
joebakerOne question I need a quick answer to about the Edubuntu server install.00:49
joebakerIs it required to have 2 nics?00:50
joebakerIt seemed that this might have been why the PowerPC install could have encountered an exception.00:50
joebakerI'm about to re-install an i386 system now from scratch and I only have a single nic.00:51
joebakerI'll re-join the conversation from my laptop in a moment.00:52
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joebakerI've been trying to exercise the Encrypted Filesystem on LVM option of Edubuntu 7.10 Gutsy.  It's not working on i386 nor on PowerPC.19:26
joebakerThat was the single automated option I chose.20:01
johnnyyou used the alternative cd?20:02
johnnythat worked for me on stock ubuntu20:02
joebakerI'm re-running the installer, choosing a manual partition scheme.  Switching encryption from aes to twofish.  Changing the keysize down to 128 bits for more speed.20:02
joebakerYes Johnny, I'm using the alternative i386 edubuntu Server cd.20:03
johnnyhmm... server cd.. encryption would be annoying there20:03
joebakerWait... that's the Server install.20:03
johnnyevery time you restart the computer, you'd have to type the password..20:03
joebakerThe machine is out in the open and is used for multi-users remotely with NX.20:03
joebakerThe machine should stay up for years on end.20:04
johnnyso the encryption won't do very much then..20:04
johnnyif it's always on20:04
joebakerIf somebody seals the machine....20:04
joebakerThat's where I want the encryption in place.20:04
joebakerBut it worked for you?20:05
joebakerWas it the server CD or just an alternate install cd for Desktop?20:05
johnnyalternative for desktop20:06
johnnyi put it on my laptop20:06
johnnyand it just worked20:06
joebakerI left /boot unencrypted.  This is a terrific feature.  I'm very much involved in politics in the US.  I believe the encryption will be essential in coming years.20:06
joebakerWell, I suppose I should issue a bug report for Server on launchpad.20:07
joebakerIs it a bug with the installer?  What's the installer's name?20:07
joebakerI'll bet the installer's name is ubiquity20:08
pygiif it's the alternate cd20:08
johnnyubuquity is the graphical installer20:08
johnnyerr ubiquity20:08
seamus123HI All21:11
seamus123Anyone here got any experience using the Thin Client Manager under VMware?21:11
joebakerSorry, no I haven't.  I'm hoping to though.21:20
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seamus123My primary goal is to try out the thin client manager21:28
seamus123and I'm wanting to do it under VMware first due to lack of hardware currently ;)21:28
seamus123However, I can't seem to get VMware to boot across the network21:28
seamus123and wonder if there is a PXE image that can be used to get VMware up and booting21:28
stgraberusing bridged networking and booting it using the PXE option (press ESC at boot time) usually works21:29
seamus123but I'm creating the new VM at the moent21:31
seamus123and it asks for the installation media - either a .iso or a CD/DVD in the drive21:31
seamus123I can't get past that mode in the wizard to actually tell the VM to "just boot"21:31
seamus123(Using VMFusion btw)21:31
stgraberhmm, never tried fusion, I'm usually using workstation or server on Linux21:32
stgrabergo through the wizard then disable everything but the network card21:32
seamus123hold down "Esc" when booting you reckon?21:35
stgraberat least with workstation that's the way to have the boot menu prompt in the VM21:37
stgraberyou may also enter the BIOS and change the boot order (if Fusion emulates a BIOS as workstation and server do)21:37
seamus123I've got it booting up now and it's looking for a network boot I think with this message:21:39
seamus123"Press F12 for a network service boot"21:39
stgraberok, so pressing F12 should make it boot using PXE21:40
seamus123unfortunately there are seom keybooard overrides on OS X that f12 is calling instead of the f12 in the VM21:40
seamus123I think these can be disabled under VMfusion however21:40
seamus123checking preference21:40
stgraberright, F12 is exposé or something like that IIRC (alt+F12 with compiz on Linux)21:41
