
stgraberindeed, I saw some thin clients at interesting price on ebay00:00
seamus123I guess still quite expensive compared with buying a full on dell or equivalent low end system00:01
pygiHedgeMage !00:01
stgraberjust make sure to ask on #ltsp before making any thin clients order, there are people with great experience of thin clients hardware who will be able to tell you if it's a good idea or not to buy a specific thin client00:02
seamus123Thanks for tthe tip stgraber00:02
seamus123~$ apt-cache search italc00:06
seamus123italc-client - Intelligent Teaching and Learning with Computers00:06
seamus123italc-master - Intelligent Teaching and Learning with Computers00:06
seamus123in the repos already>?00:06
stgraberit's a buddy 1.0.2 I guess00:06
stgrabercrashing as soon as you try to start a VNC connection00:07
seamus123ahh the aforementioned bug you're ironing out ;)00:07
stgraberare you running gutsy i386 or amd64 ?00:07
stgrabernope, mine is just in the demo mode, other VNC interactions (viewing and taking control) work fine here00:08
seamus123running 7.10 (downloaded this morning) in VM ware on 138600:08
stgraberok, so building an italc 1.0.4 for gutsy i386 now, will take like 10minutes00:09
stgraberthis one should work without any crash except if you try to enter "demo" mode, viewing screen, taking control, locking, logging out, .. everything else should work fine00:09
seamus123hmm ok00:09
seamus123so from a client perspective it should be fine i.e. my thin client boots over PXE as it does now, but I'd use iTalc instead of TCM to manage it?00:10
stgraberitalc doesn't require x11vnc, so you wouldn't have to change the chroot if using italc00:11
seamus123installing now00:11
seamus123where/why would you install the client component ?00:11
stgraberitalc is made of two part : ica which is the client part must run on both the clients (students in my case) and on the master (teacher in my case)00:12
stgraberthen "italc" itself is the tacher part and is run only on the teacher computer00:12
stgraberaccess is restricted by unix groups (you have public and private keys, the one who can read the private keys is the teacher)00:12
stgraberso you basically run "ica" by default for everyone, then only the teacher (admin group) can run italc and connect to the clients00:13
seamus123running italc from the command line after installing gave me all the errors about no student comps online and no keys generated either00:13
seamus123so looks like time for me to dive into the online manual!00:13
stgraberyes, gutsy's package isn't that good :)00:14
stgrabermy package generates the keys at installation time00:14
seamus123available on a daily snapshot anywhere?00:14
stgraberI'm uploading a gutsy i386 package just now00:14
stgraberI haven't tested them, they finished building 30s ago and I no longer have gutsy computers except my servers00:16
seamus123installing now00:23
seamus123LOL it kindly advised me to install the old version from the repos ;)00:24
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stgraberyou should install them in that order : libitalc, italc-client, italc-master00:25
stgraberor : sudo dpkg -i *.deb && sudo apt-get -f install00:25
stgraberwhich will solve the various dependency issues (installing missing packages if any)00:25
seamus123yeah got round that, all installed00:26
stgraberif you run : ica -role teacher00:26
stgraberand then : italc00:26
stgraberyou should have the teacher UI00:26
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seamus123hmm ran that command but nothing happened00:27
stgraberica -role teach is some kind of daemon so will only stop when it crashes00:28
stgraberso just start this one in a console and open another to run : italc00:28
seamus123Ahh there's the QT goodness ;) LOL00:29
seamus123Reminds me (lovingly) of Amarok!00:30
stgraberyou can run : "ica -noshm -ivsport 10000 -isdport 11000" on the client00:30
seamus123so I need these three packages also installed on my thin client right? (well perhaps not the master one)00:30
stgraberthen create a classroom and add a new client with : as address00:31
seamus123ah - you pre-empted me00:31
stgrabernope, you just need them on the server, nothing to install in the chroot00:31
stgraberas the gnome session you see on the client is the gnome installed on the server, only low-level things are installed in the chroot (initscripts, some system binaries and X basically)00:32
