
txwikingerHappy New Year00:04
doc__happy new year :)00:07
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mhbhey folks01:13
mhbhappy New Year01:13
stdinhappy new year mhb :)01:13
mhbI hope I'm the only one lonely/desperate/geeky enough to be here01:13
yuriyhappy new year mhb ;)01:13
mhbstdin: to you too01:13
Hobbseeapparently not :01:14
mhband you yuriy01:14
stdinnope, you have 3 lonely/desperate/geek friends :p01:14
mhband Hobbsee :o)01:14
yuriywell, it's not the new year here yet01:14
mhbyuriy: how's Adept porting?01:14
mhbif you manage to have a functional version by Wednesday we can start talking bout the membership :o))01:14
mhbnah, I'm kidding01:14
yuriymhb: had enough for today, but got something -- screenshot: http://gamemank.wordpress.com/2007/12/31/happy-new-year/01:15
mhbKDE4 got new splash screen01:18
* mhb builds kdebase to see it01:18
mhbunfortunately it's based on that KSplashX horror (personal opinion)01:18
yuriywhich is KSplashX?01:19
yuriydon't really remember what the deal with the splash engines was01:19
mhbwell, KSplashX is the OpenSUSE splash engine01:20
mhbit's not really bad performance-wise, and it is better maintained than the last engine was01:20
mhbbut I really dislike the way it is implemented01:21
mhbactually in order to have a nice configurable splash theme, they statically copy several of the Qt classes into that code01:21
mhbqimage.cpp and friends are all copied into there01:21
mhbwhich I find horrible from an "esthetical" point of view.01:22
mhbyuriy: do you update your bzr branch frequently?01:23
mhb== is it up to date? (adept branch)01:23
yuriymhb: it's up to date01:24
yuriywith all the cruft of me desperately trying to get things to work ^_^01:24
* mhb checks it out01:25
* yuriy probably shouldn't have committed the last few changes01:26
yuriyi couldn't get it to debug so i just started inserting kdebug()s and commenting out code01:26
mhbdon't worry01:28
Riddellhappy new year indeed01:28
mhbhappy new year Riddell01:28
yuriyhappy new year Riddell!!01:28
mhbRiddell: shouldn't you be hogmanaying somewhere?01:29
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | Next meeting: 2nd January 23:00 | Happy New Year
Riddellmhb: oh we did01:29
Riddellwe also held the KDE GB AGM01:29
mhbyuriy: http://img266.imageshack.us/my.php?image=updatersuggestedsy5.png I always wanted Adept to look like this :o)01:29
Riddellso a duplicate of uses in a nicht01:29
mhbwhat's that? AGM?01:29
Riddellannual general meeting01:30
mhbI hope you didn't get drunk and signed a key that was not meant to be signed01:30
Riddellwasnae me01:31
Riddellone of the longer contributing KDE developers fell over and broke/sprained his ankle01:31
mhbgood :o)01:31
mhbah, ungood01:32
Riddellwe put him to bed and drugged him up01:33
mhbhmm, poor chap01:34
mhbyuriy: so, how can I reproduce that screenshot of yours?01:35
mhbyuriy: my ept includes and tagcoll includes are conflicting01:38
mhbyuriy: did you encounter that too?01:38
mhb/usr/include/ept/debtags/debtags.h:33:31: error: tagcoll/coll/base.h: No suchfile or directory01:38
stdinFile tagcoll/coll/base.h found in libtagcoll2-dev01:39
mhbhmm, ln -s to the rescue01:40
yuriyhmm libtagcoll2-dev should do it01:41
yuriybut also need to fix the cmakelists to not hardcode the directory for that01:42
yuriyamong other things01:42
mhbevil disconnects01:43
Hobbseeah yes, meeting soon01:46
Hobbseenixternal: @blog.  hardy?  gutsy?01:50
yuriyany luck mhb?02:03
mhbyuriy: heh02:04
mhbyuriy: I had to re-learn all the gdb tricks02:04
yuriyi meant with your problem above02:04
mhbnow I finally have a useful backtrace out of it02:04
yuriyoh, nice02:04
mhbah yes, I fixed it02:04
mhbit was just a simple ln -s missing02:04