seamus123yup that's correct it is21:41
seamus123turned off theOS X shortcuts and that booted it21:42
seamus123here's the (not) funny part - it's seeing the DHCP network from my wider LAN @ work, instead of the DHCP on the Edbuntu VM that's also running21:42
seamus123DHCP server runs by default on Edbuntu?21:42
stgraberhmm, in your case you should probably set two NICs on the Edubuntu VM, one being bridged (the internet), the other being host-only (the LAN on which the edubuntu's dhcp will listen to)21:43
stgraberthen set the NIC of your client to host-only21:43
stgraberalternatively you may change your work DHCP to send the PXE settings (that's easy if that's a linux dhcpd server)21:44
seamus123_hmm I set the thinclient VM NIC to host only21:45
seamus123_and now it finds no DHCP server21:45
stgraberdid you add a host-only NIC to the Edubuntu server as well ?21:46
seamus123_I'll attempt to do that now21:46
seamus123_never done it before..,.21:46
stgraberthat will simulate a server connected to a WAN (you work LAN) and to an internal LAN (your thin clients)21:46
stgraberthe dhcpd will run on the host-only card and then your client will receive an ip and the boot parameters21:47
seamus123_Would I create the 2nd NIC within Ubuntu or VMware admin (sorry for the dumb q)21:48
stgraberyou will have to shutdown the VM, add the 2nd NIC and boot it again21:48
seamus123_roger - shutting down21:49
seamus123_(thanks for this help btw: much appreciated!)21:49
seamus123_ok I've got two networks now: 1) NAT 2) host only21:50
seamus123_look good?21:50
stgraberI'm not sure the DHCP server will automatically start on the host-only NIC though, you may have to start it by hand21:52
stgraberjust try to boot your client, if that doesn't work, then you'll need to start the dhcp server by hand21:52
seamus123_ok - on the phone but will try that in 2mins21:55
seamus123_yup didn;'t see the DHCP server22:01
seamus123_(from the thin client)22:01
seamus123_what's the best way to start this manually do you know under Edubuntu22:01
stgrabersudo ifconfig eth1
stgrabersudo ifconfig eth1:0
stgrabersudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart22:02
stgrabershould do it, assuming the NIC is on eth122:02
seamus123_hmm interesting - doing the restart of the srvice failed - presumably it was not running in thefirst place!22:04
seamus123_perhaps DHCP does not start at boot up?22:04
seamus123_anyway, will try with the thin client now22:04
stgraberI guess it would have started if the NIC was correctly set22:04
seamus123_wow! looks like it's booting mate!22:05
seamus123_fingers crossed22:05
stgraber(which would have been the case if you had both NICs set at installation time)22:05
stgraberyou may experience a problem when opening a session (access refused)22:05
stgraberbut maybe not :)22:05
seamus123_yeah I did get access refused!22:05
seamus123_presumably need to create a user first on the Edubuntu server?22:06
stgrabersudo ltsp-update-sshkeys22:06
stgrabersudo ltsp-update-image22:06
stgraberthose two should fix that22:06
seamus123_on the host?22:06
stgraberyes, on the server22:07
seamus123_ok 2nd command is doing something - creating little endian filesystem...22:07
stgraberyes, can take some minutes22:08
johnnycommands are successful if they don't return output usually22:08
johnnyso it did do something22:08
stgraberjust reboot the client after this one completed22:08
seamus123_yes I know that (do use Debian linux at work quite a bit) VMware and DHCP is areas I've had v. little experience in however22:08
seamus123_That is going to take awhile 25% through22:09
seamus123_Macbook Pro is slogging it's guts out now with two VM's running LOL22:09
stgrabermy server is running 4 at the moment :)22:10
stgraberand I'm watching a movie connected on a virtual edubuntu server from a real thin client22:10
seamus123_CPU/RAM specs?22:10
stgraberAMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ and 2GB of RAM22:11
stgraberroot@vagonbrei:~# uptime 23:11:45 up 2 days,  3:38,  1 user,  load average: 0.06, 0.20, 0.2122:11
seamus123_11:12  up 5 days,  1:28, 2 users, load averages: 1.54 1.52 1.1422:12
