
abentleyddaa: How goes?00:53
ddaawell, I'm on leave00:55
ddaabeen poking around with bzr-git00:55
ddaamanaged to get a simple blackbox test "bzr log" working00:56
ddaanow I'm kind of stumped trying to get "bzr pull" to work00:56
ddaait seems a lot of stuff needs InventoryEntry.revision to be set01:03
ddaabut bzr-git cannot easily set this to a meaningful value01:03
ddaaokay... it seems just using the current revision might work01:05
ddaanow need to find the text sizes...01:05
abentleyI messed around with bzr-git a long time ago.01:07
abentleyWatch out for the hashes; AFAICT, they are *not* the fulltext sha1s.01:08
ddaathinking of it, that makes sense01:09
ddaathey are the hashes of the git representation, not of the data itself01:09
abentleyAlso, I don't know if bzr-git still uses the quilt "bindings", but you're better off writing your own, a la pybaz.01:10
ddaaI'm working on jam's branch01:10
ddaait does not depend on stgit anymore01:10
abentleyAh, stgit.  Sorry.01:10
ddaaa couple of days ago, I tried to make a transparent git:// transport01:11
abentleyI've just implemented a new merge algorithm that should match beat weave merge on criss-cross, and equal three-way the rest of the time.  I'm very excited.01:11
ddaanow, I'm pretty sure it cannot be done in the current state of git01:11
abentley...match *or* beat...01:11
ddaathat sounds really cool01:12
ddaaone merge to rule them all :)01:12
abentleyOh, absolutely.  Merge should Just Work to the maximum extent possible.01:12
ddaaat least a git:// transport would require reimplementing all the git client code01:12
ddaaso it does not depend on the existence of a local .git directory :(01:13
abentleyWhat about treating remoted gits as a kind of smart server?01:13
abentleybtw: http://code.aaronbentley.com/bzr/bzrrepo/lcamerge if you're interested.01:14
ddaavanilla git servers pretty only know how to transfer packs01:14
ddaaas far as I can tell, it works like in a rsync-like manner01:14
ddaafirst there's a negotiation phase where client and server determine what objects are needed01:15
ddaathen the server builds a pack and sends it over the wire01:15
ddaathe problem is that all the existing git code just work off filesystem structures01:15
ddaaand has nice things like hardcoded exit() calls...01:16
abentleytla, how I haven't missed you ;-)01:16
ddaaexactly :/01:16
ddaaalso, all the code assumes that sockets can be used as file descriptors01:17
abentleyIt sounds like a tough problem.01:17
ddaaso it just cannot work on win3201:17
abentleyIs this hacking launchpad-related?01:17
ddaano, that's off hours hacking01:17
ddaasounds like a lot of trouble, so I just gave up on this for now01:18
ddaalocal bzr pull would be nice enough01:18
abentleyWhat can bzr-git do these days?01:19
ddaarun bzr vis :)01:19
ddaabut now it has some tests01:19
abentleyThat's it?  Still?01:20
ddaait cannot even display diffs01:20
abentleyI'm pretty sure my branch could do checkouts.01:20
* ddaa tries01:20
foomddaa: couldn't you just invoke git to download the data onto the local drive and then manipulate from there?01:20
ddaafoom: that's the line I'm exploring now01:21
foomddaa: sounds sensible. :)01:22
ddaabut that means the data has to be duplicated on disk, that's less than ideal.01:22
foomyeah, but at least you don't have to rewrite git.01:22
ddaaideally, all you'd need to do would be "bzr branch git://foo", like bzr-svn does.01:22
ddaaabentley: my branch cannot do lightweight checkouts01:23
ddaabut OTOH I pretty much rewrote all of your stuff already01:23
ddaayou should have written some tests :)01:23
abentleylifeless didn't!01:23
abentleyWhy should I start?01:24
* ddaa looks up despair.com01:24
ddaaThat one would do01:25
fullermdI love their mug.01:26
abentleyOne nice thing about git is you should be able to do really fast tree comparisons.01:27
ddaait's not clear that bzrlib will make this any easy01:29
ddaabuilding a proper inventory pretty much requires building the whole tree01:29
ddaaI'm planned to use "git archive" to write a tarball to a pipe, and then process it incrementally.01:30
ddaathat seems to be the only way to get multiple text_size in a single git call01:31
ddaapyarch taught me that if you are naive with CLI bindings, you get to pay excessive process spawning costs01:31
ddaathe unix-scripting model does not play well with object orientation01:32
