
Jack_SparrowAnyone awake...?00:42
ardchoilleI am00:42
Jack_SparrowTheeagle seems to be constantly disruptive. One day its wahting hacking advice today it is programming and not liking our rules00:43
Jack_SparrowUbuntu fyi00:43
ardchoilleI saw that.00:43
Jack_SparrowCan someone please give him an attitude adjustment00:43
Jack_SparrowBefore that it was how to remotely get into someones system and be disruptive etc00:44
emgenthello, some italian op ?01:00
no0ticemgent, -it-ops01:00
emgentok, thanks :P01:00
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, MenZa said: !no, !vbox is <reply> VirtualBox is an x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as `virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for !Gutsy, !Feisty, !Edgy and !Dapper. Setup details at https://help.ubunut.com/community/VirtualBox. Help for non-free version in #vbox01:01
* MenZa cleans his teeth.01:01
LjLVirtualBox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://www.virtualbox.org/ for !Feisty, !Edgy and !Dapper - Setup details at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox01:01
LjL!no virtualbox is <reply> VirtualBox is an x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubunut.com/community/VirtualBox01:02
ubotuI'll remember that LjL01:02
MenZaThat's better.01:03
LjLplease, beware of emgent in case he tries to gain the favor on anyone/anything. he seems pretty good at pretending he's a well-known developer, or something... however, his last boutade was sending a goatze-like link to several people in an Ubuntu channel - and that's just the last in a series.01:13
ardchoilleLjL: Thanks for the heads up01:14
hdvalencewhat's the policy on bots?02:32
ubotuastro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (FaCeLifT)02:32
elkbuntuno unauthorised bots02:32
ubotucrdlb called the ops in #ubuntu (FaCeLifT)02:32
crdlbgah lag -_-02:32
MenZa#ubuntu-offtopic: Darealterry is looking very o4o-y.03:03
LjLMenZa, !o4o pretty much highlights us :)03:05
MenZaThought I would notify -ops anyway.03:05
LjLMenZa: it's like, you call him o4o and then invite him there...?03:13
* MenZa lifts eyebrow03:14
LjLwell i didn't invite him03:15
LjLMenZa: i'm off to bed. good luck you'll need it03:23
MenZaLjL, one request.03:23
MenZaLjL, Seveas' channel management script (I believe it's Seveas).03:23
LjLi don't know a thing about it03:23
LjLi'm on konversation03:23
MenZaWith +o $self, /remove x, -o $self etc.03:23
MenZaOr is that done plainly with aliases?03:23
LjLchanserv.pl or something03:23
LjLi really don't know where it's found03:24
MenZaProbably the Wiki.03:24
LjLthere's also some auto_bleh03:24
MenZaSleep well, LjL.03:24
MenZaDoes anyone here have a copy of this, chanserv.pl?03:25
naliothMenZa: it's chanserv.py and it's on !seveas site03:25
MenZaI just fell over it, actually.03:26
MenZaAw, it's xchat.03:26
naliothMenZa: there is one for irssi03:27
naliothdo you use irssi?03:29
MenZaI do, yes.03:29
MenZaI don't see it on Dennis' site.03:29
MenZanalioth: Do you know where I can find this irssi script?03:32
naliothMenZa: sure03:34
naliothask uncle google "auto_bleh.pl"03:34
MenZaThat works, cheers.03:35
ardchoillenalioth: Not sure if you're aware, but spammer: i=Mitt08@h16.170.134.98.ip.windstream.net03:42
naliothardchoille: what's the time stamp on that spam?03:42
naliothi'll bet it predates this time stamp:  >> (K-line) of GoMittGo (i=Mitt08@h16.170.134.98.ip.windstream.net)03:43
ardchoilleAbout 27 mins ago03:43
naliothardchoille: please preface your reports with a time  :)03:43
ardchoilleI just got back to the computer, didn't know if you knew yet03:44
naliothyou kinda had me going there (as I klined all of his IPs)03:44
ardchoilleSorry, will preface with time from now on03:44
ubotuastro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (yoface)04:11
ubotuyoface called the ops in #ubuntu ()04:13
naliothdealt with04:13
naliothubotu: tell yoface about botabuse04:14
ubotuIn ubotu, yoface said: what is this04:15
ardchoillestdin: Good job :)04:26
ardchoilleHe was walking on the edge there04:26
stdinI was waiting, already had the command typed in04:27
