
Riddellstdin: ping ping, new kde4libs kdepimlibs kdebase-runtime kdebase-kde4 and kdebase-workspace, fancy backporting them in the ppa?00:06
stdinooh, new KDE packages... I'll wakeup again :)00:14
Riddelljust a snapshot to practice for the real thing00:15
nixternalRiddell: ahh, I just noticed those00:20
nixternalat first I was like, "why would he do that now when release is a week away" :)00:20
nixternalpractice makes perfect :)00:22
stdinhmm, what's going to happen with the libgif/ungif with gutsy packages? won't libgif want to remove libungif?00:27
nixternalhave to stick with libungif with gutsy more than likely00:28
nixternal!info libgif-dev gutsy00:28
ubotulibgif-dev: library for GIF images (development). In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.4-2 (gutsy), package size 39 kB, installed size 124 kB00:28
stdinthat's what I think, I'll just have to remind myself to edit all the debian/controls00:28
nixternalok, so it is there and it has the libungif replace in it00:28
nixternalisn't it just kdelibs that deps on it?00:29
Riddellstdin: yeah, you should change that in kde4libs control (twice)00:29
nixternalhehe ya00:29
nixternalI think che and I came across that a week or so back00:29
stdinRiddell: you forgot the comma after libenchant-dev00:35
Riddellstdin: uh oh, which package?00:43
Riddellstdin: fix uploaded, thanks00:46
stdinnp :)00:46
hadskopete-kde4 depends on libungif4g?00:54
stdinhads: it only depends on it because kde4libs was built against it, it will depend on libgif when rebuilt against the new kde4libs01:13
hadsstdin: OK, thanks.01:13
=== wolfger_ is now known as wolfger
stdinRiddell: shouldn't debian/kdelibs-bin.install be debian/kdelibs-bin.install (in kde4libs) ?03:17
=== dasKreech is now known as DaSkreechNSorrow
* Hobbsee waits for kde4.03:35
DaSkreechNSorrowIsn't it tagged?03:37
DaSkreechNSorrowHobbsee: ^^^6 should be04:00
DaSkreechNSorrowkwwii: http://pinheiro-kde.blogspot.com/2008/01/two-years-six-months-and-couple-of-days.html04:09
DaSkreechNSorrowThat's a nice write up04:09
* Jucato waves hello at Hobbsee and DaSkreechNSorrow and goes back to bed...04:11
DaSkreechNSorrowJucato: Sleepy?04:12
Jucatocolds + cold-induced sore throat and itchiness...04:12
DaSkreechNSorrowmy cousin just committed suicide so I think I'm going to go lay down as well04:18
Jucatoouch :(04:18
DaSkreechNSorrowhope that gets better Jucato04:18
DaSkreechNSorrowThanks Jucato04:19
* Hobbsee waves at Jucato04:24
DaSkreechNSorrownight all04:44
Hobbseenight :(04:45
* DaSkreechNSorrow hugs Hobbsee04:45
* Hobbsee hugs DaSkreechNSorrow back04:45
=== Vorian_ is now known as vorian
ScottKnixternal: Happy New Year and all that jazz.05:34
nixternalsame to you and all that jazz :)05:34
ScottKDrove through your state on Tuesday.  It was cold an snowy.05:34
nixternaltell me about it05:35
nixternalwe will be up into the 50s this weekend though05:35
ScottKStayed far away from Chicago as a result.05:35
nixternalya, we have just over 10" in our backyard05:39
ScottKMy mother in law lives in Easter Iowa.  We ended up cutting south from I-80 via I-74 and then taking I-70 east.05:40
vorianwe didn't get squat in Ohio05:41
ScottKWhere in Iowa?  I spent night before last snowed in in Zanesville.05:43
ScottKOhio I mean.05:43
vorianI'm in Chillicothe (south of Columbus)05:44
vorianIt snowed and inch, if that.05:44
ScottKAh.  Well I quit for the night when I couldn't tell where the road stopped and the shoulder began.05:44
vorianthat's when Ohio's finest drivers hit the road05:45
vorianyou missed the fun05:45
ScottKOn roughly level ground it's OK.  I was headed east into the mountain though.05:46
vorianyeah, not much fun there.05:46
nixternalScottK: come on, driving through the mountains on 70 rock06:00
ScottKI'm more of a chicken with 3 kids in the car.06:01
nixternalI always like to stop in Breezewood and hang out for a bit before taking that last few hour drive into southern maryland06:02
ScottKI took the southern route using I-79 and I-68, so missed Breezewood this time.06:08
level1I added a page to the Ubuntu Community documentation.  Is this appropriate? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KDERamdisk?action=show09:16
Tonio_hi there10:47
Tonio_Riddell: I'll upload guidance tomorrow probably, I need python-kde3 to be uploaded first10:47
RiddellTonio_: you can upload more than one thing at once you know..10:49
Tonio_Riddell: yes I know, but I don't want to put a strict dependancy and wait for the package to build10:49
Tonio_Riddell: I prefer to do it that way :)10:49
Tonio_atm I'm trying to understand why kdebase still ftbfs while I tested the build locally with success10:50
Tonio_my last patch doesn't apply on the build farm but applies locally10:50
Riddelldoes it contain Makefile.in?10:51
Tonio_Riddell: it does10:56
Tonio_Riddell: all I changed is a little patch to the kdm.init file in the debian folder, as the system locale isn't used anymore10:57
Tonio_Riddell: no big deal...10:57
Tonio_but 2 ftbfs for the moment ;)10:57
Riddellstdin: kde4libs_3.98.0~svn755919-2ubuntu3 uploaded with fixed kde4libs-bin.install file10:58
Tonio_Riddell: atm I'm still fixing kdepyuic, still some few problems, before uploading10:59
mornfallSo. Do we have perl-qt for qt4?11:30
mornfallAnd someone willing to port qt debconf over?11:30
mornfallGiven the sorry state of konsolepart, I can as well stop now if we don't have anything at all.11:31
Riddellmornfall: someone did talk about a perl-qt4 once in #kde-devel, can't remember who11:40
mornfallThis will get ugly, quick.11:41
mornfall: - (11:41
mornfallChoices I can think of11:42
mornfall1) going without konsole11:42
mornfall- probably need a piping debconf frontend to communicate with adept itself directly11:42
mornfall2) forking konsole11:42
mornfallOr. Hmh.11:46
mornfallI could harness dpkg somehow.11:46
