
ubotuNew bug: #179314 in bzr "bzr reconfigure ctrl-C errors inappropriately" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17931400:26
ubotuNew bug: #179316 in bzr "bzr reconfigure is not order-safe" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17931600:26
lifelessddaa: what does 'remote' mean for branches ?00:53
ddaalifeless: context?00:54
ddaanot copied on vostok00:54
lifelessoh foo00:54
lifelesswhat do I have to change to make it 'mirrored' and wouldn't 'not-mirrored' or 'reference-only' or something be clearer ?00:55
ddaaeither 1. edit branch details 2. if that does not work delete the branch 3. if that's not desirable ask an admin to poke the db00:55
lifelessI was meaning what db values :)00:56
lifelessbranch details does not have a field for remote/mirror00:56
ddaathe should be a Branch.type column or somesuch now.00:56
ddaawith corresponding BranchType in c.l.i.Branch00:57
ddaaabout the naming, I guess it would be better yes00:57
ddaafile a bug :)00:57
ddaathere's an annoying failure mode of changing the branch type in the UI that prevented from enabling it00:58
ddaahosted -> mirror -> hosted can have unexpected effects00:58
lifelessdon't have to allow all00:58
lifelessjust allow mirror/remote00:58
ddaasure... remote came up after that was considered00:59
ddaanot sure if it makes sense to allow as well00:59
ddaasince we should also delete data on mirror->remote00:59
ddaaunless the various front-ends just ignore remote branches01:00
ddaathen it should be okay, I think01:00
lifelesshow do I tell it to mirror ?01:02
lifeless(next mirror: disabled)01:02
lifelessfound it01:03
lifelessok thanks01:04
abentleylifeless: just saw your bug report.  Am very surprised that reconfigure would delete the repository if fetch failed.01:05
lifelessabentley: it may have just scribbled over the branch but left the repository intact01:06
lifeless ls .bzr/01:06
lifelessbranch  branch-format  branch-lock  checkout  README  repository01:06
lifelesseither way though, the target should be fully prepared before the local tree is altered I think01:06
abentleyIdeally, the whole thing would be atomic.01:07
distaticaHey folks, I am following the mini tutorial. Everything worked great up until I pushed to my server. The directory gets created in the right place, however there are no files. I have created and modified the file locally, commited it (twice), and pushed it three times now, no files still.01:07
distaticausing sftp provided by openssh server.01:07
lifelessdistatica: if there is a .bzr directory it has worked01:08
distaticathere is no directory01:08
abentleydistatica: push isn't supposed to create any files.01:08
lifelessdistatica: your editable files are not created on push01:08
distaticaoh wait, there is too01:08
distaticaso where are the files stored? Always locally?01:08
abentleyThe files are always local, for whatever machine bzr is running on.01:09
distaticaoh, so if I switch to another computer then there's no way to get the files, without having them uploading seperately?01:10
distaticasorry, I'm used to SVN, I usually hope between computers and use it and my server for moving between machines. But there's some things I don't like about the subversion setup. It's harder ot make multiple projects for one.01:11
distaticaerm, hope == hop01:11
abentleyIf you switch to another computer, you'll branch from a remote copy.01:12
Pengdistatica: All of the data is stored in the .bzr directory.01:12
abentleyThat will download everything you've committed, and recreate the working files from the committed data.01:12
distaticaheh, I'm trying to see how this works, but I get an unknown branch format using the debian stable binary01:16
distaticadebian etch*01:16
Pengdistatica: You're using 1.0 on your other machine?01:18
PengThat's like 75 years old.01:18
distaticaI don't doubt it, I think my grandfather worked a bit on etch packages.01:19
distaticaI'm installing the one from the site now.01:19
distaticaI was just trying to test it quickly01:19
PengThe two current repo formats were introduced in 0.15 and 0.92. I'd be kinda surprised to find a branch in the wild that was compatible with 0.11.01:21
Peng(0.15 is only from April, but still.)01:22
abentleyPeng: "dirstate" used the same branch and repo format as "knit", so they were network-compatible with bzr back to 0.8.01:25
distaticaIs there anything like trac (or a plugin for trac) for bzr? Or at least some other way to browse the source through a browser (prefer with syntax color)01:26
abentleyIt was only with "dirstate-tags" that we broke compatibility with older-than 0.1501:26
Pengabentley: Oh, ok.01:27
