
iN00DLEis the only preference settings for the app Gimmie via gconf-editor or am I missing something?00:25
WorkingOnWis1anyone useis anyone running Hardy AMD64 and successfully using Acrobat Reader from the Mediubuntu repo?00:38
iN00DLEmedibuntu supports hardy?00:40
iN00DLEyou have the triple barrel of death going, unstable linux + 64 bit + non-official repo...00:41
yodaisn't acrobat reader proprietary too?00:43
WorkingOnWis1iN00DLE: lol....and still its better than my previous OS...00:43
iN00DLEI am gonna guess WorkingOnWis1 likes bleeding edge00:44
WorkingOnWis1me? a little....it all started when my nephew shwed off vitas flip 3d00:45
WorkingOnWis1i had to show up the little brat!  :D00:45
WorkingOnWis1compiz-fusion did it...00:45
WorkingOnWis1and then awm did it again00:45
WorkingOnWis1and then screenlets did it again...00:46
superracer21xneed help00:46
WorkingOnWis1and then theres the fact that I have 2.4GB of ram, 900MB in use....and 32MB swaped...00:47
WorkingOnWis1hehe..yeah...i like blood00:47
superracer21xneed help00:48
yodasuperracer21x - professional help or help with hardy?00:48
yoda... then you've come to the wrong place00:49
superracer21xso u can help me00:49
WorkingOnWis1my psychiatrist is good..  >:)00:49
yodasuper - if you ask a question, probably not - but I'd ask anyway just in case00:49
superracer21xi need help with linux00:49
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:49
iN00DLEare you using hardy heron superracer21x00:49
iN00DLEthe fact you said you need help with linux sends up flags that if you are using hardy maybe you shouldn't00:50
yodalol iN00DLE, so true.00:50
yodaexcept, not "maybe"00:50
yodadefinately not.00:51
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superracer21xim trieng to install this program i donloaded from the internet but every time i try to i get and error saying i can only have one manger running at the time and its not the program cause i trid on different programs also00:51
superracer21xwhat do i do00:51
iN00DLEwhat distribution are you using superracer21x ?00:51
yodawhat version?00:52
iN00DLEwhat version?00:52
superracer21xnewest 7.10 i think00:52
yodayou need #ubuntu00:52
yodathis is for 8.0400:52
iN00DLEman yoda you are really good00:52
iN00DLEnow I have to figure out why emerald just crashed...00:53
yodaI don't even have my own GUI atm! i'm borrowing my sister's :P she's running gutsy00:53
iN00DLEthe fact your sis is on linux is scary, she might just take over the world00:53
yodalol, it's my fault she is00:54
yodaand she's always bitching about it :( despite the problems she's having being nothing compared to what she had in windows00:54
WorkingOnWis1has anyone here used irqbalance?00:54
yodashe lost her entire hard disk 3 times, she lost the display drivers 15 times and she never got the resolution above 640x480 in windows00:54
yodaI kept telling her not to use peer-peer network clients like Kazaa...00:55
yodaoh you quit and rejoined00:56
yodayou missed all of that then00:56
WorkingOnWis1is there some way to use one wifi card for both an internet connection and an adhoc connection?00:56
iN00DLEI had to reset x, the emerald crash hosed me00:56
yodaWorkingOnWis1, not as far as I'm aware, unless the ad-hoc has a connection somewhere else00:57
yodabut that probably wouldn't be what you're describing00:57
WorkingOnWis1hmmm... is there such a thing as a wireless hub, that all the computers can connect to via wifi, and then either out to the internet, or just out to the LAN? Like in the old days or wired network connections?01:00
yodalike a wireless router?01:00
WorkingOnWis1wireless router connects to wireless hub.01:01
iN00DLEwireless hub aka hotspot?01:01
WorkingOnWis1is that what I'm looking for?01:01
iN00DLEwhat are you trying to do WorkingOnWis1 ?01:01
iN00DLEyou mean for your home use?01:01
WorkingOnWis1i have 5 wifi machines at home...all laptops01:02
iN00DLEthen you should only need a wireless router01:02
