
nenolodarmin76, he better go over to #launchpad then00:30
nenolod</bad pun>00:30
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VolansHi asac, I have a question about licenses for firefox addons, can you grant me 5 minutes of your time?11:50
armin76[reed]: ping12:43
armin76[reed]: the problem is that when using libxul, chrome/en-US.jar of firefox is missing some files in locale/en-US/global12:44
armin76well, thing is it's missing in chrome/en-US.manifest the locale/en-US/global dir12:45
armin76and if you add that dir to the manifest, it wants some other files as well12:45
armin76so i wonder wtf it strips out those files :/12:46
armin76http://rafb.net/p/xtjw7y66.html <- problem seems to be there12:50
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=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
Ubulettearmin76, do you see mozilla bug 40516418:59
ubotuMozilla bug 405164 in Preferences "about:config infinite loops in jsviewOverlay.js" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40516418:59
Ubulettearmin76: Bus error <= i'm not sure we have your patch19:05
armin76obviously you don't :P19:25
armin76let me see if i can reproduce that19:26
armin76nope, works fine19:28
armin76on ia6419:28
[reed]armin76: hmm, we need to figure that out19:36
[reed]that's bad19:36
[reed]mozilla bug 411030 :(19:37
ubotuMozilla bug 411030 in Widget: Gtk "GTK moz_drawingarea leak" [Major,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41103019:37
armin76[reed]: yeah, i was looking where it decides to drop those files and why19:37
[reed]armin76: if you think it's a Mozilla problem and not just a Ubuntu-is-doing-something-stupid problem, please file a bug and requesting blocking19:38
armin76i don't use ubuntu :P19:38
armin76and i can reproduce the problem, so yes, its your fault!19:38
[reed]ok, file a bug19:39
[reed]do Firefox :: Build Config for now?19:39
[reed]may get moved19:40
[reed]request blocking-firefox3?19:40
[reed]and cc benjamin@smedbergs.us19:40
[reed]and me reed@reedloden.com19:40
armin76sure, i will in a sec19:40
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
armin76[reed]: mozilla bug 41103719:59
ubotuMozilla bug 411037 in Build Config "SSL error page when built using libxul doesn't have the two buttons for get me out of here/add exception" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41103719:59
armin76Ubulette: ^^^19:59
Ubuletteexcellent, thx20:00
Ubulettehmm, seems python/dom has been fixed.20:02
[reed]armin76: LOL20:05
[reed]<caillon> reed, DUDE, THERE ARE BUTTONS????20:05
[reed]so, redhat is having the same problem20:06
* [reed] laughs20:06
armin76that's what happens when ppl only use one thing :P20:07
armin76if they used the binaries from mozilla they would have noticed20:07
armin76poke suse :P20:18
Mirvasac: is the ubufox development on a pause, or do you have eg. some local changes yourself? I'm just wondering about the i18n support20:48
Mirv(as usual)20:48
nenolod[reed], mozilla bug 411030 is simple, it's just that moz_drawingarea destructor is not being called when nsWindow::Destroy is.22:16
ubotuMozilla bug 411030 in Widget: Gtk "GTK moz_drawingarea leak" [Major,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41103022:16
dsasshould the mozilla team be subscribed to prism bugs?22:34
nenolod[reed], if i have time, i'll try to fix that one22:35
dsasok, I've subscribed the team manually to the bug 180879 I filed.22:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 180879 in prism "Desktop categories may need changing" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18087922:36
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Ubulettedsas, looks good but my update-apps.sh script will erase your changes next time it is run. I need to patch it to be a bit smarter. and btw, i plan to move all webapps to a dedicated package called prism-webapps22:42
dsasso there'll be a prism source package and a prism-webapps source package?22:43
Ubuletteprism will only contain the engine22:44
dsasok, that makes sense22:44
Ubuletteprism-webapps is in my ppa, i'm still working on it22:44
Ubuletteand i'm upstream for this one22:45
Ubulettemaybe it could be cross distro22:45

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