
=== StevenK_ is now known as StevenK
pochupersia: thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated. :-)00:17
* pochu heads to bed. Night all!00:17
alvincQuestion:  Who works on the partner programs?00:30
alvincMeaning, what is contact info for the folks who are trying to get other companies to partner with Ubuntu/Canonical?00:30
persiaalvinc: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu says it's https://launchpad.net/~canonical-partner-dev but that's the developers: may not be the interface people.00:33
alvincpersia:  thanks00:39
alvincI'm kind of heartbroken right now00:39
alvincMy company was deciding a distro strategy in a meeting an hour ago00:39
alvincI very strongly urged to go with Ubuntu00:39
alvincThe rest of the team decided on CentOS00:40
alvincI'm taking it pretty hard.  :(00:40
zulalvinc: canonical is pretty much closed down for the holiday break00:44
alvinczul:  thanks.  good to know.00:45
alvincQuestion:  Are any of you other folks systems administrators?00:46
* Hobbsee waves00:50
* ion_ integrates the wave00:50
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zulalvinc: by day00:58
zulhey Hobbsee00:58
Hobbseehiya zul00:59
zulhow goes it?01:00
Hobbseeit goes, ish.01:00
imbrandonalvinc: yes , thats what i do by day01:00
zulhey imbrandon01:01
* persia is suspicious of imbrandon's claim of "by day"01:01
zulpersia: imbrandon is more like a mole he doesnt like the daylight so go figure01:02
imbrandonheh well actualy by day and night ( ubuntuwire too )01:02
persiazul: True :)01:02
imbrandonheya zul and persia01:02
crimsunI suppose I should fix configure.ac to accept TLS or SSL as parameters instead of hard-coding TLS.  Hmph.01:38
pwnguini wish the lp users mailing list didnt get so much translations traffic01:48
pwnguinthe only language i speak is C01:48
Hobbseepwnguin: i've long been wishign for that01:49
Hobbseepwnguin: but it appears they wanted to keep it as one list - they had a separate translation list for a while01:49
Hobbseepersia: nice comment, btw.01:50
pwnguini suppose i could unsubscribe01:52
pwnguinsince ppas are out of beta01:52
* persia wonders why rhythmbox keeps launching without a request02:02
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pwnguinpersia: keyboard keybinding spuriously hit?02:28
persiaMaybe.  I didn't think I had a keybinding, and it usually happens when I'm typing in a command shell or in IRC.  Maybe I mistakenly set a keybinding.  Thanks for the pointer.02:30
bddebianHeya gang02:52
bddebianpersia: You around?02:53
persiabddebian: Hi.02:53
bddebianpersia: Hi.  OK, I got it to build with wx2.6 but, of course, it segfaults :-(02:53
bddebianSorry, jugglemaster02:54
persiabddebian: Got a stacktrace with dbgsym?02:54
bddebianDebug? What is that? :-)02:55
persiabddebian: Install pkg-create-dbgsym in your build environment.  This will generate -dbgsym packages.  You should be able to use this with the stacktrace to get a symbolic info.02:56
persiabddebian: I can't find a proper reference, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomatedProblemReports is the spec about generating the -dbgsym packages, and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash talks about how to use them if you have them.03:08
bddebianpersia: Don't I have to add a debug package flag in rules or some such?03:09
persiabddebian: Nope.  The pkg-create-dbgsym package puts a wrapper around dh_strip to generate the debugging symbols in a nice handy package for separate management.03:09
minghuaHope you package doesn't strip symbols before dh_strip is run. :-P03:11
persiaminghua: Does anyone do that?  That would be annoying, and would be a valid variance in Ubuntu.03:12
bddebianHmm, debian doesn't seem to have that :-(03:12
persiabddebian: Hrm.  Tricky there.  Maybe test in Ubuntu, and when it doesn't segfauly, feed back to Debian?03:13
minghuapersia: I think I've seen such packages.  Can't remember what it was though.03:13
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imbrandonsome kde packages used to do that, but i think most are fixed now03:45
imbrandonpersia minghua ^^03:45
persiaimbrandon: Most being fixed is good :)03:47
pwnguinimbrandon: when was that event you had planned?03:53
imbrandonpwnguin: hrm not really sure yet04:40
