
Davieywait 100:01
Daviey$brctl show00:02
john__john@john-feisty:~$ brctl show00:03
john__bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces00:03
john__br0             8000.001a927d6b99       no              eth100:03
john__                                                        tap100:03
Davieyso eth1 is bridged into tap100:03
Davieyping <-- doesn't work from any machine on your network either?00:04
john__let me try a windoze box00:04
john__i can ping it from a windoze box00:05
john__so i'm going to assume it's aproblem with my gutsy box00:07
Davieyi'm need to dash - good luck, want to hear about it - bbl00:09
john__i'm going to eat myself later00:09
tgm4883 don't eat yourself, cannibalism is not the answer00:11
alexvdGentleman I am having difficulties getting channel icons.  I installed xmltv then did tv_grab_na_icons.  This downloaded channel icons for my area into /usr/share/xmltv/icons. This is where i am confused how do I properly import them via mythfilldatabase?00:24
alexvdJust another note I also have the master_iconmap.xml?format=raw file but when I run perl mkiconmap.pl it says it cant open00:25
john__ok i'm back00:30
john__what is the easiest way to remove eth0 and the bridge setup?00:33
limejohn_ is now lime00:56
limewell the problem lies with the bridge setup00:56
limethe address is being assigned by the router to the bridge interface00:56
john__lime is now john_01:09
john__well removing the bridge didn't help01:09
rhpot1992john__: I wasn't able to get a bridged network working right for virtualbox the last time I tried01:16
rhpot1992had the virtualbox working, but I lost the ethernet to my actual box01:16
john__I finally found that this command works for me i just have to issue it if i reboot the computer sudo VBoxAddIF vbox0 john br001:18
rhpot1992whats the easiest way to verify what version a frontend is via cli?01:20
john__Daviey problem solved for the most part. I removed the tap1 interface.that still wouldn't allow me to connect. I plugged in the second nic card to the router and now i'm able to connect to the mythtv box01:28
john__don't ask me how or why but it works01:28
john__anyone here got nfs to work?01:38
TrancecoderHi all. I'd like some help with setting up HDTV output from a Radeon HD2400. Only 640x480 seems to work. All custom modelines I've tried make the TV (Mitsubishi something with 1080i max) think that 480i is being sent, so the image is screwed up...01:41
TrancecoderOh yeah, using 7.1201:42
jcg42Is it better (easier, less clutter) to install regular Ubuntu and then mythbuntu-desktop or Mythbuntu and then ubuntu-desktop?01:46
Davieyjcg42: If it's a mythtv box install mythbuntu first01:46
Davieyit mainly a desktop install ubuntu first01:46
jcg42Is the setup process (wizards and stuff) the same either way?01:47
Davieynot quite, but pretty much01:52
john__Daviey i got everything working01:56
Davieyyah, i need to go to bed - nearly 2am01:57
Davieytell me about it tommorrow - i'd love to hear01:57
alexvdDaviey can you help with channel icons issue01:57
john__will do later01:57
alexvdok going to bed01:57
alexvddo it tomorrow then01:57
john__this my be a stupid ? but where do i change where the videos are under media library02:11
Tariit's under some settings menu (I don't know where, exactly)\02:11
john__i thought it was under the front end. I have a nfs share mounted at /mnt/movies02:13
john__when i went in thru the front end i changed the video location to /mnt/movies but when i go under media library then videos nothing shows up02:13
john__they are there if i go back to the desktop and use the file manager viewer02:22
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
MythbuntuGuest21i want to use a pc with only a vga attack with my lcd tv 32"07:26
MythbuntuGuest21can i with mythubuntu?07:26
MythbuntuGuest21the video card of the computer is an integrated sis i think07:27
MythbuntuGuest21hi wasikevin07:37
wasikevinMythbuntuGuest21: happy new year07:37
MythbuntuGuest21do you use mythubuntu?07:38
MythbuntuGuest21happy new year also for you07:38
wasikevinyes, but not frequently07:38
wasikevinit is still buggy07:38
MythbuntuGuest21wasikevin i want to use a pc with only a vga attack with my lcd tv 32"07:39
MythbuntuGuest21can i with mythubuntu? the videocard is an integrated sis i think07:39
wasikevinMythbuntuGuest21: and then?07:39
MythbuntuGuest21i'll have prroblems?07:39
wasikevinSiS could be a problem, I think07:40
wasikevinwhich model of SiS?07:40
MythbuntuGuest21hmm i don't know :(07:40
MythbuntuGuest21how i can see it?07:40
MythbuntuGuest21wasikevin are you?07:43
wasikevinMythbuntuGuest21: hold on07:43
MythbuntuGuest21ok excuse07:43
wasikevinMythbuntuGuest21: you should be able to get SiS model number from Videocard Spec.07:44
MythbuntuGuest21wasekin i don't have any more the sheet07:45
