[00:00] e-uoaphys: do "dpkg -L kdebase-workspace-data" and you'll see what files it installs, check it has /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop [00:00] and compiz shouldn't mess with the display manager at all === karim is now known as karim_ === karim_ is now known as karim__ [00:01] all issues because I want to play a game... rediculous [00:01] stdin: once my system comes back up I'll let you know if it shows up in here [00:01] now I can no longer run Firefox [00:01] Hi - I'm using Fiesty, trying to get a bluetooth adapter working. When I plug it in, a message pops up from the "KDE Bluetooth Framework" saying, "Failed to connect to the SDP server. Please make sure that sdpd is running; without it, other devices will not be able to find out which services your computer offers." Any ideas on how to fix? [00:01] or any windows apps using wine [00:01] !fr | karim__ [00:01] karim__: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [00:02] ? [00:02] ok [00:02] ty [00:02] thx for the help stdin [00:02] e-uoaphys: no problem [00:03] downix: what happened? [00:04] tekteen: I install flightgear v1.0 using the debian package, as ubuntu's was horribly out of date. Doing so broke Ubuntu, as it freaked out that libc was 2.7 not 2.6, causing it to uninstall critical libraries [00:04] which it cannot reinstall now [00:05] downix: wow [00:05] tekteen: It now wants to uninstall dpkg, which I won't let it do as that *is* the package installer [00:05] downix: the game uninstalled libraries [00:05] ? [00:06] downix: that is a terrible game [00:06] tekteen: No, the system uninstalled libraries [00:06] downix: why [00:06] tekteen: Because the game installed a newer libc [00:06] ok [00:06] anyone know how to change the keyboard type? [00:06] mixed: system settings > keyboard and mouse [00:07] "system settings "?? Im using kubuntu [00:07] ok found it! [00:07] tekteen: Whyever ubuntu is running such an old version of libc is boggling me in the first place === karim__ is now known as karim [00:08] downix: sorry. no idea [00:08] mixed: system settings is in the KMenu [00:08] tekteen, ok now how do I change the keyboard type? :-) [00:09] mixed: it is under region & language not keyboard and mouse [00:09] mixed: and it'll be under Regional & Language [00:10] *is it possible to run make modules (but for only one module) [00:10] tekteen: Me either. I'm now more angry that a core package was left with an unsecure version (which was the libc that Ubuntu came with) and securing it broke it (new version is a secured patch) [00:10] stdin and tekteen, thanks! I went to "Keyboard Layout" and clicked on "enable keyboard layouts", my keyboard is working normally now [00:10] ok now for my next question, anyone has a killer recipe for beef shish kebob? :-) [00:10] stdin: what is the difference between international and alt international? [00:12] tekteen: I have no clue :p [00:12] stdin: thanks anyway :-) [00:12] anyone know anything about an error /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/npviewer.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [00:12] where to post kde4 bugs? [00:12] kdesu konqueror-kde4 detected in thread -1237714320 [00:12] Qt: Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed [00:12] QMutex::lock: Deadlock detected in thread -1237714320 [00:13] dubbydubby: install libgtk2.0-0 [00:13] ok yeah you mean reinstall because it mustn't be working :-p [00:14] is there a way to change the KDE menus in ubuntu studio the same way I had it in KDE SuSE 10.3??? [00:14] dubbydubby: well /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 is in libgtk2.0-0 === paulj1 is now known as pauljw [00:15] mixed: We don't support ubuntu studio in this channel. [00:16] happytiger: try bugs.kde.org [00:16] mixed: try #ubuntu-studio [00:16] ok ty [00:24] hello? [00:24] nyone here? [00:24] nope [00:24] lol youre funny [00:24] rajkalyan: I am not here [00:24] rajkalyan: I swear [00:24] oh yeah? [00:25] whos talknig then?? [00:25] rajkalyan: uh.. I am a bot [00:25] it is the ghost of tekteen! RUN!!! [00:25] really? [00:25] @_@ [00:25] lets get out of here!! [00:25] rajkalyan: do you have a question [00:25] kind of [00:25] rajkalyan: ask [00:26] how can i get my wireless card to work? [00:26] its a trendnet [00:26] im using kubuntu feisty fawn [00:26] rajkalyan: I have almost given up on helping other people with it [00:26] @_@ [00:27] rajkalyan: have you checked the restricted drivers manager? [00:27] !wifi [00:27] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [00:27] where is that? [00:27] oh [00:27] rajkalyan: in system settings [00:27] in kubuntu? [00:27] under the advanced tab [00:27] yes [00:28] ok [00:28] im trying it [00:28] i dont see restricted drivers [00:28] rajkalyan: are you in the driver manager? [00:29] where is that? [00:29] restricted manager is not in feisty [00:29] oh [00:29] @_@ [00:29] gutsy+ [00:29] i want to get my palm to work [00:29] hang on [00:29] .. [00:29] rajkalyan: try ndiswrapper then [00:29] I'd suggest upgrading to gutsy anyway [00:29] oh yeah [00:29] agreed [00:29] all of my stuff woukd be gone then [00:30] i dont have anything tho [00:30] * tekteen does not understand what rajkalyan just said [00:30] no, just upgrade, not reinstall [00:30] * rajkalyan hehe [00:31] oh [00:31] how do you do that? [00:31] !upgrade [00:31] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [00:31] o [00:32] oic [00:32] thx [00:32] what does oic mean? [00:32] oh i see [00:32] "oh I see" [00:32] ok [00:32] ty [00:32] np [00:32] ru really a bot? [00:32] no [00:33] i thought so [00:33] ubotu is [00:33] Sorry, I don't know anything about is - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [00:33] lol [00:33] :P [00:33] ubotu is a bot [00:33] Yes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information. [00:33] #_# [00:33] rofl [00:33] DAD GUM [00:33] oops [00:33] sorry [00:34] when my caps lock is on [00:34] the light is off [00:34] is there a way to downgrade a package? [00:34] as ubuntu is freaking out over a security package update on libc6 [00:35] sudo apt-get install = [00:35] downgrade? [00:35] OH [00:35] woot it works! [00:35] rajkalyan: Yes, I installed libc6 2.7.1 but doing that caused it to freak out, and now it won't let me install the older package of 2.6.1 [00:36] hmm [00:36] !botsnack [00:36] Yum! Err, I mean, APT! [00:36] lol [00:36] !coffee [00:36] coffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java [00:36] !helpersnack [00:36] Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [00:36] !botabuse [00:36] Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. [00:36] yes i do [00:37] i deserve a cookie [00:37] i do? [00:38] stdin how ru so good with ubuntu [00:38] because I've used it for a long time [00:39] ic [00:40] hi [00:40] hi [00:40] *sigh* [00:40] * rajkalyan passes around cookies [00:40] jk [00:40] is KDE4 in any ubuntu repos yet? [00:40] this is kubuntu [00:40] all for a self-installed security patch due to ubuntu being out of date in a few areas [00:40] !kde4 | bocci [00:40] bocci: rc2 packages are in gutsy-backports/universe [00:40] bocci: kde4 is KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information, please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://tinyurl.com/2gqwmr - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php [00:41] im using dailup for the first time and i cant serf the web but i can use this chatting app :( [00:41] ÷350 [00:41] uboto: thanks [00:41] ubotu is a bot [00:41] Yes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information. [00:42] any help? [00:42] please [00:42] achilles: that seems weird [00:42] achilles: what browser [00:42] yeah i open konguerer [00:43] and it does not want to let me serf [00:43] but i can use this app [00:43] achilles: what error are u getting [00:43] my computer has suddenly gone crazy, now networking, sound, touchpad, USB and probably other things have stopped working [00:43] let me try to copy the message [00:43] what could cause that? [00:44] An error occurred while loading http://google.com/: [00:44] Could not connect to host http://google.com/. [00:44] thats what i get [00:44] achilles: why don't you try to use firefox? [00:45] i did not come with my kubuntu cd [00:45] so? [00:45] you can install it [00:45] use adept [00:45] achilles: open a konsole and type [00:45] achilles: sudo apt-get install firefox [00:45] ok i will try thanks [00:46] there is a gui way [00:46] hi anna_ [00:46] i got this message [00:46] could not get lock [00:47] ok [00:47] you need to restart your machine [00:47] my battery isnt working [00:47] what do i do? [00:47] before i buy a new one? [00:47] ok thanks will try later i have to go:) thanks [00:47] rajkalyan: get a new one? [00:47] ?? [00:47] -.- [00:47] -_- [00:48] lol [00:48] :Doom [00:48] hold on [00:48] rajkalyan: I suggest you get a new one [00:48] i thought so === yamal_ is now known as yamal [00:55] cmon what the hell do I do? [00:55] Simeon_H? [00:56] my sound, network, USB and touchpad don't seem to work all of a sudden === clami is now known as serenity|nb [00:56] and it's rather frustrating [00:58] I want to know how I can diagnose the problem, or what could cause it === word|sleep is now known as word [01:07] did i miss anything? [01:07] i had to restart cause of my keyboard [01:08] #_# [01:09] @_@ #_# [01:09] rajkalyan: ? [01:09] jussi01: ? [01:10] how do you do that? [01:10] rajkalyan: what? [01:10] that red thing [01:10] rajkalyan: stuff [01:10] rajkalyan: I typed your nick... [01:10] with the colon [01:10] oh [01:11] jussi01: Ggg [01:11] rajkalyan: is there some way we can help you? [01:11] oops [01:11] !tab > rajkalyan [01:11] what do you mran? [01:11] what did you just do? [01:12] rajkalyan: this is a support channel, if you need help we can try to help, if you just want to chat, please join #kubuntu-offtopic [01:12] ok [01:18] to use kde 4 rc2 do i have to enable backports [01:18] What is a good RSS reader? [01:19] let me see [01:19] draik: try akregator [01:19] articpenguin3800: Ok. I just didn't know if maybe it was just too basic and others would suggest something that works for them better than "default" === juan is now known as Xbehave [01:25] ok, can I preserve my /home data when I upgrade from a live CD? [01:26] simeon: is your home on a seperate home partition [01:26] no >< [01:26] ok [01:26] if you upgrade you should back up your data === teste111 is now known as nevoeiro [01:27] your /home will still be there as long as you dont format [01:27] how do i install something ive compiled on my desktop to my laptop? [01:30] copy the compiled source dir over. and do a make install on the laptop, inside the src dir - is proberly the best way [01:30] OR you could try to make a .deb out of the compiled source. [01:30] that woul;d be the Bestest way :P [01:31] draik: basicily gnome applications are the simple ones and kde applications are the more customizable ones [01:31] so akreagtor is more customizable than the gnome rss app [01:38] has anyone else had problems on a t61? [01:38] hello all [01:40] I'm scared [01:40] lol === purpleposeidon is now known as bobsalad [01:46] Anyone know how to fresh/research for wireless networks in KnetworkManager? [01:47] Where is everyone? [01:48] I'm not sure.. no wireless here.. but I'll look it up :) [01:48] *refresh [01:48] not sure, but you can do it in konsole [01:49] ack [01:49] my computer isn't doing anything [01:49] and I had it partitioning my hard drive [01:49] kcg: how? [01:49] Aresilek, in konsole, iwlist eth1 scan [01:50] can i connet to a wlan in konsole too? [01:51] and can i connect to a wireless & wired lan at the same time? [01:54] so now I had to restart my computer while it was repartitioning [01:54] I hope it's ok [01:55] and when u right click a file then hover over copy to, how do i changer the shorcuts listed there? [01:55] *change === nivek_ is now known as nivek [01:56] I have sun-java installed, but the java executable is not in the path. what should I do to select it? [02:00] are there any other network managers? === cedric_ is now known as hyjo [02:02] register on http://bux.to/?r=ikichi it's very cool!! === bobsalad is now known as purpleposeidon [02:04] alesan: try /usr/bin/java -version === lem is now known as _lem_ [02:13] !tv [02:13] http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out [02:13] !tvout [02:13] For help with enabling the TV-Out, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition (Nvidia cards) or http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Tvout (ATI cards, *untested*) [02:14] bleh.. that doesnt work on the newest driver and 8800 card.. well that dosent work with me. :(( [02:15] Hmm.. Not tried the tv out on my 8800 nvidia card. [02:15] but with my other nvidia cards - it wasent too hard to enable. [02:15] can you try? [02:16] actually it could get enabled when i dident expect it. - Plug in JUST the tv to the tv out and power up.. one box saw the tv out and used only it. [02:16] X defaulted to the tv out - oddly. :) i dident even have to change the xorg.conf [02:16] Id have to move a lot of stuff to try tv out with the 8800 machine [02:17] what? [02:17] you get signal to the tv? [02:17] oh sorry.. [02:18] Ive used the svideo out from my nvidia cards , befor. a 5500, a 6800, and a few others.. Just not the new 8800 i have now. [02:18] yes i have done the same.. [02:18] they all worked well in the past [02:18] I recall having to enable twinview to get it to work in the most flexiable manor. [02:18] been there done that [02:18] didnt help [02:19] i have been reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOut and http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/NVidia/TV-OUT#Permissions and http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/141498/?p=1135160#1135160 "<< didnt understand much tho" and been reading this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=647233 << this guy has the same problem. Nothing helped. [02:20] i dont even have linux on the 8800 based machine. So sorry.. cant help much more. I did get 2 monitors working Just find when i had linux on it earlier this year === vit_______ is now known as vit_______freeno [02:21] ok. [02:21] the only thing I can suggest is to check that your card has a supported TV out driver (which is probably the issue). it might even be done totally in software in the windows driver (in which case, you're pretty stuffed...).. the question then I guess is what brand 8800 card? [02:21] im amazed at all the varity the 8800 cards can have. :) [02:22] well, if they were all the same, why would we have so many brands? [02:22] marketing [02:22] Dr_Willis, maybe you tell me this. on my tv card "pvr 500" i have several output there too "svid comp".. is there a was to stream the X over to that card? [02:23] Anyone know how to refresh/research for wireless networks in KnetworkManager? [02:23] nuxil: on the TUNER card. the svideo is an INPUT. - well actually i think on some of the Older Hauypage cards has also an output. - Dont make the mistakei did once. Hooked the tv IN from the tv.. to the svideo IN on the tuner card.. it should of went to the Video Cards Svideo OUT. [02:23] hola [02:24] ehy [02:24] My Hauppage PVR 150 has a Svideo IN. - I think the 300 has an IN and and OUT. Not sure about the 500 [02:24] Dr_Willis, i see,, but is it posseble ? im gonna check the manual to see if its out or input [02:24] Aresilek: no idea myself, but if you find out, I'm interested. cos previously I've almost resorted to using a brick. :/ [02:25] Aresilek: same with just plain networkmanager too though, so I'd guess it'd be something generic [02:25] yo hablo poco ingles [02:25] cef: lol ok, i know what u mean [02:25] nuxil: i would guess its an Input.. the Output to svideo on the tv tuner cards. was never very popular. or well done. [02:25] my name is mayerlin [02:25] Anyone know how to connect to wireless and wired at the same time? [02:26] I know [02:26] ahh wireless AND wired at the same time: dump networkmanager for one of the connections [02:26] The list of networks when you right click on the icon is a composit list of scans over the last 6 minutes or so [02:26] it refreshes itself [02:26] cef: dump? [02:27] first chateo with its [02:27] networkmanager 9and therefore knetworkmanager) only manages one connection at a time.. if you set the wired to a static address, networkmanager will ignore it [02:27] sub[t]rnl: but if u want it to refresh NOW (both to clear old ones, and get new ones)? [02:27] networkmanager is really for simple "I want to get a connection" setups. for more complex ones, you need to just not use it. [02:28] someone speack spanish [02:28] Dr_Willis, http://www.haupauge.com/pages/products/data_pvr500mce.html your right,, inputs :( [02:29] cef: oh ok, which brings my next question, are there any other network managers out there? (good and free) [02:29] I hang in #Mythtv a lot. :) [02:29] Aresilek: no. :/ [02:29] nuxil: the outputs on the 300 - were rather.. pathic :) [02:29] Aresilek: you could try logging it as a bug request. you might get lucky [02:29] hehe :) [02:30] kwifimanager [02:30] the 300 ouput i tthink - ouldent handle 'gl' so Mythtv couldent run properly on it. Or somting like that. [02:30] if I want a reliable list, I just iwlist scan at the cli [02:30] I've noticed iwlist scan really upsets networkmanager [02:31] pleasse not know very much english [02:31] someone speack spanish === ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever [02:31] Dr_Willis, im trying to get mythtv to run on the tv.. but it looks like there is a bug in the driver. [02:32] vit_______freeno: try #ubuntu-es or #kubuntu-es === dacuad is now known as krawek [02:32] es la primera vez que ando en esta manguangua [02:32] !es [02:32] Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [02:33] nuxil: well if you got the svideo cable going from the tv to the tuner card.. thers a problem. :) [02:34] nuxil: try plugging in the tv to the video card out. Then unhook the monitor.. and reboot. [02:34] my wireless WEP network is giving a lot of trouble in kubuntu, so i'd like to be able to play with it without disconnecting [02:34] nuxil: my mythtv front end i have - some how magicially enables the tv out only - when i do that. [02:34] thats the one with the nvidia 5500 card [02:36] Dr_Willis, the cabel is from my video card to the tv. [02:36] nuxil: :) [02:36] You dont want to know the Time i spent 'trubleshooting' that mistake when i moved my pc. [02:37] but what good is disconnecting the monitor good for? [02:38] when powering up. the video card some how sees that a tv is attatched and some how enabled it. In my experience. [02:38] Ive had a lot of 'weirdness' with the different nvidia cards. the trick worked with some but not others. [02:38] on SOME of the cards. the tv had to be hooked up when powering up. or i could NEVER get the tv out working. [02:39] I was able to install Ubuntu (well Mythubuntu) on a machine with Just the tv out. [02:39] yes i remember that. on my gf440 i had that issue [02:39] Yes - i HAVE had to do a lot of twiddling with the things. :P [02:43] hi, any program to edit a video? (just add sounds and some titles)?? [02:43] I've tried kino and kdenlive, but can't add titles with them (perhaps I just don't know how) [02:44] and cinelerra is not in the kubuntu repos, isn't it? [02:44] it's not [02:46] time to go to bed.. i'll anoy someone else to morrow with my problem :p [02:46] you speack spanish [02:46] !es [02:46] Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [02:50] Hi all, looking for advice with xorg.conf files and messed up screen resolution === nuxil is now known as nuxil|afk [02:52] I booted into kubuntu and for no good reason the screen res was kicked back to 640 x 400. I did the only thing I could think of: I copied the most recent xorg.conf2 file over to xorg.conf and rebooted. Got lucky as all is ok. But I have questions. [02:57] can anyone help me with multiple desktops? === brad__ is now known as fyrmedic [02:58] and the problem is sfears ? [02:59] well i have an nvidia graphics card.. and i've tried to edit my xorg.conf file a couple of times with no luck.. i'd like to use my tv as an extended desktop [02:59] svideo out of my geforce 440 card [02:59] nuxil was just taking about that.. [03:00] Use the nvidia config tool to enable twinview? [03:00] Ive never used that make of card. so not sure what limitions it may have [03:00] wow.. i just scrolled up and saw that.. nvidida config? === ubuntu is now known as logico_h [03:01] nvidia-settings nvidia-xconfig [03:01] one of those 2 :) [03:01] well i hate to say it.. but it works fine with windows [03:01] oneis a command line based.. other is gui based [03:01] i'll try to download the gui [03:01] backup your xorg.conf first [03:01] cool [03:01] Sinceyour card is using the nvidia legacy driver.. im not sure how well tv out is supported for it. [03:01] sfears: Are you on Gutsy? [03:01] i think so [03:02] i'm still kinda new [03:02] sfears: nvidia-settings and nvidia-xconfig are part of the nvidia-glx package [03:02] lsb_release -a [03:02] tells you what you are using. [03:02] 7.10 gutsy [03:02] yup [03:04] will download nvidia-glx once dpkg --reconfigure is done === craig is now known as craig__ [03:04] nvidia-glx is already the newest version.. where can i find the gui for twin view? [03:05] i pasted its name [03:05] nvidia-settings nvidia-xconfig [03:05] one of those 2 [03:05] I would guess the 2nd. :) [03:05] alright.. i guess i type that in a run box? [03:05] or a terminal [03:05] ok [03:06] which i always have open. :P [03:06] "Give in to the Cli Side!" [03:06] "good is dumb" [03:06] "Nice Safe GUI's kill kittens!" [03:06] :) === word|sleep is now known as word [03:12] Is there any way to make konqueror begin displaying the text of a web page immediately and then render the graphics as it receives them? It seems this would speed up text rendering a bit. === ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever [03:18] cool.. tv monitor working.. looks like crap though.. any idea how i get a better resolution? [03:18] everything shows up when i drag it to the right of the screen.. but i can't read any of the fonts.. did something similar when i was running windows.. not quite as bad though. [03:19] hiya fellas; is it true that there is not yet a flashplayer version for 64 bits kubuntu{s..!? [03:19] not sure cahuez [03:19] i downloaded the available one from adobe and.. [03:19] cahuez: not from adobe, there is gnash but it's doesn't work with all websites [03:19] !flash64 [03:19] You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava [03:20] then installed it says> not support for 64 bits platforms, hehe..!! [03:20] checking... === yves_ is now known as yvesmau [03:22] ############# [03:22] cool ubutu, working... [03:22] Hi, is there a gui for stopping and starting services in Kubuntu? [03:23] yep alexmk.. [03:23] just go to system preferences screen and.. [03:24] click on advanced tab.. [03:24] then select at .. [03:27] hi all [03:27] oops ubotu, my firefox is the 64 bit version, hehe..! [03:27] hiya ..! [03:27] need help installing on a brand new lenovo v200 laptop [03:27] cahuez: ubotu is a bot [03:27] !bot [03:27] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [03:28] i will, hehe..:) [03:28] hi cahuez [03:28] hiya ..! [03:29] the lenovo has some os pre-installed ..!? [03:29] yeap: vista - but i've partitioned the disk already [03:30] you did partition inside vista..!? [03:30] yes [03:30] from the disk manager (or some other name, can't remember) [03:31] yeap, is a tool inside vista to do administrative disk tasks.. [03:31] that's the one [03:31] then if you are generous and are giving at least the half of the hd, then you are almost done, hehe..! [03:32] how large is the partition/hard disk ..!? [03:32] pbm is I can't even install, since I get a message saying "can't access tty: job control turned off" [03:32] partition is 40G [03:32] is it better to get kde4 from the gutsy repos or from backports [03:33] mm, and are you running right now the kubuntu live cd ..!? [03:33] yes, as we speak [03:33] i'm talking to you from a different laptop where beloved kubuntu is running flawlessly [03:34] articpenguin3800: they are no kde4 packages in the main gutsy repo, only in gutsy-backports and the PPA (you should use the PPA for now as backporting takes forever) [03:34] cool, then if there are 40gb available and not formatted then, click at the install icon at the desktop.. [03:34] no icon [03:34] nothing but this "can't access tty; job control turned off" [03:34] hi all [03:34] on a bash black screen [03:35] My virtual terminals are all useless, just a black screen with a flashing cursor. [03:35] !ttyerror | Chrissie_X [03:35] Chrissie_X: If you get an error on boot similar to « /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off », you can try the fixes proposed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TTYError [03:35] then restart the live cd again ..! [03:36] cahuez: I've tried many many times, with different distros [03:36] only sabayon gives a semblance of working, but does not give access to the controls [03:37] I'll check the link from the bot [03:38] what program to edit simple video do you recommend me? [03:39] spesgmd: avidemux2 [03:41] I messed around with my X settings a bit, and now when I try to change my background in KDE it will not change, no matter what I set it to. I went from 2 screens to a single screen setup, might that have something to do with it? [03:42] Toran: perms on your ~/.kde folder and sub folders ? [03:42] drwx------ 5 jonathan jonathan 4096 2007-06-11 02:46 .kde [03:42] everything below that looks fine too [03:43] when I set the wallpaper, the wallpaper configurator thinks it's displaying the image I want [03:43] but the wallpaper shown on my desktop is the old one [03:43] launch the Kcontrol panel from the command line and change wallpaper in their, should give more feedback as to whats the matter [03:43] I've tried logging in and out, restarting X, rebooting, all to no avail [03:43] It makes no difference in that dialog [03:44] but does it give feedback ? [03:45] Toran: It does sound like a permissions problem. Use this command to find any files in your $HOME which may be owned by root: find $HOME -user root [03:46] the only two files returned are: [03:46] /home/jonathan/.aptitude/config [03:46] /home/jonathan/.viminfo [03:47] ardchoille: I think if it were a permissions problem, the dialog would not remember the wallpaper I set [03:49] Toran: ls -lha ~/.kde/share/config/kdesktoprc [03:56] is this a good place to ask about kde4 packages? [03:58] DaveQB, can I add audio (mp3) and some titles to an avi? [03:58] yep [03:58] DaveQB, great then, thanks :) [03:58] its under the "Audio" menu [03:59] disconnect [04:05] DaveQB, I'm trying to select audio--->main track, but it doesn't do anything [04:06] how can I add the mp3 for audio? [04:06] do you have a video loaded ? [04:06] it should have a 27 seconds offset with the video too [04:06] yes, I've got the avi [04:07] hello...! have a problem with comp​iz. can any one guide? [04:07] ok, then just go Audio > Main track and you can select current, or a new one, or nothing [04:08] ku-user: and the problem is ? [04:09] !compiz [04:09] Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion [04:10] it works fine for some time. after that, every thing freezes. i can't use ctrl-alt-f2 or ctrl-alt-backspace or ctrl-alt-del. [04:10] i have to restart by switching off the computer [04:10] compiz is unstable at the best of times [04:11] Now ya know why it wasent included in Kubuntu by default. :) [04:11] and i bet the debate over includeing it in ubuntu was.... well. intense. [04:11] i am thinking one of the enabled options is causing the trouble. [04:12] start disabling the plugins then? I only feel that like 3 or 4 of them are actually usefull [04:12] i am thinking of starting over. rename the .compiz folder, enable one option at a time. any ideas? [04:14] run without compiz for a while. to see if its not somthing else doing it? [04:15] did that. no problems. [04:15] *sigh* still can't figure out how to fix this conflict in Kubuntu [04:15] DaveQB, I's got problems initializing audio device, I've changed it to ALSA, plughw:0,0, what do I have to write there? [04:15] *It's* [04:16] spesgmd: hmmmm I have never had audio problems .... oh, well maybe make sure nothing is accessing your audio device directly and thus blocking it, got music playing ? [04:16] spesgmd: might be a good idea to restart KDE [04:16] not now [04:16] ok, I'll try [04:16] but did when you started avidemux2 ? [04:17] anyway, how can I add titles to the video? [04:17] no, I had no music [04:18] spesgmd: how do you mean titles ? [04:18] append a video track ? [04:19] File > Append .... [04:19] DaveQB, some text over the video... [04:19] oh, it doesnt do that [04:19] ouch :( [04:19] its just a simply linear editor [04:19] cinellerra is what you need [04:19] but a bit harder to learn [04:19] ok, I tried that one but seemed complicated [04:20] yes... [04:20] blender can do it too, but again, a steep learning curve [04:20] well, I'll try it again [04:20] thanks :) [04:20] could try mainactor [04:20] but its not free [04:20] for Linux? [04:20] yes [04:20] poor exporting options though [04:20] only DV and mpeg2 [04:20] well... I'll give another try to cinelerra :) [04:20] there's some good guides for it out there, just follow along [04:20] thats what I have done [04:21] and am still doing [04:21] I only need to add an mp3 with an offset, and some text in some places [04:21] good [04:21] it'll do that for sure [04:21] :) [04:21] thanks [04:23] I just installed Kubuntu Alpha2 how can I install KDE4 RC2 on it? [04:23] kosha: EV4, 5 or 6? [04:24] EV? [04:24] Well, you said for an Alpha [04:24] I downloaded Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 2 [04:25] !ubuntu+1 [04:25] Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [04:25] OH! I thought you ment for the Alpha, my goof [04:25] or did i missread also. :) [04:26] Is it possible to install KDE4 RC2 on Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha2? [04:27] yes, but go to #ubuntu+1 [04:27] All right thanks sweety <3 <3 [04:27] Hey has anyone had a problem with sysguard where it is blank?? [04:28] hey I'm having a pretty serious problem here [04:29] * Dr_Willis wonders who all has ESP in the channel.. :) [04:29] jalbert: and the problem is? [04:29] I'm trying to install a openvideoeditor [04:30] as it was configuring, there were a lot of dependencies === leandro_ is now known as leoisl [04:30] I opened Adept and started installing these dependencies [04:31] !enter | jalbert [04:31] jalbert: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [04:31] hi all [04:31] when it got to the opengl dependencies, I started installing mesa [04:31] jalbert: What is the name of the app? And have you tried kino? [04:32] when adept was dong that, it started removing my entire kde installation! [04:32] I quit adept before it removed everything, but it appears that adept itself is now gone [04:32] i rember why i alwyas use the command line to install stuff. [04:33] the app is called openvideoeditor [04:33] sorry... oenmovieeditor [04:33] *openmovieeditor* [04:33] !info openmovieeditor | jalbert It's in the repos [04:33] jalbert it's in the repos: openmovieeditor: a simple non-linear video editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.20061221-3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 260 kB, installed size 684 kB [04:34] ardchoille: heh - ya beat me to it [04:34] jalbert: Are you on Gutsy? [04:34] hello? [04:34] feisty [04:34] what can I do? [04:34] !info openmovieeditor feisty [04:34] jalbert: sudo apt-get install openmovieeditor [04:34] Package openmovieeditor does not exist in feisty [04:34] :( [04:35] !info openmovieeditor fesity [04:35] openmovieeditor: a simple non-linear video editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.20061221-3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 260 kB, installed size 684 kB [04:35] where can I install all the stuff that was removed? I can't even open adept [04:35] hello all... looking for help using a large usb hard drive as a persistent data store... drive has two partitions, and the automounter seems to assign them to "/media/drive" and "/media/drive-1" randomly [04:35] jalbert: Never mind, I misspelled feisty [04:35] jalbert: 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' [04:35] jalbert: that should fix the kde removed issue... [04:35] ok... [04:36] jdnewmil: i normally make fstab entrys for the drives like that. You could mount them based on label., or UUID so they get mounted to the right places [04:36] Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) [04:36] hi all [04:36] can someone here help me with a hd partition issue? [04:37] jalbert: close out any package manger apps befor using apt-get [04:37] !fixapt [04:37] Sorry, I don't know anything about fixapt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [04:37] !fixadept [04:37] If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [04:37] Dr_Willis : I tried that (using the UUID) but as soon as I did that it no longer got mounted automatically [04:37] jdnewmil: yep.. thats how it works... either or... [04:37] jdnewmil: are these ext2 or ext3 or vfat/ntfs filesystems? [04:38] jdnewmil: use the user option in the fstabs. and that way the users can mount them if needed. [04:38] Dr_Willis : partition 1 is NTFS, partition 2 is ext3... the first partition gets mounted automatically still [04:39] Dr_Willis : ah... that makes sense [04:39] i would make 2 fstab entries for them. based on their LABEL, and give each one a specific mount point [04:39] hi, i have a small problem (i'm newbie to linux).. and googled.. but nothing helps [04:41] attention please, in case needed, this is a good procedure for.. [04:41] after dl the flash last version and install it at a.. [04:42] 64 bit kubuntu at> http://blog.nixternal.com/2007.08.16/flash-and-64-bit-systems/ ..!! [04:42] thanks to edugonch.. [04:42] ok what about all the other programs that got removed? [04:44] will the adept package manager be replaced if I reinstall kde desktop? [04:44] jalbert: it should be [04:44] kubuntu-desktop is the whole kububuntu destop. :) [04:44] ok [04:46] anyone know how to get fullscreen gl programs(like games) to run at fullspeed on kde4? [04:46] since kde4 introduces compositing [04:47] and enjoy> http://www.gamesya.com/game/223/Loituma.html ..! [04:47] Ok, this is driving me nuts [04:48] How come nobody has fixed the libc version issue that I reported to the debian guys... 7 years ago?!? [04:49] downix: Got a link to the bug report? [04:49] Not anymore, as with taxes, I don't keep emails after 3 years [04:49] downix: Well, what's the issue? [04:50] firecrotch: If you update the libc directly, deb will insist that it has to uninstall the whole OS [04:50] saying that it is incompatible [04:51] downix: Update it how? compiling it yourself? [04:51] if you change the one package just about *everything* depends on, then yes, you'll mess things up... [04:51] firecrotch: Updated deb. libc6 2.7 [04:52] stdin: But it shouldn't, as 2.7 is just a bug fix of 2.6. The issue is immaterial, save apt freaking out [04:52] it's a different version, most packages depends on a specific libc6 version [04:53] 2.7 is just "a bug fix" of 2.6? [04:53] uh.. [04:53] and if it's a bug fix it'll be 2.6.1, not 2.7 [04:53] ^^ [04:53] 2.6 to 2.7 would be some kind of semi-major changes [04:53] sub[t]rnl: From the writeup, 2.7 did not eliminate compatibility [04:54] Its a Big BUG fix. [04:54] downix: What's the reason that you need/want to upgrade to 2.7 anyways? [04:55] firecrotch: I wanted to run the current version of Flightgear, not a 14 month old version. [04:57] then upgrade to hardy with it's libc6 2.7-5ubuntu2... but that's if you don't want to be running a sable system [04:59] firefox 3 is stil rather disapointing on kubuntu. the theme is stil broken as with 2 [04:59] stdin: Would be willing to downgrade back to 2.6 and just stick to 2.7 on the other box, but it refuses to downgrade it either [05:00] downix: download the .deb manually and do "sudo dpkg --force-all --install " [05:00] don't know if it will work, but you can try [05:01] (thankfully I keep my important files on a seperate HD) [05:02] eh, worst case re-install [05:05] that usually solves it! [05:06] can linux not play dvd9 format dvds? [05:06] whats dvd9? [05:07] i tried. it just reads da disc a bit and stops [05:07] sigma_123: linux is a kernel... it switches tasks, it handles low level io.... :P [05:07] sigma_123: what programs have you tried? [05:08] tried kaffeine but first k9copy [05:08] also, what is dvd9? [05:08] the dvd9 is a disc format.. has to do with your dvd-reader.. the video should still be the same as a normal dvd.. mpeg2 video with decss encription [05:09] kubuntu hanging after some time, for some reason. can't use alt-tab-f2 or alt-tab-backspace. are there any logs i can check? [05:09] i actualy hav no clue what dvd9 is. it said that on da box and disc. but it played in windows [05:09] that means its a double layer dvd dont it? [05:09] DVD-9 is a single sided, dual layer DVD [05:09] ^ I think thats it.. [05:10] ah yes it sounded familiar [05:10] :) [05:10] weird Al. released a Music CD that was a Video DVD on the other side.. - I thought that was cool... [05:10] Dr_Willis: i tried with out running compiz. and it is hanging even with out running compiz :-(. [05:11] but can linux read those? because i use the same dvd writers in da windows and linux pcs but it only reads in windows [05:11] Im still trying to figure out how a dvd player can read both dial layer and single layer.. guess the laser fous changes? [05:11] sigma_123: does the linux box play other dvds for you? [05:11] ku-user: /var/log/kern.log, /var/log/messages, /var/log/Xorg.0.log [05:12] fire..: thanks. let me look [05:12] ku-user: Does it hang during boot, or while you're using the system? [05:13] ok, finding the deb is turning into a chore [05:13] fire...: while using the system. after using it for say 20 minutes or so. [05:13] Dr_Willis: yeah this is da first time ive had a problem. and its da only thing i hav found so far that windows does beta than linux:) [05:15] and i have that dvdcss package installed [05:15] ku-user: /var/log/debug and kdm.log might have useful info as well [05:15] ok [05:15] sigma_123: it may be some aswome-leet-haxor-copy protection. :) whats the dvd anyway? [05:16] sigma_123: you are reading the same disk on 2 different machiens>? or 1 machine and dual booting? [05:16] ku-user: that sounds like a hardware problem or conflict. are u running kde3? [05:17] downix: apt-get has a switch that just downloads the .deb from repo [05:17] Dr_Willis: million dollar baby. im using 2 diff machines [05:17] fire..: don't see any thing abnormal. any idea what i should be looking for? [05:18] sigma_123: Hmmm.. is that probem child - just a linux box? An interesting test would be to get a geexbox iso image... boot it in the box.. and see if IT can read that dvd. (geexbox is a 20mb live cd iso) [05:18] downix: apt-get install -d packagename [05:19] "libc6 is already the newest version" [05:20] downix: you could try adding --reinstall [05:20] well il give that a try. in da meantime im gna shrink it with dvd shrink on da windows box then acidrip it on the linux box. i rate that should work as long as windows shrinks it [05:20] ku-user: it doesn't seem to be related at all to anything you're doing? [05:20] Reinstallation of libc6 is not possible, it cannot be downloaded. [05:21] fi...: normally i would be browsing using firefox. [05:21] and pidgin would be running ofcourse. [05:22] downix: http://archive.ubuntu.com/pool/main/g/glibc/libc6_2.6.1-1ubuntu10_i386.deb (gutsy) [05:22] u prob cannot reinstall libc6 because so many things depend on it [05:22] * firecrotch shakes fist at stdin - I was just about to paste that! [05:22] 00:23:39 ERROR 404: Not Found. [05:22] err [05:22] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/glibc/libc6_2.6.1-1ubuntu10_i386.deb [05:23] (also I'm amd64 [05:23] ok http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/glibc/libc6_2.6.1-1ubuntu10_amd64.deb [05:23] that worked [05:24] ku-user: well I don't know of anything with pidgin or Fx that would cause that, definitely seems like some kind of hardware issue [05:24] gee 5days 2 kde4. i can't wait! but i doubt it wil be much more than rc2 [05:24] or is it flash/firefox blowing things up again? [05:24] actually i have open suse installed on another partition. no problem with that. up for days at a time. [05:24] it's downgrading, yay [05:25] now, Heron has a "rollback" feature being planned, yes? [05:25] looking at process table in kde system guard app. [05:25] flash worked well 4me. but not the repo one. i got mine from adobe.com [05:25] OK well KDE appears to have been restored [05:25] now I want to install this openmovieeditor [05:26] ku-user: perhaps your X needs to be reconfigured in Kubuntu... [05:26] ku-user: have you changed any settings in xorg.conf lately? [05:27] fire..: no. i have a nvidia card. [05:27] ku-user: which drivers do u use? [05:28] I prefer LiVES over OME [05:28] nvidia i think. after i installed kubuntu i installed it some how. don't remember now :-). [05:29] how to find out the driver i am using now :-)? [05:29] ku-user: use the repo drivers. they seem 2work the best [05:30] ku-user: check what its using in xorg.conf [05:30] in xorg file now [05:30] under device section it says - Driver "nvidia" [05:31] !lastseen Dr_Willis [05:31] ok wel thats the right one [05:31] i remember seeing an nvidia settings app somewhere (may be another distro). can't find it now. [05:32] um [05:32] anyone have a logitech usb headset? [05:32] ku-user: actually changed it to nv. restart and see if it stil jams. [05:32] the built-in volume control controls the main sound card volume [05:32] which is wrong [05:32] ku-user: run nvidia-settings to open that app [05:33] got settings app running === ben is now known as Yolleii [05:34] yeah usb headsets wil prob do that. it must be a bug [05:34] ardchoille [05:34] jalbert: Yes? [05:35] Can anyone help me with SCIM? I can't get the toolbar to display [05:35] wil creative 5.1 cards work properly in hardy? [05:35] sig...: will try nv, will come back in case of problems? thanks sig... and fire... :-)) [05:36] no prob thats what irc is here 4 :) [05:36] I tried installing this openvideoeditor, but I get the error: v [05:36] Couldn't find package openmovieeditor [05:36] search 4it at packages.ubuntu.com [05:36] is there a particular repo I have to enable? [05:37] well how do I install it? [05:37] well if u hav universe and multiverse installed shud b fine [05:38] I do [05:38] download the deb file and install it [05:38] kde [05:40] jalbert: I did say to never mind my command :) [05:41] jalbert: openmovieeditor is in the Gutsy repos, but not in the Feisty repos [05:41] Hi,for speed up my kubuntu7.10,i have modified /etc/fstab /dev/sda1 pass=1 >>>pass=0 does this changes damage to my computer? [05:42] wat does that do? [05:44] no checking /dev/sda1 when starting up for speed [05:45] lizili : are you sure? [05:46] jdnewmil: Yup, that's what it does according to the man page for fstab [05:47] Anyways, the filesystem should at least occasionally be checked with fsck [05:47] yeah checks mine every so often [05:48] in feisty it always found a error but nothing in gutsy [05:48] sigma_123: Did you do a clean install of gutsy? [05:49] I am not familiar with a syntax "pass=1" ... [05:49] jdnewmil: it's the sixth field in a fstab entry [05:50] I am familiar with THAT ... [05:50] you can see http://hi.baidu.com/wmywind/blog/item/e101cbed8aa1004b79f055a7.html [05:51] this is about how to speed up you ubuntu [05:52] standard ext2 filesystems contain a check count that is initialized when