
mhbwow, that's soon00:00
Riddellooh, it's the most exciting day of the year00:00
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | Next meeting: 2nd January 23:00 | Enjoy your hogmanay revels
mhbheh :o)00:00
mhbit's exciting provided you don't have a ton of stuff to learn for school00:01
mhbsay that to the Darboux's theorem00:05
nixternalI still have 2 weeks before school starts back up00:05
nixternalhoping this semester will be a bit more peaceful00:05
nixternalhowever, this semester, I need to find me a job :)00:05
nixternalno more free money00:06
mhbnixternal: for you or for us from you?00:07
nixternalhaha, neither :p00:07
ubotuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too!00:08
mhbI still see free money...00:08
nixternalkdelibs manpages do not like me at all00:18
imbrandonRiddell: i'm working on getting it fixed right now, they tell me a newer svn snapshot will fix it, i'll be able to confirm here in a few minutes00:25
CheGuevara... if not he'll get Hobbsee to poke me to death00:26
nixternalhahahha, kdebindings is whoopin' on ya still? don't feel bad, kdelibs is whoopin' on me00:26
* Hobbsee looks in00:26
nixternalbut adding a custom dh_installman option in rules should help me00:26
* CheGuevara hides00:26
nixternalkde4libs reupload initiated00:57
nixternaland now for the rest of kde400:57
CheGuevaraam i on crack or there's no trash bin plasmoid in kde 401:20
Marty_Stoopid_someone told me to give suggestion for the next release, it's here01:23
Marty_Stoopid_i find that ubuntu/kubuntu have 2 big problems01:24
yuriywow so many errors are having to convert std::string to QString01:26
mhbyuriy: still playing with Adept?01:30
mhbMarty_Stoopid_: go on01:30
mhbCheGuevara: that makes it the ideal start for plasma development if you're a Kubuntu fan01:31
Marty_Stoopid_first of all, kubuntu doesn't have a gui for the firewall (and more after installation netfilter is not actif)01:31
mhbooh, they just have 11 days until KDE4 comes out01:31
* mhb wonders if they manage to fix the Desktop plasmoid01:32
CheGuevara11 till release01:32
CheGuevarawhich means 5 days till tagging01:32
* Hobbsee wonders what the point of a GUI for an already-set firewall is.01:32
Hobbseeif you happen to need a particular port unblocked, etc, or wahtever, then you should be smart enough to install a firewall.01:33
mhbHobbsee: AFAIK there's no firewall on default installs01:33
Marty_Stoopid_i always have to install firestarter after install kubuntu, a dead application because choice is short01:33
Hobbseeto customise it as you wish01:33
Hobbseemhb: iptables, last i checked.01:33
mhbHobbsee: right, meaning "Chain * (policy ACCEPT) "01:33
mhblast I checked, which is a few seconds ago01:33
nixternalI fell asleep while kdepimlibs5 was building, right here in my chair01:33
Hobbseemhb: always has been.  no open ports by default either, short of the avahi, and standard points also, iirc.01:34
Marty_Stoopid_Hobbsee: opensuse, after installation firewall block all ports and there is a gui01:34
CheGuevaralol nixternal01:34
fdovingnixternal: that is a hint, go sleep.01:34
Hobbseeyes, but is there a GUI that most people are going to change anyway?01:34
nixternalI had some good ol' chicago style chili dogs for dinner and now I am lacking energy :)01:34
mhbMarty_Stoopid_: yes, but we do not leave any ports open on the default Kubuntu installation01:34
mhbMarty_Stoopid_: so basically, there's nothing we can firewall01:34
CheGuevarammm chili dogs01:34
Marty_Stoopid_mhb: wrong01:34
Hobbseemhb: it seems rather pointless to give a GUI for stuff that will hardly ever need changing.01:35
Hobbseemhb: and there's avahi stuff which now has a few open ports01:35
mhbHobbsee: not me who's complaining :o)01:35
Hobbseemhb: i know.  i'm agreeing with you :)01:35
Marty_Stoopid_after installation all of my ports are opended01:35
HobbseeMarty_Stoopid_: what are you using to check that?01:35
Marty_Stoopid_just try to connect to computer with ssh or samba and it works01:36
Hobbseeyes, i said avahi-based stuff was open.01:36
Hobbseethat includes ssh, samba, etc01:36
Hobbseehas been for a few releases now01:36
* Hobbsee notes it's also already been extensively discussed on the forums, devel mailing lists, including with the security people, and the answers ahve been given as "no"01:37
Marty_Stoopid_Hobbsee: but this is bad that ports are open01:37
* Hobbsee suggests blocking port 80 and 6667/8001 too then.01:37
Marty_Stoopid_a standard user does not need any ports opened01:37
CheGuevaramandriva/opensuse provide a firewall frontend i think01:38
* Hobbsee would have thought smb was a fairly reasonable one to leave open01:39
Marty_Stoopid_CheGuevara: yes and this is a cruel missing in ubuntu01:39
HobbseeMarty_Stoopid_: what was the other one?01:39
Marty_Stoopid_Hobbsee: nothing to fix a broken grub through the livecd01:40
mhbMarty_Stoopid_: also, please note that this decision is not ours to make, we just conform to the standard Ubuntu policy, so even if your suggestion was valid, you should direct your opinion to the Ubuntu communication cahnnels.01:40
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:40
Marty_Stoopid_we have to type somes commands to do that01:40
CheGuevaraare we talking about ubuntu or kubuntu :P01:40
HobbseeCheGuevara: both01:40
CheGuevarawell if its kubuntu then it does belong here01:41
HobbseeMarty_Stoopid_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-bf3232f10ddf1b078de064622ccbb25225cdb3c0 and such?01:41
CheGuevarai feel like doing an svn up on kde 401:42
