
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
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* lamont2 grumbles at this stupid computer02:45
StevenK[13:41] -!- lamont2 is Jennifer02:46
ion_If it were intelligent, it might grumble at you.02:46
lamont2StevenK, yeah - I'm helping my wife's friend02:46
lamont2stupid thing is refusing to read DVDs - throws I/O errors left, right, and sideways02:47
lamont200:07.1 IDE interface: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-756 [Viper] IDE (rev 03)02:49
lamont2I think I'll boot back up into -14.47 and (1) see if that makes a diff, and (2) actually look at the boot log02:49
lamont2back in a few02:50
vlowtherquick question:  when did Hardy switch from the old /etc/acpi power management scripts to using hal/pm-suspend and friends?02:53
mjg59When hal 0.5.10 got uploaded02:53
vlowther... a couple of days ago, I assume?  I need to tell pm-suspend to stop messing with the video adaptor (nvidia on a laptop does not appreciate something else posting it or messing with VBE) -- where are those conf files?02:55
mjg59No, a couple of months ago02:55
mjg59Using the non-free driver?02:56
vlowtherof course.  It does not work at all with nv. :/02:56
mjg59It's likely that we should just leave things up to the nvidia kernel module if it's loaded02:56
mjg59I'll look into handling that02:56
vlowtherya -- in the mean time, though, config files/gconf keys?02:57
lamont2Jan  3 19:53:25 jennifer-desktop kernel: [  142.189950] ide: failed opcode was: unknown02:57
lamont2le huh?02:57
* lamont2 considers the option of replacing the computer with something newer than a k7-600 and bringing this one home to debug02:59
* lamont2 tries checking the UI^)^ strapping on the drives. :-)03:00
* lamont2 tickles Hobbsee 03:00
* Hobbsee tickles lamont back03:02
vlowthermjg59: how about a bug with a patch that works around the issue for now?03:06
vlowthermjg59: bug #180250 filed against hal.  The attached patch Works For Me (tm).03:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 180250 in hal "system fails to resume in Hardy with non-free nvidia driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18025003:20
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mjg59vlowther: Hm. I'd rather put that in pm-utils itself, I think03:32
mjg59vlowther: Very similar code, but in pm/hooks/99video03:33
vlowthermjg59: sorry, where?03:40
Hobbseeheh, pitti got hit by a lp bug last night.  same as the one found at christmas03:55
somerville32for a second I read bus...03:56
* lamont arrives home03:58
lamonthi Hobbsee03:58
LaserJocksomerville32: hmm, I did too04:14
* StevenK works on LaserJock's complex04:14
LaserJockStevenK: for goodness sakes ;-)04:23
lamontStevenK: PONIES????  kewl!04:23
HobbseeLaserJock: yes, ponies!04:24
ScottKDid someone say Ponies?04:25
* LaserJock hides04:27
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CarlFKsend host-name "<hostname>"; is no longer in dhclient.conf - is there somewhere I can see why?05:09
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pittiGood morning06:42
StevenKpitti: Hi! Could I convince you to sync bug 180274?06:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 180274 in bluez-libs "Please sync bluez-libs (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18027406:44
* pitti NEWs the kerrnel06:44
pittiStevenK: sure06:44
StevenKpitti: Thanks06:44
pittiStevenK: I'll process all syncs today anyway, but let me do this one first if it's urgent06:44
StevenKpitti: Nah, not urgent, just want it done06:45
StevenKpitti: I'm about to go out to the movies. If it's published and built when I get back, I'll be happy. :-)06:45
StevenKpitti: Thanks :-)06:48
tjaaltonpitti: good morning, would you consider doing some promotions to main (xserver-xorg-video-openchrome, considered to replace -via as default, and xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse)?06:57
pittitjaalton: please file a main promotion bug to leave some paper trail, I'll have a look at them07:02
pittitjaalton: they sound fine, I don't expect that a MIR wiki page will be necessary07:02
tjaaltonpitti: bug 69780 for vmmouse07:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 69780 in xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse "Vmmouse package should be in main instead of universe" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6978007:03
tjaaltonI'll file one for openchrome, thanks!07:03
* Fujitsu hopes they don't have arch-indep bits.07:05
tjaaltonFujitsu: what do you mean?07:07