you create it ... fsck decrements this each time it runs [05:53] therefore it will only do a detailed check every so often... and changing from 1 to 0 will save you only a fraction of a second in bootup time [05:53] lizili: You really shouldn't do stuff like that if you don't know EXACTLY what it does. [05:53] and failing to do that check can allow small damage to turn into big damage... so you have a big risk for a small speedup [05:55] because my computer is too old to run kubuntu7.10 [05:55] i must do somthing to speed up [05:55] hello? [05:55] And to be honest, are you really rebooting that often that you need it to be a fraction of a second faster booting? [05:56] !hi | raw01 [05:56] raw01: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! [05:56] can someone help me install a program on kubuntu? [05:56] raw01: What program? [05:56] raw01: more specific [05:56] firefox [05:56] 2 or 3? [05:57] just open adept manager and type in firefox [05:57] [05:57] yea see mrtimbo's msg [05:58] i think it says installed but i dont know where it is [05:58] would be under internet [05:58] raw01: It should show up in your KMenu under Internet [05:58] try opening it through the run command dialog [05:58] lizili : add ram to your computer [05:58] nope [05:58] or press alt f2 and type in firefox [05:59] could not run command [05:59] i have add 128ram [05:59] jdnewmil: Not everyone has the ability to just "add more ram" [05:59] then you dont have it installed [05:59] pls be easy on me ive just moved to linux sick of shitty pc. i prefer mac [05:59] open adept manager [05:59] yep [06:00] then type in firefox in the box [06:00] then install [06:00] in search? [06:00] yes [06:00] status=installed === ubuntu is now known as Simeon_H [06:00] eh [06:01] try uninstalling it or whatever and resinstalling it [06:01] kk [06:01] ok just a little while longer, and I will have Feisty installed [06:01] p3 500 256ram which linux does my computer suit ? [06:01] finally [06:01] well, I ran MEPIS on one like that [06:02] and even Kubuntu Dapper [06:02] dsl [06:02] anyone know how to get usb headset volume controls to control the headset volume and not the main volume? [06:02] lizili: Xubuntu would probably run well on it. [06:02] Xubuntu7.10 ? [06:03] yeah considering KDE ran ok on my 500MHz thingamajig [06:03] Xfce should run like a champ [06:03] lizili: Yes. Xubuntu is designed to be lightweight and run on older machines [06:03] isnt dsl debian based [06:03] sort of [06:03] it uses some weird exclusive package system [06:03] and you can install the debian package into it and use debs [06:05] it means i should do 'sudo apt-get intall xubuntu-desktop in terminal ? [06:05] are you on kubuntu right now [06:05] ? [06:05] yes ,kubuntu7.10 [06:05] you'd be better off installing it from scratch, seeing as Xubuntu is stripped down to run effectively [06:05] and you dont like it? [06:05] or it isnt running well [06:06] i'm running ubuntu on my old dell laptop and i came accross this page telling me how to install kubuntu desktop with the cli sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ... can anyone tell me what the benefit of having both gnome and kde session option? [06:06] yes ,256ram [06:06] mikiubuntu preference? [06:06] mikubuntu: There's really no benefit [06:06] wait... what model are you using mikubuntu [06:06] is it a latitude? [06:07] yes, dell lat d600 [06:07] I'm on a C510! [06:07] dell latitude csx ..my copmuter [06:07] having both KDE and gnome is just good if you have multiple personality disorder [06:07] in my opinion [06:08] i have both plus ice flux and some more lol [06:08] Simeon_H: well i do. well i don't. [06:08] Im usually on kde though [06:08] mikubuntu : some programs use kde libs, some use gnome... package manager will install whatever you need so window manager is purely a matter of preference [06:08] if im playing games then i use ice [06:09] well, kde is lighter than gnome right? so slightly faster maybe? [06:09] mikubuntu : lol [06:09] umm.. they are.. about the same [06:10] I dont see a difference between the two on my puters but some people say kde has problems with memory leaks [06:10] mikubuntu: The best thing for you to do is try them both and see which works better for you. No one else can say which best meets your needs [06:10] From what i have read though it just keeps programs in ram so they reload faster [06:10] mikubuntu: Of course, in this channel, you'll get a lot of people who like KDE better :P [06:11] mikubuntu : avoid mixing programs based on kde and gnome simultaneously if you are concerned about "lightweight" [06:11] hmmmmmm. then i don't know; i guess i'm happy enough with ubuntu/gnome, don't have any major probs usually [06:12] what prompted some of you to install kubuntu as opposed to the mainstream ubuntu then? [06:12] I hate gnome [06:12] just my preference [06:12] what's to hate tho? [06:13] mikubuntu: I personally like having the ability to change settings easily without having to deal with what amounts to editing the Windows registry (gconf-editor anyone?) [06:13] GNOME doesn't give me the same warm fuzzy feeling KDE does [06:13] and I have trouble finding stuff with GNOME [06:13] kde is laid out the way i like it [06:13] gnome looks like dog turds to me [06:14] oh, my. [06:14] dog turds. [06:14] I hate to say it, but KDE is more... Windows-like in terms of user-friendliness [06:14] although my first 6 months using linux i did prefer gnome [06:14] This discussion needs to move to #kubuntu-offtopic [06:14] everything is off topic lol [06:14] We're talking about Kubuntu though :) [06:15] so what's more on topic than talking about the benefits of kde on kubuntu? what are we sposed to chat about here? [06:15] this is for support mainly [06:15] Right [06:16] i am trying to install firefox and its being a pain in the butt [06:16] raw01: Uninstalling and reinstalling didn't work? [06:16] from repositories or using the tar package? [06:17] i dont know how to install it in the first place lol [06:17] im new to linux [06:17] that's why i came to see if i could get any support in my decision to install or not install kubuntu from kubuntu users. but if the op says it's off topic, well, i guess it's off topic. [06:17] just try sudo apt-get install firefox [06:17] raw01: Didn't the adept manager say that it was installed? [06:17] no plugin found to handle this resounce ,cifs/smb input plugin based on libsmbclient , when i tried to open smb://xx/x/x.rmvb ,how to deal with it ? [06:17] it did but i was told to uninstall and now i cant install it again hehe [06:18] mikubuntu: ubuntu/kubuntu .. your preference [06:18] raw01: Open a terminal (Konsole) and try "sudo apt-get install firefox" (without the quotes) [06:18] kubuntu [06:18] oh, well, i see yas lata guys [06:18] firecrotch: i love command line :) [06:18] mikubuntu, it ain't off topic [06:19] chalcedony: as do I. Once you learn it, you realize that it's usually the fastest and easiest way to get stuff done. [06:19] by far faster [06:19] package firefox has no isnatllation candidate [06:20] google can't solve this matter of smb !! [06:20] anyone can ? [06:20] raw01: Are you on Gutsy? [06:20] i am on kubuntu [06:21] I'm having trouble setting up a winmodem in Kubuntu 7.04, found drivers, installed ok, when log says ATDT226-3036 it doesn't dial, I've tried wvdial and kppp [06:21] raw01: Open a terminal and run this command: lsb_release -a | grep -i release [06:23] just installed KDE4 RC2 in my Kubuntu 7.10 [06:23] ARDCHOILLE: I am running 7.10 [06:23] not as good as expected [06:23] well, I finally got the ndiswrapper going to replace the bcm43xx, but I seem to now only be able to connect to my wireless if I remove the wep key ... :( any thoughts? [06:23] raw01: And you can't install firefox? [06:23] i dont know [06:23] can we use remote access? [06:23] its System Settings doesn't let me change anything because i'm not root and it doesn't have an option to let me use as root [06:24] raw01: Can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin so I can help you get firefox installed? [06:24] !pastebin | raw01 [06:24] raw01: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [06:24] i have no idea what ur talking about lol [06:24] how long are you going to be on this channel for? [06:25] I practically live here :) [06:25] hehe [06:25] need to eat dinner [06:25] so KDE4 tries to look like a plasma TV? [06:25] brb [06:25] it also only has one good theme: Oxygen [06:25] raw01: feel free to /msg me when you get back to get my attention [06:25] of course the good old Keramik [06:26] thanks [06:26] no problem :) [06:26] well I don't seem to be able to download openmovieeditor [06:31] how to install previous version of firefox.such as firefox1.5 on kubuntu7.10 ? [06:31] lizili: Just wondering... why would you want to do that? [06:32] firefox2.0.11 run very slowly on my computer [06:33] no enough ram for it ! [06:33] lizili : firefox 1.5 leaked memory worse than 2.0 [06:33] 1.5 will be even worse [06:33] well, I finally got the ndiswrapper going to replace the bcm43xx, but I seem to now only be able to connect to my wireless if I remove the wep key ... :( any thoughts? [06:34] lizili: you might investigate installing "windowmaker" for a window manager..very lightweight and makes a low ram computer much faster [06:34] lizili: you might want to try a simpler browser [06:34] you can launch all the kde programs there from a command line [06:34] which browser is better ? [06:34] lizili: That all depends on personal preference [06:34] lizili: it's all preference.. i run opera because of the problems i had with firefox on ubuntu [06:34] !best | lizili [06:34] lizili: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there. [06:35] lizili: Maybe Konqueror would run faster for you, since it's built into KDE [06:35] lizili : "links" (text only) ... "konqueror" (somewhat smaller than firefox) ... "firefox" (handles more websites) [06:35] lizili: if you have a low ram machine, if you run your current firefox while using windowmaker instead of kde, you might find it runs much better, but investigate windowmaker by googling it. You can install it from synaptic or aptitude I believe [06:36] is it easy to get DVD Navigator plugin? [06:37] yeah,thanks ! i will try [06:37] lizili: windowmaker has no frills or bells and whistles. but just have a look at different screen shots. It's not alot of drive space to install, and if you don't like it just stop using it. It's what I use though [06:37] raw01: Never heard of DVD Navigator... what does it do? [06:37] It takes somegetting used to. [06:38] i tried to open a DVD using Kaffeine player and it said: no plugin found to handle this resource (dvd//0.0) and under details it said: 17:33:05: xine: couldn't find demux for >dvd:///dev/scd0< [06:39] how do you install flac using apt-get? [06:39] nope [06:39] this has just been installed and first tim eive used linux [06:40] !dvd | raw01 [06:40] raw01: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs [06:40] mixed: sudo apt-get install flac ? [06:40] and then there is Lynx :) [06:40] my favorite [06:41] flac should be installed by default. [06:41] i thought... [06:41] Daisuke-Ido: It's not [06:41] hrmm [06:41] firecrotch, thanks, im a kubuntu newbie, i used to use openSuSE 10.3 [06:41] i know i have it, but i don't remember specifically installing it... is it in another metapackage? [06:42] Daisuke-Ido: It may be, I don't have it and I know I didn't uninstall it [06:42] of course not being able to remember installing that specifically is no surprise, this thing's been running constantly since feisty's release [06:42] i wasn't going to attempt the edgy > feisty upgrade :) [06:43] mixed: No problem :) Maybe you'd find it easier to install stuff using the GUI app for package management though. It's called Adept Manager [06:44] ok, this is deutsche to me lol [06:45] raw01: Unfortunately, a lot of the documentation isn't really good for beginners, IMO [06:45] cant linux just be easy like windows [06:45] or mac [06:45] lol [06:45] it is [06:46] windows isnt easy for older people [06:46] why cant u just simply install a program by double clicking? [06:46] you can [06:46] instead of typing in one hundred commands [06:46] The issue really is that people struggle with change [06:46] i install deb files all the time that are point and click [06:47] i found it easy with windows and mac using plugins and editing stuff, but this is pain lol [06:47] People who are used to the Windows Way (double clicking install.exe to install a program) are going to have a hard time learning how to install in Linux not because it's hard, but because it's different than what they are used to [06:48] well these are tar.gz files [06:48] firecrotch: People really should set their expectations to give themselves at least 6 months to gain good proficiency, and to know that it will be rewarding when they get there... [06:49] kk [06:49] raw01 : tar.gz files take a bit more experience to install than deb packages [06:49] n6hgg: I completely agree. When I first started with Linux, I was used to the Windows Way and changing frustrated me [06:49] but all i simply want to do, is watch dvds, use firefox, thunderbird and msn. but i try to use Kopete and it stuffs up [06:50] firecrotch: it took me about 2 years, but what really helped was the ubuntu kubuntu revolution at the same time. [06:50] raw01: Maybe you'd like Pidgin better for IMs [06:50] which version of windowmaker i should install to take the place of kubuntu7.10 ? [06:50] I got so mad with it sometimes [06:50] raw01: that's the nice thing about Linux - there's usually more than one option for a specific task [06:51] what type tho? there is Windows, Source, Fedora Core, CentOS/RHEL [06:51] lizili : windowmaker doesn't replace kubuntu ... it can be used instead of kde on a kubuntu installation though [06:51] n6hgg: So did I. I started out with a *very* bad choice of a distro to start with. When I discovered *buntu, everything suddenly clicked for me [06:51] how to install it ? [06:52] like I started by installing xubuntu, then I added kde, then gnome which gives me xubuntu, kubuntu and ubuntu on the same system. But I run windowmaker most of the time. [06:52] lizili: sudo apt-get install wmaker [06:52] lizili : Adept manager? [06:52] I just installed beryl, where did my window borders go? [06:53] simeon: Beryl?! [06:53] firecrotch: which link do i click for kunbuntu? it has links for windows, source. fedora core, and CentOS/RHEL [06:53] lizili: you can look for wmaker or windowmaker in synaptic package manager too. [06:53] !beryl | simeon [06:53] simeon: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion. New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz [06:53] beryl hasn't been developed for some time, it no longer exists, for all intents and purposes [06:53] raw01: Pidgin can be installed from the package manager [06:53] which file tho? [06:54] raw01: I'm assuming you're on http://pidgin.im ? [06:54] raw01: Are you installing pidgin? [06:54] some net sites about windowmaker / [06:54] ? [06:54] ...install it from within the *package manager* (synaptic, adept, aptitude, your choice. [06:54] !pidgin [06:54] pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It is available in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), but not previous versions. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.0 [06:54] lizili: it should be there. once it's installed, you can log out and log back in by selecting wmaker or windowmaker, and make it an "only this time" selection. [06:55] ardchoille: i am trying to [06:55] Oh,yeah ! installing............ [06:55] try windowmaker.info, or just google "windowmaker". ignore the windows window maker. It has nothing to do with MS [06:56] lizili: be aware there isn't much of a menu. It's a "right click" menu on the background. [06:56] ardchoille? [06:56] !pidgin | raw01 [06:56] raw01: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It is available in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), but not previous versions. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.0 [06:58] lizili: you might want to read up a little on it. wikipedia has some info on it too. [06:59] ok ,thanks ,install is finished ,i should leave to taste it ! [07:04] its always showing me a way to do it and when i use terminal there's always a file missing [07:07] should just be go to pidgin.com and download file and install! BAM! DONE! but no, has to be a lil butthole [07:09] raw01: that's the Windows Way [07:09] lol [07:09] yeh the easy way [07:09] raw01: Open Adept Manger, search for "pidgin", click install [07:10] raw01: That's how software is typically installed in the Kubuntu world. I know, it's a change from how you're used to doing thing [07:17] compiz is cutting off my window borders as well >:( [07:17] please provide new binary package of KDE4 SVN PLEASE !!!! [07:17] dont make me wait another week [07:17] go compile one.. [07:18] http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/KDE4 [07:18] biovore: I can use google, that is not what I am asking, if you can't answer you can simply shut up [07:20] * somekool gooing to bed [07:20] !CoC | somekool [07:20] somekool: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ === joey_ is now known as tester123 === tester123 is now known as kde4tester [07:28] I keep getting forced back into the KDM login screen [07:28] It has happened twice tonight. [07:28] at totally random times. [07:28] Kubuntu Gutsy,latest Compiz Fusion. [07:29] and both times, I was idle. [07:29] not doing anything that would be too graphics-intensive. [07:29] except running Compiz [07:30] is the issue known? === jontec_ is now known as jontec [07:31] Oh, and it has never happened before tonight [07:32] t00na: Have you changed any settings in Compiz or X lately? [07:32] no [07:33] Seems to me as if X is crashing. What kind of video card do you have? [07:33] NVidia. [07:33] um... [07:33] 6150, i think [07:33] Using the drivers from the repos? [07:33] restricted ones, yeah [07:34] Log files are your friend. /var/log/Xorg.0.log, kdm.log, messages, etc [07:36] what am I looking for? [07:36] any errors or anything that occured at the time that you had problems [07:37] Fatal server error: [07:37] Caught signal 11. Server aborting [07:37] in KDM.log [07:37] hello...i am having trouble with the 7.10 CD, my first attempt at kubuntu [07:37] girget: what kind of trouble? [07:37] it boots on my laptop ok, but not on another machine [07:37] BIOS settings? [07:38] firecrotch: different things happen at different times...mostly it just ends up with a blank screen after the kubuntu loading message [07:38] once i also had some prompt, but now i forget what it said [07:38] girgit: Try using the Safe Graphics mode [07:39] firecrotch: i'll try that right away [07:39] firecrotch: so what should I do? [07:39] it's most likely some kind of issue with your video card [07:39] t00na: what's in the log before that ? [07:40] firecrotch: this desktop has a SATA disk and another older one...some time ago i had tried ubuntu and needed some type of boot parameter [07:41] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50949/ [07:41] now i get initramfs prompt and then error messages [07:41] ata1.00: revalidation failed (errorno=-2) [07:41] and then: ata1.00: revalidation failed (errorno=-5) [07:42] and more messages...should i type them here? [07:43] girgit: how many lines? [07:43] two for revalidation failed [07:43] t00na: Looks to be this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22/+bug/71913 [07:43] and then the oher messages keep repeating [07:43] girgit: then yeah, go ahead [07:44] something about exception Emask 0x0.... [07:44] and cmd c8/00:00:.... [07:44] t00na: Actually, this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22/+bug/165093 [07:45] and after repeating for few times: Buffer I/O error on device sda, logical block 10991328 [07:46] this is an X issue? [07:46] sounds like a bad harddisk [07:46] the disks work ok in windows [07:46] firecrotch: well... crap! [07:47] i think* the other is has old e2fs partitions and haven't accessed for some time [07:48] the two bugs you showed refer to X issues right? [07:48] girgit: Sorry for the confusion, that was for a problem t00na was having [07:49] oh :-) [07:49] that's stupid of me...for some reason your message to t00na went into my head as t00na's message to me :-( [07:49] hehe, it happens [07:51] can i disable the old disk while booting? [07:52] girgit: Sorry, I don't really have much experience with stuff like that [07:53] firecrotch: any suggestion what would be next steps for me? forums? [07:54] the forums would be good, otherwise you could wait around here to see if anyone else can help [07:55] hey [07:55] firecrotch: of course. i'll ask here again after some time and maybe post in the forums later. thanks for you help. [07:57] i have a little problem, my firefox has crashed and now i cant kill it (i dont have firefox window open too) [07:57] but still says that i must kill previous windows of firefox [07:58] killall -9 firefox [07:58] girgit: No problem [07:58] says: no process killed [07:59] urmo: killall -9 firefox-bin [07:59] no error this time but firefox is still crashed [08:00] urmo: It still won't start? [08:01] says: Firefox is already running but is not responding. To open a new windows, you must first close the existing firefox process, or restart your system. [08:02] does "ps -e" show any running firefox processes? [08:03] Hi Folks, am I correct that one can not use a reiserfs as a boot partition with kubuntu? [08:03] Google just returned nothing informative... [08:04] firefox.postins is only firefox process related [08:04] in there [08:04] urmo: Kill that, see if it works? [08:04] K`zan: I don't know of any reason that it wouldn't work [08:06] wont work.... i found firefox-bin also running [08:06] urmo: You'll have to kill ALL firefox-bin processes [08:06] firecrotch: OK, thanks. Created a reiserfs partition on another drive and copied the kubuntu install over to that (works fine with ext3) and it still boots this install, not sure what is going on yet... [08:07] Yes, I changed fstab and menu.lst... [08:08] Gonna give it one more go... [08:09] trying to kill all of them but wont take effect [08:10] hello all. im having issues with wine and fonts.....they are hard to read and some text isnt even displayed. on a differnt distro the text looks fine and displays....what am i missing on 7.10? [08:11] urmo: Are you using killall -9 firefox-bin or kill -9 with the PID? [08:11] roob: msttcorefonts ? [08:11] hmm ok let me give it a whirl [08:11] urmo: also you could try it as root with sudo, sometimes I have to be root to kill firefox-bin, dunno why [08:12] firecrotch: nope. i installed it and it didnt fix the text not displaying...it did however make the fonts look better [08:15] tried both with sudo and without.... tried kill -9 PID and killall - 9 PID [08:15] same [08:15] roob: perhaps it's using a font that can't be rendered in Wine or something [08:15] urmo: Then I would either reboot or restart X, if you can [08:16] hi, i know there is Wine to run windows programs on linux, but is there an alternative to run Mac programs? [08:17] i'll try to reboot..... [08:17] makuseru: I'm pretty sure not. [08:18] makuseru: Is there a specific program that you need the functionality of? [08:18] yes [08:18] Garageband [08:18] firecrotch: hmm same app worked on mandriva [08:18] not for recording, but for virtual instruments [08:21] how do you install adobe flash player to work in firefox? [08:21] !flash [08:21] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [08:21] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [08:21] makuseru, check out: http://ardour.org/ and http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ and http://www.rosegardenmusic.com/ for your audio needs. [08:21] NickPresta: i dont need to record [08:21] okay, reboot worked.... after i changed settings in session manager to not to start processes when logging in.... before without that it didnt work [08:22] makuseru, those three apps should simulate garage band fairly well, although I do not know of instrument emulation.. [08:22] urmo: That's pretty odd [08:22] NickPresta: no, thoes are to record, im looking for virtual insteuments [08:23] freewheeling, hydrogen, and jackbeat come to mind [08:23] makuseru, well, I would imagine virtual instrument emulation is fairly unique to garageband. I'm sure there are other apps available but If you're serious about this, it might be worth it to invest in a Mac... [08:24] before it didnt work because it had settings on to restore last session processes.... === george is now known as george__ === george__ is now known as george === benjamin is now known as Segura [08:45] !mace [08:45] Sorry, I don't know anything about mace - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [08:46] can my feisty fawn installation be upgraded to gutsy gibbon? [08:46] !upgrade | rabindra [08:46] rabindra: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [09:04] does anyone know if it is possible to spawn two different desktops (IE, kde and gnome) for example using a dual montor setup with 2 video cards? [09:04] In my particular instance, I want kde on one screen and myth on another [09:08] How can I make Konversation use Firefox to open links? (I use GNOME but run Konversation within) [09:10] Enselic: Settings > Configure Konversation -> General -> Behaviour -> Use custom Web browser -> firefox %u [09:11] stdin: ah how could I miss that, thanks [09:14] Hi all, Can anyone help with "input not supported" message on monitor while booting up. once X is up everything seems fine. === mitch_ is now known as corinth [09:19] In Configure Desktop, I have it set so that my removable media / DVD drive displays themselves on the desktop. However, nothing is in my desktop at all, no icons/launchers. Help? === simeon is now known as Simeon_H [09:19] how come whenever i copy a large file, or a large number of files at once, everything slows down to a ridiculous degree, and becomes unresponsive? [09:20] I remember reading something somewhere on it, that rectified the problem, but i can't find it, can anybody sehd some light? === Arelis_ is now known as Arelis [09:21] Anyone?? [09:21] Hi all. I removed the 'kde' package and installed 'kubuntu-desktop'.. but the menu's are a mess, and there are still a lot of things i don't need [09:21] can anybody guide me to cleaning this mess up? === rabindra_ is now known as rabindra === rabindra is now known as rabindra_ [09:26] hello? [09:26] anybody present? [09:26] I'm here, just don't know how to help ya, sorry. [09:26] :-P [09:26] alright :) [09:26] Arelis: There's lots of folks here :) [09:26] You're saying that you installed kubuntu using kubuntu-desktop, and now you want to uninstall it, right? [09:26] sorry, ten. [09:26] then* [09:27] Arelis: [09:27] So...>.> Kubuntu will not even load...freezes on the PATA driver load [09:27] corinth: No. I installed the 'kde' package, removed it because it pulled in SOOOO MUCH, then installed kubuntu-desktop, and want to remove stuff from the menus. [09:27] Why not just manually edit it? [09:27] corinth: My menus have things like 'HPLIP config', and i don't have an HP printer [09:28] You're on gnome, right? [09:28] no, KDE [09:28] This is only an annoying problem. But should be a simple fix. Is the "input not allowed" message because of boot splash problem or hardware (doesn'tseem likley if x works fine) [09:28] Arelis: That was likely installed with the initial system install [09:28] ardchoille: or while installing the 'kde' package? [09:28] Arelis: yeah, that [09:28] Arelis: Just right click on the k menu button, and edit the menu. Should only take you five minutes, at the most. [09:29] ardchoille: how do i remove everything that installed? [09:29] corinth: My filesystem would still be a mess. [09:29] Arelis: I installed kubuntu from the desktop cd and I still have the hplip stuff in the menus [09:29] Arelis: I had the same problem. Good luck :-P [09:29] corinth: So it's a case of editing the menu's, and leaving the programs there? doesn't that lead to trouble? [09:30] Arelis: Eh, I can't think of any problem it would cause, really. Just if you needed the extra space. [09:30] Arelis: kubuntu-desktop is just a met-package, it's empty. it only serves to pull in other packages to meet the kubuntu kde requirements [09:30] Arelis: Additionally, you could just uninstall the programs you don't want through adept or aptitude. [09:30] ardchoille: But the 'kde' package pulls in all of kde, and when you try to remove one program after that, it wants to REMOVE all of kde. [09:31] ardchoille: SO kubuntu-desktop is the only option === simeon is now known as Simeon_H [09:31] !nickspam > Simeon_H [09:32] Arelis: That's because the kde package is also a met-package [09:33] hey isn't possible modify title of a threand in ubuntu forum ? [09:34] why: join #ubuntuforums and ask there [09:34] ardchoille: Hmm.. so, the kde package pulled in many things.. like developers platforms, which i don't need.. should i uninstall? [09:34] ardchoille: :) thak [09:35] n [09:35] yw [09:35] Arelis: If you are sure you won't need any of it. [09:36] looking for help in installing all development tools for compiling software on Kubuntu Gutsy [09:36] !be | draser [09:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about be - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [09:37] draser: sudo apt-get install build-essential [09:38] Anyone??? [09:40] In Configure Desktop, I have it set so that my removable media / DVD drive displays themselves on the desktop. However, nothing is in my desktop at all, no icons/launchers. Help? [09:41] corinth: system settings > Desktop > Behaviour > "Show icons on desktop" [09:41] The problem: Can anyone help with "input not supported" message on monitor while booting up. once X is up everything seems fine. Is anyone able to help at all? [09:42] ardchoille: Already checked that, it's ticked :-/ [09:42] Fresh Kubuntu Gutsy install, btw. [09:42] !dolphin [09:42] Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin. [09:43] ardchoille: installed build-essential from repository. [09:43] corinth: What about the stuff in the Device Icons tab? [09:43] draser: :) [09:44] ardchoille: They're all ticked, too. [09:44] ardchoille: now looking to compile sw not in repositories like libdvdcss [09:44] !medibuntu | draser [09:44] draser: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [09:45] draser: libdvdcss2 is in medibuntu [09:45] ardchoille: thanks, I'll look there. [09:45] yw [09:46] draser: Good to check the repos before compiling: apt-cache search app_name_here [09:46] Salut le monde === boukari is now known as Yste-En-Boule [09:46] Yaa des FRA ? [09:46] ardchoille: Thanks, I'll do that too. [09:47] !en | Yste-En-Boule [09:47] Yste-En-Boule: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat === Yste-En-Boule is now known as aKs`FrosT [09:47] i need frensh channel you know where i can go in ? [09:47] !french [09:47] Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [09:48] !frensh [09:48] Sorry, I don't know anything about frensh - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi === patrik is now known as patrik__ === why is now known as whyups [09:52] Français ! === boukari is now known as nKs`FrosT [09:52] omG .. [09:53] #kubuntuFR [09:53] #kubuntufr [09:54] #kubuntu-fr please ;p [09:54] Thanks ^^ [09:54] I'm " nouveau ! " [09:55] welcome nKs`FrosT! [09:55] Ooo Thanks !! [09:55] =) [09:55] Good bye ! Nice to meet you [09:55] ++ [09:55] QUESTION: does the ## in the sources.list mean it's added repo, or not added? [09:55] you too [09:56] posingaspopular: It means it's commented and, thus, not used [09:58] ah thanks haven't done this in a bit [09:58] yw [09:58] 1280x960 I want neither 1024x768 is all i'm after kcontrol gives me no options. I have edited xorg.conf before but this version doesnt list res by colour depth and there is this "virtual" entry that confuses me also. after messing about for a couple of hours now no joy. any help???? [09:59] after intsalling nvidia drivers i can't change resolution- should have come at the beging of that post [10:00] don't know where it went. [10:00] richard_: You can change resolution with: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [10:01] !resolution | richard_ [10:01] richard_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [10:02] ardchollie: thanks will give that a go [10:02] richard_: ALso be sure to check out the info ubotu posted [10:02] 5 more days! [10:03] ubotu: i normally just log out and restart x is this way any different? [10:04] !bot > richard_ [10:04] richard_: ubotu is a bot.. but yeah, logging out and restarting x is good [10:04] What the difference between what ubotu said and Ctrl alt backspace ardchoille [10:05] TimS: ctrl+alt+backspace is a "dirty" way to do it. the other way makes things are closed/saved if needed. [10:05] just got the bot thing pm me. wacky;-) [10:05] Okay =] [10:06] log out and restart x is on the login page menu not "dirty" everything saved. just a GUI way. ;-) [10:06] richard_: Right, that is a good way [10:07] How do i get an embedded video player in Firefox? [10:08] !info mozilla-mplayer-plugin [10:08] Package mozilla-mplayer-plugin does not exist in gutsy [10:08] i tried the kaffeine plugin but it's not loadin' [10:09] !info mozilla-mplayer [10:09] mozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.40-5ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 505 kB, installed size 1760 kB [10:09] Arelis: that one is pretty good :) [10:09] jussi01: I've always had problems with that one.. it says that it loads videos, but then it doesn't play them.. not even if i press the play button. [10:10] Arelis: it has always worked for me. do you have the correct codecs installed? [10:10] jussi01: yes... i think [10:11] !info mozilla-plugin-vlc [10:11] mozilla-plugin-vlc: multimedia plugin for web browsers based on VLC. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6.release.c-0ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 37 kB, installed size 144 kB [10:11] Arelis: that one also has worked fine for me [10:11] ardochoille: can u help me with adope flash player? [10:12] adobe* [10:12] raw01: Flash player crashes. Konqueror doesn't work with it. Use firefox :( [10:12] i understand [10:12] i am trying to use it [10:12] jussi01: VLC plugin says "(no video)" [10:12] !flash | raw01 [10:12] raw01: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [10:12] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [10:13] Arelis: is the link private? or can you give it to me to test? [10:13] jussi01: i can give it to you. http://www.apple.com/trailers/newline/thegoldencompass/filmclip/ [10:14] Arelis: are you certain you have the required codecs? it woeks here with mplayer [10:14] Hmm.. apple.. probably needs quicktime? [10:15] yep [10:15] jussi01: hmm.. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/29346.html?type=wmv <-- 'tis workin' [10:15] jussi01: Is that in kubuntu-restricted-extras ? [10:15] !restricted [10:15] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [10:16] Ah, thanks === Dresken__ is now known as Dresken [10:17] Anyone knows how to install tcl and tk 8.5 through command line? [10:18] jussi01: How can i make the Kubuntu i just installed just as if i installed it from the liveCD? [10:19] ardchoille: ran your cmd and it kicked me back to nv driver which gives me 1024x768 but no 3d [10:19] I like KDE.... but i'm afraid to move GNOME, because Ubuntu is focused on GNOME.. [10:21] using kcontrol to change driver back to proprietry nvidia gives same resolution settings 800x600 or 1280x960 i need 1024x768 [10:21] richard_: Have you edited xorg.conf to switch from the nv to the nvidia driver? [10:21] richard_: are you not able to change it in system settings - display? [10:22] ardchoille: No. Should i do that after running your cmd then restart x? [10:23] jussi: no only have 1280x960 or 800x600 with kcontrol [10:24] !nvidia [10:24] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [10:25] richard_: have you followed the instructions there? [10:27] jussi: i can install the driver get 3d and about 250 frames glx using the restricted drivers install and gui method i just need to get the resolution to 1024x768 afterwards. [10:28] so in short how can i safely edit the xorg.conf to read 1024x768? [10:29] richard_: once you open the xorg.conf its pretty easey - jus add it to the line with the other resolutions in the same form [10:30] I have installed a NVIDIA 32mb graphics card into my PC but it doesnt show up on the system. i used to get 1680x1050 resolution [10:30] can someone help me out? [10:30] !nvidia | raw01 [10:30] raw01: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [10:31] Jussi: the 1024x768 option is there already but there is also this @virtual@ entry which states 1280x960 and the default depth is 24 but no other mention of colour depths. [10:31] !tab > richard_ [10:32] jussi01: cool thanks. [10:33] :) [10:34] Anyone has any idea about how to install tcl and tk 8.5? >_<; [10:36] Anyone has any idea about how to install tcl and tk 8.5? >_<; [10:36] !repeat | Dresken_ [10:36] Dresken_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience [10:37] Sorry about that, I just got disconnected and wasn't sure if my question was sent before I did =P [10:38] :) [10:38] oh, NOOO!! [10:38] NO! [10:38] Processing triggers for libc6 ... [10:38] Arelis: ? [10:38] ldconfig deferred processing now taking place [10:38] Segmentation fault [10:38] dpkg: subproces post-installation script gaf een foutwaarde 139 terug [10:38] !paste > Arelis [10:39] Guys, anyone how to change shortcuts keys in screen ? [10:39] RC: nope, however I imagine there would be info in: man screen [10:40] jussi01: tried, but no help [10:40] !ghost > Dresken_ === Dresken_ is now known as Dresken [10:47] Can anybody help me?: [10:47] Processing triggers for libc6 ... [10:47] ldconfig deferred processing now taking place [10:47] Segmentation fault [10:47] dpkg: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 139 [10:51] can i flush the dns cache somehow? [10:54] can someone give me that page on installing Adobe Flash Player on Ubuntu? [10:55] !flash [10:55] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [10:55] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. === [tr6]mastmad is now known as gaetan_ [11:03] well when beryl was current, did anyone have problems losing their window borders? [11:03] ] [11:04] and if so, how did they remedy this problem? [11:08] hola [11:08] hi@ll [11:08] !es | adlg [11:08] adlg: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [11:08] alguien me puede ayudar de como conseguir instalar nvidia 7500 en mi portatil [11:08] ? [11:09] oki [11:09] !nvidia | adlg [11:09] adlg: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [11:09] ok [11:09] thank you === mauri is now known as hola [11:14] !nickspam > hola [11:15] someone knows how to set "MPS Revision" setting in BIOS ? [11:16] 1.1 + 1.4 are the options [11:17] How do I stop konqueror from asking me to install flash player? [11:17] i usually set it to 1.4 [11:19] jussi01: sorry but i dont understant what i have to do in order to change nick [11:20] what client? [11:20] hola: you often enter then change your nick, It would be good if you could set your prefferred nick in your client [11:21] jussi01: ok I try mow...sorry [11:23] Ryck, ok, it's because i try to track down performance problem. [11:23] !java [11:23] To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. [11:24] jussi01: is it fine now? [11:24] hola: yes :) [11:24] thank you [11:25] jussi01: thank you to you....sory [11:25] hola: your fine, thanks for fixing it :) === itsme is now known as undenounced [11:26] !multiverse [11:26] The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu [11:26] hm, i have a problem with kde. i use multiple desktops (4) and the coolswitch (alt+tab) will only let me switch between windows on the same desktop [11:26] any idea how i can change that? i search kontrolcenter but couldnt find any option for that [11:27] omg found it. it is named: traverse windows on all desktops [11:28] jussi01: may I ask you where do you live [11:29] hola: Im in finland, However, if you want to chat generally please go to #kubuntu-offtopic [11:33] hi everyone. Im looking for the firewall that would block or accept traffic on the basis of processes. That is, i want to allow internet access only for my web browser, for example. What firewall would you suggest? [11:34] !firewall [11:34] Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [11:34] LamerMan, afaik every 'firewall' in Linux is just a frontend to iptables. so my suggestion is.. iptables ;P [11:35] iptables does not support this feature anymore :( [11:35] I create this rule: sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --cmd-owner opera -j ACCEPT [11:35] in response it writes: ipt_owner: pid, sid and command matching not supported anymore [11:35] afaik its not supported on SMP [11:36] LamerMan: have you had a look at guard dog - maybe it has a new way of soing it? [11:36] doing* [11:36] "guard dog"? is it a firewall? [11:36] jussi01: hi [11:37] !info guarddog | LamerMan [11:37] lamerman: guarddog: firewall configuration utility for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0-1ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 482 kB, installed size 1436 kB [11:37] jussi01: i had a problem with m video driver for my laptop a little bit back and i ran some steps you gave me to help me out [11:38] jussi01: i figured it out, all i had to do is change a line in a .conf file and it worked perfectly [11:38] jpatrick does guarddog configure iptables? if so, it shouldnt work either [11:39] LamerMan: I think it does.. [11:39] as i understood this feature is not supported by iptables since 2.6.??? kernel version [11:44] most of these firewall GUI's suck because they become active after you have logged in.. in the mean time all is open. That is very bad [11:45] Weasel[DK]: no, they are ran as root (with kdesu) and store the rules in a file that gets passed to iptables, so it starts at boot [11:47] stdin, really... i have played with most of them and dumped them beause of the delay startup [11:48] firestarter and guarddog both behave that way, so rules get set at boot [11:48] maybe the gui opens after login? [11:48] now i use firehol, its simple and powerful... but no GUI ;) [11:48] but firewall opens on boot? [11:50] strange... used those official ubuntu packages. [11:52] did not work here... maybe i should take a look at it again once more ;) [11:54] Weasel[DK] does firehol allow to create process-based rules? :) [11:58] has anyone gotten the tvout "svideo" on a gf8800 to work ? [12:00] hello...i am having trouble with the 7.10 CD, my first attempt at kubuntu [12:00] it boots on my laptop ok, but not on another machine [12:01] this desktop has two disks a SATA and another older one...some time ago i had tried ubuntu and needed some type of boot parameter [12:03] hmm [12:04] girgit, is linux installed on the sata or the ide disk? [12:04] it is not installed at all [12:04] girgit, ahh. [12:04] tru with acpi=off [12:04] i want to try live-cd, but... [12:05] nuxil: i think that's what i had to do last time also [12:05] i'll try that right away [12:08] i just press F6 and for boot options give ``acpi=off'' ? [12:08] no i think it was f1. [12:08] read the help menu [12:08] :på [12:08] :-) [12:10] the bottom line says F6 is Other Options and when hit F6 I get the prompt Boot Parameters [12:12] whats up [12:13] hi [12:13] nuxil: i managed to get into text mode (for booting) and at the boot: prompt gave live acpi=off, but I am getting the same errors [12:13] !hi | oem [12:13] oem: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! [12:14] ata1.00: