
macdand start a single mongrel, or a cluster of them (whatever is specified on /etc/mongrel_cluster/00:00
mathiazmacd: or to rephrase: could mongrel_cluster be used to manage only one mongrel instance ?00:00
mathiazmacd: that seems reasonable to me.00:01
macdyeah it can be used to manamge a single mongrel isntance00:01
mathiazmacd: so instead of creating a new package, support for multiple mongrel instances should be added to the mongrel package itself.00:01
macdthats the road I was thinking the best to take00:02
mathiazmacd: yes. Makes sense to me also, if it doesn't invole heavy changes.00:02
* macd starts on it tonight00:17
macdare you able to upload to universe? or do I need to go through revu?00:17
=== chuck is now known as zul
m1r0hello all12:45
pteague_workhas anybody else run both an md5sum & the check CD for defects for ubuntu-jeos?  my md5sum matches, but it comes back as the cd being defective... granted, i'm booting a vm off an iso, but ubuntu desktop & ubuntu server don't report errors when checking for defects16:34
PatrickDEJust a quick question on postfix - does anybody have (a link to) a backport to dapper (amd64) of postfix >=2.316:40
lamontPatrickDE: 2.4.5-3build1~dapper1 is the current dapper-backport version...16:42
lamontah, which is ftbfs on amd6416:42
PatrickDE;) 2.4.5-3 failed for amd64, didn't it? (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/postfix/2.4.5-3build1~dapper1)16:42
PatrickDEbtw. hi lamont16:43
PatrickDEI was trying to use dovecot sasl with postfix - when I saw that dapper is using 2.216:43
lamontand requires a backport of tinycdb, which won't be happening in the backport archives16:43
PatrickDEic - so no dovecot, but cyrus then?16:44
lamontPatrickDE: or a little backporting work16:45
PatrickDEI've to admit, that I'm pretty new to all this stuff - so I'ld go for some kind of existing solution :)16:46
sommerPatrickDE: I'd recommend trying the Cyrus SASL option16:48
PatrickDEsommer: guess that's best - I take it :)16:49
PatrickDEthanks a lot guys!16:49
LeovenousAh... its saner in here.19:18
LeovenousI have an installation (server LTS) that hangs at 83% "Installing the kernel - retrieving and installing linux server"19:19
LeovenousP4, 1.7 with a WD 40GB HD19:20
LeovenousKinda old, but still kicking.19:20
LeovenousThe CD checks out fine.19:20
LeovenousAny ideas what my problem is?19:21
leonelno ideas ...19:21
leonelyou can Install Gutsy  and   then upgrade tu   HARDY  ( LTS ) on April ..19:22
LeovenousI'll give it a shot. Thanks.19:37
good_danaright now i have 2 ubuntu virtual machines running 6.06 server lts on microsoft virtual server, has anyone tried to get geOS to run on ms virtual server?19:39
good_danaby geOS i mean jeOS19:41
leonelnot me but should work19:47
sergevnyou should try JeOS as host operating system ;)19:48
good_danai already broke my brain setting up a xen virtual host on centOS20:06
good_danaalthough that was mostly due to SATAraid20:06
=== ember_ is now known as ember
culixhello together, i have a problem with the postinst script of mysql-server-5.0 on dapper, the script stops after "Stopping MySQL..."21:44
culixit is an update from 5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.5 to 6.06.621:46
mathiazculix: you should have a look at /var/log/daemon.log21:48
mathiazculix: mysql error messages should be logged there.21:49
culixmathiaz: that was the hint, disk space of logging space was full, thx for that :)21:51
sergevnIs there a safeway to flush your /var/log/ files22:11

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