ubotuastro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (Leiah)04:34
PiciThat was quick. Well, the klining and the banning too.04:36
nalioththat user was acting the foo' in other channels04:36
ardchoilleI figured it was headed that way as soon as he/she joined and said "Leiah is female" and then "Leiah anyone?"04:37
ardchoillenalioth: hahaha04:37
ubotunickrud called the ops in #ubuntu (MELIANTE)05:35
tritiumnixternal: why the -b?05:39
nixternalgood apology and a promise not to repeat the offense again05:39
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)08:43
Myrttielkbuntu: your slip is still showing ;-)08:51
elkbuntuMyrtti, eh?08:52
Myrtti@ ;-)08:52
elkbuntuMyrtti, are you aware of any awake staffers, the exploiter isnt klined yet08:52
Myrttinada :-/08:53
jpatrickguys do we know a rootard [n=rootard@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:465f] ?09:28
ardchoilleI don't recognise that nick09:29
jpatrickhe's sitting in #ubuntu-devel09:29
jpatrickfirst time I've since a hostmask like that :)09:30
Tm_Tnothing new09:30
* Tm_T hugs Myrtti 09:31
jpatrickaha, right09:31
AndrewBWhy was I invited to #ubuntu.com?09:36
AndrewB20:30 >> Invitejoin: Joined #ubuntu.com (Invited by Ubuworker).09:36
Tm_TAndrewB: spam09:37
elkbuntuAndrewB, how long ago?09:37
AndrewBwell its 0937  and that was 203009:37
elkbuntuAndrewB, ok cool. i wasnt sure since it's 20:38 here now09:37
elkbuntunal locked it up as soon as we found it09:38
AndrewB:) Cool09:38
Myrttithe channels been killed a long time ago09:38
AndrewBSeem to have been having a few script kiddies last night09:38
Myrttiy'all might want to join #ubuntu-irc09:38
AndrewBMyrtti: is that not operators only?09:39
AndrewBInternational Ubuntu IRC operators channel09:40
MyrttiAndrewB: this channel is09:40
jussi01hmmm, what is the protocol with offensive names? (shitsweak - #k ) (is it even offensive to you?)10:02
Tm_Tjussi01: watch10:03
elkbuntuthis channel is really for ops of the main channels such as #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, etc10:03
Tm_T+ problems10:03
* Tm_T hugs elkbuntu 10:04
jussi01Tm_T: :)10:05
Tm_Tjussi01: see, it's simple10:05
jussi01Tm_T: yeah, I was not sure if it should be done in channel or not.10:06
Tm_Tjussi01: sure, then others can comment too if he argue against, as, if they're ok with it10:06
jussi01Im just makin sure I dont step on toes :D10:06
Tm_Tif it's clear case, just remove10:06
Tm_Tbut those cases you don't know if it's offensive or not, ask, if they refuse and noone makes problem about it, just leave :)10:07
ubotuscguy318 called the ops in #ubuntu (AmL)11:15
=== elkbuntu_ is now known as elkbuntu
Sinistral_Hello, I was forwarded to #ubuntu-read-topic and applied the suggested Fix 1. I'd like to re-join #ubuntu and appriciate any help with this.12:19
jussi01Sinistral_: ther should be someone along shortly to get you tested. Im sorry, I can help here.12:20
Sinistral_Thanks. No haste, it's not urgent :o)12:21
MyrttiSinistral_: let's see12:27
Myrttibantracker is down12:31
* jussi01 hugs Myrtti... 12:32
Myrttithere we go.12:35
Myrttihave a good one, and consider connecting to freenode using the port 8001 in the future12:35
Myrtti^ Sinistral_12:36
Sinistral_Thanks again and have a good one, too! :o)12:36
Sinistral_see ya12:36
Myrttisomeone should send a email explaining how the tests are done in a bomb-proof way12:37
Myrtti'cause I'm always left with a doubt that I'm doing it wrong12:37
* jussi01 doesnt know how to do the test, so cant help. 12:38
jussi01I agree though12:38
=== elkbuntu_ is now known as elkbuntu
ubotuscguy318 called the ops in #ubuntu (nikita)12:59
jussi01hmmm, how does one go about kickforwarding/banforwarding?14:22
Myrttiyou add the channel where you want them to join with ! in the end14:23
LjLjussi01: /mode #channel1 +b nick!ident@host!#channel214:23
MyrttiLjL: could you humor me and tell me in /msg how the testing should be done properly?14:24
LjLDCC testing?14:24
jussi01Myrtti: ahh, thanks :) did youhave an alias in your list for that?14:24
MyrttiLjL: yeah14:24