* Hobbsee ponders the idea of grub magically trying to figure her multiboot (>2 OS') system.01:42
mhbHobbsee: doesn't it?01:42
Hobbseemhb: not from a live cd, when it attempts to guess which partition i want it on01:43
Hobbseemhb: it does when doing a normal install, sure01:43
HobbseeMarty_Stoopid_: the question there really is - what are you doing to make grub break?01:43
Hobbseegrub shouldn't *be* breaking01:43
Marty_Stoopid_with opensuse, you put the dvd, 3 or 4 clicks and grub is back and fixed, this is a noob stuff01:43
Hobbseeunless you install windows or something.01:43
Hobbseewhen suse detects my multi-boot system, i'll be very impressed.01:44
Marty_Stoopid_Hobbsee: well after reinstalling windows, some friends lost linux01:44
Marty_Stoopid_and sometimes, kernel update put away windows entreis01:44
mhbthat's a valid point there Marty_Stoopid_ . actually the main reason why we don't have it is because we lack volunteers.01:44
Marty_Stoopid_opensuse detects all os and fix grub with all entries01:45
Hobbseedidn't when i last tried.01:45
Marty_Stoopid_i started linux with suse and now i'm using both opensuse and kubuntu01:45
HobbseeMarty_Stoopid_: that oen sounds more reasonable anyway  - how about you code something that will fix grub on all machines?01:46
Hobbseeuse opensuse as a base.01:47
Hobbseeif you so wish01:47
Marty_Stoopid_you asking me what i do to fix grub on friends machines ?01:47
Hobbseethen we can look at getting it into ubuntu01:47
Hobbseeno, i want you to code it into an app to put it on the live cd.01:49
Marty_Stoopid_i'm not a coder but i think that won't be hard to put a shortcut on livcd desktop and it open i little apps with gui which detect os (update-grub), you can change order, times, ect, and choose where to put the grub (mbr or somewhere else)01:52
Marty_Stoopid_but maybe, i'm wrong and it's hard to create that thing01:52
mhbit's not hard01:54
mhbyou just need someone who a) wants to do it b) has time to do it01:54
Marty_Stoopid_mhb: suse got this duty before novell and i don't think suse have bigger communauty than ubuntu01:54
mhbmany people here fulfill a) but not b)01:54
mhbI don't, for example01:55
mhband the rest of the community most likely doesn't fulfill a)01:55
mhbbelieve me, it's uncommon to meet a volunteer that really puts a lot of time into his efforts01:55
Marty_Stoopid_if i was coder, i' ll do it after work01:56
mhbusually volunteers have a lot of enthusiasm at the beginning, but they lose it rapidly and they stop participating completely after a while01:56
CheGuevaraso true01:56
Marty_Stoopid_but i'm starting to learn bash and python so ... :)01:56
mhbunless motivated by something, like money, or eternal fame01:56
Marty_Stoopid_but there ar so many free applications in developpment and some people don't give up01:58
Marty_Stoopid_canonical enginneers could do it01:59
nixternalI QUIT!02:01
nixternallost motivation, see ya!02:01
mhbI knew it all along02:01
nixternalI bet you did02:01
CheGuevaranixternal: can you finish the rest of kde first, kthxbye02:01
CheGuevarajust kidding :P02:01
mhbactually I'm pulling the strings so you'll leave here02:01
nixternalbuilding kdebase right now02:01
mhbso the place at the Kubuntu Council will be vacant ...02:01
nixternalyou want it? it is yours!02:02
nixternalat least I voted -1 on Dolphin02:02
mhbnixternal: now, did I mention the free money you seem to be giving out? :o)02:02
nixternalyou didn't get any? maybe next time :p02:02
Marty_Stoopid_what are the Ubuntu communication channels ?, i'm gonna beg after them :)02:03
mhbnixternal: nah, I always say you should quit Foresight and Debian activities02:03
nixternalI haven't done anything for either in quite some time02:04
mhbMarty_Stoopid_: the mailing list is the best place, I guess02:04
mhbMarty_Stoopid_: look around lists.ubuntu.com02:04
Marty_Stoopid_mhb: there ? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu02:04
mhbfirst asking on a mailing list could be good02:05
Marty_Stoopid_thanks for your listenning02:07
Marty_Stoopid_i'm a poor french semi geek who ask some terrible requests :)02:08
jelmerhi Marty_Stoopid_02:08
Marty_Stoopid_jelmer: hi , do i know you ?02:09
jelmerdon't think so02:09
Marty_Stoopid_ok :)02:09
Marty_Stoopid_jelmer: is the word "french" that awake you ?02:10
jelmernot really02:10
nixternalI just watched the Google "Poisonous People" talk, and I have come to realize, I would be considered poisonous to this project02:10
jelmerI do know some french, but it's very limited02:11
jelmernixternal: the one from the Subversion people?02:11
Marty_Stoopid_jelmer: I do know some english, but it's very limited toot :)02:11
nixternalya, Ben Sussman gave the talk at the LUG a few weeks back02:11
jelmernixternal: why would you be poisonous to the project?02:11
nixternalI want a bikeshed02:12
nixternalperfectionist to a point02:12
mhbnixternal: you would be poisonous?02:13
mhbI've dealt with such poisonous people02:13
mhbyou're not one of them02:14
nixternaleven after eating chili dogs?02:14
nixternalI beg to differ on that one :p02:14
Marty_Stoopid_ok i'm gonna leave you (it's 3:15 am here) so i go to bed, thanks for your patience02:14
mhbit's the kind of people who believe they are right and the majority is wrong, to the point that they are going to report to Community Council about the injustice done on them.02:14
nixternalk'nite Marty_Stoopid_02:15
nixternalso I guess I should stop reporting all of you to the CC then :)02:15
Marty_Stoopid_nixternal: "K'" like kde ?02:15
