
billybobo231ScottG whats up?00:00
ScottyScottG: What's the problem?00:00
ScottGGot home from work, wife tells me she can only get 640X480 on our Kubuntu 7.10 64 bit PC.00:07
ScottGI ran the reconfigure X command (don't recall it all) and got my 1280X1024 back but no 3D.. now when I install Nvidia restricted drivers it breaks X again.00:07
agoreckiYou might try deleting Xorg's configuration file: the Xorg server should automatically choose the best settings for your hardware00:12
MGalaxyScotty: ardchoille: can u PLZ suggest me an alternative for KDE Menu applet ?00:12
ScottGI'll give it a try00:12
ardchoilleMGalaxy: kbfx is the only thing I can recommend: sudo apt-get install kbfx00:13
nosrednaekimtry kickoff00:13
ardchoilleMGalaxy: And you might also be interested in the kubuntu-artwork-kbfx package00:13
ScottyMGalaxy, as said, kbfx and kickoff are options and truthfully the only two I know of. I prefer kbfx, but they're both worth a try.00:14
mahasamootI just installed winXP into a QEMU/KVM.  There were a lot of compicated instructions about how to set up networking... but windows can already reach the web.  So now I just need to reach windows from Kubuntu.  I'm installing 2xAppilcation server on windows and I want to connect to it with krdc... but I don't know what networking options to tell krdc?00:15
Weasel[DK]billybobo231,you are right about the kdesudo as replacement for kdesu, but it not compatible yet, it can be resolved for now bye executing: sudo ln -s -f /usr/bin/kdesu.distrib /usr/bin/kdesu00:15
Weasel[DK]billybobo231, thanks for the hint00:16
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX00:16
=== mwalker is now known as mikew
billybobo231No problem Weasel00:23
intelikeyinteresting turn of events.  i loaded linux on this lappy.    sent it home with it's owner.    in six months they bring it back(haven't even looked at it yet) wanting me to do something else to it.    and it wont boot.   can't mount the root fs.    so i badblocks'd the hd   no bad blocks found.   i cat zero to it and reinstall linux.     did that yesterday.  today it wont boot.    so i boot a live cd chroot into it and upgrad00:24
intelikeybut i'll bet dollars against doughnut holes that tomarrow it wont boot again.00:24
intelikeyand i can't find a reason for it.00:25
agoreckiCan you format the drive using the live cd?00:26
intelikeyof course00:26
intelikeylike i said i badblocks/cat zero to/reinstalled.    so i had to format(creat an fs some place) to install...00:27
intelikeyi'm not a beginner ya know.00:27
agoreckiI apologize, I misunderstood you. If you can format it and mount it on the live cd, there should not be a problem mounting it without one. What error message did the system provide when it was not able to mount the partition?00:28
intelikeyagorecki right.  but there was.   i mounted the old root fs before i did anything else just to see if someone had hosed something.00:29
intelikeyonly the booting kernel couldn't mount the root fs and would panic.00:29
greegim having trouble installing a package. im running the version prior to gutsy.  http://rafb.net/p/hYBuGw49.html00:30
intelikeysame thing today.   the booting kernel would panic with can't mount root fs      and it wasn't an address issue.   it was booting fine when i shut it down yesterday.  just like it is now.00:31
ardchoillegreeg: What are you trying to install?00:31
ardchoillegreeg: The GNU common lisp compiler?00:31
greeggcl, lisp interpreter.00:31
gsprgreeg: Are you trying to install GCL? Isn't there a Feisty package for that?00:31
greegmy linux box is not connected to the internet00:31
ardchoille!info gcl feisty00:32
greegim at a coffe shop at the moment00:32
agoreckiThe last time I zeroed a hard drive it needed to be replaced. Which filesystem are you using? (I am sorry, without much more information there is not a lot I can say on the issue)00:32
ubotugcl: GNU Common Lisp compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.7-32 (feisty), package size 28038 kB, installed size 98532 kB00:32
ardchoillegreeg: Ah, ok00:32
gsprgreeg: It's probably easier to just get the packaged GCL.00:32
greegyeah, and a bit spoiled by apt.00:32
greegi ran ./configure in the proper directory according the the packages readme.00:32
BrOSsardchoille: are u there?00:33
greeg./configure: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string00:33
ardchoilleBrOSs: I am00:33
intelikeygreeg is there a reason you don't want to use the packaged version ?00:33
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!00:34
ardchoilleintelikey: His Linux box has no internet. He could download the gcl package but may run into deps problems.00:35
stdingreeg: try "bash configure" instead00:35
intelikeycould dl from  http://packages.ubuntu.com   and carry the .deb to the box as easy as a tarball.00:35
intelikeyardchoille he'll hit the same dependancy problems with a tarball00:35
batis610Need to encode my dvd(contains serie episodes) to an avi with multiple audio tracks and subtitles..... how?00:36
ardchoilleintelikey: True, but at least now he's connected and can grab those deps instead of waiting to get home and finding out which deps he needs00:37
intelikeystdin heh  that's probably it.  more bashism masqerading as posix shell grammer00:37
BrOSsi need some help about WEP..00:39
intelikeypeople should not use  #!/bin/sh and then write bashism into it.   that's like writing a perl script and making the first line #!/usr/bin/python00:39
ardchoilleBrOSs: Since I already know what you're attempting, this isn't the proper place to ask about illegal activities00:40
intelikeyBrOSs get all your warez at
ScottGboy what an odeal..00:42
intelikeywhat odeal is that ?00:43
ScottGJust trying to get 3D re-enabled.00:43
intelikeyalso  people should not make configure and pre/post-inst/rm scripts with #!/bin/bash   nor containing bashism00:44
ScottGAfter fixing the 640x480 res problem I can't seem to get the Nvidia drivers installed so I can boot X..00:44
intelikeyis "boot X" a CS term ?00:45
greegis there a way get feisty packages with out apt ?00:45
intelikeygreeg that's why i had the bot display the url  ^00:45
greegoh i'll scroll up.  thanx00:45
greegthanx pal00:46
mrtimbowhat would cause my camera to show just green00:46
intelikeybad cable ?00:46
intelikeylense capped  heh   should be black but you never know...00:47
intelikeywrong module ?00:47
mrtimboi think the camera is going out00:47
mrtimboit worked fine last night00:47
mrtimboJust wondering if anyone else has had the problem00:48
intelikeythat would fall under the "bad cable" secrtion.   falty hardware between the optic and the processor.00:48
mrtimboill tear it apart when i get home then00:49
intelikeyexpanded to include the camera it's self   or it's internal components00:49
mrtimboit should have a warrenty but i dont know since i took vista off00:49
intelikeyhave to have vesta to have a hardware warrenty     now that's dope00:50
DarkTan_how do i tell what version of ndiswrapper i have?00:50
mrtimboyeah, its not hardware but who knows00:50
mrtimboits an acer00:50
batis610Need to encode my dvd(contains serie episodes) to an avi with multiple audio tracks and subtitles..... how?00:50
intelikeyDarkTan_ dpkg -l | grep ndisw     maybe ?00:51
ardchoillebatis610: Are you using kubuntu or ubuntu? You are asking the same question simultaneously in #ubuntu and #kubuntu00:52
DarkTan_i don't think that tell me what i need to know00:53
batis610ardchoille: ow yeah... it's me... i'm using kubuntu :)00:53
DarkTan_i'm ver 1.51 was just released 12/1700:53
DarkTan_that i'm wasn't supposed to be there00:53
ardchoillebatis610: Then this channel is the proper place for your questions, #ubuntu usually a busier channel than #kubuntu00:54
DarkTan_ok, how do i compile the new tar.gz?00:54
intelikeyDarkTan_ ndiswarper --version    give you info ?00:54
intelikey!b-e | DarkTan_00:54
ubotuDarkTan_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)00:54
DarkTan_ndiswrapper --version dosen't tell me the right info either00:55
ardchoilleDarkTan_: apt-cache policy ndiswrapper00:56
DarkTan_unable to locate package00:56
intelikeyardchoille that shows the same as the first string i gave him.00:57
DarkTan_i'm trying to follow these direction: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4318_[AirForce_One_54g]?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDevice%2900:57
ardchoilleintelikey: Ah, ok00:57
ScottGhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50042/  This is my Xorg.conf.. I can't get 3D to work. If I install from the restricted drivers manager I can't get into X without reconfiguring X from the CLI..00:59
DarkTan_on a speperate note, anyone play a game called nexus [sp?]00:59
intelikeythose instructions are telling you to build  ndiswrapper-1.4601:00
DarkTan_is that an FPS?01:00
intelikey!info ndiswrapper01:00
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in gutsy01:00
DarkTan_they tell me get the latest ver01:00
intelikey!info ndiswrapper-utils01:00
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper-utils does not exist in gutsy01:00
DarkTan_i'm running dapper01:00
ardchoille!info ndiswrapper-common dapper01:01
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper-common does not exist in dapper01:01
intelikeyoh.  LTS   sorry.01:01
DarkTan_ahh, i see the 1.46 now....01:02
DarkTan_gonna ignore the first part them01:02
intelikeyhey root01:03
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=== tpower is now known as Tom2
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:04
Tom2Hey all, newly installed Kubuntu... any idea why I can't launch Adept manager?01:04
ed_any error messages?01:04
Tom2It tries to launch and then crashes01:04
Tom2Doing it from the command line is fine01:05
ed_huh..beats me. im new myself :)01:05
intelikeyTom2 call it in a terminal and see what it says01:05
Tom2intelikey: How?01:05
DarkTan_it did that to me, i had to run it from command line then reboot the comp while leaving adept open, it worked fine since then01:05
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intelikeyopen a terminal and type in  adep[tab_key]01:05
ardchoilleTom2: kdesu adept_manager01:06
intelikeyneed to be root to run ?01:06
Tom2Worked from the command line01:06
ardchoilleintelikey: For adpet manager, I wold think so01:06
sebixmy start x not run...01:06
intelikeyardchoille i figured it had a button to switch to admin mode01:07
DarkTan_yeah adept always asks for a password01:07
Tom2That's bizarre01:07
DarkTan_wow, gnome is huge01:07
intelikeysebix   no space.   startx01:07
ardchoilleintelikey: When I run adept_manager as user, it gives me a big msgbox telling me I'm not running as root. So, I thought to just run as root to begin with01:08
sebixmy startx not run...01:08
intelikeyardchoille k.  as you can tell i never use it.01:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fixrez - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:09
* intelikey is stricking out at ubot ball01:09
sebixmy startx niot run01:09
intelikey    if anyone speeks es  would you please help sebix01:10
DarkTan_umm....i installed gnome, there a gui on my console window, is that supposed to happen?01:10
DarkTan_it's asking about defuly display managers01:10
ardchoillesebix: hay necessita hablar ingles en esta canal.01:11
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:11
mani213how do i install a .run file on linux?01:11
intelikeyheh ncurses != gut  but  yes.01:11
intelikeyDarkTan_ yes  you can use kdm or gdm01:12
sebixmani213: sebix si01:12
intelikeyor even xdm  or no dm at all01:12
sebixmani213: sebix yes01:12
DarkTan_ok, is this the right program in this doc tho? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4318_[AirForce_One_54g]?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDevice%2901:12
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mani213how do i install a .run file on kubuntu?01:12
intelikeymani213 sh file.run01:13
intelikeyor might better use bash   bash file.run01:13
mani213so do i have to type that in console?01:13
intelikeymani213 yea   or you can change the permission to executable and click it01:14
intelikeyif you like the pointy clicky thingy that well01:14
mani213how so i do that01:14
mani213can you tell me the command to type in konsole?01:14
intelikeyright click > propertys01:14
intelikeyoh   i did.  twice.01:15
intelikey bash filename.run01:15
intelikeyif not in the same dir   bash /path/to/filename.run01:15
intelikeyand use the tab key.01:16
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:16
mani213let me try it01:16
intelikeywe're not stopping you.............01:16
mani213bash: ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run: No such file or directory01:18
mani213wat that mean01:18
intelikeymeans you are not in the dir with the file and need to add the path/01:19
intelikeyas per about four posts ago01:20
intelikeya linux console is like so totally intimidating, there is nothing there but words, ya know.01:22
vernhi, im trying to switch from ubuntu to kubuntu, ive installed kubuntu-desktop and apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop, but after logging into the kde login, im dumped to a gnome desktop01:27
vernhow do get to the kde desktop?01:28
Jucatovern: did you choose KDE from the list of Sessions in the login screen?01:28
vernhmm lemme try that out, brb01:28
* intelikey hides from jucato01:28
Jucatohappy new year intelikey :)01:29
intelikeyah yes and to you.01:29
Jucatoor perhaps happy new ear, after I chop one off, for hiding from me :D01:29
vernnthanks! that worked ... will removing the gnome packages effectively get rid of gnome?01:31
zekeanyone having problems with ffmpeg breaking after every reboot?01:32
ardchoille!purekde | vernn01:32
ubotuvernn: purekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »01:32
zekeor know why such a thing would happen?01:32
Jucatoardchoille: do you ever sleep!??!01:32
Jucato(yay!! I finally get to ask someone that, instead of me being asked that)01:33
ardchoilleJucato: Sleep?01:33
intelikeysleep is a time out command in linux.    it's used to pause a system for a specified time before executing another command.01:34
Jucatosleep - delay for a specified amount of time01:34
ardchoilleOh, then.. no :)01:36
zekeor maybe this amarok update will fix it01:36
intelikeyyour used the man page; i on the other hand, used the man keyboard01:36
* intelikey sleeps a lot01:36
zekesometimes it takes a man('s) touch01:36
intelikeyblah & sleep 12 ; pidof blah && killall blah01:37
Mr_Sonomalol intelikey01:38
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!01:39
zeke!botnap   ???01:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botnap   ??? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:39
zekeoh well01:39
intelikeyhey i found a good OOMK tester01:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botnap - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:40
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.01:40
intelikeyOOMK tester;   "tail -F /dev/zero"    don't try it unless you know what OOMK is.01:41
zekejeez...this computer is taking forever to load the partition manager off the live cd01:42
* intelikey wonders if greeg just tried that.....01:42
Mr_Sonomai wondered the same intelikey01:42
ardchoilleintelikey: Please don't post things that can cause problems for unaware users.01:44
zekeis wireless g compatible with wireless b?01:44
zekeor vice verse?01:44
DarkTan_accursed directions! didn't work01:44
intelikeyardchoille it shouldn't.   ubuntu did stop using OOMK=smart    so it shouldn't cause any trouble.01:45
DarkTan_ok, i used to have a wireless card that couldn't find networks, now i have no wireless card at all01:45
intelikeynow in early dapper or before  it would.01:45
ardchoilleintelikey: The point is, that comand has no beneficial use in this channel.01:45
zekethis one finds my network but doesn't show an accurate signal strength01:46
gsprzeke: 802.11g is backwards compatible with 802.11b, but speed may suffer from the presence of too many b-clients, I  think01:46
intelikeylearning is not beneficial ?01:47
zekecool...I'm sitting right next to the router and the signal is showing 1% or so01:47
zekeand this installation has really hung up at 26% after selecting the keyboard layout and trying to load the partition manager(?)01:49
zekemaybe I should use gparted then attempt a text install01:50
zekenever had much luck with those though01:50
zekeor is there some way I can connect two computers and install from the one with k on it?01:51
zekebecause with 256mb ram this is taking a redonculous ammount of time01:53
zekeanyone? ;)01:55
flaccid!punctuation | zeke01:55
ubotuzeke: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:55
artur_my clock is always changed when i start the system, what could i do?01:55
* flaccid goes to read what zeek was going on about01:55
flaccidso basically it hangs on install?01:56
zekebasically...it's been loading the partition manager for 30 minutes now and it's only at 26%01:56
flaccidhave you tried the alternate cd? atm it sounds like hardware01:56
flaccidlooks like some bus problem or anyhting hardware. try the alternate cd first01:57
flaccid!alternate | zeke01:57
ubotuzeke: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal01:57
zekeI've not had much luck with alternate installs in the past01:58
zekeI tried it with freebsd and ended up without a gui of any sort01:58
zekeis the oem option of the normal cd the same as the alternate version?01:59
ardchoillezeke: Try it with the kubuntu alternate install cd.. I found it quite easy to use.01:59
ardchoillezeke: The OEM option leaves the system in a state in which the first user to boot it up must set some options, kind like purchasing a computer off of the store shelf.02:00
flaccidzeke: this is not freebsd at all. your issues could be something to do with the desktop components of the live cd. if you don't wanna try it, its your choice02:00
zekeI'm just trying to see what my options are02:01
zekeI do appreciate the advice and I will give it a try02:01
flaccidum i can't think of much other than doing persistent usb drive install.. which is just livecd anyway, but that rules out ide bus etc.02:01
flaccidold or new system?02:02
jontecI can't get battle for westnoth to play music O_o... I can't even check the box to enable music from within wesnoth... it's almost like it's not seeing the wesnoth-music package (which I have installed)02:03
sn00zerhow do i kill a process that is listed in ps, then when i try to kill it says no such process, then respawns under new PID02:03
biovorekill -9 <pid>02:03
sn00zeror actually changes PID every second02:04
biovorefigure out what it's parrent is02:04
sn00zerbut its changed PID before i can type it02:04
sn00zerhow do i do that?02:04
zekeold system02:04
zekedell inspiron 115002:04
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ScottyAnyone know how to change the locally echoed name in Kopete? And by that, I mean how to change your screenname in conversations to something else. I tried using identities, but it didn't work.02:26
=== velho is now known as happyjoy
=== ubuntu_ is now known as SaMuK
happyjoycan someone give me a good link to learn more about the grub boot loader?02:30
se7enScotty: in konversation just do /nick other-nick-name02:30
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:30
se7en!grub| happyjoy02:31
ubotuhappyjoy: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:31
Scottyse7en: I know how to change my nick in Konversation. I was wondering how to change it in Kopete. For instance, in Trillian it's called the locally echoed name.02:31
ScottyIt's the name that appears in the conversation window, normally your screen name.02:32
Mr_Sonomascotty i havent used kopete for IRC chat but i would imagine the /nick command used by many other IRC clients would work there also.02:32
ScottyNot for IRC, for AIM.02:32
ScottyIn a conversation window.02:32
ScottyWhen you say something.02:32
Mr_Sonomaits under preferances i think02:32
happyjoyse7en: thankx ;)02:33
Mr_Sonomalet me look02:33
se7ensorry Scotty i don't use anything else then irc so no need for me to use kopete02:33
agoreckiHi folks, does anyone know of a program for duplicating segments of a video into a new file? I am looking for software that has an intuitive, graphical user interface (preferrably)02:44
jameswf-homeintuitive is relitave02:46
jameswf-homeI find bash intuitive :)02:46
agoreckiAnything other than libffmpg :)02:46
adz21cagorecki: theres some sort of video called kino i think, thats graphical and might do it. Else for command line you can use mencoder so just do a copy encode (aka sweet fa) of segments i believe02:46
jameswf-homedevede is pretty good..02:46
agoreckiadz21c, jameswf-home: I will have a look, thank you02:47
se7enspeaking of video what package is missing when i get that error  xine: couldn't find demux02:52
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ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »03:04
ScottGohhh.. :)03:04
=== bmk789__ is now known as bmk789
GoMittGoMitt Romney understands the importance of keeping Americans safe.03:16
GoMittGo"We must strengthen our military by increasing the size of our military by 100,000 troops and dedicating at least four percent of our gross domestic product to defense. We must transform our domestic civilian international efforts to meet a new generation of global challenges and ensure that our intelligence and law enforcement efforts are able to address threats before they reach out shores."03:16
GoMittGoVote Mitt Romney for a safer America03:16
GoMittGoMitt Romney 200803:16
velhohow can i close Power Manager forever?03:16
velhoi'm using Kpowersave instead of Power Manager in my laptop. but Power Manager starts everytime i start kubuntu. how to close it forever?03:18
mani213i tried to install a .run file it doesnt work03:20
mani213in konsole i types in "bash <dir> <file name>03:20
Max-Ptry $ sh <filename> in konsole03:21
mani213i have kubuntu03:21
mani213and thr .run file is a ati driver i downloaded03:21
Max-PThe $ is only meaning that you don't have to be root to run that command03:23
Max-Pand # mean root03:23
Max-Pif it's the ati driver03:23
Max-P# sh <filename03:23
Max-P# for root03:23
Max-P$ sudo su03:23
Max-Pyou will be root03:23
mani213so i type in $ sudo su first?03:24
Max-Pou juste03:24
Max-P$ sudo sh <filename>03:24
Max-Psudo run the command as root03:24
mani213i see it kinda03:25
mani213let me try it03:25
Max-P(Sorry for my english, I'm from Québec)03:26
mani213./ati-installer.sh: 165: Syntax error: Bad substitution03:26
mani213Removing temporary directory: fglrx-install03:26
mani213it didnt install03:26
Max-Pjust run03:27
Max-P# sh ati-installer.sh03:27
Max-P# sh ati-installer.run *03:27
Max-P(Am I hard to understand?)03:28
mani213do i type that ?03:29
Max-P1 -Open Konsole03:29
mani213now what do i do03:29
Max-P2- cd to your .run file directory03:29
Max-P3- run $ sudo bash <filename.run>03:30
mani213you mean put the driver cd in the rom?03:30
Max-Pcd = change directory03:30
mani213so basicly "sudo bash <filename>?03:30
Max-Pthat's it03:31
velhoi'm using Kpowersave instead of Power Manager in my laptop. but Power Manager starts everytime i start kubuntu and i don't want to use it. how to close it forever, to never start again?03:31
mani213i keep on getting an error03:31
mani213this giles messed then right?03:31
Max-PWhat's the error?03:31
mani213./ati-installer.sh: 165: Syntax error: Bad substitution03:32
mani213but i got it off the website:S03:32
Max-Pyou can try to install it from the package manager03:32
mani213what do i type in03:32
mani213package manager?03:32
Max-Pyou will get something like03:32
pteagueanybody know if the "Option RandRRotation" is a server option or do i need to set it somewhere else?03:33
mani213man is there any software to get all the drivers03:33
pteaguein xorg.conf03:33
mani213and like search for them like my mother board sound card03:33
Max-Pmani213: I can't help you =(03:34
Max-PI typed $ sudo bash ati-driver.run and it worked fine03:34
mani213kk im getting it off adept manager03:35
mani213it should work now03:35
mani213i wana install it so i get the cube effect :D03:35
Max-PTHe ATI Driver didn't worked for me... So I'm using AIGLX03:36
mani213whats it called again if i search it on adept manager03:42
mani213the ati driver?03:42
mani213my linux singed me off :S03:42
ScottyIf that's what you're talking about03:43
mani213he told me to go adept manager and type in some driver name to get he ati one03:44
mani213cause i couldnt manual install it file has error03:44
mani213ye thats it03:44
ScottyLike he said, it03:44
Scotty*it'll come up with something like xorg-server-fglrx-driver.03:44
mani213ye got it03:45
mani213thanks a mill03:45
ScottyJust repeating information, but no problem.03:45
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mani213i installed the driver and my compiz settings stoped03:48
mani213how to i get it back compiz --replace?03:48
ardchoillemani213: help with compiz is in #compiz-fusion03:49
Jucatosudo sleep ardchoille03:49
Jucatoof course, like always, I don't follow my own rules/suggestions/advice :D03:50
=== niranj is now known as __maiju__
mani213omg no ones talkin in compiz room03:51
mani213is the command compiz --replace03:52
earl_so i remember reading a few months ago about a problem with ubuntu and laptop hard drives. does that still apply in gutsy?03:56
Tuccihey i03:57
ardchoille!hi | Tucci03:57
ubotuTucci: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!03:57
Tuccioh, okay, there's usually a flood of messages as soon as I connect... things are quiet I guess03:58
Dr_willisearl_,  i saw that when gutsy came out. the issue was a little.. odd. :) if i rember right it only affected some spefific machines/bios/hd's and  it was only affecting those machines that had  the laptop-mode packages enabled.03:58
earl_is there a way to verify if it applies to me?03:59
Tuccianyway, I was trying to share a folder with my roommate's mac, and I both failed at that and broke my internet connection03:59
Tuccican someone help?03:59
Dr_willisThere was a great many sites on that topic.  You could check the smart 'data' on the hd and see how fast it was increasing.04:00
Dr_willisthen if you wanted you could use hdparm to tweak it.  lets me see whats on my laptop04:00
earl_not sure how to do any of that lol04:00
Dr_willisIf you never installed the laptop-mode package.. then it wont be affecting you anyway04:01
earl_oh no i never did that on my own. should i have?04:01
pyrotixwhenever I try to login on kopete it just crashes. Suddenly and immediately. wtf? Anyone know of this issue or could suggest any other easily installable linux msn clients04:04
earl_i think it's superior to kopet04:05
pyrotixis it kde?04:05
pyrotixits gaim04:05
earl_it's a gnome program but you can use it pretty harmlessly in KDE04:05
earl_it works really well for me04:05
pyrotixI know of it. and gtk programs are never harmless.04:06
earl_i mean if you want an alternative, there it is. it has some features that i find kopete to be missing04:07