seamus123_Macbook Pro Core 2 Duo 2.2Ghz, 2GB RAM22:12
stgraberwell, generating a new squashfs uses a bit of CPU :)22:12
seamus123_ok well that is all done22:13
seamus123_will reboot the client and see what happens22:13
stgraberI'm using Xen for my Linux VMs, it's known to take way less CPU but requires you to boot a patched kernel so only working on Linux AFAIK22:13
seamus123_yeah we use Xen quite a bit at work22:13
pygiwith newest intel or amd you dont have to use a patched kernel22:13
stgraberhmm, right with the VT or AMD equivalent thing, haven't tried that way though22:14
seamus123_hmm that may have killed it - not booting to a login screen at all now?!22:15
seamus123_on thinclient that is22:15
seamus123_did netboot however22:15
seamus123_ie ran vmlinuz22:15
stgraberweird, try : sudo chmod 644 /opt/ltsp/images/*22:15
stgraberin case something is wrong with file permissions on the squashfs image22:16
seamus123_There was a bunhc of info spat out after I ran that command e.g.22:16
seamus123_info: port 2000 is already defined in the conf file22:16
seamus123_info: taking no action22:16
seamus123_could that have killed it>?22:17
stgraberno, that just means that inetd is already configured for that image and will run nbd-server correctly22:17
stgraberso that's fine22:17
seamus123_it's working with the permissikons reset22:18
seamus123_trying to log in now22:18
seamus123_We have lift off!!22:19
seamus123_Hmm got in ok, but appears to have just fallen over (the thin client) i.e. window has completely disappeared!22:21
seamus123_but I think I have the config correct at least22:21
seamus123_your help was tremendously appreciated22:22
seamus123_general q: I would have thought with thin clients that a user database would have to be created first on the host server and that thin clients would authenticate against that user list first22:22
seamus123_rather than any user creating a "new" user on the fly22:22
stgraberit uses the same user database as the server22:23
stgraberso basically what you have in /etc/passwd22:23
stgraberor in LDAP if you have set a ldap auth22:23
seamus123_'so I would have logged in as "myself" given on the thin client I used my same user/pass as on the host server22:23
seamus123_what a mistake!22:23
stgraberyes, because you certainly logged in twice with the same user/pass which leads to a lot of problem :)22:24
seamus123_ok I'll create a new separate user and test with that22:24
stgraberlike having nautilus/gconf to complain because they are run twice22:24
seamus123_may have more success22:24
seamus123_probably explains why it died when I tried to message myself via the thin client manager ;)22:24
stgrabernote that we'll probably move from tcm to italc with hardy (april 2008)22:25
stgraberI'm working on the italc integration in Edubuntu and LTSP22:25
seamus123_italc ?22:26
seamus123_Looks greast!22:27
stgraberyes, except a crash when entering demo mode, it's ready for integration22:28
stgraberand as I have like 4 months to fix a single crash, it should be in in time :)22:28
seamus123_I was a little surprised there were no edubuntu forums like ubuntu - this was the only means of support I could find - I've used the ubuntu forums a lot - do you think edubuntu would ever get their own forums up and running?22:29
seamus123sorry about22:35
seamus123who says OS X never crashes ;)22:35
stgraberwell, I don't know for the others but I'm not much of a forum guy, I'm mainly following the mailinglists and IRC. So if you have questions I think it's better to come here and ask (or for LTSP related #ltsp) or subscribe to one of the mailing-list (http://lists.ubuntu.com)22:35
seamus123think it was the VMware getting well and truly confused22:35
seamus123thanks stgraber22:35
seamus123btw: is LTSP packages available in the standard ubuntu repos ?22:35
stgraberevery Ubuntu derivates share the same package repository22:36
stgraberso you could install kde on a xubuntu install for instance22:36
seamus123yeah but who would choose KDE ;) ;)22:37
pygistop the discrimination, com'on!22:38
stgraberwell, it's the second most used desktop so ... :)22:38
* stgraber was a kde user back to kde 1 and 222:38