nixternalyou got it :)02:15
nixternalactually, that is Jucato's baby02:15
nixternalI stole it, so he would be the *un* original on that one :)02:16
mhbnixternal: if we decided you should not be a part of Kubuntu council anymore, would you write in your blog about it? With titles like "Kubuntu Council is incompetent and should be replaced"?02:16
nixternalprobably :p02:16
mhbif so, I'd consider you poisonous.02:16
nixternalnah, I would step down before I was replaced anyways02:17
mhbbut you're far too old for that :o)02:17
mhbnixternal: it's good to be old sometimes.02:17
nixternalwhat happened to all of the Google dev videos? they had some great c++ ones on Boost and STL, and now I can't find them02:17
mhbnixternal: you can pretend to be wise.02:17
nixternalI have been pretending to be * for ever02:17
yuriyi'm trying to make a konsole part, where is the Part.h supposed to be? or am i looking at this all wrong..02:24
mhbyuriy: I guess at the place where you construct the konsole Part.02:25
mhbyuriy: but that's such a stupid answer that I guess I need more info :o)02:26
yuriyi mean, the include, i can't find it on the system02:26
yuriyand i have kdebase-dev-kde4 installed02:26
mhbthat's from my SVN build, though02:29
yuriyi think i need the thing for konsole specifically02:32
nixternalforgot the kde02:41
mhbyuriy: I see your point.02:44
mhbyuriy: I cannot find that file in my KDE4 SVN build directory.02:46
mhbyuriy: so I guess we're looking at it wrong :o)02:48
mhbyuriy: ping02:54
mhbyuriy: well, let me know if you wanna know how to do it.02:55
mhbyuriy: or, if you aren't doing it yet, check out Dolphin's terminalsidebarpage.cpp .02:58
CheGuevaraomg new icons!03:04
CheGuevaranew log out dialog as well03:12
nixternalwtf is up with kdebase-kde403:21
nixternalwhat goes first? kdebase-kde4, kdebase-runtime03:22
CheGuevaragood question03:25
CheGuevararuntime i think03:25
nixternaltis what it looks like03:26
nixternalbut only for installation it seems03:27
CheGuevarakde 4 compositing sucks on intel03:27
nixternalnot for me it doesn't03:27
nixternalworks like a champ03:27
mhbon some intels it does.03:27
nixternal945 chipset03:27
CheGuevara00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)03:27
CheGuevaragot any special xorg.conf options nixternal03:27
nixternal00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)03:28
nixternal00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)03:28
nixternalsame as me03:28
ScottyBah. My wireless doesn't work on Hardy and the method I used to make it work on 7.10 doesn't work either. It would be a gigantic pain to get an ethernet cable from my router to where I am. Is there anyway I can run 8.04 with a virtual machine while I'm in 7.10 or anything else?03:28
CheGuevaranixternal: and its not sluggish at all for you?03:28
nixternalSection "Device" Identifier      "Intel Corporation Mobile Integrated Graphics Controller" Driver          "i810" BusID           "PCI:0:2:0" Option          "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps"03:28
mhbI've got the same one.03:28
nixternalthat pasted nicely03:28
mhbvewwy sluggish.03:29
CheGuevaraxaanoffscreenpixmaps should be useless03:29
CheGuevarait now uses exa by default03:29
CheGuevaranixternal: opengl ?03:29
nixternalthat is from Dapper maybe?03:29
nixternalno opengl03:29
nixternalI haven't done a fresh install since dapper on this machine03:30
nixternalerr, I have it set for opengl, but when I try to do the earth plasmoid, it says I don't have opengl support03:30
CheGuevaranixternal: any other special options u change in the effects settings?03:30
* nixternal boots into kde403:30
nixternallet me check..brb03:31
CheGuevarawe need the drm patches which are in the -mm kernel03:33
CheGuevarathen intel will perform much better03:33
nixternalalrighty, back03:37
nixternalI removed my xorg.conf and it is still working fine03:37
nixternalactually seems to work a tad bit quicker03:38
nixternalnah, maybe not03:38
CheGuevarahint for intel users03:38
CheGuevaraadd export INTEL_BATCH=103:38
CheGuevarato your .bashrc03:38
CheGuevaraForecast: an early TTM implementation has been proposed for merger in 2.6.2503:39
CheGuevarawonder if the kernel team can be convinced to add it for hardy03:39
nixternalhey, with the xaa crap, it is way better03:43
nixternalI just tested it03:43
CheGuevarawhat does "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EXA"03:48
mhbhmm, doesnt help here03:49
CheGuevarathat could be why then03:49
CheGuevarayou do the same command03:49
mhbactually my system uses the "intel" driver for some reason, "i810" cant do the right resolution.03:49
mhbusing EXA for acceleration.03:50
CheGuevaranixternal uses xaa and we use exa03:50
CheGuevaraexa sucks withot the new drm03:51
CheGuevaralets test03:51
* mhb rebuild kdebase in the meantime.03:51
nixternalyou know, I think Hobbsee recently had issues pertaining to this same stuff with Ubuntu and Compiz03:52
=== jelmer is now known as JELMER
CheGuevarayeah she was saying that intel driver still sucked03:53
CheGuevarabrb lets see what this di03:53
nixternalI just want a transparent konsole in kde4 and I will be happy03:53
CheGuevaranixternal: whats the average fps you get in glxgears03:54
nixternalhow do I tell it to do fps?03:55
nixternalcan't remember the flag03:55
CheGuevarayep switched to xaa and added that option, effects work perfectly03:55
CheGuevaranixternal: does it without the flag for me03:55
nixternalisn't showing me any fps w/o flags03:56
