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amitkbfiller: smagoun: Do we have an IRC meeting today?14:50
smagounamitk: I assume so, yes14:50
amitkohh and a Happy New Year ;)14:50
smagounHappy New Year to you too14:51
smagounAre you back in Finland?14:51
amitksmagoun: I don't see davidm, Mithrandir et al. So I wondered...14:51
amitksmagoun: yes I am14:51
agoliveiraamitk: David only returns tomorrow and Tollef... dunno.14:52
agoliveirasmagoun: Do we actually have anything to talk about at the meeting today? I for sure don't have any agenda.14:52
amitkagoliveira: So who is chairing?14:53
amitkand where is the agenda?14:53
agoliveiraamitk: Not me, that's for sure :)14:53
agoliveiraamitk: My point. Unless someone from Lexington has anything to say, I don't see a point for the meeting today.14:53
agoliveirasmagoun: Maybe Pat or Jon want to chair today? Are they around?14:54
smagounagoliveira: amitk Good point. We (Lexington) don't have a whole lot to go over, we can probably skip the meeting14:55
agoliveirasmagoun: +114:56
amitkagoliveira: smagoun: Mithrandir has risen from his slumber and says there is a meeting.15:02
agoliveiraamitk: Tipical. He stays quiet until there's something to bother us with :)15:03
amitkagoliveira: why are you not on #distro?15:04
agoliveiraamitk: Ooops... my bad.15:04
Mithrandirgood $time_of_day everyone!15:58
Mithrandiroh, 17 UTC.  It seems I can't read.  Meeting in one hour.16:00
agoliveiraMithrandir: For a moment I thought my calendar was screwd-up again...16:01
Mithrandirmust be all this vacation going to my head.16:02
agoliveiraMithrandir: Don't worry, there's a sprint a little later to fix it :)16:02
Mithrandiragoliveira,lool,amitk,StevenK: Prod; meeting's about to start.16:59
agoliveiraMithrandir: Right here16:59
* amitk wakes up17:00
Mithrandirpatm: is your team around?17:01
Mithrandirptung1: hiya, happy 2008; is your team around yet?17:02
ptung1Happy new year.  I am not sure whether the rest team will join today either.17:02
bfillerHappy new year all17:03
ptung1Some of my team will come back next monday.17:03
Mithrandirptung1: will mauri be joining us today?17:07
ptung1Mauri should be joining in.17:07
Mithrandirlet's wait for her, then17:08
ptung1I will pin her17:09
ptung1I cannot find Mauri.   Rusty, do you have Mauri's cell number?   Would you please give her a call.17:13
ptung1Mauri will join soon17:17
rustylshe has been working since about 5am, but didn't think we were holding the irc meeting today17:17
mawhalenMauri joined, apologies, didn't know there was a meeting today17:17
Mithrandirhiya Mauri.17:18
Mithrandirlet's start, then17:18
MootBotMeeting started at 17:18. The chair is Mithrandir.17:18
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:18
Mithrandirhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/Meeting/20080103 has the agenda17:18
Mithrandir[TOPIC] Action items from previous meeting17:19
MootBotNew Topic:  Action items from previous meeting 17:19
Mithrandirlool doesn't seem to be around, so the first previous action item isn't something we can get discussed today.17:20
Mithrandiris bspencer out until Monday?17:20
mawhalenNo, bspencer is in the office, I'm looking for him.  I'm not sure many people knew there was a meeting this morning.  17:21
rustylhe was in yesterday17:21
mawhalenHe doesn't appear to be online at the moment17:21
rustylthis place is a ghost town17:21
mawhalenI'll follow up with Bob17:22
Mithrandiramitk: did you have a chance on updating the hardy ppa with new and shiny drivers?17:23
amitkMithrandir: I updated the hardy kernel yes17:23
amitkbut not the PPA17:24
Mithrandirhave you had feedback on whether it works correctly or not?17:24
amitkrobr_ubuntu was going to use it as the basis for Intel's 2.6.24 tree17:24
rustylis this PPA the thing that provides us with the hardy snapshot?17:24
amitkStevenK 'crowbarred17:25
amitksomething together... in his words17:25
Mithrandirrustyl: yes and no.  It's a place where all members of ubuntu-mobile can upload and which get pulled into the daily builds automatically.  (I believe that's already in place, BICBW)17:25
