[00:02] whatt? [00:02] that was my real name after being banned from austnetb yesterday [00:03] for saying 1 rude word in a room [00:03] i dont even come to freenode since a few days ago [00:04] Yes, but your hostname AND ident is the same as stupidgirl for whom we have banned. [00:06] hostname is what? [00:07] my isp number? [00:08] hacter-girl, yes. the one that gets assigned to your account [00:08] it change everytime i disconnect? [00:12] hacter-girl, the one with which we could ring up Optus and ask 'is the person who has this hostname now the same person as the one who had it on the 23rd of October, 2007'. [00:15] yes [00:15] go on [00:15] like optus will give out that informations [00:16] you say this is me base on the fact I have same isp as another person? major isp in aust.? [00:16] hacter-girl, they have before [00:17] i bet they have, sir [00:17] im actually not a 'sir' [00:17] ok [00:17] elkbuntu, you could be [00:17] you're tough [00:17] :) [00:18] * Seveas now runs and hides for miss E. [00:18] when u c`all them plz ask how many customer they have [00:18] thousands [00:18] on same hostname [00:18] ranges [00:19] but it ok i dont think i wil;l use ubuntu now i stay on bsd [00:19] hacter-girl, it doesnt matter how many customers they have. that hostname can only ever go to one connection at a time. every change of connection and hostname is logged and archived for future legal purposes [00:19] ijntarweb chat is not very "legal purpose" [00:20] hacter-girl, amazingly, you're using the exact line ms stupidgirl used. this must be the first ever time a personality has transferred with an IP address [00:20] enquiries (sp?) about misbehaving customers are legal issues [00:20] what line? [00:20] misbehaving? how [00:20] what have i done? [00:21] use stupid real name of omg_ban_evasion [00:21] hacter-girl, threatening to go elsewhere [00:21] so u call me stupidgirl [00:21] You picked the name yourself. [00:21] im not threaten [00:21] im say i dont change from bsd now [00:21] i was join those rooms to find ut more info [00:22] i think maybe ubuntu had nicer community than bsd [00:22] it has, sadly that attracts more misbehaving users as well [00:23] hacter-girl, amazingly, your alter-ego was banned for being abusive to an op who tried to prevent her being sexually harrassed [00:24] what [00:24] this is no sex channel [00:24] dont talk like tht pls [00:24] hacter-girl, you really are new to irc, aren't you [00:24] yes [00:24] i use irc for 2 mnth [00:25] it is nice [00:25] hacter-girl, do you ever start conversations with 'Chat me!' [00:25] i like it better [00:25] using irc for 2 months, and being a bsd user [00:25] ?? [00:25] Something doesn't seem right there [00:25] Seveas, yeah, we'll try ignore the lack of logic to the situation [00:25] what [00:25] Heads up for romneybots [00:25] hacter-girl, how many partitions and slices does your drive have? [00:26] hacter-girl, im just asking how you like to irc, do you like to start conversations with 'chat me'? [00:26] 5 [00:26] i think [00:26] my bf do this stuff [00:26] but your a man [00:26] he is smart [00:26] i am now [00:26] t [00:26] hacter-girl, what's the output of uname -a on your system? [00:28] hacter-girl, all covers blown now and we've wasted too much time with you [00:28] buh-bye [00:29] The same ident and hostname was seen earlier this morning with the nickname stupidgirl. [00:29] he also has "hacker-gir" [00:31] hacker-girl sorry [00:36] tonyyarusso: say what? [00:36] nalioth: someone in #freenode said they had one. I haven't seen 'em yet, but keep your eyes peeled I guess. [00:37] had one what? [00:37] a stroke. [00:37] nalioth: political spam bot [00:37] tonyyarusso: interesting [00:37] i've not seen any [00:38] just block any kenya address ranges I guess ;) === tritium_ is now known as tritium [01:58] I know I can do /whois nick but is it possible to do a /whois on ident? [01:59] you can do something like /who *term* [02:00] Ah, ok [02:00] like "/who *i=stdin*" shows me :) [02:00] aha, thanks [02:02] who, me? [02:03] I love this network [02:04] * ardchoille goes tomake a donation [02:14] nalioth: I chose a one-time donation of Active($32), clicked "Submit" and was greeted with a page that reads "This recipient is currently unable to receive money." What did I do wrong? [02:15] ardchoille: not a thing [02:16] nalioth: How do I enter my credit card info? [02:16] ardchoille: i have no clue. that's 'tween you and paypal [02:16] but i'd wait a week or 3 and let us get it worked out [02:17] Ok, will wait. I've never joined paypal. [02:19] you won't have to join paypal to send a donation, but I've heard people say that there's a problem with the donation system atm [02:20] stdin: I chose that method because I don't have to join paypal, yes. Ah, didn't know there was a problem. I'll wait and try again next month. [02:21] i'll let ya know, ardchoille [02:22] nalioth: Thank you, sir :) [02:40] ardchoille: snail-mail me a money order. i'll get ot to Freenode. eventually. [02:40] *it [02:47] mneptok: I can just snail-mail a mo to freenode tomorrow :) [02:56] that's *hardly* the point [02:56] stop being difficult. send me cash. [02:57] if anyone is gonna get cash, check or charge in the mail, it should be me [03:01] hehe [03:51] Question: !o4o specifically allows such issues as software patents, and I was wondering if other specifically technology-related platform issues were generally allowed in the offtopic channels or not. Has this come up much yet? [03:51] (ie, Obama's statement that government documents should be accessible, while not specifically mentioning ODF) [04:53] tonyyarusso, we generally dont let it get to the point of people taking jabs at parties or pollies [04:54] i hate politics (on irc) [04:55] elkbuntu: Right, but is there a difference between taking jabs and either simply stating a position, or debating the _positions_, separate from their holders, then connecting the dots from position to supporter? [04:58] tonyyarusso, you need to use your individual discretion. we cant make any single rule to cover all conversations [04:59] elkbuntu: fair enough. Pretty much just soliciting feedback while I happened to be thinking of it. === tritium_ is now known as tritium === Vorian_ is now known as vorian [06:21] bazhang called the ops in #ubuntu (root_) [07:06] stdin called the ops in #ubuntu (Ed_Werder) [07:22] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [07:22] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [07:22] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [07:28] ;o [08:03] ok I'm sorry already [09:24] JimmyDee: I think whoever is in charge of yours is probably sleeping? [09:25] have been for days [09:25] I mean its been a week, I offended but that bad? [09:26] if I may say my 0.02€ [09:27] and I have several times already [09:27] but I'll repeat them [09:28] JimmyDee: your behaviour on #ubuntu-offtopic has been, as far as I've seen it, always borderline stuff [09:29] so I get the smack laid down eh? [09:29] I don't know if it's been on purpose, but if I had to guess, I'd say it has been [09:29] no, I dont break rules on purpose, its just what I say [09:30] JimmyDee, what she's saying is that you've already had more chances than you should have. we are reluctant to let you back in because you didnt change at all after all the other times you were reprimanded and advised [09:30] guys I just try to have a good time with the people, I REALLY bent the rules the last time [09:30] nope BROKE [09:31] freudian, eh [09:31] bt offline again? [09:32] look, if you dont want me in, I'll accept that, but give an old man a chance [09:32] bt? [09:32] JimmyDee: nvm [09:32] k [09:34] JimmyDee, in a month you accumulated 8 reprimands. each of those reprimands was a chance you failed to take. [09:34] ok I accept that [09:34] if it were only you [09:34] but others see you tiptoeing and follow suit [09:35] * elkbuntu nods to Myrtti [09:35] you're the catalyst that seems not to diminish itself but accelerates the process [09:35] I like to pride