and so on12:18
Jordan_Ugabbah, Why is it called that?12:18
ikonia!away > png12:18
wols_rsize windows partition to make free space. install wubi to windows partition, inside wubi ren debootstrap12:18
gabbahJordan_U i mean, it says cannot mount selected partition, when i run setup12:18
aniacwols_ no, those are the two last lines and are exactly as i pasted there before..12:18
png!iknow_it_was_just_a_mistake > ikonia12:18
Jordan_Ugabbah, I think that is because you are giving it the wrong partition12:18
gabbahJordan_U i don't know... it's always had that name.12:18
Peecoikonia: that is strange, as i only just began investigating ubuntu yesterday!!12:18
Microslave[Chief]: are you using 'gnome-network-manager' to configure the device?12:19
American-TechDoes anybody here use mail notification (The program)12:19
[Chief]Microslave: There is no X, it's the server distribution12:19
Peecowols: can you elaborate?12:19
Jordan_Ugabbah, Is the ext3 partition the first, second, or third partition? Are they all primary?12:19
tuxickaha! found useful clues12:19
gabbahJordan_U no matter what partition i give it in the root command, it always says cannot mount selected partition when i then run setup command12:19
aniacwols_ in general i use greek file names in other apps, but as in case of amarok/axaile there seems to be a problem...12:20
tuxickshame package managers don't do these things for you12:20
gabbahJordan_U ext3 is the second. And i'm not sure about primary.. what does that mean?12:20
aniacin amarok i tried also changing the font but nothing changed12:20
Jordan_Utuxick, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins#head-8786ac65f14f8d5685d016c5d5b6e927cee11f9d12:20
scguy318tuxick: flashplugin-nonfree actually does do the job, but it's broken at the moment12:20
wols_aniac: not all programs are multilanguage capabple12:20
tuxickscguy318: i noticed :)12:20
scguy318i think we have a factoid for that12:20
Microslave[Chief]: that's odd ... what NIC make/model is it?12:20
tuxickscguy318: and running manually didn't work either12:20
wols_[Chief]: ls /etc/udev/rules.d/*persistent-net-generator.rules12:20
ikoniatuxick: you where in here yesterday and we talked about the flash plugin issues12:20
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.12:20
tuxickso i just copied the libs12:20
ikoniascguy318: flashissues12:20
tuxickikonia: no i wasn't12:21
frederickhow can I regenerate the xorg.conf file with dpkg again12:21
scguy318ikonia: synonym?12:21
tuxicki only booted this installation this morning ;)12:21
ikoniatuxick:  tuxick> no flash will mean i try something else12:21
Jordan_U!xconfig | frederick12:21
ubotufrederick: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes12:21
tuxickikonia: that wasn't yesterday12:21
tuxick :)12:21
ikoniawrong paste12:21
wols_Peeco: no. either you understand what I mean or you are too inexperienced to do it hosing your windows install. my advice is: buy a optical drive. DVDROMs cost less than 20 bucks12:21
tuxickexcept for adept being half broken kubuntu seems to meet requirements now12:22
tuxickit's meant for user desktops12:22
scguy318wols_: what of UNetBoot? is it too impractical for Peeco?12:22
[Chief]Microslave: Its a RTL8211BL ( Motehrbaod with nforce630a Chipset)12:22
wols_scguy318: since I don't know that thing, I dunno12:22
[Chief]wols_: This file exists, what should I do with it?12:22
sigraHello,  I am not finding much help on google for this problem and wondering if someone here can help.  when I go to system sounds and click test sound capture it is giving me a error.  in return I am not getting sounds on certain apps.12:23
fredericki'm logged on as root nobody ghost me12:23
wols_[Chief]: move it elsewhere. it should stop the eth renaming.12:23
gabbahJordan_U it seems u were right. it was partition number 4, instead of 5...12:23
gabbahJordan_U well at least setup command worked.. let's see if i can boot now12:23
aniacwols hmmm but i think there should be a solution... especially amarok is too famous and too many years in use... may I search somewhere else about that?12:24
aniacon the other hand it seems strange to me that none of both amarok and exaile doesn't provide an interface to choose charset...12:24
wols_[Chief]: I told you your RTL8211BL is NOT a network card. it's your network's PHY and the only place this is important is the connection of your PC to the ethernet cable12:24
gabbahJordan_U dammit.. now i get the menu, and i select to boot ubuntu, but i get error 17: cannot mount selected partition!12:24
Microslavewols_: I thought the point of that file was to guard against what [Chief] is seeing. (at least that is what the rule says it's suppose to do)12:24
[Chief]wols_: k, I moved it, teh server is restarting ..12:24
Peecowols: yes im v inexperienced, but willing to learn.  im just looking for a guide.  thanks for your help.12:25
scguy318!install | Peeco12:25
ubotuPeeco: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:25
lonejackdoes somebody know how to show special chars, in particular this [ ` ], that is different respect to [ ' ]. Thank you12:25
wols_Microslave: it generates a new eth everytime a new MAC is in the system12:25
scguy318Peeco: covers some options, including mine I suggested12:25
[Chief]wols_: So, how can i find out the name of my network card?12:25
MortuisDoes anyone know if rsync can use protocol 1?12:25
Microslavewols_: yeah, same card *I would hope* would hold the same MAC addy.12:25
Peecoscguy318: cheers, im on the pages now having a browse12:25
wols_Peeco: I don't have a guide for this, it's something I just made up on the spot. while I know it will work it'S not easy for someone new and then the probability of destroying windows is high12:26
Mortuisugh, never mind. Of course once I break down and ask for help I find it in the man page.12:26
wols_[Chief]: you have an integrated nvidia GBit ethernet card which uses forcedeth as its driver12:26
tho1lonejack you can map keys to those special characters in a file called Xmodmap that you place in your home directory. It will be read at login.12:26
[Chief]wols_: k, thx, the device is now called eth0, I make another restart but I think it's working12:27
[Chief]wols_: But why does the driver always give me another MAC? is this a bug?12:27
wols_see what the message said12:28
lonejacktho1: under windows that char can be typed with a Alt-096, is it possible to do something similar under ubuntu?12:28
wols_[Chief]: it could be cause your chipset is very new and not fully properly recognized12:28
wols_or it could be your mobo maker screwed up, I don't know12:29
sokirihell i was told to come here and ask for fglrx from the ubuntu restricted driver12:29
wols_!ati | sokiri12:29
sokiri*hello even12:29
ubotusokiri: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:29
[Chief]wols_: k, thx12:29
tho1lonejack there is a small X utility that displays all those characters. You can use that util to copy a character into the clipboard. I am looking to see if I can find it for you. There are also similar gnome- and kde- specific utilties that perform the same function, but I don't use either gnome or kde12:31
frederickmy friend is saying he's getting dpkg-reconfigure as command not found12:32
frederickwhat could be wrong with his system?12:32
* Microslave gets mad at compiz ... 12:32
user42hello everyone12:33
wols_frederick: he isn't using sudo12:33
frederickwols_: i see12:33
wols_the command only makes sense when run under root priviledges12:34
scguy318wols_: for command not found?12:34
scguy318wols_: if you run it as a user it'll ask you to run as root12:34
scguy318frederick: perhaps your friend possibly mistyped, though he'll probably need the sudo bit too12:35
neztitiguys please help me   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49787/12:36
user42im glad ubuntu defaults to gnome, its much less bloated than kde12:36
tho1lonejack in gnome it is gucharmap, kde kcharselect12:36
wols_user42: you might be mistaken12:36
lonejacktho1: thank you very much12:36
user42well all distros that have a gnome and kde release, have a larger kde release12:37
frederickwols_: some guy who doesn't know about #ubuntu yet12:37
user42or well, all that i have noted12:37
wols_scguy318: it's in /usr/sbin which is not in a user's path, only root's. so yes, just typing dpkg-reconfigure gives you command not found12:37
frederickwols_: or any command line arguments12:37
Tha1i've got a question regarding configuring Apache2 and Subversion12:37
uchazcoHi... can i prevent my laptop running fsck when its on battery?12:37
user42i duno it might be my hardware specifics, but kde crashes a lot more than gnome12:38
ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org12:38
lonejacktho1: another people told me how to type that char, It's easy: Alt+'...12:39
scguy318wols_: /usr/sbin is in my path, I guess that only applies to the default account?12:40
wols_scguy318: it shouldn't be in your user's path12:40
MYRM1D0Nwhen i go to xbox.com.... it says to install missing plugins... so i select it... it says to install adobe flash player... once i select that... it says cannot find flash plugin-nonfree.... any help?12:40
wols_!flashissue | MYRM1D0N12:40
ubotuMYRM1D0N: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.12:40
scguy318wols_: but it is, and I don't recall tweaking it so hmm12:40
albatorGood morning12:41
Microslavewols_: it is in my path as well (well default/main user it is ) I added it on all subsequent user12:41
wols_then maybe there are differences, I've encountered ubuntus without it12:41
tho1wols_ logged in via ssh to my server (7.10) and both sbin directories are part of the path for a normal user12:42
MYRM1D0Nok, thanx for the info... any idea how long the fix will take?12:43
JWayhow can I adjust the touchpad on my laptop so that it takes a lighter press with the finger to click?12:43
tho1wols_ all three.../sbin /usr/sbin and /usr/local/sbin12:43
albatorDo you still have to use ndis wrapper for broadcom wireless cards in ubuntu gusty?12:43
scguy318albator: you might if bcm43xx doesn't cut it for you12:43
lesshaste_what is people's favourite tool to convert videos to a format an ipod can play?12:43
lesshaste_most likely mp412:43
wols_albator: no12:43
wols_!broadcom | albator12:43
ubotualbator: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx12:43
scguy318lesshaste_: ffmpeg12:44
lesshaste_scguy318, interesting12:44
bazhanglesshaste_: podencoder?12:44
Microslavewols_: cat /etc/login.defs |grep -i path12:44
dankerhi all12:44
lesshaste_bazhang, aha! :)12:44
dankerkto po russki govorit12:44
albatorgetting "error Microcode "bcm43XX_microcode5.fw" not available" in dmesg12:44
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:44
wols_albator: obviously. maybe you should read the link?12:45
Wander_walbator: install bcm43xx-fwcutter12:45
lesshaste_bazhang, thanks12:45
albatorwill do!12:45
bazhanghttp://linuxappfinder.com/package/podencoder lesshaste_12:45
user42kde 4.1 comes out jan11, when will kubuntu incorporate kde4.x?12:45
lesshaste_bazhang, thanks... looks great12:45
wols_user42: hardy12:46
lesshaste_except..which package has mp4box?12:46
khelllhow to restart the memcached server?12:46
neztitiguys what error here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49787/12:46
bazhanghttp://diveintomark.org/archives/2006/08/30/ipod-video-howto lesshaste_12:47
lesshaste_bazhang, I've got it thanks :)12:47
lesshaste_gpac is what was missing12:47
bazhanglesshaste_: no worries12:47
lesshaste_bazhang, why is there a separate mencoder and mplayer package?12:48
bazhangnot sure12:48
user42im a nooblet12:48
Microslaveneztiti: short answer; there is a package you want to install that everything else requires but it can;t be installed...12:48
bazhangsorry for the early enter lesshaste_12:48
lesshaste_bazhang, :)12:48
albatorNice and simple, would be nice if there was some wizzard or something to enable it for newbs "wirless just works" is killer feature imo12:49
bmacki just installed kubuntu to dual-boot with windows vista, on the boot-up i was wonder if there is a way i can change the way it boots up. it gives me 3 ubuntu options and 1 vista is there a way to narrow it to 1 vista and 1 ubuntu?12:50
Wander_walbator: I believe that there is a "Install restricted firmware" question on the taskbar, so I think its pretty obvious12:50
gnomeboyi need help ..i installed compiz and activated something..whenever my mouse scrolls over a window .,that window is selected12:50
Buyydeeyes, try sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst12:50
gnomeboyhow to deactivate ut12:50
albatoru think my grannie knows what that means?12:51
Buyydeebmack: at the end of the file, there are the entries of your OS12:51
Wander_walbator: You think your granny can pull of a fresh Ubuntu install?12:51
user42gnomeboy thats in compiz fusion settings manager12:51
user42you can disable that there12:51
bmackis ubuntu recovery mode and memtest needed?12:51
gnomeboyyea wat is it called12:51
Buyydeebmack: delete the ones you don't like12:51
wols_Wander_w: since my granny can't install windows or ubuntu or OSX, who cares12:51
user42what you said, just do "advanced search"12:52
IndyGunFreakbmack: i would not delete recoverymode12:52
IndyGunFreakand don't delete them, just comment them out12:52
Buyydeebmack: you might need them when the system doesn't work properly, but you can start them from the cd12:52
Wander_wwols_: indeed12:52
Microslavewols_: :)12:52
albatorisnt the idea to continue to make the OS as simple to use as possible?12:52
bmacklove kubuntu btw :)12:52
IndyGunFreakthe minute you delete them, you'll need them, then its a pain in the ass12:52
user42compiz fusion is so damn cool12:52
Buyydeeindygunfreak: true12:52
_Lemon_Hey, I have one Windows XP machine which has an ad-hoc wireless network set up on it, my computer can connect to it with Windows but my Ubuntu installation can't seem to connect at all, what can I do to remedy the situation?12:53
albatorI only mention it as there is already some really nice un techy symatics included in other things12:53
user42is ubuntu the first distro to really make an attempt at linuxifying noobs?12:53
IndyGunFreakthats why the # sign is a beautiful thing... if you read menu.lst, it tells you if you put # in front of the line, it will be ignored12:53
* Kirua_ fais la pompom girl12:53
andysYesterday I foolishly installed a kernel update on my xubuntu 7.10. I encrypted the hd with dm-crypt (wiki) and so it doesn|t boot after that kernel update. what should I do now? I already tried following the tutorial again, but I either get a file not found error when booting or a cant boot from selected partition error12:53
wols_bmack: why would you want to delete it?12:53
Wander_wuser42: No, not by a long shot12:53
IndyGunFreakso you put the # sign in front of a menu listing, it won't be shown.., if you need it, all you have to do is delete the pound sign12:53
user42oh, ok12:53
gnomeboyuser42 i still cant find it12:53
wols_IndyGunFreak: you can edit grub menu "on the fly", tho I doubt bmack could do it when he actually needs it12:53
Wander_wuser42: But it is one of the first that noobs actually notice12:53
bmackmy girl isnt to computer smart and doesnt know which to choose12:54
user42gnomeboy hold on ill find it12:54
IndyGunFreakwols_: and that is my point.12:54
IndyGunFreaki didn't say it couldn't be done12:54
bmackso id rather it just boot vista for her by default12:54
wols_IndyGunFreak: not to mention it will be back after the next update-grub12:54
wols_bmack: then set vista as default12:54
IndyGunFreakwols_: again though, you're dealing with people here who are clueless about linux.12:54
turbocueca__When I share a folder using samba @ ubuntu gutsy, I can see the folder in the network, but while accessing it, says it doesn't exist12:54
user42gnomeboy i have seen it before, but now i cant find it either, wierd12:56
IndyGunFreakbmack: doesn't know which o choose?  just set grub to give you 15-20sec to choose, i would think she'd know how to choose vista... i'd hope anyway12:56
user42it shouldnt raise window on mouse over by default12:56
IndyGunFreakregardless though, Vista as default should work fine.12:56
bmackError: "/var/tmp/kdecache-bmack" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0. Error: "/tmp/kde-bmack" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0 Error: "/tmp/ksocket-bmack" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 012:57
* Microslave gets downright angry with compiz.. ok, now I know it's the problem... I have this lappie with ATI video card, with the fglx driver and compiz the thing over heats and shuts off.... I remove compiz it does come close to overheating12:57
Wander_wI'd say; If your girlfriend isn't computer-smart, then set Ubuntu as default.. Did that for my girlfriend when she broke Windows12:57
gnomeboyi remember seeing it..now i cant find it >_<12:57
IndyGunFreakWander_w: lol.. good point12:57
Wander_wMicroslave: That is not a problem of compiz, it's your hardware that malfunctions12:57
MicroslaveWander_w: worked well?  my girl keeps breaking `doze and I haven't gotten up to formatting her system12:57
user42lol gnome i have no idea where that thing is, i searched for "raise" "mouse" "mouse over" and got nothing12:58
Wander_wMicroslave: yes, works like a charm12:58
albatorMy gran has been useing ubuntu for around 3 years, she can break a computer  by looking at it12:58
gnomeboyany1 else know how to shut off the auto raise window in conpiz?12:58
user42if you like eye candy you should install avant window manager, its like the macintosh dock12:58
Wander_wMicroslave: But I must say, my girlfriend doesn't use ANY software outside a browser12:58
bmackany reason why i get those errors?12:58
MicroslaveWander_w: mine either12:59
Buyydeegnomeboy: yes, start the config-program by typing gnome-compiz-preferences12:59
Wander_wMicroslave: then go for it12:59
gnomeboyn then?12:59
gnomeboyi use ccsm12:59
Wander_wMicroslave: My girlfriend was pretty pleased by the fast bootup, and lack of options (I set Windowmaker with just 1 icon on it (browser))13:00
Buyydeegnomeboy: on the second tab, there is a field right at the top, remove the check13:00
jhaigNot entirely sure what I have done, but now every time I click on a link in Firefox, the link opens in a background tab, and the scroll wheel on my mouse changes the size of the text, instead of scrolling the page.  Anyone know what I might have turned on, and how to turn it off again?  Thanks.13:00
Wander_wMicroslave: I allso set the poweroff button (the one on the case) to act as a "proper" shutdown procedure; it's really easy for her13:01
Buyydeejhaig: sounds like ctrl-lock :D maybe reboot? or broken keyboard13:01
MicroslaveWander_w: well, I could blame the ATI M24 (mobility x600) chip but it's ATI I except it act like crap13:01
singhthanks to all for making ubuntu a great stuff13:02
jhaigBuyydee: I'm using synergy.  Might that be causing problems?13:02
Wander_wMicroslave: Any hardware that overheats from normal use is BROKEN in my opinion13:02
Buyydeejhaig: i'm not familiar with that, sry13:02
user42i wish i could pay my respect to open source developers without having to donate money13:02
MicroslaveWander_w: I was thinking if setting it to be more as a sleep/hibernate; she doesn't turn her laptop off13:02
Wander_wuser42: then donate code, or translate some applications13:02
BlinkizI would like to test if "twofish-cbc-essiv:sha256" is faster than "aes-cbc-essiv:sha256". Can anyone recommend a tool for that?13:02
BlinkizI would like to test if "twofish-cbc-essiv:sha256" is faster than "aes-cbc-essiv:sha256". Can anyone recommend a tool for that?13:02
Wander_wMicroslave: Good idea13:02
jhaigBuyydee: Synergy is for using one mouse and keyboard for two (or more) machines.13:03
user42i could do some nice howto's13:03
theunixgeekHow can I install templates in Nautilus?13:03
Wander_wuser42: Great idea! go for it13:03
user42and i have an extremely valuable nvidia hack that fixes a huge compiz fusion thats heavily reported13:03
rhetoric*sigh* i did something very bad. i changed /etc/fstab while a NFS mount was mounted, then tried to unmount it, now i've broken gnome ><13:04
theunixgeekHow do I install templates in nautilus?13:04
Wander_wuser42: Really? where can I find it? I still get black flickerings now and then13:04
Buyydeejhaig: might be, unplug your keyboard from the device and plug it in directly to your computer while it is off, then start it. if the problem persists, your synergy isn't the source. be back here then :)13:04
user42the black flickering is caused by the theme13:05
user42if the theme is set to something thats not skinned you wont see that black flicker on any menu or anything13:06
Wander_wuser42: Really? then why does it work allright untill after I open 15+ applications?13:06
AliTarihiHi everyone!13:06
singhsomtimes my monitor gets blank after successful booting.13:06
AliTarihiI have a question: I've installed the latest Nvidia driver but I have no 3D acceleration.13:07
rhetoricif i log in to gnome (even the default session) my system load goes through the roof and im unable to do anything :( god i feel stupid atm13:07
user42beats me, less resources i guess. if you right click on the desktop and hit change desktop background, then go to the theme tab, and hit customize, and select the thinice theme you wont have black flickering13:07
singhi witness all the booting process but after gdm is started it suddenly gets blank on the monitor13:07
user42but the main nvidia problem im talking about is that nvidia downclocks its cards when theres no intensive 3d animation going on, but it doesnt react quickly enough to speed back up when you, say, drag a window after a short idle period13:08
Microslave"why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill"....13:08
singhhelp !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11somtimes my monitor gets blank after successful booting.13:08
singhi witness all the booting process but after gdm is started it suddenly gets blank on the monitor13:08
user42so you get a real choppy response for a few seconds, which ruins tons of animations13:08
acidicchipsingh, turn off your screen saver?13:09
Wander_wuser42: Yeah, I noticed that, never knew that was because of the video clock13:09
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines13:09
user42while true; do nvidia-settings -q all > /dev/null; sleep 25; done13:09
Microslavesingh: what happens if you move your mouse around?13:09
Wander_wuser42: What's the fix for that then?13:09
user42make that an executable and put it in autostart13:09
user42fixes it completely13:09
singhit is just blank not take any movement any key pressed into consideration13:10
AliTarihiI have a question: I've installed the latest Nvidia driver but I have no 3D acceleration.13:10
singhits completely freezes13:10
rhetoricso yeah im a complete moron and i changed the fstab entry of an NFS share, then tried to unmount it, then changed it back, then tried to unmount it, and now i cant get into gnome without system load going so high i cant do anything13:11
Wander_wuser42: well... that probably keeps the GPU running at full speed all the time then? not so nice for my laptop then :(13:11
singhMicroslave: it completely freezes13:11
rhetorici got into an X terminal session but i dont know what to do to rescue my system13:11
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:11
user42hmm yeah, but then compiz fusion isnt good either, if you dont like heat and low battery life13:11
Unknown50267i've installed gdesklets, now how can i run it?13:12
=== Unknown50267 is now known as Rufus_
tehkIs there any way to change the copy paste keybindings to super-C and super-V13:12
Wander_wuser42: true, true13:12
user42i havent noticed much of a decrease in battery life using that hack. i thought i would but i dont13:13
=== nick__ is now known as rhanns
herbalisehi is have added my ubuntu to the domain an can login with domain user.  is there a way to pass credentials while browsing smb shares using nautilus? so i don't have to type use name and password again?13:14
freakynlhey there, i have an ubuntu server machine on which i want to install vmware server. vwmare server needs the kernel headers to build some modules. now i'm running 2.6.20-15-server. if i want to d/l the headers it wants to fetch the 2.6.20-16-server headers. i'm not running that kernel and I can't reboot the machine. can i still get the 2.6.20-15-server headers somewhere?13:15
chrasohello chennal13:15
thomahasamoothello, folks13:16
user42im going to sleep, goodnight13:16
Microslavefreakynl: yes, be specific in your apt-get13:16
thomahasamootsweet dreams13:16
* Kirua_ urla13:16
freakynlMicroslave: yea just figured it out, apt-cache search doesn't show the older versions tho13:16
* Kirua_ fit un clonage (technqiue), et les clones essayerent de débarasser mike de sechs13:16
Microslaveapt-cache search linux-headers-2.6.20-15  and  it's there13:17
Pici!fr | Kopfgeldjaeger13:17
ubotuKopfgeldjaeger: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.13:17
brobostigon!fr | kirua13:17
ubotukirua: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.13:17
Picibrobostigon: thanks, tab complete is a bit off this morning ;)13:17
thomahasamootI'm having trouble w/ X11, nVidia 8600, Kubuntu 7.10 alt amd64, any kind sould care to help?13:17
Kopfgeldjaeger?! Pici13:17
PiciKopfgeldjaeger: tab complete mismatch, sorry.13:18
thomahasamootthe error I got was could not connect to /dev/nividia0... because there wasn't one13:20
Rufus_i've installed gdesklets, now how can i run it?13:22
porchohi there. I have a doubt regarding DNS functionallity. does an operating system (wheter *nix or Windows) perform DNS local cache by default?13:23
thomahasamootso I installed the latest drivers from www.nividia.com13:23
IndyGunFreakthomahasamoot: why did you do that?13:24
IndyGunFreakand are you sure they're installed.13:24
* Microslave looks for a cig and a cup of coffee ... anyone else want coffee?13:24
berkesI want/need to buy a new graphics card. What brand/type a) suppotrs ubuntu best b) has properly released open source drivers?13:26
thomahasamootIndyGunFreak: no, now the kernel symbols are mismatched... so I tried reinstalling the apt-get drivers, and kernel... but the symbols are still messed up13:26
IndyGunFreakberkes: Nvidia should work fine.13:26
Wander_wporcho: No, I don't think that DNS requests are normally cached, however, you can put up a caching DNS server yourself13:26
IndyGunFreak!hardware | berkes13:26
ubotuberkes: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection13:26
berkesIndyGunFreak: mkay, do they play "the OSS game" nicely? 'Cause right now I have this ATI and they suck when it comes to open sourcing stuff13:27
porchoWander_w: I see. thanks!13:27
thomahasamootberkes: ATI just realesed all their info13:27
IndyGunFreakberkes: guess it depends on the card, i don't play to many games...but the few i play, are ine.13:27
IndyGunFreakthomahasamoot: did tey>13:28
berkesits mostly a political decision. I want to buy from manufacturors that play nice. To support them, and to make sure others will follow.13:28
IndyGunFreaki hadn't heard that13:28
Wander_wberkes: NVIDIA doesn't play the opensource game AT ALL, they do however, release a quality closed source driver for Linux13:28
berkesthomahasamoot: still flglx is not OSS;13:28
thomahasamootIndyGunFreak: yeap, but it was a short time ago, so the OSS drivers probley aren't ready yet13:29
berkesWander_w: thanks, that's a couple of thumbs down for an Nvidia card then :)13:29
IndyGunFreakberkes: you're likely not going to find a video card that is 100% open source13:29
Microslaveberkes: video cards and drivers is very competitive you will not find 100% open source13:29
IndyGunFreakthomahasamoot: interesting, hadn't heard that13:29
Wander_wIndyGunFreak: Well, last I heard the Intel ones were pretty much all opensource13:29
berkesIndyGunFreak: It needs not be all-Floss, just that there are proper GPLed drivers around, supported by the manufaturor is fine13:29
TeTeTis there a voice command system for Ubuntu?13:29
=== roger__ is now known as Reglaa
IndyGunFreakWander_w: really?.. i can't get the intel graphics drivers installed on my laptop...13:29
Microslaveberkes: ATI and NVidia play well enough with Linux these days, Nvidia a bit better IHMO but some will disagree13:30
Fish-Gutshey folks13:30
IndyGunFreakMicroslave: id have to agree w/ that, i like Nvidia, cuz i run dual monitors, and it was a pain in ATI..., Nvidia it takes all of about 4min13:30
Wander_wIndyGunFreak: Well... then maybe my memory isn't what it used to be :)13:30
berkesfound this. https://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/video nice enough13:30
IndyGunFreakWander_w: lol.. we all hae that prob13:30
Wander_wMicroslave: Yeah, nvidia cards are better to use, but less open than ati's13:30
ReglaaCan anyone recommend a gutsy alternative to peerguardian2?13:31
MicroslaveIndyGunFreak: video cards starts wars as bad as vi vs emacs13:31
IndyGunFreakMicroslave: lol, or KDE vs Gnome... that one gets bloody13:31
thomahasamootso how do I go about fixing X11?13:31
IndyGunFreakthomahasamoot: why didn't you just use the restricted driver manager?13:32
arte_hi there has any1 a problem when firefox freezes bcoz of flash video?13:32
thomahasamootI did13:32
Wander_wvi is the BEST editor there is!13:32
berkesWander_w: I, myself hardly play any games. Though with the Beryl stuff, I do like some 3d acceleration.13:32
MicroslaveIndyGunFreak: that one I thunk everyone on... who needs a desktop env. you just a wm :)13:32
IndyGunFreaki thought you said you downloaded the driver from nvidia?13:32
* syc_ brb, makan dolo...13:32
thomahasamootand it worked... until it stoped after rebooting while trying to get KVM working13:33
herbalisehi is have added my ubuntu to the domain an can login with domain user.  is there a way to pass credentials while browsing smb shares using nautilus? so i don't have to type use name and password again?13:33
arte_can any1 help me to avoid firefox freezin when watchin flash video on utube etc ..13:33
freakynlis ipv6 backwards compatible with ipv4? xinetd binds a port to tcp<port>, ssh binds to tcp6 :::22, bind is crazy and binds to tcp6 :::53 and all my IP's (over a 100) seperately tcp <ip>:5313:34
thomahasamootI downloaded the driver, after it stoped working, then I noticed they just realest a new version... so I thought I'd try it... pluss usplash has /never/ worked13:34
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:35
Microslavedamn my gf is snoring again...   time to roll her back over to her side.....13:35
r_gtido anyone knows how i can install ubuntu amd64 with alternative cd?13:35
IndyGunFreakthomahasamoot: usplash, i'm pretty sure thats a gutsy problem, none of my gutsy boxes, usplash works.13:35
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork13:36
arte_Microslave: i wud kill her13:36
bazhangMicroslave: you have a support question?13:36
Myrttir_gti: other than download the iso, burn it, pop it in and install=13:36
bazhangarte_: support question?13:36
IndyGunFreakr_gti: 64bit Ubuntu has an alternate CD.13:36
arte_at last baz13:37
IndyGunFreakr_gti: but if you're new to Linux/Ubuntu, i'd suggest sticking w/ 32bit for the time being.13:37
r_gtiMytti i done all theese i had install ubuntu before with live cd but know the xserver dont start in the live cd with amd64 version of ubuntu13:37
herbalisehi is have added my ubuntu to the domain an can login with domain user.  is there a way to pass credentials while browsing smb shares using nautilus? so i don't have to type use name and password again?13:37
arte_baz still hear me ?13:37
thomahasamootIndyGunFreak: I think I need a clean kernel and to download the apt-get driver at this point... is that right?13:37
IndyGunFreakthomahasamoot: probably13:37
r_gtii put 4gb ram and 32bit dont recognize it in my laptop13:37
simmerzi can't seem to get my phone to see my laptop via bluetooth. the laptop is set up as turned on and discoverable13:38
ace_im gonna give suspend a try13:38
* ace_ crosses fingers13:38
Microslavebazhang: nope .... just killing time and giving my tim to answer any questions people may have that i know the answers to...13:38
r_gtiso i want install amd64 version13:38
ace_wish me luck13:38
IndyGunFreakr_gti: have fun13:38
MyrttiMicroslave: so keep the offtopic to #ubuntu-offtopic, and support here13:38
thomahasamootIndyGunFreak: the trouble is I'm not sure how to get it clean...13:38
Fish-Gutsi recently changed from debian to ubuntu. does ubuntu come with only 2 workspaces?13:38
MyrttiFish-Guts: you can add them as many as you like13:38
simmerzFish-Guts: right click and change it if you want 413:38
IndyGunFreakthomahasamoot: good question, might be easier to reinstall13:38
arte_ny brain.dll dznt worl plz help ... lol13:38
bazhangarte_: you need to type out my full nick; first three letters and tab key will do it--what is the issue?13:39
Wander_wsimmerz: I think most phones look for specific bleutooth profiles (like the headset profile) and won't show other devices13:39
r_gtithe way to install ubuntu from alternative disc is the same like live cd?13:39
thomahasamootIndyGunFreak: you mean the whole system?13:39
Fish-Gutsah, my bad :)13:39
Fish-Gutssorry for bothering13:39
IndyGunFreakthats what *I* would do, i don't generally trouble shoot much though when I screw something up13:39
arte_bazhang, the problem is i think ur bot13:39
simmerzWander_w: normally it will see a laptop or another phone. it used to see it when i had gentoo on it13:40
IndyGunFreakyou make it sound like installing is a huge chore.. i an have my system back up, and completely configured, along w/ all my music, movies, etc.(around 12-15gigs), back in place in about an hour.13:40
bazhangarte_: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please13:40
Wander_wsimmerz: then maybe ubuntu has different profiles enabled/disabled?13:40
arte_i ask the question twice before cud u plz put ur head up13:40
r_gtialso i want to learn if anyone use compiz with geforce 8600m gt13:41
simmerzWander_w: well normally it will notice a computer, laptop or desktop or otherwise13:41
thomahasamootIndyGunFreak: welll... I'll look... but I don't think it'll figure out my LVM setup13:41
kkouwesometimes when i trie to load my webpage (apache), i get the firefox error ("The connection was reset"). No entry in the error log (debug mode)... Can someone point me a direction?13:41
arte_bazhang, firefox freezes when i try to watch flash video on youtube, if truly when goin from 1 video to another13:42
arte_bazhang, ???13:42
bazhangarte_: you have the latest version of ubuntu gutsy 7.10?13:43
arte_yes sir13:43
IndyGunFreakflash never freezes on me, don't know why people keep having probs w/ it.13:43
thomahasamootIndyGunFreak: you still here?13:43
arte_u guessed or ur copperfield ?13:43
arte_bazhang, so ..13:44
IndyGunFreakarte_: how did you install flash?13:44
ace__somuch for suspend but hibernate works ;)13:44
arte_IndyGunFreak, firefox plugin install13:44
Microslavearte_: try the swfdec-mozilla dpkg instead13:45
IndyGunFreakarte_: i knwo there was some issues w/ the firefox plugin install, i downloaded the tarball from adobe.com and installed that way, and never a prob.13:45
dejandwhile installing ubuntu my pc just freezes, what's wrong?:S13:45
IndyGunFreakmaybe uninstall and download it from adobe, i don't know.13:45
dejandwhen "installing system"13:45
IndyGunFreakdejand: how fst did you burn the disk?13:46
herbalisecan somebody point me to a guide for joining my ubuntu to a active directory domain13:46
arte_ok tnx but i think ffx sux can u recommend better browser ?13:46
herbaliseubuntu 7.0413:46
IndyGunFreakdejand: reburn, and burn SLOW13:46
dejandherbalise i'm rewritin it again13:46
dejandyou think that's the problem?13:46
dejandokey i set 10x speed13:46
Microslavearte_: flock isn;t bad nither is opera13:46
kkouwesometimes when i trie to load my webpage, i get the firefox error ("The connection was reset"). No entry in the error log (debug mode)... Can someone point me a direction?13:46
IndyGunFreakdejand: more like 2-4x13:46
arte_how cud i install plugins on opera13:46
dejandIndyGunFreak 10x is lowest i can get13:47
IndyGunFreakarte_: i've not gotten flash tow ork in opera..., but some have13:47
arte_flock ? never heard about hmm13:47
IndyGunFreakdejand: if you says so.13:47
Wander_wdejand: There is a "check CD" option when you boot the CD, try that to rule out any cd-burn errors13:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flock - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:47
Microslavearte_: I believe flock is based on moz's code but I'm not positive in that13:47
arte_Microslave, i see ...13:47
Microslavearte_: Linux.com wrote an article on it not to long ago13:48
arte_Microslave, tnx mate13:48
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:49
* syc_ wareggggg13:49
rhetoriccan anyone help me try to rescue my laptop i really did something horrible13:51
Xplicitif i acces a truecrypt volume (ext) on an ntfs drive will it be slower than on a fat drive?13:51
Myrttirhetoric: something horrible being what13:52
Wander_wXplicit: Probably, fat is probably slower than ntfs anyway13:52
rhetoricMyrtti: i tried to unmount an NFS share after changing its fstab entry13:52
rhetoricMyrtti, then i changed the entry back, and tried again13:53
rhetoricMyrtti: now every time i start gnome, my system load goes through the roof13:53
rhetoricMyrtti, even a default session of gnome13:54
Xplicitwill i suffer a real performance hit using a true crypt volume on an ntfs partition as my home then?13:54
chazcoIs it possible to generate an apt-get command from Synaptic?13:54
rhetoricI'm running top and "apport" is at the top of the CPU list, which makes no sense13:54
Wander_wXplicit: Well, it won't make it any faster, but I'm not shure you'd be able to tell it's slower13:55
gnomeboyhow to get the field describtion for vmstats in terminal?13:56
Xplicitok thx, its not that im a paranoid freak just that theyre out to get me and i NEED to encrypt all my data lol13:56
freakynlgnomeboy: ? it's right above the lines13:56
Wander_wXplicit: Well, you can allways try it, and if you don't like it for whatever reasons then you just change back13:57
gnomeboyi mean the command to get it...besides googlign13:57
ace__i love "tilda" terminal emulator13:57
freakynlgnomeboy: man vmstat13:57
gnomeboyis there a command to make the terminal display/13:57
ace__anyone else love tilda as much as me?13:57
Wander_wwho is tilda?13:58
sayersgnomeboy, you can go into the key settings and make a short cut for it13:58
fadeyHi,everyone.I've upgraded the system today and I'm getting the following error "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-UUID/blah... does not exists" while the kernel is booting.Did anyone get the same thing?13:58
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE13:58
sayersWander_w, a terminal emulator like in games where you pres a key and it drops down.13:58
freakynlace__: depends if she turns into a cag of beer and my best friends after the deed13:58
ace__tilda is just another quake console type terminal emulator13:58
sayersWander_w, wait I was confused it is also a key right above tab left of 113:58
Wander_wcan't say i'd be impressed by that13:59
sayersIf you used the terminal a lot you would be.13:59
Wander_w1 terminal isn't enough anyway13:59
Wander_w(got nine running now)13:59
ace__thats why god created `screen`13:59
Wander_wI like to keep 9 terminals on 1 screen, keeps stuff easily accesable14:00
ace__but hey whats the key combo to open the "run comman" dialog14:00
sayersWander_w, 9 is a bit much :)14:00
Wander_wsayers: no its not14:00
sayersunless you dont have a desktop environment14:00
Wander_wsayers: I have a desktop enviroment14:01
sayersI doubt all 8 are being used or you love terminal apps14:01
Wander_wsayers: in the old days I used to have as much as 18 running, didn't have an IDE then14:01
sayersOr your a developer :)14:01
Wander_wyes, am an developer14:01
Xplicitthe help for ntfs-3g is out dated, for 7.10 do i still install ntfs-3g and follow 7.04 instructions?14:02
ace__i think the only real thinkg keeping me in a window manager is firefox14:02
PiciXplicit: ntfs-3g is already installed in 7.1014:02
sayersWander_w, well I use ubuntu as my desktop nonstop and at most have like 3 tabs in a terminal open for server work14:03
Wander_wsayers: Well: to each his own style, but I've used all the terminals (9) at least once today14:03
sayersI use the terminal for SCP a lot14:04
sayersI don't trust nautilus for network copy files except for SAMBA14:04
argieHello, does anyone here know what to do when your partition table is mashed by the Ubuntu installer?14:04
pawangoogle talk for ubuntu14:04
rhetoricsayers: pour some gravy on and get to eatin? sorry i couldnt help it14:04
sayersargie, that isn't very spacific?14:05
Wander_w1 runs cocoon (a webserver-like program) 1 for top, then some general-use ones, mostly grepping and editing files14:05
sayersrhetoric, ?14:05
rhetoricsayers: sorry i meant argie :)14:05
earthlingpawan:if you have 7.10 you can use pidgin14:05
sayersPidgin is great ;)14:05
WorkingOnWis1i have totally screwed up my gnome session somehow. If I log in to a gnome session, everything in the panels, and the panes themselves, crash, leaving me only the desktop, and alt-f2 to run apps. I can log into an E-Gnome session (gnome using enlightenment) and the default panels load and all is good. Whats the fastest way to get my regular Gnome defaults back?14:06
Wander_wWorkingOnWis1: delete the .gnome directory in your home directory?14:06
argieHere's the forum thread I posted in detail in: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65202014:07
argieBasically, what happened is ubiquity crashed while partitioning and now both GParted and Ubiquity show the drive as unpartitioned. However fdisk reports that the partitions exist and that "Partition table entries are not in disk order". It also claims that "Warning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partition table 5 will be corrected by w(rite)".14:07
rhetoricso.. can anyone help with this horrible mess i made with NFS14:07
argieHowever, it's labelled 'Warning:' and I suppose I only have one shot at this so I'd like to know what I should do from someone who knows what it's about.14:08
chazcoHi... using the keyboard shortcuts tool I have setup my remote to work Totem... is there any way I can make it work on Kaffeine also (i think i need to find where the keyboard shortcut editor on the menu saves its commands)14:08
Regelchazco, infrared remote?14:09
Wander_wargie: I'd make a backup of your partition table; you should use dd for that like: dd if=/dev/hda of=~/my_partition_table_backup count=123   Lookup the correct way to do this14:09
chazcoRegel - yep14:09
Regelchazco, try 'IRkick'14:09
chazcoIt acts like a keyboard, so I set the PLAY button to work as play/pause with the keyboard shortcuts (so no extra apps)... but it only works on Totem, not kaffeine14:10
justbluemailhi, when I try to set desktop effects from none no normal or extra I get this "Desktop effects could not be enabled". The desktop effects had worked already but they stop working ofter something I did ( I think it was when I was trying to run cs source with wine but not sure).  Does anyone know how to fix this?14:10
herbaliseanybody used http://sadms.sourceforge.net to add ubuntu 7.10 to active directory domain?14:10
wols_justbluemail: what driver do you use?14:10
Regelchazco, it should give you something to configure with KDE programs such as amarok and kaffeine14:10
argiewander_w: Thank you. I'll do that now.14:10
justbluemailwols: I didn't installed any driver14:11
Regelchazco, it's in the package called kdelirc14:11
fadeyHi. I'm missing /dev/disk directory after the kernel update. Can't use new kernel. Does anyone know how I could fix that?14:11
rhetoricwhen i start gnome, in a default session or not (doesnt matter) my CPU goes crazy and i cant do anything/nothing loads. system load is through the roof.14:11
|Z_E_R_O|fadey:  maybe now that directory has another name14:12
EtteSBcan you make a ubuntu liveCD without DLing something. IE can ubuntu make one by its self?14:12
chazcoRegel - most of the IR apps dont work with it, since it pretends to be a keyboard... its like pressing the PLAY key on a multimedia keyboard... but since Kaffeine isnt installed by default it doesnt seem to work with the gnome keyboard shortcuts tool14:12
axelorHerbailise: do you have krb5 installed?14:12
wols_justbluemail: you did. no driver: no X. so what driver do you use?14:12
rhetorici mounted an NFS share, changed its fstab entry, then tried to unmount. then i changed the entry back to how it was and tried to unmount again. system slowed to a crawl so i rebooted, now EVERY boot is like this. please help :(14:12
