
mdkeKamping_Kaiser: bzr08:28
* Kamping_Kaiser goes to check what he said08:28
=== mdke changed the topic of #ubuntu-doc to: Ubuntu Documentation Team - visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam to contribute | Get involved! http://www.mdke.org/?p=67 | Channel log at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Please observe the Ubuntu Code of Conduct - http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct
mdkeactually, we don't need to refer to it at all, it's all explained from the main wiki page08:30
mdkethanks for pointing it out08:31
mdkemorning mpt08:32
mpthi mdke08:32
mdkempt: are you still in London?08:33
mdkempt: gtg, i'll try and catch you another time08:39
mptmdke, yes, we should have lunch sometime08:52
Kamping_Kaiserany idea where i'd ask about the mailling lists configuration? for about 30 minutes i think i've been bouncing mail, but i'm still getting mail from the -doc list. i assume the others have frozen me/delayed more deliveries. i was wondering how to check how long it would be for10:26
Kamping_Kaiseri think i bounced off all the lists :(12:59
sommermdke: hello, I'm confused about the fix-urls.sh script... it seems to leave a lot of ghelp links when I run it against a local build16:02
sommermdke: I'm using the one I found for feisty though... just wondering if there's an updated one?16:02
sommermdke: or other method?16:02
mdkesommer: there should be one for gutsy too, but the problem (I recollect) was that I didn't update the script so that it contains a solution to any of the new ghelp links that were introduced since feisty19:03
mdkesommer: so the solution is to grep through all the docs and find ghelp links, then check to see if they are included in the fix-urls script19:04
mdkeKamping_Kaiser: it is set to 5 points19:05
mdkeKamping_Kaiser: you can only get one point in a day19:06
sommermdke: gotcha... is that the best way to do it?  just wondering if maybe a python script maybe able to work accross releases?19:08
sommerfrom my simple greps so far there a quite a few new links19:08
sommermdke: I can start work on a python script to change the links if you think it'd be worth it19:09
mdkesommer: definitely. the existing solution is a hack19:10
sommermdke: okay, I'll see what I can come up with19:10
sommersometime hacks are fun too :)19:10
mdkethanks dude19:11
LaserJockanybody know what the status on doc.ubuntu.com is?19:34
* LaserJock wonders if his IRC client is even connected.19:38
sommerLaserJock: last time I checked the status was "dated"19:38
sommeryou probably figured that though :-)19:39
sommerI filed bug 173104 a while back19:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173104 in ubuntu-docs "doc.ubuntu.com/  needs updated" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17310419:39
LaserJocksommer: right, I just wonder how things are going19:41
LaserJockdoc.ubuntu.com was pretty important for the stuff I was doing19:41
sommerya I think a place to have the development docs built would be very helpful19:43
sommermdke probably knows more on the status19:43
LaserJockwell, I was "housing" docs on doc.ubuntu.com19:44
LaserJockso now I have no place to put stuff at the moment and links to doc.ubuntu.com19:44
LaserJockboth the Ubuntu Packaging Guide and Edubuntu docs are on doc.ubuntu.com19:46
LaserJockand not on help.ubuntu.com19:46
sommergotcha... didn't the packaging guide move to the wiki? or is moving19:47
LaserJockbut there are still tons of links around the web19:52
LaserJockI can fix everything, but I'm wondering if I should just give up on doc.u.c or if it's going to come back19:53
sommergood question... might be good to ask on the ml19:54
mdkeLaserJock: yes, I've been given access now. I haven't set up the updating of the site yet because the build utilities aren't installed yet20:08
mdkeLaserJock: shouldn't be much longer20:08
LaserJockmdke: cool, thanks20:28
Kamping_Kaisermdke, wonder whats up then. definitely not getting email :/ thanks for the reply though21:58

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