
john__is there a trick to getting the hauppauge pvr-150 to display a tv channel?01:04
Dr_willisjohn__,  in that one myth tv setting/setup area. it dont select the right card by default Ive noticed.01:08
Dr_willisone of the pulldown menus. I had to be sure to pick the card.01:08
Dr_willisOther then that.. it was rather straight forward01:09
john__okay i'll go and check the settings01:10
john__I started recording a program so that will have to wait till later01:14
john__I think i just selected the haupauge tv card01:14
javatexanhowdy all!!01:42
javatexani am having trouble ripping from DVD in mythbuntu01:43
javatexancan anyone help?01:43
javatexanI think it has to do with my user01:43
javatexani keep getting errors where I have to do everything it seems in sudo01:43
javatexanso I am guessing that the process is working, just cant write the files01:44
javatexanive tried chmod -R 777 on my recordings folder but doesnt seem to help01:44
javatexanany ideas?01:44
javatexanmy user is in group mythtv and in group root, are there any others?01:45
javatexanat this point I am just swingin in thin air.  Not sure what to do now01:46
Dr_willisactualy rips go to some tmp dir i thought01:48
javatexanit says that the temp files go there01:49
Dr_willisHmm.. i havent tried ripping in ages.. let me try one.01:50
javatexanat the end of the rip it says Something is thinking and then the transcode just stops and says there are no pending jobs01:50
Dr_willisdo you need the dvd css stuf finstalled to rip? Hmm01:51
javatexanI just when through the mythtv menus to rip01:53
Dr_willisI cant even figure out how to do the ripping... :)01:54
Dr_willisoptical -> disk.. -> hit 0 to start a job.. enter name..  then what.. heh heh.01:54
javatexanLOL...np..I will keep looking at it01:54
javatexanafter that I get a 20min wait01:54
javatexanwith some bars01:54
javatexanthen when the 'rip' part is over, something starts to think and then nothin01:55
Dr_willisOk.. what am i missing here.. i see the 2 parts.. i arror left/right - i sleected the biggest one.. entered a name... NOW what.. :)01:55
Dr_willisAHA.. '0 process selected title' :) i had to hit 001:56
javatexanI chose not perfect, but excellent.......01:56
Dr_willisI thoght it had 0 Processes going... :)01:56
john__how hard is it to have mythbuntu get video files from another gutsy box?02:02
javatexanokay...ripping file again....we will cross our eyes02:04
Davieyjohn__: should be easy02:05
Dr_willisjohn__,  make a nfs share. mount it somewhere.02:06
john__i assume on the gutsy box?02:07
Dr_willisjavatexan,  it ripped here. to a .iso in the videos dir.02:07
javatexanmaybe its because I am not using iso02:07
javatexanI am using excellent02:08
javatexanso it has to transcode the file too02:08
Dr_willisNot sure about that. ;) I just stuck the disk in ripped.02:09
Dr_willis 4522901504 2007-12-30 21:05 MeaningOfLife.iso02:09
Dr_willisEgads. Yes. it would be nice to get that transcoded to somthing smaller02:09
javatexandelete it and try it with excellent quality...It should make a mp402:10
Dr_willisSo what are you doing exactly? Execlent quality.. ahh.. Ok02:10
Dr_willisHow is that better quality then the dvd? :)02:10
javatexanprolly not02:11
javatexanI think perfect is mpeg2, excellent is mp4 and good is divx02:11
Dr_willisHmm.. divx is proberly good eniogh for me then. :)02:12
javatexancool....I guess my transcode is not set up properly02:12
Dr_willisI got Mythfrontend running from a terminal also. so i can watch the error messages/logs :)02:12
Dr_willisit seems to be working02:12
Dr_willisI know how to backup the wifes Movies now at least.02:13
Dr_willisWhat is it with people that have to have 2000+ DVD movies.. ALL on the shelfs right next to the tv..02:13
Dr_willisits not like she even has them organized on the shelfs.02:13
javatexani am backing up my kids Ben10 Dvd before they destroy them....LOL02:13
Dr_willisOf course the RIAA willproberly say tahts not legal..02:14
Dr_willisor is that the MPAA?02:14
Dr_willisKids and their Movies.. If i NEVER have to see 'Cars' again.. it will be too soon.02:16
MythbuntuGuest21hello everyone.  I am wondering what the install process looks like when you istall Myth, is their a progress indication?02:19
MythbuntuGuest21hey wy have you installed myth successfully?02:22
Dr_willisi installed it a few months ago. - i dont rember any profress bar.02:23
MythbuntuGuest21It's wierd it's been sitting there for an hour or two, there is just a little tiny window with nothing in it02:23