abentleyddaa: I would expect you can implement _iter_changes without too much API friction.01:33
abentleyWe are working hard on making the inventory itself go away.01:33
abentleyFrom the public API, I mean.01:33
* fullermd is looking forward to inventory reworks.01:34
ddaawhat is _iter_changes useful for?01:34
abentleydiff, merge, status, etc.01:36
ddaathat's a RevisionTree method?01:36
abentleyYes, a Tree method.01:37
abentleyIt is implemented on InterTrees, so it can be specialized for particular tree types.01:37
ddaathis interstuff is still a bit magic to me01:37
ddaaI get the general idea though01:37
ddaatime to go hack this TarFile thing01:39
abentleyHappy hacking!01:39
mtaylorbzr: ERROR: mismatched lock context and write group.02:31
mtaylorjelmer: ^^ I got that doing a bzr svn-import02:35
abentleyWow, I've never even heard of that one.02:45
jelmermtaylor: that has been fixed in the 0.4 branch02:46
mtaylorjelmer: hrm. and here I thought I was using 0.4 :(02:46
mtaylorjelmer: 0.4 is the one that goes with bzr 1.0 right?02:47
jelmerno, that's 0.4.502:47
jelmer0.4 is a bzr branch02:47
jelmerthe fix is not in any release02:47
mtaylorah. ok02:47
mtaylorRepository KnitRepository  is not compatible with repository KnitRepository02:48
jelmerabentley: happens if you close a write group that has already been closed02:48
jelmermtaylor: you need a rich-root repository02:49
abentleyjelmer: Ah.02:49
abentleylifeless really should have made sure the repr still distinguished between those types.02:49
mtaylorand it would be great if the error messages mentioned the type of repos like "rich-root" instead of the class name...02:50
mtayloras the mapping is not always evident02:50
jelmeryeah, we need to fix that02:50
jelmerI actually said I was going to send in a patch for that02:51
jelmerbut haven't gotten round to it yet unfortunately02:51
mtaylorI have a long list of similar items02:52
jelmermtaylor: what sort of items?02:53
mtaylornot for bzr... just a list of patches I need to add to things that I haven't gotten around to02:53
jelmerah :-)02:53
mtaylorsorry ... english broke on me there. :)02:53
jelmerhey ddaa02:58
ddaatarfile generated by git causes TarFile to try to seek backwards at some point...02:58
jelmerhow's bzr-git going?02:58
ddaamh... I think it's actually a case of "oops, int overflow"02:58
jelmerah, having fun \o/02:58
ddaatrying to efficently extract data out of this git thingy02:59
jelmerit uses tar internally??02:59
ddaaI've been told it's fast, so I'm reluctant to spawn it for. every. single. inventory. entry. to get the text_size and sha103:00
ddaaand it seem the only way to get it to spit multiple files at once is using git-archive03:00
jelmercould you make text_size and sha1 properties and do lazy evaluation?03:00
ddaathat produce a tarfile on a pipe03:00
jelmermh ?03:01
ddaawould that really be a gain?03:01
jelmerIn some situations, yes03:01
ddaaThe issue is that I would like bzr pull to work somewhat efficently03:01
jelmerok, no point in that case03:02
ddaaand I GUESS it will have to check every single inventory entry03:02
ddaaI'm already going to spawn "git cat-file" once for every file03:02
ddaaI'd rather not do it twice...03:02
jelmerheh, oops03:04
ddaakind of weird though that tarfile ends up with a stream pos of 2315264L03:04
jelmerno performance improvements by using bzr-git then?03:04
ddaagit is heavily fs-based03:04
ddaait does not play nice with object-based bzrlib03:05
jelmerbzr-svn can in some rare situations actually be faster than bzr native03:05
ddaain this sense, svn is probably less hostile03:05
ddaain that it actually tries to be a library03:05
mtayloroh crap03:19
mtaylorhe's gone03:19
mtaylorI tried the most recent bzr-svn from 0.403:20
mtaylorand now I'm getting:03:20
mtaylorNoSuchId: The file id "7924@3c33494c-61f7-0310-86b9-b90697347e9d:branches%2Fdevelopment-2.0:server%2Fmerlin%2FWEB-INF%2Fsrc%2Fcom%2Fmysql%2Fetools%2Fscratch" is not present in the tree <Inven03:20
ddaajelmer: it seems like spaces are not allowed in file ids, is that right?03:25
ddaaI mean, is that correct?03:25
abentleyddaa: I can't remember.  It doesn't seem like a good idea, at least.03:34
mtaylorhow would they have gotten in the file id though?03:37
ddaabecause I'm defining the file ids03:38
ddaausing the file name as a file id03:39
hunmonkanybody know when the fink port is going to get some love??  http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/bzr-py2503:40