revalidation failed (errorno=-2) === kraut is now known as kraut_ === kraut_ is now known as kraut [12:17] girgit, try turn of dma [12:18] nuxil: how? [12:18] hda=nodma === kraut is now known as kraut_ === kraut_ is now known as kraut__ [12:18] or hdb [12:19] or hdc, hdd so on. [12:19] oh..i need to know which of these is the IDE drive? [12:19] yes [12:19] along with acpi=off [12:19] ok, i have two disks, so i'll try both one after the other [12:20] but I am still not sure if I am giving the options correctly [12:20] if you have the chassie open.. unplug the ide disk [12:20] does that sound right, giving acpi=off hda=nodma? [12:20] try it [12:21] you can also try hda=noprobe [12:21] i had to give ``boot: live hda=nodma hda=nodma'' [12:22] my chasis is not open but i caould try that [12:22] hello all [12:22] ok, the above didn't change anything [12:22] what are the default fonts used for the Arabic in Kubuntu ? [12:23] i will now try noprobe, along with all other options [12:25] LamerMan, sorry just got by my computer again... [12:25] LamerMan, Yes it does [12:26] Weasel[DK], thanks, i'll try to install it then [12:27] LamerMan, and the configuration file you can put shell commands... which makes it more powerfull... http://firehol.sourceforge.net/ [12:28] with "boot: live hda=noprobe hda=nodma" i did not even get a initramfs prompt...just blank screen, which also happens if i just boot without options. i will try for hdb now [12:31] Weasel[DK], thank you for advice, hope this will help [12:31] hey guys - ive just done a fresh install of kubuntu (had sabayon on here before) and when its loading grub it just displays "GRUB" and nothing else [12:31] sorry..i lost connection [12:32] girgit, you need to check the cable on you disk.. acording to a forum im reading [12:32] with hd[ab]=nodma hd[ab]=noprobe i get the same errors :-( [12:32] i am able to access both disks ok when i boot from hd in windows [12:33] hold on .. hd[ab] .. is that the exact command you typed? [12:33] hey [12:33] no... [12:33] hey [12:33] u got it [12:33] finally [12:33] first i did "boot: live hda=nodma hda=noprobe" [12:33] and then "boot: live hdb=nodma hdb=noprobe" [12:33] girgit2, you forgot acpi=off [12:33] oh...thats true [12:34] u still kickin? [12:34] ya im still kicking [12:34] i'm downloading dirty movies [12:34] !ot | nuggz [12:34] nuggz: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! [12:34] nice [12:34] girgit2 - did you try "boot: live hda=nodma hda=noprobe hdb=nodma hdb=noprobe" [12:35] ok, i am trying "boot: live acpi=off hda=nodma hda=noprobe hdb=nodma hdb=noprobe" [12:35] glads, you are faster then me.. [12:35] hey all [12:35] *shrug [12:35] * ActionParsnip waves [12:35] can anyone help me install an old NVIDIA graphics card? [12:35] im downloading some programs for my computer [12:35] raw01: which nvidia card? [12:35] sweet [12:35] raw01, install old drivers ;p [12:36] raw01: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx [12:36] if its a tnt2 card that wont work [12:36] ive tired the command [12:36] i have installed it [12:36] Hi, do you know how to emulate a printer in Linux? I have no printer, but I need to test a printing in program which I am developing. The best would be somethikg printing to a PDF file [12:36] but [12:36] !tnt [12:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about tnt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [12:36] !tnt2 [12:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about tnt2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [12:36] it doesnt have full resolution [12:36] !riva [12:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about riva - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [12:36] erm [12:37] !cupspdf [12:37] Details on setting up "Print to PDF" are at http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/03/23/print-to-pdf-using-cups-pdf/ [12:37] !msgthebot | nuxil [12:37] nuxil: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. [12:37] i get the exact same errors :-( [12:37] raw01: what card is it? [12:37] so u have comcast to [12:37] indeed [12:37] NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 420 [12:38] raw01: nvidia-glx is the way [12:38] way faster than DSL [12:38] i know [12:38] having trouble getting a cli install - sevices always start after the login prompt - so I can't access the system - any tips? [12:38] good for porno downloads [12:39] u know it [12:41] girgit, go in you bios and disable the disks. to check if its the hd's or the cdrom [12:41] anyways - ive just done a fresh install of kubuntu (had sabayon on here before) and when its loading grub it just displays "GRUB" and nothing else [12:41] oops [12:41] then try boot normaly without the disks === ubuntu is now known as ubuntu__ [12:41] same thing happened to me [12:41] nuxil: i'll try that now [12:42] glads: you need to configure grub properly [12:42] glads: id boot to live cd and copy the grub you have on another system (if its setup the same) [12:42] ActionParsnip: in what regards? the menu.lst is fine [12:42] glads: if it is it would boot surely [12:43] i do have a rather complex setup tho [12:43] glads: what you got? [12:43] pastebinning my fdisk -l [12:44] cool [12:44] ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/m18311994 [12:45] girgit2, if you still get that error after disabling the disk's in the biso.. its something strange with your cdrom. [12:45] *biso/bios [12:45] i am not able figure out how to disable disks [12:46] but i doubt the problem is with the cdrom...i have burnt a few today, including the kubuntu iso [12:46] glads: ok nice lot of stuff :D [12:46] the cd itself also seems to be fine, i am able to boot my laptop with it [12:46] glads: i'd reinstall grub [12:46] girgit2, is it verry old ? [12:46] the cdrom? [12:46] ActionParsnip: simple method of doing that? [12:47] glads: hmm, let me google [12:47] nuxil: the cdrom is about 3 years old [12:48] i messed my wireles module (bcm43xx) how can i reinstall the version in the repositories? [12:48] glads: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html [12:49] Xplicit: could use aptitude to remove it then reinstall [12:50] but what do i need to reinstall? [12:50] i modprobe bcm43xx but i cant find anything by that name in repos [12:51] Xplicit: don't you use ndiswrapper for Broadcom? [12:51] nope the ndiswrapper seamed to have more problems that the bc43xx [12:51] girgit2, try this. acpi=off ide=nodma nohotplug | "nodetect" [12:52] nuxil: exactly like that, with the | and "s? [12:52] hey [12:52] how can i remove a code? [12:52] | nodetect you can try if it fails [12:53] Xplicit: hmm weird. ive no idea then sorry. i avoid broadcom when i intend to install linux [12:53] * ActionParsnip is outta here [12:53] peace out brethryn [12:53] how can i remove a code? [12:53] nuxil: not sure i understand [12:54] this code /var/cache/apt/archives/lock [12:54] i think i have done something bad with my bios :-( [12:54] girgit2, . boot: liveacpi=off ide=nodma nohotplug nodetect [12:54] erm forgot a space there :p [12:55] now i get a grub prompt, probably because my primary master is the old IDE which has a bootable e2fs [12:55] how can i remove a code? [12:55] this code /var/cache/apt/archives/lock [12:55] girgit2, you changed the boot order of the disks . [12:55] onishidato: did an apt-get stop? [12:55] oh [12:56] let me check... [12:56] girgit2, put cdrom 1st [12:56] then hd [12:56] !aptfix | onishidato [12:56] onishidato: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [12:56] re@ll [12:56] bazhang: thanks [12:57] no worries [12:58] nuxil: cdrom was already first [12:58] but disk order was IDE then SATA and I changed it and now it is going back to booting on disk [12:58] check BIOS [12:58] on disk=off HD [13:01] hello [13:02] nuxil: is it boot: liveacpi=off? [13:02] space [13:02] girgit2, . boot: live acpi=off ide=nodma nohotplug nodetect [13:03] nuxil: trying boot: live acpi=off ide=nodma nohotplug nodetect [13:03] nuxil: same error :-( [13:04] strange [13:04] ata1.01: exception Emask 9x9... [13:04] 0x0, not 9x9 [13:04] try unplug the ide disk [13:05] nuxil: IDE is primary...would that mean the SATA will also be inaccessible? i don't understand these things well [13:06] buenas [13:07] have u smoked any more nutts? [13:07] girgit2, just try to unplugg it so see if its the ide disk thats causing the error [13:08] if no.. then try the sata disk [13:08] if you then still get the error its the cdrom.. no bios changes needed [13:09] Does somebody know if there is another software except MountISO out there, and maybe some will be implemented in KDE? Would be nice with a image mounter with GUI ;) [13:09] spiroo, make you own with kmdr :p [13:10] * stdin points nuxil at http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/MountFile?content=61955 [13:10] stdin, ?? [13:10] * nuxil forwards to spiroo [13:10] erm, actually /me points spiroo at that [13:11] and nuxil too, because all should use it ;) [13:11] nah,. mount -o loop is good enough for me :)' [13:12] nuxil: that's what it does, but it's a nice gui wrapper around it (written entirely in shell script :) [13:12] * stdin knows because he wrote it [13:12] hehe === ubuntu is now known as glads [13:13] alright ... grub stage2 still fails [13:15] stdin: why do not u add some screenshot, will be more attractive [13:16] ICQnumber: because I'm too lazy to take several screenshots right now, it's on my (rather large) todo list though [13:16] stdin: lol okay [13:17] along with "Learn C++" and "Package KDE 4.0.0" [13:17] * nuxil borrows stdin his c++ primer plus book [13:18] I have a book (well 2), but I don't feel I've "learnt" C++ yet. not until I don't need to look at the books (or at least not often) === Smolblood is now known as Max_TPE [13:19] nuxil: with IDE disabled and with both disabled I get the same error [13:20] then its your cdrom [13:20] c++, I am learning in school === Nevoeiro is now known as nevoeiro [13:20] but my cdrom works ok otherwise...it reads and writes well [13:21] stdin, nuxil: Yea just missing the GUI and better support in fusermount, not only ISO is needed ;) [13:21] girgit2, yes, but you might beed special boot options [13:21] i will try some other livecd, bt i am quite keen on kubuntu so i'll come back here with results [13:21] *beed/need [13:21] yes, the cdrom is 3 years old and there could be something of that sort.... [13:21] spiroo: well mountfile should mount anything (doesn't use fuse), but the service menus are only for ISOs [13:22] well, thanks for your help nuxil...hopefully i'll be able to catch you on my next visit [13:22] well.. sorry you could not get it working [13:23] stdin: okay, I guess so. Maybe if possible build it inside Kaffeine. That would be damn nice, because I almost would be need it for movies. [13:23] have a good day nuxil...bye [13:23] spiroo: there's no way to get it inside kaffeine, but you can just mount a file then get kaffeine to play the directory [13:24] stdin: Yes I know, but why could that not be then? [13:24] alright ... grub stage2 still fails . any ideas? [13:24] glads, #grub [13:25] spiroo: the only way to get it into kaffeine would be to add a menu item to kaffeine that passes a file along to the script to mount it then get's kaffeine to play the directory [13:25] spiroo, trying to watch a movie which is a iso file? [13:26] can i get the termcap value for ALT+RIGHT ? [13:26] test [13:26] spiroo, if so. maybe mplayer can handle iso files. not sure never tried..but i know it does *.bin files === netzwerk is now known as bungee_kubuntu [13:27] hi to all [13:27] hi to you [13:28] question [13:28] nuxil: I know how to do it, I just want it to be easier. [13:28] :) [13:28] how can i change my amarok skin [13:28] stdin: okay, guess that would be to difficult. But a service menu or something when you right click. Or if you double click it automaticly mounts to desktop like CDs. [13:29] marius__, you can only change the sidepanel. if you want other color you need to change the kde colors aswell.. [13:29] aha [13:29] spiroo: it does have a service menu for ISO to mount them automatically [13:29] in both dolphin and konquerot [13:29] *konqueror [13:29] i'l try that [13:34] stdin: really? In the new KDE4 then? [13:35] spiroo: it will when kde4 uses ~/.kde instead of ~/.kde4, but for now it works in the kde3 version of dolphin [13:36] stdin: Then I guess I have missed something. But does this "only" concern ISO images? Most movies are in .img [13:37] spiroo: kaffeine plays dvd.iso [13:37] spiroo: works for ServiceTypes=application/x-iso for now, there is no application/x-img to make it work [13:38] Anyway, I guess I have to wait until it becoming multi-mountable with every single image format. [13:38] like .nrg, .udf, .ccd, .bin, .cue and so on. === tmske__ is now known as tmske [13:40] spiroo: .nrg needs to be converted to .iso as it's a compressed format, .bin/.cue are complicated too, should be converted to .iso to work right with mount [13:42] whats the command that ubiquity runs to generate the grub.conf? [13:42] menu.lst ** [13:43] either grub-install or update-grub [13:43] whoa ... i dont know which drive was bieng booted from in bios [13:43] stdin: okay, but an application that would automaticly convert it and mount it at the same time then? [13:43] the menu.lst is correct === ubuntu is now known as glads [13:45] spiroo: that would be a lot more complicated and probably more easily written in C++/Qt or C++/KDE [13:48] stdin: okay, but do you think someone would do in the future. And I hope you not think I demand anything here. I just want something like that to be implemented. Of cource I can mount and all that myself manually, but as many people I am lazy too ;) Then there is a application MountISO, but it is not some kind of standard app. [13:49] spiroo: someone will probably do something like that eventually, if not you can always learn how and write it yourself ;) === kblizzzek is now known as blizzzek [13:53] stdin: Yes if I had time I would probably do that. I have the capability. But I need to learn linux code and the whole structure first. [13:53] stdin: Then I also need more knowledge about C++. [13:54] stdin: working on packaing up kde 4.0? [13:55] nosrednaekim: practising on the svn packages now, some new ones in the kubuntu-members-kde4 PPA [13:55] stdin: there are? [13:55] there are indeed :) [13:55] svn or from the tagged branch? [13:55] svn [13:55] good enough.... [13:56] I think i'll just wait for 4.0 final as that would be alot to DL. but thanks anyway :) [13:56] brb [13:56] nosrednaekim: the svn version is quite an improvement ;) [13:57] yeah... but its only a couple days till "official" and I can't DL on the weekends anyway. [14:00] but does anyone know how to make GlobeTrotter HDSDA modem to work here? === kblizzzek is now known as blizzzek [14:08] whats the name of the default Music program on Kubuntu? [14:08] started with A [14:08] amarok [14:08] thnx [14:09] spiroo: usb modem? [14:09] think i uninstalled it [14:09] is there anything like itunes? [14:12] good morning [14:14] Is there any music programs like iTunes for kubuntu? [14:14] !itunes [14:14] itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee [14:14] !players [14:14] Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [14:15] rhythm is very much like itunes [14:15] although i prefer amarok! [14:16] amarok for kubuntu [14:16] ownage [14:16] juk is also nice xD [14:16] yes [14:16] juk will be default in kubuntu hardy? [14:16] its gone all of a sudden and i install it again and theres an error message during installation (amarok) [14:16] or that's just kde4 specific, not distro? [14:17] i just got kubuntu running on the mac ppc all works good apart from cant sleep nvidia type yet :-( [14:17] how can i make little icons in kmenu [14:17] what date does hardy get released on any dates given yet [14:18] around 20 april i think [14:18] nicely [14:18] i see kde 4.o release is 17th of jan [14:19] um...5 more days ... eh [14:19] it's a counter on the kde site [14:19] should be able to apt get ! how long for that to enter repositories you think [14:19] i got kde4 already [14:19] for quite some times... [14:19] time* [14:20] you add repositories [14:20] i added one, but it was already... [14:20] added a PPA, it's more updated [14:20] whats ppa [14:21] from launchpad [14:21] !ppa [14:21] With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart. [14:21] !ppa [14:21] eh [14:21] it's a repository [14:21] like anyone can make one these days :D [14:21] happy new year every body === teste111 is now known as Nevoeiro === Nevoeiro is now known as nevoeiro [14:33] Somebody know if Photoshop has been implemented in some way in wine or another way for Kubuntu? [14:33] photoshop 7 [14:33] xD [14:34] I would love to if any version works perfect. I shall work perfect, in other case I do not bother to use it. It shall work as in Windows. [14:35] CS3 does not work in wine. [14:36] but photoshop 7 (and i think 8) works with cxoffice [14:36] :) [14:38] hardy is upgradeable ? (from gutsy? or its broken in someway? [14:39] segfault2k: I believe there is a transition in process [14:40] ah ok [14:41] i want to install kde4 :( its broken for me, i mean i have it installed, the rc2, but it wont start :( [14:42] it just restars x ? [14:42] restarts [14:42] yup! [14:42] check out the ubuntu forums [14:42] it's a known issue [14:42] oh thanks! [14:43] DreadKnight: in "desktop environments"? [14:44] segfault2k: do a search with this problem, in google [14:44] whats better strigi or beagle [14:44] i'm not very sure [14:45] strigi is fast but it dosent index my .ogg files and kerry is slow [14:57] buenos dias [14:57] como se encuentras [14:58] kubuntu-es alejandro_ [14:58] me podrian ayudar [14:58] con una cosita [14:58] !es [14:58] Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [15:01] necesito desbloquear un pc que tiene win xp y me pide la contraseña de administrador [15:05] i have a usb wifi donge what are my chances of getting it working? [15:07] XBehave: whats the make and model? [15:07] its a sweexs [15:07] someone know why i cant log in to kde4 (it restarts X) [15:08] segfault2k: pff, i googled rofil | Prieteni | Fotografii | Video | Carnet | Jurnal | Grupuri | [15:09] sorry, damn copy paste [15:09] xD [15:09] segfault2k: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3938320&postcount=5 [15:10] thanks DreadKnight [15:10] segfault2k: hope it works [15:10] i'll try ! :D [15:11] can anyone help me with my trendnet wireless card? [15:11] its a tew 421pc [15:12] nvm i think i know what the problem is [15:12] XBehave: something like this: http://www.sweex.com/producten.php?sectie&item=65&artikel=717 ? [15:14] XBehave: something like this: http://www.sweex.com/producten.php?sectie&item=65&artikel=717 ? [15:15] look at my shinny new quit message xD === sylvain_ is now known as sylvain_TPE === ubuntu is now known as kqr [15:21] hey i try to ntfsmount an ntfs device from kubuntu live cd... i do this to recue data from a crashed windows, but as windows did not shut down properly, ntfsmount won't let me... can i clear this 'dirty flag' in any way? [15:22] hi kqr [15:22] sylvain_TPE: hi [15:23] what is the line of code you exactly wrote ? can you copy/paste it here ? [15:23] ntfsmount /dev/sde2 /mnt/backup -o umask=0000 [15:23] OK [15:23] and what is the error ? [15:23] Couldn't mount device '/dev/sde2' : Operation not supported [15:23] Windows did not shut down properly. Try to mount volume in windows, shut down and try again. [15:23] Mount failed. [15:23] ok [15:23] What's the use of surfing the internet behind a proxy if you can still be dectected? [15:24] kqr: i'd rather recommend you boot a windows install cd and go to the repair console, then run 'chkdsk' from there. [15:24] type in a console "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sde" and paste the result here [15:24] kye: it's usually faster, if you use a caching proxy. [15:24] fdoving may be right [15:24] do you need to clear your disk? [15:25] i had a paper from a friend and it helped me with my disk problems [15:25] fdoving: right but your orginal IP can still be dectected so whats the point in using a proxy? [15:25] sylvain_TPE: http://pastebin.com/m41d7da06 [15:26] kye: right, on most non-anonyme proxies it can. why would you hide your IP anyway? unless you're doing illegal stuff it doesn't really matter, does it? the proxy can log all connections too. if the admin wants to. [15:28] I just don't want the gov to know what im searching or posting nothing illegal about that, fdoving. [15:28] hum, and if you try tounmount the device and remount it with : sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sde2 /mnt/backup (first check if the package "ntfs-3g" is on your system [15:28] sylvain_TPE: ok, thanks, will give that a try [15:28] kye: it's a lost cause, then, already [15:29] kye: then you can use anonymising proxies. but you still risk that the proxy-admin can log all your activities. [15:29] sylvain_TPE: i can't find the ntfs-3g in adept... will that require manual install? [15:29] kqr : chek if universe is enabled [15:30] sylvain_TPE: where_ >P [15:30] if you cannot install ntfs-3g, or if it doesn't work, try with a windows CD [15:30] So i would have to create my own proxy server at another location and configure it not to log any connections in order to "post and search" things on the internet fdoving and crimsun? [15:30] kqr : where ? 