mornfallWhatever. Bbiab.11:46
LureTonio_: will you pick up latest svn for guidance?11:49
Tonio_\sh_away: ping ?11:49
LureTonio_: I might have some patches pending, but not sure if I will have time tonight (might rather work on Slovenian transaltion of kde411:50
Tonio_Lure: yep I have a package ready11:50
Tonio_Lure: please send me the patches11:50
Tonio_when ready of course :)11:50
LureTonio_: ok, no problem will wait until next snapshot then11:50
LureTonio_: they are minor improvements, and I plan to do better bug triage in near future)11:51
Tonio_Lure: great11:51
Tonio_\sh_away: when you read this, kdepyuic code is really buggy, long options don't work by default, as they are written in a simple string and not a list of string.... I'm just fixing this12:05
RiddellTonio_: don't spend too long on it though, it's about to be obsolete12:14
Tonio_Riddell: just finished :/12:15
Riddellfair enough12:16
Tonio_Riddell: well, about to be obsolete doesn't mean anything to me :) I want power-manager translated, whatever needs to be fixed12:17
Tonio_if obsolete means another 1 year without translation for it, that's not good :)12:17
Tonio_Riddell: python-kde3 uploaded12:18
Tonio_Riddell: next thing is ark, I'll try to debug it12:18
=== jpetso is now known as jpetso_away
mornfallHm, no perl-qt4.12:22
mornfallI will try the piping thing.12:22
Riddellmornfall: ug12:25
Riddellsurely debconf bindings /could/ be written in something other than perl?12:25
Tonio_Riddell: kpar2 has been fixed upstream, should be gpl v2 now12:26
RiddellTonio_: remind me again what kpar2 is?12:26
Tonio_Riddell: has t been rejected from the new queue again ? I uploaded it last week12:26
RiddellTonio_: still in New queue, should I reject?12:26
Tonio_Riddell: no, should be accepted I guess ;)12:27
Tonio_Riddell: frontend to read splitted archives and auto repair them12:27
Tonio_Riddell: used for newsgroups downloading12:28
RiddellTonio_: I can't accept it while all the files are marked as GPL 312:29
Tonio_Riddell: those shouldn't12:29
Tonio_Riddell: they are marked gpl v3, unless you don't have the good upload :)12:29
Tonio_are they all gpl v3 ?12:30
Riddell licensecheck src/*12:30
Riddellsrc/kpar2object.cpp: GPL (v3 or later) (with incorrect FSF address)12:30
Riddellsrc/kpar2object.h: GPL (v3 or later) (with incorrect FSF address)12:30
Riddellsrc/kpar2thread.cpp: GPL (v3 or later) (with incorrect FSF address)12:30
Tonio_Riddell: what's upstream version of the upload ?12:31
Tonio_Riddell: problem was resolved with version 0.2.612:31
Riddellah, hang on12:32
Riddellthere's another one here12:32
Tonio_this one should be the good one :)12:32
Tonio_Riddell: upstream fixed the issue after my mail12:33
Tonio_Riddell: well that's not a killer app, but exactly the kind of app some windows users are very happy with, so we need one at least ;)12:34
RiddellTonio_: accepted12:34
Tonio_Riddell: super :)12:34
Tonio_interesting, the problem with ark is in fact a problem with tar, last version has a bug.... ;)12:42
mornfallRiddell: Well, not really, since debconf loads the frontend the perl way.12:45
mornfallRiddell: You need to have a frontend that relays to non-perl.12:46
=== jpetso_away is now known as jpetso
Tonio_Riddell: ark problem is due to a change in the way tar outputs the exit status....12:52
Tonio_Riddell: Normalize using TARERROR with an exit status, instead of calling TARERROR with 0 first, then _exit. On exit calls, use EXIT_SUCCESS instead of 012:52
Tonio_changelog for version 1.1912:52
Tonio_dunno how to fix that in the code btw... maybe checking if exitstatus is different from 112:53
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
Tonio_Riddell: hum that ark bug is weird, really, it looks like tar has been change to correct the output and ark has a bug for years, which we couldn't see before...13:38
Riddellseems believable13:41
nosrednaekimkde4 doesn't like compiz... but thats probably not any news.13:42
Tonio_Riddell: the issue is when creating the tmp file in fact, the command passed to tar seems to be bad somehow...13:43
Tonio_I'll try to get that fixed13:43
nosrednaekimare there daily builds for hardy?13:50
Tonio_Riddell: that's a tar bug13:53
Tonio_Riddell: I have the patch, here, testing and uploading if it is okay13:53
Tonio_patch is from tar cvs repo13:53
RiddellTonio_: good stuff13:55
Riddellnosrednaekim: CDs, sure13:55
Tonio_Riddell: the problem is that due to the poor ark quality, I always investigate on the ark side...13:55
Tonio_Riddell: sometimes causing a waste of time :)13:55
nosrednaekimyeah, I just found them. Time to make a hardy partition :)13:56
iRonnosrednaekim: hi.. your script works fine on kde314:08
nosrednaekimiRon: sweet.14:09
iRonnosrednaekim: much better then starting fusion-icon at startup :)14:09
nosrednaekimiRon: just have to clear something up with mhb and its pretty much done.14:09
nosrednaekimiRon: I would assume its a bit faster too14:10
iRonit's true14:10
nosrednaekimok, have a nice day everyone.14:13
Tonio_Riddell: thanks for uploading kdebase with the correct fix.... shame on me I don't know what happened.... 2 attempts with a 2 lines patch...14:31
Tonio_tar uploaded btw14:31
Tonio_Riddell: some users where suggesting to make kdm use preferUser setting by default14:31
Tonio_Riddell: I think that would be nice, it uses the user photo if exists instead of the ugly human face icon14:31
Tonio_Riddell: interested in using this by default ?14:32
RiddellTonio_: sure14:34
RiddellI thought it already would14:34
Tonio_Riddell: nope, it is commented by default afaik, lemme check14:34
Tonio_Jucato: you suggested this to me14:35
Tonio_Jucato: how does it check the faces by default ? kdmrc refers to a standard folder so that means the user has to manually put the file in it ?14:36
JucatoTonio_: yeah they have to manually set a user photo if they haven't, otherwise the plain head is used afaik14:37