MythbuntuGuest21wasikevin but see mythubuntu through vga attack07:48
MythbuntuGuest21in a lcd tv 32" is bad ?07:48
MythbuntuGuest21the video quality i mean07:49
wasikevinsorry,beyond my knowledge07:49
MythbuntuGuest21i want to use mythubuntu to see movies07:49
Aquahallic I'm trying to get lirc working correctly.... I went to uninstall it because I think something got jacked with the install previously... when I do apt-get remove lirc it wants to pull out my control center and all kinds of mess... is it possible that the package handler is jacked??? if so... is there a way to repair this??11:41
DaveMorrisAquahallic:  dpkg-reconfigure lirc11:44
DaveMorrisit'll allow you to reconfigure the package11:44
Aquahallicdid that11:44
Aquahallicstill can't get the homebrew serial receiver working11:44
DaveMorrisapt-get install --reinstall lirc should force a reinstall11:44
Aquahallicyeah... but I think something is jacked with the package handler itself11:45
Aquahalliclike the db is hosed or something11:45
DaveMorrisin what way?  it want's to pull out m-c-c because it depends on lirc11:45
AquahallicI've done apt-get update and it goes through all the motions... but if I go into the remote setup in control center... and I select a remote that I see uses the serial driver.... it keeps telling me "The information about available software is out of date"11:47
DaveMorrislaga: any ideas ^^11:48
Aquahallicwhen I do apt-get update... it looks like it goes through all the motions...11:48
Aquahallicit's almost like it's not really updating the package db or something11:49
Aquahallicmaybe corrupted???11:49
Aquahallicis there a db I can blow away and make it re-create??11:49
DaveMorristhe information about the remote isn't connect to apt-get update11:49
DaveMorrissince apt-get update updates the list of packages11:50
DaveMorrishave you run apt-get upgrade?11:50
Aquahallicjust did11:50
DaveMorrisupgrade upgrades the packages11:50
Aquahallic0 upgraded11:50
Aquahallicwhen I'm in the remote setup.... if I go to apply a selected remote... it says.. "The information about available software is out of date" so I click ok to reload... it does its thing.. it's the same thing as if I was to go to update my packages11:52
Aquahallicthen after I do it once.. I can apply the remote config and it lets me.. but the serial port still isn't setup11:53
Aquahallicand if I try to apply that remote again... I get the same thing "The information about available software is out of date" and have to reload it again11:53
DaveMorrisstrange, you sure your serail port is working11:53
Aquahallicyes... I had knoppmyth running on this same machine11:54
DaveMorrisyou can do tail -f /dev/ttyS0 and see the data been fed into it11:54
Aquahallictail: error reading `/dev/ttyS0': Input/output error11:55
Aquahallictail: `/dev/ttyS0' has become accessible11:55
Aquahallictail: /dev/ttyS0: cannot seek to offset 0: Illegal seek11:55
DaveMorrismight mean that it's been claimed by something, maybe lirc11:56
Aquahallicmaybe ubuntu isn't setting up my serial port correctly11:56
lagano, no idea off-hand11:56
Aquahallicyeah... this is a good one11:56
Aquahallicone thing I do know.. my 5 yr. old was swinging around in her chair and shut my machine down abruptly11:56
Aquahallicso something might have gotten corrupted...:/11:57
DaveMorrisyeah I get the same errors if I try and read a serail device which dosen't exist11:57
lagayou could have mentioned that earlier ;))+11:57
AquahallicI did mention I thought a db was corrupted11:57
gandalfcomeI had trouble when ffwd on mytbuntu 7.10 (frontend) that it would crash. I had this trouble before. Anyone any idea?11:57
gandalfcomeAh yes i was watching livetv11:58
lagagandalfcome: does mythtv crash or does your box crash11:58
gandalfcomelaga : mythfrontend ctrl alt backspace still worked11:58
lagagandalfcome: does it crash or does it freeze?11:59
gandalfcomelaga: well freeze11:59
lagaoh. look at the logs in /var/log/mythtv/ then12:00
* laga gotta run12:00
gandalfcomelaga: is that a common issue, I mean it only happened twice, so not very frequently12:00
gandalfcomelaga: thans12:00
gandalfcomelaga: thanks12:00
frink__I have a problem also, if I watch live tv and then immediately escape out of that before the picture appears, the backend crashes.12:01
frink__the logs say "oh no, not again.."12:01
lagatry to get a backtrace (installing apport-gtk might be sufficient) and report a bug in launchpad12:02
lagaok, it's really time for breakfast now :)12:02
gandalfcomeeasy question: Whats the easiest way to give the channels channel numbers from 1 to x (im using dvb t). thanks12:06
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
MythbuntuGuest35hello can someone help me?16:11
Dr_willisdepemnds on the issue16:12