MythbuntuGuest21and then every few minutes something happens on CD Drive02:24
MythbuntuGuest21I'm restarting it using the hard drive and seeing what happens02:24
MythbuntuGuest21Now I'm getting a login/password prompt (command line) and then when I enter info it says -bash /dev/null permission denied02:30
Dr_willisjavatexan,  well it seems to be transcoding. its on pass2.. but that will take it an hr or so..02:30
Dr_willisMythbuntuGuest21,  sounds like the install failed. odd..02:30
MythbuntuGuest21Thanks I guess I'll give it another try...I didn't really know what to do at the partitioning portion I guess it's possible I selected something wrong there02:32
javatexancrud...mine failed again.....lucky dog... LOL02:41
javatexani wonder if something is wrong with transcode....wonder how I would test that02:41
javatexanalthough...I cant find anywhere it is saving a rather large tmp file02:42
javatexani am still waiting on the cable co to send me a SA 3250HD with the firewire turned on02:43
javatexanso I don't havet the schedules setup anymore...they expired on the 25th I think02:43
javatexani did the normal mythbuntu install02:44
javatexanand added this user as the non root user.....what could be amiss02:44
Dr_willismine still has an hr+ to go..02:45
javatexanwell thats not totally true...I added the ubuntu desktop to it02:45
javatexanthats cool...mine crashes before that02:45
javatexanwhen it finishes readin the dvd drive, it says transcode is thinking...puts up a few "...." and then quits and says there are no jobs...I can rip a dvd by pressing 002:46
Dr_willisI guessi will know in an hr+ :)02:48
Dr_willisi should of tested on a smaller movie02:49
javatexanlol...np...I will go kick my computer while we wait02:49
javatexanman I hate that I will eventually have to put qemu and winblows on this system....so sad02:50
javatexani cant find a way to convert .tivo files to mpeg4 without the tivo desktop which only runs well on windblows02:51
javatexanDr_willis: I am guessing there is something wrong with my install or some of the settings.  Can I make changes vi ssh?02:53
javatexanor do I have to be on the box02:54
Dr_willisIf you got sshd installed you could03:00
javatexanyeah I do03:00
Dr_willisssh -Y remotebox then run the mythtv config tool :)03:00
Dr_willisdont run the frontend over ssh. it ... dont work too good. :)03:00
Dr_willisor -X03:00
Dr_willislocal lan  i think -Y is a little faster03:01
DavieyDr_willis: worked for me as a test a few months ago03:02
Dr_willisi got the front end.. but the videos dident work. :) i was all confused.. then i realized i had ssh'd to the machine.. and wasent running the actual mythtv front end on the local machine like i though i was doing.03:03
javatexanok..what is the command line for the config tool again....sorry03:05
Dr_willishmm,. myth-setup ? mythtv-setup ?03:14
Dr_willismythtv-setup  L:)03:14
Dr_willisOk-  its taking 3 hrs total to transcode a 1 hr movie.. :)03:33
Dr_williswell it may be 1.44 hr movie. :) I should set up MythTV on my faster machine to do this.03:34
MythbuntuGuest21Hello everyone...Anyone available to help setup a tuner card, my seems to not be working03:52
MythbuntuGuest21I should say help me setup03:52
javatexanDr_willis:  did it ever finish?03:56
javatexani think my install is messed up.  I have several groups with the same names buy different ids03:57
javatexannever mind...redraw and now its happy....what is this thing windows?  LMAO03:58
javatexanso I want my user to be in what group(s)?03:58
javatexanright now, he is in admin03:59
javatexani think that is it04:01
javatexanDr_willis: did it ever finish?04:17
javatexanthe dvd rip04:18
MythbuntuGuest22total noob here, i just installed mythbuntu and i have a Radeon HD 2400XT and im using HDMI for both the video and sound, but i only get video, any ideas on what i can read to fix this?05:22
Dr_williswell if Javatexan ever comes back.. it finished and worked fine. :)05:51
Dr_willisJust took 3 hrs.05:51
hansoffateDr_willis: what?05:55
hansoffatewhat did you do05:55
Dr_willisripped a dvd to video. He was having problems.05:55
Dr_willishe could rip to .iso but none of the transcoding stuff worked for him05:56
Dr_willisSomthing I always wanted to do. :) finially figured out how.05:56
hansoffatei see, awesome05:57
Dr_willisNow if i could train the wife to put all her dvd's on the pc...05:58
Dr_willisI wouldent have to have a whole wall of shelfs for her 'library'05:58
hansoffatelol, that's alot of work06:01
