[00:16] New bug: #179472 in xorg (main) "Black screen - wrong monitor detection & refresh rate" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179472 [06:25] New bug: #179503 in xorg (main) "Display problems on Dell Inspiron 1100 laptop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179503 [06:47] bryce: I'm unduping the dupes from bug 51991 [06:47] Launchpad bug 51991 in xorg "Xorg process freezes, uses 100% of CPU. Can be killed by remote terminal." [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51991 [06:48] tjaalton: awesome [06:48] that was originally reported about nvidia, and now the dupes seem to be about intel [06:48] also the bug has gathered a lot of noise [06:48] tjaalton: sorry I've been so quiet; I've been using my vacation time to focus on helping shepherd the inkscape release along [06:48] heh, no problem [06:48] I've actually been learning to use blender [06:49] inkscape 0.46's gonna kick butt :-) [06:49] and inkscape too [06:49] can't wait :) [06:49] yeah, I noticed how popular driver bugs can accumulate unrelated chaff esp. when improperly described [06:49] I blame the launchpad dupe checker ;-) [06:52] we just should have less bugs for it to check ;) [07:00] yeah... [07:01] I hope to spend some good solid time on bug triage when I get back, but already various requests are piling up [07:01] I need to get a new libdrm and -psb out for the ume folks; I've gotten rather behind at getting that out [07:02] also apparently there's issues with -amd that are hindering some other embedded folks, edubuntu, etc. Not sure how I can help but Mark asked me to take a look [07:03] ok [07:03] too bad that libdrm doesn't have regular releases [07:03] yeah [07:04] fun fun :-) [16:25] New bug: #179571 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "Xorg crashes on desktop switch when playing video with Xv" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179571 [17:01] New bug: #133430 in xrandr "[gutsy] screen resolution rotation does not rotate wacom" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133430