tjaaltonpitti: bug 180277 for openchrome07:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 180277 in xserver-xorg-video-openchrome "Please promote openchrome to main" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18027707:07
Fujitsutjaalton: Well, there's this nice Soyuz bug #178102.07:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178102 in soyuz "(Pro|De)motion loses arch: all binaries" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17810207:08
tjaaltonFujitsu: ah, no they all should be arch: any07:08
tjaaltonwell, vmmouse is arch: i386 amd64, but anyway :)07:09
tjaalton(which I think openchrome should be as well)07:10
tjaaltonpitti: I'm out for the most of the day, so I hope that's all you need :)07:10
tjaaltongone ->07:10
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slangasekpitti: congrats on the db4.3,db4.4 demotions; but do you know why db4.2 and db4.3 packages are seeded in server-ship?08:03
pittislangasek: hysterical raisins; I'm just at fixing that08:03
slangasekok :)08:04
pittiso we'll soon have just 4.2 and 4.608:04
pittiwe might ignore the performance issue on openldap and just convert that to 4.6, too, but I'd rather have Debian's consent for that08:05
slangasekpitti: I think that's a pretty poor trade-off in an LTS, given how much attention there was on LDAP at UDS08:06
slangasekwe've more or less decided in Debian to postpone the switch to db4.6 for OpenLDAP until there's a resolution of the performance issue, which I'm told is pretty severe08:07
pittiI read it in the bug, yeah (factor 2 on some operations)08:07
slangasekhmm, should get around to uploading that one of these days though so we can knock libldap2 off the todo list :)08:08
pittislangasek: I just wonder why the client lib needs libdb, too08:08
pittiboth openldap2{,.3} b-dep  on libdb4.2-dev08:09
slangasekoh, I'm pretty sure the client lib doesn't need it08:10
slangasekbut the openldap2 package is abandonware :P08:10
slangasekand was only minimally stripped down to build the client lib without the rest of the binaries when slapd was moved08:10
pittiok, seeds updated to drop db4.[23]08:10
* slangasek nods08:11
slangasekhmm, you've switched cyrus-sasl2?  does that mean the compatibility issues have been resolved?08:13
pittislangasek: which issues? it doesn't use transactions?08:14
pittidoko_: what does expect-tcl8.3 [!none !hurd-i386] mean? (gcj-4.2 b-dep); can we drop expect-tcl8.3 now?08:14
pittislangasek: in the Debian bug, the DDs didn't generally object to switching08:15
pittislangasek: Russ just confirmed that db4.6 should perform better for cyrus than 4.208:15
doko_pitti: yes, we can08:16
pittidoko_: anastacia wants it to come back due to that b-dep08:16
doko_fix anastacia ;-)08:16
pittiwell, !none looks like 'true' to me :)08:16
doko_anyway, I'll upload gcj-4.2 as well08:16
pittiah, ok; I thought you did already08:17
pittidoko_: thanks muchly08:17
slangasekpitti: there were some concerns specific to compatibility with cyrus-sasl2 raised by folks involved with cyrus-sasl2 maintenance; I'm trying to find a reference08:18
slangasekI don't know why there wasn't an open bug report against cyrus-sasl2 requesting the switch08:18
slangasek(other than people being sloppy because they hate me)08:19
slangasekpitti: heh, yes, anastacia is parsing [!none] correctly...08:26
pittislangasek: maybe it does, I just personally don't know what !none is good for :)08:30
Mithrandirpitti: probably just as useful as !fish or !fowl08:32
pittiah, so it's not magic08:32
Mithrandirdoesn't look like it, no.08:32
doko_pitti: [] is a parse error, but [!none] did still work08:39
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slangasekpitti: infuriatingly, I'm not finding anything about sasl/db as far back as 2005 in the mail archive; so I guess we may as well go with it and watch for any bug reports08:43
slangasekdoko: it "works", but it means expect-tcl8.3 is a build-dep on all archs; which is the behavior you suggested should be "fixed" in anastacia...?08:50
dokoslangasek: yes, that was the meaning I intended; anyway, we don't run the testsuites on hppa anymore, and therefore it's dropped (until lamont fixes expect on hppa)08:52
ArelisHi all. I made a script in bash that downloads stuff from youtube, pulling all the files from a list, and then gives you the option to convert it to OGG or MP3. Can anybody turn that into a full-fledged, graphical program? This is the script: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50688/08:59
dokopitti: should we address libgif/libungif in ReducingDuplication as well?09:01