amitkI have an action to fix Hardy LUM for LPIA. It will get done before next week.17:26
rustylok, then it's know what i was thinking17:26
smagounamitk: does that fix include the latest gfx stuff from moblin?17:26
amitkMithrandir: does the kernel need to be in the PPA or will it suffice to use the default Hardy kernel?17:26
Mithrandiramitk: if it's the default hardy kernel, that's even better.17:27
amitksmagoun: I got the latest gfx stuff from before christmas, I will check if there have been any updates17:27
amitkMithrandir: great. 17:28
Mithrandiramitk: thanks17:28
amitkis robr_ubuntu online?17:28
amitkor someone from his team?17:29
MithrandirDavid asked a bit around on the best way to make sure architectures stay in sync with regards to "fails to build from source" and such; we have a report we can look at and uploaders get notified of build failures, but this is something we should look at better solutions on how to track.17:29
MithrandirI think David has been thinking about that and will report back next week.17:29
MithrandirLexington team, you were to test ext3 boot speed and look at the file system corruption problem.  Have you had a chance to?17:29
smagounMithrandir: no, we haven't done that yet. We were pretty busy getting a demo ready for the upcoming CES trade show17:30
Mithrandiryup, understandable.17:30
Mithrandirhave you gotten the C0 board from David?17:30
mawhalenWhat do you need from Rob?  17:30
smagounMithrandir: the C0 showed up over the holiday. We're hoping to get it up today17:31
smagoun(the lexington team is moving our office this week)17:31
bspencersmagoun: I'd be interested in a short preview of what you have planned for CES17:32
bspencerat least what you can share17:32
Mithrandirok, good.17:32
* bspencer adds to agenda...17:33
Mithrandiroh, hi bspencer, welcome.17:33
smagounbspencer: we don't have a booth or anything fancy, but our customer is demoing their unit. I don't know what their plans are17:33
amitkmawhalen: I would like to know if my work 'porting' all the poulsbo stuff to 2.6.24 is the way to go. That is what I have in the Hardy tree ATM.17:33
Mithrandirbspencer: did you have a chance to verify that the ubuntu branch works?17:33
smagounI think only Jon is going from my group17:33
bspencerMithrandir: we did, and fixed the outstanding bugs 17:33
mawhalenamitk: I'll query Rob17:33
Mithrandirbspencer: good news, thanks.17:33
amitkmawhalen: thanks17:34
bspencerMithrandir: I think that has been resolved now17:34
bfillerbspencer: we were hoping to possible demo the Clutter ui. Is it demostrable on the Q1?17:34
bspencerbfiller: yes certainly17:34
Mithrandirwe (Canonical) are to share info with robr2 on disk image corruption as soon as we have something, but due to Christmas and such, no progress has been made, so no information shared yet.17:34
Mithrandirrustyl: have you responded to davidm on the status of PPM?17:35
bspencerbfiller: for a demo the /etc/xdg/menus would need updating to get the right applications to display.17:35
bfillerbspencer: thanks, I'll give that a try today17:35
rustylMithrandir, looks like that email got dropped, but basically davidm was just asking about the status of PPM. Quick question, has Mo not pushed a version of ppm into hardy?17:36
Mithrandirrustyl: I don't believe any version has been pushed yet, no.17:36
rustylok, well the implementation will continue to evolve, and we continue to do bug fixing via launchpad, but we are ready to submit something now 17:36
rustylMohomad Abas will be the guy doing the leg work to push ppm17:37
Mithrandirok, good.17:38
loolBlah, I was too concentrated and forgot the time of the meeting, sorry, I'm around now17:38
Mithrandirlool: happy 200817:38
Mithrandirrustyl: can you drop me an email with his contact details so I can get him in touch with somebody on our side?17:38
loolMithrandir: Happy 2008 to you too17:39
rustylMithrandir, yeap, let me do that17:39
loolConcerning my previous action point, I think it's cleared (it was at the last meeting already)17:39