mrtimbogaim dont have webcam support04:08
earl_it does not, you're right. but last i tried kopete i wasn't able to get webcam working too well in that either04:08
mrtimboI have never had a problem04:08
mrtimbobut it varies04:08
earl_granted that was like a year ago though.04:09
mrtimboits the only reason i started with kopete04:09
earl_have they fixed that thing where there's a blank line after every message on some themes?04:09
mrtimboI dont use themes04:09
mrtimboYou would think they would of but i dont know04:09
pyrotixhehe, I started with kopete cause I couldn't get gaim to work. Kopete and amarok were single-handedly able to convert me to kubuntu. And also wu-tang clan ain't nothing to fuck wit.04:09
earl_themes are the thing that make me wish kopete was better than it is04:10
stdin!language | pyrotix04:10
ubotupyrotix: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:10
earl_yeah amarok is pretty excellent04:10
mrtimboI use amarok on a daily basis04:10
pyrotixwhat if the profanity is part of a quote?04:10
pyrotixeven then04:10
stdinthen don't quote it04:11
ardchoillepyrotix: Doesn't matter, please keep the content family-friendly04:11
earl_the only thing i could think of that would make amarok better is if it worked with my zune.04:11
earl_but then again04:11
earl_zunes dont work with anything.04:11
poison__xmms rocks04:11
pyrotixacrdchoille: I'm sorry, sometimes the music I'm listening to just overwhelms me. I'll try to resist04:11
pyrotixooh, posted to the forums, but may as well ask here. Installed phpmyadmin and when I login I get a "Cannot load mcrypt extension. Please check your PHP configuration." anyone have an idea what I have to do?04:13
ubotukde4 is KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information, please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://tinyurl.com/2gqwmr - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php04:13
mrtimboso is 8.0 or whatever going to be a whole lot differetn04:13
* mrtimbo different04:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about slashdot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:14
earl_8.0 of?04:14
poison__im lookin at kde4 atm, looks sweet04:14
ardchoille!msgthebot | pyrotix04:14
ubotupyrotix: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.04:14
earl_do you mean 8.0404:14
mrtimbowhatever it is going to be04:14
jameswf-homekde4 is kinda clunky ...04:14
earl_it'll still be kd 3.504:14
earl_so probably not thaaat different04:15
poison__menu looks like Win%@#@*#&( way04:15
ardchoillemrtimbo: 8.04 (year.month)04:15
mrtimbooh thats how it works04:15
mrtimbonever knew that04:15
earl_yup that's why it's always 04 or 1004:15
earl_7.04 7.1004:15
poison__every 6 months :D04:16
earl_except for dapper drake, which they delayed to make it not horrible04:16
mrtimboI didnt catch on lol04:16
jameswf-homemy versioning scheme.... If at first you dont succeed version = version++04:17
mrtimbolike flash eh04:17
pyrotixversion += 1;04:17
jameswf-homeso far never had a script go past 3 due to me04:18
jameswf-home$(vet $VERSION=($VERSION=1))04:18
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!04:18
ardchoille!language | jameswf-home04:19
ubotujameswf-home: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:19
jameswf-home!botabuse | ardchoille04:19
velho_ey people, how can i stop this applet from starting? http://nosrednaekim.files.wordpress.com/2007/06/powermanagerss.jpg04:19
ubotuardchoille: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.04:20
mahasamootI'm having trouble with kmyfirewall... when I try to activate my ruleset, I get this: Error: kdesu: Unknown option '-t'.Error: kdesu: Use --help to get a list of available command line options.04:20
mahasamootExecution failedExit(Code): 25404:20
mahasamootI should note that I ran it from the terminal with sudo04:22
stdin!caps | jameswf-home04:22
ubotujameswf-home: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:22
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!04:22
* CheGuevara pets ubotu04:23
* mrtimbo kicks the room04:23
velho_ey people i need some help. how can i stop this applet from starting? http://nosrednaekim.files.wordpress.com/2007/06/powermanagerss.jpg04:23
CheGuevaranow think about what if the whole room kicks you back04:23
ardchoille!repeat | velho_04:23
ubotuvelho_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience04:23
mrtimboi dont mind04:23
JucatoCheGuevara: he doesn't have to wait for the whole room... he just needs one...04:24
Jucatoone operator :D04:24
stdinvelho_: why don't you want the power manager running04:24
* jameswf-home thinks any family members under the age of 18 probably arent well diciplined and their parrents should be flogged04:25
velho_stdin         because i'm using Kpowersave, wich i prefer04:25
velho_stdin     can you help me?04:25
* Jucato thinks jameswf-home should keep such opinions to himself, to prevent offtopic discussions :)04:25
mrtimbowhat operator04:25
ardchoillejameswf-home: Things like that have no place here.04:25
* jameswf-home frankly doesnt care what you think 04:26
Jucatostdin: darn it! that was my prey!04:26
Jucatoyou just stole my punch line...04:26
stdinJucato: I was the silent stalker :)04:26
Jucatoor kick line rather..04:26
mrtimbohe is back04:26
* Dr_willis missed all the fun.04:27
CheGuevaraoh noes04:27
Jucato!guidelines > jameswf-home04:27
Jucato!offtopic > jameswf-home04:27
* jameswf-home didnt vear off topic but doesnt turn the other cheek04:27
stdinvelho_: as fas as I know, you'd have to remove /usr/share/autostart/guidance-power-manager.desktop or uninstall guidance-backends04:28
Jucatostdin: wouldn't that affect the other guidance modules? or only g-p-m?04:28
* Jucato would rather suggest editing the .desktop file, not sure if it will be restored on an update...04:28
* stdin thinks he meant kde-guidance-powermanager 04:28
Jucatooh yeah, that's the new name :)04:29
Jucatowe used to call it gpm (guidance power manager...)04:29
stdinupdate would nuke any changes, that's the only problem with moving/editing04:29
jameswf-home.files will be restored if backed up any good backup will have a hidden files option04:29
mrtimboSo how do i stop firefox from telling websites that im running linux?04:30
stdindon't think you can with firefox04:31
jameswf-homemrtimbo: user agent switcher04:31
jameswf-homesearch extensions04:31
mrtimbosometimes ill be looking for something and it will already take me to debian/ubuntu sites.  That gets old at times04:32
mrtimbook thanks04:32
ronnie_hey all, I've been using kubuntu 7.10 for about a month, I can't use the update, if I do it says there's some kinda error, so I just don't use it at all, thus probably leaving me with alot of unfixed bugs, any come across the same thing?04:32
Jucatoronnie_: how are you trying to update? what errors are you gettng?04:33
jameswf-homeronnie_: a pastebin of the error would be helpful04:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:33
* Jucato wonders how many aliases the !pastebin factoid has...04:33
jameswf-homeJucato: 504:34
velho_stdin, thank you ^-^04:34
ronnie_using the updater that comes with it installed, (what im using) hmmm ok thx ill go there04:34
jameswf-homeJucato: http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:35
Jucatojameswf-home: rhetorical question btw :)04:35
ubotupb is <alias> pastebin - added by LjL on 2007-09-21 00:50:5904:35
se7enronnie_: open a terminal and do sudo apt-get update and paste the error in te pastebin so people here can see and help04:35
jameswf-homeI am guessing rhettoric is off topic :)04:36
jameswf-homeI spend 90% of my time in dev rooms people here are touchy04:37
Jucato!pasting is <alias> pastebin04:37
ubotuI'll remember that, Jucato04:37
Jucatonow make that 6 :D04:37
stdinwell, this isn't a -dev channel...04:37
=== corbal is now known as anadebi
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:38
Jucatohm... ok... gotta go. stdin you take the helm :)04:38
Jucatooh hi limac04:38
Jucatooh yeah, the blender guy :)04:38
stdinmrtimbo: you post the link back here04:38
limaci was working on a html project while suddenly the internet got disconnected!04:39
limacoh hi Jucato! :D04:39
Dr_willisHmm.. Trying to figure out where/how Ubuntu/Kubuntu decides where to auto mount these disks. The disk is  /dev/sdd1, usb external HD. Plug it in , turn it on. it appears as System:/media/sdd1  HOWEVER  there is no '/media/sdd1' the disk is instead mounted at '/media/disk'   Where did that 'disk' name come from? (its a windows fat32 disk)04:39
limacand the next time i restarted the computer, it got frozen04:39
limacwhy did that happen?04:39
stdinDr_willis: from the filesystems label04:40
Dr_willisstdin,  ok. that makes sence then. :)04:40
limacis that like a bug or something?04:40
jameswf-homeDr_willis: udev rules04:40
TucciI accidentally changed some of my network settings and now my connection is broken. can someone help me change it back?04:40
stdin(most FAT-31 USB disks are called "disk")04:40
jameswf-homeTucci: define broken04:41
Tucciwell, not working at all (I'm using my roommate's mac)04:41
Dr_willisI dont rember labeling it that.. but it could of been. heh heh..  It just seems.. confusing.. the way it used system:/media/sdd1 then i was expecting there to be a /media/sdd1 :)04:41
stdinsystem:/ always used the device node as the name, even if it's not mounted like that04:41
Tuccijameswf-ho: (this is a laptop with a wireless connection that has always worked without a problem)04:42
stdinmy /home (which is called "home") is system:/media/sda304:42
Dr_willisbut media:/ shows the name of the disk to be 'windowstuff'04:42
Dr_williswhich i do think is the label.04:42
stdinmedia:/ != system:/media ;)04:42
Dr_willismedia makes sence. :)04:42
Dr_willisexcept fior the 3 disks named based on their size...04:43
Tuccijameswf-ho: And I was trying to share a folder with this mac, but didn't succeed - now the little internet connection button on the lower panel has disappeared04:43
Dr_willisis my stuff on the 400gb or 320gb or 300gb disk..heh :)04:43
stdinI just mount from /dev/disk/by-label04:43
jameswf-homeDr_willis: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/make-removable-usb-hdd-mount-at-fixed-mount-point-511917/04:43
Dr_willisIm just cleaning out a lot of things got a 300gb hd for $40 over the weekend. that will eliminate 3 of the hd's04:43
Tidusi just put shortcuts on the desktop pointing to the storage array in this computer which is conveniently mounted at /storage04:45
Dr_willisI got a redundant array of external usb disks...  that just seems to keep growing04:47
Dr_willisredundant in that - i seem to have a lot of needlessly redundant copies of stuff on all of them04:47
limacmy wireless is disconnecting randomly? any ways to fix that?04:49
Dr_willisMine would dissconect when the wife fired up the microwave.04:50
Dr_willisor the neighbors would fire up theirs... or the dog down the street looked at  a squirle.. :)04:51
limacso any way to fix mine?04:51
Dr_willisOk.. kidding on the last part.. and this was some older hardware. But the Microwave, and the cordless phone would kick her pc off the net for a few mim04:51
Dr_willisWhat kind of cards?  A/B/G/N/Somthing Else ive not heard of yet.04:52
limacwhat do u mean "cards"?04:52
Dr_willisWhat kind of wireless card is this? what chipset.04:52
Dr_willisA/B  type wireless had the Microwave issues.  I think its not an issue with G and N networks now a days.04:53
Dr_willisBut other then that.. I cant be of much more help. Not sure wher to begin trouble shooting if you are saying its truely random.04:54
Dr_willisSure its not like after X amount of time idle?04:54
cuking_1Hello all04:55
ardchoillehi cuking_104:56
=== tony_ is now known as xweb_
=== xweb_ is now known as xweb
=== maorv is now known as maor
=== ubuntu_ is now known as oljle_
=== oljle_ is now known as olle_
Tidussomething tells me we are about to get spambotted...05:03
olle_konversation auto-joined me here05:03
cuking_1ardchoille how are you doing tonight.  I am very happy I got my nfs working well.05:03
olle_and im so tired i can barely type my05:04
ardchoillecuking_1: I'm glad to hear that :)05:04
cuking_1olle_ I assume you are using kubuntu?05:04
olle_sure i am05:04
* cuking_1 had a lucky guess05:04
olle_cuking1: do you?05:04
xwebI just instaled Gusty and now my ruby does not work.05:05
cuking_1Yeah, I am using it to get to media files.  I found nfs-kernel-server serving read writes will give me 11 meg a second on 100 enet :)05:05
xwebI mean in just upgraded from feisty to gusty and my ruby stoped working.05:06
xwebAny help would be appreciated.05:08
krawekxweb: why?05:11
krawekxweb: ruby -v05:12
xwebruby: symbol lookup error: ruby: undefined symbol: ruby_init_stac05:12
krawekxweb: try sudo apt-get --reinstall install ruby1.805:13
xwebperged and reinstalled already.05:13
xwebnote i have heavy lag... ran apt-get --reinstall install ruby1.8.   same result05:18
xweb$ which ruby... /usr/bin/ruby05:21
xwebgoogle has nothing on the error mesage.05:21
xweblooks like its installing v1.82 insted of 1.8.6 of the interpreter and installing 1.8.6 libs05:27
m1k3I need help, when ever wine starts configuring my mouse freezes and I have to restart my pc, any suggestions?05:42
surgyim trying to extract a rar archive using arch, but the archive needs a password, and i know the password, how do i tell arch to use the password?05:54
bmackcan someone help me find a driver that works for ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT : everytime i enable ati accelerated graphics driver it wont let me boot back up05:54
surgy!ati  | bmack05:54
ubotubmack: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:54
surgybmack: if your serious about linux you should lean more towards nvidia, they like us more05:55
surgybetter opengl support and what not05:55
olle_surgy: you know when ATI's new famous linux drivers are ready?05:55
* olle_ <3 AMD a bit05:56
surgyi need help with arch though can someone help me?05:56
surgyor otherwise help me extract a rar that has a password ? i know the password.05:56
bmackive enabled ati accelerated graphics driver in restricted drivers and it wont let me boot back up when everything starts up it wont startup powernowd05:56
bmacki cant get that driver to work05:57
olle_arch? the cmd line tool?05:57
surgythe gui tool in kubuntu05:57
olle_surgy: maybe the non-free multiverse RAR05:57
se7ensurgy: unrar -xp yourrarfile.rar05:57
surgyse7en: and what about the password?05:57
Kerneli installed fluxbox but when i logged in...i cant do anything. right clicking doesnt bring up a menu like it used to/should do.05:57
olle_i once had to use the non-free rar in multiverse05:58
se7enthe -p will hadle that05:58
Kerneli had to ctrl alt backspace to log out of it.05:58
se7enif you have the passwd :)05:58
oakxxfirefox works for shit in linux05:58
surgyse7en: where will it extract it to?05:58
se7ensame dir05:58
oakxxon nvidia machiens it works fine, but on my ati machine i have mad troubles with it05:58
surgyse7en: thnx05:58
se7ennp surgy05:59
olle_i tried to use a kubuntu live cd with a pc with ATI card. my longest uptime was 30 minutes.05:59
surgyse7en: doesnt work, it brings up the help list06:00
olle_i had 3 reboots :@06:00
olle_under X, the graphics turned FUBAR. both in VESA mode _and_ in ATI mode. i mean WTF?06:01
se7ensorry surgy -ep06:01
se7enunrar -ep yourrarfile.rar06:01
surgysame thing happens06:01
se7ensurgy: do you have the unrar-nonfree package installed06:03
oakxxeveryone here should check out automatix206:03
surgyse7en: no but i got it to work sorta by using "unrar -e -p file.rar"06:04
oakxxi have i/o errors writing to a pata drive from a kubuntu live cd.06:04
surgybut then it prompts for password, i enter it, and then it says reenter password, and then it prints the help thing again06:04
bazhang!automatix | oakxx06:04
ubotuoakxx: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »06:04
Kernelhmm yea..i reinstalled fluxbox and i still have no menu when i right click....so i cant open any apps or even log out06:04
olle_surgy: did you try multiverse rar?06:05
surgyE: Package unrar-nonfree has no installation candidate06:05
ubotufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox06:05
olle_surgy enable multiverse in sources settings06:05
oakxxautomatix2 for kubuntu is a godsent06:06
se7ensurgy: i have nonfree amd it worked for me06:06
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »06:06
surgyit is enabled06:06
bazhangautomatix is a short term fix and a long term nightmare06:06
olle_do you have 7.04 like me?06:06
surgyand i hate auomatix06:07
olle_bazhang: then what do you say about things like easyubuntu?06:07
Kernelmy right mouse button works fine in kde....but when i log into fluxbox it does not bring up a menu.......06:08
oakxxautomatix2 for kubuntu is a godsent06:08
bazhangolle_: just use www.medibuntu.org and kubuntu-restricted-extras06:08
oakxxnews flash06:08
oakxxubunut itself is a mess06:08
bazhang!ot | oakxx06:08
ubotuoakxx: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:08
surgy!unrar nonfree06:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about unrar nonfree - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:08
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free06:08
gttsomeone needs to update the download pages to remove the LTS from the title.06:09
surgyunrar - Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)06:10
surgyunrar is already the newest version.06:10
oakxxi dare you to install flash on a 64 bit system without automatix06:10
oakxxi dare you.06:10
oakxxill paypal you money if you show me how.06:10
rredd4where is the trash located in kde?  can't find it to empty it.06:11
surgybut why wont it work? this is stupid, archiving should be handled smoothly, and im missing something, wheres Dr_willis when you need him06:11
surgyrredd4: its on the main toolbar06:12
bazhangoakxx: this is a support channel; take it to offtopic please06:12
surgyam i going to have to try to run winzip through wine?06:12
NickPrestasurgy, there is a utility to create a zip archive. What seems to be the problem?06:14
rredd4surgy I don't see it, I see:  Kmenu , Home icon, FireFox icon, 4 desktop panels, Klipper, Adept icon, Xchat icon and the clock.  Thats it06:14
Tidusrredd4: mine's to the right of the clock06:15
surgyNickPresta: i need to unrar an archive that has a password, i know the password, but when i enter the password at the prompt it doesnt work, and acts like i didnt enter the command right. and the gui ark tool that is present in kde, is aperently useless on encrypted archives06:15
rredd4Tidus there is a arrow to the right of my clock06:15
Kernelhmm also there is no fluxbox-generate_menu on my system?06:15
se7ensurgy: if i recall right unrar-nonfree is in the kubuntu-restricted-extras package06:15
surgyse7en: i have the newest version installed06:16
rredd4Tidus there is a arrow to the right of my clock  thats to hide the panel06:16
adamonline46Hello all!  For the last couple days I've been fiddling with accessing my network shares using Samba.  I FINALLY found out that if I use Dolphin and click 'open as root' while I'm inside the MSHOME folder, I can see the machines that are on the network and access their shares.  Is there any reason that anyone can think of that I can't view my MSHOME shares as a regular user?  All other computers can access this computer's shares, but06:16
Tidusrredd4: http://tidus.alive-awake.com/photos/?Qwd=./Screenshots/Linux&Qif=desktop_12_29_07.png&Qiv=thumbs&Qis=M&Qtmp=FS <-- completely stock except changed the wallpaper06:17
se7ensurgy: i don't get it but you could try 7zip with the command  7z x -p{passwort} file.rar06:18
ollle7zip is great06:19
NickPrestasurgy, I just created a rar archive (`rar a -p archive.rar file`) and then did `unrar e archive.rar`. It worked fine for me. Where was this archive created?06:19
rredd4Tidus surgy  i had to add the applet, now i see it06:19
surgyNickPresta: im not creating an archive06:19
surgyi use 7zip and got two errors, says its an unsupported method06:20
NickPrestasurgy, I understand that. I created an archive with a password and then unrar'd it for testing purposes. It worked. unrar works when the archive has a password. I don't know why your specific archive fails to extract06:20
Tidusrredd4: it shoulda been there by default06:20
rredd4Tidus  I have never seen it until now, weird06:21
surgyNickPresta: want me to pm you the six lines of output that 7zip gives me?06:21
NickPrestasurgy, sure, although I'm not sure I can help diagnose the problem. If the archive doesn't contain anything sensitive, you could send it to me and I can see if it works for me.06:21
rredd4ty all06:23
xwebsorry ... misfire06:26
_CitizenKane_where does kdm look for .desktop files?06:30
_CitizenKane_does anyone know?06:32
oakxxits deault ones?06:33
oakxxits default ones?06:33
oakxx./etc/skel ?06:33
_CitizenKane_oakxx, the ones that end up being listed as loadable sessions06:34
_CitizenKane_like, KDE, gnome, etc06:35
se7en_CitizenKane_: i don't know what you want to do but most of the setting are in /etc/kde3/kdm/backgroundrc06:40
_CitizenKane_se7en, just add a new session to kdm06:40
_CitizenKane_which i thought would work if a new .desktop file was put in /usr/share/xsessions but it hasn't06:41
bmackwhen i boot after i select kubuntu a pops up for a few seconds and says Kernel alive' and kernel direct mapping tables up to 100000000 @ 8000-d000'06:43
bmackblank screen*06:43
adamonline46If I haven't touched the firewall settings that come with Kubuntu, and doing 'iptables -L' shows everything as 'allow', is it possible there's still something acting as a firewall in a near-stock Kubuntu?06:53
_CitizenKane_adamonline46, unlikely06:54
adamonline46_CitizenKane_: Very well, thank you...06:54
_CitizenKane_adamonline46, what kind of problem are you having06:55
adamonline46_CitizenKane_: Well, I can't see any of my network computers or their shares from my Kubuntu computer... I've been fiddling with it since yesterday morning, and tonight I found out if I click 'open as root' in dolphin while I'm in 'MSHOME', I CAN see the network shares...06:56
adamonline46I've been asking left and right and no one seems to have any ideas; I'm getting ready to give up until I want to access a network share again :(06:57
_CitizenKane_that's strange06:57
adamonline46_CitizenKane_: Indeed.  I've verified my firewall's got no rules...06:57
_CitizenKane_well, try to open an IP address directly in dolphin or konqueror with06:58
adamonline46is it really only one slash?06:59
adamonline46I've been using 2...06:59
_CitizenKane_well, dolphin doesn't like it when i use two06:59
se7endolphin only /07:00
adamonline46Yeah, in Konqueror all I get is a white-bg window...07:00
_CitizenKane_hmm, is there a firewall enabled on the computer you're trying to connect to07:01
adamonline46se7en: Thank you, useful info...07:01
adamonline46No, nothing... I even set up a minimal smb.conf with security = share, etc; which requires no password or anything07:02
adamonline46Plus, I can still access all my other machines from all my other machines...07:02
_CitizenKane_well, that's pretty strange07:03
_CitizenKane_maybe there's a solution besides using smb07:03
adamonline46_CitizenKane_: Hmm.  Well, I'm trying to get to  my file server, and I've got a couple roommates on the network... Everything is set up as it should be, in terms of access rights, etc.  Hmm..  Dang, yeah, I'm just so stumped here... I can try FTP I suppose, just for kicks...07:06
_CitizenKane_adamonline46, i actually prefer ftp, i've found that it's much easier to set up than many other options07:07
adamonline46_CitizenKane_: Oh yeah?  I will do it, if you can assure me that there is a PLAIN, boring, Windows-Explorer-like, saves passwords and doesn't prompt you every time, Windows client... 8)07:10
_CitizenKane_adamonline46, filezilla07:10
adamonline46Filezilla drives me nuts, and cuteFTP is not much better, plus I'm trying to not install any warez 8)07:11
adamonline46Just, I don't want to have a hundred frames in an FTP client; I just want something that runs transparently, like a mount...07:12
_CitizenKane_adamonline46, http://glosoli.blogspot.com/2005/10/map-drive-via-ftp-or-webdav.html07:13
adamonline46_CitizenKane_: Hmm... Bookmarked, indeed, should I not find a sufficient samba solution :)  Thank you very much for your time though, you're the only person to probe the matter with me 8)07:15
_CitizenKane_adamonline46, no problem07:15
mahasamootMy keyboard has a volume button, and a mute button.  I can see a volume metter come up when I press the button, but it doesn't change the volume.  Same for mute, it'll say mute on/off, but no effect.  I've confirmed that the master channel on Kmix is the right one, and when I change it on the pannel it works alright.  Also, sometimes, the volume meter will go up to 100% and down to 0%, smothly.... but at other times it's jerky and just goes from 0% to 11%07:40
mahasamootI also have play/pause, stop, next, pervious, buttons, but they've always worked fine with Amorak07:41
mahasamootThe keyboard is a Logitech cordless desktop wave07:42
mahasamootI'm running Kubuntu 7.10 alt amd6407:42
mahasamootand I have 8 audio devices07:43
adamonline46Is there somewhere to 'enable file sharing' in Kubuntu?07:46
mahasamootadamonline46: I'm looking into it07:50
mahasamootadamonline46: on my machine there are settings, but it tells me the packages aren't installed07:51
mahasamootadamonline46: try K > System Settings > Sharing07:52
mahasamootadamonline46: you may already have the packages07:52
adamonline46mahasamoot: Hmm, alright... Yeah, I'm having issues with Samba, I think... Can't access any remote shares from Kubuntu...07:52
adamonline46mahasamoot: *Er, unless I'm root...07:53
mahasamootadamonline46: I need to set this stuff up myself, maybe we can work thro it together07:53
mahasamootadamonline46: what have you done so far?07:54
adamonline46mahasamoot: Alright, I'd be glad to help if I can... I'm not too great with Samba tho...07:54
adamonline46haha, my settings panel stopped responding...07:54
adamonline46I have Samba installed, and smbclient...07:55
adamonline46I can access local shares from remote locations, but not vice versa07:55
adamonline46never seen anything like this before, I've got 2 other computers using Samba fine, though this is the first time I've tried connecting to one of them (or my win box) from Linux...07:56
mahasamootso your client is working, but not the server?07:57
adamonline46mahasamoot: No, the server is working, but not the client.07:58
adamonline46Er, maybe I should start over...07:58
mahasamootadamonline46: ok, are you following a tutorial?07:58
adamonline46I've got 5 computers.  4 of them are using Linux: A Counter-Strike server, a web server, a laptop, and a new file server running Ubuntu, Debian, Kubuntu,  and Xubuntu respectively.  Then i've got a WinXP machine which can access all of those machine's shares.  I've never tried accessing any of those shares from another Linux box, but now with the laptop and fileserver I have a reason to.  So, basically, while the WinXP rig can view a08:02