Tonio_Jucato: seems to use UserOnly by default14:37
Jucatoah the preference?14:37
Tonio_Jucato: what should we change to the config then ?14:37
Jucatohm.. isn't it AdminOnly by default?14:38
Tonio_Jucato: ah yes default is AdminOnly, we should then use PreferUser or Useronly14:38
Tonio_probably PreferUser is better no ?14:38
JucatoPreferUser is better imho14:38
Tonio_it uses both with priority given to the users face right ?14:38
JucatoPreferUser will fallback to admin's settings (plain face) if there's no face picture set by the user afaik14:39
JucatoUserOnly will not use anything if there's nothing set by the user (I think)14:39
Tonio_yep that seems to be the good way to do14:39
* Jucato double checks the handbook :P14:39
Tonio_Jucato: fuxing kdebase and kds ;)14:39
Jucatohehe :)14:39
Jucato"You can configure the admin picture here, for each user on the system. Depending on the order selected above, users may be able to override your selection."14:42
Jucatonot very helpful though hehe14:42
HobbseeRiddell: please remember to *not* use ubuntu-devel@ as the maintainer for ppa-based packages14:44
Hobbseestdin: ^14:45
yuriymornfall: so how about darcs send?14:47
yuriymornfall: i did some of the aforementioned refactoring14:48
HobbseeRiddell: because then the ubutnu people get bugged about bugs in the ppa packages, as they're listed as maintainer14:48
HobbseeRiddell: also, koffice has a broken debian/copyright14:48
RiddellHobbsee: how do they get bugs?14:49
Hobbsee--- koffice2-
Hobbsee+++ koffice2-
Hobbsee@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@14:50
Hobbsee+This package was debianized by Ana Beatriz Guerrero Lopez <ana@debian.org> on14:50
Hobbsee+Fri, 19 Oct 2007 03:05:46 +0200.14:50
Hobbsee+It was downloaded from <url://example.com>14:50
Hobbsee+Upstream Author(s):14:50
Hobbsee+    <put author's name and email here>14:50
Hobbsee+    <likewise for another author>14:50
Hobbsee+    <Copyright (C) YYYY Name OfAuthor>14:51
Hobbsee+    <likewise for another author>14:51
Hobbsee+    <Put the license of the package here indented by 4 spaces>14:51
Hobbseethat sort of stuff is classy, especially when it's put on kubuntu.org14:51
Hobbseegoodness knows what else has been missed14:51
Hobbsee(and yes, i know stdin's new)14:51
Riddell!pastebin  !!14:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebin  !! - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:53
Tonio_for example :)14:53
Hobbseesorry :)14:55
mornfallyuriy: One sec.14:57
Jucatomoin Hobbsee, Riddell, Tonio_, mornfall, yuriy! :)14:58
mornfallyuriy: Can you try running darcs send?14:58
Hobbseehiya Jucato14:58
mornfallyuriy: I have set up _darcs/prefs/email on the two repos.14:58
mornfallHi all.14:59
mornfallyuriy: I am greylisting so it may take a while to reach me at first.15:00
RiddellTonio_: wrong version number on k-d-s there (not that it matters)15:04
Tonio_Riddell: saw that, just uploaded a new version with soem french translation, labeled 7, not 5ubuntu215:05
Tonio_Riddell: forgot about the version change, using dch everytime....15:05
Tonio_someone knows if gnome has a frontend to modify the sudoers file ?15:16
Tonio_I have an unmaintained peace of code here for kde that looks interesting...15:16
Tonio_would be nice to convert that to kcm module15:16
RiddellTonio_: not that I know of15:17
Tonio_Riddell: wouldn't that be interesting ?15:17
RiddellTonio_: certainly would15:17
Tonio_great, will investigate on this on my free time then :)15:17
Tonio_community time is only for bug fixing atm15:17
Tonio_Riddell: http://ksudo.sourceforge.net/screen_en.php15:18
Tonio_Riddell: that in a kcm module would really be nice imho15:19
Tonio_Riddell: talking about sudo, lots of people seem to really appreciate kdesudo, even at mandriva or debian :)15:20
Tonio_Riddell: hopefully, they didn't look at the code in it haha !15:20
yuriyargh so much for patches in context15:21
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
=== d-miller_ is now known as d-miller
Tonio_ScottK: what is the status or diskmanager ?15:32
Tonio_ScottK: need me to work on the package a bit and get it approved ?15:32
\shhey Tonio_ :)15:34
Tonio_\sh: hey ;)15:34
Tonio_\sh: I had to change a few things to your patch, as the kdepyuic code was buggy on args parsing15:35
Tonio_\sh: working like a charm this time, so I upoaded15:35
Tonio_\sh: here is the debdiff15:35
\shTonio_: cool...if this will fix the problems with the other stuff, we could try to push this patch upstream...15:36
\shTonio_: most likely it will be the same for pykde415:36
Tonio_\sh: well long options didn't work everytime due to bad getopts usage15:36
Tonio_\sh: it has to use a strings list and not a long string15:37
Tonio_\sh: feel free to check how it does with pykde4 ;)15:37
\shTonio_: so another bugfix :) wonderful :)15:37
Tonio_next to that we should have a translatable guidance-power-manager, which is what I wanted for a very long ime15:38
Tonio_it is not nice compared to other distros to have such important things in english15:38
Tonio_brb, I have to restart kde due to kdebase update15:38
Tonio_yeepee, kdm uses the system locale again :)15:42
Tonio_\sh: so yes, best thing would be that kdedistutils uses the i18n option by default15:42
Tonio_\sh: but for that, you are the guy to decide what to do, not me :)15:42
\shTonio_: what provides kdedistutils?15:43
Tonio_\sh: pykdeextensions15:45
Tonio_\sh: kdedistutils is used with generic setup.py files15:45
\shTonio_: ok...I'll prepare an upstream patch with our changes to kdepyuic and push it upstream15:45
Tonio_\sh: see guidance source for example15:45
\shand then I'll check for pykdeextensions15:45
yuriymornfall: sending15:47
yuriymornfall: i had to resolve the conflict with your changes since i moved the code to a different file, but hopefully all is fine (seems to work)15:47
