
tnguyenhi anyone online00:08
marchGood night :)00:10
jonnyboy27hi guys, any tips on where startup programs will be set? i've not got automatic session saving set yet when i log in, i get 4 instances of nm-applet (i installed for ease of connection to wifi) plus pidgin and firefox starting00:14
jonnyboy27i tried in settings -> sessions and startup00:14
jonnyboy27but no job00:14
jonnyboy27using xubuntu gutsy on a thinkpad T2000:14
zoredachetry doing a killall nm-applet00:18
zoredacheand where you start the network manager use 'nm-applet --sm-disable'00:18
neur1what's a cool dock app to get/02:15
magic_ninjaImportError: No module named gdkpixbuf04:09
groovesaladi ran "mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hdd1 /disk2 -0 force" to copy files from a windows hd, i also added a line to fstab, i deleted the line now that im done, but now it logs out as soon as i log in. i forgot to umount it, and i no longer have the drive. what should i do?04:37
newbxubuntuI read that ubuntu can handle ntfs now...couldn't find that info for xubuntu...did it not make it to the Gutsy ?06:02
newbxubuntuI was reading the 'install from windows' wiki...but I would prefer to use xubuntu if possible. I see it's listed in the ntfs-3g project, but is it already in the desktop cd?06:15
newbxubuntuit must be past everyones bedtime06:17
crimsunyes, it is already in.06:17
crimsunit was moved into the installer as of gutsy.06:17
newbxubuntugreat, thanks, 1 more thing, do I need a swap partition?06:18
crimsunif you have very little RAM, it's a good idea.06:18
newbxubuntucan it be ntfs too?06:19
newbxubuntuI was assuming I could still mount a folder as swap that exists on another drive...06:20
crimsunI don't know offhand if swapfiles are supported in the installer, only swap partitions.06:21
newbxubuntuI have an old drive I guess I'll use for the swap then...06:26
atarinoxanybody know why my volume control buttons would stop working after upgrading to Gutsy?06:27
atarinoxon a Thinkpad06:27
crimsunwhich thinkpad?06:27
crimsunwhat's the SSID?06:27
atarinoxerm...is that like the serial?06:28
crimsunlspci -nv|grep -a1 040[13]06:28
atarinox00:05.0 0401: 1013:6003 (rev 01)06:29
atarinoxany ideas? google came up w/ a few bug reports but nothing else...I checked and PCM is enabled06:34
newbxubuntucontrolling by the volume control (once you add to the top bar) does not work either?06:36
atarinoxnewbxubuntu: no, that works. Just trying to get the buttons to work for convenience sake06:36
newbxubuntuI had to ask if you had picked the right device06:37
bob2001I need help installing xubuntu on a decTOP. I am following the howto at http://jsco.org/dectop/ but am using xbuntu 7.10 insted of ubuntu 6.06. I have got as far s booting from my flasdrive and started the install. When I get to that part where you fool the installer into thinking the flashdrive is a cdrom, I can not get it to mount my flash drive.07:42
bob2001using the command mount -t vfat /dev/sda /cdrom I get the error Mounting /dev/sda on /cdrom failed> No such device07:44
Catoptromancybob2001, /dev/hda07:49
bob2001hda gives the same error07:49
Catoptromancymaybe /dev/sda207:50
CatoptromancyI assume your at a command prompt07:50
chris_does_plonehi, anyone know about the HP Pavilion dv1000? - I downloaded Xubuntu but can't boot up - well I can but I get to a command prompt of types that I'm not used to... Thinking about downloading a different flavour of ubuntu unless some genius has can help this mac/pc muppet out :-S ;-D07:52
bob2001I am at the command prompt but it is not a complete install, just the a virtual terminal so lsusb is not found07:52
Catoptromancytry /sbin/lsusb'07:53
Catoptromancychris_does_plone, you login?07:53
chris_does_ploneCatoptromacy: no i dont get as far as a login07:54
bob2001nope lsusb in not in /sbin07:54
chris_does_ploneCatoptromacy: sorry i forot the actual prompt it gave me07:54
chris_does_ploneCatoptromancy: sorry misspelled your name :-/07:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usbboot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:56
chris_does_ploneCatoptromancy: can i put xubuntu on my usb drive and boot from it ?-)07:58
chris_does_ploneCatoptromancy: yeah i have read about it i remeber (it was a couple of weeks ago i last tried installing) but got lost on the setting up bios bit - maybe should try agan, thanks08:01
bob2001Chris_done_plone, yes you can but you have to jump through a few hoops. I got ubuntu 606 to install off a flash drive but am having trouble getting Xubuntu to do it08:01
Catoptromancycd is easier08:01
chris_does_ploneCatoptromancy: as for cd i used magic disk or magic iso i forget, but it didnt seem sufficient, i dont have any real cds08:02