adamonline46mahasamoot: haha, so, no, I'm not really following a tut... But I can help you out, if I can... What's your situation?08:02
mahasamootadamonline46: I've just set up winXP in a kvm08:03
adamonline46mahasamoot: Ooh, that's cool08:03
mahasamootI'd like it to get files on the host... and the host to connect a client for an appserver on winXP08:04
mahasamootadamonline46: the networking stuff looked really compicated,... but the funny thing was, winXP can surf the web... even tho I didn't set it up yet08:07
adamonline46mahasamoot: Oh wow!  That's cool...08:09
adamonline46damn, I'm afraid I'm not gonna be much help...08:09
mahasamootadamonline46: the question is, should I use NFS, and do it the Unix way, or Samba and do it the Windows way?08:09
adamonline46Well, what else is on your network?08:10
adamonline46I for one am trying to choose the simplicity of one config file, so I'm shooting to use Samba all round...08:10
mahasamootjust the host, and an internet connection08:10
adamonline46Then again, I have dhcp...08:11
mahasamootsince the network is already working for windows... ?  I'm guess it's already dhcp'd... on the other hand if it's static, that's simpler... isn't it?08:12
adamonline46yeah, it's simpler, unless you have new computers coming in and out regularly :)  If I had a better router, I could do both...08:16
etfbDoes anyone else have a problem where Kopete, the chat program, "steals" the Ctrl+Shift+W key combination and stops it getting through to Firefox or any other program?  I've looked in Keyboard Settings and in Kopete's config menus and can't find any mention of it.  How do I fix it?08:17
Mister_Handhi there08:20
Mister_Handwhats the program you use to search your drive for a specific file in kde?08:20
adamonline46Sorry, etfb, I wish I cuold help you... I'd like to ask, if anyone knows why not only can I not view my network shares from just this one machine, but when I clidk 'Sharing' under 'settings', the 'settings' panel freezes?  What's wrong here? This is driving me nutso!!! :O08:21
adamonline46Mister_Hand: Possible Dolphin, but by CLI you can do 'find *file*.ext', or08:22
adamonline46oh ok08:22
Mister_Handadamonline46, thanks08:23
Tidusetfb: i have that problem too playing World of Warcraft... KDE locks and holds the alt + ANYTHING combination08:23
sebastian^good morning folks08:23
Tidusand most of my in game shortcuts are bound to those keys08:24
ZombocomTidus I have the problem where kde isn't bound to those keys08:24
etfbLooks like there's a general problem with overzealous key bindings in KDE then.  It should, in theory, give the current application first option at any keypress.  Instead, it's grabbing some itself, early.08:30
etfbTidus: Have you had a look in settings to disable some of the global shortcuts you don't need?08:30
etfbNow I think of it, KDE grabs a bunch of keys that Emacs should be handling, too.  Odd.08:31
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code08:32
ubotuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, pida08:32
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.08:33
Kernelwhats the recomended way to install suns jdk and suns jre on 7.10?08:36
flaccidjust as above Kernel08:36
flaccidoh jdk?08:37
flaccidas in sdk ?08:37
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* flaccid goes to have a look08:37
Kernelwell umm jdk is what i know it as.08:37
_CitizenKane_i think the package is just sun-java5-jdk08:37
Kernelits got javac and stuff08:37
Kernelic now08:37
GSF1200S_anyone in here know how to link to buntu machines?08:38
GSF1200S_just simple file sharing08:38
flaccid!samba | GSF1200S_08:38
ubotuGSF1200S_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.08:38
KernelGSF1200S_, linux to linux use nfs . linux and windows use samba08:38
flaccidthere is !nfs also08:38
GSF1200S_yeah.. knew that about samba and nfs08:39
adamonline46Kernel: What if I need both?  Should I maintain two setups, or just use Samba on all?08:39
flaccidi think there is an applet as well for main panel08:39
_CitizenKane_adamonline46, I'd suggest samba08:39
GSF1200S_im going from buntu to mepis.. trying to transfer files off my windows part so I can remove it08:39
flaccidsamba is regarded as more extensible and secure08:39
Kerneladamonline46, im not very familer with either...i just use ftp.08:39
Kernelor scp08:39
flaccidthere is also things like ftpfs and sshfs08:40
adamonline46Kernel: FTP keeps popping up...  I think I'm gonna have to give it a shot...  Is there an 'ftpfs'-like thing for WinXP?  Something that's somewhat transparent and preferably free and free?08:40
Drk_GuyI need to change permissions for a whoel drive08:41
Kerneladamonline46, im not sure. sorry.08:41
flaccidwhat is the filesystem, Drk_Guy08:41
Drk_GuyHow can i do that?08:41
GSF1200S_gonna boot to windows and just try samba for now08:41
Kerneli just use pureftpd and gftp08:41
flaccidDrk_Guy: is this just an extra drive you use to store data on a mountpoint?08:41
Drk_Guyflaccid: It's my /home dir08:42
JeroiKernel filezilla is the best ftp client for linux and for windows also08:42
flaccid!perms | Drk_Guy08:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about perms - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:42
Drk_GuyI'm a distro hopper08:42
flaccidDrk_Guy: its just chown and chmod like any unix08:42
KernelJeroi, that opinion. ;-)08:42
flaccidor do it in kde08:42
Kerneli prefer gftp08:42
Drk_GuyBut i don't know how to use it08:42
adamonline46Kernel: NP, ty08:42
Drk_GuyAlso, i tried chmod +r+w08:43
Drk_GuyBut didn't work08:43
flaccidDrk_Guy: eg. sudo chown flaccid /home/flaccid08:43
Kerneladamonline46, :-)08:43
flaccidor do group as well sudo chown flaccid:flaccid /home/flaccid08:43
JeroiI prefer programs that support both windows and linux08:43
Drk_GuyIt didn't spit out anything08:43
Drk_GuyIs it ready?08:43
JeroiThat way I dont need to change program when using linux or windows08:44
flaccidDrk_Guy: that does the folder only, if you want to do all if its contents do: sudo chown -R flaccid:flaccid /home/flaccid for example. R being for recursive08:45
flaccidyou can also do -Rv for verbose08:46
Drk_GuyIt worked just fine08:47
Drk_GuyThanks guys08:47
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Drk_GuyHow to enable Mp3 playing?08:49
_CitizenKane_Drk_Guy, for what audio player?08:49
adamonline46Might anyone know why I can only view remote Samba shares as root, but only from this machine?  Is this a 'sudo-like' form of security?08:49
_CitizenKane_Drk_Guy, sudo apt-get amarok-xine08:51
_CitizenKane_Drk_Guy, oops ---> sudo apt-get install amarok-xine08:51
Drk_Guy_CitizenKane_: I have Kubuntu Gutsy08:52
corporealkubuntu for the win08:52
Drk_GuyIt already has amarok08:52
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages08:52
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_CitizenKane_Drk_Guy, amarok-xine is an amarok backend, it may not be installed08:53
tmskeanyone who knows why ndiswrapper doesn't load wlan0 while ndiswrapper -l shows a correct driver and the alternate driver is blacklisted08:53
Drk_GuyI'll try08:53
MGrunde"modprobe ndiswrapper"?08:54
_CitizenKane_Drk_Guy, also ---> sudo apt-get install libmad008:54
Drk_Guy_CitizenKane_: That's GStreamer, right?08:55
ICQnumberhowto restart network manager08:56
MGrundeDrk_Guy, also libxine1-ffmpeg08:56
_CitizenKane_Drk_Guy, no it's the mpeg decoder library, so it can decode mp3s, i'm pretty sure that's necessary08:56
_CitizenKane_it's been awhile so I don't remember all of the different packages :P08:56
tmskeMGrunde: no that does load ndiswrapper but wlan doesn't get loaded: output dmesg, last lines: unloaded en loaded ndiswrapper: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50085/08:56
_CitizenKane_ICQnumber, do you just need to restart the network manager applet?08:57
ICQnumber_CitizenKane_: no08:58
MGrundetmske: And after that there's no wlan0 in if/iwconfig?09:00
_CitizenKane_ICQnumber, you can kill the networkmanager process and then start it again09:00
flaccidICQnumber: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart ?09:02
MGrundeI know exactly what you mean CitizenKane.  I remembered it had something to do with xine, but that was about it.09:02
Jeroihey is I buy in 3 month 4core amd prosessor, can I run my linux still even if my motherboard and memory is changed with the prosessor?09:03
tmskeMGrunde: no, it does not load, that's my problem.  It looks like ndiswrapper works, but I doesn't load wlan0.09:03
ICQnumber_CitizenKane_: found it it is : su -c"/etc/init.d/network restart"09:04
JeroiI mean can I just download smp kernel form apt?09:04
MGrundeThat's really odd.  Did you install it with apt or compile it yourself?09:05
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kvonbanyone know why my etc-rc0.d folder is empty?09:06
kvonb...and no I didn't delete everything! :)09:06
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tmskeMGrunde: I tried both, now it is with compiled version09:07
ardchoillekvonb: etc-rc0.d  or  /etc/rc0.d ?09:07
kvonbyeah with the slashes, I didn't think it would work in IRC though :)09:08
James296how come when I do a system update on Kubuntu 7.10, it actually comes up w/ an error that tells me I need to upgrade to Kubuntu 7.10, when I actually am running Kubuntu 7.10?09:08
kvonbcos Kubuntu 7.10 is full of bugs :(09:08
ardchoillekvonb: We don't need that here.09:09
jpatrickkvonb: mine has some files in it09:09
James296this is even on the live CD that was shipped to me today...09:09
James296this really upsets me09:09
kvonbjpatrick - could you give me a listing of your rc0.d folder so I can rebuild it please?09:09
James296and it ends up becoming more unstable after doing required updates and upgrades09:10
kvonbJames296 - I had the same problem, a reinstall fixed it!09:10
jpatrickkvonb: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3122/ - there you go09:10
cptR3Dcan someone tell me how to change a video driver?09:11
kvonbonya mate, thanks :D09:11
_CitizenKane_kvonb, there's an easier way09:11
James296whats the easier way?09:11
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
starscreamdI was trying to install flash and am having problems with possibly breaking dependencies in Kubuntu Gutsy. I went to a page with flash content in Konqueror and attempted to install the flash plugin. Halfway through the install, I got an error about the flashplayer.xpt not existing. So the install fails, and when I attempt a sudran to install update/safe-upgrade, it says:dpkg --configure -a must be ran to correct the problem.09:12
starscreamdAfter that is executed...09:12
_CitizenKane_James296, use the update-rc.d command09:12
jpatrickJames296: open console: and sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:12
MGrundetmske: I'm really not sure.  If it's behaving the same when it's installed with apt and compiled, I'd have to guess that it's an issue with the driver, but that doesn't seem very likely.09:12
kvonbthanks jpatrick :)09:12
ardchoille!flashissue | starscreamd09:12
ubotustarscreamd: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.09:12
starscreamdThanks ubotu09:13
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)09:13
starscreamderr ard09:13
kvonb...for some reason Kubuntu will not shutdown, and I noticed my etc rc0.d folder was empty!09:13
jpatrickstarscreamd: and /topic09:13
_CitizenKane_James296, kvonb you can change into /etc/init.d folder09:14
tmskeMGrunde: well the strange thing is that I haven't found anyone with my problem, so I think it's something I did wrong, but I don't know what.  I tried to reinstall a couple of times but I didn't work09:14
tmskereinstall ndiswrapper that is09:14
_CitizenKane_and then update-rc.d for the startup scripts09:15
James296who here likes using Dolphin?09:15
cptR3DI like using it fine09:15
MGrundeAs do I.09:15
_CitizenKane_James296, it's alright, I prefer the KDE4 version much more though09:15
James296how is KDE4 shaping up btw?09:15
kvonb <_CitizenKane_> so I just run: sudo update-rc.d from the init.d folder?09:15
James296I never got to test it out09:16
_CitizenKane_James296, quite nicely, not too much crashing anymore :)09:16
James296cant wait09:16
MGrundetmske:  Okay, lets try uninstalling your compiled version, then "modprobe -r ndiswrapper"09:16
James296I cant test it out now mainly because Im way over my bandwidth usage :-(09:16
_CitizenKane_James296, but it is quite nice, pretty snappy, looks good09:16
tmskeMGrunde: ok I'll do that09:17
James296anyway I SHOULd get goin I have work in the afternoon I need sleep lol09:17
MGrundetmske: Then install it with apt, and along with it, install ndisgtk09:17
_CitizenKane_kvonb, something like this: sudo update-rc.d [script-name-here] defaults09:18
oakxxNetwork controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)09:18
oakxxanyone  use the ndiswrapper driver version for his type of card?09:18
MGrundetmske: the package name for ndiswrapper is ndiswrapper-common09:20
MGrundeoakxx: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19017709:20
kvonbok, thanks :)09:20
_CitizenKane_kvonb, that will install all of the symlinks into the correct folders09:20
podr0znikmorning :)09:21
jpatrickmoin podr0znik09:21
podr0znikjust a quick question09:21
tmskeMGrunde: done09:21
kvonb<_CitizenKane_> sorry, what goes here:  [script-name-here]09:21
podr0znikI'm trying to playback an .avi file, but kaffeine seems not to be able to handle this09:21
podr0znikdo I have to get some plugin or better another player?09:21
_CitizenKane_kvonb, the name of the startup script09:21
MGrundetmske: try running ndisgtk and installing09:21
MGrundeinstalling the driver for your card*09:22
tmskeMGrunde: done, it shows hardware present09:22
=== drkguy_ is now known as Drk_Guy
MGrundetmske: And what does iwconfig say?09:22
cptR3Di use vlc09:22
cptR3Dand watch divx and xvid09:23
Drk_GuyI did what you suggested09:23
Drk_GuyAnd it worked like a charm09:23
kvonb<_CitizenKane_> ok, so for each entry in the list that patrick gave me?09:23
_CitizenKane_kvonb, minus the number09:23
MGrundeGlad it worked out for you Drk_Guy09:23
_CitizenKane_kvonb, if you do: ls /etc/init.d09:23
kvonbah, excellent, thanks :)09:23
jpatrickkvonb: assuming you have it installed tho :=09:24
_CitizenKane_you can see all of the startup scripts09:24
tmskeMGrunde: still nothing, but I do have FATAL; could not open /lib/modules/.....ndiswrapper.ko: No such file or directory, so I asume something went wrong installing, I'll try again09:24
kvonbthanks guys, I'll give it a go :)09:24
MGrundetmske: that error looks very familiar.  I'm sure I've seen that, I belive it gave me quite a bit of trouble.  Can't think of how I fixed it though...09:25
podr0znikthe description of VLC looks interesting09:26
podr0zniktrying now09:26
MGrundetmske: Before you reinstall ndiswrapper-common "modprobe -r ndiswrapper" "sudo rm -rf /lib/modules/2.6.[***]-[***]/ubuntu/misc/ndiswrapper"09:28
cptR3Dhey podr0znik I aslo think i have a divx thing installed just search for it in the adept installer or something09:29
_CitizenKane_podr0znik, try installing ffmpeg09:30
cptR3Dbut I can play mp3s, avi's and all that goodness that i download09:30
podr0znikmp3s I can play in Amarok after installing mp3 support09:30
podr0znikbut surely sb will say that Amarok is hopeless and there are better programs :)09:31
MGrundepodr0znik: installing kubuntu-restricted-extras should fix things up for you.  It'll also install Java and some other things, so if you don't want those, don't do it.09:32
cptR3Dwhere is the restricted extras?09:32
ardchoille!info kubuntu-restricted-extras09:32
ubotukubuntu-restricted-extras: Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 10 (gutsy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB09:32
MGrundeThanks ardchoille09:32
MGrunde(sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras)09:33
podr0znikit seems to work already09:33
podr0znikit works perfectly fine now :)09:35
tmskeMGrunde: that doesn't work either, I don't get the FATAL if I install ndiswrapper from source, else I do get it09:36
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MGrundetmske:  Okay, then what does ndiswrapper -l say?09:41
ScottGit's far too early..09:42
ScottGmy 3 year old daughter can't sleep.. so neither can I..09:43
tmskeMGrunde: ndiswrapper -l still says it is correctly installed. I get the FATAL message when modprobing.  I found in ubuntuforums that other people couldn't downgrade to apt packages after installing ndiswrapper 1.51 from source09:46
tmskeMGrunde: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=417731&highlight=FATAL&page=9 here it is, but no solution :s09:47
MGrundeYeah.  I was just reading that.09:47
MGrundeWait, is the FATAL message an "operation not permitted" message, or a "No such file or directory" message09:49
tmskeMGrunde: No such file or directory09:50
MGrundeOkay, updatedb, then locate ndiswrapper.ko09:51
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tmskeMGrunde: ok I'll try that in a moment, was just trying again with ndiswrapper compiled from source and running it with ndiswrapper-buginfo: it gives me an error message ERROR: Module ndiswrapper does not exist in /proc/modules09:54
tmskeMGrunde: i'll now try to locate with apt package09:55
shitsweakI can;t get my computer to recognize my printer09:56
MGrundeWhat type of printer do you have?09:58
shitsweakEpson photo printer09:58
MGrundeWhat model?09:58
MGrundeEpson Stylus Photo R280 Series?10:01
MGrundeSorry mate, it's a paperweight10:03
matteo_2504can help me10:03
jussi01!ask | matteo_250410:03
ubotumatteo_2504: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:03
Tm_Tshitsweak: hi, can I ask you to change your nick?10:03
matteo_2504how to install kde410:03
Hirvinen!kde4 | matteo_250410:03
ubotumatteo_2504: kde4 is KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information, please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://tinyurl.com/2gqwmr - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php10:03
shitsweakumm ok10:04
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Tm_Ttaco: ooh thank you sir :)10:05
cptR3Dgrandmas boy10:05
tmskematteo_2504: if you know how to compile I would recommend you to compile packages from svn, it will take a while and it's harder than just install the packages, but you will be more up to date: http://techbase.kde.org/index.php?title=Getting_Started/Build/KDE410:05
cptR3Dsoo can anyone help me on the issue of my laptop freezing when I close the lid?10:08
cptR3DI looked on the forms and it says I need to change a driver but do not know how to do so10:09
matteo_2504to install kde4?10:10
MGrundeHow's it going tmske?10:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about driver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i836 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:11
mauriI added a sound card into my pc using kubuntu 7.10 but i'm not able to use amarok. It do not play anything10:11
* cptR3D 10:11
* cptR3D is at a loss10:11
jussi01!patience | cptR3D10:12
ubotucptR3D: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:12
tmskeMGrunde: well it looks like there were ndiswrapper.ko files for the wrong kernel, I removed them now trying to reinstall ndiswrapper and see if it works, if not, I'll try to reboot into the kernel that they were installed to, to check if it works there10:12
cptR3DI have the patience10:12
cptR3DI will try later ya'll r pretty helpful10:12
jussi01cptR3D: now, what sort of graphics card do you have?10:12
jussi01cptR3D: and please show me the forums thread you were speaking about.10:13
MGrundetmske: Actually, it make work if you just copy the file to your current kernel's /lib/modules folder10:13
matteo_2504if i want to install kd4 i use konsole terminal or i must enter kubuntu?10:14
cptR3Din the form i have the d505 actually so I think i need that i81010:14
tmskematteo_2504: it should work from terminal10:15
matteo_2504with x-windows?10:15
chakiewrt the "Flash plugin installation is currently broken" thing, will flash ever work in konqueror again or is it time to migrate to firefox?10:15
jussi01cptR3D: you have which chipset?10:15
matteo_2504need enlightment how to install please10:16
jussi01!flashissues | chakie10:16
ubotuchakie: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.10:16
chakiejussi01: i didn't mean downloading, i meant flash not just working at all10:16
* chakie hasn't seen a youtube video for weeks!10:17
mauriamule crashs when updates the servers list10:17
llutzchakie: you haven't missed anything :)10:17
cptR3Djussi01: how do i find that out?10:17
chakiellutz: heh10:18
tacohow do i open the data on my SD card10:18
jussi01cptR3D: I think sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will so it - you can choose i810 there. but be sure to back up your xorg.conf first.10:18
revoldzask please : my dial up connection is work, but i cant browse with konqueror10:19
maurisomeone can help me with amule10:19
revoldzask please : my dial up connection is work, but i cant browse with konqueror10:21
ChousukeTimS: no10:22
Chousukestuck in backlog again :(10:22
tmskeMGrunde: well I installed the hardy kernel (also the ndiswrapper packages of hardy) because of a acpi error that was fixed in 2.6.24, so copying won't work. all the other packages are from gutsy.10:23
tacorevoidz> have you tried firefox10:23
revoldztaco : i dont have firefox10:23
tmskerevoldz: can you ping to an adress?10:24
revoldztmske : havent try to ping yet, but my kopete and this Konversation is working good10:25
MGrundetmske: Well, hopefully booting into the other kernel works.10:25
cptR3Djussi01: thx for the help10:25
jussi01cptR3D: let us knw if it works. did you understand my instuctions?10:26
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maurisomeone can help me with amule10:27
cptR3Djussi01: i am trying it now yes I understand it. thank you vm10:27
jussi01cptR3D: just make sure you make a back up of the conf file10:27
shelbyCan someone help me access my SD card10:28
cptR3Dhow do I do that?10:30
tmskeMGrunde: I'll try it this afternoon. I'm still trying with this kernel, ndiswrapper-buginfo shows unexpected operator:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50088/10:30
MGrundeShelby: What seems to be the problem?10:30
jussi01cptR3D: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak10:31
maurii've problems with my webcam, someone can help me10:31
shelbyI put the SD card in the slot on the computer but nothing happens after that10:32
MGrundetmske: Well good luck.  I'm going to try to get some sleep.  It's 04:30 here, and I'm quite tired.10:32
cptR3Djussi01: tuvm10:32
tmskeMGrunde: thanks for the help and good night!10:32
shelbyAnyone else know what i can do10:33
revoldztmske :10:36
revoldzroot@revoldz-laptop:~# ping www.langowan.com10:36
revoldzPING www.langowan.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.10:36
revoldz--- www.langowan.com ping statistics ---10:36
revoldz10 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 8999ms10:36
revoldztmske : loss :(10:37
jussi01!paste | revoldz10:38
uboturevoldz: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:38
tmskerevoldz: it's strange that you can connect with konversation.  can you restart Networkmanager and try again: sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart10:38
revoldztmske : ok i'll try..10:39
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alfonsolguien me puede decir como puedo instalar el amule  pues le doy a instalar en el gestor de archivos y no lo instala, mi distro es kubuntu  7.1010:43
jussi01!es | alfonso10:43
ubotualfonso: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.10:43
jussi01cptR3D: any luck?10:46
kkrzysiekkdo you speak polish ??10:47
revoldztmske : it works ! big thanks !10:47
cptR3Djussi01: nah man it still locked up10:47
jussi01cptR3D: so you went through th dialougue and chose i810 etc10:47
tmskerevoldz: no problem10:47
cptR3Djussi01: correct10:47
cptR3Djussi01: i went with defalt everything10:48
jussi01cptR3D: did you choose i810 driver though?10:48
cptR3Djussi01: yes i did10:48
jussi01cptR3D: and did you test the lockup after restart?10:49
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cptR3Djussi01: the id matched the one i got with a device manager10:51
cptR3Djussi01: yeah I restarted then shut the lid and it was froze so restarted again.. I will try one more time to make sure10:52
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cptR3Djussi01: brb10:52
zerlord^Kann mir jemand verraten wie ich dual screen unter kubuntu hinbekomme?10:53
Hirvinen!de | zerlord^10:53
ubotuzerlord^: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:53
zerlord^ah okey thank you!10:53
zerlord^olet ko soumesta?10:54
jussi01!en | zerlord^10:55
ubotuzerlord^: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat10:55
starscreamdI'm running Gutsy on a Dell XPS m1330 3gb ram, 8400 Nvidia card etc.. I've been able to properly setup my xorg.conf and Nvidia drivers. as far as I can tell, yet when I install compiz I can see no window borders. Any Tips?10:57
Frekuuse emerald for borders10:58
Frekuuse emerald for borders10:59
jussi01Freku: everything ok?11:00
ScottGstarscreamd: there's an easy solution to this11:00
Stevie2khi @all11:01
jussi01!hi | Stevie2k11:02
ubotuStevie2k: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!11:02
Stevie2kI have a very strange problem with my keyboard...11:02
starscreamdSweet I just got it. I installed emerald and did emerald --replace. How can I set these as the default apps11:02
Stevie2kI log on into kde and after that the keyboard seems to be nearly dead... It takes about one second until a character comes up....11:03
Stevie2kI am even not able to switch to a console to check the running processes and so on...11:03
jussi01Stevie2k: how is the rest of performance? ie with mouse etc?11:04
Stevie2kno problems... even compiz11:04
Stevie2kruns without any loss of performance11:04
starscreamdTried another keyboard Stevie2k?11:04
Stevie2kI use the same keyboard for another pc11:05
Stevie2k(I am just using that one...)11:05
Stevie2kand I don't have any problems bevore logging into kde...11:05
starscreamdTry to use a different keyboard on the PC you're having issues with to start with.11:05
Stevie2kCan it be a keyboard issue if everything is fine - except when I log into KDE?11:06
starscreamdIf I put a file into ~.kde/Autostart to start emerald would that be effective? Anyone try this?11:06
starscreamdMight be.. You could completely rule it out if a seperate keyboard has issues11:07
Stevie2khmmm.. I have to check if I find another keyboard...11:08
starscreamdbrb, trying auto-install script..11:10
Stevie2kcould the keyboard11:11
Stevie2ksry... forget it..11:11
cptR3Djussi01: after restart I got a message to continue or choose something so I chose something and it gave me multipul choices or scan so i did scan and my screen fuzzed and came back and gave me the same options so i chose '0' (?? had no idea what to do) and it loaded fine but still froze when I opened the lid11:11