yuriymornfall: the checkboxes are really slow for some reason though15:48
Tonio_apachelogger: ping ?15:48
yuriymornfall: ignore the first e-mail, forgot to merge something, 2nd one is good.15:58
LureRiddell: is there an easy way to get kde4-only install of hardy? Just install server/minimal + some kde4 meta package?15:58
LureRiddell: will we have kubuntu-kde4-desktop?15:59
RiddellLure: kde4 or kde4-core15:59
Riddellkubuntu-kde4-desktop yes when seeds get sorted15:59
RiddellI havn't tested those two by the way, would be interesting to know if they work15:59
LureRiddell: I plan to install my old home desktop tonight, so will report back16:00
LureI want to see kubuntu kde4 packages (my laptop is always on SVN version)16:01
jjessekubuntu-kde4-desktop will be the package to install kde4 on kubuntu then?16:02
Riddelljjesse: one day yes16:02
jjessehrmm will probablly rebuild laptop then with it ;)16:02
\shTonio_: I send the patch upstream16:12
Tonio_\sh: super :)16:13
Tonio_\sh: have an idea about that ?16:14
Tonio_pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: libhd13-dev which is a virtual package16:14
Tonio_looks very real package to me....16:14
Tonio_Riddell: already seen that with pbuilder ?16:15
Tonio_Riddell: this package indeed provides the old version, but is seen by aptitude like a virtual package....... weird16:15
* Tonio_ hates aptitude......16:16
\shTonio_: I saw something similiar inside pbuilder..a different package but a similiar message16:16
Tonio_\sh: seems like an aptitude bug in fact16:16
Tonio_or pbuilder bug in aptitude usage......;16:17
\shTonio_: try it with apt :)16:17
\shor just a bug in pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy16:17
Tonio_\sh: how to change that in pbuilder, is there a way to confiure it ?16:17
nixternalTonio_: it is pbuilder...I have seen not only that package name, but others along with it...sometimes I had problems, but most of the time everything went smooth16:17
Tonio_that will do the trick ;)16:20
\shthe default pbuilder-satisfydepends should do it..16:20
Tonio_\sh: it now points to the "aptitude" implementation, see pbuilderrc manpage16:21
Tonio_\sh: changing this to the classic will back to old apt usage16:21
\shTonio_: for hardy? on gutsy it's still the old one16:21
Tonio_\sh: changed with hardy yep16:21
\shTonio_: oh groovy :)16:22
\shhmmm...I should do an upgrade to hardy...16:26
* ryanakca wonders the same thing16:26
* ryanakca guesses he'll start the upgrade before bed tonight16:27
\sh11 mins left ,-)16:28
Tonio_there is a really nasty bug on hardy I'd like to see fixed, but I didn't found out the solution myself16:29
Tonio_if someone is interested : in kdepim, the kitchensync plugin for kontact is disabled by default, and causes a segfault if activated...16:30
Tonio_bad not to have sync in the menu, especially since kitchensync works like a charm standalone....16:30
vorianwolfger: werd! (even though you are from michigan)16:32
* vorian hides16:32
ScottKTonio_: I haven't been reviewing new packages this cycle, so I'm not sure about diskmanager.16:59
apacheloggerTonio_: pong17:14
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
Riddellapachelogger: profoX in #kde-devel wants an amarok developer17:31
nixternalhrmm, my desktop froze...I haven't had a hard freeze in Kubuntu ever..that was a first17:48
Riddellnixternal: doing anything interesting?17:49
Riddellat the time17:49
nixternalI am hula dancing, that's it :)17:49
nixternalwhat's up?17:49
Riddelljust sitting waiting for KDE 4 tars to appear :)17:50
nixternalrefreshing ktown over and over?17:51
apacheloggerkonqueror's auto refresh :D17:51
nixternalgotta be careful though17:51
nixternalyou can get away if you are using fish://17:51
nixternalbut I did that before with sftp:// and it said I had to many connections and booted me out :p17:52
apacheloggertalking about fish17:52
apacheloggerit's broken in .017:52
apacheloggerwell, not br0ken17:52
apacheloggerjust mostly useless17:52
apacheloggeryou can't really use it anywhere than in konqueror/dolphin17:52
nixternalI thought fish:// was going to be replaced with sftp://17:52
apacheloggerstill there17:53
Riddellit works in places where sftp doesn't17:53
apacheloggerand has broken umlauts :D17:53
nixternalhrmm, I though for some reason that sftp:// would work with all ssh17:53
nixternallearning something new every day17:53
apacheloggerI think that's one of the oldest bugs in kde anyway17:53
apacheloggerbroken umlauts in fish17:53
* apachelogger is wondering why compiling kdegames was that fast17:54
nixternalme too17:54
nixternalso I wasn't the only one to notice that17:54
apacheloggerthat was like 5 minutes17:55
nixternalmine didn't even take that long17:55
nixternalI compiled kdelibs this morning in about 7 minutes17:55
apacheloggerprobably icecream did slow it down :P17:55
nixternalkdepim seemed to have gone much faster17:55
apacheloggernixternal: fresh compile?17:55
nixternalkdepim has always been the compile hog17:55
nixternalyes, fresh17:55
apacheloggervery strange17:56
nixternalusing the -j3 flag now is unbelievably faster17:56
apachelogger-j4 here17:56
nixternalI have a podcast interview in like 2 hours17:58
nixternalI hate those17:58
apacheloggernixternal: 'bout kubuntu?17:58
nixternalabout me17:58
nixternalbut me == kubuntu :p17:58
nixternalyou know it17:59
* apachelogger is kinda afraid of the amarok2 promo17:59
apacheloggerthe campaign is going to kill me17:59
apacheloggerone way or another17:59
nixternalcome on, amarok is already known as one of the greatest multimedia apps evah!17:59
nixternaleven people at school know what amarok is, and actually a few have tried out linux because of it18:00
nixternalis there, or will there be, a windows port of it?18:00
apacheloggerwhen I'm talking about world domination .... I'm usually serious18:00
