
Ubulettedamn, softokn3 should not be in /usr/lib/nss. is debian really testing its stuff?01:27
CheGuevarawhat did i do01:38
armin76working on mozilla stuff sucks, uh? :D11:50
asacarmin76: ?12:19
armin76asac: it doesn't suck? :P12:21
asacI'd say it depends :)12:24
armin76well, i wasn't supposed to do mozilla stuff, i was only supposed to do the -bin stuff12:25
armin76but everyone at the team left, so i'm alone12:25
asacthe -bin stuff? whats that?12:25
armin76the binary provided by mozilla12:26
asacnow look at this ... iceowl failed on powerpc and arm :/12:28
armin76wtf is iceowl?12:28
asacicedove however failed on s390 only12:28
asacsunbird yeah12:29
armin76dpkg-shlibdeps: failure: couldn't find library libxpcom.so12:32
asacit looks like dpkg breakage12:32
armin76i don't think any mozilla stuff will work on s390 :P12:37
asacon arm C++ cannot create executables ... even though it works for icedove12:40
asacthats too sucky ... so yes: it sucks ;)12:40
asacarmin76: do you have arm+powerpc avail?12:42
armin76arm no, ppc yes12:42
asacs390 ;) ?12:43
armin76the arm dev box broke some weeks ago12:43
armin76nope, but i could12:43
armin76in fact i'm just asking to get access atm :P12:44
armin76although i believe buidling mozilla on s390 is pointless12:45
armin76doesn''t have display hardware12:45
asacdamn i forget to include the s390 patch for icedove12:46
asacarmin76: afaik redhat supports it12:47
* asac away getting drugs to kill this flu :(13:04
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asacarmin76: could you attach the updated sparc patch to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16182617:43
ubotuMozilla bug 161826 in Layout: Fonts and Text "nsTextFrame::MeasureText()'s fast text measuring codepath crashes on RISC machines" [Critical,New]17:43
Ubulettewhat do you think about bug 145218 ?17:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 145218 in firefox-3.0 ""Open with, Other" option should default to /usr/bin/" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14521817:53
asacwould be just a tiny improvement ... firefox 3 would deserve a gnome application selector.18:22
Ubulettethere's already one18:27
Ubulettein prefs, "Applications"18:27
asacthats something different18:29
asacthats preferences ... not application selector ... when opening file in gnome users should get what you get in nautilus when right clicking and selecting "other application"18:30
Ubulettethe bug was about opening /usr/bin18:32
Ubulettemozilla bug 40823818:41
ubotuMozilla bug 408238 in Embedding: GTK Widget "back out unreviewed microb changes." [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40823818:42
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=== asac_ is now known as asac

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