[01:03] !btlogin [01:03] Sorry, I don't know anything about btlogin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:04] @btlogin [01:39] Happy New Year guys and gals :) [01:47] happy new year! [01:48] Hobbsee, I guess its old news for you now. [01:48] yeah, rather [01:50] hobbsee's a seasoned 2008'er [01:50] hehe === LongPoin1yStick is now known as LongPointyStick [03:35] hwilde called the ops in #ubuntu () [03:38] I hate lag [03:39] !tla [03:39] Sorry, I don't know anything about tla - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [03:39] hmmm [03:40] !lol [03:40] Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. [04:04] !lag [04:04] You have lag, I don't have lag [04:22] in case you didn't notice... [04:22] Hmm? [04:22] /CSKICKBAN Damarack ban evasion mulvane / trolling [04:23] I've got that ready at #ubuntu [04:23] If its ban evasion, what are you waiting for? [04:24] I'm feeling nice and sleepy ;-) [04:25] sssllleepy mmm [05:39] may I ask why I am baned from ubuntu-offtopic and ubuntu? [05:47] @btlogin [05:49] Goatz: this is a very good question... [05:49] can I at least find out who banned me? [05:50] * crdlb loves bans on entire ISPs [05:50] crdlb: checked fro that. no dice. [05:50] 00:49 [freenode] -!- 0 - #ubuntu-offtopic: ban *!*@*.ip.windstream.net [by Madpilot!n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot, 428475 [05:50] ahh [05:51] ruddy bantracker. [05:51] * Hobbsee wonders why the bantracker is out of date [05:51] nuff said, don't worrie it's probly a valid ban, I'll wait till I get back to work. [05:51] * Hobbsee looks around for madpilot [05:51] alltel's evdo remaped to windstream today during the storm... so ... [05:52] that ban shouldn't be there - i'm just wondering why it was put there in the first place [05:53] Goatz: unbanned. can you do me a favour in a couple of days, and come back and ask me to narrow that ban, when we should have a working ban tracker again? [05:54] yeah but don't know who the orginal target was, but thank you. [05:54] Goatz: neither do i. hopefully we'll find otu. [05:54] mind you, if their IP's are excessively dynamic, it'll be a slight waste of time, i expect [05:54] you're welcome [05:55] yeah windsteam is normally part of there wifi/cellular network so, a whole ban like that... was probly the only way, sitting here on the couch I've had 4 ip's allreayd :( [06:45] I think our political spammer is back: i=Mitt08@ [06:50] Mitt08 (i=Mitt08@ banned from #kubuntu for political spamming. [07:49] It's been almost a year, can I be unbanned from #ubuntu-offtopic? [08:23] marpstar: You need to change your ident ("name"@ip). [08:24] ... why is marpstar here ? [08:24] i don't understand [08:24] yeah [08:24] i tried to get into #ubuntu [08:24] thoreauputic: ident [08:24] You can't until you have an appropriate ident [08:24] bye [08:24] hah [08:24] ah [08:24] still the same [08:25] why am i getting sent to this room when trying to join #ubuntu? [08:25] we told you [08:25] now fix it [08:25] marpstar: because you appear to want to be fucked. [08:25] Hobbsee: When was I banned from -offtopic? [08:25] marpstar: because your ident is obnoxious [08:25] ok [08:26] heh [09:48] Hi Year, Happy new Seveas [09:49] hey everyone happy new year too :-) [09:50] Gary, everyone is in bed with a hangover only the sados left :) [09:50] * tonyyarusso didn't drink [09:50] and many happy returns to you too [09:51] happy new year paulie [09:51] tonyyarusso, there ya go :) [09:51] iisn't it like 2 more hours and then this new years thing is absolutely and for certain done? [09:51] I got forced out of bed to drive him to Milton Keynes this fine foggy morning so he can visit his parents [09:51] today we talk like we are in the mafia? [09:51] Myrtti: yes. [09:51] ompaul: Thatta works for me [09:52] tonyyarusso, ya don't shay do ya? [09:52] naw, freddie here does alla the talkin [09:53] tonyyamobbo? [09:53] * tonyyarusso nods silently [09:54] * tonyyarusso aka Antonio Giuseppe Iarusso, if yuse wanna know [10:12] tonyyarusso, see, thats the problem with the punks they always wanna know [10:13] tonyyarusso, they got no right, n they don't