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minghuaHmm, so the libstdc++6 installation problem that plagued buildds affects normal systems as well?05:05
persiaminghua: Some specific systems.  Use aptitude :)05:06
minghuaNice.  I just abandoned the custom of using aptitude on Debian systems...05:07
minghuapersia: Thanks.05:07
blueyed_imbrandon: why have you removed the "Packages in Universe/Multiverse" block from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates? Is there no special procedure (apart from the few inline differences) for universe anymore?05:07
persiaminghua: To what did you switch?05:07
persiablueyed_: That would be correct.05:07
blueyed_Especially: do we not send an email to the ubuntu-motu ml anymore?05:07
minghuaupdate-manager and synaptic, which are the recommended tool, aren't they?05:07
blueyed_also the verification-motu-(done|needed) tags are gone?05:08
persiablueyed_: Right.  This is now handled by the ~motu-sru team.  On the other hand, there might be a useful place for ~universe-sru-verification.05:08
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minghuapersia: Nah.  Aptitude doesn't work either.05:09
minghua"E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libstdc++605:09
minghuaA package failed to install.  Trying to recover:05:09
persiaminghua: Odd.  Worked for me.05:09
blueyedpersia: so I would subscribe universe-sru-verification?05:10
persiablueyed: That team doesn't actually exist.  Which bug?  At what point are you in the process?05:10
minghuapersia: What arch is your system, i386 or amd64?  Also what is your highest libstdc++6 version?05:11
blueyedpersia: bug 127325 - it waits quite long for verification already and I've noticed that I've missed to send the email then.05:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127325 in libphp-phplot "No graphs after upgrade to Feisty" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12732505:11
persiaminghua: amd64 + 4.2.2-4ubuntu3.  I had each of 4.2.2-4ubuntu2 and 4.2.2-4ubuntu1 for a while.05:11
minghuapersia: I have 4.2.2-4ubuntu3 as well, currently installed is -4ubuntu2.  It's i386 though.05:12
persiaminghua: Interesting.  When I was looking at a broken buildd chroot and could reproduce, it was with i386.05:13
minghuaNow aptitude segfault for me, wonderful...05:14
persiasegfault!  Please post a backtrace.05:14
minghua... and apport says "the crash report is damaged and can't be processed"...05:15
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persiablueyed: It looks like you got caught in the gutsy release madness, and the package was missed.  It would have been appropriate to have sent a testing request in October.  At this point, I recommend subscribing ~motu-sru (the package is in universe).  Further, since the activity level is low, you might ask here if a ~motu-sru member could take a look.05:16
persiaminghua: Can you manually get anything?  Be nice to understand where it broke.05:16
minghuapersia: The aptitude crash, or the upgrade failure?05:17
persiaminghua: The aptitude crash.05:17
minghuapersia: I wouldn't worry about the crash, it happens.05:17
persiaminghua: Yes, crashes happen, but I like to fix them.05:17
minghuapersia: I don't know how to reproduce.  But I generally get an aptitude crash once in one or two weeks.05:17
blueyedpersia: actually it has been approved already (what ~motu-sru would do AFAICS). I'll change the verification-motu-needed tag to verification-needed and subscribe sru-verification instead, correct?05:18
minghuapersia: Just one second...05:18
persiablueyed: That doesn't sound right, as that's the main verification team.  Best to get input from a member of ~motu-sru.  Maybe you still send an email.  I don't know.05:19
minghuapersia: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=352278 looks similar, have (at least) one recent backtrace, in case you are interested. :-)05:19
ubotuDebian bug 352278 in aptitude "aptitude: crash when marking a package for purge" [Important,Open]05:19
blueyedpersia: Ok. But then the new SRU wiki page is wrong (I'm refering to point 3)05:20
persiablueyed: Right.  That's why I suggest you want input from a member of ~motu-sru.  I suspect you may have a special case, due to the process change between the upload to -proposed and any test reports.05:21
blueyedjdong: ^^ What's the process when a universe package is in -proposed already to get it verified?05:22