pittidoko: there's an ubuntu-archive bug about this transition; yes, I plan to get rid of ungif09:01
ChipzzArelis: 1) this channel is about development of ubuntu, not with (see topic); not 100% sure, but #ubuntu-motu may be a little more appropriate; 2) mplayer has synchronisation issues with .flv files, not sure if you care about that; 3) no offence meant, but your script looks like a real hack to me (launching nautilus??)09:06
ArelisChipzz: it still is hacky. That's why i want someone else to turn it into a full-fledged program. And sorry, somebody in #ubuntu-offtopic pointed me here.09:08
dan_it's not so much 'turn into' as 'why not write a youtube downloader' :)09:20
sorenmvo: Any luck with the new kvm?09:51
sorenmvo: Remember that kvm-modules puts in diversions and such, so you need to remove kvm-modules-`uname -r`, do the depmod-rmmod-modprobe thing again.09:52
mvosoren: testing now09:54
mvosoren: yeah, works fine again, thanks09:56
sorenmvo: Excellent.09:59
nenolodpitti, you about?10:14
pittinenolod: yes, I'm just closing all your sync requests :)10:14
nenolodpitti, could you look at the ia32-libs thing too? i CC'd you because you were last uploader10:15
pittinenolod: please define 'ia32-libs thing'?10:15
nenolodone moment10:15
nenolodpitti, #17903110:16
pittibug 17903110:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 179031 in ia32-libs "lib32/libSDL depends on old libraries and needs to be rebuilt, add libao2 (for zsnes in amd64)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17903110:16
nenolodi made a debdiff to add libao2, but that's all i can do there10:17
pittinenolod: "as such, libSDL needs to be rebuilt" -> you mean ia32-libs needs rebuilding?10:18
pittinenolod: yes, I can do that10:18
nenolodpitti, yeah. also add libao2 at the same time if you could. :)10:18
pittiof course10:18
StevenKpitti: Thank you for the sync10:21
pittiStevenK: np; how was the movie?10:21
StevenKpitti: It was great.10:21
StevenKThe Golden Compass; I'd read the book about a month ago10:22
pitti(and which one did you watch? don't say Alien vs. Predator!)10:22
StevenKOh no, Aliens vs Predator is getting a wide berth10:22
nenolodpitti, also if you could do something about bug 179471, it'd be appreciated :P10:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 179471 in audacious-plugins "Merge audacious 1.4.5-1 and audacious-plugins 1.4.4-1 from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17947110:22
MithrandirTGC is a fun movie, albeit a bit too short.10:22
StevenKMithrandir: Agreed10:22
nenolodi haven't seen the golden compass10:22
nenolodplease provide spoilers10:23
StevenKAnd they missed the last two chapters of the book10:23
Mithrandirthey could have made it ~50% longer and two films instead of three.10:23
thomdid they butcher the plot as badly as most reviews have suggested?10:23
pittinenolod: is it just a sponsoring request or real work to do?10:23
nenolodpitti, it's just a sponsor request10:23
Mithrandirah, ok.  I'm pondering grabbing the books once I'm through my current pile and have some new shelves up.10:23
pitti. o O { random remark: it's just great to have a common Debian/Ubuntu games maintainer team }10:24
StevenKthom: Not by my eyes.10:24
nenolodpitti, we're trying to create a common debian/ubuntu irc packages maintainer team too10:25
pittinenolod: awesome10:25
Companypitti: having common maintainers between distros is always awesome10:26
Companypitti: even having them talk to each others is a great thing10:26
Companypitti: way too uncommon unfortunately :(10:26
* nenolod turned the audacious package around in ubuntu10:26
Company(this is from my upstream pov btw)10:26
nenolodand i'm sure the debian maintainer finds it useful that i bump the package there too when no changes are needed ;)10:27
nenolod(he added me to uploaders: :))10:27
nenolodCompany, ubuntu is an important platform to me, because i am working on a very cheap computer (kind of like gPC, but much better) that will be based on ubuntu (+ custom artwork and maybe some additional stuff preinstalled)10:30
nenolodCompany, so making sure my software works in ubuntu is rather important, as i intend to preinstall it ;)10:31
lucaswhen did Ubuntu switch to /bin/dash as /bin/sh on the buildds?10:43
lucasinfinity: ^^10:43
pittilucas: around edgy IIRC10:43
lucasok, thank you10:43