nixternalI take that back03:56
mhbCheGuevara: how do you "switch" to XAA?03:57
nixternal900+ fps03:57
CheGuevaraOption          "AccelMethod"   "xaa"03:58
nixternalI don't have "xaa" set in my xorg.conf03:58
nixternalthen again, I have no idea what half that crap in xorg.conf even does ;)03:58
CheGuevara7077 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1415.261 FPS03:59
CheGuevarathanks for helping me diagnose this nixternal04:00
* CheGuevara goes to enable all the effects04:01
nixternalholy shite, how did you get those fps?04:01
nixternalhrmm, I am going to try your option instead of the one I have04:01
CheGuevarabut yeah basically between now and the release either new drm needs to go into the ubuntu kernel or people's xorg.conf need to be changed04:02
CheGuevaranixternal: http://pastebin.ca/83966904:02
mhbI'm also around 1000.04:03
mhbtweaking that xorg.conf fixed the speed for me.04:03
CheGuevaraINTEL_BATCH=1 makes a big diff as well04:04
nixternal5375 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1074.988 FPS04:04
nixternalhrmm...worthy of a blog note?04:05
imbrandon8835 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1766.910 FPS , no xorg tweaking04:11
CheGuevaraimbrandon: what card is that04:11
imbrandonnvidia 6100 le04:11
yuriymhb: i think i figured it out but i'll have a look04:11
CheGuevarabinary drivers?04:12
imbrandonyea, intergrated onboard04:12
CheGuevaraeww :P04:12
imbrandonworks nice04:12
imbrandonobviously heh04:12
imbrandoni've got a x16 PCIe ATI card arround here somewhere, but i like my nvidia better04:13
* CheGuevara plots to run "s/nvidia/nv/" on imbrandon's Xorg.conf while he's sleeping04:13
yuriyyay for trying to port a block of code with three instances of the word "hack"04:14
CheGuevarabut its a binary blog, and breaks gpl and all that!04:14
* dasKreech grins at yuriy04:14
imbrandonand ... ? you act like i should have the same ideals as you :)04:14
mhbyuriy: so how is it going?04:15
dasKreechCheGuevara: Binary blogs? I can't view Source? damn them!!!04:15
mhbyuriy: is anything working yet?04:15
CheGuevaraimbrandon: sorry i forgot </irony> :P04:15
* dasKreech ponders the point of blogging if it's not human readable04:15
CheGuevaraati's open source drivers are great04:15
yuriymhb: nope. just going through the compile errors one by one04:15
CheGuevaraopen source yeah04:15
CheGuevarabut all in hex instructions without comments04:15
CheGuevaratry to understand whats happening there04:16
nixternalCheGuevara: I am with you! sudo apt-get remove *restricted*04:16
imbrandonati's drivers might be open and great but their cards suck04:16
nixternalati's drivers aren't open yet04:16
imbrandonnixternal: their specs are04:16
nixternalNovell said February possibly for an alpha last I heard04:16
nixternalimbrandon: just their 2d specs thus far04:17
dasKreechnixternal: Umm You do know that you can install Stallman right ?04:17
imbrandonthere is an alpha NOW in svn :)04:17
* CheGuevara points at nouveau04:17
nixternalthat really isn't alpha in there right now, unless you like 800x60004:17
nixternalif you get it to compile/build of course04:17
dasKreechI don't recall AMD saying they would opensource the drivers04:17
nixternalwe have an ati nutjob in chiglug going crazy with their svn stuff right now04:18
dasKreech!!info vrms | nixternal apt-get away04:18
ubotunixternal apt-get away: vrms: virtual Richard M. Stallman. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.13 (gutsy), package size 11 kB, installed size 92 kB04:18
imbrandonnixternal: sure it compiles and all that, its in the repo iirc04:18
nixternalya, I looked at the code, and none of it makes a lick of sense to me :)04:18
dasKreech!fins libinfinote04:19
CheGuevarawhy would u look at the code :P04:19
nixternalbored one time at a lug event04:19
nixternalsomeone had it checked out on this machine and they were doing a code expose04:19
nixternalgo go kdebase-runtime-kde404:20
CheGuevarai wish more people would sponsor nouveau already04:20
dasKreechAMD opening specs should be nice04:20
nixternalya, I donated a bit within the past couple of months...I received a members call from the FSF on it04:20
CheGuevarayou really should emerge vrms04:21
CheGuevarai mean apt-get04:21
dasKreechdon't doubt that in 5 years (assuming the company is still floating) FOSS drivers will be better than the company's :-)04:21
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mhblook out, he wants our source code ...04:21
CheGuevarai just got exposed :P04:21
CheGuevaraThe following packages have been kept back:04:22
CheGuevara  kde4libs-bin kdelibs5 kdelibs5-dev kdepimlibs5 kdepimlibs5-dev04:22
CheGuevaraaww :P04:22
dasKreechplease cover him up!04:22
nixternal27 non-free packages, 1.1% of 2402 installed packages.04:22
* CheGuevara admits to adminestering a gentoo server04:23
CheGuevaraadministring even04:23
dasKreechCheGuevara: Linux is linux04:23
dasKreechUnless it's slackware04:23
nixternaldasKreech: slackware is one of the greatest distros ever!04:24
nixternalstill my #1/#2 love04:24
CheGuevaranixternal: how did you do that?04:24
nixternal!info vrms04:24
ubotuvrms: virtual Richard M. Stallman. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.13 (gutsy), package size 11 kB, installed size 92 kB04:24
CheGuevaraah thats what it does04:24
dasKreechIt tells you how much coal you get in your stocking04:25
CheGuevara9 non-free packages, 0.7% of 1283 installed packages.04:25
CheGuevaraha :P04:25
dasKreechbaaaaad boy nixternal :)04:25
nixternalI need Java though to pay the bills04:25