hunmonkit's still at 0.18  :(03:41
mtaylorddaa: so does that mean I'm just screwed if I've got spaces in file names here? I know I've got those elsewhere?03:44
ddaadon't worry03:45
ddaanormally bzr generate random ids03:45
ddaamy problem is specific to my own hacked up experimental branch of bzr-git that eats little kittens at breakfast.03:45
mtaylorso it's just a bzr-svn issue then? ah...03:45
ddaanot at all03:45
mtaylorI thought you were commenting on my error from above?03:45
ddaaI don't pretend to have a clue about debugging bzr-svn03:46
ddaaI have looked just enough at the code to realize how complicated it is.03:46
mtaylorit works in an amazingly diverse number of situations03:47
ddaawow! I got bzr pull to actually do something03:50
ddaanow I need to find a way to avoid marking every file modified at every revision03:52
ddaathat might help storage efficiency a bit, I guess03:53
ddaamh... passing bzr check would be a first step03:54
ddaawell, it seems like the tarfile approach does not work... for some reason yet unknown04:10
lifelessabentley: lol; I wrote the core of bzr-git at europython between ddaa's and my talk, and the lightening talks that afternoon05:41
ddaaI hate that bzrlib cannot guess the revision of an InventoryEntry05:42
ddaaI just want to stuff it the file data, and leave it to find where it was introduced.05:42
abentleylifeless: And bzr-hg?  Did you write tests for that?05:44
lifelessabentley: some I think05:45
lifelessabentley: my initial goal was to bring up enough stuff that the interface tests kicked in; but they were at the time very hostile to non bzr native things05:45
lifelessnot much less hostile now I suppose05:45
abentleyAre you enjoying the time off?05:46
lifelessuntil I got net a couple days ago I hadn't thought code for nearly a week05:46
lifelesstotally different mind set05:46
lifelessand I'm trying not to get into it now either; I am helping squid migrate to bzr though ;)05:47
lifelesswe should change this message05:47
abentleyRisky business, that.05:47
lifelessbzr: ERROR: Tags not supported by BzrBranch5('file:///home/robertc/source/baz/plugins/bzrtools/ab-trunk/'); you may be able to use bzr upgrade --dirstate-tags.05:47
abentleyActually using bzr for other things tends to bring the urge to tweak it.05:47
lifelessmigrating or thinking ?05:47
abentleyBoth, I guess.05:48
abentleyWhy are you branching and binding rather than checking out?05:50
lifelessIIRC checking out there will create a tree05:51
abentleyAh, so treeless bound branches actually have some value for you.05:51
baguerosjoin #cake05:52
abentleylifeless: I see you mention "bzr patch", but I don't think you mention installing bzrtools.05:54
abentleylifeless: Also, I now have "merge --preview" working locally.05:57
lifelessa -r spec sounded like a great way to present it05:57
lifelessI can imagine bzr diff -r merged:../trunk05:58
ddaalifeless: remind me what revision of a directory entry should be?05:58
abentleyIt does, but it doesn't really leave room for listing file conflicts, so I've just gone with merge --preview for now.05:59
lifelessddaa: its in the docs; don't want to think too hard bout work stuff right now05:59
abentleyI think it's more important to specify merge type than diff type, too.05:59
lifelessabentley: this is a use case for diff and status being on deltas not against wrking trees - then conflicts can come up naturally for this :)05:59
lifelessI'm off for now06:00
=== _mathrick is now known as mathrick
PengWhat's that thing called that's like a redirect, where a file tells bzr to look somewhere else? How can I create one, and is it worth using it over an HTTP redirect?10:15
PengIs no-working-trees relevant in a non-shared repo?10:15
acusterhey all, is there any tool to see the size of the changes in the various revisions?11:17
bob2what sort of format?  bzr diffstat (from the plugin of the same name) might be what you're looking for11:21
datook, bzr 1.0 uploaded to backports.org for etch11:25
acusterbob2, thanks. will look into that.11:27
acusterI guess I'm trying to see the size of each commit11:36
acusterso I can identify the commits where some massive files were dumped into the repo11:36
datoif in a repository I want to change the mtime of actual files in the tree to that of the latest revision that touched them, can somebody give me a crash course how to find that information for each file?11:39