pittigeser, mvo_: about bug 179876, wouldn't it be better to remove the Ubuntu specific source packages, use Debian's names, and merge?11:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 179876 in compizconfig-backend-kconfig "[Remove] Please remove compizconfig-backend-{gconf,kconfig} from hardy" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17987611:05
pittiRiddell: do you plan an upload of kdesdk soon? it needs a rebuild for dropping the spurious libdb4.4 dependency11:28
pittiRiddell: I tried building it with -Wl,--as-needed, but that fails11:29
Riddellpitti: nothing planned but I can take a look11:32
Riddellpitti: is that dependency a problem?11:33
pittiRiddell: ok; if not I can trigger a no-change rebuild, too, but it's quite a large set of b-deps and download11:33
pittiRiddell: 4.4 is in universe now; so if kbabel is on the CDs that'll render them uninstallable11:33
pittiif kbabel isn't, then it can wait11:33
Riddellpitti: it isn't11:33
Kmospitti: do we need debian-maintainers package ?11:34
Kmosit's only in hardy11:34
mvo_pitti: maybe, I need to investigate how similar/different it is11:34
pittiKmos: not really11:34
Kmospitti: can you add it to some filter in auto-sync? :)11:34
Kmosand remove it from hardy11:34
pittiKmos: I can; please file a removal bug, to have a paper trail11:34
Kmospitti: one, i will do11:35
Kmospitti: ok, i will do11:35
* Hobbsee waves11:35
* Hobbsee hopes for l-u-m soon11:36
thompitti: cheers!11:38
pittihey Hobbsee11:39
HobbseeBenC: ping.  can i ask a silly question?11:39
* Hobbsee hugs pitti11:39
pittihi thom, happy new year! what's up?11:39
thompitti: happy new year mate. was just saying thank you for the puppet sync :)11:39
pittithom: ah, no problem11:39
sorenlamont: Am I imagining things or did you not mention recently that you were working on bug 173868?11:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173868 in postfix "postfix-doc unremovable if postfix not installed" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17386811:54
lamontsoren: hrm... I was working/fixed the uninstallable if not installed version11:57
lamontI'll have to peek at it again. :(11:57
lamontbut for the moment, I'm going to go back to bed for a bit11:57
sorenlamont: Ah, ok.12:04
sorenlamont: Fair enough.12:04
sorenlamont: Can I assign it to you?12:04
lamontsoren: sure12:06
lamontpostfix-doc cannot use postconf without checking for existance.12:24
lamontAddresses-Ubuntu-Bug: 17386812:24
lamontSigned-off-by: LaMont Jones <lamont@debian.org>12:24
lamontsoren: I do love it when the bugs are trivial.12:26
lamontOTOH, I hate it when I miss something so obvious12:26
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lamontis it a known feature that (d-i) install on a 1.8 TB partition has issues (while 1.6TB works)?12:36
lamont"looked like it was fine, then crashed loading the boot loader"12:37
ScottKGood morning pitti.  Thanks for all the syncs and backports today.12:45
ScottKpitti: It seems I made a mistake with the clamav backport to feisty and neglected to actually put in the bug which version I was thinking should be backported (entirely my fault).12:46
pittiScottK: yw; was quite a batch today, holiday lag12:46
pittiScottK: oh, uh12:46
ScottKpitti: As a result, I just introduced a library transition (libclamav2 -> 3).12:47
pittiScottK: well, then it'll just get stuck in NEW and I can reject the binaries12:47
ScottKIt affects roughly two handfulls of packages.12:47
ScottKAh.. Cool.12:47
lamontScottK: re: QMQP_README --> wietse still delivers it in README_FILES, and I deliver everything in that directory12:47
lamontshould I specifically drop that file?12:47
lamont(bug 172925 comment of yours)12:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172925 in postfix "postfix upgrade does not add 'retry' service" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17292512:48
ScottKpitti: After that can the version in gutsy-security be backported?12:48
pittiScottK: it'll have a lower version number, but since that affects only the source package that should be fine (I can remove the current backport12:49
pittiScottK: which bug# was it?12:49
ScottKpitti: Bug #17753712:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177537 in clamav "Remote Code Execution" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17753712:49
ScottKpitti: Thanks.  This is what I get for trying to do stuff while on the road for Christmas vacation.12:49
ScottKlamont: Sounds like an upstream issue with either README_FILES or the upgrade script.12:50
ScottKI'm really not sure.12:50
lamontScottK: OK.  it'll magically disappear when Wietse stops delivering it. :-)12:51
