
nuGzthkhi i need help, i formatted my HD and when i try to install ubuntu i get errors that it block sb_bread please pm me or say thanks08:05
markvandenborreI'm looking to optimise this edubuntu setup16:31
markvandenborrethere's like 50 clients with decent graphics and 32 Mb of ram16:31
markvandenborreI'm typing from one right now, and it works quite smoothly16:32
markvandenborreI just want to optimise video playback a bit16:32
markvandenborreso I have a few questions: how do I get a shell on the terminal itself?16:32
markvandenborrewhere do I find logs and/or the autodetected client X config?16:33
markvandenborre(this is on a 7.10 setup)16:35
markvandenborrequite amazing the progress since the Debian Sarge I set up 3 years ago16:35
pygigreetings PriceChild22:22
joebakerI tried installing Edubuntu PowerPC Server edition the other day and it failed to boot after the install.22:44
johnnythe powerpc team prolly small.. who knows how much luck you'll have with it22:59

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