chris_does_plonebob2001: encouragingish :-)08:03
chris_does_plonehttp://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2007/06/17/ubuntu-feisty-on-your-usb-drive-finally/ <--- looks promising :-)08:05
bob2001is there anyway to find out "where" my flash drive is? ie: sda1 sda2 sda? I have booted from it and started the install from it, so there has to be a way08:11
lwellswhere is the power management in xubuntu08:32
julien73anyone here?09:47
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:58
julien73so... anyone here?09:59
predaeusjulien73, just ask your question10:00
predaeusif anybody knows the answer they will tell10:00
julien73ok, thought everyone but you was afk or something10:02
predaeusjulien73, it is general practice to just ask your question in IRC channels. If somebody knows the answer, they will tell it.10:02
julien73I'm a quite in a deep doo right now, for some reason the top and bottom taskbars don't show up anymore10:03
julien73ah, my general practice on IRC is to start with a polite "hello" to check if anyone is around, guess times change ;)10:04
predaeusjulien73, you say hello and ask in one statement :-D10:04
predaeusdoes "ps -e" show a process called xfce4-panel?10:04
predaeusor does System->Process Manager show it?10:05
predaeusah well bummer, sorry.10:06
julien73can't access the Application menu anymore :)10:06
predaeuscan you run commands on the command line interface?10:06
predaeusyea sorry, I've just realized that now10:06
julien73alt F2? yes10:06
predaeushuh, I don't know I've remapped keys.10:07
julien73that's how I launched firefox and pidgin10:07
predaeustry running xfce4-terminal with alt F210:07
julien73oh neat... no wonder "terminal" wouldn't work ;)10:08
predaeusif you have the terminal open. Enter "ps -e" (without the "s) and hit enter10:08
predaeusyou should get a list of running processes, if the output does not fit into the terminal window you can scroll with the Shift+PageUp or Shift+PageDown keys.10:09
julien73done, let me see10:09
predaeusdoes it list an entry called xfce4-panel?10:09
julien73indeed, it's not there10:09
predaeushm try starting it by entering xfce4-panel and hitting enter.10:10
predaeusif there is an error condition, it should show the output and reason in the terminal window.10:10
predaeusso the panels appear correctly?10:11
julien73now to know why it stopped working all of a sudden10:11
julien73yep yep, big thanks to you10:11
predaeusyes, and you will need to find a way to make it permanent10:11
predaeusso it starts on reboot.10:11
predaeushm I don't know the official way to fix that, but you can just add xfce4-panel to your startup applications10:11
predaeusSettings->Autostarted Applications10:12
julien73hmmm there is a thread here mentioning .xinit, do you know where that file is located?10:13
julien73dang I should install catfish10:13
predaeusI think /etc/X11/xinit is meant.10:13
predaeusprobably with .xinit they would mean a user local config file. Usually user specific config files go into your home directory with a leading dot '.' so it is a hidden file.10:14
predaeus.xinit would be a hidden file.10:14
predaeusalso look through bug reports on launchpad to see if this problem is mentioned there.10:15
predaeusI'll catch some food, so I'll be afk for a few.10:16
julien73alright, going to dig some more in the meantime, thank again10:16
julien73hi again, apparently xfce4-session fails to start, any idea where I should start?10:59
predaeusjulien73, hm nah sorry no idea. Probably ask in #xfce too they seem to have waked up. Tell them what you know already.11:13
julien73predaeus: ok thanks I will11:14
graabeinhi, i wonder how come i get two icons on desktop for the ipod when i insert it on usb?12:33
iCEifercan anyone suggest a good gnome MP3/CD player?12:34
graabeini like banshee and the default rythmbox is okay... maybe quod libet?12:35
iCEiferlet me check those out...thanks12:38
graabeinanyone know why the shut off don't work? it logs out but hangs on the xubuntu unloader...12:48
iCEifercan anyone help me install a GTK2 theme? I have the tar.gz theme but don't have a theme manager or anything that I know of to install it?13:21
iCEiferdo I have to install metacity or something like that first?13:22
iCEifercan anyone help me install a GTK2 theme under xubuntu? I already have the tar.gz for the theme but do I need to install metacity or something to install and use it?13:42
julien73hi, does anyone here use firestarter with a wifi connection?14:40
=== thomas_ is now known as The-Kernel
nanbudhi have a pentium III 500MHz machine with (128+64) MB RAM. will xubuntu run decently on it or will it be a bit slow?18:19