nixternaldon't know why vmware kernel crap is installed04:25
CheGuevaraand we need restricted-modules for wifi04:25
nixternalit isn't installed04:26
nixternalso whatever vrms reads from is full of lies04:26
nixternalI don't have sun-java5* either04:26
nixternalnor opera04:26
nixternalnor linux-restricted-modules04:26
nixternalnor skype, unrar04:26
nixternalnor php-doc04:27
CheGuevarau really don't have unrar?04:27
dasKreechHeehee that should hopefully get into the good part with Sun Open sourcing java04:27
nixternalno I don't have unrar04:27
CheGuevarathats one thing i know i wont be able to live without04:27
nixternalhrmm, i did have unrar04:28
nixternalwth did that come from04:28
CheGuevarasee :P04:28
CheGuevarawhat about it04:28
nixternalahh, the stuff on the botton aren't installed, but counted nontheless04:29
nixternalwhich is silly04:29
CheGuevarait doesn't show for me04:29
dasKreechthe Linux kernel?04:31
CheGuevarai just noticed that04:32
dasKreechHURD or go to hell!04:32
CheGuevarawhy not BSD :P04:32
dasKreechDo you really want me to go and pull up the detailed explanation as to why he doesn't officially recommend BSD ?04:33
CheGuevaradasKreech: he = ?04:33
mhbKDE4 is getting better and better.04:33
mhbI even like the effects, what I don't like is the fact that it consumes ~5% of my CPU when almost idle.04:34
CheGuevaraoh him :P04:34
dasKreechmhb: yay captain obvious :)04:34
CheGuevaralol lol04:34
mhbdasKreech: what is not that obvious is the fact that knotify4 eats that.04:35
CheGuevara1001      4186  1.7  4.4 211116 45552 ?        Sl   03:53   0:42 /home/kde-devel/kde/bin/knotify404:35
dasKreech4.2 FTW04:36
CheGuevarawow xorg and and firefox3 consume 20% of my cpu each04:36
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nixternalerrm, why does kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 conflict with kdebase-bin-kde3 all of a sudden?04:51
nixternalI thought you were able to run kde4 and kde3 side-by-side in Kubuntu?04:52
CheGuevarayou are :P04:55
nixternalthese kde4 packages are giving me a headache04:55
nixternalthey are starting to not make sense04:55
nixternalI think merging at this time from Debian is a bad idea04:55
nixternalso what I will do, is just do stdin's patches and upload04:56
CheGuevarakdebase-bin-kde3 is old04:56
CheGuevarait shouldn't be installed04:56
nixternalwell I just installed Kubuntu 8.04 on my machine and it is there, so it can't be to old04:56
CheGuevaraits just kdebase-bin04:56
CheGuevarayeah but if you install kde4 it'll get removed04:57
nixternalheh, you can't remove kdebase-bin-kde3, otherwise you lose what is called, well KDE04:57
CheGuevarayes you can04:57
CheGuevarakdebase-bin is the kde3 package now04:57
nixternalif it gets removed, then digikam, k3b, kdebase-bin, kdebase-kio-plugins, kdesktop, kdm, kmail, kmailcvt, konqueror, and the list goes on...gets removed04:57
CheGuevarahow come it doesn't for me?04:58
nixternalthis is a brand new hardy install too04:58
CheGuevarakubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.04:59
CheGuevaraand i don't have kdebase-bin-kde3 installed04:59
nixternalit is installed here...this is absolutely stupid05:00
nixternalwe have shit going into /usr/bin from the kde4 packages05:00
CheGuevaraok i am starting to understand05:01
CheGuevarai was wrong05:01
CheGuevarakde-base bin requires kdebase-bin-kde3 OR kdebase-runtime-bin-kde405:01
nixternalI thought people were going crazy in #kubuntu and I even argued with them that it is possible to install them side-by-side05:01
nixternalaccording to this, I can't install them side-by-side05:01
CheGuevaranixternal: but it is05:02
CheGuevarai do it05:02
CheGuevarai can go into kde 3 right now if you want :P05:02
nixternalwell if kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 conflicts with kdebase-bin-kde3, you can't install them side-by-side, as you will remove a lot of your kde3 apps05:04
CheGuevaranot really05:05
CheGuevarakde-devel@cheguevara-laptop:~$ apt-cache rdepends kdebase-bin-kde305:05
CheGuevaraReverse Depends:05:05
CheGuevara  kdebase-runtime-bin-kde405:05
CheGuevara |kdebase-bin05:05
CheGuevarathats it05:05
nixternalthere is an updated kdebase-bin in the ppa05:05
nixternalthat's why05:05
nixternalglad I looked at kubuntu.org05:05
CheGuevarai never had the ppa in my sources/list05:05
dasKreechHow many ppas are there?05:05
nixternalthis is just for gutsy05:06
dasKreechWhat the dickens is libinfinote ?05:06
CheGuevarayeah the ppa is for gutsy05:06
nixternalapt-cache source will tell you that05:06
CheGuevarajust like apt-cache rdepends will tell you nothing depends on kdebase-bin-kde3 :P05:07
CheGuevaranixternal: here you go05:10
CheGuevarakdebase (4:3.5.8.dfsg.1-2) unstable; urgency=low05:10
CheGuevara   +++ Changes by Armin Berres:05:11
CheGuevara .05:11
CheGuevara   * Split off kdebase-bin-kde3 which contains executables which can be provided by05:11
CheGuevara     KDE3 or KDE4.05:11
CheGuevarameh sorry for the double highlight :P05:11
CheGuevaranixternal: is kdebase the last one to merge?05:13
nixternalheck no, that is just the beginning05:13
CheGuevaraw00t lol05:13
nixternalI can't install kde4 from the repos at all05:13
nixternalbad depends05:13
CheGuevarafrom hardy repos?05:13
CheGuevaralets see the output05:14
nixternalOK, just testing my irssi alias there05:15
nixternalgot sick of typing that all the way out05:15
nixternalforkin' libunfig crap05:16
nixternaldamnit all to hell05:16
CheGuevarai was about to say i bet its that05:17