apacheloggernixternal: actually due to the fairly long beta testing there should be one the very same time as binaries for linux18:01
nixternalput that bad boy on a "free software" CD and smack all kinds of people with it :)18:01
apacheloggerwoah, indeed :D18:01
nixternalI finally installed iTunes on my Windows box cuz I have never used it before...and it is by far the dumbest thing I have seen18:01
nixternalI will take WMP over it any day of the week18:02
apacheloggeryeah, I can't use it either18:02
nixternalit is weird18:02
apacheloggerthe nu winamp also appears rather strange to me18:02
nixternaldon't know if it is just me, but apps on Windows boxes don't look as polished as apps on Linux boxes18:02
* apachelogger thinks: nixternal got too much oxygen :P18:02
nixternaland virus software is insane18:02
nixternalvirus software can cripple your box faster than a 2 year old with a screwdriver18:03
apacheloggeroh, btw, we have to package firefox-theme-oxygen18:03
apacheloggeronce I'm done with it18:03
nixternalbah firefox18:03
nixternalsoon we shall have Konqi w/ WebKit18:03
apacheloggeryeah, in like half a year18:03
nixternalI totally hate Firefox with a passion18:03
nixternalI like IE 7 more than I do Firefox18:04
apacheloggerplus still then a lot of people will install firefox18:04
apacheloggerso it makes sense to provide a oxygen theme for it18:04
nixternaleven though Opera isn't free, I think it is the best browser right now18:04
nixternalbut my fav's are still Konqi and Epiphany18:04
* apachelogger never got opera like he wanted it to be18:05
apacheloggerI'm probably just too much used to konqueror18:05
nixternalya, no doubt18:05
nixternalinteresting...first time that kdebindings wouldn't compile for me18:06
LureRiddell: kde4 package has lots of unsatisifed dependancies18:21
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
LureRiddell:  what was the other meta package?18:21
Lureseems that some packages are not built yet (wanting 4:3.97.0-3ubuntu4)18:23
RiddellLure: kdelibs is a bit broken in hardy18:28
LureRiddell: ok, will wait with my desktop install then18:29
\shbah...kdedistutils does implement pykdeuic by itself...18:46
\shit adds i18n support etc.18:47
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
yuriysounds like aseigo doesn't agree with canonical on the 3.5 support issue19:45
nixternaldamn, I was just going to say that19:46
nixternalRiddell: you see Aaron's post? KDE 3.5 to be supported for "years"19:46
RiddellI've never said otherwise19:47
nixternalI know, but your boss(es) did unfortunately...I think they already knew, they just fear you :)19:48
Lure_yuriy: http://www.tllts.org/dl.php - interesting auote stats aroun 25th minute19:59
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
* Lure_ cannot type in bed19:59
=== alleeHol is now known as allee
=== Lure_ is now known as Lure
yuriyLure: there's a list of episodes?20:24
Lureyuriy: in drop down list and on main page, afair20:25
yuriyLure: i mean, what am i looking for? what ep?20:26
Lureyuriy: last one is aaron (I just have file here #226)20:26
Luredirect link20:27
nixternalpodcast interview complete20:47
nixternalthat was kind of fun20:47
Voriannixternal: can I have your autograph?21:22
nixternaldid you watch the Apprentice Celebrity Edition last night?21:23
nixternal$5,000 for a hotdog or bottle of water and my autograph :p21:23
VorianI'll give 10k21:24
nixternalIn the mountains of California, hourly snowfall rates could reach 6 to 8 inches. Snow accumulations between 2 feet (valley floors) and locally 12 feet (ridge tops) will bury the Sierra by the end of the weekend.21:25
nixternalholy smokes21:25
nixternal6 to 8 inches an hour? 12 feet of snow?21:25
Vorianyou know about Donner Pass right?21:25
nixternaloh man, what's up level1 :)21:25
nixternalI hope this system doesn't come to chicago when it is cold21:26
level1take a look at the page I wrote21:26
nixternal52 on monday here in chicago...melt all of our snow..woohoo21:27
nixternallevel1: that is pretty slick21:28
nixternalmuch easier than nfs :)21:28
level1I made a couple of mistakes... I'll fix them later tonight21:28
level1please peer-review it, and correct any mistakes21:29
level1I gotta go21:29
Yorokobihmmm, that storm will be hitting me later tonight21:29
nixternalone suggestion, change your 'level1' username references and all username references to something like <your_username>..just an idea (ie. /home/<your_username>/.kde/foo/bar)21:29
nixternalYorokobi: they said 150MPH winds21:29
nixternalthat is insane21:29
nixternalI have been in hurricanes before, but not 150MPH winds21:29
nixternalI guess this storm has tore up the Oakland/San Fran and Sacramento areas pretty good21:30
Yorokobinixternal, well, hopefully it'll slow down before it hits the Wasatch mountain range :)21:30
nixternalya, you won't get 12 feet, just 8 feet :p21:31
YorokobiI just hope all the ice melts off my driveway today. I hate shoveling snow with a layer of ice at the bottom ...21:32
nixternalthe last time I have seen big snow was 1995/1996 in Maryland when we got slammed by a nor'easter21:32
nixternalbefore that would have been the blizzard of 1979 in Michigan21:32
Yorokobinixternal, I was there for that one, too. (I was in VA)21:32
nixternalsnow blowers are the best :)21:32
nixternalYorokobi: ya, that one sucked21:33
nixternalin 1994 there was the nor'easter ice storm21:33
nixternalI was in southern md across the potomic from va :)21:33
nixternalya, I can spell21:33
ScottKnixternal: It was '96.21:33
nixternalScottK: January right?21:33
nixternalI couldn't remember if it happened in 95 or 9621:33
YorokobiI was in Sterling Park, just northwest of Herndon21:33
nixternalI know it was the winter though21:33
nixternalyou were up by ScottK21:34
YorokobiIt was Jan 199621:34
nixternalisn't Herndon where Dulles is?21:35