abentleyThere are actually quite a lot of branches in older formats out there.01:27
PengSo that's why it's called "dirstatE".01:27
Pengdistatica: There's Loggerhead, but it's pretty heavyweight (TurboGears). There's also bzr-webserve and bzrweb. Probably a Trac plugin too.01:27
abentleyThere is a trac plugin, but I don't recommend it.  It's slow because trac and bzr have fundamentally different formats.01:28
abentleyPeng: I don't see TurboGears as especially heavy.  It's just a dependency and the install is dead easy.01:30
distaticaGood to know though, since this is for shared hosting.01:30
lifelessabentley: FWIW it took about 6 hours to install turbogears on freebsd 5.501:30
distaticadecent shared hosting (ruby on rails, php, python) but shared nonetheless.01:30
abentleylifeless: Ouch.  Why?01:31
lifelessthe dependency chain is deep01:31
lifelesssomething like 20 deeper module01:31
lifelessthe ports tree only ships python 2.4 stuff for some, 2.5 for others, default python version is 2.5.01:32
lifelessfreaking mess, I had to hand-update half the ports01:32
lifelessthe ports use eggs not source tarballs, so projects that hadn't uploaded 2.5 eggs were bustificated too01:32
abentleyI've done several clean installs lately, and I don't think they took longer than 10 minutes.01:32
distaticaCan't find a whole lot about this bzrweb, found one site that looked like it's the one, but internal server errors.01:32
lifelessand the PEAK stuff just is too new to be packaged on BSD at all.01:33
lifelessdistatica: what operating system are you using ?01:33
abentleyAh.  This was just easy_installing, with no manual intervention.01:33
distaticalifeless: windows 2000 here, XP on the other machine, and debian etch on the server (local server, pretty much just a POS to do my bidding)01:33
* fullermd glances at the turbogears port.01:34
lifelessdistatica: etch should have a good turbogears package.01:34
fullermdYeah, it looks messy.01:34
distaticalifeless: was interested in the other two, to see how they work and if they would run on my shared host.01:34
distaticainstalling dependencies is out of the question there.01:34
abentleydistatica: You can install apps, but not their dependencies?01:35
distaticaI can't install apps. I can install scripts, for viewing on the Internet.01:35
distaticaPHP, Python, Ruby, but I can't just install python dependencies no.01:35
distaticaabentley: that's why I'm looking for more information on those two programs, I'm not sure if they're full blown web servers (obviously one is, but does it have any useful code, for my needs?) or a script that actually reads the .bzr directory.01:38
abentleyI don't think any of them are CGI scripts, if that's what you mean.01:40
distaticayeah, that's another (better) way of putting it.01:40
abentleyOne of them is a bzr plugin, IIRC.01:40
abentleyAnything that views bzr repositories is going to need bzrlib, but bzrlib doesn't need to be *installed*, per se.01:41
abentleyYou can usually just stick a symlink to bzrlib in the root directory of the program that uses it.01:42
distaticathat sounds like a neat trick01:42
lifelessback later01:43
distaticaok, thanks for the help01:44
ubotuNew bug: #179325 in bzr "error with "bzr gcommit": 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'abort'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17932501:45
fullermdlifeless: Actually, doesn't look like anybody's really maintaining it.  It's a couple versions back, and hasn't had any real work since before 2.5 became default   :|01:46
dleeLow-prio idea: Anything against generalizing the default-push-branch, default-pull-branch, bind branch, etc., concept to just letting us create branch nicknames, where some nicknames like "push" etc. have special uses?  Not sure how many people link one project to a number of branches, but if this is a common use case, it could make sense.02:15
distaticawell, loggerhead was a good suggestion, didn't take too much time either, thanks. Looks nice.02:36
abentleyPeng: I think fullermd was talking about FreeBSD TurboGears.02:44
abentleydlee: I tried that before with a VCS UI called Fai, and I found it very confusing.  Always having to remember which aliases are set in which tree is not a good thing, IMO.02:45
dleeCould be set in bazaar.conf too I suppose02:46
abentleydlee: I think global aliases are a much better idea.  But that is no longer an extension of the push/parent/submit location idea.02:52
abentleyJust don't use ^ to indicate aliases or zsh users will take you.  All the good metacharacters are gone.02:53
dleeleading @ ?  I haven't thought this part out much.02:56
