
nosrednaekimtold you it'd hit slashdot....00:13
nosrednaekimnot too many negative comments... not KDE bashing either. some people saying they don;t like gutsy though...00:17
nosrednaekimTHIS is annoying though http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1920.html00:22
nosrednaekimhe';s saying get rid of a third of *ubuntu users... yeah.. thats going to work well..00:22
Riddellwell, we made it to slashdot :(00:26
* Tm_T hugs Riddell 00:27
Tm_TRiddell: we made what to slashdot?00:27
stdinthe lack of LTS support in 8.0400:27
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Tm_Tnothing new then00:30
Tm_Tnothing new or serious in my mind00:30
Tm_T(I'm not slashdot user)00:30
nosrednaekimneither am I... but I new this was going to make it to /. so I've been looking at the RSS feed00:31
Scottynosrednaekim, link please? Too lazy to go look for it.00:34
Tm_Talso it's misleading but meh, what did you expect, its slashdot00:34
ScottyAh, wait, I found it.00:35
ScottyThat was relatively painless.00:35
* Scotty reads00:35
nosrednaekimoops sorry.00:36
ScottyNo worries.00:36
ScottyIt was front page.00:36
ScottyI figured it'd be buried under new articles by now.00:36
Tm_Tjust like to say this out loud: first three months of year 2008 I will do my best to push KDE4/Kubuntu forward01:03
Tm_Tthank you and good night01:03
Tm_T(yes yes, I need new medication)01:03
seelewhat time is the january 2 meeting?01:45
CheGuevaracheck fridge.ubuntu.com01:45
CheGuevaraping Hobbsee01:46
HobbseeCheGuevara: pong01:46
seeleCheGuevara: it's not on the upcoming events list, hence the question01:46
Riddellseele: 23:00 should be01:46
Hobbseeheya Riddell!01:46
Riddellhi Hobbsee!01:47
CheGuevaraHobbsee: can you give back kmplayer please (again)01:47
CheGuevarahey Riddell01:47
seeleRiddell: thanks!  happy holidays01:47
HobbseeCheGuevara: heh.  given back01:47
CheGuevaraif  it FTBFS again you can poke me to death :P01:48
* Hobbsee pokes CheGuevara with the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ™ a few times01:50
Hobbseeiirc, kmplayer doesn't take quite so long to build.  but yes.01:50
Hobbseeyou're supposed to test build :P01:50
CheGuevaraHobbsee: it builds locally no matter what01:51
CheGuevarabut fails on build machines01:51
Hobbseeah, so it is a build problem01:51
CheGuevaranot really01:51
CheGuevaraits a glib problem01:51
CheGuevarait does right by failing01:52
CheGuevarabut why it doesn't fail on local i dont get it01:52
Hobbseelocal is out of date?01:53
CheGuevarapbuilder update just right before the build01:53
CheGuevaraand its not only me, jpatrick also confirmed it01:54
CheGuevarathats why he told you to give it back yesterday, 'cause it built fine on his local01:54
CheGuevarahardy i386   Successfully built  (ACCEPTED)02:00
CheGuevarai win :P02:00
CheGuevarano pokeys from Hobbsee :P02:01
* Hobbsee pokes CheGuevara anyway02:01
CheGuevaraaww :P02:01
Tm_Thi Hobbsee02:08
Hobbseeheya Tm_T!02:09
CheGuevarathis is biggest load of bs i've read02:44
HobbseeCheGuevara: nice way to forget xfce, server, etc, too03:18
CheGuevaratime to sleep03:28
CheGuevaragood night03:28
Jucatogood night brave soul :)03:32
CheGuevaradamn can't sleep04:13
Jucatolol :)04:13
Jucatodon't let the article get to yah!04:13
CheGuevaraits the netscape article04:14
CheGuevarahurts me too much that its going04:14
Jucatowhich one is that?04:14
* Jucato only saw the KDE v. GNOME one04:15
CheGuevarahaven't you heard that netscape is no longer gonna be developed?04:15
Jucatoow... :(04:19
Jucatowait.. who still uses netscape?04:19
stdinI used it once04:20
stdinback in the 90's04:20
JucatoI recall using it around 2000-2001 (Communicator) just because IE didn't "feel right"04:23
CheGuevarayeah but its the one that started it all :P04:23
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CheGuevaranixternal: are you gonna recompile kdebase and friends against the new kde4libs?05:01
nixternalI will probably work on that tomorrow...are the buildd's working again?05:02
nixternalI will work on those once again tomorrow05:02
nixternalhopefully finish everything up tomorrow05:02
CheGuevarawell escept for sparc and ppc :P05:02
nixternalheh, go figure05:03
CheGuevaraalright, cool05:03
ScottyBah, can't sleep. :(05:53
ScottyHobbsee: I'm very tempted to test the alpha build and report bugs, but I'd like a little more information on the whole testing/bug reporting process before I commit. Is there a wiki article that gives a little bit of info on it?06:03
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots06:03
Hobbsee[17:03] *** The channel topic is "Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ -http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad".06:04
