
ryanovHopefully that has changed since then.00:00
ryanovTallen: Someone said that earlier.00:00
david__i can't  make gutsy work like fiesty this really dissapointed me :(00:00
hatterwell, tvtime is not working now, it worked before installing zoneminder00:00
Vovik_Installed ubuntu, loaded - Monitor says "not supported". in recovery mode - boots, issued permits and frequency - is not helpful. Video Card - GeForce 520000:00
ryanovTallen: http://osdir.com/ml/admin.managers/2005-07/msg00005.html00:00
ryanovTallen: Discussion of what's different.00:01
theLichKingwhy do they say guys, fiesty, dapper in the tutorials.. isn't it just easier to track versions by numbers like 6.10, 7.1000:01
simmer1disable the cdrom sources in /etc/apt/sources.list00:01
simmer1doh, that was ages ago!00:01
alemonesrodolfo: I did a reconfigure xserver xorg as it lost the resolution options....00:01
lukaszI followed it and still says render is mesa wols?00:02
* Tallen is installing linux-image-server00:02
ryanovLooks like the easy way to go.00:02
Shpookjepes_: I'm really sorry, my brother called long distance and I had to take it. Let me take a look now.00:02
ryanovAt least you'll know whether it makes a difference.00:02
rodolfoalemones, let me guess you've changed your xorg and didnt make a backup file00:02
xororandhi. does someone have an up-to-date vim .deb with python support but _without_ the gtk gui?00:02
ryanovTallen: I'm out, but good luck.00:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:03
Tallenryanov: thanks.00:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pstbin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:03
kspeari have a question about sata pci cards... anyone have any experience using them with ubuntu?00:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:03
aeGIsEquality consists in the same treatment of similar persons.00:03
sintwols: rcconf works, but it doesn't shows every daemon which is starting at boot time. for me its not showing ssh00:04
baratahi all .. happy holiday!!00:04
baratawhat is the best youtube downloader?00:04
lukaszhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49911/ wols00:04
alecwhWhen I'm in the Vitrual Terminal, the fonts are very big. Is it possible to size-down the font size?00:04
rodolfoalemones, have you set a 1280x800 res on section screen -> <your graphics controller> -> subsection display?00:04
Shpookjepes_: Try changing the line "Option         "Protocol" "ImPS/2"  to this:  "Option         "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"00:05
Vovik_barata, for linux ?00:05
Dmitry_could someone provide an address for a guide that covers the installation of a wired router?00:06
Shpookjepes_: then restart X00:06
alemonesrodolfo: yes, I did that00:06
whteti am trying to ssh to my own box over rsa1 authentication, i have enabled "RSAAuthentication yes" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config also. when i try to connect it, the error said that my box is not providing SSH protocol version 1, i have restarted my sshd as well00:07
hatternow i have this :  zmfix[9399]: ERR [Can't chmod /dev/video1 to 20666: Operation not permitted]00:07
KlrSpzGnea: you around?00:08
jepes_shpook: okay i'll try it.00:08
meteI've just setted up the nfs-kernel-server and have configured one share. Now I want to connect from a win box to this share, but it asks me for a PW. why? here is my config file: http://pastebin.us/?show=m20f3f10300:08
juancan someone help me with my display?00:08
KlrSpzanyone familiar with IP MASQUERADING? It seems to be set up correctly in the iptables FORWARD chain, but i'm not getting any actual forwarding00:08
juanbasically getting one large desktop on both mons00:09
AvtI need to add terminal to the grub boot menu how??????????????00:09
juanis it possible to assign a workspace to each? or split them so that when i maximize windows, it goes to that monitor and not span both00:09
sintAvt: terminal?00:09
Vovik_Avt, i don't understand you00:09
Avtterminal the thing you type in00:09
osfameronto stop synaptics touchpad *ever* generating middle clicks, should it be enough to set "Emulate3Buttons" to "false" ?00:09
sintAvt: grub comes with some kind of pseudo terminal00:10
osfameronI'm really tired of accidentally pasting crap in irc :-)00:10
juani've disabled Xinerama00:10
rodolfoalemones, hold on, googling for it00:10
juanand it still does the same thing00:10
AvtI cant reset root passwd00:10
Likuid_Silencewhy are ppl using linux and dont even know what a terminal is00:10
ompaulAvt, you can't really do that - what is it you want to achive with this terminal? we may have what you want a different way00:10
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ompaul!root | Avt00:10
ubotuAvt: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:10
=== dkz0r is now known as Andre_Alves
alemonesrodolfo: thanks!00:10
ompaulAvt, did you set a root password?00:10
Avtyes I did00:10
Avtwant tio chanbge00:10
nickrudosfameron, no, add Option "TouchpadOff" "1" to /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the synaptics section00:11
osfameronnickrud: I would have thought that would also disable the Touchpad entirely?  What's the actual effect of that line?00:12
KlrSpzyou have to specify the device properly or it'll default again in the other device layout00:12
nickrudoh, just the tapping? misread.   set it to 200:12
nickrudosfameron, 0 is on, 1 is off, 2 is tap disabled00:12
osfameronnickrud, KlrSpz: oh I see, the number setting means something00:13
osfameronwhere are all the xorg.conf options documented?00:13
osfameronI don't think I want to disable tapping00:13
osfameronI just want to disable middle clicking00:13
jepesshpook: didnt work, thanks anyway, i have to go to work now. i'll try again later.00:13
osfameronsometimes I get whatever's currently selected pasted (usually into irc)00:13
osfameronand that's embarrassing.  Given that I have no use for middle-mouse button, I might as well disable it00:14
KlrSpzyou want to disable the middle button, or the clipboard effect00:14
g2g591osfameron: man xorg.conf00:14
nickrudosfameron, man synaptics has it all. You might try Option "SHMConfig" "On"  , and install gsynaptics, it's a gui frontend to configuring the touchpad00:14
ompaulAvt, so do this as your ordinary user;      sudo passwd -l root00:14
Shpookjepes: when you get back, try running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"00:14
ShpookBla, he left already00:14
ompaulAvt, reboot after that and enjoy00:14
osfameronI don't *have* a middle mouse button.  I've installed gsynaptics, and prevented touching with 2 fingers invoking middle click00:14
KlrSpzremapt he buttons with the OPtion "ButtomMapping" section00:14
ewookgeneric question - how many virtual interfaces can one add ?00:15
g2g591osfameron: "man xorg.conf"00:15
Avtsudo passwd -l root reboot then what?00:15
KlrSpz1 <some wildass number> 3 4 5 6 ...00:15
Shpookewook: do you mean desktops?00:15
osfameronKlrSpz, nickrud, g2g591: ta, I'll man xorg.conf and synaptics00:15
ompaulAvt, no00:15
AvtI need root to change stuff00:15
ompaulAvt,   sudo passwd -l root00:15
KlrSpzanyone familiar with IP MASQUERADING? It seems to be set up correctly in the iptables FORWARD chain, but i'm not getting any actual forwarding happening00:15
ompaulAvt,  reboot - then you don't have a root password it is all back to normal00:15
ewookShpook: no, eth-interfaces00:15
Avtompaul I want a root password lol00:16
nickrudosfameron, there's lots of options, have at it. I ended up just training my fingers :)00:16
hatterKlrSpz, dont know your circumstances but i use shorewall to make iptables easy00:16
Avtjust want to change it00:16
DelvienHaving problems copying a file to an external HDD. its 5.6gig file. and it keeps telling me that the file limit has exceeded.. is there anyway to move big files?00:16
KlrSpzhatter: trying to masquerade eth0 to forward through wlan000:16
KlrSpzwill shorewall do that?00:16
nickrudAvt, sudo -i will give you all the rootness you need. you can do anything (hint) there00:16
meteI've just setted up the nfs-kernel-server and have configured one share. Now I want to connect from a win box to this share, but it asks me for a PW. why? here is my config file: http://pastebin.us/?show=m20f3f10300:17
ompaulKlrSpz, there is this>>>       sudo echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward00:17
Shpookewook: oh....beyond me...sorry lol00:17
hatterKlrSpz, yes, shorewall does everything,  a bit of reading though, there is some understanding required00:17
rodolfoalemones, is your driver recognized by the kernel? is it been using or just emulated?00:17
KlrSpzompaul: yeah i have that00:17
ompaulAvt, then you can't have your cake and eat it, you can't get there from here00:17
osfameronnickrud: so I see :-(  I try to be careful, but spamming irc channels when I just wanted to move the mouse is really annoying...00:17
hatterKlrSpz, yes, u00:17
KlrSpzompaul: and have verified that it IS set to 100:17
hatterip forwarding needs to be enabled first00:17
Avtthats lame00:17
KlrSpzhave that though00:17
Avtok so what I do after its gone00:18
Avtto make new one00:18
ompaul!rootsudo | Avt00:18
ubotuAvt: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.00:18
KlrSpzAvt: dude, what don't you get.. you DON'T USE ROOT00:18
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression00:18
rodolfoalemones, do me a favor, go to system>administration>screens and graphics and click on 'video card' tab00:18
KlrSpzit's only been said 1000000 times to you, do you understand english?00:18
KlrSpzaparently not00:18
ompaulAvt, if you insist on asking how to use root I will be remove00:18
osfameronhmmm.  I *had* installed gsynaptics, but it appears to have disappeared00:18
sinthow to remove ssh from starting at boot time?? rcconf doesn't shot ssh and update-rd.d just don't do nothing00:19
ompaulAvt,  no you will be actually removed - minor typo there00:19
Avtim confused is all00:19
sintis there a config file anywhere?00:19
Avtk nevermind I wikll reinstall00:19
* nickrud thinks that's not a minor typo ;-p00:19
ompaulAvt, you read that page and be enlightened00:19
ShpookDoes anyone know how to restore the original Ubuntu sound server and fully remove PulseAudio? When I try to run Pidgin, I get these errors and a segfault: http://pastebin.org/1326100:19
KlrSpzsint, sudo  update-rc.d sshd remove00:19
Huffameghi! can someone please help me!? after upgrading 7.04->7.10 I have lost the icons for the different tools in OpenOffice. how do I restore them??00:19
sintKlrSpz: hm ...00:20
hattersint, you can change /etc/init.d/ssh to /etc/init.d/ssh.off then update-rc.d ssh remove00:20
KlrSpzhatter, i'd really like to NOT use shorewall if i can get away with it, it seems like a pretty simple task.. dunno why i can't get it to work00:20
sintKlrSpz: i don't get the super user thing in ubuntu ..00:20
osfameronah!  top-right corner generates middle click, bottom-right generates right click00:20
osfameronwtf would I want that?00:20
lukaszi will reboot and see00:20
hatterKlrSpz, keep asking then, someone will know, i am lazy and have learnt shorewall instead of iptables00:20
sinti am root and i thought it work, but i have to type sudo when i am root?? strange ...00:20
harishsu root00:21
KlrSpzno, but you shouldn't be root according to ubuntu's standards00:21
KlrSpzif you ARE root, then run without sudo00:21
hattersint, you can add a root password and not use the sudo thing00:21
=== psyphen_ is now known as psyphen
ompaul!rootsudo | sint (you should actually be able to work with this   --- no you don't have to use sudo if you are root but you are not right to be using root see your question for proof)00:21
ubotusint (you should actually be able to work with this   --- no you don't have to use sudo if you are root but you are not right to be using root see your question for proof): sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.00:21
t3hwiz0rdhow can i find out where a usb device mounted to if its a cellphone?00:22
alemonesrodolfo: got it, it's the intel experimental driver blabla00:22
nettow0822anyone here used a palm pilot over you wireless network?00:22
t3hwiz0rdi tried to tail /var/log/messages, but it doesn't show where it mounted.00:22
sinti know about sudo ... but i'm used to use root account when doing more then one administrative thing. this prevents me from typing sudo all the time00:22
harishtype mount00:22
harishsint, type su root00:22
KlrSpzsint: if i'm doing a lot of admin/root work, yeah i'll "sudo su"00:22
t3hwiz0rdit doesn't how it but lsusb does00:22
sintKlrSpz: ya, thats what i've done00:22
g2g591sint:sudo -i = root without setting root password00:22
t3hwiz0rdits a cellphone00:23
ompaulsint, Avt by the way this channel does not support you using root - this command restores normal service>>>  sudo passwd -l root00:23
sintKlrSpz: but update-rc.d don't work then00:23
KlrSpzthen no worries.. some people get really bent out of shape htough if you run as root00:23
t3hwiz0rdnot a harddrive, so iunn if mount will show it.00:23
ompaul!supportroot | g2g59100:23
ubotug2g591: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)00:23
KlrSpzsint, odd works here.. you sur eit's still in your run level?00:23
astro76sint, there's sudo -i if you really need a root shell00:23
sintKlrSpz: ya it was. since its running00:23
ompaulg2g591, a bit harsh but you get the drift :)00:23
KlrSpzwas though, it won't stop just by running that00:24
hatteri gave root a password and stopped using sudo00:24
osfameronrock!  $ synclient RTCornerButton=0   # and my problems are solved!  Well, that one at least00:24
sintastro76: hm, "sudo -i" seem like the same as "sudo su"00:24
g2g591ompaul: i didnt say i did, i said "sudo -i" gives you root without setting a root password, sheesh00:24
ompaulg2g591, ergo the bit harsh comment00:24
Anubyss Hi I can't seem to get my Creative Labs X-Fi XtremeMusic card working. I do a lspci -v and I see my card ,but no sound comes out. Do I need a driver? and is there one for my card, because I went to the compatibilty driver site and I didn't see one.00:25
astro76sint, essentially, seems like a cleaner way to do it though00:25
KlrSpzbbias, trying something stupid with iptables :D00:25
__mikemAnubyss, and you are not going to get that card to work, Creative Labs doesn't support linux for their newer cards00:25
dolphin_noelsomeone knows some good language document translactor software to linux that it is not the altavista or google translactor website00:25
hattercreative labs have been bought by ms ?00:25
ompaulsint, has to do with what shell values you keep - i.e. behaves like a real login shell which can be useful00:25
KlrSpzsint, actually "sudo su -" would be like "sudo -i" for the interactive login scripts to execute00:26
__mikemhatter, no they sympathize with ms though00:26
KlrSpzotherwise you're just changing users00:26
ompaulhatter, interesting but offtopic00:26
KlrSpzie, you don't execute the profile for root without the - or -i00:26
__mikemAnubyss: I suggest you refrain from doing business with creative labs in the future unless they adopt a less hostile stance on linux and open source00:26
Anubyss_mikem so there isn't a way? not even with a generic driver? do I get to install another card and if so which one would you recommend00:26
=== Tribes_ is now known as Tribes
sintKlrSpz: ok, good to know. but this thing about update-rc.d is to crazy for me. i've tested it on another box running ubuntu and have the same issue00:27
jvaihey ppls00:27
sintits still not working in root without sudo00:27
__mikemAnubyss, creative labs doesn't even release the specs on their cards until they are no longer supported, so until then there is no legal way to write generic drivers for it00:27
rodolfoalemones: still looking for a solution; you may consider to reconfigure xorg: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:27
KlrSpzsint: 1 sec lemme test it to make sure that's right00:28
Huffameghow do i stop my computer from making system sounds - for instance it beeps if i press bacspace without any characters to erase..00:28
Anubyss_mikem I agree, however I bought this Dell XPS high end gaming machine and it came with XP, and I just installed ubunto in dual boot and the sound is the only thing I can't get to work00:28
hatterany of you use ubuntu server ?  i found the realtek drivers have issues, which i guess is kernel related not ubuntu related00:28
alemonesrodolfo: thanks a lot, gotto sleep so will continue tomorrow!! thx!00:28
sintKlrSpz: update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/sshd exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force)00:28
rodolfoalemones, np00:28
sintthis is what i always get00:28
nickrudrodolfo, so what did you do to clear the file not found error? Inquiring people (ok, maybe just one) want to know00:29
__mikemompaul, how about an ubotu factoid explaining to people why their soundblaster won't work and listing a few other companies who are happy to release linux drivers for their card along with suggesting not buying any more crap from creative labs?00:29
__mikemompaul, because I am tired of typing out this speach over and over again00:29
* LimCore found another bug in ubuntu00:30
OnyxLimCore: What is it?00:30
Anubyss_mikem actually they have a driver ,but its beta and only for a 64 bit linux00:30
magic_ninjaman setting up these menus is a ton of work on icewm00:30
__mikemAnubyss: YOUR KIDDING, link please?00:30
Anubyssyes on moment00:30
KlrSpzsint: dude sorry, 1 sec, i got like 10 things going on00:31
sintKlrSpz: no problem00:31
ompaul__mikem, I'll consult someone who knows more about that kind of thing and come up with something00:31
KlrSpztvbox@tvbox:/tmp$ sudo update-rc.d sshd remove00:31
KlrSpz Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/sshd ...00:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:31
rodolfonickrud, i did? i told you its working perfectly, at least it seems to, once i still didnt get any problem just like disappearing window layouts nor any conflict00:31
hatteranyone have any clue why tvtime would stream fine but zoneminder shows rubbish is if using a different module ?00:31
sintKlrSpz: strange00:32
KlrSpzyeah, really strange?00:32
sintKlrSpz: i also discovered. its maybe not a got thing to play with rcconf and update-rc.d in the same time00:32
KlrSpzsint: try ls -la /etc/rc2.d/*ssh*00:33
KlrSpzif that doesn't come back with anything then ssh is no longer set up to run at boot00:33
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KlrSpzbut the only thing i can think of is if something is depending on ssh to be started00:33
sintis comes up with this: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2007-11-07 12:49 /etc/rc2.d/S16ssh -> ../init.d/ssh00:33
chickenFuegoHi there. How can I dump and see what is going through my bluetooth? (using bluez, linux on a laptop and a lego NXT robot)00:33
KlrSpzoh ok, i typed it up wrong it's ssh, not sshd, and yeah i get that too.. hmm00:33
__mikemchickenFuego: what is Chicken Fire?00:34
vvhi people00:34
Anubyss_mikem, here's the link: http://us.creative.com/support/downloads/download.asp?MainCategory=209&nRegionFK=&nCountryFK=&nLanguageFK=&sOSName=Linux&region=1&Product_Name=Sound+Blaster+X-Fi+XtremeMusic&Product_ID=14066&modelnumber=&driverlang=1033&OS=12&drivertype=0&x=23&y=1600:34
Anubyssbut its only for 64 bit00:34
sintKlrSpz: but its just "ssh" on ubuntu00:34
nickrudrodolfo, yes you mentioned the compizconfig working, but the error about the missing file in apt-get ? Downloading the deb and dropping it into the archive fixed that?00:34
sintthere is no sshd00:34
rodolfonickrud, not to mention that i had to remove the current version (the one that came with ubuntu) and install that other one found here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/x11/compizconfig-settings-manager00:34
__mikemAnubyss, perhaps creative labs is beginning to clean up their act finally.00:35
mpetersblaaah i can't find anything on this sound issue. i can't be the only one00:35
nickrudrodolfo, hmm...00:35
sintin /etc/init.d/ is only a ssh not a sshd00:35
danbhtwohello, im runing xubuntu, and udevd is eating up most of my cpu, please help00:35
Anubyssnot really because it won't help me, I have 32 bit OS00:35
nickrudsint, yes that's the one you want to remove00:35
sintanyway ... i need some sleep and i will check back for this tomorrow.00:35
sintthanks to all :)00:35
nickrudvv, wrong terminal?00:36
__mikemAnubyss, well, can't really help you there. You might try finding an older sound card you might have lieing around and installing it.00:36
hwildesint, it is called openssh-server00:36
hwildesint, and it is sshd00:36
nickrudvv, you just wrote htop00:36
Anubyss_mikem, anyway I can upgrade to 64 bit ubunto and preserve my current configuration, and if so its it worth it00:36
hwildeKlrSpz, openssh-server00:36
vvhtop or top00:36
rodolfonickrud, as far as you know, compizconfig was called but nothing happened...removing it and installing this deb file (seemed to)get the problem solved00:36
vvservices list00:36
hwildeAnubis, do u have a 64bit processor?00:36
chickenFuego__mikem, I have a problem with a java api driving a robot through bluetooth.. A missing byte in the bluetooth messages.. So I need to see what is going through blutooth. With rfcomm, it would be a cat on /dev/rfcomm0 or so, but how is it with bluez?00:36
__mikemAnubyss: I'd do a backup first though.00:37
nickrudrodolfo, ok, thanks. One more potential fix for an obscure problem :)00:37
rodolfonickrud, so far nothing weird happened nor conflicts...00:37
EleafDoes anybody use gedit for web development?  I'm trying to find a way to use a plugin for css validation.00:37
hwildechickenFuego, what robot ?00:37
danbhtwoshould I file a bug report about udevd using so much resources?00:37
niuqive installed ubuntu 7.10 in a toshiba laptop00:37
EleafI have html validation working well with tidy in gedit00:37
__mikemEleaf, try geany00:37
niuqand i have a weird issue with the windows00:37
LimCoreubuntu fails to use gnome at all, wow.00:37
Anubyss_mikem, what would you recommend to use as backup, I don't want to loose my configuration because I have Compiz among other things working great00:38
rodolfonickrud, what about that guy's one?00:38
Eleaf__mikem, I was just getting gedit looking great00:38
niuqthe upside bar it's appearing to big, actually enormous, i don't have any idea how to resize that bar, any help welcome00:38
chickenFuegohwilde, it is a lego mindstorms NXT. but my question applies to any data stream going through bluetooth/bluez. How do I see it?00:38
nickrudrodolfo, which guy's one what?00:38
=== nixnoob^away is now known as nixnoob
__mikemAnubyss: just create an archive of your home dirrectory, and save it to some mass storage device00:38
rodolfonickrud, he had to set his res each time the system was initialized. do you know how he could have get it fixed? (alemones)00:38
hwildechickenFuego, dmesg will tell you where it is00:39
LimCoregnome wm fails to start up (crash) under which package report it on lunchpad00:39
Huffamegno one who can help me with the icons in OpenOffice? they're all gone and i can't understand how to restore them..00:39
Anubyss_mikem, ok thanks00:39
chickenFuegohwilde, thx, I am trying it.00:39
resifailed to initialize HAL problem00:39
__mikemAnubyss, you have a 64 bit computer right?00:39
KlrSpzanyone familiar with IP MASQUERADING? It seems to be set up correctly in the iptables FORWARD chain, but i'm not getting any actual forwarding happening00:39
resiis there any progress?00:39
nickrudrodolfo, oh, missed that one. I hear that nvidia off the nvidia site sometimes has that problem. I don't have nvidia so don't remember the fix off the top of my head.00:39
shadowhywindhay all i just did a fresh install of kubuntu and tried to install firefox, but all that is showing up is 1.5pre is there anyway to update that?00:39
rodolfonickrud, this is about an intel video card. i know because i asked him about that00:40
=== Flaky is now known as Fl0w3D`zZz
=== Fl0w3D`zZz is now known as Flaky
Anubyssyes, but I was sure if I'll be able to get all the software and drivers for this machine. this PC is relative new, got it a year ago its a Dell XPS 600 tower00:40
nickrudHuffameg, try changing the icon theme00:41
resiis there any progress?00:41
hwildeHuffameg, apt-get reinstall openoffice00:41
chickenFuegohwilde, here is my dmesg, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49917/00:41
__mikemAnubyss: just making sure00:41
ompaulKlrSpz, have a look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/serverguide/C/firewall-configuration.html00:41
chickenFuegodoesn't say much :-/00:41
|juan|I don't understand why my monitors are spanning as one desktop with xinerama turned off... and why, despite the xorg showing the nvidia driver, that the nvidia-settings shows an error saying i don't have the nvidia driver enabled00:41
nickrudHuffameg, and install openoffice.org-style-default and openoffice.org-style-crystal00:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about idesk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:42
magic_ninjawhat are some idesk alternatives00:42
cbx33anyone around for a quick iptables help???00:42
Jan`Question: do current versions of Ubuntu have inbuilt support for at least reading Mac-formatted HFS+ disks?00:42
nickrudrodolfo, then I have zero clue. It's hard enough just trying to keep up with all of ati's issues00:42
niuqhow could i change the size of the upside bar of every window??00:42
proqesiAnubyss: sometimes being new means lesser support because developers have to havetime to create drivers00:42
KlrSpzompaul: yeah, i've done esentially that00:42
mpetersfound the fix00:43
chickenFuegohwilde, and the messages where 3 hours ago, but I was using the device in-between (and working, only with a particular bug)00:43
hatterif i plug a usb camera in and it is recognised, where should i find it ?00:43
KlrSpzompaul: and it looks right when i list the iptables, but it's not freakin working00:43
Huffamegnickrud: i have tried to change the icon theme in ubuntu without any luck. how do i install those?00:43
cbx33iptables --append FORWARD --in-interface ath0 -j ACCEPT00:43
cbx33iptables --append FORWARD --in-interface eth1 -j ACCEPT00:43
cbx33iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --out-interface eth0 -j MASQUERADE00:43
Anubyssproqesi, yes I agree, thank you00:43
cbx33i have some rules like that00:43
Huffameghwilde: it says unvalid operation00:43
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:43
nickrudniuq, only by changing the window border under system->prefs->appearance, themes tab customize buttton00:43
cbx33now say i only want to allow 2 mac addresses to use ath000:43
Jan`....I'll take that as a "no".00:43
cbx33how do i do that?00:43
rodolfonickrud...well whatever i am still looking for some solution. telling him to (re)configure xorg is a waste of time00:44
astro76Jan`, yes00:44
nekowhats the actual problem?00:44
rodolfoneko: ?00:44
neko<<-- knows xorg pretyt good00:44
hwildeHuffameg, figure out how to reinstall it with apt-get00:44
nickrudHuffameg, install those icon packages, for some reason you're missing them00:44
Jan`neko: Problem is I have a Mac formatted firewire disk which contains files I need on a Windows computer.00:44
hwildechickenFuego, I don't think it is creating an i/o device for you.  there is no way to decrypt them anyways00:45
KlrSpzompaul: any ideas?00:45
Jan`I read that there are (experimental?) HFS+ drivers for Linux.00:45
KlrSpzthis is driving me bonkers. i've been at this for a few months now00:45
nekoJan` what doeds that have to do with xorg?00:45
Jan`Ubuntu is the least bad version of Linux. Ergo.00:45
Huffamegnickrud: yes. which codes do I run?00:45
Jan`neko: I've no idea. What's xorg?00:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sgml - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:45
hwildeKlrSpz, why do u need to ip masquerade anyways just do nat00:45
nickrudniuq, I ended up going to art.gnome.org and getting spifficity or some name similar, it's ugly but short00:45
nekook one sec Jan`00:45
KlrSpzhwilde: tht's what masquerading is00:45
ompaulKlrSpz, stick your rules into a paste.ubuntu-nl.org and we can have a look at them00:45
proqesiJan`: yes, they have been "experimental" for five years00:45
vishalhi, how would i connect to a network shared printer?00:45
KlrSpzompaul: from a iptables -L ?00:46
nickrudHuffameg, openoffice.org-style-default and openoffice.org-style-crystal , install those00:46
niuqnickrud: ok ok00:46
niuqnickrud: the last option didn't work00:46
Jan`proqesi: Yeah, I got that impression.00:46
hwildeKlrSpz, without a router u mean?  just get a router why waste months00:46
NMajikI have a number of computers on my network running ubuntu, I did a port scan of my network and found a number of ports I don't remember being open before. The ports aren't consistent between computers and none of them have a common application with any of these ports as default. Should I be concerned that my networked has been hacked?00:46
proqesiubotu: tell vishal about cups00:46
KlrSpzwhy interrupt me with comments that don't help with my situation?00:46
hwildeNMajik, what ports and what programs00:46
ompaulkloeri, ya00:46
vishalproqesi: Thanks00:46
ompaulKlrSpz, ya00:46
samuel_Folks a little question if here's any Fluxbox users... how do I get it to work? Currently, when I try to run it (by tying 'fluxbox' in ternima) I get an error saying there's already another window manager running. Do I need to delete KDE window manager (kwin) at first?00:47
compwiz18Can you have multiple gpg keys for one email address?00:47
rkjCan somebody help me configure a second monitor for my Dell laptop (which came with Ubuntu 7.04 pre-installed)?00:47
proqesiJan`: what I used to prefer was to read from the HFS+, but not write to it. FAT worked well for r/w from both OSes00:47
Huffamegnickrud: which codes do i use to install..?00:47
kyu_fluxanyone know why a) the time zone doesn't stick in the "Adjust Date/Time" (panel), or b) I get "NTP support is not installed" when I try to set the configuration to "keep synchronized with Internet servers"?00:47
danbhtwosamuel_ I think you have to pick it at use login00:47
nickrudsamuel_, log out, and under the options button there's a sessions option: choose flux there00:47
Jan`proqesi: I only need to read the HFS+, yes.00:47
compwiz18samuel_: logout, then at the login window poke around (can't remember exactly) there will be a fluxbox option00:47
KlrSpzompaul: http://www.pastebin.org/1326700:47
stansmithHas anyone been able to install Gutsy on an intel p35 chipset (mobo)00:47
hwildeKlrSpz, well what exactly is your problem?  just follow this step by step guide  http://www.howtoforge.com/nat_iptables00:47
Jan`there are two major problems, however.00:48
samuel_alrighty, thanks for the answers00:48
Jan`I can't use a Mac to copy the files to a FAT32 volume, because the files (actually just one) is very very big.00:48
meteI've just setted up the nfs-kernel-server and have configured one share. Now I want to connect from a win box to this share, but it asks me for a PW. why? here is my config file: http://pastebin.us/?show=m20f3f10300:48
Jan`Bigger than FAT32 will handle.00:48
nickrudHuffameg, you can install those with system->admin->synaptic , or sudo aptitude install  openoffice.org-style-default openoffice.org-style-crystal   in a terminal00:48
NMajikhwilde: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49918/ is my condensed version of the nmap scan where I only show affected computers and ports that I know I didn't open myself00:48
Jan`And I can't use a mac to copy the files to a FAT32 volume because... I don't have a mac.00:48
Jan`If I had a mac, I'd just network it across.00:48
niuqnickrud:couldnt find anything there00:48
danbhtwoHuffameg try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^00:48
coreyocan someone tell me where to look to diagnose a problem with no direct rendering?  I have checked my xorg logs and everything seems to be initializing without any error messages there.  I have also turned on verbose debugging mode for glxinfo and found nothing.  Where else might I turn?00:49
AnubyssFYI, for who ever needs it, here's a link to creative labs opensource:  http://opensource.creative.com/soundcard.html00:49
soulriderhello, this may sound stupid, but what can i use to resize an animated GIF ?00:49
=== Flaky is now known as Flaky`
nickrudniuq, http://art.gnome.org/themes/metacity/73900:49
KlrSpzsoulrider: you ahve to do each frame, don't know any linux tools for that sorry00:49
proqesiJan`: in cases like that you can use dd to break the file into pieces and cat to put them back together00:49
LimCoreis there some secret option or way to stop the fact one can daily(!) find critical bugs in ubuntu?00:49
katakaiocoreyo: That's a problem that we've been working on for some time00:49
soulriderkloeri, you sure? =/00:49
katakaioI don't know if there's an easy solution00:49
rodolfonickrud: one question00:50
danbhtwoLimCore what?00:50
proqesiJan`: but what works even better is copying the files onto another machine or device00:50
ewookLimCore: Add to buglist - I know that you know how to, and stop whining :)00:50
* nickrud wonders what criteria is being used to define critical00:50
Jan`proqesi: Under Windows?00:50
nickrudrodolfo, sure00:50
proqesiJan`: under any OS, including windows00:50
Jan`You see the problem here.00:50
hwildeNMajik, paste the output of this command please    "netstat -apt"00:50
Jan`I'm stuffed every way I turn.00:50
katakaiocoreyo: This is a good place to start: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=582873&page=300:50
nickrudLimCore, and be sure it's not already filed if you can00:51
Jan`So the Linux approach solves many problems.00:51
KlrSpzompaul: here's the scrip ti'm using to make this a bit easier: http://www.pastebin.org/1327000:51
proqesiJan`: it's no different on Windows.. you set up sshd on it00:51
=== Flaky` is now known as Flaky
KlrSpzhwilde: that's basically what i'm doing, check that scirpt i just pasted00:51
ewookLimCore: and a default font isn't really critical in that manner, now is it?00:51
rodolfonickrud: take a look at the link i just posted here...it says "compizconfig-settings-manager (0.5.2+git20070912-0ubuntu1) [universe]"00:51
NMajikhwilde: Do you want that from every one of the affected computers?00:51
MadpilotLimCore, I'm with nickrud - please define 'critical'...00:51
Jan`proqesi: Yes, fine, whatever, lovely, but the fact remains that I need a computer capable of reading the HFS+ disk and this I do not have.00:51
rodolfonickrud: so its supposed to be on the universe repo, isnt it?00:51
proqesiJan`: linux has been reading HFS+ perfectly for five years now00:52
Jan`If someone can confirm to me that I can install the latest version of Ubuntu on a desktop PC, plug the firewire disk in and have a window pop up with its contents, great.00:52
juanis there a workaround for the conflict between xserver-xgl and nvidia-settings?00:52
nickrudrodolfo, yes00:52
Jan`If not, I'll go buy a Mac Mini off Ebay.00:52
KlrSpzompaul: hwilde: that's amodified script from the tlp masquerade howto00:52
KlrSpzmostly comments removed00:52
coreyokatakaio, if it helps, I have an intel 965 chipset.  Was having opengl/mesa/driver problems with the gutsy packages, so I compiled all of these from scratch and installed them:  http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/index.html   Now everything is working, except that glxinfo shows me no direct rendering, and games like tuxracer and planeshift run reaaaallly slowly.00:52
hwildeNMajik, umm just one with the ports open00:53
proqesiJan`: why not boot the livecd and see for yourself?00:53
Jan`proqesi: I had no idea there was one.00:53
KlrSpzhmm.. i wonder if i have it backwards? hmmm00:53
rkjAny suggestions for getting my second monitor to work?00:53
Jan`That is an interesting idea though.00:53
NMajikhwilde: Ok, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49919/ Let me know if you want more00:53
sorak1701anybody here familiar with the device detection process? im having an issue with a joystick driver not being loaded properly and looking for troubleshooting options00:53
Jan`Especially if... it can write to NTFS disks?00:53
hattershould a usb camera plugged in and detected create a new video device ?  /dev/video2 for instance ?00:54
nickrudJan`, yes it can00:54
astro76Jan`, yes 7.10 will write to ntfs out of the box00:54
ompaulKlrSpz, it all looks nice and straight forward, however I don't see where the other machines are on that network that you are talking with or to so I can't see why the box is trying to do nat except via wireless and the big question is this can you surf to a web server on the ubuntu box from some wireless connection00:54
hwildeNMajik, ok you see where it says local address  616 that is port 616.  it is process PID 4677 and the program name is "rpc.mountd"00:54
Jan`Since when was the NTFS write support not "highly experimental?"00:54
katakaiocoreyo: That does help - all of my research has been for my intel 945 chipset, which should be similar. You might like this link too: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3825086#post382508600:54
ompaulKlrSpz, to prove you are getting the wireless connection00:54
astro76Jan`, it's the new ntfs-3g driver00:54
hwilde!fuse | Jan`00:54
ubotuJan`: FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems00:54
nickrudJan`, unfortunately it doesn't talk to new ipods though00:54
KlrSpzompaul: yes, wireless is working fine00:54
=== Flaky is now known as Flaky``
KlrSpzompaul: but i think i was stupid and mixed up the interfaces in that script.. lemme switch and try00:55
katakaiocoreyo: Try this - check to see if direct rendering is on when logged in as root00:55
Jan`Christ on a bike00:55
coreyokatakaio, thank you, I am reviewing the posts now00:55
Jan`Do you speak English?00:55
Moduliz0rhow do I compile to win32 from under linux (g++)00:55
ompaul!language | Jan`00:55
ubotuJan`: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:55
danbhtwo!enter | Jan`00:55
ubotuJan`: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:55
nickrudoh, and Jan` welcome to #ubuntu anyway :)00:55
katakaioI found that direct rendering was listed as on when I was logged in as root, but not as any other user00:55
nonfakejezuz... My ubuntu instalation is driving me nuts00:55
hwildeKlrSpz, other ppl have the same question check this forum post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25762900:56
magic_ninjawhat are some other alternatives to idesk00:56
NMajikhwilde: OK, should I be concerned? This computer has been up for 42 days; is there a way to tell when that process started?00:56
nonfakejezuz... My ubuntu instalation is driving me nuts00:56
proqesinonfake: really? same 'ol same 'ol here00:56
Jan`What on earth did I say that wasn't family friendly, anyway?00:56
juananybody with an nvidia card able to use 'nvidia-settings' after installing xgl?00:56
hwildeNMajik, ps -ef00:56
proqesiJan`: I think you earned a pg-13 rating00:56
hwildeNMajik, or to just see that one  ps -ef | grep 467700:56
sorak1701looking for help with a joystick device... any takers? ive done my homework00:57
nonfakeudevd-event[2191] abnormal exit   <------------ What is this?????????00:57
Moduliz0rHow do I compile for Win32 (with g++) under Ubuntu?00:57
=== Flaky`` is now known as Flaky
nickrudjuan, you mean you installed xserver-xgl ?00:57
KlrSpzhwilde: will read.. i'll hav eto look over the script to see if my stuff differs any00:57
Jan`I'm googling for info here and I keep finding lines like this: ppc-sources-benh-2.4-21-r2 has hfsplus support in kernel.00:57
Jan`What does that actually mean?00:57
nonfakeudevd-event[2191] abnormal exit   <------------ What is this?????????00:57
astro76!info mingw32 | Moduliz0r00:57
ubotumoduliz0r: mingw32: Minimalist GNU win32 (cross) compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 11428 kB, installed size 53656 kB00:57
NMajikhwilde: Apparently started on Nov 15. Any cause for concern?00:58
Jan`I mean they're talking about Gentoo there, I think, but does that mean it supports it or not?00:58
Moduliz0rthanks, ill give it a go00:58
Dr_willisthe ppc kernel has hfspluse filesystem  allready in the kernel  Jan`00:58
hwildeNMajik, it is NFS support listening for NFS connections.  did you install this, do you want it running?   http://linux.die.net/man/8/rpc.mountd00:58
Dr_willisJan`,  its inlcuded. :) i guess you can say.00:58
ompaulJan`, this is not a gentoo support location so why is that of interest to here?00:58
Moduliz0rhow do I do the compile when I have MinGW32 installed?00:58
juannickrud: yeah, for compiz00:58
Jan`ompaul: Uh... I was asking about HFS+ support generally. Why?00:58
nonfakeanyone??????????????????????? i want to install ubuntu00:58
hwildeKlrSpz, just back yours up and go through their example to see if you have a bug or a config issue.  if their config works just modify it to your preference00:59
proqesiJan`: it means that ben herrenschmidt had his own version of the kernel with hfsplus support. in the last 3-5 versions of ubuntu it's already in the kernel00:59
Jan`What does "in the kernel" mean?00:59
meteI've just setted up the nfs-kernel-server and have configured one share. Now I want to connect from a win box to this share, but it asks me for a PW. why? here is my config file: http://pastebin.us/?show=m20f3f10300:59
Huffamegnickrud: it worked. thanks.00:59
coreyokatakaio, nope, no DRI as root.  I guess that means it's not a permissions problem?00:59
proqesiJan`: he made his own changes to the linux kernel00:59
NMajikhwilde: Must have. Thanks for your help. I'm going to go through the other computers to ease my mind.00:59
Jan`proqesi: Who? Why?00:59
* Jan` is confused00:59
nonfakeudevd-event[2191] abnormal exit   <------------ What is this?????????00:59
ompaul!Jan` (not saying you are but this is why it is of interest - i.e. this channel is specific to ubuntu )00:59
ubotuI'll remember that, ompaul00:59
danbhtwoJan` if linux has a driver for something/ supports something, its in the kernel00:59
nonfakeanyone??????????????????????? i want to install ubuntu00:59
proqesiJan`: Ben Herrenschmidt01:00
LjLnonfake: care to not spam? thanks.01:00
LjL!install > nonfake    (nonfake, see the private message from Ubotu)01:00
Jan`proqesi: what's he got to do with anything?!01:00
ompaul!offtopic | Jan` (not saying you are but this is why it is of interest - i.e. this channel is specific to ubuntu )01:00
ubotuJan` (not saying you are but this is why it is of interest - i.e. this channel is specific to ubuntu ): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:00
hwildeNMajik, run netstat to find out what program is using each port then just google it01:00
=== allbert is now known as allbert_
Moduliz0rwhy is the bot called ubotu? Couldn't it just be ubot?01:00
nickrudquit picking on Jan` if you read back he mentioned that he only saw this relating to gentoo, wanted to see if it was true here01:00
proqesiJan`: <Jan`> I'm googling for info here and I keep finding lines like this: ppc-sources-benh-2.4-21-r2 has hfsplus support in kernel. What does that mean?01:00
NMajikhwilde: I assume they're all the same thing; they all are running NFS. Thanks again01:00
katakaiocoreyo: Hmm. The command I used was "glxinfo | grep render" to see if DR was on or not . . . did you do the same or something different?01:01
proqesiJan`: I was answering your question01:01
Jan`nickrud: It's short for Janine :)01:01
Dr_willisnonfake,  you may want to  clarifyt what you are doing, and what cd/version/machine you are installing to.  If the live cd is giving you problems. You may want to try the alternative install cd.01:01
LimCoreMadpilot: critical: application crash, or basic function do not work01:01
nickrudJan`, I used the neuter he :)01:01
metehwilde, ah, you're using or understanding nfs? can you help with my prob? :P01:01
Jan`OK. I'm completely confused now. Let's start again.01:01
hwildemete, I know that when you run netstat and it says rpc.mountd  that is nfs http://linux.die.net/man/8/rpc.mountd01:01
* Jan` pours liquid nitrogen into top of head01:02
hwildeJan`, state your question in one line or less.01:02
proqesiJan`: ok. let's.  ubuntu has HFS+ support built-in.01:02
Moduliz0rRight, I've installed mingw32, how do I compile a simple c++ file for Win32?01:02
metehwilde, ah, hehe :)01:02
proqesiJan`: that should be enough info for you01:02
coreyokatakaio, right, that's what I used01:02
rkjAnyone care to give me some suggestions on how to successfully configure a second monitor?01:02
hwilde!xinerama | rkj01:02
uboturkj: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead01:02
Dr_willisModuliz0r,  perhaps check the mingw32 web site? or homepage?01:02
metehwilde do you know if anywhere is a nfs channel? I can't find one :(01:02
hwilde!dualhead | rkj01:02
uboturkj: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama01:02
Jan`Easy yes or no question: if I install Ubuntu on this (windows currently) computer, plug this HFS disk in, and plug the network in, will I be able to transfer data from the drive to NTFS volumes on other Windows PCs?01:02
hwildemete, lol there isn't one what are you trying to do01:02
proqesiJan`: yes01:02
Moduliz0r!info mingw32 >moduliz0r01:02
NMajikhwilde: I might have spoken too soon. Here is the line from another computer from netstat -apt: tcp        0      0 *:1016                  *:*                     LISTEN     -01:03
NMajikhwilde: No PID listed01:03
Jan`proqesi: Cool. Supplementary question: will I have to compile software, hack obscure text files, and generally do non-normal-user, outside-the-gui things to make this happen?01:03
katakaiocoreyo: OK then, looks like my issue is a permissions problem :P01:03
coreyokatakaio, actually, the stock setup for gutsy worked very well except that eve-online and planeshift both crashed due to some problem between mesa/kernel driver/xorg driver01:03
metehwilde: I try to share one folder, which I can access from a windows client (without password). smb doesn't work for me01:03
hatteraptitude is recommended over apt-get now isn't it ?01:03
sonjadoes ubuntu come with a font that looks really legible at 5 pixels high and no antialias?01:04
katakaioAre you using the intel driver for your 965 chipset?01:04
nickrudhatter, by debian anyway01:04
katakaioWhopps, that answers that01:04
coreyokatakaio, aye, intel01:04
proqesiJan`: no01:04
Jan`proqesi: Install software. Plug in drive. Plug in network. Drag and drop. That easy?01:04
coreyokatakaio, I have both the mesa libs, the drm libs and kernel modules, and the xorg driver compiled from the latest source right now.01:04
hwildeNMajik, sudo netstat -evap | grep 101601:05
danbhtwoo m g Jan` just try it01:05
NMajikhwilde: Scratch that *cue me feeling dumb*, I forgot to run it as root01:05
katakaiocoreyo: I don't have any first-hand experience with this, but I know some guys with 945/965 chipsets like reverting to the i810 driver01:05
hwilde!smb | mete01:05
ubotumete: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:05
Jan`danbhtwo: It'll take a day and a half to try it. I would like to have *some* idea that it's feasible (for me) before I commit to that :)01:05
katakaioEspecially when they're crashing out programs or having compatibility issues01:05
NMajikhwilde: It is, as expected, 4229/rpc.mountd01:05
hatternickrud, not by ubuntu ?01:05
danbhtwoJan` why would it take so long? just install ubuntu, dual boot, and see if it works01:05
hwildeNMajik, netstat is your friend01:06
Jan`danbhtwo: Install ubuntu is half a day right there.01:06
danbhtwojan` or use the live cd01:06
nickrudhatter, ubuntu recommends synaptic01:06
meteubotu I've used samba, but it's to slow for me (troughtput never over 50mb/s on a GBit net), so now I'll have a try to NFS01:06
meteops xD01:06
NMajikhwilde: I really should get to know it better01:06
Dr_willishalf a day? Hmm...  thats MS thinking!@ :001:06
danbhtwoJan` it doesnt take me that long to install, its not like windows01:06
Jan`Live CD is an interesting idea, but I am not quite sure I trust it not to trash my windows install while it works.01:06
danbhtwoAT ALL01:06
coreyokatakaio, it was my experience that the i815 wasn't working on the 965, I guess I could try again now that I recompiled it01:06
Dr_willisthe live cd tends to play it safe by default.01:06
Jack-ithi, someone succesfully installed kde4 on ubuntu hardy? i optain a libgif4 conflict01:06
metehwilde: I've used samba, but it's to slow for me (troughtput never over 50mb/s on a GBit net), so now I'll have a try to NFS01:06
hwildemete, waht exactly do u want to do it is so easy01:07
hattermete, you find samba slow ?01:07
hwildemete, just use scp or ftp or read the ntfs system from linux there are plenty of ways to move files01:07
Jan`Dr_willis: I assume it needs some sort of disk to work on.01:07
proqesiJan`: I don't trust *any* software, especially windows, with my data. hence making backups01:07
metehatter: yes, it's slow :)01:07
Jan`There are no disks in this computer I am happy letting Linux write to.01:07
Dr_willisJan`,  the live cd? Nope - it dosent.01:07
katakaiocoreyo: You're right, and I think the people who use it have recompiled it. But I should warn you, I don't really know what I'm talking about - never dared to do it myself01:07
Dr_willisJan`,  I use them in mechines with no HD at all.01:07
rkjhwilde: I'm reading, thanks. Do you know how I can determine what kind of video card & driver I have? (It's a Dell laptop that came with Feisty pre-installed)01:07
hwildeJan`, you can install and boot from a usb pendrive01:07
proqesiJan`: so don't trust it01:07
hattermete, you're not using a realtek chip are you ?01:08
katakaioIf you feel lucky, give it a whirl01:08
hwilderkj, lspci -v01:08
metehwilde: I use intel chips (pcie)01:08
danbhtwohelp! scrollkeeper-update is eating up ALL my cpu01:08
hwildemete, but you are trying to move a file from one place to another?  why do u need samba it is so easy01:08
Jan`Is the live CD on the Ubuntu site01:08
proqesiJan`: yes01:09
Jan`or is it a product of some... other organisation.01:09
hwildedanbhtwo, open up a terminal.   type in kill -9 `pidof scrollkeeper-update`01:09
proqesiJan`: no01:09
disasterpiecei have a simple question about ubunto, do i ask here? or is there a line of some sort?01:09
Dr_willishehheh.. gotta love lagged yes/no questions. :)01:09
hwilde!ask | disasm01:09
ubotudisasm: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:09
Dr_willisYes - its on the site.. no its not by someone else..01:09
hwilde!ask | disasterpiece01:09
ubotudisasterpiece: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:09
ironfoothow dou uninstall in ubuntu 7.10?01:09
hwildeironfoot, download the cd from the website01:09
proqesiironfoot: uninstall what?01:10
Jan`only one search result for livecd on ubuntu.com01:10
Dr_willisironfoot,  fire up the package manager, click the installed package.01:10
Jan`and it's not relevant01:10
disasterpiecehow does ubuntu handle games? such as quake2, WoW?01:10
ironfootpro rails01:10
metehwilde: I've ~5clients, and these are connected to 3 GBit cards... and the throughtput of samba is to slow... (video editing on the network)01:10
hwilde!ubuntu | Jan`01:10
ubotuJan`: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:10
CrackHedI'm running Gusty with all updates and when I go to Places>Network Servers. I then see the Windows Network icon. I click on that and see the Homenet icon. I click on the Homenet icon and get an error message: The contents of this folder could not be displayed. Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "Windows Network: homenet".01:10
MadpilotJan`, it's called the Desktop CD now01:10
CrackHedI've read that this is a known bug, is there a fix available?01:10
astro76disasterpiece, there is a native quake2 client, wow reportedly works excellently with wine01:10
Jan`Madpilot: Arrgh.01:10
proqesiJan`: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/01:10
hwildemete, where is the video stored, what are the filesystems, and what are the OS's01:10
MadpilotJan`, it used to be called the LiveCD; lots of us still use the term. Sorry to confuse you!01:10
Dr_willisThe desktop cd is a live cd :)01:11
disasterpieceastro76, works perfectly with "wine"?01:11
ironfootDr_willis: ok thanx01:11
OnyxI'm trying to install (required for qtruby)... how can I do that?01:11
disasterpiecewhat is that?01:11
Dr_willisTheres the Kubuntu and Ubuntu variants.01:11
Jan`Madpilot: LiveCD is a term even I am familiar with.01:11
astro76!wine | disasterpiece01:11
ubotudisasterpiece: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.01:11
arkanesI'm looking for an 802.11 USB dongle that's known to work out of the box with gutsy, does anyone have any make/model reccomendations?01:11
Dr_willisand proberly other variants also.01:11
danbhtwohwilde thanks01:11
astro76disasterpiece, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft01:11
tehpunkprodigydoes anybody know how I can make a program run on startup as root?01:11
MadpilotJan`, yeah, I've never been really sure why Ubuntu stopped using the term. I guess "Desktop" CD is slightly more user-friendly...01:11
danbhtwohwilde it keeps coming back01:12
Jan`OK. This puter has an Athlon 64 X2 processor. I'm guessing I want "64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop CD".01:12
metehwilde: server: ubuntu 7.10 server, FS: xfs  clients: XP   the videos are stored on the xfs raid501:12
proqesiJan`: yes01:12
* Jan` downloads01:12
wolsJan`: how much ram do you have?01:12
Jan`wols: 2Gb. why?01:12
MadpilotJan`, possibly. 64bit still has some issues, mostly iwth Flash and other commercial things. 32bit is often easier.01:12
hwildedanbhtwo, did you just install?  let it run the first time01:12
wolsthen you want i386 unless you like problems with flash and java01:12
* Jan` stops downloading01:12
disasterpieceastro, thank you very much.01:12
proqesiMadpilot: you can run flash on 64-bit ubuntu after some tweaking01:13
Jan`<yelling>which one do I want!</yelling>01:13
danbhtwohwilde yeah, its during an install01:13
Madpilotproqesi, sure, but it's the 'after some tweaking' part that's a pain.01:13
danbhtwohwilde maybe it was a mistake to kill it01:13
wolsJan`: it>s your decision01:13
MadpilotJan`, get the 32bit version for now.01:13
hwildedanbhtwo, do you even know what it is ?!  http://linux.die.net/man/8/scrollkeeper-update01:13
* Jan` downloads 32 bit version01:13
Jan`Now see I don't want to be a hater, really I don't. But it's exactly this sort of <expletive> that puts people off Linux.01:13
danbhtwohwilde not a clue, but its back!!!01:14
MadpilotJan`, 64bit issues are hardly unique to Linux - Windows has had it's share too...01:14
hwildedanbhtwo, let it install....  read this link while you wait... http://linux.die.net/man/8/scrollkeeper-update01:14
Jan`Do I need to protectively unplug all my windows disks from the puter before using this thing, or can I trust it not to dump all over them?01:15
Jan`(they contain data which is worth actual money)01:15
MadpilotJan`, the liveCD won't touch your hard drives.01:15
Dr_willisJan`,  if thats the case - then yoyu SHOULD have backups allready.01:15
niuqi've just installed ubuntu 7.10 over a my laptop, everything it's working except for a strange issue, the windows border appears to big, and i dont have a clue how could i change them!01:15
Jan`Dr_willis: We do, in a way, but it's a major PITA to restore the data.01:15
arkanesif you're paranoid unplugging them won't hurt01:15
nickrudGuaranteed the live cd will not write to the disks without your explicit permission01:16
arkanesit's always possible that you might tell the installer to format those drives in some wierd cat-related keyboard accident01:16
Dr_willisJan`,  what sort of Guarentee do you want...  If you are that paranoid then use a test machine.01:16
hwildedanbhtwo, windows xp  xfs driver  http://www.crossmeta.com/crossmeta.html01:16
Jan`Dr_willis: Good idea.01:16
metehwilde: do you need more infos?01:16
Dr_willisOr the PC may explode in a flaming ball of Flaming Fury01:16
hwildedanbhtwo, oops wrong person01:16
hwildemete, windows xp  xfs driver  http://www.crossmeta.com/crossmeta.html01:16
arkanesand note that Ubuntu specifically disclaims any "guarantee" in the "we will pay if we screw this up" sense01:16
nickrudDr_willis, nic alliteration, but too many flames :)01:16
* Dr_willis thinks that if restoring backups is a PITA.. then one should find better Backup tools..01:16
Jan`arkanes: Most places do.01:16
arkanesof course01:16
hwildeJan`, I will personally guarantee that Linux will not make your Windoze box worse.01:16
arkanesjust saying, if thats the kind of guarantee you want, you aren't getting it01:17
hwildeNothing could be worse than Windows ahhahahahahaha01:17
Dr_willisnickrud,  i couldent spell flautlance right. :)01:17
Jan`Dr_willis: The issue is that it's a video edit station with several jobs on it. Those jobs can be restored using edit decision lists from the original video tape.01:17
metehwilde: for what I need xfs driver? the disks aren't in this computer.... and I need they remotely, not local ;)01:17
Jan`This is the standard backup regime for this sort of data (which is vast).01:17
Jan`However it is horribly time-consuming.01:17
PKdoRsup peeps?01:17
Dr_willissounds to me like you should be playign with other Os's on a non-critical box.01:17
Jan`Dr_willis: Hell yes.01:17
PKdoRany bodu here runing in x6401:18
Dr_willisgo to walmart. get one of those $200 machines. :)01:18
Jan`Dr_willis: I'll do it on the office PC.01:18
Jan`That one breaks all the time anyway.01:18
Creedeww gPC?01:18
CreedJan`, if youre just playing around with Ubuntu, why not use a virtual machine?01:18
Oli``In Sudoku, does generating puzzles work? I just told it to generate a batch of 10 very hard puzzle and they haven't shown up in the game list01:18
Jan`For what it's worth, we'd dearly dearly love to dump Windows before Adobe forces us to go to Vista by requiring it for one of their packages.01:19
DoxaWhat chat room should I go to for problems upgrading my Feisty to Gutsy?01:19
astro76Jan`, how are you going to replace the Adobe program(s)?01:19
disasterpieceastro76, what did you mean by "native quake2 client:01:19
Oli``Doxa: here. What's the boggle?01:19
nickrudDoxa, this is the place01:19
dolphin_noelwhy i'm on google for more then one hour try to search some linux dictionary translactor software and i cant get nathing yet? there are to mobil phones and everything but dont give the reserch to the linux stupid01:19
CreedJan`, from what I've experienced, most all programs out thus far that "require" Vista can be run fully using Alky. Im sure when more and more Vista only apps come out, more third party utilities will emerge to fix the issue.01:20
astro76!info quake2 | disasterpiece01:20
ubotudisasterpiece: quake2: improved version of id Software's Quake II engine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.3-1.1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1240 kB, installed size 3144 kB01:20
initxI've been searching for a way to install packages into another prefix01:20
Doxabasically, whenever I try to upgrade it gives me an error saying it failed to fetch a whole bunch of files.01:20
metehwilde: ?01:20
DoxaI also have an error when I try to upgrade using the alternative installation cd01:20
astro76disasterpiece, meaning written or linux, open-source, and in Ubuntu's repos ;)01:20
CreedDoxa, are you behind a proxy?01:20
initxI added DPkg::Options "--root=/pkg/" in a custom apt.conf, voila, nothing01:20
initxany ideas?01:21
DoxaI'm not sure...01:21
astro76disasterpiece, quake2-data will grab the data files from your quake2 cd01:21
DoxaHow would I be able to check if I am/not?01:21
CreedDoxa, do you have to enter any information to browse the Internet?01:21
Jan`what on earth is alky01:21
astro76disasterpiece, the data files are copyrighted, but there is shareware/open source alternatives too01:21
Doxano, I'm connected on a network at home, which is always connected to the internet01:21
CreedDoxa, like does Gaim/Pidgin without any extra configuration (aside from account setup)01:21
disasterpiecei see01:21
CreedDoxa, please paste the full error on !pastebin01:21
astro76disasterpiece, with the cd it will be exactly the original game01:22
Beererdehi. does someone know where ubuntu has its localization info? i want to change the text in some dialogs of pidgin01:22
disasterpieceso just install it as if it were windows01:22
Oli``Doxa: It's not recommended but I used apt (instead of update-manager) to do my distro upgrade. I had similar issues to you and this fixed it although I had to run apt, then update manager and then apt again before everything was done01:22
DoxaError during update01:22
DoxaA problem occured during the update. This is usually some sort of network problem, please check your network connection and retry.01:22
DoxaFailed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/free/source/Sources.gz 404 Not Found01:22
DoxaFailed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/non-free/source/Sources.gz 404 Not Found01:22
DoxaFailed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/free/source/Sources.gz 404 Not Found01:22
DoxaFailed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/non-free/source/Sources.gz 404 Not Found01:22
DoxaFailed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found01:22
DoxaFailed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/non-free/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found01:22
initxdoes anyone at all know how to set up a prefixed APT repository?01:22
DoxaFailed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/free/source/Sources.gz 404 Not Found01:22
DoxaFailed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/non-free/source/Sources.gz 404 Not Found01:22
sonjaplease stop01:22
Creedaye curamba01:22
Jan`even *I* know not to do *that*01:22
CreedJan`, http://alkyproject.blogspot.com/ seems their main website is down at the moment.01:22
disasterpiecesorry astro, i know nothing of linux01:23
NMajik!pastebin | Doxz01:23
ubotuDoxz: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:23
disasterpiecebut am thinking of trying ubuntu out01:23
Oli``Doxa: remove the medibuntu repos, upgrade and add the gutsy versions01:23
initxam I just not specifying DPkg::Options correctly or does apt remove that "for me" because it's not standard01:23
Greevouswhat is the use of write-protecting a hidden volume when mapping it with truecrypt?01:23
disasterpiecei just want to make sure the games i play will still be playable should i switch to ubuntu01:23
=== u^A is now known as u^A_
CreedDoxa, as Oli`` said, remove the medibuntu repos or replace them with another one as the one thats currently in your sources is down.01:23
disasterpieceby what you're telling me. it seems they will be, and that it's pretty simple01:24
nickrudnot just down but nonexistent, it's medibuntu.org now01:24
Doxaok, so a) how do I go about doing that b) what should I replace them with01:24
Jan`I think the preferred solution to the "vista? aargh!" problem is for someone to release a decent video editor for linux.01:24
Creeddisasterpiece, most old games (pre 2006) work perfect on Ubuntu using Wine or Cedega or a similair program. Quite a few new games (TF2) work beautifully as well.01:24
etzerdhello all01:24
disasterpieceawesome creed01:24
CreedDoxa, are you planning on setting up that box as a Media Center PC?01:25
Doxano, it's just my regular desktop01:25
Oli``Doxa: system > software sources. wang in your password. click the third party tab and uncheck the medibuntu repos.01:25
CreedDoxa, then you can remove the medibuntu source completly. Follow Oli`` s directions :)01:25
nickrudDoxa, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list , delete the lines with sos-sst.com01:25
Jan`Hardy Heron. Snicker.01:25
DoxaOk, thank you all.01:26
DoxaWhat are the mediabuntu repos good for anyway?01:26
* Pelo waves hello to the ppl in the room01:26
Oli``Doxa: you'd probably be best to just remove them completely and add the gutsy version after you've upgraded01:26
DoxaI mean, why do I have them in the first place?01:26
Dmitry_could someone provide an address for a guide that covers the installation of a wired router (preferably SmartAX MT882) in ubuntu?01:26
etzerdI buy a new computer which is an Intel coreduo 2 2.66 with an onboard 1Ghz network card. I tried to reinstall ubuntu the installation failed at the very beginning because it cannot detected the network card.01:26
astro76!medibuntu | Doxa01:26
ubotuDoxa: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:26
CreedJan`, better name than the one being distribued at my campus...Hardy Hardon01:26
* nickrud waves back01:26
Oli``Doxa: they contain non-free codecs and the like01:26
DoxaGot it01:26
DoxaMp3's and divx and stuff01:26
DoxaNow I remember. :-D01:26
CreedDoxa, yup01:26
Doxathank you all very very much.01:26
Peloetzerd, use the alternate install cd01:26
Oli``Doxa: worth having but not essential to upgrade01:27
Doxaright, I'll just add them again afterwards.01:27
etzerdthat is what I'm using.01:27
DoxaThanks again very much01:27
CreedDoxa, if you need support for all those simply switch out the sos repo with a more updated/working one. medibuntu.org website should have extra repos you can try.01:27
nickrud!medibuntu | Doxa01:27
ubotuDoxa: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:27
Peloetzerd, interesting usualy the alt cd is less fussy about hardware01:27
etzerdtell me about it.01:27
Peloetzerd, if you know the model of the card/chipset , try looking it up in the forum01:28
* nickrud urges the clock along01:28
ubuntu_hoz do i see in the console how many hdd i have on ;my pc?01:28
etzerdnow I cannot use ubuntu anylonger. I tried so many time without result.01:28
disasterpiecewhat kind of virus protection would you all advise?01:28
Jan`who picks the names01:28
nickruddisasterpiece, I use none01:28
PeloJan`, which names ?01:28
CreedPelo, Ubuntu's release names01:28
Jan`Pelo: Hardy Heron. Gutsy Gibbon. Haw!01:28
Oli``disasterpiece: I personally fly commando (nothing) but you could go for something non-resident (scan on demand) like ClamAV if you need something01:29
disasterpiecei see01:29
disasterpiecei'm guessing it's much more secure being linux based01:29
astro76disasterpiece, there is absolutely no need for virus protection, unless you are serving windows clients01:29
Pelodisasterpiece, there aren'T significant virues treaths for linux but if you want to protect your windows friends by not passing along virues to them you can try  clamtk or there is a nice linux version from the avast ppl01:29
nickruddisasterpiece, unless you're hosting mail or some such for windows machines, you don't really need anti-virus01:29
Oli``disasterpiece: exactly01:29
PeloJan`, the ppl at canonical, they make ubuntu01:29
Creeddisasterpiece, if you dont use programs like limewire or go to "shady" websites, you really dont have a need for AV software (aside from on-demand to scan once a month jsut to be on the safe side)01:30
etzerdso nobody can help me with that?01:30
Oli``Here's an interesting question... Can WINE get viruses/malware?01:30
Peloetzerd, if you know the model of the card/chipset , try looking it up in the forum01:30
disasterpiecei'm installing it right now on another machine, i'll chill here if i need more help!01:30
disasterpiecethanks all :D01:30
Jan`Oli``: well... presumably...01:30
Creeddisasterpiece, I use windows xp as my main os and have been without any virus or spyware for over 3 years, wont get anything unless youre trying to heh01:30
PeloOli``,  I saw an article on diggs from someone who tested it  and the viruses didn'T run well on wine01:31
etzerdOK, thanks01:31
CreedOli``, yup, Wine gets em just like windows :) i played around with it on a VM to see01:31
Peloetzerd, this might also be helpfull  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport01:31
etzerdthanks Pelo01:31
CreedOli``, some depend on certain parts of windwos to fully work though, so most just chilled on my hardrive doing nothing01:31
Creedi came here to ask a question and ended up helping others >< now i dont remember my question...damn helpful nature of mine01:32
KlrSpzi hate that01:32
PeloCreed, welcome to my words,  1 year 2 months running01:32
Creedlol yah01:32
x_zeusshi, need some help guys. i've just installed flash player but it just doesn't work, when i enter a site that has flash that pop-up windows appears that says plugins are needed, but when i click install flash it says that that package is allready installed01:33
crimsunsee the topic.01:33
Creedx_zeuss, Adobe Flash plugin installation is currently broken, see « /msg ubotu flash »01:33
KlrSpzx_zeuss: unistall flash and re-install, see if it actually is installing properly.. there's a bug01:33
x-X-xwhen i install an application through add/remove programs where does it install to ?01:34
Oli``Is anyone else here running the latest public release of flash (9.0 r115) and find its flv-playback performance just blows bigtime?01:34
Madpilotx-X-x, whereever it need to be01:34
stdinsame place as if you install with synaptic01:34
x_zeussKlrSpz: i reinstalled, no problem there, installed perfectilly but nothing01:35
KlrSpzx_zeuss: sure it didn't say near the bottom about an md5 checksum err?01:35
kazolI cannot get sound capture to work on my sound card.01:35
KlrSpzGnea: you around?01:35
Pelox-X-x,  you don't need to know the path to run an app in linux, just type hte name of it in the terminal or check in the menues,   but to answer your questons,  it gets installed all over the place,  the exectutable files themselves are usualy in /bin /sbin /usr/bin or /usr/sbin01:35
KlrSpzdo a "which <app>" to find the path01:35
Creedthis wga strike better end soon, im running out of things to watch01:36
KlrSpz(of the binary)01:36
x_zeussKlrSpz: no01:36
owner10010101where can i get divx codec for ubuntu 7.1001:36
Pelokazol,  opem alsamixer in the terminal and make sure that the mic isn't muted01:36
KlrSpzowner10010101: check the gstreamer plugins01:36
=== Pir8_ is now known as Pir8
Pelo!codecs | owner1001010101:36
ubotuowner10010101: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:36
x-X-xkk its becouse i installed 7zip and i want to make it the default app to handle zip files and i cant find it01:36
rkjhwilde: I've been reading the links you sent me on duel displays - one concern is that once I configure for two displays how do I go back when I go somewhere with my laptop?01:36
Optimus55does anyone know how to change the cursors in ubuntu? when i right click the desktop and change them in customize, they only change inside certain windows..01:36
x-X-xbtw is 7zip better than archive manager ?01:36
crimsunremember that if you codec enumerates a 'Capture' element, too, you need to unmute that as well.01:37
crimsunif your*01:37
KlrSpzrkj, he's gone01:37
Pelox-X-x, the 7zip files will be handled throught file roller, I dm not sure that you have a seperate interface for it01:37
rkjbummer, anybody else know about dual monitors?01:37
x-X-xso does 7zip take over automatically and whats file roller ?01:37
KlrSpzrkj, and if you set your laptop display as your primary then you have no problem and the 2nd monitor won't initialize01:37
Pelo!dualhead | rkj01:38
uboturkj: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama01:38
x_zeussKlrSpz: any ideea?01:38
KlrSpzbut i'm out too, later01:38
Pelox-X-x, fileroller is the archive manager,  7zip is jsut a format01:38
groutAnyone have a .deb file for doomsday?01:38
astro76x-X-x, file roller is the built in archive manager, it will use 7zip and rar if installed01:38
Pelogrout, check in www.getdeb.net01:38
x-X-xkk thanx  btw have i made a good decision is 7zip better than what archive manager hgad before ?01:39
groutpelo: nothing came up :(01:39
=== kilrae_ is now known as kilrae
Eyemeanhi does any1 know if there is a difference between amsn 0.97RC and amsn 0.97 pls?01:39
astro76x-X-x, for zip? 7z?01:39
x_zeussanyone know why flash player doesn't work?01:39
Pelox-X-x, never tried it ,  7zip is just a format ,  just use the one you want from those available in file roller01:39
rkjKlrSpz: ok thanks, also the Xinerama HowTo mentions a program called i810switch, and when I ran it got the error message "PCI id of i810 is not recognized"01:39
Eyemeanx_zeuss u have to install flash01:39
Pelox_zeuss, broken installler,  get the tar from the adobe site01:40
PKdoRis there any thing I would miss out on by runing 64bit ubuntu?01:40
astro76x-X-x, well it's gonna use it for 7z obviously, but for zip it probably still uses the normal zip library01:40
qwazhow do you clear the command line history?01:40
larson9999x_zeuss, you mean as discribed in the topic of this channel?01:40
astro76x-X-x, which is fine01:40
astro76x-X-x, you could always use 7zip itself on the command line too01:40
x-X-xso installing zip was useless ?01:40
x_zeusslarson9999: but i was able to install just fine01:40
=== alk is now known as alittlekitten
x_zeusslarson9999: no errors01:40
Pelox-X-x, not if you have to unpack 7zip files01:40
astro76x-X-x, not really, it handles 7z and a bunch of others01:41
larson9999x_zeuss, yes, and then it doesn't work.  and if you try to install it says it's already installed.  that's the issue the topic is addressing.01:41
x_zeusslarson9999: ok ok, any ideea when this is going to be fixed?01:41
x-X-xkk thnx pelo and astro76 i just wanted to know cos on windows 7zip was like the best at handling zip files and the other formats so i was wondering if it is the best in linux01:42
Pelo!best | x-X-x01:42
astro76x-X-x, I always use it when I am forced to use windows too ;)01:42
ubotux-X-x: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.01:42
x-X-xkk thnx ubotu01:42
larson9999x_zeuss, nope.  but it only takes about a minute or less to download and install the tarball from adobe's site.01:43
Pelo!thanks | x-X-x01:43
ubotux-X-x: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)01:43
x-X-xlol huh?01:43
x_zeusscineva ro pe aici?01:43
x-X-xubotu how does that work u some new kind of ai or something ?01:44
Pelox-X-x, ubotu  is a bot, we just use trigger words to get it to send automated info to users01:44
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!01:44
Pelohello dario01:44
dariohi pelo01:44
x-X-xubotu is so antisocial01:45
Pelox-X-x, they are quite common in support channels,  they keep the helpers from having to type the same info over and over01:45
crimsunwhich, interestingly enough, they still do.01:46
Pelodario, can we help you with something ?01:46
crimsunIt's just that they type/paste the triggers instead of the entire shebangs.01:46
Pelocrimsun,  still shorter to type01:46
vintendoI'm having trouble getting my Linksys WMP54G PCI adapter to work on 7.1001:46
darionow... im new in this thing01:46
ewookconnect the dots? :)01:46
Pelovintendo, I think linksis are broadcom chipset or someting ,  look up the model in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org01:47
x-X-xi need support for .lzh compressed  what do i need to download ?01:47
Pelox-X-x, try one in fileroller, it might already be there01:47
x-X-xarchive manager says archive not supported pelo01:48
Pelox-X-x, open synaptic,  menu > system> admin> synaptic package manager, search for lzh  see wat comes up01:49
disasterpiecehey how does ubuntu work with raid? well?01:49
Pelodisasterpiece, as fars as I know,  you do need to do a bit of stuff to install on it , and use the alternate install cd01:49
Pelo!raid | disasterpiece01:49
ubotudisasterpiece: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto01:49
Pelohello haygus01:49
spaceghost_can someone please tell me what package(s) I need to install to play youtube video in browser?01:50
haygusi have some problems im french so if i make some mistakes (errors ?) in my language sorry01:50
pteaguelast pieces of my xmas box showed up01:50
Pelospaceghost_, flash but currently the installer is broken, go to the adobe site and dl the tar.gz , follow the installariotn instructions in it01:50
x-X-xpelo: file-roller has a green box and the other 4 things listed are empty01:51
Pelohaygus, there is a ferench channel,  #ubuntu-fr01:51
Pelox-X-x, just check them01:51
haygusi know, but nobody answer01:51
spaceghost_pelo: ty01:51
Pelohaygus, ask away01:51
ewookPelo: there is other flashies than adobe's.01:51
qcodepteague: I'm still waiting for my last two01:51
x-X-xwhich one lha ? gnomekiss ? sdic-gene95 ? timidity ?01:51
Peloewook, gnash but it is still being develloped, check in synaptic01:52
pteagueqcode> what'd you get?01:52
Pelox-X-x, all of them01:52
qcodepteague: Tools and books01:52
Pelohaygus, it is usualy better to state the problem the post a link01:52
haygusits a pictures01:52
haygusfor my probleme01:53
Pelohaygus,  I know , that is the actual problem01:53
pteaguemine were an 8600gts 512mb & 2x 19" monitors01:53
hayguson the right bottom01:53
groutAnyone have a .deb file for doomsday?01:53
ewookPelo: swf-player then?01:53
haygusapplications icons are align01:53
qcodepteague: Nice01:53
haygusi have just re install kubuntu01:53
EleafI'm trying to add a few gedit plugins, but whenever I add the .gedit-plugin file + code to ~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins/, it doesn't show up in the plugins preferences of gedit after restarting.01:53
pteaguegot the rest of the box on monday :)01:53
Peloewook, gnash or flash that is all i KNOW FOR YOU01:53
haygusbefore they is 2 icons in a same colluns (?)01:54
EleafI also tried adding the gedit plugins to /usr/share/gedit/plugins, they still don't show up01:54
Pelohaygus, make the pannel bigger01:54
intelikeygrub help    from the grub shell what is the command to install grub to an hd ?01:54
jack-desktopWhen I right click .exe programs, it shows "Open with gedit", how do I remove that option?01:54
ewookPelo: I didn't ask a question, just tried to enlighten you from the adobe-path in your guidence, no need to shout :)01:54
haygus100% the size01:54
Pelo!grub | intelikey01:54
ubotuintelikey: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:54
Peloewook, sorry  just an unfortunate caplock01:55
haygusbut berfore reboot it war good i start the CP and i saw that01:55
Pelohaygus,  I am not familiar with kde, I am guessing you can probably specify the hight of the task bar in pixel01:55
x-X-xk i just learnt that file roller is just a core and needs extra tools for it to handle different compression formats is this true ?01:55
Pelohaygus,  try asking in #kubuntu , they are familiar with kde stuff01:56
Pelox-X-x, I thiunk we mentionned that earlier, if not I am sorry01:56
haygusok ty01:56
astro76x-X-x, well out of the box with Ubuntu it supports mostly everything already, except rar and 7z01:56
ubuntu__Does anyone know how to make it so that I change resolutions with one click?01:56
Pelogotta go, g'night folks01:56
jack-desktopWhen I right click .exe programs, it shows "Open with 'gedit' " two times, how do I remove that option?01:56
ewookPelo: laters.01:56
sourcemakerShould the kernel timer frequency not 1000HZ for a desktop system? Why is it not default in the ubuntu kernel?01:57
spaceghost_pelo: I did as you said but the instructions aren't all that clear... it says to navigate to "this directory" which I assume means the directory where firefox is located but I don't know where that might be... could you tell me what directory that might be?01:57
intelikeypelo i don't see anything there about using the grub shell01:57
x-X-xin the info for file rollar it showed alot of formats but a * next to it doesnt tht mean that u need to install those seperately?01:57
intelikeyah well.   anyone have dias about grub shell ?01:58
RevTomjust to clarify from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup?highlight=%28bluetooth%29 -- if I plug in my usb bluetooth dongle and the bluetooth icon doesn't appear, that means it's not supported?  It's a Dell part number NH366 I believe01:58
RevTomalso, hiya :)01:58
ubuntu__does anyone know anything about resolutions?01:58
RevToma little01:58
intelikeyhowto use the grub shell to install grub on hda1 ?01:59
ubuntu__would you know how to make it so that I can switch between two resolutions with one click?01:59
josioWitam! rozmawia ktos po polsku ;)01:59
spaceghost_can anyone tell me in which directory I should install flashplayer?02:00
RevTomi would not, sorry02:00
RevTomwould that really come up that often?02:00
x-X-xthnx for the help guys pelo and astro76 in particular02:00
LimCoreis there any tool to modify fonts easly, in example make all glyphs more thick?   since default ubuntu fonts suck02:01
RevTomdefault ubuntu fonts DO suck02:01
RevTomand this pidgin typing making the whole line bounce thing isn't great either02:01
sonjaRevTom:   agreed02:02
ubuntu__I just installed a flashplayer today.02:02
sonjahow do i make Calibri and Consolas my default fonts?02:02
WorkingOnWis1short of running >4GB of ram, is there any advantage to using x64 right now over x32. I am on 64 now just so I can see it for myself, and unless I'm missing something, 64 bit is a waste of resources for my system. Turion x2 with 4GB ram. I run virtualbox for Windows XP and to play with other distros, but other that that and some 3d games, I'm pretty low demand for my system.02:02
sonjax64 does not have Flash :(02:02
ReaperWitobiSo, I've been trying to get php installed on my localhost - but everytime I browse to my php files, it tries to download them...02:03
ubuntu__I didn't worry about which directory to use I just installed it with the directions at http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash.  Everything worked perfectly.02:03
WorkingOnWis1sonja: actually, I have flash, but java is FUBAR02:03
nnwhere would i find documents on building ubuntu disks for another architecture? I'm wanting to get xubuntu on arm02:03
astro76WorkingOnWis1, not really, unless you have specific 64bit applications02:03
cookiehello guys02:03
Madpilotsonja, you can change your system fonts at System->Prefs->Appearances, Font tab02:03
WorkingOnWis1astro76: is there such a thing as a non-32 bit linux app?02:03
cookieis there any hex reader like hex that will compare 2 files?02:03
LimCoreWorkingOnWis1: 64bit ones?02:03
astro76WorkingOnWis1, think like scientific applications, that can take advantage of large numbers02:04
intelikeyall i can get out of grub-install is an error /dev/hda does not have any coresponding bios drive02:04
astro76WorkingOnWis1, basically unless you already know you probably don't need it02:04
x_zeusshi, i have a ntfs hdd on my comp, when i double-click it in nautilus it says i don't have permision to mount it. how do i mount it?02:04
ndeehi there, what's the fastest way to remove X and all gnome stuff from a desktop machine? I had the CD lying around but I actually want a server :D02:04
WorkingOnWis1astro76: lol...I usually hate that answer, but I think u r right in this case  :)02:04
nnastro76: anything that does math on large datasets typically benefits (to include game physics, etc)02:04
Flannelndee: Ubuntu?02:04
ndeeFlannel: yes02:05
qcodeWii to run Ubuntu soon: http://youtube.com/watch?v=H5YB1Mmx7E402:05
nnso long as it was compiled with a compiler that optimizes for the 64bit platform02:05
cookieis there any hex reader like "hex" that will compare 2 files...if they are the same02:05
RevTomcan anyone just peek and see if they agree with my interpretation?02:05
x_zeusshow do i mount a ntfs hdd?02:05
RevTom just to clarify from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup?highlight=%28bluetooth%29 -- if I plug in my usb bluetooth dongle and the bluetooth icon doesn't appear, that means it's not supported?  It's a Dell part number NH366 I believe02:05
nnx_zeuss: ntfs-3g02:06
Flannelndee: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde will get rid of gnome, after that, you have to yank out the Xserver.  Be sure to --purge with that as well, since you dont want the config files02:06
nnno ideas on this?02:06
x_zeussnn: i installed the ntfs configuration tool02:06
WorkingOnWis1going to download Gutsy 32 bit an take some asprin for my 64bit java fubar induced headache02:06
Flannelndee: and of course, ditch the install kubuntu- at the end of that line02:06
x_zeussnn: or is ntfs-3g different?02:06
nnx_zeuss: ntfs-3g is great02:07
PKdoRany word on when will creative have 32bit X-Fi drivers?02:07
spaceghost_can anyone please tell me how to navigate to my desktop in terminal?02:07
RevTomnn: the forums are probably a better place for that question02:07
astro76spaceghost_, cd ~/Desktop02:07
Flannelspaceghost_: cd ~/Desktop02:07
x_zeussnn: i have ntfs-3g installed02:07
RevTomyou'll hit a wider array of ppl, increasing the likelihood of an answer to your compelling but narrow question02:07
x_zeussnn: when i double-click the hdd in nautilus it says i don't have privileges to mount it02:08
RevTomx_zeuss:  here's the info in the documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions/ThirdPartyNTFS3G?highlight=%28mount%29%7C%28ntfs%2902:08
nnRevTom: im sure theres a set of procedures followed to roll a release..and im sure somewhere they are documented, but not having much luck finding them02:09
pteaguethat's not good...02:09
RevTomnn: you're probably right02:09
HendrixI need a piece of advice!!02:09
RevTomi'm still trying to figure out if this bluetooth dongle is going to work for me02:09
pteaguei loaded that page & firefox says noscript filtered a potential cross-site scripting (XSS) attempt from [chrome:]...02:09
Hendrixyou can help me?02:09
RevTomHendrix: switch to decaf?02:09
PKdoRis there an opensource alternative for flas?02:10
Hendrixrevtom...goodnight..please to meet you02:10
PKdoRi mean flash?02:10
RevTompleased to meet you too.  any chance you're going to ask whatever it is you want advice about? :)02:10
DelvienPKdoR gnash,02:10
Hendrixrevtom..I looking for a soft for ubuntu02:10
Hendrixi want to make a video dvd02:11
pteaguea soft?02:11
PKdoRDelvien: does it have 64bit binaries?02:11
DelvienPKdoR no idea, i dont use it, just know about it :( sorry02:11
astro76!info devede | Hendrix02:11
ubotuhendrix: devede: program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.13-0.0 (gutsy), package size 741 kB, installed size 1700 kB02:11
PKdoRDelvien: thanks02:11
cvdThere is any auto-form complete in FIrefox?02:12
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:12
krielFrom past experiences with linux gurus, I've learned that linux dosen't need to defrag. Originally, I took this at face value, but then I thought 'Hm. How can it not need to be defragged...?' So I found this wonderful article online. http://dataexpedition.com/~sbnoble/Tips/filesystems.html  However, it leaves with an end little hook 'If [the drive geometry] information is not available, or is not accurate, then the drive may perform very 02:12
Hendrixnow..i'm going to download that02:12
krielcvd: yup. Just go through the options... if i remember correctly, it's enabled by default, and asks you every time if you want to save a password.02:13
Hendrixi'm from argentina02:13
spaceghost_can anyone tell me is there a way to install flashplayer on a 64bit os?02:13
astro76Hendrix, use synaptic02:13
PKdoRAny body here use gnash as a flash player for 64bit bnt?02:13
astro76!synaptic | Hendrix02:13
ubotuHendrix: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto02:13
Hendrixok astro7602:13
cvdnot password other things02:13
cvdemail, name etc...02:13
Hendrixyes..the pack is downloading02:14
RevTomanyone know how I can find a bluetooth dongle that's compatible?02:14
Hendrix7s left02:14
krielcvd: mmm... maybe. don't quote me on this, but i think it remembers past things that have been typed in fields...02:14
Flannelnn: You might be better off just going the debian route.  Not to rain on your parade or anything.  There are a number of ports though.  But I don't know where they come from.  Maybe ask in #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-mobile (the latter is an obvious port, they might be able to steer you)02:14
RevTomi really want a bt headset, and it would be nice if it also worked so I could watch movies in bed w/ headphones02:14
krielcvd: try asking in #firefox02:14
Hendrixit's easy to use??02:15
RevTomah ha!  finally found it02:15
=== stdin_ is now known as stdin
ndeeFlannel: do you know how I can02:15
ndeeFlannel: oops02:15
ndeeFlannel: oops, thanks did I want to write :D02:15
Hendrixubotu..it's easy to use?02:16
RevTomk, guess I'm out02:16
spaceghost_can anyone please tell me if there's a way to install flashplayer on a 64bit machine?02:16
=== Kenny is now known as _Kenny_
pteaguekriel> interesting article, but i think it's missing something... different filesystems do different things so it's not just a PC (windows) / Unix thing... or did you post that link for the other fragmentation? :)02:16
astro76!flash64 | spaceghost_02:16
ubotuspaceghost_: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava02:16
spaceghost_uubotu: ty02:17
mrMisterhey. I'm trying to find our where the X11 libraries and headers are located02:17
Hendrixthanks friends..!!!!now...i'll start with my dvd project02:18
Hendrixhappy new year!!!02:18
Hendrixsee you later!02:18
mrMisterI've installed the xserver dev package but it doesn't seem to be enough02:18
krielpteague: ehheh. True. and no, i posted it for file fragmentation. What I was wondering is, is there a way to verify that my drive geometry is at least reasonably correct?02:18
groutAnyone have a .deb file for doomsday?02:18
PKdoRI have a x-fi sound card and I believe that my onboard sound is not compatible with lxn so is 64bit my only choise? (I do have 4GB RAM)02:19
pteaguethat i'm not sure of, but i do know that some of the different fs automatically handle defragging during low loads02:19
Dr_willisIve heard so much about 64bit and the 4 gb ram.  ive heard that its only when you have OVER 4gb.. or some times whenits close to 4gb.. and so on.. :)02:19
Dr_willistry booting the 32bit live cd - and see if it sees all the ram as a test.02:20
Dr_willisas for the xi-fi card. as far as i know Creative has only released 64bit drivers for it. so far.02:20
PKdoRno it only sees like 3.4 or something but the main reason is that there are no drivers for my sound card on 32 only 64bit (x-fi)02:21
pteaguekriel> i know on ext3 (last i check anyways) it's impossible to undelete a deleted file as there's no way to guarantee a portion of the deleted file hasn't been overwritten... where as in FAT/FAT32 it's marked a certain way & there's no auto defrag02:21
sonjahow do i install cabextract ??02:22
krielpteague: yeah, i understand that... although i didn't know it before, i understand it ~.^;  but im talking at more of a hard drive configuration level, not necessarily a FAT* vs. ext* comparison.02:22
pteaguei know this cause we had been looking at moving cvs to subversion & rather than the gradual move we were thinking about we ended up making a cold turkey change... i accidently rm -fdr the cvs repositories02:22
pteaguekriel> ah, that i don't know about... that's to geeky for me ;)02:23
ShpookOkay, this is the LAST time I am reformatting my computer. And no more Pulse Audio!02:24
ifireballkriel: fdisk has a verify option02:25
krielifireball: hm. That could work. But wouldn't that just verify the uh... the validity of the partition, not necessarily the geometry?02:26
hendrixskihelp.  I installed Ubuntu for my dad this christmas, but he called me and sais that nothing happens after he logs in... it just hangs. :-(  anybody know what the problem could be?02:26
=== Kenny is now known as _Kenny_
ShpookActually, I'm still interested in installing PulseAudio. Is there anyway to install the PA sound server in a "sandbox"? I know of chroot, but I'm not familiar with it. I just want to make sure I can easily revert any changes.02:26
PMantisWhere can I download Ubuntu JeOS ?02:27
hendrixskiIs there maybe a regression after the latest updates or something?  Or would turning off the bluetooth thing from startup cause this?02:27
ifireballkriel: fdisk can alos give you geometry info02:27
astro76!jeos | PMantis02:27
ubotuPMantis: JeOS (pronounced "Juice") is Just enough Operating System.  It is an efficient variant of the Ubuntu Server operating system, configured specifically for virtual appliances. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos for more information.02:27
krielanother question, what level are RAIDs set up at? I remember seeing options in BIOS for it, but I remember people setting it up at the software level as well.  Can it be set up from both?02:27
ShpookPMantis: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos courtesy of Google.02:28
hendrixskiShpook, chroot is kinda difficult, but basically creates a separate file system for you to play in, and whatever you mess up in there won't mess up your main system02:28
WorkingOnWis1how can I install Evolution from the hardy repos but stay on Gutsy?02:28
krielifireball: Okay. Thanks.02:28
PMantisThanks guys02:28
ifireballkriel: other then that, its not something the software can actually "see", the disk controller pretty much hides the real geometry in pc-grade disks02:28
hendrixskiShpook, tools like dchroot make it easier to manage ... look into that. :-)02:28
Shpookhendrixski: So I could set up a chroot environment, and not have to reformat or fight a long battle if I mess something up?02:28
Burlynnis there any program to recombine split video files short of 'cat'ing 20 files together. thats so time consuming02:28
Towelboyhey. I have problems with divx in ubuntu. Every player just shuts down, when i try to play a movie. Does anybody know how to fix this?02:29
hendrixskiShpook, you'll only have to fight the long battle to learn how to use chroot... but once that's over, yeah.  If you mess something up, just delete the chroot.   it's kind of like a virtual machine except it's only a file system02:29
pteague!ubotu divx02:29
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:29
Shpookhendrixski: Perfect. I'll spend the night learning and reading about it then. I tried installing PulseAudio on a 64-bit build, and it FUBAR'd the system. Thank you!02:30
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box02:31
hendrixskiShpook, good luck.  I use chroots for software development but I know it's used for the 64 bit thing sometimes too02:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dchroot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about schroot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:31
Shpookhendrixski: Oh, I'm not using 64 bit anymore. The speed gain wasn't enough to be worth the headache02:32
lammyhallo world!02:32
Shpookhendrixski: Oh, and the chroot wiki has the information for dchroot02:32
Shpookhendrixski: Thanks again.02:33
hendrixskino problem02:33
WorkingOnWis1how can I install Evolution from the hardy repos but stay on Gutsy?02:33
factedhi, i have an issue with a recently installed ubuntu and firefox 3.0 Beta 2...It won't let me save to anything but the "root" directory. Can anyone help?02:33
hendrixskijust don't say I didn't warn you, it's not easy to learn all the nook and crannies of how it works02:33
crdlbWorkingOnWis1: evolution relies on a lot of gnome libraries, that's not likely to end well.02:33
lammywhich iso-file should i use for a intel 64b installation - can i use the amd64 builds!?02:33
WorkingOnWis1crdlb: thats not what i wanted to hear...02:34
Shpookhendrixski: Neither is marriage, but I'm trying anyways. :-D02:34
brodyI have an IBM t 43 and can't get the midi working, any suggestions?02:34
hendrixskibrave man02:34
Flannellammy: yes, or the i386, depending on if you want a 64 or 32 bit OS02:34
biff420what can you use as a .rar archiver in ubuntu?02:34
WorkingOnWis1crdlb:  although....i could compile it from source...02:34
Flannelfacted: You should ask in #firefox on irc.mozilla.org02:34
hendrixskiSo, anybody...  would recent updates cause Gutsy to not be able to load a session once you log in?  or possible disabling the bluetooth utility from the startup menu?  I kinda need to know quickly02:34
brody!ubotu midi02:35
ubotuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo02:35
disasterpieceso i'm trying to get my raid-0 going with ubuntu, i've run through the steps pasted here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto - (i did these steps before i did the full install) is that right?02:35
Shpookhendrixski: Is it hanging right after login?02:35
hendrixskiShpook, yup02:35
hendrixskiand I can't be sure what's going on because it's my fathers' computer, and it's 5 hours away02:35
Madpilotubotu, rar | biff42002:35
ubotubiff420: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free02:35
Shpookhendrixski: let me search through my bookmarks, I remember coming across a fix for that, one sec02:36
WorkingOnWis1is there a way to use a firefix for windows video codec in firefox for linux? there is no linux equivilant of this codec.02:36
korosorahey, will skype come to gutsy anytime soon? T_T02:36
lammyFlannel: thanks - i will try the amd64 for my intel core2duo ...02:36
hendrixskioh man, you'd be a lifesaver if you have the fix02:36
factedDoes anyone know why firefox won't let me save anywhere but root (when I go to save, the places menu only goes as high up as root...i can't go any higher in the directory tree).02:37