Mithrandir[ACTION] rustyl to put tfheen and Mohomad Abas in touch with each other over PPM17:39
MootBotACTION received:  rustyl to put tfheen and Mohomad Abas in touch with each other over PPM 17:39
Mithrandirlool: bug 172426, that is?17:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172426 in moblin-ui-framework "home screen having issues with scrolling and focus" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17242617:40
amitkMithrandir: I would be interested in being involved with PPM integration17:40
Mithrandiramitk: makes sense.17:40
loolI'm fix-releasing it17:40
lool(just got my bug triaging powers again!)17:40
Mithrandirok, that was the action items from last round, the only other agenda item is a reminder that the sprint dates are January 28th through February 1st.17:41
ptung1Is Adilson around?  I would like to verify the progress we made on Moblin Compliance Test-suite.17:41
agoliveiraptung1: Yes, I'm right here17:41
loolFYI in case somebody didn't know yet, I'm not making the mobile sprint17:42
agoliveiralool: Booo... no cachaça for you :)17:42
ptung1Adilson: Are you working with Edwin on the MCT?17:42
rustylMithrandir, i just kicked off an email connecting you and Mo about PPM17:43
agoliveiraptung1: Do you want to put this as a meeting agenda or can you wait for the meeting to finigh?17:43
Mithrandirrustyl: thanks.17:43
loolagoliveira: Save me a small part in a box and bring it to next UDS!17:43
ptung1I would like to make it as a meeting agenda17:43
agoliveiraptung1: Add it here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/Meeting/20080103 please17:45
bspencerwhere are we?17:47
agoliveiraNot sure. Are we done yet? Peter may want to talk about the MCT.17:48
Mithrandirwaiting for ptung to add his agenda item, else we can just close the meeting.17:48
bspencerok... ptung1 please proceed and we'll add the agenda item shortly17:49
ptung1Adilson, do you want to talk it offline or here.  I am not sure how to add it to the agenda.17:49
bspencerI'll add it17:49
agoliveiraptung1: Just go ahead if you want.17:50
ptung1We have a goal to complete 80% Moblin Compliance by 2007. 17:50
ptung1We are behind now.   I would like to get commitment from Canonical to actively work on the MCT.17:51
bspencer(agenda item has been added: Discuss Moblin Compliance Tests)17:52
agoliveiraptung1: Maybe you should talk to David about this as he's the one that defines the priorities and work to be done.17:52
bspencerthe MCT specification is at 0.99 ... pending small changes for desktop.org compliance17:52
bspencernot sure who from Canonical is owning this 17:52
Mithrandir[TOPIC] Moblin Compliance Testing17:53
MootBotNew Topic:  Moblin Compliance Testing 17:53
bspencerand if they've been working with Rajesh on our side to give feedback17:53
agoliveirabspencer: I tried to fill it in while we don't have a person working on that but unfortunatelty I wasn't able to do almost anything due other priorities.17:53
ptung1David M told me that we should work with Adilson.    I will double check with David when he comes back.17:53
agoliveiraI believe we should try to talk to David tomorrow and figure that out.17:54
ptung1Okay.   Thanks.17:54
bspenceragoliveira: the good news is that the spec is based on what Ubuntu-mobile already has for the most part.  But it will take some work to run through the details and make sure we are on the same page17:54
bspencerand also to make sure things will work with Hardy -- or whatever  base Canonical chooses as their mobile distribution17:55
agoliveirabspencer: Indeed. But anyway we need to put this on the schedule.17:55
bspencerok.  then is there anything else wrt MCT to discuss here?17:55
ptung1not right now.17:56
bspencerMithrandir: I think we can close17:56
agoliveiraI'm ok17:56
Mithrandirnobody has other business?17:56
Mithrandirseems good, then, adjourned.17:57
MootBotMeeting finished at 17:57.17:57
agoliveiraInside the hour. Good start for 2008 :)17:57
* lool returns to his small piece of code17:59
* smagoun returns to his beer18:00