lamontI'm tempted to close bug 59268 as fixed in 2.4 as well12:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 59268 in postfix "dpkg postinst failed, because it tries to start postfix twice (and does not catch running state)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5926812:51
lamontstopping twice is, um, a feature.12:52
Mithrandirlamont: is that a feature-feature or a lamont-feature?12:54
ScottKlamont: Great feature (the stopping twice).  The postinst should support the feature then ;-)12:55
lamontit clubs it over the head twice to make sure it really stopped. :-P12:55
Mithrandirlamont: sure you shouldn't remove the rc2.d links and reboot the machine while you're at it?12:56
lamontand no, I'm not sure why it feels the need.12:56
lamontMithrandir: I suspect that'd get me a grave bug. :-)12:56
Mithrandir(and then run the postinst as an @reboot cron entry)12:56
* Mithrandir goes to take his pills12:56
* lamont goes to turn off the alarm so his wife doesn't notice that he forgot to come back to bed.12:57
elmoMithrandir:  I think you've had quite enough of those12:57
StevenKelmo: Or not enough12:57
Mithrandirelmo: but they're nice!  blue and red and green and all.12:57
Hobbseeor nowhere near enough, yes12:57
lamontMithrandir: it's possible that they're affecting your work performance though...12:57
Hobbseeadversely, though?12:57
ogralamont, do you have any hint for bug 179130 ? (good to see you back btw :))12:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 179130 in livecd-rootfs "Typo in argument parsing and unknown sanitize command" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17913012:58
ScottKpitti: Do you want a comment in the clamav bug from me on the version needed for Feisty or is this conversation good enough?12:58
pittiScottK: just updated the bug12:58
pittis/:/: I/12:59
ScottKpitti: Perfect.  Thanks for fixing and sorry for the trouble.12:59
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pittinenolod: hm, not sure what you mean with libdirectfb and ia32-libs13:11
pittinenolod: oh, ignore me, I know what you mean; should be all good now13:11
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HobbseeKmos: please do not file crap bugs in debian, and admit to being an ubuntu user.  thankyou.14:20
KmosHobbsee: which ones are you talking about ?14:21
HobbseeKmos: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=45910714:22
ubotuDebian bug 459107 in telepathy-qt "New upstream version 0.14.1" [Wishlist,Open]14:22
Kmoswhat's the problem with that one?14:22
HobbseeKmos: the maintainers want to talk to you about it, on oftc, in #debian-qt-kde14:23
Kmos0.0.2064-1 is more recent ?14:23
HobbseeKmos: do you know the address?14:24
KmosHobbsee: yes..14:24
Hobbseethey're waiting14:24
dcotrutahello all14:28
dcotrutaanyone care to lend a hand with a driver problem (i want to extend an existing driver)14:29
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sorendoko: Should the new icedtea-java7 upload have any effect on bug 152362 ?15:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152362 in icedtea-java7 "icedtea-java7-plugin always crashes firefox" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15236215:26
dokosoren: I don't know15:26
sorendoko: Heh :)15:26
sorendoko: I'll wait for it to build and let you know, then .15:27
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pittiScottK: clamav> ok, I think I got it now15:45
tkamppeteranyone of the OOo guys around?16:12
pittihi tkamppeter, happy new year!16:17
tkamppeterpitt, thanks, also happy new year!16:27
tkamppeterOOo seems not to have been updated for Alpha 2, a full updatre of Hardy still wants to remove it.16:28
pittiknown problem16:33
_MMA_tkamppeter: calc was working on some issues when I talked to him last.16:33
tkamppetercalc? Are you here?16:34
tkamppeteris anyone of you using an up-to-date Hardy with OOo? How did youy proceed to set it up?16:35
stgrabertkamppeter: execute soffice, then open your document16:35
tkamppeterSo I do the "apt-get dist-upgrade" and after it has removed the two OOo packages "soffice" is still there?16:36
stgrabertkamppeter: IIRC, yes :)16:40
stgrabertkamppeter: I remember of a dist-upgrade removing tons of OpenOffice packages but soffice still working after that16:40
stgrabertkamppeter: but I did that dist-upgrade at least a week ago (probably two)16:40
tkamppeterstgraber thank you, I have set up a new laptop by installing a Gutsy live CD and now I am upgrading it to Hardy, to use it for the Ubuntu development.16:42
tkamppeterDoes this also mean that the OOo packages in question were not present on Alpha 2?16:43