persiaminghua: There are several backtraces in that bug, for completely different issues, and none of them include the current state of installed packages, and the Packages.gz files from the cache, so it's annoying to hunt them.  Thanks though.05:22
minghuapersia: Yeah.  (I think) I just reproduced the crash, I'm installing -dbg packages now.05:25
minghuapersia: Okay, have a backtrace now.  Want a bug report?05:27
persiaminghua: Just pastebin it.  Either I can see the problem, and it's worth a bug for a patch, or I can't, in which case, a bug wouldn't help :)05:28
minghuaHmm, pastebin doesn't have syntax highlighting for backtraces. :-P05:31
minghuapersia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49931/ -- thanks.05:31
persiaminghua: Which package were you tagging?  Looks like an issue with Homepage: parsing.05:36
minghuaIt's an "U" action, as mass-upgrade, so it's operating on many packages.05:37
minghuapersia: All three crashes I triggered tonight are mass-operations.05:37
persiaminghua: Hrm.  The crash appears to be in parsing a single package.  I wonder which is the culprit, or if there is a race condition.05:37
minghuapersia: I can give you a list (not very long) if that helps...05:39
persiaminghua: Sure.  If you want to try to upgrade one-by-one to see if any of them cause the issue by themselves, that'd be even better.05:39
minghuaLet me get the list out first...05:39
minghuapersia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49932/05:41
minghuapersia: Nah, playing with packages on-by-one doesn't seem to trigger the crash.05:43
persiaminghua: Sorry.  I don't understand "Files[Ver.File()->ID]->Jump(Ver);" well enough to be able to figure it out.  Based on your success with single files, I'm guessing it's an issue with an array operator, but don't really understand array operators.05:44
persiaMaybe the mass-file array definition code is funny?05:46
minghuapersia: No need to be sorry.  So... uhh... we'll call it done and forget about it?05:46
persiaminghua: Unless you understand array code, and can tell me what that is trying to do, so I can go find out how to fix it :)05:46
minghuapersia: No, I haven't even _heard_of_ array operators.05:47
persiaminghua: Then nothing to do :)  A bug could be submitted, but for this kind of thing, it's difficult to trace without an affected system to query for issues, and most people don't like to keep affected snapshots around.05:48
* minghua decides it's better to save the effort elsewhere...05:50
minghuaAlthough on a second thought, I do know about array operators, but no in the C++ context. :-)05:53
minghuaThis is off-topic for the issue at hand, of course.05:53
persiablueyed: Good model for solution.  Thanks for sending the post.06:13
* blueyed is glad to not have missed something obvious then06:15
blueyeds/have/having/ :)06:15
persias/having/have/ :)06:17
blueyedoh yeah.. :p06:17
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wraundhey guys its me, just installed xubuntu on my new dual core 64bit machine, slight problem is that i chose to install grub onto hda which the system recognised as my IDE harddrive which contained things i wanted to bring over to my new machine. After a few modifications I havea  working system but the IDE drive now has 'unallocated space' shown in gparted, however i believe htat grub just screw about with the allocation table or fil11:03
minghuawraund: I agree with your diagnosis, but this doesn't seem to be the right channel.11:07
wraundminghua: holy heck you are right, sorry irssi split window is to blame11:10
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\shis anyone working on a new upstream version of opensync? ours is still 0.19 and this is really old12:49
kenkkugood afternoon (or more like morning)12:50
DktrKranz\sh is opensync intended to connect mobile devices?12:50
kenkkuI'm just wondering, where is ${misc:Depends} set or what sets it?12:50
\shDktrKranz: yepp12:50
\shDktrKranz: used with plugins for syncing mobile devices...like my new N73 from nokia12:51
persiakenkku: That's documented in the debhelper manpage12:51
DktrKranz\sh, not aware of any official efforts, but a couple of italian users were intrested and prepared something in the past12:52
kenkkupersia: ok, thanks, I had no idea where to look, except google12:52