Regelchazco,  you should try to google for lirc configs for that remove14:12
chazcoRegel - lirc doesnt work with it14:13
argiewander_w: Any idea how large the resulting backup should be? Mine happened extremely fast, and I don't trust it.14:13
ifireballrhetoric: I leave you for a couple of hours... :P14:13
rhetoricifireball :(14:13
justbluemailwols: here it says ati mach 8,mach 32, mach 64 etc14:13
rhetoricifireball im so screwed atm :( i changed the entry and tried to unmount without realizing what i was doing14:14
HippotamusHow do I mount an NTFS external hard drive (usb) on Ubuntu 64 7.10?14:14
sjnimsanyone know the correct settings for sensors.conf to be used with lm-sensors on a winbond w83627ehf chip?14:14
Regelchazco, maybe there's a kde shortcut tool? =)14:14
fadey|Z_E_R_O|: /dev/disk/by-UUID is on that path. Now kernel can't find my root partition14:14
wols_justbluemail: what videocard do you have?14:14
rhetoricifireball, now i cant even get in gnome for all intents and purposes14:14
bazhangHippotamus: do you have the ntfs-3g package installed?14:14
BuyydeeHippotamus: just insert it, go to places -> computer and click on the item14:14
justbluemailwols: ati mobility radeon 900014:14
|Z_E_R_O|fadey ... i don't know sorry14:14
rhetoricifireball, the system load avg is 5.71 i can see my gnome panel heh14:14
ifireballrhetoric: doesn't sound NFS-related anyway, try commenting out the line in fstab and rebooting, the mounting thing shouldn't have such consequences14:14
wols_justbluemail: glxinfo |grep direct  output14:15
EtteSBhippotamus: stick it in the USB slot. should just work14:15
EtteSBcan you make a ubuntu liveCD without DLing something. IE can ubuntu make one by its self?14:15
Buyydeebazhang: ntfs works out of the box on gutsy 6414:15
rhetoricifireball, would a script running at startup with 2 blank lines at the end do it?14:15
revilodrawwhen viewing jpegs as a slideshow, each time it changes from one pic to the next, the screen flickers a bit crazy... any ideas how to stop this... apart from this, everything works perfectly14:15
axelorette, the default download for 7.10 is a live AND install cd14:15
HippotamusI get an error when I mount14:15
ifireballrhetoric: what script?14:15
justbluemailwols: what does that mean?14:15
bazhangBuyydee: nice to know! thanks14:15
rhetoricifireball, the only other thing i did was edit my start-compiz script and i left a blank line or two at the bottom maybe14:16
|Z_E_R_O|i have a problem with my reflex. i'm trying to import images in unbuntu but i can't open them because ubuntu don't know file type. from terminal i typed "file 001.jpg" and it returned "empty" what can i do?14:16
BuyydeeHippotamus: what is the error? And do you mount it manually?14:16
EtteSBaxelor: well i have ubuntu installed. and i no longer have the live CD that i installed with. im wanting to make another without downloading the install file again.14:16
rhetoricifireball, if i run top from a terminal (ctrl-alt-fkey) i can see "apport" taking ~5% CPU and it keeps dissapearing and reaapearing14:16
ifireballrhetoric: doesn't sound like the cause of the problem, but its easy to find out, disable compiz and see what happens...14:16
wols_justbluemail: it's a command to run14:16
HippotamusBuyydee: wait a second, I'll write it down14:16
boston`good afternoon14:17
revilodrawifireball; an easy way to disable compiz?14:17
noorI seem to be losing audio periodically.  A restart seems to fix it, but restarting ALSA doesn't.  This most recent time I was watching a two file movie and when it switched over to the second file the audio was no longer working! (this was in vlc and other programs like amarok had no sound)  The first time I noticed this problem was right after I installed the FF 3 beta yesterday...if that means anything.  Firefox was not running during any of14:17
noor this recent stuff, however.14:17
rhetoricifireball, but my CPU usage is shown at 70%+ constantly, and i cant load anything in gnome it's frozen pretty much14:17
Buyydeerevilodraw: system, preferences, appearance, then at the rightmost tab switch details to low14:17
Hippotamusbuyydee: Mount is denied because NTFS is in use.14:17
Wander_wrhetoric: try this command in a terminal and show me the results: ps -aeo stat,pid,fname | grep ^D14:17
rhetoricwander_w, 1 moment14:18
revilodrawbuyydee; oh yeh lol thanks14:18
justbluemailwols_: I placed that on console and got -> grep: output: File or folder does not exist14:18
ifireballrevilodraw: system->prefs->appearance->effects->set to none14:18
rhetoricWander_w, that isnt returning anything14:19
Wander_wrhetoric: damn14:19
ifireballrhetoric: lets take this one step at a time, disable compiz and the line in fstab and reboot, see what happens14:19
BuyydeeHippotamus: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 -o force14:19
rhetoricifireball, kk14:19
noorI guess for a specific question, how does one restart the audio stuff completely?14:19
ifireballrhetoric: also check diskspaces, see if you ran out somewhere14:20
revilodrawifireball: ok, well my problem is definitely caused by compiz.... when im playing jpegs as a slideshow, when it changes slides/pics the screen flickers black squares...14:20
ifireballrevilodraw: probably not enough screen memory, compiz has problems in that department14:20
revilodrawnoor; i dont know, have u made sure u r using the right device?14:21
kkouwei'm getting this error when i try 'apt-get -f install'14:21
kkouweErrors were encountered while processing:14:21
kkouwe /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.3.6.ds1-13etch4_amd64.deb14:21
revilodrawifireball; its a pretty good/new laptop14:21
Wander_wnoor: stop all applications using audio (including artsd and the like) then rmmod you sound card modules and modprobe them back in14:21
HippotamusBuyydee: I also use the drive for my windows, and it's not mine (borrowed), so it needs to still run with Win XP14:21
ifireballrevilodraw: that means nothing, where does is get its screen memory? does it has its own, does it share with RAM?14:22
noorrevilodraw, well, everything has beening working fine for weeks and it was working then suddenly stopped working14:22
rhetoricifireball, restarting now14:22
snchrptrdoes ubuntu have drivers for the asus eeePC?14:22
=== extracted is now known as Extracted
BuyydeeHippotamus: this command should not affect windows usage in any way14:22
revilodrawifireball; lol dont know14:22
ExtractedHow do you register a nick ?14:22
revilodrawnoor; i would try.... one sec14:22
cuteharezsnchrptr which driver14:22
HippotamusBuyydee: Ok, just wanted to be sure.14:23
ifireballrevilodraw: might as well have only 128mb of it...14:23
ExtractedHow do you register your Nick ?14:23
revilodrawnoor; system, preferences, sound, and make sure its the hda intel mixer14:23
snchrptrcuteharez: all of them? what i mean is has it been tested with the ePC. i'm sure it has specific drivers because of it's formfactor14:23
wols_justbluemail: glxinfo then14:23
wols_Extracted: /msg nickserv help14:23
revilodrawifireball; i dont really understand sorry14:23
TheEaglejoin #python14:23
Pici!register > Extracted (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)14:24
Blu3pr1ntTheEagle: /join is the right command ^^14:24
rhetoricifireball, removing the fstab entry seemed to fix it14:24
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rhetoricifireball, now the reason i changed the file in the first place... ok i had it mounted to a folder on my desktop14:25
noorrevilodraw, which one?  Device: is SiS SI7012 (Alsa mixer)14:25
ifireballrevilodraw: the amount of memory compiz needs = approx. sum of width*height of all open windows, that amounts to alot14:25
revilodrawnoor; try the other one14:25
melodosgrdo you guys know how do i change the color properties on gimp? i need a 14 color image to make my splashscreen..14:25
rhetoricifireball, BUT when i mounted it, ANOTHER icon appears, both going to the share (very ugly)14:25
kkouwehelp! apt-get -f install... isn't working, what to do now??14:25
rhetoricifireball, so should i just mount it to like /media/box2 and then make a desktop shortcut?14:25
cuteharezsnchrptr i'm sure there is just that you have to do some googling14:25
axelorkkouwe: what were u trying to install?14:26
bazhanghttp://www.gimp.org/tutorials/ melodosgr14:26
noorrevilodraw, huh, yeah, switching to the other one gets it working!14:26
kkouweaxelor: i did a simple upgrade14:26
revilodrawnoor; yay!!14:26
kkouweaxelor: yes14:26
revilodrawnoor and fireball; good night14:26
* syc_ off, wassalamualaikum wr wb14:26
ifireballrhetoric: well, the slowness might be due to network timeouts, see if you didn't lose the static IP we made on reboot...14:26
cuteharezsnchrptr isn't Eee PC a linux distro14:27
ifireballrhetoric: does it give you an icon when ts not mounted?14:27
bazhangcuteharez: join #eeepc14:27
Wander_wcuteharez: It's a version of Xandros Linux that the eeepc is using14:27
axelorkkouwe: what were u upgradeing from and what are u trying to upgrade to?14:27
Arelisis XGL safe to use?14:28
rhetoricifireball, the directory has to exist for it to be mounted BUT it loads another icon when i mount it, although it just occured to me why... i forgot where the setting is though14:28
snchrptrcuteharez: yeah but it's watered down. i'm going to install ubuntu or xp on it. whichever i can get to work better. i havent figured a lot of ubutntu out and i'd like to use it. but it's so hard to find answers. :P i've got it installed on my work laptop now and it seems to be doing ok14:28
kkouweaxelor: http://paste.lisp.org/display/5316014:28
rhetoricifireball, the setting to show things that get mounted (like cdrom) on the desktop is doing it14:28
ifireballrhetoric: the gnome slowness was probably due to nautilus doing wacky things with the fstab line... sometimes it tries to be _too_ friendly...14:28
rhetoricso yea i'll just mount it to like /media/box214:28
Wander_wPlease define "safe" Safe; it son't blow up the computer; safe; it'll work; safe; won't get an std from it14:28
TheEaglethanks Blu3pr1nt! but it was just a typing error :)14:28
Blu3pr1ntTheEagle: np ^^14:29
rhetoricifireball, it was probably because i was missing an "&" after my last command in that start-compiz script, and had like 2 blank lines after14:29
ifireballrhetoric: I really don't see how the 2 things are related14:29
rhetoricifireball, either way it's back to normal now14:29
rhetoricifireball, and i figured out my other issue, THANK YOU so much you've helped me a ton today14:30
ifireballrhetoric: n/p14:30
bazhangsnchrptr: www.eeeuser.com has the ubuntu answers14:30
rhetoricif you ever come to the Ohio State University area send me a PM (rhetoric) on ubuntu forums i owe ya a beer :)14:30
ifireballrhetoric: sure thing14:31
snchrptrbazhang: thanks!14:31
bazhangsnchrptr: no worries :}14:31
arvin_Hi, can anybody help me?14:31
rhetoricifireball, i figure to avoid the stupid ifup bug problem, i'll make my script like such: sudo ifdown, sudo ifup, mount14:31
bazhangask away arvin_14:31
pbxHI all. Is there any way to get aptitude to be smarter/faster when checking for installed apps?  Running a few selective "install" (upgrade) commands in a row I feel like there are some missed caching opportunities there. Or are all the cool kids using something else now?  Anyway, an example: http://dpaste.com/29205/14:32
arvin_I've got some problems, I'm trying to play WC314:32
arvin_But it's soo laggy14:32
arvin_With WIne (in ubuntu)14:32
rhetoricifireball, it seems to work via ifup just not on networking startup :/14:32
arvin_My computer is very good14:32
bazhangarvin_: wow? or warcraft3 under wine? not sure what wc3 is14:32
arvin_Warcraft III14:33
Proteusso I'm seeing ata_aux in top but ubuntu still isn't mounting my external drive14:33
ifireballrhetoric: ugly as hell, but of it works...14:33
Wander_wpbx: I'm a cool kid and I'm using apt-get14:33
rhetoricifireball, could i just remove the lines from /etc/network/interfaces and put it all in the script?14:33
rhetoricifireball, since it's doing no good there anyways14:34
rhetoricifireball, i could just script sudo ifconfig up options etc etc ya?14:34
earthlingarvin_: how much RAM?14:34
ProteusI've tried switching drives in the enclosure but I'm still not getting anything automounted14:34
ifireballrhetoric: neah, better leave it there, don't make it uglier then it already is14:34
bazhanghi JoeyV14:34
pbxWander_w, and is it faster than aptitude for stuff like that?14:34
ifireballrhetoric: maybe it'll start working at some future upgrade14:34
rhetoricifireball, well i figure that will make it less ugly (everything in one script)14:35
rhetoricifireball, good point14:35
axelorkkouwe: not had any experiance with the 64 stuff but doesnt ubuntu have its own libc6 for amd64?14:35
axelorwhy is it trying to grab a debian patched one?14:35
Wander_wpbx: tons faster14:35
arvin_earthling: 1GB (well enough)14:35
promagafter upgrading to gutsy my network is so slow! sometimes It takes 2/3 minutes to connect to remote hosts. I've seen several posts about ipv6 but none of the solutions work14:36
promagany thoughts?14:36
JoeyVquestion... I've searched high and low, but cant find the answer to it.14:36
JoeyVHow can I change the resolution of the shell, as in, NOT inside of X, but rather if I hit ctrl+alt+F2.  When I do that t access the shell, the letters are giant, and I can't read anything past 7 lines because it is out of the view of my monitor14:36
Proteuscould anyone help me with my mounting problems?14:36
pbxWander_w, would switching from aptitude to apt-get on a working (but not mission-critical) machine be unwise?14:36
rhetoricProteus, what kind of mounting problems? (that sounds so wrong)14:36
Dr_willisJoeyV,  thats the 'console' and you can set the res at boot time, or use the fbset command to change it on the fly.14:36
Wander_wpbx: they work side by side without any problem14:36
JoeyVthanks Dr_willis14:37
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Dr_willisJoeyV,  but your issue sounds like the framebuffer is buggy yoy mayt want to disable it competely14:37
earthlingarvin_: wc3 will lag a bit at 1 GB. have you tried after awitching your desktop appearence settings to minimum14:37
JoeyVhow do I disable the framebuffer14:37
ProteusI'm trying to mount an external drive - which had previously worked fine - but now the magic smoke is gone and I'm suddenly unable to see the automounted partitions14:37
Proteusthe enclosure is new14:37
Wander_wpbx: You'd see a lot more mission-critical machines using apt-get then aptitude14:37
Dr_willisJoeyV,  the 'nofb' optin to the kernel will do that. edit the menu.lst file. read the comments. :)14:37
axelorkkouwe: paste me your sources.list14:37
JoeyVawesome thanksbrother14:38
Oli``Can anybody suggest a really pretty CPU-usage graphing tool?14:38
rhetoricProteus, beyond my knowledge sorry14:38
kkouweaxelor: pm14:38
ProteusOli``, conky14:38
Weasel[DK]Canonical made their own shutdown command so now i miss the -F option which forced a filesystem check at next boot. How to do that on a *ubuntu system ?14:39
Dr_willisconky is nice.. takes some tweaking to get it 'just right' :)14:39
Proteusonce conky is all configured, it can look quite pretty14:40
Proteusand it's lightweight14:40
Oli``Proteus: I'm looking for something to take screenshots of, not nest it on the desktop. Something like the new KDE4 resource monitor would be cool14:40
=== Rufus is now known as Rufus_
PiciWeasel[DK]: `sudo touch /forcefsck` before you shutdown/reboot/whatever.14:40
axelorjust whack it on pastebin again14:40
Rufus_how can i change the background image of the terminal? or make it transparent?14:40
ProteusOli``, I have no idea14:40
Dr_willisof course ya got to wonnder what shutdown -F does.. does it touch that file then shutdown?14:41
Rufus_anyone know?14:41
Dr_willisRufus_,  depens on which terminal. and if you are using compiz, and if you want TRUE transparency . or just seeing the wallpaper under neth14:41
Rufus_just see the wallpaper under it14:41
earthlingRufus_ : right click on the terminal and select "edit current profile"14:41
EtteSB!compiz > etteSB14:43
Weasel[DK]Pici, nice.. thank you14:44
WinterWeaverI cannot connect to my Router in Ubuntu, but I can do so in Windows.... can someone assist?14:45
axelorcan try winter :)14:45
promagafter upgrading to gutsy my network is so slow! sometimes It takes 2/3 minutes to connect to remote hosts. I've seen several posts about ipv6 but none of the solutions work... need help :(14:45
Wander_wdisable ipv6?14:45
promaghow do I do that?14:46
Pici!ipv6 | promag14:46
ubotupromag: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv414:46
HippotamusI'm having problems with burning an ISO with Ubuntu14:46
axelorwinter, do you have any network funtionailty at all?14:46
Wander_wpromag: My solution would be to recompile the kernel.... but that's just me14:46
Wander_wpromag: oh, listen to pici14:46
HippotamusI want to burn a DVD-image to a DVD-RW, but I get the error that it's not in ISO 9660 format14:47
foo25Hey, I've just restored my xorg.conf file after somehow messing it up completely, now when I log back in, Network Manager tells me "No network devices have been found" however I didn't think network devices were mentioned anywhere in the xorg.conf?14:47
chazcoHi... anyone here using Textmaker (paid version) - TM renders better than OO, but still formatting still doesnt match Word on windows. I'm guessing its font trouble... How can I fix it?14:47
bazhangHippotamus: md5 matched?14:48
|Z_E_R_O|i can't set usb port from virtualbox to the xp virtual machine, do you know why?14:48
Wander_wfoo25: I think you messed up more than just xorg.conf, by the sound of it14:48
axelorWinterWeaver: If the answer is no, Id like to see the result of an ifconfig in pastebin14:48
Pici|Z_E_R_O|: try asking in #vbox :)14:48
WinterWeaveraxelor, yes... and ... no... :( ... tbh ... I dont even knows whats up with my network. I am able to browse the internet flawlessly, but I am unable usually to connect or even see other computers on the network (that's a topic for another day tho)14:48
JoeyVDr_willis, will adding the nofb option affect anything while X.org is running?14:48
Hippotamusbazhang: yes14:48
foo25Wander_w: The only files I edited were host, aliases, and xorg, but I restored those all to their previous state14:48
chazco|Z_E_R_O| - Are you using the OSE version from the repos? If so then it doesnt have USB forwarding14:49
Picichazco: /me makes a note of that14:49
bazhangHippotamus: that is odd.. using what to burn it? cd/dvd creator or other14:49
axelorwhat happens when you try to hit the router management page in your browser?14:49
|Z_E_R_O|chazco:  yes, what can i do?14:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:49
foo25Wander_w: However, I think there may be something else, because all of a sudden I also cannot open my power options14:50
JoeyVAnyony who knows: will adding the nofb option at boot affect the graphics while X is running?14:50
chazco|Z_E_R_O| - You can download the full version from their website... its not open-source, but if thats not an issue then it works fine14:50
Hippotamuscd/dvd creator14:50
|Z_E_R_O|ok thanks14:50
Wander_wfoo25: maybe your modules went missing14:50
chazconp, it got me too when i first tried it :)14:50
PiciJoeyV: No, no changes to xorg.conf will have any effect while xorg is still running.14:51
Wander_wJoeyV: No, it will only affect stuff AFTER you do a reboot14:51
foo25Wander_w: How would that even happen though? =S Is there any way of restoring them?14:51
JoeyVI know14:51
JoeyVbut what will the affect be, is my question14:51
Xpliciti want to connect to the ares network, is there any tool in repos to do this or should i use gift and compile the plugin?14:52
JoeyVguess I'll find out in a few minutes14:52
uberProSkiddiehey :) problem: i got a working ubuntu on my laptop (Toshiba satellite L30-105) with installed sound drivers.. that doesnt work. I have no idear what soundcard i got (no info in specs, only that is 24bit) and ubuntu doesnt whine, it does plat files but the speakers remain silent. i got ubuntu 7.10.14:52
dejand3i cant enable sound in my ubuntu, what to do, please help14:52
Pici!sound | dejand3 uberProSkiddie14:53
ubotudejand3 uberProSkiddie: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:53
Dr_willisJoeyV,  the framebuffer is (should be) totally unlreated to X.14:53
Wander_wfoo25: well, assuming they really are gone, either apt-get install --reinstall linux-image or recompile and install the modules if you compiled your kernel by hand14:53
Wander_wfoo25: but please check if there are any modules listed in the output of the command "lsmod"14:53
tomahasamootI just reinstalled kubuntu 7.10 alt amd64, and apt-get isn't working14:53
XplicituberProSkiddie: does your jack word? (e.g plugin headphones in)14:53
tomahasamootI also can't enable the nvidia driver14:54
JoeyVthanks again Doc14:54
tomahasamootit's like it doesn't know where to get the packages14:54
foo25Wander_w: There is quite a large output of modules, including ndiswrapper which I used for my wireless drivers14:55
uberProSkiddieno :/14:55
WinterWeaveraxelor, when I try to access the router page in firefox, or any browser (even IE4Linux), it will ask for the password... after I entered... it will start loading, but never finishes... sometimes it will load half the page, but it never finishes14:55
Wander_wfoo25: ah, then your modules should be ok14:55
uberProSkiddieYou can remove the volume control from the panel by right-clicking the speaker icon on the panel and selecting "Remove From Panel" from the menu.14:55
axelorhmm, are sessions / cookies working for other pages?14:56
XplicituberProSkiddie: i had a problem on a similar laptop try #alsa they sorted me out, i think you need a special opt in a config file then it should work14:56
Wander_wfoo25: is the radio of your wifi enabled? some laptops have switches to disable them14:56
WinterWeaveraxelor, ya... everything else is working fine14:57
zzz_tomahasamoot: Does your /etc/apt/sources.list file look okay?14:57
foo25Wander_w: Yeah, it's fine, I used iwconfig and it's showing the usual signs, apart from connecting =S14:57
promag!ipv6 | promag14:57
promagwrong syntax?14:57
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv414:57
foo25Wander_w: I'm also finding it strange that I can't modify my Power Management settings all of a sudden14:57
Picipromag: you should have gotten a private message.14:57
Wander_wfoo25: did you rummage through all the options of networkmanager yet?14:57
WinterWeaveraxelor, apparently this router does have issues... but the thing that I cannot understand... it works fine on a newly installed system, and even from the live cd.... but once "something" is installed, it starts doing this14:58
tomahasamootzztt: it's there... how do I tell if it's ok?14:58
huntekeanyone got any suggestions for suspend/sleep not working?14:58
Wander_wfoo25: and what does ifconfig (not iwconfig) say?14:58
rru^how do i get the window list in the taskbar to fill up the space14:58
huntekeI can make my machine go to sleep, it's the waking up part that doesn't work14:58
zzz_tomahasamoot: Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file?14:58
foo25Wander_w: I've had a look, but it's basically telling me I have no network hardware installed14:58
huntekeit tries for a minute, then goes back to sleep14:58
albertitoHi! If a bug in launchpad is linked to a debian bug, and the debian bug status changes (in the debian BTS); is the status in launchpad supposed to change automatically?14:58
huntekea few times in a row14:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ares - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:58
huntekethen I have reboot14:58
tomahasamootzztt: it's all commented out... do I need to uncoment it?14:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sleep - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:59
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.14:59
=== uberProSkiddie is now known as cMinion
foo25Wander_w: ifconfig is only displaying the loopback15:00
WorkingOnWis1when I start firefox, I get an error stating the it is running but not responding. I check System Monitor and view all processes, but no firefox. What to do?15:00
WinterWeaveraxelor, do you still want my ifconfig?15:00
zzz_tomahasamoot: You should uncomment the lines beginning with "deb" and "deb-src".15:00
Wander_wfoo25: did you define it in /etc/network/interfaces? (it should be there)15:00
Wander_wshould NOT15:00
tomahasamootzztt: will do, thanks15:00
=== AHA_ is now known as AHA
Wander_wshouldn't be in /etc/network/interfaces15:00
promagwell ipv6 is disabled, but still slow network15:00
PiciWorkingOnWis1: Look for firefox-bin, or try a killall firefox-bin15:01
foo25Wander_w: Hmm, it used to be eth1, however that's not there now, should I just add -15:01
foo25auto eth115:01
Wander_wpromag: what is in your /etc/resolv.conf?15:01
foo25iface eth1 inet dhcp?15:01
wols_foo25: /sbin/ifconfig -a15:01
wols_foo25: what is there?15:01
promagWander_w: the same I had with feisty :)15:01
BaversjoHow do i login as root in the terminal in Xubuntu-desktop?15:02
Pici!sudo | Baversjo15:02
ubotuBaversjo: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.15:02
Wander_wfoo25: no, I don't believe you should add any interfaces you want managed with networkmanager in /etc/network/interfaces15:02
foo25wols_: eth0 and lo15:02
wols_foo25: there is your answer15:02
BaversjoI have enabled The root account15:02
Arrickhey all15:03
TheEaglewhat's the best programming language to learn FIRST? i have no other experience in coding, apart from PHP and HTML, and sort of MySQL.15:03
Wander_wpromag: And you expect me to know what your configuration in feisty was?15:03
wols_TheEagle: python15:03
WorkingOnWis1Pici: there is no firefox anything in System monitor, and killall firefox-bin returns "firefox-bin: no process killed"15:03
Wander_wTheEagle: whatever you are going to USE15:03
ArrickI am getting the following error when i am running my drupal install, GD library Not Installed, can someone tell me what I have to install to correct this?15:03
wols_TheEagle: but it mainly depends WHAT you want to program. the goal determines the tool15:03
rru^how do i get the window list in the taskbar to fill up the space? in gnome-panel.15:03
Dr_willisBaversjo,  you mean in the console? or a x terminal? its best to login as a normal and use sudo , or sudo -i, or sudo -s15:03
mattezell@TheEagle: Ruby is a fun OO language to play with15:03
TheEaglei just wan't to start programming for a hobby15:04
axelorzmog skype 2 beta rox o015:04
foo25wols_: What do I need to do with that then? (Sorry, haven't dealt with ifconfig much)15:04
PiciWorkingOnWis1: Anything come back for ps aux | grep firefox15:04
BaversjoDr_willis: I mean in the console. Im logged in as a "normal" user and want to access the root account using terminal15:04
tomahasamootzztt: I uncommented all the lines and it's still not working, is there a command to "kick it"?15:04
mattezell@TheEagle: Ruby is comparatively easy to pick up and it is heavily object oriented.15:04
wols_foo25: have you a eth0 if you simply run "/sbin/ifconfig" with an assigned IP?15:04
Dr_willisBaversjo,  use one of those sudo commands will get you a root shell in the console.15:05
PiciBaversjo: you can use `su`, but we highly reccomend not enabling the root account.15:05
WorkingOnWis1Pici:  it returns "1000     30240  0.0  0.0   5156   840 pts/0    R+   10:04   0:00 grep firefox"15:05
promagWander_w: no dude but in feisty it was working 100%15:05
foo25wols_: I have eth0, but it's the wired connection I believe, and not connected, my wireless was eth1 previously, which isn't included in ifconfig whatsoever15:05
Baversjook thanks :D15:05
sharperguyanyone got any idea why scp isnt asking me for the password and is just sitting there (sshing nomrally works fine)?15:05
=== EmFalcon is now known as Microslave
promagwhen I boot the system I do for instance apt-get upate and it takes some time (sometimes it timeouts) to connect15:06
Wander_wfoo25: are there any errors in your dmesg regarding eth1?15:06
Wander_wpromag: so what happens if you do nslookup www.slashdot.org in a terminal? does that take long?15:07
PiciWorkingOnWis1: What about any mozilla references in there?15:07
LOGANhas ubuntu tools to edit/repair windows registry?15:07
promagat the moment no15:07
larson9999ubuntu is nice and all and i've been using it for years now.  but WHY o WHY must evolution be in ubuntu-desktop?15:07
promagbut if I do it after reboot yes15:07
BaversjoWhen im in the xubuntu gui i want to make changes in a file. But i cant write to it. How can i open this file with "root" access in the gui?15:08
WorkingOnWis1Pici: nothing for mozilla either. wierd I know.15:08
foo25wols_: I don't even see it mentioned15:08
zaticcan someone here recommend a cmd line program that reads meta data from video files like length, resolution, codec, etc?15:08
Wander_wpromag: well, then i still want the contents of your /etc/resolv.conf15:08
LOGANany ubuntu+windows channel around?15:08
foo25Wander_w: I don't even see it mentioned15:09
foo25wols_: Sorry about that, wrong person15:09
bazhangLOGAN: ##windows15:09
wols_foo25: then instead of "eth1" in what you wrote above, use "eth0"15:09
LOGANbazhang: they know how to restore using ubuntu?15:09
Wander_wfoo25: but you did see ndiswrapper in lsmod, if I recall correctly? Any messages from ndiswrapper in dmesg?15:09
wols_you can test manually with "sudo dhclient eth0"15:09
promag# generated by NetworkManager, do not edit!15:10
promagsearch edg.pt15:10
bazhangLOGAN: uh, no; what is your question in that regards?15:10
promagWander_w: there15:10
Wander_wpromag: delete or uncomment search edg.pt15:10
LOGANmy windows wont boot, need to fix registry. am now on ubuntu live cd15:10
PiciWorkingOnWis1: Try removing the .parentlock file in ~/.mozilla/firefox/whatever.default/15:10
BaversjoIs there any good music player for Xubuntu? Cant play mp3 files ATM :P15:11
Wander_wBaversjo: Amerok15:11
fromvegaI have a problem with flash, could you help-me please? I have just installed Ubuntu 7.10 and made all the updates. I've also installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras witch installed the flashplugin-nonfree package. But Flash isn't being detected within Firefox! It asked to install the plugin and when I said yes it said that the plugin was already installed (what is supposed to be true). What should I do?15:11
PiciLOGAN: Ask in ##windows, many of them are Linux users as well.15:11
Pici!flashissues | fromvega15:11
ubotufromvega: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.15:11
LOGANlets hope so15:11
bazhangLOGAN: are you going to install ubuntu?15:11
foo25Wander_w: I previously had seen it there, but I tried reinstalling the firmware for my wireless card, and it is no longer listed in lsmod15:11
Jack_Sparrow!mp3 > Baversjo15:11
LOGANbazhang: using it to fix windows for now15:11
bazhangoh then better head to ##windows15:12
PiciLOGAN: Fixing windows is a windows problem, not an Ubuntu one.15:12
Wander_wfoo25: well, there's yerr problem115:12
foo25wols_: Use "eth0" where, sorry?15:12
LOGANPici: i dont have any other option then use ubuntu15:12
fromvegaPici: thanks, but wath about the other free plugin? is it good?15:12
lhenI can not get ekiga to work15:12
wols_16:01 < foo25> iface eth1 inet dhcp?15:13
lhenanyone can help?15:13
ramrebol_Hi, mi gnome don't start..   and there are not error messages, just don't start..   somebody can help me??15:13
Picifromvega: I personally have had issues with it.15:13
foo25Wander_w: I'm having no luck this week =P What to do now...15:13
fromvegaPici, ok I'll try to fix this problem thanks again15:13
Jack_Sparrowramrebol_: was it working before15:13
Wander_wfoo25: how did you install ndiswrapper the first time?15:13
foo25wols_: Add that to /etc/network/interfaces?15:13
bazhanglhen: need more info15:14
wols_foo25: pastebin your interfaces file. it should already be there15:14
lhenbazhang: it seems some lib are corrupt15:14
BaversjoCan you install Amerok on Xubuntu?15:14
foo25Wander_w: After installing Ubuntu, I used a python script which most people use to install the drivers along with ndiswrapper for my wireless card, but now I only have the option of removing or installing the firmware15:14
ramrebol_yesJack_Sparrow: yes..  it was working whitout problems for 3 months15:14
Jack_Sparrowramrebol_: Did you update recently?15:15
bazhanglhen: run it from the terminal and then pastebin (not here in the channel) the error messages--dont paste here15:15
PiciBaversjo: yes you can install Amarok in xubuntu15:15
wols_foo25: automatix?15:15
brobostigonBaversjo: of course, yes yoy can.15:15
ramrebol_yesterday..   the recomendates updates of sinaptics15:15
BaversjoUsing the Kubuntu release?15:15
Wander_wfoo25: What kind of wifi card are you using anyway?15:15
RemanifestI'm getting an error when I try to download mysql...15:15
lhenbazhang: what's the command?15:15
RemanifestE: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)15:15
RemanifestE: Unable to lock the download directory15:15
PiciRemanifest: What kind on error?15:15
bazhang!paste | lhen15:16
PiciRemanifest: Do you already have a package manager open?15:16
ubotulhen: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:16
Jack_Sparrowramrebol_: W have had a fair number of people with problems that had used automatix or envy to install things in their systems (both bad ideas)15:16
RemanifestPici: Nope.15:16
foo25wols_: You want a copy of the interfaces file?15:16
wols_Remanifest: either you didn't use sudo or another package maanger is still open15:16
wols_foo25: I want to know if you used automatix?15:16
Remanifestwols_: How can I kill that other package manager?15:16
wols_Remanifest: end it15:16
foo25Wander_w: Broadcome 4338 I think it is15:16
Remanifestwols_: Yeah, I don't see it open...15:16
bazhanglhen: start the program in terminal type ekiga there and see what error messages there are; then paste the error messages to the pastebin link I just gave you--do not post error messages in the channel15:17
foo25wols_: No, not to my knowledge15:17
ramrebol_mm..   I don't use automatics, only add/remove applications...15:17
wols_Remanifest: synaptic? adept?15:17
Wander_wfoo25 you might want to try to use the opensource drivers15:17
wols_foo25: you said python script for your wlan card15:17
Wander_wfoo25: apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter15:17
volkanyone know of any security site where I can subscribe to receive vulnerability reports only for specific software packages?15:17
BlinkizI would like to start using software raid1 on 2x320gb drives I will add as filestorage. Does it exist a nice gui to manage software raid?15:17
lhenbazhang: I start 'ekiga' and nothing happens ...15:17
sidelilexcuse me, is there a shortcut to open the main menu?15:18
foo25wols_: The one used here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40599015:18
rodolfoJack_Sparrow: hey15:18
sidelil(with the keyboard)15:18
Jack_Sparrowramrebol_: Please use the pasetbin to post your   /etc/apt/sources.list   file  and provide this channel with the link.15:18
foo25Wander_w: Problem is I can't use it, that's why I have to use this along with most other people - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40599015:18
bazhanglhen: what error messages does it give you when you run it normally? please be precise15:18
Remanifestwols_: Pici: That's weird.  My time was being updated from the server, and that's what was causing the issue.15:18
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Jack_Sparrowrodolfo: Morning...15:18
PiciRemanifest: Ahh, I've had that happen before.15:18
amikropUsing ffmpeg, how can I convert an flv to mpeg and to mp3, with the maximum bitrate?15:18
rodolfoJack_Sparrow: morning15:19
rodolfoJack_Sparrow: very busy?15:19
RemanifestPici: Yeah, it made me go "huh???"15:19
lhenbazhang: there is no display of error15:19
Jack_Sparrowrodolfo: YEs, in the middle of one at the moment.15:19
bazhanglhen: then what is the problem? does not work is not quite descriptive enough15:19
rodolfoJack_Sparrow: can i help?^^15:19
rodolfoJack_Sparrow: as far as you (may) know, we have a contract...you help me and i will help you back ;)15:20
sidelilexcuse me, is there a keyboard shortcut to open the main menu? I don't have a mouse now...15:20
Jack_Sparrowrodolfo: Sure, ramrebol_ cant get in after the update, either he used automatix or he just needs to reset xserver....15:20
tho1lhen open a terminal and at the prompt type 'ekiga'. That way you should see some indication of the problem and we can help further15:20
foo25Wander_w: I've also just noticed, Ubuntu no longer recognises the fact I have a battery in my laptop, I'm thinking the modules may be damaged, or some lost?15:20
lhenbazhang: it does not "come up" at all15:20
promagWander_w: I think removing search edg.pt should resolve the problem?15:21
lhenbazhang: I am using xubuntu15:21
rodolfoJack_Sparrow: uuuh15:21
|Z_E_R_O|there's a way to format a compactflash into a photo camera?15:21
bazhanglhen: but it does in the terminal?15:21
promagI mean, do you think removing search edg.pt should resolve the problem?15:21
lhenbazhang: no15:21
bazhanglhen: is it installed?15:21
lhenbazhang: yes, via synaptics15:21
bazhanglhen: and there is an icon in the gnome menu?15:22
mozzerhow can i make wifi-radar run on start up?15:22
Jack_Sparrowrodolfo: If you have a simple question, I can probably handle it, else someone other than me will need to help you.15:22
rodolforamrebol_: dude are you there? lets get it started15:22
lhenbazhang: yes15:22
ramrebol_yesJack_Sparrow: sorry, but I'm using links2 and, how can send you the log file??15:23
mozzerhow can i make wifi-radar run on start up?15:23
Jack_Sparrow!paste > ramrebol_15:23
foo25Wander_w: wols_: I'll be back in 5 mins, I'm going to get my router upstairs15:23
loulouhi everybody15:23
ramrebol_rodolfo: yes, I'm tring to send a file, bus I can't paste in paste bin   :P..15:23
louloui have a problem with eclipse15:24
BlinkizI would like to start using software raid1 on 2x320gb drives I will add as filestorage. Does it exist a nice gui to manage software raid?15:24
rodolforamrebol_: thats easy as say "hi"...hit alt+F2 and type gnome-terminal15:24
loulouhow can i delete completely eclipse15:24
loulouto reinstall it15:24
Piciloulou: sudo aptitude purge eclipse15:25
bazhanglhen: what about alt f2 ekiga15:25
rodolforamrebol_: is it already opened? if its, just select the text you wanna paste and right click on it...select copy15:25
louloui tried but i got an error message when restarting15:25
Jack_SparrowBlinkiz: I would advise against it for file storage, opinions will differ15:25
mozzerhow can i make wifi-radar run on start up?15:26
rodolforamrebol_: then, go back to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and hit ctrl+v15:26
lhenbazhang:  No response at all15:26
Pici!startup | mozzer15:26
ubotumozzer: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot15:26
ramrebol_rodolfo: sorry, say cannot open display15:26
BlinkizJack_Sparrow: Okay, my goal is to have a disk where I can store important stuff and not having to worry about hard disk crashes. The file storage will not be accessed so much...15:27
bazhanglhen: in the terminal type sudo apt-get install ekiga15:27
Jack_SparrowBlinkiz: So you are looking to mirror it not stripe it for speed?15:27
loulouany answer?15:27
BlinkizJack_Sparrow: yes15:27
lhenbazhang:  already newest version it says15:27
MikeHanyone use evolution know how I can get it to apply filters to messages as they are recieved?15:28
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loulouhow can i delete eclipse completely15:28
bazhanglhen: are you in normal mode now? or have you become root user15:28
lhenbazhang:  via sudo = root, no?15:28
kitty_loulou, how did you install eclipse?15:29
lhenbazhang:  I should be root during apt-get install15:29
kitty_loulou, what is eclipse anyway?15:29
Jack_SparrowBlinkiz: If you anr not accessing it much, a simple clone or dd copy or backup to it would most likely work just as well..  We have a help page for raid if you would like the link.15:29
cbx33hey peeps when runnign a dpkg-reconfigure on linux-image, how can i get it to include a module I want15:29
cbx33I need the raid modules15:29
cbx33at the mo it won't boot to my new /dev/md015:29
WorkingOnWis1Pici: Thanks for the help. My firefox problem was caused by a rogue addin. Had to find and delete it manually, but its fixed now. When I was looking for the lock file I say a file with an invalid filename, and tracked its owner down. Thanks15:29
rincewind1013i'm having issues installing the 2.6.22-14 kernel update, "No GRUB directory found"15:29
BlinkizJack_Sparrow: yes, please provide me with that link15:30
cbx33because the raid modules aren't there15:30
bazhanglhen: indeed, or something close to it; I was just wondering if there was some permissions issue as to why it would not respond15:30
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto15:30
cbx33any one got any ideas15:30
PiciWorkingOnWis1: Ah, good to hear15:30
lhenbazhang:  i believe some lib conflicting15:30
rincewind1013i'm having issues installing the 2.6.22-14 kernel update, "No GRUB directory found" http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49823/15:30
bazhanglhen: what leads you to believe that?15:30
cbx33I'm using software raid15:31
ramrebol_yesJack_Sparrow: How can send you mi /etc/apt/sources.list  ??15:31
lhenbazhang:  i installed ymessenger - it worked once15:31
cbx33all i need is for the initramfs to have the raid10 module15:31
cbx33any ideas15:31
foo25_Wander_w: wols_: Back now, sorry about that, I've just connected my laptop using an ethernet cable directly to my router, but it won't even recognise the wired connection15:31
brandon_omg i cant believe i havent asked about this in this chat15:32
* foo25_ slaps foo25 around a bit with a large trout15:32
Fish-Gutshi folks. i'm having some trouble getting my gcc to work. i always get the output "C Compiler cannot create executables". Any ideas?15:32
brandon_i use it to learn lamp but nothing else duhh..15:32
Nostahlanyone have a url to where i can find how to set up ndiswraper and xubuntu to auto load my wireless adapter on bootup15:32
lhenbazhang:  ymessenger also does not work now15:32
brandon_anywho... where can i find out about  small electronics like jsut leds and wirless oeration?15:32
bazhanglhen: what is this lib conflicting of which you speak?15:32
DebianUTI installed emerald, just to try it, but now I can't return to metacity because when I uninstall emerald windows borders dissapear, the only way is turning off visual efects, but if I turn them on the windows border dissapear, any help?15:33
cbx33no raid gurus?15:33
lhenbazhang:  no idea (just a thought)15:33
brandon_like making leds fade flash by remote?15:33
Jekkamancan anybody help me to configure my laptop graphics card?15:33
BlinkizJack_Sparrow: Thank you for the links about raid. It was not really what I was looking for. I will use mdadm if no gui based software raid exist. My question is, does it exist a GUI to control software raid?15:33
hazel1how do I select Preferred Applications, for ALL programs?15:34
Jekkamani've been trying hard to configure it but i'm not having any success15:34
Jack_SparrowBlinkiz: Not that I am aware of (at least in our repos)15:34
Jekkamanthe graphics card is from my laptop Fujitsu siemens Amilo Pro v351515:34
Arbitreunban Kirua !15:34
Jekkamani think it's via unichrome9 hc15:35
BlinkizJack_Sparrow: Thanks for the answers. I will be going now...15:35
stewarti cant view flash documents in firefox. It asked me to install the adobe flash player... i did however it still does not seem to work. Any ideas?15:35
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Jekkamanuse automatix15:35
Jack_Sparrow!flashissues > stewart15:35
kitty_stewart, how did you install flash?15:35
bazhangarbitre what?15:35
Pici!automatix | Jekkaman15:35
ubotuJekkaman: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »15:35
Jack_SparrowJekkaman: Bad bad bad15:35
larson9999stewart, read the topic15:36
Jekkamansorry i'm a newbie15:36
foo25_Does anyone know is it possible to have Ubuntu re-recognise and reinstall all drivers?15:36
ikoniafoo25_: it does that automaticlly on boot up15:36
Jekkamandoes anybody know how to install unichrome9 hc?15:36
Jack_SparrowJekkaman: If you have used it... I would suggest you reinstall before investing much time and effort into your setup15:36
stewarti clicked on install missing plugins15:37
stewartwith in firefox15:37
larson9999Jekkaman, i gave up and bought an nividia card !15:37