HobbseeScotty: not sure how much the links at ^ will help you out06:04
ScottyAh, those look good.06:04
Hobbseehave a read, at least, then ask some questions06:04
ScottySure, sure.06:04
Hobbseeyou're welcome06:04
ScottyHobbsee: On a scale of 1-10, how stable is the current build? I'm aware it's in alpha stages, but I'm curious.06:05
Hobbseewell, i'm not actually running kubuntu06:05
Hobbseeit's usable, now06:05
Hobbseei'm using the old mode for intel drivers, so get no video (dvd, etc)06:05
Hobbseesome of the dependancies wait a bit, so it's still not wise to blindly hit "yes" on all upgrades06:05
* Hobbsee is using ubuntu06:06
Hobbseedual boot, if you can06:06
Hobbseeoccasionally you need a perfectly working system :P06:06
ScottyI have a dual boot at the moment with 7.10 and XP.06:06
ScottySo I'd probably just overwrite my 7.10 install.06:06
ScottyI'll probably go with Ubuntu, as well, if I decide to go with the alpha.06:07
ScottyI haven't made up my mind which I like better yet. One month I'll swear by KDE and the next I have an itch to try Gnome.06:08
ScottyI guess that's why (k)ubuntu-desktop is available :p06:08
Hobbseetripple boot, then?06:09
ScottyI might.06:10
Hobbseeinstall both ubuntu and kubuntu hardy - as in, install one, then install the desktop package of the other06:10
ScottyHobbsee: Mind if I query you for a moment?06:22
HobbseeScotty: go ahead06:22
Hobbseeor ask here06:22
Hobbseepeople won't eat you06:22
ScottyI realize. But I have a question I'd rather ask in private. :)06:23
Hobbseego ahead :)06:23
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK2
* Scotty yawns06:44
ScottyGoodnight, all.06:44
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sebastian^good morning folks08:23
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imbrandonheya sebastian^09:31
Jucatohappy new year imbrandon!09:31
imbrandonheya Jucato09:31
* jpatrick need main uploader09:36
imbrandonjpatrick: what ya need>09:36
jpatrickimbrandon: merge+build fix for kmplayer: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~jpatrick/kmplayer/09:37
imbrandoni'll do it09:38
_buzwhat is the proper way to get kde4 on hardy?11:13
_buzsudo aptitude install kdebase-workspace kdebase-kde4 kdebase-runtime   gives a lot of errors11:14
CheGuevarajpatrick: did you see kmplayer built fine now11:46
jpatrickCheGuevara: no, but I didn't get any FTBTS messages, so I assumed fixed11:47
jpatrickCheGuevara: great work :)11:47
CheGuevarathanks :)11:47
jpatrickimbrandon: I forgot to say kmplayer needed -sa - I included the debian tarball11:50
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Riddellnixternal: where did you get to with kde 4 package uploads?14:33
jpatrickhe had a problem with libqwt4-qt4-dev14:33
jpatrickLast time we checked14:34
=== jpatrick_ is now known as jpatrick
mhbnice to see you back Riddell15:05
mhbwow, information twist15:09
mhbso is KDE/Kubuntu really completely unsupported or just not LTS material?15:10
Riddellmhb: the KDE 3 CD is normal 18 months15:14
Riddellmhb: if irssi decides not to reconnect me again to this channel, gonnae someone /msg me and tell me15:14
mhbRiddell: okies15:15
mhbRiddell: do we have any contacts to PCLinuxOS or Ark Linux? Those folks all use APT (over RPM) and KDE, so they'd crave for a decent KDE package manager over APT as much as we do15:19
mhbit would be unwise to let all three choose a different path15:21
* mhb out.15:21
Riddellmhb: can't say I do15:26
mhbRiddell: might be worth a shot to contact them16:11
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imbrandonmoins Riddell17:14
imbrandonhrm for somereason libsmoke isnt building17:17
imbrandonRiddell: ideas ? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11096168/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.kdebindings-kde4_3.97%2Bsvn20071220-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:19
CheGuevaraimbrandon: weird, it just built fine locally19:07
jpatrickhere we go again19:08
* jpatrick hides19:08
CheGuevarathough admitedely i just did an svn checkout19:11
apacheloggerjpatrick: you're working on tork aren't you?19:51
jpatrickapachelogger: yep19:56
jpatrickapachelogger: the maintainer himself has put me into his pkging ml :)19:57
* apachelogger actually thought amarok is the only project with a pkging ml :P19:58
apacheloggerthough ours is super private ;-)19:58
CheGuevaraimbrandon: yeah your package does fail locally, but latest svn doesn't, so it must've got fixed19:58
nixternalRiddell: working on kde4 packages right now...I have been afk due to being sick, plus the buildd's were broke19:58
