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dasKreechdave matthews band?00:26
FujitsuHas anybody considered updating tzdata for tomorrow's Argentinian changes?00:48
* Hobbsee waves00:50
FujitsuHey Hobbsee.00:50
Hobbseeoh dear.  libc6 stuff.00:50
FujitsuOnly in Dapper.00:52
FujitsuThe Argentinian government gave a nice amount of warning.00:52
Hobbseeah yes, i think #d-d was whining about it earlier00:53
FujitsuEven so, we should probably push out updates at some point...00:53
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jbaileyHobbsee: libc6 is cuddly.02:38
azeemhey Jeff02:41
azeem<neal> you don't like to cuddle in bed with a copy of posix?02:41
jbaileyazeem: When's that from? =)02:41
azeemlast week I think02:41
jbaileyAnd, no.  I created the susv3 package just so I didn't have to cuddle reference spec.  They don't warm me up as well as a nice conversation with drepper does.02:42
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Hobbseejbailey: personally, i can think of way more cuddly things...02:54
jbaileyHobbsee: Bah!02:55
Hobbseepeople, for eg, are far more cuddly02:55
bddebianHeya Jeff, Hobbsee02:56
jbaileyHeya Barry02:56
Hobbseehiya bddebian02:56
* Hobbsee heads off to murder a few more people02:56
bddebianHobbsee: Nice.  Need a list? :)02:56
jbaileyHobbsee: You might consider a new year's resolution to not do that anymore...02:57
Hobbseebddebian: the ones at work are more than enough02:57
dasKreechtoo late02:57
Hobbseejbailey: what, to quit work?02:57
* dasKreech crosses them off the list02:57
jbaileydasKreech: Be nice to SCOXQ.PK.  They've provided years of entertainment.02:57
dasKreechMore than that they provided a court treatment of Linux02:58
jbaileyHobbsee: Ah, has murdering grown into a career now?02:58
Hobbsee"yeah, please let me return something that i've deliberately damaged, and you now can't make pristine again.  i paid good money for this"  *stab*02:58
dasKreechtruly valuable they were02:58
Hobbseejbailey: no, but christmas retail == grounds for murder.02:58
dasKreechat .. 72 cents per stock02:58
jbaileyHobbsee: Ugh.  Fair enough.02:58
Hobbseejbailey: i just need a dual-power cattle prod, and a lassoo.03:00
jbaileyIsn't that a taseR?03:00
Hobbseeand maybe the work trapdoor to be built.03:00
Hobbseemight be.  but they seem to kill people03:00
dasKreechOr smithers03:00
Hobbseelike, accidently03:00
dasKreechRelease the hounds03:00
bddebian"Don't tase me bro.."03:01
dasKreechha ha03:01
Hobbseeit's only when they repeatedly, deliberately, don't listen to what i say that they deserve to be tasered.03:01
jbaileySounds.. pandemic.03:01
Hobbsee"listen to me, you idiot!  i am between you and leaving this store, adn getting to other things.  now PAY ATTENTION!!!"03:01
Hobbseejbailey: you see the merits of darwinism and survival of the fittest very well03:02
jbaileyYeah.  I just worry how often I'd be on the wrong side of that line defending myself though.03:02
dasKreechthat there shoudl be max 6 people on the earth at any time?03:02
Hobbseejbailey: heh03:02
* Hobbsee --> gone to the hellhole of christmas retail.03:02
jbaileyI should head home, too.03:03
jbaileyHappy NY all. =)03:03
dasKreechHappy belated?03:03
jbaileyWell, I meant the *next* New Year coming up.03:03
jbaileyBut sure, for the previous one if you'd prefer. =)03:03
dasKreechOh you03:05
dasKreechHa I read that as New New York for some reason03:05
dasKreechStupid Futurama movie03:05
dasKreechAnyway I was talking about Hobbsee going out to christmas03:05
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dmbwill ubuntu always use apt?06:38
dmbi thought i remember in the past hearing something about the dropping of it, I could be wrong though06:39
dasKreechdmb: Eh?  for what?06:39
dmbpackage management06:39
dasKreechDuh I meant drop it in favour of what06:39
dmbnot sure, just thought i remember reading about it somewhere06:40
dmbi'll see if i can find it again06:40