seamus123ahve to say KDE4 looks pretty faslh22:38
stgraberyep, I'll have to give it a try. Though it's better to stay with the standard desktop when you are doing Ubuntu development (and QA testing in my case) :)22:39
stgraberinstalling : ltsp-server-standalone on a standard ubuntu should make your computer a ltsp server (you'll maybe have to tweak the network settings a bit)22:40
seamus123A screenshot showing my success thanks to you!22:41
seamus123top left = OS X and IRC chat22:41
seamus123bottom left - edubuntu server22:41
seamus123bottom right thin client22:41
seamus123both running in VMfusion22:41
seamus123as the server amdin can you remote install x11vnc on a client so you can see what they're doing>?22:45
seamus123I see from within TCM it says this must be installed before you can see their screen22:45
stgraberyou would have to do that inside the client chroot22:45
stgraberI think we have the instructions on the wiki, let me have a look22:46
stgraberyou'll need to add an extra step at the end22:46
stgrabersudo ltsp-update-image22:46
stgraberthose instructions being for feisty were we didn't have the squashfs image but an exported NFS chroot22:47
stgraberbut I have to warn you that the VNC integration in TCM was really buggy (eating tons of RAM IIRC), that's one of the reason why we are moving to italc22:48
stgraberand the described installation of x11vnc lacks of security (no password required for remote control)22:48
seamus123ok - I'm only testing this on local VM at the moment, so no security issues22:49
seamus123read those instructions - this means it would be in place for all thinclients right?22:49
stgraberthe thin clients mount some kind of network share (a squashfs image over nbd) at boot time and then use it as a hdd22:50
stgraberwhat you do here is modifying this hdd, then all clients will have it after they reboot22:50
seamus123hmm after I've chroot'ed I can't run apt-get anymore23:02
seamus123it gets permissions errors accessing the repo files23:02
seamus123I can run apt-get no worries when not chroot'ed23:02
seamus123$ sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386/23:02
seamus123root@edubuntu:/# apt-get update23:02
seamus123Ign file: gutsy Release.gpg23:02
seamus123Ign file: gutsy/main Translation-en_NZ23:02
seamus123Ign file: gutsy/restricted Translation-en_NZ23:02
seamus123Ign file: gutsy Release23:02
seamus123Ign file: gutsy/main Packages23:02
seamus123Ign file: gutsy/restricted Packages23:02
seamus123Err file: gutsy/main Packages23:02
seamus123  File not found23:02
seamus123Err file: gutsy/restricted Packages23:02
stgraberhmm, ok, so try this (outside of the chroot) : sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/apt/23:03
stgraberthen do : apt-get update and the apt-get install inside of the chroot23:03
stgraberI think the sources.list of the chroot is broken23:03
seamus123sorted ;)23:05
seamus123btw: rebooted the edubuntu server and the DHCP server fails to start again so looks like a boot config issue23:05
stgraberyes, you would have to do the ifconfig trick again23:06
stgraberor set /etc/network/interfaces so eth1 has as IP address set at boot time23:06
stgraberappending :23:06
joebakerI think the problem I'm having with the encrypted filesystem bootup might have to do with the Intel graphics chip support.23:06
stgraberiface eth123:07
stgrabershould do it23:07
joebakerThe F1 console is written in bigger fonts sometimes.  Maybe I have  a problem with the framebuffer?23:07
stgraberjoebaker: only tty1 (F1) ? not the others ?23:08
joebakerThe others aren't ready yet... this is early in the boot phase.23:09
stgrabertry with : vga=normal and without splash as boot parameter23:09
stgraberif that's FB related, your problem will disappear23:09
stgraber(you can edit the boot line in grub by pressing "e" till you are editing the right line, then once edited you can boot pressing "b")23:10
seamus123stgraber - does this look valid for /etc/network/interfaces:23:10
seamus123# The loopback network interface23:10
seamus123auto lo23:10
seamus123iface lo inet loopback23:10
seamus123# The primary network interface23:10