dleeI suppose a leading : could work too, unless there's an OS-specificism I've never seen02:58
dleeAnyway...just a random thought, caused by my working to make bzr look unbelievably easy to some folks here that don't use version control much or at all yet.  So far, I've achieved short branch names via bzr serve on a LAN; you use a VPN to get to it if outside, but once there, a dotless server name resolves (probably via Windows means), so branch names like bzr://servername/projname are possible.  Good enough. :)03:00
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PengFWIW, hg uses branch aliases exactly like that.03:14
CardinalFangHi all.03:22
CardinalFangSuppose I "bzr rm" a file and them commit.  How can I then see the history for that file?03:24
CardinalFang"bzr log foo" says "bzr: ERROR: Path does not have any revision history: foo"03:24
abentleyCardinalFang: It looks as though there's no direct way.  You'd have to check out an earlier version of the tree, or resurrect the file.03:30
* CardinalFang boggles.03:30
ddaawell... that's not a hugely common operation03:30
abentleyObviously, that should be fixed.03:31
ddaahey abentley, I have a bzr-git that does pull03:31
ddaanot very fast, or very correctly03:31
ddaabut it does kind of works03:31
abentleyddaa: Hehe, but still, great.03:31
ddaajust added some sqlite so it runs out of memory later03:32
mtayloranybody know if there's a good way to get the results of bzr log for a deleted file?03:36
mtaylorso like, if you wanted to find out when a file was deleted?03:36
* Peng looks up at CardinalFang ten minutes ago.03:40
Pengmtaylor: The answer was that there isn't really a good way right now. "You'd have to check out an earlier version of the tree, or resurrect the file."03:41
* Peng wanders off.03:42
* CardinalFang pokes mtaylor 03:42
* Peng at two words per minute.03:42
* mtaylor rubs himself where he got poked03:42
mtaylorCardinalFang: did I miss the conversation about this? :)03:42
CardinalFangYes.  Sorry.03:43
dleemtaylor: You came in a couple minutes after it--so close I did a double take and looked to see if you two were different people :)03:43
mtaylorhow funny03:43
mtaylorhi CardinalFang03:44
abentleyddaa: Wait, you're trying to make it run out of memory later?03:47
ddaaI mean later as in "not as early"03:48
abentleylol.  Gotcha03:48
ddaathere seems to be a minor inefficiency in our repo format: when the x bit changes, it seems the file text is stored once more.04:39
ddaaor maybe I misinterpret the  bzr check output04:40
lifelesschecj is rubbish :)04:40
ddaawell, check and the install_revisions code04:40
abentleylifeless: Did you see my new merge algorithm?  I'm still quite excited.04:48
lifelessabentley: don't think so; if its in bazaar-ng I'll see it wednesday04:51
lifelessor thuesday04:51
abentleyAh, you're been getting my mail because it's cc'ed to you.  I thought you were reading the list.04:52
abentleyIn the non-criss-cross case, it behaves like 3-way.04:53
abentleyIn the criss-cross case, it should behave better than "weave".04:53
abentleySo I think it could make mesh-merging basically painless.04:57
dysingerso after reviewing all the other DVCS I really like BZR.  However I cannot seem to get Python 2.5 on Leopard and Patched Subversion 1.4 and bzr-svn to work.  It's %@#$ing killing me after 24 hours of &%*ing around with it.05:14
dysingerI like BZR UI - it's better than GIT.  Help me out here.  I have to work with SVN users.05:15
dysingerI have carefully compiled Subversion patched like bzr-svn says to.  Insalled it to /usr/local05:15
dysingerin fact - here is my pastie of notes of EXACTLY what I have done http://pastie.caboo.se/13316405:17
dysingerIt's killing me.  If BZR can't operate with svn EASILY then I have to toss it out.05:17
dysingerAfter my careful install - all I get is05:18
dysinger"Installed Subversion version does not have updated Python bindings. See the bzr-svn README for details.05:18
dysingerUnable to load plugin 'svn' from '/Users/tim/.bazaar/plugins'"05:18
dysingerBZR by itself is cool.  I like it better than GIT.  I wish this would just work.05:19
dysingerThanks for any help.05:19
lifelessthere may be more detail in ~/.bzr.log05:20
dysingerok one sec05:20
dysingerI appologize I am a Java & Ruby nerd.  I don't speak the snake.05:22
lifelesslines 8-1505:23
dysingerhttp://pastie.caboo.se/133166 <- I think I have my path right for my custom subversion05:23
lifelesstry python -c 'import svn; print svn.__file__'05:24
lifelessthats the svn its loading05:25
dysingerYou can see from http://pastie.caboo.se/133164 that I did in fact apply the patches.  It did infact install to /usr/local/lib/svn-python/ and I symlinked it to where I think python likes it better (site-packages)05:26
