
coz_good day all06:58
troy_smissed coz.07:50
KidProQuodoes anyone know what's happening with regards to the gobuntu theme08:18
AnAntHello, we are doing an artwork package, some themes were derived from Human theme, is there a legal impact on this ?09:22
thorwilnand: hi! say, your concerns are limited to the bug, the circle segments and triangles can stay as the are?15:30
nandthorwil: hi! yes, you're right.15:32
AnAnt_Hello , is anyone here ?16:10
AnAnt_ok, I am making a package for some artwork  that is based/derived from Human themes artwork which is licensed under Creative Commons license, my question, is how to mention in the copyright file the attribution for the author of the original Human themes artwork ?16:12
thorwilAnAnt_: i think the author can or should specify how attribution should happen. in absence of such information, CC might have general guidelines16:14
thorwilAnAnt_: stating that your work is based on another work, with a link where said work can be obtained and the authors name should do it16:16
AnAnt_ok, thanks17:06
thorwilnand: read your mail, cool. i will send you a mail with the selected svg, png and jpg ready for use. could you host both SVGs to make them available to the list? wordpress is silly about format restrictions17:55
nandthorwil: Ok, I'll do that17:56
* thorwil -> dinner18:03
nandthorwil: Oh, I forgot : Could you also give me the idea logo without background please? I may prove useful when trying to make the main banner18:13
thorwilnand: i will18:44

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