foo25_ikonia: It doesn't seem to do it for me, I can't use any of my hardware all of a sudden15:37
dcordesHello everybody. Is somebody with Playstation 3 here who can tell me how to get 802.11g and gigabit ethernet modules working with firmware 2.1?15:37
hazel1stewart: I had the same problem.. however It worked for me when I installed it "manually" from Adobe's homepage, very simple: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash15:37
ikoniafoo25_: what hardware and what way15:37
Jekkamanits a laptop15:37
Picidcordes: way offtopic. Try ##hardware maybe15:37
ikoniadcordes: playstation 3 is not an official supported platform.15:37
Jekkamanthis is an integrated graphics processor15:37
larson9999foo25, have you messed with adding users to groups?15:37
ikoniadcordes: remember though, the hypervisor will make it tough .15:37
kitty_stewart, i always install manually -it's quite easy15:37
foo25_ikonia: Network cards, laptop battery, power management, I can't even open Hardware Information15:38
larson9999stewart, the topic addresses the fact that install flash via firefox is broken15:38
foo25_larson9999: Not that I know of15:38
dcordesikonia, Pici not at all, ps3 is powerpc. Is not there ubuntu for x86 powerpc and x86_64?!?!?!15:38
ikoniafoo25_: what happens if you do ifconfig -a15:38
Picidcordes: ah, I misread. anyway...15:38
Pici!ppc | dcordes15:38
ubotudcordes: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ15:38
stewartthe thing is... its alreay installed15:38
stewartbut it still does not work15:38
ikoniadcordes: ppc is not supported by ubuntu as a plaform any more.15:38
dcordesikonia, I see that15:38
larson9999foo25, when that happened to me it was because i removed myself from a group i shouldn't have.  maybe not your problem though15:38
Picidcordes: Try the Forums, they have a subforum for ppc15:38
ikoniadcordes: plus it's not PPC - the hypervisor makes thing more complex.15:38
foo25_ikonia: It displays eth0 (which was my wired connection - no longer working) and lo15:39
lhenbazhang: any other idea, pls?15:39
dcordesikonia, I know about the virtualization layer. this won't help me out though15:39
kitty_stewart, for fiesty :http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Flash_Player_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox15:39
larson9999stewart, will you please read the topic?   as i said, it's addressed there.15:39
ikoniafoo25_: ok so it displays the card.15:39
ewookmore like ppc on stereoids :)15:39
Pici!flashissues | stewart15:39
ubotustewart: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.15:39
ikoniafoo25_: so the card is there, and just needs configuring.15:39
Jack_Sparrowstewart: Flash is broken.. even though it shows installed. it will not work15:39
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foo25_larson9999: How did you resolve the issue?15:39
dcordesikonia, I adore your wisdom15:39
bazhanglhen: try to uninstall and then reinstall ekiga, see what that does15:39
foo25_ikonia: It doesn't however display my wireless card15:40
lhenbazhang:  will do15:40
larson9999foo25, by doing what the topic says to do.15:40
quaalCould not start process Unable to create io-slave: Permission denied.15:40
bazhangdcordes visit the forums please15:40
quaali'm getting this when i open konqueror or k3b15:40
quaalso any kde app apparently15:40
quaalafter upgrade to 7.10 it seems15:40
foo25_larson9999: But how did you know which groups you should be in and which I shouldn't15:40
stewartthank you all.. i might wait for the fix then15:41
ikoniafoo25_: have you changed any groups yes/no ?15:41
quaalanyone know what it means?15:41
foo25_ikonia: Never15:41
ikoniafoo25_: ok, so forget that.15:41
ikoniafoo25_: did your wirless card work before ?15:42
larson9999foo25, oh, that wasn't for you.  how did i resolve that?  i found somewhere online that told me the default groups for unbuntu and added myself to those.15:42
foo25_larson9999: Thanks15:42
ramrebol_yesJack_Sparrow: uff..  sorry, can you help me??15:43
cbx33how do I add a module to the initramfs15:43
foo25_ikonia: What happened was, I was doing a few performance tweaks, and in doing so editted xorg.conf which proved fatal for the system, had to restore that using a separate xorg.conf file I generated using a different harddrive. I could then boot up normally, but it seems most of my hardware is now unrecognised15:43
ramrebol_send you the /etc/apt/sources.list file??15:44
ikoniafoo25_: what where these performance tweaks ? xorg does not control your hardware15:44
ikoniafoo25_: please be %100 honest.15:44
capt-rogersi awesomely fdisk'd my ubuntu box...removed all partitions and wrote changes...yet the box is up and running...i am 99.99% sure if i reboot it..it will never boot again...Any ideas on rewriting the partitions back..will that help?   Cant hurt at this point.....15:44
ikoniacapt-rogers: you can't write partition tables on inuse tidks15:44
foo25_ikonia: I edited the hosts file and aliases file to disable IPv6, which I later restored, and removed the wacom devices from xorg.conf, installed preload, and that's all, then I rebooted to make sure everything was working, and well, it wasn't15:45
lhenbazhang: same - ekiga will not start at all15:45
capt-rogersapparently you can because i deleted all partitions on my live ubuntu box....it shows as a blank drive right now....15:45
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chazcoWhats the best way to listen to BBC Radio on the internet? They're realplayer streams, so I guess thats the only option15:45
ikoniafoo25_: none of that should break your hardware15:45
foo25_ikonia: Exactly, that's why I'm so confused15:46
LOGANSome folders I have no access to under ubuntu and cannot delete a folder in it15:46
ikoniacapt-rogers: no you can't. Your reading a disk that has not be re-parsed as it's not been rebooted15:46
LOGANI tried setting create and delete but it restores to none15:46
kitty_LOGAN, like which?15:46
Jack_Sparrowcapt-rogers: what does sudo fdisk -l   show15:46
capt-rogersikona, so if i reboot this box..what do you think will happen?15:46
ikoniacapt-rogers: your box will die and not come back up15:46
LOGANkitty_: program files folder from windows15:46
LOGANIm using live cd15:46
kingI CANT UES CAM15:47
bazhangLOGAN: you back from ##windows?15:47
LOGANbazhang:  yeah they told me to die15:47
Jack_Sparrow!caps > king15:47
lhenbazhang:  sorry, you lost me ##windows15:47
bazhangLOGAN: ouch. you thinking of using ubuntu now :}15:48
mohamedwhat is the matter?15:48
capt-rogersfdisk -l show  <---shows nothing.....15:48
ikoniacapt-rogers: the partition table has been destroyed15:48
LOGANbazhang: lol well i cannot use all my software15:48
foo25_ikonia: I'd simply reinstall, but I've already done that earlier in the week, and the updates took around 5 hours, plus with the amount of customisation I've done, I'd rather find an easier solution15:48
ikoniacapt-rogers: on reboot ubuntu will re-read it and you'll fail to boot15:48
LOGANbut i guess im stuck for now wile ubuntu live cd15:48
Jack_Sparrowking: No one will help you until you lose the caps and form a complete question15:48
bazhanglhen: only ekiga does not work?15:48
gidzit seems as if nvidia drivers suddenly is blacklisted15:48
lhenbazhang:  ymessenger also does not work15:48
ikoniafoo25_: 1.) exactly what hardware is not working 2.) did it ever work before15:49
gidzafter a reebot15:49
gidzwhere is the blacklist15:49
bazhanglhen: how did you install yahoo messenger?15:49
lhenbazhang:  downloaded rpm and alien15:49
nanomancan anyone take a look at my python code? something's wrong with it and I can't figure it out15:49
ikoniananoman: join #python15:49
nanomanikonia thanks15:49
Pici!caps | king15:49
ubotuking: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:49
capt-rogersthats why i think if i can delete it..i should be able to rewrite the partitions back...and have at least some chance of it working...whereas if i reboot it now,  i have almost no chance of it working...only issue is..i need to know what the default ubuntu 7.04 partition table looks like....15:49
lhenbazhang:  wish I never installed ymessenger15:50
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »15:50
Blazer11is there a way to change symbolic links in /sys/bus/pci/devices15:50
gidzthx ubotu15:50
ikoniacapt-rogers: you won't be able to re-write the partitions as the disk hasn't be parsed15:50
LOGANsorry for being stupid but doesnt Ubuntu ask confirmation of file deletes?15:50
ikoniacapt-rogers: in reality it's in an unknown state15:50
foo25_ikonia: So far I've noticed that network hardware won't work, power management ie. no recognisation of laptop battery and inability to change options, and also that I cannot view Hardware Information will not open from the Preferences menu. Previously last night, all hardware working fine15:50
bazhangking: dont use caps15:50
kitty_LOGAN, no15:50
bazhanglhen: after installing messenger is when things started breaking?15:51
ikoniafoo25_: what happens when you try to open hardware information ?15:51
ikoniafoo25_: is there anything unusual in the syslog ?15:51
lhenbazhang:  correct.  I am now apt-get remove ymesenger15:51
PiciLOGAN: Not if you use the terminal15:51
ramrebol_mi gnome don't start..   and there are not error messages, just don't start..   somebody can help me??15:51
kitty_LOGAN, it depends how you delete the file....15:51
LOGANcan't confirmation be activated?15:51
LOGANjust select file and press delete15:52
Blazer11is there a way to change symbolic links in /sys/bus/pci/devices15:52
kitty_LOGAN, in Nautilus I think it asks you ,doesnt it?15:52
mavi-LOGAN: that moves the file to the trashcan15:52
lhenbazhang:  ymessenger gone but ekiga still not running15:52
mavi-LOGAN: then it asks you when you empty it15:52
kingcan any one help me with web cam15:52
mavi-LOGAN: if you want dialog and delete then use shift-delete15:52
chazcoI'm trying to download RealPlayer from real.com, but the download wont work... where else can I get it safely?15:53
LOGANbefore moving to the trashcan I like confirmation lol15:53
bazhanglhen: how did you install yahoo messenger? is it in the software repositories?15:53
Pici!real > chazco (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)15:53
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LOGANcant I switch del and shift del functions?15:53
lhenbazhang:  download rpm from yahoo.com15:53
lhenbazhang:  then alien it15:53
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Pici!alien | lhen15:53
Picichazco: see the private message from ubotu....15:54
ubotulhen: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)15:54
chazcoI see it... what about it?15:54
bazhanglhen: uh oh15:54
Blazer11can someone help me please15:54
lhenbazhang:  there were some libraries to be installed which I believe is now the issue15:54
herbalisecan somebody point me to a valid repo for Avant Windows Navigator and Ubuntu 7.1015:54
Picichazco: the realplayer codes are some of the restricted codecs you can install.15:54
chazcoIve got them installed then, they dont work.15:54
NiksterHi, I was hoping someone could help me, my windows installation has become corrupt on my 2nd pc and there was some data on the desktop I need, I'm trying to boot from ubuntu and that works but when i try to access the drive it says "windows is hibernated", i was wondering if theres any way to ignore it as all iwant to do is copy the data to asafe place15:55
bazhanglhen: your system may be in big trouble--best to back up important stuff now.15:55
sidelilcan anyone suggest me a guide (or a program) to have the media center on ubuntu?15:55
kitty_Blazer11, whats the problem?15:55
ikoniaNikster: join ##windows15:55
foo25_ikonia: "Failure registering capabilities with primary security module." "WARNING: Couldn't authenticate user" Perhaps those?15:55
Blazer11kitty_ is there a way to change symbolic links in /sys/bus/pci/devices15:55
lhenbazhang:  can not - too many modifications now15:55
Niksterno i want to use ubuntu to mount the drive15:55
Niksternot trying to fix windows15:56
Niksterjust need the data from it15:56
ikoniafoo25_: ok, thats pretty serious15:56
larson9999capt-rogers, i had a similar issue and testdisk was able to recover for me.15:56
ikoniafoo25_: you've done more than tweak xorg and the host file15:56
Pici!mythtv | sidelil15:56
ubotusidelil: MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV15:56
lhenbazhang:  sudo ekiga works!15:56
chazcoPici - managed to find acopy of the realplayer installer on a backup, will try that and see15:56
bazhangNikster: best to get a knoppix disk or some other rescue disk--this is ubuntu support channel, for those using ubuntu15:56
Picichazco: good luck15:56
sidelilPici thanks15:56
kitty_Nikster, can't help you with that, but if I were in your situation I would use Knoppix15:56
Jack_SparrowNikster: the problem is not the mount, it is the fact that the windows os has it locked down15:56
Niksterah ok thank you, i tried knoppix but it wouldnt even boot, i'll try again15:57
dcordescan't be I'm the only one with ps3 on freenode15:57
qkrwhat's wrong when I try to install ubuntu 7.10 64bit version and I get a blank screen after I select "install" from the cd menu15:57
bazhanglhen: then it is permission issues after all (which I suggested only about an hour ago :{ )15:57
Jack_SparrowNikster: I agree with kitty_15:57
ikoniakitty_: why use knoppix over ubuntu to mount a windows drive (genuiny curiosity)15:57
lhenbazhang:  tks!15:57
chazcohmm... Pici - were you refering to the helix plugins as being installed btw? If so then they're not fully compatible with Real player formats (especially some streaming versions)15:57
lhenbazhang:  where to look,pls?15:57
foo25_ikonia: I don't understand how, because that's all I done, however I just found this as well "ndiswrapper: device eth1 removed" which is my wireless adapter which now isn't working =S15:57
Picichazco: I was, and was not aware of that. Noted.15:58
Niksteri was hoping to use ubuntu cos knoppix is not booting, are there any other distros you would recommend15:58
chazcoAh ok, that explains it. Thanks anyway :)15:58
ikoniafoo25_: so your also using ndiswrapper15:58
Dr_willisUbuntu  should be able to read the ntfs disks, You may need to manually mount them.15:58
Jack_Sparrowikonia: I have had really good luck with using knoppix on stubborn windows systems15:58
Blazer11kitty_ ?15:58
Dr_willisPuppy Linux, and DSL are also live cd's worth having in your PC toolbox15:58
bazhanglhen: after you used alien and now have to use sudo to launch an application like ekiga, I fear your system may be compromised-- I fear to suggest anything else.15:59
foo25_ikonia: I was, yeah15:59
PeecoIm using the "The CD image approach" to install ubuntu from my HDD in winXP.  Has anyone used this approach before and had any problems??15:59
ikoniafoo25_: have a good solid thing about what else you have done15:59
Peeco(from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows)15:59
ader10I've made a grub graphical screen, it's 640x480, in "bolt.xpm.gz", and there's a symlink in /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz to it. When I boot, it gets verrry ugly and has vertical yellow stripes and distorted color. What's wrong with it?15:59
ikoniaPeeco: I strongly advise you not to do that15:59
lhenbazhang:  noted.  I will see what I can do now15:59
lhenbazhang:  tks!16:00
lhenbazhang:  will leave now ...16:00
PeecoI've figured this seems to be mu only option due to pc limitations16:00
ikoniaPeeco: that install will not be supported by the ubuntu community16:00
foo25_ikonia: Apparently "Failure registering capabilities with primary security module." isn't an error, but a message showing that something is trying to start when it has already been started, and isn't to worry about16:00
Peecoikonia: how come?16:00
ikoniafoo25_: it is something to worry about.16:00
ikoniaPeeco: because that is not an ubuntu install method so it's results will not be supported16:01
kinghow can i get yahoo or aol im that works with webcam  for ubuntu16:01
chazcoPici - it worked :)16:01
Picichazco: Yay16:01
ikoniafoo25_: check the modules that are loaded in reference to your hardware16:01
foo25_ikonia: I did, ndiswrapper is no longer there. To be honest I think it'll be easiest if I just backup my files and wipe it16:02
ikoniafoo25_: ok16:02
LOGANhow do I search for a file by filename?16:02
ikoniaLOGAN: find16:02
ader10LOGAN: slocate16:02
LOGANah I found the search button16:03
Peecoikonia: why is the guide in the ubuntu community documentation?16:03
larson9999king, i don't think you can.  you can webcam with ekiga nicely though and i hear qnext has a good webcam chat16:03
ikoniaPeeco: because that is community solution, not an official ubuntu solution16:03
LOGANhmm search doesnt give any results?16:03
santos_luisLOGAN: sudo updatedb  and then slocate16:03
LOGANsantos from the file manager16:04
* cMinion hates the nettiquete where exchange of information is kept to absolute survival and general confirmations is a no-go16:04
ikoniasantos_luis: locate will only search specific file systems16:04
ader10I've made a grub graphical screen, it's 640x480, in "bolt.xpm.gz", and there's a symlink in /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz to it. When I boot, it gets verrry ugly and has vertical yellow stripes and distorted color. What's wrong with it?16:04
santos_luisikonia: :)16:04
ikoniacMinion: I hate pointless /me comments in a busy channel, please stop16:04
LOGANit is possible so search from the GUI for a file, right?16:04
ikoniaLOGAN: sure16:05
PeecoHowever the UNetbootin approach is recommended?16:05
ikoniaPeeco: not by me16:05
PeecoI see16:05
PeecoAre you aware of any bugs in the aforementioned approach?16:06
dbrewer_rjri set up a test server with feisty, and i created a user that can edit any source code directory by making the user a member of each group and setting the sgid bit. Now the user doies not autohome on an ftp login. How do I autohome the ftp login?16:06
LOGANwell search stays empty. seems like it does not seatch subfolders16:06
ikoniaPeeco: I don't rate the method personally, but thats my personal opinion16:06
LOGANmuse be because im using ubuntu in live mode16:06
ikoniadbrewer_rjr: authome ?16:06
ikoniadbrewer_rjr: do you mean does not have a default home dir in the ftp environment16:06
Dr_willisader10,  those image files have to be of a very specfic size/format/ and pallet. what little i messed with them.. it was a real pain.16:07
ikoniaLOGAN: ubuntu live mode is a livecd16:07
dbrewer_rjrikonia: i want the user to end up in /home/user when they login via ftp16:07
ikoniaLOGAN: there are no real file systems16:07
LOGANikonia: well i know the file name exist yet it produces no results16:07
ikoniadbrewer_rjr: thats an ftp daemon config16:07
ikoniaLOGAN: what file16:07
LOGANand yes im on a life session16:07
LOGANa file called system16:07
ikoniaLOGAN: did you make the file ?16:08
LOGANno its on the drive16:08
ikoniaLOGAN: have you mounted the drive ?16:08
PeecoI'll have to give it a bash as its my only option.  Thanks for the heads up!16:08
ikoniaLOGAN: ubuntu does not create a file called "system"16:08
LOGANikonia: its under the list16:08
enigma_E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.16:08
ikoniaunder the list ?16:08
enigma_can some one help me?16:08
LOGANikonia: i did not say ubuntu made that file16:09
ikoniaenigma_: have you done dpkg --configure -a  like the error suggested16:09
ikoniaLOGAN: I asked you if you made the file16:09
jeffMASTERflexLOGAN:  if you know where the file is, mount the drive you are looking in and find the file16:09
LOGANand I said its on the drive16:09
enigma_i dont know where to do it ;:/16:09
Blazer11is there a way to change symbolic links in /sys/bus/pci/devices16:09
ikoniaLOGAN: yes, is the drive mounted16:09
LOGANdrives are mounted16:10
dbrewer_rjrikonia: yup it looks like I can configure that in proftpd.conf. thanks. I can be really thickheaded sometimes.16:10
ikoniaLOGAN: and in the "search for files" gui what is the "look in folder" set to16:10
ikoniadbrewer_rjr: no big deal, easy to miss sometimes16:10
Blazer11hello please someone help me16:11
ikoniaBlazer11: ask a question then16:11
Blazer11is there a way to change symbolic links in /sys/bus/pci/devices16:11
ikoniaBlazer11: no, /sys is not a real file system16:11
ikoniaBlazer11: what do you want to change16:11
LOGANi pressed the "search" button and entered the name and pressed the enter key16:11
LOGANlook in folder?16:12
NestorHi all! Can anybody help me? My smbpasswd don't save passwords16:12
ikoniaLOGAN: what is the "Look in Folder" set to bellow the "Name contains" box16:12
mrdinklesUsing Gutsy-- When i log in-- The screen takes a while to load, and loads up this IRC channel and a terminal16:12
mrdinkleshow can i take this off?16:12
jeffMASTERflexLOGAN:  there is a little box underneath the search box that says "Look in:" followed by where you want to search16:12
Blazer11my video card is on 0001 domain sun system, trying to figure out if there is a way to map it to 0000 so Xorg will see it16:12
jeffMASTERflexLOGAN:  by default you were searching in your /home/user folder, not the drive you mounted16:13
enigma_i dont know how to do can some one help me plx16:13
ikoniaBlazer11: don't change it there, just change it in your xorg.conf16:13
Remanifestw00t amarok with postgresql16:13
ikoniaenigma_: the error gives you the exact command to use16:13
LOGANjeffMASTERflex:  i cant see the little box underneath the seach box16:13
gormuxRemanifest: mpd + mpc + ncmpc16:13
Remanifestgormux: What?16:13
enigma_its says that the dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege16:13
ikoniaLOGAN: are you going "Places --> Search for Files" from the gui ?16:13
ikoniaenigma_: use sudo16:14
Blazer11? how do you specifiy domain 0001 when Xorg will not scan past 0000 and uses PCI: as an alias for 000016:14
jeffMASTERflexLOGAN:  are you at Places/Search for files16:14
LOGANi clicked the search button from within the file browser16:14
ikoniaBlazer11: is this an SBUS or PCI card ?16:14
ikoniaLOGAN: use the tool I've suggested16:14
jeffMASTERflexLOGAN:  go to Places/Search for files16:14
ikoniaBlazer11: I'm not sure how PCI-E is mapped to be honest.16:15
LOGANwhy is there a search button then. lol16:15
ikoniaLOGAN: on the menu go to "places" then "Search for files"16:15
* LOGAN is confused about how linux works16:15
ikoniaLOGAN: there is, but you don't seem to be able to use it and I can't be bothered explaining it to you as you can't seem to grasp it16:15
ikoniaLOGAN: please use the tool I've suggested16:15
NestorPeople! I'm have a problem with my smbpasswd. Can anybody help me?16:15
ikoniaNestor: what is the problem ?16:15
LOGANhmm nvm then. I'll add it to features not working16:16
ikoniaLOGAN: it DOES work16:16
ikoniaLOGAN: you just can't grasp how it works,16:16
ikoniaLOGAN: use the system --> search for files menu16:16
larson9999add it to the list of things "i can't grasp"16:16
ikonialarson9999: better16:16
enigma_thx it works now ^ ^16:16
NestorIkonia: I'm have home network: Kubuntu 7.10 computer, Mandriva 2008 and Windows XP Home SP2 (laptop) ones. Mandriva and Windows gives access to their shared resources and can connect to other. Kubuntu computer can access to resources of other computers, but don't give access to own folders and files. It ask login/password (even if I want to be connected from itself). I adjust access by means of smbpasswd. A command is executed, but a record in a file /etc/16:16
Nestorle is opened for a record!). It is command out: Quote Old SMB password: New SMB password: Retype new SMB password: Could not connect to machine NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE Failed to change password for nestor If to do it through sudo, error diagnostics is not present, but also a record in the file of /etc/samba/smbpasswd is not made. What can I do?16:16
ikoniaNestor: it's looking at local host for the password.16:17
ikoniaNestor: is that what you expect16:17
jeffMASTERflexI can't believe pointing and clicking in the GUI is hard to grasp. Sigh.16:17
LOGANwhats to grasp by entering a file name and press return? oh well16:17
jeffMASTERflexCLI ftw16:17
ikoniaLOGAN: it searchs the pwd16:17
ikoniaLOGAN: as your using a file manager it searches from the pwd16:18
jeffMASTERflex*present working directory*16:18
LOGANand not all the folders or inside the folder you're in? Im to much used to windows search I guess.16:19
Remanifestjeez this makes a huge difference.16:20
gormuxjeffMASTERflex: print working directory16:20
jeffMASTERflexLOGAN:  using the search from within the file manager only searches the top level directory, not subfolders. Use the Places/Search for Files item to find items in subfolders16:20
=== [InFeRnAl] is now known as ruif13
larson9999LOGAN you can also use grep from the cli16:21
Dr_willisLOGAN,  check out the books on ubuntu a https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training for a good background un ubuntu :)16:21
Bentley_hi all - is there a way to not show mounted filesystems as icons on the gnome desktop?  I've got so many i have no room left!16:21
gormuxBentley_: gconf-editor16:22
mrdinkles Using Gutsy-- When i log in-- The screen takes a while to load, and loads up this IRC channel and a terminal16:22
jeffMASTERflexmrdinkles:  go to Preferences/Sessions and unmark both the IRC and terminal from the startup options16:22
LOGANyeah I will also look for tools that are a bit more intuitive and fool proof :D16:23
iGamaBeardedninja,  see ubuntu-teak16:23
iGamaBentley_, http://ubuntu-tweak.com/16:24
GoodgameHow would you serv a whisky? cold? cool? whith ice?16:26
ikoniaGoodgame: this is an ubuntu support channel only.16:27
ikoniaGoodgame: please take offtopic chatter like that to a more apropriate place.16:27
Goodgameikonia, give me a chan qhere i can ask my question...16:27
ikoniaGoodgame: any none-ubuntu related channel16:28
DarkmindTheGreat #pcw16:28
ikoniaGoodgame: search freenode channel lists for a drinks channel16:28
Tilllinux okay, I've got a question: I've got an ubuntuinstall on hd0,3 (on an external hd) and a windowsinstall on the internal hd (which is hda1).  I assume Windows is on hd1,0. When I try to use this menu entry, it just reads "starting up..." but it doesn't. I don't get any error, e.g. no "partition does not exist" or "device does not exist"16:28
Goodgameok thx16:28
vincent_hi all16:29
vincent_fr ?16:29
georgy_28Tilllinux, : hda1 = hd0,016:29
Pici!fr | vincent_16:29
ubotuvincent_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.16:29
hydesterhi.  i can mount an NTFS partition in ubuntu (gutsy) and write to it fine.  now when i boot back into vista (please, it is not my computer and it came with Vista) it no longer sees the drive.  qtparted recommended to do chkdisk /f, but that can't be done since windows doesn't recognize it as ntfs.  any ideas if this could be fixed in linux so windows will see it again?16:30
pteague_workanybody know of a good web panel similar to whm/cpanel for ubuntu?16:30
ikoniahydester: define doesn't see the drive ?16:30
ikoniahydester: are you sure it's formatted as ntfs ?16:30
=== vincent_ is now known as Phoenix
Exploithi there can someone help me deleting the files in my trash folder?16:31
hydesterikonia, it was NTFS before i mounted and wrote to it in linux16:31
Sylphid|workhello all16:31
Sylphid|workim having problems umounting a stale nfs mount the -f option just hangs16:31
ikoniahydester: boot to linux verify it is ntfs. Then use windows disk administrator to see what it sees the disk as16:31
ikoniaExploit: right click on trash can and hit "empty"16:31
Exploitikonia:  theres the problem. in my trahs are files with root ownership ^16:32
hydesterikonia, it says NTFS for /dev/sda3, which is the partition in question16:32
ikoniaExploit: how did you delete root files16:32
hydesteri will reboot and see again16:32
ikoniahydester: what does it say in windows disk administrator, can it see that disk/partition16:32
Exploitikonia:  i actually dont realy know.. its my laptop and i made some.. well :)16:32
tim167can i install ubuntu on a G4 Mac (PowerPC) ?16:32
ikoniaExploit: sudo rm in your .trash in your home dir16:33
ikoniatim167: you can but the ppc distro is not supported officially any more16:33
Dr_willisi have always had issues with PPC linux on my imac. :(16:33
|bug``|hi all ..16:33
tim167ikonia, ok, and does it work or would it be a waste of time to try it ?16:34
Exploitikonia:  cant find the .trash folder16:34
ikoniatim167: should work16:34
acefyi totem is teh suck16:34
Doom_unleashedWhats ubuntu sounds like meat sauce D:16:34
ikoniaExploit: I've not got a trash folder setup on my desktop so I can't confirm the exact path, but it i will be in your home dir16:34
Pici!ubuntu | Doom_unleashed16:34
LimCorewhy ubuntu fails to be usable?16:34
ikoniaDoom_unleashed: your comments sound like pointless noise, please remember this is a support channel that is very busy16:35
ikoniaLimCore: expand on your question please.16:35
bazhangtim167: how fast?16:35
Doom_unleashedok >>16:35
Exploitikonia:  oh i found something. There are .Trash-0 and .Trash-root16:35
LimCoreikonia: for long time ubuntu and debian fail to support european characters needed by probably over 20% of users16:35
Doom_unleashedNot pointless though whats ubuntu D=16:35
LimCorelike PL or CZ or DE characters16:35
PiciDoom_unleashed: Ubuntu is a Linux distribution.16:35
sandr-nice spam hihi :)16:36
ikoniaLimCore: character support is much much better now16:36
LimCoreikonia: how is it better?16:36
tim167bazhang, mainly to run some audio editing apps...16:36
Doom_unleashedWhats Linux, sounds like meat sauce D=16:36
larson9999tim167, i got xubuntu instaled on a g3 imac16:36
LimCoreubutnu fails to support characters used by like 30% of people in europe!16:36
ikoniaLimCore: better character support, more keyboards and locales supported, UTF support etc.16:36
hydesterikonia, yes.  it sees it.  just has the drive size but does not say "Healthy" or have a drive letter/label.  so i can't assign it a letter or do anything useful16:36
LimCoreeven win98 was better in that16:36
ikoniaLimCore: if you don't like it, don't use it16:36
Tilllinuxgeorgy_28: no such device or partition16:36
bazhangtim167: should be fine; 1Ghz?16:37
tim167larson9999 ah cool, and does it work well? what do you run on it ?16:37
LimCoreikonia: and me not using it will fix it16:37
ikoniahydester: can you use windows tools to check disk it ?16:37
TilllinuxI asked in #grub and someone told me, it could be the initramfs hanging16:37
=== nicolai_ is now known as Kopfgeldjaeger
ikoniaLimCore: no, but it is progressing, I think locale support is excellent16:37
LimCoreikonia: not locales!16:37
acedude i have a 233Mhz computer running ubuntu server16:37
tim167bazhang, i'm not sure, its not my computers, they are in a school, i think they have some G5's too...16:37
LimCoreikonia: ubuntu fails to at all provid CHARACTERS that are used in european coturies!16:37
bazhangLimCore: what is the exact nature of your complaint?16:38
quaalanyone know why the xubuntu7.10 cd i put in my tvpc just boots to busybox initramfs prompt. when i boot my laptop it boots into gnome just fine16:38
bazhangtim167: worth a shot for sure16:38
LimCorebazhang: polish, german and other characters are not displayed by default in ubuntu16:38
PiciLimCore: They are if your font support them.16:38
tim167so where do i get the most recent ISO for ubuntu PowerPC ?16:38
hydesterikonia, i think check disk can only be done on fat/ntfs (recognized filesystems)16:38
larson9999tim167, runs pretty well.  i set it up as a youngsters gaming/learning machine.  gcompris, tuxpaint, childsplay, and whatever comes with the basic xubuntu.  but i had to find a webpage that told me how to install it as it wasn't super easy.  but those instructions worked with no problems.16:38
LimCorePici: default fonts fails to support them16:38
ikoniahydester: it's an ntfs drive16:39
LimCorePici: like in example here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ttf-bitstream-vera/+bug/1118016:39
Blazer11im have the problm with ultrsparc multi pci domain and Xorg my video card is on domain 0001 which Xorg wont see, this is supposedly fixed in Fedora, so my question is would it help at all to get the rpm from fedora and convert to .deb, would this fix the problem16:39
Doom_unleashedSarry windows crashed16:39
Doom_unleashedWhats Linux sounds like meat sauc D=16:39
ikoniaDoom_unleashed: please stop this pointlessness now.16:39
brobostigonlarson9999: which xubuntu version did you put on your imac, i have gutsy on my ibook g3??16:39
Pici!ubuntu | Doom_unleashed16:39
ubotuDoom_unleashed: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com16:39
bazhangDoom_unleashed: do you have an actual question? if not then please stop16:40
larson9999brobostigon, gutsy16:40
hydesterikonia, i know.  but windows doesn't know it is.  that was what i was hoping to figure out.  if there is a way to flip a bit or do something to make it happy enough to do its own repair16:40
Doom_unleashedIt is actual D=16:40
Doom_unleashedwhats linux tho16:40
Pici!linux > Doom_unleashed (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)16:40
tim167larson9999, i would be installing it on 5 or 6 iMacs....16:40
ikoniahydester: within windows, no idea, some chaps in ##windows may know a quick solution16:40
bazhangDoom_unleashed: stop it16:40
brobostigonlarson9999: so you installed xfce afterwaerds.16:40
Doom_unleashedWhats kernal?16:41
larson9999brobostigon, no, i installed xubuntu16:41
kbrooksbazhang, why are you asking him to stop16:41
ewookDoom_unleashed: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux16:41
LimCoreDoom_unleashed: it's like windows, except it fails to support national characters used in half Europe for example;  but it's free and not tied to companies... read about linux, ubuntu16:41
ikoniaDoom_unleashed: http://www.tldp.org will teach you the basics about linux systems and assocated topics16:41
hydesterikonia, i will try.  you know, i figure the ##windows guys would be like "you shouldn't have tried to use linux."  figured somebody here may know and have more empathy for my situation16:41
larson9999tim167, i'd google installing ubunutu on imac16:41
PiciLimCore: please dont.16:41
ewookLimCore: it's a matter of setting the correct locale...16:41
hydesterikonia, thanks for giving it a shot :)16:41
ikoniahydester: there are some good guys in ##windows16:42
ikoniahydester: sorry but windows isn't my think16:42
Doom_unleashedwhats gimp?16:42
LimCoreewook: did you ever read the bug report?!  locale is correct, but the font is broken (missing glyphs)!  and such uselles broken font remains to be default font! what the... the mind boggles16:42
ikoniaDoom_unleashed: this is getting tedious now. Please stop16:42
tribaldataDoom_unleashed: graphical editorcreator like photshop16:42
aceyeah other then the 30min i spent installing it ... it just sits on my drive wasting space16:42
bazhangkbrooks: just look at what he is saying and you will know16:42
ewookLimCore: sorry no I didn't. but, since I live in one of those countries -  and have no issues I don't really get it.16:42
Doom_unleashedwhats giiimp??16:43
Blazer11im have the problm with ultrsparc multi pci domain and Xorg my video card is on domain 0001 which Xorg wont see, this is supposedly fixed in Fedora, so my question is would it help at all to get the rpm from fedora and convert to .deb, would this fix the problem16:43
brobostigongutsy can be difficult on a mac,16:43
Doom_unleashedWHATS INKSCAPE16:43
kbrooksDoom_unleashed, we answered.16:43
aceGnu Image ManipULATION pROGRAM16:43
LimCoreewook: orly?  then view my PDF attached on bottom on bug report and perhaps comment16:43
Doom_unleashedwhats whats...16:43
Doom_unleashedwhats windows16:43
ikoniaDoom_unleashed: please leave.16:43
* LimCore sense a ban comming16:43
aceban time16:43
larson9999someone can't kick Doom?16:43
ewookLimCore: stupid question - but where is your report?16:43
bazhangkbrooks: ? clear now?16:43
kbrooksbazhang, nod16:43
xalanthyrHey, i got a question. In my concole  i always had text like this: "lukasz@lukasz:~$ ", now after i reinstalled ubuntu i got "lukasz@(none):~$ ". What's wrong?16:44
LimCoreewook: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ttf-bitstream-vera/+bug/11180   look on PDF on bottom,   try to write ó ż ź  using bitstream sans16:44
LimCorexalanthyr: perhaps /etc/hostname ?16:44
xalanthyrLimCore: what do you mean by /etc/hostname ?  i'm still pretty dumb at linux...16:45
pastorCould someone help me get VCL working on Ububtu, or the shortest rout to watching a DVD?16:45
jay1i got a ?,why is it when i use adept updater,knemo spawns another instance,is that a but in gutsy?16:46
LimCorexalanthyr: btw, you can get polish language help on ##poland16:46
xalanthyrpastor: write "sudo apt-get install vlc" in console16:46
bazhangpastor: vlc?16:46
bonkers-mattpastor, did you try "sudo apt-get install vlc"?16:46
LimCorexalanthyr: sudo echo "lukasz" > /etc/hostname16:46
Blazer11cmmon guys i know there are peeps in here way smarter than me when it comes to linux, can someone please help me16:46
brobostigonalso install libdvdcss16:46
ewookLimCore: lol. Sorry, but ya - a font is missbehaving :) good notice.16:46
Dr_willisI dont thinl vlc can play encrypted dvd's by default under ubuntu.16:46
tho1pastor for dvds you will also need to install libdvdcss (or I think it is libdvdcss2 now)16:47
LimCoreewook: hmm? what did you ment?16:47
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs16:47
brobostigonsudo apt-get install vlc libdvdcss216:47
pastorxalanthyr, I have don that, but when  run VLC, it simply gives me a blip, and then goes blank. Thoughts?16:47
tho1man....I'm good16:47
ewookLimCore: I thought there was a bigger issue than just a bad fontpack.16:47
aceconfigure video outup16:48
kbrooks!info chess16:48
ubotuPackage chess does not exist in gutsy16:48
kbrooks!find chess16:48
ubotuFound: 3dchess, brutalchess, dreamchess, dreamchess-data, emacs-chess (and 11 others)16:48
bazhangpastor: go to www.medibuntu.org follow the instructions on how to install libdvdcss2 done ready to play!16:48
xalanthyrpastor: <brobostigon> sudo apt-get install vlc libdvdcss216:48
LimCoreewook: the default font pack is broken16:48
LimCoreand the other fonts are awfull16:48
LimCorenumbius is very narrow and strange16:49
LimCoredejavu sans is very very light (like 0.5 pixel -> gray)16:49
ewookLimCore: oh, it's the default one? then I see the issue.16:49
bazhangLimCore: if there is a support issue you have then ask away :}16:49
PiciLimCore: Coming here and complaining about it isnt very constructive.16:49
Blazer11help me please! someone anyone16:49
LimCorebitstream sans missies ó and other glyphs16:49
LimCoreand dejavu/bistream serrif.. well, are serrif16:49
LimCorePici: I even made a nice test case! and reproted bugs16:50
larson9999LimCore, guess you'll have to use windows16:50
ewookLimCore: default were I might ask tho16:50
xalanthyrLimCore: when i wrote, what you said :"sudo echo "lukasz" > /etc/hostname" i get "bash: /etc/hostname: Permission denied". What's wrong?16:50
LimCoreewook: kde desktop, everywhere, openoffice16:50
kbrookslarson9999, not very constructive either16:50
ewookLimCore: ah, gui-wise ^^16:50
LimCorexalanthyr: strange... did you entered your password as asked?16:50
PiciLimCore: That bug report says that the fix  was released...16:50
xalanthyrLimCore: didn't asked me for password16:50
LimCorePici: what does it mean exacly?16:51
kbrooksum, how do i access the extra packages from a find <package> command16:51
larson9999kbrooks, sure it was.  the point was showing how it's not constructive to be unconstructive16:51
LimCorexalanthyr:  become root with   sudo su   and then do echo .......  or just eidt /etc/hostname16:51
kbrooksubotu says (x more packages)16:51
PiciLimCore: It means that it was fixed in 2005.16:52
LimCorePici: so why it is still broken in recent 7.10 ?16:52
PiciLimCore: Perhaps either thats not the right bug report or it wasn't really fixed.16:52
LimCoreyes, perhaps they failed to fix it16:53
* LimCore is mazed by size of this failure16:53
xalanthyrLimCore: now i got root@(none):/home/lukasz#16:53
LimCore~10% of users can't use their nationall characters and noone fixes it? wow, OS model works16:53
=== tribaldata is now known as tribal_lunch
LimCorexalanthyr: did you edited the /etc/hostname?16:54
PiciLimCore: Perhaps you are the first person to report it. Let me look launchpad for a few.16:54
LimCorexalanthyr: did you edited the /etc/hostname ?16:54
LimCorePici: there are several simmilar reports16:54
xalanthyrLimCore: don't think so16:54
Blazer11i have a specific prob with ubuntu, Xorg and sunblade, can someone direct me to the right channel for this kind of question16:54
LimCorexalanthyr: echo "lukasz" >  /etc/hostname     and then start a new shell16:54
LimCorexalanthyr: (open a new term, or re-login etc)16:54
xalanthyrLimCore: damn, i do what you say, but i still got "lukasz@(none):~$" or "root@(none):~$"16:56
Blazer11ikonia do you know where to ask16:56
PiciBlazer11: Perhaps #ubuntu-server ?16:57
Blazer11Pici thanx16:57
=== hugglehug-gone is now known as Neskaya
tim167where do i find an installer CD for ubuntu PowerPC ? thanks !16:58
Pici!ppc | tim16716:58
ubotutim167: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ16:58
UBUNTUISLOVEDhow do i prevent openssh server from timeouts?16:58
tim167Pici thanks16:59
juliflipis there an easy way to connect to an external monitor?17:00
Dr_willisUBUNTUISLOVED,  check the sshd config files?17:00
lukewarmHow do i stop gpm?17:00
Picilukewarm: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop17:01
crush_groove !gpm17:01
crush_groovelooks up\17:01
UBUNTUISLOVEDsudo /etc/init.d/gdm you mean?17:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gpm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:01
UBUNTUISLOVEDsudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart17:01
PiciUBUNTUISLOVED: they do the same thing.17:02
UBUNTUISLOVEDneed that added to your bot17:02
UBUNTUISLOVEDohh sorry didnt see that pici17:02
UBUNTUISLOVEDjust seen those !'s going along17:03
PiciUBUNTUISLOVED: Its okay17:03
LimCorexalanthyr: try joining ##poland for help there perhaps its more comforatble?  /j ##poland17:03
crush_groovesorry UBUNTUISLOVED17:03
x-X-xhow do i update alsa?17:03
rangef1nderwhat do I need for mp3 playback?17:04
^root^i am having some problem in streaming google videos, i have installed codecs, and firefox plugins, still it doens't display anything..17:04
crush_groove pici what type of drectorys/files can be invoked.. is there a rule to that command . do they need to be active inits..etc? h17:04
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:04
lukewarmPici, no. I am running X but dont have a mouse. How do I get rid of the cursor? I think it is gpm, not gdm17:04
Dr_willisjuliflip,   You are referng to an external monitor on a laptop? or 2 monitors on a desktop machine?17:04
juliflipexternal monitor connected to a laptop17:05
juliflipvga connection17:05
alanbshepard70I've been having problems when I try to burn data DVDs with ubuntus 7.10 built in burning software along with others I later downloaded from the repos. Literally every other disc becomes a coaster with the message "unhandled exception". Is there something I'm doing wrong  is this a bug? I cycle the tray after a burn and insert a blank disk and do everything I know with little luck. Any ideas?17:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about invoke - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:05
linxehalanbshepard70: check /var/log/messages17:05
linxeh^root^: install the flash plugin17:06
=== tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek
Picicrush_groove: invoke-rc.d <tab>17:06
Picilukewarm: gpm (if thats what its called, I cant remember) is only for the ttys , not for X17:07
crush_groovePici thank you .,. that rox17:07
^root^linxeh, already done that...17:07
burn_hi guys, youtube videos arent playing properly on my newly installed Ubuntu. any help?17:07
^root^walla! its working17:07
^root^burn_ they are on mine ...17:07
* LimCore takes a hit from the bong :-&17:07
burn_^root^: do i need to update my flash drivers or soemthing17:08
alanbshepard70ok new problem, the linux version of my start menu just disappeared. Is there a shortcut key I just managed to press?17:08
PiciLimCore: Thats not appropriate here.17:08
lukewarmPici, ok tnx anyway17:08
^root^burn_, install totem, and firefox if not already, install w32codec, install totem plugin for firefox, and install flash player17:08
soundrayGuys, can you recommend a way to thoroughly test a hard disk?17:08
Pici!flashissues | burn_17:08
ubotuburn_: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.17:08