be showin respect for ya or the family [10:13] hehe [10:13] dona mess wit da family [10:15] tonyyarusso, nice 'puter they got there... pity if anything happened to it [10:16] tonyyarusso, one day it's all good, next day it is runnin windows, ya know what I am sayin [10:16] Preferably Vista [10:16] Basic Home Worthless Edition [10:17] they shouda knowed better but they kept doin it - I mean like - what was we supposetado ? [10:17] we gotta nice line of Windows ME here... We don wana have to use it on you nice folksa... [10:18] hahaha [10:19] thoreauputic, just make them an offer they can't refuse [10:19] this is so bash.org stuff [10:20] Myrtti, if you do that, yuze idhavtaleavetown [10:20] we knowa nice guy named Theo Daraadt - he'll help ya ta think straight [10:20] * ompaul rofl [10:20] Richard will nix your o/s [10:20] (that works on a few levels) [10:21] we fixeda Richard good - we make 'im use the vi ... [10:23] ya fool, he will just write emacs from scratch with that now your in trouble [10:23] we switcha keyboard and disanle esc... [10:24] and now esc givea ctrl+x ctrl+c [10:25] thoreauputic, macros will make smackros of that [10:26] ya got to see the big picture - it's on at 3pm in the cinema [10:26] OK so we needa more firepower - sub-machine ed [10:27] joe took out ed the other day [10:27] ed aska too many questions, like ? ? ? [10:27] ---- Welcome to #ubuntu-ops, editor wars like you never saw them before ---- [10:27] lol [10:28] thoreauputic, I guess [10:29] vi nny [10:30] richard "emacs" stallman - converting people to the cause since '83 [10:30] we made him an offer... [10:30] kate is doing a side line in text files these days I am told [10:30] abi kept her world [10:30] woops [10:30] abi kept her word [10:31] yall fools [10:32] forgotten the russkies have ya [10:33] disputin with Rasputin ain't for the Sicilianos... they got a bad rep wiv da stolen plutonium [10:34] wiv da stolen windahs source [10:34] heheh [10:35] same thing, no? [10:35] tru dat [10:36] Myrtti, but they just closed the source again [10:36] Myrtti, that means we can do stuffs they can't [10:37] crd1b, we ain't lost the plot [10:37] ---- Welcome to #ubuntu-ops, editor wars like you never saw them before ---- [10:37] noot to ferget the yakuza wit their leehnux phuunes [10:37] today we talk like we are in the mafia? [10:37] oh, far out.... enough already [10:37] jussi01: betrayer [10:37] so far out it ain't never been in [10:38] you'll end up with horses head in yer bed, fool [10:38] lol [10:38] jussi01: we gotta nice little place for peepla like you... ##windahs [10:38] either you is very brave or you is stupid [10:39] we don wanna make no threats, but a ya givan us no choice... [10:39] what is we do to, I axe ya [10:39] * jussi01 boards up his windows and takes out his machine gun... [10:40] that ain't a gun this is a gun [10:40] maxy is gonna use his maxim on ya windahs [10:41] * jussi01 rolls out his tank... [10:41] jussi01: you'll just end up shoveling acpi and apm code inda kernal that way [10:41] we's got the over powa [10:41] nah, we got worse - we send him a GOTO statement... [10:41] * ompaul is crying with laughter and in pain from it :) [10:42] some one stop the hurt! [10:42] * jussi01 rolls out bill gates!! super weapon!! [10:42] now we start the COBOl for the cabal... [10:42] jussi01, a straw man [10:43] jussi01: a mere tin can! nothi me nmap n knocker wouldn't crack [10:43] thoreauputic, that beat his basic efforts no problemo, we got us a demo [10:43] lol [10:44] * jussi01 sets up fortress ubuntu [10:44] now he gotta case of mono in the key of C# [10:44] where's the humanity in that jussi01 [10:44] SHOW ME THE SOURCE! [10:44] ompaul: its protecting all that is good in humanity - me :D [10:45] * thoreauputic shows ompaul the horse [10:45] without da head... [10:45] just buggin ya [10:45] thoreauputic, brings a whole new meaning to "the headless horse, man!" [10:45] * jussi01 lays down his weapons and surrenders [10:46] trust da horse, Luka [10:46] jussi01, well done, with pepper source [10:47] if it weren't for them kids and the pesky dog I would 'ave gotten away with it [10:47] okay I got to be a driver for a bit [10:48] we gotta da code... code of silence! [10:50] * thoreauputic brings in the police.... "Nothing to see here, folks, move along..." [10:51] these aren't the binary blobs you're looking for [10:53] haha [11:05] hehe [11:23] blobwars! [11:24] !info blobwars [11:24] blobwars: A platform shooting game. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 7442 kB, installed size 8020 kB [11:29] not allowed drive [11:30] people want to walk so that suits me [11:33] install blobwars if only for the initial musical notes the fake drum beats could have been left out [11:33] ompaul: joe was right to take ed out - ed kept asking questions [11:33] ? [11:34] ? [11:34] ? [11:34] so we had to do the CTRL+D on hime [11:34] thoreauputic, this is the way, it is only editing [11:34] we edit those guys out, right ! [11:35] worst. editor. joke. ever. [11:35] Seveas: I win! [11:35] ;) [11:36] ompaul: hey, Seveas is dissing da Family! [11:36] ompaul: what do we do to him? [11:38] thoreauputic, if there was a jury we would buy them out [11:38] * ompaul considers making Seveas an offer he can't refuse [11:39] I refuse [11:39] Seveas, coffee? [11:39] tea [11:39] 'erbal tea even [11:39] hehe [11:39] you're* [11:40] Seveas, use grammer v 1.01 :-O [11:40] we brake your and you're [11:40] Seveas: mafiosi are bad grammarians... [11:40] grammar* [11:40] Seveas, see youze is not on the same page [11:40] dennis@mirage:~$ perl -pe 'use grammer v 1.01 :-O' [11:40] Number found where operator expected at -e line 1, near "v 1.01" [11:40] (Do you need to predeclare v?) [11:40] syntax error at -e line 1, near "v 1.01" [11:40] Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors. [11:41] The Mob has ways of dealing with pedants! [11:41] we makes them debug dos [11:41] aargh! [11:41] * Seveas debugs dos with a hammer [11:41] that would work - if you had a hammer [11:41] I have [11:41] and a clue-bu-four [11:41] by* [11:42] clue-be-four - an english farmers clue [11:48] okay now I take a break [11:48] back in a bit [11:49] or if I am gone eight bits a byte or two :) [11:49] *groan* [11:49] :) [11:49] * thoreauputic suggests a Megabit after that joke [12:08] heh [12:09] thoreauputic, at my perl I make the following joke - I chomped on some food [12:09] * thoreauputic bashes ompaul [12:09] and dashes away... [12:09] * ompaul goes back into his shell [12:10] thoreauputic, ehhhhhhhhhh what prompted that? [12:10] * ompaul groans [12:10] oh dear [15:17] di[a]fic, please don't do that in #ubutu [15:17] ubuntu even [15:17] do what? [15:17] nick change [15:17] ._. [15:17] this is not #ubuntu [15:17] Jeeze, I wonder why I even bother with this bloody distro. [15:18] eh? [15:18] a kf from #ubuntu for nick changes [15:18] there is no need to do it in a channel that busy [15:18] true [15:18] so we had a little chat about it the other day so kf to here and ask people not do to it [15:19] and you can see what it is buying us [15:40] In ubotu, ompaulafk said: no ask is Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [15:40] ohh === nalioth__ is now known as nalioth [16:07] one Nicole should show up [16:07] Myrtti, saw that ;-) [16:07] but only when she rejoins :) [16:08] indeedy [16:08] I was too slow [16:30] guys, there's someone posting the same link over and over again on #ubuntu-uk [16:30] link for what [16:30] I can't see anything [16:30] just an amazon link [16:31] cinex, but I didn't notice they were different, sorry [16:35] housekeeping time in #ubuntu [16:38] woah.. === ubot3` is now known as ubot3 [17:18] 9:11 @,- Holmes [n=akinoyes@] has joined #ubuntu-women [17:18] 19:11 < Holmes> ANYONE WANTS TO HAVE QUICK ONLINE SEX CONTACT ME NOW IM ITCHING [17:18] 19:12 < Holmes> ANYONE WANTS TO HAVE QUICK ONLINE SEX CONTACT ME NOW IM ITCHING [17:18] 19:13 @,- Holmes [n=akinoyes@] has left #ubuntu-women [] [17:28] nice [17:29] already quit though [17:30] scum [18:21] bonjour [18:23] EEEK! [18:23] * Tm_T hugs Myrtti [18:26] Myrtti, and you didn't see the romance in that? [18:27] long walks on the beach, candlelight dinner and romantic poetry === nzk_ is now known as nzk [18:41] there's some idiot there again, I think [18:41] sorry [18:41] a... man. [18:42] nzk: is there something we can help you with? [18:42] Yeah... [18:42] When was I banned from -offtopic? [18:42] Myrtti, aishiko's comment made me think she knew him [18:43] nzk, a geological era or so ago i think [18:44] I wouldn't count on it, PriceChild [18:44] I know it's January 1x, 2007 [18:44] Probably 17, maybe 12 [18:45] there's a kick on 16th [18:47] Must have been it [18:47] So, err, it's been a year. Can I be unbanned? === jpatrick_ is now known as jpatrick [18:50] nzk, please be patient [18:51] I am patient :< [18:51] hasn't looked like it [18:51] When was I impatient? [18:52] all the times I've seen you here before? [18:52] nzk, ok lets put it another way.... stop, shh and wait. [18:52] PriceChild: thank you [18:53] Are the packages in the current versions of Ubuntu based off Debian Sid ? [18:53] er? [18:53] Alright. [18:53] naudiz, read the topic [18:53] I will wait. [18:54] nzk, *neither* of those two lines were needed. [18:54] PriceChild oh, I'm in the wrong channel somehow [18:54] naudiz, I would assume you've been forwarded then. [18:54] naudiz, you are banforwarded from #ubuntu. I'll just find out why. [18:54] PriceChild I have -- I was forwarded from #Ubuntu to Ubuntu-ops [18:54] ikonia, ping [18:55] naudiz, lets have a look [18:55] PriceChild oh, yeah I was banned for suggesting that someone recompile their kernel [18:55] yeah course that was why you were banned [18:55] PriceChild apparently the channel ops thought that was too advanced for the average Ubuntu user or something [18:55] PriceChild I got in a fight about it actually [18:56] 2007-12-27T23:08:43 ikonia: the average user being the idiot in your opinion [18:56] aww [18:56] !offtopic | naudiz [18:56] naudiz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [18:56] !guidelines | naudiz [18:56] naudiz: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [18:57] naudiz, read those two please [18:57] that was as ikonia said an attempt to put words in his mouth which he never utted [18:57] uttered [18:58] 2007-12-27T23:05:33 ikonia: you are an idiot -- if you recompile a kernel to only have the drivers you need then the system boots up faster [18:58] I'm pretty sure that because of modules the difference is negligable. [18:58] uh, yeah [18:59] Now, editing the modules to be loaded could make sense [18:59] Meanwhile, any difference it did make would take a year and a half to break even for the time you spent recompiling the kernel [18:59] tonyyarusso, you kill me you do [19:00] but anyway that is irrelevant [19:01] tonyyarusso actually the default kernel boots up slower because of all the default drivers it has enabled to make sure it is compitable with all systems [19:01] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50413/ [19:01] passages i find pretty problematic of the things you said. [19:03] naudiz, not the point. If a user is going to redo all that... then its going to break ubuntu in other ways because of their inexperience and the general nature of how ubuntu is put together. See "/msg ubotu worksforme" End of that discussion. We do *NOT* advocate it to people in #ubunt. [19:03] *#ubuntu [19:04] PriceChild Why does Ubuntu offer the Debian way to recompile a kernel then if you are not supposed to recompile a kernel ? [19:04] naudiz: you clearly don't understand [19:05] naudiz, read what I said again. [19:05] *especially* /msg ubotu worksforme [19:06] LjL noitce how the person I was helping 'earthling' in the channel complained that I was banned for voicing my opinions ? [19:07] s/noitce/notice/g [19:07] naudiz: it's not your opinion why you are banned [19:07] naudiz, we do not care about that. [19:07] naudiz, notice how i couldn't care less? [19:07] LjL: PriceChild: nownow [19:07] naudiz, it is our collective opinion you were out of order for #ubuntu [19:07] naudiz, For the 3rd and final time, please read what I said. [19:07] naudiz, I strongly suggest you do read what PriceChild pointed to [19:08] !offtopic [19:08] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [19:08] !guidelines [19:08] The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [19:08] !freespeech > earthling [19:08] !freespeech [19:08] Please don't pepper the channel with cries of buzzwords like "free speech!", especially when you don't know what they mean nor are they applicable to the current situation. See http://tonyyarusso.com/content/what-free-speech-isnt for more information. [19:08] That's a new one. [19:08] na [19:08] Yah [19:08] it is not used often [19:08] the factoid's new [19:08] the link isn't [19:08] ahh [19:08] * Pici makes note [19:08] New factoid, not new to mention (I finally got sick of looking up that URL) [19:09] I saw the link when it was on planet *reads it again anyway* [19:09] tonyyarusso: once again, brilliant article [19:09] ubotu free speech is offensive speech [19:09] In #ubuntu-ops, naudiz said: ubotu free speech is offensive speech [19:09] Tm_T: thanks [19:10] naudiz, don't concur with you [19:10] naudiz, also the bot does not take edits unless you have a login [19:10] naudiz, there are three facets of the issue here as i see it. 1) #ubuntu should stay on topic, i.e. support, and ikonia and you strayed quite offtopic 2) you really shouldn't give advice that's frowned upon, and recompiling the kernel just for the heck of it certainly is. of course you may not know what's frowned upon and what's not, but you live and learn, and being humble rather than arrogant helps with that 3) personal insults and flaming are really [19:10] not tolerated [19:11] tonyyarusso: Very nice article there [19:11] do you understand each of these points? [19:12] LjL I understand that I should use FreeBSD or NetBSD and not Ubuntu because recompiling a kernel in BSD for performance improvement is not frowned upon [19:12] naudiz, ok I think we've had enough of you now. The ban will not be lifted at this time. [19:13] yup, i concur [19:13] However I still think it would be worth you checking over all the links we've provided you with. [19:13] naudiz, is there anything else? [19:13] In ubotu, sarthor said: who is there? [19:13] !bot > sarth (sarth, see the private message from Ubotu) [19:13] !bot > sarthir (sarthir, see the private message from Ubotu) [19:13] gn [19:13] LjL, or :) [19:13] did it in pm [19:13] LjL, yeap [19:13] * ompaul makes LjL a nice coffee [19:14] which is promptly rejected [19:15] naudiz, is there anything else? [19:17] ompaul: i'll microwave it after dinner if you don't mind [19:17] :) [19:18] I just love how they threaten to move to another distro if their demands are not met [19:19] i don't [19:19] gives such a lovely, warm and fuzzy feeling inside [19:19] it's becoming pretty typical and stereotyped [19:19] they could come up with something new [19:19] like, say, that it was their brother and not they === nzk is now known as nzk_ [19:28] nzk_: how about you patiently wait somewhere else? [19:29] Then how am I supposed to know if there is a verdict? [19:33] when you try to join the channel, you either can or can't [19:33] or, one of us will inform you to come here [19:34] anyway, the decision will not be made now [19:52] *taptaptappity* [19:52] interesting [19:52] isn't it [19:53] ok then [19:53] my slip was showing again??? [19:54] nzk_: I'm waiting [19:56] nzk_, you have been asked to leave a couple of times, rather politely [19:57] they have to be told [19:57] I guess [19:57] Tm_T: what was that about ;-) [19:58] that naudiz is a nutter [19:59] his (I assume a he) was an abusive racist - and at the same time sucking up to me - strange - very very strange [20:00] hoo hum [20:00] lovely [20:00] where is chanserv [20:00] hmm [20:00] laggggggggg [20:01] ahh that is more reasonable [20:01] works fine to me... [20:01] s/to/for/ [20:02] velh0:How can I help [20:02] ? [20:03] Myrtti, na it was lagging there a few seconds before it [20:03] jussi01: hello! i'm currently in #kubuntu-pt and #kubuntu-br. and i would like to know if these are official [20:03] jussi01: anf if not, i would like to make it official [20:03] jussi01: and help kubuntu portuguese community to grow :) [20:04] distracting nick ;-) [20:04] would've guessed a Finn :-) [20:04] Myrtti: do you have