\shDktrKranz: well, I'll start packaging 0.35 and the needed plugins...testing it on gutsy and hardy...just need to sync ma contacts to this new toy I got yesterday12:52
wraundim running a 64bit machine ubt need the 32bit libopenal.so.0 file, anyone know where it is?12:54
wraundcos i cant find on the repo12:54
Lure\sh: you should probably talk with lifeless: he is debian maitainer and had some reasoning not to go with newer versions12:54
\shLure: k12:55
\shlifeless: holiday ping opensync...I need N73 syncing capa for gutsy and hardy ,-) I need >0.19 ,-)12:55
\shLure: I can imagine why he didn't upgrade to latest releases..13:05
\shLure: a change from autofoobar to cmakefoobar13:05
geserwraund: you can't mix 64bit and 32bit that easy. Why do you need the 32bit version of libopenal?13:06
wraundgeser: Rigsofrods, a driving, boat and plane sim13:07
wraundi got that fixed now13:07
wraundi need to get this13:07
wraundwraund@morpheus:~/RoR-0.33d-linux$ ./RoR13:07
wraund./RoR.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libIL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:07
persiawraund: You really don't want to run the 32bit openal on 64bit: it will segfault, as the MMX instructions enabled in the 32bit binary don't work on x86_64.13:07
wraundpersia: segfault or not i need those libraries13:10
geserwraund: if this is a 32bit binary you will need all the needed libraries in 32bit (recursive down to libc6)13:10
persiawraund: It really won't work at all.  I promise.  You'd need to disable the MMX for i386 and make a special binary.13:11
geserpersia: doesn't amd64 run mmx code with a 32bit chroot?13:12
persiageser: It breaks in a chroot too.  It needs the 32-bit kernel to keep the processor in emulation mode.  There's a chance it might work under certain conditions if it's not an SMP environment, but it will eventually fail as the number of simultaneous sound sources exceeds a certain value, and the nearest source is at identity.13:13
Lure\sh: maybe he was waiting for new series (did not want 0.2x series)13:13
Lure\sh: I am using these packages http://opensync.gforge.punktart.de/repo/13:15
Lure\sh: 0.2x works for my E6013:15
azeem\sh: opensync-0.34 is in debian experimental13:16
azeemI haven't synced it to hardy yet because I didn't have much luck with the plugins13:17
Lureazeem: yep, 0.3x is pretty incomplete still. you should either use 0.2x or wait for 0.4x13:19
azeemwaiting for 0.4x probably means missing hardy13:19
Lureazeem: since current 0.19 is not much good anyhow, it my be useful to sync to 0.3x anyhow13:19
azeemwell, I don't want to deal with the flood of "doesn't work" bug reports right now13:20
azeemI'm going to upload 0.35 to debian experimental over the next few days, if somebody wants to sync it and take care of the bug reports, fine13:20
\shazeem: just throw the 0.35 stuff including obex plugins etc. as source in a ppa for gutsy and hardy...I'll test here with N73...which doesn't work somehow with 0.19 on gutsy13:21
\shazeem: btw...am I a cmake noob or is CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX the same as --prefix in configure or more DESTDIR in make?13:23
Lure\sh: 0.19 never worked for my nokia, just use 0.2x packages for feisty13:26
\shLure: on gutsy? or should I recompile them?13:28
azeem\sh: it's the same as --prefix I think13:30
Lure\sh: fesity packages just worked for me (afair I did not build them myself)13:31
\shLure: well, this guy has now 0.32 in it's repos with strange new soname change...13:33
Lure\sh: there is still 0.2x repo there13:34
azeemdon't use the 0.3x packages from there13:34
\shazeem: I won't13:35
wraundgeser: persia:  sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk linux32 lib32asound213:38
wraunddoing that on my 64bit system..13:38
wraundwhat would the side effects be..13:38
persiawraund: That works fine.  It doesn't include openal, but everything else should work perfectly.13:39
wraundpersia: ok can you give me a run-down on what linux32 would do13:39
wraundthat the kernel?13:39
geserwraund: no, linux32 sets only the kernel personality to a 32bit kernel13:40
wraundcos my intention is to boot into my 64bit kernel and then run the 32bit game which needs the 32libs13:40
wraundi want 64...13:40
persiawraund: As long as you're not trying to use openal, or have made a special openal, that should work fine.13:40