yuriyfor a second i thought you fixed the crash02:05
mhbno, not yet02:05
yuriyany idea what i'm doing wrong building it that it doesn't give a backtrace?02:05
mhba) use gdb, it's easier to get a decent backtrace with it02:06
mhbb) tell cmake to Debug build02:06
mhbc) run adept_manager with --nocrashhandler and --nofork02:06
yuriyyeah i need to learn that :) not relearn. i've used it from within kdevelop but that wasn't working02:07
yuriyvery little experience with it standalone02:07
mhbgdb ./adept/manager/adept_manager02:07
mhb(gdb) run --nocrashhandler --nofork02:08
yuriywell, i know that much, but from there all i know is "run" which isn't terribly helpful02:08
mhb(gdb) backtrace02:08
mhbI'm no gdb master either, I just get out of it what I need02:09
mhbyuriy: did it help?02:10
yuriyoh, i wasn't working on it. i'm leaving to celebrate soon but i'll give it a shot02:11
mhbokay, see you later then02:13
yuriyno, not much of a backtrace. but with those options it at least says it's a segmentation fault02:13
yuriyfrom some of the stuff i was commenting out i think it might have something to do with stuff from the ui files not getting initialized02:13
yuriybut that's just a guess, i haven't looked into it02:14
yuriyk bye, happy new year02:14
mhbyuriy: ^^02:14
mhbhappy new year to you too02:15
mhband kood night02:15
* dasKreech laughs02:17
mhbdasKreech: why?02:17
nixternalHobbsee: hardy02:21
nixternalyay snow, another 4 inches tonight02:22
crimsunmmm snow.02:25
Hobbseenixternal: yeah, default drivers aren't overly fast02:32
dasKreechKood ni... aww he left02:34
dasKreechHobbsee: Which card?02:34
HobbseedasKreech: 945gm02:34
nixternalHobbsee: with those tweaks in hardy, it is working very good02:35
dasKreechjos was doing some blogs bout speed02:35
Hobbseenixternal: true, but you can't do video02:35
nixternalwhat do you mean I can't do video?02:35
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dasKreechnixternal: She means your ugle02:36
Hobbseenixternal: playing video?02:37
nixternalsure I can02:37
Hobbseewith xv?02:38
crimsunxv will be problematic.02:38
crimsunx11/xshm will work fine.02:38
nixternalwith vlc, kaffeine, kmplayer02:38
nixternalwth is xv?02:39
HobbseeCheGuevara: i thought we got the new drm02:40
crimsunhmm, which new drm?02:42
Hobbseeapparently the exa mdoe needs a new drm to make it work at a reasonable speed02:43
* Hobbsee thought it went in with the kernel, but obviously not02:43
crimsunhmph.  Not even vanilla has it?  drm 1.1.0 20060810  i915 1.6.0 2006011902:44
Hobbseei'm not sure02:44
crimsun(I've got 2.6.24-rc6-git6+)02:45
crimsunlet's see if there's some buffoonery to be done from dri git02:45
dasKreechIBM stuck DRm in the Linux Kernel?02:47
nixternalnot that type of drm02:47
dasKreechWhat kinda are there?02:47
HobbseeCheGuevara: how much of that transition got uploaded?02:49
* Hobbsee does imlib202:52
Hobbsee+ fontforge02:54
crimsunHobbsee: do you know if we need a newer mesa (7.1ish), too?02:59
Hobbseecrimsun: no idea.02:59
crimsun(we->i915 users)02:59
crimsunok, I'll dig a bit deeper.  Just thought I'd attempt to preemptively forego effort duplication.02:59
dasKreechDoes any have any good sites for plane ticket prices?03:03
apacheloggerdasKreech: skyscanner.net03:04
crimsunI also use orbitz.com and hotwire.com03:06
dasKreechapachelogger: It starts off asking me if I wanna leave from MoBay. Looks good ;)03:09
Hobbseeright.  done some of that transition.03:14
nixternaloh well, warmed up, grabbed a drink, time for some more snowmobiling03:29
crimsunnixternal: (if you want to chase the "newer drm" path, then note you'll need latest git of both libdrm-3.0.0 and mesa-7.1)03:30