ScottKYes.  Jan '9621:35
nixternaloff of 267 iirc21:35
ScottKI remember migh late first wife hauling our then one year old around the street out front of our house using a laundry basket for a sled.21:36
YorokobiSR7 (the highway from Alexandria out past Winchester goes right through Sterling Park21:36
Yorokobihmmm, missed a )21:36
nixternalScottK: hahahha, I skitched behind a pickup in a laundry basket before21:37
\shwho was the21:41
\sh/usr/sbin/debootstrap: 317: cannot create /var/cache/pbuilder/build/8506/./test-dev-null: No such device or address21:41
\shE: Cannot install into target '/var/cache/pbuilder/build/8506/.' mounted with noexec or nodev21:41
\sherror with pbuilder create running a hardy system21:41
wolfgervorian: 'sup?21:44
Vorianwolfger: I was just giving you a shout out :)21:44
Vorianeven though you are from michigan21:44
wolfgerto what do I owe this Buckeyed honor?21:45
nixternaldamn hairy nut21:45
Vorianwolfger: you made a comment on me blog21:46
Voriannixternal: we'll see about hairy nuts next monday21:46
* wolfger tries to recall which blogs he's recently spouted his opinion on....21:47
Vorianwolfger: no worries man21:49
nixternalhowdy danimo!22:08
danimoare there current feisty packages for KDE 4 ?22:09
nixternalnot for feisty22:09
danimoit's a pain to upgrade to hardy just for the heck of it22:09
nixternaljust hardy which are being backported to gutsy22:09
danimonixternal: but there is no backport yet, is there?22:09
nixternalstdin: how far did you get on the backports?22:10
nixternaldon't know if he finished them yesterday or not22:10
nixternalI think he was tossing them into the PPA, let me check really quick22:10
nixternalactually, Riddell or stdin, are these latest packages the latest SVN checkout?22:11
nixternalI have been building KDE 4 from SVN for the past couple of months22:11
nixternalnope, they haven't uplaoded them to the PPA as of yet22:12
Riddellnixternal: two days ago22:14
danimoRiddell: how can kde 4 be installed along with KDE 3 btw?22:14
danimoRiddell: not all apps have different names, aye?22:14
Luredanimo: Personal Package Archive22:16
Luredanimo: like SuSE build service22:16
fdovingdanimo: yeah, like dolphin-kde4, etc.22:17
Riddelldanimo: we install to /usr/lib/kde4 in the packages22:17
Riddelland have wrapper scripts in /usr/bin and .desktop files for them22:17
Riddelldanimo: there's packages of rc2 for gutsy with svn from a couple of days ago on their way22:18
danimoRiddell: why not use /opt/ ?22:19
danimo /usr/lib is for libs after all...22:19
danimoLure: ah22:19
Riddelldanimo: it's mildly more compliant with debian policy22:20
danimoRiddell: yeah, but makes so sense whatsoever</bluntly voiced opinion>22:20
LureRiddell: kdepimlibs will need give-back now that kde4libs built, right?22:22
RiddellLure: yes22:22
RiddellLure: please ask for that22:22
mhb /opt makes no sense whatsoever, I can agree on that22:23
Luremhb: it makes sense for proprietary sw22:23
Lurebut I would agree with danimo that having it in bin + rename would be better22:24
yuriyaren't a lot of the packages already doing that?22:24
danimoLure: no, my vote is on /opt/kde422:24
mhbthere's nothing in /opt currently and little need for KDE4 to go there22:25
yuriyhow about for KDE3 to go there ;-)22:25
danimoyuriy: would be a pain for compatibility22:26
yuriydanimo: j/k of course. i'm still on kde3 myself22:26
danimomhb: well, why do you think so?22:27
Luredanimo: I like what suse will do - they had kde in /opt and can use /usr now for kde4 ;-)22:27
danimomhb: the advantages of a seperate dir a la /usr/lib are still there plus it's in a location that's dedicated for optional packages (which kde4 atm is)22:27
danimoLure: yepp, I know22:27
Luredanimo: that is thinking in advance ;-)22:28
danimoLure: no, that's being talked into doing it so22:28
danimoLure: it used to be /opt/kde, then /opt/kde2 and now /opt/kde322:28
danimoso it would be logical to continue with /opt/kde422:28
mhbdanimo: every other optional package goes into /usr22:28
mhbdanimo: KDE should not be treated differently22:29
danimomhb: with the problem that all binaries have to be renamed22:29
Luredanimo: oh, right - I did not know the before kde3 story22:29
danimowith unforseen bug-potential22:29
danimo<- long time suse user22:29
Luredanimo: if we go with /opt, when do we move back to /usr?22:29
Lurecoexistance of kde3 and kde4 is a problem anyhow22:30
danimoLure: kde4 should be in /usr for all distros that ship it as main desktop22:30
danimoLure: but I can see how that might become a pain22:30
mhbdanimo: you (upstream) created the problem in the first place :o)22:30
Luredanimo: kubuntu will have two cd's: kde3 and kde422:30
danimomhb: how?22:30
fdovingby making kde4 of course :)22:31
mhb<personalopinion>if you released a KDE4 version we can all safely migrate to from KDE3, we would not have this problem in the first place. </personalopinion>22:31
ScottKSo much for the 'no upstream support so we can't have Kubuntu LTS:: http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2008/01/talking-bluntly.html22:32
mhbwith /opt, it's easier to have KDE3 and KDE4 coexistent, but it will lead to unnecessary bugs when we migrate to KDE4 only22:33
danimomhb: that's nonsense. a) this has never been the case with any major release, b) there are a lot of users that will want KDE x-1 for at least 2-3 years after KDE x.0 has been released22:33
mhbwith /usr + renames, we'll get some bugs in the beginning, but it'll be a tad easier to switch to KDE4 only.22:33
yuriyso first thing for hardy+1 the names would have to be switched?22:34
mhbdanimo: if it didn't make sense, then most users would not talk about it, would they?22:34
mhbit seems that so many of them are disappointed by that decision, the criticism has to make *some* sense.22:34
