
Oli``Any programmers in the room? I'm looking to get started programming GTK+ apps. I only moved to Linux full-time a couple of months ago but before then I was fairly accomplished with C#, Java, PHP and even C when I needed it... So yeah, I'm just looking for opinions on where to start =)02:03
linxehOli``: #ubuntu-offtopic for a start :)02:23
linxehseriously :)02:32
linxehthis channel is for development / problems with Hardy02:32
HobbseeOli``: on applications that you like the look of, and can see where you'd like to imporve them02:33
pwnguinOli``: add mime support to liferea ;)02:39
pwnguinor write a feature into rhythmbox to let me put a different playlist on default on startup02:40
hwildejtt, if icewm is the thing that it might not be gdm it might be metacity02:55
hwildejtt, i ran pure gnome with gdm and ti seems fine.  i ran kde with kdm and it was also fine.  xfce also works as does icewm.  the only thing i have found that crashes is metacity02:56
hwildei can go into icewm and type in nautilus and it loads up most of gnome and that is also fine02:57
tcpdumpgodHey guys whats goin gon.03:33
tcpdumpgodGoing on*03:33
crimsunok, time to get this alsa/oss4[.0] switcher off the ground.03:33
tcpdumpgodGOD having a shared hosting plan sucks.03:35
tcpdumpgodDreamhost got mad at me for installing torrentflux to download FreeBSD BOOT ONLY ISOs!03:36
Gninewriting hardy-desktop-i386 to cd-r03:36
Gnineworks on hardy03:36
Gninematter of fact.. i need to test boot this one too..03:37
shirishdoes anybody when bug 176487 is going to be resolved?04:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 176487 in openoffice.org "openoffice.org uninstallable due to build failure" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17648704:46
crimsunshirish: yes, it will.04:46
crimsunconsider that it is still holiday for the developer in charge of OO.o (Chris C.)04:47
shirishok cool, thanx crimsun :)04:47
Sonicadvance1I'm having troubles sharing a folder, is this a known problem?06:40
simonovahardy isn't recognizing gtk+ libraries during ./configure in edubuntu09:51
simonovaor at least for the program I'm trying to configure09:52
yotuxIs there a fix for the borken  libstdc++6 out?11:02
yotuxOr better yet a place that I can read about it11:02
sliptteesyo everyone13:35
sliptteeswhy ubuntu hardy don't going with cd/dvd burn "brasero" and irc client by default ?13:35
sliptteessorry my pour english :S13:37
bazhangfor hardy? or 7.10?14:04
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Infectodous some one have familiar problems with touch pad on hardy?15:15
Infectoi cant move coursor smoothly15:16
Infectowhen i try do it slowly15:16
Infectoon fast move works ok15:16
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shirishanybody knows where martin pitti has moved his debug symbols repository?15:42
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gesershirish: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-November/000355.html16:03
shirishgeser: thanx, reading it as we speak16:04
rungehi. is there a list of what the developers think will be in hardy hardon?16:42
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bigonZdra: je genere comment les marshals moi :o22:31
Zdrabigon: wrong channel ?22:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about b43 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:39
cafuegob43 is included in the 2.6.24+ kernels. You'll need firmware.22:39
alex_mayorgacan you please elaborate, I updated from feisty but the restricted manger still pulls bcm22:41
alex_mayorgathanks in advance22:41
cafuegoThat's fine then. Gutsy uses bcm43xx.22:41
cafuegoJust use bcm43xx-fwcutter22:41
alex_mayorgaI missed to point that from gutsy I jumped to hardy, how do I go from bcm to b43?22:42
cafuegoUse the b43-fwcutter and make sure bcm43xx doesn't load (you can blacklist it)22:43
cafuegohttp://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43  has all the info.22:43
alex_mayorgain hardy, restricted manager still tries to pull bcm and no b43, is that a known bug?22:43
alex_mayorgaI'll check that link, thanks22:43
cafuegoDunno, not using hardy.22:45
alex_mayorgacafuego, how do I do the blacklisting?22:48
alex_mayorgacan I apt renove bcm?22:48
cafuegoaladd an entry to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist22:48
=== ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFCLI

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