dmbit was a long time ago06:40
dasKreechMight have been killed then?06:40
dasKreechcause it would have been interesting to apt-get dist-upgrade and have it remove apt-get as part of the upgrade06:41
dasKreechactually now I wanna see it happen :)06:41
dmbthat would be pretty cool :D06:41
dasKreechNot as much as I wanna see LTS->LTS06:42
dasKreechbut I guess I won't get that chance :-(06:42
dmbwhat do you mean?06:43
dasKreechWhich part did I lose you at?06:43
dasKreechWell if you offer a Long Term support contract to someone and they take you up on it they are going to ride it out as long as they can06:47
dasKreech and presumably then will only upgrade into another long term stable situation06:48
dasKreechsince stability and reliabilty are more important than new things and features06:49
dasKreechso if someone is on a LTS release then they will only dist-upgrade into another LTS release06:49
dasKreechso for Hardy you have to be able to upgrade from Gutsy AND Dapper06:49
dasKreechThink of all the stuff that has changed since Dapper and you will see why this should be quite fun :)06:50
dmbohhh, i see what your saying06:50
dmbdasKreech: will it work at all if you change the repos to hardy and dist-upgrade?06:51
dasKreechdmb: from ?06:51
dasKreechThat's the point it should06:51
dasKreechwe have never done an upgrade from older than 6 months06:52
dmbso i guess it doesn't :(06:52
dmbi wonder what would go wrong?06:52
dasKreechnow we have to do one from 24 months06:52
dasKreechThink of it06:52
dasKreechif you have done that06:52
dasKreech then it can go wrong :)06:52
dasKreechAfter the first one it will get boring probably06:52
timfrostdmb, dasKreech: no guarantees - Hardy is *not* an LTS release (hardy+1 may be), so no guarantees06:52
dasKreechtimfrost: Sorry?06:53
dmboh, i thought hardy was a lts?06:53
dasKreechwhen was that announced?06:53
dmbthis is news to me06:54
dasKreechas am I06:55
dasKreechthe specific line I recall is that while the main and gnome packages would be covered by LTS the KDE packages would not06:55
dasKreechWhich speaks to me as saying that it IS an LTS06:56
timfrostdmb, dasKreech: just checked the archives, and I was wrong - the announcement of Hardy by Steve Langasek in October does mention 'Ubuntu 8.04 LTS'06:57
* dasKreech nods06:57
dmbscared me for a second :D06:57
dasKreechRight so that's what I'm waiting for06:57
dasKreechdmb: Tell me about it! there goes ALL my entertainment06:58
timfrostdmb, dasKreech: which means that it should support direct upgrade from either dapper (LTS-LTS) or gutsy06:58
dasKreechExactly which I think is going to be good enough to get out a tub of popcorn for06:59
* dasKreech goes to bed07:12
dmbam I the only one who ever remembers reading on the the dropping of apt?07:43
Burgundaviadmb: huh?07:46
Burgundaviawhere did you read that?07:46
dmbi think i'm just out of my mind, but i remember a couple releases back on the ubuntuforums under the development section07:47
timfrostdmb: There was discussion about the upgrade interface (command line dist-upgrade vs update-manager etc) is that what you are thinking of?07:50
dmbdon't think so...07:50
dmbi'm going to use archive.org to see if i can find it07:50
AmaranthI think you mean people saying to use aptitude instead of apt07:53
AmaranthPersonally I think they're full of crap, aptitude is too hard to use07:54
superm1and i've seen it cause more trouble than a lot of people want to deal with07:54
dmbi personally find it easier to use command line apt then aptitude07:55
superm1dmb, i do recall seeing something similar being spread on the forums for a bit too though07:57
dmbi don't think it was about aptitude vs apt though07:57
dmbmaybe i just dreamed this :D07:57
dmbAmaranth: actually, i think your right07:58
dmbi was stupid back then07:58
Amaranthsuperm1: Some debian documentation says to use aptitude over apt07:59