WorkingOnWis1i want them all networked, and to have internet access01:02
yodawireless router is the way01:02
iN00DLEunless you have a wired router and thus you want a wireless X?01:02
yodaor you could use a linux box, with a connection to the internet (eg cable modem) and a DHCPd running01:02
WorkingOnWis1i have never found a way to get anywhere but to the internet thru my router if i connect wireless01:03
iN00DLEwell you need a network setup then, if you want something like that either your main machine (where the wireless is connected) or01:04
iN00DLEdo what yoda is suggesting01:04
iN00DLEhave a home server setup to handle it all, with networked music directories and all the jingles01:04
WorkingOnWis1i'm an idiot01:04
WorkingOnWis1the last time i tried it...i was in windows01:04
WorkingOnWis1and we all know how silky smooth MS networking is...01:05
iN00DLEif you just want the laptops to blindly get to the internet, you only need the wireless router setup to network, etc.01:05
WorkingOnWis1I just went to Network in Nautilus01:05
WorkingOnWis1all the machines that are powered up are there.01:05
WorkingOnWis1in Windows...it didnt work as planed at all...01:06
WorkingOnWis1here it Just Works  )01:06
yodanever say Just Works01:06
yodait's like a curse01:06
iN00DLEI find the most problematic issues with windows home networking is that both windows and all the little disks that come with your other hardware for networking01:06
yodaif you say it, your plans will be afflicted with Murphy's Law01:06
iN00DLEtend to confuse the average home user01:06
WorkingOnWis1I killed the sob01:07
WorkingOnWis1iN00DLE: I have set up 500 node netware networks, 150 node unix networks, and 20 node appletalk networks...all with relatively little trouble....01:08
WorkingOnWis1then theres MS01:08
WorkingOnWis1ant their better ways01:08
WorkingOnWis1down the server....down all nodes....stert server....reboot switch...start all node...and pray01:09
iN00DLEhow was appletalk WorkingOnWis1 ?01:09
WorkingOnWis1iN00DLE: it was the mot painful of the 3 because I am soooo not farmilur with macs in general01:09
iN00DLEI bet it is worse when you try to have it play with other systems01:10
WorkingOnWis1it is, because I dont know the interface, the dialogs, the terminology...01:10
yodaworking with windows is like eating raw chicken, even if you succeed it's only a bad thing01:11
WorkingOnWis1but lol....i like that! so true!01:12
WorkingOnWis1I also like "Air conditioners and computers are a lot alike..."01:13
WorkingOnWis1 "they stop working well if u open Windows"01:13
yodathat is also very true01:14
iN00DLEwell adding to this OT whenever I use windows its like that rattle in your car you just can't locate01:14
iN00DLEyou know something is wrong, but finding it isn't easy01:14
iN00DLEand when using windows it feels like all my lugnuts are loose01:15
iN00DLEseriously, it just feels like it will collapse any minute01:15
WorkingOnWis1yeah...very un-nerving01:15
yodayeah it's true01:16
yodamind you, I found a clean install of windows XP at my old workplace which actually ran stable... for the duration of my shift :P01:16
iN00DLEa fresh install of windows, once defragged (chuckle) is as stable as it will every be01:17
WorkingOnWis1I like XP best in a virtual machine where it cant do any damage01:17
iN00DLEthen it just goes to heck from there01:17
DannilionMy Windows XP is currently stable01:17
DannilionThat said, it was installed yesterday and has no Internet Explorer :p01:17
WorkingOnWis1Dannilion: hahaha01:18
iN00DLEwindows only really blows the more you use it and install/uninstall01:18
WorkingOnWis1strip all the junk from it and the dang thing is as fast and stable as Ubuntu!01:18
DannilionI have the programs I need installed now, and striped loads from it (as well as IE)01:18
iN00DLEI think they call that version DOS, WorkingOnWis101:18
yodayeah, but nowhere near as usable01:18
DannilionIt's perfectly usable for what I want01:19