geserwraund: linux32 sets it only for to be executed process. Compare "uname -m" and "linux32 uname -m".13:41
wraundwell the people who make this thing are working on a 64bit version, i am wondering about not running this and just waiting for their version to come out13:42
persiawraund: Probably better to either help with the port testing or to boot into a 32-bit clean environment.13:58
man-diwho is responsible for http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/? I would like to get an additional listing there ("all java related packages").14:00
persiaDo you have a filter that would produce those?14:01
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man-dipersia: a good start (but not a complete list) is to search for "Debian Java mantainers"14:02
* persia looks at the filter definitions14:02
man-dipersia: unfortunately not all java packages are from Debian Java mantainers in Debian14:02
persiaman-di: It also drops all the packages that get Ubuntu variations, which makes it perhaps not so useful :(14:03
man-dithe filter could look at XS-Original-Maintainer too14:03
man-diif that is possible14:04
persiaman-di: The existing definitions are things like "mdt dist-grep-dctrl-sources sid -n -s Package -F Section -e electronics > sid-electronics".  If you can find a good grep-dctrl line, it may well be able to be added.14:05
persia(I am not the ubutuwire mdt maintainer, but think a patch would be easier to get applied than a open request)14:05
* pochu wants a python filter :)14:05
persiapochu: Define one :)14:05
pochuEvery python module14:05
pochuas in Section: python14:06
persiapochu: section python could work :)14:06
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persiapochu: Actually, doesn't it miss all the python applications?  I would guess that more than just libraries would be interesting.14:06
pochuYes, but it would be harder to get python apps.14:07
pochuSome of them would be found looking at {XSBC-Original-}Maintainer: Python Applications Packaging Team14:08
pochu(or in Uploaders)14:08
pochubut that's only a small part.14:08
wraundpersia: i think i will help with the port testing,14:09
wraundthanks for all the info persia geser14:09
persiawraund: No problem.  Thanks for helping.  When the port is out, please bring it back: it would be great to get more good games.14:10
man-dipersia: grep-dctrl filter is simple14:10
wraundpersia: well the next new years version i will hopefully be making a debian binary anyway :)14:11
man-dipersia: grep-dctrl -s Maintainer,XSBC-Original-Maintainer "Debian Java" < /var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.de.debian.org_debian_dists_sid_main_binary-amd64_Packages -s Package14:13
man-diI meant: grep-dctrl -s Maintainer,XSBC-Original-Maintainer "Debian Java" -s Package < ...14:14
persiaman-di: Excellent :)14:14
man-dipersia: the filter is still wrong14:16
man-dithe first -s should be -F14:16
man-diand you probably want -q too14:17
persiaOops.  Let's hope the forwarded request gets corrected, or the mdt maintainer reads the backscroll carefully.  I suspect it's also more complicated due to being the mdt call rather than normal grep-dctrl.14:17
man-diI mean -n14:17
man-diI should really drink some coffee14:17
man-dipersia: thanks for forwarding14:18
persiaman-di: No problem.  Eventually, I'd like that site to be a centralised resource for all our QA needs.  Not necessarily hosting everything, but that it's a single place developers can go for QA stuff, to avoid the confusion we've had before as to whose list is correct.  Note that this would be different than qa.ubuntu.com, which would be more user-focused QA tools, according to the current spec (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs/QAWebsite)14:20
man-dipersia: I'm currently setting up http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/qareport.cgi for pkg-java on alioth.debian.org for Debian Java maintainers team14:22
* persia notes that https://qa.stgraber.org/ is an excellent set of exceedingly useful resources that is quite distinct from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/14:22
persiaman-di: That looks quite useful.  Personally, I don't think Ubuntu should be tracking upstream so closely (expect for ubuntu-local or orphaned packages), but it does seem nice for Debian.  On the other hand, how is it better than http://dehs.alioth.debian.org/maintainer.php?maint=pkg-java-maintainers%40lists.alioth.debian.org&Display=Submit+Query, aside from being easier on the eyes?14:24