CheGuevaraneed a rebuild of kdebase against the kdelibs with my patch05:17
dasKreechWho forked it?05:17
CheGuevarathen things should be ok05:17
nixternalya, let me get those uploaded really quick, as I have already tweaked on them05:17
* CheGuevara feels bad for people who want both kde 4 and mplayer installed05:19
nixternaldon't work?05:19
nixternalwhat about kplayer?05:19
CheGuevarathat will workf ine05:20
CheGuevaramplayer depends on ungif :P05:20
nixternalthat is an easy fix05:21
CheGuevarabut so do about 30 other packages05:21
CheGuevarabug 17425205:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174252 in libungif4 "transition to libgif" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17425205:21
CheGuevarai've been doing loads of debdiffs05:21
dasKreechCheGuevara: I feel bad for those who want KDE4 and to kommunicate on the net... instantly05:21
nixternalwhy can't you communicate instantly?05:23
nixternalI haven't had an issue yet with it05:23
CheGuevaranixternal: need help with anything? i can't sleep :P05:23
dasKreechKopete and konversation not there :(05:24
dasKreechis ksirc ported?05:24
dasKreechi have not checked05:24
CheGuevarano kde 4 irc clients05:24
dasKreechOr IM?05:25
nixternaldasKreech: I have kopete in my kde405:25
nixternaldon't have konversation though05:25
CheGuevarayeah kopete is there05:25
dasKreechKopete made it?05:25
nixternalbeen in there for a bit now05:25
dasKreechI know it's being ported is it good enough to ship?05:25
nixternalabout as good as everything else05:25
dasKreechthat's not good :)05:25
nixternalsure it is05:25
CheGuevaranext konversation is gonna be the last qt305:25
nixternalKDE 4.0 isn't for mom and dad in the first place05:26
CheGuevarathen they'll start porting05:26
nixternalKDE 4.0 is going to be far from perfect, but it is going to allow those who are interested in helping place their eyes on everything and file bugs05:26
nixternalthat is the reason for the big push right now05:26
nixternalkde4 krush days were OK, but not the greatest turn-out05:27
dasKreechI'm thinking 4.1 for geeks05:27
dasKreech 4.2 for non technophobes05:27
CheGuevaraas long as the libs are stable05:27
nixternal4.1 will be what everyone is expecting05:27
dasKreech4.3 for picky folks who aren't biased05:27
dasKreech4.4 for average dimwits05:27
nixternal4.3 won't be until 3+ years down the road05:27
dasKreech4.5 for picky biased people05:27
nixternal4.1 should be by the end of 200805:27
dasKreechhopefully before october :)05:28
CheGuevaranixternal: u sure it won't be sooner?05:28
nixternalI was told towards the end of 0805:28
nixternalthere will be 4.0.1, 4.0.2, 4.0.3 and so on05:28
CheGuevaraah right05:28
CheGuevarawhat do you think we'll end up with in hardy05:28
CheGuevara.0.2 ?05:29
nixternaldont' think a .0.2 will be out by then, but you never know05:29
nixternalwe are already at the halfway point for hardy pretty much05:29
nixternalI can't wait for this dev cycle to be over with honestly05:29
nixternalit has been an annoying one from the get go for me05:29
CheGuevaraheh the real cycle hasn't started for us :P05:30
nixternalalrighty then05:30
nixternaljeesh, kdebase-runtime is taking forever to upload05:30
nixternalCheGuevara: don't hit that button :p05:31
CheGuevaraX crashed05:31
CheGuevaraseriously though, screen went black05:31
CheGuevaraand i ende up at kdm05:31
nixternalthat is always fun05:31
nixternalin kde4?05:31
nixternalI have to admit, this is the most stable kde4 has been for me05:31
nixternalI have all kinds of crap going on05:31
nixternal4 ssh sessions, knetwalk (my favorite game right now), konqi, and some dog pr0n05:32
CheGuevaradog pr0n?05:32
nixternalwatching the dog tournament :)05:32
nixternalone thing we have to do though, is shut off all of the annoying kde4 kwin sounds05:34
CheGuevaramine shut off by themselves05:34
CheGuevarasomehow lol05:34
CheGuevarahmm 5:30 am05:34
nixternaland in knetwalk, when you win, it congratulates you05:34
nixternalin a voice05:34
nixternal23:34 here05:34
* CheGuevara explores the opportunity of going to sleep05:34
nixternaland I am getting tired05:34
CheGuevarai could stay up and wait for kdebase05:35
CheGuevarabut that would just be sad :P05:35
nixternalya, considering the buildds will take their sweet arse time with them05:35
CheGuevaranixternal: tomorow if i have time (new year's eve after all), do you want me to test some merges?05:37
nixternalwe can figure something out for you if you are bored :)05:38
nixternalmaybe you can work on the rest of stdin's merges05:38
nixternalya, you could do that05:38
nixternaljust need to provide you with the updated cdbs/ directory and call it a merge from debian05:38
nixternal10 minutes now kdebase-runtime has been uploading05:39
CheGuevaranixternal: i need a little break from that libgif shit, its really boring lol05:39
nixternallibgif reared its hugly head and bit me in the ass tonight already05:40
nixternallibungif rather05:40
CheGuevarayeah, that transition needs to be done before the next alpha preferably05:40
nixternalno doubt05:40
nixternalwhich I think we will be good on a kde4 standpoint05:40
CheGuevarabut then it doesn't depend on us, but on ubuntu05:41
nixternalwhatever you do in kde4, don't drag the twitter plasmoid to the plasma bar on the bottom :)05:41
nixternalbut lancelot, when drug to the bar looks groovy05:41
CheGuevaradamn you know i am gonna do it now05:42
nixternalwell, I can at least fix as much stuff in universe that deps on libungif05:42
nixternalw00t, about damn time this package uploaded05:42
