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reynaldohi everyone, today I was hitted by #104132. Been it kind of old and seemingly important (it makes a fair amount of laptops become little more than paperweight) I was wondering what's the current status of this bug, is there any action being taken? launchpad doesnt clearily show if it's been working on01:28
crimsunbug 10413201:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 104132 in linux-source-2.6.20 "rtl8180 wireless hangs at "Setting SW wep Key"" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10413201:36
benhhi !05:21
benhis the ubuntu kernel source based off the debian one ?05:21
benhor is there any other reason why the keyspan serial drivers are missng ? 05:22
benhI though ubuntu was a bit more sane than debian in that area and didn't emasculate the kernel of drivers with a firmware bit05:23
benhBenC: your fault ! :-)05:24
benhnot stripped but not enabled neither05:25
mdomschbdmurray, for reference, the Dell firmware update problem was on the server side, not yours05:30
mdomschturns out, my apt ftparchive was missing the Release.gpg signature files05:30
mdomschwhich is why aptitude got bent about installing things that weren't from a signed repo05:30
mdomschI've fixed the scripts now, so it should "just work" again05:30
mdomschsorry for the hassle this caused.05:30
benhBenC: see #132106, I think you need to re-enable that driver, it's not "replaced" by keyspan_pda, it's different drivers for different pieces of HW05:32
JanCbenh: Ubuntu kernel is not based on the Debian kernel05:35
benhJanC: I figured05:36
bdmurraymdomsch: okay I was just tyring to update manually and ran into some more issues05:36
benhJanC: it's purely a .config problem05:36
mdomschbdmurray, such as?05:36
JanCbinary firmwares are in the restricted packages btw05:36
bdmurraymdomsch: the wiki doesn't mention using --yes05:36
benhJanC: these FW are in the kernel source tree05:36
JanCif they can be re-distributed05:36
mdomschindeed, that's intentional05:36
benhJanC: I suspect that's purely BenC didn't quite get that keyspan and keyspan_pda were different drivers for different devices05:37
benhJanC: and replaced one with the other instead of enabling both05:37
bdmurrayand update_firmware mentions insmod dell_rbu instead of modprobe05:37
JanCbenh: possible, I'm not a kernel hacker myself  ツ05:37
benhheh, allright, I happen to be :-)05:38
benhoh, another thing I noticed, on this brand new core2 Quad (gigabyte mobo with P35 chipset)05:38
benhgutsy kernel off the amd64 alt CD doesn't boot without maxcpus=105:38
benhit dies bringing up CPUs05:38
benh(causes a reboot around bringup of CPU #3)05:39
benhI'll see if I can track things down a bit more before I spam launchpad05:39
mdomschbdmurray - ahh, I see it, that's actually coming from libsmbios-bin05:39
JanCI just try to stay up-to-date with kerneldevelopment because that makes helping users easier  ツ05:39
mdomschinsmod will work, but yes, modprobe would be better05:39
JanCbenh: I run Gutsy 64-bit on a Core 2 Quad myself05:39
mdomschI'll update libsmbios05:40
JanCbut never ran the alt CD on this system05:40
JanC"""Dec 27 17:46:24 localhost kernel: [   48.381059] Brought up 4 CPUs"""05:44
JanCso it brings up 4 CPUs just fine  ツ05:44
JanC(mine is a supermicro G33 based mobo)05:45
benhJanC: crashes at boot here05:58
benhJanC: fails to identify the APICs it seems05:58
benhhrm... it also fails to find my root device now, which is strange since it did see all the partitions05:59
benhbloody initrd05:59
JanCthe initrd isn't an initrd AFAIK ;)05:59
benhI know, I know06:00
benhit seems to have the right drivers, drive is found, partitions are found ... and it doesn't boot06:00
benhoh well06:00
benhI think i'll d/l a hardy ISO and try again06:00