man-dipersia: it tracks SVN, and tells which packages are ready for upload and which ones are work in progress, etc, not only upstream versions14:41
persiaman-di: Ah.  I missed that.  Tracking SVN is much more powerful than only tracking the archive :)14:42
man-dipersia: it tracks SVN, archive and upstream14:42
man-diso one can easily see status of team packages14:42
persiaRight.  I misunderstood "Repository" when I first looked.  What do the little numbers in parentheses mean?14:43
man-dithat means changes in the SVN repo which are work in progress (using distribribution UNRELEASED)14:44
stgraberpersia: My current plan with qa.ubuntu.com is to move the qa tracker and idea modules from qa.stgraber.org to qa.ubuntu.com an also some of the bugstats we currently have on people.ubuntu.com. I'll add some links to the qa.ubuntuwire.com pages on the main qa.ubuntu.com page (to be reworked)14:44
man-dithat is useful when you have changes in SVN but package is not ready for upload yet14:44
persiastgraber: That matches my understanding.  I think I'd like just a single link each way, qa.u.c <-> qa.uw.c, so that both the distro QA team and the dev QA team can safely add new pages and features without needing notification.  While some people will use both, I think most people will likely default to one or the other, and they should see the new tools that interest them immediately.14:46
persiaman-di: You've definitely caught my interest.  Are there instructions for setting this up for a team somewhere?14:48
man-dipersia: not really, I just checked that out from pkg-java SVN on altioh. There is a small README14:50
man-dibut its far from simple14:50
man-diI have this currently running for pkg-java on my local machine14:50
man-diI want to move my setup to alioth too14:50
persiaman-di: Hmm.  I'll have to go read more alioth docs then :)  Thanks for the pointer.14:51
man-dipersia: if you have problems/questions, just ask me14:54
persiaman-di: Thanks.14:55
DarkSun88DktrKranz: Ping15:00
DarkSun88\sh: Ping15:00
DarkSun88Then, what do you think about this package?15:02
DktrKranzSummary: malone 178973, there's need to keep ubuntu deltas?15:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178973 in atlas-cpp "Merge atlas-cpp 0.6.1 (universe) from Debian (unstable)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17897315:02
\shDktrKranz, DarkSun88: I don't think so...15:03
man-diDktrKranz: IMO no (speaking as Debian atlas-cpp maintainer)15:03
DktrKranz\sh, I did a quick test on Debian performing a etch => sid upgrade and it went good15:03
DktrKranzdifferent SONAMEs, and no conflicts at all15:03
man-diDktrKranz: this was a bug with the wrong file in the library package and not in the -dev package15:04
DktrKranzman-di, I supposed15:04
\shI set the different -dev package name to the correct one...and someone added C/Rs to 0.6-0c2a...I think we can drop this delta now with a 0.6-115:05
DktrKranz\sh, I think so. I did a dapper => hardy upgrade test too and no errors were raised15:06
DktrKranzgutsy has 0.6-1 too, no upgrade path will lead to some conflicts15:08
DktrKranzDarkSun88, given that, mind adjusting your bug to reflect a sync?15:08
DarkSun88Yes, for me there isn't problem.15:08
man-diDktrKranz, DarkSun88: thanks for taking care of this.15:09
DarkSun88man-di: No problem. :)15:09
DktrKranzman-di, thanks for your feedback :)15:09
man-diDktrKranz: feedback? from me? no. ;-)15:10
DktrKranzman-di, the above one15:10
man-dihmm, I think I should schedule a tomcat5.5 fixing day...15:12
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kenkkuwhere can I find a list of sections I can use in debian/control when uploading a package (to PPA)?15:43
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bddebianHeya gang15:52
geserHi bddebian15:52
bddebianHi geser15:52
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pochugrep-dctrl -F Section "python" -s Package </var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.de.debian.org_debian_dists_sid_main_source_Sources | sed -s 's/Package: //g'15:53
pochupersia: that's for source package, should it be for binary ones?15:54
pochuAnd does anyone happen to know who maintains multidistrotools? liw?15:54