lifelessYou also need a fairly recent version of the official Python bindings to the05:26
lifelessSubversion libraries. At the moment, the svn plugin only works with05:26
lifelessSubversion 1.5 (trunk). The python-subversion (not python-svn!) package05:26
lifelessthats from READ05:26
dysingerhmm - must have glossed over that.05:27
dysingerI went straight to the bottom of http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrForeignBranches/Subversion05:27
dysingerUnder Requirements and Subversion 1.4.3 w/ patch05:27
lifelessjelmer: ^05:28
dysingerIt's a bummer to have to go grab /trunk subversion to get this to work.  That makes it harder for me to convince my team to switch.  :/05:32
dysingerbut I appreciate the help05:32
lifelessonce you build it once they can use binaries surely?05:32
dysingerEven if it's for my fun only.05:32
dysingerThe OS X Leopard installer is so slick to for BZR 1.005:33
dysingerslick too05:33
* dysinger compiling 05:40
abentleydysinger 1.5 coming out soon?05:45
dysingerI don't know - is it ?05:45
abentleyI was joking about "dysinger copiling", as if you were a software product.05:46
dysingerah :)05:46
ddaaI'm done with bzr-git hacking for this year.05:47
ddaaall my stuff is pushed on launcphad05:48
dysingerWell 1.5 trunk svn compiles ok but make chek-swig-py bombs05:48
abentleyI'm afraid I can't help with that.  My preferred platform has suitably patched bindings.05:52
dysingerbzr selftest svn fails :/05:52
abentleyddaa: Cool.05:52
dysingerMy preferred platform has 8 cores at 3GHZ and 16GB ram :)05:53
dysinger(new mac pro)05:53
abentleyddaa: what's interesting and in Git?05:53
ddaasmall stuff nobody uses like that ;)05:53
abentleyYeah, so basically stuff I don't really have disk space for.05:54
ddaawell, git itself05:54
ddaait's small enough05:54
ddaathough it does produces a >1GB git-cache05:55
ddaaall because bzrlib is too dumb to figure out inventory entry revisions by itself :(05:55
dysingerso while I have you guys here.  What makes BZR better than GIT?  I like the UI better but it's not a compelling enough reason not to use GIT by itself.05:56
dysingerThe SVN integration thing is not working for me even with 1.505:56
ddaait works on windows05:56
dysingeryes that's a plus05:56
ddaagenerally, it's more user-oriented05:56
dysingeryeah I like the UI better05:57
ddaagood user interface is not skin deep05:57
dysingerlike in git git-checkout means like 3 different things05:57
ddaaI believe it support more workflows naturally, actually bzr in extremely flexible05:57
dysinger(make a branch, switch working branches and replace files with original)05:58
ddaareally, bzr strong points all revolve around the user experience05:58
dysingerI don't like that - I like bzr's simple commands.05:58
ddaait's *designed* to be nice to use05:59
ddaawhile git is designed to be incredibly fast05:59
dysingerI like that I can push without having to set hooks or export a "bare" repository.  I like that I can push to sftp with no setup.05:59
dysingerI just can't get it to work with SVN :/06:00
ddaahonestly, it's more a problem with svn06:00
dysingeryeah by itself BZR is very cool.06:00
ddaajelmer had to write a bunch fixes to the python bindings06:00
dysingerI just have to work with remote svn - everybody uses svn.06:00
ddaaand they need to go through svn release process.06:00
* dysinger understands06:01
ddaadysinger: if you do not have commit access, you could use launchpad's code import service.06:01
ddaathat does not work all the time, and that only import trunk, but that's often enough.06:01
ddaaoh, if you're a company06:02
dysingerthat would work for personal and open source projects but not for client's code.06:02
abentleyddaa: is git-over-http supported?  Or do I need to do the initial clone in git?06:02
ddaaabentley: it needs a local git06:02
ddaaI've been ranting a lot the past few days about how git:// is going to be a pain to support06:03
ddaaor git/http for that matter06:03
ddaaso, if you're a company06:03
ddaayou can talk to Canonical to get professional support for bzr.06:03
abentleyOr you can run Ubunut in Parallels :-)06:04
ddaaoh, yes, that's a way to make bzr-svn easier :)06:04
ddaaUbunut is fine06:04
abentleyI know there's been discussion about packaging bzr-svn for Mac.06:07
abentleyBut I don't think it's happened yet.06:08
abentleyddaa: Feature request: progress bar for fetch.06:10
ddaabzrlib bug06:10
abentleyWhat's that?06:11
ddaacould be worked around using a custom interRepository06:11
ddaaInterDifferingSerializer is the thing that lacks the progress bar06:11