DaveMorrissure ask your question and someone will try16:12
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:12
MythbuntuGuest35i installed mythubuntu and my usb stick but i cant find any transmiters16:12
DaveMorrisMythbuntuGuest35: dvb-t/dvb-s/cable16:13
DaveMorrispokes laga:16:13
MythbuntuGuest35i dont unterstand16:14
DaveMorrislaga: is German so he might know if its a known issue over there16:14
DaveMorrisbut he doesn't seem to be around16:15
MythbuntuGuest35ok... the frequence i have and teh signalpower is there but it cant locked16:15
DaveMorrisI assume you had a dvb-t signal before hand with what every equipment you already had?16:16
MythbuntuGuest35yes i have16:16
DaveMorrisdvb-t is different to terrestrial though16:16
MythbuntuGuest35i have a win dvb-t receiver and it works...16:17
DaveMorrishttp://www.hauppauge.co.uk/pages/products/data_novatpci.html 1 of those16:18
MythbuntuGuest35i have terratec usb reveiver16:19
MythbuntuGuest35and he say when i can scanning the frequence "multiplex 2.... locked" and when i wait some time he say timout -- no tables16:19
MythbuntuGuest35when i gibe him a frequence and when i make only a sear all over he cant lock but i think he find samething the signalpower goes about 70-90%16:20
directhex|bsphm... invalid NIT?16:21
MythbuntuGuest35NIT? sorry16:22
MythbuntuGuest35whts the meaning of?!?16:26
directhex|bspNetwork Information Table. they're one of the components of a DVB stream, they map audio and video streams into actual channels16:27
MythbuntuGuest35mhh i dont know, how can i test it?16:28
directhex|bspone cable operator in the uk forces people to use their set-top boxes, by sending invalid NIT data that other things can't work with16:28
directhex|bspdvbsnoop looks like a handy tool, that or wait for laga16:28
MythbuntuGuest35mhh do you mean a error of the dvb-t transmitter?16:30
MythbuntuGuest35a other dvb-t receiver works...that i dont think its an error an the transmitter, or i unterstand you wrong16:31
MythbuntuGuest35and then i make a all over scan he say scanning and then canning offset 1 wat is the meaining for this?16:34
MythbuntuGuest35dont you have an idear how i can tests this?16:37
* Dr_willis has no idea. sorry. 16:42
Dr_willisI dont get half the techy terms used when it comes to tvs :)16:42
MythbuntuGuest35 i dont know, too what i can test, that it works...mh :(16:44
MythbuntuGuest35am i have a othe rproblem, too. when i played a mpeg movie it have a low fps, but when i play it with a other video player it workds good. where is the problem?16:45
* Dr_willis still isent sure what 720p vs 1080i means.. Other then the hot babes on tv in the 1080i commercials! :) 16:45
directhex|bsp1280x720 progressive, or 1920x1080 interlaced16:45
directhex|bspinterlaced is half the framerate and half the vertical res, depending on how you look at it.16:46
MythbuntuGuest35sorry dont know that you are meanning16:47
DaveMorrisit's 1/2 the horizntal if you turn your TV 90 degrees ;)16:47
Dr_willisAnd how does this differ from the pc monitors with Higher res? - Oh wait.. half the framerate.. Hmm..16:47
Dr_willisInterlaced is 1/2 the framerate..but more res..16:47
directhex|bsphttp://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/Interlcaed.jpg is an interlaced image16:48
directhex|bspevery frame is really half the next frame and half the previous frame16:48
Dr_willisOk the big Question is.. for the wife watching Lifetime Channel allday long.. will she be able to tell the differance? :)16:48
directhex|bspsplit in alternating lines16:48
directhex|bsp1080i ought to look better for slow-moving content16:48
directhex|bsp720p better for fast action16:48
directhex|bspboth are much nicer than sd, though it depends on the material as to how much difference it makes16:49
Dr_willisHmm.. ok.  so 1080i is NOT always the 'best' then eh?16:49
Dr_willisit just seemed the low end tv's were all 720p16:49
MythbuntuGuest35mhhh...dvb-t movie i thik is at mac 720?16:49
directhex|bsp1366x768, technically, which is neither nor16:49
Dr_willisThe HD tvs are getting  reasonable priced.  wife keeps wantingone.. i keep waiting.16:50
directhex|bspMythbuntuGuest35, i'm talking to Dr_willis. the res is irrelevant to you16:50
MythbuntuGuest35i have a analog tv... no hd...16:50
directhex|bspDr_willis, £600 for 37" 1080p currently16:50
MythbuntuGuest35oh ok, sorry my english isnt the best :)16:50
MythbuntuGuest35an idear way are the same video have a too low fps and with VLC it works? when i can disturb your talk :)16:51
Dr_willisIm just trying to get my head around the big picture. - and how these all relate..and how they differe from what i see mentioned with PC monitors.  Like my NEW lcd monitor says   720P ready.  with hdcp Input  - but its not  a 1280x720 res lcd.16:51