seamus123sorry, ica -noshm -ivsport 10000 -isdport 11000 needs to be run on the server right, not the thin client?00:33
seamus123thinclient didn't recognise the ica command when I attempted it00:33
stgrabertry opening a gnome-terminal on the thin client (virtual in your case) and run the ica thing, it should work00:33
seamus123Hmm that's what I did00:34
seamus123got this:00:34
seamus123Unrecognised commmandline-argument -sdport00:34
seamus123ahh typo!!00:34
seamus123my bad00:34
seamus123ok ran that anda dded the classroom on the same address in classroom manager00:35
seamus123I've added the classroom00:36
seamus123do I manually need to add the computer?00:36
seamus123or should it be able to see it?00:36
stgraberyou have to add it by hand, address =
stgraberI have some scripts here that generates the config file automatically but that's for the next version of the package00:37
seamus123ok - added, but it says host unreachable00:38
seamus123actually it's seeing itself again00:38
seamus123perhaps I entered the wrong IP for thinclient00:38
seamus123double chekcing00:38
stgraberdid you specify (not the :10000 which is the ivsport of the client)00:39
* stgraber is doing more and more typos ... looks like it's time to consider going to bed :)00:40
seamus123hmm I added a classroom with address of ""00:40
seamus123and then added a computer to the classroom with the same address00:40
stgraberok, you could have called your classroom any other name, it doesn't matter. Though it's strange you don't see the client as it should be listening on :1000000:41
stgraberbut as I said I haven't tried on Gutsy (7.10), maybe the fixes I did for Hardy (8.04) broke the VNC part for Gutsy (QT version change and funny things like that)00:41
seamus123$ ica -role teacher00:43
seamus123[warning] isdConnection::readFromServer(): connection failed: 000:43
seamus123[warning] demoServer::updaterThread::run(): could not connect to local IVS!00:43
seamus123[warning] isdConnection::open(): unable to connect to server on client
seamus123[warning] demoServer::updaterThread::run(): could not connect to local IVS!00:43
seamus123[warning] QProcess: Destroyed while process is still running.00:43
stgraberhmm, yes it looks like either some kind of safe guard (as it thinks you are going to enter a loop) or a bug in QT ...00:45
seamus123I think it could be weirdism with the VM IP's to be honest00:45
seamus123on the thin client I have two IP:00:45
stgraberit's something I'll have to investigate (as I have a test classroom using it on Gutsy), but hmm, it's bed time here :)00:46
seamus123when I enter both of those into italc as the client IP it only shows the master screen00:46
seamus123not the thin client00:46
stgraberand adding :10000 doesn't help I guess ? (without any specified port number, it means you own ica which then shows your own screen)00:47
seamus123ha! Just looked at your homepage - I was actually viewing this on the w/e when I was searching for Ubuntu teacher tools!00:51
seamus123and now I'm talkig to you! how v. cool00:52
seamus123I was actually trying to go to switzerland for 200800:52
seamus123biut was dependent on my wife getting a job as a dentist there00:52
seamus123SSO.ch helped, but didn't eventuate in the end :()00:52
seamus123would have loved to have spent a year there!00:52
stgraberhmm, maybe just try to close italc and open it again00:53
stgraberin case it's one of those weird config thing I already had (their XML handler isn't so good actually)00:53
seamus123yeah same issue - restarted italc, sees the two comps (different IP) but both showing the master screen00:54
seamus123will put it down to the VM trickery00:54
seamus123shame, looks like a good app and I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it!00:54
seamus123YOu say it will be bundled in place of TCM in hardy?00:55
stgraberTCM is unmaintained since feisty (7.04) (Pete is lacking of time), so we preferred to choose an already existing tool and integrating it rather than writting our own00:56
pygiforgive me, but what will be in instead of TCM?:P00:58
pygi(I didn't listen :P)00:58
pygisomebody inform me of what that is :)00:59
stgraberan existing tool done in C++ and using QT, running on both Windows and Linux (MacOS is on the roadmap)00:59
pygiwell, seems more mature then TCM for sure :p01:00
stgrabernot hard :)01:00
pygiweird UI tho01:00
pygiyea, that's why I said it :p01:00