LimCorePici: hmm ok...   so I drink beer;  better?17:08
shirocwe are paramore17:08
^root^alanbshepard70, create a new panel, right click and add to panel the menu bar17:08
LimCorealanbshepard70: alt+f117:09
alanbshepard70^root^ thanks I had just found it.17:09
LimCorehi PEYOZ17:09
Mall«shiroc» ha-ha)17:09
^root^alanbshepard70, hmmm nice...17:10
ramrebol_hola a todos17:10
* crush_groove trys that 'tab' thing with all kinds of lines17:10
Pici!es | ramrebol_17:10
uboturamrebol_: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:10
sprigganDon't suppose anyone here can help me with my wireless adapter ? or know anywhere that can ?17:11
alanbshepard70linxcheck I just checked /var/log/messages and it has no helpful info all it says is....  Dec 27 00:37:31] -- MARK --17:11
ramrebol_ubotu: mm..  in spanish nobody has been help me17:12
brobostigon!ask | spriggan17:12
ubotuspriggan: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)17:12
bazhangspriggan: what card?17:12
Piciramrebol_: This channel is only english though,.17:12
sprigganits a belkin usb adaptor, f5d7050 , rt73 chipset i think or n17:13
MasterHackerhey i need some help17:14
MasterHackeri need to setup a vpn server17:14
g00seWhat system does Gutsy use to (dis)allow hosts' access? I don't think it can be using hosts.allow17:14
MasterHackercan help me anyone ?17:14
=== MasterHacker is now known as Turistu
Turistucan help me anyone ? to setup a vpn server ?17:15
bazhangspriggan: are you using gutsy? 7.1017:15
ramrebol_Pici: thaks17:15
Mallktonit' po russki govorit? ))))17:16
sprigganyeah thats the one ..17:16
bazhang!ru Mall17:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ru mall - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:16
g00se!ru | Mall17:16
ubotuMall: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:16
bazhangspriggan are you on that machine now?17:16
linxehg00se: hosts.deny ?17:16
linxehTuristu: look at openvpn?17:17
bazhangspriggan: usb dongle or built in wireless17:17
sprigganusb dongle17:17
linxehTuristu: or freeswan17:17
Turistui look at openvpn can i don`t know how to configure all17:17
g00selinxeh: Well allow is empty and deny is set to ALL:Paranoid yet i can still ssh to it...17:17
bazhangspriggan: is the dongle inserted into the computer now?17:18
linxehg00se: you know what Paranoid means ?17:18
K4k-laptopIf I compile my own kernel, that means I can't use the restricted drivers packages anymore correct?17:18
linxehg00se: it matches any host whos forward lookup doesnt match its reverse lookup17:19
linxehg00se: ALL:ALL would block everyone17:19
bazhangspriggan: open up a terminal and tell me what lsusb says about that card (dont paste here, just tell me)17:19
david_JK4k-laptop: yeah... modules wont match the kernel you are using17:19
Myszpieskto polak17:19
g00selinxeh: Ah thanks. I guessed otherwise ;-)17:19
K4k-laptopdavid_J, is there a way to make them match?17:19
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl17:19
linxehg00se:  man hosts.deny  - has a list of all the values you can use17:19
david_JK4k-laptop: you can blacklist the modules and use fresh ones compiled for the kernel you are using17:20
david_JK4k-laptop: use the same kernel source tree ubuntu used17:20
vasilisai just did something stupid. My cd roms arent mountiing correctly because i deleted the mount points under /media that looked like files and tries to replace them with folders to mount to, so it would look cleaner.... now its saying stuff like it cant read the dvd because i might not have permission, and K3b cant even mount it .17:20
vasilisaany help would be appreciated.17:20
Myszpiesi have problems17:20
g00selinxeh: I'm actually trying to determine why CUPS won't allow me to connect, despite apparently OK settings in cupsd.conf17:20
david_JK4k-laptop: which may work if you need a specific module the ubuntu kernel lacked17:20
bazhangspriggan: you still want help?17:21
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:21
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl17:21
K4k-laptopdavid_J, well, I would just like for suspend to work, but I have the ATI proprietary driver problem with suspend, is it work re-compiling to use SLUB or is there another fix?17:21
sprigganYeah sorry, which bit did you want of what it displayed ? ID, Device ? Bus ?17:21
david_JK4k-laptop: I can't tell you.. I gave up on ATI a long time ago17:22
bazhangrt2500, rt61 soemthing like that spriggan17:22
K4k-laptopdavid_J, I don't blame you, I would too given an option, thanks anyway17:22
=== Neskaya is now known as hugglehug-gone
g00selinxeh: Does Gutsy log failed connection attempts?17:22
vasilisa i just did something stupid. My cd roms arent mountiing correctly because i deleted the mount points under /media that looked like files and tries to replace them with folders to mount to, so it would look cleaner.... now its saying stuff like it cant read the dvd because i might not have permission, and K3b cant even mount it .17:22
bazhangMyszpies: just clikc on the link17:22
david_JK4k-laptop: all you can do is try17:22
spriggan1 sec17:22
K4k-laptopdavid_J, yea, I'm thinking I'm going too, I have tried before but then I couldn't get my wireless drivers working again because I wasn't able to figure out how to build the proper modules for it17:23
david_JK4k-laptop: can what you are trying to compile be compiled as a module?17:23
brobostigonvasilisa: change the permissions on the mount points so that your user has access.??maybe?17:23
vasilisabrobostigon: i thought of that, it didnt work17:23
K4k-laptopdavid_J, I'm not sure actually, I'm trying to change it from using SLAB to SLUB17:24
david_JK4k-laptop: For a module all you need is the kernel-headers package17:24
bazhang#ubuntu-pl Myszpies17:24
x-X-xhow do i update alsa on my comp17:24
david_JK4k-laptop: I haven't read up on what you are trying to do17:24
brobostigonvasilisa: no idea then.17:24
david_JK4k-laptop: but are you given a patch?17:24
vasilisa"Maybe you don't have enough rights for this, or source doesn't contain data (e.g: no disc in drive). (Error reading NAV packet.)"17:24
david_JK4k-laptop: for the kernel sources?17:24
K4k-laptopdavid_J, there is a problem with the current ATI proprietary drivers that makes suspend not work properly because the 7.10 kernel uses slab now instead of slub which was used in 7.0417:25
K4k-laptopbut 7.04 has it's own set of problems with ATI17:25
TIRC_8134#11646M  National-Treasure.2.Il.Mistero.Delle.Pagine.Perdute.2007.iTALiAN.TELESYNC.XviD.CD1-SiLENT.tar17:25
david_JK4k-laptop: what wireless card you have?17:26
K4k-laptopdavid_J, IPW394517:26
bazhangTIRC_8134: not here please17:26
aceK4k-laptop, what are you doin here17:26
vasilisaWhat does this mean: Maybe you don't have enough rights for this, or source doesn't contain data (e.g: no disc in drive). (Error reading NAV packet.)17:26
ace<-- JimmyRidge17:26
vasilisaIts a xine message17:26
Myszpiesej moge pobrac aktualizacje ja mam linuxa botowanego z plyty17:26
Myszpiesjest ktos17:26
david_JK4k-laptop: I donno if that is in the kernel source tree..17:26
=== Myszpies is now known as MyszpiesPL
K4k-laptopace: trying to fix the suspend bug with ATI proprietary drivers17:26
PiciMyszpiesPL: syop17:27
Nicke!pl > MyszpiesPL17:27
SpookyETEye of Gnome is not opening my image files. It says, "not an image." Nautilus generates thumbnails and firefox opens them. Maybe, they have corrupt exif date. Is there a tool that can fix them?17:27
K4k-laptopdavid_J, when I did it for debian I had to get the source and compile it manually17:27
david_JK4k-laptop: may need to build a specific module for it after you compile the kernel you want17:27
acehibernate sorta works for me but sound doesnt come back on17:27
david_JK4k-laptop: Makes sense17:27
reportingsjrHow do I switch drives in terminal?17:27
vasilisaIm so good at screwing things up enough that no one has an answer17:27
aceoh wait duh nowonder suspend doesnt work for me i dont have a swap yet17:28
david_JK4k-laptop: You need to blacklist any restricted modules you used previously, and try the modules for the kernel you compiled17:28
vasilisaI STILL havent ever been told why the heck k3b wont list tracks of DVDs to rip since i upgraded to Edgy Eft.17:28
vasilisai sure do miss that17:28
Jack_Sparrowvasilisa: How about deleting the mount points you created and trying to manually remount them17:28
brobostigon!mountpoints | reportingsjr17:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mountpoints - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:28
david_JK4k-laptop: I had a simular problem with my wireless card...  I didnt need to recompile a whole kernel17:28
vasilisaJack_Sparrow: They're deleted. They auto mount nto my desktop o.O17:28
K4k-laptopdavid_J, the problem isn't the wireless card17:29
reportingsjrbrobostigon: So much for that..17:29
david_JK4k-laptop: but the madwifi driver needed a patch for a particular chipset17:29
vasilisaJack_Sparrow: I did that too, no good17:29
david_JK4k-laptop: I know that17:29
joankii accidentally installed xine and now want to remove it17:29
joankihow do i do it?17:29
reportingsjrbrobostigon: Any clue how? I've got all my songs on an external hd, and want to use grep on it.17:29
david_JK4k-laptop: but with kernels all kernel modules must match the kernel it came from17:29
nixnoobsudo apt-get remove xine17:29
vasilisajoanki: aptitude remove the package17:29
K4k-laptopdavid_J, I just haven't been able to get the card to work again after compiling the custom kernel...but I haven't tried it since I figured out how to make the modules in debian17:29
david_JK4k-laptop: Whether you are compiling a module17:29
brobostigonreportingsjr: each drive is represented in the file system by a mountpoint, type df in the terminal, and iit should tell you each drives mountpoint.17:30
david_JK4k-laptop: you have your kernel headers right?17:30
Jack_Sparrowvasilisa: No OS is so perfect that a creative user cant mess it up...  That isnt a bad thing... just a fact of life17:30
K4k-laptopdavid_J, yea17:30
reportingsjrbrobostigon: Ok, thanks17:30
joankiow do i do that vasilisa sorry, i tried17:30
joankii did sudo rm xine17:30
joankiand it didn't work17:30
david_JK4k-laptop: You may have to check something17:30
vasilisajoanki: sudo aptitude remove xine17:30
vasilisaJack_Sparrow: Then im awful creative :D17:30
bazhangspriggan: I have to go for a moment; perhaps someone will help you with this17:30
joankii never saw the word aptitude before.... thanks17:30
brobostigonreportingsjr: df will only show mounted drives.17:31
vasilisaJack_Sparrow: At no tim do i ever have a stable OS of any sort.17:31
WGGMktrying to install VMWare Server Console.. but I DO NOT want to run it as root/sudo everytime.. I just want to be able to run it as my regular user (which is the sudo user but im sure you follow me)17:31
david_JK4k-laptop: there are 2 simlinks in /lib/modules/`uname -r` that point to the kernel source tree they are called build and source17:31
vasilisaThis is maddening.17:32
vasilisai cant even play my dvds17:32
david_JK4k-laptop: Also read the documentation on the module you are trying to build... It may look for the headers at /usr/src/linux where linux is a symbolic link to the src tree17:32
reportingsjrbrobostigon: What do you mean?17:32
vasilisamuch less rip them17:32
david_Jvasilisa: you need libdvdcss17:32
vasilisadavid_J: Thats not the problem. i have that17:32
brobostigon!mount | reportingsjr17:32
ubotureportingsjr: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter17:32
reportingsjrbrobostigon: ! isn't the answer for everything..17:33
joankisorry vasilisa but my when i hit a video link on firefox, it still tries to oipen xine17:33
joankihow do i make it stop doing nthat?17:33
joankii want to install mkplayer17:33
vasilisajoanki: That means that firefox has a plugin for xine17:33
joankihow do i remove it17:33
joankithat was the one that i installed17:33
vasilisajoanki: same way, but i dunno the package name17:33
brobostigonreportingsjr: i cant explain it, look it up in wikipedia, it difficult to explain.17:33
reportingsjrbrobostigon: Gotcha17:34
joankiis there a way i can pull up a list of all the pacikages installed on my computer?17:34
joankithrough terminal?17:34
bazhangdpkg -l17:34
Picijoanki: dpkg -l17:34
Jack_Sparrow!enter > joanki17:34
larson9999joanki, you can save that and use it for reinstalls if that's the list you 'like'17:34
vasilisa joanki - xine-plugin17:34
vasilisajoanki: sudo aptitude remove xine-plugin =)17:34
joankigot it larson9999 , good idea17:35
* vasilisa is able to help anyone but his own, crazy, OS-destroying self.17:35
larson9999joanki, i mean to have it automatically use that list so you don't have to install them all manually.17:35
joankilarson9999, i've got to tell you though, there's dozens and dozens and dozens of programs there that i know i did not install17:35
vasilisaAlright, can anyone post their fstab so i can see the DEFAULT mount points of cdrom drives?17:36
Picijoanki: Most of them probably just came with the system.17:36
Picivasilisa: fstab varies from system to system17:36
slugoneliux doesnt natively support rar archives ??? :S17:36
joankii just had a text document17:36
brobostigonvasilisa: the normal mountpoint for cdrom is /cdrom17:36
larson9999joanki, probably thousands.  but you installed them.  just didn't specify them17:36
joankiwhere i wrote them all down as i  chose them17:36
Picivasilisa: Probably mounted in /media/cdrom/ though17:36
vasilisaPici: I understand that, but i need something u.u17:36
joankioh i see17:36
slugonehow can i un rar it says archive type unsupported17:36
sparrhow can i connect to a "normal" cisco vpn?  that is, one that windows xp connects to with no special configuration.17:37
bazhangfkbnam: not here17:37
k2join Jimmy Page17:37
vasilisaI just need a fstab to look at17:37
Cursed_6_dsHi! my ubuntu hangs when i try to view a streaming video. Firefox consumes 100% resources. I have each and everything installed and fully updated system.17:37
vasilisai dont quite grok them17:37
larson9999Cursed_6_ds, flash?17:37
reportingsjrIs there an mp3 manager for ubuntu? Like itunes, I just want a place to see all of my mp3s mashed together. Would be nice.17:37
vasilisareportingsjr: AMAROK17:37
joankigotta go thankx all17:37
Cursed_6_dslarson9999, thats installed as well17:37
iGamareportingsjr, listen, atunes,17:37
Jack_Sparrowvasilisa: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49846/              for what it is worth17:37
Pici!rar | slugone17:38
ubotuslugone: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free17:38
iGamaexile, rhytmbox ( the one install by default )17:38
vasilisaThank you Jack!!!17:38
larson9999Cursed_6_ds, no, i mean are you talking about flash videos lucking up on you17:38
reportingsjrvasilisa: Amarok? I'll try it out :)17:38
vasilisareportingsjr: I love Amarok.17:38
reportingsjrWhat the.. Would here be a reason I can't view any folders with mp3's in them now?17:38
vasilisareportingsjr: It can even sort your files and auto rename them based on meta info, placing them into directories :D17:39
reportingsjr"the folder contents could not be displayed"17:39
vasilisathats odd17:39
Jack_Sparrowlarson9999: Please choose more family friendly adj...17:39
reportingsjrvasilisa: I just want them all together, way too many!17:39
vasilisareportingsjr: its good for anything.17:39
reportingsjrvasilisa: Yeah, I wonder what's going on..17:39
Cursed_6_dslarson9999, i am talking about youtube, which is a flash video as i guess17:39
MikeHAnyone know what Windows/Super + R does?17:40
MikeHI just pressed it, thinking of the run box17:40
socketbindhi, upon startup I get an error dialog "Failed to initialize HAL" totally randomly17:40
MikeHand everythings gone "fuzzy"17:40
socketbindand i have no idea on how to fix it : |17:40
reportingsjrvasilisa: I'm thinking about going out today and buying a new HD, SATA is the newest type right, the fastest?17:40
socketbindwhen this happens automount dies too17:40
larson9999Cursed_6_ds, yeah, try as i might flash still locks up all my computers at some point.  although, it's usually just certain videos or seems to be random.  not as bad as it used to be.17:40
vasilisareportingsjr: I have SATA and its awesome, so yes17:40
vasilisareportingsjr: Although IDEs  cost more now since they're going away17:41
Jack_Sparrowvasilisa: If it helps I have sata too... plextore17:41
reportingsjrvasilisa: Odd, I have 3 ides, 2 20 gigs and 1 40 :)17:41
nixnoobreportingsjr, you probably want the 3.0Gbps SATA17:41
nixnoobSATA II17:41
Cursed_6_dslarson9999, same happens to konqueror. and even to other streaming sites, which arent flash.17:41
reportingsjrnixnoob: What would be the price of a 100gb one?17:41
reportingsjrat staples :D17:41
Cursed_6_dslike one for real media...17:41
WGGMkWhen installing VMWare Server Console, it will NOT let me run the install script unless im a super user.. After installing it (with sudo) it will not let me run vmware-server-console unless im I user sudo.. How can I install this so that it shows up in my Applications and doesnt require sudo from terminal??17:42
larson9999Cursed_6_ds, all i can say is let me know if you get it fixed :)17:42
socketbindany idea on the "Failed to initialize HAL" error dialog? i have no idea from where it is originating17:42
nixnoobreportingsjr, you are not understanding the 3.0Gbps is the transfer speed.17:42
ironfootok I've read what I needed to read out agile and began to install but I get this Error can you help me with this:->http://rafb.net/p/sXlkTz84.html17:42
Cursed_6_dslarson9999, do you have the same problem?17:43
reportingsjrnixnoob: No, I understand, and WOW! 3.0Gbps!? Talk about fast!17:43
RemanifestWithin Synaptic, if a program has the Ubuntu logo next to it, what does that mean?17:43
larson9999Cursed_6_ds, maybe.  flash locks my system up tight about 5 or so times a day.17:43
equinuxAlguien podría contestarme en castellano a poder ser qué está ocurriendo con nautilus cuando provoca que el procesador se ponga al 60% sin conseguir salir de mi carpeta personal. Solo ocurre cuando intento salir de ella con las teclas de navegación17:43
sigmadoes anyone here know how to share the internet connection if im using a usb modem? i have the internet working on my pc, just can't share it. i want to share it to another linux pc17:43
marcioapf!es > equinux17:44
marcioapfequinux, read the private message from ubotu =)17:44
reportingsjrUh oh17:44
reportingsjrI fucked something up17:44
k2iam simk17:45
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:45
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nixnoobanyone running gusty on a Asus c90s?17:45
RemanifestHm, anyone know what that means...?17:46
equinuxgracias marcioapt17:46
WGGMkWhen installing VMWare Server Console, it will NOT let me run the install script unless im a super user.. After installing it (with sudo) it will not let me run vmware-server-console unless im I user sudo.. How can I install this so that it shows up in my Applications and doesnt require sudo from terminal??17:46
socketbindWGGMk: right click on the applications menu, edit17:46
socketbindand a new item and prepend gksu on the command17:47
socketbindlike gksu vmware-server-console17:47
wols_WGGMk: set it suid root for example17:47
reportingsjrI can't even run file browser thingy. It says it's starting up, then shuts down.17:47
Cursed_6_dsWGGMk, use gksu17:47
unravelhave you added yourself to the vmware group, if there is one?17:47
ketroxj #ubuntu.tn17:48
WGGMkwols_: socketbind: Cursed_6_ds: so other then changing the file permissions on the installed binaries, there's no way to run it as a normal user?17:48
socketbindWGGMk: try adding yourself to the vmware group if there is such a thing17:48
unravelWGGMk: go to System > Admin > Users and groups. is there a VMware related group? if so, add yourself.17:48
LOGANdoes ubuntu live cd have FTP app?17:49
WGGMksocketbind: unravel: thanks guys/gals17:49
brobostigonlogan: nautilus17:49
WGGMkthis community is the best... *tips hat*17:49
LOGANis nautulus preinstalled on life cd?17:49
socketbindof course it is17:50
unravelLOGAN: if youre using Ubuntu, yes.17:50
socketbindit is an integral part of gnome17:50
unravelnautilus is GNOME's file manager17:50
brobostigonlogan: nautilus is gnome file manager,17:50
Tilllinuxis there an app to convert with a wacom tablet written words into text?17:50
LOGANbut I need an FTP application17:50
sparrwhatis the vpn client gui for gnome?17:50
Tilllinuxsomething like a hand-writing recognizing text17:50
Tilllinuxapp ;)17:50
brobostigonlogan: nautilus does do ftp17:50
cuteharezuse fireftp17:51
nixnoobcuteharez, he wants to kno if the livecd has ftp17:51
Buyydeehow do I make a starter from this command?  export MATLAB_JAVA=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre && matlab &17:51
unravelcuteharez: he's asking fore something that's on the live cd17:51
socketbindany idea on how to fix or debug the "Failed to initialize HAL" message I get randomly upon startup?17:51
cuteharezits included17:51
cuteharezi remember17:51
cuteharezoh live cd no17:51
cuteharezon unbuntu itself there is17:51
RemanifestWithin Synaptic, if a program has the Ubuntu logo next to it, what does that mean?17:52
socketbindBuyydee: MATLAB_JAVA=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre matlab17:52
Buyydeesocketbind: thanks17:52
unravelLOGAN: from the live cd, in gnome > go to Places menu > Connect to server , select ftp17:52
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fosohey all, i just got awn, and want my normal toolbar to be gone, when i click autohide its still there, i can delete it, but if i do that will i be able to get it back?17:52
socketbindRemanifest: it means that it is supported by Canonical17:52
Remanifestsocketbind: And that means it's supported by Ubuntu?17:53
unravelLOGAN: if you *need* something else, you can also search Synaptic and install, though anything you install will not last after a reboot.17:53
WGGMkquick question... What exactly is the difference between gksu and sudo?17:53
Remanifestsocketbind: Not that I necessarily need it for the system to operate properly?17:53
maybeway36gksu is optimized for graphical apps17:53
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)17:53
unravelWGGMk: sudo is for the command line, gksu/gksudo set up graphical environments properly17:53
socketbindRemanifest: it is just simply supported by ubuntu, it may a cruicial or not cruicial system component17:53
unravelif you launch a GUI app with sudo, you *may* eventually run into issues.17:54
LOGANunravel thanks but I dont need additional downloads atm :)17:54
WGGMkmaybeway36: unravel: thanks17:54
sparrhow can i access the gnome network manager from kde?17:54
WGGMkshould of tried the bot first eh17:54
Remanifestsocketbind: MySQL would be non-essential, correct?17:54
socketbindRemanifest: unless you want a database server installed17:54
Buyydeesocketbind: i get the error "there was an error creating the child process for this terminal" if i make a starter "program in terminal" and normal "application" does nothing at all17:54
unravelsparr: do you have GNOME installed alongside KDE?17:54
unravelif not, you'll need to install it.  nautilus, at least. i'm not sure what nautilus depends on.17:54
Sir_Sidwhen you use the -d option with aptitude, where does it download the package17:55
Remanifestsocketbind: Alright, cool, thanks :P -- I prefer PostgreSQL, but I wasn't sure if MySQL was used by something essential.17:55
sparrunravel: yes17:55
Buyydeesocketbind: normal "application" gives me "Failed to execute child process "MATLAB_JAVA=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre" (No such file or directory)"17:55
* LimCore is amazed by size of ubuntu failure to provide fonts that doesn't suck17:56
socketbindBuyydee: that is kind of strange, maybe someone is more knowledgeable on it17:56
socketbindi have never experienced such a problem17:56
Buyydeesocketbind: i've tried it some time, but i can only get it to run from the terminal, even scripts don't work...17:56
unravelsparr: yes? you have GNOME installed alongside KDE? or yes something else?17:56
unravelLimCore: what's so sucky about the included fonts. not all are bad.17:57
sparrunravel: yes i have GNOME instealled alongside KDE17:57
Remanifestsocketbind: As I understand it, Synaptic tells me whether other programs depend on a package I'm trying to remove, right?17:57
socketbindRemanifest: yeah, it will always warn you17:57
Buyydeeis there anyone else who might know how to start the following command with a launcher? export MATLAB_JAVA=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre && matlab &17:58
Remanifestsweet, so no worries then :)17:58
vasilisaWell im lost. My cd drives simply willl not mount correctly17:58
unravelsparr: ok, then nautilus should be *somewhere* in your KDE menus. not being a KDE user, i cant tell you where. you can launch it from the command line with 'nautilus' though17:58
socketbindwell Buydee, i have googled the stuff and it seems that you get this when something is deeply broken with some device nodes17:58
unravelminus the 's17:58
vasilisaWhat are those little files in /media i deleted that said "cdrom0" and "cdrom1" but werent driectories?17:58
unravelvasilisa: those are mount points.17:59
socketbindvasilisa: those were mount points ...17:59
socketbind: )17:59
_LoneCrowI heard that centos is better server package.. is this true?17:59
vasilisaokay... how do i get them back?17:59
Buyydeesocketbind: the problem is the incompatibility of compiz with java-6 i understand. the terminal command works around this like a charm and i'd love to do this with one click. i don't understand a word of what you just told me, sry :)17:59
sparrunravel: thanks.  found the applet, nm-applet17:59
Jack_Sparrow_LoneCrow: THis isnt the place for that type of question  try #Ubuntu-offtopic18:00
LOGANis wine preinstalled on live cd?18:00
maybeway36LOGAN: no18:00
unravelnm-applet? i thought you wanted gnome's file manager.18:00
Buyydeesocketbind: the ubuntu is quite fresh installed and i didn't mess conciously with "deep" stuff18:00
vasilisaunravel / socketbind : Can they be remade?18:00
maybeway36you can install it with synaptic18:00
maybeway36or "sudo apt-get install wine"18:00
unravelvasilisa: try sudo mkdir /media/cdrom0 && sudo mkdir /media/cdrom118:00
LOGANim using live cd18:00
=== christia1 is now known as Kufad
vasilisaunravel: That makes folders, and try as i might i cant get the cds to mount to them18:01
maybeway36you can install stuff when running live cd, it just goes away when you reboot18:01
Kufadi have downloaded opera for my ubuntu.. but it doesnt seem to run flash. How do i make it running flash ?18:01
FastZHey folks, I'm having problems getting sound to work on an HP Pavilion dv6626us laptop that's running Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy.  I have read a lot of information and have noticed that a lot of people have had sound problems with the HP dv6000 series laptops.  This particular model uses the ICH8 family onboard audio device.  Anyone in here can point me in a good direction to figure out a fix for this?18:01
socketbindBuyydee: i'm not too certain that the stuff i have found would fix your problem : | maybe you can disable compiz for the time being?18:01
unravelvasilisa: CDs have never automounted when you've put them in?18:01
socketbindi personally disabled it because i think it is a bug parade18:01
Jack_SparrowKufad: flash is broken.. and even the fix will not help if you are running opera18:01
david_JFastZ: You may need to compile alsa yourself18:01
vasilisaunravel: Yeah, to those mount points. But not to those folders. I have to select "open" to mount it there, any other option leaves it mounted on my desktop!18:01
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david_JFastZ: What is the moudle you are trying to use?18:02
Kufadso i cant run flash in opera??18:02
vasilisaunravel: And it mounts to desktop regardless18:02
socketbindit seems so, it is pretty much broken kufad, maybe an older ver18:02
Jack_SparrowKufad: Not at this time18:02
unravelmount points are folders.18:02
socketbindi think only the latest has this thing18:02
vasilisaunravel: These weren't18:02
unravelvasilisa: are you sure that it's *mounting* to the desktop, and not just showing the icon there?18:02
vasilisaunravel: They looked like link files18:02
Jack_SparrowKufad: You can try the fix, but it could come back to bite you later when the real fix comes down18:02
Kufadokay.. but i tried firefox.. it said i needed flash plugin. I selected adobe flash.. but it didnt load it.18:03
vasilisaunravel: I dunno, it shows the icon on the desktop, yet i cant find it in /media/cdrom0 or cdrom118:03
Kufadso i tried gnash, but that seems not to work properly on for example youtube18:03
Jack_SparrowKufad: Read the /topic18:03
unravelvasilisa: hmm. my link is cdrom but cdrom0 and cdrom1 are the directories themselves.18:03
vasilisai found out that my cd drives want to mount to hdc and hdd18:03
socketbindany idea on why acoustic management absouletly doesnt work with my harddisk? : |18:03
vasilisaunravel: my links are gone.18:04
Buyydeesocketbind: i know this solution and it works, but my workaround starts matlab with compiz running, i'd just like to bring this into a starter18:04
FastZdavid_J:  I've read where one individual did just that and it failed to fix his problem.  I haven't tried that route yet, so I won't rule that one out.  I'm not sure what module I'm trying to use.  Just trying to get the sound to work.  The output for lspci | grep Audio is 00:1b.0 Audio device:  Intel Corp. 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)18:04
mediabuntuhi all18:04
david_JFastZ: if it is snd_hda_intel, I had to download the latest alsa and install and pass some options to the module18:04
vasilisaWhat i did was erased the two link-like cdrom files and made cdrom0 and cdrom1 directories, then changed fstab so it mounted there.18:05
david_JFastZ: looks like mine18:05
vasilisaAfter that, DVDs wont run, Xine finds some sort of errror18:05
vasilisaeven VLC just quits18:05
Buyydeeanother thing concerning launchers: i need to start the following command (java -Xms24m -Xmx30m -jar gwtb.jar) from the folder the file is located, probably due to bad programming in java. otherwise some icons don't appear. can i make the launcher change its working directory to a specified one and then launch the command above?18:05
FastZdavid_J:  was there a set of instructions that you followed or did you know what you were doing?  this is the first time I've had to troubleshoot sound on a laptop running linux so I'm partially in the dark on this18:05
mediabuntuany one seen the vista volume mixer. i works really nice the whole idea just works.18:05
spowersi did a kernel upgrade and it broke my initrd, which now hangs during boot with little indication of what the problem might be. version 2.6.22-14-generic.  my subsequent attempts to fix the problem have resulted in losing my working initrd.bak file, so now i can't boot at all.  suggestions welcome18:06
unravelvasilisa: what are the permissions like in fstab?18:06
david_JFastZ: I lost the bookmark for it.. In fact I got the answer from a SuSE forum18:06
_LoneCrowI consider that on topic.  What are the pros and cons .. why is Ubuntu Server better than Centos?  I'd like to know we are going ot make a decision soon.  I like ubuntu for the great community support and documenation..  why do peopoe like centos better?18:06
vasilisaunravel: Um... i still don't quite get fstab so...18:06
david_JFastZ: google lead me there18:07
vasilisaunravel: atm there's no listing of either cdrom because i just removed them18:07
Jack_Sparrow!ot > _LoneCrow:18:07
jrattner1Question: Why does flash play in firefox even though I used firefox's "Install Missing Plugins" to install flashplugin-nonfree??18:07
socketbindBuyydee: i think you can use: "cd /dir; java -jar stuff.jar"18:07
spowers_LoneCrow: people like centos because their bosses say they do, or because their vendors say that RHEL is the only choice.18:07
Buyydeesocketbind: i'll try that18:07
unravelvasilisa: next time you edit fstab, or any system file... copy the original first :P18:07
vasilisaunravel: how is /dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   austo   defaults        0       018:07
spowerspeople who want to get some work done generally like ubuntu better.18:07
vasilisaunravel: yeah, i know. thought i had tihs18:07
maybeway36auto not autso18:08
vasilisayeah i just noticed that18:08
_LoneCrowWhat about ubuntu support for apache and tomcat?  How does Ubtuntu run that on a semi large scale on a server?18:08
unravelvasilisa: mine looks like: /dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0       018:08
Pici_LoneCrow: You might get some more specific server questions answered in #ubuntu-server, fyi18:08
RemanifestWhat do you guys think of Slackware??18:08
unravelsomething tells me /dev/hdc is so not your cd drive18:08
unravelRemanifest: i think it's offtopic :P18:08
Jack_SparrowRemanifest: PLease ask that if #Ubuntu-offtopic18:09
vasilisaunravel: so /dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660     user,noauto,exec 0      018:09
reportingsjrConnecting my bros half stack amp to my computer :D18:09
socketbindRemanifest: my friend worships it like a deity, i dont know i dont think it is so great18:09
vasilisaunravel: That should mount devicce hdc with full rights?18:09
spowersis kernel breakage ontopic?18:09
socketbindbut yeah i shut up it is offtopic18:09
_LoneCrowOh didnt even know there was an ubuntu-server channel thx18:09
unravelvasilisa: only if your cdrom is /dev/hdc ... and hdc would be a hard drive.18:09
maybeway36hdc is a cdrom on my debian system18:09
vasilisaunravel: For some reason it wants to mount my cdrom drives as hdc and hdd18:10
Buyydeesocketbind: this doesn't work. the 'child process' issue again when running it in terminal and normal 'application' seems not to be able to use the command 'cd', it reports 'unknown command'18:10
Jack_Sparrowspowers: Questions about your ubuntu install are always on topic18:10
unravelvasilisa: weird. yea, that should probably work then18:10
FastZdavid_J:  does this look somewhat like what you had done?  http://www.suseforums.net/index.php?showtopic=27776#18:10
Buyydeesocketbind: i just had an idea, i'm going to write a script, locate it in the desired folder and create a launcher for the script, that might work18:11
spowersa kernel update from the main archives generated a bad initrd and my thinkpad will no longer boot.  has anyone else had that happen to them?18:11
phosphoricxI have a sound that is repeating in ALSA, I tried restarting ALSA, but it returns. How can I flush ALSA?18:11
unravelspowers: surely you have an older kernel you can boot with?18:11
macabro22guys I wanna report a bug18:11
socketbindBuyydee: that always should work, a perfect place would be /usr/local/bin or ~/bin but i think you already know that : )18:12
joankii want to play a real player video.... it requires real player... what can i use to wtach it?18:12
macabro22how do I do that?18:12
vasilisaunravel: The source cant be read. Maybe you don't have enough rights for this, or source doesn't contain data (e.g: no disc in drive). (Error reading NAV packet.)18:12
maybeway36try vlc18:12
Jack_Sparrowspowers: It happes alot to people that have used automatix or envy scripts to install things more than any other reason18:12
slugonei have a rar file and when i try to unpack it, it says unsupported archive type18:12
Buyydeesocketbind: thanks for the tip, it's located in /usr/local/bin/tb :)18:12
unravelvasilisa: at this point i have no idea. sorry.18:12
LOGANcan next version of ubuntu please include filezilla as ftp client18:12
Jack_Sparrowspowers: Both of those are very bad ideas/scripts by the way18:12
ithicineslugone: sudo aptitude install unrar18:12
vasilisamaybeway36: it just crashes18:12
spowersi would never, ever use those18:12
ithicineslugone: then try unpacking again18:12
vasilisaThis SUCKS18:12
Jack_Sparrow!rar > slugone18:12
daniele_982hello all someone know the program xmodmap?  this is the ouput of evtest http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49851/ but i not understand hot associate it to xmodmap18:12
slugonewhich method18:13
ArabEyesjonaki . mplayer is not bad18:13
david_JFastZ: not really18:13
spowersmy sources.list is as installed by the gutsy installer, only i use a closer mirror18:13
slugoneill try both18:13
david_JFastZ: I can tell you to get alsa-driver > 0.15, alsa-utils, alsa-oss18:13
joankiArabEyes, it doesn't work18:13
slugone:p thx guyz18:13
joankimaybeway36, vlc doesn'tt work either18:13
spowersand since the new kernel version was basically the same as the old one, only there was a packaging difference, it didn't keep the old version18:14
externis there a way to divide my internet bandwidth equally between various programs? If I'm downloading something, I can barely browse the internet, because all the speed goes for the download18:14
=== smurf is now known as locovotebot
jrattner1Question: Why does flash play in firefox even though I used firefox's "Install Missing Plugins" to install flashplugin-nonfree??18:14
david_JFastZ: but I'll need to look up what options you have to pass to the module18:14
socketbindFastZ: i dont know if it is helpful but there are some backported modules avaiable, and among them there is snd-hda-intel18:14
FastZdavid_J:  I guess I'll keep searching around a bit then.18:14
spowersalso, i had an initrd.bak, but i tried to dpkg -i the linux-image package again and now i've got a bad initrd and a bad backup initrd ;/18:14
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ArabEyesjonaki , i tried it and it works18:14
socketbindthe name of the package is linux-backports-modules18:14
socketbindmaybe it helps18:14
ArabEyesjonaki , try then the realplayer18:14
daniele_982hello all someone know the program xmodmap?  this is the ouput of evtest http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49851/ but i not understand hot associate it to xmodmap18:15
FastZdavid_J: I've already installed the linux-backports-modules and that doesnt seem to make a difference18:15
david_JFastZ: Once you know what options to pass to the module is the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base18:15
vasilisaunravel: Okay, i tried putting one in,and when it gave me the option of what to do i chose "open with kaffeine", gt the same error... but NOW, it's not mounted on /media/cdrom0, yet it is open on the desktop!!!18:15
david_JFastZ: you should be good18:15
FastZthanks, i'll try that and see what happens18:15
vasilisawhats this: DMA disabled on device LITE-ON - DVDRW LH-20A1H18:16
sparrhow can i get the gnome network manager applet (nm-applet) to show up in my kde panel or system tray?18:16
david_JFastZ: I'll nopaste my file to give you a idea... maybe there'll be some documentation in the alsa-driver tree18:16
unravelvasilisa: open a terminal, type mount  ... see where it's mounted.18:16
david_JFastZ: to help you out on what options need to be passed18:16
david_JFastZ: http://rafb.net/p/Bk7k7Q32.html18:16
vasilisaunravel: i clicked open and it mounted. /dev/hdc on /media/cdrom0 type udf (ro,nosuid,nodev,user=vasilisa)18:17
socketbindFastZ: have you read the info avaiable in the ubuntu wiki about your notebook?18:17
=== tribal_lunch is now known as tribaldata
tribaldataanyone ever use tiger ? the security tool ?18:17
david_Jsocketbind: I did.. and nothing there worked for me18:18
joankihas anyone tried real player for linux?18:18
vasilisa.... man, im going to just reinstall linux if this keeps up18:18
david_JFastZ: All I can do is tell you what I did18:18
daniele_982 this is the ouput of evtest http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49851/ but i not understand hot associate it to xmodmap18:19
=== Remanifest is now known as Onyx
vasilisaActually i should... yah.... why not18:20
socketbinddaniele_982: maybe this helps: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_get_special_keys_to_work#xmodmap_configuration18:20
vasilisai miffed tihs one anyway18:20
joankii downloaded realplayer for linux from the internet.  it is a .bin file.  it is on my desktop.  how do i install it now?18:21
FastZsocketbind:  I have dabbled around a bit in the wiki for this notebook but haven't read thru thoroughly.18:21
daniele_982socketbind: the problem is that i not understand what is the code that i must take by evtest18:21
dredhammerhello i just enabled fglrx rebooted and now ubuntu says there is no xv support available for the graphics card18:21
RipfoxHello everybody18:22
socketbindjoanki: make it an executable, it is easy to graphically but i have a localized gnome : |18:22
FastZdavid_J:  thanks for the link18:22
RipfoxI am from the Ubu forums, first time really using irc18:22
socketbinddaniele_982: i forget the entire thing on how to make them work sorry, but there was a applications that made this easy, cant recall the name18:22
tribaldataHi Ripfox just ask your question  :)18:22
joankisocketbind, i have no idea what that means!18:22
joankihow do i make it an executable18:23
socketbindusing console you would do something like: chmod +x real-player.bin18:23
RipfoxI have no questions...just here to listen learn and chat18:23
socketbindjust substitute the filename18:23
arte_hello, there is a problem and i need to find out and kill a process which slows pc down18:23
socketbindif you have problems using the console18:23
tribaldataRipfox: Excellent enjoy then :)18:23
bikini_girlis there any channel for jsp errors or servlet errors ?18:23
arte_plz cud u tell me a cmd18:23
socketbindthen right click on the file, select permissions18:23
socketbindand select executable18:23
brobostigonarte_: top18:23
PiciRipfox: General chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic fyi, no problem with you just listening though.18:23
david_JFastZ: your wirless card work too?18:23
LOGANwhere do apps install on live cd and how to browse it?18:24
arte_brobostigon, ta18:24
spykedtomatohey all18:24
daniele_982socketbind: but if i paste the return of pression of the key you are able to understand what's the keycode?18:24
Tyczekhey... what's are those apic errors on end of document? http://www.wklej.org/id/96210026b318:24
joankisocketbind, i did the right click thingy but it doesn't open18:24
socketbindLOGAN: they will get installed on a ramdisk, you can browse which ones are installed by using synaptic package manager18:24
FastZdavid_J:  the wireless worked out of the box perfectly.  the only thing I have noticed that's borked is the sound.  Have read that the built-in webcam doesnt work out of the box but that's not a big issue right this minute.  Sound is though, so I'm trying to figure that out18:25
spykedtomatoanyone familliar with gtkpod? I'm trying to figure out how to sync the master playlist from a folder and INCLUDE all subfolders - but I'm snagged...18:25
calamariwhich feisty package creates the file /boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-16-generic  ?18:25
socketbindjoanki: but why do you want to use realplayer? : |18:25
=== kalila_ is now known as kalila
arte_brobostigon, just one more question alternate to file roller to unrar archieves faster and with no pc slow18:26
socketbindcalamari: the kernel image package should do it18:26
soundraycalamari: should be linux-image-2.6.20-16-generic18:26
arte_plz :)18:26
calamariokay thanks18:26
brobostigonarte_: no idea sorry18:26
phosphoricxanyone know how to list the processes which are using a module?18:26
arte_i found out it fr slowed it18:26
arte_when was unraring18:27
joankisocketbind, so i can watch dirty sexy money online18:27
joankiand it only plays in real player18:27
arte_ok anyway u helped me alot18:27
FastZthanks for the help david_J and socketbind.  much appreciated.  I gotta get going though.  again, thanks.18:27
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free18:27
=== psusi_ is now known as psusi
hussainI need help about a good html css ide pls18:27
socketbindFastZ: good luck with that stuff18:27
arte_!info unrar-free18:28
ubotuunrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20070515-1 (gutsy), package size 40 kB, installed size 124 kB18:28
joankisocketbind, any other suggestions =)18:28
hussainI'm used to use visual wb developer on xp ...is there an equivalent?18:28
joankii gots to watch my desperate housewives, too =)18:28
=== hussain is now known as ciao
socketbindi hate that intel allowed manufacturers to have several dozens codecs, now it is hard to support them18:28
socketbindwell let me test if it even works under linux joanki18:29
joankiit does18:29
socketbindah only viewers from the united states18:29
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:29