crimsunpfft, neither are excuses!19:59
imbrandonCheGuevara: thats for the conformation, i'll grab a fresh checkout20:00
imbrandonand see if that helps20:00
imbrandongiven thats only 10 days, but things move fast at times :)20:00
nixternalstill workin' on kdebindings?20:01
imbrandonnixternal: i'm pretty sure i fixed the -dev issue, but i got to get it building again to make sure20:01
imbrandonnixternal: yea, i'm gonna _try_ not to touch another package till i get this one finished20:01
nixternalthe update to kdebindings is for changes made in kdelibs svn20:01
Marty_Stoopidis amarok 2 will be ready for the kde4.0 out ?20:01
imbrandonit really shouldent be this much of a pita as *most* of it is already in the archive20:02
nixternalit doesn't match the changes in our kdelibs package though, but I believe it also built yesterday20:02
NightroseMarty_Stoopid: no20:02
nixternalMarty_Stoopid: more than likely it will be a little late20:02
imbrandonMarty_Stoopid: likely not, it will be compileable but not as useable as 1.x20:02
nixternalNightrose: amarok2 recognizes daapd w/o any configuration now I see, amarok2 that is20:02
Nightrosenixternal: maybe ;-) I don´t use an follow daap tbh ;-)20:03
apacheloggerI had a strigi cache of 31GiB!!!20:03
imbrandoncrimsun: got time for a little advice / package question, i havent handled this situation before and need a tad bit o help ( only irc i should be able to do the $work )20:03
crimsunsure, what's up?20:03
apacheloggernixternal: actually, after KDE4.0 is out amarok will not compile :P20:04
apacheloggerwe are switiching to development with qt 4.420:04
apacheloggerso no go until cute 4.4 is out20:04
CheGuevarawon't kde do that as well?20:05
imbrandonok there are the kdebindings package like in kde3 , lots of bins one source, as it should be, i'm doing the same for kde4 , but untill now they were seperate in the archive, so now the kdebindings-kde4 package will produce like python-kde4 , how do i work the conflicts / replaces20:05
nixternalthat is the plans20:05
imbrandonif at all20:05
apacheloggerCheGuevara: well after qt 4.4 is released20:05
apacheloggerwe develop against snapshots until then20:05
apacheloggernah, qt-copy != 4.420:05
nixternalimbrandon: there shouldn't be conflicts since you are installing them to usr/lib/kde420:05
CheGuevarawell not currently20:05
Marty_Stoopiddcop is not longer in use with kde4 ?20:05
nixternalwe don't want to conflict with kde3 bindings since we are keeping kde3 around20:06
apacheloggerCheGuevara: qt-copy is really just the latest qt release + custom patches20:06
CheGuevarawow installing windows xp on my mum's pc feels like such an emotional pain20:06
nixternalkatapult works kind of on kde 420:06
imbrandonnixternal: right, i use "conflicts / replaces" as a general thing for the debian/control source fields20:06
imbrandonsorry for the un-clarification20:06
nixternalbut we don't want to replace20:06
Marty_StoopidCheGuevara: you means "an emotional waste of time" :)20:06
crimsunimbrandon: / nixternal: aren't they parallel-installable?20:07
imbrandonwell since the binary packages are named the same i wasent thinking we would need them either but i am not 100% sure20:07
CheGuevarawonder what will happen if i install kubuntu instead20:07
nixternalcrimsun: yes20:07
imbrandoncrimsun: basicly the source package name is changing ( all being added to one source package ) but the binary packages it produces are exactly the same20:07
nixternalimbrandon: as long as they install to the usr/lib/kde4 it is fine with names, we don't have problems with any of the other kde4 packages and naming conflicts20:07
Marty_Stoopidwhat about dcop ? i think it disappear in kde420:08
jpatrickMarty_Stoopid: replaced by dbus I think20:08
crimsunimbrandon: if the binary packages are the same, then just make sure you get the versioning correct20:08
imbrandonnixternal: right but before the source package "python-kde4" produced "python-kde4" binary , but now "kdebindings-kde4" produces "python-kde4" , so i wanted to make sure20:08
Marty_Stoopidand the kioslaves, will be there ?20:09
nixternalforgot about that20:09
imbrandoncrimsun: so as long as its a higher version it should be cool without any control file magic ?20:09
crimsunimbrandon: if there are no other changes, correct.20:10
imbrandonyup, no other changes20:10
imbrandonjust combneing them20:10
imbrandon( and new upstream versions for most )20:10
imbrandoncool, thanks, just never had had this situation before so i wasent 100% sure20:11
CheGuevaraMarty_Stoopid: yep20:11
crimsunwe don't have a harsh hatred for epochs in source package versioning, so that's a possible route20:11