myself on not being banned out of anyplace [09:35] meanwhile. it has not been a week yet anyway [09:36] ummm it was the day after christmas [09:36] hmm, "lalalalalalalala" in #ubuntu just screams "TROLL" to me [09:36] it was dec 29 according to our records [09:36] christmas day? boxing day? [09:36] stdin: looking [09:37] could have been, I dont keep records [09:37] elkbuntu: ty [09:38] it really doesnt matter, I'll just say something borderline again and you'll smack me [09:39] /me slaps ubotu [09:39] I'm an intelligent, above average human being and I know that [09:39] aren't we all [09:39] being intelligent doesn't mean we don't make mistakes [09:39] Myrtti: we wouldnt be here if we werent [09:39] whether or not you say something borderline is completely up to you. however whether we trust you is completely up to us. at this point, we do not trust you. [09:40] and thats purely your decision [09:40] based on your behaviour [09:40] theres 9 bazillion channels and I like to be in yours [09:41] JimmyDee: how about this [09:41] JimmyDee: you've been helping people at #ubuntu, haven't you [09:41] yes, all day every day [09:41] youve seen me do it [09:42] you keep on doing it. Seeing you doing something constructive *might* (I have to say it like that because the decision isn't wholly mine) *might* help you get unbanned [09:42] thats slave labot [09:42] labor [09:42] no, that's you earning trust [09:42] no it's not, I do it too all the time when I'm taking a break from my pay job [09:43] look I've been helping on #ubuntu since june 2007 [09:43] and that's how I've earned the trust to be op there, ot, and about 5 other ubuntu related channels [09:43] JimmyDee, that doesnt excuse your history in -offtopic [09:43] and I help with the !support problems in offtopic [09:44] hey, I've been a bad boy, no excuses [09:44] the navy taught me !excuses [09:44] JimmyDee, you still have to do the time. and that time is not done yet. there's no point arguing at this point in time [09:45] I'm not arguing, put me in a pen and tell me when times up [09:45] the navy would also have told you to take consequences without whining [09:45] and the navy sends you to portsmouth and tells when you get out [09:46] JimmyDee: I'll have it on my personal agenda to inform you or ask the person who banned you to inform you when the times up [09:46] excuse me? make up the sentence as you go? [09:46] are you from france? [09:46] We will infrom you personally by /msg when the time's up [09:47] did that make it any clearer [09:47] I guess it did [09:47] JimmyDee, comments like that are precisely why you're borderline [09:47] oh. he left [09:47] grr however 45 minute pointless conversations get on my nerves [09:47] /me makes a note on tomboy [09:48] JimmyDee, comments like that are precisely why you're borderline [09:48] I'm sorry thats the only way I can feel, it's not right [09:49] its the bastille [09:49] eh? [09:49] you go to jail till we FEEL like letting you out? [09:49] so you made fun of her english? [09:49] JimmyDee: it has to be discussed first with the original banner and the IRC team [09:50] nope, I asked if she was from france, home of the Bastille [09:50] well not necessarily the IRC team [09:50] JimmyDee, what does the bastille have to do with anything? [09:50] but we need a consensus of some sort first so no-one goes solo and does decisions the others can't approve [09:51] they put you in till they FEEL like letting you out [09:51] JimmyDee, that's how the corrective services work [09:51] otherwise crims would let THEMSELVES out [09:51] umm no, correctional facilities have an exit date [09:51] police collects you and puts you in the jail until the preliminary investigation is over [09:52] then lemme post bail and prove something to you [09:52] JimmyDee, no, they have a 'you may be allowed out anytime between here and here' guidelines. [09:52] we'll the bail is up to the judges too [09:52] bwah, I need more coffee [09:52] not all convicts are eligable for bail [09:52] umm no, you have a 5 