juuruichkicause you fail?02:37
hendrixskifacted... by "root" do you mean   "/"   ?02:37
Delvienis there anyway to FORCE nautilus to copy a file over to another hard drive thats greater than 6gigs ?02:37
factedno, the "root" directory02:37
Forbr4d3there isnt higher than root heh02:37
factedin the files system02:37
Forbr4d3try /home02:37
WorkingOnWis1facted: there shouldnt be a root dir02:38
hendrixskiare you starting firefox as root?02:38
RiotbladeHey, anyone know how to set links (browser) to save cookies02:38
WorkingOnWis1facted: a dir caled root i mean02:38
factednot 100% sure, I followed the insturctions here: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-firefox-3-beta-2-in-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon.html02:38
hendrixskifacted, please don't tell me you logged in as root!02:38
factedi don't think I did02:38
Forbr4d3he just doesnt understand the directory structure02:38
Nostahli just changed the resolution from 600/800 to 1200/1000 and it told me to log off and log back on my user02:38
factedalthough, anything is possible...i just installed linux today :)02:38
Nostahlso i did and now the screen is all scrambled its at the login window02:38
Nostahlwhat do i do02:38
WorkingOnWis1facted: do u see a directory caled home?02:39
hendrixskifacted, oh.  Ok :-)02:39
Shpookhendrixski: did you try hitting ctrl-alt-f1 after it hangs, then at the terminal "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"?02:39
factednot when I go to save something in firefox02:39
Forbr4d3is what are want02:39
korosorahey guys, skype doesnt work on gutsy T_T02:39
factedthe places menu on the left goes as high up as "root"02:39
factedactually, really "filesystem"02:39
disasterpiecedo i need to the full install of unbuntu before or after the raid?02:39
factedoh wait, hold on02:39
Nostahlhow do i fix my screen it is all scrambled now after changing resolution02:40
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto02:40
hello_manCan someone help me install Aptana on Ubuntu? I want to install the 1.0 release (http://aptana.com) but I have no idea how.02:40
Forbr4d3facted: the / or root directory is like your c: drive its the top level02:40
Shpook!skype | korosora02:40
ubotukorosora: please see above02:40
factedI gotcha, i actually found my home directory in there with my username02:40
ShpookSmart bot, we love you.02:40
factedi am so sorry for the bother :)02:40
hendrixskiShpook, I did not.  because I don't know if it's a x-server problem.  I can call him and tell him to type that in02:40
Nostahlanyone know how i can fix my screen its all scrambled after changing the resolution02:41
hendrixskifacted, don't worry, we were all beginers once too02:41
WorkingOnWis1facted: u scared us....no problem02:41
disasterpiecei'm trying to get raid set up, anyone lend a hand?02:41
WorkingOnWis1some of us...me...stil are.02:41
Shpookhendrixski: I can't find anything in my bookmarks, but I found a few suggestions for the above method in the ubuntu forums. It worked for some, and didn't for others.02:41
WorkingOnWis1whose got a towel, this water behind my ears is buggin me  :)02:41
* Forbr4d3 tosses WorkingOnWis1 a towel02:42
WorkingOnWis1Forbr4d3: ty02:42
hendrixskiNostahl, just like shpook suggested for my problem above ... get a terminal (hit ctrl+alt+f1) and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"02:42
Shpookhendrixski: I can say that the one time that I had the exact same problem, it was caused by me installing the wrong nvidia driver.02:43
Nostahlcan you messge me that so it dosnt fly by please hendrixski02:43
Forbr4d3hendrixski: whats the problem?02:43
hendrixskiShpook, I didn't install any drivers for him though02:43
factedquestion though...why is it when I save a file to my desktop, it automatically becomes locked so I can no longer delete it?02:43
facted(or rather, i have to go into the terminal and delete it with root privlidge)02:43
hendrixskiForbr4d3, I installed Gutsy for my dad over christmas, and everything worked then today he calls says when he tries to log in nothing happens02:43
Forbr4d3facted: file permissions?02:43
factedfrom firefox that is02:43
factedi understand, but do my permissions for every file saved from firefox have to be root?02:44
factedor can I alter that somehow02:44
Forbr4d3facted: you are doing something strangely02:44
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: does he log in and is tolt his session lasted less than 10 seconds?02:44
hendrixskifacted... there's something very wrong with that.   it shouldn't be root02:44
factedyea, that's what I fear02:44
astro76facted, the normal version works fine02:44
Towelboyi can't play any videos at all in ubuntu. have an ati radeon card...Anyone knows the solution?.02:44
facteddoesn't seem right at all02:44
disasterpiecei am trying to my raid-0 going with ubuntu. I haven't fully installed ubuntu, should i do that before or after the steps here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto  ??02:45
Forbr4d3facted: if you open up a terminal and type cd ~02:45
Shpookhendrixski: I would say give that a try, it won't make it any worse. At least rule out the basics.02:45
astro76facted, maybe something is wrong with the beta02:45
Forbr4d3that will bring you to your home dor02:45
Forbr4d3then cd Desktop02:45
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, nope, from what he told me it just has that red-ish screen and nothing happens02:45
Forbr4d3and ls -l02:45
factedyes forbr4d3?02:45
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: like gdm isnt starting but the x server is?02:45
factedi did all that02:46
nickrudfacted, check the permissions on the firefox binary, is it set suid?02:46
factedit's set to root!02:46
Forbr4d3whats the file permissions say?02:46
factedwhich is def. not the way it should be, i think ;)02:46
hendrixskifacted, when you click on applications-->accessories-->terminal  does it say  username@computername -$     or does it say root@computername -$   ?02:46
nickrudfacted, that's the owner, not the permissions02:46
Forbr4d3what about the rwx part02:46
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, I'm guessing that's it.... because xserver is needed for the login screen right?  so yeah, it's that Gnome isn't starting up02:46
factedi logged in as root didnt' I...02:47
hendrixskifacted... then you logged in as root.02:47
Forbr4d3facted: you are running firefox as root02:47
hendrixskiyes, that's bad02:47
Forbr4d3facted: how did you start firefox02:47
hendrixskiif you're on IRC as root that's even worse02:47
Forbr4d3you dont need to sudo firefox heh02:47
* nickrud reaches for ddc02:47
=== Neskaya is now known as hugglehug-gone
factedfrom the applications->internet->firefox02:47
factedthough I did this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-firefox-3-beta-2-in-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon.html to install firefox 3.002:47
Forbr4d3so you are logged in as root heh02:47
hendrixskifacted,   find a manual on how to create an account that isn't root, and then log out and then log in as that non-root user  :-)  ASAP02:47
ShpookDoes his terminal say he's logged in as root?02:48
factedterminal says root...02:48
factedtahnsk for the help guys02:48
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: its a 3 step thing. x starts, then the login manager (gdm for Ubuntu by defaut) then the session, Gnome. I dont know how, but it sounds like gdm needs do reconfigured maybe?02:48
factedi'm gonna create a new account that's not root02:48
Forbr4d3good thinkin02:48
Nostahlmake the new account Tree02:48
nickrudwierd, gdm has to be told to allow root to log in at all....02:48
disasterpiecewish i knew what "root" meant :P02:48
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:49
Forbr4d3that was an strange case02:49
=== _Kenny_ is now known as Kenny_K
mengi am having issues with the process evince thumbnauler and pdftotext taking up all my cpu cycles02:49
renegade420The sound is not working and alsamixer is giving an error device not found.02:49
nickruddisasterpiece, root in this context means the user that can do anything02:49
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, ah.  Ok.... then.. .I guess it may be because I unselected the thing bluetooth manager program from the startup  and that's causing gnome not to load02:49
renegade420and i am ruunning xubuntu02:49
Shpooklol Ubotu has some strange responses sometimes.02:49
Forbr4d3i login to my iPhone as root :p02:50
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Nostahlok guys02:50
Nostahli got an ati card02:50
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, Forbr4d3, Shpook is there a way to get that program back on the startup-programs list from commandline?02:50
factedback...on second thought, i'm logged in as my username I believe02:50
factedterminal says:02:50
Nostahlit said to use restricted drivers to use the full 3d support of the card so i said yea02:50
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto02:50
Nostahlit installed them02:50
compwiz18facted: your still root02:50
nickrudfacted, you're root02:50
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: maybe. again, I dont know how, but there is a way to kill the xserver, then from the command line start gnome in a "safe-mode" way, no scripts, not autostart apps....02:51
Nostahlthen i tryed selecting my monitor and the 1200/1000 resolution in screens and graphics02:51
factedwhat's weird is when I opened up my users02:51
mengi am having issues with the process evince thumbnauler and pdftotext taking up all my cpu cycles02:51
pteaguespeaking of raid... any particular reason to make single disks raid devices?02:51
Nostahlit told me to log off  when i did it scrambled the screen02:51
Forbr4d3hendrixski: i missed the first part of what you were saying02:51
Forbr4d3what are you trying to do?02:51
astro76pteague, absolutely none02:51
Shpookhendrixski: I'm sure there is, but honestly, I wouldn't know how. Was it the Bluetooth manager?02:51
factedmy username account has my name (which is what I set), and tha'ts how I signed in02:51
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, good call.... .and then from safe-mode he can re-select it02:51
factedthere is a separate root:root account02:51
factedwhich I did not use to login02:51
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski:  yup. all the things I've done and forgot....sorry I'm not more help with the details.02:51
Nostahlthen i restarted the computer it comes back on saying your screen and graphics could not be detected correctly. to use higher resolutions visual effects or multiple screens you have to configure the display yourself.02:52
Nostahlany idea's?02:52
nickrudNostahl, to get back to your original config, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg. You may need to clt-alt-f1 to log in and do that, ctl-alt-f7 gets you back to the graphical shell02:52
disasterpieceastro76, i am trying to get raid going. should i do the full install before performing the steps that the !raid help implies? or after?02:52
compwiz18facted: what is the name of the account you want to be logged in as?02:52
pteaguefigured there wasn't... the moron that set up the production server made each directory off root it's own raid disk even though it's a single partition02:52
factedi have to change my permissions to not allow "administer the account"02:52
factedis that correct?02:52
Forbr4d3facted: type whoami in a terminal02:52
nickrudNostahl, then hit clt-alt-backspace to restart X with the new config02:52
hendrixskiShpook, yeah, I deselected it because he doesn't have bluetooth.  and I'm guessing that may be causing it to not load02:52
facted"administer the system" rather02:52
compwiz18facted: don02:52
nickrudfacted, no, don't do that02:52
compwiz18facted: don02:52
factedk...not doing that02:53
compwiz18facted: don't change any of root's permissions02:53
factedno, not root's02:53
compwiz18(sry for the typo there)02:53
factedmy username's02:53
nickrudfacted, if you do that, you won't be able to sudo02:53
factedmy main account02:53
Nostahlnickrud can you msg me that so it dosnt fly by02:53
hendrixskialrighty, I'll call him..... you guys look out for facted.... he may have created his default user with root priveledges.  Which is just asking for someone to hack into his computer02:53
Shpookhendrixski: Hmm...I always disable everything Bluetooth, without a problem. Was that the same time he started having this problem?02:53
nickrudNostahl, what kind of video card do you have02:53
Nostahlati allinwonder 9600xt02:53
hendrixskiShpook, it's the only thing I did... plus updates02:54
hendrixskiit's a clean install02:54
factedok, so how can I alter my account to remove root prvilidges?02:54
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: let us know how it goes. I'd love to know if I'm in the right neighborhood with your problem02:54
hendrixskibe back after the phone call, I'll let you know how it goes02:54
compwiz18facted: that isn't your account02:54
Flannelfacted: type "apt-get update"02:54
Flannelfacted: Do you get a permission error?02:54
Shpookhendrixski: Yes, please let us know. Good luck.02:54
disasterpieceanyone give me a hand with raid on ubuntu? :D02:54
factedi got the update02:54
factedno permission error02:54
Flannelfacted: Did you put sudo infront of it?02:54
factedi did not put sudo in front of it02:55
factedwhich means the account I am currently using has root privlidge (without sudo)02:55
onatsis the gparted safe to resize NTFS partitions?02:55
compwiz18facted: try this: log out, when you see the box, type your username/password (where the username isn't root) , come back here02:55
factedtha'ts how I logged into my account, trust me02:55
Flannelfacted: type this `echo $UID` what does it return?02:55
factedi never typed in root02:55
compwiz18facted: ok :)02:55
factedecho returns 002:56
errpastHi, my touchpad mouse is moving around and crazy with 7.1002:56
compwiz18facted: I'm just confused how when you don't login as root, your logged in w/ uid 002:56
errpastmoves all over the place02:56
errpastLike it has a mind of its own02:56
compwiz18errpast: any weird magnetic things nearby02:56
Towelboyhey  i can't play any videos at all in ubuntu. have an ati radeon card...Anyone knows the solution?. apart from buying a new card02:56
Jan`Woo. Ubuntu live CD downloaderised.02:56
errpastcompwiz18, no, not that I know of02:57
Flannelfacted: well, you're certainly root then.  What folders are in /home? (ls /home)02:57
factedquestion: in my user settings for user privlidges for my regular account (not the root), should "Administer the system" be checked?02:57
errpastI think it's a driver thing02:57
nickrudJan`, now put it in, and see the Flaming Fury :)02:57
compwiz18Towelboy: using the restricted driver?02:57
errpastprobably need a touchpad driver, then to tweak xorg.conf02:57
factedI logged in to my acount with my username and password (not with root:root)02:57
Flannelfacted: yes02:57
compwiz18errpast: mine does that sometimes, but not for that long02:57
Flannelfacted: Your first user can administer the system02:57
Abyssali got a problem02:57
errpastcompwiz18, ya, it will got 10 minutes and be ok.  Then jump all over02:57
factedI see, so then the fact that I have root right now is still a very bad thing, I take it?02:57
maekif I have an entry in my sources.list as deb http://ubuntu.org.ua/ getdeb/ and I want to pin it, would the a= be getdeb or getdeb/  ? thanks.02:58
compwiz18errpast: yeah :(02:58
Towelboycompwiz18: no the free one...and i got compiz to work...but no video?02:58
jaurufacted: echo $PS102:58
Abyssalwrite me a personal message please if you feel you can help me with a driver problem02:59
Flannelfacted: the fact that when you login, you somehow become root is the issue.  All systems have a root user, and their first user (the real 'user' user) has the ability to administer the system02:59
maekAbyssal: you might get more help if you just put it out there, a driver problem could be anything.02:59
jaurufacted: hmm02:59
factedI see02:59
ShpookAbyssal, state your problem in the room, not only will it be easier for someone to help you, it might help someone else.02:59
compwiz18Towelboy: try turning compiz off, and then try, I know I can't watch stuff while using compiz... I'm using restricted though03:00
* Jan` pokes at the .iso with a stick03:00
jaurufacted: looks normal is all03:00
Abyssalok. i got a HP scanjet scanner 3800. but i do not get it running.03:00
Towelboycompwiz18: ok. will try. thanks03:00
Abyssalwhat can i do.03:00
jaurufacted: how about 'id'03:00
Flannelfacted: So, when you went about installing FF3, what did you do?03:00
Abyssali could not find a driver.03:00
facteduid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)03:01
jaurufacted: not normal...03:01
ShpookAbyssal: did you try searching google for a Linux driver?03:01
jaurufacted: unless you entered 'sudo -s' at some point...03:01
factedi don't remember doing that03:01
monkeyBoxHow do I get the latest nvidia drivers?03:01
factedbut I cannot say for sure03:01
Forbr4d3facted: you should reinstall ubuntu man03:02
factedwould there be a way to undue/check that03:02
magic_ninjais there a program to compare two text files03:02
Flannelmagic_ninja: diff03:02
Forbr4d3facted: you have something seriously screwed up03:02
ShpookYou know, when I installed FF3b2, I just extracted the tarball and ran it. worked fine.03:02
jaurufacted: does sound strange...03:02
Flannelmagic_ninja: and various graphical versions, they probably all (at least most) have "diff" in their name.03:02
jaurufacted: i assume you have already rebooted and logged in again...03:02
Forbr4d3facted: its impossible to have your situation from a default install03:02
factedok, how do I reinstall ubuntu? do I need to format anything or can I just run the livecd again?03:02
compwiz18facted: if you find the bash history file, it will tell you what you did, and you could put it in the pastebin...03:02
Abyssalshpook: yes sure. it says that there is a kind of hp3900-series_0.11.tar.gz driver which could help.03:02
factedi can try again03:02
feverhi .... i am trying to make a loops for parameters which shows all possible combos i cant do it.... i have read tons for faq's03:03
factedlet me restart and see what happens03:03
factedbe back in a minute03:03
jaurufacted: ok03:03
Flannelfacted: Yeah, just pop it in and reinstall.  If this is a new install, that's probably best (it'll certainly take less time/effort)03:03
LjLFlannel, magic_ninja: kompare (one that doesn't have diff in the name) is a pretty good one if you're on kde03:03
Forbr4d3facted: im just saying cuz itll probably be quicker than to figure out the problem and fix it yourself03:03
FlannelLjL: krazy KDE kitizens and their kaotic knames.03:03
Abyssalshpook: a detailled description how to install it would be fine.03:03
LjLthere's a gnome one which works very much like it, but the name escapes me right now03:03
initxi'm getting errors due to not specifying where tclConfig.sh03:03
LjLFlannel: bleh.03:03
initxwhat package gives that?03:03
Towelboycompwiz18: nope...the player still just quits. when trying to play any video...strange03:04
Forbr4d3although it would be interesting to see how it went from install to running gdm as root without knowing what he was doing03:04
LjLinitx: what?03:04
compwiz18Towelboy: what player are you using?03:04
Towelboycompwiz18: mplayer03:04
adz21cHey, what is the hardware support for the Creative X-Fi in linux like? Has anyone tested this Beta driver that they released? Is there an Opensource driver for it and is it any good?03:04
compwiz18Towelboy: maybe try vlc and see what happens?03:04
initxLjL: I'm trying to build a tcl app, and have hunted down what an error means. But I need to know where the tclConfig.sh file is03:04
Abyssalis there a how to how to install a scanner driver?03:05
LjL!find tclConfig.sh | initx03:05
ubotuinitx: Package/file tclconfig.sh does not exist in gutsy03:05
Abyssali got the scanner and the driver but do not know how to install the *.tar.gz file.03:05
redhatFDLBoa noite à todos! Good evening for all03:05
puhchisymantec manager03:05
initxyou mean I have to build tcl by hand and just hope it's real?03:05
compwiz18Abyssal: extract the .tar.gz file03:05
Towelboycompwiz18:its the same...have tried all players now03:05
initxchecking for Tcl configuration... configure: error: yes directory doesn't contain tclConfig.sh03:06
LjLinitx: no, i mean that no matter what the stupid bot says, tclConfig.sh is provided by "tcl8.4-dev"03:06
Abyssalcompwiz18: how? i need the detailed idiot version :-)03:06
compwiz18Towelboy: sounds like a problem with.... either the video libs or X03:06
jaurufacted: just rebooted?03:06
ShpookAbyssal: could you send the link where you got the driver?03:06
factedback, same thing in my administator03:06
initxLjL: thanks. figured it was in one of the -dev03:06
factedso I guess I'll just reinstall :)03:06
factedthanks for everyone's help03:07
jaurufacted: did you have to login or did it auto-login?03:07
twitchanyone want my 2 cents?03:07
factedI had to login03:07
compwiz18facted: do you see your username after you run this command:  cat /etc/passwd | cut -d":" -f103:07
jaurufacted: it does sound best. I hope you don't have any data to save on your Ubuntu box.03:07
factedin my applications, i have system tools -> root terminal03:08
jaurufacted: that'll do it every time...03:08
factedis that my problem?03:08
factedi'm not actually in my root account, but i'm accessing the terminal root...03:08
factedah ha! haha03:08
factedthe things I have to learn!03:08
jaurufacted: tsk, tsk, tsk.03:08
ShpookAbyssal: You can just right click the file and click "Extract" or "Extract Here" by the way03:08
factedone final question then03:08
Forbr4d3facted: if you are die hard on fixing it look at http://www.ibiblio.org/oswg/oswg-nightly/oswg/en_US.ISO_8859-1/articles/gdm-reference/gdm-reference/x135.html03:09
Abyssalthat was the link: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=150599&release_id=56337803:09
greenI have a question can i have 2 users with different settings on berly and one without berly settings?03:09
initxgreen: yeah, with different sessions03:09
Forbr4d3and set your gdm.conf enable root to 003:09
factedI think I screwed up firefox anyway03:09
LimCorehow to protect self from user to root exploits and other local privilages escalation?03:09
factedI'm just going to reinstall03:09
=== Crust is now known as novacrust
factedthat's going to be the easiest way03:09
Abyssalok i extracted it. now i got a folder on my desktop03:09
greeninitx how about installation?03:09
jaurufacted: normal terminal is ofcourse in applications/accessories/terminal03:09
Forbr4d3facted: it you start gnome-terminal and it puts you it root03:10
Forbr4d3facted: its not just firefox man03:10
greeninitx for example one user has opera install and other user does not?03:10
jaurufacted: what happens if you select normal terminal?03:10
factedgotcha, thanks03:10
Forbr4d3jauru: he gets root03:10
disasterpieceanyone know if i should fully install ubuntu before i setup the raid? or after?03:10
compwiz18facted: press alt+f2, then type gnome-terminal03:10
ShpookAbyssal: hold on one sec, I'm gonna download it and help you03:10
=== novacrust is now known as Crust
initxgreen: well, if you install it on the system everyone has it03:10
Forbr4d3facted: whoami03:10
factedthanks for everything03:10
Abyssalshpook: i hope this driver is good enough for running HP scanjet 380003:11
jaurufacted: best of luck...03:11
johnficcaI'm very confused and I need help...I got the driver for my wireless network card working(realtek rtl8185L) but I have to rerun the scripts that came with it every time I reboot...?03:11
Forbr4d3facted: you can check your firefox properties.. right click and properties03:11
Towelboycompwiz18: yeah...so should i just try changing the driver . or how do i best shoot this problem?03:11
LOLJESUSDCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 003:11
Forbr4d3facted: it should say something like firefox %u for command03:11
initxgreen: do you just want to lock a user out of using a program?03:11
PKdoRdoes compizfusion work on 64bit ubuntu?03:12
Jordan_UPKdoR, Yes03:12
compwiz18PKdoR: yep03:12
moDumassafternoon all, so i dloaded alien arena for linux 6.10, how do i install it?03:12
factedwill do, thanks03:12
Jordan_UPKdoR, Pretty much all open source applications do03:12
PKdoRhow about vbox?03:12
WorkingOnWis1PKdoR: yup03:13
PKdoRahhhghh! open source nirvana!03:13
initxmoDumass: wait 60 years for the OS, first.. seriously, if it's a deb package you should just be able to double-click in file manager, it's that easy now03:13
kristinhow can you get ubuntu to detect your wireless card?03:14
initxmoDumass: or dpkg -i filename.deb03:14
moDumassinitx yeh but i found using the one in synaptic just screwed up my system03:14
ShpookAbyssal: Okay, open up the terminal.03:14
dissectionWhich card do you have kristin?03:14
moDumassit seems to be a problem with the synaptic version03:14
feveromg i did it! :)03:14
Jordan_UmoDumass, What format is the installer in?03:14
initxit's a deb, just an old one, Jordan_U03:15
Abyssalterminal is open03:15
ShpookAbyssal: then your going to need to CD into the directory where you extracted the file.03:15
kristinlinksys wireless g card03:15
greeninitx no . but thanks03:15
dissectionkristin: I think it uses the broadcom chipset. You should be able to get it to work by enabling restricted drivers03:15
Abyssaldirectly into the new directory or just onto the desktop?03:15
korosorahey, thanks for the help on skype. i appreciate it.03:15
greeninitx if i wanted to install compizfusion woould i need to install anything specific to run on ubuntu?03:15
Abyssalwhere the folder is located03:15
greenvideo driver / etc03:15
initxgreen: glxinfo | grep direct03:16
kristindissection, how to i enable my restricted drivers?03:16
ShpookAbyssal: into the "hp3900-series_0.11" directory.03:16
Abyssalok shpood03:16
Abyssali did that03:16
moDumassI hate expert exchange03:16
moDumassso sneaky03:16
dissectionkristin: System > Administration > Restricted Drivers Manager03:16
Jordan_Ugreen, You would need drivers that support 3D acceleration and texture_from_pixmap03:17
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, Forbr4d3, Shpook    :-)  yup, that did it.  logged in in safe mode and re-enabled it.03:17
groutAnyone have a .deb file for doomsday?03:17
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: :D great03:17
ShpookAbyssal: now type in "sudo ./INSTALL.sh"03:17
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: dads happy now?03:17
hendrixskinow I gotta figure out how he can watch wsx files on his browser :-/03:17
Shpookhendrixski: Awesome! Great.03:17
zubuntuis there a way to check if an external hdd is about to fail?03:18
=== Crust is now known as Novacrust
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: what is wsx?03:18
kristindissection, it wants me to specify where the firmware can be found, i'm really new at this, so is there a general place it should go?03:18
ShpookAbyssal: Did it start the install script?03:18
NeophosWhen I opened Blender, it was suddenly nearly transparent (it's hard to impossible to read anything brighter then pure black, and you can hardly see any of the objects). Is there some option in Ubuntu anywhere that regulates the transparency of windows?03:18
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, sort of happy.... the first thing he did was go online, and I hadn't installed flash or any codecs    ... ooops   ... but I can't play this file on here either.03:19
zubuntuthe external drive makes a thumping sound every 2-5 seconds, and I can only find info on how to check in windows03:19
Abyssalshpook: yes03:19
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, I haven't the foggiest idea, I'll google it03:19
Abyssalthere are 2 options03:19
=== Novacrust is now known as Crusty
euskadigot a question, i'd like to know how can I simulate a webcam on ubuntu to use msn messenger and send a video instead of a real webcam ?03:19
negativtIs there a variable for the rownumber a function is on in Open Office Calc?03:19
ShpookAbyssal: Okay, you're going to want option 2, Install as SANE backend.03:19
Abyssalstandalone application or SANE backend03:19
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: look into the mediubuntu repos for all the codecs he should need03:19
=== Crusty is now known as Novacrust
Abyssalthen ubuntu...03:20
ShpookAbyssal: Yes.03:20
Jordan_Uhendrixski, What happens when you try to open it in totem?03:20
hendrixskiwow, exact same problem as this guy http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16498503:20
Abyssalshpook: and then the installation was succesfully it says.03:20
hendrixskiJordan_U, it says there's not input plugin03:20
kenroHey. Y'all know how Synaptic PM is now specifying certain pkg as 'local or obselete'?03:21
ShpookAbyssal: Okay, now you're going to have to restart.03:21
Abyssalthe whole computer?03:21
ShpookAbyssal: No, just X. Just log out and log back in.03:21
dissectionkristin: So the card shows up there? If you enable it, I think it should download the required firmware03:21
Jordan_Ukenro, I would think that means that it is a package which is not currently available in any of the repositories you have enabled03:22
Abyssalok CU in a minute!03:22
At0mic_PCHow can I capture the sound comming from my speakers?03:22
ShpookAbyssal: Ok, I'll be here for about 10 more minutes. :-)03:22
kristindissection, it did and i downloaded it, now it wants me to put it the firmware somewhere so it can be found03:22
At0mic_PCLike if I'm playing a movie and want to capture the sound.03:22
* duct_tape slaps mans0n around a bit with a large trout03:22
jacob_what's the successor of binary language?03:23
kenroJordan_U: Ah, so don't take it for granted it isn't a necessary pkg...03:23
Jordan_UAt0mic_PC, That will be so much easier with pulseaudio in 8.0403:23
crazedCrazedI used mount --bind on two directories. Now I cant umount the directory any ideas?03:23
astro76jacob_, binary isn't a language, it's a number base03:23
mans0nanybody know how to install flash player in ubuntu 7.10?03:23
compwiz18crazedCrazed: you unmount both binded dirs?03:23
Jordan_U!flash | mans0n03:23
ubotumans0n: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:23
jacob_astro76 i meant to say machine language, or is there not?03:23
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.03:23
Forbr4d3crazedCrazed: can your force the umount?03:23
Abyssalhello again03:24
Forbr4d3crazedCrazed: if not reboot03:24
mans0nThank you. :)03:24
L33tMastaI'm thinking of switching to Ubuntu03:24
kristindissection, i think actually i've got to choose to download it from the internet? is that for the drivers?03:24
Abyssalshpook: what now. i just logged out and reentered03:24
At0mic_PCJordan_U: Will be?03:24
crazedCrazedill try and force it03:24
kenroJordan_U: I was asking a question, there...03:24
* duct_tape pokes mans0n03:24
L33tMastaBut before I make the switch I have a couple of questions03:24
euskadigot a question, i'd like to know how can I simulate a webcam on ubuntu to use msn messenger and send a video instead of a real webcam ?03:24
rm-rfis there anyway to generate a new uuid for a disk?03:25
astro76jacob_, this should be in #ubuntu-offtopic ;)03:25
jacob_astro76 thanks03:25
Jordan_Ukenro, Yes, if it's not available in main then it probably isn't a "necessary" package03:25
hendrixskiL33tMasta, as away03:25
ShpookI hate not remembering which nvidia driver I use03:25
=== AfterDea1h is now known as AfterDeath
L33tMastaThe main thing preventing me from switching is my games. Will I be able to play Crysis on Ubuntu?03:26
euskadihow use a virtual webcam in ubuntu ?03:26
initxrm-rf: afaict uuids aren't supposed to collide03:26
Abyssalhello shpook03:26
Jordan_UShpook, For the most part Restricted Manager should deal with that for you03:26
rm-rfinitx: well, funny thing :)03:26
initxrm-rf: not sure you can manually set it, doubt it.. and there's little reason03:26
kenroJordan_U: It's asking me if I want to go ahead and de-install KDE and Gimp.03:26
rm-rfi cloned my / disk with acronis, but i'm leaving the old disk in the system03:26
ShpookAbyssal: Hello Abyssal. Have you tried scanning something yet?03:26
Abyssalshpook: what can i do next?03:26
initxrm-rf: so now the uuids are the same?03:27
Abyssalno. how? which programm shall i use.03:27
ShpookJordan_U: Restricted Manager always installs the wrong driver lol.03:27
rm-rfinitx: yep03:27
Jordan_UL33tMasta, I don't know at all but I doubt that you will be able to play crysis on Ubuntu for a while03:27
L33tMastaWill my DirectX10 card be supported?03:27
hendrixskiL33tMasta, probably, there's something called cedega which allows you to play windows games on Linux... if not, you can still dual boot and use windows for gaming and Linux for all of your serious stuff like office, web, programming, etc.03:27
ShpookAbyssal: Yes, SANE.03:27
initxrm-rf: let me see if there's a way to regenerate one. might be a real problem03:27
PKdoRany body know if vbox is compatible with vmware VM's?03:27
NeophosWhen I opened Blender, it was suddenly nearly transparent (it's hard to impossible to read anything brighter then pure black, and you can hardly see any of the objects). Its not the transparency that's off (I can only make it even less visible that way), so any ideas?03:27
L33tMastaWell I want to make a total switch03:27
Abyssali was able to choose that new device but error occured while trying to open the device.03:28
Jordan_UNeophos, Are you using compiz?03:28
rm-rfinitx: thx03:28
Abyssalaccess denied.03:28
dissectionkristin: So it doesn't yet say the driver is enabled?03:28
hendrixskiL33tMasta, :-) just download it at ubuntu.com   and burn an ISO.   It's not like burning a regular CD, you need a program to burn disk images03:28
kenroPKdoR: Is vbox any good?03:28
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: is it possible that wsx is just a wrapper for wmv? i would try to download one of these videos and change the extention to wmv and see if u can fake totem or firefox into playing it that way.03:29
L33tMastaWell I know how do burn ISOs. I do it all from Windows Vista03:29
kristindissection, it says that it is enabled03:29
hendrixskiL33tMasta, then it's as easy as putting that CD in the drive and booting up, and then clicking "install" and in a half hour BANG, you've got a brand new operating system that knocks your socks off03:29
ShpookAbyssal: This might be out of my range. Let me see if I can find anything on google.03:29
L33tMastaBut will it support my DX10 8800GTX03:29
Abyssalthank you for your help.03:29
initxrm-rf: try vol_id --probe-all03:29
kenroPKdoR: vbox is a virtual machine, correct?03:29
PKdoRkenro: im trying to find out but it looks very promising03:29
L33tMastaBecause I heard DX10 is vista only03:29
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, that's what I thought... but I can play wmv's on my computer... yet I can't play the wsx... which, I think you're right, is a wrapper of some sort03:29
Jordan_UL33tMasta, If new DirectX games are important to you then you probably can't switch to Ubuntu ( or any other Linux distro ) at the moment03:29
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: its winter time..his feet will get cold03:29
ShpookAbyssal: No problem.03:29
Abyssali am a new ubuntu user you see. i mean linux at all.03:29
PKdoRkenro: yes just like vmware03:30
dirkg3nt1yany mods here?03:30
Jordan_UL33tMasta, Completely switch that is03:30
NeophosJordan_U -  Yes, or at least it's installed by default03:30
ShpookAbyssal: It's okay, we were all new once.03:30
L33tMastaDo any distros of Linux support DX10?03:30
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: it is either a wrapper or some form of drm, in which case u are out of luck atm in Linux03:30
Aondoi think games not working in linux/mac (with opengl) isnt worth playing :D03:30
dirkg3nt1yno forum mods?03:30
NeophosJordan_U -  I couldn't change the transparency levels to less bright through that, though03:30
Jordan_UNeophos, Try disabling it temporarily in System -> Preferences -> Appearance03:31
rm-rfinitx: what output should i expect from that?03:31
PKdoRany body here use vbox?03:31
=== dmb_ is now known as dmb
cabrioleurL33tMasta: Direct X is Vista only, but it has nothing to do with using it. It's just the software side. Your card will run well.03:31
rm-rfinitx: i'm getting a usage error if i don't specify a device, but i'm not sure which device to specify03:31
kenroPKdoR: I'll hafta check that out. Looking for good vpn progs.03:31
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, yeah...most likely  but how do I explain that to my dad...  I can't find any literature online about it03:31
PKdoRcan I se VMware VM images on vbox?03:32
NeophosJordan_U -  Ah, that solved it. Thanks a lot!03:32
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: does dads puter have the horsepower to run win2000 in virtualbox?03:32
initxrm-rf: that's not it. try sudo tune2fs -U random /dev/device03:32
crdlbNeophos: did you add a window matching rule to make your menus translucent?03:32
L33tMastaWell I know it's software only, but everyone goes around saying Linux can play games I thought I might try it out03:32
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: as for splainin it to dad...um...does the vid play in Windows Media Player?03:32
initxrm-rf: where device is one you want to change03:33
Jordan_UNeophos, You should still be able to use Blender with compiz, just ask in ##compiz now that you know that is where the problem is03:33
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, it's dual booting... but the brand new wireless card I got him is acting up03:33
Neophoscrdlb -  None that I know off03:33
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: in windows or ubuntu or both?03:33
crdlbNeophos: do you have ccsm installed? (Advanced Desktop Effects Settings)03:33
disasterpiecehave a question about raiding in ubuntu03:33
NeophosJordan_U -  I was able to use Blender a few days ago with compiz still active, but well, I'm not really bothered by having it turned off, so if it fixes the problem, I'm content03:34
Forbr4d3hendrixski: what kind of wireless card?03:34
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, in windows... ironically.  It works in Ubuntu with no problem, he somehow can't get it to connect on Windows.03:34
rm-rfinitx: tune2fs: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdc03:34
cabrioleurL33tMasta: wine/cedega is just trying to cheat the games that openGL is DirectX, and makes some modifications in runtime. Beside it does have support for direct x, especially cedega, but for 10 it's still not that great. In general, at least 50% of games will run.03:34
dmbwhats it mean if it says upgrade version 0.3-0ubuntu1~ppa1 to 0.3-0ubuntu1~ppa1?03:34
Neophoscrdlb -  Nope, don't think so03:34
dmbits like a infinite upgrade03:34
initxNeophos: lots of times that's been the suggestion for fixing something, but it's never worked for me03:34
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)03:34
ShpookAbyssal: I'm sorry, I can't seem to find anything, and my time has run out.03:34
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: i love those problems, but they are the exception...03:34
hendrixskiForbr4d3, Belking wireless-g... but I don't care about the card.  it works in Ubuntu,  if it doesn't work in Windows, whatever he'll use Ubuntu instead.... and we're better off03:34
Abyssalshpook. ok. thank you for your help anyway.03:35
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, lol, yeah.03:35
Abyssalbye. cu03:35
OnyxWhere does wine keep its DLL files?03:35
ShpookCan someone help Abyssal get his HP scanner working through SANE, if they have the time?03:35
Forbr4d3hendrixski: download the drivers off thier website03:35
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: can he run windows in virtualbox?03:35
initxrm-rf: i believe each partition has a uuid03:35
kenrocabrioleur: Is that 50 % of a game, or half the games?03:35
cabrioleurmagic_ninja: funny, apt has nothing to do with rpms or _deb_s. Ubotu is wrong :-)03:35
initxrm-rf: so youd do for instance tune2fs -U random /dev/sdc103:36
Kyle_I'm having trouble making my pvr150 work in gutsy03:36
rm-rfinitx: ah, ok. one sec03:36
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, he can... but I doubt he wants to install windows if he's already dual booting... that takes like 3 hours03:36
Forbr4d3hendrixski: do you have native ubuntu drivers or are you using ndis wrapper?03:36
ShpookAbyssal: You're welcome, sorry I can't see you through to the end. Good luck.03:36
cabrioleurkenro: 50% will run well, others so so, and some at all.03:36
Forbr4d33 hours?03:36
OnyxWhere does wine keep its DLL files?03:36
hendrixskiForbr4d3, native.  it just worked out of the box  :-)  very sweet if you ask me03:36
Shpookhendrixski: Glad your dad's computer is working. Take care.03:36
initxrm-rf: I now doubled my hard disk space with a 4gb flash drive, had to mess with uuid and stuff today03:36
ShpookBye everyone.03:36
hendrixskiShpook, yup, now if only those wsx files cooperated03:36
Forbr4d3hendrixski: good03:36
johnficcaI need to get my realtek wireless card (rtl8185L) to work at boot what should I do03:37
rm-rfinitx: nice03:37
kenrocabrioleur:  Coz in truth, I've only ever got 50% of any one game to run. Might be that I had an older compile...03:37
rm-rfinitx: when i run that command, it comes back with the tune2fs version. did it now create a new uuid for me?03:37
johnficcaI have to run two of the scripts that come with the driver to get it going after a reboot03:37
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: windows in a vm would eliminate the need to dual boot, and there is a way to boot the native install in virtualbox, but it is wayyy geek sheek... I did it for a while till i wiped everything and installed ubuntu only, and windows as just a vm.03:37
disasterpieceneed some help with setting up raid in ubuntu, anyone have any knowledge to spare? ;d03:37
initxrm-rf: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/03:37
rromanchukwow im an idiot03:38
Jordan_U!raid | disasterpiece03:38
ubotudisasterpiece: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto03:38
cabrioleurkenro: check the game status on wine website. Sometimes you will have to modify the setup a little bit in order to run the game.03:38
rromanchukfucked up my sudoers03:38
initxrm-rf: if one's the same, it did nothing. otherwise all's good03:38
rm-rfinitx: no love, it's still the same uuid03:38
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: but if he can, that will solve his wifi problem and wsx problem03:38
cabrioleurrromanchuk: man sudoers03:38
nevoeirohello. the process "ksoftirqd" is consuming between 20-25% of cpu. why?03:38
rm-rfcould i possible call the disk out in grub with root=/dev/sdc1, instead of root=UUID?03:38
cabrioleurnevoeiro: a bug :-)03:39
rromanchukcabrioleur: its a access problem now, should i boot recovery for root?03:39
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, that's true... or I guess he can set up VMware to run his windows partition as a virtual machine03:39
disasterpieceyes ubotu, I followed the directions 5. but it still doesn't see the drives as stipped when i install. i'm completely new to this by the way03:39
initxrm-rf: does it also give the bad magic number error?03:39
kenrocabrioleur: Anyone still providing the cedega src for free? Or, God forbid, is a gpl bnary available?03:39
LimCorehow to have /etc/init.d/dnsmasq_tor  executed right after S15dnsmasq and S20tor ?03:39
nevoeirocabri: and when it is preditected a fix?...03:39
rm-rfinitx: no03:39
disasterpieceperhaps i am doing something wrong?03:39
cabrioleurrromanchuk: you can do it this way, and remount in rw, or you can fix it from the live CD.03:40
rm-rfinitx: did you see my other query above?03:40
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, anyways.  Thanks for the help.  I'm gonna poke around at the wsx thing a little bit more, and then we'll have him totally transitioned to Ubuntu... so then he won't care if he can't get the wireless to work on windows.03:40
initxrm-rf: the drive is unmounted, right?03:40
Jordan_Udisasterpiece, Are you setting up a new Array or do you need to read one which has already been setup?03:40
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: never used vmware, but that should work. I love getting ppl off windows, even if it means dogging out ubuntu to run windows  ocasionally  :)03:40
cabrioleurkenro: they do have cedega src, but compilation is a pain (never succeeded in debian/ubuntu)03:40
rromanchukcabrioleur: thx03:40
initxrm-rf: yes, but wanted to know if the one returning just the version number threw an error03:40
|_James_Bond_|HI PPL03:40
nevoeirocabrioleur: and when it is preditected a fix?...03:40
disasterpieceJordan_U, it was set up previously with windows.03:41
rm-rfinitx: no, it is not. it is currently mounted as /03:41
rm-rfinitx: /dev/sdc1             106G   60G   42G  60% /03:41
Jordan_Ukenro, Wine > Cediga for most things at this point03:41
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:41
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.03:41
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, yep,  we're all fighting the good fight here... to get people off of windows :-)03:41
kenrocabrioleur:  actually, I did it once. Then lost my comp and when I got back I couldn't find cedega.03:41
euskadii'd like a software like softcam VirtualCamera   et  Fakewebcam but for ubuntu03:41
rm-rfinitx: Disk /dev/sdc: 73.4 GB, 73407820800 bytes03:41
euskadidoes that exist ?03:41
disasterpieceJordan_U, it was previously set up with windows, so i believe i'm trying to set up a new array, correct?03:41
|_James_Bond_|Some emulator of neogeo for ubuntu wanted to know if exite...03:42
initxrm-rf: well, i'd try on the other one, unmount it03:42
|_James_Bond_|need help03:42
initxrm-rf: the one that's not on /03:42
Big-EHey, I just did updates on my ubuntu 7.10 server and now phpmyadmin is reporting the following error: The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (blowfish_secret).03:43
Big-EAny solutions?03:43
kenro|_James_Bond_|: Join the club.03:43
|_James_Bond_|jois the club for want...03:43
Jordan_Udisasterpiece, You are setting up a new array if you have new blank HDDs or are going to reformat them, in which case it would be easier to do true soft-raid, but that does not seem to be the case for you03:43
Big-E..intellegent. ^^03:43
kenro|_James_Bond_|: We all need help. That's wh we hide our faces behind a computer.03:43
ac1dfir3does anyone know if there is a program similiar to MagicISO for linux03:44
orchid`im having an issue with my computer is there anyone who knows about running WINE on ubuntu?03:44
disasterpieceJordan_U, the drives have been formatted.03:44
Jordan_Uac1dfir3, What does magicISO do?03:44
ac1dfir3mounts image files03:44
ac1dfir3i want to put vista on my Linux comp03:44
Jordan_U!iso | ac1dfir303:44
ubotuac1dfir3: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.03:44
orchid`im trying to run LastChaos using WINE and when i ebgin to ry to log into the game it says tis already runing and it fails to execute, anyone able to help?03:45
ac1dfir3thx ubotu03:45
rm-rfinitx, alright, i ran that on the old disk, i'm gonna try a reboot now to see if anything changed03:45
|_James_Bond_|where for download this emulator for neo geo... from for linux ubuntu 7.103:45
|_James_Bond_|where for download this emulator for neo geo... from for linux ubuntu 7.1003:45
|_James_Bond_|need help03:45
kenro|_James_Bond_|: Some are so far gone they must use wierd usernames that are a bitch to type.03:46
|_James_Bond_|this program this work form emulator for neogeo...03:46
kenro|_James_Bond_|: Don't mind me. I'm just the local troll.03:46
Pici|_James_Bond_|: What program?03:47
qqqa distributed system.03:47
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: heres info I found via google on wsx files, searching for "wsx file"  http://filext.com/file-extension/WSX  . Looks like it is indeed a wrapper. Maybe theres a windows app that u can install with Wine to play them.03:47
|_James_Bond_|need this emulator for games this neogeo from this unbuntu...03:48
astro76|_James_Bond_|, http://gngeo.berlios.de/03:48
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, hhmmm, wine, there's an idea03:48
Pici|_James_Bond_|: Would a portuguese channel be more help perhaps?03:48
Big-EIs there anyway to revert back to before I did a 'sudo apt-get update' ?03:48
Pici!pt | |_James_Bond_|03:48
ubotu|_James_Bond_|: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:48
WorkingOnWis1hendrixski: wine was what got me off windows as a daily OS...we live wine....and cheddar03:49
disasterpieceJordan_U, any ieas?03:49
initxrm-rf: yeah, did it appear to work?03:49
hendrixskiWorkingOnWis1, lol.  I lke that.  wine and cheddar03:50
disasterpiece!true soft raid03:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about true soft raid - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:50
kenroWorkingOnWis1: Cheddar goes best with Trisket. and mead.03:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about truesoftraid - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:50
rm-rfinitx: not sure yet, still booting03:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about softraid - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:50
WorkingOnWis1kenro: hehe03:51
kenroWorkingOnWis1: I say that, coz I'm eating it rihr now.03:51
rm-rfinitx: alright, the machine is back up, lemme check it out03:51
WorkingOnWis1gotta go room. The wife need the bandwidth for important stuff now....03:51
WorkingOnWis1namly World of Warcraft03:51
CaphiI am trying to add a printer over the network03:52
initxrm-rf: usually these little things are the biggest of migraines03:52
TezasaurusCan I install an older version of Flash on Ubuntu/Firefox since the new one is broked?03:52
dorkfaceHi all.  Is anyone familiar with rsync?03:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pygtk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:52
disasterpieceanyone know how i can dmraid load on startup?03:52
kenroGood God people. You swear off MS and then get ropedright back in by a 12-year-old game!03:52
troythetechguyI created my 1st cronjob, but where should I place the file so it executes?03:53
CaphiI'm trying to add one.03:53
disasterpieceerrr i worded that wrong03:53
CaphiI'm not sure exactly how to go about it.03:53
astro76troythetechguy, crontab -e to edit your crontab03:54
disasterpieceanyone know how i can make dmraid to load on startup and setup my drive mounting?03:54
troythetechguyastro76, Thanks.03:54
magic_ninjawhats the pygtk package name in ubuntu03:56
hatter_what is the name of the package with the mysql header files ?03:56
kenroI'm still confused on how to enable kpovmodeller to use textures.03:56
Picimagic_ninja: python-gtk2?03:56
rm-rfinitx: i think i have it figured out, however, i can't seem to find the correct uuid of my swap partition so that i can update /etc/fstab03:56
rm-rfinitx: any ideas?03:57
disasterpieceanyone know how i can make dmraid to load on startup and setup my drive mounting?03:57
kenroDoes anyone here know?04:00
Sepheebearrm-rf: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid04:00
rm-rfinitx: yeah, the old swap shows up there, but not the new one04:01
rm-rfsorry, that was meant for Sepheebear04:01
katharosHi, i have a bt878 video capture card and i have no /dev/video0 i think it's because the card was added after i installed, because i havn't seen this problem before with this card.04:01
dan2where can I get some release candidate cds of xubuntu for the next release04:01
KlrSpzyay for sucessful masquerading!04:01
katharoscan anyone tell me how to set it up?04:02
KlrSpzdan2, the last one just came out 2 mo ago04:02
KlrSpzoct 18 i think it was?04:02
dan2KlrSpz: not new enough04:02
KlrSpz(and barelymight i add)04:02
dan2stupid T61P is a pain04:02
dan2it's brand new04:02
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com04:02
dan2it has issues with all the drivers04:02
Soskelfast mirror: http://webtechmedia.net/ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso04:02
KlrSpzdan2, what drivers?04:02
dan2wireless, ethernet, video04:02
dan2I believe it uses the 4945 wireless chipset, and some new ethernet chipset from intel04:03
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:03
LimCoreubuntu provides incredibly ugly fonts.   where can I change globally what font is the "serif" and "sans" general font mapped to?  c04:03
dan2latest and greatest nvidia card04:03
katharosHi, i have a bt878 video capture card and i have no /dev/video0 How do i set it up?04:03
KlrSpzdan2, hmm... you could always try building your own kernel?04:03
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer04:03
KlrSpzdan2, the nvidia card should be supported, but i can see how the rest might be a pain04:03
Pengo-lxHow do I set my partitions to type to FD so I can setup software raid during the live cd installer's partition manager?04:03
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:04
crushin_limcore there is a windows fonts pkge04:04
Sepheebearrm-rf: does it show up in `ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/`04:04
dan2KlrSpz: I've got fedora 8 on there now, and I am a devout debian user.... I can't stand it.  It was the only installer that worked correctly on the laptop though.04:04
rm-rfSepheebear: yes, it does04:04
LimCorecrushin_: it's illegal04:04
crosseni'm in a hurry....somebody please tell me how to write to a flash drive....it keeps telling me i don;t have permission....04:04
Sepheebearrm-rf: then you likely need to create a uuid for it04:04
kazolIs there a GUI archive app for Linux with *.rar support?04:05
LimCorecrushin_: I want to use Bitstream, but they are broken,  so I would like to use DejaVu but  1) how to set it globally  2) their are broken in other way04:05
katharoscrossen: use chmod and/or chown to change the permissions on it04:05
magic_ninjakazol: sudo apt-get install rar04:05
magic_ninjakazol: then fileroller will do the trick04:05
kazolthx magic_ninja04:05
KlrSpzdan2, wish i had your problem :S04:05
magic_ninjahey guys i need a python module, how do i find out what package its in04:06
rm-rfSepheebear: can you look in your scrollback for the command that initx posted, the tune2fs one?04:06
xobiuscrossen, did  you select in your user account it?04:06
crossenkatharos, i am drinking....elaborate....help a brother out....04:06
kenroWhat's the best 3d graphics design studio for Linux?04:07
Sepheebearrm-rf: oh i see it sudo tune2fs -U random /dev/device04:07
KlrSpzkenro: blender04:07
initxkenro: IMO, blender04:07
katharoscrossen, use the terminal and type 'sudo su' then use the terminal to copy files04:07
dissectionlibdvdcss2 is in which repository for gutsy?04:07
rm-rfSepheebear: tune2fs: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdc504:07
initxdissection: medibuntu, but isn't it down?04:08
kenroEver used k3d?04:08
dissectionUm, not sure. So how do we install it then?04:08
romistrubfor some reason, ubu isn't detecting my ext HDD04:08
initxSepheebear: rm-rf: i've heard tune2fs does not work on fat filesystem04:08
romistrubit had no problems before...04:08
romistrubnot sure what's changed or how to tell04:08
initxSepheebear: rm-rf: it's very, very, finicky04:08
dan2KlrSpz: so back to what I was saying... where do I get the latest testing builds of ubuntu and it's installer04:08
darkblue_BInstall Q: I have a new external disk. I started up on a Ubuntu Boot Disk, I am installing, but the final install screen shows that it wants to format the swap partitions of my existing internal boot drives. I am alarmed . Advice??04:09
edellinghamHey, anyone using Prism compatible wireless card on Gutsy?  It's worked out of the box in Feisty.  I ran Xubuntu Gutsy Beta for awhile and worked out of the box with that too.  Now I'm trying to use Kubuntu Gutsy and my wireless card works fine on the Live CD, but doesn't work at all after install.  Any idea's?04:09
magic_ninjaImportError: No module named gdkpixbuf04:09
edellinghamIt's actually a Netgear WG511 card.04:10
starryhi all04:10
Sepheebearinitx, rm-rf: im not sure tune2fs works on non-ext(2,3) partitions04:10
rm-rfinitx: is it necessary to have swap listed by uuid in /etc/fstab, or can i just put it in as /dev/sdc504:11
katharosok, question, last time i used this bt878 capture card, it worked out of the box, now i have no /dev/video0 i assume because the card wasn't in when i installed ubuntu.04:11
katharosHow do i set it up?04:11
rm-rfSepheebear, initx: that makes sense04:11
initxrm-rf: nothing MUST be listed by uuid04:11
crossenkatharos, for the love of god....please do a walk through....i can usually do this...04:11
Sepheebearrm-rf: swap can be declared both ways04:11
romistrubhmm... anybody know potential reasons why ubu isn't detecting my external HDD?04:12
Sepheebearrm-rf: UUID just makes it so that the drive is identified correctly should the drive number change04:12
KlrSpzrm-rf: you can list by device block04:12
romistrubis this channel dead? :|04:13
magic_ninjai think so04:14
subversoi think so04:14
crushin_romistrub . 7.10 does that to me to . If I reboot or sometimes pull and replace the usb .. it pix it up . did you try that?04:14
magic_ninjai have a program calling for the python module gdlpixbuf and its not in /usr/bin/python2.4 how can i find what package its located in04:14
katharoscrossen, go to the usb in the terminal and type 'chown -R myusername *'04:14
subversoanyone knows if ubuntu 7.10 has any firewall enable by default?04:15
crushin_7.10 just the iptables04:15
katharoscrossen, the usb should be in /media/04:15
crushin_subverso firestarter is a good 1 sudo apt-get install firestarter04:15
darkblue_Bdoes formatting existing swap space, as swap space, disturb a boot disk? I am booted on the install CD. it wants to format not only the swap partition of ht enew HD, but also of my existing boot disk internal04:15
dan2I can install ubuntu from a livecd right?04:16
Jordan_Umagic_ninja, apt-file search04:16
subversocrushin_, nice... but im asking cause my emule04:16
Jordan_Udan2, Yes04:16
rm-rfSepheebear, initx: the system is up and functional now, i just have the swap hardcoded in fstab04:16
Journeymanwhen ubuntu updates the kernel it replaces my menu.lst for grup which I have custom for my windows partition, is there anyway to stop it from replacing that file?04:16
rm-rfSepheebear, initx: thanks for your help04:16
subversocrushin_, amule04:16
romistrubcrushin_: trying now04:16
Jordan_Udan2, That is the default installation method04:16
crossenkatharos, i think i got it....thanks....too much glenlivet....04:16
dan2k, thanks04:16
subversocrushin_, dont know why i've made the port tests and the udp is blocked04:17
romistrubcrushin_: works now... I wonder why it does that04:17
katharoscrossen, cool, i'll just wait until someone answers my question... sigh...04:17
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Sepheebearrm-rf: check the bottom of this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/6663704:17
starryhey guys... when i run gdesklets in my terminal - it says "connection to daemon" - then it just times out n kinda crashes after a while.. any idea what's wrong?04:18
katharosdoes anyone have any idea how to set up a tv tuner card?04:18
rm-rfSepheebear: that looks like exactly what i need04:18
magic_ninjaJordan_U: it didn't turn anything up04:18
subversocrushin_, how can i see the rules from my iptables?04:19
crushin_subverso iptables -h in term04:19
subversocrushin_, nice thanks04:20
crossenkatharos, what was your question....???....04:20
katharoscrossen, i have a bt878 tv tuner card which i know works in ubuntu as i have used it before, but before it was automatically set up on install04:20
Jordan_Umagic_ninja, Name one application that needs it ( I want to see If I get the same error )04:21
katharoscrossen, this time i've added it after installing ubuntu and i dont know how to set it up04:21
pteaguehmm... install ubuntu-server & then the desktop... or just install ubuntu... ?04:21
katharosthere should be a /dev/video0 but there isn't04:21
starryhm.. does anyone know how to import the tiling module for gdesklets? mine times out while connecting, saying that it can't import the tiling module04:21
magic_ninjaJordan_U: iceme --> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=5825&release_id=14112104:21
katharoscrossen, sigh, i guess i'll just go back to searching the ubuntu forums04:23
tuntunHi. I was wondering how I could download all the updates for gutsy for the purpose of offline updating multiple machines?04:23
subversocrushin_, iptables -L04:23
crossenkatharos, i have the same problem....it seems ubuntu is better on install than later additions....is it not possible to reinstall....04:23
subversocrushin_, no rules...04:23
intelikeywhat is the ubuntu/debian alternative to the "service" command ?04:24
darkblue_Bok, I stopped thwe iinstall. I have unplugged the nternal drives and and started over. Much better safe than sorry04:24
KlrSpztuntun: when you update one pc, the deb packages are stored in /var/cache/apt/archives/04:24
crushin_ subverso  I dont know enuff about setting the rules to help you with that . post to room and someone will help04:24
backge1hey guys how can i get Totem to play a DVD?04:24
KlrSpzsubverso: i know very LITTLE.. what are you trying to do?04:24
Sepheebeartuntun: you might want to look into the apt-move utility04:24
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:24
intelikeyanyone know, what is the ubuntu/debian alternative to the "service" command ?04:24
subversocrushin_, ok np... its strange...04:24
magic_ninjaJordan_U: did it run04:25
subversocrushin_, do u use amule?04:25
KlrSpzintelikey: start things manually via /etc/init.d/<servicename> start|stop|restart04:25
starrybackgel - install the gstreamer files using ur add/remove progs .04:25
crushin_ no.. I dont use p2p software04:25
intelikeykiradi so your saying there isn't one ?04:25
ubotuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information04:26
KlrSpzif you mean me, then yes04:26
intelikeyno start-stop-daemon or something ?04:26
katharoscrossen, well, it's possible, it's just a pain in the butt. And i'll probably learn more this way :)04:26
tuntunKlrSpz,Sepheebear:thanx, i'm looking now04:26
subversocrushin_, my kad is showin firewalled...04:26
KlrSpzyes you can use ssd, but it's just as easy to do it the global way04:26
pteaguevmware server (or virtualbox) + windows + directx ... would this allow you to play certain games that just don't work very well under wine/cedega?04:26
intelikeys/keradi/kerspz/ nick completion error04:26
KlrSpzpteague, incorrect04:27
KlrSpzdirectx will not install in either vmware server or v-box04:27
pteaguedidn't think so :(04:27
KlrSpzvmware fusion just came out for mac that WILL however use the native graphics card, but it's not out for linux (and i'm not sure if it ever will be?)04:27
intelikeyKlrSpz ok  what's the iptables command to store the settings ?04:27
intelikey^ = service iptables save ?04:28
Thug-lifehi la04:28
Jordan_UKlrSpz, There has been beta hardware acceleration in VMware for Linux since before VMware-fusion existed :)04:28
lawlhello friends04:28
extractedI know this really isnt a ubuntu question but would some one mind looking at my subnetting i just did and tell me if i am doing it right ?04:28
lawlallah came to me in a dream and told me to visit this channel04:29
pteagueJordan_U> how hard is that to get?04:29
buzzsawi am running ubuntu on vmware fusion and just upgraded to version 1.1 and it seems to have broken my internet04:29
KlrSpzJordan_U: 3d accel?04:29
lawli am not sure what i am meant to be doing here04:29
Jordan_UKlrSpz, IIRC you can't really play any new games with either yet, though things may have changed04:29
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers04:29
buzzsawdoes any one have experience running ubuntu in a vmware?04:29
KlrSpzi'm not impressed at all with gutsy04:29
Johnny_5aloha all!!04:29
extractedhttp://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/subnet-question-609721/       did i subnet this address correctly or am I making an error somewhere ?04:29
KlrSpzin fact, i'm rather disgusted by it.. if i had the patience i'd go back to feisty04:30
tuntunKlrSpz,Sepheebear: Looking in 'Add/remove apps' has turned up the promising APTonCD, described as "Tool for the creation of a CD-based repository containing all packages downloaded via apt-get. Helpful for a post-installation on several machines or a simple backup method to re-install the system."04:30
Johnny_5got an interesting ?...04:30
KlrSpztuntun: cool.. yeah you could do that i guess04:30
Sepheebearintelikey: man iptables-save04:30
Jordan_UKlrSpz, pteague This guide seems out of date but just to show that it is possible: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8434404:30
pteagueJordan_U> heh, i'm not really interested in much of the new stuff... most of what i want to play is probably '02 or older... & stuff i just can't get to work on wine or cedega04:30
KlrSpzif i can play bf2, i'm happy :)04:31
extractedany one ?04:31
pteaguecool, thanks Jordan_U04:31
intelikeyKlrSpz  chkconfig -list  == ?04:31
Johnny_5just built a comp out of old used components04:32
Johnny_5for some reason we keep getting errors and x won't fire up04:33
Jack_SparrowNothing wrong with that..04:33
KlrSpzintelikey: huh04:33
Jack_SparrowDoes it boot to the livecd ok?04:33
Jordan_UJohnny_5, Even in "safe graphics mode" ?04:33
intelikeyKlrSpz i'm not familear with upstart   how do you list what is set to start on boot up ?04:34
Anubyssanyone can point me to a site or book that is best to learn linux that relates to ubunto, thanks04:34
extractedwill some one look at this thread and tell me if i did the subnetting correctly ?     http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/subnet-question-609721/04:34
rm-rfSepheebear, initx: thanks to that bug report, i now have swap entered in fstab with a uuid. thanks again.04:34
Johnny_5it boots up to the startup menu, but the when i hit enter to boot up and install that's when i get the errors04:34
intelikeyKlrSpz i'm converting a doc to ubuntu'ish from redhat'ish04:34
Johnny_5i haven't tried it in safe mode04:35
groovesaladi ran "mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hdd1 /disk2 -0 force" to copy files from a windows hd, i also added a line to fstab, i deleted the line now that im done, but now it logs out as soon as i log in. i forgot to umount it, and i no longer have the drive. what should i do?04:35
=== Turducken is now known as PhilKC
Jack_SparrowJohnny_5: Is it a Dell MB?04:35
KlrSpzintelikey: look at the /etc/rcN.d folders, where N is a runlevel04:35
StrangeworkgThumb always seems to play .gif's a lot faster than it should, how can I fix this?04:35
Jack_SparrowJohnny_5: At start or install hit F6  then try typing noapic on the boot line.04:36
intelikeyKlrSpz oh does upstart still use those links ?04:36
intelikeyk ty04:36
dirkg3nt1yStrangework: try looking at man gthumb04:36
dan2am I supposed to see a black screen on installation that lasts more than 20 seconds04:36
Jack_SparrowJohnny_5: pci=noapci acpi=off noapic nolapic or  all_generic_ide      are other options you can try..04:36
Strangeworkdirkg3nt1y, excuse me?04:36
Jack_Sparrowdan2: some can last way longer than that if you have a slow machine or low ram.04:37
dan2Jack_Sparrow: this is T61P04:37
pteaguesweet... Jordan_U, you rock04:37
dan2jack-desktop: 3 ghz core 2 duo iirc04:37
dirkg3nt1yStrangework: open the terminal in the Menu under ... accesories and type that04:37
dan2with nvidia graphics04:37
jack-desktopdan2: what?04:37
Johnny_5a couple of the pins were bent on the processor so i had to try to bend them back...could that be the prob??04:37
extractedwould some one mind looking at this post i made and tell me if i did the subnetting correctly ? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/subnet-question-609721/04:37
dan2jack-desktop: sorry04:37
dan2Jack_Sparrow: ^^^^^^^04:38
Jack_Sparrowdan2: not if it boot to the start or install menu04:38
Strangeworkdirkg3nt1y, thank you. :)04:38
jack-desktopdan2: ;p04:38
Jack_Sparrowdan2: assuming you have more than 256 megs you may end up using the alternate install cd04:39
dan2Jack_Sparrow: I got 2G of ram in here04:39
extractedno one,04:39
intelikeyok what script starts iptables ?04:39
Jack_Sparrowdan2: that was for johnny04:39
katharosextracted, i don't know much about subnetting but cant you try it out and see what happens?04:39
crushin_extracted . sum1 will look04:39
intelikeyor rather loads the rules ?04:39
KlrSpzintelikey: i think the kernel04:39
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Jack_Sparrowgotta run... goodnight all.04:40
crushin_be well Jack_Sparrow \04:40
KlrSpzbut iptables-restore pulls bck in the rules04:40
dan2Jack_Sparrow: so how do I boot to the install menu04:40
initxI use the alternate install regardless, even though some people say it's a bit slower04:40
extractedi am sure i am doing it wrong because the ending address is 263 wich is over the range but idk.04:40
intelikeyKlrSpz ok so i'll have to add that to rc.local or something i guess04:40
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Jack_Sparrowdan2: if you dont get to start or install do you get any error.. often you need to verify the md5 or burn very slowly.04:40
Onyxvmware is the shit.04:41
Onyxack, wrong channel04:41
guest_hello is anyone there??04:41
Onyxguest_: What's up?04:42
guest_so can anyone get pokerTH to work?  I get errors about missing libraries04:42
guest_Hi Onyx, just trying to get my texas hold 'em fix04:42
Onyxguest_: Did you install it via synaptic?04:42
Sepheebearintelikey: unless you really have good reason to get deep into iptables, you might want to check out something like firehol that generates rules and helps you load them up at boot04:42
guest_no Onyx, it's a non-standard package.  I downloaded a linux installer04:43
RevTomis there a newer list than this? http://www.holtmann.org/linux/bluetooth/features.html04:43
katharosanyone? is there a way to get ubuntu to check for new hardware and install drivers for it like it does on a clean install?04:43
Sepheebearintelikey: aptitude show firehol04:43
dirkg3nt1yintelikey: also too, I saw a good guide at the arch linux wiki04:43
sigraanyone know how to use gconfig-editor to change the main menu icon?04:43
Onyxguest_: It's in synaptic...04:43
Onyxguest_: Try to give that method a shot first as it'll get all your dependencies and stuff for you.04:43
guest_Onyx, oh, ok.  So I should be able to do "sudo apt-get install pokerTH"?04:43
xal1Is it possible to make the volume up/down hotkeys adjust PCM volume instead of front volume?04:44
katharosextracted, I wish i could help you, but i have no idea. don't suppose you know stuff about installing video capture drivers?04:44
Onyxguest_: pokerth04:44
Sepheebearintelikey: oh and the closest thing in ubuntu to chkconfig is update-rc.d04:44
extractednot really :(04:44
guest_Onyx: says it couldn't find it.  I'm on 6/04 LTS I think, maybe it's too old-school04:44
kaperhi, i wonder how can prevent 1 user to change his password? it's possible or not? I think no but any idea? please04:44
Onyxguest_: The application list should be universal though?04:45
guest_kaper you could try to put him in his own group that can't access the command?04:45
OnyxWhy not update your system anyhow?04:45
tubetopbabyhowdy all04:45
xal1Is it possible to make the volume up/down hotkeys adjust PCM volume instead of front volume?04:45
biff420anyone get quake4 demo loaded in ubuntu?04:45
guest_Onyx I'm too scared to update - one previous distro it didn't work04:45
guest_screwed my system up real bad04:45
ploomintelikey, network manager can also load your iptables04:45
tubetopbabyhow do you turn off IPv6?04:45
Onyxguest_: Ahh, well... gutsy is pretty nice :)04:45
ploomintelikey, there is a wiki entry also...04:45
Johnny_5so would the pins b a prob?04:46
kaperguest, thanks. other way to do this?04:46
katharosanyone? is there a way to get ubuntu to check for new hardware and install drivers for it like it does on a clean install?04:46
guest_ok Onyx.  I'll give this synaptic thing a go.  I always feel decadent when I leave the command line04:46
Sepheebearintelikey: oh yeah https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo04:46
ploomguest_, gutsy really is nice. Just dont forget to uninstall/clean easyubuntu and other possible customizations first04:47
Onyxguest_: heh, I know what you're talking about.  I used Slackware from Slackware 7 to Slackware 10.04:47
Sepheebearkatharos: what hardware are you trying to setup?04:47
dan2xubuntu looks slick04:47
crushin_kaper I think you can prevent a user from chpass by editing /etc/pam.d/login'04:47
KlrSpzdan2: <3 xubuntu04:47
guest_ploom what's easyubuntu?04:47
KlrSpzway lighter than gnome04:47
dan2gnome blows04:47
At0mic_P1The hoops you have to jump through just to get a sound from a movie as a ringtone lol04:47
dan2I prefer kde over gnome any day of the week04:47
Johnny_5i use enlightenment04:47
KlrSpzugh, i hate both04:47
dan2I'll take xfce over gnome too04:47
KlrSpzxfce ftw04:47
ploomguest_, do not worry in case you do not know. default installation of ubuntu upgrades just fine04:47
guest_lol Atomic_p1, I want to do that too, with some anchor man quotes04:47
katharosSepheebear, a tv tuner card04:48
hatter_which package do i need for gnutls/openssl.h ?04:48
guest_ok ploom, one of these days I'll backup my system and upgrade.04:48
At0mic_P1guest_: I'm doing supertroopers.04:48
dirkg3nt1yI find the only thing in xfce thats really lighter is thunar04:48
At0mic_P1"I am all that is man!"04:48
ploomguest_, you can beat me in case it does not end up well04:48
guest_ok ploom04:48
Sepheebearkatharos: what kind? there might/might not be a driver for it04:48
katharosSepheebear, i've used it before and it was all set up when i installed ubuntu, this time i added the card after installing and i don't have a /dev/video004:48
zero88ok, so im learning about john the ripper and was wondering how would i encrypt a password, and what software should i use04:49
katharosSepheebear, there must be a driver and it must work under gutsy, as i have used it before04:49
tuntunKlrSpz,Sepheebear: what packages get saved in /var/cache/apt/archives/? eg I dont want nvtune being installed on an ati system.04:49
=== Torrent is now known as dissection
RevTomso... xubuntu is ubuntu for old computers?04:49
KlrSpzi LOVE vnc!04:49
dan2xubuntu is ubuntu for people who don't want gnome bloat04:50
KlrSpztuntun: all packages you download04:50
Ratttssomeone is connected to my wireless router even though i dont know them. i have security enable....i want to do something to them. any ideas?04:50
Sepheebeartuntun: any package you install is saved there until you delete it04:50
nickrudRevTom, yes, and for people who don't enjoy simplicity ;)04:50
CONNECTEDRattts ¬¬04:50
IdleOneRevTom: not just old computers but computers that are a little on the slow side04:50
dan2Rattts: you can totally fuck with them by using ettercap04:50
guest_ok onyx I searched for pokerth in synaptic.  It has come up.  But now I can't seem to actually do anything.  I'm running as root...04:50
ploomdan2,  xubuntu runs just fine on modern hardware also04:50
unravelRevTom: xubuntu is ubuntu with the XFCE desktop environment. some say it's lighter. i beg to differ. your milage may vary.04:50
dan2Rattts: dearp them04:50
dissectionCONNECTED: ...04:50
katharosSepheebear, It's a Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capture Card04:50
RevTomwho don't enjoy simplicity, or who do?04:50
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!04:50
Sepheebearkatharos: what kind of vid card is it? im guessing the v4l v4l2 stuff isnt getting loaded04:50
Onyxguest_: why are you running as root??04:50
Sepheebearoh i see04:51
hatter_katharos, i just used an 878 chipset card04:51
guest_onyx, I thought i had to to install it?  I mean with sudo04:51
katharoshatter_, yeah, i've used it before and it works fine04:51
KlrSpzunravel: on a fresh install we're talking ~200mb of ram used for ubuntu vs ~40mb of ram used for xubuntu.. i think the difference is obvious04:51
kaperthank crushin_ it's not easy04:51
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
hatter_mine is working on gutsy04:51
KlrSpzas i illustrated today to a co-worker04:51
Onyxguest_: Yeah, thought you meant you were logged in as root...04:51
crushin_kaper I can post a thread that may help you if you like04:51
hatter_i use tvtime to test it04:51
KlrSpzhatter_: i got my masquerading figured out04:51
hatter_KlrSpz, ah, good job04:52
RevTomso i've had ubuntu installed on the system i set up to watch videos for a couple of days now, and i'm wondering if i should just switch to xp...04:52
DragonSpiritI am curious how could I make it so this is not possible: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-recover-password-under-ubuntu.html04:52
intelikeyKlrSpz hmmm so this script iptables-save and iptables-restore read and write to stdout only ?04:52
katharoshatter_, the only difference between now and when i used it before, is that it's on a new motherboard and i added the card after i installed gusty instead of before04:52
KlrSpzhatter_: seemed that i actually had to set my gateway/dns to the external LAN gateway, which is odd sine i used different subnets04:52
kapercrushin_, no no think i just wonder because someone ask me this question. After i google i can't get the result04:52
intelikeystdin/stdout ^04:52
KlrSpzintelikey: yes, you can dump it to a file and read it back in on boot04:52
unravelKlrSpz: the difference isnt obvious, the difference is relative.04:52
hatter_katharos, shoudnlt matter04:52
hatter_lspci shows it ?04:52
tuntunKlrSpz,Sepheebear: hmm, why insn't nvclock there?04:53
katharoshatter_, yep04:53
KlrSpzhatter_: but other than that, apparently i've had the right things in there a while04:53
RevTomit's not working w/ my live! card for 5.1, doesn't recognize my bt dongle and i can't seem to find anything that will tell me which cheap dongle to buy04:53
hatter_ls -Ral /dev/video*04:53
nickrudDragonSpirit, you can give grub a password, I'd suggest the bios password instead. If someone has access to your machine, your disks are an open book04:53
KlrSpztuntun: in where?04:53
guest_ok onyx, pokerth definitely isn't on the list.  It just came up on the left cause that's what I searched for.04:53
mjancaitisHi kids. Just need advice on how to mount a 16 gig NTFS flash drive if it never shows up in gparted or fdisk or anything04:53
intelikeyKlrSpz yeah but is there not a default settings file any place ?04:53
KlrSpzno, by default there are no rules04:53
tuntunKlrSpz: /var/cache/apt/archives04:53
katharoshatter_, No such file or directory04:53
guest_Onyx if I'm on 6.04, can I go straight to gutsy?  Or do I have to upgrade through every distro first?04:53
intelikeyerrr actually it default accept all04:54
dirkg3nt1yguest_: the pokerth documentation should tell the libraries that are needed04:54
hatter_katharos, with the * at the end ?04:54
RevTomkind of a pain04:54
katharoshatter_, yep04:54
nickrudguest_, thru every release; if you wait til april, you should be able to go to 8.04 directly04:54
DragonSpiritnickrud, thanks, I had a feeling it would be easy to get into anything with physical access, just wondered if I could have grub show no options, not even the esc to get to the menu option04:54
guest_ok nuckrud, maybe i'll do that04:54
KlrSpztuntun: if you have installed it since your last cache clean then it should be there.. otherwise not sure?04:54
hatter_have you tried removing the card rebooting, then adding the card again ?04:54
guest_dirkg3ntly it just said i need libsdl/libsdlmixer.  I tried to install those and couldn't find.04:55
katharoshatter_, no, i guess i try that now04:55
hatter_(after not having the card in)04:55
nickrudguest_, I take it you have slow bandwidth? If not, why not just get the gutsy release and reinstall?04:55
hatter_i am unsure if /dev/video0 should be generated automatically04:55
katharoshatter_, brb04:55
dirkg3nt1yguest_: those are in synaptiv for sure04:55
tuntunKlrSpz: when/what cleans the cache?04:55
guest_nickrud, I'm too lazy to back up all my home directories04:55
riotkittieokay so let's talk wireless.   boo. hiss.04:55
hatter_apt-cache clean04:55
katharoshatter_, oh,04:55
xal1Is it possible to make the volume up/down hotkeys adjust PCM volume instead of front volume?04:55
nickrudguest_, heh. I have an external, just drag and drop /home/<me> to it every few days04:55
bundagananybody else have a old 3dfx card? im running gusty, but if i do glxinfo X tottally crashes04:55
hatter_katharos, i am pretty sure mine was created automatically04:56
guest_I'm also on wireless broadband, I get one gig/month04:56
theshadowalright I'm getting annoyed I've been trying to change the permissions and ownership of a directory in MY home folder from root to me. I've tried sudo chown -R myuser:myuser ~/thefolder && sudo chmod 664 ~/thefolder but when I ls -l ~/thefolder it shows ?'s but if I sudo ls -l it shows the owner has changed but none of the permissions and I have no access04:56
nickrudbundagan, ran one for years04:56
theshadowwhat am I doing wrong?04:56
RevTomi use more than a gig a month just on my cell data plan04:56
dirkg3nt1yxall - look in the sound control... panel in System > Preferences04:56
katharoshatter_, well i'll try taking it out and adding it again04:56
Sepheebearkatharos: here's a link i used to get mines working http://xawdecode.sourceforge.net/aideUS/htmlpage/TVCardall.htm04:56
crushin_kaper >> http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2001/09/27/pamintro.html?page=2 << take a look here04:56
hatter_katharos, reboot without the card04:56
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE04:57
riotkittieoh lawd. ebay, why must you hate me so.04:57
bundagannickrud, but you haven't tried yet with gusty?04:57
Sepheebearkatharos: IIRC /dev/video0 gets created after you modprobe bttv and bt87804:57
mjancaitisHi kids. Just need advice on how to mount a 16 gig NTFS flash drive if it never shows up in gparted or fdisk or anything04:58
guest_synaptic is hard to use04:58
tuntuntheshadow: have you read this guide? http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fileowner.html04:58
nickrudbundagan, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Voodoo3doesnotdo3d will set you up. tdfx hasn't changed in years, stll works04:58
tuntunKlrSpz: when/what cleans the cache?04:58
nickrudbundagan, I have helped several on gutsy though04:58
AzidRainHi there04:58
dirkg3nt1y /set -i guest_04:58
xal1dirkg3nt1y, thanks a lot :)04:58
katharosSepheebear, I tried something similar and it hung on reboot and i had to use a live CD to change it back04:58
xal1That did the trick04:58
kaperthank, crushin_ very useful information thank you04:58
phreckis there a quick fix for compiz fusion with ati cards?04:58
ringokamensI'm having trouble using quemu to run ubuntu 64, can anybody help?04:59
katharosSepheebear, it might have been intended for an older kernel04:59
guest_thanks dirkg3ntly04:59
dirkg3nt1yxal1: np04:59
tuntunchawklit rayne !!04:59
crushin_anytime kaper04:59
KlrSpztuntun: you can apt-get clean, but i'm not sure if it autocleans at any point? check man apt-get04:59
nickrudphreck, do you have 3d acceleration working?04:59
phrecklemme check..04:59
hatter_i am quite sure there is no autoclean04:59
AzidRainhave problems with cdrecord. It seems to burn cds but actually it doesn't burn anything04:59
nickrudphreck, fglrxinfo , paste *only* the last line here04:59
katharoshatter_, Sepheebear, thanx guys I will try both ideas04:59
bundagannickrud, thanks, thats what i needed to know04:59
phreck15593 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3118.470 FPS04:59
phreck15175 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3034.884 FPS04:59
tuntunchawklit rayne XD05:00
phreckOpenGL version string: 2.0.6473 (8.37.6)05:00
nickrudphreck, that here doesn't tell me what I need to know05:00
At0mic_P1Great... I just spent an hour trying to figure out how to rip the sound then convert an ac3 to wav and it's the freaking spanish version..05:00
hatter_how do i find out which package i need for openssl.h ?05:00
phreckthats the last line05:00
KlrSpzbbiaf, have some things to tend to05:00
RevTomstupid bluetooth05:01
nickrudphreck, but that does :)    sudo aptitude install xserver-xgl compizconfig-settings-manager emerald  . Log out, log in go to sys->prefs->appearance, last tab05:01
phreckso i need xgl, which screws me for gaming...05:01
Eyemeanhi, im new to ubuntu,, and wanted to instal newest amn but have to compile, does anyknow know how pls/05:01
=== AfterDea1h is now known as AfterDeath
intelikeyso a line like      cat /etc/iptables.rules | iptables-restore    in the /etc/rc.local   is sufficient ?05:01
Eyemeanor even have it compiled for gutsy05:02
nickrudphreck, yes. Games wont work with compiz anyway05:02
IdleOne!compile | Eyemean05:02
ubotuEyemean: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)05:02
DWonderlyhow do you install keyboards?.05:02
Eyemeancheers idleone05:02
phrecki just keep hoping nickrud that they will =P05:02
DragonSpiritnickrud, what do you mean they don't work?05:02
nickrudphreck, to disable fglrx, just uninstall xserver-xgl.  To enable, reinstall it. Play games inbetwen05:02
phreckthey dont work "well"05:02
mjancaitisHi kids. Just need advice on how to mount a 16 gig NTFS flash drive if it never shows up in gparted or fdisk or anything; ideas?05:03
nickrudDragonSpirit, most opengl games doesn't play nice with compiz05:03
phrecknickrud: Ill just have two seperate sessions for gaming and xgl05:03
ringokamensdoes anybody here have a lot of experience with qemu?05:04
bundagandid anybody notice that when installing ubuntu from the livecd, the installer window can not be resized, it was a problem for me because my card was only supporting 800x600, the 'ok' 'cancel' and 'next' buttons on the bottom were clipped, i had to hack my way thru by using the tab key.05:05
nickrudbundagan, it happens when the live cd's X configurator can't determine what video card to use. Happens some05:05
intelikeycould someone that knows iptables  have a look at  http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d1671f7e7   for me ?05:06
sonjais there an mp3gain program for ubuntu?05:07
mjancaitisHi kids. Just need advice on how to mount a 16 gig NTFS flash drive if it never shows up in gparted or fdisk or anything; ideas?05:07
intelikeybundagan obviously you don't know xorg very well.  you can alt+leftclick drag the window anywhere you want it.05:07
nickrudintelikey, but not above the top of the screen ;(05:08
nickrudI hate metacity's use of that05:08
intelikeybundagan try it,  right out in the middle of a window   grab it and push it up05:08
AzidRainWhy ubuntu installer insists on telling me that cd is defective if it is not???05:08
AzidRainit stops installing on about 26 %05:08
Strangeworkdoes anyone know of an image viewer that can display animated GIFs without speeding it up?05:08
intelikeynickrud oh metacity won't let you ?05:08
nickrudintelikey, no it doesn't. I like havoc's work, but I think that decision was a mistake05:09
intelikeynickrud indeed.05:09
theshadowalright again. the only way I can access a folder in my home directory is to sudo ls -l or sudo it to do anything. But the sudo ls -l shows that I am the owner of that directory and all sub folders. What gives?05:09
intelikeynickrud i didn't know that.  not a gnome user05:09
nickrudintelikey, that's ok, I'll still treat you ok05:10
intelikeybundagan my mistake.  metacity doesn't allow that.05:10
Pengo-lxHey do I need the alternate ubuntu installer to install onto software raid arrays from the installer?05:10
intelikeynickrud while we're at it would check  http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d1671f7e7  for me please05:10
Pengo-lxsomeone anyone?05:11
Pengo-lxAnyone installed onto a RAID0 setup (2 disks) from the livecd?05:11
CoasterMaster!raid | Pengo-lx05:11
ubotuPengo-lx: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto05:11
mjancaitisPengo-lx: I've heard you need something like dmraid; look up fakeraid05:12
phreckok, did they change the menus for config of the cube?05:12
nickrudintelikey, I understand the flushing, but that's it for me on iptables. When I wanted to do anything with that, I used shorewall. Easier for my shrinking brain cells05:12
Pengo-lxwhat i found on the net says to stay away from fakeraid and just use softwareraid05:12
nickrudPengo-lx, I've heard people I trust say that here as well05:12
intelikeynickrud ok.   don't see anything wrong with syntax or command usage do you ?05:13
phreckmeh, nm i drank too many beers.05:13
fotoflohi all05:13
Pengo-lxthe damn livecd installer doesn't see my raid partition after i've set it up with mdadm05:13
nickrudintelikey, seriously, I do not know iptables. Sorry05:13
intelikeyok.   thanks. :)05:14
CoasterMasterPengo-lx, I believe you need the alternate install for software raid05:14
fotofloive just had ubuntu server installed for me on my co-located server by our hosting techs05:14
Pengo-lxi got no blanks too05:14
nickrudintelikey, iirc, with shorwall I just dropped a forward directive into a config file, and was done05:14
Strangeworkdoes anyone know of an image viewer that can display animated GIFs without speeding it up?05:14
Pengo-lxand i burnt the livecd onto my last blank05:14
Pengo-lxwell that sucks05:14
fotofloi wanted the LAMP server, but they gave me an empty box, is there a way to quickly get the LAMP installed?05:14
Pengo-lxguess i'll just install it for now on one of my disks and then wipe when i get more blanks on monday05:15
nickrud!lamp | fotoflo05:15
ubotufotoflo: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:15
intelikeynickrud ok.   that short howto was for cli use    i.e. shorewall might not be an option.05:15
nickrudintelikey, true. However, it is in main so ubuntu thinks highly of it. The only iptables that is, I think05:16
nickrudiptables frontend, that is05:16
intelikeyok leaving.   shalom05:17
homercyclesHelp. I uninstalled Samba, rm -rf /etc/samba, then re-installed Samba and it hasn't created /etc/samba again. What can I do?05:17
tuntunhow could I set apt-get to keep only the latest updates for use with APTonCD?05:17
fotofloalso, right now my APT repositories are wrong05:17
rredd4can someone help with vmware server please?  I am showing a new ubuntu user 7.10 and want to run it from windows.  no one in vmware is answering.05:18
nickrudhomercycles, sudo aptitude purge samba && sudo aptitude install samba  .   apt assumed you did that on purpose, and won't put it back.05:18
phrecknickrud: How do i get emerald themes?05:18
pteaguerredd4> what are you having problems with?05:18
nickrudphreck, art.gnome.org or gnome-look.org05:18
phreckcan i add those as repos?05:19
Khajaviany one have A1200 (motorola mobile) ?05:19
homercyclesthanks nickrud :-)05:19
nickrudno, you get the themes and put them in your home directory. The sites have instructions iirc05:19
homercyclesnickrud: I did it on purpose because I was hoping for a fresh config file (thinking I've ruined my old one)05:19
nickrudphreck, don't you see any themes in the emerald theme manager?05:19
roy_thello, I have a problem I hope someone can help with. when I startup ubuntu I get an alert like "The greeter application appears to be crashing. Attempting to use a different one.", I click ok but it just keeps repeating05:19
roy_tany idea?05:19
phrecki need to install the emerald-themes package05:19
phreckdont think i have the repo for it though05:20
tuntunHow might I set apt-get to keep only the latest updates for use with APTonCD?05:20
fotofloerr for some reason, my apt-get is not working05:20
rredd4pteague I have downloaded ubuntu 7.10 appliance, I get config file was created by vmware product with more features that this version05:20
roy_tI'm online only thru the live cd05:20
rredd4that error05:20
nickrudphreck, heh. Thanks for the pointer, somehow I've missed that package all this time05:20
rpj8Hey, how can I test to see that there is nothing wrong with my installed nvidia drivers? I notice my 7600GT definitely doesn't match up to performance while in linux vs. while in windows05:20
fotoflocan anyone help me get apt-get working?05:20
phrecknickrud: I dont know where the package is though, ive forgotten05:21
samsiniteman apt-get05:21
homercyclesI did the purge/install for samba again but it still didn't put a fresh smb.conf in /etc/samba, nor did it create the folder05:21
nickrudphreck, just find it in synaptic05:21
fotoflosamsinite: Package lynx has no installation candidate05:21
phreckits not there05:21
pteaguerredd4> no idea... i started off by installing ubuntu-server05:21
fotoflonothing has isntallation candidates05:21
mjancaitisHi kids. Just need advice on how to mount a 16 gig NTFS flash drive if it never shows up in gparted or fdisk or anything; ideas?05:22
nickrudhomercycles, weird.  do    sudo dpkg -i --force-confmiss /var/cache/apt/archives/samba<tab> <enter>05:22
rredd4pteaque i just downloaded 1.0.4, can't get appliance to work05:22
fotoflomjancaitis: mail it to me, i will mount it for you ;-P05:22
phrecknickrud: i only have he engine and the runtime in my repos05:23
nickrudfotoflo, system->admin->software sources , enable the first four sources, disable the cd05:23
fotoflonickrud: in server, no gui05:23
mjancaitisfotoflo: don't you wish, this thing is schweet.... if it works :)05:23
rpj8is there anyway to see if my nvidia drivers are working correctly? my desktop 7600GT seems to run like poop05:23
fotoflomjancaitis: sounds sweet05:23
nickrudphreck, neither do I. It's mentioned by another package, but doesn't exist.05:23
nickrudfotoflo, you need to enable some software sources.  go to the link I'm about to give, and get a fresh one there.05:24
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:24
homercyclesnickrud: did that and the final line now says   invoke-rc.d: initscript samba, action "start" failed.05:24
fotoflonickrud: i know, my sources look enabled05:24
fotoflonickrud: making a pastebin05:25
homercyclesnickrud: thanks for your help. I think I'll just go back into Windows. You have plenty of other people to help by the looks of things :-)05:25
nickrudfotoflo, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lynx . If that doesn't work, your sources aren't completely enabled05:25
nickrudhomercycles, that is very strange, samba not restarting. Is /etc/samba still missing?05:25
homercyclesnickrud: yep, still missing05:26
fotoflonickrud: nickrud: making a pastebin05:26
pteaguerredd4> i'm not sure then... i was having issues getting both server & jeos installed & then i set up vmware to reserve the disk space (rather than growing) & they seemed to work05:26
jarrod__weird question: how does the magnet write to the metal HD? i know it gives it some sort of charge... cna anyone elaborate?05:26
fotoflonickrud: http://www.pastebin.ca/83607605:26
homercyclesnickrud: I tried re-creating the directory then running your --confmiss thingy again but it still didn't recreate the file05:26
tuntunHow might I set apt-get to keep only the latest updates for use with APTonCD?05:26
pteaguethen again i've not done any gui except windows under vmware05:26
sidewalkwhat graphical tool do i use to format a new disk in ubuntu?05:27
roy_thello, I have a problem I hope someone can help with. when I startup ubuntu I get an alert like "The greeter application appears to be crashing. Attempting to use a different one.", I click ok but it just keeps repeating05:27
mjancaitissidewalk: gparted can help you05:27
nickrudfotoflo, there's something wrong with your repos themselves, then. Thats a good looking source, you're right. Try removing the cn. from the lines, then update and try again05:28
jarrod__mjancaitis: cant he use fdisk?05:28
=== AzMoo_ is now known as AzMoo
fotoflonickrud: we in china05:28
mjancaitisjarrod_: fdisk isn't graphical, is it?05:28
homercyclesnickrud: I found an smb.conf in /usr/share/samba so I copied it into /etc/samba then did your --force-confmiss thingy again to reinstall samba and now the daemon is starting05:28
fotoflonickrud: i just used the source-o-matic, and still no luck05:28
fotofloE: Couldn't find package apache205:28
jarrod__mjancaitis: oh sorry i diddnt see that05:28
nickrudhomercycles, good troubleshooting.05:29
sidewalkmjancaitis: tnx05:29
fotofloapt-get update105:29
fotofloforgot to do that05:29
nickrudfotoflo, didn't I mention it, twice :)05:29
fotoflonickrud: you did??05:29
rredd4pteaque i guess i am not so lucky... i am going to have to download the live cd.  I didn't want to, as its slow and the new user will have to reboot to use it05:29
homercyclesnickrud: I've dabbled in Linux over the years so I had a suspicion a starter smb.conf might be in there... I don't know all these dpkg command-lines, though :-)  Thanks for your help05:29