hansoffatei am waiting on my part's to build my new backend/frontend06:01
hansoffatethey won't get here till the 4th06:02
Dr_willisHmm.. Can a front end box. rip dvd's to the backend  for 'storage'06:02
pdragondepends where you told it to store videos06:05
pdragondrawing a blank now, but doesn't it put the ripped dvd in the video file folder when it's done?06:06
Dr_willisJust wasent sure if the mythtv frontend's 'optical media' menus would see the front ends dvd diskdrive ..  or the backend's dvd drive06:06
Dr_willisI normally have the 'videos' dir on a NFS share for the frontend to access. :)06:07
pdragonpretty sure it sees the front end optical drive06:07
Dr_willispdragon,  yea.. would be a little odd the other way.. BUT i could understand it seeing the backends06:07
Dr_willisthat way the frontends could play a dvd without a drive at all.06:07
pdragoni havent set up a separate frontend myself yet, so honestly just guessing06:08
Dr_willisI got one.. but its just sitting there.. unused. :)06:08
pdragonhaven't had a need for one yet myself06:08
Dr_willisid never made just a front end.. so i made one.. then needed the monitor somewhere else.06:08
pdragonmy second tv is an old tiny one with no video inputs06:08
rhpot1991Dr_willis: I have 2 backends, one rips to the other06:09
rhpot1991just setup an nfs share06:09
pdragonoff to bed. just browsin through my irc channels to see what's goin on06:09
Dr_willisId like to be able to rip/transcode on the 3rd machine i got.. it has 8x the CPU power of the backend. :)06:10
rhpot1991I prob shoulda read everything you said instead of seeing the question then skipping to the current time06:10
rhpot1991I'm not entirely sure if the drive is supposed to be on the back or frontend06:11
Dr_willisheh. :)06:19
Dr_willisI will try it tomorrow i guess06:19
MilhousePunkRockCan someone give me an estimation how long commercial flagging for a half-hour recording might take on a P4 1.8 GHz with 664 MB RAM, nothing else running?11:13
john__howdo i get back into the mythtv setup to change the input device?18:42
tgm4883to change the input device?18:42
tgm4883that gets you into mythtv setup18:43
john__i want to make sure the right hauppuage card is listed18:43
john__i went into setup on the main screen but that doesn't show me what i want18:43
tgm4883well you can run mythtv-setup from the command line, and it will take you where you need18:43
tgm4883it will need to stop the backend though18:43
john__my problem is i'm not getting any video when i select watch tv18:44
pdragoncan also get to it from MCC, no?18:44
john__i will try that thanks18:45
john__okay got tv output now. But it's so slow it's like watching a movie in slow speed18:56
john__any ideas?18:56
* Dr_willis has none18:58
Dr_willisYou do have the proper video card drivers isntalled?18:58
Dr_willisGuess i did have an idea. :)18:58
john__i'm using the restricted drivers for an ati radeon 9500 series card18:59
* Dr_willis shirks back from ati.. "Hurts Us.... My precciousssss"18:59
pdragonrestarted the x session since you installed them?18:59
Dr_willisI wonder if.. err.. DRI is enabled on them.18:59
pdragonhmm... not sure18:59
lagaAAIK the free X driver supports tv-out as well18:59
Dr_willisbut that wouldent affect the tv out would it?19:00
lagai suggest you check your playback logs19:00
john__so how do i check if DRI is enabled?19:00
john__i have the pc connected to a 51 inch wide screen tv thru the dvi cable19:00
lagaah, DVI19:00
IolausHey laga: any word on that libmyth-perl trunk fix?19:01
lagaIolaus: sorry, got distracted by all kinds of stuff today :/19:01
lagajohn__: why don't you try the free driver?19:01
lagai'm surprised that restricted-manager even let you use fglrx19:01
Iolausno problem, can't look a gift horse in the mouth :)19:01
john__how would i go about using the free driver? Just disable the restricted driver?19:02
lagai think so19:02
lagaIolaus: as i said, it should work if you remove mythtv-common or whatever package was conflicting ;)19:02
john__i will give that a try and report back19:02
Iolauslaga: I'm not terribly familiar with the apt-get system.  I ran into some problems.19:03
IolausI think by removing the myth-common it removed everything associated and then when I did apt-get dist-upgrade it didn't pull down the new stuff since it had been removed19:03
lagaIolaus: dependency problems i suppose. just wait then, i suppose it's not terribly urgent (?)19:04
lagaright, that's ugly :/19:04
Iolauslaga: yup, figured I'd just wait :)19:04