iN00DLEI just need a new computer, being a gamer this old junk I have can't handle wine enabled gaming01:19
WorkingOnWis1iN00DLE: lol  yeah! I have DOS 6.22 on a vm just so can remember the days when MS had stable code!01:19
iN00DLEwow WorkingOnWis101:19
yodaMS still has stable code, it's just dead now01:20
iN00DLEonce upon a time Windows was simply a GUI for DOS01:20
DannilionFirefox and Thunderbird for internet stuffs, Second Life, The Sims 2 and Windows Live Messenger. The firewall is the hardware one built into my motherboard, and Avast! for antivirus01:20
DannilionI remember that, iN00DLE. Started with Windows 3.1101:20
DarkMageZhey. no need for your fud against windows. windows is stable if you have a clue.01:20
Dannilionhad to exit Windows to play games :D01:20
yodaI started on windows 3.2 I think01:20
WorkingOnWis1iN00DLE: until WinNT, all Windows (3.11, 95, 98, ME) were all GUI's on top of DOS01:20
WorkingOnWis1DOS 7.0 was what Win98 ran on top of01:21
DannilionIn XP there's still some DOS there, hanging on...01:21
yodajust because you can make an OS stable, doesn't make the OS stable... it has to be stable out of the box01:21
Dannilion(haven't tried Vista properly yet)01:21
yodaI can make hardy stable, it doesn't mean it should be used by every end-user right now... does it?01:21
WorkingOnWis1Dannilion: that is the proper way to try it01:21
iN00DLEvista sp1 already01:21
WorkingOnWis1it doesn't?  :)01:21
yodano, because it's not stable out of the box... that's kind of my point01:22
WorkingOnWis1iN00DLE: well, it has been almost a year....it's time I guess01:22
DarkMageZyoda, xp is stable after applying the updates. providing you don't mistreat it. i can't say the same for ubuntu...01:22
DannilionXP with SP2 is reasonably stable out of the box01:22
yodaDarkMageZ, show me a stable XP01:22
WorkingOnWis1DarkMageZ: you Ubuntu is unstable?01:22
DarkMageZWorkingOnWis1, i have problems with firefox & pidgin exploding.01:23
yodaanyway, I'm more interested in stability on a server platform... not a client platform, don't know about anyone else =\01:23
yodawindows XP is NOT a server platform01:23
WorkingOnWis1DarkMageZ: gutsy or hardy?01:23
iN00DLEthen that is your issue DarkMageZ , I have no issues with those01:23
iN00DLEI haven't had many with this "unstable" Ubuntu so far01:23
DarkMageZWorkingOnWis1, both.01:23
WorkingOnWis132 or 64 bit?01:24
DarkMageZWorkingOnWis1, 32bit.01:24
yodaby "explode"... what do you mean?01:24
yodaand have you debugged?01:24
iN00DLEWorkingOnWis1 isn't happy with just some off the shelf 32bit, he needs 64, unstable ubuntu and adobe to enjoy his experience fully01:25
DarkMageZyoda, crash. i've sent the apport reports from hardy to launchpad.01:25
yodalol iN00DLE01:25
WorkingOnWis1I must admit....ff and pidgin also are my problem children....but considering I am on Hardy, I can deal with it. pidgin has been very good since the last update however01:25
WorkingOnWis1iN00DLE: lol...yeah :)01:25
iN00DLEwhat version of FF WorkingOnWis1 ?01:25
DannilionI must admit I am happier with an unstable Ubuntu too... hence me having Hardy on my laptop01:26
Dannilionbeing an old Windows migrant I need something to fix :p01:26
iN00DLEgive 3.0 a try in hardy, or were you the one that was waiting til the add ons caught up?01:26
WorkingOnWis1iN00DLE: thats me01:26
iN00DLEahh, 3.0 seems pretty stable on hardy01:27
iN00DLEbut again I am only on 32bit01:27
WorkingOnWis1but I've heard so much good about f3 I may slit that too...a little more blood is kewl01:27
yodais 3.0 all it's cracked up to be?01:27
iN00DLEis it sooooooooo worth grabbing?  no01:27
DannilionFirefox 3.0 is cool on Gutsy, Hardy and on Windows XP :p01:27
WorkingOnWis1I keep hearing how great it's memory use is01:27
iN00DLEin the end it is just a browser01:27
bderrlyyoda, aside from having no plugins work for it yet, it works fine01:28
DannilionI've found it to be much faster01:28
