
* lamont2 wonders why this stupid machine doesn't like to read DVDs02:38
lamont2and somehow I bet that upgrading from -14.46 to -14.47 won't make a diff02:39
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Kanohi, could somebody fix the rt73 driver in 2.6.24?13:36
Kanoalso why is always 1 the default for13:37
Kano+ # Oh hell, give 'em one13:37
Kano+ ifeq ($(CONCURRENCY_LEVEL),)13:37
Kano+ endif13:37
Kanoi would prefer 2 or 413:37
Kanomulticore cpus are standard13:38
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bdmurraymdomsch: I have a question about the dell firmware updates19:12
bdmurraymdomsch: there doesn't seem to be a bios for the dimension 9150 is there a reason it is missing?19:12
mdomschbdmurray, what does 'getSystemId' return for that system?19:28
mdomschand is it an AMD?19:28
bdmurraymdomsch: Error getting the System ID19:37
bdmurrayand it is an Intel19:37
mdomschhm, try running as root19:42
bdmurraythat helped ;) - System ID:    0x01D119:43
mdomschok, then run the whole aptitude line, being sure you're root when you execute bootstrap_firmawre19:45
bdmurrayI received lots of "Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched"19:50
bdmurraymdomsch: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3291/19:55
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mdomschbdmurray, :-( 19:59
mdomschno, that won't work19:59
bdmurraymdomsch: that's what I thought too19:59
mdomschsudo aptitude install $(sudo bootstrap_firmware -a)20:00
mdomschnotice the second sudo20:00
mdomschthat's critical20:00
bdmurraycould you update the wiki then?20:00
mdomsch(I understand why people don't like 'sudo bash, ...'20:00
bdmurrayoh, that's right20:01
bdmurraythe wiki assumes that you are root right?20:01
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mdomschthat's why I don't put 'sudo' in front of all those lines20:01
mdomschyou're not the first to have run into this - it happens pretty often20:02
mdomschso I need some way to highlight _hey - run all these in a 'sudo bash' shell first..._20:02
bdmurrayand it isn't the first time I have run into either20:02
bdmurraymaybe if you put a prompt there it would be clearer20:03
bdmurrayroot@bob:# or something20:03
mdomschyeah, I wanted something that could be cut-n-pasted into a script20:03
mdomschor a shell directly20:03
bdmurrayso now I should have a new firmware in /usr/share/firmware/bios/ ?20:05
bdmurrayand update_firmware will install it?20:05
bdmurrayI don't actually have a /usr/share/firmware directory20:09
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mdomschhmm, did aptitude download a system-bios-* package?20:10
bdmurrayIt doesn't seem that way20:10
mdomschyou should have gotten system-bios-dxp051_0.a07-1_all.deb20:12
mdomschbecause that's what provides system-bios-ven-0x1028-dev-0x01d1  which is what the aptitude + bootstrap_firmware command requests20:15
bdmurrayokay, I think I have a better understanding of how it is supposed to work and will try and work it out20:16
mdomschsudo bootstrap_firmware -a  should  include a system-bios-* line in it20:17
mdomschin its output that is20:17
mdomschif it doesn't, that's bad20:17
mdomschthat comes from the firmware-addon-dell package being installed20:18
bdmurrayI seem to be having some troubles with the wget .. bootstrap.cgi bit but those may be related to aptitude20:20
mdomschagain, you need to run the output of bootstrap.cgi into a sudo bash shell20:24
mdomschit configures /etc/sources.list.d/ entries and GPG keys for same20:25
bdmurrayyeah, I got that bit down now20:25
mdomschif that didn't run, then you won't be hitting linux.dell.com to look for packages20:25
bdmurrayI've narrowed it down to dell-repository-keys being untrusted20:34
bdmurrayand I have the libsmbios gpg-key installed20:38
mdomschbdmurray, apt-key list shows the libsmbios signing key?20:39
bdmurrayyeah, I'm on hardy by the way20:39
bdmurraymdomsch: Am I doing something wrong?21:05
mdomschbdmurray, pls pastebin exactly what you've typed so far21:05
mdomschit should be as simple as I describe on the web page21:05
mdomschfirmware-addon-dell is installed from the hardy repo, as is firmware-tools21:06
mdomschonly system-bios-* should come from the linux.dell.com repo21:06
bdmurraymdomsch: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3292/21:08
mdomschbdmurray, ok, I see your problem22:00
mdomschIt seems the dell-repository-keys package and dell-firmware-repository, dell-software-repository packages aren't getting installed22:01
mdomschbecause aptitude is throwing up a prompt that the shell script doesn't expect, and thus the piped input fails to acknowledge the prompt22:02
mdomschsoren, no dell-firmware-repository package22:02
mdomsch(ooops, nick completion error)22:02
mdomschso nothing for bootstrap_firmware to find22:02
bdmurraymdomsch: so I could work around it by manually installing those then?22:06
mdomschseems I should make the aptitude calls take --assume-yes22:06
mdomschok, bootstrap script now uses --assume-yes22:09
mdomschso just try that again22:09
bdmurrayokay, will do thanks22:09
mdomschhang on, let me push that...22:09
mdomschbdmurray, ok, try now22:13
bdmurraymdomsch: it is still aborting because they are untrusted22:20
\shguys, important problem for everybody using hardy and xfs partitions:) please have a look at bug #180157 thx :)22:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 180157 in linux "XFS root filesystem - install fails with "noexec or nodev" error" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18015722:28
mdomschnot sure how to solve that in bootstrap then22:39
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mdomschbdmurray, I'm upgrading my test box to hardy, and will try to find time this weekend to come up with something.23:15
mdomschmaybe it'll be:23:15
mdomschwget -O bootstrap.sh http://...23:15
mdomschsudo bash bootstrap.sh23:16
mdomsch(hit Y when prompted)23:16
mdomschworst case that'll be it...23:16
mdomschpoke me on Monday if I don't have it fixed23:16
turbotorbenis it possible to get a uvesafb framebuffer working with the latest ubuntu kernel?23:19
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