Dr_willisits 1440 x 900.16:51
Dr_willisor am i missing somthing here. :) the #'s are not all matching up. :) Why dont we have PC monitors that are   1280x720 and 1920x108016:52
directhex|bsp"hd ready" means it needs to have at least 720 vertical pixels, have an hdmi or dvi socket with hdcp, have a component input, and the ability to render 1080i and 720p content from either of the two previous inputs16:54
Dr_willisit just seems that if the pc monitor makers started  using the same  res/screens the lcd prices would be a bit cheaper.16:55
directhex|bsp1440x900 is hd ready in that is's >720 tall. it's not exact, i.e. any input needs to be scaled to fit its res, which may damage sharpness16:55
Dr_willisHmm. My Monitor dont have a component input.I wish it did.16:56
Dr_willisOk..  I get it now. :) it has to 'at least have ....'16:56
directhex|bspDr_willis, does it have an HD Ready sticker?16:56
Dr_willis'HDCP input' does not mean 'hd ready'16:56
Dr_willisI guess :)16:56
directhex|bspnow you know why - you don't have component in, so can't get the hd ready sticker16:57
* Dr_willis looks for extra inputs16:57
Dr_willisnone.. bummer :)16:57
directhex|bspright, gohometime16:57
Dr_willisDebating wether to get a little HD tv.. or a PC monitor and use it as a tv. somehow.. :)16:58
MythbuntuGuest35notz... the dvb-t usb stick installed sucefully with a firmware version... but he dont find any programs16:58
MythbuntuGuest35sorry i think i dont wrote a private msg because i am not regersted16:58
directhex|bspDr_willis, depends whether you want size or definition17:00
directhex|bspDr_willis, you can get "full hd" (i.e. 1920x1080 or higher) res monitors at 24", but that res requires 37" for a tv17:00
morfarHello, I'm trying to setup a Mythtv frontend, on Gutsy, with the mythbuntu packages installed, and I'm having some issues with gdm.. Perhaps someone can help ?17:02
Dr_willisdirecthex|bsp,  yea.. :) i can wait longer. Price is the big factor for me at this time.17:02
directhex|bspDr_willis, pick a budget17:03
Dr_willisdirecthex|bsp,  Thats it.. i need cash for a budget.. ehh heh.. wife spent too much at xmas.. looking tosave up for next xmas for her.17:03
Dr_willisPutting back a little every week.17:03
directhex|bspright, gohometime17:04
MythbuntuGuest35notz ja tue ich, kann leider nicht privat chatten da ich nicht registriert bin. sagt er mir jedenfalls17:04
morfarThe thing is when I start gdm (etc/init.d/gdm start) the login screen does not show on my TV, and X keep restarting..17:04
directhex|bspmorfar, invalid X config17:04
Dr_willismorfar,  what video card you have? You got a TV and PC monitor hooked up?17:04
morfarBut when I run startx as root, gnome fires up almost perfectly.. the picture is just a bit bigger than my tv can handle..17:05
directhex|bspmorfar, invalid X permissions?17:06
morfarIt is a via motherboard (EN10000GX) with onboad video card, i'm using the DVI port, to my Samsung 40"" LCD TV.17:06
morfarhmm, could be.. How do I check ?17:06
MythbuntuGuest35notz oh kannst emir die siete nochmal schicken bitte.....manuell habe ich sie auch shcon versucht einzutragen dann sagt er locked aber wiederrum scheint er trotzdem keien zu finden17:08
morfar.. And I have compiled and build the openchrome driver for the card, and it seems to be working ok.. again startx as root is working ..17:08
MythbuntuGuest35aber ich versuche den scan nochmal,, hast du die seite noch? da wir nicht privat chatten können, wiel ich nicht registriert bin, kann man sonst in nen anderen chennel gehen?17:09
MythbuntuGuest35ich probeire es gerade zu entpacken und zu kompilieren.. bin nicht der beste in linux17:14
MythbuntuGuest35notz so wie es aussieht scheintere ich schon am entpacken....17:18
morfardirecthex|bsp, Dr_willis any ideas ?17:20
Dr_willisive hesard bad things bout some of the via stuff with built in video.17:26
rhpot1991same here17:26
morfartrue, me to.. it is rather bitchy.. But also nice, cuz the board is fanless (no moving parts) and has very low power consumption, so it is cheap to have running 24/365..17:29
rhpot1991I did always want one though17:29
morfarAnd since it work with startx, i think/hope it would also work with gdm..17:29
MythbuntuGuest35notz danke, versucher gerade dvb-apps zu entzpacken sagt aber mit tar -xfj "error is not recoverable17:31
MythbuntuGuest35notz sorry meine linux kenntnisse sind nicht besonders.. mhhh habe das scanaid entpackt auf den desktop nun habe ich apt-get linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.1.tar.bz2 eingegeben udn auch nur llinuxtv-dvb-apps iengegeben sagt er konnte packet nicht finden17:35
MythbuntuGuest35notz ok danke nun scheniht er was zu machen...17:38
MythbuntuGuest35aktive device createt sagt er nun17:38
MythbuntuGuest35notz schade, du warst der einzigste der mir helfen kann...17:39