joankiyou're not in the us?18:29
socketbindjoanki: not really : ))18:29
joankiit takes SO long to make everything work on my ubuntu but i'm sure over time it will get easier18:29
socketbindi'm not sure that the watered down and old real player 10 version that you can get on linux would work with this18:30
socketbindmaybe there is a package for it, that should be eaiser to install18:30
Jack_Sparrowjoanki: sudo apt-get install mozilla-helix-player    is supposed to install a player that will play those files... per  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy18:30
Juhazintel allowed? wtf? you think every application should need an explicit approval from intel before it can be run?18:30
joankiJack_Sparrow, thankSSSSSS18:31
Jack_Sparrowjoanki: Google is your friend..18:31
joankiJack_Sparrow, too many friends at once is 2 much to handle =p18:31
joankinew to all this18:31
TehBrandonOk, I installed vista and then ubuntu 7.10 (in that order) and for some reason it defaults to booting vista...no grub screen.18:31
Jack_Sparrowjoanki: JUst a suggestion.. but until you get more comfortable with ubuntu.. you might want to stick with the official repos..18:32
=== Kopfgeldjaeger is now known as You_have
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!18:32
=== Onyx is now known as Remanifest
=== Remanifest is now known as Onyx
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soundrayTehBrandon: then grub failed to install. Do you have more than one hard disk?18:32
Juhazgot to say those dumb bots are very well named18:32
joankiJack_Sparrow, but i don't want to get used to them.... i want to learn how to use terminal18:32
Jack_Sparrowjoanki: You can use the terminal and still stick to the official repos18:33
jonas22hi guys, I've got a problem wrt 7.10;  I have installed the Neutral cursors via the 'system->settings->appearance' install button, but when I chose them, I get cursors from different themes depending on what widget I am using18:33
pastorDoes anyone know where my 'crossover' bottles are stored in Unbuntu?18:33
spykedtomatoanyone familliar with gtkpod? I'm trying to figure out how to sync the master playlist from a folder and INCLUDE all subfolders - but can't figure it out - when I sync it only syncs the files in the main dir and not the subs...18:33
socketbindJuhaz: erm, not really. with intel hda cards, the card can have several dozen codecs and none of them are properly supported and are proprietary18:33
joankiJack_Sparrow, sorry to ask, but i installed the mozilla -helix player18:34
socketbindlike conexant, realtek and etc.18:34
joankibut first, how do i make it my default player18:34
joankisecond, how do i even OPEN it?18:34
joankiok i found a way to open it18:34
bmk789_how do i find out if im using a tickless kernel?18:34
joankiit's called helix18:34
jonas22so basically, although I have "neutral" selected in the Pointer section of 'appearance preferences', i still see cursors from the DMZ (Black) theme18:35
TopherHuntCan anyone tell me how Gutsy treats Intel X3100?18:35
TopherHuntCan I do desktop effects etc?18:35
TopherHuntCan anyone tell me how Gutsy treats Intel X3100?18:36
bottigerhow do you encrypt your home and swap partition? which program would you recommend?18:36
socketbindwell i think it should work as intel develops the linux driver topherhunt18:36
brobostigon!patience | TopherHunt18:36
ubotuTopherHunt: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:36
jonas22my Intel 915GM/GMS/GML works well w/ desktop effects if that's any indication18:36
socketbindlemme check it if it is supported18:36
LOGANaarg a small crash18:37
larzencan anyone tell me where I enter the ESSID in Ubuntu when setting up wifi network?18:38
LOGANwhere are apps installed and when will the firefox flash (and other plugins) issue be corrected?18:38
socketbindlarzen: networkmanager just lists it, if you want it with iwconfig then: iwconfig wlan0 essid youressid18:38
larzenI am coming from the Gentoo world and the Ubuntu linus is a little different18:38
larzensocketbind - what about if I want it to load up on startup?18:38
socketbindi think it can be done in /etc/network/intefaces18:39
soundraylarzen: manual GUI setup: System-Administration-Network - click on the interface - select Properties18:39
KtronWhere does NetworkManager log to? I'm failing to connect to an openvpn vpn and I'm trying to find the logging18:39
larzensoundray - the properties or "settings" are grayed out.18:39
larzensoundray - mind you, I am in a ubuntu-live cd.18:39
socketbindKtron: i have it in /var/log/daemon.log18:39
socketbindpretty verbose18:39
mirakis there a way to copy files on a USB pen or whatever in a logical order ? It seems my autoradio takes files in the order they are wrote on the filesystem, and not alphabetically. That's anoying :/18:40
banet436Hi to everyone!  Which program may I use to burn a set of VOB, IFO, BUP files, to create a Video DVD?18:40
gmarotta6hi logan18:40
soundraylarzen: then your first stop should be Network Manager. Double click the icon next to the volume icon on the upper panel.18:40
LOGANi guess i need to reinstall win98SE if I ever hope to get any work done again18:41
soundraylarzen: sorry, I meant right-click18:41
mnlchcnhola a todos18:41
GHOSTbuenas tardes18:41
larzensoundray - perfect. I see the wifi network there.18:42
larzenI see my access point.18:42
mahrellonI need some help. I need shut down X and install a driver through a TTY (I think it's called TTy atleast) but when I try "gdm stop" or "init 3" or just switch to a tty (ctrl+alt+2) I always end up with a blank screen and a blinkin cursor to my upper left. Any ideas what I can do to solve this?18:42
LOGANwhere are apps installed on live cd please. and is there any word on the firefox plugin issue?18:42
soundraylarzen: then you should be connected already18:42
maybeway36mahrellon: boot in recovery mode18:42
jonas22does anyone know, about the X cursors?18:42
socketbindLOGAN: what are you trying to accomplish?18:42
socketbindmany apps just install icons in the applications menu18:43
mahrellonmaybeawat36: lol I didn't think of that! Thanks m8. :)18:43
jonas22i would really prefer to use the Neutral theme but when hovering over certain widgets I drop back into DMZ (Black)18:43
LOGANsocked I need to extract info from an xml thats is installed witrh an app in live mode18:43
jugheadI just installed kubuntu gutsy on my laptop and I remember reading something about ubuntu messing up laptop hard drives.  Was there a fix or what should I do or look for?  thanks!18:43
gmarottasince yesterday my Keyboard of my toshiba M105 when I press space it a p pears the letter p18:43
LOGANand I want to see what i uploaded actually works18:43
mahrellonmaybeway36, Sorry for missspelling your name. And thanks again :)18:43
maybeway36youre welcome18:43
larzenyep! thanks!18:44
LOGANflash, gnash, java, all those plugins cannot be installed on live mode18:44
gmarottaand so on  press h a p pears 6h18:44
socketbindLOGAN: well, installed apps have a special structure, can you tell the name of app?18:44
GHOSTtats normal18:44
soundrayjughead: ubuntu does not mess up hard disk drives18:44
larzenoh man.. this is great it usually takes me 2x 3x as long to get it working in gentoo18:44
LOGANits filezilla18:44
LOGANbut I just need to know where live mode puts them18:44
LOGANwhat folder or something18:44
dorkfaceHi all.  What would be the best point-to-point file transfer protocol in terms of minimal overhead?  rsync?18:45
jonas22larzen: :)18:45
socketbindsoundray: there was actually something like that with the power management of the drives18:45
gmarottain both 7.04 and 7.1018:45
soundrayjughead: some people believe that hard disks suffer from frequent spinning up/down. In truth, laptop hard disks are built for that.18:45
GHOSTLODAN its usr bin apps i think18:45
gmarottaany  hel p18:45
jonas22dorkface: what kind of overhead;  network overhead?18:45
dorkfacejonas22: yes18:45
LOGANGHOST:  and how to navigate to there?18:45
banet436 Which program may I use to create a VideoDVD from a set of VOB, IFO, BUP files?  GnomeBaker doesn't work.18:45
jugheadso the spinning up and down is unavoidable soundray ?18:46
GHOSTLOGAN use yor window manager18:46
soundrayjughead: if you're worried, you can look at /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf and change the timeout before it spins down HDs18:46
TehBrandonOk, I installed vista and then ubuntu 7.10 (in that order) and for some reason it defaults to booting vista...no grub screen.18:46
soundrayjughead: or disable spindown entirely18:46
GHOSTLOGAN nautilus for ubutnu18:46
Tilllinuxbtw.: is there a mail service that provides email adresses like "@ubuntu" or "@linux" ?18:46
jonas22most protocols designed for that have equally small amt. of network overhead;  i'm not sure how rsync's built in one compares, but ftp is pretty light18:46
soundrayTehBrandon: then grub failed to install. Do you have more than one hard disk?18:46
ElorriHello, I'd like to ask for help regarding my Wifi connexion with ubuntu, is anyone can help me ?18:46
LOGANGHOST:  sure but I dont know where to find user bin18:46
TilllinuxTehBrandon: try changing the harddisk priority in the bios18:47
GHOSTLOGAN im on xp now so :s18:47
soundrayTehBrandon: use my nick, so I don't miss your reply. Don't follow Tilllinux advice just yet...18:47
LOGANGHOST: lucky you18:47
zkjellbergQuestion: Anyone know of any HD tv tuners supported in linux?18:47
Odd-rationaleI have some extra buttons on my laptop. How can I fond out the "name" of the button so that I can map it to something useful?18:47
GHOSTlol ty18:47
jugheadsoundray, it looks like I only go into laptop-mode on batteries (which is uncommon for me) so I guess I'm good to go!  thank you kindly18:47
soundrayTehBrandon: use the RecoveringUbuntu... link in the factoid (private message) and make sure grub installs to the first drive in the system18:48
soundray!grub > TehBrandon18:48
slugonegot a question.......i wanna turn off my comp but im downloading a torrent how do i open my torrent and make it resume after a restart......i dont see the torrent program as "clickable" item18:48
LOGANim on live cd. an app installed but dont know where to look for it18:48
soundrayjughead: yw18:48
LOGANprobably on ramdisk or something18:48
soundrayLOGAN: what did you install?18:48
socketbindbut what kind of xml file do you need from filezilla?18:49
maybeway36slugone: i use ktorrent which is a full-featured bittorrent client18:49
LOGANsoundray:  I installed filezilla and trying to find the folder after importing the windows xml18:49
maybeway36maybe try just leaving the incomplete data onthe disk and ,maybe it will let you resume18:49
slugoneim using the one that comes pre installed...how can i open it ?18:49
socketbindLOGAN: maybe ~/.filezilla18:49
slugonemaybeway36: ill get that after :D18:49
maybeway36slugone: not sure... never used gnome bittorrent18:49
spykedtomatoIn gtkpod I'm trying to figure out how to sync the master playlist from a folder and INCLUDE all subfolders - but can't figure it out - when I sync it only syncs the files in the main dir and not the subfolders... I'm using gtkpod 0.99.10 on kubuntu gutsy with libgpod 0.6.0 with my iPod Classic 160Gb18:49
LOGANsocketbind: file browser, how to18:49
Odd-rationaleslugone: alt+f2 "bittorrent"18:49
socketbindhow to do that in a file browser?18:49
Ktronsocketbind, You win, found what I needed there18:50
Ktronsocketbind, thanks18:50
spykedtomatoI'm willing to use another prog to sync my ipod if it will sync files when i make changes...18:50
LOGANi really would like to find the xml file :)18:50
Odd-rationaleslugone: Wait. wrong command...18:50
socketbindwell logan if it is created by filezilla as its own configuration file, it must be in something like ~/.filezilla18:50
hypn0Odd-rationale: I think xev does that18:50
LOGANI dont know where ~ is or how to browse to it18:51
Odd-rationaleslugone: it is gnome-btdownload18:51
soundrayLOGAN: in a terminal, type 'find ~ -mmin -120' (this shows all your personal files that have changed during the last two hours)18:51
Tilllinuxsoundray: however, that's the problem I'm experiencing as well... I installed windows on an internal hd (hda1) and linux on an external usb (sd... something... however, for grub it's hd(0,3)) but If I put in a section for a windows boot to grub, I think it hangs with initramfs (as I assume windows is on (hd1,0)). It just reads "Starting up..." but it doesn't... if I use different options (like hd1,2 it just says, "Partition doesn't exist")18:51
Odd-rationalehypn0: What is xev?18:51
slugoneyea ....i never installed a client and im using 7.1018:51
kaminix^Ought I use the highest compressionlevel available when compressing flac files? Is there any downside to using --compression-level-8?18:51
cookiewhat is PCM18:51
calamariin order to use a SATA hd for root, do I also need to compile in SCSI stuff?18:52
LOGANsoundray: do you mean I cannot use the file browser to navigate to the correct app folder.>?18:52
zarathuFresh, clean Gutsy install.  Ran the updates as required and enabled restricted video drivers.  GDM will not start.  I'm using an 8800GTS18:52
hypn0in terminal, will tell you what key you press18:52
soundrayTilllinux: if windows is on hda1, the grub name for that partition is (hd0,0)18:52
larson9999is it me or does nautilus keep getting worse?18:52
Odd-rationaleslugone: You can also go to edit menu - > internet and enable bittorrent.18:52
zarathuand the libwfb IS there.18:52
cookiehello, what is PCM18:52
soundrayLOGAN: you can, but it may be in a hidden folder18:52
Tilllinuxsoundray: if I use hd0,0 grub will say, that this partition doesn't exist18:52
Condoulocookie- I think PCM is your speakers audio. Do you have realtek sound?18:52
soundrayTilllinux: you have to use the (parentheses)18:52
cookieI do no tknow what do I have18:52
LOGANsoundray: how to unhide all hidden folder and files then18:52
cookieI just want to fix my sound18:52
TilllinuxI know18:53
socketbindOdd-rationale: have you tried keytouch?18:53
cookiewhen I play music loud...it goes low quality18:53
soundrayLOGAN: why don't you do what I suggest first18:53
LOGANah found the show hidden files18:53
Condoulocookie- in the sound mixer, try turning the Line volume all the way down18:53
Condoulocookie- and then try testing your sound.18:53
=== asdfasdf is now known as RoAkSoAx
LOGANsoundray: well i assumed its somewhere accessible like Program Files on windows18:53
soundrayTilllinux: is Windows on /dev/hda1 ?18:53
deadlockIs there a way to have sound from dif apps going to dis sources, like MUSIC/background to speakers and Ventrilo/other going to headset18:53
Tilllinuxsoundray: yes, I think so18:54
Odd-rationalesocketbind: well, it's not on my keyboard. it's an extra button. I just want to know what's its name.18:54
soundrayTilllinux: you didn't put a space before or after the comma?18:54
calamarideadlock: do you have more than one sound card?18:54
phosphoricxI have a sound that is repeating in ALSA, I tried restarting ALSA, but it returns. How can I flush ALSA?18:54
socketbindOdd-rationale: well it should generate key events, on my asus notebook the keys do acpi events but they are mapped as keys i think18:54
mirakis there a way to copy files on a USB pen or whatever in a logical order ? It seems my autoradio takes files in the order they are wrote on the filesystem, and not alphabetically. That's anoying :/18:55
socketbindlike the disable toucpad one, or the screen lock button18:55
cookiewhich one?18:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:55
cookieAlsa or OSS mixer18:55
Condoulocookie- ummm.... alsa.18:55
HoxieI received this error this morning: Error- artsmessage- Sound Server Fatal Error: Error while initializing the sound driver: device: default cant be opened for playback (operation not permitted). And if I try to play mp3 or ogg, the player freezes and I cant play any sound???18:55
cookiewhat is the difference between them18:55
HoxieDoes anyone have any clue of where I could start to fix this?18:56
calamariI love how people ask a question then leave18:56
socketbindmirak: i guess nobody knows18:56
Condoulocookie- I have no idea. o_O As long as my sound works, I could care less. I just noticed that sound quality can be very low when the line volume is high.18:56
deadlockcalamari: No i do not.18:56
socketbindmirak: but well copying it one by one should accomplish it huh? :D18:56
Odd-rationalesocketbind: does keytouch tell you the name of the button? I'm trying to use gconf-editor to map a button to a script. I just want to know the what the button is called.18:57
miraksocketbind: certainly18:57
calamarideadlock: then how could you even plug in the speakers and headphones at the same time?18:57
miraksocketbind: but I would rather kill myself18:57
soundraymirak: if you copy multiple files with cp, they should arrive at the destination in alphabetical order. Use cp -v (verbose)18:57
socketbindahh sorry, odd-rationale then you should use xev that someone advised18:57
phosphoricxcookie: alsa18:57
Merlinwho builds the install CDs for ubuntu?  I have a question about the kernel config on them18:58
deadlockcalamari: Uh. Most PC's newer PC's have a headphone port in the front/more easily accessible location.18:58
Odd-rationalesocketbind: OK thanks.18:58
Odd-rationale/me never heard of xev.18:58
socketbindi used it but it is very verbose, and my brains turn inside out on the topic of these multimedia keys and stuff thingies18:58
windsor1er, =) misstyle18:58
soundrayMerlin: ask your question here. You will be redirected if appropriate18:58
calamarideadlock: yeah but that just plays the same thing as in the back.. either that or you have to set a jumper for either front OR back18:58
calamarideadlock: I suppose one option is if you have surround sound, then maybe you can use the surrounds as a second out?18:59
HoxieAnybody have any clue on a 'Sound Server Fatal Error'?18:59
MerlinWhere can I get a copy of the .config file for the kernel on the Ubuntu 7.10 AMD64 alternate install CD?18:59
MerlinAlso are there any special patches used in this kernel besides the one here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/source/linux-source-2.6.2219:00
soundrayMerlin: if you boot it, it should appear in /boot/config-$(uname -r)19:00
VampireHi, is it the Ubuntu Support IRC Chat??? :o19:00
soundray!ubuntu | Vampire19:00
ubotuVampire: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com19:00
PiciVampire: Yes sir.19:00
brobostigonvampire: yes19:01
Merlinsoundray: there is no /boot and no /proc/config*19:01
Vampirethx YES19:01
VampireÄh i got a little small problem19:01
elijahanyone good with VMware install?19:01
jonas22speaking of booting the ubuntu installer did not recognize that i had made a /boot/ partition and messed up the grub config19:01
Vampirei found much solutions with google but all Crack's19:01
LOGANflash plugin does not work (oh btw, don't use Gnash, at least not yet)19:01
calamariMerlin: locate the linux-image-(...).deb file, it is in there19:01
jonas22but i'm still stuck on this cursor problem;  i've installed my own set of cursors, and when I select them for use, I get different cursors hoving over different widgets19:02
OnyxHow can I change the name that appears in the top panel on Gnome?19:02
elijah<elijah> hey search forums for "how i got flash to work"19:03
Merlincalamari: can you point me to the right website or ftp site?19:03
MYRM1D0Nany idea when the bug with installing flash for firefox will be fixed?19:03
brobostigonlogan: gnash is my only flash option as i have a mac, and it doesnt work very well.19:03
soundrayOnyx: System-Administration-Users and Groups (change the full name)19:03
cookieI fucked up my sound19:03
calamariMerlin: you have the cd, right?19:03
Pici!language | calamari19:03
ubotucalamari: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:03
Merlincalamari: yes19:03
LOGANi just read the flash bug is fixed but wont be released untill april next year O_O19:03
miraksoundray: they don't, I would ask otherwise. cp doesn't take in alphabetical order, unless you use * but it won't recurse.19:03
calamariPici: excuse me19:03
evan__hey how can i get writing rights on my fat partition?19:03
calamariPici: that'd be cookie19:04
VampireIs there a Standard Root Password in ubuntu v.5.10 PC19:04
LOGANbrovodtigon well gnash is far from actually compatible yet19:04
brobostigoneven_: mount as rw.19:04
elijahi got flash to work for linux19:04
Picicalamari: Sorry about that.19:04
cookiecould somebody help me fix my sound...tell me how much to raise each bar?19:04
brobostigoneven_: man mount19:04
cookieI really suck at sound19:04
x3roconfnice to hear19:04
brobostigonrw = read write19:04
calamariMerlin: okay, go ahead and put in the cd19:04
LOGANi did some easy tests and talked to the def. many issues remain19:04
Vampiresry, im a complet newbie19:05
Onyxsoundray: It's telling me that I'm using an invalid character.  Is there any way to get it to accept it?  (it's a comma)19:05
Merlincalamari: i think i found it19:05
Merlincalamari: is this it: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.22/linux-image-2.6.22-14-server_2.6.22-14.47_amd64.deb19:05
calamariMerlin: then go to the directory where it is mounted and do: find . -name linux-image-*.deb19:05
deadlockcalamari: Not always in the alsa mixer you can pick multiple dif channels. So i didnt know if it was possible with the software mixer to do anything like that. Just a question sorry for wasting your time.19:05
x3roconfi have nver had any sound issues with ubuntu lol19:05
Merlincalamari: oh excellent19:05
Merlincalamari: thank you19:05
evan__hey how can i get writing rights on my fat partition?19:05
calamariMerlin: yw19:05
* BernardB Reboot.19:05
cookiecould somebody please help me fix my sound...I messed it up!19:06
cookieI do not know what I need to fix or what I broke19:06
brobostigoneven_: read manpage on mount, that will tell you.19:06
calamariMerlin: then you'll need to extract data.tar.gz .. beware, it extracts to the current directory, so make a directory for it first19:06
Spitzhi all19:06
=== elijah is now known as Orfintain
windsor1cookie: do you know how to use a terminal?19:06
windsor1cookie: try alsamixer19:06
cookieI have alsa and OSS mixer in Volume Control19:07
Orfintainset email @emorriso@vt.edu19:07
cookiewhat is the difference between them?19:07
Vampirethe "manpage" is something like the /? in DOS? Im confused :819:07
Vampirei tried mount in the "Bash" and got a nice listing19:07
windsor1cookie: you probably want alsa, I believe OSS sound system is depreciated19:07
PiciVampire: similar.  do man mount      press q to quit the manpage19:08
KalEli have a problem with sound i don't know how to fix it, or actually even what exactly is the problem19:08
jane_mhow do i check the free percentage of an unmounted partition?19:08
evan__hey how can i get writing rights on my fat partition?19:09
juanf03how do i get my keyboard to work properly19:09
cookieok...in alsa...how much does te master bar have to be?19:09
KalElthe problem manifests thus: 1) some sounds come with lots of intermittent 'jitters' or 'clicks' 2) Frets on Fire - the game stops the sound system first time i press any fret19:09
windsor1KalEl: I like to use alsamixer (from a terminal) to begin troubleshooting sound. It will tell you if alsa recognized your card.19:09
juanf03 cannot write ascii symbols19:09
proqesievan__: sudo or chown/mod/grp19:09
brobostigonevan_: i told you19:09
VolVEHi all, I'm trying to get x264 mkv files to playback and I'm having no luck. I installed Mplayer but it won't even open the file saying "could not initialize video filters" - are there some missing packages I should try?19:09
cookieAlsa Help19:09
proqesievan__: or edit your fstab19:09
cookieI need some help with alsa19:10
windsor1cookie: I'd set all the bars to 100% for testing, and make sure they aren't muted (it will show 2 "M" characters under the bar.19:10
KalElwindsor1, ok thanks... please let me reboot in linux - brb in 5 mins19:10
x3roconftype man alsa19:10
cookiewhat is the PCm bar and what does it do?19:10
evan__proqesi : yeah thats what i already looked at but i dont know what to add or remove there?19:10
windsor1cookie: be careful if you have the computer hooked up to a power amplifier or speakesr that can get LOUD. =)19:10
jane_mhow do i check the free percentage of an unmounted partition please19:10
T__I can run nothing from cdrom thru terminal, I have tried chmod, doesnt help. Can anyone help19:11
windsor1KalEl: np, I will help if I can.19:11
cookiewhat is the Mic Boos19:11
evan__jane_m right click on the partition en there it is19:11
evan__ohh yeah jane_m click properties19:11
jane_mcan i do it from the command line evan__19:11
proqesievan__: read a howto on editing it19:11
windsor1cookie: Mic boost will function differently depending on your hardware, but the idea is to make the microphone input more sensitive.19:12
LOGANwould ubuntu be able to boot from fat32? (I wanna watch a dvd as long as I cant boot into windows)19:12
windsor1cookie: by the way, if you prefix your lines with my nick name, I can read it easier, this tends to be a busy channel.19:12
cookiehow about IEC958 and IEC958 P19:12
evan__proqesi : kk i will19:13
cookiewindsor1: how about IEC958 and IEC958 P19:13
evan__jane_m not sure19:13
jane_mevan thank you.19:13
KalElthe alsa mixer response comes after a good amount of lag in my system, is it supposed to be like that?19:13
windsor1cookie: looks like something specific to your sound chipset... what is your current situation in troubleshooting? has your sound ever worked on this computer before?19:13
otmanjoin #ubuntu-sa/19:14
proqesijane_m: mount the drive and type df.19:14
=== hugglehug-gone is now known as Neskaya
LOGANi try booting into a linux that is able to continue boot from HDD19:14
cookiewindsor1: It still does...I think I fixed it! But when I talk on skype, and I have my mic and mic boost to 0, can the other person still hear me?19:15
LOGANthat way I can at least watch some dvds19:15
cookiewindsor1: I tried and it can...but why?19:15
otmanhow i can change the interface lang to from english to frensh on ubuntu19:15
windsor1cookie: probably not, but don't take that as a guarantee. =) You can simply mute the mic input using alsamixer or the desktop mixer widget that may or may not be on your desktop panel.19:16
otmanplz some can tell how i can change the interface lang from english to frensh19:16
VampireI understand nothing!19:17
cookiethank you windsor119:17
windsor1cookie: you may have more than one sound device. For example, if you have a USB headset for skype, it will appear to alsa as a different sound device than your on-board sound hardware.19:17
zimonotman, system > administration > language support .. if you're a gnome user.19:17
windsor1cookie: then they would have separate sound controls (and mute controls)... No problem. =)19:17
VampireWhere can i ste that damn root password! On i wasent asked and now is a * root pw wich i dont know :'-(19:18
Pici!root | Vampire19:18
otmanyes zimon19:18
otmani did that19:18
windsor1Vampire: sometimes you can do a "sudo passwd root"19:18
otmanbut no think happen19:18
Piciwindsor1: Please don't suggest that.19:18
ubotuVampire: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:18
zimonotman, what did you do there?19:19
ynniTrying to get a netgear wg111v3 wireless adapter working. I can't extract the .inf files from the windows drivers. There is a setup.exe on the cd and if I install this with wine I can't find any .inf or .sys in the resulting folder19:19
ynniand cabextract or unshiled don't recognize the setup.exe as a valid cabinet file19:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about random - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:22
x3roconfanyone using clamav-milter?19:23
gioare there any?19:23
dejand2re, is it allowed to have in dhcpd.conf something like http://rafb.net/p/mMkgQq41.html19:24
gioare there in ubuntu any program for looking my CPU Usage, HDD and ram every time like desktop bar or like somthing and running when log intu ubuntu?19:26
x3roconfcat /proc/cpuinfo19:27
dejand2& uptime19:27
brobostigongio: gkrellm19:27
ICQnumberare wine and winetools included in the general installation?19:27
=== ang3l_ is now known as Angel_
x3roconfor top19:27
brobostigonICQnumber: no19:27
gioi need to install for looking for that because sometimes my processor get hot and restarting19:27
ginogio: top and htop... for me htop is very good19:27
erUSULgio: there are many... you have panel applets or things like conky or gkrell19:27
Vampireubotu i looked at the page and there stood this: it needs YOUR USER Password19:28
Vampirebut it dosent work?19:28
=== Angel_ is now known as Ang3l_
PiciVampire: ubotu is a bot.19:28
ginogio: exist an applet for gnome: sensors-applet 1.7.12"19:28
PiciVampire: sudo command, asks for a password, that is your user's password.19:28
Vampiredont work19:28
x3roconf!ubotu random19:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about random - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:28
=== effie_jayx is now known as keffie_jayx
VampireAt the Setup i was asked for my Real Name, User Name and a Password19:29
Vampirethat password works for login19:29
gioGino: and there is visual face of my CPU, RAM and HDD informations?19:29
Vampiresudo tells me it's wrong19:29
Vampirekeyboard layout is right19:30
gioVampire you don't have Root pass maybe19:31
brobostigongio:gkrellm does that for me.19:31
Vampirewhitout i gain an error :)19:31
jimcooncatcan anyone recommend good cheap personal black-only laser printer? in usa.19:31
tushydif I installed a window manager like flux box, would it be easy to switch back and forth between metacity and fluxbox?19:31
x3roconfvampire u shold enable ur root account llol19:32
ginogio: are separate:cpu ram HDD usage are in an applet calls "monitor del sistema "in spanish, inenglish "system monitor" and this give you a usage of then (net, swap),are in this applet, sorry my english19:32
Pici!noroot | x3roconf19:32
ubotux3roconf: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)19:32
Vampirehow? :o19:32
thereseplease help... Just removed Vista on a new toshiba L40 and installed Kubuntu. Need help finding wifi card and set it up19:32
Picijimcooncat: try ##hardware19:32
QMarioHave any of you had trouble recording with a microphone with the AC97' integrated sound card? What about the VIA8237 or VIA82xx?19:32
ZLOY-PUZIKhello pliz help me19:32
jimcooncatk Pici, thanks19:33
PiciVampire: What is the error you get when you try to sudo?19:33
ginoZLOY: what you need?19:33
tushydif I installed a window manager like flux box, would it be easy to switch back and forth between metacity and fluxbox?19:33
Vampiremom i copy it19:33
tribaldatatherese: did you check in console19:33
stunatratushyd, I can't see why not.19:33
theresetribaldata: quite new to linux:-)19:34
VampireSorry, try again.19:34
tribaldatatherese: do you know how to get to console ?19:34
Vampiresudo: 1 incorrect password attempt19:34
theresetribaldata: its up now:-)19:34
Picix3roconf: Stop, this is a support channel.19:35
pike_tushyd: do you mean to switch wm for gnome or just to login to diff wm at login screen?19:35
x3roconfok soorry19:35
tushydswitch wm for gnome would be preferrable19:35
tribaldatatherese: excellent type in :   ipconfig19:35
PiciVampire: Are you still on the liveCD or are you in your actual install?19:35
Vampirei installed it with the Install CD Version 5.10 PC19:35
PiciVampire: And are you on the same user that the install created, or did you make any new ones?19:35
theresetribaldata: you mean ifconfig:-)??'19:35
Vampirecouldn't create a new one19:36
Vampireit want's every time this gd password19:36
tushydpike, switch wm for gnome19:36
Pici!5.10 | Vampire19:36
ubotuVampire: Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) was the third release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 13, 2007. See !eol for more details.19:36
theresetribaldata: typed ifconfig, and got some lines yes:-)'19:36
BehiiMehiiAnyone care to help a bit with this thing?19:37
=== keffie_jayx is now known as help
=== help is now known as keffie_jayx
VampireEvery time the same!19:38
giogDesklets any one try that? there is a lot of bugs i think and don't work properly :(19:38
Tilllinuxsoundray: do you have a clue, why grub just stops loading?19:38
VampireUser and Groups want my password!19:38
ompaulVampire, that is normal19:39
Vampireand then comes an error MSG wrong root pw19:39
thereseanyone there who can help me set up my wirelesscard??19:39
Nexusany ideas how i´m able to convince a friend using Ubuntu19:39
ompaulVampire, did you give it a root password?19:39
tribaldatatherese: check your private19:39
TilllinuxNexus: why doesn't he want to use ubuntu? games?19:39
tushydtherese, does your wireless card show up when you type iwconfig19:39
pike_tushyd: sorry i got busy.  its very easy yes.  simplest example is just pkill metacity; nohup fluxbox& when in gnome terminal19:39
Vampirewhat ever it is19:39
Nexusit sounds strange ,but they dislike the name19:39
ompaulVampire, it is your password if yiou are the "first user" on the box19:39
tushydpike_, thanks, and installing fluxbux, do I just apt-get install?19:40
ginogio: yes i try this and gkrellm, and gdesk is heavy weigth and gkrellm dont work popperly, but the applet for gnome panal work rigth for me19:40
Vampireduring the setup i created a user with this setup: Real Name, User Name and pw19:40
theresetushyd: no wireless extension it says19:40
Nexussaying an operating system with this name can´t be good19:40
pike_tushyd: yeah. no if you want to login to fluxbox just click sessions  button at login screen but you prob know that19:40
theresetribaldata: private???? using x chat19:40
tushydcool pike_, thanks19:40
TilllinuxVampire: use the pw you specified for the "User Name"19:40
Vampiredon't work :(19:41
x3roconfvampire waht happens if u type sudo su and type your password19:41
Lapinuxtherese: do you know what your wireless card is?  type lspci in console and see if its listed for starters...19:41
VampireSorry, try again.19:41
BehiiMehiiHow do I get Ubuntu to dual boot, so I can chose two use either Windows of Linux upon startup?19:41
gioyou forget your root password Vampire so you must remind it :)19:41
zimonNexus, why do you want them to use ubuntu? if that's their argument .. i'd leave them alone :-)19:41
TilllinuxBehiiMehii: easiest way is to install Windows *before* Ubuntu19:42
Vampirei've got only one damn pw here19:42
Vampireand this i have set in the setup19:42
Nexusbecause i convinced him to use linux19:42
thereselapinux... i do not know what kind it is. built in... new toshiba satelilite l4019:42
Tilllinuxcheck your capslock ;D19:42
Nexusbut he´s just before to install fedora core19:42
iandiwhilst using GNU ftp, how may I change my machine's directory to 'put' a file on a remote machine?19:42
ubotuWe don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)19:42
Nexusand i can´t believe that he might handle it19:42
Lapinuxtherese: type lspci in your console and look for the wireless card in the list19:42
BehiiMehiiTilllinux: I already have Windows on it, and it's just running off the CD, at the moment19:42
gioBehiiMehii install both of systems Win and Lin but the first on one drive letter C: and other on D: and thats all19:42
thereselapinux many lines there... what are we looking for19:42
zimonNexus, so let him. fedora is fine for .. some people.19:43
Tilllinuxif you're going to install on the same hd, it will work "automagically"19:43
Lapinuxlook for network cards19:43
Nexusand guess who´s the one who will be called if something doesn´t fit *g*19:43
iandiNexus, are you from Germany?19:43
thereselapinux is this it?? 05:07.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)19:43
iandiHow is the weather?19:43
VampireEin Deutscher :)19:44
VampireAber schätze mir is nich mehr zu helfen19:44
x3roconf-50 C19:44
Tilllinuxiandi: not cold enough to freeze the water :p19:44
Nexusah sind hier noch weitere Deutsche anwesend?19:44
zimoniandi, snow19:44
ompaul!de | Vampire19:44
ubotuVampire: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de19:44
Lapinuxtherese: thats probably the wired card, do you see any other refered to as wireless or ehternet?19:44
iandiIt's very cold here in Southern California19:44
iandiWhich is normally sunny land.19:44
VampireI can good english :P19:44
pike_its warm in KY19:44
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:44
thereselapinux not as I can see19:44
iandiompaul: right.19:44
zkjellbergQuestion: Does anyone know of any good HD tv tuners for linux?19:45
iandiBack to business19:45
iandiwhilst using GNU ftp, how may I change my machine's directory to 'put' a file on a remote machine?19:45
Lapinuxtherese: whats the make and model of the laptop?19:45
pike_zkjellberg: i like hauppauge stuff19:45
Vampirei come back later. I eat something.19:45
iandimy local machine*19:45
phracAnyone know why icons would be missing from certain applications in gnome?  The icons are on the system but all I get is like a black default icon.19:45
Nexusis there a linux distribution for Daus out there19:45
sirbijanhello all19:45
iandiAny of you Euros going to Sensation? :o19:45
zkjellbergpike_: Do you know of any HD cards supported by linux? I like hauppauge, but i'm struggling to find an HD tv tuner that is supported.19:45
BehiiMehiiOh, and one more thing, the resolution is too big, but I can't change it, so it's hard to go through the installation process, is there an easy way of getting through it?19:45
sirbijanmy sound doesn't work! The sound applet on my taskbar has a big red stop sign on it!19:45
sirbijanwhat should I do?!19:45
zimonNexus, i'd tell your friend to try the live-cds/dvds first ... he'll find out which one he likes better19:46
thereselapinux its a Toshiba satellite L40-14y19:46
sirbijanI'm on a clean intall of Ubuntu 7.1019:46
Nexusoh thats a good idee right19:46
pike_zkjellberg: well i ended up going the route of hdhomerun wich basically is 2 tuners and it just streams it to your comp after you set it up on the lan but.. *shrugs*19:46
ompaulNexus, this is #ubuntu we support #ubuntu not $distro please stay on topic19:46
thereseLapinux. It has a switch that was used in vista to turn it on and off... Its on now19:47
Lapinuxtherese: im going to search and see if i can narrow the wifi cards they used in that model down19:47
Tilllinuxompaul: sry, but how shall a 'not geek' user know that there's a channel for looking for distros :p (if there's one)19:47
PiciTilllinux: Thats why he was telling them.19:48
thereselapinux: thank you so much helping this new girl in Linux:-)19:48
=== ubuntu is now known as gulli
Drixxis there limewire for linux ??19:49
giowhat the strange chat :(19:49
gioi can't see the nicknames on the chanel19:49
pike_Drixx: there is limewire and frostwire19:49
pike_Drixx: pretty much same thing19:50
Drixxpike_: how do i install it ?19:50
ompaul!limewire | Drixx19:50
ubotuDrixx: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.19:50
pike_Drixx: frost is basically a open lime clone19:50
Drixxpike_ : kk ... thnx ..19:51
bob2001I need help mounting a flashdrive19:51
BehiiMehiiHey Tilllinux, would you mind helping me in query for a bit? :/19:51
TilllinuxI'm still looking for a solution on my grub problem ^^ (grub on external device (/dev/sdc), ubuntu on (hd0,3), windows on /dev/hda1) here's my menu.lst http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49861/ ... someone over there in #grub said, it could be an initramfs19:51
pike_bob2001: unplug replug then type dmesg | tail do you see an sdb1 or sda1 etc?19:51
LOGANrebooted into a linux live cd that allows to run from hdd, thus freeing my dvd drive to watch a movie19:52
gioneed CPU, RAM and Hard Disk browser which starts on login to ubuntu, and show CPU usage, Ram Usage and jard disk free size informations on one tag!! please can eny say which the program i need ?19:52
pike_!conky | gio19:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about conky - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:52
tribaldatagio : htop19:52
brobostigongio: try gkrellm, that does what you ask for me,19:52
bob2001says sda119:53
Anubyssdoes ubunto work good on PS319:53
brobostigonbob2001: mount /dev/sda1 /mountpoint19:54
LOGANdoes Ubuntu allow continue booting live cd from hdd by detecting the a cd folder copied to hdd?19:54
bob2001I try to mount using mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /cdrom and get an error mounting /dve/sda1 on /cdrom failed: no such device19:55
Dr_willisbob2001,  use /dev/sda not sda1 - IF sda is the cdrom drive19:55
Lapinuxtherese: i cant even find that laptop on toshiba's site19:56
primanoxI'm a newbie and I'm trying to install cdcontrol on ubuntu. It's not in the add programs, but it is an ubuntu approved software package. I downloaded it from ubuntu, and installed it, but it is not showing up in the applications, or in the add applications.19:56
gulliare there known problems with grub installing ubuntu?19:56
Dr_willisbob2001,  or is there some reason you are using vfat filesystem, and cdrom as the mount point? cd's are not vfat19:56
giohey any can help with Averatec C3500 usb? it doesn't recognize usb flash drive, mouse, and any usb :(19:56
thereselapinux i did find it on a norwegian site toshiba.no... but that wont help you I guess:-)19:56
bob2001same error :No such device19:56
x3roconftype whereis cdcontrol19:57
bob2001DR_willis I am trying to install from a flash drive19:57
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install /msg ubotu java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider /msg ubotu FrostWire as an alternative.19:57
Lapinuxtherese: i was just trying to find the detailed specs on it19:57
Dr_willisbob2001,  install Ubuntu from a flash drive with  the iso file on it?19:57
thereselapinux here is the norwegian http://nordic.computers.toshiba-europe.com/cgi-bin/ToshibaCSG/jsp/productPage.do?LNG=18&service=ND&PRODUCT_ID=137255&toshibaShop=false19:57
=== Omni|AFK is now known as Omni|Work
bob2001no I have extracted the files from the alternet CD to the flash drive19:58
primanoxI typed it in, but the window just shuts down19:58
Omni|WorkHow do you get a list of available packages on the command line?19:58
Omni|WorkI want to search for a particular package to install and I know it should have 'terminus' in its name.19:58
brobostigonOmni|Work: packages.ubuntu.com19:58
tribaldataOmni|Work: apt-cache search nameofpackage19:59
chazcoIs there anyway i can view how much power this PC is using (in watts)?19:59
bob2001I have booted from the flashdrive and following the how to it says when you get to teh part where the instller need the cd you mount the flashdrive to /cdrom and it goes from there19:59
tubetopbabyhowdy all!!! HELP!!!!  LOL20:00
Drixxhow do i install limewire ??20:00
AnUsIaXxXhiho ;p20:00
primanoxcan someone msg me and walk me through this install process?20:00
eazyassahoy ahoy20:00
x3roconf!apt-get | Drixx20:00
ubotuDrixx: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)20:00
Ali_ixchazco: http://www.lesswatts.org/projects/powertop/20:00
chazcoPOwertop is Intel only... think this is AMD20:00
Omni|Worktribaldata: Thanks a bunch.  Now I know what apt-cache is good for.20:00
tubetopbabyi installed the Sun JDK via synaptic, but when I go to the terminal which java give me /usr/bin/java which points to /etc/alternatives/java20:01
tribaldataOmni|Work: my pleasure :)20:01
primanoxI'm a newbie and I'm trying to install cdcontrol on ubuntu. It's not in the add programs, but it is an ubuntu approved software package. I downloaded it from ubuntu, and installed it, but it is not showing up in the applications, or in the add applications.20:01
tubetopbabyi was hoping it would set the path and Java_home.....20:01
Dr_willisDrixx,  for frostfire - i just go to their site. get the .deb and install it.20:01
tubetopbabyand change /usr/bin/java20:01
OnyxDoes anyone here use pam_pkcs11?20:02
thereselapinux: did it help at all???? Do not want to go back to windows just for a wifi problem that I guess can be fixed:-)20:02
* Nekiruhs logged in.20:02
x3roconftype 'cdcontrol' in urt terminal window20:02
Piciprimanox: Its a cli program, use a terminal.20:02
fed1primanox: take the terminal20:02
tribaldatatherese: did you manage to see your card ?20:02
BaversjoHello, anyone know a guide for the httpd.conf file? I just want to replace the deafult apache file and use my own directories and so on :P20:02
tubetopbabyany ideas?...20:02
Lapinuxtherese: havent found it yet, gonna check out that link you have me, did you see it listed there?20:02
fed1hey fever20:02
x3roconf!terminal | Primanox20:03
ubotuPrimanox: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:03
tubetopbabyhowdy fever20:03
primanoxalt+f2 for term right?20:03