datoPeng: echo "Bazaar-NG Branch Reference Format 1" >.bzr/branch/format11:40
datoPeng: Peng echo -n "http://url.com/path/to/the/other/branch" >.bzr/branch/location11:40
datoPeng: the sole advantage would be that after people branch from that location, next time they pull they would go directly to the referenced branch, not the original one11:41
Pengdato: Clients use the new URL?11:42
datoyes, the new url is storead as parent_location, from what I've seen11:43
datoso the behavior is quite different from an HTTP redirection11:43
PengMight not be a bad idea to update parent_location for HTTP permanent redirects too...11:44
PengWhich version was the reference format introduced in? Do any other files need to be in branch/?11:45
datoonly those two afaik, but remember .bzr/branch-format as well11:45
PengHaha, nice. I need a \n at the end of format but not at location.11:51
* Peng notices that dato's example followed that.11:51
acusterThe descriptions on the bzr plugins page could be a tad bit more complete.11:53
PengBlah, I'll stick with an HTTP redirect.11:55
PengIt's not like anybody has copies of my branches anyway. :)11:56
PengThanks for you help, dato.11:59
=== bigdo1 is now known as bigdog_
acusterjelmer, around?14:30
jelmeracuster: hi14:31
acusterjust tried doing my first push to the svn14:31
acusterwhich consisted of adding two comment markers to one file14:31
acusterit's taking a long time and sending lots of data so I presume I'm doing something wrong14:31
acustershould I be able to do just: bzr push http://svn.geotools.org/geotools/trunk/gt ?14:32
acusterif I am in the trunk/gt directory locally14:32
acusteractually, in the working/gt directory locally14:33
jelmeracuster: It can only push full branches, not parts14:35
jelmeracuster: What is your branch of locally?14:35
acusterI branched trunk14:35
acusterthen locally branched to make a working14:35
acusterthen did a checkout14:35
acustercommited to the checkout14:36
jelmerin that case, you should be able to push to http://svn.geotools.org/geotools/trunk14:36
acusterand want to push back up14:36
acusterdo I have to be in trunk/ locally as well?14:36
jelmertrunk/gt would be fine as well14:36
acusteris this a really expensive operation? If so, is it only expensive the first time?14:44
jelmerdepends on what its saying14:44
jelmerit may well be expensive the first time if you have a lot of other branches14:45
acustertwo branches locally only14:45
acusterseems like a lot is going over the network14:45
jelmeracuster: no, I mean in Subversion14:46
acusterbzr doesn't remember that it came from that same source?14:46
jelmerDoes the Subversion repository contain any other branches?14:46
acusterah, yes, the Subversion is a total mess14:46
jelmerin that case, it could be a bit slow the first time14:46
jelmerbut a lot faster after that14:47
acusterI'm very worried about hurting the svn14:47
acustersince it's delicate and being used by several groups for production14:47
jelmeryou can run with -Dcommit -Dtransport to see what its doing14:48
jelmer(it will write info to ~/.bzr.log)14:48
jelmertime for another talk14:50
jelmerback later14:50
acusterjelmer, when you get back: The FAQ looks out of date for 1.0 re how to upgrade a repo. You should probably mention the 'rich-root' meme to match bzr 1.0's 'bzr help upgrade' info.15:22
=== bigdo1 is now known as bigdog_
jjensenHi.  I'm on WinXP with Bazaar 1.0.  When I run bzr checkout bzr://localhost:9500/branch, I get the error message: bzr: ERROR: socket.error: (10055, 'No buffer space available').  Any ideas?18:44
jjensenThere are 2 revisions in the repository.  The first is 73,975,380 bytes.  The second is 5,972,504 bytes.18:45
jjensenbzr checkout --lightweight does work, but I want the history locally.18:45
fullermdI think there was some issue with the bzr protocol and large socket buffers that blew up Windows.18:49
fullermdUsing a dumb transport like http or sftp should fix it.  It may be fixed in the dev head (to be 1.1) or not; can't remember.18:50
acusterwhy does bzr report files including the working directory? It breaks the standard unix cut/paste of dbl click on the file name; middle click to paste18:51
ddaait usually does not, here18:51