CheGuevaraand Riddell can fix main05:42
CheGuevarahmm i see debian got some packages 4:3.98.0~svn75324705:43
CheGuevarai wanna merge those :P05:43
nixternalya, they just did a svn checkout05:44
nixternalI caught that as well05:44
nixternaltruthfully, I think we should update to a svn checkout05:44
nixternalso much stuff has changed since rc205:44
CheGuevarashould i work on that then05:45
nixternalask Riddell on that one05:45
nixternalthere has been a lot added, so dh_install --list-missing --sourcedir=debian/tmp will be your best friend05:45
nixternalalthough it shows all kinds of crazy things with our current kde4 packages05:45
CheGuevarai need to learn anyway, this will be fun :P05:46
CheGuevaralet me go to sleep for now05:47
CheGuevaragood night05:47
dasKreechWhats a ungif?06:10
dasKreechnixternal: need a little guidance06:12
dasKreechWhats the normal rules for a ohohrelease?06:12
nixternaldasKreech: what do you mean by normal rules?07:14
dasKreechWell i just really started to pay attention for 3.5 so I'm guessing that they don't haev a huge slew of changes for a ohohrelelase07:16
dasKreechSo what can we expect for 4.0.1++ ?07:16
dasKreechNo new features?07:17
Jucatooi nixternal! :)07:17
dasKreechno bug fixes that change UI?07:17
Jucatohi dasKreech07:17
dasKreechHey Ju07:17
* yuriy is now confused about the licensing of adept07:17
Jucatoyuriy: not a nice way to end your year :)07:18
nixternaldasKreech: won't know until we hit that point in time07:18
yuriyJucato: i'll relax tomorrow...maybe :P07:19
nixternalthat roadmap hasn't been created just yet07:19
nixternalhowdy Jucato07:19
Jucatoyuriy: I'm still researching on APT API stuff... just for curiousity... :)07:19
Jucatocan't find any good info/doc07:19
dasKreechnixternal: they don't have rules for it in general?07:19
Jucatonixternal: happy new year.! are you feeling bitter?07:19
Jucatoer.. better*07:19
nixternaldamnit, you had me thinking I missed new years :)07:20
nixternalI have a head ache now, but feeling better than I have been07:20
Jucatogood to hear07:20
* Jucato is a bit happy today :)07:20
Jucatolacking sleep but happy :)07:20
dasKreechWhat were you doing?07:21
Jucatoslept over at a friend's house... but that's not the reason why I'm happy :)07:21
nixternalI guess it would be a happy new year to you Jucato07:21
Jucatomy sister promised me her Palm z22 if I could get it fixed... luckily for me... it only needed recharging :)07:21
dasKreechha ha ha ha07:22
dasKreechI need your sister07:22
Jucatoand to think that it has been sitting unused for almost a year... just because she thought it was broken :D07:22
Jucatonow I need to find new warez for it...07:22
Jucatooh if only it could run some sort of Linux or Qt :P07:22
dasKreechcan't it?07:23
Jucatodunno... maybe not07:23
yuriyok enough for tonight08:02
yuriyhappy new year Jucato08:02
=== dasKreech_ is now known as dasKreech
Jucatoyuriy: happy new year ! :)08:37
dasKreechWhat's a hogmanay?08:52
CheGuevarahey jpatrick10:40
jpatrickhi CheGuevara !10:41
CheGuevarahows it going10:41
jpatrickgood good10:42
CheGuevaraalright, just woke up a bit too early10:42
CheGuevaraonly had 5 hours of sleep heh10:42
jpatrickwell, I'm kind of out of coffee10:43
CheGuevaradon't drink coffee anyway :P10:43
* jpatrick has to figure out how to set up all his channels in irssi10:44
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CheGuevarajpatrick: if you got your dsc, diff.gz and orig.gz files, whats the quickest way to extra, apply the diff, basically end up with what apt-get source gets you11:22
jpatrickCheGuevara: dget the .dsc and dpkg-source -x *.dsc11:22
CheGuevarathanks :)11:24
CheGuevarai wish X would stop crashing :P11:29
jpatrickfix it!11:29
RiddellCheGuevara: do take the .orig from debian if you want, just make sure to coordinate with nixternal incase he's doing anything11:47
CheGuevaraRiddell: cool, but you are fine with bumping to debian's svn builds?11:48
RiddellCheGuevara: yeah sure11:49
Riddellthat's what I ment11:49
CheGuevaraoh great11:49
CheGuevarai wonder where nixternal's kde4libs_3.97.0-3ubuntu4 came from11:49
CheGuevarasince last .97 in debian was kde4libs_3.97.0-211:49
Riddellpossibly debian's pkg-kde svn11:50
CheGuevaraah yeah forgot about that one11:51
Riddellhi kwwii, enjoying hogmanay?13:06
Lurehi Riddell13:25
Riddellafternoon Lure13:26
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=== dasKreech_ is now known as dasKreech
jjesse_interesting, i noticed cdimage.ubuntu.com still referes to Kubuntu 8.04 as LTS14:23
RiddellI'm always scared to touch that stuff, could break things horribly14:25
jjesse_oh hello Riddell14:25
dasKreechRiddell: !!14:27
dasKreechGood to see you14:27
Riddellgood afternoon14:27
dasKreechprophecy_: Hope you enjoyed your time off14:28
Riddellmany celebrations, but the most important is yet to come14:29
JucatoRiddell, jjesse_, dasKreech! Happy new year!!!14:30
dasKreechRiddell: Turning up for the release party?14:30
dasKreechJucato: New year of happiness!!14:30
Jucatohopefully :)14:30
dasKreechHere is to Blonts!14:31
Jucatono. no blonts :P14:31
dasKreechbut ... they make me happy :(14:32
* dasKreech grins14:32
RiddellJucato: happy 2008 to you14:36
NightroseRiddell: heya :) news about fosdem accomodation - we think this one is nice - sven already stayed there last year - 30 min by bus to the event location and 15 min by foot to the beer event14:41
Nightrosewhat do you think?14:41
RiddellNightrose: that's where KDE have booked before14:43
Riddellwhich may be fine14:43