any Idea how to deal with this? [20:05] jussi01: is it possible? thank you. [20:05] well. [20:05] I'm here [20:05] velh0: speak to PriceChild :) [20:05] -ChanServ- -- Access List for [#kubuntu-pt] -- -ChanServ- 1 30 _nunix_ 1y 12w 1d 4h 8m 34s [20:06] seems it needs some loco love [20:06] ChanServ- -- Access List for [#kubuntu-br] -- -ChanServ- 1 30 Smash_se 50w 5d 23h 39m 14s [20:06] PriceChild: hello! can you help me? jussi01 sayd to me that i should talk with you [20:06] again only one person [20:06] velh0, are #ubuntu-pt and #ubuntu-br that overwhelmed with conversation that splitting it up into two distro support channels is a good idea? [20:07] I would suggest you talk to the contacts listed on "/msg chanserv info #ubuntu-br" etc. before deciding to start a channel like that. [20:07] PriceChild: good point :) [20:07] PriceChild; no, you are right. [20:07] PriceChild, they exist they should really be turned into the loco stuff as far as I can see [20:07] ompaul, sorry not with you? forwarded? [20:07] yes [20:08] PriceChild: anyway, i will be there to help my portuguese friends in Kubuntu. [20:08] PriceChild and jussi01: i'm sorry for all the trouble [20:08] velh0, no trouble whatsoever, its why I idle here. [20:08] :) [20:09] PriceChild: i didnt thought of the splitting up issue :S [20:09] velh0, it is not trouble, we just seem to wonder about are there enough people in those channels would the help not be better from #ubuntu and have it look after all forms of *ubuntu ;-) [20:11] why isn't this discussion in #ubuntu-irc? :) [20:11] LjL, cos the chap did not turn up there? [20:11] That's another good point :) [20:11] can always point them there tho [20:12] LjL: thats My fault [20:12] My apologies [20:12] jussi01, you always to blame? ;-) [20:12] well my friends, thank you and a happy new year to you all :) [20:12] ompaul: ssshhh [20:12] velh0, as the guys said - perhaps you should to go #ubuntu-irc and chat inthere [20:13] ompaul: why? [20:13] that is the place where international ops hang out [20:13] jussi01: it's ok it doesn't hurt my eyes to see this discussion here, just i'm pretty insisting on using -irc for what it completes to it since it's new enough to be forgotten if unused [20:14] velh0: the issue is solved, there's nothing to talk about. but tank you for the info, tho ;) [20:14] LjL: ok, I should have known, Ijust forgot ;) [20:14] jussi01, there are more than you here, you can't keep all the blame to yourself [20:15] ompaul: I referred him here from #kubuntu ;) [20:15] jussi01, you still can't keep all the blame I want some === PriceChild changed the topic of #ubuntu-ops to: Welcome to the home of the Ubuntu IRC Team operators | This channel is for operator/abuse questions in the ubuntu-irc team domain only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | LoCo channel discussion etc. to #ubuntu-irc | Ubuntu-IRC team info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam | The IRC council reserves the right to remove idlers from the channel [20:16] ompaul: but then again, he did just say I need to talk to a #kubuntu mod in private... ;) [20:16] ompaul: so i blame you!! :P [20:16] jussi01, share the kudos and share the blame none of it is too exciting [20:16] :) [20:17] * jussi01 goes to idle with his wife ;) [20:17] jussi01 it's saying the truth :) [20:17] but as i said before, the issue is solved [20:18] velh0, is there anything else we can help you with? [20:19] ompaul: not in the moment, but thank you :) i go now.... happy new year to all of you :D [20:19] happy new you year to you too velh0 [20:24] Oh by the way guys... I just had a request [20:24] PriceChild, ? [20:24] To advertise the channel #big in the topics i have access to. [20:24] Just wondering what to reply... [20:24] what is #big? [20:24] * ompaul goes to check without going [20:25] hmm well our old favourite kbrooks is in there [20:25] PriceChild: what to reply...? [20:25] PriceChild, pm [20:26] and wth is irc.unspecific.net? [20:26] LjL, hehe i'm being sarcy and am not going to say yes 8-) [20:26] hello borschty, can we help you? [20:27] PriceChild, well I say -1 but that