starscreamdSweet, it worked11:12
cptR3Djussi01:  upon restart I got the same option to chose or contine so i contued and it loaded just fine but it still froze when i oped the lid11:13
cptR3Dhow do I restore my backedup file?11:13
vladimirstupid thing that i cant login as root with su11:20
fdovingvladimir: look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more info on that subject. you can activate the regular su easily.11:24
Stevie2k:-) I solved my keyboard problem...11:36
ubuntu_Hi :)11:37
MinnozzHi, anybody knows why I can't paste my screenshot in (for instance) KolourPaint when I 'Copy to clipboard' in KSnapshot?11:37
Stevie2kIt was a setting for handicapped people to slow down the keyboard... and this was set to 500ms so the keyboard was really very slow...11:37
ubuntu_i just install kubuntu 7.10 i choose not to  install grub, and now on reboot i get message "missing operating system"11:37
Stevie2kthx @all and bye11:37
ubuntu_i thougth if i don't install grub system wil autmaticly install boot sector11:38
ubuntu_any ideas what is wrong11:38
Frekumaybe your harddisk with kubuntu is not in your bios bootlist11:38
ubuntu_it is only hard disc i got, and it is first on boot list11:39
etfbI found an interim solution to the problem of Kopete "stealing" keys away from other applications, if anyone's interested...11:39
etfbIt was stopping Ctrl+Shift+W from closing Firefox, because it means "Toggle 'Away' Status" in Kopete11:39
ubuntu_i'm thinking about install again witch grub and just set timeotu to "0" but it's not nice solution :|11:40
jussi01ubuntu_: you need grub11:40
ubuntu_is there anything like windows fixmbr?11:40
ubuntu_but if ubuntu is only system on my hd, then what for?11:41
etfbThe solution is to define any commands you want as global keyboard shortcuts using the System Settings / Keyboard thingy.  Added bonus is that they then work in all programs, so I can close any program using the shortcut that I grew used to just in Firefox.11:41
jussi01ubuntu_: grub boots ubuntu. you need it.11:41
etfbA real solution would be for the Kopete maintainers not to steal key commands, of course...11:41
ubuntu_ok, thanx11:41
ubuntu_roger, roger :)11:41
pjfloydanyone know what's the problem with command line completion?11:45
pjfloydesc-esc doesn't complete until another key is pressed (e.g., space)11:46
etfbpjfloyd: It's using Emacs keyboard shortcuts, so Esc is kind of tricky and might even be confusing matters.  What is Esc Esc supposed to do in this case?11:48
pjfloydetfb: just completion, like tab in some systems11:49
etfbWhat shell?11:49
pjfloydetfb: I normally use ksh, but I think it's with bash11:49
djdarkmanhello, is there a better file system cheker than fsck? fsck seemmed to have destroyed my /home on another machine and I want it back11:50
Minnozzanybody knows why I can't paste my screenshot in (for instance) KolourPaint when I 'Copy to clipboard' in KSnapshot?11:50
etfbI use bash, and I don't seem to get any particular response when I press Esc Esc.11:50
pjfloydperhaps I'll try a real ksh from AT&T11:50
jpatrickpjfloyd: if you tab completation use zsh11:51
pjfloydI'm used to using esc-esc11:51
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:51
etfbMinnozz: KolourPaint is pretty minimalist; maybe it doesn't handle the clipboard very well.  Clipboard is still a dark art in Linux -- not like MacOS or that other popular operating system, where it's actually pretty stable and easy to use.11:52
Minnozzlol @ 'that other popular operating system'11:52
jussi01Minnozz: have you considerd saving the screenshot, then opening with said program?11:53
Minnozzetfb: thanks for the info, now I know it's not a configuration problem11:53
pjfloyd(I have Solaris and FreeBSD running at the moment, and for both with bash if I type, say "ls bo[esc-esc]" it completes to "ls boost_1_34_1/"11:53
etfbMinnozz: I try not to mention its name.  It's like saying "Macbeth" among actors.  Maybe I should call it "The Scottish OS", but nobody would understand me...11:53
gsprWhat packages should be installed for KDE 4 in Hardy?11:53
jussi01!kde4 > gspr11:53
etfbMinnozz: I'm just guessing based on what I know about these things though, so don't give up on my account.11:53
Minnozzjussi01: yes I know that works, but it's one more step to make, pasting it directly is faster (that's why I asked)11:54
jussi01Minnozz: ahh, ok :D11:54
SSJ_GZMinnozz: You have to enable image handling in Klipper.  Wait a sec ...11:54
Minnozzah, solution! =D11:54
etfbMinnozz: (See?  "The danger in declaring something to be impossible is that you'll be trampled by all the people busy doing it.")11:55
pjfloydetfb: Mac OS X clipboard is mediocre when you mix X11 apps11:55
SSJ_GZMinnozz: Close Klipper.  In the [general] section of ~/.kde/share/config/klipperrc, and the line IgnoreImages=false11:55
SSJ_GZMinnozz: Re-start klipper and it should work.11:55
etfbpjfloyd: Probably a symptom of the poor quality X11 implementation they use, if my reading is accurate.11:55
SSJ_GZMinnozz: (I've just tested it here)11:55
MinnozzSSJ_GZ: okay, thanks a lot!11:56
SSJ_GZMinnozz: np :)11:56
etfbSSJ_GZ: Shiny!  Thanks for that one!11:56
pjfloydetfb: possible, Lepoard switched to Xorg, and it still has lots of problems11:56
SSJ_GZBackground reading: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/178711:56
MinnozzSSJ_GZ: It worked, thanks again! ;)11:58
SSJ_GZMinnozz: Great!11:58
etfbSSJ_GZ: Another one for my Read Me bookmark folder.  Thanks.  Has anyone else noticed how useful Firefox tabs are for IRC?  I come away from an extended chat session with a pile of open tabs, which I then save as a bookmarked folder and spend the next day browsing.  Excellent!  But I digress...11:59
etfbHas anyone noticed that the Downloads dialog in Firefox doesn't work under Kubuntu?  That is, you can download files, but often the "Open" link does nothing.11:59
nick__Hey everyone, i have an zipping question.  I have a 5.12gb file and I want to compress it to fit on a standard dvd.  I've tried using ark but it doesn't seem to compress it very much.  Do I have any other options?12:00
etfbAlso, I can't open the "All files download to" folder either.  Worked in Ubuntu, as far as I can remember, but does nothing in Kubuntu.12:00
etfbnick__: What format is the file?12:01
etfbnick__: If it's video or JPEG, it's already compressed close to the optimal amount.12:01
nick__etfb: It is a collection of 13 .avi files in one folder12:01
etfbnick__: You're out of luck then.  AVI is pretty efficient already.  You won't find a compression tool to decrease it significantly.12:02
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=== Pupeno- is now known as Pupeno
etfbnick__: Can you burn dual-layer DVDs?12:02
nick__etfb: hmmm, alright, guess I'll have to split it up, unfortunately no :)12:02
etfbnick__: Probably best; don't trust your important files to new technology!12:03
nick__etfb: Just out of curiosity, about what ratio does ark compress things to, say I had an uncompressed .mov file12:03
etfbnick__: Length of a piece of string multiplied by the number you first thought of.12:03
etfbnick__: In other words, it depends.12:04
nick__etfb: that's a funny saying :)12:04
etfbnick__: Video, audio and jpegs won't compress much though.  Text will often go down to 33% or so.  Executables vary widely.  Other formats are anyone's guess.12:04
nick__etfb: Thank you so much for your help, you've been very informative12:05
etfbnick__: (I refer to some calculations as being "LPS Protocol Compliant" if you have no way of guessing how accurate they are -- LPS = Length of a Piece of String)12:05
etfbnick__: HTH. HAND. And other such silly acronyms.12:06
etfbSo: Firefox.  Can someone else try this for me?  Open Firefox, open the Downloads window, and click the button next to "All files download to".  Does it open a file browser, or just do nothing?12:07
nick__etfb: Doesn't do anything for me12:09
rothchildetfb I noticed that was broken too you have to change it in the firefox preferences page12:09
etfbrothchild: Where?12:09
etfbrothchild: Can't see any options that specify the file manager to use.  It should just pick up the default.12:11
VampireKingwhat you suggest to see chm files ?12:11
etfbVampireKing: I use kchmviewer.12:11
rothchildunder edit preferences you can change the download folder12:12
etfbrothchild: Yes - but it doesn't make the button work.12:12
etfbrothchild: Maybe it's an about:config thing.12:13
rothchildbut when you hit the 'download to' button on the download manager itself as you way it just opens a browser windo12:13
etfbrothchild: Yeah - which makes me think it's a bug in Firefox, because it's inconsistent.12:14
nick__Hey, I have one more question, I want to look into using the server edition to use on a home network (backups, media storage, etc..) can anyone point me to a good guide about the server edition?  I'm looking for a primer really12:15
ScottGwb ubuntu_12:16
=== ubuntu_ is now known as juluss
ScottGis that a default username in an IRC client?12:16
=== luca is now known as zerlord^
noaXesswhat best to use on kde for recording sound from mic?12:17
rothchildnick__ samba will do most of what you want or you could look at stuff about LAMP servers for more advanced setups12:18
rothchildnoaXess: for simple stuff (non multitrack) you can't really beat Audacity12:18
jussi01ScottG: I think so12:19
nick__rothchild: Thanks for the tip I'm looking into it now12:19
noaXessrothchild: i want just record my voices over a mic..12:19
rothchildnoaXess: yup audacity12:22
noaXessrothchild: ah.. i see ;) sorry..12:22
mauriI have to load a new gspca module but i'm don't know how to do that12:25
maurii've a question on dolphin12:31
jussi01!ask | mauri12:33
ubotumauri: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:33
AyabaraI have been using gnome, but decided to install kubuntu-desktop yesterday, since I use a lot of kde-apps. When I logged into the kde-session, my networking didn't work, but it works fine in gnome. Make any sense?12:34
BlissexAyabara: no.12:35
maurijussi01: if i opne storage media, i don't find a floppy12:35
BlissexAyabara: the network is independent of the desktop environment. Most likely it is the web proxy that is not setup.12:35
AyabaraBlissex, ok. what does that mean I have to do?12:35
BlissexAyabara: try 'ping www.kubuntu.org' inside Konsole.12:36
BlissexAyabara: what you have to do depends on what you mean with "networking didn't work"12:36
Blissexubotu does not not work12:36
jussi01mauri: !test12:37
Blissexubotu doesn't not work12:37
AyabaraBlissex, I'll check it out. I can start a kde session on another terminal while my current gnome is up and running, right?12:37
Blissex!doesn't not work12:37
maurijussi01: sorry i dont understand12:37
jussi01mauri: it was a mistake, my apoligies.12:37
BlissexAyabara: sure, or you can run KDE inside a virtual X desktop, for example with 'Xephyr' or 'Xnest'. But probably is simpler on another terminal.12:38
AyabaraBlissex, ok. right back :-)12:38
AyabaraBlissex, I got an error that "Server is already active for Display 0". What I tried was logging in and typing startx. The wrong command?12:40
BlissexAyabara: yes. try 'startx -- :1'12:40
BlissexAyabara: if you play around with both GNOME and KDE you can always use 'xinit' or 'xinit -- :1' and then type 'startkde' or 'gnome-session' in the resulting terminal window.12:42
MGalaxyHi, I need a software to mount .ISO and .BIN images with "Automount After Restart" feature, any solution?12:42
BlissexAyabara: BTW, you haven't yet said what you mean by "networking does not work"12:42
BlissexMGalaxy: yes.12:42
ScottGI would imagine internet connection, Blissex12:43
janellehow is everyone?12:43
ScottGhello janelle12:43
jussi01hi janelle12:43
BlissexScottG: "internet connection" is almost as dumb as "networking does not work"...12:43
AyabaraBlissex, and now networking of course works fine :-)12:43
etfbPossible solution to the Firefox problems I was mentioning earlier!  http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/blogs/integrating_firefox_and_thunderbird_into_kde12:43
ScottGI'm well, you?12:43
BlissexAyabara: good, good, good.12:43
etfbFirefox doesn't integrate well into Kubuntu.  The above link claims to fix many of the problems.  Yay!12:43
ScottGBlissex.. do you think calling someone dumb is constructive?12:44
AyabaraBlissex, I'm gonna reboot and see if it works on the first kde-start. thanks for educating12:44
AyabaraBlissex, because I didn't know what was not working, and now I hope I never find out.12:44
MGalaxyBlissex: what is it?12:44
janellefixing to install and try kubuntu alternate cd12:44
BlissexAyabara: the key to checking network connections is first to check with 'ping' first locally and then remotely...12:44
AyabaraBlissex, and the phrasing _was_ kinda dumb, so I'm not too offended ;-)12:45
elvirolohi everyone12:45
Ayabaraanyway. I'll reboot and take it from there.12:45
ScottGI think "internet connection" is accepted as a term meaning "connection to the public internet" but I'll drop it right there.12:45
elvirolocan one transfer mp3's to 5th gen Ipods using amarok under kubuntu ?12:46
cptR3Djussi01: u still here?12:46
jussi01cptR3D: yes12:46
cptR3Djussi01:  get my reply from earlier?12:47
jussi01cptR3D: nope12:47
cptR3Dhow can i pm u12:48
jussi01cptR3D: dont. Ask here12:48
jussi01just remember to use my name  in the question if you want to direct it at me12:49
janellefinding your specific distro can be hard!12:50
cptR3Djussi01: <cptR3D> jussi01: after restart I got a message to continue or choose something so I chose something and it gave me multipul choices or scan so i did scan and my screen fuzzed and came back and gave me the same options so i chose '0' (?? had no idea what to do) and it loaded fine but still froze when I opened the lid12:50
janelledoes anyone know if installing distros is hard on your harddrive?12:51
cptR3Djussi01: <cptR3D> jussi01: after restart I got a message to continue or choose something so I chose something and it gave me multipul choices or scan so i did scan and my screen fuzzed and came back and gave me the same options so i chose '0' (?? had no idea what to do) and it loaded fine but still froze when I opened the lid12:51
Edsjanelle, you mean does it hurt or overstress your hdd?12:51
cptR3Djussi01: damt mybad12:51
janelleeds yes12:51
ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels12:51
EdsJanelle, you shouldnt have an issue, i have machines at work that get a fresh OS every 2 days :P they have been running fine for 3 years12:52
ScottGxubuntu is a lighter 'buntu version :)12:52
ScottGoh.. nm12:52
ScottGyou mean repeatedly installing different distros..12:52
janelleim horrible with making choices because i feel the need to consider everything12:53
cptR3Djussi01: <cptR3D> jussi01:  upon restart I got the same option to chose or contine so i contued and it loaded just fine but it still froze when i oped the lid12:53
cptR3Djussi01: <cptR3D> how do I restore my backedup file?12:53
jussi01cptR3D: i got it... have patience..12:53
ScottGwell.. not one particular distro will be perfect in every way.. you have to pick the one that fits best12:53
Edsjanelle, I know your pain, im still working out what to use, Kubuntu, OpenSuSE or PCLinux12:53
ScottGEds: Same here.. I'm dual booting PCLOS and Kubuntu..12:54
cptR3Djussi01: okay sry12:54
janellefor me its mandriva pclos and now kubuntu12:54
EdsScottG, how do you find PCLOS?12:54
jussi01cptR3D: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:54
Edsjanelle, I had too many warnings about mandriva :P12:54
janelle2008's been real nice so far12:55
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:55
ScottGI've been using PCLOS for two years exclusively and have been very loyal but I don't know if a slow "rolling" release cycle is what I want..12:55
janellesame here12:55
ScottGsorry juss10112:55
AyabaraBlissex: knetwork-manager says "no active device". then I started a gnome-session with networking. then the kde session detected something and asked me for the wep-key.12:55
raymearshello, everyone. i have a slight problemo over here. i installed ubuntu on my machine (kubuntu wouldn't install), then used apt-get install kubuntu-something to install kubuntu, then removed gnome with sudo apt-get remove gnome-* and apt-get remove gdm.12:56
ScottGraymears: and?12:56
raymearsno i have no sound, cannot shutdown the computer (it freezes) and most of the services are shown as not running12:56
janellehow has gutsy been quality wise scottg and eds12:57
BlissexAyabara: you should have said instead of "networking does not work" that you had WiFi access to your LAN. *which* networking does not work matters a great deal.12:57
raymearsamarok does not start, even killall only works from time to time12:57
Edsjanelle, jump over to the #kubuntu-offtopic channel :P12:57
janelleokie dokie12:57
raymearsmostly it does not work, though12:57
BlissexAyabara: in theory your Kubuntu should activate the WiFi interface before starting the GUI.12:57
AyabaraBlissex: only problem is that I did not know what the problem was at the time12:57
ScottGjanelle, join #kubuntu-offtopic Eds and I are talking there12:58
raymearsbasically my computer is unusable. any suggestions?12:58
BlissexAyabara: so you should use the Ubuntu network manager to ensure that the WiFi comes up at boot regardless. As to the WiFi key/passphrase you will have to put it into some kind of file.12:58
Blissexraymears: sounds like hw problems.12:59
raymearsgnome worked like a charm12:59
AyabaraBlissex: the wep is entered, so that works. I think I'm ok for now12:59
Blissexraymears: BTW, removing all of GNOME is not a good idea, because some Ubuntu GUI configuration apps are GNOME only.12:59
Ayabarahow do I disable touchpad tapping in kubuntu?13:00
raymearsi was just reconsidering installing gnome again via apt-get install gnome-desktop13:00
uzzрусские есть?)13:00
zerlord^hello @ all13:01
zerlord^i have a problem with my kubuntu... i wanna install dual screen with nvidia13:01
zerlord^i have 2 nvidia 7900gtx13:01
jussi01!dualhead | zerlord^13:02
ubotuzerlord^: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama13:02
ScottGAyabara: I've always used qsynaptics to change that setting13:02
jussi01!xinerama > zerlord^13:02
Blissexraymears: reinztalling GNOME might me a good idea. Then use Aptitude or Synaptics to remove the less useful bits, like the front-end gui elements.13:07
Ayabaraholy crap, ktorrent is faster than the last time I used it :-D13:07
jussi01!es | antonio_13:11
ubotuantonio_: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.13:11
antonio_come va ?13:12
AyabaraI thing the fonts in my kubuntu seem a bit big, and I use the default font at size 8 on a laptop with 1440x900. Do you guys use the force dpi-setting?13:12
cptR3Djussi01: did that help for anything?13:14
antonio_ho un problema con kppp chi mi aiuta ?13:14
Drk_GuyHi guys13:16
khelllhow shall i know the running services ?13:16
Drk_GuyI'm having a hard time with Compiz13:16
Drk_GuyCan anyone help?13:16
ScottGControl Escape13:16
Drk_GuyWhy the community documentation doesn't work13:18
Drk_GuyI.E. It is not going good13:18
jpatrickDrk_Guy: might be out-dated13:18
nuxilso fix it ;p13:18
JayCCan someone assist me, I'm trying to batch convert a lot of files in Mplayer and was wondering how i can  something like %n or w/e to set the input filename as the output filename, Any ideas?13:18
Drk_GuyGot it13:20
Drk_GuyI just mispelled something at install moment13:21
=== matteo_ is now known as matteo_2504
Ayabaraanyone use the force dpi setting?13:22
matteo_2504kde4 is include in kubuntu 8.04?13:23
jussi01  !hardy | nuxil13:23
ubotunuxil: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu13:23
jussi01!hardy | nuxil13:23
matteo_2504kubuntu hadry heron13:23
jussi01matteo_2504: IIRC, yes13:24
matteo_2504but i look screenshot in www.kubuntu.com13:26
nuxilantonio_ yes?13:26
matteo_2504not same with my kubuntu13:27
ubotuKickoff is a new KDE menu replacement developed by openSUSE. See http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/233113:27
nuxilhas anyone made a deb pak of kickoff for gutsy ?13:28
pagnuxil, kickoff = that Suse's menu?13:28
jussi01pag: read back just a little ;)13:29
nuxilpag, nop13:29
matteo_2504that kde menu not include in hadry?13:29
nuxilpag, i had it in feisty.13:29
pagjussi01, oh.. /me headdesks :)13:29
jussi01matteo_2504: please direct hardy questions to #ubuntu+113:30
jussi01pag: :)13:30
Drk_GuyDwah men13:32
Drk_GuyWhy Compiz cant integrate well into kde?13:33
Drk_GuyWhat's the big idea'13:33
antonio_ e che stress13:33
tommymetalfuck all13:34
jussi01!language | tommymetal13:34
ubotutommymetal: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:34
emilsedghmad people!13:36
astanhrm. i can't choose "WPA Enterprise" in knetworkmanager, it's not there in the list.. do i need to install something special?13:38
astanonly WPA Personal is there.13:38
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
Lynoureastan: You are actually using WPA enterprise, with radius server?13:40
LynoureJust asking because many people try to choose it because it sounds better, despite them not having the setup for it in their network.13:41
jpatrick!es > gino13:41
astanLynoure: yea i think so, it's a FON router, i think it uses a radius server.. i'm not 100% though, it's just that WPA Personal didn't work.13:41
astanLynoure: and i remember seeing the WPA Enterprise option there before (think it was when i was running feisty), but now it's not there.13:42
Lynoureastan: FON router, at least the little white ones you get from them, do not do radius13:42
noaXesshow to search for a package that should contain a spec. library?13:43
noaXessneed libmp3lame.so.0 and whant to know which package i need to install.13:43
jussi01!find libmp3lame.so13:44
ubotuFile libmp3lame.so found in liblame-dev13:44
jussi01noaXess: ^^13:44
noaXessjussi01: aha okay.. :) thanks13:44
astanLynoure: hm. okay. they run a radius server at their end though, but maybe that's not the same thing.13:44
astanLynoure: i wonder why i can't connect to the FONs WPA network then.. hrm..13:45
Lynoureastan: I don't think they do... unless they changed things wildly since I got my La Fonera13:45
Lynoureastan: the public wlan has authentication at their servers, but then again, no WPA13:45
astanLynoure: ah okay.. i just saw that http://stefans.datenbruch.de/lafonera/ was talking about some radius server at FON..13:46
matteo_2504how to make a cd repository?13:46
astanhm. need to figure out how to get it working with WPA Personal then..13:46
jussi01!aptoncd | matteo_250413:47
ubotumatteo_2504: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers13:47
matteo_2504if i update, where folder updated file?13:49
noaXessa little problem.. i have installed the restricted river for my nvidia.. now i can't set the whole system font to eg. size 8.. each kde app has now it's own font size. any idea?13:49
astani thinks this might be the problem; Dec 30 14:48:00 pyret NetworkManager: <WARN>  nm_dbus_get_user_key_for_network_cb(): nm_dbus_get_user_key_for_network_cb(): dbus returned an error.   (org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo.GetKeyError) org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo.GetKeyError13:50
astannot sure what it means though, or how to fix it.13:50
OsamaKHello! Is KUbuntu same of Ubuntu? I mean the only different between them is KDE desktop, no?13:51
BlissexOsamaK: yes.13:52
* noaXess is away: Gone away for now.13:52
OsamaKBlissex: I use Ubuntu now, which is better, download KDE then install it or download KUbuntu?13:53
jpatrick!away > noaXess13:53
BlissexOsamaK: probably it is rather quicker to start with the Kubuntu disk. GNOME is not small...13:53
* noaXess is back.13:53
Lynoureastan: did you browse your network from knetworkmanager, or did you input it manually? (for some reason latter often works better)13:53
noaXessjpatrick: okay.. sorry..13:53
OsamaKBlissex: Is there a tornrt link?13:54
jpatricknoaXess: no problem13:54
astanLynoure: i browsed it.. but from what i can tell from syslog output, it seems to find the network just fine, just can't connect. i'll try manually too.13:54
romunovwhat program can manage my bookmarks, addresses, emails... and backs them up?13:55
=== shizik is now known as kjfdgh
BlissexOsamaK: sure, there are several Ubuntu/Kubuntu torrents.13:57
Lynoureastan: try the other way anyway, does not take much time.13:57
OsamaKBlowfish: could you give it to me?13:57
=== profoX_ is now known as profoX`
astanLynoure: hm. no difference it seems. this is the relevant part of my syslog output during the connection attempt; http://franzkafe.se/log.txt .. no idea what's going wrong :/13:59
astan(disregard the failed connection attempts from synergyc in that log, they're not related).14:00
downixman, when did Enlightenment become the zippy WM?!?14:01
noaXessjpatrick: yeah.. about my problem after installing the restricted nvidia driver.. the system font i set, will not used on kde apps.. if i set the whole system font to size 9 it won't work also an gtk apps..14:02
noaXessi have the setting use kde font for gtk apps14:02
jpatricknoaXess: I'm sorry, but I have an ATI card, no experience with the NVidia14:02
downixhow come everyone limits themselves to nVidia/ATI when there are other GPU companies out there, some with more open-source friendliness?14:03
OsamaKBlissex: Any ideas?14:03
OsamaKLet me start downloading ;)14:03
AyabaraI'm on an asus laptop. the fn-keys (volume, brightness ++) works fine in ubuntu, but not in kubuntu.14:04
llutzdownix: most guys want 3d-support for games, so there's no choice14:04
noaXessdownix: on a laptop normaly there is only nvidia or ati :)14:04
llutznoaXess: intel14:04
noaXessAyabara: me too.. have also a asus vx2 laptop and i'm on kubuntu..14:05
downixnoaXess: Mine has Intel, does a good job even under 3D games14:05
AyabaranoaXess: have you done research an given up on it?14:05
downixllutz: XGI offers full 3D under Linux, as does ST Micro14:05
jussi01!ot | downix14:05
ubotudownix: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!14:06
Blissexjussi01: I think that is mostly ontopic.14:06
OsamaK!ot | OsamaK14:06
BlissexAyabara: apparently Kubuntu is done by a single guy and is not quite as custom-configured as Ubuntu...14:07
noaXessAyabara: haven't research jet.. cause i do brightness change over the power management tool..14:07
llutzdownix: i haven't seen cards from them for ages, not very common in EU it seems14:07
AyabaraBlissex: now that sounds scary...14:07
senorpedrohi folks14:08
BlissexAyabara: no, it just means it is quite as polished. But lots of people use Kubuntu and there is quite a large community.14:08
noaXessdownix: what brand of notebook do you have?14:08
noaXessAyabara: i think there is any tool to install, that it work..14:08
senorpedroi installed ubuntu-desktop but now i want to remove it, but when doing apititude purge ubuntu-desktop it only removes the metapackage ubuntu-desktop and not all the other with ubuntu-desktop installed packages. how can i cleanly remove all packages that have come with ubuntu-desktop?14:09