superm1particularly http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20576607:59
superm1i remember pointed it at http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/aptitude07:59
Amaranthsuperm1: I think it just means for upgrades but others disagree so they push for you to use aptitude everywhere07:59
AmaranthLast time I tried to use aptitude on a problem apt couldn't fix it wanted to remove a bunch of stuff and I think it talked about downgrading a couple things too08:00
dmbaptitudes ui is crap08:01
dmbdidn't even know that you can interface with a mouse with ncurses08:02
Amaranthsuperm1: that psychocats website is of course completely wrong now that we have apt-get autoremove :)08:02
superm1but that was the only selling point to aptitude that i ever saw08:03
superm1is there a difference in installing files into /etc/modprobe.d and /etc/modutils?08:16
superm1it appears more modern apps are installign into /etc/modprobe.d08:16
superm1modprobe.d is for newer kernels i would suspect using module-init-tools?08:18
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Hobbseedmb: was probaly the possible switching from apt to smart, i expect10:42
Hobbseedmb: along with a whole bunch of other infrastructure change10:42
TheMusoHobbsee: We have switched to smart?10:52
HobbseeTheMuso: no, hence it was the possible switching10:52
HobbseeTheMuso: it was discussed a few releases ago10:52
TheMusoHobbsee: Ah ok.10:53
HobbseeTheMuso: no more source packages, etc10:53
TheMusoSorta came in half way through the conversation.10:53
HobbseeTheMuso: i read backscroll, and gave that answer.  not hard to do10:53
TheMusoHobbsee: True.10:54
TheMusoAh yes.10:54
* TheMuso finally locates the relevant piece of text.10:54
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tak2hey there =)14:54
tak2nobody there ? 'got a question to ask : does anyone encouter problems with X and a ATI card ? I've got a mobility radeo 9600 and X freezes if I use ati or fglrx ... i'ven't found any trick to fix this ...14:55
persiatak2: You might try searching for an existing bug from https://bugs,launchpad.net/ubuntu/, or asking on #ubuntu-bugs to talk about bugs.  If you're looking for a workaround, you'd do best on #ubuntu or #ubuntu-xx eith -xx as your country code (or #ubuntu+1 for hardy), or submitting your query to https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/14:57
tak2ok thanks persia I'll try this, thanks :)14:58
geserHi pitti15:10
pittihey geser, how are you?15:10
gesergood, and you?15:11
pittipretty fine, we are preparing my wife's bday party15:18
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CheGuevaraping pitti16:00
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theunixgeekWouldn't compile-time substitution of preprocessor definitions slow down the compilation process?17:28
mjj29um, yes?17:29
mjj29as opposed to what?17:29
theunixgeekhaving constant variables instead of preprocessor definitions17:29
mjj29that has other drawbacks17:30
mjj29the compiler can't optimize them as well17:30
psusiwhat happens if udevd is killed and restarted?  does it process events  for all existing devices again? or is that only done when udevtrigger is run in the boot scripts?17:49
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tabhey, is there anyone here that works on the psubuntu?21:44
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alazarso, what do i install to get the X includes?22:00
jpatrickfor a package, or just header file?22:01
alazarInitially I was looking for a pkg w/ add/remove software, now I've got synaptic open22:02
alazarI've seen a few things on the forums to load so I'm working on that22:03
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alazarbut a definitive answer would be useful22:03
jpatrickare there any main sponsers around?22:26
ajmorrishi, who can i talk to about the development of the ubuntu minimal cd?22:28
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