[07:43] calc: I just uploaded libcommons-java-lang 2.3-3 to debian. Please file a sync request when its in. [07:43] calc: should have fixed all your issues === doko_ is now known as doko [14:36] man-di: thanks :) [14:43] np [19:45] man-di: it failed to build on ubuntu [19:45] man-di: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11154930/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.libcommons-lang-java_2.3-3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz [19:45] "You must specify a valid ANT_HOME directory!" [19:49] ah, ubuntu cdbs stupidity [19:49] calc: adding "ANT_HOME := /usr/share/ant" to debian/rules fixes this [20:37] man-di: is it a forked issue or just an out of date cdbs in ubuntu? [20:39] afaik out of date issue [20:40] we had this already int he gutsy release cycle [20:40] maybe a wrong merge issue [22:14] oh ok [22:14] i'll have to take a look at the cdbs merge then when i get a chance