fotoflonickrud: hah, i am using two monitors and working on 4 projects...05:30
javatexanman I hate this, but it looks like there is no way around it...I have to install windows in vmware or something I guess......@#@#(!&$*#$*#$&@$@!$@!$05:30
fotoflonickrud: sorry to waste your time like that05:30
javatexandoes vmware work for ubuntu05:30
nickrudfotoflo, np, you got a lot on your desk it got lost in the flow like much05:30
sidewalkis there any better tool than gparted?05:30
fotoflonickrud: should i keep the sources.list i had before, or use the newly generated s-o-matic ?05:30
fotoflonickrud: think it matters?05:31
nickrudfotoflo, try the cn again they may be faster. I'd choose the fastest05:31
javatexanbelieve it or not, I need it to run some tivo apps...LOL  ;)05:31
fotoflothe s-o-matic is also cn05:31
fotofloits slow though05:31
fotoflomaybe theres a taiwan or japan... ill check05:32
tuntunroy_t: If the GUI fails to load and you are unable to access the system menu then you should try the instructions below.05:32
tuntun1. first reboot your computer into maintenance mode/recovery mode.05:32
tuntun2. open /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom by entering the following command05:32
tuntunsudo vim /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom05:32
tuntun3. press i to enter into insert mode. Locate the following line and comment it by inserting a # in front of the line.05:32
tuntun4. press the Esc key and then type in :wq to save and quit the editor.05:32
tuntun5. type sudo init 6 to rebootthat should fix the problem.I am using gutsy tribe 5 and looks like this problem has been present in Ubuntu ever since dapper hope they fix it before gutsy gets released.05:32
javatexanouch...vmware is expensive now...!!!!05:32
r00723r0I started to upgrade to Hardy, but my computer froze and now I can log in to a shell but nothing else. No sudo.05:32
r00723r0Any suggestions?05:32
riotkittier00723r0: #ubuntu+105:32
dan2what's the command to change resolutions in X05:32
r00723r0riotkittie: Already there.05:33
fotoflotaiwan is even slower05:33
crdlbdan2: xrandr ?05:33
nickrudr00723r0, reinstall05:33
javatexantivo desktop really only works under windows and only converts .tivo to mpeg4 via windows media....YUCK!!!!05:33
r00723r0nickrud: Are you sure that's my best choice?05:33
javatexanany work arounds?05:33
riotkittier00723r0: if you're using hardy, you should be prepared to.05:34
tuntunroy_t: (from google"The greeter application appears to be crashing">http://liltux.wordpress.com/2007/09/05/how-to-fix-the-error-the-greeter-application-appears-to-be-crashing-in-ubuntu/05:34
r00723r0riotkittie: I never used Hardy.05:34
nickrudr00723r0, you probably borked something major. Unless you plan on writing code for hardy, there's no point until maybe feb to be running it.05:34
riotkittieyou started to upgrade to it. therefore, you are using it.05:34
jarrod__i tried to move a notepad file i made in xp aka "wendy" to ubuntu aka "lenny" and rename it to a .html, but it is now .doc.html05:34
dan2hardy rocks05:34
KiD_ChAoSWhen i plug a jump drive, that wasn't 'safely removed' from a windows machine, into my ubuntu box it always has trouble mounting the drive. is there a way i can remedy the situation when i don't have access to a windows machine05:34
TtechXP  = wendy? :)05:35
horizxonhow would I allow myself to mount network samba drives without having to input a password? I'm trying to script something05:35
nickrudr00723r0, you probably chose to upgrade right when the upgrade path was broken.05:35
Onyxanyone here use VMWare?05:35
riotkittieupgrading to it at this point... from a stable release is crazy.05:35
jarrod__KiD_ChAoS: plug it back in and saftly remove05:35
r00723r0nickrud: Anything I can do to get sudo working?05:35
KiD_ChAoSjarrod__, i just said when i DONT have access to a windows machine05:36
cabrioleurr00723r0: edit sudoers05:36
r00723r0cabrioleur: ...05:36
riotkittiecabrioleur: how's he supposed to edit sudoers when he cant use the sudo command?05:36
horizxondo you know what i should add to sudoers or RTFM?05:36
jarrod__KiD_ChAoS: okay, i forget the cmd for a force mount but you can do that possibly05:36
riotkittiei suppose booting into recov mode might help... but05:36
cabrioleurriotkittie: login in livecd, mount the drive, and edit from there.05:36
riotkittiewhatever's borked is probably borked beyond the point he'll be able to repair it.05:36
tuntunHow can I set apt-get to keep only the latest updates for use with APTonCD?05:37
KiD_ChAoSjarrod__, yeah i saw that but it never comes out right. i was thinking there might be a fix for Ubuntu that will do a force mount if necessary to mount the drive correctly05:37
KiD_ChAoSjarrod__, have you heard of something like this05:38
KiD_ChAoSjarrod__, it would be doing the same thing windows does, if the drive was last removed incorrectly windows doesn't care but Ubuntu does and it's annoying05:38
riotkittiei've seen windows care about that plenty of times. mmm. corrupted data.05:39
jarrod__KiD_ChAoS:  i had this problem with a seagate external HD. try googing your error it could be different for your dev05:39
mjancaitisHi kids. Just need advice on how to mount a 16 gig NTFS flash drive if it never shows up in gparted or fdisk or anything; ideas?05:39
KiD_ChAoSmjancaitis, the drive is unallocated05:39
KiD_ChAoSjarrod__, i have a few devices i thought there might be a quick fix thanx though05:40
cabrioleurKiD_ChAoS: use fsck to fix problems.05:40
mjancaitisKiD_ChAoS: fixable?05:40
spaxmanCan somebody help me with an ntfs driver question?05:40
riotkittieif it was unallocated, wouldnt it at least show in gparted?05:40
cabrioleurspaxman: shoot05:40
KiD_ChAoSyeah mjancaitis i know how to fix it in a windows box but im pretty new to Ubuntu05:40
jarrod__KiD_ChAoS: only quick fix is to make sure the drive is removed next time05:41
KiD_ChAoScabrioleur, fsck from command line?05:41
KiD_ChAoSjarrod__, thanx05:41
Randy_how can i make ubuntu recognize my video card?05:41
nickrudRaNdY, what kind of video card?05:41
spaxmanI'm using ubuntu 7.10 and the NTFS functionality appears to work pretty well.05:41
riotkittieRandy_: what is your video card?05:41
javatexananyone here run vmware on ubuntu?05:41
Onyxjavatexan: I'm running it05:42
* nickrud raises his hand, hesitantly05:42
cabrioleurKiD_ChAoS: sure. You can use ntfsfix /dev/sdxx if it's ntfs05:42
javatexanwith XP?05:42
puertorroHello.  Im a noob to linux.  Does anyone know of a program that monitors system temperatures?05:42
Onyxjavatexan: Yup05:42
spaxmanHowever, I was using eclipse ide and opened a project that existed on my windows XP ntfs partition05:42
nickrudand drops it thankfully05:42
Randy_i have a nvidia05:42
spaxmanit created a folder named "C:" on my NTFS file system.05:42
javatexanOnyx: are you using Windows on it...I need XP, I think05:42
KiD_ChAoScabrioleur, xx being my drive like sda1?05:43
Onyxjavatexan: Yes...05:43
cabrioleurKiD_ChAoS: yes05:43
javatexanOnyx: does it work okay or does it hopelessly drag the system down?05:43
Onyxjavatexan: Works just fine for me (running it now)05:43
puertorroanybody got an app that reads cpu temperature and etc?05:43
javatexanOnyx: awesome....wow do you know of a coupon for vmware...LOL05:44
fotoflo!lamp |me05:44
ubotume: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:44
ken_hey do u guys know what program there is on linux to list all your hardware devices?05:44
ken_sorta like device manager in windows05:44
cabrioleurspaxman: is the naming convention a problem?05:44
riotkittiejavatexan: there are applets in gdesklets and adesklets that will do it. alternatively, load up Synaptic and search for sensors05:44
Onyxjavatexan: see pm05:44
KiD_ChAoScabrioleur, thanx05:44
spaxmanIt is when I try to work with that directory under WinXPPro05:45
cabrioleurspaxman: no panic. Just rename the directory...05:45
spaxman"C:" is not really a legal name for a file or folder on an NTFS file system is it?05:45
Randy_anyone knows how to make ubuntu recognize video card?05:45
ubotuJeOS (pronounced "Juice") is Just enough Operating System.  It is an efficient variant of the Ubuntu Server operating system, configured specifically for virtual appliances. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos for more information.05:45
nickrudspaxman, you can rename it , use C\:  (the backslash escapes the : , so you can change it)05:46
cabrioleurspaxman: no, but still you can rename it from linux.05:46
spaxmanubuntu handles it fine, but Windows chokes on it.05:46
lollydayshey i'm trying to play a dvd in mplayer and i keep getting this error "error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device."  what should i do?05:46
Onyxjavatexan: Or not?05:46
puertorrocan anyone see what I am typing?05:47
cabrioleurspaxman: it's because special characters mean something for the system, not the fs. So yes, you can have some characters on ntfs, but windows itself will interpret them different way.05:47
javatexanOnyx: I responded...did you get it05:47
nickrudlollydays, try   mplayer -vo x11 <file>05:47
ken_ l05:47
=== puertorro is now known as prdude
spaxmanI can rename the directory, or even delete it from ubuntu, so I have already taken care of the "symptom" of the problem05:47
spaxmanI'm wondering if my problem indicates a possible bug in the ntfs file system driver in ubuntu05:48
riotkittieprdude: 1 - there are applets in gdesklets and adesklets that will do it. alternatively, load up Synaptic and search for sensors. 2 - behave.05:48
prdudeanybody know of an app that monitors hardware temperatures?05:48
prdudeoh ok. thanks05:48
nickrudspaxman, sounds more like either eclipse or user05:48
spaxmanI don't think it should even allow a directory with an illegal name to be created.05:48
nickrudRandy_, what video card. nvidia is not enough05:48
Randy_gforce 860005:49
lollydaysnickrud: Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: avisynth.dll, /usr/lib/win32/avisynth.dll, /usr/local/lib/win32/avisynth.dll05:49
Onyxjavatexan: Nope... right-click my nick and click Private Chat05:49
javatexanriotkittie: what do you mean "there are applets and gdesklets.....that will do it"05:49
cabrioleurprdude: for instance lsensors. A lot of different software. ACPI modules will be responsible for that.05:50
riotkittiejavatexan: never mind. was misdirected and meant for someone else.05:50
cabrioleurprdude: thermal.ko I think.05:50
javatexanapparently I cant yet...hold on05:50
prdudecool.  thanks ppls05:50
kr00lanyone know how to install mythtv for ubuntu?05:51
jarrod__sometimes ... often my compe freezes and i can only use my mouse. i have to hard reset, no ctrl-alt-backspace. my research tells me its faulty ram... but soon with all these resets it will be my HD...05:51
spaxmanYou are right, I did encounter the error while using eclipse, but I wouldn't expect eclipse to know or care about whatt type of file system it is interacting with. I would think that the file-system driver would be responsible for throwing an error on the invalid name and not let eclipse create the directory.05:51
sammysezany success configuring FinePoint tablet with gutsy? (Gateway CX2726)05:51
cabrioleurjarrod__: it's tricky. If it's ram, your linux box will be erratic. In the new kernel I saw a new module to operate linux with faulty ram. Maybe you can compile it?05:52
kr00lcan someone help me install mythtv?05:52
cabrioleurkr00l: did you read howto?05:52
nickrud!codec | lollydays (I think this is your problem)05:53
ubotulollydays (I think this is your problem): For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:53
kr00lcabrioleur: just says that i need more dependencies05:53
nickrudlollydays, argh! bad factoid, bad!05:53
linuxfcekr00l in terminal type sudo apt-get install mythtv05:53
lollydaysok, no problem05:53
linuxfceoh, dependencys, have fun05:53
nickrudlollydays, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu#head-381bea41610683e5e26322fd7028e7aef85e3105-205:53
jarrod__cabrioleur: how can i be sure of it being the ram? it freezes normally right away or after 15 hours almost never in between05:53
nickrudlollydays, you need some extra codecs to play that i think05:54
lollydaysnickrud: ok i'll try that out.  thanks05:54
riotkittiejarrod__: run memtest.05:54
spaxmanAny more thoughts on the c: subdirectory name on ntfs?05:54
nickrudRandy_, I don't run nvidia, so you should ask about setting up nvidia 8600 on ubuntu, you're likely to catch more fish with that bait05:54
kjp2oh for the life of me I can't get mysql to let me in.05:55
katharosSepheebear, hatter_, no joy. :(05:55
=== daedrik is now known as Daedric
spaxmanguess not. Just was curious if it was worth pursuing with a bug report or something05:56
cabrioleurjarrod__: try http://freshmeat.net/projects/rumt/ to test it from linux05:56
the_darkside_986hi everyone. i am using Banshee, which I obtained via Add/Remove (package manager). but does anyone know how to effectively delete all songs from my library? i tried Ctrl+A and then clicking "Remove from library" but that only crashes the app. and the songs are still there... ???05:56
nickrudRandy_, and when you're typing at a person, you should use their nick in the line. It shows up red, so people won't miss it. If you install xchat, you'll get the same benefit05:56
the_darkside_986also, i tried deleting the banshee folder in .gconfd and reinstalling Banshee but they are still there :(05:57
linuxfcewhat can i do to make ubuntu faster? I have disabled a lot of stuff and removed a lot, anything else i can do?05:57
cabrioleurthe_darkside_986: you can remove the configuration files.05:57
cabrioleurthe_darkside_986: find banshee folder in .gnome205:57
nickrudthe_darkside_986, delete the banshee directory in ~/.config05:58
sonjai switched users, and now my colours are all wonky! how to i reset my video display ?05:58
lollydaysnickrud: i'm still getting the error05:58
r00723r0Where is my kernel, on the hard disk?05:58
cabrioleurlinuxfce, like your name, try xfce or even fluxbox.05:58
nickrudlollydays, not sure then. I generally use vlc these days, fewer issues05:58
nickrudr00723r0, /boot05:58
r00723r0I'm sorry, I mean my modules.05:58
linuxfcelol i use xfce frequently05:59
lollydaysnickrud: ok thanks anyway05:59
r00723r0I completely forgot. :(05:59
nickrudr00723r0, /lib/modules05:59
cabrioleurr00723r0: modules are in /lib/modules/2.6.xxx05:59
r00723r0Ahh, alright.05:59
the_darkside_986thanks everyone. deleting banshee from ~/.config worked!05:59
tonsofpcsanyone know how to get an alternate keyboard layout working [in gnome on ubuntu feisty fawn]?  I keep getting "Error activating XKB configuration."06:00
linuxfcewhat do i type in terminal to get it to tell me what kernel version i am using06:00
katharoshow do i generate a /dev/video0 for my tv tuner card?06:00
Linuxchix0runame -a06:00
cabrioleurlinuxfce: you can compile your own kernel with all the optimum options for your cpu, and remove the rest of unneeded stuff.06:00
tonsofpcsthe outputs of xprop and gconftool-2 show that the changes are applied, but how do I switch layouts?06:01
r00723r0What's the module for wired ethernet?06:01
nickrudsave a meg or two of memory that way06:01
earthlingin ubuntu after intalling a new software how can we find what changes the new installation made?06:01
nickrudr00723r0, that will depend on your card, there are dozens of modules06:01
pvltonofpcs: whats thi relating to?06:01
r00723r0Onboard nVidia nForce 4 Ultra drivers.06:01
linuxfcecarbioleur, that is a good idea. i have taken a backwards approach to that, since its easy, but for obvious reasons your idea is better06:01
j_medic78I'm having a weird issue. I run Feisty, and one night I was unable to connect to the internet. Network Manager was still showing connection to the LAN, and I could see wireless networks, but no connectivity. I got frustrated and did a clean install, still not working. I dual boot with vista, and my hardware is working fine there. I have an Intel ProWireless 3495 and Broadcom 440x 10/100. I'm...06:02
nickrudtonsofpcs, have you added the keyboard swither applet to your panel?06:02
pvlearthling, well it dpends on what kind of app06:02
tonsofpcsnickrud: nope06:02
horizxonIve messed up my sudoers file and now I cant change it back!06:02
nickrudtonsofpcs, and by the way, that's about all I know about alternate keyboard layouts06:03
horizxonits not letting me do any sudo06:03
katharosj_medic78, have you only recently set up the dual boot?06:03
horizxoni cant sudo visudo any more06:03
nickrudhorizxon, you'll have to do it by booting into recovery mode. And, never edit /etc/sudoers except by using visudo06:03
r00723r0Anyone know the module for the ethernet on the onboard nVidia nForce 4 Ultra?06:03
pvlj_medic78, is it connected through lan? because u could be connected on LAN, but your computer might not be trying to connect to the internet through it06:03
horizxoni did use visudo06:03
nickrudhorizxon, visudo will do some sanity checking for you .... oh06:03
earthlingpv1: for example i install say amarok using symantec. how can i trace out where the new files have been placed?06:04
j_medic78katharos: no, I've been dual booting on this notebook since june06:04
horizxonit let me save it as the sudoers file so i did06:04
nickrudhorizxon, just what did you change?06:04
katharosj_medic78, just checking you weren't having the same problem i had a while back06:04
horizxonit asked me to save as a sudoers.tmp and I told it not to06:04
cabrioleurr00723r0: just type "sudo lspci | grep Ethernet"06:04
j_medic78pvl: i'm in a spot now where I only have wireless access, but I can't connect to that either. it just keeps asking for the network key06:04
cabrioleurr00723r0: it will tell you what you have06:04
nickrudhorizxon, but what did you change in the file?06:05
horizxonI added the line ALL ALL=NOPASSWD:mount -t smbfs, umount06:05
katharoscan anyone tell me how i can generate a /dev/video0 for my tv tuner card?06:05
pvlj_medic78, and your entering the correct key?06:05
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:05
darkblue_BBoot Q: I have an external dsk with a fresh UB 7.1, it boots, but gets lost on the video.. I am now booted on an install CD, and can see the boot disk. How do I tell the boot disk to use Safe Graphics Mode??06:05
cabrioleurkatharos: what is your tuner, what modules you have loaded for?06:05
nickrudhorizxon, boot into recovery mode, and remove that change06:05
horizxonhow do I boot into recovery mode?06:06
katharosit's a bt878 and when i've used it before, there's magically been a /dev/video0 for it upon install06:06
tonsofpcsnickrud: any clue what the package name is?06:06
nickrudhorizxon, if you're lucky, ls -a  will show sudoers~  (the backup)06:06
j_medic78pvl: i'm entering the correct key06:06
nickrudhorizxon, reboot, when you see something about grub, hit escape and select the recovery boot option06:06
cabrioleurj_medic78: change from auto to tk..06:06
r00723r0cabrioleur: I know what I have. It doesn't tell me the module.06:06
horizxonok thanks06:06
cabrioleurr00723r0: so tell me what you have and I'll tell you the modules06:07
nickrudtonsofpcs, right click the panel, select add to panel, look for keyboard indicator06:07
katharoscabrioleur, it's a bt878 and i added it after i installed ubuntu, when i used it before i magically had a /dev/video0 when i installed ubuntu06:07
r00723r0cabrioleur: nVidia CK804.06:07
tonsofpcsah, thanks :)06:07
CoasterMasterhow can I measure how long it takes a program to run on my machine?06:08
biff420what is the best way to convert a .jpeg to a .png in ubuntu?06:08
nickrudkatharos, try  sudo modprobe bt878 , see if the device shows up06:08
katharoscabrioleur, i've tried following the instructions to load a module for it, but it invariably causes my maching to freeze when booting06:08
darkblue_BCoasterMas: run fro the command line: time <cmd>06:08
nickrudCoasterMaster, time <command>06:09
katharosnickrud, nothing shows up06:09
CoasterMasternickrud, thanks06:09
nickrudkatharos, ah, that's the module for it. I was kinda avoiding your question, but when you mentioned the device type, I said, well, why not?06:09
bobgillWhat's the best method to run Windows XP from within Ubuntu?06:10
katharosnickrud, so you dont know how to add the module for it?06:10
Linuxchix0rbobgill, a virtual machine like virtual box or vmwae06:10
nickrudkatharos, no. That's the right module if that's the right card. Does your card show up in lspci in a terminal?06:10
katharosnickrud, year06:10
tonsofpcsgah, how do i set up keyboard switchingA?06:10
katharosnickrud, *yeah06:10
j_medic78sorry if i didn't answer anything. got disconnected06:11
initxanyone know if it's possible to "ban" modal dialogs in Gnome/GTK?06:11
bobgillLinuxchix0r: thanks06:11
initxi.e. make them all non modal, no matter what06:11
pvlj_medic78, have you checkd if you card is supported?06:11
nickrudkatharos, someday I will buy a tv card, and then I'll actually know instead of make lame guesses06:11
cabrioleurr00723r0: forcedeath.ko06:11
=== tofaffy is now known as tofaffy|brb
j_medic78pvl: it's a supported card. It had been working fine for months. i don't get it06:12
cabrioleurr00723r0: sorry, forcedeth.ko06:12
r00723r0Aye, thanks.06:12
katharosnickrud, that's ok, thanx06:12
cabrioleurkatharos: do you have any logs?06:12
EnderTheThirdIs there a .deb for the 169.07 nvidia driver yet?  I installed manually before, but every time I rebooted I had to reinstall the driver manually, which got old really fast.06:12
katharoscabrioleur, i have no idea06:12
pvlj_medic78, ok and did it randomly stop working? or did something change prior to it stopping06:12
sarahhi when i install flash i get mdt failed flash plugin not installed06:12
cabrioleurkatharos: did you have any errors when you are trying to load the module manually?06:13
EnderTheThirdsarah, 32 or 64 bit?06:13
katharoscabrioleur, i dont know where to look for the logs06:13
EnderTheThirdsarah:  did you use the ubuntu installer that comes up when you view a page that has flash?06:14
greenteaHow i make ubuntu deskt 1 and desk 2 with different wallpaper?06:14
j_medic78pvl: my comp just randomly decided not to deal with the internet anymore. the only thing I can think of that was different is that I recently installed virtualbox, and was using a vm with windows 2000 on the internet06:14
cabrioleurkatharos: open terminal and type "sudo modprobe bttv". It might hang, and it might not.06:14
cabrioleurkatharos: but It may show something valuable as well.06:14
sarahnosudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree06:15
nickrud!brokenflash | sarah06:15
ubotusarah: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.06:15
pvlj_medic78, ok gotcha. so you can't connect through LAN or wifi?06:15
katharoscabrioleur, i removed the files that were meant to add the module, so i'll put them back and then try that06:15
EnderTheThirdsarah:  you can also manually copy the file to your plugins folder and remove it when the official fix comes out06:15
j_medic78pvl: nope. I can't connect through either. But I can see wifi networks06:16
EnderTheThirdsarah:  the file being libflashplayer.so that comes with the flash tar file you download from adobe06:16
Lapinuxanyone here use "linux32" app?06:16
werswhat folder contains rhythmbox's configuration files?06:16
Arrickhey all, I have a ubuntu 6.06.1 SERVER install running apache 2.0.55 and I need to get the mod_rewrite enabled on it, can someone tell me how, without telling me to check on apache.org?06:16
LagginatorI need some halp06:16
LapinuxArrick: you might also try #apache06:17
ArrickLapinux: you want my responce from in there?06:17
Lapinuxprobably not06:17
pvlj_medic78, say, did u only try connecting to your own router? or have you tried another?06:17
Lagginatorcan somebody tell me how long it takes ubuntu to install?06:18
Lapinuxanyone here running ubuntu 64bit know how one would go about getting flash plugin?06:18
Arrick<user.here> Arrick: it's not the bot that has the docs, it's httpd.apache.org<Arrick> Apache version 2.0.5506:18
Arrick<user.here> go there and browse, they should have docs for 2.0.x06:18
cabrioleurLagginator: 20-60 min, depends from hardware.06:18
Arrickthats what I got in there Lapinux06:18
Lagginator=/ mines been going about two hours06:18
cabrioleurLapinux: go to adobe website, they have it.06:18
katharoscabrioleur, it doesnt appear to do anything06:18
nickrudArrick, http://josh.st/blog/2005/03/06/ubuntu-apache-and-making-mod_rewrite-happy06:18
Lapinuxcabrioleur: i dont see 64bit flash06:18
Arrickthanks nickrud06:18
nickrudArrick, I haven't used it, but the comments were happy06:19
cabrioleurLapinux: there is no 64bit flash :-( but there is a wrapper06:19
j_medic78pvl: only this router. It's not mine, and I don't have access to it. It's sort of like an internet cafe type setup. i was in a spot where i could plug into an ethernet cable for internet access, but I move around a lot!06:19
Lapinuxcabrioleur: linux32?06:19
cabrioleurLapinux: or you can install 32 bit firefox06:19
cabrioleurkatharos: check if it doesn't work now.06:19
jarrod__is there a free alternative to freerite06:20
pvlj_medic78, cuz sometimes this problem can be fixed with a simple reset of the router, but this doesn't seem to be the case. hold on a sec06:20
katharoscabrioleur, there is still no /dev/video*06:20
jarrod__is there a free alternative to spinrite**06:20
bundagani'm accessing a samba share, but it keeps bugging me for user name and passwd, the other maching is also ubuntu, after giving same user name and passwd (as the sharing machine), it opens the folder and says 'contents can not be displayed'06:20
Lapinuxcabrioleur: i just read where someone had to install 32bit firefox but then adobe flash failed to install because it checks the os, which says its 64bit, so he had to use "linux32" app to fool it, the thing is if i install linux32 app it wants to remove ubuntu-minimal which i need?06:20
horizxonwhat line in sudoers would give my user account the ability to mount and umount without being prompted for a password? I tried "eddie ALL=NOPASSWD:mount,umount" but it didnt work06:21
katharoscabrioleur, i think it will still hang on boot, but is there a way to get it to attempt to load the module without rebooting06:21
cabrioleurLapinux: install nspluginwrapper - it allows to install 32 flash in 64 firefox.06:21
cabrioleurkatharos: the module is loaded if you did the command I told you.06:21
horizxonhow would I script mounts?06:22
sarahenderthethrid works :)06:22
atarinoxdoes anybody know why my volume control buttons on my Thinkpad no longer work after upgrading to Gutsy?06:22
Lapinuxcabrioleur: i checked synaptic, it says its installed... how do i use it?06:22
katharoscabrioleur, oh.06:22
Lapinuxcabrioleur: or should it just work?06:22
EnderTheThirdLapinux:  this script worked fine for me too:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47692406:22
toplokhow to activate the ssh server in ubuntu ?06:23
EnderTheThirdsarah:  you got it working then?06:23
katharoscabrioleur, shouldn't that mean there's a /dev/video0 ?06:23
toplokI want to connect to my pc from another computer06:23
cabrioleurLapinux: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34172706:23
Sepheebearkatharos: what's the output of `dmesg | grep bttv`?06:24
timfrosttoplok: you need to install the ssh-server package (openssh-server) on the machine you want to connect TO06:24
Sepheebearkatharos: does that say anything about which tuner your using?06:24
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timfrost!info openssh-server | toplok06:25
ubotutoplok: openssh-server: secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.6p1-5build1 (gutsy), package size 241 kB, installed size 640 kB06:25
tonsofpcsanyone know how I change keyboard layouts?06:26
katharosSepheebear, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49935/06:26
atarinoxanybody know why my volume control buttons on my Thinkpad no longer work after upgrading to Gutsy?06:26
cabrioleurkatharos: atarinox check your keyboard \ shortcut preffs.06:27
pvlany developers in here?06:27
katharoscabrioleur, i totally didn't understand what you just said06:27
lcphr3akHey, I've just setup a CS server, and it's working fine. I want to load it as a service however, and it's not working out so well. I'm using screen, but when I log in to find the screen, or use the server, it doesn't find anything. As in, I make a screen script, and use rc.local to load it on boot. I see text on the actual monitor to the server (the script echo's the text), but no server. Is there something special I must do?06:28
Sepheebearkatharos: tuner type 4 is no tuner. should that be correct?06:28
cabrioleurkatharos: sorry for that, I messed up the message.06:28
katharosSepheebear, i dont know what you mean06:29
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osmosisthese instructions dont seem to work, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingInternetExplorer06:29
cabrioleurkatharos: lol, my isp is blocking pastbin :-) jokers.06:29
cabrioleurkatharos, check if you have /dev/vbi or /dev/vbi006:30
Sepheebearkatharos: i mean the tv tuner type. did you set that manually or is that the autodetected value06:30
cabrioleurSepheebear: It's autodetected value.06:30
Sepheebearkatharos: what files have you edited to get this far? did you create an /etc/modprobe.d/bttv file to do this?06:31
kinganyone ever have any issues with network-admin and setting up a wireless connection manually (non-dhcp)06:31
katharoscabrioleur, no, not there06:31
kingthing is driving me crazy06:31
katharosSepheebear, that's right06:31
katharosSepheebear, tho i had no idea what i was doing06:31
cabrioleurkatharos: so follow Sepheebear now, I'm going to sleep.06:31
Sepheebearkatharos: can you pastebin that06:31
horizxonhow do I allow other users to mount?06:32
horizxonnot just the root user06:32
osmosishorizxon: maybe sudo06:32
osmosishorizxon: or might be able to set that in the fstab06:32
katharoscabrioleur, thanx06:33
katharosSepheebear, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49936/06:33
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fantum13Would anyone know how to send an arbitrary keycode to X?06:33
horizxonthese are samba shares of whcih the server and share are unknown to me at the time they will need to be mounted06:33
horizxonI need a way to mount them without a prompt for a password06:34
tanlaanI would like to use ubuntu as a file/media server for my compaq laptop running vista. I need help on how to do this06:34
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.06:34
kingis it just me or is network-admin terrible?06:34
Sepheebearkatharos: ok i see 1st what type of card do you have again? and 2nd does your area use PAL or NTSC?06:35
twitchhow can I log an ubuntu computer into a windows domain?06:35
katharosSepheebear, PAL06:35
crushin_tanlaan there is also an excellent utube video walkthru on samba setup06:35
katharosSepheebear, lspci says: Multimedia video controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capture (rev 11)06:36
katharosSepheebear, the output of dmesg was correct it's a twinhand visionplus etc..06:36
kingperhaps i should be more specific, i can only get my wireless connections working in "roaming mode". whenever i try and use the manual configuration, i cannot seem to establish a connection with either of my two wireless nodes (one wep, one WPA)06:36
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:37
twitchanyone know how to log an ubuntu computer to log into a windows domain??? any help would be nice..06:37
robertr67hola, alguien que me pueda ayudar06:38
timfrost!samba | twitch06:38
ubotutwitch: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.06:38
osmosistwitch: uhh...samba ?06:38
Sepheebearkatharos: the name of the card is twinhand?06:38
earthlingtwitch: you can do file sharing using samba06:38
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.06:38
twitchok, thanx06:38
Sepheebearkatharos: card=113 - Twinhan DST + clones06:38
katharosSepheebear, yeah, Twinhan06:39
HemebondAnyone here using multiple monitors and Compiz?06:39
Sepheebearkatharos: ok so change that bttv card value to 114 and tuner should be something else06:40
katharosSepheebear, 4?06:40
Sepheebearkatharos: also comment out the i2c bits above06:40
jarrod__"Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows" anyone think that linux and windows cooperating is an awsome pun??06:40
tuntunHow can I set apt-get to keep only the latest updates for use with APTonCD?06:40
tuntun I was wondering how I could download all the updates for gutsy for the purpose of offline updating multiple machines?06:40
* AK_Kenny is away: I'm busy06:40
crimsuntuntun: aptoncd.06:41
katharosSepheebear, ok, i did that and then ran `sudo modprobe bttv` again and as far as i can tell nothing has changed06:42
Sepheebearkatharos: after you modprobe bttv check `dmesg`06:43
neil_dtuntun: one thing that works is if you link all the '/var/cache/apt/archives' to the one place, and do the updates one at a time.  The first one downloads the rest skip that step.06:43
katharosSepheebear, it's says the same stuff it was saying before06:44
horizxonI know its not good style, but how can I send the sudo password on the command line?06:44
horizxonis it even possible?06:45
bruenighorizxon, no06:45
bruenighorizxon, if you want to be able to use sudo without a password, you need to edit the sudoers file with visudo06:45
horizxonafter editing, the changes should go into effect immmediately or would i have to restart something?06:46
JJHathowayProbably a dumb question, but i cant seem to find a simple answer on the net....i just installed ubuntu server (LAMP, OpenSSH)  and i want to access the generic default web site that is loaded with apache06:46
JJHathowayhow do i do that06:46
horizxoni put the line in the sudoers file ALL    ALL=NOPASSWD and it isnt giving me all powers06:47
Arrickhow the devil do I save a text file that is edited in vi and get out of it?06:47
nickrudJJHathoway, point your browser at http://localhost06:47
neil_dJJHathoway: have you tried ?06:47
nickrudArrick, :wq06:47
horizxonArrick, press escape then :wq06:48
earthlingArrick: <Esc> : wq06:48
JJHathowaynickrud:  i take it you mean from a different computer?06:48
nickrudJJHathoway, your computer is also known as  localhost. you can use the   also06:49
pteaguetheta or iota for the name of a dual-monitor desktop?06:50
JJHathowayok, maybe i need to back up, my server is connected to my router....the computer im on is connected to my router....im ssh'd in to my server to make modifications(or actually none to this point), but should work?06:50
EnderTheThirdAnyone else have trouble with the 169.07 nvidia driver causing the computer not to boot with the driver working?06:50
byonixcan i still use feisty repositories if have upgraded my feisty to gutsy?06:50
nickrudJJHathoway, no, you'd need to forward port 80 on your router, then use the public address of your router06:50
nickrudJJHathoway, erm, both computers are on the same side of the router?06:51
toplokubotu, can't find openssh-server, do I have to install it first using apt-get install ?06:51
nickrudJJHathoway, then http://<numeric address of machine you want to see>06:51
toplok!info openssh-server06:51
ubotuopenssh-server: secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.6p1-5build1 (gutsy), package size 241 kB, installed size 640 kB06:51
neil_dJJHathoway: use the IP of your server,  can you ping the server ?06:52
pteaguetoplok> yeah, you need the server on the machine you're planning to ssh into06:52
katharosSepheebear, i still dont know why it would hang when booting06:52
JJHathowayyes i can...im actually ssh'ed into it at the moment06:52
Arricknickrud: your first unsatisfied customer, it doesnt apply at all06:53
Arrickthe apache deal that is06:53
nickrudArrick, what doesn't? Oh, the mod_rewrite. Darn, thats strike nine hundred ninety three. I guess I gotta give up now :)06:54
JJHathowaynickrud: putting (which is the address my router has for static dhcp for my server)06:54
JJHathowaydoesnt work for me06:54
nickrudJJHathoway, no, use the same ip as you did to ssh06:54
JJHathowayi do06:54
toplokpteague, I al ready installed it doing apt-get install openssh-server, how to start it ? thx06:54
nickrudJJHathoway, then your server is either firewalled, or not running06:55
Sepheebearkatharos: im not sure where its hanging. i would comment out every change you made to /etc/modprobe,d/bttv and readd them line by line or just start with the bttv and options lines to begin with06:55
neil_dJJHathoway: have you done a restart of apache ?06:55
JJHathowayneil_d:  nope, thats probably a good place to start06:55
pteaguetoplok> should be able to /etc/init.d/ssh start06:55
Arricklol nickrud06:55
katharosSepheebear, ok, i'll try a reboot now and see if it hangs again.06:56
Arrickit would be nice if apache would just help out nickrud, they pointed me to about 40 gigs of docs06:56
fotoflowhy is the ubuntu default apache.conf so ugly06:56
nickrudArrick, yeah, I found a howto for mod_rewrite for drupal, but it was 2.206:56
Sepheebearkatharos: "alias char-major-81 bttv" and "options bttv card=113 autoload=0 radio=0 tuner=1 pll=1"06:56
Arricklol nickrud06:56
nickrudArrick, and I just blindly followed it, and thankfully it worked.06:57
JJHathowayyou are supposed to start it with a script correct?06:57
pteagueso ugly?06:57
nickrudJJHathoway, sudo invoke-rc.d apache restart06:57
zenomy computer always boots up at 1300mhz but can run at 1790mhz, in windows i use a utility to set it each time I load XP,.. is there a way to do this in ubuntu ?06:58
fotoflopteague: long and ugly06:58
Arricknickrud: how do I uninstall apache2 to make it so that it reinstalls with the default stuff?06:58
Nostahlset it in bios06:58
Nostahlzeno set your clock speed in bios06:58
pteagueArrick> purge should do it06:58
toplokpteague,  * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd                             [ OK ] , but still can't login to my machine from another machine doing:06:59
nickrudArrick, depends on which apache version you installed, the prefork or worker or ...06:59
pteagueaptitude purge <package>06:59
Arricknickrud: apache206:59
toplokpteague, ssh root@
Arrickthats the name of the package06:59
neil_dJJHathoway: hows it going06:59
zenonostahl, ya, tried 1000 times from the bios, its borked.  its a AMD xp 2100 but will only boot up as a xp-1500..  setting it in windows works fine, need to do the same if I can in linux06:59
JJHathowaywithout adding any thing to the LAMP installation.... and after restarting apache, shouldn't the web site at  /var/www/apache2-default load?06:59
Nostahlflash your bios07:00
pteaguetoplok> ah, no... you won't be able to ssh in as root... root login is disabled by default... you'll have to login as a normal user & then su/sudo07:00
Nostahlmaby they did an update to fix that for ya07:00
nickrudArrick, do  COLUMNS=255  dpkg -l 'apache*' | grep ii , you'll find the actual apache server you're running07:00
JJHathowaystill nothing...request is timing out07:00
zenonostahl, updated to the latest bios on several ocassions07:00
toplokok, thx07:00
BlaenkDenumhey how can I apply 777 permissions to all files/folders on 'blah', chmod -R 777 blah/ ?07:00
horizxonhow do I change my system to allow a certain user to mount some drive without knowing what the drive is beforehand? what gives root the permissions to do this and no other user? what file should i edit?07:00
BorbusDoes anyone know any media player that has a pretty decent library (like amarok) but supports replay gain?07:00
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zenoany chance the cpu frequency can be set in ubuntu ?07:00
BlaenkDenumhey how can I apply 777 permissions to all files/folders on 'blah', chmod -R 777 blah/ ?07:00
JJHathowayBlaenkDenum:  yes07:01
BlaenkDenumJJHathoway: thanks07:01
Arrickii  apache2                                                   2.0.55-4ubuntu2.207:01
Arricknickrud: ^07:01
Arrickand the utils and mpm07:01
neil_dJJHathoway: I don't know you will probably have to look in the apache logs to see whats going on.07:01
Fritzblaenk, be careful changing permissions.  777 is rarely needed07:01
v507i need help07:01
neil_dJJHathoway: does it have something like 'get index.html' ?07:02
timfrosttoplok: if the remote system ( is Ubuntu, you *won't* be able to ssh in as root by default.07:02
nickrudArrick, I get also apache2-mpm-prefork, that's the actual server I'm running. I'd purge that, and apache2.2-common07:02
v507when i want to install, it said  Could not connect to id.archive.ubuntu.com07:02
JJHathowayneil_d:  index.html is located in /var/www/apache2-default07:02
toplokpteague, ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out. What to do ? :(07:02
Fritzv507 - you are in the right place, assuming it is ubuntu related and not medical07:02
Arricknickrud: how to purge, it wasnt installed with aptitude07:02
v507when i want to install, it said  Could not connect to id.archive.ubuntu.com07:02
nickrudArrick, aptitude purge will do nicely07:02
neil_dJJHathoway: but is there an entry in your access.log file for index.html ?07:03
v507so how to install now??07:03
tonsofpcsok, so my system decided it wanted to die on me... I got it up and at a console, df shows Size and Used, but 0 Avail, Used is about 500 MB < Size.... any clue how I can fix this? fsck doesn't do much07:03
toploktimfrost, thx! I can't also login as a user from another pc: ssh username@
v507i have to wait.....07:03
Fritzv507 - is your internet connection working on the live CD?07:03
pteaguetoplok> do you have that port blocked? can you ping that server?07:03
v507i allready install07:03
v507yesterday everything is finr07:04
v507yesterday everything is fine07:04
katharosSepheebear, well it didn't hang this time :)07:04
JJHathowayneil_d:  where are the logs located?07:04
v507i can install using apt-get easily07:04
katharosSepheebear, but still no /dev/video007:04
v507but today07:04
Fritzv507 - you said you got this when trying to install - I think I missed what you are trying to install07:04
nickrudJJHathoway, do you have lynx installed on the the machine you've ssh'd into?  If not, install it, it's a text browser, then point it at to see if apache is actually up07:04
v507and anything els07:05
v507and anything else07:05
tonsofpcsI just deleted 100 MB of files and it still says 0 FREE07:05
toplokpteague, I have properly ssh into a lan pc. now from that pc I want to ssh to my pc07:05
Arricknickrud: that just rebuilds it with the current configs, i want it GONE so I can start fresh07:05
GreevousWhen I manage my user groups, I see a list of about 50 groups because all of the groups keep repeating in the list. Why is this?07:05
Fritzokay, do you know how to see what IP address you get when pinging id.archive.ubuntu.com ?07:05
v507Err http://id.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/main libglitz1 0.5.6-107:05
v507  Connection failed [IP: 80]07:06
v507thats the message07:06
nickrudArrick, purge removes any apache config files in /etc/apache2 . If there are any left, they were installed by other packages (like php)07:06
v507Err http://id.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/main libglitz1 0.5.6-107:06
tonsofpcsis there a way to force [whatever] to recheck and recalculate free space?07:06
v507  Connection failed [IP: 80]07:06
pteaguetoplok> ah, & you have the ssh server running on your pc?  don't have a firewall blocking port 22?  hmm... not sure what else... you'll have to login via something other than root though07:06
Sepheebearkatharos: i think you need a few more modules to get it to work with your card: modprobe dst && modprobe dvb_bt8xx07:06
WGGMkAnyone familiar with VMWare Server MUI???? Ive tried the vmware forums and #vmware, but im not satisfied with the answer I found in the forums.. Anyone able to give it a stab??07:07
Arricknickrud: sites-enabled and everything are still the same07:07
Sepheebearkatharos: take a look here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-153674.html07:07
timfrosttoplok: have you installed openssh-server in both places?  You need it on all the PC's that you want to connect TO.07:07
toplokpteague, basically all I want is to copy a file from the remote lan pc to my machine. I have tried nautilus but fails to copy it07:07
lwellsCool, HI all07:07
Fritzv507 - first things first, have you refreshed your package list today?07:07
JJHathowaynickrud: it appears to be running after installing lynx, gives the default index page07:08
Fritzv507 - I am able to connect to that IP address without error07:08
toploktimfrost, yes, its already running on both places07:08
byonixcan i still use feisty repositories if have upgraded my feisty to gutsy?07:08
nickrudJJHathoway, then it's something in your network07:08
toplokI wonder if I have to open port 22 (?) in ubuntu (my pc). How to open it ?07:08
v507i ahve to refresh my package list??07:08
timfrosttoplok: do you have the same user name on both PC's?07:08
Fritzv507 - try running a simple "apt-get update" command in the console07:08
Fritzyou will need to use sudo or be root07:08
toplokno. in the remote machine I logged in as root07:09
WGGMktoplok: are you running a firewall?07:09
toplokno, it is a private lan07:09
toplokboth pcs are there07:09
neil_dJJHathoway: /var/log/apache I think07:09
JJHathowaynickrud:  wait, maybe its not working, the page does not come up, i was wrong (doesnt come up with the lynx)07:09
WGGMktoplok: then you shouldnt have to "open" port 22...07:09
v507iĺl try07:09
katharosSepheebear, oooh, this looks like it might be really useful... (reading...)07:09
earthlingany good chatrooms for slackware?07:09
WGGMktoplok: are you behind a route? or both PC's behind a router?? you would have to forward port 22 to the machine thats listening for ssh07:10
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Sepheebearkatharos: check it out and keep us posted but its all about loading the right modules07:10
toplokboth pcs are behind the router07:10
earthlingkorosora: yes07:10
toplokI can login from my pc to the other one...07:11
v507it just hang in 99% waiting for header07:11
WGGMktoplok: what are you having an issue with then?07:11
nickrudJJHathoway, I'm no apache guru, I just drop files in /var/www and let the default setup run.07:12
Fritzv507, actually, it looks like I am not able to connect to the indonesian mirror07:12
v507me too07:12
JJHathowaynickrud: i got if finally07:12
timfrosttoplok: on each PC, can you connect to port 22 locally with 'telnet localhost 22', then CTRL-] and 'quit' - getting the SSH version string?07:12
toplokthe ping is not working from the remote pc to mine...07:12
v507what i have to do...??07:12
v507just waiting??07:12
JJHathowaythanks for your help, you to neil_d07:12
Fritzone moment07:12
neil_dJJHathoway: is it going ?07:12
WGGMktoplok: so let me get this straight... you are using ssh from computer A to computer B and computer B cannnot ping computer A?07:13
neil_dJJHathoway: what was it ?07:13
JJHathowayme being up too long today....typed 192.169 instead of 192.16807:13
WGGMktoplok: are you sure your pinging the correct IP?07:13
tarelerulzI have been watching the boot up of ubuntu 7.10 and see the mta takes a lot of time up . How would I make Ubuntu not use it ?07:13
toplokyes. it says "Host is down"07:14
neil_dJJHathoway: easy to do, good to see it going.07:14
WGGMktoplok: are you trying to ping your external or internal IP?07:14
JJHathowayso now that i have a dedicated server up and running, you guys have any good ideas for what to play around with?  any cool server apps?07:14
toplokinternal IP07:14
toplokping: sendto: Host is down07:14
WGGMktoplok: have you tried pinging computer A directly from computer B (in other words, at the workstation)07:15
toplokI do from my pc: ssh user@ and get required for a password and login ok07:15
toplokWGGMk, yes, it works07:15
neil_dJJHathoway: ruby on rails is good to muck with.07:15
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908
toplokonce I am into the remote pc, then I can't type my pc07:15
Fritzv507, I believe that this problem will only affect backports, but I'm not positive without some additional information that I'll ask for in a private message07:16
JJHathowayneil_d: am i better off trying to learn ruby, or php, or python for stuff07:16
neil_dJJHathoway: I have a little website that gathers info on the server, load, temperatures etc.07:16
JJHathowayneil_d:  and what exactly is ruby used for07:16
WGGMktoplok: thats very odd... anyone else have some insight on this????07:16
timfrosttoplok: that error seems to suggest that your PC is blocking traffic.  Have you installed a firewall package (firestarter, etc) on your PC?07:17
WGGMktoplok: can you ping the external IP thru ssh on computer B?07:17
neil_dJJHathoway: I like python, and php, perl is good to know but tricky07:17
Pengo-lxAnyone know why the liveCD installer's partition editor can't see my software raid volume i setup with MDADM?07:17
toplokWGGMk, going to try it...07:17
JJHathowayneil_d: is ruby just another scripting language, it seems it is not as common07:17
=== teKnofreak is now known as techno_freak
Fritzv507 - did you get my private message?07:18
v507did u get mine07:18
Fritzno, I didn't07:18
xenthroI have a problem with qBittorrent. When I start it up (it worked before) it crashes with "Segmentation Fault." I made another system user and the app worked fine. I have purged qbittorrent and all its dependencies 4 times. How do I make it work?07:18
timfrostPengo-lx: because there isn't room on the CD for everything.  Use the alternate install CD, which is supposed to support RAID07:18
v507i have to register first???07:18
Pengo-lxtimfrost: can i get it to work via an apt-get install?07:18
Fritzno, that shouldn't require registration07:19
neil_dJJHathoway: yes! ruby and  ruby on rails (RoR) is a site template system.07:19
WGGMktoplok: also try logging into computer A with ssh from computer B and pinging computer A's internal IP07:19
v507 deb http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted07:19
v507 deb-src http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted07:19
v507 deb http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-updates main restricted07:19
v507 deb-src http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-updates main restricted07:19
v507 deb http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy universe07:19
v507 deb-src http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy universe07:19
v507 deb http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-updates universe07:19
v507 deb-src http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-updates universe07:19
v507 deb http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy multiverse07:19
v507 deb-src http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy multiverse07:19
v507 deb http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-updates multiverse07:19
WGGMk!pastebin v50707:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebin v507 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:19
v507 deb-src http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-updates multiverse07:19
v507 # deb http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-backports main restricted universe multiverse07:19
v507 # deb-src http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-backports main restricted universe multiverse07:19
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:19
warriorforgod!pastebin | v50707:19
ubotuv507: please see above07:19
v507thats it07:19
neil_dJJHathoway: for websites it seems the PHP and Perl are the main languages.07:19
toplokyes, going to do those tests, many thx for your help07:20
Fritzv507, I was trying to have you message that to me to avoid flooding the channel07:20
timfrostPengo-lx: I don't know what package(s) would be needed07:20
richdanyone know how to list my installed fonts?07:20
Fritzin any case, it appears that more of those lines use the indonesian specific server than I thought07:20
richdnot something like, arail07:20
georg1hi, I would like to ask for some support07:21
richdbut long and full of * and -07:21
xenthroIs there a way to completely purge a package and every single dependency and configuration file it/they have touched?07:21
JJHathowayneil_d:  yeah, ill probably spend my time with those and learning xml style sheets or whatever, my server is an old computer so probably wont be able to do much cool multimedia serving07:21
neil_dJJHathoway: there are a number of pre built for forums and blogs etc.07:21
Madpilotubotu, ask | georg107:21
ubotugeorg1: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:21
Fritzwith id.archive.ubuntu.com unreachable, you could either switch to a different country's server or wait and hope they resolve the issue quickly07:21
richdxenakis: yes07:21
FritzI'm sure they are actively trying to bring that server back07:21
extractedwhen ever i use open office to type an essay then take it some where to print it on a computer that is running windows  I always get tons of formatting errors :(07:21
georg1I am looking for a mail server tht I couls intall to ubuntu and download wmail s from gmail and other remote mail server07:22
v507how to switch it Fritz??07:22
richdxenthro: instead of choosing remove package, choose purge package07:22
xenthrorichd i have done that07:22
JJHathowayso a note on security... are the default settings for LAMP pretty good07:22
neil_dJJHathoway: A webserver for just a couple of uses is very light on CPU usage, it will do most multi-media stuff.07:22
webspideruscan anyone help me install the drivers for nVidia 7900 GT? I've tried using the Restricted Drivers Manager route, I've tried downloading the drivers from nvidia's website, but either way, ubuntu only boots into low-graphics mode and I can only get a max resolution of 800x60007:22
richdand are other packages using some of the same files? it would be unfair to affect another package that doesn't depend on the first07:22
WGGMkgeorg1: i believe fetchmail would be something your looking for07:22
MadpilotJJHathoway, yes, but it depends what you're running.07:22
xenthrorichd the old settings are still there... I just dont know which config file leftover07:23
digitalskyhello. anyone here got experience with mediatomb + ps3?07:23
v507how to switch to a different country server??07:23
georg1can I retrieve afterwoods the emails with outlook or evolution07:23
JJHathowayMadpilot: any more elaboration on that?07:23
horizxondo you always have to specify the device you want to allow users to be able to mount in the fstab? what if i wanted to enable all mounts of type smbfs?07:23
richdxenthro: ummm, reinstall? haha, that's not helpful i know...07:23
Fritzv507, choose "System -> Administration -> Software Sources"07:23
Fritzthen choose a different option in the "Download From" box07:24
WGGMkgeorg1: that would be a server setting for gmail i believe.. you would have to have a function that would keep a copy on the server. i would be lying if i told you that its possible07:24
MadpilotJJHathoway, just that the more you're running, the more likely a vulnerability will crop up. A basic LAMP box is pretty solid, though.07:24
richdxenthro: sorry, but anything past purge is beyond my tech support for irc right now07:24
georg1gmail has a pop access so07:24
Fritzv507 - you are looking for this screen - http://www.fsckin.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/software-sources-select-other.png07:25
initxthat's a server setting in gmail, you can choose to keep, delete, or archive07:25
richdI am off to bed07:25
xenthrorichd bye07:25
neil_dJJHathoway: is your server available from the internet ?07:25
JJHathowayMadpilot: the more meaning apps/sites/etc or the longer i run07:25
Led-Hedanyone awake out there?07:25
v507iĺl try it07:25
MadpilotJJHathoway, more apps, generally07:25
imaginatorI'm trying to get a device driver to work.  is there a good kernel-related channel for debugging drivers (perhaps specifically for Ubuntu)?07:25
JJHathowayneil_d: im assuming by default LAMP is not?  i havent made any changes really07:25
webspideruscan anyone help me install the drivers for nVidia 7900 GT on ubuntu 7.10? I've tried using the Restricted Drivers Manager route, I've tried downloading the drivers from nvidia's website, but either way, ubuntu only boots into low-graphics mode and I can only get a max resolution of 800x60007:26
georg1so any pop3 access relay could work?07:26
WGGMkgeorg1: again, retrieving mail from another server is a process im not too familiar with, but i do know fetchmail can do retrieve the mail for you. if im not mistaken, i think postfix can as well07:26
imaginatorwebspiderus: FWIW I've had bad experiences with the restricted driver manager's driver choices.07:26
Fritzled-hed, is that a rhetorical question?07:26
Led-HedI'm new to Ubuntu/Debian and have installed 7.10 Server.  I have set a few IPTABLE rules but they dont survive a reboot. What is the Ubuntu way to make them survive?07:26
neil_dJJHathoway: it probably isn't, assuming you are using DSL, you can check, I like the firewall test at www.grc.com called shields up.07:26
imaginatorwebspiderus: for instance with my machine Ubuntu was using a newer driver, instead of the legacy driver from Nvidia.07:27
WGGMkgeorg1: i would assume so, but as for keeping a message on the server to be able to retrieve it with multiple clients woudl be a gmail setting i believe07:27
georg1I was thinking for a opensource mail server, any ideas?07:27
imaginatorwebspiderus: the end result was that the display and 3D acceleration worked until I rebooted.  So I think you're probably better off just using nvidia's utility.07:27
sketzskiwow lots of people out there tonight. i have a question about rhythmbox and ipods anyone out there have any pearls of wisdom for me>07:27
WGGMkgeorg1: to host your own mail server??? i use postfix, its relativly easy to manage with webmin07:27
webspiderusimaginator: well, neither one works, unfortunately. both end up giving me low-graphics mode07:28
Led-Hedgeorg1, Dovecot is easy and works well07:28
imaginatorwebspiderus: does xrandr list anything above 800x600?07:28
georg1WGGK thanks07:28
webspiderusimaginator: nope07:28
WGGMkgeorg1: sorry i couldnt give you more information07:28
sketzskidoes anyone know how to get playlists to sync with ipods in rhythmbox. i can drag songs over and they sync but not playlists07:28
Led-HedWGGMk, postfix doesn't do POP307:28
WGGMkLed-Hed: thanks for the info, georg1: did you catch that message???07:29
ShpookUgh, just finished an upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy, and now I have no sound. lspci returns my audio device, but aplay -l returns "aplay: device_list:204: no soundcards found..."   anyone run into this?07:29
AgentHeXwould anyone be able to recommend first-hand the addition of gentoo-proposed repositories?  i understand these are unreleased (i.e. beta), but is there a way to tell what packages are stable *enough*07:30
AgentHeXer...  first mistake.  s/gentoo/ubuntu07:30
Onyxis there a way i can increase the size of my main linux partition and shrink my windows partition without losing data?07:30
imaginatorwebspiderus: does your xorg.conf have an "800x600" mode listed, and does /var/log/Xorg.0.log have anything about the modes or loading that would indicate the driver isn't working?07:30
Fritzled-hed - what tool are you currently using to set IPtables rules?07:30
Led-Hedgeorg1, you will need both postfix & dovecot. Or any other combination but postfix and dovecot work well together07:30
Led-HedFritz, the command line?07:30
krzuluOnyx: Usually gparted can do that for you07:30
Fritzso you are using the iptables command directly?07:31
Led-HedFritz, yes07:31
Onyxkrzulu: Should I be scared of 'usually'?07:31
AgentHeXOnyx: look at "gnome partition editor"07:31
webspiderusimaginator: my xorg.conf - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49938/ - it has no modes listed at all .. but no, Xorg.0.log doesn't have anything about the modes or loading that seems to indicate (at least to me) that the driver isn't working07:31
Fritzled-hed - that is what I use, I haven't experienced a problem07:31
borlandchey guys07:31
borlandcim new here07:31
borlandci mean new to ubuntu and IRC07:32
Led-HedFritz, so your ruleset survives a reboot?07:32
georg1i will try postfix & doveco and I will see, thanks!!!!:)07:32
AgentHeXborlandc: not to be mean, but, "and...?"07:32
WGGMkgeorg1: ok, someone just said postfix doesnt do POP3 btw07:32
imaginatorwebspiderus: what did you use to create your initial xorg.conf?07:32
Fritzled-hed, yes - it is possible that this behavior has changed, I set up my server with edgy07:33
imaginatorwebspiderus: oops nevermind I see that nvidia-xconfig generated it07:33
AgentHeXdoes anyone use the ubuntu-proposed repository for synaptic?07:33
Led-HedFritz, humm.  so I assume you have an Init script that does an iptables-save / iptables-restore.  would you mind pastbining me the init script?07:34
Eyemean_hi can anyone recommend a good player for downloaded flv files pls?07:34
neil_dJJHathoway: If your server isn't visible from the internet, and you trust whoever has local access, you can install anything you like on your server.  My sever does a lot more than just a webpage.07:34
eHomeupdate manager is in the middle of downloading, what happens if i exit ubuntu? will the download keep and re-use last download ?07:34
georg1what about doveco07:34
imaginatorwebspiderus: I generated my xorg.conf for my nvidia card by using: X -configure ; sudo cp xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf  then I edited the xorg.conf to disable dri, enable glx, and change the driver from nv to nvidia07:34
Led-Hedgeorg1, Dovecot does IMAP & POP307:34
imaginatorwebspiderus: that may actually require sudo X -configure  (I don't remember exactly)07:35
georg1ok, iwill try this also07:35
webspiderusimaginator: ok, thanks - I'll try that out07:35
Fritzled-hed - actually I must have created that script at the time and forgotten about it - it is owned by my user07:35
Fritzled-hed - I found a forum post with a newer script in it - http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-19106.html07:35
Led-Hedok then I'm not the odd man out.  Thanks07:35
borlandcJOIN channel07:36
borlandcwhat kinda channel ?07:36
imaginatorwebspiderus: a little more context; the nv driver is what comes with X.org.  nvidia is the proprietary driver07:36
=== dmt is now known as deemt
gary4gari get this error when i try to install some thing via cron. the package gets downloaded but it isn't installed ;x, http://pastebin.ca/83616807:37
deemtDCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 007:37
BehiiMehiiWhen I try to force a mount on my external HDD, I get "mount: only root can do that"07:37
Fritzled-hed - it is probably safer to use that file instead of mine, mine has no comments and I'm not entirely sure where it came from07:37
Led-Hedgeorg1, Postfix is an MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) SMTP.  Dovecot is a MDA (Mail Delivery Agent), and Thunderbird/Outlook are MUA (Mail User Agent)  You need all 307:37
WGGMkIf I enable the root account by setting a password for it... How can I disable it so that its like it was NEVER enabled (or password was never set)07:37
BehiiMehiiHow do I fix that?:/07:37
Led-HedFritz, thanks and noted07:38
Fritzbehii - simply preceed your mount command with "sudo"07:38
BehiiMehiiAh, thank you07:38
georg1led-hed, ok thanks07:38
BehiiMehiiInstalled this thing hours ago, and still don't know what I'm doing :/07:39
gary4gari get this error when i try to install some thing via cron. the package gets downloaded but it isn't installed ;x, http://pastebin.ca/83616807:39
FritzFYI - "sudo" is "Do as Superuser (root)"07:39
* AgentHeX throws caution to the wind and allows ubuntu-proposed.07:40
Fritzgary - this error means that the package is asking questions during installation that cron can't answer07:40
BehiiMehiiFritz: when I try to open it, I get "Unable to mount the volume 'SimpleDrivePS'." Any idea?07:41
regrethHay gusy!07:41
SuperQregreth: ahoy!07:41
gary4garFritz, but i used apt-get -y install <package name>, so whats is it asking?07:41
Fritzgary - you can add the "y" flag to the apt-get install command to assume yes to all prompts, this isn't advisable07:41
webspideru1imaginator: what exactly did you mean by disable dri, enable glx? i.e. which part of xorg.conf would I change for that?07:42
Fritzgary - in that case, I'm not sure. . .07:42
FritzBehii - is this a usb drive?07:42
SuperQgary4gar: you would have to pre-seed answers with debconf07:42
SuperQgary4gar: why are you doing install via cron anyway?07:42
Fritzmy bad "y" is for assuming yes  just to the "confirm install" question07:43
SuperQdebconf questions are separate07:43
gary4garSuperQ, for scheduling07:43
imaginatorwebspideru1: under Section "Modules"07:43
imaginatorerr "Module"07:44
SuperQgary4gar: I'm still confused07:44
webspideru1imaginator: it says Load "glx" and Load "dri", among others .. do I then just take out the Load "dri"?07:44
Fritzbehii - also, what command exactly are you running to mount the drive?07:44
SuperQgary4gar: intalling new packages is not something you normally cron07:44
imaginatorwebspideru1: just take out the Load "dri"07:44
SuperQgary4gar: what is the problem you're trying to solve?07:44
lonejackHi, yesterday has been happened me a strange thing. I tryed to force load skype on autoboot (crontab @reboot /usr/bin/skype), after reboot, the system send to gui an error(due to the skype load in that manner). I removed the crontab, but, after that moment, somethings are chenged on my desktop, for example: the exit icon on top left position, originally red, now is changed... How can I reset the desktop conf? Thank you07:44
* syc_ brb, ngopi dulu07:45
gary4garSuperQ, i wanted to schedule package installation & updating my UBuntu box for the night, as in night my ISP gives free downloads, which are otherwise chargeable.07:45
Myrttilonejack: are you seriously launching gui apps like that from crontab?07:45
SuperQgary4gar: ohhhh07:45
JimmyDeeanyone know why eve-online would say I have no openGL support with ati and the restricted drivers?07:46
SuperQgary4gar: apt-get -d -y intsall07:46
SuperQgary4gar: that will prep the downloads07:46
muaddibOk question. I just upgraded my machine with more memory to a total of 8 gig. Unfortantely the default generic kernel doesn't have High Mem support. I am contemplating either recompiling the kernel with the generic config and adding high mem or moving to the server kernel07:46
v507bye guys07:46
SuperQgary4gar: then you can do the install from the apt cache in the day without downloading07:46
muaddibI would like to hear opnions of doing either 2 if their our any07:46
* syc_ tiada yg seindah secangkir kopi dan suara distorsi gitar blues07:46
JimmyDeemuaddib: so whats the question?07:46
SuperQgary4gar: after apt-get -d is done, you can just remove the -d and do the normal install07:46
gary4garMyrtti, yeah..i launch gui apps from Cron07:46
imaginatorwebspiderus: the long Nvidia README for their drivers that installs into /usr/share/doc/NVIDIX... has more information.07:47
gary4garSuperQ, -d is for?07:47
muaddibJimmyDee: what is the negative of doing either too07:47
JimmyDeemuaddib: server kernel works well07:47
gary4garSuperQ, but that means double work, can't i do this in one shot ?07:47
SuperQgary4gar: it does everything apt-get would do, up to the actual install process07:47
muaddibJimmyDee: I heard that based on the default options of the server .config desktop performance can be somewhat slow when using the .generic kernel07:47
SuperQgary4gar: it's not really double work07:48
Myrttilonejack: how about system > preferences > sessions?07:48
SuperQgary4gar: if you have a lot of servers, you can grab the debconf answers from a template machine07:48
muaddibJimmyDee: so from a performance standpoint their is no noticible difference07:48
imaginatordo any of you notice that Ogle-0.9.2 doesn't build with Ubuntu's gcc-4.1, but does build with 3.3?  It seems to be a compiler bug where it thinks an assignment is a declaration.07:48
yamabushi334guys i have a couple questions once your done with this convo07:48
muaddibJimmyDee: Also does the server config support the commercial NVIDIA driver07:48
SuperQgary4gar: apt-get upgrade rarely asks questions, but install does for some packages07:49
=== Drule is now known as Drule_
gary4garSuperQ,yeah it is, first what package i have to install have to be set in crontab & then in morning i again have to remove them from crontab, install manually  :(07:49
Fritztamabushi - the conversation never ends07:49
Fritzer, yamabushi07:49
=== Drule_ is now known as Drule
lonejackMyrtti: I tryed. Now I understand that isn't possible. That's what happen to give admin permission to everybody. For your knowledge I thought many times before to put here my message....07:50
yamabushi334well done helping him07:50
gary4garSuperQ, template machine, i got a standalone box here :S07:50
SuperQgary4gar: heh, I don't consider that work :)07:50
zhancan1flash is not work.who can help me ?07:50
SirFunkhey, is there a tool in ubuntu for dumping ext filesystems? (sort of like xfsdump) ?07:50
muaddibJimmyDee still there?07:50
Fritzyamabushi, what is your question?07:50
gary4garSuperQ, then you must be some Sysadmin in some MNC :p07:50
krzulu_Does anyony know any WLAN adapters (USB) that actually WORK well ? I would really like a list or something ?07:51
SuperQgary4gar: actually, if you ran the install already07:51
Fritzzhancan1 - you should be prompted to install flash the first time you visit a flash site in firefox07:51
SuperQgary4gar: the package files should be there unless you ran apt-get clean07:51
SuperQgary4gar: you could just re-process the install right now07:51
SuperQgary4gar: and find out what debconf questions it's asking07:51
webspideru1imaginator: hm ... I *think* I followed what you said, but I still seem to be going into low-graphics mode .. here's my current xorg.conf file - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49941/. does that look like what yours did?07:52
SuperQgary4gar: seriously, it's asking questions for a reason07:52
gary4garSuperQ, yeah i know that, they are stored in /var/apt/cache07:52
yamabushi334ok guys i have a problem07:52
NineTeen67CometHello. Is there a way to change my mouse settings? Right now it is like X isn't picking up all my clicks and movements very quickly. If I click to re-size a window it seems to always drop it, same with moving a window, click to move and it drops it about 1/4" later .. help?07:52
gary4garSuperQ, i did install manually, no questions asked :o07:52
lonejackMyrtti: now understand, was easy.07:52
SuperQgary4gar: weird, what package?07:52
imaginatorNineTeen67Comet: what kind of mouse is it?07:52
gary4garSuperQ, nothing special some random packages, wait lemme pull out the list :)07:53
* NineTeen67Comet and Sys/Pref/Mouse isn't doing it .. Logitech Wireless Lazer (MX5000 I think)07:53
BehiiMehiiSo anyone have a solution to my problem?07:53
NineTeen67Cometimaginator: ^07:53
NineTeen67Cometimaginator: I remember a few years ago there was a way to get more pulses per second in xorg.conf but I've totally forgotten how to do that.07:54
gary4garSuperQ, it was DNSmasq, samba etc07:54
imaginatorNineTeen67Comet: is your /etc/X11/xorg.conf using Option "Protocol" "auto" and Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"  ?07:54
SuperQgary4gar: I wonder if aptitude could fake the input07:54
NineTeen67Cometimaginator: lemme peek ..07:55
gary4garSuperQ, yeah i think aptitude should work, lemme dig up, thanks for pointer :)07:55
imaginatorNineTeen67Comet: also, the way you probably did it years ago was with the xset utility.07:55
SuperQgary4gar: yea, no problem07:55
zhancan1see many people talk,i hear my english is not good.so i decision to study english work hard.!!!!!07:55
imaginatorNineTeen67Comet:  xset m is used to change the acceleration and threshold, but out of the box it shouldn't be needed :)07:55
jubehi all. are there any known problems with a linux (ubuntu) open-iscsi initiator and an opensolaris iscsi target (zfs shareiscsi=on)?07:55
=== f00f is now known as f00f|sleeping
j_medic78i was on here earlier and got disconnected. my problem was that my comp lost access to internet, and even after a clean reinstall of feisty, i cannot connect to wireless networks. i can see them, but can't connect. i dual boot w/ Vista, and wireless works fine. i have an intel pro wireless 3495 and broadcom 440x 10/100 controller07:56
NineTeen67Cometimaginator: No I edited xorg.conf manually (back in my Gentoo days) .. It wasn't auto but ImPS/2 and Device was /dev/input/mice ..07:56
patrick_im running 7.10 on my laptop and when i try to view videos in firefox, nothing comes up07:57
patrick_what should i do?07:57
gary4garSuperQ, found something, still not what i was looking for but it would be quite help, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutoWeeklyUpdateHowTo07:57
imaginatorNineTeen67Comet: I'm not certain, but ImPS/2 may be the wrong protocol07:57
NineTeen67Cometimaginator: I changed it to auto .. maybe that'll work .. Dunno .. Then again maybe it is just this thing is a year old and has many many miles on it .. :-/07:57
imaginator"auto" may something to try07:57
NineTeen67Cometlemme restart gdm and see if the mouse changes . brb07:58
=== f00f|sleeping is now known as f00f
WGGMkIf I enable the root account by setting a password for it... How can I disable it so that its like it was NEVER enabled (or password was never set)07:58
Myrttilonejack: goodiegood07:58
Myrtti!root > WGGMk07:58
SuperQgary4gar: hrm, i found something that might help07:58
webspideru1imaginator: sorry to bother you again, but did you see my message?07:59
SuperQgary4gar: debconf should fall back to Noninteractive, not Teltype07:59
imaginatorwebspideru1: no bother.  I didn't see your message.07:59
MyrttiWGGMk: I think the wiki page has instructions07:59
webspideru1imaginator: hm ... I *think* I followed what you said, but I still seem to be going into low-graphics mode .. here's my current xorg.conf file - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49941/. does that look like what yours did?07:59
imaginatorI'll take a look webspideru107:59
WGGMkMyrtti: on how to enable (change what i need) and disable the root account?07:59
=== webspideru1 is now known as webspiderus
imaginatorwebspiderus: what kind of monitor do you have?08:00
webspiderusdell fp200108:00
imaginatorok what's the peak resolution on that?08:00
webspiderusimaginator: 1600x120008:00
gary4garSuperQ, so its a bug, damm i am having a bug holidays here, first my video drivers, then sound, then some bug in pidgin, then some ubiquity & now this :o, still thanks :)08:01
lonejackMyrtti: I don't know exactly what you mean but I agree...08:01
SuperQgary4gar: apt-get install debconf-doc and read man 7 debconf08:01
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SuperQgary4gar: there is a section on Unattended Package Installation08:01
imaginatorwebspiderus: I'm looking for an xorg.conf option I used when I ran into a similar problem years ago08:01
MyrttiWGGMk: please tell me first why you need the root08:01
bbengsI thought that UBUNTU was supposed to be easy to use08:01
bbengsI need some help08:01
WGGMkMyrtti: i need to change host configuration files with VMWare Server MUI.. only root can do these changes08:02
bbengswith ati drivers, tuner cards adn the like08:02
bbengscan anybody help me out?08:02
mpathybbengs: be polite.. whats your problem08:02
gary4gar!ask | bbengs,08:02
ubotubbengs,: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:02
lonejackGREAT UBUNTU COMMUNITY - I'm happy to be here!!!!08:02
ploomme too, lonejack08:02
MyrttiWGGMk: and sudo doesn't cut it?08:02
SuperQgary4gar: woot!08:02
ploomubuntu rules08:02
SuperQgary4gar: got it: DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive08:02
SuperQgary4gar: put that in your cron script08:02
WGGMkMyrtti: there's no such thing as sudo... its a web based manager tool for VMWare Server... cant login with sudo08:03
nuGzthkhi i need help, i formatted my HD and when i try to install ubuntu i get errors that it block sb_bread please pm me or say thanks08:03
bbengsI have 7.10 up and running, i was having trouble getting a TV tuner to play on my PC.  Now my ATI driver for my All-in-wonder 9600 will not let me keep my display settings to 1024/768, it keeps changing to 800/60008:03
MyrttiWGGMk: I'm pretty sure there's a config file someplace08:04
nuGzthkhi i need help, i formatted my HD and when i try to install ubuntu i get errors that it block sb_bread please pm me or say thanks08:04
imaginatorwebspiderus: I seem to recall a DisablePreferredMode that I used years ago, but it doesn't seem to be listed08:04
ompaulnuGzthk, you say you formatted, what tool did you use to format it?08:04
MyrttiWGGMk: that you can modify to have it use some other user than root08:04
gary4garSuperQ, thanks a TON!, i should put it where in crontab?, and how?08:05
mpathyHi there.. I want to know something about the meta-packages, in the description there is noted " It is (also) used to help ensure proper upgrades, so it is recommended that it not be removed."08:05
WGGMkMyrtti: ive searched for it, ive asked in #vmware and looked on the forums.. the solution that everyone keeps driving at is enabling root.. i already know how to enable it... i just want to know how to disable it08:05
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mpathy - but I definitely don't need some of the packages that are in ubuntu-desktop for example. How does it help to ensure proper upgrades? I cant see any script inside the debs08:05
ompaul!pm | nuGzthk08:06
ubotunuGzthk: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.08:06
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gary4garbbengs, did you install ATI drivers?08:06
imaginatorwebspiderus:  try this under Section "Monitor"  :  Option "PreferredMode" "1280x1024"08:06
MyrttiWGGMk: the rootsudo wikipage should have the info08:06
tonyyarussoWGGMk: passwd -l or some such thing08:06
SuperQgary4gar: something like this should work08:06
WGGMkMyrtti: im very hesitant in taking this action, but honestly if you know how to disable root login as if I never touched it.. id be pleased if you could help me. But id rather not go thru the motions of explaning it if its not getting me anywhere08:06
bbengsgary4gar:  yup, and reinstalled via the restrided driver manager08:06
SuperQgary4gar: 0 0 * * * DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install foo08:06
ompaulnuGzthk, you say you formatted, what did you use to format it?08:07
mpathybbengs: All I know is that the All-In-Wonder graphic cards sucks sometime, in stuff like tv, but that problem is very basic stuff..08:07
WGGMkMyrtti: alright, then disregard most of that last message.. thanks mate.. appreciate it08:07
tonyyarussoWGGMk: yeah, passwd -l root will do it08:07
SuperQgary4gar: if it's a one-time job, you could use an "at" job instead of cron :)08:07
WGGMktonyyarusso: will disable root account as if it was a fresh install?08:07
MyrttiWGGMk: ;-) sure08:07
tonyyarussoWGGMk: yup08:07
bbengsmpathy: great to hear that it is basic, where does a newbie start?08:07
imaginatorwebspiderus: and if that doesn't work add:  Modes "1024x768"  in Subsection "Display"08:07
WGGMktonyyarusso: much apprecaited08:08
gary4garSuperQ, yeah, thats a better idea i think08:08
tonyyarussoWGGMk: or any other account you need to lock out for a while :P08:08
imaginatorwebspiderus:  err rather 1280x1024 or whatever you prefer08:08
NineTeen67Cometimaginator: Dang, doesn't seem to have helped with the "auto" feature .. I'm bout to head to some people's for dinner so can't mess with it . but thanks for your time.08:08
WGGMktonyyarusso: this wont lock accounts with "sudo" privileges as well will it?08:08
abhi_ can anyone tell me how to enable USB networking on Ubuntu?08:08
gary4garbbengs, whats does "glxinfo |grep rendering " say08:08
nuGzthkompaul do you mean what kind of file ? like fat and nstf?08:08
imaginatorNineTeen67Comet: also checkout the man 4 mouse.  Maybe that will help08:08
marsmissionsI'm looking to learn C++, anybody have any suggestions on where to start?08:09
theQ_linuxHi. I have win and linux on a machine. i formatted the linux partition. now grub is giving me an error and won't run. can i kill grub and let my win run without reinstalling linux first?08:09
mpathybbengs: For a english person I would say wiki.ubuntu.com or help.ubuntu.com, for germans there is a nearly perfect ubuntuusers.de ;)08:09
NineTeen67Cometimaginator: oh yeah . never thought about the man pages for the mouse its self .. lol08:09
ompaulnuGzthk, no, how did you do this, was it with an install CD or something?08:09
gary4garmarsmissions, join ##c08:09
bbengsgary4gar:   Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".08:09
bbengsXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".08:09
bbengsXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".08:09
bbengsError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual08:09
bbengsXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".08:09
bbengsXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".08:09
bbengsXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".08:09
bbengsXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".08:09
tonyyarussoWGGMk: no - it sets the hash of the root user's password in /etc/shadow back to *, which is impossible to achieve with the algorithm used for such things, therefore making there not be any password that works for that account08:09
tonyyarussoWGGMk: your user has their own entry and is not affected08:10
ompaulbbengs, I will remove your mute in a few moments don't paste in the channel use paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:10
abhi_can any one tell me how to set up USB networking on Ubuntu? i want to enable a TCP/IP link b/w my handheld and PC.08:10
abhi_i tried insmod usbnet but it didn't work08:10
WGGMktonyyarusso: sorry for the redundant questions, but the password being * is how root is setup on a completely fresh install correct?08:11
imaginatorabhi_: insmod is rather primitive.  You may have more luck with modprobe08:11
gary4garbbengs, see always paste the output in pastebin, Please don't flood the channel ;)08:11
ompaulabhi_, you might like to try sudo modprobe usbnet08:11
tonyyarussoWGGMk: yep08:11
abhi_ompaul it didn't give me any out put?08:12
mpathynobody knows something about the right work of the metapackages when it comes to upgrades? I want to deinstall some apps like Evolution, Tomboy etc. but dont want to break with some kind of upgrading stuff if it depends on ubuntu-desktop for example!08:12
WGGMktonyyarusso: very much appreciated. not that i dont trust ya, but im gonna head to the wiki page and do a bit of reading before i take this route. thanks for the reference Myrtti i appreciate it08:12
tonyyarussoWGGMk: absolutely :)08:12
MyrttiWGGMk: np, part of the "job"08:12
theQ_linuxHi. I have win and linux on a machine. i formatted the linux partition. now grub is giving me an error and won't run. can i kill grub and let my win run without reinstalling linux first?08:12
nuGzthkompaul yes it was with a cd08:13
WGGMkMyrtti: maybe one day ill be versed enough in Linux/Ubuntu that it will be my.. ummm 'job'08:13
mpathyHow about two international ubuntu support channels, one for beginner questions, another for advanced topics?08:13
Nostahlwhats a good dvd player for me to get08:13
ompaulabhi_, I said like to try ;-)     if it gave out to you then I would be worried08:13
Administrator_theQ_linux, use windows install cd08:13
j_medic78i was on here earlier and got disconnected. my problem was that my comp lost access to internet, and even after a clean reinstall of feisty, i cannot connect to wireless networks. i can see them, but can't connect. i dual boot w/ Vista, and wireless works fine. i have an intel pro wireless 3495 and broadcom 440x 10/100 controller08:14
Nostahli want a player that has what it needs to actualy play the dvd's08:14
abhi_ompaul: ok08:14
Myrttimpathy: they all start from here anyway08:14
CoasterMastermpathy, then we'd have all sorts of people go "Take it to the beginner's room" and things like that....08:14
MyrttiNostahl: vlc08:14
imaginatorj_medic78: does your dmesg indicate what's failing?08:14
mpathyMyrtti: CoasterMaster: And the more advanced topics?08:15
ompaulnuGzthk, was that a ubuntu install cd?08:15
horizxonhow do i run a bash script that prints out each command before doing them08:15
imaginatorNostahl: what do you mean?  are you looking for a DVD drive for your computer compatible with Ubuntu?08:16
nuGzthkyes it was with an install cd08:16
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webspideru1imaginator: my internet connection seems to have died for a little bit .. did you say anything after you said you'll look for the xorg.conf option?08:16
Creedhorizxon, try #bash08:16
ompaulhorizxon, what you want to do is have "echo sometexthere which is the text you want printed out on the line" before every line to be executed08:16
imaginatorwebspideru1: yes.08:16
CoasterMastermpathy, i suppose it really comes down to what are advanced topics....I mean I'm not the most advanced user of Ubuntu and I have tons of beginning questions, but I also know a few advanced things...it just seems to me that keeping everything in one place is a good idea08:16
imaginatorwebspiderus:  try this under Section "Monitor"  :  Option "PreferredMode" "1280x1024"08:17
horizxonis there a way to default it so that any command it executes is displayed first?08:17
Creedhorizxon, only way i know of is to edit the script and copy each line and add "echo" before one of each copied line08:17
ompaulnuGzthk, at what point in the install did it give this error?08:17
imaginatorwebspideru1: you may also need to manually specify the: Mode "1280x1024" under Subsection "Display"08:17
horizxonah i thought i remembered being able to do this with a command line but i couldnt find it anywhere in the man page08:17
webspideru1imaginator: ok, thanks - I'll try that08:18
Administrator_telnet ftp.ubuntu.org.cn08:18
timfrosthorizxon: 'set +x' will enable printing of commands as they are about to be executed08:19
r3n0chey, anybody use vlc before? and get it to stream media to the internet... not just somebody on your network?08:19
r3n0ci wanted to try to use vlc as a poor man's apple tv08:19
Creedr3n0c, you will have to open the port which you are streaming content on on your firewall or port forward it on your router.08:19
drkokolokohi everyone, where can I find good info about ARDOUR and Jack ? I have problems to get sound , though other applications do work... I am newbie to linux and I LOVE IT, I want to stay with it, but I need to be able to make sound recording  THANKS A LOT08:20
r3n0cCreed, i mean in the actual setup, what would i do with the settings08:20
mylogichow can I tell which usb slot my smartphone is plugged in to? (as far as /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyUSB1, etc)08:20
nuGzthkompaul , umm in the begining of the install and how do i install it , what option do i pick from the cd? the oem install?08:20
timfrosthorizxon: sorry try -x not +x08:20
Myrttimylogic: dmesg08:20
Myrttimylogic: or lsusb08:21
horizxonah yes08:21
r3n0cCreed, would i just set the udp address to the public address? or do i have to setup an http?08:21
PancakesHow do you mount an external harddrive?08:21
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.08:21
imaginatorr3n0c: I haven't yet.  I was thinking about trying to stream to my nokia 770 (that runs Linux).08:21
Johnsonhey does anyone that use finch know how to get the buddy list to show up/ send an im08:21
Creedr3n0c, leave the public address empty, that way it listens on all addresses and responds to all (even if youre behind a firewall/router)08:21
mylogicMyrtti: I tried those, but they don't really say which one...08:21
Johnsonmy buddy list has no buddies, to clarifiy08:21
MyrttiPancakes: the same way you mount all of them08:21
r3n0cimaginator, ok, yea i was just trying to get it to work (for some reason i stoped getting wifi on my laptop) so i guess i'll just stop for now08:21
Myrttimylogic: mine shows in dmesg08:22
mylogicMyrtti: lsusb gives me Bus 003 Device 008: ID 0bb4:0b51 High Tech Computer Corp.08:22
r3n0cimaginator i got it to work on the local network, but couldn't get it to connect from a different one08:22
mylogicMyrtti: well it kind of shows, but it says USB 4-2 ... how do I know if that's /dev/ttyusb0 or ttyusb108:23
Myrttimylogic: Nokia N95, /dev/ttyACM008:23
mpathyCoasterMaster: do you know something about the meta-packages and their exact role in upgrading? because I mostly deinstall evolution and tomboy and because of that also automatically ubuntu-desktop, but as I said, there is written " It is also used to help ensure proper upgrades, so it is recommended that it not be removed."08:23
bruenigmpathy, just reinstall it before upgrade if it does indeed play that significant a role, meta-packages are dirty to begin with08:23
CoasterMastermpathy, from what I've seen it's ok to remove it, but you should re-install it before upgrading to a new version of Ubuntu08:23
ompaulnuGzthk, you don't pick oem, and you could try to stick to one issue at a time,  the error you got to be of more use to you we would need the exact message, there are a couple of reasons, what kind of machine are you trying to install it on, are you trying to share it with another operating system08:23
Myrtti!hi | user324308:24
ubotuuser3243: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:24
bruenigthe ubuntu devs need to work on forking apt to work with package groups instead of meta-packages08:24
brueniginstead of nonsense like bulletproofx and so forth08:24
imaginatorwhat is bulletproofx?08:24
bruenignot important08:25
imaginatorbruenig: nevermind I found it on the wiki08:25
ompaulbruenig, if you feel this is a bug / or a feature you want you could write a spec or file a bug on launchpad.net and then participate in following it up08:25
user3243ubuntu is fun08:25
user3243it makes it easy to do things, i just wish it were a little faster08:25
bruenigmy bugs get ignored08:25
imaginatoruser3243: what's slow for you with ubuntu?08:26
alemonesHi guys, I have a problem that after apparently installing all plugins real player, etc., all what is real player doesnt appear in Firefox. Also Youtube videos are slow and the tools of the video are overlapped and look ugly, plus video window size doesn't seem to match ... Any clue?08:26
mpathyCoasterMaster: hmm, but why? the exactly same on ubuntu-server, the metapackage includes "alsa*" packages, but who really needs installed alsa packages on his server at his housing provider?08:26
user3243to be fair, it's not really slow, just not as fast as windows xp08:26
user3243windows xp after a fresh install that is08:26
zero-9376anyone here used the userful desktop multiplier, i need help enabling users to shutdown the system08:27
ompaulbruenig, this is the support channel as you are aware, if your bugs are ignored and you have the option of forking ubuntu or working on them yourself to get to Free Software Heaven ;-)08:27
CoasterMastermpathy, i'm not sure...I don't use the server edition08:27
user3243if theres any little tweaks i can apply i'd like that08:27
bruenigalemones, you probably install gnash not adobe flash, you don't need real player, mplayer and (I think) totem can handle rm so it is a total waste of time to worry with realplayer proprietary stuff08:27
imaginatoralemones: I don't have that problem, but perhaps it's because I'm installed the flash plugin from adobe08:27
ompauluser3243, so have you installed it?08:27
Creeduser3243, you can always try out different flavors of ubuntu, or hell even different distros to see which is up to speed and you still like :) Xubuntu is fairly quick.08:27
user3243yes i have installed it08:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about finch - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:27
ompauluser3243, what spec is the machine, chip / disk / ram /video ram08:27
user3243i erased windows, dont need it anymore08:27
user3243hooray for me08:27
mpathympathy: ubuntu-desktop should also only include things everyone needs, like NetworkManager, but packages highly depending on personal taste like Evolution (and his bad IMAP support) shouldnt remove the meta08:28
user3243core 2 2.2ghz 800mhz fsb 4mbl2, 170gb fujitsu 7200rpm, 2gb 667mhz, 128mb 8400M gs08:28
alemonesbruenig: do you mean I should install flash?08:28
wersthe slab menu looks weird on ubuntu. any idea why?08:28
user3243ddr3 on that gpu08:28
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user3243but nvclock doesnt support it, blah08:28
ompaulmpathy, launchpad.net is the place to file those issues - they may get won't fix attached but at least you will have addressed them08:29
user3243thats one thing ill miss, ocing my gpu08:29
ompaul!offtopic | user324308:29
ubotuuser3243: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:29
j_medic78>imaginator: i'm still a noob really! all i've done is check the output of ifconfig and iwconfig. sorry for the late response, this satellite internet keeps kicking me off08:31
darkblue_Bugh- 4+ hours in install treadmill.. it all seems so clear after the dust settles.. Use the install CD, choose Safe Graphics Mode, forget fancy partitions at first, just make the boot and swap, and install from the hardware that its going to run off of, no matter how close the boxes seem.. ugh08:31
msinghcan i update to the new tcl/tk?08:31
HelloTherHello can someone help me please?08:32
msinghHelloTher, what's the problem08:32
alemonesgulp..my help left the chat.. here I go again  ::  have a problem that after apparently installing all plugins real player, etc., all what is real player doesnt appear in Firefox. Also Youtube videos are slow and the tools of the video are overlapped and look ugly, plus video window size doesn't seem to match ... Any clue?08:32
imaginatorj_medic78: open a terminal and try: dmesg | less     Some of that output may be about your wireless card driver.08:32
HelloTherI can't load into the desktop of Kubuntu08:32
lwellsIs there power management in xubuntu??08:32
ompaul!bootoptions | HelloTher08:33
ubotuHelloTher: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions08:33
user3211I got installation problem for warzone 2100, can anybody help me ?08:33
j_medic78imaginator: i'll try it. i'm gonna have to log off vista and reboot to do it08:33
imaginatorj_medic78: ok, good luck :)08:33
Jordan_Ualemones, You are using gnash instead of flash, that is what is causing your youtube problems08:33
Johnsonhey does anyone in here now anything about finch? like how to log on. because for some reason by buddy list doesn't show up at all08:34
alemonesJordan_U: thanks, what should I do?08:34
msinghHellDragon, what desktop -- you mean X.orf?08:34
msinghsorry i meant that to HelloTher08:34
HelloTherIt says no resume image, doing normal boot. Then It asks me for my login details. But I want to go into the actual desktop08:35
Jordan_Ualemones, Open Applications -> Add / Remove, uncheck gnash and check flash ( make sure that it is showing all available applications at the top right )08:35
imaginatorHelloTher: it sounds like gdm or X isn't working for some reason08:35
isaacj87hi all08:36
imaginatorHelloTher: if you login then you might try startx and see what happens08:36
HelloTherOk will try that thanks.08:36
isaacj87can I just use wine "c:\blah\blah\blah.exe" as the command for a launcher I want to create?08:36
Lin1hello ppl :)08:36
Jordan_Ualemones, Or from the terminal: sudo apt-get remove mozilla-plugin-gnash && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:37
isaacj87or do I need to have a specific command?08:37
Lin1is there a way to make the surround system to work???08:37
Jordan_Uisaacj87, Any command that works from a terminal will work from a launcher08:38
imaginatorJordan_U: does apt-get remove do the same thing as dpkg --remove pkgname?08:38
ubuntu_Hello! I'm using the Live CD right now, and I have a small question about installation...I have Windows already installed, and so I used GParted to create an ext3 partition, a swap partition, and a 10GB fat32 partition for backup stuff. If I let Ubuntu install the bootloader, will I still be able to get into Windows?08:38
isaacj87Jordan_U: ah. thanks. I was just curious if I need anything else besides: wine "c:\blah\blah.exe"08:39
user3243my experience is that ubuntu kills windows bootability08:40
Jordan_Uimaginator, basically, but it also removes the dependencies of <package>08:40
imaginatorubuntu_: yes, you should be able to.  Assuming that the boatloader installer identifies the existing partitions, and creates entries.  Make sure you have backups though beforehand of all of your important Windows data.08:40
user3243but that may have changed08:40
user3243and windows kill ubuntu bootability, though of course theres double boot howto's on google08:40
ubuntu_imaginator: Yep, I do :) Let's assume the bootloader didn't...would there be a way to manually do it?08:41
Jordan_Uuser3243, It shouldn't ever do that, but it unfortunately sometimes does08:41
imaginatorubuntu_: yes by manually adding an entry for grub08:41
alemonesJordan_U: Thanks, I'm working on it.08:41
SquiRelWhen I type startx the screen goes black08:41
imaginatorubuntu_: once you have ubuntu installed you can run info grub to see how to use and edit the bootloader configuration.08:42
SquiRelBut it worked fine before.08:42
imaginatorSquiRel: are you using a restricted driver?08:43
SquiRelThen I restarted and it didn't load08:43
imaginatorlike perhaps the nvidia driver?08:43
SquiRelWhat's a restricted driver?08:43
sebastian_wattyour name08:43
SquiRelYes I am08:43
Jordan_Uimaginator, You people and your Texinfo manuals, man FTW08:43
sebastian_watt im08:43
SquiRelIt prompted me to install it08:43
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
ubuntu_imaginator: Would there be a way to have Windows remain the "default" OS (so, if you turn on the computer and leave it sitting, it'll eventually load Windows?). I'm trying to get my husband to use Ubuntu, but I need to sneak it in there :)08:43
vista_hi all08:43
Jordan_Uubuntu_, Yes, there is08:43
imaginatorSquiRel: oh, well that's a problem.  I ran into that before.  the restricted driver manager has a bug or 208:44
SquiRelSo is there a way to fix it?08:44
user3211ubuntu: you need to edit the grub config file08:44
vista_i m interested in installing ubuntu. i installed once but all my programs are with .exe and i culdnt install wine but when i did. the software werent installing coz they didnt knew where to be install08:45
imaginatorSquiRel: at the grub menu boot with the rescue/safe option08:45
Jordan_Uubuntu_, Edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst and put the lines that boot windows before the debian automagic kernels section ( that sounds more complicated than it is )08:45
imaginatorSquiRel: then login and edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the driver back to nv from nvidia08:45
imaginatorSquiRel: The problem is most likely that the restricted driver manager used a newer driver than your card supports.  At least it was that case with mine08:45
ubuntu_Hmm. I'll install it and then come back here if I need help :)08:45
imaginatorSquiRel: I found that the newer driver would work, after initialized with the nv driver, but failed after a reboot, and would give me a black screen08:46
SquiRelImaginator: so then can I not use those drivers08:46
user3211ubuntu_: go here for instruction for duel booting https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot08:46
imaginatorSquiRel: I'm guessing you can't for now.  You can however install the official Nvidia driver (perhaps the older legacy version) it's what I use.08:47
SquiRelSo how do I do that?08:47
imaginatorSquiRel: see the nvidia site08:47
imaginatoryou can download their driver and installer08:47
SquiRelOk thanks for your help08:47
wersanyone here using the slab menu?08:48
wersany idea why it looks weird on ubuntu? :D08:49
Jordan_Uwers, screenshot?08:49
siddhanthi. is there any permanent solution to the titlebar gone in compiz problem? i've tried everything. bt once in every session, the titlebars disappear. :(08:49
user3243siddhant in terminal type emerald --replace08:50
imaginatoruser3243: what does that do?08:50
user3243if you dont have emerald start with sudo apt-get install emerald08:50
siddhanti enabled ths line in startup as well.08:50
wersJordan_U, good idea. where can i upload it? is there something like pastebin for screenshots? :D08:50
user3243emerald --replace sets the window boarders to use emerald decorations08:51
Jordan_Uwers, flickr, photobucket, imageshaq08:51
siddhanti did emerald --replace just now. as soon as i close the terminal, titlebars disappear again08:52
user3243yeah you cant do that, but you can make it an executable and set it to autostart08:52
user3243that way you wont see it, and you wont have to do it08:52
Jordan_Usiddhant, nohup emerald --replace08:52
v507hello i need help again08:53
siddhantit does bring them back. but as soon as i close the terminal, they go again.08:53
v507i using gutsy08:53
Jordan_Usiddhant, Also you probably want to put that in System -> Preferences -> Session ( you don't need the nohup for that but it doesn't hurt either )08:53
v507i´m using gutsy08:54
v507install compiz08:54
Jordan_Usiddhant, Using "nohup emerald --replace" it should not go away when you close the terminal08:54
siddhantit did. :(08:54
user3243i'd tell him how to make an executable and put it in autostart, but im too lazy08:54
v507and then i dont know next after installing compiz08:54
siddhanthey now it didnt!08:54
Jordan_Usiddhant, np08:55
user3243v507 in terminal type compiz --replace08:55
wersJordan_U, http://xs.to/codes.php?f=Screenshot-1.png&h=xs322&d=0752608:55
user3243lol jordan he's going to have to do that every time he uses his computer, assuming he shuts it down08:55
SquiRelImaginator: Hi again, there is no option for rescue/safe boot, and there is no directory /x11?08:55
v507it said xgl not present08:55
wersthe slab menu there isn't like the one in suse08:55
user3243did you install your video card driver?08:55
auneswhat is the social channel for #ubunto again?08:56
kr00lcan someone help me install flashplayer9?08:56
v507i dont know08:56
imaginatorSquiRel: /etc/X11 ?08:56
v507im using sis08:56
SquiRelya directory does not exist08:56
imaginatorlocate xorg.conf?08:56
v507how to check it??08:56
SquiRelhow do I find it?08:56
v507how to check my video card driver???08:57
menllyosfirestart does not boot automatically, i see a [FAIL] message while booting, but as soon as im logged in and type iptables -nL i do see a lot of rules...08:57
user3243uname -a08:57
Arv3nHow do I mount a UDF volume?08:58
BehiiMehiiSquiRel: I believe you go to Computer>File System08:58
user3243imaginator in terminal type sudo locate xorg.conf08:58
user3243it'll tell you where it is08:58
imaginatorSquiRel: perhaps my information is outdated...  That seems strange though that they would move /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:58
Jordan_Uwers, Been awhile since I've used Suse but that looks right. It is going to look different with different themes08:58
imaginatorI'm using Feisty for what it's worth.08:58
user3243lol tell me what it says08:58
SquiRelI'm using the 7.10 one08:58
Jordan_Uimaginator, The xorg.conf has not been moved08:59
wersJordan_U, the text are cut in the menu button08:59
v507give me a sec08:59
clalfahello I got a problem trying to install my geforce 2 mx drivers08:59
Arv3nHow do I mount a UDF volume?08:59
v507Linux 3botol 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Dec 18 08:02:57 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux08:59
v507it said Linux 3botol 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Dec 18 08:02:57 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux08:59
clalfathe nvidia installer says " cannot load nvidia kernel module"08:59
Jordan_Uuser3211, No need to use sudo with locate ( and you should avoid using sudo when you don't need it )08:59
Arv3nHow do I mount a UDF volume?08:59
imaginatorJordan_U: thank you.  SquiRel: I'm not sure what is going on that would cause you to not have an /etc/X11/ or /etc/X11/xorg.conf then09:00
v507what us that mean??09:00
v507what is that mean??09:00
user3243hold on09:00
SquiRelI will try the locate thing then09:00
Jordan_USquiRel, Do you have xorg installed?09:00
user3243i would tell you how to do this easily but i'd get blammed for telling you to do something thats not supported09:01
imaginatorArv3n: if the automounting isn't working then perhaps: mount -t udf /dev/yourdevice /path09:01
user3243oh well ill do it anyway, apt-get install envy09:01
cybergigUm... quick question on the xchat program... how do I get it to show the nicklist... mine loaded without the nicklist and this is the first time i've used xchat.09:01
Arv3nimaginator, sec.09:01
user3243then use envy to fix your driver issues09:01
Arv3nI get this error: Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'UDF Volume'.09:01
Arv3nimaginator, I get this error: Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'UDF Volume'.09:02
v507i´m using gutsy09:02
imaginatorinvalid "mount option"  ?09:02
user3243just do sudo apt-get install envy09:02
Jordan_Uuser3243, envy is not in the repos09:02
wersJordan_U, the slab menu here doesn't look like http://en.opensuse.org/Image:103gnome-desktop.jpg09:02
user3243its not?!09:02
Arv3nimaginator, i just reinsert the cd and it pops up with that. :)09:02
Arv3ni burned it from windows explorer as a data disc, thats why.09:02
imaginatorArv3n: ok, sounds like a bug with something then09:02
Arv3ni didnt use nero or anything.09:03
v507is ¨sudo apt-get install envy¨ for me, user3243????09:03
imaginatorArv3n: you should still be able to mount it I would assume09:03
user3243well it was, but jordan thinks it wont work09:03
Arv3nimaginator, me too.09:03
imaginatorArv3n: try it in a terminal09:03
imaginatorxterm or whatever you have available09:03
v507user3243, what about me??09:03
Arv3nimaginator, another error.09:04
Jordan_Uuser3211, Envy has never been in the repositories09:04
Arv3nimaginator: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0,09:04
Arv3n       missing codepage or helper program, or other error09:04
Arv3n       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try09:04
Arv3n       dmesg | tail  or so09:04
Arv3nmy bad.09:04
user3243hmm  must have a modded sources.list09:04
user3243i dont know v50709:04
imaginatorArv3n: it may be trying to mount it as iso966009:04
user3243i cant help people like this im just too lazy09:04
v507after i use uname -a it said Linux 3botol 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Dec 18 08:02:57 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux09:04
user3243i hope this isnt going to turn into one of those what goes around comes around things09:04
Arv3nimaginator: running dmesg | tail gives me this: [ 3531.667663] UDF-fs: No fileset found09:05
Arv3n[ 3531.762995] Unable to identify CD-ROM format.09:05
user3243yeah that means you can install nvidia drivers09:05
Jordan_Uwers, Are you just talking about how "computer" is cut off in your panel?09:05
user3243since its supported on that version09:05
imaginatorArv3n: oh that's unfortunate09:05
wersthat and other things09:05
Arv3nNothing i can do?09:05
user3243can you find restricted driver manager?09:05
wersthe "Computer" text is cut09:05
wersthere is no search function09:05
Jordan_Uwers, I am looking at http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs322&d=07526&f=Screenshot-1.png and that is all I see09:05
user3243do you have your video card driver set to enabled09:06
wersthe places component is has weird locations09:06
v507how to??09:06
Arv3nimaginator, googling this seems to get a lot of seach results regarding ubuntu. imma check it out.09:06
v507i allready installed restricted driver09:06
user3243select the check box next to the thing that says accelerated whatever09:06
user3243oh, and it still says xgl not present, hmmm09:06
user3243your version comes with compiz fusion preinstalled09:07
JohanSJAhelp needed, now i have a dual boot os system, how can i reinstall my windows xp without it interrupt the grub boot loader so that i can still enter my ubuntu os? the last time i reinstall my xp, i can't enter my ubuntu09:07
HelloThereIt says Permission Denied when I try to edit xorg.conf09:07
=== JimmyDee is now known as IsSoSorry
user3243hmm, hmm, try this http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=xgl+not+present&btnG=Search v50709:08
user3243theres bound to be something on there09:08
user3243hellothere open nautilus with sudo in terminal, in terminal type "sudo nautilus"09:08
user3243then navigate to the file and open it and edit it09:08
HelloThereok cool what is nautilus?09:09
Myrttiuser3243: nnnooo09:09
MyrttiHelloThere: nnoo09:09
user3243or just run the text editor with sudo, "sudo gedit"09:09
=== Q_Continuum is now known as Q_Contoxicated
MyrttiHelloThere, user3243: neverever run graphical apps from the terminal with sudo09:09
perfectorcan someone recommend a good lightweight caching nameserver for a single user??09:10
imaginatorHelloThere: sudo youreditor /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:10
MyrttiHelloThere, user3243: use "gksudo" instead09:10
imaginatoroops I'm behind :)09:10
richardjccan somebody help me edit grub bootloader?09:10
jmspeexAnyone one has compiz in a usable state (not crashing several times a day)? If so, any hints on reproducing that?09:10
richardjci tried to edit the menu.lst file but it says i don't have permission09:11
user3243richard it took me forever to get compiz the way i liked it09:11
user3243i read forum after forum09:11
user3243tweak after tweak applied09:11
user3243i found it runs like crap in kde (kubuntu)09:11
user3243gnome is faster and more reliable with compiz fusion running09:11
richardjcgrub not compiz, grub!09:11
siddhantrichardjc, are u root?09:11
richardjci should be09:11
richardjci just installed it and i'm the only user09:12
user3243lol, that was meant for jmspeex09:12
siddhantsudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst09:12
Myrtti/me backs away slowly09:12
v507user3243, i need to know my video card09:12
rkviraniHi All09:12
jmspeexuser3243: which one was meant for me?09:12
Omega512hello guys i wanna make my own ubuntu iso image that contains my prefered packages preintalled and my prefered themes how can do that if it is posible plz09:13
antlerv507: lspci09:13
rkviraniIm not much for hacking ubuntu but if I wanted JUST gnome and no other apps, how would I do this off a default ubuntu install09:13
rkviraniOnly interested in gnome09:13
user3243the stuff about compiz and how it works like crap in kde (for me)09:13
rkviraninot firefox, not openoffice, not anything else just vanilla gnome09:13
richardjchow do i exi vim?09:14
imaginatorescape :q09:14
siddhantescape :wq09:14
open-glhello, i am now running under live cd but i am running it as a server09:14
user3243rkvirani the only way is to install ubuntu default, and start removing crap when youre done09:14
open-glwhat is the command when not running on cd09:15
user3243they dont make ubuntu-lite, though there is an ubuntu-lite its old and dead09:15
ozubuhello, can some1 refer me to "how to" install berkeley db on ubuntu ?09:15
open-glwhen i was on cd i would type cd09:15
imaginatorsiddhant: I fear that if richardjc doesn't know how to quit vim, that writing the changes with wq may be dangerous :)09:15
rkviraniuser3243: ouch09:15
Frekuxubuntu is lighter09:15
rkviranino meta packages I can remove eh?09:15
antlerimaginator: hahahahahaha09:15
richardjci don't get it!09:15
Omega512hello guys i wanna make my own ubuntu iso image that contains my prefered packages preintalled and my prefered themes how can do that if it is posible plz09:15
siddhantimaginator: correct. :)09:15
user3243yeah xubuntu is lighter but its still got all kinds of applications (mainly the ones he listed he doesnt want)09:15
rkviraniuser3243: what if I installed xubuntu then just put gnome ontop09:16
rkviraniis there a package for just pure gnome09:16
user3243then it would hardly be xubuntu anymore lol09:16
user3243xubuntu still has all those apps you said you dont want09:16
richardjci still don't understand how to exit guys :(09:16
user3243its easy to remove stuff in synaptic though09:16
webspiderusjust out of curiosity, does ubuntu 7.10 usually detect monitors properly?09:16
rkviraniuser3243: I will give it a try Im most used to the command line09:16
kr00lcan somone help me install flash player 909:16
rkviraniuser3243: thanks09:17
Frekulinuxfromscratch.org    i guess09:17
user3243sorry for assuming otherwise09:17
imaginatorrichardjc: vim and vi is a very primitive editor.  It uses modes.09:17
siddhantrichardjc: if u have finished editing, press escape, and the :wq (for writing the changes) and :q(for quitting without changes)09:17
rkviranikr00l: did you download the zip file?09:17
imaginatorrichardjc: when you press escape it turns to the command interpretation mode09:17
rkviraniPress Alt +F309:17
rkviranithen goto Terminal09:17
antlerrichardjc: if you're editing, then press Esc to exit that mode. then hit SHIFT and SEMIcolon09:17
kr00l<rkvirani> i'm using this: http://www.howtoforge.com/native_linux_flash_player9_in_ubuntu09:17
rkviranithen cd to the directory you downloaded to and type tar -z               http://www.howtoforge.com/native_linux_flash_player9_in_ubuntu09:17
imaginatorrichardjc: if you've already pressed a bunch of keys thatn you'll likely need to use :q!  to quit without saving09:17
kr00li'm stuck on the installation path09:17
antlerrichardjc: at the COLON, enter 'q' w/o the quotes09:18
alemoneshi guys, I have a problem, that Real player content doesnt appear at all in Firefox. I already followed some website instructions with no success.. any clue?09:18
rkviraniso whats the problem?09:18
rkviraniwhere are you stuck?09:18
kr00l<rkvirani> I'm stuck on installation path09:18
imaginatoralemones: are you using the helix player or mplayer to play real player content?09:18
tarelerulzI want to reinstall my system ,but just just want it to effect the system files and not movies and documents I have mad on it.  Is there away to do that?09:19
kr00l<rkvirani> it says dir= /usr/lib/mozilla but when i type it in nothing happens09:19
rkviranithese are old instructions09:19
rkviranijust press enter09:19
alemonesimaginator: How do I find that out?09:19
suprgniousquestion:  I installed apache and php successfully on the root web dir /var/www but when I try to access a virtual host php doesn't work and my browser wants to download a phtml file. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.09:19
kr00l<rkvirani> can't i need a path09:19
antlertarelerulz: um, don't format the directories with the stuff you want kept?09:19
rkviranikr00l: it should install the plugins to ~/.mozilla I think which is where they go by default09:19
imaginatoralemones: in firefox type: about plugins09:19
=== alex_ is now known as aLeSD_
imaginatorerr about:plugins09:19
aLeSD_hi all09:19
rkviranikr00l: it should find the path for you09:19
richardjci just used NANO! :)09:20
richardjcVIM was too confusing09:20
rkviranior just put it in your home directory where plugins will be searched for when you load FF09:20
richardjcthanks guys09:20
imaginatorrichardjc: good choice09:20
aLeSD_how can I install ubuntu from text mode ? VESA driver can't found an usable conf to start x09:20
rkviranivi is the shiz09:20
newkakahello everyone09:20
kr00lrkvirani> nothing09:20
rkvirani? What do you mean nothing09:20
rkviraniis it still asking you?09:20
tarelerulzAntler , that is kind of hard I have stuff in /home/username/video , documents and so on . It all is not on some different partition .09:20
kr00lrkvirani> you know of any way to get flashplayer 9 installed09:20
alemonesimaginator: Helix is the one09:21
rkviranikr00l: the installation should be actually installable from the browser09:21
rkviraniooh or do you have the old 8 installed right now?09:21
imaginatoraLeSD_: what kind of machine are you using that doesn't have a usable VESA driver?09:21
perfectorpdnsd or lwres ???? suggestions pls09:21
kr00lrkvirani> i have none installed now09:21
Myrtti!flash | kr00l09:21
ubotukr00l: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash09:21
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.09:21
kr00lrkvirani> i want to watch youtube stuff but i can't09:21
aLeSD_imaginator: ati unknown device 794209:21
webspiderusjust out of curiosity, does ubuntu 7.10 usually detect monitors properly? I've got a dell FP 2001 which is in ubuntu's list of monitors, but it doesn't autodetect as that. If i select the dell fp 2001 as the monitor, and restart X, however, then i get a vertically scrambled image..09:21
antlertarelerulz: reinstalling the system doesn't mean that you must wipe out /home09:22
imaginatoraLeSD_: hmm.  So you're just trying to install the system, or have you already installed?09:22
aLeSD_imaginator: tringh09:22
aLeSD_imaginator: xorg says : screen found but no usable configurtion09:22
Myrttiantler: if it's not on separate partition09:22
antlertarelerulz: you're /home and / are in the same partition09:22
rkviraniso go to youtube09:23
rkviraniand then mozilla will tell you that you need the plugin09:23
Arv3nIs there some where I can create an Ubuntu Repository for free?09:23
rkviranithen use mozilla to install it09:23
imaginatoraLeSD_: I've never installed Ubuntu from text mode, so unfortunately I'm not familiar with that.  If the VESA driver and configuration aren't working that indicates something that may bring you trouble in the future.09:23
richardjchi again, where can i find the partition manager?09:23
rkviraniArv3n: yes, your own machine09:23
newkakathey are talling about ff09:23
Arv3nrkwirani, I don't plan on keeping my machine up 24/7.09:23
rkviraniArv3n: hehe :D09:23
Arv3nrkwirani, it can't even handle that.09:23
rkviraniArv3n: sorry then, no idea :D09:24
siddhantis there an "rpm -q " equivalent in ubuntu?09:24
Arv3nrkwirani, I'm trying to create my own distro, but not enough money for a repo.09:24
kr00ldoes anyone know how to get youtube videos working with firefox?09:24
rkviraniArv3n: I do recall some peoples giving out space09:24
Arv3nkr00l, install Flash09:24
rkviranikr00l: me :D09:24
richardjchelp guys, where can i find the partition manager on ubuntu?09:24
rkviraniArv3n: he is trying09:24
Arv3nrkwirani, who?09:24
Arv3nIt's not like I can't give money or anything.09:25
rkviraniArv3n: kr00l is trying to install flash09:25
Arv3nIt's just that I can't right now, and I don't get that much, anyway.09:25
newkakayou can try alien09:25
rkviraniArv3n: Im trying to get him to do the browser way09:25
Arv3nMy family is doing bad financially atm.09:25
imaginatorwebspiderus: Ubuntu doesn't really AFAIK write code to detect monitors.  I think that's mostly X.org and their usage/misusage? of DDC (a VESA protocol)09:25
tarelerulzantler , my / and /home are in the same partition09:25
rkviranihey kr00l try 'apt-get install swf-player'09:25
Arv3nrkwirani, search google for "flash about"09:25
kr00lrkvirain i installed the non-free plugin and it doesn't do anyting09:25
Arv3nrkwirani, click on the first link09:25
alemonesimaginator: Helix is the one I have in about:plugins09:25
Arv3nrkwirani, then install it09:25
rkviraniArv3n: there are some places that give space for stuff like that but Im not sure where09:25
Arv3nIs there some where I can create an Ubuntu Repository for free?09:26
Omega512Arv3n: i wanna make my own ubuntu iso image that contains my prefered packages preintalled and my prefered themes how can do that if it is posible plz09:26
rkviranikr00l: DID YOU RESTART FIREFOX?09:26
Arv3nOmega512, search google for Reconstructor09:26
imaginatoralemones: you may find that removing helix player with: sudo synaptic  and installing mplayer and its plugins works better.09:26
kr00lrkvirain yes09:26
rkviraniouch sorry for caps09:26
Arv3nOmega512, http://reconstructor.aperantis.com/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=109:26
tarelerulzThere must be a way to over write the os files them self with out formatting or something? I am not dumb for thinking so09:26
rkviranikr00l: all your windows09:26
webspiderusimaginator: there was a detect button, so I figured there would be some detection .. my fault, I suppose :P Is there a way to fix vertical scrambling though? Because I get the login window in high resolution, and then my desktop just appears scrambled, whereas in my 'stable' configuration, everything's just at a low resolution09:26
rkviraniyou have to close _all_ your windows09:26
Arv3nIs there some where I can create an Ubuntu Repository for free?09:26
imaginatoralemones: another option is the proprietary real player based on helix player.09:26
Myrttirkvirani: the flash installation is broken09:26
antlertarelerulz: you can, but i wouldn't do that09:26
rkviraniMyrtti: which the FF one or the ubuntu one?09:27
rkviraniMyrtti: I dont understand why FF is not prompting him to install it09:27
antlertarelerulz: just don't format / before the actual install09:27
Myrttithe ubuntu one is used by the ff one09:27
Omega512Arv3n thnx09:27
kr00l<rkvirani> yes i did but i still can't get it to work09:27
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.09:27
kr00l<rkvirani> how do i get swf-player09:28
imaginatorwebspiderus: it's unfortunate that X is such a problem, especially with regard to configuration.  After using Linux for over 10 years, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and now Ubuntu, I find that X is the worst of them all to get working right.09:28
alemonesimaginator: thx will try and let you know, thx!09:28
Arv3nIs there some where I can create an Ubuntu Repository for free?09:28
imaginatoralemones: you're welcome09:28
Myrtti!repeat |  Arv3n09:28
ubotuArv3n: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:28
tarelerulzAntler , when it finds a ext3 partition just tell it to use it and not to format it  and it should just over write the os files ? is that what I am understanding09:29
* syc_ mohon pamid09:29
Arv3nWould anyone be kind enough to host my Ubuntu repo?09:29
* syc_ wassalamualaikum wr wb09:29
Arv3nI can pay.09:29
webspiderusimaginator: yeah, it's a shame .. when I tried ubuntu a few years back, I didn't have such problems. So is vertical scrambling usually caused by some singular setting, or is it just a consequence of X being generally messed up?09:29
Myrtti!english | syc_09:29
ubotusyc_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat09:29
wersi just installed usp ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=222546&highlight=usp ). how do I add it to my panel?09:29
antlertarelerulz: you understand correctly. i don't about others, but i wouldn't do that.09:29
fotoflohow do i log all logins and logouts on my ubuntu server?09:29
Myrtti!id | syc_09:30
ubotusyc_: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia09:30
imaginatorwebspiderus: it's a combination of problems.  X11 is very complex, and bends over backwards to support a vast amount of hardware and different configurations.  The video card makers are also very resistant to giving out proprietary drivers in general, though I hear that ATI is doing better now.09:30
antleri don't remember whether ubuntu has a resize partition utility, tarelerulz09:30
imaginatorSo the nv driver that ships with X.org is partly maintained and updated by the X.org folk, and Nvidia09:30
imaginatorBut the proprietary nvidia driver that Nvidia distributes, isn't maintained by X.org, and is subject to potential problems when X.org changes.09:31
tarelerulzI think it does  , I used it for making space out of my ntfs so I don't see why it would not do that for ext309:31
antlerif it does, then resize, create, move, reinstall os on old partition09:31
fotoflohow do i log all logins and logouts on my ubuntu server?09:31
antler*move the stuff you want to keep over09:31
antler*to the newly created ext3 partition09:32
webspiderusimaginator: ah, I see. thanks for your help :D hopefully I can figure this out someday09:32
newkakacfisk is good09:32
antlertarelerulz: when it comes to partitioning, take your time and backup your stuff first.09:32
Arv3nWould anyone be kind enough to host my Ubuntu repo?09:32
Toma-I cant get ' and " to work in virtualbox. the guest OS is gutsy and ive tried remapping the keys a few times. any tips?09:33
|DuReX|I downloaded Alternate cd for Ubuntu, now i can't find where to select in the install to use dmraid :(09:33
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion09:33
tarelerulzAntler , i thought you might say that.  I don't see why you just can't over right just the os files .  I have had the windows mess up and I just over wrote the os files .  That is handy feature .09:33
NooBBoonI was trying to re-size my partitions and I seem to have lost my /home/myusername directory. Am I totally borked?09:34
antlertarelerulz: i've never done that, always preferred fresh installs.09:34
tarelerulzI may do just that myself.09:34
fotoflourgent question: how do i log all logins and logouts on my ubuntu server? google is giving me wierd results because the word log and login are so similar09:34
tarelerulzI have an dell laptop that  is having some problems.  Samba is not working right and it did before and I did not change anything09:35
antlertarelerulz: but you might consider giving /home its own partition to avoid such worries in the future09:35
tarelerulzI  just maybe I could over write the os files and start over ,but keep all my media09:35
tarelerulzI guess that is good reason to do such. I have all wonder that before when I read about. Why would someone wont to do that and now I know why09:36
antlertarelerulz: i never keep anything important in the same partition that contains system files.09:37
Arv3nWould anyone be kind enough to host my Ubuntu repo?09:37
Arv3nThis sucks. =/09:37
antlerArv3n: i don't think anyone is kind enough.09:37
tarelerulzI would like to say Ubuntu 7.10 makes great job. I really like videos , pictures and other media folders that it makes for you. It is great.  I am not very organized . It help09:37
newkakamaybe I can help you09:37
pengo__hey how do i enable compiz, whats the easiest way isthere some check box somewhere ?09:38
elninjaI haven't researched hardware in awhile, but now I'm looking to build a new machine. Any tips on good forums/websites for info on new hardware, pc builds, benchmarks, etc?09:38
aLeSD_mmm .... but intel core duo is an 64 bits processor ?09:38
Myrttielninja: ubuntu has hardware compatibilty db09:39
fadeyHi. Does anyone knows where the default gusty kernel .deb package (the one that is on cd) could be found?09:39
tarelerulzAntler, in the future I may keep /home out side the rest of the system just for that reason . Media is one thing I like to keep up on . sometimes you can't remember where you got that song or movie.09:39
=== JimmyDee is now known as sleepinsam
bluefoxxso i just got my gutsy CDs, and booted from it, but to no avail, still not detecting the SATA drive period09:39
aLeSD_mmm .... but intel core duo is an 64 bits processor ? cause I'm starting the 64 bits version of ubuntu live cd ... and it works09:40
bluefoxxso im thinking i get a SATA>USB adaptor, will that work?09:40
KNROAny packagers around here?09:40
bluefoxxwill bug on forums in morning, too late here in my town09:40
Arv3nKNRO, I could try.09:40
Arv3nKNRO, what are you trying to package?09:41
antlerhis whites, an iron, and two pairs of shoes.09:41
KNROArv3n: I already have a package for other distributions, but I'm having problems compiling the .dsc file required for xUbuntu systems.09:41
elninjaRather than having my home folder on another partition, I like to just create symbolic links in my home folder to another partition for things like Videos, Music, Documents, Desktop, etc. That way I can dual-boot another setup, and the settings and configs don't overlap.09:41
Arv3nKNRO, i have no idea, sorry.09:42
imaginatoraLeSD_: yes, AFAIK that processor is compatible with the AMD x86-64 instruction set, although Intel calls it something else.09:42
rkviraniArv3n: did Kr00l get flash installed?09:42
rkviraniWhat is broken about it?09:42
Toma-I cant get ' and " to work in virtualbox. the guest OS is gutsy and ive tried remapping the keys a few times. any tips?09:42
Arv3nrkvirani, i have no idea.09:42
rkviranihe just kind of buzzed off eh09:42
sleepinsamthey changed the tar.gz file at adobe and the installler is borked09:42
KNROArv3n: I have a .tar.gz file, just need to have it packaged for xUbuntu systems.09:43
antlerelninja: yeah, i like that. i personally don't keep anything important in /home09:43
aLeSD_imaginator: but it's a 64bits arch ?09:43
menllyosaLeSD_: im using the 64b ubuntu right now on a core2duo so its works just fine :)09:43
imaginatoraLeSD_: yes, 64-bit pointers.09:43
Arv3nKNRO, binary or source?09:43
aLeSD_wowowow... my pc rules09:43
imaginator48-bit address space, which you'd have a lot of difficulty filling I suspect.09:43
Arv3nKNRO, if it's source.. just do a sudo checkinstall09:43
Arv3nKNRO, google it.09:44
sleepinsammenllyos: can you get flash on that?09:44
KNROArv3n: I did, and I made some progress, but I got stuck in formatting the source file with the debian subdirectory in order to install properly. This is why I'm asking for experienced help.09:44
menllyosnot really, i tried to install it but it doesnt work... but since im just using linux for less then a week its prolly my mistake :P09:45
elninjaantler, yeah it keeps it much cleaner and easier to save the important stuff.09:45
alemonesimaginator: thx, I'm working on it. Still another problem I have: When I boot Ubuntu 7.10, the resolution is 1280x800 for about 0.2 seconds, then switches to not-native 1024x768. How do I fix this?09:45
Arv3nKNRO, I don't know, I'm not very experienced in that area.09:45
imaginatoralemones: Ubuntu comes with a tool for changing the display size.  I forget where it is, because I don't use Gnome.09:46
imaginatorit's in one of the menus.  if it doesn't work then try xrandr, and if that doesn't work ask a question09:46
sankatyou can try one thing..09:46
sankatopen xterm09:47
sankatsudo -s09:47
sankatand then ]09:47
sankatsudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg09:47
sankatsorry typo09:47
sankatdpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg09:47
sankatthis would probably fix the problem.09:47
sankatmake sure u restart the xserver09:47
logdhi i've installed wifi cards on two pcs configure ips and created a wlan or better says it looks like... mean the client pc connects to the server successfully signal is good and tx/rx bytes increases wheter i do something but there's no connectivity mean even ping server client from server and viceversa fails09:49
Leo1989HI mates. Is there any Ubuntu tool for watching TV chanells through Internet?09:50
werscan you suggest any "Menu Bar" (the default ubuntu menu) alternative? I am using a single panel and I want to conserve panel space. Slab menu for ubuntu, on the other hand, doesn't integrate well with the desktop09:50
NooBBoonI mangled up something while repartitioning my drives. My /home directory is empty now, but I found the old /home/username at /media/sda5.  What do I need to do to fix? Should I edit /etc/fstab or should i try the partitioning part of the LiveCD again?09:50
Arv3nDoes anyone have expericen building a distro/09:50
sankat@wers...you can try ksmoothdock09:50
sleepinsamximian, but its for chimpanzees09:50
user3243avant window manager is the prettiest dock of all09:51
tarelerulzWhat is that partition that  both dell and hp have for  laptop before windows on the disk? I think it recover ,but I am not sure.  It is something that Dell or hp would use if you To help with hardware problems09:51
imaginatordid you configure the routes for your network?09:51
werssankat, I do not want a dock. I just want a menu bar applet alternative for the gnome panel09:51
imaginatorlogd: that was directed at you09:51
sankatha sorry..my bad.09:51
logdno and i guess that's the problem09:51
imaginatorlogd: try: route show09:52
imaginatormost likely you'll want to make your router be a gateway.09:52
NooBBoonwers: how about gimmie? might be worth a look09:52
wershmmm.. interesting NooBBoon09:52
NooBBooni use it on my panel, but it has a stand alone too i think09:53
wersimma look at it. i tried it before but it seemed very confusing09:53
logdi'm not using router nor access point i need to make the client connects to the server via wifi then access th internet htrouggh09:53
logdbtw route show says show isn't a valid param09:53
|DuReX|is there no option included in the Alternate cd to load dmraid @ setup ? :(09:53
morranhas anyone here managed winecfg/wine not to crash with a ICE1724 based soundcard?09:53
imaginatorlogd: oops.  my mistake.  just run route without arguments09:54
logdwhereas route without arguments has three lines but none about wlan0 which is the wifi conn09:54
morranfeels like i've read the whole internet without any luck :(09:54
imaginatorit's been a while since I've configured my wireless, but even then I had to set a default gateway09:54
alemonesimaginator: I tried it, but what I need is that when I start Ubuntu the resolution stay 1280x800, not go down... xrandr helps fix this?09:55
morranso .any. help would be appreciated09:55
logdwell i can route add default gw  and see09:55
imaginatoralemones: the xrandr program may.  It lists the resolutions and you can set a resolution with xrandr -s09:55
logdbut it doesn't goes09:55
Leo1989Guys is there Ubuntu tool for watching TV chanells throguh Internet?09:56
=== Mushroom1 is now known as Mushroomi
* morran goes back to his dark corner... :(09:56
sleepinsamtry mythv09:56
sleepinsamerr mythtv09:56
julien73hello, is anyone here familiar with the xfce desktop?09:57
AstronautBBI have a laptop with 256mb will ubuntu run fine?09:57
imaginatormorran: I've had trouble with Wine too.  For me it faults with the Nvidia GL library.  Over the years some things have worked in Wine, only to break later on for me.  I just tend to not use it anymore.09:57
iNeoAstronautBB: yes09:57
sleepinsamummmm might try xubuntu09:57
morranimaginator: :( wine just "hard crashes" for me... can't even run winecfg.09:58
AstronautBBanything I can do to speed up the boot time?09:58
NooBBoonmorran: The sound troubles i had in wine were resolved by making sure the wine configuration used alsa and not oss...not much help but that's all i've got there09:59
sleepinsamAstronautBB: what do you have loading at boot time?09:59
morranbut it seems, or im pretty sure its the problem is the soundcard.09:59
Beererdehi. i am trying to run google earth on ubuntu 7.10 x64, it once worked, but it now says "error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1"10:00
morranNooBBoon: will try that... thx :)10:00
Beererdewhat can i do?10:00
=== cam_ is now known as cam-
Leo1989Best C++ IDE for Ubuntu guys? Don't like Anjuta btw10:00
NooBBoonmorran: np, i can also tell you that i had to try about a dozen times to get wine installed. It kept crashing for me as well, and I could not even get wineconfig to run10:00
Toma-I cant get ' and " to work in virtualbox. the guest OS is gutsy and ive tried remapping the keys a few times. any tips?10:00
cam-i take it the nvidia-glx currently in the repositories still dont support the 8800?10:01
BeererdeLeo1989: vim10:01
predaeusjulien73, I am10:01
FlannelToma-: Do they work if you push them twice?10:01
Toma-Flannel➜ nope10:01
cam-i had them working from the download provided at nvidia, until i did an apt update and it broke them. now i cant fix them =p10:01
sleepinsamummm the host OS is gutsy?10:01
cew_sukaaku lg cr lesbian ni10:01
imaginatorcam-: you probably have to recompile the kernel driver for your nvidia card10:02
cam-imaginator: i did that.. :/10:02
imaginatorcam-: how is it failing?10:03
cam-i installed the libc devs and the kernel headers for the kernel im using and re-ran the drivers on the nvidia website, which recompiled it for me10:03
cam-when it loads X10:03
imaginatorcam-: what does /var/log/Xorg.0.log say?10:03
sleepinsamgod I hate...recompiled for me10:03
cam-it comes up saying that there is no supported resolution and its using a low resolution, press OK and then it goes to a black screen where it just hangs10:03
cam-ok ill just check10:03
Beererdehi. i am trying to run google earth on ubuntu 7.10 x64, it once worked, but it now says "error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1". suggestions? i think i am missing the 32 bit gl libs, is there a package?10:04
cam-im using the nv drivers now10:04
BenalexI am running Gutsy Desktop , each time I set a different DNS Server in the Network configuration, and then reboot... it reverts back to the default DNS obtained by DHCP... any Ideas?10:05
imaginatorBeererde: libGL.so is generally from either from a proprietary video card driver, or a Mesa package.10:05
Beererdeimaginator: and the mesa package is not hardware accelerated, right?10:06
Beererdeimaginator: is there a restricted package in ubuntu which i could reinstall?10:06
imaginatorBeererde: correct, not usually.  Though there is a project based on it that is.10:06
Leo1989Benalex: mb you need static ip?10:06
BenalexLeo1989: no I don't need static IP10:06
FlannelBeererde: Are you using the google earth in the medibuntu repositories?10:07
imaginatorBeererde: if you have the restricted driver manager it may work, though it's known to use the wrong drivers at times10:07
BeererdeFlannel: no, i just downloaded it to a local dir10:07
FlannelBeererde: You should try the one from the repos. http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/non-free/g/googleearth/googleearth_4.2.198.2451-0medibuntu4_amd64.deb10:08
BeererdeFlannel: ok i'll try it, thx10:08
morranNooBBoon: hehe, thx alot... got wine to work by removing the wine oss driver :)10:09
postmodernhow do i install rubygems in ubuntu10:09
lirychello #ubuntu10:09
postmoderni installed rubygems, did gem update --system10:10
NooBBoonmorran: great! i was very happy when i finally got wine working!10:10
postmodernnow it doesn't load10:10
American-TechDoes anybody here use mail notification (The program)10:10
morranNooBBoon: i'm very happy too... havn't tried anything yet, but it's a good start :)10:10
Benalexhello liryc10:10
American-TechDoes anybody here use mail notification (The program)10:12
arm9_linuxmail tool?10:12
arm9_linuxthundbrid is better10:12
lirycI've a problem with thunderbird. My rss accounts don't load anymore web page (blank, no resume, nothing) related to new rss item. This seems related to install of enigmail I just installed.10:13
sandr-anyone using google earth through the repositories ? googleearth-package ? I have a question about the extra packages you can see here : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49948/10:13
BeererdeFlannel: hmm, still the same error. how can i reinstall the restricted gl drivers (nvidia)?10:13
arm9_linuxI so sorry10:13
arm9_linuxI never use rss10:13
Sarekcan I somehow convice Samba to use the standard user database of the os? so that when I create a system user he/she can automatically authenticate via with the credentials for samba shares?10:13
Beererdepolitical correctness ftw...10:14
lirycI use rss with thunderbird since one year and it worked perfectly until today.10:15
statanyone know stuff about with multi repository systems?10:17
Flannel!anyone | stat10:17
ubotustat: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:17
LOGANcan I copy part of the live cd to harddisk and continue booting from that?10:17
LOGANso the cd drive is freed up?10:18
FlannelBeererde: nvidia package would be the one to supply it it seems, yes.10:18
lirycand I have one error message in thunderbird console : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49949/10:18
Toma-Flannel➜ i fixed the '" problem. seems the -ose version of virtualbox is a little behind on the vbox development10:18
BeererdeFlannel: hmm ok, how would this be called?10:18
BeererdeFlannel: nvidia-glx?10:18
FlannelBeererde: this is gutsy?10:19
BeererdeFlannel: yes10:19
statok svn - multi repos system, having trouble getting it to work... single repos no issues10:19
BeererdeFlannel: before, i had 7.04 and gearth worked, then i did a dist-upgrade which crashed in the mid of updating, i fixed it with dpkg-reconfigure --all, but the libs are not working anymore10:20
Beererdei mean the gl libs10:20
Beererdeglxgears works10:20
kumuHello. :) I was in here a bit earlier when I was installing Ubuntu. I have Windows and Ubuntu on the same computer, but I'd like Windows to be the OS that loads by default. How do I do this?10:21
FlannelBeererde: first, check manually to see if that file is there10:21
FlannelBeererde: I'm thinking maybe the "error" isn't a "not found" sort of thing, but more of a "not compatable" for whatever reason.  Unfortunately the error isn't too verbose.10:22
LOGANwell i guess thats a no :)10:22
BeererdeFlannel: yes it is /usr/lib/libGL.so.110:22
BeererdeFlannel: yes, seems so.. i think it's just because google earth is 32 bit and the lib is 64 bit, but i don't now how it could work then with ubuntu 7.0410:23
bazhangkumu: that would be best dealt with in ##windows; unless you have a problem with the grub menu that is10:23
FlannelBeererde: There are 32 bit... hmm, do you have ia32-libs installed?10:23
kumubazhang: I don't know what the grub menu is?10:24
bazhangLOGAN: why would you want to do that?10:24
g0rb3hGood morning10:24
bazhangkumu: you have a dual boot?10:24
imaginatorkumu: install the grub docs, and then info grub, and read the full manual10:24
BeererdeFlannel: yes i have it installed, but it could have beend damaged.. can i check it without reinstalling? it's 300 mb10:24
BeererdeFlannel: there is also no gl lib in /usr/lib3210:24
FlannelBeererde: I doubt it was damaged, unless you went around deleting random files.10:25
lirycSo I found the problem. Enigmail desactive the html view in body messages by default (text only). I just reactivated html view.10:25
kumuimaginator: How do I get the grub docs? Sorry, I'm still pretty new :(10:25
LOGANbazhang I now use a linux that allows copying one folder to hdd and when boot from cd-rom it continues booting from HDD10:25
BeererdeFlannel: i used the nvidia installer, which sometimes overwrites some files10:25
LOGAN(Or usb stick)10:25
bazhangLOGAN: what distro is that?10:25
LOGANthis way the cd drive is freed10:25
LOGANitts http://dynebolic.org/10:25
FlannelBeererde: I'm unfortunately not an expert at all in regards to the 32-on-64 stuff.  You'll probably want to cross your fingers for someone who is.10:25
YouBuckyHey Guys, anyone here using an ATI X1300 video card or knows how to install the driver with directing rendering (yes) working?10:25
tiredbonesI just download ubuntu for the third time. Normaly I just right click on the iso icon select write to disc and it works. I am using debian with xfce currently. I tried gnomebaker, but it see the cd as data. Has the method for get a iso image change or is there another method I should us?10:25
BeererdeFlannel: hmm ok10:26
imaginatorkumu: look through the ubuntu menus for something called synaptic.  there's probably also something on the ubuntu wiki.  I'll check10:26
bazhangLOGAN: ah, nesting is what you are referring to10:26
BeererdeFlannel: thanks anyway, the medibuntu package is a good tip :)10:26
LOGANbazhang: sort of, ubuntu live cd does not free the CD drive10:26
bazhangkumu: you have a dual boot but dont know the grub menu?10:26
LOGANdyne:bolic continues live cd booting from a copy of the hdd10:27
kumubazhang: All I did was install Ubuntu on another partition10:27
bazhangLOGAN: you could set up a persistent livecd that can have changes saved back to it, or a usb key that did likewise10:27
bazhangkumu: and now the windows is lost?10:27
imaginatorkumu: when you're at the boot menu after the BIOS do you see WIndows in the list?10:27
Leo1989kumu: There is a black screen with list of OS'es you can launch10:27
kumuimaginator: Yes, I do. Right now, though, if I just let it sit for 10 seconds then it'll load Ubuntu; I want it to load Windows instead10:28
LOGANbazhang: I tried and didnt work. besides this is like starting boot from CD and continues from hdd (faster) and leaves CD drive free for use10:28
bazhangLOGAN: you been to pendrive linux?10:28
Mba7ethmorning all10:28
g0rb3hanyone have any experiance with webcam stuff, specificaly gspcav?10:28
LOGANbazhang: my computer will not boot from usb stick10:28
godlinesanybody can help with a compiling question?10:29
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash10:29
=== nakkel is now known as Nakkel
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.10:29
Flannelkumu: This is what you need to do: open up your grub menu (gksu "gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"), at the very bottom is your windows entry, the line after it (leave no blank line) add "savedefault" then up at the top, where it says "default 0" change that to "default saved"10:29
tomdkumu: put some duct tape on the down arrow of your keyboard; 50% of the time windows will start by default.. how much more can you ask for10:29
imaginatorkumu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/ChangeDefaultOS10:29
LOGANthe flash fix will be coming in APRIL 2008! :)10:29
BeererdeFlannel: i reinstalled ia32-libs and now it works again :)10:30
FlannelBeererde: nice.  Glad something worked10:30
BeererdeFlannel: yeah :)10:30
nuGzthkhow do i install steam ?10:31
bazhangtomd: haha10:31
bazhangLOGAN: what about from cd session?10:31
LOGANbazhang: i can boot from cd but that causes my cd to be n use :)10:32
bazhangLOGAN: what do you need the cd drive for?10:32
LOGANbazhang: watching dvds, etc10:32
Mba7ethguys how can i find where is my com driver ?10:32
bazhangLOGAN: geekbox10:33
LOGANbazhang: cd burning10:33
kumuAlright, thanks everyone :) If I don't come back, it worked!10:33
bazhangMba7eth: com driver? what is that10:33
YouBuckyHey Guys, anyone here using an ATI X1300 video card or knows how to install the driver with directing rendering working?10:33
imaginatorLOGAN: it's unlikely that you could watch any DVDs anyway using a Ubuntu CD, rather than an install10:34
bazhanghttp://geexbox.org/ LOGAN10:34
imaginatorLOGAN: libdvdcss is missing for one thing, so most commercial DVDs wouldn't play10:34
Mba7ethbazhang serial com10:34
LOGANimaginator: well, I watched dvds while I wait untill windows gets fixed10:34
bazhangMba7eth: still no idea what you mean; the video card drivers? the wireless? other?10:35
LOGANbazhang: thanks10:35
bazhangLOGAN: no worries10:35
arm9_linuxyour com does not work?10:35
bazhangwhat is a com?10:35
Mba7ethbazhang on your  PC there is a port called com, correct ?10:35
bazhangnot that I know of...10:36
arm9_linuxcom port,like super termial in windows10:36
arm9_linuxthe com driver is builtin10:36
bazhangany other ##windows experts want to chime in?10:36
LOGANim now on a live cd session using dyne:bolic distro. thats something I miss from ubuntu :)10:37
Mba7ethyes i want to connect a cisco drivce to my pc using console cable10:37
FlannelMba7eth: serial?10:37
Mba7etharm9_linux i know that but where is it location exactly10:37
Mba7etharm9_linux i'm using minicom to connect to my switch .,... but i have to define where is the com10:38
arm9_linuxI think you should find some tools10:38
bazhangMba7eth: is this a hardware question? there should be a channel for that..10:38
arm9_linuxok,let me see,wait a moment10:38
Mba7etharm9_linux like : /dev/tty910:38
ifireballMba7eth: its probably /dev/ttyS010:38
Mr-LonelYhi..anyone can help me? Got those error > checking for gcc... gcc10:38
Mr-LonelYchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables10:38
imaginatorMba7eth: grep your dmesg for serial or ttyS10:39
ifireballMba7eth: or /dev/ttyS1 if you have 2 pots10:39
Mba7ethifireball Special thanks to you and the rest :)10:39
arm9_linuxwhy not try minicom tool10:40
arm9_linuxsudo apt-get install minicom10:40
alemonesimaginator: I removed Helix and installed Mplayer but still can't see real player content in firefox... ;(10:41
ifireballarm9_linux: he did, he just wanted to know which device to use it with10:41
arm9_linuxls -al /dev/ttyS010:42
alemonesimaginator: but Helix still appears as RealPlay compatible plugin in about:plugins...10:42
arm9_linuxsee that, the own is root10:42
bazhangalemones: why not get the real player from real.com10:42
alemonesimaginator: MPlayer too...10:42
viniciusit seems i can't download from any https location, with firefox, wget or any other way.... what can it be?10:42
arm9_linuxso you should type"sudo minicom"10:42
alemonesbazhang: many told me Mplayer would be ok... actually I have RealPlayer 9 installed too10:43
Mba7etharm9_linux this is what i'm using .... i didn't find any other tool in linux for com port except minicom10:43
viniciusit says my certificates are bad or something like that10:43
alemonesbazhang: but I think I have the plugins messed up :(10:43
arm9_linuxhave you set the minicom crectly?10:43
viniciusi already purged and reinstalled firefox, but it don't seem to be a problem only with firefox, but with my computer10:43
Mba7etharm9_linux alreay got it working ... just do the configuration in sudo mode, save them, quit, then use it with using ur normal user10:44
ifireballMba7eth: its because there aren't called "com ports" they are called "serial ports" there are plenty of other tools, but minicom is good enough10:44
Mba7ethifireball : serial com ..... sorry i guess confused you guys alot :)10:45
arm9_linuxserial port10:45
Mba7ethsorry again10:45
imaginatoralemones: this may help with getting helix to not be in the list: http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/faqs/uninstall.html10:45
Mba7ethifireball what are the other tool for using "SERIAL PORT" :)10:46
ifireballMba7eth: move along the the windows detox center :P10:46
imaginatorMba7eth: cu is one tool, though I don't know if it comes with Ubuntu.  It's probably an apt-get install thing10:46
bazhangserial ports are legacy and not included in many new computers10:47
arm9_linuxif you like,you can run a xp OS in vmware,and use the "supertermial" tool10:47
imaginatorminicom is fancier.10:47
nuGzthkhow do i install steam?10:48
Oli``nuGzthk: through Wine. You need to do a couple of things first though10:48
Mba7ethhmmmm well ... if there is something like CRT in windows? i 'll be very thankfull10:48
imaginatorwhat is CRT?10:48
vinicius???? anyone have any idea how to help me?10:48
rska monitor10:48
nuGzthkOli how do i cuz i cant get the file to open thorugh wine10:48
bazhanghttp://digg.com/linux_unix/Installing_Valve_s_STEAM_and_Counterstrike_on_Ubuntu nuGzthk10:49
arm9_linuxCRT is a type of  display10:49
LOGANwhat tool to use to erase a cd-rw?10:49
arm9_linuxmy english is poor :-(10:49
bazhangnot so10:50
Mba7eththanks for the third time .... gtg , it is breakfast time :)10:50
^SarthorHI, my client use to assign server IP the cleint comptuer? any solution to stop them?/10:50
imaginatorarm9_linux: that's what I thought, but I wasn't connecting it with the serial port discussion10:50
ifireballvinicius: w8, you're saying you can connect to HTTPS but getting certificate errors?10:50
viniciusifireball, yes...10:50
Oli``Anybody know why I can't set WINE as the default program for EXE files? Crossover wont let go =(10:51
viniciusifireball, so the connection is not estabilished10:51
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=172388 LOGAN10:51
arm9_linuxtheie is also a tool named "gtkterm "10:51
arm9_linuxyou can try it10:52
bjwebbi can't do mouse and keyboard at the same time10:52
ifireballvinicius: afaik you can always click "yes, yes, yes" in the browser until it connects anyway. but cert problems are a sign of hijacked connection...10:52
bjwebbafter i tried doing some wiimote stuff10:52
bjwebbany ideas?10:52
arm9_linuxgtkterm -p /dev/ttyS010:52
bazhangwiimote stuff in ubuntu bjwebb?10:53
LOGANi have k3b but wont start on this one :)10:53
IndyGunFreakunique nickname10:53
LOGANbazhang: thanks10:53
ifireballvinicius: are you connecting through some kind of proxy? router? open wireless network?10:53
nuke-sergehello all10:53
bjwebbbazhang: yeah http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53565910:53
bjwebbto get it to act like a mouse10:53
solariesanyone here using avahi?10:53
nuke-sergehow to add emacs support for python in ubuntu10:53
bjwebbso thats how ive changed something10:53
viniciusifireball, , no, i'm not behind a proxy10:53
Administratori wanna ask a command,what command should i use if i want to compare two files,then put the end of the compare to some *.txt file?10:54
bazhangbjwebb: not really sure there sorry10:54
Administratori wanna ask a command,what command should i use if i want to compare two files,then put the end of the compare to some *.txt file?10:54
webspiderusAdministrator: diff file1 file2 > *.txt?10:54
nuke-sergei have already installed pymacs and python mode10:54
YouBuckyHey Guys, anyone here using an ATI X1300 video card or knows how to install the driver with directing rendering working? (sorry to those who have read this b4)10:55
Administratorwebspiderus, yes , i will try it,thank you10:55
alemonesimaginator: I studied it but it's beyond my knowledge... any easier way of solving it?10:55
IndyGunFreak!ati | YouBucky10:55
ubotuYouBucky: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:55
ifireballvinicius: wireless? give me more details here10:55
viniciusifireball, yes, i posted the issue in ubuntuforums.org, i'm looking to show you10:55
viniciusifireball, sorry by the delay :)10:56
nuke-sergesome can help me with the python mode for emacs ??10:56
arm9_linuxman diff10:56
imaginatoralemones: what confuses you?10:56
bazhanghttp://www.daimi.au.dk/~chili/CSS/pythonmode.html nuke-serge10:57
nuke-sergebazhang, thanks10:57
viniciusifireball, here, take a look pls: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65188410:57
solarieshow can I reactive my eth1:avahi device? somehow it's gone10:58
imaginatoralemones: IIRC there are 2 places for plugins in Ubuntu for Firefox.  ~/.mozilla/plugins and /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins10:58
YouBuckyobotu, Thank you. I've read that forum but no luck with the getting direct rendering working. Using compiz-fusion I get crazt lag time when I enable "reflections". I assume this is due to the fact that direct rendering is not working10:58
bjwebbbazhang: ive figuere it out10:58
bazhangbjwebb: nice work!10:58
ifireballvinicius: ok. I'll answer there if I can10:58
alemonesI don't know enough linux to follow instructions from a 'higher' level (one sentence meaning doing several things).. but that would be too long. I propose I uninstall Real Player, to see if it drags the Helix one away and then retry Mplayer...10:58
imaginatoralemones: so you should be able to remove any plugin by deleting the files in either directory.10:58
bjwebbi needed to stop the mouseemu daemon if you're interested10:58
alemonesWhat is ~ ?10:58
imaginatoralemones: ~ is your home directory10:58
bazhangbjwebb: you add it to the forums and mark it solved :}10:59
alemonesok ;)10:59
imaginator /home/alemones for example10:59
alemonesthat's a big leap forward for my linux knowledge :)10:59
viniciusifireball, great! thank you!10:59
bjwebbnow i need to remeber how to prevent daemon startup at boot10:59
tuntunHi. How can I get icon spacing on the desktop so they don't overlap, like windows?10:59
arm9_linuxthe more practice,the more you know11:00
alemonesbut also I think it's the kind of thing that scares people away ...11:00
g0rb3hvinicius: I belive there was some one here yesterday with the same issue, he couldnt log onto the https section of his router management page11:00
imaginatoralemones: if you open a terminal and type ls ~ or something like that, you can see how it acts11:00
imaginatoralemones: yes, I can see why it would scare some people away11:00
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imaginatoralemones: unix is simple, but it takes a genius to understand the simplicity (I think that's a close approximation to a quote by one of the Unix creators)11:01
nuke-sergebazhang, hey cool ! its done ! but is there a way i can include in /etc or somewhere so that is set it for the entire system ???11:01
Moniker42tuntun, it's not really what you asked but i normally use "clean up by name" to keep things organised11:01
viniciusg0rb3h, my problem is not so bad, i just want to download some extensions by now :)11:01
wilstari can't connected my SCSI Scanner with scsiadd. I have to reboot linux with scanner ON to use it. Why?11:02
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=579428 YouBucky11:02
viniciusg0rb3h, but be without https connection is definitively painful11:02
tuntunmoniker42: almost...11:03
bazhangnuke-serge: you should ask the #emacs experts in here :} I can only Google..11:03
viniciusg0rb3h, ifireball, do this channel have public logs?11:03
|DuReX|i need some help, need to get my a partition resized on my raid0 array :( but can't get it fixxed :(11:03
nuke-sergebazhang, :P even i googled in the beginning ! guess i made some mistake somewhere11:03
alemonesimaginator: Thx! I honestly think I'm 8 out of 10 in computer literacy... but these things are really tough on the newbies !  OK, back to 'work': In that directory there is only libflashplayer.so11:03
g0rb3hdunno, I think he was called wintersomething11:03
ScriptDevilwhat is window snapping?11:04
Flakyyop les gens11:04
bazhangntfs |DuReX|?11:04
Moniker42can anyone help here? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4033678#post403367811:04
bazhangScriptDevil: some compiz eye candy11:04
ScriptDevilyeah. what does it do?11:04
bazhangnuke-serge: heh11:04
imaginatoralemones: ok, then checkout /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins11:05
bazhangScriptDevil: snaps the windows back in place--pretty cool but useless imo11:05
ifireballvinicius: check the forums11:05
|DuReX|bazhang: yes a ntfs filesystem11:05
ScriptDevilbazhang, what is "snapping"?11:06
|DuReX|gparted should support it, but it thinks the raid0 is 2 different disks11:06
|DuReX|and i loaded dmraid -ay in gparted livecd :s11:06
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=532609 |DuReX|11:06
bazhangScriptDevil: like a rubber band :}11:07
alemonesimaginator: done, there's a bunch of them mostly mplayer, but no Helix mentioned...11:07
ScriptDeviloh.. okie11:07
tuntunHow can I get icon spacing on the desktop so they are all one size, like windows?11:07
vsilvesWindows snapping means that when you are dragging windows around in your desktop, they will try go snap togethern, making it easier to organize many windows without leaving gaps in between11:07
alemonesimaginator: there's one called narrowed.. never heard about it...11:07
arm9_linuxwhy not try smplayer?11:07
imaginatoralemones: what is the name of the helix plugin's library according to about:plugins?11:08
arm9_linuxright clik,selet strech icon11:09
alemonesimaginator: nphelix.so11:09
tiredbonescan someone tell me why all the iso images I am downloading from the Ubuntu site are plain text document?11:09
ScriptDeviltiredbones, they are not11:10
ScriptDevilthey are binary files11:10
ScriptDevilare you downloading in windows?11:10
tuntunarm9_linux: gnome makes icons all different sizes, can that be turned off?11:11
vsilvestiredbones: that is because they put txt stubs instead of the real iso files, they do not have the network capacity to serve iso images to all the world, so they direct you to use other mirrors of the iso files11:11
|DuReX|bazhang: seems like gparted /dev/mapper/nvidia_blabla worked :P11:11
lukerillHallo, I bet this is a common problem but the internet doesn't seem to have answers that apply. I reboot from CD and go to install 7.10, it goes through the orange bar, then I see a light brown background for a second, then blank screen. Any help's appreciated. :D11:11
bazhang|DuReX|: excellent work!11:12
tiredbonesScriptDevil, I am on Debian, I am trying to a Ubuntu image.11:12
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alemonesimaginator: now I searched nphelix.so in the computer and is not found...11:13
tiredbonesvsilves, I tried several different sites already.11:13
bazhangtiredbones: an iso image?11:13
tiredbonesbazhang, yes11:13
viniciusifireball, thanks! i posted there the english output11:14
ifireballtiredbones: are you d/ling with a browser or with some tool or another?11:14
tiredbonesWhen I click on the current icon it show it as a plain text document.11:14
imaginatoralemones: how did you search?11:14
user3243when attempting to install from source, i type in ,/configure, and receive "./configure no such file or directory"11:14
imaginatoralemones: did you use locate or find?11:14
tiredbonesifireball, what is d/ling?11:15
arm9_linuxmd5sum ,check it11:15
alemonesfrom Place, Find, in Filesystem11:15
ifireballtiredbones: downloading11:15
bazhanghttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/ tiredbones11:15
lukerillAnyone know what could be wrong with my problem?11:15
imaginatoruser3243: what are you configuring?11:15
tiredbonesbazhang, I'll try that.11:15
user3243i already installed build-essential11:16
Kufadhey.. i have installed emerald themer. But it doesnt seem to turn on the theme, when i select one in Emerald. How do i make it doing that ?11:16
SSSSSSSHello can someone please help me?11:16
bazhanguser3243: are you in the same directory?11:16
j_medic78well, i'm back again with my wireless issues. my ethernet connection is working now, but I still can't connect to wireless11:16
Myrtti!ask | SSSSSSS11:16
ubotuSSSSSSS: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:16
OmeHello there :)11:16
arm9_linux./configure  NOT ,/configure11:16
SSSSSSSOK...   I had a dual boot XP/Kubuntu on two different hardisks. I then used a partition manager to delete all the partitions on the Kubuntu Hardisk. I then made a new NTFS partition on that same disk. After rebooting, I got GRUB error 17. How will I delete GRUB and make it boot normally into XP?11:16
user3243yeah i changed that11:17
lukerillHallo, I bet this is a common problem but the internet doesn't seem to have answers that apply. I reboot from CD and go to install 7.10, it goes through the orange bar, then I see a light brown background for a second, then blank screen. Any help's appreciated. =)11:17
user3243my mistake11:17
user3243the error is there, and i am using ./configure11:17
tuntunis there any way gnome can display all desktop icons at the same size?11:17
alemonesimaginator: I searched from Place, Find, in Filesystem11:17
arm9_linuxyou can use XP disk boot you system11:17
user3243i am in the proper directory and have installed build-essential11:17
sandr-try booting from your windows cd into recovery console11:17
arm9_linuxand rescue it11:17
SSSSSSSthen when I am in the recovery console?11:17
arm9_linuxtry fixmbr command11:18
SSSSSSSHow do I rescue it?11:18
sandr-then do the commands fixboot and fixmbr , that will set back the window bootloader11:18
imaginatordoes anyone know if "Find in filesystem" in Gnome uses the locate database or /usr/bin/find?11:18
SSSSSSSOk thanks will try that11:18
j_medic78what would normal dmesg out put for a system with intel prowireless 3495 be?11:18
user3243that creates a new bootloader, rather than setting it back, right?11:18
B-rabbithi all11:19
imaginatoralemones: if it uses find, then the file probably doesn't exist.  if it's using locate (which is based on database program that crawls the disk and updates periodically, it may be out of date)11:19
user3243requ13m, you lucky bastard, you got fios11:19
g0rb3hj_medic78: It depends what u have installed#11:19
B-rabbitimaginator, can u rephrase the question?11:19
ifireballvinicius: what happens after you get the messages you posted? it doesn't seem like its all of it, the last line says "Connecting to ..."11:19
lukerillI reboot from CD and go to install 7.10, it goes through the orange bar, then I see a light brown background for a second, then blank screen. What's wrong?11:19
alemonesimaginator: I searched in usr/bin, not found either ....11:19
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arm9_linuxwhat's your vidio card11:20
g0rb3hj_medic78: paste your dmesg output into pastebin if u like11:20
scguy318lukerill: have you tried the safe graphics mode?11:20
wilstari can't connected my SCSI Scanner with scsiadd. I have to reboot linux with scanner ON to use it. Why?11:20
imaginatorB-rabbit: I'm trying to help alemones, and I'm not sure if the "Find in filesystem" tool that Ubuntu comes with, uses the locate database, or /usr/bin/find.11:20
bazhanglukerill: safe mode? or alternate cd might do it11:20
lukerillscguy318 and bazhang, yes I've tried safe mode, I have a 7500gt, and what's the alternate cd?11:21
g0rb3hwilstar Scsi ID's are generally set by the controller at boot up11:21
j_medic78g0rb3h: lol. how do i do that?(paste bin)11:21
ifireballvinicius: also, are you sure wget doesn't get you the file anyway?11:21
user3243sooo, nobody knows why when i try to install from source using ./configure it says no such file or directory?11:21
bazhang!alternate | lukerill11:21
ubotulukerill: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal11:21
g0rb3hj_medic78: =) www.pastebin.com11:21
ifireballuser3243: you're probably not in the right directory11:22
user3243i am in the right directory, im absolutely sure of it11:22
wilstarg0rb3h: there is scsiadd to activate scsi devices, but it doesn't work11:22
arm9_linuxmaybe you are not in the sources dir11:22
user3243cd foo/sourcedir11:22
user3243theres a bunch of .c files in here, i think i am11:22
Ubuntu2speaking of video card I dual boot ubuntu and suse ever since I have installed suse, ubuntu will refuse to boot saying that the rate is incorrect11:22
lukerillbazhang, thankyou, I'll try it out, is it anymore difficult to install?11:23
user3243c and header files, and other stuff11:23
arm9_linuxis there a "confinure" file11:23
user3243i see ConfigFile11:23
imaginatoralemones: basically this tool called updatedb is run periodically from a job scheduler called cron.  cron starts is once a day, if your computer is booted at a certain time.  locate uses the data from updatedb.  find on the other hand just searches the filesystem without a database, so it's slower.11:23
ifireballuser3243: or maybe this source package works slightly differently, check if you got an INSTALL or README file with it11:23
user3243ok will do11:23
imaginatoralemones: what can happen is that the database isn't in sync with the actual disk contents, due to package removal, etc.11:23
bazhanglukerill: well it is ncurses based, so not as shiny, but not really much harder; just need to tab and enter through the choices11:23
lukerillbazhang, thanks, I'll try that now11:24
bazhangno worries lukerill11:25
imaginatoralemones: anyway the command you could use in a terminal is:  find / -name "nphelix.so"  or even find /usr -name "nphelix.so"   There's probably also some other standard location mentioned in that FAQ for the Mozilla plugins.11:25
user3243ok you were right the readme says to do otherwise, thanks11:25
viniciusifireball, yes I am... :p11:25
arm9_linuxnext time11:25
user3243rtfm got it11:25
viniciusifireball, it keeps trying to connect forever11:25
viniciusifireball, until the connection timeout11:26
arm9_linuxremember see the INSTALL or README file11:26
alemonesimaginator: ok, I will try all these and get back if necessary (which I suppose will be!) thanks a lot, I appreciate it11:26
zhanxok is there a how-to out there to resize and add a windows partition? need to have windows in order to run my langauge software wine doesnt run it11:26
erUSUL!virtualizers | zhanx11:27
ifireballvinicius: so it seems your problem is connecting to "releases.mozilla.org||:80" (that is what times out probably)11:27
ubotuzhanx: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications11:27
zhanxerUSUL, old laptop vmware runs slow as heck11:27
ifireballvinicius: what is the IP you see when you look at "ifconfig" ?11:28
arm9_linuxyou can try virtual box11:28
arm9_linuxit's light and free11:28
ubotuVirtualBox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://www.virtualbox.org/ for !Feisty, !Edgy and !Dapper - Setup details at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox11:28
viniciusifireball, just a moment11:28
j_medic78g0rb3h: well, i put the bottom part of my dmesg output that mentions the networking stuff in pastebin11:28
vinicius          inet end.:  Bcast:  Masc:
g0rb3hj_medic78: cool link it in the channel :)11:29
erUSULzhanx: then dual booting may be the right solution... resize the partitions from a liveCD with gparted and install windows. The you will have to recover grub11:29
erUSUL!grub | zhanx11:29
ubotuzhanx: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:29
nuGzthkwhere do i put the Tahoma file for steam?11:29
YouBuckyAnyone know of a good low profile video card, by good I mean will run confiz-fusion well?11:30
tuntunYouBuck: 8800gt11:30
bazhangnvidia 7300 does alright here YouBucky11:30
tuntunYouBuck: 8800gt11:30
erUSUL!fonts | nuGzthk11:30
ubotunuGzthk: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer11:30
j_medic78my wireless works fine on my Vista side, so I don't think it's a hardware issue, but who knows11:30
tuntunYouBucky: 8800gt11:31
erUSUL!es | pedro11:31
ubotupedro: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.11:31
bazhangtuntun: he said low profile :}11:31
YouBuckytuntun/bazhang: Cheers, will check out teh reviews11:31
pedroalguien de españa?11:31
tuntunbazhang: how isnt it?11:31
erUSULpedro: entra en #ubuntu-es haz /join #ubuntu-es11:31
bazhangtuntun: that is pretty monster iirc :}11:31
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tuntunbazhang: its single slot11:32
ifireballvinicius: did you try any other HTTPs sites?11:32
bazhangtuntun: there is better? wow11:32
ifireballvinicius: also, take a look at http://whatsmyip.org/ do you see the same address there?11:33
x_zeusshi, i just downloaded the tarball of flashplayer from adobe site, but how do i install it? pls help11:34
viniciusifireball, yes I tried and successfully downloaded some files11:34
ifireballvinicius: without any wired errors?11:35
viniciusifireball, yes11:35
tuntunyoubuckt: actually any low-end card you purchase today can handle compiz...11:35
arm9_linuxdeb file?zeuss11:35
tuntunyoubucky: actually any low-end card you purchase today can handle compiz...11:35
ifireballvinicius: so the HTTPS problems are just with mozilla's site11:35
werscan I make tables in tomboy?11:35
g0rb3hj_medic78: it looks like the interface has come up fine, (although theres probable some more info above that section in dmesg) what happens when u run iwlist eth1 scan?11:36
_mugcould someone give me a hint which programming language/framework to use to write small simple apps with gui (should run in gnome and kde and - if possible - on wndows without to big changes)11:36
arm9_linuxx_zeuss?deb file or source file?11:36
tiredbonesbazhang, that image you pointed me to is 4.2G.11:36
j_medic78g0rb3h: anything wrong with it?11:36
x_zeussarm9_linux: source11:36
scguy318!brokenflash | x_zeuss11:36
ubotux_zeuss: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.11:36
tuntunyoubucky: so you could do a lot cheaper than an 8800gt :P11:36
_mugi did c, java, php, perl, but not too deep11:36
viniciusifireball, but why just with me? there's a windows computer that I connect in the same network as me, and i can successful download the same files I can't in ubuntu11:36
user3243oh damnit i cant install this11:36
x_zeussscguy318: but can't i install it from source?11:37
ifireball_mug:  python + gtx + glade11:37
tuntunyoubucky: is youbucky still here??11:37
ifireball_mug:  python + _gtk_ + glade11:37
_mugifireball: hm11:37
befhi does anyone know a good program where i can select pictures to make a slideshow like you can in Doze explorer?11:37
g0rb3hj_medic78: run that command iwlist eth1 scan11:37
|DuReX|gparted fucked up my ntfs filesystem11:37
|DuReX|nice :(11:37
tuntun|durex|: no, you did!11:38
j_medic78g0rb3h: http://pastebin.com/m66c44b7c11:38
B-rabbit!language | |DuReX|11:38
Myrtti!language | |DuReX|11:38
ubotu|DuReX|: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:38
bazhanghttp://ubuntu.com/download tiredbones what about here?11:39
ifireball_mug: if you want windows as well, use wxwidgets (used to be called wxwindows)11:39
|DuReX|tuntun: resized, and it worked perfectly, windows also shows its resized, but its not seen as NTFS anymore :(11:39
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YouBuckytuntun: Sorry I was ebaying :)11:39
befhi does anyone know a good program where i can select pictures to make a slideshow like you can in Doze explorer?11:39
j_medic78g0rb3h: i can see wireless networks, but when I try to connect, and give the network key, it just circles round and round, then prompts me for the key again. and i have the correct key11:39
tuntunyoubucky: well as i said,  any low-end card you purchase today can handle compiz...11:39
YouBuckytuntun: I also may want to run Vista again at some point so I'll go with directx 10 support11:39
_mugifireball: hm but the programs arent in binary or anre they? just some kind of scripts?11:39
tuntunyoubucky: so you could do a lot cheaper than an 8800gt.11:40
YouBuckytuntun: 8800gt doesnt look low profile??11:40
tiredbonesbazhang, that is the one I've been get the text documents when I downloaded what thought was an iso image.11:40
B-rabbitbef, do u mean, program like powerpoint?11:40
B-rabbitin win11:40
ifireball_mug: there are python compilers if you can't get the "program bust be a binary blob" concept out of your head11:40
arm9_linuxmaybe he want preview11:40
tuntunyoubucky: well these days low-profile is single slot, what is your definition?11:40
befB-rabbit, no, just to view pictures in a folder11:40
YouBuckytuntun: I want something that will work with minmum fuss across Windows/Linux. I have way more fun things to do than mess with drivers11:41
bazhangtiredbones: what location?11:41
befB-rabbit:  but with slideshow so i dont gotta click next or anythin11:41
aspide[ Hola ]11:41
tuntunyoubucky: ...what is your definition of low-profile?11:41
tiredbonesbazhang,   http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download11:41
YouBuckytuntun: I define low profile as in the card will fit in a low profile case. I have a Dell 745 small form factor11:41
Mr-LonelYi got this when access my server : Forbidden/You don't have permission to access / on this server11:41
B-rabbitbef, i use "Eye of GNOME 2.18.1"...it's install in ubuntu by default11:42
Mr-LonelYhow to fix it?11:42
tuntun|DuReX|: what is it seen as?11:42
bazhangtiredbones: your location?11:42
ifireballvinicius: its a wired error, I admit, did you try clearing mozilla's cache?11:42
tho1bef gqview has that feature11:42
ifireballvinicius: also did you check in whatsmyip.org ?11:42
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nuGzthkhow to i run the nvida uprade driver file ? someone please help11:43
tiredbonesbazhang,  I am in the usa.11:43
g0rb3hj_medic78: run sudo iwlist eth1 encryption11:43
tho1bef I believe ristretto also can do an automatic slideshow11:43
beftho1: thanks, B-rabbit; i already have eog, it doesn't do what i want. ill try tho1 suggestion =) hopefully it will work11:43
tuntunyoubucky: oh, you mean length not height...?11:43
B-rabbitbef, there is a slide show option in eog11:43
B-rabbitone sec11:43
tiredbonesbazhang,  I tried different download sites. Same results.11:44
tho1bef doesn't F5 give you a slideshow in EoG<?11:44
bazhangtiredbones: there are a number of options for that--midwest, south, etc.; could you tell me the region? I will give you a direct link then11:44
j_medic78g0rb3h: http://pastebin.com/m69cb354a11:44
tuntun|DuReX|: what is it seen as?11:44
tiredbonesbazhang,  I am in the north east.11:44
|DuReX|tuntun: unformatted ... :(11:45
beftho1: thanks again11:45
befB-rabbit: thanks11:45
|DuReX|tuntun: windows 2003 still boots, but it gives blue screen on boot: with 'unable to mount root' or something11:45
YouBuckytuntun: I refere to it was height??11:45
tuntun|DuReX|: oh, dear, I hope you have backups. do you?11:45
bazhanghttp://mirrors.rit.edu/ubuntu-releases/gutsy/ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso tiredbones right click save as11:46
g0rb3hj_medic78: could just be a problem with WPA and your driver, im not sure how support for it is these days but u used to have to used ndiswrapper for that on most chips11:46
x_zeusswhat other chat client are there for ubuntu except pidgin?11:46
tho1x_zeuss Xchat11:46
g0rb3hj_medic78: if you want a quickfix change the security on your router to wep11:46
tiredbonesbazhang,  I hope this works, I've been up all night trying to get an image. thanks11:46
|DuReX|tuntun: no :P but nothing really needed was on it11:46
|DuReX|only the installation :(11:46
YouBuckybazhang: how's the 7300 GS?? Seems cheap??11:47
imaginatorx_zeuss: kopete, konversation, skype11:47
TomatkoHi there.. could someone help me with wireless USB dongle ?11:47
x_zeusstho1: can i use xchat for yahoo too?11:47
YouBuckybazhang: not as in quality but comparably cheap?11:47
x_zeussi need one that can connect to yahoo too11:47
j_medic78g0rb3h: it's not my router, so I can't mess with it! :-)11:47
viniciusifireball, I checked whatsmyip.org, it seems to be everything alright there11:47
Jackie_Hello everybody (大家好)11:47
tuntunyoubucky: lol, you want a card that has a small footprint, not full-lenght.11:47
B-rabbitx_zeuss, no11:47
tho1x_zeuss not for IM...xchat is a chat client11:47
x_zeussi want something for yahoo11:47
imaginatorx_zeuss: kopete is a little better than pidgin at some things11:47
imaginatorkopete has webcam support11:48
tuntun|DuReX|: let that be a lesson to you XD11:48
bazhangYouBucky: not sure, it came with my computer :}11:48
B-rabbitx_zeuss, i use gaim11:48
j_medic78g0rb3h: right now i'm using the restricted driver that feisty installed by default. you think I should go the ndiswrapper route instead?11:48
imaginatorB-rabbit: gaim is the old version of what became pidgin11:48
x_zeussimaginator: but kopete is for kde, won't it crash under gnome? like amarok usually does for me11:48
imaginatorx_zeuss: it should work fine in gnome11:48
g0rb3hj_medic78: lets try some more iwconfig things first :)11:48
cYbercOsmOnauTI seeked no problems in using amarok on gnome till now11:48
j_medic78g0rb3h: sounds good. i hear ndiswrapper can be a pain11:49
imaginatorx_zeuss: kde apps can vary in quality11:49
g0rb3hj_medic78: doing some googleing atm about your chip and wpa support on your driver11:49
B-rabbitimaginator, yer i know...i have been using gaim for quit a wile now...so i prefer to use it11:49
|DuReX|tuntun: is the NTFS support good in Ubuntu ?11:49
tuntunyoubucky: if all you want is to run compiz then just get the cheapest nvidia card you can find, the have the much better driver support11:49
|DuReX|read/write ?11:49
cYbercOsmOnauTYou can read and write11:49
cYbercOsmOnauTWhat else do you want to do? :D11:49
imaginatorB-rabbit: nod.  I understand.  I think there have been some security fixes so you may want to watch those :)11:49
ifireballvinicius: ping the mozilla sites from both computes (the linux and windows) see if they go to the same IP11:49
arm9_linuxyes ubuntu 7.10 support it well11:49
|DuReX|but it won't corrupt ntfs fs ?11:50
x_zeussimaginator: ok, ill try kopete, hope it doesn't crash11:50
B-rabbitimaginator, thnkx for the tip :)11:50
sirAndrewhello, can someone help me with a problem? i can`t install automatix and i don`t know why11:50
viniciusifireball, good idea... but I can't do that now (the windows laptop is not here) what if they go to the same or different IP?11:50
elkbuntusirAndrew, that's probably a good thing. what do you need it for anyway?11:50
tuntun|DuReX|: actually it works fine but you'll need to read a few how-tos first.11:50
bazhangsirAndrew: step away from the keyboard :} seriously do not install automatix--it is not needed nor supported here11:51
YouBuckytuntun: Thanks, I also dual boot Vista which I may want to use one day so a cheap cheap card wont be my best option11:51
arm9_linuxdon't use automatix,there seem some problems,but i can not remember11:51
g0rb3hj_medic78: iwconfig in pastebin plz11:51
tuntunyoubucky: well good hunting!11:51
imaginatorx_zeuss: another tool I found that kde had that was pretty good when I used it was kmess, for the unfortunate times when you must talk with people using MSN.  I found it worked better than aMSN, though YMMV.  :)11:51
sirAndrewactually i can`t install anything, i get an error everytime saying the packages either don`t exist or their dependencies are not installable11:51
ifireballvinicius: that depends on the answer11:51
j_medic78g0rb3h: ok11:52
cYbercOsmOnauTI have a problem with my DELL Inspiron and the Hibernate/Suspend modes. I cannot restart the normal mode after my Laptop changed to hibernate or suspend.11:52
viniciuscYbercOsmOnauT, it seems to be a problem with the dell driver, Ubuntu does not support it yet11:52
ib81hihi all, got a strange problem, I'm getting a DHCP lease, but the DNS servers I put in /etc/resolv.conf don't seem to be picked up by any program...'nslookup google.com' works, but 'nslookup google.com' gives me 'connection timed out, no servers could be reached'11:52
elkbuntusirAndrew, had you used any other 3rd party stuff already?11:52
ifireballvinicius: if they are different we look for a DNS problem on the Linux, if they are the same we look for something else11:52
j_medic78g0rb3h: http://pastebin.com/m582b4e3411:53
cYbercOsmOnauTSo I stay at "Blank Screen" ;)11:53
viniciuscYbercOsmOnauT, i don't remember where i read this11:53
viniciusifireball, ok, great11:53
viniciusifireball, I'll do this and I'll post in the forum11:53
viniciusifireball, can you please watch the thread?11:53
cYbercOsmOnauTI just dislike to let the machine run when I go to eat with my family.11:53
ifireballvinicius: ok11:53
elkbuntusirAndrew, what other things have you tried installing that it's telling you that for?11:54
sirAndrewelkbuntu: nope, nothing works, i can`t install anything, just the things that came with the ubuntu 7.10 i386 imafg image i got from ubuntu.com11:54
viniciusifireball, thanks for the help :)11:54
olskolirchello.  I just upgraded to Gutsy.  Now I can't get my internet to turn on during bootup or my external hd to mount.  Where do I put the commands: sudo ifup eth0 && mount /dev/sdsa1 /media/MYDISK?  Would that be in .bashrc?11:54
bazhangsirAndrew: sounds like you need to add some repositories other than the cd then11:55
viniciusolskolirc, not in bashrc11:55
imaginatorolskolirc: probably not.  try /etc/rc.local might be more appropriate11:55
olskolircok thanks11:55
olskolircimaginator, :-)11:55
linduxedive got a laptop, and have used my touchpad al the time without problems, however recently i used a usb mouse more and one bootup the touchpad stopped working, so now i can only use external mice11:57
sirAndrewhow about if i try ubuntu ultimate 1.4? will that come with more programs? it`s my first ubuntu install...i don`t know many things...11:57
imaginatorolskolirc: btw you won't need sudo in that file.  it runs with suitable privileges11:57
elkbuntusirAndrew, please paste your sources.list at paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:57
j_medic78woops. got disconnected11:57
bazhangsirAndrew: have you enabled more repos?11:57
sirAndrewi spent all night reading faqs and documents, and tutorials and now i know less then i knew when i started reading....11:58
sirAndrewbazhang, i don`t know how to enable more repos11:58
sirAndrewanother question how do i update?11:58
linduxedi also think ive got the same problem in windows xp (dualboot) but im not 100%, however if thats the case than i understand its broken....11:58
BorbusHi, I'm trying to boot from ubuntu 7.10 amd64 live cd, after it loads the kernel my display just goes off.11:58
j_medic78g0rb3h: did you get a look at the iwconfig? i got booted offline for a second, so i might have missed a post! :-)11:59
bazhangsirAndrew: go to synaptic and open repositories, put a check next to the first four, reload, then search for packages, hit apply changes and your done11:59
olskolircimaginator, do I put my code before or after exit 0?11:59
sirAndrewok hang on a sec11:59
imaginatorolskolirc: before11:59
olskolircthanks precious :-)11:59
TomatkoHi There.. have a problem.. need a wireless network under Ubuntu 7.10 with USB donggllee. but UBUNTU can't see that dongle and can't find a driver.. have only drivers for Windows XP12:00
* olskolirc is a female btw12:00
* Jan` high-fives olskolirc12:00
* olskolirc ^5 Jan12:00
Jan`olskolirc: They're Linux geeks, they're probably scared of girls. We could use this to our advantage.12:01
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imaginatorbefore this place degenerates in a moment, I suggest men read this: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/12:01
BorbusIt happens even in safe graphics mode12:01
olskolirchahaha imaginator12:01
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Jan`"How To Encourage Women In Linux"?12:01
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:01
bazhangugh offtopic12:01
Jan`"Same Way As You Encourage Men In Linux - Make It Work Better."12:02
pengo__whats a good video media player for nix12:02
g0rb3hj_medic78: have u tried playing with wpa_supplicant?12:02
pengo__mplayer doesn't seem to play back some formats smoothly for me12:02
bazhangvlc pengo__12:02
pengo__other than vlc? that doesn't always work too good12:02
bazhangno idea then12:02
rskparadon: mplayer12:03
tho1pengo__ mplayer is probably a close second12:03
j_medic78g0rb3h: nopoe. honestly, i'm still pretty much a noob, so i don't even know what the supplicant is12:03
ifireballpengo__: there are like gazillion command-line switches to mplayer, maybe you can play with then to improve performance12:03
Kosertrying to connect my digital camera (Sony Cybercam), but it gets stuck in "USB Mode Connecting" mode - never gets mounted.12:03
pengo__i think its mainly the gnome-mplayer frontend, the progress bar seems to have problems with the video overlay so its constantly popping in/out of the video window12:04
ifireballtho1: vlc crashes an awful lot on Linux in my experience... I think the devs focus more on windows now days12:04
g0rb3hkk, nps :) run man wap_supplicant to familiarise yourself, ive got what i need to write a quick config for u though12:04
Tilllinuxheya, I'm looking for an application that converts (on the screen) written text to text... like ocr but "realtime"... like a 'handwriting' application ;)12:05
g0rb3hj_medic78: gimme a mo though, need a new coffee ^^12:05
ifireballpengo__: yeah, I've yet to have seen a good mplayer front-end, mplayer isn't front-end friendly, user the command-line version12:05
imaginatorifireball: I haven't found that.  have you sent them any useful backtraces?12:05
Jan`Bwaaaaa, ha ha: http://lists.slug.org.au/archives/slug-chat/2001/October/msg00317.html12:05
tho1ifireball yeah, and my audio got screwed in vlc after I installed gstreamer (actually YAST installed gstreamer as a dependency and I didn't catch it in time to abort the install)12:06
sirAndrewbazhang, ok i did that and now the application appear in the list...can i paste into a pastebin the error it gives me?12:06
j_medic78g0rb3h: believe me, I feel for ya as far as coffee goes!12:06
pengo__when i install mplayer it auto play a file if i double click on it?12:06
ifireballimaginator: either you miss-tabbed, of my memory is bad, what are we talking about?12:06
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pengo__replaying the same file doesn't have the problem odd12:07
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ifireballtho1: that might be fixable with tweaking the audio backend, it may be that vlc is playing to alsa while gstreamer to oss or something like that12:08
sirAndrewlol now it`s downloading and installing 149 updates :-|12:08
Ubuntu2Anybody know how to make java work  in Opera web browser>?12:09
ifireballimaginator: well, its just the feeling seeing how it functions on windows as opposed to linux, where problems are addressed faster, etc. I do admit the last time I had VLC installed was quite a while ago12:09
Jan`imaginator: for some reason, I can't talk to you in private message.12:10
Jan`imaginator: Still can't. Nick not registered.12:10
tho1ifireball yeah, well...I swtiched to suse on my main laptop to avoid the audio issues of ubuntu, and here they are again! Guess I can't win. I can get audio in the avi's just fine using mplayer, but in vlc now the audio is barely detectable.12:10
ifireballimaginator: for example, vlc used to have quite good gtk and qt front ends, but they were both dropped in favor of a wxwindows one12:11
imaginatorJan`: I guess you need to register your nick then to talk with anyone now12:11
imaginatorifireball: I wasn't aware of that.  I've been using the gtk+ frontend.12:11
Jan`Not to worry.12:12
OptykHello there.12:12
Jan`But on the topic at hand: yes it's funny, although I think the main problem with linux is not encouraging women, it's encouraging anyone who actually wants to do work on computers rather than treat them as a hobby.12:12
ifireballtho1: its because there are about 4 common ways to use audio and many more less-common, and the default configs not always agree, but unless its the god-for-nothing closed-source flash plugin, it can usually be fixed easily12:12
OptykCould have I help with chroot jail?12:12
OptykI unable to change password on chrooted account.12:13
ifireballimaginator: well, if it doesn't crash all the time I guess they might have picked it up; like I said, havn't looked at VLC in a while, mplayer works fine for me...12:14
tho1ifireball welll.the problem just showed up a few days ago. I have tinkered with the config for vlc but haven't yet succeeded in fixing the issue. It was just too easy to start using mplayer instead12:14
Optykpasswd: pam_start() failed, error 2612:14
compengihow to send a directory through ftp in command line12:14
linduxedone bootup the touchpad stopped working, so now i can only use external mice, what do i do?12:14
ifireballtho1: indeed ;)12:14
imaginatorifireball: I did a checkout of the vlc trunk.  I'll see what they are using.12:14
tho1ifireball I find as I get old(er) I just want something that works. didn't take long to rule out vista, linux is getting closer...but the temptation to try a mac is becoming overwhelming <smile>12:16
Nicolaidishello, help to install cairo dock...12:16
ifireballimaginator: ok, then you know it better then me, but I can probably find issues with it still, how is the Gnome integration for instance? can it do session management? does it obey the desktop preferences?12:17
olskolircsame here tho112:17
olskolircI'd love to get my hands on a Macintrash12:17
Jan`"Worst LUG meeting possible: 10pm Monday night, downtown warehouse in deserted alley, meat, double meat or spicy meat pizza and cheap beer."12:17
* Jan` snickers extensively12:17
imaginatorifireball: I don't know about the gnome integration.  I don't use Gnome, but I do use Ubuntu :)12:17
Jan`Yup. That's it alright.12:18
ifireballtho1: well, I have some ethical principles to keep me on linux, other then that I hear ya12:18
j_medic78all the lines exactly as written? including the final bracket being spaced out a bit?12:18
jriffleanyone know how to get linux on an ipaq r3115 ?12:18
j_medic78g0rb3h: all the lines exactly as written? including the final bracket being spaced out a bit?12:18
tho1ifireball I'll  probably always have a linux partition...linux allows me to rediscover the pleasure of getting the printer to print 'hello'12:18
ifireballimaginator: kde? those questions can be asked WRT kde as well12:19
rojanuis it possible to change amd64 to x86 only via ssh?12:19
imaginatorifireball: I'm using Ubuntu with a WM I wrote, and the toolkit I mostly use is Tcl/Tk12:19
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j_medic78g0rb3h: i can't save it for some weird reason12:19
olskolirchow can I get my berly to work without turning my menus black?  and I don't know how to zoom or rotate the cube12:20
lonejackhi, does somebody know how can be started software in reduced to icons at startup12:20
* Jan` continues going through "how to attract women to Linux", snickering occasionally and nodding a lot12:20
ifireballimaginator: oh, so you're pretty much integration-agnostic ;)12:20
imaginatorifireball: to some extent.12:20
g0rb3hj_medic78: probably trying to save as a user, open your editor as root12:20
g0rb3hwhen u have the file there run this command12:21
Tilllinux"This forum requires that you wait 15 seconds between searches. Please try again in 3 seconds." ... isn't this somehow...weird and contradictory?12:21
g0rb3hwpa_supplicant  -Dipw -ieth1 -c/etc/wpa/wpa_supplicant.conf -Bw12:21
ifireballimaginator: but isn't tcl/tk ugly as hell? the less time I looked it was still using motif as a backend...12:21
imaginatorifireball: I'm a Tcl and Tk core developer, and I'm hoping that the 8.5.x releases will change the ideas about "ugly as hell" once Ubuntu starts using them of course12:21
groutAnyone have a .deb file for doomsday?12:22
imaginatorifireball: and Tk has never used Motif, it just looked like it.12:22
ifireballimaginator: I don't know... this is a python/ruby world, I liked TCL... but it kinda seems.. old fashioned...12:22
j_medic78g0rb3h: it keeps giving me an "Unexpected error: File not found"12:23
Cnerdive a question12:23
imaginatorifireball: that's a view that many people regretabbly share.12:23
Cnerdim isntalling ubuntu now12:23
imaginatorifireball: I wouldn't say there's a lot of truth to it though.12:23
Cnerdi can compile with ubuntu?12:23
Cnerdis in it12:24
imaginatorCnerd: yes12:24
ifireballimaginator: also, it won't be truly integrated until you can somehow run the GTK theme engine above it12:24
imaginator2 versions at least12:24
g0rb3hj_medic78: ok, save the config file i posted you to here instead /home/(your username)/wpa_supplicant.conf12:24