OsamaKHello all! Is there a tornet link for KUbuntu? if yes, please give to me..14:09
AyabaranoaXess: sry, I didn't understand that. you meant I can install a package that will make it work?14:09
jussi01senorpedro: you are wishing to have kde only?14:09
jussi01!purekde | senorpedro14:09
ubotusenorpedro: purekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »14:09
noaXessAyabara: i think there is a package.. but in the moment i don't know which one..14:10
AyabaranoaXess: ok.14:11
jussi01OsamaK: are you after the cd or dvd?14:11
noaXessAyabara: what asus nb do you have?14:11
jussi01OsamaK: the dvd torrent is here: http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/gutsy/release/dvd/14:12
downixllutz: That I can see from ST Micro (they focus on US and Asia) but XGI's always been popular in eastern europe.. no idea tho *shrug*14:12
AyabaranoaXess: the F3SC14:13
Blissexhere in the UK I doubt one can buy wither ST or XGI cards. But it would be interesting to know, looking.14:13
shampoonatorhi thee, i got a littel problem: i got a ati raedon 9800 pro (ok thats the problem) and i want want to run the flglx drivers.. somehow that wont work like i want :(14:14
llutzdownix: anyway, i don't think the are real alternatives for gamers to play actual games today14:14
shampoonatorim using gutsy14:14
shampoonatoro tried installing flglx and modiefied my xorg.conf (the right way i thought) but still no 3d acceleration14:15
shampoonatorany  ideas (except buyin nvidia cards)14:15
jussi01shampoonator: did you try using the restricted driver mamager?14:15
shampoonatori did14:15
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:16
OsamaKjussi01: What's the diff?14:16
jussi01OsamaK: the dvd has more stuff on it. OsamaK if you have the oportunity then I recomend the dvd14:17
OsamaKyes, I have14:17
OsamaKHow big does it? jussi01?14:17
=== tmske_ is now known as tmske__
jussi01OsamaK: Im not certain, i would imagine 3-4 gig, but I dont know for sure...14:18
=== tmske__ is now known as tmske_
OsamaKOMG :D14:18
OsamaKVery big :S14:18
jussi01OsamaK: 4.28 gb14:19
Ayabaraanyone been debugging not-working media keys on other laptops in kubuntu?14:19
jussi01OsamaK: 1 moment Ill find the cd torrent.14:20
jussi01OsamaK: http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/gutsy/14:21
Lynoureastan: (Sorry, I was away doing some work, looking at thet log now)14:21
cefso, who do I shoot for the fact that the nvidia binary modules in the gutsy livecd are missing?14:22
astanLynoure: thanks.. i did some googling and found some bug reports with similar logs here and there.. :/14:22
astansimilar but not identical.14:22
Lynoureastan: this is probably not the cause, but do you have your wireless (eth1) in /etc/network/interfaces ?  It often confuses networkmanager14:23
OsamaKjussi01: Is Alternate install CD the best for me?14:23
OsamaKjussi01: Before I leave, Thank you a lot for your helping ;)14:24
jussi01OsamaK: either is fine14:24
cefcan someone confirm oi I grab the gutsy kubuntu alternative CD that once I install that the nvidia driver will actually be there and usable?14:25
ceferr oi = if14:25
astanLynoure: nope. i did that mistake a while ago, that prevents nm from configuring the device at all, so it's not in my /etc/network/interfaces at all now :(14:26
jussi01cef: no, it will attempt to download it iirc.14:27
cefjussi01: yeah but alternate doesn't need a gui, right?14:27
Lynoureastan: are you on gutsy?14:27
jussi01cef: correct. it uses ncurses iirc.14:27
cefjussi01: cos my nvidia card isn't supported by the free driver (well, most likely it's just the PCI ID's)14:27
* OsamaK is going14:27
astanLynoure: yea.14:27
jussi01OsamaK: bye and good luck14:28
astanLynoure: the line "Dec 30 14:55:46 pyret NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1/wireless): disconnected during association, asking for new key." in the log is what pops up right when the connection fails, too bad it doesn't say more than that..14:28
Lynoureastan: because the disconnects seem a bit on what I had on feisty, but for me that got fixed on gutsy. Foneras are not the easiest APs to get along, as the switch essids...14:28
cefjussi01: which makes installing it using the livecd impossible.... *sigh*.. ok.. time to download the alternate cd14:28
astanLynoure: yea. hm. i can connect to the unencrypted network on the FON just fine.14:29
astanLynoure: what wifi NIC do you have? i have a ipw3945.14:29
astani'm going to buy a real AP for this house, it's just that now the FON is all i have. at work i have a linksys wrt54gl that works perfect.14:31
MGalaxyhow can I remove a package manually?14:31
llutzastan: wrt54gl + tomato-firmware rulez :)14:32
unimimotus* mon bot te fait remarquer que je suis absent pour le moment...14:32
astanllutz: yea, been running it at my café for the last 9 months without any problems.14:33
jpatrick!fr | unimimotus14:33
ubotuunimimotus: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.14:33
voontecef: I just installed Kubuntu using the minimal cd. Worked great with an ncurses interface14:33
=== profoX_ is now known as profoX`
* astan gives up on connecting with WPA2 to his FON for now..14:33
Lynoureastan: I have  Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5751M14:34
Lynoureastan: oops, brainjam..14:34
Lynoureastan: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG14:35
astanLynoure: okay. i have Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG14:35
cefvoonte: yeah grabbing it now..14:35
astanthey're probably a little more finicky than the 2200BG..14:35
cef2200's have a free driver, while the 3945's don't have one as yet afaik14:36
astanyea.. i think i use something from restricted repos..14:36
cefI've got one in a laptop somewhere.. and yeah.. uses the binary driver.. they seem to work well for me though14:37
Lynoureastan: non-automatic for aes/tkip choice can possibly help14:37
astanLynoure: i tried that, the log i gave was from when i manually chose tkip :/14:39
astanoh well. i'll just sit here wired then.14:40
Ayabarais there a config file where I can tell kubuntu what laptop-keyboard I have, and fn-keys will magically work?14:41
LynoureAyabara: there is the keyboard layout / keyboard model under Settings -> Regional  but no magic promised14:43
AyabaraLynoure: couldn't find anything about "asus keyboard" there. is there a way to find my keyboard id?14:45
LynoureAyabara: I'd recommend wild experimentation14:46
Tuccican someone help me fix my internet connection? I accidentally changed a setting and now I need to fix it back.14:46
LynoureAyabara: if none work, there are more labour intensive things you can try.14:46
AyabaraLynoure: ok :-)14:47
downixok, checked, ST stopped their license of PVR a few years back.  So now you can only get the PVR as embedded, my bad.  (I've worked with SoC's too long)14:48
marius__hi to all14:48
marius__i'm a beginer14:48
downixhey marius__!  How may we help you today?14:49
marius__and i have a few questions14:49
marius__is there a music player like winamp for my kubuntu?14:50
david__xmms is a clone of winamp14:50
david__or beeb/beep/beem soemthing14:50
david__though Amarok is so much better in every way14:50
david__(In my opinion)14:51
MGalaxyhow can I remove a package manually?14:51
rothchildmarius__ amarok is much better14:51
david__MGalaxy: sudo apt-get remove packagename14:51
Yiihaaahi everyone, my first time here. I wanted to try out the kubuntu live cd, but i encountered a problem. I booted it up without any problems the first time. but after a reboot on my system i cannot get it to start again. I am stuck with a line that sais "(initramfs)_" anyone have any idea what my problem is.. it worked once..14:51
marius__rbut i wont to load all the music from my hard in the plaulist14:51
=== david__ is now known as David_Edmundson
marius__rbut i wont to load all the music from my hard in the playlist14:51
marius__hpw can i do that14:52
MGalaxydavid__: it fails14:52
marius__how can i do that14:52
marius__can u tell me how can i load all my music in the playlist14:54
marius__in amarok14:54
BluesKajHowdy all  :-)14:54
David_Edmundsonmarius__: you don't14:55
David_Edmundsonmarius__: you add it to your "collection"14:55
MGalaxyDavid_Edmundson: http://phpfi.com/28609514:55
David_Edmundsonwhen it's in your collection14:55
David_Edmundsonyou can then say start a dynamic playlist of tracks randomly14:56
David_Edmundsonooh MGalaxy there is a script that runs on un-install, this is failing you should file a bug14:56
David_Edmundsonif you run dpkg --help it will show to force it remove it14:56
MGalaxyDavid_Edmundson: it failed, too.14:57
MGalaxyDavid_Edmundson: how can I remove it from apt-get package list14:57
=== jpatrick_ is now known as jpatrick
Tucciif i reinstall the network settings program, will it redetect my wireless connection just like when I first installed kubuntu?15:00
EightiesKanyone know how i can get wireless back on my ps3?15:00
rothchildmarius__ have you got your head round it now?15:01
tzd99EightiesK:  think so?15:01
tzd99EightiesK: what have you done recently to "disable" the wireless mode?15:01
EightiesKwell i updated my firmware last week.15:02
tzd99EightiesK:  to 2.10 ?15:02
EightiesKi think.15:02
tzd99EightiesK: 2.10 if it's ps3...15:03
EightiesKmight have been.15:03
tzd99EightiesK: and the wireless worked perfectly until you've updated fw?15:03
EightiesKinfact ....15:03
EightiesKthe wired is taking a shit too.15:03
EightiesKdidn't mean to curse.15:04
tzd99EightiesK: ah ok... have you tried your router (if you have one) with other equipment?15:04
tzd99I'm looking for a bluetooth hunter that knows how on earth I can get my plantronics M3000 BT headset to work with skype v1.4.0.118 please?15:06
EightiesKtzd99 ya i tryed it to no progress15:07
tzd99EightiesK: hmm ok.. so the issue remains even when you're using computers etc. ?15:08
EightiesKno just my ps315:08
tzd99EightiesK:  ok. You have checked the ps3 network settings?15:08
EightiesKmy PS3 its self has wireless just not my kubuntu.15:10
David_EdmundsonMGalaxy: you want to use "sudo dpkg -r --force all PackageName"15:10
BluesKajEightiesK:  so your eth0 KnetworkManager shows you connected to the router ?15:10
voonteI'd like to help Kubuntu testing KDE4 and possibly write some applications. Should I use the Hardy alpha?15:10
MGalaxyDavid_Edmundson: the same Error Message15:11
voonteI noticed libs like soprano (1.99-rc2) only are available for hardy15:11
David_Edmundsoneven with --force all?15:11
EightiesKlet me check.15:11
tzd99EightiesK: beats me then I'm afraid :/ How did you know it was a network failure if i may ask? I've got wireless as well on my ps3 and it's usually slower than my cable connection. Compared to the connected computers my ps3 is slow15:11
David_Edmundsonvoonte: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php15:11
voonteDavid_Edmundson: Those are precompiled packages though. I'm running the trunk version along side the release candidate15:13
David_Edmundsonah, okies. I only run one or two parts out of trunk and that's fine15:13
voontehm ok. I'm quite new to *buntu still, but will it create lots of problems if I install a hardy package in a gutsy installation?15:14
David_Edmundsonnot if it's just a few15:15
voonteI'll give it a try. thanks15:15
=== unimimotus is now known as animimotus
=== Extrapan100 is now known as Extrapan100^BNC
BluesKajbrb, pidgin is ok but the font won't change...too small for these old eyes . Back to konversation !15:18
maurisomeone tell me please a mp3 player a part amarok and XMMS15:19
hydrogen!mp3 | mauri15:20
ubotumauri: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:20
hydrogen!amarok | mauri15:20
ubotumauri: Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.7 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok15:20
hydrogentheres a factoid15:20
hydrogen!players | mauri15:20
ubotumauri: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs15:20
hydrogenthere we go15:20
OsamaKjussi01: Is Ubunut's logos under GPL?15:21
Tm_TOsamaK: AFAIK no15:22
OsamaKTm_T: OK, thanks!15:22
OsamaKTm_T: Backgrounds?15:23
Tm_TOsamaK: for those, I don't know, if you find suorces?15:23
Fyl0nwho can use/control KDE when ETQW is windowed playing?15:25
Fyl0nor how to control/switch back to KDE when ETQW is running..15:25
=== juan is now known as Xplicit
Fyl0ndoes some one know this issue?15:26
BlissexFyl0n: enter console with with back-quote15:26
Fyl0nwindows does this fine.. but how to n KDE?15:26
Fyl0nthat trick is for windows.. not KDE15:26
pagOsamaK, copyright file of kubuntu-default-settings indicates, taht Kubuntu wallpaper is under GNU GPL ( see: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/k/kubuntu-default-settings/kubuntu-default-settings_7.10-28/kubuntu-default-settings.copyright )15:27
Fyl0nI've got ETQW running on Kubuntu wich runs faster than windows lol :)15:27
Fyl0nBut the desktop control is totally gone.15:27
Fyl0nI use skype for example and once the game started.. I cannot switch back to desktop to control my skype..15:30
Fyl0neven windowed.. I cannot control desktop. even with windowed and ~ console open...15:30
Fyl0nMy question really is... can it be done?15:30
Fyl0nor how can I get etqw down so that I could control my desktop again..?15:31
OsamaKpag: thanks!15:31
macke_Is there any special trick to get a Audigy4 Sound card to work in Kubuntu 7.10?15:35
Jeroimacke_ have you checked alsamixer?15:37
maurisomeone had tied kubuntu 8.415:37
maurisomeone had tied kubuntu 8.04?15:37
Jeroioh yeah your soundsystem is muted totally?15:37
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu15:37
macke_Jeroi: Alsamixer says its using my built in sound card, can i change that?15:38
Jeroimacke_ your first thing: disabel onboard sound from bioss15:38
Jeroithen install linux15:38
Jeroibut you have done it already15:39
Jeroitry kmix15:39
macke_kmix, is using Audigy 415:39
Jeroichange your mixer15:39
Jeroiyou need to change alsamixer using audigy also15:40
macke_How do i do that?15:40
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about audigy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:42
Jeroiedit alsaconf15:44
JeroiI veliev15:44
macke_I altered the sound card in System settings > Sound System, Now its restarting my sound card15:46
macke_Have reached 100% like 5 times now15:46
Jeroidoes it work?15:46
Jeroitype into console: alsaconf15:47
macke_Nope, its restarting15:47
Jeroirun it15:47
macke_command not found15:47
flaccidi've never heard of alsaconf15:47
flaccidtry testing with aplay first15:47
jnp3134macke_: do you have an Audigy4 Pro or non-Pro?15:47
tzd99need help with my BT headset please (using kubuntu gutsy gibbon)15:47
flaccidmacke_: you can also try sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart15:48
Jeroiroot@Jeroi:~/.kde/share/config# apt-cache search alsa conf15:49
Jeroialsa-base - ALSA driver configuration files15:49
Jeroilibasound2-plugins - ALSA library additional plugins15:49
Jeroialsa-utils - ALSA utilities15:49
Jeroialsa-tools-gui - GUI based ALSA utilities for specific hardware15:49
Jeroiasoundconf-gtk - Applet to select the default ALSA sound card15:49
macke_It is not a PRO its normal audigy 415:50
flaccidthat is just a keyword search for alsa + conf ..15:50
flaccidso how does it help15:50
Jeroibut did give quite good results?15:50
Jeroiasoundconf-gtk - Applet to select the default ALSA sound card15:51
Jeroiisint that just what hes looking for?15:51
flaccidproviding two search keywords isn't really going to help15:51
jnp3134macke:Go to K Menu>System>Konsole and type "asoundconf list".  Does it show your Audigy4 card?15:51
flaccidasoundconf-gtk is not a part of kubuntu Jeroi15:51
macke_Command not found15:52
Jeroialsaconf is that blue configuration script15:52
macke_If i go into "alsamixer" and press F2 i can see my audigy card there, but i have no idea how i choose it15:52
JeroiI used it when I was using edgy15:53
BluesKajkdesu kate /.asoundrc15:53
flaccidmacke_: did you try aplay yet, for example aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav15:53
macke_flaccid: No sound there15:53
flaccidmacke_: what does the command return15:53
macke_Playing WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono15:54
flaccidok but no error?15:54
flaccidmacke_: run the command alsamixer and ensure the required channels are not muted and are turned up also check kmix15:54
julusshello, i'm french, so excuse for my english15:55
Jeroiflaccid hes problemn is that alsamixer uses onboard chip15:55
flaccidJeroi: why is that a problem?15:55
Jeroihe wants to change alsamixer to use audigy 415:55
macke_Yes :)15:55
julussi've just bought a lenovo N200, and i have no sound15:55
flaccidlets see if it already is. macke_ does it list details at top left in alsamixer?15:55
julusscan you help me ? sound card is hda intel, ich815:55
macke_it says Realtek ALC88315:56
julussrealteck 861VD15:56
BluesKajjuluss, would you rather join a francais chat ?15:56
BluesKajkdesu kate /.asoundrc15:56
julussBluesKaj: no, yesterday they can't help me...15:56
jnp3134macke_: I didn't have much luck with this, but you could try installing the default sound card selector utility.  Go to K Menu>Add/Remove Programs and search for "default sound card"15:56
julusstoday, i try english15:56
tzdwouldnt it work if you downloaded the drivers from: www.realtek.com.tw ?15:56
julusstzd: no15:57
tzdjuluss:  ok15:57
julussmy sound card is realtek 861VD15:57
Jeroichip that is15:57
julussso i try with driver on realtek.com.tw15:57
flaccidmacke_: so you have a audigy and want to swap it?15:57
Jeroiyour sound chip15:57
Jeroiflaccid yes he does15:57
Jeroithtas hes problem15:58
BluesKajjuluss,in the konsole :  asoundconf set-default-card "name of soundcard"15:58
macke_flaccid: I have Audigy 4 and i want to use it as default15:58
flaccidJeroi: and what is the solution Jeroi?15:58
julussBluesKaj: ok i try15:58
JeroiI dont know15:58
Jeroimaybe editint asoundconf15:58
tzdBluesKaj:  you've got blue in your nick... does that mean you are good with bluetooth settings?? :)15:58
flaccidmacke_: do as BluesKaj suggested. check the soundcard name in asoundconf list15:58
shampoonatorflglxstill not working.. tried everything :(15:58
JeroiI dont have that file tho15:59
BluesKajnope, I'm a drummer in a blues-rock band :)15:59
flaccidasoundconf is a binary15:59
Jeroiwhen I tested that15:59
tzd^^ worth a shot ;)15:59
shampoonatorthe funny thing is that flglx is in my xorg.conf now and the X is runniung.. but glxinfo just throws out the mesa driver :(15:59
BluesKajyup tzd :)15:59
macke_Dont have asoundconf15:59
flaccidmacke_: ubuntu release?15:59
macke_flaccid: Kubuntu 7.1016:00
tzdanyone else here that perhaps uses their Bluetooth headset with skype or something else and can explain 1 minor detail please?16:00
flaccidwhat does the command which asoundconf return?16:00
shampoonatoranyone got a raedon 9800 pro running under kubuntu?16:00
juanhow do you disable shadow on menus?16:00
macke_flaccid: if i start alsamixer and press F2 i can see my audigy card there16:00
julussBluesKaj: what's the name of sound card in your command ?16:00
Jeroimacke_ type: asoundconf16:01
julusssnd-hda-intel or 861VD ??16:01
BluesKajshampoonator, you running the ATI proprietary driver or the default restricted16:01
macke_Jeroi: Yeah?16:01
Jeroiwhat did it give?16:01
shampoonatortried both.. both doesnt work :(16:01
Jeroisome commands and help?16:01
flaccidhow did that command go macke_16:01
juanhow do you disable shadow on menus? the kde setting is messing with compiz16:02
flaccid!info alsa-utils16:02
ubotualsa-utils: ALSA utilities. In component main, is important. Version 1.0.14-1ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 1026 kB, installed size 1828 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 alpha amd64 arm armeb armel hppa lpia m32r m68k mips mipsel powerpc ppc64 s390 s390x sh3 sh3eb sh4 sh4eb sparc)16:02
macke_2 Sound cards, NVidia and Audigy16:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bpm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:02
BluesKajjuluss,to find the name of you audio card:  cat /proc/asound/cards16:02
flaccidmacke_: now set the card as per the command BluesKaj advised using the name of the audigy card given16:02
Jeroimacke type: asoundconf list16:02
Jeroithen it lists your audio chips16:02
macke_Jeroi: Yeah i did that, got two cards16:03
shampoonator i tried running the restricted drivers => no 3d  i tried installing the ati driver from their webpage => no 3d.. after that i tried the radeon drivers => no 3d16:03
Jeroiasoundconf set-default-card PARAMETER16:03
shampoonatoronce uppon a time.... i had 3d16:03
shampoonatorand it was simple *sigh16:03
jnp3134macke_: you can get asoundconf by going to K Menu>System>Adept Manager.  Search for "alsa-utils" and install it (if it isn't already installed16:03
flaccidjnp3134: its installed by default and asoundconf is working16:04
flaccidmacke_: so asoundconf set-default-card audigy16:04
=== juan is now known as Xplicit
flaccidyou got that now?16:04
macke_Aye, aplay works but not Amarok16:05
flaccidrestart amarok and make sure the right device is selected in its config16:05
Jeroiedit amarok preferences16:05
BluesKajshampoonator, in order to revert to the default restricted driver , (that's my reommendation) you have to make tsure the otherproprietary driver isn't loading , the only way is to uninstall it16:05
Xplicitalways test sound with speaker-test -c2 -Ddefault -t wav16:06
flaccidshampoonator: use restricted-manager-kde16:06
shampoonatorflaccid:  i did.. didnt work16:06
flaccid!doesntwork | shampoonator16:06
ubotushampoonator: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.16:06
macke_Yeah, Amarok worked after restart16:06
shampoonatorit does not work => i have no 3d acceleration16:06
flaccidwhat type of 3d acceleration16:07
shampoonatori disabled aiglx in xorg.conf and composit thingi16:07
shampoonatorglxinfo type :D16:07
Xplicitjnp3134: where do you get the audigy from is it the card listed under "asoundconf list"16:07
flaccidwhat chip is this shampoonator16:07
macke_Now its just my Graphic card that needs to work :916:07
shampoonatorati raedon 9800 pro16:07
Jeroimacke_ what gfx card?16:08
flaccidshampoonator: ok well im on a 960016:08
jnp3134Xplicit: yes - audigy should be listed under asoundconf list, if it is installed16:08
flaccidshampoonator: pastebin glxinfo and xorg.conf please16:08
macke_Jeroi: im not sure, only that it is Nvidia16:08
shampoonatorit worked under edgy mmh16:08
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:08
BluesKajshampoonator, uninstalling instructions are down the page a bit : https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_cat712-inst.html16:08
Xpliciti just did a similar thing to get ICH5 but now that the speaker-test program doesnt even work, it may be a hardware error so im  going to go get my other card16:09
flaccidBluesKaj: restricted-manager does that, unless shampoonator did not install from repos16:09
marius__can anyone tell me how cccan i restore my title bar for all my windows16:09
macke_Jeroi: Thanks i think it worked, atleast it says i shall restart comp16:10
shampoonatorhttp://pastebin.ca/838700 here and http://pastebin.ca/838698 here @ flaccid16:10
BluesKajflaccid, not necessarily ..if the driver wasn't uninstalled it won't show that it wasn't, and then the wrong driver will reload after the next bootup16:11
flaccidrestricted manager removes the other driver BluesKaj16:11
flaccidshampoonator: ok what is the output of dpkg -l | grep restricted-manager16:12
jnp3134jeroi: I have a problem similar to macke_, only my second sound card is an echoaudio mia.  I can install the audio drivers and have both cards show up, but I cannot select my onboard sound as the default in Amarok.  I have already tried "asoundconf set-default-card Mia, to no avail. Any ideas?16:13
flaccidshampoonator: ok now goto kdesu restricted-manager-kde . what does it say about the video card?16:14
shampoonatorwell its aktivated....16:15
julussso i thinks there are no way to install a hda-intel ich816:15
julussor realtek 861VD16:15
Jeroijnp3134 I think alsamixer uses that soundchip wich is default soundchip in alsa16:16
Xplicitis there an alternative to using echo "compiz --replace" > ~/.kde/Autostart/startcompiz.sh ; chmod +x ~/.kde/Autostart/startcompiz.sh16:16
Xplicitto start compiz automatically, i ve banned /home from having executable files16:16
macke_Graphic and sound cards are working nicely :916:16
flaccidwhich one is activated, the restricted one yes?16:16
Jeroinice macke_16:17
flaccidshampoonator: this is what you have to do, its important. uncheck it and apply let it do its thing then exit. then go back into it and check it again and exit. don't restart at all. then pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf again then i will give you the right xorg.conf then you will just need to restart16:18
Jeroijnp3134 I think you just enbale your second soundchip from amarok settings16:21
Jeroienable alsa16:21
Jeroithen edit default16:21
Jeroitype there your mobo soundchip name16:21
Jeroithere is default for mono and stereo16:22
Jeroiaswell as for surround also16:22
flaccid!punctuation | Jeroi16:22
ubotuJeroi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:22
jnp3134jeroi: let me give that a try16:22
shampoonatorwell, my xorg.conf stil kooks the same flaccid16:23
Jeroican someone explain what the word punctuation means?16:23
Voyage_i need to send mails. do i need an mta and a listserv?16:23
flaccidshampoonator: exactly?16:23
flaccidshampoonator: ok so restricted manager has looked after the packages. now backup your xorg.conf and overwrite it with this one: http://pastebin.ca/83871916:24
flaccidthen restart computer and see how it goes16:24
jnp3134jeroi: when I select alsa as the output pugn in Amarok, I get this message: "xine was unable to initialize any audio drivers."16:24
* Voyage_ shrugs16:25
JeroiI cant help then16:25
Jeroimaybe install drivers?16:25
jnp3134jeroi: ok - I'm going to try reinstalling the latest version of alsa direct from alsa-project.org16:26
ArtimusHopefully I'm missing something.  Is there a mailing list for bugs/development discussion on non-gnome applications?  There's the Kubuntu* lists for the Kubuntu apps, but I can't seem to find where command line apps that are common between versions are discussed.  I don't really like the ubuntu-* mailing lists, as all I see are GTK related issues.16:28
bossqais here anybody from Slovakia?? pls I need something16:31
jnp3134jeroi: do you know what the difference is between oss and alsa?  I see that --with-oss=?? is an option when installing alsa16:31
bossqahaloo =;(16:31
Artimusbossqa: I doubt anyone will be from there.  If you have a question, please just ask.16:32
romunovcan someone sum up what a ssh tunnel manager actually does?16:32
bossqaArtimus: BUT i DONT KNOW ENGLISH =;(((16:32
BluesKaj_bossqa, what language?16:33
pag!sk | bossqa16:33
ubotubossqa: Žiadame slovenských používateľov aby v kanáli #ubuntu hovorili po anglicky. Slovensky a česky sa dohovoríte v #ubuntu-cz.16:33