yodaright, I'll give it a blast then01:28
iN00DLEI run all this on an old P3 866, so every bit of ease on CPU is nice, the fact hardy is even able to run on this box makes me happy01:28
WorkingOnWis1i dont have java or flash in ff2, so it may not mattr to me!01:28
ryanpghi all... is it to be expected that the latest fglrx doesn't build currently on hardy?01:28
ryanpghi Amaranth thanks01:29
Dannilionooh... time for updates on both computers01:30
WorkingOnWis1so none of u are using irqbalance?01:30
Dannilionnot here01:30
AmaranthWorkingOnWis1: why would you?01:30
WorkingOnWis1more bleeding edge...its supposed to better balance irq's between cpu's01:31
Amaranthi think it also wastes battery?01:31
bderrlydoes anyone have irq sharing issues anymore?01:31
ryanpgI certainly did01:31
bderrlyi thought those days were long gone01:31
ryanpgI couldn't get low latency audio performance without irqbalance01:32
Amaranthi know one of the top things in powertop is "rescheduling interrupts" or something01:32
WorkingOnWis1bderrly: noe irq sharing so much as cpu resource mangement01:32
WorkingOnWis1ryanpg: so u have seen good results with it?01:33
WorkingOnWis1Amaranth: any idea how hard an impact on bettery life?01:33
Amaranthno idea at all01:33
Amaranthnot even sure if it does01:33
ryanpgWorkingOnWis1, it fixed the issue I was having but I don't know if there were any powersavings side effects01:33
WorkingOnWis1well, I'm using it as of a few minutes ago , on my laptop, so I guess I'll see  :)01:34
WorkingOnWis1I would see several times where one core would be at 100%, the other as 3%, and the systen would be slugish. I'm hoping this smooths things out some01:35
WorkingOnWis1Help me understanding something. Right now Evolution is at version 2.21. Lets assume it stays there until Hardy goes to Final Release. Lets say in July 2008 Evolution hits 2.4 and major killer app status, even more than it is now. Will hardy stay at 2.21 plus security patches, or will it eventually go to 2.4?01:40
iN00DLEGnome goes 2.22 just before hardy goes live, or so I thought01:42
WorkingOnWis12.4 is just an example01:42
WorkingOnWis1Does Gnome and Evolution follow the same version numbers now?01:43
iN00DLEthey used to, as far as same or roughly same release timeline, it got out of whack though01:43
WorkingOnWis1I just noticed that Gnome is 2.21 also....01:44
WorkingOnWis1the two Evolution features I am waiting for is gmail contacts sync and Google Calendar two way support01:45
WorkingOnWis1my life would then be complete01:45
iN00DLEanyways to better answer your original Q, even if it doesn't show up swiftly in the repos you can bet there will be a .deb for the latest gnome for ubuntu asap01:45
iN00DLEgmail contact sync 0.001:45
iN00DLEthat would be sweet01:45
WorkingOnWis1iN00DLE: it is supplsed to be working in 2.2201:46
iN00DLEsame for calendar though I think that is available now?01:46
iN00DLEI have been meaning to check the calender syncing WorkingOnWis101:46
WorkingOnWis1i saw today they changed the way u set up a google calendar in evolution, but have not tried it yet. 2 weeks ago it didnt work01:46
iN00DLEI see, where did you see this WorkingOnWis1 ?  gnome wiki?01:47
WorkingOnWis1I did a google for ubuntu evolution google calendar01:48
WorkingOnWis1it evolution you can now pick Google Calendar as a calendar type01:49
WorkingOnWis1but it keeps forgetting my username,,,,01:49
iN00DLEI see the syncing was only working one-way01:50
iN00DLEGoogle > Evo, Evo > Google wasn't working01:50
WorkingOnWis1yup. I did see today that it is supposed to work in 2.22  We are at 2.21 and it looks like the Google Calendar plugin is being worked on still.01:51
iN00DLEwell I just went in the calendar and I can't even select google for publishing01:55
iN00DLEgoogle is there, selection is not possible01:55
ryanpgit seems like the fglrx installer isn't finding libraries in /usr/lib via dpkg-shlibdeps01:57