feverI am trying to generate all possible outcomes from 2 number... i remember i did it before by using the for i in .... etc anyone have any idea how i can do it20:03
thereselapinux: it did not say what kind of card it was... just wifi compitable and so on20:03
feverand a link to the faq page20:03
theresetribaldata: did not se it on lspci:-(20:03
Nekiruhsfever: can you care to explain more about the two number problem?20:04
kane77primanox, alt+f2 only executes given command...20:04
Lapinuxtherese: oh, i cannot read that site ;)20:04
tribaldatatherese: when you did the ifconfig you did ot see anything that would be your wifi card ?20:04
mnemonic_evening everyone...20:04
tubetopbabyhowdy mnemonic!!20:05
mnemonic_talking about wifi?20:05
feverNekiruhs: say i have 2 numbers 4 and 320:05
psyferrehey folks, has anyone setup ejabberd and jwchat or knows anything about http binding in apache?  I'm trying to get my installation setup and having a bit of trouble.  If anyone could help point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.20:05
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=== mnemonic_ is now known as eightballnine
feverthen every possible outcome would be 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 1.0 1.1 etc.....20:06
theresetribaldata: i got listed two items20:06
tubetopbabynot me...I am trying to get Sun JRE tied into ubuntu 7.10.  I installed with synaptic, but terminal is still pointing to /etc/alternatives/java....20:06
LOGANstarted watching a DVD in live mode (on a system with 1 DVD drive)20:06
primanoxwow.... cdcontrol is VERY simplistic... almost primative!20:06
tribaldatawhich are ?20:06
eightballninei need some help20:06
=== gio is now known as Banner
Picitubetopbaby: use `sudo update-alternatives --config java` to point to the correct version you want20:06
primanoxOk... does anyone know of a better program to allow for parallel burning of CD's? You know, making copies using more than 1 burner?20:07
thereselapinux it does not say what kind of card it is no:-(20:07
=== Flaky is now known as Fl0w3D`347
x3roconfor use cdburning wizard /menu)20:07
tribaldatatherese: what are the device listed ?20:08
choudesheightballnine, just ask your question. ;-)20:08
eightballninei have problems connecting to my wireless network at home20:08
choudesheightballnine, explain your issue20:08
=== Peco is now known as Peeco
theresetribaldata et0 and lo20:08
Peecoikonia: you were right!20:08
primanoxOk... does anyone know of a better program to allow for parallel burning of CD's? You know, making copies using more than 1 burner?20:08
tubetopbabyhow did you know that...I googled sun jre and ubuntu...wow!!!20:08
eightballnineconnected without problems with 7.04 and with 7.10. but i changed my router (temporarily) to linksys20:08
tribaldatatherese: ok try this iwlist eth0 scan20:09
Anubyssplease, how can I fix sound on my new ubunto install, I can't hear sound?20:09
tubetopbabywow...linux has changed a lot in the last 10 years....LOL....that was the last time I used it on a daily basis... :)20:09
eightballnineand now i cant connect. ive tried network manager, wicd, configuring wpa_supplicant and nothing!20:09
choudesheightballnine, PM please20:09
OnyxNobody here uses CA certificates?20:09
choudeshAnubyss, Did you install PulseAudio?20:10
theresetribaldata interface does not support scanning20:10
tribaldatatherese: ok definitly not your wireless card20:10
tribaldatatherese: do you know which tyoe of card you have ./20:10
primanoxis there a freeware program comparable to nero for ubuntu?20:11
theresetribaldata have no idea... gor it on christmas and removed vista20:11
Pici!burning | primanox20:11
ubotuprimanox: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto20:11
tubetopbabydo i still set the Java_home seperate or does the alternatives take care of that too?20:11
Picitubetopbaby: alternatives should take care of that.20:11
tribaldatatherese: is this a laptop ? if yes which brand model20:12
tubetopbabythanks Pici....20:12
jony_kalaverahi has anyone installed spe ide on gutsy20:12
sid_hey. anyone have a guide or something howto get dvi to hdmi tv-out? won't work.20:12
jony_kalaverahow can i force wxpython version to 2.620:12
x3roconfuse -f20:12
theresetribaldata yes a laptop satellite L40-14y20:13
bikini_girli want to find a directory how to find a directory on shell ? I used to use locate but that seems not to be working anymore !!20:13
tribaldataa laptop satellite L40-14y20:13
Tilllinuxhm... the update manager didn't do anything for 3 days by now... were there really no updates in this time?20:13
primanoxthere is no application called !burning20:13
Aztec007my soundcard stopped working after I installed a couple of apps on synaptic, is there a way to reverse the changes?20:13
=== max is now known as _max
x3roconfuse updatedb20:13
x3roconflocate uses db20:14
os2macok this is intresting if I use /usr/bin/xtightvncviewer "computername" I can connect to my OSX machine.. but if I try to use the GUI for the same program I get errors trying to connect... any ideas?20:14
Aztec007x3roconf: updatedb?20:14
Vorbotejony_kalavera: You may want to try my ppa,.. I'll pass the address privately.20:14
x3roconffirst run updatedb then locate lol20:14
tribaldatatherese: is that a german made laptop ?20:14
x3roconfif locate can't find lol20:15
jony_kalaveraVorbote: send it20:15
theresetribaldata. its norwegian... I found a usermanual here in english if that can help http://support.toshiba-tro.de/tedd-files2/0/userman-en-20070719163316.zip20:15
Lapinuxtherese: i cant seem to find anything on that laptop, toshiba.com doesnt even show it in the archived laptop models20:16
tribaldatadoh sorry peoples20:16
thereselapinux. I guess its new here in norway. they got it in stores in oktober and i got it on christmas20:16
kyleBAKEDif i have the *-dev package, do I still need the original package installed?20:16
RegelkyleBAKED, yes20:17
Aztec007what does "updatedb " do?20:17
thereselapinux as I can see all L40 are almost the same20:17
RegelAztec007, updates database, so you can use 'locate' to find files20:17
pike_Aztec007: updates the locate database20:17
Aztec007Oh ok20:18
thereselapinux: heres a english usermanual if that helps http://support.toshiba-tro.de/tedd-files2/0/userman-en-20070719163316.zip20:18
^root^i can't do a ssh localhost now that i ahev installed ssh server as well,, i get Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer, the same error occurs if i ssh from a remote system20:18
Aztec007Regel: if I run it do I leave it running until its done? because I stopped thinking it froze20:18
Regel<Aztec007>, it just takes a lot of time if you have a big hard drive20:19
NekiruhsAnyone have any advice on Ubuntu on  Dell Vostro 1400?20:19
Regel<Nekiruhs>, pray20:19
Brunoblow it up20:19
TorrentI'm using dual monitor. When i try to open firefox on the 2nd monitor, it says it's already running and I need to kill the process20:19
Aztec007Regel: oh ok, I have a 250G20:19
Aztec007I'll re run it20:19
NekiruhsRegel:Is it that bad?20:19
tribaldatatherese: dl the manual at 2k will take a moment20:19
Lapinuxtherese: i believe its a intel pro, dont know what model it is though20:19
fromapI apologize, if this Q been asked many times in this channel, but where can I get an iso image of ubuntu (CD or DVD anything)20:20
^root^i have one more question aside from that ssh one, is there a way i cna have my SE USB Data cable driver on Ubuntu as well?20:20
Nekiruhsfromap: ubuntu.com20:20
Lapinuxtherese: try the lspci in console again and check for an intel pro entry20:20
tribaldataLapinux: if it's a intel pro shoudl have been discovered on initial setup20:20
theresetribaldata: http://forums.computers.toshiba-europe.com/forums/message.jspa?messageID=106341 will this help??20:20
RegelNekiruhs, probably not, but many are having difficulties with laptops20:20
mellowdlo all20:20
goldenratiodoes anyone know where i can get the broadcom bcmwl5.sys driver and the .inf file? any help would be greatly appreciated20:20
goldenratiodoes anyone know where i can get the broadcom bcmwl5.sys driver and the .inf file? any help would be greatly appreciated20:20
Regel<Nekiruhs>, try liveCD on it, then u'll see20:20
goldenratiooops sorry20:20
jimcooncattrying to run hp-toolbox, but  PyQt not installed. Any hints? I can't find the way20:20
TorrentNekiruhs: Dell laptops are pretty linux friendly20:20
Lapinuxtribaldata: all they have listed right here http://aps2.toshiba-tro.de/wlan/?page=downloads20:21
calamarigoldenratio: broadcom website doesn't have it?20:21
NekiruhsRegel: I'll see, i've heard some reports on this model ranging from "Just forget it" to "10 minutes to perfection". I'm not sure which to go with. lol20:21
thereselapinux... where can I paste the whole lspci??20:21
ler0y1200 people.. jesus20:21
=== ThugLife_ is now known as Thug-life
Regel<Nekiruhs>, well if some1 has got it to work, i dont see why you would have difficulties either20:22
ler0yDoes anyone know is ubuntu is open source ?20:22
Regel<therese>, use the pastebin20:22
Regeller0y, stop trolling20:22
Piciler0y: Yes, it is.20:22
ruz322ler0y: yes20:22
ler0yRegel: What ?20:23
* quamaretto will try /join #wowwiki next.20:23
Regelwell of course it's open source20:23
Lapinuxtherese: use pasbin20:23
Regelit's linux20:23
ler0yRegel: your a fuckin genius buddy20:23
Pici!language | ler0y20:23
ubotuler0y: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:23
ler0ysorry i had no idea20:23
thereselapinux tryed that but i get on that site    /home/pastebin/public_html/../posts/ needs to be a writable dir to use file storage engine20:23
Regeli dont think there's a linux distro that isnt open source20:24
Regelcoz the kernel is published under GPL 220:24
NekiruhsRegel: Linspire?20:24
Regeloh, right20:24
Regelthat one20:24
goldenratiowell its difficult20:24
Lapinuxtherese: use this site http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20:24
CodeboiRedhat Enterprise - Uses open source, but is not open to the non-paying public20:24
ruz322Regel: isn't mac based off of free bsd? it's not linux, but close20:24
goldenratioi just thought someone would know where i could get the driver20:24
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:24
Aztec007my sound card stopped working, someone told me to run updatedb and it still doesn't work, what can I do next?20:25
Lapinuxtribaldata: these are the cards in that model laptop Wireless LAN driver Atheros and Realtek20:25
thereselapinux http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49870/20:25
Vorboteruz322: the idea is really part of the Orange Book. FreeBSD has its implementation and SELinux (from the no such agency) can do it in Linux.20:26
RegelNekiruhs, there's a linspire-based opensource distro "Freespire" =)20:26
Nostahlwhat do i do to get all the plugins for totem20:26
=== mnemonic_ is now known as eightballnine
x3roconfler0y: kernel.org will be closed soon because Linus ripped everything from Minix20:27
Nostahljust popped 50 first dates in and it cant play it etc20:27
Pici!dvd > Nostahl (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)20:27
ler0yx3roconf: hmm that sux20:27
ruz322Codeboi: redhat isn't closed source though, you can get the installer and rpms to use it if you want, hence centos, the only thing you pay for is support20:27
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:27
thereselapinux: maby this will help you... one searching for xp drivers20:28
thereselapinux http://forums.computers.toshiba-europe.com/forums/message.jspa?messageID=10101720:28
CodeboiAhhh, thanks ruz32220:28
RegelI just spent 3 hours trying to get my Atheros 5006 EG wireless working in ubuntu20:29
=== tribaldata is now known as Tribal_Away
Regelmadwifi didnt work20:29
Nostahli just installed xubuntu on my laptop and it not typing very well. is there a way i can fix without reinstalling20:29
Regelbut neither did ndiswrapper20:29
thereselapinux seems like rtl8187??20:29
Nostahlits not registering key punchess i think20:29
pike_Nostahl: what do you mean by not very well?20:29
N3kiruhsHow would I find out exactly what WiFi card I have? I'm in Win20:29
aaranHi erm im having a little trouble with my display20:29
GneaN3kiruhs: is it builtin?20:29
ruz322N3kiruhs, probably check with the manufacturer, that should give you a general direction especially if it's from dell or hp20:30
Nostahlit feels like im typing too fast and it misses key's unless i type very very slow20:30
Regel<N3kiruhs>, isnt there some kind of device control list/panel in win?20:30
ruz322N3kiruhs, or check deviced manager20:30
N3kiruhsRegel: I'll check20:30
Lapinuxtherese: thats what it seems according to that site20:31
ruz322N3kiruhs, device manager would be your best bet, right click my computer, properties, hardware, and then the device manager button20:31
julussbonsoir a tous !20:31
thereselapinux: did we get more wiser now??:-)20:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fre - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:31
Myrtti!fr | juluss20:31
ubotujuluss: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.20:31
Regel<N3kiruhs>, i think it's called 'Hardware Profile'20:31
plamoI'm having some trouble with my monitor setup, I can't move programs from one to the next.20:31
aaranWell if someone can help im learning ubuntu on an old pc and it has a GeForce4 Ti 4200 graphics card ubuntu does not properly pick it up and forces me to stay in 640x480 is there linux drivers for this card that i can use?20:32
Myrttibonsoir juluss20:32
N3kiruhsAll it says is Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-Card.20:32
Lapinuxtherese: not sure :)20:32
predaeusNostahl, are you experiencing any other slowdowns? Check System Monitor to see if CPU usage is at 100%20:32
Lapinuxtribaldata: are you still around here20:32
ruz322aaran, can you post your xorg.conf file?20:32
Dr_willisplamo,  what video card?20:32
=== Liquidfire- is now known as liquidfiree
Regel<N3kiruhs>, sry it's Device Manager20:32
aaranwhere will i find that?20:32
Nostahlitisnt at 100 but it bouces up to50 is20:32
julussho, it's an english chan ... so, i just bought a lenovo N200 and ... no sound ! can you help me ?20:32
=== Fl0w3D`347 is now known as Fl0w3D
Regel<N3kiruhs>, http://screenshots.leeindy.com/DeviceManager/device_manager.gif20:32
thereselapinux if you see that last post they gor it working on xp20:33
julussSalut Myrtti20:33
ruz322aaran, /etc/X11/xorg.conf post it to a pastebin and give me a link20:33
Dr_willisplamo,  sorry i got no experance with those. May want to check the forums.   or someone else Might be able to help20:33
RegelN3kiruhs, http://www.sabine.com/Newsletters/News-images/W2K-Device-Manager.jpg20:33
pike_juluss: you looking for the french chan?20:33
Lapinuxtherese: yep20:33
Bruno@Juluss have you tired downloading the latest alsa dirvers20:33
pike_!sound | juluss20:33
ubotujuluss: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:33
plamookay, thanks willis20:33
=== root___ is now known as logaas
julussok uboto i will see here, thank you20:34
=== Fl0w3D is now known as Flaky
ruz322N3kiruhs, thats your card then, a Dell Wireless 1390 card20:34
julussubotu sorry20:34
ubotuIt's ok, I can't stay mad at you.20:34
feverhow do i make a loop which runs thought all possible outcomes ?20:34
aaranwhere should i past it? probably not a good idea to paste it directly into here20:34
predaeusNostahl, hm, probably check "dmesg" and "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log" for entries that give hint about keyboard problems/drivers.20:34
ruz322N3kiruhs, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29709220:34
predaeusNostahl, else I've no idea. Keep asking around.20:34
julussBruno, no, i'm on a live CD. I thinks i will return the computer to dealer20:34
ruz322N3kiruhs,  thats a tutorial on how to get it working20:34
nicknameyou all suck dick. i fucking hate linux, windows is better definitely. dont even fucking think of trying to hack my ip either, i totally put up a firewall since im on Mac OS X.20:35
x3roconfur gay20:35
ruz322aaran, http://pastebin.ca/20:35
NetLarIrvineIf i burn the iso for xubuntu, it should boot from that CD right??20:35
LjL!language | x3roconf20:35
ubotux3roconf: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:35
Dr_willisfever,  you may want to check out that 'advanced bash scripting guide' it has examples of that and about anything else you want to do.20:35
Dr_willisNetLarIrvine,  it should. :) check the cd.. if you got a single large .iso file.. You did it wrong.20:36
pike_NetLarIrvine: assuming youre comp (bios) is set to boot cd before your hd20:36
N3kiruhsThanks! That should work. DLing iso now.20:36
feverdr_willis .... http://www.faqs.org/docs/abs/HTML/ ???20:36
Dr_willisfever,  its also in the repos.. and at tldp.org :)20:36
NetLarIrvineWhy is a single iso file not right?20:36
Dr_willis!find abs20:36
ubotuFound: abuse-frabs, libclass-dbi-abstractsearch-perl, libclass-dbi-plugin-abstractcount-perl, libdbix-abstract-perl, libemail-abstract-perl (and 3 others)20:36
Dr_willisNetLarIrvine,  because its a cd IMAGE.. you need to burn it as an image..20:37
ruz322N3kiruhs, no problem20:37
Dr_willisNetLarIrvine,  'burn at once' for windows burns cd images very nicely. and its free.20:37
thereselapinux Any new Ideas?20:37
NetLarIrvineI am doing it from a Mac20:37
Lapinuxtherese: type lsusb in console and put output on pastebin for me20:38
NetLarIrvineso on the mac , if i burn what i downloaded to a CD that will not work?20:38
ruz322aaran, you getting it?20:38
thereselapinux here you are sir! http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49871/20:39
loucasis any program on ubuntu to record tv programs and audio ?20:39
aaranruz322 http://pastebin.ca/83533120:39
NetLarIrvineThat would not be a bootable CD?20:39
Anubyss Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB X-Fi XtremeMusic20:39
Anubyssnot working can anyone help me please20:39
Dr_willisloucas,  i use mythtv to do that20:39
Lapinuxtherese: there it is 0bda:8197 Realtek Semiconductor Corp20:40
Anubyssubunto detects the card but no sound20:40
cliebow_NetLarIrvine, sounds like you have a coipyof the image..20:40
loucasthanx a lot20:40
choudeshAnubyss, did you install PulseAudio + Alsa?20:40
ruz322aaran, you only have that resolution declard in your xorg.conf20:40
thereselapinux I hope that made us one step forward:-)20:40
NetLarIrvineIt is the iso file20:40
Anubyssthis is a new install of 7.1020:40
ruz322aaran, have you modified this file yourself at all or is the one that was made when you installed ubuntu?20:41
aarani saw that and tried to edit it but it said i do not have permision20:41
Dr_willisNetLarIrvine,  i would say google for a Mac ISO burning program.20:41
Burlynnhow do i go about restarting samba?20:41
Lapinuxtherese: yes, im checking into something more20:41
Dr_willisNetLarIrvine,   if you burn the cd and its got a single.iso in it. You burnt it incorrectly20:41
FlannelNetLarIrvine: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto#head-c870784c85d881b96b985bb6f47720add24f13d020:41
Anubyssno I don't think I did20:41
aaranCould not save the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20:41
ruz322aaran, has it ever worked before?20:41
thereselapinux thank you very much:-)20:41
portablejimcould anyone help me figure out why fluxbox us not working? I can being up the Workspaces switcher, but not any programs.20:42
NetLarIrvinethanks Flannel20:42
cliebow_NeT_DeMoN_, http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=2006061918101038920:42
aarani originaly installed on my brothers pc which worked fine then i switched out the hdd to this backup pc20:42
choudeshAnubyss, Open terminal - type `pulse` and hit tab20:42
ruz322aaran, i mean has it ever worked with any other resolution, to be honest, it looks like something has editted that file, its working, but strangely formatted20:42
choudeshAnubyss, see if it returns pulseaudio-something20:42
wwwwwwwest ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui parle francais ?20:42
ruz322aaran, ok, what im gonn have you do is back up your old config file, then re-generate a new one, hopefully getting it going20:42
Anubyssyes it makes a sound20:43
aaranok thanks20:43
cliebow_NetLarIrvine, http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=2006061918101038920:43
ruz322aaran, open a terminal and execute the following: "cd /etc/X11/20:43
kyleBAKEDis there a way to run a list of commands from a text file?20:43
ruz322aaran, "sudo mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak"20:43
choudeshAnubyss, ok - go to System->Preferences->Sounds20:43
ruz322aaran, sudo dexconf20:43
TorrentkyleBAKED, you can make it executable, by chmox +x <filename>20:43
x3roconfkyleBAKED: use bash script?20:43
choudeshAnubyss, click on the first Test button20:43
cliebow_kyleBAKED, make the text file executable20:43
ruz322aaran, let me konw when you do all of that20:44
kyleBAKEDok ty20:44
portablejimkyleBAKED: make the text file executable then run it in terminal20:44
TigranGHey, how can I make it that when I have a pidgin already running, and I click on a launcher for it, instead of trying to launch a new one, it focuses the one already running?20:44
aarancannot create /etc/X11/xorg.conf: Permission denied20:45
NetLarIrvineFlannel, so when I burn the image this way, it makes it a bootable CD ?20:45
TigranGuse sudo20:45
ruz322aaran, did you do the dexconf as root?20:45
Anubysschoudesh, I get cannot open resource for writing20:45
ruz322aaran, do "sudo dexconf"20:45
choudeshAnubyss, ok.20:46
aaranok done20:46
ruz322aaran, now pastebin your xorg.conf file again and give me the link20:46
=== monis is now known as BREED
VorbotekyleBAKED: may suggest you install the abs-guide (it is in the multiverse).20:46
choudeshAnubyss, sudo apt-get install vlc20:46
FlannelNetLarIrvine: yes20:46
NetLarIrvinethanks for your help20:46
choudeshAnubyss, then, open terminal, type `vlc [mediafile]' where mediafile is a movie and paste the output from terminal into pastebin20:46
x3roconfhmm someone spammed win.exe via tftp (!)20:47
ruz322aaran, it successfully re-wrote your config file, you now have resolutions 1024X768, 800X600, and 640X48020:48
brobostigonx3roconf: thats not very nice, someone doing that to you,20:48
ruz322aaran, now you have to restart the x server to see t he changes, do CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE, but note, its going to log you out of the system and then you will have to log back in20:48
aaranok thanks so much for the help20:49
x3roconfbrobostigon: i know20:49
ruz322aaran, no problem at all20:49
brobostigonx3roconf: what do you mean anyway??20:49
x3roconfi'm running a honeypot20:49
brobostigonx3roconf: someone might have nmap/ed you.20:50
ader10I want to remove all text before 16G in a line and all text after /, is it possible with sed?20:50
x3roconfbrobostigon: NO20:50
kyleBAKEDwhenever i run apt-get update it stalls at 99% [waiting for headers], is this supposed to take longer than 10 minutes?20:50
{Nathan}kyleBAKED: Supposed to? No.20:50
choudeshader10, yes20:50
{Nathan}Why it's doing that? No idea.20:50
x3roconfbrobostigon: no they are exploiting 'fake' windows services like dcom20:50
Aztec007having problems with soundcard, it was working before I installed some packages on synaptic and now it doesnt work anymore, is there a way for me to reverse the changes I did?20:51
ader10choudesh: Could you tell me how please?20:51
ttt--are there any chess game that allow you to undo a move?20:51
choudeshader10, regular expressions - search google20:51
choudeshAztec007, did you install pulseaudio?20:51
x3roconfwhole exploitation process is simulated so they can't infect my server20:51
t94xrttt--, chessmaster 400020:51
Aztec007choudesh: I think so20:51
FlannelAztec007: have you tried removing said packages?20:52
choudeshAztec007, weee. ;-)20:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pulseaudio - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:52
alemonesHi guys, I need help restoring 7.10 resolution20:52
choudeshhmm - need that to be added20:52
ttt--t94xr: thanks20:52
Aztec007Flannel, choudesh: ok, I'll try that20:52
thereselapinux Still searching??20:52
ttt--is that in the package manager?20:52
rhalffI have: Europe/Amsterdam in /etc/timezone, yet when I do ntpdate <any_time_server> My date will be set to Dec 13 13:00 !? :)20:53
choudeshAztec007, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=570436 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60160220:53
alemones Hi guys, I need help restoring 7.10 resolution20:53
rhalff13 Dec 13:01:36 ntpdate[14902]: step time server offset 1327754.129317 sec20:53
Onyxhow can I compare the contents of two folders to find out if they're the same?20:54
Regelalemones, what have you done with it?20:54
ttt--t94xr: i cant find it in the package manager :/20:54
RegelOnyx, does diff work on folders?20:55
t94xrits a windows game :\ lol20:55
Dr_willisyou could diff, the ls outputs. :)20:55
OnyxRegel: I dunno... how do I use it?  diff x y?20:55
rhalffOnyx: diff -R I think, doing the exact same thing now lol20:55
t94xri believe it uses opengl so you coudl find a linux port20:55
RegelOnyx, like diff Desktop/ OtherStuff/20:55
Dr_willis!find chess20:55
ubotuFound: 3dchess, brutalchess, dreamchess, dreamchess-data, emacs-chess (and 11 others)20:56
Onyxrhalff: Thanks dude20:56
Dr_willis!info dreamchess20:56
ubotudreamchess: a 3D chess game. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.0-1 (gutsy), package size 119 kB, installed size 344 kB20:56
ttt--i wonder how difficult it is to modify gnuchess to make moves undo-able20:56
Lapinuxtherese: yes, it seams alot of ppl are in the same boat20:56
Dr_willisttt--,  im suprised the option isent in there.. it may be  :)20:56
Areli1Many people recommended me to install a virtual machine containing both Ubuntu and Windows for experiments and windows programs/games. How do i do this?20:56
Onyx"Only in ./DoD-PKI: INSTALL README.txt" so this means that the two folders are the same, except for that file, yeah?20:56
Lapinuxtherese: ndiswrapper with windows driver might be the way to go20:56
thereselapinux ok... so it will be the hard way??20:57
Dr_willisAreli1,  pick one os.. install the OS.. then isntall vmware-server , then isntall the other OS to the  vmware session20:57
Dr_willisAreli1,  you can run linux in vmware on windows.. or windows on vmware, under linux. or use virtual box instead of vmware.20:57
brobostigonor qemu20:57
Dr_willisdosbox :) Not... heh20:58
Areli1Dr_willis: I am on Ubuntu and would like an Ubuntu and a windows virtualized .how?20:58
thereselapinux do you have the time to help me on with it??:-)20:58
rhalffOnyx:  did you add -r ? it's diff -r not diff -R20:58
Dr_willisAreli1,  install vmware-server, then install the other os's in a vmware virtual machine.. or use virtrualbox.20:58
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers20:58
Onyxrhalff: Yeah, figured that when it told me -R wasn't an option :P20:58
Lord_Illidanhi, does anyone use abiword around here?20:59
barneshttp://www.linuxhack3r.com anyone see what i am trying to accomplish? the different color modes, click the ubuntu and fedora or suse ones, and now all i need is to know what distro starts with a red wallpaper, or such.20:59
Vorboteeli1: as Dr_willis told you can bocan20:59
Eyemeanhi has anyone noticed that in thunar u cant reate archives?20:59
Dr_willisIs virtualbox in the repos?20:59
Eyemeanor is there a setting i should change20:59
* Vorbote apologizes, new keyboard.20:59
alemones Hi guys, I need help restoring 7.10 resolution20:59
barnesDr_willis: i believe so20:59
Dr_willis!find virtual20:59
ubotuFound: gij, gij-4.2, linux-headers-virtual, linux-image-virtual, linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-virtual (and 22 others)20:59
thereselapinux why does it come up in the usb list??? wierd20:59
Regelalemones, what do you mean?20:59
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications21:00
Dr_willis!find virtualbox21:00
ubotuFound: virtualbox-ose, virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.22-14-generic, virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.22-14-server, virtualbox-ose-source21:00
romeomajk!jahluv Pullman, Philip - [Dark Materials 03] - The Amber Spyglass (v1).rar21:00
barneshttp://www.linuxhack3r.com anyone see what i am trying to accomplish? the different color modes, click the ubuntu and fedora or suse ones, and now all i need is to know what distro starts with a red wallpaper, or such.21:00
Lapinuxtherese: not sure21:00
thereselapinux hmmm. do you think its possible to fix it?21:00
BehiiMehiiAnyone care to help me install irssi? I have NO idea what I'm doing :/21:00
rhalffOnyx:  meld is nice if you have to actually move changes back and forth between those folders.21:00
Vorboteromeomajk: wrong network... Can get your rear bitten here....21:00
alemonesRegel: What happenned is , I installed Ubuntu 7.10, I was not happy with the font quality and started playing with resolution, lost the 'right setting' and now I have a lower resolution. Thanks!21:00
Dr_willisBehiiMehii,  sudo apt-get install irssi   THEN go to irssi.org and read their guides. :)21:01
Lord_IllidanDoes anyone have a stretching problem with Abiword's File Menu?21:01
BehiiMehiiMany thanks Dr_willis21:01
Regel<alemones> system -> settings -> screen resolution?21:01
Regel<alemones> or sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:01
Areli1Dr_willis: Should i install vmware-server or vmware-player?21:01
alemones1280 x 800 disappeared from there ... :(21:01
Vorbotealemones: Administration->Screen and Graphics (if gutsy and up)21:02
Lapinuxtherese: im not real familiar with wireless networking in linux, i had to deal with it a while back with my laptop but thats about it21:02
alemonesRegel: I will try reconfigure and let you know, I think I tried it already, but let's see. VORBOTE thanks!21:02
Lapinuxtherese: now that you know you have a realtek 8187 wireless card you may be able to get more help though....21:03
Lord_Illidansolved my problem21:03
thereselapinux.. you helped me a lot... If you are unsure of what to do next I will try further... you had be very nice helping so far21:04
Pir8would anyone happen to know how to get a list of running applications based on the title bar name, instead of PID or executable?21:04
Pir8is that even possible to do ?21:04
Dr_willisAreli1,  virtualbox is proberly easier to install - since its in the repos.21:04
Dr_willis!virtualbox | Areli121:04
ubotuAreli1: VirtualBox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://www.virtualbox.org/ for !Feisty, !Edgy and !Dapper - Setup details at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox21:04
Lapinuxtherese: err its a realtek 819721:05
ubotufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing21:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about profit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:05
nickrudDr_willis, vmware is also, it's in deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu gutsy partner21:06
theresewireless help please Lapinux had helped me found out that my built in wireless is a realtek 8197, and its listed at lsusb. Anyone have an Idea how to make it work??21:06
alemonesRegel: I did reconfigure, should I restart? I can't see 1280 x 800 in the options21:06
nicolahwhat does happen If I use badblock and badblock recognizes as a badblock a block with written data ?21:06
Vorboterhalff: profit comes from services contracts, Still not flying as far as I know...21:06
Regelalemones, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart should do the trick21:07
Onyxfuck... can everyone access help.ubuntu.com after logging in?21:09
^root^when i install ssh-server it asks me for old ssh pass phrase, what's thata nd wht should i enter?21:09
Onyxfor some reason it's not working for me.21:09
aLeSD_hi all21:09
x3roconf!language | Onyx21:09
ubotuOnyx: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:09
Onyxx3roconf: Sorry 'bout that.21:09
Onyxhello there aLeSD_21:10
kristofferit was a bot=D21:10
^root^!language | Only21:10
ubotuOnly: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:10
aLeSD_someone could tell me the name of the applicaion t set the cube in the aspect of compiz?21:10
Dr_willis!ccsm | aLeSD_21:10
ubotuaLeSD_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion21:10
Onyxkristoffer: either way :P21:10
rhalffVorbote: yeah something like that, is ubuntu itself trying to make any profit ? would be hard I can imagine.21:10
Temp32I can?t get my PPPoE connection running. It worked yesterday, but after a reboot it wouldnßt work anymore. I don?t even get an IP from the DHCP. If I use dhclient it tells me that it doesnßt receive one. If I choose a static IP like I can ping the modem. I used pppoeconf to configure everything and I apparently receive DNS IPs and a lokal IP, but if I try to ping a DNS it tells me "ping: sendmsg: not allowed" or something like that.21:10
Temp32plog gives me an error, too. What should I do?21:10
aLeSD_thanks all21:10
^root^!ssh > ^root^21:11
Areli1Anyone know some good games for 'buntu?21:11
RegelArelil, tremulous21:11
Regel!ssh > Regel21:11
gigmark-rocwhat catagory ->Areli121:11
brobostigonAreli1: packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/games21:11
plamoArelil, wine.21:11
bmoneysup ppls21:12
Onyxwuddup bmoney21:12
logaas_!en > bmoney21:12
Vorboterhalff: that's off topic, would you care to join #ubunt-offtopíc? (or ·linux-es if you write spanish..) ;-)21:13
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:13
gigmark-rocAnyone know how to render screen savers or tools that would work21:13
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php21:13
slazerconfigure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables21:13
nickrudTemp32, can you configure the modem directly, such as going to or something?21:13
rhalffVorbote: oh nope.21:13
BlinkizI have two disks encrypted with cryptsetup (luks on dm-crypt). I have a script to start both of them at the same time. When I run this script, luks ask me two times for a password. Does it exist a way to "mount" both at the same time with the same password?21:13
thereselapinux trying you again... you are the expert does this give you more help http://briancantin.blogspot.com/2007/11/hacking-rtl8187b-on-linux.html21:13
bmoneylogaas: your syntax was incorrect21:13
slazerdo you guys know whats the problem about configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables21:13
slazer ?21:13
nickrudTemp32, with your browser that is21:13
NetLarIrvinewhen i booted from the CD drive, it started to install xubuntu, but now it seems stuck.  and the keyboard is flashing21:13
g2g591slazer, install build-essential, through synaptic, or sudo apt-get install build-essential21:14
NetLarIrvineDo I need to start over?21:14
logaas_!en > logaas_21:14
sofiankrthello? anyone here?21:14
slazerit is already installed21:14
bmoney!en | logaas_21:14
ubotulogaas_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:14
x3roconfslazer: uneed g++21:14
nickrudNetLarIrvine, did you run the disk check on the startup menu?21:14
sofiankrtI'm in deep trouble21:14
x3roconfapt-get install g++21:14
sofiankrtI need someone to help me21:14
NetLarIrvineIt went right to the CD Rom drive nickrub21:14
slazerg++ is already the newest version.21:14
g2g591slazer, x3roconf, g++ is installed with build-essential21:15
sofiankrtsomeone help me, please!21:15
nickrudslazer, if you're getting that error, you probably didn't get build-essential installed properly21:15
sofiankrtI've screwed up my computer21:15
NetLarIrvinesorry nickrud21:15
slazerok Ill reinstall that21:15
sofiankrtam I connected to this thing?21:15
g2g591sofiankrt, what do you need help with, just tell us21:15
nickrud!ask | sofiankrt21:15
ubotusofiankrt: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)21:15
Lapinuxtherese: its kind of confusing because everyone keeps stating its a 8187 but then everyones lsusb says its a 819721:15
carrierBagHi. I am on 6.06 LTS and its php installation doesnt has the bundled Version of the GD Graphics Library... so, whats the best thing I could do? Do I really have to recompile php --with-gd? Don't I mess up the system (synapsis, packages, ...) by that? Any advice would be much appreciated.21:16
sofiankrtI've deleted all my C files!21:16
bmoneynickrud, your from central us?21:16
sofiankrtyou know, the windows drive21:16
kristofferI have some problems opening a Cracked CS 1,6 in Ubuntu using wine, it opens but i cant write anything in the keycode thing..any ideas?21:16
sofiankrtIt had a weird name, sd something21:16
MyrtticarrierBag: you've installed the modules?21:16
sofiankrtso know I can't open windows!21:16
sofiankrthow do I restore deleted files?21:16
BigTo3sofiankrt, great, now you can use linux :D21:16
nickrudbmoney, was for a bit, but I'm on the west coast now21:17
carrierBagMyrtti: yes with apt-get (php5-gd)21:17
g2g591sofiankrt: did you choose use entire hard drive when you installed ubuntu?21:17
thereselapinux... I see.... hope someone else have a solution.....21:17
sofiankrtI know! But my mom will kill me!21:17
g2g591sofiankrt: did you choose use entire hard drive when you installed ubuntu?21:17
sofiankrtmy parents are old fashioned21:17
g2g591sofiankrt: did you choose use entire hard drive when you installed ubuntu?21:17
sofiankrtI'm not sure what I did21:17
slazerIve reinstalled build-essential, but still have the same problem21:17
sofiankrtI mad a bunch of partitions21:17
carrierBagMyrtti: but thats not the bundled gd version for which I have to recompile php from scratch I guess... :|21:17
sofiankrtthey were all named sd with numbers21:17
* logaas_ feels sorry for sofiankrt 21:17
sofiankrtso I wasn't sure which is which21:17
sofiankrtI thought one of them was useless21:18
amainlandhello is there a way to change teh default behavior of ls to behave like ls -ll ?21:18
sofiankrtso I deleted all the files21:18
happy_broccoliHELP: configure:2229: error: C compiler cannot create executables21:18
KanedacorpHi all, Linux noobie here. I'm wanting to dual boot my exisitining XP. I made a seperate partition for Ubuntu to go into and installed from the live CD. everything appeared to work ok except I don't get a Grub boot screen, it just goes straight back to windows21:18
sofiankrtnow I can't open windows!21:18
g2g591sofiankrt: run "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda" in a terminal and post the output21:18
slazerbtw I get the problem in KDEVELOP 3.5.021:18
robdigamainland: put this in your ~/.bashrc        alias ls='ls -ll'21:18
nickrudamainland,  try alias ll='sl -l' , if you like it , add to .bashrc21:18
sofiankrtNow I'm using mandriva because I haven't figured out yet how to connect to the internet with ubuntu21:18
choudeshKanedacorp, try hitting ESCAPE durning boot, after POST and before Windows Chainloading21:18
amainlandrobdig: thanks21:19
amainlandnickrud: thanks21:19
nickrudamainland, well, check the typo but the idea is the same :)21:19
sofiankrtI'll restart the computer and see, I'll come back in a few minutes!21:19
g2g591sofiankrt: run "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda" in a terminal and post the output21:19
g2g591sofiankrt: run "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda" in a terminal and post the output, you don't need to restart21:20
Kanedacorpshould that bring up the grub menu?21:20
sofiankrtI can do it with mandriva?21:20
brobostigong2g591: i think he knows now.21:20
g2g591sofiankrt: yes, fdisk is one of the basic tools21:20
Kanedacorpunfortunately I'm connected here by using the Live CD again so I'll have to reboot to try anything21:20
edugonchHello, how I can download a package with apt-get but not install, I need to download sqlite and All its dependence to install in other computer21:21
dr01dyany issues with compiz after the recent ubuntu updates21:21
sofiankrtit says "bash: sudo: command not found21:21
dr01dyI lost my minamize and close maxamize bar21:21
dr01dyon everything in gnome21:22
brobostigon!aptoncd | edugonch21:22
ubotuedugonch: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers21:22
g2g591sofiankrt: ok, then run su and put in the root password then run fdisk -l /dev/sda21:22
alemonesRegel: It worked! Thanks a lot, I see you are offline so if somebody knows him say thx from alemones21:22
edugonch:O thanks I'll try it ;)21:22
chazcoedugonch - I think you can run apt-get -d install <whatever>... check the man pages21:22
slazerI would like to redefine my problem """configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables21:22
x3roconftry /usr/bin/sudo maybe u don't have $PATH21:23
TheEaglewhat is the best language to learn first off, i have no other programming experience - and how should I go about learning it21:23
slazerIt is related only to KDEVELOP21:23
TheEaglei mean programming language21:23
sofiankrthere's what it says21:23
Pir8is there a way to add GRUB to the MBR of a CF card ?21:23
sofiankrtDisk /dev/sda: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes21:23
slazerg++ works fine..21:23
edugonchThanks ;)21:23
ifireballTheEagle: python maybe a food place to start21:23
LimCoreI daily find several serious bugs in apps from Ubuntu (or Ubuntu itself). Does ubuntu aims to be collection of buggy software or what21:23
g2g591sofiankrt: is there something about /dev/sda(some number) then ntfs?21:24
TheEagleifireball: everyone has said that, so I think that's what i'll do21:24
choudeshLimCore, example?21:24
TheEagleifireball: any specific way to go about it?21:24
sofiankrt255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9729 cylinders21:24
sofiankrtUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes21:24
sofiankrtDisk identifier: 0x9118911821:24
sofiankrt   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System21:24
sofiankrt/dev/sda1   *           1        2550    20482843+   7  HPFS/NTFS21:24
sofiankrt/dev/sda2            2551        9729    57665317+   f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)21:24
sofiankrt/dev/sda5            2551        3158     4883728+  83  Linux21:24
LimCorechoudesh: today:  krandrtray fails to change refresh rate sometimes21:24
sofiankrt/dev/sda6            6140        6970     6674976    7  HPFS/NTFS21:24
sofiankrt/dev/sda7            8064        9729    13382113+  83  Linux21:24
sofiankrt/dev/sda8            6971        7118     1188778+  82  Linux swap / Solaris21:24
sofiankrt/dev/sda9            7119        7437     2562336   83  Linux21:24
sofiankrt/dev/sda10           7438        8063     5028313+  83  Linux21:24
sofiankrt/dev/sda11           3159        3766     4883728+  83  Linux21:24
sofiankrt/dev/sda12           3767        4923     9293571   83  Linux21:24
dgjonesLimCore, do your report the bugs on Launchpad?21:24
sofiankrt/dev/sda13           4924        6139     9767488+  83  Linux21:24
ifireballTheEagle: got to the website and start reading the tutorials21:24
TheEagleI had a look at diveintopython on my ubuntu disto and it said for EXPERIENCED programmers21:24
sofiankrtPartition table entries are not in disk order21:24
TheEaglethanks ifireball21:25
grodysofiankrt, pastebin plz21:25
dgjones!paste > sofiankrt21:25
g2g591sofiankrt:good news, your windows partation is intact21:25
NetLarIrvineI am getting Buffer I/O error on device sr0, what is that?21:25
LimCorehead for the liferafts man21:25
TheEagle!paste | sofiankrt21:25
ubotusofiankrt: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:25
NetLarIrvineWhen I try in install from a CD21:25
choudeshLimCore, that is more specific to KDE than Ubuntu21:25
TheEaglesorry dgjones, i didn't see you'd already alerted him21:25
g2g591sofiankrt:good news, your windows partation is intact, now we just need to add an entery in grub so  you can boot into it21:25
LimCorechoudesh: where to report this problem?21:25
dgjonesTheEagle, no probs21:25
gigmark-rocHello!! anyone know of a channel for embedded ubuntu21:25
choudeshLimCore, KDE bugzilla21:26
choudeshLimCore, bugs.kde.org21:26
sofiankrtso, how do we do that?21:26
=== nicolai_ is now known as Kopfgeldjaeger
choudeshLimCore, but I don't believe it was a bug21:26
sofiankrtthank god21:26
g2g591sofiankrt: one moment please21:26
LimCorechoudesh: sometimes it stops changing vid mode at all. not a bug?21:26
choudeshLimCore, native or within a VM?21:27
LimCorechoudesh: hm? in my kde21:27
g2g591sofiankrt: ok, run nano /boot/grub/menu.lst21:27
choudeshLimCore, did you install kubuntu/ubuntu to the hard drive or is it within a virtual machine?21:27
LimCorechoudesh: normal ubuntu 7.1021:28
gumpishwow. dm-crypt isn't exactly easy to use huh21:28
sofiankrtsays bash: nano: command not found21:28
alemonesHi Guys, I have a problem that can't see Real Player content in Firefox,, any clue how to solve it? THX!21:28
