
lhoersteshould I use /usr/share/phpmyadmin or /var/lib/phpmyadmin for my phpmyadmin install?00:18
osmosishow do I get ride of the  apache2: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed    when I do  sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart01:27
=== Delvien__ is now known as Delvien
mralphabetosmosis: look at your /etc/hosts file03:02
mralphabetosmosis: somebody else mentioned that the line does not have a fqdn03:03
osmosismralphabet: uhh  fqdn?03:06
mralphabetfully qualified domain name03:07
osmosismralphabet: your right,03:07
osmosismralphabet: i still get this though,  apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName03:07
mralphabetthat can be forced somewhere in the apache ini files, but that is just a warning, not a failure03:08
mralphabetby using the ServerName directive03:10
=== MenZa_ is now known as MenZa
nealmcbosmosis: as they say, IIRC you can sop those apache warnings by putting the right fqdn for (note 1.1) in /etc/hosts04:21
osmosisnealmcb: i go that part..im still getting    apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName  though04:22
nealmcbosmosis: hmm - well that is what worked for me, using a default apache install04:30
osmosisnealmcb: yah...that took away one error, but there is still another. i think its an apache.conf error04:42
nealmcbfrom this blueprint I gather that in gutsy I can't expect my cups printers to be automatically shared via avahi to macs on the local network: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/printer-sharing   but in hardy that now works.  so what is avahi being used for in gutsy (it is a dependency - libavahi-compat-libdnssd1)?05:20
* nealmcb succeeds with sudo /usr/share/cups/enable_browsing 1 #edits /etc/cups/cupsd.conf sudo /usr/share/cups/enable_sharing 106:10
nealmcb...having found the out-of-date advice at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HOWTO-enable-cups-browsing (which I didn't find earlier since it didn't mention "avahi" - I'll fix that....06:12
nealmcbsommer: (ivoks?) more updates of that howto ^ would be good for post-dapper and to answer the questions about security and recommendations06:29
=== macd_ is now known as macd
pteaguesuggestion for a location to store the library files for vmware server?  /opt/lib/vmware, /usr/lib/vmware, or something else?11:35
Gh0styis there a way to address all disks individualy from a software raid 5 by uuid?13:36
Gh0styi have raid 5 consisting of /dev/sdb up to /dev/sdf which is ofcourse now /dev/md013:37
Gh0stywould like to read out each disks temperature with hddtemp13:37
Gh0styproblem is: depending of the startup of my machine sometimes sdf becomes sda and sda becomes sdf ... so i cannot rely on the names. I would like to use UUID. But since i dont mount each disk individually i have no entries for eachc disk under /dev/disk/by-uuid13:38
tt_Would 256 MB is enough for unbuntu server?14:20
tt_hi stormx :)14:25
tt_Would 256 MB ram is enough 2 run Ubuntu Server?14:28
dthackertt_, yes15:25
dthackerbut beware of swapping if you run heavy loads on it.15:25
=== ember_ is now known as ember
theunixgeekHow do I set up alpine to receive email messages?16:51
spiekeymy ubuntu box keeps spaming my tty with logs. How can i disable that?16:55
spiekeymy ubuntu box logs my iptable stuff to tty0 and i cant use my tty anymore.17:26
spiekeyany idea where i can change that?17:27
spiekey(i just asked this a few mins ago but got disconnected)17:27
sorenspiekey: Can I see your iptables LOG rules?18:02
spiekeyexample: $IPTABLES -A Out_RULE_3  -j LOG  --log-level 3 --log-prefix "RULE 3 -- ACCEPT " --log-tcp-sequence  --log-tcp-options  --log-ip-options18:04
spiekeyis that enough?18:04
sorenspiekey: Yes. Just a sec. (I'm on the phone)18:08
spiekeybrb, too18:09
sorenspiekey: Why --log-level 3?18:10
spiekeyi changed it to info ;)18:11
spiekeynow it works18:11
spiekeyi though this was a ubuntu issue18:11
sorenHeh.. np :)18:11
=== juliux is now known as JuliusBloch
pteagueanybody know if /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/vmware_drv.so something from the vmware server install?19:25