crimsunnixternal: (it's insufficient to have simply newer libdrm-3.0.0, meaning both the userspace lib and the newer i915.ko)03:30
blueyed2008 will be the year of the GNU/Linux Kubuntu Desktop.. :)03:51
nixternalthat lasted a whole 30 minutes04:08
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wolfgerHappy New Year05:49
nixternal7 minutes until new year here05:53
nixternalbut happy new year anyways, and happy new year to you as well wolfger05:53
dinosaur-rushi all08:30
dinosaur-ruswhat wrong is in qt4-dev-tools package? when I'm going to install it, Adept says something'll break...08:32
dinosaur-rusah, I understood why09:00
dinosaur-ruseither qt4-dev-tools package's dependencies or the package itself need to be updated. qt4-dev-tools requires libqt4-core 4.3.2-0ubuntu3, but 4.3.2-0ubuntu3.1 is installed... could someone fix it, please?09:04
pgquilesRiddell: ping10:14
Riddellhi pgquiles11:01
pgquilesRiddell: hi & happy new year. Is the TimeVault (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeVault) going to be added to Hardy? Someone did the work for KDE3 a few years ago: http://www.sandeepranade.com/html/ComputerScience/time-travelling-file-manager.html (for ext3cow only, but it might work as a starting point)11:03
Riddellpgquiles: dunno, never heard of it11:03
pgquilesRiddell: oh :-)11:04
pgquilesI read here and there and it seemed to me it was going to be added to ubuntu hardy11:04
Riddellpgquiles: try contacting its developers11:05
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mhbhey folks11:35
mhbyuriy: did you read the pastebin backtrace of mine and managed to get a similar one?11:35
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jpatricktxwikinger: ping12:10
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txwikingerjpatrick: pong13:09
jpatricktxwikinger: happy new year! I was wondering if you minded if I made a PDF version of the bug tridge tutorial you did13:10
txwikingerjpatrick: No problem13:10
txwikingerYou want me to look over it and make corrections?13:11
jpatrickok, I'll try and have it done by today :D13:11
txwikingerOr you just want to keep it like it was live?13:11
jpatrickIf you want, I don't mind13:11
txwikingerWhatever you want to do.. I will agree/help with any13:12
jpatrickfire away :D13:12
txwikingerI have to dig out my old LaTeX knowledge too :)13:13
txwikingerMy wife wants to publish a poem book13:13
jpatricklet me upload what I have right now13:13
jpatrickhmm, I have lunch right now, I'm basically LaTeXifiy the logs at the wiki, can you send the corrections to jpatrick@kubuntu.org ?13:16
txwikingerok.. I will have a look a little later.... I have to eat something too, just got up :D13:17
jpatrickOK, tutorial done14:48
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JucatoLure: happy new year! :)14:50
Jucatojpatrick: what tutorial?packaging?14:51
jpatrickJucato: bugs14:51
Jucatooh nice :)14:51
Jucatotutorial on how to create bugs?14:51
Jucatooh... that bugs :D14:51
LureJucato: happy new year to you an your family (same for all other present kubuntu lovers) ;-)14:52
* Lure is brain-dead because of hunting some plasma panel sizing bug :-(14:52
jpatricktxwikinger: ^^I'll wait for your +1 before announcing14:55
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txwikingercool jpatrick -- I have some more urls that I didn't get to during the session that should be added at the end14:58
txwikingerjpatrick: I sent you an e-mail with the links15:02
* jpatrick looks15:04
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jpatricktxwikinger: talk about email lag :D15:34
jpatrickI still don't have it..15:35
txwikingerwell it came back to me on bcc15:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:39
Tm_TLure: well, I'm just dead16:23