ryanpgdpkg-shlibdeps: failure: couldn't find library libXext.so.6 needed by debian/xorg-driver-fglrx/usr/lib32/libGL.so.1.2 (its RPATH is '').01:57
ryanpglibXext.so.6 is in /usr/lib01:57
WorkingOnWis1iN00DLE: do u have the Google Calendar plugin checked?02:01
iN00DLEI thought so WorkingOnWis1 , let me reload evo02:01
iN00DLEI have google sources checked under plugins02:03
iN00DLEand I have Calendar Publishing checked02:03
WorkingOnWis1whan u add a new calendar, do u see Google Calendar as a choice in the top drop-down box?02:04
iN00DLEYes, sorry not to familar with this, let me fiddle more now WorkingOnWis1 , since you got me going in the right direction02:05
WorkingOnWis1iN00DLE: dont spend too much time. it still dont work...02:07
WorkingOnWis1kina like the sound control panel button in Wine02:07
WorkingOnWis1the button is there but theres no useful code behind it yet02:08
iN00DLEI see, WorkingOnWis1 , oh well so the plan is no plan until 2.22?02:09
iN00DLEthat isn't happening before March I think02:09
WorkingOnWis1March! that sucks....sooo close but sooooooooooo far!02:09
WorkingOnWis1all will be right with the world when I can sync gmail contacts and calendar with Evolution.  :)02:10
DanaGs/Evolution/Thunderbird for me.02:10
iN00DLEno, cause by then google will have unveiled something more bleeding edge that you simply must have, WorkingOnWis102:10
DanaGoops, lost a '/'.02:11
WorkingOnWis1iN00DLE: hahaha...02:13
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* DanaG wonders if it's possible to create an ubuntu base system (not desktop) VM, and then install ubuntu-mobile metapackage and have it work.04:23
WorkingOnWis1is there any way to get flash working in either ff2 or 3?04:27
ant1Hello, I'm using Hardy Alpha2, I got a Broadcomm wireless adapter, when I boot I get 2 interfaces eth1 & wlan0_rename04:57
ionstormim using envy for my nvidia, if I upgrade to heron will I have problems?04:58
ionstormwhen should I remove the driver before upgrading?04:58
ant1eth1      Link encap:UNSPEC  HWaddr 00-1A-73-52-61-0F-F9-A1-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-0004:59
ant1wlan0_rename Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1a:73:52:61:0f04:59
ant1and NetworkManager can't connect using either of them (although I can see a list of Access points), so I got to setup the connection manually04:59
ant1anyone knows a solution for this ?05:01
DanaGARgh, I keep seeing the tracker-applet magnifying glass and thinking it's Pidgin's "new message" indicator.05:02
DanaGIt's quite irritating and distracting.05:02
ionstormis that a wifi or ethernet card05:08
ionstormlooks like an ethernet05:08
ionstormcould be a problem with compatibility05:09
ant1ionstorm: wifi05:10
ionstormah ic05:10
ant1ionstorm: the ethernet is fine05:11
ionstormwhat chipset or brand05:11
ionstormis it ralink?05:11
ionstormif it is I had the same problem05:11
ant1ionstorm: Broadcomm05:14
ionstormusing ndiswrapper?05:14
ionstormbroadcomm cards arent well supported in ubuntu yet05:14
ant103:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11a/b/g (rev 01)05:14
ionstormso you will need to set it up with ndiswrapper05:14
ant1ionstorm: no, I tried those: bcm43xx (was working well on Gutsy i386) & b43 (worked well on Hardy i386 live)05:15
ant1ionstorm: now I am running Hardy amd6405:15
ionstormah, u'll need a 64 bit driver05:17
ant1ionstorm: I am using 64-bit driver I suppose05:17
ant1ionstorm: btw, as I mentioned, I can connect to wireless access point if I do it manually (using iwconfig & dhclient), the problem is that NetworkManager can't handle it !05:18
ionstormah dont use it05:18
ionstormuse /etc/network/interfaces05:18
ant1ionstorm: how ?05:20
ant1ionstorm: and is that a correct solution ? isn't it better to let NM handle it ?05:20
ionstormnetwork manager sucks05:21
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ionstormonce u get the interfaces file setup correctly, just set it and forget it05:23
ant1ionstorm: but it won't be roaming anymore05:25