danimomhb: I said the idea of a smooth migration for distros is unrealistic, due to different users wanting different things22:34
fdovingScottK: yeah, the enterprise hardcore guys are always using older software. that is true for close to everything. so they will stick to 3.5, and kdab and others will continue to support it.22:34
danimomhb: and that is exactly my point22:34
Luredanimo: at the end, users care about correct .desktop files ;-)22:34
danimoLure: true22:35
ScottKfdoving: Agreed.  That part of the argument never made much sense to mel22:35
LureRiddell: is /usr/lib/kde4 shared with debian packages, or is this our delta?22:35
mhbdanimo: okay. I still think the less root directories, the better.22:36
RiddellLure: it's our change, their packages conflict22:36
Riddellor are just newer versions rather22:36
fdovingScottK: to me neither.22:36
LureScottK: aaron explained it even better in interview22:36
LureRiddell: then /opt might make more sense if we plan to get rid of that delta in hardy+122:37
LureRiddell: I would expect we would not allow coexistance in hardy+1, right? (being same as debian)22:38
mhbbut I agree, we can't please everyone22:41
fdovingwouldn't it be a regression to -remove- the coexistance when it's already there?22:42
mhbbecause we would have to build KDE4 on *every* release that is currently supported22:42
mhbtoo bad we don't do it, or more precisely, too bad we don't have the machinery to do it for us22:42
danimowhat does debian do?22:43
fdovingsearch & replace.22:43
danimofdoving: so no coexistance possible?22:44
fdovingnot that i'm aware of.22:44
fdovingi'm not completely up2date though.22:44
Luredanimo: [23:36] <Riddell> Lure: it's our change, their packages conflict22:48
Luredanimo: [23:36] <Riddell> or are just newer versions rather22:49
Lureso lib versioning + conflicting binaries22:49
\shhey danimo long time no see...happy new year :)22:51
danimoheya \sh!22:53
danimo\sh: happy new year dude22:53
Riddellumm, cats22:55
RiddellLure: /opt wouldn't make any difference from a techinical view22:56
danimoRiddell: sounds like bikeshed, I know, but I don't see why it's more compliant than /opt22:58
mhbdanimo: how can you run both konqueror-kde3 and konqueror-kde4 via opt?23:00
mhbdanimo: if you don't give the full path23:00
\shdanimo: /opt was introduced by sun...and /usr should hold any specific files needed for the OS to boot up (talking BSDish) .. but on linux /usr/[!local] is now the trashcan for everything for the specific distro...23:01
\shmhb: export KDEPATH=/opt/kde3 or export KDEPATH=/opt/kde4, prepending the users PATH with $KDEPATH/bin: during starup of the kdm session et voila23:02
fdovingmhb: my guess is; exactly like everywhere else where those need to co-exist, either make the commands differ, or change the environment when running one of the two versions. i use a 'start3app' bash-function when starting kde3 apps from within my kde4 session, for example.23:02
danimo\sh: doesn't mean it isn't a good idea23:03
danimothe /usr/ for everything is something that does not really appeal to me23:03
danimoI still live it times where even X11 had its own directory23:04
danimoand I somehow miss that23:04
fdoving /opt/ is easier to write than /usr/lib/ :) / gets messier though.23:04
danimomaybe bsd is even more consequent then23:04
mhb\sh: it's not really my point23:04
\shdanimo: well, you know, old farts are smelling ;)23:04
mhb\sh: how can you run konqueror4 within a KDE3 session then or vice versa?23:04
* \sh smells23:04
mhbmoving it to /opt won't solve it.23:04
\shmhb: you shouldn't ... kde3 is something totally different then kde4...23:05
mhbyou shouldn't run KDE3 apps in a KDE4 environment?23:05
danimo\sh: seems by balding head isn't the only sign of me getting older23:05
fdovingmhb: doesn't matter if it's /opt /usr/lib /root /home/bah or anywhere. you need to do the same things to make it work either way.23:05
danimo mhb: sure you can23:05
mhbfdoving: right, you have to rename them in the end23:05
danimomhb: even with the opt solution23:05
fdovingmhb: or change the environment.23:05
mhbdanimo: I still don't see how moving to /opt would prevent the renaming of the apps23:06
fdovingmhb: changing the environment makes sense anyway, to not mess up configs.23:06
danimomhb: it's all about the .desktop files:23:06
danimokded and other central parts have a distinguished binary name23:06
danimoand  the apps can be called from the correct location  by means of desktop files23:06
mhbdanimo: very un-unixy solution (you cannot launch them directly from the cmd line, for instance)23:07
danimomhb: sure you can, just specify the full path23:07
fdovingmhb: i don't really thing the renaming is that a great idea. as running 'konqueror-kde4' from within a kde3 session would spawn kded4 and all it's depends with the wrong environment set, and ~/.kde would possibly be "upgraded" to kde4 versions of some configs. breaking kde3 apps confs.23:07
danimomhb: unlinxey maybe23:08
danimomhb: but IIRC that's how BSD does it23:08
\shdanimo: BSd has everything else under /usr/local...23:08
danimomhb: every packages gets its own /usr/local23:08
danimo\sh: right, and if two contain the same and are both in path, you get the same problem23:08
danimo \sh: and if they aren't likewise: you need to specify the full path23:08
\shdanimo: correct23:09
* danimo notes he has no specific problems with that23:09
fdovingand if they break each others configs you need to change the environment for one of then either way.23:09
\shmy thought: never distribute 2 desktop environments from the same developer...gnome + kde -> noone is bugging the other kde1 -> kde2 -> kde3 -> kde4 but will be buggy...I bet23:10
\shs/\-\>/+/ for the kde{1-4} part23:11
fdovingrunning kde4 apps from within kde3 without setting a new  $KDEHOME will get interessting. i think.23:11
\shI remember the times during the kde2 kde3 transition23:11