kenkkupochu: is there any EASIER way? how do packagers usually find it out?15:58
kenkkuthat wasn't for me :P15:58
kenkkuI suck. sorry.15:58
geserkenkku: see the chapter about section in the Debian policy for a list of sections16:02
geserpochu: I don't know if mdt has a maintainer, afaik Fujitsu runs the one on qa.uw.com16:03
kenkkugeser: I did. it doesn't answer my question16:03
kenkkugeser: it says the three sections are main, contrib and non-free16:04
kenkkugeser: the real meaning I'm looking for is only briefly mentioned16:04
geserkenkku: that are components16:04
geserkenkku: for sections see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-subsections: "At present, they are: admin, base, comm, contrib, devel, doc, editors, electronics, embedded, games, gnome, graphics, hamradio, interpreters, kde, libs, libdevel, mail, math, misc, net, news, non-free, oldlibs, otherosfs, perl, python, science, shells, sound, tex, text, utils, web, x11."16:05
kenkkugeser: finally, thank you16:05
pochugeser: thanks16:06
kenkkugeser: the basic packaging guide just mentions that sections exist and say nothing more, not even the real name16:06
kenkkuoh, it was the POLICY. damn it, I was looking at the new maintainers' guide16:06
pochuFujitsu: would it be possible to add a python section to http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/ ? grepping for Section "python" should be ok.16:06
wraunda game i have needs some 32bit sound libraries but i am on 64bit, for example the 32bit of libopenal.so.0:16:12
wraundatm it complains error while loading shared libraries: libopenal.so.0: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6416:12
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DktrKranzpochu, gst-plugins-bad0.10 needs a rebuild for new libdirectfb, are you going to upload a new revision or can I look at it?16:33
wraundhow would i go about getting  libopenal.so.0 for 32bit machines on a 64bit computer16:43
Kmoswraund: try #ubuntu channel for support16:47
andrea-bshi, which one I have to follow? http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy    http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/16:49
Kmos!packaging | andrea-bs16:50
ubotuandrea-bs: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports16:50
andrea-bsthanks Kmos16:50
pochuDktrKranz: feel free to do it.17:10
DktrKranzpochu, thanks. I'm sure you'll be able to do it yourself next :)17:11
KmosIn file included from /usr/include/glib-2.0/glib.h:74, from PlatGTK.cxx:11:17:37
Kmos/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gtestutils.h:25: error: extra ';'17:37
Kmos/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gtestutils.h:121: error: comma at end of enumerator list17:37
Kmos/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gtestutils.h:218: error: comma at end of enumerator list17:37
Kmos/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gtestutils.h:243: error: extra ';'17:37
Kmossomething wrong with glib-2.0 ? at gtestutils.h ?17:37
Kmosin hardy17:37
CheGuevaraKmos: i just submited a patch for that17:37
KmosCheGuevara: which is the bug ?17:38
CheGuevarabug 17911917:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 179119 in glib2.0 "glib 2.15 not clean with -pedantic" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17911917:39
KmosCheGuevara: ncie17:43
CheGuevaratrying to get someone to upload :P17:44
jpatrickCheGuevara: up the importance level :p17:45
jpatrickCheGuevara: and subsribe ubuntu-main-sponsers17:46
jpatrickand, already done17:47
CheGuevarayeah asac is gonna do it I think17:48
CheGuevaradon't have privs to change importance anyway :P17:48
asacso far glib looks good ... will sponsor once i can verify that it fixes moz issues17:52
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limachey, dumb question but how do u collect the source for a bug18:41
pochuthe source package?18:42
limacpochu ^^18:42
pochuapt-cache showsrc $package will tell you18:42
pochuor apt-cache show $package | grep Source18:43
limacpochu: what replaces $package?18:43
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CheGuevaraKmos: 2.15.0-0ubuntu2 uploaded18:47
pochulimac: the binary package where you found the bug18:48
pochuThis is assuming you know the binary package but don't know the source one ;)18:48
KmosCheGuevara: nice.18:54