NightroseRiddell: yea14:44
Nightroseso you are fine with it?14:44
Nightroseand is there someone on the list you want to share a room with or one on your own?14:44
Riddellas many people as possible preferably, to keep costs low14:45
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NightroseRiddell: ok we are trying to get 1 room for 10 and 2 rooms for 214:56
JucatoNightrose: happy new year!15:00
Jucato(approx. 1 hour to go...)15:01
NightroseJucato: :) to you too15:01
blueyedHow can I get debug output from Amarok? (i.e. verbose info dumped to STDOUT)15:18
jjesse_happy new year jussi0115:19
RiddellCheGuevara: you still have libungif diffs to be uploaded right?15:20
Jucatojjesse_: :P15:21
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Lureoff for this year - have a nice party and happy new year to everyone15:40
jpatrickLure: likewise!15:42
nosrednaekimJucato: happy new year :)15:49
txwikingerJucato: Happy New Year15:59
Jucatotxwikinger, jpatrick: happy new year!16:18
* Jucato goes back outside :)16:18
jpatrickJucato: happy new year!16:26
* jpatrick makes his last upload for the year16:26
ryanakcawow, looks like Kubuntu is beating Ubuntu in the preference contest... #ubuntu-bots :)16:28
dasKreechryanakca: how does that work?16:35
ryanakcajoin the -bots channel and vote... we've fallen behind by one vote :)16:37
jpatrickryanakca: I can't, damn irssi...16:37
ryanakcadasKreech: basically, you join and say "X is the best Y"... Kubuntu was in the lead for the best Linux distribution16:37
CheGuevaraRiddell: i've uploaded all for main and some for universe, but its not done yet, still working on it16:54
jpatrickneversfelde: as in: 1) I don't speak great german 2) I have no idea what's up with the site ;)17:02
jpatrickah, wrong site17:03
dasKreechjpatrick: What? how come you can't join?17:05
jpatrickdasKreech: I dunno, irssi opens up the window then closes it17:06
dasKreechKde 4 is a TON of GNU!17:10
* dasKreech chuckles at his own terrible pun17:10
dasKreech!info kmuddy17:11
ubotuPackage kmuddy does not exist in gutsy17:11
dasKreechapachelogger__: Kmuddy/17:11
CheGuevarajpatrick: did you get kdebindings to work?17:41
jpatrickCheGuevara: I was never working in it17:41
CheGuevarait was imbrandon17:43
CheGuevarasorry lol17:43
jpatrickCheGuevara: С Новым годом anyway!17:44
CheGuevarajpatrick: Спасибо17:45
blueyedAny idea why amarok fails in my pbuilder like this: http://pastebin.ca/840285 ?17:45
CheGuevarasame to you :P17:45
jpatrickblueyed: it's missing that file17:47
blueyedjpatrick: yes, but shouldn't it get created during the build?17:48
jpatrickblueyed: you better check that you've set it to build it17:48
blueyedIt's the original source, with a minor, unrelated patch.17:48
jpatrickcheck the amarok.install file17:49
blueyedjpatrick: there it is, causing the error.. that's the point, isn't it? :)17:52
jpatrickblueyed: yes the package maker can't find it anymore..17:52
blueyedpackage maker == dh_install?17:53
jpatrickbit of it17:53
jpatrickyou'll to check the build if it actually got built17:53
blueyedjpatrick: I'm building it myself, which fails..17:54
blueyedBut I'm building again with "| tee build.log" and then see what I can find.17:54
jpatrickgrep "libamarok_ipod-mediadevice.la" build.log17:54
nixternalCheGuevara: you doing some builds?18:01
CheGuevaraam looking at kdelibs 3.98 snapshot atm18:04
CheGuevaraset up a ppa for testing18:05
CheGuevaranixternal: are there newer buids in the kde package svn then experimental?18:05
nixternalall kde4 packages in alioth are experimental18:17
CheGuevaralooking good atm18:17
CheGuevarajust gotta update the .install files18:17
nixternalyou need to edit the kde.mk file as well18:21
CheGuevaranixternal: done it18:22
nixternalCheGuevara: http://pastebin.ca/84031918:30
nixternaldon't forget the LINKER_FLAGS18:30
CheGuevaranixternal: its removed in debian18:32
CheGuevara* Remove extra LDFLAGS. Included via CDBS now.18:33
CheGuevaraam not sure if that applies to us?18:33
nixternalthat is the way I did it for the other packages already18:36
blueyedjpatrick: now it built, odd.18:37
jpatrickblueyed: hmm.. :|18:37
blueyedjpatrick: could be worse.. ;)18:39
blueyedHappy new year everybody!18:39
jpatrickblueyed: that is always a possiblity18:39
yuriy*sigh* linking problems are so much more puzzling than compiling19:07
nixternalCheGuevara: the intel blog post went well...everyone is reporting much higher fps :)19:22
CheGuevaranice :P19:25
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nixternalHappy Year of KDE 4 Everyone!20:09
nixternaldigg, about as useless as teets on a boar20:11
nixternalhahah, I love the comment by nirvanix20:13
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CheGuevaraPlease, be honest with me. I'm not trying to start flame wars or anything. Why would KDE need to be LTS at any point in time? KDE is far beyond the use case for a work (as in business) user. Everything Gnome and under needs to be supported.20:38
wolfgerI lost IQ points just reading that20:39
nixternalwolfger: that was damn funny20:48
nixternallunch time20:48
yuriywhoa it built21:21
doc__hi there22:18
=== txwikinger3 is now known as txwikinger
yuriywell i was hoping to have something more interesting, but this is all i can get for now23:30
yuriyHappy new year! :D23:30
doc__yuriy: :))23:39
smarteryuriy: that's awesome, thanks :)23:40
wolfgerHappy KDE4 Year, everybody!23:40
nosrednaekimah...next meeting is at a good US time..23:42

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