Myrttijussi01: nope14:24
Myrttibut you can add it quite easily though14:26
MyrttiI can do it when I've done /dcctest14:26
jussi01Myrtti: thanks :D14:27
* PriceChild waves14:38
Jack_SparrowMorning (here)14:38
Myrtti/me wonders if Pricey really waves in a volunteer way14:39
PriceChildI was :)14:39
PriceChildWasn't waving to you Jack_Sparrow :P14:39
Jack_SparrowNow my feelings are hurt14:39
Jack_SparrowMorning Myrtti14:39
Myrttinope, didn't work14:39
jpatrickwhat's the %Price... for?14:40
Myrttido you want an honest answer or will a smile suffice?14:41
jpatrickno, the % <-14:41
Jack_SparrowPriceChild: Needs to use more than one finger when waving14:41
PriceChildjpatrick, means "mute"14:41
PriceChildjpatrick, allows people to join/part but not speak14:42
jpatrickI see14:42
Myrttijussi01: I've got no idea how to get it work, irssi's too clever for me this time14:43
Jack_SparrowHow is everyone today...  "Mom" gets out of Hospital tomorrow..  4yr old has been a sweetheart14:43
elkbuntuJack_Sparrow, are you an op in one of the main channels?14:53
elkbuntuJack_Sparrow, this channel is for the main ops organisation and taking complaints, it's not for lurking or chitchat14:57
Jack_SparrowSorry about that..  been a long wek14:57
=== jpatrick_ is now known as jpatrick
Jack_SparrowI am just one of the regular helpers in channel14:58
=== Dave2 is now known as _Dave2_
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)15:22
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question, ask the question --On One Line -- that you need answered, and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:22
ompaulis that too wordy and the -- needs to be balanced15:22
LjLi'm leaving. problems with the bots -> ask seveas, he has the password, account "bots" or "ubot4" or "ubotwo", otherwise kick15:56
LjLhappy new year everyone15:56
jpatrickhappy new year LjL15:56
jpatricksee you later15:56
Myrtti17:53 < itaqu> http://www.hotgirlclub.net.ms check out hot girl movies15:57
Myrtti17:54 @,- itaqu [n=itaqu@dslb-088-072-010-072.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left  #ubuntu [requested by Myrtti: "tut-tut"]15:57
Myrttishould I ban him too?15:57
LjLyeah Myrtti that's a ban15:57
jpatrickbest to stop coming back15:57
MyrttiI hate doing those15:57
MyrttiI get them all borked and unbanning doesn't work and bwah15:58
jpatrick /unban -last15:58
nalioth@now rome16:06
ubotuCurrent time in Europe/Rome: December 30 2007, 17:06:06 - Next meeting: Edubuntu meeting in 2 days16:06
naliothMyrtti: are we repelling boarders?16:06
naliothMyrtti: why are you opped in the ops channel?16:08
Myrttioh, sorry16:08
Myrttitotally forgot them after unbanning pricey16:08
Myrttiyou should've said earlier my slip was showing16:09
naliothi'll remember that, Myrtti16:09
Myrttijolly good, now I've got Shizuo in pm17:07
naliothMyrtti: lucky you  :)17:08
Myrttinalioth: would it be a hassle to drop my wikipedia cloak?17:10
naliothMyrtti: what cloak would you like?17:11
Myrttinone, I'll apply for ubuntu membership when I've got time17:12
Myrttimy myrtti.fi showing is ok17:12
Myrttithat idiot is working his way into my ignore list17:13
Myrttivery very very fast17:14
naliothMyrtti: your .fi is showing   :P17:14
Myrttijolly good17:15
MyrttiI'm not going to touch that ban17:18
Myrttiif someone feels something has to be done for it, feel free17:18
MyrttiI think I'm too biased to deal with it17:19
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
ompaulhow would people feel about me taking very obviously noisy nick changes and forwarding them here with a /msg ubotu away to understand your removal from #ubuntu ?18:02
MyrttiI wouldn't mind18:02
ompaulMyrtti, thanks ;-)  also important is there any one who would actively object?18:03
ardchoilleNo objection here18:03
ompaulardchoille, ta18:04
ompaulI think it would add some value to those who /away18:04
Myrtti/me huggles her screenaway.pl18:04
ompaulif someone says they were not using the right nick when they joined ask them to consider joining with the right one ;-)18:05
ardchoilleMyrtti: Thanks for the idea, screen_away.pl seems rather nice.18:06