MythbuntuGuest35notz kannst emir noch sagen was ich noch machen soll schnell, oder kommste bald wieder?!?17:40
MythbuntuGuest35notz trotzem vielen dank für die hilfe17:40
morfarMythbuntuGuest35, who are you writing to ? I don't understand german :)17:42
MythbuntuGuest35notz ./Create_Scanning_Table wenn ich das wie beschrieben eingebe sagt er nur fehler illegal parameter... mhhh17:43
MythbuntuGuest35morfar i chat with notz private msg downst work because i am not registered17:44
morfarMythbuntuGuest35, Ahh okay.. didn't catch that :)17:44
morfarMythbuntuGuest35, NP17:45
Dr_willisLike hearing the wife talk the phone.. only gettting 1 side of the conversation.. then she asks you 'what do you think of that!'17:45
MythbuntuGuest35tow keyboards to mutch for me...17:45
alexvdhey cant find an easy way to restart the frontend in mythbuntu.17:57
alexvdI seem to have a bug that I have never seen in mythtv before.  If I rewind back to 0.00 on recording or in livetv( same thing right) it hangs the frontend17:58
MythbuntuGuest35mhh is my dvb-t usb stick installed correctly? he sayd initialzed and connectet but also it stays dvb-usb: recv bulk message failed: -110? @ all18:47
MythbuntuGuest35or what is the meaning an the error? has someone an idear?18:48
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
MythbuntuGuest35dont know someone, please?18:54
MythbuntuGuest35pherhabs my error is that the dvbt stick isnt installed correctly....mhhh18:54
lagaMythbuntuGuest35: are you trying to use dvb-apps?18:55
MythbuntuGuest35he say no device found, but i cant scan for channels becausethe scipt dont work18:56
MythbuntuGuest35i have a channel list and than he say no device found or so18:57
lagadoes /dev/dvb/ exist?18:57
MythbuntuGuest35oh now i have a old firmeware version copy to now it seems to be work.... and yes it exist18:59
MythbuntuGuest35now he scan the channel.conf18:59
MythbuntuGuest35when he find a channel what must he say? tun to 754000000 ... pherhaps19:00
MythbuntuGuest35tune to ...19:01
MythbuntuGuest35dumping lists (0 services found) wahts the meaning of? and the last channels he sayd warning tuning faild...19:03
MythbuntuGuest35and now he said device buisy when i scan again19:05
lagamaybe mythbackend is running.19:08
lagaanyways, unless you post precise messages (in a pastebin!) there#s no way to understand what you want19:09
lagai'm off, bye19:09
MythbuntuGuest35i an on a other pc there dosnt work paste....mhhhh anoybody here how can help me19:22
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest35: ssh into the box with the problem, then you can copy and paste stuff from it19:24
MythbuntuGuest35sorry, a ssh conect etablishing?19:27
cosmicHI @ ALL19:37
MythbuntuGuest35when i write mplayer dvb://sendername thten he saird dvb configuration is empty, exit... but mit strace mplayer dvb://sendername he found somethingand also when i wrote chown -R tv:users /dev/dvb/ it doesnt work. soemone an idear?19:37
MythbuntuGuest35hi cosmic^19:37
dummkaufHello all19:37
cosmichi MythbuntuGuest35 , hope youre fine19:37
MythbuntuGuest35i hope so too, thanks :)19:38
dummkaufI'm good....hoping someone can assist with some lirc issues19:38
MythbuntuGuest35i cant help i have enoght problmes that mythtv work sorry19:38
cosmicMythbuntuGuest35:  good to read ,I am fine too thx19:38
cosmicMythbuntuGuest35:  what for a prob ?19:39
MythbuntuGuest35he dont find any transmitters.... i tests it with mplayer...19:39
MythbuntuGuest35when i write mplayer dvb://sendername thten he saird dvb configuration is empty, exit... but mit strace mplayer dvb://sendername he found somethingand also when i wrote chown -R tv:users /dev/dvb/ it doesnt work. soemone an idear?19:40
cosmicdummkauf:  what for a device ?19:40
MythbuntuGuest35the device a correct installed i think....19:40
dummkaufI have an internal IR reciever that shows up under /proc/bus/usb/devices, however there is no /dev/lirc or /dev/lirc0, only the /dev/lircd socket.  I can load the modules lirc_mceusb2 and start the lirc dameon but every time I run irw it kills the daemon19:40
cosmicdummkauf:  thats hard , wrong lirc module ?19:41
cosmicMythbuntuGuest35:  do you have kaffeine installed ?19:41
cosmicwhat does your dmesg say ? do you have installed v4l-dvb ?19:42
dummkaufI've been trying other modules, but can't seem to get it working....and from googling around I am pretty confident that I should be using the lirc_mceusb2 module for that device19:42
dummkauf  iManufacturer           1 Topseed Technology Corp.19:42
dummkauf  iProduct                2 eHome Infrared Transceiver19:42
dummkaufthats what it's showing up as from a lsusb -v19:42
cosmicdummkauf:  poste ma dmesg19:43
dummkaufcan I post a dmesg in here or should I be posting somewhere else?19:43