Ubuntu2 12:24
Ubuntu2You have the recommended Java installed (Version 6 Update 3).12:24
ifireballimaginator: given that to date I did more coding in TCL then in Python, I can see your side of this12:24
j_medic78g0rb3h: ok, 1 sec12:24
Ubuntu2but it still does not work12:24
j_medic78g0rb3h: ok, that saved12:25
g0rb3hj_medic78: so now do sudo wpa_supplicant  -Dipw -ieth1 -c/home/(your username)/wpa_supplicant.conf -w12:26
imaginatorifireball: the gtk+ look and theme support is a problem.  It seems that Gtk+ and Qt themes are very important these days.  Qt has been solved by a project called tile-qt, but Gtk+ is a bit more involved.12:26
ifireballimaginator: I know TCL is capable of any programming paradigm imagined, and its compactness is simply amazing, but somehow python seems "cleaner" to me; and there is the issue of the size of the user-base12:27
g0rb3hj_medic78: you should get some stuff comming to the tty as we left the "B" out, you can whack the output in pastebin12:27
j_medic78g0rb3h: i got a bunch of "Operation not supported" and "Failed to set encryption" messages12:27
georg1hi, any good crm system that I can use?12:27
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ifireballimaginator: well, imo, if its a different toolkit you'll always have issues with small tidbits like how focus works, or hotkeys or integration with stuff like compiz12:28
georg1how can I configure the mouse pointer to be smaller?12:28
imaginatorifireball: btw: http://wiki.tcl.tk/NexTk  that's my project (alpha transparency and window rotation support for a next generation Tk, with widgets written in Tcl).12:28
ifireballimaginator: this is way I try to keep my desktop purely gtk2.x and even gnome if possible12:29
g0rb3hj_medic78: pastebin the whole lot for me, start from where u issue the command12:29
* Jan` waits for Ubuntu live CD to burn12:29
CnerdUbutnu install error12:30
Jan`Cnerd: Thanks but no thanks.12:30
imaginatorCnerd: what's the problem?12:31
ifireballimaginator: well, I'm kinda surprised to hear that TK is its own toolkit I always thought it was a layer above something else, does it has something like glade?12:31
j_medic78g0rb3h: http://pastebin.com/m5b99e45212:31
CnerdErrno 5 Input/output error: '/rofs/usr/share/aspell/en_CAw_accents-only.cwl.gz'12:31
ifireballimaginator: alos I suppose one way to solve gtk integration problems is to write a gtk them engine in tk... ;)12:32
imaginatorthat would be a lot of work, and maintainance12:32
Cnerdthis particual error is often due to a faulty CD/DVD disk or drive12:33
* Jan` gingerly places liveCD in CD-ROM drive, and, in like manner to a bomb disposal expert cutting the green wire, presses the ON button12:33
Cnerdde disk is free request from ubuntu.com12:33
imaginatorThere are tools like Glade -- several in fact.  I find it easier to just make GUIs manually with code though.12:33
georg1how can I verify that the last drivers have been installed?12:33
georg1I  have nvidea12:33
ifireballimaginator: well, the qt guys did that, but I suppose its a question of resources12:34
lonejackis it possible to launch tomboy (or other applications) directly iconized?12:34
iCEifercan anyone suggest a good gnome MP3/CD player?12:34
tho1iCEifer xmms12:34
cYbercOsmOnauTI like Amarok.. even if it's a KDE player.. ;)12:34
ifireballimaginator: coded GUIs have maintainability problems and they tend not to be easily I18N-able12:34
predaeusiCEifer, audacious12:35
iCEifercYbercOsmOnauT, I was looking for something similar to that for gnome :)12:35
imaginatorifireball: there are message catalog tools that make the i18n problem easier to solve12:35
j_medic78g0rb3h: so my driver doesn't support WPA huh?12:35
imaginatorCnerd: did you run a checksum on the disk image before making your Ubuntu CD?12:35
Cnerdcheckksum, making?12:36
ifireballimaginator: no, you don't really understand i18n until you try to support RTL of CTL languages...12:36
Cnerdive did request free cd12:36
g0rb3hj_medic78: correct12:36
j_medic78g0rb3h: lol, hell will freeze over before I get the owner of the router to change the encryption!12:36
imaginatorCnerd: well, do you have access to another CD-ROM drive?12:36
ifireballimaginator: problem is most programmers think text always goes left-to-right...12:36
g0rb3hj_medic78: give ndiswrapper a try, its not such a headache anymore and there are lots of good guides12:36
imaginatorifireball: that's something to solve in the future.  languages like Hebrew with RTL and the few others make life much more uhm interesting :)12:37
Cnerdimaginator: no, i shutdown my pc12:37
j_medic78g0rb3h: ok, I'll see what I can do with ndiswrapper12:37
Cnerdi make it open, en unconnect the cdrom dire12:37
Cnerdi cionnect another drive12:37
Cnerdthat can12:37
Cnerdi think12:37
g0rb3hj_medic78: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Windows_Wireless_Drivers_.28Ndiswrapper.2912:37
graabeinhow come i get two icons for ipod when i mount it on usb? i'm on xfce12:37
holycowsame partition or two?12:38
j_medic78g0rb3h: i'll check that link out12:38
ifireballimaginator: well, tell me when that future comes, until then your toolkit doesn't cut it, simple as that. I'm sorry.12:39
Nicolaidishow can i download plugins for compiz fusion?12:39
ifireballimaginator: (slightly  bitter about those issues, I pretty much started and ended my coding career making RTL ports... motif is horrible...)12:40
imaginatorifireball: do you use RTL a lot?12:40
imaginatorifireball: yes, I agree Motif is horrible.  I've done some coding with it.12:40
ifireballimaginator: personally no, but my "clients" do.12:41
|DuReX|installing on a dmraid is real problem :(12:41
Jan`Anyone who was here last night might have heard me gripe about Linux not working very well.12:42
Jan`I just thought I'd mention the fact that we can add the Ubuntu 7.10 LiveCD to the List Of Things That Don't Work.12:42
imaginatorJan`: what hardware?12:42
Jan`God, it'd be nice to be wrong sometimes.12:42
olskolirclol right Jan12:42
Jan`Um. A PC.12:42
olskolircI finally got mine to where it needs to be with a lot of tweaking12:43
rskJan`: the detection of monitor resolutions is horrific. other than that.. it works fine12:43
Jan`It has an Asus A7N8X motherboard and an Athlon XP 2600+ processor.12:43
scguy318Jan`: of what specification is what imaginator is interested in12:43
imaginatorJan`: which flavor of the million permutations of a PC do you have?12:43
tho1Jan` Just curious...have you tried Ubuntu 6.06?12:43
Jan`tho1: No.12:43
Jan`Anyhoo, it has a Windows 2000 install on its hard disk.12:43
imaginatorJan`: what's the problem with the Live CD?12:43
Jan`So we burned ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso to a CD and put it in the drive, and the PC booted into Windows.12:44
|DuReX|It fails to format the ext3 :(12:44
Jan`So we then went into the BIOS and set all the boot devices to CD-ROM.12:44
nuGzthki have wine but still cant install the msi steaminstaller file12:44
Jan`Then we rebooted and it booted into Windows.12:44
scguy318Jan`: you did...burn as ISO?12:44
nuGzthkplease help12:44
rskJan`: ok so, did you burn it as a bootable disk?12:44
scguy318Jan`: and not as a data file in a new data session?12:44
j_medic78g0rb3h: so i just need to install the ndiswrapper toolkit, then get the windows driver, have it configure the driver, then run that command again?12:44
Jan`Yes, I burned it as an image.12:44
* Jan` isn't quite THAT stupid12:44
imaginatorJan`: how did the boot loader behave?12:45
MrGreencastleI somehow removed the login window config tool, whats the name of the package so I can get it back?12:45
rskJan`: and have you verified the media?12:45
Toma-What type of bitmap files are compatible with X? eg. xsetroot/xdm ?12:45
rskJan`: as in md5cheking et12:45
Jan`imaginator: what's a boot loader?12:45
olskolircI didn't do a cd install.  I just upgraded from my last ubuntu12:45
wols_Jan`: if it boots still windows it's not Ubuntu's fault. it's either your fault for not being able to operate a cd burner or your hardware not following your commands12:45
olskolirc7.06 or something like that12:45
scguy318Jan`: a boot loader is the code that performs bootstrapping for an OS12:45
nuGzthkhow do i install the msi file?12:45
Jan`scguy318: *blink*12:45
scguy318nuGzthk: in Wine? wine start msifile.msi12:46
imaginatorJan`: the BIOS should attempt to load the image on the Live CD12:46
chazcoHow do I remove duplicated Ubuntu entries from my grub menu?12:46
Jan`The CD appears to be entirely blank.12:46
imaginatorand then the Live CD should load it's own boot loader to load a kernel12:46
g0rb3hj_medic78: yup =)12:46
wols_chazco: duplicated how?12:46
scguy318Jan`: that shouldn't be...12:46
Jan`No kidding.12:46
tho1chazco edit /boot/grub/menu.lst12:46
chazcoI have two of everything... why that is I dont know12:46
wols_Jan`: then you didn't burn a ubuntu CD. try again12:46
imaginatorJan`: what tool did you use to burn the ISO image?12:46
scguy318Jan`: how did you download the image?12:46
Jan`imaginator: InfraRecorder.12:46
Jan`scguy318: From a website. Using Firefox.12:47
chazcowols_ - I think when I installed Ubuntu it picked up remenants of another install on a second HDD12:47
Jan`It certainly spent quite a while making those "I'm writing a disc" whirring sounds.12:47
MrGreencastleFor burning .iso in Windows, I would recommend ImgBurn12:47
scguy318CDBurnerXP :P12:47
wols_chazco: pastebin your menu.lst12:47
Jan`So I'd be quite surprised if it had done nothing.12:47
imaginatorJan`: can you view the CD in Windows from my computer?12:47
Jan`imaginator: s'what I'm doing. Seems empty.12:47
imaginatorhmm, strange12:47
wols_Jan`: there is a "da as if but don't really do it" mode with every CD burner app I've ever seen12:47
scguy318Jan`: what if you mount the image using a loopback mount program?12:48
Jan`scguy318: A what?!12:48
MrGreencastleI somehow removed the login window config tool, whats the name of the package so I can get it back?12:48
luckybamboohi ihave trouble updating my packages: Couldn't connect with ( - connect (111 Connection refused)12:48
luckybambooi have12:48
scguy318Jan`: image mount app12:48
chazcowols_ - There are several bits which say "# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for an existing12:48
chazco# linux installation on /dev/sdb1."12:48
imaginatorJan`: I think scguy318 is suggesting that you try to see what the image contains12:48
imaginatorJan`: does InfraRecord have that ability?12:48
* Jan` reaches for Daemon Tools12:48
omega512hi i tried to compile this bridge utility http://www.linux-usb.org/SpeedTouch/LFS/brctl-010226.c (br2684ctl) to configure my connection and i got this errors:  atm.h: No such file or directory and many other errors incomplete type ....etc how to compile this plz?12:48
scguy318luckybamboo: you have a proxy set?12:48
* predaeus just discovered recently that Daemon Tools the free version contains spyware.12:49
luckybambooscguy318, yes12:49
scguy318predaeus: old news but if you uncheck teh search bar...12:49
scguy318predaeus: the fact that it does have spyware is dead obvious, and they're nice enough to let you say no12:49
wols_omega512: you need to install the kernel headers for your kernel12:49
predaeusscguy318, really? I thought they changed that.12:49
wols_omega512: linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic12:49
predaeusscguy318, well, let's forget about that then.12:50
scguy318predaeus: I can still uncheck install search bar when installing DAEMON Tools, if I'm not mistaken12:50
Jan`OK. If I mount the .iso using daemon tools, it has a bunch of folders and suchlike in it, named .disk, bin, casper, disctree, dists etc12:50
MrGreencastleCan someone please tell me the name of the login window config tool's package? I accidentally removed it somehow.12:50
wols_Jan`: so burn your disk again until your CD has those files12:50
* Jan` suspects InfraRecorder is being Bad12:50
wols_MrGreencastle: gdm-config iirc12:50
MechdaveMrGreencastle, It is called gdm12:50
* Jan` might have to pony up the cash for Nero12:50
imaginatorJan`: I think your suspicion is correct12:51
MrGreencastleFor burning .iso in Windows, I would recommend ImgBurn12:51
scguy318Jan`: Nero? use CDBurnerXP :P12:51
Jan`Mutter. I should have Nero anyway.12:51
omega512wols_: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) ===> linux-headers-2.6.20-15-generic is already the newest version12:51
fahri_try ImgBurn in wind*** to burn .iso!12:51
Jan`Although it comes with plus de la irritating hang-on programs.12:51
wols_Jan`: http://cdburnerxp.se/12:51
luckybambooJan`, or try brasero...12:51
wols_omega512: full output of your make run12:51
* Jan` goes with wols_' suggestion12:51
* Jan` looks for a burnable optical disc that isn't a DVD...12:52
fahri_just right click ur .iso, choose Burn!12:52
wols_Jan`: try your current "ubuntu" CD. seems it's empty anyways12:52
scguy318luckybamboo: but Jan` is in Windows so :P12:52
luckybambooscguy318, ah...12:52
rskJan`: dvd's would work fine alos12:52
luckybambooscguy318, can you please help me?12:52
Jan`wols_: It's not "unburned" empty. It's "got no files on" empty.12:52
wols_Jan`: wow that infrarecorder is reall poo12:52
Jan`I've had trouble with it in the past.12:53
omega512wols_: i'm compiling it with gcc -o br2684ctl br2684.c12:53
scguy318luckybamboo: what's up?12:53
wols_omega512: why?12:53
luckybambooscguy318, i can't update my packages.12:53
wols_luckybamboo: start your proxy12:53
BernardBHow can I mount a .dmg file in Ubuntu Gutsy?12:53
lonejackhi, is it possible to launch tomboy (or other applications) directly iconized?12:53
scguy318BernardB: I think fuseiso (in universe) can do it12:53
luckybamboowols_, the proxy is running.12:53
luckybamboowols_, there must be some wrong settings locally.12:54
wols_luckybamboo: but it's not accepting connections12:54
luckybamboonot my connection.12:54
omega512wols_:there isn't a makefile with it12:54
wols_luckybamboo: is it running on port 8080 on that remote machine?12:54
wols_omega512: I still want the full output12:54
luckybamboowols_, how to check if the port is 8080 on the proxy?12:55
wols_luckybamboo: what OS is the proxy running?12:55
luckybambooi think it's a debian too.12:55
omega512wols_: the full  output is big lol12:55
chazcoOkay, fixed my grub menu :)12:55
wols_luckybamboo: think or know?12:55
omega512~ 15 lines12:55
chazcoStill got the USB keyboard issue to sort out12:55
wols_luckybamboo: and ubuntu is NOT debian12:55
omega512i paste it??12:55
MrGreencastleThanks, I wonder how I removed it...12:55
wols_!paste | omega51212:55
ubotuomega512: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:55
bionoidHi. I have problems booting livecd on my Toshiba Qosmio G40. Sometimes it freezes before reaching the desktop (but always at the graphical stage). Sometimes I get a nice 1920x1200 desktop and everything works. Until I start a program, then everything hangs. I tried the safe graphics mode, but it just keeps restarting X indefinetely. Any hints?12:55
MrGreencastleMust have not been paying attention12:55
luckybamboowols_, true. i think it's a debian or an ubuntu12:55
ElkoI installed build-essential and now get a zlib error, but can't find which packsge contains that library?12:55
luckybamboowols_, i'm not the admin.12:56
wols_luckybamboo: sudo netstat -anp |grep 8080 on it12:56
Elkozlib1g is installed though12:56
wols_luckybamboo: can you telnet to it on port 8080?12:56
luckybamboowols_, i can't get onto the proxy.12:56
wols_Elko: zlib1g-dev is what you need. headers12:56
* Jan` burns12:56
wols_luckybamboo: then tell the proxy admin12:57
nuccohi, doesn anyone know where cups-pdf saves its output files? I'm printing from epiphany, but can't find the generated files12:57
Elkowols_: thank you12:57
chazcoMy USB keyboard wont work with Ubuntu when using the motherboards USB ports. It does work when using a PCI expansion cards ports. How can I fix this? (With it plugged into the expansion card the BIOS and grub are unable to use it)12:57
chazcoIt started in 7.1012:57
luckybamboowols_, it's not a good time for calling the admin. he will be back on wednesday12:57
wols_chazco: does onboard usb work at all?12:57
BernardBscguy318, I've installed it via Synaptic. What command can I use/12:57
chazcowols_ - yep12:57
omega512wols_: i copied the output and pressed paste what i must do now?12:58
luckybamboowols_, that's why i'm sitting here alone.12:58
wols_omega512: tell us the url12:58
wols_luckybamboo: we cannot help you. the proxy is not working apparently and we certainly don't have admin rights12:58
feveris there options for the diff command to display the words which are not the same ?12:58
chazcowols_ - I've tried changing BIOS options for USB keyboard support, doesnt help... I thought maybe dmesg would help, but I cant login to Ubuntu with it plugged into the problem socket :D12:59
chazcosockets even12:59
omega512wols_: it's ok?12:59
luckybamboowols_, true. o.k. maybe you can help getting rid of the proxy? maybe i can go out without the proxy?12:59
wols_omega512: what is this atm library?12:59
j_medic78g0rb3h: now, with that command you gave me, I'm getting a "syntax error near unexpected token ` ( ' "12:59
wols_luckybamboo: sure. just don't use a proxy13:00
g0rb3hj_medic78: thats a start! =)13:00
j_medic78g0rb3h: lol. never mind, my bad!!13:00
chazcoAlso, when the keyboard is plugged into the motherboard ports it works fine in the BIOS and Grub, just Ubuntu having problems13:00
Tobias92Dear ubuntu people. I got a video, and of all my players, only "MPlayer" will display it correctly. However, MPlayer does not allow me to go fullscreen. How can I fix the other players (ie vlc or totem)13:00
j_medic78it helps to change "your user name" to what it really is! :-)13:00
godlinesif your not using ssh public keys, is your password then sent in clear text?13:00
nuccohi, doesn anyone know where cups-pdf saves its output files? I'm printing from epiphany, but can't find the generated files please...13:00
luckybamboowols_, the fritzbox has got the ip maybe i can just go through it?13:00
wols_chazco: plug in the usb keyboard to mianboard, then  dmesg | tail -2013:00
g0rb3hj_medic78: :P also dont copy the carriage return char into the .conf file13:00
omega512wols_: it's used to create a bridge (virtual network) to configure the PPPoE over ATM  connection13:00
wols_luckybamboo: you normally already do13:01
luckybamboowols_, but i don't know which conf to edit.13:01
chazcowols_ - I cant excute the command after plugging it in - no keyboard...13:01
chazcoI'll try a script with sleep in it13:01
maeknucco: find / -name filename.pdf ?13:01
wols_omega512: the atm doesn't do that. answer my question. and where is it from?13:01
wols_chazco: plug it in, remove it again and plug it to the pci card, then dmesg | tail -4013:02
nuGzthkcan someone help me install the msi file?13:02
chazcowols_ - got it with a script... it seems to show up fine13:02
wols_luckybamboo: do "telnte google.com 80" what does it say?13:02
wols_nuGzthk: appdb.winehq.com or #wine13:03
wols_luckybamboo: *telnet13:03
luckybamboowols_, Trying
luckybambooConnected to google.com13:03
Lethyrodoes anyone know about saslauthd und postfix ?13:03
luckybambooConnection closed by foreign host13:03
chazco[  478.060000] input: Microsoft Comfort Curve Keyboard 2000 as /class/input/input813:03
chazco[  478.060000] input: USB HID v1.11 Keyboard [Microsoft Comfort Curve Keyboard 2000] on usb-0000:00:02.0-313:03
omega512wols_: see PPPoE in http://www.linux-usb.org/SpeedTouch/LFS/index.html13:03
wols_luckybamboo: you using synaptic or apt-get?13:03
luckybamboowols_, apt-get13:03
BernardBscguy318, ?13:03
wols_omega512: this atm lib needs a corresponding atm.h header file. where is it?13:03
wols_luckybamboo: env |grep HTTP  is there any proxy set?13:04
luckybamboowols_, env |grep HTTP --> no reponse13:04
wols_luckybamboo: sudo grep -r -i HTTP /etc/apt/*13:04
wols_luckybamboo: any response?13:04
omega512wols_: i don't know this why i post the question13:05
Lethyroi cant send emails: in the mail.log i read: cannot connect to saslauthd server: Not a Directory   <<< what i should do13:05
wols_omega512: how should we know?13:05
luckybamboowols_, yeah. the source.list13:05
maekomega512:  to find a certain file you can use apt-file, sudo apt-get install apt-file ; sudo apt-file update ; apt-file search atm.h - that will tell you which pkg the file is in13:05
wols_that's not it. should be a preferences file13:05
wols_is it a mandatory proxy?13:05
luckybamboowols_, and 2 entries in apt.conf13:06
wols_luckybamboo: pastebin the 2 entries13:06
profoX`what's ubuntu's policy on drivers? do new drivers for graphics cards and drivers like madwifi get backported to dapper and/or gutsy now? i thought i read a spec about that sometime ago13:06
wols_maek: how will that help him?13:06
wols_omega512: again. where is this atm library from?13:07
Vinconzoanyone here with any usenet experience? (using Pan)13:07
Vinconzoi tried using microsofts server (just to try it) and now i cant ue my isp's server anymore13:07
luckybamboowols_, all entries: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/25258/13:07
maekwols_: I might have misunderstood, I thought he was looking for where to get atm.h - sorry omega51213:07
wols_luckybamboo: something is very wrong since those proxies are supposed to use port 3128 but you spoke about port 808013:08
j_medic78g0rb3h: what did you mean by "carriage return"? :-D13:08
Tobias92I want to play a video file and the screen goes all pink, is this because I am missing codecs?13:08
imaginatorVinconzo: perhaps the connection is persistent or you set NNTPSERVER in your env differently?13:08
Jan`Right well.13:08
imaginatorVinconzo: I don't use Pan.  I use slrn FWIW13:08
luckybamboowols_, shall i change it to 3128?13:08
maekj_medic78: thats the enter key <cr>13:08
Jan`It just played this cool "tribal drums" style musical sting.13:08
wols_luckybamboo: it's already set to 3128913:08
Jan`And now the TV it's plugged into says "PC-VGA: Out of range."13:09
luckybamboowols_, true , you're right.13:09
maekj_medic78: or rather the special character that shows an enter13:09
g0rb3hj_medic78: when i posted you your wpa_supplicant.conf in ./msg it copied that character, you see it as a square13:09
Jan`This limits its usefulness.13:09
wols_luckybamboo: you can try and comment them out with a # in front of each13:09
omega512wols_: i readed this HowTo http://www.linux-usb.org/SpeedTouch/LFS/index.html to configure my ADSL USB modem13:09
imaginatorJan`: what are you planning to do?13:10
scguy318Jan`: oh, retarded X13:10
wols_omega512: have you made the atm library, yes or no?13:10
j_medic78g0rb3h: hmm.. i didn't see any square in it13:10
luckybamboowols_, i commented both entries in /etc/apt/apt.conf13:10
scguy318Jan`: switch to tty1 via Ctrl-Alt-F1, login as ubuntu/ubuntu, do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:10
|DuReX|whoooohooo :) ubuntu finally installing :D13:10
scguy318Jan`: then restart GDM by doing sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart13:11
g0rb3hj_medic78: kk nps then =) did ndiswrapper load the module properly?13:11
scguy318Jan`: though I think you should already be logged in on tty1-6 actually13:11
j_medic78g0rb3h: it said it did13:11
imaginatorJan`: I have my Ubuntu setup with a TV-out and it works fine.  I use nvtv to enable it to work over an S-video adapter to a normal (non-HD) TV13:11
Jan`Hey, guys, does scguy318 speak English?13:11
scguy318Jan`: if you're not interested in actually using the LiveCD features of your CD, check out the wiki page linked to by ubotu's factoid at !install13:11
imaginatorJan`: yes, just a different dialect :)13:12
Jan`We'd try fiddling with the "VGA" options in the boot up thingy13:12
brobostigoni have got rid of all software i can, but need to freeup more space, where else can i delete files??13:12
Jan`but the boot up thingy doesn't seem to support USB keyboards (we have a wireless one)]13:12
j_medic78g0rb3h: so i gave the command that you gave me13:12
luckybamboowols_,  synax-error /etc/apt/apt.conf:1: not suppoerted directive „Acquire::http::Proxy“13:12
scguy318luckybamboo: I think you have two typoed chars at the beginning of the line?13:12
wols_luckybamboo: make a copy of the file for backup and delete the two lines then13:13
scguy318!install | Jan`, if you haven't seen this13:13
ubotuJan`, if you haven't seen this: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate13:13
omega512wols_: the atm.h header is in /usr/src/linux13:13
g0rb3hj_medic78: sweet, and it took the driver files ok? does ndiswrapper -l show the driver u loaded?13:13
Jan`Um, er.13:13
wols_omega512: this isn't it13:13
aoupihi, any forum mod here?13:14
wols_omega512: there is http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/libdevel/libatm1-dev in ubuntu. you sure you couldn't use that atm library?13:14
Jack_Sparrowaoupi: IS there a problem?13:14
j_medic78g0rb3h: i don't have a WPA option when I try to connect to wireless though13:14
scguy318aoupi: pretend we all are, what's the question?13:14
Jan`Humph. anyone want a Ubuntu live CD? I have one spare.13:15
luckybamboowols_, scguy318  i got still connection refused.13:15
aoupiattachment in the forum, you have to be logged in to see them, Could you change that soo everyone can get the attachments13:15
g0rb3hj_medic78: 1 step at a time! :P13:15
omega512wols_: so which one?13:15
wols_luckybamboo: still port 8080?13:15
wols_omega512: which one what?13:15
luckybamboowols_, yes13:15
j_medic78g0rb3h: now, I'm thinking that maybe I should have uninstalled the linux driver, or disable it in the restricted drivers manager?13:15
j_medic78g0rb3h: ok, i'll slow down13:15
scguy318Jan`: you can still utilize the files on the LiveCD for the other installation methods detailed by ubotu's install factoid13:16
luckybamboowols_, i really don't know why there is port 8080? i mean where is it set?13:16
g0rb3hcan do that in a bit, does ndiswrapper -l show the driver files u installed?13:16
wols_luckybamboo: grep -r 8080 /etc13:16
Jack_Sparrowaoupi: Not likely, but they have noted your request.13:16
Jan`scguy318: I don't want to install it.13:16
scguy318Jan`: alrighty then13:16
aoupiJack_Sparrow: ok, thanks13:16
Jan`I just want to use it from the live CD to read a Mac formatted disc.13:16
wols_luckybamboo: I don't know. it'S the 64000$ question13:16
j_medic78g0rb3h: it says invalid driver13:17
Disastrodoes the update to gutsy work without any special tuning?13:17
scguy318Jan`: HFS+ or something? lemme see13:17
Jan`that's the one13:17
Jan`I was told Ubuntu supported it, so I'd be able to read the Mac formatted firewire disk I have here.13:17
g0rb3hj_medic78: this bit can be a bit of a mare since the right file u need are often bunddled up in an install shield file13:17
Jan`And then I could copy it to a Windows PC.13:17
Jan`Which is the entire point of this exercise.13:17
JowiJan`, you should probably mount it as type "hfsplus"13:18
Jan`Jowi: I'd love to.13:18
Disastroand can you update from gutsy cd from shipit?13:18
j_medic78g0rb3h: now, that's a vista driver, i wonder if an xp driver would be better13:18
scguy318Jan`: googling yields me HFSExplorer13:18
Jack_SparrowDisastro: Should not be a problem.  However, if you used automatix or envy (both bad ideas) you could have real issues with it13:18
Tobias92How do I discover which codec is attributed to a .avi file in ubuntu?13:18
g0rb3hj_medic78: it would indeed!13:18
Jan`However right now I'm in Linux Is Being Rubbish zone, whereby it's using a screenmode the TV doesn't support, and it doesn't seem to detect our keyboard.13:18
luckybamboowols_, all i now is: there is a proxy on ip with maybe port 3128 who doesn't let me through. what can i configure?#13:18
wols_Jan`: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/otherosfs/hfsplus13:18
j_medic78g0rb3h: ok, back to the download center13:18
scguy318Jan`: there's a utility called HFSExplorer on Windows, dunno if that's what youw ant13:19
g0rb3hj_medic78: iirc there is some webpage that shows compatible drivers for ndiswrapper for each card / chip13:19
wols_luckybamboo: the question is why is your apt insisiting on port 8080?13:19
Jan`wols_ yes that's lovely. Unfortunately I don't even have Ubuntu let alone packages.13:19
luckybamboowols_, or if ther eis no possibility, how to get rid of the proxy and use the direct way..13:19
scguy318Tobias92: good question, on Windows I would use GSpot :P13:19
luckybamboowols_, yeah13:19
Tobias92If I play it in mplayer the screen goes all pink :(13:19
wols_luckybamboo: if you don't know where to change something how can you cahnge it?13:20
JowiTobias92, you use "file filename.avi"13:20
wols_Jan`: then you are in the wrong place or asking the wrong questions. this is ubuntu support13:20
Tobias92Jowi, righto, divX 5, thanks. How do I force mplayer to use that?13:20
Jan`wols_: Hey, they said Ubuntu could do it.13:20
g0rb3hj_medic78: found it! =)13:21
scguy318Jan`: http://hem.bredband.net/catacombae/hfsx.html13:21
g0rb3hj_medic78: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/joomla/index.php?/component/option,com_openwiki/Itemid,33/id,list_g-l/13:21
wols_Jan`: it can13:21
Jan`No, it can't.13:21
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:21
scguy318Jan`: is that utility suitable for your needs?13:21
* Jan` indicates a screen on which it is written "PC-VGA: Out of Range"13:21
* g0rb3h is getting some lunch13:21
wols_scguy318: there are hfs+ utils in ubuntu13:21
scguy318Jan`: so for that, did you try what I said?13:21
Jan`I didn't understand the first word of what you said.13:21
JowiTobias92, it will automatically if it's supported. see if "mplayer -vo x11 filename.avi" also give you the pink tone.13:21
scguy318wols_ : I'm aware, however, Jan` is more interested in getting to HFS+, and X isn't working so well13:22
wols_Jan`: what hardware is this?13:22
Disastrowhich will work better to update feisty: alternate cd or internet update?13:22
scguy318Jan`: he's trying from LiveCD anyway, nary an install13:22
wols_Disastro: same thing13:22
Tobias92Jowi, it doesnt thanks. But I cant set it on full screen, I get black bars all around. Can't I tell it to "stretch out"?13:22
wols_scguy318: if you want to support windows: fine. ##windows13:23
Filled-VoidDoes anyone here use weatherget. I need help setting it up. I found a command which says python setup.py install --root=/path/to/root/ in order to install it but I cant either install it right or Im entering the incorrect path . IM doing this for conky13:23
JowiTobias92, mplayer -vo x11 -zoom (i think)13:23
Tobias92Jowi, thanks a million! :)13:23
redfoxI am trying to install ubuntu on an external hard drive. Where do I tell it to install grub if my external hard drive is sdb?13:23
scguy318wols_: ?13:23
Jan`HFSExplorer doesn't seem to like USB drives.13:23
scguy318Jan`: are you in the LiveCD session now?13:24
Jan`So that's out.13:24
Jan`scguy318: What d'you mean by "session"13:24
wols_Jan`: is there a computer monitor in your vicinity?13:24
ifireballredfox: (hd1)13:24
Jan`wols_: Several.13:24
wols_Jan`: then plug one in instead of a TV?13:25
Cnerdive now more ram and another cddrive13:25
negativtHi there.. I was watching a flash video and when I pressed a link to watch another one. The sound was gone. And now when I want to play music with "moc" this is the only thing I get: ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:864:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave13:25
redfoxifireball- but that will install grub on my main hard drive wont it? I want to install grub to my external harddrive which is sdb.13:25
Ubuntu2whats a good amount of ram  to run ubuntu13:25
negativtDoes anyone know how to solve that shi~?13:25
wols_redfox: sdb is (hd0)13:25
wols_redfox: erm, sdb is (hd1)13:25
ifireballredfox: the main drive is (hd0) as far as I can remember13:25
Jack_Sparrowredfox: HD0 is sda13:26
negativtUbuntu2, I don't know.. 256 MB13:26
scguy318Ubuntu2: 256 MB is a bit low for GNOME though, I would strive for 512 MB if you can, or use a lighter Ubuntu variant13:26
negativtUbuntu2, You can probably get it running on 128 if you want.13:26
Ubuntu2scguy how much do u have13:27
Cnerdon the cd stand 38413:27
ifireballnegativt: the last time I checked Gnome needs approx 196MB so anything above that should work13:27
scguy318Ubuntu2: on this crappy laptop I have 512 MB13:27
redfoxJack_Sparrow- I want to install grub on the external hard drive (sdb).13:27
OptykHi again13:27
OptykAnyone could help me configure apache? I have two users - regular and chrooted. When I open http://nexiu.homeftp.org/~optyk can I list files. On chrooted user (http://nexiu.homeftp.org/~kele) I get an 403 error, but I can access http://nexiu.homeftp.org/~kele/index13:27
luckybamboowols_, o.k. maybe i have to wait til wednesday... it would help me till then, just to get rid of my burning-problem.13:27
Jack_Sparrowredfox: We understand that... Just pointing out that the drive numbers start with 0 so your second drive number would be hd1 for sdb13:28
luckybamboowols_, i tried to burn a dvd by brasero and nautilus. both return an error13:28
Jan`I am an idiot.13:28
wols_luckybamboo: man apt-get, you could try to set the proxy on commandline itself or via environment variable. hoping it overrids the currently set proxy13:28
negativtifireball, Well.. I didn't say anything about gnome :P He could use Ubuntu without the graphical interface :)13:28
ifireballOptyk: try #apache13:29
wols_Jan`: now that you say it...13:29
ifireballnegativt: yeah right, with that kind of question he would...13:29
redfoxjack_sparrow- ok, thanks13:29
sidewalkhow do i check what motherboard i have, in Ubuntu?13:29
Optykifireball: I tried:  < DustyBin> Apache/2.2.4 (Ubuntu)<-- heres the problem13:29
wols_Optyk: what's the premissions of ~/public_html13:29
Jan`wols_: Well, I just plugged the disk into this XP machine. And it seems to be able to read it.13:29
* Jan` had no idea XP could read HFS+ disks13:29
negativtJan`, can it o.O13:29
bazhanglshw sidewalk13:29
Jack_Sparrownegativt: When people ask about Ubuntu... It is assumed they are not talking about an alternate install without a gui13:30
Ubuntu2anybody in here use the Opera browser13:30
brobostigonxp cant read mac disks on its own, it requires special fs drivers i think??13:30
negativtJack_Sparrow, yeahyeah xD13:30
luckybamboowols_, maybe you mean man apt.conf?13:30
Jan`brobostigon: That's what I thought, but I just plugged it in and it is giving me a directory listing.13:30
negativtUbuntu2, WEll.. Not now, but I have used it yes.13:30
Optykwols_: 75513:30
Jan`Claims the filesystem is "RAW", in properties for the volume, but... it seems to work.13:30
negativtOptyk, Change it to 777 :D13:31
Ubuntu2and did u get java to work in Ubuntu13:31
brobostigonJan`: that seems strange13:31
negativtLong live 77713:31
negativtUbuntu2, Yes...13:31
ifireballOptyk: he's full of it, the Ubuntu Apache is perfectly standard afaik, the config is modular in /etc/apache/conf.d but that's it.13:31
wols_luckybamboo: that too but I'd set it as a apt-get commandline parameter13:31
scguy318luckybamboo: okay, I think I left you a bit hanging13:31
negativtUbuntu2, Its easy as sitting on your bum..13:31
Optyknegativt: 42 is better :D13:31
scguy318luckybamboo: status?13:31
luckybambooscguy318, what do you mean by status?13:31
Ubuntu2I go to the java home page its says I have the latest version but it does not  work13:31
iCEifercan anyone help me install a GTK2 theme under xubuntu? I already have the tar.gz for the theme but do I need to install metacity or something to install and use it?13:31
j_medic78g0rb3h: now if it's an .exe file, how do I go about getting the .inf file?13:31
scguy318luckybamboo: of your problem13:32
negativtOptyk, You cant have the own permissions set to 42..13:32
scguy318j_medic78: InstallShield? I would use unshield13:32
negativtso its not as cool :P13:32
negativtUbuntu2, You got do install a plugin13:32
luckybambooscguy318, wols_ and i are wondering about the port of apt-get. it always wants to use port 808013:32
negativtUbuntu2, hang on13:32
scguy318j_medic78: if its a WinZIP executable extractor, then just open in file-roller13:32
scguy318luckybamboo: set the HTTP proxy setting to use a diff port13:32
ifireballOptyk: but check of perhaps you need to install some kind of an additional Apache module13:32
|DuReX|ubuntu installed, but it has only LILO ? :( no GRUB ? :§13:32
negativtUbuntu2, do this in a terminal: "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin"13:33
negativtor you can use synaptics13:33
luckybambooscguy318, i have no access onto the proxy13:33
wols_|DuReX|: it isntalls grub by default. if you have lilo you went out of your way13:33
Jack_Sparrow|DuReX|: HOw did you install it and where did you get the cd13:33
holycow|DuReX|: i didn't know it was even possible to install lilo in a fresh install13:33
scguy318luckybamboo: yeah, but change the APT proxy setting to connect to the proxyd on the port that it listens on13:33
holycowindeedy what wols_ said13:33
accor1Hi, does anyone know how to calibrate a Touchscreen?13:33
|DuReX|I used alternate cd13:33
|DuReX|and it uses lilo :s13:34
scguy318luckybamboo: you said the proxy was on 1323 or some such?13:34
wols_dugbert: apt-get install grub13:34
holycowaccor1: there are calibration utilities out there.  check the forums there are many threads on this. sorry no direct linkage for you off the top of my head.13:34
luckybambooscguy318, i don't know the port. but be default it is 3128, isn't it?13:34
accor1holycow: thanks13:34
luckybambooby deafault13:34
holycowaccor1: oh i remember i used an app called calibrator for it, you should be able to google it13:34
scguy318luckybamboo: possibly13:35
negativt|DuReX|, sudo apt-get install grub && sudo apt-get remove lilo && update-grub13:35
negativtshould work13:35
accor1anyway, I'm trying to install on an Asus R2H13:35
uwohi all. how do i mount a bin/cue image?13:35
|DuReX|i'm booting from an older desktop cd now :)13:35
|DuReX|gonne try it :)13:35
holycowbut search the forums anyway, they have excellent info on how to do it properly13:35
Ubuntu2negativt sun-java6-plugin is already the newest version  it states13:35
luckybambooscguy318, how to change the proxy settings?13:35
tehcheezuwo: Loop mount it :P13:35
accor1x.org conf didn't come up properly, but I fixed it after consulting a guide13:35
scguy318luckybamboo: System -> Prefs -> Network Proxy13:36
negativtUbuntu2, Hm.. That leaves me a bit perplexed...13:36
accor1so should I report this as a bug somewhere?13:36
Ubuntu2 negativt  yes me to and for days13:36
wols_accor1: depends what you had to do13:36
negativtUbuntu2, What browser do you use?13:36
j_medic78g0rb3h: ndiswrapper -l gives me :  device (8086:4222) present (alternate driver: ipw3945)13:36
tehcheezuwo: mount -o loop -t iso9660 <your iso file> <mount point>13:36
turbocuecaHow can I change a fat32 label on linux without mtools?13:36
wols_tehcheez: a bin file is no iso13:36
luckybambooscguy318, ah o.k. i set it to manual proxy configuration: http-proxy: port 312813:37
brobostigonuwo: .cue is a text file, you cant mount it.13:37
Ubuntu2negativt 9.24 Opera13:37
tehcheezwols_: Oh, I misread that.13:37
accor1wols_: I added a few lines to xorg.conf13:37
tehcheezwols_: I though he said ISO :P13:37
Ubuntu2the puzzle is it          works in  firefox13:37
negativtUbuntu2, that must be the problem. Cause I think "sun-java6-plugin" only installs the plugin for Firefox13:37
luckybambooscguy318, but that doesn't change anything.13:37
accor1wols_: I'm guessing it's the resolution line13:37
wols_accor1: guess? did you edit it or not?13:37
scguy318luckybamboo: what's the line with the error? ill look it up13:37
accor1wols_: I added a few lines13:38
accor1wols_: but I think it was the line that made the difference13:38
lugood day13:38
chrometigerdoes anyone have a clue why xmms would just stop loading mp3 files altogether ?13:38
Aleksander-plHej - pytanko chlopaki: domyslnie w kubuntu srodkowy klawiszy myszki wkleja tekst - jak wylaczyc ta opcje i sprawic, aby w Firefoksie przewijal okno tak jak w Windowsie?13:39
luckybambooscguy318, http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/25262/13:39
Xplicitve installed kubuntu-restricted extras but kaffine doesnt see /usr/lib/win32 does that mean i can/cant play win32 codec13:39
|DuReX|negativt: i have installed AMD64 of ubuntu, now trying to chroot from i386 but it doesn't work :(13:39
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl13:39
uwodo i have to convert a bin into an iso to mount?13:39
Aleksander-plsorry, wrong channel :D13:39
luit brazil13:39
scguy318uwo: to mount with ordinary mount command yes, but fuseiso can handle I think13:39
Optykifireball: solved, thanks :)13:40
j_medic78g0rb3h: got disconnected again13:40
uwoscguy tnx13:40
negativtUbuntu2, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69275 There is a guide for you :D13:40
luckybambooscguy318, but the host is ping-able.13:40
Ubuntu2negativt  ty13:40
ifireballOptyk: care to share what it was?13:40
negativtUbuntu2, I'm glad I could help :)13:40
OptykSure. Can I paste it it on pastebin?13:41
ifireballOptyk: k.13:41
j_medic78g0rb3: so should i disable the restricted linux driver, and reboot my system and see what happens?13:42
luckybambooscguy318, did you get it?13:42
Nicolaidishello, where can i download plugin for compiz fusion?13:42
scguy318luckybamboo: try13:42
tehcheezapt-get install compiz-fusion-plugins-*13:43
tiredbonesbazhang, thanks for the pointer to that iso image you gave me. it worked.13:43
Optykifireball: http://cpaste.com/453813:43
scguy318luckybamboo: yeah I got it, I'm writing out what you should try, moment13:43
luckybambooah nice13:43
scguy318luckybamboo: http_proxy= apt-get ... <-- change port as appropriate, and w/e apt-get action you were trying to do13:44
scguy318luckybamboo: if permissible, you could try port scanning the machine to determine what the proxyd actually listens on13:44
tehcheezNicolaidis: apt-get install compiz-fusion-plugins-*13:44
luckybambooscguy318, how to scan the port? nmap?13:45
Nicolaidistehcheez: it doens't installl13:45
martyn_Hello chaps and chappesses. I have a command line install of ubuntu (it is actually the LAMP server, if this helps) and would like to have a GUI on top (might seem daft but that's freedom for you huh?!). Anyway. the girlfriend is using Xubuntu and I do like the clean lines of Xfce4. I done apt-get xfce4-panel and a whole host of other xfce related packages but don't know if I have them all,...13:45
martyn_...and am not sure how to get it started. Are there any easy answers? Thanks for any response.13:45
martyn_Plus, would it be easier for me to install Xubuntu from scratch and then install a LAMP server on top? I am happy to tinker... but online documentation suggests installing as a full complement LAMP is a time-saver from config point of view..?13:45
tehcheezI'm not sure, I'm running FreeBSD.13:45
scguy318luckybamboo: that'll do, yes13:45
ifireballOptyk: if you didn't add any directive to tell Apache to actually chroot, then no, I don't think mod_chroot does anything13:45
tehcheezSo I can't try it myself.13:45
scguy318luckybamboo: make sure to run nmap as root of course13:46
troythetechguyHow do I get my prompt back in "terminal" after issuing a command to run in the background using "&"?13:46
sn0press return troythetechguy13:46
Noyatroythetechguy: try fg :)13:47
Jowimartyn_, see here on how to add X and WM you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems13:47
luckybambooscguy318, that are the ports it listens to: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/25277/13:47
troythetechguysn0, I tried that, but my screen just continues to scroll up.13:47
ifireballOptyk: anyway read about Ubuntu's (Debian's) way of handling Apache in /etc/apache2/README; your config could be made a little more elegant (and potentially apt-maintainable)13:47
martyn_Thanks very much Jowi - sorry to disturb...13:47
troythetechguyNoya, I tried "fg" too, but all that happens is my screen scrolls up.13:47
Jowimartyn_, you're not disturbing anyone. this is the support channel after all :)13:47
martyn_OK - cheers bro.13:48
Noyatroythetechguy: so you get output from the background process13:48
Noyatroythetechguy: and thats why its scrolling?13:48
troythetechguyNoya, Here is the command I'm running - sleep 15; ls | grep x* &13:48
martyn_Jowi - quick reading that page now  - goldmine. Thank you.13:48
troythetechguyNoya, after I run the command, I don't have a prompt or cursor anymore.13:49
Jowimartyn_, np13:49
Noyatroythetechguy: thats because sleep isn't done in the  background13:49
luckybambooscguy318, which process is apt-get using? squid-http?13:49
troythetechguyNoya, Ah, I was wondering if the sleep command had something to do with it!13:49
dwidgeHello, I have followed the tutorial [http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=Code::Blocks_and_Cross_Compilers] to get Code::Blocks working with the MinGW cross compiler and debugger. However, when I run the debugger on Code::Blocks' console helloworld app, I get the following errors and there is no output in the console window.13:50
dwidgeError while mapping shared library sections:13:50
dwidgeError while reading shared library symbols:13:50
Noyatroythetechguy: try: sleep 15 && ls | grep x* &13:50
Optykifireball: Soon I will write how to create chroot with ssh, ftp and http, but first I must solve soe problems. I looking for any how to but I couldn't find it.13:50
scguy318luckybamboo: I believe APT uses some libs to make HTTP CONNECT connection through the Squid server running on the other server13:50
ifireballOptyk: why are you trying to use chroot there anyway?13:50
luckybambooscguy318, so now i try: http_proxy= apt-get ?13:51
troythetechguyNoya, That works!  :)  Thank you.  What does the 2 (&&) do?13:51
=== masnet10 is now known as ce16_cimutz
scguy318luckybamboo: apt-get whatever you wanted to do with it13:51
scguy318luckybamboo: but yes13:51
billyhow can i completely uninstall my wireless drivers?13:51
scguy318luckybamboo: and indeed the server's Squid proxy runs on 312813:51
profoX`what's ubuntu's policy on drivers? do new drivers for graphics cards and drivers like madwifi get backported to dapper and/or gutsy now? i thought i read a spec about that sometime ago13:51
* g0rb3h is back witha full tummy13:51
Noyatroythetechguy: its an AND... like do this AND that... you can do it wiht || OR too... if you make a && b and a fails, b isn't executed anymore13:52
Optykifireball: I want create few accounts for my friends, but I dont want to allow they leave home13:52
underyxCould someone help me with a GRUB Error 13 when trying to use Win XP?13:52
ifireballOptyk: I hope you're not thinking its gonna be more secure in any way, because it isn't. (BSD's chroot is different in that respect)13:52
wols_profoX`: they usually don't. sometimes there are backports for some things but nothing is guaranteed and they're not in ubuntu repos but in backports13:52
Noyatroythetechguy: plus its seen as one command, so the whole command is run in background...13:52
troythetechguyNoya, that makes sense.  Thanks again!13:52
Noyatroythetechguy: with ; its the same as you would type ENTER13:52
wols_underyx: fdisk -l and menu.lst in a pastebin please13:52
ifireballOptyk: if you really want then constrained you should use something like OpenVZ or UML or Vserver13:52
Noyatroythetechguy: np :)13:53
scguy318Optyk: chroot possibly, though it's not much of a security measure13:53
underyxwols: I prepared them, but what's a pastebin?13:53
scguy318!pastebin | underyx13:53
ubotuunderyx: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)13:53
ifireballOptyk: otherwise chroot will not provide any additional security over setting file permissions and not giving the root password...13:53
OptykVserver is something similiar to vbox?13:53
wols_!paste | underyx13:53
ifireballOptyk: I don't know what Vbox is13:54
OptykVirtualBox I mean13:54
underyxAnd what should be the syntax?13:54
ifireballOptyk: it is similar in some respects, but its an OS-lever virtualizer rather then a virtual machine13:55
nevoeirohi. how to install type1 fonts? i copy to ~/.fonts but it's not detected...13:55
|DuReX|i'm trying to install grub on my dmraid array, but i get /dev/mapper/nvidia_blabla does not have any corresponding BIOS drive .13:56
Optykifireball: thanks for your advice, I will check out this vserver13:56
nevoeiro(only truetype fonts are detected)13:56
ifireballOptyk: if find OpenVZ to be more mature, do check it out13:56
ifireballman I'm typing so badly today, I'm surprised ppl actually understand what I'm saying, or do they?13:58
=== omega512 is now known as omega512i
wols_ifireball: this is IRC: we don't care what you say, we simply make up stuff in our head what we "think" you say. that's common on irc13:58
=== omega512i is now known as omg512
markvandenborream I so wrong or is there a packaged version of te 32 bit kernel with pae (addressing over 3.2 Gb of mem) support?13:59
scguy318luckybamboo: success?13:59
ifireballwols_: yeah, sometimes this produces scary effects...13:59
_mugcan someone suggest a very good, stable, userfriendly irc-client (GUI!) , which supporting multiserver and is highly customizable?13:59
markvandenborrecan't seem to find it immediately...13:59
g0rb3hwols: English is being disimlated worlwide, it dont matter =)13:59
Ubuntu2<negativt>  i give up that site u sent me still does not work13:59
scguy318g0rb3h: disseminated :P14:00
g0rb3hI did understand what you said then!14:00
nevoeirocan someone help me installing type1 fonts? only truetype fonts are detected. come on, i don't want to go to windows... :/14:00
Ubuntu2and i do ty   for your help14:00
luckybambooscguy318, seems to be. i edited the /etc/apt/apt.conf and set the ip instead of the dns-name. it worked...14:00
g0rb3hplaying too much warcraft borked my english :P14:00
scguy318luckybamboo: cool14:00
luckybamboothere as the wrong name. i suppose. i assume the admin changed the name in the dns and didn't told me that.14:00
selinuxiumhi all, using users and groups gui I have created a group 'vmusers'. when clicking manage group, i click users names and ok but they are not held. any ideas?14:01
wols_markvandenborre: look if there is a "bigmem" kernel14:01
luckybambooscguy318, i really thank you for your help. wols_ too....14:01
underyxok, back, and here's the URL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49972/14:01
luckybambooscguy318, i installed k3b for burning.14:02
=== Danil is now known as Danil^NotHere
Azzmodan_mug, xchat?14:02
canutei am having doubt regarding configuring tv tuner card...14:02
_mugAzzmodan: im using that now.. not really good imho14:03
scguy318luckybamboo: me too :)14:03
dottorepianteprovo a usare questo14:05
luckybambooscguy318, first i tried braser and nautilus... but it seems the system doesn't detect the dvd-burner. that is why i tried k3b. but that app also tell me to insert an empty medium. but it is empty (tried different).14:05
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markvandenborrewols_, thx for the hint14:06
markvandenborreI seem to remember there was at least something like that14:06
luckybambooscguy318, that is why i tried to check wheather the media was mounted correctly. i checked the /etc/fstab --> correctly. then i inserted a app-cd for checking wheather it starts or not. it detects the cd...14:06
wols_markvandenborre: but you should really run a 64bit version anyways. it'S a server14:07
tattersHow can I get all the client PC in my LAN to download to a central location, ftp, http, torrent etc without having to go to each and map a networks drive and then show each app the path14:07
luckybamboobut burning doesn't work.14:07
j_medic78g0rb3h: you still around?14:07
SniZгоспода, у меня стоит видюха гефорс 6200, дрова стоят пропиетарные вроде, по крайней мере запись в настройках х11 есть о драйвере nvidia, однако, при просмотре любого фильма, аццки тормозит комп и процессор используется на 100%14:08
|DuReX|whoooohoo guys :D14:08
Jordan_U!ru | SniZ14:08
ubotuSniZ: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:08
|DuReX|Ubuntu is BOOTING :D14:08
SniZsorry ^|14:08
wols_|DuReX|: RUN! the world ends!14:08
|DuReX|well :s it showing the Ubuntu screen14:09
tzu3553eric: you are already there14:09
|DuReX|but seems like its stuck now :x14:09
wols_remove the !quiet" to see what it does next time you boot14:09
|DuReX|in menu.lst ?14:10
Disastroneed help on gutsy update!14:10
Disastroit gives error:14:10
DisastroFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz14:10
Disastroand in the end(translated: "Subprocess gzip returned error (1)14:11
luckybamboocan somebody please give me an hint, how to make k3b burn my dvd?14:11
tattershint: #1  Use a Blank DVD14:12
luckybambootatters, true. i tried a lot blank dvd.14:13
chrometigerk how to u install something from tar.gz ?? command line ?14:13
brobostigonchrometiger: decompress it first.14:14
|DuReX|wols_: waiting for root file system...14:15
=== ce16_cimutz is now known as ce16_cimut
luckybamboowhat more can check?14:15
replicahi, i need help wit xgl@nvidia, i used google and ubundu forum, and i cant find anything, thx14:16
chrometigerbrobostigon:  k   whats the command for that ?  tar -z???    i dont know it exactly14:16
wols_|DuReX|: fdisk -l and menu.lst14:16
Disastroerror in gutsy update14:16
tattersI guess error messages are helpful14:16
wols_replica: there is no xgl for nvidia. xgl is for ati drivers only14:16
brobostigonchrometiger: i am not sure either,14:16
* Cnerd haves a question14:16
wols_!compile | chrometiger14:16
ubotuchrometiger: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:16
matookehow can I tell which kernel version I am running?14:17
replicaso, i cant get cube desktop on nvidia?14:17
mirakis there a facility to launch an application when unmount command is ran ?14:17
Cnerdhow do i start the security updates?14:17
DisastroFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz14:17
wols_chrometiger: don't do it. what are you trying to install14:17
mirakwhen a device is unmounted I mean14:17
astro76matooke, uname -a14:17
ruschistrange behaviour of bash in init scripts: bash doesn't recognize the "let" command - the script works if I execute it in a console14:17
wols_Disastro: wget  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz14:17
cybergigCnerd Go to Applications > Add Remove Programs > Properties14:17
Disastroit comes in gutsy update so will that work?14:17
ruschiAnyone seen this probem?14:17
chrometigerxmms from source  tar.gz   synaptic install is broke for xmms14:17
cybergigTheres should be a toggle for secruity updates in there14:17
astro76Cnerd, system > admin > update manaager14:17
|DuReX|wols_: root fs has dmraid14:18
|DuReX|so prolly need something special :(14:18
luckybambootatters, mean me?14:18
brobostigonchrometiger: i installed xmms from the repos fine.gutsy ppc.14:18
cybergigor that14:18
replicawols_: so, is there any nvidia cube desktop?14:19
wols_chrometiger: install it via apt-get and give us the output. also apt-cache policy xmm14:19
wols_chrometiger: install it via apt-get and give us the output. also apt-cache policy xmms14:19
chrometigermy xmms stopped loading mp3 files to the playlist,  so I removed xmms completely and then reinstalled it   no effect  still doesn't work14:19
wols_replica: you mean compiz? yes there is14:19
wols_replica: dpkg -l |grep nvidia14:19
raul_jkwhere can i get all the multimedia codecs ...i dont have internet home ....plz gude me..14:19
wols_!mp3 | chrometiger14:19
ubotuchrometiger: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:19
luckybambootatters, i get no really error-message: it's just the wrong message, that there is no blank dvd inside. which is really wrong.14:19
schnollkhi there! Would anyone have some time to help my recover an ntfs partition after installing ubuntu "over" it? I'd really appreciate it!14:19
wols_schnollk: not possible14:20
wols_schnollk: ubuntu already overwrote data. besides: offtopic14:20
chrometigerwols_: !mp3 ?14:20
wols_chrometiger: is xmms the only place mp3s don't play?14:20
Xplicitkaffine doesnt seam to have permisions to do anything with my dvb card, how do i fix this?14:21
schnollkwols_: thanks for your answer. sorry for offtopic, where can I find help than to at least recover data?14:21
wols_schnollk: ##windows14:21
chrometigerno wont play in rythmbox either14:21
brobostigonchrometiger: try bmp, its a newer xmms based on the same prog.14:21
schnollkwols_: ok, thanks a lot!14:21
wols_chrometiger: then read the facoid's urls14:21
LjL!info testdisk | schnollk14:21
replicawols_: ii  nvidia-glx-new                             100.14.19+         NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver14:22
replicaii  nvidia-kernel-common                       20051028+1ubuntu7                NVIDIA binary kernel module common files14:22
ubotuschnollk: testdisk: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.6-1 (gutsy), package size 668 kB, installed size 2624 kB14:22
LjLschnollk: your changes are slim to say the least.14:22
negativtdoes the iPhone work in linux? Like with Gtkpod or something?14:22
wols_!paste | replica14:22
wols_replica: glxinfo14:22
ubotureplica: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:22
underyxwell, I try again: I have Error 13 from GRUB when trying to load Win XP14:22
underyxfdisk -l and menu.lst: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49972/14:22
underyxCould someone help?14:22
chrometigerwols_: u think maybe im just missing some plugin that wont let mp3 files run in any player ?14:23
|DuReX|underyx: its prolly not (hd0,1)14:23
Disastrowols_ it didnt work!14:24
Disastrostill failed to fetch14:24
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
wols_chrometiger: yes14:24
finnhi does an ubuntu server need a antivirus software or firewall?14:24
wols_Disastro: fix your network then. I tried and it does work here fine14:24
cybergigOkay I'm trying to get into the development field, but I need some general Ideas on what IDE to use for an all round purpose.14:24
wols_Disastro: what error message?14:24
underyx|Durex|: I tryed (hd0,0) too14:24
underyxWhat could it be then?14:24
cybergigDoes anybody have any ideas14:24
schnollkubotu: thanks, i found that tool already but it doesn't find the ntfs part which I find not surprising. I fear to change partition table which still has ext3 from the install. I used the "resize" option during install but must have selected something wrong14:24
wols_chrometiger: anjutah, eclipse, etc14:24
Disastrothe wget worked, but when it changes the repositories it gives the failed to fetch14:25
Disastroi did the wget and started gutsy update14:25
brobostigonfinn: yoou would only need anti virus for if you will have windows machines connected to it, but definatly keep a firewall14:25
mirakis disk manager a ubuntu appliation ?I can't find it14:25
replicawols_: i got lot of numbers O_o with glxinfo14:25
schnollkubotu: can you say if it would help to delete the ext3 partition and use testdisk again?14:25
finnI will have a samba server....I think.....because I want to operate a Tor server14:26
finnwhich opensource firewall is best?14:26
wols_underyx: I wanted all of it. not just excerpts. both are clearly missing info14:26
wols_!best | finn14:26
ubotufinn: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.14:26
wols_finn: why do you want a firewall?14:26
astro76!iptables | finn14:26
ubotufinn: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).14:26
brobostigonschnollk: ubotu is a bot, not a real person, it cant answer.14:26
wols_schnollk: ubotu is a bot and deleting anything won#t help you it will make it harder instead14:27
luckybambootatters, i suppose it's mounting-problem. when i tell k3b to eject the medium, then it opens the false device.14:27
finnthanks ubotu14:27
CnerdUbuntu works :)14:27
ErikinaI've installed 7.10, and I've got a question. The GUI is like 20px taller than my screen resolution14:27
finnwols I'm not sure I need one for a tor server but I want to be sure.......14:27
Erikinaand it allows me to scroll, when i put my mouse at the top of the screen14:27
Erikinaor at the bottom14:27
ErikinaYou know what I'm talking about?14:27
Cnerdi have 2 hdd's in my pc, but, i see 1 in ubuntu14:27
aroErikina: have you changed resolutions around?14:27
wols_finn: you need to keep your ports you don't want accesible closed, not firewalled14:28
Cnerdhow do i install one?14:28
MrGreencastleErikina, you might need to change the resolution14:28
ErikinaYes, aro. The screen res is fine14:28
replicawols_:what to do with this numbers from glxinfo?14:28
wols_Cnerd: fdisk -l14:28
ErikinaI don't mind it doing it14:28
wols_replica: pastebin them14:28
ErikinaIt works nicely. I can only see 1 bar at a time14:28
wols_replica: and the numbers are only a very small part. the text is important14:28
roy_hi, is there a utility I can use to change the partition sizes after installation?14:28
ErikinaIt's only like 20px bigger. Meaning I can only see 1 bar (the top) or 1 bar (the bottom)14:28
ErikinaBut I'd like to configure it a little14:28
finnisn't a tor server meant to be open by nature? I'm simply worried that it will be hacked and made part of a botnet.14:29
wols_roy_: gparted. but you most probably need to boot from a live cd14:29
Erikinaand can't find any config files for it14:29
luckybamboohow can i check, if the device is mounted correctly. i thought having one app-cd in the device and the app is starting then then device should be mounted correctly, shouldn't it?14:29
wols_finn: then don't run a server14:29
finnummm not helpful advice14:29
wols_finn: either you trust the app you run as serve to be secure or you can't run it. simple14:29
schnollkwols_: brobostigon: well, as you can tell, I'm new to irc... sorry. But thanks for you'r hints anyway. I new chances are slim but also know that data on disk is usually not deleted until overwritten. So my hope is to at least get some files back14:29
finnbut is there a program that can check for spyware/ bots/viruses etc? an all-in-one opensource program?14:30
wols_finn: no14:30
rskfinn: no need really14:30
g0rb3his there such a thing as linux spywear?14:30
wols_g0rb3h: linux has something better. rootkits14:31
pidusfinn: in linux no virous will attack14:31
g0rb3hwindoze has em too!#14:31
finnI don't want my tor server rooted either :(14:31
wols_only recently14:31
underyxwols: Then menu.lst:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49973/14:31
underyxAnd fdisk -l:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49974/14:31
wols_finn: fyi, do no run samba on an open public interface14:31
wols_finn: do you have a router?14:31
Cnerdcan anyone help me????14:32
finnyes I bought one14:32
lobosquehow do i mount a volume on system startup?14:32
wols_underyx: it doesn't look like you run ubuntu14:32
finnoh don't run samba? what about SSH server, LAMP server, DNS server?14:32
g0rb3hlobosque man fstab14:32
wols_lobosque: put it in /etc/fstab14:32
lobosquehow do i check the newest version of an app in my repositories?14:32
finnbut I want windows users to be able to use my server.....14:33
replicawols_: name of display: :0.014:33
replicadisplay: :0  screen: 014:33
replicadirect rendering: Yes14:33
underyxwols: but yes, Gutsy Gibbon14:33
replicaserver glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation14:33
replicaserver glx version string: 1.414:33
replicaserver glx extensions:14:33
wols_underyx: and the last entry is already right, put in by update-grub14:33
replica    GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig,14:33
g0rb3hfinn: samba = DOS heaven14:33
replica    GLX_SGIX_pbuffer, GLX_SGI_video_sync, GLX_SGI_swap_control,14:33
replica    GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap, GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_NV_float_buffer,14:33
otmanhow i can change the interface gnome lang from english to frech14:33
replica    GLX_ARB_fbconfig_float14:33
replicaclient glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation14:33
wols_underyx: I don't see any ubuntu partition14:33
replicaclient glx version string: 1.414:33
replicaclient glx extensions:14:33
KartiHi all, looking at creating an iso image of my WIndows XP disk so that I can point to it within Virtual Box. Any one give me some pointers? Many thanks14:33
wols_LjL: please14:33
replica    GLX_ARB_get_proc_address, GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_EXT_visual_info,14:33
wols_replica: stop that14:33
replica    GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_EXT_import_context, GLX_SGI_video_sync,14:33
replica    GLX_NV_swap_group, GLX_NV_video_out, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, GLX_SGIX_pbuffer,14:33
astro76!ops | replica14:33
replica    GLX_SGI_swap_control, GLX_NV_float_buffer, GLX_ARB_fbconfig_float,14:33
ubotureplica: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!14:33
lobosquewols_ what should i put in it? the information is too tecnical. the volume is nfts14:33
replica    GLX_EXT_fbconfig_packed_float, GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap,14:33
replica    GLX_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB14:33
wols_replica: and I gave you the !paste link before14:33
replicaGLX version: 1.314:34
finnbut without a samba server can windows computer users .....use my tor server?14:34
g0rb3hin what context?14:34
wols_finn: samba has nothing to do with tor14:34
lobosquehow do i check the newest version of an app in my repositories?14:34
Seveaslobosque, apt-cache policy package_name_here14:35
underyxwols: Last entry gives some kind of error too, and I have an ext3 and a swap14:35
otmanplz can some one help me to change the interface lang on gnome from english to frensh14:35
Seveaslobosque, for installed package this works as well: dpkg -l packagename14:35
wols_underyx: fdisk -l doesn't show any sda. and what error does it give?14:35
wols_lobosque: apt-cache policy <package>14:35
Seveasotman, on the loginscreen, select options, then language, then select french. Then log in :)14:35
otmanok i'll try14:36
underyxwols: Gparted shows it, and I tell you that error... maybe #11, but i go and see...14:36
ed_Wow, huge channel.14:36
billyshould i be able to find the file /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules in ubuntu?14:36
Seveasbilly, no14:37
ed_Is Ubuntu really that much bigger than, say, Debian and openSUSE?14:37
f00fed_, yeah, I switched from Gentoo about 6 months ago... having such a huge user base is great :)14:37
billyis there an equivalent for ubuntu? im a linux noob,14:37
replicawols_:how to use !paste ?14:37
ed_Yeah, openSUSE14:38
Seveasubotu, please tell replica about pastebin14:38
wols_billy: you should, but what are you trying to do14:38
Disastroed_: ubuntu is most used desktop linux in world14:38
wols_!paste | replica14:38
ubotureplica: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:38
ed_Billy: There are tons of equivalents to Ubuntu - type 'GNU/Linux' into google and you'll find some.14:38
ed_To name a few: Debian, openSUSE, mandriva, PCLinuxOS, Fedora...14:38
billywols_, i do wlanconfig to create an ath0 in monitor mode (after destroying it first) but it creates ath1 instead14:38
billyed_,  cheers14:39
chrometigerwols_: thanx   i needed libmpg123.so   dont know why it wasn't there, i was playing mp3's fine the other day in it14:39
astro76he wasn't asking for equivalent distros14:39
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:39
wols_billy: it's in the same directory /etc/udev/rules.d/  only the numbering is wrong iirc14:39
memaxciao a tutti14:39
Ein_I have small question14:40
hasankann jemand hier deutsch14:40
wols_where "wrong" is kinda in the eye of the beholder14:40
ed_And thanks f00f and disastro.14:40
wols_!de | hasan14:40
ubotuhasan: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:40
f00fyesterday one of my desktops died, so I swapped the HD out from the dead one to this one.  Ubuntu automatically configured itself to this hardware, and everything works out of the box, even the wireless card. :)14:40
sandr-does anyone know a good defragging utility for ubuntu?14:40
f00fsandr-, don't need it, ext3 is a non-fragmenting file system.14:40
billywols_,  there is a persistent-net-rules generator, for not a persistent-net-rules14:40
Jowisandr-, if you use ext3 you don't need defrag14:40
Ein_how I can identified my name?14:40
astro76!defrag | sandr-14:40
ubotusandr-: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases. A package "defrag" is available in !Universe, however its use is not safe, and is generally not needed.14:40
replicawols_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49976/14:40
wols_replica: everything is there for compiz14:41
Jowisandr-, ...and "defrag" package is for ext2 if I'm not mistaken.14:41
sandr-actually I mean a package to defrag my external NTFS disk14:41
sandr-or do I need to hook it up to a windows system to do that?14:42
wols_replica: install compizconfig-settings-manager and any other compiz plugins you want14:42
astro76Ein_, have you registered?14:42
astro76sandr-, I believe you need to use windows, that would be best14:42
jussi01!register > Ein_14:42
wols_sandr-: I certainly would use ubuntu for defragging ntfs14:42
astro76Ein_, check your PM from ubotu14:42
replicawols_: thx14:42
sandr-maybe it was possible, thx for the answers14:43
astro76!register | Ein_ here,14:43
ubotuEin_ here,: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration14:43
wols_billy: delete ghe generator and this udev foolishness with interfaces ends14:43
|DuReX|do i need to change my initramfs14:43
ed_Is Ubuntu much better than Debian? What are the main differences?14:43
brobostigoni have just installed blogtk, t blog ob blogger, but its asking for a server, what do i use??14:43
astro76!debian | ed_14:43
ubotued_: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!14:43
billywols_, thanks... ill give it a go14:43
|DuReX|do i need to change my initramfs, when i use dmraid ?14:43
ed_I almost used those once :P14:44
Ein_thanks... I'll try now14:44
underyxback now14:44
underyxwols: It has given another error yesterday, now it says "Compressed BOOTMRG"14:44
wols_dugbert: dpkg-reconfiguring the kernel package should be enough. but ubuntu might be different14:44
wols_underyx: windows error14:44
Cnerdhoe do i format a harddisk?14:44
Cnerdit is ntfs14:44
f00fCnerd, do you want to make it which filesystem14:45
brobostigoncnerd: gprted14:45
brobostigoncnerd: gparted14:45
Cnerdim new :p14:45
g0rb3hI think the main differances between the distros can be summed up nicely by the maxim under the splash logo, "linux for human beings"14:45
Cnerdits a second disl14:45
Cnerdso, ext3?14:45
Disastrohas anyone ide how to fix failed to fetch error in feisty to ubuntu update?14:46
f00fyeah, ext3 is the usual choice.14:46
billyis there a rename command for linux? or should ijust use mv?14:46
Cnerdok, and, how do i use gparted?14:46
JowiDisastro, see if another mirror solves the prob14:46
f00fCnerd, are you just trying to install linux?14:46
astro76billy, it's mv14:46
Jowi!mirror | Disastro14:46
ubotuDisastro: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!14:46
Cnerdit is already installed14:46
=== sandr- is now known as sandr
Jowihmmm, that was not what I meant by mirror14:47
Disastrohow i change another mirror in internet update feisty to gutsy?14:47
Jowiright, the second link actually list them14:47
f00fCnerd, if you don't already have it you need to install it with apt-get install gparted14:48
Ein_no one there at that room :(14:48
Ein_any way14:48
irotasis there any item I can add to the GNOME panel that will notify me when software updates are available?14:48
astro76irotas, it should do that out of the box14:48
Ein_did any one use Ubuntu Ultimate 1.6?14:48
astro76irotas, you will see a update manager icon in the notification area when updates are available14:49
DisastroJowi: how i change the mirrors14:49
astro76Ein_, hopefully not14:49
irotasastro76: hmm, for some reason i've never seen that, but i've certainly used the upgrade manager many times to update my software14:49
=== legosa is now known as xiven
xivenmsg NickServ identify d3c8v414:49
Cnerdwhats the password of root????14:50
irotasi've got other items in the notification area, just never software update notifications14:50
astro76!root | Cnerd14:50
ubotuCnerd: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:50
DisastroJowi: and when i use wget it downloads the packages.gz14:50
astro76xiven, change your password quickly14:50
g0rb3hlol ubotu =)14:50
xivenHave you guys fixed the error with Windows Dual-Boot turning off NIC's yet?14:50
billy_wols_, didn't work :( even after a reboot14:50
irotasastro76: is there a way I could have turned off such a feature? i'd like to turn it back on :)14:50
astro76irotas, you could have removed the "notification area" applet from the panel14:51
fairmanCnerd: it is your password (password which was set for first user)14:51
Ein_so sad... cuz I want to know what version of Original Ubuntu that Ubuntu Ultimate 1.6 use14:51
irotasastro76: no, that applet is still there14:51
irotasastro76: i've got 3 items in notification applet right now14:51
wols_billy_: grep -r ath /etc/udev/*14:52
=== legosa is now known as xiven
JowiDisastro, you don't need to use wget. use "apt-get -d" to download only from the mirrors.14:52
fairmanCould anybody help me with configuring xorg.conf? I have old nVidia RIVA TNT 2 and i have problem with resolution and openGL support.14:52
Cnerdhow do i instakll gparted, it gives errors: i dont have rights14:52
darksidercan someone help me? when i start up my ubuntu box the login screen's text is huge and i cant see the login forms.14:52
astro76irotas, in system > admin > software sources, Updates tab, check settings under Automatic updates14:52
f00fsudo apt-get install gparted14:52
irotasastro76: now, at one point I *did* delete the notification area applet, but I put it back shortly afterward14:52
DisastroJowi: but im updating to gutsy14:52
f00for if you like guis you can do it through synaptic14:52
Disastroim confused14:52
xivenHas there been a fix to Ubuntu being unable to reactivate the NIC, after a reboot from a dual-boot of Windows?14:53
g0rb3hfairman: I used to have one of them, pastebin me your xorg.conf14:53
billy_wols_, what does that command do? ive done it and it lists some of the files within the udev directory14:53
tak2hey there =)14:53
irotasastro76: it's set to check daily, and to only notify of updates14:54
Cnerdpackage gparted is not availeble14:54
astro76xiven, hmm dunno if that is solvable in linux or not, or if it's a windows issue of not resetting the card properly14:54
irotasastro76: its always been set like that14:54
astro76xiven, but shutting down from windows instead of rebooting should work14:54
f00f!bugs | xiven14:54
ubotuxiven: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:54
astro76irotas, strange, well there haven't been many updates lately, could that be it? ;)14:54
|DuReX|yes yes :D14:55
|DuReX|its booting :D14:55
xivenIt was a bug report that led me to knowing that it wasnt just my machine14:55
xivenIt's already been submitted14:55
astro76xiven, oh right I remember, that windows doing a warm reboot instead of a cold reboot14:55
seekerHi !14:55
irotasastro76: no, this has always been the case for me, even when there ARE updates available14:55
xivenI'd just contribute it myself, but truth is...I don't know anything about that hard of code14:55
daedrahow do you get small framebuffer console text?14:55
darksideranyone have any idea as t why my login screen is huge and i cant see the username & password forms?14:55
irotasastro76: i've made a habit of manually running the upgrade manager daily to install any updates that might be available14:56
astro76irotas, not sure, I haven't seen this problem14:56
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:56
seekerso, sorry for my english but i need help to install the isight (webcam of Macbook) in the gutsy14:56
irotasastro76: ok, i'll keep searching the web .. thanks anyway14:56
daedrahow do you get small framebuffer console text?14:56
darksideranyone have any idea as t why my login screen is huge and i cant see the username & password forms?14:57
seekeri'm following tutorial but it didn't start14:57
g0rb3hseeker: pastebin me lsusb14:57
g0rb3hive been trying to get my damn logitech one working to no avail, im up to speed on it all now tho i think14:57
g0rb3hbad support for the 08dd logitech quick cam atm14:58
replicawols_:any guide for compiz or http://compiz.org/ ?14:58
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion14:58
f00fmeh I might as well see if anyone knows my problem.  This desktop uses an intel i810.  Whenever ubuntu boots I see random characters flashing on the screen instead of the logo, and the text in the console is _huge_.  Everything boots just fine, but I'd like to get the splash problem fixed.14:58
f00for could I just disable the boot splash to get a normal console? :)14:59
vecnaedit /etc/inittab to have it go to init 3 instead of 514:59
* g0rb3h is off for a walk b4 it gets dark15:00
Disastroshould I stop gdm when updating feisty>gutsy in console?15:00
feierfoxsome good english-speakers here? i guess so...15:01
vecnanon pas ici15:01
darksideranyone have any idea as t why my login screen is huge and i cant see the username & password forms?15:01
jingjinghello  i'am thais15:01
jingjingi'am from thailand15:01
f00fdarkmatter, what graphics hardware hardware are you on?15:01
feierfoxis this good english: "This Mailbox is shut down for privacy reasons [1].15:01
feierfoxContact me on other ways to get my new address."15:01
Cnerdhow do i get gparted?15:02
jingjingi'am is ubuntuclub thailand member15:02
Cnerdit isnt availeble15:02
jusefinaSomeone help me out please. I downloaded drivers for my built-in soundcard, but i cant remember how to install them once i unzipped them. can someone tell me how to do this??15:02
BernardBIs there a program for mounting .dmg files in Ubuntu Gutsy?15:02
f00ffeierfox, "This mailbox has been shut down for privacy reasons.  To obtain my new address please contact me."15:02
Cnerdf00f, OM15:03
jingjinghey1  please to visit http://www.ubuntuclub.com15:03
feierfoxthanks, f00f15:03
darksidermy login screen is huge and i cant see the username & password forms...i dont know what hardware i am using15:03
feierfoxf00f, and the "other ways"?15:04
feierfoxsound it stupid?15:05
jingjingi fine friend in ubuntu international15:05
DG19075darksider, you can do this: go to this web address. I've pasted the info you need here:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49980/15:07
jingjing(22:05:21) jingjing: i find friend in ubuntu international15:08
Retro`i need some help15:08
jingjinghello poeple15:08
Retro`i want to format my sansa e260 mp3 player15:09
=== wafflebox is now known as woodchipper
Retro`the way in windows would be to click on Format option in the scroll-down menu of the device15:09
mirakI have this errors in dmesg, is it bad ?   72.612302] hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }15:09
mirak[   72.612311] hda: dma_intr: error=0x84 { DriveStatusError BadCRC }15:10
Retro`how can i format my device in Ubuntu 7.10?15:10
FLUXxXxHello! Does anyone what do i have to do to use themes from emeral but without those wobbly windows and such effects? If it's possible, i would like to use normal KDE settings but only with window decorations from a theme availalbe for emerald15:10
selinuxiumhi all, using users and groups gui I have created a group 'vmusers'. when clicking manage group, i click users names and ok but they are not held. any ideas?15:13
Retro`how can i format a drive in Ubuntu 7.10?15:13
Retro`please tell15:13
|DuReX|when i do blkid, i get the id's of my partitions, when i try to mount it, it doesn't work, it says it doesn't exist :s15:13
x3roconfRetro: http://www.visi.com/~grante/sansa/15:13
Jack_SparrowRetro`: use gparted15:13
mirakI have this errors in dmesg, is it bad ?   72.612302] hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }15:13
=== nuu is now known as nu
=== nu is now known as nuu
Jack_SparrowRetro`: You can also use cli/terminal if you prefer that method15:14
Jack_Sparrowx3roconf: What has the link you provided got to do with his question?15:15
x3roconfok that link sucked15:15
x3roconfrealized it now lol15:16
Jack_Sparrowmirak: THat message does not look good.  was it a one time event or reoccuring15:16
mirakJack_Sparrow: it's always15:16
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, i have located the mountpoint of my mp3 player... i don't have the option to format it though... what can i do now? i need to format it to update the firmware of my sansa e260 mp3 player... help15:18
Jack_Sparrowmirak: I would make sure I had a backup... not sure if it is a dma issue or a drive failing.. Others are much better at figuring those out15:18
x3roconfRetro´: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=312196 for e200 but maybe it works15:18
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, and yes, i have used gparted to do that, but i don't have the option to format it15:18
andre_hello all15:18
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, the filesystem of my device is FAT3215:19
Jack_SparrowRetro`: you cant format a mounted drive...  umount it and see if it lets you.  What format is the player wanting15:19
fsckrRetro`, can you delete the partition thats on it?  I had a problem like that as well.  Once i deleted what was originally there and create a partition i was able to format it15:19
fsckrumm yea can't be mounted :)15:19
Jack_Sparrowlater people breakfast is ready15:20
xivenSo, what was the status on that bug fix?15:21
fosocan i use beryl and compiz fusion at the same time?15:22
astro76xiven, you could check on launchpad, or at least give us a link to the bug15:22
=== Cnerd is now known as PHPnerd
astro76foso, I'm sure you can't15:23
Retro`oh my god15:24
Retro`now i can't do anything with my mp3 player15:24
Retro`oh shit15:24
Retro`it can't start15:24
Mr_Sonomafoso, they both do the same thing, 3d effects everything that beryl did fusion can do and more15:24
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, please help15:24
x3roconflol waht happened?15:24
astro76!language | Retro`15:24
ubotuRetro`: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:24
fosoMr_Sonoma ok thats what i thought15:25
fosoastro76 thanks15:25
jdolan__hi, does anyone know when the latest nvidia will be in the Gutsy repos?15:25
charlestonWhat dose a security vulerability looks like?15:25
jdolan__there's a quite annoying defect with the version currently available for Gutsty.15:25
fosohow do i make my windows look cooler, i thought that was beryl?15:25
Retro`i unmounted the device and then formated the drive of the device to FAT32... is there anyway i can restore to previous state?15:26
astro76foso, compiz fusion, comes with gutsy15:26
charlestonWhat dose a security vulerability looks like?15:26
x3roconfdon't install latest driver if u have 8800GT it's buggy15:26
andre_iam new in using ubuntu (7.10) and using gnome...  - before that i used years KDE15:26
andre_but i have some questions...15:26
jdolan__x3roconf: how so?  ( i have 8600GT)15:26
Lunar_Lampandre_, just ask :-)15:26
fosoastro76 i got it but i dont see what im going for, ill just keep tinkering, thanks15:26
andre_where can i define how much lines willbe scroll by using the mouse-wheel?15:27
x3roconfjdolan: fan bug15:27
x3roconfmakes it very noisy15:27
Lunar_Lampandre_, I'm not sure you can15:27
daedrasomeone here must have nice small font in framebuffer console?!15:27
x3roconfand previous drivers won't work too15:28
turbocuecaI'm trying to connect a laptop with a linksys PCMCIA wireless card to my access point, but no success. It detects the card, but not the network. Can somebody help me?15:28
x3roconfwith 8800GT15:28
tho1turbocueca does ifconfig show the card?15:29
astro76daedra, you need to add a vga=xxx option to the defoptions line in /boot/grub/menu.lst, something like vga=791 but you can google for other options15:29
turbocuecatho1, ifconfig no15:29
turbocuecatho1, iwconfig yes15:29
astro76daedra, after you change that you will need to run 'sudo update-grub' and reboot15:30
turbocuecatho1, this is a bcm43xx15:31
andre_is there a way to show in fullscreen-mode of "Eye of Gnome" the filename, and the number of current picture of all pictures?  for example   foobar.jpg (12/29323)15:31
f1sh3rcan someone help me out with a lamp development server15:31
andre_cause when i start a diashow it wouldbe nice to know how many pictures willbe follow15:31
=== PHPnerd is now known as Cnerd
tho1turbocueca what does iwconfig call the card...wlan0, eth0, ath0?15:32
turbocuecatho1, eth115:32
matuxhi, is  eclipse web tools in the ubuntu repositories?15:33
todd_what is the best way to make a folder to share amongst many users on a system?15:33
ArelisGuys, Gutsy is a real unstable system.. can't you release critical updates to harden everything BEFORE the release of hardy?15:33
daedratodd_: samba15:33
tho1turbocueca and 'sudo ifup eth1' doesn't start the card? does it return an error message?15:34
turbocuecagutsy is alright15:34
todd_daedra: lol no I mean permissions wise15:34
f1sh3rwhere do i put my *.php files so that the LAMP server sees them?15:34
x3roconftodd_ or FTP15:35
turbocuecatho1 - Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth115:35
ifireballtodd_: depends what what you are trying to achieve, who reads? who writes?15:35
turbocuecatho1, the card is enabled, however it can't connect to my access point15:35
tho1turbocueca then ifconfig shows eth1?15:36
turbocuecaflsh3r, htdocs15:36
turbocuecatho1, ifconfig no, only iwconfig15:36
todd_i am just trying to make a folder where a bunch of people on the local PC (all of the same group) can work on a project together... what is the best way of doing this?15:37
ifireballtodd_: root-owned + sticky group write permissions seems to be a good idea (given you have a group with all the permitted users in it)15:37
tho1turbocueca right...you won't get anywhere til it shows in ifconfig. Check /etc/network/interfaces and see if there is an entry for eth115:37
f1sh3rdo i need to set myself up in a group to have access to the httpdocs area?15:37
* daedra agrees with ifireball 15:37
tho1turbocueca  should be several lines...I can pastebin mine if you need it.15:37
todd_ifierball: ahh that sounds right... how do you set a dir "sticky"?15:38
turbocuecatho1, 2 lines mine15:38
daedraedit group file15:38
turbocuecatho1, I installed gutsy today, and it didn't download the critical updates during the installation due to no connection15:38
turbocuecatho1, Can that be related to this problem?15:38
chazcoHi... my USB keyboard doesnt work in 7.10 when connected to the motherboards USB ports. A PCI USB port works fine - unless I want to use GRUB/BIOS.... How can I fix this so the keyboard will work on the motherboard ports?15:38
todd_how do you set a dir "sticky"???15:39
turbocuecatho1, It also doesn't show the Ubuntu logo while loading the system15:39
ifireballtodd_: you play with the 1st 3 permission bits, e.g. chmod 2770 should do the trick15:39
x3roconfturbocueca: not critical because tehere are zero remote holes15:39
tho1turbocueca it didn't download the updates because it can't see the network. You need to get the interface working before you can get the updates15:39
turbocuecatho1, yes15:39
ifireballtodd_: w8, there is another issue of who is allowed to delete, also, do you have some kind of a user who is gonna be "in charge" ?15:40
todd_ifierball: um... root15:40
turbocuecatho1, it's weird because it shows the connection on gnome15:40
turbocuecatho1, looks like that it works but doesn't connect15:41
ifireballtodd_: hmm, actually letting root own the files may be a little dangerous15:41
tho1turbocueca is the bcm43xx driver loaded?15:41
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, are you here?15:41
turbocuecatho1, How to be sure?15:41
x3roconfifireball: why it's dangerous15:41
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, i have bricked my mp3 player. completely15:42
tho1turbocueca in a terminal....'lsmod | grep bcm43'15:42
ifireballx3roconf: becasue someone may be able to create a suid-root executable15:42
turbocuecatho1, on gnome says: Driver: bcm43xx15:42
todd_ifireball: ok what do you sugggest?15:42
BernardB<BernardB> Is there a program for mounting .dmg files in Ubuntu Gutsy?15:43
ifireballtodd_: w815:43
Retro`please help me, anyone, to put my bricked SanDisk Sansa e260 mp3 player into manufactoring mode15:43
turbocuecatho1, 3 lines15:43
tho1turbocueca ok...then the driver is loaded.15:43
turbocuecatho1, about bcm43xx and ieee8021115:43
turbocuecatho1m ok15:43
tho1turbocueca (thinking)15:44
Retro`i have accidentally formated the drive /dev/sda that my device was plugged on15:44
Retro`with gparted15:44
LimCoreare bugs fixed usually, or am I wasting my time reporting them?  This time open office fails misserably to show variables15:44
Retro`how can i make an another /dev/sda that has the FAT32 filesystem? please help!!15:44
astro76LimCore, yes bugs are fixed only if they are reported :p15:44
astro76!bugs | LimCore15:45
ubotuLimCore: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:45
Abyssalhow to improve the quality of a scan in SANE?15:45
tho1turbocueca are you using network manager?15:45
turbocuecatho1, I have no wireless security15:45
Retro`please help anyone15:45
turbocuecatho1, with gnome15:45
ifireballtodd_: you see, there are 2 options here to choose from: either users retain ownership of their files, or you make some regular user own the directory and make that sticky as well (therefore making him own the files as well)15:46
Abyssalhow to improve the quality of a scan in SANE?15:46
LimCoreastro76: I see cruciall bugs unfixed for long time :(15:46
todd_ifireball: ok so I need a "dummy" user15:46
tho1turbocueca I am accessing my server remotely so I can see what gnome needs...give me a sec15:46
AbyssalRetro: is there not a partitioning programme?15:46
turbocuecatho1, okay15:46
x3roconfuse nobody15:46
luckybambooi tried to burn by k3b, but k3b always tell me to insert a blank medium. the inserted medium is definetely blank. the fstab also looks good. even k3b detects the the writer correctly as /dev/scd1. maybe a permissions-problem?15:46
ifireballtodd_: or the group leader15:47
turbocuecatho1, my laptop is frozen rrr15:47
todd_ifireball: ok15:47
tho1turbocueca don't normally use gnome...and ubuntu is on my server so I have to get to it remotely15:47
Abyssalhow to improve the quality of a scan in SANE?15:47
f00f!fstab | Cnerd15:47
ubotuCnerd: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:47
f00fAbyssal, set the DPI higher15:47
tho1turbocueca in System-Administration-Network it shows eth1 right?15:48
Abyssalfoof: how?15:48
Abyssalfoof: is there an option within sane?15:48
f00fAbyssal, I think it's the --resolution option or something...15:48
turbocuecatho1, just a bit, it's refusing to open, restarting X15:48
ifireballtodd_: any any case, test, test, and test again...15:48
f00fAbyssal, or you can just apt-get install xsane.. it's easier.15:48
tho1turbocueca it doesn't show ethx....it will show 'Wireless connection' (jeez...getting old)15:49
Abyssalfoof: it is xsane already15:49
turbocuecatho1, sorry, gotta restart, my network window is blank and grey15:50
turbocuecatho1, just 2 minutes15:50
=== mattva01 is now known as ffm
tho1I am using NX to access my server remotely. Usually in xfce, which works fine. But now in gnome there is no title bar....does anyone know of this issue?15:50
tho1turbocueca ok15:50
luckybamboommh i also tried it as root-user and k3b still tell me to insert a blank medium...15:51
turbocuecatho1, may channels have something to do with?15:51
lobosquehow do I enter in a directory with space in the name trough shell?15:51
turbocuecatho1, it never asked me for the wireless channel I'm using15:51
tho1turbocueca shouldn't....it should scan for the channel15:52
tho1turbocueca there isn't much you need to define to start with....unless you have changed configuration of the router or something15:52
turbocuecatho1, it was WPA2 before15:52
lobosquehow do I enter in a directory with space in the name trough shell?15:53
turbocuecatho1, but I changed to disable to avoid problems15:53
tho1turbocueca are you sure the wpa is turned off?15:53
Abyssalfoof: can i send you the resulting scan file? i am not content with it. maybe you know how to improve.15:53
tho1turbocueca you have to disable wpa in both the laptop and the router15:53
turbocuecatho1, yes15:53
Whyvaslobosque, type the beginning of the name then hit tab15:53
turbocuecatho1, on ubuntu I'm connecting with no security15:54
tho1turbocueca ok...in gnome...System-Administration-Network15:54
turbocuecatho1, ok, it shows wiress connection, wired connection and connection with modem15:54
Abyssalthe are also 2 stripes in it.15:55
x3roconfturbocueca: use at least wpa lol15:55
turbocuecax3roconf, right15:55
tho1turbocueca the ESSID should match the SSID of your router, the Network Password should be blank, and the Connection Settings Configuration should be dhcp15:55
Whyvasanyone know why uname -i gives me unknown instead of i386 ?15:55
aoupilobosque: you can use " around the directory name, or \ before the space (like "a b" or a\ b), but the esiest is tabing like Whyvas said15:55
cybergigHow do I enable the 3D Desktop mode, the one where the whole desktop looks like a cube.15:55
Retro`what are the commands to build a program from source?15:55
jaggyhey how do i install winamp on ubuntu 7.10?15:56
turbocuecatho1, what about the type of password?15:56
Whyvascybergig, google compiz fusion15:56
Whyvasjaggy, try XMMS15:56
tho1turbocueca those should all be under the wireless connection.15:56
Mr_Sonomawhat are you trying to play? .mp3?15:56
{Nathan}jaggy: You can't, without using wine. It's windows only.15:56
Pici!cube | cybergig15:56
astro76jaggy, audacious and xmms are like winamp15:56
ubotucybergig: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »15:56
jaggyye i know there are great other things , but i need winamp for something :p15:56
tho1turbocueca if you leave the password blank it doesn't matter what you set the type to...there is no 'none' for the type15:56
Pici!ccsm > cybergig (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)15:57
cybergigThanks ubotu15:57
{Nathan}jaggy: Then you can try to run it in wine15:57
turbocuecatho1, okay15:57
{Nathan}jaggy: what is it you need to do?15:57
jaggykk nathan ill try that15:57
turbocuecatho1, let me test15:57
jaggyand its for a belgium radio online ..15:57
=== joel_ is now known as Joelito
{Nathan}jaggy: other programs can handle radio streams15:57
WhyvasXMMS can play those jaggy15:57
tho1turbocueca I recall that it takes a while in gnome to get the interface to come back up again.15:57
astro76jaggy, or find how to do it with linux software15:57
jaggyreally ?15:57
Abyssali got 2 colored stripes in my scan. how can i change that?15:57
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion15:57
jaggyok ty15:57
Whyvasand it looks just like winamp15:57
Joelitohi all15:57
jaggyty guys for the help :p15:57
Abyssalanyone want to see the file?15:58
Abyssalplease help15:58
Joelitowhat's the name of the default pdf viewer on ubuntu?15:58
Retro`please tell me how to use the e200tool  ???15:58
turbocuecatho1, no network15:58
WhyvasJoelito, evince15:58
tho1Joelito evince15:58
canutei need help configuring mythtv.15:58
JoelitoWhyvas, thol: Thanks :)15:58
Whyvascanute, join the mythtv channel15:58
{Nathan}canute: /join #mythtv15:59
tho1turbocueca ok...open a terminal and type 'iwlist eth0 scanning' and see what it says15:59
canutethank you15:59
turbocuecatho1, 0?15:59
TraeAnyone here a musician and know about Phrase Recording software under Linux?16:00
turbocuecatho0, 0 doesn't support scanning :)16:00
tho1turbocueca don't paste it all in here...use pastebin or just let me know that it says SOMETHING <smile>16:00
Retro`why is there no one helping me???16:00
turbocuecatho1, 1 no results16:00
Traetrying to see if I can find something that will do something like this: http://www.bosscorp.co.jp/products/en/RC-20/16:00
tamgoReally stupid question: I want to show a directory listing on my apache web server. I have installed it, running fine. I added a symlink of the directory I want to display on /var/www, restarted the server, but that didn't seem to work. How do I add a directory?16:00
Retro`help :(16:00
turbocuecatho1, no scan results16:00
tho1turbocueca I forget...is your wireless 0 or eth1?16:00
turbocuecatho1, 116:00
Mr_Sonoma!patience | Retro`16:01
ubotuRetro`: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:01
tho1turbocueca sorry...I am looking at mine...eth0....use the same command with eth116:01
astro76Retro`, because you didn't ask a specific question, no one will answer "How do I use x?"16:01
Abyssali got 2 colored stripes in my scan. how can i change that?16:01
Abyssalanyone want to see the file?16:01
turbocuecatho1, yeah, no results16:01
* LimCore lols @ ubuntu's bug tracking16:01
LimCore"gnome doesnt start up" ----> "importance: medium"   huh....16:01
Retro`tell me how to unbrick my sansa e260 mp3 player16:01