dreamcoderwhat package do i need to compile things?16:39
flacciddreamcoder: build-essential16:39
dreamcoderthank you16:40
dreamcoderhow come people dont reccond automatix?16:40
flaccid!automatix | dreamcoder16:40
ubotudreamcoder: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »16:40
dreamcoderfresh install fo rme then16:43
tininHi, is there something like Norton Ghost to clone and restore partitions on a usb pendrive? I'd like to have a pendrive with ubuntu in it.16:46
llutztinin: clonezilla16:48
tininllutz thanx, i'll see16:48
flaccidif shampoooinator comes back he might need this version http://pastebin.ca/83873116:49
flaccidi gtg16:49
theunixgeekHow do I set up alpine to receive email messages?16:51
tininclonezilla live, clonezilla live experimental or clonezilla live testing?16:54
Voyage_the launcher in gnome, where it says command, i set to application in terminal, but for certain executables i have to run from a specific directory, how do i do that?16:56
BluesKajVoyage_, if you want gnome advice , best to join #ubuntu16:58
Voyage_BluesKaj ic16:58
Voyage_i have problem with my asdl connection, i can't surf to other web except google.co.id16:59
Voyage_any body there ?17:00
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tekstacygood morning all.17:02
tekstacyI'm going to install 7.10 on an amd64 this morning.    Are there any problems with 64 I might find?17:03
tsdgeosno flash17:03
tekstacyNo flash?? wtf.17:04
hydrogen blame adobe.17:04
tekstacyAny way around this? The box is for 2 girls who love those stupid flash games17:05
hydrogen don't install 64bit *buntu17:05
NickPresta!flashissue | tekstacy17:05
poison__tried and no luck17:05
ubotutekstacy: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.17:05
hydrogenthats a different factoid17:05
poison__im just formnatted my kubuntu 6417:05
NickPrestaoh. forgive me then17:05
poison__too many issues17:06
tekstacyGrrr... I guess I will just install the 32 version17:07
mith__hello all!17:08
ubotuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:08
hydrogentekstacy: you won't notice a difference performance wise17:09
mith__i have a very huge problem i think17:09
hydrogenunless you happen to have 8 gigs of ram or something :/17:09
mith__when the kubuntu loaded i write in my username, and password17:09
mith__but after it take me back to the login screen17:09
tekstacyhydrogen, cool. Just a mere 512mb.17:10
mith__now i can log in by "secure login" and start some programs (firefox, konversation)17:10
mith__what should be the problem?17:10
poison__bad video setup i guess17:11
mith__i checked it it's okay17:12
=== profoX_ is now known as profoX`
mith__but the problem is still here17:15
kaminixHow do I convert an ape file to a flac file?17:15
bmackanyone know of any other drivers ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT beside fglrx? i cant get fglrx to work17:18
mith__if i log in to kubuntu it takes me back to the login screen (kdm) i can only log in as a "secure login"17:19
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php17:19
BluesKajbmack, the restricted driver in system settings/advanced ?17:20
bmackyes i cant get that to work when i enable it i get a error at startup saying starting  powernowd.. ect/rc2.d/s20powernowd: 156: cannot create /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0//cpufreq/scaling_governor: dir non existant17:20
tanobhello guys, i just installed kubuntu 7.10, and the kdm shows the texts with huge fonts, any bug report about that?17:20
tanobor a solution17:21
bmackso i have to edit xorg.conf back to vesa just to get it to boot up17:21
Artimustanob: I had an issue like that with a box, i've heard of it...17:21
tanobArtimus: good that im not alone :)17:21
mith__if i log in to kubuntu it takes me back to the login screen (kdm) i can only log in as a "secure login"17:22
anakin_Is there any way to find info about the PSU from a software utility?17:22
tekstacyanakin, not really17:22
anakin_i've tried looking it up in hardware information. but no can do.17:22
anakin_oh. alright.just wondering whether the 8600GTS would run on my 350W PSU.17:23
tekstacyanakin, um, I would personally upgrade. 500w are dirt cheap now, and 1000 arn't too bad either17:24
NickPrestaanakin_, what does the 8600 GT require on the 12V rail?17:24
Artimustanob: Try editing /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc .  Look for ServerArgsLocal.  Add "-dpi 96" to the end.  Hope you're comfortable doing that...17:26
tekstacyoff to work.   Bye all!!   Thanks for the advice17:27
bmackhow do i run files with extension .run?17:30
llutzbmack: sh file.run17:31
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mith__if i log in. the login screen comes back. i can only log in as a secure login. what's the problem?17:33
anakin_NickPresta: i dunno. thats why i am looking.17:33
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bmackhow do i check what driver i have installed?17:34
ardchoille!nickspam | n00b-q33n17:34
ubotun00b-q33n: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines17:34
flaccidlooks like a spelling mistake to me in 1337 speak land17:34
bmackdriver for video card17:34
anakin_NickPresta: it does say 'molex power connectors - yes'.17:34
BluesKajllutz, does that command, sh file.bin work as well or sh file.deb ?17:35
bmackhow can i tell what video card driver i have installed?17:36
pagBluesKaj, sudo dpkg -i file.deb  ;)17:36
flaccidbmack: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep -i driver . also check kdesu restricted-manager-kde17:37
ubuntu_my linux on the boot up screen doesnt boot17:37
ubuntu_it takes me to the dos manu17:37
ubuntu_menu and tells me to log in with my username and pass word17:37
=== pekka is now known as Pezi
ubuntu_its like the konsole screen17:37
flaccidbmack: this might help to show what is running atm from log cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep II17:38
NickPrestaubuntu_, that is the shell (not DOS). Did this happen right after an update or change to your xorg.conf?17:38
ubuntu_right after17:38
pagwhich one?17:38
NickPrestaubuntu_, which one? xorg.conf change or graphic update?17:38
ubuntu_it was the compiz conf i think17:38
ubuntu_i have the back up saved17:38
ubuntu_but i cant access it now17:39
ubuntu_cause i booted from the cd17:39
pagubuntu_, erm... yes you can? chroot <317:39
flaccidyou can log in ubuntu_ and run startx to see what the problem  might be as well17:39
BluesKajpag some of the debs will install with deb installer pkg that is an option in gutsy, but was merely wondering about the "sh" command17:39
NickPrestaubuntu_, you can still mount your partitions from the liveCD17:39
ubuntu_so what would u suggest i type in konsole at boot up screen?17:39
NickPrestaubuntu_, or, you can login via the text interface and edit your xorg.conf or remove compiz (ask if you don't know how to do that via console)17:40
ubuntu_im like a beginner i wont know how to do all that stuff17:40
pagBluesKaj, sh file is pretty much the same as ./file - it just runs it. it doesn't define, what file will do.17:40
ubuntu_i can choose windows from grub menu17:40
ubuntu_and like every thing works fine but17:41
ubuntu_all i see for kubuntu is the konsole screen shell17:41
ubuntu_and tells me to log in and nothing happens17:41
NickPrestaubuntu_, well, if you think uninstalling compiz will fix your problems, there really isn't another way. you will have to do it via console17:41
ubuntu_okay how would i do that then17:41
flaccidubuntu_: i think you mentioned that already17:41
ubuntu_i mean i got the back up config saved17:41
ubuntu_but i cant access it17:41
ubuntu_cause kubuntu wont let me long onto my original account17:42
flaccidwhy not, you can log and copy it back17:42
NickPrestaubuntu_, you would login with your username / password. then, you can remove compiz fusion: sudo apt-get remove compiz* emerald17:42
flaccidwhy won't it let you17:42
flaccid!doesntwork | ubuntu_17:42
ubotuubuntu_: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.17:42
ubuntu_can i restore the configs i made?17:42
flaccidsure login and use the cp command to copy it back to /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:42
NickPrestaubuntu_, if you made a backup of your xorg.conf, you can restore it, yes17:42
ubuntu_so whats the command for that?17:43
NickPrestasudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:43
NickPrestaassuming your backup is named xorg.conf.bak17:43
ubuntu_would that fix all the backups i saved?17:43
flaccidwhere did you save the backup xorg.conf, ubuntu_17:43
ubuntu_its on my desktop17:43
ubuntu_on my original account17:44
flaccidwhat is the username of the account?17:44
flaccidthen if its named xorg.conf still the command is sudo cp ~/Desktop/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:45
BluesKajok pag thx17:45
ubuntu_so basicly i type in17:45
ubuntu_sudo cp ~/Desktop/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:45
flaccidcorrect ubuntu_17:46
ubuntu_let me try it17:47
ubuntu_ill be back17:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ape - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:53
mckbi get a error from xorg.conf parse error on line 67 of section device in xorg.conf section must have identifier17:54
kaminixWhere do I find the ape-file decoding mac program?17:54
mckbwhat does it mean identifer17:54
bazhangkaminix: for mac os? google has a few links for that17:55
kaminixbazhang: No, the program mac which decode ape-files.17:55
llutzmckb: whats in line 67 of that file? identifier like "Option", "Section"17:55
flacciddid you try google, kaminix?17:56
flaccid!find mac17:56
bazhangin kubuntu?17:56
ubotuFound: emacs-goodies-el, emacsen-common, gij, gij-4.2, libapache2-mod-macro (and 98 others)17:56
kaminixbazhang: Yes, a cmd program. :/17:56
llutzmckb: uppercase "Section"17:56
mauriI mount dvd movie image with: "sudo mount image.iso /media/iso/ -t iso9660 -o loop" but the player does not start automatically17:56
mckbSection "Device"17:56
mckb#       Driver          "vesa"17:56
flaccid!pastebin | mckb17:57
ubotumckb: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)17:57
mckbllutz it is uppercased it looks like that17:57
BluesKaj!soundkonverter | kaminix17:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about soundkonverter - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:57
flaccidkaminix: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/372917:58
flaccidkaminix: http://www.google.com.au/search?q=.ape+files+ubuntu+mac&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a17:58
kaminixBluesKaj: Have it, still need mac to use it with ape files though. flaccid: Thanks17:58
BluesKajkaminix, anyway try soundkonverter , it'll convert ape files17:58
flaccidkaminix: did you read it properly17:59
bazhangkaminix: that link I gave you has all the commands to do17:59
kaminixNot yet, Ktorrent is bugging. I'm going to check it once I've shut it down.17:59
flaccidkaminix: either find mac to download or try http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=12382718:00
rothchildmonkeys audio worked fine for me under WINE18:00
BluesKajor convert to wav then to flac18:00
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flaccidim off18:00
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bazhangshntool should do the trick18:00
ardchoille!nickspam > kubusr18:01
anton__does any1 know how 2 set up a printer on kubuntu?18:01
llutzanton__: systemsettings -  printers - add printer18:02
kaminixKTorrent hate, growing.18:05
kaminixI can't even report the bug, even though it's happend twice, 'cause I don't know how to recreate it.18:06
Dr_willisLook for similer people/bugs so you can confirm their bug?18:07
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:07
kaminixDr_willis: Sorry for the non-team spirit, but I don't really feel like looking through bug reports. :/18:08
Dr_willisThen dont bother. :)18:08
Dr_willisHowdy DexterF18:08
kaminixAnyone have the link bazhang sent me earlier? Lost it when I restarted X.18:08
Dr_willisLink to what?18:08
DexterFI just deleted a dir in konqueror with the "del" key, thought it would go to the Trashcan then, can't find it tho18:09
DexterFdisabled desktop icons18:09
kaminixSomething about converting ape to flac18:09
ubuntu_I am installing kubuntu,18:09
ubuntu_but the installer is blocked in the "checking disks" phase, any help please ?18:09
DexterFwhere would I find it? its not in ~/.Trash18:09
DexterFubuntu_: for how long?18:09
bazhanghttp://aidanjm.wordpress.com/2007/02/04/converting-monkey%E2%80%99s-audio-ape-files-to-flac-in-ubuntu/ kaminix18:09
Dr_willisI though kde trash went to .kde/SOMTHING/trash18:09
kaminixbazhang: Thanks again. :)18:09
mauriI mount dvd movie image with: "sudo mount image.iso /media/iso/ -t iso9660 -o loop" but the player does not start automatically18:09
Dr_willisHmm.. i got stuff in .Trash - guess that is where kde keeps it.18:10
DexterFDr_willis: nope18:10
ubuntu_DexterF: for more than 10 mn18:10
DexterFits an NFS share I should mention... oh.. perhaps the servers trash...18:10
jhutchinsmauri: Have you configured the system to launch DVD's with a particular player on mount?18:11
Dr_willisactually.. it dont.. i just deleted somthing its not in .Trash18:11
DexterFubuntu_: a tad long indeed. um, what are you installing, Ubuntu or Kubuntu?18:11
Dr_willisDexterF,  use konqueror and look in --> trash:/18:11
ubuntu_DexterF: kubuntu18:11
DexterFDr_willis: aha! thanks :)18:12
jhutchinsubuntu_: Is this a cd you burned yourself?18:12
ardchoilleIsn't kde trash in ~/.local/share/Trash ?18:12
Dr_willisI would be very suprised IF the system Auto-played dvd's when you mounted the .iso image18:12
ubuntu_DexterF: : yes*18:12
Dr_willisardchoille,  that may be it! :) i was thinking .kde/share/Trash18:12
DexterFubuntu_: disk activity? disk noise? system responding at all? mouse movement etc18:13
Dr_willisI wonder how/where  .Trash  came from.18:13
jhutchins ubuntu_ Did you verify the md5sum of the iso file?18:13
ardchoilleDr_willis: iirc, gnome keeps trash in ~/.trash18:13
ubuntu_DexterF: yes18:13
DexterFubuntu_: how big is the disk? did you tell it to format? kub alone or was windows on it before?18:13
Dr_willisardchoille,  so much for standards. :) heh heh.18:13
ardchoilleDr_willis: lol18:13
jhutchinsubuntu_: What did you do to verify the CD when you burned it?18:13
Dr_willisI thought that Freedesktop.org had some sort of 'trash standard' :) that both kde/gome followed.18:14
ubuntu_DexterF: both windows and kubuntu were on it18:14
Dr_willisI guess I could link .Trash to .local/share/Trash18:14
DexterFubuntu_: well, perfectly possible it dropped IO modes to PIO for safety or such, wouldn't be the first time. how big is that disk you said?18:14
DexterF(PIO means slow, takes real long to write something)18:14
ubuntu_DexterF: 60GB18:15
kaminixIs there no package holding the ape file decoder in Ubuntu? :s18:15
MGrundeHello ilikepie18:16
DexterFubuntu_: give it another 10. guess it's formatting.18:16
Dr_willis!find ape18:16
ubotuFound: gutsy-wallpapers, inkscape, kdewallpapers, kimagemapeditor, landscape-client (and 56 others)18:16
ubuntu_DexterF: i don't understand :)18:16
Dr_willisHmm.. kaminix  check apt:/ and search for ape ig uesx18:16
maurisomeone knows if is it possibile to convert dvd movie into dvd having 2 languages and 2 subtiles18:17
kaminixDr_willis: Seem to have found a repo holding mac. Still strange it's not included by default though. :o Isn't ape Free Software?18:17
jhutchinsmauri: Where would you get the extra languages and subtitles?18:17
ubuntu_DexterF: the operation is cancelled after a timeout and the button "next" is disabled18:18
maurijhutchins: I would like to choose languages or subtiles though the playr18:18
maurijhutchins: I would like to choose languages or subtiles though the player18:18
jhutchinsmauri: If they're not on the original DVD, where are they going to come from?18:18
maurijhutchins: of course, they are existing in the dvd18:19
ubuntu_DexterF: it works, many thanks18:19
Dr_williskaminix,  i cant recall ever using ape. Its possible it dosent have the proper licensing.18:19
jhutchinsmauri: So what is it you need to do then?  What player are you using?18:19
Dr_willismauri,  ive seen .mkv and other video files with Multi Audio and multi Subtitle tracks.. so i guess its possible. :)18:20
jhutchins!it | mauri18:20
ubotumauri: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:20
maurijhutchins: my idea is to learn english. The player should be vlc for example18:20
DexterFubuntu_: finished normally?18:20
ardchoillemauri: k9copy and acidrip both have features that allow you to choose which langs and sub get copied18:20
Dr_willisLearning English from Subtitles.. :) if that worked -  i would be able to Speak Jappanese by now. given all the anime ive watched/read.18:21
jhutchinsmauri: Ok, I know for mplayer there is information on the man page for how to use subtitles and alternative languages, VLC is a little simplere, but try the man page.18:21
mauriardchoille: i'm speaking about to have a divx and not mp2 format18:21
jhutchinsmauri: # vlc in konq.18:21
ardchoillemauri: It's been a while since I used it, but I seem to remember acidrip being able to do divx18:22
maurijhutchins: my question was...how to convert dvd to divx having more than subtiles and languages18:22
kristjan_hey I can't change .wav id tags in amarok - why?18:22
jhutchinsmauri: Oh, I understand now.18:23
mauriardchoille: with the possibile to have subtiles and languges18:23
ardchoillemauri: Hmm.. not sure, but I know a way to find out :)18:23
jhutchinsmauri: I'm pretty sure you can do that.  mplayer, avidemux, or tovid would work.18:24
jhutchinsmauri: ffmpeg18:24
wietsehappy new year everyone :-p18:24
maurijhutchins: thanks18:26
Solifugusmy upgrade to 7.10 failed.. and I am afraid of rebooting now.18:27
Solifugushas one of these upgrades ever worked for anyone at all?  they never have for me for any distro..18:27
Solifugusexcept for debian.. which kubuntu clearly is not..18:28
Solifugusreal question: can I re-install from disk while preserving my old data?18:29
BlissexSolifugus: if you have been careful and reinstall paying attention to the prompts, yes.18:29
k4everhi all.18:29
BlissexSolifugus: I have done lots of upgrades and they worked for me. But I am very careful and I know my way around the package and dependency systems inside out...18:30
SolifugusBlissex: ok.. i will try that.. I could not get my work off because kubuntu's scp stalls at random times on large uploads (but not downloads).18:31
BlissexSolifugus: the best advice is to put '/' and '/home' in different partitions. Of you keep significant state in '/var', that should also be a different filesystem.18:31
jhutchinsSolifugus: That's easiest if the data is on a different partition.  You can make a backup of it to somewhere else, then do the install.18:31
SolifugusBlissex: too late to partition.. it's all one right now18:31
BlissexSolifugus: file transfers stalling on uploads is a well know issue due to ISP settings.18:31
jhutchinsI keep most of my data on servers that don't get updated much.18:31
k4everi have 3 computers with kubuntu on them.  is there an automated way that i can install the same packages on all of the computers?18:32
SolifugusBlissex: is there a well know fix?18:32
jhutchinsSolifugus: I find that single-partition works best for me.  If I use multiple partitions, the space I need is always on the wrong partition.18:32
SolifugusBlissex: I was trying to scp to a local machine--just one switch between on same subnet18:32
jhutchinsSolifugus: I've had to symlink some essential system directories into the /home partition because some twit put all the space there.18:32
Solifugusjhutchins: actually.. i have two hard drives.. so let me take a look.18:32
jhutchinsSolifugus: Burn it to DVD or CD.18:33
BlissexSolifugus: note also that RSYNC is much, much much better than SCP especially for backups. Use 'rsync -axHS --delete' to get exact tree copies (You may need to add '-AX' if you use ACLs/XATTRs).18:33
Solifugusjhutchins: burning is good.. but it'll take a lot of dvds....18:33
Dr_willisk4ever,  you may want to set up one box as an apt-caching type server  - that way each box wont have to download each package also.18:33
jhutchinsSolifugus: Sounds like you should consider an external HD for backup.18:34
Dr_willisk4ever,  easy way to get  identicalpackages on all the box's is to just make a script that installs them.18:34
BlissexSolifugus: for copying on the same LAN usually either you have really huge LAN problem or it is poor TCP and flusher setup in '/etc/sysctl.conf'18:34
romunovwhen i try to mount a usb pen, it gives me the error "can't read superblock"... any thoughts?18:34
jhutchinsDr_willis: kubuntu must have something like kickstart where you can template a system.18:34
jhutchinsromunov: Does the pen mount on other systems?18:34
jhutchinsromunov: How old is it?  Has it been used much?18:35
SolifugusBlissex: it's all however kubuntu sets up by default.. the LAN is very simple and works fine.. I've also had the same problem on our LAN at work...18:35
k4everDr_willis: how do i do that?18:35
BlissexSolifugus: the defaults are often very bad, especially for 1gb/s LAN speeds.18:35
BlissexSolifugus: and especially for machines with lots of RAM and fast disks. The defaults are good for 10mb/s LANS with 4GB disks and 64MB of RAM...18:36
SolifugusBlissex: I wonder why.. I'd have though what's good for slow is even better for fast..  (I have two 100GB drives, 2GB RAM, Intel core duo on 100mb/s LAN at home and gigabit at work--who uses 10mb/s anymore?)18:38
Dr_willisk4ever,  a script with a bunch of 'sudo apt-get install whatever ' lines. :) then ssh to the box's and run the script18:38
BlissexSolifugus: just legacy thinking.18:38
BlissexSolifugus: check out http://WWW.sabi.co.UK/blog/0707jul.html#070701b18:38
SolifugusBlissex: I might try rsync.. need to setup my backup machine again.18:39
|Quest|is there a way that i can run 2 os simultaniously. xp and ubuntu at the same time. but independent of each other.?18:40
Blissex|Quest|: sure, if you are willing to pay.18:40
|Quest|Blissex is the solution software or hardwar?E18:40
Blissex|Quest|: both...18:40
|Quest|dont say . but 2 computers18:41
jhutchins|Quest|: That's what virtualization is all about.  vmware, xen, etc.18:41
* |Quest| shrugs18:41
|Quest|jhutchins no.. in virtualisation. one os is dependant of another18:41
|Quest|i dont want that18:41
jhutchinsWell, get a kvm and do it the primitive way then.  I would suggest you learn more about virtualization.18:42
Blissex|Quest|: Xen is an operating system that can run both XP and GNU Linux in independent runtime partitions.18:42
kristjan_how to convert .wav files to flac?18:42
BlissexSolifugus: for TCp optim also http://proj.sunet.se/E2E/tcptune.html18:42
Blissexkristjan_: the 'flac' command does that.18:42
kristjan_Blissex: do I have to install flac?18:43
BlissexSolifugus: also note that SSH default encryption is fairly slow18:43
kristjan_Blissex: I would prefer a gui tool if possible18:43
Blissexkristjan_: your questions have a flavour of the blindingly obvious.18:43
Blissexkristjan_: there are zillions of GUI frontends that rip and convert. Just do a search thru FreshMeat.net for pointers...18:43
|Quest|Blissex - well thats the main purpose of xen? and are you sure both will be independent in terms of hardware and software ?18:44
kristjan_Blissex: zillions? are you sure?18:44
kristjan_Blissex: I bet less than million18:44
Blissex|Quest|: yes sure. Otherwise you can ask IBM to sell you PART machines.18:44
Greenerykristjan_: try soundKonverter18:45
Blissexkristjan_: a zillion is a very flexible unit of measure. For example my manly appendage length is a zillion too :-)18:45
|Quest|thanks Blissex18:45
|Quest|Blissex any other ways. or this is the only one. or the only best ?18:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about soundkonverter - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:45
romunovjhutchins: the pen is actually an mp3 player18:45
romunovjhutchins: and it worked fine until recently18:46
dariokubuntu italiano ?18:46
romunovjhutchins: i can see it in windows (xp), but i can't access it18:46
romunovjhutchins: i can see it in kubuntu as well, but i can't enter it18:46
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:46
romunovjhutchins: when i try to mount it, i get this error: mount: /dev/sda1: can't read superblock18:47
ardchoille!guidelines | Blissex18:47
ubotuBlissex: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:47
|Quest|Blissex any other ways. or this is the only one. or the only best ?18:48
k4everDr_willis: i'm reading up on apt-cache and apt-proxy now. don't see what i need.  i want to be able to install the same packages on all machines at once.  or at least duplicate the packages installed on one machine to another.  synaptic is supposed to be able to create a script to duplicate the installed packages but the script it creates is empty.18:48
Dr_willisk4ever,  i just jot down all the packages i want in to a text file. or use a script i found that takes all the pacakges listing on one box. and can reinstall them18:49
Blissexk4ever: try the ''selection'' mechanism.18:50
Dr_willissudo dpkg --get-selections | grep '[[:space:]]install$' | awk '{print $1}' > package_list18:50
ilikepiedpkg -list18:51
Dr_willisgenerates a listing of all installed pacakges On a box. You can then Import that list with......18:51
Dr_williscat package_list | xargs sudo apt-get install18:51
Dr_willisBUT you better be sure you want all in the list. :)18:51
=== Pupeno- is now known as Pupeno
Dr_willisI normally edit the package_list, and trim out the video drivers and other parts that may only be needed on a specific machine18:52
ilikepieand that the computers are the same type for a copy and paste.18:52
k4everDr_willis:  outstanding!  just what i was looking for.  i'm tired of all my machines having different packages installed on them.  now i can get one machine like i like it then replicate all the others.18:53
kristjan_Greenery: soundkonverter is pretty nice18:54
zorglu_q. i look for a tool to monitor the network activity (something like 'top' for process) using only text. this is for a server of mine18:55
Greenerykristjan_: yup i love it very simple18:56
Dr_willis!info ntop18:56
ubotuntop: display network usage in top-like format. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:3.2-10.1 (gutsy), package size 2707 kB, installed size 11172 kB18:56
kristjan_Greenery: it's like the other one I like very much "krename"18:56
Dr_willisHows that zorglu_  :)18:56
zorglu_Dr_willis: thanks :)18:56
kaminixOkay... now I have libmac2, but no mac program. :p18:57
coreyany one has tried KDE4?18:57
mith__where can i find log files (especially system log)?18:58
ubuntu_DexterF: I have discovered why the installer couldn't perform the "disks check" step18:58
ubuntu_DexterF: it's becasue18:58
ardchoillecorey: It's not stable, it's an rc release. iirc, stable release is supposed to be in January18:58