cosmicdummkauf:  please post me your dmesg19:43
cosmicsomewhere else !°19:43
cosmican give me the link19:43
dummkaufjust checking :) ...been a while since I've been on an IRC channel19:44
cosmicuse pastebin from TOPIC !19:44
dummkaufnot sure how to do that, can I just post a URL for you?19:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:45
dummkaufgot it19:47
cosmicdummkauf:  whats that ? : lirc_mceusb2: no version for "lirc_get_pdata" found: kernel tainted.19:51
cosmicwhat for modules do you load ? lirc_dev19:51
dummkaufno idea...I'm hoping you know?19:51
dummkauflirc_dev I didn't load, that was getting loaded by default after the install19:52
cosmicis it a pure Transceiver or receiver too ?19:52
dummkaufI was assuming that was needed for lirc19:52
cosmiclirc is from reposotories or compiled by youre self19:52
dummkaufand I am not sure whether it is a reciever or not19:53
cosmicdummkauf:  are youre german ?19:53
dummkauflol.....american but I have a lot of german blood in my family19:54
cosmicare you able to read german text ?19:54
MythbuntuGuest73mhhh i can tune in the channels but when i copy the channcels.conf to the mplayer it downt work he say configuration is empty, have someone an idear?19:54
dummkaufare you german cosmic?19:55
dummkaufalso, this guy appears to have gotten this device working but the directions kind of suck19:56
dummkaufmaybe it makes sense to you?19:56
cosmicdummkauf:  YES I AM  ;) , try this one :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59090919:56
cosmici will check your link , give me a moment19:56
MythbuntuGuest73cosmic hast du vielleicht noch eine idee?19:57
MythbuntuGuest73zu meinem problem?19:57
dummkaufI took german in high shcool but it's been years since and unt meine deutsch ist nicht ser gut19:57
dummkaufI think that makes sense anyway19:57
cosmicMythbuntuGuest73:  ich kümmere mich gleich um Dich , poste mir deine dmesg über ein pastebin (siehe TOPIC)19:57
cosmicdummkauf:  thats good enough for me , and better then my english/american19:58
cosmicdummkauf:  the link , sounds good , do it and try out !19:59
dummkaufwhere is the mce_usb that guy is editing?20:00
cosmicits the module20:00
dummkaufthe only module file I could find is a .ko which is binary20:00
cosmicMythbuntuGuest73:  do you know how to do that ?20:01
MythbuntuGuest73paste kann ich nicht machen, da es an einem andern pc ist...er sagt in kurzvorm sucefulöly initialized and connect danach recv bulk message failed: -110 danach öfters could not submit URB no. 0 - get them all back20:01
cosmicMythbuntuGuest73:  USB Receiver ?20:01
cosmicthis Error Message is OK20:01
cosmicits a prob of the driver20:02
MythbuntuGuest73achso aber er würde trotzdem funktionieren?20:02
cosmicMythbuntuGuest73:  how do you start mplayer20:02
cosmicMythbuntuGuest73:  japp20:02
MythbuntuGuest73mbplayer dvb://sendername20:02
cosmicdummkauf:  i am searching , give me a mom20:03
cosmicMythbuntuGuest73:  no device ?20:03
MythbuntuGuest73ich warte sonst, kümmere dich sonst ruhig erstmal in ruhe um den anderen....20:03
cosmic@ dummkauf20:05
cosmicwhere do you have the module from ?20:05
dummkaufI have that, but it is the lirc_mceusb2.ko file20:06
dummkaufthere's no files that can be edited?20:06
dummkaufunless I'm supposed to be editing the binary??20:07
cosmicdummkauf:  whats with this one ? :http://www.mythtv.org/pipermail/mythtv-users/2006-January/118097.html20:08
cosmicMythbuntuGuest73:  Syntax from "$man mplayer" : mplayer dvb://[card_number@]channel [options]20:09
dummkaufcosmic: I don't have any lirc devices listed under /dev20:11
dummkaufcosmic: only the lircd socket20:12
cosmicMythbuntuGuest73:  whats your error message ?20:13
cosmicdummkauf:  The guy from the link doesnt have it either , but its solved ? isnt it ?20:13
MythbuntuGuest73wenn ich mplayer dvb://0@sendername eingebe sagt er so weit das gleiche nur eben failed to open dvb://1@sendername udn davor dvb configuration is empty20:14
cosmicdummkauf:  sorry wrong link , thats the one : http://www.mythtv.org/pipermail/mythtv-users/2006-January/118097.html20:14
MythbuntuGuest73davor could not connect to socket und connection refused faild to oben LIRC Support... das istz ja ok die ist inmoment nicht angeschloßen20:16
MythbuntuGuest73also die fernbediehnung20:16
dummkaufwhere is that LIRCD_OPTS, that looks like some kind of kernel setting to me?20:17
dummkaufI'd rather not compile a custom kernel20:17
dummkauffound it20:17
cosmicMythbuntuGuest73:  http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/mplayer-dvb/2005-February/001605.html20:17
cosmicdummkauf:  yeah20:18
MythbuntuGuest73mhh i think meine channel liste ist ok, hab sie mir runtergeladen und mit einen anderen programm scheint er einige sender wohl auch zu finden, also mit linuxtv-dvb-apps20:20