ant1ionstorm: or could it ?05:25
ionstormuse wifi-radar05:25
ionstormsudo apt-get install wifi-radar05:25
ant1ok, why is the wifi card name wlan0_rename instead of wlan0 ?05:26
ant1btw, where did the iftab go ?05:26
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alka_trashhow is the latest and greatest?05:57
alka_trashI'm really excited for Hardy, I hope ATI pulls its head out in time for the release05:58
alka_trashso any word on NetworkManager 7.0 for Hardy?05:59
* DanaG hopes that by summertime (northern hemisphere), ATI's drivers (either closed-source or open-source) will have become better than nvidia's.06:05
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ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu06:30
bderrlydoes anyone know why there the `lint' package is not in the repos?06:30
ionstormanyone here running hardy06:32
ant1ionstorm: me06:32
ionstormant1, how is it06:32
ionstormcompared to gutsy06:32
ant1ionstorm: alright, actually I can't judge, because I am testing amd64 version of hardy, in gutsy I use i38606:34
ant1ionstorm: but I noticed that an MMC reader bug is fixed06:34
ant1ionstorm: and I got that wlan0_rename problem !06:37
DanaGis 31:01:00:00:00:00 a valid MAC address?06:37
DanaGI have a USB ethernet adapter (that I've handed to my VM) that has that address.06:37
DanaGOddly, my router doesn't reject it.06:37
ionstormmust not have a database of addresses06:37
ionstormor rules set06:38
DanaGIt's a dd-wrt-ed Buffalo WHR-G125 (which has now been banned from sale in the USA.... ARGH!).06:38
DanaGIt uses dnsmasq as the DHCP and DNS server.  Mighty handy for bogus-nxdomain.06:38
ionstormwhy is it banned06:39
DanaGCorrection: it's 30:01, not 31:01.06:40
DanaGAnyway, it's off-topic now... but it is still interesting to have a VM with a real network device.06:41
DanaGrouter<->host real interface<->guest virtual interface<->guest real interface<->router06:41
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slytherinis rhythmbox crashing for anyone?07:29
SeveredCrossDanaG, isn't Buffalo just rebranded Linksys?07:56
SeveredCross(That's what I've been told by people who are more hardware savvy than I)07:56
DanaGNope.  Same hardware, but that's due to both using the same chipsets, not due to one rebranding the other.08:03
Madpilothey all - anyone else find alpha2's add/remove really unstable?08:06
Amaranthi never use add/remove08:09
Madpilottry it - if it falls over every 30 seconds, it's the bug I was seeing, If it doesn't, it was just the LiveCD I was messing with...08:10
Amaranthi'm in windows08:12
Madpilotpoor you08:12
* DanaG uses Aptitude somewhere around 99% of the time.08:17
ZirodayIs there any pulse audio configuration managers installed by default?09:42
DanaGNot by default (which is kinda' silly -- why bother with PulseAudio if you aren't going to give access to all the features?)09:46
Zirodayoh good so im not being an idiot, thought i was missing something09:47
ZirodayAlso when will the new theme be decided09:50
vlazarthe latest kernel does not have drivers for the ipw3945 card10:08
vlazarany easy way to install them myself?10:08
BHSPitLappyI'd probably takes the lazy way out and see if ndisgtk would work10:12
BHSPitLappybut I'm so lazy10:12
vlazari will take the even lazier way: use older working kernel10:12
BHSPitLappythat's less lazy10:12
BHSPitLappyyou have to reboot10:12
vlazarits a laptop anyways :D10:12
vlazarso it sees tons of reboots anyways10:13
BHSPitLappythis laptop has been on for a week10:13
vlazarmine hangs during hibernate 1/310:13
BHSPitLappyhmm 6 days 14 hours10:13
vlazarplus it has 2 video cards: intel for endurance and nvidia for performance10:14
vlazargotta reboot to switch10:14
darkghost2ubuntu or pardus10:23
darkghost2ubuntu or pardus10:23
darkghost2ubuntu or pardus10:23
darkghost2ubuntu or pardus10:23
darkghost2ubuntu or pardus10:23
darkghost2ubuntu or pardus10:23
darkghost2ubuntu or pardus10:23