coreythe log file is in /var18:58
ubuntu_DexterF: it's because I have my ipod connected18:58
DexterFaah, "because". now that explains everything.18:58
Dr_willisntop dont seem to want to work right here.. Hmmm.18:58
mith__thx corey18:58
ubuntu_DexterF: it's because I have my ipod connected18:59
DexterFubuntu_: why do you connect an ipod to a machine youre installigna new os on?18:59
zorglu_Dr_willis: i installed it. but running it display something more like a log of debug than anything18:59
ubuntu_DexterF: I forgot it18:59
DexterFcorey: I don't expect kde4 to be stable before 200918:59
kaminixOkaaay... soundKonverter does not list .ape among the supported file formats.18:59
DexterFubuntu_: ok, but how did that affect the installation?18:59
zorglu_Sun 30 Dec 2007 19:59:45 CET  THREADMGMT[t3035794320]: SIH: Idle host scan thread terminated [p32368] <- Dr_willis this kind of things. is this normal ?19:00
Dr_williszorglu_,  thats how it works I guess.19:00
coreyi thought there is gonna be a big release event in Jan19:00
Dr_willisIve never used it befor. :)19:00
zorglu_Dr_willis: hehe ok :)19:00
mith__and in here where are they? i have a login problem :S19:00
ubuntu_DexterF: the installer take the ipod as a disk, too19:00
Dr_williszorglu_,  reading 'man ntop' right now19:00
DexterFcorey: totally. there's so much new, so much rebuilt from scratch, so many new apis and interfaces, it's gonna take a damn long time to work out all the teething troubles19:01
DexterFubuntu_: well,ok, but that shouldn't be much of a problem. ah, maybe the installer scanned it for settings. kub has this migration wizard thing.19:01
coreyindeed, DexterF19:01
coreyThey had been delayed19:02
mith__when i log in to kubuntu it takes me back to the login screen...but there aren't any messages19:02
mith__can anybody help me?19:02
coreymith__, try different sessions?19:02
DexterFcorey: when I treid the second beta I came to think this even didn't come near a beta, hardly anything worked at all, some features weren'timplemented at all and not to forget there's phonon. maybe things will straighten out now that phonon is officially part of qt19:03
jussi01mith__: is your hdd full?19:03
mith__i can log in in any sessions, and from the login screen as a "secure login" but with the real kde login i can't19:03
mith__sorry for my bad english19:03
mith__jussi0: i don't think so19:04
coreyDexterF: Hmmmmm, u are right, that's actually the same as what I heared from others19:04
jussi01!tab > mith__19:04
DexterFill stick with kde3 at least til 4.0.3 or 4.1 is out and I dont expect that to happen before the end of 200819:05
coreyi had ubuntu? or Kubuntu?19:05
DexterFmayber ill set up a tinkerbox tho...19:05
mith__:$ sorry im new in irc19:05
coreyi mean u had kubuntu or ubuntu19:05
coreythanks, DexterF19:05
coreyI think I will stick with the current version for now...19:06
mith__jussi01: that's why i searching the log files because i don't know what is the problem19:06
DexterFcorey: you do knwo you can have kde3 and 4 installed parallel?19:07
coreybut i don't have big space of HD :p19:07
mith__jussi01: 60% of my HDD is empty19:08
DarkTan_can someone tell me what this means? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50144/19:08
jussi01mith__: have you applied a theme recently? or other changes?19:08
JeroiHey whu cant ubuntu mount my usb hard disk with ntfs filesystem?19:09
Jeroihal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 100019:10
coreyDexterF, although we are saying KDE4 is still not ready yet, I think no matter what it's still better than the buggy Gnome19:10
JeroiI tested with testdisk utility that filesystem is ok and did write filesystem again with it and rebooted19:10
jussi01Jeroi: this thread may help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60121019:11
DexterFcorey: beats me what people see in gnome. its ugly and the configuration is more cryptic than windows' registry. If I wanted a gtk based leightweight system I'd go for XFCE19:11
DexterF(which I consider every now and then :)  )19:11
DarkTan_speaking of gnome, i accdentally installed it, how do i make it go away?19:11
DexterFat least not 100%19:12
mith__jussi01: yes i have changed some unused partitions mount point :$ :D19:12
romunovapt-get remove gnome-desktop?19:12
coreyha  :)19:12
DarkTan_ahhh, didn't add -desktop to the command, gonna try that19:12
MGrundeDarkTan: From the looks of it, you have two network cards, one of which has a ralink chipset, and both are attempting to connect to the network "TheNetwork"19:12
DexterFromunov: purge rather. tho I guess that leaves you with an empty disk afterwards19:12
coreyapt-get remove gnome-desktop19:12
DarkTan_also can you tell me that this means? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50144/19:12
DarkTan_ok, thats getting rid of it19:13
Dr_willisactually that would just get rid of the meta-package. not all the pacakges it installed. i think19:14
mith__jussi01: but now i have logged in as a secure login. started compiz to be able to move windows, and in konqueror those partitions are works fine19:14
jussi01mith__: I suggest you go and change it back then...19:14
romunovDexterF: i have no problem with that - how do i purge?19:15
DarkTan_well the bits and peices i can get rid of through apt-get remove or the Adept or Synaptic19:15
Dr_willisthe meta-package you MIGHT of wanted to keep installed so you could see what all it depends on. :) and have a list of what it installed.19:16
Dr_willisbut remoiveing any of the other bits would of removed the meta package also19:16
DexterFromunov: man apt19:16
bkywhat's the easiest way to set gutsy to use konqueror as the filemanager?19:16
Jeroiwau thanks alot!19:17
DarkTan_i'll just leave it there and ckean out the menus19:17
coreyanyone knows about lazybuntu?19:17
rothchildearlier I installed a bunch of stuff on my laptop using add remove programs and I want some of it on my desktop too, is there a way to get the .debs from the laptop (make it a repository in effect) rather than downloading them all again from canonnical?19:17
JeroiNeeded to add mountpoint for it19:17
DarkTan_right now i'm trying to get my wireless working, i have a broadcom internal and a linksys USB adapter hooked up19:17
coreyman... that tools helps ubuntu going to family a lot man...19:17
coreymy dad and mom are even using Ubuntu...19:18
DarkTan_bother seem to be in under iwconfig, but as soon as i disconect my ethernet cable i loose 'net19:18
padeywirelles in kubuntu sure gave me a hard time19:18
DarkTan_three days on it now19:18
MGrundeTry sudo dhclient wlan019:18
padeydo you have the windows driver cd for the card?19:19
ubuntu_someone know why  I have the folowing message: "/dev/sda5 should be formatted to be used by this program"19:19
|Quest|need help pretty badly... any nice guy. who can guide me to run me pci alpha tv tuner. ?19:19
padeyjust sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common19:19
DarkTan_it gave me this19:19
ubuntu_DexterF: do you know why  I have the folowing message: "/dev/sda5 should be formatted to be used by this program"19:20
MGrundeOkay, now unplug your ethernet.19:20
DarkTan_i already went through all the ndiswrapper19:20
MGrundeQuest - What is the make and model of your tv tuner?19:20
DarkTan_unpluges the only thing that seems to work is konversation19:20
DexterFubuntu_: who says this?19:20
ubuntu_DexterF: the installer19:21
DexterFwell, don't know, is sda5 maybe said ipod?19:21
zorglu_Dr_willis: i found another one. much simpler :) it is called 'iftop'19:21
zorglu_!info iftop19:21
ubotuiftop: displays bandwidth usage information on an network interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.17-4 (gutsy), package size 31 kB, installed size 104 kB19:21
ubuntu_DexterF: I have deconnected my ipod19:22
kaminixShouldn't this work? mplayer input.ape -dumpaudio -dumpfile output.wav (mplayer can play .ape)19:22
DarkTan_ok, i can access konversation but not gaim, or anything else online through konquer or firefox19:23
ubuntu_DexterF: the message is:19:24
ubuntu_DexterF: The file system on /dev/sda5 assigned to / has not been marked for formatting. File systems used by the system (/, /boot, /usr, /var) must be reformatted for use by this installer. Other file systems (/home, /media/*, /usr/local, etc.) may be used without reformatting.19:24
MGrundeDarkTan - That's odd.  Lets try this:  "sudo ifconfig eth0 down" that'll down your ethernet, then "sudo ifconfig rausb0 down" that'll down your ralink card, then "sudo ifconfig wlan0 down" that'll down your last wireless card.  Then run "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up" "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid TheNetwork" "sudo dhclient wlan0"19:24
MGrundeIf that doesn19:24
MGrundeIf that doesn't work, "sudo ifconfig eth0 up" to reconnect your ethernet19:24
DexterFubuntu_: well, yes, / is the root directory, where evrything starts. the partiton you told the installer to use oviously is sda5, but you need to format it19:25
ubuntu_DexterF: with gparted, I have formatted it to ext319:26
DexterFubuntu_: let the installer reformat it. iirc it's not smart enough to grok it itself19:27
DarkTan_w00t! it works!19:27
MGrundeEthernet unplugged and everything?19:29
MGrundeGreat.  Now you can unplug your ralink USB wireless adapter.19:30
DarkTan_already did and put it back on the desktop19:30
MGrundeYou'll probably want to set up your wireless connection in network manager, so it connects on startup.19:30
DarkTan_just me and my laptop19:30
MGrundeAwesome.  It's a great feeling, isn't it?19:30
DarkTan_yep, now where would the network manager be on dapper?19:31
MGrundeDapper?  I'm not sure if it comes installed with Dapper.  If it's not in the System Tray, try running knetworkmanager.19:34
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DarkTan_2hmm, got booted and lost my nick19:35
cap601My internet download speeds on Kubuntu are far slower than on Windows (even for same files).  I have tried disabling IPv6 without success.  How can I fix this?19:36
jussi01cap601: how do you connect to the net?19:37
Dr_willisive notied that windows often LIES about its speeds its downloading at also.19:39
cap601@jussi01 - Wireless connection19:39
ubotuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!19:42
=== luc__ is now known as comedit
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about moo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about foobar - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:43
BluesKajnow, does that makes sense ?19:43
comeditanybody familiar with the use of vmware server on kubuntu ?19:44
Dr_willisI use vmware-server all the time19:44
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers19:44
Dr_willisMainly to test out live cd image files19:44
comediti installed it but am not able to adjust memorry size19:44
comeditgreyed out19:44
comediti assume i should be root but maybe another reason19:45
comeditI just changed to kubuntu, and have converted my old xp to a vm (vmware converter), but it needs more memory19:47
comeditI can get to the memory part but all is greyed out, anybody an idea19:47
Sonjawhat are the pros and cons of kubuntu versus ubuntu?19:47
comeditkubuntu is more user friendly I would say19:50
DarkTan_2can synaptic be activated from the konsole?19:50
Dr_willisthe command 'synaptic' will launch synaptic19:50
Dr_willisif thats what you mean19:50
Dr_willisif its isntalled that is.19:51
DarkTan_2apt-get work with adept correct?19:51
BluesKajSonja, it's mostly personal taste , oldtime linux users usually prefer gnome desktop/ubuntu ( not all but a lot ), oldtime windows users usually prefer kde/kubuntu19:51
Dr_willisSonja,  i normally install  Ubuntu, then insatll kubuntu-desktop so i have both.19:51
Dr_willisadept/synaptic/aptitude are all front ends to the paackging system. They all work the 'same' :)19:52
DarkTan_2i was wondering becuase i apt-get couldn't find packages that synaptic had19:52
Dr_willisOLD OLDTime linux users use fluxbox. :) older still.. use icewm/olvwm19:52
Dr_willisDarkTan_2,  they should be finding identical packages.19:53
Dr_willisYou may be typing/spelling wrong.19:53
DarkTan_2also, how can i set my other hdd partitions to mount on boot19:53
rothchildHi my fn key is latched on it's a bit of a 'mare how can i get it unlatched/19:53
=== DarkTan_2 is now known as DarkTan_
DarkTan_w00t! got my name back19:54
jussi01!register > DarkTan_19:55
Sonjais it easy to switch from ubuntu to kubuntu?19:56
DarkTan_it's reged, i got kicked but my name was logged in still19:56
jussi01Sonja: quite easy19:56
Dr_willisSonja,  trivial19:56
jussi01!ghost > DarkTan_19:56
Dr_willispick what one to use at the kdm/gdm screen..19:56
Dr_willisUnless of course you are a magazine writer i read. that griped about Not being able to do that.. because he enavled auto-login...  :)19:57
Dr_willisIve noticed a lot of very very very BADLY done magazine reviews/articals on Linux lately.19:57
Dr_willisIf they held windows up to the same standards they seem to be demanding of a 'free' os... they would be storming MS HQ.19:57
jussi01DarkTan_: :)19:58
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Sonjaok help me switch to kubuntu20:01
Sonjai want to compare20:01
ardchoilleSonja: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:01
ardchoilleSonja: That will install the kubuntu kde desktop environment20:02
Dr_willisthen log out,  use the gdm screens menus to pick the KDE desktop. and log back in20:02
Sonjamost appz i'm using are kde interestingly20:05
Sonjacan i make kde all nice and orange and brown like ubuntu?20:05
Sonjai hate blue20:05
Sonjai've been using windows for decades ad i dont want to see blue anymore :)20:05
ardchoilleSonja: You can easily change colors, themes, etc in kde control centre20:05
* BluesKaj tries not to be miffed :)20:06
Dr_willisMake them all Hot-Pink20:06
BluesKajSonja, those earthy colours will get boring after a bit , you just watch :)20:07
SirChasmguys, help, my wireless stopped working, and I don't know why20:08
SirChasmthe driver is still enabled20:09
SirChasmbut it's just not scanning for any networks20:09
zorglu_SirChasm: tried another computer or another os ?20:09
zorglu_SirChasm: do they find the network ?20:09
SirChasmwell i know my sister is connected to our router right now20:10
zorglu_SirChasm: if not, considere it may be a network issue. as opposed to an os issue20:10
SirChasmas am i actually, but wired connection20:10
zorglu_SirChasm: a big 'but' :)20:10
SirChasmthe bigger problem is that it's just not lisitng ANY site networks at all20:10
SirChasmi know all my neighbours have wireless, and i can usually see them20:11
SirChasmnow, nada20:11
DarkTan_what is x?20:11
SirChasmto be honest, it feels just like when the driver wasn't working20:11
|Quest|need help pretty badly... any nice guy. who can guide me to run me pci alpha tv tuner. ?20:11
SirChasmbut i went to restricted-manager, and it's enabled and in use20:11
ArtimusI'm having troubles with HAL.  When I try to browse to a device in media:/ it says "Feature Only Available with HAL".  ps aux | grep hald reveals hald is not running.  Starting it manually does not report any errors, but it does not stay running.20:12
SirChasmi even tried disabling the driver and re-enabling it, but it didn't fix it20:14
BluesKaj|Quest|, have you found the linux drivers for the tuner and installed them20:15
|Quest|BluesKaj aaahhnnn dont ask that question please........20:15
BluesKajI must20:15
|Quest|BluesKaj iam having a headach after installed those. from linuxtv.org  . iam a new bie. i gues i didnt some thing wrong. or didnt do any thing right.  (i have kdetv and mythtv. they are not working.) so its a driver problem. i dont even know how to check.20:16
DarkTan_well, i am off, thx for the help20:17
BluesKaj|Quest|, 'tvtime' might run on that tuner ...not sure , check on their site20:18
|Quest|BluesKaj sure. but how do i know i have all drivers i need.?20:20
SirChasmany alternative to KNetworkManager?20:23
BluesKaj|Quest|, what is the actual make & model tv tuner card ?20:24
|Quest|BluesKaj its philips saa7130920:25
|Quest|BluesKaj its aplha tv featuring philips saa7130920:25
jhutchins|Quest|: Unlike windows, linux reports what it's doing and what errors there are.  Check the system logs to see if the drivers you installed are loading properly.  If they load at boot time, they may be in dmesg - use dmesg | less to scroll through it.  Also look in /var/log/messages and see what's happening there.20:27
jhutchins|Quest|: With GUI programs, you can often start them from a console and if there are errors, you will see them.20:27
jhutchins|Quest|: Rather than trying to find someone here who knows your specific card, it's better to go to the various Linux Video sites and look for yourself - it's what we would have to do.20:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alphacube - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:28
jhutchins|Quest|: Not that we don't want to help.20:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kwin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:28
BluesKaj|Quest|, I think the philips cards are supported and configged directly by tvtime , no driver installation needed20:29
|Quest|jhutchins BluesKaj got it.. thanks ! :)20:29
|Quest|BluesKaj ah ic.. thanks..20:29
jhutchins|Quest|: You may want to UN-load some of the drivers then.20:29
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DarkTan_how to i run kwin20:30
Q-collectiveDarkTan_: it should run when you login to kde20:30
Dr_williswhy are you trying to run jkust kwin ?20:30
CheGuevaraDarkTan_: what are you trying to do?20:30
BluesKajwell, for one thing uninstall mythtv for one , it will interfere with tvtime if i remember correctly20:30
DarkTan_i'm trying to use the alphacube thing,,,,although i may not be what i was looking for20:31
CheGuevaraalphacube is for metacity isnt it20:32
CheGuevaraoh there's one for kde as well20:32
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DarkTan_is that the thing that makes the desktop a cube?20:35
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion20:36
Dr_willisthats the BIG eyecandy feature of compiz20:36
DarkTan_ahhh it compiz i need, maybe i should try and remember what people tell me......20:36
Dr_willis!find alphacube20:37
ubotuFound: kwin-style-alphacube20:37
DarkTan_that is what i installed20:37
Dr_willisthats a kde theme.20:38
Dr_willis!find kwin-style20:38
ubotuFound: kwin-style-crystal, kwin-style-alphacube, kwin-style-blended, kwin-style-dekorator, kwin-style-knifty (and 3 others)20:38
Dr_willisTheres more themes.20:38
Dr_willisInstall them all!20:38
DarkTan_ahhh, so how do i use them?20:38
Dr_willisInstall them.. select them in the control center theme thang.20:38
DarkTan_and where is the control center theme thang in dapper?20:39
Dr_willisIn the menus somewhere I imagine. :) im on gutsy and i have that Little Wrench on my Panel i use.20:39
Dr_willisadd to panel --> Settings20:39
BlinkizHave downloaded kubuntu with KDE4-rc2. I would like to use complete hard disk encryption when I install. At the moment, no alternative CD exist. Any suggestion how do handle this? I know about mdadm and I guess I can get somehing to work with mdadm20:39
BlinkizShould I install ubuntu in "cli mode" and then download KDE4-rc2 from repository?20:40
DarkTan_damn, settings was there, i accdentally clicked delete and saved20:40
BlinkizOr should I download kubuntu 7.10 and then upgrade to KDE4?20:41
* unix_infidel wonders what kde4 will look like.20:42
LynoureBlinkiz: You are sure you want to go completely to KDE4?20:42
BlinkizLynoure: Yes! :)20:42
LynoureBlinkiz: it's not even released yet...20:42
LynoureBlinkiz: my, never seen anyone who liked the RCs that much :)20:42
ardchoilleBlinkiz: I don't think kde4 is ready for daily/production use yet.20:42
hitsujii would wait for the stable release if i were you20:43
BlinkizJeje, I like RC releases.20:43
unix_infidelardchoille: who uses kde for production use?20:43
ardchoilleunix_infidel: Lots of folks :)20:43
LynoureBlinkiz: if you really want bleeding edge, install hardy, and go to #ubuntu+1 for support20:43
unix_infideldolphin does look pretty interesting as far as file management goes.20:44
Lynoureunix_infidel: I do, actually...20:44
BlinkizOooo nopp, don´t like alpha..20:44
jhutchinsBlinkiz: I would recommend that you install kubuntu, then do the parallel install of KDE4.  It's really not ready for prime time yet, a number of essential packages have not been ported.20:44
DarkTan_is there a way to upgrade 6.06 to gutsy with out d/ling and burning a new DVD?20:44
Blinkizjhutchins: That was the answer I was looking for. I´ll do that :()20:44
ardchoille!upgrade | DarkTan_20:45
ubotuDarkTan_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:45
jhutchinsBlinkiz: Seriously though, if you're going to run it, be good and report bugs and fixes.20:45
ardchoilleDarkTan_: You have to upgrade to Edgy, then from Edgy to Feisty, Then from Feisty to Gutsy20:45
Blinkizjhutchins: Sure, if I find any.20:46
ardchoilleDarkTan_: Probably faster to dl the Gutsy desktop cd and install it20:46
LynoureBlinkiz: if you are a non-KDE developer who ends up using KDE4 fulltime, do blog about it. So far all reviews seem to be from devs or after brief use only20:46
jhutchinsDarkTan_: Short answer is yes, do net upgrades.  You _could- go directly to 7.1, but it's not recommended.20:46
BlinkizLynoure: okay, chill.. Am not that kind of die hard user. ;)20:46
LynoureBlinkiz: chill?20:47
BlinkizLynoure: Yeah, did I spell it wrong? I mean, "relax".20:47
DarkTan_what is "gksu" for?20:47
ardchoilleDarkTan_: That the gnome equivalent of kdesu20:47
DarkTan_that's what i though20:48
LynoureBlinkiz: I just don't understand. Just asked you to write a review if you end up using it fulltime. Nothing to get upset over.20:48
DarkTan_ok i just punched it kdesu "update-manager -c" and got "cannot connect to X server"20:48
xb0thi im new in linux (kubuntu since 1 day my first linx os). i wanted to ask how i can install firefox under kubuntu20:49
xb0tand another question20:49
BlinkizLynoure: Think you miss understand me. Am not upset or anything. Smiling like always! :) Can´t really identify myself being the person writing reviews. Guess it´s not my thing...20:49
xb0twhy cant i log in as root? i do su and when i type my password it says wrong pw.20:49
LynoureDarkTan_: if you are not in a hurry, there will be a direct upgrade from Dapper to the next release, Hardy (8.04, I think)20:49
[ka]killerok, im trying to set up a new ipod20:49
DarkTan_xb0t: sudo apt-get install firefox20:49
ardchoillexb0t: sudo apt-get install firefox20:49
xb0tmust i be root?20:50
DarkTan_lynoure: thx, i'll wat then20:50
ardchoillexb0t: no20:50
xb0tbut what must i do20:50
xb0twhen i must be root20:50
ardchoillexb0t: You will find that reboots are rare20:50
[ka]killercan anyone help me out?20:50
[ka]killeri already have gtkpod installed, but it does not detect the ipod20:50
xb0tand it says i need rootrights but the password doesnt work.20:50
ardchoille!sudo | xb0t read this20:51
ubotuxb0t read this: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.20:51
k4everDr_willis:  i ran the command you gave me (cat package_list | xargs sudo apt-get install).   it outputs that packages needs to be installed, asks me if i want to continue, then immediately aborts..20:51
loloHi anyone running Gutsy, can you tell me if your /lib/modules/"kernel name"/kernel/drivers/video/ has a folder of file named aty in there?20:51
tekteencan someone help me with pulseaudio. I followed the directions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio. I pastebined the problem at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50162/.20:51
arkaitztengo un probelmilla20:51
tekteen!es | arkaitz20:51
ubotuarkaitz: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:51
tekteenarkaitz: lo siento20:52
DarkTan_let me guess, when i install compiz it saves in the settings" menu i don't have anymore right?20:52
xb0tsudo apt-get install programmname ?20:52
xb0tthis is the maincommand for installing?20:52
ardchoillexb0t: Yes, that uses apt-get for installing packages20:52
xb0tand how do i find out how the packetsname is?20:53
xb0twhether for example20:53
xb0ti want to install divx20:53
Dr_willisk4ever,  do an apt-get update, and upgrade and try again perhaps?20:53
xb0tjust typing divx as name?20:53
ardchoillexb0t: apt-cache search divx20:53
Dr_willis!info divx20:53
ubotuPackage divx does not exist in gutsy20:53
tekteenxb0t: w32codecs20:53
Dr_willisTheres not a divx package that i know of. :) there may be some codec pacakges for it20:53
xb0t!info java20:53
ubotuPackage java does not exist in gutsy20:53
ardchoilleDr_willis: w32codecs?20:54
ubotuThe Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages20:54
Dr_willisInstalling the 'kubuntu-restricted-extras' grabs a lot of that stuff to begin with20:54
ardchoillexb0t: apt-cache search java20:54
ardchoilleDr_willis: True20:54
tekteenxb0t: for java I use sun-java6-bin20:54
Dr_willisThats like the fitst thing i isntall when setingup a new install20:54
tekteenand sun-java6-plugin20:55
xb0tok i found it20:55
xb0tand another question20:55
xb0twhen i need this tips again20:55
xb0tcan u tell me where the irc log of this cahnnel is?20:55
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ - See also « /msg ubotu ircstats »20:55
xb0tso that i can read that things when i need them again20:55
xb0thm it installed java20:56
xb0tbut now20:56
xb0tim on a window in terminal20:56
xb0tlooks like ms dos20:56
xb0tand when i push enter20:56
xb0tnothing happens20:56
ardchoilleDid you type a comand before pusing enter?20:56
xb0ti cant type anything20:57
mot_FAIL ME NOT!20:57
mot_xb0t,  you drunk?20:57
xb0tat the end20:57
xb0ttheres a <ok>20:57
xb0tbut its everything in terminal20:57
xb0tand i cant push anything20:57
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration20:58
ardchoille!caps| mot_20:58
ubotumot_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:58
=== corporealzzz is now known as corporeal
pyrotixerm, anyone know how to merge layers in karbon?20:59
pyrotixor karbon1420:59
=== dreamcoder is now known as HyDrO
pyrotixand why when I type sudo apt-get install g++ it tells me to insert my gutsy CD?21:00
Dr_willisbecause your sources.list has the  cd listed21:00
=== HyDrO is now known as |Dreams|
ardchoille!nickspam > |Dreams|21:01
pyrotixand I can't get g++ from a package online?21:01
|Dreams|was trying to find a nick not reggeed21:01
ardchoillepyrotix: Maybe comment the cd sources in /etc/apt/sources.list? That will get rid of the message21:02
k4everDr_willis:  i did apt-get update and apt-get upgrade, it installed some packages.  i ran the command again and got the same results, an abort.21:02
Dr_willisremove the cd listing in the sources.list (or use the repo managment feature in your pakcage manager)  then update/upgrade.21:02
=== corporealzzz is now known as corporeal
Dr_willisk4ever,  interesting.    whats the exact command/seqnence you are using?21:03