* LimCore thinks it should be grave...16:01
{Nathan}Retro`: google is your friend16:01
WhyvasRetro`, ?????16:01
Retro`please help16:01
Retro`i am googling for some time now and no luck... please help!16:02
tamgoRetro`, what does that have to do with ubuntu?16:02
turbocuecatho1, this is a linksys pcmcia16:02
tho1turbocueca ifup says it is ignoring unknown interface...<thinking>16:02
{Nathan}Retro`: We can't. We don't know about that. This isn't a "fix all your problems" channel.16:02
BetaTestI have installed wine, and when I open mIRC, it opes up, it runs in the background, but I can't see the program.  How would I go about fixing that?16:02
negroxxxalguem de salvador aw16:02
ergunproblem about compiz on ubuntu 7.10 in addition; my video card is ATI radeon x155016:02
turbocuecatho1, wait16:02
{Nathan}ergun: Did you install the restricted drivers?16:02
turbocuecatho1, ifup now is different16:02
jaggyw00t ty xmms works great :p16:02
WhyvasRetro`, http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=unbrick+my+sansa+e260+mp3+player&btnG=Search&meta=16:03
negroxxxalguem de salvador ae16:03
Pici!br | negroxxx16:03
ubotunegroxxx: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:03
Mr_SonomaBetaTest, are you opening mirc from the "wine" selection in your main menu?16:03
WhyvasBetaTest, did you try xchat?16:03
x3roconfRetro´: smash ur player and post video @youtube16:03
brobostigonjaggy: i like bmp, its very similer to xmms, but newer.16:03
Picix3roconf: Please don't, this is a support channel.16:03
tamgox3roconf: LOL!16:03
{Nathan}x3roconf: That worked with my bricked DS-Lite16:03
GarulfoUnixhi guys16:04
Retro`please tell me how can i get a 4 GB of free space from my /dev/hda and set that mountpoint as /dev/sda as a FAT32 filesystem using gparted16:04
tamgo{Nathan}: How does one brick a DS Lite?16:04
GarulfoUnixsomeone know how to center automaticaly windows with metacity's WM ?16:04
{Nathan}tamgo: Flashme.16:04
negroxxxubotu.. valeu16:04
Mr_SonomaBetaTest, yes Whyvas has a good question, there are several IRC chat platforms avail for linux in the repos, such as xchat, kvirc, konversation and many others16:04
PiciLimCore: If you have an issue with a way that a specific bug was filed, please ask in #ubuntu-bugs, not here.16:04
turbocuecatho1, it threw many lines, but most are network is down, and a No DHCPOFFERS received16:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about valeu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:04
astro76!devilspie | GarulfoUnix16:04
ubotuGarulfoUnix: devilspie is a tool that performs actions on windows in GNOME's metacity such as resizing, positioning, and pinning.  Usage information can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie16:04
{Nathan}Retro`: You have to create a new 4GiB FAT32 partition and mount it.16:05
Retro`{Nathan}, please instruct me on this16:05
GarulfoUnixastro76, thanks a lot16:05
{Nathan}Retro`: Are you in a live CD?16:05
tho1turbocueca now that's a different story. Then it is seeing the eth1, but can't get an ip and shuts it down.16:05
tamgo{Nathan} can't he used gparted or some other simple-to-use graphical utility for that?16:05
jaggybrobostigon ill try it to :p16:05
BetaTestI'm on X-Chat now, but problem is that I have about 12,000 lines worth of scripts, which I'd like to be able to use16:05
larson9999since miro, ubuntu and sun java can't seem to play nice, what's a miro replacement?16:06
Retro`{Nathan}, no, i have Ubuntu 7.10 installed on the harddrive16:06
tho1turbocueca in iwconfig, does it say 'no wireless extensions' next to eth1?16:06
tamgoReally stupid question: I want to show a directory listing on my apache web server. I have installed it, running fine. I added a symlink of the directory I want to display on /var/www, restarted the server, but that didn't seem to work. How do I add a directory?16:06
{Nathan}Retro`: You can't do this without repartitioning, which means you need to be in a live CD enviornment.16:06
BetaTestAnd not even that, but I don't want that happening to every program that I open16:06
turbocuecatho1, nope16:06
{Nathan}tamgo: Make sure that's the right directory. That should work though.16:06
Retro`{Nathan}, is there any way around that?16:06
{Nathan}Retro`: No. That's why I've said this twice.16:06
Retro`{Nathan}, how can i make an unallocated space?16:07
{Nathan}Retro`: You delete things.16:07
WhyvasRetro`,  are you trying to install ubuntu?16:07
tho1turbocueca if you type 'dhclient eth1' does it appear to try to get a dhcp lease16:07
tamgo{Nathan} I did verify the directory, and restarted the server, not working for some reason.16:07
{Nathan}Then you resize a partition, Retro`16:07
gaurav_i have told wine C: is now pointing to a new drive, but when i go to "Wine > Browse C:\ Drive" it takes me to the old C:, how do i tell it to use the other directory?16:07
Retro`{Nathan}, i have plenty of unused space of my 130 GB drive16:07
{Nathan}tamgo: You shouldn't have to restart either... does it work witha normal directory (not a symlink)16:07
{Nathan}Retro`:  [11:07] < {Nathan}> Then you resize a partition, Retro`16:07
Retro`{Nathan}, please tell me exactly ho to do that with gparted16:08
turbocuecatho1, my card never blinks16:08
Retro`{Nathan}, please consider that i am a noob16:08
{Nathan}Retro`: I am. But you have to read what I say, and it gets very annoying when you don't.16:08
WhyvasRetro`, what are you trying to do?16:08
tamgo{Nathan} I actually put in a symlink! Does it have to be a physical directory? In which case wouldn't a hard link work?16:08
jaggyanyone knows a nice texteditor whit ide's for c++ c and java coding ?16:08
tho1turbocueca if you type that in a terminal you should see a number of dhcp lines as it requests an address. Is the light on the card ever on?16:08
x_zeusshi, i have really big ubuntu problem pls help16:08
turbocuecatho1, never16:09
x_zeussfirefox doesn't start at all16:09
Retro`{Nathan},  i have read i have to resize the partition... how exactly should i do that?16:09
{Nathan}tamgo: I use symlinks to my music directory (don't tell the RIAA...) all the time. I don't know why it's not working for you.16:09
Whyvasjaggy, go download and install automatix16:09
turbocuecatho1, only the power16:09
x_zeussand sometimes the computer just logs out16:09
BetaTestSo is there a way to actually see the program that's running in the background?16:09
Whyvascheck it out, pretty awesome.16:09
astro76!automatix | Whyvas jaggy16:09
ubotuWhyvas jaggy: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »16:09
turbocuecatho1, no working leases16:09
{Nathan}Retro`: You right click on the partition from gparted in a live CD enviornment and hit resize. I'm not your babysitter, you can figure this out.16:09
turbocuecatho1, btw,, what is SIOCSIFFLAGS?16:09
hanasakiwhat will generate my tls certs for exim?16:09
{Nathan}Retro`: I figured this out when I was 11.16:09
turbocuecatho1, seems it can't find that file16:10
tamgo{Nathan}: make sense. So just to make sure we are on the same page. Go to /var/www, make a symlink to the directory you want to publsih. and voila! open a browser to localhost (or your server) and you should see the directory?16:10
Retro`{Nathan}, why do i need to be in the Live CD environment?16:10
WorkingOnWis1im installing Ubuntu fresh on my laptop, and am looking to get the best battery life. that file system is best in that respect?16:10
{Nathan}x3roconf: So firefox doesn't start at all? Nothing happens?16:10
{Nathan}Retro`: You just do.16:10
Retro`{Nathan}, even if my Ubuntu is on the harddrive?16:10
tho1turbocueca one at a time....no working leases...did you see a DHCPREQUEST?16:10
{Nathan}tamgo: Yeah, that's what I've always done and it always works.16:10
{Nathan}Retro`: I've said this about 5 times now. YES.16:10
Retro`{Nathan}, okay16:10
tamgo{Nathan} uumm... must not be my day. Cool I'll try again. Thanks.16:11
Jack_SparrowRetro`: I have a couple minutes before I leave...16:11
Cnerdhow do i edit /etc/fstab??16:11
{Nathan}Retro`: It's because you are using data on your hard drive and it's not smart to move it when you are using it.16:11
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, please help!16:11
chuckfRetro`, if you weren't new, there are other ways to do it. however it is easiest for you from the live cd16:11
turbocuecatho1, yes, I see DHCPDISCOVERs on, then no DHCPOFFERS received16:11
{Nathan}Cnerd: You open a text editor as root and open fstab16:11
Jack_SparrowRetro`: Enter recovery mode (with the hold button on, press down the voice recording button, and without letting go of it, press ON).  LEt me know if that works16:11
turbocuecatho1, it looks like the machine is commanding the card16:11
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, it does not16:11
tho1turbocueca then the card is working ok and it is a config problem. Sounds like you might still have encryptiont turned on in the wifi router16:11
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, i have tried that 10 times16:11
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, i have tried that 10 times and nothing16:12
Cnerdow do i logon as root?16:12
turbocuecatho1, weird16:12
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, i think i messed up my bootloader and everything16:12
turbocuecatho1, I'll restart it16:12
tho1turbocueca does iwconfig show an essid?16:12
{Nathan}Cnerd: You do not need to login as root, just run "sudo gedit /etc/fstab"16:12
WorkingOnWis1Cnerd: dont. use sudo in a terminal or gksu from in gnome instead16:12
turbocuecatho1, yes16:12
{Nathan}Cnerd: sudo temporarly sets you as the root user16:12
Jack_SparrowRetro`: So it looks like you erased the fat16 firmware partition instead of copying your firmware to the player and letting it self install16:12
tho1turbocueca and does it match the essid of the router?16:12
turbocuecatho1 yes16:12
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, the /dev/sda does not exist anymore16:13
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, please help me restore it16:13
=== Skiessl is now known as Skiessi
nickrud!gksudo | {Nathan} Cnerd16:13
ubotu{Nathan} Cnerd: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)16:13
Jack_SparrowRetro`: Can I assume you are sure sda is your player?16:13
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, yes, it was16:13
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, now it's dead16:13
Jack_SparrowRetro`: Does gparted still show sda16:13
{Nathan}nickrud: Actually, I use fluxbox so I don't ever use any gnome apps... so I didn't know if it was gksu or gksudo :-p16:14
Retro`the player does not start16:14
tho1turbocueca the problem is not in the card (I think). You need to get the router to respond to the DHCPREQUEST. Nothing is going to happen until that does...you need an ip address16:14
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, gparted does not show sda anymore16:14
{Nathan}Retro`: Does it have battery power?16:14
nickrud{Nathan}, gksu can be set to use either sudo or su , your choice ;)16:14
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, yes it has battery power16:14
Jack_SparrowRetro`: THose are supposed to have tow partitions, one for the firmware and another for your music16:14
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, no sda whatsoever16:14
turbocuecatho1, the card works alright on xp(r)16:14
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, i have erased it all, by mistake that is16:15
WorkingOnWis1nickwhats the diff between su ans sudo? thought they were same.16:15
Cnerdhow do i make a ir in terminal?16:15
turbocuecatho1 I'll restart the router cya in 5 minutes16:15
Cnerdmkdir xD16:15
Jack_SparrowRetro`: I figured you would not have bricked it intentionally16:15
tho1turbocueca it looks like the card is working on ubuntu as well...the problem is in the communication between the card and the router16:15
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, please help me create a /dev/sda mountpoint16:15
{Nathan}WorkingOnWis1: su is actualy "switch user" eg "su bob". Sudo always takes you to root, and for only one command.16:15
nickrud{Nathan}, it's not about gnome, the main thing is sudo <app> uses your home as home, so if you save prefs they'll be saved as root owned, and no longer changeable by your normal user. gksudo will use /root16:15
Jack_SparrowDo you have any idea how big the firmware partition was?16:16
brobostigonRetro`: mkdir inside /media16:16
turbocuecatho1, yes, I've had many times problems about that communication on windows too16:16
tamgo{Nathan}: I tried creating a physical directory and copying a file. I am getting the listing, but when I try to access it, I get a forbidden error. I am only going to use this inside my lan, so I really don't care all that much about security. How do I just give anonymous free access to all resources?16:16
wraundatm it complains error while loading shared libraries: libopenal.so.0: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6416:16
MrDinklesIs flashplayer still down or is it working and the topic wasnt updated?16:16
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, the firmware partition was... i can't remember, sorry16:16
wraunda game i have needs some 32bit sound libraries but i am on 64bit, for example the 32bit of libopenal.so.0:16:16
{Nathan}tamgo: chmod -R +r (directory)16:16
WorkingOnWis1{Nathan}: ah...ok. never actually used su. always been on a single user machine. thanks16:17
tamgo{Nathan} of course16:17
tho1turbocueca might need to investigate the router further...but I couldn't help with that as I don't know your router. If you have problems with windows as well then definitely you need to get that working correctly16:17
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, please help me create a /dev/sda mountpoint with gparted16:17
Jack_SparrowRetro`: TO enter recovery mode you are starting with the unit OFF is that correct?16:17
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, correct16:17
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, but the blue wheel is glowing16:18
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, the screen, however, is black16:18
Jack_SparrowRetro`: I am trying to find the size of the original firmware partition.16:18
=== Sepheebear_ is now known as Sepheebear
WorkingOnWis1does fat32 in linux still have the 4GB file size limit it has in Windows?16:18
x3roconf"{Nathan}> x3roconf: So firefox doesn't start at all? Nothing happens?" nathan wtf? i said no such thing lol16:18
nickrudWorkingOnWis1, that's a filesystem limit, not os limit, so yes16:18
LimCorecan any one with open office  download my tiny .odt  and confirm my bug report?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/17923016:19
{Nathan}x3roconf: wrong person, sorry16:19
Jack_SparrowRetro`: It looks like the firmware partition is 16 megs..16:19
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, i think i'll have to enter the Manufacturing Mode16:19
cybergigThe header, with the litter X button to close/move programs have disapeared.16:19
cybergigWhat do I do16:19
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, oh yes, it was something like 16 MB and something16:20
Jack_SparrowRetro`: Ok.  and gparted does see it?16:20
WorkingOnWis1nickrud: grrrrr..... Been trying to backup my home folder and kept geting "File too big" nonsense from Nautilus..with a 10GB file when 4GB had been copied!16:20
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, no16:20
Jack_SparrowRetro`: as sda that is.. (and be very sure about that)16:20
Jack_SparrowRetro`: gparted does not see it at all now?16:20
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, i have erased the sda mountpoint completely16:21
nickrudWorkingOnWis1, time to turn that fat to an ext3 then16:21
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, it is NOT seen16:21
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, we must recreate it16:21
Jack_SparrowRetro`: I dont care about the mount point...  looking to see if gparted sees the drive as in all unallocated16:21
WorkingOnWis1nickrud: Is ntfs read/write pretty stable now? I need to keep my usb hard drive Windows readable too..16:21
Cnerd{Nathan}, PM plz16:21
turbocuecatho1, restarted16:21
chuckfWorkingOnWis1, yes, it is pretty stable16:22
WorkingOnWis1nickrud:  I dont need acls , compression, or encryption...16:22
BetaTestThere's no sound when I play WMV files, but it shows the image. What should I download?16:22
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, the only mountpoint i have is /dev/hda   there's no unallocated space because the space of sda is gone16:22
{Nathan}VMware just messed up my screen resolution. How can I use xrandr to set it back to 1024x76816:22
soldatsBetaTest, use synaptic and make sure you  have all the audio codecs16:22
ifireballWorkingOnWis1: are you copying the home folder from ext3 to a fat32 pendrive?16:22
WorkingOnWis1is there a driver I can install in windows to allow read/write access to an ext2 or 3 partition?16:23
nickrudWorkingOnWis1, I finally started using ntfs for writing with this release, I'm a fraidy cat with data16:23
WorkingOnWis1ifireball: to a usb hard drive, 80GB16:23
BetaTestIs Synaptic already installed, or do I need to Google for it?16:23
soldatsBetaTest, synaptic is a package menager16:23
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, i'll try to reboot my computer if that would make any difference16:23
nickrudWorkingOnWis1, yes, I use explore2fs to read ext2/3 not write though16:24
soldatslook in apps > system > synaptic16:24
BetaTestAh, ok16:24
ifireballWorkingOnWis1: that's not much of a backup. make a split zip/tar.gz file16:24
astro76!synaptic | BetaTest, that's system > admin > synaptic16:24
tho1turbocueca ok. in the terminal when you type 'dhclient eth1' you should see an exchange between the router and ubuntu...a DHCPDISCOVER followed by  a DHCPOFFER...do you see those first two steps?16:24
Jack_SparrowRetro`: Ok,, not sure it will help, but at this poing cant hurt16:24
WorkingOnWis1nickrud: me too...no matter what happens, apps can be installed way easier than data can be recovered16:24
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, brb... please wait for me16:24
Jack_SparrowRetro`: There are some windows tools that may be able to restore your brick16:24
sirbijanhello all16:24
WorkingOnWis1ifireball: i dont follow u....i'm backing up /home to my usb har drive.16:25
sirbijanhow can I remove the volumes shown on my desktop?16:25
sirbijani don't like a busy desktop16:25
turbocuecatho1, there are no DHCPOFFERs next to DHCPDISCOVERs16:25
ifireballWorkingOnWis1: of you're doing it with a simple copy you're losing a lot of data like file permissions and attributes in the process16:26
brobostigonsirbijan: volumes are shown on youre desktop when they are mounted, if you dont want any, do mount anything16:26
turbocuecatho1, want to see all the output?16:26
brobostigondont mount anything16:26
tho1turbocueca then the wireless card and ubuntu are doing all they can. you need to investigate the router...is the router close? Are you sure the signal is reaching it?16:26
ifireballWorkingOnWis1: I suggest you create a compresses archive of some kind on the zip drive instead16:26
BetaTestWhat am I looking for in Synaptic?o.O16:26
sirbijanbrobostigon: it should be a way not to show'em buddy! I remember it's in "gconf-editor", but don't remember where16:26
turbocuecatho1, it always reaches here...16:27
ifireballWorkingOnWis1: (actually it doesn't have to be compressed, just an archive...)16:27
brobostigonsirbijan: no idea, sorry.16:27
turbocuecatho1, should the card blink even without signal?16:27
sirbijani want'em not on my desktop, and mounted, and I did it b4, just don't remember how16:27
sirbijanwelcome brobostigon16:27
turbocuecatho1, while trying to connect.16:27
astro76BetaTest, as a start, install ubuntu-restricted-extras, but you will also probably need w32codecs which you can get from medibuntu16:27
astro76!medibuntu | BetaTest16:27
ubotuBetaTest: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:27
WorkingOnWis1ifireball: true.. if i were going from a ext3 to ext3 would the permissimos be preserved?16:27
Geck1random question: does anyone know how to set a picture as a signature in windows live hotmail?16:28
tho1turbocueca can't count on the card 'blinking' one way or the other...the dhcp packets will be so quick that they might not show up16:28
ifireballWorkingOnWis1: yes.16:28
KJHJKHHI everyone I am a new user to linux and am currently runnung Ubuntu....  I just installed it and just booted it up for the first time... but I dont know how to get to the GUI part can anyone help me?16:28
=== KJHJKH is now known as Task
WorkingOnWis1ifireball: arg...how soon before u think Windows will use ext3 nativly   :D16:29
Odd-rationaleTask: What do you see right now?16:29
astro76WorkingOnWis1, probably want to use cp -a16:29
Tasklooks like dos prompt16:29
tho1turbocueca My next step would be to fire up wireshark on the computer you do have on the network and see if I could spot the packets going from ubuntu to the router...but that is a techie thing <smile>16:29
TaskI logged in16:29
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, i'm back16:29
turbocuecatho1, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49982/16:29
soldatsTask, type startx16:29
astro76WorkingOnWis1, hah never, but you can install a driver to read/write ext2/3 from windows16:29
Jack_SparrowRetro`: Im still here16:29
Odd-rationaleTask: Try "init 3"16:29
ifireballWorkingOnWis1: right before they release the new winfs ;)16:29
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, you were right... nothing changed16:29
turbocuecatho1, wireshark?16:29
Taskhmmm fatal error....   "No valid frontpath could be found16:30
WorkingOnWis1astro76: write ext3 in win? whats it called? the one i found is read only...16:30
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, please tell me how can i create a /dev/sda mountpoint16:30
astro76WorkingOnWis1, http://www.fs-driver.org/16:30
Odd-rationaleTask: How did you install your Ubuntu?16:30
nickrudOdd-rationale, that's not the way it works in ubuntu, runlevels 2 & 3 both start gdm ....16:30
tho1turbocueca packet sniffer16:30
WorkingOnWis1ifireball: hahahaha....winfs....they had a great thing with ntfs, but as usual, they gotta screw it up too...16:30
TaskOFf a cd   I was having trouble before with the regular one... so I used the text only one16:31
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, the sad thing is that my mp3 player is dead16:31
WorkingOnWis1astro76: ty16:31
TaskI burned it slow at 8x16:31
Odd-rationalenickrud: OK16:31
Geck1random question: does anyone know how to set a picture as a signature in windows live hotmail?16:31
Jack_SparrowRetro`: I would borrow a windows macnine and use the sandisk recovery tool..  http://www.sandisk.com/Retail/Default.aspx?CatID=153216:31
Odd-rationaleTask: Did you install a command line system?16:31
Jack_SparrowRetro`: I would NOT try to run it under wine16:32
TaskI had a lil trouble with LILO or Grub16:32
TaskIt was havin some trouble... maybe I should try to reinstall lilo?16:32
WorkingOnWis1Jack_Sparrow: i have never done it in Linux, but could Retro recover the partition with some forensics data tools? As long as he stops trying other sure-to-fail methods?16:32
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, i will visit my friend and try to fix my bricked mp3 player16:32
biolaYou guys have andu idea how im supposed to install a dual-cd-distro in vmware?16:32
WorkingOnWis1Jack_Sparrow: have done it on DOS/Windows many times successfully16:33
Jack_SparrowRetro`: NO good answer to formatting the wrong partition.16:33
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, will the recovery tool restore the bootloader as well?16:33
BetaTestHey astro76, do you mind if I PM you?16:33
astro76biola, it should work fine, but try asking in #vmware16:33
Jack_SparrowRetro`: They seem to have a wide variety of tools on their site.  I would think a windows fat recovery tool would fix the problem16:33
astro76BetaTest, please ask here :)16:34
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, thanks16:34
Jack_Sparrownp good luck16:34
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, i'm off to my friend's house now... he has Windows XP16:34
BetaTestastro76 I've got no idea what I'm doing here with Sanyptic :/16:34
Cnerdhow do i uninstall ubuntu16:34
astro76BetaTest, your problem is you can't view/hear .wmv properly?16:34
Jack_SparrowCnerd: INstall whatever os you want over the top or just format the partition16:35
nickrudCnerd, boot windows, and reformat the partition you gave to ubuntu as ntfs . Done16:35
tho1turbocueca I am not sure where to go from here. It seems that ubuntu is doing what it is supposed to do...the problem is in the link between ubuntu and the router. I would verify that the dhcp is turned on in the router, the encryption is turned off, the essid matches what is in ubuntu, and might setting the router (and ubuntu) to another channel. But those are all just guesses.16:35
BetaTestYeah, I can view, but not hear16:35
nickrudCnerd, you'll want to run   fdisk /mbr as well16:35
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, after the tool will be installed in his machine... what conbination of buttons would i have to press/hold on my mp3 player?16:35
{Nathan}When I hit ctrl+alt+F1-F6, I have no TTYs -- they are all just a blinking cursor. How can I get them back?16:35
Jack_SparrowRetro`: Depends on what tools he has available... start with a flash drive recovery tool16:36
astro76BetaTest, so first just hit Search, search for ubuntu-restricted-extras, check that, then Apply to install16:36
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, okay16:36
uzerzeroHas anybody had any luck getting the Broadcom BCM4310/12 wireless chipset working under Gutsy?16:36
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, will do16:36
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, thanks16:36
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, bye ;)16:36
turbocuecatho1, everything is ok16:36
turbocuecatho1, strange16:36
astro76!synaptic | BetaTest also see this guide:16:36
ubotuBetaTest also see this guide:: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto16:36
erUSUL!bcm43xx | ubotu16:36
ubotuubotu: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx16:36
chuckfturbocueca, what type of router do you have?16:37
soldats{Nathan}, if you have no ttys then they have been romoved from the file16:37
turbocuecatho1, linksys wag200g16:37
turbocuecatho1 wireless-g16:37
{Nathan}soldats: What file?16:37
zenriumI have setup compiz to use the cube in 3 desktops (ie horizontal = 4, number of desktops =3). I can switch between the horizontals using ctl+alt+arrow, is there a hotkey to switch the desktop quickly?16:37
chuckfare you at the latest firmware16:37
soldats{Nathan}, gimmie a sec16:37
uzerzeroerUSL: i've already been through the guide with no luck. neither ndiswrapper or the bcm43xx firmware works16:37
BetaTestAnd what do I do after that?16:37
BetaTestOr is that it/16:37
turbocuecatho1, and a linksys pcmcia16:37
astro76BetaTest, after it install, see if your video works16:37
nickruderUSUL, if a non authed ubotu user does that, will it put it in an approval queue ?16:38
Jack_SparrowRetro`: You still here?16:38
tho1chuckf we can see the dhcp request leaving ubuntu, but there is no response from the router16:38
BetaTestIf it doesn't, I'll be back here annyoing you16:38
erUSULnickrud: does what?16:38
nickruderUSUL, echo a command at ubotu ?16:38
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, yes16:38
chuckftho1, that's why I'm asking abotu the router firmware. I've had three probs in the last month that that fixed16:38
chuckfwith dhcp issues16:38
soldats{Nathan}, try tooking in /etc/event.d and look for commented out lines for tty16:39
Terrasqu1Jack_Sparrow: what's a pirate like you doing in a place like this?16:39
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, i just called my friend... he is home and willing to help me16:39
astro76nickrud, no, !trigger | ubotu does nothing special16:39
tho1chuckf right...I agree...I was to the point of suspecting the router...especiallyh after he mentioned he also had some issues in windows16:39
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, got any tip for me?16:39
nickrudTerrasqu1, ah you know jack, he's one of those 'good hearted' pirates16:39
Superwormscan ubuntu be started with less than 200 mb of ram16:39
Geck1anyone that can help me with the hotmail question?16:39
SimpleAnecdotehiya peeps :D I got this weird thing.. I'm a total newbie on linux and ubuntu so take it easy on me.. but the thing is that I installed apache and it works but there is not apache2.conf file...16:39
erUSULnickrud: aouch!!! tab completion mistake... (and i dunno what the consequences are)16:40
Geck1how can I set up a picture as my email signature?16:40
Terrasqu1nickrud: only steals from those that have something to steal? :)16:40
astro76Geck1, try #ubuntu-offtopic or #windows16:40
Jack_SparrowRetro`: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=12171.msg10877316:40
Geck1thx astro16:40
seanI'm having trouble installing a geforcefx graphics driver, it says gedit has not been able to detect the character coding16:40
nickrudTerrasqu1, lol, a good definition :)16:40
Jack_SparrowRetro`: Someone did the same thing and the fix walkthrough is on there16:40
zenriumsimpleanedote: perhaps /etc/apache.conf ??  or just apache.conf ?16:40
Abyssalhi. i have got a dual boot ubuntu, where windows was installed before and linux ubuntu got installed now. i automatically made a dual boot. how can i get rid of that dual boot and how can i partitionate and format the whole windows harddrive? please help!16:40
turbocuecatho1, I will connect the laptop by wire and do all the updates it wants16:40
Jack_SparrowRetro`: I will wait long enough for you to read it16:40
nickrudastro76, thanks16:40
tho1turbocueca you might consider also updating the software in the router.16:41
SimpleAnecdoteI go to the apache2 folder on fileSystem/var/www/apache2-default16:41
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: you want to get windows off your machine?16:41
SimpleAnecdoteand there is no apache2.conf16:41
turbocuecatho1, yes, but the strange is that I know this works16:41
Abyssalodd-rationale: yes.16:42
nickrudSimpleAnecdote, it's in /etc/apache2 , and be sure to look over *-available and *-enabled in that dir16:42
turbocuecatho1, first time with wireless on linux16:42
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: And just have ubuntu?16:42
SimpleAnecdotenickrud: sorry to be so newbish.. what do you mean by etc? like a drive?16:42
turbocuecatho1, the laptop is from my father, and so it never had linux16:42
nickrudSimpleAnecdote, no, that's the global config dir ,  /etc   (like /var/www is the apache html root)16:43
zenriumsimple : /etc is a directory on your harddrive16:43
Abyssalodd-rationale: yes16:43
SimpleAnecdotew00t! found it16:43
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, why did you gave me this post? does the Sansa Recovery Tool automatically fixes everythig back to normal?16:44
seanI am trying to install the NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.07-pkg1.run graphics driver for a geforcefx graphics card, and when i double click the icon it says gedit has not been able to detect the character coding.16:44
seanPlease check that you are not trying to open a binary file.16:44
seanSelect a character coding from the menu and try again. what does this mean?16:44
nickrudoxxi, please don't do that here16:44
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion16:44
SimpleAnecdoteok.. so now maybe you can solve another problem for me? how can I edit my website files without using the root user?16:44
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, why did you gave me this post? doesn't the Sansa Recovery Tool automatically fixes everythig back to normal?16:44
Jack_SparrowRetro`: I think the sans is not going to do what you want16:44
oxxisorry new in irc16:44
Jack_SparrowRetro`: I think the method to try would be the last link I gave, which looks like they are working in linux16:45
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: You can probably use gparted liveCD to delete the windows partition then expand the linux partition to fill up the free space. Then reinstall GRUB.16:45
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, would my device be recognised as i plug it in in my friends' Windows computer?16:45
astro76sean, you can't double click it, you have to run it in a terminal ( chmod +x whatever.bin && ./whatever.bin ), but are you sure you should install this?16:45
astro76!nvidia | sean16:45
SimpleAnecdoteI've already been told I'm stupid by xchat because I'm logged on to IRC with root user.. so I know I'm stupid but I don't know how to edit files on fileSystem without being root user16:45
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: I remeber seeing a howto. Let me find it...16:45
ubotusean: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:45
turbocuecatho1, be back later16:45
Jack_SparrowRetro`: My crystal ball is not working today.. Sorry, sarcasm is wasted online.. I have no way of knowing16:45
nickrudSimpleAnecdote, it's designed that way; you can run   sudo a2enmod userdir , and use ~/public_html to test, then move them to /var/www16:46
seanill check it out thanks16:46
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, i'll try the Windows methods instead16:46
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, i'm off to my friend16:46
WorkingOnWis1tho1: turbocueca I havent followed all of your thread, but have u tried rebooting the router, unpluggung power for a minute? I have had lease problems with my wrt router and that fixed it. I think it clears all the caches, which can get corrupted. I know, it sound so "Windows-ish" but it worked for me....16:46
Jack_SparrowRetro`: BEst of luck with any and all methods..16:46
nickrud!sudo | SimpleAnecdote16:46
ubotuSimpleAnecdote: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.16:46
Abyssalok. did you get what i mean. windows installed before. now linux ubuntu. but it made automatically dual boot and let windows live. but now i want windows to be deleted and also out of the boot options.16:46
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, i'll came back and report what happened16:46
Retro`Jack_Sparrow, see ya ;)   bye now16:47
brainbughello and good evening everyone, i've just got simple question: i set up my wireless network and wired network , but when i go to /etc/network/interfaces i find at some line of my (ath0 wireless) my key, is there any way i can delete it there and i get a prompt where i can type this or any other way so its not listed in the file?16:47
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nickrudSimpleAnecdote, if you want to edit those files directly, you would run, for example,  gksudo gedit /var/www/<file>16:47
=== hcetT is now known as Ttech
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Yes. I understood what you meant. BTW good choice!16:47
SimpleAnecdotenickrud: I know what sudo is, thanks though, it's always good to get some more reference... but what does that sudo command do? how does apache know to treat that new folder as server?16:47
syarifhello, i just wanna say hello from indonesia's ubuntuers16:47
Abyssali tried suse some years ago. it lacked of free support. but ubuntu gives a good solution with the community support.16:48
nickrudSimpleAnecdote, if you run a2enmod userdir , it will add the apache directives to the http.conf that allows you to use that folder16:48
ploomAbyssal, kudos! Wasrte of license maybe, but who cares!16:48
wraundhow would i go about getting  libopenal.so.0 for 32bit machines on a 64bit computer16:48
tho1WorkingOnWis1 yes...we have restarted the router.16:48
tho1WorkingOnWis1 I have run out of ideas <smile>16:49
WorkingOnWis1tho1: k. sometimes we overlook the simplest things...16:49
Abyssalploom: kudos?16:49
SimpleAnecdotenicrud: thank you very much! I will investigate further and only then bother you some more.. for now though I am happy :D thank you thank you thank you! if you ever need help with php I'm on ##phpfreaks (I don't mean to advertise other channels.. just grateful)16:49
WorkingOnWis1tho1: is there another router to try?16:49
Oli``Anyone else here use Xine (the media player; and not GXine, etc)? I'm trying to make it as minimalistic as possible and would like to be able to drag the window with the left mouse button (anywhere on the video).. Any ideas?16:49
syarifanyone know other room?16:50
nickrudSimpleAnecdote, and the sudo command simply lets you work as root temporarily. Much safer than a root term, you're much less likely to run a system damaging command if you have to conciously use sudo to run commands on the system16:50
SimpleAnecdotetruer words never said16:50
WorkingOnWis1tho1: or a direct connection, getting the router out of the way totally, to be sure it is the router and not the pc?16:50
SimpleAnecdotegonna log off my root now16:50
astro76Oli``, you can alt+click anywhere on any window to move it16:50
ploomOli``,  have you tried holding alt key (or meta or whatever) while dragging any window?16:50
SimpleAnecdotethank you and see you later :D thanks for helping a newbie..16:50
Oli``yeah alt works... I'm just lazy, that's all =)16:51
ifireballnickrud: do you know what "sudoedit" does?16:51
jameswf-homeanyone too stupid to operate in root deserves whatever happens to em16:51
jameswf-homelogin as root and have a blast16:51
nickrudifireball, see -e option in man sudo16:51
hanasakiany can you give me a short script.. bash? that will run the same command line for 5 minutes...16:51
brainbuganyone? how i can "hide" my key of wireless, so i get a prompt or something , so it isnt listed anymore in /interfaces ? (i use ifup ifdown and at startup is all down)16:51
TaskI think I may have a corrupt disc... whats the best way to burn it? I used roxio 10 burned at 8x16:52
ploomAbyssal, kudos: http://www.answers.com/topic/kudos?cat=biz-fin16:52
jameswf-homewhat command16:52
Oli``Task have you check that the file you downloaded is not corrupt?16:52
ifireballnickrud: just checking, since I find "sudo mano", etc. to be bad style16:52
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: OK I con't find the howto.16:52
Taskyeah  seems fine... I did the disc check too16:52
ksivajihow to access linux partition form windows ?16:52
pulaskihello, I'm running ubuntu 7.04 server and my last apt-get update/upgrade ended in a dpkg dependency error after trying to configure an upgrade to MySql-server-5.0.  Has anyone else had this experience?  "dpkg --configure -a" results in the same error.16:53
LjL!ext3 > ksivaji    (ksivaji, see the private message from Ubotu)16:53
jameswf-homeinstall win32 ext driver16:53
nickrudifireball, to be honest, I'd never heard of sudoedit till just now, I think you are right about sudoedit being a better choice16:53
Oli``Task: has the media been good for other stuff?16:54
ksivajiLjL thanks16:54
syarifhello, i want to register, but i don't know how16:54
syarifanyone can help me16:54
ifireballnickrud: we agree. good. :)16:54
corporal_clegghelloggs, could someone help me with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=402866016:54
corporal_cleggsorry helloggs...16:54
=== jaggy is now known as jaggy_party
Abyssalploom: thx :-)16:54
ksivajisyarif  want to register what where ?16:55
Abyssalodd-rationale: so how to proceed?16:55
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Do have a ubuntu live cd?16:55
nickrudifireball, problem is, most new users really want that gui editor, is VISUAL an X preferred app?16:55
AbyssalOdd-rationale: yes16:55
syarifumm... i don't really sure, i want to have private chat, but then it's warn me to register first16:55
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Which one? 7.10?16:56
LjL!register > syarif    (syarif, see the private message from Ubotu)16:56
AbyssalOdd-rationale: yes. the newest release16:56
Terrasqu1LjL: can ubotu send pm to one that aint regged?16:56
AbyssalOdd-rationale: 7.1016:56
LjLTerrasqu1: a registered user can PM an unregistered user.16:57
Terrasqu1LjL: ok :)16:57
ifireballnickrud: "EDITOR=gedit sudoedit /etc/passwd"16:57
BlistokAnybody know what would cause FTP to be really slow over a small LAN? Ping time is 1ms, but it takes like 15 seconds to upload a 5k file16:57
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: OK First of all, you want to back up your home directory. although you *shouldn't* lose any data, we just want to make sure. messing around with partitions can be dangerous.16:57
nickrudifireball, problem with that is once again, if someone saves gedit prefs under sudo , it will write to .gconf as root16:57
horzeeanyone know why none of my virtual terminals have ANY logins, but getty is running on all 6?16:58
ifireballnickrud: no it won't since the gedit runs as the normal user16:58
lukasz_Hey People16:58
BetaTestastro76, that didn't help:/16:58
AbyssalOdd-rationale: so shall i copy the home directory to a safe place?16:58
nickrudifireball, not when it's privs are escalated by sudo, that's why gksudo is constantly mentioned here16:58
Terrasqu1Blistok: firewall? bad link?16:59
lukasz_I installed ati as binary and I dunno how I can get the ati control panel there16:59
ifireballnickrud: read up what sudoedit does _exactly_.16:59
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Yes. another hard drive or other removable drive preferably.16:59
=== VladimirMelo_ is now known as VladimirMelo
BlistokTerrasqul: I'm just using a cheap linksys router, no idea how to check that stuff... ah well, guess I'll live with it, not a huge deal16:59
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Also back up any other data you would like to keep.16:59
* nickrud goes off to play with sudoedit17:00
AbyssalOdd-rationale: ok... wait. i says that i have not the appropriate legitimation to copy home to another external harddrive17:00
lukasz_Ati displays now in flgrxinfo but no control panel :(17:00
horzeeanyone know why none of my virtual terminals have ANY logins, but getty is running on all 6? also, X runs fine, have it set to start 2 sessions, one on vt 7, one on vt9.17:00
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Do alt+f2 then "gksudo nautilus" Then copy the home directory.17:01
Taskcan any settings in BIOS mess up the installation?17:01
WhyvasAbyssal, or install automatix then install the nautilus scripts....17:01
lukasz_I think I know how brb17:02
ifireballnickrud: the reason you find yourself having to use gksudo is because "normal" sudo doesn't pass DISPLAY to the calling up, nor does it solve the X-auto-cookie mumbo jumbo17:02
ifireballnickrud: e.g. called app*.17:02
pulaskiMy last ubuntu server 7.04 update ended with a MySql dependency error.  Can I safely proceed with upgrading to ubuntu server 7.10?17:02
EdilHello I'm new here (I'm new even with IRC) I need help installing Ubuntu.17:03
lukasz_I will need to reboot brb17:03
AbyssalOdd-rationale: still the same: Fehler »Vorgang nicht erlaubt« beim Kopieren von »/home/nam...en-GB.soe«17:03
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Do you have read/write permissions to your external hdd?17:04
AbyssalOdd-rationale: as root in the file browser nautilus there are no other drives available.17:05
pulaskiedil, google "install ubuntu" and look at any likely results.17:05
nickrudifireball, as well as setting the root dir as home unlike sudo. That's been one of the major issues17:05
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Go to /media/17:05
Drixxhow do i install JRE java ?17:05
BetaTestI can't hear the audio for WMV files, and installing ubuntu-restricted-extras, but that didn't help17:05
EdilUbuntu installation is not booting. Is there any particular information that I need to know with Ubuntu and a Radeon X850 pro17:06
EdilThe computer boots but the screen remains blank17:06
ifireballnickrud: well, don't you agree sudoedit is a neater solution in most cases?17:06
nickrudifireball, which sudoedit deals with also17:06
ifireballnickrud: the selling point I believe is that noting actually runs as root17:07
nickrudifireball, I do like sudoedit so far17:07
nickrudifireball, yes17:07
Drixxfrostwire ain't workin .... it says i don't hav the valid Jre java ... from where do i install it ??17:07
ifireballnickrud: I wonder if that piece of information can find its way to the /topic17:07
DrixxOdd-rationale: frostwire ain't workin .... it says i don't hav the valid Jre java ... how do i install it ??17:07
nickrudifireball, it could easily be the overwhelming selling pint17:07
DrixxOdd-rationale: hey supp dude ?17:07
Odd-rationaleDrixx: ? are you talking to me?17:08
lukasz_I installed apt-get install fglrx-control and its not in applications anywhere17:08
DrixxOdd-rationale : yes dude ...17:08
wols_lukasz_: dpkg -L  fglrx-control |grep bin17:08
larson9999did i miss the memo?  cd's don't mount to /media/cdrom anymore?  looks like they're mounting to /media/(volume id)17:08
AbyssalOdd-rationale: the same. not possible to do a copy.17:09
DrixxOdd-rationale: how can i install java JRE ??17:09
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre17:09
AbyssalOdd-rationale: let us forget about the security.17:09
DrixxOdd-rationale: coz frostwire ain't workin17:09
EdilIs there any other interactive forum where newbies can ask questions? I already google for a solution but didn't find anything17:09
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: OK First. Are you willing to do a reinstall of ubuntu. or would you rather keep your current install. (hint: the second is more complicated)17:10
BetaTestSo can anyone help me?17:10
lukasz_do I need to restart after that?17:10
Odd-rationaleDrixx: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras17:10
AbyssalOdd-rationale: the second option would be fine.17:11
DrixxOdd-rationale: thnx dude17:11
AbyssalOdd-rationale: can i just delete my windows harddrive and partitionate it with ext3 or so...17:11
lukasz_I will try and see :)17:11
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: OK fire up the livecd. Then open gparted.17:11
syarifanyone have a chat with indonesian?17:12
AbyssalOdd-rationale: can i also install gparted on my ubuntu harddrive system and run it from there?17:12
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Yes. you delete your windows partition and then *expand* your linux part. to fill up the empty space.17:12
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: No. you can't be using the partition you are working on.17:13
AbyssalOdd-rationale: so i can install gparted here with the installer/uninstaller without having to run the live CD?17:13
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: No. you need to not be running off your hard drive.17:14
nickrudifireball, you should talk to the people in -ops about it17:14
lukasz_I did exactly what you said and the control panel isn't there :(17:15
AbyssalOdd-rationale: so i installed gparted on my harddrive now. can i run it from there and delete the microsoft harddrive?17:15
hanasakithunderbird wont connect to my server when i use the host smtp but it does when i use smtp.mydomain.com      both "smtp' and the fqdn resolve to the same IP... any idea what is going on?17:15
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: No. You need the liveCD.17:15
AbyssalOdd-rationale: FYI: i got 2 harddrives. 1 for ubuntu and 1 for windows.17:15
syariforiginal windows?17:16
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Oh. I see. Not a partitioned hard drive?17:16
ifireballnickrud: will do, can I make a !sudoedit for ubotu or does one need a special permission for that?17:16
cybergig_Question: When I use compiz and press X on anything the title bar goes away on all the applications and something crashes, I have to restart compiz to get it back. How do I solve this problem?17:17
MrDinklesIs there anyway to use gparted and create a partition without having to put it on a cd?17:17
syarifwhat "x" here?17:17
syarifyou mean shut the window?17:17
zenriumcyber : so you are just loosing the title bars of windows?17:17
cybergig_x = close app button17:17
nickrudifireball, gotta have perms for that now17:17
Dr_WillisMrDinkles i normalyly use a livecd that has parted tools allready on it. :) like the gparted live cd.17:18
nickrudifireball, too many perverse adds back in the day17:18
Abyssal2 partitioned hard drives. 1 for ubuntu and 1 for windows. so it could be possible to run gparted from here without the live cd cause the operating systems are on 2 different hard drives.17:18
Drixxhow do i run real media files on ubuntu17:18
syarifumm...maybe..just maybe...there something with ur vga card stting17:18
ifireballnickrud: I see, obtained by talking to -ops as well I guess?17:18
MrDinklesDr_Willis: Im at work and noway to install it to a cd lol-- 8 hours here and i can't work on my dualboot!!!17:19
Dr_WillisAbyssal with gpparted - the disk you are resizing/working on . Must NOT be mounted.  if you boot linux. you can resize the windows drive If its not mounted.17:19
nickrudAbyssal, the disk you're editing must be unmounted, that's the only requirement17:19
nickrudifireball, yes17:19
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: possibly. You would have to unmount the windows drive first, though.17:19
lukasz_If I download from ati website and do this sh ati.run17:19
lukasz_The control panel works from there17:19
AbyssalOdd-rationale: ok. it is. how to run gparted? where can i find it?17:19
cybergig_How do you mean, like compiz doesnt support my hardware fully?17:19
lukasz_but I think after that says missing xfree86-dri17:19
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: System -> adim17:20
nickrudifireball, if you do that factoid, you should mention that adding VISUAL=gedit to .bashrc might be a nice thing17:21
AbyssalOdd-rationale: ok. i see my soon former windows drive. :-) what to do next?17:21
grout Anyone have a .deb file for doomsday?17:21
ifireballnickrud: I prefer EDITOR, but yeah17:22
cybergig_Wait, now its not doing it... but if I close the terminal that I ran compiz in, it happens..17:22
Dr_Willisgrout you been asking that since last night havent you?17:22
grouthaha yes17:22
nickrudifireball, did some testing, sudoedit will prefer visual, but will fall back on editor in a console.17:22
Dr_Willisgrout you have done the obvious like check the doomsday homepage?17:22
groutsomeone gave me one last week but i lost it17:23
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: You can delete all the windows partitions and then create a new partition to fill the empty space.17:23
groutof couse i did17:23
groutthey only have source17:23
aoupihi, I installed pidgin-plugin-pack with the help of apt-source since it didn't include switchspell, but now update manager tries to install the version from the repos. How can I give my version(which has the same version number) higher priority?17:23
nickrudifireball, so the people that prefer a gui for editing can get it if they set that variable17:23
=== cybergig_ is now known as cybergig
ifireballnickrud: I see. so VISUAL for X, EDITOR for text?17:24
v507i need help again17:24
v507how to compile??17:24
AbyssalOdd-rationale: ok 1. which file system can you recommend? reiser? ext2? ext3? ??? fat?    2.is the boot screen then clean after that procedure?17:24
larson9999this is starting to tee me off :)17:24
PriceChildv507, what are you thinking you need to compile?17:24
Abyssal2. i mean no option any more to boot windows?17:24
nickrudifireball, can work that way, yes17:24
PriceChildAbyssal, ext317:24
v507the application is in tar.bz217:25
jamescarrany idea why firefox would suddenly cause my system to hang badly???17:25
v507how to install it17:25
PriceChildv507, what application is it?17:25
v507i read some tutorial17:25
PriceChildjamescarr, flash?17:25
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: 1. What do you want to use the drive for. 2. Not yet. we will try to edit the boot.list17:25
jamescarrI mean, I have a dual core 2.1Ghz laptop with 2MB or ram17:25
ifireballnickrud: ok, well, I have EDITOR=vi; so you can see where my habits lay...17:25
jamescarrPriceChild, no... all I do is start firefox17:25
jamescarrit's locked up, and then it locks up gnome17:25
lukasz_Im gonna try something17:25
jamescarrand it takes FOREVER for me to get a console open to kill it17:25
nickrudifireball, well, I have my bad points as well :)17:26
MrPledI was wondering if there is a site I can get drivers from for an ethernet PCMCIA card for ubuntu 7.1017:26
jamescarrit loads with the icons all gone and crap17:26
jamescarrlooks badly crippled17:26
v507pricechild metalserve-0.4-svn250_17092006.tar.bz217:26
PriceChildv507, do they not provide ".deb" packages?17:27
PriceChildv507, if not then right click and extract that archive17:27
kikdadoganybody free to help a noob17:27
lukasz_I dunno why it ain't working the fglrx-control17:27
PriceChildv507, then read the "INSTALL" file.17:27
AbyssalOdd-rationale: ok i deleted the partition now. i want to use it to safe files there. it is sda (55.90 GB). sdb (37.27 GB) is where i installed ubuntu.17:27
ifireballnickrud: now don't you make me go religious...17:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about editorwars - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:27
stefkoHow to i set a Timer on Xchat like ( i set timer to i CYCLE ( hop ) the channel on 3 mins ) ?17:28
nickruddarn, that one shouldn't have been deleted17:28
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: ext3 should be fine.17:28
KiD_ChAoShas anyone here got aircrack installed successfully17:28
kikdadogi downloaded a couple of debs for the new metacity, with composting17:28
AbyssalOdd-rationale: ok.17:28
kikdadogthow do i change it back17:28
nickrudkikdadog, try  alt-f2  emerald --replace17:28
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Tell me when that's finished.17:28
KiD_ChAoShas anyone here got aircrack installed successfully?, sudo make and make install return errors17:29
kikdadogi want to turn the composting off its a little buggy17:29
v507it said i need to type ./configure17:29
kikdadogti used this command17:29
kikdadoggconftool-2 -s '/apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager' --type bool true17:29
stefkoHello people, how to i set /timer hop #channel ?17:29
stefkoon xchat17:29
AbyssalOdd-rationale: why not FAT? :-) a lot of friends still use windows. isnt with ext3 the data exchange between them and me handicapped?17:29
v507but i can't do that in terminal17:29
nickrudkikdadog, my first guess would be same command, but false17:30
kikdadogtcan i change the last word to false to turn it off17:30
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: If you want to still share files with windows use fat or ntfs.17:30
v507it said  No such file or dire17:30
lukasz_i will be back17:30
nickrudkikdadog, where'd you get the metacity debs, anyway? I'm interested17:30
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: fat32 has a 4gb file size limit, however.17:30
kikdadogijn the forums like page 417:31
AbyssalOdd-rationale: no i will use ext3. i got an external harddrive formattted in fAT 32.17:31
=== techno_freak is now known as OldMonk
jamescarrfirefox has become an undead monster that, upon startup and without loaidng a page, takes up so many resources it locks up my machine and forces a hard reboot17:31
feierfoxwill hary get this grade of stability what it makes "LTS" with the new 24er kernel?17:31
kikdadogon the tutorials section17:31
jamescarrwhat gives?17:31
jamescarrwhat can I do to fix this>17:31
AbyssalOdd-rationale: shall i choose primary partition?17:31
jamescarrthis is new and sudden17:31
feierfox24 has the most changes in 6er history17:31
kikdadogit is a little buggy17:31
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Yes.17:31
jamescarrI didnt upgrade or anything17:31
turbocuecatho1, still there mate?17:31
Dr_Willisjamescarr try a new usr, or  move teh firefox/mozilla dir to start with a clean setup of firefox. and see if it still does it.17:31
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Also make sure that the boot flag are not on.17:31
=== OldMonk is now known as techno_freak
AbyssalOdd-rationale: and then there is a mark at "AUF zylindergrosse runden"17:32
kikdadogimgonna try the false command17:32
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Sorry, I know English only. :(17:32
v507i use command ./configure17:32
Abyssalboot flag?17:32
GimiHey. How do I do local iso install? The CD is dead.17:33
Dr_Willis!install | Gimi17:33
ubotuGimi: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate17:33
AbyssalOdd-rationale:  there is no bootflag to choose.17:33
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: It shouldn't be on by default. Just making sure.17:33
kikdadoghey nick the false thing worked17:33
Dr_WillisGimi ive heard of people wanting to do that. But never done it myself.17:33
kikdadogyou find the debs yet17:34
VolkodavIs there a channel for 64 bit?17:34
AbyssalOdd-rationale:  there is another option i will try to translate. like "round to cycle headers size"?17:34
nickrudkikdadog, you can see many other gconftool switches you can play with in gconf-editor (run it with alt-f2)17:34
v507i need help17:34
v507how to run ./configure command17:35
nickrudVolkodav, this is it17:35
v507how to run ./configure command?17:35
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: You can leave that at its default settings.17:35
kikdadogthanks again17:35
KlrSpzompaul: i got the masquerading stuff working, but i'm confused on a configuration choice i had to make if you could help me wrap my head around it17:35
Dr_Willisv507 normally you cd to the source dir and use the command  ./configure17:35
brobostigonv507: type in into cli17:35
kikdadoglater all thanks17:35
KlrSpzv507: don't repeat... but the answer is to open your terminal and navigate to the source folder and run it17:35
Volkodavis there an ftp install option?17:36
v507sorry... i allready run it and it said ; bash: ./configure: No such file or directory17:36
chef_can anyone tell me how to fix? just installed ubuntu on a dual boot windows box from server disk then installed the x desktop... at the end of the desktop install I got a message that sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg received a segmentation fault and when I go to launch x using the startx command I get a server error & machine just goes back to the command line? please help17:36
KlrSpzVolkodav: yeah check synaptic or aptitude17:36
aceni have problem with my asdl connection and need somebody to help:-D17:36
AbyssalOdd-rationale:  creation of my new file system is advanceing. why was it neccessary to choose primary drive?17:36
nickrudv507, in that source dir, do ls  , if there is no configure file, then you really need to read INSTALL17:37
AbyssalOdd-rationale: i was also able to choose extended drive.17:37
alekaWhat packages do I need (smb wise) to access a windows computer on the same network as my ubuntu?17:37
lukasz_alrigt its fine now17:37
lukasz_I installed the control panel from Ati official site17:37
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Primary should work.17:37
lukasz_I still kept the fglrx from apt-get17:37
Dr_Willis!samba | aleka17:37
VolkodavKlrSpz - I mean a small ftp CD with just base that pulls the rest of packages from the server17:37
ubotualeka: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:37
chef_can anyone tell me how to fix? just installed ubuntu on a dual boot windows box from server disk then installed the x desktop... at the end of the desktop install I got a message that sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg received a segmentation fault and when I go to launch x using the startx command I get a server error & machine just goes back to the command line? please help17:38
Volkodavto avoid updates right after install17:38
nickrud!ftp | Volkodav17:38
ubotuVolkodav: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd17:38
AbyssalOdd-rationale: ok it is done. i will make a newstart now. i look if the boot screen has no more windows option. :-) i will return soon. u still here?17:38
nickrud!ftpd | Volkodav17:38
ubotuVolkodav: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP17:38
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Wait!17:38
AbyssalOdd-rationale: ok. what else?17:39
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: We're not done yet.17:39
nickrudVolkodav, ah, didn't read down far enough17:39
GimiDr_Willis: Any idea where can I find a guide?17:39
AbyssalOdd-rationale: ok. tell me the next steps.17:39
nickrud!minimal | Volkodav17:39
ubotuVolkodav: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:39
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: do "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"17:39
Volkodavright - instead of burning full CD ftp install CD are normally 30-40 mb17:40
AbyssalOdd-rationale: where? in my terminal?17:40
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: alt+f217:40
Volkodavas long as it detects the nic card right it is very convenient17:40
chef_can anyone tell me how to fix? just installed ubuntu on a dual boot windows box from server disk then installed the x desktop... at the end of the desktop install I got a message that sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg received a segmentation fault and when I go to launch x using the startx command I get a server error & machine just goes back to the command line? please help17:40
kekZpriesteri've got a debian server with a bt878 tv card. now i want to watch tv via x forwarding with my ubuntu laptop. but when i X-forward xawtv or kdetv, i get I/O-errors and the picture remains black.17:40
Gimi!wiki install from iso17:40
AbyssalOdd-rationale: btw: where is the difference between alt+f2 and the terminal?17:40
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Here you can configure stuff such as the time out sec and hidden menu.17:41
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:41
AbyssalOdd-rationale: ok i am editing the file. what to edit?17:41
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Using a terminal runs the command in the terminal, i.e. if you close the terminal you close the process.17:41
v507after i type make17:42
v507it said Nothing to be done for `all'17:42
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Near the bottom of the file, comment out the windows section.17:42
AbyssalOdd-rationale: delete the whole line?17:42
Volkodavhow's the latest 7.12 catalyst behaves btw ?17:43
=== sammy_ is now known as Sammy88
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: No. Comment it out (#). There should be 4-5 lines.17:43
lukasz_!opengl games17:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl games - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:43
cabrioleurv507: are you sure you have to do make?17:43
lukasz_!find opengl games17:43
ubotuFound: cl-sdl-opengl, gambas2-gb-opengl, gambas2-gb-qt-opengl, libghc6-opengl-dev, libghc6-opengl-doc (and 9 others)17:43
lukasz_what is a good opengl game?17:43
lukasz_That is 3d and fullscreen17:43
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: It should begin with "title...."17:43
chef_can anyone tell me how to fix? just installed ubuntu on a dual boot windows box from server disk then installed the x desktop... at the end of the desktop install I got a message that sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg received a segmentation fault and when I go to launch x using the startx command I get a server error & machine just goes back to the command line? please help17:43
lukasz_ok thnx17:43
v507why cabrioleur??17:44
rsklukasz_: quakeworld, get it at www.nquake.com17:44
cabrioleurv507: do you have Makefile file in it?17:44
nickrudVolkodav, I'm very pleased on my 200m , suspend and aiglx. I haven't really tested speed, I'm only using it for compzi17:44
cabrioleurIf not, maybe you have to run autogen first.17:44
v507i dont know17:44
monrahello. as i see from "lpstat -d" my default printer is deksjet but when i try lpr -P deskjet file.txt i get that there is no such file17:44
v507it said in readme file17:44
cabrioleurv507: what software again?17:45
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Put a # in front of the title, root, kernel, initrd, quiet, for the windows one only. You can leave the rest alone.17:45
Volkodavhmm - what about resolution though - I heard it has a bug that it will not go over 1280x102417:45
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Also, if you want, you can change the timeout sec to something shorter like 3 instead of 10.17:46
[andres]is it possible to create a md-raid device where one of the underlying devices is a normal file?17:46
nickrudVolkodav, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide#Monitor_detection_.281680x1050_Resolution_Issue.2917:46
cabrioleurv507: did you run ./configure first?17:46
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Got it?17:46
AbyssalOdd-rationale: i changed the timeout to 5. but i am not sure about the other lines.17:47
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Which ones?17:47
nickrudVolkodav, that is a great page for setting it up17:47
AbyssalOdd-rationale:  i will send you the last few lines and you can tell me where to make a # in front of.17:47
Volkodavcool thanks17:47
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Pastebin please. or PM17:48
dgranthow can I get 'less' to show color properly and not give me color codes17:48
MrDinklesAlready have Gparted downloaded to my computer-- However, I want to install those files on a cd so i can create partitions on this hd...how is this done?17:50
AbyssaltitleUbuntu 7.10, memtest86+17:50
Abyssal# This is a divider, added to separate the menu items below from the Debian17:50
Abyssal# ones.17:50
dgrantI got my answer, it's less -R17:50
AbyssaltitleOther operating systems:17:50
Abyssal# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS17:50
Abyssal# on /dev/sda117:50
AbyssaltitleMicrosoft Windows XP Home Edition17:50
fotoflohey all17:50
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Paste bin!17:50
TaskOK... I am reinstalling ubuntu... I got the 64x version,,, the newest one 7.10   and I hit install... it is staying still at a black screen with the last line that says  "*Running local boot scripts (ect/rc.local)" How long should it stay right here?17:50
fotofloi have a new install of ubuntu server i am playing around with....17:50
fotofloso i have some questions17:51
fotoflo(LAMP surver)17:51
lukasz_Im gonna try nquake :)17:51
fotoflohow do i get apache to stop telling the world about my architecture?17:51
con-manwhen I type "sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.07-pkg1.run" I get the message "sh: Can't open NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.07-pkg1.run" any ideas?17:51
nickrudTask, hit enter17:51
Tasknickrud : did just went down a line17:52
nickrudTask, no    Login:   ?17:52
LjLcon-man: why are you trying to install the raw thing instead of just using the ubuntu package?17:52
Taskno... I am installing right now....17:52
con-mano wait nvm17:52
con-manfigured it ou17:52
nickrudTask, is this the live cd?17:52
Taskis it checking online right now or something?17:53
con-manok sooooo I try to isntall that package and it says I can do it because I have X running17:53
nickrudTask, I hate to say this, but you should probably download the alternate cd and install from there. The live cd has issues on some machines17:53
AbyssalOdd-rationale: ok it is in the pastebin.17:53
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: I told you to use the pastebin. You didn't listen to me. See what happens? ;)17:53
Taskdang it....17:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:53
MrDinklescon-man: what did you have to do to make it install?17:53
AbyssalOdd-rationale: can you see it? somehow i got kicked here.17:53
Taskwhy didnt I just get that in the first place17:53
* Task hits himself in the head17:53
con-manLjL I am installing that package because I cant get dual display to work with the restricted driver17:54
AbyssalOdd-rationale:  i did not know the pastebin.17:54
cabrioleurcon-man, ubuntu goes crazy when you install nvidia-built drivers. First, change the runlevel to 3, or alt-ctrl-f1, loggin, kill gdm, and do it from there.17:54
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: just pm me then.17:54
Taskok well d/ling it now  thanks nickrud17:54
LjLcon-man: have you tried nvidia-glx-new too?17:54
nickrudTask, I learned that lesson a few releases ago, but this time I stupidly got the live cd, and got lucky :)17:54
v507i have a problem after ./configure17:54
AbyssalOdd-rationale: i did17:54
lukasz_damn how big is nquake?17:54
Taskit didnt stay long on that part?17:54
LjL!elaborate | v50717:54
ubotuv507: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)17:54
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Copy you text into the pastebin. then give me the link.17:55
nickrudTask, no, you shouldn't even see the rc.local stuff if the cd is booting into X correctly17:55
AbyssalOdd-rationale: twice i sent a pm but you did not react. :-) so i posted here and got kicked.17:55
Taskalso... for some reason I think when I tried it out before... abotu a year ago.. it kept going out of my HZ range for my monitor... how do I adjust it?17:55
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Are you registered?17:55
fotoflo$ sudo -l17:55
fotofloSorry, user [username] may not run sudo on [host].17:55
con-manLjL thats the one I have17:55
con-manI think17:55
cabrioleurv507: did you download the recent svn?17:55
fotoflowhats happening here??17:55
nickrud!fixres | Task (if really necessary, X is smarter now)17:55
ubotuTask (if really necessary, X is smarter now): The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto17:55
donovanhrm... gnome-xchat doesn't use the same config as xchat17:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:55
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Only registered people can send PM's17:56
sorush20My computer has wireless internet.. and an ethernet port. can I get other computers that don't have and wireless connection to connect to the internet using my computer via an ethernet-ethernet connection?17:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fixres? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:56
AbyssalOdd-rationale: not registered.17:56
Taskthat would be the command?17:56
v507i have download the latest svn17:56
KlrSpzsorush20: yep!17:56
nickrudTask, the stuff that follows, that's a trigger to give you some info17:56
KlrSpzsorush20: leme find the article that helped me best17:56
con-manLjL in Xorg.cong my driver is "nvidia"17:56
Taskahhh lol17:56
AbyssalOdd-rationale: i see. not nexxessary. let us use the pastebin.17:56
carnage__hy all17:56
cabrioleurv507: I did the same just now, and I had to do autoconf to create configure file.17:56
LjLcon-man: that's correct for both nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new17:56
Task!fixres | Task (if really necessary, X is smarter now)17:56
ubotuTask (if really necessary, X is smarter now): The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto17:56
cabrioleurv507: then make went just fine.17:56
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49985/17:57
KlrSpzsorush20: actually, let me just hook you up with my script.. it's easier17:57
MrDinkles Already have Gparted downloaded to my computer-- However, I want to install those files on a cd so i can create partitions on this hd...how is this done?17:57
TaskThanks nickrud17:57
con-manwhen I go to "screens and graphics" there is only 1 monitor on the list17:57
TaskBBL when its done d/ling for more of your great service   :)17:57
turbocuecaI used bcm43xx-fwcutter to extract the firmware from the bcmwl5.sys, it extracted some *.fw files. Where am I supposed to put them?17:57
v507how to autoconf???17:57
cabrioleurv507, type autoconf then ./configure, and make at the end.17:57
Sammy88Hi there, I have some problems with the suspend and the hibernate mode. Is there a somebody who knows much about that topic? I tried several things...17:57
v507iĺl try it17:58
con-manLjL shouldnt there be two listed because I have two monitors hooked up?17:58
KlrSpzsorush20: http://pastebin.org/1336217:58
carnage__Hy I have a problem when i watch video after aprox. 10 min the screen blanks out.What should i do?17:58
KlrSpzsorush20: there ya go!, just change the interface names if they differ17:58
LjLcon-man: don't really know, never tried such a setup17:58
LjL!dualhead > con-man    (con-man, see the private message from Ubotu)17:58
KlrSpzcarnage__: tell the movie player to handl ethe screensaver properly in the options somewhere.. which app are you using?17:58
v507cabrioleur: what version of autoconf do u use???17:58
nickrudcarnage__, right click the panel, and add the   inhibit   applet, that will allow you to tell the screensaver to leave your screen alone for a while17:58
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Actually, do it like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49987/17:59
cabrioleurv507: 2.6117:59
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Got it?17:59
lukasz_alright it works nquake :)17:59
lukasz_But the sound is horrible17:59
carnage__but i think it's not screensaver related because  i killed the screensaver and the power managemnt18:00
carnage__aand anyway i setted the screensaver to 2 h so dunno18:01
KlrSpzsorush20: you there?!18:01
nickrudcarnage__, then you can use   xset -dpms   in a terminal18:01
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
Sammy88I'm searching for somebody who knows how to get a laptop's suspend or hibernate mode working...18:01
KlrSpzcarnage__: that's probably dpms set up on your xorg conf18:01
nickrudcarnage__, why it's doing it I have no clue18:01
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: When you're done, save and close the file. Then open a terminal and do "sudo update-grub"18:01
KlrSpzSammy88: if it doesn't work out of the box, your hardware does not support it yet18:01
carnage__it's very anoying18:01
nickrudcarnage__, I believe you :)18:02
Sammy88oh dmmt18:02
v507cabrioleur: after i type make command it said :18:02
Jordan_U_sorush20, If nobody else has answered you already, yes, you can share your wireless connection via ethernet18:02
Sammy88thanks for the answer :-)18:02
nickrudSammy88, what video driver are you using?18:02
AbyssalOdd-rationale: got it. changed it and saved it. the # reminds to windows if you did not want sth to appear at the bootscreen. when configuring the autoexec.bat then. :-)18:02
v507make[1]: Entering directory `/home/v507/Documents/metalserve-0.3/src/common'18:02
v507make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.18:02
v507make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/v507/Documents/metalserve-0.3/src/common'18:02
v507make[1]: Entering directory `/home/v507/Documents/metalserve-0.3/src/lib'18:02
v507make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.18:02
v507make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/v507/Documents/metalserve-0.3/src/lib'18:02
v507make[1]: Entering directory `/home/v507/Documents/metalserve-0.3/src/makelist'18:02
v507make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.18:03
v507make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/v507/Documents/metalserve-0.3/src/makelist'18:03
v507make[1]: Entering directory `/home/v507/Documents/metalserve-0.3/src/metalserved'18:03
v507make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.18:03
KlrSpzidiot use a pastebin18:03
Vinconzo!pastebin v50718:03
v507make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/v507/Documents/metalserve-0.3/src/metalserved'18:03
carnage__thanks for the quick respons you all rock18:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebin v507 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:03
Jordan_U_!paste > v50718:03
KlrSpzcarnage__: i have a problem where i use xubuntu, and mplayer is compiled for gnome support so i actually had to write a simple script to kill xscreensaver THEN launch mplayer18:03
Sammy88I have an ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 and am using the ATI Drivers from their homepage18:03
v507!pastebin make[1]: Entering directory `/home/v507/Documents/metalserve-0.3/src/common'18:03
v507make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.18:03
v507make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/v507/Documents/metalserve-0.3/src/common'18:03
v507make[1]: Entering directory `/home/v507/Documents/metalserve-0.3/src/lib'18:03
v507make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.18:03
v507make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/v507/Documents/metalserve-0.3/src/lib'18:03
KlrSpzgod this isn't 199018:03
v507make[1]: Entering directory `/home/v507/Documents/metalserve-0.3/src/makelist'18:03
nickrudSammy88, the 7.12 ?18:03
v507make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.18:03
v507make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/v507/Documents/metalserve-0.3/src/makelist'18:03
v507make[1]: Entering directory `/home/v507/Documents/metalserve-0.3/src/metalserved'18:03
Jordan_U_v507, NO18:03
v507make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.18:03
Sammy88one moment18:03
v507make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/v507/Documents/metalserve-0.3/src/metalserved'18:03
AbyssalOdd-rationale: i updated the grub as you told me.18:03
KlrSpzwho doesn't know about pastebins these days!?18:03
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Any errors?18:03
AbyssalOdd-rationale: what next?18:03
Jordan_U_v507, Read the message from ubotu, do not try to paste anything else until you do18:04
multi_iois acroread available as an ubuntu packet?18:04
Sammy88nickrud: I am using 7.1118:04
the_bad_rockcan anyone help me with my sound card on ubuntu 7.4?18:04
LjL!paste | v50718:04
ubotuv507: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:04
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Did sudo update-grub spit out any errors?18:04
Sammy88nickrud: 7.12 cannot be really old - I loaded it only a few days ago...18:05
Jordan_U_KlrSpz, Many people don't know about it, heck, most people havn't even heard of IRC18:05
sorush20KlrSpz: i'm here18:05
shonenpaste bins are niiiiccccee18:05
v507i newbie18:05
the_bad_rockno errors18:05
LjLmulti_io: not anymore, i'm afraid18:05
v507im newbe18:05
nickrudSammy88, that one supports suspend, modify /etc/default/acpi , using:  SAVE_VBE_STATE=false POST_VIDEO=false USE_DPMS=false18:06
monraas i see from "lpstat -d" my default printer is deksjet but when i try lpr -P deskjet file.txt i get that there is no such file18:06
AbyssalOdd-rationale: as far as i can see. No! see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49988/18:06
nickrudSammy88, I am so happy to be able to suspend my laptop now :)18:06
LjLv507: then perhaps you shouldn't be compiling a server package...? ;)18:06
sorush20KlrSpz: my computer has ra0 as the wireless computer chip18:06
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: OK Now reboot your computer, hold your breathe, and pray that it works.18:06
tim167how do i make a video tutorial ?18:06
Sammy88nickrud: Thanks a lot, I will try that one18:06
multi_ioLjL: ok thanks18:06
sorush20KlrSpz: how do I re arrange the script18:06
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
LjLv507: anyway, that looks like a successful make to me18:06
Sammy88nickrud: You didn't know that too?18:06
KlrSpzsorush20: lines 7 and 8 are the interfaces... EXT is your internet connection, the INT is your network18:06
nickrudSammy88, know what?18:07
LjLKlrSpz: please, don't call people idiots. if a channel flood or some other emergency is happening, just call !ops18:07
fotoflonickrud: you here?18:07
AbyssalOdd-rationale: hahaha... i not then it was nice to meet you. :-) otherwise see you later!18:07
con-mandont suppose anyone can help me set up dual-head?18:07
nickrudfotoflo, hi there18:07
KlrSpznah, it's pretty idiotic to paste 10+ lines in a room regardless of knowledge of a pastebin.. for crying out loud there's almost 1200 ppl in here with at least 30 actively speaking18:07
patecan anyone tell me how to install pichat?18:07
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: See ya. good luck18:07
fotofloNickrud: thanks for your help earlier... have another question for you :-)18:08
LjLKlrSpz: well personal insults are not appreciated in this channel anymore than pasting is.18:08
Jordan_U_con-man, Have you tried System -> Administration -> Screens and Graphics ? ( not that I expect it to work unfortunately )18:08
Odd-rationaletim167: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/18:08
=== dmb_ is now known as dmb
LjLv507: still looks like a successful make to me.18:08
con-man Jordan_U yes I have18:08
nickrudfotoflo, sorry, you've had your question ;-p18:08
tim167Odd-rationale ha thanks18:09
v507then how to run the program??18:09
fotofloI have never compiled apache before, but i have administered it on several (basic) systems... I would like to try and compile it now18:09
fotoflocurrently i have it installed from apt-get18:09
LjLv507: that's another matter... does it not come with instructions?18:09
x3roconfwhat's wrong with apt-get?18:09
LjLfotoflo: so why would you compile it after these ubuntu guys have put so much effort into packaging it?18:09
fotoflocan i do an apt-get remove/clean and then try and compile? and if something goes wrong, just reinstall it?18:09
nickrudfotoflo, I echo LjL18:09
Jordan_U_!compile | fotoflo18:10
ubotufotoflo: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:10
Odd-rationaletim167: np18:10
fotofloLjL: the default install isnt perfect for everyone's needs18:10
Jordan_U_LjL, Because he can? :)18:10
LjLfotoflo, no, if something goes wrong when you compile, you may need to remove each created file manually (and *find* them first).18:10
Sammy88nickrud, you meant the file /etc/default/acpi-support, didn't you?18:10
LjLfotoflo: and it's not stuff that can be changed from the runtime configuration?18:10
nickrudfotoflo, do  aptitude search ~i^apache , remove all those packages18:10
nickrudSammy88, yes, isn't that what I wrote?18:11
kyleBAKEDwhat is the vga mode for 1280x800?18:11
fotofloljl: find / -cmin 5 ?18:11
nickrudSammy88, ah, I didn't18:11
fotoflothanks Jordan_U... reading18:11
LjLfotoflo: that may work if nothing's been overwritten.18:11
Sammy88nickrud, It'll take a moment...18:11
ijnhi all18:12
fotoflonever used aptitude before either18:12
ijnwhat do I need to to play video in flash from you tube?18:12
LjL!flash > ijn    (ijn, see the private message from Ubotu)18:12
* nickrud is off to eat lunch18:13
Sammy88nickrud, I will try out now StandBy... :-)18:13
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:13
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.18:13
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Well?18:13
Arrickhrrm, Ive been trying all night to get my ubuntu 6.06.1 server install to actually use mod_rewrite in apache, but uhmm, it says it is enabled, but it doesnt work18:13
omarI have a problem in installing Amarok and Kaffeine from the Add/Remove applictionar18:13
Arrickany suggestions?18:13
LjL!msgthebot > KlrSpz    (KlrSpz, see the private message from Ubotu)18:13
^Ocean^Hey, is it possible too run Ubuntu off a USB thumb drive ?18:13
AbyssalOdd-rationale: it worked. thank you. i had 3 options: 1. ubuntu 7.10, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic 2.(recovery mode) 3.memtest86+18:14
AbyssalOdd-rationale: very well! :-)18:14
Sammy88nickrud: Uhm, I got another problem yet...18:14
Odd-rationale^Ocean^: Yes. But I would reccommend DSL or Puppy linux for that.18:14
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: Great! Enjoy.18:14
AbyssalOdd-rationale:  thank you again. i will recommend you.18:15
Sammy88nickrud: Whenever I start the standby mode it only shows me a window: "Please log in" - the station is locked...18:15
AbyssalOdd-rationale: where can i find that pastebin again? url?18:15
Sammy88nickrud: I log in and it tells me that going into suspend mode didn't work (like I didnt notice...)18:15
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: No need to reccomend me. I'm just a ordinary channel spammer18:15
KlrSpzSammy88: it locks the screen before suspending, your pc just isn't suspending18:15
Jordan_U_^Ocean^, Yes https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:16
Sammy88KlrSpz: yes18:16
johnficcawhere does ubuntu keep the modules that load on boot?18:16
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49987/18:16
ubotuTo compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard !kernel, install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see !blacklist18:16
omarI have a problem in installing Amarok and Kaffeine from the Add/Remove application18:16
LjLomar: what problem?18:16
Jordan_U_omar, What is the problem?18:16
Stingyhi. is there a way to get the sources of linux-image-2.6.22-14-xen18:17
Sammy88KlrSpz: May this effect be based on the hibernate package?18:17
johnficcaI'm having a problem with a wireless card of mine18:17
omarLjL: Can you give me the link where I can pastebin ?18:17
Sammy88KlrSpz: I tried a lot of things, and this was one of them18:17
LjL!pastebin > omar    (omar, see the private message from Ubotu)18:17
Sammy88KlrSpz, installing the hibernate package18:18
con-manwould anyone be willing to take a look at my Xorg.conf and tell me why my dual head isnt working?18:18
KlrSpzSammy88: not a lot of hardware works properly with hibernate/suspend in linux18:18
LjL!kernel > Stingy    (Stingy, see the private message from Ubotu)18:18
NorDochello guys18:18
Sammy88KlrSpz, That would be too sad if it couldnt be gotten to work because that is a -r-e-a-l-l-y important function to me...18:19
con-manI have done everything the help page said18:19
StingyLjL, the kernel with xen is bugy i cannot use nvidia driver and there is no modul for clocking down the cpu18:19
NorDocany ideas on how to turn ubuntu into a wireless hotspot?18:19
Jordan_U_Sammy88, What happens when you try to suspend?18:19
KiD_ChAoSa program i'm installing calls for me to do 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers' but which headers pacage sould i choose18:20
johnficcathey have a driver for my card and when I use there install scripts the card starts working but then I have to run them every time I reboot...need help18:20
Sammy88Jordan_U_, The screen wents black, with light on. Then it shows a prompt like the station is locked: "Please enter your password" or something like that18:20
Jordan_U_Stingy, How would you use an nvidia module and why would you underclock a xen guest OS?18:20
AbyssalOdd-rationale: does the pastebin only exist in the netherlands? http://paste.ubuntu-ger.org did not work18:20
LjLKiD_ChAoS: most likely linux-headers-generic18:20
Jordan_U_Sammy88, And if you try to enter your password?18:21
KiD_ChAoSok LjL and what are these exactly?18:21
LjLAbyssal, it's hosted there...18:21
StingyJordan_U_, i speak of Dom018:21
pbxhello everybody. I am trying to compute several times the MD5 sum of a file and it is ever changing18:21
LjLKiD_ChAoS: the kernel headers?18:21
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: I don't know18:21
LjLpbx: how are you doing it?18:21
KiD_ChAoSoh ok18:21
aoupiI dragged a new theme to the Appearance window, and now I can't get the old default theme back18:21
pbxAny explanation?18:21
Sammy88Jordan_U_, Then it logs me in and tells me (with a little popup in the right bottom corner) that suspending wasnt successfully done...18:21
AbyssalOdd-rationale: and how was that with those PMs again? i need to register first?18:21
pbxLjL, md5sum file18:22
johnficcamy card is a realtek trl8185L18:22
LjLpbx: are you sure the file is *supposed* to be static? i.e. not some system file that gets updated?18:22
Odd-rationale!register | Abyssal18:22
Sammy88nickrud, are you still there?18:22
ubotuAbyssal: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration18:22
pbxLjL, it is a ubuntu CD image18:22
pbxso it is freshly downloaded18:22
nickrudSammy88, just got my lunch, what's up18:22
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
pbxAnd shouldnt change18:23
omarLjL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49992/18:23
mboldiscDoes anyone know how to convert a WMV file to FLV without losing the audio?18:23
Sammy88nickrud, Uhm my computer locks the session before it goes to suspend18:23
LjLpbx: hardware problems are likely. use "smartmontools" (run "smartctl -H /dev/yourdrive" and, for more detail, "smartctl -A /dev/yourdrive" to check the HD -- and to check the RAM, select MemTest in your GRUB boot menu)18:23
Odd-rationaleAbyssal: g2g see ya!18:23
nickrudSammy88, did suspend ever work, like with the ati driver?18:23
Jordan_USammy88, Have you tried uswusp?18:23
LjLomar: please pastebin the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list file18:23
mboldiscEverytime I use ffmpeg to convert video files, I lose the audio.18:23
Sammy88nickrud, if I log in it tells me suspending wasnt successull18:23
Stingyso, again. is there a way to get the xen patched kernel source?18:23
nickrudSammy88, but with the ati driver, did it work?18:23
pbxLjL, Thank you. This HD is brand new18:24
NorDocnothing, right?18:24
LjLpbx: doesn't mean it can't be broken -- actually, quite the contrary. anyway, i find RAM more likely.18:24
Sammy88nickrud, I got that far in the beginning, that it went silent and black and all, so it was suspended18:24
pbxOK. Will check18:24
nickrudSammy88, and it would wake properly when you used the original ubuntu driver?18:24
Sammy88nickrud, but when i woke it up he showed me a black enlightened screen forever18:24
johnficcasee they have a driver here for my card
Sammy88nickrud, that never worked18:25
nickrudSammy88, then you might have hardware problems, maybe Jordan_U 's suggestion will work. Never had to use that, suspend worked here in a default install18:25
Sammy88nickrud, besides, then the solution of 1280x800 didnt work18:25
=== Q_Contoxicated is now known as Q_Continuum
Sammy88Jordan_U, what is uswusp?18:25
johnficcaI just need to find out how to get the modules to load on boot18:25
fotoflonickrud: lets say I start messing around with other things after i compile apache - change the sudoers file and the hosts file and some other experimentation... if i mess up up bigtime, is it possible to restore an ubuntu server to a barren server, like juts after install?18:25
=== nicolai_ is now known as Kopfgeldjaeger
omarLjL: How do view it?18:26
Jordan_USammy88, It is an alternate suspend system18:26
LjLomar: gedit /etc/apt/sources.list18:26
nickrudfotoflo, not simply, no18:26
johnficcahow do I check what network modules are in uses right now?18:26
omarLjL: Thanks18:26
Sammy88Jordan_U, got one last idea, wait a moment (didnt try it, to answer your question...)18:26
fotofloso if i really mess up, i'll need call the people at my hosting company and have them reinstall from cd?18:26
Sammy88nickrud, Could that effect depend on the hibernate package?18:26
nickrudfotoflo, I'd suggest installing a revision control system and working inside that for config files, it will save your life18:26
nickrudSammy88, oh, yes18:26
Sammy88nickrud, oh, great :D18:27
fotoflonickrud: sounds like a good idea18:27
fotoflolike cvs for the OS18:27
Sammy88nickrud, that was one of the things i installed in the challenge to get my suspend mode working :D18:27
nickrudfotoflo, yes, I used rcs for /etc , it's simple and is easy to back up18:27
fotoflonickrud: can you reccomend one?18:27
taintsaucehello children. i just got a spankin' new HDTV and am having some difficulty in getting the damn thing to play nice with X. and by play nice with X, i mean all the resolutions I get end up going off the panel18:27
fotofloill read up18:27
taintsauceanyone have any ideas on this?18:28
Flare183johnficca: to list all of the modules you can use lsmod18:28
nickrudfotoflo, but now I use nothing, since I never have to edit /etc anymore. The wonderful work by ubuntu has done that for me :)18:28
omarLjL: There you go, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49993/18:28
Flare183johnficca: just be careful18:28
Sammy88nickrud, maybe remove vbetool too?18:28
DelvienAnyone know what package i have to install to get PCMCIA wifi card working ?18:28
fotoflonickrud: yeah, ubuntu did a nice job of making an easy install18:28
bmackany idea why i get this error message in konqueror :  unknown - the kde crash handler : the application unknown (nspluginviewer) crashed and caused the signal 11 (sigsegv)18:28
Jordan_UDelvien, Depends on the card18:28
fotoflonickrud: but im a tinkerer18:28
Flare183Delvien: What type of card?18:29
nickrudSammy88, I never had to really read up on suspend, since it worked here out of the box. I'm not the person that can help with problems with that, sorry18:29
Flare183Delvien: What brand that is?18:29
DelvienJordan_U Belkin 54 g , PCMCIA18:29
LjLomar, everything is commented out... i suggest you generate a new sources.list file18:29
LjL!easysource > omar    (omar, see the private message from Ubotu)18:29
snuckWhats the best OSX like dock program?18:29
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.18:29
Delviensnuck Avant-window-manager18:29
Flare183snuck: kiba-dock18:29
fotoflonickrud: and i have to set up a secure production enviremnent, so ive got a lot of reading to do...18:29
Delviensnuck woops , Avant window navigator,18:30
nickrudfotoflo, got my tinkering out of my system with debian sid. Just as I was getting tired of it, along came ubuntu and it changed my life <snicker>18:30
fotoflo(and not enough time)18:30
omarLjL: There you go, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49993/18:30
omarLjL: There you go, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49993/18:30
DelvienFlare183 Belkin 54 g pcmcia18:30
fotofloi dont think ill ever be done tinkering18:30
bmackany idea why i get this error message in konqueror :  unknown - the kde crash handler : the application unknown (nspluginviewer) crashed and caused the signal 11 (sigsegv)18:30
omarLjL: thanks18:30
Flare183Delvien: ok one sec18:30
fotofloif i am, ill quit and move to thailand or aspen or something18:31
Jordan_UDelvien, Try System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager18:31
DelvienFlare183 thanks,18:31
snuckDcool I ll check them out thanks for the info18:31
omarSo sorry for the flood18:31
omarby mistake18:31
johnficcaFlare183: in linux what does insmod mean?18:31
snuggjohnficca: man insmod18:31
tim167i'm trying to recordMyDesktop, but if i have an audio app open it won't record because it can't use the soundcard ? how can i fix this ?18:31
nickrudfotoflo, I just found a different thing to tinker with, true. I tinker with opc's now18:31
DelvienJordan_U the problem is. the computer im trying to get the card working on doesnt have internet (NIC is busted, hence the PCMCIA wifi)18:31
LjLomar: i didn't want you to paste it, i wanted you to generate a new sources.list using the site i gave you and then make it your new /etc/apt/sources.list. (use « gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list » to be allowed to edit and save the file)18:31
Hypergraphedentify irchighway18:31
LjLHypergraphe: change it18:31
Flare183johnficca: it inserts a module into the kernel18:31
omarLjL:Yes I didn't mean to paste lol.. :)18:32
johnficcahow do I blacklist a modules18:32
Jordan_UDelvien, Does restricted manager recommend any packages?18:32
LjL!blacklist > johnficca    (johnficca, see the private message from Ubotu)18:32
omarLjL: To paste it*18:32
DelvienJordan_U nope18:32
ijnI did some reading around but still im confused18:32
con-mando I have to have in nVidia built driver for TwinView to work?18:32
snuggjohnficca: do not forget, there are other details like module dependencies that insmod does not resolve sometimes18:33
ijnso what to do have aworking flash in firefox18:33
fotoflothe first thing i need to do is mess with the sudoers file so my newly added user can run sudo18:33
fotofloand i dont have to do everything from root18:33
ijnsome say is broken some say that the fix is out18:33
nickrudfotoflo, add the new user to the admin group, no sudoers editing needed18:33
Flare183Delvien: ok now is the card broadcom related at all?18:33
Flare183Delvien: or do you know?18:33
sammy_nickrud, ok, im back18:33
LjLijn: the fix is not out, a patch is around on the web however. the !flash factoid gave you a link to that, didn't it?18:33
DelvienFlare183 not to sure, reading the manual atm18:33
fotoflonickrud: this seems like basic sys-admin info18:33
LjL!flash > ijn    (ijn, see the private message from Ubotu)18:33
sammy_nickrud, that was a restart..18:33
ijnanyone dealed with adobe flash latley18:33
johnficcaand where do I put modules that I need to load on boot18:34
omarLjL: Do I paste the source list in my source.list file now??18:34