darkghost2ubuntu or pardus10:23
darkghost2ubuntu or pardus10:23
vlazardarkghost2, huh?10:26
darkghost2I have a pardus10:26
DanaGOh yeah, look into iwl3945.10:39
DanaGThat's there in the .24 kernel.10:39
xstNow that xorg7.3 is being used in Hardy, will it then finally be possible to connect an external monitor to my laptop and obtain an "extended desktop" (i.e. not a desktop clone) without having to manually edit xorg.conf? In Gutsy, doing this is practically impossible for non-geeks. :-(10:42
DanaGOdd: I hit my 'hotkey display switch' hotkey, and gnome-settings-daemon crashed.10:44
DanaGAah, it's perhaps crashing on the xf86display key.10:53
DanaG** ERROR **: file gnome-settings-multimedia-keys.c: line 749 (do_action): should not be reached10:54
vlazarwith the risk of starting a heated debate: what you think of reiserFS as for the booting device?11:05
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about stupid - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:36
IdleOne!botabuse | dbmoodb13:36
ubotudbmoodb: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.13:36
dbmoodboh ssh13:36
dbmoodb!debian owns you13:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about debian owns you - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:39
dbmoodbdamn right13:39
dbmoodbubuntu comes from debian --> debian owned --> ubuntu (freedom)13:40
* dbmoodb ahahaha but .debs remain ahahahaah - runs13:40
IdleOnewhat a tool13:42
IdleOnea chicken poop tool at that13:43
=== bigdo1 is now known as bigdog_
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slytherinis rhythmbox crashing for anyone?15:00
hwildewhat is that package provides command ?    i am drawing a blank here15:42
slytherinhwilde: Can you please make your question more clear?15:42
hwildeI thought there was a command maybe with ubotu to find out what package provides a certain file15:43
hwildeI thought it was like    !package provides dos2unix15:43
hwildewould return tofrodos15:43
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:43
hwilde!find dos2unix15:44
ubotuPackage/file dos2unix does not exist in hardy15:44
hwildemaybe I am thinking of a different distro15:45
slytherinhwilde: are you looking for something specific?15:45
nanonymeprobably something that converts end of lines15:46
nanonyme\r\n -> \n15:46
slytherinnanonyme: He already know he needs to install tofrodos15:46
slytherinmay be he is looking for something else15:46
nanonymejust read backwards15:47
nanonymeso the point was to do contents search on packages?15:47
hwildepoint is,   how do I find out what package provides dos2unix15:48
hwildethe answer is tofrodos15:49
hithi, cannot install alpha 2, hangs in step 215:49
hwildebut I thought there was a way to query maybe with ubotu to get the package as the answer, given the filename you are searching for15:49
hwildeI thought you could just type in    !package provides dos2unix15:49
hwildeand ubotu would tell you tofrodos15:49
hitselect language, click forward and nothing15:49
nanonymehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots#head-ca137c9f6332911ce1aabfa2626a465b752030b7 seems it can't do that15:50
=== ActiveOne is now known as IdleOne
IdleOne!find dos2unix16:01
ubotuPackage/file dos2unix does not exist in hardy16:01
IdleOne!search dos2unix16:01
IdleOnehmmm that command doesnt work16:01
slytherinhwilde: dos2unix is a symlink to fromdos, that might be the reason ubotu doesn't know about it16:03
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nickwinlHowdy, I'm running alpha 2. question: I have an optical usb belkin mouse that causes the menus and windows to move around randomly without me doing anything. Recently, when I ran Applications -> Add/Remove... I get a popup message about "Could not grab your mouse" and malicious client may be eavesdroping on my session. Is this the mouse itself or the port somehow interfering with gtk+, glib or glade operations?17:20