seamus123auto eth023:10
seamus123#iface eth0 inet dhcp23:10
seamus123iface eth123:10
stgraberaddress and netmask without the uppercases and add an "auto eth1" just the line before "iface eth1"23:11
seamus123just "before/after" iface eth1 ?23:12
seamus123# The primary network interface23:13
seamus123auto eth023:13
seamus123#iface eth0 inet dhcp23:13
seamus123auto eth123:13
seamus123iface eth123:13
stgraber192.168.0.254, the rest looks good23:13
seamus123$ /etc/init.d/networking restart23:15
seamus123open: Permission denied23:15
seamus123 * Reconfiguring network interfaces...                                          /etc/network/interfaces:13: too few parameters for iface line23:15
seamus123ifdown: couldn't read interfaces file "/etc/network/interfaces"23:15
seamus123line 13: iface eth0:123:15
seamus123I changed it from eth1 to eth0:1 to see if that fixed it, but no joy23:16
stgraberargh, right ... : iface eth1 inet static23:16
seamus123generic q stgraber (since you know an awful lot about this stuff!) do you know if icalc or other ltsp apps have been customised for web cafe usage for linux?23:23
seamus123(italc sorry!)23:24
stgraberI know some people use italc to manage web café even if its initial target was classrooms23:24
stgraberdepends on what features you need23:24
seamus123I guess some form of timing module and ideally billing module would be necessary23:25
seamus123(just thinking aloud that's all)23:25
stgraberIIRC they have that kind of thing somewhere on italc todolist (or at least a plugin system)23:26
stgraberyou can still do that yourself (at least the timing part) with a bit of scripting23:27
stgraberlike running a script at session open time which will wait the time the user paid for and the close the session (gnome-session-save --kill --silent)23:27
seamus123was simply curious if anyone had packaged it altogether in a GUI format that's all - seemingly not at this stage (that you're aware of anyway)23:29
seamus123btw: is iTalc from the Windows world orringally?23:29
seamus123looking at the screenshots it's all XP'ish23:29
stgrabersort of, it has been done using QT so easily multi-platform23:30
stgraberand they are planning a MacOS X release too23:32
seamus123btw: got VNCX11 working23:37
seamus123thanks for the tip on that23:37
seamus123forgot to run thelast command to update the image23:37
seamus123but worked after doing that23:37
seamus123LOL and yes it's buggy - hung the TCM !23:40
stgraberI told you :)23:41
seamus123indeed you did ;)23:41
seamus123hmm blanking a users screen is of limited beneift if they can simply enter their own password again and get full access!23:44
seamus123is that the intended usage?23:44
stgraberhmm, well that's how Pete understood my "blank screen" idea :)23:44
stgraberI of course meant to lock the display, not just prompt for the user password :)23:44
stgraberthat'll be fixed with italc23:45
seamus123yeah llocking the screen makes far more sense IMHO23:45
seamus123esp. if it's an admin doing it to a user/student23:46
seamus123they're clearly blanking it for a reason!23:46
seamus123well, I've got to say I'm v. impressed with my first forays into thin client usage and Edubuntu23:47
seamus123Are there any dedicated thin client hardware in v. small form factor available?23:55
stgraberyes, they are quite a lot, I haven't installed any large network yet (only playing with old computers as client) so I haven't really searched for that, but I know HP do some23:56
stgraberand there are some specialized manufacturer for that23:56
seamus123expensive do you know?23:57
stgraberhmm, IIRC the cheapest are like $120, average should be at a bit more than $200 I think23:57
seamus123excluding display I presume?23:58
stgraberLast I checked here they were more like $300-$400 but that's because they just receive no request, then have no stock ... Price are different if you directly order from the manufacturer and ask for a significant quantity (I was personaly looking for a single test unit)23:59
seamus123yeah ebay may be a good option to pick up 2nd hand ones in small quantities I guess23:59

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