dysingerI run Ubuntu all over the place - mostly Xen.  It's a great OS - but mostly because it came from great roots - debian.06:12
abentleyduuude.  That's my "last chance, you better be desperate" InterRepository that I wrote a month ago.06:12
ddaawell, that's a perfect fit for this06:13
ddaaI guess a custom InterRepo could be more efficient, but that's too much dark magic for me.06:13
ddaaJust support .revision_tree() and a couple other things and it works06:14
abentleyWell, we'll have to see about overcoming this dark magic thing at some point.06:15
abentleyIt works, sure, but it does whole-tree operations where it should really be doing per-change operations.06:16
ddaawell.. the thing is git does not give us changes...06:16
ddaaat least it's not it's natural medium06:16
ddaaI guess it would be faster if we asked changes from git and fed them to bzrlib06:17
abentleyAnyhow, it's still chugging away.06:18
ddaaif you are trying it on git, do not run it all the whole history at first06:18
ddaait take a looooong time06:18
ddaait's fast enough for the 1000 first mainline revs06:19
ddaabut at some point the inter-repo starts slogging seriously06:19
abentleyOh.  Stopped.06:21
abentleySo what, pull in groups?06:21
ddaawith the recent optimizations, that should not make a huge difference06:21
ddaaMy latest commit does a good job of keeping the memory inflation slow.06:22
ddaaJust use less data if you just want to play with it.06:22
ddaaAn interrepo that makes small write groups would be nice too.06:22
ddaaSo it could be interrupted in progress without losing the work.06:23
ddaalike bzr-svn06:23
abentleyThat's interesting.06:24
abentleyOf course, each write group is actually a pack, so you wouldn't want to do it too often.06:24
ddaadoesn't bzr repack automatically?06:24
ddaaI'm imagine that making small write groups would be less time-efficient, but that should not cause significant space waste.06:25
abentleyRepack is on certain operations only.06:25
abentleySo after conversion, the next time you pulled, it would repack everything into one pack.06:26
ddaawell, not big deal to add a repack at the end of the fetch06:26
abentleylarge numbers of packs reduces the efficiency of indexes a lot.06:27
abentleytime efficiency, I should say.06:28
ddaaanyway, there's a lot to gain now by making the interrepo smarter.06:29
abentleyThe viz is nice and zippy, though.06:30
abentleyBut I could have sworn that Git provided tree-delta output.06:31
ddaait certainly does06:31
ddaait's just that I would have no idea how to use it :)06:32
ddaaalso, it's more natural to start by working of trees and blobs06:34
ddaawhich are the building blocks of git06:34
abentleyWell, earlier you said "the thing is that git does not give us changes..."06:36
ddaaFor my defence, it's 7:30 am here06:37
ddaaI might not be entirely lucid06:37
ddaa"git diff -p --raw --binary --full-index A B" might be something to look at06:41
abentleyI think maybe branching from git should produce a Bazaar branch.  What do you think?06:43
ddaajust found it easier to make pulling work at first06:43
abentleyWe're not going to support writing to git for a while anyhow, right?06:43
ddaathat's a good working assumption06:44
ddaaI would not bet on it when jelmer gets active, though :)06:44
ddaaabentley: though you really should be working off my stable branch06:46
ddaathe one with a test suite that actually passes :)06:46
ddaahave fun, beddy time now06:49
ddaaahah, just when I said that, my pull of all git just completed :)06:50
lifelessyou missed...06:50
lifeless17:49 -!- ddaa [n=ddaa@canonical/launchpad/ddaa] has quit ["Leaving."]06:50
lifeless17:49 < abentley> G'night.06:50
lifeless17:50 -!- ddaa [n=ddaa@canonical/launchpad/ddaa] has joined #bzr06:50
abentleyddaa: got lightweight checkouts working06:55
ddaajust needed a stub format, I guess?06:56
lifelesscheckouts of ?06:56
abentleylightweight checkout from a git repo06:56
abentleyddaa: And a cloning_metadir06:57
ubotuNew bug: #179368 in bzr "bug in lighttpd 1.4.18 makes bzr loop or issue too many requests" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17936812:46
sandrotI'm having trouble getting pycrypto installed on a mac, will bzr+ssh do the same thing as sftp?13:45
TFKylenot afaik, I think bzr+ssh uses bzr's smartserver over ssh, where sftp just uses the sftp subsystem of ssh to transfer the branch13:48
sandrothrm, well I was able to checkout and commit over bzr+ssh without (knowingly) running smartserver13:52
luksbzr+ssh will run the smart server on it's own, you just need to have bzr installed on the remote machine13:53