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limacpochu thanks19:28
\shlooks like I need to take a look at wine 0.9.5219:30
Kmos\sh: it's already on debian.. :-)19:32
\shKmos: but not the version we need ,-)19:32
Kmosso you need to merge :)19:33
\shpeople need to know that out upstream is not debian in this wine corner case :)19:33
\shKmos: there is no merge from debian..please...I pushed wine from winehq to ubuntu...so I know what to do :)19:33
Kmos\sh: i think we can do it.. :-(19:34
Kmos\sh: i'm sure you know..19:34
\shKmos: we shouldn't ...19:34
rexbrongah, I need help writing a for loop in a rules file19:34
\shrexbron: what's the difference between a shell loop and a debian/rules loop?19:35
rexbronperhaps I should look into that first then :p19:35
man-direxbron: you need '\' at the end of each line, otherwise make starts another shell for each line19:35
\shhmmm...I'm sure we had some examples for that in one of the motu packaging recipes19:37
\shhmm..anyone has a clue if it's ok to use bzip2 compression for binary deb package building?19:40
nixternalimbrandon: no qyoto support for kdebindings because mono is busted apparently20:11
Tilllinuxhow to build your own .deb package? ;)20:11
andrea-bsI'm trying to upload a package to my PPA but it always reject it saying "MD5 sum of uploaded file does not match existing file in archive" and "Files specified in DSC are broken or missing"20:17
andrea-bscan someone help me?20:17
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rexbronwould anyone beable to help me with a line in a rules file?20:57
rexbronfor item in ${list}; do foo ${item}; done20:58
rexbronexcept  make is attempting to replace $item with a global varriable (which does not exist)20:59
rexbronrather than the iterable item20:59
* rexbron is spoiled with high level languages like python20:59
objarninoob question i guess: where do I check/wish for mono1.2.6 runtime to be included into next ubuntu release?21:03
rexbronobjarni: First check packages.ubuntu.com to see what version is in the hardy archive21:10
RainCTobjarni: check in packages.ubuntu.com if it's already in Hardy and in packages.debian.org if it's in Ubuntu21:10
RainCTif it isn't in neither of them you can file a bug in Launchpad asking for it21:10
objarniyup mono 1.2.6 will be included, great news. thanks for your support21:12
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* jonnymind is away: dinner21:45
ion_Thanks a lot for the information!21:45
jpatrickwhat? the dinner?21:46
shonen_mmm dinner21:47
ion_jpatric: Yeah. Everyone of us is obviously interested of what he’s doing right now.21:47
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Kmoscan someone look at this bug 179296 ?21:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 179296 in gnome-chemistry-utils "Please merge gnome-chemistry-utils 0.8.4-4 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17929621:57
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NgI'm guessing everyone is going to be off enjoying the holidays, but nonetheless, I have a quick question. I've packaged a python tool (probably very badly) - what do I need to do next to get some feedback on it?23:20
StevenKNg: (Hi!) Do you have a REVU account?23:22
NgStevenK: hey :)   nope23:22
StevenKThen again, I never used REVU ... :-)23:23
NgStevenK: do I need to pester siretart about that?23:23
StevenKNg: If you're part of the ubuntu-universe-contributors team on LP, and then get the keyring sync'd (or wait a day), you should be able to upload it to REVU.23:24
warp10Ng: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU23:24
StevenKOh. I didn't know about that page. :-)23:24
NgI'm not part of said team, but I just asked to me :)23:25
warp10StevenK: well... now you know :)23:25
Ngso if there is anyone about who can sync the keyring, that would be awesome, otherwise I'll wait :)23:26
jwillAre new packages in hardy automatically backported to gutsy or is it on a package-by-package basis?23:42
Fujitsujwill: The latter.23:43
Kmosjwill: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports23:56
jwillKmos: thx23:57
awen_if a binary package is removed from source (aka removed from debian/control) and the source is uploaded, shouldn't the binary package disappear from the archive?23:59

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