jjensenfullermd: Hmmm... I was hoping to set up nothing more than the smart server.  I'm behind https with client authentication.  I haven't tried bzr to see if it supports client certificates.  Mercurial does not.18:52
ddaapaset the command you used and its output, please18:52
jjensenMaybe I'll try to build dev head and see what happens.18:52
acusteroh, I get it; it's reporting the file name from the root of the tree not from the working directory18:52
ddaaacuster: right18:52
ddaaI believe most commands can be restricted to the current subdir18:53
ddaaif you add "." at the end of the command line18:53
fullermdjjensen: Yeah, try that.  You don't need to actually install it; you can just branch it and run it out of its branch dir.18:53
fullermdIt'll still show paths relative to the root.18:53
acusterit's too bad --- a tiny slowdown in workflow; I wonder if it's fixable18:56
acustermaybe I'll understand enough later to make a suggestion18:57
dleeShared repos a la init-repo save space if what's under them are branches of one project.  Any gain (other than shorter URLs) for putting multiple projects in the same source language under one such repo--i.e., init-repo .../hub, init .../hub/proj1, init .../hub/proj2, ...?18:57
dleeI won't often need multiple branches per project, and those could be .../hub/proj1.exp1 and the like.  I'm also wondering how to list branches under a shared repo, but I bet I missed something simple there.  I'm just starting with Bazaar, but with much enthusiasm, coming from years of CVS and a bit less time with Subversion.18:57
ddaayou won't gain anything by putting multiple unrelated branches in the same repo18:59
dleeWill I lose anything (space or efficiency)?18:59
ddaaNot sure, you might lose a bit of efficiency.19:00
ddaaTo get all the branches in a repo, you can use "bzr branches" from bzrtools19:01
ddaathough it does not work with all transports19:01
fullermdYou'll lose a little, from having bigger indices etc. to search through.  Unless they're rather large projects, you probably won't notice.19:01
ddaaGenerally, a repository does not know of the branches it contains (so you can rename branch with just "mv"). The "bzr branches" command basically does something like "find -type d -name .bzr", so it requires a listable transport, and can be rather slow.19:02
ddaatypically, http is not listable (unless the server supports webdav).19:03
ddaajelmer: can I reuse inventory entries among inventories?19:04
ddaaI mean, can I assume that bzrlib will not modify my inventory entry objects?19:05
dleeI look forward to nested trees. :)  Projects are small, but there are many of them.19:06
dleeI guess I'll try bzr init-repo --no-trees .../hub (actually .../var/bzr) and then bzr init repos under it just so everyone can create projects with a simple bzr init, or leave /var/bzr empty and do bzr init-repo /var/bzr/proj1 + bzr init /var/bzr/proj1/main etc. for each project--but the latter will look like overkill to the version-control-uninitiated around here :)19:09
jjensenfullermd: Sadly, with bzr 1.1.0.dev.0 on python 2.5.1.final.0 (win32), I still get error: (10055, 'No buffer space available').  :(19:27
jjensenBut it is nice that bzr head works out of the box like that without installing any extra Python modules.19:28
jjensenAs a possible alternative, is there a binary build of bzr-svn I can download?19:29
jelmeracuster: thanks21:04
jelmeracuster: that has already been fixed in 0.4, will be updated for 0.4.621:04
jelmerddaa: not that I know21:04
ddaathat's okay21:04
ddaaI think I found a correct and reasonably efficient way to compute entry.revision without involving a monster inventory cache.21:05
juhHow to report an issue in documentation?21:05
jelmerjuh: Please file a bug on launchpad - http://launchpad.net/bzr21:08
ddaajelmer: so, I have got a super-experimental bzr-git that looks like it can actually pull21:09
ddaahow do you think I should release this without have innocent users start to use it for real work?21:09
jelmerddaa: w00t \o/21:09
jelmerddaa: sure, as long as there's the usual warnings about eating your cat, etc.21:10
* jelmer would be happy to do testing21:10
jelmeris there a testsuite?21:10
ddaaI mean, what's the best in-your-face way to put those warnings?21:10
ddaajelmer: the pull stuff is not tested21:10
ddaait's pure binge hacking21:10
jelmerddaa: in the README and the announcement I'd say21:10
ddaathere is a embryonic test suite that covers stuff up to "bzr log"21:10