MythbuntuGuest73mit nen scan befehl20:21
MythbuntuGuest73T 786000000 8MHz 2/3 NONE QAM16 8k 1/4 NONE <<< das ist doch im richtigen format, oder?!?20:21
dummkaufmaybe i didn't find it..would that be the /etc/init.d/lirc file, or the /etc/lirc/hardware.conf file??  I can't find the LIRCD_OPTS in either20:22
MythbuntuGuest73allerdings den rest mit der menu.con verstehe ich nicht so ganz, aber er muß sie ja auch kein menü anzeigen nur das er was findet...letztendlich will ich den mplayer garnicht zum tv schuan verwenden sondenr das myth programm...soll ja nur zum testen sein20:24
cosmicMythbuntuGuest73:  Then scan with Myth20:26
MythbuntuGuest73funktioniert ja leider nicht deswegen hatte mir einer geraten ich solle das erstmal so testen20:26
cosmicwas machste dann im Myth ?20:27
MythbuntuGuest73also mit einen vollscan zeigt er zwar die sich wechselnde signalstärke an, aber er kann keien sender einlogen20:27
cosmicinstall kaffeine for testing20:28
MythbuntuGuest73wenn ich die requenz manuel eingebe sagt er immer table not found oder sowas, kann ich dir sonst gleich nochmal genau sagen20:28
MythbuntuGuest73ok mache ich20:28
cosmicok bis gloich20:28
MythbuntuGuest73no irgend eine lib mit?20:28
MythbuntuGuest73ich nehem auch noch kaffeine-gstreamer und kaffeine-xine ja sowieso20:30
cosmickaffeine is a real cool vid util20:30
MythbuntuGuest73ich hab damit noch nciht wirklich gearbeitet... so ist jetzt gestartet auf dem desktop der player20:31
dummkaufcosmic: that doesn't seem to be working either20:32
cosmicdummkauf:  whith version of Lirc ?20:36
cosmicMythbuntuGuest the start kaffeine go to the options ,chose  DVB -> chose your location (z.B. Hamburg) and then scan (with kaffeine)!20:37
cosmicdummkauf:  compiled by yourself ?20:39
MythbuntuGuest73mhh leichter gesagt als gteamn ich finde nur engine parameters oder configure kaffeine player und da finde ich nichts dvb und mein ort20:39
cosmicwhat a shame20:39
dummkaufhow so?20:39
cosmicdummkauf: mom plz20:40
cosmicMythbuntuGuest73:  Oben in der Menü Leiste steht doch was mit DVB oder ?20:41
MythbuntuGuest73nein file view player playlist settings und help20:41
cosmicwenn da kein DVB steht , erkennt er anscheinend keine DVB Karte20:43
MythbuntuGuest73merkwürdig weißt du woran es liegen könnte?20:44
cosmicdummkauf:  i have compiled my lirc , cause i youse a homebrew receiver , and when i look in the setup script of the source package , i see your IR Device to select20:45
cosmicMythbuntuGuest73:  falsche rechte ? geb das device ma frei für alle20:45
MythbuntuGuest73ach vielleicht liegt es daran hatte es vor kurzen mal installiert und da war es aujedenfall nicht richtig configuriert und da kam auch noch son fenster dvb not found nun beim erneuten installieren scheint es garnicht mehr zu kommen... vielleicht speichert er das noch von letztesmal, hatte es aber komplett wieder deinstalliert20:46
cosmici just get something to eat , give me a mom guy's20:46
dummkaufIll try compiling it myeslf, see what happens, be back in a bit20:46
MythbuntuGuest73chown -R tv:users /dev/dvb/ hab ich schon gemacht20:46
MythbuntuGuest73ohh jetzt jkappts ich habs nochmal eingegeben... warte mal20:49
cosmicdummkauf: good look, i think it should work , with your lirc version20:49
MythbuntuGuest73so nun scheint er zu scanne :))20:50
cosmicMythbuntuGuest73:  zufrieden ?20:51
MythbuntuGuest73aujedefall schonmal nen stückchen näher :) es wäre natürlich schöner wenn das über myth geht20:51
cosmicnun geht das bestimmt20:52
MythbuntuGuest73mhhh aber er findet keine kanäle ... bzw logt die nicht ein....20:53
MythbuntuGuest73er läuft durch zeight die signalanzeige an dann bei lock ne grüne lampe aber in der liste sind keine20:53
cosmicMythbuntuGuest73: kein empfang ? , schlechter empfang ?20:54
MythbuntuGuest73mhh mal 23% und bei einigen kanälen 72...20:54
MythbuntuGuest73mal 87% sehe ich gerade20:55
cosmicpasive oder aktive Antenne ?20:55
MythbuntuGuest73funktioniert aber in win bestens...20:55
MythbuntuGuest73mißte zu früh gefreut...20:58
cosmickaffeine neu gestartet ? nach rechte änderung ?20:59
MythbuntuGuest73ja vorher ging das menü auch nicht, starte aber sonst den ganzen rechner neu...20:59
MythbuntuGuest73man weiß ja nie20:59
cosmicpaste mir nomma deine dmesg21:01
MythbuntuGuest73so startet gerade neu, aber so hat das myth programm es auch gemacht beim vollständigen suchlauf, auschlag der signalstärke logt aber keine sender ein...21:01
MythbuntuGuest73ok gleich...fährt noch hoch21:02
MythbuntuGuest73mhh jetzt ist dvbt in kaffeine wieder weg das menü21:03
cosmicrechte !21:04
cosmicmach ma ein chmod -R a+rwx /dev/dvb*21:04
MythbuntuGuest73muß man die bei jeden neustart wieder setzen?21:04
MythbuntuGuest73mhh ne nun klappts nicht mehr und steht nicht mehr in kaffeine...21:05