PriceChild"very obviously noisy nick changes" - do you mean "several in a short space of time"?18:07
ompaulPriceChild, that and18:07
ompaul /nick zzz_nick18:07
Myrtti/nick Myrtti_bathroom18:07
crdlband "crdlb|eating" :)18:07
naliothi'd not worry about the latter18:07
ardchoilleI hate those18:07
Myrtti/nick Myrtti_shopping_LOLOLO18:07
ompaul /nick zzz_gonetosleep18:07
naliothbut several in a short space, sure18:08
ompaulnalioth, I am 100% sure we have trolls doing it cos we don't action it18:08
ompaulI had stand up rows in pm with them a while ago18:08
Myrttinalioth: there's plenty of good reasons of not using nickchanges to mark that you're away18:08
ompaulthe usual who the * do you think you are18:08
ompauland so for18:08
naliothMyrtti: yes, i know.18:09
naliothjust gave my opinion  :)18:09
Myrttiand they *should* be addressed18:09
PriceChildI normally just remove the ones that do /nick nick_sleep with /msg ubotu away as the remove message when i see them18:09
ompaulPriceChild, I want to make it very obvious to trolls that we are taking it seriously18:09
ompaulshall we give it a shot for a week and see how it goes?18:10
ompaulNext question should we put this in the topic?   NOTICE - nick changing in this channel may result in removal18:12
ompaulor Notice: nick changing in this channel may result in removal18:12
ompauljust to cover this activity>?18:12
jpatrick"too-much" nick changing sounds better to me18:12
ompauljpatrick, too much means you are measuring it18:13
ompaulif you get 10 people do it back to back18:13
ompaulis that too much18:13
ompaulan obvious where a nick is killed and then taken over is not what we are talking about here18:13
ompaulit is zZzZ_gone_asleep18:14
ompaulor something like that |eating18:14
ompaulwe don't need life commentaries18:14
jpatricklong live /away18:14
ompaulthre is that18:14
ompauland it is what we need to encourage18:15
ompaulactually here we go18:15
ompaulplease note that nick changing in this channel may result in removal /msg ubotu away18:15
ompaulput that in the topic18:15
ompaulin the middle before the flash announce18:16
jpatrickI do that for #kubuntu?18:17
ompaulif you have a serious problem with it18:18
ompaulwe seem to in #ubuntu18:18
Myrtti/CSTOPIC http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Myrtti hates public aways | Vote for your favorite applications in #ubuntu-bots18:18
Myrttithat for #ubuntu-offtopic ;-)18:18
jpatrickhmm, not many on #kubuntu18:20
naliothompaul: why put it in the topic? it's already in the guidelines18:20
ompaulnalioth, cos I want it there to justify the removals easily18:21
ompaulnalioth, one less argument18:21
naliothompaul: with trolls, there will _always_ be an argument18:21
ompaulnalioth, yes, however not that one :)18:22
ompauland that is fine cos it is here18:22
ompaulPriceChild, if that thing is still scrolling tell me and I quit18:37
jpatrickardchoille: I haven't fully understood your "!guidelines | Blissex"18:49
ardchoillejpatrick: He was talking about his "manly appendage length"18:49
jpatrickah, missed that..18:50
naliothardchoille: his umbrella ?19:07
naliothhis girlfriend/wife ?19:07
* nalioth puzzles over 'manly appendage'19:07
jussi01Ok, quick question. I had a situation earlier where I called !ot and someone commented that it wasnt really ot, however it was, even though it was kubuntu discussion it was not support. The question I have is what is the best way to deal with people who think that they know better than the ops?19:08
ardchoillenalioth: Notes19:08
naliothardchoille: i'm just messin' with ya19:09
naliothi probably spend too much time on the crosswords19:09
* crdlb directs attention to #ubuntu19:09
ardchoillenalioth: lol19:10
Myrttijussi01: I always refer to how long I've used ubuntu19:11
Myrttijussi01: it usually shuts them up ;-)19:11
jussi01Myrtti: that doesnt really work for me, as Ive only been using since edgy...19:11
jussi01cripes, I sound like a druggo :P19:11
Myrttijussi01: too bad ;-)19:12
Myrtti<-- warty user19:12
Myrttiwell actually I dist-upgraded to hoary flight 2 or like19:12