IolausI'm excited to try out some of the stuff they've apparently added to the trunk from the mythtv-vid branch19:07
ickyb0dhello all.  quick question... is anyone familiar with a process "cnxscan" that runs on mythbuntu?  I fear this process may have just killed my machine19:13
lagaapt-file search does not find such a file here19:17
lagatry google. looks like some cracked your box19:17
tgm4883ickyb0d, killed your box?19:19
ickyb0dyeah, i tried google - didn't find too much19:19
ickyb0dkilled, i'm not sure yet, still trying stuff out19:21
ickyb0dbut basically, when i boot up, i get the mythtv setup screen saying that it can't connect to mysql and to check my settings19:21
ickyb0dupon trying to open a terminal, it immediately closes the terminal with no error messages19:21
lagaIolaus: is it possible to access your mythtv box from the internet?19:22
ickyb0dwhen i try and log in via command line (alt+ctrl+F6), it just keeps displaying : Ubunutu 7.10 <machine name> tty6 and re-prompting me for a login19:22
john__ok with using the free driver's i lose the use of the dvi ouput.i can use s-video thou but the machine locks up when selecting watch tv.If i use the vga ouput on a monitor the picture is alright and plays fine when i start my box now i get a warning about running in low graphic mode19:23
lagaouch :/19:23
lagawrt john__ i mean19:23
* laga gotta run19:23
lagahave a nice new year's eve and don't get too wasted :)19:24
ickyb0dThen booting in recovery mode - it prompts me for a root password, (which doesn't work) so ctrl+d to get to command line, and everything just basically segfaults and dies.  heh, so i'm pretty sure the computer the OS is dead :(19:24
Iolauslaga: sorry I missed your message.  I could open up my myth box to the internet19:31
slestakim considering adding mythbuntu to an existing gutsy machine.  its not too old of an install, so I may just toast it and go straight mythbuntu.  i "may" want to run some other apps later, does it really make a difference.19:31
john__anyone have any idea what screen setting i should use for a 51" widescreen tv?19:32
lagaIolaus: no, not you. i was referring to ickyb0d. i'm wondering if his mythtv box was compromised..19:32
Iolausah :)19:32
lagaslestak: no, it doesn't really make a difference. just follow the instructions on www.mythbuntu.org19:32
john__or what do i have to add to the xorg file to use the s-video or dvi ouput of a ati 9500 series card19:34
ickyb0dheh, yeah... my mythtv box is not accessable to the internet.  It's behind a router's firewall and only accessable to the local network19:35
Viakennvidia-settings is getting a picture on the TV, but saving to xorg.conf doesn't seem to stick. That is, when I logout, it starts back up with automatic settings.19:46
ViakenAlso, now "Watch TV" won't work. It just kicks back to the menu.19:47
ViakenI seem to've messed something up. :P19:47
Viakenok...first problem was sudo. lol19:52
ViakenSecond was 2 input sources defined.20:05
john__okay i installed envy and let that app install the latest ati drivers i have good picture quality now.But when i have the wire from the sound card connected to the tv i get a loud hum also after about 3 min of playing the computer locks up any ideas?20:10
ViakenDoes it lock up if you leave the sound off?20:13
john__i'm so close to getting this to work20:14
john__i've built this system out of spare parts i had laying around. 2.4 ghz P4 2 gigs of ram and a 100 gig hard drive and a hauppuage pvr-15020:15
john__and a ati 9500 agp video card20:16
ViakenYeah, I've basically got the same thing going on. lol Except mine only has 384MB of RAM.20:17
john__didn't want to spend alot till i saw how it was going to work out20:20
john__before investing in a better remote and computer case20:20
john__the humming i can probably fix with ground isolation cables20:21
john__just gotta figure out what is causing the lock up20:21
john__also if i try to play a dvd it drops me back to the desktop20:32
ViakenRun memtest86 on it?20:41
slestakis it typical to get suspend working on mythboxes?20:47
slestakor do you just let them run 24x720:48
john__ok i will let memtest run for a couple of hours and c what happens20:51
john__i assume when the lower half of the screen when running memtest that isn't a good thing?lol20:57
john__now the pvr-150 remote no longer works21:33
javatexanhowdy all21:44
Dr_willisHi javatexan21:45
javatexanheres a fun topic.. i am trying to find a cheap video  card to run mythbuntu on with svideo out.... any preference21:45