The-Kernelhi slow-motion18:32
slow-motionhi The-Kernel18:33
The-Kernelwhat's goin slow today?18:33
=== XwarlokX83 is now known as XwarlokX82
Nuffehey guys, anyone that could explain one thing for me... my NIC and WLAN doesn't work... I can connect with my wireless card but after EXACTLY 10 minutes the router dies, even though I am connected to the router, I can't access the Internet19:15
NuffeIntel PRO/Wireless 4965 AGN19:15
avutonHow can I change the settings of power button press to hibernate?19:15
Nuffemy ICMP-packets arrive to the router but I can't send em to any other computer on the network, plus I can't administer the router from my browser... only send ping-packets19:17
avutonNevermind, I just removed /etc/acpi/powerbtn.sh and symlinked /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh to it.19:25
The-KernelNuffe: start you card up in verbose mode, and watch to see what errors it gets19:25
NuffeThe-Kernel: how do I do that ? :)19:37
Nuffeifconfig wlan0 up --verbose?19:38
Nuffewild guess =D19:38
Nuffesudo ifdown -v wlan019:40
Nuffesudo ifup -v wlan019:40
NuffeI will test it :)19:40
Nuffewhen I run ifdown I get "ifdown: interface wlan0 not configured"19:43
NuffeI'm sure that wlan0 is my interface19:43
lwellsI am trying to use a mac keyboard but ubuntu keeps defualting to "Use X configuration19:47
lwellsIs there something else I need to do for it to take?19:47
The-KernelNuffe: pastebin ifconfig19:53
Nuffeexplain =D19:59
The-Kernelactually, I have to go.20:00
The-Kernelping TheSheep, Pumpernickel, or zoredache20:00
lwellsIs there any way to use a mac keyboard with xubuntu?20:03
NuffeIs there any way that xUbuntu could send a DDOS-attack on my router when it's only trying to connect?20:07
nanonymeDDoS is a distributed denial of service. it is impossible to do using one computer20:10
Nuffeyeah.... but since my router blocks ALL packets from all the computers on the network.. what other explaination could there be?20:13
NuffeI have to cut the power to the router and put it back on20:13
NuffeLinksys WRT54G20:13
Nuffeor something20:13
nanonymenote: my point was that you don't mean DDoS. you mean DoS20:13
nanonymeand it would be quite improbable20:14
Nuffeyeah I get your point20:16
nanonymewhy is your router blocking all packets from all the computers on the network?20:17
Nuffebut I don't get the thing that it could crash my router by connecting to it?20:17
NuffeI don't know20:17
Nuffeit does it exactly after 10 minutes when ,y xubuntu laptop has connected20:17
nanonymewifi or ethernet?20:18
Nuffewifi = sure that it crashes      ethernet = get a IP from DHCP but can't get to any websites20:19
NuffeI have VMWare installed... could this have something to do with it? since eth0 is bridged with VMWare's NIC20:19
nanonymei suppose it's possible if they share the same MAC address20:20
nanonymesome cheap sucky router maybe couldn't handle that20:21
Nuffeyeah, but I have the same setup in WinXP20:21
Nuffehere's something for u, I can use the WiFi through Ubuntu Live-CD without any problems :s20:22
nanonymewhich router is it anyway?20:22
NuffeLinksys WRT54G20:22
NuffeI mean, it's not that crappy20:22
nanonymesounds very fishy then, it should handle normal connectivity fine20:22
nanonymeor hmm, at least revisions lower than 5 could. can't vouch for the rest as they're not Linux20:23
Nuffebut since I only had ubuntu installed for a few days I could always install it again and hope it doesn't happend again20:24
Nuffeany last words to my harddrive? ;)20:28
Terfyheello my favorite distro..22:09
soldatshello ;P22:09
TerfyI have problem using initng.. any of you tried it ?22:11
Terfynoone ?22:20
soldatsTerfy, try asking in #ubuntu since its more populated there22:22
soldatswhat was the problem you had anyways22:22
Terfyoki.. well I cannot get Initng to work proberly22:29
Terfywill initng be in repos soon ?22:30
=== lwells is now known as netlarlinux
netlarlinuxcan someone help me with speaker balance22:35
netlarlinuxonly one of the speakers is working but when on a pc both work22:35
netlarlinuxI cannot seem to find where the balance is adjusted22:35
Delvienwhat is the command to open a terminal ? xterminal ?23:09
cb_khi! I have xubuntu installed on a compaq armada e500. i ungraded to gutsy (from feisty) via update-manager. when it tries to boot the 2.6.22 kernel (the default option) it doesn't recognize my /home partition (reiserfs), while booting fine the 2.6.20 kernel. does anyone know what's wrong? thx23:28
cb_ki have search ubuntu forums and google but cannot find anything useful23:30

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