ardchoille!nickspam > corporeal21:03
Dr_willisk4ever,  aha. You may need to use a option to apt-get to tell it yes.21:04
k4everDr_willis:  i did "sudo apt-get update", then "sudo apt-get upgrade", then "cat package_list | xargs sudo apt-get install"21:04
Dr_willis--assume-yes and --force-yes may be needed21:05
Dr_willisalso you DID make the package_list?21:06
Dr_willisHeres what i normally do.. on machine 1.21:06
Dr_willissudo dpkg --get-selections | grep '[[:space:]]install$' | awk '{print $1}' > package_list21:06
Dr_willisthat makes the package list.. I ssh that over to machine #2.21:06
Dr_willisthen i run the  other command that reads that list21:07
Dr_williscat package_list | xargs sudo apt-get install  --assume-yes --force-yes21:07
k4everDr_willis:  yes i made the package_list, i also copied the sources.list from the same computer and did an apt-get update before running the command21:07
Dr_willisThat just worked here for me on these 2 machines.21:07
Dr_willisI have some scripts/alias's for those complex command lines also. makes it easier21:08
Dr_willis!es | Vincent_k21:08
ubotuVincent_k: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:08
vit_nadie habla espanñol21:08
Dr_willisoops sorry Vincent_k  :)21:08
mani213how do i install drivers?21:08
mani213on kubuntu21:08
ardchoillemani213: drivers for what?21:08
mani213liek a .run file21:08
Dr_willismani213,  depends on what they are for, and where/what you downlaoded21:08
Dr_willisyou RUN a run file. :)21:08
k4everDr_willis:  ok, --assume-yes worked21:08
Dr_willischmod +x whatever.run    then ./whatever.run21:08
ardchoillemani213: video drivers?21:09
Dr_willisk4ever,  odd. I havent had touse --asume-yes befor now.. wonder why21:09
mani213whats the command "bash <dir> <filename>"?21:09
Dr_willisbash /path/to/filename.run21:09
Dr_willisis often used also.21:09
mani213were do i send it to though?21:09
jhutchinssend it to?21:09
mani213liek you know how windows u install files in program files21:09
=== ubuntu_ is now known as diaz150_
Dr_willissend? send what? you are runing somthings.21:09
xb0tmy internet crashed could somebody tell me again the command for searching programs pls?21:09
Dr_willisthe installer takes care of that.21:09
=== diaz150_ is now known as diaz1500
ardchoille!nickspam > diaz150021:10
Dr_willisLinux has some very well defined ideas on what things get installed where.21:10
mani213but if im using the bash /path/to/filename.run command21:10
ardchoillexb0t: apt-cache search <app name>21:10
mani213what would i replace to?21:10
jhutchinsmani213: Using a ".run file" to "install drivers" is probably a bad idea.21:10
Dr_willismani213,  that runs that command.. thats it.. nothing more or less..21:10
mani213okay so what would u recommend me installing a ati driver?21:10
ardchoillemani213: video drivers?21:10
mani213ye ati21:10
ardchoille!ati | mani21321:11
Dr_willisthe rest is up to the installer thing in the .run file.21:11
ubotumani213: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:11
ardchoillemani213: The bot already posted it to you21:11
xb0tardchoille and to install was21:11
xb0tsudo apt -get install programname?21:12
mani213this is instructions for ubuntu21:12
mani213i need kubuntu21:12
ardchoillexb0t: sudo apt-get install <package name>21:12
diaz1500so.. i have a problem.... i cant use kopete...21:12
xb0tok thx21:12
jhutchinsxb0t: apt-get or aptitude21:12
xb0twhen i want to install21:12
xb0tsudo apt -get install wine21:12
xb0tthis error came21:12
xb0tE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.21:12
jhutchinsdiaz1500: Use pidgin then21:13
ardchoillemani213: The command line instruction work for kubuntu too21:13
jhutchinsxb0t: Or follow those very clear and direct instructions.21:13
jhutchinsxb0t: Why don't you just do what it says?21:14
diaz1500but pidgin is not installed in my pc21:14
xb0ti dont understand this sorry21:14
mani213so glxinfo |grep is a command?21:14
xb0tthese are my first 30 minutes with linux21:15
ardchoillejhutchins: xb0t is quite new to Linux21:15
mani213it says 9500 or higher21:15
mani213i only have 7200 ati radeon21:15
mani213would it still work21:15
jhutchinsxb0t: What part of " you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem." troubles you?21:15
xb0tyeah i made this21:16
xb0tbut it says21:16
jhutchinsxb0t: I don't mean to be unkind, I'm just pushing you forward.21:16
xb0ti need super rights21:16
jhutchins!sudo | xb0t21:16
ubotuxb0t: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.21:16
jhutchins!kdesu | xb0t21:16
ubotuxb0t: In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)21:16
ardchoillexb0t: Didn't you read the sudo page I gave you earlier?21:16
antonio_ciao a tutti21:17
jhutchinsxb0t: Those of us who run linux a lot forget the obvious sometimes.21:17
xb0tthe problem is sorry im 14 years and my english is still not so good cause i had it since 2 years in school21:17
xb0tthe most words i dont understand21:17
jhutchinsxb0t: so you would do sudo dpkg --configure -a21:17
ardchoillexb0t: What's your native language? Perhaps there's a loco channel which can help you in your language.21:18
xb0tsome words i dont know is there a page with german commands?21:18
jhutchinsxb0t: We will use many words for you so you can learn more!  What's your native language?21:18
xb0tgerman or turkish21:18
ardchoille!de | xb0t21:18
ubotuxb0t: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:18
corporealardchoille: botspammer :-p21:18
xb0toh thanks21:18
=== shizik is now known as Lemuria
jhutchinsxb0t: Ach, Ich habe fur sex jahre in de schule Deutsch studiert, aber I habe nieman zum mitsprechen, und Ich vergessen zu viel.21:19
xb0tyes i see u forgot a lot :P21:19
ardchoillecorporeal: If you feel I am wrong, please pm me.21:19
jhutchinsxb0t: Sie sprechen English gut.21:19
xb0tno my english is still to low talk with other people21:20
xb0tsome things i understand21:20
xb0tother things i dont21:20
jpatrickxb0t: sorgen nicht, ich hab das mit Deutsch :)21:20
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:20
jhutchinsxb0t: Anyway:  sudo dpkg --configure -a is what you want.21:20
corporealardchoille: oh i was just messing with you. you have a point... heh.21:22
=== shizik is now known as lemuria
corporealardchoille: or rather, the bot has a point...21:22
nrg88hi guys, i know this is not the best place to ask, but how can i contact GNU in refference of theft?21:23
nrg88like someone rebadging and selling GPL-ed software as proprietary...21:23
niksavelhey all...21:24
konradHow long does it (usually) take before the new version of Amarok is availible via aptitude updates?21:24
niksavelsome1 pls help me...   how the hell do I change emerald themes in kubuntu???21:24
niksavelThis fusion thing is new to me... last time I used beryl I had that nice little icon in tray21:24
ardchoillekonrad: Usually once kubuntu is released, we won't get new versions unless it's major bug fixes or security updates21:24
ardchoilleniksavel: support for compiz is in #compiz-fusion21:25
konradardchoille: Ok. Might I be in for a lot of problems later if I download source and compile?21:26
ardchoillekonrad: It's always best to check the repos before compiling anyting. What are you looking for?21:26
ardchoillekonrad: apt-cache search <package name>21:26
jhutchinsxb0t: Do you know about babelfish?21:27
jhutchins!info amarok21:27
ubotuamarok: versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.7-0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 9618 kB, installed size 31020 kB21:27
konradnrg88: Maybe you can find something here: http://www.fsf.org/21:27
jhutchinskonrad: It should be available soon, only been out a week.21:28
jhutchinshttp://seerofsouls often backports it, but it was down yesterday.21:28
nrg88konrad: thanks21:28
jhutchinsDown today too...21:28
jhutchinsHey, Hawkwind!21:28
jhutchinsYer site's down!21:29
Lynourenrg88: I'd recommend contacting the developers directly, as they are the rightholders, still.21:29
konradardchoille: I want the new 1.4.8 amarok (fixes bugs with playlists in 1.4.7)21:29
ardchoillekonrad: I don't see a problem with compiling, I;ve done it with no ill effects. But you might wait and see if we get an update. Up to you.21:29
jhutchinskonrad: It'll probably get packaged by next weekend by somebody.21:30
|Dreams|does anyone know of a ssl capable usenet client for linux please21:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usenet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about newsreader - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:32
[ka]killerhow do i restart xserv that is not ctrl+alt+backspace21:32
emilsedgh[ka]killer: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart ?21:33
emilsedgh[ka]killer: did it work?21:34
[ka]killerim changing something first21:34
jhutchins|Dreams|: I think pan can use ssl, possibly knode as well.21:34
|Dreams|i have treid pan butno option for ssl21:35
jhutchinskdepim does nntp, I think, but that might use knode.21:35
jhutchinspine works.21:35
jhutchinsagain, don't know if they offer ssl though.21:35
Lynoure|Dreams|: Out of curiousity, which server requires ssl?21:36
|Dreams|it doesnt require it but i use giganews21:36
|Dreams|would prefer ssl21:36
|Dreams|i kno i can use stunnel21:37
|Dreams|but just wanted an easy job lol21:37
|Dreams|maybe i shud just stick with alt.binz under wine21:37
* |Dreams| is away: Gone away for now.21:39
jhutchinsSigh.  http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html lists 13 linux newsreaders, and he's gonna run something under wine.21:39
jussi01!away > |Dreams|21:40
[ka]killerno that did not work21:41
[ka]killerkdm just shut down and i had to type in the command again to restart it21:41
=== maison is now known as maison_
sparrlibcurl3 installs /usr/lib/libcurl.so.3 and /usr/lib/libcurl.so.4, but it doesnt symlink either of them to /usr/lib/libcurl.so, so i cant compile things with "-lcurl"...  whats up with that?21:54
crimsun...they shouldn't.21:54
crimsunthat's the job of the appropriate -dev package.21:55
sparri happen to disagree...  but thats moot, since there isn't a -dev package21:55
sparrimho, -dev packages are for headers, not libraries.21:55
crimsuncrimsun@Box:~$ apt-cache showsrc curl|grep ^Bin21:55
crimsunBinary: curl, libcurl4-openssl-dev, libcurl3-gnutls, libcurl4-gnutls-dev, libcurl3-dbg, libcurl321:55
sparri see no libcurl3*dev21:56
crimsunthere shouldn't be.  There was a transition /away from/ 3.21:56
sparrthe -dev thing for .so links is weird, but i see that you are correct21:58
DreamCodeamsn has a newly released version but when i use the autopacage it says please check ur internet connection any ideas?21:59
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
sourcemakerDreamCode: Have you tried kopete?22:00
DreamCodeyea i dont like it22:00
noaXess!find pluto22:00
ubotuFile pluto found in logwatch, openswan, strongswan22:00
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsamixer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:01
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:01
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:02
josuahey guys22:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsamixer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:14
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:15
jhutchinsBehemot: Did you need something, or are you just playing with the bot?22:16
Behemotjhutchins: a little bit of both :)22:17
mani213whats the program called that gives you that apple osx dock ?22:17
Dr_willis_thers several of them mani213  and they are alike in that they all suck, :)22:17
mani213so which ones the best one22:18
Dr_willis_Thus they are as good as the actual OS-X dock. :)22:18
mani213name one good one i guess22:18
Dr_willis_!find dock22:18
ubotuFound: docker, haddock, kdocker, knetdockapp, kooldock (and 3 others)22:18
mani213i wana try it22:18
mani213there all usless?22:18
Dr_willis_fire  Up the package manager and searh for 'dock'  i guess. :)22:18
mani213not as good as apple is it?22:18
Dr_willis_I found them to either have HUGE bugs, or be so useless. other then as eye andy.. i perfer the panel22:19
Dr_willis_I dont like apples dock either.22:19
mani213ye i guess your right22:19
mani213i just hate windows vista22:19
Dr_willis_Take a simple idea and add so much extras.. it cant do the original job right. :)22:19
jatosmani213: that makes two of us22:20
Dr_willis_You may want to check out katapult also. hit alt-space22:20
mani213i had it installed few days back pissed me off and at the same time i got the kubuntu cd dilivered22:20
jatosI seen on my friends computers, its ghastly22:20
mani213there soo many bugs are vista you cant even fix em22:21
jatosand it takes loads of searching to get to a command prompt22:21
mani213atleast for kubuntu you can play around with it22:21
Dr_willis_using vista right now.. I have no real issues with it.. Now that i turned off that idiotic uac. and the eyecandy is about as useless as can be..22:21
mani213i just installed xo home22:21
mani213for back up22:21
mani213and kubuntu 7.1022:21
mani213with is amazing22:21
Dr_willis_To get command prompt in vista.. enter 'cmd' in the 'start search' entry box. :)22:22
mani213ye thats is i use windows now22:22
Dr_willis_Getting where the default gnome and kde setups are hiding THEIR terminal  icons more  and more22:22
mani213theres enough bugs with compiz to22:23
mani213but atleast theres fixes for it22:23
Dr_willis_Best fix for compiz = turn it off. :)22:23
mani213naw but compiz brings the best out of linux22:23
mani213well kind of for me22:23
mani213i had to get it cause of the cube22:23
mani213the compiz fusion22:24
Dr_willis_I have the opposite approace.. compiz cutters up the 'best of linux'22:24
Dr_willis_and i find the cube expecially useless.22:24
Dr_willis_now the ZOOM feature - is handy.22:24
biovorecompviz makes linux run like crap22:24
Dr_willis_and the show 'thumbnails' in the panel is handy22:24
mani213the jellow effect22:24
mani213when u move your window22:24
mani213thats not to bad22:24
BehemotWhat is the command for changing sound card chip in alsa mixer?22:24
Dr_willis_The wiggly windows = Pure gratituisy eye candy.. adds nothing to getting actual work done. :)22:25
Dr_willis_Eyecandy causes Ocular Cavaties22:25
mani213just gives you a better reason to pick linux in the grub section22:25
Dr_willis_I will be glad in a year or so from now when people have gotten into the next gimmic.. and given up on that silly cube22:26
Dr_willis_Gotta love computing fads and trends22:26
mani213kubuntu can eb confusin at some times though22:27
mani213cause im not aware of all the commands that i type in shell or konsole22:27
jatosanyone here ever tryed QNX?22:28
mani213how do you get all that weather docks etc etc etc22:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsaconf - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:29
biovoreQNX.. isn't that a RTOS..22:29
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php22:32
jnp3134does anybody know how to set the default sound card in kubuntu and make it stick (I've already tried asoundconf set-default-card Intel)?22:32
jnp3134I have 2 sound cards and want the default to be my onboard sound22:33
noaXessdoes anybody use ipsec/vpn? i don't know exactly what tp use..22:35
noaXessto use..22:35
MGrundeAnyone else having trouble with openoffice in Hardy?22:37
MGrundejnp:  I know there's a way, but I've always just blacklisted the module for my secondary sound card.22:40
Behemotjnp3134: asoundconf list   gives you 2 sound cards?22:41
jnp3134Behemot: Yes - Mia and Intel22:41
Behemotjnp3134: You want to use Intel?22:42
Behemotjnp3134: asoundconf set-default-card Intel22:42
jnp3134Behemot: I've tried that, but it doesn't seem to work (specifically, it doesn't change the default in Amarok)22:43
Behemotdoes it change it in Alsamixer?22:44
jnp3134Behemot: I am able to use both sound cards successfully (in Audacity), but I can't set the default for some reason22:44
jnp3134Behemot: I get this when I try to run alsamixer: "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device"22:45
jnp3134It's as if there is no default specified22:45
Behemotjnp3134: that is weird22:46
Behemotjnp3134: tried setting Mia as default and run alsamixer?22:46
jnp3134Behemot: I get the same error after executing asoundconf set-default-card Mia22:47
Behemotjnp3134: try asoundconf reset-default-card22:48
BluesKajthe name of the souncard should be in quotes if there are spaces in the name22:49
jnp3134Behemot: still no change.  I tried running it both with KMix Running and with it shut down22:50
BluesKajor try the name in quotes anyway22:50
jnp3134Blueskaj: I'll try it with quotes to see if it makes a difference22:50
=== mistagee is now known as MistaGee
BluesKaj!it | roby22:54
uboturoby: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!22:54
jnp3134Blueskaj: No luck putting the sound card name in quotes22:54
jnp3134Behemot or Blueskaj: are you aware of any file that I could manually edit in order to specify the default sound card?22:56
BluesKajjnp3134, try this to find the right name of your soundcards : cat /proc/asound/cards22:56
jnp3134BluesKaj: here is the output:22:57
jnp3134$ cat /proc/asound/cards22:57
jnp3134 0 [Mia            ]: Echo_Mia - Mia22:57
jnp3134                      Mia rev.0 (DSP56361) at 0xdce00000 irq 1822:57
jnp3134 1 [Intel          ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel22:57
jnp3134                      HDA Intel at 0xdffdc000 irq 1622:57
ardchoille!pastebin | jnp313422:57
ubotujnp3134: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)22:57
BluesKajjnp3134,   asoundconf set-default-card "HDA Intel" , doesn't work eh ?22:59
robysalve ragazzi22:59
ardchoille!it | roby23:00
uboturoby: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!23:00
jnp3134BluesKaj: Nope - asoundconf set-default-card "HDA Intel" doesn't seem to have an effect either23:03
bertoitaliano? inglese? :)23:03
ardchoille!it | berto23:04
ubotuberto: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!23:04
bertograzie tanks23:04
liquidengineerHow is everyone today?23:05
ardchoillehi liquidengineer23:05
liquidengineerI'm having a problem getting my ubuntu to broadcast its hostname23:06
=== MistaGee is now known as mistagee
liquidengineerI just edited dhclient.conf and set the following two lines 1) send host-name "hostname"; and 2) send dhcp-client-identifier MAC_ADDR; .  Now my router sees it's client ID as the mac address without colons, and not the hostname23:06
liquidengineerWhat am I doing wrong?23:06
ardchoilleliquidengineer: Ubuntu? You should be in #ubuntu.23:06
liquidengineerardchoille: It's a bit busy in there...I can't seem to get anyone's attention, and I figured (perhaps incorrectly) kubuntu used the same network underpinnings, especially since I"m working in the terminal23:07
liquidengineerI'm just editing dhclient.conf and using dhclient to refresh23:07
ardchoilleliquidengineer: For the proper help, you should be in the proper channel, and for your that's #ubuntu23:07
testablusome one link me the italian room? ty...23:08
liquidengineerardchoille: Well, yes.  Thing is, I've been trying to get someone's attention for the past 40 minutes and failing, so I thought i'd try here.  You're right, though.  Sorry. :)23:08
andreashey i have a problem23:08
andreasi try to send a file from my pc to my account on a server23:09
andreasi use dolphin to browse my files23:09
andreasand when i click "move here"23:09
andreasfor my file to go to the other server23:09
jnp3134BluesKaj: thanks for the help - I have to go for now.  Hopefully you gave me enough to find a solution23:09
ardchoilleliquidengineer: No problem, I just didn't want any subtle difference between the two releases to cause you problems with bad advice23:09
andreasit says that i don't have write permissions23:10
testabluchi mi linka la stanza in italiano?23:10
ardchoille!it | testablu23:10
ubotutestablu: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!23:10
andreasi think i have to do this as root but how can i do that?23:10
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.23:10
ardchoilleandreas: You mean run dolphin as root?23:11
andreashow can i do that?23:11
ardchoille!kdesudo | andreas23:11
ubotuandreas: In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)23:11
andreasok thx i 'll try it and come back23:11
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:12
andreasyeah but now that i run it as root23:12
andreasi can't see my files23:13
andreasand the server is not on my networks as before23:13
andreasi don't see my files when i go to home23:13
ardchoilleandreas: That's because root's $HOME is not the same as user's $HOME23:14
ardchoilleandreas: Your normal user and root are two different users with two different sets of files.23:14
andreasthen what do i do now?23:14
andreasi can find the files of andreas23:15
andreasbut i can't find the network i want to login23:15
ardchoilleandreas: In dolphin, go to the folder which holds the files you want to work with23:15
andreasi did it23:15
andreasbut in remote places23:15
ardchoille/home/andreas  ?23:15
uchimatahow can i change my default file manager from Dolphin to konqueror23:15
ardchoille!dolphin | uchimata23:15
ubotuuchimata: Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.23:15
uchimatathanks adrchoille23:16
andreasardchoille: do you see where my problem is?23:16
andreasroot's remote places are not the same as andreas' remote places23:17
andreasand i  want andreas' remote places23:17
ardchoilleandreas: Right, so you would have to set up the remote places for root, right?23:17
andreasanyway i'll try late23:18
andreasthx anyways23:18
iceman_flash drive won't mount23:22
Joelitoanyone here tryied the kdeartwork package?23:25
ardchoilleJoelito: I have it installed23:26
Joelitoardchoille: Do you know the name of the binary23:26
comeditI need to mount (force) a external harddisk wich is wrongly shutdown last time23:26
comeditwhat is wrong with this command  sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdh1 /media/lacie force23:26
Joelitoardchoille: I install it via sypnatic and doesn't appear in the menu of kde :(23:27
ardchoilleJoelito: It's not really a binary, it's themes, styles and such23:27
comeditI can't figure it out23:27
ardchoilleJoelito: It won't appear in the menu, it installs themes, styles, wallpapers, etc. Check your settings for things like that23:28
ardchoillecomedit: What is the error you are getting?23:28
Joelitooh, yeah, see there's a link23:28
Joelitoand send me to a webpage23:29
JoelitoI was hoping that will be the same as art work from gnome :)23:29
ardchoilleJoelito: Ah, more kde artwork can be found at  http://www.kde-look.org23:29
Joelitothanks :)23:30
|Dreams|help! lol23:30
|Dreams|can anyone help.. when i extract a video file form a rar file .. it wont play but when i restart kubuntu the file works :S23:31
comeditdolphin does not mount this device How can I force the mount I have tried this :  sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdh1 /media/lacie force but it doesn't work23:32
comeditanybody a clue23:33
itsjustmetext command to get the main taskbar back23:33
itsjustmeautohide the taskbar and cant get it back now23:34
|Dreams|is it a bug should i report it?23:35
=== mistagee is now known as MistaGee
comeditdolphin does not mount this device How can I force the mount I have tried this : sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdh1 /media/lacie force but it doesn't work23:38
|Dreams|why dont u use konquerer?23:39
comeditI will give it a try now23:39
itsjustmecant find the taskbar after autohide... how do I get it back?23:40
comeditkonquerer: hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 100023:40
comeditsame error ofcourse23:41
ardchoilleitsjustme: Does the panel unhide when you move your mouse to the screen edge?23:41
itsjustmethere is a key combonation that will bring it back and I dont know it23:41
readyxwhen i insert a second pci-x gfx card, am i able to connect 4 screens then? and use twinview with 4 screens?23:42
Dr_willismine auto hides after 3 sec. then shows up when i put the pointer at the bottom of the screen23:42
Dr_willisreadyx,  you got 2 nvidia cards?23:42
Dr_willisand a HUGE desk. :)23:43
itsjustmeHi Dr_willis.. Unfortunetly still unable to get sound...23:43
Dr_williswith 2 nvidia cards - you should be able to do it.  I got plenty of space with 2 monitoprs.. i cant imagine using 423:43
readyxcurrently i have one geforce 7300le and 2 tft's connected23:43
readyxand i have a huge desk :)23:43
Dr_willisitsjustme,  Yep. theres some new audio chipsets out - that are not spported well under linux yet.23:43
comeditsow still the same question  whats wrong with this : sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdh1 /media/lacie force23:44
readyx4 meters hehe23:44
readyxi want to buy a second nvidia with 2x dvi out23:44
Dr_willisHeck the only thing i keep on Monitor #2 is a konsole or 2 and some panels with buttons.23:44
Dr_willisBe sure ya Power supply can take it. :)23:44
readyxi have vmware/win, eclipse, firefox, xchat and want each on seperate screen23:46
readyxas console i use yakuake.. thats a very cool one23:46
ardchoilleitsjustme: You got a terminal open?23:46
ardchoilleitsjustme: alt+f2 and type in: dcop kicker kicker showTaskBarConfig23:47
ardchoilleitsjustme: That will bring up the kicker config so you can unhide it23:47
itsjustmeTHX  thats what I was looking for23:48
=== MistaGee is now known as mistagee
dorkfaceHi all.  I'm currently trying to get ssh to work on my recently assembled personal server.  So far I have tried using a point-to-point connection using a crossover, disabling ip tables, and generating a key as means of solving the issue, but all have resulted in a refused connection.  Any suggestions?23:50
Joelitook, I downloaded a theme for kde, but doesn't appear in the list23:50
Joelitoany tip?23:50
ardchoilleJoelito: Where did you put the theme and what type of theme is it?23:50
Joelitoor mayne I23:50
ardchoilleJoelito: What's the url of the theme?23:51
Joelitook, is my documents23:51
Joelitothis is the url_ http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Grey+Matrix?content=152923:51
ardchoilleJoelito: unpack the theme and read greymatrix.txt? That file has install instructions.23:54
EdsCan anyone tell me why after I installed Kubuntu Gutsy it thought I had fiesty installed and wanted to upgrade?23:54
Joelitoardchoille: I'll try23:55
ardchoilleJoelito: in a terminal, cd to the folder where the theme is and do: tar xf 1529-greymatrix.tgz23:55
Joelitoardchoille any special command to run install.sh?23:57
ardchoilleJoelito: There is no install.sh, read the .txt file23:57
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion23:57
DarkTan_! kwin23:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kwin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:59
DarkTan_!find kwin23:59
ubotuFound: kwin, kwin-style-crystal, kwin4, kwin-baghira, kwin-style-alphacube (and 6 others)23:59

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