cosmicverstehe ich jetzt gerade auch net , hmm , er legt das device ja jedes ma neu an !?! , vielleicht sollte dir anfangs ein einfaches startscript helfen21:06
cosmickaffeine Neustart21:06
MythbuntuGuest73alles gemacht21:06
cosmicbei dir stimmt was ganz gewaltig nich ... oder ich raffs gerade nich ...21:06
MythbuntuGuest73so alt ist mien system eigentlich noch nicht und so viel kaputtgespielt werde ich glaube ich auch nicht gemacht haben....21:07
MythbuntuGuest73hoffe ich...21:07
cosmichaste ma n scan manuell ausgeführt ?21:10
MythbuntuGuest73wie meinste das?21:10
cosmicna du hast doch das tool "scan" um deine eigene channel.conf zu erzeugen oder ? war das nicht so ?21:12
MythbuntuGuest73nein das hat bei mir nicht funktiooniert bash hat nur fehler gemeldet21:12
MythbuntuGuest73deswegen eine aus dem netz gezogen21:13
MythbuntuGuest73und die hat dann mit den einen programm funktioniert da hat er scheinbar welche gefunden21:13
MythbuntuGuest73aber wieso geht kafeine nun imme rnoch nicht habs 20 mal oder so eingegeben.......21:13
cosmicnaja , fang ma klein an un probier ma sowas hier oder so  : http://www.linuxforen.de/forums/archive/index.php/t-221218.html21:13
cosmicDa fehlt noch mehr21:14
cosmicbei dir stimmt , noch was anneres nicht , hab da heut nur leider keine zeit mehr ... muss morgen früh raus21:14
MythbuntuGuest73achso ok trotzdem dir veilen dank für deine hilfe21:15
MythbuntuGuest73aber vielleicht haste ja noch eine idee, bzw. weißt woran es liegt wenn ich ein mpeg video mit den vlc media player wiedergebe funktioniert es bestens, nur über das myth wiedergabe programm ruckelt es....21:16
cosmicbei myth , öffnest da mit lokal oder mit mplayer , des video welches ruckelt ?21:18
MythbuntuGuest73lokal von der festplatte, ist ein aufgenommenes mpeg video21:18
cosmiclokal = Myth eigener player21:18
MythbuntuGuest73bei myth ruckelt es21:18
cosmicfindest in den einstellungen unter Video21:19
MythbuntuGuest73und da ruckelt es aber beui vlc wenn ich es local damit öffne nicht21:19
cosmicwelches format mit welchen eisntellungen geöffnet werden soll21:19
MythbuntuGuest73ich schau gerade welches ist die select daste hab gerade keine fernbediehnung zur hant21:19
MythbuntuGuest73weißte das?!?21:19
MythbuntuGuest73kann dort nur kategorie... kidnersicheurng vover ec einstellen21:20
MythbuntuGuest73ah ok gib niochmal robrik video21:21
MythbuntuGuest73aber she ekeine auflösung oder sowas21:21
cosmicMythfrontend -> Konfiguration -> Medien -> Videos -> Wiedergabe21:22
MythbuntuGuest73ok und was muß man da ändern?!?21:23
MythbuntuGuest73steht inmoment mplayer -fs -zoom -quit -vo xv %s21:24
cosmicsorry , nicht WIEDERGABE , sondern Dateitypen21:25
MythbuntuGuest73bei mpg steht komando internal21:26
MythbuntuGuest73macht ncihts21:26
cosmicdann nimm mplayer21:28
cosmicich muss jetzt sorry21:28
MythbuntuGuest73hab nun den standart player mal angeklickt nun hängt er macht nichts, vielelicht biste morgen ja wieder da?21:28
cosmicCu @ all21:28
cosmicbis mrgen21:28
MythbuntuGuest73tschüüß und vielen dank21:28
MythbuntuGuest73bye at all21:29
pdragonhttp://blog.wired.com/business/2008/01/netflix-partner.html     would be nice if netflix just made a software package that does it instead of an appliance. could make it part of mythtv then! :)21:53
* KjetilK is struggling to find the idVendor for his PVR-150 card22:06
KjetilKI'm trying to do what it says in http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Volume_Knob_on_Antec_Fusion22:06
dummkaufok, I'm back, tried compiling lirc from source and that gave me /dev/lirc, however irw still killed the lirc daemon, and after a reboot I no longer have /dev/lirc, so I'm back to where I started22:10
john__where in mythtv do u change where the videos are located under media library? I changed the location in the front end but it doesn't work22:33
JThundleysomewhere in the settings, I don't know off the top of my head23:11
JThundleymaybe in the backend settings somewhere, probably in mythsetup23:11
JThundleysome UTF8 stuff isn't working on my mythbuntu system23:12
JThundleyit never displays weird characters correctly23:12
JThundleyon my debian machine: Playing Motörhead/Ace of Spades/The Hammer.ogg.23:13
JThundleyon my mythbuntu machine: Playing Mot�rhead/Ace of Spades/The Hammer.ogg.23:13
JThundleyit's causing sendxmpp to barf in sending log files23:14
JThundleyutf8 "\xF6" does not map to Unicode at /usr/bin/sendxmpp line 89, <STDIN> line 30.23:14
john__How do i turn the volume on the mythtv to max?23:27
john__also how do i change the default network name to another name?23:45
JThundleysudo hostname newname, I believe23:47
JThundleyyeah, I just did it on my system23:48
JThundleyif you're doing it for samba shares, you should restart samba too23:48

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