
CheGuevaraUbulette: you around?00:27
CheGuevarayou may wanna ask hobbsee about nss in new, explain to her that its needed, basically all you said00:27
CheGuevarashe's an archive admin and sensible person00:27
CheGuevarano guarantess, but it might speed things up00:28
CheGuevaraUbulette: but i share your opinion that the process is quiet complicated, one thing i've noticed, it's all about poking the right people, not saying "can someone review", but poking specific people, if you know what i mean00:31
Ubulettewell, i no longer care. it is not my upload in the 1st place (*). I just wanted to please users begging me to know if/when ff3 b2 will be in hardy. I've asked and you've read the answers, "paid devs are on holidays so you have to wait"00:32
CheGuevarayeah i get you Ubulette00:32
CheGuevarathing is packages piled up long before the holidays...00:32
Ubulette(*) and i'm not really happy with what's inside (nss).. it's just that it's a blocker for xul then for ff300:33
CheGuevarai guess its done mostly for legal reasons00:34
Ubulettewhat ?00:34
CheGuevaraie, so some non free stuff doesn't go through00:34
CheGuevarathe checking of new queue by core devs00:34
Ubulettei know that. i'm just sick of always waiting without eta00:35
CheGuevaraUbulette: i totally know how you feel, i got 3 packages waiting in new myself00:36
CheGuevarathough i got them through revu in a day00:36
Ubulettethere's always a good reason, holidays, freeze, foss, whatever meeting, etc.00:36
CheGuevaraUbulette: wouldn't you qualify for motu?00:37
CheGuevarai am sure asac would vouch for you00:37
CheGuevarathough that still won't solve all issues with waiting00:37
Ubulettei've pushed 3 or 4 packages to revu, i never got one sponsored, and I only got one commented00:37
CheGuevaraoh right00:37
Ubulettei thought my contributions were useful but in fact, noone cares00:39
CheGuevaraUbulette: have you tried getting advocates on revu days?00:40
Ubulettethe only things people care about are merges and syncs00:40
Ubulettei'm not doing much of those, i do packaging or even dev00:41
CheGuevarahave you ever tried working with upsream00:41
Ubulettenot for a long while. I've been using debian since 199600:42
Ubuletteor 9700:42
CheGuevarajust thinking that it may be easier that way, then just request those syncs :P00:44
Ubulettethen they should clarify that motu is for merges/syncs from debian.00:45
CheGuevaraheh, well its not really :P00:46
CheGuevaraalso may be ask asac to bring this up on the dev team meeting, that the current process discoruges ppl from contributing00:46
Ubulettei'm really thinking about dropping the ball completely00:47
CheGuevarameh don't, your contributions do make difference, and don't forget you have your PPA00:48
CheGuevaralots of users can use that00:48
UbuletteI don't even need ppa, I have my own builders.00:51
CheGuevarayeah but by your ppa end users can easily get your packages00:51
Ubuletteit's just that i'm tired of begging for everything here00:51
CheGuevarayeah the whole process is a bit weird00:52
CheGuevarabeg hard -> people get tired of your begging -> you become motu00:52
Ubuletteit's not in my nature to beg00:53
Ubulettethey don't want my help or my packages, fine. I'll do something else00:53
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asaci asked hobsee already ... she didn't want to be responsible for newing a main lib02:09
asacCheGuevara: ^^02:09
asacin two days everything will be back to normal02:09
CheGuevaraasac: yeah but is normal normal?02:09
CheGuevaraas in how many people how often actually process the new queue02:09
asaci think there is one dedicated person per day02:10
asacwhich will spend an hour or so on that day02:10
CheGuevaraif thats actually true then i take it back :P02:12
CheGuevarabut the size of the queue was huge before holidays as well02:12
asaconly time when there accumulates a backlog is during freeze02:12
asacand given that we release every 6 month those freezes are frequent :)02:13
asacrevu is a different beast. There is no real structure or dedication ... just voluntarily or on request (e.g. irc pings)02:13
CheGuevaraheh true02:13
CheGuevarayeah revu can be a pain02:14
CheGuevarai got my packages revud same day by pinging right people, but people who just upload and leave have little chance lol02:14
asacyeah, but thats how it works ... i haven't seen any document stating that revu will be processed automatically02:14
asacusing bugs to track that might help ... but then bug processing is probably not as instantanous as irc prodding ;)02:15
CheGuevarathats why i am glad i got involved wiht kubuntu, we got at least 3 motus02:15
CheGuevaraand they are always ready to review kde related stuff02:16
Ubulettepersia told me several times that it is process chronologically at least on revu days (every monday)02:16
CheGuevarayeah thats what i was told as well02:16
asacyes, but every monday is not good enough02:16
Ubuletteplus the usual cherry picks on demand (by beggers)02:16
asacbegging != prodding02:17
CheGuevarathing is most crap packages come auto from debian02:19
CheGuevaraand not ubuntu only packages02:19
asacyes ... ubuntu processes could be improved for self-maintained packages02:21
Ubulettebut self-maintained packages are ignored unless you're a motu or a core dev02:22
CheGuevarato be fair new packages process will take as long as if you are motu or a normal user02:23
CheGuevarasince the new queue process is the same for everyone02:23
Ubulettenew is only a small step in the whole chain02:23
Ubulettewell, i won't argue anymore, i've had enough of this for today02:24
CheGuevaraUbulette: just chill :P02:25
Ubulettei'm doing a full screen google map webapp, that's funnier than sterile complains about ubuntu being not friendly to its contributors02:25
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=== asac__ is now known as asac
=== asac__ is now known as asac
armin76asac: ping14:53
asac_armin76: ?14:59
armin76asac_: the latest patch i posted works fine on sparc, and doesn't give unaligned access warnings on ia6415:00
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asachave bug id?15:04
armin76again? :P15:05
asacwell i don't remember the number :)15:05
armin76mozilla bug 16182615:05
ubotuMozilla bug 161826 in Layout: Fonts and Text "nsTextFrame::MeasureText()'s fast text measuring codepath crashes on RISC machines" [Critical,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16182615:05
asacmoz folks hate to review patches that are not produced using -p :)15:08
asacso you added the last hunk?15:08
asaccvs diff -pu815:08
asacis the format they want15:08
armin76ah, right15:08
armin76i know15:08
asacso you see the method signature in diff15:08
armin76it's your fault, though15:08
asaceasier to read15:09
armin76yah, when you asked me to put the patch my head hurt :P15:09
asachaha ... hope you are doing better now15:09
asacsoon we have new year ... time to party ;)15:09
armin76i'll redo the patch later, plus i didn't do it against cvs :P15:10
asacok i am out ... cu next year!15:41
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
armin76asac: done16:09
Ubulettedamn, i wish mozilla bug 75375 was implemented16:14
ubotuMozilla bug 75375 in Style System (CSS) "support for :nth-*() pseudo-classes" [Enhancement,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7537516:14
Ubuletteleaving too. cu16:50
bluekujahave a great year everyone :)17:11
bluekujacu tomorrow17:11
bluekujaasac, Ubulette, armin76: ^^17:11

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