year sentence, you get out in 5 years [09:52] why are we discussing legalese here [09:53] because this is more or less a hearing [09:53] JimmyDee, you have a 5 year sentance you can still be held past if you have bad behaviour [09:53] this has been the common practise from the early days of IRC [09:53] umm if you commit another crime yes [09:53] JimmyDee, in this case, stealing an hour of our time with your complaining is bad behaviour [09:53] but you have an exit date to shoot for [09:53] and currently there isn't enough people to make a decision about bail, jailtime or anything [09:54] JimmyDee: It's clear that you aren't going to be unbanned right this minute. It's also clear that the original banner and the irc team need be consulted first. Nothing you say right now is going to change that. [09:54] ok dun [09:54] g'nite [09:54] * elkbuntu points to the bit of the /topic about idling [09:55] Sorry, but that was just getting on my nerves. [09:55] ardchoille, he's been on my nerves since the first time he entered -offtopic [09:55] ardchoille: thanks [09:55] yw :) [09:55] I couldn't have said it any better [09:56] I tried the not so blunt way but he clearly wasn't getting it and I wasn't getting that [09:56] meanwhile, given that display i seriously doubt he's either old or an ex-marine [09:57] I'm ex-navy.. served with recon marines. they don't act like that. [10:00] gosh, now I want to play civ3 [10:00] bad ardchoille, bad. [10:00] * ardchoille hides [10:08] * jussi01 walks in... [11:09] I swear, what is it with people who join, change nick, then 1 minute later leave? [11:10] some client has #ubuntu as one of the default autojoins? [11:11] Yes, we do ship them that way. [11:11] or the people are newbs just looking what this thing called irc is [11:11] or both prolly [11:20] jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjöllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll [11:21] gah, crap [11:21] wth? [11:21] my apologies [11:21] tonyyarusso: "it was my cat!" :P [11:22] man cat ? [11:22] (or rather my arm as a went to grab something from the back of the desk ) :( [11:23] grrr [11:23] SBackup requires you to supply your password in the config file [11:24] Even though I have passwordless SSH setup. Because it only knows how to use SFTP, not SCP. [11:42] tonyyarusso, that sucks [11:43] Seveas: yeah - seems like it would be trivial to implement too (for someone else) [11:44] :) [11:44] I've been searching for hours for a decent backup system, and this is as close as I've come so far, and it doesn't do that nor offer encryption [11:44] DIY backup systems rock. [11:46] Myrtti: just scripting rsync commands and the like you mean? [11:46] yup [11:46] rsync, tar, split and crontab [11:47] That may be true, but that leaves a pretty lame impression on most home users [11:47] Seriously, if we can't do that, what good is the system? [11:47] http://kulmis.coss.fi/yhteiset/backup-loki [11:49] Myrtti: I use tar and crontab with a nice bash script. [11:49] ardchoille: that's what that ^ is [11:49] hmm, apparently this will support anything that Gnome-VFS does. Surely Gnome-VFS has an ssh implementation (otherwise what does nautilus use?) [11:50] tonyyarusso: have yuo looked into backup-manager? [11:50] of course, my $HOME only results just in a 12Mb tarball. [11:50] a COSS Summercoder did Qt4 frontend with a wizard to it last summer [11:50] Myrtti: not yet, since I was looking for a GUI [11:51] I don't know how far the development and implementation of it to the distros is [11:53] oh, sbackup also requires root privs - also dumb [12:03] tonyyarusso: amanda ? [12:03] ikonia: I don't want a client-server system. I want to use the space provided by my web host, where I can't install things like that. [12:04] ahh sorry, ignore me then === Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee [14:58] hi [14:59] I'd like to ask for a more obvious message that users are being logged in #ubuntu [14:59] it... would just be nice to have it a bit more obvious, because I