sandrotso it seems bzr+ssh would work for me but I don't know if I'm missing anything by not using pycrypto13:53
sandrotI see13:54
luksI guess it uses openssh on mac13:54
lukspycrypto is only needed for paramiko, which is a python ssh-client implementation13:54
luksbzr+ssh, sftp, anything ssh related13:54
sandrotI can't use sftp because pycrypto isn't installed13:55
sandrotand I'm having issues getting pycrypto installed =(13:55
TFKyleatleast sftp uses openssh or putty if it can find them I think, otherwise it tries using paramiko which uses pycrypto13:55
lukswell, just use bzr+ssh if it works for you13:55
sandrotguess so, doesn't python have a psuedo package management system? setuptools or something? think I could install pycrypto with that?13:56
TFKylesetuptools isn't part of python itself, but you could try using it/easy_install if pycrypto's on pypi13:57
TFKylewhat problems are you having with pycrypto btw?13:57
sandrot`setup.py build` can't build13:58
sandrotI run ubuntu myself but am borrowing my friends mac so we can get bzr setup13:58
TFKylemind pastebinning the error?13:58
sandrotmacports failed miserably, python2.5, bzr and paramiko installed nicely but pycrypto has issues...13:59
TFKyle(http://rafb.net/paste is a good one if you don't know of any)13:59
sandrotcool, one sec13:59
sandrotMm, I'm afraid I can't capture all of the output but after doing setup.py build > log, log tells me to check my Xcode version14:01
sandrotI'm going to do that realy quick14:01
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abentleyTFKyle: Bazaar always uses Paramiko for the sftp protocol, even if the ssh connection uses OpenSSH or PuTTY.16:56
TFKylehmm, I remember being able to branch from sftp:// before without having paramiko installed, parts of paramiko are in bzr or?17:12
TFKyleabentley: <TFKyle> hmm, I remember being able to branch from sftp:// before without having paramiko installed, parts of paramiko are in bzr or?17:14
TFKyle(though that was back in the 0.1x days, havn't tried it recently without paramiko installed)17:14
abentleyI can't see how that would be possible.17:14
TFKylelooking at the 1.0 sftp transport indeed it looks like it does need paramiko17:15
TFKyleguess I was remembering wrong, sorry17:27
hsn_any reports about bzr 1.0 corrupting pack repos?20:21
hsn_my 2 repos are corrupted20:22
elmohmm, does cherrypicking merges (merge -c) "lose" history?20:22
hsn_-r lose history, never used -c20:23
hsn_i think that -c is just syntax sugar for -r20:25
elmoright, so probably the same deal20:25
elmobzr: ERROR: Revision {joerg@debian.org-20071229214821-h9rkdipixra914oe} not present in "<bzrlib.knit.KnitGraphIndex object at 0x2b03534e0c50>".20:37
elmo^-- umm - what?20:37
elmo(from trying to merge a bundle)20:38
abentleyelmo: Your bundle is based on a revision not present in your repository20:41
abentleyhsn_: I'm not aware of any corruption issues with pack repos.  Please file bug reports.20:42
elmoabentley: ah, double bother.  so don't cherry-pick with bundles then?20:43
abentleyelmo: unless you're generating old bundles, cherry-picking should be fine.20:43
elmoabentley: 'old bundles'?20:44
abentleyFormat 0.9 or earlier.20:44
elmoabentley: I'm using bzr 1.0 on both sides, so I assume not20:45
abentleyNot unless you're trying to.20:45
abentleySo when you generate a merge directive, the contents of the bundle are whatever's needed to install the revisions into your submit branch.20:45
elmoabentley: the 'master' tree I'm trying to bzr merge into is at r993 or something.  the other side, the guy has a bunch of changes, up to r1009.  I want to bzr send, just revision 1009.  which is what I tried, and what I failed - should that have been possible?20:45
elmo(as in, I did bzr send -r 1008..1009)20:46
abentleyThat should have been possible.20:46
elmobzr doesn't love me today.20:47
abentleySo what was the command you issued?20:47
abentleyto send?20:47
elmobzr send -r 1008..1009 -o /some/filename20:47
elmothen 'bzr merge /some/filename' on the other side20:47
abentleyAnd what was your submit branch?20:47
elmo'submit branch'?20:47
abentleyThe first argument to bzr send20:48
* dato guesses "none"20:48
abentleyit is the branch that you want to submit your changes to.20:48
datoand then the default value got used, and maybe that was an intermediate branch which had up to r1008 or so20:49
abentleydato: It can't be none if the send succeeded.20:49
datoabentley: none explicitly mentioned in the command line, I meant20:49
elmooh, I see20:49
elmoso I need to bzr send with a submit branch of what I call 'master'?20:49
abentleyThe submit branch is used to decide what revisions are needed in the bundle.20:49