JucatoTm_T: happy new year16:24
Tm_TJucato: I never seen so much celebrating just for the end of monday like yesterday16:24
txwikingerMondays are evil...16:25
jpatrickthey're celebrating cos deep down they know.... KDE4 is just round the corner!! :D16:25
txwikingerlots of celebrating necessary when they are over16:25
jpatrickit's done it before plenty of times16:27
wolfgerTm_T: http://www.myextralife.com/archive.php?date=2007-12-3117:10
jpatrickhey mhb17:44
jpatrickhappy new year mate!17:44
mhbhappy new year to you too17:44
mhbany new topics for our meeting?17:48
mhbor anything new at all?17:50
jpatrickmhb: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~jpatrick/tutorials/kubuntu-tutorials-day-bugs.pdf <- this is new17:50
* mhb reads17:51
mhbnice, good job jpatrick17:56
yuriyjpatrick: the introduction is confusing cause you go right into medicine but never mention "triaging"18:18
yuriyuntil the last sentence18:19
yuriyalso " There was a disaster missing — disaster situations." doesn't make sense, what are you trying to say?18:20
jpatrickyuriy: -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuTutorialsDay/Bugs18:21
yuriyjpatrick: so is this supposed to come entirely from the irc log or are you trying to create an independently useful document?18:22
jpatrickyuriy: a mix, but I will fix that18:22
jpatrickyuriy: ok, fix uploaded, thanks18:26
CheGuevarahappy new year :)18:38
jjesse_you too :)18:38
CheGuevarahangover sucks lol18:38
CheGuevarameh 36 new emails18:43
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yuriymhb: still can't get a backtrace18:53
VorianI have a few days off, is there anything I can help with? :)18:54
yuriymhb: this is all i get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50412/18:57
jjesse_when does kde4 release officially?19:01
yuriyi think it's jan 1119:02
jjesse_cool thanks19:03
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yuriymhb: wow. i wasn't doing setupUi()19:36
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mhbyuriy: heh :o)20:38
mhbyuriy: no new commits though20:39
mhbyuriy: did you manage to get a decent backtrace like mine?20:39
mhbin the end20:39
yuriymhb: yeah backtraces are fine now, seems just that one spot that wasn't working, i think i commented out another line and it started working20:40
mhbyuriy: commit if there's more to it than last time, I'm like I child: I wanna see all the time :o)20:42
yuriymhb: committed20:46
mhbyuriy: nice, it even loads the info :o)20:51
mhbyuriy: then another crash20:51
yuriyyup, working on that one20:57
yuriyk fixed that one, now another one and no backtrace again20:59
mhbyuriy: no backtrace?20:59
mhbyuriy: hmm, lemme try getting it20:59
yuriymhb: committed21:00
yuriyoh pfft that one's obvious21:01
yuriyhmm or not21:02
yuriyor yes21:02
mhbthe prefix?21:03
yuriyno, the next crash. segfaults because of referring to actions and the sources editor that i commented out since i need to port the former and we aren't even using the latter21:04
yuriyhttp://www.yktech.us/temp/adeptqt4.png :D21:07
iRonyuriy: looks nice :)21:07
mhbhow did you get that?21:08
mhbso the main window (before it) is working?21:08
CheGuevaranice :P21:08
mhbbut I agree, nice work21:09
yuriymhb: no, it starts up on that, not quite sure why yet21:10
mhbI never knew adept installer has such a nice UI.21:22
CheGuevaraabout the only part of adept that does :P21:25
* CheGuevara actually has synaptic and update-manager installed21:25
mhbif there was an "Advanced View" button which would add some options, it'd be perfect21:26
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ubotugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts22:35
DaSkreech!info nmap23:07