apachelogger--->>> Nasrullah from Mauritius sends regards and wishes a Happy New Year 2008 <<<---20:36
imbrandonapachelogger: who from where ? heheh20:44
apacheloggera user :P20:45
nixternalinteresting...got a seg fault while doing debuild and it told me to file a bug report21:25
nixternalthat was the first time I have ever seen that21:26
nixternalwth, I can't build anything21:30
nixternalthat's what is wrong21:42
nixternalstupid gcc update21:42
nixternalhappens on all of my machines of here21:43
nixternalRiddell: ^^ check out that paste...I can't build any kde4 apps now...man, what a painful build week for me thus far21:43
nixternalI can't build *anything* actually21:43
crimsunis that ia32?21:44
nixternalI can't even build hello world21:44
nixternalia32 and amd6421:44
nixternalbut that is amd64 in the paste21:44
crimsunI know I can build stuff; I've been compiling git snapshots of linux-2.6 over the past few days.21:45
crimsunI'm on ia32, however.21:45
nixternalahh, it is amd64 only21:45
nixternalI can build Hello World on ia3221:45
crimsunyeah, I was about to say...21:45
nixternallibglib update21:46
nixternalwould be nice if you could easily rollback, like say conary :p21:46
crimsungranted I use aptitude to do that21:48
nixternalya, but aptitude doesn't roll back as nicely21:48
crimsunI presume you're using gcc-4.2 4.2.2-4ubuntu3?21:48
nixternalat least it hasn't for me in the past21:48
nixternalwhatever came through the update pipes just recently21:48
yuriyah, here comes the stl21:48
crimsunaptitude is much more painstaking, yes.21:48
nixternalstill, I think dpkg and apt are still superior when compared to conary21:49
nixternalconary is slow as hell when doing an update...when it grabs everything initially and does all of the checking21:49
nixternalbut once it is past that part, the download/updates go fast21:49
nixternalok, glib update fixed it21:50
nixternalwhew, that was scary for a sec21:50
CheGuevarawhats wrong with the glib upate?21:50
nixternalweird thing though, I had no problem building kdebindings-kde4 yesterday with it21:50
nixternalit was failing to compile21:51
crimsunnothing's wrong with the glib update AFAICT.21:51
nixternalit looks like it is working now though after the update on amd6421:51
nixternalall seems to be back to normal21:51
crimsunbah, silly Rich and his trigger-happy Vista reactions.  ;-)21:51
CheGuevaraoh good, i was about to run away, since i pushed that update lol21:51
nixternalKDE 4 users...do not run kmail with kdesudo otherwise you will be in for a world of hurt21:52
nixternaland an update about strigi in kde4...it sucks big time21:52
jjesseman the only way to watch footbal is to tivio it and then watch it21:52
nixternalGO BEARS!21:52
crimsunyuriy: nice one, I didn't catch that.21:52
nixternalit sucks that they took until the last 2 games to play like a team21:52
yuriycrimsun: huh?21:52
crimsunwe can add STL to the Vista moniker for Rich, yay21:52
* jjesse watching last nights patriots game21:52
nixternalodd that bringing in Orton changed the entire atmosphere of the team21:53
nixternalI love STL21:53
yuriycrimsun: i wasn't referring to anything in the conversation, i was grumbling about adept21:53
crimsunyuriy: an offhand remark about Rich's blog and Boost.21:53
nixternalBoost FTW21:53
crimsunyuriy: I know you weren't.  I snatched it.21:53
yuriynixternal: well if you love it, decipher please: /home/yuriy/adept/adept-qt4/adept/adept/statefilter.h:75: error: no matching function for call to ‘std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator&21:54
yuriyer that's not all of it.. damn irssi21:55
yuriyraits<char>, std::allocator&21:56
yuriywell anyway21:56
yuriythere are 4 consecutive triangular brackets in there21:56
jjessewow i'm amazed at how much traffic my blog is now getting since i added it to planet.ubntu.com21:57
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Riddellnixternal: gcc go boom, nasty23:39
Riddellimbrandon: did you fix libsmoke?23:39
CheGuevarahey Riddell23:42
Riddellhola CheGuevara23:44
CheGuevarahows your holiday?23:46
yuriyhmm the kubuntu meeting date isn't in UWN23:46
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | Next meeting: 2nd January 23:00
Riddellnixternal: could you add the meeting to fridge23:48
RiddellCheGuevara: awfae fun, just went to the Nicht Afore Monster Ceilidh23:48
CheGuevaraRiddell: whats that?23:49
nixternalRiddell: gcc is back up...when is the meeting?23:50
Riddellnixternal: 2nd January 23:0023:50
RiddellCheGuevara: it's a large outdoor ceilidh on the night before23:50
CheGuevaraoh right23:51
nixternalmeeting submitted23:52

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