choudeshLimCore, ok - which version of KDE?21:29
x3roconfuse alternate cd if want use encrypted partitions?21:29
g2g591sofiankrt: ok, use gedit or kate, kate /boot/grub/menu.lst21:29
brobostigonalemones: do you have a mac, my mac does that21:29
r-wolfI've installed compiz-fusion plugins-main, now when I switch Visual Effects to Extra, all window captions disappear, how to fix this?21:29
gumpishwhat's a caption?21:30
x3roconfsofiankrt: type echo $PATH21:30
Vorboter-wolf: I'd suggest you install the compiz version in gutsy-proposed21:30
x3roconfwaht it says21:30
brobostigona caption is similer to a subtitle21:31
alemonesbrobostigon: No, I have a Sony vaio21:31
gumpishyeah, so, windows don't have subtitiles...21:31
sofiankrtsays  /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin/:/usr/games:/usr/lib/qt3//bin:/home/sofiankrt/bin:/usr/lib/qt3//bin21:31
nickrudthey have titles, that might be thought of as a caption. r-wolf try installing emerald21:31
alemonesHi Guys, I have a problem that can't see Real Player content in Firefox,, any clue how to solve it? THX!21:31
brobostigonwindows dont have caotions as far as i nknow either21:32
yangerthis isn't really an ubuntu question, but i'm unsure where to ask... i have a XENYX 1204 Audio Mixer and it has a USB connector and 2 XLR (L & R) balanced outputs... do you guys know if linux will id the usb feed or would it be more logical/economical to use the 2 XLR -> 1/4" stereo adapter and just use my PC's sound card's line in to feed?21:32
g2g591sofiankrt: you dont need to care about your path,21:32
r-wolfnickrud: I'll try it now21:32
g2g591sofiankrt: your path is fine21:32
sofiankrtwhat does that mean?21:32
sofiankrtwhat's a path?21:32
annonymousedoes any one know why all of my avi divx xvid wmv etc all play in grey ?21:33
brobostigona path s /home/username21:33
yangerannonymouse: what program you using to play?21:33
annonymousevlc and totem21:33
sofiankrtso, what should I do now?21:33
alemonesHi Guys, I have a problem that can't see Real Player content in Firefox,, any clue how to solve it? THX!21:33
g2g591sofiankrt: in a terminal run su, then run vim /boot/grub/menu.lst21:33
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:33
x3roconfyes ur path is fine21:34
annonymousethey used to work fine till this morning21:34
g2g591sofiankrt: press i , and scroll down below where it says ##END of debian automatic kernal list21:34
sofiankrtit says bash: /boot/grub/menu.lst: Permission denied21:34
Vorbotesofiankrt: "sudo -i" will give you a root terminal.21:35
brobostigon!sudo | sofiankrt21:35
ubotusofiankrt: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.21:35
g2g591sofiankrt: it would if you were using ubuntu, instead of mandrivia atm21:35
haritosGreetings. I'm trying to make my Speedtouch modem work by using a USB cable and not an ethernet one, but for some reason there is no /proc/bus/usb/devices. Actually, usb/ is empty even tho I can see the device using lsusb21:36
=== gigmark-roc is now known as RadZak
g2g591sofiankrt: run su in a terminal, then in that same terminal run vim /boot/grub/menu.lst21:36
alemonesHi Guys, I have a problem that can't see Real Player content in Firefox,, any clue how to solve it? THX!21:36
* RadZak is a n00b21:36
brobostigon!patience | alemones21:36
ubotualemones: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:36
haritosg2g591: I'm always wondering why giving a specialised editor like vim to random people. Most people won't know how to use it.21:37
sofiankrtsu, then password, then the vim command?21:37
pike_!pony | alemones21:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pony - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:37
x3roconfsofiankrt: yes21:37
g2g591sofiankrt: holdon wait, which did you install last, ubuntu or mandrivia, if its mandrivia, continue21:37
sofiankrtI installed mandriva first, then ubuntu21:37
pike_alemones: take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138634 real quick lemme know if you have any questions21:38
sofiankrtshould I run the vim command?21:38
=== Pinky is now known as Jimbo_Wales
g2g591sofiankrt: ok, then you need to mount your ubuntu partation in mandrivia, or just reboot into ubuntu21:38
^root^sofiankrt, i would say do a gedit21:38
=== Jimbo_Wales is now known as Pinky
sofiankrtLinux IS confusing!21:38
pike_sofiankrt: any text editor its you choice which21:39
g2g591sofiankrt: just reboot into ubuntu , then we can edit the right file to add windows to your boot menu21:39
sofiankrtbut I don't have an internet connection in ubuntu?21:39
^root^sofiankrt, you seem new, so a GUI editor like gedit would be better21:39
Onyxhow can I tell what version of xorg I'm on ... what's the gutsy default?21:39
sofiankrtyeah, very new21:39
alemonesubotu: I know, I appreciate that and I think you guys do a terrific voluntary job! I'm starting to love Ubuntu; This chat is a bit messy so sorry if I post my Q several times,, I have done it before.. ;)21:39
g2g591sofiankrt: just reboot into ubuntu , then we can edit the right file to add windows to your boot menu21:40
alemonespike: what is !pony ?21:40
haritosGreetings. I'm trying to make my Speedtouch modem work by using a USB cable and not an ethernet one, but for some reason there is no /proc/bus/usb/devices. Actually, usb/ is empty even tho I can see the device using lsusb21:40
BehiiMehiiHey Dr_willis, you still there?21:40
nickrudalemones, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods21:40
x3roconfsofiankrt: use nano or gedit vim is hackers only lol21:40
pike_Onyx: apt-cache madison xserver-xorg will tell you21:40
alemonespike_: Thanks! I will check that one21:40
g2g591sofiankrt: no internet in ubuntu, this makes it tricky21:40
sofiankrtumm, actually windows IS in my boot menu, it just says that a file (can't remember which) is not found21:40
sofiankrtand doesn't start21:41
sofiankrtI have a laptop21:41
sofiankrtwith a wireless card21:41
pike_sofiankrt: seems like youve had some bad luck with your network card and such. normally it is very smooth21:41
* nickrud hangs his head21:41
Onyxw00t thanks pike_21:41
sofiankrtmaybe I should configure a wireless connection in ubuntu first, then fix this up?21:42
pike_sofiankrt: yep21:42
sofiankrtso, how do I do that?21:42
kristofferis it possible to get some help opening a cracked CS 1,6 in ubuntu? opening it trough wine but it only opens halfway21:42
nickrudkristoffer, no21:42
pike_sofiankrt: what wifi card do you have?21:42
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org21:42
sofiankrtI'm not really sure...21:43
sofiankrtBroadcom something21:43
WebuExcuse me, i've installed a program with make + make install, how can i uninstall it (i need to compile it again with different settings)?21:43
annonymousecan some one help me im very confused21:43
g2g591webu: did you keep the directory you compiled it from?21:43
nickrudWebu, in the same dir you ran make, run sudo make uninstall21:43
psusiWebu: just rebuild it21:43
Webug2g591, yes i did.21:43
Dr_willisWebu,  often the apps have a 'make uninstall' option. OR you could just recompile, make install again and hope it copys over all the old foles.21:43
Vorbote!ask ! annonymouse21:44
sofiankrtjust got it21:44
Vorbote!ask !annonymouse21:44
nickrudjust running the make is probably safer, one less chance for error in the make file21:44
sofiankrtmy card is...21:44
RadZak!ask sound21:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask sound - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:44
^root^kristoffer, i am running CS1.6 on wine21:44
BehiiMehiiDr_willis:  would you mind helping me installing irssi, please? I've been reading the guides, but none of it makes any sense :/21:44
Vorbote!ask |annonymouse21:44
ubotuannonymouse: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)21:44
annonymousemy vlc and totem player shows any format as grey last night it was fine21:44
WebuOkey thanks all for the help :)21:44
* Vorbote apologizes, new kbd21:45
Dr_willisBehiiMehii,  'sudo apt-get install irssi'   and its installed...21:45
pike_!broadcom | sofiankrt21:45
ubotusofiankrt: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx21:45
pike_sofiankrt: broadcom is problematic21:45
BehiiMehiiThen how do I use it?o.O21:45
sofiankrtBroadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI21:45
Dr_willisBehiiMehii,  run the command irssi, and read the users guide at irssi.org21:46
nickrudsofiankrt, can you hook up the laptop wired temporarily?21:46
TigranGDoes anyone know the dbus command (if there is) to show/focus an application/window?21:46
Vorboteannonymouse: My first take would be to delete your ~/.gstreamer-0.10 directory, it may be damaged.21:46
Dr_willisBehiiMehii,  it has no X interface. :) its a command line chat program21:46
annonymousehow do i do that?21:46
x3roconfBehiiMehii u can try xchat21:46
x3roconfif u want GUI21:46
haritosAnyone using a USB Speedtouch modem here?21:47
sofiankrthow come all messages to me are in red?21:47
BREEDDo you know what I love ?? :D21:47
Vorboteannonymouse: open a terminal window type "cd" and then "rm -r .gstreamer-0.10" without the quotes.21:47
nickrudsofiankrt, so you don't miss them21:47
brobostigonharitos: no.sorry21:47
sofiankrthow do I do that?21:47
sofiankrtI mean21:47
nickrudsofiankrt, if you use one of our nicks in your line, it'll be red here21:47
sofiankrtmake my messages red to you21:47
Dr_willissofiankrt,  thats a feature of the irc client.21:47
BehiiMehiix3roconf: irssi isn't the problem, the problem is that I don't know how to work Linux at all, so I don't even know how to open the program I've installed21:47
OnyxBehiiMehii: Why do you want to use irssi?  It's a great console IRC client (best IMO), but X-Chat is much more user friendly.21:47
sofiankrtnickrud: is this in red?21:47
nickrudsofiankrt, yes21:48
OnyxBehiiMehii: You can open irssi by typing irssi in the console.21:48
sofiankrtnickrud, cool. so what do I do now?21:48
Dr_willisBehiiMehii,  open up a terminal, type irssi, hit enter.. You proberly should read some linux starter guides if thats total voodoo to you.21:48
nickrudsofiankrt, and a fast way to fill out the nick is to type in just a few letters, then hit the tab key21:48
OnyxBehiiMehii: I'd really recommend X-Chat though...21:48
haritosGreetings. I'm trying to make my Speedtouch modem work by using a USB cable and not an ethernet one, but for some reason there is no /proc/bus/usb/devices. Actually, usb/ is empty even tho I can see the device using lsusb21:48
sofiankrtnickrud: nice21:48
l21logan99i need a copy of /etc/fstab can anyone give it to me?21:48
Onyxl21logan99: ?21:48
nickrudsofiankrt, open a terminal , and type su - and give it your root password21:49
Dr_willisBehiiMehii,  you may want to start with the books at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training -21:49
brobostigonpidgin is my  irc client, and does much  more besides.21:49
Onyxl21logan99: Your should be in /etc/21:49
sofiankrtnickrud: done21:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:49
BehiiMehiiOnyx: I'll keep that in mind.  Would I use sudo apt-get install x-chat?21:49
l21logan99Onyx: I need another copy21:49
annonymousenope still in grey21:49
f00f/etc/fstab will be different for different systems.21:49
nickrudsofiankrt, now type    fdisk -l    and copy and paste the output to the website http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org . Give me the url, so I can see it21:49
TigranGDoes anyone know the dbus command (if there is) to show/focus an application/window?21:49
l21logan99i just need a copy21:49
l21logan99its for editing purposes21:49
Vorboteharitos: you¿ll have to mount the usbfs filesystem by hand, ]Ubuntu dropped support some releases ago. And add it to /etc/fstab as well.21:50
OnyxBehiiMehii: It'd be easier to go into the Add/Remove Applications and install it there.21:50
nickrudsofiankrt, that will tell us about your partitions, so we can find your windows one21:50
l21logan99can anyone send it to me?21:50
goldinsis there a way to tell ubuntu to use a print server?21:50
WebuBehiiMehii, if i'm not totally wrong, X-Chat is already installed in Ubuntu Desktop :)21:50
f00fl21logan99, http://www.humbug.org.au/talks/fstab/fstab.html21:50
nickrudWebu, totally wrong ;(21:50
f00fthey have an example copy on that site21:50
WebuOuch, it used to be?21:51
=== miip_ is now known as miip
nickrudwow, I do like that madison command for apt-cache. Learn something every day21:51
invalidsyntaxi need help lol21:51
l21logan99f00f:i cant find the file there21:51
invalidsyntaxI installed windows after ubuntu and I tried all the tutorials to rstore grub but  when i try it says not found21:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pony - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:52
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:52
invalidsyntaxi have one drive with two partions21:52
tattersI need an easy to configure torrent server for my LAN preferably with a web ui21:52
brobostigoninvalidsyntax: the better way wouldhave been windows first, linux/ubuntu second21:53
invalidsyntaxto late21:53
sofiankrtnickrud: here it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49881/21:53
=== jared is now known as d4rkmonkey
TheEagleis perl better than python as a language?21:53
annonymouseany one have any other suggestions as to black and white video output in multiple formats?21:54
VorboteTheEagle: that's debatable, may I point you to #ubuntu-offtopic21:54
TheEagleindeed you may Vorbote!21:54
pike_TheEagle: yeah we can debate that in -offtopic id like to take a few jabs a perl21:54
nickrudsofiankrt, looking21:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pony - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about w - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:56
oDeskhow i move the content of one directory to another direcoty ? content could be files and folders21:56
brobostigonAreli1: whats pony??21:56
x3roconfuse mv21:56
oDeskmv dir/*.* ../   this only moves the files.. i want to move folders too21:56
TheEaglehe's playing with the bot brobostigon21:56
x3roconfman mv21:56
TheEaglehe's doing it in offtopic too21:56
nickrudsofiankrt, ok, we now know where your windows is at, either sda1 or sda6 (almost certainly 1)  Next , we need to see what's mounted. again in the terminal, type    mount -l    and paste that21:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about modprobe - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:57
g2g591oDesk: run mv foldername newfoldername21:57
brobostigontheeagle: he must be very sad then.21:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:57
threethirtydoes anyone know why openarena is telling me that I have an invalid game folder?21:57
oDeskg2g591: the new folder is already exist with contents into it21:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ruby - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about irb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:58
sofiankrtnickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49884/21:58
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:58
d4rkmonkeythreethirty, it would appear that your game folder is invalid.21:58
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.21:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mv - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:58
g2g591oDesk: ok so run mv foldername newfoldername/foldername to move the folder to a subfolder of the newfolder21:58
TheEagle!ubotu > x3roconf                                             (ONLY PLAY WITH UBOTU IN PRIVATE MESSAGES)21:58
x3roconfok lol21:59
threethirtyd4rkmonkey: but what can I do to fix that21:59
Areli1Guys, all the games on my Ubuntu, and compiz-fusion, look very pixelly. I have an ATI Radeon 9600, and am using the fglrx drivers. How can i turn antialiasing on?21:59
Aztec007hey guys, how big should a /var/log partition be? does that directory fill up quickly?21:59
tattersI got an ubuntu server and want a centralised way to store all downloads ,ftp , http torrents etc ,without having to map each app and each network drive on each machine , any suggestions to what might do the job?21:59
oDeskg2g591: i don't want to write command for every folder.. could i move all folders at once ?21:59
cafuegoAztec007: only if you don't rotate and compress the logs.21:59
nickrudsofiankrt, ok. it's mounted. Now for the moment of truth, to see what's up:  type    ls /dev/hd   . Do you see all the windows files?21:59
oDeskg2g591: like i moved the files using   /*.*21:59
d4rkmonkeythreethirty, no idea, I would try a reinstall if you haven't already, but I'm not exactly sure. You just asked the reason that it was telling you that so I gave you the reason21:59
ifireballAztec007: neah its cycled quite rigorously21:59
Aztec007cafuego: so 10 gigs would be more than enough?22:00
sofiankrtnickrud: I think we've got a problem... ls: cannot access /dev/hd: No such file or directory22:00
ifireballAztec007: the whole /var shoulb be about 1.5G unless you intend to store _big_ mysql databases there ot LOTS of mail...22:00
n1ckservbrokeis there a way to change the ubuntu boot screen?22:00
RadZakgotcha >Eagle22:00
RadZakmsg set prvt22:00
nickrudsofiankrt, lol, I made a silly mistake, its     ls /media/hd22:01
Aztec007ifireball: oh ok,22:01
ifireballtyping went to hell. I stop.22:01
cafuegoAztec007: I'd consider that way too much; I personally do't bother with separate partitions for logging anymore.22:01
sofiankrtnickrud: lol22:01
nickrudsofiankrt, sorry about the scare22:01
g2g591oDesk: ok then lets use some bash scripting, "for x in folder1 folder2 folder3 ; mv $x foldername/$x"22:02
Aztec007cafuego: yeah you're right22:02
sofiankrtnickrud: it gives nothing...22:02
g2g591oDesk:then type done, oh and still in a terminal22:02
Aztec007Thanks for all the help guys22:02
sofiankrtnickrud: just gets me started on a new line22:02
cafuegoAztec007: and things like /var/lib/mysql and /var/www are symlinks to sensible places (on raid) on my machines :-)22:02
nickrudsofiankrt, now try    ls /media/hd322:02
Toriku1if anyone wants to starta podcas with me, send me a message22:03
g2g591oDesk:did you get that?22:04
zloogHi. How can I tell if my computer will run 64bit ubuntu?22:04
sofiankrtnickrud: gives "RECYCLER/  System Volume Information/" in blue22:04
TigranGIs there a dbus, python, or anyy way to focus an application?22:04
nickrudsofiankrt, that must be your drive D then.22:04
oDeskg2g591: i did  mv folder1 folder2 dist22:04
nonfakehi all! i have an issue installing UBUNTU... after booting the install cd nothing happens... anyone???22:04
brobostigonzloog: you will need a x86 64bit cpu22:04
nickrudsofiankrt,   a couple more steps, just to be sure22:04
nickrudsofiankrt, type     umount /dev/sda122:04
^root^nonfake, do you see a menuyu with options like start or install ubuntu, in safe graphics etc?22:05
g2g591oDesk:did you get the rest of the command?22:05
pike_zloog: it depends if your processor is a 64 bit22:05
nonfake^root^: yep22:05
oDeskg2g591: no not really!22:05
zloogbrobostigon: ok, so its just dependant on CPU then?22:05
sofiankrtnickrud: gives nothing22:05
nonfakebut when i choose install apears a progress bar and then nothing22:05
^root^nonfake, which option do you select and what happens?22:05
brobostigonzloog: i think so,but look it up and check,22:05
nickrudsofiankrt, good, that means it worked.   Next type      mount /dev/sda1  -t ntfs /mnt22:05
lukaszHey People22:06
lukaszwhere do i place in menu.lst gfxmenu /boot/grub/message.suse22:06
^root^nonfake, you have to wait for the live cd to start... it shows a progress bar, and then the ubuntu splash screen, and finally the live session.22:06
g2g591oDesk:ok, to move some folders to be subfolders of another, run for x in folder1 folder2 folder3; do mv $x foldertoputinto/$x; done22:06
nickrudlukas_, probably need to ask on a suse channel22:06
PriceChildI have 2Gb of ram in this laptop. and a 2.2Gb swap partition. however top only shows 800Mb of ram and a 1Gb swap. Why isn't everything recognised and how can I fix this?22:06
sofiankrtnickrud: gives nothing22:06
^root^nonfake, how much have you wait? hhaven't you seen any error?22:07
nickrudsofiankrt, ok, that means it worked successfully also.   Now,    ls /mnt22:07
sofiankrtnickrud: nothing22:07
^root^PriceChild, swap=2.g? that sure is way too much22:07
nickrudsofiankrt, windows is gone22:07
sofiankrtsorry but22:08
PriceChild^root^, Its a laptop so i want more swap than ram to ensure i can hibernate22:08
sofiankrtI'm dead!22:08
^root^PriceChild, swap = 2 OR 1.5*RAM, and 700Mb is dieal...22:08
nickrudsofiankrt, there may be ways to undelete your stuff on the windows partition, but I don't use windows much and don't know it.22:08
PriceChild^root^, Its a laptop so i want more swap than ram to ensure i can hibernate22:08
g2g591sofiankrt: windows is still there, it showed up in sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda22:08
nickrudsofiankrt, join #windows  and ask there for help.  g2g591 the partition is empty22:08
sofiankrtI deleted it on ubuntu, can't I restore files deleted in ubuntu?22:08
g2g591sofiankrt: oh22:09
lukaszIm trying to add a picture to boot22:09
^root^PriceChild, allocating more swap witll slow down the rest of system ddue to paging, won't it?22:09
PriceChild^root^, no22:09
lukaszI dunno where to place gfxmenu code22:09
lukaszI know its in menu.lst but still no clue22:09
oDeskg2g591: oh got it, thanks22:09
sofiankrtg2g591: nothing shows up in the trash, I just selected everything and deleted22:09
nickrudsofiankrt, there's a program ntfsundelete , I've never used it, and you'd need to have internet access to install it in ubuntu. Maybe mandriva has that tool also22:09
^root^PriceChild, Thought so... about your problem, that strange...22:10
PriceChild^root^, aha... dmesg tells me 800 mb lowmem availiable, no highmem22:10
sofiankrtnickrud: should I download it on Mandriva?22:10
Vorbotesofiankrt: install gart and check if it can see the lost windows partition. As long as you have written anything on it, it may be recoverable.22:10
^root^PriceChild, what about top?22:10
Vorbotesofiankrt: gpart, sorry22:10
sofiankrtVorbote: gpart on Mandriva?22:11
nickrudsofiankrt, yes. But again, I've never used it so you'd need to get someone else to help you with that part.22:11
^root^PriceChild, also try free22:11
PriceChild^root^, just 800mb.... hmm googling says i'm using a lowmem kernel... 38622:11
VorboteYup, it is a cli application.22:11
sofiankrtnickrud: so basically once you delete anything on Ubuntu, there's no easy way of getting it back?22:11
Vorbotedo read the man page, it is looong22:11
kanedacorpI've just booted the Live CD on my laptop and the screen is split into 2 horizontally, I can't see the bottom half of the screen on either of the 222:11
^root^PriceChild, no idea really. thats really strange case, let me know when you get it solved!22:11
kanedacorpso I won't even see replies until they reach half way up the screen ;)22:12
nickrudsofiankrt, try this:   ls -a /mnt22:12
r-wolf7.10 studio, sometimes a message appears after login, "There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon", how do I fix it?22:12
jgooI am curious why 'rar -e thefile.rar' doesn't extract files, but just spits out the help tezt22:12
sofiankrtnickrud: "./  ../  .Trash-sofiankrt/" in blue22:13
jgoohow many commands does it want? I want to unextract a rar file. rar. minus e. the file. done?22:13
nickrudsofiankrt,   ls /mnt/.Trash-sofiankrt22:13
Dr_willisjgoo,  you may wan tto try unrar, and use -x22:13
Dr_willisunrar -x whatever.rar22:13
r-wolffailed to connect to socket ....: connection refused22:14
jgoohrm. hrm. why does rar have a -e? ok, thanks22:14
lukaszwhere do I place in menu.lst? gfxmenu /boot/grub/message.suse22:14
tyranoshi guys i need vlc to encode audio to mp3 which it doesnt , i recompiled ffmpeg from source but somehow i missed something , can someone help me plz .22:14
lukaszcan someone pastbin me the code?22:14
Dr_willisjgoo,  i dont use rar :) i dont even have it installed.22:14
sofiankrtnickrud: I can see my files!22:14
lukaszThe Ubuntu 7.10 one22:14
jgoodamnit. I installed rar from add/remove. I specifically says for working with rar files. but unrar isn't installed. I am confused. so 'rar' doesn't unrar?22:14
PriceChildI have 2Gb of ram in this laptop. and a 2.2Gb swap partition. however top only shows 896Mb of ram and a 1Gb swap. dmesg informs me there is 896mb lowmem available but no highmem. Googling tells me i'm not using a highmem enabled kernel but this is ubuntu's -generic kernel? Why isn't everything recognised and how can I fix this?22:14
jgoonow I have to install unrar. man that sucks.22:14
Dr_willisjgoo,  try man rar, and see what its docs say.22:15
lukaszWell dinner time22:15
nickrudsofiankrt, ah, I saw where you said you had moved them to the trash. I think of that as different from deleting and when I saw you tell g2g591 you put it in the trash ..22:15
NetLarIrvineHow can I run a disk check before I install Ubuntu?22:15
nickrudsofiankrt, so next:     cd /mnt/22:15
Vorbotetyranos: use soundconverter and install gstreamer0.10plugins-ugly-multiverse22:15
jgoo  e      Extract  files  to current directory. Does not create any subdirectories.22:15
pike_!fsck | NetLarIrvine22:15
ubotuNetLarIrvine: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot22:15
Dr_willisI dont even see a 'rar' in the package manager. :) just unrar22:15
Dr_willisjgoo,   i doubt if you wanted -e anyway22:16
jgooDr_willis: I installed it from... oh wait, let me load package manager and see22:16
sofiankrtnickrud: actually, I didn't move them to the trash, I selected them, pressed backspace or delete, can't remember, and they were gone! not even in the trash!22:16
pike_NetLarIrvine: well that didnt help you much did it :)22:16
lukaszwell Im off to dinner :)22:16
NetLarIrvineI have nohing on the hard drive now22:16
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Dr_willisjgoo,  it may be i overlooked it - apt-cache search rar - gives like 400 hits22:16
NetLarIrvineCan I check disk before installing os?22:16
jgoo"Archiver for .rar files This is the RAR archiver from Eugene Roshal. It supports multiple volume archives and damage protection. It can also create SFX-archives. There are versions which run on DOS, Windows (3.1x,95,NT), FreeBSD, BSD"22:17
tyranosvorbote i need vlc to stream files over wifi to my psp , everything works but sound if encoded in " mpeg layer 1,2or 3 "22:17
BehiiMehiiDoes Ubuntu have a firewall that comes with it? o.O22:17
nickrudsofiankrt, you should have been able to see them. That seems like a bug to me.  Anyway, do the change directory command I just gave you22:17
jgooactually says it is shareware!22:17
jgooRAR - popularity five stars22:17
sofiankrtnickrud: done22:17
Dr_willisjgoo,    heh..  its poo-ware :)22:17
nickrudsofiankrt, type   pwd   , and tell me what it says22:17
sofiankrtnickrud: so that's what cd stands for...22:17
qwazwhat is the command, like cron, that executes a command at a certain time?22:17
davidwinterhi all. Is there a way I can 'restore' the contents of an ISO onto a USB hard drive so that I can then 'boot' from that ISO22:17
che_friscoHi all. I'm about to install gutsy (i was too lazy to do it earlier) and I wanted to know if the 64 bit version supported intel chips. It currently only mentions AMD on the wiki...22:17
Dr_willisi never want to make rar's i always want to Unrar stuff these other guys just seem to HAVE to use rar for.22:17
nickrudsofiankrt, and pwd is print working directory, just wanna make sure :)22:18
pike_BehiiMehii: yes you can install firestarter which is a gui front end to iptables if ya want to use iptables firewall22:18
jgooDr_willis: it is in the package manager, and unrar isn't. Plus it has a -e option that appears to do nothing - I think it should be removed... :-/22:18
NetLarIrvineis there something on the install image that can check the disk?22:18
Dr_willisgotta love a split rar arhive thats an .iso thats full of .zip files. that make a executable...22:18
sofiankrtnickrud: gives /mnt22:18
pike_BehiiMehii: right now it isnt doing anything if you sudo iptables -L itll just say accept22:18
r-wolfwell, rar compresses data very good, after all22:18
Dr_willisunrar is  right there in 'apt-cache search unrar'22:18
* jgoo slaps Rudy_Guillan and wonders where the 'i' went22:18
Dr_willisjgoo,  or the -e option wanted the filenames to extract22:19
johnficc1so how do I get my realtek 8185l wireless card to work in ubuntu? is there a native linux driver for it?22:19
Dr_willisrar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>22:19
phessler_I'm running into a problem with my ubuntu 7.04 system, not enough entropy.  fluctuates between 100 and 500, causes massive slowdowns in ssh and https22:19
Dr_willisI dont even have an rar to test.22:19
jgooDr_willis: so an asterisk? I don't know, <> seems optional to me... should include all? right?22:19
nickrudsofiankrt, that means we're working from the right place. Next, type:   mv  .Trash-sofiankrt/*   .      <-- don't forget the dot, separated by a space. This will move the files out of the trash22:19
haritosGreetings. I have a Windows installation in sdb, and my Linux installation in sda. in my menu.lst, I have root (hd1,0) for the Windows entry, _but_ when I select it will just freeze at "Starting Up". No errors or anything, just freezing.22:19
BehiiMehiiAh, thanks pike_22:19
davidwinteri want to put an ubuntu iso onto a USB hard drive and then install/boot from that hard drive to install on another computer - any ideas on how to restore that ISO to the external hard drive?22:20
PriceChildI have 2Gb of ram in this laptop. and a 2.2Gb swap partition. however top only shows 896Mb of ram and a 1Gb swap. dmesg informs me there is 896mb lowmem available but no highmem. Googling tells me i'm not using a highmem enabled kernel but this is ubuntu's -generic kernel? Why isn't everything recognised and how can I fix this?22:20
che_friscodoes gutsy 64 bit only support AMD processors, or does it work with intel core 2 duo?22:20
Dr_willisjgoo,  The program is documented fully in rar.txt which you find in /usr/share/doc/rar.  - so says the man page. :)22:20
BehiiMehiiMy 360's unable to connect to Xbox Live, I thought maybe this thing has something to do with it22:20
phessler_che_frisco: as long as it supports the amd64 extensions (which core 2 duo does), it'll run fine22:20
pike_PriceChild: someone said once that himem wasnt compiled in generic kernel but i didnt believe em.. it just has to be22:20
NetLarIrvineis "[ 57.764316] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 22" a hard disk problem?22:20
che_friscophessler_: Thanks. O22:21
qwazwhat is the command, like cron, that executes a command at a certain time?22:21
g2g591haritos: you gotta change your grub entry a litttle, run gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst22:21
PriceChildpike_, that's what I'm thinking :/22:21
proqesiNetLarIrvine: try fscking it and find out22:21
che_friscophessler_: Do I need to do any configurations on it, or will it work straight away?22:21
phessler_che_frisco: it should Just Work22:21
Dr_willisjgoo,  rar e '*.rar' '*.asm'22:21
haritosg2g591: Yeah, what/22:22
phessler_intel un-borked their amd64 support with the core2 series22:22
haritosg2g591:  I changed it a little myself.22:22
scguy318qwaz: at22:22
sofiankrtnickrud: can't move anything! here's what it says http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49893/22:22
jgooDr_willis: I just tried unrar - the same issue22:22
qwazscguy318: thank you very much22:22
^root^NetLarIrvine, i don't think so, sr0 isn't normally a harddisk,22:22
NetLarIrvineYou can do that from an image install disk, proqesi?22:22
jgooDr_willis: unrar -x lol.rar22:22
jgoojust prints the usage text22:22
Dr_willisjgoo,  DONT use the - for the first option22:22
g2g591haritos: your windows entry should look something like22:22
jgooaah ok. weird22:22
g2g591 title Windows XP22:22
nickrudsofiankrt, doh. I mounted it read only on purpose, and forgot22:22
NetLarIrvineis sr0, the CD rom drive then?22:22
g2g591 root (hd1,0)22:22
g2g591 map (hd1) (hd0)22:22
g2g591 map (hd0) (hd1)22:22
g2g591 makeactive22:22
g2g591 chainloader +122:22
g2g591 boot22:22
Dr_willisThe things ya learn by looking at the docs. :)22:22
jgooDr_willis: ok, removing the - works.22:22
haritosg2g591: g2g591 What is map doing?22:23
nickrudsofiankrt, type    unmount /dev/sda122:23
che_friscophessler_: Thanks. I'm off to reinstall then!22:23
r-wolfI need a hint, why my Gnome login screen shows @1280x720, and after login the resolution changes to 1280x1024?22:23
johnficc1how do I check my kernel verion22:23
proqesiNetLarIrvine: you mean from the livecd? yes22:23
phessler_johnficc1: uname -a22:23
* jgoo points at googles 'lenient accept' method... missing/adding a - really shouldn't beak the command in this instance... :s22:23
g2g591haritos: making windows think your second hard drive is your first, windows doesn't like to be second22:23
r-wolfi'd like get both them equal22:23
nickrudsofiankrt, sorry, typo:   sudo umount /dev/sda1   not unmout22:23
jgoook it works, thanks Dr_willis22:23
haritosg2g591: I see. Thanks :")22:23
Dr_willisjgoo,  :) we just overlooked what it was telling us..   rar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>   the first letter is a COMMAND - not a switch :)22:24
suncyduAnyone know why I'm getting this error on Dolphin???? Do not have a full hard drive..http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49894/22:24
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sofiankrtnickrud: sudo command not found22:24
suncyduAnyone know why I'm getting this error on Dolphin???? Do not have a full hard drive.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49894/22:24
nickrudsofiankrt, thinking ubuntu again.22:24
nickrudsofiankrt,       umount  /dev/sda122:24
johnficc1realtek has a driver for my card but its for the 2.6.22 kernel will that work with the 2.6.22-14 kernel that I have?22:24
DefineByte"ls: reading directory .: Input/output error". Anyone know why I get this error when trying to list the root of my Windows partition?22:25
g2g591suncydu: your permissions are messed up, run sudo chown -R janerik:janerik /home/janerik/.kde/22:25
dabangjohnficc1: soundcard?22:25
nickrudsofiankrt, and if you get an error that its busy, I know ;(22:25
TilllinuxHow to install a kde skin?22:25
jgooaaah I see. I saw 'switch l' and 'switch N' and figured switches come second... you'd think the man page might just include a basic example for rar / unrar... typical usage... or maybe I am just stupid :-)22:25
jgooanyway thanks!22:25
johnficc1dabang: wireless22:25
teimudoes anyone know how to make a disc image become a device, as if it were a real disc in my drive? some may call this a virtual drive.22:25
sofiankrtnickrud:  yeah, that's what I got22:25
Tilllinuxteimu: Gmountiso22:26
PriceChildpike_, ^root^, Figured out the problem.... I had left a random terminal open which was ssh'd into a different machine...22:26
Tilllinuxor AcetoneISO22:26
atomkarincateimu, or Acetoneiso222:26
qwazscguy318: do I need to specify which display, like a cronjob, if I want to execute a gui application...using at22:26
dabangjohnficc1: if nothing else works, you can use ndiswrapper22:26
nickrudsofiankrt, cd  /      then type    umount /dev/sda122:26
LetterRiphi all - could someone open there services list and tell me 1) which ones are shown and 2) which are active?22:27
suncydug2g591 wow it worked Have posted this for severald weeks... and you fixed my problem at once.... what was the problem??? new to linux:-)22:27
johnficc1dabang: ndiswrapper is not working out for me22:27
LetterRipI think some have disappeared from my list after I had disabled some22:27
* nickrud thinks PriceChild 's experience is a perfect example for using sudo22:27
dabangjohnficc1: a driver for 2.6.22 should work with ubuntu kernel22:27
PriceChildnickrud, sudo?22:27
g2g591suncydu: i think you ran sudo dolphin, that changes your permissions for your bookmarks and history to root, I've had this happen a few times myself, even though i use kdesu22:28
nickrudPriceChild, random terminal, wrong command, rm something while in a random root terminal. Been there, done that22:28
sofiankrtnickrud: gave nothing, what does mount and unmount mean, anyway?22:28
johnficc1dabang: I'm trying it now22:28
PriceChildnickrud, I'm going to have to learn to read hostnames now :)22:28
suncydug2g591 ok. but that fixed it... thanks a lot22:28
SyntuxHow would I point source.list into a mounted DVD ISO image on my HDD instead of CD?22:29
PriceChild!mountiso | Syntux22:29
ubotuSyntux: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » or use the "gmountiso" package - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.22:29
teimuthanks Tilllinux!22:29
qwazI'm seeing high memory usage...what can i use to tell what's using my RAM?22:29
Dr_willisSyntux,  you could mount it to a dir. then point it to that dir.22:29
nickrudsofiankrt, it mounts (puts into the file tree so we can read) different partitions. In this case sda1 is your C drive in windows22:29
dabangjohnficc1: which chip is it?22:29
PriceChildSyn-, then just use standard deb-cdrom stuff22:29
johnficc1dabang: 8185l22:29
sofiankrtnickrud: that explains a lot, then... I blanked my sda122:29
SyntuxDr_willis, it's already mounted, how to point it ?22:30
g2g591qwaz:top is a cli app for that, ksysgaurd is one for kde, not sure about gnome though22:30
nickrudsofiankrt, and no output was good.  Now type     mount /dev/sda1   -t ntfs-3g  /mnt22:30
Tilllinuxso, how to install a kde theme for kde applications (like gtk for gnome?)22:30
qwazg2g591: I have a top running, but it isn't listing anything out of the ordinary22:30
suncyduHello you all. I posted several problems to you guys out there. And you helped me a lot of times. is there anyway to donate something to this community if there is. Because I think you guys deserve some for youre great job22:30
sofiankrtnickrud: mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs-3g'22:30
Dr_willisTilllinux,  go ask in #kubuntu they will point ya to the right info.22:31
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jhonovichcron doe not seem to be running (ran ps ax | grep cron), how can i make sure it runs?22:31
nickrudsofiankrt, argh. that's what I would use in ubuntu.  Anyone following along knows how mandriva mounts ntfs partitions read write?22:31
Blissexubotu gd22:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:31
TilllinuxDr_willis: well, I'm neither using kubuntu nor kde, but kde apps... So I doubt I can just easily install a kde theme for these single kde apps with gnome ;)22:31
SyntuxPriceChild, it's already mounted, my question about how to point apt to use that mounted directory ?22:31
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kyleBAKEDif i remove usplash using apt, will my boot screen revert to whats in /boot/grub/menu.lst?22:32
nickrudsofiankrt, a sec22:32
PriceChildSyntux, system > admin > software sources22:32
PriceChildSyntux, that'll let you add a cdrom from the 3rd tab22:32
g2g591kyleBAKED: nope, if you remove usplash, you get to see verbose output from the kernel as it boots,22:33
SyntuxPriceChild, dude, that requires inserting a CD to CD device22:33
johnficc1dabang: they have this driver http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=1&PFid=1&Level=6&Conn=5&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true#RTL8185L22:33
g2g591kyleBAKED: any image defined by /boot/grub/menu.lst is just for the boot menu22:33
PriceChildSyntux, gah sorry, I'll find the syntax for sources.list then22:33
Lukaszso where do I place the mesage file code in menu.lst?22:34
RytmisIs there a way to install Gutsy from a running Hardy install without burning a CD? My drive seems to be b0rked.22:34
oDeskg2g591: i used this command  chown user:user -R .*  then i face permission problem 403 ? how i can restore this ?22:34
alex_hi ... I can't install the flash plugin on 64 bits22:34
dabangjohnficc1: just looking at it :-)22:34
TilllinuxSyntux: why just not mount it to /media/cdrom ;D22:34
kyleBAKEDg2g591, oh, is there a way to have a background image and / or edit the display the verbose text?22:34
SyntuxTilllinux, because I'm already using /media/cdrom for other stuff :D22:34
mhikuhow can i make my ubuntu installation like livecd or when i restart its same again, no writes from the harddisk22:35
g2g591oDesk: never chown anything to user:somehting , user is a nonexistant user,22:35
PriceChildSyntux, you do it the same as any other repository. Just use file:/ instead of http://22:35
PriceChildSyntux, please note the single slash22:35
g2g591oDesk: sudo chown -R yourusername:yourusernamewhichisalsoyourgroupname .*22:35
oDeskg2g591: the user i'm using is existing one22:35
SyntuxPriceChild, so if the directory path is /home/syntux/uDVD/ then in source.list I should have file:/home/syntux/uDVD/22:35
g2g591oDesk: sudo chown -R yourusername:yourusernamewhichisalsoyourgroupname .*22:36
g2g591oDesk: what directory did you run that in?22:36
PriceChildSyntux, but in full, deb file:/home/syntux/DVD/ ./22:36
Avtfriends!!!! :) OK SO IS FLASH IN THE ADD PROG?22:36
Avtsorry caps22:36
oDeskg2g591: /public_html/subdir    .i'm working as root22:36
Avtim in gutsy22:36
SyntuxPriceChild, Thank you :-) Where did you find that info ? would like to bookmark it22:37
PriceChildavis, "yes", but it is currently broken22:37
nickrudsofiankrt, apparently mandriva doesn't provide that driver, which lets you write to the windows partition. Can you wire up the laptop temporarily to the net so we can work in ubuntu?22:37
PriceChildSyntux, i looked at the line i have in mine when i tell software sources to add my ubuntu cd as a repo22:37
g2g591oDesk: what is giving you the permission error message?22:37
nonfakenickrud: MP-BIOS 8254 timer can't connect to IO-APIC ???? have any clue?22:37
sofiankrtnickrud: wire up?22:38
nickrudnonfake, nope. I (crossed fingers) have yet to see any hardware issues on my machines22:38
sofiankrtnickrud: what does that mean?22:38
dabangjohnficc1: i guess you should have to compile and install the module only? then try modprobe <module-name> and see...22:38
SyntuxPriceChild, hmm and the file:/ syntax?22:38
nickrudsofiankrt, plug it into the router or modem22:38
Avtis flash viewer in symantec of gutsy?????22:38
PriceChildSyntux, that was part of it22:38
oDeskg2g591: when i browse the directory using Firefox22:38
sofiankrtnickrud: no, can't do that...22:38
r-wolfmy Gnome login screen shows @1280x720, and after login the resolution changes to 1280x1024, what's wrong with the settings?22:38
SyntuxPriceChild, Thank you22:38
nickrudsofiankrt, ok, a minute or two.22:38
dabangnonfake  press F6 at boo screen and add "noapic", without quotation marks22:39
ompaulAvt, please read the topic for the channel do /topic if you can't see it in your client22:39
Lr5_Anyone knows how fast ubuntu is in ps3?22:39
jhonovichcron is not running, any idea on how to start/enable it?22:39
Lr5_Is it good compared to normal computer?22:39
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g2g591oDesk: not sure22:39
PriceChildLr5_, it does not have direct access to the video card22:39
DefineByteAnyone know why I can't view the root of my Windows partition (NTFS) but the contents of all sub-directories are viewable?22:39
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Avtok pacient :/22:40
PriceChildLr5_, but there are ubuntu cd images availiable for the ps322:40
michaelHow can i tell if my graphics card is installed properly?22:41
oDeskg2g591:then is there any way to fix permissions for this user ?22:41
TurtleBootshi folks22:41
Lr5_michael: umm, try what running glxgears says22:41
plamowhat let's me play .mp3 files again? I forgot22:41
Lukaszis your control panel working michael?22:41
Lr5_No idea if that's any proper test though22:41
LukaszFor the specified graphic card22:41
TurtleBootscan anyone here recommend good photo editing software for Ubuntu?22:41
Lr5_plamo: restrictedformats or something22:41
nixnoobanyone running gusty on a Asus C90s?22:42
plamokk, thanks22:42
nickrudsofiankrt, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49904/ . Basic instructions for undeleting the files in ubuntu22:42
Lukaszim on compaq usb external22:42
Lr5_plamo: nope, wasn't that, let me check22:42
plamoLr5_: roger that.22:42
Lr5_plamo: ubuntu-restricted-extras22:43
Lr5_That should be it22:43
plamomany thanks22:43
LukaszI had to download an ogg decoder to make aac+ work22:43
sofiankrtnickrud: so that should do it?22:43
nickrudsofiankrt, gotta step away for about 10 minutes. be back22:43
AvtI cant find flash ...22:43
TallenHi, Any tricks on getting all my 4GB of ram usable by *buntu 7.10 (2.6.22-14-generic)? More machine details here -> http://www.pastebin.org/13231.22:43