Dr_willisMy DVD did reencode to an avi just fine last night. :)21:45
Dr_willisjavatexan,  low end nvidia card. fanless design. :)21:45
Dr_willisjavatexan,  they have several last i looked.21:46
Dr_willisFanless = quiet, proberly in the $50 and under range21:46
javatexanawesome...i did the setup again and it worked...weird...21:46
javatexandoes nvidia have to be the man or can it be pny or the others...are there any differences?21:47
javatexanlets,  see i see   xfx, evga, pny, kfa ......any favorites or one to stay awawy from21:51
javatexan  XFX GeForce 7300 GS or a   XFX GeForce 7600 GT21:54
javatexanor a  XFX GeForce 8500 GT21:55
javatexanwhere is the supported video cards list for mythbuntu22:48
javatexanis it different for 7.10?22:49
* Dr_willis wakes up.. :)23:04
Dr_willisabout any card that works with Ubuntu, or linux should work. Stick with nvidia.  to be safe23:04
Dr_willisI have a 5500 in my frontend box. It has a fan.. but its very quiet23:04
Davieyjavatexan: *AVOID* ATI23:17
javatexanokay....I am looking at XFX, KF2...are any of the other nvidias manufactu any good......I am having a hard time finding one that is supported on the ubuntu page  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsNvidia23:18
tgm4883I use a gigabyte nvidia 7300GS23:20
javatexanI can only get a biostar 7300GS  is biostar any good23:21
CygnusX1Any reports of mythbuntu killing optical drives?23:27
tgm4883javatexan, afaik, the differences between the different manu. is things like what ports are on the back, how much memory.  But the chipset remains the same23:28
CygnusX1Installed test system last night...could not get VNC to work post install --> no medium found.  Took CDROM out of sources, got VNC installed.  Going for a production install tonight and the CDROM is dead.  Pioneer DVD-ROM actually.23:29
tgm4883CygnusX1, very strange, but I've never heard of a optical drive being killed by a distro23:30
CygnusX1tgm4883: There was a spate of that a couple of years back with LG drives I believe.23:30
CygnusX1Don't recall the how or why.23:30
tgm4883although I still have not heard of any problems with Mythbuntu (or Ubuntu) destroying optical drives23:37
directhexi heard one story about mandriva killing some drives a while ago23:38
directhexlg drives i think23:38
tgm4883directhex, yes, see the above link23:39
directhexoh, is it a link about that? at least my memory's working23:39
tgm4883although that was 4 years ago and it's kinda interesting that a distro would only break a certain manufacture23:40
DavieyRude dvd's is known to make you blind - but not destroy the drive AFAIK23:41
directhexlg drives violated the ATAPI standard, by using the "flush cache"  signal as a marker for "begin firmware update"23:41
alexvdOk I cant figure out why my slavebackend backend is not working properly.  I had to reinstall the masterbackend.  Only thing that changed is the mysql password.  Howeve the slavebackend doesnt restart properly. I had to go in manually edit the mysql.txt files to get it to stop giving an error about setting the ip adrress in general. Then it wiped out my capture cards.  It wont restart properly at reboot.  It wont restart23:42
alexvd when I run /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart as my user23:42
alexvdI can get it to start by running mythbackend -d23:42
Davieylogs show anything meaniful?23:43
alexvdI still have an issue with my capture card being listed as unavailable.  I also dont see any information about the hard drive space etc.. in information23:43
alexvddirecthex: is that still true. I just a bought a blueray hdvd drive that I am about to install23:44
alexvdDirecthex: its a LG23:44
directhexi think they learnt their lesson23:45
alexvdDaviey: logs are not giving me any more errors now23:45
alexvdactually I am still getting the no setting found for this machine's backend server ip23:46
alexvdDaviey: I modified all the mysql.txt files I could find with locate23:47
john__has anyone gotten a ati 9550 card to work?23:47
directhexjohn__, ati has issues under linux23:48
john__yeah i know i was hoping to get lucky...lol23:48
john__I didn't want to go out and spend alot of money on this project. So i'm using recycled parts to make sure it works well23:51
CygnusX1Okay.  I guess maybe it was just its time.23:51
alexvdjohn:  they do have a script somewhere to support the ati cards.  Head on over to the knoppmyth forums. Do a search for ati23:51

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