fdovingi bet konqueror4 will change the config in a way konqueror3 doesn't recognise.23:11
\shwhat a mess23:11
\shespecially when the distro set ~/.kde -> ~/.kde2 and then after installing kde3 and starting kde3, all things from kde2 went wrong...but kde2 was still available and but not usable23:13
fdoving\sh: right, that's why the $KDEHOME will need to change for every kde3/4 app executed from the other environment.23:13
\shfdoving: well, the problem wasn't the $KDEHOME...the problem was that KDE was compiled with default ~/.kde as users config home23:14
fdovingyeah, that is what $KDEHOME is now.23:14
fdoving$KDEHOME defaults to ~/.kde23:15
\shfdoving: ok :)23:15
\shfdoving: but this is a mess...23:15
fdovingthe easiest solution would probably be to patch kde4 to look for $KDE4HOME before defaulting to $KDEHOME or something.23:15
\shI would like the solution: let's push one CD with kde3.5.x and one CD with kde4...at least, kde4.0 is more a public technical roadshow..23:17
fdovingthat is fine, but somehow one needs to be able to run kde3 apps from within kde4, atleast.23:17
fdovingi prepend a bashfunction when executing kde3 apps, to change the environment for those apps.23:18
\shfdoving: for everything which doesn't have a kde4 equivalent, this wouldn't be a problem...the problem is: apps which are sitting on the system twice23:19
\shlike konqueror23:19
mhbI can't seem to be able to build kopete right now - it complain about qimageblitz.h even though it's in /usr/include/qimageblitz, any suggestions?23:20
mhbkopete from trunk23:20
fdoving\sh: like close to everything. when it comes to kde3->kde423:20
\shwhy can't we wait for kde4.1 and let's push kde4 to universe for interested developers...kde4 is not the right way...until kde4.1 is released...and I think kde upstream thinks the same23:21
fdovingkde 4.0 is nice.23:22
Lureand needs real users testing it so that 4.1 can rock23:22
fdovinghaving it in main with a conflict to the conflicting kde3 packages would be a better solution than yours.23:23
\shfdoving: but not for the masses...well, ok vista is also not for the masses...but if we would think this way...we are not a bit better then our friends of MS23:23
mhbwe are not, that's true23:23
Lure\sh: we do not have masses ;-)23:23
\shLure: we have masses...even MS is testing our stuff :)23:23
mhbif we were, we'd have at least 50% of the world's computers running Kubuntu.23:24
fdoving\sh: the masses doesn't use everything in main anyway. having it installable and main supported doesn't mean the masses NEEDS to use it.23:24
fdovingif we also go for two isos. kde4 and kde3, it won't be a problem.23:24
\shfdoving: having it in universe, we will have a brighter audience who are willing to contribute23:24
Luremore than I think, conflicting packages should not be that bad23:25
Lureeven though I currently like to have both (using my kde3 install as fallback if kde4 braks)23:25
Lurefdoving: easier to contribute in universe than in main23:26
fdovingLure: you can have both -installed- but then we must make some smart wrapper to executed "the not running versions"-applications.23:26
fdovingLure: kubuntu members can push to the bzr controlled debian/ dirs of the packages.23:27
fdovingit's not like you need to be a core-dev to contribute to those.23:27
Lurefdoving: you are probably right that it is not that big difference23:28
Lurebtw, is k3b in kde4 any good already?23:28
fdovingdoesn't everyhting on the cds need to be in main?23:28
fdovingi'm not sure i've made it compile yet..23:29
Lurefdoving: it just built for me, will try it tommorow23:29
danimo\sh: your idea doesn't work out for a very simple reason: KDE PIM and KOffice are not out in a KDE 4 edition yet23:30
fdovingi guess a wrapper that looks at the current $KDEHOME, and sets it to the oposite, then execute the commands, would work.23:32
fdoving /oposite/other/23:32
\shdanimo: that is what I was saying..kde4 is not ready for distributing as main components (ubuntu speak)...but in universe we have the possibility to catch many kde developers and they can push stuff into universe...23:33
\shanyways...wife is at home now...ending this :)23:33
\shgood night folks :)23:34
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
fdovingnite sh.23:35
RiddellI have 4.0 extragear tars, anyone want to package?23:37
* nixternal hides23:42
nixternalRiddell: are they in ktown?23:42
Riddellnixternal: yes23:42
nixternalI will grab extragear23:42
* stdin finally gets home23:43
Riddellhi stdin, kde4libs seems to be working now23:44
nixternaljeesh, there isn't much from extragear is there, or is there still more to go?23:44
stdinRiddell: I just downloaded the new version ubuntu3~gutsy1~ppa2 was with the changes you put in ubuntu4 anyway23:44
nixternalnothing from multimedia in there23:44
nixternalthen again, keg/multimedia didn't build for me earlier23:45
Riddellnixternal: that's just the apps that have decided to release along with KDE23:45
stdinoh and I changed the maintainer field to make hobbsee happy :p23:45
Riddellstdin: so long as it installs that's all good23:45
Riddellstdin: what did you change it to?23:46
stdinto my address (as kubuntu-members-kde4 doesn't have an email address)23:46
nixternalman, it is great seeing *-4.0.0.tar.bz223:46
nixternalstdin: Maintainer: Kubuntu Developers <kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com>23:47
nixternalwe have been given the go ahead to use that for our packages23:47
nixternalRiddell: application-kde4 <- correct naming right?23:48
Riddellnixternal: yes23:48
stdinbah-humbug, ok :)23:48
Riddellnixternal: some of these are already in new so the packaging just needs updating23:48
Riddellnixternal: some have also been packaged by debian23:48
nixternalalready in kde4/packages/*23:49

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