stgraberyes, that's a Windows-like UI done using QT ... ogra hates it and so do I :)01:00
pygistgraber, fork and write new UI :p01:01
stgraberI'll try to make it a bit more Linux friendly :) (we already turned of some help balloons which were really annoying)01:01
stgraberhmm, I'm not good at QT neither am I at C++01:01
pygiyou learn =)01:01
stgraberI'm more a python/gtk guy ...01:01
seamus123would it be possible to change the GUI to be more gnome like?01:01
pygistgraber, split the backend part, bind it in python, and create pygtk interface =)01:01
pygiseamus123, just discussing :P01:02
pygibut in theory, hard01:02
stgraberwell, that would mean moving from QT to GTK which isn't really easy01:02
stgraberand our goal was to patch an upstream release, but with patch <80% of the code :)01:02
stgraberit's QT thing everywhere in his code, so that would mean a really massive rewrite01:02
stgraberhe's moving some part of the code into a library, so maybe one day ...01:03
pygithis UI seems really bad :-/01:03
pygiit's like ... designed for a computer, instead of a user01:03
stgraberyes, and there are some funny bugs like huge UTF-8 misdetection (funny when you have First/Last name with special chars in them)01:04
pygiit's not QT that's problem IMHO ... UI itself is the problem ;P01:04
stgraberit's done for Windows users01:05
stgraberand most Windows tools like italc have UI really similar to italc's01:05
stgraber(I have GenevaLogic's Vision or NetOP school in mind)01:05
pygiyup, saw NetOp01:06
pygiNetOp is nicer then this tho01:06
pygistgraber, why dont you take over that tool we had?01:06
stgraberI'm spending 90% of my free time working on the Ubuntu QA website01:06
pygiah, no idea what that is yet so ... :P01:07
stgraberso I have done a reworked version of TCM handling VNC in a better way, working with screenshots for preview and so on, but it's still the usual problem, we would need someone to work on that :)01:07
stgraberand using italc make integration in schools easier as some of them are already using it on Windows01:07
pygiand using italc makes users cry :P01:08
stgraberhttps://iso.qa.stgraber.org for instance, that's the ISO Testing tracker01:08
pygiah, I know that, yes01:08
pyginice work on that01:08
stgraberor http://iso.test.stgraber.org for the version I'm currently working on (with a uhm... huge todolist)01:08
pygibtw. django, turbogears, what?01:09
pygijoy ;P01:11
pygiphp :)01:11
pygiyou can do such evil things out of php? :P01:11
pygihow? :)01:11
pygiergh, I meant drupal01:12
stgraberyes, you can :)01:12
stgraberbut it doesn't use much drupal functions except for the user management part :)01:13
pygithought so :)01:13
* pygi wonders how easy would it be to do a rails/merb prototype of the same01:13
pyginot too hard if I had the template, I suck at css and stuff :P01:14
stgraberso do I, that's why we love the ubuntu-art guys and the official ubuntu theme :)01:14
pygistgraber, you know at least a tiny bit of ruby?01:15
pygiwe could try to prototype new version there if your version is not ready :)01:15
stgraberwell, the new version is to be released next week :) (should be on-line by the 10th)01:16
pygiwe can do it in 3 days :P01:16
pygiso it's faster :p01:16
pygi(just a joke ... you're rocking ;))01:17
stgraberif I didn't have to do it in php at the first place, I would certainly have done it in python or eventually ruby (I don't know if Canonical's sysadmin like ruby but they surely hate php :))01:18
pygiwhy did you had to do it in php? :p01:19
stgraberbecause I was doing it at school while my classmates were studying php01:19
pygi:D :D :D :D :D01:19
pyginice :P01:20
pygiwell, once new release is out we can talk about porting to ruby :)01:20
pygi(or python, but I'm learning ruby now so it's more fun :P)01:20
pyginow time to go to sleep, I gotta get up in 3.5 hours01:21
pygihappy new year :)01:21
stgraberhehe, so do I ... CET time ..01:21
stgraberhappy new year to you to01:21
pygiyup xD01:21
pygi2:21AM :p01:21
pygihaha :D01:22
seamus123well, new's year is only 10hrs away for me!01:22
pygigood night :)01:22
pygiseamus123, go party :P01:22
seamus123you too - enjoy01:22
pygior write us a new tool supported on all major platforms :p01:22
* pygi is out01:22
* stgraber too01:23
seamus123thanks again for your help01:23
suboptWhere can i find the detailed package listings for edubuntu?17:22
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