is only me [20:27] I was just being sarcy by bring it up here. [20:27] i don't need help, i just wanted to check what kind of channel this is [20:28] a-ha [20:28] borschty, /topic [20:29] somebody gave it as reason for having voice in a ubuntu channel as chan-op... so i wanted to check if it is a common practice in ubuntu channels or something like that [20:30] borschty, no [20:30] borschty: it's not, not in the main channels at least. this channel is different from most others in that we want ops to be recognizable as such so that people can ask things to them [20:30] in most other channels, there's no reason why people would or should ask things specifically to ops [20:31] borschty, In ubuntu channels we advise against keeping +o or +v. It draws unneeded attention and other negative things (more fully discussed in our operator guidelines which I can offer to you if you have not seen them) In this channel we use them because it is important to differentiate between ubuntu-irc ops. [20:31] Its not much use debating a ban with jdong for example 8-) [20:31] s/debating/appealing/ [20:31] i think it's likely fun tho [20:32] ok, thats mostly like what i thought, too [20:32] * LjL gets himself banned from #uf [20:32] just of the heck of debating it with jdong, unless price wants to be annoying and override [20:32] PriceChild, I am still trying to figure out a use for jdong ;-) [20:32] hehe :) [20:33] ompaul: is your ubuntu slow to boot? [20:33] no [20:33] then there is none [20:33] ok, thanks for that explanation, bye [20:34] lol [20:35] ok we got visitors 2.0 installed [20:35] I better go talk with them [20:35] back later [20:35] ban visitors [20:40] Hello DreamThief, how can I help? [20:55] LjL, ? [20:56] ? [20:56] you said i was unbanned in 2008 [20:56] im not [20:57] oh fun [20:57] In #ubuntu-offtopic, MenZa said: !meta is For difficult support questions, #ubuntu-meta may be employed to avoid disturbing the main channel. Note, #ubuntu-meta is !English only. [20:58] HS^, remember why you were banned? [21:01] hm no one thing at a time [21:01] !etiquette > HS^ (HS^, see the private message from Ubotu) [21:01] !guidelines > HS^ (HS^, see the private message from Ubotu) [21:01] !coc > HS^ (HS^, see the private message from Ubotu) [21:02] HS^: please make sure you've read everything there and understand it [21:02] if we give you a second opportunity, you really must avoid misbehaving again [21:03] Alyxander, hey, how can I help? [21:03] following instruction I corrected the fix [21:03] or the bug rather [21:03] and changed ports [21:03] Alyxander: you're good [21:04] In #ubuntu-offtopic, picard_pwns_kirk said: ubotu: meta is For difficult support questions, #ubuntu-meta may be employed to avoid disturbing the main channel. Note, #ubuntu-meta is !English only. [21:04] thank you [21:04] thank you, have fun [21:04] ok [21:04] mind if i hang out in here to? [21:05] Alyxander: actually, yes, we'd rather only have people here who need immediate ops assistence [21:05] Yes, LjL? [21:05] alright [21:05] menza: #ubuntu-meta is not really for "difficult support question", nor for not disturbing the main channel (why would the main channel be disturbed by *support questions*!? it gets disturbed by everything else)... -meta is *never* for your own support questions, you know, only for answering *other people's* [21:05] Where was the notice I found... [21:05] One second, LjL [21:06] ah [21:06] "Hard questions asked in your support channel and you'd like to bring them to a smaller community? Check out #ubuntu-meta [21:06] from -irc [21:06] MenZa: yes that's the #ubuntu-irc topic [21:06] I misunderstood that, then [21:06] My apologies [21:06] (and it was "a larget community", then someone noted that it wasn't larger at all...) [21:06] larger [21:06] lol [21:07] MenZa: but, it says in *your* support channel. i.e. by someone else, and nobody in the channel knows how to answer [21:07] I figured it meant more specialised questions, but again, misunderstood [21:07] so, if you find an interesting question in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-dk if you're there, get all the useful