JanCmake sure you don't have any hardware troubles too (I had a 1 month old hard disk failing in my RAID mirror last week :-( )06:01
JanCOTOH fortunately I _did_ use a RAID mirror06:02
benhhrm .. disk isn't new06:07
benhbut isn't that old ... and xp doesn't seem to have any trouble, but yeah, you are right, that could be something, though right now, it looks more like the kernel isn't fan of the HW setup06:07
benheither a too new chipset/apic or something like that06:07
benhstrangely, I think I had an old debian 2.6.20-rc6 or so there before i wiped everything out and -that- did boot06:08
JanCP35 should work in Gutsy06:08
JanCit's older than the G33 chipset06:08
JanC(it didn't work completely in feisty yet)06:09
benhoh well... -that- one doesn't06:10
benhnot sure what's up06:10
JanCso G33 & P35 boot on 2.6.20 but might not be completely functional (e.g. ethernet IIRC)06:10
benhI just figured I can't use amd64 anyway06:10
benhI need the xilinx stuff and that's 32 bits only06:10
JanCso Xilinx sucks?  ;)06:11
benhJanC: this mobo has a realtek eth06:11
benhJanC: pretty much :-)06:11
benhJanC: I could do a 32 bits chroot or such horror but really can't be bothered06:11
benhI'll stick to a 32 bits install for now06:11
JanCyou can run some 32-bit software on Ubuntu 64-bit06:12
benhwell, at least, I confirm that hardy's amd64 kernel is booting fine06:12
benhJanC: you have to install a shitload of libs tho for that06:12
benhJanC: I would need all of the X libs, QT, tcl, and a lot more06:12
JanCyeah lib32* packages06:12
benhJanC: they are available ?06:12
benhJanC: for most libs ?06:12
benhJanC: I can give it a try ... can always re-install if it doesn;t work :-) I do have some spare time, it's the week-end06:13
JanCnot all of them maybe06:13
benhif you have an install at hand, can you get a list of what is there and mail it to me pls ?06:14
JanCand ia32* packages too06:14
benhnow I quite like the option of just creating a 32 bits chroot06:15
benhand ln -s /chroot/usr/lib /usr/lib32 etc...06:15
JanCI haven't any 32-bit Qt libs, but I'm sure they will be in ia32-libs-kde   ツ06:15
benhthat way, I can always use a full chroot if I need to06:16
benhallright, I'll try a hardy amd64 install, we'll see :-)06:17
JanCX libs seem to be there06:17
JanCbut I don't see any 32-bit tcl libs06:19
JanCBTW: you can search for specific files on packages.ubuntu.com06:20
benhhrm... of course au.archive.ubuntu.com is totally fucked up as usual...06:21
benhit's not impossible that the xilinx stuff comes with its own tcl06:21
benhanyway, I'll figure06:22
JanCchroot is always an option too of course...06:22
JanCor maybe virtualbox/vmware/etc. (depending on how CPU-intensive this is)06:23
benhyeah, we'll see, some people seem to indicate they got it working06:24
benhI wonder if I can be bothered tracking the gutsy kernel issue tho ...06:24
benhI'm no x86 expert (more like a ppc person myself)06:25
benhseems to be some APIC issue... maybe ACPI related06:25
benhnow if I could also get BenC to fix the keyspan drivers life would be great :-)06:25
JanCI'll have a PPC (iBook) next Sunday  ;)06:29
JanCsystem that overheats & then reboots all the time, maybe I can somehow fix that and keep it  ;)06:30
* thegodfather needs another PPC to add to his collection of hw06:30
benhJanC: I can help you with that (ibook issue)06:40
benhJanC: catch me online (on #mklinux mostly) when you have it06:40
JanCif I can't figure it out myself, I'll do06:41
JanCthanks for the offer ツ06:42
benhallright, once the box is up & running, I can always build a gutsy kernel and pipe the output to the serial console to get a nice bug report for BenC 07:06
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sourcemakeris there a mozilla firefox youtube plugin available?20:13

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