
ari_stressmorning all :D00:38
dayahi channel,15:50
dayacan i find mo for ldm , in ltsp15:51
Mauricio__Hi... I have trouble with some thin clients that have a new card that requires the e1000 driver from intel... I have already tested the driver and my question is how to compile that driver into the ltsp chroot... the problem that I have rigth now is that when I try to compile the driver, kernel version on the chroot is different from the server (server has 2.6.22-14-server and ltsp chroot has 2.6.22-14-386), so the make utility complaint that the k19:02
Mauricio__ernel source is not installed (requests 2.6.22-14-server!)19:02
xanderhello peoples , i am new to linux , trying to set up a laptop for my friends daughter who is 12 years old , and they don't want her to be able to view pages like myspace ... i have edubuntu installed and runnin , but having some troubles... am hoping to find someone willing to help me out and walk me through a few basic things on linux :) if anyone can help , please pm me or email ccnhub@gmail.com , thank you very much21:31
johnnyi don't think you'll get personal emails for PM21:35
johnnyjust mention your troubles21:35
johnnyor search for them21:35
stgraberxander: so you have problem blocking access to myspace ?21:35
xanderim trying to install dan'sguardian21:40
xanderbut ive only been using linux for a couple hours lol21:40
xanderive been looking around on help pages and forums , but im so new that even the directions don't always make sense hah21:41
xanderbasically i just want something simple for a noob like me to use that will allow me to either block or grant access to webpages and applications21:41
xanderfor example , they would like to have her be able to use google talk , but not AIM21:43
johnnytha'ts impossible21:43
johnnyyou can use aim within gmail21:43
johnnyin the web page21:43
johnnynothing you can block via software on the computer.. windows or linux21:44
johnnyunless you block gmail.com too21:44
xanderhmm ok21:44
xanderwell thats good to know ...21:44
johnnyi don't think they have "parental controls"21:44
johnnyin gmail21:44
xandernow , how about restricting access to web pages ?21:44
xanderwas i correct in trying dansguardian ?21:45
johnnyi don't know.. i've never wanted to restrict access to web pages :)21:45
johnnybut.. you realize that she'll be able to figure out how to turn it off21:45
johnnyif she comes and looks for help :)21:45
xanderim not worried about that right now21:45
xanderi just need to set it so that when she [or her friends] type in an address , it doesn't come up21:46
johnnyyes you are21:46
johnnybut you're going to have to read more about it on the web i'm guessing21:46
johnnyas far as setting it up21:46
xanderive also read some examples of parents setting up only the things they want the kids to use , but that seems like alot of work21:47
xanderok heres one21:50
xanderwhen i try to search for files , i get an error21:50
stgraberdansguardian should do what you want, another way is to set those websites to point to (localhost)21:51
stgraberwhich will return an error and then not display the page21:51
xanderoh cool21:51
xanderthats sounds simple enough21:51
xanderbut where i set that ?21:52
stgraberjust : sudo gedit /etc/hosts21:52
stgraberthen add lines like :  www.myspace.com21:52
xanderoh ok21:52
xanderlet me try21:52
stgrabersave, close firefox, reopen firefox and try the website21:52
stgraberjust be careful to not remove any lines that were previously there21:52
xanderthereis nothing in there21:53
xanderits blank21:53
johnnyit's fine21:53
stgraberare you sure you opened the right file ?21:53
stgraberjohnny: no it's not, /etc/hosts contains and some ipv6 stuff by default21:53
johnnythen it must be the wrong file?21:53
xanderwell ... im not sure about anything atm as i have only used this os for a matter of hours lol21:54
stgraberok, so let's do that step by step :)21:54
xanderand when i try to save , it says could not save , file not found , if that helps21:54
stgrabergo to Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal21:54
xanderthanks ,,, sorry21:54
xanderusually im the one typing step by step21:55
stgraberonce in the terminal enter : sudo gedit /etc/hosts21:55
xanderweird to be on this end , thanks in advance21:55
stgraberit should ask for your password21:55
xanderok did that21:55
stgraberand you have an empty text editor ? weird ?21:56
xanderopens a blank document21:56
xanderand if i try to save , it says cannot find the file21:56
stgraberwhat does "ls -lh /etc/hosts" returns ?21:56
xander-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 246 2008-01-03 22:49 /etc/hosts21:57
stgraberok, so it's 246bytes large ... certainly not empty21:58
stgrabertry : sudo nano /etc/hosts21:58
stgrabermaybe you will have more luck opening it in a command line editor :)21:58
xanderok thats opened a file21:58
xander10 lines21:58
stgraberyou should have two lines at the top: one starting with another with right ?21:59
xander127.0.0.1 localhost21:59
xander192.168.1.9 edubuntu21:59
stgraberok, so add for example: www.myspace.com after the edubuntu line22:00
xanderahh ok22:00
xandernow just have to figure out how to save lol22:01
xanderthat does search22:02
stgraberoups :)22:02
stgrabertry ctrl+x :)22:02
xanderheh ok22:02
* stgraber is using too much command line tools :)22:02
stgraber(and is more of a vi addict)22:02
xanderi think that did it let me test22:02
johnnyyou should try to get it working with gksudo gedit from the cli22:02
johnnygksudo gedit /etc/hosts22:02
johnnyso you can use a gui text editor22:03
xanderahh ok22:03
xandercause that didn't work22:03
stgrabertry the "gksudo gedit /etc/hosts" thing, but I don't see why it would work and the sudo one wouldn't22:04
johnnyor just gksudio gedit and then navigate and open /etc/hosts22:05
xanderwell it opens the file22:05
xanderand i can edit it22:05
xanderbut its not blocking the page22:05
johnnyfirefox caches too much22:05
johnnyclear your cache22:05
xanderoh ok22:06
johnnyyou might even have to clear your dns cache22:06
johnnyi don't recall how to do it, but a reboot would fix it :)22:06
xanderahh ok i restart it then brb22:06
xanderthat works !!22:10
xanderwow thats easy22:10
xanderthanks so much22:10
stgraberbtw, that blocks any kind of access to that URL, not only http22:11
stgraberso if you can find the name of the various IM server you want to block, you can block them the same way22:11
xanderwow thats handy hah22:12
xanderok one more for today if you don't mind22:12
xanderwhen i am in my file browser ,and i go to go>search for files, and put something in i get the following message22:13
xanderthe folder contents could not be displayed. the name org.freedesktop.Tracker was not provided by any .service files22:14
stgrabertry installing the "tracker" and "tracker-search-tool" packages, that should fix that22:15
stgrabertracker is a file indexing engine22:15
xanderok and i can do that in the synaptic package manager ?22:15
xandernice ok brb :)22:16
stgraberjust search "tracker" in it and you should find the two packages22:16
xanderthats got it , dam this is very helpful , thank you for your time22:20
xanderim sure you will be seeing lots of me in the next few weeks :)22:20
johnnyjust make sure to read some docs before asking all the questions tho :)22:21
xanderoh i did22:22
xanderhah i spent hours on the forums , but they don't always address the exact problem ,and this is much more efficient22:22
johnnyalso just regular linux resources22:25
johnnynot just ubuntu forums22:25
johnnyand the wiki too22:25
xanderyeah used that as well thanks22:26
xanderaround for answers can be fun , but i don't get many days off22:27
xanderso better to go to the source if i can , thanks22:27

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