abentleyIt needs to have a subset of the revisions in master.20:50
datoabentley: (as a side note, mergin such bundle causes a cherrypick anyway, no? that is, that no merged revision show up in commit)20:50
abentleydato: It depends on whether you have the cherrypick base.20:50
abentleyIf it is possible to do a non-cherry-pick merge, bzr will.20:51
elmook, so using a submit branch worked, thanks20:51
elmoof course, it's still a cherry pick, so my unsubtle attempt to work around losing merge history failed entirely ;-)20:52
datounder what circumstances is that possible? the picture I have in mind is master "r1 - r2", feature "r1 - r2 - r3 - r4", bzr send -r 3..420:52
abentleyA scenario where it's possible is master "r1-r3", feature "r1 - r2 - r3 - r4", bzr send -r 3..420:53
abentleyelmo: I believe bzr 1.1 will attempt to download the missing revisions from your submit branch for you.20:54
elmoabentley: the missing revisions aren't in the submit branch though, and I don't actually want them - if you see what I mean?20:55
abentleyIt will install them into your repository so that the cherrypick works.20:56
datoelmo: "don't actually want them" <-- in your branch, you wouldn't mind them being in your repository20:57
abentleyIt won't do a full merge or anything.20:57
elmoI see what you mean.  that'd be lovely20:57
datoabentley: what happens if you later merge the full branch? (r993 .. r1009)20:58
abentleyWell, a three-way merge doesn't do *too* badly if you haven't changed the bits you cherrypicked.20:58
abentleyEspecially if you merge --reprocess.20:59
abentleyIf you've changed the bits you cherrypicked, you'll get conflicts.21:00
abentleyelmo: I'm sorry that we can't yet represent a cherrypick in our metadata.  It is something we plan to support.21:02
elmoabentley: no problem, it's a relatively minor detail - if it's on your (collective) radar to fix, I'm more than happy21:02
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:14
hsn_abentley: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50171/21:16
* dato wonders *why* *on* *earth* reporting malicious content in that pastebin is done *just by following a link*21:19
hsn_because spam bots will self-cancel?21:20
dysingerSo sorry to interrupt any conversations.  Just wanted to ask more questions.  I think I have pretty much exhausted all reasonable attempts at pushing / pulling to svn with a mac and bzr 1.0.  I can't do any direct imports either both branches of svn2bzr are broken on my 128MB 6 month old repository.  So I have yet to find a way to use my existing project in bzr that's not a time-sync and hassle for me (being new to bzr).  Just some feedback 21:21
jelmerhi dysinger21:22
jelmerdysinger: you were the guy having problems patching python-subversion, no?21:22
dysingerThe patch applied cleanly to 1.4 subversion but then I just kept getting "No Python bindings for Subversion installed. See the bzr-svn README for details. Unable to load plugin 'svn' from '/root/.bazaar/plugins'"21:23
dysingerSo I tried 1.5 trunk last night but it didn't compile so smooth.21:23
dysingerI really like BZR so this isn't critique21:23
jelmerThere were a couple of people that reported that installing a patched subversion on Mac OS X would install to a differnet location21:23
jelmercan you run the following:21:24
dysingerI tried patching and installing it to $HOME like I do everything else and I also did /usr/local with same result.21:24
jelmerpython -c "from svn.delta import svn_delta_invoke_txdelta_window_handler"21:25
dysingerOS X Leopard comes with libsvn and svn for python 2.5 preinstalled.  I tried to make sure my path was straight so that my /usr/local bindings loaded first21:25
dysingerI get False from that - I have been using it as a test from your source.21:25
jelmerand does this give a location you expect:21:26
jelmerpython -c "import svn.delta; print svn.delta.__file__"21:26
dysingergives me /usr/local...21:26
jelmerdysinger: did building subversion rerun SWIG?21:27
dysingerI am trying to gather notes and be helpful if I can too.  I always do that on my blog (mostly ruby stuff) http://dysinger.net so if I can figure it out and put together a bash-notes script I will post it there.  I am trying to do this without macports, fink etc - I prefer from scratch.21:28
* jelmer wonders if the Subversion sources comes with prebuilt versions of the Python bindings21:28
dysingerYes I rebuilt SWIG and ran the SWIG tests.21:28
dysingerbefore install21:28
jelmerdid you run install-swig-py ?21:28
dysinger(testing it before hand)21:29
dysinger1.5 trunk fails those tests21:29
dysinger1.4 is fine.21:29