information from the user, but in the end just can't answer it [21:07] you can submit it in -meta [21:07] Indeed [21:07] I get that now. :) [21:07] MenZa, it should end up being for specialized questions indeed, since easier questions should be, well, easy [21:08] just not a support channel in its own right [21:08] but a meta-support channel as the name implies [21:08] * MenZa nods [21:08] so i guess we can have a factoid anyway but different and not to be publicized too much [21:09] Indeed. [21:09] dunno, !meta is If you would like to help in #ubuntu but it just goes too fast for you to spot interesting questions, try joining #ubuntu-meta and watching for questions there (note that it is NOT a support channel, however, and questions should still be answered in #ubuntu) [21:09] Hey macogw, how can I help? [21:09] how sounds [21:11] LjL: sorry to interrupt, but i saw a discussion of the mess #ubuntu becomes when busy that suggested separating it. #ubuntu seems to be mostly beginner questions and harder or more focused ones are ignored. is there any #ubuntu-x for more in-depth questions, or should those people be referred to #ubuntu-meta or to non-ubuntu channels like #alsa and #xorg? [21:16] latter, imo [21:16] macogw, people should *never* be referred to #ubuntu-meta, since -meta is for spotting and *reporting* interesting (and hard) questions. #ubuntu remains the channel for both easy and hard questions - when you need to walk someone through something complicated, #ubuntu-classroom was often the channel of choice, although i think lately the contacts prefer to keep it for its primary use only [21:16] non-ubuntu channels can be suggested as alternatives but you should never tell people "join #x since this is not a question for #ubuntu" unless it really *is* a question unrelated to ubuntu [21:16] ok [21:17] or if nobody present in the channel has any helpful answer? [21:17] macogw, sure, you can always say "perhaps give it a shot in #alsa too" [21:17] mmk [21:20] MenZa, macogw: thing is... what would be gained by having many support channels? there would be the same people, just split in many channels with even less chance of spotting the questions you know about (sure, if you're an ALSA expert you might benefit from being in a sound-specific channel, but then yeah #alsa is the best bet, no need for #ubuntu-alsa methinks). what's hard is to spot question *because there are many*. following a discussion isn't [21:20] really so hard, unless people can't use their client's highlighting function [21:21] note that -meta currently has a bot that tries to automatically classify questions by category, and you can subscribe to them and have them reported to you [21:21] oo thats a neat bot [21:22] wols called the ops in #ubuntu (please make rich behave properly) [21:23] having that same sort of bot in #ubuntu might be good then if it can pm you for topics you know about [21:24] macogw, it *is* in #ubuntu [21:24] and many other channels [21:24] and relays questions it sees to #ubuntu-meta [21:24] and in PM if you so choose [21:24] just read the topic [21:24] oo i see. i thought you meant it was *only* in #ubuntu-meta [21:24] sorry [21:30] nixnoob [21:41] In #ubuntu-youth, MenZa said: !no, !nickspoon-#ubuntu-youth is Do not trust anything nickspoon says. [21:42] MenZa, that's not #ubuntu-youth specific :) [21:43] Seveas: Touché. [21:43] Also, hello :) [21:43] I haven't seen you around much lately. Maybe I'm just not paying very much attention. [21:44] haven't been around much [21:44] hello Seveas :-) [21:44] so even if you had paid attention, you still wouldn't have seen me [21:44] ola gary-san [21:44] :) [21:45] also, usually one sees (or rather hits) seveas when one is *not* paying attention [21:45] (or rather is hit by) [21:45] true [21:45] :D [21:45] yay, opabuse :-D [21:46] where's !opabuse-#ubuntu-offtopic [21:47] been eaten? [21:47] !unforget opabuse-#ubuntu-offtopic [21:47] I suddenly remember opabuse-#ubuntu-offtopic again, LjL [21:48] being, uhm, the contrary of eaten now [21:48] thrown up? [21:48] yeah. [21:50] he still isn't paying attention methinks [21:52] :p yeah