stdinjussi01: point them to the guidelines, then /remove if they continue to be offtopic19:14
PriceChildjussi01, normally explaining that "ontopic" is only ubuntu support usually works, if not then remove19:15
jussi01stdin: it wasnt the offtopic person, just some other person commenting19:15
Myrttijussi01: how long have you used irc then?19:15
jussi01Myrtti: since edgy...19:15
Myrttijussi01: d'oh19:16
stdinjussi01: then just point them to the guidelines, (and ask then to continue discussion of if it's offtopic or not in -offtopic ;)19:16
* jussi01 thanks everyone, i dont know what Id do without you. :)19:18
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
ardchoilleIs it best to /kick or !away for obvious public away's like: ~~~ |Dreams| is away: Gone away for now.21:43
ompaulwhat I was saying was remove them to here with /msg ubotu away21:45
ompaulso they get the idea21:45
KagarLjL -- is my banishment over yet?22:44
KagarTiz been about a month22:45
Kagarcan you unban me elkbuntu?22:54
ubotubruenig called the ops in #ubuntu ()22:57
ompaulKagar, very unlikely given your history that anyone but LjL might lift that ban - and the bad news is that he will not be back until next year23:02
ompaulit is not a month it is more like three weeks23:03
Kagarwhen you say "your history" makes it sound like I'm some criminal...23:08
ompaulokay let me be more exact23:10
ompaulyour behaviour on IRC would not inspire anyone to lift your ban23:11
ompaulthis behaviour was noted in particular on the following dates: Apr 19, Aug 20, Sep 03, Sep 17, Oct22, Nov4, x2, Dec 02, Dec 08 and Dec 0923:13
Kagarjeez, ha23:13
Kagarthough, I think some of them were unjust -- due to some filter words came up, I believe and was kicked without context -- meh23:14
ompaulI can quote a line from each of them if you want23:14
ompaulbut actually I won't23:14
ompaulcos I am not going to do that much work23:14
Kagarall right, understandable.23:15
ompaulnow is there anything else?23:15
Kagarmm, not really. Have a good new years.23:15
ompaulI'll try23:15
ompaulenjoy yours23:15
PriceChildWhat I nice fellow.23:16
ompaulPriceChild, but you is a nice fellow!23:16
PriceChildI always think its funny when you're thinking two things and manage to convey neither23:16
ompaulPriceChild, no, for me that is normal23:17
ompaulardchoille, as you well know :)23:19
ardchoilleompaul: Happens to the best of us23:20
ompaulardchoille, I think I got that thing worked out23:20
ardchoilleompaul: Did coffee help? :)23:20
ompaulardchoille, who knows, the env got new variables mapped, seemed to do the trick23:21
ardchoilleAh :)23:21
linux_stuis there any way i can be unbanned from #ubuntu please?23:35
PriceChildRemember why you were banned?23:39
linux_stui asked a question in the channel even though i do not use ubuntu.  it was not a distribution specific question.  i had asked in ##linux and #gentoo, but no one knew the answer.  i figured i would try asking in #ubuntu, and then someone noticed i had asked in #gentoo and i was kick-banned.  i won't do in again23:42
PriceChildThat's not quite the whole story though it is...23:43
PriceChildfrom your account you appear *extremely* hard done by23:43
linux_stuwell i pissed off an op23:44
PriceChildfrom the logs, it seems like it was a pretty distribution specific questin23:45
PriceChildI'm pretty sure things like hal and ntfs drivers are implemented differently in gentoo and Ubuntu.23:45
linux_stuah i remember now23:46
PriceChildBut that's not the point.23:46
linux_stuit turns out the problem was related to a bug in the kernel driver23:46
linux_stui was told23:46
linux_stunever mind23:49
PriceChildYou were told you were offtopic in #ubuntu, you were told where you should go. #ubuntu is a ridiculously busy place. You aren't going to get a decent gentoo answer in #ubuntu, and you're going to confuse helpers.23:49
PriceChildThat's the bottom line23:49
linux_stuk sorry23:49
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:49
PriceChildTake a read please.23:49
linux_stui read it23:54

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