agoliveirasmagoun: The way the weather is going there I would be returning to my congnac or whiskey :)18:14
=== robr_ is now known as robr
mawhalenMithrandir: do you know how many people are coming to the Sprint?  I'm trying to firm up the location18:19
Mithrandirmawhalen: 4 from the mobile team, 8 (tentative) from the MID team.18:21
mawhalenMithrandir: thanks18:22
smagounMithrandir: mawhalen I think it's a pretty firm 8ppl from the MID team18:22
Fenariomawhalen: the plan is 8 from the MID team.18:22
Mithrandiramitk: you're not coming to portland, are you?18:22
amitkMithrandir: I am18:23
Fenariomawhalen: can you tell us who from Intel will be at the Sprint?18:23
mawhalenFenario: Mithrandir I'll project ~12 people from your side18:23
amitkMithrandir: I will be there for the first 3 days.18:23
Mithrandiramitk: ah, ok.18:23
mawhalenFenario: everyone on my team will be invited and I expect most will attend18:23
Mithrandirmawhalen: then we'll be 5+8.18:23
mawhalenFenario: RustyL, BobS, RobR, JohnV, CarlW, Jimmy, Todd, Mohamed, ... plus some folks from Don Johnson's team18:24
Mithrandirsounds great; it'll be good to meet the rest of your team.18:25
Fenariomawhalen: this is good news.  can we consider them all confirmed?18:25
rustylFenario, i'm channeling mawhalen since she is in my cube... "yes, it is confirmed and details on location will be sent soon"18:26
Fenariorustyl: thanks!18:27
mawhalenFenario: Mithrandir:  We are thinking about having the Sprint here - http://www.thegrandlodge.com/18:32
mawhalenThe rooms are $$ reasonable but the bathrooms are shared.  It's a nice place, good beer.  Think this would work ok with the accomodations?18:32
Fenariorustyl & mawhalen: how far is it from the airport?18:34
Fenariorustyl & mawhalen: also it looks too fun :-)18:34
mawhalenIt is a bit of a drive from the Airport - about 30 minutes18:35
amitkrustyl: what is the weather like in end of Jan?18:35
Mithrandirmawhalen: how's the bandwidth there?18:35
mawhalenFenario: It's close to Intel - 18:35
mawhalenMithrandir: I'm checking on bandwidth18:36
Mithrandirand will we be seeing bspencer behind the bar in Bob's bar? ;-)18:36
mawhalenamitk: weather...could be sunny everyday or could rain everyday - very hard to tell18:36
mawhalenamitk: there will still be skiing going on at Mt Hood18:36
Fenariomawhalen: that's fine.  I know that one of our Admins has made hotel reservations at a local Marriott, but we could move there if you want.   I would just want to verify (like Mithrandir) the bandwidth18:37
bspencerMithrandir:  :)18:37
agoliveiramawhalen: Shared bath? You mean like bed and breakfest places?18:38
mawhalenagoliveira: yes - like bed/breakfast18:38
* agoliveira mispelled "breakfast" *very* badly.18:39
Mithrandirmawhalen: if possible, it'd be good if you could talk to David about this tomorrow since I know he's done quite a lot of preparations for the sprint and knows better what we need and don't need.18:39
agoliveiraI'm really not happy about the idea of shared bathroom. Shared rooms are bad enough already so I hope we stay where we are already booked.18:45
smagounagoliveira: we could always stay at a hostel: http://www.portlandhostel.org/  $17/night, heh.19:04
agoliveirasmagoun: If I were single, I wouldn't bother at all :)19:05
FenarioMithrandir: can you join the Intel call given David M is not here?19:12
Mithrandiram I confused again?  Isn't that in an hour?19:12
Mithrandirwell, 45 minutes.19:12
Fenariothe time changes a lot it is happening now19:13
Mithrandircan you /msg me the details since my email is a bit broken now.19:13
FenarioMithrandir: Bridge: 6, Passcode: 585819819:14
Mithrandirthanks, I'm in now19:16
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DanaGHmm, first time I've been around here.22:52
DanaGI'm curious: are there any nice devices like the iPod Touch, but not by Apple, and with support for playing Ogg Vorbis?22:53
DanaGI'd like to try Ubuntu Mobile, but I don't know what I'd run it on.22:53
=== benj3one is now known as benj3one_away

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