nickwinlI compiled a new kernel, checked /var/log/messages and of course adjusted the response time in System -> Preferences -> Mouse. The mouse port still behaves erratically.17:23
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Redhammer_the_Olhi I have a problem configuring DnS Server in Hardy, basically using GUI cannot set it, where can I set the DNS server IP address manually17:32
Redhammer_the_Olie which file do I need to manually edit17:32
Redhammer_the_Olthank you,17:33
PiciOr, if you are using dhcp and it keeps remo.... nevermind.17:33
thomashi I just installed Kubuntu Hardy on my laptop and I want to upgrade it to KDE4, but I'm not sure exactly how17:34
thomasI tried aptitude install kde4 but it will delete all the KDE3 stuff..17:35
thomasfrom that announcement page it looks as if you can have both side by side17:35
hydrogenhardy is not supported here17:41
hydrogenmy assumption however17:41
hydrogenis that they are not coinstallable in hardy17:41
hydrogenthis is #ubuntu+117:41
hydrogenmy bad17:41
* hydrogen looks at the channel name before commenting nex ttime17:42
nickwinlOh btw this mouse problem is happening in hardy, 7.10 and 7.04: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18694117:45
nickwinlA buddy of mine sez it's movement that gets transpositioned in the drag code, but I think it could be libhid too. I'll figure it out.17:57
WorkingOnWis1which java plugin works most stable in ff2?18:00
WorkingOnWis1is there still a need for chroot for 32bit stfuf like Real Player and 32bit Firefox, or is there a cleaner easier way in Hardy?18:07
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ubotuLaunchpad bug 121833 in linux-source-2.6.22 "LCD backlight turns off when between discrete levels, both from hotkeys and from dim-on-idle." [Low,Incomplete]19:55
DanaGThe "ugly hack" is the only way I can maintain some semblance of sanity in brightness-changing.19:56
greg-gI don't have time to do much diagnosing right now, but is anyone else having problems viewing pdfs in evince?20:00
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WorkingOnWis1anybody elses nvidia drivers broke after the last and kernel update?22:07
scizzo-WorkingOnWis1: define broken...22:10
WorkingOnWis1if i boot with the latest kernel (2.6.24-3) the nvidia drivers dont load. I boot from the 2.6.24-2 kernel, the drivers load fine22:12
scizzo-right so the latest latest updates22:12
scizzo-no I guess that the drivers are not yet compiled for that version yet22:12
scizzo-so the restricted modules are not loaded as intended22:13
scizzo-that is why I am waiting to see if there is a version coming out for that soon22:13
WorkingOnWis1I thought there was a dependency between the drivers and the kernel version?22:13
scizzo-to the restricted modules I belive22:15
scizzo-not to the kernel itself22:15
scizzo-and in my list the linux-restricted-modules-generic is marked out as in the fact they will not be installed yet22:16
WorkingOnWis1so I'll need to be sure in the future that if theres a kernel update, there is also a a driver update?22:16
scizzo-WorkingOnWis1: does: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get -u dist-upgrade22:16
scizzo-tell you anything at all about packages not being installed?22:16
scizzo-the packages that is in the list not being installed is usually packages with dependency problems at the moment.....which might indicate that some packages are not yet completely fixed22:17
WorkingOnWis1this must be within the last hour. i got all the updates earlier....boy things change quick sometimes arount here!  :)22:22
WorkingOnWis1I do show the same dependency problems.22:22
WorkingOnWis1eh...nbd. It's stable still....just didnt expect the kernel to not wait for the driver module.22:23
WorkingOnWis1I'll have to be a little more cautions. next time it may not be as easy as picking an old kernel in grub....22:24
scizzo-evening Hobbsee23:42

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