ubotunmap: The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 4.20-2 (gutsy), package size 732 kB, installed size 2640 kB23:07
DaSkreechhi Jucato23:38
* DaSkreech waves sheepishly23:41
Jucatohappy new year? :)23:41
DaSkreechAre Drakes dragons?23:42
Jucatodepends on which "drake" you are referring to I guess.... drakes are also male ducks (as in dapper drake)23:43
Jucatobut I guess some consider "drake" as "dragon" from "draco"... maybe.... or from fantasy games/films...23:44
DaSkreechI saw your n-blont mention dragons :-)23:45
Jucatooh :)23:45
DaSkreechI thought that Konqui was a drake23:45
DaSkreechIt has a K in it :)23:45
DaSkreechWait Konqi23:45
* mhb 's back, everyone rejoice!23:49
Jucatomhb: happy new ear!!!!!!!!!23:49
Jucatoer.. year*23:49
mhbJucato: to you too23:49
mhbJucato: so, have you noticed the latest adept koolness?23:50
DaSkreechMy mom has a happy new ear23:50
Jucatomhb: nope... hadn't had time for any dev work since the 24th of Dec... :)23:50
mhbJucato: by an awesome person which will undoubtedly get membership very soon23:50
Jucatomhb: care to give me a summary? :D23:51
yuriyJucato: http://www.yktech.us/adeptqt4a.png23:51
mhbyuriy: wow, just checked out and built...23:51
mhbyuriy: supermegaawesome23:51
DaSkreechyuriy: Doesn't work23:52
Jucatoyuriy: redirects to http://people.brandeis.edu/~ykozlov//adeptqt4a.png.. which is not found :(23:52
CheGuevarahttp://people.brandeis.edu/~ykozlov//temp/adeptqt4.png may be23:52
Jucatowait, yuriy isn't a member yet? O.o23:52
yuriyerr stick a "temp" between the slashes23:53
Jucatowoah!! Qt4/KDE4? O.o23:53
DaSkreechThat's a nice oxygeny look23:53
JucatoAdept in Qt4/KDE4?!?!?!23:53
* Jucato faints23:53
DaSkreechDamn you yuriy !23:53
DaSkreechI wanted a communtiy :-(23:54
mhbJucato: like I said, he's supermegaawesome23:54
* Jucato falls down in worship23:54
Jucatoyuriy: maybe one day you can teach me the intestines of apt23:54
Jucatoer... I meant innards23:54
* DaSkreech kicks Jucato23:54
yuriyJucato: i know nothing about it, haven't touched any backendish stuff23:54
Jucatostill, great job! :)23:55
* Jucato is jealous hahahah :P23:55
DaSkreechShould he have to touch backend stuff?23:55
mhbyuriy: you're getting membership just to be able to post those screenshots to planet ubuntu23:55
DaSkreechwouldn't that be pretty bad design?23:55
JucatoDaSkreech: he doesn't need to touch the backend, but may want to revise how adept uses the backend23:56
Jucatoyuriy: believe him when he says that. he's up for kubuntu council anyway :)23:56
yuriyDaSkreech: as Jucato said, somebody will have to fix adept's useless errors for example23:56
Jucatowhat he says eventually comes true23:56
MaximLevitskyAnybody noticed that kdm doesn't work in XDMCP?23:57
mhbMaximLevitsky: not really, no XDMCP here.23:57
mhbMaximLevitsky: is there a bugreport about it?23:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178242 in kdebase "KDM doesn't work in XDMCP mode" [Undecided,New]23:57
MaximLevitskymine :-)23:57
Jucatoyuriy: now that it's ported (100%?), maybe we can focus the next months/years cleaning up the code and the UI :D23:58
DaSkreechMaximLevitsky: :-)23:58
Jucato(although dunno how things stand with Adept's upstream...)23:58
mhbJucato: depends on what we actually want to do23:59
yuriyJucato: far from 100%... just the manager, and it deadlocks if run as root23:59
mhbJucato: I would vote for actually ditching the manager and improving the installer only23:59
yuriyand as you see looks quite messy23:59
CheGuevaraweren't we switching to another package manager23:59
Jucato1. remove duplicate directories. 2. rename classes to be more... um... not Application/TestApp. 3. rename files to reflect content...23:59

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