stgraberwell, ubuntu-desktop depends on -writer, -calc, -gnome and -impress16:45
stgraberthose are installed so everything is fine16:45
stgraberwhat isn't is openoffice.org itself as it depends on openoffice.org-base which causes a conflict (libhsqldb-java)16:46
tkamppeterAnd what are openoffice.org and openoffice.org-base good for then?16:48
stgraberlooks like openoffice.org-base is broken (or libhsqldb-java), so ones this one is fixed you should be able to install openoffice.org and all its depends16:50
tkamppeterstgraber, do you know which functionality of OOo is in the packages openoffice.org-base and openoffice.org?16:58
stgraberit's the base interface IIRC (sort of Access-like module)16:59
tkamppeterSo it is only for databases?16:59
stgraberI think so (never played with that part of OOo)17:00
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calctkamppeter: yes17:29
calctkamppeter: base is just for database stuff, openoffice.org is just a metapackage17:30
tkamppeterThank you calc17:32
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pitticalc: libcommons-lang-java FTBFSed, can you please have a look? I need to leave now18:30
pittiYou must specify a valid ANT_HOME directory!18:30
pitticalc: ^ yay for Debian doing binary uploads :/18:31
pitticalc: seems trivial to fix18:31
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ion_Re: the hassle with flashplugin-nonfree every time a new upstream version is released (LP #173890), has anyone tried to convince Adobe/Macromedia to release the separate versions at separate URLs?19:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173890 in flashplugin-nonfree "flashplugin-nonfree fails to install... new version?" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17389019:30
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ScottKion_: Even if they released different versions, if you don't run the latest, you're stuck with multiple unfixed security bugs.20:27
ion_scottk: The Ubuntu package isn’t going to be able to download the latest package *anyway* until it gets updated as well. That leaves a period of time when flashplugin-nonfree is not installable.20:44
ion_(Since it gets the “wrong” tarball from the site)20:44
ScottKI suppose that it one good reason.20:46
ScottKIf course not installable makes the SRU justification easier ;-)20:46
persiaScottK: Well, yes, except for regression risks (like the current konqueror breakage)20:47
ScottKYes, but given the security issues, I think we'd have no choice but to update anyway.20:47
persiaScylla and Charybdis20:48
ScottKPretty much.20:48
ScottKpersia: Do you know if bzip .debs are OK in Ubuntu yet?20:49
Ubulettepersia, fyi, i'm done with prism-webapps. problem is, i don't know what to do with icon licenses20:49
Ubuletteoops, wrong channel20:49
persiaScottK: dpkg changelog says lzma is fine (since 1.14.12ubuntu3) and .bzip2 as well (since 1.10.24).20:51
dmb_i think the best solution would be to work out the problem with adobe, and have them create versioned tars20:55
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* \sh 's doomed...same error running debootstrap on hardy as last time21:43
\sh /usr/sbin/debootstrap: 317: cannot create /home/shermann/hardy_chroot/test-dev-null: No such device or address21:43
Chipzzwhat version of python will hardy ship with? 2.5?21:45
persiaChipzz: At least 2.4 and 2.5 will be included.21:46
\shyay for bug #18015721:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 180157 in debian-installer "XFS root filesystem - install fails with "noexec or nodev" error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18015721:51
\shevery partition of my system is xfs, but not /boot so I'm fcked21:52
persiaUm.  Shouldn't the install fail when trying to push to noexec?  I'd think nodev also.21:52
slangasekclearly, the install does fail? :)21:54
\shslangasek: the install does fail....check the bugreport...I added now debootstrap to it...21:54
\shroot@home-emt64:/home/shermann# debootstrap hardy hardy_chroot/21:54
\sh/usr/sbin/debootstrap: 317: cannot create /home/shermann/hardy_chroot/test-dev-null: No such device or address21:54
\shE: Cannot install into target '/home/shermann/hardy_chroot' mounted with noexec or nodev21:54
\sh/dev/sda6 on /home type xfs (rw)21:55
\sh/dev/sda5 on /var type xfs (rw)21:55
\shis my home partition...mounted without noexec, nodev...so it should work...but it's xfs21:55
\shor do I understand this errormsg not correctly...and it needs noexec, nodev? ,-)21:55