think many users don't notice it [15:00] I know one should read all links, but in reality, many users just drop in for a short question and go again without reading all those links, and are being logged without having a clue [15:01] just a... small suggestion :/ [15:01] Yarcanox: The topic is already at its length limit much of the time, and on a channel of that nature it would be a good assumption that it would likely be logged. [15:01] hm to be honest, it didn't came to my mind before the IRSeek.com era that it would be possible that it is logged [15:01] what about a notice? [15:02] Its been logged since far before that. [15:02] most major channels are afaik [15:02] Pici it's just a suggestion... [15:02] I just think it would be nice [15:02] Yarcanox: I understand, mine was just an fyi. [15:03] ok, cya all :) [15:03] in case there actually appears a notice one day (if it ever does), I'll think of you ;) [15:04] aww [15:04] Right... so I've forgotten to bring my keyboard for my main pc. I was only going to use it for over openssh anyway but seems i've locked it down so far that now i'm back here it won't let me ssh in :/ [15:07] PriceChild: :( [15:12] actually, there's a cool program to share your keyboard and mouse between machines.. synergy? I'll have to try that later once i've borrowed a keyboard to get it going [15:31] Hello can somebody help me? [15:31] bitfrost: What seems to be the problem? [15:33] Hi, Thanks for the Answer, I installed pjirc on my webpage, but I get a "you are banned from that channel" when I try to connect to #ubuntu what is wrong? [15:34] I almost fired my colleages, thinking someone has done something wrong, but I see is not my IP but the application itself [15:35] is some kind of control that do not allow to connect from PJIRC from Drupal? [15:36] bitfrost: This is #ubuntu-ops, and not a support channel, can you join #ubuntu for your questions? [15:37] yes I know but I get a "you are banned from that channel" [15:37] sorry for the questions I dont know elsewhere to ask [15:37] bitfrost: Do you know why you may be banned? [15:38] no I dont my webpage is for a community, and I want to know to treat the problem so I will not get banned again [15:38] how is a webpage relevant to being banned from irc ? [15:39] bitfrost, pjirc is the java applet? [15:39] bitfrost: Ah.. I see, sorry, I misread the question. [15:39] bitfrost: We block anonymous proxies, such as java irc clients to our channel. [15:39] !proxy [15:39] Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks [15:39] yes PJIRC [15:39] bitfrost: Please read above. [15:39] bitfrost, we tend to disallow proxy-type clients as they get abused more than they get used genuinely [15:39] from ubotu. [15:40] (I just saw the drupal part of the question) /me grabs more caffeine [15:41] ahh ok thank for your help, I got a lot of problems with my community thinking someone is abusing from the applet, but that clears out my mind thanks! [15:41] bitfrost: sorry for the confusion at first. [15:41] dont worry :) [15:42] thats a new an interesting situation [15:43] bitfrost, see if you can find an application that doesnt do any anonymising [15:51] ok I will search for it [16:03] okeefenokee_: How can we help you today? [16:03] Hiya folks. I was obviously a victim of the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit-situation. I fixed up my router, hopefully I'm fine now. [16:03] okeefenokee_: okay, stand by for testing. [16:03] So, I'd like to get back to #ubuntu, please. [16:04] Testing...will it hurt much? [16:04] :) [16:05] It's not hurt, it's "mild discomfort" [16:05] okeefenokee_: you pass, hold on please. [16:05] okeefenokee_: You may now rejoin #ubuntu. [16:06] tonyyarusso: As long as the cattle prod stays in the box... [16:06] Pici: Thx a lot. Have a good day, all of ya! [16:09] bitfrost: Is there anything else we can help you with right now? if not please see the topic regarding idlers. [16:18] Thanks for the help [16:38] * Pici headdesks [16:41] 16:34:12 < RioCunliffe> ĦeŁÞ ÞŁEƧE [16:41] 16:34:50 < RioCunliffe> ©ÆN §ØºEØNŁ ĦEŁÞ ıº §Ŧ↑©& ıN ŦĦı§ ªØNŦ ÆN ı ©ÆNŦ ŊEŦ Ø↑Ŧ ت ıŦ· [16:41] is that likely to be someone taking the piss? [16:43] popey: Looks like a joke to me, or they really messed up their locale settings, but unlikely. [16:44] his AltGr key was stick [16:44] stuck [16:44] or that. [16:45] :) [16:48] jesus [16:48] that is painful [16:48] !leet [16:48] 1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357. [16:48] perhaps we need !altgr [16:48] that's not even leet. :( [16:49] lol Pici [17:03] gxix: How can we help you today? [17:03] tx bye [17:04] Um. Thanks? [17:04] lol [17:05] hmmm synergy is evil [17:56] yay synergy is now no longer evil but working :) [17:57] now to figure out best way to make it keep working [17:59] I give up on unagi. [19:10] * #ubuntu #ubuntu-ops :Forwarding to another channel? [19:10] does it mean i am banned from there? [19:10] A[D]minS: Let me take a look, hold on. [19:11] Pici: i think i am banned because i forget to make my away message silent [19:11] but this is 24 hour ago [19:11] would you please check [19:11] Quite possible, let me take a look at our logs. [19:11] ok nvm === A[D]minS is now known as ADminS [19:14] ADminS: Yes, that does seem to be the problem. [19:14] ADminS: Have you changed the function of your away message so that it is silent now? [19:14] yup [19:15] ADminS: Okay, you can rejoin the channel now. [19:16] thx Pici [19:16] Odd.. pasting the mask into putty changed my /csunban to /csunmute [19:37] ugh... what is today like bad advice day? [20:10] ompaul: fyi, I havent touched my digg account in forever. [20:12] Pici, :) [20:12] wooooooooowoooooooooo [20:12] Myrtti, ? [20:12] chugga chugga? [20:12] all my junk <3 [20:13] Pici, that shoulda been woooooooowhoooooooooo [20:15] -ot is just nutty [20:15] with a hint of mint tea [20:49] happy new year, ops! [20:52] Forwarding moniker42 here for quit message. [20:52] no0tic, and I hope you have a great New year too === no0tic_ is now known as no0tic === no0tic_ is now known as no0tic [21:13] can someone test me for the DCC flaw? [22:42] Oh ffs. [22:42] what's up diafic ? [22:42] Someone unban me. Apparently it was about my BNC renaming me repeatedly because I had two laptops trying to connect, duking it out for the connection, causing the renaming [22:43] which channel, what time? [22:43] #ubuntu and I have no idea. [22:44] @btlogin [22:44] Also "What channel? What station?!" is a lyric. [22:44] What? [22:44] (was poking the bot_ [22:44] have you changed your bnc not to rename? [22:45] No, but I'm replacing it soon so I can have multiple connections as the same user. [22:45] please change it so it won't happen again [22:45] Thats the plan. [22:45] I'm fighting with our logbot now to see the actual logs [22:46] *nod* [22:46] I don't see bans on this nick [22:46] I just want to ask where the hell the ubuntu splash has gone in 7.10 :/ [22:47] heh, ompaul must have been slightly trigger happy [22:47] Oh? [22:47] it were only a few nickchanges, in rapid succession though, so still not done [22:47] ban removed [22:47] Hmm [22:48] whewt. Thanks. [22:48] hehe [22:51] silently trigger happy [22:51] silent maybe [22:51] trigger no [22:51] happy yes [22:52] happy ompaulfriends [22:52] /cs k Gary don't be laughing :P [22:52] hey ompaul \o/ [22:52] howdy [22:52] sorry was talking with the head office [23:01] i'm trying to get my head back into the office after the holiday [23:01] i'm still only half "here" [23:02] and it's the bottom half [23:02] poor work mates :p [23:02] i love you, too. [23:03] ummmm [23:03] at least you can pee on them and they don't need to see your face [23:04] Seveas: reading Gutsy release notes again? [23:11] IDLE 1.2.1 [23:11] >>> print "Happy new year / 2 for you mneptok, the other half is available when the rest of you turns up" [23:11] Happy new year / 2 for you mneptok, the other half is available when the rest of you turns up [23:15] who let Paul at the medicine cabinet? [23:18] mneptok, hmmm that would be telling