1 second, 1 search [15:31] kye: yes. basically. [15:31] Thank you fdoving. === gryc_ is now known as gryc [15:32] kqr : I the first menu (Adept) and then the second line [15:32] can anyone help me with my palm handheld? [15:33] i want to sync it with my kubuntu laptopp [15:33] kqr : a windows name "Software sources" must be opened [15:33] but it doesnt detect it [15:33] kqr ? [15:34] how do i do networking restart through konsole? [15:34] sylvain_TPE: sry, i'll read now :P [15:34] ok === maxime is now known as Darkshenron [15:35] sylvain_TPE: found, installing now [15:35] ok [15:35] am keep getting command not found [15:36] I said : try tounmount the device and remount it with : sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sde2 /mnt/backup [15:36] cya kubuntu geeks [15:36] hey guys [15:36] i really need your help now [15:37] if you cannot install ntfs-3g, or if it doesn't work, try with a windows CD [15:37] ubuntu: hi ubuntu [15:37] ubuntu: yes ? what matters ? [15:37] sylvain_TPE: how do i unmount a ntfsmount:ed disc? i found nothing with man ntfsmount :/ [15:37] i'm using Kubuntu [15:37] Hi. I've been searching in google about how to propely install and set up Pulseaudio in Kubuntu. I haven't find anything so far. Can you give some information please? [15:37] and i intend to install Ubuntu [15:37] ok [15:37] but when i try to install Ubuntu [15:38] kqr: lke any other device : umount /mount/point For you : sudo umount /mnt/backup [15:38] sylvain_TPE: ok, trying [15:38] they say that Grub is a fatal error [15:38] so i can't get into ubuntu [15:38] sylvain_TPE: umount: /mnt/backup: not mounted [15:38] and then type "mount" to see which devices are mount. [15:38] and even my old Kubuntu [15:38] ok [15:38] how can i fix that? [15:38] so you can try : sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sde2 /mnt/backup [15:39] i dont' want to lose my old Kubuntu [15:39] ubuntu: did you get a error number ? [15:39] ubuntu: u may have already [15:39] i have 2 hard drive [15:39] ubuntu: ok [15:39] last time, i use one HDD for Kubuntu, and one for WinXP [15:40] but, there are some pros that i decide to turn 2 HDD to Linux [15:40] so [15:40] sylvain_TPE: ok, i solve it through just booting up another comp with the device inside, and then shut that one down cleanly to clear the flag :) [15:40] i use one for Kubuntu, and one for Ubuntu [15:40] does kde use any kind of "registry editor" similar to gconf-editor? [15:40] ubuntu: why not combine ubuntu and kubuntu in one? [15:41] kqr: why not, but I think it's better to try first with a Windows cd and the chkdsk command [15:41] sylvain_TPE: not sure, i have another computer at hand, but no windows disc ;) [15:41] tekteen: cause i want to compare and try to play with both Kubuntu and Ubuntu [15:41] kqr: OK [15:41] hello [15:41] jeffto: hello [15:41] kqr: and what gives sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sde2 /mnt/backup ? [15:42] hi jeffto [15:42] !hi|jeffto [15:42] jeffto: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! [15:42] !bonjour |jeffto [15:42] Sorry, I don't know anything about bonjour - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [15:42] :) [15:42] can someone tell me how to fix it? [15:43] and how can i get back to my old Kubuntu [15:43] !grub [15:43] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [15:43] sylvain_TPE: it says the disc is dirty flagged and gives me advice to either boot&shutdown win cleanly, or use ntfsfix, or mount as read only [15:43] thanks, I'm trying to install kde4 on kubuntu gutsy, I'm following the steps of install in kde the announcement in kubuntu.org [15:43] ubuntu: U want recovering ubuntu after win install [15:43] ubuntu: you can get kubuntu and ubuntu in one system with sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop [15:43] sylvain_TPE: i'm doing this for my father, and he seemed to think it was easier to boot and shutdown win on another computer [15:43] no no [15:43] but, seems I don't have some repositories or something because no matter what I get a message of broken packages [15:44] kqr: OK, like you want [15:44] how can i get back to my old Kubuntu [15:44] Quelqu'un est français ? [15:45] hey, anynoe know how to get rid of the shadow on the menu panel and make in completely transparent so it looks like stuff is floating? [15:45] inicially I want to install kdebase-workspace kdebase-kde4 kdebase-runtime but I get broken dependences in each package [15:45] pas moi:) [15:45] any idea? [15:45] :D [15:45] !fr | sylvain_TPE [15:45] sylvain_TPE: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [15:46] Can anyone help me? [15:46] jeffto: if your system seems not damaged, you can try to run a virtual machine [15:46] Psycoshot: do you mean to get the panel transparent [15:46] Yes. [15:46] jussi01: I don't need help ! [15:46] And get rid of the shadow :jeffto [15:46] kde3 or 4 Psycoshot [15:46] fdoving: What about wireless connection. Like using a laptop to pickup a open singel then do my "surf and posting" from that. [15:47] jeffto: don't know :P [15:47] gutsy? [15:47] Nope. [15:47] Feisty. [15:47] ok === luca is now known as diagono [15:47] Psycoshot: right clic on the kicker menu [15:47] !adept [15:47] adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto [15:48] Yup. [15:48] hey guys [15:48] !adeptlock [15:48] Sorry, I don't know anything about adeptlock - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [15:48] can someone know how to help me???? [15:48] !adeptfix | Jevon [15:48] Jevon: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [15:48] Setting panel o something like that (I use spanish version) [15:48] !thanks. Still getting used to the bot [15:48] can someone know how to help me???? [15:48] 0.o [15:49] !ask | ubuntu [15:49] ubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [15:49] sylvain_TPE: but seems that I don't have all the right repositories [15:49] Psycoshot: nop? [15:49] jussi01: ubuntu did ask [15:49] jussi01: i haved asked the question [15:49] jeffto: Well the shadow is still there. [15:49] kye: that would work, as you then would expose the open networks IP to the internet. nothing with your name on it. [15:50] ubuntu: ask again [15:50] fdoving: thanks man. [15:50] ubuntu: ok, what was you question, as I missed it [15:50] kye: depending on the laws where you are, it might be illegal. [15:50] Psycoshot: can you take a snap to see whats happening? [15:50] Sure. [15:50] ubuntu: say (again) what is your problem, your hardware and software, and what you did before it appened [15:50] The illegal part would be getting caught while in your car picking up signals [15:50] being right outside your home though.. i don't think there is a issue. [15:50] last time, i used 2 HDD for 2 operation sys, Kubuntu and WinXP [15:51] but, i decide to use all 2HDD for Linux [15:51] so [15:51] i decide to install Ubuntu ( the old version) to the WinXP HDD [15:51] kye: i won't encourage you to do anything illegal. [15:52] and i did [15:52] but, when it try to install Ubuntu, from Live CD [15:52] I wouldnt either, fdoving. I enjoy my freedom. I just don't want "big brother" knowing what it is im researching or posting to news groups. === Dan is now known as PoeticJaffaCake [15:52] when everything almost done, there is a fatal error appeared [15:53] they say that the update grud is an erroe [15:53] grub [15:53] jeffto: Here is a screen http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc18/psycoshot/screenbar1.png [15:53] so [15:53] !enter | ubuntu [15:53] ubuntu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [15:53] so [15:53] kye: you know, this channels is logged, and the logs are freely available online. privacy doesn't exist :) [15:54] Yea.. thats a sad thing. [15:54] jeffto: If I get rid of the shodow it'll look like the icons are floating :D [15:54] anyway, i'll need a break. bbl. [15:54] But like i said.. im doing nothing to break the law. Just don't want big brother in my bis [15:55] ok [15:55] i restart my PC, and try to log into ubuntu, but i can't, they appears a console terminal "grub:\ " and i don't know how to do next, can anyone help me? [15:55] whe need to make the kicker menu transparent [15:55] jeffto: done [15:55] ubuntu: my first reaction is to try reinstalling grub. [15:55] again, open the properties of the menu [15:55] But the shadow is still there >.> [15:55] ubuntu: can't you use your ubuntu CD a select "rescue a broken system" ? [15:56] !grub | ubuntu [15:56] ubuntu: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [15:56] jeffto: properties of menu? [15:56] fdoving: A few people could be logged into the same wireless connection. Is it possible to find a specific connections latitude and longitude? [15:56] sylvain_TPE: does it have? [15:56] Psycoshot: by shadow yo refeer to the gray mini bar over the menu? [15:57] Yes. [15:57] hello [15:57] good mourning everyone [15:57] heh [15:57] Oh wait. [15:57] can someone help me? [15:57] !ask | thebox_ [15:57] thebox_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [15:57] hello thebox_ [15:58] okay then [15:58] jeffto: What I mean by shadow is that black shadow above the menu, that grey bar about 60 pix high is part of the background. [15:59] i want to automount my digital camera and i cant seem to find help on the web so im here [15:59] any suggestions [16:00] thebox_: what kind of camera, and what have you done? [16:00] ubuntu: I don't remeber, if it doesn't, the alternate CD does [16:00] seems strange [16:00] jeffto: Do i make any sense? [16:00] casio exilim ex-s600 [16:00] Psycoshot: this mini bar for one moment seems like part of the wallpaper [16:01] sylvain_TPE: thanks [16:01] Psycoshot: I get your idea [16:01] sylvain_TPE: let me check it [16:01] ubuntu: OK [16:01] installed gnome volume manager and gthumbs and autostarted gvm [16:01] Yeah that is. I mean the small black line right above the menu. [16:01] ubuntu: I ever did it, with the alternate Cd of xubuntu [16:01] sylvain_TPE, jussi01, tekteen: thanks all guys [16:01] ubuntu: :) [16:01] ubuntu: you can re-install grub [16:01] ubuntu: Bye ! [16:02] If you change the wall it continues there? [16:02] how can i re install it? [16:02] The shadow yes. [16:02] with the alternate cd [16:02] choose fisrt "rescue a borken system", and then try some tools (I don't remember [16:03] fdoving: This just doest seem right to me. If anyone could use a random wireless connection then there is not limit to the amount of people who steal CC numbers to easily place their orders or do something illegal like that. What's stopping someone from doing that. [16:03] !ot | kye [16:03] kye: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! [16:03] heh alright jess.. [16:03] this is just the only place people really reply [16:03] !tab > kye [16:04] sorry jussi01 [16:04] Psycoshot: since when you get this minibar? have you install some theme or something like that? [16:04] am i the only one with digital camera automount issues? [16:04] jeffto: wait I'll sed a picture just to make it clear [16:04] digital camera mounting is an issue regardless of the OS. Windows doesn't like mine half of the time either [16:05] is their any webpage that can offer some type of remedy? [16:05] !portables [16:05] Guides for smartphones and portable devices can be found here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/ [16:05] that might have something thebox_ [16:05] heh [16:05] thank you [16:06] jeffto : Here! ^^ http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc18/psycoshot/screenbar1-1.png [16:06] Does noone else have that? [16:06] no helpful at all [16:06] ;( [16:06] *not [16:07] clic [16:07] thebox_: sorry, was the only thing I could think of. [16:07] doesnt anyone else have a digital camera [16:07] !patience | thebox_ [16:07] thebox_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [16:07] Psycoshot: yep I get it since last snapshot [16:07] XD Ok. [16:07] i completely understand that [16:08] So to get rid of it... [16:08] and I trying to reproduce this minibar in my machine [16:08] heh Ok. [16:08] pardon my apparent rudeness, i'm only asked questions [16:09] but Psycoshot, please tell me after what you get this minibar [16:10] jeffto: please rephrase, not sure what you ment. [16:11] I mean, you have create these kde theme or get it for internet, or better, since when you have realized of that minibar [16:12] Oh. [16:12] I think you're right. [16:12] thebox_: Im sorry, I cant find anything to help. its not that no one has a digital camera, just that no one has a casio exilim like yours. [16:12] Thank you so much jeffto! === ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever [16:14] ok Psycoshot :P === nalioth__ is now known as nalioth [16:19] Hey, I recently installed Kubuntu 7.10 through vmware because the CD wouldn't boot on my PC. KDE won't start and I suppose the vmware installation is the cause of that, can I somehow reconfigure? [16:20] Am running a dist-upgrade right now which I think might help, but if someone recognizes the error that'd be cool. [16:21] Hmm... I do belive there are premade 'vmware appliances' (pre made images) for Kubuntu at the vmware appliance page. [16:21] Kubuntu should work find under vmware. You will want to install the vmware tools however. [16:22] Dr_willis_, I wanted to install it through vmware so I could use it normally [16:23] The installation CD wouldn't boot on my PC [16:23] !install | eml: [16:23] eml:: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [16:24] I'll just reboot into windows and have a lookie [16:24] :) [16:26] eml, use it normally? [16:26] ie without vmware [16:26] will other bootable cd's work? [16:26] Other bootable CDs work, seems to be something in 7.10, because my debian CDs boot fine [16:27] im not sure how you instrall with vmware, and get it to 'actually' install to a bootable hd. :) [16:27] eml, this is the alternative cd? or desktop cd? [16:27] Ive had some ubuntu cd's not work. then kubuntu did. and visa versa.. oddly. [16:27] Well I can 'boot', but it hangs [16:28] It's the normal desktop version [16:28] eml: I would suggest you try the alternate cd [16:28] What's different? I've burned 5 CDs already : p [16:28] I agree with jussi01 [16:28] ALt cd - no gui installer. [16:28] But it installs KDE4 right? [16:28] no [16:28] kde3.5 [16:28] KDE4 is NOT included in kubuntu by default under any of the cd's [16:29] !kde4 [16:29] kde4 is KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information, please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://tinyurl.com/2gqwmr - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php [16:29] unless you are refering to the beta testing of the next release.. [16:29] Ah [16:29] kde4 is installable.. but - given the # of people i se a day in here.. asking how to properly remove kde4... :) [16:30] To test out KDE4 - i suggest a vmware appliance. or live cd [16:30] Well anyways, I got it installed through vmware. The only problem now is that KDE won't start, I don't get a login screen or anything, just a terminal prompt. I suppose it's the xorg-config which was made for VMWare's fake-monitors [16:30] * jussi01 agrees qith Dr_willis_ on the kde4 issue [16:30] fake hardware rather [16:34] Rebooted and checked out the xorg-logs, the xorg.conf is the error [16:34] install the vmware tools, and rerun the xorg config tool i guess. [16:34] Or rather is what causes the error [16:34] What xorg config tool? [16:34] sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [16:34] i forget the command.. dpkg-reconfigure xSOMTHING.. :) [16:35] there ya go. ;) [16:37] If anyone has gotten TVout to work on a gforce 8800 card.. please tell me how you did it, [16:39] don't you have to modify the xorg.conf file? [16:40] been there done that [16:41] Aye well that fixed it up real nice ;) [16:41] neville, do you got it working? [16:41] i only have a geforce 2 with vga out =] [16:41] Any suggestions on a terminal emulator except for Konsole to use fo irssi? [16:41] hmmm [16:42] have you had a look in nvidia-settings? [16:44] yes 1000 times [16:45] -_-v [16:45] ask google then [16:45] he generally knows everything [16:45] hehe.. been asking google for 2 days now. [16:46] yeah, i did the same when i tried to get 3d acceleration from my card [16:46] he dosent know this.. he only know that other people has same issue [16:46] but perseverance payed out in the end [16:46] (ie i have no idea :]) [16:47] Howdy Folks :-) [16:55] #kubuntu-it [16:55] join #kubuntu-it [16:55] eml xterm, rxvt, i alwo have used 'twin' with irssi and it worked very well. [16:57] hello kubuntu users [16:59] I'm having some snags with a widescreen monitor (laptop display actually) - I've looked through all forum topics, and tried editing the xorg.conf file, but to no avail. anyone have any ideas? [16:59] or willingness to assist? [16:59] oreoandnapoleon, describe your snags with some detail pls [17:01] I've tried to change the available res in the xorg.conf file, and now they show up, logged out, restarted x server and still the monitor remains at 1024x768 spread across a 1280x768 screen [17:01] but through the GUI (system settings) dialogue, it still only shows up as having 4:3 resolutions available [17:03] oreoandnapoleon, have you tried resetting the res in system settings/monitor&display/hardware...configure the graphics card driver in admin mode [17:04] the graphics card is showing correct in system settings/monitor and display/hardware, if that is the case would the driver be correct too? [17:04] If I leave the display type as generic (widescreen) should that be good enough for a laptop screen? [17:05] the restricted default driver or one you chose in the configure list ? [17:06] it's the default driver (rest) for an intel 945 graphics chipset and using the i810 driver [17:09] leaving the generic setting on might be ok for some laprops , but perhaps intel has driver settings on a seperate gui like ati does for some of it's drivers [17:09] I seem to have a lot of available modes in the xorg.conf file, could that be causing a problem? [17:10] I wouldn't fool with modes in the xorgfile til i new which workable res' were available for that particular setup [17:11] oreoandnapoleon: have you tried the xorg-intel? maybe you need to use 915resolution to fix your resolutions with i810, not needed with intel. [17:12] thx llutz I seem to remember a lot of discussion about 915resolution once before (i have an install of gutsy on another laptop) (4:3 res fortunately!) [17:12] oreoandnapoleon: i have a 4:3 laptop too (1400x1050), it always needed 915resolution with the i810. No such trouble with intel :) === schema is now known as schemax [17:13] thanks, I'll install 915reso and see how I get on [17:13] oreoandnapoleon: so try to set your desired resolution with it [17:17] I assume this needs an X server restart following a run of 915 res, or does it need to run from the terminal first? === ubuntu is now known as kanton [17:18] Anyone played around with PulseAudio here? [17:19] eml: nope, but it will be here with hardy, you may want to ask in #ubuntu+1 [17:19] I see [17:19] Well it was available in adept so I figured I'd try it out [17:19] So far no luck ;) [17:20] Can't seem to get a server up and running [17:20] Or daemon rather [17:20] eml: IIRC, it will be default in hardy, but I may be wrong [17:20] Ooh, that's cool [17:23] back in now, widescreen working, many thanks to all who helped! [17:35] how do i modify the shutdown dialog? i want to get rid of the standby and hibernate buttons [17:36] sigma_123: if you find a solution, plz tell me :) it's a hal-related thingy i was told, not easily to remove [17:36] moin [17:36] wie mach ich firefox zu meinem standardbrowser? [17:36] !de | platoon23 [17:36] platoon23: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [17:37] wrong channel sry [17:38] yeah they dnt appear when u run kubuntu in safe mode but i dont know whats controlling it appearing or not. gues its some rather simple swich [17:39] !tvout [17:39] For help with enabling the TV-Out, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition (Nvidia cards) or http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Tvout (ATI cards, *untested*) [17:40] nothing new ;( === [newbie] is now known as aleksanteri [17:43] is it possible to bind "show desktop" to a single key? [17:44] How can I reinstall my GRUB ? [17:44] !grub | mrmr [17:44] mrmr: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [17:45] thanks NickPresta :) === ubuntu is now known as uvok [17:52] <|Dreams|> can some one help me please videos wont play [17:52] <|Dreams|> and i have the codecs installed [17:53] <|Dreams|> it happens all the time and i have to reboot the pc then videos work but i have to do this all the timne [17:53] hello [17:53] hello all [17:54] what's the default fonts used for Arabic in Kubuntu ? [17:54] i'm trying to find out how to install Beryl on my kubuntu 7.10 - all google searches say different things so I thought i'd just come here [17:54] dreams try changing the player the program is using [17:54] either xine or mplayer [17:54] can i do it through apt-get? [17:54] toshinobu: beryl? not compiz-fusion? [17:55] idk which one is better [17:55] <|Dreams|> i have tried vlc, kaffeine and mplayer? [17:55] toshinobu: you probably want compiz-fusion [17:55] !compiz [17:55] Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion [17:55] * toshinobu is a linux noobers :) [17:55] i re-installed my GRUB and i can see my kernels correctly. But when i select a kernel, it giving error like "Error 15: File not found" [17:55] yuriy: ok, is it better? [17:55] !grub [17:55] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [17:55] toshinobu: yeah, and more up to date [17:57] oo ok thx!! [17:58] i re-installed my GRUB and i can see my kernels correctly. But when i select a kernel, it giving error like "Error 15: File not found" [18:01] i re-installed my GRUB and i can see my kernels correctly. But when i select a kernel, it giving error like "Error 15: File not found" [18:01] someone help me pls :) [18:01] NickPresta: can you help me [i am mrmr ] :) === themole is now known as The_Mole [18:03] Hola espero q esten bien podrian por favor ayudarme en una duda? [18:03] !es | The_Mole [18:03] The_Mole: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [18:03] The_Mole: of course if you speak englhish or italina [18:04] ok thx .. lo haré de cualquier forma no era muy grave para montarla en el foro igual grax [18:04] !en | The_Mole [18:04] The_Mole: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [18:07] jussi01: hi [18:08] ok, no problem :P hahaha sorry i was lose in other world, my problem is someones videos are very slow and i think is a problem about my video controler but i cant find any information for unichrome via chipset drivers for linux [18:08] <- -has given up on using 3d drivers for his radeon 9800 [18:08] :) [18:09] i gave up on that too :( [18:09] * Tm_T is happy user === grul_ is now known as grul [18:10] grul: i went through every suggestion i found online and here, and the best i got was a very very choppy KDE and still no 3d support [18:10] grul: so, i'll just use my xp partition for 3d wowness [18:10] yuriy: i installed compiz fusion, but how do u know what the hotkeys are for each effect (such as the cube) === nalioth_ is now known as nalioth [18:11] toshinobu: i think you have to look in the settings. it's quite annoying. [18:11] yea =/ [18:11] damn [18:12] maybe there's a reference of the default settings up somewhere but i don't know of one [18:12] Tm_T, a happy radeon 9800 user? [18:12] grul: nnnnope [18:12] :( [18:13] I added a new repository in synaptic but it is not in the file /etc/apt/source.list..................why? [18:14] what's a good ~$100USD 3D capable, kubuntu friendly, AGP card? [18:15] any nvidia card i guess :p [18:15] isn't there a list of supported hardware somewhere? [18:18] how do you find out which graphics card you have? [18:19] I added a new repository in synaptic but it is not in the file /etc/apt/source.list..................why? [18:20] how do you load the 3d graphics for nvidia? [18:20] !nvidia [18:20] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [18:28] Hello [18:32] can someone help me with my GRUB problem ? [18:32] !grub [18:32] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [18:32] --> #grup [18:32] * --> #grub [18:33] <_gtt_> i [18:33] !grub | ubuntu [18:33] ubuntu: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [18:33] I've been searching for some help on a topic, and can't seem to find it. It's a problem with sound. I listen to live365.com radio, and it was working fine, till yesterday when a friend "nudged" me on Kepote, all my system sounds etc stopped, even Amarok comes up with the "xine cannot find audio drivers" or something similar. I have to reboot to get my sound back, but i still can't log onto live365 and get sound. Any ideas? [18:33] <_gtt_> d like to get my cingular 3125 working with kpp [18:33] <_gtt_> kppp [18:33] BluesKaj: erm, he's already done that.. [18:33] <_gtt_> !kppp [18:33] Sorry, I don't know anything about kppp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [18:34] <_gtt_> !3125 [18:34] Sorry, I don't know anything about 3125 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [18:34] ok, just got here ...shoulda scrolled up [18:37] sMonk, are you referring to live365 on amarok or streamtuner ? [18:38] I added a new repository in synaptic but it is not in the file /etc/apt/source.list..................why? [18:38] hola , did you save the file after the changes and do a sudo apt-get update ? [18:39] just on Firefox [18:39] BluesKaj: if i open adept or synaptic they are existing. Only in source.list are not present [18:39] I goto the site and click the music station I want to listen to [18:40] hola do , sudo apt-get update in the konsole [18:41] BluesKaj: I already did it [18:41] BluesKaj: but source.list do not change [18:42] BluesKaj: but in the meantime they are prenset in adpt e synaotic [18:43] hola mkae sure you don't have the source.list open while doing the updates [18:44] what's the "Super" key in linux? [18:44] BluesKaj: just a question....Do you confirm that exist only one file for source list and that it is source.list? [18:45] toshinobu: it's just a modifier, you can make it anything. [18:45] but by default it's likely the Windows key [18:45] BluesKaj: I just have been using live365 on Firefox, I just goto the site and click the link I want. Should I be using Amarok to do this? and if so, how to? [18:45] oh ok ty [18:46] BluesKaj: please answer if you can. I have to go... [18:48] no hola, I have VLC set to play the live365 , since I dropped mplayer [18:48] BluesKaj: ? ... i think that you are worng nick [18:48] BluesKaj: i'm asked you about source.list [18:49] ok sorry , bit distracted here ...phone calls etc [18:49] hi there, did anybody succeed in resizing the plasma panel ?!! it 's HUGE [18:49] * chalcedony smiles [18:49] hola , try source-o-matic [18:49] my husband was using the calendar and now he can't access it [18:49] !source-o-matic [18:49] source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic [18:49] BluesKaj: what is [18:50] BluesKaj: ok i will looking it [18:50] BluesKaj: thanks agian [18:50] BluesKaj: byer [18:50] how to edit the PATH variable ? [18:51] khelll: VARIABLE=whatever [18:51] tekteen when i close the terminal am losing the modifcation [18:51] hi ahain to all [18:52] khelll: export $VARIABLE [18:52] what is jasper image convert [18:52] ? [18:52] khelll: you need to add it to .profile or .bash_profile [18:53] i'm mean i can't view my camera [18:53] or anyoane's camera [18:54] or anyone's camera [18:54] export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/ , should that work? [18:54] yes [18:54] put in .bash_profile [18:55] khelll: I mean .bashrc [18:55] where is that tekteen ? [18:55] khelll: ~/.bashrc [18:56] khelll: then open a new konsole and it should work [18:57] tekteen , sorry i didnt get where is that file [18:58] khelll: ~ is the home directory. if you run "kate ~/.bashrc" it will work [18:58] i don't think my super key is working - i press it and try keyboard shortcuts and they dont work - any help? [18:59] khelll: did it work? [18:59] i added it at the bottom of the file [18:59] let me open the console [19:00] yes it did [19:00] thanks tekteen [19:00] kool [19:00] np [19:03] My husband has been using KOrganizer Calendar to keep records [19:03] in Feisty. He recently upgraded to Gutsy 7.0 .. and now [19:03] he can't access the calendar at all. How can he fix this? [19:03] Or what to do? [19:04] didnt he take bakup? [19:05] chalcedony, can he open Kontact at all, even for email ? [19:05] nuxil: i don't know [19:05] BluesKaj: i'm not sure, he uses Thunderbird for email [19:07] BluesKaj: nuxil NOTHING opens [19:08] Where can I find the network boot.iso for Kubuntu 7.10? Thanks. [19:09] chalcedony, try ' korganizer ' in the konsole === jan__ is now known as janm-bremen [19:11] BluesKaj: he did.. that's what isn't working at all === chull is now known as chalNhubby [19:15] chalcedony, so kontact won't open at all ? === piet_ is now known as nerous [19:18] BluesKaj: no it doesn't [19:18] i don't know if he knew HOW to backup calendar pages [19:19] what about other kde apps like karm personal time tracker ? === chalNhubby is now known as chull [19:22] any suggestions to getting the 'arial' font installed in Kubuntu? without using 'apt-get install msttcorefonts' ? [19:23] where is the "fstab" ? [19:23] Hi - I'm using Fiesty, trying to get a bluetooth adapter working. When I plug it in, a message pops up from the "KDE Bluetooth Framework" saying, "Failed to connect to the SDP server. Please make sure that sdpd is running; without it, other devices will not be able to find out which services your computer offers." Any ideas on how to fix? [19:24] !bluetooth | pm2 [19:24] pm2: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup [19:24] !fstab [19:24] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [19:25] cunt [19:26] odd [19:26] sean , do want to be banned ...if not watch your language [19:27] Aranel, you can also check fstab : alt+F2 , kdesu kate /etc/fstab [19:29] BluesKaj: oh thanks :) [19:34] anyone know why, when i restart my x engine, i always lose the mouse cursor (it becomes invisible, although you can still move it around, as if it's there but you can't see it).. and how to fix it????? [19:40] have to harddisk from another old linux installtion (fc4) now in my new 7.10 server.. [19:40] the disks are two LVM disks.. and if i want mount one of them, then: mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member' [19:41] i need the data on this disks.. the problem is, that the old server is badly down.. [19:41] sounds like bad trouble [19:41] have installed the lvm tools.. and can see this lvm devices.. how can i change this lvm to normal ext fs.. or how can i access my data on this device, so i can backup them [19:42] can't you boot some fc4 rescue disk? [19:42] tuxick: hm... [19:42] or 'just' reassemble them [19:42] never used lvm myself [19:43] hm..... [19:43] <_Angelus_> wow... what a nice crystal theme for kubuntu! [19:43] !lvm [19:43] Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO [19:46] Hello. has anyone successfully streamed their media to an xbox 360 from ubuntu? [19:46] !anybody [19:46] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [19:46] i did! [19:46] did you use twonky? [19:46] no [19:47] <_Angelus_> guys is there a way to use LVM with the live cd ? [19:47] <_Angelus_> :/ [19:47] what did you use, crackhead_25 [19:47] i'm using x engine.. and whenever it restarts, the mouse cursor becomes invisible.. [19:48] giggity giggity compiz is nice. Now, if only sleep and hibernate worked. [19:48] inaety: thoughts?? [19:48] inaety, I haven't done it but VLC has "streaming to" capabilities, you may want to check it out [19:48] crackhead_25: no? [19:49] BluesKaj: really? thanks [19:50] inaety: I think I used MediaTomb to stream to my PS3, seemed to work fine for me. [19:50] stdin: any thoughts on this problem? [19:51] (x engine, whenever restarts, mouse cursor becomes invisible..) [19:51] MGrunde: if it's UPNP it should work [19:52] If I remember correctly, it was fairly easy to set up. [19:52] ok, trying to double check this is a hardware issue. When I put a dvd in my dvd drive, kubuntu says "Could not start process Unable to create io-slave. klauncher said: Unknown protocol [19:53] Alonea: I don't think that's a hardware issue. Try booting to a LiveCD and see if the problem persists. [19:54] Are you using Hardy? [19:54] MGrunde: I can load cds just fine. its dvds I am having trouble with. the dvd is a boot disk for slack, which it isn't quite booting. There is a blinking cursor, and my drive seems to be trying to read the dvd, and after a while it just goes to grub and boots into here. [19:55] MGrunde: I am using gusty, which i am very displeased with. [19:55] Alonea: Hmm, well if you can't boot to the Slack DVD, and CDs work fine, then I would say it's a hardware issue. [19:56] Alonea: And what problems are you having with Gutsy? It seemed to work very well for me. [19:56] MGrunde: thats what I thought. I just wanted to know really what io-slave means. [19:56] Alonea, is the slack dvd the only one acting up ? [19:57] MGrunde: major unstability. have to reboot all the time. loosing the bar at the top with the minimize, etc. a lot. mouse goes crazy. [19:57] BluesKaj: lemme find a dvd movie. I tested this dvd in another computer and it reads it fine. burned it last night. [19:58] salut [19:58] BluesKaj: this thing has been acting odd for a while. It stopped burning dvds a few months ago. [19:58] ya du monde qui parle francais [19:58] !fr [19:58] !fr [19:58] Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [19:58] BluesKaj: ok, tried another disk. same error. lemme try a dvd that isn't burned. [19:59] Alonea: That sure is odd. I remember Gutsy being extremely stable. [20:00] BluesKaj: maybe my drive no longer likes DVD plus R or something. [20:00] MGrunde, I'm getting a few kde app crashes [20:00] Alonea, dualboot or ? [20:00] MGrunde: fresh install even. its been a nightmare to do anything. everything seems to crash. especially firefox. had to do the magic sysrq a couple times too [20:01] Alonea: Odd. Have you tried burning a new CD, checking it, then reinstalling? Your first install could have been a bad burn. [20:01] BluesKaj: nope. I had dualboot, but no longer. windows fried the other hdd. waiting for replacement to come in. ok, no dvds seem to work. [20:02] BluesKaj: What apps? [20:02] well, Alonea , I think you definitely have a dvdrive prob [20:03] MGrunde: maybe. I tried doing the upgrade thing first with adept, but that was a no go, then I burned one disk and installed it, things were ok, then went bad later, reinstalled it again with a new burned disk since I could not find the other and have more problems [20:03] Alonea: Do you know the Slack DVD is a good burn? Have you tried it on another computer? === Thecks_ is now known as Thecks [20:03] BluesKaj: yeah, I thought so...and there is no way I can afford a new drive. replacement one is 200 dollars. [20:03] ktorrent,konq browser sometimes [20:03] MGrunde: yes. the slack dvd is a good burn. and I just tried 3 more dvds of random stuff and none will read. [20:03] A replacement DVD drive? They definitely should not cost that much. [20:03] MGrunde: its a laptop. [20:04] Make and model? [20:04] Alonea, 200bucks for a dvddrive ?? [20:04] oh crap [20:05] BluesKaj: yeah..its nuts. and I don't know if there are any alternatives? [20:05] MGrunde: of the dvd drive or laptop? laptop is hp pav. dv8113cl [20:05] BluesKaj: I thought they made this stuff proprietary to the company. [20:06] Alonea, dunno much about laptops [20:09] MGrunde: ok, the model number is GWA-4082N for the dvd drive. drive is made by hp of course. can I even get a different companies dvd drive? [20:09] Alonea: Definitely, I'm searching ebay now. [20:10] BluesKaj: its alright. I just find it bs its so much money for parts. they wanted me to spend 400 bucks to send it in to fix heat problems, which I fixed by paying 10 bucks for good thermal paste. [20:10] MGrunde: thanks! are laptop drives standard? maybe newegg? [20:11] Alonea: Unfortunately, they're usually not, I tried Newegg first, there was only a really expensive panasonic drive. [20:12] MGrunde: figures. they only seem to make ram and hdds standard. [20:12] http://tinyurl.com/2drt8k [20:14] Hmm.. if i need to add a user to the fuse group - whats the proper command line command to do that? I forget. :( [20:14] MGrunde: *smooch* [20:14] i always cheat and edit the group file - which i know is a bad idea [20:14] hey Dr_Willis [20:15] KUNT? [20:15] Howdies [20:15] having a little problem here [20:15] cunt? [20:15] cunt? [20:15] Alonea: I know it's still a bit expensive, but definitely better than $200 [20:15] cunt [20:15] cunt [20:15] cunt [20:15] cunt [20:15] cunt [20:15] cunt [20:15] cunt [20:15] cunt [20:15] cunt [20:15] remember that issue I was haivng last night, about the KDE being uninstalled? [20:15] cunt [20:15] cunt [20:15] cunt [20:15] cunt [20:15] cunty? [20:16] cunt [20:16] will somebody plz kickban that dipshit? [20:16] cunt [20:16] !ops [20:16] Help! Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, jussi01 or ardchoille! [20:16] cunt [20:16] cunt [20:16] damn [20:16] idiots [20:17] MGrunde: at least thats reasonable. [20:18] hi all [20:18] my ALT+F4 doesnt close the window :ssss any ideas? [20:18] i checked in compiz settings, its set to alt+f4 but it doesnt work [20:20] well my xwindows won't start at all [20:21] Mornin' all. [20:21] Morning terran [20:21] MGrunde: well, that you again. I have never used ebay before. it baffles me. ^^ [20:21] *thank [20:21] I'm guessing it's the xorg.conf file [20:22] Alonea: Haha. After the first time it's easy. The first time can be a bit confusing, but I'm sure you can figure it out. If you need help, just ask. [20:22] jalbert: what error is in /var/log/Xorg.0.log? [20:22] dunno [20:22] jalbert: Can you pastbin your xorg.conf [20:22] jalbert: well.... check for something starting with EE in the log [20:23] well... I'll have to reboot to do that [20:23] oh wait.. no I can't pastebin anything [20:23] wait, why do you have to reboot? [20:23] MGrunde: well, apparently I successfully bout it. ^_^. well, I gotta jet. bye everyone! [20:23] I'm in Windows now so I can IRC [20:23] Alonea: Bye! [20:23] Alonea: cheers. [20:23] oh [20:23] later Alonea [20:23] yeah [20:24] jalbert: do you have something to let you read the linux file system in windows? [20:24] last night I tried installing openmovieeditor from source [20:24] what can I use to do that> [20:24] ? [20:24] I have cygwin on this machine [20:25] anyway, like I was saying, last night I tried installing openmovieeditor from source [20:25] there were a lot of unmet dependencies [20:25] so I used adept package manager to find & install those [20:26] http://www.fs-driver.org/ << this is a file system driver for windows to add support for reading and writing to ext2 and ext3 partitions [20:26] at one point I was installing MESA [20:26] the open-gl clone [20:26] and when I started updating, adept began removing all files associated with kde [20:27] so I quite adept and reinstalled the kde desktop [20:27] later that night I had to reboot, and when I did, xwindows would not come up at all [20:28] ok so let me download this fs-driver thingy [20:28] jalbert: I have no idea how good it is.... [20:28] >_> [20:29] I use that tool under windows allthe time. [20:29] if windows crashes.. however.. it can leve the ext2 fs marked as mounted uncleanly. and linux will want to fsck it. [20:30] ok here goes [20:31] ok I can see my / directory [20:31] * Dr_willis is not sure what jalbert is doing this time.. :) [20:31] I just explained it [20:31] jalbert: check the x log then for any (EE) [20:32] also, pastebin your xorg.conf file :P [20:32] remember last night, when I was trying to install tht video editing software? [20:32] x log? [20:32] You can chexk the X logs and so forth - from the recovery mode. [20:32] /var/log/Xorg.0.log [20:32] given all the hassles youve had with that one program. :) you could of upgraded to gutsy and installed it from the repos by now. [20:32] no I couldn't [20:33] for some reason I can't upgrade [20:33] I keep getting some error [20:33] anyways [20:33] Dr_willis: he's running windows on the same computer so he can talk to us on IRC about the problem [20:33] ok, what's the url for pastebin again? [20:34] pastebin.ca i think is the one always use [20:35] etc/x11/xorg.conf: http://www.pastebin.ca/844256 [20:38] hello? [20:38] jalbert: what about the log? [20:38] here's my /var/log/Xorg.0.log: http://www.pastebin.ca/844261 [20:38] How do I find out what linux calls a usb-serial converter I just plugged in? What do I make a link to in /dev? [20:38] ok brb getting coffee [20:39] jalbert: looks like your nvidia driver got uninstalled [20:39] no way [20:39] line 273: # [20:39] (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0) [20:39] aaah [20:40] tekstacy, check dmesg after you plug it in [20:40] tekstacy, it might tell you [20:40] you know, that driver sucks anyway [20:40] hello [20:40] my laptop screen is 900 x 1400 [20:41] and it can only do like 1024-768 [20:41] is there any way to get the proper desktop resolution? [20:41] Dr_willis, thanks! [20:42] I guess I have to reinstall my graphics driver from the shell [20:42] jalbert: you should add "1400x900" to line 147 infront of "1024x768" [20:43] that will do it? [20:43] I think so [20:44] seeems to me I tried that once, but I'll give it a shot [20:45] you can change the driver to vesa if you want some graphics [20:45] does thunar work as file manager for kubuntu? [20:45] I wonder if I can get a shell from within Windows that will allow me to install the driver without rebooting [20:45] that way I could stay in contact with you guys while I do it [20:46] you won't have any 3d acceleration, but it will get you some simple 2d [20:46] with the vesa driver? [20:46] yeah [20:46] wit the nvidia driver I do get 3d acceleration [20:46] yeah... [20:46] but your nvidia driver doesn't work right now [20:47] right [20:47] does thunar work as file manager for kubuntu in konqueror's place? [20:47] is there a way to install the driver from within Windows? [20:47] you can use Dolphin as a file manager too [20:47] jalbert: don't think so [20:48] so from the shell, I use apt? [20:48] jalbert: the vesa driver is already installed [20:48] anyone? [20:48] ok what do I have to change in the xorg.conf file? [20:48] c'mon, it's a simple question [20:49] just change line 115 to say vesa instead of nvidia, and you'll have basic 2d [20:49] x_zeuss: you can use dolphin [20:49] I have a problem w/ adept manager [20:49] i install a program and depmod runs then fails and the program install [20:50] Gargoyle76: and adept claims that someone else is using the database? [20:50] jalbert: i don't really like dolphin and either konqueror [20:50] no [20:50] tonight i tried to play a few mp3's using amarok, and amarok informed me that it could not play mp3's, and asked if i wanted to download mp3 support. i clicked 'yes' but nothing happened. i had been able to play mp3's with amarok in the past. any suggestions? [20:50] I thought that i had left it open but no [20:51] jalbert: so do u know if thunar will work good or if i will have problems with it? [20:51] it spits out an error about "linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic" [20:51] I have never used zunar [20:51] though I have used Dolphin [20:51] Gargoyle76: what's the error? [20:52] it has 7 lines I might get booted [20:52] Running depmod. === matej is now known as jernejovc [20:52] then put it to postbin [20:52] Failed to run depmod [20:52] dpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic (--configure): [20:52] subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 [20:52] Errors were encountered while processing: [20:52] linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic [20:52] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [20:52] what's postbin? [20:53] er...pastebin [20:53] pastebin [20:53] ah [20:53] www.pastebin.ca [20:53] you paste the text in there and it spits out a url [20:53] like tinyurl [20:53] ah...cool [20:53] and anbody can click that url and read what you pasted in there [20:53] without flooding the channel [20:54] ok I'm'a reboot now [20:54] wish me