slangasekif you try to run "mknod /home/shermann/test-dev-null c 1 3" directly, you get that same error I guess?21:56
slangasekit needs to not have either of noexec and nodev21:57
slangasekif the xfs filesystem defaults have changed, that's nutty, but in that case you could try mounting it with "exec,dev"21:57
slangasek\sh: you /don't/ get that error?21:58
* persia is confused, and suspects xfs trickery21:58
\shslangasek: doing the mknod I don't get any error...but I think I need to check the $?21:58
slangasekso do you get a different error, or a successful device creation?21:58
\shslangasek: there is no device created..so I think it returns $?=1 (me needs to check)21:58
slangasekyou should get an error message if it fails, AFAIK21:59
\shslangasek: no..the error message comes from debootstrap...mknod failes silently it seems21:59
slangasekfor that matter, if I remount my ext3 /home with "nodev", I can still create devices, I just can't use them :)22:00
\shslangasek: well, fact is, /home or /var are not mounted with noexec,nodev, so when I do a -o remount,exec,dev I only see in my mount output "(rw)" ... now trying the other way around22:01
\shyuck...una momenta22:01
\shnow...mknod works22:02
\shdevice is created22:02
persia\sh: patch XFS to have sane defaults :)22:02
\shbut /usr/share/debootstrap/functions: check_sane_mounts() doesn't work22:03
slangasekwhat did you have to change to get the device created?22:03
\shslangasek: mount /home/ -o remount,exec,dev22:03
\shbut by default it's already exec,dev22:04
slangasekand yet somehow not? :)22:04
\shslangasek: mknod /home/shermann/hardy_chroot/test-dev-null c 1 3 works as expected...(the first time I checked in the wrong dir)22:04
\shslangasek: but inside debootstrap it doesn't work somehow...I have to check why not...trying to play with the code in check_sane_mounts manually22:05
slangasekso what happens if you run 'echo test > /home/shermann/hardy_chroot/test-dev-null; echo $?' after that?22:05
\shroot@home-emt64:~# echo "test" > /home/shermann/hardy_chroot/test-dev-null ; echo $?22:06
\sh-su: /home/shermann/hardy_chroot/test-dev-null: No such device or address22:06
slangasekwell, there you go22:06
\shcrw-r--r--  1 root     root     1, 3 2008-01-04 23:02 test-dev-null22:07
slangasekso xfs appears to have a problem with devices22:09
slangaseknot an installer or debootstrap bug then, but an xfs bug22:09
\shslangasek: so a kernel problem22:10
\shok..I'll add our kernel package to bug #180157 and mark the other packages as invalid and adding our testcase22:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 180157 in debootstrap "XFS root filesystem - install fails with "noexec or nodev" error" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18015722:11
\shwhat is the source package name for our linux image?22:18
ScottK\sh: No source.  Just linux-22:19
Lurecan somebody give-back kdepimlibs (now that kde4libs built)?22:22
ScottKRiddell can do it, can't he?22:23
LureScottK: I think not, he is not on launchpad-buildd-admins team22:25
LureScottK: ENOHOBBSEE ;-)22:26
ScottKAh.  Right.  Need a buildd admin, not an archive admin.22:26
\shso bug #180157 should be corrected now..assigned the kernel team22:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 180157 in linux "XFS root filesystem - install fails with "noexec or nodev" error" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18015722:27
\shtime for some nicotine22:28
\shslangasek: thx for tracking this down :)22:28
* slangasek nods22:30
\shnow for a quick solution of this problem22:30
\shwhat's a good and fast fs for a 500GB drive?22:31
Lure\sh: raw disk ;-)22:31
slangasekext3 is the only fs I use22:31
slangasekI've used xfs in the past, but got tired of seeing files full of zeroes22:31
sladenmy tmpfs is faster than your xfs22:32
Lureslangasek: same here :-(22:32
sladen(and has the same affect on files post-boot)22:32
\shslangasek: well, playing with storage sizes like >5TB ext3 is a pain..and xfs is fast for this...22:32
Lureyou just cannot trade reliablity for performance if you care about your data22:32
slangasek\sh: 500GB <= 5TB22:33
\shslangasek: yeah...but my 500GB drives are coming out of a system with 5TB ;)22:33
\shwriting inode-tables: xxx/372722:33
\shthere is still one drive which I need to send to imbrandon22:34
\shok..with ext3 it works now22:38
smarterare the scripts to generate the http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/i18n/Translation-xx files from the .po files available?22:59
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