fotoflonickrud: is there a good sys-admin manual that you can reccommend?18:34
nickrudsammy_, kinda figured, your old nick is still hanging around18:34
Flare183!flash > ijn18:34
LjLomar: yes, paste the one that you created from the site into your file, and delete the old one.18:34
sammy_nickrud, so, how did you know about these settings if you never read up this point?18:34
omarLjL: Ok18:34
Flare183johnficca: on the blacklist18:34
DelvienFlare183 of course in the manual.. they only have the idiots guide to windows drivers installation18:34
ijnso gnash is a alternative for flash18:34
sammy_nickrud, yeah, my old nick is not easy to kill^18:34
ijnim on gustsy 64bit18:35
Flare183Delvien: got the cd?18:35
omarLjL: Done, what now?18:35
DelvienFlare183 yep18:35
con-mando I have to have in nVidia built driver for TwinView to work?18:35
Jordan_Usammy_, /ghost sammy <password>?18:35
LjLomar: type « sudo apt-get update » and then try again installing18:35
nickrudfotoflo, I regularly browse http://www.debianadmin.com/ . A few ubuntu dev's have written books, but I haven't read them18:35
sammy_Jordan_U, what do you mean with that? never used irc much...18:35
godzirraHowdy folks.  I compiled nautilus and eel from source to get multiple wallpaper support.  How do I tell nautilus-cd-burner to install wihtout looking for dependencies?18:36
sammy_how dangerous is it to remove vbetool?18:36
Flare183Delvien: ok then put the cd in and fire up a termnial and change to the drive (usually somewhere in the /media folder) and the type in ls and pastebin the output18:36
nickrudsammy_, I just did a search on google for ati fglrx suspend , since that's all I needed to know18:36
johnficcaFlare183: is it in /etc/modules?18:36
DelvienFlare183 sec, just installed some packages on it, rebooted the lappy.18:37
sammy_nickrud, I feel depressed! I'm working on that topic for over 4 days...18:37
godzirraOr how do I make the nautilus I compiled into a .deb to install and supply my dependencies.18:37
Flare183johnficca: think so might want to ask out so to make sure18:37
tim167how can i get recordMyDesktop to record sound from an audio application ? now it wont record because it cant 'configure the soundcard' ...18:37
Jordan_Usammy_, If you are trying to kill "sammy" that is the way to do it, if you have registered the nick at least18:37
sammy_nickrud, and you get answers that easy...18:37
Flare183Delvien: ok just do what i said just now18:37
sammy_Jordan_U, don't know how to register a nick, and for that - Sammy88 is not registered...18:37
fotoflonickrud: its nearly impossible to find english books about linux here in beijing... and if you do find them they are from 199918:38
sammy_Jordan_U, but thx for the tipp^^18:38
Flare183Delvien: i got to see if it is broadcom-related card18:38
nickrudsammy_, before you try getting fglrx to suspend, I'd suggest you get your machine to suspend in a default setup. That's the *hard* part, and it just Works for Me™18:38
con-mando I have to have in nVidia built driver for TwinView to work?18:38
fotoflo(i have a few of them from 1999... theres a lot of good stuff in them still, but also a lot has changed)18:38
sammy_nickrud, what do you mean with "default setup" - without ati drivers?18:38
snuggfotoflo: you can always order online? or print them if you get the e-books18:38
nickrudfotoflo, on the net, look for debian system admin books/sites , for a server they will be extremely apt18:39
BetaTestHow do I install VLC player?18:39
Flare183!vlc > BetaTest18:39
VadiBetaTest: go to add/remove, search for "vlc"18:39
rskBetaTest: fire up synaptic search for it and install it18:39
logankoesterA zombie java is preventing me from launching AptanaStudio, how can this be resolved without a reboot?18:39
fotoflonickrud: ok18:39
fotoflonickrud: thanks18:39
BetaTestAh, thank you18:39
^Ocean^is it poosible too run ubuntu off a usb flash drive ?18:39
Flare183^Ocean^: yeap18:39
Vadilogankoester: Tried System Monitor?18:39
logankoesterVadi: yeah18:39
logankoesterVadi: I mean, I can see that it's a zombie... beyond that system monitor isn't really helpful18:40
^Ocean^Flare183: And Would it run faster than my ATA100 hard drive ahaha18:40
DelvienFlare183 its so short dont even need to pastebin it ----AUTOTUN.INF, Files, flashmain.swf, Manual, manual.open.exe, Other, start.exe18:40
Jordan_U^Ocean^, Yes, I already posted a link to a tutorial18:40
Carb0nBetaTest: aptitude -y install vlc18:40
Vadilogankoester: right click, kill process :)18:40
Jordan_U^Ocean^, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:40
^Ocean^Jordan_U, Doh, i spaced out, could you Repost that for me :)18:40
^Ocean^Thanks you :)18:40
Flare183^Ocean^: yeah18:40
Jordan_U^Ocean^, no :)18:40
logankoesterVadi: that won't help; zombies are already dead.... hence the name18:40
nickrudSammy88, with the non-restricted drivers, with the default suspend setup. If I couldn't get that to work, Jordan_U 's suggestion is something I'd go look at first18:40
Vadilogankoester: ending doesn't work either?18:40
BetaTestSweet, thank you Carb0n18:41
Flare183Delvien: wow umm can you like pastebin the "files" folder then18:41
Carb0nBetaTest: anytime ;-)18:41
BetaTestWell in that case, I've got more question for ya. Lol18:41
VadiI installed the latest version of tracker (0.6.4), but how can I get the tracker applet to display?18:41
logankoesterVadi: don't know, gnome-system-monitor died and won't start back up now either18:41
sammy_nickrud, thanks, i'll try... maybe it was working and i shoot it down :D18:41
snugglogankoester: can you get to a different init level?18:41
Vadilogankoester: Try starting it again18:41
DelvienFlare183 cant really pastebin, no network on that machine, what are you looking for ? i can just find it.18:41
sammy_nickrud, in my nooby tries :D18:42
logankoesterVadi: I told you, it won't18:42
logankoestersnugg: Yeah, how low do I need to drop?18:42
nickrudsammy_, heh, I've broken things so many times trying to learn. Best way to learn imho18:42
Flare183Delvien: anything that says broadcom or bcm or anything like that18:42
Vadilogankoester: I'm not sure then.18:42
DelvienFlare183 looking in sub dirs now18:42
Flare183Delvien: ok18:42
logankoesterI'll just reboot. :-/18:42
Vadilogankoester: ctrl+alt+backspace, try that18:43
Flare183Delvien: you might also have to look in the files too18:43
snugglogankoester: well there is only 1, 2-5 or 6 which is reboot, so go to 1 and then back to 2-518:43
logankoesterVadi: The zombie will still exist when X restarts, obviously18:43
logankoesterVadi: thanks for trying, but you're really not being all that helpful18:43
sammy_nickrud, maybe i try to reinstall ubuntu to start with a "fresh" system :D18:43
DelvienFlare183 nope nothing says BCM or BC18:43
jameswf-home!manners | logankoester18:44
ubotulogankoester: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:44
sammy_nickrud, might be better after reconfiguring that much...18:44
Vadilogankoester: Np.18:44
Flare183Delvien: ok one sec18:44
nickrudsammy_, nothing wrong with a re install18:44
Flare183Delvien: looking at the belkin site18:45
DelvienFlare183 im gonna try and see if ndiswrapper works, not sure , never used ndiswrapper18:45
Flare183Delvien: ok18:45
DelvienFlare183 and timewarner in my area cant access anything but google via web, so .. it weird18:45
sammy_nickrud, but, before doing that, i have another question: how can i find out which panel i should choose in the graphics options?18:45
Seph88I wanted to ask one question.I cant find normal media center for ubuntu18:46
Delvienflare183 brb18:46
Flare183Delvien: ok that's weird18:46
Seph88Can You point me18:46
Flare183Delvien: ok18:46
nickrudsammy_, panel?18:46
Flare183Delvien: when you get back tell me if it's a laptop or desktop18:46
sammy_nickrud, cause i have a wideflatpanel whatever, and id like to have the solution 1280x800 which isnt the case if i dont use ati drivers and dont choose the right lcdpanel18:46
Leo1989Hi guys18:47
nickrudsammy_, also, an important point: exactly what video chip are you using?18:47
Carb0nSeph88: What do you mean "normal media center"?18:47
sammy_nickrud, out of the list of panels in the graphics settings...18:47
=== sammy_ is now known as Sammy88
a514Hi how do i add a partition to mount auto ?18:47
Sammy88nickrud, so, old new nick :D18:47
Seph88replacement for windows version :)18:47
Leo1989Someone, please send any Dev-C++ or wxDev-C++ package for Ubuntu to terran@meta.ua    I can't find where to download it :(18:48
Seph88like in mediacenter 200318:48
a514ubotu how do i mount a partition18:48
Carb0nSeph88: Windows version of what?  TV viewer? DVD player? be specific18:48
Sammy88nickrud, is "ATI Mobility Radeon X1600" enough or does that nothing say about the chip?18:48
Carb0nSeph88: Sorry, I haven't used MediaCenter 200318:48
utopia_does ubuntu let you partition drives during  the install?18:48
Flare183utopia_: yeap18:48
Flare183!gparted | utopia_18:49
ubotuutopia_: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/18:49
nickrudSammy88, that's exactly what I wanted. Yes, you will have to use the ati driver to get 1200x800, but see if you can get suspend working before you do that change18:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mediacenter - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:49
Flare183utopia_: or atparted18:49
con-manhow do I choose which sound card ubuntu uses? its using the wrong one and I have no sound18:49
CWhey whats a good apache gui?18:49
Flare183!qtparted | utopia_18:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qtparted - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:49
nickrudSammy88, it's one complication out of the way18:49
Seph881.remote control 2.dvd player and disk writing18:49
DelvienFlare183 happen to know the command i should be running with Ndiswrapper?  I cant get to ubuntu forums18:49
Flare183oops sorry18:49
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:49
Carb0n!lirc | Seph8818:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lirc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:50
utopia_im currently running fedora, i want to swtich to ubuntu..my drive is partitioned i just want to make sure i can select drives during the install18:50
Sammy88nickrud, okidoki, thanks a lot18:50
Seph88time to check18:50
Flare183Delvien: ndiswrapper -i (inf driver file)18:50
louisiannaIm new here, how can I add the network icon on my deskbar, the one that shows the wireless networks. I removed by error and cannot find it18:50
utopia_do hard drive devices look like /dev/sda2 / sda3 etc on ubuntu?18:50
Sammy88nickrud, so lets get to work :)18:50
TheEaglehi - i am trying to make sure my machine is secure - i have done a portscan and found my open ports, what do i do now to to check if it can be exploited, is their an exploit i can use to test it?18:50
nickrudSammy88, one more thing:18:50
Carb0nSeph88: You can use LIRC to bring in remote control support.18:50
Jimdbanyone else have an issue with libbeagle after the recent update?18:51
Sammy88nickrud, but ill try - dammit, what was the name of that other suspend program?18:51
Carb0nSeph88: DVD can be played by a no. of players -- Totem, GXine, VLC, Mplayer18:51
a514I installed PulseAudio How do i get sound for games?18:51
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:51
Carb0nSeph88: enable medibuntu repo to get libdvdcss2 -- play encrypted dvds18:51
Delvienflare183 "no ndiswrapper utils found!"18:51
jameswf-homeI pretty much use mplayer vor movies18:51
ezebehi all, GRUB problem - i have ubuntu dual boot with winXP Pro, have added another HDD with XP Home - was looking to add this OS to my GRUB menu list, having trouble what to call the "root" - (hd1,0) doesnt work, do i have to map hd1 to 0 and vice versa? thanks18:51
nickrudSammy88, when it's time to set up the ati driver that allows suspend, use http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide18:51
Sammy88nickrud, ok, ill save the address18:52
nickrudJordan_U, what was the name of the suspend system you were talking about, want to tell Sammy8818:52
Flare183Delvien: go on the cd and find all the .inf files18:52
DelvienFlare183 i pointed it to it18:52
jameswf-home!grub | ezebe18:52
ubotuezebe: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:52
jameswf-homealso see #grub18:52
CWanyone know a good apache gui? i installed apache2 and its only cmd line18:53
louisiannahow can i put the network icon on deskbar?18:53
Flare183Delvien: and if you have to paste then join #Flare18318:53
nickrudSammy88, it was uswsusp18:53
jameswf-homeapache gui?18:53
cabrioleurCW: dooh. Try webmin18:53
DelvienFlare183 heres my command.. "ndiswrapper -i /media/cdrom0/Files/WINXP/BLKWGNv7.INF18:53
Sammy88nickrud, ah, thanks18:53
Flare183Delvien: ok then what happens18:53
TheEaglehi - i am trying to make sure my machine is secure - i have done a portscan and found my open ports, what do i do now to to check if it can be exploited, is their an exploit i can use to test it?18:53
Delvienflare183 "no ndiswrapper utils found!"18:53
Flare183!repeat | TheEagle18:54
ubotuTheEagle: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:54
Sammy88nickrud, i am so proud of myself getting that far because i am/was a complete newbie to linux/ubuntu18:54
Flare183Delvien: umm ok that's weird18:54
Carb0n!nessus > TheEagle18:54
TheEagleoh, sorry Flare18318:54
DelvienFlare183 ah nm, didnt install the utils18:54
Carb0n!nessus | TheEagle18:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nessus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:54
nickrudTheEagle, have you scanned your machine from the outside, not just from the computer itself?18:54
Flare183TheEagle: ok just be good18:54
TheEaglewell.. i tried on a pc off my lan18:55
Sammy88nickrud, now i know how to install packages, drivers, (how to download them), how to change several settings, how to get the key manager running like i want it to etc18:55
TheEagle*i mean - it was on my lan18:55
Flare183Delvien: umm good thing you might want to do that18:55
Sammy88there is pretty much work in this 2 week old system :D18:55
jameswf-home!firewall |TheEagle18:55
ubotuTheEagle: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).18:55
DelvienFlare183 :P its harder when that pc doesnt have internet :P18:55
nickrudSammy88, cool, and google.com/linux will be your friend :)18:55
Flare183Delvien: ok how are you on the internet now then?18:56
Sammy88nickrud, woohoo didnt know about that18:56
Vinconzoanybody hre using Ekiga?18:56
kerikhey guys...18:56
Flare183Delvien: different computer right?18:56
Sammy88nickrud, cool thing!18:56
DelvienFlare183 other laptop :P18:56
Sammy88nickrud, thanks again ;-)18:56
kerikcan you tell me which folders to save when I wanna format my computer?18:56
BetaTestHow do I add fonts? o.O18:56
Flare183Delvien: ok then can you transfer files from one to the other?18:56
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer18:56
DelvienFlare183 i got this old IBM for free.. NIC busted, battery dead, but other than that it works great --- yeah i have a thumb drive im transfering files with18:57
BetaTestGood man Flare18318:57
=== nicolai__ is now known as Kopfgeldjaeger
con-manhow do I tell Ubuntu which sound card to use? its using the integrated one and I dont want it to18:57
Flare183BetaTest: no problem18:57
DelvienFlare183 but my internet is being retarded right now18:57
meylindoes anyone here use ubuntu server for a real production server?18:57
jameswf-homecon-man: turn off the onboard in bios18:57
Flare183Delvien: good then I'm going to give the deb files then18:57
Delvienflare183 :P18:57
jameswf-homemeylin: yes18:57
turbocuecaI get a black screen while loadiing ubuntu gutsy gibbon18:57
turbocuecaInstead of the orange bar, it's everything black, but it loads18:58
meylinjameswf-home: nice to hear, thanks18:58
Flare183Delvien: gutsy right?18:58
kerikhey guys....which folder(s) should I save when I wanna format my linux box?18:58
jameswf-homeI use ubuntu as a LAMP and as a asterisk server18:58
niuqim having troubles with recovering the grub, i'm supposed to change to root source, but this command doesn't appears with my live cd of ubuntu "chroot"18:58
turbocuecakerik /home at least18:58
DelvienFlare183 yeah im downloading the packages, dont have to worry about that part ( unless you want me to install something other than ndiswrapper18:58
chuckfkerik, home for sure18:58
turbocuecakerik, basically /home18:58
niuqso if i try sudo grub-install /dev/hda, wont' work18:58
goldphishI'm trying to rebuild linux-restricted-modules but it complains that the fritz module is missing. I don't even need this module, is there a way to make it ignore that?18:59
kerikturbocueca, does it hold my drivers and all that?18:59
kerikturbocueca, and are there other folders which would be good to save?18:59
turbocuecakerik, drivers no18:59
Flare183Delvien: ok keep doing that and copy the inf files off the cd too18:59
Seph88hmm,need check out linux mce18:59
DelvienFlare183 aye18:59
=== diafic is now known as di[a]fic
replicahi, can eny1 help me, i cant se win partitions, after restart!18:59
turbocuecakerik, but u could also save xorg.conf (for the screen configuration)18:59
fivetwentysixI installed the flash plugin but I still can't see flash videos with firefox..18:59
kerikturbocueca, hmm...then I just hope it will find my wireless after install...18:59
turbocuecakerik, it depends on what you wanna save18:59
=== di[a]fic is now known as diafic
kerikturbocueca, xorg.conf is only worth saving if I have made changes?19:00
turbocuecakerik, but home folder will save most of what you do19:00
Flare183replica: if you formatted the entire hd then windows is completly gone19:00
turbocuecakerik, yes, you probably did19:00
kerikturbocueca, well...basically I just wanna start over and save my documents and all that from desktop19:00
turbocuecakerik, ok jsut save /home/(user)19:00
minikylkI want to compile a program, so I did ./configure, that tells me 'cannot compile without libpng', but I installed libpng12-0 through apt.. what's going wrong?19:00
Flare183kerik: then the /home folder is your best shot19:00
kerikturbocueca, thanks a lot mate19:01
replicaflare183:i saw them before intstaling cube desktop, and win fine, but i dont see partitions from linux now:(19:01
william_i bought my dad a nvidia tnt  videocard for his ubuntu machine.  i installed it but after the ubuntu spash screen finishes showing it loading, the screen goes blank.  i have reconfigured the xorg.conf file, but in the wizard it seems like it only saw the intel internal one despite currently using the tnt19:01
kerikFlare183, thanks :)19:01
Flare183kerik: np19:01
fotoflonickrud: just added my user to the admin group. now when i sudo with the user it allows me to sudo, but it asks me for the users login password again19:01
fotoflocan i change it so it asks for a sudo password?19:01
turbocuecakerik, youre welcome19:01
fotoflowhich is distinct from the login passwd?19:01
monraguys.. how is it possible delete lines from .bash_history file and then exit without bash_history geeting the exit command in it?19:01
Flare183replica: installed Compiz on linux right?19:01
hanasakiwhat is the diff between package ntp and ntp-server and openntp19:01
kerikbye for now guys - most helpfull! happy newyear19:01
replicaflare183: yes19:02
Flare183replica: if yeah then just mount all the partitions19:02
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:02
Flare183!ntfs | replica19:02
ubotureplica: please see above19:02
Flare183Delvien: done yet?19:02
DelvienFlare183 taking forever to download anything,19:02
Flare183Delvien: wow ok19:03
niuqwho can help me recovering my grub after installing windows19:03
turbocuecaI can't boot my windows19:03
DelvienFlare183 yeah , time warner is messed up right now19:03
modprobeae pessoal19:03
turbocuecaCan somebody help me boot my windows?19:03
pabixHi LjL, you were right, my RAM is not working well... Is it possible to tell Linux that some memory segment is not to be used?19:03
BetaTestHm.. how do I enable the Universe component of the repositories?19:03
modprobealguem pode me dar um help ai ????? urgente19:03
replicaflare183: any risk of losing data?19:03
nickrudfotoflo, you can tell it to ask for the root password, add rootpw to the defaults in visudo19:03
shishioguys how can i decover a panel that i deleted?19:04
meylinpclinuxos has been #1 at the distrowatch rankings for quite a few months, and in all honesty i don't really see it being popular with the linux community, whether in real life or not. have they been cheating?19:04
fotoflonickrud: any other options? like password b?19:04
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:04
nickrudBetaTest, system->admin->software sources, enable the first four , disable the cdrom19:04
nickrudfotoflo, not that I know of19:04
fotofloim kindof afraid to mess with visudo19:04
Flare183replica: umm you were saying sorry i walked away19:04
shishioguys ive deleted the buttom panel of ubuntu... how can i bring it back??19:04
fotofloDefaults        !lecture,tty_tickets,!fqdn19:05
replicaflare183: any risk of losing data if i mount them?19:05
pabixshishio, right-click on the other panel and select "add panel"19:05
lukasz_how do I message the bot to find something ?19:05
Flare183replica: no19:05
fotofloappend ,rootpw to that line?19:05
pabixand add back elements to your new panel19:05
lukasz_so it wouldn't display here19:05
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:05
nickrudfotoflo, you should read up on man sudo and man sudoers , if you  really want to modify it's behavior19:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about memtest86 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:05
nickrudfotoflo, yes19:06
DelvienFlare183 how do i uninstall a driver? just to make sure i did it right19:06
shishioguys ive deleted the buttom panel of ubuntu... how can i bring it back??19:07
Flare183Delvien: goto the terminal and type in man ndiswrapper i can tell you how19:07
Flare183Delvien: hopefully19:07
DelvienFlare183 got it19:07
DelvienFlare183 rebooting the laptop now19:07
shishiopabix, i deleted the panel that has a Show Desktop19:07
Flare183Delvien: ok good luck19:07
webwolf_27can somebody help me with a gnome-problem? I can't log into gnome because it can't lock the file .ICEauthoruty. But /the users home is wreiteable19:07
DelvienFlare183 heres to hopen19:07
replicaflare183: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49995/19:07
Flare183Delvien: yep19:07
pabixyes.. then you re-add the "show Desktop" element19:07
shishiopabix, ok ill try19:08
nickrudwebwolf_27, clt-alt-f1 , log in, rm .ICEauthority, clt-alt-f7 and try again19:08
louisiannahow can I add the wireless connection to my deskbar?19:08
Flare183replica: what did you type in to get this?19:08
melleryhow can i update wine?  I think thier repository is down, is there someplace that mirrors the .deb?19:08
boguhare there any smp kernels shipped with ubuntu?19:08
shishiopabix, thanks^^19:08
BetaTestWhere is the fonts directory located?19:08
replicaflare183: wget http://media.ubuntu-nl.org/scripts/diskmounter19:08
pabixshishio, no problem19:09
modprobethe ubuntu 6.06 lts not find hard disk SATA ???19:09
webwolf_27nickrud, I wasn't sure about deleting that file since I don't know what it does, but I'll try it19:09
Flare183replica: well for one thing you really didn't specify one file19:09
DelvienFlare183 nope19:10
BetaTestFlare183, can ya help me out?19:10
joelcom2Di got a real challenge( :| ) i need help to find a good tut on getting my 3D to work for my ATi X1600 pro19:10
Flare183replica: to "wget" all the files in that folder like this: /*19:10
Flare183Delvien: crap umm you installed the inf file yet?19:11
Flare183BetaTest: yeah?19:11
DelvienFlare183 yep did that before i rebooted19:11
* Flare183 says i'm OVER helping19:11
nickrudjoelcom2D, system -> admin -> restricted drivers, enable ati restricted. Reboot. Run fglrxinfo, make sure you are using ati drivers, not mesa. sudo aptitude install xserver-xgl compizconfig-settings-manager emerald.  Log out and back in19:11
=== ziimp_ is now known as Ziimp
BetaTestWhere is the fonts dirctory located, or where are all the fonts stored19:11
Flare183Delvien: then on the terminal type in sudo modprobe ndiswrapper then sudo dhclient19:11
webwolf_27BetaTest, /usr/share/fonts19:11
boguhhow can i activate hyperthreading on my pentium 4?19:12
joelcom2DAti drivers are installed and working, but i get crap FPS19:12
Flare183!fonts | BetaTest19:12
ubotuBetaTest: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer19:12
Flare183oops nevermind19:12
BetaTestHeh Flare183, this isn't too bad.  I'm on another network and help people in #IRCHelp, they have some horrible questions :/19:12
jameswf-homemodprobe: what controller19:12
Flare183BetaTest: yeah example19:12
DelvienFlare183 "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper [] Seg,emtatopm falt"19:12
DelvienFlare183 Segmentation*19:12
Flare183Delvien: what!?19:13
pea_brainbough: it is done in the bios19:13
louisiannahow can I add the wireless network connection icon on deskbar?19:13
Flare183Delvien: thats mean that modprobe crash/failed19:13
nickrudjoelcom2D, fglrxinfo , is it mesa?19:13
DelvienFlare183 aye19:13
Flare183!repeat | louisianna19:13
ubotulouisianna: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:13
BetaTestWhen you register your nick, the services send you an e-mail, so a kid some in saying, "I got an e-mail from this server, and is said 'to confirm your nickname, type in [/msg NickServ confirm sdre456Ef0],' what do I do?"19:13
BetaTestThat was by far my favortie question19:13
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama19:14
DelvienFlare183 i do it again and it just sits there19:14
Mr_SonomaBetaTest, DAL.net?19:14
replicaflare183: hm, i did it, but now i get this, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49996/19:14
DelvienFlare183 removed the ndiswrapper driver first though, gonna try a reboot then do the modprobe19:14
Flare183Delvien: ok19:14
Flare183BetaTest: see PM19:15
Flare183replica: looking19:15
=== morst1 is now known as morst
Sammy88Cya  @all19:15
BetaTestMr_Sonoma: SwiftIRC :/19:15
Flare183replica: dude there gone19:15
Flare183replica: that's not good19:15
replicaflare183: ?19:16
aroonifolks, is there a way of getting my IP address from the command line?19:16
replicaflare183: i hope i dint lost 120 gigs of data>.>19:16
kalpikarooni, ifconfig19:16
GekoManifconfig ;)19:16
joelcom2Djsut did all that, and it cut my FPS in half19:16
aroonibut i'm behind a router19:17
aroonii get this 192.168. stuff19:17
kalpikarooni, go to http://cmyip.com19:17
Flare183replica: umm fire up a termnail and goto your /dev folder and type in ls and pastebin the output19:17
GekoManwhatismyip.com will tell you the external ip you're using19:17
aroonikalpik, so no way from command line?19:17
aoupiarooni: links2 or lynx19:17
louisiannahow can I add  the network manager icon in my deskbar? it does not appear in the add to panel area19:17
aoupicommandline browsers19:17
DelvienFlare183 ok it took the modprobe of ndiswrapper, but dhclient was not found19:18
BetaTestBah! i just realized that I don't have a registered nick, and I can't pm Flare183 nor Mr_Sonoma :/19:18
=== BetaTest is now known as Nicksys
kalpikarooni, not really..19:18
nickrudlouisianna, it should show up automatically;  ps -A | grep -i network , do you get back NetworkManger ?19:18
=== Nicksys is now known as BehiiMehii
maekanyone know how to get amarok to auto detect your ipod?19:19
nickrudmaek, is this one of the brand new ipods?19:20
Flare183Delvien: you might want to install that too19:20
faemirCan someone tell me how I can skin gnome?19:20
Delvienflare183 what package is that ?19:20
nickrud!themes | faemir19:21
ubotufaemir: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy19:21
faemirmaek: if it's new model then you will need to upgrade to amarok 1.4.8 and 0.6 libgpod support19:21
maeknickrud: no, its a 2nd gen shuffle I can add it manually no problem but then the eject options dont work19:21
niuqi installed windows after ubuntu, so i lost the grub, now in reinstalled the grub but, i don't know how to add the entry of windows to the grub, any help plz19:21
Flare183Delvien: i'm looking19:21
faemirnickrud: I was referring to making them myself ;P19:21
maekfaemir: ok, maybe my amarok (from backports) doesnt have the right libgpod19:21
nickrudmaek, oh. then why it doesn't I'm not sure. have you tried just unmounting the icon on the desktop?19:21
Flare183Delvien: should be something like dhcp19:21
Flare183Delvien: hold on19:21
ubotudhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP19:21
faemirmaek: compile the latest version?19:21
nickrudmaek, hm, maybe you don't want to try that19:21
maekfaemir: ill give that a go19:21
louisiannanickrud: thanks I finally found what I was looking for at http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-479157.html19:22
maeknickrud: yeah it all works that way, just trying for the slickness.19:22
faemirthough I'm sure I have seen .devs somewhere19:22
faemirdebs *19:22
nickrudfaemir, I think you have info on those sites somewhere.19:22
nickrudfaemir, if you've seen them for gtkpod, I would be very interested19:22
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!19:22
con-manubuntu is not detecting my second monitor. its not on the list in "screens and graphics"19:22
CWwhen you install a prog and it doesnt pop up in any of the menus where can you go to find it?19:22
Flare183CW: /usr/bin19:23
niuqi installed windows after ubuntu, so i lost the grub, now in reinstalled the grub but, i don't know how to add the entry of windows to the grub, any help plz19:23
SoskelFlare183: fast: http://webtechmedia.net/ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso19:23
con-manubuntu is not detecting my second monitor. its not on the list in "screens and graphics" any ideas?19:23
basculeCW: alt+f2 <progname>19:23
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:23
crushin_niuq gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst19:23
Flare183Soskel: ok....19:23
con-manIm baffled19:24
aeGIsCan Ubuntu help solve this problem? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaoRUOYEEfs19:24
_mugcon-man: i never used a 2nd display, but maybe its a video-card-drvier thingy afaik IT delivers the necessary info.. correct me if im wrong19:24
Flare183!dualmonitor | con-man19:24
ubotucon-man: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama19:24
replicaflare183: i cant svich to dev, command line?19:24
niuqcrushin_ nothing happen19:24
con-manFlare183, Ive been there and done everything on that page19:24
Flare183con-man: can't help there19:25
=== lonejack is now known as fratetrappista
qwazok...it says flashplugin-nonfree is installed, but firefox is using gnash19:25
crushin_niuq you typed that in terminal?19:25
qwazhow can i view flash content?19:25
Flare183replica: on the terminal type in cd /dev19:25
niuqcrushin_ i was quite slowly, now appeared the file configuration19:25
Flare183!flash | qwaz19:25
ubotuqwaz: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:25
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.19:25
CWi installed webmin and i cant find it anywhere19:25
iamartodoes anyone know on which channel I can get help for SHELL programming?19:25
dabangniuq:  add:19:26
qwazFlare183: thanks19:26
faemirSo does anyone know how to make skins for gnome?19:26
=== lonejack is now known as fratetrappista
Flare183qwaz: no problem19:26
niuqcrushin_  ok, now how can i add the windows partition there?19:26
dabangtitle         Windows19:26
basculefaemir: #gnome19:26
niuqdabang: huh?19:26
dabangroot           (hd0,0)19:26
faemirbascule: no-one is talking in there.19:26
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:26
dabangchainloader    +119:26
Flare183!enter | dabang19:26
ubotudabang: please see above19:26
sorush20i used that script but i@m using pclinuxos rather than ubuntu will it still work for internet connection sharing19:26
iamartowhere can I get SHELL programming help? anyone knows?19:27
niuqdabang: (hd0,0), it's the partition of ubuntu19:27
replicaflare183: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49997/19:27
nickrudiamarto, sometimes there's helpful people on #bash19:27
[gquit]bombadilis it safe to use a stock ubuntu box without hiding behind nat?19:27
dabangthen change it to your windows partition19:27
mkadirhi                    http://rapidshare.com/files/79914033/Apress.Beginning.Ubuntu.Linux.2nd.Edition.Mar.2007.zip             24.12 mb19:27
iamartonickrud, thanks I'll try that19:27
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer19:27
sorush20who here helped me with internet connection sharing19:27
dabangubotu: thanks, didn't know19:28
=== fratetrappista is now known as lonejack
nickrud[gquit]bombadil, yes19:28
_mugoh apropros video-cards: still got a little issue: im looking for a very good supported and cheap chipset (passviely cooled) with enogh power to use compiz. i got an ati x800 and the drivers SUCK. using 3d-acceleration it becomes VERY loud (fan). without its freaking slow. any ideas? nvidia maybe? would a 6200-chipset be enough for fancy desktop-fx?19:28
basculefaemir: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=creating+gnome+themes&btnG=Search&meta=19:28
Flare183dabang: ubotu is a bot19:28
dabanganyway, thanks! ;-)19:28
Flare183!spam | mkadir19:28
DelvienFlare183 dhcdbd is installed already19:28
=== lonejack is now known as fratetrappista
Flare183Delvien: then dhclient should work19:28
qwazFlare183: all that flash guide says is "install flashplugin-nonfree", restart browser19:28
ubotumkadir: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense...19:28
mkadirFlare183: no19:29
qwazFlare183: it is installed, it isn't working19:29
joelcom2Di got the same problem with my x160019:29
[gquit]bombadilnickrud: is there anything i should do to secure myself more? my router is out of commission for a while19:29
krim_mug: I have the internal Intel one which is powerful enough for compiz and has free drivers. Works like a charm.19:29
crushin_ niuq scroll to bottom and enter these lines line 1=title Your New Operating System’s Line 2 = root (hd0,0) line 3 = makeactive Line 4 =chainloader +1 save and exit19:29
krim_mug: Of course, you'd have to buy a new motherboard so that might not be an option for you19:29
Flare183qwaz: ask others i'm overloaded19:29
mkadirqwaz: thanks19:29
remihi all. m-a doesn't compile pwc, Ideas ?19:29
nickrud[gquit]bombadil, if you like , you can install firestarter it will set up a basic firewall for you, default is expose nothing19:29
ShapeshifterDid someone manage to install UT2004 in gutsy? Just after the installer begins installing I get a promt that I should mount the play disc... Anyone?19:30
BehiiMehiiMy computer has been on for 5mins 32secs and I have been connected to the server for 4mins 32secs.19:30
ubotuFor information on how to play Unreal Tournament, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games/Native/UnrealTournament - for Unreal Tournament 2004, see !ut2k419:30
niuqcrushin_  windows it's in sda3, it should'nt be (hd0,1)??19:30
[gquit]bombadilnickrud: okay cool i already had firestarter installed for some other reason, so i guess i should be good19:30
replicashapeshifter: use no-cd crack19:30
crushin_ niuq .. gr8 catch .,19:30
crushin_ I was settin for 1 hd19:31
Flare183Delvien: that's weird19:31
DelvienFlare183 yes yes it is19:31
replicaflare183: any hope for me? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49997/19:31
Shapeshifterreplica: I didn't even get that far, I can't even install. I'll have  a look at that link though19:31
Flare183replica: sorry it's gone install gparted and see for your self19:31
furenkuhello, can anybody help me move my menu bar? it was on top, and now appears on the side19:32
Flare183Delvien: say again?19:32
dabangniuq, this should be hd0,219:32
crushin_furenku . point and hold on menubar . and drag to where you want it19:32
mkadirFlare183: did you check it19:32
niuqdabang: why?19:32
Flare183mkadir: no just it's no related to the #ubuntu support channel19:33
replicaflare183: gparted?19:33
mkadirFlare183: olk19:33
dabangfirst disk (->0), third partition (->2), start counting from zero19:33
Flare183replica: it's a partitioning program19:33
replicaflare183: reboot sec,brb19:34
Flare183replica: it also scans the hd for all partitions19:34
Flare183replica: ok19:34
niuqdabang: ohh ok19:34
crushin_ I shoulda explained that better .. thanks for the pickup dabang]19:34
jarrod__how long does memtester take for 2gb ?19:34
Flare183Delvien: any luck?19:34
niuqdabang: i'll try it out19:34
dabangniuq: good luck19:34
DelvienFlare183 nope19:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:36
collinsI have 00:07.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio (rev a1)19:36
collinsubuntu does not recognize the soundcard19:36
collinsin this laptop19:36
collinshow do i fix it19:37
=== fratetrappista is now known as lonejack
collinsi already compiled the latest kernel and dont see support19:37
Taskburning text base installer 7.10 ubuntu at 2x  hopefully it will work this time... otherwise I am losing hope19:37
Taskwhy is it so fragile to burn?19:37
spartacusalguien que hable español??19:37
collinsi burn those discs at 52x fine19:37
Taskfor some reason they become corrupt on me :-/19:37
Delvienflare183 ndiswrapper -l does list that its seeing my card though, so maybe this reboot will do it19:37
TaskI know the download is good19:37
collinsTask, maybe your rom drive is brokeneded19:38
Taskbrand new19:38
collinsdid you buy it from frys?19:38
Tasknah.. best buys19:38
Flare183i'm back19:38
collinsah, then it might not be brokended19:38
aroonialso when i change directory to /bar/ ... how do i cd back to the working directory i was at before?19:38
Taskwhats wrong with frys?19:38
niuqcrushin_  i would be something like this right http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49998/19:39
aroonii have a bash script foo that acts upon the contents of a particular directory using relative paths.  this means i have to navigate to that directory to execute the script.  ... how can i free myself from having to be in that directory to run the script?19:39
collinsTask, they sell broken shit19:39
collinsand package it as new19:39
Flare183Delvien: ok then it should modprobe19:39
replicaflare183: rofl, after 2reboots they are here, lol, thx19:39
niuqdabang: i think it would be something like this right, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49998/19:39
Taskwow... I never new that.. last time I went to frys was back in cali... like 9919:39
Flare183replica: what a relief good19:39
TaskI used to love it there too when I was akid19:39
nickrudTask, they do mark the stuff as opened, just don't get anything with a broken seal19:39
lukaszwhere can i get an aac+ demuxer?19:39
Flare183replica: no problem19:39
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:39
remim-a doesn't compile pwc, Ideas ?19:39
thekillerplagueim using suse and i cant figure out how to set up a dial-up connection19:40
Flare183collins: talking to you about the language19:40
* Task runs away scared19:40
=== ubuntu is now known as GreenCult2
remim-a == module-assistant19:40
collinsFlare183, what language?... confused19:40
collinsor brokended?19:40
DelvienFlare183 something is freaky... now its giving me seg fault when i try and re-modprobe it19:40
thekillerplagueyes task19:40
BernardBHow can I format my wine file system, so that all the programs are gone?19:40
Flare183BernardB: delete your .wine foldeer19:41
ikoniaI'm looking for a ubuntu 7.10 32bit user with an Intel CPU with the virtuilsation mode enabled. I would like to run a quick test to verify a potential bugs source please.19:41
dabangnuiq: looks good, though I have a "savedefault" above "makeactive", but  I think it's not necessary19:41
Flare183Delvien: now that's weird19:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about idesk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:41
replicaflare183: i got new problem, flash player, ubuntu freeze when i open youtube video, or similar stuff19:41
BernardBFlare183, then, wine won't work at all?19:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pwc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:41
Flare183BernardB: enter your .wine folder then you will see19:41
Flare183BernardB: what i'm talking about19:42
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
collinsdoes 7.10 have the latest OSS revision?  on the oss website it says my sound is supported but i have all the updates19:42
Flare183replica: weirder umm look i guess19:42
Flare183!flash | replica19:42
ubotureplica: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:42
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.19:42
ikonia!flashissues | replica19:42
ubotureplica: please see above19:42
crushin_niuq looks good reboot and take a look19:42
fosowhat is the setting to change my windows to transparent like this? http://www.gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/72550-1.jpg i have emerald and compiz, just can find the setting19:43
Ttechhi, how do I add an item to the right click menu?19:43
Flare183!compiz | foso19:43
ubotufoso: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion19:43
Ttechin Gnome?19:43
niuqcrushin_  didn't work, this is the error1: filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist19:43
crushin_ ok19:43
collinsyot dot dot19:43
Taskdo they have a downloadable tutorial for ubuntu/linux  ?19:44
bluefoxxhow should i upgrade my system if i use a 30kb/s connection?19:44
crushin_ niuq imma post mine  u can see the format19:44
Flare183Task: no but they have the book for sale19:44
niuqcrushin_: ok19:44
Taskhmmm ok19:44
ikoniabluefoxx: sit it out, or get someone to mirror the packages needed onto a cd.19:44
cabrouxhello everybody ! do you know where I could get information about audio switches ? like A/B boxes ?19:44
tim167what's a small and light application to record audio from a jack port ?19:45
nickrudTask, http://www.linux-books.us/ubuntu_0002.php  don't know how good it is19:45
ikoniacabroux: the guys in #ubuntustudio deal with lots of more advanced audio kit/techniques, they may be a good place to start19:45
Taskthanks nickrud19:45
collinscabroux, probably on google19:45
cabrouxikonia, thanks ! I'll check ! bye19:45
bluefoxxikonia: how do i do that[mirroring onto a cd i mean] i have the live cd but i waned to install onto my SATA drive, which it didnt detect19:45
ikoniabluefoxx: ??? what are you talking about you said upgrade, not install19:46
cabrouxikonia, mmmh... How shall I get into that room ?19:46
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:46
bluefoxxikonia: i was going to install, but i want to upgrade instead19:46
ikoniacabroux: "/join #ubuntustudio"19:46
ikoniabluefoxx: so you need to either upgrade over the internet, or get all the packages needed for an update and make a cd out of that (but if your internet is slow you'll still have to download them all to make the cdrom)19:47
gunjaany people with experience in modelines in xorg.conf here?19:47
crushin_niuq scroll to bottom http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50000/19:47
arno-thi all does nautilus have a thumbnail cache somewhere? (I run gutsy)19:47
ikoniaarno-t: it sure does19:47
lwells I am trying to use a mac keyboard but ubuntu keeps defualting to "Use X configuration19:48
lwells Is there something else I need to do for it to take?19:48
bluefoxxikonia: so how do i get them onto a cd and upgrade from that?is there a how-to website, my neighboor has a faster connection than myself19:48
* bluefoxx dislikes high speed light19:48
ikoniabluefoxx: I'm not sure on the how to, there is a factoid for it.19:48
nickrudgunja, you trying to make one?19:48
william_is there a way to install ubuntu over itself like without formatting first19:48
Taskjeez this laptop has so many viruses19:48
ikoniawilliam_: yes, but that sort of defeats the object.19:49
Flare183Delvien: ok been researching get the ndiswrapper souce build it and then install it to your laptop's kernel19:49
ikoniaFlare183: why does he need the ndsiwrapper source.19:49
ikoniaFlare183: ndiswrapper is available in the ubuntu repo's19:49
arno-tikonia, when i open a directory with lots of files in it, only a few images are shown with thumbnails. the rest has a dull "image" image :)19:50
william_ikonia i have installed ubuntu and it's working great.  well except that i got a new videocard and for some reason it wants to use the integrated one once x starts19:50
gunjanickrud: yes sort of. I have been pulling my hair out for about 2 days now!19:50
ikoniawilliam_: so how will re-installing ubuntu fix that19:50
Flare183ikonia: because his modprobe gives him a seg fault19:50
Delvien_Flare183 now its giving me nothing but segmentation faults19:50
ikoniaFlare183: so ?19:50
ikoniaFlare183: how do you know thats a problem with ndiswrapper?19:50
Steffen_77Some applications are not running anymore after system-update: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65310919:50
niuqcrushin_: now it worked, thank you19:50
bmacki just enabled my ati graphics accl. in restricted drivers and now i cannot boot ubuntu i get this error19:50
bmackstarting k display manager( starting  powernowd.. ect/rc2.d/s20powernowd: 156: cannot create /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0//cpufreq/scaling_governor: dir non existant - * cpu frequency scaling not supported19:50
crushin_ anytime niuq19:50
william_ikonia good point.19:51
nickrudgunja, http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl19:51
bluefoxxso does anyone know how to put the packages needed for a distro upgrade to gutsy onto a CD?19:51
Flare183ikonia, Delvien_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20761419:51
ikoniabluefoxx: I'm searching for the factoid19:51
gunjanickrud: I have tried a few of these, but xorg seems to ignore them I think19:51
bluefoxxikonia: ok, tyvm=319:51
gunjanickrud: and that is ONE of them I have used19:51
nickrudgunja, it could be the new X does some stuff that I don't know yet19:51
krimI want to have a list of all the folders in another folder. What would be the easiest way to accomplish that?19:51
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:52
gunja7.10 gutsy. seems to use EDID? and DDC? or probe I think19:52
_mugkrim: query19:52
budluvahello all19:52
ikoniaFlare183: that thread is filled with new users who don't understand what they are saying and openly admit to that19:52
gunjabudluva: hello19:52
nickrudgunja, yes, it uses edid . Can't you override it by setting h&v rates?19:52
bmackhow do i boot into failsafe mode19:53
Taskthe text only installer doesnt support live? So therefor I wont get the most updated programs and or stuff?19:53
ikonia!factoid >ikonoia19:53
ikonia!factoid >ikonia19:53
krim_mug: Says I don't have it installed. I just want it in a text file. Like, export what ls shows me to a .txt file19:53
Flare183ikonia: i know that but some times it does help to do that19:53
Flare183ikonia: nevermind that last comment19:53
william_ok let me try this then.  i told bios to use the pci videocard, and i am using it fine even in a console (from safe kernal) but once x starts it wants to use the integrated one.  how do i fix this?  is it that pci:1:0:0 line in xorg.conf?19:53
ikoniaFlare183: it also breaks your systems dependency tree.....are you going to mention that to the user your advising ?19:53
gunjanickrud: Well I have the details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=653092 with my xorg.conf, and log, etc19:53
_mugkrim: ls > text19:53
Flare183ikonia: ohh... no19:54
Flare183Delvien_: don't do it19:54
arno-tyupee I found out something just deleted ~/.thumbnails/* -fr OK it takes some time to regenerate, now... hmmm Could it be that trackerd messed this up?19:54
Delvien_Flare183 huh19:54
_mug> text puts all output into a file named text19:54
Flare183Delvien_: forget building the source19:54
so11hi. how can i turn on autologin (dont want to enter passwort at each start). (ubuntu gonome)19:54
earthlingarno-t: you have the cache in "~/" dont remember the file name exactly19:54
Delvien_Flare183 what am i to do then ?19:54
krim_mug: Wow, that was easy. Thanks.19:54
Delvien_Flare183 this is such a pain lol..19:54
Steffen_77Any idea why some applications (e.g. Terminal) cannot be started anymore after I accept to update my newly installed system (Ubuntu 7.10)19:54
Flare183Delvien_: i know weird...19:55
gunjaso11: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=640736&highlight=auto+login19:55
budluvacan someone lend a hand here, im trying to get a usb enclosure to work on a 500gb hdd that i had in my other ubuntu box, now i now the drive works fine, i have the jumper on the back of the drive set to master, put the drive in the enclosure, plugged it into my laptop, all the while i watching log messages via tail -f /var/log/messages and i get this output....http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50002/19:55
ikoniaarno-t: go into properties in nautlius there are settings for thumbnails, eg: local file systems only, files smaller than 1 meg etc etc19:55
nickrudgunja, hahahaha. That is something I haven't had to play with yet (I'm monetarily challenged). I hope to have that problem someday19:55
_mugkrim: NP, but pleasey answer my query :P19:55
budluvai cant find the device block number for that usb drive19:55
budluvaso how do i mount it?19:55
Flare183ikonia: you think it might be his kernel?19:55
krim_mug: What query?19:55
gunjanickrud: It seems to sometimes go into 720, sometimes 1080, and sometimes blank screen19:55
ikoniaFlare183: I've no idea, I've not looked at the issue.19:55
gunjanickrud: I just need to work out how to make sure xorg always loads the same settings19:56
Flare183ikonia: well i seems so, persaying that modprobe is part of the kernel19:56
Tasknickrud .... arent we all....19:56
ikoniaFlare183: modprobe is not part of the kernel.19:56
gunjanickrud: and then know what modeline changes to make to 'squish' it :d19:56
ikoniaFlare183: modprobe is a seperate package.19:56
Flare183ikonia: what? oh god....19:56
_mugkrim: whatever waht chipset do you have exactly?19:56
tim167can anyone help me get recordMyDesktop working with sound ?19:57
lwellsi cannot seem to change the keyboard layout on Xubuntu, why is that?19:57
gunjaalso sound, and keyboard setup incorreclty :(, but I think I will be able to find helkp for that (seen some threads during GFX hunt)19:57
arno-tikonia, I tried adjusting that to see if the thumbs were regenerated, but they werent. Deleting that thumbnail dir made the trick. You see, this bug spoiled the fun with gthumb and eog, too (!)19:57
Flare183Delvien_: dude try reinstalling modprobe then19:57
nickrudgunja, if you ever do work it out, put it on help.ubuntu.com/community !!19:57
gunjayeah had the same problem in vista, apparently I can actually get teh modelines there? u know if thats true?19:57
ikoniaFlare183: why do that ?? why are you suggesting random things.19:57
Flare183Delvien_: sudo apt-get --reinstall isntall modprobe19:57
gunjai.e. use a windows GUI to make the adjustments, and then copy them into linux?19:57
Delvien_flare183.. i cant do that....19:57
Delvien_flare183 no internet on that machine19:57
gunjaIm happy to re-install windows to try that, and then linux again (nice little fast PC)19:58
Flare183Somebody give me a hammer19:58
nickrudgunja, no clue, really19:58
krim_mug: G33, if you look up Intel GMA on Wikipedia you can read some more. G35 was released not too long ago and G45 is coming soon I think (a while ago since I last read about hardware)19:58
* nickrud gives Flare183 a sledge19:58
gunjathanks anyways, hope I get a reply sometime19:58
* Flare183 takes sledge and breaks down belkin inc.19:58
hdvalencetime to test my TTS bot in the raging torrent that is #ubuntu19:58
_mugkrim: thanx..19:58
gunjaand BTW, Im now monetarily challenged due to that me setup :D19:59
crushin_Delvien, anyway to dl the package and burn to cd then put on other machine?19:59
Delvien_Flare183 its weird how we have become so dependednt on the internet lol19:59
Flare183Delvien_: ok then go and get the deb file, use flash drive to transfer file to other computer19:59
crittDoes anyone know who to tell if Im using the drivers specifically made for my sound card or a generic one?20:00
ikoniaDelvien_: you don't need the internet20:00
Flare183Delvien_: yeah ubuntu is nothing without the internet20:00
ikoniaDelvien_: you have the cd ou used to install20:00
Flare183Delvien_: just get the debfile20:00
ikoniaFlare183: please don't talk nonsense.20:00
Flare183ikonia: i'm not20:00
budluvacan someone help me out here with my external usb drive problem?20:01
bluefoxxikonia: find anything?20:01
hdvalencei think it's kinda true, but that's a bit of an exaggeration20:01
ikoniaFlare183: you are "re-install modprobe" "it's the kernel" "ubuntu is nothing without the internet"20:01
gunjawhazzup budluva?20:01
ikoniabluefoxx: still looking, there are tons20:01
budluvacan someone lend a hand here, im trying to get a usb enclosure to work on a 500gb hdd that i had in my other ubuntu box, now i now the drive works fine, i have the jumper on the back of the drive set to master, put the drive in the enclosure, plugged it into my laptop, all the while i watching log messages via tail -f /var/log/messages and i get this output....http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50002/20:01
budluvai cant find the device block number for that usb drive20:01
Ashfire908i don't have any sound, and i don't know why. it was working before, but i can't get any sound now.20:01
=== patrick_ is now known as fivetwentysix
Flare183ikonia: his installed the inf file from the cd and now he trying to modprobe the ndiswrapper20:01
bluefoxxikonia: ok, thanks20:02
budluvasudo fdisk -l shows nothing besides my laptops hdd partitions20:02
ikoniaFlare183: I know this20:02
Flare183nickrud: yeah thanks for the hammer20:02
_starryeyedboy_Ashfire108 - do u know ur soundcard? or is it integrated?20:02
scixwhen starting up, my ubuntu install detects all disks, but i have to give su password to browse. How can I do, so all disks loads automaticly20:02
ikoniabluefoxx: !aptonecd20:02
Ashfire908_starryeyedboy_, it's intergrated i think.20:02
ikonia!aptoncd | bluefoxx20:02
ubotubluefoxx: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers20:02
Flare183ikonia: well i give up, please help him20:03
gunjabudluva: what does lsusb show?20:03
fivetwentysixHow do I create a user group?20:03
lwellsis there anyway to use a Mac keyboard with Ubuntu?20:03
DoXiDHow do i create a Tun interace on ubuntu feisty fawn?20:03
ikoniaFlare183: I'm afraid I don't have time at the moment as I'm about to go out.20:03
DoXiDaka 7.04  :P20:03
Flare183ikonia: ok20:03
Ashfire908i tried restarting alsa, which didn't help, and i'm unable to do the sound test.20:03
budluvaBus 003 Device 003: ID 04b4:6830 Cypress Semiconductor Corp. USB-2.0 IDE Adapter20:04
Flare183Delvien_: sorry i can't help anymore i don't know why it keeps giving you a seg fault20:04
crittDoes anyone know how I can find out if I'm using the drivers specifically made for my sound card or a generic one? SB512 Soundblaster20:04
bluefoxxikonia: ok, have tried APTonCD before, found it akward to use but was a while back, will try that one again thanks20:04
Flare183some body help Delvien_20:04
Delvien_Flare183 :( now it says couldnt find package modprobe :P20:04
budluvagunja, other stuff but those bus's arent in use20:04
Flare183I give up20:04
gunjabudluva: right so I assume thats the correct device being listed20:04
Delvien_Flare183 im about to smash this thing20:04
ikoniaDelvien_: the package is not called modprobe20:04
budluvagunja, yup20:04
gunjabudluva: cool ok20:04
ikoniaDelvien_: modprobe is part of kernel-utils (from memory) but I don't see why you would want to re-install that20:04
gunjabudluva: you say this has worked on another ubuntu box, and is in the same state?20:05
pvlover the internet, is it possible for me to control another ubuntu system?20:05
Delvien_ikonia because modprobe is giving me seg faults20:05
gunjapvl: Yes20:05
gunjapvl: depends on what you want to control? x, or ssh console20:05
Flare183Delvien_, ikonia: exactly20:05
juani installed mythtv to a plain kubuntu install but the backend is having problems20:06
budluvagunja, no i took it out of my desktop and put it in the enclosure, but the enclosure worked in windows xp, and i know the drive is good, its formatted ext3 and has a bunch of my stuff from my desktop20:06
pvlgunja uhm does x include the terminal and apps?20:06
budluvagunja, light on the enclosure is working and all, just i cant mount it cause i dont know the /dev/????20:06
CreationistHow would I go about editing an ISO image (to add files)?20:06
crittAnyone know how to find out what driver I am using for the soundcard?20:06
wraundhow can i install skype on my 64bit machine, it says that skype was meant for 32bit. however i am sure this can be overriden somehow, cos gentoo has skype in their repo and it works on 6420:07
gunjabudluva: normally comes up as SD something or other, shown in the dmesg when u plug it in20:07
tan_hi, i'm new to ubuntu and i'm trying samba to connect to  winxp20:07
Flare183!info isomaster | Creationist20:07
ubotucreationist: isomaster: A graphical CD image editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1 (gutsy), package size 125 kB, installed size 756 kB20:07
tan_but i get a connection refused, any ideas?20:07
wraund!info skype | wraund20:07
gunjapvl: search for remtoe desktop on the forums20:07
Flare183Creationist: us that20:07
patrlckMy system use to recognize my hard drive but now when I try to boot it only recognize 8GB .. anybody have a clue ??20:07
pvlgunja, aight thanks20:07
Flare183use that sorry correction20:07
gunjabudluva: but it's not showing anything there on ur pasted bits20:08
DoXiDtun interface, anyone know how to set it up?20:08
DoXiDifconfig tun0 create   dosn't work20:08
nickrudFlare183, good, don't give up. It takes 993 strikes to strike out :)20:08
louisiannahow can I turn a text file into a script?20:08
bajun /msg NickServ register20:08
CreationistFlare183: Thanksya20:09
tan_i can ping each other al20:09
Flare183nickrud: your right thanks20:09
Flare183Creationist: no problem20:09
bajun /msg NickServ register bajun20:09
tan_but can't telnet between the comps20:09
gunjabudluva: Was that pasted page from dmesg?20:09
gunja(cant read up :))20:09
louisiannasorry 4 asking this, but how can I create a script using a text editor? which extension do I have to use_20:10
wraundwhey i got blender working20:10
wraundsorry wrong channel20:10
lindenleHi Trying usb install and i am getting an error from cdrom-retriever that says unable to find debian-installer in Release20:11
chazcolouisianna - Just save as text, then use "chmod +x <file>" to make it executable. It has to be valid script though :)20:11
lindenlewhat do i need to do to fix this20:11
DoXiDAnyone in here that knows how to setup a tun interface    (ifconfig tun0 create    dosn't work)20:11
nickrudlouisianna, you would change the execution bit on the file,  like:   chmod +x <file> to let anyone execute it, or chmod u+x to allow only you to execute ti20:11
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louisiannachazco, nickrud thanks! I appreciate it20:12
lindenlehmmm...maybe I mixed feisty and gutsy20:12
chazconp :)20:12
lindenlelemme try something20:12
cdavis_what command will tell me what version of php5 is installable?20:13
Johnwould someone mind giving me a hand, Gutsy will no longer boot properly20:13
cdavis_dpkg -I php5 fails20:13
nickrudcdavis, apt-cache madison php520:13
KJHJKHok... I installed it again... it went all the way through... but it is stuck at... "* Running local boot scripts (/ect/rc.local)"20:13
cdavis_nick36, thanks20:13
cdavis_nickrud, thanks20:13
=== KJHJKH is now known as Task1
Ashfire908the sound properites gives me errors when i try to do a sound test "Resource busy or not available" and i can't get sound period.20:13
tan__hi, does anyone know how to fix a network refused error in samba, trying to connect to winxp?20:13
Task1nickrud does it take along time the first time to boot up20:14
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:14
niuqhelp installing my sound working on a toshiba20:14
devkidhi, when i try to start compiz i get the following error: Checking for texture_from_pixmap: not present.20:15
tan__k, thx20:15
devkidbut glxinfo says, this ext is present20:15
crdlbdevkid: no it doesn't :)20:15
nickrudTask1, the alternate? no, did you run the disk check on the start menu?20:15
crushin_devkid /join #compiz-fusion20:15
niuqnot sure what info do you need to help me getting my sound working20:15
crdlbglxinfo must list it three times for it to be present20:16
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com20:16
william_ok the lspci output is 01:0e.0 but when i try to do that in the xorg wizard it says not compatable20:16
crushin_sorry crdlb .. didnt see ya there20:16
william_for the format20:16
* nickrud thinks crdlb likes trolling here for vict^W people to help20:17
tan__i can see my local samba network20:17
devkidcrdlb, you mean in client, server and opengl extensions?20:17
tan__but i can't seem to make ubuntu see my winxp box20:17
tan__other than ping20:17
Task1I installed ubuntu 7.10 text only ... the install completed perfect... but it is stuck at...start up at "*Starting periodic command crond   [ OK ]" "*Checking battery state...  [ OK ]" "* Running local boot scripts (/ect/rc.local)"20:17
keyurhello all u ppl20:17
keyurindian ppl20:17
keyurjoin #linux20:17
keyurhow do i join other channels?20:17
nickrudTask1, hit ctl-alt-f220:17
crdlbdevkid: server, client, and "GLX extensions"20:18
Task1ok so it is ok? I have a login now20:18
crushin_keyur /join20:18
Ashfire908Task, did you try hitting enter to bring the login prompt up?20:18
swarmHi there.20:18
allamwhat are rhe arabic channel?20:18
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nickrudTask1, yes, you got an install. Your X is not right, though. What video card do you use?20:18
Abyssalhi can someone recommend me a programme with which i can make screenshots almost as comfortable as with printkey?20:18
LjL!sa | allam20:18
ubotuallam: For the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join للغة العربية رجاء انظم #ubuntu-sa20:18
swarmI am trying to play a commercial DVD and it is saying I do not have permission - any ideas what could cause that? I googled it20:18
crdlbdevkid: what video card do you have?20:18
Task1yeah... I hit the ctrl alt f2 and it came up20:18
_starryeyedboy_Ashfire908 - me not too sure how come it stopped working. did it just stop after a reboot?20:18
Ashfire908_starryeyedboy_, out of the blue.20:19
Task1now I hit startx   and it went out of HZ range for my monitor... so I gotta go read that link you game me20:19
devkidcrdlb, ati radeon 9600 xt20:19
crdlbdevkid: which driver are you using?20:19
rkjHello, I'm trying to get dual monitors to work.  I have modified xorg.conf, hopefully correctly - now is there some command I need to issue to restart it, or do I need to reboot, or what?20:19
swarmrkj: ctrl+alt+bksp20:20
gunjaOh yeah as part of rkj's post how you easily restart x without doing /etc/init.d/gdm restart ?20:20
gunjaahhh cool thanks swarm. I tried that, and didn't always seem to work20:20
nickrudgunja, ctl-alt-backspace20:20
devkidcrdlb, its the driver from ubuntu's 'restricted drivers'20:20
niuqi've just installed ubuntu over a toshiba satellite a 105, the sound it doesnt seems to work, any help troubleshooting this, would be welcome20:20
gunjaor maybe that was me dodgy xorg.conf :(20:20
crdlbdevkid: you need to install xserver-xgl then20:20
SlimGIs ntfs-3g installed out-of-box in 7.10 with writesupport enabled as default?20:20
nickrudTask1, what video card?20:20
swarmgunja, what vidcard u using?20:20
gunjaswarm: intel20:20
swarmhmm. i don't have much experience there20:21
Task1ati radeon 160020:21
swarmi use SLI 8800GTX's20:21
=== reconnect is now known as recon
Abyssalhi can someone recommend me a programme with which i can make screenshots almost as comfortable as with printkey?20:21
gunjaswarm: yeah seems a lot of problems with em, but I WILL GET IT WORKING! I will....20:21
swarmhehe ;)20:21
devkidcrdlb, does xgl support 3d acceleration?20:21
swarmusing twinview?20:21
gunjamain problem is making sure x starts and ignores DCC/EDID20:21
swarmits a program20:21
gunjabut no expert in X, not really used it, cli man me20:21
swarmI am trying to play a commercial DVD and it is saying I do not have permission - any ideas what could cause that? I googled it20:21
_starryeyedboy_Ashfire908, well, if ur on a clean system.. u might wanna do a reinstall? or if u have a live cd - u could run from the live cd just to see if ur sound/speakers etc is actually working20:21
nickrudTask, start by running    sudoedit /etc/X11/xorg  , find the line with "ati" , change to "fglrx"  and save, then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart20:22
Task1ok will do one sec20:22
deepfreez! prism5420:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about prism54 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:22
crdlbdevkid: you'll lose direct rendering (although there's a workaround for that to let you run apps on the regular X server)20:22
Abyssalhi can someone recommend me a programme with which i can make screenshots almost as comfortable as with printkey?20:22
swarmgunja: maybe you have seen this, maybe you havn't: http://www.ublug.org/ubuntu/twinview/twinview-howto-breezy.html20:22
_starryeyedboy_Ashfire908, sorry. i can't really think of anything else. probably after the live cd, u can at least confirm that ur sound system is working =p i hope20:22
crushin_niuq this works for 105 too>> http://taufanlubis.wordpress.com/2007/11/26/fix-no-sound-for-ubuntu-in-toshiba-satellite-a205-s4707/20:22
devkidcrdlb, what kind of workaround?20:22
gunjaswarm: No not seen that, but it's not actualyl dual screen Im after20:23
gunjaswarm: One screen will do for the moment (A 40inch Samsung LCD.... Yummy...)20:23
swarmhaha. i'v got 3 24in samsungs ;)20:23
crdlbdevkid: you can run DISPLAY=:0 myawesomegame20:23
Abyssali need a screenshot programme which is able to make more screenshots than  just of the full screen or of particular windows only.20:23
gunjaAre modes just aliases, i.e. I can call it whatever I want?20:23
devkiddoes it mean, that i have to start to x servers? one xorg and one xgl?20:24
Ashfire908_starryeyedboy_, no this is not a fresh install and my speakers are fine20:24
swarmnvidia has their own tool that does it all for me. lol ;)20:24
Task1nickrud  there isnt anything in sudoedit /etc/X11/xorg20:24
Abyssali need a screenshot programme which is able to make more screenshots than  just of the full screen or of particular windows only.20:24
nickrudTask1, doh. xorg.conf20:24
Task1I tried that too20:24
Task1sudoedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:24
crdlbdevkid: that will happen anyway. It's how Xgl works20:24
devkidcrdlb, thx, i'll try it20:25
nickrudTask1, seriously?  Did you get the server install disk?20:25
crdlbdevkid: you could also disable the restricted driver and use AIGLX20:25
_starryeyedboy_Ashfire908, that's interesting. no.. i have no idea why. maybe run a search with ur comp model and "no sound" in the forums?20:25
Task1Ummm I got the desktop disck20:25
chazcoDoes anyone know if its possible to sync a PocketPc with XP in VirtualBox on Ubuntu 7.10 (given up on syncing with Ubuntu itself)?20:25
crdlbdevkid: but that's no good if you're a gamer20:25
Task1I need server disk?20:25
_starryeyedboy_Ashfire908, it could just be that somehow the soundcard was just disabled20:25
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budluvagunja, sorry had to take a phone call20:26
Ashfire908the soundcard is fine.20:26
Ashfire908it's ubuntu.20:26
nickrudTask1,  no, no.  It's really odd, that you don't have the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:26
Abyssali need a screenshot programme which is able to make more screenshots than  just of the full screen or of particular windows only.20:26
nickrudTask1, run   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg20:26
Flare183I need a home designer program for linux any suggestions?20:26
crushin_abyssal your probably going to need to look online for that20:26
crushin_ thats not on topic20:27
swarmI am trying to play a commercial DVD and it is saying I do not have permission - any ideas what could cause that? I googled it20:27
nickrudTask1, that will create a default xorg.conf20:27
Abyssalcrushin_:  you are right. probably.20:27
budluvagunja, ya that was pasted from dmesg and i plug it in and unplug over and over and its the same messages, no /dev/sbX or anything20:27
Flare183!dvd | swarm20:27
ubotuswarm: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs20:27
=== kilrae_ is now known as kilrae
swarmI have those installed, Flare20:27
devkidcrdlb, is it possible to write a little script that switches between the fglx and the ati driver and restarts the x-server afterwards?20:27
swarmdo I have to reboot after install?20:27
nickrudAbyssal, just do a full screen shot, then crop it in gthumb or gimp20:27
crushin_swarm no20:27
swarmdidn't think so20:28
swarmhmm.. something not working right then20:28
crushin_swarm what player?>20:28
=== mpeg is now known as Ubuworker
Abyssalnickrud: that is uncomfortable. :-)20:28
crushin_ swarm sudo apt-get install vlc     see if it will play20:28
Task1says warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup /etc/x11.conf.2007122915281120:29
gunjabudluva: Well all I can recommend then is something along the lines of chaging the jumper on the drive, and trying again. I think my help has come to an end :)20:29
Abyssalnickrud: i know that this is possible but it takes to long if i want to do more.20:29
crdlbdevkid: I guess you could, although it's much easier to just reboot when switching20:29
feveri am checking a parameter against a file using grep but its bringing back all the words from the file not matching with -v rather than the parameter... what option should i use ?20:29
swarmsays there is no plugin20:30
crushin_looks to the room .. do you need a plugin for vlc ?20:30
jgooHi guys, #devede doesn't exist... so I will ask here - does the 'disk usage' even work? Only changing bit rate changes the estimate, changing the frame size doesn't!! :s20:30
jgoocrushin_: I don't. I support vlc natively through my optical sensors20:31
crushin_nodz at jgoo20:31
Task1nickrud  you see the ourput?20:31
Task1says warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup /etc/x11.conf.2007122915281120:31
nickrudTask1, thats good, says you have an xorg.conf.     sudoedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf   <--make sure no typos20:32
Delvien_When I "modeprobe ndiswrapper" i get a segmentation fault, anyone able to assist?20:32
jgoocan someone fire up DeVeDe and see if disk usage means anything? It says 101% but I don't believe it as last time it said close to 100% but the DVD was about 60% written (the iso size)...20:32
swarmjgoo: I noticed it was a bit off when I was using it the other day too...20:32
swarmI didn't look too far into it though20:33
Task1wow.... I think I am a dumb ummm you know what20:33
LagginatorUbuntu has been partitioning my hard drive for teh last six hours, is that a problem?20:33
Task1Caps counts for linux?20:33
nickrudTask1, absolutely :)20:33
Task1nickrud   My bad I didnt know20:33
swarmLagginator: I would say yes, that is a problem20:33
LajaI'm having a problem with the Ubuntu 7.10 live cd, could somebody help me?20:34
Lagginatorswarm: Would it change anything if I told you it took about three hours to load the partitioner thingy?20:34
swarmLagginator: Really old computer?20:34
swarmLagginator: Did you disable cache in bios?20:35
Lagginatorswarm: kinda, and no20:35
jgooOK, what software would I use to cut the first 2 minutes and last 2 minutes of a video file20:35
swarmPC Specs?20:35
feverwhat is the name of that good bash channel20:35
matkixAnyone know of a remote os reload solution using pxe boot?20:35
Mr_Sonomaanyone seen any sound problems with .wmvs in totem? w32codecs are installed.20:35
nickrudTask1, don't sweat it20:35
Lagginatorswarm: uhh... athalon 32bit I think its 2 Ghz, and like 128 MB RAM20:35
LajaEverytime I try to run it gets to the ubuntu splash screen and seems to be loading but then just goes to busybox20:35
Task1nickrud   says Ihave a generic video card... no ATI20:36
swarmLagginator: The installer requires 124mb of ram itself - you do the math20:36
nickrudTask1, yes, change vesa to fglrx then20:36
swarmuse the alternative install CD so it doesn't have to load graphical enviorment20:36
Lagginatorswarm: heh, ok. thank you20:36
Ulisse`Caffe`! server20:36
ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support20:36
Task1ok now save and restart?20:36
extractedany good programs to handle .wma  files ?20:37
nickrudTask1, yes.20:37
LajaI'd like to use the graphical environment though20:37
Abyssalnickrud: could not find a appropriate programme.20:37
Abyssalany others who also make screenshots from time to time.20:37
=== facugaich_ is now known as facugaich
Task1I see the monitor... says vert  50-160 and horiz 30-70   ... my monitor only goes upto 60 hz20:37
Task1do I leave that?20:37
whynotsteffplease program for instant messages like pidgin with web cam ?20:37
Abyssali need one with which i can define the edges with my mouse.20:38
swarmGIMP does that, doesn't it?20:38
extractedis there any good music players that support .wma ?20:38
nickrudAbyssal, not sure of one either. I know there are more, just not their names. Try searching on freshmeat.net for names of apps, then check the repos for them20:38
swarmextracted: we heard you.20:38
=== happy_broccoli is now known as hunterp
swarmIf someone knows - they will answere20:38
extractedhow do i know that you heard me ?20:38
swarmI just told you I did :)20:38
extractedno one said any thing so i figured my text was lost20:38
swarmI was saying something.20:38
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:39
extractedyou must live really close to me to hear me cussing :p\20:39
jgooAbyssai, you could write one in Java20:39
nickrudswarm, screenshots from gimp? interesting20:39
swarmIt wasn't a reprimand :)20:39
user3243this room would be at at most half the capacity it is in right now, if, and only if, ubuntu users read documentation20:39
swarmI am your neighbor, extracted20:39
whynotsteffplease program for instant messages like pidgin with web cam ?20:39
matkixAnyone know of a remote os reload solution using pxe boot?20:39
whynotsteffplease program for instant messages like pidgin with web cam ?20:39
whynotsteffplease program for instant messages like pidgin with web cam ?20:39
extractedquit letting your dogs eat my trash !20:39
user3243pidgin = no webcam20:39
user3243use gyache20:39
sohailhey, how can I reinstall an application including overwriting its configuration files?20:40
nickrudAbyssal, gimp does that, File->Acquire->Screenshot20:40
user3243or kopete (if you're using kde, or dont mind loading kde libraries)20:40
user3243sohail i think if in synaptic you do "mark for complete removal" and then reinstall it you'll acheive that goal20:40
whynotsteffwhere i find gycahe ?20:40
sohailuser3243, I thought so as well, but it didn't20:40
user3243hold on ill locate the debian file for you20:40
devkidi've to another question: is it possible to set the sensibility and the acceleration different on two different mice?20:40
swarmAbyssal: did my solution work for you? :)20:40
Task1nickrud... I hear it starting lol .... but monitor is out of range20:40
user3243sohail hmm, i dont know then20:40
Task1I see the monitor... says vert  50-160 and horiz 30-70   ... my monitor only goes upto 60 hz20:40
Task1do I change that part?20:41
whynotsteffwhere i find gycahe ?20:41
jgooAbyssal: if you want the screenshot to happen at the same place, over a period of time, write an app that takes five arguments, x, y, width, height, seconds... just use screencapture and crop it to the size you want and serialize it to a jpg file or a quicktime mov20:41
nickrud!fixres | Task1, now you need it20:41
ubotuTask1, now you need it: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto20:41
whynotsteffwhere i find gycahe ?20:41
_starryeyedboy_add/remove programs?20:41
=== section31 is now known as AdmiralNDP
user3243whynotsteff you are using gutsy correct?20:42
* Jan` wonders if ubotu's advice can assist with a "no display at all" problem20:42
InGunsWeTrustI am having a problem getting my Cedega Gaming engine to work under Gutsy. I pass every test except Direct Rendering. I read somewhere to check glxinfo for what my renderer string is and if it says "Indirect" at the end I have some configuration to do. However when I do glxinfo my renderer string is not indirect it shows my intel card directly.20:42
InGunsWeTrustOpenGL vendor string: Tungsten Graphics, Inc20:42
InGunsWeTrustOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945GM 2006101720:42
InGunsWeTrustOpenGL version string: 1.3 Mesa 7.0.120:42
at0myxhello.  i am having problems with getting gdesklets to work with lmsensors. can anybody help?20:42
nickrudJan`, depends on the reason20:42
Task1ok thanks nickrud20:42
Abyssalswarm: which solution of yours?20:42
LajaI found this on the forum http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=639854&highlight=busybox but the command Pumalite recommended (modprobe piix) did not work20:42
swarmthe GIMP one20:42
user3243whynotsteff nevermind, just download and install this (it should open with gdebi package installer) http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=158490&use_mirror=internap&filename=gyachi-blowfish-plugin_1.1.0-1_i386_gutsy.deb&4774694520:42
Jan`nickrud: Pretty simple, really - the default resolution seems to be one that the display (an HD LCD TV) doesn't support ("PC-VGA: Out of Range")20:43
swarmGIMP can select a region and screenshot it20:43
nickrudJan`, probably true. If you know the horizontal sync and vertical refresh of your tv , then that fixres link tells you how to apply them20:43
user3243howcome installing from source never seems to wokr20:44
nickrudJan`, although another guy was just here with problems with his hd tv, more than just those rates20:44
Jan`nickrud: Well, we would, but there's no actual display to work with.20:44
user3243i sware every time, sometimes i get as far as intalling all the deps, and then the final file gets ruined20:44
fever i am checking a parameter against a file using grep but its bringing back all the words from the file not matching with -v rather than the parameter... what option should i use ?20:44
temp00I resized the ubuntu partition and deleted the swap partition after that and created a new swap partition20:44
Jan`And plugging it into a more capable display is... a pain.20:44
at0myxLMSENSORS PROBLEM:  all the gdesklets apps tell me that it cant find any sensors but I know I have them. ???20:45
temp00now ubuntu is not recognizing the swap partition and is really really slow :(20:45
nuGzthkhow do i start the msi file for the steam installer with wine?20:45
user3243nugzthk did you install wine yet?20:45
nickrudJan`, what kind of video card do you have?20:45
Abyssalnickrud: yes. gimp does that. thank you.20:45
temp00no problem in live cd (the swap partition is active in GNome Part Editor)20:45
remimodule-assistant doesn't compile pwc, Ideas ??20:45
Abyssalswarm: what was your solution?20:45
nickrudAbyssal, thank swarm, he brought it up20:46
user3243in order to run wine applications you must first install wine20:46
user3243in terminal: sudo apt-get install wine20:46
whynotsteff<user3243>thank you verry match!!!!20:46
nuGzthki installed wine20:46
user3243you're welcome whynotsteff20:46
InGunsWeTrusthow do i change file associations in ubuntu. When I download a torrent with Firefox I want "Open With" to have Deluge in it instead of the default bittorrent protocol20:46
Abyssaljgoo: writing an app is to difficult for me.20:46
Abyssalswarm: thank you.20:46
nuGzthkbut when i click on the msi file nothing comes up20:46
user3243nugzthk, wine is not so reliable that you can just run anything, you'll really need some luck getting something like steam, and all its applications, to run20:47
user3243though its always worth a try20:47
nickrudInGunsWeTrust, right click the torrent file, select properties, and in the dialog window select open with tab. Move the radio button20:47
dcesiel_yo guys if i've changed my ssh port to say 35000 how do I format the ssh command so that I can connect with the new port setting instead of the default 22?20:47
user3243is there something other than an msi? perhaps an exe?20:47
JordiGHDebian recommends using aptitude. Ubuntu recommends apt-get. I actually have gotten used to aptitude and enjoy it. Is there any reason not to use it as a replacement?20:47
Shel_I am having trouble with power management with gutsy, it doesn't hibernate, standby, or turn off monitor, and if I tell it to hibernate etc. I have to reboot...any ideas?20:47
nickrudJordiGH, none whatsoever20:47
chazcoDoes anyone know how to use bluetooth serial ports in Gusty?20:47
Flare183if anybody needs me i'm still here20:47
user3243Nugzthk, you have fios, you lucky bastard20:47
temp00can anyone please help ?20:47
xal2Is there an alternative to wallpapoz to have different wallpapers for each workspace?20:48
user3243what are you on, 15 down 5 up ?20:48
xal2I don't like the wait time to switch wallpapers when switching workspaces with wallpapoz20:48
JordiGHnickrud: Thanks.20:48
user3243i bet you downloaded ubuntu in like 3 minutes20:48
tan__does anyone know how to start winbind service in samba?20:48
tan__i got the other 2 samba services to run20:48
dgjones!aptitude | JordiGH20:48
ubotuJordiGH: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide20:48
grimeboyHuh, I've had this weird change recently where if I hold a key down (say backspace) it no longer repeats. Rather I have to jab it many times.20:49
user3243hmm, i have never used anything other than apt-get, but i really like it, its flawless as far as im concerned20:49
InGunsWeTrustThanks nickrud worked like a charm20:49
at0myxhow do I get help in this channel?20:49
user3243at0myx by asking a question20:49
JordiGHaptitude rewrote a lot of libapt algorithms, though. Particularly the conflict resolution algorithms, which are rewritten from scratch. In that sense, I consider it more than just another frontend.20:49
nickrudInGunsWeTrust, would be nice if there was a central place to change them all, though20:49
at0myxI tried about 3 times20:49
user3243its encouraged to not ask to ask questions here20:49
InGunsWeTrustit would be very nice actually20:50
grimeboyBut in 'Keyboard Preferences' I've got the right box ticked.20:50
user3243i will try to answer your question then, at0myx20:50
at0myxgdesklets keeps telling me lm-sensors cant find sensors but I know I have them20:50
at0myxso Im kind of stuck20:50
xal2Is there a way to have different wallpapers for each workspace?20:50
InGunsWeTrustProperties is a bit of an odd place to have that sort of thing, If there were a central place I think people could find it easier20:50
user3243at0myx gdesklets never worked for me, so i doubt i can help you with that20:50
user3243i would google that error20:50
at0myxhmmm.  any other apps you of?20:50
at0myxthe panel applets dont work either btw20:51
crushin_google rarely worx . to many variables20:51
user3243at0myx i really liked avant window manager, for docker eye candy20:51
user3243its like osx's docker20:51
GreevousI'm not understanding how to manage users with the "Users and Groups" in System>Administration. Is there a command-line alternative?20:51
extractedso that link i followed on how to install restricted extras really didnt do any thing for me20:51
qaldunehow do i fix the issue on 2.6.22 upgrade on gutsy 64bit?? it keeps saying that there was an error at the postinst hook script20:51
at0myxand that has worked fine for u20:51
qalduneis there a solution?20:51
at0myxchecking temperatures and all that?20:51
user3243yes i just installed it with synaptic, then i ran it, and it worked20:52
user3243no it doesnt check temperatures20:52
user3243its just a docker20:52
nickrudGreevous, adduser addgroup deluser delgroup useradd and groupadd and friends20:52
whynotsteffi download gyachi but i don't find on applications! where i look for him ?20:52
at0myxoh.  well thats what I really would want to work.20:52
user3243whynotsteff in terminal type gyachi20:52
user3243it will run20:52
crushin_extracted please state the issue20:52
nickrudqaldune, put the complete error on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org20:52
InGunsWeTrustdoes anybody know if Civ 4 for mac easily runs on Ubuntu. Seeing as mac is practically linux under the hood20:52
extractedI am just looking for a good media player besides mplayer, that i can que up a lot of songs  and its got to support .wma files. I dont need restricted extras for that20:53
qalduneok nickrud20:53
InGunsWeTrustBecause I got IE for mac to just install on ubuntu haha20:53
user3243whynotsteff, allthough gyachi has webcam support, linux is known for having trouble with webcam drivers. you may or may not be able to use your webcam at all20:53
the_bullhello all20:53
at0myxnickrud:  can you help me with a lm-sensors problem?20:53
chaddyhi the_bull20:53
user3243ingunswetrust, what version?!20:53
crushin_extracted sudo apt-get install vlc20:53
karolosdoes anybody knows any command making beep in the console?20:54
InGunsWeTrustextracted: I use amarok and I love it it has great organizational features and does CD covers a must for me. Banshee is another popular one20:54
the_bulli need suggestion.... i need to learn another oop... i hv two choice 1. Ruby 2.Python...what do you say? which one should i learn first?20:54
user3243crushin_ when you installed vlc, did it work?20:54
crushin_ perfectly20:54
nickrudat0myx, I don't know anything about lm-sensors ; but /usr/share/doc/lm-sensors probably has some pointers20:54
LjL!info beep | karolos20:54
ubotukarolos: beep: advanced pc-speaker beeper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.2-19 (gutsy), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB20:54
user3243personally i have to add the official VLC repositories for VLC to install properly20:54
InGunsWeTrustuser3243: IE620:54
chaddythe_bull: I'd say python20:54
at0myxok. thx20:54
crushin_ user3243  good info ..what distro?20:54
user3243oh, ok ies4linux does that too. i would like to have ie7 running on here, for kicks20:54
the_bullchaddy, why python?20:54
Greevousnickrud: "friends" was not a command that was recognized. How can I view all pertinent information about my users? Is there a -l option for a command?20:55
InGunsWeTrustI only did IE6 for kicks too haha20:55
user3243mint linux, (its basicly ubuntu, just with a few extras here and there)20:55
chaddybecause I got a copy of Learning Python for my Christmas and it looks good20:55
whynotsteffbut say  in terminal bash command not found !20:55
pedrinhiohud what means; thanks20:55
teddy233does anyone know how to set up dhcp so that if computer from vlan request ip, it will get a ip... or if computer from vlan request, it will get a .2.0 ip ??20:55
crushin_ ty user324320:55
chaddyseem to be more Python things than Ruby things, too20:55
qaldunenickrud http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50009/20:55
chaddybut that is just a chance observation20:55
nickrudGreevous, ah, friends was just a place holder for other commands, the first ones would have pointed you at the rest.  groups <usrname> tells you about the groups for that user20:55
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:56
user3243infact it really is ubuntu, it is compatible with all ubuntu repositories. it's aimed at, believe it or not, making ubuntu even easier20:56
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs20:56
the_bullchaddy, cannot get your last point.."seem to be more python thing..."20:56
teddy233i have nearly 100 vlans in the range and 1 dhcp server that needs to assign ips based on where the request came from20:56
pedrinhioi have a fail massage in ubuntu ahud or had what is thatl;20:56
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:56
chaddythe_bull: I hear dive into python is a good choice if you have experience programming20:56
qaldunenickrud there is some spanish inbetween but basically what i'm doing is running sudo apt-get upgrade, and it tries to upgrade the kernel20:56
TtechI need help for Gnome Launch Box is there a place where I can get help20:56
the_bullchaddy, yes, i am a developer20:56
extractedThanks for the help btw,20:56
nickrudqaldune, run sudo  update-grub20:56
chaddyas I said, the_bull, it's a chance observation, I may just be seeing more Python because I am attracted to it20:57
pedrinhioi have a fail massage in ubuntu ahud or had what is thatl;20:57
pedrinhioi have a fail massage in ubuntu a hud or had what is thatl;20:57
nickrudqaldune, I do not like that error ;((20:57
qaldunenickrud: [: 25: ==: unexpected operator  \\\ exec: 25: -a: not found20:57
qaldunethat's what i get20:57
user3243i tried to remove python from ubuntu, well i did, that didnt work out too well20:57
the_bullchaddy, got your point.20:57
chaddythe_bull: you could test the waters in #python and #ruby20:57
qalduneuser3243 why would you remove python??20:57
chaddysee which sways you most20:57
Greevousnickrud: okay, so is there a man page that I can read to learn about managing users and groups?20:57
user3243qaldune, to lighten up the ubuntu weight20:58
qaldunegreevous: man addgroup20:58
lukaszwell my problems wen't away again :)20:58
user3243i remove all kinds of stuff, then see how things work. if they dont work i restore my backup with partimage20:58
pedrinhioand i cant open hardware information..20:58
feverheres my code20:58
pedrinhioi have a fail massage in ubuntu a hud or had what is thatl;and i cant open hardware information..20:58
user3243i repeat the process until i essentially have an "ubuntu lite" that is up to date20:58
fever#task 1620:58
feverwordlist=worddb # the word database20:58
feverecho "Please enter text to be spell checked"20:58
feverread text # saves text as $text to be spell checked20:58
feverecho "Checking text for spelling errors"20:58
feversleep 1s # pause for 1s20:58
chaddyI'm only taking the first steps with programming, from what I hear you should go where your heart leads you, language-wise20:58
feverecho "....."20:58
astro76user3243, #1, how does python "weigh" ubuntu down, #2, python is being used for many, many programs nowadays, so it's a lost cause20:58
nuGzthkhow do i install an invidia driver? nothing happens when i click on the installer and i have wine updated20:58
Cpudan80!paste | fever20:58
ubotufever: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)20:58
qalduneuser3243 python is a very important component of an ubuntu installation. don't mess with such things you don't know about20:58
pedrinhioi have a fail massage in ubuntu a hud or had what is thatl;and i cant open hardware information..20:58
chaddythe_bull: what would you recommend as a first language?20:59
lukaszI have a nx6000 Microsoft webcam and how can i get it to work on linux?20:59
chaddyinteresting, pedrinhio20:59
user3243astro76, it probably doesnt, and i learned that rather quickly20:59
qaldunechaddy: imho python is nice20:59
kitchenuGzthk: umm you use the restricted driver manager to install nvidia drivers .exe files for drivers won't work on Linux20:59
whynotsteffbut say  in terminal bash command not found !20:59
nickrudqaldune, that is a serious error, one I'm not qualified to fix.  I would file a bug against update-grub at bugs.launchpad.net20:59
qaldunenickrud any idea?20:59
the_bullchaddy, i don`t know actually...i am really confused abt this issue... :(20:59
astro76user3243, ah ;)20:59
pedrinhioand i new20:59
user3243qaldune, i will mess with what i please, because i have a byte for byte backup with partimage20:59
user3243i restore a backup in under 3 minutes20:59
nickrudqaldune, maybe look at update-grub first there, see if it's reported20:59
whynotsteff sorry i'm new ubuntu (linux) user!!!!!!120:59
pedrinhioi realy like ubuntu i ve read much about it20:59
crushin_user3243,  if you want a true lite ubuntu distro . instaed of all that stuff ./ dl fluxbuntu21:00
user3243what is wrong whynotsteff?21:00
pedrinhioso my prob....21:00
pedrinhioi have a fail massage in ubuntu a hud or had what is thatl;and i cant open hardware information..21:00
user3243crushin_ thank you21:00
whynotsteff in terminal bash command not found !21:00
lukaszI got music sound and graphics  installed  works great pedrinhio :)21:00
Flaimmy question: on ubuntu server, when I run dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config, and go through all the options, at the end it says "group mail was not found"21:00
LjL[21:58:53] <fever> http://rafb.net/p/HbmiY575.html21:00
nickrudqaldune, paste the complete error you gave me on the pastebin21:00
phenomLearn Perl first, "Learning Perl, Oreilly". :)21:00
InGunsWeTrustDoes anybody know of a very good program to manage taking still photos with a webcam. My webcam driver works because I got a command line ap to do it but I really want to be able to see what Im taking a picture of before I shoot it haha21:00
nickrudqaldune, in the bug report, that is21:00
kitchepedrinhio: means it can't get hardware information most likely from hal hardware manager or whatever it's called21:00
qalduneok nickrud i'll do it21:00
chaddypedrinhio: if you can give the error message as it appears, that would help21:00
qaldunethanks for your help nickrud21:00
the_bullis there anyone who can help us regarding Python+Ruby?21:00
pedrinhioi ts diff for me i think...21:00
lukaszYou guys should really update add/remove programs :p21:00
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras21:01
user3243whynotsteff in terminal you typed "gyachi" and it said "command bash not found"?21:01
lukaszthnx crushin21:01
chaddythe_bull: /join #python,#ruby21:01
crushin_ :) lukas221:01
pedrinhioyes i ll be back to see it  isee it when i start the pc...21:01
nickrudGreevous, back to you :) A sec, I'll find you a tutorial21:01
pedrinhiosorry for a min...21:01
user3243try gyache21:01
Greevousnickrud: thank you21:01
ScrapeIs there a good way to "print" into an existing PDF file in linux? ie, suppose I have a 2 PDF files, 1 page each, and I want to overlay one onto the other?21:01
chaddyok, Perlboy, no worries21:01
ArelisHi all. Is it safe to install xubuntu-desktop? will it override anything? Can i still have a clean ubuntu install afterwards?21:02
CreedHow do I "ipconfig /flushdns" on Ubuntu?21:02
LajaWhen I try to run my Ubuntu 7.10 Live CD instead of going into the OS after the loading screen it goes to busybox and I've tried these steps from this thread I found "At the LiveCD initial boot screen:21:02
LajaSelect F6 for more options21:02
LajaAdd the following option to the beginning of the options list:21:02
LajaPress enter to start booting21:02
LajaUbuntu will start booting, but kick you out to a command prompt; at the prompt type these two commands:21:02
Lajamodprobe piix21:02
chaddysorry, Perlboy21:02
crushin_ scrape  I think that depends on the printer software . least it does in mine21:02
kitcheArelis: your login manager might be different but it won't hurt anything21:02
crushin_!enter | Laja21:02
ubotuLaja: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:02
user3243creed ifconfig wlan0 down, ifconfig wlan0 up, ifconfig wlan0 essid xxxx, dhclient wlan021:02
user3243replace wlan0 with whatever your device name is21:03
Task1oh boy.... I have a usb Razor copperhead mouse and ummm no other mouse... its gonna be fun trying to install the drivers for that... any ideas the easiest way?21:03
user3243wait no thats iwconfig wlan0 essid xxxx21:03
whynotsteffbash: gyache: command not found21:03
Creeduser3243, Im a wired user21:03
Areliskitche: and i can still remove it, and get the splash back?21:03
user3243oh, then its even easier21:03
Flaimmy question: on ubuntu server, when I run dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config, and go through all the options, at the end it says "group mail was not found"21:03
InGunsWeTrustdoes anybody know if paint is easy to wine lmao.21:03
LjLScrape: perhaps pdftk or pdfjam can do it21:03
user3243ifconfig eth0 down, ifconfig eth0 up, dhclient eth021:03
temp00Ubuntu doesn't recognize my swap partition after I resized it with GNOME Partition editor21:03
kitcheArelis: you will just  have to do sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm and it will come back if you want gdm21:03
=== gord_ is now known as gord
chaddyTask1: I'd google "how to <your hardware> ubuntu" first21:04
Creeduser3243, do I have to do dhconfig if I have a static IP? (its a server box with BIND)?21:04
user3243whynotsteff, did gdebi install the gyachi package i linked you to?21:04
kitcheCreed: nope that's for dynamic ip's21:04
TheEaglewhy does a portscan reveal that port 110 (POP3) and 21(FTP) are open? i don't have an FTP Server or Mail Server on the pc?21:04