luck [20:54] ok...I posted above the error [20:54] * NightBird wishes jalbert luck. se you on the flip side [20:54] Gargoyle76: then you would paste the link to in here [20:55] but we saw the issue anyways... [20:55] if I come back in here swearing and all pissed off, you'll know I fucked something up [20:55] brb... [20:55] jalbert: keep the swearing to a minimum please :P [20:55] oh sorry [20:55] where do i find the restricted device manager in kubuntu so that i can enable the graphics card? [20:55] http://www.pastebin.ca/844288 [20:55] did it work? [20:56] that's cool [20:56] tonight i tried to play a few mp3's using amarok, and amarok informed me that it could not play mp3's, and asked if i wanted to download mp3 support. i clicked 'yes' but nothing happened. i had been able to play mp3's with amarok in the past. any suggestions? [20:56] x_zeuss: restricted-manager [20:56] any thoughts? [20:56] x_zeuss: from a terminal [20:56] Gargoyle76: yeap... what happens if you run dpkg --configure -a from a terminal? [20:56] that [20:57] MGrunde: and without the terminal? a menu entry? [20:57] x_zeuss: I think there used to be one in System Settings, but I can't seem to find it now. [20:57] x_zeuss: the drivers can be found under the Add/Remove programs entry [20:57] 10x [20:57] if you hit the unsupported and proprietary software check boxes [20:58] jmichaelx: sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg [20:58] !mp3 | jmichaelx [20:58] jmichaelx: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [20:58] http://www.pastebin.ca/844292 [20:58] OK I made it back OK [20:58] thanks everyone [20:59] only thing is, I am still stuck in the low-res desktop [20:59] jalbert: that and you're running the vesa driver I'm guessing? [21:00] Nightbird> I updated this url what happens running what you suggested http://www.pastebin.ca/844292 [21:00] I'm pretty sure I am, yes [21:00] ty MGrunde [21:00] where can i disable that bouncing cursor? [21:00] so I want to upgrade to the nvidia driver if possible [21:00] and get to a 1440x900 resolution [21:01] jalbert: yeah, install the nvidia driver... [21:01] sudo apt-get install nvidia? [21:02] jalbert: not sure [21:02] MGrunde: it is telling me that libxine1-ffmpeg is already the newest version [21:02] jalbert: use the restricted manager [21:02] did you see that post, NightBird? [21:02] jmichaelx: Can you check to make sure amarok is set to use xine? [21:02] Gargoyle76: I did, and I have no idea what's wrong with it, sorry :/ [21:02] thx [21:02] anywho [21:02] maybe someone else in here can help you though [21:03] i hope so [21:03] jmichaelx: Settings - configure - engine [21:03] MGrunde: xine is the only engine i have installed [21:03] I've got a silly question, how does one resize plasmoids? [21:03] the settings manager won't let me set the graphics display res higher than 1024x768 [21:04] Can anyone help with this error??? http://www.pastebin.ca/844292 [21:04] maybe I have to edit those other lines in xorg.conf to reflect the 1440x900 resolution? [21:04] Hi [21:04] jmichaelx: Can you close Amarok, open it, then try to play an MP3 again? [21:04] Ni Nyb === Gunirus_ is now known as Gunirus [21:05] As deal beside you [21:05] & [21:05] ? [21:05] aw hell I lost compiz-fusion also [21:05] jalbert: you may be able to delete the lines saying what resolutions are available, and the X server will ask the video card what resolutions are available and pick the best one... at least, that's how it should work... you can also add the option you want to the list as well [21:05] im nto getting any ouput from te other video card [21:05] MGrunde: i have tried that several time, and have even rebooted several times [21:06] there are several lines in xorg.conf that have lists of screen resolutions [21:06] !mp3 [21:06] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [21:06] !nvidia [21:06] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [21:07] jalbert: use the one where the depth is 24 [21:07] jalbert: or add it to all of them, but the one with the depth of 24 should be the one you need to change [21:07] MGrunde: ty, although something has gone wrong here. mp3's used to play just fine. i don't think those docs are going to help much, but i'll take a look [21:07] I have another issue [21:08] jmichaelx: That was mainly for me, I wanted to see if I missed anything, [21:08] jmichaelx: Can you install kubuntu-restricted-extras [21:08] i gogt it [21:08] my wireless card no longer works...it seems the driver is gone [21:08] Gargoyle76: What type of wireless card? [21:08] MGrunde: oh sorry... yes, i'll try that [21:09] 02:04.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR2413 802.11bg NIC (rev 01) [21:09] it used to work [21:09] MGrunde: kubuntu-restricted-extrsa is also already the newest version [21:10] Gargoyle76: Does the device appear in ifconfig -a [21:10] hold one [21:10] no [21:10] jmichaelx: Can you play mp3s in totem? [21:11] how do i add modes to xorg.conf for resolutions? [21:11] just in lspci [21:11] hmmm I don't see a "Restricted Drivers" button in the System Settings dialog [21:11] I just moved my Kubuntu install from one box to another. However, my old box's ethernet card was eth0. In my new box, the internet connection is eth1. I know it's a udev rule that does this, where does Ubuntu configure them? [21:11] jalbert: Just run "resticted-manager" from a terminal [21:11] MGrunde: i don't have totem installed [21:11] Gargoyle76: Can you check in restricted-manager if the drivers are installed? [21:12] hold one [21:12] jmichaelx: Any other alternate media players? [21:12] MGrunde: yes, i just tried xmms, and it worked [21:13] is it in sys settings? [21:13] once I've edited the xorg.conf file, how can I save it? I don't have root access [21:13] Gargoyle76: It should be, if it's not run "restricted-manager" in a terminal [21:14] do I save it to the Desktop, then movie it via the shell? [21:14] *move* it [21:14] jalbert: That would work, but it'd be easier to edit it under sudo. [21:14] hold one...I think I found it and need to reboot..brb [21:15] jmichaelx: Try sudo dpkg-reconfigure amarok [21:15] so navigate to the /etc/x11/ dir, then sudo kate xorg.conf, then edit and save it? [21:15] MGrunde: ok, ty, i'll try it [21:15] jalbert: If you want to use kate, use kdesu, so "kdesu /etc/X11/xorg.conf" [21:16] jmichaelx: Erm "kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf" [21:16] Always try to use kdesu if you're opening a GUI app. [21:16] kdesu is the proper command for running a kde app as root? [21:16] ok ok thx [21:16] If it's a console app, just sudo is fine. [21:16] ok [21:17] in the run command box, yes jalbert [21:17] kdesu that is [21:18] actually there are those who are promoting the kdesudo command in both the konsole and the 'run command ' [21:18] MGrunde: still no go, this is really weird [21:19] now I have to ctrl-alt-bksp to restart x, correct? [21:19] hi. Do somebody know, if the ubuntu mobile and embedded version is still in development or already available? [21:20] i changed the resolution in xorg.conf but the screen is still 640x480 [21:20] any idea? [21:20] jmichaelx: Erm, how about sudo apt-get remove amarok, then sudo apt-get install amarok [21:20] jalbert: Yes [21:20] mrdigital: Can you pastebin your xorg.conf? [21:20] yeah === luna is now known as Gusanita [21:21] MGrunde, I think that will remove kubuntu-desktop [21:21] BluesKaj: Really? Doesn't seem to for me. I'm on Hardy though. [21:21] jmichaelx: If it asks to remove anything more than amarok and amarok-xine, say no. [21:23] MGrunde: ok, i removed amarok and re-installed it, but it still will not play mp3's... [21:23] MGrunde, yeah , synaptic weill remove amarok-xine only ...that's good :) [21:23] i bet i wind up having to re-install [21:23] amarok needs xine, no? === gryc_ is now known as gryc [21:24] !ntfs-3g [21:24] ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions [21:24] jmichaelx: Okay wait, now sudo apt-get install amarok-xine libxine-ffmpeg1 [21:24] MGrunde, how's hardy treating you so far ? [21:25] BluesKaj: Well, there was a pretty bad bug with kdesudo in Alpha 1, but it seems to have been sorted out. Now I feel like I'm running a stable version with lots of updates every day. [21:25] idk i guess its working? [21:26] MGrunde, what kind of install did you do ? [21:26] BluesKaj: Clean alternate x64 [21:26] mrdigital: It's working? [21:27] MGrunde: i tried that, but still not working [21:27] does any know of any video convirters for kde === divan_ is now known as divansantana [21:28] MGrunde: i appreciate the help, but i am afraid i may wind up having to re-intall kubuntu, which sucks [21:29] MGrunde: the xorg.conf says something different but itse in 1280x1025 [21:29] MGrunde: i also need to get to bed.... thanks again for your help [21:29] 1280x1024 [21:29] jmichaelx: Good luck, sorry it didn't work out. I have no idea what's wrong now. [21:30] mrdigital: Well, maybe that's all your monitor or video card supports? [21:39] I put Windows 2000 on my old hard drive, and am trying to move some files from my Linux drive to my Windows drive [21:40] anyone have any experience dealing with this [21:40] !ntfs [21:40] To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE [21:41] !Hardy [21:41] Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [21:42] BluesKaj: it looks like its coming along nicely. [21:42] (tested alpha 2( [21:43] pacman: I used to use http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsd for things like that. [21:46] goodnight [21:48] nosrednaekim, I understand that the flashplugin is still broken in hardy 64 bit [21:49] BluesKaj: I can't use flash anyway... so I don't know. [21:49] altho there's a fix that can cause other probs with ia-32libs...that's the chatter in ubuntu+1 [21:50] 32 bit chroot? [21:51] dunno [21:52] nosrednaekim: I do not think you need 32bit chroot [21:52] downgrading ia32-libs should do it, working on it now. [21:52] not really a solution for hardy, though. [21:52] If the source package weren't friggin 500 MB... [21:53] Haha === dennis_ is now known as AeternoS [22:01] !samba [22:01] Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [22:01] was trying to DL hardy but the source must be quite busy , the speed is real slow [22:02] both torrent and http [22:08] is qtparted safe at shrinking ext3 partitions [22:08] The kubuntu startup has some parts where it actually tells me what it is doing, and a part where it's just a logo and a progress bar. What actually takes place during that progress bar phase? [22:09] articpenguin3800: yes [22:09] alexbobp: booting up the kernel, mounting filesystems, networking, etc [22:09] I prefer gparted since qtparted is ugly, but it works just as well. [22:10] jpatrick: if it hangs at the progress bar, could it be a problem with the usb port my network card is connected to? [22:10] alexbobp: could be [22:10] it happened after changing video cards, but I also think I moved some usb devices, and some of the ports are down [22:10] could it be from the video card? [22:11] alexbobp: if you do not want the splash open /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove the "splash" from the kernel line [22:11] thanks, I'll do that. [22:12] alexbobp: or you can just do "ctrl+alt+f1" to get rid of the splash [22:13] I also saw "quiet" in there, what does that do? [22:13] alexbobp: keeps out the debug [22:13] could i break my gutsy install if i install kubuntu hardy into an empty partition [22:13] I'll get rid of that too. === u^A is now known as u^A_ [22:14] articpenguin3800: no [22:14] alexbobp: basically what you get with "dmesg" [22:14] as long as you don't use an important in-use partition as / or /boot or something [22:15] jpatrick: never mind, I don't think I want to take out quiet now. [22:15] that's a lot. [22:17] do i report kubuntu bugs to launchpad or kde [22:18] articpenguin3800: launchpad - kubuntu specific, or kde bts === alef is now known as alef_ === alef_ is now known as alef__ === alef__ is now known as alef85 [22:46] Is there a way to change my resolution to 1920x1080 instantly? Having hard time editing xorg cause left side is cut off. [22:46] Is there a way to change my resolution to 1920x1080 instantly? Having hard time editing xorg cause left side is cut off. [22:46] sorry [22:46] sarah: restart X session [22:46] hey can some one help me change my login screen im haing massive problems getting a theme to work [22:47] hola: thanks === neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde [22:54] how do i change the login screen [22:55] annonymous1, system settings/advanced/login manager/admin mode [22:57] i dont have a login manager [22:57] hang on i do [22:57] sorry [22:58] does anybody knows the SAP Logon PAD? [22:59] BluesKaj im in that window but dont see where to change things [22:59] annonymous1: you mean from KDM to GDM or so [23:01] ciao a tutti [23:01] Tm_t: i have downloaded a theme that has a file theme.rc and a couple of png's numbered 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 i think this is a loging screen [23:01] but i dont know how to install it [23:02] annonymous1: you use install thingy in there where BluesKaj said to install that package [23:02] i dont see where it is [23:02] mh [23:02] annonymous1: resize window [23:02] wheres that? [23:02] hello everyone. [23:03] i have tabs appearance font background shutdown users convenience [23:03] annonymous1, click on the K logo ,it should open other options [23:03] no itdoesnt do anythin [23:03] in admin mode ? [23:03] yes [23:03] :( [23:03] can someone please explain how i can map my Windows key in Gutsy? [23:04] everything is greyed out [23:05] i click on administrator mode and nothing happens either [23:07] hey sorry rebooted to see if made a different [23:07] ce [23:07] when i go into administrator mode it doesnt prompt for a password of anything [23:08] can anyone help [23:09] does login require a password ? [23:11] annonymouse: If you want to change the login screen, you'll have to install kdmtheme with "sudo apt-get install kdmtheme". once kdmtheme is installed, go to system settings > Appearance > KDM theme manager and click the "Administrator mode" button. [23:13] this time around it asked for my password i put it in and nothings happened still all greyed out [23:14] annonymouse: If you want to change the login screen, you'll have to install kdmtheme with "sudo apt-get install kdmtheme". once kdmtheme is installed, go to system settings > Appearance > KDM theme manager and click the "Administrator mode" button [23:15] does anybody have experience with building nvclock from cvs with gutsy for the 8800gt 169.07 gpu fan? [23:16] thanks trying it now [23:16] I just re-installed kubuntu 7.10, after installing firefox i downloaded and installed flash from the adobe website. IT works in firefox, konquero seems to recognise that the plugin is installed however when ever i try to watch anything flash based all is see is a grey patch on the screen wnd if i re-load the page kde crash handler comes up and says that nspluginviewer has crashed signal 11 (SIGSEGV) i used the .tar.gz form adobe [23:16] and ran the installer script. The ubuntu forms seem to be full of posts by people saying the have the same problem but i havn't found any real solution. [23:16] BluesKaj still all greyed out [23:17] does any one know of a solution? === basti is now known as basti|off [23:17] !flash [23:17] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [23:17] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [23:19] ok, thanks! [23:21] !kdmtheme [23:21] Sorry, I don't know anything about kdmtheme - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [23:21] !info kdmtheme [23:21] kdmtheme: theme manager for KDM. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 47 kB, installed size 200 kB [23:22] ardchoille, it's not allowing me to open the kdmtheme manager in admin mode either :( === ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever [23:22] me either BluesKaj [23:22] i enter my password and it makes no difference [23:23] BluesKaj: Hmm.. I;ve never seen that problem. Not sure what to recommend :( [23:23] it doesn't give me the pw option [23:24] BluesKaj: Restarting kdm wouldn't happen to be a requirement in order to use kdmtheme would it? [23:24] I'm not worried, not trying to change it anyway [23:24] i am lol [23:24] dunno annonymouse , try it [23:24] BluesKaj how [23:25] ive rebooted 3 times [23:25] annonymouse: Since installing kdmtheme? [23:25] yes [23:25] Ok, then it isn't a requirement. Weird. [23:26] it asks for my password then doesnt make a difference so i reboot then it will ask for my password the first time around again but its like it doesnt like my password but im sure 100% its the right one as its the one i login as [23:28] annonymouse: You can always launch system settings as admin but be careful with it: kdesu systemsettings [23:28] whats kdesu ? [23:28] !kdesu [23:28] In KDE, use « kdesudo » (Gutsy) or « kdesu » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [23:28] hey guys - has annyone had trouble with hamachi? i type hamachi into a terminal and it just displays a new line and thats it [23:30] running that commend gives me a dcop communications error "there was an error setting up inter process communications for kde the message returned by system was: [23:30] authentication rejected reason none of the authentications protocols specified are supported and host based authentication failed [23:30] join #china [23:31] nd now when i add it in says its not valid ahhh [23:31] dustin, /join #china [23:32] * annonymouse bangs head against a wall [23:33] pls some one tell me what im doing wrong this is so frustrating [23:35] hi [23:35] can some one tell me how to change the login screen [23:38] annonymouse: From what you have stated about the authentication process, the problem is that you are unable to authenticate. I feel you should focus efforts on resolving that first. The locin screen can be changed from the kdm theme ui once your authentication problem is resolved. I don't know how to fix this for you but I thought it best to try to point you in the right direction. === kozz_ is now known as kozz [23:40] jabber [23:41] !jabber [23:41] jabber is a free and open source instant messaging protocol, unlike MSN and AIM. Supporting clients on Linux: Kopete (KDE), Gaim (GNOME). For more info see http://www.jabber.org [23:41] yup, good point ardchoille , there will be more probs if authentication isn't fixed first [23:42] ardchoille its now letting me add themes but every theme i try to add from kde-look.org its telling me its in valid? [23:43] annonymouse: That could be due to a bad theme/packaging, it happens sometimes. Which themes are you trying to add? [23:43] any! [23:43] lol [23:43] !fdisk [23:43] Sorry, I don't know anything about fdisk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [23:44] http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/The+Light+%28new+version%29?content=64118 [23:44] this one [23:44] annonymouse: The Light for Kubuntu? [23:44] yah === brbaldwin is now known as numpy [23:45] id quite like to cry at this point [23:47] annonymouse: Don't feel bad, I downloaded that theme and it's an empty .tar file, not your fault, there's nothing to install. [23:47] mines not empty it has stuff inside it for me [23:47] annonymouse: Ok, I downloaded it with firefox because konq threw an error saying the file didn't exist [23:47] hey guys [23:47] it was the 3rd one i tried [23:48] annonymouse: The third download link? [23:48] no 3 seperate themes i tried all not working [23:49] annonymouse: All by the same author (abxxx)? Sometimes errors in packaging the theme will cause problems. [23:49] no different [23:49] http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Alien+userlist+1440+x+900+V.2.0?content=64125 [23:49] annonymouse: Can you give me another theme url that you have tried? [23:49] its me doing something wrong im sure of it [23:50] annonymouse: Stay positive, I'll do what I can to help :) [23:50] thanks really appreciate it eveyrthings gone wrong today since i got up and really debating going back to gnome [23:51] can i get some help i try to install .deb files and it says error: dependency is not satisfiable: libboost-date-time1.34.1 [23:51] ? [23:52] comodo: You are lacking files that are needed by that app (known as dependencies). What are you trying to install? [23:52] deluge-torrent [23:52] i downloaded it strait from the site like .deb file [23:53] comodo: Are you running Gutsy? [23:53] no i'm running feisty [23:53] umm its mint? i believe its feisty [23:53] comodo: You're using linuxmint? [23:54] yes [23:54] comodo: We don't support linuxmint here, it's a different distro, join #linuxmint [23:55] will i see a speed boost if i add go from 1GB of ram to 2GB ram [23:55] ok sorry [23:55] articpenguin3800, when running multiple applications or doing operations that require a lot of RAM, sure. [23:56] will the unused ram be used for sumthing [23:56] cache [23:57] how can you enable kdmtheme manager? [23:57] i do know adding another gig of ram will help with kubuntu hardy [23:57] more ram can only be a good thing :p [23:58] annonymouse: Did you notice the "How to download" instructions for that kdm theme you were having trouble with? [23:58] can't hurt performance [23:58] generally speaking, adding more RAM isn't going to negatively impact anything. [23:58] Override files found, selected theme will not have effect. [23:58] Please see /usr/share/doc/kdm/README.Debian for more informations [23:58] it really depends on $arch and kernel configuration. [23:58] bk [23:58] still no different [23:58] how can i enable to use kdm themes? [23:59] annonymous1: Did you notice the "How to download" instructions for that kdm theme you were having trouble with? That may be the problem. [23:59] i run kubuntu hardy in virual box so it will help my real gutsy kubuntu run better === BluesKaj is now known as blueskajgone [23:59] no didnt