
=== kefkouille is now known as gourdin
joumetalanyone having browser problems after xulrunner-1.9 update?00:14
Vuenhey guys, will hardy support tcl 8.5?00:22
joumetalVuen yes according to packages.ubuntu.com00:24
Vuenoh goodie :)00:24
Vueni went to archive.ubuntu.com and looked through the package list for hardy, and tcl8.5 wasn't in it00:24
Vuenhmm, see tcl on packages.ubuntu.com still has version 8.4.16-100:26
Vuenoh, but there are tcl8.5 packages. nevermind.00:28
Vuenawesome by the way.00:28
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se7enwhat do i do about E:internal error, could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libstdc++602:28
se7eni get that error in virtualbox after apt-get upgrade02:29
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lennieMy network-manager-gnome is broken08:51
lenniethe unlock button is greyed08:51
lennieif run gksu network-admin in a terminal,I got08:52
lennie** (network-admin:29187): WARNING **: Error doing GetSessionForUnixProcess on ConsoleKit: org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.UnmappedError.CkManagerError.Code0: Unable to lookup session information for process '29187'08:53
lennie** (network-admin:29187): CRITICAL **: Unable to lookup session information for process '29187'08:53
lennieany advice?08:57
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elkbuntulennie, reported as a bug?09:09
lenniegnome-system-administration-network, this is normal09:11
lennie1.I don't know it is a bug or only my individual problem09:15
lennie2.I don't know it is a bug of which package09:16
danf_1979Hi, I have just dist-upgraded to hardy (kubuntu) and now my desktop is full of icons, one for every file or directory in /. Desktop directory has no files though, I just can see the icons when I look my desktop. Any clues?09:19
danf_1979gtk apps look ugly, what happened to gtk-qt-engine? Isn't it working anymore? I have it installed...09:36
danf_1979gtk apps look ugly, what happened to gtk-qt-engine? Isn't it working anymore in hardy?10:20
amikropGreetings. System->About Ubuntu has been removed (and I still can't realize how it happened). Is there any way to bring it back? Thanks.10:26
amikropAny help, please?10:29
danf_1979amikrop, maybe this helps: aptitude search gnome | grep about10:39
amikropdanf_1979: ~$ aptitude search gnome | grep about11:19
amikropi   gnome-about                     - The GNOME about box11:19
amikropdanf_1979: I miss the "About Ubuntu" entry, the "About GNOME" is still there.11:20
danf_1979Ah, sorry, it was just my guess; I use kubuntu.11:22
amikropdanf_1979: OK. Thanks, anyway :-)11:22
danf_1979you could create a new user and check if it is there or not11:22
amikropdanf_1979: Good suggestion. I will try. Thank you.11:23
amikropdanf_1979: Still not there. Seems it has been completely removed from my machine, somehow :(11:26
head_victimI've spent a bit of time looking around for some fixes as I rebooted my pc and now network-admin won't function. Is there currently any workarounds for this I couldn't locate myself?13:02
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IdleOne!info acl13:44
ubotuacl: Access control list utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.45-1 (hardy), package size 43 kB, installed size 260 kB13:44
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yotuxIs there a place with know issues in hardy?15:26
yotuxI am using hardy and when I find things that may be broken should i file bugs reports?15:38
geseryotux: yes please but check first if it is already filed15:40
yotuxok I am having problems with the clock in gnome I filled a report15:40
yotuxdoes hardy have its down bug page in launchpad?15:41
Piciyotux: s/down/own? If so, then nope.15:43
PiciI always put the release name in my bug titles though, like [hardy]15:44
yotuxthankz sorry I not a programmer and want to help just don't know where to help out15:47
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bardyrnew nvidia driver and kernel, this is a good day :)18:49
sparr_wwill heron kubuntu have compiz by default?18:50
sparr_whardy, that is18:50
bardyryea if you got the driver enabled18:50
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Amaranthsparr_w: No19:42
Amaranthsparr_w: The KDE4 version will have kwin with compositing that you can enable19:42
sparr_wkubuntu and ubuntu are diverging too much imho19:43
AmaranthErr, they're different things19:43
sparr_wthey have large overlap.  and differences.  imagine the venn diagram of *buntu, ubuntu and kubuntu are sliding apart and overlapping less19:44
AmaranthThis is GNOME vs KDE differences19:44
sparr_wcompiz is DE-agnostic, so i disagree19:45
AmaranthAnd I'm a compiz dev, I disagree with that :p19:45
AmaranthIt's design makes it possible to be DE-agnostic but more work has been done both upstream and in Ubuntu to fit with GNOME than KDE19:45
sparr_wignoring for the moment that i still use beryl because compiz in feisty doesnt work for me19:45
ubotuDesktop Effects are supported on graphics cards that use the default Intel and ATI drivers and the restricted !NVIDIA drivers, except for the following, which are blacklisted due to stability/compatibility issues: Intel 965, ATI Rs480 and Rv350, ATI Mobility x300, x600 and x700 - Join #compiz-fusion for anything not officially supported by Ubuntu19:49
sparr_wim using intel 82865G with the i810 driver, and nvidia 7950 with the restricted nvidia drivers, and neither works19:50
sparr_wwith varying results depending on the phase of the moon when i try19:50
sparr_wsometimes X crashes, sometimes i get unmanaged windows, sometimes i get window decorations with graphically corrupt effects19:54
scizzo-should warn people to use the new nvidia drivers btw20:45
h3sp4wnWhat is there some non beta ones out now?20:47
scizzo-the 169.07 is known to put the fan on the GPU to run at max speed for some cards20:48
scizzo-I wanted to see if they did on mine and well you can guess the result20:48
scizzo-169.04 seems to be the version that people are recommending instead of 169.0720:51
scizzo-at the moment the nvidia team are have a _later_ stable release for the new drivers to fix that fan issue20:51
h3sp4wnscizzo-: Not an issue for me as I don't use cards with fans (don't like the noise)21:07
scizzo-h3sp4wn: hehe...21:07
scizzo-h3sp4wn: well....as you can see its a thing that nvidia has picked up really21:07
limacanyone here tried kubuntu hardy, if yes how is it?21:51
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henrixhi! I am having a crash of lilypond. anyone that can help?22:25
henrixthere is a message: "lilypond: Symbol `scm_i_freelist' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking"22:25
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shirishhi all, after running today's updates, I am not able to use power management as in I put the display to sleep when inactive for 2 minutes & it doesn't do it, any ideas anybody?23:23
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