tan__i have a samba question, i can't get telnet 139 to work on my ubuntu samba server, any ideas?21:04
tan__default telnet works21:05
LjLtemp00: try mkswap /dev/partition21:05
Creeduser3243, thanks :) /etc/init.d/networking restart worked perfectly21:05
crittWhy do I hear noise in my speakers when I move my mouse around the screen?21:05
user3243you're welcome21:05
ArelisCan I access my windows network, USB sticks, and printers in Xubuntu/Xfce?21:05
LjLcritt: likely because of a pretty lousy integrated soundcard21:05
lukaszok I got an problem21:05
chaddyTask1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96291 worth reading through, if your issue is not covered ask there, too21:05
whynotsteffBlowfish encryption plugin for gyachi21:05
kitcheArelis: yes21:05
TheEagleArelis: Samba?21:05
user3243whynotsteff, i dont know why the package you just installed is not starting, or cannot be found21:06
lukaszIt said cannot connect to /dev/video021:06
owlinHow do you install things?21:06
isaacj87hi is there any way to view the currently running modules?21:06
crittLjL ANy recommendations to fix it?21:06
LjLisaacj87: lsmod21:06
teddy233I need help setting up a complex dhcp server for nearly 100 vlans21:06
lukaszIm on a usb external 2.0 disk21:06
TheEagleowlin: apt-get install <package>21:06
user3243lukasz, i had that error before, i installed "kopete" and it worked on there21:06
Areliskitche: how?21:06
owlinI all ready have the file21:06
TheEagle*sudo apt-get install <package>21:06
LjLcritt: play with the various volume sliders. it's possible that cranking master/pcm up, and cranking the registers down (if any), or vice versa, might help21:06
lukaszok thnx user324321:06
lukaszyou saved me lots of time21:06
chaddylo lonejack21:06
kitcheArelis: it pretty much as the same tools as gnome does21:07
user3243lukasz you could try installing "cheese" to see if your cam works21:07
TheEagleowlin: what are you trying to install?21:07
user3243cheese is a great lightweight program to test the v4l2 driver21:07
Areliskitche: And can i remove the programs it installs in one swoop?21:07
LjLcritt: if you don't see registers, perhaps pastebin the output of "amixer", i can have a look if i see something that looks worth trying21:07
Fracturehey,i put my laptop into sleep or hibernate. When i turn it back on from the sleep its screen is at full darkness and i cant brighten it21:07
ifireballteddy233: I don't see ho is that any more complicated then setting it up for one vlan21:07
CreedHow do I make Apache vHost respond to two addresses? (www.domain.com and domain.com spit out the same page)21:07
whynotsteffok thank you again !21:07
owlinhttp://www.garagegames.com/pg/product/view.php?id=29 This game, it has a Linux demo.21:07
LjLcritt: make also sure you disable MIDI, mic-in and line-in21:07
crushin_Arelis,  are those USB ?21:07
kitcheArelis: umm maybe but xubuntu-desktop is a meta package you might have to go after the xfce4 package21:07
LjLcritt: (that is unless you *need* them)21:07
Flare183I'm back21:07
ifireballteddy233: unless you want the settings stored in LDAP or something21:07
user3243sorry i couldn't help you further whynotsteff, you could try installing kopete, that also has webcam support21:07
kitcheCreed: though DNS21:07
Areliskitche: is Xfce4 complete as in hardware support?21:08
teddy233ifireball: i need to assign ips based on where the request came from so the computers in each vlan get proper address21:08
user3243just type in terminal sudo apt-get install kopete21:08
isaacj87LjL what does the "ls" command do?21:08
kitcheArelis: umm if Ubuntu supports your hardware XFCE4 will since Ubuntu is the Operating system21:08
Creedkitche, DNS for the domain is handled offsite, do I *have* to host it locally/on the same box as Apache?21:08
teddy233info coming in on 1 NIC21:08
crittLjL I do Have a On Board sound card. Im currently using sb512. Should I try to enable the onboard first?21:08
whynotsteffok thank21:08
ifireballteddy233: and in what terms do you define that "where" ?21:08
Areliskitche: will they appear on the desktop?21:08
user3243kitche that is the general idea21:08
LjLisaacj87: uhm, list... just like in the normal "ls" command to list directory contents21:08
wraund!DVD | wraund21:08
user3243but stranger things have hpapened21:08
teddy233ifireball may i pm you so i dont miss anything you say ?21:09
isaacj87LjL ah thanks21:09
LjLcritt, the SB should be much better i think. you could also try moving it to another PCI slot, further from the CPU21:09
xal2Is it possible to only show certain mounts on the desktop?21:09
kitcheCreed: no you just have to set the dns you *can* do it with a .htaccess file as well if you wish21:09
TheEagleOwlin: have you downloaded a rpm?21:09
ifireballteddy233: ok21:09
crittahh ok21:09
bitmonkCreed: you only need to add a ServerAlias for the additional name(s)21:09
pedrinhioso gyus good afternoon21:10
chaddyhi pedrinhio21:10
Flare183Ljl: any word on the next Concil Meeting?21:10
pedrinhiomy error massege in my ubuntu is failed to initialize HAL21:10
lukaszdevices seem to load long hmm21:10
LjLFlare183, that's not quite IT... anyway, not that i know about21:10
Lajadoes anybody know how to get ubuntu 7.1 live cd to boot into the desktop environment instead of the busybox? I know it's suposed to boot into it by default but mine keeps going to this busybox instead i've tried something from a post i found but the cmd this person said didn't work "modprobe piix"21:10
Creedbitmonk, ah thanks. Any idea why Apache is spitting out the default site rather than the one I configured?21:10
Led-HedI'm new to Ubuntu, and have just installed Ubuntu Server 7.10.  It seems the by default a C Compiler isnt installed.  What is the name of the package for the C compiler?21:11
lukaszim gonna reboot21:11
Flare183Led-Hed: gcc21:11
ompaulLed-Hed, build-essential21:11
dutchhey all21:11
ompaulLed-Hed, build-essential contains all you want with libs etc21:11
karlhey folks..21:11
Areliskitche: is Xfce4 complete as in hardware support?21:11
bitmonkCreed: paste your vhost to pastebin.com or something for me, pls21:11
chaddyhey karl21:11
pedrinhiomy error massege in my ubuntu is failed to initialize HAL . and second is tha i cant see harware information.... plz help....21:11
kitcheLed-Hed: it's isntalled by default but you need the other dev files build-essential will install them21:11
Arelisi mean21:11
dutchive got a quick question...21:11
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!21:11
Areliskitche: Does it appear on the desktop?21:11
karlchaddy - hi :)21:11
Task1omg... I am so depressed.... My radeon Card 1600 isnt supported?!?!   Now will my graphics suck in gameS?21:11
dutchi run ubuntu on a DVR i have here at home, and21:11
kitcheArelis: yes your USB should show up on the desktop21:11
ompaulLed-Hed, however you might find that packages exist for whatever you are trying to do21:11
Led-Hedok, build-essential it is.  Thanks21:12
karl<--new to linux/ubuntu21:12
nickrudGreevous, I'm not having much luck finding a tutorial that actually explains it all; myself I just ended up reading man adduser , useradd , userdel . They point to other man pages . Probably the best docs available, unless you buy a Unix admin book21:12
Areliskitche: should i install xubuntu-desktop or xfce4?21:12
pedrinhiomy error massege in my ubuntu is failed to initialize HAL . and second is tha i cant see harware information.... plz help....21:12
Creedbitmonk, http://pastebin.ca/83768121:12
Led-Hedompaul, this program I prefer to compile my own.  THanks though.21:12
karlis this channel used for generic help? (I tried /list earlier, but it seemed to crash my poo pc)21:12
igcekhello, my problem is with installing linux on my machine, whole installation works fine till it tries to get to grub, then on the whole screen writes grub... and thats where it stops... can anybody help?21:12
alexkhey guys. i'm trying to print a pdf to a network printer (LaserJet2100 via samba), and it takes 5mins per page or more... any idea what could be wrong?21:12
chaddypedrinhio: try googling "problem <your error message> ubuntu"21:12
kitcheArelis: xfce4 if you just want xfce4 sicne xubuntu-desktop will install a whole lot more then what you want probably21:12
chaddyyou should find a forum where it is discussed21:12
bitmonkCreed: from <VirtualHost> to </VirtualHost> pls :)21:12
ompaulLed-Hed, be cautious of lib conflicts :)21:13
crittLjL here is the paste of amixer http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50013/21:13
ompaul!checkinstall | Led-Hed21:13
ubotuLed-Hed: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!21:13
pedrinhiomy error massege in my ubuntu is"""" failed to initialize HAL """. and second is tha i cant see harware information.... plz help....21:13
pedrinhiomy error massege in my ubuntu is"""" failed to initialize HAL """. and second is tha i cant see harware information.... plz help....21:13
Led-Hedompaul, thanks and noted21:13
bitmonkalso, Creed, do you have a NameVirtualHost statement?  I'd like to see that, too, and if you don't, I can help you set one up.21:13
karlforum... or chatroom - or either?21:13
Tilllinuxalexk: I'm experiencing the same problem21:13
aroonihow can i make sure dyndns always has my most up to date IP address?  there was a client for winxp i used to use that doesnt work for linux21:13
carnage__can please anyone tell me why my scren blacks out after aprox 10 min and how can I fix that?I stopped  gnome-screensaver and power manager!21:13
chaddypedrinhio: please don't repeat your question so often21:13
LjL!repeat | pedrinhio21:14
ompaul!repeat | pedrinhio21:14
ubotupedrinhio: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:14
nickrudcarnage__, did you run the   xset -dpms   ?21:14
pedrinhiook paul sorry21:14
carnage__no succes21:14
chaddypedrinhio: see above about where to look for answers21:14
nickrudhm. That should turn off anything21:14
Creedbitmonk, Im using webmin and using the defaults it uses heh I think it stores each vhost in a seperate file, not all in httpd.conf21:14
javialguien en español?21:14
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:14
ompaul!es | javi21:15
ubotujavi: please see above21:15
javiok, thanks21:15
carnage__witch a clean installation the problem is the same21:15
bitmonkCreed: that's ok, i still need to see it all. the missing parts are the most important. ;)21:15
Ashfire908karl: yes. this is the main ubuntu help channel21:15
alexkTilllinux, yeah i've googled and it seems we're not alone, but I can't find a solution!21:15
karlthanks ashfire90821:15
bitmonkCreed, look in /etc/httpd/conf and maybe /etc/httpd/conf.d21:15
carnage__arent' you guys having the same problem when watching video?21:15
Abyssalcan someone watch the video and tell me if this is a real ubuntu linux running? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC5uEe5OzNQ if yes how do i make mine look so cool?21:16
Abyssalcan someone watch the video and tell me if this is a real ubuntu linux running? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC5uEe5OzNQ if yes how do i make mine look so cool?21:16
Greevousnickrud: okay, thanks. But in your opinion, is it easier to manage from the GUI instead of the command line?21:16
LjLcritt: don't see much worth tweaking21:16
Tilllinuxoh, I got one: print a pdf file, send an email containing the pdf file, walk to the other pc with the printer and print :D21:16
kitche!repeat | Abyssal21:16
ubotuAbyssal: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:16
lnknpk04Afternoon folks21:16
crittok thanks will try to move snd card21:16
ere4sicarnage__, I use vlc 'cause you can disable that in its' settings21:16
chaddyhi lnknpk0421:16
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:16
carnage__i'll try it thanks21:16
nickrudGreevous, unless you plan on doing something special, like creating a group work directory, the gui  will do just about everything you need21:17
Flare183!compiz | Abyssal21:17
ubotuAbyssal: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:17
utiborjo estet!21:17
Greevousnickrud: yeah, nothing special. But when I look at the properties for each group, even my own group, my name is never checked.21:17
lnknpk04I bought a Logitech Orbit AF so I can video chat with my wife when I'm away for work.  I can only get video to come up in ekiga but nothing comes up in Skype 221:17
karli've tried doing a /list but it seems to crash me. could you suggest a specific channel for help with watching media (genuine DVD won't play in totem movie player), Ashfire90821:17
lukaszwhenever I have my webca hooked up kopete configuration loads or it doesn't load at all21:17
Creedbitmonk, how do I use cat to output the contents of multiple files into one? So I can cat all my vhosts (3) into one file.21:17
lnknpk04Any ideas?21:18
Flare183lnknpk04: different protocal21:18
Greevousnickrud: and when I look at root's privileges, he's got nothing...21:18
carnage__but is there any why to stop the OS stop that?21:18
bitmonkCreed: cat file file file file file > outfile21:18
yayack yaya21:18
nickrudGreevous, groups <yourname> will tell all, and root needs no group privs, he's god21:18
pedrinhiomy error massege in my ubuntu is"""" failed to initialize HAL """. and second is tha i cant see harware information.... plz help....21:18
bitmonkalso, i need the NameVirtualHost line.21:18
Creedbitmonk, ah its that easy? lol wow alright, give me a second21:18
alexkTilllinux, heh yeah, but i'd like a nice solution21:18
lukaszatm kopete seems to be crashed21:18
Flare183!repeat | pedrinhio21:18
ubotupedrinhio: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:18
lnknpk04Flare183, I'm just using the "Test" feature21:18
lnknpk04Not making any calls yet21:18
Flare183lnknpk04: no matter same difference if you want skype then look21:19
karltell ya what, i've used linux (very, little) previously, and this has to be the nicest GUI i've seen on it21:19
pedrinhiosorry but i m goig crazy with this.....21:19
Greevousnickrud: when I run groups <dan>, I get -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'21:19
Flare183!skype | lnknpk0421:19
ubotulnknpk04: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto21:19
jarrod__anyone use google desktop w/ ubuntu? id like you hear of any opinions.21:19
dutchhey all. quick question: does anyone else not have functioning s-video output with their free ati drivers?21:19
user3243what is a good gui based web editor for linux, one that is sort of like adobe golive, or dreamwaver. ?21:19
Creedbitmonk, http://t1.aschen.net/vhosts.txt21:19
Flare183jarrod__: yes21:19
Flare183!best | user324321:19
ubotuuser3243: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.21:19
lnknpk04Flare183, Not sure if this is the stuff I read earlier, but I'll check them out.  Thx21:19
david__is this a good forum to ask server related questions?21:20
nickrudGreevous, groups dan  (the <> are markers indicating variable, you 'll see it often here)21:20
Ashfire908karl, you can either install the correct gstreamer package, or get the dvd, mp3, java, falsh, microsoft fonts, etc by installing "ubuntu restricted extras" in add/remove programs (you will need to change "show:" to "all available programs")21:20
lukaszI use google.com/linix jarrod_21:20
Flare183user3243: but bluefish21:20
pc_zit nu 2 dagen met ubuntu te werken er zit zoveel mogelijk heden in dat je er wel een cursus voor kan volgen21:20
Flare183lnknpk04: ok21:20
Flare183user3243: np21:20
karlAshfire908: , may i pvt pls - so i can follow your advice a little easier?21:20
Eroickok, Gutsy wont install. Some kernel problem which results in the error "PCI: Cannot allocate resource..." resulting in a full lockup. Fiesty worked fine. Accoring to bug reports, it seems to be caused by a kernel bug. So, should I go back to LTS or should I get a nightly build of Hardy?21:20
lukaszgoogle.com/linux *21:20
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:20
Ashfire908karl: k21:20
lukaszkopete seems crashed webcam not loading21:20
karlty, appreciated21:20
bitmonkCreed, since #ubuntu is so busy, perhaps we should take this conv to #apache?21:21
user3243dang bluefish loaded fast, like instantaneously. nice21:21
Greevousnickrud: oh, haha. thank you. now it makes more sense21:21
Creedbitmonk, sure thing21:21
Flare183user3243: good editor too21:21
arooniSince version 3.6.5, ddclient.conf is located by default in /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf. Another location can be forced by using the -file option .... i dont see it in that directory and i have ddclient 3.7.3  ideas?21:21
carnage__what;s the option in vlc to stop the screen from blankin out?21:22
crushin_ carnage ...21:22
Flare183well guy I got to go don't forget me (because I will be a ubuntu members too hopefully)21:22
crushin_ ack21:22
AbyssalFlare183: so such a desktop is not so easy to realize?21:22
crushin_!enter _ crushin_21:22
crushin_ blah21:22
Abyssalubotu: so such a desktop is not so easy to realize?21:22
crushin_carnage  when is it blinking out?21:23
LjLAbyssal, if your hardware is supported by compiz (i.e. you can enable Desktop Effects normally), install compizconfig-settings-manager and compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, and have fun.21:24
carnage__no matter when after ~ 10 min21:24
carnage__i have to move the mouse21:24
crushin_ carnage__  it plays well before then ?21:24
PsiKlopsHi. I have a Canon i250 Printer ... what do I need to get it running ?21:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about canon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cannon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:25
crushin_carnage__,  what is your resource usage ?21:25
aroonihey folks, when i try to run ddclient, i get:  http://pastie.caboo.se/13307821:25
carnage__it's related to marking mouse or keyboard as being idle21:25
AbyssalLjL: is there a how to?21:25
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows21:25
lnknpk04Is there a command that I can use to reload a specific driver?21:25
aroonihey folks, when i try to run ddclient, i get:  http://pastie.caboo.se/133078 .... any ideas on how to fix?  i installed ddclient using sudo apt-get install ddclient21:25
crushin_ ko ..21:25
LjLAbyssal, an howto about what exactly?21:25
PsiKlopsthanx PirateHead ;)21:25
AbyssalljL: i use ubuntu 7.1021:25
crushin_ carnage__  give me a moment ..21:25
Task1hey... my mouse wont work... how do I get to the menu without it?21:25
PirateHeadPsiKlops: no problem. :-)21:25
LjLAbyssal: err, ok, so?21:25
LjLAbyssal: you know how to install a package, right?21:26
jerichokbTask1: you can run anything by using Alt+F221:26
AbyssalljL: an how to how to get it running. to install this package and make my desktop look so cool.21:26
lnknpk04Task1, Alt+F1 opens the App menu21:26
PirateHeadEvery time I log into my box using Gnome's SSH client, I put in my password and say "remember forever". But it always asks for the password again the next time. How can I get it to truly remember the password?21:27
LjLAbyssal: well then perhaps you should learn that very basic stuff before doing weird things with your desktop, no?21:27
LjL!software > Abyssal    (Abyssal, see the private message from Ubotu)21:27
LjL!packages > Abyssal    (Abyssal, see the private message from Ubotu)21:27
LjL!apt > Abyssal    (Abyssal, see the private message from Ubotu)21:27
LjLAbyssal: a package can easily be installed using Synaptic or the shell command « sudo apt-get install packagename »21:27
AbyssalljL: do not know how to install a package. you right. so installing that compiz thing is not so easy?21:27
crushin_carnage__,  do you have compix enabled ?21:27
PirateHeadAbyssal: Installing a package is easy and installing compiz is easy too.21:28
LjLAbyssal: woah... you listening? it's installed by default, if it works with your hardware. can you access the Desktop Effects preferences?21:28
lukaszmy webcam ain't support it waaaaaa21:28
lnknpk04lukasz, which webcam?21:28
lukaszMicrosoft NX 600021:29
lnknpk04i'm having webcam blues myself21:29
crushin_carnage__,  please look here >>http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-415012.html21:29
lukaszI can only voice chat from linux :(21:29
carnage__ok tnx alot21:29
snowgoosewhen i try to update avg it says i need permsion21:29
snowgoosehow  do i do that?21:29
crushin_ anytime carnage__21:29
Abyssalljl: you mean when you rightclick on the desktop and then visual effect?21:29
tan__hi, i'm getting this samba error from this command, any ideas?21:30
tan__smbclient -L
tan__Error connecting to (Connection refused)21:30
LjLAbyssal: possibly, i'm not on GNOME. there should be something in System / Preferences as well.21:30
Vorbotelukasz: have you tried setting gstreamer-preferences to use v4l2? (just open a terminal or hit Alt-F2 and type the command name).21:30
K4kIs there a relatively easy way to transplant my Ubuntu install to a new hard drive?21:30
lukaszI will try21:30
Lapinuxtan__: what kind of machine is at that ip address?21:30
LjLtan__: well without additional information the idea i get is that there's no samba server on
tan__Lapinux, winxp21:31
Abyssalljl: ok now it says that the composite extension is not available when i tried to shift one gear up.21:31
PKdoRI need help I please I cant install ubuntu 64bits I get a black sceen in normal and safe graphic mode21:31
LjLK4k: yeah, copying with cp.21:31
tan__LjL, no, just winxp file sharing21:31
lukaszcommand not found?21:31
K4kLjL: I mean, is there like a thing such as norton ghost for it?21:31
lukaszfull command pls21:31
LjLtan__: well that provides a smb server. perhaps the XP firewall is blocking you though?21:31
lukaszI don't think I got gstreamer video21:31
lukaszthat might be the prob21:32
tan__LjL, i disabled  the xp firewall temporarily21:32
tan__LjL, i can ping each other no problem21:32
nuGzzthkwhy dosent itunes start up ? i installed it fully21:32
Abyssalljl: ok now it says that the composite extension is not available when i tried to shift one gear up.21:32
tan__LjL, telnet on port 23 works too21:32
LjLAbyssal: then probably not supported on your hardware, i guess21:32
crdlbAbyssal: what video card?21:33
Lapinuxtan__: i assume you have filesharing turned on for the machine your trying to connect to?  :)21:33
lukaszamarok crashed my entire system heh21:33
LjLK4k: some links about stuff like that are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem21:33
tan__Lapinux, yes, i could access it from another winxp machine no problem21:33
Abyssalcrdlb: AGP ATP Radeon 960021:34
sabartSound Config problems. Can any one help NEWB21:34
tan__Lapinux, i'm new to ubuntu so i probably did something stupid, i just installed samba and i can see my samba share locally21:34
LjLtan__: you have telnet on Windows? wow. anyway... dunno, tried mounting a share instead? sudo mount -t cifs // /some/where...21:34
crdlbAbyssal: either disable the restricted driver (so that you're using the open source driver that comes with ubuntu) or install xserver-xgl21:35
lukaszhow do I enter gstreamer preferences?21:35
PirateHeadEvery time I log into my box using Gnome's SSH client, I put in my password and say "remember forever". But it always asks for the password again the next time. How can I get it to truly remember the password?21:35
K4kLjL: much appreciated21:35
crdlblukasz: gstreamer-properties21:36
Abyssalcrdlb: i will try the first option first and disable the restricted driver.21:36
tan__LjL, i did mount and i don't see any errors, i went to the mount directory and it's empty21:36
Lapinuxtan__:  i would make sure the windows firewall is off and if you have an internet sucurity suite that its not blocking as well21:36
tan__Lapinux, those are all off21:37
LjLK4k: i'd personally use cp anyway... what difference does it make? unless you copy the entire HD byte by byte (not just a partition), you'd still have to reconfigure grub or adapt to any new hardware... and cp has the advantage that it will "defragment" the partition, while byte-by-byte copying won't21:37
Lapinuxtan__: is this xp home or pro?21:37
LjLtan__: is it listed if you type "mount"?21:37
Abyssalcrdlb: where can i disable the restricted video driver?21:37
PKdoRI need help intaling ubuntu 64bit, I get a black screen in normal and safe graphic mode please any one?21:37
=== backus is now known as platypus
`TyraeL^awseek war dod 1.3 serv off21:38
ScuniziK4k, try partimage.  It works like ghost on each partition individually.21:38
W_Somebody speaks pt?21:38
K4kScunizi: thanks I will look into that as well!21:38
lukaszok i do the test and i only see blank on test21:38
crushin_W_ / join #linux21:38
ScuniziK4k: I've used it on Linux and Windows without issues.21:38
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:39
K4kScunizi: thanks21:39
ScuniziK4k: np21:39
r3texhow can I prevent aptitude from messing up my rc2 and rcS files every single update, I don't want it to add the samba server every time there's an update...21:39
sabartno sound21:39
`TyraeL^awseek war dod 1.3 serv off pv me now !!!!21:40
K4kScunizi: is it necessary to retain similar partition sizes with partimage?21:40
=== makubex is now known as |Makubex|
platypushey . just want to drop a general question. anyone experience with performance differences between postfix - ldap  and postfix - AD ?  to set it up with ldap is not to much fuss , AD dunno . But how will it behave with +- 1500 users handling around 8 - 10000 mail / day21:40
tan__LjL, no, i don't see it in mount21:40
crushin_W_ command is  /quit21:40
tan__Lapinux, it's xp pro21:40
Lapinuxtan__: advanced file sharing or simple?21:40
ScuniziK4k: not sure on that one..21:40
K4kScunizi: as in, when I make the partition image, do I need to transfer it onto another partition of that size or can I put it on a larger one21:40
tan__Lapinux, how can i tell?21:41
sabarthow do you do a sound config in ubuntu21:41
PanaLinux is for poor people and Jews.21:41
ScuniziK4k: usually I put the image back onto a partition that is clean as in unallocated.21:41
ifireballplatypus: that really depends on how you tune the ldap server, AD or other (though not many tuning options with AD afaik)21:41
lukaszwell it ain't workin21:41
nickrudr3tex, change the link in rc2.d to K*samba21:42
K4kScunizi: ok, well let me just see if you think this would work. I have currently a 80GB drive, I just got a 160GB drive which I'm splitting in half and putting windows and linux on, I want to then just slap what I had on the 80GB drive on the linux allocated 80GB partition, would that work?21:42
ifireballplatypus: btw 1.5K users isn't alot21:42
Lapinuxtan__: let me check, i forget where its at21:42
aoupianyone know of a good tutorial to make a .deb?21:43
LjL!packaging > aoupi    (aoupi, see the private message from Ubotu)21:43
jgooOK DeVeDe finished creating the iso - it had estimated 101% of a 4.7gb dvd. Want to know the final iso size? 1.3 gb. How can I work with this? Is there a working DVD video suite?21:43
aoupiLjL: thanks21:43
Lapinuxtan__: open my computer, go to tools, then folder options, then view21:43
ScuniziK4k: yep.  The only issue you're going to have is Grub.  Since you're installing winXX first (normal) it becomes the boot drive/partition.  Check out http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm for a great referance for fixing Grub afterwards.21:44
Lapinuxtan__: scroll all the way down to the bottom and see if simple file sharing is checked21:44
platypusifireball: what part of the ldap do you suggest to tune ? i haven't looked into openldap that much yet. just researching it to move away from microsoft exchange next year21:44
K4kScunizi: thanks a lot21:44
jgooDoes anyone here DeVeDe, or any program for burning DVD videos?21:44
tan__Lapinux, it was unchecked, so i just checked use simple now21:44
AbstortedMindsCan someone help me installing ubuntu on a macbook pro>?21:44
ScuniziK4k: have fun!  that's how my sys is setup..21:44
K4kScunizi: yea, I wanted to do this on the 80GB but 40GB per partition just wasn't going to be enough for me21:45
platypusifireball: so you think the performance won't be a problem ?21:45
tan__Lapinux, i still get the same results as before21:45
Lapinuxtan__: do you have a user account on that computer as well?21:45
lukasznow what it does whenever I run kopete main windows it seems its on21:45
Abyssalcrdlb: yes it is working. it looks weird.21:45
morphlesi have a quad core cpu, how do i enable parallel compiling?21:45
lukaszi just can't get to device settings :(21:45
tan__Lapinux, yes, i added a 'share' account on both pcs21:45
m1keI may be having a similar issue.  I just installed XP and then Ubuntu on two different partitions however, the boot loader is not showing up to let me choose between the two.  Anyone know what I should do?  Will a reinstall of ubuntu fix this?21:45
lukaszI don't even know if it wokrs21:46
RedHeronmorphles: what do you mean "enable"?21:46
tan__Lapinux, but i'm logged in as a different account21:46
Delvien_Flare183 you therE?21:46
Lapinuxtan__: im talking an local user account on the xp machine21:46
ifireballplatypus: well, I don't know an awful lot about openldap, I do remember its backend being rather flexible; I have about 3k users on an OID no sweat; ymmv21:46
Abyssalcrdlb: and all those effects seen in the video can be defined for everyones desktop?21:46
tan__Lapinux, yes, both xp and ubuntu have the exact same user account21:46
crdlbAbyssal: join #compiz-fusion for help customizing it21:46
chazcoCan anyone tell me how to sync a PocketPC with Ubuntu? I have XP in Virtualbox (would rather sync with Evolution i guess), bluetooth and USB... SynCE doesnt seem to work too well21:46
suttles95I'm having an error in Banshee...the program is stuck waiting on the transcoder to sync to my iPod...can anyone help?21:46
morphlesi mean so that when compiling all cores would compile at the same time, but now i get just one core compiling(i belive so, by cpu usage in htop)21:46
Abyssalcrdlb: thank you21:46
Lapinuxtan__: ok, so uncheck that box, so its using advanced file sharing, and make sure you have a share set up21:47
Hilikushow do i run an anacron job as a regular non-root user?21:47
m1keScunizi: I think i'm having a similar issue with grub.  The bootloader doesnt seem to appear after the install21:47
WorkingOnWis1i'm trying to do a fresh install of ubuntu 7.10 I can boot the cd, but the display goes a funky white/gray and tays that way. I can hear the startup sound. ctrl-alt-backspace doesnt help. I have tried every video mode, no joy. I tried the noapic kernel option, no good. I have a a turion x2 laptop with nvidia go 6100 video. This is the 32bit cd i am trying to boot. the amd64 cd boots fine.21:47
Lapinuxtan__: go into the sharing options on the xp machine and make sure your user has permission to it or that everyone has access to it21:47
Scunizim1ke: do you have multiple HD's in the machine?21:47
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lukaszall I do is force quit cause it crashes and doesn't work :(21:48
m1keYes but I'm partitioning just one for the install of windows and ubuntu21:48
tan__Lapinux, ok, i'll try those, i'm just trying to login to xp using the new 'share' account21:48
killuxhey, is anyone here running ubuntu on their ps3?21:49
Scunizim1ke: take the other HD out during install or use the link I provided above to put grub "in the right place".21:49
=== Arthur is now known as BehiiMehii
lukaszvery wierd problem im hsving21:49
garyvdmHi - Where would be a good place to ask questions about using grep?21:49
sabartHelp "gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Could not open resource for writing." I'm a Newb No clue were to start21:50
aroonihow do i run commands that require sudo on system startup (specifically ddclient) ?21:50
tyczek_can somebody kick Tyczek?21:50
lukaszhmm im stomped with my webcam21:50
LjL!ghost > tyczek_    (tyczek_, see the private message from Ubotu)21:50
platypusifireball: what services is it providing ? currently i'm on ad with my users . the primary need is to switch away from exchange , but if the ad can provide auth and postfix can use it it's fine. But i'm more attrected to implementing an openldap too . we'll be shutdown for 3 weeks , so why notmake the transition at once .   but when you run 3k on it , i gues it will be up for the job.. what h/w you rnning for it ?21:50
Lapinuxtan__: did you make a samba user for yourself?21:51
=== tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek
suttles95I'm having an error in Banshee...the program is stuck waiting on the transcoder to sync to my iPod...can anyone help?21:51
morphlesi have this wierd issue with keyboard, i use keymap for my language and i have set it to be for all windows (cous windows way per windo is just annoyng) but i somhow het my keymap droped back to default - english my changing some windows, how come? what should i do?21:51
cdavis_I installed phppgadmin for gutsy, where is is aliased to?21:51
tan__Lapinux, ok, i did all of those, still no go ...21:51
Computercan someone help me uninstall ubuntu properly?21:51
Lapinuxtan__: did you make a samba user for yourself?21:51
Lapinuxtan__: we are not done yet :)21:52
tan__Lapinux, i think i did, i added share using the passwd thingy21:52
cdavis_127.0.0.1/phppgadmin fails with 40421:52
aroonihow do i read the SYSLOG21:52
Lapinuxtan__: sudo smbpasswd -a "username" ?21:52
ifireballplatypus: Hardware->the huge kind... don't follow my example; OID is an Oracle product; you can probably do much more with much less21:53
tan__Lapinux, yep, like sudo smbpasswd -a share21:53
AutoMatriXhi folks, is there a special temporary directory for totem ?21:53
Computersomeone help me uninstall linux please :(21:53
AutoMatriXI'd like to save the movie I'm on-line watching21:53
tan__Lapinux, then i modify the smb.conf and added   security = user21:53
tan__  username map = /etc/samba/smbusers21:53
tan__Lapinux, username = share21:53
* lukasz is Stomped by his webcam21:53
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!21:54
teddy233he must be confussing ubuntu wit someone else21:54
zcat[1]Computer: you don't "uninstall" linux .. generally you just 'install' something different over the top. Go to the support channel for whatever OS you plan to install?21:54
zcat[1]hmmm.. too late21:55
ifireballplatypus: I'm not sure what postfix needs from the LDAP , if its just auth any LDAP can do that, AD as well (might be the right idea if you already have the users thee)21:55
morphlesubuntu is not too cool but doesnt suck21:55
lukaszIm gonna try nquake again and see if i fixed something brb21:55
morphlesstill much place to improve21:55
Enselicmorphles: like?21:55
morphlesi like some features of gentoo21:55
morphlessome very unique21:56
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:56
nuGzthkwhy is lime blank when i load it up?? does any1 know?21:56
zcat[1]I'm still pissed about the printer management.. who decided to drop the really nice thing we had and replace it with something much more complex? Bad decision IMHO..21:56
ifireballplatypus: I did have it running on a smaller dual xeon with 2G ram for a while and it was mostly idle21:56
morphlesif there would be some way to merge ubuntu and gentoo that would be the ultimate os21:56
morphleswould totaly rule21:57
ompaulmorphles, you are offtopic this is a support channel21:57
jgoozcat[1]: I just setup 5 network printers on a computer network. In the end we had to **DROP* support for windows as it was nuts trying to get them all working. It was ... as you would imagine it should be, easy and straight forward having all printers working on linux.21:57
Hilikushow do i run an anacron job as a regular non-root user?21:57
kitcheHilikus: make a crontab as the user21:57
Hilikuskitche but if i just do that it wont run if the computer's off21:58
WorkingOnWis1 i'm trying to do a fresh install of ubuntu x32 7.10 I can boot the cd, but the display goes a funky white/gray and stays that way. I can hear the startup sound. ctrl-alt-backspace doesnt help. I have tried every video mode, no joy. I tried the noapic kernel option, no good. I have a a turion x2 laptop with nvidia go 6100 video. The amd64 cd boots fine.21:58
aroonican someone please help me get ddclient working ?21:58
platypusifireball: yes the users are on the ad . But a move will be in order anyway..  all the systems are goig to be replaced , and we want to completely switch away from ms .  so if the ldap can cut it , ldap it is.  just researching the options . primary need is email , file storage , and user auth.21:58
zcat[1]also sound is a MESS. I understand that ubuntu is moving to some new unified framework instead of the mess of oss/alsa that it used to have, but I have no idea what controls I use to turn on my microphone, for record only, or to record from 'loopback' -- the old system was much easier to figure out21:58
jgoozcat[1]: just like I would only recommend a relative to use firefox (easier, makes sense) I would now only recommend someone to use ubuntu, as quite simply anything else is harder, and more likely to cause problems21:58
crushin_jgoo . how did you include the tools .... ? my printer will print  but it will not acknowledge the USB port on add?21:58
r3texnickrud: doesn't changing the initscript link to K-something confuse things since it tries to kill something that hasn't started?21:58
ifireballplatypus: what are the clients running?21:58
platypusifireball: another quest is to have some nice email sollution.  some groupware running on linux would be nice.21:59
platypusifireball: mostly w2k and xp . no vista ...21:59
jgooAlso, I have had 3 new computer users start using ubuntu on laptops... they never really used computers before (if you can believe that). It is amazing to see new computer users just not realise that they are using anything different, as they have no predefined ideas21:59
zcat[1]jgoo: yes, but in the case of printers, there used to be something that my mother could use.... it's been replaced with something that even I can't understand half the time. The old package is still there and as soon as I found out I uninstalled the new one and went back to the old, still perfectly funtional one... wtf?!!21:59
chazcoWhen my printer runs out of paper it'll continue to print the last page (when more paper is added) it managed until the power is switched off... ideas?21:59
platypusifireball: for groupware i was looking at zarafa , but other suggestions are welcome too .22:00
ifireballplatypus: you're talking 6 months worth of integration work here probably; you need a full-time guy for this not an IRC channel22:00
jgoozcat[1]: I think I was using the old one (actually, or something else, this was using openSuSE)22:00
jgooI haven't setup printers in ubuntu22:00
ifireballplatypus: as it comes to groupware I've only seen horde so far, but there are dime-a-dozen...22:00
ompaul!cups | zcat[1] have a read of this22:01
ubotuzcat[1] have a read of this: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows22:01
platypusifireball: yes that's right ..  just wanted some input ...    more research is much needed indeed..  thanks for your time anyway ..   think i'll call it a day ;)  thanks again ..22:02
ifireballplatypus: samba website has some nice progressive by-example book on building and scaling big linux/windows networks22:02
Greevoushow do I copy only the contents of a directory with cp?22:02
Hilikuswill anacron run users crontabs if they were missed by cron or just system crontabs (i.e /etc/cron.* )??22:02
platypusifireball: thanks for the pointer..22:02
ifireballplatypus: in a sec i'll do more then that and link you22:03
=== DSDASD is now known as Kopfgeldjaeger
fubbleskagmplayer plugin for firefox only shows video if i disable desktop effects - this a known issue? (gutsy amd64 ati)22:03
platypusifireball: ok22:03
teddy233thanks again ifireball, the page you gave me is a great starting point22:03
rskfubbleskag: try putting -vo x11 as the driver22:04
ifireballplatypus: http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-Guide/22:04
fubbleskagrsk where do i indicate that?22:04
rskfubbleskag: rightclik should be there somewhere22:04
platypusifireball: thanx22:04
ifireballseems to be the night of huge enterprises here tonight... :)22:04
rp_I am still having a memory leak issue, how does one figure out whats causing the issue?22:04
rredd4Where can I download 7.10 dvd iso?  I have tried torrent and iso download, both quit on me.  i am in the usa, west coast.22:05
preactionrredd4, torrent "quit"? how?22:05
fubbleskagrsk i want to have your babies right now22:06
platypusifireball: i'll mark it and do some reading up tomorrow.  many thanx ... greets and have a nice new year .. party on .. ;)22:06
WorkingOnWis1 i'm trying to do a fresh install of ubuntu x32 7.10 I can boot the cd, but the display goes a funky white/gray and stays that way. I can hear the startup sound. ctrl-alt-backspace doesnt help. I have tried every video mode, no joy. I tried the noapic kernel option, no good. I have a a turion x2 laptop with nvidia go 6100 video. The amd64 cd boots fine.22:06
rredd4preaction  sorry, don't remember the error..22:06
ifireballplatypus: good luck22:06
platypusifireball: thanx.. l8ers...22:07
fubbleskagWorkingOnWis1 dell laptop?22:07
garyvdmWhat shell command can I use to split some text?22:07
robdigGreevous: cp path_to_source_directory/* path_to_destination_directory22:07
filmgeekrunning samba on ubuntu (noob in both places).  I can't seem to figure out why I can't see two mount points...they were working...and now don't.   :(22:07
WorkingOnWis1fubbleskag: no. Averatec 717022:07
preactionrredd4, torrent is your best bet, or the official http (but i had problems with the official http). torrents don't quit, they only fail if the tracker is dead and only if you have no peers. try again22:07
Greevousthank you22:07
robdigGreevous: np22:08
garyvdmeg: I've got "Disk|garyvdm|" - and I would like to get "Disk", "garyvdm", ""22:08
sliptteessee i later22:08
* lukasz is back 22:08
rredd4preaction  ok, why is the download rate so slow.  I have 500k download rate, torrents d/l at 37k or less.22:08
sliptteeshappy new year for all...!!22:08
=== Hfuy is now known as Jan-
ShockieHello Community22:09
ScuniziWorkingOnWis1: you might try the "Alternate CD" instead of the live cd.22:09
preactionrredd4, probably because you're not giving back22:09
rredd4preaction i am22:09
Greevousrobdig: can I cp files into the font:/// directory somehow?22:09
WorkingOnWis1Scunizi: even tho the and64 disk boots fine?22:09
rredd4torrent says 3 days to dl..22:10
preactionrredd4, if not that, then you're saturating your upstream. try setting your upload limit to about 90% of your max upload. ACK packets need to get through. if you're running through a firewall / packet filter, you might be able to prioritize ACK packets22:10
ScuniziWorkingOnWis1: either that or you might have a bad burn of the live cd.. It should be done at the slowest possible speed.22:10
bajunAfter, how it was before, install of printconf CUPS dont know usb backend, why?22:10
aroonihow do i view the system log22:10
preactionrredd4, otherwise, you're not connected to enough peers. just be patient. it will get done22:10
krustofskiany channel logs here?22:10
rredd4torrent 85 peers22:11
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ - See also « /msg ubotu ircstats »22:11
robdigGreevous: put sudo in front of it22:11
OleMoudiany ideas how to sync system time between windows and ubuntu installations? whenever I boot to a different OS I the time is wrong, +/- 2 hours22:11
ShockieCan someone help me with some Ubuntu - Laptop - USB Booting problems? Plz.22:11
WorkingOnWis1Scunizi: I'll reburn then, and if not, try the alt cd. thanks22:11
Greevousrobdig: I did, it says 'fonts:///' is not a directory22:11
preactionrredd4, are you connected to all of them? i hope not. too many connections can make certain OSes and routers/gateways go nuts. just Be Patient22:11
ScuniziWorkingOnWis1: np.. I hope it works.. frustration isn't what anyone wants.22:11
Task1Why cant I enable the visual effects?22:12
rredd4preaction  uuggggh!22:12
robdigGreevous: i think fonts are kept in a subdirectory of /usr/share/fonts depending on type22:12
|DuReX|I installed swat (samba configuration web) but the help links doesn't work ... the page doesn't exist ... any id ?22:12
Task1it says  Desktop effect could not be enabled   :(22:12
evil64anyone have a canon powershot sd1000 working?22:12
LapinuxTask1: what video card do you have?22:13
LapinuxTask1: you might want to check if its compatible...22:13
tofaffyI'm running Ubuntu Gutsy on an Acer ASpire 3050..When I start up, after grub does it's thing it just hangs. If I change to another shell or something with CTRL+ALT+F1-Fwhatever it starts up...it skips the ubuntu splash screen though. What could be causing this? I put noacpi and noapic in the grub config too.22:13
lukaszI tell you 870 is powershot once I get it i try to hook it up to linux  :)22:13
Task1Ati Radeon 160022:13
C112hello all22:13
tofaffyI had this problem last time I did an install but I can't remember what I did to fix it.22:13
ShockieAnd if you have already openGL activated @Task122:14
LapinuxTask1: did you install the restricted drivers for it?22:14
Greevousrobdig: darn. There's so many subdirectories in /usr/share/fonts, I just wanted to copy some from my Windows font folder22:14
lukaszfglrxinfo displays fine in terminal on my lappy :22:14
lukasz :)22:14
ShockieI have a Problem with booting ubuntu on my Laptop with USB Devices connected22:14
Task1Yeah I went to restricted drivers... and it had a install for it...22:14
lukaszhave you updated it your bios Task122:14
Task1So it doesnt use onboard vid?  Yeah it auto checks it22:15
ShockieMaybe you have to check wheater the correct driver is set in Xorg.conf22:15
lukaszI got grub installed on hd122:15
C112can some one any thing about dual display cards ubuntu22:15
horizxonis there a way to check the status of a mount?22:15
ShockieWhich card @ C11222:15
C112ati and  nvidia22:16
tofaffyI'm running Ubuntu Gutsy on an Acer ASpire 3050..When I start up, after grub does it's thing it just hangs. If I change to another shell or something with CTRL+ALT+F1-Fwhatever it starts up...it skips the ubuntu splash screen though. What could be causing this? I put noacpi and noapic in the grub config too.22:16
horizxoner Ill just count how many files there are in the folder containing the mount22:16
GuillemHmm, how does the PDF printer work???? It appeared since my upgrade to Gutsy but when I print to it, nothing happens (I was expecting some kind of dialog asking for a file destination)22:16
C112the one is an ATI the other  nvidia22:16
LagginatorWhat's the alternate installation thing, the one that doesn't need as much system resources?22:16
Odd-rationaleWhen you enter your password for sudo, it remembers it for 15 minutes or so. There a command to make it forget the password manually?22:16
aroonihow do i run commands that require sudo on system startup (specifically ddclient) ?   can i just put the command in the sessions table to be:  "sudo ddclient" ?22:17
GuillemOdd-rationale, yes, it exists but I cannot remember it...22:17
rredd4preaction  i got this error: torrent got exception: exceptions.TypeError  Traceback (most recent call last) Plus a few other lines, too many to type22:17
Odd-rationaleGuillem: That helps a lot. ;)22:17
Shockieoh sorry in this case i can't help u. I thought you have one dual card running.22:17
bajunCan not setup a printer.22:17
bajunCUPS don't know a usb backend after, how it was before, install of printconf, is anyone know, why?22:17
preactionrredd4, use a different torrent client22:17
lwellsCan someone help me with speaker balance?22:17
rredd4preaction ok22:17
C112i would like to have dual display22:18
lwellsthey work on a ms machine, but only one works on ubuntu22:18
fubbleskaganyone know of a script offhand that'll adjust brightness up/down?22:18
sonjahow do i uninstall Evolution??22:18
lukaszwell Im gone that was some work I had today :)22:18
GuillemOdd-rationale, http://www.tiraecol.net/modules/comic/comic.php?content_id=4122:19
lwellsso no one knows aobut speaker balance?22:19
GuillemOdd-rationale, man sudo -> sudo -k22:19
Odd-rationaleGuillem: Unfortuately I speak english only.22:19
Odd-rationaleGuillem: Thanks!22:20
GuillemOdd-rationale, in spanish, "sudo" means "I sweat"22:20
ivanhoecould you help me22:20
lwellscan anyone hear me in here?22:20
ivanhoewith a cellpnone22:20
Odd-rationaleGuillem: lol22:20
ivanhoewith usb conection22:20
ivanhoeto te pc22:20
sofiankrtnickrud: hey! It has worked, everything is back to normal!22:21
ivanhoethe problem its gnome dont mount22:21
ShockieHi ivanhoe maybe this thread can help u out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571429 @ivanhoe22:22
ivanhoetha k you22:23
hanasakideskbar used to have an option for an area on the paenl to type into.. is that now gone?22:23
Retro`i have bricked my sansa e260 (4 GB) mp4 player22:23
bottigera good tool to get an overview of you harddrives. and how much space you have left?22:23
Retro`i have eliminate all the data in its flash drive22:23
ShockieWhat do u decide to do with your cellphone? @Ivan22:23
robdigGreevous: sorry, my daughter needed something...did you get what you needed?22:23
Retro`the firmware AND the bootloader22:24
soldatsbottiger, nautilus can do it and its your basic file manager22:24
Malinbottiger: system monitor22:24
Retro`please help22:24
Hilikuswill anacron run users crontabs if they were missed by cron or just system crontabs (i.e /etc/cron.* )?22:24
Retro`i am stuck very much here22:24
nuGzthkis it possible to add new songs to my ipod with songbird??22:24
kitcheHilikus: users as well if it the crontab job is setup correctly22:24
nickrudsofiankrt, great22:24
Retro`i have bricked my sansa e260 (4 GB) mp4 player22:25
kitchenuGzthk: yes with the ipod plugin22:25
Retro`i have eliminate all the data in its flash drive22:25
Retro`the firmware AND the bootloader22:25
Retro`please help22:25
ShockieI have a problem booting ubuntu on my Laptop with USB-Devices (Keyboard, or mouse) connected on it. somebody can give me a hint?22:25
kitcheRetro`: might want to see if there is a sansa channel22:25
nickrudsofiankrt, when you never came back, I began thinking of everything that could have gone wrong :)22:25
Hilikuskitche how do i make sure of that? i dont see anything in /etc/anacrontab to run users' crontabs22:25
ompaulRetro`, that would be an issue for people who know sansa nothing to do with ubuntu22:25
Malinbottiger, System --> Administration --> System monitor --> file system tab22:25
kitcheHilikus: make crontab as user and it might run myself I don' use anacron anymore22:25
Retro`ompaul, is there any mp4 player support on irc?22:26
kitcheHilikus: since anacron is missing some features that I like to use22:26
nuGzthkKitche: i have the plugin but cant figure out how to add songs , o yea another thing when i load up limewire its just a grey box?22:26
bottigerMalin: okey - thanks22:26
alesanI remember a friend of mine had skype on linux with webcam support, but I am not sure which version was22:26
clarezoehi, anyone can help me? I can't open nautilus with the error :nautilus: error while loading shared libraries: libbeagle.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory22:27
alesannow I donwloaded what seems to be the latest version but I do not find any webcam support22:27
kitcheclarezoe: you probably need to install libbeagle your missing the libbeagle.so.022:27
ompaulthere are some players supported but only on the baisis that you are using their firmware - this is not a good place for it you could try exactly one thing, sudo dosfsck -a /dev/whateverSDAorWhateverItIs - but this could make it more bricked22:27
Hilikusi dont know, unless theres another anacrontab, the one on /etc only runs/etc/cron.daily/* and /etc/cron.weekly/*22:27
ompaulRetro`, ^^ and I know more bricked :-)22:28
sofiankrtnickrud: lol22:28
sofiankrtnickrud: but now I've got another problem! :)22:29
Retro`ompaul, is there any way i can unbrick my SanDisk Sansa e260 mp4 player?22:29
aroonihey team ... i'm trying to log in via ssh to my desktop without having to type the password.  i've already run ssh-keygen on my ubuntu laptop, then appended the ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub key to my file of ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on my desktop ubuntu.... but when i ssh in .... i still have to type password... wtf?  ideas?22:29
nickrudsofiankrt, can't be worse than the last22:29
sofiankrtnickrud: I still haven't figured out how to connect to the internet!22:29
ompaulRetro`, not that I am aware of - it is not a ubuntu issue as I have said already22:29
Hilikusarooni did you change the required params in sshd config file?22:30
Hilikusarooni so that it accepts that type of auth22:30
kitchearooni: did you enable key based logins in the sshd_config22:30
arooniHilikus, kitche i dont know...... where do i go to fix22:30
clarezoekitche, I have the libbeagle installed22:30
sofiankrtnickrud: for mandriva, I just downloaded a reverse engineered drive from the internet... bcm33xx or something22:30
arooniwhere do i go to check22:31
Rufus_how do i add partitions in ubuntu?22:31
clarezoekitche, and I tried --reinstall, it doesn't work22:31
ubotuGParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/22:31
nickrud!bcm43xx | sofiankrt22:31
ubotusofiankrt: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx22:31
intelikeymajor mality, installed system on lappy yesterday, booted three times testing things.   today wont boot.  "kernel panic - not syncing VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0) "     this is a recurring problem.  that was the reason for the reload.    anyone know what the possable/probable causes might be ?22:31
Rufus_ThAnK yOu22:31
nickrudsofiankrt, go to that link, it should help you set up22:31
aroonikitche, Hilikus RSAAuthentication yes22:31
arooniPubkeyAuthentication yes22:31
arooni#AuthorizedKeysFile     %h/.ssh/authorized_keys22:31
arooniAuthorizedKeysFile      ~/.ssh/authorized_keys22:31
sofiankrtnickrud: cool!22:32
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sofiankrtnickrud: I hope I won't be dissapointed by ubuntu!22:32
intelikeysofiankrt you will.22:32
nickrudsofiankrt, look for the off-line installation section22:32
aroonikitche, Hilikus any ideas?22:33
Task1Hey I found a update for my driver ... it is like   ati-driver-installer-blah-blah.run22:33
Task1how do I install it?22:33
kitchearooni: did you restart sshd?22:33
=== lwells is now known as netlarlinux
aroonikitche, i already had those options enabled22:33
netlarlinuxcan someone help me with speaker balance22:33
aroonikitche, should i restart it though?  if so, how can id o that22:33
kitchearooni: yes but did you restart sshd when you enabled those options22:34
aroonikitche, when i opened the file i already had those options enabled22:34
ivanhoesorry can you help me with a how to22:34
ivanhoefor mount a cell phone22:34
ivanhoein ubuntu22:34
netlarlinuxwhen they are attached to a ms box they work fine22:36
sofiankrthow do I know if my computer is 64 bit or 32 bit or whatever?22:37
sofiankrtwhat's it called?22:37
kitchesofiankrt: what's your processor?22:37
sofiankrtkitche: don't really know22:38
con-manhow do I shut down X?  I type "sudo pkill X" in another tab (Ctrl-alt-1) but it starts back up again22:38
kitchecon-man: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop22:39
netlarlinuxbut only one of them works on this ubuntu machine22:39
netlarlinuxjust cannot find where the balace is kept22:39
InGunsWeTrustwhat is the least buggy flash player. I am not sure which one I have now but sometimes npviewer.bin freezes firefox and sometimes buttons on youtube for pause and play dont work22:40
ChrisULMis anyone here familiar with ssh tunneling using a dd-wrt router?22:40
kitcheInGunsWeTrust: flash 722:40
sofiankrthow do I know which processor I have?22:41
ChrisULMsofiankrt, are you in windows?22:41
denndacat /proc/meminfo <-- Which line tells me what amount of RAM is to be overwritten when more ram is needed? (i.e., how much rum is "old" and not used anymore?)22:41
sofiankrtChrisULM: no, mandriva22:41
Terfyhi there..22:42
ithicinesofiankrt: try running dmesg | less CPU0 in a terminal22:42
ChrisULMyou need to know which processor you have, like amd or intel?22:42
Terfyare some of you using initng ?22:42
jaredI am running Ubuntu Gutsy on an Acer Aspire 3050. When I boot, the computer kind of freezes after it gets past the grub OS choice menu. If I hit CTRL+ALT+F<number> it will continue doing it's thing. I can show you my syslog if you need it...what could be causing this?22:42
ithicinesofiankrt: err sorry... I meant dmesg | grep CPU022:42
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kitcheTerfy: probably all here is using Upstart which is default in Ubuntu22:42
Task1Hey I am doing...    sudo bash ati-driver-installer-8.443.1-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/gutsy22:43
Task1 but it says no such file22:43
Task1where should it be? what dir?22:43
Terfykitche Upstart.. aha.. Ill google it.22:43
GreevousI've just finished installing compiz on a new Gutsy installation, and the menubar does not match my current theme. It has that "classic windows" look22:43
VarangerI am having problems changing the resolution with amdcccle. First, I change it but after I restart my system, the resolution returns to the previous one. I can't keep the chang22:43
kitcheTerfy: it's in launchpad22:44
sofiankrtithicine: apparently I have an Intel Genuine Intel(R) CPU, but aren't I supposed to have a pentium 1 or 2 or 3 etc...?22:44
BehiiMehiihttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4035182 can somebody skim through that and give me a bit of help, please?22:44
ChrisULMBehiiMehii, you need to install the wmv codec22:45
ithicinesofiankrt: this means as far as the kernel knows, it's just a generic Intel chip.  Here's something else to try.22:45
ChrisULMtell it to search for the driver22:45
sofiankrtithicine: it also includes something about T2080, could that be my CPU?22:45
|DuReX|I installed samba, it works on the same computer, but i can't access it with my windows pc :(22:45
BehiiMehiiChrisULM I don't think it's a codec problem now because none of the files even show an image22:45
ithicinesofiankrt: oh!  There we go.  Yup, you've got a 64 bit chip22:45
cav3mantry dmesg | grep  CPU022:45
VarangerI am having problems changing the resolution with amdcccle. First, I change it but after I restart my system, the resolution returns to the previous one. I can't keep the change22:45
Task1when you run a bash command with sudo ... where should the file be?22:45
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kitcheTask1: anyplace that you have the file22:46
Task1so when I run that command... and it says file not found what do I do?22:46
magical_trevskyTask1, root's home foldeer is /root22:46
Task1sudo bash ati-driver-installer-8.443.1-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/gutsy22:46
magical_trevskyoh nvm, misread22:46
kitcheTask1: what do you mena by file not found22:47
Task1I run this command right here  :sudo bash ati-driver-installer-8.443.1-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/gutsy22:47
usr13Task1: First, cd to the driectory where you saved the file.22:47
sofiankrtithicine: oh, cool! thanks!22:47
ithicinesofiankrt: no, wait.  I just looked into it22:47
Guillemhmm, seems that I have to create a PDF directory and give correct permissions since cupsd cannot generate the file...22:47
Task1and it says file not found ... I am trying to install my drivers manually and following the tutorial...22:47
ChrisULMTask1, you arent in the correct directory22:48
BehiiMehiiSo ChrisULM, any idea? :/22:48
Task1its on my desktop though I see it22:48
InGunsWeTrustwhat is a good program for linux that edits PDF files22:48
magical_trevskyTask1, run it as ./ati-driver-installer-8.443.1-x86.x86_64.run22:48
usr13Task1: cd Desktop22:48
Task1ok... what directory should I put that file in?22:48
ChrisULMBehiiMehii, sorry22:48
magical_trevskyyou need the ./ because the current dir is probably not in your $path22:48
ChrisULMTask1, type "cd desktop"22:48
ithicinesofiankrt: I thought the 2080 supported 64 bit, but apparently not.  It's the T23xx series chips that support 64 bit.  You've got a cheaper 32 bit dual core mobile chip22:48
ChrisULMthen run that22:48
VarangerDoes anyone here have a ATI card??22:48
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
usr13Task1: Sand then:  sh ./ati-driver-installer-8.42.3-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/gutsy22:48
ithicinesofiankrt: but I wouldn't worry... there's still very, very little benefit to 64 bit at the moment, if any22:49
cav3manVaranger, an old ATI card22:49
annonymousehey all22:49
usr13annonymouse: Yes one22:49
annonymouseyes one what?22:50
usr13annonymouse: hey all what?22:50
sofiankrtithicine: so, I shouldn't use 64 bit software? My ubuntu is 64 bit, and it works just fine! and what does it all mean, anyway?22:50
annonymousejust hi this  time around i dont actually have a queston22:50
usr13annonymouse: (I can tell this is going to be an interesting conversation.)22:50
Task1I am so confused.... I type in cd desktop and it says command not found22:51
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con-manI cant seem to use the nvidia built driver. it says you do not have a nvidia driver selected just run  nvidia-xconfig and restart X.  I do that but I get the same message when trying to load the settings manager22:51
nonewmsgsi got a nvidia tnt videocard for dad's p3 1ghz ubuntu machine. once x starts the screen goes blank, er rather did until i started running the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.  lspci has said that i have a vga compabale controller nvidia nv6 [vanta/vanta lt] (rev 15) at 01:0e.0  i tried to punch that in as pci:01:0e:0 in the wizard, but it says that is not a valid entry. pci:01:0:0 does not work22:51
aroonihey team ... i'm trying to log in via ssh to my desktop without having to type the password.  i've already run ssh-keygen on my ubuntu laptop, then appended the ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub key to my file of ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on my desktop ubuntu.... but when i ssh in .... i still have to type password... wtf?  ideas?   also, the sshd_config file already has public key authentication enableed22:51
ChrisULMTask1, open up a terminal22:51
usr13annonymouse: Imagine that, a ubuntuer with no questionns!  :)22:51
cav3manTask1, try cd Desktop22:51
Task1Its open22:51
annonymousenaw just  been using ubuntu for a week now with only a few stupid things on my part  seamlessly and all the things i do in windoze i can do in ubuntu quicker and better22:51
ChrisULMcd Desktop22:51
Task1damn caps... sorry bout that22:51
Task1I am a newb on this system22:52
annonymouseno doubt in 10 mins i will have a question about apache when im done researching it22:52
ChrisULMno prop22:52
con-manany ideas?22:52
annonymouseme to task1 i know nothing about linux22:52
ithicinesofiankrt: well... the 64 bit support in that chip is fairly limited, and you're probably hurting your performance with 64 bit on it.  example: I've tried both 32 bit and 64 bit Ubuntu on my laptop with an Athlon 64 X2 in it... and I get better performance with 32 bit22:52
ChrisULMTask1, little hint. You could have just typed "bash" and then drug the file you had on the desktop into the terminal22:52
ChrisULM* "bash "22:52
ChrisULM(space after bash)22:52
con-manany ideas?22:53
Guillemdamned, it is something related to "apparmor". Firstly I will have to study what apparmor is...22:53
ShapeshifterHi. I wanted to play Unreal Tournament 2004 but I noticed that it runs really bad in 7.10 compared to XP. I have an Intel GMA950 chip that is just fine for such an old game, in XP I can run ut04 at high settings and a reasonable resolution. What's the problem here, I thought the intel drivers are good?22:53
Task1Wait a sec22:53
Task1terminal... thats a seperate ummm  like   Alt + f3   ?22:53
Task1Thats a terminal?22:53
GuillemShapeshifter, Probably not so good drivers...22:53
kitcheShapeshifter: do you have direct rendering enabled22:53
usr13Task1: No, just a terminal window22:53
con-manI cant seem to use the nvidia built driver. it says you do not have a nvidia driver selected just run  nvidia-xconfig and restart X.  I do that but I get the same message when trying to load the settings manager22:53
Task1hmmm how you get a term open?22:53
ChrisULMTask1, its under applications > accessories22:54
ChrisULM(on your menu)22:54
Shapeshifterkitche: I guess. I can use Compiz-Fusion without problems. I turned it off to play by the way.22:54
ChrisULMTask1, why do you want to manually install your card instead of using the auto installer?22:54
usr13Task1: And then, cd to the Desktop directory:  cd Desktop22:54
Task1ok so now we... I mean I have a new problem22:54
con-manthe autoinstaller doesnt work22:55
con-manat least for me22:55
sofiankrtithicine: so which should I choose on this website? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Gutsy           for installing fwcutter?22:55
usr13Task1: What is your "new problem"?22:55
Task1Cuz my Vid cards not supported so I have to install manually22:55
con-manand him apparantly22:55
ChrisULMhmm, works for numerous ati and nvidia cards for me22:55
usr13Task1: So, you are in console mode only?  Is that what you are saying.22:55
con-manthe prove me wrong by answering my question :P22:55
Task1Window pops up and says ...  Could not open the file... blah blah     "gedit has not been able to detect the character coding......"22:55
ChrisULMwhat you need?22:55
|Makubex|someone has tested alfresco war on tomcat5.5 ?? needing some help getting it to work22:56
ithicinesofiankrt: if you're running 64 bit Ubuntu now, you need the 64 bit version of fwcutter if that's out now.  Haven't looked into fwcutter in ages since ndiswrapper is *amazingly* good at what it does22:56
con-manbecause im at my wits end22:56
Task1I am in terminal now and did the Bash    "Carry file over"22:56
usr13Task1: Don't use gedit22:56
|DuReX|I installed samba, it works on the same computer, but i can't access it with my windows pc :( i get error: 'Can't become connected user'22:56
con-manI have no idea what to do next22:56
Task1OK... what do I use and how?22:56
usr13Task1:   sh ./ati-driver-installer-8.42.3-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/gutsy22:56
artimusI've got a Kubuntu and a Xubuntu box.  Both have atheros wifi cards that work great when configured manually.  How can I make my wireless card(s) show up in Network Manager?22:56
aroonihey team ... i'm trying to log in via ssh to my desktop without having to type the password.  i've already run ssh-keygen on my ubuntu laptop, then appended the ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub key to my file of ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on my desktop ubuntu.... but when i ssh in .... i still have to type password... wtf?  ideas?   also, the sshd_config file already has public key authentication enableed22:56
con-manI hate setting up my video card in linux, it makes me want to cut myself22:56
con-manits that bad22:56
ChrisULMand you have an nvidia card?22:57
usr13Task1: But first, what do you get when you type   pwd  ?22:57
ChrisULMused the "restricted driver manager"?22:57
sofiankrtithicine: I've tried ndiswrapper with mandriva, but for some reason, it didn't work... so I got the impression that it doesn't work with my BCM94311 wireless card?22:57
Task1.   /home/task22:57
con-manand now it keeps going in to low graphics mode every time and I cant fix it22:57
ChrisULMvery odd22:57
usr13Task1: cd Desktop22:57
ithicinesofiankrt: haha... just checked, seems there's really no difference between 32 bit and 64 bit for fwcutter... you just need to be sure your wireless drivers that you're cutting are 64 bit22:58
con-manI tried installing the nvidia driver off the website but that doesnt work22:58
Task1con man what chip you got?22:58
con-man8800 GTS22:58
Task1ok now it says Desktop22:58
usr13Task1: NOW, what do you get when you type  pwd  ?22:58
ithicinesofiankrt: sure it'll work.  Just so long as you've got the right Windows drivers, and you've followed the guides on setting up ndiswrapper in 64 bit.  Which, by the way, is a major weakness of 64bit Ubuntu.  Getting wireless to work :S22:58
Task1~/Desktop$ pwd22:59
alex1234hey guys. i found a solution to the slow printing of pdf documents: user adobe reader instead of evince to print. it'll be much faster.22:59
usr13Task1:   sh ./ati-driver-installer-8.42.3-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/gutsy22:59
ithicinesofiankrt: I've had no issues at all with ndiswrapper on 32 bit Ubuntu, and I've got a Broadcom wifi chipset as well22:59
ChrisULMcon-man, have you tried the envy script thing?22:59
Task1I love you22:59
bmackcan someone help me install the right driver for my video card: ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT22:59
ithicinesofiankrt: in fact, fwcutter doesn't support my wifi card at all.  Unsupported tranciever, apparently :S23:00
erUSUL!ati | bmack23:00
ubotubmack: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:00
Task1I am never buying ATI again23:00
ChrisULMati = balls23:00
annonymousecan i ask does any one have experiance in running cubase under ubuntu ?23:00
ralph__what is cubase?23:01
nickrudgotta give ati credit, their driver is moving fast23:01
sofiankrtithicine: so what exactly should I do now?23:01
usr13Task1: Is it working for you?23:01
Task1yeah they are... but just so inconvient I wanna run linux and this is the reason I stoped last time23:01
CreedHow do I "rm -rf" but exclude a file or folder?23:01
bmackive enabled the driver that restricted driver manager gives me and it made where i cannot even boot into kubuntu23:02
Task1now I am trying to duke it out to get it working cuz My $300 vid card i gonna go to nothing if I dont23:02
ChrisULMboth of my ati cards installed using the restricted driver thing23:02
ithicinesofiankrt: I'm not saying this is a one-size-fits-all solution, but based on experience with a fair bit of this kind of hardware I find 32 bit distributions with ndiswrapper nearly always gets the job done23:02
usr13Task1: You'll do well to do a little research before shopping for hardware.23:02
ralph__I have a  Pinnacle , any sugestions about what kind of prog is most comfortable to use to watch tele?23:02
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usr13Task1: Nvidia would be a better choice, (for a Linux user.)23:03
ralph__yes but Pinnacle is working no probs23:03
ralph__I use kdetv now23:03
ralph__but no options to record something23:04
usr13Task1: To tell the truth,  Nvidia has better driver software for both MS and Linux.23:04
ithicinesofiankrt: ndiswrapper is better supported, less experimental, and is generally known to get better performance than fwcutter when fwcutter works at all.  Can't wait for the day fwcutter matures enough to give equal support for bcm chipsets in native drivers, but that day hasnt come yet23:04
CreedHow do I "rm -rf" but exclude a file or folder?23:04
ralph__option --exclude /... file23:04
Task1I cant tell what dir I need to be in....23:04
Task1I need to run this now.. udo rm /usr/src/fglrx-kernel*.deb23:05
Task1no such file23:05
ChrisULMTask1, you can drag and drop the file in your terminal23:05
sofiankrtithicine: I don't have to reinstall the whole distribution, do I? I don't want to go through that again! And I'm just 1323:05
ralph__no good ideas about watching tele ?23:05
sofiankrtithicine: I wiped my hd clean last time I played with ubuntu!23:05
Task1no I am following directions on a tutorial.... this is the next step23:05
ChrisULMTask1, you can type whatever commands you want to run on it, then just drop the file in there23:05
Task1here one sec23:05
ithicinesofiankrt: nope, you don't have to.  Generally all you need is to tidy the system up a bit.  ndiswrapper can be touchy that way.  You're on Ubuntu, right?23:06
ralph__pinnacle card is working all right and a i am watching with kdetv now23:06
sofiankrtithicine: no, I'm on mandriva23:06
ChrisULMone second23:06
turbocuecatho1, Hello how are you?23:06
ConstyXIVare there any gutsy packages for firefox 3 beta 2?23:06
turbocuecatho1, thank you very much for your help23:06
LugeEvening all.23:06
LugeI could really use some help upgrading from 5.10, if someone has time.23:07
annonymousequick question  what fire wall would people recommend? im looking to hopfully (if i pull it off)  run a web server on my pc  and  ddns to a host  but dont wanna open ym pc up23:07
turbocuecatho1, I finally managed to make the wireless work23:07
kitcheannonymouse: iptables it's part of Linux23:07
turbocuecatho1, using bcm43xx-fwcutter it managed to find the network23:07
ChrisULMTask1 that just means that you dont have fglrx previously on there23:07
ithicinesofiankrt: hrm.  I haven't touched that distro since the old days of Mandrake 5 or so.  According to google there's something called MCC that virtually sets it up for you23:07
ChrisULMTask1, you're good23:07
Task1ok and the next step too though23:07
annonymouseso whats firestarter as gui version?23:07
turbocuecatho1, gotta go bye23:08
ithicinesofiankrt: you just have to be sure you have the correct Windows drivers for your card handy to give to MCC23:08
InGunsWeTrustDoes anybody knows how to make a script in nautalis only work for certain file types23:08
Task1says error processing.... bi such file or directory23:08
tolecnalhmmmm, compiz + flash player 9.0.105 just aren't friends at all :/23:08
ithicinesofiankrt: sorry I can't be of more help :)23:08
bajunWhat i need to connect a "parallel to usb" printer, except standart ubuntu packages ung printconf?23:08
sofiankrtithicine: Thank you! I'll try to use ndiswrapper to connect on ubuntu now!23:08
kduboisis there a command to ring the bell from the terminal?23:09
ithicinesofiankrt: there appears to be a reasonable guide for Mandriva at http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/opensource/?p=9123:09
ralph__anyone an idea which prog to use to watch tele with a Pinnacle card?23:09
tan__has anyone managed to run clubbox on ubuntu?23:09
terlmannok guys i NEED SOME special help : I have a copy of the latest wubi beta and a Kubuntu dvd containing , I don't know how, the files to conduct a regular installation for ubuntu and an alternate. the wubi installer needs me to somehow copy the part of the dvd that is the alternate install into a iso image.23:09
InGunsWeTrustWhat I want to do is write a script that will allow me to write click on an ISO and mount it as a cd rom23:09
cdm10kdubois: you could do perl -e "print chr 7;"23:09
cdm10kdubois: i'm sure there are better ways to do it, though23:09
kitcheterlmann: wubi is unofficial and unsupported in here23:09
terlmannI didn't ask for that23:10
terlmannI have a dvd of ubuntu I want to split back up23:10
terlmanninto iso files23:10
ralph__anyone an idea which prog to use to watch tele with a Pinnacle card?23:10
kduboisthanks cdm1023:10
kitcheterlmann: yes but your using it for wubi but what you want it just be easier to download the alternate cd23:10
terlmannon dialup ?23:10
DjViperterlmann: why not just dl the cd iso?23:10
terlmannthis is 14.4k here man23:11
DjViperterlmann: order a copy then23:11
terlmannof the disk. Im still going to need to copy it back up.23:11
cdm10terlmann: are you on Ubuntu?23:11
LugeDoes anyone know if all the old respository files for previous versions of ubuntu are still active, please?23:11
BrOSsis there a option to reboot your system and login as root by default?23:11
cdm10BrOSs: In the Grub menu, you can select Recovery Mode.23:12
LugeI'm trying to upgrade from 5.10, and can't download any of the updates to 6.0623:12
cdm10Luge: 6.06 is still supported, so i'm not sure why that's happening..23:12
terlmanncdm10 :nope23:12
ralph__to BrOs: just keep down gdm23:12
BrOSscdm10: i just want to reboot in console mode as root23:12
cdm10terlmann: Most applications that let you copy discs let you copy them to a file image (iso)23:12
terlmannI can't convert this machine , it's not mine :-)23:12
kduboisBrOSs: although not advised, you can have gnome autologin root23:12
Lugecdm10: I have the updated version of the upgrade manager.23:12
ralph__sud su will do23:12
ralph__sudo su23:12
cdm10BrOSs: like I said, you can reboot and choose recovery mode from the grub menu.23:13
Lugecdm10: And it seems to be looking in the right place.23:13
BrOSskdubois: i dont want that..23:13
terlmanncdm10 : one issue : I can't copy the whole disk. I have a dvd of ubuntu. I need the part of it that handles alternate install, as that is contained on the disk.23:13
cdm10Luge: Try a different package mirror. Not sure how to switch them on 6.06, though.23:13
cdm10terlmann: I'm not entirely sure you can do that...23:13
ithicineBrOSs: or you could edit the kernel line in grub and put the number 2 at the end of the line (after a space of course), then press b to boot23:13
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Lugecdm10: Neither am I, although it's already trying two: http//securty.ubuntu.com... and http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com...23:14
BrOSscdm10: do u mean failsafe?23:14
ithicineBrOSs: or put "init=/bin/bash rw" at the end of the kernel line and press b to boot.  That'll drop you directly to a prompt23:14
cdm10BrOSs: I'm talking about the Grub menu.23:15
NeonLightninghow would i be able to tell what /dev/hd would be ide0-ide3 and what /dev/hd would be what drive(i have a 80gig i wanna setup as a bootimage.img) i'm running ubuntu 6 something23:15
Task1Does anyone live in Jacksonville? I will pay them to do this dang thing23:15
cdm10BrOSs: when you reboot, keep hitting escape until you reach a menu.23:15
BrOSscdm10: yah!23:15
BrOSscdm10: that was my question23:15
cdm10BrOSs: then select Recovery Mode23:15
BrOSscdm10: that is waht i was asking for23:15
BrOSscdm10: thks =)23:15
heavyweatherI've got a problem. After grub boots Ubuntu, I just have a blank screen until X finally loads. Is there any way I can get some sort of boot screen?23:17
smev81i wonder if you can tell me where to find how-to-make-a-bootable-cd-that-can-grub-to-a-boot-partition-so-that-i-only-see-boot-menu-if-i-like-to23:17
srbaker_heya folks23:17
con-manI cannot enable the nvidia driver it keeps using the nv driver23:17
nickrudheavyweather,   sudoedit /boot/grub/menu.lst , and look for the kernel lines with splash in them. Remove that word.23:17
srbaker_i was wondering if someone can give me a brief summary (or link with relevant info) about how the ati opensourcing thing might affect me23:18
chrometigeris there a way to check yahoo mail in evolution ??23:18
srbaker_i have a dell inspiron 9400 w/ ati x1400 and it's really poorly supported currently23:18
terlmannsrbaker_ in a good way ^_^23:18
ChrisULMTask1, gimme a second23:18
con-manI try to install the nVidia driver off their website but when I run the settings manager I get the message "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server."  I do exactly that and go to run the settings manager but I get the same message again23:18
nickrudsrbaker_, the newer drivers should support you very well, they'll be in the next ubuntu release23:18
srbaker_oh good23:18
srbaker_is there a way to get them into gutsy currently?23:19
srbaker_i also have an imac 20" with ATI HD2600, and an MBP with x1500 (i think)23:19
srbaker_whcih i'm hoping ot move to ubuntu as well23:19
con-mandoes anyone have any ideas?23:19
con-mantough crowd23:20
nickrudsrbaker_, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide . Also, that wiki has some stuff about HD I think23:20
srbaker_nickrud: great, tahnks23:20
con-manI just wanna use linux like everyone else23:21
con-manbut that doesnt seem possible the way things are going23:21
NeonLightningheh i know the feeling con-man try me beeing stuck with a messed up motherboard and only able to install from netinstall over 30kb/s23:21
con-manat least ppl help you in here. Im talking to a wall23:21
terlmannyour a con :-)23:22
NeonLightningcon-man: i've haven't gotten an answer to the question i asked in the end i figured it out23:22
terlmannanyhow I would reboot23:22
con-manI just want to run dual head with compiz-fusion running23:22
terlmanndual-head is quite an issue23:23
con-mannot really, Ive had it before23:23
terlmannxinimera or something like that does dual head23:23
con-manyes it does23:23
terlmannyou have to set it up23:23
lockdI gave up figuring how to make apt use a different root for installing packages. Finally used chroot, because it's not ubuntu specific23:23
NeonLightningnever tried compiz or dual monitor the best i've done is output to tv and monitor at the same time23:23
heavyweatherAlso, how can I make only terminal windows about 60% opaque as a default setting? I'm used to this in OS X, so I'm a little spoiled. Heh.23:24
eraccWho thought this was a good idea? " --- You have been invited to #ubuntu.com by Ubuworker "23:24
con-manwhat session should I be using "gnome"?23:24
con-manor that xscript23:24
BehiiMehiiNone of the movies play, I have ubuntu-restricted-extras and w32codecs installed, but all I get is a pink choppy screen. Anyone have any suggestions?23:24
lockdheavyweather: which terminal?23:25
con-manBehiiMehii, install VLC23:25
BehiiMehiiIt gives me the same thing23:25
nickrudBehiiMehii, you mean movies on dvd?23:25
BehiiMehiiNo, just the ones on the computer23:25
heavyweatherlockd, Gnome terminal, the one that comes with Ubuntu 7.10 by default23:25
LugeDoes anyone know how I can tell if my user has root-like privilages?23:25
=== AfterDea1h is now known as AfterDeath
BehiiMehiiThat's what all movies on any format looks like23:26
atomdog2003I'm having trouble getting vnc installed on my 7.1023:26
con-manoh my gawd this is pissing me off.  it keeps defaulting to the nv driver no matter what I do23:26
lockdheavyweather: xfterm4 has it in edit>preferences>appearance23:26
con-manI cant get the nvidia driver23:26
korosorai love you guys. thanks for the great support being offered here.23:26
con-manyou get support here?23:27
atomdog2003how do I setup a VNC service on my 7.10 ?23:27
con-manI dont get any advice either23:27
lockdheavyweather: get that if gnome terminal doesn't support it23:27
heavyweatherlockd, I'll give that a shot.23:27
Task1YAY!!!! IT WORKS!??!!!!!!23:27
ubuntuxsomeone know a nice tool to bulk edit mp3 tags?23:27
batis610i want to rip some episodes from a dvd with multiple laguages and subtitles... which tool can i use?23:28
nickrudcon-man, the someone you need isn't around right now, maybe later :)23:28
LagginatorWhen I do "sudo apt-get update" it says  "failed to fetch http://security...etc", whats wrong?23:28
nickrudLagginator, it could be the repo is down23:29
kyleBAKEDhow can i get the text when i'm booting to be a different color? like when it [okay] or [fail], change the color of that23:29
Lagginatornickrud, so I should just try later?23:29
ConstyXIVare there any firefox 3 beta 2 packages for gutsy?23:29
atomdog2003to get a vnc service up I followed these instructions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12240223:29
atomdog2003I still can't get in via VNC :(23:29
nickrudLagginator, yes, or try another mirror. You can change them in system->admin->software sources.23:29
Lagginatorthank you nickrud23:30
con-mandoes anyone here have any idea how I can get the nvidia driver running?23:30
con-manit keeps defaulting to nv23:30
atomdog2003anyone know how to setup a VNC service on 7.10?23:30
tritium!nvidia | con-man23:30
ubotucon-man: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:30
tritiumatomdog2003: System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop23:31
askandhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/  In this page there is only like 20-30% that is started..does this mean that the other ones actually are not started or is not updated?23:31
ralph__anyone an idea which prog to use to watch tele with a Pinnacle card?23:32
brandon_hey HEY hey!!23:32
batis610any idea??23:32
RonKOn 7.10 just go to SYSTEM > Preferences > remote desktop and enable it.23:32
brandon_can i get dream waver on fawn?23:32
tritiumralph__: try xawtv, or spanning23:32
Task1where do I configure the cube?23:32
Task1I got the Visuals working now23:32
ketroxralph__, is your card suppoerted ?23:32
erUSUL!wine | brandon_23:33
ubotubrandon_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.23:33
ralph__xawtv I know, spanning i don't23:33
erUSUL!appdb | brandon_23:33
ubotubrandon_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org23:33
ralph__its a pinnacle23:33
atomdog2003tritium & RonK:  Oh Man - that was too easy!23:33
cb_khi! I have xubuntu installed on a compaq armada e500. i ungraded to gutsy (from feisty) via update-manager. when it tries to boot the 2.6.22 kernel (the default option) it doesn't recognize my /home partition (reiserfs), while booting fine the 2.6.20 kernel. does anyone know what's wrong? i have search ubuntu forums and google but cannot find anything useful thx23:33
erUSUL!ccsm | Task123:33
tritiumralph__: sorry, zapping, not spaning23:33
atomdog2003thanks !23:34
tritiumatomdog2003: :)23:34
ubotuTask1: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion23:34
RonKYeah. It is. I spent 20 minutes looking for it the first time tho. LOL23:34
ralph__thanks I'll have a look23:34
Task1!ccsm | Task123:34
ralph__yes card works with kdetv but no option to record something23:34
RonKwill xchat display a userlist or do I need to go to xIRC for that feature?23:35
usr13RonK: Try "/who"23:36
tritiumRonK: xchat has it23:36
sjaakmansSomebody experience with conky?23:36
RonKBeen using Xchat on Fedora. Tried this one because it was here.23:37
LetterRiphi all any suggestions on where to go to hack on stuff to detect keycodes? I followed the suggestions here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTesting/Keycodes - and none of the steps detect my key presses23:37
ehcis there a way to limit the bandwidth of another computer on my network?23:37
RonKOnly time I've ever needed to limit BW of another computer was when they were using Bit Torrent.23:38
rodolfonickrud: hey23:38
RonKIn that case you want to cap their upload. Thats what maxes you out.23:38
nickrudrodolfo, hey back23:39
rodolfonickrud: what's up?23:39
usr13RonK: Packet Shaper23:39
nickruddoing a bit of website work23:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jail - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:39
RonKback in a bit. Gonna get xIRC.23:40
psyklopsis it possible to run a command on all libraries and only remove those which don't remove other packages (only those not depended on)23:40
rodolfonickrud: thats good....i've done my homework too...trying to help users on ubuntu forums and ubuntu-related doubts on answers.yahoo.com....23:40
psyklopsapt-get autoremove removes things which were automatically installed, but there are a ton I explicitly asked for, but don't need anymore23:40
atomdog2003anyone out there using ZoneMinder?23:40
erUSUL!info deborphan | psyklops23:40
ubotupsyklops: deborphan: Find orphaned libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.23 (gutsy), package size 69 kB, installed size 420 kB23:40
nickrudpsyklops, deborphan (although apt-get autoremove should do it for you)23:40
rodolfonickrud: besides, talking about doubts...i need to ask you something: nickrud: do you know how to install new fonts on ubuntu?23:41
erUSUL!fonts | rodolfo23:41
uboturodolfo: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer23:41
nickrudrodolfo, see above ^^ erUSUL 's on the job :)23:41
* erUSUL :)23:42
DIL_what is happening if i try to boot and there are a bunch of 1 and 0 scrolling on my screen - if figure it has to do with my monitor i can boot w/ a disk and work from console how can i get GUI23:42
rodolfoerUSUL: man you got straight to the point..thanks :)23:42
Task1Gnome Kde Or  Xfce ???23:42
Task1What am I using?23:42
kyleBAKEDwhat are some fun linux games?23:42
rskkyleBAKED: quakeworld , chekout www.nquake.com23:43
rskkyleBAKED: also urbanterror23:43
InGunsWeTrusti love wormux haha23:43
godfreyhk[off-topic] I'm having some sound card related questions for my windows machine... does anyone know an irc channel i could go ask them?23:43
ompaulgodfreyhk,  ##windows23:43
godfreyhkok thanks!23:44
psyklopserUSUL: this is not removing all of the sdl-dev packages I manually installed23:44
Eyemeanhi does anyone know anything about the amsn plugins?23:44
DIL_cd ..23:44
arooni-mobilecan someone help me ssh into my PC?23:45
liquidengineerI need some help23:45
rkjI'm trying to get a second monitor running on my Dell laptop without success. So far I've managed to get xorg.conf configured per the suggestions in the Xinerama HowTo and after crashing X a few times now it at least boots - but no second display (except a very ratty-looking clone when I press Fn-F8 which was working before I did all this). Help please.23:45
erUSULpsyphen: deborphan only list the orphaned libraries it is up to you what to do with the list...23:45
liquidengineerI'm trying to install ubuntu from the livecd, and I went through the process, and now my computer won't boot23:45
rkjI'm trying to get a second monitor running on my Dell laptop without success. So far I've managed to get xorg.conf configured per the suggestions in the Xinerama HowTo and after crashing X a few times now it at least boots - but no second display (except a very ratty-looking clone when I press Fn-F8 which was working before I did all this). Help please.23:45
ardchoille!patience | rkj23:46
uboturkj: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:46
erUSULpsyphen: you can pass it to xargs for example (totally untested) deborphan | xargs sudo aptitude purge23:46
scguy318liquidengineer: why not? can you elaborate further?23:46
carnage__is there another place besides gnome-screensaver where i can set the time before my computer is marked as idle?23:46
rkjardchoille ok, I'm patient. My first post seemed to not be all there.23:46
liquidengineerit boots up to a black screen, that just says something like "boot failure" or "failure to start or somesuch."23:47
ardchoillerkj: Ah, ok23:47
liquidengineerI didn't get the exact error, hold on23:47
wraundany help?23:47
wraundwraund@morpheus ~ % skype23:47
wraundskype: error while loading shared libraries: libXss.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory23:47
LjorringI have a problem with Evolution mail. When I press 'send/receive', the progress bar hangs forever23:47
wraundwraund@morpheus ~ %23:47
kitchewraund: find out what packages has libXss.so.1 and install it23:48
Terfyliquidengineer: did you remember to install GRUB ?23:48
arooni-mobilecan someone help me ssh into my desktop from my laptop?  basically ive run ssh-keygen -t dsa on my laptop .. then copied that to my ubuntu desktop... and run id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys ... ssh public keys login is available in sshdconfig ..... i've also run ssh -v and seen that its TRYING to send ssh keys... but failing i guess .. i'm at  my wits end .... ideas?23:48
LjorringI have followed a guide and set up 'hotsmtp' and 'hotway' to get my hotmail working23:48
kitchewraund: synaptic should be able to tell you which package you need23:48
Ljorringbut it just hangs, when sending/receiving23:48
liquidengineerTerfy: I had to do that seperately?23:49
Ljorringany help would be appreciated23:49
liquidengineerI thought it was automatic23:49
InGunsWeTrustI am trying to make a nautilis script that will appear in a right click menu that will make me be able to mount an ISO to a virtual cd drive. I know how to make the script appear in the right click menu but I cant figure out the syntax I need in the script23:49
liquidengineerI selected the partittioning I wnated and everything (which didn't seem to behave as expected.  I'm just hoping I didn't hose the windows paritition23:49
Terfyliquidengineer: No I think ubuntu installer do that for you.. but I remember you have to tell it to install it when it asks to23:49
liquidengineerexact text: "Error loading operating system."23:49
liquidengineerIt's like I've fried the MBR23:49
Cap_J_L_PicardIs there something in ubuntu ro stop you removing core files (with rm)?23:50
juanwhy does xserver-xgl seem to force my dual monitor setup to act as one large desktop... ie, if i maximize a window, it spans both monitors...23:50
wraundkitche: i have them all installed23:50
liquidengineeris there anyway I can fix this without going through the whole install procedure again?23:50
juanand if a dialog pops up, it's between the two monitors and "broken in two"23:50
Ace2016hi all23:50
Ace2016anyone know how to hide the status info from the top of the top command,23:50
Terfyliquidengineer: you can install GRUB (again) manually. try google how23:51
kitchewraund: then it shouldn't complain see if you have a libXss.so.1 file in /usr/lib23:51
Ace2016the tasks, cpu, mem, swap23:51
nickrud!grub | liquidengineer23:52
ubotuliquidengineer: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:52
holdenAce2016: press l, t, m23:52
carnage__is there another place besides gnome-screensaver where i can set the time before my computer is marked as idle?23:52
sofiankrtithicine: no luck23:52
Ace2016oh oh oh23:52
Ace2016thats what the man page meant23:52
Ace2016i spent ages trying out all sorts of stuff like top -m and stuff23:53
sofiankrtithicine: downloaded both ndiswrapper and fwcutter and the firmware23:53
Ace2016nothing was working23:53
holdenAce2016: yes, or press "h" for help :D23:53
InGunsWeTrustdoes anybody know anything about natalis scripts23:53
sofiankrtithicine: apparently "amd64" is not my architecture23:53
Stormx2Alright, my DNS server seem to have stopped working :(23:53
Random832|ZZZthe on-screen volume indicator when i hit the keyboard volume buttons is acting weird23:54
Ace2016i was trying top --help23:54
sofiankrtithicine: and I tried installing ndiswrapper, but whenever I 'su'ed and typed my password, it would say I'm not authorized to login. I su in all the time on mandriva23:54
sofiankrthow do you log in as root on the terminal?23:55
sofiankrtit isn't like mandriva, is it?23:55
erichjsofiankrt,  sudo is what you want to do23:55
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gaudahello folks. i have got a question concerning ssh-connects: i was provided with a ppk-file. when connecting with putty it does not ask for a password, but when connecting via terminal it asks for a password:23:55
gaudassh root@host.de -i .ssh/host.ppk23:55
gaudaEnter passphrase for key '.ssh/host.ppk':23:55
drgebwhat is the .dmrc directory for ?23:55
sofiankrterichj: I tried doing that, but a bunch of gibberish appeared23:56
kitchegauda: it's asking for the key not the password23:56
sofiankrterichj: I wasn't prompted for my passw23:56
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:56
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.23:56
gaudakitche: what key do you mean?23:56
CreationistCould someone please tell me how I can convert a video to a lower resolution/quality to upload to YouTube?23:56
CreationistRight now it is just about DVD quality.23:56
kitchegauda: the key for host.ppk23:57
Ace2016Creationist: mencoder can do that23:57
kitchegauda: a key is sort of like a password but it's not23:57
cb_ksofiankrt: you should type sudo <comand> then23:57
sofiankrtI'm just lost here, can't connect to the internet23:57
erUSULCreationist: mencoder; ffmpeg23:57
cb_kask the password23:57
sofiankrtcb_k: ask the password?23:57
gaudahm but i dont have any. just wondering, because putty does not ask for a key/pw?!23:57
rkjI need help configuring a second monitor - can somebody help?23:58
nuGzthkhow do i install new nvidia drivers??? mine are still out of date and cs runs slow. please help, thanks23:58
sofiankrtmaybe I should just stick with mandriva... seems a whole lot easier to work with than ubuntu23:58
kitchegauda: yeah putty is dumb enough to ignore the key for the file23:58
Ace2016Creationist: there is a nice howto here, try that, or search the forums http://www.shahidhussain.com/blog/?p=3223:58
phaedralsuppose I was some kind of oddball who wanted to have WM instead of gnome; where would you point me to?23:58
gaudahihi, ok, any chance to get this working on terminal?23:58
cb_ksofiankrt: you should type sudo <comand> then you will be prompted for your passw23:59
gaudaif i just press enter it wont let me in23:59
=== tofaffy is now known as tofaffy|gumbo
phaedralgauda, why putty?  cygwin instead?23:59
sofiankrtcb_k: I wasn't! a bunch of gibberish appeared, and that was it23:59
squarebracketi'm trying to access my ubuntu computer from my vista laptop, and i keep on getting a password prompt, but no user/pass is working. can anyone help?23:59
liquidengineerThat can't be good23:59
liquidengineerI tried using the instructions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435123:59
* karl farts loudly23:59
liquidengineerwhen I got to the find command it said nothing was found23:59
liquidengineerwhat's going on?23:59
* phaedral opens a window23:59

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