juhjelmer: done21:14
jelmerjuh: thanks!21:17
PengPrompt three times with caps lock and lots of exclamation points before doing any command. :)21:20
PengAlso, adding a GTK+ bit to do big flashing red text would be good.21:20
ubotuNew bug: #179292 in bzr "Wrong order of new branch command in Quick Start Guide" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17929221:21
lifelessddaa: rev the namespace21:23
lifelessddaa: in particular if you think you might not be 'done' use an experimental namespace21:23
lifelessddaa: /win 1721:24
jelmerooh, lifeless has knowledge about David's irssi windows?21:28
ddaain lifeless's world, everybody uses irssi :)21:28
lifelessI would like to see the common bits of cvsps-import, bzr-hg and bzr-git commonalised21:29
lifelessand bzr-svn for that matter21:29
* ddaa forces himself to stop tweaking and release the code21:30
ddaajelmer: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ddaa/bzr-git/bzr-git.pull21:40
ddaaThat's announcement enough, I think. Feel free to point other interested hackers to it.21:43
ddaaAt this point, I think it needs an InterRepository to stop the memory use from growing too much.21:44
hsn_bazaar 1.0 with packs safe to put into production?21:45
jelmerddaa: Thanks!21:49
jelmerI'll give it a try21:49
ddaaNow, I'm going to remove some of the cruft that accumulated in the past 24 hours of binge hacking.21:49
acusterjelmer, the FAQ has been fixed? /me was talking about: http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrForeignBranches/Subversion/FAQ21:50
jelmerah, ok21:51
jelmerthat's just an online copy of the FAQ in the branch21:51
jelmerI should move the bzr-svn homepage away from the wiki at some point so I can automate it21:51
acusterah, then it just needs a bump, should be easy21:51
jelmerand no longer have to update those pages manually21:51
jelmeror perhaps editmoin could support uploading wiki pages at some point >-)21:55
lifelesshsn_: sure is21:55
lifelessjelmer: you can automate changes to the wiki21:55
lifelessjelmer: its just a trivial post21:56
jelmerlifeless: sure, but scripting that is more work than running rst2html on samba.org21:56
lifelessjelmer: or perhaps just make the wiki page into a redirect to the codehosting source browser ? :)21:57
jelmerwell, that doesn't do rst rendering yet :-/21:57
jelmeranyhow, time for the hacker jeopardy21:58
jelmerback later21:58
jelmerlifeless: btw, I don't know what the experimental flag in BzrDirFormatInfo is used for21:59
jelmerbut it's still set to true for some of the packs formats21:59
jelmer(in bzrlib/bzrdir.py)21:59
lifelessjelmer: its ui fluff22:29
ddaawhat's funny with self-hosted VCS22:32
ddaais that you can be pretty sure that the self-hosted repo is going to contain a large sample of the interesting corner cases :)22:33
* ddaa has just been bitten by having to escape control chars around revno 3000 in the git repo.22:33
hsn_packs format seems to use lot of CPU power23:03
ddaainteresting factoid from #git23:03
ddaaapparently the die() call can register handlers23:03
ddaaso it's possible to recover from die() using longjmp()23:04
ddaacehteh did so23:04
fullermdI usually need to recover from longjmp()   :p23:05
lifelessddaa: you may recover but have malloc structures inconsistent23:06
lifelessddaa: which is to say, you may 'recover'23:06
ddaaapparently, git uses malloc in unusual ways23:07
lifelessthis does not surprise me23:07
ddaaonly for large allocations (presumably mmaped), and then uses custom allocators23:07
ddaalifeless: how does longjmp() cause inconsistent malloc structures?23:08
lifelesslongjmp doesn't23:08
fullermdBut presumably die() could be called from messy places, like signal handlers.23:09
ddaaas a sidenote, cehteh confirmed my impression that we'll likely need to reinvent a lot of wheels if we want to have a git:// transport that works without local git data.23:10
lifelessI don't really care if we need local git data or not23:12
lifelesscan always use a cache and discard after the operation23:12
ddaaI mean, "not a full git repository"23:12
ddaaMaybe we could use a temporary, shallow .git, but it's unclear that git can support this.23:13
lifelessanyone know turbogears here?23:15
lifelesshttps://edge.launchpad.net/squid/3.0/+source needs a 'register branch' link as well as 'choose existing'23:18

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