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goldphishI'm still trying to build my own kernel package. I think I have the kernel image and header packages built properly but I'm having a problem building the linux-restricted-modules package. My kernel package is called 'linux-headers-'. What do I set the abi version to?01:05
goldphishSorry my wireless connection decided to take a dump. Can someone explain what the versions in this filename are? linux-headers-
osmosishas it been decided yet what kernel version hoary will have ?02:50
zulhoary? or do you mean hardy?02:55
osmosisuh, yah02:55
osmosiszul: hows xen doing?02:56
zulosmosis: beating it into shape...2.6.24 btw02:56
osmosiszul: cool, my server is still on feisty for now. I got an extra box I can test hardy on though.02:56
osmosiszul: is there a mailing list or anything for the ubuntu xen developers ?02:59
zulosmosis: nope just me02:59
osmosiszul: you should have a blog or a wiki or something.02:59
zulosmosis: i have a blog i just dont use it alot02:59
osmosislooks like 2.6.24 should be the most stable yet for virtualization03:01
zulyou would hope so03:01
goldphishI'm trying to rebuild linux-restricted-modules but it's failing the rivafb sanity check. The script insists that I have rivafb support enabled which I don't. Does it look at the running kernel or the kernel I am building against?03:46
goldphishActually, how does debian/rules know which kernel to build against?03:49
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Kano32make: *** No rule to make target `custom-build-kanotix', needed by `build-custom'.  Stop.14:59
Kano32what is missing there?14:59
Kano32i try to compile only my added custom kernel14:59
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Kano32i added it of course to the right var15:03
freeflyinghi all, how to build alsa-driver package in hardy? thanks15:32
goldphishIs there a git repository for the linux-restricted-modules and linux-ubuntu-modules packages?17:26
johanbrgoldphish: kernel.ubuntu.com appears to have the l-u-m repository at least18:04
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goldphishjohanbr: cool, thanks22:07
* XSource_ Accept/Balls To The Wall - global german radio network - Various (x«amarok)23:59

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