nickrudsofiankrt, yes, the key is the ctl-h , that will show you the hidden trash folder22:43
petr4hello. i changed graphics card (to VirtualBox's VESA card with 8 MB) and now my X servber exists with message "VESA: no matching device section for instance". I tried to run /etc/gdm/failsafeXServer but it produced the same result. I would appreciate any advice22:44
nickrudsofiankrt, if you have any doubt at any time, stop and come back22:44
lafayettei am trying to use this iptables script22:44
sofiankrtok, so I will login to ubuntu now and see what happens!22:44
Lr5_Avt: flashplugin-nonfree or mozilla-plugin-gnash22:44
sofiankrtnickrud: thank you so much! it really means a lot to me!22:44
lafayettebut i get the erroriptables-restore v1.3.3: no command specified22:44
lafayetteError occurred at line: 4122:44
Lr5_Avt: for normal usage gnash should be good, but games probably require the flashplugin-nonfree one22:45
TurtleBootsany one recommend photo editing software for Ubuntu?22:45
Lr5_TurtleBoots: gimp is quite good22:45
michaellukasz: idk...didnt know we had cp's in linux22:45
Mondmannanyone knows why i get a black screen while trying to boot xubuntu on my old laptop?22:45
oDeskanyway to repair permissions for Fedora VPS user ?22:46
TurtleBootsthanks Lr522:46
petr4TurtleBoots: i use g-spot or something. only does basic editing like clipping22:46
alex_hi all ... is there fot 64 bits ubuntu help ?22:46
LukaszIm gonna keep trying add picture to boot I mad ea backup of menu.lst anyways22:46
tomixou inkscape22:46
pr0nGuyIs there something special needed to get virtualbox to see a USB device?22:49
SmileyChrisso I'm trying to set up my laptop's modem...22:49
SmileyChrisslamr module is installed and loaded, and dmsg reports "slamr: SmartLink AMRMO modem." - but slmodemd reports "mdm setup: cannot open dev `/dev/slamr0': No such device"22:49
SmileyChrisany clues?22:49
johnficcajust so anyone knows realtek rtl8185L cards have a driver that works with Ubuntu.22:50
petr4pr0nguy: the free softtware ediition of virtualbox does not do usb22:50
petr4use the non-free22:50
BehiiMehiiUnable to mount the volume 'SimpleDrivePS'. (That's my external harddrive, and I can't seem to use it, how do I go about fixing that?) :/22:51
petr4and and host has options to provide usb to oguest22:51
pr0nGuypetr4: that's bad news for me.22:52
wolspr0nGuy: why not just mount it in leeenox?22:53
cvdwhere is the cursors folder location?22:53
BehiiMehiiSo can any of you help me get my external harddrive working?22:54
pr0nGuywols: I'm trying to do the easiest thing possible to get my canon printer to work while my host OS is leenox.22:54
pvl1my input method keeps changing, y is it doing that?22:54
petr4behii: tell us what does not work?22:54
pr0nGuypetr4: I found this: http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=277622:54
duryhi there channel :)22:55
petr4behii: unfortunatelly if something in hotplug fails, it provides no feedback. damm the developers!22:55
durycan't became as superuser22:55
petr4pr0n: and what step did not work?22:56
petr4hello. i changed graphics card (to VirtualBox's VESA card with 8 MB, also happed when changed to my old S3 Trio card) and now my X servber exists with message "VESA: no matching device section for instance". I tried to run /etc/gdm/failsafeXServer but it produced the same result. I would appreciate any advice.22:57
Madpilotdury, not sure what you mean - is sudo not working for you?22:57
nickrudcvd, the cursors that the system provides are in /usr/share/icons , and the icons you add go into ~/.icons22:57
durywhen I've installed ubuntu didn't ask me for su password22:57
pvl1My input method changes often within applications, how  can i stop that?22:57
Madpilotdury, that's because Ubuntu isn't set up to need one22:57
Madpilotubotu, sudo | dury22:57
ubotudury: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.22:57
tim167is there a good game console emulator for ubuntu ?22:57
cvdi just download a x-cursor theme and i dont know where to put theme22:58
pr0nGuypetr4: Didn't try it yet.  I'm just wondering if this will work for me, since I have the OSE version.22:58
nickrudcvd, unpack it into ~/.icons , create the directory if you need to22:58
cvdok thanks22:59
pr0nGuypetr4: I'm reading the instructions right now, but it says: Go to System-> Administration-> Users and Groups.  I don't have the option "Users and Groups".23:00
bobbleAnybody here use kerberos (kinit specifically) successfully on Gutsy? I keep getting "Improper format of Kerberos configuration file while initializing Kerberos 5 library" but I have the stock configuration file.23:00
MontegoAnyone know of a safe easy to use defrag app in syn?23:01
petr4pr0n: probably yes. i have no experience in that. give it a try. consider browsing virtualbox release notes. they are verbose and usually list problems like this23:01
johnficcahow do I blacklist a driver23:01
DigitalNinjacan someone tell me if mke2fs records file access time?23:01
Flannel!blacklist | johnficca23:01
ubotujohnficca: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »23:01
nickrudtim167, xmame , snes9x-x , gnuboy-sdl , visualboyadvance , pcsx , to name a fuew23:01
annonymousedoes any one know why all my video formats all play in black and white?23:02
bobbleDigitalNinja: I think you can specify either way in /etc/fstab23:02
DigitalNinjabobble: Thanks23:02
waQachiQiIf I edit the configure file in the source, do i need to do a chmod +x on it or something?23:02
petr4pr0n: really? well, it may br localized. otherwise you vcan fall back to addgroup and adduser23:02
tim167nickrud oh la la, so which one do you recommend (one for which i can find roms easily ) ? thanks23:03
nickrudtim167, I don't use any myself. you might find some irc channels for them, try looking on ircsearch.com23:03
jslandjoin #ubuntu23:03
nickrudwelcome jsland (again)23:03
nixnoobannonymouse, what driver are you using? are you using a compositing manager like compiz?23:03
davidwinterIs there a way I can burn the Ubuntu install ISO to an external USB hard drive?23:04
Madpilotubotu, install | davidwinter23:04
ubotudavidwinter: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:04
nickruddavidwinter, it's an iso, it will boot from a cd only23:04
tim167nickrud, thanks23:04
nixnoobdavidwinter, search google for ubuntu pendrive23:04
annonymousenixnoob  how would i find out  ive been using ubuntu for 5 days  smoothly with no understanding of it  and this is my first problem23:04
Madpilotdavidwinter, you need the last URL ubotu just posted23:04
Itakuis there a way you can add more workspaces to switch through at the botom of the screen23:04
Madpilotdavidwinter, and the first one, actually23:04
zChriscan i install an old version of Ubuntu and then upgrade it too the newest?23:04
nickrudor see nixnoob didn't realize it worked from a disk drive also23:04
FlannelzChris: yes, but you canonly upgrade one version at a time23:05
MadpilotItaku, right-click on the workspace switcher, Preferences23:05
nickrudzChris, one release at a time, and each is a very large download23:05
nixnoobannonymouse, what video card do you have?23:05
LjLMontego: there isn't any such thing23:05
annonymousean generic intel one  for an advent laptop23:05
nixnoobannonymouse are you using any desktop effects?23:05
annonymouseum yes23:06
annonymouseturn them off?23:06
nixnoobannonymouse try it23:06
Itakuthanks fuckers23:06
MontegoLjl Thanks!23:06
zippytechany one know why when i enable dual monitors with nvidia and set res to 1280x1024 i have a screen that moves when i hit the edge of the monitor23:06
* annonymouse looks really stupid how did i turn them on lol i remember a screen i just cant remember is it appearance23:07
annonymousesorry found it23:07
annonymousebrb gonna reboot n test23:07
MontegoAnyone know how to turn off join/Left using (xchat-gnome 0.18) I can't find it.23:08
waQachiQiIf I edit the configure file in the source, do i need to do a chmod +x on it or something?23:08
nickrudwaQachiQi, probably not, it usually comes with the proper permissions already set23:08
* nixnoob is AWAY ( errands )23:08
=== nixnoob is now known as nixnoob^away
Flannel!away > nixnoob^away23:09
LjL!away > nixnoob^away    (nixnoob^away, see the private message from Ubotu)23:09
waQachiQiIs gedit a bad idea to use for editing source?23:09
MadpilotwaQachiQi, no, it's fine, generally23:09
LjLwaQachiQi: no... why would it be?23:09
nickrudwaQachiQi, no, it's fine. Limited, but ok23:09
waQachiQiso if I edit the configure file, do I need to do anything else before I compile?23:10
jslandordered a new motherboard before checking the hardware support and find the Asus M2N SLI deluxe  is not listed for Ubuntu.  Other M2N boards are supported.  If the other boards have the same chipset will they likely work with the deluxe board?23:10
TallenHi, Any tricks on getting all my 4GB of ram usable by *buntu 7.10 (2.6.22-14-generic)? More machine details here -> http://www.pastebin.org/13231.23:10
LjLwaQachiQi: uh? edit the configure file?23:10
=== Petrovke is now known as Petrov
alemonesHi Guys, I would like to ask for help as my Ubuntu doesn't keep the resolution and other graphic setup when restarting. I have to restore after each restart!23:10
DelvienDo i need to keep whats in /var/cache/apt/archives or am i safe to delete it ?23:10
waQachiQiLjL yes23:10
annonymousehey   thanks for the advice but still grey23:10
LjLDelvien: you can delete it safely by doing « sudo apt-get clean »23:10
LjL!elaborate | waQachiQi23:11
ubotuwaQachiQi: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)23:11
r-wolfanother try: my Gnome login screen shows @1280x720, and after login the resolution changes to 1280x1024, what could be wrong with the settings?23:11
DelvienLjL ahhhh.. ive been using autoclean for 4 years lol.... darnit23:11
LeLLeLhi! im on GG server install, and cant get my mumble-server to work. this is pasted from /var/log/murmur/murmur.log http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49902/ anyone got any idea?23:11
r-wolfhow do I make them equal?23:11
maybeway36samba problem here23:12
waQachiQiLjL: http://calomel.org/rtorrent_mods.html <-- I'm trying to do this and it says I have to edit the "configure" file, in the libtorrent source.. So i do do anything else after I make the changes?23:12
maybeway36i have a folder "R.E.M." but it shows up as RP85G1~P over SMB/CIFS23:12
maybeway36with the folder inside, "In Time: The Best of R.E.M. 1988-2003" it is also a garbled mess23:13
maybeway36is this ms-dos truncating?23:13
AciDis it normal that no upgrade has been seen on compiz since october 8 ? I'm using feisty23:13
maybeway36feisty doesn't really have upgrades anymore :P23:13
linuxfceyou can download extra plugins for compiz23:13
scguy318AciD: when packages in a repo go stable, their version simply does not change unless for security reasons23:14
scguy318AciD: other distros put you on the bleeding edge though23:14
LjLwaQachiQi: chmod +x might be needed, depending on the editor. not sure with gedit. i'd recommend that, if you really have to modify the source, you get the official Ubuntu source package and compile that, anyway.23:14
linuxfcethat'll spiff up your compiz fusion23:14
AciDit's not that much about plugins, but about stability (I have some pretty annoying random crashes since I switched from beryl to compiz-fusion)23:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ice - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:14
nickrudnothing like having your toys randomly break23:14
crdlblinuxfce: uh ... that's for debian23:14
AciDok so this means the "new" version is quite like more "unstable" ?23:15
linuxfcelol does it matter23:15
annonymousehi sorry ti keep pestering but can some one give me an idea where to go on this,  my vlc and mplayer are showing films in black n white ive reinstalled vlc and turned windows effectss of and rebooted  still same problem  its only happened  since last night23:15
scguy318AciD: yes23:15
LimCoremc provides brain dead stupid unreadable colors by default (dark gray on blue) how to fix that?23:15
crdlblinuxfce: yes.23:15
scguy318annonymouse: maybe you have some filter going?23:16
annonymouseon both programs? howd i check23:16
alex_how can I install the codecs to waqtch dvds n my 64 bits ?23:16
nickrudLimCore, I usually just change the terminal colors to rxvt better contrast imo23:16
AciDthx for the tips guys23:17
LimCoreit still sucks23:17
alex_ sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh gives me an error23:17
LimCorecant stupid mc provide normal white on black text or something23:17
Jack_Sparrow!attitude > LimCore23:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about atti - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:17
bobbleAnybody know Kerberos? What is default_realm supposed to be in krb5.con?23:17
scguy318alex_: what's the error?23:18
alex_checking for C compiler default output... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables23:18
Myrtti!attitude | LimCore23:18
FlannelLimCore: you can customize the color scheme23:18
ubotuLimCore: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:18
LjL!build-essential > alex_    (alex_, see the private message from Ubotu)23:18
LimCoreJack_Sparrow: well I dont want a refund, still thoes colors are, quite frankly ((c) Torvalds),totally unusable23:18
LimCoreFlannel: how to?23:18
Avtwhats the command to change the roots pasword from term login?23:18
nickrudLimCore, try mc -H23:18
LjL!root > Avt    (Avt, see the private message from Ubotu)23:18
MyrttiAvt: you don't have root23:19
MyrttiAvt: you shouldn't have root23:19
linuxfcehow can i set an ubuntu livecd iso to be part of my os boot selection23:19
linuxfcei want the iso to boot from the hard drive23:19
annonymousepls help this is driving me nuts23:20
Myrttilinuxfce: there should be an option for that23:20
rodolfoJack_Sparrow: don't byte my head off...i got disconnected that time because my isp was down... =P23:20
nikinhy is consolekit a nescesarry daemon to start ubuntu?23:20
Jack_Sparrowrodolfo: np...  I am very preoccupied here...23:20
LimCorenickrud: thanks!23:21
* LimCore braindeads his mc colors23:21
rodolfoJack_Sparrow: what's up?23:21
LimCoreerm, un*23:21
falconerI think linuxfce means that he has an iso on the hard drive, and wants an option in grub to boot from that iso file on the disk23:21
linuxfcethat would be great for when x crashes23:21
Jack_Sparrowrodolfo: Nothing that would be on-topic thanks...   just ask any anyopne here that can help will help.23:21
ompaullinuxfce, less of the running commentary please ;-)23:21
nikinhy is consolekit a nescesarry daemon to start ubuntu?23:21
LimCoreI know there are probably good reasons to provide unreadable colors to users, by would it be possible to provide usable default configuration in ubuntu?23:21
Weasel[DK]is it possible to install a 32bit version on an AMD 64bit ?23:22
falconerwell, linuxfce, I don't know how to do that. But I'm not an expert :D23:22
FlannelWeasel[DK]: yes23:22
PriceChild!bug | LimCore23:22
ubotuLimCore: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:22
linuxfcehm ok. ill check google, its gotta be doable23:22
magic_ninjai did an apt-get install icewm and for some reason i don't have ANY configuration files, any ideas guys23:22
rodolfoWeasel[DK]: yeah, but there would be loss of performance, you know?23:22
kylebakedhow can i find the vga framebuffer mode for 1280x800?23:22
PriceChildmagic_ninja, checked /usr/share?23:22
Weasel[DK]yes i thought so23:22
Flannelrodolfo, Weasel[DK], not really.  You don't get whatever gain you would from the 64bit OS, but 32bit OS wont run slower on it23:23
rodolfoWeasel[DK]: your processor has 64-bit instructions, then USE IT23:23
Avtum i have root man23:23
LimCorePriceChild: I know.  1) go to page  2) report bug  3) wait  4) wait  5) wait  6) you die out of oldage 7) ubuntu 42.52 for amd512 includes the bugfix.   is the something more that one can do to fix it quicker?23:23
Avti built the pc :/23:23
annonymousei fixed it!!!23:23
Avtcourse i have root23:23
rodolfoFlannel, i had the same thought as your...but when i intalled a winxp-64BE on a athlon 64 x2, some apps really run faster than on a 32BE23:24
PriceChildLimCore, if its a bug, please file it on launchpad23:24
|DuReX|what ubuntu disk supports installing/booting from dmraid ?23:24
LimCorePriceChild: ok I will do it right after work23:24
rodolfoFlannel, for example games23:24
rodolfoFlannel, so why on ubuntu it would be different?23:25
ShpookUgh, brand new installation, and I've already messed it up lol.23:25
Avtsudo passwd....23:25
k3itocan anyone tell me of a media player that lets me browse my music by artwork for linux?23:25
Avtthats all you had to say23:25
ShpookI have both KDE and Gnome installed right now...will there be any problems with removing KDE? I've read on the forums about people having issues when they do this.23:25
rodolfoFlannel, i mean if there was no difference between 32 and 63 bit editions, so why does the 64BE exist?23:25
Gneak3ito: i think amarok does it23:26
magic_ninjawhere are gnome configuration files located?23:26
Gneamagic_ninja: ~/.gconf/23:26
LimCorehow to make it not possible to bypass root password by booting into rescue mode etc?23:26
nickrudAvt, the ubuntu security model is built around using sudo rather than having an actual root password. Alternative, some say better, some say worse. It works23:26
k3itoGnea: is there any way to have amarok store the artwork downlaoded by the cover manager in the relevant folder and not in it's own unique database backend!23:26
ompaulLimCore, put a password on your grub23:26
Gneak3ito: that's an amarok issue, ask them23:27
inchk3ito I don't think there is one that will let you browse by the album art but Amarok displays the album art for each album so you may give that a try23:27
ompaulLimCore, you need to get in at some level if you encrypt everything I hope you never forget any password23:27
FlannelLimCore: the mc manpage talks about how to set your own colors in the config file.  Its larger than I can explain here though.23:27
Avtnick what that mean in english23:27
nickrudmagic_ninja, ~/.gnome ~/.gnome2 ~/.config ~/.local ~/.cache ~/.gconf (that I've found so far :)23:27
magic_ninjaGnea: the start menu entries are located here?23:27
k3itoGnea:: k cheers ;)23:27
kylebakeddoes anyone know how to set my framebuffer at boot to 1280x800?23:27
=== axelor is now known as gorby
LimCoreFlannel: would be nice to include some comfortable setting by default23:27
k3itoinch:: shame23:27
nickrudmagic_ninja, those are in ~/.local/share/applications23:27
Flannelrodolfo: The 64bit OS is faster in some areas, but most general application use there is little, if any, difference.23:28
=== gorby is now known as g0rb3h
AciDah, I meant gutsy in fact :)23:28
Avtnickrud whats that mean in simple english?23:28
k3itoinch: the new winamp (preferred media player for win) has just that and its perfect23:28
Madpilotubotu, sudo | Avt - explained better here:23:28
ubotuAvt - explained better here:: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.23:28
nickrudLimCore, to answer your question of speeding up a change, you might consider adding a patch23:28
Flannelrodolfo: the benefit of larger registers and more of them is offset by the overhead of larger pointers and such23:28
kane77what is the best way to synchronize my project between laptop and desktop?23:28
k3itowanted something similar for ubuntu as there is NO WAY i'm going back to wion now23:28
zippytechany one have an idea why on dual monitors my screen moves when i hit the edge with the mouse23:28
nickrudin more detail, and advocacy, but better? some say yes, some say no :)23:28
FlannelLimCore: MCs colors have always been that way23:28
LimCoreFlannel: they are completelly unreadable, or is it just me23:29
Avtdid i say simple lol23:29
LimCoregrayish gray on grayish blue, for teh win23:29
magic_ninjanickrud: there is no single directory or file that specifies the gnome menu entries (i'm trying to convert them to the icewm menu"23:29
FlannelLimCore: Apparently its just you, or some customization you've done to your terminal colors.  Light grey on light blue, right?23:29
LimCoreFlannel: yeah23:29
=== g0rb3h is now known as g0rb3hy
nickrudmagic_ninja, install menu and menu-xdg , they'll convert for your23:29
=== g0rb3hy is now known as g0rb3h
LimCorebut on LCD the grey, especially of directories, blends with this blueish23:30
LimCorein default gnome term23:30
FlannelLimCore: Yeah.  Thats how its always been.  If you turn your terminals colors off, you'll get foreground on background23:30
Avtok I have radeon saphire x800 gto video card how I install the correct driver?23:30
magic_ninjanickrud: then just restart icewm or run a command or what?23:30
k3itoAvt: envy can do it23:30
|DuReX|what ubuntu disk supports installing/booting from dmraid ?23:30
Avtwill it work23:30
ompaul!envy | Avt23:30
ubotuAvt: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »23:30
Avtlast time it mess up23:30
FlannelLimCore: Of course, with that you also lose colorization.  You might try googling around for a better color scheme for your LCD23:30
k3itoAvt: should do23:31
Avtk I try again23:31
ompaul!worksforme | k3ito23:31
ubotuk3ito: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/23:31
k3itoAvt: i have manually edited my xorg.conf for use with the x800xt pe23:31
Nicolaidishelp with cairo dock23:31
nickrudmagic_ninja, it should do it automatically, but you can run update-menus by hand23:31
magic_ninjanickrud: ty i'm going to try this23:32
Avtum how to run envy23:32
k3itoompaul: does the restriceted man find the *latest* driver?23:32
Avtin gutsy23:32
ryanovDoes anyone here happen to know why flashplugin-nonfree with Flash 9.0.115 was removed?23:32
Myrtti!envy | Avt23:32
ubotuAvt: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »23:32
nickrudAvt, as far away away from you and as fast as you can23:32
FlannelLimCore: As an example (an unfortunate one at that)  You'll notice this scheme is still X on blue: http://www.kde-files.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=32814&file1=32814-1.png&file2=&file3=&name=Pleasent+NC%2FMC+color+style&PHPSESSID=c53a6c823:33
Tallenno-one using 4GB RAM on a 32-bit *buntu ?23:33
ompaulk3ito, it finds a driver that is known to work and if it that does not work then there is _NO_ supported version yet that means that we don't suggest it - this is about stability not might work23:33
ryanovI see that it was pulled from the repository by Martin Pitt, but the reason given was (broken SRU)... not sure what that stands for.23:33
rodolfoTallen: what's the problem?23:33
k3itoompaul: never heard of any problems using envy.  not like the use of automatix anyhow23:33
Avtmyrtti I didnt get the ubotu message yet23:34
Tallenrodolfo; Hi, Any tricks on getting all my 4GB of ram usable by *buntu 7.10 (2.6.22-14-generic)? More machine details here -> http://www.pastebin.org/13231.23:34
KlrSpzTallen: yeah what's the issue?23:34
ompaulk3ito, it has had the same effect23:34
ompaul!envy | Avt23:34
ubotuAvt: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »23:34
magic_ninjanickrud: br right back going to restart x23:34
nickrudrodolfo, did you ever get your compiz config to stop complaining?23:34
Avt!envy | Avt23:34
ryanovIsn't the limit 3.3 or something like that with 32-bit, or is that Windows only?23:34
KlrSpzwell >2 gig is already himem23:34
k3itoompaul: i couldn't run compiz nor games with the restricted driver man driver23:34
ompaulAvt, the message was in the channel: ubotu> Avt: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »23:34
zetherooumm... what do you do when your keyboard no longer toggles the volume?23:35
k3itoompaul: i think the card is blacklisted23:35
Flannelryanov: You can do >3.3 (or whatever it is) with certain things enabled23:35
Avtim confused23:35
magic_ninjanickrud: hrm this didn't work still no program entries or anything in gnome23:35
LimCoreTallen: you need probly 64bit kernel to use it fully23:35
TallenKlrSpz: actually I have updated the pastebin to include the dmesg output as well (3200 MB HIGHMEM + 896MB found) -> http://www.pastebin.org/1324223:35
LjLAvt: it shows23:35
rodolfonickrud: not only i did, its working perfectly23:35
k3itoompaul: though the ati driver is coming on in leaps n bounds23:35
Avtwhat restricted drivers manager23:35
Nicolaidiscan someone help me install cairo dock23:35
Avtwere is it23:35
ryanovWhat's the reason for sticking to 32 anyway?23:35
nickrudmagic_ninja, in gnome? I thought you wanted gnome menus in icewm23:35
ompaulAvt, do this: /msg ubotu binarydriver and it will reply23:35
FlannelTallen: The server kernel has support for higher amounts of RAM, or you can compile the ubuntu kernel with some tweaks and get it too23:35
k3itoavt: system>admin23:35
Tallenryanov: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#head-ff0a19a9ff23537e36b3cf9d40b2d8747bd45cd423:35
nickrudmagic_ninja, or, the menu items that debian provides in icewm (that's how it's structured)23:35
magic_ninjanickrud: there is a "gnome and kde" entries in the application menu23:36
carrierBagHi. I'm up to recompile php from scratch (to get the bundled GD version). Do I have to uninstall/remove php first per synaptic or can I just go along and compile over the old php? Any advice? I don't wont to mess up the (package)system.. :|23:36
Avto ty23:36
ompaulryanov, easy of use - if you are not running massive dbs (and you should not be on a desktop)  then for desktop reasons easier to do 32bit23:36
magick211Maybe someone can help me, I just recently tried to patch madwifi drivers and my laptop battery died in the process, now when i try to patch i get a error, i tried delting the source and the patch and redownloading but i still get same error23:36
FlannelcarrierBag: Why are you compiling it?23:36
nickrudmagic_ninja, phone call, brb23:36
carrierBagFlannel: I need the bundled version of the GD Graphics Library23:36
KlrSpzTallen: i'm not sure what the default ubuntu config is as the config is NOT stored in the kernel proc space23:37
notvi cant get audacity to convert my files to mp323:37
linuxfcewhat error do you get notv23:37
FlannelcarrierBag: What are the benefits of the "Bundled Version" as opposed to the one in the repository?23:37
KlrSpzwhich is bs if you ask me.. however i do believe it to be compatible as i have 4gb of ram at work with no issues23:37
linuxfcewhat happens23:37
magick211Anyone know why im getting the patch error now, even after i redownloaded the source and patch23:37
notvit just doesnt show anything for mp3 exporting23:37
ryanovThat page is not technically correct, is it?23:37
notvi have lame23:37
ryanovKlrSpz: There is one in /boot though, isn't there?23:37
jepes_hi, i replaced my mouse but the new one wouldnt work. im sure my new mouse isnt broken.23:37
|DuReX|what does the alternate cd has more ?23:37
carrierBagFlannel: the generic one in the repository you get with php5-gd does not include some functions like ImageRotate... which I need23:37
notvand i direct audacity to libmp3lame.so.023:38
notvbut i dont get any messages saying that its working23:38
Shpookjepes_: what's it do or not do?23:38
rodolfoTallen: so it does not recognize the correct amount of memory...?23:38
LjL!who | notv23:38
KlrSpzso i mean it must be enabled?23:38
linuxfcesorry i have to go, but my audacity didnt require anything to export as mp3, so i dont know what to do23:38
ubotunotv: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:38
notvon my desktop, i have options to export to mp3, but i do not see these options here on my laptop23:38
LjLerr, i meant more like23:38
ryanovI believe there /IS/ a Flash for 64-bit, so I don't know if that community page is right.23:38
LjL!enter | notv23:38
ubotunotv: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:38
mpetershello folks. I've got a compaq presario v5000 whose volume control buttons control the master volume track, but not the pcm.23:39
owner10010101whats the site for installing the libraries for playing dvd's and mp3s23:39
mpetersis there anyway to chagne this?23:39
notvsorry ljl23:39
Tallenrodolfo: yes, it only sees 2.9GB of the 4GB (3.9GB should be reported by the 32bit kernel).23:39
mpetersit seems that adjusting the master volume sliders doesn't actually change the volume23:39
jepes_Shpook: "do not"23:39
notvcan anyone help me get audacity to export mp3s?23:39
FlannelcarrierBag: Are you sure?  I've used ImageRotate on my dapper box.  You'd know more than I do about it though.  For compiling, see !compile, and also remember to put stuff in /usr/local (which is how you keep it from breaking your package stuff).  You should remove the packages from the repos, and if you have anything that depends on them, you'll need to make dummy packages to satisfy the depends.23:39
ryanovnotv: What does not work?23:39
rodolfoTallen: how many memories do you have installed? 2x2GB?23:39
owner10010101i cant play dvds and i got a fresh install someone told me there was some website for the data i need medi....buntu..... can u help23:40
Shpookjepes_: yes, but is it completely dead, or does tracking work and not the buttons?23:40
LeLLeLhi! im on GG server install, and cant get my mumble-server to work. this is pasted from /var/log/murmur/murmur.log http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49902/ anyone got any idea?23:40
Flannel!dvd | owner1001010123:40
magic_ninjanickrud: brb restarting again23:40
ubotuowner10010101: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs23:40
notvryanov i do not have any options for exporting to mp3, only wav, flac, and sorts23:40
Tallenrodolfo: yes. lshw reports that correctly. The BIOS reports 4028MB RAM. Dmesg reports 3200MB + 896MB found. But 'free -m' only reports 2.9GB total RAM.23:40
jepes_shpook: its completely dead on ubuntu, but it works well under windows.23:40
carrierBagFlannel: yes, I'm sure. And I need the bundled version of GD, which is not included in ubuntu LTS for security reasons.. :/23:40
mpetersi experience the same issues running sudo alsamixer23:41
owner10010101thx do u know the weblink for the site23:41
mpetersmaster doesn't have any affect on volume, but pcm does23:41
Shpookjepes_: what kind of mouse? (brand/model)23:41
LjLnotv: File / Apply Chain / MP3 Conversion works here. not sure if it's supposed to be available from Export as well23:41
Gnurduxdoes ubuntu use a grub stage 1.5?23:41
FlannelGnurdux: yes23:41
KlrSpzTallen: wow that's really weird, i really don't know what to say.. it works flawless on my box at work i know23:41
Gnurduxand hwere is it put?23:41
Shpookjepes_: also, is it connected via P/S2 or USB?23:41
TallenKlrSpz: its making me wacko.23:41
ryanovTallen: What HW?23:41
Gnurduxin the beginning of the ubuntu partition?23:41
lukaszwhy do I get mesa xfree 86 missing?23:42
rodolfoTallen: have you already run memtest to see whats going on?23:42
jepes_ps/2 generic optical mouse with scroll, previous was also ps/2 generic witout scroll and not optical23:42
Tallenryanov: this pastebin has all alot of details about my issue -> http://www.pastebin.org/1324223:42
Greevoushow can I cd into a hidden directory in the terminal?23:42
ryanov640k should be enough for anyone.23:42
Tallenrodolfo: the RAM is seen by the BIOS fine. The problem is something with the kernel I sumize.23:42
bitmonkGreevous: same as any other.  you mean a directory starting with '.' ?23:42
ryanovGreevous: Nothing different23:42
bitmonkjust "cd .foo/"23:42
Greevousbitmonk: do I need to add "sudo"?23:43
lukasz!find mesa23:43
ubotuFound: libgl1-mesa-dev, libgl1-mesa-dri, libgl1-mesa-dri-dbg, libgl1-mesa-glx, libgl1-mesa-glx-dbg (and 18 others)23:43
jepes_shpook: ps/2 generic optical mouse with scroll, previous was also ps/2 generic witout scroll and not optical23:43
bitmonknope.  dotfiles / dir are only semantically hidden, e.g. ls filters them, they are not hidden from you.23:43
magic_ninjanickrud: i think i'm getting it figured out, ty, btw guys if you want a lightweight, customizable wm, try icewm its lightweight, but its really customizable23:43
bitmonkwell, maybe ls doesn't filter them.  i don't know off-hand, but they are filtered, not restricted.23:43
Shpookjepes_: can you paste your xorg.conf to pastebin.org for me?23:44
bitmonkmagic_ninja: i have spent many late nights with icewm, good stuff23:44
ryanovbitmonk: They don't show without -a. I guess that's filtering.23:44
simmer1is there a channel that is best suited to helping with routing issues?23:44
Greevousbitmonk: ryanov: I get a "permission denied" when I try to simply cd into it23:44
jepes_shpook: ok,23:44
bitmonkGreevous: that's not because of dots, but because of permissions23:44
bitmonktry ls -ld .foo/23:44
bitmonkshould tell you who owns it and what access uga have23:44
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Nanim
rodolfonickrud: unlike windows, ubuntu has no limited memory recognizer uh?23:45
LjLrodolfo: a what?23:45
magick211Hello guys im trying ot "sudo apt-get install build-essential" and its asking for the ubuntu cdrom, i dont have it here wiht me is there anything else i can do?23:45
=== mark__ is now known as invalidsyntax
ryanovTallen: Interesting.23:45
LjLmagick211: remove it from Software Sources23:45
notvljl where does apply chain  export the mp3 to?23:46
magick211LjL, Can you tell me how to do that?23:46
Greevousbitmonk: root owns it, so do I need to change permissions with chown or chmod in order to copy files to and from?23:46
pike_magick211: easiest way is to launch synaptic and do it there23:46
bitmonkGreevous: yeap, and you need sudo for chown and chmod23:46
rodolfoLjL: some versions of windows is limited...i mean you can install 2x2GB on a windows "starter" edition, but it will only recognize 2GB of your 4GB...(thats an example). does that happen on ubuntu?23:46
OnyxAnyone know how I can get vmware on my amd64?23:46
LjLmagick211: not from Software Sources, because i'm not on GNOME... but it should be pretty trivial really. anyway from console, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the CD-ROM lines23:46
bitmonkrodolfo: absolutely not ever because of any arbitrary limit.23:46
bitmonk(only if your mobo had issues - not some licensing scam)23:47
magick211Ljl, Thanks i will do that now23:47
joesoundguyanyone using songbird?23:47
ryanovTallen: Assuming you haven't tried going with a PAE kernel23:48
Greevousbitmonk: so there's no way to access the files without changing the permissions, since "sudo cd" doesn't work...23:48
Avtshould I sudo apt-get install xscreensaver ??? in gutsy or no23:48
ryanovsudo is not really going to work for that.23:48
bitmonkyeah you can't sudo cd23:48
bitmonkyou can sudo su -23:48
Shpookjepes_: You got it posted yet?23:48
pike_Avt: yes it is in gutsy23:48
bitmonkor sudo bash23:48
EnselicGreevous: just sudo ls?23:48
bitmonkand then cd23:48
ryanovbitmonk: sudo -s23:48
Avtit say it not installed23:48
bitmonkyou can also sudo ls23:48
bitmonkyou can sudo anything23:48
jepes_shpook: im almost there23:48
hatterhow do i know which user to add to a group if this happens :  zmc_dvideo0[8707]: ERR [Failed to open video device /dev/video0: Permission denied]23:48
nickrudmagic_ninja, good to hear. rodolfo what was the cause?23:48
bitmonkbut not cd, because having su powers to switch dir doesn't help you have access to be in that dir once you lose su power23:48
ryanovGreevous: sudo -s for a root shell.23:48
Enselichatter: sudo usermod -G video user23:49
wolshatter: ls -al /dev/video023:49
* bitmonk defer to ryanov 23:49
Tallenryanov: how exactly would I do that? what are any pitfalls of such a kernel?23:49
rodolfobitmonk, nickrd: and have you noticed some bu related to the "kernel-does-not-recgnize-my-amount-of-memory"?23:49
Avtwhy it say xscreensaver isnt installed but it is23:49
LjLryanov: sudo -i is often a better idea though23:49
Greevousryanov: okay, that works. Thanks.23:49
bitmonk"bu" ?23:49
magick211Ljl, I installed the build essential erlier and tried to patch my mad-wifi drivers but my laptop batter died in the process, now when i try to patc i get error. Do i need to remove the build essential that i downloaded erlier?23:49
ryanovTallen: No idea, I just generally listen to the kernel messages if they tell me to try something. :23:49
Shpookjepes_: okay, not trying to rush you or anything, I was just curious. :-)23:49
wolsrodolfo: does your BIOS recognize it?23:49
alex_someone here has an ipaq hp ?23:49
AvtThe program 'xscreensaver' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:23:49
Avtsudo apt-get install xscreensaver23:49
nickrudrodolfo, not for years, I used to have to add MEM=xxx to lilo23:49
* bitmonk has a stupid redhat server which only sees 3.5G of 4G but am told it's the supermicro motherboard and don't even think it has anything to do with the kernel23:49
wolsbitmonk: bug I guess23:49
invalidsyntaxI tried to use hda0,1 in grub for windows and it said ntldr missiing23:49
rodolfonickrud: that's whats going on Tallen's computer...check this out: http://www.pastebin.org/1323123:49
Avtand im in gutsy should be here ya23:49
Tallenryanov: well I saw that , but I am not using more than 4GB so I didnt think it applied.23:49
alex_I can see that it uses the ipaq.c driver23:50
jepes_shpook: im having trouble running thru tabs on firefox (pastebin.org) newarly there)23:50
KlrSpzGnea: you around?23:50
ryanovLjL: /me defer to LjL :)23:50
alex_but what's the application to use ?23:50
zippytechany one know why when i enable dual monitors with nvidia and set res to 1280x1024 i have a screen that moves when i hit the edge of the monitor23:50
Avtail my screensaver woes23:50
hatterEnselic, wols, thx,  /dev/video0  belongs to video group,  but how do i know which 'user' to add to it ?23:50
LjLnotv: uhm, i think if you've saved the project in audacity, it will tell you where it's going to export to. it's weird though23:50
sinthey, i don't get the init system of ubuntu .. how to get removed stuff from starting while boot except using update-rc.d?? i always get: "update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/bla exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force)"23:50
nickrudrodolfo, what does free say?23:50
KlrSpzzippytech: are your frequencies correct?23:50
Enselichatter: the user that you want to be able to access ideo23:50
rodolfonickrud: excuse me?23:50
wolshatter: whoami23:50
bitmonksint: something is wrong or you are using it wrong, probably..23:50
lukaszdamn I can't seem to find Xfree86-dri hmm23:51
ryanovTallen: The fact that it mentioned it is interesting, though... I'm not sure what causes it to print that message.23:51
invalidsyntaxany ideas?23:51
nickrudrodolfo, ah, I'm reading back, seeing more. and free is the command to check memory status23:51
bitmonkbut you should learn how the underlying rc system works. look in /etc/rc*.d23:51
magick211LjL, I dont see a cd rom line in my /etc/apt/sources.list23:51
owner10010101sry mates whats the addy for media ubuntu23:51
bitmonkusually rcN.d where N is a runlevel number23:51
sintbitmonk: not sure, i typed: update-rc.d program remove23:51
wolslukasz: cause it doesn't exist anymore, just like XFree86, at least not in ubuntu23:51
bitmonksint: is that what the manpage says to do?23:51
sintand -f doesn't to any better23:51
magic_ninjawhat is rc.d23:51
magic_ninjarun command daemon?23:51
KlrSpzjust the collection of rc scripts23:52
lukaszer what do I do then wols? it doesn't display ati info just says mesa missing?23:52
LjL!pastebin | magick211: paste it all here23:52
ubotumagick211: paste it all here: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:52
wolsmagic_ninja: it's part of sysvinit23:52
KlrSpzyou symlink them into your run levels23:52
nickrudmagic_ninja, sounds close to me :)23:52
ryanovTallen: Mine does not bitch about that, but I only have 1024MB23:52
wolslukasz: what videocard?23:52
JonaTh! keyboard23:52
ubotuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts23:52
lukaszI am using ati23:52
AvtI need to install flash player in gutsy??? how23:52
LjL!flash > Avt    (Avt, see the private message from Ubotu)23:52
sintbitmonk: just for the moment its lighttpd and the man page says almost nothing23:52
wolslukasz: you load the drm module for your kernel for example23:52
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts23:52
bitmonkthe manpage for update-rc.d ?23:52
* bitmonk checks23:52
lukaszhow can I load the drm modules wols?23:52
hatterthe current user is already added to this group (video) but when i try to run zoneminder this appears in the logs :  zmc_dvideo0[8707]: ERR [Failed to open video device /dev/video0: Permission denied]23:52
ryanovTallen: Similar, but below 4GB also: http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Kernel/2003-07/0995.html23:53
wolslukasz: via modprobe. but best look for a howto for e.g. 9200 radeon23:53
nickrudhatter, did the current user log completely out and back in (required when added to new group)23:53
Avtthey broke it? lmao :/23:53
ubotufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox23:53
wolshatter: ls -l /dev/video023:53
rodolfoAvt, by typing this on your terminal: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:53
Avtthis has been going on for like 3 months23:53
hatternickrud, thx, the user was already part of the group23:53
JonaThI don't understand how to easily move between to keymaps in 7.10.23:53
sintbut i had similar trouble with samba yesterday, gave up and let it start while boot anyway. is update-rc.d the right command to remove programs from autostart anyway?23:53
lukaszlink wols?23:53
JonaThI used alt + alt gr in Dapper23:53
jepes_shpook: http://pastebin.org/13254 (whew, that was the longest paste i''ved don..)23:53
hatterwols, crw-rw---- 1 root video 81, 0 2007-12-29 20:53 /dev/video023:54
wolssint: use rcconf. update-rc.d is sorta from dbeian23:54
rodolfoAvt, also, check this site out for more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats23:54
Shpookjepes_: okay, gimme a min23:54
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:54
wolshatter: did you add yoursel to video or have you been part of it for a long time?23:54
jepes_shpook: ok, thanks23:54
hatterwols, yes have been part of it all along23:54
hattertvtime runs23:54
soldatsAvt, you can go to adobes home page and download and install it from there23:54
sintwols: thanks. hope this works :)23:54
ryanovI wonder what CONFIG_VMSPLIT_3G does, since it seems to be turned on.23:55
alemonesHi Guys, I would like to ask for help as my Ubuntu doesn't keep the resolution and other graphic setup when restarting. I have to restore after each restart!23:55
ader10I forgot the command to see my kernel23:55
ader10what is it?23:55
wolsryanov: detemines where the kernel and userspace split23:55
magick211LjL, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49910/23:55
wolsader10: uname -a23:55
ryanovI wonder could that have to do with his problem in some way.23:55
niuqit's any application like movie maker for linux23:55
wolsniuq: kino, cinelerra23:55
wolsryanov: depends23:56
rodolfoalemones, have you manually changed something on your xorg.conf?23:56
lukaszI did modprobe flglrx and it did something nut dunno what and the info still shows mesa23:56
niuqwols: thx23:56
wolslukasz: what card do you have?23:56
ryanovwols: Upon anything in particular? :)23:56
lukaszAti rade 200 m intergrated23:56
lukaszAti radeon 200 m intergrated*23:56
wolslukasz: afaik that needs fglrx yes23:56
wols!ati | lukasz23:57
ubotulukasz: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:57
aswearhi all, does anyone have estimates on system requirements on ubuntu studio??23:57
LjLmagick211: the very first line is the CD-ROM line... anyway, that sources.list is totally messed up (you probably had no Internet while you were installing). it's easiest to generate a new one from here23:57
LjL!easysource > magick211    (magick211, see the private message from Ubotu)23:57
wolsryanov: BIOS, platform, etc23:57
Tallenryanov: aha http://osdir.com/ml/admin.managers/2005-07/msg00005.html23:57
Tallenryanov: so I guess I need to make a custom kernel now. well that should be fun.23:57
lukaszI will look at it :)23:57
ryanovLast time I tried that it was such a bitch.23:57
theLichKingi install fluxbox but i can't get the right click menu to show up, how do i fix this?23:58
ryanovI don't remember why, but I remember wanting to just use the exact Ubuntu kernel and change an option and build it.23:58
ryanovAnd their build process didn't seem to work on their kernel.23:58
ryanovSomething about PATHs all screwed up.23:58
ryanovAnd I came across it in the Wiki or something that said you shouldn't really be doing it, do they made it hard, or something silly like that.23:59
Tallenryanov: wonder if the 'server' ubuntu kernel has this PAE enabled?23:59

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