jelmerand grepping for svn_delta_invoke_txdelta_window_handler in /usr/local/ returns the right python file?21:29
dysingerthis installs libsvn* in /usr/local/lib along with SWIG stuff in /usr/local/svn-python/21:29
dysingerone sec21:29
jelmerhow are you trying to run bzr to make sure that it loads the right bindings?21:30
dysingerjust trying to branch something21:30
dysingerlike bzr branch http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/ textmate-bundles21:30
dysingerand it always gripes about the bindings21:31
jelmerdysinger: it probably loads the system-provided bindings for python-subversion then though21:31
jelmerrather than the ones in /usr/local21:31
dysingerI went to the bzr_svn code in __init__ and pulled out your checks and just did them at the command line21:31
dysingerand it always fails no matter what I do21:31
dysingerI checked my PYTHONPATH too21:31
dysingerjelmer: I think you are right.21:32
jelmercan you try setting the PYTHONPATH manually? E.g.: PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/svn-python python -c "from svn.delta import svn_delta_invoke_txdelta_window_handler"21:32
dysingerbut python -c "import svn.delta; print svn.delta.__file__" returns the right file21:32
dysingeryes give me a minute to reinstall 1.4 like I had it.21:32
jelmerit may actually be loading the python file from the right location but the corresponding shared library from the wrong location. or something.21:33
jelmerdysinger: still there?21:38
dysingersorry re-installing it real quick21:38
* dysinger feels stupid now.21:40
dysingeroh man I think I figured it out and I am  an embarrassed dumb-ass - lol - sorry - in my efforts to automate everything via a script and deprive myself of sleep, I wasn't applying the patch correctly :/21:40
jelmerwell, at least you did find it now :-)21:42
lifelessjust highlights the need for a package IMO :)21:42
dysingergaahhh I wasted sooo much time on that.21:42
jelmerafaik phanatic and erik are working on that21:43
dysingery I will paste my notes on my blog asap and you can pull them off for mac folks if you want.21:43
jelmerdysinger: feel free to just add a link to the wiki21:43
jelmerhi schierbeck21:54
jelmerschierbeck: There was somebody from the tango team around a couple of days ago21:54
jelmerAsking about icons for bzr-gtk21:55
jelmerThere is a thread about it on the bzr-gtk mailing list, any input would be welcome :-)21:55
schierbeckjelmer: hi!21:55
schierbeckyeah, i talked to a guy named Cube some time ago21:56
dysingerwell I feel less like a dumbass now.  It still doesn't work.  I don't want to waste a bunch of your time.  Could you look at my notes and results here http://pastie.caboo.se/133339 for a second ?21:56
schierbeckhe started working on some icons, but he never really got around to finishing them21:56
dysingerI wonder if it's the patch?  I see everything installs correctly.  The patch doesn't complain.  It finds the right svn.delta.__file__ but it doesn't have the svn_delta_invoke_txdelta_window_handler22:01
* dysinger sighs22:10
jelmerschierbeck: yep, that's the one23:05
jelmerschierbeck: he sent mail to the list, did you see it?23:06
schierbeckjelmer: yup23:07
schierbeckwas busy with exams and all the christmas stuff23:07
schierbeckwe really need those icons23:07
jelmerno worries :-)23:07
jelmerSome comments would be nice though23:07
sam1234Hello people? Can I ask some question about bazaar?23:09
sam1234ok. So I have a problem with user id...23:12
sam1234bzr whoami MyName tell my name23:13
sam1234When i tried to change it, for example: bzr whoami MyNewName23:13
sam1234commits, that I have done still have my old name.23:14
jelmeryes, it only works for commits you are doing since the chance23:14
jelmeryou can not alter existing commits23:14
sam1234I have spend some time to find some solutions, but with no result. The problem...23:16
sam1234for me is that when I change my e-mail, then people that try to contact me by my old e-mail will be confused23:16
jelmerthat's the way it works23:17
sam1234I looked at .bzr directory but changing something by hand result error.23:18
sam1234Do you know some VCS that don't have this limit?23:18
jelmersam1234: even if bazaar would uspport it23:19
jelmerhow would it be able to do that?23:20
jelmerI don't think there are any other systems out there that do support it23:20
sam1234Sorry, I don't know much about VCS, that's why ask. This is feature that could be usful for me, but isn't so important.23:22
sam1234So if this can't be done, I still can live.23:23
sam1234Name is constant, only e-mail will be changed.23:23
sam1234thanks for you time jelmer. Best regards.23:25

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