mralphabetpteague: I don't believe so19:28
pteaguek, for some reason i'm having issues installing vmware & thought i might just try to start over19:29
mralphabetit is from x11/xserver-xorg-video-vmware19:29
pteagueit's just weird cause i didn't have any issues installing vmware server on my box at work & the only difference is intel on this box instead of amd, 2 gigs of ram more, & the 8600gts has 512 instead of 256mb ram19:31
pteagueany idea which gcc i should be trying to build this with? 4.2?19:34
nealmcbpteague - /srv/vmware?20:06
pteagueah, i figured it out... was trying to install 1.0.3 & should have installed 1.0.4... it seems to be working now20:10
lifesfhello :) I need help... i need to install dnsexit and it tells me to run setup.pl .... only typing setup.pl is telling me: [bash: setup.pl: command not found]22:18
lifesfUbuntu Server 7.1022:19
zullifesf: do you hvae perl installed?22:21
lifesfnot sure...22:21
lifesfapt-get install perl?22:21
lifesfyes it was installed22:31
=== ewook_ is now known as ewook
SweMacHi... Having big issues trying to convert avi to 3gp on ubuntu server22:45
SweMacget unknown codec error22:45
SweMacTried installing ffmpeg from medibuntu repo, but dont know how22:45
lifesfhow do i run/install setup.pl?22:50
SweMaccheck that, chmod +x setup.pl22:53
lifesfi did ./setup.pl it worked :)22:54
lifesfbut now it's asking me if i want to run it as a daemon :S22:54
sorenSweMac: #ubuntu is the channel for you. This has nothing to do with Ubuntu server.23:03
SweMacsoren working great on ubuntu-desktop but having problems on ubuntu-server, but try there...23:04
nealmcbGh0sty: e.g. /dev/disk/by-uuid/0b61784e-aec2-4112-b9d7-f1b9b8ee8a52 ?23:04
nealmcbor  /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.1-scsi-0:0:0:023:05
sorenSweMac: Doesn't matter. The only difference between ubuntu server and desktop is the kernel and the set of packages installed by default. Neither has software for converting avi to 3gp, so you're not dealing with the default set of software anyway :)23:06
nealmcbsoren: happy holidays - have you been getting a nice vacation?23:09
Gh0stynealmcb: if i list all under /dev/disk/by-uuid/ my disks dont have individual uuid's23:10
Gh0stysince they are part of the array ...23:10
nealmcbGh0sty: how about /dev/disk/by-id etc?23:10
Gh0styhow do you give a disk an id? :/23:12
Gh0styremeber vague it was something with partitioning or filesystem based ... :/23:12
lifesfwhat is the difference between runnning in daemon and not?23:32
sorennealmcb: I'm completely knackered. I bought a house about a month ago, and I've spent the holiday working on it. As you have probably guessed, I'm not used to handling power tools for 10 hours a day..23:33
sorennealmcb: Thanks for asking, though. How about you?23:34
lifesfwhat is the difference between runnning dnsexit in daemon and not?23:36
sorenlifesf: deamons typically detach from the terminal and keep running in the background.23:39
sorenGh0sty: You don't give disk id's yourself. They're automatically set by mkfs.23:39
Gh0styah really23:42
Gh0styhave to check ...23:42
Gh0stywhat an id's :p23:42
Gh0stycan i somehow map such id's to something better readable? :p23:43
Gh0styto use with hddtemp ;)23:43
J_5anyone ever created a terminal server with ubuntu? is this even possible?23:47
Gh0stywhy shouldn't it be possible? :p23:48
J_5haha well...good point.23:50
Gh0stywhat do you want? share your linux desktop for multiple clients? :/23:51
J_5well, yes. i just want to be able to access a desktop remotely23:53
sorenJ_5: That's even installed by default. Just enable it under System->Settings->Remote desktop or something to that effect.23:54
J_5well, can i do this. I have a ubuntu server. can i turn that into a terminal server? and login with RDP/VNC whatever?23:57
sorenJ_5: ...assuming you have a desktop running already and that's what you want to connect to. If not, you probably want to enable a vnc server in gdm or something.23:57
sorenJ_5: Yes. Ask google about vnc and gdm.23:57
J_5ok thanks23:57
sorennp :)23:58
* soren goes to bed23:58

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